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By Grey
Created: 2024-09-13 23:46:24
Updated: 2024-09-16 01:15:41
Expiry: Never

  1. Previous: (up to line 3089)
  3. >Looking at it from Anon's perspective, he has no idea what hit him:
  4. ~
  5. >You can't believe you actually made it away.
  6. >Off of the plane you went on a Tuesday morning.
  7. >Drowsy and ready to just collapse by the time you locked yourself into the motel room.
  8. >Jerking off in the shower happened.
  9. >Passing out in bed happened.
  10. >You never even considered if someone might have been following you around at the airport.
  11. >As you get into contact with a few people you know in this town, learning about a nearby family reunion of an old childhood friend of yours, you become to feel more complacent about having escape Chryssy and Candy.
  12. >You still don't wanna get caught alone somewhere, but you're not all that worried.
  13. >---
  14. >A couple of days later, you arrived at that reunion you heard about in the area.
  15. >Figured you might as well attend.
  16. >You're practically in the clear anyway.
  17. >This is a good way to stay in a public place safely with a lot of people until you get your more long-term residence issue sorted out.
  18. >Forget standing at the door, you had the door welcomingly open for you before you even made it to the door.
  19. >Greeted by various members of the Apple Family, all of whom are celebrating their annual family reunion.
  20. >One of the ladies kinda sticks out to you, and you vaguely remember her from before.
  21. >Hairstyle going halfway down the back of her neck, Apple Dumpling is wearing a deep salmon colored dress that is basically a dress shirt at the top and a proper dress at the bottom that stops just above her knees.
  22. >On top of that, she wears a red apron; it’s still on her from her frequent role in all of the cooking and serving food at the family event.
  23. >The front of her dress is buttoned all the way up to her collarbone.
  24. >She is a very modest woman.
  25. >Modestly dressed for a traditional family event, for which she loves cooking and preparing the food for every time.
  26. >But like practically any adult woman, there is nothing she can do to make secret the fact that she has a big and soft pair of breasts.
  27. >Even in her modest tall concealing button down dress plus an extra layer of her red apron, the curve from the mere presence of her bountiful chest is impossible to truly hide.
  28. >”Anon! How ya been?!” Apple Dumpling reaches out towards you for a hug. “You’re just in time to try out the new pie we have!”
  29. >To her, the hug is nothing to mull over, just a friendly and platonic show of affection and having missed someone.
  30. >But to you… it’s a way to stealthily feel her big soft boobs pressing against your chest during the embrace.
  31. >Feeling these things right up against you in what is beyond simply close proximity has officially reawakened something in you.
  32. >Apple Dumpling’s busty softness inside of her clothes triggered your member inside your underwear into getting stiff for her and trying to stand up.
  33. >Your bulge is not obvious… yet.
  34. >But the one thing your budding erection isn’t doing, is going away.
  35. >The thought about Apple Dumpling’s large succulent dumplings has stained your mind now.
  36. >”Would you like to come try it?” She asks you, very proud of the family dish she helped create.
  37. “I’d love to cum and try your pie.” You breathe with a nod.
  38. >She leads you into the kitchen and does her thing with a warm and enthusiastic smile on her face.
  39. >Cuts out a slice of her latest masterpiece just for you as you sit down to hide your…
  40. >”Here ya go, hon.” Apple Dumpling hands you the small plate.
  41. >It’s only a matter of seconds before you discover the brilliance of whatever family recipe Apple Dumpling has partaken in.
  42. >This apple pie tastes absolutely amazing.
  43. >Apple Dumpling is incredibly pleased to watch you melt into the flavor as much as the flavor melts into your mouth.
  44. >Incredibly proud of herself and her culinary savvy-ness.
  45. >”Let me know if ya want more!” She welcomingly chimes.
  46. “I will! I should have tons more room soon enough.” You promise, soon going back to the rest of the party to stay seated and cool off your flaring libido.
  47. >You didn’t see whatever it was that was done to force this to happen.
  48. >But the horny is creeping its way back into you like an un-kickable habit.
  49. >Still, at the Apple Family Reunion you hang out, feeling nice and safe around a bunch of trustworthy people.
  50. >They chat it up with one another, start to strike up conversation with you at times, and so on.
  51. >You’re sure to be respectful and polite.
  52. >And also not say a whole lot about yourself as the slow hours of the casual party go on.
  53. >It’s a good thing your state of weakness has very slowly *started* to wither down over the past couple of days, despite your recent… hiccup.
  54. >Every time you’ve found yourself near attractive women and girls, you started to feel yourself get stiff for them in the front of your underwear.
  55. >Even seeing them in casual and appropriate clothing got you going a little bit down there.
  56. >Simply seeing the overall shape of their bodies was enough, because your extremely perverted imagination filled in the blanks for the rest of the way.
  57. >An erection was very easy to come by when being in the presence of attractive women and girls.
  58. >But that died down after today, and you can be around them normally again.
  59. >That’s what it seemed like, that is.
  60. >There’s a couple of Apple Family girls your own age at the reunion party with you whom you wouldn’t mind dodging future shotgun shells to into bed with.
  61. >But you’re normal enough again to stay soft in the front of your underwear and not make a scene.
  62. >You figure you finally beat off enough times that it got the need out of your system now for the most part.
  63. >Can’t have any of them anyway, this family might not take that kind of sudden suggestiveness with their daughters too kindly, putting it lightly.
  64. >But you make yourself not even look at it that way.
  65. >Now you converse with several members of the Apple Family at the reunion they last-minute invited you to since you already sorta know a couple of family members and were suddenly in town and had nothing else to do.
  66. >With that, you sip the tasty punch in the corner and listen to the guys give you some life advice like how to drive stick on a tractor or whatever.
  67. >You really don’t really care where these discussions go, you’re just here to stay safely shielded by a semi-public event with lots of people.
  68. >A lot of the girls your age here leave pretty early anyway.
  69. >Going off to do whatever more interesting things that eclipse whatever the boring family relatives and friends of whom are casually talking about.
  70. >You’re already getting tired, but you would rather not leave yet.
  71. >Nothing much is happening, which is perfect.
  72. >Yawn while resting on the rather firm sofa.
  73. >Listening to the chattering background noises of family stuff or whatever, you don’t care.
  74. >Almost everyone left is one of the older adults.
  75. >Not too old, just in their late 30s or early 40s.
  76. >All the kids went to bed.
  77. >All the really old family members left too.
  78. >The party has soon reached the point where some people are beginning to clean things up and put things away.
  79. >Say your goodbyes to the family members who leave to start a long drive.
  80. >You barely even know any of these people, but your sure your location is safe and unknown to Chryssy and Candy.
  81. >Not like they’re gonna use satellite imagery to scan everywhere in this town until they stumble across this random family reunion taking place and recognize your face from the skies.
  82. >All you have to do is keep it cool and mingle with the crowd here.
  83. >There’s no reason for someone on the outside to suspect you’re here of all places.
  84. >You feel so in disguise, so undercover.
  85. >Finished with your drink, you relax in the safety of being surrounded by a populated event Candy and Chryssy wouldn’t expect you to have attended.
  86. >Apple Dumpling continues to help the others start to put excess silverware away and clean the kitchen countertops.
  87. >As she goes from one room to the next, she senses that something might be off but can’t put her finger on it.
  88. >---
  89. >After chilling on the couch for some time, you watch where Apple Dumpling is organizing a few remaining dishes on the countertop.
  90. >As soon as you see the color of her apron and dress, you immediately begin to feel a slight tingle inside.
  91. >You notice on her shoulder the outline of Apple Dumpling’s bra strap showing through her modest outfit
  92. >Something reactivated just got agitated again.
  93. >As she enters the walk-in pantry, Apple Dumpling’s feeling that something is off comes back even stronger than before.
  94. >Inside of her modest clothes, Apple Dumpling’s bra is beginning to feel tighter.
  95. >Apple Dumpling’s neatly done medium length hair gracefully sways as she walks into the living room to talk to another Apple Family member, then she re-enters the kitchen.
  96. >The next button down is starting to strain with either side of the fabric being pulled apart.
  97. >She doesn’t realize she already lost the first button.
  98. >No one does.
  99. >”Got some cinnamon right here.” Another apple family member enters to stand next to Apple Dumpling.
  100. >Even her apron is getting visibly pushed forward more by her protruding chest.
  101. >Apple Dumpling doesn’t understand why her big boobies almost feel like they’re jiggling more than usual when she walks.
  102. >She doesn’t really think about it.
  103. >The longer you watch her, the more you realize a tiny bit of Apple Dumpling’s cleavage is peeking out.
  104. >As she leans forward to grab something, you get enough of a good view into the top of her shirt that your member begins to insist on getting harder.
  105. >It’s stiffly standing up a little more, pushing against the inner fabric of your underwear harder and harder.
  106. >Your underwear and pants can only hide so much of your depraved arousal.
  107. >Apple Dumpling can feel her bra getting tighter and tighter and she doesn’t know why.
  108. >She ignores it, not addressing it as the second button down flies open without her knowing.
  109. >Now there’s less to hold that parting fabric over Apple Dumpling’s cleavage.
  110. >Apple Dumpling’s outer layer of clothes isn’t as elastic as her bra is…
  111. >Her tits are just… she’s losing buttons fast…
  112. >You’ve felt metaphorical lightning bolts hit you while watching this unfold.
  113. >Whatever defenses you had up to not think sexual things to the shape of Apple Dumpling’s chest while remembering how her chest felt against you, it’s all torn down by the sight of her bare cleavage.
  114. >She leans forward to do something you didn’t register, unknowingly pushing her big soft boobies together in a casual accentuation of her increasingly bare cleavage.
  115. >Your sexual consideration for Apple Dumpling is re-ignited when your eyes catch sneak glimpses of her exposed cleavage unknowingly answering your sexual thoughts about her body.
  116. >The other apple family members next to Apple Dumpling don’t seem to notice that her cleavage is *really* showing now.
  117. >The third button down is getting strained as Apple Dumpling’s soft bouncy breasts enchantingly… respond to every one of her movements.
  118. >Maybe it-
  119. >*snap*
  120. >The third button is lost, un-noticed as it flies to the floor.
  121. >Now there is no way Apple Dumpling is appropriately decent for the modest family event she initially dressed for.
  122. >No one notices, but Apple Dumpling’s heaving fully exposed cleavage sways in the bare sexual beauty of the smooth bare skin of her big soft breasts.
  123. >No one but you sitting in the couch is noticing this.
  124. >Your erection begs to escape the confines of your underwear as you watch Apple Dumpling travel back and forth.
  125. >Apple Dumpling’s pliable cleavage keeps jiggling to her hurried steps, keeping hold on your attention.
  126. >This unexpected but welcome turn of events of this family reunion sure has a stellar view.
  127. >”Oh hey there, Anon!” Apple Dumpling notices you looking her way. “Let me know if you want more pie. I can maybe make a new one tonight.”
  128. >You smile and nod, deeply lost in the world of Apple Dumpling’s ample dumplings…
  129. >Her sexy breasts sway and threaten to spill out of that failing top when she leans forward again.
  130. >Why isn’t anyone saying anything?
  131. >What if there were still children around to see this?
  132. >There aren’t any, but still.
  133. >Why would a modest woman suddenly be so okay with so openly displaying her full cleavage like this?
  134. >She clearly knows how busty she is, and a bunch of buttons are undone with nothing else inside that rapidly parting top to cover those big soft boobies bursting their way out of there except her lacy black bra cups~
  135. >Running your hands along that smooth skin while squeezing her soft bountiful flesh would be heaven.
  136. >”I’ll be in here if you want more, Anon.” She sways her hips when walking away from you.
  137. >Her hair somehow got a tiny bit messier…
  138. >You didn’t notice yourself following her until you’re standing right behind her.
  139. >”Back for another slice of the pie?” She asks, looking over her shoulder with her back turned towards you.
  140. “I’d love some. Thank you.”
  141. >Even through that salmon colored shirt-dress, the shape of Apple Dumpling’s widened hourglass form swings those hips.
  142. >It clings to her just enough to give you a good idea of what her buttcheeks would look like when exposed.
  143. >Apple Dumpling starts putting together the remaining ingredients she can muster together.
  144. >”Ya want me to make a mini pie just for you? Might take about half an hour.”
  145. “You’d do that just for me? I’d love that.”
  146. >Her proposal was kind-hearted and her voice was full of proud spirit.
  147. >”I’ll need to fetch somethin’ from the pantry, excuse me.” She turns around, walking past you as you step out of her way.
  148. >You couldn’t control yourself, glancing down at those sexy jiggling boobies right in front of her face.
  149. >Why didn’t she react?
  150. >She saw you right there doing it!
  151. >Your wild cock inside of your strained underwear is starting to do all the thinking for you…
  152. >”If ya w- oh my!” Apple Dumpling immediately notices the back of her bra finally succumbing to the force of her huge sexy breasts that have vastly outgrown it~
  153. >She follows your gaze but doesn’t cover up her fully exposed cleavage, knowing her top is falling all the way open as another button is lost with a snap.
  154. >Apple Dumpling’s overwhelmed black bra cups lose their sturdiness as the part of her bra that was hugging her torso recoils around to under her arms inside her clothes.
  155. >Re-clasping the back of Apple Dumpling’s now woefully undersized bra with her bra cups still covering her nipples is impossible…
  156. >”C-could you excuse me for…” Apple Dumpling somehow doesn’t think you noticed.
  157. >She fruitlessly fumbles with her bra through her top right in front of you, trying to fix it before realizing she can’t pull the open front of her clothes back together and her nipples are about to slip out~
  158. >”Uhm…” She keeps failing to cover her huge sexy tits back up, hands pushing into their bare softness and lewdly pushing them around~
  159. >You erection is growing strikingly powerful.
  160. >Apple Dumpling’s hands find more and more difficulty in holding the front of her once-modest top together as her massive breasts insistently outgrow it.
  161. >It gets to the point where… this outfit wasn’t made to contain a pair of breasts this big.
  162. >Apple Dumpling does everything she can but knows that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t put her sexy jiggling boobies back inside her top~
  163. >This top can’t help her anymore…
  164. >Another inevitable *snap* this time two buttons down sends a button darting to the floor.
  165. >Now her soft underboob spills out.
  166. >The two side parts of the bra that were once hugging around Apple Dumpling’s torso like they’re supposed to, can no longer even reach under her arms…
  167. >Apple Dumpling fumbles with her lacy black bra cups until her reaching hands discover just how impossible it is to connect her bra behind her back.
  168. >After resorting to just trying to keep her top together, her not-elastic-enough bra fails completely from abandonment.
  169. >Apple Dumpling’s bra cups slip up unable to even reach her huge obvious nipples anymore.
  170. >Apple Dumpling only has one holdout button left she holds together for dear life.
  171. >Straining it past its limit are her two soft massive breasts that have an expanding beauty that demands to be naked out of this clothing.
  172. >Feeling her mind start to succumb to intrusive lewd thoughts, Apple Dumpling settles for the final button being the last thing keeping a tiny stretched section of her shirt barely covering her nipples.
  173. >She now pieces together your awareness of her overly busty display from your obvious erection giving a similar fate as her shirt and bra to your pants and underwear…
  174. >”A-Anon… your…” Apple Dumpling’s entranced eyes lock onto your erect boxer tent proudly sticking out of the undone front of your pants.
  175. >When did this happen?
  176. >The front of your underwear is so overwhelmed by your big hard and forceful erection that the waistband can’t cover your shaft all the way, leaving the base of your cock exposed to Apple Dumpling’s denial-ignoring gaze.
  177. >You start to try to fix your pants and underwear, but your massive pole just can't be put all the way back in there anymore.
  178. >Your panic turns to aroused comfort knowing Apple Dumpling is in the same boat as you.
  179. >It’s okay… she can’t put her anatomy away either…
  180. >Her colossal tits softly and charmingly react to every movement that bumps her arms into them.
  181. >”C-could… you help me with my top? While I finish with your apple pie?” Apple Dumpling requests your hands to assist her.
  182. >It’s partially to keep your hands occupied and away from your own situation now ripping through the front of your boxers.
  183. >Apple Dumpling is having a lot of trouble keeping her top together.
  184. >But you’ll help her.
  185. >Mashing her huge tits together between her arms gets your cock even more determined to break out of your underwear through the fabric.
  186. >You’ve already started down this spiral with her… and now she’s preparing your pie with her own hands while your hands help hold her top together.
  187. >You both know she can’t trust you to actually make her top stay on.
  188. >The soft flesh of Apple Dumpling’s heaving tits has a lot of soft give against your fingers.
  189. >”Thank you for understanding, dear…” Apple Dumpling pats down the crust of the pie and spreads on the filling she just finished making.
  190. >She's instinctively simply preparing the food, carrying on as though her tits weren't 99% of the way out barring the single brave button that endures impossible tension that rivals your urges themselves.
  191. >Apple Dumpling persists...
  192. >But her motions of her hands are getting clumsier.
  193. >You watch her full barely restrained cleavage jiggle while she works n the food some more.
  194. >Her uncertainty requires her to move herself back and forth more by her arms against her growing tits that gently shake so captivatingly in response.
  195. >She's trying to help you stop her areolae from showing, but it's already too late to go back.
  196. >This top can't cover anything anymo-
  197. >*snap*
  198. >This top REALLY can't cover anything anymore.
  199. >"O-oh..." Apple Dumpling watches her gargantuan breasts fling free followed by a mesmerizing series of swaying and wobbling you could bury your face against all night.
  200. >Her bare nipples are staring you right in the face as your erection overcomes the rest of your underwear and follows suit.
  201. >There are no hands to do anything about your cock, her hands are on her dish for you and your hands are enjoying the fertility of her chest.
  202. >She sighs quietly.
  203. >You weren't sure when it was you started getting explorative and lightly grabbing her.
  204. >But the way she started responding just now encouraged you to double down.
  205. >Her appreciation was hesitant, but that hesitancy is only motivation to help her ease further into it with you.
  206. >With her trying to pretend you're not groping her, you begin to act solely on your base urges upon Apple Dumpling's body.
  207. >Feeling something gooey against your fingers, you look down and realize Apple Dumpling's naked breasts are getting filling all over them from looming directly onto where she's working on her prized recipe.
  208. >Her eyes are already asking you to help her wipe the sweet filling off of her skin, and you both know where it's going to go after that.
  209. >She knows what that is poking her thigh as you push yourself up against her.
  210. >Feeling your cock twitch like that was the last straw needed before every last bit of restraint just... falls down.
  211. >With a swift mutual motion, you submit yourself to her and plant your face against her bare breasts, no longer able to resist or lie to yourself.
  212. >The act simply snaps from its own tension and instantly unfolds.
  213. >You knew the charade was over when you were staring at Apple Dumpling's huge nipples waiting for your lips to tend to them.
  214. >The way they were begging for you was just so...
  215. >The taste of Apple Dumpling's recipe graces your mouth as you mosey around her nipples first with a few shyly lingering kisses.
  216. >The filling her heaving chest collected ended up being spread onto the real apple pie you wanted all along.
  217. >Both of you cooperate together in finding a comfortable position as your hips find their way between her legs and begin to push the dress part of her outfit up from your advancement.
  218. >You already forgot where you are, and Apple Dumpling may have forgotten as well.
  219. >Minds are only set on one thing now.
  220. >And neither understands why as the heat and humidity in the room increases and increases.
  221. >No one right outside the kitchen is listening closely enough to the wet smooching noises of you savoring the tasty ingredients of Apple Dumpling's sweet recipe.
  222. >Do your best to lap it all up with your tongue.
  223. >The taste of her skin mixes with the taste of her filling recipe.
  224. >Apple Dumpling quickens her breathing and encourages you to lean further into her.
  225. >Guiding your mouth closer to her areolae so you can move on to your drink after lapping up the first part of your dessert.
  226. >The top of Apple Dumpling's shirt is too open to stay on her shoulders.
  227. >Her modesty is a shell leaving her as her bare arms and torso are unveiled to be embraced by your arms wrapping around her.
  228. >The traditional side of her mind commands her to shut her legs as your waist slides its way up between her thighs.
  229. >But her primal side commands her to open her legs wider to ease your sexual advance.
  230. >---
  231. >Apple Leaves continues to fluff up a couple of the pillows on the couch.
  232. >"I'd be more than glad to make these reunions a bi-annual occasion rather than only once a year." Aunt Orange puts down her wine glass.
  233. >"It's a shame we don't all have the time for that." Comments Apple Leaves.
  234. >Everyone else is either gone or hanging out upstairs where they can't hear anything... nor feeling the humidity begin to accumulate downstairs.
  235. >"I hear ya. I really wish we could." Aunt Orange sighs longingly. "The more bonding we share together the better."
  236. >"Ah suppose Big Mac's schedule would be the best indicator. If he's free, most of us should likely be free too."
  237. >"Well that's one way to look at it, but what about travel distance?" Aunt Orange adds.
  238. >"True. What with how them train tickets fluctuate an' all that. In the prices."
  239. >Apple Leaves places her hands on her hips and looks around, inspecting the room and making sure that everything is nice and tidy.
  240. >"Does it feel... hot in here to you?" Asks Aunt Orange.
  241. >"Ah couldn't tell ya." Apple Leaves rests on the couch. "Ah have been dartin' around cleanin' up left and right that it may as well count as a workout."
  242. >Picking up her wine glass once more, Aunt Orange fans herself with her hand before taking a quick sip.
  243. >Apple Leaves has been wearing her own apron herself.
  244. >It's been making her heat up so much that she slips out of it, figuring that she and Apple Dumpling will no longer have to be preparing any further cuisines for the night anyway.
  245. >She has on a button down dress shirt and jeans under it.
  246. >Flipping her bright hair to the side, she starts to fan herself with her hand too.
  247. >Talking to Aunt Orange goes on for a little bit longer only to prove that the living room feels like it's slowly getting more humid as the minutes go by.
  248. >Neither woman has any idea what's going on in the kitchen.
  249. >Not really listening to anything in particular despite their minds being on a collision course with the metaphorical gutter as a direct result of this "humidity".
  250. >They didn't know what sound to recognize when Apple Dumpling reacted to something lustfully poking her soft crotch through her panties.
  251. >"Well I suppose I won't be driving tonight." Aunt Orange states the obvious after setting down her wine glass.
  252. >"Yer only gonna drink that much?" Apple Leaves grins. "Next time we go to somethin' and I'm not the one drivin', I'm fixin' to show ya how to really take advantage of your drinkin' card."
  253. >"Nothin' wrong with doin' things in moderation anyway." Aunt Orange shrugs with pride. "Maybe ah already got all of my fun out in my day."
  254. >"Wish ah could say the same." Apple Leaves eyes the now empty wine glass, contemplating how much more she'll enjoy herself than Aunt Orange once the role of designated driver is switched.
  255. >"Every reunion it's the same thing." Aunt Orange pokes fun at her in a friendly way. "You say you'll have the time of yer life then just fall asleep in a chair somewhere glad ya didn't have to clean up as much."
  256. >"Oh it's not like that every time." Apple Leaves fans herself off some more, feeling the wood on the edge of the couch start to feel sticky.
  257. >Both women internally begin to question if the furnace downstairs may be running a little bit more than it should be.
  258. >Their minds are on that rather than the sounds they hear in the kitchen.
  259. >They can't recognize the sound Apple Dumpling makes in response to her panties being "accidentally" tugged to the side so the same... thing... that poked her crotch can thrust its way inside.
  260. >The sound gets higher the deeper you go.
  261. >Aunt Orange and Apple Leaves don't realize they're already effectively a couple of powder kegs that have been secretly built up by this humidity in the living room spilling over from the kitchen.
  262. >All of the wires and lines of dynamite are intertwined with their own nature they haven't been paying attention to in a long time.
  263. >And there is a lit match just in the other room that's been specifically designed to have its affect felt as immediately as possible.
  264. >The two women in the living room can't put their finger on why they're starting to feel dizzy in addition to hot in their clothes.
  265. >It starts to suddenly escalate, though it feels more close quarters on them.
  266. >But that doesn't stop them from asking anyway.
  267. >"Hey, Apple Dumpling? Hon? You forget something in the oven over there?" Apple Leaves unwittingly unbuttons her dress shirt a little bit until a tiny bit of cleavage is showing.
  268. >Aunt Orange is in a formal dress that displays her shoulders and how much she's managed to retain her curves over the years.
  269. >But both women are feeling skyrocketing urges to strip out of their outfits and maybe jump into an ice bath to cool down.
  270. >Their breathing gets heavier as they approach the entrance to the kitchen, onto to find quite the surprise suddenly coming right back out at them.
  271. >---
  272. >You aren't sure what it was that triggered your survival instinct.
  273. >All of your sexual instincts were drowning everything else out as your erect cock slid its way into Apple Dumpling.
  274. >She shimmied her hips as you positioned your hips at a tighter angle.
  275. >You had begun plowing in and out of her for about a minute, latching your lips onto her nipples as an instinctive gesture of submission to her you randomly fished out of your brain from wherever that came from.
  276. >Apple Dumpling's breast milk came in tiny drops at first, but your lips began to work their magic and encourage her body to release more of her warm sustenance past your lips and onto your lapping tongue.
  277. >She giggled slightly at your licking... tickling her.
  278. >Piercing its way into the moment, one faint green glow just outside the kitchen window brought everything back.
  279. >Apple Dumpling only blankly smiled back up at you with her legs still longingly wide open for you as you found the strength to stand up.
  280. >Your cock holding one end of a long strand of sexual fluids spanning between your sex and hers, begging to be put back in.
  281. >The instinct to run resurfaced, and the entrance to the living room was the closest exit you could jump to off of the top of your head.
  282. >Bursting through the doorway, you realize your underwear is still torn open at the front, unable to fit your diamond hard cock back inside even had the fabric not been ripped open in this way.
  283. >Two more of the Apple family members gaze back at you, red in the face with lidded eyes locked onto your proudly erect manhood vastly escaping the reach of the tatters of fabric you desperately try to pull back over your leaking precum before anyone sees.
  284. >Quite useless when they both already saw, and the longer they look, the hotter they feel in their clothes, minds slipping into a state of something else as the sight of your physical arousal triggers theirs.
  285. >Your only hope in your mind is to close the front of your underwear to stop this dangerous display, backing up only to feel the cushion of Apple Dumpling's tits gently halt you and trap you in this position trapped in the doorway.
  286. >There's nowhere to run, and your underwear is not fit to re-conceal your stiff manmeat luring the humidity enduring women into ruining your mindless, hopeless escape that never would have worked anyway.
  287. >Your body is made to automatically send them the message they didn't know they needed to hear.
  288. >Apple Dumpling has a couple of partners to help her tend to you now as they autonomically figure out what they need to do at the lewd sight of you.
  289. >You watch them tug at their clothes and lick their lips at you.
  290. >"Hey there."
  291. >The rest of the Apple Family continues on in whatever proper and appropriate world they live in.
  292. >But three of their women have entered somewhere else more humid to join you in pleasing weakness.
  293. >They have left their shame outside the door without realizing what was happening to them.
  294. >The very instincts buried deep inside all these years finally come back out.
  295. >Base urges took over, and locked the surprise closed door separating them from Apple Family values.
  296. >This is their den you have found yourself trapped within the confines of.
  297. >Just the four of you reside on the first floor.
  298. >Dizziness takes ahold of you from an undetectable angle before Apple Dumpling takes ahold of you from behind.
  299. >Apple Leaves and Aunt Orange breathe noticeable faster at this surprise encounter.
  300. >You internally want to command them not to strip out of their clothes.
  301. >That something is wrong and evil magic is afoot.
  302. >You begin to really strain the back of your underwear in order to get the front of the fabric to even stretch down the whole length of your exposed erection.
  303. >But that alone was an uphill battle that means nothing anyway.
  304. >Covering your big stiff physical arousal isn’t uphill, it’s scaling the side of a tall building.
  305. >And hiding how erect you are plus making them forget what they’re seeing *right now* is a task akin to un-burning a piece of paper back to normal.
  306. >You don’t remember if or when you already noticed your undone pants were guided all the way down your legs.
  307. >But they’re not even bunched around your ankles anymore.
  308. >Where the hell did they go?
  309. >Your legs are free to move around once more, but for the wrong reason.
  310. >There’s nothing you even have to cover your charged up manhood other than (barely) your torn open trousers and (also barely) your T shirt.
  311. >Feeling Apple Dumpling bare-grinding against your now exposed cheeks was enough to make you shiver and forget where you are.
  312. >You paid this pointless price to almost cover up your erect rod, just to have Apple Leaves and Aunt Orange sensually run their hands up and down their curves for you with blankly aroused expressions hung over their gazes.
  313. >The teasing sight does everything it can to strengthen your erection you’re already struggling to put back under tattered wraps.
  314. >And it succeeds…
  315. >Apple Leaves has to keep flipping her vibrant hair to the side after having it fall over her face from all of the intensive cleaning and such she has been doing.
  316. >But her eyes stay locked onto you while her fingers seem to have minds of their own when she undoes her dress shirt button by button.
  317. >You know she enjoys the look on your face when you watch Apple Leaves’s sexy cleavage become unbuttoned into view.
  318. >She continues revealing more of her beautiful womanly anatomy after getting all the buttons past her bellybutton undone.
  319. >Her beautiful underwear clad body is presented to you.
  320. >You get a primal urge to wrap your arms around Apple Leaves’s curvy midriff and press your face right against her busty tits as she unfastens the back of her bra with a sultry smile.
  321. >But your face isn’t there up against her soft cleavage to keep her beige bra cups in place, and so, they loosen.
  322. >Apple Leaves can’t believe his excited she is to bare her breasts for a young man rubbing his hard manmeat to her…
  323. >She encourages you with a couple of soft shakes of her squeezable tits, beige bra cups now too loose to stop her areolae from slipping out.
  324. >The movements of your field of view indicate that you’ve abandoned all attempts as holding the front of your underwear together.
  325. >The ripped parts of the fabric are back to hanging open away from your base.
  326. >One hand is now dedicated to gripping your erect shaft that stands up, unable to stop its stroking motions from pleasuring you up and down your own length.
  327. >Your other hand noticed how much these motions are making your heavy balls swing, which makes Aunt Orange bite her lip as she tugs the front of her dress down for you in response.
  328. >She loves to watch you use your other hand to gently work your balls around with your fingers.
  329. >Which makes what your hand on your shaft is doing feel even more sublime.
  330. >You’re not trying to cover your worked up junk anymore.
  331. >You’re pleasuring it for these three cougars who trapped you in their den.
  332. >And you appreciate how perky Apple Leaves’s exposed nipples are.
  333. >Knowing all that’s what was under that apron and inside of that shirt and under those bra cups…
  334. >Aunt Orange barely even knows she’s starting to outgrow the top of her formal dress.
  335. >That bust size of hers has responded to her entire body feeling hotter and hotter underneath all those clothes.
  336. >Aunt Orange knows you’re turned on by how big and soft her tits are.
  337. >The sides of her dress are completely off of her shoulders now… and Aunt Orange’s juicy cleavage loses all of its coverage from the top of her dress slipping down.
  338. >So much soft creamy skin you could faceplant all night…
  339. >Apple Leaves pushes her almost as big naked tits together while grabbing the forced open edges of the front of your underwear and widening the torn opening with a few quiet ripping noises from your fabric.
  340. >Your waistband soon gets a bit of the action as well, strained to its elastic limit until it too gives in to the force from these urges.
  341. >Your underwear has been reduced to long destroyed bridges of silky fabric.
  342. >Massive soft breasts pushing into your back like a warm pair of water-filled beanbag chairs, Apple Dumpling grinds against your bare buttcheeks some more right before you both feel your underwear snap away from your tailbone area.
  343. >Aunt Orange slips the top of her formal dress the rest of the way down her huge soft breasts that have grown too much to be properly contained by it anyway.
  344. >As they flick out from under the receding barrier of fabric, you discover that Aunt Orange’s nipples are really light and pale, but big nonetheless.
  345. >They really compliment how busty she is.
  346. >The top of a door frame Passover over your head suddenly lets you know that you e been guided by these three in what is probably the guest bedroom of this place.
  347. >Turns out you were trying to back away, but at the guided direction of Apple Dumpling’s embrace from behind.
  348. >And Apple Leaves and Aunt Orange have been closely crowding around you.
  349. >Stripping down for you to enjoy their soft naked breasts getting pushed and jiggled around while they rip apart the rest of your underwear on the way over to the guest bed.
  350. >Bottomless and erect, you can not and will not argue with the urge to continue masturbating to these three bountiful and exposed women surrounding you.
  351. >Three lovely apple women.
  352. >Shoving you around between the with their hands unable to help but grab a little when they make contact with you.
  353. >Oh how thirsty they are to devour you…
  354. >Your only counterattack you have to respond to this onslaught of physical sexual promises is to simply stroke your manmeat at them, at their gorgeous bodies so graciously exposed for you the more they strip their clothes off~
  355. >You leer them, you ogle them, they shove you, you masturbate, they shove you.
  356. >You masturbate more.
  357. >Admiring the increasingly disrobed female form letting her assets jiggle for you…
  358. >They shove you.
  359. >You stay distracted.
  360. >Apple Dumpling hooks her fingers around the bottom of your T shirt and tugs it up…
  361. >All three of them lick their lips at your bare firm torso staring back at them.
  362. >They shove even more sensually now that their hands are meeting your bare skin.
  363. >Apple Dumpling refuses to let your shirt back down, only forcing it up even more until Apple Leaves loses control seeing your nipples and pounces upon you...
  364. >All three apple women dive in at your bare body, pushing their bare skin against yours and rolling your lifted shirt above your shoulders.
  365. >Forcing your arms up.
  366. >Restraining you to their mercy.
  367. >They have now interrupted your masturbation, but that’s okay…
  368. >They’ll do it *for* you now~
  369. >With their hot breaths beating against your face, the three apple women hold you still and take turns planting kisses all over you.
  370. >Starting with clumsy smooches all over your face and neck, inevitably moving to your mouth and insisting their tongues past your lips.
  371. >You can taste them now.
  372. >And you know now that you were never strong enough from the start.
  373. >The door is already locked, and you are reminded of the seemingly inherent strength almost all members of the Apple Family possess within their bodies.
  374. >All three of the apple women together manhandle you over to the bed, with Apple Dumpling’s huge breasts softly pushing against your face until you can’t resist anymore and begin latching your lips back around her big erect nipple...
  375. >Longing for that tangy taste against your mouth you missed so dearly.
  376. >You let out a low whimper half begging for mercy, but unsure about whether the other half is begging for more or A LOT more…
  377. >The soft fertile bodies of the apple women press their bare skin against yours from all directions.
  378. >You can respond with nothing but groping their soft tits whenever they even leave your wrists free.
  379. >While they take turns mixing their saliva with yours.
  380. >You’re finally allowed to use your hands more when the insisted objective is to help Aunt Orange’s dress half-off dress find its way down her wide hips.
  381. >Her light nipples stay nice and hard up against the fingers of your greedy hands groping her bare soft heaving breasts.
  382. >Aunt Orange has a soft tummy her pulled down dress has unveiled.
  383. >After giving her light nipples a few kisses of attention too, you move the kisses down her smooth soft skin to her bellybutton, and then lower where the fabric is still getting rolled away and pulled down.
  384. >Apple Leaves pushes her naked perky tits onto your back now as your temporarily free hands help Aunt Orange’s dress down the prominent curve of her hips bit by bit.
  385. >You’ve come to appreciate her tight pair of frilly panties clinging to those hips.
  386. >Grabbing your eager hands around to her bare soft buttcheeks proves how little the back of Aunt Orange’s frilly little panties cover...
  387. >The gentle wrestling match continues with the three apple women soon positioning you naked on your back with your basically fully removed shirt tying your wrists to a bedpost.
  388. >Now also naked, Aunt Orange and Apple Leaves caress your bare body with their hands.
  389. >Occasionally licking their tongues onto the aroused slab of meat that was thrown into their den.
  390. >Apple Dumpling rests on your thighs, keeping your legs unable to even lift up.
  391. >Her soft giant tits wobble enticingly as she slinks up to position herself over your fully erect cock she’s been eyeing without any obstruction now.
  392. >Breathing quickens all across the board here in the moment.
  393. >Her tummy moves in and out faster as all three women watch your stomach move up and down faster as you can now do nothing to stop Apple Dumpling from enveloping your big hard cock once more.
  394. >Her lidded eyes lock with yours as your erect length rejoices in victory to feeling her wetness reintroduce itself around your member.
  395. >Can't wriggle your way out of this one.
  396. >These three now got you tied up and ready to cum inside of them one by one.
  397. >Apple Dumpling's massive soft tits magnificently bounce in a slow manner as she makes those bed springs inside of the mattress creak to her movements.
  398. >Her hands plant themselves onto your bare chest for sturdiness.
  399. >And the sensation of apple woman sex has resumed.
  400. >The side of you that would have loved to somehow fly out the door or window or something is gone fishing right now while horniness is standing in its place.
  401. >Standing up as your cock getting stroked by Apple Dumpling's lovely glove as she makes her huge beautiful breasts bounce in front of you with more force.
  402. >A tiny pair of green eyes watch from just outside the window...
  403. >Intending not to be here anywhere nearly as long as you're about to be.
  404. >The corner of your eyes picked up on that green glow.
  405. >That was all you needed to see.
  406. >Feels like your situation has betrayed you, your own trust for the situation has betrayed you.
  407. >Feels like your escape meant nothing after everything that transpired.
  408. >And this feeling twists your body around on the bed for you at first until you obey your growing sense of betrayal and willingly try to squirm free.
  409. >But only long after it's too late to even sit back up.
  410. >Apple Dumpling's bodyweight already limits how much squirming you're able to do.
  411. >Her humping that makes the bed springs groan under you is like a shutting cage door that slams harder and harder with you inside.
  412. >And your chains that used to be your shirt restrain your wrists to the bedpost.
  413. >And the heat in the guest bedroom builds up as Apple Dumpling's skin begins to glisten as her breathing grows as heavy as her soft giant breasts bouncing before your eyes.
  414. >Your eyes try to spot something to grab onto like a life raft to save you from this ocean of arousal.
  415. >Until Apple Dumpling's bare nipples trap your gaze with their movement, huge areolae begging you to sit up and suck on them had you been able to.
  416. >All these up-and-down motions do wonders in moving Apple Dumpling's huge masses of soft flesh along with her heating body.
  417. >Her exhaustion is put off until her arousal is finished singing the song serenading her heart and libido.
  418. >She's on a mission to drain you of the brunt of your load, kicking in the door to your soon-to-be state of fatigue that rivals that of a squeezed-empty toothpaste tube.
  419. >Her eyes are focused on her prey below her, maniacally glaring down upon you with the bedroom light shining off of her hair that flows outward every time she slams her soft curvy body unto you.
  420. >There's not a lot your legs can do in this position, since you're not really able to flip yourself over to bend your knees better until this leglock releases you.
  421. >You know what needs to happen until that becomes a possibility.
  422. >Aunt Orange and Apple Leaves lean each of their bodyweight onto each of your arms, simultaneously admiring and overpowering your firm muscles that flex and tense with failed attempt after failed attempt to break free from everyone's shared lust.
  423. >Apple Dumpling pushes her bare bosom together the best her arms can capture their absolute volume, making their bounces move more in sync with one another with soft slaps that tell you when they land on her body.
  424. >Her smile groans down at you, impatiently urging you to let go and release into her already, to fill her with the filling she wants in return.
  425. >And her grip around your solid shaft is nothing short of convincing.
  426. >Another glance out the window for that green glow shows its absence.
  427. >Only telling you that a certain someone is confident enough that you're so unable to escape this situation that she can just leave without needing to exert any further control or influence upon you or these three Apple Women.
  428. >You're stuck this way, under no more surveillance that you didn't know was there until it was no longer needed.
  429. >Apple Dumpling's hot breaths are the loudest in the room as your fully devoured manmeat tries its best to hold itself together inside of her womanhood.
  430. >And it tries and tries to prevent what is naturally supposed to happen if these thrusting motions keep going the way they are.
  431. >Apple Dumpling has a smooth pair of legs that are stronger than they initially felt until they showed your waist what they're able to do.
  432. >Her hair becomes increasingly disheveled as her humping brings more and more of your horny nature out of you after you failed to keep it in for an escape.
  433. >A multi-layered chord is chimed within you and your body heats up with hers, there is no choice.
  434. >What blossoms within this apple now blossoms within you as well.
  435. >Her eyes pitch a pair of hearts that gaze into whatever's goin on in your eyes you know must not be too far off from what's going on in hers.
  436. >Is she still trying to make an apple pie in her mind?
  437. >Is this part of the process as far as she's concerned?
  438. >Making her huge pies shake with every bounce that works your baby batter out into her oven.
  439. >Her shuddering shows how hard she's straining to keep you in place and under her, desperate to keep this moment just the way she needs it until the ingredient that is your filling rushes out into her womb.
  440. >Your own shuddering cannot compete, not until it's only in response to the mutual warmth she's making you feel with her that powers each hearty plap.
  441. >It's getting closer and closer to the point where they won't need to keep you restrained anymore.
  442. >It's getting to the point where you're going to have an entirely different brain in your head that can't think of any of the intricate nonsense that bewildered you in the past.
  443. >A brain that only knows one thing... how to accept the primal efforts of your mistresses and how to generously and vigorously blow your white hot loads deep into where they want it to go.
  444. >The two of you bounce on the bed with your wet heat making the sheets carry the scent of raw sex as the bottom of the bedposts drag across the floor.
  445. >Your own breathing matches hers, only after your motions do so to her mindless command of it.
  446. >Flex your muscles for a different reason now, or at least for a partially different reason.
  447. >Maybe to buck your hips up into her wild advances slamming you and pinning you against the bed.
  448. >The bouncing of her huge beautiful rack provide enough momentum to really make each pound upon you feel as sincere as Apple Dumpling needs it to feel.
  449. >As sincere she needs it to feel for you.
  450. >As feral as she needs it to BE for you.
  451. >Apple Dumpling's tired face finally had lit up more than life had ever allowed it to.
  452. >Something more important that her previous tasks has come up, and she now needs it to cum up as it has come up inside of her.
  453. >A flurry of thrusts and plaps become more frequent with Apple Dumpling's grateful face curving into an ecstatic and tight grin with her eyes shut.
  454. >She's feeling something she's never felt for such a long time, and she's never been this far from tired in so long.
  455. >The part of her that wanted to hold her top closed over her breasts is nowhere to be found right now, and the part of her that hopes her massive mammaries move around in front of your face as much as possible, showing you just what they're made of and what they can do.
  456. >Hoping they put you into such a deep trance that you'll experience the biggest ejaculation of your life.
  457. >Apple Dumpling bites her lip as her own body tenses up, letting herself happily fall slave to her mysteriously spawned desired she needs to get out of her system.
  458. >That she NEEDS to get out of her system, one hump at a time.
  459. >This level of determination is too much to stop from making your body finally react the way it is supposed to.
  460. >Your fear is pushed out of the room by the force of your horny animal that is dragged out of deep inside of you and made to do what it evolved to do.
  461. >Can't hide it inside when such a direct stimulation summons your most intimate part of your nature up against Apple Dumpling's most intimate part of her natu-
  462. >Spurts of cum explode out of your tip, you can feel it happening and can see it happening in the crookedly gleeful smile that creeps across her face with a lip bite trying to maintain itself.
  463. >Her eyes feel closer and closer to your soul every time she feels more of your load get brought out and serve as her reward for her physical efforts upon you.
  464. >You finally couldn't resist making a few moaning noises yourself, not sure if you're vocally protesting or vocally celebrating this peak of your union with Apple Dumpling.
  465. >She feels your cartoonishly excited cock twitching and jerking around against her walls gripping it as in-place as they can.
  466. >The other two horny apple women watch your ribs show a little more every time you gasp air into your lungs in the excited heat of the moment.
  467. >They can see the energy being drained out of you, and hope they can replenish you enough to make their turns meaningful.
  468. >You didn't realize that your removed shirt has fallen loose from the bedpost it was once tied to.
  469. >But your newfound willingness made it impossible to tell on account of you keeping your arms raised in place as though they were still tied as you continue to ejaculate deep into Apple Dumpling.
  470. >It can't stop until you truly fall limp with satisfied hearts in your eyes, until you both do.
  471. >After another half a minute passes, you don't even need to sit up to get a loving faceful of Apple Dumpling's busty softness and then some and then a lot more just... landing on you.
  472. >Her glistening sweat helps her skin slip along your face that's helplessly at the mercy of an avalanche of her bountiful bustiness.
  473. >You could die to her massive breasts right now and your adultery-encouraging soul would happily get herded down to hell.
  474. >Especially after Apple Dumpling's huge nipple finds its way to your mouth.
  475. >How were you possibly supposed to resist closing your lips around that thing again?
  476. >You really should drink something after such a physically taxing ordeal of lust.
  477. >Her arms and your arms race to see which one can wrap around the other's bare glistening body first.
  478. >But when your full embrace is reached, you never want to let go of Apple Dumpling with her huge soft breast pressed flat against your face.
  479. >Subject to your greedy suckling that begs her milk to come out after you've gotten such a thorough taste of that filling back in the kitchen and a taste of Apple Dumpling herself.
  480. >Her embrace holds you tighter and tighter against her chest.
  481. >The more insistently you suck on Apple Dumpling's massive sexy nipples, the closer she gets to...
  482. >"H...haahh..." She starts with her mouth shakily hanging open until she shuts it with her lidded eyes scanning the plain ceiling above her head. "Mmmmmmmmmhhhhh~"
  483. >You can feel her body tremble a little bit as her soft breast out-sizing your very head lusciously pushes against your bobbing.
  484. >And the tiny but noticeable squirts of breast milk start getting gulped down.
  485. >"Apple Leaves..." Apple Dumpling turns to her cousin. "You have to drive us... after we're done in here."
  486. >"I need to..." Apple Leaves starts but trails off at first. "I need to go next..."
  487. >"That works." Apple Dumpling huffs with her cheek pressed against your hair.
  488. >Apple Leaves and Aunt Orange try to see through their lustful confusion but fail to do so.
  489. >Only thinking about everything they not just want but *need* to do to you in order to get this feeling out of their hearts beating in their ears with anticipation.
  490. >Within minutes, you're tightly wrapped around Apple Dumpling like a corset with your face buries deep in her naked bosom.
  491. >Your lips alternate between one of her huge nipples and the other.
  492. >The heavy breathing of the other two women fills the room as a background noise to your sucking noises from the bed.
  493. >Little streams of milk emit from Apple Dumpling's breasts and find their way down your throat with each swallow.
  494. >Her giant mounds of soft flesh get wonderfully squished around against your face as you feel Apple Dumpling gently help you push your head in.
  495. >Her voice reacts to your tongue and everything it's doing to draw more milk out of her, accepting your submission to her sexual prowess she's been given by this mystery humidity that has flooded the first floor of the house where this reunion has taken place.
  496. >There is no part of Apple Dumpling that feels ashamed of her abandonment of who she was before this happened.
  497. >Her eyes only gently close as she holds your head closer, lost in the sensation of your mouth performing wanting ministrations onto her sensitive nipples taking a loving ambush of suction.
  498. >There is nothing she can do to close her shirt back up anyway; her breasts have grown too massive to allow that.
  499. >Apple Dumpling, stranded in her own fling of horny adventurousness, proudly lets her bountiful chest stay out in the open.
  500. >Naked and instantly available for you to enjoy and submit to, encouraging you to give her something that feels too good to resist.
  501. >It tastes so good that you don't want to stop any time soon.
  502. >Coupled with the cushioned embrace Apple Dumpling is able to provide, this has become a state of horny comfort you never knew you needed in life.
  503. >You don't even remember what the word escape means at the moment.
  504. >Held still by your own rather drunken enjoyment of Apple Dumpling's fertility and softness that weakens you beyond a strive to even walk away willingly, let alone run away.
  505. >If someone came into here and told you all to stop, you'd refuse.
  506. >If these three told you they wanted to stop, you'd refuse... but that is far from the place they're in right now anyway.
  507. >They'd refuse if you told them you wanted to stay un-fucked, which would be impossible no matter what now.
  508. >Apple Dumpling no longer paces around in her apron and dress shirt, but pants atop the guest bed with her massive soft breasts completely freed and unable to be re-clothed for the rest of this magical... moment.
  509. >Her smile silently asks how how much you liked her apple pie and her milk.
  510. >You respond with a long kiss of approval upon her lips, willfully wrapping your arms around her and holding her with a quickly budding sexual connection.
  511. >This connection is quickly feeling romantic too, as a happiness fills both of you, each one in response to the other.
  512. >Sharing such a beautiful moment together is a wonderful thing; Apple Dumpling couldn't be more pleased to have spent it with you.
  513. >Her smirk grows more suggestive when she sees the other two creep up behind you before you can feel their hands grabbing your arms.
  514. >She know they're going to take amazing care of you, as you will take amazing care of them.
  515. >There is no part of you that wants to resist anymore, but you enjoy the other two acting as though they need to haul you into their grasp.
  516. >Them showing how much they insistently want you no matter what you say or do puts a pulsating warmth inside of you.
  517. >Your heart sings with every beat as your surrender is multiplied by three.
  518. >Apple Leaves and Aunt Orange gently manhandle you into a corner of the room and pin your hands over your head.
  519. >Each of their pairs of beasts brush past you and softly poke onto your body.
  520. >Apple Leaves's perky nipples have become firm and hard with arousal, about two cup sizes larger than before and tickling the side of your torso as the descendant of your extinct urge to escape proves to be an urge to lean into her the best you can.
  521. >Indulging in her presence and her touch.
  522. >Aunt Orange holds you still from behind while Apple Leaves gives in completely to her urge to plant as many kisses as she can all over your body.
  523. >She doesn't feel like leaving hickeys on your neck, just gently kisses you up and down your neck with a couple of sensual licks to really make your eyes roll.
  524. >Aunt Orange's soft breasts push onto your bare back as a comfortable cushion that let you jolt a round only a tiny bit in response to Apple Leaves teasingly kissing your nipples.
  525. >No reason she can't have a little fun submitting too, knowing most of the score is going to go to her anyway as it had Apple Dumpling and as it will Aunt Orange.
  526. >She's sure to make her suction gently but noticeably demanding, loving how worked up your getting with a few ticklish grunts.
  527. >Enthralled by the affect she's having on you.
  528. >This prompts her to almost charge into you and push you into the corner with a little bit more aroused force... Aunt Orange doesn't mind.
  529. >And you yourself certainly don't mind.
  530. >Finally, after getting a satisfying taste of that body she's been watching all this time, Apple Leaves connects her lips with yours and locks it all together with your tongues soon challenging eachother to see which one can resist the other's mouth the longest.
  531. >You both lose at the same time.
  532. >Hands held behind your needfully arching back, your push your chest onto Apple Leaves as a pleading cue to join full embrace with her.
  533. >She responds accordingly and puts her arms around you, deepening the kiss and tumbling deeper into the dance between your tongues that swiftly spirals out of control.
  534. >It becomes less of a dance and more of a special kind of wordless discussion about how you feel about one another.
  535. >And how each of you feel is skyrocketing to new levels by the minute.
  536. >Apple Leaves enjoys the feeling of your body squirming against her arms around you, sensing how badly you want to hold her back, but Aunt Orange is having too much fun restraining you.
  537. >But you're having fun with that too, welcoming the tense bubble of frustrated desire to hold Apple Leaves in return that makes your chest motions even more sincere as your body desperately pushes her soft perky tits back and forth with your writhing motions in restrained arousal.
  538. >As though you're humping her with your chest, your ribcage acting as a pelvis.
  539. >Your lips and tongue act as wildly as you arms couldn't act, having to compensate for the lack of a physical embrace between arms upon bare bodies.
  540. >And so, the kiss intensifies into a flurry of mouth-wrestling that can only have winners in the end.
  541. >Or at least happy losers like yourself who bask in your defeat to this woman.
  542. >Jerking your body upward against her as she starts to position herself over you, with Aunt Orange holding you from underneath like ropes tying you to a train track.
  543. >It took a few seconds to realize that you're back on the bed again.
  544. >Aunt Orange is still the ropes binding you to the tracks, and Apple Leaves is the train that's about to run you over.
  545. >Apple Leaves pounces, and encourages you to do the same body thrusting upward against her body that can only come from an unfulfilled need to embrace someone that can't stay bottled up for long.
  546. >The hungry clamping of Apple Leaves's thighs around your hips only leads the situation closer and closer to your manhood meeting her womanhood.
  547. >And when this eventually happens with your crotches quickly locked together by her legs, the instinctual cue is set into motion from your member feeling her soft entrance nudging against it.
  548. >The union between your softness and her softness is going to eventually make someone lose, and that someone is you.
  549. >Your softness isn't lasting long while feeling hers.
  550. >Your softness does exactly what it's supposed to do when it feels the lower lips of a woman calling it to react in a way it is designed to.
  551. >The soft onslaught of her train of pleasure does such a number on your playful resilience prolonging the inevitable acquiescence.
  552. >Apple Leaves plants her hands on your bare chest for leverage and redoubles her movements with determination.
  553. >Unable to be defended while the rest of you is tied down to the track, your underside can't help but react accordingly to Apple Leaves's vulva calling your sex back out to play rough with her.
  554. >Blood rushes into your shaft, and your member is slowly coerced into standing up against the softness of Apple Leaves's petals.
  555. >Stiffer and stiffer...
  556. >She knows you can't stop yourself from entering now that she's getting you hard enough to do so.
  557. >Apple Leaves's perky nipples stay nice and hard from the excitement, her whole body rejoicing in feeling your manmeat getting nice and hard just for her.
  558. >The erection that she *personally* instigated with all intent and purpose.
  559. >This is exactly what she wanted, she knew exactly what she was doing.
  560. >And now the stiff mast of your soon-to-fly white flag stands tall, pointing directly at the moist envelopment it is destined to face.
  561. >Where it is pointed is exactly where it is pressed into as Apple Leaves lowers herself.
  562. >From your glans to your base, her vulva slides down your length; the vein on the side of your length thrums with the blood that rushed in to further stiffen your erect arousal for Apple Leaves.
  563. >You notice a toned-ness in Apple Leaves’s tummy, wishing you could run your hands along her slightly apparent abs that can only look the way they do after years of hard busy work plus putting on some thickness in one's late 30s and early 40s.
  564. >All that strength and durability in the Apple Family gene, bearing down upon you as Apple Leaves shows you why Apple Dumpling had the similar strength she did that had been mostly hidden by her larger breasts and more insulated tummy.
  565. >Apple Leaves's breasts have grown only perkier instead of straight up larger, but still promise to overfill a D-cup bra that would dare challenge them with the prospect of containment.
  566. >Even the bra cups themselves would be unable to function without those hard perky things poking their way through.
  567. >Both of Apple Leaves’s perky nipples sway with a jiggle moving together than apart as her arms softly hit against the sides of her big soft breasts as she steels herself atop of you.
  568. >And the plapping noises she's able to make after getting started were loud and insistent as you'd expect from a strong-bodied woman.
  569. >Your body gets repeatedly slammed by the freight train that is Apple Leaves's movements.
  570. >Her thirsty energy for you is a testament to what she's been holding back for so many years, not knowing she'd actually use it at some point down the road.
  571. >But now her huge pointy breasts freely bounce between the clamping of her arms, perky nipples pointing further up and down with the motions of each bounce the humping fuels.
  572. >Apple Leaves never knew she'd become something like this, but now she doesn't know if she can stop.
  573. >Her softness made you hard, and in return, your hardness made her softness wet after thrusting right up against it enough.
  574. >She bites her lip and keeps her eyes closed with her eyebrows raised in the middle to spread a ripple of expressed pleasure up the middle of her forehead, running you over as you're tied down the train tracks of a bed's soft surface by Aunt Orange and ready to officially make you send out your while flag.
  575. >You're far too ready to lose to her... you're excited to.
  576. >You win if you lose to her, because it's exactly what you want.
  577. >Aunt Orange can feel your buttcheeks move upward as you buck your hips with your cock jousting up into Apple Leaves's pussy.
  578. >This is a testament to what Aunt Orange has done; repressed your ability to embrace your partner and have to resort to expressing these feelings through new means upon the apple woman dominating your body.
  579. >Her inner walls encourage you to release the white flag very convincingly.
  580. >The stimulation along your shaft makes you shudder and try to kick your feet to no real avail.
  581. >She really loves the cute noises you're making.
  582. >As you love hers she probably doesn't realize she's making.
  583. >The excitement you're bringing Apple Leaves is making her feel like she's he one submitting to how unbelievably horny she is.
  584. >You're now unintentionally on the offensive as you propel your hips upward on raw base urge to fuck that Apple Leaves brought back out of you.
  585. >You NEED this climax to happen.
  586. >She NEEDS your climax to happen.
  587. >And when you finally flex and tense up, your wave the white flag, shooting it right out far into her depths.
  588. >Back onto the defensive you go, and Apple Leaves can feel it happening through your erect cock's out-of-control convulsing with more spurts of your hot load gushing out to stimulate her with its wet insistent force.
  589. >She accepts your white flag with her own orgasm.
  590. >With an arch of her back and her bare smooth shoulders retracting back a little, Apple Leaves throws her head back and lets her moans reverberate off of the ceiling without a care who on the second floor would be able to hear her wanton pleasure.
  591. >Drunk off of Apple Dumpling's aphrodisiac-enhanced breast milk and cumming the last of your buckets into Apple Leaves, your body fully succumbs to its fate now.
  592. >Apple Leaves already has her perky nipple in your mouth as you're still cumming inside of her, impatiently eager to feel the sensation of your mouth's ministrations.
  593. >You submit and take on her bosom unto your mouth.
  594. >Doing it the best you can through your dizzy exhaustion.
  595. >It took at least a good 45 minutes or so for them to get you properly erect and able to cum a second time, but you still came a LOT, having refilled oddly quickly.
  596. >Now Apple Dumpling and Apple Leaves embrace you together from either side.
  597. >Encouraging you to take turns with their nipples to suckle on, dividing up your surrender amongst them.
  598. >Keeping you awake the best they can, but knowing you're gonna be drained for a bit, energy-wise.
  599. >Your horny is still there, but it's just waiting until you have the energy once again to actually put it to use.
  600. >And once you do again, Aunt Orange will be ready for you.
  601. >Not only this, but she's going to make sure you're in a place where you can make more noises without worrying about someone hearing you, which needs to be addressed right now.
  602. >The three women are hell bent on resuming this at all costs, caring about nothing else in this world as their motivations are blinded by love and lust.
  603. >This guest bedroom has a few spare clothes in it; hospitality for anyone staying over who might need it.
  604. >But the Oranges had been staying in a hotel room while visiting in town.
  605. >You barely stay able to listen in for a while longer through your fracturing consciousness as the three women plan their excuses for the noise, and plan their departure with you in tow.
  606. >God fucking damn you hope they kidnap you.
  607. >And keep you living with them for as long as they want you around to keep them company, especially if your purpose is to keep them pleased and help them get through the day every day.
  608. >Getting passed around by them from address to address.
  609. >"I'll find a way to get Cherry Jubilee to drive us. She'll be none the wiser." Apple Dumpling plots.
  610. >The other two agree with haste, automatically on board with whatever keeps you in their lustful custody.
  611. >They're mindlessly blinded from who they normally are.
  612. >Not zombies, but sex-crazed maniacs obsessed with abducting you.
  613. >You don't even hear the plane going by outside this time; it doesn't register to you anymore.
  614. >But you don't need it to.
  615. >You don't want it to.
  616. >The main reason in this instance right now being Apple Leaves's perky nipples being so fun to suckle on, jutting into your mouth with their stiff arousal and appreciatively squirting out breast milk in response to your moving lips and tongue expressing your sexual submission to her.
  617. >She and Apple Dumpling hold you tight as you pass out in their double embrace, ready to wake up wherever you wake up in their captivity.
  618. >Time to get kidnapped.
  619. >---
  620. >You know all three of them together could haul you off to somewhere so long as no one sees them working together.
  621. >You’re just one guy in his early 20s, three ladies who already demonstrated their strength can easily pick you up.
  622. >Not sure if it would be necessary for them to tie you up.
  623. >To bind your hands and feet or whatever would be necessary to restrain someone from unlocking the car door from the backseat and running far enough away on foot to disappear in the darkness of the night.
  624. >That's at least the setting you have to go off of when you briefly drift awake and peer around at your surroundings.
  625. >Hearing a soft chorus of talking and light giggling, not sure how much of this is a dream or hallucination.
  626. >The sky outside was a deep blue for a moment before the flashing lights of cars at the stoplight outside the windshield revealed the pitch blackness that surrounded the car you're in with the three Apple women.
  627. >Or actually, four of them.
  628. >Because Apple Leaves, Apple Dumpling and Aunt Orange all sit around you in the back seat of the car.
  629. >Someone has to be driving, and they're talking in a clearly feminine voice just like them.
  630. >This has to be the aforementioned Cherry Jubilee speaking to everyone in the back seat of the car.
  631. >"I guess someone had fun celebrating his 21st birthday." Cherry Jubilee glances over at the small mountain of luggage in the passenger seat that didn't fit inside the trunk, making sure it doesn't fall over.
  632. >"He has a long road of discovering the responsibility that comes with drinking ahead of him." Apple Leaves smirks to her side at you.
  633. >They start to converse about how Aunt Orange and Apple Leaves have "been down that road before" as you rest on the car seat drained under the guise of drunkenness.
  634. >"Our cider recipe keeps converting more and more of the younger generation." Apple Dumpling proudly declares. "They keep on switching to enjoying what we all learned to make."
  635. >"I can't say I don't wonder how y'all do it." Cherry comments. "Whatever that's come over him this time must have been something unlike anything he's had before."
  636. >"He's a happy young man, that's for sure." Apple Leaves recognizes the satisfied glint in your eyes that appears every time an orange street lamp is rushed by beside the car window.
  637. >She's had that same look in her eyes almost two decades ago when she was around your age, thought it was for a different reason.
  638. >The real reason is something Cherry Jubilee isn't aware of yet.
  639. >Yet.
  640. >You're awake enough to give coherent answers as they ask you how your time at their family reunion went, with Cherry's questions the only ones that don't serve as a cover for something... wonderfully sinister that has taken place earlier tonight.
  641. >Inside the car, the air conditioning is turned up due to it feeling hotter and hotter inside.
  642. >Aunt Orange fans herself with her hand, watching the condensation collect on the window with a murkiness that tries to interrupt the orange lights from outside from seeping in.
  643. >"I don't remember today being so hot." Cherry Jubilee starts to complain from the driver's seat.
  644. >She places her hand over the vent to make sure it's working properly. "Let alone tonight."
  645. >"I'm sure it's nothing." Apple Dumpling shrugs with the new straps over her shoulders barely clinging onto her.
  646. >Cherry Jubilee didn't question much when the others got into the car; it was dark enough outside to cover most of everything up.
  647. >It was a lucky occurrence that Uncle Orange wanted to hang out at a local bar with a few friends later tonight, probably having "guy talk" or something right now as Aunt Orange went to Cherry's place again for reasons he didn't care to inquire about.
  648. >"So, Anon. Have ya ever had a better apple pie?" Apple Dumpling asks you.
  649. >Apple Leaves and Aunt Orange start to glances implicitly at you, but it has nothing to do with the question.
  650. "That was so good that I don't think I've truly had apple pie until tonight." You speak as fluently as you can.
  651. >That sentence felt longer to say than it actually was.
  652. >You're so low on stamina that you're bound to become out of breath solely from talking.
  653. >Aunt Orange, meanwhile, has something she still needs to let out of her heart.
  654. >And seeing that you faded awake was just the thing she needed to start feeling hotter and hotter inside of her haphazardly thrown on new set of clothes that don't fit her properly.
  655. >It was too much of a rush to find something that properly covered her up in public, but she had to put something on.
  656. >A bright red dress that was probably designed for a petite girl in her early to mid 20s, not a curvy woman in her late 30s to early 40s.
  657. >The fabric's slit on the side doesn't do a lot to cover her soft thighs, nor does the top of the front do much to cover her even softer cleavage.
  658. >Despite the small size of this dress, Aunt Orange *still* feels hot inside of her clothes, and the other women in the car can sense the heat increasing too.
  659. >Including Cherry Jubilee as the condensation on the windshield catches her attention now.
  660. >Checking the mirror to see if her makeup isn't getting messed up, she begins to breathe more heavily, not feeling like this heat inside the car is coming from deep within her core instead of a faulty air vent.
  661. >"I don't know what's going on but I feel really... hot right now." Apple Leaves takes a deep breath, pretending she doesn't know why.
  662. >The traffic light in front of the car turns green.
  663. >Seeing a green glow doesn't scare you anymore, but this one is especially non-alarming since it's not even the kind of green glow you're slightly reminded of.
  664. >As the car passes under the traffic light, you have it dawn upon you that the whole reason you went to a Caribbean island for vacation in the first place was to get out of town.
  665. >Because your life was full of nothingness and bullshit you wanted no part in.
  666. >How stupid was it of you to them sit on the beach and mope anyway?
  667. >Candy and Chryssy did you a fucking favor by kidnapping you and re-wiring your brain to get so horny all the time... emphasis on "fucking".
  668. >The world is so much more interesting this way.
  669. >...This might just be the magic talking, however it got to not only you but these women as well.
  670. >Something that's so potent that it not only blocks your judgement in the heat of the moment, but *redirects* your judgement *outside* of the heat of the moment, is some dangerous stuff.
  671. >And whether you're inside or outside of the heat of the moment might be changing right now, because Aunt Orange is fixing to drag you right back into the heat of the moment even with Cherry Jubilee right here in the car with you.
  672. >You feel a curious hand stroke the side of your arm.
  673. >Aunt Orange's mouth curves up into a familiar mischievous grin towards you.
  674. >The three apple women from the guest bedroom didn't put a lot of effort into making your outfit presentable for the public based off of what was available to them.
  675. >A misfitting pair of jeans and a lazily buttoned up shirt was all they needed to walk out of the house alongside you with.
  676. >Cherry Jubilee keeps her eyes on the road while turning onto a smaller side street, making everyone in the back seat sway to one side, with Aunt Orange seizing the opportunity to start doing something naughty.
  677. >You jump a little bit with a surge of electric-feeling excitement flowing back into you as her hand can be felt slithering around your back to your other side.
  678. >Something inside of you is waken back up upon this beyond-friendly contact.
  679. >Now you can really register the heat inside this car you've been hearing the apple ladies talking about as well.
  680. >The gap at your lower back is easily breached.
  681. >Aunt Orange felt your bare skin and snaked her fingers underneath the rim of your misfitting pants.
  682. >You’re not even entirely sure what you’re wearing, but your captor is breaching your clothing.
  683. >Try to scoot away as if you have anywhere to escape to.
  684. >Apple Dumpling and Apple Leaves on your other side block your path and restrain your waist back into place where Aunt Orange is playfully molesting you.
  685. >Her adventurous hand is at your bare hip, fingers running circles along your skin.
  686. >Apple Leaves reaches over to restrain your wrists.
  687. >Everyone in the back seat does this just out of sight if where Cherry Jubilee can see it through the rear view mirror.
  688. >”Well I’m glad we were able to catch up, Anon.” Cherry continues focusing on the road. “Ah can see you’ve warmed up to us nicely. Glad to hear ya liked the apple pie as much as we do.”
  689. “Heh, was my pleasure…” You feel more happening.
  690. >The loose pair of underwear you have on proves to be even easier to breach than the pants they’re inside of.
  691. >The side already generously slipped down enough for Aunt Orange’s hand to tease your hip, but now her fingers jut down the area between your upper thigh and the beginning of your abdomen… ambushing hand already fully underneath your underwear and advancing upon your crotch.
  692. >”Does it feel hot in here to you?” Cherry quickly fans herself with her hand then returns to the steering wheel.
  693. >”Maybe it’s just us.” Aunt Orange doesn’t feel like making up anything convincing anymore.
  694. >Her hand finds your balls first, and proceeds to play with them as your reflexive reaction to tend your own hands to the uninvited party is held back at your wrists.
  695. >Apple Leaves and Apple Dumpling do their part in holding either of your arms back.
  696. >Apple Leaves reaching behind you to grasp your arm that was closer to Aunt Orange.
  697. >Apple Dumpling holds your other arm in her grip even further away.
  698. >You’re restrained in this leaning-over position, defenseless as Aunt Orange continues to move your balls around with her fingers.
  699. >Pupils contracting with worry at first, you glance over at her blushing face, close enough to yours to grace your face with her hot breaths that rush out of her lip biting grin…
  700. >Her focused eyes silently tell you “I’ll be gentle, I’ll be gentle with your balls” with her hand having successfully invaded your loose underwear.
  701. >You feel her thumb humbly brush over the base of your shaft while her four fingers feel up how packed and ready your balls already are once again.
  702. >She’s getting a good feel of your load, and can sense your member get stiff against her thumb agitating it to the warmth the ball fondling has spread.
  703. >”Say, y’all alright back there?” Cherry caught a glimpse of the way you all are sitting.
  704. >”We’re fine… we’re all fine~” Aunt Orange locks gazes with you.
  705. >She appreciatively follows your gaze as you leer her chest.
  706. >Her other hand is greedily tugging at your misfitting pants.
  707. >And the jolts from the car on the road can be seen in the slight bounce of Aunt Orange’s cleavage every time a passing by street lamp shines it’s orange glow upon her.
  708. >Her impatience grows and forces the waistband of your pants off your hips.
  709. >”What’s going on back there?” Cherry Jubilee begins to pick up on the not-so-secret party going on.
  710. >The party that was forced into your easily breachable pants and underwear that had been chosen for you.
  711. >Your member responsively grows harder and harder against Aunt Orange’s eager fingers playing with your heavy balls.
  712. >Her motions can be felt finally moving up the underside of your stiffening shaft as it starts standing all the way up for her.
  713. >Her eyes light up like a shark that just tasted blood directly on its teeth.
  714. >There’s still no part of you that even wants to cry for help as Cherry Jubilee quizzically examines the situation through the mirror.
  715. >Your eyes go back to Aunt Orange’s juicy bare cleavage jiggling to the jolts of the car.
  716. >She’s still pushing her soft boobies together in the revealing top of that little red strapless dress as her one-handed efforts to strip you bottomless intensify with success.
  717. >Aunt Orange’s other hand coils her fingers around your hardening, standing shaft and gives the meaty length a few encouraging rubs to irresistibly excite your erection into a full mast.
  718. “I…” you meekly gasp, knowing Cherry doesn’t know what you would have meant anyway.
  719. >Cherry Jubilee on the other hand senses that same heat spreading through her core.
  720. >The car slows down as hope to outrun raw arousal is hampered by a humidity that makes all the windows fog up even further…
  721. >You watch Aunt Orange inadvertently shake her big sexy tits for you, barely inside the slipping top of her strapless red dress.
  722. >You can barely make out Aunt Orange’s light areolae peeking out as the top of her dress slips down further to her soft D cup breasts swaying and bouncing too much to stay under the fabric as she “secretly” masturbates you~
  723. >Cherry Jubilee can’t process any words that want to come out.
  724. >Her face just glows a bright red as she pulls the car over only to fan herself with an unintentional lip bite giving away her interest in the moment.
  725. >She knew it couldn’t just be the black sweater she’s wearing.
  726. >Her hand starts for the locked door handle but seems to have a mind of its own, when she finds herself slowly rubbing on her crotch through her pants instead.
  727. >Her other hand adjusts the mirror to angle down at the hot display she’s lightheadedly discovering.
  728. >Figures she'll just take a look at what's going on for good measure...
  729. >Something she really wants to make sure she sees.
  730. >She wonders why she isn’t saying anything, but can’t help but focus on making this rubbing on her crotch feel as sexy and fun as the party in the backseat looks.
  731. >Apple Leaves and Apple Dumpling hold your arms back and make you arch your back into Aunt Orange and her predatory advances.
  732. >The car has been pulled over somewhere out of sight into a tight space.
  733. >The windows are fogged up as heat and hot aroused breaths fill the car.
  734. >All accompanied by the wet sounds of two apple women slowly but devilishly kissing up and down your neck with deviantly grinning lips, and one more proving she’s actually not wearing panties under her red dress that now escaped her naked swaying breasts~
  735. >Aunt Orange enjoys the taste of her own medicine she previously gave to Apple Leaves as your arms are sturdily held back to channel your horny want elsewhere on your body.
  736. >The lack of friction from Aunt Orange’s already slippery vulva encourages your glans she made leak a bead of precum to penetrate between them with sleek dexterity.
  737. >You stare Cherry Jubilee right in her eyes as Aunt Orange fully envelops your erect cock and begins making the parked car rock to the wet plapping noises.
  738. >The stationary wheels aren't going anywhere anymore, trapped in place as you're trapped underneath Aunt Orange.
  739. >You obediently thrust your hips against Aunt Orange’s motions, then with them, finding rhythm with her curvy and soft barely-clothed body that gives in to the excitement.
  740. >All intention to keep the charade up or the sin a secret has been tossed out the window.
  741. >Everyone knows what this is… even Cherry herself is unbuttoning her pants with an attentive stare watching your proud romp prolong the mutual feedback loop of excited desire.
  742. >Aunt Orange could no longer keep her breathy aroused moans in any longer anyway.
  743. >Now with your jolting member encouraging her walls to welcome it harder with a few happily gripping spasms.
  744. >All the little emotions spill out of secrecy at once.
  745. >You *openly* lock your lips onto Aunt Orange’s big light-colored nipple, gliding your thirsty tongue along her tanginess and working your mouth on her skin.
  746. >It catches Aunt Orange by pleasant surprise, drawing a horny gasp out of her as her big light tasty nipples stiffen against your sincere oral submission upon them one at a time.
  747. >Cherry Jubilee’s fingers breached her own panties.
  748. >She feels a soothing shock from her fingers rubbing against her clit that draws deep aroused breathes from her lungs.
  749. >Aunt Orange plaps you with no relent, demanding to receive that thick load she sensed while playing around with your heavy balls.
  750. >What was pushed around in your sack by her fingers now erupts out of your balls and through your shaft.
  751. >This tasty orange gets filled up with spurts of hot cream.
  752. >Your excited oral ministrations upon Aunt Orange’s naked breasts, upon her bare nipples, are rewarded for their efforts with her own creaminess squirting out at your needy command~
  753. >Aunt Orange’s sexy light nipples can’t keep it in any longer and squirt warm breast milk into your excitedly suckling mouth.
  754. >Her big soft breasts push inward and outward against against your face to her deep passionate breaths you're causing.
  755. >Apple Dumpling and Apple Leaves could feel you cumming buckets through reading the spasms of your body.
  756. >They let go of your arms and embrace your body after feeling you finish.
  757. >Two pairs of huge breasts on either side of you press inward like the softest vice that ever was, but you crumble under your own horny weakness anyway.
  758. >Any semblance of question or protest left simply flattened and no more as your suckling on Aunt Orange's sweet titties continues at her own physical insistence by pushing her soft breasts against you more.
  759. >For the next few minutes, the four of you in the back are now a quietly giggling and moaning mess of sexual entanglement together.
  760. >Quickly stripping eachother naked to enjoy one another's hot slippery bodies to the fullest extent.
  761. >With glistening sweat on her face and neck, Cherry Jubilee in the driver's seat can’t get her hand out of her panties, no longer bothering to fan herself off as her hesitating mind keeps fumbling on the road to an escape plan.
  762. >Her pair of lacy black panties acts as velvet shackles until an ambush of hands from the backseat decides that she’s wearing too much.
  763. >Deciding that she's joining in on the fun.
  764. >Many hands ambush her position, reclining her seat and unbuckling her seatbelt.
  765. >Grabbing her beneath her arms before she can sit back up and hauling her away from the steering wheel... Cherry Jubilee barely even thinks to kick her feet in resistance.
  766. >A cluster of horny hands pulling her to the back drag Cherry Jubilee’s black sweater up her smooth bare midriff and expose her soft tummy.
  767. >Her foot hits up against some of the dials and switches before the dashboard, causing the often forgotten sun roof to slide open like a chimney letting the intense heat from a fire below out into the cool night air.
  768. >They go further and pull the bottom of it scrunched up past her black lacy bra as she twists her curvy exposed torso around atop Aunt Orange’s lap.
  769. >Aunt Orange unlatches the back of Cherry Jubilee’s bra so you can easily pull her bra cups out of the way.
  770. >Cherry Jubilee squeals out in excited confusion as she gets pulled up against everyone, closed in on and groped all over her decreasingly clothed body.
  771. >More and more of her smooth skin becomes subject to the groping that makes her feel good in ways she realizes can't argue with on the inside.
  772. >Her panties don’t cling to her round, delectable hips for long…
  773. >You discover just how great Cherry Jubilee's body is after her top is brought to only her wrists and her pants brought to only her ankles.
  774. >Your hands glide along her soft thighs even as they glisten with heat-induced friction, moving up towards where her panties are made looser by the straps.
  775. >Cherry Jubilee twists her soft curvaceous body in confusion less and less after it is explored for long enough by hands that stripped her naked.
  776. >She's held down just the same as you were, with her arms restrained and unable to express her immediate urges and reactions with them as you are finally the one to be on top.
  777. >You show her exactly what these other three women have taught you to do as you lovingly mount yourself between her thighs, ready to slide your manmeat into her cherry that has been gradually reminded of the love it needs every once in a while.
  778. >"Anon..." Cherry Jubilee stares up at you, arching her back the best she can and letting her heaving naked tits sway as her nipples stiffen pointing up at you.
  779. "I'm... glad I met you too..." You surge your hips forward slowly and deliberately, not even hesitating when your tip meets her wet softness she generously got nice and lubricated for you.
  780. >Cherry's eyes shoot wide open as she feels you hungrily enter her.
  781. >Her voice turns into a low moan of approval in reaction to your length, her body goes back to twisting but only to provide an outlet for the raw sexual energy your touch lathers onto her when you grab her bare breasts with a hearty squeeze.
  782. >The car rocks back and forth once more, filled with damp heat making the windows too opaque to see anything through, shielding your dance of sin from view of the world.
  783. >The entire world, except for one or two.
  784. >Chryssy watches from above through the open sunroof, having been perched atop the car the whole time.
  785. >Her pleased eyes were met with a pleasant surprise when she saw the sun roof opening for her just by chance, no longer needing to be invisible to the victims.
  786. >Her presence can be known to the vacant-mindedly horny.
  787. >She openly watches in giddiness with a wicked smirk from the top view of you plowing Cherry Jubilee from below.
  788. >Willingly by choice, not even with the need for her lust magic anymore.
  789. ~
  791. Continued: after line 3089

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey