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RGRE Pegasus Herd [1]

By KodiaKowboy
Created: 2023-08-21 01:25:49
Updated: 2024-04-13 15:44:46
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >Be a very frustrated Anon.
  3. >At the moment, two of your horsewives are in a stand-off.
  4. "Girls, could you please not do this today? I JUST cleaned the carpet!"
  5. >"Hun, stay out of it. This is mare's business." Honey Rays returned her gaze to Sunny Delivery's equally harsh glare.
  6. >Wings flared as wide as can be, tufts prominently displayed, and the two of them making a cacophony of whistles and chirps.
  7. >It'd be downright adorable if it weren't for the fact that this is always followed by them circling one another and trading blows in the form of nipping at one another's wings, making an absolute mess of feathers.
  8. >Then you have to break them up, patch their wounds, and scold them for fighting and making such a mess.
  9. >This used to be a monthly routine, but it's begun to be more of a weekly one.
  10. >So, using your superior human intelligence, you decided to stop this before things got out of control.
  11. >With a hand on each of their tufts, you forced them apart with a sigh.
  12. "Girls, you have to quit doing this! Is there really no other way to settle your silly little 'Alpha' argument?"
  13. >They break their laser focus on one another to instead stare at you like you had grown a second head.
  14. >"Hun, it's not silly, it's about your safety and our reputation as a herd!"
  15. >"Babe, this is how mares settle these things! We're not gonna just sit around and bucking talk it out!"
  16. >Oh good, now they're trying to justify themselves.
  17. >Joy.
  18. >You're about to use 'The Look' if they don't-
  19. >*kr-krk*
  20. >The three of you look over to the doorway to see Sunshower leaning there, chugging down the first half of a beer, following it with a satisfied "Aah."
  21. >She strides over to you and hops up with a quick flutter. "Evenin' Toots," she greeted, giving you a peck on the cheek, which you returned in kind.
  22. >She landed and transferred the drink from hoof to wing before taking another sip.
  23. >"Y'know, there is a way to settle this once and for all."
  24. >Sunshower gestured her beer towards her herd sisters. "Without slapping at each other like foals, I mean."
  25. >The other two mares shared a questioning look before the realization dawned on them.
  26. >"Sunshower, that's-"
  27. >"What the hell is wrong with you?" Sunny interrupted in a much lower tone than usual.
  28. >"Are you trying to get kicked out of this herd? Cause manure like that is exactly how you get kicked out of this herd." Sunny threatened, accentuating her words with a hoof to Sunshower's chest.
  29. >Sunshower, being the lackadaisical mare she was, responded with a sip of her drink and a belch directly in Sunny Delivery's face, adding to the mare's ire.
  30. >"Sunshower, you can't seriously be suggesting that we invoke 'Cor Cadit'?" Honey Rays asked incredulously.
  31. >"Why not? We've got a three-way tie and we're not getting anywhere with the one-on-one stuff. Let's just...take the leap." Sunshower chuckled dryly at her pun.

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