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Bard Quest meta

By Pleeny_the_Ill
Created: 2024-11-30 08:03:49
Updated: 2024-12-01 18:56:43
Expiry: Never

  1. School reveal
  3. “Little Spoon… do you know the founder of our school?” Ticklebug asks.
  4. “Yes, Wanderlust is the one who learned to channel music with the explicit purpose of making mares bigger. The divines bless his soul.” You nod. “And then he founded this school to pass on his knowledge, right?”
  5. “Yes, but that’s far from the only thing he did. This is what I don’t tell students, Little Spoon. According to our archives, Wanderlust was supposedly an adventurer that reached magnitudes of power akin to godhood, and that he had refined his growing songs to extremes impossible to conceive, growing mares far bigger than anything you could dream of, Little Spoon. Our legends tell, that he had a harem of a thousand mares each a thousand feet tall, that a mare who spend a night with him would then double in size each day for the rest of her life, and that the mere mention his name already grew any mare who heard it a couple feet bigger. I won’t lie, I find some of these accounts to be hard to believe myself, especially as there is no mention of such grandiose deeds in any other known history. Well, this is the secret I’ve been entrusted as the head of this school. At the peak of his art, Wanderlust felt like he had been blessed with an existence more perfect than he could imagine, and thus created this school so other may walk in his hoofsteps. However, he soon realized the journey couldn’t be done anymore. Myriads of titanic, evergrowing goddesses already walked this plane of existence, empowered by Wanderlust’s songs. There were no new heights to discover for a new bard anymore. And so, the secret legend of this school says, that the two biggest of his mare friends, each tall enough to pluck the stars of the night sky, tore the very fabric of existence in half, erased all the effects of his powers on this world and confined it in another plane, which was filled with all the mares he had ever grown through the ages. And the only passage between those worlds, is supposed to be this door.”
  7. “That was three hundred years ago, according to our school’s story, and nothing came or went through this passage since then. I have no idea what’s behind it and never opened it myself. All I can tell you, from the scrying spells I performed, is that this is indeed a passage to another plane of existence. But I cannot tell you anything more, or what would happen if you went through it. Would you arrive into a world of true giantess? Would Wanderlust himself welcome you to his utopia of big mares? Will you fall right into the mouth of a mare the size of a planet? Will you find Wanderlust’s dry bones and his confession that all his feats were lies? I cannot say myself.”
  9. “Little Spoon. Now you know about this door, and you may try to cross whenever you decide if you ever do so. I won’t stop you. But as you can see, only small equines may pass this door… which is how Wanderlust made sure no mare from the other side could come out, so the companions you’ve grown will not be able to accompany you there. I demand nothing from you in return. Just… If you happen to go through and then come back, I’d quite curious to hear about your journey. That’s the only thing I’d humbly ask of you.”
  11. “Well, the advice I could give you would be the one to give any adventurer that wishes to travel to an unknown plane. Such journeys are extremely perilous. You should secure yourself a way to breathe, some protection against extreme heat, cold and other harmful environment. My guess would be to prepare from a bath of gastric acid specifically…”
  13. Skills
  15. Lvl1: Bardic Inspiration: While you sing, you may make it so that mares that hear you are 2 feet (now 3 feet bigger. The effect of the inspiration doesn’t stop as long as you remain close to the mare and remain conscious.
  16. Lvl2: Embrace Destiny: a number of times a day equal to half your level (now 3 times), whenever you kiss a mare on the mouth, she gets 2 feet bigger for 10 minutes. You may also use this ability while having an intercourse with a mare, in which case the bonus lasts as long as the mare wishes. Stacks with itself. You do not recover the charges of embrace destiny a mare chooses to hold over the days.
  17. Lvl3: Gift of the bard: Whenever you climax inside a mare, she may grow by 1’ for 1 minute, plus 1 foot for each precedent time you did so on the same day, a number of times up to your level (now 7 times). New growth from Gift of the Bard replaces the precedent. If you climax inside that mare a number of times equal to your level in the dame day (now 8 times), the growth lasts for the rest of the day instead, and any further climax inside that mare will make her grow by an additional number of feet equal to your level for 1 minute (now 8’). Additionally, such a mare gains the ability to grow your genitals until they are to her desired size
  18. Lvl4: Growing Inspiration. Your Bardic Inspiration also grants a bonus to the target’s strength, constitution or charisma. You may choose the characteristics to boost for each use of your Bardic Inspiration that will be applied for all targets for that inspiration. Some physical changes will accompany the bonus. The bonus increases at level 12 and at level 19.
  19. This level and every 4 levels thereafter: Your bardic inspiration grants +1 foot of height you gain 1 skill point.
  20. Lvl5: Countergrowth: If you can react and use your lute when a pony casts a spell or uses any supernatural ability, you may attempt to turn the spell into growth magic. The growth is equal to twice the level of the caster in feet and the effect lasts for 10 minutes. The growth will randomly be split between the caster and the targets if they are mares. If neither the caster nor the targets are mares, random nearby mares will grow. Spells of the same type that are countered that way cannot be cast by the caster for the rest of the day. You may not use this ability on mares that grew permanently from your magic before.
  21. Lvl6: Embrace Glorious Destiny: You gain a pool of growth you may use to permanently grow any willing mare with a physical contact. This level and every level after, a number of feet equal to your maximum number of daily uses of embrace destiny is added to your growth pool. You may split the growth among several mares, but you may only grow mares by multiples of 1 foot. You may grow one mare that way by a number of feet up to half your level in total. (1’ in growth pool)
  22. Lvl7: Tarot Growth: imbuing a deck of tarot with your magic, you may once per mare draw an arcana for a willing mare. She permanently gains a growth bonus or ability depending on the arcana picked. You need to spend a foot from your growth pool to use this ability, but you may regain it later as the mare uses the ability. You discover the effect of each arcana upon drawing it for the first time.
  23. Lvl8: Bard Bucket List: the first time you achieve an item of this list, you and the mares involved each gain a bonus, and up to two new items to achieve are added to the list
  24. • Have a 3-some with 2 mares that are both at least 20’ tall
  25. • Be completely engulfed in any orifice of a mare for at least 1 minute
  26. • Having grown 500 different mares
  27. • Have 1000 mares under the effect of your bardic inspiration at the same time
  28. • Having grown permanently 10 different mares
  29. • Come 100 times inside one same mare that has been grown
  30. • Grow a mare to at least 100 feet tall
  31. • Have a pool or beach party with at least 5 mares that have been grown
  32. • Have an intercourse with a non-pony, mare-like entity that is naturally at least 10’ tall
  33. Lvl9: Empowered Growth: you may spend growth from your growth pool to temporarily strengthen some of your other abillities:
  34. • Bardic inspiration: spend 1’ to add +50% to the height growth of your inspiration for the day. You may spend a number of feet from your growth pool up to your level each day to strengthen the effect.
  35. • Gift of the bard: spend a number of feet equal to your level from your growth pool. For the rest of the day, each mare you grow by your level in feet with Gift of the Bard keeps that size while she wishes so. That growth becomes permanent the next time you gain a level. Additionally, once a day, each mare that benefited from this effect may pick one article of clothing or food dish and grow them to a size fit for them to use. These items shrink back at the end of the day if unused.
  36. • Countergrowth: The amount you need to spend is proportional with the strength of the magic effect you want to counter and how hard the roll will be. In the event of a huge success, you recover three time the feet from your growth pool, and all mare around will grow that much permanently.
  37. • Tarot Growth: Spend 1’ so a mare that drew a card may benefit from an improved version of the effect for the rest of the day.
  38. Lvl9: Belittling Mockery: You need to spend 1’ from your growth pool to use this ability and to audibly taunt another creature that can understand language by calling it small or insignificant. Each mare that then taunts the target in a similar fashion grows by 1’ up to ten times. The first mares that physically overpower the target of the mockery grows by 20’ and have their strength and constitution increase once, and the first ones that genuinely make the target cry out of shame grow by 50’ once and have all their stats increase. The growth and the taunt last for the day. Several target may be taunted in a day, but the growth they provide to one mare doesn’t stack. Mares that are taunted that way will shrink down to their original size if they are bigger than that when mocked by another mare, and the size will be transferred permanently.
  39. Lvl9: Growth lore: at the start of each day, and for a number of days equal to your level after reaching a new level, growth is added to your growth pool in proportion of your big mare feats. This effects stacks if you reach another level before the end of the period. The gained growth is:
  40. • 1’ at the start of each day for each exponent of 10 mares that were grown the day prior (1’ if at least 10 mares, 2’ if 100…)
  41. • 1’ at the start of the day for each 100’ of cumulated height of all mares you grew permanently
  42. • 2’ whenever you have an intercourse with a new mare that is permanently at least 10’ tall.
  43. • 5’ if you surpass the previous all-time-higher you’ve ever grown a mare by at least 5%
  44. • 20’ when you clear an item of your bucket list.
  45. Lvl10: Greater gift of the bard: Coming inside a mare grows her up to 5 feet at once, to a total number of feet up to your level and for as long as the mare wishes to be this big instead (this is still not permanent growth). Instead of the growth that lasts 1 minute, the first time each day that you climax inside a mare who has the maximum growth mentioned before, she grows 20’ bigger for 10 minutes, plus 10’ more for each level you’ve reached over 10. Additionally, once a day each such a mare may pick one article of clothing or food dish and grow them to a size fit for them to use. These items shrink back at the end of the day if unused.
  46. Lvl11: Miraculous Growth: Emptying your growth pool all at once to grow a mare has powerful additional effect if there’s sufficient growth. The following effects stack except the growth increase percentage.
  47. • If at least 5’ are used, the mare is healed from all wounds, poisons and diseases.
  48. • If at least 10’, that growth is 10% stronger, the mare may slightly increase 1 stat she wishes, and all magical aliments and curses are dispelled
  49. • If at least 20’, 20% stronger, the mare may up to moderately increase any of her stats she wishes, and may alter her appearance to become closer to her ideal-self
  50. • If at least 50’, 50% stronger, the mare may de-age to down to 25 y-o if older and if she wishes so, and her skills and mastery of her powers are greatly enhanced
  51. • If at least 250’, 100% stronger, a mare may be resurrected that way from any piece of her body. Any further growth on that mare is doubled.
  52. Lvl12: State of the art: By spending 1 foot from your growth pool, you may grow a mare you touch to the biggest size you’ve ever grown a mare for 10 minutes. She cannot grow any more from any mean while this lasts. You can spend additional feet from your growth pool to extend the duration by 10 more minutes.
  53. Improved Growing inspiration.
  54. +1 Bardic Inspiration and skill point
  55. Lvl13: Reversed Tarot Growth: imbuing a deck of tarot with your magic, you may once draw one reversed card for a willing mare. She permanently gains a growth ability depending on the card picked. You need to spend 5 feet from your growth pool to use this ability, but you may regain it later as the mare uses the ability. The condition to do so will be described as ‘Recover’ in the ability. You discover the effect of each reversed card upon drawing it for the first time. The effects are stronger but more chaotic than upright Tarot Growth. You chose whether you draw an upright of reversed tarot card for each mare beforehand. Each mare may only receive one effect from each Tarot Growth and Reversed Tarot Growth.
  56. Lvl14: Bard’s serenade: You may only use this ability only on mares that can hear your instrument or singing and that never permanently grew from any of your abilities before. The mare becomes magically infatuated with you and obeys all your commands out of fascination. The spells costs 1 foot from your growth pool to maintain per hour, but the mare also grows permanently as though you had used these feet to grow her. You may choose that the mare keeps the memories from when she was fascinated or not. You need to beat a certain DC for the spell to work, depending of the target’s willpower. If you miss the DC, the target will instead draw a number of feet from your growth pool into her and grow from it equal to by how much you missed the DC.
  57. Lvl15: Magnum opus: when you grow a mare bigger than you’ve ever grown a mare, the currently active temporary growth on her last for the rest of the day if it wouldn’t have and that mare permanently gains a unique bonus or ability. Mares permanently grow 20% on their permanent size bigger instead after the first time they become your magnum opus. May only happen once a day on each mare.
  58. Lvl16: Growth Paragon: You may use this once a day on contact on one mare that has grown permanently at least once from your abilities. She grows by an amount equal to all the growth from all the other mares you’ve grown at the present time other than with your inspiration. She may also gain the maximum of each stat among these mares, as well as all their spells, practical knowledge and abilities. A mare that has become the Growth Paragon may not become it more than once, but permanently retains 10% of the size she had gained as the Growth Paragon after that as well as 1 stat that was improved.
  59. +1 Bardic Inspiration and skill point
  60. Lvl17: Crescendo: the temporary growth in feet from your abilities is increased once mares reach a certain permanent size
  61. - 12’:*2
  62. - 20’: *3
  63. - 35’: *5
  64. - 60’: *8
  65. - 90’: *10
  66. - 150: *20
  67. - 250: *30
  68. - 500: *50
  69. Lvl18: Wandergrowth: You compose a song that grows mares even if sung by another pony. Its effects are applied permanently once upon hearing it for the first time, and thrice more for 1 hour after hearing it again. The effect is 2’ of growth plus up to 5 picks from you among:
  70. • The mare grows 2’ bigger
  71. • The mare gains charisma
  72. • The mare gains strength
  73. • The mare gains constitution
  74. Lvl19: Semi-Cadence: You must use this ability before you reach level 20. Once, whenever you decide so, all the currently temporary effects of your ability become permanent.
  75. Major Growing inspiration.
  76. Lvl20: CHOOSE ONE:
  77. True Gift of the bard: Whenever the first mare that you marry becomes pregnant from you, she permanently grows 10% of her current permanent size per foal over the pregnancy. Your daughters will all grow to be around the permanent size of their mother at the time they were born at majority, and will have various innate growth abilities.
  78. OR
  79. True Growth Paragon: Choose 1 mare among those that were the Growth Paragon to become an actual deity of growth. She becomes immortal and whenever any mare grows or gains stats in this plane of existence, she gains double that. As a deity, she may manifest in any way up to the limit of her actual size and stats and bend reality to her will.
  80. OR
  81. True Embrace Glorious Destiny: There’s no more limit to how much you can grow a single mare with growth from your growth pool. Add a number of feet to your growth pool the first time you have an intercourse with a given mare each day equal to her height in feet.
  82. +1 Bardic Inspiration and skill point
  84. Full skill descriptions
  86. Lvl5: Countergrowth: If you can react and use your lute when a pony casts a spell or uses any supernatural ability, you may attempt to turn the spell into growth magic. The growth is equal to twice the level of the caster in feet and the effect lasts for 10 minutes. The growth will randomly be split between the caster and the targets if they are mares. If neither the caster nor the targets are mares, random nearby mares will grow. Spells of the same type that are countered that way cannot be cast by the caster for the rest of the day. You may not use Countergrowth for 1 hour if you fail to use it. In case of a huge success or failure, 2’ of permanent growth are given to the caster or target. You may not use Countergrowth on the spell of a willing caster.
  87. Card font : number : Rockwell Nova Extra Bold, text : Gabriola
  88. Lvl:7 Tarot Growth:
  89. imbuing a deck of tarot with your magic, you may one draw once card for a willing mare. She permanently gains a growth ability depending on the cards picked. You discover the effect of each card upon drawing it for the first time.
  90. • 0: The Fool: You choose two cards from the deck other than the fool and the world. The mare may randomly pick one from these two and receive its effect from Tarot Growth. Recover as indicated on the picked card
  91. • 1: The Magician: The mare gains the ability double her size for 10 minutes with then a 1-hour cooldown. Climaxing triggers the effect if it is ready. Recover after she used this ability 3 times.
  92. ◦ The world: The mare may use this ability without cooldown or maximum duration. Once a day for 10 minutes, she may further double her size in addition.
  93. • 2: The High priestess: The mare permanently grows 5’ bigger. She may grow one smaller mare up to 5’ bigger for the rest of the day, but the other mare cannot grow bigger than her that way. Recover after the same smaller mare was grown for 3 consecutive days.
  94. ◦ The world: the mare may grow up any number of different other mares each day.
  95. • 3: The Empress: The mare permanently grows 2’ and her charisma increases. She also gains the ability to lactate at will. After another pony drinks from her teats for at least 1 minute, for the rest of the day she grows 5’ bigger and her charisma increases further. Recover after 3 days.
  96. ◦ The world: The temporary effect may be triggered again any number of times, but each takes 10 more minutes than the last to happen.
  97. • 4: The Emperor: The mare permanently grows 5’ bigger. She grows by that amount again up to 3 additional times after a full day of continuously being the biggest mare around. Recover the next time this mare is the biggest among all present grown mares.
  98. ◦ The world: Growing permanently from another source allows this growth to happen one additional time each time.
  99. • 5: The Hierophant: Up to once each day, the mare grows 50% of her current size for the day whenever she commits a significant act of true, selfless good. She grows white, angel-like wings she know how to use if she didn’t have wings before. You recover the first time the mare grows from that ability. Committing an act of evil or not stopping one the mare is aware of cancels the bonuses immediately and prevents the mare of gaining it that day.
  100. ◦ The world: the growth may happen up to 3 times each day. All the mare’s stats increase and she gains additional wings the second time, then more stats and holy powers the third.
  101. • 6: The Lovers: The mare grows 2’ bigger when another pony interacts romantically or sexually with her. This may happen up to once each day up to 20’. The growth is reset if the mare or her current partner interact romantically or sexually with another partner. You recover the first time the mare reaches 6 additional feet.
  102. ◦ The world: Upon reaching the 20’ bonus, the mare immediately doubles in size and receives a bonus to all stats. This lasts while she keeps the maximum bonus.
  103. • 7: The Chariot: Every time this mare would grow from a different growth effect, she grows 1 additional foot for the same duration. Recover the next time she grows permanently.
  104. ◦ The world: The additional growth increases by 1’ for each different growth the mare received previously that day.
  105. • 8: Strength: The mare permanently grows 2’ and her strength increases. After 10 minutes of physical workout with at least one witness, she grows 5’ bigger and her strength increases further for the rest of the day. Recover after 3 days.
  106. ◦ The world: The temporary effect may be triggered again any number of times, but each takes 10 more minutes than the last to happen.
  107. • 9: The Hermit: growth effects on that mare are increased by 50% as long as she’s the only mare you’ve grown this day. Recover the next time you’ve grown that mare and only her for 3 consecutive days.
  108. ◦ The world: Growth effects are increased by an additional 50% for each day in a row you’ve grown this mare only, up to +400%
  109. • 10: Wheel of fortune: every time she would grow, the mare has a 25% chance to grow thrice as much. This result lasts until the end of the day for the same temporary growth effect, such as bardic inspiration. Recover after the mare received triple growth three times in a row.
  110. ◦ The world: The chance is rolled twice and may stack if both rolls are successful
  111. • 11: Justice: Whenever another mare in sight grows permanently or receives stats permanently, this mare permanently grows by the same amount. Recover after the first time this happens.
  112. ◦ The world: the mare retroactively grows by all permanent growth your abilities applied on other mares in the past.
  113. • 12: The Hanged Mare: Temporary growth doesn’t expire on the mare until she would grow from any other effect
  114. ◦ The world: Temporary growth is permanent on that mare. Same effects do not stack.
  115. • 13: Death: The mare grows 2’ bigger for the rest of the day for each killing blow she deals, up to 20’. You recover the first time she grows from this ability.
  116. ◦ The world: No maximum bonus.
  117. • 14: Temperance: Growth effects on that mare are increased by 50% for each consecutive day since the last time she grew or that she drew this card, up to plus 400%. Recover when the mare grows with a bonus of at least 100%.
  118. ◦ The world: Growing the mare reduces the bonus by 50% instead of resetting it.
  119. • 15: The Devil: The mare drains the energy of the first pony she has any intercourse within a day, adding their size, their skills and spell, and marely assets if any to her own for the rest of the day. The victim is knocked out for the rest of the day. Recover after this ability has been used 3 times.
  120. ◦ The world: Bonuses from the drain last 3 days instead and each victim is knocked out that long.
  121. • 16: The Tower: Whenever she grows permanently, the mare’s size is multiplied by 5 over 1 minute, then she stays that size for 1 other minute before shrinking down over 1 minute again. Does not stack with itself. Recover the next time this mare grows permanently.
  122. ◦ The world: The maximum size multiplicator the mare reaches and the duration of each step in minutes is equal to the mare’s level instead.
  123. • 17: The Star: Every time she gains a level, the mare permanently grows 3’ bigger, or she grows 60’ once if she is level 20 already. Recover the first time the mare grows from this.
  124. ◦ The world: The mare grows by her level in feet instead, or the sum of it if she is level 20.
  125. • 18: The Moon: The mare permanently grows 2’ and her constitution increases. After sitting on a living pony for at least 10 minutes, she grows 5’ bigger and her constitution increases further for the rest of the day Recover after 3 days.
  126. ◦ The world: The temporary effect may be triggered again any number of times, but each takes 10 more minutes than the last to happen.
  127. • 19: The Sun: The mare permanently grows 50% of her current permanent size. She receives a small boost to all stats. Other growth is +100% more effective on her for the rest of the day. All injuries are healed.
  128. ◦ Once, the mare may trigger the effect to happen two more times in quick succession whenever she wishes.
  129. • 20: Judgement: Once, the mare may grow to any size up to 20 times her size for 10 minutes, and you recover.
  130. ◦ The duration is 1 hour instead, and may be split as the mare wishes in any number of uses of at least 1 minute.
  131. • 21: The World: the mare may choose two different cards from which you know the effect from the tarot other than the World and the Fool and receive both effects from Tarot Growth. Recover twice as indicated on the additional cards. The choice may be delayed as long the mare wishes.
  132. • OR The mare may choose 1 card among those you know the effects of (other than the fool) and receive a massively boosted version of the effect. The choice may be delayed as long the mare wishes.
  134. Lvl8: Bard Bucket List:
  135. the first time you achieve an item of this list, you and the mares involved each gain a bonus.
  136. Group
  137. • Cleared: Simultaneously give the maximum size bonus from Gift of the Bard to at least 5 mares: those mares now also grow from your Gift of the Bard ability when they climax, no matter where you are in the world. The first mare each day that grows to the maximum size from Gift of the Bard has a 1/3 chance to permanently grow an additional 2 feet of height. This cannot happen more than once for a mare.
  138. • On List: Give the maximum size bonus from Gift of the Bard for 10 consecutive days, to 5 different mares: The 5 next time you climax in any of those 5 mares, they will permanently grow by 25% of the highest permeant height among them. Those 5 mares become aware of this situation 1 minute after you clear this item. Whenever you gain a level, the mare companions that too part in your last adventure permanently grow 5‘ or by 20% of their permanent size, whichever is bigger.
  139. • Have an 8-some with 1 mare of each pony race (earth, pegasus, unicorn, dwarf, orc, halfling, elf) each over 20’ tall: Each mare gains a different bonus according to their race.
  140. ◦ Earth pony: +50% of permanent size, all stats up.
  141. ◦ Pegasus: size*10 after first climax of each day for 10 minutes
  142. ◦ Unicorn: On first climax of the day: magic burst that randomly either drains half the size and stats of all nearby mares to herself OR shrinks herself to 4’ tall to apply on all nearby mares
  143. ◦ Dwarf: +1’’ on each of their climax permanently. Permanent constitution/strength up
  144. ◦ Orc: Grow 10% of permanent size/minute and strength up through battle or intercourse, up to +200%, until 1 hour after end of battle/intercourse.
  145. ◦ Halfling: constitution/charisma up. Ability to drain up to 90% of the size and charisma/constitution of 1 mare on touch once a day for the day
  146. ◦ Elf: +5’ on climax + any stat up while not biggest/highest stat in sight. Lasts up to 10 minutes after last climax. Cannot happen again for the day after becoming the biggest.
  147. Treat you level as doubled for the growth of Gift of the Bard.
  148. • Having grown 500 different mares: These mares and all mares you grow today randomly grow by either 1’’, 3’’, 6’’, 9’’, 1’ or 5’ permanently. You permanently gain +1 foot of growth on bardic Inspiration and 1 more use of Embrace Destiny per day.
  149. • On List: Have 1000 mares under the effect of your bardic inspiration at the same time: The effect of this inspiration becomes permanent on them. Then, gain +2 foot of growth on your bardic Inspiration permanently.
  150. Size threshold
  151. • Cleared: Grow a mare to at least 100 feet tall: Half of this mare’s permanent size in feet, rounded down, is added to your growth pool once. Then, this mare permanently grows by half of what she would need to be permanently 100’ tall. You no longer have a limit to how much you can grow 1 mare with Embrace Glorious Destiny.
  152. • On List: Grow a mare to at least 500 feet tall. Any height growth this mare experiences is repeated on her next 2 climaxes for the same duration. 100’ are added to your growth pool once.
  153. • Grow a mare to at least 1 mile tall: This mare may grow or shrink herself at will between 4’ tall and her permanent size. No matter her size, this mare is always at least as strong and durable as she would be at her permanent size while being able to safely manipulate smaller objects if she wishes. You gain the ability to use 100’ from your growth pool to permanently grow all mares randomly either 10%, 20%, 50%, 100%, 200% or 900% of their permanent size and increase all stat they desire and their libido in a 10 miles radius.
  154. Permanent size group
  155. • Cleared: Having grown permanently 10 different mares with your abilities: Whenever you permanently grow or increase the stats of one or more mares, one random mare among the 10 from this item grows that way in addition. When you gain a level, you recover all charges of Embrace destiny but mares that held charges from Embrace Destiny permanently keep the growth of the charges they had.
  156. • On List: Grow 10 mares permanently to 30’ tall: Each of these mares gains the ability to permanently grow 1 other mare to their permanent height once. Your gain a number of charges of Embrace destiny equal to your current level and gain an additional one every level.
  157. • Grow 10 mares permanently to over 100’ tall: All these mares grow 10’ permanently whenever a new mare reaches 100’ permanently. Applies retroactively to new mares that reach such a size. Whenever a new mare reaches 100’ permanently, add 10’ to your growth pool +1 feet for each mare you’ve grown permanently to over 100’ tall after the 10th.
  158. Tarot use
  159. • Use Tarot growth enough times to draw the same card twice: The mare receives the bonus from that card twice. Once, you may choose one card from a tarot ability among those you have discovered and apply it on a willing mare in addition to effects she already has.
  160. • Draw all the 22 different tarot cards at least once: The mare that receives the final card receives the effect of The Reversed World in addition to the ability she already has. You may now draw any card that you haven’t drawn yet instead of a random card when you use a tarot ability.
  161. Society
  162. • Cleared: Have a pool or beach party with at least 4 mares that have been grown: the height of the mares is evened out for the duration of the event, and some may gain permanent growth through one contest. The height gained from your bardic inspiration is doubled, and it further increases charisma in addition of other stats as long as the mares are in a body of water.
  163. • On List: Be the lover of the ruler of a group of at least a hundred ponies that encourages increasing the size of mares: Mares of that society permanently grow 3’’ bigger every day, up to a total growth equal to 10% of the ruling mare’s current permanent size. Your height growth is more effective on the ruler for each member of that group (+100% at 100 to 1000 members), up to your level times 50%. You may achieve this item several times for different rulers.
  164. • Unite over half of the world’s inhabitants under the rule of 1 big mare. This mare stops aging, she gains the ability to increase her height to up to 100 times at will. If you permanently grow the queen, she may bestow that growth to up to any 100 of her subjects she wishes in addition.
  165. Iconic giantess stuff
  166. • Have a mare grow out of binds or of a room restricting her. This doesn’t work if the restriction was willingly accepted by the mare: After freeing herself in such a fashion, the mare then triples in size and her strength increases for the rest of the day. When you grow a mare, you may choose whether their clothes and equipment grow with them or not. They do by default.
  167. Rampage
  168. • On List: Have a mare rampage and do 100 000 gold’s worth of property damage of actively used buildings in one hour. (On average, a small countryside cottage is worth 1000 gold, the average city building is worth 5000 and fancy buildings like statues or courthouses are worth between 10 000 and 50 000 golds): The mare’s strength and constitution increase permanently. She gains the ability to grow 1% of her current size bigger for the day for each 500 gold of property damage she made in a day, up to your level times 50%. Your temporary growth is +400% more effective on mares that are at least 50’ tall
  169. • Have a mare rampage and destroy the habitations of at least 10 000 ponies in 1 hour with her body: A random defender mare of the rampaged city will permanently grow to the size of the attacking mare. Any of those 2 mares knocking out the other within the next 24 hours will have her absorb all the size on the opponent how will return to their original size. Your growth abilities are permanently +100% more effective on the victor if there’s one.
  170. Exotic
  171. • On List: Have an intercourse with a mare-like entity that is naturally at least 10’ tall: That mare triples in size and all her stats increase permanently. Coming inside mares that are not part of the pony races permanently grows them 3’ bigger once for each different such race you ever had an intercourse with a mare of.
  172. • Survive an intercourse with a succubus that’s at least 30’ tall: the succubus gains the ability to change her height and the size of her assets at will up to the maximum you’ve ever grown a mare. Your height growth abilities are +200% more effective and intensely pleasurable on mares that are genuinely hostile to you, are actively attacking you or friends near you or hold you captive against your will in some way.
  173. Vore
  174. • Cleared: Be completely engulfed in any rear orifice of a mare for at least 24 hours: That mare permanently growth 10 feet bigger and receives a small boost to all stats. You permanently gain the ability to survive without air for 1 hour.
  175. • On List: Be swallowed alive by a mare: This mare grows 10% bigger for every minute you remain inside her until 1 hour after you’re out. You aren’t harmed while in a mare’s stomach while your growth pool isn’t empty, but lose 1 foot of it to permanently grow a mare every minute in her stomach.
  176. • On List: Convince a mare you've grown to eat alive another pony: The mare’s strength and constitution increase permanently, and her teeth become sharp and strong enough to bite and chew even metal. Your growth is +10% more effective on mares for each pony they’ve eaten that day, up to 10% times twice your level.
  177. • Convince a mare you've grown to eat alive at least 100 ponies in one day: The mare doubles in size and all her stats increase. She enters a state of insatiable hunger for all ponies but you, driving all her efforts to find more to eat for 24 hours. If she eats at least 1000 ponies before this effect ends, she triples in size, her stats increase again, and the duration is reset to 24 hours. This happens again for every additional exponent of 10 ponies the mare manages to eat. If a mare you’ve grown is eaten by another mare, all her permanent bonus are transferred to the eater.
  178. Milk
  179. • On List: Collect 1000 litters of milk from one mare you’ve grown in one day and have other ponies than you or said mare drink it that day: This mare’s milk and teats gains wondrous growth properties that change randomly each day for her and all those who drink it. Whenever you increase the charisma of mares, you may also make those mares lactate or increase their output if they lactate already, for the same duration as the growth. (Permanent lactation peters out after 1 week unless the mare is milked properly, but may be restarted by some stimulation)
  180. • Have a mare that’s at least 100’ tall grow teats that are each at least as wide as her height: She remains that big and lactates diluvian quantities of milk for the next 24 hours. Smaller mares drinking her milk during that time will see their charisma increases and grow 2’ bigger up to once every hour. When you suckle on the teat of a mare that’s at least 10’ tall, her charisma and how much she lactates keeps increases for the day.
  182. Whenever another mare drinks from the mare’s teats, for the day, she grows by 10% of her permanent height, and randomly either grows by an additional 40% of her permanent height, have her strength increase, have her constitution increase or have her charisma increase a lot. If the mare drinks from herself, she gets ALL those effects on herself for the rest of the day and grows a pair of large cow horns, but this cancels the growth from her milk for other ponies for the rest of the day.
  184. Reversed card effect
  185. ◦ 1: The Reversed Magician: Once a day, the mare can attempt to double in size for 10 minutes with a 66% chance of success. If she succeeds, she has a 66% chance to double in size again for 10 additional minutes. This effect repeats itself until the mare doesn’t grow after the 10 minutes, at which point it ends. You recover the first time she reaches 4 times her height than way.
  186. ◦ 2: The Reversed Empress: The mare’s current size is multiplied by 5 and she stays that size until she would grow from another effect. She loses that growth at that point. You recover when that happens or after 7 days.
  187. ▪ The day the card is drawn, grow the mare as big as the Reversed Empress made her: Her maximum size of that day lasts until she would grow from another source. Your growth is +100% effective on mares that are already at least 5 times their permanent size
  188. ◦ 3: The Reversed High priestess: The mare temporarily grows 2’ bigger for each pony in sight that wishes to see her grow, up to 100’ and while she remains in sight of the ponies. Recover the first time she reaches that. Ponies may also wish for mare’s strength, constitution or charisma to increase.
  189. ▪ The mare gathers a following of at least 100 ponies to keep her at maximum size for 7 days and night at least:
  190. ◦ 4: The Reversed Emperor: The mare permanently grows 10’ bigger. While this mare is currently the biggest among mares you’ve grown, she grows 10’ more through each day up to 200’ more, and all your growth effects are half as effective on other mares. Recover the first time the additional bonus reaches 20’. The additional growth is reset as soon as she isn’t the biggest mare anymore.
  191. ▪ Find ways to shrink all mares you permanently grew other than the reversed emperor back to their original size or kill them and grow no other mares than her in the meantime:
  192. ◦ 5: The Reversed Hierophant: The next time this mare would grow from an effect that is not related to your abilities, that growth is multiplied by 10 and you recover.
  193. ◦ 6: The Reversed Lovers: At the start of each day, the libido of the mare increases, she receives a small bonus in charisma and constitution and she grows 5’ bigger. You recover the first time she reaches a 20’ bonus. The changes are reversed at the beginning of the next day instead if the mare climaxed during the previous day. The arousal makes the mare climax spontaneously at about 50’ more.
  194. ▪ Find a way
  195. ◦ 7: The Reversed Chariot: All temporary growth effects currently active and cast today on that mare are permanent. You recover immediately.
  196. ◦ 8: Reversed Strength: Temporary growth is thrice as effective on this mare and lasts for the whole day if it would be shorter. For the duration of the next day after receiving temporary growth, the mare is shrunk by the sum of the different temporary growths she received the day before, down to her original size. The full malus still needs to be compensated for the mare to grow if she should have shrunk smaller than her original size. Recover the first time the mare is shrunk to her original size.
  197. ◦ 9: The Reversed Hermit: The mare permanently doubles in size and has all her stats increase each time you gain a level without having met this mare since the precedent time you gained a level. Recover the first time this happens. If you’re level 19 or higher, this happens once immediately.
  198. ▪ Draw this for a mare while being level 15 or less and do not meet the mare before growing to level 20: the mare’s size keeps doubling and her stats increasing every minute before you can see her.
  199. ◦ 10: Reversed Wheel of fortune: You may stop the following effect by drawing another reversed card for this mare. You recover whenever the effect stops for any reason. At the start of each day, the mare has a 10% chance to be shrunk to her original size and lose all stats increases and growth effects. The effect of the reversed wheel of fortune stops permanently when that happens. Otherwise, she permanently grows 10% of her current permanent size multiplied by the number of times she grew that way before. The mare also increases any 1 stat she wishes when the growth is a multiple of 20%.
  200. ◦ 11: Reversed Justice: When this mare grows permanently or receives stats permanently, nearby mares that are bigger receive twice that growth or double the stats bonus if theirs are higher respectively. Recover the first time this happens. If this mare or a mare that would grow that way has Upright Justice, she alone receives all the growth from all other mares instead of both effects.
  201. ◦ 12: The Reversed Hanged Mare: Nothing happens the first time this card is drawn. Mares who drew it double in size and receive a bonus to all stats whenever this card or its upright version are later drawn for any other mare, up to 3 times for each mare. You recover immediately after drawing that card in all cases.
  202. ◦ 13: Reversed Death: Once, when she would die, the mare comes back to life fully healed, permanently twice as big and with a bonus to all stats. A recently dead mare in sight may also be resurrected and grown that way once instead. Recover when either happens.
  203. ◦ 14: Reversed Temperance: The mare permanently grows 10% of her current permanent size for each time you drew a card from Tarot growth or Reverse Tarot Growth. She grows that way when a mare receives the effect another card in the future too. Recover after the mare grows 3 more time after drawing this card.
  204. ◦ 15: The Reversed Devil: The mare’s body becomes able to swallow equines whose combined size is smaller than she is. Such ponies remain conscious and are preserved from harm and bodily needs but are neutralized and cannot escape on their own. 50% of the remaining size and marely assets if any of swallowed ponies is absorbed each day, down to 3’’ tall. The eaten ponies may be spit out at will by the mare. Recover after a mare has been swallowed for at least 1 day.
  205. ◦ 16: The Reversed Tower: The mare returns to her original size. Permanent growth effects are now tripled on her and you may draw 2 additional upright cards for her. Recover immediately.
  206. ◦ 17: The Reversed Star: At the start of each day, the mare permanently shrinks by 1’ until she reaches her original size. Every other mare that has been near her at least 10 minutes the day before grows by doubles that. Growing this mare permanently doubles the rate at which she shrinks each day. Upon reaching her original size that way, she also loses all permanent stats to the other mares. After that, the mare may then draw a new card and you recover.
  207. ◦ 18: The Reversed Moon: While nopony is seeing her, the mare may grow herself at will, doubling her size in 1 minute, up to 100 times her current size. The effect stops immediately when another sentient being sees her. Recover the first time the mare successfully reaches 10 time her size that way.
  208. ◦ 19: The Reversed Sun: The mare goes through a second puberty through the next 10 days. She de-ages to 18 years old or the age of full adulthood for her race if it is older. The mare grows 1’ each such day, and all her stats and libido increase through the 10 days. This growth is +10% more powerful for each year over adulthood the mare is. After that, you recover all charges from embrace destiny while the mare keeps the growth, you may apply permanent growth from gift of the bard as though she had never received it, and the mare may draw another reversed card and upright card as though she didn’t draw any before. Recover.
  209. ◦ 20: Reversed Judgement: A counterpart to the mare with skills and an alignment opposed to hers is conjured, but with a level of affection to you equal to the original. Climaxing inside one mare of the pair has her steal 2’ of the other’s size. This one effect may not trigger any other growth effect and does not scale from other effects. All other growth or stat increase applied to one mare of the pair is also applied to the other. If her counterpart is shrunk into nothingness, the other mare gains all knowledge, skills and stat increases of her counterpart. You recover either when that happens or after 7 days.
  210. ◦ 21: The Reversed World: You my draw any number of additional cards for this mare, upright or reversed. However, you do not recover the size you expand from your growth pool that way, and cards have no effect if the same one was drawn for this mare before.
  212. Unused skills
  213. Special: Siphonable: You are specifically vulnerable to draining abilities from mares. When a hostile mare uses an ability that drains your energy or magic in any way, you lose 1 random bardic ability of yours and the mare gains powerful growth ability related to the lost skill. This lasts until the mare is defeated or that she wishes so. A mare may drain a new ability after 1 hour. Should the mare drain you again after draining all your abilities, she starts growing 10% of her size every minute, +10% for each minute after the first for a number of minutes equal to your level. Her size and the loss of your abilities becomes permanent at the end of this process.
  214. Lvl1: Bardic Inspiration: The mare grows by thrice the growth of your inspiration and increases her strength, constitution and charisma.
  215. Lvl2: Embrace Destiny: The mare grows as though she had all the charges of Embrace destiny you can have. She also grows by that amount at the start of each day.
  216. Lvl3: Gift of the bard: This ability of you functions on that mare alone. If, you’re in sight, she may at will take control of you so you may do everything in your power to immediately start an intercourse with her.
  217. Lvl4: Growing Inspiration: Draining other mares steals half their size and highest stat among strength, constitution or charisma.
  218. Lvl5: Countergrowth: the mare grows by the level of the caster for 10 minutes when a hostile spell hits her. She grows by the level of all casters she drains and they cannot use magic anymore for the day
  219. Lvl6: Embrace Glorious Destiny: the mare grows by the sum of the series from 1 to your level
  220. Lvl7: Tarot Growth: the mare receives The Sun
  221. Lvl8: Battle Growth: This ability is active on the mare without any duration or size limit
  222. Lvl9: Bard Bucket List: for each exponent of 10 ponies the mare kills, mind controls, or has an intercourse with, she doubles in size and may increase any one of her stats.
  223. Lvl10: Growing beauty: This ability is active on the mare without any duration limit, including for the mind control
  224. Lvl11: Greater gift of the bard: Gift of the bard is drained to if it wasn’t already. The mare grows 1% bigger every minute while having an intercourse with you.
  225. Lvl12: Cure of Growth: This ability is active on the mare without any duration limit
  226. Lvl13: Reversed Tarot Growth: The mare receives Reversed Death.
  227. Lvl14: State of the art: At will the mare may grow herself up to 20 times bigger and increase her stats in any way she wants. Being the target of any hostile action disables this size for 1 minute.
  228. Lvl15: Magnum opus: the mare immediately grows big enough to become our magnum opus and receives a growth power accordingly. If she was already the biggest, her size triples and all her stats increase.
  229. Lvl16: Growth Paragon: the mare immediately becomes the growth paragon with no time limit.
  230. Lvl17: Crescendo: the mare growth by 10% of her size every hour. The percentage is doubled every hour
  231. Lvl18: Wandergrowth: the song makes this mare grow every time it is used in addition.
  232. Lvl19: Semi-Cadence: The mare’s size is multiplied by 100 and she increases any of her stats she wishes. She chooses the next drained ability
  233. Lvl20: The mare becomes invincible, immortal and able to drain anything in existence, gods included, to both increase her size and gain new powers, knowledge and abilities.
  236. Lvl15: Superior Bardic inspiration: The basic growth of bardic inspiration is doubled. The effects of one Bardic Inspiration are permanent on all mares that wish so after they have an intercourse with you under the effects of the inspiration.
  237. Lvl5: Siphonable: You are specifically vulnerable to draining abilities from mares. When a mare uses an ability that drains your energy or magic in any way, she grows for the rest of the day or until she’s knocked out as though you used your bardic inspiration, all of your available growth pool, charges of embrace destiny and gift of the bard to its full power on her. You cannot use these abilities for the rest of the day, but otherwise keep the charges and growth pool.
  238. Lvl12: Greater Siphonable: Every hour after being drained, the
  239. Being siphoned has the following effects in addition to adding a chance of failure on the related skill tests:
  240. • Strength: you cannot escape from any bind, hold or from being stuck in general.
  241. • Dexterity: you cannot be stealthy and my trip at the worst possible time.
  242. • Constitution: you faint from pleasure for 10 minutes after coming inside a mare at least twice your size.
  243. • Charisma: you stutter and have trouble making a good first impression on mares you meet for the first time.
  244. • Intelligence: you may erroneously remember bits of information, or be prompted to learn skills that are useless to solve the problem at hand.
  245. • Wisdom: you cannot deny a mare who seductively asks you to make her bigger.
  246. Lvl16: Superior Siphonable: Biggness calls biggness, emptying your very soul into the mare that drains the size of the world. After siphoning you, the mare also starts growing 5% bigger and increasing any stats she desires every minute. Unless she’s knocked out before that, after one hour, her size multiplied by 100 over the 1 minute. You lose all your powers at this point, and die after 1 more hour (if you weren’t already).
  247. A mare that used siphonable on you may now hold all siphoned characteristics as long as she wishes. While she holds all six stolen characteristics from you, her alignment becomes evil and she grows 1 foot bigger every hour up to a number of times equal to 10 times your level. After growing to the maximum size that way, the mare may then consume you to multiply her size by 10 over 10 minutes and then make that size permanent. You die at the end of this process. If any of the stolen characteristics are given back, the mare immediately shrinks back, her alignment is reverted, she falls unconscious and forgets everything that happened since her alignment shifted.
  248. Monstrous inspiration: Mares under the effect of your bardic inspiration that are not part of the pony races gain a bonus depending of their original size:
  249. • 2’ or smaller: the mare permanently grows to 6’. Once a day during the inspiration, she may shrink a target to her original size for 10 minutes. No growth effect may be applied to that target for the duration. If the target is a pony and that the mare consumes it, she permanently grows by the target’s original height.
  250. • Between 2’ and 8’: every time the mare has an intercourse with a non-monster pony, she temporarily grows as though those ponies had Gift of the Bard and Greater Gift of the Bard. The growth from different ponies stacks.
  251. • 8’ or bigger: the mare may permanently grow 5’ bigger once a day if there is a bigger pony mare present. If she is the biggest mare among all mares under your bardic inspiration at all times you use it for 5 days, she permanently grows 100% bigger over the next one.
  252. Local Inspiration: Mares under the effect of your bardic inspiration gain a bonus depending of their race:
  253. • Orc: The first time a day orc mare deals a killing blow or climaxes, they double in size for 10 minutes
  254. • Halfling: Halfling mares may steal all non-permanent size bonuses of one mare bigger than them among those under the effect of your bardic inspiration once for the rest of the day.
  255. • Elf: if an elf mare is the biggest mare among those affected by your bardic inspiration, and that another of these mares would outgrow her, then the elf mare may double in size for the rest of the day while the other returns to her original size and cannot grow until the end of the day.
  256. • Dwarf: once a day, if there is only been Dwarf mares under the effect of your inspiration, each Dwarf mare may permanently grow 1’ bigger, up to total a number of times equal to half your level
  257. • Earth pony: if you either choose strength or constitution to boost with you inspiration, earth mares receive both these bonuses instead and the growth on your inspiration is doubled on them
  258. • Pegasus: if a pegasus is the only mare that has been under the effect of our inspiration today and that she gains a level, she permanently grows by twice the growth of your inspiration. If she becomes your magnum opus that way, she additionally grows by that amount again.
  259. • Unicorn: All your other temporary growth effects are 50% more efficient on unicorns.
  260. Lvl8: Themed Inspiration. The first time you use an inspiration a day, the mare benefits from one additional effect for the first 10 minutes of it.
  261. Strength: Mares under this inspiration grow as follows while you keep up the inspiration: 3’’ bigger after successfully casting an attack spell or hurting an enemy with a physical attack, 1’ after taking damage from an enemy or receiving the effect of any spell other than yours. 4’ after defeating an enemy. After growing at least 5’ bigger that way, the mare permanently grows 2’ bigger but stops growing from this ability on that day.
  262. Charisma: Mares under the inspiration can take mental control of the first smaller pony they kiss on the mouth for the duration. If the pony is hostile, the mare also steals 1’ from them, and may then take control of them with another kiss and steal their size even outside of the use of this ability. When a mare has at least 10 ponies she can control that way, she steals half the size of them instead and the control and growth last for the day.
  263. Constitution: Mares under the inspiration may heal all poison, infectious disease or hostile magic aliments affecting them by transforming it in size. The amount of size gained depends on the severity of the cured condition. The added size last for the same time as the cured condition would have. A mare can only grow once at a time from the same cured condition and is immune to it while the growth lasts.
  265. Lvl8: Battle Growth: The first time each day you’re using you inspiration, if it is to increase strength then for 10 consecutive minutes mares under you inspiration grow as follows:
  266. • 3’’ bigger after successfully casting an attack spell or hurting an enemy with a physical attack
  267. • 1’ after taking damage from an enemy
  268. • 2’ after knocking out or killing an enemy
  269. That growth lasts until the end of battle growth, but mares permanently retain 1’’ for each 1’ they grew during Battle Growth. Only works against actively hostile enemies
  270. Lvl10: Growing beauty: The first time each day you’re using your inspiration, if it is to increase charisma then the mares affected have a charming aura that affects ponies that are aware of their presence. That aura allows the mares to seduce them much more easily for 10 minutes. Whenever an affected mare has an intercourse or kisses a pony she never had before, the pony becomes mind controlled for the day and the duration of growing beauty is reset to 10 minutes. The mares grow by 10% of their current size and may increase their charisma while it lasts for every 10 additional minutes Growing Beauty remains active. 1’ of that growth also becomes permanent every hour it lasts. The ponies do not remember being charmed but cannot be controlled more than once by this ability.
  272. Wild effects
  273. • Grows 3 inches permanently. Grows 1 inches permanently when levelling up HERE 3HERE4
  274. • Grows 9 inches
  275. • Can grow 6 inches at will
  276. • Grows 6 inches and boob up
  277. • Grows 6 inches and butt up
  278. • Grows 6 inches and muscle up HERE 1 HERE 2
  279. • Grows 3 inches permanently. Grows 2’ for the day.
  280. • 50% chance to permanently grow 2 inch at the start of each day for the next 10 days.
  281. • +25% size upon the first climax of the day for 10 minutes.
  282. • Grows 3 inches permanently. Spreads to mares she has an intercourse with.
  283. Wild side effects
  284. • 50% chance to shrink 25% of her size upon climax
  285. • 10% chance to enter growth frenzy when grown. Size +50% for 2 minutes, and uncontrollably want to have intercourse with all ponies available
  286. • Bigger mares permanently steal 1 foot from her upon touch once per mare. Happens once per mare. HERE 2*4HERE4 (mitigated) *2
  287. • 30% chance to have her size halved at the start of each day for the day.
  288. • Other growth effects have a 50% chance to benefit another nearby mare instead.
  289. • Boobs have a 25% chance to grow to immobilizing size for the day upon first climax.
  290. • 20% chance to have alignment and appreciation switched at the start of each day for the day.
  291. • Size halved until first climax of the day HERE 3*2(mitigated) *1
  292. • Extra wild: potion effect doubled, 2 other side effects
  293. • Lucky! No side effect! HERE 1
  294. Medium effects
  295. • Grows 1 inches permanently when levelling up
  296. • Grows 4 inches
  297. • Can grow 3 inches at will
  298. • Grows 3 inches and boob up
  299. • Grows 3 inches and butt up
  300. • Grows 3 inches and muscle up
  301. • Other growth effects are increased by 3% on Fen Flower
  302. • 10% chance to permanently grow 1 inch at the start of each day.
  303. • +15% size upon the first climax of the day for 5 minutes.
  304. • Grows 2 inches permanently. Spreads to mares she has an intercourse with.
  305. Medium side effect
  306. • Boob up + Excessive lactation.
  307. • Moustache that grows every night.
  308. • Scaled tail
  309. • Heterochromia
  310. • Libido up
  311. • Excessive hunger but without gaining weight.
  312. • Brightly coloured spots on coat.
  313. • 1 more ear.
  314. • Lucky! No side effect!
  315. • Lucky! No side effect, one other side effect is removed!
  316. Safe effect: +1 inch
  317. Stable potion
  318. Tier 1 : 3’’ + 50% exploding 3’’
  319. Tier : previous + 6’’ +50% exploding 6’’ (+tier 1 if no already)
  321. Flask
  322. Current: ent
  323. Size + 20%, charisma up
  324. 30 minutes, 1/day
  325. Ent
  326. Size + 20%, charisma up
  327. Dragon
  328. Size + 50%, strength up, wings, fire breath, tail
  329. Succubus
  330. Size +10%, charisma up, consti up, drain, charm pheromones
  331. Titaness
  332. Size +100%, strength up, consti up.
  333. Mare percs
  334. Silver willow
  335. • 12’: *1.5: may focus to double breast dimensions while not moving
  336. • 20’: *2: breasts lactate impossibly profusely at will
  337. • 35’: *3: drinking her milk increases other’ mares’ breasts up to her size until the end of the day and make them lactate permanently
  338. • 60’: *4: ponies groping her breasts are hypnotized. Causes more breast growth for the day and incontrollable lactation.
  339. • 90’: *5: may focus to multiply breast dimensions by 5 while not moving and growing body by 10’ instead
  340. • 150: *8: infinite plane between her breasts, escapable only if Willow allows so
  341. • 250: *10: breasts are invincible, absorb all damage and shock to grow from them
  342. • 500: *15: may focus to multiply breast dimensions by 20 while not moving and growing body by 50’ instead
  343. • Dimension cleavage: the space between Silver Willow’s breasts becomes an infinite dimension that may only be escaped if Silver Willow allows so. Any number of inanimate items that are smaller than Silver Willow may be stored in. Living creatures between them cannot escape or harm Silver Willow. They do not suffer from hunger or thirst and are kept safe. The sum of the height of the living creatures between Silver’s breasts cannot exceed 5 time her current height. Silver doesn’t shrink down when temporary growth should end if it would cause her to be too small to keep the living beings between her breasts. Also, all attacks bounce off silver’s teats and hostile spells touching them are countered as with a critical success of countergrowth.
  344. • Nourishing mare: Silver Willow may lactate at will if she doesn’t already. A stallion drinking from her teats for at least 10 minutes receives infinite sexual stamina for the day. Once per day, a mare smaller than Silver that does so permanently grows by 10% of Silver’s permanent height multiplied by the number of times she did so, and her charisma increases. Whenever a mare outgrows Silver in current size that way, the mare then doubles in size and Silver’s charisma massively increases for the day. Silver also permanently loses 10% of her permanent size, don to her original size.
  345. • Luxurious presence: Silver Willow may radiate at will an aura of vastly increased libido to all nearby ponies. The aura’s radius is 10 times Silver’s size. She grows for the day the more ponies in her aura climax, logarithmically so. She is 100% bigger and all her stat increase after 100 climaxes, 200% after 1000 and so on. If she’s at least 100% bigger that way, she may also make her touch infinitely pleasurable at will and neutralize any pony in an endless orgasm.
  346. • Adventurer’s luck: the next d100 roll that should affect Silver’s size or the safety of her or her nearby friends is as successful as possible. Silver may recharge this ability by having an intercourse with a pony she never had with before.
  347. Fen Flower
  348. • 12’: *1.5: +1’, breast & butt up
  349. • 20’: *2: 1 more time your level in feet when growing from gift of the bard temporarily
  350. • 35’: *3: may steal one mare’s assets and add them to her owns for the rest of the day
  351. • 60’: *4: steal half of one mare’s height for the rest of the day in addition
  352. • 90’: *5: 5% chance to double size in size upon orgasm with you for 10 minutes
  353. • 150: *8: grows 2’ bigger for the day for each other pony that sees you kissing or having sex, up to 50’
  354. • 250: *10: 5% chance to decuple size in size upon orgasm with you for 10 minutes instead
  355. • 500: *15: Fen Flower permanently gains the size of mares she kills if they ever had sex with you
  356. • Domination: Fen Flower gains the ability to curse smaller mares on touch. All growth the cursed mare would receive is gained by Fen Flower instead. Fen Flower may have a cursed mare lose half her size to her at the start of each day. When the cursed mare shrinks under 1 inch that way, she disappears completely and Fen Flower may gain a permanent boost in strength, charisma or constitution, which ever the cursed mare had the most. Fen Flower can only curse one mare at a time. Only Fen Flower can willingly put an end to her curse, but she keeps the size already stolen.
  357. • Jealousy: The next time another mare should become your magnum opus, Fen Flower instead grows to be 50% bigger than her for the rest of the day, and her permanent height and stats increase to significantly overcome those of that mare if any were higher. Fen also receives skill, spell and knowledge to surpass the runner-up mare in all domains.
  358. • Alchemy: All side effects currently active are deleted. Fen’s next 10 potions are without side effects. If any of Fen Flower’s sexual fluids or milk are drunk by another mare, that mare receives all the beneficial effects of Fen’s alchemy on herself. That mare also receives future effects that Fen applies on herself. If she drink again from Fen Flower, the alchemic effects are doubled for the day.
  359. • Flaunting: Fen Flower grows and gains stats whenever she performs sexual actions for the rest of the day, depending on their type. The growth is a fraction of her current size, and is multiplied by 2, 10 or 50 if there’s at least 10, 100 or 1000 witnesses
  360. ◦ Talking dirty to her: 0.5% each minute up to 4 times, charisma and/or constitution up once each if mentioned
  361. ◦ She talks dirty: 0.5% each minute up to 4 times
  362. ◦ Fondling her teats: 1% and charisma up after 1 minute.
  363. ◦ Drinking her teats: 1% and charisma up after 1 minute.
  364. ◦ Fondling her butt: 1% and constitution up after 1 minute.
  365. ◦ Fresh kiss: 2%, lip up and tongue up once
  366. ◦ Masturbates to climax: 5%
  367. ◦ Gives hoofjob: 1% and strength up the first time, 2% and strength up the second
  368. ◦ Gives oral: 1%, lip up and tongue up the first time, lip up and tongue up the second, 5%, lip up and tongue up the third
  369. ◦ Gives boobjob: 2% and charisma up the first time, bigger charisma up second and third times
  370. ◦ Gives rimjob/hotdoggind/thighjob : 1%, strength up, constitution up the first 3 times
  371. ◦ Penetration to climax: 2% first time, 5% second, 10% and all stat up the third
  372. ◦ Anal to climax: 5% and constitution up the first three times
  373. • OR Fen Flower grows as follows after remaining your magnum opus for a certain number of days. Your growth abilities also become 15% less effectives on other mars whenever she grows that way. The effects stop instantly if Fen Flower is no longer your magnum opus, but become permanent if she was for at least 50 days.
  374. ◦ 10 days: +10% of her current size
  375. ◦ 20 days: +20% of her current size, charisma up
  376. ◦ 30 days: +30% of her current size, charisma up, constitution up
  377. ◦ 40 days: +50% of her current size, +10% of her current size at the start of each day if she wishes
  378. ◦ 50 days: +200% of her current size, all stats up, +10% of her current size at each of her climax if she wishes
  379. • Pride of the Giantess: On first climax of the day with you: For the rest of the day, if she’s the biggest among mares you’ve grown, Fen grows so as to triple the difference with the second tallest. This happens for constitution, charisma and strength too if Fen as the highest of any.
  381. Chiminie
  382. • 12’: *1.5: lover’s good morning kiss grows her 2’ bigger for the day
  383. • 20’: *2: may focus to increase butt, boobs & strength for 1 hour once a day
  384. • 35’: *3: immediately grows 4’ permanently
  385. • 60’: *4: immune to fire. Absorbs enemy fire and grows from it for the day
  386. • 90’: *5: focus also grows her 10’ bigger for 1 hour once a day
  387. • 150: *8: may lose 5’ permanently to resurrect recently dead loved one
  388. • 250: *10: lover’s good night kiss grows her 50’ bigger and boobs & butt way up for the night
  389. • 500: *15: height doubles after at least 1 full day with only company of the loved one.
  390. • Fiery: For the rest of the day, Chiminie grows 1 foot bigger every time she casts a spell, receives damage, defeats an enemy, feels angry, has a meal, wishes to intimidate somepony, kisses somepony on the mouth or each second she climaxes, all up to 5 times her permanent size. If the reaches that point, she triples in size over 1 minutes and receives a bonus to all stats and power for the rest of the day.
  391. • On first climax of the day with you: Size tripled, massive stat up for 10 minutes
  392. Pear Plum
  393. • 12’: *1.5: butt & libido grows when she receives a compliment for the rest of the day
  394. • 20’: *2: grows 5’ bigger and butt grows if sitting on sompony
  395. • 35’: *3: may mediate to grow 5’ bigger, butt & boobs up for 1 hour
  396. • 60’: *4: groping her butt has mares grow a butt as big as hers for the rest of the day
  397. • 90’: *5: her butt heals injuries and purifies taint and aliments on contact.
  398. • 150: *8: butt generates controlled gravity. Stronger the bigger the butt
  399. • 250: *10: 10’ bigger, butt, boob and libido up when fertile
  400. • 500: *15: aura permanently grows willing mares 1’ bigger each day up to 20’ tall and grows their butt
  401. • Healing butt: Pear Plum is permanently under the effect of cure of growth. When cure of growth is used on her, she also absorbs all damage as well as all sources of fire, cold, electricity, acid and negative energy and grows for the rest of the day from it. All harmful spells cast on her are countered as though the countergrowth spell was used with a critical success. Pear Plum may also heal any injury with a touch. When she heals a significantly injured mare that way, both Pear Plum and the cured mare permanently grow 2’ bigger, and the healed mare also permanently see her constitution increase.
  402. • On first climax of the day with you: For the rest of the day she may grow 10% bigger and increase any one on her stat every 10 seconds until she stops it or that another pony or conscious being sees her.
  403. • Nurture champion: Pear Plum may bestow a powerful blessing once a day, on one mare at a time that is at least less than half as tall than Pear Plum in permanent size. Once per day and with 1 hour of paired meditation, the blessed mare grows by 5% of Pear Plum’s current size. When the blessed mare outgrows Pear Plum in permanent size, all her stat permanently increases and she grows by 50% of Pear’s permanent size once. If the blessed mare should sustain grievous injuries, she rejuvenates instantly, doubles in size and all her stat increase once. The blessing then ends. The blessing may otherwise continue for as long as Pear wishes so, eve after a mare outgrew her.
  404. • Embarrassment: Pear Plum slowly grows and her stats and libido increase when any pony she doesn’t consider a friend oogles her or look at her romantically. Her charisma increases much faster than other stats. After growing by 100% of her permanent size and at least 50% of it in a day, she climaxes spontaneously. Pear Plum is supernaturally oblivious to the growth from this perticular ability, and notices it either when she climaxes or if you or a friend tells her about it. She shrinks back, loses the stats and libido 1 minute later in both cases, and doesn’t grow from this ability for the rest of the day. If at at least 200% bigger Pear Plum realises her size and is not shy about it, her current size, stats and libido become permanent and the growth of this ability continues and cannot be reset for the rest of the day. Then, she’s aware of the growth of this ability and only a climax resets it.
  405. • Natural growth: Pear Plum is 10% bigger after a day with less than 1 hour of which was spent in a city. The growth is up to 100% after 10 such days. At this point, all her stats are also increased, and all other growth is +100% more potent on her.
  406. Ulna
  407. • 12’: *1.5: immediately grows 2’ permanently
  408. • 20’: *2: grows 5’ and strength up after a kill for 1 hour
  409. • 35’: *3: grows 5’ bigger when ponies are scared of her
  410. • 60’: *4: risen mares are 1/10 of Ulna’s size if smaller
  411. • 90’: *5: may take control of undead smaller than her. Permanently steal 1’ once in the process
  412. • 150: *8:
  413. • 250: *10: 20’ bigger, strength, butt & boob up if more than 20 undead under control
  414. • 500: *15:
  415. • Growing undead: Ulna may create a number of superior risen mares equal to her level at the rate of 1 per day. They are perfectly obedient, keep the memories and skill of their past life. They receive butt up, boobs up, strength up, +2’ and are extra fresh. They absorb size but also breasts, butt, strength and skill from other corpses they consume or ponies they have sex with whose energy they drain, up to Ulna’s size. Ulna may consume a superior risen to add its size, assets, skills and knowledge to hers for 10 minutes.
  416. Steal Shine
  417. • 12’: *1.5: 2’ bigger, strength & butt up while in armour
  418. • 20’: *2: healing spells and blessings grow target mares 2’ bigger
  419. • 35’: *3: permanent strength, butt & boobs up
  420. • 60’: *4: 20’ bigger if facing demons or devils
  421. • 90’: *5: lay on hooves triples target mare’s size for 10 minutes
  422. • 150: *8: may permanently shrink 4’ to resurrect ally. Target grows 4’ if mare.
  423. • 250: *10: may focus to grow other nearby mares 10’ bigger for 1 hour
  424. • 500: *15: Once, Steel Shine may call upon the divine to resurrect all recently deceased neutral or good aligned mares in a 2-mile radius. These mares come back as battle-ready alicorns with celestial arms, armour and magic as well as the knowledge to use it, and a permanent bonus to all stats and 5 feet of height. The growth is 20’ instead and the stats bonus is greater for the mares that are good-aligned.
  425. Star Shooter
  426. • 12’: *1.5: 2’ bigger if no bigger mare around
  427. • 20’: *2: may prevent growth of mares that are smaller
  428. • 35’: *3: immediately grows 4’ bigger permanently
  429. • 60’: *4: grows 10’ bigger after trampling a pony to death for rest of the day
  430. • 90’: *5: may steal the growth of mares that are smaller instead
  431. • 150: *8: grows 2’ bigger permanently after each day she’s the biggest mare in the world
  432. • 250: *10: absorbs all damage from attacks of smaller ponies. Steals half the size of attackers for the rest of the day
  433. • 500: *15: decuples in size for the rest of the day after trampling 100 ponies to death
  434. • OR: Whenever Star Shooter crushes a pony under her hoof, she grows 1’ bigger for 1 minute. Crushing another pony resets the duration of the growth of this ability. After crushing 100 ponies without losing the growth, Star Shooter grows 100% bigger in size over 1 minute, becomes immune to damage, gains a huge bonus to all stats and remains that way until the end of the day. The final bonus is increased by +100% for each time she ever achieved it before.
  435. Claya
  436. • 12’: *1.5: permanent strength up & age down
  437. • 20’: *2: permanent strength, boobs, butt up & age down
  438. • 35’: *3: permanent strength up and fighting prowess way up
  439. • 60’: *4: immediately 5’ bigger, strength, boobs, butt up
  440. • 90’: *5: may charm stallions at will, permanent strength, boobs, butt up
  441. • 150: *8: 20’ bigger, boob & butt up upon orgasm for 1 hour
  442. • 250: *10: permanently grows 1’ bigger with each compliment or climax until 500’
  443. • 500: *15: permanently grows 10’ each climax for the next 30 climax
  444. Skeleton Quill
  445. • 12’: *1.5: height, strength, butt, boob up for the day after acquiring gold
  446. • 20’: *2:
  447. • 35’: *3:
  448. • 60’: *4:
  449. • 90’: *5:
  450. • 150: *8:
  451. • 250: *10:
  452. • 500: *15:
  453. Night Sprout
  454. • Night Sprout can use her magic as though she was in her home. All growth effect on her are considered permanent. Each time Night Sprout grows, all the following growth effects applied on her are doubled, but she also gains a cumulative 10% chance to be shrunk back to her original size and lose all stat increases instead of growing. Both the growth bonus and shrinking chance are reset when she shrinks. Night Sprout grows 1’ bigger at the start of each day and whenever she climaxes. Night Sprout’s size cannot set the biggest you’ve ever grown a mare after gaining this ability.
  455. • Chaotic Growth: Night Sprout gains wild magic powerful enough to bend reality to her will to some extent, but it has a 50% chance to misfire after the first time it is used each day. Whenever she uses it successfully, she doubles in size and may increase any of her stats. If it misfires, all the previous effect of her magic and the size she gained are reversed. After she uses her magic for the first time each day, Night Sprout must use it again in the next hour, or it will act on its own and attempt to grow nearby mares after 1 hour. If Night Sprout attempts to grow a mare with her magic, it grows her by Night Sprout’s size before it is doubled.
  456. • Looking up to others: On first climax of the day with you: For the rest of the day, her height, charisma, constitution and strength become equal to those of a random mare of your current party, the she grows 10% bigger and her highest stat among these is increased
  457. • Magic Sponge: All hostile spells cast against Night Sprout have a chance to be countered, as though you had used countergrowth on them. Night Sprout also gains the ability absorb the magic of enchanted objects she eats, as though those were spells cast on her. These are permanently consumed in all cases. On a huge success with countergrowth in those situations, Night Sprout learns the spell she absorbs. Casting Countergrowth in addition to this effect increases the growth gained on a success, but introduces another chance to fail the roll.
  459. Sky Slash
  460. • Dragon slayer: Whenever Sky slash defeats an adult dragon, she adds its size to hers and gains a boost to all stats and power. The bonus lasts for the rest of the day if the dragon was smaller than her, 1 month otherwise.
  461. Night Fang
  462. • Night Fang may completely absorb a creature she seduced to either add its size to her own, increase any of her stats, or lay 1 egg per feet of size the creature had. The eggs mature in three day and produce battle-ready and perfectly obedient changeling drone mares who have stats equivalent to the ones of Night Fang and half her size at the time the egg was created. The drones may absorb living creatures like their mother, but grant the bonus effects to her only.
  463. Cloudbreacher
  464. - Growth is never done: Whenever Cloudbreacher defeats a new evil-aligned foe, arrests them, or saves any number of non-evil begins from death, the permanently grows by 2% of her current permanent size.
  467. Mares of the growth plane.
  469. These mares grow rapidly as Little Spoon interacts with them, even faster if using capacities or having intercourse. 1’’every 5 seconds. 1’ per thrust in, kiss or grope. Capacity repeats itself every few seconds.
  470. In the plane, if reach 50’ they get to the pleasure subplane until they reach 500’
  472. Ideas for mares:
  473. Two-headed, 3-teated alicorn. Orb teats. Bubble butt.
  474. Lipples mare, no mouth alicorn. Plump butt. Nearly touch the ground teats. Impossibly plump lips on each teat
  475. Floating island mare: Alicorn with tiny wing floating on clouds, disproportionately giant island butt. Flat teats.
  476. Iced drink mare. Alicorn with sprinkles chantilly mane. Tastes sweet and fruity everywhere. Straw horn, grows if sucked on or teats grow if sucked. Orb teats. Thick thigh & bubble butt.
  477. Ghost mare. Alicorn. Floating, wrapped in bandages with witch hat. Mind intercourse and grows. In foetal position. Bump teats. Bubble butt.
  478. Long body mare, alicorn with many wings. 1 pair of bump teats. Average butt.
  479. Void mare. alicorn. Bottomless entrances. No eyes. Ghastly mane. Very plump lips. Huge ass. Bump teats.
  480. Bunny-suir mare. Big butt and thighs. Nonchalant. Bumpteats
  481. Golem mare with house inside. No teat. Plump butt. Average otherwise.
  482. Living Gold statue alicorn. Muscular. Half orb teats. Bubble butt. Thick. Seductive lips.
  483. Extra-long, prehensile mane alicorn mare. Slim + Giant teats that touch the ground
  484. Cloth doll mare, mare cloth with mane. Floats with air balloon. Mute. Stout, cute butt, no teat.
  485. Unicorn mare magician that can hide in anything, no matter how small. Pops back at full size if seen. Slim, bubble butt, half orb teats.
  486. Gifter alicorn mare : breast/butt/lips/horn/wing/mane/grows along her height. Can gift it to other mare and height on hit.
  487. Barmaid earth mare. Slim except for giant round teats. Can make them create any mix she wants of what she drank today. Plump lips.
  488. Impossibly strong and long orgasm, tsunami squirting water Pegasus mare. Cloud mane. Slim but orb teats.
  489. Stoneshaper dwarf mare. Stout, thick, big butt, head sized teats.
  490. Dryad mare. Slim, but orb teats + bubble butt. Can use roots to pump assets bigger.
  491. Butterfly wing alicorn. Normal thickness. Half orb teats. Cute butt.
  492. Always drunk earth mare. Butt/breast grow as drinks. Strongfat with very wide hips from the start. Half orb teats. Plump lips.
  493. Alicorn, glowing pink princess mares, appeases animals. Slim, but orb teats + bubble butt. Huge bright pink lips.
  494. Slim goth alicorn mare. assets grows as she smothers you with anything. Oozes a sweet smelling tar on contact.
  495. Kelpie. Thick butt. No teats.
  496. Fitness trainer alicorn mare. Can alter ever part of body through training (except height). Originally muscular with great butt & thighs but no teat.
  497. Mare with 4 tentacles on body dress and 5 red eyes. No mane. Prehensile everything, bends in any way. No teats at all. Plump butt. Plump lips.
  498. Duplicating alicorn mare. + 1 of them when grows or climaxes fur the day. pudgy. Plump ass. Head-sized orb teats. Huge lips.
  499. Giant butt shaking alicorn make the land quake. Disproportionately bottom heavy. Nearly flat teats
  500. Ember mare. Nearly burning touch. Grows if in flammes. Muscular. Bump teats. Bubble butt.
  501. Pregnancy mare. Unassuming earth mare at first, cutie mark appears when climaxed inside, becooms alicorn, teats and butt grow rapidly alongside belly and height.
  502. Showering earth mare. Cloud always pouring hot water over her. Long black mane covers eyes. Can seemingly conjure up soap and lotion at will. Slim, luscious lips. Orb teat. Bubble butt. Teat & butt grow when scrubbed with soap.
  503. Tattoo mare. Slim unicorn with extra pointy horn. Can use her horn to tattoo others. Always a free spot for new tattoos on her body. Grows to make a new one somewhere when spot is filled. Slim and bump teats.
  504. Outgrow Pegasus mare. Outgrows anything she wears and places she squeezes herself into. Slowly at first, then burst of growth after a minute of tight squeeze. Teat/butt grow if needed. Cute butt. Half-orb teats.
  505. Clown earth mare. Mute. Does mimes. Bubble butt. Half orb teats. Blowing air into her grows her. Mouth = lips. Nipple = teats. Ass = butt. Navel = muscle. Puss = height + even the rest out. Gives free candies. Onomatopoeia when boinked. Chance to fly and deflates like ballon when boinked.
  506. Pegasus- earth - unicorn mare trio. Always side by side, touching. Flirty. Walk in unison, speak in unison or finish each other’s sentence. Growth applied to all 3. Bubble butt and half-orb teats. Earth has huge, juicy butt. Pega has head-sized orb teats. Uni has long flowing mane and thick red lips.
  507. Heroine Pegasus mare. Bright eyed and hopeful. Grows after defeating challenge. Stats incraese and she gets more prideful as she does. Initially slim and no teats. Gets more muscle/teat/butt/mane/lips as she levels
  508. Lingerie unicorn mare. Classy. Slim. Full lips. Cute butt. Head-sized teats. Long mane.
  509. Bunny mare. Exciteable. Bunny ears, tail and teeth. Bump teats. Cute butt. Get very horny upon detecting carrot and grows as she eats them, get thicker the more she eats.
  510. Kind mare. Pegasus mare. Bubble butt. Half orb teats. Grows whenever thanked for service.
  511. Drill-horn unicorn. Slim&fit. Drill as thick as head. Energetic and tomboyish. Head-sized teats and bubble butt jiggle madly when drills.
  512. Mama unicorn mare. Very plump. Teats touch the ground without bra. Huge butt. Fantastic cooking. Grows if cooking is praised.
  513. Bondage pegasus mare. Trip and gets wrapped with stuff all the time. Grow when bound, binds grow with her. Curves and arousal increase too. Slim and bump teats otherwise. Can gt tangled in clouds somehow
  514. Sunflower earth mare. Plant skin. Bubble butt. Teats and height grow if watered through the day and if sunny. Reaches head sized and height *2 if lazes in the sun. Reaches twice body height, height*4 if sun and enough water.
  515. Muscle-goddess alicorn. Iron-hard muscles. Had-sized teats. Any part of her that is worshipped grows along her height.
  516. Shy Pegasus mare. Very timid, bump teats, no ass. Grows in height, curves and libido when belittled.
  517. Nun earth mare. Genuinely caring and stoic. Impossibly lewd lower body. Teats so huge the bra makes the spill to the side. Hoof-sized nipples. Huge butt. Impossibly puffy marehood.
  518. 4-titted cow earth mare. Bubble butt. Near-groud-touching teats. Grows and gets aroused when milked.
  519. Casual Pegasus mare. Sex or masturbation involving her is magically seen as normal for all but her partner/target. Bubble butt. Half orb teats. Grows and libido increases if her behaviour is questioned. Curves may increase if mentioned.
  520. Cherleder Pegasus mare. Slim&energetic. Huge round teats that jiggle way too much. Grows the more ponies cheer along her.
  521. Unicorn teacher mare. Glasses and mane tied in a bun. Gentle and helpful. Bubble-butt, half-orb teats. Grows, curves and libido increase during a private lesson.
  522. Tribal zebra mare. Bump teats disproportionate huge & muscular butt. Grows when facesit.
  523. Neon Latex unicorn. Latex lingerie. Glow-in-the-dark horn/eyes/lips&mouth/nipples/genitalia/ seams/mane. Bubble butt. Head-sized teats. Loves dancing.
  524. Fake princess earth mare. Always in dress. Becomes a alicorn and height and curves grow massive if somehow becomes actual royalty.
  525. Piggy bank earth mare. Pink porcelain body. Grows when given money to keep. Survives being broken. Half-orb teats, cute butt.
  527. 3-eyed war alicorn. Launches spell that sends Little Spon and all mares he grew to reality on deserted continent. Muscular. Thick ass + thighs. Half-orb teats.

Witch Quest (MMP)

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Bard Quest MMP CYOA

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Bard Quest MMP CYOA : intermission

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Witch Quest MMP CYOA + prompts

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Milky Way /mmp/ story

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