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A Lifetime of Dreams

By Sunn
Created: 2021-03-06 12:17:13
Expiry: Never

  1. >In all her years Luna had only ever felt true fear once
  2. >When she knew naught the fate that awaited her, Celestia, or Equestria as Nightmare Moon took over her mind
  3. >But that fear returned when she found herself facing the loss of the human she had come to love
  4. >Anonymous was his name, and he was a curious being from beyond her stars and perhaps even further still
  5. >Luna's curiosity began in his dreams
  6. >The dreams of ponies were holistic in nature
  7. >They all had some meaning to them
  8. >But his were beyond rhyme or reason
  9. >The laws of physics and reality needed not apply to the subconscious of the alien creature
  10. >Strange events and characters intermingled and countless environments of countless periods of times churned and writhed in his mind
  11. >She had given up trying to make sense of them or correcting them as his subconscious was all too eager to return to the maddening mindscape
  12. >When she attempted to contact the human and enquire on his dreams his only explanation was that it was common for his species
  13. >Finally after several months of observing the dreams, for amusement if nothing else, she felt as though she overstepped a line
  14. >His dream that night had roiled and spun endlessly as had all the others
  15. >Then suddenly it stopped and the world seemed to shatter like glass
  16. >So violent was the tearing of the mindscape it nearly hurled her out of it
  17. >But this new sensation intrigued her, so she rooted herself in the dream as best she could until the dream settled
  18. >Then, as quickly as it came, the shift ended
  19. >Luna found herself glancing into a small room, decorated with pictures of other humans, some of them resembling Anonymous
  20. >Scattered in corners of the room were pieces of plush furniture
  21. >Upon one of them sat a sight most curious
  22. >A human, now what she knew to be Anonymous in his younger years, enshrouded in a tangling of limbs from two much older humans
  23. >They simply sat their, locked in embrace
  24. >Were it not for the slight shifting of their gangly limbs and soft huff of breathes, Luna would have thought them to be a statue
  25. >Before she could step into the room Luna was halted by the sound of a gentle sniffle
  26. >With a blink, Anonymous in his present form appeared in front of the family, yet was left unnoticed
  27. >His eyes were locked solely on the three, flicking between the three with greater intensity and speed with each passing second
  28. >Each flick of the eyes caused his gasps to grow shallower, his chest heaving deeper and deeper
  29. >His whimper becoming more pronounced
  30. >Finally, like the breaking of a dam, he collapsed, as if he no longer had the strength to bear the weight of his own body
  31. >He fell to his knees and his face fell to the floor, sobs wracking his form, and tears falling endlessly but never hitting the floor
  32. >Yet still, he went unnoticed, the three were blinded by the shared bliss of the tender familial moment
  33. >Luna could only make out two word through his cries
  34. >"I'm sorry"
  35. >She thought she knew what to do here
  36. >She was sorely wrong
  37. >Her hoof tapped the door as she made to approach Anonymous
  38. >Yet it echoed and shrieked with such intensity she had to push her hooves to her ears
  39. >She looked to Anon hoping for an answer as to what was occuring
  40. >Yet her eyes only met rage
  41. >Before she could try to explain, Luna's form was hurled out of the dream, slamming back into the magical hub of connected subconscious that linked her to dreams
  42. >After that night she rarely found Anonymous' mind
  43. >On the night's she did find it, it was sealed and locked tight, and her magic could not ease it open
  44. >Torturing oneself with past mistakes, losses and memories of home
  45. >Luna was all familiar with how deep that pit went, but knew little of its true extent
  46. >All she knew is that it never ended
  47. >She found resolve in that thought
  48. >Even when she found naught but rejection from the human
  49. >However, the moon's luck shined on her one night
  50. >While walking the grounds to clear her head, she bumped into him
  51. >He had been entranced by the architectural achievement that allowed a city to rest on a mountainside and decided to visit
  52. >Luna seized this opportunity as best she could
  53. >While she made little progress, she was able to convince him she was not purposefully invading
  54. >He had even agreed to try and let her into his dreams again
  55. >Over time, his dreams began to settle more and more
  56. >According to him it only occured when she visited
  57. >Luna could not deny that she took great pride in this knowledge
  58. >As dreams shifted to meetings, and meetings shifted to something more, Luna found herself feeling closer to him
  59. >He admitted to sharing her feelings of isolation and abandonment, and the violent afterthoughts of taking the attention back by force
  60. >They shared their troubles of not understanding this new world or how it works
  61. >Even with years of acclimation, Luna never felt like this Equestria was hers anymore
  62. >She had no hoof in its moulding, no say in its goings on
  63. >Celestia had done her best, and Luna faulted her sister naught for her own discomfort
  64. >Celestia had even gone out of her way to try and recreate a millennium old celebration which Luna was quite fond of
  65. >The celebration had fallen out of favor and Luna began to see why
  66. >But she kept up the charade of enjoying it
  67. >Seeing the normally stuffy and indignant nobles dress in millenium old garb was a priceless memory
  68. >The laughter at the absurdity of the events and the remembrance of days gone by she shared with her sister was even more precious though
  69. >But sharing this feeling of loneliness when surrounded by those who accepted you with another was a great comfort for her
  70. >One evening, after sharing a bottle two centuries too old for the human's constitution to handle, his inebriation led to him letting his final wall fall
  71. >Luna came to learn how he ended up in Equestria, and she felt like she had a greater understanding of his apologetic dream
  72. >Equally inebriated herself, Luna brought up the dream that nearly killed their relationship before it began
  73. >No words, slurred or otherwise, were spoken
  74. >But a soft sobbed shook his body
  75. >Luna simply took him into her wings and hooves, and let him lull himself to sleep
  76. >Upon the next morning's rising sun, Luna felt nothing but dread
  77. >She dreaded being pierced by those hateful eyes again
  78. >Once more she had intruded where she wasn't invited
  79. >His mind was slack with booze and nostalgia from his own past
  80. >When she bumped into the human again, Luna was stunned to silence as he wrapped her in his arms and thanked her
  81. >With no reconciliation needed, Luna was eager to enjoy her new found partner as deeply as she could
  82. >She did not anticipate how deep that enjoyment would go for either of them
  83. >As her own troubles and his linked, they spun synchronously, like cogs in a machine
  84. >The two felt true belonging besides each other
  85. >Strangers to each other and to the world they were in
  86. >But they were strangers together
  87. >Yet as their troubles fell into each other, so too did Luna and Anon fall into each other emotionally, mentally, and eventually physically
  88. >The completeness of the connection shared that first night shook them both to their core
  89. >Yet here she is, years later, and happily wed, but she felt nothing but dread
  90. >His love seemed so serene
  91. >So harmless
  92. >But as she awoke each day a nagging thought poked at the back of her mind
  93. >Eventually it broke through completely
  94. >His mortality
  95. >Luna was still so new to this world, and she knew she would not be truly accepted for several generations
  96. >Not with the shadows of her past hanging on her head
  97. >That familiar deep purple approached her once
  98. >But she was far stronger than before, and sealed it deeper in her mind than before
  99. >Even if it meant being alone, it would be better than returning to her
  100. >As time passed her mind began to distance itself from her kingdom and more to her predicament
  101. >Age spells were not possible, since Anonymous bore no magic
  102. >Petrification was possible, but again his lack of magic brought her to question how well his constitution would endure it
  103. >Finally her mind wandered to the dreamscape
  104. >A place of near infinite potential, and a human subconscious mad enough to harness it
  105. >With their beings so intimately entwined it was not too difficult to link their subconscious together
  106. >Thus, Luna began her journey with her other half that crossed the cosmos to be by her side
  107. >With his mind able to recreate endless worlds, and her magic able to stabilise and warp it, she found his immortality
  108. >A lifetime to live and love each other
  109. >Each and every night
  110. >The first few nights left him muddled and dazed, living nearly a century a night was taxing on the constitution of his mind and body
  111. >While the dreams were placed on hold briefly there was no need to worry
  112. >The doctors, after quadruple checking him at Luna's behest, found no medical reason for concern
  113. >Anonymous had stated a belief that waking up to her warmth each time helped settle him back into the waking world
  114. >As countless lifetimes passed they celebrated yet another anniversary
  115. >Such events were saved for the waking world, as neither of the two had any wish to retire from that world
  116. >But neither were either of the two eager to retire from the dream or each other’s side
  117. >Countless more lifetimes stretched out in front of them, and Luna was determined to remember every second

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A Lifetime of Dreams

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