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No Milking November 2024 Part 2: Day 9

By WapaMario63
Created: 2024-11-11 01:03:03
Updated: 2024-11-11 01:04:01
Expiry: Never

  1. No Milking November 2024 - Ms. Harshwhinny VS Chrysalis - Day 9
  3. Written by BtMess
  4. Edited by WapaMario63
  6. -- Chrysalis --
  8. >I can't believe how many bits I'm burning through with these stupid-
  9. >I sigh, shaking my head
  10. >There's nothing for me to do for now
  11. >Just waiting for next week, when preparations will truly begin
  12. >Instead, Harshwinny walked me to a bra shop, helping buy a few sizes
  13. >She said I would outgrow them, to stay prepared
  14. >But I thought better of buying the tent sized ones with all the $$$
  15. >And now I was paying the price over that
  16. >I attempted to keep the largest one on me for as long as I could
  17. >A traditional cover bra, no carry crotch bra
  18. >It already seemed absurd, but then...
  19. >*Snap* . . . *B A N G!*
  20. >The floor cracked when my teats finally felt relief from the pressure
  21. >But now I had a permanent reminder of the weights under me
  22. >Worse, I had to drag them around
  23. >And if Harshwhinny saw me like this, after all that talk
  24. >Yeah, reason I was out in a different part of town right now
  26. >Walking around the Crystal roads, I couldn't help but focus on my teats
  27. >Still growing, rubbing more and more in the ground
  28. >Not only that, but at each step I took, I would have to push against them
  29. >A single step away from failure, from reaching critical pressure
  30. >And I knew, somehow, that if the flow started, it wasn't stopping any time soon
  31. >That's why I was glad to find a shop, finally
  32. >I didn't waste a second walking inside
  33. >The doors already unfit for me to walk forwards normally
  34. >Not with them spread wide low as they were, unlike being more contained with a carry bra
  35. >Stares were all on me, and I couldn't help but feel the love magic in the air
  36. >Thicker, stronger
  37. >I... W-Was getting pretty large, and it was just the first week!
  38. >And while I wondered how Harshwhinny was doing, I had a mission to complete
  39. >For my lings
  40. >For myself
  41. >Biting my lip, with a deep breath, I ironed myself for the help I was going to ask
  42. >I hated this feeling of needing help for such...
  43. >No. Deep breaths Chrysalis.
  44. >Deep breaths.
  45. "Look, I'm not from here, can you give me some help?"
  46. >"S-suure" - The crystal mare behind the counter said, blushing heavily
  47. "Good."
  48. >I laid the cover crotchbra in the counter
  49. >The strap having snapped, the cup utterly buckled from what it had been asked to hold
  50. >It was kinda pathetic, so much textile, so useless
  51. >And yet the counter itself wasn't big enough to hold even one of its cups
  52. >Hmph
  53. "Do you have anything that can fit my new size... And future sizes?"
  54. >The look on the crystal mare said anything I needed to know
  55. >The wide eyes, snapping to the teat, then to my face
  56. "Yes, I know it's just the first week. Do you have it or not?"
  57. >I didn't mean to sound aggressive, but I could feel them growing even faster as I stood amidst these stares
  58. >It would be good for the new hive, not so much for staying a whole month undiscovered
  59. >"Ah-" - she snapped back to reality, looking back in my eyes
  60. >"Sorry miss but, this is a spa."
  61. >My face scrunched, great
  62. >"We can help make them feel better for you? If you're under any strain?"
  63. >Any strain?
  64. >Oh, right. How much milk I should be carrying right now.
  65. >If I knew better, I'd guess it took 3 or even 2 weeks for a normal pony to get like... This.
  66. "I won't leak or anything if you start messing with them right?"
  67. >"N-No!" - she screamed, before pulling back - "No, you can trust on us."
  68. >Huh, she really wanted to help for some reason
  69. >Maybe I could get some discount too
  70. >"We will even get somepony to find you an enchanted carry bra while you're relaxing, if you want."
  71. >My smile grew, an idea forming
  72. >Yep, totally could get that discount
  74. -- Ms. Harshwhinny --
  76. >I got up after a long day of paper working
  77. >Finally, everything was set for the event
  78. >With a sigh, I couldn't help but stare back at my old chair
  79. >Legs buckled to the sides, as if doing an herculean effort
  80. >I'm certainly not fat, but something else is certainly weighting me up
  81. >It's not like there's any doubt what
  82. >I had prepared myself with plenty of crotchbra sizes
  83. >And yet I was already running on my largest one
  84. >And even this carry crotchbra was starting to fail
  85. >I knew I was large, my earth pony genes producing more milk than most
  86. >And even outside of this silly challenge I was usually large
  87. >But this was just... Kind of nice
  88. >I sighed, unable to stay mad as my teats covered my entire barrel
  89. >Standing higher than my head, pointing up, each step carrying a sway from each being far larger than the recommended size
  90. >I could feel the pressure mounting, as the carry bra squished the bottom sides to try and keep them in place
  91. >I don't know how many times I visited the shop by now, but I certainly needed to get there, pronto
  92. >Sighing, I couldn't imagine how unprofessional it would be of me should my clothing fail
  93. >The shame of damaging anything
  94. >No, the papers were done. I was leaving early.
  95. >And that was final.
  97. >Walking out the door, I gave one last look inside, before closing it behind me
  98. >*Riip*
  99. >What-
  100. >Lowering my neck, looking to the underside of my teat, I could see fabric literally giving out
  101. >I- The nerve...
  102. >They said these were the highest quality!
  103. >Being more than twice the recommended capacity shouldn't cause...this!
  104. >But then again, even I didn't expected to grow so fast so soon
  105. "Hmph..." - I groaned, standing back up again - "I thought these could hold more."
  106. >Maybe instead of the shop, I could go to Cadance
  107. >She is a princess, and a mother
  108. >Not to say the princess of love
  109. >If anypony could lend me something more professional to use, to not walk the streets like this, it would be her
  110. >Mind set, I turned around, set on getting to the meeting room
  111. >*Riip*
  112. >Getting to the meeting room, fast
  114. >There was a line as I arrived to the corridor
  115. >Yet, no pony dared to get in my way
  116. >Large as I had gotten, would probably be like trying to stop a cart
  117. >A corridor guard recognized me, giving a simple nod
  118. >I had a pass to go ahead first. Good.
  119. >Considering how big I got, I couldn't help but wonder...
  120. >How was that photographer doing...?
  121. >But I couldn't wonder for long, as the doors opened and the next pony was ushered in
  122. >Yet, I stood still, raising an eyebrow at the door guard in the inside
  123. >When no pony passed by her stoic vision, she finally looked at me
  124. >I stood my ground, as she quickly moved to open the door wider
  125. >"Sorry madam, privacy matters, and that's usually enough-"
  126. "Save it" - I lifted a hoof at her, walking inside now that I could actually pass by without needing to squeeze through
  127. >From the throne, Cadance looked at me, a hoof rising to her mouth
  128. >"It's been only a week and you're already..."
  129. >She stopped short, she knew it, of course she did
  130. "Yes, I came to request if you could-"
  131. >*RIIP*
  132. >I sighed, the failing fabric gritting my nerves
  133. "I know it is not usual of me, but if you could... Lend me something, if only until I can buy a better fit."
  134. >"No, no, it's fine. You actually came to the right pony."
  135. >She got up from the throne, even without doing the challenge Cadance was a sight to behold
  136. >"I tried the challenge once, learned to never do it again after that. Unlike my aunt Celly and Luna, I just..."
  137. >After a short moment of silence from Cadence - "Anyway!"
  138. >Using her magic, she gently held my teats, undoing the carry crotchbra
  139. >The pressure left me at once, finally realizing how tight they were
  140. >In fact, I couldn't even believe how they hadn't snapped yet when I felt the relief washing upon each orb
  141. >Perhaps I had been too quick to judge the shop mare
  142. >"My, my. You're really going for a new record aren't you?"
  143. >Cadance giggled at how far I gotten in a single week, trying to diminish the tension
  144. >Yet, something told me that it'd take less than a day for her to get this far...
  145. >Let alone what a whole month would cause
  146. "Hopefully not, but I am hoping to be able to handle the full month."
  147. >She let my teats down in the floor, spilling tall and wide with all the held in milk
  148. "Curiosity got the better of me, and you know I don't do anything in parts."
  149. >"That I know, reason I trust you so much with the Equestrian games."
  150. >She pet my head, the lighter topic certainly a welcome change to whatever she had been getting
  151. >"Silver Sable."
  152. >"Yes, princess."
  153. >"I will be back in 15 minutes, don't worry about us."
  154. >And with a blink, I found myself somewhere entirely different
  155. >Gone was the throne room
  156. >Replaced instead by a royal bed, clothing, and...
  157. >How big is THAT thing?
  158. >"So... Any color that catches your attention?"
  160. See the teat expansion drive pics on and contribute to their growth!

No Milking November 2023 Day 15

by WapaMario63

No Milking November 2023 Aftermath

by WapaMario63

No Milking November 2024 Part 1: Day 1

by WapaMario63

No Milking November 2024 Part 2: Day 9

by WapaMario63

No Milking November 2024 Part 3: Day 16

by WapaMario63