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Witch Quest (MMP)

By Pleeny_the_Ill
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-05 11:33:54
Expiry: Never

  1. - Each coven has 8 spells thay will teach you in exchange of 1 pony each, 6 spells they will exchange for 10 ponies, 3 in exchange of 100 ponies, and one final spell in exchange of 1000 ponies. You need to purchase all spells of a given cost before having access to the next 'Tier' of spells
  3. - Cooking coven spells :Tier 1:
  5. (about cokking coven spells)
  6. Casting thosespells will look just like regular cooking to an outsider. It takes a bit of time and some simple ingredients, but magic will do most of the work to make it look and taste actually good. Unless stated otherwise, the magic food must be consumed before it’s cold when it’s a hot dish or the day it is made for the magic to work. Ponies in recipes can be substituted with other sapient species.
  8. >Pink doughnut (M)
  9. Needed: dough, sugar, an oven.
  10. A delicious pastry. Consuming a single one makes one gain some pudge all over, way more than the actual weight of the confection. Three of those are enough to make the leanest pony obese. Does not increase how much eating a pony makes you grow.
  12. >Devil’s candy (M)
  13. Needed: sugar
  14. Sweeter than sugar itself. Highly addictive, especially for kids. Will make then come back to you for more without fail.
  16. >Secret patty (M)
  17. Needed: buns, any grilled meat
  18. Goes straight to the flanks. Makes one gain more pudge than physically possible by a meal of this size, and localized entirely on the rear. Also widens the hips. Somehow delicious too. Doesn’t make you blow up. Does not increase how much eating a pony makes you grow.
  20. >Big gulp milkshake (M)
  21. Needed: milk, ice
  22. Makes a mare gain some heft to her own milk bags and starts lactation. Watch out for overdose. Does not increase how much eating a pony makes you grow.
  24. >Wizard hair juice (M)
  25. Needed: boilling water, body sample from a pony
  26. Allows one to take the appearance and size of the origin of the sample for a dozen minutes. Using a whole pony removes the time limit. The effect can be wilfully and permanently dismissed by the brewer at any time in both cases.
  28. >Egg shake of the tiger (M)
  29. Needed: fresh eggs
  30. Makes the body a thousansfold more receptive to physical training for the day, may it be to bulk up, improve endurance or shed some weight. Does not increase how much eating a pony makes you grow.
  32. >Mosquito straw (M) (obtained)
  33. Needed: anything that can be used as a straw.
  34. Allow the user to sip size directly from a target instead of eating it whole by using it as a regular straw but on a sapient creature. For witches who want to make the fun last longer. The straw is enchanted until broken and can be used by anybody.
  36. >Food fighter’s special (M)
  37. Needed: any freshly cooked dish
  38. From a culture that doesn’t know the difference between culinary pleasure and sex. Makes the eater of the dish orgasm on the spot upon tasting it and leaves them very horny for an hour.
  40. - Cooking coven spells :Tier 10:
  42. >Slime’s gulp
  44. >Granny’s soup
  46. >Gingerbread construction
  48. >Zen-zen bean
  50. >Plumber’s mushroom
  52. >Cannibal cookbook (M)
  53. Needed: ponies, various ingredients
  54. The cooking coven knows the best recipes to bring all the flavours out of a pony. And by flavour, they mean growth. By cooking ponies alive before eating them, you may increase the size they grant you. You can add any amount of seasoning or preparation steps before eating one, and the amount of size granted will be multiplied each time. A pony can be cooked by any mean, but the oven is the witches’ signature method. Cooked ponies are digested almost instantly, their growth applying as soon as you’ve finished eating the dish. Only witches grow from eating such a dish.
  55. List of preparations:
  56. Cooked at least 1 hour in the oven: growth granted by teh dish is multiplied by 1.1
  57. 2 hours in the oven: *1.3 (replaces 1 hour bonus)
  58. 4 hours in the oven: *2 (replaces 2 hours bonus)
  59. The pony is willing: *2
  60. Fattened with pink doughnuts or secret patty at least 24 hours before: *1.5
  61. Muscled with egg shake of the tigger at least 24 hours before: *1.5
  62. Added salt and pepper: *1.1
  63. Added 1 gallon of alcohol/pony: *1.2
  64. Added 10 pounds of fruits or vegetable/pony: *1.2
  65. Added herbs or spices: *1.1
  66. Marinated with at least 3 other different ingredients at least 24 hours before: *2
  67. At least 3 ponies cooked in the same dish: *1.1
  68. At least 10 ponies cooked in the same dish: *1.3 (replaces 3 ponies bonus)
  69. At least 100 ponies cooked in the same dish: *2 (replaces 10 ponies bonus)
  73. - Pleasure coven spells: Tier 1 :
  75. >Lust feeding (obtained) (M)
  76. When you have an intercourse with a pony, you can choose to absorb up to 1% of their soul upon their climax. Ponies recover 1% of their soul every day when they are allowed to live a life without major unrest.
  77. Ponies with less than 90% of their soul left show odd behaviour and unusual tiredness
  78. Ponies with less than 50% of their soul left become dim-witted or incoherent and need to rest most of the day
  79. Ponies with less than 20% of their soul left are amorphous and only respond to basic physical stimulus.
  80. Ponies die in a matter of minutes if under 5% of their soul as they forget to breathe.
  81. Ponies instantly die at 0%, turning to dust.
  82. 100% of a soul gives you the amount of size eating the pony would give.
  84. >Wish feeding (obtained)
  85. You may allow a pony that is attracted you to voice out their more lecherous desire about you, and your body will grant their wish. Your body may undergo minor but permanent changes, and your actions can be controlled but no longer than a minute. You will Immediately absorb 20% of the pony’s soul when the wish is indulged. A pony who wishes for you to grow bigger will have his whole soul absorbed immediately and you will grow twice as much than if you had absorbed his soul once.
  87. >Infectious need (obtained)
  88. When you are aroused, your own horniness is slowly shared to the ponies around you in a radius up to five times your real height. Ponies cannot spontaneously identify you as the source of this. Physical obstacles do not stop the effect.
  90. >Magic makeup (obtained)
  91. You may alter the colour of your coat, mane, eyes, apply or remove lipstick, mascara or any other form of makeup, or change your manedo at will. The changes can only be cosmetic. The length of your mane cannot change for example. You need a mirror to do it right.
  93. >Changeling trick (obtained)
  94. When you are in the presence of a pony who’s attracted to mares, you may take the appearance, voice and size of the pony they lust after the most, or a perfect specimen of their taste of mare if they are not pursuing the affection of a particular mare. You do not need to know the mare you’re transforming into to perform this spell. You may break the disguise at any time. You cannot grow larger than you are with this spell.
  96. >Art of the coven (obtained) (M)
  97. You become highly skilled in the arts of pleasure. You can bring any pony you can get your mouth, hooves or magic on to orgasm in a minute or keep them on edge for as long as you wish.
  99. >Mantra of the coven (obtained) (M)
  100. Though sheer force of will and focus, you may increase your own arousal and can bring yourself to orgasm in 1 minute with no other stimulation and no matter the situation. If either the situation is erotic or if you are physically stimulated, you need 30 seconds. If all the right conditions are met, you can trigger a new orgasm in 10 seconds. You do not need any time to recover after a climax.
  102. >Revelation of the coven (obtained)
  103. Whenever you bring a sapient creature to orgasm for the first time, their sexual preferences permanently change and they become strongly sexually attracted to pony mares in addition to any other attraction they previously had. They also develop a strong attraction for bigger partners, are aroused by growth and the prospect of feeding a partner, even overriding their instinct of self-preservation.
  105. - Pleasure coven spells: Tier 10 :
  107. >Dream feeding
  109. >Parasite feeding
  111. >Lust corruption
  113. >Biggus Dickus(obtained)
  114. You may empower the genitals of a pony you have your hooves on to make them have thunderous climaxes, increasing the share of their soul they give to you through lust feeding. For a stallion, their length will become adequate for a mare of your current size. They will now give up a percentage of their soul up to how many times you are more massive than an average mare. You may dispel the effect at will. (for the sake of simplicity, this will correspond to the amouts of $ouls you have)
  116. >Courtesans of the coven
  118. >Splendour of the coven
  120. - Pleasure coven spells: Special Tier
  122. >Triumph of love (Level 2) (obtained) (M)
  123. Once a day, you and Malachite can use this ability upon both making the other climax. You must both want to activate the ability. You both become as tall as the sum of your respective heights for 10 minutes, and any permanent growth obtained by any of you for that duration by any mean will be applied TWICE to both of you.
  124. Consume the equivalent of 50 ponies in 1 use of the ability to upgrade (0/1)
  127. - Domination coven spells: Tier 1:
  129. >About domination coven spells
  130. Domination coven spells demand that you obtain consent to a contract. Contracts must be spoken or written and contain at least one binding word to be effective. Contracts must be accepted consciously by voicing it out or signing a paper. Unbiased consent or understanding of the implications of binding words is not necessary, but the pony must be conscious he accepts something and clearly hear or read the binding words. For example, getting consent under immediate death threat will work, but making somepony sign a contract without having it read first won’t. There’s no time limit to a contract unless you specify one. Any counterpart must be executed properly, but you are not physically bound to do so unless you choose to apply a binding word on yourself. Unless specified otherwise, failure by you to meet a clause of a contract simply breaks the contract. Power words can be used in clauses that will happen if one side fails to meet the terms of a contracts. For example, you can offer to a pony to serve you if he loses a dice game against you. Ponies using bidding words without the magic of witches won’t bind you or themselves if they make a contract with you. A witch must be the origin of the contract for a binding word she knows to have any effect.
  132. >Binding word: “Serve” (obtained)
  133. Claiming servitude of a pony forces him to obey any order, prevents him from knowingly acting against you or feeling, and allows you to claims his soul at any time by a mere thought. Ponies may refuse orders if these are too much against their values and if they have strong enough willpower, but as a result they will die and you will collect their soul automatically.
  135. >Eye level negotiation (obtained) (M)
  136. You can shrink yourself down once to your original size and mass as a pony. You can call off the effect at any time. The effect stops if you transform in an animal, if you become unconscious, sleep or if you orgasm. You can shrink once more after you slept for at least 4 hours at once. Size gained while you are shrunk will only apply to you once you grow back to your real size. Your digestive track and mouth won’t stretch while you’re shrunk down.
  138. >Binding word: “Feed” (obtained)
  139. >A pony feeding you the way witches understand it will have them gradually lose mass to make you grow over time, up to 1% of the pony’s current mass each day. The more a pony eats, the more you will be fed. You can impose how much you will be fed from a pony, and they will lose height if their food intake is not enough to match this demand. You may also choose to grow only from the amount of food they consume beyond what they need to sustain themselves and not lose height. The basic alimentation of a pony will grant you around 0,5% of their mass a day.
  141. >Binding word: “Grow” (obtained)
  142. The pony will be perpetually hungry, and any excess food consumed will make them grow in height rather than get fatter, up to adding 1% of their current mass every day. Witches cannot be bound by this word.
  144. >Binding words: “Eyes” and “Ears” (obtained)
  145. Allows you to perceive the world through a pony’s eyes and ears at will, and to communicate telepathically with them
  147. >Binding word: “Forget” (obtained)
  148. Allows you to wipe the memory of a pony under contract from any number of memories.
  150. >Binding word: “Merge.” (obtained)
  151. Allows you to hybrid ponies and other creatures, sapient or not, creating a chimera that is the sum of their size, mass, skills, memories, and contracts they accepted. If both merge materials are sapient, both must accept a contract. The merge of an unwilling sapient creature is extremely traumatic for the resulting individual. Witches cannot be bound by this word.
  153. >Binding word: “Feel” (obtained)
  154. Allows you inflict any feeling on a pony, positive or negative, and you may condition these feeling to any number of triggers.
  156. - Domination coven spells: Tier 10:
  158. >Binding word: “Forever”
  160. >Binding word: “Favour”
  162. >Binding words: “Believe.” (obtained)
  163. >You can reshape a pony’s mind to make him accept any number of ideas or have any opinion on any concept or pony. The ponies will rationalize the source of such a belief to be something they have valid reasons to have no doubt about. You may also directly influence the source of such belief and how much trust they have in it if you wish so. Ponies will not remember your order as being the source of their new beliefs.
  165. >Binding word: “Take” (obtained)
  166. >Taking something from a pony can now apply to abstract things they have, including size, appearance, beauty, knowledge, memories, skills or spells. In all cases the pony won’t have is taken away anymore. Only size stacks while things like intelligence level or dexterity level leaves the taker with the best attribute between what they already have and the giver’s ability. Taking fundamental traits such as dexterity or beauty leaves the giver with a very poor version of it.
  169. >Binding word: “Clone”
  171. >Soul requisition
  173. - Primal coven boons
  175. >Paralyzing mucus.(obtained)
  176. As a toad, your body is covered in a layer of slimy mucus that paralyses ponies for an hour on skin contact. You can also spit some mucus at a short distance. Spitting is neither fast nor precise.
  178. >The next offering will require 5 souls from you.
  180. >Splles purchased by Malachite are marked with (M)
  182. You are 169' 0''
  183. You have 62892,08 $ouls
  184. Malachite is 169' 0''
  185. Malachite has 62890,87 $ouls

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