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What It's Like to Talk to a Drunk Pinkie Pie: A Ponk of Sand

By SuckingSocks
Created: 2024-10-19 12:26:32
Updated: 2024-10-27 13:39:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Started by this thread and prompt >>41493423
  2. "What kind of deranged shit would each of the Mane 6 spill out of their mouths while drunk?"
  4. >Hey Nonny.
  5. >Do you ever think Ponies don't like you and they're just being polite?
  6. >Rainbow Dash never eating my pies has got me all kinds of messed up.
  7. >How many other ponies are just pretending to like the jokes I tell and the parties I throw just so I'LL be happy?
  8. >*Pinkie takes a swig of cider*
  9. >What if everypony only is being polite and nice to me because they know the only smiles I have are from them?
  10. >What if no pony actually really likes me?
  11. >*Pinkie's hair deflates as she rests her head on the counter*
  12. >You'd tell me the truth no matter what, right Nonny?
  13. >Even Applejack keeps secrets.
  14. >You'd tell me if you really truly promise to like me?
  15. >*Pinkie accidently grabs your arm a bit too hard before dialing down the aggression, loosening her grip and gently resting her head on it*
  16. >Please tell me you like me.
  17. >*You set down your own drink to hug your drinking friend*
  18. >Her grip tightens once again in response.
  19. >Of course I like you Pinkie. You're my friend and I love you.
  20. >*Pinkie starts to sob*
  21. >But what if you're just pretending to not hurt my feelings too?
  22. >I need to know Nonny.
  23. >*Pinkie pulls away to chug the rest of her cider*
  24. >*She makes eye contact with you, tilting her head up from below head level*
  25. >*Her breathing rate increases*
  26. >*She's about to cry again*
  27. >*She looks around for more to drink and grabs yours, downing it*
  28. >It's not enough.
  29. >*She turns around and grabs the nearest pony's drink too.*
  30. >It was Rainbow Dash's.
  31. >*Rainbow attempts to protest but falls off her chair onto the ground into a perfect spot for a nap*
  32. >*Pinkie chugs the drink again and slams it on the counter*
  33. >*She's starting to spin in her chair*
  34. >Anonnn..ny. I need to know you like me. It's really super important.
  35. >*Pinkie leans into you, partly by choice partly for balance*
  36. >She's still sniffling from before.
  37. >*She buries her face into your chest, getting tears and snot and droplets of cider clinging to her mouth all over you*
  38. >*She places her hooves on your thighs, rubbing them back and forth*
  39. >You think it's for more balance before-
  40. >*Pinkie takes a big whiff of you*
  41. >I know a way you can prove you like me.
  42. >Rarity told me that stallions can't fake it.
  43. >*Pinkie is wobbling and slurring her speech*
  44. >Oh um Pinkie. You know that's very kind of you but we've both been drinking a lot.
  45. >Nu uh. You've barely touched your ciders because I keep drinking 'em.
  46. >*Pinkie swirls her hoof around your empty mug*
  47. >So I know I can trust you to make good choices.
  48. >*Pinkie goes back to rubbing her hooves against your arm, your thigh, and her face into your chest*
  49. >Maybe you'd like to go home and get some sleep instead? You know, since I'm the one making it and that makes it a good choice.
  50. >*Pinkie sniffles again, feeling the tears swelling up from rejection*
  51. >Could you at least walk me home then? Then I'd know you're a truly honest truly good friend.
  52. >*You look around for the rest of girls to and your uncomfortable situation*
  53. >Rarity and Fluttershy were busy singing.
  54. >Twilight and AJ were having some stubborn argument.
  55. >Twilight definitely sounded like she was annoyed Applejack even has an opinion on whatever subject they were bickering about.
  56. >And Rainbow Dash was still on the floor.
  57. >*You jostle Dash with your foot*
  58. >She doesn't even open her eyes.
  59. >She just waves you away with her hoof, turning away while saying, "Go get 'em tiger."
  60. >Pinkie is about to start crying.
  61. >You take her hoof in hand.
  62. >Ok Pinkie, I'd be happy to take you home.
  63. >Pinkie's face lights up, her hair inflates even.
  64. >*Pinkie stumbles to her hooves getting off her chair and your lap*
  65. >*You help Pinkie stabilize herself*
  66. >Her legs are wobbly and wiggling.
  67. >She almost collapses.
  68. >"Oh no Anon. I've fallen and I can't get up!"
  69. >You are unsure if she's being serious.
  70. >*You pick up the little pony piggy back style*
  71. >Either way you're going to end up carrying her back to Sugar Cube Corner.
  72. >No pony seems to notice the two of you leave.
  73. >Some intrusive thought in you starts to agree with Pinkie, but everypony is probably just up to their ears in booze.
  74. >It's a little chilly when you walk outside, almost time for the Running of the Leaves.
  75. >*Pinkie grips you tighter*
  76. >As you walk back, carrying the mare on your back, your rocking motions cause her to groan.
  77. >"Nonny?"
  78. >*Pinkie pukes a modest amount onto your back*
  79. >"Nevermind."
  80. >It's a warm sensation, not very pleasant.
  81. >You'll just have to wash it at her place.
  82. >The two of you reach Sugar Cube.
  83. >It's not locked.
  84. >Every pony here is so trusting.
  85. >Pinkie lives on the top floor.
  86. >She can't climb the stairs herself.
  87. >*You trudge your way upstairs with Pinkie still on your back*
  88. >"Gosh Anon, you smell like somepony threw up on you."
  89. >"Yes Pinkie. Somepony did throw up on me."
  90. >"Well that was super rude of me- I mean somepony."
  91. >At long last, Pinkie Pie's bed.
  92. >But she's been rubbing against you.
  93. >And the vomit.
  94. >She needs a shower.
  95. >*You take a detour from the bed to the bathroom*
  96. >There's no need to undress her at least.
  97. >*You run the water hot for Pinkie*
  98. >It's proving difficult to lower her without getting yourself wet.
  99. >She's latching onto you and being difficult.
  100. >You give up.
  101. >Both of you are in the shower together.
  102. >You're now fully clothed and soaking wet.
  103. >Pinkie is slumped in the corner, the water enveloping her.
  104. >*You stand up to leave*
  105. >"Wait, don't go. I need your help to clean up. Get me squeaky clean will ya?"
  106. >Pinkie paws at your shins.
  107. >Her hair is starting to lose it's color and volume.
  108. >Is she doing that on command?
  109. >You are powerless against her.
  110. >*You grab a pink loofa covered in glitter and laminated confetti*
  111. >*With an extra heaping of her cotton candy scented body wash you start scrubbing her chest*
  112. >An electric shiver ripples through Pinkie's body from bottom to top.
  113. >She's humming as you scrub her.
  114. >Your hand moves further down her body, passing over her chest along get belly.
  115. >Her humming turns to moaning.
  116. >Pinkie is already clean.
  117. >"Oh Nonny. You're all wet now. You silly willy."
  118. >*She reaches forward to lift up your shirt*
  119. >You only ever wore a few outfits in a world without human physiques.
  120. >For a night of drinking you brought your classic suit and red tie.
  121. >Your jacket long since abandoned.
  122. >Now Pinkie was trying to get you to abandon your button up.
  123. >And your slacks.
  124. >"Pinkie it's alright I can wash myself."
  125. >"But it's only fair. You washed my back now I suck yours."
  126. >She is quiet for a moment while the gears grind in her head.
  127. >"Sorry I meant to say suck."
  128. >She giggles and snorts.
  129. >You were already soaked.
  130. >And you did need a shower too.
  131. >Maybe just down to your underwear.
  132. >So you two could still make good choices.
  133. >*You assist Pinkie with your undressing*
  134. >Your shirt is off and your pants are undone.
  135. >Pinkie starts caressing your chest with her hooves.
  136. >They're smooth and glide over you gently.
  137. >"Pinkie it's my back that needs cleaning."
  138. >"I know."
  139. >She doesn't stop.
  140. >She careens her head close to yours leaning in closer and closer.
  141. >Her mouth is so close to yours you can smell the alcohol coming from every heavy breath that passes through her lips.
  142. >She goes in for kill.
  143. >By the smallest distance she misses and goes right past placing her chin on your shoulder.
  144. >Along with the rest of her weight knocking you both over.
  145. >It's very obvious she's over the limit.
  146. >She's still laying against you, chin on your shoulder.
  147. >She's snoring.
  148. >Her wet mane is right in your face.
  149. >You can smell her overtly sweet scent coming off it.
  150. >A combination of all the candy and other treats she hides in it.
  151. >The smell of all the baked goods she makes.
  152. >But it also smells like her sweat.
  153. >A night of drinking and singing and dancing and crying.
  154. >Under the shower head it all mixes together as your nose is buried in it.
  155. >And you bury it deeper.
  156. >You're squeezing her close and breathing her in.
  157. >Her fuzzy body pressed against your exposed chest, with every breath of her scent you take it pushes her away as your lungs expand.
  158. >With every exhale she comes back, her body edging in closer and closer.
  159. >Filling every gap between you and her a little more each time.
  160. >"Mmm... Nonny?"
  161. >Her voice brings you back momentarily.
  162. >"Yes Pinkie?"
  163. >"I'm all partied out."
  164. >"Ok."
  165. >*You turn the water off and carefully lift Pinkie Pie up*
  166. >*With a nearby towel you quickly dry the two of you*
  167. >As soon as you're done drying her mane it re-poofs.
  168. >Finally you can lay her down to sleep.
  169. >It had gotten so late.
  170. >*You part the covers of her bed and lower Pinkie onto her sheets*
  171. >Sweet Celestia her floor feels so cold right now.
  172. >Your clothes are still sopping wet.
  173. >You'd catch pneumonia or something if you walked home in them.
  174. >Her bed looks so cozy with her in it.
  175. >"What are you waiting for numb nut? It must be freezing out there."
  176. >Pinkie hiccups as she pats an open space for you on the bed.
  177. >Your stomach feels like it has rocks tumbling around in it.
  178. >Your legs are about to give out.
  179. >*You place one hand on the bed to steady yourself*
  180. >*You place another*
  181. >"What are you doing Nonny. You can't get in like that."
  182. >"Oh my gosh I'm sorry."
  183. >Pinkie puts a hoof on your underwear.
  184. >"These are still wet silly."
  185. >Pinkie pulls them down.
  186. >"I still need you to prove you like me Nonny."
  187. >Her eyes are closed.
  188. >"Do you really like me?"
  189. >You can't seem to form any words.
  190. >But your hands start moving on their own.
  191. >*You run your hand down the side of Pinkie's face, rubbing its silhouette*
  192. >*With your other hand you hook your thumb in her mouth to open it*
  193. >Pinkie doesn't resist.
  194. >That means it's ok right?
  195. >*You climb onto the bed, kneeling in front of Pinkie*
  196. >*You arch your back over her head as you both moan*
  197. >She feels so warm.
  198. >Pinkie's motions are starting to slow down.
  199. >But you're so close.
  200. >You need this.
  201. >You want this.
  202. >You've wanted this.
  203. >*As she slows down you start rocking your hips into her*
  204. >Pinkie has stopped moving.
  205. >*You grab her mane from both sides of her head*
  206. >*You don't pull out*
  207. >After finishing you finally back off.
  208. >With her airway unblocked Pinkie is now snoring.
  209. >She's asleep.
  210. >When did she pass out?
  211. >Oh sweet Celestia.
  212. >*You start having rapid, exasperated breaths*
  213. >What have you done?
  214. >This was exactly what you were warned about in all those PSA's.
  215. >You used to make fun of people who would put themselves in these situations.
  216. >You're freaking out.
  217. >You did not make good choices.
  218. >You are not making good choices.
  219. >*You run to the bathroom to grab your clothes*
  220. >They're still damp.
  221. >It's still cold outside.
  222. >You do not care.
  223. >*You put your clothes from the bathroom on and run downstairs*
  224. >You are clumsy and uncoordinated.
  225. >You knock over something in the dark.
  226. >It makes a loud, metallic, crashing sound hitting the ground.
  227. >*You rush to open the front door*
  228. >A light flicks on somewhere behind the front counter.
  229. >Droplets of panicked sweat roll down your face and neck.
  230. >*After fumbling with the door your push your way through and slam it closed*
  231. >*You sprint home through the cold night*
  232. >Upon reaching your front door you nearly rip it off the hinges.
  233. >You almost forget to close it.
  234. >It's freezing cold, you're shivering.
  235. >No time is wasted getting into bed, your clothes come off as you hurry over to it.
  236. >Naked, cold, wet, and scared.
  237. >You're shaking under the covers, trying to not think about what you just did.
  238. >*You smother yourself in blankets*
  239. >Trying to drown out your thoughts or sudden suicidal tendencies.
  240. >It's all the liquor's fault.
  241. >Tossing and turning you eventually get to sleep.
  243. ...
  245. >You wake up in the late morning.
  246. >Your body aches.
  247. >There wasn't much drinking for you last night but the frantic sprint home in the cold has you feeling under the weather.
  248. >Getting out of bed is a monumental task.
  249. >What are you supposed to do?
  250. >Should you go say hi?
  251. >Should you apologize?
  252. >She came onto you so that makes it alright.
  253. >Right?
  254. >Maybe you should try marrying her.
  255. >It would be easiest to avoid her.
  256. >Your clothes from last night lay discard in a path on the floor.
  257. >Like a crumb trail leading to someone who had a hand in the cookie jar.
  258. >And you certainly stuck something in there.
  259. >If there was anything in your stomach you might puke.
  260. >*You go to the bathroom to start the morning routine*
  261. >Maybe you should just stay inside your house for the rest of your life.
  262. >You've had lots of practice.
  263. >No.
  264. >Things are different here in Equestria.
  265. >Doing the right thing is rewarded here.
  266. >Even if you were the one who caused a problem in the first place.
  267. >You don't have much of an appetite but eat breakfast anyways.
  268. >Just some toast and water.
  269. >You're gonna go to Sugar Cube Corner.
  270. >You're gonna look Pinkie in the eye and tell her your sorry and Pinkie Promise to never do something like that again.
  271. >Some fresh clothes on your back and food in your belly, you head back out to Sugar Cube.
  272. >Other ponies look at you as walk past them.
  273. >They're happy to see you, waving hello with their big happy eyes and their big happy smiles.
  274. >You shun them and keep moving.
  275. >Do they know?
  276. >There were so many ponies who could have seen you leave with Pinkie Pie.
  277. >Everypony knows everypony here.
  278. >Maybe Pinkie told the rest of her friends what happened.
  279. >And if Rarity or Rainbow Dash knows then everypony knows.
  280. >Was Pinkie Right?
  281. >What if everypony is just pretending to be nice to you?
  282. >You're hyperventilating again.
  283. >You pick up the pace.
  284. >Mr. and Mrs. Cake are out front when you arrive.
  285. >Looks like they're making some delivery.
  286. >"Oh Hi Anonymous. How are you-"
  287. >You ignore Mrs. Cake, going right past her.
  288. >A combination of your speed and hyperventilation has you out of breath.
  289. >*You open the door to Sugar Cube*
  290. >Pinkie is behind the counter, looking right at you.
  291. >She smiles and waves.
  292. >"Hi Nonny!"
  293. >*You vomit in your mouth*
  294. >As quickly as you came you leave.
  295. >Right past Mr. and Mrs. Cake again.
  296. >Past every pony who were so pleasant to you this morning.
  297. >Back to your front door.
  298. >*You enter your home and jump back into bed to hide from the world*
  299. >Holy shit what were you thinking.
  300. >She probably hates you now.
  301. >You betrayed her trust.
  302. >The nicest pony in Ponyville.
  303. >You don't deserve such an enchanted life.
  304. >You should kill yourself now.
  305. >There's some rope in the house somewhere.
  306. >*You search your home until you find rope*
  307. >You knew this would come in handy one day.
  308. >Hmm...
  309. >*You wrap the rope around your neck and tie a shoelace knot*
  310. >This isn't quite right.
  311. >How do you tie a noose?
  312. >*You go to your kitchen and grab a toaster*
  313. >*You take it to the bathtub and run the water*
  314. >This will work.
  315. >The weight of your guilt is cold and metallic.
  316. >Like the toaster.
  317. >*You get into the tub and raise the toaster to drop*
  318. >*You close your eyes and drop it in*
  319. >The toaster makes a large plop sound and splashes water everywhere.
  320. >It sinks quickly and lands on your stomach.
  321. >It is painful.
  322. >But you are not dead.
  323. >Your toaster doesn't run on electricity, it's magical.
  324. >You feel like a loser.
  325. >Because you are one.
  326. >The toaster stays behind as you have the bathroom.
  327. >There's no way you could mess this one up.
  328. >*You go outside and climb to the roof of your house*
  329. >No one has ever survived jumping off the roof of a short building.
  330. >Still wearing your new tie, you stretch out your arms like a crucifix and leap from your roof.
  331. >"Whoa dude!"
  332. >Before you have time to inevitably regret your fall a nearby pegasus catches you.
  333. >"Oh. Hi Rainbow Shine."
  334. >"You gotta be more careful. Take care now!"
  335. >She sets you down gently and smiles and waves as she flies away.
  336. >This is impossible.
  337. >*You go back inside*
  338. >Somehow soaking wet again.
  339. >You'll just stay here forever, learning to photosynthesize when the food runs out.
  340. >*You remove your wet clothes again and crawl back into bed*
  341. >You're such a retard.
  342. >The minutes whittle away from where you're laying.
  343. >Time flies on by.
  344. >You try to sleep to make time pass quicker but it's to no effect.
  345. >You close your eyes and it feels like time has gone in reverse.
  346. >Hunger creeps into your consciousness.
  347. >Starving yourself to death is an option.
  348. >*You go to the kitchen and rummage around*
  349. >Fried oats, dried oats, or oatmeal.
  350. >Oh boy.
  351. >*You start the stove for some oatmeal*
  352. >A knock at your door interrupts you.
  353. >Who could it ever be?
  354. >*You take a look through the peephole*
  355. >There's no one there.
  356. >*You take a look through the pony height peephole*
  357. >It's Pinkie Pie.
  358. >"Nonny! Nonny, I need to talk to you!"
  359. >*Your heart sinks and you flee from the front door*
  360. >Just pretend she's not there.
  361. >She's definitely come to kill you.
  362. >The stove is still on.
  363. >*You go to finish making your oatmeal*
  364. >Another knock.
  365. >"Nonny! I am super duper one hundred percent serious not silly right now!"
  366. >Pinkie has her face pressed up against your kitchen window.
  367. >Just ignore her and she'll go away.
  368. >*You go to your fridge to get some milk*
  369. >"ANONYMOUS!"
  370. >Pinkie Pie is inside of your fridge
  371. >Your limitless condiments and singular carton of milk spill out onto the floor as Pinkie takes up too much space.
  372. >The sudden shock causes you to recoil backwards and lose balance.
  373. >Your head hits something behind you.
  374. >Hard.
  375. >Everything goes black.
  376. >You awake in a hospital bed.
  377. >The first thing you see is Pinkie Pie's worried face.
  378. >About 2 inches from yours.
  379. >"Pinkie darling, give the boy some room to breathe."
  380. >"Oh. Sorry."
  381. >Pinkie says with a guilty smile, backing away from you.
  382. >With your view unobstructed you can see the whole gang now.
  383. >Rainbow, Twilight, Rarity, Flutters, AJ, and of course Pinkie.
  384. >They were all staring at you.
  385. >They all look concerned.
  386. >Twilight speaks up.
  387. >"Pinkie told us all you were acting strange. You were sick and running scared from her and everypony. Then you hit your head so hard you lost consciousness."
  388. >"Uh uh. So I brought you here to get you all better then got all our friends together to come see you and make sure you're ok."
  389. >They all nod and smile between each other.
  390. >"Or at least us because the nurses said I was only allowed to bring five other visitors otherwise it would become a fire hazard and-"
  391. >Twilight begins the interrogation.
  392. >"So tell us Anonymous. What has got you avoiding your friends? You know that we are always here for you no matter what."
  393. >All the mares lean in to show their genuine concern and care for you.
  394. >You no longer have the capacity to run away, or throw up, or hide.
  395. >You have been cornered by kindness.
  396. >What should you do?
  397. >"I-I'm just very embarrassed to say."
  398. >"Aw come on dude. You can totally tell us whatever it is. So hurry it up-"
  399. >Rainbow Dash's brashness catches the ire strangely of Pinkie.
  400. >She glares at her with fire in her eyes.
  401. >"I mean, take as long as you need to tell us."
  402. >Rainbow laughs it off.
  403. >"I'd really like if I could just be alone for now."
  404. >Your friends all look at each other and pass messages through their eyes and such.
  405. >They know better than to force anypony into doing something they don't want to do.
  406. >"Ok Anon."
  407. >The six ponies leave.
  408. >You wonder if the windows are locked and what floor you're on.
  409. >*You look at the door*
  410. >*You look back at the windows*
  411. >Hmm.
  412. >*You lift up the sheets*
  413. >Pinkie Pie has somehow been hiding underneath them.
  414. >She instantly places a hoof over your mouth for practical effect.
  415. >She places her other front hoof over her mouth for a metaphorical one.
  416. >"Don't scream."
  417. >Inside you are most certainly screaming.
  418. >"Nonny. I am going to remove my hoof ok? And you're not gonna freak out ok?"
  419. >*You nod your head yes*
  420. >Pinkie takes her hoof off you.
  421. >Your body obeys her command.
  422. >Crocodile tears burst forth from Pinkie's eyes.
  423. >She lunges forward to grab you in a needy hug.
  424. >"Nonnnnnny!"
  425. >Here it comes.
  426. >"Did I hurt you last night?"
  427. >"Huh?"
  428. >"I'm sorrrrryyyy! I don't remember what I did to hurt you last night so badly that you hate me now!"
  429. >"How... how much do you remember?"
  430. >She quickly wipes the snot and tears away with a hoof.
  431. >"I remember you were being so nice to me and took me home to Sugar Cube. I remember being really dizzy and getting really sick. All over you."
  432. >"Go on."
  433. >"Then it gets really fuzzy. I was super sleepy. I thought I did something that you really liked as a way to thank you. I thought you really liked it."
  434. >The dams on her tear ducts break down again
  435. >Neighagra Falls spew forth from her.
  436. >"But you must have hated iiiiitt! Because now you hate meeee!"
  437. >She must not remember.
  438. >Wow you really did take advantage of your friend.
  439. >But if she can't remember it then it can't actually hurt her right?
  440. >The truth sure would.
  441. >"Uhm, Pinkie."
  442. >She snorts back the snot this time.
  443. >"Yeah?"
  444. >"I don't hate you."
  445. >"You don't?"
  446. >A smile appears on her face covered in several fluids.
  447. >"Of course not. You're the best pony in all of Equestria."
  448. >"I am?"
  449. >You take a page from her vocabulary.
  450. >"Indeedy."
  451. >She takes the pristine white blankets and smushes them into her face, wiping away all the sadness.
  452. >Pinkie comes in for another hug, less desperate and more relieved.
  453. >Happy even.
  454. >"So, what did happen last night?"
  455. >"I don't remember."
  456. >Prison's too good for you.
  457. >"I'm really sorry Pinkie.
  458. >Hanging's too good for you.
  459. >"I thought that I did something that you hated. That's why I was so scared when I saw you."
  460. >You should be fed to Timber Wolves piece by piece.
  461. >"But now I'm sure whatever happened was just so much fun neither of us can remember."
  462. >May Celestia have mercy on your soul.
  463. >Pinkie hops off the bed and does her usual bouncing up and down routine.
  464. >"Of course! That makes perfect sense. We had a fun blackout! I really need to curb how much fun I have sometimes. Otherwise I'll never remember just how much fun I had."
  465. >What a weight lifted off you.
  466. >You stand up from the bed.
  467. >Pinkie Pie snickers and slaps you on the ass.
  468. >"Nice outfit Nonny."
  469. >*You jump and reflexively cover your backside*
  470. >You're wearing a couple hospital gowns that were tied together to fit you.
  471. >Despite the efforts of the staff ponies your butt is still exposed.
  472. >Maybe it was on purpose, maybe it's just a rule of the clothing.
  473. >A fresh set of clothes were prepared for you, sitting on a nearby chair.
  474. >No doubt by your good friend Pinkie.
  475. >*You look the clothing then at Pinkie*
  476. >She looks at you expectantly, waiting.
  477. >"Pinkie, would you mind?"
  478. >"Hmm?"
  479. >She looks at confused, empty even.
  480. >*You motion to the chair and then to yourself"
  481. >"Privacy?"
  482. >"Oh. Ha ha. Right."
  483. >She turns around.
  484. >She is still standing there.
  485. >With her back facing you.
  486. >With her shapely, round backside facing you.
  487. >You've always paid attention to it.
  488. >But something about it feels different now.
  489. >You blush.
  490. >Before things get too upright you scramble for your garments.
  491. >Pinkie Pie giggles at the sounds of your struggles.
  492. >Normally it would be good natured ribbing.
  493. >Again it feels different.
  494. >This is all in your head.
  495. >She's just being herself and nothing is out of the ordinary.
  496. >*You finish getting dressed and walk out with Pinkie*
  497. >The receptionist at the front is friendly when checking you out.
  498. >They don't even charge you a dime.
  499. >Not that it matters.
  500. >Equestrian economics don't make and sense to you.
  501. >Like it's all a bunch of children playing pretend.
  502. >*You leave through the front doors with Pinkie*
  503. >"Are you sure you're ok Nonny? Because I can tell Mrs. and Mr. Cake that a friend needs help and they'll say 'But Pinkie you've missed three shifts this week for different friendship problems and that big monster and then there was the "'Thanks Big Monster For Not Destroying Ponyville Party'" you had to throw' and then I'll say-"
  504. >"Pinkie. It's fine. I'm fine. Honestly. Just need to get something to eat that stays in my stomach."
  505. >"Okie dokie. I guess I'll get back to work then. The cakes are probably just crazy looking for me again."
  506. >Pinkie starts hopping away.
  507. >She pauses to look at you.
  508. >"Oh I almost forgot. Thanks for being a good friend Anon."
  509. >"You too."
  510. >Pinkie skips away.
  511. >You are left alone finally.
  512. >There's a nearby bench placed neatly under a tree.
  513. >*You go over and sit down, your head in your hands with elbows resting on your thighs*
  514. >What are you doing?
  515. >You've gotten away it.
  516. >How are you supposed to look at any of your friends the same way?
  517. >Maybe you should skip town and make some new friends.
  518. >Adopt a new identity.
  519. >Wait a minute.
  520. >Aren't you late for work?
  521. >You were.
  522. >Without another thought you rushed off to your job.
  523. >Finding employment in a pony dominated world was harder than you thought.
  524. >Pegasi were faster than you.
  525. >Earth ponies were stronger.
  526. >Anything you thought your dextrous hands would be good for were blown away by unicorn magic.
  527. >And all three ponies had more endurance than you.
  528. >Thankfully there was still a place for ponies, uh creatures like you.
  529. >A job for the most useless Equestrian society has to offer.
  530. >Practically a daycare for adults.
  531. >"Hello Anon oh muss!"
  532. >"Hi Derpy."
  533. >The post office.
  534. >When you arrive Derpy Hooves, the cute grey mare that she is, was dealing with an upset customer.
  535. >A customer who was only more upset when Derpy interrupted her to say hi to you.
  536. >*You walk past Derpy to the locker rooms*
  537. >Your uniform is stashed here.
  538. >Everypony's was, you all couldn't be trusted to remember to bring them.
  539. >Next to your locker was another coworker of yours, Partin Parcel.
  540. >An earth pony and fellow stallion of the glamorous Equestrian Postal Service.
  541. >He was struggling to get his uniform on.
  542. >He had been struggling for a while.
  543. >*You help him get the shirt over his head*
  544. >"Thanks Anon."
  545. >"Don't mention it."
  546. >"I swear one day I'll get this figured out."
  547. >"If you ever do I'll be out of a job. Derpy will realize I don't do anything else around here."
  548. >Partin laughs.
  549. >*You put on your uniform effortlessly*
  550. >"Hey, Anon."
  551. >Partin leans in as he says, tilting his head in time with your name.
  552. >"Hey, Partin."
  553. >You do the same to him.
  554. >"What would you do if, hypothetically, I was hiding in your locker and right as you opened it I jumped out and kissed you on the lips. What would you do?"
  555. >"Do I have time to react?"
  556. >The two of you saunter over to the sorting room.
  557. >"No. You only realize what happened after."
  558. >"Does anyone else see this?"
  559. >Derpy comes by and tells you both you're doing a great job.
  560. >Partin waits for her to leave.
  561. >"No. It's super fast like a quick peck and then I gallop away."
  562. >"I find you and confront you about it."
  563. >Some packages end up in the wrong sorting bins as you talk.
  564. >"I deny the whole thing. I act like it never happened."
  565. >Partin and you laugh about the absurdness of your conversation.
  566. >Although for some reason his responses resonate with you.
  567. >You and your coworker whittle away the time in the back room.
  568. >More silly hypotheticals are asked both ways.
  569. >It feels like no time at all before Derpy comes back to announce everypony's lunch break.
  570. >Together you all go to the break room to eat.
  571. >Despite there being tables and chairs Partin and Derpy sit on the floor to eat.
  572. >Oh no.
  573. >You have forgotten to pack a lunch in the commotion from this morning.
  574. >*You get up to leave the building*
  575. >Going out for lunch will suffice.
  577. ...
  579. >"You too."
  580. >The last words spoken by your green friend as you bounce away.
  581. >You bounce and boing and four legged pogo away until you're out of sight and sound.
  582. >Then you sit.
  583. >Back to the wall of a lovely cottage.
  584. >Was the bit about the Cakes too wordy?
  585. >Could Nonny tell everything you were going for?
  586. >He didn't laugh but as long as he was entertained it's alright.
  587. >Not every joke or gag can be a gut buster.
  588. >Your hair starts vibrating.
  589. >Must be one of the Cakes.
  590. >*You pull the tip of your curly mane as far out as you can with your flat smooth hoof*
  591. >It pulls the rest of you with it, scrunching up your whole body like a spring through a pinkhole.
  592. >It's like a wormhole but only when it's funny.
  593. >At least you hope so.
  594. >You're not really sure how it all works.
  595. >You just know that your body tells you to do things and you do them.
  596. >You appear in a broom closet that is being opened.
  597. >Confetti bursts out with you.
  598. >That's not part of the pinkhole.
  599. >You set that up yourself manually.
  600. >Mrs. Cake is the recipient of your surprise.
  601. >Mrs. Cake gently shrieks.
  602. >It turns to laughter.
  603. >Nailed it.
  604. >"Oh my goodness. You really gave me quite the scare."
  605. >You give your employer a big close eyed smile.
  606. >Mrs. Cake reaches past you to grab a broom from the closet.
  607. >"Would you mind?"
  608. >She motions to a mess of cupcakes in the front of the store.
  609. >Probably some foals getting overexcited.
  610. >She also motions to the confetti you got everywhere.
  611. >"No problem Mrs. C."
  612. >You get back to work, sweeping up baked sweets with the broom and the vacuuming up the confetti with your tail.
  613. >Have you seen the price of party supplies lately?
  614. >Even you have to reuse whatever you can.
  615. >*You finish cleaning and go back to running the register*
  616. >Ponies pour in in waves.
  617. >A whole family coming in for an afternoon treat.
  618. >Groups of filly friends with some pocket change looking to maximize their sugar to bits ratio.
  619. >A couple of stallions who neither of which knew what to get their sweet sweethearts.
  620. >You attend to each and every pony perfectly.
  621. >You know exactly what to get for each one.
  622. >Every single need, want, and unknown desire answered.
  623. >Everypony leaves satisfied.
  624. >It makes you happy to see them smile in validation.
  625. >But it makes you think.
  626. >That most dangerous of activities.
  627. >It makes you doubt.
  628. >You have a free moment in-between the ponies coming in.
  629. >"Hey Mrs. Cake?"
  630. >"Oh yes dear?"
  631. >"Do you ever do stuff with Mr. Cake? Like while after having a few teeny tiny chugs of cider?"
  632. >"Of course. We love to take the kids out and get some for the whole family when the Apples make the stuff."
  633. >*You shake your head*
  634. >"No no no. I'm talking about the stuff you can get absolutely silly on."
  635. >Mrs. Cake looks perplexed at you.
  636. >"You know, like the kind of cider you don't give to babies?"
  637. >"Oh. Well I suppose that is different."
  638. >Mrs. Cake plants herself down on a chair.
  639. >Her eyes trail off towards the kitchen where her hubby is diligently baking.
  640. >"Well sometimes we like to get a bit loopy when we have date nights."
  641. >"Uh huh. Do you ever get so 'loopy' you forget just how loopy you were?"
  642. >"Celestia not in a long time."
  643. >"But when you did, did you ever feel like it wasn't a good idea?"
  644. >"Hmm. Well I only ever did it with someone I trust. Like my studly stallion over there."
  645. >"So you weren't afraid you might hurt him?"
  646. >"Not at all. As long as I was with him I knew it was gonna be fine."
  647. >Mrs. Cake whistles and blows a kiss at her husband in the other room.
  648. >He blushes back at her and pretends to catch it.
  649. >"And I'm not ashamed to tell ya that he really knows how to cut loose."
  650. >Mrs. and Mr. Cake were making more and more obscene faces at each other.
  651. >Isn't it lovely to see two consenting adults loving each other.
  652. >Hmm.
  653. >You can't shake the feeling that Anon still feels bad about last night.
  654. >You don't know why.
  655. >Maybe you should take a page from the loving wife pantomiming the act of churning butter and have some more to drink with Nonny.
  656. >Let him know he can trust you.
  657. >He says he had fun even if he doesn't remember.
  658. >If only you could remember what it was you did.
  659. >You check your hoof watch which you never put on but is.
  660. >Just about lunch time.
  661. >"Idea."
  662. >*You violently throw the watch off in a random direction*
  663. >"Hey Mrs. C, I'm gonna leave for my lunch ok."
  664. >"Sure sure Pinkie. Whatever. Just lock the door on your way out."
  665. >Mrs. Cake isn't even paying attention.
  666. >She was too busy taking off her apron heading towards the kitchen.
  667. >*You do as she says and lock up the shop when you leave*
  668. >Sounds like the Cakes are really baking in there now.
  669. >Your hair isn't moving at all.
  670. >Darn, that would have been really convenient right now.
  671. >Looks like you'll be walking to the Post Office.
  672. >Trotting through the town is pleasant.
  673. >Everypony is always so happy to see you.
  674. >Whenever you need something it just works out for you.
  675. >A pony moping around and you've got just the thing for them.
  676. >Not that you don't work hard at it all the time, all the manual preparation, all the brainstorming what ponies like.
  677. >Sometimes though you don't remember getting a certain gift for certain ponies.
  678. >Like the universe just knows you're here to help and helps you.
  679. >*You reach the post office*
  680. >So why can't the universe help you right now?
  681. >It is closed for lunch.
  682. >*You look around you to see if anypony is watching*
  683. >There isn't.
  684. >*You start yanking and pulling on the door*
  685. >It won't budge.
  686. >Huffing and puffing with frustration.
  687. >There's a trick that usually works.
  688. >*You move to a nearby window that you can see somepony eating*
  689. >*You pick up a rock*
  690. >*You lean back to throw it*
  691. >Really as far back as you can, getting off your hooves and balancing on your tail as you build up all that leverage and power.
  692. >Wait a minute.
  693. >Is that Partin in there?
  694. >Why isn't Nonny eating with him?
  695. >Your hair starts vibrating.
  696. >Looks like the joke is on you this time.
  697. >*You drop the rock and pull your hair*
  699. ...
  701. >"Can I get uhh..."
  702. >The mare Carrot Bun looks at you dead inside.
  703. >After leaving the Post Office you have been staring at the menu for food that ninety nine percent of you can't eat.
  704. >Carrot Bun blinks one eye at a time, very slowly.
  705. >She was gonna be a rockstar, she was gonna be famous.
  706. >You finally order a potato burger.
  707. >Extra sauce.
  708. >Buttery crispy buns.
  709. >A nice big, juicy, golden patty.
  710. >It comes in a neat little cardboard box.
  711. >*You open the box*
  712. >"SURPRISE!"
  713. >Defying the space around her Pinkie's face meets yours.
  714. >You are taken aback gracefully.
  715. >Right onto the ground, dropping your Pinkie Meal.
  716. >She forces her face from the way to small box.
  717. >It squishes and stretches her like a latex glove.
  718. >But she pops out full size and fine just like always.
  719. >The cashier Carrot Bun smirks at your near heart attack and tumble to the floor.
  720. >She will remember this.
  721. >"Hi Nonny."
  722. >"Hi Pinkie."
  723. >"I've come here to ask you something super duper important."
  724. >"Does it have anything to do with food?"
  725. >"Kinda. Do you wanna come out with me and get some more cider tonight? Think of it as a 'Thanks For Being a Good Friend Party'. But a small one. And Twilight and Rarity and AJ and all our friends will come too so you know you can trust me."
  726. >She still thinks she's at fault.
  727. >You already got away once.
  728. >Just tell her no and you're sorry.
  729. >"Pinkie. I don't know. It's just that..."
  730. >She looks like she's about to cry.
  731. >Well, you do owe it to her to at least show her a better night than last time.
  732. >"Ok Pinkie. I'd love to."
  733. >Those little confetti cannons and horns that seem to follow her everywhere sound off as she bounces with glee.
  734. >"Great. Just really great. Come see me after work?"
  735. >*You half heartedly mid while turning your attention*
  736. >*You look into the discarded burger box*
  737. >There is nothing left for you to eat.
  738. >Pinkie stops bouncing.
  739. >She reaches into her hair and rummages around.
  740. >Really just digging in there, elbow deep.
  741. >She pulls out your burger and gives it to you.
  742. >"Thanks Pinkie."
  743. >Pinkie winks at you and little sparkles come out of the thin air next to her eyes.
  744. >What a mare.
  745. >She bounces away, leaving you alone on the ground with your lunch.
  746. >That's where you enjoy it too, on the ground.
  747. >"That's right you animal. Eat it."
  748. >Carrot Bun is smiling as she whispers that a little too loud.
  749. >Regardless, you don't stop eating.
  751. ...
  753. >It's just about quitting time.
  754. >You and Partin were finishing up a hypothetical about taking a dump on Derpy's desk.
  755. >Not that she would ever deserve such treatment.
  756. >Derpy is the nicest boss you've ever had.
  757. >But really, what IF Partin walked in with Derpy and you were just dropping trou on her workspace?
  758. >No satisfactory answer is reached between the two of you.
  759. >You'll have to reconvene next time.
  760. >You and Partin take off your uniforms in record time.
  761. >As you two are walking out you see Derpy still struggling with hers.
  762. >She'll be fine, probably won't even miss dinner time with Dinky.
  763. >Partin and you wave goodbye and part ways.
  764. >Pinkie should be at Sugar Cube.
  765. >You could just go home and tell her you were feeling ill.
  766. >Tell her you forgot you had a prior engagement.
  767. >That one always works for Rarity.
  768. >In for a penny in for a pound.
  769. >You turn towards Sugar Cube and start walking.
  770. >What if Pinkie has to cancel?
  771. >You could feign your disappointment and then go home and be alone.
  772. >Something deep inside of you still tells you to do that, there's always a need to hide deep down.
  773. >Even in this picturesque town of friendly faces.
  774. >You're back at Sugar Cube Corner.
  775. >Again.
  776. >*You walk up to the door*
  777. >You're thinking about calling in at the last moment.
  778. >*You knock once on the door*
  779. >Why are you knocking?
  780. >It's a business you could just walk in
  781. >It doesn't really matter however.
  782. >Within two shakes of a fly's wings the door swings open.
  783. >Pinkie was eagerly waiting to greet you.
  784. >She leaps up to hug you.
  785. >Gosh she's so warm and smells so good.
  786. >"I'm so glad you came Nonny!"
  787. >"Me too."
  788. >She let's go of you and plops onto the ground.
  789. >The both of you stare at each other.
  790. >"Well let's get going then yeah?"
  791. >"Indeedy."
  792. >Pinkie and you start down together towards the bar.
  793. >Recently opened by Berry Punch.
  794. >She came upon a sizeable sum of bits after winning her identity theft lawsuit against Berryshine.
  795. >Some of the more, honest ponies in town have been making wagers how long it'll last before she drinks herself out of business.
  796. >If such a thing as bankruptcy could exist here.
  797. >Should that ever came close at least six other ponies would all band together to save the business somehow with a song.
  798. >Your absent minded daydreaming has caused you to tune out most of Pinkie's rambling.
  799. >"And then she started pumping the cream with her hooves like this."
  800. >That does make you laugh.
  801. >You have arrived.
  802. >You enter through the threshold first.
  803. >Most ponies don't seem to notice.
  804. >When Pinkie enters everypony erupts in cheerful greetings.
  805. >"Pinkie!"
  806. >And this mare thinks these ponies are bluffing?
  807. >You're at least spotted by a blue and yellow pair.
  808. >Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have made it out tonight.
  809. >They wave you over with big smiles.
  810. >Pinkie and you wade through the crowd of ponies to your close friends, sitting at the bar itself.
  811. >These ponies, it's like they have no sense of self control.
  812. >They drink because it feels good and they just follow that impulse.
  813. >It's always packed in here.
  814. >"What's up slackers?"
  815. >Rainbow dash sounds thoroughly sloshed already.
  816. >"Check out this new thing that I can, I can do."
  817. >Rainbow bites a hole into a can of Horse Lite.
  818. >She opens the can normally and chugs it straight from the hole, all in one gulp.
  819. >When she finishes she crushes the can on her forehead.
  820. >Judging from the specks of blood and bruises she has been getting lots of practice.
  821. >"Isn't that so awesome? You can drink it even faster!"
  822. >"Oh yeah. It's called shotgunning."
  823. >"There's a name for it?!"
  824. >Rainbow Dash is flabbergasted.
  825. >Pinkie notices Fluttershy.
  826. >"You alright there?"
  827. >She asks while getting in between Flutters and Dash.
  828. >Flutteryshy is hiding in her hair.
  829. >It's covering her whole face, her front hooves keeping it in place.
  830. >Pinkie Pie lacks respect for personal boundaries.
  831. >She parts the yellow pegasus's hair to reveal her face.
  832. >Behind the curtain is a very red and very happy looking mare.
  833. >"H-hi Pinkie."
  834. >Rainbow Dash leans over Pinkie's shoulder interjecting herself.
  835. >"Hey Flutters. Hey, hey, hey Flutters. Flutters!"
  836. >"Hmm?"
  837. >"Show them that thing you learned."
  838. >"Rainbow Dash. It's embarrassing."
  839. >"Don't sweat it. I'll do you this time."
  840. >"I guess we can do one more."
  841. >Rainbow grabs a bottle of Apple whiskey while Fluttershy fixes her hair to be behind her head, out of the way.
  842. >Dash signals for you and Pinkie to give some room.
  843. >Fluttershy presses her front legs together, right up against her neck.
  844. >Rainbow starts pouring the whiskey onto her friend.
  845. >Right in the little pocket she's made between her forelegs and beneath her throat.
  846. >Without any tact or grace Rainbow dives her face right in it and slurps every last drop.
  847. >She even starts to sucks up the moisture from Fluttershy's coat.
  848. >"Oh dear."
  849. >"Can't waste a single drop my fine feathered friend."
  850. >You are now the flabbergasted one.
  851. >Pinkie has a smile from ear to ear on her face.
  852. >"Holy Celestia Fluttershy! Where did you learn about that?"
  853. >"Um, I saw it in a manga."
  854. >"A what now?"
  855. >"It was a comic book."
  856. >Fluttershy recedes back to her hair fortress.
  857. >"Well wherever you saw it it looks like fun. I wanna try it too."
  858. >Rainbow perks up again at the thought of more drinking.
  859. >"You got it Pinkie."
  860. >Rainbow grabs the whiskey again and gets ready to pour it on Pinkie's neck.
  861. >"Wait. I wanna do it with Anon."
  862. >"Oh yeah yeah I get ya."
  863. >Rainbow smiles smugly and elbow nudges her pink friend in the side.
  864. >"Ha ha."
  865. >You think it sounds like fun too.
  866. >Even if you're not particularly fond of shots.
  867. >She's offering you while completely sober.
  868. >So that makes it definitely okay this time.
  869. >"I'm game Ponka."
  870. >"Sweet."
  871. >Pinkie takes the bottle from Dash who keeps giving you both a playful side eye.
  872. >*You scooch closer to Pinkie*
  873. >She scooches closer to you.
  874. >The two of you lock eyes for a moment.
  875. >Pinkie pours the whiskey down your chest.
  876. >"Nonny! You're supposed to squeeze your arms together!"
  877. >"Pinkie! Damn it!"
  878. >*You stand up from your chair as the liquid spills down your front*
  879. >You just can't escape fluids getting all over you around this filly.
  880. >"Rainbow could ya help a girl out here?"
  881. >"No problem."
  882. >Rainbow hovers behind you and puts her front hooves on your arms.
  883. >She pushes them together and tilts your chest up.
  884. >"Hey!"
  885. >Pinkie hops in her seat, scraping the barstool along the ground.
  886. >She gets right up next to you and stands up on her hindlegs.
  887. >"You gotta do it like this Nonny."
  888. >Pinkie pulls away your shirt to reveal your feeble pecs.
  889. >It's not that you haven't tried exercising it's just that it takes up so much time.
  890. >And then you've gotta start dieting around it and eating at certain times.
  891. >Really just a big hassle honestly.
  892. >Pinkie interrupts your mental excuses with a second pour of the alcohol onto you.
  893. >There's not a lot of volume for it to build up.
  894. >Again, you've totally tried it's just too inconvenient.
  895. >Pinkie doesn't seem to mind.
  896. >She leans forward and sips from your natural cup.
  897. >There's not a lot of it, but she drinks it slowly and savors the flavor in every drop.
  898. >"Mmm, juicy."
  899. >Rainbow Dash slaps you on the back.
  900. >"Way to go stud."
  901. >You did enjoy Pinkie's forwardness this time.
  902. >Although something about it felt strange, different than her usual antics.
  903. >Don't think anything of it.
  904. >"Excuse me bartender, I would like to get your biggest and most flavorful drink. A round for everypony!"
  905. >Pinkie orders something she doesn't even know what it is.
  906. >She has ordered it for every patron in the bar even.
  907. >Berry Punch from behind the counter salutes Pinkie's dedication.
  908. >Causing her to almost lose her balance on three legs.
  909. >The drunken mare ducks underneath her counter.
  910. >Sounds of bottles clinking nonstop can be heard.
  911. >Pinkie starts to lean over to see for herself.
  912. >That's right when Berry comes back out with a hoofful of ingredients.
  913. >Liquors you've never heard of, syrups and sugary mixers, assorted fruits, a calzone.
  914. >She's making one of these for everypony?
  915. >She sure is.
  916. >Berry mixes each drink with the utmost skill and grace, the same mare who was falling over moments ago.
  917. >They're mixed into these large punch bowl style containers.
  918. >Decorated with fruit and the pizza burrito.
  919. >She keeps pulling more and more out from under the counter.
  920. >How does he have all that room down there?
  921. >How much is this costing Pinkie?
  922. >How does it taste?
  923. >Ponies start coming up to the counter to collect their drinks.
  924. >"Why doncha put it on my tab Berry?"
  925. >Berry Punch nods enthusiastically at Pinkie.
  926. >*You go up to get yours*
  927. >When you look down at your refreshment it's bubbling.
  928. >Not like carbonation but more like a swamp.
  929. >It's changing colors in front of you.
  930. >But it does smell oddly alluring.
  931. >*You pick up the cauldron of booze*
  932. >Just the vapors coming off it are enough to get someone intoxicated.
  933. >Looking over at Pinkie she has her drink in hoof.
  934. >She gives you a wink before diving her head into it, gulping it down.
  935. >"Hey uh, Berry? Could I have a-"
  936. >Berry is an experienced drinker and anticipates your needs.
  937. >She places a pink silly straw in your bowl.
  938. >"Thank you very much."
  939. >*You take in the smell one more time before taking a sip*
  940. >It tastes like a skunk sprayed in your mouth.
  941. >Then it tastes like perfume.
  942. >Rubbing alcohol, a burning sensation, liquid screaming.
  943. >But then it tastes different.
  944. >It tastes like sweetness, like pixie sticks, like cupcakes and pastries and cheese danishes.
  945. >It becomes smoother as your throat relaxes and drinks more.
  946. >The painful sting you usually get in the back of your throat fades away.
  947. >You just want to keep gulping more and more down your throat.
  948. >It tastes and smells familiar to you.
  949. >Almost like sweat after a long night.
  950. >But not yours, somepony you know.
  951. >You can't stop taking it all in.
  952. >Before you know it, it's gone.
  953. >Even the calzone.
  954. >Your whole body feels heavy and loose, sloppy.
  955. >Turning around to see your friends you find Rainbow and Flutters are on the floor.
  956. >They're giggling as they boop each other back and forth.
  957. >"Rainbow Dash?"
  958. >Your words come out slurred, but she still hears them.
  959. >As she turns her head to look at you her whole body follows.
  960. >She spins out of control and falls with her back flat.
  961. >Fluttershy who was mid boop misses her mark completely, causing her to lose her balance as well and fall onto your blue friend.
  962. >They're still giggling.
  963. >Every pony in the room is going through similar motions.
  964. >They are all getting very emotional, very touchy feely, very happy, and very sad.
  965. >Mares and stallions moving every which way all at the same time and knocking into each other and scattered furniture.
  966. >Was there music before?
  967. >Who did you come with?
  968. >"Hey."
  969. >*You turn towards the pony beckoning you*
  970. >"Oh. Hi. Pinkie."
  971. >She looks like she's glowing.
  972. >You can smell her from your seat, or is it the alcohol on your lips wafting up as you breathe.
  973. >She reminds you a lot of the concoction you just had.
  974. >"You want another round?"
  975. >"Mhm."
  976. >Pinkie orders another drink for the both of you.
  977. >It is thankfully not the same one from before.
  978. >There's no way Berry could even have enough supplies left to make more.
  979. >A quaint little glass is placed before you and Pinkie.
  980. >It's a pink drink obviously.
  981. >Smells of gin and cherries.
  982. >You get the feeling you're supposed to sip on this sort of thing.
  983. >*You take your glass and raise it up*
  984. >Just the smell of alcohol usually makes you dizzy.
  985. >*You put your lips to the rim and taste it*
  986. >Smooth as water.
  987. >"Don't be silly Nonny, like this."
  988. >Pinkie puts her hoof under the base of your drink and tilts it up, forcing it all into your mouth.
  989. >You can't help but swallow it all.
  990. >"That's more like it!"
  991. >Pinkie does the same for her own, taking it all in one chug.
  992. >It feels like a rock in your stomach.
  993. >Sending tingles all up and down your body, if you still had hair it would be tingling right now.
  994. >"More! Lets do shots!"
  995. >Pinkie was just getting started.
  996. >She makes you keep up with every pint, every car bomb, every flagon.
  997. >Before long, everything seems blurry to you now.
  998. >Everything, but Pinkie.
  999. >When you look at her it's like she's outlined.
  1000. >She's so pretty.
  1001. >You've been laughing and talking with her all night.
  1002. >Telling her the funny conversations you have with your coworkers while she tells you about the crazy customers who come in to Sugar Cube.
  1003. >Both of you laugh at every sentence even when it's not funny.
  1004. >She doesn't seem to mind.
  1005. >"Hey Nonny?"
  1006. >"Yeah Pinkie?"
  1007. >"Do you ever wonder who would find your body first if you died suddenly one day? Who would notice you're missing first?"
  1008. >"You have a habit of checking up on me. So I guess it would be you."
  1009. >"Would you find me Nonny?"
  1010. >"I don't... yeah Pinkie of course."
  1011. >"Thanks."
  1012. >Pinkie and you have been throwing them back all night.
  1013. >But these next ones go down differently.
  1014. >They're heavier, harder to swallow.
  1015. >You might just be at your limit, you might be way past it.
  1016. >Every blink feels longer and longer, time skips by as your eyes water.
  1017. >It's time for another round.
  1018. >The drinks flow like rivers.
  1019. >Sometimes they're calm and fresh, sometimes they're topped with white foam.
  1020. >A PSA from your youth springs to mind, words like "liver disease" and "organ failure" come up.
  1021. >It's time to stop.
  1022. >*You look over at Pinkie*
  1023. >She's just as bad off as you are.
  1024. >Most of the other ponies are doing swell either.
  1025. >Several of them have fallen to the floor to sleep or at least nap.
  1026. >Including Rainbow Dash, again, and this time Fluttershy as well.
  1027. >If somepony had walked in for this very moment they might have confused this night time debauchery with a mass suicide event.
  1028. >"Hey Pinkie?"
  1029. >She doesn't legibly respond, a sort of grunt and muffled lip blowing sound comes out.
  1030. >"Let's get outta here."
  1031. >She nods her head and smiles.
  1032. >The pair of you stumble outside.
  1033. >There's still sounds of laughter and crying coming from inside as you turn your backs on the bar.
  1034. >The good times never end around here.
  1035. >Pinkie looks like she needs help again moving forward, but so do you.
  1036. >"Need a lift?"
  1037. >"Yeah..."
  1038. >The words come out so slurred from both of you.
  1039. >She can't even hop onto your back to get up.
  1040. >Pinkie jumps at your back but without enough height ends up pushing you over.
  1041. >Now she is able to clamber on to your back as you hold yourself up on all fours.
  1042. >"Onward my loyal steed!"
  1043. >*You imitate a horse whinnying"
  1044. >It makes Pinkie Pie laugh.
  1045. >A nearby pony doesn't find it as funny.
  1046. >They scoff at your, perceived by them, open racism.
  1047. >None of that matters to you.
  1048. >You are a loyal steed and must carry your rider to safety.
  1049. >The ground is cold on your hands and knees but you don't mind.
  1050. >Pinkie's body heat keeps you motivated.
  1051. >She jostles around on your back, rubbing her legs, her thighs on you.
  1052. >She lays down on you, her head resting on your shoulders.
  1053. >You can feel her breathe on you.
  1054. >It smells like a distillery.
  1055. >It's warm too.
  1056. >*You march onwards*
  1057. >What few ponies are left on the street this late gawk at your display with Pinkie.
  1058. >You have at least stopped mimicking horse sounds.
  1059. >The journey home is almost complete.
  1060. >But you have not gone to Sugar Cube.
  1061. >Instead you have arrived at your house.
  1062. >It's not a big deal, Pinkie can sleep in your bed and you'll just sleep on the couch.
  1063. >The door knob is eye level.
  1064. >Thankfully opening your front door isn't an issue with everything pony sized.
  1065. >You've come this far carrying her, might as well keep going.
  1066. >*You crawl through your house with Pinkie still mounting you*
  1067. >She's starting to get heavy.
  1068. >Her weight causes you to start bumping into every corner and coffee table in your house.
  1069. >All of them.
  1070. >Gosh, all this exercise has got you thirsty.
  1071. >"Hey Pinkie."
  1072. >"Hey steed."
  1073. >"You want a night cap?"
  1074. >"Oh yeah."
  1075. >*You waddle over to your refrigerator*
  1076. >"Could you open that for me my valiant Ponk?"
  1077. >"Yessir."
  1078. >Utilizing the power of friendship and teamwork the two of you open the fridge door.
  1079. >It only cost you a slight flash of pain when Pinkie hit said door on your forehead.
  1080. >You've got a few Coltrona's left.
  1081. >"Okay I've had enough of this."
  1082. >*You lay flat on the ground and roll out from under Pinkamena*
  1083. >"Whoa!"
  1084. >She rolls the other way unintentionally.
  1085. >Free from the oppression of the pink menace you stand up.
  1086. >*You grab the beers and close the fridge*
  1087. >"Hey how come you couldn't just teleport home? I've seen you show up in random places before."
  1088. >"Because right now my mane has been vibrating non stop for hours. How am I supposed to know when it's real?"
  1089. >"Huh?"
  1090. >Oh that crazy mare.
  1091. >*You drag your feet across the tile floor into your living room, plopping your self down on the couch*
  1092. >Pinkie follows in suit.
  1093. >*You pass her a bottle*
  1094. >With both of her hooves to keep it steady she takes the Coltrona and cracks it open, using the hook tip on the end of her mane like a bottle opener.
  1095. >"You know it's a twist off?"
  1096. >She smiles and shrugs, taking a quick opening swig.
  1097. >"Hey Nonny?"
  1098. >"Mhm?"
  1099. >"Where are we?"
  1100. >"We're on my couch."
  1101. >"So you took me to your home? Carried me out of the bar and stole off with me into the night?"
  1102. >"No I just... I kinda forgot to take you home."
  1103. >"Aw don't worry. I'm just 'yankin' yer chain'."
  1104. >Despite not seeing Applejack for the entire day with no established context Pinkie did an atrocious impression of her.
  1105. >"You got a nice couch."
  1106. >She takes another swig.
  1107. >"But it needs something, the whole place does."
  1108. >"Oh really? It's gotta have more streamers right?"
  1109. >"Maybe. But it's really missing a mare's touch."
  1110. >"And what does that mean?"
  1111. >One more gulp of alcohol and Pinkie goes to set down the bottle.
  1112. >She meant to put it on your coffee table.
  1113. >She missed though.
  1114. >Instead the base of the bottle only clipped the edge of the table and fell to the ground, spilling out all over your carpet.
  1115. >Pinkie seems oblivious.
  1116. >You might have been annoyed with her if you weren't just as drunk.
  1117. >You've been holding onto your bottle for dear life.
  1118. >"It's when a mare touches you Nonny."
  1119. >Sweat droplets are rolling down the sides of her face, her breathing is heavy and slow.
  1120. >"Can I touch you, Nonny?"
  1121. >"Ye-ye-yy-y."
  1122. >Your mouth can't form one word.
  1123. >At least your neck still works.
  1124. >*You nod once.*
  1125. >Pinkie hunches over from sitting up to on her forward hooves.
  1126. >She uses them to pull herself closer, dragging herself over the cushions.
  1127. >Your legs are now touching.
  1128. >One hoof takes action, placing itself upon your chest.
  1129. >The other hoof follows its example and mirrors itself right next to it.
  1130. >She leans in further and further.
  1131. >Her head and body are pressing against yours.
  1132. >Her eyes are half open, looking up at you.
  1133. >She's right there, in your house, coming onto you.
  1134. >The bottle in your hand no longer seems important.
  1135. >It didn't seem important when your hand hanging off the side let go of it.
  1136. >It did seem important when you took that and started running it through Pinkie's mane.
  1137. >A pleased sounding hum radiated from her when you did that.
  1138. >*You place your other hand on her lower back*
  1139. >She hums some more.
  1140. >With the hand in her mane you take a tighter grip, nothing to agressive.
  1141. >Just enough to tilt her head better.
  1142. >When the angle is just right you can crane your head down and kiss her.
  1143. >She isn't stopping you as you come in.
  1144. >Yours and hers lips touch.
  1145. >It's not even close to perfect contact, it's sloppy, it's got a boozy taste.
  1146. >But neither of you are stopping.
  1147. >Your other hand goes even further.
  1148. >From the small of her back to her butt.
  1149. >It pulls her closer into you.
  1150. >It reaches further inward now.
  1151. >Pinkie pulls away from your embrace, just an inch.
  1152. >You can still feel every burst of air that passes through her lips when she speaks.
  1153. >"Will you let me stay after?"
  1154. >"Of course."
  1155. >The kissing continues.
  1156. >You add some tongue to it.
  1158. ...
  1160. >It is midday when you wake up.
  1161. >You're still on your couch.
  1162. >So is Pinkie.
  1163. >She's squished into the cushions while your back faces out.
  1164. >Your memory from last night is a little fuzzy.
  1165. >Although you're pretty sure what happened considering your current state.
  1166. >You're naked, your clothes have been used as makeshift blankets for the two of you.
  1167. >Fragments shine through the haze in your mind.
  1168. >You remember kissing, squeezing, pinching and pushing.
  1169. >Were you able to overcome whiskey dick and finish?
  1170. >That memory doesn't seem to be in there.
  1171. >Your face has been buried into Pinkie's mane all morning.
  1172. >She still smells as lovely as always.
  1173. >*You retract your face*
  1174. >There's a taste of stomach bile in your mouth.
  1175. >It feels like all the blood in your body has pooled on one side.
  1176. >And there's a course metal ball doing laps in your skull.
  1177. >You need another drink to offset these problems, maybe some mouthwash too.
  1178. >Maybe at the same time.
  1179. >*You slowly and carefully remove yourself from the couch to not wake Pinkie*
  1180. >Your knees are the first thing to touch the carpet as you get off the couch.
  1181. >There's a soggy sensation on the ground.
  1182. >Please for the love of Celestia don't be piss.
  1183. >Your hands touch it next.
  1184. >Oh right, it's just the nightcaps from before.
  1185. >*You stand up fully, looming over Pinkie*
  1186. >Your clothing makes for a sorry excuse of linens.
  1187. >*You remove the clothing from the pink pony*
  1188. >*You go to your bedroom and take the blanket from your bed and return to Pinkie with it, laying it over her and tucking it into the seat cushions to avoid it laying on the wet carpet*
  1189. >There, all cozied up now.
  1190. >It feels a bit drafty in your living room.
  1191. >You've got nipples that could cut glass and a couple of walnuts receding into your body.
  1192. >*You go back to your bedroom to throw your old clothes in the dirty pile and grab some new ones from the clean pile*
  1193. >They are the same pile.
  1194. >Time for that mouthwash.
  1195. >Every movement you make is pure agony.
  1196. >This is one intense hangover.
  1197. >Most of it can probably be attributed to that abomination everypony and you had at the start.
  1198. >*You finish in the bathroom and go to the kitchen to make something greasy*
  1199. >Piece by piece you try to restore yesterday together.
  1200. >What was going on with Fluttershy and Rainbow?
  1201. >Is Flutters trying to bang Dash and she's just too thick to notice?
  1202. >The body shots were Fluttershy's idea after all.
  1203. >Rainbow just seemed happy to drink.
  1204. >*You crack open four eggs and put them on a pan with a healthy heaping of shredded potatoes*
  1205. >It's days like these you miss bacon.
  1206. >The smell of breakfast permeates your home.
  1207. >You're able to see your living room couch from the stove.
  1208. >When said smells reach said couch Pinkie's mane pops out from below like a shark fin.
  1209. >Her hooves join in, stretching upwards.
  1210. >Pinkie rolls onto the floor blanket and all.
  1211. >From where you are you can hear a squelching noise as she lands on the ground.
  1212. >”Eww. Nonny did I pee myself last night?”
  1213. >”No Pinkie. It’s just our nightcaps we spilled.”
  1214. >”Oh. Good.”
  1215. >Pinkie continues rolling around, through the beer stained carpet and around the couch to join you in the kitchen.
  1216. >She rolls right up to your table and seats herself up on one of your two chairs.
  1217. >You were so proud of yourself when you bought the second one.
  1218. >The food has just about finished cooking.
  1219. >*You grab a couple plates and take the hot pan to the table*
  1220. >”Hey Anon, do you have any ketchup?”
  1221. >”It’s like the one thing I always keep stocked.”
  1222. >*You finish serving both of you, placing Pinkie’s plate right beside her resting head*
  1223. >”It smells delicious.”
  1224. >*You open your condiment packed fridge and return with the ketchup*
  1225. >”Thanks Nonny.”
  1226. >Pinkie dives her face in, eating without using any of the ketchup.
  1227. >*You shake your head at the little clown, joining her to eat*
  1228. >Every bite you take sounds like a sixteen wheeler grinding its wheels over broken glass and mud.
  1229. >The hangover is almost unbearable.
  1230. >But at least you’ve got Pinkie here with you to share it.
  1231. >*You smile at her*
  1232. >She smiles back at you, teeth full of eggs and potatoes.
  1233. >She winces a bit from pain, her mane parts right in half down the middle.
  1234. >Pinkie rubs her temple.
  1235. >”Wow Pinkie. Looks like you’ve got a splitting headache.”
  1236. >”He he, very funny Nonny.”
  1237. >She meant it.
  1238. >Honestly though, you're not doing much better.
  1239. >Your head is also trying to claw its way out of your skull.
  1240. >You both could use a little pick me up to help stabilize, balance yourselves out.
  1241. >*You go over to your fridge to grab another pair of Coltronas*
  1242. >”Here you go, this always helps me.”
  1243. >”Mmm. Thanks Nonny.”
  1244. >Together you crack open your drinks and have a couple sips.
  1245. >Oh yeah, sweet liquor soothes the pain.
  1246. >”Gosh last night was so much fun. Too bad I have to pay for it now.”
  1247. >”We went at it pretty hard last night.”
  1248. >”Indeedy.”
  1249. >Another few bites and chugs.
  1250. >”Did you have fun Anon?”
  1251. >”Absolutely.”
  1252. >”Did we do that super fun thing like last time?”
  1253. >Pinkie catches you midway with your fork to your mouth with her statement.
  1254. >It causes you to lapse in concentration hitting your teeth with the prongs.
  1255. >In your current state it is pure anguish.
  1256. >It causes you to bite down too hard on the metal, scraping it against your teeth as you pull it out with food on your tongue.
  1257. >Is this some sort of test?
  1258. >”Of course we did.”
  1259. >”But I still can’t remember it. I hate this stupid brain of mine so much right now.”
  1260. >Pinkie jabs her forehead with her hoof and instantly regrets that decision.
  1261. >*You set your fork down and lean over the table to console Pinkie*
  1262. >”I wouldn’t worry so much about it. We had a good time and that’s all that matters right?”
  1263. >How can she still not remember?
  1264. >She was so forward with you last night.
  1265. >But she always is.
  1266. >Pinkie has no concept of personal space so it’s not like that would change whether or not she was drunk.
  1267. >”Yeah that does make sense. It sure would be nice to remember the fun stuff but as long as it still happened that’s all that matters. If a joke happens in the middle of a party but nopony can hear it, is it still funny?”
  1268. >”Uh, yes?”
  1269. >”Correct!”
  1270. >Yeah it is correct.
  1271. >Even if Pinkie doesn’t remember it’s not like she didn’t enjoy it.
  1272. >Why else would she come onto you?
  1273. >You’ve done nothing wrong.
  1274. >Yeah.
  1275. >Somepony knocks at the door.

Writing For Yourself

by SuckingSocks

Only and Always Her

by SuckingSocks

Nether Zone of the Night Bone

by SuckingSocks

Mac 'n' Cheesy Marble

by SuckingSocks

Untitled Battered House Anon

by SuckingSocks