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Last Immortals

By Sunn
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-20 06:50:01
Expiry: Never

  1. >Burns and blisters
  2. >Your own skin splitting
  3. >Your own blood boiling in your veins
  4. >Yet before these things can bother you they vanish
  5. >A trait you once savored and cherished
  6. >The ability that had saved you countless times and allowed you to save those you cared about in turn countless times
  7. >Your immortality
  8. >You remember a pony from long long ago tried explaining it to you in ways you could understand
  9. >Your forceful breach of the dimensional rift between your old world and here created a temporal lock
  10. >You were locked in the prime of life with no way to undo it
  11. >Everyday for what's felt like an eternity, you've remembered that kernel of knowledge
  12. >It's all you can remember about that pony
  13. >What was their name
  14. >What did they look like
  15. >You knew that once upon a time you knew their name
  16. >But not anymore
  17. >Your blood's boiling again
  18. >Of course, as soon as you notice it's gone
  19. >Forcefully pulling yourself out of your own head you lift your eyes to scan the horizon
  20. >Same as everywhere else
  21. >Barren flat earth, cracked and withered, the only noticeable landmarks being the collapsing crags in the distance
  22. >No plants grow, the heat's killed them all
  23. >No clouds offer any shade, the heat's completely eliminated all the water vapor in the air
  24. >Then you hear it again
  25. >The crackling of fire
  26. >You clamp your hands over your ears, desperately trying to block it out
  27. >But it's in your head now, the tongues of solar fire slithering into your brain
  28. >Reminding you of the reality you tried to escape in your mind
  29. >As your wracked nerves cause you to tremble, you turn your head
  30. >Despite being so far away, you could swear the sun was inches from your nose
  31. >The peaceful ball of light and warmth from a billion years ago is gone
  32. >Replaced by a mad titan of plasma and radiation
  33. >You could feel your retinas burning and reforming again
  34. >It means nothing anymore
  35. >Your body may have been time locked to remain the same way, but your mind wasn't
  36. >Mental adaptation has allowed you to no longer feel pain
  37. >A sweet surcease from the world, ultimately hollow
  38. >This is the way it's been for millions of years
  39. >No ponies, no-
  40. >There it was again, you knew that you knew about other species before
  41. >You met them, watched countless of their generations be born into the world and watched them turn to dust
  42. >Even the concept of time has turned to dust in your mind
  43. >There's no life here, no time, no dust
  44. >Just you
  45. >You and the only thing that's stopped you going mad
  46. "Not a thing! Pony! She's a pony! Alicorn!"
  47. >Smacking yourself a few times you try to resolidify that knowledge of her
  48. >Celestia
  49. >The first face you saw when you were first pulled here
  50. >She had been a steadfast constant in your life
  51. >Even more so when it was discovered you were immortal
  52. >You still remembered that day, at least fragments of it
  53. >Most of it was her
  54. >"Anon-" "-onely is our li-" "-uld stay if you wan-"
  55. >It was like trying to catch the spots in your vision
  56. >They were only there when you didn't pay attention
  57. >That's why you spent most of this past decade in your head
  58. >It helped you remember her
  59. >But you were sick of your own company after day one
  60. >You so dearly wanted to go back to her
  61. >Yet, ever the coward, you just fled faster and farther, until you were lost
  62. >But you were close again now
  63. >You could feel it
  64. >Feel her
  65. >The last immortal
  66. >Once more your eyes trace the horizon and there you see her
  67. >A single white dot painted against a barren landscape
  68. >Dragging your feet against the desert floor you slowly make your way over to her
  69. >After days, or months, or seconds passed, you weren't sure anymore, you finally arrive at her side
  70. >Her ivory coat as pristine as ever, her feathers still sharply pointed down
  71. >Even her mane's remained the same
  72. >The shimmering flow of ethereal light
  73. >It can still mesmerize you like it did when you first met her
  74. >You try to take a breath to calm your nerves
  75. >But you're reminded of the lack of atmosphere as your lungs ring hollow
  76. >With a brilliant burst of gold Celestia's horn bursts to life and cool air rushes your system
  77. >The rush of fresh cold air invades your system, and your decades starved, hollow body sucks in the air too rapidly
  78. >The air reactivates systems in your body you forgot about
  79. >The system overload feels like a hole's been blown in your chest, and it isn't healing
  80. >Collapsing to your hands and knees you sputter and cough and breathe trying to help your body correct itself
  81. >Eventually your body finds its equilibrium and you feel your strength returning
  82. >Taking one last gasp you chance a glance up at your oldest friend
  83. "Hey Ce-"
  84. >Your interrupted as over a ton of celestial white fur, soft downy feathers and ethereal hair envelops you
  85. >As you press your hands into her to stop you both from collapsing onto the ground you feel her shake and sob
  86. >Pushing her back to regain your balance, you do your best to wrap the entirety of your being around her
  87. "Hey Celestia"
  88. >You barely whisper it into her neck but the hitch of her breathe and new waves of tears tells you she heard
  89. >"You remember me"
  90. >Her voice is broken, unsure and trembling, nothing like you remember
  91. >You have no reply
  92. >Your cowardice, your failure, everything, and yet all she cares about is her name on your lips
  93. >At least she's still the same mare
  94. >The same mare who sacrificed everything she was to try and fight the sun
  95. >The same mare who failed but planted her hooves, gritted her teeth and kept fighting
  96. >The same mare who lost everyone as they used themselves to slow it down
  97. >The same mare you failed
  98. >You tried locking the sun in time, the same way as happened to you
  99. >But it was fruitless
  100. >Like that pony said all those eons ago
  101. >No way to undo it
  102. >If that wasn't enough, you ran
  103. >When all that was left was the two of you and the dust you lost your strength and ran
  104. >But she held you all the same, and you held her
  105. >And you were never letting go again

The First Day

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Last Immortals

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Breaker of Day

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The Eris Plan

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A Lifetime of Dreams

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