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MilfHunter Anon

By KodiaKowboy
Created: 2023-09-18 18:01:32
Updated: 2023-10-11 01:34:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Cheerilee
  2. "Alright everypony, recess is over! Back to class now!" You announced to the play yard of colts and fillies
  3. >As they filed into the classroom, you did a mental headcount to find that you were two short
  4. >With a quick scan of the grassy yard, you spot them in the far corner, still playing
  5. >Who else but Snips and Snails?
  6. >They must've been so wrapped up in their fantasy that they hadn't heard you
  7. >With a sigh, you start trotting over to the pair
  8. >They're not bad colts, they just...
  9. >March to the beat of their own drums
  10. >Yeah, that sounds pretty teacher-y
  11. >Huh, what is Snails doi-
  13. >You instantly burst into a full gallop towards the two and separate them as far as your hooves will go
  14. >"Aw, come on, Miss Cheerilee, I coulda taken him!" Snips whined
  15. >"Nuh uh, you woulda been down for the count!" Snails countered
  16. >You inhale and count to ten
  17. >Exhale and count to five
  18. "Boys. It's time for class. Please, head inside." you said in a measured tone, staring down at the grass between the colts
  19. >Both of them groaned but obeyed, with you following close behind
  20. >The rest of the school day passed by fairly quickly, after which you asked Snips and Snails to stay behind
  21. "Alright boys, first of all, I want you two to know that you're not in trouble."
  22. >This was a delicate situation, and you had to be sure you had all the facts when their parents came to pick them up
  23. >"We're not?" Snails asked, astounded by this revelation
  24. >"Does that mean you aren't gonna make us stay all night to do math problems until our hooves fall off?" Snips asked desperately
  25. >Even after all these years, children's imaginations don't cease to amaze you
  26. "No, Snips, I'm not going to do that."
  27. >The boys simultaneously let out relieved sighs
  28. "I was just interested in the game you two were playing. It seemed like lots of fun, why don't you two tell me exactly what you were playing?"
  29. >You give your trademark warmly patient smile
  30. >Snips and Snails give you a suspicious look
  31. >Their gaze turns to one another
  32. >After a beat, Snails closed his eyes and gave a curt nod, Snips responding in kind before the two colts returned their attention to you
  33. >"Miss Cheerilee," Snips started glibly. "We were simply doing research."
  34. "Research?" you repeat, hoping that he doesn't mean what you think he means
  35. >"We were researching how to defend ourselves!" Snails answered
  36. "Defend yourselves...?"
  37. >"That's right! We have to be able to defend ourselves! From the, uh..."
  38. >Snails turns to Snips and loudly whispers, "What was it again?"
  39. >Snips whispered into Snails' ear
  40. >"Oh yeah! The Undercover Neighborly Fighters!" He exclaimed
  41. >Huh?
  42. >"They call themselves U.N.F. for short!" Snips clarified, adding to your dumbfoundedness
  43. >There's no way that's a coincidence
  44. >As you tried to think of some sort of response, Snips seized the opportunity to explain further
  45. >"You see, Miss Cheerilee, there are ponies among us. Ponies who belong to a secret group of master wrestlers!"
  46. >"Yeah, and when they find each other, they fight!" Snails added
  47. "Okay, hold on boys." You hold up a hoof to keep them from saying any more
  48. >You had to hurry this along, their parents could be here any minute
  49. "What about during recess? What were you two doing when I separated you?"
  50. >"That's where the research comes in! We were trying to figure out a way to beat a U.N.F. special move!"
  51. >"Yeah! The Green Grapple!" Snails moved his hooves in an arc for emphasis
  52. >Snips' enthusiasm was replaced by annoyance as he turned to his lanky compatriot
  53. >"I thought we agreed that it was called the Space Monkey Shuffle!" Snips grumbled
  54. >Snails stared off into space, seemingly not noticing his friend's ire
  55. >"Mmmuh, nope! It was the Green Grapple!" Snails nodded, quite sure of himself
  56. >"It's the Space Monkey Shuffle!"
  57. >You decided to continue your questioning before a full blown fight broke out
  58. "Boys, would you be able to tell me exactly where you learned that move? Or better yet, who taught you?"
  59. >They both returned their attention to you, sharing more looks of suspicion between themselves
  60. >You really hoped it wasn't somepony you knew
  61. >Well, you hoped it wasn't anypony you liked
  62. >This town was a bit too small to not be at least acquaintances with every resident
  63. >Snips nodded once again before speaking
  64. >"Miss Cheerilee, we shall reveal the identities of two U.N.F. members, for your own protection. They are none other than..."
  65. >Snips paused for dramatic effect for a few seconds too long
  66. >"Mr. Anon,"
  67. >"And my mom!"
  68. >...
  69. >...Oh...
  70. >...OH...
  71. >It all just clicked
  72. >Good News: You guess they haven't been molested (probably)
  73. >Bad News: You now know that your innocent student caught a glimpse of two ponies-well, a pony and a hueman-going at it
  74. >Two ponies that you interact with on a regular basis
  75. >Oh Sun, you can't get the mental image of those two bucking out of your head
  76. >You feel a tinge of heat bloom on your cheeks
  77. >Just as you were about to tell the boys not to share this information with anypony else, your classroom door swung open to reveal Snips' mother, Mrs. Snaps, panting like she had just run across town
  78. >She was a portly, turquoise unicorn with a blonde mane
  79. >"So sorry for being late, Miss Cheerilee!" She exclaimed
  80. >Looking over to the clock you saw that she was in fact late, by nearly 20 minutes
  81. >"I s'pose I just lost track of time, hehe..." Mrs.Snaps gave you a nervous grin as she trotted over to the boys
  82. >Now that she was closer, you could see just how disheveled she was
  83. >Her mane, normally done up into a neat and tight bun, was haphazardly tied up, loose hairs all around
  84. >When she leaned down to nuzzle her son, you noticed the remnants of frothy sweat along her side
  85. >And then you were whipped in the nostrils by a thick, musky scent
  86. >It may have been a while since you'd smelt it, but you could still recognize it instantly
  87. >The smell of a passionate romp between lovers was sticking to Mrs.Snaps like chewed gum to fur
  88. >The blush on your cheeks quickly spread to the rest of your face, now burning much hotter
  89. >"I hope they didn't cause you too much trouble, Cheerilee dear." Mrs. Snaps said, giving you an apologetic, yet still nervous look
  90. >You must've been absolutely radiant because she somehow noticed your blush against your cerise coat
  91. >You could see a lightbulb go off in her head followed by Mrs.Snaps growing a blush of her own
  92. >She knows you know!
  93. >"W-well, I sure oughta be takin' these kiddos home, hehe. Come along boys!" Mrs.Snaps rushed the two colts out the door as they waved and gave a quick "Goodnight Miss Cheerilee!"
  94. >You absentmindedly waved a hoof as the matron left the schoolhouse with her two charges
  95. >You were now alone in your little classroom
  96. >And you now knew that Mrs.Snaps, one of the most wholesome and pure ponies you knew, was sleeping with Anonymous - the only human you knew
  97. >You weren't exactly sure what to do with that information, so you simply sat in silence in your classroom for an hour or so before heading home
  98. >You hoped that a few glasses of wine would help wipe the image-and scent-of those two from your mind
  100. -=-=-=-=-
  102. >Be Cheerilee
  103. >Also be very annoyed
  104. >"Good night Miss Cheerilee!"
  105. "Good night Featherweight!" You say to the lanky colt as he fluttered back home
  106. >Tonight was supposed to be a meeting for the Foal Free Press, but you had to cancel due to multiple leaks making themselves known thanks to some sudden rain
  107. >Damn weather pegasi just don't stick to their schedule like they used to
  108. >Now you've got a leaky roof, a few soaked typewriters, and warped floorboards on your hooves
  109. >That's three ponies you'll have to hire for repairs
  110. >This is going to be far too expensive to get fixed, especially on a teacher's budget
  111. >Who're the cheapest repair ponies in Ponyville?
  112. >Elbow Grease is on her honeymoon
  113. >Spit Shine always hits on you, despite how many times you tell her you like stallions
  114. >And Jury Rigged is a little TOO cheap for your taste
  115. >You have foals to worry about after all
  116. >Guess that just leaves...
  117. >...Anonymous.
  118. >You groan and hold your face in your hooves
  119. >You had been avoiding the human ever since you found out he had been..."entertaining" Mrs.Ginger Snaps
  120. >You had also been trying to forget that fact, but the rotund matron has come to pick up her son while reeking of sex on more than one occasion since that initial incident
  121. >You'd have probably gotten a complaint from some of the other parents if she didn't also come much later than any of them
  122. >What kind of world do we live in that an overweight widow gets porked on the regular but a nice mare like yourself can't get so much as a date?
  123. >Sundamn, you sound like a virgin
  124. >Dammit brain, focus
  125. >You need to get all this fixed ASAP
  126. >And it seems like the best candidate is that Anon fellow
  127. >You put on your raincoat and brave your way into the storm
  128. >Well, maybe not quite a storm, but definitely more rain than you'd like
  129. >Having quickly made your way across town, you come upon Anonymous' home
  130. >You give three quick clops on the door and start to mentally prepare yourself
  131. >Just don't think about him and Mrs. Snaps
  132. >Don't think about them rutting
  133. >I said don't
  134. >Stop it!
  135. >The images of Anon and Mrs. Snaps in the throes of passion are suddenly thrown aside when the front door swings open
  136. >That's weird, nopony's there
  137. >"Down here, Miss Cheerilee"
  138. >Bringing your eyes down to, well, eye level, you see that the door was opened, not by the local human, but by...
  139. "MRS. RICH?!"
  140. >The pale pink mare cringes from your outburst
  141. >"Yes, Miss Cheerilee. That's my name." She hisses, clearly displeased with your behavior
  142. "R-right. My apologies." You said with a nervous chuckle
  143. >Turning your head away to hide your embarrassment, an awkward silence grows between the two of you
  144. >A few moments pass, the pouring rain the only sound
  145. >"Well, if there's nothing you needed. You have a day, Miss Cheerilee." Spoiled Rich moves to close the door
  146. "NO!"
  147. >Spoiled stops closing the door but scrunches at your volume
  148. >Your ears fold back apologetically once more, but you press on

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