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To Love

By Sunn
Created: 2024-10-29 14:50:10
Updated: 2024-12-29 12:39:06
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Chrysalis
  2. >Mightiest of the Changelings
  3. >Many are your titles, Queen, Matriarch, Skinwalker, Insect of Insects, Heartbreaker
  4. >Mom
  5. >Hey, they can't all be winners
  6. >Your last and most recently acquired title was given to you by your son, Anonymous
  7. >You still remember the day he crashed into your life
  8. >Well, “crashed” wasn’t the right word, you didn’t even realise he was there until your guards came running to report the situation
  9. >He appeared in the hive, without warning, and began gallivanting around as if he owned the place amidst a clamouring chaos he had caused
  10. >You still never found out how he started those fires despite being so small
  11. >But still, there you found him, a strange, fleshy, bipedal creature, surely no older than a foal from your best guess, though slightly taller than one due to his bipedal stature, garbed in what seemed to be clothes made from either animal skin or animal by products
  12. >Apparently his small size, speed and the unpredictability of his young mind made it difficult for your drones to catch him
  13. >When you had settled the matter and calmed your soldiers, you began interrogating the creature
  14. >Despite your attempts to instil fear in the alien creature, he seemed to almost like you
  15. >You're still not used to that idea
  16. >Whether it was due to or in spite of the naivety of his youth he actually found your transformations amusing, and insisted you continued, as if you were one of those clown ponies that caked themselves in pounds of makeup
  17. >After banging your head on a wall to rid yourself of the headache he had caused, you capitulated to simply talking with the creature, and finally began to get some answers
  18. >From the fantastical tales he told, you could only come to the conclusion that he was from another world
  19. >Outrageous as the idea was, it was only half as outrageous as how he had described his home
  20. >Either way, you quickly found him to be of no use, and decided to do away with him, as you did any wandering vagrant
  21. >A quick drain of his love, then leave him near-ish to civilization, to let the hyenas raise him maybe
  22. >Except the quick drain took longer than you imagined
  23. >Then it took even longer, and longer and longer
  24. >Until you found the creature's use
  25. >He didn't have limitless love, as his penchant to hit any drones that disturbed him too much, before he hid behind your legs for safety, proved
  26. >But his alien emotions simply worked differently
  27. >So, not wanting to waste a bottomless wellspring, you kept the creature, with varying levels of success
  28. >Because it turns out that getting the right nutrients for an omnivore when you lived in the middle of a barren wasteland is actually a challenge
  29. >Over the course of a month you finally got a system set up that would keep him fed and alive
  30. >It was then that you found yourself inadvertently raising the creature
  31. >His independent manner was initially off-putting to the drones, and he had an endless amount of questions that you reluctantly answered, if for no other reason than to ensure your meal ticket didn't run
  32. >If his arrival wasn't the strangest day of your life, the day he gave you the title only he used, was
  33. >It had been after you had pulled out a dusty old book you'd had in the corner of the backend of the hive and read it to him at his insistence to help him sleep
  34. >The word had slipped so carelessly from him that you weren't even sure if he had realised what he'd done
  35. >Either way, it shifted something in you
  36. >You're certain that the foolish masses of ponykind would ascribe to that feeling some idea of affection, but you weren't given to bursts of maternal instinct
  37. >No, what you felt, was a plan brewing
  38. >It had been years, decades even, you can't even remember how many, since your last attempt to cultivate a Royal Drone that would eventually mature into an heir for your throne
  39. >Yet here was this creature, this, Anonymous, with an endless supply of love to feed the hive, an independent mindset and one that could very easily be grown, moulded and cultivated
  40. >That was the first day of your plan
  41. >And that day was years ago
  42. >You and Anonymous had slowly built up what could be called a familial relationship as he grew from the small child he appeared as to the young man he is today
  43. >Though he had, without a doubt, become a Prince of your hive
  44. >You had wondered how he'd manage as a Changeling Prince with none of the abilities, but you quickly found that all his disguises lay in his very body
  45. >During one of your tests for your son, he'd been put unconscious, flown to the nearest settlement, and left to fend for himself
  46. >You couldn’t believe it when, not even a week later, he'd returned
  47. >Despite them full-well knowing the dangers, he'd managed to convince a group of ponies to bring him past the borders of your territory
  48. >You'd had the ponies taken, cocooned and replaced, and Anonymous simply seemed happy to me "home"
  49. >Who needs to look like a pony someone trusts, when the right words and the right face can make them trust you as if they'd known you their whole life
  50. >So it was that his education continued, as did his rise through your hive
  51. >The drones quickly got the idea, and the ones that weren't happy with it were persuaded quite quickly by the Prince
  52. >The ones that weren't persuaded, were intimidated
  53. >And the ones that weren't intimidated, well, he couldn't fight a drone turned into a chimera, but when he'd made so many of the other drones into his loyal subjects, he didn't need to
  54. >Now, the plan that had slowly been building in your mind since you first thought of him as a prince was coming to fruition
  55. >The Canterlot wedding was a bust on the surface level, but it still gave you vital intel
  56. >And the Princesses couldn't help themselves, always wanting to look better than everyone else, despite their claims
  57. >So when you'd sent a letter waving the white flag, and offering to introduce your son to their courts to establish a peaceful connection, they jumped at the idea
  58. >You couldn't help but smile at the mental image of yourself and an honor guard of drones strolling into Canterlot, with Anonymous at your side, and the ponies not even bothering to put up a barrier to keep you out
  59. >Now all you had to do was dangle your son like a piece of meat in front of the Mares of the Court, have him use his literally other-worldly charms to seal a deal with one of them and you'll have your hooves dug into Equestrian soil in a way the Princesses won't be able to stop
  60. >You pause your own thoughts to settle a small boiling feeling in your chest, it always occurred when you thought of giving your son to some random mare
  61. >It was a pointless feeling, you knew the mission, and so did he
  62. >He'd even suggested a similar idea to you before you'd unveiled your plans to him
  63. >You were so proud of him that day
  64. >Again, you silence your thoughts that tried to stray
  65. >The time when you'd be boarding a train to Canterlot was coming soon
  66. >One of the few downsides of having a flightless son
  67. >You expected all eyes and all suspicions to be on you
  68. >But you were confident
  69. >You just needed to double-check your plan
  70. >And maybe assign Anonymous one extra guard, just in case
  71. <>
  72. >Be Anonymous
  73. >Crown Prince and Heir Apparent to the Changeling Hive
  74. >Your titles weren't as numerous or impressive as your mother's, but you had time to gather more
  75. >And potentially a country to conquer to start the list
  76. >Of course, you were aware of your... less than familial similarities to the insectoid queen that raised you
  77. >But that's what mattered to you
  78. >She'd raised you
  79. >Perhaps whatever parents you had before arriving in this place tore their hair out with worry over your disappearance
  80. >But you can honestly say that you couldn't care less
  81. >Whoever they were, wherever they are, and whatever they felt?
  82. >All irrelevant, and had been for over a decade now
  83. >You simply wished the faceless, nameless ghosts would vacate your mind in its entirety
  84. >You'd rather use the room they occupied for something actually productive
  85. >Like whether manticore venom induced fever followed by vomiting or vomiting followed by fever
  86. >You could never remember and mother liked to test you
  87. >Being in such inhospitable lands, with hostile creatures within spitting distance of any direction of the hive left no room for error, especially from those who lead or were expected to lead
  88. >Though now your leadership will be tested in an entirely new way
  89. >It had taken months of correspondence and even a brief venture into the nearby town to meet with one of the diarchs of Equestria
  90. >But your mother had actually done it
  91. >She'd tricked the fools into allowing her, a small detachment of changeling guards and yourself into Canterlot
  92. >"To show our devotion to the creation of a lasting peace" she'd said
  93. >It'd taken all your will and the lessons on concealing emotion your mother had given you to not laugh at that moment
  94. >Of course, it wouldn't be easy, there would be eyes on all of you near twenty four-seven
  95. >You wonder if you'd be given any privacy when you slept
  96. >From what your mother told you of the Equestrian royal guard mares, most likely not
  97. >"Pent up in every way, shape and form" to quote her
  98. >A small scoff escapes you at the thought of having to be surrounded by such mares for an extended period of time
  99. >A bigger scoff escaped you at the idea of having to flirt with one
  100. >But if mother could spend the time she had with that stallion she'd drained during her first assault on the capital, you could stomach being around a mare
  101. >And their forms being easy on the eyes did make the idea more tolerable
  102. >Breaking away from your thoughts, your eyes scanned over the several pages of parchment in front of you once more
  103. >Detailed layouts of Canterlot Castle that mother had provided you to study
  104. >Blind spots
  105. >Abandoned areas to regroup in
  106. >Potential sights for a staging ground
  107. >She would not suffer another failure
  108. >Not even from you
  109. >And you had no intention of allowing that to happen
  110. >The silence is interrupted by a knock on your door and with a snap of your fingers, it opens
  111. >A simple enchantment, courtesy of your mother, and though it didn't keep her out, the privacy it gave you from the drones was a welcome luxury
  112. >You'd heard that most creatures couldn't tell two changelings apart, but for you, the difference between these two drones was like night and day
  113. >Pharynx and Thorax
  114. >Both saluted you and you nodded back
  115. >"My Prince"
  116. >"It's good to see you, Anon"
  117. >You roll your eyes at Thorax's attempted familiarity
  118. “Pharynx, hit him.”
  119. >The other drone happily complies with the order, and Thorax shrank into his salute
  120. "What brings you here, Pharynx?"
  121. >While he was one of the last drones who relented in accepting you in the position your mother had granted you, after that acceptance, he'd done nothing but prove his loyalty
  122. >"The Queen requests your presence in the Throne Room, Prince Anonymous"
  123. >You give him a curt nod and roll up the parchment, ready to leave
  124. >"Is it true that you're going back to Canterlot?"
  125. >A sharp glare from you and a tensing of the foreleg from Pharynx quickly has Thorax snapping another, hasty salute
  126. >"I mean- is it true, sir?"
  127. "Technically, I’m not ‘going back’ as I’ve never been. But yes." You state simply
  128. >"To make peace?"
  129. >You could play at a Craps table with how often Thorax made you roll your eyes
  130. "Pharynx" The one word is enough for the purple eyed drone to silence his brother with a smack
  131. >"No, you idiot. The Queen and Prince are going to wedge our Hive into the pony courts politically to weaken them from the inside out, then we feed!"
  132. "Enough love for all the changelings in this hive and all the changelings to come." You finish with a satisfied smile
  133. >"But... you're already enough, Prince Anon."
  134. "Oh, stop being so pathetic for five minutes, Thorax." Your chastising causes Thorax to lower his eyes to the floor. "Has it ever occurred to you that I tire of having to feed you all day in, day out?"
  135. >The question was sarcastic, and yet, he answers anyway. "But you do it well, and without complaint, my P-"
  136. >Your hand slamming against your desk cuts him off and leaves him shivering in fear
  137. >Actual fear
  138. >He really was pathetic
  139. "It is my duty, Thorax, as your Prince. 'Duty' is something you would do well to learn. Though I fear the lessons would be wasted on you."
  140. >Thoroughly done with this conversation, you secure the parchment and begin making your way out of your room, though you pause as you pass the threshold
  141. "Pharynx, take a squad on a patrol of the southern perimeter, I'd like a report on that chimera that's been roaming there before we leave"
  142. >With a dutiful salute, he puffs out his chest "Who will lead the expedition?"
  143. "You will, of course." You answer lazily
  144. >Briefly taken aback by how casually you assigned him the role, he quickly recomposes himself and gives you a solid nod
  145. >"Um, Prince Anonym-"
  146. "Go check the reserves of Love, Thorax, go- do whatever it takes to get you out of my hair."
  147. >"I was just wondering if I might comment on your plan?"
  148. "The Queen's plan." Your bitter tone harshly corrects him
  149. >"Th- the Queen's plan- of course. Speaking out of turn, if I may?"
  150. "You often do. It's an endearing quality."
  151. >"It is!?" He asks with a hopeful smile that withers at your glare
  152. "Spit it out."
  153. >"Well, I was wondering. If we have a chance at peace- a real chance at peace with Equestria and the ponies, then shouldn't we... consider following through on it? That way we could acquire the love we need with as few issues as possible, and the love would be given willingly."
  154. >You allow his words to hang in the air, and you can tell that the only reason Pharynx hasn't hit him is because you haven't let him
  155. >In fact, you haven't so much as glanced at either of them
  156. >His words bang off the sides of your skull like a drum and leave you stiff and unmoving in place
  157. >Until you clench your hand, and you hear Pharynx step back with a hissing intake of breath through his fangs
  158. >Thorax looks ready to burst into flames on the spot as your gaze finally lands back squarely on him
  159. >Your footsteps briefly echo through the hive, and are the only echo, the usual background noise of cacophonous buzzing wings had ceased, indicating how the drones had stopped their work to watch
  160. >Now in front of Thorax, you see him shake like an autumn leaf fighting to cling to a branch against a winter's breeze
  161. >The only reason he doesn't bolt is because he worries how worse it will be when you catch him if he did
  162. >Taking a knee, you place a hand on Thorax's withers and he lets out a breath, desperately sucking in air as his eyes dart to everywhere but you
  163. >So you wait, and wait, until he finally stops shaking, though you can feel shivers reverberating through his chitin as his eyes finally meet yours
  164. >You doubt he sees any anger or hate in your eyes as you gaze down at him, you certainly don't feel any
  165. >You never have felt any hatred toward him, you've only ever felt one thing toward him, and the hope that one day he'd prove your feelings wrong
  166. >Yet today, he's only proven that this feeling is all you'll ever feel towards him
  167. "You're a disappointment, Thorax"
  168. >Without another word, you rise to your feet, turn on your heels, and leave him behind
  169. >As does Pharynx, who leaves for his patrol
  170. >As do the other Changelings, who return to their duties
  171. >Some greet you as they go, which you return
  172. >The winding tunnels of the hive give way to you as you go, the unorthodox architectural structure of your home bending in nonsensical ways as a result of the ambient changeling magic
  173. >You take four lefts and end up closer to the throne room, the comfort of your room far behind now
  174. >Any non-changeling, or anyone not raised within the walls of the hive would find it nearly impossible to wrap their heads around
  175. >They'd also find it difficult to discern differences in noise amidst the clamour of buzzing wings
  176. >Subtle differences between both wing speed and the intervals between buzzing can be the difference between knowing an ambush is coming or not
  177. >Whipping around your hand latches around the small bird that had dive bombed you and slam it into the wall beside you
  178. >In a flash of green fire another drone hangs in your grip
  179. >Her wings buzz slightly as her hooves lightly press on your hand
  180. >Despite the strain, she manages a genuine smile at you
  181. >"Well done, as ever, my Prince." She says
  182. "Gossamer." You say in greeting as you release her
  183. >She flutters down beside you, relaxing from the adrenaline high of your brief scuffle
  184. >"I still remember when I last got you." She says nostalgically
  185. "Yesterday?" You respond rhetorically
  186. >"Exactly." There's no small amount of pride in her smug grin as she falls in line beside you. "Your handling of Thorax today was... unorthodox."
  187. "He is incapable of learning the right lessons."
  188. >"You mean Pharynx is incapable of teaching him correctly?"
  189. "Is that what I said?"
  190. >You cared for Gossamer, as much as you cared for any of the drones, she was one of the first guards your mother had assigned to you, and she taught you how to fend for yourself
  191. >But just because she accepted you quicker than Pharynx doesn't mean you'd let her talk ill of him behind his back
  192. >He did his best, but Thorax was simply... Thorax
  193. >"No, my Prince, but if he can't learn, perhaps he is of no more use to the hive. He should be exiled."
  194. "You talk rather plainly, Gossamer, considering the company you keep."
  195. >"What can I say? You're good company to keep."
  196. "If mother hasn't seen fit to exile him, then we do not question why."
  197. >She nods absentmindedly along with your words as you return to your trip to the throne room
  198. >"Or maybe he's kept himself small enough that she doesn't even remember he exists."
  199. "Are you questioning our mother?"
  200. >While she had grown comfortable speaking casually around you, and, admittedly, you'd grown used to it as well, questioning Chrysalis was the one thing that made Gossamer freeze up
  201. >"Of course not, Anonymous. I don't have the right to question such a thing"
  202. >Wait for it
  203. >"However-"
  204. >There it is
  205. >"If someone... closer to her were to bring up the subject to her, she might give it greater thought. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link after all, and Thorax is-"
  206. "Pathetic?"
  207. >"I was going to say 'ignominious'."
  208. "Look at you, using fancy words, Gossamer."
  209. >"I'm going to be hanging around fancy ponies, might as well speak like them."
  210. Once again, your mind turns towards thoughts of Canterlot. "You were there, weren't you, Gossamer? At the Battle?"
  211. >"First one through the shield when it came down. Carapace will say she was, but she lies."
  212. "We're Changelings, Gossamer, we all lie. What's it like, Canterlot, I mean?"
  213. >"Ugly." She says without hesitation. "Far bigger than the hive as well, but much easier to navigate. Easy to conquer with a large enough force if the serious threats can be handled first."
  214. "Good." You respond. "Good..."
  215. >Silence fills the space between you and the guard until you near the corner that will lead to the throne room, and you stop as Gossamer clears her throat
  216. >Looking down at her, she idly brushes a hoof against the ground as she nervously looks up at you
  217. >"If it's not too much trouble, my Prince, I was wondering if you might..."
  218. >You allow yourself a small smile to tug at your lips and you see a pink mist form around you and waft towards Gossamer
  219. >Like with Thorax, you take a knee, unlike with Thorax, you wrap Gossamer in a hug and press your forehead to hers
  220. >As their Prince, you had to be cold, unfeeling, commanding, but as their brother, you couldn't help but love them
  221. >They were your family, how could you not
  222. >As quickly as the feeding began, you cut it off and Gossamer happily chirps as she takes in the last amount of love that slips from you and, with a salute, leaves you to your meeting with your mother
  223. >You straighten the black leather of your coat, chimera leather, to be exact, you doubt it was as fancy as what you’d see in Canterlot, but your drones made do, with incentivised help from the nearby ponies
  224. >Quickly giving yourself a once over to ensure you're presentable for your meeting you round the final corner
  225. >Two royal changeling guards stand on either side of the grand doors, both larger than the average drone, one’s horn split vertically, one with a second, far smaller horn, protruding from the base of the primary horn
  226. >Neither react to your presence
  227. "Announce me." You say to the one on the left.
  228. >With an almost imperceptible nod, he pushes open the door, bowing to the mother you can't see
  229. >"Prince Anonymous has arrived, Your Majesty."
  230. >"Excellent~" Your mother's natural echo reverberates in your ears. "Send him in."
  231. >The guard quickly steps aside as you enter the grand hall of your mother's throne before just as quickly and quietly exiting to return to his post
  232. >"Anonymous!" Your mother's joyful tone sings through the air as her wings buzz to life, lifting her from the throne and landing her in front of you. "You're late." The smile falls from her muzzle like wax off a flame and you bow your head in apology
  233. "Sorry, mother. I was delayed."
  234. >"By Thorax?" She asks, a knowing sneer etching itself onto her features
  235. "I dealt with him." You say simply.
  236. >"Oh I know." A wicked glow flickers through her eyes as she speaks. "I could hear his heart break from here. Many of the drones have expected one or both of us to physically discipline him one of these days." She swiftly raises a hoof to your chin as she lifts herself into the air by her wings, tilting your head up to her. "I'm glad you understand that we do not debase ourselves with such... lower tasks."
  237. >You keep yourself level and give her a curt nod, making her grin widen
  238. >With the topic open, you decide to add something to it
  239. "Some believe he should be exiled."
  240. >"Some?" Your mother enquires, already knowing before you even opened your mouth
  241. "Some."
  242. >A hum reverberates through her throat and echoes lightly off the walls, before she waves a hoof. "No. He stays. For now. He may be weak, but a drone he remains."
  243. >You take pride in your ability to hide your emotions, but even you feel vexed at your mother's continued sheltering of the grub in drone's chitin and you can't stop your eye from twitching
  244. >Of course, your mother catches this and rounds on you, her form towering a full head over yours
  245. >"You object?"
  246. >A blink is all it takes to bring your face back to zero
  247. "Of course not, mother."
  248. >Thorax wasn't worth the backhoof he'd earn you if you pressed the topic
  249. >Chrysalis goes from looming over you to simply standing before you as her snarl is wiped away for a gentler smile
  250. >"Wonderful. Now, enough about him. There is much to discuss for our plan in Canterlot. First and foremost, which mare you'll be seducing."
  251. >You feel your shoulders sag at her words and can't stop the groan that escapes you
  252. "Mom..."
  253. >"Don't 'mom' me, mister, you're not seven anymore, it won't work on me."
  254. "As far as I recall it continued working on you until I was twelve." You say with a smirk.
  255. >"Irrelevant!" She snaps back, without a hint of venom in her voice. "You're a full grown Prince now, and if you're going to seduce a mare, you'll need to know what you're doing."
  256. "I could have learned all this myself if you let me go to that town more freely." You half-mutter the words, but you know she'll hear you anyway
  257. >"And let some common mare sully you? Please don't make me throw up, Anonymous, neither of us want that."
  258. >There it was. She cared. In her way, and a more genuine smile replaced your smirk
  259. >"Now, one of your status and breeding-"
  260. "Not a changeling, mom"
  261. "Irrelevant. You should technically marry into royalty as well, and while I don't doubt your abilities, I imagine Celestia is too dry to entertain the notion." Your mother briefly pauses as her brow furrows in thought. "Though if Luna were in stasis during her banishment that would technically make her a millennium younger than Celestia... Aside from them, there is Dragon Lord Torch's daughter, but dragons reek of sulphur, and while griffons DID once have a royal line, they've all become... well, they're a dirty species now."
  262. "And neither species is replete with love." You decide to finish her diatribe before you're here for hours.
  263. >"Quite. So we'll have to settle for something lower, the nobility."
  264. >As she begins listing off mares and what advantage they'd bring, you already feel your attention drifting, and slowly, it lands on your mother's throne
  265. >You must have been staring at it for longer and more intently than you realised as a low, deep, almost musical chuckle emanates from your mother
  266. >"I do like that look in your eyes when you see my throne, son. The hunger for it. It's very befitting."
  267. >Seemingly forgetting about the banal topic as well, your mother's wings buzz as she moves beside you and a leg half wraps over your shoulder
  268. >"Just be patient son, one day you'll sit on it."
  269. "It wouldn't do well for me to sit on it alone though."
  270. >"True. Our drones do love you, but that will only last so long. You need a strong mare to help you guide the hive."
  271. "And a pony is the right mare to do this?" You already know the answer, but you tilt your head at your mother anyway
  272. >She lets out a noise of disgust as she removes her hoof from you. "Certainly not." With another buzz, her wings carry her onto her throne as her voice echoes through the chamber. "Once Equestria is ours, it will be a feeding ground unlike any other. I was the first Changeling Queen to find this land, but I am not the only one. There are many hungry hives out there who would do anything to get a seat at the buffet."
  273. "Including their queen marrying an alien like me."
  274. >"No!" She chides you, slamming a hoof into the throne before launching herself at you, stopping mere inches from your face. "Including their Queen marrying a Prince like you! And I would dare any of them to question your worth when you stand at my side atop the broken Canterlot!"
  275. >Her words echo out throughout the room, and you hear them dim as they echo through the rest of the hive
  276. >As the echo fades, you allow silence to fill the vacuum
  277. >Slowly, your mother's heavy breathing settles and her wings snap to her sides as she lands on her hooves, her eyes drifting to and away from you, as if expecting a response
  278. >But you give none, you simply stand in the silence before slowly wrapping your mother in a hug, your arms encompassing her chitin completely
  279. >She doesn't even open her mouth as a wellspring of pink blooms from you and seeps into her, and slowly, ever so slowly, she places one hoof halfway around you
  280. >It's time
  281. >You pour over the written reports that have slowly been trickling in over the last few days from your spies that have been stationed in the nearby town
  282. >Reports of sudden deliveries of various grains, hay and oats, along with more unique and exotic goods were chief among them
  283. >Clearly a consolation for the small inconvenience the town will go through as you travel through it
  284. >Your mother was right
  285. >The princesses really did care about their ponies
  286. >Something that would be so very easy to exploit, you simply needed to find the right place to apply pressure
  287. >You were no fool though, such a venture was secondary at best to your plan, more likely tertiary though, as such a gamble would risk too much hard work
  288. >Along with the deliveries though, the town was in a small economic upswing from the sudden influx of "tourists" into the town
  289. >The guard ponies really were as subtle as a brick to the face and just as undisciplined
  290. >In your hands were several written accounts of different spies getting the "tourists" drunk and extracting information about the security measures being taken on the Equestrian side from them
  291. >Many of the drones took this to mean you were already ahead of the ponies in terms of espionage
  292. >You, on the other hand, were not so sure, and though she didn't show it, you knew your mother had the same thoughts
  293. >Was it truly incompetence, or was the leaking of information from the guards intentional?
  294. >Either way, your mother and you had spent a sleepless night or two creating contingency plans just in case
  295. >You would have spent more nights with your mother, but she had insisted you rest
  296. >"Sleep will help you look the best for those feckless mares in Canterlot" she had said
  297. >The brief buzzing of wings reminds you of Gossamer stood behind you, the very picture of the perfect guard, stiff as a statue, appearing as firm as stone, gaze sharp
  298. >While the written reports were useful, you had been ensuring that regular reports were brought to your attention as often as possible
  299. "What news from the frontier scouts, Gossamer?"
  300. >"The train stopped at the town's station one hour ago, my Prince. The scouts report growing discontentment at you and the Queen's delay."
  301. "Excellent." You can't stop the smile that spreads across your lips. "Let the ponies sweat. They know that if they leave without us, their princesses will be angrier at them for jeopardising a chance at peace, than if we're late to arrive."
  302. >While you were happy to make the guards stand in the blistering heat you'd become accustomed to until they collapsed, and you knew your mother would take even greater delight at the idea, you both knew that would be a difficult thing to explain to the princesses
  303. >You briefly crouch down and flip open the pack you'd prepared for the journey, various dried and salted meats were wrapped for you within
  304. >Certainly not the best meal you'd have, but if what your mother said was true, it'd be gourmet compared to the "apple treats" that the ponies are apparently fond of
  305. >Along with that were some other essentials, what few clothes you had to your name, water, various glass jars of both venoms and their antidotes, and last but not least, a large portion of binding goo, courtesy of your mother, just in case any of the ponies get any funny ideas
  306. >Satisfied with the pack, you seal it again and sling it over your shoulder
  307. >With a nod, Gossamer falls in line with you as you begin marching through the hive
  308. >The buzzing of changeling wings could almost be called harmonious on a normal day, like a grand orchestra, the buzzing would rise and fall as the drones went about their duties in perfect synchronisation
  309. >Today was not such a day, the harmony had turned into a cacophony as the drones rushed from one task to another
  310. >It was to be expected, considering they'd be truly without a ruler for the first time in decades
  311. >During the attack on Canterlot, more than half the hive had left with your mother, transforming into local fauna outside the barrier around the city, waiting for word to strike
  312. >You'd been left with the remaining forces, ready to march up through southern Equestria to sew confusion and force whatever pony forces remained, or any resistances that rose up, to either spread themselves thin against you both or let one of your run rampant through their country
  313. >You still remember your mother and the rest of the hive's heads hung low as they returned in shame
  314. >She hadn't let you speak with her for weeks after that, forcing you to take command of the hive briefly to ensure you wouldn't be caught unaware by a potential counterattack
  315. >Now though, not even you would be here to help keep the hive organised, the two of you leaving command in the capable hooves of a select few drones that had distinguished themselves
  316. >A single buzz amidst the cacophony grows slightly louder as it approaches before landing on your other side, mirroring Gossamer as they too fell in line with your stride
  317. >You immediately recognized Carapace, both from how she held herself, and from the death glare she thought she had subtly shot at Gossamer, who had returned the glare in kind
  318. >Both drones were of a similar build, their chitin was sleek and slender, the females curved where the males had rougher, more jagged edges, the only things of note that differentiated them were that Gossamer's eyes were green, whereas Carapace's were blue
  319. >It was lucky that they had such a distinction to them, normally you had to separate drones from the width of their hooves or the angle of the curvature of their horns
  320. "Anything to report, Carapace?" You don't bother looking down at her, simply continuing your pace towards the entrance to the hive
  321. >"We've gotten a full count of the number of guards stationed near the train. Forty strong, it's a full platoon."
  322. >You can't help but furrow your brow and let out a small whistle at the number
  323. "They did all that for us, and we didn't even get them a... uh... what do ponies like as gifts?"
  324. >"Fruit?" Gossamer seemed no more certain than you so you simply shrugged
  325. "We didn't get them anything for all that trouble, what a terrible first impression we'll make."
  326. >"Many of us have already made our first impressions, my Prince. You still have a chance to win them over though."
  327. >"Hey, Gossamer, you've got a little brown on your muzzle, right here." Carapace's droll sarcasm clearly irritates Gossamer as the drone's wings twitch slightly as she gives a small hiss in retort "Of course, if you want to get them something truly unique, my Prince, we could always... invite some of the guards to come take a tour of the hive-"
  328. >Your sudden halt and turn to Carapace stops her own suggestion dead in its track
  329. "No infiltrating the guard, Carapace, we've been over this."
  330. >Your gaze leaves no room for argument as she simply gives a meek nod in compliance
  331. >Not seeing a reason to reprimand her further, you continue on through the hive, winding your way through the various passages until sunlight began to become a more common occurrence, flitting and flickering through the growing number of holes around the hives outermost shell
  332. >A small smile finds its way onto your face as you see your mother arriving to the entrance almost at the same time as you, flanked by two of her royal guards, Beetle and Exoskeleton, or Exo for short
  333. >Out of the dozen or two royal guard drones in the hive, you were familiar with them the most, their horns helped them to stand out amongst the rest
  334. >Beetle's horn that split vertically into two prongs gave him an appearance not unlike the insect he was named for, whereas Exo's smaller horn that protruded from the base made her easy to pick out from a crowd of drones, even without their difference in size
  335. >Taking only four guards with you was, quite frankly, insulting
  336. >Your mother had made as much clear to Celestia on the day when they were negotiating the logistics of your arrival
  337. >Many times during that meeting had you found yourself wanting to interject in the proceedings, but you kept silent until your mother allowed you to speak
  338. >Alas, it was the price you had to pay in order to be allowed entrance into Canterlot
  339. >"Are the forces prepared?" Your mother's commanding tone brings all eyes to her
  340. >Beetle brings up a salute as he speaks "Guard rotations are set with shift rotations in place to be repeated until our return your majesty. The local beasts have been driven away from the Hive's borders, and the reservations of Love are at full capacity. Pharynx, Chitin and Mandible have fully implemented the rationing system to your exact specifications. Even if this takes a year, the Hive will have enough Love to endure."
  341. >Your mother lets out a groan and rubs a hoof against her temple at Beetle's words. "Damn it all, I hadn't even considered that we'd need to be there that long. Even the week I spent there before was a week too long."
  342. "Perhaps we'll get lucky and find a mare amongst the Canterlot court that has an... inclination towards the strange." You offer half-heartedly, in a small attempt to life your mother's spirits
  343. >It seems to do well enough as a smile flickers across the edge of her lips as she hums to herself
  344. >"That would certainly be helpful, it's true."
  345. >With a buzz of her wings, she makes her way fully out of the hive as you follow behind her, the four guards taking up positions around you
  346. >While Gossamer takes a bird's-eye-view from above, Exo, Beetle and Carapace form a triangular guard behind you
  347. >"Not to mention that such a mare might have more than a few dirty secrets beyond what she finds alluring."
  348. "Secrets that we could hold over her, to ensure a closer cooperation to the union on her part."
  349. >As your mother gives you a pleased smile for knowing her own mind so well, her eyes simultaneously flash with a hint of danger for interrupting her
  350. >The walk to the pony's frontier town is long, you'd left the hive an hour after you were supposed to be at the station, and getting there took about three hours more, and the sun had visibly shifted across the sky
  351. >Luckily the extra sweeps of the area had made the journey uneventful, save for a small cluster of no more than a dozen parasprites that were easily scared off
  352. >When the border town finally came into view, you could already make out various colourful ponies making their way to meet you
  353. "I think they're angry with us." Your sly grin doesn't go unnoticed as your mother chuckles besides you
  354. >The midday sun gleams off both the armour and the sweat of the guards as they form a line in front of you, effectively blocking you
  355. >Or rather, trying to block you
  356. >"Queen Chrysalis, you and your compa-"
  357. >The guardmare's attempt at taking command of the situation is quickly squashed as you and your mother simply continue your march towards the town, undeterred
  358. >While you didn't loom over them the same way your mother did, your truly foreign stature caused the various guardsmare to freeze in place, and simply staring down at them as you passed was enough to cause them to stumble out of your path
  359. >Of course, they only forget themselves for a brief period of time before they scramble to catch up with you and form their line in front of you again
  360. >"Halt!" The mare's words go ignored, again. "Queen Chrysalis! You are ordered to halt!"
  361. >Your face hardens into a glare at the pony who spoke and she briefly pauses, her eyes flicking between you and your mother, clearly thinking carefully
  362. >But after the long walk, this disrespect has not left you in the mood to allow her time to think
  363. "Are you the Commander of this unit?"
  364. >"The Lieutenant-"
  365. "Is not present?" You see the slightest shift in the mare's posture as you press her
  366. >"She left me-"
  367. "Then this conversation is pointless."
  368. >With a simple hum of agreement you and your mother continue your stride, not stopping even as hooves move towards weapons as your guards quickly rush to stand hoof-to-hoof with the ponies and hiss at them
  369. >The sudden movement from your guard leave the mares agitated, their stances tightening as they harden their grip on their weapons, and unsheathe them half-way
  370. >With a flick of her horn, your mother pushes a pair of ponies to the side, and the drones return to guarding your flank as you move past the guards
  371. >Clearly unsure of how to handle the situation, the guard ponies simply form a crescent flank around your group of six
  372. >With the town now no longer a mere speck on the distance, but actually within reach, the various buildings begin to come into focus
  373. >If you hadn't visited this town a few times in your youth, and scouted it a dozen more in recent years, you'd believe it were abandoned with the state of it now
  374. >The only signs of life aside from the guards were the brief flash of eyes in the windows, the cracks in doors or the holes in the walls
  375. >A pony adorned in similar, yet slightly altered armour compared to the rest rapidly approaches your group, a harsh glare on her face
  376. >"Corporal! Front and centre!"
  377. >The pony who had previously attempted to give orders to you and Chrysalis rapidly breaks away from the other guards and stands at attention
  378. >"Lieutenant, ma'am!" She addresses the officer with a swift salute
  379. >"Why isn't your squad leading these bu- the Changeling Delegation!? I thought I made my orders clear!"
  380. >"You did, ma'am. But you se-"
  381. >"I don't want to hear it! It's bad enough we've had to bake under the sun for so many hours, but now you're making us look like foals!"
  382. >With an annoyed scoff, you see your mother head towards the train, and you quickly follow her lead
  383. >"You better hope to Celestia tha- Hey! Queen Chrysalis!" The voice that had slowly been fading behind you rapidly grows loud again as the sound of flapping wings pulls your attention to the pegasus lieutenant who lands in front of you. "Queen Chrysalis, protocol dictates that you be questioned before we continue to the train."
  384. >"Question me on the train." Your mother finally speaks to the ponies for the first time, and she makes no attempt to hide the contempt and vitriol she feels for them. "Don't waste anymore of my time."
  385. >She attempts to disregard the lieutenant, but the mare proves to be made of firmer stuff than the rest, as with a single hop she places herself firmly in front of the queen again
  386. >You almost find her staunch unwillingness to allow you to pass admirable
  387. >Your mother simply finds it annoying as she rolls her neck to give it a satisfying crack, a way to relax herself before she looks down her muzzle at the mare
  388. >"Queen Chrysalis, you are four hours behind the time of arrival that you agreed upon with Princess Celestia herself. Not only that, but you have disregarded the authority of one of my officers, and attempted to disregard my own. I need your assurance that this is the last of the transgressions before we proceed, Ma'am."
  389. >This mare at least had the awareness to put her personal feelings aside when addressing your mother appropriately, unlike that corporal
  390. >You turn your head and flick your eyes across the ponies before they land back on her, and you see her posture stiffen as she feels your focus zero-in on her
  391. >Briefly you hold the gaze with her, memorising what you can about her
  392. >White coat, coconut brown mane, and the slightest wisp of blue peeking out from the edge of her armour at her flanks, the full extent of her cutie mark covered
  393. >Breaking your gaze away from the mare, you look back to see that your mother hasn't moved since she was addressed by the lieutenant, who has been holding her stare with the Queen
  394. >Finally shifting, your mother leans down towards the mare, her face unassuming and bored
  395. >"What authority?" She says simply
  396. >You see the offence in the lieutenant's eyes before it spreads to her face
  397. >Not bothering to entertain the guardsmare any longer, your mother marches with firmer steps towards the train, and again, you follow behind, only briefly flicking your eyes down to meet the lieutenant's before you make your way into the train
  398. >You and your mother have to duck your heads to make it past the small door frames, but once inside, you find it spacious enough
  399. >You briefly hear hoofsteps following your group, but as Exo makes sure to slam the connecting door shut, the steps stop and are replaced by a muffled, frustrated groan
  400. >"Buck this! Tell the conductor to get this train moving NOW! I want those bugs and- whatever the Tartarus that thing with them was- in Canterlot as soon as possible. The sooner they're the princesses' problem and not mine, the better."
  401. >Hooves stomp across wooden floors briefly before several dozen hooves echo through the train, and you watch the guards through the windows as they fill in the cars behind you
  402. >Subtly clever as ever, your mother ensured you all moved into the very front train car, meaning the ponies had no way to surround you, as they most likely wanted to, or even intended to, as they'd most likely file you into a specific segment if you'd listened to the lieutenant
  403. >The echoing thuds of hoof on wood slowly fade to silence, which only last a moment before the train's engine hums to life and begins to chug away, with the click of steel wheels on polished rails fill the ambience
  404. >The train slowly pulls away from the station, then gains speed, going faster and faster until the scenery begins to speed past you
  405. >With the silence having hung around long enough, you decide to break it
  406. "Gossamer."
  407. >She's in front of you almost before you get her name out, focus and determination on her face as she awaits your orders
  408. "Go talk to that lieutenant." She salutes you, and without question, turns on her hooves, marches towards the door, and makes her way out into the rest of the train
  409. >The commanding mare needed someone to blow up at, and Carapace was more likely to start a fight rather than take it
  410. >But the true advantage to it would be learning the names of that lieutenant and the corporal you had met
  411. >With a heavy sigh, you finally unload your pack and store it under one of the seats as you sit across from your mother who stares at the wall with a thoughtful look on her face
  412. >You decide it's most likely best not to disturb her, and let your own thoughts begin to focus, now that you're out of the desert heat and away from the ponies
  413. >Multiple thoughts flick through your mind, vying for your attention, the one that snags on your focus is the matter of which mare of the nobility you should pursue, something you’d been contemplating for days, if not weeks
  414. >There were multiple different sections that the various nobility held some sway over in one way or another
  415. >Food production, land ownership, exports, imports, all these and more were potential avenues that you could exert influence over if you played your cards right and got the right mare
  416. >Of course that wasn't to mention the Bearers of Harmony
  417. >While not nobles, they had power in a different way, a more literal, magical way
  418. >If you could somehow seduce one of them, they would be easy to remove from the equation, and the removal of one Bearer would be enough to nullify the Elements all together, cutting Equestria off from one of their most powerful assets
  419. >"It will be rather difficult to make allies during this attempt at peace. Perhaps we'll be able to encounter ponies who weren't present in Canterlot at the time, or at least one who managed to avoid most of the conflict." As if reading your mind, your mother draws your attention to her
  420. >Her words do not match the look on her face, and your eyes briefly flicker to the door, the only thing separating you from a platoon of guards who no doubt are under orders to report everything they hear you say and see you do to the princesses
  421. >Just as quickly, your eyes flick back to your mother as you sit back and relax your body, feigning a casualness with her as you talk
  422. "True. But we should strive to make peace with the Elements and the Princesses. We should seek to make amends for our transgressions if we're ever going to have a hope of making friends with the rest of Equestria. Perhaps they'll be curious enough about me to hear me out at least."
  423. >She simply hums in thought, easily parsing through your words to the meaning beneath
  424. >"That would be advantageous, but the memories of my... mistakes will still be fresh. I doubt they'll even meet us until we've made this peace official. Perhaps you should focus on making friends with one of the mares of the court first. You could think of it as a practice run."
  425. "Hopefully they'll be willing to be patient with me."
  426. >You both take a deep breath as you share a glance, and silently share your disgust at what you're having to say so that the ponies won't have any real evidence to use against you
  427. >You sit in silence again, distracting yourself by watching the Equestrian landscape pass by
  428. >The desert stretches on and on, your attention finally pulled away from the tumbleweed that had managed to follow the train a fair distance by the door opening again
  429. >While your mother simply shifts her eyes to the side, you and the drones turn to see and relax at the sight of Gossamer returning
  430. >Professional as ever, her face appears calm on the surface, but you can tell by the slight tremor in her legs that she is struggling to suppress her barely contained rage
  431. >You'll be sure to reward her when the day is over for putting up with the ponies for so long
  432. >Your attention shifts from Gossamer to a new pony entering behind her, pushing a small trolley of food and drinks with them
  433. >"What do you want?" You're almost surprised as your mother addresses the pony, and they immediately seize up, their eyes going wide with terror at the sight of her
  434. >"I- wh- well- we- um- food? For the... prince?" The mare just barely manages to stutter out the half-comprehensible sentence as she eyes you curiously, her head tilting to the side
  435. >"That won't be-"
  436. "What do you have?"
  437. >You can feel the small glare your mother shoots you as you turn to the mare
  438. >Clearly a decade in the hive has made you more comfortable with your presence in this world as the mere act of shifting your body seems to put the mare on edge
  439. >You imagine that you'll have to deal with that a lot as the ponies of Canterlot are forced to share a city with an alien that towers over them
  440. >She attempts to squeak out an explanation of what food and drink the princesses supplied the train with for you, though she quickly goes quiet as your mother's sickly green magic takes hold of the trolley and pulls it away from her
  441. >As your mother watches the mare who has shrunk into herself, you're reminded of the time you saw a timberwolf hunt a jackalope
  442. >With a small scoff your mother nods towards the door, dismissing the mare. "Leave us."
  443. >Seemingly grateful for the excuse to leave, the mare all but turns and bolts out of the door, though you attempt to give a small thanks as she leaves
  444. >Like it or not, it was better if at least one of you minded your manners, even around the gentry
  445. >Your mother's magic slowly picks through the various fruits and vegetable on the cart, each one earning a scoff, though her face shifts slightly as she pulls a container of cold-cut meats from amidst the various foodstuffs
  446. >"It seems Celestia was paying attention when I mentioned you were from an omnivorous species." She comments idly
  447. >With a small curiosity, you pluck the container from her magical grasp and eat one of the cuts of meat
  448. >Chrysalis briefly watches as you eat, most likely intending to make some subtly snide remark on the quality of the food to the princesses if you didn't like it
  449. >Yet, you find nothing to critique about the meat, aside from the fact you'd prefer it hot and fresh
  450. >You'd feel sorry that you can't give your mother any ammunition to use against them if it didn't have such a pleasant taste to it, clearly the princesses had gone out of their way to have it prepared by someone who understood how to handle meat
  451. >With half of the container emptied, you offer it to Chrysalis, who shakes her head, it wasn't often, but every now and then she'd partaken in meat along with you
  452. >Placing the container back on the trolley, your eyes roam around it until you find a bottle of champagne tucked away in the lower compartment of the trolley, a small curtain hiding its contents
  453. >This, you can tell, your mother will share with you as she lets out a pleased hum at the sight of the bottle
  454. >It wasn't love, but it was something at least
  455. >Besides, what was coming was certainly something worth celebrating
  456. >She pulls the bottle from your grasp and pulls the cork, eliciting a resounding pop from it
  457. >You grab two glasses from the lower compartment, which she happily fills
  458. >"To... peace" Your mother says, almost carefully
  459. "To love?" You offer as an alternative
  460. >A wicked grin crawls up her face as she chuckles deeply at your words
  461. >As she always said, it was their weakness, and your strength
  462. >"To love." She echoes as she clinks her glass to yours
  463. >The ride to Canterlot would take several hours more, but you already couldn't wait to get your hands on it
  464. >You weren't sure if it was the small amount of alcohol flowing through your system, the distraction of letting your mind run through the plans and strategies you'd discussed with your mother, or the almost hypnotic sight of the landscape slowly shifting outside the window, but your wait wasn't long lived
  465. >Sand turned to plains with small smatterings of flora, which turned into grassy knolls, rolling hills and verdant fields, which slowly changed again to add trees to the landscape, which began to change to hills and finally, mountainous cliffs as your train began to ascend
  466. >All thoughts of the mission stopped as you looked up the towering spires and the vast expanse of Canterlot
  467. >Though she was descriptive, your mother couldn't do the sheer scale of Canterlot justice, and you felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety mix in your stomach which you quickly crushed as you focused back on the mission
  468. >The midday sun had begun to descend into evening, the bright yellow fading to a more subdued orange
  469. >Despite the lesser light it still glinted off the distant gold
  470. "Mother."
  471. >Her own window view showed her nothing but mountain wall, but hearing your voice pulled her away from whatever thoughts she had lost herself in as she came to stand beside you
  472. >"We expected them to welcome us, son." She says dismissively
  473. You hum in agreement, but keep your voice low. "Yes, but how many will meet us?"
  474. >"It doesn't matter." Pulling herself away from the window and back to her full height she briefly stretches her legs and neck. "It changes nothing."
  475. "Of course, mother." You briefly think on her words as you see the glint of gold slowly grow closer as the train finally begins to slow
  476. >Your four guards are stood at attention as you wait for the train to pull in to the station
  477. >Annoyingly, the steam from the train's chimney obscures how ever many guards are waiting to escort your group to the Castle, so you begin to make your way out of the train figuratively blind
  478. >Gossamer, Carapace, Beetle and Exo leave the train before you, standing at attention on the platform as they announce your arrival
  479. >It takes a few moments for the steam to fade, and your mother sees clearer through it quicker than you do, and the wicked grin that splits upward and across her jaw gives you pause
  480. >Stepping out of the train beside her you peer through the fading steam and your eyes widen at the sight
  481. >While it was unexpected that Celestia and Luna would meet you at the station, it wasn't out of the question
  482. >Seeing the unicorn responsible for your mother's defeat, Twilight Sparkle, along with her friends, was a far more unlikely outcome, and yet, there they were, all six of them switching between glaring at your mother, staring curiously at you, and then being unsure whether to glare at you or not
  483. >But what you and your mother had never expected to see, was Princess Cadance and Shining Armor coming to meet you as well
  484. >"Oh now this is truly a Royal Welcome." Your mother all but purrs out the words, revelling in the tension in the air that grows thicker and thicker with each second that ticks by
  485. >As you look out over the gathering that's been brought to greet you, you feel the smallest sensation of a pit forming in your stomach
  486. >All three of the princesses, the prince, the bearers of harmony and what seemed to be the entirety of Canterlot's guard emptied out of the city streets and castle to meet you, then, of course, there was the platoon of guards now flanking you from the train
  487. >You mentally crush the unease in you and present yourself in the way your mother had taught you to present yourself
  488. >Back straight, shoulders squared, head held high, legs close but not together, feet shoulder-width apart
  489. >You already towered over most ponies, the only exceptions being your mother and the Princess Celestia
  490. >Your eyes briefly meet the solar princess’ and her stare briefly holds your gaze
  491. >She's reading you, like she tried to when you met during your all too brief meeting to negotiate the terms of this visit
  492. >Her eyes flicker minutely, almost imperceptibly, tracing up and down your form for the slightest sign of weakness
  493. >Like when you met before, you give her no such satisfaction
  494. >She is the first to break the stare, as she casts her eyes over to your mother, though you can tell she won't receive the same courtesy
  495. >It wasn't often that you were able to get her to speak of her time in Canterlot before, but out of your peripheral vision, you see the tell-tale signs
  496. >Though her eyes were calm, you could see that her jaw was set, her fangs most likely grit in a barely suppressed snarl behind her lips, with the slightest twitch of her wings
  497. >She was staring at the one responsible for everything going wrong
  498. >The unicorn, Twilight Sparkle
  499. >You allow your gaze to sweep over the six mares and take in more of their features as you do
  500. >The mare in question seemed close to bursting into flames with the sheer vitriol behind her glare, to the point that she seemed to either have not noticed you, forgotten you, or simply chosen to have ignored you
  501. >You don't know which one you find more insulting
  502. >Her friends are a slightly different story
  503. >The cyan pegasus and orange earth pony alternate their glare between the six of you, though they focus on you more than the other changelings
  504. >The white unicorn seems mostly interested in your attire, without shifting your gaze, you trace a hand down your outfit
  505. >Easily played off as simply straightening it, but checking for stains from the food and drink you partook in
  506. >None, as far as you can tell
  507. >Then there's the pink one
  508. >She's been waving ecstatically at you ever since you stepped off the train
  509. >It's incredibly distracting
  510. >So you elect to ignore them, and turn your gaze to the next princess
  511. >Once banished, twice beaten by the elements, and flanked by thestrals
  512. >The diarch of the night, Princess Luna
  513. >You find it rather novel that she's eye-level with you
  514. >She doesn't seem to find it as interesting as you do, she simply hardens her glare at you
  515. >Can't be helped, you suppose, you would be angry as well if someone attacked your home and you slept through it
  516. >Her previous shortcomings aside, her glare gives you pause, while their was a warmth underlined with suspicion in Celestia's gaze, Luna's is different
  517. >Sharp and cold
  518. >There is no room for suspicion in her judgement of you
  519. >Either you are an enemy, or an ally
  520. >For a brief moment, you wonder if she'll lunge at you
  521. >But it never comes, she simply regards you harshly, ignoring your mother, curiously enough, you note
  522. >Again, you can't blame her, out of your group of six, you are the unknown
  523. >As your eyes lock, you keep your mind empty
  524. >You'd heard of her abilities from your mother
  525. >She'd almost had her dreams invaded by the mare while she was undercover
  526. >From what you'd been told, it had taken a fair bit of convincing to assuage the worries of the lunar princess and to keep her from entering her dreams "until after the wedding and the stress was over"
  527. >Without a doubt, you won't be given the same privacy
  528. >Though, if she can gauge what's in someone's mind, why not have some fun, and you let your mind wander to words your mother said days ago
  529. >About how she might be a suitable candidate for you
  530. >Your eyes break the stare, and you let yourself take her in, in more detail, trailing your eyes down her neck to her tail
  531. >She had an appearance that was certainly befitting of royalty
  532. >A flawless deep blue coat, her ethereal and star-dotted mane and tail almost hypnotic in how they swayed, the apparent softness of her body belied the lithe muscle beneath that occasionally flexed and shifted, and wings with feathers that had been honed and preened to a point
  533. >Her regalia matched her perfectly, almost melding with her
  534. >Though you found the colour of ponies to be a bit of an eyesore when compared to your home, even you had to admit, she was beautiful, easy to look at
  535. >As your eyes trail back up to her face, the glare from before had fallen away to curiosity, clearly taken aback by your wandering eyes and interest
  536. >You shoot her a small, victorious smirk at breaking her stone cold glare, and you see her brows furrow as you turn your eyes away to the last point of interest
  537. >Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Prince Shining Armor
  538. >They take turns alternating between shooting glares filled to the brim with loathing at your mother, who continues to ignore them to continue her staring contest with Twilight Sparkle, to shooting less hate-filled, curious glares at you
  539. >Just as Shining Armor shifts his gaze to Chrysalis, so too, does Cadence change her gaze from your mother to you
  540. >She blinks and her eyes widen for a split second as she realises you've finished with the other ponies and have turned your attention to her
  541. >Her wings ruffle beside her, and her hooves shuffle slightly across the floor
  542. >It takes only an instant for your eyes to bounce over to Celestia and back to confirm it
  543. >The smallest alicorn is trying to emulate Celestia's demeanour
  544. >It would be intimidating if it wasn't so disgustingly adorable
  545. >She only came up to your shoulders because of her horn
  546. >After a moment, Shining's gaze turns to you again, and he realises that the two of you are locked together by the eyes
  547. >He tries to back up his wife by shooting a glare at you, but you hardly acknowledge the stallion
  548. >Though, of course, when this little charade is all done, and the tension is broken, you'll have to
  549. >If his title of Captain of the Guard didn't demand your respect, his title as Prince did
  550. >You owed him a cursory acknowledgement, at least
  551. >One prince to another
  552. >Then a thought suddenly hits you, he rules over a frozen, barren wasteland with his wife, you rule over a scorched, barren wasteland with your mother
  553. >The fact that the two of you have more in common than you initially thought is enough to draw the faintest of chuckles up from the depths of you
  554. >That alone is enough, finally, to shatter the silence that had hung heavy over you all
  555. >The couple take offence to it, and seem ready to finally speak, angrily, from what their glares are telling you
  556. >But it is Celestia who wrests control of the situation for herself as she addresses you and your mother
  557. >"Queen Chrysalis." She starts with a practised smile, though you can see the slightest strain at the edges of her lips before she turns to you and the smile seems to relax as she addresses you. "Prince Anonymous."
  558. >She dips her head in an ever so slight bow to the two of you, while Luna and Cadence do the same
  559. >The former, begrudgingly so, the latter, only after Celestia clears her throat
  560. >Then, it's your mother’s turn to speak, and she keeps it simple, but courteous. "Princesses." She doesn't even give the small bow that Celestia did, simply nodding once to the three
  561. >Then all eyes fall on you
  562. >Keeping yourself back, you place an arm softly over your chest and give the princesses a proper bow as you greet them
  563. "Your Majesties."
  564. >While Luna raises a brow at you, Cadence openly lets her bewilderment and surprise show
  565. >Celestia simply gives you an appreciative smile and a nod
  566. >Of thanks? Of approval? You're not quite sure
  567. >You return to your former posture, and allow your mother to step forward, now wasn't your time to speak beyond greetings
  568. >That came later
  569. >"We are, of course, honoured that you would welcome us back into your city, Celestia, and humbled by the swiftness of your forgiveness"
  570. >You do wish your mother had allowed you to do some of the speaking at least, you can't imagine how torturous it must be for her to spout such drivel
  571. >"'Tis always prudent to forgive thy enemies, yet to remember their names, Queen Chrysalis"
  572. >You already know your mother would wish to remind Luna that she was speaking with the other diarch, but she could not speak her mind so plainly anymore
  573. >Not now, not here
  574. >"Wise words indeed, Luna-"
  575. >"Princess Luna,” the moon diarch corrects your mother, though she holds herself to her own standard, “Queen Chrysalis"
  576. >The slightest fluttering of wings was all the reaction your mother gave to being corrected
  577. >"Come now, Luna, there's no need for formalities here. We gather here today as the first step towards a lasting peace for our ponies and her... ponies"
  578. "Drones"
  579. >You can not bite your tongue before the correction slips past your lips
  580. >"Of course. Her drones. And yours too, I presume, Prince Anonymous"
  581. >Quick to correct yourself, you keep quiet and simply nod to the princess
  582. >This seems to arouse the suspicion of Celestia, but Luna speaks first
  583. >"Tell me, Queen Chrysalis, does your..." her words trail off as she glances at you and, similarly to how you did before, her eyes drift across your form, taking in your features as she tries to find the words "...son, not speak?"
  584. >Your mother turns fully away from Celestia to Luna and dips her head slightly to be closer to eye-level with her
  585. >"Do you need to catch your breath, Princess Luna?"
  586. >"No?"
  587. >"Then do not insult my son by pausing in-between your words... your highness."
  588. >Stepping in with a wing, partly to shield her sister, partly to separate the two, Celestia steps back into Chrysalis' path
  589. >"I can assure you, my sister intended no offence to your son, Chrysalis"
  590. >"I'm also quite sure that she is old enough to have told me that herself, Celestia"
  591. >You feel the tension beginning to build again and decide to cut through it before it can become a problem
  592. "Mother." A word, just one word, but it's enough to draw her attention, and the look in your eyes is enough to tell her everything you're thinking, and she recomposes herself in an instant
  593. >"I... apologise. For any brashness. My son, as you can imagine, is rather dear to me." As she speaks, she moves away from the princesses, back to your side, and presents you, like a piece of finery.
  594. >The cyan pegasus speaks up, having flown above the rest to get a clearer view. "I thought you changelings weren't going to be disguised while you were in Canterlot?"
  595. >"Rainbow!" Twilight's chastising tone seems to confuse the pegasus as a lavender glow engulfs her tail and gently pulls her down
  596. >Celestia turns to the six ponies and indicates to you with a wing "This is the Prince that I met in the far-south of Equestria that I spoke to you girls of. Chrysalis has elected to reveal little to me, other than he is alien to our world. But she assures me that this is his true form"
  597. >"I suppose it would be difficult for a changeling to take the form of anything that wasn't native to this world" Twilight deduces
  598. >"So that's an ACTUAL alien!?"
  599. >"Apparently so, Rainbow"
  600. >"Twilight, this is kind of cool"
  601. >"I know right? Imagine all the parties we can throw after this? Do you think he knows alien party games?"
  602. >"No asking the alie- I mean, the prince, about party games, Pinkie"
  603. >As the group devolves into the various different topics that your mere existence apparently brings up, you finally spot the last of the bearers, who had hidden herself behind the other five
  604. >She looks at you, eyes hidden behind her mane covering her face, with idle curiosity mixed with fear
  605. >Hoofsteps break your concentration and pulls your attention to the prince and princess
  606. >Chrysalis seems all too pleased to address them, as Celestia seems distracted talking with the other six, while Luna seems content to simply watch everything unfold, like a silent sentry
  607. >"I must say, Chrysalis, I'm impressed."
  608. >"By what, Cadence?"
  609. >"You should refer to me as Princess"
  610. >"And you should refer to me as Queen." Your mother shifts herself forward the smallest bit, to loom over the Princess of Love. "Did Celestia not teach you manners, or did you simply refrain from learning them?" Before Cadence can respond, your mother tuts, as if disappointed before patting you on the shoulder. "My son, meanwhile, has been a paragon of etiquette. Just as I raised him."
  611. >You can imagine what the pink princess was most likely going to say, some comment about how she was surprised your mother hasn't been sick yet
  612. >Because you were wondering how she's holding her stomach after apologising of all things
  613. >"He’s only been polite in what he's said so far, Chrysalis," the prince says, interrupting the conversation, "which has been next to nothing."
  614. >Briefly, your mother and you share a glance, and she nods towards the white stallion and you give her a nod in return as you approach him
  615. >He briefly steps back before craning his neck back to meet your gaze
  616. Your hand moves up from your side as you offer it to him. "Prince Anonymous, of the Changeling Hive."
  617. >He's silent for a moment, as if processing your words before realising you're fully introducing yourself, seemingly forgetting that, despite what you already knew of each other, you through Chrysalis, and him through Celestia, you'd never actually met until today
  618. >He plants his hoof in your hand and you give each other a firm shake. "Prince Shining Armor. Of the Crystal Empire." As you separate you feel the strength of his muscles briefly
  619. "Empire." You allow the word to hang in the air briefly. "Wouldn't that make the two of you an Empress and an Emperor?"
  620. >"It's merely a holdover. The area is millennia old, though recently emerged." All things you and your mother already knew, word travelled even as far as the southern town that bordered your territory. "Declared an Empire by the pony Sombra, who strangely enough, did not declare himself Emperor."
  621. "Sombra... Sombra..." The name makes the knowledge in the back of your mind from your studies rattle. "Mad sorcerer, correct? Well versed in dark magic as I recall."
  622. >"That's... correct. How did yo-"
  623. "We Changelings are not as uneducated as you may have led yourselves to believe"
  624. >"Wait, 'we changelings'?"
  625. >The implication of Shining Armor's question is not lost on you, and while not technically incorrect, it is a slight and an insult against you and your subjects
  626. >Your mother seems most insulted by this as you can feel the air around you shift slightly
  627. >Though your mother’s demeanour never shifts from the calm she’s shown since stepping off the train, you suddenly feel the need to put some distance between yourself and Shining Armor
  628. >Her jaw clicks lightly as she chuckles as the very edges of her horn buzz with emerald magic and she pulls you back to her
  629. >”Of course. He is Prince and Heir to my Throne. The pride and joy of my Hive. Perhaps you ponies might struggle to understand such things.”
  630. >Her words are intended to both warn and get under the skin of the stallion, and you can tell its working
  631. >"Shining..." Before the stallion can respond, Cadence clearly catches the shift in mood, and bumps her husband gently
  632. >"I'm just wondering-"
  633. >"You can ask him later, Shiny."
  634. "Yes, ask me later. Prince." The tone you speak the word 'Prince' with is not lost on Shining Armor, and your glares briefly clash
  635. >"Now that we're all acquainted," Princess Celestia begins, drawing your attention, "I believe that this meeting calls for more pleasant accommodations than a train station. If everypony will draw near, the sixteen of us can be moved to the Castle."
  636. >The other princesses and her student are quick to offer their aid in casting the spell, though they are brought to pause as your mother steps forward
  637. >"I would be happy to lend my magical assistance to lighten the burden of this spell, Celestia. After all, I do have an intimate knowledge of the layout of your fine castle"
  638. >Your mother grins as Twilight and Cadence's expressions immediately sour at the idea, but Celestia simply raises a hoof to stop them
  639. >"That would be most appreciated, Chrysalis. I believe the throne room would be the best choice of location. From there, the servants can take you and your family to the guest suites while dinner is prepared."
  640. >"Excellent." While your mother can’t consume the looks on Cadence and Twilight's faces at the prospect of entangling their magic with hers, she does an excellent job of drinking them in anyway
  641. >Magics of gold, blue and green flash to life and mix, the three magics hold for a moment before a pink and purple glow begrudgingly mix in and the world melts around you for an instant, the world stretching and thinning before snapping back into focus as you warp through space
  642. >The cold air is replaced by the pleasant warmth of a regal interior as you take in the throne room
  643. >Marble pillars, velvet carpets that seem to stretch on forever down the halls, intricately crafted stain-glass windows and banners emblazoned with gold and silver
  644. >It's as grand and ostentatious as your mother described it to you
  645. "You have a lovely home, your highness. Your eye for finery is immaculate." Your compliments bring a small chuckle to the sun diarch
  646. >"Thank you, Prince Anonymous. Though you may feel free to simply refer to me as Celestia, or Princess, if you insist on being formal. And in truth, most of these halls were decorated by the talented ponies I've had the honour of having in my employ. Perhaps when this is over, I could come visit your Hive."
  647. "Perhaps, Princess."
  648. >Celestia's horn briefly glows before the doors open, and a small number of servant ponies and guards enter the room
  649. >"Please, allow my little ponies to escort you to where you will be staying. I have prepared six rooms for you all that you might enjoy some privacy and-"
  650. >"Two rooms will do just fine, Celestia." Your mother interrupts
  651. >"Well, the suites aren't necessarily suited to hold more than two poni-"
  652. >"We will manage. Your offer is appreciated, Princess. But we Changelings are a social species. We thrive together, even at rest."
  653. >"Of course, Chrysalis, arrangements will be made by the end of the day."
  654. >For the second time, your mother gives the solar princess a nod before turning away from the group, with you quickly following behind, your guards just as quick to flank you
  655. >The guard ponies eye you all nervously before hurriedly making their way out of the throne room and through the castle
  656. >You're led to an unassuming hallway, each wall lined with three doors
  657. >The guard gives you all a salute, one you can tell she did on instinct, but regrets having to give to you at all, before she departs from your company
  658. >With another glance, you take note that each door is separated by a great distance, and you wonder how big the rooms are briefly before you are forcibly shoved into one by your mother before she kicks the door shut behind her
  659. >Your guards, presumably taking the one across the hall from you
  660. >A shiver runs across the length of your mother's body as she lets out a scoff of disgust and the smarm and confidence that had dominated her face before devolves into a snarl
  661. >You feel a wave of nausea all your own wash over you as you rub your eyes, wincing at how overly colourful and bright everything is, a far cry from what you're used to back home
  662. "That was thoroughly unpleasant"
  663. >"For more than one reason" The disdain in your mother's voice is the only warning you get before her hoof connects to your cheek
  664. >It wasn't the hardest you'd been hit, you hadn't been launched off your feet after all, nonetheless, it was always jarring
  665. >You glance at your mother, and the sneer she gives in return forces your eyes to the floor
  666. >"You bowed too low to those princesses." Your gaze is pulled up and away from the floor to meet hers as she rests her hoof under your chin and pulls you up. "Do not think this peace so important that you need to embarrass us like that again."
  667. >Her hoof moves up from your chin to where she'd struck you, and she rubs the area soothingly
  668. >You place your hand over her hoof and a small plume of pink rolls off you and onto her
  669. "Of course not, mom."
  670. >"Good boy." She says briefly ruffling your hair
  671. >For however brief the time you spent with those ponies was, it was far too long, as you pull away from your mother, you briefly wonder if there is a bathroom connected to the room for you to wash the feeling off yourself
  672. >You see and quickly approach a door and just as you reach for the handle, a sickly green glow pulls your hand back and pushes the door open
  673. >"Dibs" is the only thing you hear as your mother walks past you and shuts the door behind her
  676. >>41566529
  677. >"I can't believe that we're actually letting that filthy creature be in the same building as us! Let alone four of her... drones- or whatever they are- not to mention that freak she calls a son!"
  678. >Cadence's words are coupled with the sharp back and forth of her shoes hitting the tiled floor as she paces back and forth
  679. >You loved your niece dearly, and you fully understand her anger, but you do wish she'd at least not judge someone she didn't even know so harshly
  680. >"Honey, I know this isn't great but-
  681. >"But what Shining!? I know you're trying to help, but right now, the only thing that'd help is getting to blast her back to where she came from."
  682. >"I'm with Cadence. Nothing good can come from this so-called peace talk with Chrysalis, she's planning something, again. I suggest we abandon all pretence and send her back to her hive. If not that, we should investigate, find proof, and then send her away. Though I'm still not sure why you let her come back here in the first place, Princess."
  683. >Twilight Sparkle, whom you had hoped to be the voice of reason, if not pragmatism in this situation, also seems to have judged the situation before even a day has passed
  684. >"Sister? You are... unusually quiet"
  685. >You allow yourself a fond smile at Luna, her concern warms you better than your sun ever did during the millennia you were without her
  686. >You are Celestia
  687. >But right now you wish you weren't
  688. >You'd been sat in front of the vanity in your room, watching your family through its reflections, occasionally bringing your eyes back to yourself to smooth out a bit of fur, or tuck away a stray strand of mane
  689. >The tension had been strained from the moment Chrysalis had stepped off the train, and surprisingly, had gotten even worse when her son had followed
  690. >You'd described the... whatever his species was, to everypony when you'd first returned from your initial meeting with Chrysalis and her son
  691. >Clearly nothing you could have done would have prepared them for the reality of coming face to face with an alien species
  692. >One that was not only allied, but raised by such a loathed enemy
  693. >Admittedly, you had initially dismissed Chrysalis' letters out of hoof
  694. >But as they continued to come to you, for months, each one different from the last, but retaining an intention for peace, you couldn't help but respond
  695. >Then, when Chrysalis eventually mentioned a son, your curiosity peaked
  696. >A pride and ego like hers was hard to come by, thankfully, so your brain began to race with thoughts
  697. >Why wasn't this son of hers at the invasion?
  698. >What was he like?
  699. >Why is she revealing him now?
  700. >You knew that going to visit her in the far-south was a risk, but it was one your nagging mind insisted you take
  701. >In truth, the meeting was disappointing
  702. >You'd spent the entire time talking to Chrysalis, exchanging witty, subtle barbs disguised as compliments, discussing plans
  703. >All very boring
  704. >The draw of your attention remained silent for nearly the entirety of the meeting
  705. >Prince Anonymous had merely stood behind his mother, trying and, from your own guards constant tension, succeeding at being an intimidating presence
  706. >While you couldn't deny he was imposing, it was so very rare to find anything outside of older dragons that were nearly as tall as you, you could tell there was more to him
  707. >Chrysalis had done an excellent job in teaching him, he hid his emotions well, but you could see the occasional tell in his body language
  708. >There were times he wanted to interject into your conversation, but discipline held him back
  709. >Even your attempts to subtly pull him into the conversation, to have a more active role, went unheeded
  710. >If anything, he seemed to retreat into himself
  711. >Your curiosity hadn't been sated from that meeting
  712. >If anything, it had only heightened it
  713. >You weren't willing to risk your little ponies
  714. >But if letting a hooful of changelings back into Canterlot meant you could speak with the Prince again, well, you hoped you were ready to face the consequences
  715. >"Princess?"
  716. >Your attention snaps to Twilight, her head tilted slightly at you
  717. >Did she ask you something?
  718. >Did you zone out?
  719. >"Auntie?"
  720. >Now Cadence is looking at you, you definitely zoned out, her ranting seems to have been long done, as was her pacing
  721. >Your eyes focus on her as you tiredly rub a hoof over your face
  722. "I do wish you'd refrain from insulting my guests, Cadence. Even if they are Chrysalis and her drones."
  723. >She rubs one foreleg over the other as her head turns downward slightly "Sorry, auntie"
  724. >Oh, now she thinks you're mad at her, or at least disappointed
  725. >You should talk with her later
  726. >This situation is probably the worst on her
  727. >Maybe you could take her to that café she always liked
  728. >It had been a while since it was just the two of you
  729. >She probably needed it
  730. >Dealing with Sombra almost immediately after Chrysalis couldn't have been good for her
  731. >With the smallest flicker of your magic, your regalia and tiara find their way back on you as you stand
  732. "I understand it must hurt to be near Chrysalis again, Cadence. But you don't need to be here." As you turn to her, you see her open her mouth to protest, and silently ask her to let you finish by gently bringing a hoof up to her chin in a feather-light touch. "I couldn't be happier to have you in Canterlot. But I knew this situation would be... tense, to say the least. I was more than happy to send you daily updates so you wouldn't have to leave the Crystal Empire. You have your own subjects to look after now, they need you to protect them."
  733. >"But who will protect you?"
  734. >Her words bring a smile to your face
  735. >How an old fool like you ever raised such a fine princess, you'll never know
  736. >She brings a hoof up to wrap around your leg, and you use it to pull her into a hug
  737. "I still have Luna, and we can't forget Twilight"
  738. >A small, embarrassed scowl crosses Luna's face at your words
  739. >It's that look
  740. >The one she's had ever since she learned she slept through the invasion
  741. >Opening a wing, you pull your sister into the hug, and Twilight and Shining Armor quickly joins in
  742. >"Hey, don't forget me"
  743. >You can't stop the small laughter that the sensation of such love brings you, and it seems contagious, as small chuckles, or amused huffs through the nose in Luna's case, spreads through the five of you
  744. >While you want nothing more than to remain in the hug for days on end, you eventually pull away
  745. "I know that these next few days are going to be difficult. I also know that it's entirely possible that this peace is false, and will collapse. But I have to hope, in my heart of hearts, that somewhere, somehow, there's some part of Chrysalis that will see the merit of a real peace. I'm not asking any of you to trust her, just..."
  746. >"Give her the benefit of the doubt?"
  747. >You smile down at Twilight and give her a small, appreciative nuzzle
  748. >When words fail you, her keen mind would always know what you wanted to say
  749. "Precisely, Twilight. I won't let Chrysalis catch us off guard again. While I will allow her and her drones the proper courtesy of at least some privacy, she will be monitored heavily."
  750. >"Meanwhile, I shall observe them whilst they sleep, discreetly, of course. Though I do regret it may leave some nightmares untended too, it is necessary, for now."
  751. >"I've taken preparations too. The Elements of Harmony are just a spell away."
  752. >"And I've got my magic ready to go. Even if a swarm twice as large as the one Chrysalis had before arrived, I can keep them out."
  753. >"We won't let you down, auntie."
  754. >While the responses weren't as geared towards peace as you'd like, they still made you glad to hear them
  755. >Twilight, Cadence and Shining Armor make some brief goodbyes as they go to prepare for dinner, leaving you alone with Luna
  756. >It was a rare treat to have her with you at this time, with how your duties all too often separated you
  757. >As the door to your room clicks shut behind the three, she gets straight into the heart of the matter, without missing a beat
  758. >"The alien fascinates you."
  759. >She always could read you like a book
  760. >It was both infinitely comforting, and infinitely annoying
  761. "Yes, the Prince does." You correct
  762. >She rolls her eyes playfully at you
  763. "He doesn't interest you?"
  764. >"I'm more wondering what he and Chrysalis are planning." You nod along to your sister, slightly agreeing. "He most certainly interests young Twilight Sparkle though, doesn't he?"
  765. "Oh, I'm certain she's tearing her mane out trying to figure out how to both keep an eye on Chrysalis and bombard him with the several dozen questions she's already thought up."
  766. >"We may find out sooner rather than later, we imagine dinner will be ready soon. We shall prepare to raise the moon."
  767. "Actually," you halt Luna as a thought crosses your mind, "if he's spent his life in Chrysalis' hive, do you think this Anonymous has ever seen the sun and moon change? Up close?"
  768. >"You want to give our visiting dignitaries a show?" Luna seems equal parts bemused and surprised by the idea
  769. "Well, why not?"
  770. >Your sister considers your words for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh
  771. >She gives no answer, her horn simply flares to life, and she teleports away with a rush of magic, leaving a small trail of deep blue arcane energy in her wake
  772. >She'd wait
  773. >You give yourself one more onceover in the mirror before you depart
  774. >It was always a good idea to make good impressions
  775. >Even with guests you were uncertain of
  776. <>
  777. "But you don't even eat food, mom"
  778. >"Just because I choose not to eat common food, does not mean I am incapable of partaking, son"
  779. "So I eat common food?"
  780. >"Oh please, it's not common food when royalty eats it"
  781. "But it is common food when royalty chooses not to eat it?"
  782. >"Exactly. See, I knew you'd get there in the end."
  783. >You only give a half-hearted attempt to bat away the hoof she used to ruffle your hair
  784. >Luckily it's easy enough to fix back to where it was
  785. >You never would have guessed that Beetle had a knack for styling-hair as well as cracking manticore knees
  786. >Again your eyes are drawn to your clothes
  787. >Turning back and forth, there's nothing as far as you can see that's wrong with them, but still that white unicorn's gaze is on your mind
  788. >"What's wrong?"
  789. >Oh, that tone
  790. >You hate that tone
  791. >With a sigh, you know it's better to just grit your teeth and bare it
  792. "My clothes," you start, "that white unicorn- what did you say her name was?"
  793. >"...Chariot?"
  794. >Her tone was both a statement and a question, meaning she had no real idea, and it would be a bad idea to press her
  795. "Well, she was... she was looking at my suit-"
  796. >"Admiration, no doubt."
  797. >And there it is
  798. >With that, your conversation was sunk
  799. >A grunt escapes you as you move over to your pack and flip it open
  800. >Briefly you go through your various other options
  801. >Unfortunately, this is the best you had
  802. >All the rest have stains you'd prefer not to explain to the ponies, or holes that you can't explain
  803. >From what you remember from your mother's stories, that unicorn made dresses for her
  804. >Dresses she despised, but dresses nonetheless
  805. >If that unicorn knew fashion, and she didn't approve of what you wore, would any mare?
  806. >Isn't that the whole point of this? To appeal to some vanity-laden court mare?
  807. >Your hand drags down your face as you try to collect your thoughts
  808. >It's only the first night and it seems like you've already got something to worry about
  809. >You wince slightly as your hand goes over the cheek your mother struck
  810. >Through years of trial and error she'd learned a long time ago exactly how much punishment you could take
  811. >There was no swelling, no bruising, just a dull ache
  812. >A far cry from when she'd first hit you
  813. >What you wouldn't give to have some protective chitin like your siblings
  814. >Three resounding knocks puts you and your mother on guard immediately
  815. >Her, with back arched, wings flared and fangs bared, you, with your hand over one of the various toxins your brought
  816. >"Queen Chrysalis, Prince Anonymous, dinner is ready to be served, and your presence is requested in the Dining Hall."
  817. >The guard gave neither of you any time to respond as you quickly caught the sound of hoofsteps marching back down the hallway
  818. >Your mother lets out a scoff as she combs a hoof through her mane
  819. >"Who do these princesses think they are? A Queen does not get summoned."
  820. >Her frustration at the reminder for food is heightened as her mane refuses to stick, any attempts she makes to control a stray strand failing
  821. >Before she smashes the mirror in frustration, you step in behind her
  822. >It always amused you when she was sat, and you stood, your differences in height changing
  823. >A small smile creeps up the edges of her lips as your fingers gently align the stray hairs with the rest of her mane and tuck it behind her ear
  824. >Something just as easily done with her magic, but she seems to prefer when you do it for her
  825. >With a more pleased hum, she rises to her hooves and you two make your way to the door
  826. Taking the handle in your grip, you simply lean to her and whisper "Showtime" as you pull the door open and step outside
  827. >Gossamer, Carapace, Beetle and Exo are quick to fall in line behind you two as you make your way through the winding castle hallways
  828. >It was easy enough to navigate, none of the intended confusion of your Hive
  829. >Within a minute your mother is engulfing the double doors in her magic and pushing them open, the creaks and groans acting like a grand announcement of your arrival
  830. >Fashionably late of course, as you just catch sight of the last pony seating themselves as you enter, and draw all attention to you
  831. >The seating arrangement is about what you expected
  832. >Neither of the far ends of the table have chairs set at them, nopony to sit at the Head or Foot of the arrangement
  833. >Instead, the ponies, with ten seats, are seated at one side, while the other, only has two
  834. >Celestia and Luna are sat across from the two chairs that have been set out for you and your mother
  835. >Cadence and Shining Armor are to the right of Luna, and Twilight and her friends are to the left of Celestia
  836. >Your guards need no guidance, immediately bringing their wings to life with a buzz as they fly to stand guard at the pillars behind your chairs
  837. >You and your mother briefly share a glance, and no words are needed when her eyes tell all
  838. >How exactly can you make this dinner as uncomfortable as possible?
  839. >With a practised stride, you both walk over to the chairs, and quickly lift them
  840. >Your mother, taking her in her magic, you, hefting yours over your shoulder
  841. >What were these chairs made of, metal and solid rock?
  842. >As Chrysalis move over to the left, you go right
  843. >You easily see the table tense as you so nonchalantly disregard the princesses intended seating arrangement
  844. >But you were guests, so there wasn't much they could do if you wanted to sit somewhere else, other than leave
  845. >With an echoing thud, you and your mother let your chairs drop as she sits herself across from Cadence, while you sit yourself across from Twilight
  846. >The purple unicorn does nothing to hide the glare and flare of her nostrils at you
  847. >It was a good thing she wasn't nobility, she'd be terrible at court politics with a lack of emotional control like that
  848. >The tension slowly begins to build again, so, before it can cause any problems, you decide to break it and the silence as you give Twilight a toothy-grin
  849. "Hi."
  850. >The simple greeting seems to catch her completely off-guard as she awkwardly attempts to return the greeting, her friends all giving varying greetings of their own, from outright growls and glares, to a meek whimper, to a cordial introduction, to a blast of confetti that nearly throws you back
  851. >"HI!" As the pink pony disappears and reappears quicker than you've seen your mother teleport, she causes your chair to rock back
  852. >She's quickly seized in a purple haze and put back in her seat as you push your weight forward, and your chair lands again with a thud
  853. >"Pinkie! What did we talk about literally just before they got here?"
  854. >"I dunno, I was busy colouring on the kids menu"
  855. >Your ears briefly catch Luna whispering to Celestia, "Sister, the Castle does not stock 'kids menus' do they?"
  856. >As you leave Twilight to get into a back and forth with her friends, you keep your focus on her as you speak
  857. "So, Princess Celestia," your eyes briefly flick to the sun princess to keep her attention, "this is a lovely dining hall you have. Is this real silk?" You spread your hands over the cloth laid over the table, noting the simultaneous softness and strength of the material
  858. >"Why yes, actually. It's over two hundred years old, it was crafted by an old friend by the name of-"
  859. >As Celestia gets lost in retelling of some long dead pony that time had long since forgotten, the idle chatter seems to be a cue for the dinner to be served
  860. >A simple salad for all as a starter, to be expected
  861. >Less expected was the show of wines you were given
  862. >Lazily pointing to what you're sure is a storied vintage, the drinks are poured and ponies begin cautiously picking at the food
  863. >"-but I'm sure you didn't come all this way to hear me regale you with some old tales of days gone by. Please, you're my guest, I would love to learn more about you. Our previous meeting was cut tragically short before I could learn much of anything about you."
  864. >"For example, what are you?" Twilight interrupts, pulling your still smiling face to her
  865. >She clearly doesn't like the fact you're smiling, if her glare is anything to go off of
  866. "I'm a Changeling, Twilight Sparkle. Much like how you are a pony."
  867. >"Yes, but as well as being a pony, I'm a unicorn. So, just as you... are a changeling, what are you?"
  868. >You briefly scratch your chin in thought, and your small smile turns into a smirk
  869. >Your mother was right, she was clever
  870. >One good turn deserves another, her wordplay was good enough that she deserved a real answer
  871. >Precious as it was, with how few true answers she'd ever get from you
  872. "I'm-"
  873. >The sound of metal ringing out pulls your attention to the far end of the table
  874. >There your mother sat, a mouth daintily filled with salad, while across from her, the picture of composure and grace, Cadence smiled back at her, with a knife slammed into the table beside her plate
  875. >You quickly reach for your wine and sip at it to hide your laughter
  876. >Tonight was truly promising to be something to remember
  877. <>
  878. >You didn't think it was possible, but these ponies have actually found a way to make this food even worse than it was last time
  879. >Still, you simply grin and bare it
  880. >After all, while the food was foul, the looks on Cadence and Shining Armor's faces were to die for
  881. >You'd half expected them to simply get up and leave in a sign of protest at your being here at all
  882. >But here they are
  883. >Sitting across from you, forced to make polite dinner conversation
  884. >Well, as polite as can be when there's a knife in the table
  885. >You had intended to sit across from Celestia after these two left, but you're so glad they've decided to stay
  886. >While the food was awful, the good company, and good wine made it worth it
  887. "So... how is the Crystal Empire treating you two?"
  888. >Snagging briefly on the wood, Cadence wrenches her knife out of the table and begins cutting through her salad with all the practised manner of a Castle raised noble
  889. >Honestly, she surprised you, you can't imagine how difficult it must be for her
  890. >You could taste the sheer volume of seething hatred whirling around in her, yet she hid it all behind the mask of genteel courtesy
  891. >"It's just fine, now that the Crystal Heart has been returned to where it belongs"
  892. >You wrack your brain for references to the Crystal Heart
  893. >The far-north of Equestria was admittedly somewhat of a blind-spot for you
  894. >Then something clicked, an old legend your own mother had shared with you ages ago
  895. "Ah, yes, the Crystal Heart..." your words seem to pull their suspicion, clearly not expecting you to be in the know, "my mother once heard legends about it. Such a fascinating little artefact. When this peace settles between us, I'd be honoured if you'd allow me to visit your Empire to see it."
  896. >You drink down the bile your words bring up your throat with another polite sip of wine
  897. >"I'm sure you would, Chrysalis." Shining Armor says with a scoff. "But we're not exactly eager to bring you to a buffet any time soon."
  898. His words bring you pause. "Oh do you not-?"
  899. >Of course they don't
  900. "You don't know, do you?" Your smirk shows the faintest hint of ivory white fang behind your black chitin, and the two look genuinely nervous now
  901. >"Know what?" Cadence asks, almost demanding
  902. >Oh this was too good an opportunity to pass up
  903. "Exo, Beetle, Gossamer, Carapace, to me."
  904. >The drones are beside you within a second, their heads bowed low to listen to your every word
  905. "Have you eaten today since breakfast?"
  906. >"No, my Queen." Gossamer responds. "We intended to wait until-"
  907. "Nonsense, I won't have my guards starving."
  908. >Turning your head, you see your son engaged in conversation with that purple menace, the annoyance on her face brings you almost as much joy as Cadence's annoyance did
  909. "Anonymous!" You call across the table, and your son's attention lands squarely on you. "Your siblings are hungry. Be a dear?"
  910. >He playfully rolls his eyes, but beckons the four over to him
  911. >As the drones surround the Prince, you see the whole of the room turn their attention to the scene and wait with baited breath
  912. >Meanwhile you finish off your glass of wine and begin another, looking forward to the show
  913. >The four guards initially stand stock stiff, and a pace away from your son, but he slowly pulls Gossamer closer, a hand on her cheek, and beckons the other three closer
  914. >He rubs up and down her chitin before pressing his head against hers and pulling the rest into a hug
  915. >Then, it happens
  916. >A plume of pink energy blossoms off of him and swirls around the four, being drawn into the drones
  917. >Cadence almost lunges out of her chair, held back by Shining Armor, whose horn has flared to life, ready to shield any of the ponies who might need it
  918. >The guards have their weapons half-way ready to be used
  919. >Luna and Celestia are dumbstruck, watching the scene with a mix of shock and curiosity
  920. >Finally, the six mares at the other end of the table are all slack-jawed and wide-eyed
  921. >Eventually the plume dies down and Anonymous pushes the drones away, dusting off his clothes and returning to his meal as though nothing happened
  922. >While he savours the food, you savour the looks on everypony's face, it was everything you'd hoped for and more
  923. >While you perhaps might have wanted to keep that under wraps for longer, it was inevitable that one of them would have found out eventually
  924. >Either by some random pony catching Anonymous feeding his guards, or by him simply informing the ponies of his duties as the Prince
  925. >This was much better
  926. >The shock made the air electric, and almost added a spice to every bite of the meal you returned to
  927. >Turning your attention fully back to Cadence, it takes her a few moments to realise you're looking at her
  928. "That is why I have no need of your... buffet. My son's love is just as sweet, if not more. Plentiful, easy-access, and never-ending." The crunch of the salad seems to echo through the room. "Can you imagine it, Cadence? Endless love... for me, and all my family."
  929. >Your dozen words spoke a hundred more, but her silence spoke a thousand
  930. >Her mouth twitches, the calm control she'd pretended to have shattered at the revelation that you didn't need to slink in the shadows anymore
  931. >The realisation that she didn't need to worry about her or anyone in this room being drained of love
  932. >The horror that you had everything you needed in the son you'd brought with you
  933. >Quickly realising that her so-called "niece" is panicking, Celestia tries to pull your attention away
  934. >"I must say, this comes as a surprise, Chrysalis"
  935. >You're half-tempted to keep your eyes on the pink princess
  936. >Every fibre of your being wants to see how long it takes for your mere gaze on her to compound everything else and make her break
  937. >But, you need to keep up the guise of peace, so you turn your head towards Celestia, and pretend not to notice the shaking breaths that come from Cadence when your attention is no longer on her
  938. "Whatever do you mean, Celestia?"
  939. >She does a good job of hiding her annoyance at your faux-ignorance
  940. >"Your son. His... differences aside, this development regarding his love is rather unexpected."
  941. "We are his family. Is it any wonder he would love us?"
  942. >"Of course we would never assume he did not care for you, Queen Chrysalis." Luna begins. "But there is somewhat of a precedent set by you on what your species' draining of love does to the target."
  943. "A unique trait of his biology. No magic. It allows the love to flow more freely."
  944. >"Interesting." Celestia's eyes narrow in a look full of curiosity. "Your species and their abilities are fascinating, Chrysalis, I would love to be able to learn more about you and your drones."
  945. >"Mother?"
  946. "And I would be delighted to educate you on such things, Celestia, you won't find a more learned being on the subject than I."
  947. >"Mother!?"
  948. "Of course, I too feel woefully uneducated about your own species. Your pony infrastructure is rather fascinating to me, and I'd love to learn it's ins and ou-"
  949. >"Mom!"
  950. >Your mandible clicks shut as you grit your fangs and glance over at your son
  951. >You really didn't like hitting him
  952. >You especially hated hitting him twice in one day
  953. >He had such a good face, and he'd need it to charm whatever hapless mare was needed
  954. >But sometimes he was simply asking for it
  955. >Bowing so low to the princesses he may as well have been grovelling, and now referring to you so casually in front of others
  956. >But you needed to wait
  957. >These ponies no longer saw the virtue of more archaic disciplines
  958. >When you all retired to your chambers
  959. >That way, he could sleep off whatever damage you did
  960. You blink away the thought and tuck it into the back of your mind as you turn to him. "Apologies, Anonymous, I was distracted by my delightful conversation with Celestia. Did you need something?"
  961. <>
  962. "How old was I when you found me? Six? Seven?"
  963. >"Five. As I recall. You certainly acted like a five year old."
  964. >You are Anonymous
  965. >And you are so screwed
  966. >With a slip-up of that magnitude, you wonder if you’ve had too much wine
  967. >A part of you hopes your mother's had too much as well
  968. >If she has, she'd simply pass out when she got to her room and forget your transgression
  969. >Then again, if she only had enough to get drunk and not pass-out, that would be worse
  970. >She lost her self-control when she was drunk
  972. >Your thoughts do nothing to shift your face as you turn back to Twilight
  973. "There you have it, Miss Sparkle. I've been here since I was five. Five years as a human, and many, many more as a Changeling, are you really so surprised I'd remember so little about my own species?"
  974. >"I... suppose that when you put it like that, it's not so surprising."
  975. >Twilight's endless questions seem to have finally slowed with the constantly worried looks she was shooting at Princess Cadence
  976. >You knew that the reveal of your bottomless reserves of love would shock these ponies, but you honestly expected better from the alicorn
  977. >Slowly, the starters are finished, the pink pony having gone through five helpings, and the plates are replaced with the main courses
  978. >Various sandwiches, apple-based meals and an entire cake are brought in
  979. >A simple pasta dish is put in front of you, and while you can tell the chefs have done an excellent job from the smell alone, you do silently wish there was some meat to go with it
  980. >It does pair excellently with the wine you chose though, you note, and wonder if that was intentional
  981. >Seemingly noticing your slight disappointment, Celestia speaks. "I do hope you'll forgive the lack of meat, Prince Anonymous. While we were happy to provide some on the train, some of my ponies are... less suitable to handle an omnivore's diet."
  982. >Your eyes briefly drift over the ponies, while most simply stare back at you, any previous glares faded to curious stares, tinged with an annoyance at not being able to fully figure you out
  983. >You can't imagine any of them having the stomach to watch you eat meat, so you simply let the matter be and begin your meal
  984. >"So, Anonymous, right?" A scratchy voice pulls your attention.
  985. >"Rainbow. Manners?"
  986. >"What? You really think he cares?"
  987. >You sit back a little, only slightly surprised by the prismatic mare
  988. >Her reputation truly did proceed her
  989. >She was as flippant as your mother had described
  990. >Your eyes briefly glance back at Carapace, from what you recall, she'd briefly brawled, and lost, with the cyan pegasus during the invasion
  991. "Yes, Rainbow Dash?" You address the pony and she smiles at Twilight, silently using your casual tone to dismiss Twilight's worries
  992. >"So, you're not a changeling- well, you are- but you're not. You can't change, right?"
  993. "No. No, I do not share the same abilities as my mother and siblings."
  994. >"And you've been Chrysalis'... um- kid, for years?"
  995. "Yes?"
  996. >"So you also knew about the invasion?"
  997. >You notice the rest of the table has gone silent, and can feel your mother's gaze on you the most
  998. "...I did. Why?"
  999. >"Well, I'm just wondering. Nopony saw you, or anything like you at the invasion. So where were you?"
  1000. >You take your time chewing through your mouthful of pasta as you slowly look at the ponies around the table, with your eyes finally landing on your mother
  1001. >She had warned you before of what kind of things these ponies would want to talk about
  1002. >This was one of them
  1003. >As you wash the food down, only one thought comes to mind
  1004. >You were gonna need more wine
  1005. >The inebriating liquor would only last so long though
  1006. >You needed an answer, and fast
  1007. >One that would satisfy these ponies, so it had to be believable
  1008. >But you couldn't reveal what you and the rest of the forces were really planning
  1009. >With your mother having done an excellent job antagonising everypony, you must seem like a saint by comparison
  1010. >If you were careful, you could maintain an at least slightly positive image to them
  1011. >However it couldn't be an answer that implied a weakness or a reluctance to support your mother
  1012. >She'd let one insult pass her tonight
  1013. >She wouldn't suffer another
  1014. >With a cool grace you returned casually to your meal as you waved off the rainbow mare's question like it was the simplest thing
  1015. "I wasn't present in Equestria at the time, I was under order from mother to remain in the Hive, with our remaining forces."
  1016. >A tension rose swiftly in the air, and you saw out of your peripherals, Cadence with a smug grin, expecting to be proven right, and your mother, with narrowed, judgemental eyes, waiting to see your performance
  1017. >Though Twilight rose slightly from her seat, it was Luna that engaged you. "Pray tell, Prince Anonymous, what were you and "the rest of your forces" doing still in the Hive?"
  1018. "Well, as you might imagine, an infiltration such as then was a subtle affair, and as you all can tell, I am anything but."
  1019. >There was the shift, the tension didn't end, in some of the ponies, you saw it strain, whereas in others, it wavered due to your attempt at humour
  1020. >"And what, we wonder, were thine intentions, away from thy matron?"
  1021. "Ours is an inhospitable land, Princess Luna," you bridged your fingers together as you met her gaze, "everyday we are beset by all manner of beasts."
  1022. >You allow yourself a polite glance around to the other ponies, not wanting them to feel left out of the conversation
  1023. >Except for Cadence
  1024. >She can keep your mother as company
  1025. >As you see Celestia and the six at the least attentive to your story, at the most, enraptured, you fight down the smile you want to give
  1026. "Manticores, chimera and timberwolves were most often of all, but also roaming infestations of parasprites have been known to cause us issues. We've been sieged by a hydra more than once, and whenever dragons migrate overhead, they like to challenge us. We have only endured so long due to our ability to change into predators of an equal or greater nature."
  1027. >"You mean their ability to change."
  1028. >"Twilight! Don't be rude-"
  1029. >You stop the two unicorns from devolving into bickering by holding up a hand and chuckling slightly
  1030. "No offence meant, no offence taken, I assure you." The unicorns quickly and quietly recompose themselves as Celestia clears her throat, grabbing your attention
  1031. >"While I find it regrettable that your home is under such constant attack, Prince Anonymous, I am afraid you'll have to forgive me as I must insist you did not fully answer my sister's question."
  1032. >No
  1033. >No you did not
  1034. >Maybe if she were this observant before, your mother wouldn't have trounced her
  1035. "Of course, Princess. I merely wished to set the stage of my home, as my mission, during my mother's infiltration, was to secure the home front." This causes Celestia's eyes to narrow, ready to probe any inconsistency. "After all, a changeling is only as strong as the Love it is able to acquire."
  1036. >Out of your peripherals, you see your mother's eyes widen by a fraction for an instant
  1037. >Not a look of disapproval
  1038. >But of warning reminder of how thin the ice you're on really is
  1039. "Mother, as you can imagine, had enough Love to provide for the forces she took with her. But the forces that defended the Hive needed a constant stream of Love, as the nearby hostile life could... sense the departure of the Hive's leader, and did attempt to take advantage of it."
  1040. >"Oh my..." You hear a meek voice mutter to the side
  1041. >Your eyes briefly dart to the buttermilk yellow mare and she attempts to make herself smaller before you turn your attention back to Celestia
  1042. >Her narrowed gaze hasn't softened, but it hasn't hardened yet
  1043. >She's still not satisfied
  1044. >"But that wasn't the only reason you were still at your hive, was it?"
  1045. >You're almost enjoying yourself
  1046. "No. In truth, there was a secondary objective to my remaining with our reserve forces." You allow your words to hang in the air, and a cold stillness grips the tension as you sigh and circle your finger along the rim of your wine glass, causing an eerie whistle to emanate from it.
  1047. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see the rainbow pegasus, pink mare and farmer pony attempt to imitate you, with little success
  1048. "I was there in case Equestria attempted a retaliatory strike against us."
  1049. >Wine glasses tip and the three mares make rushed, hushed attempts to correct their spills as you see the princesses eyes widen at you
  1050. >"Wh- E- Equestria would never-!"
  1051. "Something you have more than proven, your highnesses. I meant no offence." You bow your head to them, this time not enough to upset your mother.
  1052. >A quick glance around the table is enough to tell you that none of the ponies were expecting such a response
  1053. "We had no real comprehension of your nation, in truth. Only that you had, and still have, an abundance of love. Along with an army that, if mobilised, could decimate us with a fraction of its full strength."
  1054. >"And you didn't think to attempt diplomacy first?" Celestia's voice is well measured, the perfect blend of caring and chastising, perfectly capturing the maternal image she'd built for herself over a millennia
  1055. You simply respond with a dry, hollow chuckle as you spread your arms out. "Look at us, Princess." The request comes out tired, and pained. "Would you have had no suspicions if things like us came knocking on your borders?"
  1056. >"I would not." She takes no time to think of her answer, like the most accepting response was instinct to her
  1057. >You finally allow your blank face to break, and a ghost of a smile dances on the edge of your lips
  1058. "More the fool us then, I suppose." You finish the way you'd begun, with a sip of wine
  1059. >The ponies briefly share glances between each other, having a kind of mental conversation with their eyes
  1060. >But no further questions are raised, and the once doubt-filled glares fade away to more neutral stares, some even verging on welcoming
  1061. >Though, they wither back into suspicion when they glance at your mother
  1062. >The princess remain in silent conversation the longest, their heads tilting back and forth, occasionally nudging in the direction of you or your mother
  1063. >But eventually, even they settle back into the dinner with nothing else to say
  1064. >For now
  1065. >As you all return to your dinners, you hear a brief, muttered back and forth, along with the clearing of a throat
  1066. >Glancing up, you see the two unicorns sharing glances before straightening out as they notice your gaze on them
  1067. >Clearing her throat again, Twilight fiddles slightly, avoiding making eye contact as she speaks "Ano- Prince Anonymous, I mean, I... just want to apologise. For earlier. Mentioning that you're, well- not-"
  1068. "As I said before, no offence was meant. In truth, it was my own fault. I've spent so long referring to myself as one of the changelings that I all too often forget my own alien nature." You raise your glass to your mother. "A flaw I'm all too proud of."
  1069. >Your mother's previous judgemental stare finally breaks into a proud smile as she levitates her own glass to yours
  1070. >The ring of glass on glass echoes through the grand dining hall
  1071. >And with it, the last of the tension seems to melt away
  1072. >It had grown tense at times, slackened, then tightened again, like an orchestra being played until it faded
  1073. >The only tension that remained in the room was solely coming from a particular pink alicorn
  1074. >As your glass covers your mouth, you allow a corner of your mouth to show as you glance at her
  1075. >And smirk
  1076. >Her eyes widen, but you don't see how else she reacts as you quickly return your attention to the group of six mares
  1077. >What could Cadence do now, after all?
  1078. >Tell Celestia you smiled at her?
  1079. >"So, Anon, you've had all these things attack you, what was the worst?" Rainbow Dash asks
  1080. >You lean back in your chair, humming with thoughts of battles past
  1081. "Despite the ferocity of the hydra, I'd have to say that the time we were attacked by a herd of chimera was the most troublesome.” You hear the slight shifting behind you, no doubt Carapace feeling a phantom ache where one scarred her back then. “The unique physiology of their three heads granted them heightened awareness, and left us at quite a disadvantage."
  1082. >"Wait, wait, wait, a herd of chimera?" The pegasus asked
  1083. >You simply nodded in response
  1084. >A whistle to the side pulled your attention to the farm pony
  1085. >"Whoa nelly... I've tussled with one o' them critters before. One of the toughest things I ever did. Ah'm not surprised y'all needed a heaping helping of your drones to fight off more than one."
  1086. >You briefly go back and forth with the farm pony, Applejack, swapping stories of how your fights varied
  1087. >You'd never considered the need for rubber boots or a wooden chair when fighting a chimera, but you learn something new everyday
  1088. >As you spoke, you couldn't help but notice more and more the meek pegasus mare looking at you, looking away, then shuddering
  1089. >She repeated this several times until you finally broke your conversation with Applejack to look at her
  1090. "Can I help you, miss?"
  1091. >She let out a small squeak before muttering something inaudible, as you tilted your head slightly towards her, she simply lifted a shaking hoof and pointed at your coat
  1092. >Noticing their friend's situation, the white unicorn glanced at you, and let out a small "Ah" in realisation
  1093. >"Prince Anonymous, I don't mean to be too forward, but... your coat..."
  1094. "I saw that you noticed it earlier." You say, running a hand over it. "A small trophy won from our battle with the chimeras. I required the services of a pony near to the Hive to obtain it, but it was worth it. As you can imagine, there's not much in the way of suitable clothing material where we're from."
  1095. >"Yes, I'm sure." Her smile was entirely polite, merely entertaining your explanation, but leading to something else. "While it's... lovely. I'm afraid that poor Fluttershy here is rather... averse to harm of any kind coming to animals. She's somewhat of a friend to animals, you see, and I was wondering if...?"
  1096. "If I could depart from it?" You ask, almost teasing
  1097. >"If it wouldn't be a bother." Despite the company she keeps, this mare almost makes you certain of being of some nobility with her manner
  1098. >With a casual shrug, you remove your shoulders from the jacket and slide it off
  1099. "Gossamer." With a word, she's beside you, and takes your jacket in her magic. "Return this to my room please."
  1100. >"My Prince, I'm under orders not to leave your side until-"
  1101. >With a stroke to her side she relaxes slightly, only to force herself back into a soldier's stance
  1102. "I'm perfectly safe here, Gossamer. The others are here, and I'm certain the Canterlot Guard will suffice to make up for your absence." You notice one guardsmare’s nostrils flare at your subtle insult
  1103. >She ponders her words briefly, the casualness of your usual relationship making her want to chide you, her orders making her want to protest, and her position and the company makes her want to simply acquiesce
  1104. >"Will you require a change, My Prince?"
  1105. You smile at her and shake your head. "That won't be necessary. Simply leave them in my quarters, and return to my side."
  1106. >With a small bow, her wings buzz as she flies to the door, and out of the dining hall a moment later
  1107. >Turning back to Fluttershy, you give her an apologetic smile and nod
  1108. "I do regret if I caused you any discomfort, Miss Fluttershy, it was never my intention."
  1109. >"Oh, um, that's alright..."
  1110. >The group lightly give assurances to the mare, reaching over from their positions to give her comfort
  1111. >She seems to be important to them
  1112. >Perhaps it would be prudent to keep yourself in her good grace
  1113. "Tell me, Miss Fluttershy," you start slowly, "as a carer of various fauna, what do you know of the physiologies of chimera?"
  1114. >She looks up at you through her mane, and her single visible eye looks between her friends, who all give supportive looks back
  1115. >Some in the form of comfort, others in ways that subtly imply bodily harm to you if you harm her
  1116. >"Not... much, if I'm honest..." She trails off
  1117. >You get the distinct feeling you'll be doing the heavy lifting for this conversation
  1118. >No matter, slow and steady
  1119. "Well,” briefly you wrack your brain, imagining your mother’s questioning gaze as you mentally unfold your years of study, “did you know that the venom from its serpentine part changes colour when oxidised, and changes colour again when it comes into contact with a blood stream?"
  1120. >She's silent for a moment, initially, you think she's simply dismissed you, then, she seems thoughtful
  1121. >"No... I didn't."
  1122. You try to ignore the telltale sign of quill scratching on parchment as you see the purple unicorn taking notes out of your peripherals. "Another interesting fact about them is that, should the front half become incapacitated in some way, knocked unconscious for example. Then its secondary half can actually override its nervous system, and control the whole body. Either to fend off attacks, or retreat."
  1123. >Her eyes widen with a small smile as her face finally exits her mane
  1124. >"That's so fascinating. To be honest, I've wanted to learn more about the animals in the Everfree Forest, but they're much less docile than a bunny or a bear, so I don't know much about them."
  1125. "I've actually brought with me a small collection of various antidotes for the venoms and poisons of such creatures, if you'd like to see them at a later day?"
  1126. >She beams at you now, almost fully out of her seat
  1127. >"Oh that would be wonderful! I've always wanted to study those kinds of animals. How did you get them?" She speaks with a volume and confidence that betrays her previous shy nature
  1128. >It's interesting to see
  1129. With an awkward smile, you sigh, "I think it's safe to say that my drones and I have used more... forceful methods than you would wish. But we never kept them longer than was needed, for as annoying as they were, we knew they were needed to keep the ecosystem balanced."
  1130. >Though she seems troubled by your mention of using force, she also seems understanding, at the very least happy of your other consideration
  1131. >Rainbow Dash snickers lightly to herself before nudging the yellow pegasi between the wings, briefly making them flare
  1132. >"Way to go 'Shy. Leave it to you to only know him for a day, but still get invited to a colt's room." You could tell Rainbow Dash intended to be quieter, but the redness in her cheeks, and the fact that the serving pony was already bring her another drink told you why she was being so loud
  1133. >"Rainbow Dash! Honestly... how much have you had to drink?"
  1134. >"Not as many as meeeee!" Loud giggles pull your attention to the pink pony, who's holding her glass by the curl of her hair and draining her drink in a few gulps
  1135. >The white unicorn turns to you, regret clear on her face. "I do apologise, Prince Anonymous, this... isn't how I would have chosen your first impression of us to go."
  1136. "It's no worry. I rather prefer this myself,” you allow your measured countenance to dip into a smirk as you watch the drunken mares, “it lets me see the "real" them, as it were."
  1137. >"Quite..." Her single word said a million more
  1138. "Though I do thank you for your concern, nonetheless, Miss..." Chariot, your mother had called her, with certainty, but, then again, your mother was far from perfect, "Oh, I regret that I don't believe I ever caught your name."
  1139. >A mix of embarrassment and horror crosses her face as her hooves suddenly go to her mane and she nervously laughs. "Did I not introduce myself yet? How dreadfully forgetful of me. You may call me, Rarity."
  1140. >In a surprisingly bold move, you feel the gentle tingle of magic on your hand
  1141. >You allow her to pull it gently, as she kisses the back of it lightly
  1142. >"Charmed, truly."
  1143. "Such a gentlemare~" You compliment. "And the pleasure is all mine."
  1144. >She titters behind her mane, clearly pleased with herself
  1145. >"Oh, it's the least a Prince of your... refinement deserves."
  1146. >"Definitely better than that Prince Blueblood, huh Rares?" Rainbow Dash interjects drunkenly again with another nudge
  1147. >"Yes. Thank you for reminding me of that, Rainbow Dash."
  1148. >"No problem." The burp she gives from the overindulgence in wine make both her and the pink mare fall into laughter
  1149. >While Celestia and Luna briefly glance at you, you simply smile at them, and they seem relieved at your lack of offence to what would usually be considered a vulgar display
  1150. >Though, the situation does make Celestia clap her hooves, and the main course is finally done, as deserts are brought out
  1151. >You notice Gossamer subtly flying back into the room behind a serving pony and returning to her post
  1152. >As Rainbow Dash is herded back to her seat, your attention is drawn back to Fluttershy
  1153. >"Excuse me Anon- I mean, Anonymous- I mean, Prince- oh dear-" She slowly hides her face behind her desert as she stumbles over her own words
  1154. "It's quite alright, Miss Fluttershy." She looks up at you, though you're only able to see so much hidden behind her slice of cake. "While my mother will insist on her title every minute of the day, and, I will also request my title be used in public at least. Here in..."
  1155. >You briefly glance at Rainbow Dash who has wrestled the whole wine bottle from the serving ponies
  1156. “Polite... company, I'd rather you be comfortable with me, as a show of good faith towards this attempt at peace."
  1157. >She relaxes slightly, coming out of the pink shell of her mane slowly as she nods. "Okay... well, I'm just wondering how long you'll be here. I just- I have so many questions, and I wonder if we'll have enough time for them all."
  1158. >"That is an excellent question, my little pony. Chrysalis?" Turning your attention again, you see your mother moving her head away from whatever subtle back and forth she was having with Cadence to answer Celestia. "How long do you intend to remain in Canterlot?"
  1159. >"As long as it takes to secure peace." Your mother crooned as she almost lazed in her chair, gently swishing her wine. "Should our presence here be of enough discomfort, we would graciously accept a deal today, and be back to our Hive before tomorrow's sun rose."
  1160. >You see Cadence beam at the idea, though her mood sours as she sees Celestia’s face, and reads no intention of following the idea in the solar monarch’s features
  1161. >It was a seemingly rather dangerous gamble to anyone else
  1162. >But this was Celestia
  1163. >If she sent you all away before any of her subjects could see you curtailed and polite in public, what would that say of her confidence?
  1164. >"I would not wish to send you away until both my ponies and your drones can see what the other has to offer. Surely there must be something of interest to you in this visit?" Celestia masterfully probes the question in such an endearing way, you can't help but admire her
  1165. >"Well, truth be told. While a simple peace agreement would be more than sufficient, there is a more…” Your mother holds her words.
  1166. >The silence, just another tool in her craft, was held taut against the tension, like a knife kissing silk string
  1167. >“...worthwhile sacrifice I am willing to make to show my dedication to this peace."
  1168. >"Oh?"
  1169. >The entire room, except you, seems to lean towards your mother in curiosity
  1170. >"I believe a way to truly cement peace between our nations. Is with a political marriage."
  1171. >"Marriage!?" Cadence all but bellows, clearly offended. "Who in Equestria would want to marry you!?"
  1172. >Turning away from Celestia, your mother lazily addressed Cadence’s outburst. "Your husband seemed quite eager a few months ago."
  1173. >You're glad for your mother drawing so much attention as it allows you to hide your face as you bite down on a finger to stifle your outburst of laughter your desperately want to let loose
  1174. >"But in all truth, Cadence. Not me. No. I'm a touch too long in the fang for that. My son, on the other hoof..."
  1175. >You tuck the bitten finger beneath your knuckles and remove the grin from your face just as the mood of the room shifts from outrage to confusion and curiosity and attentions turn to you
  1176. >"You?" Despite the vitriol in her eyes, you see curiosity twinkling underneath it all in Cadence's narrowed gaze
  1177. "Don't worry, Your Highness, I'm not holding my breath. This proposal is only if a mare would have me."
  1178. >"But... you're not..." Twilight begins
  1179. >Your mother scoffs and waves off the purple mare
  1180. >"Such semantics have already been taken into account, Twilight Sparkle." Your mother scoffs at the mare, barely containing the full brunt of her disdain. "Though they may be beyond your capabilities, they are not beyond mine, and are better discussed at a later date."
  1181. >The purple unicorn glowers and grumbles at your mother's dismissal, but quietly goes back to her dessert to stop herself from rebutting with something she might regret
  1182. >The rainbow mare seems to be past the idea of regret though, and subtlety, for that matter as she finishes her own dessert, which she had heavily layered with liquor and chuckled unabashedly
  1183. >"With how Fluttershy got his jacket off so quickly, and how Rarity's acting, maybe he can get this marriage thing consummated twice by tomorrow, know what I mean?"
  1184. >Her brief bout of laughter is cut off by the familiar sound of metal stabbing the wooden table
  1185. >Glancing over, this time, instead of seeing Cadence with a knife embedded in the wood, your mother has impaled the table with her spoon
  1186. >Her face is neutral, but her eyes burn as they glance at Rainbow Dash who seems to slightly sober up at the glare, seemingly realising her faux pas
  1187. >"Well!" Celestia says, suddenly pushing out her chair and standing to her hooves. "I believe tonight has been an excellent first step in the long, worthwhile road to peace. Queen Chrysalis, Prince Anonymous, I would welcome you both to attend my Day Court tomorrow, that we might show my ponies the start of this fortuitous friendship, as well as show you a little more of my kingdom."
  1188. >The serving ponies take their cue and begin emptying the table of food and cutlery, cutting the dinner short
  1189. >Meanwhile, the alcohol is quickly removed, the sounds of a serving pony being chewed out by a chef muffled behind the doors
  1190. >With a scrape that pierces your ears as she pushes her chair against the stone floor purposefully, your mother stands to her full height, seemingly unaffected by how much she'd drunk
  1191. >"And we may consider taking you up on that offer." Chrysalis brow furrows into a glare that makes Rainbow Dash flinch slightly. "If the rest of your ponies know how to behave."
  1192. >"Of course." The princess replies simply.
  1193. >As you make your way out of the dining hall, you cast a subtle glance back at the group and see more than a few sets of eyes staring at the pink and rainbow mares
  1194. >The air is heavy as your group of six make its way back to your quarters
  1195. >You're unsure if the tension is from the usual circumstance of the ponies being in the presence of once enemies, or because word of the dinner has travelled quickly through the castle
  1196. >Either way, when you reach the hallway that's been designated for you, your mother quickly moves into the room, and none of you need any sign to know she wants you to follow
  1197. >Despite the size of the room, the presence of the six of you makes it seem considerably smaller
  1198. >Circling around the back of all of you, your mother quickly and harshly slams the door behind you, and you see your guards slightly flinch at the noise
  1199. "Mother, I-"
  1200. >Before you can get another word out, a hoof sharply strikes the back of your knee, forcing you to kneel, and you remain there, head bowed
  1201. >She stands in front of you, there's tension in her legs, yet she shifts
  1202. >She's uncertain of how to proceed
  1203. >With a small growl she turns, her back now to you
  1204. >"You know what you did wrong, correct?"
  1205. >Your mother wasn't opposed to rhetorical questions, so you quickly filter through her words, her tone, her posture, to determine whether this was one or not
  1206. >It wasn't
  1207. "I referred to you too casually in front of our enemies."
  1208. >A strained sigh escapes her lips, and some of the tension in her legs with it
  1209. >"And why did you think yourself to be in a position to refer to me so casually?" Her questions dig into you slightly
  1210. >A decade ago, you might have simply answered that you referred to her as 'mom' because that's what she was to you
  1211. >Back when you were still naïve
  1212. "These ponies place great value in their relationships, in their connections with others, if they had any reason to see ours as strained, they would have had further reason to scrutinise us."
  1213. >"These ponies do not understand our-"
  1214. "They don't need to be made to understand, they need to be made to think in a way that benefits us." You screw your eyes shut and drag your fingers against the floor as you clench your hand into a fist
  1215. >You wait for the strike to come, and wait, and wait
  1216. >Then, her hoof gently taps your chin
  1217. >Looking up at her, you're surprised by the small smirk
  1218. >"You almost sounded like a King then. Good." Despite how light her touch on your chin was, as she pulls her hoof away, your head feels impossibly heavy
  1219. >She begins to circle you now, her hooves softly clicking against the floor
  1220. >"I must say though, when Celestia put you on that stage with her questions, you played your part well. That bit about expecting a retaliation from Equestria was inspired." Her cruel smirk brings some relief to your tight chest as you allow yourself the proud smile you'd denied yourself when you spun your tale for the princess
  1221. >Your mother considers you for a moment before finally offering a hoof
  1222. >Grateful, you take it, and rise
  1223. >"They still don't trust you though, you're aware of this?"
  1224. "Of course"
  1225. >"They'll attempt to use what small connection you've built to their own advantage. To trip you up and expose us."
  1226. "And I will sow seeds in their mind where I can."
  1227. >Your answer seems to satisfy your mother as she brings a hoof up to caress your cheek
  1228. >You allow your love to flow to her, and she indulges in it deeper than she did her wine
  1229. >As the love tapers off, her smile suddenly becomes dangerous, and you wheeze in breathless pain
  1230. >Her hoof struck your side, where your ribs ended, and you already felt a bruise forming
  1231. >"You did well today son, true. But you can always do better." As you try to bear the pain she softly brushes her body against yours as she passes you. "Don't let your guard down even once while we're here."
  1232. >She opens the door, and turns her head back to you
  1233. >"Oh, and if I hear one more mare imply you to be little more than a sexual conquest? This peace will end before it begins."
  1234. >It was intentional, the only part of the conversation said where she can be heard by others
  1235. >A threat
  1236. >But not one that could be reported on
  1237. >After all, what mother wouldn't have such concerns about her son?
  1238. >"Sleep well, son." She departs from your chambers, Beetle and Exo following behind her, Gossamer and Carapace staying with you
  1239. >Carapace closes the door and you grunt as you clutch your side and sit on the bed
  1240. >Gossamer is quick by your side, lifting your shirt and hissing at what she sees
  1241. "How bad is it?"
  1242. >"Ummm... at least it's not on your face?"
  1243. >You chuckle, glad to talk with the Gossamer you grew up with again, only to regret it as the movement causes the bruise to flare
  1244. "Carapace, my pack."
  1245. >Your blue eyed sister quickly grabs the bag and brings it to you
  1246. >With ease, you flick through the various bottles until you find the toxin you wanted
  1247. >Cockatrice essence
  1248. >While their magic allowed them to petrify others, distilling certain fluids from them created a potent paralysing agent
  1249. >Or, if applied in a small enough quantity, a numbing medicine
  1250. >You press your finger to the lip of the bottle and allow a single drop to fall, before pressing it to the bruise
  1251. >The toxin is almost completely ineffective, while you feel it spread a small chill to the area, it doesn't spread further as your body immediately works to fight it off
  1252. >A sigh of relief washes through you as the excellent numbing salve the toxin became in small quantities relieves you of the pain
  1253. >The weight of the day presses on you, and you simply let yourself fall backwards into the bed and hum
  1254. "Gossamer."
  1255. >"Yeah Anon?"
  1256. "Remind me to steal one of these beds for the hive when we're finished with our business here." This brings a light snort through her nose. "Actually, we'll steal every mattress, there probably aren't enough for the whole hive, but you can share, right?
  1257. >"I ain't sharing with Gossamer." Carapace says, landing on the other side of you
  1258. "Well you ain't sharing with me either." You murmur.
  1259. >Sleep calls you
  1260. >And you have a busy day tomorrow
  1261. >Invited to Day Court, of all things
  1262. "Gossamer, Carapace?" You mutter the names, and the two drones come closer beside you.
  1263. >Placing a hand on each of them, you let your love for your family briefly flood the room before you drift off
  1264. "I'm glad I brought you with me."
  1265. <>
  1266. >With one last tug at your coat you finish preparing yourself
  1267. >Celestia's day court
  1268. >Today certainly promised to be interesting
  1269. >Almost as interesting as yesterday's dinner
  1270. >It was time to test the so-called upper echelons of Canterlot society
  1271. >How would such upper crust ponies react to sworn enemies in their Castle?
  1272. >You imagine nameless ponies, dressed in their unearned fineries, and all the emotions that might flash across their faces
  1273. >The dread, the outrage, the confusion, the fear
  1274. >It all brought a smile to your face
  1275. >Your sisters don't seem to be as enthused as you though
  1276. >Glancing into the mirror, you see Carapace and Gossamer standing like soldiers
  1277. >While they're certainly trained for it, they haven't done that when it's just you and them in years
  1278. "What's the matter you two?" Your brows slightly furrow as you address them
  1279. >"Nothing, my pri- Anon" Gossamer answers, stumbling over your title
  1280. >Her blatant nervousness worries you, and that fully snaps your attention to Gossamer, and she seems to stiffen under your gaze
  1281. "Goss" You say softly
  1282. >She relaxes a little when you softly say her old nickname
  1283. "Talk to me" You nod to her
  1284. >She shuffles on her hooves lightly as her wings lightly flutter beside her
  1285. >"It's nothing- probably- nothing, at least. It's just that you were..." she glances at Carapace briefly before continuing, "thrashing... in your sleep last night."
  1286. >You straighten your back, having had to bend down to see yourself in these pony-height mirrors and turn to face her fully
  1287. "Thrashing?"
  1288. >"Mumbling too," Carapace adds, "we couldn't make sense of it, and it was only for a moment before you settled, or we would have tried to wake you"
  1289. >Thrashing? Were you having a nightmare
  1290. >You try to see if your brain can recall something, anything while you were asleep
  1291. >But there's nothing
  1292. "Luna..." You mumble under your breath
  1293. >The two narrow their eyes and hiss
  1294. >"Of course! We should report this to the Queen immediately!" Gossamer barks
  1295. "No." Your voice is still soft, but firm, and brooks no argument.
  1296. >The two immediately settle from their tense forms
  1297. "I will discuss the matter of our sleep with mother when the opportunity presents itself," you idly check the cuffs of your sleeves as you head towards the door, "whatever we decide, I'll ensure you stay informed, for now though, assume nothing, and most importantly, accuse nothing. We are their guests."
  1298. >Gossamer and Carapace nod in understanding at you as you throw open the doors to your room and step out into the hallway
  1299. >A moment later, the door across from you is bathed in a baleful green glow as it's pulled open and your mother steps out
  1300. >You doubt any of the ponies would have the ability to notice a change in changeling appearances, but your mother has prepared herself thoroughly
  1301. >She's polished the cavities of her legs, and applied the faintest lining of silver to the inner rim of the rings, faint enough to not stand out, but enough for it to catch the light wonderfully
  1302. >She's sharpened her horn and has allowed a dull amount of magic to flow into it, not enough for any magic to be cast, or to even cause any heat to waft from it, but enough that the green glow highlights her mane and eyes
  1303. >Her wings have also been moisturised
  1304. >A delicate procedure for such thin wings, and something you've aided her with in the past
  1305. >There had to be enough water that the light would refract through it and make the wings glow
  1306. >But if there was too much, it would bog the wings down, and, in the very worst cases, potential cause mould to grow there
  1307. >They were far more delicate than the wings of these feathered ponies
  1308. >She's even gone to the length of sharpening her fangs
  1309. >You both look each other up and down and nod, though she flares her magic to finally straighten a wrinkle in your coat that had been bothering you
  1310. >As she does so, a stray hair slips from her mane and hangs in front of her face, which you quickly comb back behind her ear with a hand
  1311. >Now ready, the two of you make your way down the hall
  1312. >The one good thing about being so despised in this place is that nopony wanted to guard you anymore than they needed to
  1313. >So the guards only ever posted themselves at the end of the hall your rooms were on
  1314. >Of course, you doubted this was the only security Celestia had put on you
  1315. >You simply needed proof of what else she had
  1316. >As before, the trip through the Castle is easily navigated by your party
  1317. >Your mother's extensive cartography of the area coming in quite handy
  1318. >You probably understand the layout of this Castle as well as the ponies that had been cleaning and guarding it for years
  1319. >While the Castle was impressive last night, it is an entirely different beast during the day
  1320. >There's at least twice the number of guards lining the halls, and if you didn't know any better, you'd say that the princesses had set some guards undercover as serving ponies
  1321. >Either that, or these were the buffest, marliest mares that ever cleaned the same vase over and over while glaring at you
  1322. >You only watch her through the corner of your eyes, but it makes you quietly chuckle
  1323. >These ponies have so very much to learn about subterfuge and subtlety
  1324. >If this peace were legitimate, perhaps you and your mother and the drones could actually teach them the art of espionage
  1325. >Of course, after you're done, you doubt there will be much left for them to use such lesson on
  1326. >As you turn through the final corners to the throne room you see a line of ponies at the other end of the hall
  1327. >Your appearance immediately cause shocked gasps, that turn into hushed whispers that soon turns into a clamour that the guards try to quell before it turns into a panic
  1328. >Chrysalis smiles at you, and you can't help but share it as she takes one of the grand doors in her magic and you take the other in hand
  1329. >The doors swing open as you two stride into the heart of the castle
  1330. >The throne room is as lavish as you'd expect, the same marble pillars and floor, velvet drapes and carpet, with crystal glass windows
  1331. >The long mulberry coloured carpet rolls from the door up to a wide grand staircase
  1332. >The stairs go up, and then split off to different staircases that go the opposite way and lead up to balconies that line the upper parts of the walls
  1333. >At the very top of the initial staircase, sits two thrones, one of ivory white and gold, the other, ebony black stone and cold blue metal
  1334. >There, Celestia stands, flanked by two guards as she speaks to a white coated mare, with a dark brown mane, the front styled with parted bangs and done up in a bun, her cutie mark being that of a pen and inkwell.
  1335. >Celestia turns to you and a multitude of emotions flash across her face
  1336. >Shock, confusion, curiosity and then annoyance, all in an instant, and in the next, a face of tense neutrality
  1337. >"Queen Chrysalis, Prince Anonymous, I believe I asked one of my guards to have you escorted to the secondary entrance of the throne room."
  1338. >"Well then it seems your guards are rather lacking, Celestia."
  1339. >You see Celestia bristle at your mother's words, and step forward
  1340. >The solar monarch is clearly even more tense than she was during the dinner last night, and her words gave you pause
  1341. >She came across as many things to you, but not a liar
  1342. "My mother merely meant that we met no such guard, Princess." Your words pull Celestia's gaze from your mother to you, and she too pauses at your words. "We travelled through the length of the Castle from our chambers to here, passed a multitude of guards, and none of them made any move to redirect or escort us."
  1343. >Celestia's tension remains, but shifts, from you two, to something else as she brings a hoof up to her muzzle in thought and her brows furrow
  1344. >"That... shouldn't..." She begins pacing lightly as her eyes move back and forth in thought
  1345. >Your mother steps forward to be in line with you again and gaze hardens at you
  1346. >Unlike the times before, you know you've overstepped nothing, so you hold her gaze
  1347. >You should have let me handle it, her half-glare tells you
  1348. >Something else is going on, your flat stare replies
  1349. >Her glare disappears as her eyes widen for a moment before becoming narrowed in thought
  1350. >"This will thoroughly impede things." Celestia's statement is terse, but her words speak volumes.
  1351. >She finally begins to descend the steps from her throne down to the two of you, her guards following dutifully, her apparent assistant, begrudgingly
  1352. >"I did not want my little ponies to know of your arrival for a while yet."
  1353. >"A few hours too late for that, wouldn't you agree, Celestia?" Your mother asks
  1354. >"Rumours can easily be abated, Chrysalis. Those who staff my Castle know better- should know better." The princess surprises you by how she scoffs the words
  1355. >It seems even Equestrian royalty can become annoyed at their subjects
  1356. >Perhaps your mother and Celestia could bond over it
  1357. >"I had, in truth, planned for you and your guards to be disguised, Chrysalis"
  1358. >Unsurprisingly, over the decades you've had her as a mother and queen, you've seen any and every expression someone can make cross her face
  1359. >But there's one that you rarely see, shock, true genuine shock, to have something revealed to her that she hadn't even considered as a possibility
  1360. >And now you see it again
  1361. >Not that you could fault her, you'd been just as surprised by Celestia's words
  1362. >Though it quickly morphs to suspicion and doubt as her eyes narrow. "Explain."
  1363. >Celestia sighs before she begins to speak again. "Your son could not disguise himself, obviously, but I had planned for him to stand with me during day court, to learn of what struggles my ponies brought to me, and how I rule them."
  1364. "And what would I be doing during this time, Princess?" You enquire
  1365. >"I would have you stand-in as a temporary advisor." Again, Celestia surprises you. "I have Raven," she indicates to the pony beside her, "who keeps as much information as she can on the ongoing developments in my nation, to help advise me, should I require it. As a foreign delegate, and royalty yourself, I would have invited you to give any insight into my pony's problems"
  1366. "I would help with the problems of your nation?"
  1367. >"You would advise me," she corrects you, "and I would take such advice into consideration."
  1368. >"And what would my drones and I be doing?" Your mother asks, making Celestia turn to her
  1369. >"You would have been disguised, and in plain sight of the ponies, after a time, I would have made an announcement to my ponies and asked you to join me beside your son, where you would have revealed yourself."
  1370. >You and your mother share a look, and another silent conversation
  1371. >It was a very bold plan, one that could backfire on Celestia, and not just from the uproar of protest it might have caused from her ponies
  1372. >"By doing so, I was hoping to lay the foundation of trust to my little ponies. While none of them have forgotten and many of them would not have forgiven what happened in the past, it would make clear to them that I, at least, am willing to trust you in the coming days."
  1373. >"Which would have made it easier for your subject to begin to try and trust us, at the very least."
  1374. "Which, in turn, would have allowed an agreement of peace to be made easier, as you would have had the support of your subjects."
  1375. >Celestia nods, her previous annoyance melted into gratefulness at your understanding of her plan
  1376. >You don't need to speak to know what your mother is thinking as you're surely having the same thoughts
  1377. >The slight silent gloating you got from stepping into the direct sight of those ponies outside was somewhat spoiled
  1378. >These ponies trusted their princess implicitly, them seeing you in her company first would have softened the blow of your being here
  1379. Stepping forward, you speak. "Princess, I regret any inconvenience this has caused you, or us, for that matter, how do you propose we remedy the situation?"
  1380. >Your mother cuts off any answer the princess might have had by stepping forward and turning her head to face you, dropping her voice to a whisper
  1381. >"What are you doing?"
  1382. "We can not gain the trust of the ponies, neither common nor noble, we need Celestia's help in that regard, for now." You silently mouthed the last words, in case the princess was listening
  1383. >She considers your words for a moment, turning her head from you, her eyes narrowing and darting back and forth, before her muzzle scrunches in reluctant acceptance
  1384. >Moving away from you, she steps towards Celestia
  1385. >"As my son said, Celestia, this is a regrettable inconvenience, but I assume you have an idea to mend it?" Your mother only just barely holds her sigh
  1386. >"I do, in fact. But it will require you to trust me, as I was willing to do with you." Your mother's head tilts slightly at Celestia's words. "He will join me in day court, as in the original plan, but you will not be present."
  1387. >Your mother's head snaps back up and you can see her chest flare, yet remaining silent, just barely keeping a snarl from escaping her
  1388. >"I will not leave my son alone in a room full of ponies! Carapace and Gossamer are his selected guards, and they will remain by his side."
  1389. >The assistant pony quickly ducks behind the princess and you see the guardmares stiffen and their gazes harden at you slightly
  1390. >One of the guardmares bares her teeth in your direction, but not at you
  1391. >With a little focus you catch the sound of Carapace making kissing noises at the air, mostly likely aimed at the guardmare
  1392. >You swiftly deliver a light kick behind you, into Carapace, making her stop goading that guard
  1393. >The mare in question gets a small smirk on her face, which is quickly silence by Celestia wordlessly drooping a wing towards the guard
  1394. >You and the princess share a knowing look and a nod, already tired with your guards' antics
  1395. >Celestia relaxes slightly, those her gaze remains as stalwart as she stands against your mother
  1396. >"I understand your hesitance Chrysalis, but this is the only way to alter the plan of showing trust to my ponies. You are... unsettling to them, but they know you are here now-"
  1397. "Mother, having you and the guards here in the court may upset the ponies." Celestia and Chrysalis turn to you as you cut off the princess. "I... am alien to them, as last night showed, I will bring stares, but they will be curious, rather than hostile, as they would be towards you."
  1398. >"Son..." The lids of her eyes grow heavy as your mother turns to you, trepidation in her gaze
  1399. "Take Gossamer, Carapace, Beetle and Exo, Mother," you say as you cup her cheek, which she leans into, "I’ll be fine."
  1400. >"My guards will keep your son safe, Chrysalis."
  1401. "Well, I didn't say that." Your joke brings a smirk to your mother and you see the guardmares snort, unimpressed
  1402. >"Not only them, but I will personally see to his protection. His safety will be my utmost priority."
  1403. >Your mother's smirk grows and her eyes widen and you catch her gaze with your eyes
  1404. >She clearly wants to make some joke referring to how Celestia was bested before, but your gaze tells her not to
  1405. >Such gloating and mocking can be saved for later
  1406. >A war of emotion runs across your mother's face before she grits her teeth and huffs
  1407. >With a shake of her head, she recomposes herself and turns back to the princess
  1408. >She doesn't do anything, she doesn't say anything, she simply glares, one by one, first at the princess, then her guards
  1409. >Without another word, she nods away, and waits
  1410. >Celestia leans down and whispers to one of her guardmares who quickly lead your mother and guards away and out a different door
  1411. >When the door closes, Celestia relaxes, her wings drooping beside her slightly with a heavy sigh
  1412. >"Finally..."
  1413. >Taking a closer look at her, despite how well she's presented herself, there are the tiniest imperfections in her countenance
  1414. >The faintest shade under her eyes, some slightly rough fur
  1415. "You look tired, Princess."
  1416. >Her eyes snap up to meet yours, as if she forgot you were there, and quickly straightens up
  1417. >"Oh, I apologise for that, Prince Anonymous, it's just..." She sighs heavily again and begins making her way up to the thrones again, and you follow. "May I speak plainly with you?"
  1418. "I prefer it that way, to tell you the truth."
  1419. >She hums and you catch the briefest flash of a smirk and you can imagine what the joke she's holding back is
  1420. >"This has been an uphill struggle since it began. I expected difficulties to make this peace happen, but not to this degree."
  1421. "What difficulties would that be, princess?"
  1422. >"Did you know that I've already had several notices from my guards of requests for transfer, or of intention to leave my service?"
  1423. >This causes you to glare at the imagined ponies behind such notices, pulling Celestia's attention
  1424. >"Would you care to make your first advisory comment, Anonymous?"
  1425. "Let them leave." You answer unabashedly.
  1426. >"...Excuse me?" There's no offence in her tone, just genuine confusion
  1427. "I assume that your exhaustion is a result of an extensive night of meeting with these guards and assuaging their fears?"
  1428. >She nods, quietly listening to you, her gaze on you subtle, but intense
  1429. "If they are dissuaded from their duties as important as protecting you and their fellows by as little as their enemies entering their territories, then they should be let go. They will be too weak to stand when it matters."
  1430. >She pauses in front of her throne, her attention fully on you, her head tilting slightly back and forth in thought, but her eyes never leaving yours
  1431. >Then, she surprises you again, and smiles softly
  1432. >"No, I don't think I will. But I thank you for the advice, Anonymous, truly."
  1433. "It is only advice, Princess."
  1434. >"But it is so much more, it is a new perspective, a..." she chuckles lightly, "a refreshingly new one. You and Luna would get along, I think. You should meet with her one of these nights, she does not always dwell in dreams after all."
  1435. >With practised ease, the princess slips into her throne, and fits into it like it were carved around her
  1436. >"And I believe that new perspective may be more useful than you or I can imagine in the coming days." With a silent nod, the guards of the room move into their position
  1437. >Two stand ready in front of the throne, between the princess, the assistant and yourself, a few line the balconies below, other line the main floor at the bottom of the stairs, while two make their way to the doors and pull them open
  1438. >The ponies from before slowly, cautiously make their way in, stopping with their eyes widening as they see you, saying something in hushed whispers over their shoulder
  1439. >"Day court is now in session, my little ponies, he doesn't bite."
  1440. >There's a light playfulness to Celestia's words, and the first pony in the line seems to relax and find the strength to move forward, though she keeps herself low, and refuses to look at you as she approaches
  1441. >You do nothing to dissuade this fear in her or any of them
  1442. >Just as Celestia represents her ponies, you will represent your mother and your drones
  1443. >You have every intention of holding yourself to the highest standards and providing the princess the aid she requires
  1444. >Any fear these ponies feel is due to their own weakness
  1445. >After all, they have no reason to fear you
  1446. >Yet
  1447. <>
  1448. >You let the paltry pony guard lead you away from the throne room
  1449. >Away from your son
  1450. >Left with that detestable Celestia
  1451. >The mere thought so vile it would drive you to wretch
  1452. >Were it not for the façade you had to play
  1453. >You are Chrysalis
  1454. >And you have been slighted
  1455. >That a Queen would be escorted out of a throne room is unthinkable
  1456. >While you acquiesced at the time as a show of good will, it was only at your son's insistence
  1457. >These ponies are lucky you brought him
  1458. >You're aware enough to know you're quick to anger
  1459. >But why shouldn't you be?
  1460. >You don't have the patience of a saint, but one befitting a queen
  1461. >That the rest of these fools don't understand when to fall in line is not your fault
  1462. >Your fury must be leaking through your visage as you see the normally stoic guards of the Castle breaking their neutral faces to glance at you then cast their eyes down to the floor to avoid your gaze
  1463. >The pony that was made to lead the five of you out of the throne room leads you to a lavish waiting room, then all but sprints out of the room
  1464. The door shuts heavily behind you, hiding your scoff. "Cowards."
  1465. >Gossamer, Carapace, Exoskeleton and Beetle do an immediate physical and magical sweep of the room and then secure some enchantments on the wall to give you some much deserved privacy
  1466. >They take up guard positions at the doors to the room while you stand at the window, overlooking the city below
  1467. >You drink it all in
  1468. >The hustle and bustle of the ponies going about their worthless lives
  1469. >The noise of it all, so great you wonder how anypony can hear themselves think
  1470. >Soon it will all fall silent before you
  1471. >And all that will be left is the comforting buzz of a thousand insectoid wing
  1472. >The smile that tugs at your lips grows as you allow the mental image to fill you so completely it feels real
  1473. >You can't wait
  1474. >"Gossamer... hey, Gossamer..."
  1475. >Your smile falls
  1476. >She may be trying to whisper, but Carapace wasn't exactly far from you to be unheard
  1477. >"Gos-"
  1478. >"What!" Gossamer hisses back in a low whisper
  1479. >"Do you think Anon's gonna be oka-"
  1480. >Your drone yelps and cowers when wood impacts stone and shatters into a thousand splinters as a result of you hurling a nearby chair at their heads
  1481. >Anon was fond of them, so you allowed your aim to miss
  1482. "Your Prince," you emphasise, "will be fine, it will take far more than the likes of Celestia to undo him."
  1483. >"O- of course, My Queen, I merely thought-"
  1484. "You thought?" You turn on your hooves to face Carapace and she is on her belly immediately
  1485. >As you approach, you notice Gossamer, Exo and Beetle still stood at attention, ignoring the whimpering of their sister
  1486. >Good
  1487. >Each impact of your hooves against the marble floor sends a new shudder through the drone as you approach
  1488. >When you reach her, you pause, then you lower your head near hers, and she dares to pull her hooves away to look up at you
  1489. "Since when do drones think?" You don't bother letting her embarrass herself by trying to answer as you move away from her, back to the window. "All you need to do is as you are ordered." You glance back at her, then at the shattered furniture. "Clean this mess up would you? This Castle's turning into a sty."
  1490. >Carapace is immediately in the air, using her magic to gather the shattered furniture and cleaning it away
  1491. >Before you're able to return to the enjoyable silence, there's a knock on the door
  1492. >In the vague reflection of the window, you see Gossamer glance towards the door's handle
  1493. >Your glare stops her
  1494. >There's few you'd care to entertain right now, save for your son himself, and you doubt Day Court is done yet, or that he would have been foolish enough to be removed by now
  1495. >Another knock from whatever irksome pony is behind the door
  1496. >"Chrysalis, I know you're in there." The voice of Cadance calls through the door
  1497. >Your smile returns
  1498. >Thinking about it, it would be selfish of you to not be willing to indulge those who wanted the pleasure of your company
  1499. >Gossamer opens the door dutifully and Cadance strides in with an air of confidence
  1500. >Surprising, considering her lack of company
  1501. "Cadance~" You smirk as you turn to her. "What an unexpected surprise. How are you?"
  1502. >"Spare me the pleasantries, Chrysalis," she says sharply, marching towards you, "you know why I'm here."
  1503. "I do?" Your smirk never leaves your face, and it only frustrates her further.
  1504. >In truth this was thoroughly unexpected
  1505. >You knew she'd seek you out eventually
  1506. >But you imagined a situation where she could imagine herself to be safe
  1507. >Her, her husband, that brat Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, some guards and you, alone
  1508. >Suffice it to say, she's impressed you
  1509. >In the same way that it's impressive to see a timberwolf cub try and fight a manticore
  1510. >"Your 'son'. What are you and him planning?" Your nostrils flare a little at the implications behind how she spoke of your son
  1511. >It's a small victory to her as her chest puffs up ever so slightly
  1512. >Your eyes trace along her body, and you see a slight tremble in the subtlest places, the parts that would be hidden simply because ponies don't think to look there
  1513. >But you know better, and her hardened glare tells you that she knows you're aware of her feelings
  1514. >Not an iota of love drifting around her, all emotion being burned up by her hatred and anger towards you, or drowning in the fear she's pretending isn't there
  1515. >You slowly pace around her as you consider her question
  1516. >This could be a fun game, you suppose
  1517. "If we're talking about family, where's yours? Where is that husband and sister of yours?" You subtly brush against her and revel in how she reels away from you before composing herself
  1518. >"Shining is running drills with the guards and Twilight is- wait- that's none of your business!"
  1519. "Oh come now, Cadance." You draw out her name and see the discomfort twist across her face. "I'm just a curious guest is all, didn't Celestia ever teach you manners."
  1520. >Cadance is as predictable as any of these ponies, their precious Sun Princess is the one thing they won't tolerate even an insinuation of an insult
  1521. >"Celestia taught me-" Despite the short outburst, Cadance stops herself
  1522. "Oh honestly, Cadance, there's no need for this, I'm sure my son would be just as interested as me to know where Twilight is when he's done in Celestia's day court." A mix of concern and curiosity seeps into her eyes as she watches you. "After all, they did seem to get along quite well last night. Wouldn't you agree~"
  1523. >You move away from her as you speak, you don't need to see her face to know her reaction
  1524. >"You can't be serious?" It was both a question and not a question
  1525. "And why shouldn't I be?" You force your smile down as you turn to ask her. "As we said before, a political marriage would be a perfectly acceptable avenue to pursue peace."
  1526. >"Twili-"
  1527. "Isn't nobility, I know." You begin to lounge in one of the remaining chairs as you speak. "But her position as Celestia's personal student gives her and her family greater sway in Equestria than most nobles. Yet, her lack of political power is restrictive. When you think about it, she would be the optimal choice from your point of view, as the Changelings would have very little power over Equestria as a whole through a marriage to her."
  1528. >"From my point of view I'd be gaining you as a mother-in-law,” there’s nothing but vitriol in her words as she speaks, “and would have to watch as the filly I spent years with, married your son."
  1529. >There's a brief internal struggle in you, on one hoof, Cadance being forced to address you as "mother" amuses you, on the other, having to elevate her to near your son's position sickens you, as does the thought of calling her "daughter" even as an in-law
  1530. "They seemed to get along well enough, and your dear Twilight certainly seemed interested in him"
  1531. >"Academically." Cadance snaps at you
  1532. "For now." You retort succinctly. "Besides, why shouldn't she be interested in him? I mean, it's not like Twilight has anything to... hide from us, is there?"
  1533. >Cadance impresses you for perhaps the first time ever as her gaze meets yours, and you can't quite read it
  1534. >"Fair's fair, Chrysalis, you and your drones are hiding something too"
  1535. "We are?" You ask, shocked, and with a hoof against your chest. "Guards, when were you going to tell me?" Your drones do not move, but they do join you in smirking at her as you offer out a hoof. "I suppose you have irrefutable proof by now, come then, clap me in irons, bring me to Celestia and..." Cadance's wings become slightly ruffled as she glares up at you as you lean to be little more than an inch from her. "Oh~? Oh, Cadance, really, what did you hope to achieve coming here?"
  1536. >Her eyes dart back and forth and you see the unmistakable signs that she really had no plan coming here
  1537. >Most likely heard the chair shattering, assumed it was you, thought she had some sort of advantage by coming here unexpectedly
  1538. >She's still as easy to handle as the first time you locked her in the crystal caves
  1539. >With a huff, she fixes her mane slightly before moving back to the door
  1540. >"Enjoy your stay while you can Chrysalis. But when you show your hoof, and when we beat you, I think the only regret I'll have is that that son of yours loves something incapable of loving him back."
  1541. Your face twitches in annoyance at her words and you see her hoof pause in the air as you let out a low growl. "Do you have any children yet, Cadance?"
  1542. >Her hoof lowers and she eyes you warily before shaking her head
  1543. "Then do not presume to know what I do and do not love." You move back to the window, watching the ponies below, occasionally glancing at her through its reflection
  1544. >There's a pause, and you can see in her eyes how she mentally parses over your words, considering them and wondering how to proceed
  1545. >She regards you with narrowed eyes, but an undeniable curiosity burning in the back of them
  1546. >With a soft click, the door opens and shuts behind her as she leaves
  1547. >But she'll be back, she's far too curious now
  1548. <>
  1549. >"-and that concludes my request for a small donation of bits. The short term profit will enable me to set up a long-term stipend, the wealth of which can be redistributed to the wider community of Canterlot, and perhaps beyond."
  1550. >You can't help but roll your eyes at the stallion
  1551. >White coat, blonde mane, and utterly pretentious
  1552. >You're only surprised that he is the first noble to bring down your opinion of these ponies
  1553. >Celestia leans back in her throne, a hoof to her chin, but a forgone conclusion in her eyes
  1554. >"Inkwell, would you collect the records from the last tax period for me please?"
  1555. >"Of course, Princess" The mare says with a small bow as she rushes out of the room
  1556. >A small hush falls across the room and, like every time before now when silence has fallen, eyes try to subtly turn to look at you
  1557. >The balconies that line the walls just beneath the throne are filled with ponies
  1558. >Princess Celestia had told you that she affectionately referred to them as the "peanut galleries" of her court
  1559. >Though apparently they'd not been this full in a very long time
  1560. >You wonder why
  1561. >Several gasps and hushed whispers wash over the crowd as your eyes dart across it to meet the gazes of the ponies, both those trying to subtly take your measure, and those who are openly gawking
  1562. >You're quite sure that several among the ponies are nobility, while the rest are lower class, from how the nobles are glaring and trying to avoid the others
  1563. >"Anonymous," Princess Celestia's address of you pulls everyone's attention to the two of you, much to your chagrin, "would you care to share your opinion of my nephew's situation?"
  1564. >Her "nephew", you think as you glance down at the unicorn. Related to the Princess in the same way Cadance is
  1565. >If he and Shining Armor are the only Princes in Equestria, then the one in front of you is enough to make you proud to be compared to Shining Armor
  1566. >Prince Blueblood, entitled and arrogant
  1567. >Though he does at least have the decency to wither under your glare
  1568. "None, Celestia."
  1569. >You and Celestia had been referring to each other casually throughout the whole day court, and yet it never ceased to send a new wave of shocked gasps and murmurs through the crowd
  1570. "My drones are self-sufficient. As you might imagine, that doesn't leave us many uses for the likes of coins or an economy as you know it."
  1571. >The court were as subject to change as the tides
  1572. >Where once they averted their gazes from you, now they snickered into their silk neckerchiefs
  1573. >"Then can we expect rocks or twigs should we deign to trade with your kind?"
  1574. >The unseen pony's comment sends what you imagine they would call "polite chuckles" through the crowd
  1575. >Whatever joy the pony gained from their joke is short-lived though as Celestia rises from her throne, stern of face, her eyes digging into every pony in the court
  1576. >It's subtle, but you're close enough to see her huff as she fails to find whichever pony made the comment
  1577. >"My little ponies," though she says it with all the warmth of a mother, there's a warning tone beneath her words, "I understand the presence of my guest may be unnerving to some of you. To those of you who do feel that way, I assure you, such feelings are nothing to be ashamed of, and I invite you to return to day court tomorrow, as I imagine his busy schedule will keep him occupied to be here for each meeting of court."
  1578. >It wasn't subtle, but it was delivered masterfully, and already the balconies begin to writhe as the masses of ponies begin to dislodge themselves from it and down the stairs
  1579. >A good two dozen ponies remain, but the room's population has been effectively cut down to less than a quarter of what it was before
  1580. >As the last pony begins to filter out, Raven Inkwell returns to the princess' side with a book in hoof
  1581. >"Ah, many thanks, Inkwell." Celestia takes the book into her magic and begins flipping through
  1582. >She hums and you immediately notice small beads of sweat start to form on the so-called Prince's brow
  1583. >"If your project requires a jumpstart of bits, nephew, might I suggest you pull from your other... projects?" You notice her eyes dart from the book to Blueblood quicker than the flame of a candle flickers, and he grows more nervous. "If my mind is as good as I think it is, and my math is correct, you should have more than enough money leftover from this year’s ventures to set yourself up comfortably."
  1584. >"Well... yes, Princess," he begins nervously, "but I usually redivert those funds of profit to other areas I oversee-"
  1585. >"Yes, but these records indicate several of those have become redundant, and the funds that go into them are redirected back to you..."
  1586. >You force down the urge to smirk as the Prince's legs shake as his eyes dart around the room before he desperately tries to retain some level of dignity
  1587. >"Th- that is an- a gross oversight! Ma- made by financial advisors- I- I shall be certain to take your words to heart and utilize those redirected funds at once."
  1588. >"Only what you need, I trust." Celestia presses gently enough to make him squirm. "The local orphanages have asked for donations recently. I've made my regular donations, but I'm certain they would be glad to receive from you as well."
  1589. >"O- of course, Celestia." He bows low and hastily makes a retreat from the room
  1590. >Even you had to admit, it was incredible watching Celestia work
  1591. >There was much to be desired in terms of her fighting capabilities, but her ability to dance circles around the games of her own court was a sight to behold
  1592. >Already you'd seen her settle a dispute between a noble and a farmer, the noble making a claim to the farmer's land
  1593. >It ended with the noble actually giving up land to the farmer and investing in the farm
  1594. >Another dispute was brought up by the latest in a generational fight between noble families ended with the two of them leaving the court like fast friends
  1595. >You wouldn't say it to her face, but it was downright manipulative
  1596. >It's a shame conflict was unavoidable, peace between your mother and Princess Celestia could open the entire world to you
  1597. >Sadly the Princess seemed to be too much of a bleeding heart to be interested in such things
  1598. >For as often as she talked nobles out of their money, she was just as easily convinced to give up money in donations to those she deemed worthy
  1599. >"Will the next petitioner step forward please."
  1600. >A gaunt mare strode up the stairs to both of you
  1601. >Her blonde coat was so pale she looked pallid, and her mane was even paler, as if it were made of ghostly wisps instead of hair
  1602. >She was so thin it looked to you like her doctor's coat was wearing her
  1603. >"Pale Pulse!" Celestia was on her hooves quickly and approached the mare. "You look awful, have you been eating?"
  1604. >The Princess was immediately fussing over the old mare who simply chuckled as the princess inspected her
  1605. >"It's good to see you too, Princess." Pale said in a weary voice. "I'm just tired, we've been pulling double shifts and seven day work weeks at the hospital."
  1606. >"My goodness, is it really that bad?" The Princess and doctor share a brief conversation with their eyes before Celestia turns back to the throne
  1607. >You've seen all sorts of emotions on the princess' face since you came here, but she never seemed so troubled as she does now
  1608. >"We're doing all we can, Princess. But this is a deceptive condition we're dealing with, every time we cure one patient it seems like we bring in two more. Unfortunately a patient who has a weak case of it, and can pass it on, is just as hearty as... well- him." Pale Pulse says, pointing at you
  1609. "Me? And, if I may, what is this deceptive mystery that's troubling you so?"
  1610. >"Foal's Breath." Celestia says. "It is called Foal's Breath. A lighthearted name for a rather troubling disease. It's old, as old as the time of the three tribes, with modern medicine we'd all but eradicated it."
  1611. >"Hoped we'd eradicated it." Pale corrects. "It's warped to survive our cures recently, it's started affecting full grown ponies now."
  1612. "Do you have any information on it?" You ask curiously
  1613. >"Are you a doctor?" She questions derisively
  1614. "Do you have anything to lose?" You question back
  1615. >She scoffs lightly under her breath but her horn lights up as she pulls out a rather thick document and hands it to you
  1616. >"Doctor Pale Pulse, I thought the funds from the treasury were helping you fight this?"
  1617. >"They were your highness, we don't need more money, we just need... I don't know what we need, something new to spend it on, a new avenue of research to counteract this..."
  1618. >The voices drone on behind you as you read through the file
  1619. >Pages upon pages of information
  1620. >When it had started
  1621. >Who they believed to be Patient Zero
  1622. >How many ponies had contracted it
  1623. >Dates and graphs
  1624. >Records of the hospital's finances
  1625. >All amongst pages and pages of diagnoses and prognoses
  1626. >It seems this issue has been troubling Canterlot since before your mother invaded
  1627. >Manageable then, but apparently the resulting dust kicked up from the rubble your drones caused, added in with the foreign germs being brought in by your invasion caused a serious increase to the populace's vulnerability
  1628. >It seems political marriage might not even be needed
  1629. >If you brought this to your mother's attention, you could simply wait out these ponies until they were desperate and demand peace terms
  1630. >You've read several theoretical studies on the medical potential of a Changeling's transformational abilities
  1631. >It was mostly affecting their children, so ponies would be quick to capitulate to you
  1632. >What would a vast swathe of land be when compared to such young fragile lives?
  1633. >It would be easy
  1634. >You just needed to ignore the lead staring you right in the face that they'd missed
  1635. >Then play the part they already thought of you, the hapless foreign male
  1636. >After the court was over, tell your mother, and wait for her decision
  1637. >It would be easy to leave it in her capable hooves
  1638. >It would be so easy...
  1639. >So why couldn't you stop pacing?
  1640. >"Anonymous?"
  1641. >You wish you hadn't turned to look at the Princess when she'd called you
  1642. >She was just as good at reading others as your mother was and her eyes widen
  1643. >"You've found something." She states matter-of-factly
  1644. "No I haven't." You respond, snapping the folder shut and heading towards the door your mother left out of
  1645. >That was a lie and she knows it
  1646. You turn around and head back towards the Princess again. "Yes I have." Then your pacing begins again. "Well, not exactly yes, it's more of a maybe, it's something that caught my eyes is all. Shiny things catch my eye too and those aren't important either."
  1647. >"Anonymous." Her voice is firm enough to stop your rambling, but is also tinted with enough worry to pull your attention to her. "What have you found?"
  1648. "I..."
  1649. >It would be so easy
  1650. "I need more information than this. I need to see the records of this "Foal's Breath" and preferably any records your hospital has about other species."
  1651. >"We've barely had any other species in our hospitals." Doctor Pale Pulse says, stepping towards you. "We don't get a lot of foreign visitors outside of dignitaries, and they don't stay here long enough to get sick"
  1652. "Good, then I won't have a lot to read through to get the information I might need."
  1653. >"But what are you looking for?" Celestia presses
  1654. >There's want in her eyes
  1655. >A want for you to tell her you have a way to help her ponies
  1656. >You
  1657. >Help her ponies
  1658. >It's ridiculous
  1659. "I'm not interested in giving hope I can't guarantee, Princess"
  1660. >She lets out a heavy sigh, and a weight seems to slip from her shoulders as a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips
  1661. >Why was she smiling when you just said you weren't going to give her hope?
  1662. >"Silver Crest. Iron Shield." Celestia speaks the names and two gray mares are beside her in the next instant. "Escort Prince Anonymous to Canterlot General, on my authority, he is to have access to whatever hospital records he deems necessary."
  1663. >The two guards salute the princess and stand either side of you
  1664. "Princess, while I don't doubt your guardmares' abilities, I'd rather-"
  1665. >"I'm sorry, Prince Anonymous, but your guards would never get past the hospital security staff, and I am needed here. I know this may upset Chrysalis, but please, let them escort you"
  1666. >You glance between the two mares
  1667. >You really would feel more comfortable looking at chitin, rather than fur and metal, but they'll do
  1668. "Very well, Princess." You give a small bow and let the guards lead you out the room
  1669. >You're lead out of the same secondary door that your mother was lead out of
  1670. >While you didn't see which direction she was brought, you doubt it will matter as you're lead through what seems to be the part of the Castle intended specifically for the guards as they're in much greater numbers
  1671. >The guards give you a wide berth, though seemingly not for the same reason as you and your mother were given before
  1672. >Each guard you pass glances at Iron and Silver more often than at you
  1673. >You're brought into a small room, you reckon about half a dozen ponies could fit inside it, and while Silver Crest stays beside you, Iron Shield leaves
  1674. >The mare immediately notes your questioning look. "Standing orders from the Princess, if possible, she'd like to wait until tomorrow before you and your mother are out in public to give the ponies time to adjust, for this case, we'll be teleporting to the hospital." She then turns away from you, as if embarrassed to say the next part. "Teleportation is neither of our specialties of magic."
  1675. You simply nod. "Thank you, Silver Crest"
  1676. >While you wait for Iron Shield to return, you think back to the throne room
  1677. >Who was that stranger who so readily agreed to help the princess? Who left his mother and guards behind without arguing.
  1678. >Why couldn't he have just kept his mouth shut and not drawn attention to himself, it was one of the only things he was good for, one of the things he was raised to do
  1679. >He had the chance to hold something over the Princess in secret to gain more leverage and power
  1680. >You would have kept that information close to your chest and given it to your mother in an instant
  1681. >So why didn't he?
  1682. >It doesn't take long for Iron Shield to return, three pendants held in her magic
  1683. >She readily floats one over to Silver Crest, and hesitantly floats the other to you
  1684. >You snatch the pendant from her magical grasp before she can choose to change her mind and turn it in your hands, inspecting it
  1685. >"Transportation Enchantment. Two way. It'll take us from here to the hospital and back." Silver Crest explains
  1686. >"And only two charges in it, one to get us there, one to bring us back, so try not to mess anything up, colt-" Iron Shield grunts as Silver Crest whacks her and gives her a telling look as her eyes dart between her and you. "I mean... Prince."
  1687. "Of course" You roll your eyes at the mare’s tone and mentally note her name for later
  1688. >"Using them is simple, even the colts Celestia hires to look good can use it, you ju-"
  1689. >The grating voice of the guardmare fades as you access the latent magic of the enchanted pendant and feel the world warp around you
  1690. >Like before at the train station, reality shrinks to a pin's head then snaps back in the next instant
  1691. >You expected to hear gasps but it's silent
  1692. >Looking around, you see yourself in a near exact copy of the room you were just in, though the walls were painted a plain white and the air had a vague sterile hint to it
  1693. >Seeing a nearby door, you made your way out of it and picked a direction to head down
  1694. >You're sure that if those guardmares were as good as they implied, they'd be along quickly
  1695. >Hopefully not too quickly though
  1696. >They were already annoying you
  1697. >A gasp pulled your attention to a medical pony that had rounded a corner and was startled to find you looming over her
  1698. >"Th- this- this is a restricted section, sir- you... whatever in Tartarus you are-" she muttered the last part under her breath, but not quietly enough for you to not hear
  1699. >Rolling your eyes, you moved the pendant closer to her
  1700. "I'm here on royal business, Miss...?" The insignia of the princesses on the pendant made the mare's jaw drop
  1701. >"I- OH!- You! You're- you're the... Changeling Prince?"
  1702. "I am." You replied flatly, already tiring of this conversation
  1703. >"I... see..." She quickly clears her throat. "A- and how can I help you? Your- highness?"
  1704. >With a roll of your eyes, you pocket the pendant and move around the corner, the mare quickly moving to follow you
  1705. "I need access to your hospital records pertaining to Foal's Breath as well as any records on foreign species you've treated here"
  1706. >"Wel- well, you see sir, those are somewhat restricted"
  1707. "I was told by Celestia that this would be suitable proof that I act with some authority from her." You say, pulling the pendant out. "Or is her word not enough?"
  1708. >It was a lie, but a small one, that would hopefully make this go quicker
  1709. >The mare immediately tripped over herself and her eyes darted back and forth with worry as she stumbled over her words
  1710. >"I- well- yes- no- she- Celestia would- I need to ask the Head Doctor! If you'll just please wait here and excuse me"
  1711. >The mare sprinted down the hall, swerving around other ponies who had begun to gawk at you as well
  1712. >The sound of metal hooves thundered down the hall you'd just come from, so you lazily waved a hand around the corner
  1713. >Seeing that they hadn't lost you completely, the two guardsmares slowed their charge and trotted around to you
  1714. >Neither seemed happy, but Silver Crest was better at hiding it
  1715. "You're late." Was all you said as you continued down the hall
  1716. >"Listen here yo-"
  1717. >"Prince Anonymous." Silver Crest stopped Iron Shield with a smack to the chest as she cut her off. "We appreciate your... eagerness to help the Princess in this task, but there are certain protocols for a teleportation like this, protocols that you broke."
  1718. You suppress your groan as you remember you need to play nice with these ponies. "Of… course, Silver Crest. I apologize." Pulling the pendant from your pocket, you toss it to her, and she easily catches it. "To ensure I don't break more, why don't you hold onto my pendant for me."
  1719. >This seems to genuinely surprise the two guards as Silver puts your pendant with hers
  1720. >"Okay... thank you for understanding, Prince Anonymous. Have you had any difficulties while we were separated?"
  1721. "I've informed one of the staff here what I already need, they just need to get it cleared with whoever's in charge here"
  1722. >"That's why we were assigned to you, if there are any problems, our presence will clear them"
  1723. "Unless they decide to assume you're some of my drones and try to detain us"
  1724. >"I'd like to see them try" Iron Shield grunts
  1725. >"Take it easy, Iron, that would just make them more certain" Silver Crest remarks
  1726. "And now you're starting to understand why I wanted to bring my drones with me" Your words silence the two guards as they think of the situation you're in
  1727. >They're not given enough time to think of how to sort out the possibilities of this going wrong as the mare from before comes back to you besides another mare dressed in medical garb with another mare and a stallion in simpler uniforms in front of them
  1728. >The mare and stallion pair seem to be acting as a buffer between you and the other ponies, most likely hospital security
  1729. >The other mare has an air of self-importance as the mare from before stands at her side, slightly hunched over
  1730. "You must be the Head Doctor" You say to the well-dressed mare
  1731. >"I am." She says sternly. "And I'd like to know why in Tartarus someone let some filthy changeling prince into my hospital!"
  1732. >"Miss Strongheart!" Silver Crest says firmly, stepping forward. "I understand this is unorthodox, but I must insist you speak of Celestia's guest with at least some basic courtesy"
  1733. >"Courtesy? Courtesy!?" She yells back. "I've been waist deep in patients sick with Foal's Breath coming back with a vengeance, running myself and my doctors nearly into the ground trying to keep ponies going, next thing I know, I'm getting invaded by what counts for royalty in changeling society, and to top off this headache sundae, he didn't go through any of the protocols or sterilise himself first! And you think I have time for courtesy!?"
  1734. >There's a mix of emotions from the head doctor's outburst
  1735. >The mare doctor from before and the security seem a mix of tired and glad for her words
  1736. >Silver Crest has her ears slightly flat and also looks panicked as she glances at you, probably worried that you'd been offended somehow
  1737. >Iron Shield just looks annoyed
  1738. >You were leaning that way too
  1739. >It was rather annoying, having this mare try and push her problems on you
  1740. "Are you done?"
  1741. >The hospital staff glare at you, Silver Crest looks shocked, Iron Shield seems amused
  1742. >Meanwhile the head doctor turns her head achingly slowly towards you, then her eye twitches
  1743. >"Excuse me?"
  1744. "Listen, Doctor..." Despite one of your guards saying her name just now, you already couldn't remember it. "I'm here to assist Princess Celestia to the best of my abilities. All I need is access to the records I informed your fellow mare of when I arrived, then I'll be out of your mane"
  1745. >The mare's jaw sets in place as she tries to bring her clearly building anger under control
  1746. >With a shiver through her withers, she forces a breath through her nose and her face settles
  1747. >"Fine" She says curtly. "Follow me"
  1748. >You catch a glint in her eyes
  1749. >And as she briefly glares at you, it's obvious she's made a decision on something regarding your presence here
  1750. >Her eyes briefly flick between the two guardmares, and there's the undeniable gleam of suspicion in them
  1751. >Quickly your mind puts some pieces together, and you realize that she thinks the guardmares are drones, just as you suspected someone might without your true drones beside you
  1752. >Yet despite this, she makes no obvious fuss, instead, choosing to sharply turn on her hooves and storm back down the hall, and you all follow behind her
  1753. >As you walk down the hall, you quickly catch how she is constantly shooting looks back at her staff, who glance back at the three of you in turn
  1754. >Your guardmares don’t notice, as their training tells them to look to their surroundings and other ponies for potential dangers
  1755. >They probably haven’t even considered the idea that the most dangerous ponies in this hospital might be the ones leading you along
  1756. >The ward you pass through is deathly quiet, save for the clop of hooves and the click of your boots on the polished floors, you peer at the walls and see some of the paint peeling, indicating that you’re going to an older section of the hospital, an abandoned sections
  1757. >While you were in an area restricted to staff before, there was still staff present
  1758. >Ponies who would be witness to your presence
  1759. >Now she's specifically isolating you
  1760. >You can't help but smirk
  1761. >Even if this trip is going wrong from the beginning, it's certainly turning out to be more fun than you've had the entire time you've been in this eyesore of a city
  1762. >You descend several flights of stairs and go further into the depths of the hospital than you would have expected and you're briefly confused
  1763. >The isolation made sense to an extent
  1764. >But if she truly believes the guardmares to be drones, she's overplaying her hoof as you clearly have the upperhand in this situation if her assumptions were true
  1765. >But then it all finally clicks as you eventually come to a halt at a grand door
  1766. >She's not just isolating you
  1767. >She's planning to hold you in a makeshift prison
  1768. >The nerve of this pony
  1769. >Your curiosity gets the better of you as you wonder if she'll follow through on her plan
  1770. >Apparently you're not the only one to notice the situation as Silver Crest speaks up
  1771. >"Miss Strongheart, I don't want to question you, ma'am, but this doesn't look like the archives to me"
  1772. >"That depends on your definition of the word... I just realized I never got your names."
  1773. >The guardmares introduce themselves, along with their ranks. Ranks you'd missed
  1774. >Apparently Iron Shield was a Private and Silver Crest was a Sergeant
  1775. >"Well, Sergeant, these are what you might call the Deep Archives." Reaching into her pocket, the head doctor pulled out an intricately designed sigil that she pressed into a divet in the door. "This hospital was one of the first buildings in Canterlot. Its foundation was built on the very first layer of the city, and has risen up with it as its expanded across the mountain." The sigil's magic sprung to life in a burst of light, and flowed into the door, causing the creaking hinges to swing open. "Technically these archives are the whole of the original building, repurposed to hold over a millennia of medical records, on Celestia's orders. We move records down here when the main Archives can't hold it all. Foal's Breath is an old illness, if you want everything we've got on it, this is the place to be."
  1776. >"We thank you, Doctor Heartstrong, but this isn't-"
  1777. "This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you." You cut off the guardmare and push the rusted door open. "You should oil this."
  1778. >"Yeah, I'll put it on my to-do list" One of the security ponies mutters
  1779. >"P- Prince Anonymous, wait-" Silver Crest's voice echoes off the walls as she follows after you, Iron Shield silently following behind, shing the light of her horn into the distance of the archives, glaring at any potential dangers that hid in the dark
  1780. >It doesn't take long to find a small collection of lanterns inside the archives
  1781. >Silver Crest's horn lights up, helping you to find the necessary oil to fuel it
  1782. >She seems thankful for the presence of lanterns, as the building seems to be so old that it doesn't have the modern lighting systems of Canterlot
  1783. >It's useful you have the lanterns, as you doubt you'll get much light down here for a while
  1784. >That is, if the doctor follows through on her clearly sleep-deprived plan
  1785. >You glance up at her, and in the dim lantern light, you see uncertainty in her gaze
  1786. >Whether she thinks you're an enemy or not, she remains a pony
  1787. >And ponies are as ponies do, and she hesitates to do something so extreme
  1788. >Then, her gaze hardens, and her horn flares, and the rust groans and screams as its dragged along the ground
  1789. >"H- HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOI- HEY! HEY!" Iron Shield charges at the door and unleashes a bolt of magic that slips through the last crack before it closes and the sound bolts locking into place muffle the pained scream from whichever pony she hit
  1790. >Hooves pound against the steel like a drum before she pushes back and attempts to open the door with her magic
  1791. >When it proves too heavy for her magic, she tries to blast a hole through it
  1792. >When it proves too sturdy to be blasted through she begins banging on the door once more
  1794. >"When the Princesses hear that I locked two changeling drones and the prince when they came to spy on one of the worst diseases that have hit our city? I'm sure she'll understand"
  1795. >The sergeant moves forward and pushes Iron Shield aside
  1796. >"Doctor Strongheart, ma'am, you're tired and scared from Prince Anonymous' sudden appearance. I understand, but you're making a mistake, one you can rectify, if you'll just-"
  1797. >"Save it for the court, changeling"
  1798. >You decide to step in between the two mares, lantern in hand, and lightly swing it, the metal on metal acting like a hammering knock
  1799. "I want you to know doctor, when my mother finds out about this... she'll burn your hospital down, if I don't first"
  1800. >"Like you coul-"
  1801. "You've left me old lanterns of oil and fire, and when I look out into this room, I just see more fuel for it. How much of these archives are you willing to lose?"
  1802. >" wouldn't"
  1803. "Would you like to try me?"
  1804. >Just then, Silver Crest and Iron Shield jolt and grab at their pendants, Silver Crest offering yours back, then stopping when you shake your head
  1805. >A shuddering sigh comes from the door before a bang rings out from the door
  1806. >Silver was right about one thing at least, the doctor was tired, angry and confused, and now she was taking it out on the door
  1807. >"Whatever! I'm done talking to you bugs, I'll be back with the princesses."
  1808. >"You can't leave us down here without food!"
  1809. "She can't hear you anymore, Iron" You say casually as you head back into the Archives
  1810. >"That bitch is so fucking dead" Iron Shield brandishes her pendant and gets ready to slam her hoof down on it, until you stop her with a hand
  1811. "Relax, Private, we're not in danger"
  1812. >"But we're-!"
  1813. "Trapped?" You shake your own pendant in front of her. "Hardly. Besides, she's brought me exactly where I need to be, and having three sets of eyes will make this easier"
  1814. >"Prince Anonymous, please tell me you're not planning on staying here"
  1815. "Why wouldn't I?" You pull open a drawer of one of the filing cabinets, coughing away the dust it kicks up. "This is why I'm here isn't it?"
  1816. >"But it wasn't supposed to be like this!" Iron Shield yells, slamming her hooves to the ground
  1817. >You ignore the miniature tantrum and begin rapidly flicking through the files
  1818. >Feather Flu
  1819. >Horn Cramps
  1820. >Wingitis
  1821. >Hoofitis
  1822. >No Foal's Breath, so you move onto the next drawer
  1823. >You're quick but methodical, losing yourself in the flow of working through the files, vaguely aware of Silver Crest and Iron Shield arguing behind you
  1824. >"I- but he- ...yes, ma'am." Iron Shield says resignedly
  1825. >The sound of two sets of hooves come up behind you
  1826. >Magic shines at the edges of your periphery as the two mares begin digging through the filing cabinets with you
  1827. "I’m surprised you two are staying.”
  1828. >"It's part of the job, Prince Anonymous" Silver Crest says
  1829. >"Unfortunately" Iron Shield adds with a grumble. "I'm more surprised that you're not freaking out, can't say I know many colts who wouldn't freak out in this situation."
  1830. "I'm a Changeling, Iron, mother taught me from a young age that panicking does nothing." Another file, another drawer with nothing useful, another one opened. "We were all taught from a young age that it's better to just get the work done."
  1831. >"Huh..." Iron Shield mutters, you look over her shoulder, half wondering if she'd found something, she hadn't
  1832. "What is it?" You ask
  1833. >"Nothing, just..." She glances up at you awkwardly. "You almost make the bug- changelings sound like us- in a way" She says, correcting herself for her pride's sake at the end
  1834. "Oh don't worry Iron Shield, I'd never insult my drones by comparing them to you"
  1835. >The mare gawks at you slightly, then devolves into chuckles when she sees your smirk
  1836. <>
  1837. "-she has more of a mind for magic than medicine, but I assure you, she's brilliant all the same, I think she could be very helpful in this"
  1838. >Pale Pulse nods to you and gives a small bow as she turns to leave the court
  1839. >You are Celestia
  1840. >And you are hoping that Twilight's mind will be able to offer Doctor Pale Pulse a fresh perspective on the problem
  1841. >You did so hate burdening your student with problems, but she always seems eager and able to meet the challenge
  1842. >With her knowledge and Iron Shield and Silver Crest escorting Prince Anonymous to the hospital's archives to find whatever he needs, hopefully you'll be able to make some headway in finally counteracting this
  1843. >You're just glad Chrysalis hasn't learned about this problem yet
  1844. >Who knows what she might do with this information
  1845. >Briefly your mind wanders to the Prince
  1846. >For the life of you, you couldn't get a read on him, or rather, you could read him far too easily, but he was never consistent
  1847. >Sometimes you looked in his eyes and you saw the same cold, calculating glare of his mother
  1848. >Other times you caught him deriving enjoyment from the same callous cruelty of the kind he called family
  1849. >Quite often you saw love when he gazed at his mother or siblings
  1850. >Cadance would hate you for claiming this, but that love you saw was genuine, as genuine as the love she felt for you
  1851. >But beyond all that, there were moments, the briefest time when you saw the spark of something else
  1852. >Intelligence without manipulation, enjoyment without cruelty, and once or twice you swore you'd seen compassion
  1853. >There was something different in that Changeling Prince, as he was
  1854. >Something not at all Changeling
  1855. >As the doors shut behind Pale Pulse, your guardmares thumped their spears against the floor twice rhythmically, a sound that indicated the end of day court
  1856. >While most of your little ponies that remained began to leave the court, the nobility stayed, as you'd requested
  1857. >From how they shared glances, you could tell they knew why you'd asked them to stay behind
  1858. >At the least, they knew what you planned to discuss
  1859. >You dearly hoped that none of your staff had told any of them about Chrysalis' proposal from last night's dinner
  1860. >This required a delicate hoof for it to be considered by the nobles, and while Chrysalis was many things, delicate was not one of them
  1861. >Though you do feel slightly awkward about bringing this idea to the nobility without Anon present to make his own case
  1862. >Either way you'd have felt awkward
  1863. >If he were present, you'd feel like you were advertising him like a piece of meat
  1864. >Without him present you felt like you weren't trusting him with his own decisions
  1865. >You internally sigh
  1866. >Things used to be so much easier back in the old days when stallions-
  1867. >With a firm shake of your head you derail that line of thought
  1868. >The "old days" had been over for over a century
  1869. >Now wasn't the time to dig up old mentalities
  1870. >"Princess, I believe we're ready to start" Fancy Pants' voice breaks you out of your thoughts
  1871. "Ah, yes, thank you, Fancy Pants." Despite your frantic thoughts, your voice remains measured as Fancy Pants bows to you from the balcony
  1872. >You peer across the balconies, meeting the eyes of all the nobles that had come to this meeting
  1873. >Of course, there was Fancy Pants but beside him stood Jet Set and his wife Upper Crust
  1874. >Hoity Toity and Photo Finish was among the crowd as well
  1875. >While neither were of noble blood, you had heard that, due to their influence, stature and wealth, they had enough power that they'd been dubbed "nobility adjacent" by those who had real claim to the title
  1876. >The title was given in secret, of course, at least, what consisted for secrecy among the nobility
  1877. >Meaning the two had heard of the title the day after it had been first uttered
  1878. >You were glad when you heard from them both that neither took offence, and in fact, prided themselves on the title
  1879. >There were a few other ponies that were considered "nobility adjacent" among the balconies
  1880. >Finally, your gaze landed on Fleur de Lis, who you had noticed one of the first of the nobility to enter your throne room today
  1881. >Not only that, but she had been the quietest, keeping herself in the back of the crowds
  1882. >Most notably of all, was that the entire time, she'd never taken her eyes off of Prince Anonymous
  1883. >You don't think even he was aware of her watchful gaze, and if he was, he was very good at hiding it
  1884. >Of course, your nephew had slunk back into the room after you had lightly dismissed him earlier, and was now, like Fleur de Lis, trying to keep as much attention off himself as possible
  1885. >Them aside there were about a dozen others of the nobility left in the room
  1886. >With a deep breath, you begin descending the steps of your throne room
  1887. "My little ponies," you begin, drawing their attention as you look across the room, "I am no fool, I know that many of you have reservations about the new changeling presence here, some of you may even have objections"
  1888. >The nobles shuffle slightly on their hooves as they share nervous glances
  1889. >For as much as you loved them, and they loved you, your ponies did have one small flaw, they couldn't get over the impressions they got of you when they were children
  1890. >Even now, as adults, they felt small compared to you, like you were an unquestionable authority, no matter how much you encouraged them to question you
  1891. >After all, how else were you to be sure you were keeping them happy as the world shifted around you
  1892. >You might not have changed in your millennia of life, but the world did, and though you'd remain the same physically, you were not above changing the way you thought and approached problems
  1893. "As ever, if you or any of your families or friends feel put in danger by this situation, I implore you to bring it to my attention. They may be our guests, but Canterlot remains your home."
  1894. >This seems to stir a bit of confidence into the assembly as they all nod to you
  1895. >"Princess," Jet Set calls to you, leaning on the railing slightly, "are we going to have to deal with more of those..." you see his gray muzzle scrunch up as he adjusts his glasses, biting down a word you can only imagine you'd disapprove of being used for your guest, "these changelings in Canterlot?"
  1896. You give a small sigh as you glance around at the nobles. "Am I correct in assuming you're all aware that this is a prelude to a hopeful peace with Queen Chrysalis?" The assembly's murmur grows into a clamour of affirmations and disagreements
  1897. >With a brief flaring of your wings, the two balconies fall quiet again
  1898. Once more, you turn to Jet Set, and nod. "Should this peace be established, Jet Set, that is a real possibility. Just as we've allowed minotaurs, griffons and dragons in when we made peace with them"
  1899. >Your words are true, though only technically
  1900. >Most races you made peace with still kept to their own countries, your foreign visitors being few and far between
  1901. >Especially when it came to dragons
  1902. >Aside from Spike, and the one that took residence in a mountain near Ponyville, you can't recall many taking advantage of their freedom to wander your kingdom
  1903. >"Princess," the voice of your nephew reaches you as he finally steps forward, "I believe I speak for the assembly when I voice this fear. How can we be so sure that these changelings are not using this for their own gains? How can we be sure they do not plan to infiltrate us when our guard is down?"
  1904. >You wince at his words
  1905. >While it was a valid fear, you had dearly hoped to avoid bringing it to the discussion, if only for a little while longer
  1906. >Sadly the other nobles seem to agree with your nephew and his confidence slowly returns with their own concerns
  1907. >"Bah! Leave it to you to fear monger, Blueblood." The accented tone of Photo Finish cuts through the assembly with all the bombast you've come to expect of the mare. "Zese zame problems were brought up ven peace was being considered with the minotaurs, griffons and dragons-"
  1908. >"And none of them can transform into another pony-"
  1909. >"And no Changeling has ever been able to grow as large as the biggest dragons. Yet ve still made peace with 'zem. Equestria 'as always faced these problems and stood strong, and ve shall do so again"
  1910. >A small round of applause echoes out for Photo Finish, though you quickly note that the ponies are divided on this issue a some jeer and call their support to Blueblood’s worries
  1911. >Your nephew scoffs and rolls his eyes at the mare. "I suppose I shouldn't expect one of your stature to understand how this could truly be a-"
  1912. "Blueblood!" Your own hooves slam to the ground, silencing your arguing ponies and killing the slowly rising tension, and your nephew immediately flattens his ears. "This assembly is for discourse and deciding what is best for Equestria by hearing ALL opinions. I tolerate much from you dear nephew, but I will not tolerate you slandering someone over something as petty as their status."
  1913. >"O- of course, Auntie." He bows low to you and backs away with his tail visibly between his legs as he shoots a brief glare at Photo Finish and mutters out an even briefer apology
  1914. "The transformative magics of the Changelings are a concern, even I am willing to admit this. But it is part of their nature, and no more evil than a unicorn's magic, a pegasi' magic, or an earth pony's strength. With time and patience, I believe we can come to an agreement that keeps our ponies comfortable, but does not restrict this basic freedom from them either."
  1915. >A low murmur comes from both sides of the assembly that slowly grows into a round of applause which you give a small bow too
  1916. >"Princess, if I may?"
  1917. >Though softer than either of their voices, Fleur de Lis' voice rises above the assembly easier than Blueblood's or Photo Finish'
  1918. >With a small nod to the mare she gives a grateful smile and steps up to be more prominently seen on the balcony
  1919. >"I only wonder, my Princess, have these changelings put forward peace terms yet?"
  1920. >An answer comes to you immediately, but you pause, and your ponies notice
  1921. With a sigh, you nod. "In a manner of speaking, yes. While nothing specific has been put to terms yet, Chrysalis has offered... an alternative, though not unorthodox approach to this peace"
  1922. >This causes a stir of anxious shuffling among your ponies, while Fleur de Lis' focus remains on you
  1923. "Queen Chrysalis has offered a political marriage to cement this peace going forward"
  1924. >As you rip the proverbial band-aid off, the assembly react as you expected, a mix of outrage and disgust
  1925. >Where once your ponies politely considered their words concerning the changelings, all manners go out the window now
  1926. >"First they destroy our city, now she wants to take us away from it!?"
  1927. “My little pony, there’s no call fo-”
  1928. >"Who would want that cretin as a wife!?"
  1929. “There’s no need for such-”
  1930. >"We're expected to help make more of that filth!?"
  1931. >"Are we to be stolen away to her hive or does she plan to spread some decadent new lair in our kingdom?"
  1932. "That’s enough everyone. Ev- everyone? My little ponies, enou- I SAID ENOUGH!" You didn't care for using the old voice from centuries ago
  1933. >It was an archaic tradition, and was used as a way to silence those you didn't agree with
  1934. >Suffice it to say, you didn't think it had a place in polite conversation
  1935. >But this conversation had stopped being polite a long time ago
  1936. >The sheer volume briefly seemed to shake the very stone of the mountain and you don't doubt you woke your sister
  1937. >You didn't look forward to that conversation later
  1938. With a tired sigh, you rub a temple with your hoof as you speak again. "This offer does not come from Chrysalis herself, but from the Queen on behalf of her son"
  1939. >A profound silence flows through the gathered ponies as they think on your words, wondering if you could possibly mean what your words implied
  1940. >"Princess Celestia,” Fleur de Lis begins, “do you mean to say that Prince Anonymous is offering himself for marriage?"
  1941. >You silently nod up at Fleur de Lis, who quietly brings a hoof to her chin, a ponderous look in her eyes
  1942. >"I assume the Queen would expect a dowry for her son's hand?" Fancy Pants remarks
  1943. "I do not know, in truth. I assume any details would be discussed between her and whoever among the mares here is interested"
  1944. >Upper Crust lets out a 'humph' as she turns her muzzle up. "I doubt having her as an in-law would be much of an improvement over having her as a wife."
  1945. >Thankfully Jet Set nudges his wife and gives her a glance which reminds her that you're watching, which quickly causes her to quiet down a little as the two begin to talk in hushed whispers
  1946. >"Not to be untoward," one of the other noble mares speaks, "but would that even be a stable relationship? Would he be able to... provide...?"
  1947. >She leaves the words unsaid, but obvious
  1948. "Chrysalis has informed me in her own words that 'such semantics have already been taken into account', most likely she has done research on the possibility of compatibility regarding her son and other species"
  1949. >This sends another murmur through the crowd
  1950. >All things considered, this meeting wasn't going as horribly as you expected it too
  1951. >You just hope that Anonymous can find what he needs quickly, you'd rather not keep Chrysalis waiting longer than need be, lest she find out that her son isn't present anymore without her knowing

The First Day

by Sunn

Last Immortals

by Sunn

Breaker of Day

by Sunn

The Eris Plan

by Sunn

A Lifetime of Dreams

by Sunn