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A Snow-day with Sunset

By Spiderbloke2099
Created: 2024-12-24 08:55:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >As December finally rolls around you find a sight that all students, even high school seniors, long for
  3. >A solid 2 feet of snow seems to have fallen overnight
  4. >Enough that even the most foolhardy school districts would be willing to cancel school for
  5. >You grin, grab your phone, and call your girlfriend, Sunset Shimmer
  6. >Two rings later you hear Sunset's groggy greeting
  7. >”Morning Anon, what time is it?”
  8. >You can't help but smile
  9. “7 am, but it's fine. It snowed enough last night that school’s been canceled.”
  10. >That receives a groggy “woo!” from the other side of the line
  11. “I was wondering if you'd like to hang out a little later today.”
  12. >A pleased-sounding groan filters through the phone's speaker
  13. >”How about 9?”
  14. “Sounds good to me.”
  15. >You hear the sound of shifting sheets, followed by the sounds of Sunset stretching
  16. >”You want to hit up Sugarcube Corner or the arcade?”
  17. >From her tone you can tell Sunset is more fishing for ideas than actually making any real suggestions
  18. “I was thinking that since we haven't really been able to see each other with midterms and all, maybe I could come over to your place?”
  19. >Maybe you're taking things too fast with that, you haven't even been to her place before
  20. >Sunset seems to be mulling it over and lets the moment stretch on into an uncomfortable silence
  21. >”I, uh, maybe I could come over to your place instead?”
  22. >You seriously consider just saying yes right there, but then you remember your dad’s one rule
  23. >No girls in the house unless he or mom are going to be there too
  24. >And you know that even with two feet of snow on the ground, neither of your parents is going to miss work
  25. >Hell, your dad usually has to be bedridden for him to miss a day of work
  26. “Maybe it would be better to just wait until the weekend…”
  27. >You spoke without even realizing what you were saying
  28. >Sunset almost yells back at you
  29. >”NO! I mean, I really do want to see you today Anon. It's just I’ve never had anyone over. Uh, any boys I mean, but I’d love to have you over.”
  30. >That's a bit of a surprise, you're certain that you’d heard a rumor that Flash had taken her home several times
  31. >Then again, just because he drove Sunset home doesn't mean he’d ever been inside
  32. >Your mind reels with that piece of information
  33. “Then I’ll, uh, s-see you at 9?”
  34. >You swallow, feeling more and more nervous
  35. >Sunset's voice sounds near angelic as she answers
  36. >”Yep! Love you, Anon.”
  37. >No matter how many times you hear Sunset say it your heart flutters when you hear those three words
  38. “Love you too, Sunset.”
  39. >With that you hang up and scour your room for something to wear
  40. >Not too formal, but not too casual either
  41. >After an hour you finally settle on a turtleneck sweater and your cleanest pair of jeans
  42. >Glancing at the clock, you see that you still have some time to kill before you need to leave
  43. >Giving yourself a quick sniff, you decide to take a shower
  44. >That eats up 15 minutes, but you still have plenty of time to spare
  45. >Maybe you should grab something on the way over
  46. >You think about it and decide that it'll be the least you can do for more or less twisting Sunset's arm over this
  47. >You finish getting ready and start heading out the door passing by your dad as he finishes up his coffee
  48. “Hey, I’m gonna spend the day at a friend's house since school’s canceled.”
  49. >Dad gives you an appraising look
  50. >”Have a good time, don't add to the population, and don't subtract from it. OH! And take the truck, it's supposed to snow some more this afternoon.”
  51. >He tosses you the keys and you nod and snap off a two-fingered salute
  52. >To which your dad flips you the bird as he chuckles
  53. >”I mean it, I don't want to have grandkids until /after/ you finish College!”
  54. >You close the front door as he finishes and clamber into your dad's truck
  55. >It's nothing fancy, but it has enough torque in low gear to get you anywhere you’d need to go
  56. >Even Sweet Apple Acres
  57. >The engine roars to life with an eager lurch, and you pull out into the street
  59. >Be Sunset
  60. >You just got off the phone with Anon
  61. >He’s going to be coming over later today
  62. >Looking at the “organized chaos” as Rarity likes to call it, you decide that you’ll be spending some time cleaning up
  63. >Pizza boxes, old ramen cups, and to-go boxes from the Sushi Shack litter every horizontal surface
  64. >Not to mention your bed, which looks less like a comfortable place to sleep and more like a war zone
  65. >Rolling up the sleeves of the oversized sweatshirt you put on the radio and get stuck in
  66. >Half an hour later and you're cursing your past self for letting it get so bad
  67. >But now you’ve finished collecting all the trash into a couple of bags
  68. >Now you need to take them out to the dumpster
  69. >It's a short walk, and the bags aren't too heavy so you confidently step into the hall
  70. >You make it to the back door of the little apartment complex before you remember that other than an ill-fitting sweatshirt and a ratty pair of slippers, you've got nothing to protect yourself from the icy cold outside
  71. >You loudly groan and consider just leaving the trash here
  72. >As soon as the thought forms you hear Applejack admonishing you in your mind
  73. “All right, Sunset, you can do this. Just out and back, and then you can have a nice hot shower!”
  74. >And with that mantra in mind you open the door, only to be struck with an icy blast of wind and snow
  75. “Just out and back. Just out and back.”
  76. >You bite out the words as if they will shield you from the stinging needles of cold
  77. >And with slow careful steps you make it out to the dumpster
  78. >Luckily someone left the lid open last night, so you don't have to struggle with lifting it and a ton of snow or trying to clear it
  79. >You just toss the bags in and leave it at that
  80. >The march back is only manageable due to your legs starting to go numb
  81. >Once you make it back to your apartment you strip and run the hottest bath you can
  82. >The heat is almost too much as you slip beneath the water, but soon enough you start to acclimate
  83. >With the heat thawing you out, you almost fall asleep
  84. >And as much as you'd love to take a nap in the tub, Anon is coming over and you still need to finish cleaning up your apartment
  85. >With a resigned sigh you climb out of the tub and throw the sweatshirt on
  86. >You should have plenty of time to get properly dressed as soon as you finish cleaning
  88. >Be Anon
  89. >As you roll along down to Sunset's apartment you decide to swing by Sugarcube Corner and grab some coffee and breakfast for the two of you
  90. >The Cakes are as dedicated to baking as your parents are to pushing paperwork, so they're probably already open
  91. >It’s also not far off your path, so you decide to make a quick stop
  92. >Luckily for you Pinkie isn't working today so you aren't pulled into a long conversation about God only knows what
  93. >In total the stop only adds 5 minutes to your trip
  94. >Time well spent for steaming hot coffee and fresh pastries
  95. >Even with that, you still arrive at Sunset's apartment early
  96. >Probably because the only other people on the road are the snow plows
  97. >Once you park in the back, you grab the drinks and the bag of pastries and make your way around to the front door
  98. > You have to juggle your load for a second as the wood of the door is stuck in the frame, but soon enough you’ve got it open
  99. >You never got Sunset's apartment number, but luckily there's a directory on the wall next to the front door
  100. >You're not sure why, there are only three apartments
  101. >Putting the strangeness out of your mind, you Climb up the stairs to the second floor where the apartments are
  102. >As soon as you get to Sunset's door you pause and take a deep breath
  103. >Just knock, it's a simple action
  104. >Just raise your hand, curl your fingers into a fist, and knock on the door
  105. >Your breath comes out in a ragged burst
  106. >Why are you so nervous
  107. >It's just Sunset's apartment
  108. >Which you’ve never been in before
  109. >A small part of your mind wonders what the inside will look like
  110. >Will it be mostly empty
  111. >Perhaps with a lonely TV
  112. >Almost a minute of deep breaths and psyching yourself up passes before you have the nerve to knock
  114. >Be Sunset
  115. >Just as you’re about to finish putting away the last of your clean clothes, you hear a loud knocking at your door
  116. >Dread fills you as you shoot a glance at the clock on your nightstand
  117. >The small screen there, glowing a deep amber, reads “9:00 AM”
  118. >It must be Anon
  119. >You tear your eyes away from the clock and look at the last piece of clothing in your hands
  120. >A scandalously short pair of lacy shorts that Rarity gave you along with a matching, and equally skimpy, top that was some form of sleepwear
  121. >It was /supposedly/ a gag gift, as she had given all the other girls similar sultry unmentionables
  122. >But a small part of you believes it's revenge for the smear campaign you ran against her for last year's Spring Fling
  123. >The one where you made her look like a slut, you remind yourself
  124. >A second round of knocking smashes the silence
  125. “Coming!”
  126. >You quickly stash it in your underwear drawer and rush down from your loft to the door
  127. >Your hands shuddering in nervousness and excitement, you open the door
  128. >Standing on the other side is Anon, looking like he just got caught trying to sneak into Harshwhinny’s class late
  129. >His hands are clutching a pair of slightly steaming paper cups and a bag with the Sugarcube Corner logo that Pinkie spent weeks designing for the owners
  130. >You plaster a grin on your face that you think looks convincingly not-at-all nervous
  131. “Well, come on in, before that gets any colder.”
  132. >Anon’s face flushes in a way that's cute and endearing
  133. >As he walks in you carefully close the door behind him
  134. >”Sorry about earlier. I’d normally be more than happy to have you over, but my parents don't want me having guests if they aren't there.”
  135. >That catches you off guard
  136. “But going over to other people's homes is just fine?”
  137. >Anon flinches, and with the look on his face he reminds you of a kicked puppy
  138. >It's easy to forget sometimes that you're Anon’s first real girlfriend
  139. >And that you used to be the supreme bitch of CHS
  140. >Subconsciously you reach out for his hand, rubbing his knuckles reassuringly
  141. >”Yeah, Dad uh, doesn't like the idea of people snooping around his room.”
  142. >A genuine laugh leaves your lips, not the forced mean laughs you used to do, but one full of mirth
  143. >At that Anon laughs as well
  144. >”Seriously! He even told me not to get you pregnant”
  145. >You blush profusely as that last part slips out of Anon’s mouth
  146. >To his credit, Anon catches on and immediately changes the subject
  147. >”Right, so, uh… I um… I brought breakfast.”
  148. >He waves at the coffee table where he placed the coffee and bag of sweets
  149. >You snatch the cup at the implied offer if only to have something to do with your hands
  150. >The moment you do the lovely smell of coffee, vanilla, and cream hits you
  151. ”Mmm, I really need this.”
  152. >Though it's not quite as scalding as a fresh cup would be, you still take slow, small sips
  153. >The warmth and caffeine go a long way toward soothing your nerves
  154. >Anon, for his part fishes out an apple fritter and begins to chow down
  155. “So, Anon, do you want to watch a movie or…?”
  156. >You glance over your shoulder at the TV
  157. >”A movie sounds lovely.”
  158. >You turn your head back to Anon and smile
  159. “I have the perfect one!”
  160. >Luckily you were already watching the perfect movie last night
  162. >Be Anon
  163. >The movie Sunset picked out was How the Grinch Stole Christmas
  164. >As she starts it Sunset hums a little
  165. >You don't instantly recognize the song, but it does sound nice
  166. >As soon as she's got it started, Sunset sits down on the couch and snuggles up to you
  167. >”Pinkie Pie showed me this one last week. I really like it.”
  168. >You smile at that
  169. “It's a classic. Dad watches it every year. Along with the Nightmare before Christmas.”
  170. >Sunset looks at you in confusion
  171. >”Is that some kind of holiday-themed horror movie?”
  172. >Chuckling, you plant a kiss on Sunset’s head
  173. “No, it's not. If you want, we can watch it after this.”
  174. >Sunset smiles at you
  175. >”I’d like that.”

/k/ Anon & Spider Shim: A Very/k/ammando Christmas

by Spiderbloke2099

/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 1

by Spiderbloke2099

/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 2 (Interveiw with a blogger)

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 3 (Date night)

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k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 4 (Anon makes a new friend)

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