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No Milking November 2023 Day 15

By WapaMario63
Created: 2023-11-16 01:37:08
Updated: 2023-12-11 22:55:22
Expiry: Never

  1. No Milking November 2023 - Young Luna VS Young Celestia - Day 15
  2. Written by BtMess
  3. Edited by WapaMario63
  5. -- Current Lactation Rate --
  6. Luna: 5,547 ml/h
  7. Celestia: 4,797 ml/h
  9. For the accompanying main image and ways to increase their lactation rates, go here:
  11. >I was tired.
  12. >I just hoped my sister dropped this silly idea of hers once she saw what I managed in mere 15 days.
  13. >Thankfully, our tailor was ready to give some respite.
  14. >Probably needing to find an inventive way to carry such mo-
  15. >"Stop touching me there! If I fail because of you-"
  16. >Luna is in there?!
  17. >I slam the door open, cutting her cries short.
  18. >Neither of us sisters had seen the other before today, both being just as surprised at each other's enormous teats.
  19. >The tailor mare, seeing both of us frozen, finished placing the clothing on Luna’s teat and scattered away
  20. >Seems like Luna called in for the same work as I.
  21. >Or was called, if the tailor saw her after my request for her assistance
  22. >As both of us finally started coming down from the shock, I started making my way in
  23. >With some effort to overcome the door, I moved towards her way on the tailor balcony.
  24. >Luna meanwhile tried to look away in anger
  25. >She likely had thought she had already won
  26. >But was just finding out that I likely doing the same as her.
  27. >Her surprise likely didn’t match mine though
  28. >Sure, I didn't get how I had gotten so large
  29. >But for
  30. >Just, how was Luna so damn large?!
  31. >Yet, Luna couldn't help but steal glances now and again herself as well
  32. >I felt undersized for once, standing side by side with Luna.
  33. >Only now finding that my cute little sis now had udders whose mere girth outdid mine by over a hoof!
  34. >"You know, we should stop, this is getting silly."
  35. >Luna's head snapped to me, needing to look above and past her own jiggling teat flesh.
  36. >"Never! We shall show you who has the greatest bosom of them all!"
  37. >She's still onto that...
  38. "Says the undersized alicorn."
  39. >"From where we stand, the only one undersized here is you!"
  40. >To make her point, she shook her sides until her teat bumped against my own.
  41. >It looked even bigger side by side like that...
  42. >And so much heavier...
  43. >That also felt like she was going to completely push me out with no way to push back
  44. >But worse of all...
  45. >It snapped the prototype bra, slamming them on the ground with a bang, making the stand shudder.
  46. >The tailor came from behind a wall to check what happened.
  47. >Only to see the 4th snapped prototype bra.
  48. >With a sigh, she went back inside, thinking for new ideas on how to strengthen it.
  49. >Again
  50. >I took the break and their surprise to gather my wits, this was still Luna we were talking about
  51. "Well, whinny and neigh all you want, I'm not losing to you!"
  52. >Luna's teat tickled a single bead of milk from the impact, her body shivering from the feeling
  53. >"We'll see about... About that!"
  54. >Thankfully, it didn't fully opened the tanks, as she barely managed to hold the flood from following it.
  55. >Her flushed face hardly hid how good it felt for herself though.
  56. >And I couldn't help but grow a blush of my own, imagining how the small white trail would feel trickling on my large orbs.
  57. "Just... How?"
  58. >Luna breathed deeply before answering, still catching herself.
  59. >"How what?"
  60. "You know what! Look at you! You're even bigger than me!"
  61. >"Of course I am! I told you I would be better!"
  62. >Luna then continued, staring fiercely at Celestia once more.
  63. >"And you're likely doing the same, but you better give up. We both know my will is stronger!"
  64. "How are you still growing?"
  65. >Only for Luna's taunt to register on my mind.
  66. "You... What?!"
  67. >"You tell me! I- You- grah!"
  68. >Luna was exasperated after my growing comment too, both of us scrunching while being rendered speechless at once.
  69. >I should have been bigger.
  70. >So much bigger than my starting orbs.
  71. >But no more playing around.
  72. >Neither of us really was paying attention to the tailor's work as she carefully placed the clothing over our nipples.
  73. >Thankfully we weren't moving much either, the incredibly heavy teats being a workout to work with on it's own.
  74. >But as of now, she had finished placing the new bra test on both of them...
  75. >Hopefully now they are able to hold their full royalness.
  76. >Luna scrunched further, a declaration of war on her tongue:
  77. >"Next week, you'll see, no longer will I be shadowed by you or your sun!"
  78. >I couldn't help but giggle
  79. >She was always cute when she put her mind onto something like that
  80. >Only Luna and her short-shortsightedness to think about the here and now instead of the long game.
  81. "Hmph, we'll see..."
  82. >Raising a leg, I shook my body side to side to test the pressure inside the bra and inspect the tailor work
  83. >Yet, since I was looking straight at Luna and eye to eye, the younger alicorn took it as a challenge
  84. >Which she shook her whole ass, teats madly sloshing to and from
  85. >I actually took a step aside, the enormous orbs feeling downright threatening as I watched them
  86. >And with the far heavier teats, the bra snapped again
  87. >I scrunched, staring at the larger, now bare dark blue teats in front of me that caused yet another mini earthquake...
  88. >They were visibly bigger again already, as she kept producing more and more
  89. >This was going to be an uphill battle...
  90. >But nothing like a sisterly challenge~

No Milking November 2023 Day 15

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