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No Milking November 2024 Part 1: Day 1

By WapaMario63
Created: 2024-11-03 01:35:48
Updated: 2024-11-11 01:03:55
Expiry: Never

  1. No Milking November 2024 - Ms. Harshwhinny VS Chrysalis - Day 1
  3. Original Draft by WapaMario63
  4. Written by BtMess
  5. Edited by WapaMario63
  7. >It's been a few months since the last major Equestrian clash
  8. >Changelings now roam free from the hive
  9. >Free from their love stealing
  10. >Free from... Her.
  11. >Chrysalis had became the last one of her kind
  12. >The last one untainted by whatever the ponies had caused
  13. >Little did they know what would happen down the line as the hive grew older
  14. >Without guidance
  15. >Without future
  16. >But she did
  17. >And as the Queen, she wouldn't let her kind become extinct
  18. >Yet, now alone, she didn't had many choices left
  19. >Canterlot was out of the picture
  20. >And revenge on Starlight...
  21. >May as well be asking to be swatted down
  22. >No, what she needed, was a good old infiltration
  24. >The Crystal Empire was a city as old as time
  25. >Far removed from Equestria, yet teeming with love
  26. >All she needed was the perfect moment to get inside the barrier
  27. >And she had all the time in the world for it
  28. >Well, as long as the love she still had in herself
  29. >A few days go by without a chance
  30. >Then weeks
  31. >Walking away would mean starvation now, so much she bet on this
  32. >Going so far to have such a pathetic death
  33. >She shouldn't have left it to chance-
  34. >She saw a flicker in the energy and jumped at the chance
  35. >The event was as quick as reaction
  36. >But she was in
  37. >She had made it
  38. >And she could already feel it
  39. >All the love being used to feed the Crystal Heart
  40. >The air charged with the crystal ponies love and joy
  41. >It would have been perfect, if only it was sustainable
  42. >But as it was, the Heart would stop working if she made a base here
  43. >Stealing all the love for herself
  44. >She had to take sparingly
  45. >Sparingly, yet, as much she could get and for as long as she could countain
  46. >And that meant she probably would need to stay in a pony form for a long time
  47. >And if she was to fit in...
  48. >Guh
  50. >Chrysalis, now fully disguised, strode the streets
  51. >Now passing as Crackle Cosette, her favored pony form, she just let herself absorb the air
  52. >The closer to the center she was, the strongest it felt
  53. >Almost drunk in it, she shook her head just in time to find herself face to face to the castle
  54. >No, too close
  55. >If she just barged her way in everything was over
  56. >Not that she planned to take over anyway, her main target was rebuilding her colony after all
  57. >And what's best than staying low in the eye of the storm?
  58. >But if she was staying here, she couldn't just be a hobo
  59. >And if she was to get a stay, she needed a job
  60. >No time to infiltrate by getting in somepony's life
  61. >It sucked
  62. >But for the good of the hive, she would persist
  64. >Getting the house rent was easy
  65. >A prod here, a talk there, and she even got a discount without down payment
  66. >Getting the money would be another issue
  67. >She could just slut herself out, try and get some extras while at it...
  68. >Although, if she could get a job at the castle, close to the Crystal Heart
  69. >No pony would ever compare to that
  70. >It's not like there was any thought required for the choice really
  71. >Key secured, she strode in towards the castle like she owned the place
  72. >The air was so delicious
  73. >The ponies not noticing a thing
  74. >And the castle door, right in front of her
  75. >Yum
  76. >She looked at a guard, smiling to her and giving her a wink
  77. >The crystal guardsmare stiffened up, looking forwards and away
  78. >Watching the mare sweating in nervousness, she opened the door and went inside
  79. >Beautiful as these mares were, she preferred being a normal unicorn
  80. >Even if she would stand out more
  81. >But then again, it would fit of her being a temporary visitor
  82. >She heard a conversation in a side room, something about the incoming games
  83. >With no idea what those games were, she approached the door, hoping to hear more
  84. >Yet, one of the mares were just leaving the room, leaving her with an accountant of sorts?
  85. >"What are- Who are you? Whatever you're here for, make it quick."
  86. >Alright, not an accountant then.
  87. >Likely somepony higher up, though what for she couldn't yet tell
  88. "Crackle Cosette, at your service. I heard you need some quality photos?"
  89. >If there are games, castle games, they would need photos
  90. >Royal games, royal meetings, whatever table related reunion
  91. >Easiest bits she could make, like stealing from a kid
  92. >"And I believe that you don't qualify for it."
  93. >"What, think you could be fast enough to catch it all like this?"
  94. >Flabbergasped, she turned around, wondering what she could mean
  95. >But before she could quip her way out, Harshwinny continued
  96. >"I do see that you are also holding for the month, huh?"
  97. "Holding what?" - Chrysalis asked, more curious than anything now
  98. >"Your teats"
  99. >The answer was flat, as if noting the obvious
  100. >Looking down, Chrysalis couldn't help but notice how large they had gotten already
  101. >How? When? With what-
  102. >She lifted a hind leg, trying to hide their size, miserably failing already
  103. >It was the first time she took so much love at once while staying at a pony form
  104. >Usually changing back as soon she was done feeding
  105. >And the results of her genetics showed...
  106. >"Don't worry about it, I'm not judging you for that. I'm rather prodigious myself, being of earth pony blood."
  107. >The way the desk rose from her merely tilting to one side and other showed all that needed to be said
  108. >Whatever was hidden underneath the desk was already pretty big if the space was that tight
  109. >"I have seen some mares start to partake in this 'No Milking' month, a preposterous practice coming from the princesses themselves"
  110. "Oh! Right, uhh..."
  111. >Is this real? Ponies not milking themselves for... What?
  112. >"Not many last beyond the first week, but for mares as large as us from the start, perhaps we could help one another, hmm?"
  113. >Seeing the opportunity, she tried to play coy as if unsure
  114. >This is going to be risky, but if it gets her the job
  115. >Why not?
  116. "Yeah... I-Its only been a day for me, never expected it to already be this... Far."
  117. >"I can see, you haven't even got a crotchbra."
  118. >Chrysalis couldn't help but feel self aware about herself
  119. >Even if she didn't know how large the other mare was, she could feel she talked from experience
  120. >"So it's settled, we do need a photographer, so you may as well help me with the pictures too. Two pegasi with one cloud, as they say."
  121. >That was easier than Chrysalis ever thought. How bad can just holding milk be?
  122. >"But-"
  123. >There's always a but...
  124. >"But I expect you to be a professional, even as the last days come to us. Nothing besides perfection. Got it?"
  125. "Ah, it's just that. Don't worry, I can handle it."
  126. >At least she hoped she would.
  127. >Both of them.
  128. >"Good, then first thing we need is to get us some fit bras. Don't want you just... Swinging those around."
  129. "What?"
  130. >"Do you want to... Not be professional?"
  131. "N-no, never, I... I'll save for it!"
  132. >"Good, hopefully we have a good measure of our growth by then."
  133. >Or maybe it wouldn't be as easy as she thought...
  134. >Anything for her 'lings
  136. See the teat expansion drive pics on and contribute to their growth!

No Milking November 2023 Day 15

by WapaMario63

No Milking November 2023 Aftermath

by WapaMario63

No Milking November 2024 Part 1: Day 1

by WapaMario63

No Milking November 2024 Part 2: Day 9

by WapaMario63

No Milking November 2024 Part 3: Day 16

by WapaMario63