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Cold Beer, Warm Bodies

By Spiderbloke2099
Created: 2024-06-15 23:15:23
Updated: 2024-10-31 11:45:35
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >It's late, or maybe early depending on your point of view
  3. >Either way you're just getting off of work as a rent-a-cop at the Canterlot Mall
  4. > 1 am right when the last of the food court workers are leaving for the night
  5. >You could use a burger and a beer, but as early in the morning as it is you'll have to get home and settle for just the later
  6. >The parking lot is empty except for you, a couple of cars, and a girl
  7. >As soon as she sees you she starts walking toward you
  8. >Looks like she wants something, and for a second you wonder if she's a vagrant
  9. >But as she draws closer you recognize the uniform worn by the waitresses in the sushi restaurant in the food court
  10. >None of your colleagues have been able to figure out why on God's green earth there's a sushi bar in the Mall's food court, but you suspect it's somehow tied to the Yakuza
  11. >” Hey, uh officer Anon, right?”
  12. >You do your best to not laugh at being called “officer”
  13. “Just Anon's fine. I'm only a security guard.”
  14. >The girl laughs a little
  15. >It's a nice sound
  16. >”Right, Anon. Look, my ride home had to take off early, something about needing to take her turtle to the vet? It's a long walk to my apartment, can I hitch a ride with you? I can pay for gas if you need me to.”
  17. >A little weird of her to ask a stranger in a parking lot for a ride
  18. >Then again, you wouldn't want to have to walk around even a relatively safe city like Canterlot at night and you're a 6’ 190 lbs man
  19. >You unlock your car
  20. “All right, just tell me where I need to take you.”
  21. >The girl smiles brightly
  22. >”Thanks Anon! I'm at 123 North Broadway.”
  23. >Definitely not a walk you'd want to make at this time of night
  24. >You start your car as soon as the girl is buckled in and pull out onto the road
  25. >It's a fifteen-minute drive to her place so as soon as you're on the road you try to strike up a conversation
  26. “So, you've got me at a bit of a disadvantage. You know my name, but you never properly introduced yourself.”
  27. >She chuckles nervously
  28. >”I'm Sunset, Sunset Shimmer.”
  29. >You recognize the name from somewhere
  30. >Maybe you used to go to school with her?
  31. >A solid minute passes in silence
  32. “So, uh, me and the boys in security have a bit of a running bet going. Maybe you can help settle it?”
  33. >From the corner of your eye you see Sunset turn slightly towards you, the strap of the seatbelt sliding into her cleavage
  34. >”What's the bet?”
  35. >Her tone is cautious, does she know?
  36. “Who exactly opens a sushi bar in a mall in a landlocked city like Canterlot? Is it some kind of Yakuza front or something?”
  37. >Sunset immediately starts laughing
  38. >”Seriously? That's it?”
  39. >She sounds a little relieved
  40. “Yeah, what else is there to bet on here? Not exactly like we've got a horse track in town.”
  41. >Sunset laughs again, it's a sound that's sweeter than honey and softer than silk
  42. >”No, it's not a front for a gang. Just an old Japanese man that wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo.”
  43. >Damn, that's a hundred bucks you'll never get back
  44. >The rest of the drive passes in a comfortable silence
  45. >You pull around behind the building where Sunset's apartment is, finding a small parking lot
  46. ”I guess this is you.”
  47. >You almost want to find an excuse to keep driving with her, it's nice
  48. >”Yeah.”
  49. >Sunset also seems to be disinclined to leave
  50. “Hey…”
  51. >”Hey…”
  52. >You cut each other off
  53. “Go ahead.”
  54. >Sunset looks at you then quickly looks down and blushes
  55. >”I had a great time hanging out with you and I wanted to know if you wanted to come up for a cup of coffee or something?”
  56. >Be still your beating heart
  57. “I'd love to.”
  58. >And you mean it
  59. >You might have only really just met, but you've become more comfortable with her in the last fifteen minutes than some people you've known for years
  60. >Sunset smiles and you feel something deep in you awaken
  61. >Despite having just gotten off a 12-hour shift you want nothing more than to keep hanging out with this young woman whom you barely know
  62. >It's strange, but not altogether unpleasant
  63. >Your mind made up long ago, you follow behind Sunset upstairs
  64. >You're not quite sure, but you think you see a little extra swing in each step creating a wonderfully hypnotic sight for you
  65. >All too soon you find yourself stopped outside Sunset's apartment door as she fumbles her keys with the locks
  66. >A part of you wants to grab a nice handful of her shapely ass, while the rest of you keeps that part in check
  67. >Can't rush things and ruin a good thing like this
  68. >With a triumphant click the door swings open letting you and Sunset into her cozy studio apartment
  69. >”Feel free to take a seat on the couch, I just need to get out of my uniform.”
  70. >As she says this you realize that you're still in yours as well
  71. >Not much you can do about that now
  72. >As you sit down on the surprisingly comfy couch, you take a look around the apartment
  73. >You catch Sunset as she grabs a shirt from off the back of a computer chair under a loft that has a mattress that you can just make out on top
  74. >Sunset slips into a small bathroom as you watch, closing the door behind her
  75. >Your eyes wander the rest of her apartment taking in the sights, as few as they may be
  76. >A computer, desk, and small fridge under the loft
  77. >A backpack by the door with a red-and-yellow yin-yang sun
  78. >A large flat-screen TV and game console across from you
  79. >And finally Sunset herself as she steps out of the bathroom wearing an oversized T-shirt and tight shorts
  80. >You can feel your blood begin to migrate south
  81. >Sunset blushes slightly under your gaze
  82. >”I don't have a coffee machine in here but I've got sodas in the fridge.”
  83. >Your desire for a cold beer after a long day rears its head again
  84. “You have any beer?”
  85. >Sunset smiles
  86. >”Yeah, you have a preference?”
  87. >You recite the advice your dad gave you when you graduated from high school
  88. “My favorite kind of beer is free, my second favorite is cold.”
  89. >Sunset giggles
  90. >”Good answer.”
  91. >A cold can of beer settles into your hand as Sunset sits down next to you, cuddling into your side slightly
  92. >You could get used to this
  93. >”So, other than patrolling Canterlot Mall, what's life like for Officer Anon?”
  94. >You almost cringe at being called officer again
  95. “Not much. Wake up, go to work, come home, have a beer, play a little Vidya, maybe watch some anime.”
  96. >Best not casually drop the fact that you shoot cowboy action matches twice a month too
  97. >”Sounds fun. You played Tyrek's Revenge?”
  98. >God have you
  99. “Good game, I just wish the final fight with Tyrek wasn't so easy to cheese.”
  100. >Sunset giggles, sipping on the beer in her hands
  101. >”Right? Just hit him with a greatsword while he's stuck in a casting animation.”
  102. >You chuckle at that
  103. “You mean every 20 seconds. What the hell were the devs thinking? In Tyrek 1 you actually had to work for your win against him, now he's a bigger bitch than the first boss.”
  104. >Sunset sighs and your arm slips from the back of the couch to across her shoulders
  105. >For a moment you're about to pull your arm back and apologize, but Sunset rubs her cheek against your chest
  106. >You go to take another sip of your beer
  107. >Empty
  108. “I'm out, you?”
  109. >Sunset looks at you curiously for a second before realizing that you mean your beer
  110. >”I could use a second, yeah.”
  111. >You stand before Sunset can say another word
  112. “Bottom shelf?”
  113. >Sunset nods
  114. >You head over to the small fridge and grab the beers from it
  115. >When you make it back to the couch you see Sunset has started up her console and has grabbed a pair of controllers
  116. >”Wanna play some Mortal Kombat?”
  117. >She smiles cheekily
  118. >Ah, your nemesis
  119. “Sure, but I should warn you, I am the single /worst/ Mortal Kombat player on earth.”
  120. >Sunset giggles
  121. >”Can't be worse than Rarity.”
  122. “We shall see young Padawan.”
  123. >With that you set yourself to the herculean task of holding your own against a woman who's actually pretty good at fighting games.
  124. >Three rounds and two beers later you have come to two irrefutable, incontrovertible facts
  125. >ONE: You do, in fact, suck at fighting games
  126. >TWO: Sunset is very pretty and it would be a wonderful idea to kiss her, sooner rather than later
  127. >Your courage fortified by just enough beers, you decide to shoot your shot so you can hopefully shoot a very different kind of shot
  128. “Heeey, Sunny buns…”
  129. >Sunset's now slightly rosey face turns to you
  130. >”Ye-”
  131. >You don't give her the chance to say anything and crash your lips into hers
  132. >Her eyes shoot open in surprise before they flutter shut
  133. >Deciding that valor is the better half of caution, you open your mouth slightly and carefully probe forward with your tongue
  134. >Sunset reciprocates and begins trying to wrestle you into submission with just her tongue
  135. >You go back and forth with her for a little bit but all too soon you need to come back up for air
  136. >As you do you hear Sunset shift back on the couch
  137. >”Warn me next time you wanna make out.”
  138. “Sorry.”
  139. >Wait
  140. >Next time?
  141. >Suddenly Sunset is on top of you
  142. >”Apology accepted.”
  143. >She slowly leans forward, gingerly planting a kiss on your lips, and starts unbuttoning your shirt
  144. >You move your hands to her thighs, slowly rubbing back and forth savoring the smooth flesh and warmth
  145. >Suddenly you get an idea
  146. >A wonderful, terrible, terrific idea
  147. >You lean forward as if to kiss Sunset, then at the last moment you stick out your tongue and lick the tip of her nose
  148. >That sends Sunset into a fit of laughter
  149. >Exactly what you wanted
  150. >Taking the initiative back you quickly slip your half-unbuttoned shirt off and quickly place a kiss on the piece of Sunset's clavicle that her giggle-fit exposed
  151. >At that the girl on your lap lets loose a sound halfway between a moan and a horse's whinny
  152. >”Oh Celestia's teats!”
  153. >You lean back and raise an eyebrow
  154. >Sunset blushes profusely
  155. >”Sorry to kill the mood.”
  156. “If weird sounds were enough to kill the mood for me I'd probably still be a virgin.”
  157. >With that lingering in the air you quickly slide your hands underneath Sunset's shirt to prove your point
  158. >And discover that she decided to go without a bra
  159. >Well no reason to look a gift horse in the mouth
  160. >You slip her shirt up and over her head, then press your face into her right breast
  161. >As you suck her perky nipple into your mouth you feel her grab the back of your head
  162. >“Oh fuck. Yeah. Just like that Anon.”
  163. >Taking that as a sign to keep going you reach down and lightly rub her steadily moistening pussy through the thin fabric of her compression shorts
  164. >You hear Sunset suck in a deep breath and curse softly
  165. >Then you feel your belt unbuckle and your pants unzip
  166. >It's only at that point you realize how uncomfortable they have become
  167. >Not that it matters all too much as Sunset frees your dick from its cloth confines
  168. >Sunset coos softly and starts to slowly run her fingernails up and down your length
  169. >It's almost painfully hard, and longing for release
  170. >A small voice in the back of your head reminds you that if you go any farther you'll need the condom that you carry in your wallet just in case something like this ever happened
  171. >Sunset decides that teasing isn't enough anymore and grabs your cock
  172. >”Ready?”
  173. >You open your mouth to respond, but all you can muster is a caveman growl
  174. >Sunset kisses you again briefly
  175. >”I'll take that as a yes.”
  176. >She starts pumping, first slow, then fast, then slow again
  177. >You close your eyes as you're lost in excruciating ecstasy for an eternity
  178. >Just as you're about to reach your limit Sunset releases you and rises from your lap
  179. > Your eyes shoot open of their own accord
  180. >Just in time to get a wonderful view of Sunset as she slowly and deliberately peels her shorts off her wonderfully round ass and down her toned legs
  181. >”Are you ready for the cavity search Officer?”
  182. >That brings you out of monkey brain mode and makes you chuckle
  183. >Just enough to reach into your pocket and grab the condom from your wallet
  184. >Sunset looks at you, slightly incredulous
  185. >“Were you planning on getting laid tonight?”
  186. >That brings your senses back as you carefully open the package and unroll the rubber onto your shaft
  187. “Boy Scout’s motto; always be prepared.”
  188. >Not that you were ever a boy scout
  189. >Now that you've got a raincoat on your boy, you're ready
  190. >And it looks like it's not a moment too late
  191. >Sunset eyes you expectantly, having taken a spot on the couch legs spread and waiting
  192. >”Well Boy Scout, ready to earn your spelunking badge?”
  193. >You chuckle again as you line yourself up
  194. >You press yourself against Sunset's entrance and take a moment so she can prepare for you to /finally/ stick it in
  195. >Sunset looks you square in the eye
  196. >”You gonna make me-ah!”
  197. >Not letting her finish the sentence you thrust forward
  198. >At first you take it slow, despite your instincts screaming at you to pick up the pace
  199. >You've got all night, no need to rush
  200. >Beneath you Sunset starts making the most wonderful noises
  201. >Squeaks, grunts, and moans mix with oaths and curses
  202. >Her fingernails dig into your back
  203. >”Bite me.”
  204. >That catches you off guard
  205. “What?”
  206. >Sunset digs her nails deeper
  207. >”Bite my shoulder, it's a, uh… it's a kink.”
  208. >Sounds reasonable enough
  209. >You lean forward and softly bite down on her clavicle
  210. >And as soon as you do Sunset clenches painfully tight around you, making it almost impossible to keep pumping
  211. >Almost impossible, but not entirely
  212. >Sunset screams as she cums hard on your dick and you can feel yourself not far behind
  213. “Fuck I'm close.”
  214. >Despite her clearly weakened state Sunset tries to push you onto the couch
  215. >You follow her lead and land on the couch, now Sunset is on top of you
  216. >With shaking legs Sunset stands pulling you from her warmth
  217. >As soon as you're outside of her, Sunset drops to the floor between your knees
  218. >She practically rips the condom off you and begins to blow you
  219. >Not that she needs to do so for very long, as soon as her lips reach the halfway point of your dick you groan and start to shoot ropes into her mouth
  220. >She lets you shoot only twice in her mouth before she pulls back and takes the rest on her face
  221. >Sunset pumps your dick until you’re spent, smiling like an idiot the entire time
  222. >Once you're done, Sunset gives your steadily softening length a good long lick
  223. >”Well, I could use another shower. Feel like joining me?”
  224. “I couldn't think of anything I'd like more.”

/k/ Anon & Spider Shim: A Very/k/ammando Christmas

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 1

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 2 (Interveiw with a blogger)

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 3 (Date night)

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k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 4 (Anon makes a new friend)

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