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Breaker of Day

By Sunn
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-08 21:10:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >Daybreaker made no move when Luna magically tore the throne room doors off their hinges and threw them at the throne
  2. >She made no move as Luna magically bound her
  3. >She made no move as she saw the Elements begin to circle her, mirroring how Celestia used them all those centuries ago
  4. >She simply closed her eyes as she felt her body being torn from Equestria and magically sealed within the sun
  5. >When they finally landed, Daybreaker tore herself away from her goody four-shoed counterpart who had forced the two into paralysis
  6. >Celestia made no move as Daybreaker attempted to beat her with her hooves or when she attempted to blast her with a spell
  7. >She simply looked back at her home
  8. >As memories flooded her mind she started to feel tears form
  9. >Memories of raising Twilight like the daughter she never had
  10. >Reuniting with Luna
  11. >Meeting Anon, her gallant knight from another world, and how she slowly but irrevocably feel for him
  12. >The countless sleepless nights she spent simply watching his chest rise and fall
  13. >Seeing the near imperceptible pulse of one of his heart's arteries pumping again and again
  14. >A pumping that would eventually stop
  15. >She had to remember it all
  16. >Every moment of his life, even if she had to lose a few nights of her own
  17. >Then she came
  18. >With whispers of things so sweet, of a perfect world
  19. >Where his beating heart would never stop
  20. >Celestia refused to fall for a lure so false
  21. >It was like a hook with no bait
  22. >Then one morning she found the strangest of things
  23. >A leather book, charred black, like it would turn to ash at the lightest touch, but was stronger than any stone or metal
  24. >A book that only she could see
  25. >Celestia desperately wished she'd never opened it
  26. >She berated herself over and over again, as if her self-flagellating would reach through time and stop her back then
  27. >In the book, was a spell
  28. >One that would grant Anon the same immortality that she and her sister shared
  29. >A feat thought impossible
  30. >But it was true, the arcane calculations were perfect
  31. >The harmonic convergence of runes were in perfect synchronization
  32. >But it was incomplete, and she wasn't learned enough to complete them
  33. >She could have gained the proper knowledge, over several lifetimes of study
  34. >But by then it would be worthless to her
  35. >For so many days and nights that sickly sweet voice kept promising her
  36. >Over and over again it reminded her of what could be if she just relinquished control for an iota of time
  37. >It broke her heart, but she remained stalwart in her defiance, her mind iron-clad, if not creaking ever so slightly at the thought
  38. >Then
  39. >The straw that broke her back
  40. >A new spell, in the same book, with the same arcane perfection, in the same sinister calligraphy
  41. >A spell that would allow interspecies coupling
  42. >She was driven mad by desire, and felt like she had no strength left
  43. >But when her sun was going dim
  44. >He came
  45. >Her husband could always tell when she needed him
  46. >But this time he had no clever remarks, no witty guesses at what troubled her mind
  47. >He simply pulled her close, and held her tight, like she were smoke and his arms were all that held her together
  48. >Thinking back on it, as the solar corona licked her hooves, that wasn't too far from the truth
  49. >Celestia broke, and fell into him, letting her sadness and weakness wrack her body with sobs and tears
  50. >Eventually though, her tears ran dry and she became too tired to sob
  51. >As she slowly fell into Luna's realm she felt him cradle her and carry her to their bed
  52. >But as he placed her down, and brushed aside her mane, she felt it
  53. >A wrinkle
  54. >Prominent and deep
  55. >How long had they been together
  56. >All she could remember after that was fire
  57. >Fire, and screams
  58. >The fire that shot from her very core and melted the stone foundations of her home
  59. >The screams of her dear pupil, and sister to stop and regain herself
  60. >The screams of the night guard who flew to strike her down, as her day guard, bless their souls, could not bring themselves too
  61. >Finally, their were his screams
  62. >The screams of her most trusted soldier
  63. >The screams of her devoted husband
  64. >The screams that nearly shook Canterlot off the mountain as he cleaved a vicious path through those who would see her harmed
  65. >Even through the haze of her memory, when all was smoke and fire she could remember him
  66. >How he looked at Daybreaker, saw through the madness and fire, and saw her
  67. >He didn't know why or how, his face twisted in confusion
  68. >But not in betrayal
  69. >Even as she threatened to burn down their home he still saw his wife
  70. >Sadly, she was all too aware of what he was willing to do to keep her safe
  71. >For three nights and days he fended off any who approached the high court where Daybreaker sat, reveling in her mirth and triumph
  72. >He stacked the bodies like sandbags
  73. >Diverted the molten stone to create a moat
  74. >Daybreaker's magic never touched his body or mind
  75. >He simply refused to move
  76. >His stalwart loyalty almost caused Celestia to chuckle, as she recalled him telling her how he'd "be by her side, even when Canterlot fell off the mountain"
  77. >Eventually though, Equestria had to be put first, and her sister took up the task
  78. >Her attempted assaults on Anon's mind proved fruitless, her attempts to dissuade him nearly cost her a wing
  79. >But she conquered him by sword with ease
  80. >Not that he did not give as good as he got
  81. >A clear vision of her beloved younger sister breached Celestia's mind, one eye sealed shut by the blood running down from her head
  82. >The limp in her gait, and gash in her side
  83. >All these images stabbed Celestia's heart and mind, over and over
  84. >Looking past her sister she saw Anon, motionless behind the door he'd defended for so long
  85. >Propped up by the spear impaled through his shoulder
  86. >In that moment Celestia felt all her rage and despair surge into her horn, and she focused the magic onto herself
  87. >Rooting her, and Daybreaker in place
  88. >Damning them both to their solar prison
  89. >Her only wishes, were for Anon's name to be forgiven, and for her sister to stay safe
  90. >As the memories cleared and her tears turned to steam Celestia was abruptly pulled back to her new reality by a shriek most vile
  91. >Feeling her anger swell once more she turned on her demonic counterpart and focused whatever magic she had left squarely on her
  92. >With a horrified scream that was cut off before it could leave Daybreaker's lips, the spectre dissipated
  93. >She'd reform, in time
  94. >But it would give Celestia a few centuries of silence
  95. >Perhaps she'd dream
  97. >Back in Canterlot, the deed had been done, and the declarations had been made
  98. >Celestia had been banished and Luna would reign as sole-monarch for the foreseeable future
  99. >In this moment, Luna desperately hoped she was weaker than her sister
  100. >Hoping that the spell would bind Celestia for a century or two less than it had bound her
  101. >There would be no accurate way to predict, until the first cracks in the arcane seal began to form
  102. >Luna pondered this new era that was fast approaching
  103. >She'd have to takeover Day Court
  104. >Reestablish herself with the noble houses
  105. >Integrate her night guard with the day guard
  106. >Ensure her night guard did not antagonise the day guard for their refusal to fight Daybreaker
  107. >That's untrue, no one fought Daybreaker, not even her, Anon was the singular obstacle
  108. >She'd also have to make addendums to Anon's role in this
  109. >Assuage the fear of the general public
  110. >Then she'd have to rebuild the mostly melted Canterlot
  111. >Either that or relocate the capital entirely
  112. "Thou hast left us in a state of discord and unrest that hasn't been seen since before the unification dear brother"
  113. >She received no answer
  114. >She never received an answer
  115. >Not anymore
  116. >Only silence
  117. >The same silence that had permeated her very being since she banished her sister 15 days ago
  118. >She knew Twilight and Cadance were undoubtedly doing their best to keep the clamoring public and nobles away
  119. >She spat at the thought of the trivial, mundane problems they'd bring to her "Vultures and vermin the lot"
  120. >Even as her anger swiftly rose her despair rose all the swifter
  121. >She had not just lost a sister today
  122. >But a brother as well
  123. >Both felled by her own hoof
  124. >Celestia would return, shaken, but intact and most likely scorned by her subjects upon her return
  125. >Luna wasn't sure if her sister's other half would fare as well
  126. >After she had completed the sealing ritual, Luna had rushed back to Anonymous' side
  127. >Her spear had not torn any organ tissue, or split any artery
  128. >Her only intention was to restrain him
  129. >A quick scan showed that he was alive, but dying quickly
  130. >With everything in ruin, and the royal staff scattered, Luna turned to the only spell she could think of to aid her in this situation
  131. >A harmonic petrification
  132. >The same spell that sealed Discord
  133. >Luna had no doubt in her mind that her grievous misuse of the elements had cut her off from them for good
  134. >But at least they were merciful enough to give her a chance to save her family
  135. >Before a mob could rise, she pulled Anon into the depth of the Canterlot mountain
  136. >If Discord's release had shown anything, an extreme outburst of emotional turmoil could undo the binding
  137. >An angry mob's passive mana output would surely sync with Anon's frozen emotional state and free him
  138. >So he had to be sealed far away from prying eyes
  139. >She only wished she could make him more comfortable
  140. >His stone visage made for a sight most grim
  141. >Face twisted in rage and determination
  142. >Sword held high as if to bring it down with enough force to split the earth
  143. >Shoulder impaled cleanly with a spear equal to him in size
  144. >Blood stains clearly visible, even as stone
  145. >Luna's only wish, was that she may be spared a few moments each day to visit him
  146. >With a sorrowful sniffle, one most unbecoming of a monarch, the moon princess rose from the stone cold floor, hooves shaking, and head held low
  147. >A new era was beginning, undoubtedly with Twilight and her niece to help her, yet she never felt more alone

The First Day

by Sunn

Last Immortals

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Breaker of Day

by Sunn

The Eris Plan

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A Lifetime of Dreams

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