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Unfinished JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Green

By Table
Created: 2024-08-06 03:43:14
Updated: 2024-08-06 03:58:48
Expiry: Never

  1. Written for the JoJo's Bizzare Adventure General.
  2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. >Ruler of the Darkness
  4. >Shadow Lord
  5. >Cowards, all of them, naming you again and again to deny your true nature
  6. >King Sombra, the true ruler of the Crystal Empire. That is your one and only name!
  7. >Yet in spite of your tremendous was not enough
  8. >About a thousand years ago the rules of the Sun and the Moon banished you from the throne, rightfully yours
  9. >About a thousand years later you struck back, in their weakest moments
  10. >And yet...the power of Love swept yours away
  11. >Amazingly, there are but two things keeping you of them is hatred
  12. >Hatred for those fools, for taking away what was yours from the beginning!
  13. >...
  14. >Perphaps you were the fool. Perhaps it was you who made a mistake
  15. >In your years of commanding legions, you were not prepared for their retaliation
  16. >You did not expect such power...much less from those weaklings
  17. >...
  18. >...and you yourself are not any better
  19. >In your current can barely keep yourself together
  20. >You can barely even move...or speak...or think...
  21. >Your thoughts are weak, it's like you've been holding your breath for more than a year
  22. >...there are but two things keeping you alive
  23. >One of them is hatred, hatred for what these ponies have done to you
  24. >But there is another thing, one that drives you even further
  25. >A dreadful feeling, an unspeakable sensation that invades your being
  26. >Fear
  27. >Fear of the oblivion, of the place for the forgotten, of the sleep that will never end
  28. >How ironic, the Ruler of the Darkness, afraid of the eternal void awaiting for him...
  29. >Well, you have been thinking of embracing this feeling more than once...
  30. >But not now
  31. >You cannot rest peacefully just yet
  32. >There are still many things that need to be done...
  33. >...
  34. >...a cave
  35. > has been two weeks of near endless storms out in this desert
  36. >Two weeks of perpetual torment, and at long last...
  37. >A cave...there is a faint yellow glow coming from the inside...
  38. >For once, in your existence, the light is very...attractive
  39. >And as you approach the walls of the cave, you are quite relieved
  40. >For the first time in two weeks, you peace...
  41. >This sensation...this pleasure...this...tranquility
  42. >And yet, you cannot let it overflow your being
  43. >You cannot rest peacefully just yet
  44. >Not without settling your objectives first...your goals...
  45. >And once again, those old sentiments of hatred and fear return...
  46. >Those emotions that kept you alive, drive you deeper into the cave
  47. >Deeper in the heart of the unknown, slowly but steadily
  48. >...
  49. >And deeper you went
  50. >...
  51. >And the light became brighter
  52. >...
  53. >And the light came to be a torch
  54. >Here you stood, the outside world shined through the distant cave entrance
  55. >But now, like moths attracted to light, you stood before the flame
  56. >And as the cave went deeper, you saw another faint glow in the distance
  57. >One that was struggling to survive, like a prey mortally wounded
  58. >...
  59. >And deeper you went
  60. >...
  61. >And the light became brighter
  62. >...
  63. >And his voice became clear
  64. >His voice. Shaky, but determined
  65. >''...we'll get out of here cutie pie, understand?''
  66. >There was another noise after. That of heavy breathing
  67. >And a feminine voice was heard, right after
  68. >''...I don't...I can't...''
  69. >It quickly fell apart. What came next was what can only be described as a sorrow melody, the tragic screams of a mare who met an unfortunate fate
  70. >Crying, sobbing, desperate for help
  71. >''It's's''
  72. >As he said this, you stopped
  73. >The light suddenly came to a halt. Something had obscured it
  74. >Vaguely, you could make out the shape of a stallion
  75. >It's back was exposed to you, its hooves were moving left and right
  76. >A box, bandages, a fur coat...those were the things he was desperately grabbing and leaving behind
  77. >And in front, laid a mare. You could vaguely tell her face from the tears rolling down her eyes, reflecting the torchlight from the cave
  78. >The stallion, on the other hand, was determined on curing her wounds...
  79. >''You're going to be alright cutiepie, I promise, you're gonna be alright!''
  80. >His last sentence echoed through the cave.
  81. >...
  82. >and the distant cave entrance was devoid of any light
  83. >''Look at me. Look at me, there's nothing to fear as long as you're with me, okay?''
  84. >The mare cleans off her face with her hoof. She continues to weep, much more silently now
  85. >...
  86. >''See? Much better now...''
  87. >...
  88. >''What's that?''
  89. >Two days passed
  90. >...perhaps it was not wise to unleash your hatred amongst those ponies
  91. >At that moment you did not care much. Your hunger was too strong, it was only natural you did what you had to
  92. >And after consuming the final life force, the final speck of magic, you finally were able to breathe
  93. > felt cold. You felt weak. You felt...alive
  94. >And here came again that feeling of relief, of tranquility, of knowing you were given a second chance to redeem yourself
  95. >Once again, you are at peace. You...are.
  96. >But as a price to pay, came other feelings
  97. >The wrath that kept you alive is long gone and instead remains the fear of failure
  98. >Shortly afterwards, desolation
  99. >You are but one, after all, to die here would leave nothing else of you
  100. >And even in your prime, you were still defeated by something greater
  101. >The tragic thing is, it is far too late to go back. This journey was not made in vain, and you will not rest peacefully yet
  102. >Vengeance has consumed what little remains of your soul
  103. >What other choice do you have? Monsters are born too big, too strong, too destructive
  104. >All you can do to prevent everyone from trying to slaughter you is to fight back and annihilate everything that stands in your way
  105. >It is your tragedy, a life with power, but without peace...
  106. >Unless
  107. >Two days ago, you had a taste of peace, a glimpse of what could've become of your kingdom if no one else bothered
  108. >That feeling was present today again
  109. >If you could find the balance between hate and peace, you could accomplish wonders
  110. >If you had a moment of peace shortly after a moment of rage...!
  111. >If you made these ponies suffer without breaking your soul further!
  112. >...They will know true terror! Chaos will make way for order! And you will be King once more!
  113. >...your thoughts are interrupted by the sudden pain, hitting the back of your head
  114. >...
  115. > you take a step to the outside of the cave
  116. >...
  117. >...and another step into the night
  118. >...
  119. >...and another towards the Crystal Empire
  120. >...
  121. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. > really be one of those days
  123. >You planted as many apples as you could, harvested as many apples as there were, carried them up and down until your back started to hurt
  124. >But now, the sun is settling down, and there is nothing else to do
  125. >You're exhausted but very satisfied with your work
  126. >Work pays off at the end of the day
  127. >And now, you get some time for your own as well
  128. >If only you had something to do...Cherry Lee is out of town, Applebloom is with her friends, AJ and Spike said they're gon do friendship stuff with Twilight...
  129. >Nope
  130. >Looks like it's one of those lonely days again
  131. >One of those days where you sit on yer flank and look at the sunset
  132. >...even a stallion, with as many friends as you have, will agree that nothin can beat a good ol time with yourself
  133. >Only the sound of birds, the wind carrying the leaves of the trees, and the sunlight caressing your face
  134. >...eyup. Nothing beats this feeling...not even that galloping noise coming from behind you
  135. >...the noise is getting stronger...
  136. >Alright, that bout it, who thought...
  137. >Oh it's forgot her name
  138. >She's pulling a caravan on her own, one big hecking caravan you might say
  139. >Poor unfortunate mare, she might need some help and...welp, you got nothing to do, nothing to do
  140. >You stand up and walk towards the blue unicorn, you still can't remember her name
  141. >She too is exhausted, breathing heavily while resting on the floor
  142. >Her wizardry hat covers her face, but not after she notices the sound of your hoofsteps
  143. >She quickly gets up in all fours
  144. >''You dare to approach me? The Great and Powerful Trixie needs no help!''
  145. >Oh yeah! That was her name
  146. >She immediately begins to pull her caravan. It stands still, it seems there is no more strength left in her body
  147. >She'll probably give up at this point...yup
  148. >She grunts heavily and gives you an annoyed look before asking
  149. >''At the very least you would've shown concern over a poor mare like I!''
  150. ''Well...''
  151. >She did say she could handle it on her own, but at the same thing, you know she can't ju-
  152. >''Fine! ...''
  153. >She's struggling to make her words clear. Most likely out of exhaustion, or maybe it's her pride
  154. >''I am in need of help. Your help! ''
  155. >Well that was fast. You reluctantly
  156. >...
  157. >So you pulled the cart over the hill
  158. >...
  159. >Naturally, the mare...
  160. >Trixie was tired, who knows where she comes from but
  161. >''Can you BELIEVE how many days I had to pull this big useless car? If not for the kind townsfolk of Somnambula, I would still have sand in my nostrils!''
  162. >Oh, Somnambula. You've heard of it before! It's a nice...dessert...
  163. >You look at her. She's visibly annoyed, breathing heavily, most likely about to errupt in anger
  164. >...she doesn't, thankfully. She catches her breath, before proceeding
  165. >''Well, Big Mac...''
  166. >How'd she know your name?
  167. >''...I am truly grateful for your help. I would've never gone past the first couple of trees''
  168. >It wasn't even that steep, but you understand regardless
  169. >''As a showcase of my gratitude, I will let you take a look inside my magical caravan!''. The way she stands makes it look like she's waiting for an applause
  170. >'re used to walk outside the farm at midnight, to make sure those pesky bats stay away from the apples
  171. >A little glimpse won't hurt and, well, you can still see the twilight in the distance
  172. >You move behind the caravan, and immediately after, a little firework explodes in front of you
  173. >Trixie stands in front of the closed curtains, the smoke coming from below her hooves inviting you to the unknown
  174. >''And now...feast your eyes with the magic artifacts I have collected!''
  175. >Just as she says this, the curtains behind her suddenly open, covering Trixie in a dark cloud of smoke
  176. >And just as quickly as this happens, the smoke dissapears. In Trixie's place, there are three fireworks, lightened up and about to take off
  177. >You quickly jump back, one of the fireworks nearly hit you up in the face!
  178. >...the trio of rockets take flight, and gain height before exploding one after the other!
  179. >In blue colors, the words ''DARE'' ''TO COME'' ''INSIDE'' appeared in the sky, and disappeared as quickly as they came, leaving nothing but sparkles in their place
  180. >''Well then...?''
  181. >Trixie looks at you with a giant grin on her face. Her hat is missing, and there are blue sparkles all around her
  182. >It kinda makes you wonder, despite being so tired earlier on, she's still willing to pull off an ace up her...hat
  183. >And surprisingly, you still don't know why
  184. >Either she did it to not make herself look bad...
  185. >...or maybe, despite being tired, she still wanted to surprise you
  186. >The curtains close behind you as you step inside, you notice the wagon appears to be bigger than what it looks from the outside
  187. >And all around you there is glitter. There's an absurd amount of shining objects, you might go see the doctor after this!
  188. >Maybe the only thing that isn't shining is a door, and Trixie is peaking through the other side
  189. >''Try not to touch all you see while I, prepare myself! For...for...'' she closes it before finishing
  190. >...alright
  191. >You're used to walking under the moonlight at hours like these, making your way back to the farm before Granny Smith gets too worried...
  192. >Well, this is more or less the same. Instead of looking at the darkened landscape, you take a look at...
  193. >There's a cup made out of bone, a red sword! It reminds you of your Ogres & Oubliettes campaign
  194. >Or as Spike and Discord calls it, Dungeons and Discords
  195. >...well, there's also a golden apple
  196. >Quite a lot of gold as a matter of fact. A golden arrow. Golden sunglasses. But you think only one of them would be a better gift for the family...
  197. >...or maybe for yourself even
  198. >The sound of Trixie falling on her face when opening the door stops you from touching the apple
  199. >You now realize, she was just putting her pajamas on
  200. >''Oww, worry not! Trixie's just tired...maybe too tired!''
  201. >She struggles to even keep her eyes open, she didn't even notice when you helped her get up on all fours
  202. >''...Trixie doesn't show this room much often, she is sure there's something...''
  203. >...she can barely keep her head up
  204. >''There's something that might interest you! Is that right?''
  205. >...well, it's just a golden apple...
  206. ''Eyup''
  207. >''EXCELLENT!''
  208. >She jumps excitedly
  209. >''Trixie's Wagon is filled with junk at this point, it was once meant to be filled with gifts for my audience. But now...''
  210. >She smiles, somewhat saddened.
  211. >''If not for the fillies in Somnambula, Trixie would've sold most of these things for a piece of food''
  212. >...
  213. >She yawns, but the look of sadness still remains on her face
  214. >You know this face very well
  215. >It's the look on your face, on the days you think of it all as very tiresome
  216. >But much like the hardworking mare in front of you, the joy of life makes it all worth it
  217. >''...well, what is it then? Maybe it's...!''
  218. >She raises her hoof and puts it behind your ear
  219. >You feel something funny, and what do you know! She pulls out a Golden Apple from it!
  220. >''...behind your ear?''
  221. >And just like a young colt, fascinated by the way the plants grow as the Sun rises...
  222. >You are fascinated
  223. >She, on the contrary, looks at it as if it was a bad apple
  224. >''Can't remember how this one got here...but it's nothing too bad''
  225. >...each word of hers is less enthusiastic than the other
  226. >''As the old saying goes, every pony can become a magician, but a great magician will make the magic out of you''
  227. >...
  228. >''Sleep well, Trixie is tired and wishes to slumber''
  229. >As do you...
  230. >...
  232. Author's note: I had just turned 18 when I wrote this. One of my first greens ever, and it shows.

Recklessness PasteJam (failed)

by Table

Greentext I never finished

by Table

G Man enters Anon's room

by Table

Unfinished Science is Magic Green

by Table

Unfinished JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Green

by Table