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Camping with Sunset

By Spiderbloke2099
Created: 2024-11-05 07:02:21
Updated: 2024-11-28 09:20:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >Your girlfriend Sunset has been down in the dumps the last few days so you decided to take an early weekend and go hiking with her in the mountains.
  2. >The idea is to get her out of the grays and browns of the city and into the mountains.
  3. >You know, a nice little spot that's just on the other side of the mountains from Canterlot City and, as such, has almost no light pollution.
  4. >It's a bit of a hike out there though, so you bundled Sunset up at 4 in the morning, tossed her and your old camping equipment in the car, and drove off into the mountains.
  5. >It took you until 7:00 to get to the start of the trail.
  6. >But now you're sitting on the hood of your car waiting for Sunset to finish her morning coffee.
  7. >She's dressed in a tight-fitting pair of pants, one of your old hoodies, and a pair of nice but well-worn hiking boots, and already looks exhausted.
  8. >”Did we really need to leave before the ass-crack of dawn Anon?”
  9. >Sunset never was a morning person
  10. “It was either that, or we don't have a camp set up until after dark. And I don't know about you, but I’d rather be snuggled up in front of a roaring campfire with some s'mores by then.”
  11. >You pop the trunk and grab the tent that you haven't used since the last time you and your father went hunting together
  12. >A wave of sentimentality washes over you
  13. >Maybe someday you’ll bring your future son hunting with you
  14. >Sunset yawns loudly, a not uncommon occurrence early in the morning
  15. >But it brings you back to the moment
  16. “Right, it's a decent hike to the campsite, about an hour or so if we hoof it.”
  17. >Sunset snorts loudly and mutters something under her breath
  18. >She can't quite hide her smile though
  19. >”Aye, aye, captain. Anything else I might need to know?”
  20. >You dramatically place your hand on your chin and rub it, pretending to be deep in thought
  21. “Let's see, snakes won't be out this early, poison ivy doesn't grow well out here, and the most dangerous predators here are coyotes. So, I guess just keep an eye out for gopher holes.”
  22. >Sunset blows a raspberry at you
  23. >You grin, knowing that she's finally fully awake
  24. >You motion for her to grab the folding camp chairs and grab the cooler of food
  25. >Setting off down the well-worn trail deep into the woods, you once again feel nostalgic
  26. >Memories of the first time your Dad took you to this spot bubble to the surface and you find yourself giddily repeating many of the same facts and tales he used to tell you, along with some from your camping and hunting trips from back in the day
  27. >Sunset seems enraptured by the stories, asking questions and interjecting with her own stories of home
  28. >Your plan of taking Sunset out of the city to destress seems to be working flawlessly
  29. >An hour and a half later you arrive at the campsite
  30. >It hasn't changed a bit in the last decade
  31. >A small half-circle of trees set around a short cliff with an old, but still clear, fire pit ringed with rocks in the center
  32. >You immediately get to work setting up the tent
  33. >It's rough at first as you work the rust out of your mind, but soon enough the small two-person tent is up and ready for you to lay out an extra large sleeping mat and the sleeping bags
  34. >In the lead-up to this trip you’d gone out and bought two brand new sleeping bags so you could zip them together for maximum cuddles
  35. >Meanwhile Sunset busies herself with setting up the camp chairs and taking in the scenery
  36. >As soon as you finish you join her
  37. >The mountains and forest continue for a couple miles, but you can just about make out where they end and rolling plains begin
  38. >Next to you Sunset takes a deep breath
  39. >”The smell kinda reminds me of one time when Princess Celestia took me out to the Everfree. Uh, the forest back in Equestria, not the campground.”
  40. >You don't know what to say to that
  41. >Sunset was never really secretive about her past as a magical pony
  42. >But she only talked about it when asked directly
  43. >Before you can ask more Sunset shakes herself and smiles
  44. >”So, about breakfast?”
  45. >At her urging you realize that you're starting to get hungry yourself
  46. >You pop open the cooler and grab a couple of sodas to tide you over until breakfast is finished cooking
  47. >Tossing one to Sunset you start working on getting a fire started
  48. “It'll be a bit before we have a hot enough fire to cook on. But I’ll tell you, few things beat eggs and bacon cooked over a campfire.”
  49. >Most of the wood from the forest is a little wet, but you brought a little bit of firewood just in case
  50. >As the fire starts it's a little smokey but soon enough the water in the outer layers starts to evaporate off and the smoke lessens
  51. >You grab a trivet that's probably been in your family since the 1700s, a cast iron pan, and a package of bacon
  52. >Soon the sound of bacon is replaced with Sunset devouring the breakfast you placed in front of her
  53. >Once that's done you tie a rope to the cooler and hang it from a tree limb that can't be reached from either the tree or the ground
  54. >There haven't been any reports of bears in these woods in a hundred years, but you decide it's better to be safe than sorry
  55. >Once that's done you turn to Sunset
  56. “How about we go on a little walk, there's a nice little waterfall not too far from here.”
  57. >Sunset smiles and goes to the tent
  58. >”So that's why you wanted me to bring my swimsuit?”
  59. >You grin like an idiot
  60. “I get it would be better to give you the option if you didn't want to go skinny dipping.”
  61. >As soon as the words leave your mouth you blush and start to regret letting them slip out as Sunset stops and looks at you with an unreadable expression on her face
  62. >”Why Anonymous! I didn't think you’d suggest something so scandalous!”
  63. >Her poker-face slowly morphs into an all too wicked grin
  64. >”Why I might just have to punish you for your naughty thoughts.”
  65. >As fun as this back and forth is you are burning daylight
  66. “Well, make your choice, the sooner we leave the more time we'll have to go ‘swimming’.”
  67. >The emphasis you place on the word swimming seems to send a shiver down her spine, though she quickly grabs her swimsuit
  68. >”Not today lover-boy. But play your cards right and we'll see where the weekend takes us.”
  70. >The hike through the woods is peaceful
  71. >Just you, Sunset, and the sound of birdsong
  72. >As you walk, Sunset oohs and awws at various things along the trail
  73. >Finally you reach the waterfall and its accompanying pool
  74. >You stretch and start stripping off your clothes
  75. >Which, of course, makes Sunset wolf-whistle
  76. >”Looking real good there babe. Been spending more time at the gym?”
  77. >You turn around to see Sunset finishing putting on a skimpy two-piece bikini
  78. >Sunset, the tease that she is, grips one of the delicate triangles of fabric that only just barely covers her slightly orange areola and shifts it just enough to give you a brief peak at a nipple
  79. >The second she sees your eyes glance down she returns everything to its proper place and sticks her tongue out at you
  80. >”Pervert.”
  81. >Her voice holds no heat, though, and she slinks into the cool water
  82. >You grit your teeth and finish changing into your swim trunks
  83. >As soon as your trunks are on you take two steps back, then sprint to the edge of the pool and fling yourself into the air as hard as you can manage
  84. >Whooping like a Comanche, you curl into a ball mid-air and cannon-ball into the cool, clear water
  85. >Even under the surface of the pool you can hear Sunset's undignified squawk and as soon as you surface, Sunset slaps your chest
  86. >”Damnit Anon! Warm a girl next time!”
  87. >Sunset's, now soaking wet, locks frame her face drawing your eyes to hers
  88. >With all the certainty your years of dating have filled you with you lean in and steal a kiss
  89. “No promises, babe.”
  90. >That earns you another playful slap
  91. >You roll with the hit and fall backward into the water and let what little current the pool has pull you away
  92. >As you do, you let your eyes close and listen to the soft roar of the waterfall and the distant bird calls as your mind drifts into a state of calm
  93. >You lay on your back floating for some time though you eventually feel the grit of the streambed rub against your back
  94. >That interrupts your impromptu meditation and makes you open your eyes only to see Sunset lying on a rock in the sun, looking like some long-lost Hesperide
  95. >Your heart swells with the knowledge that your love for Sunset is reciprocated
  96. >Slowly you stand and then cross the pool to where Sunset is
  97. “All right, babe. Let's head back and make some lunch”
  98. >Sunset groans and sits up stretching
  99. >”Fine, but can we cuddle after?”
  100. >Hearing that you couldn't stop smiling if you tried
  101. “Of course babe, anything you want”
  103. >By the time you and Sunset get back to your campsite you're both fully dry
  104. >You aren't sure why, but neither of you decided to change back into your clothes
  105. >It could be because of the lack of other people
  106. >Or it could be laziness
  107. >Either option probably has as much truth as the other
  108. >But regardless, you arrive at your campsite dry and starting to feel hungry
  109. >Fetching the cooler full of food, you get started on a quick lunch of egg salad sandwiches
  110. >Sunset scarfs down the sandwich as soon as you give it to her
  111. >You take things a little slower, though with the promise of cuddles, you know that if you take things /too/ slowly Sunset will eventually just crawl onto your lap
  112. >Wouldn't be the first time after all
  113. >And true to your internal prediction, as soon as the last bite of sandwich passes your lips you find Sunset in your lap, eyes closed, head leaning against your chest
  114. > The log you're leaning against isn't the most comfortable backing, but at least the bark was removed long ago
  115. >The two of you sit there in a comfortable near-silence, only interrupted by the sounds of birds
  116. >You don't remember falling asleep, but Sunset shifting wakes you up
  117. >The air has taken a shift from its previous warmth to a slight chill
  118. >That's probably what made Sunset shift, likely seeking to get closer to your warmth
  119. >It's at that thought that a fat raindrop hits your nose
  120. >You start to think that there wasn't any rain in the forecast just in time for the sky to open up with a freezing shower
  121. >That wakes up Sunset
  122. >”I thought it wasn't supposed to rain all weekend!”
  123. >While she's clearly mad, her anger seems to be more at the elements than anything or anyone else
  124. “Well, when have weathermen ever been right?”
  125. >At that Sunset lets loose a snort as she grabs your hand
  126. >”Let's get out of this mess.”
  127. >Sunset leads you swiftly into the tent
  128. >It's only once you enter that you realize just how cold you are
  129. >And from a swift glance at Sunset's chest she is too
  130. >Thinking quickly you grab the one towel and toss it to Sunset
  131. >She grabs it with a thankful grin and towels off
  132. >As soon as Sunset finishes she tosses the towel to you and starts zipping the sleeping bags together
  133. >Once you're dry, an idea strikes you
  134. “You know, if we cuddle nude we'll share our body heat better.”
  135. >Sunset looks over her shoulder at you with a smug grin
  136. >”If you really want to cuddle naked you just need to ask, Anon.”
  137. >You grin at that
  138. “Yeah, but it's hotter to pretend I can't.”
  139. >Both of you chuckle at that and Sunset winks at you
  140. >”Okay Casanova, but no funny business.”
  141. >You approach Sunset and slowly begin taking your trunks off
  142. “Why, whatever do you mean?”
  143. >Sunset kisses you then backs up just enough to enjoy the view of you slightly shivering
  144. >”No kissing...”
  145. >You step forward and peck her on the nose
  146. “What else?”
  147. >A fire flashes behind Sunset’s eyes
  148. >”No touching…”
  149. >Almost without conscious thought your hands shoot out and land on Sunset's breasts
  150. “Like this?”
  151. >Sunset groans
  152. >”Yes, just like that!”
  153. >Your hands slide behind Sunset's back and untie her top
  154. “Anything else?”
  155. >As soon as the words leave your mouth Sunset pulls your face in and kisses you hungrily
  156. >For a moment you melt into the kiss matching her passion
  157. >Then too soon for your liking, Sunset pulls back and nods, practically tearing her bottoms off
  158. >”Don't follow me.”
  159. >And with feline grace, Sunset slides past you and into the sleeping bags
  160. >As you chase her you distantly think to yourself that this may become an annual thing

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 1

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 2 (Interveiw with a blogger)

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 3 (Date night)

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k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 4 (Anon makes a new friend)

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