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Mac 'n' Cheesy Marble

By SuckingSocks
Created: 2023-01-02 13:44:57
Updated: 2024-10-23 03:29:23
Expiry: Never

  1. >The afternoon Sun was high in the sky and beating down on Big Macintosh's head.
  2. >It's days like these that he wishes he wore a hat like his sister instead of his heavy yoke.
  3. >But not being one to complain about hard work the thought leaves as quickly as it came.
  4. >Besides, today was Monday and the best day of the week for him.
  5. >The mailmare would be showing up any second to drop off the usual post.
  6. >Most of it was for Applejack but there's one letter just for Big Mac that always puts butterflies in his stomach.
  7. >He wipes off the lathery sweat from his neck made worse by aforementioned yoke as Derpy comes over the horizon.
  8. >They wave to each other.
  9. >Macintosh, with a wide eye to eye smile, trots to meet her.
  11. "Hello Mister McTosh! Boy you sure are always happy to see me."
  12. "Eeyup."
  14. >The grey mare sticks her landing but loses balance despite and plants her front knees and chin into the dirt.
  15. >She's quickly assisted by Mac partly out of the kindness and partly because he's impatient for his letter.
  16. >Derpy brushes herself off and sticks her muzzle into her mailbag.
  18. "Ear ou go," the words muffled as she passes the mail Big Mac.
  20. >He thanks her with a nod and waves her off.
  21. >Derpy clumsily takes off on her second try after stumbling the first.
  22. >Meanwhile Mac runs off with the mail like a giddy schoolcolt.
  23. >The farm might suffer his short break but that wouldn't stop him.
  24. >Leaving all but one envelope by the door he darts into the privacy of his own room to read his special letter.
  25. >It's lumpy and desaturated grey.
  26. >It smells like dirt and tastes like it too.
  27. >All this only excited the stallion more.
  28. >It's from his new pen pal, Marble Pie.
  30. >He holds down the letter with a hoof to make use of all his finesse, opening the letter using his teeth without ripping it.
  31. >From within are three red rocks, one smooth, one rough, and one cut like an apple.
  32. >The letter itself is hand written from the shy Pie girl.
  33. >She talks about how life is going, her sisters, her parents.
  34. >Lately they were discussing stories about the chaos surrounding Ponyville.
  35. >The last of which was The Great and Powerful Trixie and how they both ended up knowing her.
  36. >Marble also explains her gifts.
  37. >"They are Red Jaspers. Normally Limestone hates it when someone takes rocks for themselves but they reminded me so much of you I couldn't resist breaking her rules."
  38. >"One of them I have smoothed out, so it's soft around the edges like you."
  39. >"The rough one is what they look like naturally, so you can see them as they are."
  40. >"The last one I sculpted to look like your cutie mark so you can see what I see when I look at them."
  41. >The end is signed with her name and a crude drawing of an apple.
  42. >Or maybe it's a heart?
  43. >Whichever one didn't make a difference to Macintosh, the thought was enough for him.
  45. "Big Macintosh! I know you ain't run off without finishing chores!"
  47. >Applejack's voice booms through the house startling Big Mac.
  48. >He does know better than to slack off but he couldn't resist reading Marble's letter.
  49. >Writing one back will have to wait.
  50. >He swiftly but delicately stashed the letter, envelope, and rocks with the others in his growing collection.
  51. >And before his sister could tan his hide he snuck back to the orchard to finish his daily work.
  53. >The sun sets and the moon rises.
  54. >The cooling wind feels great against Mac's face.
  55. >Another day of hard work, another day over.
  56. >And now it's time for his second favorite part of his favorite day, writing back to his Pie pen pal.
  57. >Running past AJ, Applebloom, and Granny to write his response.
  59. "Why's Big Mac always so excited these days?"
  60. "I reckon Bloom that he's in love. He's even been slacking around the farm cause of it. Even if he thinks ah don't notice."
  61. "How would you know? He's never said anything about a girlfriend."
  63. >Granny Smith lightly bats the back of Applebloom's head.
  65. "Don't need to, ya can see it clear as day! Nothin' gets a stallion acting as a colt like that but love."
  67. >Bloom rubs her head acting as if Granny Smith hit her harder before speaking up.
  69. "Well who's he in love with then? Ms. Whooves? He's always chipper when she comes round."
  70. "Hmm, nah. I don't think so. Cause he's just happy when she leaves."
  72. >All three strike the same pensive pose with their hooves scratching their chins.
  73. >While they're ruminatin' Macintosh comes barreling down the stairs with an envelope in his mouth.
  74. >Again without stopping to chat with his family he leaves as quickly as he came.
  75. >The Apple women without reacting at all to Mac's one man stampede finally snap out of it.
  77. "Ah got it! He's sending letters to his beloved!"
  79. >Said in unison, the three of them quickly stare at each other and shake their heads.
  81. "We could go see who the letter is addressed to."
  82. "Applebloom! You can't just go invadin' other pony's privacy like that!"
  83. "Yer sister's right little missy. Wouldn't be right to go down to the mailbox before the mailmare had a chance ta git it."
  85. >Granny Smith says with the most obvious of winks.
  87. "Ah cannot believe you two. I'm so plum mad I'll just go to bed right now and leave you unsupervised Applebloom."
  89. >The little yellow filly takes a second to process what her elders are getting at.
  91. "Oh! Now I get it!"
  93. >She whinnies and trots in a circle, impressed by her slow ability to understand her elders.
  94. >Said elders interrupt her celebration to push her out the door.
  95. >Applebloom shakes her hoof at them as they shut the door on her backside but doesn't get deterred.
  96. >Galloping out, she sees her brother coming right back.
  97. >A quick bolt of lightning runs up from her hooves to the tip of her ears.
  99. "H-hi Big Mac."
  101. >He doesn't even notice her, running right past for the umpteenth time today.
  102. >Bloom scoots on her way for the mailbox to commit a felony and tamper with her brother's mail.
  103. >Opening the box door and rifling through it, past the cylindrical package for her sister, past the identical package for granny, she grabs it.
  104. >Addressed to the Pie Family farm.
  105. >Applebloom glares at it puzzled and scratches her head.
  106. >Aren't they family?
  108. -------------------------------------------------
  110. >Like all self respecting farmers, Marble wakes up as the first light of dawn peaks over the horizon.
  111. >She sits up from her pillow to meet the day.
  112. >So does her sister Limestone.
  114. "You know we don't have to share a bed when no one is visiting."
  115. "Mhmm."
  117. >Limestone groans at her sister as she jumps out of bed.
  118. >While Marble stumbles.
  119. >Happy to work but not happy to be awake.
  120. >Still she drags one hoof in front of the other into the kitchen.
  121. >Breakfast was already waiting with her mother and father.
  122. >Fried rocks with rockcakes and rock juice.
  123. >Every meal's a banquet on a farm.
  125. >Marble quietly munches on her breakfast while her sister scarfs it down.
  126. >You would never guess they're related.
  128. "Thanks Father, thank you Mother."
  130. >Limestone finishes her meal in a snap and then grabs Marble before she could finish hers.
  131. >But not before she could grab one last rockcake in her mouth.
  132. >Her sister runs the farm tight as a drum.
  133. >Limestone continues to push headfirst her sister through the threshold and out to the quarry.
  134. >Today wasn't particularly exciting work, even by a rock farm's standard.
  135. >Clearing out poor rocks to be crushed and smashed and ground up for aggregate.
  136. >Marble wasn't dissatisfied with her life as a farmer.
  137. >But she did wish she could try a different kind of produce.
  138. >Maybe carrots or oranges.
  139. >Or apple cider, zap apples, general apples and apple products.
  140. >Nothing specific honestly.
  141. >Her daydreaming is cut short when Limestone snaps at her to focus with a pick axe dropped at her hooves.
  142. >She was so distracted her snatched rockcake was still hanging out her mouth.
  143. >Marble bows her head apologetically.
  144. >In no way was it to hide herself quickly munching on her breakfast.
  145. >She adopts a short smug smile as her sister grumbles away with her pick before she grabs her own up in her crumb-gravel filled mouth.
  146. >The both of them head into the quarry to start hacking and picking the day away.
  148. >The sisters hardly even leave for a break, when they got hungry they would just grab the latest morsel they carved out.
  149. >They did still leave for the bathroom and water at least, but just barely.
  150. >You would be hard pressed to find a harder working pair of ponies.
  151. >A full day's work flies by and Limestone is still uptight but hasn't slowed down.
  152. >While Marble only seems just as sluggish and sad.
  153. >Though you would only assume that based on how she looks, how she moves, but she couldn't be happier deep down.
  154. >An end to work meant a trip to town today.
  155. >It meant a trip to the post office and if she hadn't been somber for so long she'd be smiling brighter than even her pink sister.
  157. "HEY! We're not done yet," Limestone called out to her sister catching her leaving.
  159. >Marble jolts up in freight at the sound of her yelling.
  160. >Without changing her expression or demeaner at all she turns around to finish up whatever it is she forgot.
  161. >Now she feels on the inside how she looks, and somehow Limestone takes note.
  163. "Oh just get on with it. I'll take care of things here like always."
  165. >Marble looks up at her with a smile so small it would put the Pona Lisa to shame.
  166. >She starts trotting away with an ever so slight skip in her step too, off to fetch the mail.
  167. >The trip is done in record time her mood is good.
  168. >A letter from Maud checking in, bills, a cylindrical package for Limestone, and there it is.
  169. >In the corner reads the return address for Sweet Apple Acres, the parcel from her favorite, and only, pen pal.
  170. >Two actually, which seems odd to the grey mare.
  171. >Big Mac must have sent a sort of present, maybe he wanted to send something to do with Ogres and Oubliettes that had to be protected from the other letter?
  172. >The curiosity is overtaking her, there's no time to wait getting home first.
  173. >She rips into a letter marked for her, out falls a parchment written in Mac's familiar clumsy mouthwriting.
  174. >But the other one, it doesn't specify herself.
  175. >Although its mouthwriting looks a little neater than usual.
  176. >She quickly skims the first paper looking for mention of the second.
  177. >After sniffing the apple scent off it and hugging it and cooing to it she goes back to the mystery post.
  178. >Marble opens the envelope.
  179. >She pulls out the contents.
  180. > And reads them.
  182. >"Hello Pie Family. This is Big Macintosh writing to invite you all to celebrate Nightmare Night with us the Apples. It would be very speshul to me and my family if yours would come. Especially my special somepony."
  183. >"Sincerely, Big Macintosh"
  185. >Now this, this was just something Marble had to show to her whole family.
  187. >Marble was making good time on her return trip.
  188. >It's nice of Big Mac to invite her whole family, but why?
  189. >She'd rather have time with him without the overbearingness of her sister and parents.
  190. >Not that Limestone and Mother and Father don't mean well, because they do.
  191. >But maybe it would be nice to just sit together, alone, in the barn warmed by the hay where they can have talks about minerals and apples.
  192. >The mare is lost in her daydreams and doesn't notice Limestone barking at her for the mail.
  193. >It seeps through as Big Mac's deep soothing voice turns to her sister's raspy one.
  195. "Let me see the bills, I've got plenty more to sort through. Hurry up Marble."
  196. "Mhmm."
  197. "Uhuh, yeah, yeah... Is this a letter from the Apples?"
  199. >Marble's eyes shoot fully open.
  200. >With a nod and a rare smile she motions for Limestone to read it.
  202. "Out loud."
  204. >An even rarer occurrence that Marble opens her mouth to speak.
  205. >Limestone gives her a surprised look and decides to take it seriously, eyeing through the somewhat poorly written letter.
  206. >She starts to roll her eyes with a guilty expression.
  207. >Taking time off from the farm was out of the question, unless their parents had something to say.
  208. >Lime might run the farm but her father still owns it.
  209. >They were elated, in their own special but reserved way, at the thought of seeing more of Ponyville's traditions.
  210. >The whole family had been thinking about since last Hearth's Warming fiasco.
  211. >And going for a minor holiday compared to Hearth's Warming might help them ease into breaking their own die-hard traditions and habits.
  213. "Ok. I guess we can go to Ponyville."
  215. >Limestone says with a groan noticeably behind it.
  216. >Marble doesn't let it bother her, she couldn't be more excited.
  217. >Lightly clapping her hooves and grinning at the thought.
  218. >But also terrified at the prospect of meeting so many new ponies all at once.
  219. >Is it a straight shot to the farm or will she have to, interact, with strangers in Ponyville?
  220. >She flees to her room to hide from these intrusive thoughts and fears.
  221. >Or maybe it's fitting to be scared on Nightmare Night?
  222. >Perhaps, although she recedes into her pillow to hide from said fears.
  224. >From her room Marble misses the most important part of the letter being read.
  225. >Limestone, the Pie Matriarch, and Patriarch all turn their heads in confusion.
  226. >Who did Big Macintosh put the moves on to have a special somepony?
  228. -------------------------------------------------
  230. >The air cooled and the sun peeked over the horizon.
  231. >A hot day turned to warm evening and soon to a brisk night.
  232. >The wind blew across the coat of every pony in town.
  233. >And it felt good.
  234. >Everypony was getting dressed up, putting on their makeup, for tonight was Nightmare Night.
  235. >Everypony but Big Macintosh.
  236. >It had been a few days since a reply from his pen pal was supposed to come in.
  237. >The toll it took on his mood was not subtle.
  238. >He had been actively moping every day Derpy came by empty handed, despite efforts by his sisters and the Cutie Mark Crusaders to cheer him up.
  239. >Applebloom was dressed in her very own homemade costume, with maybe some small help from Rarity.
  240. >She was dressed liked Princess Cadence with the addition of a bow and heart tipped arrows.
  241. >Applebloom was begging Mac to take her and her friends out to enjoy the holiday adamant that it would cheer him up.
  242. >If Mac wasn't so distracted he might have thought little Bloom was up to something, something to do with getting him out the house.
  243. >After Applebloom's relentless begging Mac agrees.
  244. >But first they'd have to go get Sweetie and Scootaloo.
  245. >He continues to sulk while his sister leads the way out of the farm, and not a moment too soon.
  246. >As one party family leaves another arrives.
  248. >The Pies conveniently strolled into the farm right after Mac and co left.
  249. >Perfectly narrowly avoiding each other, the group gandered to the house.
  250. >Applejack and Granny were waiting for them after banking on Bloom leaving with Mac.
  251. >They had a few costume ideas prepared for the Pie family to help them learn the traditions.
  252. >Flankenstein, Batula, and a classic ghost made out of bed sheets and holes.
  253. >There’s a knock at the door.
  255. “Well howdy Mr. and Mrs. Pie, Limestone, and Marble!”
  256. “It is with great pleasure that we are welcomed into your homestead.”
  258. >The orange mare keeps smiling as she thanks her stars that Igneous didn’t lay on his dialect too hard.
  259. >She understood him for once.
  260. >Everyone settles in after the long trip they had, granny tends to the parents while Applejack consorts with the sisters.
  261. >Marble doesn’t run away this time but does remain quiet.
  262. >Applejack starts talking about all the ways Ponyville celebrates the holiday, putting on costumes, getting candy, the scary nature of it all.
  263. >Marble hides her face but Limestone’s is confused.
  265. “I don’t get it. Nightmare Moon happened ages ago and then YOU took her down like I take down rocks.”
  267. >Limestone lightly jabs Applejack’s chest as she speaks.
  269. “Sorry. I just mean why are ponies scared of her still, ESPECIALLY since she’s just Princess Luna now?”
  270. “Well it’s not about being scared, not for a long time now. What do y’all do for Nightmare Night?”
  271. “We don’t. Us Rock Ponies aren’t scared of some old mares’ tale to scare fillies.”
  272. “But ya do realize that Nightmare Moon is real?”
  273. “Yeah, and she’s just a princess now.”
  274. “But just because she’s a princess now don’t mean she wasn’t Nightmare before.”
  276. >The arguing between AJ and Limestone goes on for a while.
  277. >Short and sweet of it, the Pie’s had never had a Nightmare Moon Night.
  278. >How Pinkie is related to these ponies is a mystery.
  279. >Applejack is close to losing it and showing just how honest she can be when granny smith steps in with the costumes.
  280. >But only one of them really catches any of the Pies’ eyes.
  282. “I’d rather not be walking around like a clown all night. I want the bed spread so I can hide my face.”
  284. >Igneous and Cloudy both ask for the sheets as well, taking to the holiday much better than their daughter.
  285. >To them nothing is scarier than a spirit risen.
  286. >Bats and monsters are still something they could grasp with their hooves, but a specter is from the “great beyond”.
  287. >AJ couldn’t even ask Marble, turning to ask her and she was already wearing some sheets.
  288. >Granted they didn’t have eye holes cut out.
  290. >AJ takes Marble's sheet in her teeth and pulls it off.
  291. >Revealing the skittish mare to hide herself under her hooves.
  293. "At least lemme cut some eye holes for ya."
  295. >Marble peeks an eye out from under her hoof and nods at Applejack.
  296. >She ruins a few extra sheets for the Pies creating their matching costumes.
  297. >With all four of them dressed as ghosts AJ dons her own Tinman costume.
  298. >Now that everyone was all dressed and ready, they took to the town.
  300. -------------------------------------------------
  302. >Applebloom and her brother had already picked up an ill fitted chicken Scootaloo from her vague, nondescript home in a back alley and we're knocking on the door of Ponyville Boutique.
  303. >Mac was still visibly sad, sulking as he was nearly dragged by his sister.
  304. >An energetic Sweetie Belle answers the door dressed as Queen Chrysalis.
  306. "Isn't that kind of an offensive costume?"
  307. "I don't know what you mean by that Scootaloo."
  309. >Sweetie raises an eyebrow at Mac's sulking and Bloom gestures her head to Sweets to bring him inside.
  310. >She just smiles at Applebloom.
  312. "Hey Mac doesn't have a costume fer tonight. Maybe we could make him one in your sister's shop?"
  313. "Oh yeah! I'm sure Rarity will be totally fine with it."
  314. "We could dress him up as that Phantom stallion from those fancy schmancy plays."
  316. >Applebloom lights up at the idea.
  318. "That's a great idea scoots, it'll make him look real studly too!"
  320. >The two girls don't skip a beat at Bloom referring to her brother as attractive.
  321. >Mac however does break from his trance.
  322. >Whatever protest he would muster is moot and he knows it.
  323. >Mac will have to just let the fillies give him his makeove- costume so they can finally go get something sweet.
  325. >The two fillies are directed by Sweetie Belle where things are in the shop.
  326. >Sweetie grabs lace and Scootaloo gets leather.
  327. >A white tinge comes over Mac's face.
  328. >Thankfully Sweetie takes control before they could turn Bloom's brother into a gimp.
  329. >She instead imagines a phantom with sequins and sparkles.
  330. >The girls defer to their unicorn friend.
  331. >Before long Big Macintosh is ready.
  332. >Adorned in a cape interchangeable with a disco ball and a rainbow half-mask shotgunned in glitter.
  333. >They also gave him a pencil mustache.
  334. >The little ponies rear and cheer at the fruit of their labor.
  336. "Wow! Your brother looks so awesome and pretty!"
  338. >Sweetie and Applebloom turn and stare at Scoots.
  340. "I mean handsome, and awesome."
  342. >Bloom blows a raspberry at her and starts pushing her brother out the door.
  344. "Come on, let's go play some games at the festival."
  345. "But we wanted to get cand-"
  347. >Applebloom shushes Sweetie's protest and winks at her.
  348. >Her eyes go wide and she let's out a resounding "Oh".
  349. >The four of them exit the boutique with a small mess of sparkles and shiny doodads behind them.
  350. >Still pushing and pulling Big Mac with them they arrive at the splattering of games, food, and music.
  351. >Where Bloom sees her chromed up sister with four ghostly guests.
  353. >The filly waves to her sister and she waves back.
  354. >The next phase of their plan was set in motion.
  355. >Both groups walk over and do their little meet and greet.
  356. >Apple Jack and Bloom scoot to the side to whisper though.
  358. "Why are they all dressed the same?"
  359. "It's what they all wanted. Ah tried gettin them to wear the bats and monster ones but they had set their hearts on ghosts.
  360. "But all of them? We only had one ghost sheet!"
  362. >Applejack scrunched her muzzle.
  364. "Ah had to make some new ones."
  366. >Applebloom also scrunched her muzzle but with an angry set of eyes.
  368. "Those look like they're from my bed!"
  370. >Back with the rest of the group everypony is standing around awkwardly watching the Apple sisters argue in mumbles.
  371. >Sweetie is first to break the ice.
  373. "Do you wanna come get candy with us?"
  375. "Not unless it's rock candy."
  377. >An annoyed limestone pipes up.
  378. >And Mac perks up.
  379. >Four ghosts, and one of them is Marble's sister?
  380. >Marble could be here.
  381. >Maybe that's why she didn't write back, to surprise him with a trip to Ponyville.
  382. >Or maybe she stopped writing because she didn't want him to know at all.
  383. >Was heartbreak worth the truth?
  384. >His conundrum is interrupted by Scootaloo pushing him with her little forelegs.
  386. "Come on, we're gonna miss all the good stuff wasting all this time."
  388. >The orange and yellow sisters see their plan starting to jeopardize and come back to save it.
  390. "Aw what are ya talking about Scootaloo. You, Bloom, and Sweetie will have plenty of time. Why don't y'all stick around with us and learn about Nightmare Night Ponyville style?"
  391. "But I already know how to celebrate Nightmare Night and that's getting some candy!"
  393. "Celestia cast out this ghastly child. Let them go in search of bounties. Igneous and I would be grateful to witness the Statue where we offer to the princess."
  395. >Cloudy Quartz raises her voice over Scootaloo's protest as her and her husband turn to walk away.
  396. >While Scootaloo and now Sweetie Belle are pushing and dragging Mac again.
  398. "Let's get this over with."
  400. >Limestone had also started following her parents.
  401. >Applebloom and Applejack look at each other with dismay as their parties separate.
  403. "Celestia darn it!"
  404. "Applejack! You swore!"
  406. >AJ grumbles through her teeth.
  408. "Oh just try pick some houses near the festival when we get back."
  410. >The sisters go their separate ways as the next step of their master plan falls apart.
  411. >Big Mac stood solid as his hooves scraped across the ground.
  412. >Never taking his eye off the last bedsheet ghost to leave.
  413. >As she stared back until Limestone barked at her to hurry up.
  414. >She disappeared into the woods while Mac and the Fillies joined the crowd of trick or treating ponies.
  416. >Several houses later and their bags were getting heavy.
  417. >The girls sing the Nightmare Night jingle and collect their sugary sweets from a cute blue mare dressed as a Trojan Horse.
  419. "Awesome! Full sized candy bars!"
  421. >The trio cheer as they review their loot and Big Mac?
  422. >Big Mac continues to stare off the same direction he had been since the Pies left.
  423. >Applebloom was starting to feel a tinge of guilt.
  425. "Hey y'all, how 'bout we move closer to town square? Ah don't wanna go the whole night without playing at least one game."
  427. >The other two crusaders agree with their bags of bountiful candy.
  428. >Clenched in their teeth with their sacks they begin pushing Macintosh in unison by their heads.
  429. >Spider throwing, a classic game for tonight.
  430. >And what luck there's a familiar looking ghost pony playing.
  431. >Mac is released from his trance at the sight.
  432. >He gallops over as the Crusaders lose their balance and fall out from under him.
  433. >He gets right up in front of the ghost pony, close enough to see their mustard eyes.
  434. >Suddenly overtook by nervousness, Mac shyly looks at his hooves and kicks the dirt around.
  435. >With a gulp he swallows his anxiety.
  437. "H-hi."
  438. "Why art thou behaving in the manner of a vapid schoolgirl?"
  440. >Mac's eyes go wide and he tilts his head up to see a concerned Igneous Pie unveiled under the bed sheets.
  441. >Mac stutters out gibberish as he backs away.
  442. >An awkward laugh and he turns tail and runs back to the children he's supposed to be watching.
  443. >Igneous's wife Cloudy comes out from behind him glaring towards the fleeing stallion.
  445. "It is appalling the forwardness of one stallion to another in such vulgarity."
  446. "Verily."
  448. >Cloudy shakes her head in agreement while Igneous looks longingly at Macintosh running away.
  450. >Mac tried to act as if he didn't just spill a plate of spaghetti in front of everypony.
  451. >Applebloom stood up on her hind legs and stretched her front ones as high as possible to reach her brother's back to comfort him.
  452. >The other two crusaders were giggling.
  454. "Shush you two."
  455. "Sorry."
  457. >They spoke in unison.
  458. >Applebloom thought to herself how lucky she was that her brother didn't have the hots for Igneous.
  459. >How unthinkable it was.
  460. >Being in love with a married pony.
  461. >Attempting to distract her brother Bloom suggests all four move on to some games.
  462. >Unfortunately her favorite, apple bobbing, isn't available this year.
  463. >Applejack usually ran it but she was too busy scheming.
  464. >At least there was always pear bobbing.
  465. >They head over and there's another ghost pony hanging around.
  466. >They're just standoffish-ly watching other ponies play by a nearby cottage.
  467. >Mac who had gotten over his depressive hypnotic state and moved on to a paralyzed thousand yard stare breaks free yet again.
  468. >His heart flutters at the next ghost pony he sees.
  469. >He'll get it right this time, no more shy Mac.
  470. >This time with confidence he swaggers up to the spectre.
  471. >He plants one front hoof down and places the other against the cottage next to the pony's head.
  473. "Hey."
  475. >Their pupils shrink, their legs quiver, their voice stutters.
  476. >They cough and clear their throat of all the feelings choking them.
  477. >A head revealed from beneath to Macintosh's dread again.
  478. >It is Limestone.
  480. "What do you want Mac?"
  482. >He freezes up again.
  483. >The only response he can give is an awkward smile.
  484. >Limestone jabs his chest to get his attention but Mac stands stoic.
  485. >Still with his hoof pressed firm against the wall, the mare leans to the side to look past him.
  487. "Hey Marble, check out the Romeo."
  489. >It hits him and her like a boulder.
  490. >Macintosh turns his head to see her watery violet eyes.
  491. >Marble runs away silently crying.
  492. >He turns his head back.
  493. >To the washed out blue mare Limestone.
  494. >She is concerned for her sister.
  495. >She looks back into Macintosh's eyes.
  496. >She processes what happened.
  497. >There is a moment of silence.
  498. >She is fire.
  500. -------------------------------------------------
  502. >This Nightmare Night has been so awesome.
  503. >Mom let you go alone with your friends, no adults.
  504. >So awesome.
  505. >Your friends, who were all fillies, and you were trading candy before it was time to offer so you could get the good stuff.
  506. >No nuts for you.
  507. >You hated candy with nuts.
  508. >Stuffing your faces with chocolate bars you all turn your heads at the sound of a mare screaming.
  509. >She's chewing the ear off that big red fella from the farm.
  510. >Wow now she's pounding on him, just really letting him have it.
  511. >But he's like, twice her size and doesn't even move.
  512. >Also you think he's crying?
  513. >What a big baby, unlike you who would never cry in front of a cute mare.
  514. >He's still crying but hasn't budged an inch but the girl seems so tuckered out she's given up hittin' and yellin'.
  515. >Wonder what she's so mad about.
  516. >You shovel more candy into your face.
  518. -------------------------------------------------
  520. >Limestone is panting, gasping for air at Big Mac's hooves.
  521. >His crying has reduced to a slight sniffle.
  522. >All the yelling makes her voice come out like a life time chainsmoker.
  524. "What are you crying about? I couldn't even hurt you."
  525. "M-m-marble. She ran away from me."
  526. "Duh. You just broke her heart flirting with me in front of her."
  528. >He snorts the mucus and wipes the tears away.
  530. "Ah didn't mean to."
  531. "You mean I'm not your special somepony?"
  533. >He shakes his head and tries to break it to her easy.
  535. "Er, nope."
  536. "But you wrote my family a letter inviting us all down here. Asking for your 'special somepony'."
  537. "Er, nope?"
  538. "Come on quit screwing around. You invited us all here. The rest of your family welcomed us even gave us these costumes."
  539. "Ah swear Ah didn't write no letter to your family Ms. Pie. Ah've only been writing to Marble."
  541. >Limestone looks a little disappointed at hearing that.
  542. >Big Mac explains he and Marble had been keeping up with each other since last Hearths Warming.
  543. >Every week they'd write letters to each other.
  544. >The grumpy mare is skeptical but he validates his claim with the stories Marble had been telling him.
  545. >Stories for instance about Limestone giving googly eyes to stallions when she thought nopony was looking.
  547. "So why did you hit on me?"
  548. "Ah thought you were your sister."
  549. "What are blind? We look nothing alike."
  551. >Macintosh gestures at her identical costume.
  553. "Oh. Well I guess that might make it hard."
  555. >She takes off the sheets and drapes them over her shoulders so there's no more confusion on who's who.
  557. "So, you really like my sister?"
  558. "Uh, I mean..."
  559. "Hey! No foaling around. Tell it to me straight.
  561. >She jabs him one more time square in the chest.
  562. >This one actually catches him off guard and stumbles him.
  563. >Big Macintosh recomposes himself.
  565. "Eeyup."
  566. "Well then let's go find her so you can tell her yourself Romeo."
  568. >Big Mac smiles and nods at her and turns to chase the way Marble ran.
  569. >Limestone blushes when he's not looking and runs after.
  571. "Don't run ahead!"
  573. -------------------------------------------------
  575. >Applebloom who had been watching all this with her jaw on the floor realizes that her brother just abandoned her.
  577. "Did your brother just abandon us?"
  579. >Scoots and Belle ask their friend.
  580. >Thankfully AJ finally appears running over.
  582. "Did our brother just abandon you!"
  583. "And where have you been!"
  584. "All the pies took off in separate directions when we got here. They all just wanted their own thing."
  586. >Bloom facehooves and groans at her sister.
  587. >And Sweetie Belle speaks up.
  589. "Can we go play some games?"
  591. -------------------------------------------------
  593. >Together Limestone and Macintosh scoured ponyville for Marble.
  594. >Neither of them stopping to think about Mac abandoning his sister.
  595. >Searching the edge of the crowds, from Sugar Cube to Sweet Apple Acres.
  596. >Both of them are starting to get distraught.
  597. >They head back to the center of town to rethink their strategy.
  598. >Maybe she had just found Igneous and Cloudy for comfort.
  599. >When they return they're greeted with a sea of ghost ponies.
  600. >There must be half the town here.
  601. >Limestone groans and starts approaching one.
  603. "Figures you'd hide in plain sight. Come on sis no harm no foul."
  605. >She rips the sheets off of a scared and confused mare.
  606. >Macintosh looks embarrassed for her and reclothed the poor pony.
  608. "She's gotta be somewhere in here. Just keep looking."
  610. >Mac has a look of panic as Lime takes off another costume.
  611. >As fast as she rips them off he puts them back on.
  612. >He doesn't stop her or even make an attempt.
  613. >This may be crass and rude but he couldn't help himself.
  614. >They needed to find Marble.
  616. -------------------------------------------------
  618. >The sounds of children and their families were quiet now.
  619. >Replaced by the woods and the wind.
  620. >And muffled sobbing.
  621. >A lone ghost pony hides from moonlight under the trees.
  622. >Marble sits crying to herself.
  623. >One image in her mind that caused her to spiral downward.
  624. >Was there something going on with Lime and Mac?
  625. >Did he always mean her when he wrote "special somepony"?
  626. >Maybe he was always sending letters thinking about her.
  627. >Marble's paranoia causes her to sink deeper and deeper.
  628. >She retreats into herself hidden by her costume yet still covering her face with her hooves.
  629. >It's not enough.
  630. >There's no place far enough away for her.
  632. "Is somepony there?"
  634. >Marble is spooked at the voice and bolts up the tree.
  635. >The lack of leaves and rustled branches give her away.
  637. "Aw it's alright. I'm not gonna hurt ya."
  639. >Marble doesn't seem to believe her and stays firmly wound around the tree.
  640. >This strange pony is also wearing some sheets for her ghost costume.
  641. >This strange pony isn't climbing the tree instead opting to bounce to Marble's height with a satisfying *boing* each time.
  642. >And with each bounce she comforts Marble with a short shoulder rub.
  644. "What's the matter? Did somepony hurt you?"
  645. "Mhmm."
  646. "And did that somepony make you cry and run away and hide?"
  647. "Mhmm."
  648. "Wow! That's just downright super mean! I bet you're a very special pony who can do very special things that no one else can. I bet that you're a pony that has a great big huge heart and that the only reason you got hurt is because you care so much."
  650. >Marble stops her crying and sniffling to look down at this strange and caring pony.
  652. "Do you wanna hug?"
  653. "Mhmm."
  655. >Marble climbs down from her branch to meet the stranger, but she can only look at her hooves.
  656. >She starts crying again and the strange pony gives her the biggest, warmest hug in Equestria.
  657. >The strange pony starts crying too with Marble who looks up, confused at them.
  658. >She smiles so small so briefly before crying harder into them, holding them tighter.
  659. >Together they sit under the moonlit tree for some time.
  660. >The strange pony speaks up again.
  662. "You may be quiet, but you're one strong pony."
  664. >Marble rubs her face to wipe away fresh and dried tears.
  666. "Would you like to come my Ghost Pony Party Palooza? You've already got this great costume!"
  668. >Marble still can't unglue her eyes from the ground but nods yes in response.
  669. >One more squeeze from the ghost pony with an audible squee and they leave the woods behind.
  671. -------------------------------------------------
  673. >It's a good thing Limestone was dressed as a ghost.
  674. >Otherwise she might stick out as the pony terrorizing the rest of the bedsheet covered crowd.
  675. >By this point Mac and her had accosted everypony around.
  676. >Not one of them was the mare they'd been looking for.
  677. >They decide to take a break.
  678. >Sitting down on a nearby bench Limestone tries to open up.
  680. "So what are you gonna say when we find her?"
  681. "Suppose I don't know."
  683. >Limestone kicks a littered can on the ground.
  685. "Well maybe, suppose, I talk to her first? I will explain everything to her."
  686. "Uh, I'm not su-"
  687. "Hey! You've already got her freaking out. She needs someone she trusts to set her straight."
  689. >Mac feeling the guilt of his earlier mistake doesn't argue.
  690. >Opting to listen to Limestone, she could fix things for him.
  691. >Not like he even knew the right words to say to Marble.
  692. >Limestone with her head on a swivel spots a lucky break.
  693. >One pony dragging their hooves and another skipping and bouncing.
  694. >She know those two from a hundred miles away.
  695. >Immediately she begins galloping over to them.
  696. >Mac could have blinked and he'd miss Limestone booking it.
  697. >He chases after her a solid 20 or so feet behind.
  698. >Marble turns to see the two ponies sprinting towards her and starts looking for a place to hide.
  699. >Her best idea is simply to put her hooves over her eyes.
  700. >Limestone comes to a sliding halt in the dirt and turns to Macintosh with her hoof raised.
  701. >He stops in his tracks and watches from just out of earshot.
  702. >Limestone gives a hug to Marble through the costume then pokes her head under it to talk with her.
  704. >Some time goes by while the two sisters talk.
  705. >Minutes feel like hours to Macintosh.
  706. >The phantom mask he's been wearing does no favors as sweat rolls down his face.
  707. >The anxiety and lightheadedness almost gets to him when Limestone reveals her head.
  708. >She gives one more hug before walking back alone.
  709. >There's an uncomfortable look on her face.
  711. "So Romeo, Marble doesn't want to see you right now."
  713. >Mac's face cringes into itself, tears well up in his eyes, and he bites his lip almost hard enough to draw blood.
  715. "Whoa whoa! Settle down baby. It's not forever. I mean she can't see you right now."
  716. "W-w-why not?"
  717. "Well I had to tell her the truth so she'd stop crying. I'm not your special somepony she is. But she doesn't know what to do with that."
  718. "And that means she doesn't want to see me?"
  720. >Limestone looked unsure.
  722. "Not right now. Marble needs some time to think. I guess the prospect of somepony really liking her only just hit her. Count yourself lucky she didn't run all the way home when she saw you."
  724. >Big Mac looks past Lime for Marble, looking for her eyes.
  725. >They're faded red around the iris with what looks like more tears on the way.
  726. >And if she starts crying he's gonna start crying.
  727. >But he has to be strong, stoic in this moment.
  728. >He puffs out his chest and sucks in the sniffles.
  730. "Okay. I can wait."
  732. -------------------------------------------------
  734. >It's the morning after Nightmare Night.
  735. >It's crisp, damp, and windy.
  736. >The rest of last evening was in short, uncomfortable for everypony.
  737. >Applejack returned the crusaders to their homes and returned to the farm with Big Mac at Limestone's request.
  738. >Applebloom went with the Pies to escort them back to Sweet Apple.
  739. >Not much of anything was said between the families.
  740. >Though Granny and the Pie patriarch and matriarch had their suspicions they didn't interfere.
  741. >Applebloom and her sister felt almost as guilty as Mac felt anxious.
  742. >Not much was said over breakfast, or the walk over to the train station.
  743. >At the platform Applejack intervened to help with their luggage.
  745. "So Ah guess we'll see y'all in a few months for Hearths Warmin'?"
  747. >Igneous darted his eyes back at his daughters who had been inseparable since last night.
  749. "With certainty."
  751. >And with that they boarded the train car.
  752. >The Apples all watched it depart in a cloud of dust and for a second time Big Macintosh watched Marble disappear over the horizon.
  754. -------------------------------------------------
  756. >The first week after Marble left was agony for Mac.
  757. >There was no good news in the mailbox.
  758. >Just bills, distant family members dying, and more cylindrical packages for Granny and Applejack.
  759. >It took every ounce of willpower not to write to her.
  760. >Was not writing to Marble the right choice?
  761. >Did he just need to make the first move?
  762. >She was terribly skittish, shyer than even Fluttershy.
  763. >Maybe she was just too afraid to start the letter chain again and just needed a little push.
  764. >Another week goes by still nothing.
  765. >Another and another, the sharp pain inside Macintosh had become only a dull sensation.
  766. >Next week, it's all but over.
  767. >Yeah, Mac thinks to himself, she's probably over him by now and so is he.
  768. >Might just go out and show some of the mares in town what a stud he really is.
  769. >A thousand yard stare on his face as he trots with fake confidence to the edge of the farm towards Ponyville.
  770. >But instead he's stopped by the loveable gray mailmare.
  771. >Stopped by her crashing into the ground in front of him.
  773. "Special overnight delivery!"
  775. >Derpy stands up and pulls out from her bag a familiar envelope.
  776. >Using her wing she places it in the shocked open mouth of Big Mac.
  778. "Gotta go bye!"
  780. >Then she took off as fast, and clumsy, as she came.
  781. >On the other hoof stood Big Macintosh frozen once again.
  782. >After how hard it was for him to come to terms, now a new letter found itself clenched in his teeth.
  783. >He looked towards the town.
  784. >And went back home with the letter.
  786. >Mac took it with him right to his room.
  787. >He laid it on his desk and stared at it.
  788. >He'd burn holes straight through to the other side of the world with his gaze.
  789. >Sweat starts to form and knots pool in his stomach.
  790. >He opens the letter.
  792. -------------------------------------------------
  794. >The days got colder the closer they got to winter.
  795. >Limestone kept reminding Marble to dress appropriately, giving up after a while.
  796. >Opting instead to manually put scarves and mittens on her sister.
  797. >Marble wasn't some heathen opposed to wearing clothes.
  798. >She just had a lot on her mind.
  799. >From sun up to sun down she was distant with her family.
  800. >She still finished all her chores to avoid Lime's ire but it didn't stop her sister worrying eventually.
  801. >Marble doesn't talk much.
  802. >But the things unsaid were clear as day.
  803. >It had been a month since Nightmare Night.
  804. >Marble was hunched over some parchment and pen.
  805. >She had been doing so every evening since getting back.
  806. >Sometimes she even wrote a little.
  807. >"Oh let me count the ways I love you Big Macintosh."
  808. >"How could you mistake my sister for me you don't care about me at all you manwhore."
  809. >"Celestia what I wouldn't do to have you use my-"
  810. >All of it was impulsive thoughts which after being put on paper were immediately crumpled, burned to ashes, and eaten.
  811. >Marble was in the process of writing another emotional letter to be ingested when there was a knock at the door.
  813. "Marble I know I don't have to knock to enter my own room but are you... doing alright?"
  815. >The shy mare faces her sister with a pen still in her mouth and gives her usual "mhmm"
  817. "Look I know you can deal with your own feelings but maybe it's been long enough to give loverboy a solid answer."
  819. "What do you mean?"
  821. "Marble, it's been a month. You do this everyday. If there was a more obvious sign you're head over hooves for Mac I don't know what it is. So why don't you just tell him how you really feel?"
  823. >Marble starts to get misty eyes and places her hooves over her head.
  824. >Her sister sighs and moves in for a hug.
  826. "I c-can't find the right words. I just want t-to see him again."
  828. "Well uh, we're going back for Hearths Warming. How about just telling him to wait a little longer?"
  830. >Marble let's out a sniffle and wipes her eyes.
  831. >She digs her face into her sister's chest.
  833. "Could you help me write it?"
  835. >Again her sister sighs but nods in agreement.
  837. -------------------------------------------------
  839. >Big Mac felt like he had been frozen in the moment between opening the envelope and actually pulling out the letter.
  840. >Frozen for about thirty one lines.
  841. >The letter read thus.
  842. >"Dear Macintosh,"
  843. >"I'm sorry it has taken me so long to write again. We've sent so much between each other it felt strange not to. I hope this one makes it in time before you forget about me. I promise I'm still thinking about you, every day when I wake up, and do my chores, and every evening I've been hunched over a parchment because I wanted to tell you so much but couldn't find the strength. I do want to tell you so many things, good things, but not like this. I want you to hear my voice when I tell you. When we see each other this Hearths Warming.
  844. >"So please, if you're still thinking of me, could you hold out a little longer?
  845. >"Thinking of you,"
  846. >"Marble"
  847. >"P. S. Please write back."
  849. >Big Macintosh went over the letter a few times.
  850. >Taking in every line of it.
  851. >He even smelled it for that earthy smell all her letters had.
  852. >Rearing up he let out a colt-like, cheerful whinny.
  853. >He trotted and stomped his hooves.
  854. >Such a ruckus had both Applejack and Applebloom come check on him.
  856. "Celestia goodness Mac! Are ya ok in there?"
  858. >And with the most sincere utterance he's ever given of it,
  860. "Eeyup!"
  863. >Immediately he got to writing his response.
  864. >He writes about he sorely missed reading her letters every week.
  865. >About how she was on his mind every day and in his dreams every night.
  866. >How he's sorry for mistaking her that night.
  867. >There's so much being written that Mac gets another roll of parchment.
  868. >It's absolutely jam packed with all his thoughts and feelings.
  869. >When it comes time to stuff it in an envelope it doesn't fit.
  870. >The thing needed its own box.
  871. >He wondered how much postage was going to cost him.
  872. >It didn't really matter though, no price would be too high.
  873. >Macintosh slapped on as many stamps as he could find and galloped to the post office to deliver it himself.
  874. >Once again caught in an intense focus he was oblivious to anypony attempting to get his attention.
  875. >And when he reached the Celestia approved government postal building it was closed.
  876. >Oh, he thought to himself, Derpy did give it to me right before sunset.
  877. >It slipped his mind completely that it was night.
  878. >No problem, he'd just stay right here until they opened so first thing they get is this most important package.
  879. >And all night he waited.
  881. >The lovestruck stallion stood guard all night nearly giving the opening mailmare a heart attack when she found him waiting.
  882. >The stamps he put on were more than enough for the delivery.
  885. >She was happy to take the package from him as long as he didn't scare her like that again.
  886. >Tired as he was, Big Mac still trotted home gleefully.
  887. >He had never been so relieved.
  888. >A genuine sense of wholeness as a pony that things were going to turn out alright.
  890. >Big Mac tripped and fell on the way home.
  891. >But he didn't let that stifle his optimism.
  892. >The next week couldn't go by fast enough.
  893. >Waiting on the next visit from the mailmare felt like an eternity.
  894. >But every second of it was worth it, when that dumb beautiful mare Derpy came by with another letter from the Pie Rock Farm.
  895. >Mac almost trampled the poor mare in his enthusiasm.
  896. >It was from Marble of course, her letter was filled with her feelings about his letter with his feelings about her last letter with her feelings.
  897. >They were all just so happy, happy to hear they were both thinking of each other all the time.
  898. >Both so sorry about what happened that Nightmare Night.
  899. >And how much they both were excited for Hearths Warming.
  900. >They didn't just send one a week anymore but two or three.
  901. >It was only a few more weeks before the fated holiday and they persisted in sending their not so little love letters up until the day of.
  903. -------------------------------------------------
  905. >A blanket of perfect, untouched snow draped over Ponyville.
  906. >The cold air is sharp but perfect for two ponies to get cozy with each other.
  907. >Like one large pony, a stallion even, and a regular sized pony but she would be smaller in comparison.
  908. >Coincidentally, but unrelated, Big Macintosh and Applejack were waiting together at the station again for the Pies.
  909. >Mac is suffering from nervous sweating despite the weather and his sister noticed.
  911. "Aw don't worry Big Mac. Any mare would be lucky to have ya and I'm sure she knows that."
  913. "E-eyup."
  915. >When the train arrives Mac straightens up.
  916. >After the last time he had to make a good impression.
  917. >It comes to a complete stop followed by a fog of snow obscuring the passenger car doors.
  918. >Merry sounds of ponies can be heard through it as they flood out to see their loved ones.
  919. >And as the mist begins to clear the Pie family is revealed, Igneous, Cloudy, Limestone, Maud, and lastly Marble.
  920. >Obviously hiding in the back but to Mac she's glowing like the sun peeking over the horizon.
  921. >They catch each other's eyes and both sheepishly smile and blush.
  922. >Igneous does also, catching himself in the middle.
  923. >He is once more stopped by his wife Cloudy with a scowl.
  924. >She directs it towards Mac after reprimanding her husband.
  925. >Thankfully Applejack can read the room and clears her throat.
  927. "Ahem. Howdy y'all! How 'bout we take your luggage off your hooves?"
  929. "Uhm. Sure."
  931. >Igneous seemed to have the wind taken from his sails.
  932. >AJ and Mac start to grab their bags which were extremely heavy.
  934. "Ah feel like I don't have to ask but, are these filled with..."
  936. >Maud comes forward to open her bag as if it isn't apparent.
  938. "Rocks. This one is for brushing my teeth. This one is for bathing. This one is a snack. This one is..."
  940. >Maud drones on about all the different kinds of rocks she brought while Limestone nudges Marble and winks at Macintosh.
  941. >She strolls over and gestures for him to go talk to her.
  942. >When he doesn't quite get it she kicks him in the ass right into Marble.
  943. >All the other ponies are distracted with their rocks and things, Maud and the girls talking.
  944. >While Marble and Mac were pressed close eye to eye, chest to chest, hoof to hoof.
  945. >They stood with locked eyes, because they were frozen with fear or just couldn't bare to tear themselves away?
  946. >Marble blushed brightly through her grey coat and even Mac's face changed a shade from his usual red.
  947. >Their gazes still firm on each other, they smiled.
  949. "H-hi Marble."
  951. "H-hi Big Mac."
  953. >Maud was finishing her cargo manifesto.
  955. "This one is for writing. And this one is for when I get lonely."
  957. >With that last, longer stone categorized they finally got it zipped up and everything loaded on a cart.
  958. >Applejack whistled for Big Mac to stop playing googly eyes and put his harness on.
  959. >And for a moment he did.
  961. "I need to go pull the wagon."
  963. "Mhmm."
  965. >Neither of them broke eye contact as Macintosh walked backwards into the cart.
  966. >The rest of the two families all sighed in unison.
  967. >AJ equipped her brother with the harness and Limestone collected her lovestruck sister.
  968. >Everypony made their way for Sweet Apple Acres.
  969. >On the way they played catch-up, Limestone talked about her farm and AJ about hers.
  970. >Igneous and Cloudy lightened up and tried talking more country and less traditional.
  971. >When they arrived the farm was beautifully decorated.
  972. >Perhaps a few too many streamers though.
  973. >Granny Smith was laid back in her chair but Applebloom and Pinkie were galloping to meet them.
  974. >Or well Pinkie was bouncing.
  975. >Everypony exchanged greetings and how happy they were to see each other.
  977. "Holy Celestia! I can't believe it's been a whole year since we all saw each other!"
  979. "Ugh, what are you talking about Pinkamena? We saw each other at Nightmare Night."
  981. "Uh, like I think I'd remember seeing my super best sisters in the whole wide Equestria."
  983. >The schizophrenic back and forth between Limestone and Pinkie steals the room's attention.
  984. >But Granny was the kind of mare who sailed straight.
  985. >She pulled Big Mac aside and told him to go take the Pie's Bags upstairs.
  986. >And show Marble where she'll be staying Winnie accompanied by a not so sly wink.
  987. >The message was clear though.
  988. >While everypony was distracted by Pinkie's antics Mac and Marble slipped away.
  989. >Behind closed doors they were finally granted some privacy.
  990. >After Mac set down the luggage there was an awkward silence.
  991. >They both looked all around the room now avoiding eye contact.
  992. >Macintosh takes the first move and approaches Marble, towering over her.
  993. >But she breaks the silence.
  995. "I r-really like y-you Big Mac. I want to be your... s-special somepony."
  997. "Well I want you to be my special somepony, if you'd have me."
  999. >Marble starts to get misty eyes.
  1000. >Mac as well but he tries to maintain his stoic composure.
  1002. "Mhmm. Nothing would make me happier."
  1004. >Marble on the brink of tears forces her face into his chest.
  1005. >Wiping her muzzle back and forth over his chest.
  1006. >Mac places his hooves around her neck and pulls her in closer.
  1007. >She smells like dirt and he smells like sweat and they both love it.
  1008. >They mark each other's scent all over holding and nuzzling each other.
  1009. >Marble pulls back her tear stained cheeks and looks Macintosh in the eyes.
  1010. >Neither could look away.
  1012. "Marble?"
  1014. >She rears up on her hind legs pressing her front ones into his shoulder, and with puckered lips gives Big Macintosh a sloppy, uncoordinated, technically terrible kiss.
  1015. >To him though, it was the greatest kiss in the world.
  1016. >She pulled away in a panic.
  1018. "I-I'm sorr-"
  1020. >Before she can finish Mac leaned in to kiss her right back.
  1021. >With his lead the kiss lasted much longer.
  1022. >It was forceful, overpowering even.
  1023. >But when he started to pull back she came forward grabbing his mane.
  1024. >He didn't resist.
  1025. >Such an ecstatic feeling could last forever.
  1027. "Big Macintosh! Where are ya? It's time for dinner!"
  1029. >Applebloom shouted running up the hallway.
  1030. >She was checking the rooms for her brother.
  1032. "There y'all are. Marble too?"
  1034. >Bloom opened the door and the two lovebirds scrambled to not look like they were a couple of hormone crazy school yard ponies.
  1035. >Applebloom scanned the two of them before adopting a smug expression and gesturing at then with her hoof.
  1037. "Well aren't y'all something, now come on down. The food's gettin' cold."
  1039. "Mhmm."
  1040. "Eeyup."
  1042. >The flustered pair quickly shuffled past the little filly, blushing so hard you'd think they have a fever.
  1043. >Bloom takes one more look around the room before following them downstairs.
  1045. "Ah wonder what they were doin'."
  1047. >The cute couple are thankful that everypony is still being entertained by Pinkie and her sister arguing.
  1048. >They share a little giggle and stare into each other's eyes.
  1049. >No part of their attention was split even as Limestone accuses Pinkie of gaslighting her while Pinkie deflects talking about hunting for gnomes.
  1050. >They sneak in a momentary nuzzle when no pony is looking.
  1051. >Applejack cuts in to stop the fight and get everypony ready for a traditional Apple style Hearth's Warming.
  1052. >The plan was to eat then make some beginner friendly dolls together.
  1053. >Most of the pies had a good grasp on it.
  1054. >Maud however just refused to use anything else but a plain rock for her doll.
  1055. >All the while Big Mac and Marble take every chance they get for a quick peck on the cheek, on the lips when their families aren't looking.
  1056. >Ponies were starting to stare at the constant googly eyes and blushing though.
  1057. >Each tradition AJ and Granny tried to teach was thoroughly ignored by Marble.
  1058. >She was one hundred percent focused on somepony else.
  1060. -------------------------------------------------
  1062. >The day was finished and evening almost over, with everypony settling in for bed.
  1063. >Bloom and Applejack had given up their rooms for the pies.
  1064. >The sisters took the little filly's room, even Pinkie instead of going home, and the Pie parents took AJ's.
  1065. >Leaving the three Apple siblings to share Mac's room.
  1066. >By this point Marble and Mac were barely hiding their affection.
  1067. >They could hardly contain themselves.
  1068. >Breaking away to separate rooms alone was agony for them.
  1069. >The Apple sisters were sitting around Big Mac's room doing their nightly routine, while he himself was staring at the door and the clock.
  1070. >He paid no attention to the whispers and playful snickers coming from his sisters.
  1071. >His mind was elsewhere.
  1072. >The same could be said for Marble, in a similar situation.
  1073. >While two of her sisters didn't talk as much Limestone was still exchanging a fair bit of gossip with Pinkie and Maud.
  1074. >Under the condition of course that Pinkie did not explode from excitement, or was it jealousy?
  1075. >It seemed a lot of the Pie family found themselves resisting Macintosh's charm.
  1076. >Either way Pinkie was bouncing and bounding behind her shy sister but at least very quietly.
  1077. >The clock turned eleven and both Marble and Mac placed their hooves on the door knob.
  1078. >They both turned around to check on their family and for both they were conveniently sound asleep despite chatting moments ago.
  1079. >As if one mind, Mac and Marble left their rooms at the same time and came face to face.
  1080. >And as if their siblings were of one mind as soon they closed the door sounds of cheerful squees and giggles could be heard through the doors.
  1081. >This did not make it easier for the elopers but through their nerves and blushing they managed to exchange a,
  1083. "Eeyup."
  1085. "Mhmm."
  1087. >They were asking the other for confirmation about what they're doing.
  1088. >Together they snuck down the stairs and out into the cold night.
  1089. >Into the barn where they could finally have some much needed privacy.
  1090. >Marble was shivering.
  1092. >Big Mac hadn’t thought to bring blankets or anything like that.
  1093. >It was just them, hay, and the barn floor.
  1094. >Not knowing what else to do he came over to rub against her, trying to warm her.
  1095. >He didn’t mean it in an affectionate way, somepony was cold and he was their host.
  1096. >Although he changed his line of thinking when he saw Marble started blushing with her eyes closed and head down.
  1098. “Oh uh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…”
  1100. >As he starts to pull away Marble shakes her head “no” and follows his movements clinging to him.
  1101. >Now Mac was red in the face again.
  1103. “We could make a bed of hay, if you’re cold.”
  1105. “Mhmm.”
  1107. >Getting confirmation Mac bolted around the barn shoveling up bunches of hay for their makeshift bedspread.
  1108. >He was already sweating before exerting himself but now he wouldn’t look too nervous in front of a mare.
  1109. >There was a quaint little pile of hay now.
  1110. >Marble was about to lay on it when Big Mac had an idea and galloped out the barn doors.
  1111. >He came back with a lit, closed lantern.
  1112. >Some muffled gibberish came from his mouth before setting down the light by their little bed.
  1114. “Sorry, this should help.”
  1116. >They both stared at each other.
  1118. “I’d like you to join me, please.”
  1120. >Mac seemed startled at hearing Marble speak but didn’t hesitate.
  1121. >He wanted to snuggle up to her anyways.
  1122. >First he tries to sit down next to her but it’s a little impersonal.
  1123. >They both awkwardly and clumsily shift around trying to get comfy.
  1124. >Until Mac gets fed up and makes his move.
  1126. “Why don’t you get up for a second?”
  1128. >Marble looks a little hurt at the request.
  1129. >That is, until she sees that Mac has settled himself finally and made a nice little spot for her right up against him under his front leg.
  1130. >She dives right into the coziest spot of her life and looks up at Mac in his eyes.
  1131. >She smiles.
  1132. >A smile so warm it could melt all the snow in Equestria.
  1133. >They give each other eskimo kisses, nuzzling their noses together.
  1134. >For a while they just stay like that, Marble in Mac’s embrace while they rest their heads on each other’s shoulders.
  1135. >This time Mac breaks the silence.
  1137. “By now I guess you know it wasn’t me who wrote *that* letter.”
  1139. “You mean the one where you invited your ‘special somepony’?”
  1141. “Eeyup.”
  1143. >Marble’s expression grows somber.
  1145. “I didn’t write it. But you are still my special somepony, now and before.”
  1147. “Well, I think I knew that deep down even before Limestone told me. But I was still so scared.”
  1149. “What were you scared of then?”
  1151. “Everything.”
  1153. >Marble starts crying.
  1155. “I’m always terrified of the world, of other ponies. The thought of another pony having feelings for me is scary. What if they don’t like me after getting to know me, see the mess I am? What if I disappoint them? What if they think I smell bad? I could never be good enough for somepony to love.”
  1157. >Marble is sobbing, bawling her eyes out at this point.
  1158. >Macintosh cradles her face in his hoof, he cleans her face off, and looks her dead in the eyes.
  1159. >He takes a deep breath.
  1161. “I love you Marble. I love everything about you.”
  1163. >Still crying Marble stutters out,
  1165. “I love you too!”
  1167. >Mac can feel the water welling up in his own eyes.
  1168. >He’s all in before he starts crying too, he leans his neck forward.
  1169. >Still crying Marble meets him and presses her lips into his.
  1170. >Their kiss is long and deep and soaked in tears.
  1171. >Their faces dry off before stopping for air.
  1172. >And they go right back at it.
  1174. >They wrap their hooves around each other's neck.
  1175. >She feels his dry, brittle mane.
  1176. >He feels her's soft and moist.
  1177. >They pull back from the kiss to admire the other.
  1178. >Running their hooves through each other's hair and feeling the curves of their faces.
  1179. >A unique map of hidden beauty, from the tips of her ears to the bottom of her mouth.
  1180. >And Mac's with his rugged and strong features.
  1181. >Despite his stoic appearance Mac is suddenly overwhelmed with shyness having this tender moment to look upon Marble.
  1182. >But without saying a word, Marble can know how sensitive he feels and strokes the nape of his neck.
  1183. >She kisses his ears and hums soothingly.
  1184. >Never in his life has another pony made him feel as heard and understood as she does.
  1185. >He squeezes her tight before coming back, face to face, for another kiss.
  1186. >Marble is happy to oblige him again and again.
  1187. >No pony would come to disturb them.
  1188. >And they didn't leave the barn all night.
  1190. -------------------------------------------------
  1192. >Just before the sun was risen Macintosh and Marble awoke in each other's hooves.
  1193. >They had to be back in place before anypony suspected they were gone.
  1194. >It being obvious to their siblings seemed lost on them.
  1195. >Nonetheless they shared one final kiss and whispered 'I love you' before going back to their separate rooms.
  1196. >Just as their heads hit the pillows did their respective sisters wake up.
  1198. "Well Ah am just sassafrassin satisfied with how Ah slept last night. Isn't that right Applebloom?"
  1200. "Oh yeah. Ahm really pleased 'n' pleasured with it too."
  1202. "What about you Big Mac? Did ya sleep long and hard last night?"
  1204. >Applejack has the most smug, shit eating grin in all of Equestria.
  1205. >Applebloom is trying to imitate her sister.
  1207. "Eeyup."
  1209. >Their brother attempts to sound upset at his sisters' insinuations.
  1210. >Barely can he hide his happy and in a good mood he actually is.
  1211. >He heads out of the room he entered only moments ago.
  1213. "Hey Big Sis, Ah don't get it. What're we teasing Big Mac about?"
  1215. "Ah'll tell you when you're older."
  1217. >Applejack giggled at her sister and ruffled her hair before following her brother downstairs.
  1218. >The elders were already down, up bright and early.
  1219. >All the Apples were assembled before the Pie sisters came down as one.
  1220. >Marble was positively glowing, a bright beacon of happiness and positivity.
  1221. >Paint her pink and maybe, just maybe someone would mistake her for Pinkamena.
  1222. >Her three sisters were all huddled around her giggling and clinging to her.
  1223. >She stopped to gaze at Big Mac and he met her eyes.
  1224. >They smiled at either from ear to ear.
  1225. >No pony stated the obvious, instead letting them enjoy their new love.
  1226. >Besides, there was plenty else to focus on today.
  1227. >Applebloom was first to remind them all about opening presents.
  1228. >Smiles were shared as readily as their gifts.
  1229. >Granny Smith got a new rolling pin.
  1230. >Applejack, a tube of tennis balls made from rocks.
  1231. >And Limestone's, well she took one look at it and decided not to share what she got.
  1232. >Everypony was happy with their gifts, despite not having to search for them.
  1233. >Although the two lovebirds definitely felt like they had gotten the best one by far.
  1235. -------------------------------------------------
  1237. >A few months had passed since Hearth's Warming.
  1238. >Life in Ponyville was much the same as it always was, getting ready for the usual Winter Wrap up.
  1239. >But at least one new face was around.
  1240. >Since the holidays Marble and Mac had been visiting each other as often as they could.
  1241. >Every week was several letters if not trips.
  1242. >Postage and travel was eating into their pockets a smidge.
  1243. >It was worth every bit.
  1244. >Their relationship wasn't a secret anymore either.
  1245. >The Pie and Apple sisters were relentless, playfully teasing the happy couple all the time.
  1246. >Even Cloudy and Igneous had lightened up a little.
  1247. >Igneous had quickly gotten over his disappointment thanks to his wife and Cloudy was just happy Mac wasn't a colt-cuddling homewrecker.
  1248. >Marble and Mac were enjoying a break from the wrap up with AJ and Pinkie.
  1249. >Some hay burgers, and one made to order rock soup, they sat eating.
  1250. >Most of the talking was going on between Applejack and Pinkie while the other two were snuggled up to each other.
  1251. >At some point the two talkative mares got quiet and just admired the cutesy pet talk going on between Mac and Marble.
  1252. >Marble noticed first that Pinkie and AJ were staring and hid her face slightly as she blushed.
  1253. >Followed by a few embarrassed giggles from both of them and Mac.
  1254. >It was hard to hide it, they were the happiest they've ever been.
  1255. >But Pinkie being the way she is had to be the pony to ask.
  1257. "So when's the wedding?"
  1259. >Macintosh reflexively gulped at the question.
  1260. >He and Marble looked each other in the eyes.
  1261. >And they smiled.

Writing For Yourself

by SuckingSocks

Only and Always Her

by SuckingSocks

Nether Zone of the Night Bone

by SuckingSocks

Mac 'n' Cheesy Marble

by SuckingSocks

Untitled Battered House Anon

by SuckingSocks