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Number Nine greens

By KodiaKowboy
Created: 2024-10-24 14:17:30
Updated: 2024-10-27 06:04:32
Expiry: Never

  1. Just so they're all together
  5. "Stupid fucking horse."
  6. >She tracked coal dust inside
  7. >Again
  8. >Following the black hoofsteps stamped into your carpet, you stomp over to her open bedroom door
  9. > She acknowledges your presence with a "Hm." as she's digging around in a chest, back turned towards you
  10. "You're making my house filthy." You don't bother trying to hold back to venom in your voice
  11. >Nine pauses her movements and glances over towards you
  12. "You're filthy."
  13. >Her brow furrows some and she turns fully around, facing you with blank stoicism
  14. >Both of you stand stock still, you with your arms akimbo
  15. >A minute passes
  16. >Nine's lips purse in this sort of lopsided way, bothered by the lack of a cigarette
  17. >Your eyes remain on one another's
  18. >Another minute
  19. >Your eyes dart to the floor as she takes a tired hoofstep fowards
  20. >Another hoofstep, your brow raises suspiciously
  21. >Steadily, she moves closer and closer to you, each step leaving behind progressively less prominent black crescents on the tan carpet
  22. >She's only inches away
  23. >You swallow from how dry your mouth has gotten
  24. >You have to remain firm
  25. >She's much taller than the average pony, eye-level with your chest
  26. >Your chest which she gently places the top of her head
  27. >With a shove from her powerful neck, you land flat on your back on the hallway floor with a grunt
  28. >Thank God for carpeting
  29. >Too busy gathering your bearings, you fail to notice as Number Nine places herself over you
  30. >She gently lowers herself, pinning you beneath her substantial weight
  31. >It's enough to keep you in place but not enough to keep you from breathing
  32. >You go to shout in her face, but she tucks her muzzle into the crook of your neck and immediately starts nuzzling
  33. >You squirm and turn your head away, inadvertantly giving her more to nuzzle
  34. >You can tell that you won't be able to get away until she lets you
  35. >She keeps nuzzling against your neck, her soft fur contrasting against the gritty soot being rubbed into your skin
  36. >Your neck starts feeling damp from the deep, heavy huffs from her nostrils, sending a shiver down your spine with each breath
  37. >Nine lets a bit more of her weight rest on you, her body hot as a furnace
  38. >Hot enough to make your skin tingle with sweat
  39. >Several more minutes of Nine's nuzzling later, she finally pulls her head back
  40. >The side of her face is cleaner now
  41. >She gazes down at you with an unreadable expression for a moment before she brings her nose to the front of your hair and blowing a harsh puff of air from her nostrils and into your scalp
  42. >Nine pulls away once more and lifts herself off of you, walking off down the hall
  43. >Once you hear the bathroom door open and close, you lift yourself up into a seated position
  44. "St-stupid fucking horse..."
  46. -=-=-=-=-
  48. >*CLIPCLOP*
  49. >Looking over towards the sound, you see Number Nine watching you from the doorway
  50. "What?"
  51. >Nine responds with a bored blink
  52. "Go away, I'm busy." You say as you turn your attention back to the pan on the stove
  53. >You hear more hoofsteps and the fridge door opens out the corner of your eye
  54. >It closes followed by the sound of a bottle popping open
  55. >You turn just in time to see Nine down half a cider in a few gulps
  56. "It's not even two in the afternoon." You comment with a hand on your hip
  57. >Number Nine glances at you, her eyes giving you a quick once-over, then she swiftly downs the rest of the cider in a single gulp
  58. >You roll your eyes with a scoff and return your focus to the food you're cooking
  59. "W-woah, hey!" You exclaim as you're pushed away from the stove by Nine shimmying her way between you and it
  60. >Nine scooches around and adjusts herself until she's sitting directly in front of you
  61. >The table's position behind you forces the two of you to be pressed right up against one another, Nine's chin flat against your chest and her nose smushed up under your jaw, pointing your head slightly upwards
  62. "God dammit, Nine, what is this? What are you doing?"
  63. >Number Nine responds with a huff of air against your chin and she presses into your further
  64. >You grumble as you reach an arm around her as best as you can to flick off the stove, then you wrap both arms around her bulky withers
  65. "Happy, you stupid horse?"
  66. >Nine remains silent and gently nuzzles her nose against you
  67. >You roll your eyes again when you feel her muzzle pull back into a smile
  68. "Stupid fucking horse..."
  70. -=-=-=-=-
  72. >You glance at the clock for the fifth time this minute
  73. >One hour and thirty-seven minutes later than usual
  74. >You weren't keeping track, you just noticed is all
  75. >You look back to the open book in your hands
  76. >Still on the same page as forty-five minutes ago
  77. >The front door creaking open nearly makes you jump out of your armchair, but you remain seated
  78. >You focus on your book as you hear heavy, uncoordinated hoofsteps approach
  79. "Long day?"
  80. >The hoofsteps halt
  81. >A heartbeat passes and the hoofsteps resume, dragging more than before
  82. >They stop again right before you
  83. >You refuse to raise your eyes from the page, knowing that Nine is definitely giving you that stupid drunken smile of hers
  84. >A large, sooty hoof rises over the top of your book and gently forces it down into your lap, making you finally look up at her
  85. >You were right
  86. >She does have that stupid drunken smile on
  87. >You stare her in the eye stoically
  88. "I was reading that." You mutter as disdainfully as you can
  89. >You see her focus sluggishly dart across your face, lingering on your lips before returning to your eyes
  90. >Nine brings a hoof up and onto your right armrest as she inches closer
  91. "Something I can help you with?"
  92. >Her right hoof lifts off of your lap and plants itself against the back of the chair, just left of your head, and you're reminded just how large she really is
  93. >Your heartbeat quickens, and you swallow as you try in vain to calm yourself
  94. "W-what are you doing?"
  95. >Number Nine responds with a snort, sending a burst of boozy mare breath across your face
  96. >You barely suppress your grimace as her head leans in closer
  97. >As she gets closer, one of your hands shoots up to her chest
  98. >Nine stops moving, glances down at your hand, and back up to you
  99. "Nine, this isn't f-funny..."
  100. >Your voice has lost nearly all its animosity and you're staring into the deep pink of her eyes
  101. >She leans in further
  102. >And further
  103. >You feel time slow down as you close your eyes and she finally reaches you
  104. >The moment your lips touch, you feel a shiver run down your spine and your hand reflexively grasps a fistful of her grimy fur
  105. >Nine presses further into you and you let out a muffled whimper
  106. >What feels like an eternity passes as the two of you kiss, yet Nine pulls away all too soon
  107. >Your breathing is shaky, your heart is beating out your chest, and your lips feel positively electric
  108. >You open your eyes to see Nine staring back with that same drunken grin
  109. >Looking at her face again, your heartrate picks up just a hair more
  110. >Number Nine stares at you for a brief minute more before letting out a giggle and stepping back onto all four hooves
  111. >Your gaze remains forwards as the coalmare stumbles her way off to her room
  112. >The slamming of her bedroom door knocks you out of your daze
  113. >Your fingers reach up and tremblingly graze your lips as your mind desperately claws to hold onto that perfect feeling she'd made you feel
  114. >Alas, it withers too quick, leaving only its memory
  115. "Stupid fucking horse..." You whisper to an empty room

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