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Morally Troubling Gratification (wip)
By GreyCreated: 2024-11-29 07:33:51
Updated: 2025-03-07 12:53:06
Expiry: Never
Warning: Contains (fictional) characters participating in exactly what the title says.
Derpy's secret prelude: https://ponepaste.org/10542
-Much earlier...-
>"Do we HAVE to make friends with people in our dorm building?"
>The question that other student asked vibed so hard with you when you overheard it.
>Had you itching to just go back to your room and go back to bed the entire time the R.A.s forced everyone to introduce one another.
>Off campus housing could not have come fast enough, but it wasn't allowed in your first year.
>So you had to share a bedroom with some rando you pretended to like just as much as necessary.
>There weren't any harsh feelings about it, you've just always been the non-chatty type.
>It's too bad guys in their 50s who would rather quietly sit there while fishing instead of manufacturing a conversation aren't living in this dorm building.
>18-23 year olds are some of the smartest dumb people you've ever met.
>Just old enough to not be fully naïve like 10-15 year olds who just snarl and say nobody understands them.
>But not old enough to be actually mature enough to avoid being confidently wrong about a percentage of things that might be degree-earning-level on a report card.
>Some of them mentally never develop past this stage until they're like 40.
>But speaking of never really getting bright up in the noggin, there was one girl whom you met in your dorm building.
>You think you remember her being at Canterlot High School too.
>You swear this girl in particular was so behind that you have to ask how she even made it to college.
>Thought it didn't make sense for all the fire escapes to be "so lonely and far apart" when the R.A.s were going over standard evacuation procedures in case the building caught on fire.
>Asked if quiz scores would have deducted points halved as long as it was Christmas when the R.A.s talked about study hours in the building before final exams (classes aren't in session on Christmas).
>Had this oddly crosseyed gaze that made you wonder if she really ever knew where she was going while surprisingly not bumping into walls.
>You had never gotten her name at the time, but got damn she was kind of adorable when you were in your first year of college together.
>Maybe it's a good thing someone might be pulling unfair strings because you never would have actually met this cutie if she never made it to college.
>Is there anyone even supervising her?
>What's the story behind *that*?
>These questions never got a chance to mingle in your head as you had to talk to everyone on your floor, which would have been fine if some of them weren't so annoying.
>At least you recognize some other people from high school who made it to the next level too.
>But you're not really interested in socializing with anyone until it's time to go to late night parties and have some... fun...
>And for solely this purpose, you befriended your roommate with intention of finding your way around.
>It wasn't hard as soon as you got used to one another in your dorm room together in the first couple of weeks of classes.
>But your whole world turned into classes so much with how much more complicated the work gets than what you were used to in high school.
>Yeah, you get to sleep in and skip class if you want.
>No more school buses or any of that shit.
>Now you have to walk your own ass through the cold on foot just for a 55 minute lecture about two pages of that 400 dollar textbook you were required to buy.
>The thing about 18-19 year olds is, they don't know anything about anything.
>Even though at least half of them think otherwise.
>You've been guilty of that, thinking that cross-eyed girl from a month or two ago being obviously dumber than you meant that you were sharp-witted like all of your guy friends you chilled in the dining commons with at the time.
>It's no wonder people around this age are gaslit into becoming pop stars or something so long as they have a pretty face and nice body and ability to at least seem talented.
>That popular Twitch Streamer ViVi talked about why she said no when someone offered her a contract and she had a lawyer read it for her and tell her what to do about it.
>Though, you mainly just watch her because she's hot and hope she starts doing porn someday, but at least you learned a little bit about why Hollywood's trying to do something about this crazy livestreamer situation becoming more profitable than their side of the turf.
>Regardless, off to Halloween parties you went.
>Strolling on your merry little way over to the house with flashing lights in the windows after bullshitting through your calculus homework.
>Nothing really felt important about college until this moment, because now you're not only doing something you want to do, but it's something you don't do anywhere nearly as often as jerk off or play video games.
>Your roommate and the mutual friend you both share are here with you, all in an unspoken agreement to back one another up as friends.
>As in, help the other land a date and maybe get laid or something, if getting lucky tonight is in the ballpark.
>Chatting it up with everyone else would be the easiest part had it not been for the booming music making it hard to understand what was being said.
>These people don't really listen that intently or say anything of much value, so it doesn't really matter.
>Same goes for listening to the music: as long as it's some kind of noise that fits the vibe, it's all cool.
>Everyone just wants to hang out.
"Oh you know... just survivin'." You answer the girl with the southern accent who asked you how you're 'holdin' up' in your first semester of college.
>"Coulda sworn we wouldn't have to worry 'bout gettin' homework done so much anymore. Don't know why ah thought that." She leans one strong wide hip to the side and sighs.
>Yeah, you actually know this girl from high school... her name's Applejack.
>No wonder she just sorta walked up to you and started sounding off almost as thought she knew you already... because she did.
>Your friends from your dorm building start to talk to Applejack and she becomes occupied with bothering them.
>And boy oh boy it's a good thing she did because she starts talking about a bunch of tractors and waking cattle up in the morning and a bunch of others things you couldn't give less of a shit about.
>She probably figured that since she already knew you, not as much ice-breaking would be required as with the other guys.
>You gotta admit she's got a nice body on her, though.
>Curvy and noticeably fit as well.
>You can automatically tell that by the way she's enthusiastically talking to both of your friends, she's talking to them like she would anyone else.
>Didn't think this would mean much until you started walking away.
>"Anon!" Applejack's voice is a rope around your ankle. "Come on back here!"
>You not have to stand here "catching up" with Applejack as she she tells your bros all about what she knows about you.
>It's not so much embarrassing and more just mildly annoying, but Applejack's extroverted demeanor had already reminded you of what kind of personality to expect form her.
>You know not to leer her too much, otherwise, she's be far from shy to call you out and start accuse you of "counting her freckles".
>Which you both would know the actual meaning of.
>The way she talks about you in front of your friends indicates she might have more of an interest in you than them.
>Though, you know you couldn't handle a girl like Applejack for even one date.
>But your friends look at one another like they just found the first guy of the group a potential date.
>The whole encounter quickly turns into a silent comedy between glances as you try to signal to your friends that you're actually looking for a girl not as fast-paced as Applejack, albeit not so much minding being in the throes of a strong blonde girl in general.
>"Ah bet yer happy as a chicken that escaped the slaughterhouse now that ya don't have to worry 'bout bein' late anymore!" Chimes Applejack over the loud drill-beat rap song filling the living room.
"I wasn't late THAT many times!" You respond.
>"Well not every time." Smirks Applejack. "But ah can pick out a not-so-early-riser when I see one."
>Across the room, your attention is caught by the same cockeyed girl from before.
>Someone's letting her go out this late?
>The living room is so crowded that you have to swim through people on your way over to that retarded girl trying to escape.
>Though, you're not too concerned about her at the moment, plus Applejack still has you locked into inconvenient party chatter.
>So you couldn't go far.
>But that's alright, because you're already starting to warm up to the atmosphere of this place.
>Barring the shitty music, it's pretty vibey here.
>The longer you and your friends converse with Applejack, the more you realize how lewd her outing dress is.
>The bottom does almost go down to her knees, but the fabric conforms to her hips... wonderfully.
>Not to mention how easily you can make out how muscular her meaty thighs are through that black fabric.
>Thoughts about envisioning those legs administering an iron grip around your waist must be kept out of your mind.
>As well as the realization that you may or may not be able to see Applejack faintly... poking through the top of her black dress.
>The back of it being mostly open and showing the rippled firmness of her freckled back proves that there is no bra between her dress and the goods that lie beneath.
>But you shift your imagination to how her bright red lipstick vibrantly declares Applejack's joy in dressing so rebelliously for the first of these kinds of nights in her life.
>A lot of the girls here got you feeling kinda pervy after several more minutes.
>"Oh hey, there's mah friend now!" Applejack glances over at the door over your shoulder.
"Who's your friend?" You turn around to try and see what she's seeing.
>"Hey Rainbow! You remember Anon, right?" Applejack waves her hand.
>Oh god damn it, it's THAT girl.
>All of the braggadocios ways she found to annoy you in gym class resurface in your memory as you refuse to mull over the details once more.
>The cockeyed girl must have already disappeared into the night like the dimwitted mystery she is.
>"Oh." Rainbow Dash lets her brow furrow and her eyelids annoyedly lower as she gradually recognizes you.
>The audacity of her to be as annoyed by your presence as you are annoyed by hers...
>Her hid the truth within her expression more and more the closer she got to you.
>Her choice of dress having such a lowcut top speaks volumes about her compensation for not having as much chestiness to offer as the other girls.
>Compensation by offering more of what she has less of in total.
>"Didn't know you went to parties." Rainbow Dash immediately reaches for that passive aggressiveness.
>Applejack's eyes scold her softly, but not enough to ruin the vibe this party has set up.
>"I mean... I didn't know you went to parties like this." Rainbow Dash backpedals her passive aggressiveness.
>"What else are we gonna do as first years?" Your roommate shrugs at her.
"Well I was having fun so far." You reply. "I bet you were too, right?"
>"Eh, I'm not gonna lie, the last party I was at was boring, so I came here."
"Well maybe it's more fun now that..." You start then stop yourself. "...it's later at night."
>There was only one way Rainbow Dash was going to read into that pause in your sentence.
>You can sense the bitch blazing up in her gaze.
>"Nah, it was getting more boring by the minute." She responds.
>"She did text me asking if ah was at a better party." Applejack informs. "So I have her the address a few minutes ago." She checks her phone. "Not even five minutes ago."
"You must've left in a hurry."
>"Uh, duh, cuz it was a boring party." Rainbow Dash immediately goes for the nearest red plastic cup she can find that isn't currently in use.
>Guess this is how most of the parties are gonna go.
>Standing around talking about nothing.
>Drowned out by the loud DJ Rapper song anyway.
>Oh well, the girls here are good looking enough for it to be worth it.
>A little bit of mingling with them shows how friendly they are.
>That one tall guy in the backwards baseball cap somehow already got shitfaced drunk and sounds like he's challenging the volume of the music with his slurring voice.
>Ohhhhh, so that's the entertaining part of these parties.
>Being drunk and/or watching other people be drunk.
>Watching him almost trip over his feet every few steps got you hiding a smirk.
>Yeah alright, this really is fun after all.
>Everyone raises their red solo cups over their heads as the slow ballad song comes on the host's Spotify playlist.
>Goofily singing along with their collective off-key chorus speckled with joyful laughter.
>Didn't take long for it all to infect you and your friends into singing along with your own red solo cups now.
>Integrating into this whole college party culture was... a lot easier than expected.
>Rainbow Dash doesn't seem to be able to notice as much when you sneak glances at her.
>Either that or she doesn't mind.
>Could tie back into that whole compensation thing, watching her throw her arms into the air singing along with everyone else.
>Her skin is really smooth too, molded by her own noticeable muscles that are smaller but tighter looking than Applejack's.
>Your friends didn't even bother asking you about what you thought of Rainbow Dash; they could already sense it in the tension between you that you two weren't thrilled to see eachother.
>So that rules out Applejack and Rainbow Dash... for now at least.
>But that's only 2 girls out of like 100 the three you could possibly have some luck with.
>Like an absolute dope, you already aren't caring about anything else when it comes to college except this and making it look like you did your work well enough to not flunk out.
>The condensation on the glass of the windows tells you how chilly it's starting to get outside.
>Everyone in here is having a grand old time being drunk and singing together, and Applejack had no problem showing off her tolerance to hard apple cider.
>Spend a couple of minutes watching her flex her toned arms while raising an entire glass found in the kitchen instead of the usual red solo cup everyone else has.
>Applejack insists on her preference for tradition.
>Everyone else just sees it as that larger glass that challenges the drinker to chug more at a time.
>Which doesn't take long to turn into a friendly contest where Applejack proves to Rainbow Dash just how different their weights are when it comes to handling the devil's nectar.
>In your semi-clueless mind, it has a bit to do with Applejack being bustier than Rainbow Dash.
>You've been starting to get used to sneaking glances at Applejack more and more without fear of being berated if she caught you.
>You know enough about her personality to guess that she might not take hat kind of stuff lightly, being such a usually traditional girl and all that.
>...A traditional girl with freckles on her natural C-cup tits...
>You may not be able to see her cleavage right now solely on account on the design of her black dress, but you can tell she absolutely must have something like that going on there.
>You noticed how much more she swings her wide hips when more tipsy than usual.
>If you had the balls to go through with it, you'd have snuck pictures of both Applejack and Rainbow Dash in their night party attire.
>But the risk of facing the brunt of a beatdown from both of them if they catch you isn't worth it.
>Oh well, better off not being such a pervert anyway.
>But you'll be damned if these girls aren't growing on you in a way already as they hang out with you and your current two friends.
>Maybe it's the beer.
>Maybe it's your hormones.
>Maybe it's both of them ganging up on your former attitude of disinterest towards Rainbow Dash and Applejack.
>You're still not so fond of Rainbow Dash but the way the bumps from underneath the skimpy top of her dress stiffen and react to the chilly outside air as soon as you all finally leave the party has your mind second-guessing your previous approach...
>RD's body is also quite... tight and petite...
>Nah, it's gotta be the booze talking; these girls are too smart anyway.
>You'd have sworn by the way everyone out here walks around in black out here that this was a funeral march.
>Or at least some nighttime variant of one.
>Your eyes are hesitant to wander to Applejack's body, but the cold of the air is putting your survival instincts first in your mind when goosebumps make their way to your arms and you eventually cross those arms.
>For some reason, everyone sort of decided that the first party was getting boring, so you all agreed to head on out and find another even though it's late enough to have a valid excuse to go back to your dorm.
>But your lack of "luckiness" so far tonight has you thirsting for more Applejack and Rainbow Dash, whom you weren't initially interested in until you started getting a little tipsy with them.
>You don't even care if these girls aren't anywhere near as easy as you'd like them to be for a quick fling in the night on whoever's bed, maybe they'll agree to some fun with you and give you some practice before you find someone who "matters more".
>That's probably just your horniness talking or, again, the booze.
>But the way your shadow grows taller the further away you walk from the streetlight spooks you a tiny bit and you're starting to shiver a little more from the cold.
>Yeah, maybe you should just take whatever you've gathered from tonight so far and head back.
>You'll find a nice girl in your dorm building, probably, one who's not as rigid in her personality as Rainbow Dash or Applejack.
>A whole lot of possibilities run through your mind, but none of them feel like they hold any water.
>That concern for having fun tonight somehow grew a lot outside of your watch, or at least under your tame and inattentive watch.
>"Ah'm gonna regret getting up early tomorrow mornin'." Complains Applejack as the wooziness begins to catch up with her stride that wasn't fast enough to outpace it.
>She's finally out of it enough to fail to notice you watching her big soft boobs and butt react accordingly to her heavy footfalls across the asphalt.
>The cold air is making those bumps poking through the chest of her dress too obvious to ignore, but then you looked over at Rainbow Dash.
>And the way this chilly air is proving to everyone around her just how perky she's GOT to be under that dress puts down any remaining contentions you had about Rainbow Dash on this night.
>"Ah fuck, yeah, we should probably go." Rainbow Dash groans. "I just remembered I have practice tomorrow."
>The group had already been planning the retreat under silent winces against the breeze, but it was unsurprisingly the girl who are wearing less to actually vocalize what was being felt.
>Whatever you've had boiling up inside of you, it has to be released with someone in your dorm building instead...
>It's hard for you to think about who's there in your dorm building.
>There was some really skinny chick with thick rimmed glasses and her hair dyed dark red.
>You noticed how pale her skin was, and honestly that was a bit of a turn-on for you.
>But you're not even thinking about how you're gonna "bag" that chick anyhow, not like it matters on the first night you and your friends actually went partying.
>Speaking of which, this first night really did turn out to result in wandering around in the cold breeze in the dark looking for a new party because there was nothing new to do at he first one (second one for Rainbow Dash).
>"You sure you can just up an' run off like that? At THIS time?" Applejack gives Rainbow Dash a questioning eyebrow raise.
>"What? If some perv out there wants to try me, I can just outrun him anyway."
>"Ah don't think that's a really good way to be thinkin' about it." Rebuts Applejack with a glance over to the dark patches between the illuminated sidewalks under the streetlights.
>Your own semi-sober glances are more concerned about the bellybutton indentations showing through Applejack's dress fabric.
>But she walks away too as she pursues Rainbow Dash out of valid genuine concern for her friend.
>Not surprising that they'd only stick with eachother when you and your friends have to go in the opposite direction to get back to your dorm areas anyway.
>You watch the two girls disappear over the horizon of the curve of the street going over a small hill, along with your infatuation with them for the night.
>It really must have included a proximity factor as well with those two.
>Having less to look at got your mind thinking as clearly again as it can, at least as much so as whatever sobriety you have left will allow.
>"It's cold out here, man. Wanna see if there's anyone in the dorms throwing a party?"
"Oh shit... you're right. I didn't even think about dorm parties."
>Had you the foresight to consider this back in your room, you'd have suggested no one even come out here and instead try something a little bit closer to your bed, or at least a bed that is less far away.
>You may be newly 18 years old, but it'll take at least another 5 years until your brain actually becomes one that thinks logically on a level that matters.
>The possibility of consequences, seeing the future first, among other things, are all reserved until after the point in time when you'll hopefully not have made any life-ruining mistakes yet.
>The consideration of all of this didn't even survive halfway to the dorm building yet, and your young mind snaps back to having some *real* fun tonight.
>But it seems almost everyone in the dorm building is too cool to stick around on a party night.
>A cozy tingling finds its way to your cheeks on you face shortly after you enter the well-heated building where your dorm is.
>A brief pause to breath is had as the echoes of everyone's footsteps scour up and down the stairway leading to each floor.
>In the pale light you lean against the wall, rubbing your ears to make the pain from the cold go away.
"I can see why they wanted to go inside now. It's not even Halloween yet and this weather feels like Christmas."
>It's relieving to finally make it to your floor after climbing the stairs.
>Pulling your keycard out, you look around in search of any open doors to the dorms of fellow classmates.
>Everyone must be either asleep or out somewhere, because there's no indication that someone has an open door inviting other students to come hang out with wall-ceiling lights hung up inside.
>A short moment of walking later and you're back in your dorm room with your two other male friends with your own door being the one that's wide open.
>"You sure you don't wanna just go to bed, man?" Your roommate asks.
"Eh, I can get my stupid homework done while we're doing this."
>Having already forgotten about Applejack and Rainbow Dash, you pull out the notebooks you wouldn't have touched otherwise and start jotting down key points your professor asked you to write about.
>While this makeshift "party" is going on, you use the time to press fast forward on the time it would take to get your grade in class higher up than it would have been.
>It sure is some party being spent with your pencil scraping against the paper being the soundtrack to it instead of whatever music your guests would want playing to liven up the atmosphere.
>There's probably nothing good on the radio that a lot of other people would like anyway.
>"I guess the building's empty right now." Your other friend from elsewhere starts up. "Looks like it's just us unless a girl decides to show up."
"C'mon, you think that's more likely than a guy showing up?" You open YouTube and hook your laptop up to a small speaker on your desk while bullshitting through your homework with your other hand.
>"Why the hell are you doing your homework right now?" Your roommate smirks.
"Might as well multitask instead of procrastinate." You respond. "If I'm not gonna eat my vegetables on their own, might as well mix them with something tasty and fun."
>"...Huh..." He nods in response. "So uh... damn, we're not in the same class, so I can't copy your answers."
>Right as you were about to respond, there's a knock at the already open door.
>The lot of you turn to find a cute orange-haired girl standing in the doorway.
>"Oh, uh..." Your roommate stammers.
"Well that was quick." You stand up. "Didn't expect anyone to come join us. Heya."
>You don't walk towards her in order to keep it from looking like she might be walking into a situation she really doesn't want to be in.
>Lots of uncomfortable implications that come with a girl going about alone in her first year at college one can't just ignore like they aren't there, which is why you're actually surprised she walked up to an open dorm room door with three guys inside.
>These male classmates she never met could be a pack of creeps for all she knows, but at least she's trying to make friends, so whatever.
"Got any friends with you?" You ask, referring to both guys and girls. "It's not a party until it's cramped in here."
>"Nah, my roommate is just kinda being lame, and no one else is doing anything tonight it looks like, so I figured I might as well see what's going on over here."
"Fair enough. Wanna pick better music that what I chose?" You assume she's gonna prefer something more recent and laid back than 80's speed metal.
>"It's fine, you can play the music you like."
"Well i'm just blasting through my homework regardless. This just keeps me focused and these guys only tolerate it because they don't mind."
>"I'm a little bit of a metalhead sometimes too." Your roommate shrugs.
>The discussion only briefly turns into 'what's your favorite music' for a few minutes before you all introduce yourselves by name.
>This girl's name is Carrot Top.
>"Wait, you've never heard of the comedian with that name, have you?" Your roommate pulls a small drink out of the mini fridge while you continue sneaking completion of your homework through fun time.
>"No. Who's that?"
"That guy's more known by millennials though, right?"
>"Yeah, but I used to watch him a lot on TV with my older cousin."
>"That's pretty cool." The girl responds. "That's still just my nickname though. I'm golden Harvest, but my friends all decided I'm Carrot Top because it sounds better."
>You're not sure if it's a reference they didn't let her in on or if it's just a funny coincidence.
>This girl's kinda hot though, you have to admit.
>”I mean, I was called Goldie Locks at one point too. So you can call me Goldie if that works.” She says to the three of you.
>Calling this Carrot Top girl Goldie already seems appealing.
>The music playing on your tiny little speaker next to your laptop has now been switched to some pop music, which Goldie seems to enjoy more despite her unwillingness to say that she wasn’t into the heavier metal music.
>”So what’s your roommate doing that was lame?” Asks your friend as you continue your homework.
>”Well funny thing about it is that she apparently wanted to do her homework while I wanted to throw a party.”
“What a coincidence.” You smirk with your eyes locked onto your paper.
>”I won't gossip though, it *was* her own choice, after all.” Goldie explains as she ventures further into the dorm room. “She wouldn’t let me see what she was doing on her screen but it was something online.”
>”Damn at least you get to have online courses in your first year.” Chuckles your roommate. “Didn’t know we could do that as first-years.”
“I remember seeing the option to choose online courses.” You begin to feel a little bothered that this curriculum is bleeding into everyone’s schedule so much that they’ll even talk about school work when trying to drink and party.
>You finish up what remains of your homework that you wouldn’t be able to quickly jot down 5 minutes before class starts on the day it’s due.
>”I didn’t take the option since I thought it’d complicate things.” Goldie says to you as she leans against the mini fridge.
>You’re starting to feel warmed by her presence a little bit.
>It was cold outside when you last saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
>Being inside and away from the chill of that air that hurt your face has your priorities finally no longer distracted by shivering and trying to get to warmth as quickly as possible.
>Why the fuck did the weather get so cold so fast anyway? It’s not like this campus is in the Midwest or anything.
>You get ready to talk about that next as you start to check Goldie out.
>She’s not dressed to go to any of those house parties, instead donning a regular jacket and sweatpants combo.
>But you’re checking her out anyway after she unzips her jacket due to how much warmer it is in here than the hallway.
>Through her T-shirt is a visible indentation of her bra cups.
>You might have been paying more attention than your two roommates to these kinds of things.
>You might also be the only one thinking of getting her to drink a little.
>”So Anon,” Goldie turns to you. “Were you doing your homework at the place you guys just got back from?”
“Unfortunately no. We were at a house party.” You sigh with a hint of sarcasm. “I wasn’t enough of a nerd to think of bringing my homework there.”
>”Oh so you weren’t at the library or anything.”
>”Nah. I think it’s closed now anyway.” Your roommate guesses with a small beer in hand he fetched from the mini fridge.
“Shit, if we went there I’d be done with this already.” You jokingly complain.
>Goldie turns her face to the side a little bit as she laughs along.
>The door of you in the dorm room take in the vibe you’re all sharing as you continue to think about Goldie in ways you might not want to clue her in on.
>You’ve stopped doing you homework that’s due next time in class, and started doing homework on what you think Goldie looks and feels like underneath those clothes.
>The way her bright locks of hair fall over her shoulders really piques you interest in her.
>There's a tiny bit of a strain in her voice at the beginning of the first word of what she says next: "Ugh, nothing fun ever happens on this side of campus!"
>Goldie stretches her arms up to unintentionally emphasize how busty she is.
>You have no idea who this girl's roommate is, but she must have gotten an even better show than the one you're currently getting whenever Goldie changes her clothes.
>Maybe you could get in on that as well.
>Nah, don't think that.
>How's that even going to happen anyway?
>She just came here to be nice and hang out, and you're thinking about getting into her pants after she hypothetically had a few drinks.
>This is the kind of circumstances one's parents warn them about; you never thought the root of it would be in you as much as it would be in some other guy.
>But if you *are* going to get into Goldie's pants, you're gonna do it consensually.
>She continues to talk about a bunch of thing, but you decide to take the conversation closer towards the weather.
"We've been getting some midwest-tier weather lately." You complain, turning the heat in the room up even more.
>"You sure it's not just because it got late at night?"
"Good point. But it kinda happened extra fast too."
>It shouldn't take very long to get this room warm enough to get Goldie to take her jacket all the way off and show more.
>There are a couple of more beers in the mini fridge, right?
>You imagine she might react if you close the door after a few minutes.
>You think you remember it automatically locking too.
>But Goldie doesn't seem to mind being here at all, almost like it's her own intention.
>"I just can't believe so many other girls will just walk around out there with like nothing on." Goldie comments with a quick glance out the window.
>Applejack and Rainbow Dash at least were the stronger and tougher type of girl when going out there.
>You yourself might have complained before they did if you were more honest.
>But guys your age aren't as interested in going about it like that when you're wandering about trying to have a good time at night.
>"I don't wanna think about all the time's we'll have to turn up the heat in like January if it's already this cold right now." Your roommate complains.
>This small talk over nothing important comes to a close when your friend from another building decides he should head off to get some shuteye, but you and your roommate aren't too keen on letting the upcoming Monday morning bring you down in your moment of chilling together.
>"Hey, you got any more of those?" Goldie finally points to the beer your roommate is holding in his hand.
>The two of you share a long silent pause, knowing exactly what the other is thinking.
>If anything, Goldie is thinking the exact same thing you two are thinking, but she's not going to be vocal about that due to it being somewhat awkward to bring up at the very least.
>"You want a beer?" He asks her, remembering that there's three of you in the room now.
"We uh, have more, right?"
>"Yeah, but I can't get my buddy to buy another pack for me until a couple of weeks from now. Plus..." He turns to Goldie, keeping his tone reasonably lighthearted. "You sure you wanna randomly just start drinking with a couple of guys you just met?"
>You almost throw in a "dude wtf" response, but figure he isn't wrong to consider possibilities of things going somewhere regrettable.
>...Probably should have thought of that before bringing beer into the dorm room, but not-yet-25-brain gonna not-yet-25-brain.
>"I'll just have one, it's fine." The girl reassures with certainty in her tone you're not sure is going to last.
>She has a can in her hand within the next thirty seconds, with the condensation spreading across the cold metal surface from where her warm fingers lightly clench it.
>You watch those same fingers open the small hole to drink from.
>"Gaah!" Goldie flinches when some of it shoots out and gets her in the face after having been shaken up prior to being opened tonight.
>You are not going to comment on how that looked in your dirty imagination: watching that stream of fizz gently splatter against Goldie's face like...
>You know the other two guys are thinking it too, the obviousness of this is all over your faces even more than the beer residue drips off of Goldie's chin before she wiped it off with her sleeve.
>"I'm so sorry! I didn't know that was gonna happen." Your roommate offers a nearby roll of paper towels that only has like 10 squares left.
>Goldie seems fine after slipping her jacket off of her shoulders and letting it fall to her hands that place it onto the bedside. "I'm not mad... is it... is it in my hair though?"
>"Just a couple of... here..." He reaches out his hand with the paper towel pointed towards her face.
>"Give it here!" Goldie gripes with her tone still retaining some playfulness in it. "Lemme do it myself, you'll mess up my hair!"
>"I won't, I promise."
>She lets out a cute grunt while your roommate pats the side of her hair where a couple of drops of beer have already begun to soak in.
>In the air, you can sense something that must be her distant roommate getting mad about some random guy touching Goldie's locks.
>Would she have a problem seeing her roommate's face all shiny like this?
>Would she want to stop your roommate from grinning in her direction from behind from behind.
>Meanwhile, you notice Goldie sending a grin of hers your way, but it's brief enough to keep you from thinking about it twice.
>She's probably just having fun in the moment of having alcohol spilled out into her face lik-
>"Hurry, I don't wanna get all sticky!" Goldie complains.
>She jolts away from your friend before grabbing a new square of paper towel and handing it to you.
>"You do it."
"Me? Why, though? It's HIS mess!" You point accusatorially at the other strapping young lad in the room.
>The other two smirk at you as Goldie insists you be the one to wipe the rest of the sweet moisture off of her face.
>That same face you're being tasked with is also trying to hold back another grin.
>Damn, there really is something going on with this girl...
>The trifecta of her charming looks and situation, her fortunate proximity to you and your dorm, and her somewhat subtle signals she's sending to you is really starting to persuade you to feel... interested in her.
>Interested in Goldie~
>Before you know it, you’re dabbing the paper towel all over Goldie’s hair.
>The giggle she lets out is cuter than you would have found it 20 minutes ago.
>It takes only a minute or two, but her lustrous hair is looking pristine once again.
>Damn, she’s even hotter than you realized, now that you’re up close and personal with her.
>Those deep green eyes of hers silently say something to you by locking with your gaze.
>It’s up to your imagination to decode what was said between this shared glance between the two of you.
>Something about that had an impact on your eyes, because they’re really upping their attention to Goldie now.
>Your two friends converse as you watch the orange haired girl in your dorm room begin to down the can of beer.
>She leans back a little bit while showing off that this definitely isn’t the first beer in her life she’s gulped down.
>Those soft locks of hair draping from her head gently fall away from her shoulders and dangle behind her back.
>The pair of mounds of her chest stick out the more she arches her spine.
>Indentations from her bra cups being enough to keep you invested in everything Goldie is doing.
>A funny feeling enters you while watching the front of her throat pulsate with each swallow.
>The beer being gulped down can faintly be heard.
>It’s a good thing you already wrapped up your homework session; no way you’d pay attention to that now that there’s a great looking girl getting buzzed in your dorm room.
>Even if she’s not looking, you have a hunch that Goldie knows you’re checking her out.
>Maybe she’s reveling in it.
>Did she already finish her beer?
>She actually did?!
>”Damn, sister.” Your roommate picks up on the green light to get comfortable with a chick that won’t shy away from downing a whole beer in front of three guys she just met.
>Maybe you lost track of how many minutes have actually gone by, maybe you all have.
>Maybe this whole thing is some kind of set-up and you’re actually the one potentially walking towards a dangerous set of circumstances.
“That was the last beer too, I think.” You comment with your eyes politely averting themselves as soon as Goldie sees where they’re looking.
>”There’s two more beer cans in the mini fridge.” Announces your roommate in an unintentionally dopey tone, having officially counted them this time.
>College moment.
>”Well we’re kind of already fucked up.” Slurs your other friend, responsible for the absence of… a few… of the other 9 beers no longer accounted for.
>”Wrong, YOU’RE already fucked up. I’m still sober, and Goldie here still had the least beers out of all of us, right?” Your roommate peers around the tiny dorm room.
>He sure said that loud enough to be heard from the hallway.
>Good thing the only other ears in the whole building are asleep and/or behind closed doors.
>You really want your own door to close after your drunk friend leaves with the assistance of your less drunk roommate walking him back to his dorm building on campus… with Goldie still in the room with you.
>But you already know that’s crossing a line no matter which way you choose to look at it.
>However, this sentiment gets swept closer to the rug after Goldie takes it upon herself to snag the other two beers from the chilly mini fridge shelf.
>”Sorry, I’ve just been thirsty all day.” She murmurs what may or may not just be a weak excuse to get actually drunk.
>That scenario of your roommate and friend leaving for the other part of campus together still might not happen on account of you having to go with them.
>Unless that friendly approach from before bleeds over into now and they encourage you to spend some “alone time” with this chick.
>Regardless of how her supposed roommate would feel about that.
>You got two prying eyes trying to pierce through Goldie's clothing as she continues with her second beer.
>The next batch of things you talk about with her go in one ear and out the other.
>Still, you managed to keep the vibe going with the idea that you're not checking this girl out as you can almost sense her judgement eroding in the very air of the dorm itself.
>Eroding to the combo of time and alcohol like ocean waves softening a rocky ledge over thousands of years.
>Your friend and roommate figure that you're not going to go back outside with them if you don't have to, but they've already pieced together the implications of you staying behind alone with Goldie.
>But they don't seem to be saying much, despite reading the demeanor you've been giving off that Goldie seems to be less and less able to pick up on despite being less drunk than your friend (for now at least).
>"Fuck, my hangover tomorrow's gonna be a pain in the ass..." Your drunk friend makes an effort to climb back up the side of your bed and succeeds.
>Goldie giggles at him, blushing a little bit after glancing over at you.
>That grin of hers says a lot more than her tongue ever could, at least while it's outside of your mouth.
>The two other guys are too caught up in the atmosphere of "maybe this girl actually wants it with our bro and we should let our home-dawg score his bone in peace" to care at this point, it seems.
>The drunken singing doesn't start until the voices, of course, they are coming form the hallway.
>Your friend and roommate are drawing too much attention to themselves and could spoil your moment.
>Nag them to shut their pie holes through gritted teeth, and they clumsily obey with only a few seconds of delay on their part.
>Somewhere within yourself, you'll have to find forgiveness for them.
>For they are but a couple of drunken young men stumbling their way back to one of their dorm rooms on party night.
>Hopefully, no one prone to suspicion got woken up enough to peek their heads out their doors.
>No one does.
>You sit alongside the edge of your bed with this girl you just met as she's over halfway through her second beer.
"So you just came over here to chill and hang out?" You dangle your shoes above the floor.
>"Yeah... my roommate can be quite the handful sometimes." She tells you.
"Well what is she doing right now?"
>"Probably something on her computer."
"So she's that type?"
>"Kinda... it's hard to explain, but I don't wanna talk about my roommate right now." Goldie shrugs it off like it's not worth discussing further.
>You sit with Goldie on the edge of your dorm room bed for several more minutes, the two of you like two birds on a power line.
>She starts to eye the mini fridge as she finishes her second beer, visibly swaying at first, then swaying even more to the point where she's starting to gently bump into you.
>You want to talk about her roommate some more to distract her with some more conversation until you can find an opportunity to shut the door with her inside the dorm room with you.
>But there's nowhere else that topic can go despite there being probably a lot to do with that.
"You like to listen to metal?" You ask her.
>"Eh... yeah. Not my favorite genre though." Her lidded eyes start to carry a glazed appearance to them.
>You give her a nod while noticing the brand new absence of tiny little splashing noises inside the beer can she's holding.
>She really did come here to unwind while her roommate is apparently distracted with something.
>You take a look at the open door and consider your next course of action while Goldie eyes the mini fridge again.
>The little voice in your brain telling you that this isn't right loses its fuel when the blood from your brain rushes down to somewhere else.
>Causing a tension to start up in the front of your pants a little more every time you feel Goldie's soft shoulder brush up against you.
>"Well it's great to get to unwind a little bit every once in a while." Goldie sways back and forth a little more.
>She had to have willingly gotten this drunk in front of a guy she just met, there's no way she wasn't aware of the implications.
>Your friend and roommate are gone, she's probably sending signals you're missing, just fucking close the door already, Anon.
>You're not about to miss out on this rare opportunity, are you?!
>Goldie's smile warms you as she peers across the whole distance of like half an arm's reach at you.
>Her soft lips are looking more kissable by the minute as they latch onto the beer can to sip down more of that defense-eroding nectar from the devil's creation.
>There's a dry joke you tell Goldie that you already forget just a minute or so after you tell it, but she's drunkenly laughing and cutely snorting at it even several minutes after.
>Covering her face with her hand and shutting her eyes with her back hunched and bright tresses of hair bobbing slightly to the gentle little movements of her laughter.
>Her adorable giggling soon subsides, and the last song on your playlist concludes, and the two of you sit here in silence at the edge of your bed waiting for something new to happen next.
>The intensity floods into the room like it's coming from a faucet that has no dial.
>All Goldie has to do is look down at your lap and notice the truth of what you're feeling right now as told by your body despite whatever words that come out of your mouth.
>You're a smooth talker, but human nature is an even smoother show-er.
>A sly way of subverting the noise and getting to the point that can only come from countless years of mating-driven evolution.
>And this nature becomes more and more untamable as the civil sides of you and her are drowned in alcohol.
>It's not long before Goldie is on her third beer.
>It may be both the third and final beer she has tonight, but it was certainly enough to count.
>"You're pretty funny, Anon." Goldie now fully leans up against you with a wide smile spanning across her face.
>She probably needs you to keep her balance, but still doesn't put an arm around you.
>Instead, you're the one to make this move first, hesitantly extending your arm behind Goldie's back and letting her soft dangling locks of hair tickle your forearm.
>She has to have felt you put your arm behind her, right up against her back.
>But she doesn't really act like this is the case.
>As in, she doesn't seem to react to it even after you complete the move and plant your hand on her arm on the opposite side of her from yourself.
>You feel your excitement building as Goldie seems to become more and more affected by the alcohol.
>She only finally notices that you wrapped your arm around her after you start caressing your hand up and down her arm.
>The more affected by the three beers she officially finished, the more Goldie seems to be not all the way coherent.
>Consistently holding onto the arm of a cute drunk girl who's also sitting right up against you has you now pitching a full erection in your boxers.
>It'd be easy for her to figure out you're getting completely hard and connect the dots if she just looked down to see how obviously the stiff bulge is showing.
>Your friend and roommate haven't come back for some time now, and there's no texts on your phone from them begging you to drive over and pick them up from whatever predicament they might have gotten into.
>If you get up and close the door now before she says anything about what's going on in your pants, things might be able to go along smoothly between you two.
>"You don't have any more beers though, right?" Goldie asks you, eyeing the mini fridge again.
"Why you ask"
>"Well, I've been looking to de-stress after dealing with my roommate all week." Goldie finally elaborates with a little bit of wooziness in her voice. "And I guess I figured it's be easier to be annoyed by her if I had a few in me."
"Well it certainly helped you be annoyed by me so far, eh?"
>"Oh stop it, you're a sweet guy!" Goldie speaks through the beers in her.
>Smelling the thick scent of alcohol in her breath, you begin to get a little intoxicated by that yourself.
>"I figured if you didn't want me to stay her a little longer, I could take an extra beer or two back to my dorm, not to share them with her, though."
"You can stay if you want." You slink off of the bed and make your way to the mini fridge.
>It's hard to remember when it was Goldie started signaling possible interest in taking this somewhere with you.
>Was it before or after she started drinking?
>Goldie continues to sip the next beer down right away, not even waiting for you to give her permission to start drinking it.
>She laughs and chats with you, slurring her words slightly more after another half an hour of waiting for your roommate to return.
>No texts come in on your phone yet, and this music has been playing on and on into the hallway out the open door.
>”I haven’t seen anything actually good on TV in forever…” Goldie leans against you by accident for the fifth or sixth time.
>The scent of alcohol is thick in her breath now, and she doesn’t seem to notice your hand stroking her bare arm from around her back.
>Her bright locks of hair still drape over her shoulders ever so gently.
>She finds it funny that you started to play with them.
>The giddy giggling that escapes her to your fingers twirling her soft orange locks soothe you into feeling more comfortable.
>”So many shows are just goofy now…” Goldie cites no sources for this. “I… I mean… yeah I’ll watch them for fun but it’s all the same. I love it though.”
>You watch the way her throat moves to her gulping down more of the beer that your roommate will never miss if he never knew he still had it.
>Goldie may be the one getting drunk, but you’re still finding her more and more attractive as the minutes go on.
>Might have something to do with prolonged close proximity to her or whatever.
>All you know is that she’s wearing clothes that are a lot more concealing than the open-back type of deal Rainbow Dash and/or Applejack had going on a few hours ago.
>A T-shirt and sweatpants, but even that’s becoming lewder the more you pay attention to her.
>Goldie still can’t help having boobs big enough to slightly sway side to side if she jolts just enough, despite the bra she’s wearing under her top you can see the outline of.
>She’s becoming too inebriated to read your eyes or follow your gaze properly.
>And the way her soft chest stuffs her shirt now has your full attention.
>She isn’t dressed for your eyes to notice and enjoy her body’s certain features, but your eyes found a way.
>Each new song playing from your speakers has you wondering: “Is this the song I’m gonna close the door to?”
>Your moral compass forces you to sit to the end of each song, too hesitant to go through with it.
>But there’s no direction your eyes would rather go than back to Goldie.
>”When’s the last time you… y’now… sat down and really WATCHED something?” Slurs Goldie, her breath thick with the aroma of beer that would instantly get her a DUI, dare she drive home like this for the holidays.
“I can’t think of anything recent.” You lie as you currently watch her beautiful body just sit there in your bed, wonderfully wrapped up in clothes that would be easy to unwrap.
>Forget the song you might close and lock the door to.
>What song are you going to begin to strip her to?
>At that point, you might as well turn the music off.
>Don’t want the guilt to rush back into your conscience whenever you hear that song again.
>Don’t want any reminders of what’s currently in the super near future as something on the other side of a ‘do NOT cross’ line, soon to be a purposely erased secret in your past from the vantage point of whatever song that might play again months from now.
>”You wanna… watch a movie with me sometime?” Goldie suggests with her eyelids gently shut. “Or binge watch a TV show?”
“There’s nothing good on though.” You scoot right up against her.
>The feeling of her hip pressed onto yours sends your sex drive into overdrive.
>The growing bulge in the front of your pants is no longer able to be hidden, especially should you ever stand up to reach the still open door.
>Ain’t no reason to shut the music off until no one walking by can see into here.
>And your moral compass warns you not to touch that door.
>But Goldie’s curves barely showing through her casual T-shirt and pants whisper “get up… do evil, it’ll feel good”.
>Do evil, the devil on your shoulder cooed inches away from your brain contracting his sickness.
>Pretending that the good feeling isn't akin to that of the delicious taste of 20 cookies in 30 minutes before the 6 hour stomach ache.
>Goldie’s drunken laugh is so sweet.
>How could you possibly think about taking that away from her in this moment?
>”I’ll let you choose!” Goldie promises you. “We won’t even ha… have to deal with my annoying roommate… she’s a… I don’t wanna say bitch cuz that’s mean…”
“Mean is okay…”
>”No it’s nooooooooot!” Goldie puffs her cheeks into an adorable drunk-blushing pout.
>She playfully pokes your arm with a sappy smile.
>”But let’s watch a movie toghetherrr!!” Goldie persists with the alcohol in her breath strong enough to intoxicate you if you kissed her… which she was close to making happen just now.
>The longer you feel her leaning into you, the faster your moral compass’s needle spins out of control.
>You’re becoming almost as disoriented as she is, at least when it comes to finding the decency in your heart not to touch that door.
>Should that door close, something else in your mind will swing wide open:
>The floodgates.
>”Dontcha wanna watch a movie with me sometime?”
>Wait a minute… didn’t your roommate already text you that he’s crashing at your friend’s place for the night?
>How did you already forget about that?
>Too lost in your own young lust, you have to check your phone for proof, for messages that confirm you didn’t just invent that and aren’t going crazy or something.
>There it is, clear as day to your mostly sober eyes, and illegible to Goldie’s lidded drunk eyes.
>Even that has put cracks in the dam.
>Control is trickling away from you as you eye the door with tragically misplaced ambitiousness.
>Where’s your self control? Where’s your humanity? Where’s your fucking shame?
>Goldie nuzzles her face into your shoulder with her chest firmly yet softly pressed against your arm.
>You’ve never seen a woman’s or girl’s breasts in person before, just in movies and porn.
>Simply feeling how soft these things are, how fun they’d be to play with, gives you a horrible, wonderful taste of the temporary rewards of shutting that door.
>”My roommate won’t be around next weekend.” Goldie says to you. “We can watch something nice together in my dorm… just you and me. I can bring snacks and we can get all cozy on the couch.”
>Her drunken ramblings don’t hold a lot of promises for even tomorrow.
>But it’s as though she just read your mind.
>”I’m kinda drunk right now but I mean it… you’re such a sweet guy. We can plan it better tomorrow when I can think straight…”
>Goldie can’t believe she just stumbled on a goldmine with this random guy.
>He’s so nice and funny and sweet to her, and she thinks he probably already has a crush on her.
>It’d be a great breath of fresh air to share movie night with him instead of her dim witted roommate who annoys her day in and day out.
>There’s a (probably alcohol induced) warmth that starts in her heart and spreads through the rest of her body when she gives you a quick friendly hug while sitting on the side of your bed with you.
>There’s something special about the way you instantly trusted her and let her into your dorm room.
>Something that makes her smile from spending time with such a nice guy who didn’t get annoyed by her smarmy drunkenness.
>And instead let her successfully escape her roommate who’s probably wondering where she ran off to.
>There was not a single other person in this whole building as far as Goldie could tell.
>She can probably feel your fingertips trailing the indentations of the back of her bra through her T-shirt by now.
>She should be able to, right?
>At least she’s not reacting negatively to it, still giggling and maybe even flirting with you.
>She finished her most recent beer without noticing you intently watching her gulp it down before averting your eyes back to her busty chest that stuffs her top.
>Goldie’s widely grinning face deeply blushes as her body drunkenly leans against yours.
>Kicking your legs that dangle off of the side of the bed, you lost count of how many beers Goldie has downed, and she probably has too.
>There’s no one walking by in the hallway at this very second at least, but you know that could change at any moment.
>A little voice in your head pleads you to just keep the door open, and keep the final thread of your self restraint intact.
>But that thread is holding up a goddamn piano.
>The impact of your feet against the floor feels heavy and harrowing.
>Every footstep over to the door feels heavier than the last.
>Almost seems like you’re walking across those piano keys with every note getting lower and darker.
>The doorstop didn’t put up as much of a fight as it should have; the piano keys can no longer be played after the cover is closed over them almost as ominously as the shutting door to your dorm room.
>The music stops.
>Funny how, in a weird way, every single note plays in unison together one last time upon the piano’s final impact.
>That’s what the click of the door’s lock sounded like, but Goldie doesn’t hear any of the danger yet.
>She’s too disoriented to notice the unsubtle tent in the front of your pants that shamelessly juts forward as you stand before her without hunching over.
>”You’re ssssso sweet!” She repeats in a slurred voice before the impact from you hopping back onto your bed makes her rise and fall a little. “Hey did the uh… music turn off?”
>There’s nothing in you that can answer her, and you just put your arm back around her once more in the now deafening silence.
>Goldie’s soft tits are right there inside of her shirt, they always were this whole time.
>There was a primal side of you that had to ignore the natural urge to touch them.
>It’s no longer just a side of you right now, it’s the entirety of you with everything else simply not here anymore until you ejaculate the urges away.
>”Hmmph… it’s quiet…” Goldie chimes with her eyes closed. “So different than being alone with my roommate…”
>Your hand dives underneath her arm and plants itself into her body, eyes on the mounds of her endowed chest.
>”That’s pretty nice. I like some alone time with peace and quiet.” Goldie notices your hand gently running up and down the side of her torso. “We could probably go watch a movie now if you’d like to…”
>The opportunity to grope her soft chest couldn’t be passed up now.
>You just had to know what a soft female asset felt like in your grabbing hand like this… and it feels *wonderful~*
>Such a lucky opportunity to have a girl sitting right next to you, plastered as a wanted poster and openly available for you to explore what her body feels like.
>This time, it doesn’t take long for it to be clear that she noticed what your hand is doing.
>Goldie feels your hand groping her tit with eager fingers gently squeezing inward upon her soft flesh through her shirt’s fabric and her bra cup underneath.
>”Oh… I…”
>Goldie’s face now turns confused, trying to figure out why you’re massaging her there or what’s about to happen next.
>The softness of Goldie’s tits feels just right, with one taste of this feeling screaming for everything else to come afterward.
>She looks at you through her lidded eyes, but you just had to feel what both of them felt like in both of your hands at the same time.
>The alcohol in her breath becomes more apparent as she breathes harder.
>Trying to figure out how much she actually welcomes this, Goldie falls as silent as the cramped dorm room around her.
>The only sound is your hands sliding against her clothes while feeling her up… followed by rustling of the bedsheets when she reacts to your groping becoming hungrier.
>Goldie’s lidded eyes dart around the room, now realizing why you locked the door.
>You weren’t interested in a movie.
>Goldie’s breaths become faster and louder as her heart rate surely must be increasing as well.
>Under normal circumstances, a guy putting his hands on her chest like this without her permission would have been stopped by now.
>Which is the very thing that sparks a drunken but morally sober alarm in her mind that screams “he’s not supposed to be grabbing your breasts like this”
>”H-hey…!” Goldie sluggishly squirms against the advances that only intensify the more those groping hands feel her soft pair of breasts through the suddenly feeble layers of her T-shirt and bra…
>It’s like realizing how thin and flimsy the fabric of a camping tent is as soon as a vicious hungry bear trying to find its way in from the outside.
>Goldie grabs the wrists attached to the hands severely violating her personal space and tries to pull them away.
>She’s just not strong enough, and the fingers continue to give her chest more and more sensual squeezes she did not ask for.
>”No… wait…” Goldie shakes her head with a panicked slur. “D-don’t touch me like that!”
>Her repeated rejecting falls upon deaf ears while the mere softness of her pair of breasts through her clothes convinces him to double down on his efforts.
>”No! No, stop! Don’t! Please, don’t! No!” Goldie raises her slurring tone the best she can while the groping only becomes bolder and bolder anyway. “I said no!! NO!!”
>That word doesn’t mean a damn thing right now other than a grim confirmation of how serious this is.
>Goldie’s racing heart sinks into a deep cold lake of betrayal as it slowly dawns on her where this is eventually going.
>A desperate bargain shivering in the back of her mind wagers that maybe he’ll just leave it at this; he’ll just grope a drunk girl without her consent for a little bit and then he’ll be satisfied.
>But he consciously and deliberately locked her in here with him.
>Goldie’s attempts to get off of the bed become more forceful, but they aren’t as forceful as the arms pulling her further onto the bed.
>Goldie’s mind expected her feet to be firmly planted on the floor by now, racing over to the door while her hands swiftly unlock it and swing it open… somehow all before he would have caught up to her.
>But merciless hands continue to snake past her squirming and swatting at them to physically enjoy her body’s assets she never offered.
>”No! No! NO!!” Goldie hisses in a breaking voice. “Don’t…”
>There’s no excuse for the groping to have spread all over her curvy body like this.
>She jerks her hips forward when a hand grabs her soft butt.
>Her heavy breathing blares how terrified she is.
>Her grunts turn to whimpers as she realizes he’s fully aware that she doesn’t want this, but is still continuing anyway.
>Bodyweight pinning hers to the bed, he’s too strong and sober for her to stand a chance at escaping his hold on her.
>Goldie’s whimpering turns back into aggressive grunting when his hands snake up inside her shirt and feel up her bare midriff.
>Those hands get supercharged with horny arousal gliding all over her smooth skin.
>Her smooth skin gets supercharged with fear and violation feeling those hands gliding all over her midriff that gets exposed as her shirt is dragged up.
>”NO!! Get OFF!!” Goldie still makes it clear she does *not* want this, even though that’s no longer part of the equation of where this is going at this point. “Stop!! … Please! STOP!!”
>She knew the groping was only the beginning.
>Electric jolts of desperate mortification sprout from getting felt up all over inside of her T-shirt.
>Feeling hands roaming along her bare skin without her consent fills her with dread.
>Goldie twists her body back and forth underneath her attacker’s bodyweight in a bid for the luck needed to slink free and make a break for the door somehow.
>She tries hitting and slapping him whenever possible.
>But her arm movements are sluggish and uncoordinated.
>The struggle drags on, only soon resulting in more of Goldie’s bare skin becoming exposed every couple of seconds as her T-shirt is gradually forced further up her body…
>Goldie doesn’t want to be sexy for her attacker, but she currently lost autonomy over her body.
>Her attacker decided that she’s showing off her full midriff now, running his hands up and down her exposed skin.
>Goldie keeps jolting and twisting her body in resistance to no avail, only turning her attacker on even more as she moves her body around with his hands grazing her exposed bellybutton and curvy sides and smooth lower back.
>Her attacker is forcing her to be sexy for him against her will.
>”NO! Stop!!” She defensively crosses her arms over her busty chest that only provides a little tension for her shirt’s fabric to stop being pulled up even further before her bra can get unveiled. “Please don’t…”
>His hands roam her exposed skin as they please, gathering even more arousal from the wonderful touch only enjoyed one way.
>”I don’t want this!” Goldie tries her best to keep her slurring voice from breaking. “Not like this. Please not like this!”
>Those hands are nearly magnetically attached to her smooth soft skin she’s showing against her will.
>Pairs of lips are getting closer together, Goldie tries to turn her face away but only ends up receiving kisses up and down her neck now.
>A hand glides up her bare tummy and starts to infiltrate her hiked up T-shirt.
>Goldie squirms in desperation as a bargain to do this consensually another night after a movie like she might have wanted flies out the window.
>Goldie turns her head to face her attacker to let him kiss her on the lips to maybe distract him or something.
>She didn’t want him to kiss her this soon after they just met, but obviously she wants to get raped even less, even when she is drunk.
>Outside of that simple priority, she doesn’t know what she’s thinking anymore.
>Palms and fingertips freely glide along Goldie’s fully exposed tummy and lower back, delighted by her smooth bare skin’s intoxicating warmth.
>One hand makes its way further up her back and unsuccessfully tries to unclasp her bra.
>Goldie lets out a defiant squeal into your mouth and makes your hand lose its spot with a few twists of her body.
>She only finds that same hand trail along her bra to the front, making her shudder with mortification as your fingertips graze along her smooth skin higher up that before.
>She responds to another gentle unwanted assault on her chest with words that get lost in the kiss you keep planted onto her lips before it breaks with a soft smooching noise.
>Her pleas are suspended by disbelief but then brought out by horrified urgency in as she feels what happens next…
>One of Goldie’s soft breasts is pushed upward by one of her attacker’s hands as if to stop the fingers from spearing underneath her bra cup, but it won’t be enough.
>”You don’t have to do this!” Goldie bargains in drunken desperation, barely thinking about the movie you could spend time watching together while cuddling on her couch and then getting intimate the right way when the consent is mutual. “We can do this another time! Please, I promise! I’ll do it with you then, just… please don’t… not now. Not like this…”
>The alarms inside Goldie’s panicking mind are set off so hard that they break as soon as she feels the unwelcome fingers breach underneath one of her bra cups… slowly, clumsily finding Goldie’s nipple.
>The intruding fingers curiously rub in circles along Goldie’s sensitive areola, forcing her nipple to stiffen against the sensual motions.
>It was already pretty much too late to say no, but now it’s definitely too late to say no.
>This got too intimate and her attacker is too excited to turn back.
>Feeling this complete loss of control of her situation, Goldie nearly breaks down and quietly sobs into another unwanted liplock, letting her attacker kiss her deeper.
>At the same time, Goldie’s panic becomes extremely intense as her gentle drunken hands’ swatting at the stronger hand invading underneath her bra cup becomes fierce.
>You’re too carried away by how hard you can feel Goldie’s nipples are getting, now having forced your hands under both of her bra cups…
>Goldie’s soft bare breasts are everything you imagined they’d be and more, the tender flesh delightfully giving way to your directly groping fingers…
>In response to feeling her body being on the receiving end of this unwanted sexual assault, Goldie contorts her face into a twisted distressed frown as a lump forms in her throat and traumatized tears leak out of her eyes, and she locks gazes with you.
>Even through that drunken lidded gaze, you can see the expression of betrayal in those panicking eyes.
>An expression of psychological and emotional pain she is being put through, a violation of her very person that trembles her to her core.
>”Please…” Goldie croaks as she trembles in fear, staring into your eyes soul-to-soul. “Don’t do this to me. I’m begging you.”
by Grey
by Grey
by Grey
by Grey
by Grey