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Witch Quest MMP CYOA + prompts

By Pleeny_the_Ill
Created: 2022-11-19 18:55:34
Updated: 2022-11-19 19:44:43
Expiry: Never

  1. Coking coven spells
  2. Tier 1
  4. >Pink doughnut
  5. Needed: dough, sugar, an oven.
  6. A delicious pastry. Consuming a single one makes one gain some pudge all over, way more than the actual weight of the confection. Three of those are enough to make the leanest pony obese. Does not increase how much eating a pony makes you grow.
  8. >Devil’s candy
  9. Needed: sugar
  10. Sweeter than sugar itself. Highly addictive, especially for kids. Will make then come back to you for more without fail.
  12. >Secret patty
  13. Needed: buns, any ground meat, a grill
  14. Goes straight to the flanks. Makes one gain more pudge than physically possible by a meal of this size, and localized entirely on the rear. Also widens the bone structure. Somehow delicious too. Doesn’t make you blow up. Does not increase how much eating a pony makes you grow.
  16. >Big gulp milkshake
  17. Needed: milk, ice, a solid container to shake it
  18. Makes a mare gain some heft to her own milk bags and starts lactation. Watch out for overdose. Does not increase how much eating a pony makes you grow.
  20. >Wizard hair juice
  21. Needed: water, heat source, body sample from a pony
  22. Allows one to take the appearance and size of the origin of the sample for a dozen minutes. Using a whole pony removes the time limit. The effect can be wilfully and permanently dismissed by the brewer at any time in both cases.
  24. >Egg shake of the tiger
  25. Needed: fresh eggs
  26. Makes the body a thousansfold more receptive to physical training for the day, may it be to bulk up, improve endurance or shed some weight. Does not increase how much eating a pony makes you grow.
  28. >Mosquito straw
  29. Needed: anything that can be used as a straw.
  30. Allow the user to sip size directly from a target instead of eating it whole by using it as a regular straw but on a sapient creature. For witches who want to make the fun last longer. The straw is enchanted until broken and can be used by anybody.
  32. >Food fighter’s special
  33. Needed: any freshly cooked dish
  34. From a culture that doesn’t know the difference between culinary pleasure and sex. Outside of witchdom, that is. Makes the eater of the dish orgasm on the spot upon tasting it and leaves them very horny for an hour.
  36. Tier 10
  37. >Slime’s gulp
  38. Needed: water, gelatine
  39. Gives a witch a viscous body that can consume flesh from any part of it and melt anything organic for 10 minutes. Only one slime’s gulp can be consumed per day.
  41. >Granny’s soup
  42. Needed: vegetables
  43. A soup that will remind one of find childhood memories that is sure to be appreciated. This delicious homely meal will have ponies who drink it at least once a day enjoy a restful night during which they’ll grow 10% bigger. A serving of soup will have ponies growing like this until they are 10 times their original height, which will take 25 days. If they do not get any soup for more than 1 day, ponies will shrink at the same speed. Witches do not grow from eating this soup.
  45. >Gingerbread construction
  46. Needed: dough, an over
  47. Allows you to create tireless but dim-witted gingerbread golem that will strictly obey any voiced order by you. You can also create any still construction you want. Both are as hard as concrete unless one tries to eat them. Against teeth, they are as soft as regular gingerbread. Gingerbread constructs have no preservation instinct and even cut bits will continue moving and try to accomplish their orders. Gingerbread constructs last until you call them off. Gingerbread constructs are as big as you can bake them.
  49. >Zen-zen bean
  50. Needed: One fresh bean, 1 hour of meditation
  51. Heals all injuries, cures all aliments and restores stamina. Only one zen-zen bean can be eaten per day (eating more than one will have no effect), but they don’t become inefficient over time.
  53. >Plumber’s mushroom
  54. Needed: a mushroom
  55. Doubles the eater’s size. The effect stops when the eater should be significantly hurt physically, but the injury will be prevented at that moment. Only one mushroom can be consumed per day.
  57. >Cannibal cookbook
  58. Needed: ponies, various ingredients
  59. The cooking coven knows the best recipes to bring all the flavours out of a pony. And by flavour, they mean growth. By cooking ponies alive before eating them, you may increase the size they grant you. You can add any amount of seasoning or preparation steps before eating one, and the amount of size granted will be multiplied each time. A pony can be cooked by any mean, but the oven is the witches’ signature method. Cooked ponies are digested almost instantly, their growth applying as soon as you’ve finished eating the dish. Only witches grow from eating such a dish.
  60. List of preparation:
  61. Cooked 1 hour in the oven: *1.1
  62. 2 hours in the oven: *1.3 (replaces 1 hour bonus)
  63. 4 hours in the oven: *2 (replaces 2 hours bonus)
  64. The pony is willing: *2
  65. Fattened with pink doughnuts or secret patty at least 24 hours before: *1.5
  66. Muscled with egg shake of the tigger at least 24 hours before: *1.5
  67. Added salt and pepper: *1.2
  68. Added 1 gallon of alcohol/pony: *1.2
  69. Added 10 pounds of fruits or vegetable/pony: *1.2
  70. Added herbs or spices: *1.2
  71. Marinated with at least 3 other different ingredients at least 24 hours before: *2
  72. At least 3 ponies cooked in the same dish: *1.1
  73. At least 10 ponies cooked in the same dish: *1.3 (replaces 3 ponies bonus)
  74. At least 100 ponies cooked in the same dish: *2 (replaces 10 ponies bonus)
  76. Tier 100
  77. >Miracle gut
  78. The magic of witches taps into the very ether to materialize more food directly into your belly. At any point during the day, you may make it so that a copy of anything you eat will be created each hour directly into your gut. For example, if you eat one pony, one hour later there will be two in your belly, then 3 1 hour later, then 4…
  79. The effect lasts until you fall asleep or unconscious, at which point you will digest the content of your stomach normally. You cannot digest anything faster until the next day if you activate this ability.
  81. >Grain from the south
  82. Needed: grain
  83. After being consumed in any form by ponies, these ponies will obey your every order with zombie-like intelligence the next time they become aware of your presence. There’s no cure to this effect and it is permanent. There would be no choice but to kill these ponies to take them out of your influence.
  85. >Calorie Beam
  86. Fires an extremely powerful beam of raw energy from your mouth using your own size as fuel. Permanently burning the equivalent of 1 ponies in size can blow up an urban zone of a radius of 10 feet into a smouldering ruin. The zone of impact then increases according to the square cube law for the amount of size you choose to consume (8 ponies = 20’ radius blast). You can aim as far as your eyes can see with good precision, and you do not suffer from any kind of recoil.
  88. Tier 1000
  89. >World eater
  90. You can now eat and digest anything almost instantly if you wish so and grow from it. The interior of your mouth and stomach is thoroughly indestructible and impervious to any magic or effect. Rocks, plants or animals will grant far less mass than sentient creatures, but natural clusters of power and magic in the have immense growth potential.
  93. Pleasure coven spells
  94. Tier 1
  95. >Lust feeding
  96. When you have an intercourse with a pony, you can choose to absorb up to 1% of their soul upon your and/or their climax. Ponies recover 1% of their soul every day when they are allowed to live a free life without major trouble.
  97. Ponies with less than 90% of their soul left show odd behaviour and unusual tiredness
  98. Ponies with less than 50% of their soul left become dim-witted or incoherent and need to rest most of the day
  99. Ponies with less than 20% of their soul left are amorphous and only respond to basic stimulus.
  100. Ponies die in a matter of minutes if under 5% of their soul as they forget to breathe.
  101. Ponies instantly die instantly at 0%, turning to dust.
  102. 100% of a soul gives you the amount of size eating the pony would give.
  104. >Wish feeding
  105. You may allow a pony that is attracted you to voice out their more lecherous desire about you, and your body will grant their wish. Your body may undergo minor but permanent changes, and your actions can be controlled but no longer than a minute. You will Immediately absorb 20% of the pony’s soul when the wish is indulged. A pony who wishes for you to grow bigger will have his whole soul absorbed immediately and you will grow twice as much than if you had absorbed his soul once.
  107. >Infectious need
  108. >When you are aroused, your own horniness is slowly shared to the ponies around you in a radius up to five times your real height. Ponies cannot spontaneously identify you as the source of this. Physical obstacles do not stop the effect.
  110. >Magic makeup.
  111. You may alter the colour of your coat, mane, eyes, apply or remove lipstick, mascara or any other form of makeup, or change your manedo at will. The changes can only be cosmetic. The length of your mane cannot change for example. You need a mirror to do it right.
  113. >Changeling trick
  114. When you are in the presence of a pony who’s attracted to mares, you may take the appearance, voice and size of the pony they lust after the most, or a perfect specimen of their taste of mare if they are not pursuing the affection of a particular mare. You do not need to know the mare you’re transforming into to perform this spell. You may break the disguise at any time. You cannot grow larger than you are with this spell.
  116. >Art of the coven
  117. You become impossibly skilled in the arts of pleasure. You can bring any pony you can get your mouth, hooves or magic on to orgasm in a minute or keep them on edge for how long as you wish.
  119. >Mantra of the coven
  120. Though sheer force of will and focus, you may increase your own arousal and can bring yourself to orgasm in 1 minute with no other stimulation and no matter the situation. If either the situation erotic or if you are physically stimulated, you need 30 seconds. If all the right conditions are met, you can trigger a new orgasm in 10 seconds. You do not need any time to recover after a climax.
  122. >Revelation of the coven
  123. Whenever you bring a sapient creature to orgasm for the first time, their sexual preferences permanently change and they become strongly sexually attracted to pony mares in addition to any other attraction they previously had. They also develop a strong attraction for bigger partners, are aroused by growth and the prospect of feeding a partner, even overriding their instinct of self-preservation
  125. Tier 10
  126. >Dream feeding
  127. When you sleep, you may enter any number dreams of sleeping ponies is a radius of 10 times your real height. You may turn of those dreams in erotic ones and perform the lust feeding on them. While it is possible to feed more than once per night on one pony, they will usually wake up for a while with each climax unless in a deeper than usual slumber.
  129. >Parasite feeding
  130. After you’ve performed the lust feeding at least once on a pony, you will then will automatically perform the lust feeding on them each time they have an intercourse, no matter where you are in the world.
  132. >Lust corruption
  133. During a physical intercourse, you may fill a missing part of a pony’s soul with pure lust, increasing their libido and the amount of dirty thoughts they have routinely. Doing so will restore their soul, but it will be lust only. Non-lust parts of the souls are absorbed in priority by all means.
  134. Over 30% pure lust in their souls, ponies can no longer live in a normal society as they are guaranteed to commit a sexual offence in the next three days.
  135. Over 80%, they will have sex or masturbate frenetically until exhaustion.
  136. At 100%, the whole soul is automatically absorbed by you.
  138. >Biggus Dickus
  139. You may empower the genitals of a pony you have your hooves on to make them have thunderous climaxes, increasing the share of their soul they give to you through lust feeding. For a stallion, their length will become adequate for a mare of your current size. They will now give up a percentage of their soul up to how many times you are more massive than an average mare. You may dispel the effect at will.
  141. >Courtesans of the coven
  142. After revealing your true nature as a witch and the implications to a pony, you may call for the ancestral spirits of small ponies who willingly served the coven of pleasure through the ages. The pony’s soul will be completely restored once, and the pony will find himself with ancestral knowledge and skills from the servants of the coven. They will be more agile and less afraid around large ponies, more skilled in cooking, massaging, tailoring and in the arts of pleasure in general.
  144. >Splendour of the coven
  145. Whenever you perform lust feeding on a pony, you grow by 10 times the amount of size consuming the whole pony would provide you, but for 10 minutes only. This happens in addition to any permanent growth the lust feeding would provide you. The temporary bonus of size is not lowered by any amount of soul the ponies are missing.
  147. Tier 100
  148. >Banshee feeding
  149. You may orgasm vocally, and your powerful cry of lust will make all the ponies that hear it within 10 times your current height in distance climax instantly too in response. You will absorb from each of them a percentage of their soul equal to how many times you are taller than an average mare (4’).
  151. >Fame feeding
  152. Your very image carries the lusciousness of the coven. When you activate this ability, you and images of you become supernaturally seductive to all other sapient creatures regardless of their preferences, as though they were under the effect of the revelation of the coven. Then, merely thinking about you will get them excited as though they were under the influence of the art of the coven. You will automatically perform lust feeding on them if they climax while still thinking about you.
  154. >Minions of the coven
  155. By spending the equivalent of 1 soul, you can transform a willing pony into your minion during an intercourse. A minion will have his libido skyrocket, they will grow to 6 feet tall if they’re smaller than that, have a perfect physique and superequine strength. They may use any capacity of the tier 1 spells of the coven of pleasure you allow them, and can also take back their original appearance and size at will. Your minions must obey your commands and are telepathically linked to you. Any amount of soul they claim is transferred to you. Minions recover 100% of their own soul with a full night of rest. Minions cannot regenerate their souls with pure lust.
  157. Tier 1000
  158. >Omni-ecstasy
  159. Rather than losing part of their soul, any amount of soul taken from a pony by you or your minions may be replaced by the same amount of pure lust instead. In addition, you may make it so that you automatically perform lust feeding on any pony that has pure lust in their souls when they climax as well as on any pony having intercourse with any other pony having lust in their souls, thus spreading lust like a plague and making you grow in the process.
  161. Special
  162. >Triumph of love
  163. Once a day, you and Malachite can use this ability upon both making the other climax. You must both want to activate the ability. You both become as tall as the sum of your respective heights for 10 minutes, and any permanent growth obtained by any of you for that duration by any mean will be applied to both of you.
  165. Consume the equivalent of 10 ponies in 1 use of the ability to upgrade (0/1)
  167. Once a day, you and Malachite can use this ability upon both making the other climax. You must both want to activate the ability. You both become as tall as the sum of your respective heights for 10 minutes, and any permanent growth obtained by any of you for that duration by any mean will be applied TWICE to both of you.
  169. Consume the equivalent of 50 ponies in 1 use of the ability to upgrade (0/1)
  171. Once a day, you and Malachite can use this ability upon both making the other climax. You must both want to activate the ability. You both become as tall as TWICE the sum of your respective heights for 10 minutes, and any permanent growth obtained by any of you for that duration by any mean will be applied TWICE to both of you.
  172. Consume the equivalent of 500 ponies in 1 use of the ability, three times, to upgrade (0/3)
  176. Domination coven spells
  177. Domination coven spells demand that you obtain consent to a contract. Contracts must be spoken or written and contain at least one binding word to be effective. Contracts must be accepted consciously by voicing it out or signing a paper. Unbiased consent or understanding of the implications is not necessary, but the pony must be conscious he accepts something and clearly hear or read the words of power. For example, getting consent under immediate death threat will work, but making somepony sign a contract without having it read first won’t. There’s no time limit to a contract unless you specify one. Any counterpart must be executed properly, but you are not physically bound to do so unless you choose to apply a binding word on yourself. Unless specified otherwise, failure by you to meet a clause of a contract simply breaks the contract. Power words can be used in clauses that will happen if one side fails to meet the terms of a contracts. For example, you can offer to a pony to serve you if he loses a dice game against you. Ponies using bidding words without the magic of witches won’t bind you or themselves if they make a contract with you. A witch must be the origin of the contract for a binding word she knows to have any effect.
  179. Tier 1
  180. >Binding word: “Serve”
  181. Claiming servitude of a pony forces him to obey any order, prevents him from acting against you, and allows you to claim his soul at any time by a mere thought. Ponies may refuse orders if these are too much against their values and if they have strong enough willpower, but as a result they will die and you will collect their soul automatically.
  183. >Binding word: “Feed”
  184. A pony feeding you the way witches understand it will have them gradually lose mass to make you grow over time, up to 1% of the pony’s current mass each day. The more a pony eats, the more you will be fed. The basic alimentation of a pony will grant you around 0,5% of their mass a day. You can impose how much you will be fed from a pony, and they will lose height if their food intake is not enough to match this demand. You may also choose to grow from the amount of food they consume beyond what they need to sustain themselves to protect them.
  186. >Binding word: “Grow”
  187. The pony will be perpetually hungry, and any excess food consumed will make them grow in height rather than get fatter, up to adding 1% of their current mass every day. Witches cannot be bound by this word.
  189. >Binding words: “Eyes” and “Ears”
  190. Allow you to perceive the world through a pony’s eyes and ears at will, and to communicate telepathically with them
  192. >Binding word: “Forget”
  193. Allows you to wipe the memory of a pony under contract from any number of memories
  195. >Binding word: “Merge.”
  196. Allows you to hybrid ponies and other creatures, sapient or not, creating a chimera that is the sum of their size, mass, skills, memories, and contracts they accepted. If both merge materials are sapient, both must accept a contract. The merge of an unwilling sapient creature is extremely traumatic for the resulting individual. Witches cannot be bound by this word.
  198. >Binding word: “Feel”
  199. Allows you inflict any feeling on a pony, positive or negative, and you may condition these feeling to any number of triggers.
  201. >Eye level negotiation
  202. You can shrink yourself down once to your original size as a pony. You call off the effect at any time. The effect stops if you transform in an animal, if you become unconscious or go to sleep or if you orgasm. You can shrink once more after you sleep for at least 4 hours. Size gained while you are shrunk will only apply to you once you grow back to your real size. Your digestive track and mouth won’t stretch while you’re shrunk down.
  204. Tier 10
  205. >Binding word: “Forever”
  206. Servitude to you now transcend death. You may pay the equivalent of a soul in size to resurrect a dead pony bound to your service, allowing it to reappear next to you with all the knowledge it had before they died. A bigger follower will be more expansive to resurrect in proportion to their size.
  208. >Binding word: “Favour”
  209. A pony that is foolish enough to owe you a favour will be forced to accept the next contract you offer him.
  211. >Binding words: “Believe.”
  212. You can reshape a pony’s mind to make him accept any number of ideas or have any opinion on any concept or pony. The ponies will rationalize the source of such a belief to be something they have valid reasons to have no doubt about. You may also directly influence the source of such belief and how much trust they have in it if you wish so. Ponies will not remember your order as being the source of their new beliefs.
  214. >Binding word: “Take”
  215. Taking something from a pony can now apply to abstract things they have, including size, appearance, beauty, knowledge, memories, skills or spells. In all cases the pony won’t have is taken away anymore. Only size stacks while things like intelligence level or dexterity level leaves the taker with the best attribute between what they already have and the giver’s ability. Taking fundamental traits such as dexterity or beauty leaves the giver with a very poor version of it.
  217. >Binding word: “Clone”
  218. Turns a pony into a copy of another living pony under your service. Only the original size of the pony and the integrity of its soul remains, but on all other aspects the copy mimics the original perfectly even in skill and knowledge. The copy is under your service if it wasn’t already and cannot leave your service as long as it is a copy. You may call off the copy and return a pony to its original self at any time, but any size gained in the meantime will remain.
  220. >Soul requisition
  221. Requisitioning the soul of a pony at your service will make you grow and their body and mind will cease to exist, just like if you had absorbed it. You may then return their soul and the servant will reappear next to you with no memory of the event, and you will lose the size gained that way.
  223. Tier 100
  224. >Binding word: “Vessel”
  225. Many witches of the past wish for nothing more than to return to the word of the living. By contracting a pony into becoming a vessel, you may then offer to a witch from beyond to be reincarnated in that pony. The contracts the pony was under do not apply to the witch, but you may or may not bind these witches of the past to your service with a new contract in exchange of bringing them back. Witches know the rules of binding words, and may not be convinced easily to be bound to your service even if they long to walk the world of the living again, but could be persuaded by also offering size to them or some other guarantees to sweeten the deal. Witches of the past can use all the spells they know, but start at the size of the vessel plus any size you may have given then on reincarnation.
  227. >Binding word: “Phylactery”
  228. If you were to die, your mind and knowledge will be transferred to the pony you most recently contracted into becoming your phylactery. You may also define an order rather than to take the most recent.
  230. >Delegate
  231. Ponies who serve you can now bind other ponies in contracts with any amount of words you allow them to use from the ones you know. They may also use ‘Eye Level Negotiation’. Any pony they bind to their service are your servants in priority too.
  233. Tier 1000
  234. >Binding word: “Law”
  235. Obtaining the title of ruler of a community, country, or government of any kind, or being authorized by said rulers or authority to do so will give you free reign over all the ponies who constitute the relevant group and you may bind any number of them to any contract without their direct consent.
  237. Primal coven spells
  238. >Paralyzing mucus. 1 pony
  239. As a toad, your body is covered in a layer of slimy mucus that paralyses ponies for an hour on skin contact. You can also spit some mucus at a short distance. Spitting is neither fast nor precise.
  241. >Superior tongue. 5 ponies
  242. As a toad, you can now shoot your tongue at a distance that is 10 times your height. Your tongue is also covered with mucus.
  244. >Camouflage. 15 ponies
  245. Your skin can mimic your surrounding with extraordinary precision, making you invisible.
  247. >Paralysing vapours. 50 ponies
  248. Your paralyzing mucus is now highly volatile. Your mere proximity will paralyse any breathing organism with a radius of five times your height.
  250. >Leviathan. 300 ponies
  251. You can control 100 time your weight in water and move it as you please in a radius of 20 times your height around you.
  253. First encounters
  254. Cooking coven encounter
  256. Witch cook (pig): Full Course
  257. You fall in a heavy slumber, and you mind is dragged deep into the unknown by the weight in your belly. Time stops making sense to your spirit and you couldn’t tell when you find yourself on some sort of room-sized countertop. Looking around, you see oversized cooking tools and basket of giant fruits and vegetables, with tomatoes twice as large as yourself, belly included. You hear heavy footsteps coming closer, and soon a mare as gigantic as this kitchen looms over you.
  259. “Well, hello dear.” She greets you with the smile of a lovely grandmother. “It’s rare to see a new face.”
  260. “Wait… who are you?” You ask, confused.
  261. “Ah, my apologies. I’m from the cooking coven. My name is Full Course You see, I’m a witch just like you, and I’m here to teach you some actual witch spells… for a price.”
  262. “You’re a witch too? Is this a spell? How did you contact me through telepathy?”
  263. “Yes, yes, I’m a witch too. But you must have gone through your initiation without all the proper information dear.” The gigantic mare lets out a nostalgic sigh. “Ah, it’s so sad the golden age of witches is gone. There were so many of us before, and through study our magic became so powerful… Probably what caused our fall. We tore each other over thirst for power, and thus allowed other entities to wipe our glorious orders from this world. Only our knowledge survived the ages, which means that more often than not, new witches like you lack a lot of information about themselves these days.”
  265. “So, you’re talking from the past, or…”
  266. “Yes, I think you guessed it. I am dead. I’ve been for a very long time I believe, but the spirit of those who consumed the souls of ponies do not go to rest easily.” For a second, all trace of kindness disappears for the face of the giantess, and instead she glares down at you like a cat would over a cornered mouse. “I am still very hungry, Mellow Marsh. Like many of my fellow witches. Food does not come easily where we are. And in exchange for teaching you my spells, I want you to bring me food. That pony you ate for example. I want it for myself.”
  267. You’re left speechless, and for a moment you grab your expansive gut in fear as you feel like the giant mare was gonna snap and gobble you up any moment, but she does not do such thing. Her gentle smile reappears as she continues explaining.
  269. “Magic from the cooking coven has always been the most popular among witches since is about eating. Casting our spells will look a lot like cooking. It takes a bit of time and some simple ingredients, but magic will do most of the work to make it looks and taste actually good. Unless stated otherwise, the magic food must be consumed the day it is made for the magic to work or before it’s cold when it’s a hot dish. Ponies in recipes can be substituted with other sapient species. I’ll start by teaching you beginner recipes if you accept my tutelage. I’ll take one pony you ate as a payment for each of these recipes. For more advanced ones, it’ll be more, but you’re not quite there yet.”
  271. “Now here’s the list of the beginner’s recipes. Does anything catch you interest? I am not going to explain a recipe or its effect unless you purchase them. You’ll forgive me for that little trick, but I just find it exciting to look at young witches discover something fun.”
  273. The list to recipes:
  274. >Pink doughnut
  275. >Devil’s candy
  276. >Secret patty
  277. >Big gulp milkshake
  278. >Wizard hair juice
  279. >Egg shake of the tiger
  280. >Mosquito straw
  281. >Food fighter’s special
  283. >Purchase a recipe?
  284. >Ask something else?
  286. Pleasure coven encounter
  288. Again, your rest isn’t quiet. For a while, everything remains blurry, and soft, and warm. It’s rather nice actually, as though you were travelling through a tunnel of velvet. As you’re transported around, you start to hear soft giggling up and around you. When you come to you senses, you realise you’re on an ocean of soft pillows. As you look up, two house-sized mares are fondly kissing each other, their soft moans echoing all around you.
  289. It’s when they stop to look down at you realize you’re not lying on a pillow, but on the supple butt cheek on an equally large mare.
  291. “Hello there.” The first one says with a honeyed voice. “My name is Heart Throb.”
  292. “And I’m Wet Hooves.” The other adds. “We’re part of the coven of pleasure, and we wanted to introduce ourselves to out new fellow witch.”
  293. “You were visited by the coven of last time, right? Cooking is nice and all, but don’t you think it’s kind of a shame you can’t have your cake and eat.” Heart Throb giggles vapidly.
  294. “A witch has to eat, yes, but ponies are so cute, and once you’re powerful enough it’s so easy to make them your obedient little pets. Do you wish you didn’t have to eat them?”
  296. “And that’s something us, the pleasure coven can do!”
  297. “We know how to nourish ourselves without permanently damaging them. Don’t you think it’s just so sad, to meet a little pony, to make him putty in your hooves, but then just ending his life? But as witches, we need to consume them to grow. So how do we do?” Wet Hooves feigns interrogation, pressing hoof on her full, bright pink lips.
  298. “With the power of love! That’s how we do!” Heart Throb answers with enthusiasm, and her coven mate claps in approval. “Isn’t it beautiful? Love is special. It’s like a part of your soul you give to somebody else! With our spells, you can just take a little bite of it, and then the love will grow again like fruits on a healthy tree!”
  299. “You will need to invest yourself with ponies if you follow our path. It’s not the same as just eating a pony and be done with it. But the more time and love you’ll invest in ponies, the more you’ll get back! Our coven knows all the spells for love to keep growing and growing and growing!”
  301. “Isn’t it wonderful? I’m sure you want to try to. But…” Heart Throb pout melancholically. “We’re gonna need your help first. There are so few playthings left for us here. Can you, bring us some?”
  302. “You’re gonna help your sisters from the past right? All you have to do, is to go to sleep with a little pony in your arms. Outside of your belly of course, and then we’ll be able to show you the magic of love.”
  303. “It’s simple right? Do you have any questions?”
  305. Domination coven encounter
  307. As expected, you have another strange dream tonight. It’s rather sudden this time. You find yourself sitting at a table in a small room lit by floating candles, fully aware as though you were awake. Before you lies a map of the whole world, and at the other side of the table, a mare that is surprisingly regular-sized is sitting.
  308. “Greetings. I am Emerald Lock, from the coven of domination.” She introduces herself.
  310. As you hear the name, a bit of history comes back to your mind. You think Emerald Lock was the name of an evil queen that lived two centuries ago somewhere in the north. You don’t remember much else however.
  311. “You must be getting used to this so I’ll get straight to the point.” Emerald states. “Back in their golden age, witches fell as a whole fell because of the carefreeness of the other covens. At the time, their short-sighted hedonism allowed far weaker powers to get rid of our orders, and I am here to persuade you not to follow the same path.”
  313. There, Emerald starts to narrate you the fate of witches of old.
  314. “Two millenniums ago, the three witch covens controlled the world. However, they had grown petty and arrogant. Over the differences between covens, witches chose to fight to the death. While this weakened every coven, the conflict inflicted a far harsher toll on the common ponies. Mere fuel to the effort of war, cohorts of them were devoured in increasingly brutal rituals of power. The remaining ponies rebelled, and found in themselves a power witches hadn’t suspected. Guided by the faith of the Scorching Light, ponies destroyed all three covens, and swore to annihilate their heritage.”
  316. “The faith of Light that is still today practiced around the world grew from this power that defeated witches. While the common ponies merely embrace the faith of the Light as a form of spirituality, orders of paladins of the Scorching Light still exists in remote monasteries, and they are devoted to destroy witches among other threats to the domination of their church. And unlike our order, knowledge and training has been passed on though their ranks with efficiency and commitment. Should you encounter paladins of the Scorching Light in the comming days, they would destroy you without a doubt.”
  317. “Hold on.” You react. “You say that like they could be chasing me already…”
  319. “It is hard to say, and it is a matter of luck at this point, but that is a possibility.” She answers. “The monasteries of the Scorching Light have a few seers that can sense the birth of a new witch in a general region, but their paladins are not capable of discerning a witch from a regular pony unless your size is outrageous. Their investigation on you will rely on the information you leave behind yourself. Do not underestimate them. They are taught to hate witches from their first day in the order, and their zealous determination means they’ll never give up on finding and killing you. They’ll track you down to the very end of the earth, and they won’t be afraid to cause a ruckus or to kill bystanders if they identify you as a witch. All of them are fierce warriors, and unafraid of death. They’ll know how to shield themselves from the magic of witches, and will blow themselves off with a spell of theirs rather than let themselves be eaten. Also, if you have no choice but to fight, NEVER confront them during the day. They can summon the power of the sun itself to burn their enemies to a crisp. Clouds or the shade of a building won’t be enough to save you.”
  321. “Ahem… You say they won’t be able to tell I’m a witch, but I kinda stand out already…”
  322. “Hum.” Emerald nods “Let me help you with that.”
  323. There, the witch queen closes her eyes, and from her horn a tendril of green light emerges then gently hoovers toward you to be absorbed by your body.
  325. >You can now shrink yourself down to your original size as a pony once a day
  326. >You have learned the binding word: “Serve”.
  328. “Aside from the power of returning to your original size, I bestowed one upon you. The coven of domination got its power over ponies though contracts. Use the own words of ponies to bend them to your will, as they have grown to use them lightly. The word that I just taught you, in a contract written or spoken, will be imbued with the power of my coven and forever force a pony to obey any of your orders, and allow you to claim their souls and size whenever you wish. The powers of the coven of domination allow the words to take their most literal sense in a contract, beyond what is usually in the realm of possibilities. There are other words I could teach you, but before that, I want you to bind a pony in a contract so it serves me. I know this sounds hypocritical after I told you I would help, but in the afterlife, sustaining ourselves with souls is the only way to ward off complete oblivion.”
  330. “Do you have any questions?”
  332. “Heed my warning, Mellow Marsh, grow in the shadows. Build your power though any means necessary. Ready yourself for a war, because the world will eventually wage war on you. With the path you chose, you will never be at peace until you take over the world itself.”
  334. Primal coven encounter
  335. Todo when spirit animal chosen
  336. Locations
  337. 500 000 000 millions total
  338. Kingdom of Lunaria => Solarian theocracy
  339. Terestian Empire
  341. You are currently in the realm of Terestia. This nation is comparatively small to its two neighbours, but both rival powers appreciate having Terestia as a buffer state. While you’ve heard of wars in the past, you did not witness any since you were born.
  342. Terestia’s power is rather decentralised, with most towns taking care of their own matters. Commercial agreements unite them, and all the cities share a defence pact. There are two large cities, Port Duskwave and Heartkeep, which both have a population around 300 000 ponies. The rest of the country’s population is scattered in the many cities and villages of the country. Some of them are hamlets, but there’s a lot of them. You would have to do it on purpose to travel a day on the road and not find one. You think the population of this country is around 4 000 000 ponies. The ponies of Terestia disapprove slightly of the church of light, as they are morally suspicious of its centralized powers.
  344. To the north and beyond the sea is the Solarian Theocracy. It is controlled directly by the church of Light. This is a very powerful country that holds the seat of the faith. The population is very dense there. It is an arid country, and in the vast desert there is a megalopolis that never stops for a hundred miles, following the bigger river that goes from the largest coastal city in the south to the actual capital in the middle of the desert. You don’t think going over there is a good idea yet with how the church is everywhere.
  346. To the southeast and beyond the mountain are the Golden Alliance. They are a patchwork of old nations of varying size that are often at wars with each other despite sharing a big part of each other’s culture. The Golden Alliance is an ancestral pact that unites all these countries should they have to fight a bigger enemy from they outside. Historically, it was always the Solarian Theocracy. The two powers are in a tense rivalry, but there’s no open conflict at the moment.
  347. Historically, the faith of Light has been present in the Golden Kingdom since immemorial times, but tensions have been on the rise since the Solarian Theocracy started saying the heads of the faith should become the political rulers as well, something that is wished neither by the local lords or the vast majority of the churchs of the Golden Alliance themselves. The territory of the Alliance is huge, but the density of population is less dense than in the Solarian Theocracy.
  349. Further north are uncharted lands of wild forest of pines, icy mountains and endless cold tundra, with no official ruler recognized by the pony world there. Independent tribes of ponies live there, as well as griffons, minotaurs, dragons, and other unknown creatures as well. These northern lands are even bigger than the Golden Alliance.
  350. The faith of Light is almost absent from this part of the world.
  352. Almost on the other side of the planet are the Aquarian principalities. In a vast archipelago, there’s many small countries living peacefully between themselves. While it is accepted, the faith of light has no strong attach in this part of the world. Just like for the wild north, you know very little about this place.
  353. Plot ideas
  354. - Witch from coven of pleasure controlling a small village OR owning a private club in a city
  355. - Witch from coven of domination at the head of a barbarian tribe, and trying to conquer the world
  356. - Witch from primal coven being a kraken
  357. - Witch from coven of cooking being an adventurer and eating monsters only.
  358. - Gambling coven
  359. About the order of the scorching light
  360. “Again, avoiding them remains the best course of action in all cases. I cannot stress this enough, but NEVER fight them during the day, and even at night they have immense destructive powers. A single one can burn down an entire village with ease. They cannot be bound by contracts, and trying to consume them will only give you the worst stomach burn of your life. The spells of the coven of pleasure will likely be useless too. They also are extremely resilient to any kind of magic and pain. Getting the jump on them would be ideal to crush their skull in an instant, but they travel in groups of at least five paladins, and are clever enough to render this neigh impossible.”
  362. “However, I have witnessed that their zeal and the current political plans of the church puts them at odds with ponies of this land in this age. The only thing you have for yourself is that they see themselves as the protectors of ponykind and do not wish to be completely rejected by ponies despite their ruthlessness. The only reason they are tolerated is tales of them heroically slaying dangerous monsters in dire times. Those occurrences are rare, but that does mean the order of the Scorching Light has a few grateful partisans here and there. Also, they have no spell to detect you for sure. They will rely on the information you may leave behind to find you, and you’ve been rather clean so far. They know all the spells a witch can have, so keep that in mind while you use them. If you have given them no reason to think a witch is around, they’ll most likely leave after a while. So if I were you, I’d either avoid them, or try to have them be run out of town. And if everything fails, run for your life. Their training burns the feathers off the pegasi of the order, so with your longer legs you have a real chance to leave them all in the dust. Their whole training is only combat, both offense and defence. While a single paladin can reliably take on a beast as powerful as a dragon, they cannot use any other kind of magic.”
  364. The Golden Age of Witches
  365. “Ahem. The magic of witches is older than history, Mellow Marsh.” Emerald lock starts to narrate. “At a time before cities and kingdoms existed, and that ponies were only nomads or living in small tribes, there was only what today is the primal coven. They were a tribe of unicorn mares that worshiped animality, and that wished to elevate themselves as apex predators. They were the first to master the art of consuming others and grow, and to hear the will of their ancestors. However, they had no desire of conquest. They mostly hunted and consumed other beasts to grow, and their lives were closer to the ones of a pack of wolves than civilised ponies.”
  367. “For centuries the primal witches dwelled at the edge of the world, monsters like any other. But around them history was in motion. Ponies thrived and grew in number, knowledge, power, but also in pride. It was now an age of empires, and nations than are now all extinct were longing to conquer the land of their neighbours.”
  369. “To win this war to come, one queen whose ambition knew no bounds decided to use the power of witches. The one that would become known as the Witch Queen, the Abyssal Maw, made contact with the primal witches with the help of her family and scholars. Through her silver tongue and clever spells, she exchanged the life of nearly all her subjects in exchange for the power of the witches. With them, she wrote down the initiation spell you used to become a witch, and granted it to a selected few of her followers, while grooming the primal witches into serving her.”
  371. “With that unholy sacrifice, she and her new horde grew to the height of giants, and literally trampled over the nations of the world. All became a living pantry for them. After the conquest, some witches returned to their old life and became what is the primal coven you met. The rest indulged in their position of rulers of the world, and the three main covens came to be. Pleasure. Cooking. Domination. These were all the witches of old wished for.”
  373. “I believe I told you the rest. Generations of witches went by, and through their undisputed rule they grew petty and bored. They fought a war among themselves fuelled by the lives of ponies, and from their limitless despair rose a vengeful light that burnt alive witches of all covens in a single day.”
  375. The Lunarian Empire
  376. “Ah, you make it sound great, but my tale doesn’t end well.” The mare shows you a bitter-sweet smile. “At my time, the Lunarian Empire was a nation build on slavery, and I was one of them slaves from birth. My only luck was that I had been taught to read for my duties, and the ritual that made me a witch fell in my hooves by chance. After consuming another slave, I tricked my master into becoming my servant, and I used his assets to grow in power. Through the words of the coven of domination, I gathered size and strength, and I slowly tricked many other nobles into my service. By the time the crown realised nobles were getting manipulated, I controlled a quarter of them, and by extension an equal share of the resources of the empire. With the power of witches on my side, I was large enough to take on the rest. The crown fell in my hooves in a matter of weeks. I abolished slavery, and replaced it with the only rightful kind of domination. Serving me. My subjects were all equal under my hooves.”
  378. “I lived a few glorious months like that. I wasn’t shy of using my power for the well-being of my servants, so I believe at least the former slaves were grateful of their new condition. But that all came to a brutal end. At the time, the faith of the Light was absent from the Lunarian Empire. They condemned slavery, and I sent servants of mine, former nobles, to pretend to be me so they believed they caught the witch they sensed so they wouldn’t come meddle with my plans. I believed I was safe, but one morning, the rising sun shone upon me and my empire with a light that pierced even the marble of my palace, and then skin, flesh and bones. Before I realised what was happening, I and all my servants were burning to a crisp. I died without understanding the source of this terrible power. Likely, it is the Scorching Light, but I intend to use the mare you gave me to learn the actual truth.”
  380. Suspicion
  381. Green Edge : 1/20 (Malachite was confounded about being nosey at the pub)
  383. About death
  384. To clear some stuff up so you may plan accordingly.
  386. No words or magic you have can save Owl Quill at this point. For the ‘Take’ word to work, both ponies need to consent. It can be used to heal by taking injuries as long as both ponies are alive, though. Since this is a fantasy word, the ‘soul’ leaves the body upon death, and then even restoring the body completely cannot revive a pony unless additional, often very evil magic is used to bring the soul back. [spoiler]You may take a guess at which tier 10 spell you don’t have may cheat death in a way for example[/spoiler]
  388. Minor covens
  389. 1: Apex coven: buy spells to fight other witches… if you can prove your worth
  390. - Succubus kiss. On kiss, steals 10% of the kisser’s souls/ second. On kiss on mouth, 50%
  391. 2: The beyond’s gentlemare club: gamble souls on challenges to accomplish in the world of the living
  392. 3: Casino coven: gamble souls on dice rolls
  393. 4-5: Sleeping witches: wake them up, eat them up, your choice.
  394. 6-7: Adversary: a soul from a witch that wants to tear up bits of your own size
  395. 8-9: Degraded soul: a helpless witch that may be consumed or bullied in any way
  396. 10-15: Meeting Pelagia
  398. ________________________________
  401. “Welcome, gentlemares and gentlecolts.” The voice of the announcer mare resonates in the room. “Tonight, in this beautiful city of Las Pegasus, you are going to witness the highest form of entertainment given to pony kind! There is no limit in this fight, and our two contestants will go all out to win this. And I’m not only talking about punches here, oh, far from it! For the few sleepy heads here, or to our lucky newcomers, you should know that this fight is gonna get very, very hot with between our two contestants! Feel free to watch and marvel, as the weapons of seduction are the deadliest to wield on the rings of Las Pegasus! And don’t worry about sitting in the back. Our mares are gonna be coming to you, because when the heat is on, when the stakes climb up, the bodies of our mares will surge in power ‘till they reach the sky!”
  402. The audience cheers and clap in response. About all the seats around the pit have been filled already. The fight will start in minutes.
  404. “Tonight, will be full of surprises, for we welcome a new mare among our fighters! She arrived not so long ago in Las Pegasus, so most of you will meet this lovely mare while she passes her trial of fire tonight. You know the rules, folks! We don’t let the dainty come in the closed circle of the Las Pegasus Wrestling League so easily, so tonight the winner takes all! Will our new mare crush and mare her entry memorable? Or will she have to come back home with even less than nothing? Stay tuned to find out!”
  406. That new mare of course, it’s you. Your heart’s racing with excitement, as your first fight approaches. After saving for so long, you got your chance at entering THE league. Getting famous, getting obscenely rich, and becoming a sexy giantess, all of that finally feels like it’s within your reach. But for that, you’re gonna have to win tonight, or else it’s back to square one, and you’re gonna have to save money for the next years to purchase again the abilities you need to participate in a match like tonight.
  412. >Knock out you opponent to win a match.
  413. >Become 20 times bigger than your opponent to win a match.
  414. >Organizers won’t allow a win if the spectators don’t like you, so be hot, be spectacular and work on your catchphrases.
  415. (list of figthers and their abilities is lanned)
  417. __________________________________________
  418. The Diamond Hellion
  420. In the heart of the Dark Lands, the demon king has been threatening the safety of the world with his armies of monsters. The nations of the world are putting up a common effort to get rid of this threat, and also encouraging adventurers from all around the world to come and join the campaign.
  421. Among the last batch of brave souls coming at the world’s aid, there’s a particular mare. A heavy sword on her back and clad in a thick armour, here comes Diamond Grace, also known as the Diamond Hellion.
  423. Last daughter of the benevolent local lord Diamond Hoof, the Diamond Hellion grew up to become the exact opposite of her gentle and caring father. Undisciplined and violent even as a foal, no amount of education or discipline managed to go through Diamond Grace’s thick skull. She grew up into a devilishly cunning and stubborn mare. She’d endure the harshest punishments from her instructors and father rather than to show the most basic form of respect to anybody. Even nature herself seemed to encourage the mare, as she grew up taller and sturdier than even most stallions, to the point that the whips would break on her coat rather than the other way around.
  425. Instead of the example nobility was supposed to show the common folks, Diamond Grace behaved like the lowest brute. Degradation of goods, petty theft and publics insults were a common occurrence for the Diamond Hellion. Even if the folks knew how embarrassing she was for her father, the Diamond Hellion’s name coupled with her physical prowess made it so almost nopony ever dared to stand up to her. The few who attempted ended up biting the dust at the hooves of the strong mare, may they have been guards, would-be kidnappers or even thug friends she betrayed to cover herself. A strong regimen of martial training and physical exercise is the only discipline the Diamond Hellion accepted on herself, as brute strength is currently a big part of what’s enabling her depraved lifestyle.
  427. Some say the poor lord Diamond was too soft on her daughter, but in truth and even though he grew more desperate by the year, Diamond Hoof still hopes that his last daughter may one day become a pony he may be proud of. This is when you came into this story. You were a foal from the streets, surviving from odd jobs and begging, but thanks to a streak of luck, Diamond Hoof recruited you for a very particular task. The noble stallion asked you to become his daughter’s servant.
  429. For your service, Diamond Hoof offered no less than to pull you and your younger sibling out of the street. A roof over the head of your three younger brothers and a chance to go to school was more than you could have dreamed off. The task you were issued in return was certainly worth that price. Taking orders from the Diamond Hellion was the easiest part. Abusive and demanding she may be, but living in the streets had taught you to bow your head and to withstand humiliation a long time ago. Once the novelty of your presence wore off, the Diamond Hellion seemed to appreciate having a servant of her own. While you still experienced the occasional bucks and insults, against your will you had become the closest pony to the Diamond Hellion after a year. Another thing that you managed to somewhat shrug off, a bit to your own surprise, was your ability you deal with the Diamond Hellion’s sexual urges. She didn’t hold any standard of purity upon herself, and merely found convenient than a stallion’s hooves and shaft whose hygiene she could trust could help her satisfy these needs of her. The Diamond Hellion’s body was the opposite of a turn off, but her personality sure was. And despite the climaxes you helped her reach and that you rarely experienced yourself, these interactions were devoid of any love.
  431. Whenever you weren’t busy being the Diamond Hellion’s chewing toy, you too were given an access to education. Aside from manners, basic economics, history and geography, you were even taught a couple of useful spells. But in truth, Diamond Hoof was hoping for something more with that. Even though he didn’t give you a set amount of time, he wished you could try to nudge Diamond Grace in the right direction. While he remained rather distant, you felt indebted to Diamond Hoof, but this task was more easily said than done. Enduring the abuse of the Diamond Hellion was one thing your condition prepared you to, but ever so slightly standing up to her was another story. The problem wasn’t even what she may physically inflict on you when you dared to bring any contradiction up to her, but actively going against this mare who was bigger, stronger, a noble and an abusive one with that made you feel paralyzed in your horseshoes whenever you had to come to this. You’re not sure how rational it was, but it is immensely easier on your mind to cower from a storm, no matter how violent in may be, than to stand up and merely risk provoking it.
  433. Still, you learned subtlety with time, and found yourself able to influence the Diamond Hellion into less destructive activities at times, when you could argue these would be more fun to her. While the ponies around didn’t forget about the Hellion’s misdeeds, Diamond Hoof expressed his gratitude to you at this slight inflexion in his daughter’s temper, and encouraged you to keep at it, even if years may still separate her from any real change in behaviour.
  435. However, fate had another plan in mind than a battle of attrition against the Diamond Hellion’s character.
  437. One day, an old unicorn in rags was loudly ranting in the town square. He claimed he had a potion that could help whoever drank it defeat the demon king by absorbing the strength of monsters, and dared the crowd to step forth a drink it. Unluckily, the Diamond Hellion in particular caught his eye. The old fool said every word that was sure to earn him her wrath, telling her to her face she was too weak and cowardly to take up his offer. These claims earned him a bloody beating, and against your advice the Diamond Hellion gulped down the mysterious potion before publicly declaring she would go and defeat the demon king herself.
  439. In truth, Diamond Hoof was the only one in his family to still have any hope for his daughter. The rest viewed her as a huge inconvenience and a stain on the family’s name, and were all too happy to see the Diamond Hellion willingly embark on a journey she would certainly not come back from any time soon.
  441. However, Diamond Hoof asked you to follow his daughter in her reckless adventure. In exchange, he made the arrangements so the allowance for your siblings were set for life, so the Diamond house could crumble overnight your brothers still wouldn’t suddenly go back to the streets. You would also be freed from your role as his daughter’s servant if you came back with her, defeating the demon king or not. To your surprise, when you asked if that meant he wanted you to convince his daughter to give up, this was his answer.
  442. “No. Many say I’m being delusional about Diamond Grace, but I have a hunch she might be the right pony to bring hell to the demon king itself. It feels like I’m asking something even bigger from you there, but I wish you could try to make the saviour of our world a bit of a better person before she become that.”
  444. Your experience dealing with Grace is represented in your knowledge of the following values.
  446. Her HP: 200/200
  447. Equipped: Diamond sword
  448. Equipped: Diamond armour
  449. Weapon attack: 40 damage
  450. Ignores 10 damage
  452. Your HP: 50/50
  453. You MP: 50/50
  454. Equipped: traveller’s cloak
  455. Equipped: Spell book
  456. Equipped: backpack full of Grace’s stuff
  458. Spells:
  459. Cure injury: exchange MP for HP out of combat
  460. Conjure water: 5 MP: creates enough water to fill a bathtub
  461. Zap: 2 MP: 1d10+10 damage
  463. Your willpower: 50/100
  464. Her trust: 50/100
  465. Her empathy: 0/100
  467. Moods:
  468. Lazy: Despite her brash nature, there’s days when Grace will not be in the mood for any activity at all, and merely demand to be pampered all day.
  469. - Any productive activity from Grace will cost more willpower and trust
  470. - Servicing Grace will get you more trust from her
  471. - Has a chance to become satisfied if treated with premium service
  472. Cruel: Some days, Grace decides to chew on her toy, which is you. She’ll hit and demean you at every change she gets for her own amusement. You’re used to days like this by now, sort of…
  473. - Grace will issue you orders that will drain your willpower whenever she can
  474. - She cannot gain trust in you these days
  475. - While she’s focussed on tormenting you, she remains rather polite with other ponies around her
  476. Obnoxious: Grace is rich. Grace is strong. Grace is better than you. The equivalent of being in high spirits for Grace means that she revels in these qualities of her and will let the whole world know about it.
  477. - Her constant boasting drains your willpower and lowers your reputation a little over time
  478. - Doesn’t need as much willpower to get her to do useful stuff
  479. - Gain trust at the cost of willpower by flattering her
  480. Reckless: Grace sometimes wakes up longing for an adventure. Kicking down the first pony she meets for no reason is an adventure to her.
  481. - Will not accept to remain idle unless you spend willpower on it
  482. - Great chance to trigger incidents in a village
  483. - Great chance for Grace to become determined if she finds an adventure she deems worthy of her
  485. Special moods:
  487. Determined: Once Grace decides she wants something, it is really hard to get that idea out of her head. She forgets some of her usual griefs at this moment, but in turn it will be extremely hard to deter her from her goal. This is unfortunately something you have to do sometimes, as her infatuations are sometime even more dangerous than her wrath on you.
  488. - High willpower cost to pursue any other goal that what Grace wants
  489. - Not getting what she wanted will make her cruel for the rest of the day
  490. - Getting what wants may make her satisfied if you helped significantly, otherwise obnoxious.
  492. Satisfied: It is extremely rare for Grace to stop being a horrible pony, but sometimes she seems permeable to a shadow of some kindness, and even a hint of self-reflection. Grace doesn’t get in this mood on her own and it usually doesn’t last long.
  493. - Use these moments well to regain some trust, willpower or make her empathy progress.
  496. Monsters:
  498. Grace’s stats increase in equal proportions to her height
  499. Eating any monster give Grace a temporary height bonus.
  500. Eating three monsters of the same kind grant a permanent bonus to height and a miscellaneous bonus once
  501. After eating ten monsters of the same kind, doubles all temporary height bonuses from them
  502. Advance through village while they can still bear your presence
  503. (lists of mosters and growth effect is planned)

Witch Quest (MMP)

by Pleeny_the_Ill

Bard Quest MMP CYOA

by Pleeny_the_Ill

Bard Quest MMP CYOA : intermission

by Pleeny_the_Ill

Witch Quest MMP CYOA + prompts

by Pleeny_the_Ill

Milky Way /mmp/ story

by Pleeny_the_Ill