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Vampire Queen Chrysalis

By Grey
Created: 2022-11-01 03:36:22
Updated: 2024-04-06 23:12:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >The sky is getting dark.
  2. >You're driving down the interstate after the previous toll booth practically robbed you of all your cash except like three dollars.
  3. >Looking at how high the gas prices went up, betting on soon seeing a lower number out of luck if you keep driving.
  4. >THAT many dollars a gallon, holy shit.
  5. >It's okay, it'll go back down again in two weeks.
  6. >At least you have your credit card to fill the tank up with as you turn off the off-ramp.
  7. >You’ve already been on E for almost an hour after driving literally all day.
  8. >Stupid cancelled flight.
  9. >Wait a minute, that wasn't the off-ramp to the city bypass, that was the off ramp to 34th street.
  10. >These are only a couple of the reasons why you're forced to be in this situation to begin with.
  11. >Apartment townhomes looking almost like commie blocs are nearby.
  12. >That was supposed to be the bypass getting you AWAY from this shit as soon as you saw them!
  13. >Why did the GPS fuck you over like this?
  14. >Desperately look for another on-ramp back to the highway so you can at least go back the other way a little bit so you're not in this part of town.
  15. >The first was under construction/renovation.
  16. >Engine starts making sputtering sounds of weakness.
  17. >The sky gets darker.
  18. >There's a gas station right there.
  19. >Pull in and do what you need to do to fill the tank back up, ready to accept the bill.
  20. >Card declined.
  21. >What the fuck, why?
  22. >This is THE most inconvenient time for your bank to pull this shit.
  23. >Is it because you're making a purchase far from home?
  24. >Is it because another payment needs verification that it was you?
  25. >Did they see what you said online?
  26. >The wait time to speak to a live representative on the phone might be too long to be sitting in a beat up hood parking lot, in a waaaaay less beat up looking car.
  27. >Nevermind, the bank is closed at this time anyway.
  28. >Your gun in the glove compartment only has so many bullets.
  29. >The sky gets even darker.
  30. >Use up the last three dollars in cash you have on gas.
  31. >But this means you have to pay inside.
  32. >So in your go after planning to fill the tank up with the tiny amount of gas that should be just enough to get you out of armed robbery zone for the night.
  33. >It's gonna be F U N sleeping in your car then calling your bank first thing in the morning.
  34. >Look over your shoulder every ten seconds, this is not the time nor place to relax.
  35. >There's someone across the street having a bad hair day, looking right at you.
  36. >They have a friend with them.
  37. >There's no cashier or anyone working inside when you enter.
  38. "Hello? I need to fill up my car."
  39. >Someone in the back shuffles around as you keep peering out the window.
  43. >The way the gas station cashier walks towards you with his head lowered and eyes glaring at you make you back away slightly.
  44. >But he then goes behind the counter. "You locked your doors, right?"
  45. >Look outside again to see bad hair day and friend sitting on the curb next to your car.
  46. >The door is locked but your gun is still in there.
  47. >No transaction you ever made in your life has ever been done this fast.
  48. >If you think that was fast then wait till you break the world record of quickly driving out of somewhere.
  49. "H-hey!" You burst out of the gas station, wishing you sounded less scared.
  50. >Bad hair day glares right at you then stands up and walks away, followed by the friend.
  51. >It was clear as you that you spent very little time filling up, and that you paid cash for it inside.
  52. >Anyone with street smarts can put the pieces together: your relatively nice looking car ain't goin' far.
  53. >The divider on the road forced you to drive further away from the highway before turning around.
  54. >Nothing really happened yet, so it's not like you can call the cops.
  55. >You DO have nearby friends to call, right?
  56. >Anyway, your three dollars of gas gets you just far enough to know for sure you should no longer in armed robbery zone, bad hair day be damned.
  57. >This semi-rural semi-residential area has a tiny convenience store that includes a gas station.
  58. >You park in an abandoned parking lot that's next to it.
  59. >Parking anywhere else would be too far from the gas station to get your car to before your last drop of gas you have left is gone.
  60. >A little down the road closer to the highway on-ramp is what looks like a liquor store though it might not be; you didn't even pay attention to it the first time you drove past it.
  61. >Because across the highway from it, perched high up on top of a distant hill, is the decaying roof of what must be an abandoned mansion or something, concealed by lots of trees.
  62. >You saw it earlier and can still see the spooky looking outline of the roof from here for another minute or two before the sky finishes darkening.
  63. >Keep your phone charged, you'll need it.
  64. >Deciding against having gas station sushi for breakfast, you fall asleep in the back bench with the doors locked.
  65. ~
  68. >Along with the occasional faint sound of the overnight 18wheelers passing by in the distance, crickets chirp outside; it's still way too early for birds to start joining in yet.
  69. >Wake up a couple of times out of the back bench's lack of being like a bed.
  70. >Start wondering about things as you lie awake trying to get back to sleep.
  71. >Bad hair day didn't look like he owned a car, and there's no possible way he walked all the way out here just to rob you, that shit's not walking distance, it’s driving distance.
  72. >You can't stop thinking about him and his tattered clothes, his dirty face, etc.
  73. >Maybe you'll still dream about him and think he's right outside your car before your brain wakes all the way up.
  74. >You're just glad you didn't become another statistic; the kind a lot of the news doesn't talk as much about despite the number being higher.
  75. >Honestly, you could -maybe- take him in a fistfight, unless he's hopped up on crack or something.
  76. >And you got a gun in case something goes awry for you.
  77. >Keep wondering about all of this on and off as you drift in and out of sleep.
  78. >Eventually stop thinking about it completely and fall half-asleep again to the crickets chirping outside in the pitch blackness.
  79. >This goes on for what's probably close to an hour, maybe more.
  80. >They all suddenly stop, which relieves you because now it's easier to sleep.
  81. >Some more time must have passed, because you know you've been asleep for at least a couple of minutes.
  82. >By happenstance, you slightly squint your eyes open once more like you've been doing occasionally for the past couple of hours.
  83. >An unnaturally tall, dark silhouette stands right outside the opposite car window, leaning over with two dimly glowing green eyes glaring into the car right at you.
  84. "FUCK!" Your heart jumps and you kick the door.
  85. >This one's hair is different, drooping down in long dreadful locks, past thin arms perched on the side of the car.
  86. >Squirm around and fumble your way out the back door on your side.
  87. >No, you didn't stay inside the vehicle.
  88. >No, you didn't go for the glove compartment.
  89. >Your natural fight-or-flight response forced you into the latter before you had time to think about anything.
  90. >It's not until after you got to your feet and ran a few steps did you remember your gun.
  91. >Turn around and the figure is STILL there.
  92. >Towering above the other side of your car, swaying back and forth with those glowing green eyes.
  93. "What the fuck?!" You grunt and continue backing away before fleeing once more.
  94. >Out of the parking lot and into the tall grass in the darkness.
  99. >Had it not been for your car's interior light turning on because of the opened door, you wouldn't see where your car is, because the figure has now vanished into the pitch black night.
  100. >Hiding behind tall blades of grass, you have never felt so hunted.
  101. >Shiver in terror as the night breeze creeps up behind you.
  102. >Minutes pass, and your fatigue inevitably starts setting in once more.
  103. >But it's still somewhat held at bay due to your current situation.
  104. >Stare back out at the car, often looking around in all directions for those eyes.
  105. >The howling of the wind picks up and makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
  106. >Do you just... go back to the car?
  107. >...
  108. >After what feels like forever waiting for something else to happen, you decide enough's enough and step back onto the cracked, lumpy asphalt of the abandoned parking lot.
  109. >The bits of grass growing through it are nowhere remotely close enough to shield you from view.
  110. >Your legs become weak and shaky.
  111. >The dead silence of the night no longer has the chirping of crickets at all.
  112. >Keep looking around your car for that tall figure.
  113. >Nothing can be seen inside of your car; there's no way that thing could be in there without being seen.
  114. >Keep walking towards the lit up interior of your car surrounded by the near pitch blackness of night.
  115. >Only now have your eyes adjusted do you spot the distant street lamps that are too far away to run to in less than a whole minute of running through darkness.
  116. >Even if you did run to them, where would you go then?
  117. >There aren't even any overnight truckers driving by right now, unless you get lucky.
  118. >Only now that your brain woke up all the way do you realize that the convenience store you're next to is completely dark now as well.
  119. >How much gas do you have left?
  120. >Is it even enough to drive down the street a little?
  121. >Either way, standing out here in the open is a stupid move.
  122. >You break for it and get back into your car, slamming the door behind you.
  123. >Make sure five times that the doors are all locked, then go straight for that glove compartment after leaping into the driver's seat.
  124. >It feels so much better to hold your gun in your hand.
  125. >You take a deep breath and turn the key to the ignition.
  126. >Nothing.
  127. >Not even the fluttering of the engine failing to start, just nothing.
  128. >You know for a fact your car didn't run out of battery too; something's horribly wrong.
  129. >As you glance at the rear view mirror for a split second, you see a pair of green eyes glancing right back at you.
  130. >The darkness of the closed up care makes it hard to easily see, but it’s the face of a woman, smiling unnaturally wide across her face with drapes of blue-green hair running down her face.
  134. >You freeze for a second at the sight, unable to move as if her piercing glare turned you to stone.
  135. >In the very next instant, you let out an ear piercing scream, jolt yourself forward and try your best to aim your gun towards the backseat where she is.
  136. >A sudden slim but strong hand grabs your wrist and pulls your arm into the back of the car.
  137. >You shriek at the top of your lungs, trying to pull the trigger but can't because you forgot to take the safety off.
  138. >The woman was absolutely NOT a hallucination, she grabs you and pulls you closer to herself, easily so since you weren't wearing your seatbelt.
  139. >You flail and panic as much as your body allows you to do so, screaming and hollering in horror with your armed arm in the tight clutch of this evil lady with glowing green eyes.
  140. >Your free hand does not have access to your gun unless you turn around completely to reach it.
  141. >Try to hit her but miss every time; watching her move your inner forearm towards her grinning smile of sharp teeth you just noticed.
  142. >Try to pull away even harder before she can sink her teeth into you, but her hold on your arm is too strong.
  143. >Scream in bloodcurdling agony, suddenly feeing a sharp stinging pain on your upper forearm like ten IV needles at once.
  144. >You tremble and bleed like an animal being eaten alive by its natural predator, powerless to save yourself from your occurring injury.
  145. >Let out more horrified screeches and cries, dropping your gun completely as your entire arm tenses up from the absolutely unbearable pain.
  146. >Begin to get choked up with tears in your eyes, feeling all of your strength drain from your body.
  147. >She continues to pull you around the driver's seat and closer to herself, now with less panicked resistance as your blood trickles and splatters all over the side of the seat and below.
  148. >She puts her other hand behind your head as you desperately try to pull away and escape.
  149. >Frantic whimpers escape you as your feet kick the steering wheel and cause the car's horn to honk, but there's no way anyone is around to hear it.
  150. >You can't get her to let go of you, but you pull and pull anyway for dear life.
  151. >Her terrifying smiling face is now inches from yours, those glaring eyes locked onto you.
  152. >No matter how loud you scream and wish this was all a dream, it doesn't cease.
  153. >Fucking DO SOMETHING
  154. >Kick the windshield out, pick your gun back up, ANYTHING
  155. >Fear and confusion overtake you, filling you with reasonless panic and squirming just like that wounded animal you KNOW you are.
  156. >More and more of your energy drains away, and you get extremely dizzy and suddenly feel like you're about to pass out.
  157. >Like her bite had potent venom in it.
  161. >It's a whole lot easier for her to yank you all the way into the back seat with her.
  162. >You're really beginning to become disoriented, completely at her mercy.
  163. >"Don't worry, you'll love me in due time." Her chilling, two-toned voice sounds.
  164. >You honestly can't even respond.
  165. >Just lie there on your back, mind spinning and at a loss for rational thought anymore, breathing heavily but gradually more slowly as she positions herself on top of you, face to face with you.
  166. >Her hot breath has some odd sweetness to it, and it calms you like some sort of novocaine.
  167. >In your mind, you're still resisting, but you just don't know how to translate it into physically resisting anymore.
  168. >Something in her sudden unexpected kiss on the lips forced you to forget.
  169. >Her mouth is coated in your blood, and you're forced to taste it.
  170. >The longer she kisses you... the better the taste of your blood becomes.
  171. >She breaks the kiss, and your eyes have finally adjusted enough to make out her rather revealing attire inside the dark locked car.
  172. >An excessively loose-and-open-at-the-top dress falling off of her shoulders is the only thing she seems to have on at all aside some sort of lone detached turtleneck collar.
  173. >Her fully exposed cleavage freely entices you out in the open, with her dress so loose and open that her nipples are almost slipping out and you can see the top of her abdomen too.
  174. >Can't stop staring at her excessively exposed chest, despite the pain in your arm that still lingers.
  175. >But the pain has been weirdly numbing, and became less noticeable.
  176. >She site you up against the side door, and directs your hands to her warm soft breasts to keep your attention aroused and on her before you can reach the door handle.
  177. >She kisses your lips again, sedating you with her tongue and saliva.
  178. >There is absolutely nothing you can think to do to escape, but your keep trying to think of a way out of this before she does anything else to you.
  179. >Your arm has miraculously stopped bleeding, and the way you're registering and processing everything happening to you becomes more and more jumbled and confused.
  180. >It's like your brain itself is shutting down, left with only this sudden arousal this monster lady is actively planting into you through her deep tongue kisses and other advances.
  181. >After another couple of minutes, your instincts prompt you to start kissing her back, no longer remembering what fear even is at the moment.
  182. >You're not even sure what your own name is right now; you've completely forgotten your own name.
  183. >The urge to escape still persists in your mind, but you have no idea how you're going to pull it off at this point.
  187. "Please..." You finally begin to beg, quietly blubbering the words out through quivering lips.
  188. >"Silence." Commands Vampire Queen Chrysalis before going back to enjoying her prey she trapped in the cramped backseat of his car with her.
  189. >Her prey is no longer resisting, bringing her to phase two of her love-feast.
  190. >She deepens and deepens her long kisses into your mouth, making your eyes roll back as your brain scrambles while hopeless to think of an escape.
  191. >You don't know when it was when you lost consciousness.
  192. ~
  193. >Awaken with your head on its side atop a pillow, your other side of your face facing the ceiling.
  194. >The sky outside is now pale gray in complete overcast clouds.
  195. >It's probably sometime in the afternoon.
  196. >A sound woke you up.
  197. >Oh thank fucking god, it was all just a nightmare.
  198. >But... you don't recognize this bedroom window.
  199. >In fact, you don't recognize this room at all.
  200. >The sound that woke you up was wet slapping noises and the bed springs creaking.
  201. >Slowly face your field of view upwards and in front of yourself as you lie on your back.
  202. >It wasn't a dream.
  203. >Queen Chrysalis is positioned on top of you, riding and hopping up and down on top of your pelvic area.
  204. >Completely naked, big soft breasts bouncing in sync with her movements as she persistently humps you.
  205. >"Look who's finally awake." She says with a giggle.
  206. >Your full erection is already balls deep inside of her, already stimulated to the point of being on the edge of climax.
  207. "N-no... wait..."
  208. >Chrysalis moans and bites her lips, only humping you faster and breaking down the last of your restraint you didn't know you had left.
  209. >It was already too late, she got you before you could do anything about it.
  210. >You feel yourself begin to ejaculate, unable to go back now.
  211. >"Gimme your babies, slave." Chrysalis insistently prompts you to release loads of your seed into her cervix. "You're just like me, now."
  212. >...
  213. >You have been taken to that abandoned mansion on top of the hill.
  214. >After Chrysalis had turned you into a vampire such as herself.
  215. >And she has just begun the process of rearranging your genetics as she gets you to impregnate her so she can raise offspring.
  216. >At first, you're dazed and confused, but your mind slowly begins to find acceptance as Chrysalis's pheromones override your very nature in favor of hers.
  217. >You gradually become a loyal subject to a fabled shapeshifting vampire queen who's in need of a new army.
  218. >As for what happened to her old army of vampires, that's a backstory for another time.
  219. >But as for right now:
  220. >She is now your queen.
  221. >You are now her concubine.
  222. >…
  223. >As you lie there in the large bed of this master bedroom, you stare outside at the blackened scribble of messy twigs and tree branches against the darkening overcast sky.
  224. >Feeling absolutely drained and checking the wound on your arm, or rather what’s left of the wound if there is anything left at all.
  225. >It seems to have completely healed, and you’re more than ready to get yourself out of here as Chrysalis is off in another room doing something.
  226. >But this window won’t open.
  227. >You’re so desperately hellbent on trying to get out of here any way you can that you have no idea how you’re going to do what you’ve already started doing.
  228. >Pulling and tugging and struggling with the window sill to no avail.
  229. >Surveying the walls for a secret corridor or something - anything.
  230. >Don’t want to check to see if the door is locked; it might make noise and alert Chrysalis if she happens to be within earshot, which is more than possible.
  231. >Maybe the window is actually able to slide up but you’re too weak to do it.
  232. >The way you’ve been hobbling around this room is the best indication that you have no energy whatsoever.
  233. >Chrysalis drained it all from you.
  234. >Part of you is still in shock from what happened to you, not really reacting but taking it all in as you lie down on the bed again.
  235. >Every time you try to feel horror and disgust from being so violated, something in your mind cancels it out.
  236. >Some sort of… adoration for Chrysalis.
  237. >Not even something like forgiveness, just acceptance through a retroactive enjoyment.
  238. >You didn’t even realize you fell asleep back onto the bed.
  239. ~
  240. >”You better be ready for your assignment.”
  241. >Immediately jolt awake at the double toned voice, getting a sudden rush of energy solely due to hearing it.
  242. >It looks like mid afternoon now.
  243. >”Not too far away in a neighboring county, there is a school.”
  244. >You can’t see where she is.
  245. “Wha…” Your eyes begin darting around for an escape, since your body got this newfound energy out of nowhere.
  246. >It’s so… electrifying.
  247. >You suddenly feel like you can fly, or run faster than a car.
  248. >The window looks really breakable right now, and you start over to it before a hand grabs you by the forearm.
  249. >Turn to look in the same direction the voice came from.
  250. >It’s your queen.
  251. >You don’t know how you automatically know this, but you do.
  252. >But it’s the only thing you know, as the sight of her super open top boasting her soft swaying chest puts you under something that forces you to forget everything about breaking the window.
  253. >You begin to stammer like an idiot, unable to look away by instinct to not get caught before a girl would catch you eyeing her tits.
  254. “I-I… uh…”
  255. >”You’ll be able to walk over there for me.”
  256. “…What’s the address?” You feel the question bubble out of you like you’re on autopilot, with your eyes still glued to Chrysalis’s on-display chest.
  257. >She hands you a slip of paper and sends you on your way in less than a minute.
  258. >And just like that, you’re doing her bidding.
  259. >Out of nowhere, like she’s assumed direct control over your mind after she bit that gnarly wound into your arm.
  260. >That wound that has now completely healed somehow.
  261. >Almost as surprisingly, your clothes have been cleaned and made to look neater, likely when you weren’t conscious.
  262. >A bit of an unnecessary measure, unless it implies she’s done even more with you.
  263. >And she obviously plans to do more, as you find that your phone has been charged, probably from another location while you were out since this house doesn’t appear to have electricity.
  264. >You feel Chrysalis’s stern hand pushing at your back, herding you out the door with your phone for directions to the address on the slip of paper.
  265. “Is my arm gonna be okay?” You croak.
  266. >”Our kind heals with very convenient speed.” She replies, closing the door not before saying one last thing. “Go there and bite the principal.”
  267. >The command firmly sets itself into your mind as you obediently begin walking down the hill.
  268. >What did she mean, ‘bite’?
  269. >What did she mean ‘our kind’?
  270. >After feeling around your mouth with your tongue, you feel a difference in your incisors; they’re beginning to become more prominent.
  271. >It starts to piece itself together in your mind as your new energy helps you stay on track to this address without getting tired from walking so much.
  272. >If this is what you think it is, then why aren’t you bursting into flames like in the movies?
  273. >Is there something you’re missing here?
  274. >Continue along the edge of the main roads after getting away from the loud highway.
  275. >Looking like some sort of deranged hitchhiker strutting along the busted up sidewalk next to tall grass.
  276. >The image of Chrysalis’s chest finally seeps down into the back of your mind, away from immediate envisioning status, and you can feel your suspiciously sudden loyalty to her dwindling.
  277. >Starting to walk back into another direction.
  278. >You soon go back to the parking lot in search for your car; but it’s been towed at some point between that fateful night and now.
  279. >Well ain’t that some pretty shit?
  280. >You don’t really have that much of a choice now, unless walking to a police station is an option, which is the option you choose.
  281. >Just enter their custody and surely they have a way to take care of stray people even if it means keeping you safe inside of a jail cell with your phone in a desk drawer of theirs somewhere.
  282. >Then they’ll eventually ID you and get you back home and yadda yadda yadda, it’s the cops.
  283. >Fuck this random ass “mission” Chrysalis wants to put you on.
  284. >Go to some high school and bite the principal?
  285. >She’s bit you, why can she do it herself?
  286. >You want to try to stop her before she CAN do it herself.
  287. >Start searching on your phone for police stations, car impound lots, etc.
  288. >You find all the information you’ll need.
  289. >Begin traveling around to the places you want to get to, the first one being the police station.
  290. >Trying to hide your now obvious fangs in your mouth.
  291. >Can’t talk in person at all without those things catching people’s attention.
  292. >I dunno, just… go into the police station anyway?
  293. >You COULD call the regular non-emergency police number, but you don’t have your wallet or ID or anything else with you.
  294. >Calling just adds an extra step to the journey of eventually going in person and explaining your story.
  295. >The story that includes the part where you got bit in your arm and it healed in a day and you now have fangs in your mouth.
  296. >What are they gonna do, turn you away because you got a couple of cute little vampire fangs in your mouth as you state your name, age and address before they fingerprint you anyway?
  297. >This scenario goes through your mind as you finally reach the station and head through the glass double doors, ready to report your own rape and kidnapping with an unusual amount of sobriety and calmness about it.
  298. “I’d like to file a police report.” You say to the cop lady at the front desk through the thin chainlink fence-like metal wire, not really sure how else you’re going to hit this off.
  299. >You keep eying her neck, trying not to, and she just stares at you.
  300. >She’s got a bit of a concerned stare as she looks at you, not saying anything, not even asking you what you’re looking to file a police report about.
  301. >It’s clear that she sees the fangs, and this is probably her reaction to it.
  302. >Distract yourself by looking down at the name-tag display on her desk: Copper Top.
  303. >”Can you sit down right over there for me, sir?” She points to a nearby bench.
  304. >You do as she says, definitely not about to up and disobey a cop in the police station itself.
  305. >Keep glancing at her neck, thinking about how warm it is.
  306. >Wait on the bench as she says something into the corded desk phone, worriedly glancing over at you as you keep glancing at her.
  307. >This already isn’t going well.
  308. >A couple of minutes go by and you start to hear shuffling down the hallway leading deeper into the station.
  309. >You’re a little bit confused.
  310. >Out comes a number of officers, already staring dead on at you, one of them has his taser out.
  311. >Stare back at them with widened eyes.
  312. “What’s going on?” You feel a huge rush of a sense of danger enter you.
  313. >”Sir, I’m gonna ask you to get on the floor slowly.” The officer with the taser sounds off both calmly and commandingly.
  314. “Am I being detained?!” You perk up, causing the officers to become more tense.
  315. >”On the floor, sir!”
  316. “There seems to be a mistake, why am I under arrested?”
  317. >”I said now!”
  318. >Feeling your blood rushing and charging through your veins, you reluctantly obey.
  319. >Obey at first, at least.
  320. >As soon as you’re on all fours, something possesses you to dart around like a spider along the thin purple carpet.
  321. >You move a lot faster than you could have ever expected.
  322. >Shouting and ruckus ensues as you crash and stumble your way over to the glass doors, including the sounds of the taser projectiles hitting the edge of the bench and the wall after missing you.
  323. >Your instincts tell you that you gotta disappear as instantly as possible.
  324. >But the glass doors had been locked before you took off crawling.
  325. >Like a cockroach, you weave your way around rushing legs and feet until one of the officers tackles you, immobilizing you.
  326. >”Don’t touch him, damn it!” Another officer shouts. “Get off him now! Do NOT make contact!”
  327. >The husky officer that immobilized you seems to automatically know what this means, squirming his way off of you as you get a feel of how warm his arm feels.
  328. >”Taser! Taser!” Another officer yells.
  329. >The officer that squirmed his way away cries out in a series of grunts as the clicking of the other officer’s taser makes his jolt around.
  330. >Free again, you dart to another corner of the room.
  331. >”Fuck!”
  332. >Now the extremely loud bangs of gunshots start up.
  333. >”No firearms! No firearms! Use tasers!”
  334. >That command was the last thing you heard from one of the officers before you escaped into the side hallway.
  335. >And after that, you hear a distant “are you bit?” “no” from the front of the station.
  336. >Rising back to your feet, you expect the officers to immediately pursue you around the corner.
  337. >They don’t show, and you scurry around, in search for a door that isn’t already locked.
  338. >They’re all locked, with all the blinds closed in the ones with windows.
  339. >Looks like they already got a protocol in place for whatever this is.
  340. >Eventually make it to the end of the deepest hallway you can find in the maze of cubicles and locked hallways doors.
  341. >The entire place is now drenched in dead silence.
  342. >But gets worse when the lights all turn out at once.
  343. >You freeze, heart booming in your chest as you frantically search for some source of light from a nearby window.
  344. >Your gut feeling is the try and break whatever window you can find.
  345. >Probe your hand along the wall to find your way, until your eyes start to adjust to the darkness.
  346. >They REALLY begin to adjust. More than they should.
  347. >Begin to be able to make out the entirety of your surroundings like you’re wearing night vision goggles.
  348. >Eye a lot of the doors, continue trying to find your way out on your own.
  349. >The outlines of figures walking about catches your attention, prompting you to duck behind a corner and hide.
  350. >You imagine that the cops are wearing actual night vision goggles or something, though you have no confirmation of this and have no idea how they’d suddenly have them out of nowhere.
  351. >See the red glow of an exit sign is head towards it.
  352. >Hard to tell if anyone’s going to pop out from around the corner of this hallway should you try the exit.
  353. >This looks like an emergency exit door, but you’re not sure.
  354. >Something inside of you tells you not to approach the door, and that something is right, as the silhouette of one of the cops appears from around the corner and steps in your way just as you had feared.
  355. >The floor flower pot right next to you suddenly makes a loud clunking noise and falls over.
  356. >Not from a bullet, but from the impact from taser projectiles.
  357. >You let out a surprisingly unnatural sounding shriek.
  358. >”I got him!” Says the cop the fired.
  359. >He’s wrong, and you scurry back into the darkness.
  360. >Right into another one of the officers.
  361. >He knocks you over, and you go back to crawling on all fours trying to weave around their feet.
  362. >”Damn it, you said you got him!”
  363. >After a bit of maneuvering, you slither your way past a couple more approaching officers before they notice you around their shins.
  364. >”He’s over there!”
  365. >The front of the station has enough windows for the sunlight to show you your way around.
  366. >You decide to retreat behind the front desk where Copper Top was.
  367. >She’s still standing there with the door to the enclosed office area half open.
  368. >Peering out at you with a horrified look as soon as she notices you within arm’s reach of her.
  369. >She couldn’t close the door fast enough, and your force your way inside.
  370. >She shrieks and screams with arms entangled with yours as your mind races and blacks in and out.
  371. >Underneath the desk is the red glow from a button she must have pressed to lock the station down.
  372. >By instinct, you press it again right as two officers block your way out the door.
  373. >They close the door, trapping you inside and Cooper Top inside with you.
  374. >”I’m still in here!”
  375. >The two other cops stand there split-second deciding whether to open the door for her and risk letting you out or keep her trapped with you.
  376. >They decide to open the door and pull out their guns after they see you hop on top of the desk away from their comrade.
  377. >Your fingers curl into the openings between the metal wire of the cage that traps you inside of here with Copper Top.
  378. >Deafening gunshots ring out and the burning sting of the bullets into your side makes you wince, but your sense of danger overrides everything else and gets that metal wire cage loose and out of your way.
  379. >The sprint to the glass doors was necessarily fast before Copper Top can push the button and trap you inside again.
  380. >You had just gotten the doors ajar before it happened, and you burst out into the open air with another bullet piercing into your back and two more making spiderweb cracks in the glass.
  381. >Stumble and fall down the stair, roll and tumble along he concrete, then hoist yourself back up intro an immediate full-on sprint despite the immense pain you’re feeling.
  382. >The looks on the faces of passerby and the fact that they’re backing away shows that they know you’re not on the good side here.
  383. >Struggle down the side of the street before hearing distant police sirens urging you to go faster.
  384. >Use the rest of your energy to hop over a wooden fence into someone’s backyard.
  385. >…
  386. >”She’s bit!” One officer yells out, contacting the nearest paramedics as multiple squad cars embark on a search for you.
  387. ~
  388. >Sneaking and limping around many bushes and trees of people’s backyards, you make sure you’re careful to stay out of ANYONE’S sight.
  389. >It goes through your mind again and again that this whole thing didn’t go anywhere near as well as you had expected.
  390. >Around every street corner could be a cop car patrolling in search of you.
  391. >Now would be a good time for these wounds to heal, but nothing’s happening, and it stings like a motherfucker.
  392. >You’ve become slow and weak, vulnerable to discovery as the sun sets and darkness overtakes the landscape.
  393. >The outlook of this is looking extremely grim, but you don’t want to let it be so.
  394. >You refuse to let death take you, and you’ll never go quietly into the night.
  395. >There should be some way for you to eventually find help, but your phone had slipped out of your pocket during the struggle.
  396. >Not only does law enforcement have all of your info on a metaphorical wanted poster, but your injured, not healing, and lost without food or shelter as you’re alone and hunted by people who can be called over by ANYONE who spots you in their community.
  397. >You’re probably all over the news right now, name and face.
  398. >And all you can do about it is sit here in this alleyway and cope.
  399. >Trying to figure out how you’re gonna eat once you get hungry.
  400. >You didn’t even do anything wrong.
  401. >But now the police are against you for no reason, unless these fangs in your mouth have anything to do with that.
  402. >Does this town have a vampire problem? Or rather, a problem with vampires?
  403. >You don’t blame them if they do, if Chrysalis is any example to go by.
  404. >All you know is that spending the entire night in anticipation of cops is not fun.
  405. >Stick around in the shadows, away from the orange, white and blue lights on the sides of brick, stone and wooden buildings, careful not to look into anyone’s windows whether it’s a residential home or a late night business.
  406. >Block by block, you wander around, soon finding the slip of paper in your pocket once again.
  407. >No longer having your phone with you to try and find the address.
  408. >Walking all the way into town was obviously a bad idea, but now walking out of town might be worse because you’ll have nowhere to hide besides a few clusters of trees in a part of the country you’re not even familiar with.
  409. >This entire traveling trip just spiraled out of your control, didn’t it?
  410. >And still, you don’t really feel that cold.
  411. >After a bit of a mental debate, you figure that your escape was only sparked by short-term panic that came out of nowhere.
  412. >It didn’t even feel like you.
  413. >Had you been normal, you’d have just complied whether you wanted to or not.
  414. >There’s something seriously wrong with you, if the fangs hadn’t made that abundantly clear already.
  415. >You’re feeling weaker, and more tired, ready to collapse.
  416. >A sudden police siren sounding behind you perks you right back up.
  417. >In an instant, the unbearable pain that’s been weighing you down becomes nothing.
  418. >You spring into action as the flashing red and blue light shine into the alleyway between the backs of two town buildings.
  419. >The sense of danger is back, and you’re more than ready to sprint away.
  420. >Except, you do a lot more than sprint.
  421. >Something possesses you to scale up the sides of each of the sides of the buildings.
  422. >From one wall to another.
  423. >”Stop right there!”
  424. >You ignore it, pushing your sneakers onto the brick and siding before reaching the shingles of the nearby roof between telephone wires.
  425. >Get your leg tangled in the wires for a split second, lucky you didn’t electrocute yourself in the process.
  426. >Run up the slant of the roof and out of sight of the officer, hearing his radio go off.
  427. >As you maneuver yourself over the tops of roofs and down into a small parking lot where you’re free to flee, you realize that turning yourself in is going to be harder than reality should allow.
  428. >Anyone else would have been successfully apprehended hours ago.
  429. >And right as you’re about to turn onto one street, your gut instinct prompts you to go onto another.
  430. >This happens several times, making you jog in a certain overall direction over the course of 45 minutes.
  431. >You can’t stop.
  432. >A large, well-lit building complex soon comes into sight.
  433. >A big line of lit up letters reading “EMERGENCY” looms over a stucco canopy spanning over a few glass doors.
  434. >A thought crosses your mind.
  435. >Maybe you can get yourself nice and sedated in the emergency room, and as you’re identified, the cops will come and put handcuffs on your or something.
  436. >That sounds really stupid thinking it back to yourself, but you imagine something along those lines will happen to some extent.
  437. >Just more… realistically…
  438. >You hobble your way across the larger parking lot and driveway for ambulances.
  439. >If anything, you could force your way to wherever the novocaine or anesthesia are, or whatever it is that can make you pass out so whatever’s wrong with you can’t force you to panic and escape.
  440. >You still can’t believe you have to do this to begin with, but a lot of things about this are wild and/or unrealistic by scientific standards.
  441. >The doors slide open for you, and a nearby nurse immediately notices you.
  442. >Gestures for you to follow her, looking concerned already.
  443. >Probably didn’t have time to see the news today.
  444. >She takes you around a few corners and then into one of the rooms with a hospital bed inside.
  445. >The door was already open for the two of you, and you sort of felt this was suspicious, but your urgency to just end your nightmare already had made your focus elude the details.
  446. >In one moment, you were outside staring at the light coming from the inner corridors of the emergency room before this random nurse led you in.
  447. >In the next, you’re sitting on the side of a hospital bed as she’s taking a look at you.
  448. >Is this their usual protocol? You can’t tell.
  449. >The nurse asks for your name and all that.
  450. >Asks you where you feel hurt etc.
  451. >She’s starting to make you feel funny.
  452. >It’s not particular anything she’s physically doing, but there’s just something about her.
  453. >Different from everyone else too.
  454. >You’re not thinking about how warm the side of her neck is, which is something you’ve completely forgotten about.
  455. >And the reason why you haven’t remembered is because that whole thing doesn’t spark with this nurse.
  456. >The way she’s touching you makes you feel… good?
  457. >She already locked the door.
  458. >There’s a faint green glow in her eyes, and she begins to grin at you.
  459. >The sense of danger comes back, but this time with a lot more excitement mixed in, like your feelings don’t know what to do.
  460. >”So I can see you’re in need of a little bit of… disciplining…” Her voice gets, lower and smoother.
  461. >At this point in time, you realize what is happening.
  462. >Your energetic sense of urgency kicks in once more, and you instantly get ready to push her away and dart out the door with all of your newfound strength and speed and-
  463. >She locked lips with you before you had enough time to react.
  464. >Her lips mash onto yours, the slippery wetness of her lips glides against your mouth, coercing your lips to part against hers.
  465. >Try to resist, but your lips feel her tongue wedge between them, slipping deeper between.
  466. >She already grabbed the back of your head with her hand, restraining you into the deepening kiss.
  467. >It’s like the female body is designed to hopelessly seduce you when it pounces on you like this.
  468. >Every time you try to push her away, your hands press onto her soft chest and can’t help but lightly squeeze a little upon feeling her C-cup breasts through her clothes.
  469. >You heart races and pounds in your chest, and it’s as though all of your power was switched off against your control.
  470. >It was strength and speed that she was the one to give to you.
  471. >Before you know it, Chrysalis’s tongue is spreading her venom-like saliva into your mouth.
  472. >So much happened so instantly in that one kiss.
  473. >She struck before you could react and subdued you with a paralyzing serum.
  474. >Your reflexes instantly slow and dwindle to nothing, and your lips are limply parted all the way for her tongue to wrestle yours into submission now that’s its weakened and unprotected.
  475. >It’s already over at this point.
  476. >Every defensive move like a push or a kick you could have delivered are cancelled and worn down to a few gentle pushes and gropes onto Chrysalis’s breasts, tummy and shoulders.
  477. >You weakly panic into her mouth through the wet smacking and sucking noises.
  478. >Slow your breath to match hers.
  479. >The taste of her saliva venom conquered your mouth, and the bright green glow of her eyes commands you to obey your queen once again.
  480. >Your face falls stoic, your shoulders calmly lower.
  481. >Her enthusiastic, deep kissing prompts you into kissing her back.
  482. >Her disguise she apparently had herself set into starts to break down.
  483. >The front of her nurse’s uniform begins to fall apart, letting the buttons loosen with strings stretching and breaking as Chrysalis’s big soft cleavage pushes through and becomes more exposed.
  484. >The front of your pants starts to duffer a similar fate, as Chrysalis’s fingers undo your fly. “I need you to take out your boy parts for me.”
  485. >You almost begin to resist, weakly grabbing her wrists and trying to guide them away.
  486. >Her hands strongly grab YOUR wrists and guide them away before continuing to undoing your pants.
  487. >She starts fondling you down there, pushing her chest against you and getting you all agitated with her fingers and hand, making you finally realize how oddly large your testicles have become at some point earlier.
  488. >You shake your head no in silence, and she responds by nodding her head yes and forcing herself onto you.
  489. >”Why would you disobey me after I’ve modified you?”
  490. “M-modified?”
  491. >”You’re refocused into producing lots of extra semen for me.”
  492. >You stare into her eyes.
  493. >”Lots.”
  494. >Your predator liplocks you again and makes her way with her hands inside of your opened pants and past your underwear with little effort.
  495. >Her venomous tongue-kiss continues to stun you as your hands are guided to her bare warm tits jiggling out of her top and her hands continue to invade your underwear.
  496. >And her pheromones slowly overwhelm you.
  497. >You try in vain to make your erection subside so she won’t succeed in draining you.
  498. >But Chrysalis’s nurse uniform turned dark green, and has opened up into the same loose, super-open top dress from before that begs her breasts to become fully exposed as they pretty much already are.
  499. >The only thing hiding her nipples is the fact that her nipples are pressed against the not-so-interior inside of the open dress.
  500. >Try your hardest not to look at Chrysalis’s exposed chest, her soft heaving tits that jiggle around in the open with almost exposed nipples as she playfully struggles with you and your drowsy resistance.
  501. >Her victorious fingers capture your already standing up member inside of your underwear, and wrap around your shaft.
  502. >Begins to move her hand back and forth with you in her grip.
  503. >”That’s it… that’s it~” She strokes your roused erection by force as you shake your head and fail to push her away without groping her exposed chest. “Look down here.”
  504. >Your eyes are lured down to Chrysalis’s swaying boobs, teasing you from up against the inside of that loose open top.
  505. >”You’re gonna come back to the house on the hill with me.”
  506. “I’m gonna come back to the house on the hill with you.” You get lightheaded.
  507. >After a little bit of force, her pheromones have assumed direct control over your mind and body.
  508. >Chrysalis lured you into that hospital room, subverted and nullified your defenses, and subdued you by her own design.
  509. >Now you’re erect and obedient for her, willingly walking out of the hospital with her and back into the night after you work a miracle to fit your full erection back into your pants.
  510. >Mostly away from the roads and streets.
  511. >She’s saving her takeout meal to eat it back at home.
  512. >”You like these?” Chrysalis purposely walks so her boobs bounce and jiggle more.
  513. >You have her arm around her, making her giggle with a few light gropes.
  514. >There’s a sense of agreement between the two of you, orchestrated entirely by Chrysalis herself.
  515. >Dizzily walk up to the front doors of the mansion with her, thinking about nothing but her body and how much you want it on top of you.
  516. >You’re not unconscious this time, but still dipping in and out of complete consciousness.
  517. >Chrysalis has you sat down at a table in the living room with you at some point, as though the two of you are on a date.
  518. >She doesn’t ask you to tell her about yourself, that’s not what this is.
  519. >At full mast in your pants, all you can think about is having sex with her, and she’s feeding off of your mighty need for physical love.
  520. >Your eyes constantly gaze down at her intentionally exposed chest, she smiles and pushes them together for you before letting the loosely open top of her date dress slip further down her arms and allow her nipples to show.
  521. >Letting your eyes wander and staring as her tits isn’t rude on this date, it’s encouraged and taken as a compliment.
  522. >No longer able to contain yourself, you stand up and throw yourself on top of Chrysalis, pulling the top of her dress all the way down to her waist.
  523. >She welcomes your fervent advances, helping you out of your pants.
  524. >In but a few seconds, you’re ramming your length into her and plowing between her thighs almost as woodpecker speed.
  525. >It all happens so fast that the actual sex seems to take only one tenth the time the lead-up took.
  526. >All you know is that it’s the best thing you ever felt, despite being over with an explosive climax in less than two minutes.
  527. >Chrysalis barely tries to cover her chest back up with her dress, letting you pounce onto her and start suckling her breasts instead with zero restraint left.
  528. >”It’s okay, be weak for me. It’s making me strong.”
  529. >The love you’re giving her is doing just that, rejuvenating her back to her full power.
  530. >”Now. Since you’re the more questioning type, allow me to explain to you WHY I need you to take down that school’s principal for me. And how you’re going to do it. It shouldn’t take more than a day or two.”
  531. ~
  532. >The only reason why Chrysalis is like this now is because of her life story making her this way.
  533. >There was no official paperwork that documented when Chrysalis was born.
  534. >Only paperwork that documented that she was adopted in 1977 as an infant.
  535. >Most likely newborn at the time.
  536. >She was fed and housed by a poor rasta family in a bad neighborhood in her infancy.
  537. >They took care of her along with all of their biological children as well.
  538. >They managed to make ends meet in 1978 and 1979.
  539. >She learned how to speak really quickly not only from her family but also from the television and movies.
  540. >Still didn’t really talk that much at all.
  541. >Despite everything, her family still had a strong spiritual connection with her.
  542. >She really took in the environment in which she was being taken care of.
  543. >Chrysalis found the chill and relaxing side of growing up in a terrible neighborhood in the late 70s and early 80s.
  544. >Though it’s not like she’d have seen the world any other way at that age.
  545. >In the dead of winter of 1982, Chrysalis learned at about 5 years old that she had shapeshifting abilities.
  546. >She had been getting creative playing pretend and accidentally turned into a jackal.
  547. >Like she was able to do with her appearance, this changed absolutely everything about her outlook on life.
  548. >It started out as more or less innocent fun, like in 1983 when she was 6, she would often use shapeshifting to sabotage her adoptive siblings and stay out of trouble.
  549. >Like stealing from the cookie jar but disguised as one of her siblings when someone might see her.
  550. >Gradually began to feel as though she could get away with literally anything as long as she planned everything out correctly and used her abilities to the best of her advantage.
  551. >When she was 7 in 1984, she figured she could steal candy from the store disguised as one of the kids from school she disliked.
  552. >After getting in serious trouble, the same kid later saw her eating the stolen candy, and figured she did it somehow (which was true).
  553. >Got a few friends to try and gang up on Chrysalis, but she just shape shifted into a small wolf and scared them away.
  554. >In 1985, she would often turn into a fly and spy on people.
  555. >Including her parents, teachers, classmates etc.
  556. >Wasn’t interested in living life the fair way.
  557. >Home life started becoming less and less interesting for her.
  558. >Ran away from home once in 1986, then again in 1987.
  559. >All the while being a troublemaker almost everywhere she went.
  560. >Eventually just stayed away from home life as her family was beginning to become afraid of her anyway.
  561. >Her voice developing a double-tone and mouth developing a set of fang-like incisors only fed into their belief that she was the spawn of an evil spirit or voodoo demon.
  562. >Something like that.
  563. >On the streets, Chrysalis would often turn into a cat and sneak into places to sleep at night and maybe steal some food from too.
  564. >Already doomed to become a total edgelord, so to speak.
  565. >In her human form, she grew her hair out super long and enjoyed the look of having a lock of it or two fall over her face.
  566. >Thinking it made her look more menacing as she modified herself to become taller than everyone else her age.
  567. >1988 is when she developed a taste for blood.
  568. >In the same year, she couldn’t resist sneaking up on a drug dealer in the middle of the night as a hungry wolf and attacking him.
  569. >Bit his neck, killed him, etc.
  570. >Even though she was already accustomed to doing bad things, violently ending the life of another person was still a huge leap up for Chrysalis.
  571. >She depended on her insatiable desire for blood she couldn’t control in order to go through with it in the first place.
  572. >It actually gave her nightmares having taken the life of another person.
  573. >It wasn’t something she had prepared for, as edgy as she had become, it’s something horrible.
  574. >But her own developing instincts had been trying to tell her something as well.
  575. >Chrysalis found that the blood she subsequently “gathered” was able to sustain her a lot longer than regular food would have.
  576. >It lasted for literal weeks.
  577. >She didn’t have to steal food anywhere NEAR as often if she just picked out someone at night who was already up to no good and just took their blood instead.
  578. >From 1989 to 1990, Chrysalis found this to be, by a LOT, the FAR more convenient way to survive out here.
  579. >Not finding food every single day, but every three or so weeks instead.
  580. >Sometimes as a mosquito, which only really got her less than around one percent of the blood she needed.
  581. >More often as a natural predator to unarmed humans, being careful to silence her prey before their cries for help drew too much attention.
  582. >But she quickly learned that they didn’t have to die in order for her to “get her fix”.
  583. >It’s not like it was hard to avoid getting caught around this time, so she didn’t bother going overboard with it and actually killing people.
  584. >It gave her a false sense of having been generous.
  585. >She would eventually become more comfortable living this way.
  586. >Staying in her “normal” human form, hanging out on the streets at night, hanging around street gangs who took interest in her company without them really knowing what she does…
  587. >Her own mentality had gradually become more vicious and malicious by this point in her life.
  588. >Became more and more obsessed with manipulating her peers, especially the most unsuspecting ones.
  589. >Had all but assimilated into the seedy underground by this point.
  590. >By 1991, more and more of Chrysalis’s peers had gradually discovered that she actually has shapeshifting abilities.
  591. >Those who weren’t too “weirded out” were the cool ones who stayed by her side.
  592. >Those who stayed later learned that she killed and injured people for blood, including some delinquents and criminals they and they people were affiliated with.
  593. >Word of this broke out and spread like wildfire before the end of 1991, and Chrysalis found herself in danger.
  594. >Having to fight for her life in drive-bys and other attacks against her and her new friends, Chrysalis was always on the run and fearing for her life.
  595. >Unbeknownst to Chrysalis for a while, her victims who survived would transform to be a lot more like she was.
  596. >And started getting the same desires she did.
  597. >She had no idea what she had started.
  598. >Those who were too afraid of her to really retaliate stayed loyal, and helped her not only hide but also leave on a plane to greener pastures.
  599. >Her half-cooked life of crime continued into 1992, and it was exactly what one would expect.
  600. >Not much else to describe, but she was finally seeing more of the world and making a lot of easy money here and there.
  601. >It was hard picking someone out to catch in private and draw huge amounts of blood from.
  602. >Hard… but fun.
  603. >She wasn’t killing anyone, and she loved the rush she got from the interaction of entrapping someone and biting into them.
  604. >It still kind of bothered her that she was like this, but only slightly.
  605. >This bothered her throughout 1992 and 1993, and then she got over it.
  606. >After building up a close-knit enough group of (mostly transformed) friends in the underground, she actually stopped caring entirely.
  607. >Because a lot of them seemed to take kindly to her after relating to her so strongly.
  608. >There was something about her that drew them in as well, and Chrysalis really liked this.
  609. >…
  610. >Really in the thick of it by 1994 when Chrysalis met her ultimate partner in crime.
  611. >She was intertwined with all sorts of shady people in seedy environments.
  612. >Obsessed with walking down the middle of the street in the middle of the night to see if she turned any heads.
  613. >In a black leather motorcycle jacket and tight latex pants and high-up boots she bought with her money.
  614. >Participating in night life and hanging out at all the cool diners and bars.
  615. >A lot of her newfound posse was boys her age she converted to be more like her, but some of whom were also other girls.
  616. >It was like she was gaining a growing following.
  617. >Not only this, but she could disguise herself as other people fairly easily.
  618. >Especially people whom she’s already gathered DNA from.
  619. >All she saw was a free meal when someone of large stature caught her at one of the diners and tried to mug her.
  620. >The second he pulled out his gun, she turned into a snake and slithered up his pants leg.
  621. >He was lucky to have lived and become another one of Chrysalis’s frenemies.
  622. >The bite had transformed Tirek into something more than he was before.
  623. >He no longer needed to take money at gunpoint to pay for food to feed his daughter, he now needed blood to survive.
  624. >Like Chrysalis had.
  625. >The two of them ended up teaming up and carving out a comfortable crime-infested life together throughout the rest of the year.
  626. >Even doing so much as carrying out heists and taking out hits on people in rival cliques.
  627. >She could easily disguise herself as him in situations that called for it, and vice versa.
  628. >The seedy urban underbelly of society that was their world was their oyster.
  629. >Even in upper class suburbs, there was always someone who was more than willing to do “business”.
  630. >Some of whom did not shine up to Tirek too well in the past.
  631. >Chrysalis, the midst of discovering more and more of her own traits, was able to sway them.
  632. >From shapeshifting abilities she naturally inherited to seduction tactics she learned from red light districts, she was able to work her way up the ranks of many groups of people and take control.
  633. >And oh boy did she want control.
  634. >And oh boy did she love having it.
  635. >Turning former friends against one another to fight over her, pretending to overdose on drugs so she would be rushed to the hospital then sneak out with anesthetics and other things that were needed by her organization, among other things.
  636. >And of course, the occasional blood victim was a must… a fun must.
  637. >Chrysalis made an almost stress-relieving ritual out of preying upon someone to bite into and force to join her.
  638. >Her status as a vampire was met with her status as a shapeshifter when she realized by 1995 the latter allowed the former to be out during the day.
  639. >Chrysalis and Tirek continued to reign supreme in their own little corner of the seedy underground of societies across the world.
  640. >It soon became apparent that Chrysalis’s skills in seducing males proved extremely potent, considering she has had a strong set of pheromones that rouse a mating-driven response in human males.
  641. >Whatever it is that got them going, Chrysalis’s pheromones apparently conformed to those needs that drifted in the undertones, and she knew this extremely well.
  642. >Not only was she a vicious borderline assassin with how much she got tied up in violent crime with Tirek, but she had become a malicious seductress that could get her way through convincing foes if they were too strong physically.
  643. >Perfect to ensure multiple paths to thriving.
  644. >But life on the road and in the air traveling to countless different places in the world can be tiresome.
  645. >Even the enthusiastic likes of Chrysalis can become disenfranchised with it.
  646. >Which she did by 1996.
  647. >It was at this point in her life that she had decided to “retire” because she already had enough money to live comfortably off of, and she was getting tired of all the action anyway.
  648. >Receiving wounds hurts, and it took a lot of energy for Chrysalis to heal them as quickly as she was able to.
  649. >By the age of 19, all Chrysalis really wanted to do was relax and enjoy herself, having already done more than enough to ensure her survival.
  650. >She was tired of the feuds and the beefs and the missions.
  651. >It got old and stressful after a while and she just wanted to enjoy the rest of her true youth.
  652. >Chrysalis was really only ever just horny anymore at the end of the day when it came to action.
  653. >She wanted to take victims in a more… fun way.
  654. >One that helped her “get her fix” she desperately needed that got her through the day.
  655. >Her life up until this point had conditioned her into being a malicious pervert, and it became clear that sex and preying upon victims was all she really knew best.
  656. >She was developing a passion for it in her twisted mind, it appealed to her in ways she she couldn’t explain.
  657. >In the same unexplainable way her pheromones would affect guys falling under her influence.
  658. >It had become a fetish, especially after she had started getting lewd with her victims she would bite over the years.
  659. >Her enthusiasm only went up for it.
  660. >And now it was higher than ever, and she turned her attention to multiple men to prey upon.
  661. >Dark alleyways was always a great place for her to find a good enough suitor.
  662. >A lone young man in his 20s would be walking around at night, unable to see Chrysalis lurking about in the shadows.
  663. >She’d be intending to do a lot more than mug him.
  664. >Once he went too deep in to escape on his own, she would lunge at him.
  665. >Didn’t even need to transform into a disguise; her own normal form was effective enough.
  666. >He wasn’t aware of all of the things that had led up to this moment on Chrysalis’s end.
  667. >He was nothing more than a strapping young man, unsuspecting of the predator that now picked out his strengths and began to nullify them.
  668. >He would panic and fight, soon sedated by a surprise kiss that also bit his tongue once the kiss was made deep and passionate enough to wrestle his tongue further out.
  669. >Chrysalis found a lot of great enjoyment out of this; it had become a huge part of her fetish.
  670. >Once he was sedated and weak, there was almost no difficulty in undoing his pants and ripping open the front of his underwear.
  671. >He had already been made erect by Chrysalis’s natural pheromones.
  672. >The battle had already been over right before it started, just the way she liked it.
  673. >The more she would hump him in the darkness of the alleyway, the more he would come to enjoy it.
  674. >A few towns were already started to act upon vampire converts with task forces, still not understanding what was going on with them.
  675. >So the young man would be facing hardship even if he made it away after being converted, which was a fine bit of leverage to use to get him to join completely.
  676. >But the best leverage would be from the offspring that would be produced from the “insisted procreation” Chrysalis would have happen in the dark with her victims she caught.
  677. >Chrysalis was all they knew, and she could easily raise her offspring with little needed food and already available shelter and connections.
  678. >They were becoming her army.
  679. >The male suitors were only merely secondary, not so useful to Chrysalis after she had their fun with them.
  680. >By 1997, Chrysalis liked to think of herself as a sort of persistent presence.
  681. >Kept “persuading and persuading” until she got what she wanted.
  682. >Even though she was “retired” from her other work she had prospered from by the time she reached her early 20s.
  683. >Already had a lot to offer, and wanted to have “fun” with as many people as she wanted, whether they wanted it as well or not.
  684. >Her glowing green glare through the drooping locks of hair alone was enough to petrify a guy who was walking past.
  685. >She’s done this so many times that she gained the predatory demeanor of someone who has taken countless victims.
  686. >The dopamine rush and arousal it brought her made it impossible for her to stop, even if she tried her hardest.
  687. >For others, it was drugs. For Chrysalis, it was sex.
  688. >Sex that helped her build up her army that eventually stayed absolutely loyal and protected her throughout 1998.
  689. >Conveniently, they could grow up to an effective age super quickly with their inherited traits, and would do their queen’s bidding for her.
  690. >It didn’t happen right away, even though it didn’t need to.
  691. >Chrysalis only had to directly take care of them throughout 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000.
  692. >All throughout this time, she has been continuing to grow her empire she had worked so hard to achieve after her insane and corrupting life she had been leading.
  693. >The ambitious strength and energy of so many young men just starting to plunge their way into the all-out adulthood of their 20s, torn down like old bridges with failing support, all because Queen Chrysalis crashed her way into their lives and subdued them into absolute submission.
  694. >She entrapped more and more of them, getting the same story and resistance almost every time from the most strong-willed ones.
  695. >Then she went and pounced on them, watching the arrogance leave their eyes.
  696. >As she invaded their clothes and broke their minds.
  697. >They would fearfully try to push her off of them, only getting a feel of her body, hands on her abdomen and breasts, coercing her into losing her self-control and throwing herself at them even harder from the physical exchange that enticed her.
  698. >She was designed to seduce them without even needing to transform at all.
  699. >Chrysalis’s pheromones slowly but surely got to them, coaxing their bodies into responding accordingly with a full erection along with deep kisses and inevitable groping.
  700. >Overpowering these young men in their 20s made Chrysalis lose control of herself too, through her hunger and thirst, but she made sure they lost control of themselves along with her.
  701. >She had more experience anyway.
  702. >They could kick and scream and fight all they wanted, but their loads always went to their new queen by the end of the day.
  703. >Whether she started by disguising herself as one of their friends to trick them into circumstances in which they’re isolated, or started by slithering into their room at night as a tiny garter snake, she always got what she wanted.
  704. >Transforming into something too big or small forced Chrysalis to leave her previous clothes behind, appearing completely naked to the men if she had to, which only made the subduing process even easier for her.
  705. >They’d be so taken aback by her nudity that figured out just how to reshape into what her special pheromones sensed they desired most, that just the sight of her did them in.
  706. >Their blood dripped down her chin as she held them still, taking a load of seed from them for her own benefit.
  707. >Some followed her around to become commanders to their children and step-children.
  708. >Others couldn’t bear the weight and went out on their own.
  709. >Either way, Chrysalis got what she wanted.
  710. >She had become unstoppable, and had set up for herself her own private residence on a small island pretty far off of the Carribbean-side coast of Central America for a variety of obvious reasons somewhere between 1998 and 1999.
  711. >It was far enough from known Interpol at the time for her, safe enough to raise her growing numbers of offspring, secluded enough to keep her loyal suitors from escaping, warm and enjoyable enough to stay true to the “””retirement””” status, etc…
  712. >Chrysalis usually flew back and forth between her new home and various red light districts across multiple places in the world.
  713. >On planes, which was easier regarding knowing where she’s going and how far away she is.
  714. >Money wasn’t exactly an issue by this point.
  715. >She felt absolutely unstoppable.
  716. >Always disguised herself as a street prostitute, a role she was no stranger to in the first place.
  717. >Sometimes disguised as other ladies or even men to avoid recognition from people who would have seen her “in action” before.
  718. >Walking past pawn shops at night with the colorful lights illuminating her face as she strutted around in her tight black leather jackets and pants with high heel boots, black lipstick, thick eyeliner, flowing dark turquoise hair, sharp fingernails with black nail polish and a twisted predatory grin that got wider when she saw some guy acting all big and tough on the streets.
  719. >Those were the ones she loved to tear down the most.
  720. >It was by far the most satisfying.
  721. >Chrysalis took pride in turning them into subservient commanders of her now active mini-army of offspring who go around themselves living their lives to the fullest when not undergoing tasks.
  722. >These converted men would soon meet Tirek, who has eventually gotten tired of life in the fast lane himself and decided to visit Chrysalis’s hideout.
  723. >He would often comment on noticing how much of a pervert she still is, and that there’s something hot about when a woman becomes this much of a pervert.
  724. >She’d take it as a compliment either way.
  725. >Considering she even had continuous sexual relations with her suitors even in her paradise hideout, to which they now obliged willfully, any sense of shame had left Chrysalis ages before.
  726. >She was proud to be a deranged pervert.
  727. >It was her identity.
  728. >Tirek had begun to feel as though he was being forgotten, or rather, barely paid attention to at all.
  729. >Chrysalis’s recollection of him doesn’t even include a whole lot of details about him anyway, so he was probably right about that.
  730. >He had begun to accuse Chrysalis of only wanting anything to do with her own perverted needs and never actually cared about the crime organization she became a part of.
  731. >Like it barely occurred to her and her only concern was carving out her own little world and raping people in it.
  732. >Tirek felt betrayed and cast aside despite his daytime vampire status she gave him.
  733. >But it didn’t actually matter until he found out that a few of his own henchmen were taken victim and turned into shameful servants he met again when visiting the island.
  734. >This is where the line had truly been crossed, the straw that broke the camel’s back.
  735. >And Tirek decided that the iron was just about hot enough to strike when 2001 rolled around and Chrysalis had exhausted a lot of her libido and energy by that point.
  736. >She was slacking and relaxing a lot more than she usually did.
  737. >Tirek had already gained inside knowledge of Chrysalis’s island sex empire.
  738. >Also knew just how dangerous and potent she was.
  739. >And that she wasn’t careful in how subtle she made her rule (not really that subtle at all).
  740. >Long story short, a large hit squad was sent.
  741. >The logistics of it were complicated due to the small Caribbean island being rather isolated, but a sizable force managed to gather on one end of the small town over a few months.
  742. >Tirek was ready to declare himself vampire king before the thing was even carried out.
  743. >But when it was carried out, it was confirmed that he was the dominant force in this supernatural hierarchy that had stretched across nations for almost a decade.
  744. >Chrysalis doesn’t like to talk about what that night was like.
  745. >Only remembers that she, the one who started the whole spread of “vampirism”, had been presumed dead and her entire army had been lost.
  746. >That and the episode triggered an Interpol presence that led to raid after raid on the island, rendering it un-stayable from that point on.
  747. >…
  748. >No one had known about Queen Chrysalis having escaped in the form of an eagle.
  749. >But the full weight of her vengefulness was soon to be the most known thing in the seedy underworld soon enough.
  750. >Chrysalis’s shapeshifting abilities easily had the most skill to them, and she was able to transform into things as small as a fly ever since she was a kid.
  751. >Disguises were pretty much as far as other shapeshifting vampires could do, as it was only secondary to the magnitude Chrysalis herself possessed.
  752. >Queen Chrysalis gained information quickly.
  753. >There was one chilly morning in 2002 when Lord Tirek went to check his mailbox.
  754. >A massive explosion engulfed him, killing him instantly.
  755. >That’s all that needed to be said about that.
  756. >Chrysalis decided she’ll still lay low anyway.
  757. >She had already exhausted her libido for the time being and still had enough ways to survive on her own even if she didn’t have any money left.
  758. >And she still had a decent amount of money anyway.
  759. >She decided to stay calm in this little half-victory lap and get back in touch with her former adoptive family’s roots in rastafari.
  760. >Went to various places on the shore around the world and hung out casually for a little bit.
  761. >As if she had never done anything wrong and was just some random 20-something year old girl vacationing.
  762. >Spent a lot of time around Jamaica and The Bahamas.
  763. >Places that reminded her of the place she could no longer go to.
  764. >Places that were… close enough.
  765. >And had enough cultural influence from rastafari she had by then grown to appreciate a little bit.
  766. >There was something interesting and uplifting about it.
  767. >Changed her perspective on the world once more as she took a break from a life of sin.
  768. >And it lasted for a short while, bringing her peace in life.
  769. >But by 2003, 26-year-old Chrysalis realized that she's in need of more excitement again.
  770. >It was starting to come back.
  771. >She went around to random towns in the first world countries, disguised as people like someone’s friend or something, and just regularly interacted with people.
  772. >Pretty much just tried to feign a normal life.
  773. >Because she had learned that there was something in everyone else’s life that she pretty much lacked on most fronts: love.
  774. >Aside lust, Chrysalis didn’t have much familiarity with love at all, and she noticed how happy everyone else was with it.
  775. >It was at this point in her life that she realized that the empowerment she had gained from the affection of others, the one she had only slightly felt at times, was the beginning of that love.
  776. >But her own insatiable lust had drowned it out.
  777. >Replacing it with an almost equally adequate amount of sustenance.
  778. >But Chrysalis felt greedy for more love, and a normal enough life to relax in.
  779. >Along with a new need for excitement but without so much of the risk.
  780. >She had learned to sense love from afar, starting to learn how to feed off of it like she fed off of blood or even lust.
  781. >Realized that she didn’t need physical food, or blood either, if she lived off of love from others.
  782. >It took several months of interacting with people NORMALLY disguised as a friend or friendly stranger for her to come to this revelation.
  783. >Was this also one of her abilities this whole time?
  784. >Would have been great if she hung around normal people instead of gang members and drug dealers and her own victims her whole life.
  785. >She would have figured out how normal people share affection and human empathy.
  786. >It started to bother her so much that she relapsed back into her old ways a little as a coping mechanism.
  787. >Because she knew her true form wasn’t a friend to anyone, just a captor, and a predator.
  788. >But a scene she was familiar with was underground dance clubs.
  789. >Smirking menacingly at how innocent everyone there was in early 2003.
  790. >They played the music and danced to it, but it all felt artificial to Chrysalis, that’s not what she was there for.
  791. >She was seeking a new suitor.
  792. >A couple of guys at the club were in search of girls, one of whom approached Chrysalis while she was actually in her true form.
  793. >She was dressed up in nice and revealing clothing, really drew him in with her appearance.
  794. >The closer he got, the stronger the effect of Chrysalis’s pheromones became.
  795. >She lost the ability to resist this meal that was handed to her on a silver platter.
  796. >He started conversing with her in the club as the low-grade electronic music played.
  797. >Chrysalis couldn’t really pay much attention to what he was saying.
  798. >But he couldn’t do the same with her either.
  799. >Her heaving cleavage teased him from her low cut top and got him stuttering and glancing.
  800. >The tent in his pants became more and more obvious.
  801. >Those pheromones knew what he wanted and adjusted/struck accordingly.
  802. >Chrysalis knew what she wanted.
  803. >Took him out back at some point.
  804. >He apologized for looking down at her body so much, said he didn’t know what was wrong with him on that night, and that he’s usually not that much of a perv-
  805. >She silenced him with a kiss, and proceeded to do what she did best.
  806. >Like about half of the times before, it became consensual very quickly.
  807. >Chrysalis stripped herself topless for him, he let her pull his pants down, and it all took off from there.
  808. >He was converted before the night was over.
  809. >…
  810. >He took her to his home.
  811. >He was actually quite wealthy, lived in this large house atop a hill, where he allowed Chrysalis to stay with him.
  812. >Still lived alone in it, and aspired to start a family one day, was still going to nightclubs and getting drunk there because he was lost in life.
  813. >After figuring out he had become a vampire, Chrysalis had to keep him calm and let him know that he can still live a normal life.
  814. >Had to subdue him a couple of more times, but the genuine love eventually came out.
  815. >But with the genuine love came the genuine shame for this guy, but it was cancelled out by Chrysalis’s continued advances.
  816. >He bore a few children for Chrysalis, and then a lot more, and then a LOT more.
  817. >Chrysalis wanted her army back, and wasn’t going to risk having to deal with a lot of suitors being potential traitors.
  818. >Had she not been with Tirek a number of times as well, this wouldn’t have concerned her.
  819. >She doubted the true potency of her version of love.
  820. >And wanted to make sure she can prove it was air-tight.
  821. >Which only led to her suitor dying suddenly.
  822. >Just… suddenly.
  823. >Probably from exhaustion and inability to keep up with his mating queen, who was always able to instantly rejuvenate and tighten herself into being ready for another go after birthing another offspring.
  824. >She was so desperate for reviving the past, that she shattered the future.
  825. >Her poor suitor didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, and now Chrysalis had to disguise herself as him whenever tax collectors or someone came by.
  826. >The house eventually started to fall apart, since Chrysalis wasn’t exactly used to maintaining wherever her residence was herself.
  827. >Her offspring hadn’t learned much about that from her either.
  828. >She eventually gave up and decided that the guy would eventually be classified as missing.
  829. >Then posed as someone entirely new so she could buy the house with most of what money she had left.
  830. >That along with a lot more complicated traits of the plan made it eventually work by late 2003.
  831. >His entirety of blood had given her enough sustenance immediately after his passing and her dozens of offspring kept her company until they were old enough to feign the appearance of teenagers and go to school.
  832. >But until then, Chrysalis went to check out a nearby set of schools in the district, looking to start over on her own terms.
  833. >She picked out the high school that she could sense the most love radiating from.
  834. >Odd that a prep school fit this criteria.
  835. >But as soon as she got there, she could see why.
  836. >There was a star student, her name Cadance.
  837. >Her own personal enthusiasm and love her her fellow peers and school and even the entire town was unmistakeable.
  838. >The more she checked out the school, the more she was tempted to spy on things there.
  839. >This girl had the life that made Chrysalis’s life look like hell in comparison.
  840. >No chaos, no crime, just a comfortable happy life as a star high school senior about to graduate at the top of her class.
  841. >She was planning to go to college then come back to the school as a teacher, because she loves this place so much.
  842. >So much platonic and familial love for everyone and everything there.
  843. >Chrysalis walked around the school in her normal form a few times to keep from having to keep a lot of secrets for when her own “kids” will go there in a few years.
  844. >Everything Chrysalis learned about Cadance’s story filled her with envy.
  845. >But Chrysalis’s presence filled one of the freshman students with rage.
  846. >Cozy Glow, the daughter of Tirek, her slain father who had sent her here to start a normal life too.
  847. >She recognized Chrysalis in a heartbeat, seeing red in her eyes and hearing alarms and intense movie music in her ears.
  848. >…
  849. >Throughout 2004 and 2005, Chrysalis persisted on in her gloomy world.
  850. >Lots of overcast days spent in the now rotting house on the hill.
  851. >Quietly festering in a boring, decaying environment, but in some sort of comfy misery.
  852. >She sometimes went to underground dance clubs, but became disenfranchised with it all, now starting to turn towards witchcraft instead of her former family’s rastafari beliefs.
  853. >She wanted something more exciting and “her speed”.
  854. >Still hung around the city streets at night, participating in night life, just more casually.
  855. >And mostly in disguise, of course.
  856. >Just in case.
  857. >People on the street in the middle of the night are more likely to recognize her than a bunch of school kids glued to their flip phones and iPods.
  858. >Taking care of her offspring was the easy part; making them truly happy was the hard part.
  859. >She didn’t even know if she wanted them to be her army anymore or not.
  860. >All she knew is that she had this envious little loose end in her life to have tied.
  861. >The amount of love Cadance emitted was unlike anything Chrysalis had ever sensed before.
  862. >And it was coming from someone that was about to be a teacher to Chrysalis’s offspring, something Chrysalis herself couldn’t really do due to her very… nature.
  863. >After all the shit Chrysalis had gone through, it just felt unfair to watch that Cadance graduate from high school then go to college as happy and loving as she was.
  864. >Chrysalis would grit her sharp teeth at the whole replaying scenario in her head.
  865. >She even followed Cadance to College after keeping her young fed with a few unlucky homeless victims she found close to the city nearby.
  866. >Obsessively spied on Cadance as much as she could, keeping track of who could become her boyfriend so she could subdue him before they got together.
  867. >It wasn’t long before Chrysalis learned the reason behind the vast amounts of love she sensed from Cadance.
  868. >She held the power of love within her soul, and it gave her magical abilities.
  869. >Her love was the platonic love for her community.
  870. >And she defended and empowered it with every ounce of her well-being.
  871. >This is something Chrysalis practically never saw in the run down ghetto hoods, even in the people who pretended to care but would leave in a heartbeat once able to.
  872. >So many overcast skies over dilapidated buildings and decrepit dead trees, trash all over the ground, gun and liquor stores, pawn shops, whore houses, everything is covered in cages, bars and chainlink fences, so on and so forth.
  873. >Who the fuck cares about those communities? Let alone actually takes care of them…
  874. >Preppy, petite little Cadance over here looks all proper and pristine with her neat clothes, friendly demeanor, clean and orderly environment on the pricey ivy league campus, all sort of things that send Chrysalis into a jealous frenzy.
  875. >Chrysalis enviously sighed.
  876. >Why couldn’t SHE have this without doing bad things to get it?!
  877. >Chrysalis ended up going around the college campus in search for more sex victims just to appease herself throughout 2005.
  878. >So many strapping young lads and lassies fell to her seductive advances right away, but none of them had the levels of love that Cadance had.
  879. >None of the frat boys, none of the sorority girls, neither had any of the nerds, nor anyone else Chrysalis “sampled”.
  880. >She eventually disappeared a student or two after sucking their blood.
  881. >Cadance was one of a kind.
  882. >No one Chrysalis “infiltrated” wound up getting with Cadance.
  883. >Not only this, but Cadance’s magical powers kept her from falling victim to any of Chrysalis’s pheromones or carefully crafted disguises.
  884. >This queen didn’t feel so unstoppable anymore.
  885. >It wasn’t until 2006 when 29-year-old Chrysalis went back to Crystal Prep and started trying to pick out a male from town there since she finally learned that Cadance only wants someone from her own town she loves so much.
  886. >She had gotten so angry by this point that it actually made her powerful.
  887. >And upon arriving in town, a certain Cozy Glow was waiting for her.
  888. >How she was able to track Chrysalis after she went near that university, is unknown.
  889. >All Chrysalis discovered is that Cozy Glow was waiting at the entrance of the school for her.
  890. >Glaring daggers at her as she waited to be recognized herself.
  891. >But Chrysalis didn’t even recognize her at all at first.
  892. >Never even learned her name despite being around her when hanging around Tirek back in the day.
  893. >But she was more than ready to introduce herself to Chrysalis.
  894. >”You killed my father. Now prepare to die.” She declares through the alarms and movie music in her mind.
  895. >Cozy Glow immediately pulled out a wooden crucifix laced with garlic, with the tips sharpened like little spears, and lunged right at Chrysalis.
  896. >A bunch of other students who were friends with Cozy Glow jumped in to help her, according to plan.
  897. >Chrysalis, caught off guard, clawed and screeched, shapeshifting to defend herself before getting stabbed with the crucifix.
  898. >She indeed shapeshifted in public, at the school.
  899. >Blew her cover.
  900. >The wound from the crucifix stung Chrysalis’s entire body, prompting her to flee immediately in confusion.
  901. >Cozy Glow, having done research on things her own father was involved with, would go on to educate everyone at the school about vampires.
  902. >Only angry that Chrysalis got away, and wary of the growing secret awareness of vampires among law enforcement as an indirect effect caused by Chrysalis’s underground antics the decade before.
  903. >It’s not like that was just going to fade away, people remember things.
  904. >Back into hiding throughout 2006, 2007 and 2008, Chrysalis watched in depression as the town around her started to become more and more resilient to her kind.
  905. >Finding a new meal/victim became more and more complicated.
  906. >All of the locals were protected, and Cadance’s massive amount of love Chrysalis desperately wanted more than anything in the world was now mingling among the locals.
  907. >There were a couple of times when Chrysalis made attempts to force a comeback.
  908. >Every time she tried violence, it failed.
  909. >In summer 2006, she tried a nearby Canterlot High, only to get nearly chainsawed in half during a thunderstorm.
  910. >In 2007, she tried Crystal Prep again, only to get shot at by cops and almost burned in a furnace.
  911. >This town really is starting to throw everything including the kitchen sink at their vampire problem.
  912. >In 2008, they figured out how to shoot lasers at her, and in 2009, even STRONGER lasers.
  913. >Same thing with 2010, where there were soon entire brigades just ready and waiting to deal with Chrysalis’s return.
  914. >With increasingly sophisticated weaponry they kept in secret from the public eye to avoid making an entire scene happen.
  915. >And whenever Chrysalis tried her “diplomatic” route, her advances fell upon deaf libidos.
  916. >A certain someone’s magical powers made it so there was no room for the “love” Chrysalis wanted to inject into those she could not defeat by direct force.
  917. >Kept them benevolent and immune to the strife Chrysalis came from and lust she wanted to lather everyone in.
  918. >By now, Cadance had become not just a teacher, but the dean of her respective school.
  919. >Everyone and everything had become incredibly strong and resilient against Chrysalis, and she lost more of her offspring every time she sent more of them over to help in her endeavors.
  920. >They couldn’t feed on love, something Chrysalis herself barely got an opportunity to do in her whole life and it’s killing her.
  921. >They couldn’t feed on blood, something Chrysalis herself is barely able to do in town anymore.
  922. >She could have left, but her grudge against Cadance and that school, and Cozy Glow still persists.
  923. >Eventually, started having more and more fun despite the looming “threat” of Chrysalis’s presence.
  924. >At some point in the 2010s. Chrysalis figured out that the main thing powering the weaponry that hurt her and made her weak, as well as the school’s will to go on, was love itself.
  925. >It turned into passion and persistence, wanting to protect everyone around you.
  926. >Cadance had become the protector of true love.
  927. >Cozy Glow had graduated a long time ago and moved on to college.
  928. >But her teachings along with Cadance’s furnace of compassion protecting the school made it un-takable from the outside.
  929. >They figured out how to keep Chrysalis from even getting near the premises at any point with some sort of magical force field, which is why she can’t just go there herself in disguise.
  930. >Nor can her offspring who came FROM her.
  931. >But suitors had been gone long enough for this to not include their frequency or aura in its effect.
  932. >And so, that’s where out-of-towners come into play.
  933. >All of the above is the gist of the story Chrysalis told to you, but you remember all of it as you’re under her direct influence.
  934. ~
  935. >Now having completely forgotten your own life, in favor of Chrysalis’s life being the entire precursor for your current existence after she assumed direct control over you.
  936. >Your world is now just hers, and her own past is all you can think about now.
  937. >In this now current year, you are taught how to completely disguise yourself as someone else so law enforcement cannot recognize you.
  938. >At least you were able to retract your fangs now, but you belong to Queen Chrysalis now.
  939. >And your mission is to discreetly kidnap now Principal Cadance from her prep school she runs, and bring her to the abandoned mansion type house on the hill where your queen has kept you.
  940. >All for the sake of Queen Chrysalis finally tying up this final loose end in her life, which includes tracking down Cozy Glow.
  941. >…
  942. >Off you went, a second time.
  943. >Now fully loyal, and remembering the change of plans that Chrysalis added.
  944. >With a strange, choppy sense of time going by now, only due to your focus on the mission your queen has sent you on.
  945. >You don’t think of anything else now that Chrysalis controls you, just doing what she wants.
  946. >You followed the directions to the school you were commanded to go to.
  947. >Making it to the school in the middle of the afternoon disguised as one of the freshman girls who’s almost always late/absent, you walk up the edge of the parking lot.
  948. >Through the hallways you go, since the side doors to the school are unlocked for both the students at recess and the late ones like you’re pretending to be.
  949. >The place is quite massive, high up ceilings, lots of echoing and reverberations going on here.
  950. >Try not to let yourself look too lost and confused.
  951. >It takes you some amount of time to find the principal’s office, but there’s the sign right over there.
  952. >Your mission is to lure Principal Cadance out of the building and its safety, by doing exactly what Chrysalis instructed you to do.
  953. >You weren’t told how it would be done, but Chrysalis will take the plan the rest of the way and somehow snatch Cadance away the instant she steps off of the school premises and take her back to the house where she will “corrupt her” as she put it.
  954. >No longer a spiteful bite-conversion to get a foot in the door, but something far more sinister.
  955. >This is all happening so fast and suddenly since you’re just directly following your queen’s orders.
  956. >Cadance doesn’t think you’re a threat since you were able to walk onto the school grounds past the force feild just fine, and this has been the status quo for so long that everyone’s guard has been kept down for several years now, if Chrysalis’s story is anything to go by.
  957. >”Oh hello! Miss Frost!” Principal Cadance is a lot prettier than you expected. “Did you already check in?”
  958. “Y-yeah.” You reply in a sheepish girl voice. “My parents are waiting out front because they have to go back to work, but need you to sign something first.”
  959. >”Like an official permission slip?” Cadance tilts her head and lets her bright and colorful locks of hair bounce slightly.
  960. “I think it is that.”
  961. >”Can’t they come in here and sign it?”
  962. “I have it right here.” You pull out the bogus stack of stapled papers with information about peanut allergies and stuff on them. “They need the school principal’s signature. I’m sorry I’m late today.”
  963. >”Oh, it’s alright. I’m glad you started showing up more often. We’ve been starting to miss you.”
  964. >She puts her signature on the dotted line at the end and the date next to it.
  965. >”You head to class now, I’ll take care of the rest.”
  966. “Thanks!”
  967. >You meander deeper into the school as Principal Cadance walks out the front toward where a car is parked.
  968. >She had always wondered what car that girl’s parents drove, as equally absent from PTA meetings as they are.
  969. >The window rolls down to reveal a friendly wave.
  970. >You had gone through most of the rest of the school by now, soon walking out the same side door you went in.
  971. >”Hey uh, where’s Creme Yogurt?” Cadance refers to the father of Orange Frost.
  972. >”Oh, he’s right back there!” The disguised driver points back. “Say hi, honey!”
  973. >Cadance leans into the vehicle to get a good look at him.
  974. >Only after the chloroform napkin presses into her face does she see that no one’s sitting back there.
  975. >~
  976. >Well that was fucking easy.
  977. >You carried out your queen’s dirty deeds for her.
  978. >Or at least helped her do so mostly herself.
  979. >”I take it you would like to go find out what happened to your car.” Chrysalis stands next to an unconscious Cadance on the creaky kitchen table.
  980. >You nod.
  981. >”If you’d like, you are free to go. Your work is done for now.”
  982. “What about you?”
  983. >”Trust me, I’ll be fine.” She smiles over at her newest captor. “I know your heart is in the… right place now. I know you’ll be loyal and keep this hush hush.”
  984. >Part of you really wants to stay with your queen, but you might as well go tell your folks that you’re alright so they don’t start sending people looking for you.
  985. >As far as they know, you disappeared right before making it to one of the big cities along the way of your road trip some number of… weeks ago?
  986. >You don’t even know how long it’s been at this point.
  987. >It’s not like you completely want to abandon your ACTUAL life, but Chrysalis has become a part of it that you do not want removed nor discovered by the rest of your life.
  988. >You’re given enough money for a rental motorcycle to get tot he nearest impound lot, since walking around would be sketchy.
  989. >You leave the mansion, not exactly sure what Chrysalis plans to do with that school principal you casually and obediently helped her kidnap.
  990. >But you haven’t been yourself for a while; you’re just glad you’re serving your new queen.
  991. >Hopefully she’ll beckon you back soon.
  992. >You’re more than certain she’s going to find you one way or another.
  993. >And so, out of nowhere, you’re back on track with continuing the road trip that was interrupted by that night encounter.
  994. >Almost feeling unfamiliar with it now.
  995. >What the hell did you just help start up back there?
  996. >Are the students at that school going to notice anything different about their principal?
  997. >Will Cadance turn into a pervert like Chrysalis?
  998. >That's probably another story at this point.
  999. ~
  1000. fin (not really)
  1001. >…
  1002. >You’re a student at Crystal Prep.
  1003. >One of many male students who Principal Cadance just won’t leave alone.
  1004. >She always gets a certain kind of way around Valentine’s Day, but the school overall is used to her being more or less cool-ish about it.
  1005. >As in, she doesn’t mean any ill will or predatory-ness towards anyone.
  1006. >She just wants the students to get to know eachother and perhaps start up a few wholesome romantic relationships together.
  1007. >Everything had always played out like one of those PG movies about love and romance with a bit of comedy in there.
  1008. >A boy and a girl would argue, start to hate eachother, then mysteriously start to want to hang out with one another.
  1009. >With the secret guidance of their principal, of course.
  1010. >A lot of awkward and coincidental run-in encounters would happen where they meet up at unexpected locations.
  1011. >Gradually over time find out they have a lot in common.
  1012. >The boy shyly asks the girl if she wants to go out on a date some time.
  1013. >She accepts, they end up having an embarrassing moment on the date, but it proved to bond them a little more.
  1014. >And the moment only leads to a second date, and so on…
  1015. >Principal Cadance knows this is all tat’s needed to help these young boys and girls find romantic togetherness in life.
  1016. >They’ll be acting all sweet and buying eachother presents in no time.
  1017. >Lots of fun for Cadance to play matchmaker with her students, making them have crushes on one another by use of her love magic.
  1018. >She already has the right kind of intuition to be able to tell which students are compatible with which.
  1019. >It’s all basically one big social phenomenon.
  1020. >Boys are lonely, girls are hopeful for their storybook high school experiences, so they start getting paired up with a little magic and platonically romantic assistance.
  1021. >Just enough to get them to blush around one another and be extra nice.
  1022. >That whole thing, nervousness, bias towards one another, etc. etc.
  1023. >Make them feel butterflies, make their knees weak, palms sweaty and their arms heavy, the whole nine yards, but Cadance is careful not to take it the whole eight miles.
  1024. >They are only to feel appropriate love between two young school students, like in those PG movies they used to watch a couple of years ago.
  1025. >Where the main character finds true love, but there’s no sex scenes or anything else too inappropriate; that’d be WAY too far.
  1026. >The whole point of what Principal Cadance is doing is to show that love can not only exist but thrive as a mutual respect and thoughtful affection for one another’s heart and soul.
  1027. >She just wants them to be happy with one another’s presence.
  1028. >That’s what this should be branded of… love for one’s mere presence.
  1029. >To spend time with them and share common interests; it’s about the memories you make.
  1030. >One male student had a bad day consisting of flunking a test, losing his part-time job and missing the bus home.
  1031. >He just missed it and was splashed with some dirty water from the street, which required him to clean up the lower half of his jeans.
  1032. >He was roaming the halls with an extra roll of paper towels he found, trying to call anyone in his contacts he could to come pick him up, but everyone had either turned the cold shoulder or just wan’t available.
  1033. >And in that very moment he felt stuck, a stroke of bad luck had also stuck one of the nerd girls in a nearby science classroom with a chemical spill.
  1034. >The two nearly identical style minus signs of their bad luck are about to collide to form a plus sign when they cross paths.
  1035. >She was rushing to get extra paper towels to wipe everything off of the floor when she saw him standing there.
  1036. >Didn’t initially notice the slight tears welling up in his eyes until she asked him for the roll of paper towels, not having noticed that an aura of magic had screwed up her science experiment that put her in this situation.
  1037. >He handed her the roll of paper towels, but followed her into the classroom after she saw he was having a bad day and invited him in.
  1038. >After he watched her clean everything up and decide to try the experiment again tomorrow after more materials were replenished, she offered to give him a ride home since he didn’t have a ride.
  1039. >Put a hand on his shoulder and told him that the probability he’ll have bad luck tomorrow would be lower due to the unusually high amount of it that happened today.
  1040. >It actually made him feel better, and he was sitting in the passenger side of her car before he knew it.
  1041. >And just like that, they started thinking about eachother more, even after she had dropped him off.
  1042. >They sparked a beginning to their history together, and that was all that cadance needed to really use tiny burst of love magic to make them want to go to a restaurant together and just talk about things they like.
  1043. >Then it’d lead to more things and more things until they’re going to go to the Valentine’s Day Dance together as boyfriend and girlfriend.
  1044. >Sweet, cute little stories like that, just ways to start up couples.
  1045. >And now it’s your turn.
  1046. >Orange Frost, a girl in your grade, likes to do track and field, but you’re more of a stay inside and read kind of guy.
  1047. >But you’re both super into a specific comic book series no one else seems to truly care about.
  1048. >The school doesn’t have an after-school comic club, but the two of you were in chemistry together and she recognized a reference you made to one of the characters’ dialogue lines.
  1049. >There was a spark in her eyes, and you felt butterflies in your stomach as she giggled, and things started taking off little by little every couple of days between you two.
  1050. >A really sweet and cute relationship.
  1051. >Unbeknownst to you, Principal Cadance is the one orchestrating the whole thing from behind the scenes.
  1052. >Making you two slowly fall for eachother, playing wholesome platonic matchmaker like she always does.
  1053. >Every time the guy says yes to the girl or the girl says yes to the guy, Principal Cadance is proud of the both of them.
  1054. >After a couple of weeks, you ask Orange Frost out on a casual date to the Valentine’s Day Dance coming up in a couple more weeks.
  1055. >She shyly hesitates, but ultimately accepts with a nod and a “yes”.
  1056. >Principal Cadance shows herself to be very proud of you, with a warm smile across her face and a heartfelt nod.
  1057. >Proud of not only you but all of her students for finding romance while in high school together.
  1058. >She’s happy to help you all find happiness together as a bunch of young couples discovering what it’s like to have a crush on someone and follow through with it in a high school relationship.
  1059. >You’re currently slowly breaking the ice with Orange Frost, when Principal Cadance disappears suddenly.
  1060. >Whatever, it didn’t cross your mind much, and you continued to hang out with Orange Frost.
  1061. >The two of you are still casually hitting things off, but you’re starting to get a little bored, and she noticed, while she’s also stating she might be busy on the night of the dance.
  1062. >One of the other faculty and staff members fills on for Cadance for the next several days until she returns.
  1063. >Claiming that she fell ill, came down with something terrible and had to stay home for the past few days until she got better.
  1064. >All of the other students in school who were coupled up had already solidified their connections together and are still 100% on going to the dance together.
  1065. >But you an Orange Frost are getting a little distant, and Principal Cadance has seemed noticeably different in her behavior since coming back.
  1066. >She appears to be eyeing the young male students in a different way.
  1067. >You’re not terribly concerned about this, as you’re more worried about making sure Orange Frost is still up for going to the dance with you, which she says she is.
  1068. >But she sounds different about it when she says it, compared to before.
  1069. >Feels as though something is wearing off, and getting replaced by something else in the air.
  1070. >You talked to Principal Cadance about it in her office, and she tells you that everything’s going to be fine, and that she’s proud of you for finally getting yourself a girlfriend.
  1071. >And that she hopes you have fun at the dance.
  1072. >Principal Cadance keeps glancing down for some reason.
  1073. >Almost has a vacant look in her eye had it not been whatever about you she was focusing on.
  1074. >You leave her office with no further issues.
  1075. ~
  1076. >You’re standing here waiting for Orange Frost to arrive.
  1077. >Surely she’s just late; lots of other students have already arrived, paired up and everything.
  1078. >The minutes go on, and it all starts to sink in.
  1079. >There’s happy music playing all around you, but sad music is blaring inside of your heart.
  1080. >It’s been 45 minutes since she said she was going to arrive at 5:15 PM.
  1081. >She won’t even text you back, but still read what you sent.
  1082. >Soon, she likes one of her friends’ posts on social media about having to break it to a boy that she’s not coming to the date.
  1083. >If it wasn’t obvious 20 minutes ago at 6:20 PM, it’s obvious now.
  1084. >You manage to hide it from all of the other students, but Principal Cadance, who’s been here since the beginning to help orchestrate the entire event, notices you’re visibly upset.
  1085. >You hard-to-ignore single-ness is a dead giveaway as to why this is.
  1086. >There’s a little part of her still there that ignores the the effects of all that’s recently happened to her, and instinctively gets the urge to rush over to you and console your broken heart.
  1087. >There’s a little part of her that stays awake just a little bit longer in the sea of primality that had recently overtaken her.
  1088. >Barely paddling its way over to you after seeing one of Principal Cadance’s dear students experiencing a love problem —a love emergency— that must be fixed.
  1089. >This last little holdout of her platonic love gives its last hurrah as you feel Principal Cadance pat you on the shoulder.
  1090. >She takes you around the corner where no one can see or hear you.
  1091. >You fight back tears from your eyes, but she tells you to let it all out.
  1092. >And not to be angry at Orange Frost, as forgiveness will heal things between you two faster than the lack thereof.
  1093. >That little part of Principal Cadance still left that is still PG is fading, but she lets you cry onto her shoulder.
  1094. >And she feels disappointed that this budding love between you and Orange Frost ended up not coming into fruition.
  1095. >It was something that always made Principal Cadance sad, as she always cared about the love she would help her students experience.
  1096. >But this time, something cheers in victory, as she can now think about the love she must now —not help her student experience— but MAKE her student FEEL.
  1097. >”Would you like to dance with me?” Cadance offers, feeling the last of her innocence drain out of her.
  1098. “I’d love to.” You figure you can’t exactly say no to the principal, whose main thing is love and all that.
  1099. >You’ll just have to go along with it.
  1100. >No matter what happens.
  1101. >Principal Cadance takes you back into the dark gymnasium where the happy love songs continue to play as students dance in two’s.
  1102. >There’s must have been some serious clouds in your eyes before, because you didn’t notice how revealing Principal Cadance’s top is until just now.
  1103. >The difference in height between you two set things up for her revealed cleavage to be right in front of your face, slightly below.
  1104. >Nearly impossible to just look away from her boobs.
  1105. >A much more revealing outfit on a noticeably older and more developed dancing partner you’re now dancing with in your soon-to-be ex-girlfriend’s place.
  1106. >You’ve now become matched with the matchmaker herself.
  1107. >She guides you into a corner in the room with her.
  1108. >There must be something about Principal Cadance’s perfume, because the scent floating into your nose and lungs smells good but it’s making you feel a little dizzy.
  1109. >Cadance meanwhile is trying to hold it all together, but the final thread her former self was hanging on with just weakly snapped.
  1110. >It was simply your presence that did it.
  1111. >Her sane, benevolent self now falls into a deep, deep sleep. Replaced by…
  1112. >Principal Cadance’s eyes fall vacant and glance down at you, noticing you trying your best to keep your eyes looking upward towards her face, but they have to keep drifting down.
  1113. >You have to look at her body to stay in rhythm with her while dancing, and Principal Cadance’s soft exposed cleavage is RIGHT THERE.
  1114. >It couldn’t be helped; your eyes only do what your brain is naturally hardwired to make them do.
  1115. >Keep locking that gaze onto Cadance’s deep soft cleavage.
  1116. >She definitely noticed by now despite how dark it is in here, but she doesn’t do anything to prevent it from happening again.
  1117. >You keep sneaking glances at Principal Cadance’s boobs, too nervous to say you have to go or even to apologize.
  1118. >Either too nervous or too… aroused… increasingly so the longer your feel the physical contact of your hands on her wide curvy hips.
  1119. >Principal Cadance isn’t even TRYING to hold it all together on the inside anymore.
  1120. >Her magical abilities can SENSE your arousal increasing as her special perfume continues to fill your lungs, and fantasies about her heaving busty tits fill your mind.
  1121. >How could this NOT happen?
  1122. >Cadance’s big soft titties just so happen to be unavoidably right in front of your face, cleavage in full bare view and all, and there’s nothing either of you can do about it.
  1123. >She can feel your arousal growing stronger, and stronger, knowing that she could start touching you inappropriately right now, and it wouldn’t count as assault because you’re getting horny enough to simply welcome it with all these sexual thoughts buzzing around in your head.
  1124. >Conditioning you into becoming so… willing.
  1125. >A much faster song starts playing, and the two of you start dancing to the beat.
  1126. >The increased movement makes Principal Cadance’s exposed cleavage inevitably jiggle around in front of your face.
  1127. >You just watch all her fully developed womanly softness shake and sway before your eyes, as it’s supposed to with a beautiful woman her age.
  1128. >Her boobs in front of your face coupled with her special perfume assist your instincts you try to keep held inside lest you get in trouble for touching the school’s principal inappropriately.
  1129. >Your instincts are getting too strong to resist.
  1130. >Can’t fight them with Principal Cadance’s irresistible bouncing cleavage right there in front of your face.
  1131. >And her perfume in your lungs, and your hands on her gracefully swaying hips.
  1132. >Try your best to hold in how horny you’re getting, but you notice that her bright teal shirt under her half open jacket must be slipping down to show more and more of Principal Cadance’s sexy cleavage that softly jiggles as she dances with you
  1133. >She keeps looking down and biting her lip..
  1134. >There’s that vacant look in her eyes as she looks down, like she can only see one thing right now but doesn’t realize she’s looking at it.
  1135. >Doesn’t realize she’s biting her lip at it.
  1136. >Doesn’t realize she pulled you by your shoulders into herself and forced your face right into the soft warmth of her bare, gently shaking cleavage.
  1137. >Cadance’s soft boobies directly against your face skin to skin wrings a horny whimper out of you.
  1138. >You both go back to regular dancing positions, and you look around for a way to escape before your horny overtakes you completely.
  1139. >The rest of the room is too dark to meaningfully see anything, any of the other students around you.
  1140. >The other students can’t easily see what’s happening with you and Principal Cadance either.
  1141. >She bites her lip again.
  1142. >You try to formulate a sentence before it falls apart under the weight of your arousal.
  1143. >You can’t look away from Cadance’s busty soft cleavage, now unable to even hide your blatant prolonged staring.
  1144. >Whatever you try to say, Principal Cadance doesn't listen to it.
  1145. >You have no other choice but to keep dancing with her, pawn to her authority and hungry glare down upon you.
  1146. >The bottom of that bright top under her jacket mysteriously hikes up her midriff and reveals her Principal Cadance’s soft bellybutton to you.
  1147. >Try to say something.
  1148. >She doesn’t listen to your words… she’s listening to your hands…
  1149. >You didn’t even know where your hands were until you once again think about how horny you are.
  1150. >Realize your hands have reached around and gently grabbed and started holding onto Principal Cadance’s soft round butt through her clingy skirt.
  1151. >Try to croak out an apology but it just comes out as gibberish.
  1152. >Principal Cadance isn't listening to anything you say anyway.
  1153. >She can’t hear you, and she’s not letting you pull yourself away as your hands can’t stop groping her soft butt.
  1154. >Just go along with it even though you KNOW you're in public and you KNOW this... should... be wrong...
  1155. >Your hands on Cadance’s lovely behind help her pull the two of you closer in together once more, this time not only meeting face to chest but also presses your crotch against her soft thigh.
  1156. >Start to say something in half-hearted protest but stop when you notice a certain tension inside the front of your pants while up against her.
  1157. >Your member is already at full mast, and letting Principal Cadance know by poking her thigh, negating whatever it was you were about to say to try to get out of this dangerous situation.
  1158. >With your face buried into Principal Cadance’s cleavage once more, you hear a slower song start playing again.
  1159. >The bare soft skin of her lightly bouncing cleavage in your face skyrockets how horny you are as your eager hands grope and grope and grope her butt.
  1160. >Scrunching the back of her skirt up until the entire backs of her thighs are exposed along with her underbutt.
  1161. >Naturally, you find your way to the back of her panties and stretch them up into a wedgie, slipping Principal Cadance’s panties inward into her buttcrack and exposing her soft smooth buttcheeks.
  1162. >Your hands bravely grope Principal Cadance’s exposed buttcheeks under her scrunched up skirt.
  1163. >The feeling of the smooth softness of Cadance’s bare lovebutt in your gently squeezing hands riles up enough arousal in you to start dry humping her supple upper thigh.
  1164. >The feeling of which only adds to your arousal as you stumble over your words trying to convince her and yourself to stop; neither you not her obey.
  1165. >She’s dry humping you right back, rewarding your own sexual movements up against her and encouraging your full mast erection inside your pants to get more agitated and stimulated.
  1166. >Your hands dip underneath her clothes, now sliding around her warm smooth bare skin inside and hopelessly skyrocketing how horny you are even MORE from the contact.
  1167. >You fall victim to Cadance’s perfume and soft smooth sexy skin inside of her clothes against your caressing hands.
  1168. >Even if you were able to escape... would you get in trouble?
  1169. >She's the principal!
  1170. >She clearly insists that this continues~
  1171. >You can’t reason with her, too horny and nervous to try and get someone's attention.
  1172. >Both of you are on sexual autopilot, breathing faster and more loudly as the Valentine’s music keeps playing.
  1173. >Your hands are now trapped inside of her clothes, feeling her up everywhere your libido guides you.
  1174. >Now not only inside her outer layer of clothing, but infiltrating past her *inner* layer of clothing too~
  1175. >Feel up her bare hips and midriff, gliding your hands up and down Cadance’s smooth silky skin.
  1176. >Letting the abundant contact with her sexy bare skin inside her inner layer of clothes make you more and more and MORE horny~
  1177. >Move around inside her infiltrated top to her bare tummy and bellybutton…
  1178. >Feeling the coarse front of Principal Cadance’s frilly panties inside her skirt and tugging them down.
  1179. >Peeling away the most private layer of clothes of Principal Cadance’s underwear~
  1180. >She somehow positioned herself to start dry humping directly against your crotch.
  1181. >Agitating your full mast cock inside your own underwear more and more with the physical teasing and rubbing.
  1182. >Your cock gets harder and harder and harder.
  1183. >Physically bullied inside of its own underwear by the insistent force of Principal Cadance’s dry humping slowly encouraging an approaching ejaculation.
  1184. >There’s already a drop of precum leaking out up against the stretched fabric.
  1185. >But as the slow love song continues, you discover that BOTH of you are wet…
  1186. >One of your hands slips between Cadance’s vulva inside her panties for a split second, confirming that she too is dripping a little bit of precum herself, just as sexually excited as you are.
  1187. >Your other wildly groping and caressing hand struggles with Principal Cadance’s stubborn bra inside of her top, lewdly pushing her big soft boobies upwards with her front straps and bra cups wonderfully clinging to them.
  1188. >Slip your lower hand up Cadance’s smooth sexy bare torso inside her clothes and help dismantle the other half of that innermost and most private layer of clothes of her sexy underwear…
  1189. >Cadance HAS to know that she’s… encouraging your cock.
  1190. >Her crazed horny stare indicates that this is all on purpose.
  1191. >She doesn’t listen or respond to your silent pleas, only dry humps you more and MORE and MORE.
  1192. >Her eyes are lit up with lust but still vacant… with also lust.
  1193. >She’s just helping her young male student with his love emergency… with his lust emergency.
  1194. >Cadance shouldn’t be doing this, but her student was just so handsome and begging for it with his eyes glancing down at her cleavage.
  1195. >She couldn’t resist.
  1196. >The two of you dry hump harder and harder as your hands manage to slip Principal Cadance’s bra cups up a lot under her clothes, exposing her soft perky nipples inside of her shirt.
  1197. >She keeps dry humping you more and more and more~
  1198. >Silently shake your head, trying to indicate you're dangerously close to cumming inside of your pants if she keeps going.
  1199. >She lustfully glares into your eyes and keeps going, not saying a word.
  1200. >This beautiful, horny, perverted sexual deviant is what she has turned into now, not Cadance, but Decadance.
  1201. >You panic, trying to hold it all back, but wanting to cum at the same time.
  1202. >She only holds you tighter, biting her lip and dry humping you harder and harder with her goal to push your cock over the edge inside your underwear as your hands feel her up underneath her underwear~
  1203. >Principal Cadance makes contorted facial expressions of what has to be overwhelming arousal in response to your bumbling attempts to say anything at all to her…
  1204. >She gives a wide crooked horny grin as her dry humping gradually overwhelms your full mast cock into losing control inside of your underwear.
  1205. >It wildly twitches, trying to burst out as you're forced to… to…
  1206. >You're in public!
  1207. >Try to stop it, cancel it.
  1208. >You're writhing and shuddering in overpowering… ejaculation.
  1209. >Cadance aggressively forces more crotch-to-crotch dry humping, further encouraging your already irreversible ejaculation.
  1210. >Her wide eyes and quivering smile cannot be convinced to stop.
  1211. >Principal Cadance forces the feeling of her movements onto your sensitive, already in climax mode, fully erect cock losing all control inside of your underwear.
  1212. >She's breathing so fast and wanting-ly.
  1213. >Her open deep soft cleavage jiggles in front of your face to the motions of her intensifying dry humping.
  1214. >You hope no one else can see this battle with your own body you're 100% going to lose.
  1215. >She stares into your eyes, KNOWING you're starting to cum inside your underwear, and only forces herself onto you even HARDER~
  1216. >Too horny to turn back...
  1217. >Every mental command you send down there trying to cancel your ejaculation is drowned out by feeling Cadance's sexual motions pushing through your clothes and rubbing, nudging against your hopelessly convulsing cock already obeying the natural ejaculation trigger.
  1218. >You're TRYING and TRYING to stop yourself from cumming in your pants in public.
  1219. >Everything's too... excited~
  1220. >Principal Cadance excitedly grins down at your violently twitching tent, watching the dark spot of cum on the front of your pants grow.
  1221. >And grow... and grow as you make horny noises for her~
  1222. >It's already BEEN happening; you give up and allow it to continue in full swing like it was going to no matter what you did anyway.
  1223. >Principal Cadance excitedly watches the dark spot grow more and extend downward as your cum soaks the inside of your underwear in powerful unstoppable spurts.
  1224. >She breathes heavily in blushing arousal watching you violently cum inside your underwear and through your pants.
  1225. >Biting her lip and shivering in horny joy almost as hard as you are.
  1226. >You’re embarrassed until you realize it’s too dark in here for anyone else to see.
  1227. >As soon as she can tell that you've finished, she grabs your arm.
  1228. >Principal Cadance's young male student has creamed inside his underwear in front of the school principal.
  1229. >She is now going to take you somewhere more private and "clean you off" before "punishing" you for being so sexual on school grounds.
  1230. >...
  1231. >Your shoes frantically squeak against the floor as Principal Cadance hauls you down the hallway.
  1232. >Anyone out here with you for whatever reason should think you're just in trouble with the principal.
  1233. >You are, in a way...
  1234. >You try to say something but she still doesn't listen and only pulls more assertively until she gets you inside the faculty lounge.
  1235. >The door lock clicks, the room is much more well lit than the dark gym.
  1236. >You stumble around, clumsily looking for another way out of here; there isn't.
  1237. >Despite you being extremely excited and horny, Principal Cadance scares you.
  1238. >Her predatory glare, her wide thirsty grin...
  1239. >She loves it when you stare at her sexy bouncing cleavage as she haphazardly stumbles herself towards you, clumsy from her own excited horniness.
  1240. >Eyes glued to that dark spot of cum she forced out of you into your underwear and pants.
  1241. >Can't make it go away.
  1242. >You're already marked for sex.
  1243. >She made you mark YOURSELF for sex for her.
  1244. >Now she's just going to get to the point.
  1245. >Ready to get busy with you~
  1246. >Locked in her alone with her, you watch Principal Cadance pull her uniform skirt down.
  1247. >Her teal panties have their own dark spot of ladycum from her sexual excitement.
  1248. >Cadance backs you onto the faculty lounge couch, drooling slightly from her own arousal and ready for all sex to break loose.
  1249. >Out of control, straight to the point now: clean off her student's cum drenched cock.
  1250. >Her skirt falls limp to the floor, she unbuttons her jacket blouse and exposes all of her cleavage and bellybutton.
  1251. >Not even your own hands can say no.
  1252. >You grab the front of Principal Cadance's loose teal undershirt and start ripping the fabric open.
  1253. >Principal Cadance's bra has already been unfastened and taken apart underneath it, and her bra cups aren't even trying to cover her stiff, pink, excited perky nipples when the teal fabric is torn away.
  1254. >Principal Cadance's soft naked breasts wonderfully jiggle and sway to the clumsily excited motions of her climbing over you with a deep red blush and a squealing grin.
  1255. >Her now exposed smooth skin is free for your hands to feel up all over.
  1256. >You almost try to push her away as she's positioned above you, but instead grope Cadance's sexy, soft and perky tits.
  1257. >Her bare, smooth busty mounds of softness giving way to your squeezing and fondling, and her hard erect nipples flicking between your fingers floods infinitely more uncontrollable sexual excitement into you.
  1258. >Your eyes alone are the last to say no, but Principal Cadance doesn't listen to them and closes in with a deep kiss on the lips.
  1259. >She finally got one of her students.
  1260. >Principal Cadance forces the kiss deeper and deeper as the abundant contact from literally everything happening right now overriding anything in your body that isn't this sexual autopilot.
  1261. >Nothing else exists right now except fucking.
  1262. >Uncontrollable sexual excitement shared between you two makes you share saliva in the intensifying kiss, swapping it back and forth with your tongues.
  1263. >Principal Cadance continues forcing herself on top of you in her sexual debut as her changed perverted self.
  1264. >Her vacant lidded eyes staring into yours as the deep tongue kiss persists.
  1265. >Complete absence of conscience in them, there's only uncontrollable lust from horny sexual autopilot.
  1266. >Your hands wildly feel her up all over her smooth sexy body, exposing it more and more.
  1267. >Mutually encouraging and cross-infecting eachother's horny sexual autopilot.
  1268. >The kiss breaks with a few long saliva trails stretching between your lips and hers, and you didn't realize she somehow already got your pants all the way off.
  1269. >She didn't realize either, and doesn't realize she's grabbing the front of your tented underwear and ripping it open.
  1270. >Principal Cadance's clumsy excited hands overpower your clumsy excited hands, and she succeeds in tearing the entire front of your underwear open and freeing your drenched, slippery cock.
  1271. >Principal Cadance immediately locks her lips around your dripping glans.
  1272. >Cleaning off her young male student.
  1273. >She pushes her head down and slides your erect cock deep into her mouth with little patience.
  1274. >Your whole body is now effectively paralyzed; you're holding still for horny Principal Cadance.
  1275. >Any stiffness you may have lost from your previous ejaculation is now being brought back as Principal Cadance moves her head up and down with her tongue eagerly caressing the sensitive underside of your cock inside her mouth.
  1276. >She cleans off her student's cock the only way she can think of, sucking all the spilt white cream right off of it.
  1277. >Her moans vibrate against your erect shaft and encourage any needed return of full complete erection.
  1278. >Everything happening skyrockets your horny excitement into outer space at this point.
  1279. >You throw your head back, she bobs hers up and down.
  1280. >Both of you let out all sorts of sounds of pleasure and satisfaction.
  1281. >Completely lost and locked into sexual autopilot.
  1282. >As soon as your licked-clean cock is so unrelentingly erect that nothing will make it go back down except another ejaculation, Principal Cadance releases it from her mouth's gripping enclosure and slips out of her teal panties.
  1283. >Only now do you realize you can still slightly hear the music in the gym still playing.
  1284. >Now fully naked aside her completely opened uniform jacket slipped halfway down her arms, Principal Cadance enthusiastically mounts herself on top of you.
  1285. >She pushes her smooth moist vulva up against the head of your cock, swaying her naked bountiful hips to the song playing in the gym and tilting your increasingly enveloped cock with it.
  1286. >Principal Cadance's bare sexy tummy breathes in and out as your entire glans quickly gets pushed up between her parting vulva lips then slips all the way inside.
  1287. >She lowers herself down your erect length as your hands reach around to grope Cadance's bare soft buttcheeks.
  1288. >Principal Cadance instinctively begins to hop up and down on you to the faintly playing slow love song in the gym.
  1289. >The two of you are commencing a very special dance together for this special valentine's day event.
  1290. >Even if you don't know the moves, you automatically learn them with Cadance's guidance~
  1291. >Principal Cadance makes her fully exposed breasts freely bounce with her much-less-dry humping onto your cock deep inside her pussy.
  1292. >Her lips wrapped around you slip up and down your entire length again and again, overwhelming you with horny sexual excitement too powerful to not love.
  1293. >Your "dance" together on the couch gets faster and faster as your excited hands clamp onto Principal Cadance's naked soft round lovebutt helping her hump you as fervently as she can.
  1294. >Cadance moans and wails with you as you alternate between groping her naked bouncing buttcheeks as they rise and fall on top of you and groping her naked bouncing breasts and thumbing her pink perky nipples.
  1295. >Principal Cadance wet-humps you harder and harder and HARDER, making the lovely plapping noises get louder and louder~
  1296. >Her long lustful moans echo through the room as her bouncy bare lovebutt jiggles in response to each and every soft wet impact between your vertically plapping crotches.
  1297. >Your excited fully erect cock thrusts upward in and out of Cadance's tight, wet gripping pussy now irresistibly encouraging another turbulent ejaculation out of you.
  1298. >Now you are happily welcoming that predatory glare from Principal Cadance as you feel her up all over her soft, exposed curvy body.
  1299. >Her clumsy arousal has certainly spread to you, as both of you are tangled up in this hot, jumpy mutual naked fumbling for eachother.
  1300. >Your horny excitement physically overriding everything as your untamed brains can only hyperfocus on having rough, passionate sex however possible.
  1301. >She couldn't stop if she wanted to, and neither can you.
  1302. >Both of you are continuously lost and locked into sexual autopilot together for this special valentine's dance, mutually horny~
  1303. >You only fall deeper and deeper into this sexual autopilot with the continued abundant nude sexual contact with your sexy principal.
  1304. >Sexual autopilot powered and fueled by the physically primal feeling of Cadance's soft, smooth naked body RELENTLESSLY wet-humping you~
  1305. >With your agitated near-climax cock getting driven in and out with Cadance's sexy vulva lips delightfully, sincerely hugging your shaft while gliding up and down your length...
  1306. >Sexy naked Principal Cadance and her jiggling lovebutt and bouncing tits does everything to you.
  1307. >She bites her lip with a lustful grin and a deep red blush, pupils contracted into a horny glare from her uncontrollable sexual excitement.
  1308. >Without a single word, Cadance sinisterly beams her horny, lip-biting, grinning glare down at you, lost in horny sexual autopilot.
  1309. >*plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*~
  1310. >Cadance lets out little squeals in response to your flailing hands mercifully groping her all over as you fully welcome yourself being brought into climax this time.
  1311. >Her eyes light up as she contorts her horny grin a little more while gazing down at you, wet-humping you even faster.
  1312. >*plap*plap*plap*plap*plap*plap*plap*~
  1313. >Ignoring anything you might have said, Cadance only responds by wet-humping you faster and harder...
  1315. >She sends you into complete ejaculation once again, you help her do it as thoroughly as possible by bucking your hips up back at her.
  1316. >Cadance throws her head back and cries out in a wanton yelp after first seeing it in your face, then feeling it deep inside that you're cumming.
  1317. >Your cock on ejaculation autopilot violently convulses deep inside of Cadance's enveloping pussy harder than it previously had.
  1318. >You release everything you have for your principal.
  1319. >Keeping yourself balls deep the whole way through the ordeal, you blast your load deep inside one spurt at a time.
  1320. >...
  1321. >Principal Cadance finally comes to.
  1322. >She looks down and finds one of her students below her.
  1323. >It's that one whom she wanted to help cheer up after his date for the valentine's dance stood him up.
  1324. >She looks at her nude self, looks at what position on top of him she's in, examines the rest of the situation and gasps.
  1325. >And tries her hardest not to feel absolutely satisfied about the whole thing.
  1326. >But she just loves this too much.
  1327. >She has already fallen on top of you, shivering from everything she's feeling and holding you close.
  1328. >Asking herself in her head: what has she done?
  1329. >And why does it feel so right?
  1330. >What has Chrysalis done to her?
  1331. ~
  1332. >Some time after the Valentine’s Dance.
  1333. >Cadance sits at her own desk in shame, trying to piece together a better string of events in her head she can replace reality with.
  1334. >There is no way she just did that with one of her students.
  1335. >She could never abuse the power of love like that, not after all she’s done for it and all its done for her.
  1336. >She would never do that to one of her students, it’s always been so obvious to her that she always cared about them so dearly, and it was HER responsibility to safeguard them anything out there that could corrupt them or their concept of love.
  1337. >Principal Cadance clenches her fists while her eyes well up as she comes to terms with the fact that she has betrayed that trust with one of her students, and thus all of them.
  1338. >What she did was so unforgivably dirty and deviant… so… decadent.
  1339. >It’s what she wanted to teach her students what love ISN’T supposed to be.
  1340. >As she searched for something to pass the blame onto, she quickly finds the correct culprit once again: Chrysalis.
  1341. >All Cadance really remembers is walking up to that car allegedly with one of the parents of one of the students just on the other side of the window.
  1342. >Her memory cuts off from there, and has turned into a soup of unidentifiable events.
  1343. >But she KNOWS Chrysalis was there, which only confirms that Chrysalis was never truly stopped.
  1344. >She was so sure she never had to worry about this succubus-vampire threat anymore, but it came back to haunt her.
  1345. >She sees Chrysalis’s green glow in her memory, and not just her more distant memory like any other time… it’s in her more recent and immediate memory.
  1346. >Right after the instance with Orange Frost’s parents’ car.
  1347. >This is only how she can confirm that something happened with the actual Orange Frost when she realizes that Orange Frost is the same girl whom the student Cadance just slept with was having love problems with.
  1348. >It all HAD to be planned.
  1349. >And whatever the plan was, it horrifically worked.
  1350. >There is absolutely nothing else that could have made Principal Cadance do that with one of her students other than something Chrysalis must have done to her first.
  1351. >Now she can’t focus on her work or duties, and can only feel sick as she tries to discover what abhorrent events must have happened to her that have been wiped away from her memory so she’d stay obedient for the time being.
  1352. >It was all ambiguous to her before, but now it’s clear that something certainly happened with Chrysalis after that Valentine’s Dance event.
  1353. >Cadance must have sat here at her desk for weeks with whatever repressed memories being locked away from her in her own head, not knowing what she was about to do to that poor boy.
  1354. >She didn’t know.
  1355. >It must have been somehow kept from her, and now it’s too late to reverse what she has done.
  1356. >Cadance knows he may be looking back on it fondly now, but that is not the point.
  1357. >She betrayed her oath to protect her students using her unique hold on the power of love she swore to use for good.
  1358. >Why didn’t she see any warning signs when walking out to that car?
  1359. >Why didn’t she remember what happened next?
  1360. >All Cadance knows is that she woke up at her desk having dozed off, or at least that’s what she had thought until the Valentine’s Dance happened; her suspicion that something more was to this was only confirmed.
  1361. >Now she can only feel guilty for not only technically statutorily raping one of her students, but also guilty for not doing anything to prevent it during the entire time leading up to the Valentine’s Dance.
  1362. >She never even thought about it until now; it just hadn’t occurred to her.
  1363. >Even though there was something in the back of her mind that told her that Chrysalis might have done something to her.
  1364. >Only right after the moment of weakness with that young male student did Principal Cadance realize there was a reason she felt the way she had after the half-memory with the car.
  1365. >Cadance believed she had come down with something after waking up at her desk that day, not thinking anything else of it.
  1366. >Not considering that maybe she was placed back there by someone.
  1367. >She knew something was wrong when the main thing she was feeling was arousal, but didn’t think much had happened and she was just tired and running a fever of some sort.
  1368. >Which was probably true to a degree.
  1369. >All of these thoughts have been buzzing around in Cadance’s mind throughout this following day.
  1370. >She stays in the principal’s office, saying she’s too busy right now to meet with students, which is partially true due to her having to catch up on a lot of her own responsibilities after being away.
  1371. >But the true reality is that she’s too ashamed to show her face to her students, at least while the dirty memory is fresh in her mind.
  1372. >And while it remains fresh in her mind, a creeping enjoyment of it can’t stop subtly reasserting itself into Cadance’s heart.
  1373. >That was dirty what she did, very wrong and decadent… but it was… hot~
  1374. >Cadance waits until all the other students have left, not wanting them to see the blush on her face as she shakes her head in response to how turned on she’s getting by the memory of having sex with her student.
  1375. >And the embarrassing thought of doing it AGAIN in the future if she can.
  1376. >That’s what’s really prying its way into Cadance’s mind.
  1377. >Might as well get that rush again… it already happened once, the ice is broken.
  1378. >What difference would a second time make at this point?
  1379. >Or a third?
  1380. >Preventing it? That ship has already sailed.
  1381. >Now Cadance must battle against her own base urges to keep up the tending to this new growing need within her.
  1382. >She already got a taste of that release the first time; it’s too late to pretend she didn’t love that, or pretend she doesn’t want to do it again in the future.
  1383. >Sooner or later, she’s going to need more, and there’s nothing she can do about it.
  1384. >Something deep inside is helping Cadance want more… she can feel it.
  1385. >And she knows Chrysalis has something to do with that.
  1386. >That evil woman who wanted nothing other than to corrupt Cadance’s beautiful blessing of love she gives to the world, with her own curse of lust.
  1387. >Cadance should have known that while her own love powers made her stronger against Chrysalis’s lust powers while un-infiltrated, they could be turned against her in mutiny post-infiltration.
  1388. >How is she going to fend off against her OWN powers? Her own powers that know her so well already, while they are ALSO assisted by Chrysalis’s powers at the same time? While Cadance herself now has nothing to fight back with?
  1389. >Fighting back against her own base urges isn’t just an uphill battle, it’s like trying to fly up into mid air without wings; it’s absolutely unwinnable by any and all means.
  1390. >Boys have to fend off against their own natural libidos and almost all of them lose EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
  1391. >And those urges aren’t as potent as Cadance’s powers.
  1392. >Principal Cadance finds herself in a dangerous situation.
  1393. >Silently creeping through the hallways praying not to encounter anyone, Principal Cadance tries to figure out how she will have to constantly keep her own base urges satisfied from now on.
  1394. >She’s never felt so vulnerable, so fragile at the hands of her own… everything.
  1395. >Her own power of love, turned against her in favor of alien-originating lust battering her mind with intrusive thoughts.
  1396. >Intrusive sexual thoughts.
  1397. >VERY intrusive and VERY sexual thoughts.
  1398. >Cadance’s own love-powered nature is the perfect breeding ground for such a phenomenon, and Chrysalis probably knew this all too well.
  1399. >It’s likely the very reason why she did whatever it was she did.
  1400. >Cadance internally struggles to remember it, perhaps to find a way to reverse it after recollecting the details and figuring out what to do with all of this… th-this… delightful magic making her only want to remember what happened because she knows how hot it must have been~!
  1401. >Principal Cadance shakes her head again, making her once-neatly done hair whip around and become messy with stray runaways a-plenty.
  1402. >But the intrusive thoughts cannot be shaken off. Not even slightly by a long-shot.
  1403. >They only reassert themselves HARDER.
  1404. >Effectively.
  1405. >Principal Cadance feels hot in her clothes, needing to strip right here in the hallway, but she barely resists.
  1406. >Turned on by even the thought of her herself naked.
  1407. >Her own nudity would turn her on, how the fuck is she going to manage THAT?
  1408. >That’s like a teenage boy being trapped in a 30 year old woman’s body and trying NOT to strip naked in front of a mirror after getting back home.
  1409. >That level of arousal is unstoppable.
  1410. >Supercharged lovelust.
  1411. >Principal Cadance’s shaky hands can’t hold her car keys correctly.
  1412. >She doesn’t drive far before pulling over just a block away from the school.
  1413. >Starts down a secluded ally so no one sees her.
  1414. >Her spinning mind is so currently dysfunctional that she forgot to lock the car doors, and forgot that the school’s force field can’t protect her out here.
  1415. >The door swings open.
  1416. >Guess who’s been waiting out here in the wild?
  1417. >When Cadance sees Chrysalis’s smile under those alluring glowing eyes, her usual reaction to panic or maybe even stop her from getting away this time is cancelled out by something.
  1418. >She pauses and stares at Chrysalis for far more than enough time for Chryssy to lean in and kiss Candy on her sweet lips.
  1419. >Quickly opening the kiss into a french kiss and swapping some potent saliva/venom into Candy’s mouth.
  1420. >Even before this, Cadance had no chance, but even if she did have a chance, that chance would have been gone now anyway.
  1421. >Chrysalis has seduced, captured, and subdued the arbiter of love herself.
  1422. >Candy is more than happy to let Chryssy hitch a ride with her back to her house.
  1423. >The memory fuzziness is happening again.
  1424. >…
  1425. >But not too much before Chryssy says something.
  1426. >”I’m proud of you for finally doing that for me. You can finally be absent for a while and still let my plan continue.” Chryssy’s low sultry voice congratulates.
  1427. >Candy bites her lip in response without words.
  1428. >”Let’s get packing, shall we?” Adds Chryssy. “We have juuust over two hours before our flight leaves.”
  1429. >This is the last thing Candy remembers.
  1430. ~
  1431. >Unknown location.
  1432. >The year is either 1999 or 2000.
  1433. >The balmy Mid-Summer sun bears down upon the sizzling hot rooftops, making the air right above the surface appear almost like a liquid.
  1434. >Palm trees gently sway in the warm nearly silent breeze, next to old beat-up buildings that paid their toll to time.
  1435. >A lot of people down in the clusters of pedestrians can’t help but gaze up at the bubbling clouds gradually rising into the vast blue sky like thick white cotton candy on a gargantuan scale.
  1436. >One of the best things about being on vacation here, visually.
  1437. >Not sure why, but when coupled with palm trees and neon signs when the sky starts to darken, they look even better.
  1438. >Chrysalis would instantly agree, sipping from her sweet flavored drink as she leans back in the public lounge chair she rests on outside in the warm breeze.
  1439. >The ocean is close by enough for her to be able to hear it, yet she’s still surrounded by enough old stucco and brick building to feel like she’s in one of the poor neighborhoods from when she was younger.
  1440. >Except this place isn’t as hopeless. Not even close.
  1441. >It only carried over the gritty vibe Chrysalis had grown accustomed to, kindly and familiarly greeting her around every corner after she gets up and starts to strut around.
  1442. >Had it not been for so many people around here being so superstitious, word of her vampire-succubus-related escapades wouldn’t have made them paranoid about it happening to their peaceful abode.
  1443. >Ever since her plane landed here, Chrysalis enjoyed the atmosphere of this place enough to want to preserve it as well.
  1444. >So let’s see how long her own restraint will last until her natural urges take over.
  1445. >Chrysalis is a bit of a sweet tooth, picking the most vibrant, sweetest strawberry-cherry flavored drink she could spot on the menu.
  1446. >The chilled flavor flooding into her mouth only help the warm tingle of relaxation spread through the rest of her.
  1447. >”Mmmmmmmhh~… ohh FUCK me, this stuff is good!” She raises her face to the sky in bliss.
  1448. >From the outside, Chrysalis seems just like another “innocent” bikini babe strutting around in her usual skimpy attire.
  1449. >Chrysalis already knew she’s catch the eyes of many guys passing by, her assets a couple sizes too big for the size of her bikini she’s wearing.
  1450. >It won’t be long before the flight of a couple of her subservient concubines lands as well; they’ll meet her at the hotel.
  1451. >In the meantime, Chrysalis will pick out her next victim, her next mate.
  1452. >She’s at the stage where she simply cannot stop doing what she’s doing.
  1453. >It’s just built into her.
  1454. >It’s arguably what she knows best, given her lewd and perverted past.
  1455. >And also the reason why she’s partially glad word on what’s been going on reached this place.
  1456. >Any warrior-like man here who feels that it’s not a threat to him would be the most… satisfying to bring down under her.
  1457. >Chrysalis only hopes that she’s not going to make anyone assume that someone like her is common; she’s one of a kind, in the best AND worst ways.
  1458. >She doesn’t find anyone immediately appealing to her on the way over to her hotel.
  1459. >Chrysalis gets her room key from the front desk and heads up to the floor where her room is, not having bothered bringing much luggage with herself aside a small bag of outfits.
  1460. >She knows she can straight up go and get whatever she wants.
  1461. >Chrysalis enters her hotel room and makes the bed springs give off their first-of-many creaks when she plops herself down onto the cool sheets.
  1462. >She sighs up at the ceiling, watching the lightbulb above her reflect little images of people and cars passing by on the streets while it’s not turned on.
  1463. >Chrysalis checks the time, knowing her subservient concubines will manage to find their way to this hotel room on their own in due time.
  1464. >She figures their flight back to here should be landing right about now.
  1465. >Breaking the pattern of her not-so-long-lived nofap she had to endure on the plane ride, she gets under the covers and begins pleasuring herself to pass the time.
  1466. >Just couldn’t resist doing so; that tension was getting a little too strong, like a repetitive cycle of “Can I fap yet? Soon. Can I? Soon. Can? S. C. S. C.SCSCscscscs…”
  1467. >It’s as though her mind had short-circuited into unintelligible globs of letters and noises before she finally tugged the front of her bikini bottoms down in peace and relieved her stress.
  1468. >What a blessing to be cursed with so much horniness~!
  1469. >After a minute or so, Chrysalis loosens her bikini top to allow her swaying breasts to gradually slip out of it as her fingering motions begin making the bed creak some more.
  1470. >Heavy breathing fills the room, her face glows deep red.
  1471. >This is something Chrysalis missed so much…
  1472. >Cutely moaning and squealing in the bed.
  1473. >Such a comfortable bed to orgasm on…
  1474. >Chrysalis’s mind finally unwinds and allows itself to return to a casual state.
  1475. >It’s… all those little things that gets to her…
  1476. >All those little emotions and stuff that really make moments of arousal extra special.
  1477. >So special that even when Chrysalis is completely alone, she has to get some of the feeling out of her heart.
  1478. >Chrysalis slips into a sling bikini after taking a quick shower and basking in the fruity scent of the hotel room’s complimentary soap.
  1479. >That pattern of frustration almost comes back within her when she runs her hands along the smooth bare curvy sides of her fully exposed body, but it’s kept at bay for now.
  1480. >With this, Chrysalis gleefully prances out the door with a wide smile on her face and a positive, almost bubbly demeanor as the weight is off of her shoulders for now.
  1481. >Once it comes back, she’ll have someone to help her bear it~
  1482. >The fact that she knows this helps her wink and wave hello to every guy gawking at her.
  1483. >Soaking in their love and lust like the sun, Chrysalis looks and feels amazing.
  1484. >It’s all already starting to recharge her.
  1485. >Chrysalis continues strutting around next to the beach in her really skimpy sling bikini, purposely walking in a way that allows her tits and ass to enticingly jiggle as she goes with so much smooth skin exposed bare.
  1486. >Chrysalis’s body is a wonder that is unmatched, excited by the love and lust energy it’s receiving.
  1487. >The feeling of the waves upon waves of lust and male attention rivals that of a hypothetical storm surge that would happen if a powerful hurricane hit this place.
  1488. >Chrysalis shudders from it… oh how it excites her so!
  1489. >All these men having their inner perverts get brought out by her practically naked sexual beauty…
  1490. >It helps Chrysalis feel less alone in her own perversion she already knows about all too well.
  1491. >They’re all perverts just like her, she just hides it less, that’s all.
  1492. >But she’s helping them hide it less too.
  1493. >This is only a foreshadowing of the more intimate and physical version of this exchange that Chrysalis will perform with whoever she chooses as her next victim.
  1494. >She wants him to be a challenge.
  1495. >The taller the climb to the top of the waterslide at the water park, the more fun one would have making their way to the bottom again.
  1496. >The longer the fun would last.
  1497. >It’s more rewarding to have broken down the walls of Troy than some flimsy palisade fence that’s already ogling Chrysalis and her soft curvy body in her sexy little sling bikini…
  1498. >From excitement, her nipples are stiffening into full erection under the fabric.
  1499. >Chrysalis wants someone who will genuinely, wholeheartedly RESIST her with everything he has.
  1500. >That’s when she starts… having fun…
  1501. >Chrysalis doesn’t just want to fuck.
  1502. >She wants to rape.
  1503. >…
  1504. >A tall dark-haired man, likely standing 6 foot 4 in height, wears sunglasses and a t-shirt that fails to hide how buff he was.
  1505. >Even through the sunglasses, Chrysalis would have been able to tell if he was looking at her body due to the pheromones that would have been sent.
  1506. >But there was nothing.
  1507. >He did look at her, but only with the feeling akin to that you get when an alarm signaling danger is going off.
  1508. >He saw Chrysalis’s eyes, how almost reptilian they appear, and noticed how boldly she was dressed but without keeping his glance at her body.
  1509. >The man could easily sense something was wrong, and red flags went off in his head alongside memories of the stories of vampire succubi causing trouble.
  1510. >Something automatically told him that Chrysalis is actively going around looking for trouble.
  1511. >And he was right.
  1512. >Because Chrysalis is soon telling her current goons that he’s the next target, describing his appearance and where she saw him.
  1513. >In fact… he recognizes her.
  1514. >And she recognizes him, having hoped to run into him while fueling up her love-lust energy from the public.
  1515. >…
  1516. >Three young men await her return to the hotel room.
  1517. >They welcome her, instantly complimenting their queen on her arousing appearance.
  1518. >She’s been walking around like this for a good portion of the day, showing herself off to the public and seeing which people would not have received her sexual beauty so positively as the thirsty guys.
  1519. >After some time of scouting, Chrysalis had finally found someone from whom a great energy had been sensed.
  1520. >And she has a hunch that he’s probably with a group that might have grown wary of things people had become suspicious about, even out here in some vacation paradise.
  1521. >If Chrysalis is going to carve out a home base for herself here, she has to take out some of the strongest members of any potential resistance first before much can be established.
  1522. >She actually IS looking for trouble.
  1523. ~
  1524. >About a year before.
  1525. >A group of young boys are hanging out at a nearby amusement park.
  1526. >One of them wanted to come here alone, but had to take his much younger brother with him.
  1527. >Has to stay behind because his brother is too young to go on the rides.
  1528. >That leaves the remaining four to go and do stuff themselves.
  1529. >One of them meets up with his girlfriend, with whom, he shares a smoothie.
  1530. >His girlfriend is already wearing a pretty nice looking bikini top, but the rest of the boys don’t really care, unlike their friend.
  1531. >The group plays some games and wins some prizes.
  1532. >Munching on colorful snow cones, fanning themselves from the heat out here, listening to the rolling wheels of the rollercoaster against the metal tracks, before rising on the roller coaster themselves.
  1533. >While in the shallow end of the swimming pool, the group notices a really appealing looking girl with smooth skin and dark turquoise hair swimming around almost as though she’s following them.
  1534. >They start joking about it, with one boy still griping about how his snow cone melted and he has to go get another one.
  1535. >The girlfriend gets a really suspicious feeling from this other girl, making a snide offhand comment the other girl happens to hear and take offense to.
  1536. >The boys, including her boyfriend, don’t seem to notice anything wrong at all.
  1537. >The one who wants a new snow cone is already on his way out of the water to the snack bar area with five dollars in his hand.
  1538. >As the other two boys have a splash fight to “see who’s tougher”, the boyfriend can’t stop looking at his girlfriend’s cleavage in her bikini top as it keeps getting wet in the water.
  1539. >He’s so happy to have a girlfriend, can’t wait until they finally do it one day.
  1540. >The girl who was following the group now zeroes in on the boy waiting for his new snow cone, knowing it’ll only take a small push to activate him.
  1541. >The boy glances at her, watching her fix her dark turquoise hair into a ponytail.
  1542. >Chrysalis’s soft exposed sideboob wobbles back and forth in her small bikini top, catching the boy’s attention.
  1543. >He starts feeling funny.
  1544. >Taken aback by her smooth skin and soft attributes.
  1545. >Chrysalis, in her lewd little bikini consciously lets the boy stare at her chest while she fixes her hair.
  1546. >She figures she’s been watched before she even came to this amusement park slash water park.
  1547. >He’s looking down at her very exposed soft cleavage as she pushes her tits together in that small bikini top that has to be at least a size or two too small on her.
  1548. >Pheromones are exchanged before names are.
  1549. >When the boy finally gets his snow cone, he’s more interested in the girl in the small bikini next to him asking him casual questions about like what his favorite movie or video game is.
  1550. >They sit down together on a bench somewhat far from view, and she puts an arm around him and insist that they share the snow cone.
  1551. >Chrysalis very blatantly just allows the boy to openly stare down at her deep soft cleavage as they’re licking the one snow cone together.
  1552. >He’s starting to feel something happen in the front of his swimming trunks.
  1553. >Stares down at the raised side straps of Chrysalis’s bikini bottoms that give her wide round hips a stretched-up hug.
  1554. >…
  1555. >The rest of the group eventually start looking for him upon his not returning after 45 minutes.
  1556. >Soon passing by that same bench that’s now empty, they just assume he ditched them.
  1557. >They eventually decide to get snow cones and cotton candy for themselves and walk around as the air slowly gets cooler and the sky turns colors.
  1558. >One boy who got himself fruit punch decides to go back to the water park and chill a little bit while his friend and the boyfriend and girlfriend head off.
  1559. >He meanders through semi-submerged hallways and “rooms” of tiny waterfalls and makeshift showers.
  1560. >Realizes almost everyone else has left to go to whatever barbecue event is happening, but he’s already too full of fruit punch to eat.
  1561. >”Hey there.” Chrysalis’s chilling voice startles him. “Mind if I take a sip of that?”
  1562. >He turns around and immediately gets his gaze caught in Chrysalis’s sexy curvaceous body in his lewd undersized bikini.
  1563. >His eyes fixes on Chrysalis’s cleavage, tummy and bellybutton, the boy barely resists as she grabs his soft drink and sips from the straw.
  1564. >He’d usually be grossed out sharing a straw, but sharing it with this… girl… feels oddly okay.
  1565. >He actually likes it, sipping from the straw himself again while his eyes watch her soft round butt as she wades away in the water.
  1566. >Something possesses him to follow Chrysalis into the next “room” over.
  1567. >He enters it to find Chrysalis now bottomless, her big soft naked buttcheeks dominating where his eyes gaze.
  1568. >Undoing the back of her bikini top next, she looks down and sees something he isn’t aware of.
  1569. >Before the boy knows it, Chrysalis backed him into a corner.
  1570. >She’s pulling him up against herself, forcing him to grope her big soft tits and pulling his trunks down to flick out the full mast erection he didn’t know he had and force it between her vulva lips.
  1571. >He quickly complies overwhelmed by contagious sexual arousal.
  1572. >…
  1573. >The boyfriend and girlfriend meet up with the other not and his younger brother by speaking through the chainlink fence.
  1574. >He boyfriend apologizes for his friend having to miss out on the fun and promises to make it up to him next time.
  1575. >The older brother asks where the other guys are, and the boyfriend replies with a confused shrug.
  1576. >All three of the others are now missing.
  1577. >The two brothers go back to waiting in the parking lot where they had gotten a couple of smoothies themselves to sip on while the boyfriend and girlfriend venture back inside.
  1578. >…
  1579. >”Here.” Chrysalis hands the last boy a cherry limeade slushie.
  1580. >The sky is really turning colors now.
  1581. >Chrysalis is no longer in her bikini, now back in her clothes with her goosebumpy skin extra appealing to the touch after having dried off after being coated in chlorinated water half the day.
  1582. >All she has on in a woefully open-front top and a pair of panties.
  1583. >Where did her bikini go? This is even more revealing…
  1584. >It’s nearly impossible to have her nipples be covered at all in this overly-revealing attire.
  1585. >Chrysalis’s areolae keep slipping out left and right, and she barely does anything to cover them back up.
  1586. >The two sit on an isolated half wall away from any of the paths, watching the colorful sky darken into pink and blue with only a hint of purple in between
  1587. >Chrysalis murmurs something between swishing the cold delicious slushie between her teeth and tongue.
  1588. >Silhouettes of palm trees sway in the cooling breeze, soft crashing ocean waves and a distantly performing band on an evening-show stage can be heard not too far away.
  1589. >Stare at Chrysalis’s soft gropeable swaying boobies in her shirt as she leans forward, dying to caress her sexy goosebumpy skin and flick around her exposed stiff hard nipples.
  1590. >Chrysalis delivers an ambush of a kiss, swapping cool sweet cherry limeade slushie between mouths in an increasingly assertive tongue kiss.
  1591. >Give her a look, she licks her lips back as the gentle breeze plays with her hair in the dimming summer dusk light as it goes by.
  1592. >Swallow the sweet taste her kiss delivered, letting it all the way inside and take control.
  1593. >Chrysalis grabs that shaky pair of hands into her own hands and continues making out.
  1594. >She lets out a few soft sighs while being passionately gropes, her already open-front top effortlessly pulled the rest of the way open to make exploration of her sexy body easier.
  1595. >”Wh-what are you doing?”
  1596. >Chrysalis doesn’t answer, pulling that erect cock all the way out and tugging her panties aside.
  1597. >There’s a little resistance this time, but Chrysalis keeps exploiting the confused, uncontrollable male excitement with her body.
  1598. >Kissing and manhandling her prey until she feels that erect shaft push all the way inside between her vulva.
  1599. >Chrysalis whimpers in horny excitement and starts humping.
  1600. >Any protest is silenced by a cherry limeade kiss.
  1601. >Chrysalis’s sexy bouncing titties keep jiggling their way out of her wide open top.
  1602. >…
  1603. >The boyfriend and girlfriend finally let worry start to overtake them as they search for their three missing friends.
  1604. >The sky has become really dark now, and the wind is picking up, making the now barely visible palm trees sway more fervently.
  1605. >As the palm trees sway, so do Chrysalis’s wide fertile hips as she swings them in her walk, guiding the three boys she just subdued out a back exit of the activity even area and down a hill over to the direction where the town’s red light district would be located.
  1606. >He returns to her fully grown form now, pulling her shredded open top all the way off and tossing it into the summer night breeze.
  1607. >Tall blades of grass tickle everyone’s shins, slightly less dark clouds form against the dark night sky as the flashing lights of the amusement park get further and further away up the hill.
  1608. >One of the staff members caught them all leaving through the back but couldn’t catch them in time.
  1609. >Wasn’t long before the boyfriend and girlfriend asked that same staff member if they’d seen their friends.
  1610. >He says he saw them and some girl the same age facing away and sneaking out the back together, with her clearly leading the way and giggling with the rest of them.
  1611. >The boyfriend makes the mistake of assuming it was another one of his friends’ epic pranks, now encouraged by that girl they just met whom they’re probably lusting over.
  1612. >The staff member figures its no longer in his jurisdiction since nothing serious seems to be happening and they left the vicinity anyway, and he’s fucking tired from working his shitty job all day too.
  1613. >”Alright well, not my problem anymore I guess. Have a good night. Go home now, we’re about to close up.” He says, living in a time when awareness for this stuff hasn’t been fine-tuned yet.
  1614. >Meanwhile, the two brothers notice the parking lot get emptier and emptier.
  1615. >And a tall guy with sunglasses approaches them, saying he’s been tracking a dangerous woman all day and figured out that she came here.
  1616. >The boyfriend and girlfriend meet back up with the older brother as the younger brother is told to wait in the car belonging to one of the friends as everything gets sorted out.
  1617. >The tall guy with sunglasses keeps his focus on some device in his hand.
  1618. >He says the three friends have gone to a bad part of town and he’s going to try and get them back.
  1619. >Everyone else begs him not to call the cops, as they don’t want to get into any further trouble about this.
  1620. >But they also beg to come with him.
  1621. >…
  1622. >Chrysalis lies on a bed beneath saturated red lighting with her three new prey getting onto the bed with her.
  1623. >She’s in nothing but a pair of black side-tie panties and leggings, letting the three curious young men lie next to her and begin to feel her up wherever their urges tell them to.
  1624. >Their hands glide and explore all over their new queen’s smooth skin, getting pulled into a gentle frenzy of kissing, hugging and groping.
  1625. >Chrysalis bites her lower lip when she feels them begin to lock their lips onto her nipples as she told them to.
  1626. >Holding their heads close to her chest, she feels their obedience skyrocket through the roof as they swallow her breast milk.
  1627. >Those old books about witchcraft might have been onto something after all.
  1628. >But the sound of a car door slamming outside interrupts Chrysalis’s train of thought after 20 minutes.
  1629. >She peers out the first-floor window.
  1630. >…
  1631. >The streets are lined with an ensemble of lights dancing in the dark together.
  1632. >There are a few small motel-like buildings being used for something… similar to such a thing.
  1633. >Stepping out of the car and into the night breeze, the dark-haired man in the sunglasses scans the scene in search of the girl who must have reptilian-like eyes.
  1634. >He had seen her at the market earlier today getting food; she didn’t see him.
  1635. >But his device told him something no one else knows.
  1636. >Those superstitions after all these months turned out to hold some weight to them.
  1637. >Some recent disappearances may now very well have their answer.
  1638. >And those reptile-like eyes are spotted between parted blinds.
  1639. >His own eyes lock gaze from behind the glass of his sunglasses with Chrysalis’s eyes behind the glass of the window.
  1640. >The man tells the younger couple and the two brothers that their friends are in there, pulling out a pistol from his jacket and marching over to the entrance.
  1641. >The two brothers stay in the car while the girlfriend and boyfriend insist on following the ruckus the man is making at the entrance.
  1642. >But they immediately regret the decision when past disappearances make themselves known, already under Chrysalis’s control.
  1643. >They try to rush the man in the sunglasses, but he enters a state of adrenaline rush enough to occupy them enough to allow the boyfriend and girlfriend to flee back to the car.
  1644. >It doesn’t take long for gun blasts to ring out.
  1645. >A few prostitutes that had been hanging out in the outside hallway scream and run, the front desk people call the cops and tell everyone necessary to scram so they don’t get in trouble too.
  1646. >Luckily, only a couple people were shot in not-vital areas like the arm or the leg.
  1647. >But they’re too loyal to their queen to give the cops context as to why.
  1648. >The motel room door is kicked open by a boot’s single destructive kick, and there standing before the man in the sunglasses stands Chrysalis, facing away with her head turned to keep one eye on him as he points his weapon.
  1649. >She partially hopes that the lewd sight of her in nothing but her panties and torn leggings with high heels would throw off his concentration and aim.
  1650. >But he’s too “in the zone” to even care at the moment.
  1651. >Chrysalis has to use her speed to duck away from the undeterred sunglasses man ringing out shots at her.
  1652. >Has to escape through the middle door leading to the next room over, leaving what little clothes she had on behind after shapeshifting into something small enough to scurry away.
  1653. >But the damage is already done.
  1654. >The three young men who were takin in by her are loyal enough to their queen to corroborate their own false story together to protect her whereabouts.
  1655. >The red light district is accompanied with flashes of blue now, and the boys all tell the officers nothing happened to them.
  1656. >But they’re already under her control enough to plan how they’re going to run away from home to be with their queen.
  1657. >How to get themselves onto a plane and fly somewhere far away before the missing persons reports wear off.
  1658. >She doesn’t need to abduct them now; they’re going to abduct themselves as soon as they are able to…
  1659. ~
  1660. >Back to the day their flight finally arrived back to this place.
  1661. >It took a team effort to track down the man in the sunglasses, to where he lives.
  1662. >Chrysalis even won her prizes back in the end, but she’s going to go out of her way to exact revenge on sunglasses man just for inconveniencing her.
  1663. >That coupled with the fact that she’s horny anyway, and this is the perfect outlet for that.
  1664. >…
  1665. >The vibrant neon signs reflect off of your sunglasses as you walk down the alleyway the vampire-succubus used to frequent.
  1666. >Your comrades still allow you to operate alone, to minimize any suspicion about the organization’s presence.
  1667. >The more official you get, the easier it’d be for the enemy to discreetly take you out one by one.
  1668. >You’re still patrolling in the night for her, in case she returns.
  1669. >Now with a shotgun in your jacket, you know you’ll keep these people safe from supernatural crimelords the law has no answer for.
  1670. >Your past kid self would have seen present-day you as badass walking through the red light district like this.
  1671. >But you’re only doing it reluctantly.
  1672. >You’ve missed out on so much fun in life because it would have weakened you against this dire threat easily, deeply affecting anyone with normal human nature (basically everyone).
  1673. >Hookers on the rugged concrete curb give you the “I’ll lower the price for you” eye as you stride by, and you politely smile and wave hello before continuing on your patrol.
  1674. >They’re not the problem, they’re just making money any way they can.
  1675. >In their line of work, most of them are even more reluctant than you are.
  1676. >You’ve seen them in their revealing outfits so many times that you’ve grown numb to the sight, now seeing them as your defacto neighbors.
  1677. >It’s been long enough to let your guard down a bit, about a year, right?
  1678. >Return to your apartment to get some rest before dawn.
  1679. >Under the covers, glance out the window at the usual flashing neon signs until falling asleep.
  1680. >Suddenly feel something under the covers with you, seeming to grow out of nowhere.
  1681. >Even your pent up reflexes weren’t fast enough to stop Chrysalis from pinning herself on top of you.
  1682. >Even your desensitized libido wasn’t ready to feel her smooth naked body on top of you under the covers.
  1683. >Trying to push her off only leads to you groping her soft fully grown breasts as she forces a tongue kiss.
  1684. >Your shotgun you had armed yourself with is tragically way too far out of reach.
  1685. >Enter fight mode, giving it your all with every ounce of energy you got to try and get Chrysalis off of you.
  1686. >You didn’t retain the fact that she already snuck one kiss in, briefly sticking her tongue into your mouth before you turned your head.
  1687. >Shift yourself around violently, kicking your legs and tensing all of your muscles.
  1688. >Start to push Chrysalis up by her smooth shoulders with your strength until her first kiss really starts to take affect.
  1689. >She leans herself into you more, making her huge soft swaying tits mash into your chest through your shirt you were sleeping in.
  1690. >Her bare skin up against you awakens something inside you’ve expertly kept hidden from yourself.
  1691. >You’re still trying to ignore it, trying to stay focused on physical confrontation mode.
  1692. >But your body is being manually redirected into a less violent type of physical confrontation mode.
  1693. >Retract one arm in attempt to throw a punch, only letting Chrysalis partially fall all the way forward on top of you and prod your lips with her tongue while grabbing your wrist.
  1694. >Turn your head away in resistance, only to learn how long Chrysalis’s tongue really is as it finds its way to your lips anyway.
  1695. >Suck your lips in to avoid her potent saliva.
  1696. >Only now realize your panic made you forget to think about what HER hands are doing.
  1697. >Chrysalis got your underwear down to your knees without you knowing, and she forces herself upon you as you scramble in realization on this.
  1698. >Pressing her naked form upon you, she makes her smooth bare skin begin to “convince” you.
  1699. >You’re not ready to tire out yet by a long shot.
  1700. >You’re clashing your own thoughts together trying to plan how to stop each individual thing Chrysalis is doing to you while she herself is doing it all at once acting on raw sexual instinct without really thinking much about it at all.
  1701. >She didn’t even need to bring her goons with her.
  1702. >You’re STILL not ready to tire out yet by a long shot.
  1703. >Through the frantic struggling, Chrysalis forces another tongue kiss, more deep and sustained.
  1704. >Panicking with desperate whimpers into the increasingly sexy taste of her saliva, you bite her tongue.
  1705. >She only giggles into your mouth, wrestles your tongue out past your lips and bites it even harder than you did hers.
  1706. >You let out a pained yelp as her fangs dig in.
  1707. >It isn’t long before her salivænom asserts itself into your veins while you begin tasting your own blood in the kiss.
  1708. >Begin to convulse and shake under her soft naked hold upon you.
  1709. >Chrysalis is doing what she does best; it’s what she’s naturally exceptional at, especially when utilizing human bodies that are literally designed to have sex.
  1710. >Affected blood rushes to your member, helping it instinctually stand up against Chrysalis’s smooth bare nethers.
  1711. >”Shh, you don’t need that right now~” Chrysalis whispers against your lips after you fail to reach your shotgun one final time.
  1712. >As the neon signs outside your window continue to flash their bright colors, the creaking of your bed springs gets louder and faster.
  1713. >Your mental restraint drains out of you, as does your stamina as the wounds on your tongue quickly begin to heal.
  1714. >Chrysalis’s hot breathing against your face overwhelms whatever you were about to try to say.
  1715. >It was supposed to be something like “This shouldn’t be happening to me”, or perhaps some way of pleading her to stop.
  1716. >She wouldn’t have listened anyway; only humps you harder and harder as you finally piece together that she has already forced your fully erect cock deep inside of herself.
  1717. >It was too late before you even knew it was too late.
  1718. >All that strength you had, all that firepower resting too far out of reach, all that wit you had, all that readiness over the past year, all of it rendered useless in barely a minute.
  1719. >You don’t even remember how long ago it was when you started building up your load.
  1720. >But you know for a fact you’re losing it tonight and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it at this point.
  1721. >Chrysalis is delighted to feel you tense up and drift past the threshold into ejaculation deep inside of her.
  1722. >After a second or third minute… all that power is hers now.
  1723. ~
  1724. >…
  1725. >Weeks later, the boyfriend and girlfriend are walking down the street downtown.
  1726. >Still occasionally thinking about how all three of their other friends allegedly ran away on their own volition after that weird hot girl lured them out of the water park only for them to get saved anyway.
  1727. >Not a whole lot of thought was put into what their motivation must have been.
  1728. >The couple didn’t realize they had wandered into the bad part of town until they look around at the kinds of people are around them.
  1729. >Lots of floozy-dressed women and girls and sketchy looking guys, the place is more or less crowded.
  1730. >There’s hazy smoke in the air from what better be from someone’s summer afternoon barbecue.
  1731. >A couple of shirtless guys have to cut past and weave around the crowds in this environment.
  1732. >The atmosphere around here is admittedly kind of cool enough for the two to want to stick around and find something to do.
  1733. >So long as they stay close to the main street.
  1734. >But not a lot of time passes before their legs get tired.
  1735. >So they enter a smoothie shop.
  1736. >Unknowing of the vengeance that is in the air.
  1737. >In the shop sits a woman with dark turquoise hair and bright green eyes.
  1738. >Wearing a really REALLY revealing sling bikini.
  1739. >She might as well be naked.
  1740. >The boy immediately tries not to look over at her, but can’t help but somewhat recognize her.
  1741. >But there’s no way she’s the same girl from the water park incident, that girl was clearly younger than this woman.
  1742. >Chrysalis sips on her brightly colored smoothie, once gain enjoying the cold sweet flavor rushing into her mouth through the straw as the hot breeze from outside drafts into the room every time someone opens the front door.
  1743. >The glancing had quickly gotten so bad that the boy’s girlfriend began to get angry at him for staring at that woman.
  1744. >It’s a good thing they already bought their smoothies.
  1745. >Because the girl hauled her boyfriend out of there before another word could be said.
  1746. >Scolding him and admitting it was probably a bad idea to come to this part of town.
  1747. >The two of hem argue for a little bit before continuing down the street.
  1748. >It died down for a bit, the topic, but it was promptly brought back up when the girl assumes her boyfriend was leering at another lady in a small bikini.
  1749. >It just never ends.
  1750. >The boy momentarily watches his girlfriend disappear into the crowd after storming off, saying she needs some space.
  1751. >Walking around in a bikini top and short shorts in the dangerous part of town.
  1752. >At least it’s on a hot day where a lot of girls are dressed like this, so she doesn’t stand out too much.
  1753. >He sighs and sits down at a nearby restaurant table listening to the surrounding clamor of pedestrians.
  1754. >The dun-heated surface of the table almost burns his skin on his forearm, making him have to put some napkins between himself and the rubber porus surface.
  1755. >A bunch of really… interesting looking people walk by, many of them squinting hard from the sunlight.
  1756. >Some ride bikes, some travel on foot, some in couples, some alone.
  1757. >”Hey dude.” A familiar voice startles him.
  1758. >He turns around to find the older of the two brothers standing behind him, the one he had promised to make everything up to.
  1759. >”Hey… what are you doing here?”
  1760. >”Come here, there’s something I gotta show you.
  1761. >He follows his friend around a corner and into an open door leading into the side of an old brick building out of sight in an alleyway.
  1762. >”Uh, what’s in there?”
  1763. >”Remember that girl from the water park?”
  1764. >”Yeah.”
  1765. >”I need you to tell me if this girl I just saw looks like her. She didn’t notice me yet but I think it’s her!”
  1766. >Both of them enter the side of the building, with the first boy remembering the woman sitting in the smoothie shop most likely still being there, and looking older than the girl anyway.
  1767. >He has no idea what came over him when she was sitting there.
  1768. >Usually, he doesn’t check out girls that much, but maybe it was the skimpiness of that sling bikini she had on.
  1769. >Gets ready to probably help identify her when he steps into a bottom floor hotel room with a bed.
  1770. >There on her side rest Chrysalis, having been waiting for him, grinning over at him with her scantily clad body beckoning him to come hither.
  1771. >The door is suddenly closed and locked behind him, with the older brother being the only holding the key he was provided by his queen.
  1772. >…
  1773. >The final girl now wanders around all alone, wondering if her boyfriend already left this side of town, which he most likely has.
  1774. >She walks back home on the better side of town after crying in a gas station bathroom for several minutes.
  1775. >She walks through her front door now, ready to pick up the phone and call her boyfriend’s house to see if he’s there.
  1776. >Out of nowhere, she hears her boyfriend’s voice call to her from up the stairs, saying he has an apology surprise for her.
  1777. >Skeptical but recognizing her boyfriend’s voice, the girl meanders up the stairs.
  1778. >There, she goes and enters her bedroom to find her boyfriend there, standing in the middle of the room with his eyes looking her all up and down her body.
  1779. >She asks him what the surprise is, before realizing his friends are all menacingly standing there in the corners.
  1780. >The bedroom door slowly creaks shut, gradually revealing Queen Chrysalis being the one closing it from the inside.
  1781. >The door is quickly slammed the rest of the way shut and locked from the inside.
  1782. >Followed by screams from inside the room as the girl is jumped by all five of her mentally subdued friends.
  1783. >Chrysalis bites her lower lip and fingers herself watching the five boyfriends force the girl out of her bikini top and short shorts and proceed to gang rape her.
  1784. >”Ngh… that’s fucking teach you to call me a weird cunt behind my back…” Grunts Chrysalis while the five boyfriends take turns mounting the girl naked on her own bed.
  1785. >The more pheromone-enhanced cum that is blasted into her cervix, the more mindbroken and willing the girl becomes.
  1786. >Chrysalis soon starts to feel herself get closer to climaxing.
  1787. >After she finishes right as one of the guys is cumming, she looks at her clear juices on her own hand and feels a very temporary twinge of guilt that sometimes happens only right after she orgasms.
  1788. >”Fuck… why am I so fucked up in the head?” She comments under her breath, self-reflecting and questioning the choices she made in life.
  1789. >Only for less than a minute before her perverted nature comes right back and gets her to finger herself to the increasingly consensual gangbang she’s watching a SECOND time now.
  1790. >”Oh well~…” She continues her fucked up fun with a giggle.
  1791. ~
  1792. >”C’mon, I’ll show you around.” Chrysalis tells Cadance, now in the current year.
  1793. >Cadance twitches her eye at the story Chrysalis just told her, praying it isn’t true but knowing it has to be.
  1794. >After all Chrysalis has done so far, this wouldn’t surprise her.
  1795. >”We’ll have a lot of fun together. Like we should have back in the day.” Chrysalis invites her former rival to join her in hanging out in this same town where she had stopped at nothing to get revenge on some people that one time.
  1796. >Cadance worries about Luna’s and Celestia’s ability to even hope to stop Chrysalis…
  1797. ~
  1798. >Cadance followed Chrysalis to the hotel where one room has already been reserved for a single couple.
  1799. >The last thing she remembers is trying to figure out what to do about her stint with one of her students during that Valentine’s Dance.
  1800. >She remembers apologizing profusely to him on that night, she remembers trying to figure out how to get Celestia and Luna involved in this, she remembers a lot of things, some of which she wishes she hadn’t.
  1801. >Even though it makes her feel aroused as it makes her feel uncomfortable, having done all of THAT with one of her students at the Valentine’s Dance.
  1802. >After that, everything’s getting fuzzy and becomes a blur that runs together.
  1803. >Cadance doesn’t even remember when it was she approached Chrysalis, or if it was Chrysalis who approached her.
  1804. >The very next thing she wants to focus on is running Crystal Prep, a responsibility she’s fearing has been abandoned and neglected by her sudden absence she hasn’t been aware of until now.
  1805. >”If you’re worried about who’s going to watch over the school, I have someone to stand in for you for now.” Chrysalis aloofly responds with confidence.
  1806. >”What does that mean? How did I get here?”
  1807. >”Don’t say that too loudly, dear. Don’t want anyone getting the… wrong idea about us being here together.”
  1808. >”I…” Cadance begins but something cuts her off from her next sentence.
  1809. >”What’s the last thing you remember?” Chrysalis leads Cadance down the hall towards the hotel room.
  1810. >Everything is such a muddled mess in Cadance’s memory that she silently stands there trying to figure out what order everything even goes in, but also why she’s for some reason not trying to run away from Chrysalis or call for help.
  1811. >Something makes her stop willingly every time a cry for help starts to attempt to bubble out of her.
  1812. >”What happened to me?” Cadance finally croaks, on the verge of tears as she finally realizes just how trapped she feels.
  1813. >”What’s wrong? You listened to the whole story I told you about this place on the flight over here, remember?”
  1814. >Cadance quizzically gazes at Chrysalis, but nods.
  1815. >”You must still be coming down from your state of trance I put you under.” Chrysalis unlocks the door and gestures Cadance to follow her inside. “Come. Come in.”
  1816. >”I’m so confused. Why am I suddenly here?” Cadance vividly remembers the story about Chrysalis and the water park and all that, but doesn’t remember sitting next to her on the plane while she told her.
  1817. >Not at first at least.
  1818. >…
  1819. >On the plane, Chryssy was reclined back in her seat, talking to Candy about how much fun she had at the waterpark when she was younger.
  1820. >Wording it in such a way where the annoyed passenger behind her couldn’t really understand what she really meant when she got to the part where she “subdued” all those guys one by one.
  1821. >But the trance Candy was in had put her mind into the gutter enough for her to understand easily.
  1822. >Like absolute royalty in her window seat with the curtain closed, Chryssy had her tray of delicious airline food sprawled out before her, taking very seductive licks and bites out of her hot dog before sipping down some strawberry lemonade.
  1823. >”Yo.” The guy behind Chryssy’s began to complain as her seat reclined back enough for him to make eye contact with her if she tilted her head all the way back.
  1824. >”Hm?” Chryssy aloofly responded.
  1825. >Candy silently watched, cutely sipping from her tiny box of applejuice as Chryssy’s smooth thighs barely covered by her black skirt rubbed up against one another as she crossed one raised leg over the other in relaxation.
  1826. >”You mind?” The guy repeated.
  1827. >Chryssy locked eyes with him, strategically arching her back so the guy behind her could see down her open low-cut blouse she had on.
  1828. >After a faint glow of green coupled with a front row seat view of Chryssy’s alluring cleavage and inner black frilly bra cups, the guy’s eyes lidded and he immediately quieted down.
  1829. >”My girlfriend here likes to keep the curtain closed, so I figured I’d try to enjoy the view.” Chryssy referred to the window in her row versus the window of the seats behind her row. “Maybe you could enjoy the view too.”
  1830. >The guy’s friend sitting next to him who was about to back him up got a nice view down Chryssy’s top as well, as well as a view of her faint green glow in her eyes before she turned her head back to “look out the window”.
  1831. >It was all an excuse to get them to leer her and thus get whipped by their own hormones.
  1832. >”Oh uh… that’s fine, miss.” The first guy said.
  1833. >”She’s trying to rest her eyes a little, right, Candy?” Chryssy peered over to Candy, who nodded in agreement with her own green glow in her eyes.
  1834. >The two guys behind the Queen and the Princess became complacent as Chryssy continued her story about the waterpark.
  1835. >Too distracted by her sexy cleavage to pay attention to anything she’s saying while she blatantly sucked off her hot dog she was eating while leaning all the way back.
  1836. >Every time slight turbulence happened, Chryssy’s soft tits would sway slightly, putting the two guys behind her and Candy deeper into their state of lust for her.
  1837. >One of the stewardesses even walked over and asked the guys if they wanted her to tell Chryssy to move her seat back up, but they both insisted everything was fine now.
  1838. >It didn’t take long for the stewardess to follow where their gazes were going, then read Chryssy’s facial expression and body language to see that she was deliberately letting them look down her top and ogle her busty chest.
  1839. >But everyone was in agreement and no one else was complaining, so the stewardess shrugged it off and went back to whatever it was she was doing before.
  1840. >The two horny guys nodded to eachother while contemplating mental imagery of the two lovely young ladies in front of them who both claimed to be girlfriends “totally going at it dude”.
  1841. >Chryssy continued her story in peace.
  1842. >…
  1843. >”Oh yeah…” Candy finally remembers.
  1844. >”You missed out on the foursome we could have had in the airport utility closet after we landed.” Adds Chryssy.
  1845. >”Why’s that?” Candy feels genuinely bummed out that this didn’t happen.
  1846. >”You didn’t see, but there were security guards looking for me. Someone on the plane must have caught on.”
  1847. >Candy stares back at Chryssy, completely vacant in her green-tinted eyes. “Well, are we safe?”
  1848. >”We are now.”
  1849. >Chrysalis then looks out the window.
  1850. >”I’m going to teach you a thing or two about not only myself, but about you too.”
  1851. ~
  1852. >…
  1853. >”How about this one?” Chryssy holds up the tiny bikini with the tag and cardboard contraption still attached to it. “These colors would look so nice on you.”
  1854. >”Does it HAVE to be so small?” Candy scans the small article of clothing up and down.
  1855. >”Not necessarily, but it’s hot when it’s small.”
  1856. >The two of them already have a mountain of clothing piled up in the shopping cart.
  1857. >There were no malls or large department stores nearby in this small island town, so they’ll just have to make do with the boardwalk-side bikini shoppe (that also sells other things).
  1858. >Candy nervously follows Chryssy to the checkout line, getting eager looks from a couple of vacation-going guys nearby as they notice what she and her girlfriend are buying.
  1859. >”What’s the matter?” Chryssy noticed the look on her face.
  1860. >”I just… I’m nervous, okay?”
  1861. >”Nothing wrong with that. I’ll help you be less nervous when we cross this bridge.”
  1862. >The guys nearby really like what they’re hearing the two good looking ladies are saying to eachother, and what it may imply.
  1863. >Candy considers herself lucky that Chryssy has all of this money of her own just swelling up her wallet like an over-filled water balloon.
  1864. >Can’t imagine where she must have gotten that, at least not a single specific scenario given Chryssy’s past she’s now told her multiple stories about.
  1865. >…
  1866. >”I just… I don’t know how I’d feel about not giving men the *option* to resist me.” Candy politely complains. “It doesn’t feel fair to them.”
  1867. >”Aww, it’s okay. Try not to think about it that way. They’re willingly choosing to go on a date with you or follow you home, aren’t they?”
  1868. >”But they’re not *choosing* to feel aroused.”
  1869. >”They never were.”
  1870. >”Well at least they could choose to hide it better without magic affecting them.”
  1871. >”Well then maybe we can look at it as making them be a little bit more honest about how they really feel.” Chryssy concludes.
  1872. >Their steps continue down the narrow sidewalk of the side of the town’s main street as people pass by in flurries of chatter and shuffling of shopping bags and such.
  1873. >A couple of cars glide by, sharply reflecting the blinding light of the Caribbean sun above.
  1874. >Candy has to shield it from her eyes, but Chryssy doesn’t seem to mind.
  1875. >After turning onto another more quieter street on the way back to the hotel, Chryssy continues.
  1876. >”We can start at a less crowded beach if you want.”
  1877. >”But the thing is…” Cadance twiddles her thumbs.
  1878. >”Hm?”
  1879. >”Maybe I could show you how to convince men to do things without seducing them first.”
  1880. >”And how do you figure that?”
  1881. >”People love to feel compassion and acknowledgement. And when they do something for someone after that, it feels much more genuine to them.”
  1882. >”Oh, I don’t blame you for feeling that way.”
  1883. >”I couldn’t tell you about how much the way you grew up affected your world views, it’s not my place to say. But I promise you, not everything has to be done by force.”
  1884. >”Oh don’t worry, it’s not like I don’t understand how far a little politeness can go.”
  1885. >”I uh, that’s not what I…”
  1886. >”Come, now… all I’m saying is things can be so much easier when you make your own luck to get the results you want.”
  1887. >As the front doors to the hotel draw closer and closer, Candy and Chryssy’s friendly debate continues and ends with a “well we’ll try it both ways and see who’s right”.
  1888. >The two of them meander up the hallways for the dozenth time now, casually chitchatting and letting their shopping bags swing back and forth.
  1889. >”I’m very sorry you had to carry groceries like this every time when you were younger.” Candy pants and stares at the door. “Had I been your friend back then, I’d be more than happy to help you out. If you don’t mind me saying that.”
  1890. >Chryssy gives her sort of a look, but only for a second before hiding it away. “Well I’ve gotten used to it. So you don’t have to feel *that* sorry about it.”
  1891. >The two of them plop down onto the bed on either side, letting the creaky springs sing their song as they stare up at the still-off light on the ceiling as bright sunlight illuminates the room for free for now.
  1892. >Candy and Chryssy let the hum of the AC unit take over the silent room for a few minutes as they soak in the dingy olive green wallpaper.
  1893. >”Running up and down the stairs with groceries so much kept me in shape anyway.”
  1894. >”But like… don’t you shapeshift?”
  1895. >”Yeah, I know. Wasn’t even a real pro to that. Heh.” Chryssy lets a hint of anger escape into her tone. “World isn’t built to have everything fall into place I guess.”
  1896. >”It’s not. But I’d still have loved to be your friend then.”
  1897. >Chryssy momentarily forgets about the fact that she’s prepping up for later today when she’ll pimp out the principal of Crystal Prep on the beach and instead looks over at her with a different vision in her eyes.
  1898. >”You really mean that?”
  1899. >”Just because we haven’t been on the best terms all this time doesn’t mean I can’t see where you’re coming from.” Continues Candy. “I really do mean that.”
  1900. >Both of them think about all of the times Chryssy would try the patience fo the force field at Crystal Prep, and the patience of the students and staff there trying to gain control.
  1901. >All those years of raising suspicions in town just like other places that there is some supernatural activity afoot.
  1902. >Candy would stand in front of the students like a towering guardian, scanning the horizon for on-comers like Chryssy or at least one of her subjugates, ready to protect the students like she had vowed to.
  1903. >Love and its power was a very important part of how she grew up, she wanted nothing short of to give those students the same privilege of understanding what she does without fear of power-hungry being trying to corrupt them.
  1904. >”I’m not trying to get you to let me go. I know you won’t. But I just hope you know that I understand you needed more love in your life too. As you’ve made clear to me.” Says Candy with warmth in her voice.
  1905. >Chryssy smiles back at her. “I don’t want you to look at it like I’m forcing you to be here. I know that sounds strange but…”
  1906. >”But what?”
  1907. >”I don’t know how else to say it.” Chryssy can’t think of a way to word it more nicely considering the fact she literally kidnapped Candy twice now.
  1908. >The first time being more or less unbeknownst to her given her memory of the event was intentionally taken away so she would say anything or do anything to make it harder next time.
  1909. >Deep down, Chryssy knows she can’t exactly frame this the way she wishes she could.
  1910. >Which would be her and Candy being here together bonding and sharing a life together with romance and sexual connections intertwined within it like she’s always wanted for some number of years now.
  1911. >If Candy had seen what Chryssy saw in her head when she was stalking her at the school, maybe that force field wouldn’t have been up so often.
  1912. >Maybe they would have been more able to talk things out, and Chryssy could have a better chance at merging her own life into Candy’s life without having to do it in THIS way.
  1913. >Even after the hard part is said and done, it feels even more undeserved now.
  1914. >”Is it that you needed a friend?” Candy asks, her eyes twinkling with friendliness. “A uh… lover?”
  1915. >Chryssy sighs after a long pause, not sure how else to keep beating around the bush about this. “Both.”
  1916. >Chryssy feels as though she’s long overdue for an apology for taking Candy here, as that’s what makes the most sense.
  1917. >But Candy placing a hand on her shoulder tells her “I forgive you” before an “I’m sorry” could even escape her lips.
  1918. >”I don’t exactly hate the idea of walking around in a micro bikini around here.” Candy goes back to that topic. “All I’m saying is that… well, I’m a little nervous. Maybe we should work our way up to it first.”
  1919. >”So you mean you want to try your way first?” Asks Chryssy. “To convince men, that is?”
  1920. >”Yes.” Candy cutely nods, that slight green glow still in her eye. “And if it doesn’t work, then you can have me go as far as you need me to, or as far as you want me to.”
  1921. >Chryssy knows the bias is still unfairly tipped towards her.
  1922. >Just as it’s always been.
  1923. >And even though this has always gotten her what she wanted, it had a complete disregard for the truth.
  1924. >And part of that truth is: a genuine and mutually willful friendship with Candy would have been a pretty swell thing.
  1925. >”Say, what do you say we just go play volleyball on the beach for now?” Suggests Chryssy.
  1926. >Candy might not be very familiar with where she is right now, but she’s beginning to warm up to this place really quickly.
  1927. >Finding her way around down town, making her way over to where she hears the ocean waves crashing onto the sands of the beach.
  1928. >Both her and Chryssy decided to don modest swimsuits for now as things are being tried Candy’s way so far, on how to court young men for the sake of bringing love into their life, as Candy calls it.
  1929. >The more she tries to remember about what her own values are in order to teach them to Chryssy, Candy realizes that the only really rational thing to do is try and escape.
  1930. >Which would have been more possible had Chryssy not put whatever spell this is over her.
  1931. >Meanwhile, Chryssy is more than happy to be walking around down these streets again.
  1932. >Candy leads her to the beach where they soon seek out a volleyball.
  1933. >The real reason why they’re there is still within the undertones, and no one can sense it but the two ladies as they finally find a volleyball of their own and start to send it back and forth over the net.
  1934. >The look in Chryssy’s eyes tells Candy that the shapeshifter has never truly had fun being herself with another person in the past.
  1935. >Almost looks surprised to see the ball coming back over the net towards her.
  1936. >Surprised, but delighted.
  1937. >Candy’s warm smile is still accompanied by that green glow in her eyes, which does admittedly take away from it a little bit for Chryssy.
  1938. >Knowing how it can’t be genuine while remembering how much influence that green glow has proven to have.
  1939. >Meanwhile, there’s a lonely young men sitting on the beach watching the waves crash ashore again and again.
  1940. >The way he’s sitting there hunched over speaks a little bit about how his world isn’t as sunny as the environment around him.
  1941. >Candy and Chryssy continue their game of volleyball they started together, with Chryssy having a surprising amount of fun through a simply activity that doesn’t involve subduing anyone.
  1942. >A couple of the other guys on the beach wave over to the two of them, smiling and sometimes checking them out.
  1943. >But the guy who’s been sitting there has already been standing out without rising to his feet once.
  1944. >He’s more relevant to the reason why Candy and Chryssy are here outside of enjoying the sunshine a little bit.
  1945. >Eventually, it is them who approach him.
  1946. >”What’s going on?” Asks Candy, breaking the ice immediately. “You’ve kind of been sitting here a long time in your shirt and pants. You alright?”
  1947. >He looks up at her from where he’s sitting, rubs his eyes a little bit and responds. “Just tired, that’s all.”
  1948. >”You don’t have anywhere else to rest?”
  1949. >”Oh I do, it’s just… I’ve needed to get some fresh air.”
  1950. >There’s an obvious solemness in his voice.
  1951. >Chryssy bites her lip and starts towards him, but Candy humbly gestures for her to stay back, pleading with her eyes to try this her way first as a reminder.
  1952. >Candy sits down next to him.
  1953. >”You can come play volleyball with us if you want.” She offers.
  1954. >He pauses long enough to show that he considered it.
  1955. >”You wanna?”
  1956. >”I’m just tired, is all.” He repeats with a fake laugh.
  1957. >Candy and Chryssy might not be spectacular at reading people, but it’s pretty obvious this guy’s bummed out by something.
  1958. >”Okay. Is it okay if I sit here and watch the waves with you?”
  1959. >”Sure.” He sounds like he’s trying not to be rude.
  1960. >Chryssy already rests herself on the other side of him before either of the other two have time to invite her to do so.
  1961. >He doesn’t really respond to it; he stares out at the water and contemplates whatever it is he’s contemplating about.
  1962. >”You come here often?”
  1963. >”Yeah.”
  1964. >”Ever anyone else here with you?”
  1965. >”No uh, I’m always alone.”
  1966. >Candy still remembers she came here to court him somehow, and perhaps show her captor that there is true value in non-sexual love after all.
  1967. >Despite the spell that’s on her.
  1968. >However, this guy’s demeanor is turning this into a little bit of a surprise.
  1969. >He’s not even leering either of the young ladies even though they’re dressed juuust skimpily enough to reveal a little bit of goods to him.
  1970. >But he looks too crestfallen to care or even notice.
  1971. >These two might have stumbled upon another one of those love problems Candy usually has a knack for solving.
  1972. >What luck it is that she has this opportunity to really show Chryssy something.
  1973. >It’s clear that most people would question why Candy and Chryssy seem to be coming on so strong and trying to interact with this guy so much.
  1974. >But it’s almost like this guy doesn’t even mind if things get weird, like he’s been unwillingly alone for quite some time.
  1975. >”Anything you wanna talk about?” Asks Candy as an ice cream cart rolls by behind the three sitting in the sand.
  1976. >”Nothing I could make you understand.” He starts to willfully hint at something really being the matter and getting to him.
  1977. >His words say he doesn’t wanna talk about it, but his tone says he does.
  1978. >”I can try.” Candy continues. “And if I can’t, then you can say you told me so.”
  1979. >He hesitates as Chryssy tries to stop herself from breathing heavily with wandering eyes.
  1980. >All Chryssy sees is fresh meat.
  1981. >Fresh meat packed away in those pants, ready and waiting for her.
  1982. >Candy and this young man go on to have a long discussion about how he’s kind of been lonely for a long time and never really did anything about it.
  1983. >Whether out of fear or just being unenthusiastic about connecting with anyone.
  1984. >It’s really taken a toll on him throughout the years, just made his loneliness worse.
  1985. >He somewhat hints that he’s really just needed to have a girlfriend in life to just be with from time to time.
  1986. >This is it, this is Candy’s chance to really work her own magic in front if Chryssy and show her all the good that can come from this.
  1987. >”Wanna talk about it some more over some ice cream?” Candy blinks, seeing a slight spark in the guy’s eye.
  1988. >”I’d like that, yeah.” He nervously smiles with a blush.
  1989. >He couldn’t help it, but his eyes wandered down to her chest.
  1990. >He gets a good glimpse of Candy’s cleavage peeking out from her bikini top, and wonders why he’s getting a little aroused so fast.
  1991. >It almost feels like a warm shock upon him.
  1992. >Candy notices where his eyes went, and he saw that she noticed.
  1993. >He immediately looks away and almost trying to apologize, but hopes she’ll let it slide.
  1994. >Which she does, and follows him to the ice cream cart to get something while Chryssy follows suit.
  1995. >The young man doesn’t want to spoil this chance to maybe get a girl for once, and this one is really attractive and actually understands enough to listen to him tell his side of the story.
  1996. >It’s making him feel things for her, and he likes where this is going.
  1997. >Her just-as-hot friend seems pretty interested too.
  1998. >Most of his decision to continue with the course of things is because of Candy being the way she is, sweet and sympathetic towards him, being kind and welcoming.
  1999. >He doesn’t realize it yet, but what he’s feeling growing inside is love.
  2000. >The two young ladies take him back to their hotel room eventually, while licking ice cream along the way.
  2001. >Chryssy licks her ice cream as lewdly as she can, just daring Candy to say something while in the middle of her wholesome conversation with this guy.
  2002. >He has almost no idea why he’s starting to get hard in his pants aside the fact that he’s surrounded by two hot chicks, one of which he’s really been warming up to quicker than one would ever expect.
  2003. >Love and lust have already put their hooks into him, both fighting over who will get to his core first.
  2004. >…
  2005. >You’ve been sensing something sketchy ever since these two women on the beach started talking to you.
  2006. >You *are* flattered that they’re showing you a great deal of affection, but something feels too good to be true.
  2007. >And it sucks because the one with pink hair actually bothered listening to what you had to say about yourself.
  2008. >She had a kind of look in her eyes that left an undeniable impression on you.
  2009. >She put butterflies in your stomach, weakness in your knees, getting you bumbling and stuttering every time you tried to answer something she asked you about.
  2010. >Gotten you all clumsy, and you have no idea why or how she did what she did to you.
  2011. >It doesn’t feel real, as though something else is at play.
  2012. >You’ve felt like you’ve mad a very desired new friend, but your rational side is questioning their insistence on taking you back to the hotel they’re staying at.
  2013. >Even though your pressing infatuation, you can tell something peculiar is afoot.
  2014. >Her name is Candy, the one who metaphorically poked your heart a little.
  2015. >The other one, Chryssy, is making really unsubtle faces at you when she thinks you aren’t looking.
  2016. >She’s down bad, you can tell, or at least appears to be so.
  2017. >Whether or not that is intentional, you aren’t sure, which only adds to your suspicion.
  2018. >All you were doing was sitting along minding your own business and then these two came up and talked to you.
  2019. >But screw it, you don’t exactly mind it.
  2020. >Talking to strangers can end up being good for you, and these two seem nice.
  2021. >You do convince them to come to a restaurant with you so you can at least make a decision regarding whether or not they’re too sketchy to enter a locked and enclosed area with.
  2022. >The one with turquoise hair named Chryssy offers to foot the entire bill too, so that’s a plus.
  2023. >And with that, the three of you decided to go to a main street eatery just before entering the hotel building.
  2024. >You still do like where this is going, and you’re really REALLY hoping it might end up with some fun time after this little almost-date.
  2025. >Hell, you’re on vacation, and this would make this easily one of the better vacations you’ve ever had, definitely the best one you’ve had in years.
  2026. >The only thing you’re concerned about is this taking a Hostel-tier turn, from how sudden and enthusiastic these two are.
  2027. >Just because you’ve been feeling blue lately doesn’t suddenly mean you’re stupid.
  2028. >And the way Chryssy is gazing seemingly directly into your soul the whole time is making you fee a little uneasy.
  2029. >You can hear Candy almost silently tell her to stop doing that, and she seems like she only wants to do it more because it’s getting in the way of something Candy is trying to do.
  2030. >God damn why do these two have to be so hot? Their intentions ARE good, right?
  2031. >Finally run out the clock and make it out of the eatery, saying you have to go home and it’s late.
  2032. >You SHOULD be safe now, but some feeling is keeping you from walking far.
  2033. >What do you do?
  2034. >This just doesn’t make any sense, you should be home free by now.
  2035. >The two suspicious but attractive young ladies let you go without a single word of contention about it.
  2036. >You’re trying to make your way back down the street as the sky gets darker and darker but the further you get, the stronger the urge to turn around becomes.
  2037. >There was something about Chryssy, the way her eyes looked… kind of reminded you of that story you heard about this place that one time.
  2038. >Though you never really believed in any of that, but maybe something about her has something to do with where the superstition came from.
  2039. >Basically, the theme of that whole superstition you’ve heard about that one time had to do with a lack of free will that had been planted into the minds and souls of young men in order to lure them in for breeding.
  2040. >Or something like that, probably something less lewd-sounding than that.
  2041. >Didn’t really think much of it, which is another reason why you’re confused as to why you’re thinking so much of it now.
  2042. >Why DID it pop up in your brain like this so suddenly?
  2043. >You already miss Candy, wishing you could have stayed by her a little bit longer and talk out things about your life with her.
  2044. >Try to stop thinking about her and go back to getting home.
  2045. >You’ve only known Candy for a couple of hours at best and it already feels like you’ve known her for years.
  2046. >This reminds you of the part of a movie where the main character just met his love interest and he’s now trying to go about his day but can’t stop thinking about her.
  2047. >If love really is magic, then it’s some powerful stuff, more powerful than you’re able to handle.
  2048. >Your erection in your pants may have gone away for the moment, but the erection in your heart only rages on harder.
  2049. >Every corner you turn leads into a new block or path with a stronger backwards force that beckons you to turn around and return to the two women you just met at the beach today.
  2050. >You’re missing a great opportunity here, you just know it.
  2051. >And every step you take walking away from it like this feels like walking on broken glass.
  2052. >And this force against your own intentions only makes your intentions even stronger.
  2053. >This would be useful for a couple of other more strong-willed people, but NOT you.
  2054. >If you just built an entire huge sandcastle and it gets washed away into the sea as soon as you were getting ready to finish it, you’re not the type of person to immediately built it back up even better and on a higher up spot.
  2055. >That’s just not the type of person you are.
  2056. >You’re not forceful enough, but maybe someone you met IS that forceful.
  2057. >At some point, you had turned around and started walking the other way without even realizing you started doing so.
  2058. >It’s like your body itself started up a mutiny against your will and made you start walking in the direction you REALLY wanted to walk in but didn’t want to admit it to yourself.
  2059. >You continue to fight it, because there was something really odd about the way those two women were acting, but you can’t help but want to know more about them.
  2060. >Maybe they’re still waiting there for you, or just hanging around the area doing whatever, where you can return and get their attention.
  2061. >It almost feels like there’s so many eyes over your shoulders that you can’t even trust your own front door; namely the lock.
  2062. >There’s NO way this doesn’t feel like someone is following you, and there something that feels inside like nothing you can describe except a pink glow, except it’s not one you can see.
  2063. >It’s the creeping feeling that you’re being stalked, except it’s in a different flavor, a flavor that tastes so much better than you’d expect under normal conditions.
  2064. >You’re being watched and followed, you know it.
  2065. >Start to pick up your pace as you enter the less well-lit streets on the way to where you’ll be going to sleep tonight… if you make it through the door.
  2066. >And if ONLY you make it through the door.
  2067. >Then you can sleep.
  2068. >You must have passed your place, because you’re going right back to the more well-lit streets.
  2069. >The perfect excuse is that you don’t feel safe going to your place, but why is the first notion you get from that the notion that this is an excuse?
  2070. >There’s a pink glow following you, except you can’t see it, and it’s actually inside of you, so of course it’s going with you everywhere you go.
  2071. >And it’s getting so strong and bright that you’re losing control of where your legs are taking you.
  2072. >Something is begging you to go back to Candy and Chryssy, namely Candy, who has shown so much genuine affection for you, more than anyone else has in a long time.
  2073. >She’s so pretty too, and you never even got her number, you think, your mind is spinning so rapidly that you don’t even remember.
  2074. >But over the phone is not enough for you; it won’t bring you the same feeling you felt when in person with Candy.
  2075. >Is that the eatery you were just at?
  2076. >Something inside that anything less than meeting Candy in person again will not suffice.
  2077. >This was the perfect night for it,,, all the town lights lighting everything up just the right way…
  2078. >The way the sides of the buildings are lit up, the sounds of the cars driving by,,, the clouds in the sky…
  2079. >It’s like something right out of a movie, the setting becomes so beautiful just for you so you can have your beautiful moment of fate.
  2080. >How are you going to walk away from that?
  2081. >How could you possibly walk away?
  2082. >Run away?
  2083. >Hide away?
  2084. >From your own love sent after you so neither Candy nor Chryssy have to do much to pursue you?
  2085. >No idea why you’re thinking about it like that.
  2086. >Feel so animated and alive as your heart thumps all the way up to your ears; you can hear and feel your own pulse.
  2087. >Something’s gotten you feeling some type of way…
  2088. >Getting you all jittery and stupid, unable to control your legs, your clumsy feet or shaking knees.
  2089. >The need to see them again is overcoming you, like you’re in a video game and went too far off the map and are being forced back into completing the objective.
  2090. >The whole world itself is making you do this, every molecule in the open night air around you
  2091. >Something might as well be everywhere in the air at this point.
  2092. >Something sweet and beckoning, something that’s making you walk forwards towards virginity-suicide in an unidentifiable happening.
  2093. >You’re actively looking for Candy and Chryssy now, feeling an overwhelming, overpowering excitement make energy charge through your veins.
  2094. >What the hell is wrong with you right now?
  2095. >This only happens to characters on TV or in movies who are in love, not real life.
  2096. >Where is this jitteriness coming from?
  2097. >Your self-restraint steels itself and you get ready to high-tail it out of here, ready to force yourself if you have to.
  2098. >Even though your heart isn’t in it.
  2099. >Something’s terribly wrong with you; it’s never a good sign when you’re barely able to control your own body.
  2100. >The next block over never felt so far away, and your legs never felt so weak than now.
  2101. >Decide you’ll sit down for a few minutes and wait for this to go away.
  2102. >Surely it can’t be permanent.
  2103. >You wait in one of the outside lounge chairs as the vibrant patches of the otherwise dark nighttime scenery paint a picture around you.
  2104. >Shuffle around in your seat, feeling your heart beating in your throat as you look around for a familiar multi-colored hairdo.
  2105. >You have to calm your breathing down and get the sweat off of your brow.
  2106. >”Good evening, sir. How are we doing tonight?” A waitress walks up to you.
  2107. “Oh uh, sorry, I was just resting here for a few seconds, if that’s okay.”
  2108. >You stand up to leave anyway, as the still sane part of your brain has been begging you to do.
  2109. >”Oh there you are” Chimes a familiar voice.
  2110. >The silhouettes of the distant roofs against the darkening sky are starting to become impossible to make out.
  2111. >Every attempt you make to walk the other way is absorbed by the sight of Candy walking towards you.
  2112. >You watch her soft jiggling cleavage beckon you to stay in place as she closes in on you.
  2113. >”I’ve been meaning to ask you if you wanted to come back with us really quick?” She asks. “Only for a moment.”
  2114. >Make every attempt to look her in the eyes instead of her chest before she catches you leering her.
  2115. >Try to tell her that you just got lost on the way back to your place, but remember that you don’t want them thinking you’re trying to get back to where your own bed is, so they don’t figure out how to get to you say, tomorrow or something.
  2116. >A little voice in your head sounded the alarm about this.
  2117. >You have absolutely NO reason to be following these two back to their hotel room once again, after having successfully declined the first time.
  2118. >They had no reason to ask you to follow them back to it again.
  2119. >Yet despite the obvious suspiciousness of this, you’re willingly walking between them.
  2120. >With a funny tight feeling in the front of your shorts building back up again.
  2121. >You don’t even know what they’re saying about why they want to you come back with them “really quickly”.
  2122. >You know it’s not true, whatever they’re saying. It’s only a made-up excuse.
  2123. >You’re all outside of the building again, and your brain is screaming at you that you’re getting kidnapped but have no control over your body somehow.
  2124. >That pink glow in your heart is stronger than ever, and thoughts about holding Candy’s hand flood into your mind and drown out any plans to make up a reason to rush back like you forgot the oven was on or something like that.
  2125. >Chryssy seems to have noticed the bulge in your pants by now that refuses to go away.
  2126. >”So uh… you’ve been her for a while?” Candy nervously tries to start up a conversation.
  2127. >She really does sound like she’s trying to keep this non-sexual, but she sees your increasingly erect bulge too, and caught you looking down at her chest multiple times but didn’t say anything.
  2128. >Candy’s probably trying to hold it together just as much as you are, but is also probably failing just as hard as you are to do so.
  2129. >Her bikini top may be modest, but it’s still not enough to cover up her entire cleavage, as is the case with most bikini tops designed like this on a woman with breasts her size, C cup or higher.
  2130. >Start to subtly squirm around as another person down the hall is seen walking by, just within earshot of your cries for help that are too unavailable for you to belt out.
  2131. >Chryssy lightly shoves you into the hotel room from behind, making you accidentally bump into Candy from behind.
  2132. >She just plays it off as the two of you being clumsy and playful.
  2133. >”Oop, I’m sorry!” She giggles as you apologize as well.
  2134. >You begin holding onto her from behind in a hug you didn’t know you were delivering, mind getting dizzy with a very sweet scent emitting from her lustrous locks of hair in front of your face.
  2135. >Hear Chrysalis giggle maniacally behind you.
  2136. >The door must have been locked five times over by now, rendering escape impossible even without you being paralyzed into this room with these two dangerous women.
  2137. >Candy stumbles around with you hugging her from behind.
  2138. >Your arms and hands stay crossed over Candy’s bare midriff with the sensation of her smooth skin’s touch saying more to you than her words ever could.
  2139. >”I guess we’re both a bit clumsy tonight.” She breathes, trying to continue casual conversation but feeling your erect pecker hotdogging her between her soft buns…
  2140. “Y-yeah…” You shiver, trying your best to somehow hope your now full erection subsides despite having stiffly risen up against Candy’s buttcheeks through the clothing.
  2141. >Chryssy watches you both struggle to keep this sudden date casual… up against one another.
  2142. >Any other situation would have seen the way your hands are caressing Candy’s warm soft flat tummy as “inappropriate”.
  2143. >Candy’s bellybutton your fingers feel themselves brushing past is slightly pushing out against them more frequently as her breath quickens.
  2144. >”S-so… tell m-me about, ngh, yourself~” Candy feels and watches your crossed forearms push up against the underside of her bikini’s breasts.
  2145. >Gently pushing both of them upward.
  2146. >Candy lets out a reluctantly aroused sigh when your rogue hands reach and grope her soft boobies through her modest bikini top without you even commanding them to…
  2147. >She forgets how to speak coherently and loses the ability to use her silver-tongues words to woo you into a platonic love for her and her empathetic care for you.
  2148. >But that’s no longer necessary anyway.
  2149. >After spinning around to face her date, Candy can see in your eyes that she has your rapidly beating heart pinned down with the counter far past ten…
  2150. >Perhaps made you fall in love with her in record time.
  2151. >Unrelenting shocks of some kind of indescribable feeling ravage your body as Candy embraces you back, with the undershooting intention of you two simply holding one another gently for a while and getting lost in eachother’s eyes.
  2152. >Feeling Candy’s arms wrap around you makes you shudder like a hopeless idiot for her, your world becoming a cushion-walled prison of mushiness all around you.
  2153. >Candy can see the hope of wholesome romantic love glimmer in your eyes as you continuously fall for her, not even sure of what her goal of intentionally sparking this was supposed to be anyway.
  2154. >But the tip of your fully erect cock now pushes its way onto Candy’s soft puffy-vulva crotch with nothing in the way but your pitched tent and Candy’s clingy little bikini bottoms.
  2155. >Love is un-ignore-ably on your mind, but wrestling with it is lust… and all your body can think about is SEX~
  2156. >As your love struck hands now grope your new crush Candy’s soft, barely dressed busty chest from the front with your erect tent trying to poke its way through to between Candy’s sweet soft vulva lips inside of her clingy bikini bottoms, all your mind can think about is SEX~
  2157. >”T-tell… me… ab…out… y-our self~” Reluctantly horny Candy fruitlessly makes a slurring attempt to continue the casual romantic date smalltalk through her skyrocketing arousal.
  2158. >As you begin instinctively dry-humping Candy, you realize that your once-planned escape is impossible; it always was.
  2159. >Meanwhile, Chryssy is ready to show Candy just how blind and stupid her plans really were, and instead force what she sees as the actual natural conclusion to all this.
  2160. >As you now rest your hands upon Candy’s mostly bare wide hips, encouraging her to enticingly swing them side to side in nothing but her sexy bikini, you feel Chryssy’s finger jut onto your lower back then swiftly run up the length of your spine all the way to the back of your neck.
  2161. >You wildly shudder in response to this, then feel the back of your shirt fall open with the sides slipping off of your shoulders.
  2162. >H-… how did she do that?
  2163. >Candy’s reluctantly horny eyes widen and light up in a flare of hungry lust while she watches Chryssy quickly dismantle your shirt and unveil your decently slimfit muscles to her.
  2164. >She panics a little in response to her lust for you, making a futile attempt to escape her own flickering arousal for you with uneven stumbles and jolts of her curvy hips trying to break free of your hold she can’t help but welcome.
  2165. >Even though Candy’s bikini is reasonably modest in this instant, it can’t stop her big soft boobs from alluringly swaying to her clumsy steps.
  2166. >Candy’s modest bikini top is still revealing enough to unavoidably show her yummy cleavage as her busty soft boobies slightly jiggle to her jolting around.
  2167. >Candy didn’t even realize her hands were helping Chryssy guide your cut-open shirt down your slightly toned arms.
  2168. >Now like you, all she is able think about is SEX~
  2169. >Candy’s face deeply blushes a bright red as she gazes at you.
  2170. >Really deeply.
  2171. >You don’t realize why until you look down and see your throbbing fully erect cock and swinging ballsack all the way out in the open as your dismantled remainder of your clothing weakly gets pulled open by Chryssy’s perverted hands.
  2172. >Candy tries to mouth something like trying to warn you of your cock slipping out on your date together, but her quivering lips and tied up tongue only allow horny sighs and groans to gently erupt from her rapidly breathing lungs.
  2173. >Candy clumsily stumbles around aimlessly, unintentionally making her busty, soft yummy boobs jiggle and wobble side to side in her modest yet cleavage revealing bikini top~
  2174. >Candy shudders uncontrollably…
  2175. >Her wide open eyes hungrily stare down at your stiff erect member as she continues to heavily blush and starts to drool a little.
  2176. >Chryssy walks around to behind Candy.
  2177. >Candy knows it’s her turn to strip now~
  2178. >”Tell… me… about yourself…~” Candy groans.
  2179. “Take off your bikini top.” You unknowingly begin to stroke your shaft to Candy’s inevitable state of undress…
  2180. >Candy bites her lip and shudders some more, feeling Chryssy’s nimble fingers dancing along her smooth bare back underneath her soft lustrous hair.
  2181. >Your eyes keep your gaze set on Candy’s sexy jiggling cleavage.
  2182. >Candy feels Chryssy’s hands pull the strings of the tied back of her bikini top, pulling the end until the loop is gone, successfully untying the back of Candy’s lewd bikini top before she fully realizes.
  2183. >Candy’s bikini top is forced to become less and less modest as it loosens around her sexy body…
  2184. >Chryssy pulls the side-tie strings of Candy's clingy bikini bottoms in the same way and forces everything else to loosen and start to fall away~
  2185. >Watch Candy nervously cross her arms, mushing her soft yummy boobies together trying to hold her decreasingly modest bikini top together against Chryssy’s will.
  2186. >Horny and embarrassed, Candy struggles to keep her undone bikini together in front of you as she stammers trying to revive the date smalltalk but can’t stop staring at your erect cock you're stroking to her…
  2187. >Candy shivers and continues to drool a little at it, soon watching a drop of precum form at your tip.
  2188. >You watch your sexy crush Candy slowly capitulate and surrender to her overwhelming lust for you and your cock.
  2189. >Candy lids her horny eyes and barely even tries anymore to keep her sexy perky nipples from slipping out from her falling bikini top.
  2190. >Her loose undone bikini bottoms flip down away from her smooth crotch and expose her softly pinching vulva lips leaking a clear bit of sexual fluids.
  2191. >All of Candy’s hope to retain her romantic date as she wanted to prove to Chryssy it could be, is no more… drowned out by her primal lust, her unpreventable beautiful nakedness, and her unstoppable sexual urges that are reciprocated by your own…
  2192. >Candy hyperventilates in the throes of her overpowering horny arousal…
  2193. >”T-t… t-tell m-”
  2194. >You cut her off with a deep kiss on the lips, and pull her over to yourself, completely losing control.
  2195. >Firmly grab and hold on to Candy’s naked round jiggling buttcheeks as you press the leaking tip of your erect cock up against her bare soft crotch and push your way between Candy’s sweet supple vulva lips…
  2196. >She gets a look in her eyes that not only desperately wants your stiff throbbing length to drive deeper and deeper, but also recognizes this feeling from the past as Chryssy giggles while nibbling on her ear and licking the side of her neck.
  2197. >”Y-yes…~” Candy unintentionally blurts as she feels your erect cock drive deep into her enveloping pussy.
  2198. >You and Chryssy both lift Candy up together between you.
  2199. >Thrust your cock in and out of Candy with your hips shifting into persistent humping mode…
  2200. >”Yes… yes, yes, YES, YES! YES YES!” Candy curls her toes and throws her head back.
  2201. >Candy receives a horny rewarding kiss on the lips from Chryssy while you plow her into leglocking you.
  2202. >Candy has surrendered completely to the… unstoppable horny…
  2203. >Her love powers rejoice and thoroughly mix with her gushing sexual arousal that only intensifies to each wet plap she receives from you in the lust-driven, horny-powered grip of her horny leglock~
  2204. >The open and untied bikini falls to the hotel room floor one piece at a time only a few wet plaps apart…
  2205. >You and Chryssy take turns tongue kissing Candy, sharing her tasty and arousing saliva then soon tasting eachother’s saliva in it.
  2206. >The potency of Chrysalis’s venom saliva made its way into your mouth through Candy’s saliva, infecting you into plowing Candy’s stuffed nethers harder than you ever knew you could!
  2207. >Your thrusts become heavier and at first more spaced out, prompting Candy to tighten her horny lust-powered leglock onto you even harder~!
  2208. >Chryssy and Candy share a deep, long tongue kiss with Candy visibly starting to swallow a little bit while you feel your body reach ejaculation and your erect cock and swinging balls start to turbulently nut…
  2209. >Deep up inside of Candy~!
  2210. ~
  2211. >The three of you slept in the following morning.
  2212. >And then slept in half of the following afternoon.
  2213. >The mental task to go back to your own place and keep certain people from getting in is completely extinct from your mind.
  2214. >You lie in bed, staring up at the ceiling wondering where these two have been all your life, listening to cars on the bright searing hot street go by as Chryssy gets up and stares out the window.
  2215. >She stitched the back of your shirt back together, but she’s the one wearing it now, having told you its hers now.
  2216. >But also stated that she’ll maybe let you have it back if you can earn it, through how well you can “show her a fun night” as soon as it’s evening again and you’re recharged for her turn.
  2217. >Chryssy stretches her arms up with a yawn, showing you that your shirt is the ONLY thing she is wearing at all as you let lost in the sight of her soft beautiful naked ass greeting you.
  2218. >Candy meanwhile snuggles up to you under the covers, stroking the side of your head and nuzzling her face into your neck.
  2219. >”I’m… sorry if that was sudden.” She solemnly apologizes in a soft voice. “There’s a lot of complicated dimensions to love in life.”
  2220. >She knew she would have to have this talk in order to justify how and why things went down the way they did.
  2221. >A lot of people try to rationalize it any way thy can, finding out how not to conflate love and lust and instead establish how one is simply part of the other sometimes in certain contexts.
  2222. >Candy’s pleading eyes look up at you as she tells you that sex is a way people sometimes express true love, and that she’s been familiar with this for a while.
  2223. >She doesn’t want you to brush this off as a one night stand just because Chryssy forced it to become one, she wants to believe that there was something meaningful in what you and her talked about before it inevitably happened.
  2224. >You’re hesitant to say a lot back, not really knowing how to approach what she’s trying to get across to you, not even sure if she herself knows what to say next.
  2225. >It all sounds like she’s trying to justify this as an actual form of true love and empathy by simultaneously conflating love and lust but also differing them when it’s convenient for her point.
  2226. >After a while, Candy knows this too, and it shows in the growing sadness in her eyes as she realizes she might have been wrong all along, and that Chryssy’s lust-dominant approach proved to be more effective.
  2227. >”We can spend the day together tomorrow.” Candy promises. “All three of us. You said you would love someone to hang out with, we can do that after all of the… this… is out of our systems. Then you’ll see!”
  2228. >You smile at her warmly.
  2229. “I see already.” You tell her. “I think both of you are right.”
  2230. >A flash of hope crosses Candy’s eyes.
  2231. >You have no idea what the fuck just actually happened to you in the past 24 hours.
  2232. >You thought you were going to suddenly wake up in a bathtub full of ice after they lured you in.
  2233. >There’s something else going on that hasn’t reared its head to you yet, there’s no way it was just sex.
  2234. >You can sense it.
  2240. .
  2241. .
  2243. .
  2244. >Math is hard.
  2245. >At least for a number of students, it’s relatively easy for some.
  2246. >But you, math isn’t just hard for you.
  2247. >It’s FUCKING impossible to tackle.
  2248. >You don’t even understand what you don’t understand.
  2249. >Why can’t you swap it with something easy like drawing instead?
  2250. >Drawing is great, and it’s fun and easy, and barely had even a hint of math involved at all.
  2251. >Even then, that math doesn’t involve the alphabet with the numbers.
  2252. >Any math found in drawing and art can’t begin to compare to the overcomplicated symbol sorcery written on the board by your math teacher Miss Cheerilee.
  2253. >Properties of limits?
  2254. >The only property of a limit you can understand is your own one you’re at.
  2255. >Can’t say it enough:
  2256. >You don’t even understand what you don’t understand.
  2257. >It shows in the plague of sub-20 percentages on your report card so far this year.
  2258. >If this keeps going this way, your grades are gonna be in an ocean floor trench even a perfect streak of 100% scores for the rest of the year couldn’t save you from.
  2259. >This is what Miss Cheerilee tells you after class one day, and in a regretful tone at that.
  2260. >You sulk into your seat to how disappointed she sounds; the last thing she wants to do is flunk one of her students.
  2261. >It really felt like you let her down as she tried to “introduce you to the wonders of the calculus world”.
  2262. >She’s really tried to help you understand in class but it’s just not clicking.
  2263. >You’re hopelessly lost, and your grades are bleeding out.
  2264. >Can’t even bring yourself to pay attention during lectures anymore.
  2265. >You already know it’s a lost cause, and it’s a shame because Miss Cheerilee really REALLY believed in you.
  2266. >Miss Cheerilee wants ALL of her students to succeed in her pre-calculus course.
  2267. >She’s always been so cute and nice to you.
  2268. >Had it been any other teacher and you wouldn’t care so much, but Miss Cheerilee has always been such a sweet young woman.
  2269. >Barely more than a decade older than you are too, so she’s relatively in-touch with her students’ generation.
  2270. >And you know she hates to have to give you failing grade after failing grade.
  2271. >Especially after you declined one-on-one tutoring she offered.
  2272. >You’re just too jaded and accepting of the mindset of “yeah I’m gonna fail and there’s nothing I can do about it, might as well perpetuate it on purpose even in the face of hope because I don’t trust having hope anymore”.
  2273. >What was that Gotye line?
  2274. >”You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness”?
  2275. >It’s where you’ve just become so self-defeating on purpose because it at least makes you feel like you’re going out on your own terms.
  2276. >It birthed a part of you that’s been mindbroken and jaded from failing so long that it doesn’t want to get better anymore and just fail on purpose from now on, and that part of you has grown too powerful now.
  2277. >The more time passes, the more you fail, and the more that lyric makes sense to you.
  2278. >God help those who suffer from this in both math AND drawing… hahah… hah…
  2279. ~
  2280. >Miss Cheerilee only wants all of her students to succeed.
  2281. >And it really bums her out that one of her students is failing so hard at calculus.
  2282. >She takes the stack of papers to the faculty conference room to review each of her students’ grades with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.
  2283. >Maybe she can somehow force her failing student to say yes to tutoring?
  2284. >Maybe he, god forbid, has a crush on his teacher and is too nervous to accept help.
  2285. >She would love to somehow cast that awkwardness aside and just help him with his math grades already so she can keep him from failing and having to retake her class.
  2286. >Miss Cheerilee cautiously approaches the office door.
  2287. >Hesitates before touching the doorknob, then hears the faint muffled voices of Celestia and Luna behind it.
  2288. >Right as Vice Principal Luna says something about Wallflower Blush, the conversation is interrupted by the door handle being tried from out in the hallway.
  2289. >The two sisters fall silent as the door swings open.
  2290. >A rush of warm, humid air greets Miss Cheerilee upon her entry.
  2291. >”Hey… having a bad hair day?” Miss Cheerilee addresses their noticeably ruffled hair.
  2292. >Celestia gives Luna a worried look, as though it’s a bad idea to let Cheerilee into this room at the moment.
  2293. >Cheerilee herself senses a sort of presence about the room.
  2294. >But the longer she continues to act normally, the more relieved the principal and vice principal appear to be.
  2295. >”Hey, how’s Wallflower doing?” Asks Miss Cheerilee after finishing up discussing the grades of her students. “I heard you mention her right before entering.”
  2296. >”She’s doing great.” Replies Luna in a reassuring tone. “Things are a lot better between us now.”
  2297. >Cheerilee smiles warmly. “That’s fantastic to hear. I suppose the uptick in her grades might be an indication of that as well.”
  2298. >Luna nods. “Anyway, let’s discuss your students who have… not being doing too well grade-wise.”
  2299. >The three proceed to talk about mostly just you, as you’re the only student who’s been falling behind and flunking to an actual serious degree.
  2300. >Celestia and Luna had already gone over the topic with your other teachers with a less concerned overtone due to you only failing calculus dangerously hard.
  2301. >Miss Cheerilee had already assumed a little more new things about you even after the previous time she entered this room with Celestia and Luna and noticed how weirdly warm and humid it felt.
  2302. >Wonders if any of the other teachers felt the same way.
  2303. >Maybe it didn’t happen to be so humid in here when they came by… only this time of day.
  2304. >”So he doesn’t want tutoring? Even though he KNOWS he desperately needs it?” Asks Celestia.
  2305. >”I can’t imagine why he’s so shy about it. It seems like he just kind of… gave up.”
  2306. >”If he was a senior, I’d attribute it to senioritis. But that’s far from the case.”
  2307. >Luna suggests Miss Cheerilee simply require you to attend tutoring, on account of your poor grades.
  2308. >Miss Cheerilee isn’t thrilled about the idea, but eventually agrees that it’s probably necessary.
  2309. >At least at this point; she would have said no under practically any other circumstances.
  2310. >The quick meeting wraps up, and Miss Cheerilee leaves.
  2311. >It won’t be long before you’re told you HAVE to stay after school for mandatory tutoring by Miss Cheerilee.
  2312. >…
  2313. >And now, here you sit in the desk each day after classes, mad as hell and wanting to leave as soon as possible.
  2314. >Crossing your arms, mulling over how annoying and inconvenient it is to not only lose lots of your free time, but to lose it to pre-calculus you already know you’re never going to be able to understand or have to use in the real world either.
  2315. >What makes this so important?
  2316. >It’s not like she’s teaching you how to pay your taxes or anything like that.
  2317. >Remain in your seat at your desk, repeating “I can’t” every time you literally can’t.
  2318. >”Yes you can!” Miss Cheerilee begins to feel dizzy and out of breath. “Let’s go over it again.”
  2319. >Something about you is really making her feel funny.
  2320. >She begins writing the equations on the board and then making you get up and solve them after doing the work on the paper.
  2321. >This cycle continues until the end of the after school tutoring session.
  2322. >You leave after noticing her looking at you funny, and wonder what it is she was about to say… or do.
  2323. >…
  2324. >Miss Cheerilee starts having really confusing thoughts about her student and she doesn’t know why.
  2325. >These thoughts make Miss Cheerilee uncomfortable, but make her feel good inside at the same time.
  2326. >As though they imply something really really wrong.
  2327. >It’s an urge she can’t quite decipher, like an un-solvable equation in her head.
  2328. >Or rather, she knows how to solve the equation, but there’s no way that can be the right answer, because something about it might imply something really really wrong that doesn’t feel as wrong as it should.
  2329. >Miss Cheerilee herself is getting frustrated trying to figure out what’s bugging her so much.
  2330. >Is there some sort of magic going around the school again?
  2331. >Why is it that her student who is flunking the most and making her feel the worst about her status as a teacher, is slowly becoming her favorite student?
  2332. >She really… REALLY likes being around him now.
  2333. >He’s just so… appealing and interesting to her when he’s so frustrated.
  2334. >There’s just so much frustration and tension in him, and the more of an obstacle it becomes, the more Miss Cheerilee wants to just… break it all down…
  2335. >To break down his boundaries and directly address her young male student’s frustration.
  2336. >Something needs to be gotten out of the way.
  2337. >It has to be more than just wanting to get through to him… she wants to GET THROUGH to HIM.
  2338. >No other words can describe it.
  2339. >She doesn’t mention any of this to Celestia or Luna every time she asks for clearance to make her student stay another afternoon, afraid it might imply something REALLY wrong and get her in serious trouble.
  2340. >It’s not always humid in the room, but when it is… Miss Cheerilee feels funny every time, each time slightly more than the last.
  2341. >…
  2342. >Every time you come back for after-school one-on-one tutoring with your pre-calc teacher Miss Cheerilee, she looks more tense.
  2343. >Tense and eyeballing you in odd ways you can’t figure out the reason for.
  2344. >Miss Cheerilee pushes an urge back down that she can’t even identify.
  2345. >”So the thing about this part of the equation you got wrong is…” She continues to explain the steps the best way she can on the third after-school day of this funny feeling being so prominent.
  2346. >Tries her best to write the equation on the board for you but she’s now starting to lose her place and her train of thought keeps derailing.
  2347. >It doesn’t take long for her to look over at you with begging eyes, as if you’re going to help her.
  2348. >So she doesn’t feel so alone in her frustrated confusion.
  2349. >Breathing heavily, Miss Cheerilee suddenly realizes that she’s turning to you because she’s become just as confused and frustrated as you are, and doesn’t know how to react to it.
  2350. >Now you’re not alone; Miss Cheerilee is frustrated and confused too.
  2351. >You angrily put your pencil down after once again failing to solve the equation, visually expressing your frustration to Miss Cheerilee.
  2352. >She looks as though seeing you frustrated is deeply affecting her.
  2353. >Just like others before her, Miss Cheerilee can sense deep inside that something’s trying to get out.
  2354. >Something is crying out at her from deep inside, but she can’t decipher what it is.
  2355. >This unsolvable equation in her mind just won’t go away, and she gets more and more just as frustrated and confused as you are.
  2356. >She tries not to look at her student but can’t take her eyes off of him.
  2357. >That flustered look on your face contagiously spreads to your pre-calc teacher Miss Cheerilee.
  2358. >But she persists with the tutoring lesson she’s trying to give you, even if she herself is lost in what she’s writing on the board and has to go over it to herself again.
  2359. >She tells you to wait a minute while she figures it out.
  2360. >You yourself are just so done with trying to figure this out.
  2361. >It’s just not clicking, not happening, not making any sense.
  2362. >Limits, sines, cosines, tangents, what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck you just wanna go home and play video games.
  2363. >Miss Cheerilee shudders in response to that quiet little growl you do as you stare back down at your attempts to solve the equation on the paper.
  2364. >The room was quieter before the breathing got louder.
  2365. >Miss Cheerilee can’t figure out what’s going on with her; she keeps glancing over at her student as though something REALLY needs to be done with him.
  2366. >She feels funny every time you two make eye contact.
  2367. >But she persists with the lesson.
  2368. >Luckily manages to contain herself around her lone student.
  2369. >Albeit still breathing pretty heavily as quietly as she’s able to.
  2370. >As long as it’s obvious that he’s only frustrated at the work, Miss Cheerilee can keep going and try to help her student understand the wonders of pre-calc.
  2371. >Miss Cheerilee feels really hot in her clothes as she gets ready to hand you your extra homework you’ll have to complete tonight.
  2372. >”Oh, I know.” She responds to your agitated grunt at this, voice slightly shaking. “Don’t worry, it gets easier the more times you do it.”
  2373. >But you even want to do it at all.
  2374. >She hands you the work packet, finger lightly brushing against your finger.
  2375. >That’s all it took to make Miss Cheerilee jump a little bit in response.
  2376. >Her reaction to making slight physical contact with you starts to make you feel funny.
  2377. >Her reacting like this wouldn’t have felt this way to you before your fingers together, but it feels like something spread to you.
  2378. >You always thought she was a young woman being your math teacher this year.
  2379. >But now she’s also a different kind of cute in addition to that.
  2380. >You have your hands on the papers she just touched.
  2381. >Stuff them into your folder, stuff your folder into your backpack and head out.
  2382. >Don’t look back as you say “see you tomorrow”, but a new part of you can feel her staring at you as you walk out the door.
  2383. >…
  2384. >Try to remember everything Miss Cheerilee told you the best you can as you struggle and struggle and struggle still with your pre-calculus homework.
  2385. >It’s still all one big labyrinth to you, and you have no idea where to go.
  2386. >Math is hard.
  2387. >So hard.
  2388. >You fill everything out the best you can, noticing your mind continuing to slip back into a state of thinking about how cute your pre-calc teacher is and how you can’t wait until you see her agin.
  2389. >Where did this come from all of a sudden?
  2390. >…
  2391. >Miss Cheerilee stays at the school super late trying to look into the possibility of a magical outbreak that might have happened.
  2392. >She has no idea that Celestia and Luna are already covering it up and hoping she doesn’t find out.
  2393. >But what she does know is that something did indeed happen and it may or may not be trying to affect her.
  2394. >Miss Cheerilee has always been a smart cookie, and her own willpower has usually followed suit.
  2395. >There’s definitely something going around the school, and it’s not a cold or the flu.
  2396. >One example out of a few indications of this:
  2397. >Those two students who are a couple have been hanging out in the hallways more often, making out for longer periods of time.
  2398. >Were either of them in Principal Celestia’s office at any point?
  2399. >Maybe that strange warm humidity in there had something to do with it.
  2400. >Miss Cheerilee naturally begins to automatically plan out a way to find a solution for this.
  2401. >Being as usually analytical as she is.
  2402. >As she’s driving home, she thinks about whether or not it’s safe to directly confront Celestia and Luna about this.
  2403. >That step would possibly open up a door where she finds out exactly what’s going on and with whom.
  2404. >If not, then how does she figure out which students have recently been in Celestia’s office.
  2405. >Is there a new magical artifact somewhere in there?
  2406. >The last thing she wants is for the students to start getting heavily affected by whatever this is, especially her own students.
  2407. >And that’s another thing… what exactly is this anyway?
  2408. >It’s making Miss Cheerilee have these strange yet strong feelings about the student she’s tutoring and trying to save the grades of.
  2409. >She feels as though she might be the first person to figure out this much about whatever’s happening to her before it takes whatever full effect it’s trying to take.
  2410. >And she has to prevent it from proceeding any further.
  2411. >The solution to this problem cannot be reached until that’s out of the way.
  2412. >The first thing Miss Cheerilee has to figure out is… what is this spell trying to do to her?
  2413. >It can’t be some sort of love spell… is it?
  2414. >Why did she suddenly guess this? There was nothing that could have indicated this.
  2415. >Right?
  2416. >Miss Cheerilee plans out how she’s going to tackle this problem and unravel the steps to solve it.
  2417. >It just makes her feel so weirdly confused and frustrated.
  2418. ~
  2419. >You turned in your extra homework during school-hours class the next day.
  2420. >Knowing full well you’re gonna get a 50% at best despite your efforts.
  2421. >Miss Cheerilee can see it in your eyes that you know you didn’t do well, and she starts to panic.
  2422. >The dilemma with your grades once again became her primary concern.
  2423. >She does NOT want to fail you for this course, she WANTS you to succeed in getting a passing grade.
  2424. >Your own mind is awash with thoughts about how to make the graphs look a certain way, and what to do with those weird “lim” parts of the equation and all that.
  2425. >She tells you after class that you have to stay after again, and she’ll have graded your homework by then.
  2426. >…
  2427. >”See, here is the part you keep doing wrong…” Miss Cheerilee explains to you with the chalk clacking against the board and echoing across the empty room after school hours.
  2428. >It looks so easy when SHE does it, but everything goes out the window when YOU try to do it on your own.
  2429. >So much symbol sorcery.
  2430. >It’s driving you insane.
  2431. >At least you could depend on all the other students being present during regular class so you could just tune out and not pay attention.
  2432. >But now it’s just you in here; you HAVE to pay attention to all this confusing stuff.
  2433. >It’s just so hard.
  2434. >With another frustrated grunt, gently slam your head onto you desk to lightheartedly express that frustration.
  2435. >That was an odd sounding sigh Miss Cheerilee did just now.
  2436. >”Let’s start over from the beginning. Okay?” She sighs.
  2437. >Ugh, you don’t WANT to start over from the beginning, you just wanna go home.
  2438. >Why didn’t you just take the bus home despite her orders to stay after school?
  2439. >You already know you’re gonna flunk no matter what and you don’t care if you even get expelled at this point.
  2440. >Why did you STILL feel so compelled to stay after with Miss Cheerilee?
  2441. >What’s going on?
  2442. >She continues to explain to you each and every step you have to take to solve the equations, and what to do at which point and why it’s important to do so.
  2443. >Standing directly over you and pointing to things all over the paper.
  2444. >But she’s now losing her place
  2445. >There’s just something about being up close to you.
  2446. >Tries, loses her place, tries, loses her place. Right in front of you.
  2447. >This mystery urge is coming back stronger than ever.
  2448. >She wants to really REALLY get though to you once again, but she’s drawing a blank, leaning on her close together arms.
  2449. >You always thought Miss Cheerilee was cute, but now you’re noticing how big and soft her chest looks getting pushed together in that clingy sweater vest.
  2450. >Stop thinking about that, you got a 20% on your homework, she wants you to succeed.
  2451. >Miss Cheerilee feels increasingly hot inside her clothes again.
  2452. >She needs to start taking drastic measures before it’s too late to save your grades.
  2453. >There’s just so much frustration holding you back.
  2454. >Why does she want to give her student a hug so badly?!
  2455. >Miss Cheerilee immediately retreats back to the board.
  2456. >Whatever it is going around must have already gotten to Celestia and Luna, that part of this problem is obvious.
  2457. >Miss Cheerilee must do everything in her power to stop it from getting to her, and oh is it trying.
  2458. >WHY does the way her student sits look so appealing?
  2459. >She has to keep herself rational, and analytical as she usually is.
  2460. >But she’s stopped trying to solve the equations on the board until she can solve what’s going on in her head.
  2461. >As it becomes more of a frustrated mess by the minute.
  2462. >She tells you to hold on a minute while she sits at her own desk, pretending she needs to send an important email and telling you to try the next equation to the best of your ability.
  2463. >There’s something alluring about the way her voice sounded when she said that; you heard some strain.
  2464. >Miss Cheerilee frantically sends an email to Principal Celestia, too afraid to go over to her office in person.
  2465. >Typing away asking what the hell is going on with whatever this weird thing in the air is that’s making her feel funny.
  2466. >There’s no response, even though Principal Celestia HAS to be at her computer right now.
  2467. >[Is there a magic spell going around? I need to know as soon as possible] Part of the email says.
  2468. >After several more minutes of no response, Miss Cheerilee sends out another cry for help after noticing you glancing over at her again.
  2469. >That eye contact you made felt like something she can’t explain.
  2470. >Miss Cheerilee had taken her mind off of the math on the board and paper and now there’s less in the way of whatever this… thing is.
  2471. >She’s trying to decipher the end goal of this urge, and it directs her attention right back at her handsome student after she finishes sending the second email to Celestia calling for help.
  2472. >”O-Okay… let’s continue~…” Miss Cheerilee stands up.
  2473. >She does her best to explain how she’s solving everything on the board step by step.
  2474. >Realizes she made mistakes left and right and starts over.
  2475. >Meanwhile, you’re feeling more and more comfortable seeing that Miss cheerilee herself getting confused by all this just like you are.
  2476. >Her clingy skirt is the center of your attention now, showcasing the shape of her thighs and hips and soft behind as she turns around to face the board.
  2477. >You never realized how attractive Miss Cheerilee was until now.
  2478. >She could unironically compete with the hottest girls in school as far as you’re concerned.
  2479. >And she’s one of the teachers!
  2480. >Miss Cheerilee meanwhile waits to hopefully hear an email notification from her computer swooping in to rescue her.
  2481. >To rescue her from this growing mystery urge that she discovered not only didn’t go away since yesterday, but got even stronger.
  2482. >She looks back over to you, looking at you slumping in your seat, wanting to get through to you, to get through… something… to you almost physically.
  2483. >Or maybe literally physically.
  2484. >Anything that addresses your frustration at the source.
  2485. >Maybe what this urge is calling for is something that addresses Miss Cheerilee’s frustration too.
  2486. >Maybe it’s too late to save Celestia, which is why she can’t respond.
  2487. >But Miss Cheerilee knows that she will NOT suffer the same fate.
  2488. >She WILL help her student get a good grade.
  2489. >She WILL keep whatever this is from spreading to him.
  2490. >And she WILL snap out of it herself before it takes her over.
  2491. >Being a pre-calc teacher got her used to solving problems.
  2492. >She’ll solve this one too as soon as Celestia emails her back.
  2493. >Even though this problem in her head keeps feeling more unsolvable by the minute.
  2494. >Miss Cheerilee doesn’t know what she wants.
  2495. >But she knows that whatever it is, it involved something VERY direct with her student in the desk before her.
  2496. >The student she’s alone with after school.
  2497. >The after school tutoring session undergoes another break with you fidgeting in your seat and Miss Cheerilee sending another desperate email begging for Principal Celestia’s help with something she can’t even describe in words.
  2498. >Getting Celestia’s help is an important step in solving whatever this is, but Miss Cheerilee subtly feels like Principal Celestia can’t help her with this.
  2499. >She thinks about the problem from an almost mathematical standpoint, going over the components of it she’s given.
  2500. >Celestia’s office was weirdly warm and humid, and ever since this discovery, Miss Cheerilee’s felt odd about her student she’s tutoring after school.
  2501. >Whatever caused this clearly must have gotten to Celestia already, most likely Luna too, and Miss Cheerilee has to use her analytical approach and dedicated focus to keep it from getting to her too.
  2502. >She’s trying to get her student to focus on the material so he can save his grades.
  2503. >He’s extremely frustrated, which oddly makes Cheerilee’s random frustration out of nowhere flare up as well.
  2504. >She’s clearly very frustrated with her student being frustrated, and with the way they make eye contact, and… a couple of other things she can’t put her finger on.
  2505. >What does it mean?
  2506. >She and her student share a state of confused frustration, and there’s some magic going around the school possibly causing it.
  2507. >How is Miss Cheerilee going to make the frustration go away?
  2508. >It’s making her feel so hot inside her clothes, she can’t sit still as she types her email.
  2509. >Something’s making her feel unintentionally excited over something she can’t identify.
  2510. >She MUST ignore it!
  2511. >Whatever’s going on, it won’t take her like it took Celestia and Luna.
  2512. >Miss cheerilee already figured out something’s wrong early on, she can maneuver her way out of this thing, whatever it is.
  2513. >Like an equation.
  2514. >She goes back to trying to figure out the answer: how to make this frustration go away???
  2515. >She should reverse it, not let it follow through to whatever end goal it so impatiently demands before agreeing to go away.
  2516. >Something about this student.
  2517. >Maybe Miss Cheerilee needs your help to make the frustration go away.
  2518. >Just like how you need her help to make yours regarding pre-calc go away.
  2519. >It’s a team effort, that’s why you’re here, that’s why this tutoring session is even happening right now.
  2520. >She’s helping her student, so now maybe her student can help her back.
  2521. >That makes sense, right?!
  2522. >Miss Cheerilee mulls over it again and again in her head, remembering that she survived the past couple of tutoring sessions without caving in to whatever magic this must be.
  2523. >As if she isn’t intentionally ignoring what she already knows it’s all about but pretends to herself that it must be something else.
  2524. >No, it’s still a mystery, she still DOESN’T know what this is about.
  2525. >It didn’t click just now, she refuses to accept that.
  2526. >The answer to this unsolvable equation can’t be… THAT!~
  2527. >It CAN’T be!
  2528. >You and Miss Cheerilee make eye contact once again, and exchange an invisible spark that sends shivers up each of your spines for surely no reason at all.
  2529. >It makes Miss Cheerilee’s nipples start to get hard inside her bra cups. She can feel it happening.
  2530. >Whatever that must have taken Celestia and Luna probably had this same affect it’s now having on her.
  2531. >Miss Cheerilee gets excited inside making eye contact with her student.
  2532. >Enough to make her nipples harden.
  2533. >She has to think about the answer to this problem, the solution.
  2534. >How is she going to make this frustration get out of the way?
  2535. >Miss Cheerilee returns to the chalkboard and continues trying her best to explain the lesson to you.
  2536. >She’s still able to hold it together as long as she knows you aren’t interested in her the way she hopes you’re not.
  2537. >It doesn’t feel like a green light if the feeling isn’t returned.
  2538. >The idea of you not welcoming it and her getting in trouble keeps her restraint in tact.
  2539. >Which is good.
  2540. >Miss Cheerilee must resist this slew of dirty urges invading her mind.
  2541. >She can analytically push them back down one by one with reminders of how wrong it is for her to act in such a way with one of her students.
  2542. >But only for so long as they multiply and come back stronger each time.
  2543. >Dirty fantasies asserting themselves into her imagination again and again, distracting her from the pre-calc equations on the board she’s trying to work on.
  2544. >She can’t think straight and keeps messing up, becoming gradually overwhelmed by her own dirty thoughts.
  2545. >She doesn’t just want to get through to her student with math, she wants to physically get through his clothes… to his body.
  2546. >Miss Cheerilee stutters and shakes her head to shake the dirty thoughts away.
  2547. >That’s not what she’s thinking about, she’s thinking about the pre-calc lesson.
  2548. >And putting an end to Anon’s frustration once and for all.
  2549. >Ph-… physically~
  2550. >Miss Cheerilee has to shake the increasingly persistent dirty thoughts away again.
  2551. >You’ve meanwhile been checking out Miss Cheerilee’s body so much that you noticed slight bumps from her nipples beginning to show through her sweater vest.
  2552. >Miss Cheerilee doesn’t realize this is happening, and you can’t stop staring.
  2553. >But Miss Cheerilee can still feel her nipples getting harder and harder and HARDER inside of her rather thin bra cups.
  2554. >Miss Cheerilee’s erect nipple bulges become clear and obvious, but she is completely unaware of this happening.
  2555. >She noticed your attention on her has skyrocketed, but thinks its because you’re finally getting it.
  2556. >This is great!
  2557. >She can finally end this early and send you home before this becomes any more torturous for her.
  2558. >Miss Cheerilee tries not to bit her lips as she feels so hot inside of her clothes that she’s beginning to sweat a little.
  2559. >Her erect nipples have gotten nice and hard inside of her bra cups; she may or may not be getting a little moist inside her panties.
  2560. >Miss Cheerilee can feel all sorts of things happening to her body underneath her clothes.
  2561. >She’s… ready~
  2562. >No! No! That solution’s not supposed to happen!
  2563. >This apparent love magic may have gotten Celestia, it may have gotten Luna too, but it will NOT get Miss Cheerilee.
  2564. >She cares too much about getting her students to succeed to think about them in such a dirty way.
  2565. >These frustrating intrusive thoughts keep beating away at her mind, making her mess up the equation on the board again.
  2566. >But she can unravel these frustrating fantasies
  2567. >She can decode them.
  2568. >She can disarm them, before they have a chance to disarm her first like they did Celestia and Luna.
  2569. >Miss Cheerilee is too smart and resilient.
  2570. >And analytical and able to work around these intrusive thoughts like an equation.
  2571. >She’s standing there just trying to… figure it all out.
  2572. >Finding the answer to how to make intensifying sexual thoughts go away.
  2573. >And she finally figured it out! She has the answer!
  2574. >Have sex with her student!
  2575. >Let it all out so it can go away!
  2576. >No, no, that’s the wrong answer again!
  2577. >That’s what she’s trying to avoid…
  2578. >She thinks about it over and over again, running through this frustrating, unsolvable sexual equation in her head only to get the same result.
  2579. >There HAS to be another way to solve this!
  2580. >Miss Cheerilee can figure it out, she knows it.
  2581. >She just has to really put her analytical mind to the test here.
  2582. >But she feels like if she stays in here with you much longer, she’s gonna fail that test.
  2583. >Everything in her brain is becoming jumbled and tangled together… which equation is she still trying to solve again?
  2584. >Miss Cheerilee didn’t realize she started to draw a cock on the board, but catches herself and erases it before you can tell what it was supposed to be.
  2585. >She’s supposed to solve the MATH equation on the board, not the frustrating sexual one!
  2586. >It’s time to cut this short.
  2587. >She invites you up to the board to finish the equation for her, assuming you get it now and can prove today was productive so you can go home.
  2588. >Miss Cheerilee briefly adopts the assumption that she survived yet another after school day without throwing herself at her handsome young male student.
  2589. >Just two more minutes and she did it, she made it.
  2590. >Won’t have to make him stay after again either because he understands now and can redo his homework and, and…
  2591. >You stand up and immediately notice an unmistakeable tension in the front of your pants.
  2592. >Look down and discover your full mast erection protruding out that you didn’t even realize you had.
  2593. >It’s just as obvious as Miss Cheerilee’s visible fully erect nipples poking through all the layers of her clothes that she’s still not aware of.
  2594. >Miss Cheerilee pretends she didn’t notice your erect bulge as you stood up in after class class, quickly spinning around to face the board.
  2595. >But she shudders thinking about it.
  2596. >Visibly, noticeably shudders.
  2597. >Letting out an aroused groan you definitely heard.
  2598. >Her reasons to redouble her restraint just went out the window.
  2599. >Miss Cheerilee’s student is erect in his pants… he’s horny for her…
  2600. >You still sheepishly approach the board to finish the equation you’ll obviously struggle on and need help with.
  2601. >This becomes clear to Miss Cheerilee when she sees that you actually don’t understand the material yet.
  2602. >She looks down and finally discovers that her erect nipples had gotten so nice and hard inside her bra cups that they can be seen poking through everything including her sweater vest.
  2603. >THAT’S what you, Miss Cheerilee’s horny student, were staring at.
  2604. >Miss Cheerilee’s obvious nipples are only getting harder and harder.
  2605. >Your full erection is refusing to go away.
  2606. >Miss Cheerilee fumbles with her words as she tries to help you with the equation but can’t stop looking down at… at your…
  2607. >You keep looking down at… her…
  2608. >So this is how the love spell probably wins every time.
  2609. >It’s so powerful that it HAS to be from Crystal Prep’s Principal Cadance.
  2610. >Why would she allow this to happen? Let alone do this on purpose…
  2611. >Both of you fall silent.
  2612. >Miss Cheerilee practically loses her ability to speak.
  2613. >Her fidgeting and erect nipples doe all the talking for her after she hands the chalk to you.
  2614. >Your hands touched even more this time during that chalk exchange.
  2615. >It gives each of you a rush of excitement.
  2616. >The way Miss Cheerilee’s clingy skirt creases and folds as she tries to cross her legs inside of it keeps a hold on your gaze.
  2617. >Out of what is probably pure survival instinct at this point, Miss Cheerilee walks back to her teacher’s desk, feeling another rush of excitement when she hears you put the chalk down instead of do anything on the board.
  2618. >You don’t want to do the equation, you want to… do…
  2619. >Miss Cheerilee clumsily types another email to Principal Celestia, but her shaky hands fumble all over the keyboard and not much coherent comes out onto the text box.
  2620. >[is i am i canty jqu i need oduis you to tell me iah if i] she starts off then accidentally hits send before she can finish.
  2621. >This wasn’t supposed to get so close to happening.
  2622. >Miss Cheerilee was supposed to be the smart and analytical one who resists whatever love spell is going around.
  2623. >At least so it feels the more she assumes it.
  2624. >Miss Cheerilee’s wildly trembling hands can no longer form any further words on the keyboard except for what she’s really REALLY feeling inside.
  2625. >Her racing heart sinks as she finally sees it typed out on the screen before her eyes, as it doesn’t even feel like it’s really her typing it, except it IS her typing it, just some autopilot version of her.
  2626. >[sex with student]
  2627. >It was the solution to this whole frustrating thing all along.
  2628. >How is Miss Cheerilee going to deny it now?
  2629. >She didn’t even notice herself hitting send this time.
  2630. >Scooting forward in her chair to make the bottom of her clingy skirt hike up her smooth thighs and expose them to you more.
  2631. >You’ve meanwhile started going back to your seat after catching an alluring glimpse of this.
  2632. >Don’t know how to react.
  2633. >Neither of you do.
  2634. >Both of you remain completely silent aside your heavy labored breathing.
  2635. >All you can really do is what you have known for a long time.
  2636. >Sit in your seat and pretend to be doing your work until this sudden awkward moment blows over.
  2637. >But Miss Cheerilee can’t get to the end of this without you~
  2638. >She now has lost her ability to type as well.
  2639. >Forgot how to teach and perform pre-calc too.
  2640. >It all got drowned out by something else.
  2641. >Miss Cheerilee knows only one thing now.
  2642. >Hopelessly slipping into absent-minded sexual autopilot, Miss Cheerilee swings her hips on her way over to you.
  2643. >You innocently pretend to be solving one of the equation like she’d want you to.
  2644. >Miss Cheerilee swiftly swipes the paper away from you and off the desk to the floor.
  2645. >You stare at her for a second or two before she snatches your pencil out of your hand and tosses it across the room.
  2646. >She leans on the desk and pushes her boobs together inside of her sweater vest with her arms, deliberately prompting you to look at them.
  2647. >Those absent eyes aren’t thinking about pre-calc anymore…
  2648. >She lunges down at you in the desk, her horny persistence unable to be pushed away.
  2649. >Miss Cheerilee gets into the desk with you, sitting in your lap on your pitched tent.
  2650. >It was so sudden.
  2651. >You try to react, but she catches your arms wherever they flail and press them up against her body.
  2652. >Her heavy breathing unevenly tries to match your heavy breathing.
  2653. >Everything she’s been holding in just spills out so suddenly.
  2654. >She finally solved the equation, now she needs your help addressing the solution.
  2655. >Despite your half-hearted panicking, Miss Cheerilee cannot be deterred and only persists in pressing herself up against you.
  2656. >Her soft smooth thighs are on either side of your waist after a few more seconds of the desk getting loudly slid around across the floor.
  2657. >Your waist only helps to push her skirt all the way up as she holds you by the wrists.
  2658. >Prolonged contact with her hands along with feeling her thighs and crotch clamp around your pelvic area puts you in a state of only listening to your trapped erection.
  2659. >Your horny pre-calc teacher Miss Cheerilee persists with the only thing she knows right now.
  2660. >Try to ask her something, anything, maybe something about the lesson, or if this is part of the lesson.
  2661. >This isn’t part of the lesson.
  2662. >Doesn’t matter now, you’re both done with the lesson.
  2663. >Miss Cheerilee pushes her tits up against you while her bare thighs lock onto you so she can grind against your tent.
  2664. >The grinding makes you jolt in scared excitement, rubbing the inside of your underwear against your shaft as Miss Cheerilee obviously intends to.
  2665. >She holds you still and tries and tries to plant a kiss onto your lips.
  2666. >Start to get a few stammering words out before Miss Cheerilee succeeds and silences whatever you were about to say.
  2667. >It turns your entire world upside down feeling your pre-calc teacher force a kiss onto your lips.
  2668. >Locking mouths together deeper and deeper until you yourself subconsciously return the kissing.
  2669. >Now you understand what she’s telling you… she’s been trying to communicate this to you all this time.
  2670. >Finally relax yourself and allow Miss Cheerilee to advance herself upon you as much as she wants.
  2671. >Her solution to your frustration was always sex, that frustration of yours that had put a seemingly unsolvable equation into her head until it broke her and then found this solution to it.
  2672. >Wrap arms around eachother and accept the grinding make-out session that this after school tutoring session has now become.
  2673. >You always wanted it, and Miss Cheerilee is helping you realize this.
  2674. >You become complacent with it and accept it, then begin to encourage the kissing to deepen and deepen along with Miss Cheerilee doing this herself.
  2675. >Probe your hands around the outside of her clothes in a sexually excited frenzy, letting every little fantasy you ever had about touching her play out.
  2676. >Even feeling your pre-calc teacher’s sexy body through her clothes is getting you as brave as possible.
  2677. >Now you welcome her grinding on your crotch, knowing full well you have to be precumming inside your underwear by this point.
  2678. >You somehow found the zipper spanning the back of Miss Cheerilee’s skirt at some point, because it had to be completely undone for you to suddenly pull her skirt away like this.
  2679. >She only rewards you for this step in your act of coitus with another deep kiss on the lips.
  2680. >The frustration almost feels like it’s flaring up when you and Miss Cheerilee enthusiastically touch eachother so much like this.
  2681. >But it’s only because it’s finally being addressed, like having been imprisoned in a basement and is getting all riled up as the lock finally clicks undone and someone reaches in to pull it out.
  2682. >Like sprinting faster to reach the finish line that’s right there.
  2683. >A hyper-determined drive of finality if the face of what you wanted all this time.
  2684. >Miss Cheerilee does nothing to mask her horny groans now, only does it louder upon feeling your hands snake their way underneath her sweater vest.
  2685. >She only moans louder to welcome you groping her chest and encourage you to find all her buttons in the way and undo them.
  2686. >Miss Cheerilee’s bare smooth thighs leg lock you without her realizing how hard she’s doing it.
  2687. >You thrust your hips upward against Miss Cheerilee’s grinding crotch, seeing that your stiff tent is jutting directly against the soft cameltoe of Miss Cheerilee’s green panties.
  2688. >The next steps towards completing this solution is right there waiting to happen.
  2689. >There’s a damp blot of moisture on Miss Cheerilee’s panties as she clumsily scrambles her hands all over the front of your pants to free your longing mast.
  2690. >You assist her, helping her get the front of your pants completely open and the front of your underwear out of the way enough for what she was waiting for to propel out into the open for her to grab onto.
  2691. >She makes you let out a reactive grunt when she strokes her grasping hand up and down your shaft.
  2692. >You forgot how to undo buttons now, so you simply pull the front of Miss Cheerilee’s white dress shirt open by force inside her sweater vest.
  2693. >She lustfully grins and pleads with her eyes for you to open her shirt even more so you can get her bra out of the way.
  2694. >There’s nothing left on the desk’s surface to do, but you’re occupied with what and who is in the desk’s seat to do.
  2695. >Miss Cheerilee IS your assignment to do now~
  2696. >And you are her assignment to do, in some kind of confusing way you’re figuring out together as you swap saliva in your kissing and mutually grope and hug one another.
  2697. >Any details further than this are only mutually known by your bodies themselves, and wholly expressed by your bodies as well.
  2698. >This is all either of you know for the next several minutes.
  2699. >Miss Cheerilee’s analytical side is no more, fully gave way to her high pitched breathy moaning and arousing jerking motions of her sexy body you’re gradually undressing.
  2700. >Finally knead around her green bra cups after pulling her sweater vest up, finding her pulled open shirt is already generously baring her chest for you.
  2701. >She helped you figure out how to unhook the front of her bra, and you mindlessly grope Miss Cheerilee’s exposed breasts as soon as her bra cups fling out of the way.
  2702. >The bridge of Miss Cheerilee’s green panties have already been guided to the side by either your hands, her own hands, or both.
  2703. >All you know for sure is that your leaking tip is pushing its way up between Miss Cheerilee’s sleek vulva lips with your throbbing shaft impatiently following suit.
  2704. >Miss Cheerilee’s eyes light up in explosive arousal in response to you penetrating her like this.
  2705. >This was ALWAYS the solution.
  2706. >She couldn’t go any steps back in this even if she wanted to.
  2707. >Miss Cheerilee rises and falls in a language both of you can understand much more easily than pre-calc.
  2708. >*plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*
  2709. >You joyfully strain, finally understanding what this was all about now.
  2710. >She joyfully strains, finally understanding what this was all about now.
  2711. >Don’t remember how, but you got one side of Miss Cheerilee’s panties all the way off of one of her legs before you stood up together.
  2712. >Your member still didn’t slip out of her at any point, and you continue obediently following her lead.
  2713. >Ram your cock in and out of Miss Cheerilee’s dripping pussy, making her bare soft breasts shake back and forth for you and her bare round buttcheeks jiggle to each plap you deliver unto her.
  2714. >Miss Cheerilee can only let out wordless moans to instruct you to go even harder, begging for your most ferocious thrusting you have to give to her.
  2715. >Encouraging you to apply yourself to the fullest extent.
  2716. >And so you do, working your hips with all your effort for Miss Cheerilee with your erect cock deep inside of her.
  2717. >Keeping one of her legs raised, making her cry out in sexually excited joy as she mindlessly gives in to her horny urges she had for her frustrated struggling student.
  2718. >Making her grit her teeth and roll her eyes up to the overhead lights on the ceiling for a brief moment.
  2719. >Head empty of everything except her currently playing out sexual fantasies, Miss Cheerilee groans agains for you to fuck her harder and harder.
  2720. >To REALLY get that frustration out of both of you~
  2722. >Both of your bodies are on full sexual autopilot as how whatever this spell is works, exchanging a close-range impromptu lesson in sex-ed.
  2723. >Lock lips with her once more, making sure she’s dearly rewarded for giving in to her urges for her frustrated student.
  2724. >You’re getting closer…
  2725. >…
  2726. >Principal Celestia stays in her seat in shame, watching the next email arrive in her inbox, officially confirming what she was most afraid of.
  2727. >Vice Principal Luna had already left out the door after putting her clothes back on.
  2728. >Hadn’t seen that final message come in that her currently intimate older sister just witnessed.
  2729. >Luna races through the halls, trying to remember which classroom Miss Cheerilee was tutoring that student in.
  2730. >She remembers the messages as follows:
  2731. >[I’ve been looking into things recently, Is there a magic spell going around? I need to know as soon as possible, because I want to be ready in case this really is happening again]
  2732. >[This is kind of an urgent matter at the mometn I need to know if there’s something my student I’m tutoring is in danger please get back to me as soon as possible thanks]
  2733. >[Are you there? Are you here I need help there might be a spell affecting me and it might have somebtign to do with your office]
  2734. >[is i am i canty jqu i need oduis you to tell me iah if i]
  2735. >She scouts the hallways, praying that it’s not too late.
  2736. >Right as Celestia shudders in her seat to the evidence that it is already too late.
  2737. >Reading that final email sent out:
  2738. >[sex with student]
  2739. >In the hallway, Vice Principal Luna feels her stomach churn to the distant sound of wanton moaning.
  2740. >”No, no no NO NO!” She follows it.
  2741. >Not Miss Cheerilee.
  2742. >Please, not her too.
  2743. >Please don’t let it be too late to keep her from getting sucked into this thing.
  2744. >It’s already long been too late for Luna and Celestia, but please not Miss Cheerilee too!
  2745. >Luna approaches the classroom door, gulping at how fogged up the little window on the door looks.
  2746. >”No…” She croaks, mouth contorting into a defeated frown. “Please, not her too…”
  2747. >She puts her hand on the door handle.
  2748. >”Not Cheerilee…”
  2749. >Vice Principal Luna peers through the window and discovers the terrible truth.
  2750. >It IS too late for Cheerilee.
  2751. >”Fucking… damn it!” Luna cups her hands over her face in response to what she just saw.
  2752. >…
  2753. >Fully naked, Miss Cheerilee is eagerly and absent-mindedly hopping on top of her horny, frustrated young male student.
  2754. >You finally feel yourself begin to ejaculate inside of your pre-calc teacher Miss Cheerilee.
  2755. >She huffs in horny determination with you as she feels your cock flinching and releasing your thick load of cum deep into her.
  2756. >Neither of you can see Luna peeking through the little window into the room, who’s now unable to look away.
  2757. >The two of you holler out at the top of your lungs.
  2758. >You release gush after gush of semen all over the inside of Miss Cheerilee’s awaiting cervix.
  2759. >At your maximum yet most enjoyable point in your tension you share together.
  2760. >This was it.
  2761. >This was what it was all about, this moment right here, right now.
  2762. >Cumming deep inside of your pre-calc teacher Miss Cheerilee.
  2763. >This is what you needed all along, this is what SHE needed all along too.
  2764. >Miss Cheerilee’s body trembles in her own ejaculation in response to feeling yours directly address the frustration, nipping it in the bud.
  2765. >And so, after several more seconds of mutually climaxing, then several MORE seconds of further mutually climaxing, you two fall back into the desk together with your loud panting filling the warm humid room.
  2766. >…
  2767. >Vice Principal Luna finishes biting her lips and crossing her legs slightly at the lewd display.
  2768. >She waits a couple of minutes for the two of you to calm down before quietly opening the door.
  2769. >The clicking noise is instantly recognizable.
  2770. >”OH FUCK!” Miss Cheerilee was still in the middle of figuring out what the hell just happened between her and her student.
  2771. >Your heart skips a beat.
  2772. >”Th-this isn’t what it…” Miss Cheerilee starts, but knows there’s no possible way to reframe this.
  2773. >”It’s okay! Hang on! It’s okay!” Luna puts her hands up.
  2774. >There’s still a moment of loud clamoring before you and your teacher begin actually listening.
  2775. >”Listen, my older sister and I have a lot of explaining to do.” Begins Vice Principal Luna.
  2776. >”Y-you mean…” Croaks Miss Cheerilee. “Your office… it was…”
  2777. >”I’m so sorry!”
  2778. >Before you know it, a fully nude Miss Cheerilee embraces Vice Principal Luna in a mutually apologetic hug.
  2779. >”I couldn’t control myself! I tried!” Your teacher wheezes for forgiveness.
  2780. >”It’s not your fault, Cheerilee. My sister and I should have told you. We didn’t warn you, it’s our fault.”
  2781. >”What’s going on?! Is everyone affected? Is it a love spell?”
  2782. >”I’ll explain everything in a minute.” Luna glances over at you. “We have to keep this a secret. All of us. And anyone else involved.”
  2783. >You nod, not at all opposed to staying loyal to this dirty little secret.
  2784. >Holy fuck this was great.
  2785. >You just had SEX with your fucking TEACHER!
  2786. ~
  2787. >Principal Celestia re-dresses herself as Vice Principal Luna arrives back with Miss Cheerilee and her student she was tutoring.
  2788. >Needless to day, you keeping quiet about this is going to do WONDERS for your grades now.
  2789. >The school’s principal glances down at her feet in shame as the school’s vice principal hmph’s and crosses her arms.
  2790. >”I suppose we have a lot of explaining to do.” Celestia takes a deep breath.
  2791. >Having just come from the classroom with fogged up windows, Miss Cheerilee doesn’t even notice the warm humidity in the principal’s office now.
  2792. >It feels normal in here to her now.
  2793. ~

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