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'bearer of the curse' in equestria 5

By SunriseLightbeam2
Created: 2024-08-22 05:59:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >far off in Canterlot
  2. >Princess Celestia and Luna sat together in a far off hidden section of the restricted section of the Castle, deep below the surface
  3. "I think Anon can help us"
  4. >"Are you sure, sister?" luna asked
  5. "Come here"
  6. >Luna followed Celestia to a tucked away room. on a stone table rested a sword that shined blue
  7. >"Mothers sword? How did 'anonymous' get it"
  8. "It's not hers, look"
  9. >Celestia levitated a dusty wooden box over and opened it. Revealing their Mothers Large Sword of Moonlight
  10. >"Impossible.. They're so Similar, yet Anonymous's is Greenish blue, Mothers is a pure and clear blue like glass. I wouldn't have known unless they were both here"
  11. "I thought it was hers at first too, Did she ever tell you why she made this?"
  12. >"Oh yes of course! If she hadn't told me she saw it in a dream I would have never got my cutie mark. I was so curious so enthralled by the possibilitys and deep magic I had to see for myself"
  13. >"But I never.. no, I did. I saw Anon's dream.. that horrible creatue slain with a blade just like mothers!"
  14. "What kind of creature?"
  15. >"I could not describe it with any grace, It doesn't matter but it was a great darkness of his world"
  16. "Did he seem.. capable?"
  17. >"Of?"
  18. >Celestia took a deep breath and put her hoof to her forehead
  19. " 'Removing' one of our problems, THE problem"
  20. >"Intimidating the changelings? so they never return?"
  21. "Not quite.. you're really not following are you?"
  22. >"No.. I'm afraid not"
  23. >Celestia stared into her sisters eyes and spoke
  24. "Him, Could he.. remove HIM"
  25. >"Tirek? he's locked away in tartarus"
  26. "Not quite but closer"
  27. >"Disc-"
  28. >Celestia shoved her hoof over Luna's mouth and whispered
  29. "yes, him.. don't speak the name"
  30. >Luna looked worried
  31. >"Remove? as in.. permanant?"
  32. >Celestia found it hard to meet luna's eyes now
  33. "Yes"
  34. >"But.. the elements of harmony, Friendship.. Do you not believe in Twilight?"
  35. "I Do believe in her, and when the time comes she will do all she can.. but ponies are not like that anymore"
  36. "Even you scarcely know, Oh my little luna.. I envy you sometimes. There are things you never had to see"
  37. >"I-I never knew you felt that way, I have very little memory of those times"
  38. >Celestia hugged her sister
  39. "I'm sorry for sending you away for so long, I forgot you didn't understand, I treated you as I would have taught someone my age"
  40. >"Sister, It's ok.."
  41. >Celestia pulled back and looked luna in the face
  42. "I Think we should give this task to Anonymous, He will gain his freedom in return for solving this problem, Do you agree?"
  43. >Luna looked to the ground in thought then up at her mothers sword in the case
  44. >"Yes, but perhaps Mothers sword would be of use to him aswell as his own"
  45. >Celestia turned back to look at their mothers sword shimmering blue and clear in it's case
  50. >be anon once more, You've cleaned up and gotten ready for supper
  51. >You begin walking through the hallway twords the cafeteria
  52. >"Hey anon!"
  53. >You turn to see Amethyst trotting after you
  54. >"I saw you sitting with the weirdos last meal, Can I join!?"
  55. "Those weirdos are my friends, but I think so you'd have to ask them"
  56. >A branching hallway intersects with this one and you see your friends Goob and Gray walking along
  57. >>"Sup anon" Says Goob
  58. "I saw the coolest thing you wouldn't belive, you ever been down a 'Water Slide'?"
  59. >Gray and Goob looked at each other and laughed
  60. >>>"Yeah of course we have, Anon. I'd be there every day or nearly every day but I gotta get tokens to pay for the good food. I'm not crazy like you"
  61. >>"Yeah Same story here, at least in flying club I can pass this guy over and over" Goob nudged Gray a bit playfully
  62. >>>"You? Pass me? Bwhahahaa I was flying LAPS around you"
  63. >>"Not what I saw, Maybe you're a crazy white coat"
  64. >>>"Nuh uh! no you!"
  65. >>"No you!"
  66. "Hey hey we get it, at least you both fly faster then me"
  67. >"You can fly?" asked Amethyst
  68. "No, So they must fly faster then me since I can't fly at all"
  69. >"Oh yeah that makes sense.. oh! um hey guys can I join you for supper? I want to sit with Anon! he did the coolest thing ever!"
  70. >>"I dunno are you cool enough?"
  71. >"Well.. um"
  72. >Gray nudged Goob
  73. >>>"Cmon.. we're the rejects don't pretend we're the cool table when somepony else asks to join us"
  74. >>"Yeah ok fine you can join us. say what was so cool that Anon did?"
  75. >The 4 of you entered the cafeteria
  76. "Hold that story, Wait until we all get food so Sunflower can hear"
  77. >"That's a good idea, I'd love to tell the story over and over again but not in a row!"
  78. >Sunflower is already sitting down at the table with food and she waves to you all and you wave back
  79. >You all get in line, you being first since they're so nice saying "no, you go first" to each other
  80. >Walking down the isle you see this time theres multiple chef ponies in the back cooking up savory smelling food, they all watch with interest as you pass all the salads
  81. >You see two of them whispering to each other, presumably about what you're going to get
  82. >You make your way to the far end and see a lone very old looking Griffon gentleman.. gentlebird? standing next to the big cuts of meat
  83. >You walk up and he looks at you, raising an eyebrow
  84. "Hello, You cook this?"
  85. >>>>"I did, now if you're going to just call it disgusting get out of my face!"
  86. "No no I wanted one"
  87. >>>>"Yeah yeah get go-.. you what? this better not be some kind of trick"
  88. "Yeah, What would you say is the best piece you got here? I can give some extra tokens if that matters"
  89. >>>>"Extra? pfft nah that doesn't make any difference. A few more tokens wouldn't be much of a tip anyways. not like I'm a prisoner"
  90. >>>>"You serious, pal? You really want one of these?"
  91. >He looked genuinly perplexed
  92. "Yeah of course, my kind eat this stuff all the time"
  93. >He smiled and cut off a small bit of a few different cuts of meat
  94. >>>>"Here try these, tell me which one you like best"
  95. >You try the first bit, looks like porkchop
  96. "Mm.. that's great"
  97. >The old griffons eyes widen a bit
  98. >You try the next piece, some sort of beef you'd guess
  99. "Oh yeah this might be the one"
  100. >>>>"Try the last one, That's my family special recipe. been handed down since.. oh I couldn't say how long. Generations that's for sure"
  101. >You take the bitesized peice
  102. >It's the greatest piece of meat you've ever eaten. seasoned like you would have never known possible
  103. "Holy shit this is amazing, I'll take 2 serving of this"
  104. >The old griffons eyes get a bit watery
  105. >>>>"You're going to make an old man cry, My son never even gave it a chance.. It's been so long since anyone even tried it"
  106. "I didn't even know it was possible to make something like this.."
  107. >You noticed Goob just about to grab some of that strange breaded chicken things
  108. "Hey Goob wait a moment"
  109. >He pauses and looks twords you then your plate filled with large cuts of steak
  110. >>"What?.."
  111. "You gotta try this, come on"
  112. >He looks a bit concerned and a bit grossed out
  113. "What are you.. Chicken?"
  114. >It seemed in that moment the whole room went quiet and everypony and creatures alike all heard and were looking at Goob
  115. >>"Oh come on you know I'm not a chicken"
  116. >the ponies start whispering to each other and you can tell the peer pressure is getting to him
  117. >>"OK FINE!"
  118. >The old griffon cuts off a piece of one of the steaks and Goob grabs it and throws it in his mouth
  119. >>"See? See everyone I'm not chick..en.."
  120. >He slowly turns to look at my tray then the old Chef
  121. >>"T-Theres more of that right?"
  122. "Haha I knew you'd like it"
  123. >>>>"Oh yes here you can have two helpings instead of those garbage chicken nuggets they force me to cook. Nothing can compare to a true cut of meat!"
  124. >>"Hey man you gotta teach me how to make this, When I get out of here I'm going to bring this home.. I'll never steal pony food again"
  125. >>>>"Y-yeah I can do that" you see the old griffon smiling trying his best to not cry
  126. >You leave to go take your spot at the table
  129. >"Woaw! what IS that" Amethyst asked
  130. "Meat"
  131. >She watched with horror as you cut off a piece and ate it
  132. >"Wow.. you really are a black suit"
  133. >>"Its good, I'd tell you to try it but I know you ponyfolk don't eat any of this"
  134. >>>"I've had it before. not my thing" said Gray
  135. >>>>"I'll never ever never ever! Icky food.. I'll stick with salads and hay"
  136. "That's it! hay. I think it's weird you eat hay"
  137. >"hay is great! hayfries, hayburgers,hayshakes, hay!"
  138. "I can't eat that, and you ponies can't really eat meat. it's the same thing"
  139. >>>>"Can't eat hay? yeah sure Anon you just like to be gross"
  140. "No it's true, we can't eat hay. we grind it up and make bread"
  141. >"Cakes?"
  142. "Sure but I think i've only ever had a piece maybe my whole life"
  143. >>"Cupcakes?"
  144. "Don't think so"
  145. >>>"You never had a 4 tier birthday cake?"
  146. "What's a birthday cake?"
  147. >They all say "WHAT?" at the same time
  148. >>>>"Y-you never had a birthday cake?!"
  149. "Not that I can recall.."
  150. >You try to remember but it's all so foggy
  151. "hm.. no I don't think so"
  152. >Amethyst tears up and hugs you
  153. >"It's going to be ok, Anon. you get birthday cakes here"
  154. >Goob pats you on the back with a claw
  155. >>"Yeah dude you'll get that here. when is your birthday?"
  156. >You haven't thought about that
  157. >You sit and stare off into space trying to remember.. you remember a women
  158. >Mother?
  159. >You see an older man, you seem so close to the ground
  160. >Father?
  161. >A wooden sword, yeah that's it
  162. >>>"Hey you ok?" questioned Gray
  163. "Just trying to remember my birthday"
  164. >>>>"When is it?" asked sunflower
  165. "I don't know.."
  166. >>>"What do you remember?"
  167. "I think my Mother and Father.. and.. Wooden sword, I think I really liked it"
  168. >>"A wooded sword for your birthday? Wow you really are tough"
  169. "I was looking up, so far up and my Father gave it to me.. I think.."
  170. "I think he made it"
  171. >"Looking up? like he's really really big?"
  172. "No, like I was small. maybe a bit shorter then you right now"
  173. >>"Woah, A wood sword as a kid? You really are cool"
  174. "No not really, things were just different there"
  175. >You continue to eat your meal
  176. >>"Don't worry, Anon. We'll get you a nice big cake one of these days"
  177. >over the intercom you hear a loud voice
  179. "Oh boy"
  180. >"It's probably becuase of what you did to the bug queen"
  181. "Shit, you're right"
  182. >>>>"Did what now?"
  183. "hey amethyst, tell them all about it. I gotta go see what this is about"
  184. >You get up and turn around but stop
  185. "Do you think They'd stop me if I took my tray?"
  186. >>>"You're not supposed to take food out of here but.. who's gonna stop you?"
  187. "Good point"
  188. >You grab your tray and walk to the wardens office, eating along the way
  189. >One of the guards looks like she's about to say something but stops when you look at her in the face

Pony Souls Prologue: The First Sin

by SunriseLightbeam2

Pony Souls Prologue 2: The Xanthous Regent

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 1

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 2

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 3

by SunriseLightbeam2