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By KodiaKowboy
Created: 2023-09-20 00:53:04
Updated: 2024-04-13 13:55:02
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Also be really wishing that you weren't Anon
  3. >"Mmm, looks like I gots ya right where I wants ya, Sugarcube~"
  4. >You were currently being pinned to a tree at Sweet Apple Acres
  5. >Applejack had a hoof on each ridge of your hips
  6. >Coupled with her freakish-even-by-earth-pony-standards strength, you were effectively immobilized
  7. "Applejack, w-what are you doing...This isn't funny, y'know..."
  8. >No matter how hard you pushed, her legs wouldn't budge from your body
  9. >It was like arm wrestling a statue
  10. >"Ya sure? Seems pretty funny ta me, what with you waltzin' around, wearin' all them fancy clothes, only for ya ta start impersonatin' Fluttershy soon as a mare decides ta accept yer invitation."
  11. >She was giving you this lecherous gaze, her lips turned up in a smug grin
  12. "I-I don't know what your talking about, please Applejack. You're scaring me..." You pleaded, staring into the mare's half-lidded eyes
  13. >Her only response was a chuckle and a shake of her head
  14. >"Scarin' ya? Scared o' what? I'm half yer size, Anon. If ya wanted me to stop, you'd make me."
  15. >She began to lean her head forwards as she spoke
  16. >"But seein' as ya ain't so much as even shook me, guess ya must really want this ta happen."
  17. >You let out a quick gasp when her snout made contact with the zipper of your slacks
  18. >Her eyelids fluttered as she took a deep inhale of your crotch, letting out a satisfied exhale before speaking again
  19. >"Sweet Sun above, ya got a little piece o' paradise hidin' in there, don't ya Honeysuckle?" She said as she buried her muzzle deeper into your groin
  20. >The rubbing began to awaken a part of you that you absolutely did not want awake
  21. "Applej-jack, please, let me go. What if one of your siblings find you doing this? Or Granny Smith? I-I'm sure she wouldn't approve of what you're doing..." You pleaded, tears starting to well up in your eyes as your attempts to push her away grew more frantic
  22. >You knew what "this" was now
  23. >You still did not want "this"
  24. >You would never want "this"
  25. >Especially not for your first time
  26. >"Ain't nopony gonna find us way out here, Sweetpea. Apples already been bucked in this section, and mah family thinks I headed inta town. Don't you worry yer pretty lil' head," AJ gave the rising tent in your pants a kiss, "I got all day long ta play with ya, Loverboy."
  27. >Applejack leaned in again, and using her shockingly dexterous lips, was able to undo your pants and pull them open, leaving only your boxers between her and your now full erection
  28. >"Would ya look at that, ya even wrapped it for me! Must be mah birthday or somethin'. Wonder what's inside?"
  29. >AJ nuzzled up to the side of your dick, the sensation of her warmth through the thin cloth was almost enough to make you moan
  30. >You had to bite your lip and look away to keep from making anything close to a pleasurable sound
  31. >You wanted to scream for help, but you knew from experience that it was impossible for anyone at the farmhouse to hear you from this section of the orchard
  32. >"Aw, come on now, Sugarcube. Don't be like that. Didn't yer mama ever teach ya ta look a lady in the eye?"
  33. >You ignore her and continue to look away with your eyes screwed shut
  34. >You prayed that this was just a bad dream
  35. >Your hopes to be awoken were dashed when you felt Applejack place her mouth over the bulge of your underwear
  36. >A shiver shot its way up your spine when she exhaled hotly onto your dick, her breath heavy and humid
  37. >She pulled away to nuzzle her snout into your scrotum, the damp cloth making the air feel like ice on your heated rod
  38. >Taking another deep inhale as slowly as she could, her lungs filled with the scent of your manhood
  39. >She replaced her mouth over your dick and exhaled
  40. >As she continued this process, the subject of your prayers became hoping that this wouldn't feel as good as it did
  41. >This shouldn't feel good
  42. >None of this should
  43. >But you can't deny the throbbing of your cock in AJ's maw
  44. >Can't deny the sheer rigidity of your dick
  45. >But you also can't deny the tears escaping your closed eyes
  46. >Why does she play with you like this?
  47. >You just want her to hurry up and finish this
  48. >You're not sure if that's the horny speaking or the shame
  49. >Applejack continued her ministrations for what felt like hours, the crotch of your boxers now thoroughly soaked just from AJ's hot breath
  50. >The whole time you had been trying to keep her head away from your junk, but she was too strong to notice
  51. >She was quiet save for the occasional hum or affirmation
  52. >"Ya really want this, don't ya Honeybun?"
  53. >"Ya wish ya could just shove it down mah throat, don't ya Darlin'?"
  54. >"Ya just love what Ah'm doin' to ya, huh Sugarplum~"
  55. >You'd shake your head in response if you weren't trying your hardest to disassociate yourself from this whole ordeal
  56. >If you couldn't physically run away, maybe your mind could
  57. >But the sensations from below were too much to ignore
  58. >So close to stimulation yet so far
  59. >But you don't want stimulation
  60. >You don't want to be touched anymore
  61. >But your body does, traitor that it is
  62. >"Real naughty boy ya must be ta make a mare do this to ya."
  63. "Please..." you manage to squeak out
  64. >The sound of your voice makes AJ pull away from you and look up at your face
  65. >"Go on, Sweetheart."
  66. >"Tell Mama what ya want~"
  67. >Please what?
  68. >Stop?
  69. >Don't stop?
  70. >Do you really know anymore?
  71. >You force your eyes open and look down at the orange mare
  72. >Her face is flushed and her eyes hazy with lust and the hunger of an apex predator
  73. >Her visage brings forth memories of the friendship you two had
  74. >When you would help around the farm
  75. >When the two of you would joke around
  76. >When you would drink together
  77. >All the joys you felt then now tainted with this fear and shame
  78. >You two had been such good friends since you arrived
  79. >Did all that really mean so little to this mare; did she always just see you as some piece of fuckmeat?
  80. >Seeing how pleased she was with herself for what she was doing made the bile in your gut bubble up into your throat
  81. >With a herculean effort, you shake your head
  82. >Your lips mime "No" over and over again, yet you still can't make a sound
  83. >AJ's sleazy grin slinks into an unamused smirk
  84. >"No? Alrighty then."
  85. >Applejack hops off, freeing you from her confines
  86. >Your legs are too weak to hold you up and you're in the fetal position before you even hit the ground
  87. >"Ah got things ta do anyhow." AJ explains as she absentmindedly examines her hoof
  88. >She spits in your face, "You take care now, Apple Pie."
  89. >A moment after she trots off merrily, you devolve into muffled sobbing
  91. >Be Anon
  92. >After what Applejack did, you had somehow dragged yourself home
  93. >You spent a week switching between sobbing and furiously scrubbing your flesh in your shower
  94. >When you had built up the strength to exit your home again, you had gone straight to the police station and tried to press charges
  95. >She...
  96. >She was right....
  97. >Nobody had believed you...
  98. >Half the officers you told had responded in the exact same way
  99. >"You're twice her size, why didn't you just stop her?"
  100. >The other half had just scoffed at the notion of a male being r...
  101. >Male being ra...
  102. >A male being hurt.
  103. >After that embarrassment, you had tried to expose Applejack to her friends
  104. >Rarity had subtly warned you about spreading slander
  105. >Rainbow was much more straightforward with her threats
  106. >Pinkie didn't really seem to grasp the concept
  107. >Fluttershy had become unresponsively flustered at the mention of your pants being unzipped
  108. >Twilight had actually listened to your whole story but then proceeded to poke plotholes, contrivances, and unrealistic dialogue all throughout what she believed to be only a story
  109. >After that, you told anyone who'd listen
  110. >But as it would turn out, Applejack's reputation as both an Element of Harmony and a pillar of the community made it impossible for you to be taken seriously
  111. >Once you had thoroughly ruined your own reputation, you had made the decision to move away from Ponyville
  112. >Despite your scarce funds, you had decided that Manhattan would be where you would start your life anew
  113. >You figured that the sprawling network of streets and buildings coupled with such a dense population would make it too difficult to find you
  114. >You also hoped that AJ was too much of a country mare to step foot in a city outside of stopping some world-ending force
  115. >You were only 20 minutes away from your scummy apartment
  116. >It was late, the streetlamps have already been lit
  117. >Despite the time, the streets still had a good amount of ponies going to and fro
  118. >You've been lucky, you've been able to find work in a place as diverse as The Big Haypile
  119. >The work sucks but at least it pays...
  120. >Almost home, a lot less ponies out in this part of town
  121. >In less than a second, the world turns sideways and rushes by

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