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Nether Zone of the Night Bone

By SuckingSocks
Created: 2022-12-21 00:21:40
Updated: 2022-12-31 14:42:01
Expiry: Never

  1. I also wrote this in 2016 for a low effort prompt thread.
  3. Q-quit staring...
  5. ------------
  7. >"Q-quit staring..."
  9. >You pay no attention while gazing into the folds of her cheeks.
  10. >A misty swirl peaks out randomly almost as if it would know you'd have to stare constantly to catch it
  11. >Luna becomes more and more flustered, frustrated with your lack of response
  12. >A stretched out wisp of black pushes her undergarments to the side for a second, a moment.
  13. >But only a moment.
  14. >Frozen in time you feel a sense of insight and danger sweep over you
  15. >In your trance you catch the glimpse you'd be looking for, incredibly quick and small
  16. >Beneath the fabric that guards her nethers a swirl of blues and purples reveals itself
  17. >Luna has given up on your proper attention and returns her attention to the dusting of books
  18. >Though as soon as her head is turned,
  20. "Luna I need you to strip right now in front of me."
  22. >Like an electrocuted inmate, a shock is sent through her body visibly shaking her in startle.
  23. >Luna had lost a bet with her sister on who could teach students the most life lessons
  24. >Celestia more or less rigged the game with her brown noser Twilight tipping the scales so harshly
  25. >However, the loser had to service the most despicable, unlikable, and downright creepy student in the school as a personal maid
  26. >The stakes included having to wear an outfit as well, but as you stop reminiscing in background information, listening to her upset rants,
  28. "They did not include taking an outfit off!"
  30. >"In that case I need you to clean my bathroom. A quick once over if you mind." In return she scoffs and gestures at the shelves with her
  31. feather. "Don't worry about it. Bathroom first."
  33. >Standing up straight and adjusting her skirt to not reveal so much this time Luna scampers off to your bathroom.
  34. >Sounds of her rooting for cleaning supplies from behind the door, you press up against the wall peaking through the cracks for another shot at...
  35. >Another shot at her nether regions nether realm.
  36. >The floor creaks under you as you shift your weight to get a better look
  37. >Luna snaps her head to look right at you, mixing an embarrassed blush with a look of disgust
  39. >"I'd rather get sick from cleaning fumes than deal with a peeping tom!" Pushing the door shut, she has locked you out.
  41. >In hindsight you should have known she would check for you watching.
  42. >But with every door that closes a window opens...
  44. >Outside around the side of your house you've acquired what you'll need for plan B to work.
  45. >Your dad's fishing rod, a ladder, and a crowbar.
  46. >You set the ladder against the exterior next to the bathroom window, gently as possible.
  47. >Rod in one hand bar in your mouth you ascend until you can just barely peek from the window sill.
  48. >Luna is a woman of her word and is cleaning your bathroom, working on the countertop her back is turned.
  49. >And her backside is looking right at you, pulses of shadow tendrils peaking out.
  51. >Maybe this is why she never wore dresses...
  52. >You slip one end of the crowbar into the frame and quickly pry it open with an unfortunately loud crack.
  53. >Luna jumps in surprise and looks around for a culprit. Freaked out but somewhat clueless to not notice the draft.
  54. >With another good look at rear you grip your rod and pull back on it, aiming for her shadowy trampstamp.
  55. >You sling the hook the first time a tad too low and it plops on the rug between Luna's legs.
  56. >Winding back praying she can't hear the clicking whirls, you take aim for a 2nd try.
  57. >This one perfectly hooks right into a loose piece of panties, a sense of accomplishment fuels some confidence.
  58. >Too much confidence
  59. >You yank on her underwear and half pull it down, half tearing it with the hook.
  60. >Another moment lost in time as you gaze into her crotch, purple and blue swirls envelope and distort the light around it.
  61. >The tendrils freely point towards you, grasping for you. Of course they are way too short it still seems as though it... hungers for you.
  62. >Attention lost in abyssal womanhood Luna has turned to you with a look of pure, undiluted rage.
  64. >"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU." You'd never heard such vulgarity from teacher much less vice principal.
  66. >Stuck in a cross between fear and shock you find yourself unable to move.
  67. >Maybe this is why people call you names like spastic retard and autism during lunch where no sits with you mind you.
  68. >This probably wont look good for staying out of social skills classes your teachers want you in.
  70. >Luna charging at the spastic retard who absolutely belongs in social skills classes makes a small fatal error.
  71. >Her underwear had fallen too low down her legs, consumed by fury she had not thought to pull them up before trying to attack anon.
  72. >When suddenly turning around and sprinting she tripped from her panties and fell face first into the wall under the the window.
  74. >You scream as a large thump hits the wall, but are confused when it was not a fist connecting with your face.
  75. >Looking back into the window you can see it was still Luna who made the noise, but on herself.
  76. >She's laying face down on your linoleum, a small splatter of blood on the wall.
  77. >But worst of it, she seems to be unconscious.
  78. >Without a moment to lose you climb through the window awkwardly falling on top of Luna.
  79. >Fumbling to stand up you kick and hit Luna quite a few times, even smearing her face in the now pooling blood on the floor.
  80. >Readjusted and upright you survey your scenario.
  81. >Luna is currently drowning in her own blood, but there has never been a more perfect moment to investigate her ass.
  82. >Against all of your better judgment and choices thus far you turn her over so she isn't suffocated and prop her upright against the wall.
  83. >You can now see that her nose is shifted to the left and is the source of most of her blood. There is also a slight tear on her forehead.
  85. "Man Luna, you're gonna have one heck of a headache when you wake up."
  87. >If she wakes up... you check her chest to make sure she's breathing.
  88. >Which she is.
  89. >Unsure of what to do next you plug her nose with toilet paper and open her mouth.
  91. "Maybe she wont remember what happened when she comes to. "
  93. >And with another appropriate non terrible idea you carry her out of the bathroom and onto your couch.
  94. >You put a few pillows beneath her head to keep her comfy, it would also happen to stop her bloody nose from drowning her.
  96. >She's still asleep, you would probably never have a better chance to get a face full of her southern secrecy.
  97. >You stare intently at the space between her thighs, soft and plush thighs.
  98. >You were so concerned with what was going on with all that creepy shadow abyss you didn't even realize how beautiful Luna was.
  99. >Lay your hand open her legs, they're so smooth. Warm to the touch and...
  100. >and so wrong.
  101. >She's your elder, a staff member, and more importantly you're probably sure this is borderline sexual assault already.
  102. >But you had never seen a real vagina in person. Certainly never one as unique as Luna's.
  103. >You're already in this far, why not go deeper?
  104. >Just for a bit anyways.
  106. >You re place your hand upon her thighs.
  107. >Goodness there's just a slight chub to them as you travel up towards her hips.
  108. >You've gotten dangerously close to her crotch now, your hand wrapped around her waist your thumb curving around her so full hips.
  109. >It's very faint, but you swear you can hear another student's voice, a girl's. You don't recognize her but you think you hear,
  111. >"Princess?"
  113. >And then something you weren't prepared for.
  114. >Several of the wisps from "it" snap to attention and grab a hold of your fingers.
  118. >You reel back in horror and fall flat on your ass.
  119. >Examining your fingers you find they're fine, except they feel cold.
  120. >You stand up, hyperventilating until you calm down enough to re study your situation.
  121. >A young teenage boy standing over a beaten and unconscious woman in a maid outfit alone in his home with a shameful erection.
  123. >With some 5th grade level insight you grip her panties and pull them up, covering her exposed region as you swear it whispers to you.
  124. >There's no time for that, you should have not agreed to any of this in the first place and are seriously frightened that if her sister finds out you'll be expelled.
  125. >Or worse, sent to jail.
  126. >While thinking about whether or not you'd be tried as an adult for molesting your Vice Principal you clean her up. Clothes on and blood swathed.
  127. "Leave the room, grab a blanket, probably clean the bathroom."
  129. >It always helps you think when you can vocalize.
  130. >That didn't make you weird right? Got made fun of a lot and forced to take tests out in the hall because of it though.
  131. >Why was being a maid for you the bad side of the bet?
  133. "Probably just the first person they thought of. With how much the teachers talk about me surely I'm just always on their minds."
  135. >Right.
  136. >You search the linen closet for something nice, something soft.
  137. >Like Luna's thighs...
  138. >You return to her and lay the blanket over her, that chance at her mystery covered up like her exposed legs.
  139. >Funny how things work out, you're cleaning up a mess your maid left.
  141. >Chuckling to yourself, you use the supplies Luna got for herself to clean her blood stains.
  143. >You finish after the last drop of blood on the floor is taken care of.
  144. >Don't make a bad maid yourself.
  145. >Thoughts of wearing the outfit cleaning Luna's home follow you as go to check on her in the living room.
  146. >She looks half awake, spinning in her wake. Probably from the headache she's got right now.
  148. "Hi Luna. How do you feel?" As if you didn't know.
  150. ">I think I've got the worst hangover ever Celest."
  151. >She opens her eyes to look at you before pinching the bridge of her nose.
  153. >"Oh no. Am I still being your maid for the day?"
  155. >You stutter at the disdain for you in her words.
  156. "Yes. But uh you slipped in my bathroom and hit your head pretty hard."
  158. >"Right right..." She trails off trying to remember falling so hard.
  159. >You might actually get away with this.
  160. >Luna tries to sit up before the pain truly sets in.
  161. >A reflexive cringe, then a plop as she lays her head back into the pillow.
  162. >She sets about checking on the rest of herself.
  163. >Removing the nose plugs and feeling her face she sighs as she feels how off her nostril is.
  165. >"Did I do this?" Embarrased by her own clumsiness.
  167. "Yup. Nasty fall right into the wall. But I got everything all cleaned up for you. Don't worry about it." You attempt to mask the guilt in your words.
  168. "How about something to drink?"
  170. >Feeling her throat she coughs and nods yes, you scamper off to your kitchen.
  171. "What would she like?" More talking to yourself, today was really keeping you on the edge of your seat.
  172. >Your mom usually drinks wine after spending a day with you.
  173. >Or a day after a work.
  174. >Or any day...
  175. >You think you'll just brew some tea. Maybe a smidge of wine in the mix.
  176. >It couldn't hurt.
  178. >After everything is finished brewing you throw in half a shot of some bottle you find in the cuboard.
  179. >Mix in cream, sugar, and head back to the living room with her spiked drink.
  181. "I wasn't sure how you liked it."
  183. >"It's fine, fine." She takes the cup and sips at it.
  184. >And then, she stops. Glares at you quickly, and against her better judgement continues drinking it.
  185. >Having set down her tea on your coffee table she lays back again.
  186. >"Why did you put alcohol in the tea?"
  188. >Maybe it was a bad idea, her words cold and cutting into your brain.
  190. "I... I just thought y-you'd like something to take the edge off."
  191. >Nailed it.
  193. >"Yeah. You're right. Celest has been hell with her competitive bullshi-," Realizing who she's talking to, "bologna."
  194. "I don't mind if you curse, you should hear the things I get called in the halls."
  196. >Luna is gripped with a look of guilt herself now. She had laughed at some of those things before. Thinking not even staff, herself included, give this kid a break.
  197. >Celestia had picked Anon because he was the most awful person to have to hang around without being dangerous.
  198. >Borderline special ed, no social skills, no friends, and single mother who worked most of the time.
  199. >He was a perfect match for our bet, even if he talked about the maid outfit after no one would believe him.
  200. >As if anyone would listen.
  201. >I had only gone along because she savors and chance to beat her sister at... anything.
  202. >Being number 2 your whole life has its long lasting effects.
  203. >But maybe this was a bad idea, he didn't seem so bad.
  204. >Absolutely weird, but look at how sweet he was. Nursing me after I knocked myself out.
  205. >Maybe even a little cute with that bashful lack of absolutely any facial features.
  207. ...
  209. >Luna looks back at your direction with a little smile, takes a deep breath, and opens her mouth.
  211. >"A complete total bitch with obnoxious competitive bull shit."
  213. >You look at her as though she had just fisted a toddler, until you can't stifle your laughter.
  214. >Luna releases a sigh and smiles wide.
  216. >"Aw look at me I'm taller than everyone and the best at everything and I know better about fuck than you know shit. I'm so lazy I let everyone else do my work for me and get all the rewards."
  217. >Her mocking had you both in stitches.
  218. >Until Luna laughed so hard she realized she might need stitches.
  219. >Her forehead wound reopened and began to let out some droplets of blood.
  221. "Oh, uh, uh..."
  222. >You quickly ran to the bathroom for a medical kit. Taking out some disinfectant and band aids, cleaning up the blood with a clean rag.
  224. >"Aw, that stings. Thank you anonymous." Luna returns her tone to that of a superior.
  225. >She reaches over and grabs a hold of her tea again.
  226. >Luna chugs the rest of it, loosening up she sinks into the couch.
  227. >She's got a tinge of blush to her face now.
  228. >She turns and looks at you in the eyes.
  229. >"You wanna get me another cup of tea?"
  231. >You get up and stammer out a yes.
  232. >But she grabs your hand
  233. >"Another cup like this one."
  235. >She winks at you. This in turn causes you to blush harder than she ever would or could.
  236. "N-no problem."
  238. >You run off to the kitchen with her cup in tow.
  239. >Is this what people do for fun after school?
  240. >Is she having fun?
  241. >Thoughts aside you reuse the hot water for another cup of tea.
  242. >This time you think you'll spice it up, you throw in two shots of wine this time.
  243. >You wonder what it tastes like...
  244. >Before you tarnish the temple that is your body Luna sneaks up from behind you.
  246. >"How much did you put in it this time?" She grabs the cup out from behind you.
  248. >Before you can answer she takes a quick swig, there's a little wince before she continues a gulp.
  249. >She sets the tea down. "Anonymous have you ever drank this before?"
  251. >Fidgeting your feet a little you reply,
  252. "N-no."
  254. >"If you want, you can try a sip of it. It helps with your problems."
  256. >As Luna offers her totally inappropriate gesture you figure that after all the bad decisions you made today what harm could one more do?
  258. >You cough a little bit and she giggles.
  260. "You know I was probably a little tipsy when I came over here. No wonder I slipped."
  262. >Thankfully your coughing masks just how guilty you would look.
  263. >With a heavy feeling in your stomach and warm feeling all around, you look Luna in the eyes.
  265. "It's okay. A lot of people would have preferred to just not show up at all. Even if it was a bet."
  266. >She nearly does a spit take.
  267. >Instead however Luna manages to gulp it down without losing a drop.
  269. >"Well, I promise I'll take my loss with dignity and finish my day as a maid."
  271. >Walking over to the bottle, you nudge it with your index finger.
  272. "Or we could drink more."
  274. >Luna laughs, before joining you, grabbing the bottle, and drinking a solid 5th of the wine.
  275. >She is blushing substantially when she asks you.
  276. >"You up to the task 'autismo'?" and hands you the bottle.
  278. ...
  280. >It's late now. You're not sure what time it is but it has been dark for at least a couple hours.
  281. >The bottle is empty.
  282. >In fact the 2nd one is almost empty as well.
  283. >You and Luna are cozied up against the couch on the floor sharing the blanket you got for her earlier.
  284. "So the kid walks up to me, Big Macintosh I think, and he asks me if my parents were related. Like before they met."
  286. >"Dumb rednecks."
  287. >Luna takes a quick swig from the wine.
  288. >"You know it's funny he would say that. I've never met his parents, but that little prick fucks his sister."
  289. "Come on, that's too much of a coincidence to happen in real life. Too... too iconic."
  290. >She snaps her fingers at you and slurs out
  291. >"Ironic you mean. But completely. I'sve caught him frenching his sister Apple Jack in the parking lot sho many times."
  293. "That makes me feel better."
  294. >You lean on Luna looking up into her eyes.
  295. "You make me feel better."
  297. >She chuckles, another splash of wine hits her lips.
  298. >Now Luna is leaning on you. A lustful look in her eyes.
  299. >"You're just saying that because you haven't had a lot of friends."
  300. >She moves in closer, so close you can almost taste the wine in her words.
  301. >"You ever had a girlfriend?"
  302. >Now the smart thing to do would be to say yes, get up, and tell her I'm sorry.
  303. >But the right thing to do was,
  305. "No."
  307. >"Can I show you how it feels?"
  309. >Luna is practically tonguing your lips at this distance.
  310. >She sits down on your lap, you plead with god that she doesn't notice your stiff situation.
  311. >A sweet sensation grips your situation.
  312. >It's Luna's hand.
  313. >You plead with god to completely ignore whatever you just said.
  314. >With no prior experience you arch your back towards her and wrap your arms around her waist.
  316. >"Don't get too excited sperg. We're just beginning."
  318. ...
  320. >Oh god what am I doing.
  321. >A student? Maybe, but a kid like this?
  322. >What would Celest say if she found out I fucked the retard?
  323. >I'd be labeled as a scumbag or worse, a pedophile.
  324. >But... but maybe this is something she can't have.
  325. >Like I can't have it. But god damn it fuck her.
  326. >I'll tell her years down the road.
  327. >Finally something I can hold over her.
  328. >Something that's mine that she can't have.
  329. >Assuming she would want it.
  330. >Right.
  332. ...
  334. >You wish she would stop calling you names.
  335. >But she's probably right.
  336. >Back in the heat of things you lift your head up and look into Luna's eyes.
  337. >They're lustful, aching and wanting.
  338. >Unsure of how to proceed you go on instinct and press your lips to hers.
  339. >A moan of approval is let out by Luna, you take her hint and continue best as you can.
  340. >Pushing into her you part your lips and lick hers.
  341. >She takes this as a sign to go all in as she forces her own tongue into your mouth.
  342. >Sucking and exploring every inch of your mouth you feel out of breath.
  343. >Air, you need air and you pull an inch away from her.
  344. >The two of you breath heavily against each other when you catch her gaze.
  345. >As if an entire conversation goes on in a second you lift Luna off of you and onto the couch.
  346. >Still in her maid outfit she removes her slippers and socks.
  348. >A stocking is thrown in your face and you realize, there would definitely never be a better chance to figure out what has been going on with Luna's nether realm.
  349. >Finally an answer for the reason you indirectly knocked her unconscious, got her drunk, and even sentimentally horny for.
  350. >Suddenly, guilt sets in your stomach like a boulder.
  352. >Your body is shaking when you ask her.
  353. "C-can I make you feel b-better, down there?"
  355. >Another giggle from Luna at the expense of your innocence, she waves towards her crotch. With a much more serious tone,
  356. >"Anonymous, please pleasure my womanhood."
  358. >You stifle a yelp as you muster more courage than you have in your entire life.
  359. >Hands slide up her moist and very warm legs, still incredible thighs fill your hands.
  360. >Stopping your hands at her hips, you slip your thumbs underneath her panties.
  361. >Her scent hits you, a mixture of sweat, skin, and her vanilla fuels a primal urge deep inside you.
  362. >Her undergarments come off very easily.
  363. >Partly still torn from earlier.
  364. >You're face to face with the mystery once again.
  365. >Looking up at Luna for approval you notice she's not even looking at you anymore. Instead opted to lean her head back towards the ceiling.
  367. >You are finally alone with her secret. The abyss that you have been mesmerized with the entire day.
  368. >With all it's glory the tendrils look transparent and wisp back and forth.
  369. >But most of them like before are pointed towards you.
  370. >Pulling you in.
  371. >One finger, just one finger to start.
  372. >You push into Luna and your finger goes right inside the swirls.
  373. >It's very... temperate?
  374. >It feels like room temperature.
  375. >Weird considering most of her body i-
  377. >Quickly cut off your hand is then sucked in followed by your entire arm.
  378. >As you begin screaming Luna twitches slightly and snaps her head to look at you.
  380. >"Oh shit. Right I'm sorry that's a thing."
  381. >She laughs and hiccups making no attempt to stop your doom.
  383. >Your cheek to darkness vulva here. What sounds were once faint before are now clear in your ear.
  384. >Screaming is coming from her vagina.
  385. >It pulls you more and more, no longer able to compete with it your head is sucked in.
  387. >Head and arm on this other side, you see the screaming coming from a few colorful equines.
  388. >In fact your head and arm are coming out of one of the screaming colorful equines.
  390. >Everyone including you goes silent when a purple pegasus, unicorn abomination walks up to you.
  391. >"Who are you?"
  396. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  399. I liked the first ending better. This picks up where "Nether Zone of the Night Bone" left off at line 374 or something.
  401. ------------------
  403. >Weird considering most of her body is burning right now.
  404. >You're scared, this is scary stuff for a kid who's never so much as held hands with a girl
  405. >Thankfully Luna is there for you, being a real princi-pal, she takes your hand and guides it properly.
  406. >Soft ooh's and ahh's fill the air.
  407. >You get 3 fingers deep before she pulls you away, grabs the sides of your head, and looks you straight in your noeyes.
  408. >A bite of the lip, a lick of the tongue. You understand what she wants.
  409. >And what you want.
  410. >You plunge your face deep into Luna's femininity, encompassing your senses with her foreign tastes.
  411. >It tastes like a cold autumn night, wisping through your tongue, like the night after an afternoon rain.
  412. >And of course, a splash of her vanilla.
  413. >The tendrils don't seem so scary now, playfully massaging your cheeks even.
  414. >Tirades of moans as she aches for more, wrapping her legs around your neck.
  415. >Suffocation, right now you could not imagine a more pleasant way to die.
  416. >Luna arches forward pulling you in closer with every movement, her body shakes and convulses before...
  418. >Huffing and loosened up, she lays back into the couch.
  419. >"You okay kid."
  421. "Y-yeah. How do you feel?"
  423. >"Like I won."
  425. "Excuse me?"
  427. >"Nothing, nothing..."
  429. >Luna gets up over you and returns her clothes to their rightful place as you look up at her confused.
  430. "Aren't we supposed to?"
  432. >"Supposed to what?"
  434. "You know... m-make us both feel good?"
  436. >She groans and lifts her hand to her forehead.
  437. >Kneeling at eye level with you, she rubs your cheek.
  439. >"Hey I promise kid that I'll make you feel good. But right now I need to think some things over."
  441. "You're not gonna tell anyone?!?"
  443. >"Of course not, I just need to sort some things out first. Then I swear," she makes an imaginary 'x' over her heart.
  444. >"I'll make sure you aren't confused or scared about any of this. Just keep this between us for now."
  446. >You sit up against the couch, clutching your knees to your chest.
  447. >It's only natural she wouldn't want to touch me. I'm gross and she's so, so above me.
  448. >At least I can do something for her.
  450. >Breaking your train of thought Luna leans over and gives you another kiss.
  451. >This one feels, different somehow. It feels safe rather than horny.
  452. >Luna clumsily finishes collecting the rest of her things and heads out the door, waving goodbye to you.
  454. >You've never felt so conflicted in your life, scared, intrigued, confused...
  455. >Is she going to be okay?
  456. >A wet spot creeps up your rear.
  457. >Iconically again, it seems the maid left a mess for you to clean up.

Writing For Yourself

by SuckingSocks

Only and Always Her

by SuckingSocks

Nether Zone of the Night Bone

by SuckingSocks

Mac 'n' Cheesy Marble

by SuckingSocks

Untitled Battered House Anon

by SuckingSocks