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Milky Way /mmp/ story

By Pleeny_the_Ill
Created: 2022-12-23 21:48:35
Updated: 2024-10-20 09:02:45
Expiry: Never

  1. >DAY 1
  2. “Hello!” The blue-maned mare cheerfully greets you as she opens the door. Her eyes dart on the paper bag in your hand for a second before coming back up to your face.
  3. “Hey.” You reply, and proudly pat the yummy-smelling bag. “I took muffins from Brioche’s. Pear season started so they had a special deal. They’re still warm!”
  4. “Ooh! Let’s not waste any time and get to work then!”
  6. You follow the mare back inside her cottage, minding the doorframe so you don’t hit your head. Not that you were especially tall for your kind, but ponies were just smaller. Milky Way, for example. The top of her head came up to around your navel, and she was an average-sized mare. Well, as much as height was involved at least.
  8. “Ready when you are!” She chimes, as she rests in a reared position by hanging her forelegs on a metal bar so you may access her head-sized teats, laden with milk. After washing your hands, you take the little stool, the rack of empty bottles, and then you get to work.
  10. Milky flinches slightly as you gently heft her mounds to assess how full they are. And as all days unless Milky was sick, the answer is always: impossibly so. She twitches again as you start to stimulate the nipples, driving the nutritious milk to it until it is dripping on its own. From this point on, you can start to grab the teat a few inches higher, and extract a satisfying stream of milk with each downward squeeze. Each hand on a nipple and alternating between the two, this is how you relieved the milkmare of her load and filled the many milk bottles.
  12. This was your daily routine. You’d show up in the morning and help Milky Way milk herself. Then, she’d go on her round and deliver the goods, but not before you shared some breakfast together. You and her took turns bringing the food, and today was yours.
  13. As for how this came to be, well…
  14. Doing it with hooves, hers or others, was tricky as she once explained to you, and Milky neither liked the feel of machinery nor the one of magic on herself. A pair of hand fitted her needs surprisingly well, and this became some sort of a part-time job for you. It’s by chance you heard she was searching for a solution to make her work less uncomfortable and that she ended up giving you a chance.
  16. Of course, you had to remain professional. This is a pact you made with yourself and a basic prerequisite for you to do this job. Milky allows you to interact with her body, but for that to happen you have to be worthy of her trust, and thus every feeling you may have about what you’re doing has to remain at the door.
  17. Now, the first few times you felt yourself getting as red as a beet as your hands groped the smooth and pliable mounds of Milky Way, but as you acted as though nothing was happening, Milky in turn pretended not to see. After a few weeks, you had managed to become detached enough to not think too much about your work, at least for the time you were doing it. You focused on the rhythm of your arms and hands, listened to the small splashes of the milk in the bottles, and made sure your ministrations weren’t inconveniencing the mare in any way.
  19. Both of you always remained silent. Sometimes the milkmare would even reach for a book as you worked, as you might need over 10 minutes to empty her tanks entirely. You filled two dozen bottles today. A perfectly normal quantity for Milky Way, though way more than what the teats of the mare could physically hold by all metrics. Pony magic, probably…
  21. Milky Way allows herself a sigh of relief as she puts her hooves down again, her nipples still slightly swollen and red from the stimuli, but as a whole with a substantial weight off her back. You finish preparing the bottles while already Milky makes coffee for two. A minute later, you’re sitting in front of each other, a platter of delicious muffins between the two of you. Unlike the blue-maned mare, you always add some milk to your coffee. You can have a taste, but it’s after the job and from the bottle.
  22. “So how are you doing?” Milky asks you. “Have you… got any luck finding another occupation yet?”
  23. “Ah…” You chuckle a bit embarrassedly. “Well, no, not yet. You’re still the only pony to recognize my talents.”
  25. This wasn’t a mater of money. Ponies were not the kind to let down or blame a person in need, but they were however all very proud of their signature trade. And without one of your own, you always felt a little awkward around the rest. You’ve been helping ponies you could at times, and they were grateful or it, but you had yet to find a stable job to establish yourself.
  27. “Don’t worry, I know you’ll find something.” She supportively says, as she would always do. “Well, as for me… Alright, I think I can tell you, I’ve decided to expand my trade, and I aim to make quite some more bits for myself. I feel like this house could use some renovations.”
  28. “You think so? I think your interior is really nice.”
  30. Glancing around, Milky’s cottage looks like most cozy pony dwellings. It isn’t large, but her kitchen has all appliances one could need. Milky Way’s interior is painted in warm tones, reddish pinks and yellows. The wooden furniture is plain but sturdy and functional.
  31. “Come on, don’t you think it’s… a bit small?” She cringes. “I mean, there’s no door between where we milk me and the kitchen!”
  33. Indeed, the ground floor of Milky’s cottage is a single room, with the kitchen on one side, the space she set up for milking her in the centre, and then the living room on the other end. You haven’t visited that part often, but upstairs are just Milky’s room and her single bathroom. This is definitely a place for no more than one pony to live in.
  34. “Alright, I get your point.” You nod. “So what do you have in mind to earn more? Baked goods? Making yoghurt maybe?”
  35. “Actually, when I said I would expand my trade, I meant it quite literally.” She answers. “If everything works as intended, you should find yourself with a bit more work in the coming day or weeks, as I’ll be producing more milk.”
  36. “For real?” You go wide hide for a second. “Uh… you can do that?”
  37. “No, not on my own.” She chuckles. “I got a treatment from doctor Life Sign.”
  38. You hadn’t noticed until now, but there’s an open bottle of pills near the green-eyed mare. You think she might just have taken the first one a minute ago while you were focussed on a particularity tasty muffin.
  39. “I’ve told the doctor about my plans and he offered me this solution.” Milky Way continues. “He assured me this was safe, and of course if there’s any sign of side effect I’ll stop right away. But if everything goes well, I might soon be able to export milk even outside of Trottingham!”
  41. “Woah. This is…” You’re not sure whether to be worried or support Milky’s endeavour for a second, but… you’re probably in no position to have a say in her choices.
  42. “This is unusual.” You finish your sentence. “But I hope it’ll turn out the way you want. So, these pills, they’re…”
  43. “They’re for mothers who have trouble nursing, normally.” Milky answers. “On me, it should intensify who much I produce. It’s safe, and it’s all herbal. There’s not even magic involved. You don’t have to worry….”
  44. “Oh, uhm!” You attempt to recompose yourself. “Of course! You’re right, I shouldn’t. You know what you’re doing, Milky…”
  45. “… but thanks for worrying about me anyway!” She giggles, and you find yourself blushing involuntarily. Luckily, it’s not while you’re on the job.
  47. After that, you chit-chat together some more about lighter subjects. This summer is just hot enough to be enjoyable, and no storm is scheduled for the coming weeks. After a while, you both leave Milky Way’s home as she embarks on her round while you go back to your place.
  49. >DAY 4
  50. “So you’re saying it’s STILL picking up?” You utter in astonishment.
  51. “Well, yeah!” Milky Way giddily nods as you follow her inside, the smell of home-made crepes already filling the air. “I mean, it hasn’t even been a week since I started.”
  52. “But you made 30 bottles yesterday! 30 litters!”
  54. You can’t help but to look at the mare and glance at her twin loads, as she motions to put herself in place. Milky’s teats have been getting slightly wider every day, or so it seemed to you. It might be because you’ve seen the daily output of milk skyrocket in a mere couple days, but you could swear those were looking bigger every time you looked at them.
  56. You really wonder if you’re imagining this. Has the curvature of Milky’s orbs always been so pronounced from behind her? Were they always so close to touch the ground when they bounced down on each of the mare’s step?
  57. While you were seeking reliable measures, Milky had positioned herself for work, and you find yourself adverting your eyes when she looks at you expectantly. Being on the lookout for physical changes in her is starting to make you feel like you’re ogling her. A part to of your mind even wants to ask Milky for her measurements. But that is off limit, and you know it.
  59. “Are you okay?” She asks with a smile. The milkmare seems to find the situation funny. “Come on, the crepes are getting colder. Are you scared I might break yet another sales record today again?”
  60. You let out an embarrassed chuckle. Unable to think of something to answer, you just get to the job.
  62. One thing you can say for sure is that Milky’s teats got heavier each day when you grabbed them. The skin was a little tauter too each morning, announcing a greater quantity of milk inside.
  63. “Are you sure this isn’t making you uncomfortable?” You ask. “I mean, your skin is getting quite tense.”
  64. “Don’t worry, I take care of myself.” She replies. “Aside from the weight, there’s no bad feeling at this point. With you relieving me and the lotion I always use, I have zero problem so far.”
  65. “Mmh…” You nod, and decide you will talk later, once the massive teats of the milkmare aren’t hanging a feet-and-a-half away from your face.
  67. You start as all days. Washing hands. The stool. The bottles. The bottles, more of them… And then you sit and get your hands on Milky, first stimulating the nipples to get the flow going. You have to be careful these days, as there’s more mass and more pressure above the warm nubs of flesh between your fingers. The milk tends to get going faster… but today it sems to be the opposite, and even though you’re rubbed the nipples for a moment, they’re staying dry so far.
  68. You hear Milky stifle a whimper. You’ve been stimulating her for too long already. A bit unsurely, you decide to give it a harder squeeze in the hope of unblocking the situation, and there finally milk sprays everywhere at high velocity… including right into your eyes.
  69. “Agh!” You recoil, kicking an empty bottle or two in the process.
  70. “Hey, you alright?” While you wipe your eyes, you soon feel a hoof rest on your knee and another on one of your shoulders. Once you’ve cleaned enough of the cream off, you see two big green eyes in front of your face, less than a foot away. You even feel her warm breath on you.
  72. “Ah, s-sorry Milky!” You give your face another wipe as the pain finishes to subside. “I’m fine. I just got surprised by how much got out. You can go back in place… crap, I’ll clean this mess too.”
  73. As you unleashed Milky’s streams, a steady drizzle has started to flow out from her nipples and forms a growing white puddle under her.
  74. “Don’t worry about it. I guess I’m asking you to adapt to a new workload right now, so little accidents like this can’t be helped. Also…” She chuckles. “It’s the first time I’ve caused damage with my tanks. Heh! I didn’t think we would have to deal with workplace injuries in here.”
  75. “Well, at the rate you keep producing more volume, we’ll have to label you for high pressure hazards in a less than a week.”
  76. The mare shows you a cheeky smile at the idea, and then she positions herself so you may resume draining her.
  78. 15 minutes later, you had no less than 40 full bottles.
  79. “That’s it. You’ve doubled your output.” You announce, both amazed at the sheer feat and concerned about how fast it happened.
  80. “That means twice the bits!” Milky enthusiastically comments as she finishes to mop the workspace. “I’m surprised at how easily I could find new buyers too. I really was resting on my laurels I realize. There’s a ton of demand for more milk in Trottingham!”
  82. The two of you enjoy your breakfast after that. Milky was good at cooking, and her crepes tasted even better than usual today. This is probably thanks the not-so-secret ingredient. In the crepes or in your coffee, Milky Way’s milk has become thicker, and the sweet, creamy taste more pronounced in the last few days. Today again, you see the mare pop a pill in her gullet between two mouthfuls of breakfast.
  84. After that, it’s time for Milky to go on her deliveries, and for you to return home.
  85. “Isn’t it getting heavy?” You ask, seeing the mare attach the cart of bottles to her. “I mean, that’s double what you delivered a few days ago. Do you need help perhaps?”
  86. “Thank you, but I’m okay.” The blue mane mare proudly replies. “You know, I carry all that milk anyway before you squeeze it out. I think it’s giving me a good workout even!”
  87. The mare playfully flexes a leg toward you to show her point, a cheeky smirk on her face.
  89. And in all honesty, you couldn’t say for sure with all the changes going on, but now she said that you can’t help to think Milky’s legs look a little thicker with muscles than what you remember. And her chest too. And her glutes. And also…
  90. No, that can’t be it. She must have adopted a better posture, you think.
  92. Anyway, after you say goodbye it’s time for you to return home.
  94. >DAY 15
  95. “Hey! You’ve actually made one!” Milky smiles as she notices what you carry.
  96. “Don’t sound so happy before you take a bite.” You put the milk cake on the table. “This is the first time I try this recipe so you may regret it.”
  97. “Come on, I told you this one is fool-proof. It’ll be good, you’ll see!”
  99. The milkmare seems genuinely eager to try it out indeed, as already she’s in position for work. Since the milking sessions have been getting longer, there’s no reason to delay it on your part either.
  101. Today again you wash your hands, take the seat and bring forth the bottles.
  102. “You’ve bought more I see.” You comment as you pull another rack closer. “That’s good. We needed it.”
  103. “Yeah…” She giggles. “For real though, since I haven’t been milking myself for a while, I can’t really wrap my head around how I can fill so much of them. It’s just crazy!”
  104. These days, you’ve started talking while you milked Milky Way. This notable change simply happened as every day was a bit different, so you had to communicate a little to keep everything on rails. Once the wall of silence had been breached, the rest came naturally, and now you chattered whenever you felt like it.
  106. “Well, I’ll show you in a minute.” You reply to the yellow mare.
  107. Quickly feeling Milky’s udders, you reckon you might beat yet another production record today. Thankfully, the rate at which Milky was producing more and more milk slowed down after the first few days. For the past week you’ve been finding her teats swollen and taut every morning under your hands, but not in a measure that would make your employer uncomfortable. No, rather than just teats, it’s more mare overall that you’ve been working with.
  109. Today, it was officially three fingers that you could comfortably wrap around the length of a nipple of the mare. While you had to adjust your moves, until now her growth was making extracting the milk a bit easier as you could apply more force and had more space to apply pressure.
  110. You quickly get the flow of milk going, and soon the first bottle is full.
  112. “So, wanna know how we can fill so many bottles?” You ask, holding an empty bottle above your head so the mare may see it. “Well, it’s quite simple actually…”
  113. You grab the mare’s teat, and with a downward squeeze you draw a thick spray of milk in the clean container. White liquid splashes almost the whole inner surface.
  114. “One.”
  115. You squeeze another time. With the creamy foam, it looks like the bottle is half-full already.
  116. “Two.”
  117. Another squeeze. Milky of course is no way near the point her nipple would dry up.
  118. “Three.”
  119. Another. The bottle is full. Well, almost full actually. So...
  120. “Four and…”
  121. A tiny squeeze would have sufficed, but to show your point you still squeeze out as much you can from Milky’s teat in one movement. The bottle largely overflows with milk, and the mare twitches as she feels the warm liquid pour in a small puddle that reaches her hoof.
  123. “Five!”
  124. “Woah…” Milky glances back to the extra-full bottle you hold up again. “O-okay, I get it now.”
  125. With a cloth you’ve taken the habit to carry around during work, you mop the small puddle of milk. The mare also lets you wipe under her hoof too. After that, you get back to your daily dairy duty.
  126. This takes you a bit less than 20 minutes. Yesterday you made 58 bottles. Today it’s 60.
  128. As you stash the full bottles, you see something on the wall that you hadn’t noticed before. A set of about a dozen tally marks. The lower one would come up to about your navel, and the highest to the middle of your chest. Glancing at Milky who’s cutting your cake… yep, that one is definitely from today.
  129. “So? You’re not a princess yet?” You ask the growing milkmare.
  130. “No trace of horn or wings today either, no…” She chuckles. “But I’m sure it’ll happen soon!”
  131. This had become a bit of a joke between the two of you.
  133. There were doubts as first for both of you, but after a week of taking the pill, it was undeniable that Milky was getting taller in addition to the effect on her mammary glands.
  134. The blue-maned mare of course rushed to get herself checked at the doctor. You were accompanying her that day, as it took two pairs of eyes to make sure you weren’t hallucinating. But after several hours of investigation, the doctor found no aliment on Milky Way at all. In fact, as much as sudden growth like this was unheard of, by all other medical metrics she was not only fine, but even healthier than she used to be.
  136. Still, she was told to stop her treatment as a precaution. Yet the next day, you saw her causally take another pill.
  137. On the spur of the moment, you tried to dissuade her. This situation was just too strange to be without consequence. In return she told you she found it aesthetically pleasing to grow a bit taller. After all, which mare wouldn’t want to look like Celestia herself, she asked you.
  138. But really, as you questioned deeper into her reasons, you eventually understood this was an adventure she wanted to experience. Despite her extraordinary physique, Milky Way had always been a quiet mare of Trottingham that stayed clear of trouble. So now that an unexpected magical event came knocking to her door, she decided she’d live through it to the fullest. To her credit, said event mas making her better on many accounts, and was gonna help Milky expand her business on top of that. In the end, you decided to roll with it.
  139. From that point on, meeting a slightly taller milkmare every day had been the norm.
  141. Milky was certainly on her way to match the size of the equestrian diarch. In fact, if she kept growing at this rate, it would happen in less than a month you believe. Though… you’ve noted that Milky wasn’t as much getting taller than she was just getting… bigger all over. She wasn’t any closer to the svelte and long-legged body-type of a princess than the first day you met her. Instead, she and every part of her was growing in every dimension. Not only her neck and legs, but also chest, head, thighs, and of course, teats.
  143. “So what are you going to do once you’ve become a princess then?” You say as you sit at the table.
  144. “Well, duh! I’d learn to fly and use magic of course.” Milky readily replies. “This would be so convenient to just fly everywhere and float everything I carry. I think I could do my daily deliveries in a tenth of the time like that, it would be awesome! Oh, and I told ya’ the cake was going to be good!”
  145. You cut yourself a slice too, and you have to admit, this is some tasty milk cake you baked.
  147. “I got no merit.” You say as you nod. “I just had the best ingredients.”
  148. “Well, alight then.” Milky playfully rolls her eyes. “It is only thanks to me this cake is delicious then.”
  149. You both laugh at this, splattering your respective ends of the table with cake crumbs.
  151. Once you’re finished eating and washing the dishes, it’s time for the milkmare to do her deliveries. As she passes next to you, her ear twitches and comes to tickle your chin.
  152. “Have a good day!” She looks back with a mischievous smile while she trots away with her cart of milk.
  154. >DAY 30
  155. It’s been on your mind for a few days now.
  157. Most likely, today was the day Milky Way would be taller than you. Not that it would mean anything in particular, but it’s just that the milkmare has been growing so fast this past month it felt unreal. Having to look up to her, a pony that in the past would come up you your belly was certainly a measure of how insane the changes have been.
  159. The milkmare herself didn’t seem to attach any significance to this particular threshold, though, and didn’t show any sign of wanting to stop her growth here either. Most of her enthusiasm has been directed toward her new income and the plans for new business opportunities. A new house was in the works too, and it’s about time. In addition to having to mind the height of doors like you do, she might soon have to worry whether the width of them could accommodate her glutes and massive milk tanks.
  161. In front of the mare’s door, you take a deep breath, straighten your spine then knock on the door.
  162. It takes a little while for her to open, and then you see her… bent double and an awkward cringe on her face.
  163. “Milky?” You ask. “Are you okay?”
  164. “Not really…” She replies. “But… I could use a hand actually.”
  166. You follow the mare inside, immediately noticing she’s walking a bit clumsily, something that is obviously caused by a pair of teats that has swollen way beyond its normal proportions, even by Milky’s standard.
  167. “It’s been a while I haven’t been clogged like this.” She whines. “It hurts quite a bit too…”
  168. “How did that happen?” You ask. “Did you do anything out of the ordinary yesterday?”
  169. “Well, not really, but…” The mare recounts. “In the evening I did feel a little fuller than usual. I didn’t think it would get THIS bad in the morning, though.”
  171. The mare waddles toward her living room, and while uttering little pained groans she lays on her side on her couch, exposing her massive milk orbs to you.
  172. There, you realise it was unfair to think Milky was only yet about to outgrow you. She is walking on all four after all, and seeing her lying down in front of you, there is no doubt the mare is at least twice, if not thrice your mass already. If Milky Way was to rear completely in front of you, you’d find yourself looking at the base of her neck.
  174. Other testaments of how big she is, are the twin basketballs she carries under her at all times. Or at least, that’s roughly the size her teats look like to you right now. The yellow skin is reddened and they seem too round indeed, without their slight usual sag. The pressure inside is probably squeezing shut the vessels that would normally allow the milk to come out.
  175. “Can you take care of one?” Milky asks. “I’ll do the other. Don’t worry about making a mess, we’ll clean later. Right now I just want to get the milk out.”
  176. “Hmm.” You nod, and approach the teat that is resting on the couch while Milky start massaging the one above it.
  178. The milkmare had already prepared several buckets and a basin, as well as hot water and towels. You take one and start to slowly rub the taut skin around the nipple. You feel milky twitch in reaction while she takes a hot towel too to do her part.
  179. It takes the two of you to massage Milky’s enormous teats. For a couple minutes, the mare utters little sighs of relief as you apply some welcome warmth on the swollen tanks. Once her skin has eased up a little, you start to rub her nipple too in the hope of finally letting the milk out.
  180. “Ah!” Milky whimpers as you do. You give her a quizzical look, and she nods in return as an acknowledgement that you may continue.
  181. You’re soon rewarded with a few droplets of milk that wet your hands, and then you keep rubbing and squeezing her nipple now that you have a good enough grip on it to increase the flow. Eventually, it gets to the point the milk flows on its own, little jets that splash down in the buckets. Milky lets out a first sigh of relief as the overflow will come out on its own from now on. You then help the mare with her other teat and get it flowing too.
  183. “Oooh...” Milky Way coos as both her tanks finally let go of their pressure. “We’re going to be a little late for the delivery. And please, be extra gentle when you milk me. I’m still quite sore.”
  184. “Hum.” you nod absently, finding it hard to look away from the mare’s prodigious teats. The routine of work allowed you not to think about it too much, but seeing the mare lounging on her side, a pleased smile on her face and her dripping assets on full display made you a bit flustered. Milky doesn’t say anything. As she looks at you, you fear she might notice your embarrassment.
  186. If she notices, she doesn’t say anything about it. Instead, she nestles her head against a pillow of her couch and closes her eyes to enjoy the relief of the overflow of milk coming out. You remain next to her in silence for the next few minutes until the flow of extra milk dries out.
  188. You can proceed with the regular milking after that. You’re already a bit late, but still you take a little more time to go gently on the sore teats of the milkmare. She’s a little jumpy under your fingers today as a result of earlier.
  189. Eventually, you fill 112 bottles. One more than the prior day, but it would have been way more if not for the surplus that had to go to waste.
  191. With this little incident, Milky couldn’t cook anything for breakfast this time, so it’s gonna be oats for the two of you. Fortunately, Milky has some fruits and sugar lying around to add some flavour. And of course, copious amounts of tasty milk to pour on it.
  193. “So how’s the new house coming along?” You ask
  194. “It’s almost done!” Milky grins. “I should be able to move in next week in fact! By the way, would you accept to lend we a hoof? To move my stuff, I mean.”
  195. “Of course.” And then with a smirk. “I’ll be magnanimous and that service will be on the house even.”
  196. “Heehee…” Milky chuckles. “But… Speaking of work… I’d like to ask something to you.”
  197. “Hmm?” You perk up.
  198. “Well… I’m starting to think I might need two milkings a day actually.” She says with a slightly awkward smile. “I mean, I’d understand if you didn’t want too, because it would be hard to find another job with that kind of obligations already, but…”
  200. “I’m okay with that.”
  201. “I’ll double the pay too of course!” Milky adds.
  202. “Hey, I said I was okay. One visit in the morning, and one in the evening I suppose?”
  203. “Yes, that’s what I‘d like.” The yellow mare nods. “But really, if you start to feel it’s taking too much of your time, please tell me. Don’t worry, I can take care of myself. You don’t have to feel obligated.”
  204. “Not at all.” You shake your head. “I like working with you. So… are we gonna share dinner in the evening too? Like we do for breakfast?”
  205. “Uhm, again, if that’s not too much trouble for you I’d like that.” Milky nods.
  206. “So is it gonna be the same one for dinner that will bring breakfast, or are we gonna switch? Like, one day I cook dinner and bring breakfast, or each day one of us brings breakfast and the other takes care of dinner, and we switch every day?”
  207. “Uh…” Milky ponders, and then lets out a snicker. “I didn’t think that much ahead, but that last option sounded a little complicated. So the same person should take care of one day I guess?”
  208. “Eh… Yeah, you’re probably right.” You nod. “Let’s do it that way then.”
  210. It’s true that you didn’t find another job yet, so Milky’s offer is a welcome one. You’re starting to wonder if you’re going to become Milky’s employee on full time. If her milk output keeps increasing, she might need more than two milkings eventually.
  211. Also, if her profit increased as much as her production, twice your current pay might actually not be that much. You might want to renegotiate.
  213. But… seeing the size of the serving of oats the big mare in front of you is munching through, maybe her income is already funnelled into other expanses actually.
  215. Anyway, after wrapping up the breakfast, you and Milky clean up her living room. And after that you exit her home so the milkmare may go on her deliveries.
  217. “Ouch!”
  218. You turn back and see that Milky hit her head on the top of the door and painfully rubs her head.
  219. “See? I told you it would happen.” You refrain a chuckle. “Are you alright?”
  220. “Oh… I’ll manage…” With a wince, she puts back her milkmare cap on her head. “But the new house can’t come soon enough!”
  222. >DAY 44
  224. “Alright, the holes are ready. You can bring up the handle.”
  225. “Mmh!” The mare hums while there’s a big bar of metal in her mouth. You duck slightly as she moves it over your head so you may screw the attaches inside the wall. It’s gonna be 4 long screws at each side. This is the sturdiest thing they had in store, so Milky should be able to safely rest on it for a good while. Though, you’re fixing it a tiny bit too high to account for the fact Milky Way is to grow bigger yet.
  227. Right now, she’s rearing with her front hooves against the wooden wall. She’s holding in place the handlebar she’ll be resting on for her future milkings while you screw it in. Another thing hands are good for it seems. You definitely couldn’t have done this just by yourself however, or at least not without some sort of contraption. The bar is as thick as your arm and longer than you’re tall, so you’re glad Milky Way is here to hold it in place. She has no apparent difficulty keeping the big piece of metal perfectly steady while you work.
  229. “This side’s done.” You announce. “Hold still while I get to the other.”
  230. There, you go down the little stepladder. You had been head-level with the milkmare up here, but back to earth, you’re again dwarfed by her. How much bigger she is, is even more visible while she’s rearing like right now. She’s been growing like crazy these days, and now, when on all four, she has an entire head over you. A pony head, which means she grew by about a quarter of her size in just a couple weeks. In her current position, she’s nearly twice your size. And that’s not the only thing that grew of course.
  232. For a fraction of a second, how tall she is made you think you were gonna get to the other side of the handlebar by going under the mare. But a mere glance reminds you her teats are in the way. Round and perky despite being the size of beachballs, squeezing yourself between them and the wall would be uncomfortably touchy. Especially while carrying the ladder. So instead, you walk around the mare and climb up again to finish the job.
  233. “It’s good.” You say after the first couple screws are in. “You can let go.”
  234. “Ah! Looking nice!” She notes with a smile as she let go of the bar. “I’ll tighten the screws a little more just to be safe.”
  236. The big milkmare catches another screwdriver in her mouth. You were pretty sure you got the screws as tight as you could, but Milky was able to get at least half a turn more each time. After you finish on your side, again the big mare adds her touch.
  237. “Looks like we’re done!” She announces, and gives the handlebar a few tentative pushes. The wall and metal groan ever so slightly from the high force applied on them, but overall everything seems stable.
  239. “Seems like we did a fine job.” You look up at her. “With that, the miking room is done, right?”
  240. “Yep!” Milky nods, giving a pleased look around the room. “Everything’s in place just like I wanted!”
  241. The milkmare moved in her new house a week and a half ago. It’s a very nice place, with two bathrooms, a proper living room and kitchen, and a bigger sleeping room for Milky Way. Safe from a few decorative choices, pretty much everything was already like the new owner wanted, except for this room. But after all, it not like she could have expected any other pony to have a plus-sized milking station.
  243. Instead, the house she got had a small barn attached to it. With your help, she remodelled it as the working space to store her carts, containers, tools, as well as the for documents for accounting she keeps on a neatly arranged desk. For this room, Milky Way wanted something between rustic and cosy. You added windows on the roof where there were only traps to the outside before, gave the walls a nice coat of peach and cream paint, and added some shelves next to the bar you just fixed. For now, these are stashed with some books and little snacks for the big mare to enjoy during your work. Milky Way wanted a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing working space, and it sems like she got it.
  245. “Thank you, really.” Milky Way tells you. “We did some amazing job with this room. How much do I owe you?”
  246. “Nah.” You shake your head. “You didn’t ask me that as a job. That’s just friends helping each other out.”
  247. “Well, in that case how about we go to Basil’s tonight?” Milky Way offers. “My treat of course.”
  248. “Sounds better, yeah!” You nod, and add a chuckle. “That’s about the only restaurant left in Trottingham who doesn’t use your product, right?”
  249. “Yeah, I’m not certified ‘di bufala’, somehow.” The big mare smirks. “But speaking of that, how about we try out our new work station? We’re a little early for the evening milking, but if we’re going out, we might as well do it now.”
  250. “Why not.” You nod. “I’ll fetch the cans then.”
  252. It’s been a little while you’ve been using those 20-liters cans for Milky. You still have the bottles for retail of course, but filling those directly was getting bothersome with how much the milkmare’s output increased. The 1-litter recipients overflowed with only a couple tugs on Milky’s giant udders.
  253. In addition to the handlebar, you also added some facilities to make it easier to store and move the bigger containers. With a clever use of roller bearings and rails, you can easily mover those under the mare and away. You also had to dig a little trench in the ground to make sure the cans could go through. Without that, there was just not enough space between the ground and Milky’s heavy hangers.
  255. Still, you could keep your trusty stool, and so you get into position. And you need a lot of focus right now.
  257. It’s been hard for you to stay as impassable as you used to these days. You’ve found yourself as awkward as the first days from touching Milky Way’s breasts. You’re not exactly sure what the reason is. Is it because you’ve been spending more time with the mare recently? Between the two milkings a day and helping her moving in her new house, you think you’ve been spending most of your waking hours in her company lately. Or is it how big she’s getting physically? She’s getting bigger faster these days. Now, during your milkings, you cannot see over her rump at all. Her cutie mark looms over your head, and you could swear you can actually see it come close and closer to you. Well, it IS getting closer and close as the mare grows, but Milky Way’s not growing so fast you could actually see it, is she…?
  259. And of course, there’s Milky Way’s breasts. The mighty orbs of the mare were only encouraged further to produce more as they’re milked twice as often. They’ve swelled substantially since then. By now, you can wrap you whole hand around a single of her dark nipples. Thes tits too feel closer to you every day. And every day you can’t refrain a shiver of awe as you contemplate them. Visually seeing them go from their slightly delated shape after a milking session, to fuller, bigger and rounder that ever after a mere 12 hours is again making you flustered like in the first days at this job.
  260. Out of habit, you heft Milky’s teat to gauge how much milk there could be in, but these days this has become quite futile. There’s just too much milk for you to hoist in here, and all you accomplish it to see your hand squish the warm tit-flesh of the milkmare before the pressure inside quickly forces you down.
  262. So much for your focus here, as you already knew the thought you needlessly groped the mare wouldn’t let go of you. You already feel your face burning up with embarrassment. Milky Way doesn’t seem to mind it as she takes one of the books she prepared on the shelf, but you can’t shake the feeling that she knows what you just did.
  263. Welp, at this point you might as well get done with your job as fast as you can. You get your hands on Milky’s teats to stimulate them and get the milk flowing, all while straining your neck to keep your head as far away from the mare as you can. But even like this, you can feel the heat radiate for her formidable body and smell her slight sweet musk.
  265. Luckily, Milky Way’s tanks aren’t shy about letting go of their content today either. Soon the creamy boon flows into the can, slightly sprinkling your pinkies with warmth in the process. With force, you rhythmically tug on the mare’s teats, extracting a vast quantity of milk each time. In only a couple minutes the first can is full. With the milkmare’s current production, you can expect to fill at least four more of those 20-litter containers. You better quickly get to the next one.
  267. Handling the mare only made you more flustered, so you try to go faster yet. You grab the teats higher, and squeeze down harder so the jet of milk that comes out is stronger and faster. You feel the little droplets of milk splash even your knees at this point. However, that way you’re able to get done with the second can a little faster.
  269. You believe you can accelerate a little more. You feel a bit of a strain on your fingers as you squeeze from higher still, but you’re rewarded by a shower of milk coming out of Milky’s teats. You’ll be done in no time that way. You keep tugging fast and hard, to the point the mare’s enormous teats start to wobble on the rhythm of your moves. Those massive breasts, shaking slowly, like waves on an ocean of tit-flesh…
  271. “Aah…” You hear Milky Way utter in… discomfort? Disapprobation? You just got caught up and missed a beat on your pace, and so you squeezed hard both the milkmare’s nipples at the same time. You feel a cold sweat run down your spine. Oh, crap, you must have been going too hard, and now you’re messing up your job. You got that third can full, but it seems like wanting to go too fast wasn’t a good idea in the end.
  272. Still, despite her protest, your contractor politely keeps it to her book. You must do better regardless. Maybe you’ll manage to focus from here on, but it looks like you’ve made some damage already. The mare’s nipples are all stiff, the sparse hairs on her teats are standing on ends, and you slightly feel the pump of her heart through the skin of her ample tanks. You go more gently from there on. You shouldn’t have let your awkwardness get the better of you. It takes you more time, but you fill that fourth can. It looks like Milky’s supply is far from drying up too, so you’ll have to bear the shame for longer than just one more can you believe.
  274. “Uhm, do you have a moment?”
  275. “Huh?” You turn rapidly as Milky’s voice takes you by surprise, but in the process, you lift up two legs of your stool, and instead of coming back down one of legs goes into the trench, and you gasp as you feel yourself falling.
  276. You head hits it first, and you reflexively grab Milky Way’s teat with both arms as hard as you can.
  278. “AAAAh!” Milky Way moans in pain, while a torrent of milk covers your legs and everything next to in in cream. You’re not falling anymore of course, the trench is only a little more than a foot deep, but by the time your brain is sure of that, Milky Way turned her head back to see you giving her teat a full-body hug, complete with your cheek nestled in the bulk of her bountiful warm orb.
  279. “Hey, uh, You’re alright?” She asks confusedly.
  280. “I’m sorry!” You utter in panic as you immediately let go and crawl out of the trench. “I didn’t mean to do that! So sorry, I slipped. Won’t happen again!”
  281. “Calm down it’s okay…” Milky way says with an awkward chuckle. “I thought this hole could be a little dangerous. Maybe we should cover it in the future?”
  282. “Uh…” You take a second to calm down. You still feel so hot. Your face must be as red as a beat. “I… No, I’ll manage. I just need to be more careful. It’s still very useful to move around the containers.”
  283. “If you say so.” The big mare nods. “So… do you want to take a break maybe? You look tired.”
  284. “Well… no, thank you.” You shake you head. “I’d rather finish this milking and get done with it.”
  285. “Alright then.” She nods, and then gets back in position. “Say, I’m not giving you too much work, am I?”
  286. “I’m okay.” You say, and then manage to let out a chuckle after you put your stool in place once again. “Hey, I gotta deserve my pay, you know? We can’t have my job being too easy now.”
  287. Milky Way giggles to that, and you’re able to recompose yourself a little as you fill a fifth can with warm mare milk.
  289. “So… you wanted to tell me something before I, uh… slipped?” You ask as you bring forth yet another can under the mare who casually produced 100 litters of milk.
  290. “Uhm, yeah.” Milky turns back to eye you. “But uhm, if that’s too much trouble that’s okay…”
  291. “What is it?” You calmly insist.
  292. “I wanted to say you can use a bit more strength to milk me if you want to, like you did before.” Milky Way says.
  294. You can’t help but to stop your hands upon hearing this.
  295. “Really?” You arch an eyebrow. “Isn’t it painful? I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”
  296. “Please, I don’t think you can hurt me.” Milky scoffs. “But more seriously, if you were restraining yourself because of me, then please don’t. It’s nice to actually feel the load of milk being lifted off me, well, drained off in my case. Anyway, I can take it, don’t worry about me. If anything, I’m worried you could get too worked up like before.”
  297. “Come on, I know I have to look out for the hole now. That shouldn’t happen anymore so I’m doing it.” There, you firmly grasp the mare’s turgid nipples and squeeze out a powerful steam of cream. “Are you sure about this? This is what you want?”
  298. “Yeah.” The mare nods with a smile, genuinely unbothered. “But you’re still going softer than before, so you can do even more if you want.”
  299. “Oh... well, I’ll try then…”
  301. And again, you go hard on the mare’s teats, tugging and squeezing the mare’s teats with all the strength of your arms and fingers to unleash a flood of milk. You soon find yourself getting a little sore after you fill the two last cans of milk, but indeed Milky Way looks as fine as she can be. She peppily helps you hoist the milk cans on the storing rack with the same vitality as ever. Meanwhile, you find yourself struggling more than usual after demanding more from your hands during the milking.
  303. Maybe you should start exercising more. Though, you’re afraid no kind of gain will allow you to catch up on Milky Way’s growth…
  305. >Day 65
  306. 28. 29… and 30!
  308. Uttering a pleased grunt, you stand back on your legs after this series of push-ups. After nearly three weeks, you are quite pleased with your progress. The results of your workouts are yet to be visible on your silhouette, but you’ve been able to steadily increase the number of reps in your sets little by little. A set of fifteen was the limit of what was comfortable for you back then, and it really feels good to know you managed to double that.
  310. Unfortunately, it’s a little hard to share your successes with the rest of the ponies, even though you exercise in the Trottingham gym along them. After all, pegasi and their wings-up are the closest thing ponies can relate to, and your limbs and constitution are still not quite like theirs. Your bodies are just different, and there is no translation of any exercise you are doing that really feels accurate. One of the coaches offered their help at first, but after one sightly awkward session, it became obvious to both of you they couldn’t help you much since you already had a basic grasp of muscle groups and how to plan a routine. You can’t really use any of the machines around either aside from basic dumbbells or benches, but it’s nice to be able to have showers and lockers available at least. You’re being charged half-price for the gym membership as a result.
  312. Still, you are mostly satisfied with your own progress by itself, and that is enough to make you come back day after day. That, and training is also a good way to empty your head after the morning milking session.
  314. Milky Way is still getting bigger every day.
  315. This morning, the top of your head was at the level of the mare’s back while you stood, and nipples nearly as thick as your wrists dropped past your knees. The bosom of the mare was out of this world, and her production was still ramping up with each new milking. A few weeks back, what got you to pick up training was that time when Milky started asking you to use more strength to empty her tanks. And the other thing she said at the time was true. You could pull and tug as hard as you could on her body, you wouldn’t hurt her even if you tried. In fact, after going rough… well, as rough as you could on her for the whole session, it’s your own hand and arms that you found sore, while the mare was just content with the pleasant massage she received.
  317. There was something… almost intimidating about it. About her sheer size, and the fact that all the strength you had was barely enough to handle her according to her preferences. It’s been a little better since you’ve started working out. You’re no longer sore after a milking session, but you’re afraid this will only last a time though. You’ve made some tangible progress while getting back into shape, but you reckon your performances are gonna plateau soon enough. Meanwhile, there’s no sign that Milky Way’s growth is gonna stop, or even slow down anytime soon. She’s been in her new house for barely more than a month, and already everything but the barn looks undersized to her. The milkmare didn’t tell you anything about wanting to stop her growth, and she’s still always on the lookout for supplies to accommodate a bigger herself.
  319. You’re starting to feel a bit... weird about all this. Milky Way is looking more and more out place in this little pony town. You don’t really know what she’s looking for anymore with that all growth. The rest of the ponies don’t even come up to her belly at this point, and soon she might not even be able to make her way inside any regular shop. So you you’ve been asking yourself.
  321. Should you say something to her?
  323. No even telling her to stop but just… asking about it? That should be something you could ask normally. Casually even. She may be your employer, but you would be lying if you denied the two of you had become friends of sorts.
  324. But still, it somehow didn’t feel right to bring up the subject out of nowhere. And when you had to milk her wasn’t the time either. You were at work after all, even if the growing matter was right in front of your eyes and ready to be squeezed by your hands. And even when the two of you do talk about her growth, Milky always sounds so happy as she mentions her height or how much she grew that you don’t have the heart to put her to the question at such times either.
  326. But… maybe that’s a bad thing? Maybe she does need to think about it, and you’d be helping her bringing that up. Or would you? Milky seems sure of herself after all. Maybe you’re the one that needs answers after all, and not her…
  327. Wait… come on, why are you making such a big deal about this! It’s just a little talk you want to have with Milky. That’s right! The reasons you haven’t done so already are dumb, and you should just get a hold on yourself. And if you still want to pretend you need a reason, then, as her employee, you should have the right to know how your workload is gonna evolve. That’s right! No more excuses. The next time you see this big mare, you’ll be asking her what you want to know!
  329. “Heeey!” A jolt of embarrassment runs down your spine as you unexpectedly hear the voice of Milky Way, giddily calling for you.
  330. “Milky?” You blink in surprise. Somehow, you were getting so worked up about your inner plans to talk to the milkmare that you didn’t hear her coming though the big double-doors of the gym.
  331. “What are you doing here?” You blurt out, forcing a smile on your face, despite somehow feeling like you got caught red-handed doing something unacceptable… while you didn’t! “I mean, I didn’t know you worked out here.”
  332. “Well, I don’t. Or… I didn’t?” Milky Way shrugs with a little smirk. “Today’s my first day. It’s been a while I’ve been telling myself I’d like to work out and sculpt my flanks a little more. Let’s say you’ve inspired me to follow through!”
  333. “I don’t think you need much more training.” You absentmindedly shake your head. “You’ve been pulling your delivery cart all over Trottingham for years. Your flanks are fine the way they are. I mean! I’m sure they are…”
  334. “Teehee! Thanks.” The giant mare shows you a smirk. “But now I’ve come her I don’t feeling like backing off. Well… I’m gonna get started! Is that the coach over here?”
  335. “Hum, yeah.” You nod. “I’m done for today, though, so see you around.”
  336. “Okay.” Milky nods as she turns away. “See you at this evening’s milking session!”
  338. Despite having finished your own routine, you can’t help but to sit on the side rather that to hit the showers. You’re just curious to see how Milky’s training session is about to go. This isn’t something appropriate to do, and there would be a slight chance somebody might tell you you’re being creepy, just watching another customer like that. Usually. Because right now, 20 out of the 20 users of the gym are at least glancing, some of them openly staring at the towering mare making her way among the comparatively tiny equipment.
  340. In the near silence that befell in the room, everypony could hear Milky naively asks the coach how to use a pony-equivalent of a rowing machine. The thing was ill-fitted for you and you didn’t even try to use it, but the much larger and heftier mare readily takes place on the metal contraption, which groans in disapproval much louder than the coach who can only meekly ask your oversized friend to be careful.
  341. “So I just place my hooves here and pull, right?” Milky asks, then does so without leaving any time for the smaller coach to answer. This goes wrong in several ways. As Milky was sitting when she grabbed the handle, there’s a couple of massive things in the way as she tried to uncurl her body on the machine. No kind of fabric could really keep in place the twin boulders that are at this point held up on full display for the gym to see, and instead the custom-made sports bra can only be stretched as thin as a coat of paint by the colossal weight of Milky’s teats who are squished down by their own weight and wobbling heavily because of the mare’s movements. You know for sure that it’s not the bra who’s keeping the mare’s milk factories from spilling on her sides completely, but the supernatural inherent perkiness of them.
  342. Anyway, Milky quizzically pushes her hooves into her teats, fruitlessly trying to get the handle over them, and definitely making the rest of the gym fall silent as she basically fondles herself in public.
  343. The shape of her nipples is also unhidden by her form-fitting attire. Again, for bits of mare flesh as thick as your wrists at all times, there was no hope that any piece of cloth could conceal them. Furthermore, her nipples are hard at this moment, your professional eye notices. This is especially visible as Milky bashes the handle on them, groaning in annoyance as she grows more impatient with the machine and while fidgeting on her seat. When she finally brings the handle over her mountains, it’s because she yanked on it with enough strength to rip the cable from the machine. The sudden lack of resistance sends her falling backward with a yelp that resonates simultaneously with the sound of her body smacking on the ground and the rowing machine falling on its side.
  345. At that point the rest of the gym is staring at Milky Way. Openly so. But in the awkward silence, the mare just looks bewilderedly at the machine she broke, the handle still in her hoof, and then bursts in a fit of laughter.
  346. “Oh, gee, hahaha… I’m really sorry about this.” She tells the coach while still giggling. “I though this big machine for strong ponies could handle me. I barely pulled on it, you know? Can you point me to something I can use maybe?”
  347. Even from where you are, you swear you can hear the coach pony gulp in embarrassment, still heavily flustered. “Y-yes, of course.”
  348. There is no way Milky could be that obvious to the commotion she’s causing. And from what you know of her, she’s very much aware of the size of her and the implications, so seeing her break the machine like that feels a bit strange to you. There’s no way she wouldn’t realizes she would break it.
  350. While in less spectacular ways, for the next half hour, attention is still monopolized by Milky’s training with the coach. Some ponies leave in silence, red in the face, while some others attempt to power through their routine, but can’t refrain from glancing at the giantess from time to time, or invertedly extending their breaks, mesmerised by the sight of her. Milky Way sure isn’t helping anypony about this. There’s the inevitable movement of her magnified body, with expansive, towering amounts of teat but also of ass that are bouncing, jiggling, even clapping at times, that are making even you a little bothered. To that, Mily adds loud groans of effort, relief and satisfaction as she does and completes her exercises, and thus makes it absolutely impossible to ignore her presence at any time.
  351. Again, this is something that should be considered rude, but Milky Way was a newcomer, and if nopony told her so, well, it could be reasonable to assume she didn’t know better. However, it was very obvious nopony had the nerve to walk up to a mare a dozen times more massive than them and tell her to keep her voice down.
  353. Anyway, for ponies that don’t interact with the big mare as often or as closely as you do, this must be a nightmare. Or a dream. One that’ll keep you awake for the rest of the night regardless. All the ponies that you see come in or out of the gym certainly have it written on their gawking or blushing face that the sight of Milky Way and her outrageous body was burned in their mind.
  354. Eventually, your employer is done with her session. Despite everything, Milky Way might have been the one pony in here to focus on themselves while she was in here, or at least she was very good at pretending so. As she starts walking toward the showers, you’re the only other person she takes note of aside from the coach.
  356. “Hey!” She giddily waves at you before walking closer. “Didn’t you say you were about to leave?”
  357. “Uhm…” You feel a little shiver as you realise you’ve remained focussed on watching Milky Way for 30 minutes. You didn’t even notice the time fly. “I… guess I just wanted to see how things would go for you.”
  358. “Aw, we should have trained together, then!” She shows you a smile. “Since you’ve been here for longer, I’m sure you could give me some advice. Or you could, like, spot me I guess.”
  359. “Hold up now.” You raise your hands in front of you. “I’m no coach at all. And I don’t think I could suffice in any kind of exercise that needs spotting.”
  360. “Mmmh…” She ponders. “I’m afraid you’re right. Well, they don’t really have anything heavy enough in here to warrant a spotter either. The bars would bend from the weight before I could really feel any kind of burn. Maybe I should lift the machines altogether!” She giggles. “But these might be too light by next month too. Anyway, see you later!”
  362. The mare giddily trots toward the showers. Indeed, despite having seen her lift quantities of weight you’d have trouble even budging, she barely seems tired from it. No more does she let on anything about being affected by whole gym drooping their jaws at her for the whole duration of her session.
  364. You really ought to talk to her.

Witch Quest (MMP)

by Pleeny_the_Ill

Bard Quest MMP CYOA

by Pleeny_the_Ill

Bard Quest MMP CYOA : intermission

by Pleeny_the_Ill

Witch Quest MMP CYOA + prompts

by Pleeny_the_Ill

Milky Way /mmp/ story

by Pleeny_the_Ill