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G Man enters Anon's room

By Table
Created: 2022-12-27 20:36:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >Soon after clicking Update to see his own post, the walls around Anonymous became pitch black in an instant
  2. >As did the floor beneath him
  3. > The music he was playing on his computer became mute
  4. >The backround noise surrounding his home turned into complete silence
  5. >With his right hand on his mouse, he tried exiting the page, but his browser stopped responding
  6. >A footstep, echoing in the distance, shook him up
  7. >Paralyzed, he could do nothing but watch as his computer screen became dimmer and dimmer
  8. >The footsteps became louder, coming from the front, where there once was a door leaving into his bedroom
  9. >A pair of green dots could be seen, manifesting into this dark reality
  10. >Anon's flight or fight response was taking too long, making him breathe heavily and desperately
  11. >And then, a third response
  12. >Paralyzing shock
  13. >Right as the figure took two steps forward, its face and torso became illuminated by an unknown light source
  14. >So was revealed, a ''man'' in a grey-blue suit
  15. ''Cock and Ball Torture, Anonymous?''
  16. >Anon kept breathing heavily, confused, but still terrified
  17. >The figure took a step to his right, while raising his palm
  18. ''Your commitment to this...internet forum is remarkable''
  19. >The figure takes another step, while chuckling to himself
  20. ''On Christmas Eve, no less''
  21. >As he continues walking, his face slightly steps out of the light source, revealing the unnatural brightness of his green eyes
  22. ''My....employers have been searching for a suitable candidate, one for a...task no one else has dared to do so...before''
  23. >He continues circling Anonymous, who in return, follows him with his gaze
  24. ''What is it, that you want the most?'', as he asks this question, a smoke rises quickly from the ground
  25. >As the figure momentarily stops, the smoke takes the form of a faceless female pony.
  26. ''Perhaps its the same as...them''. The smoke pony now stares at Anon, tilting it's head slightly to the left. ''An oppor-tunity''
  27. >The figure continues walking, passing by the smoke pony
  28. >In doing so, the smoke pony was blown away, by a non existing wind
  29. ''Perhaps our goals may be different. But...'', he disappears, only to manifest again on the left to Anonymous
  30. >Behind the figure, a white sphere could be seen in the distance, slowly approaching the both of them
  31. ''We can reach the same interests, all provided that you fulfill...your assign-ments''. He continues circling Anonymous, but stops in its tracks
  32. >The sphere had gotten large enough to make out some vague details contained within.
  33. >Purple, white, pink, orange, yellow, light blue
  34. >Colors that were all too familiar to Anonymous
  35. >The figure turns around
  36. ''Some would argue a reality such as this would be constrained by the works....of fiction. My employers...dissagree'', he takes two steps forward, getting in the way of the sphere before it reaches Anonymous
  37. >The sphere itself was no longer white, instead, a familiar landscape soon began to engulf the void surrounding them
  38. ''So, I ask again. What is it that you want...the most?'' At one point, the figure had manifested a suitcase in its right hand.
  39. >He raises his arm, and faces Anonymous. By releasing the suitcase, it begins to hover toward Anonymous
  40. >As the figure vanishes yet again, Anonymous, raises his left hand, to reach for the suitcase before it too, vanishes away
  41. >A pair of green eyes, glowing in the dark, can be seen observing this action

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