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Horny Pony Invasion
By StreamofGreenCreated: 2025-01-29 19:58:45
Updated: 2025-02-09 22:09:43
Expiry: Never
>Be Anon
>A student at Canterlot High who's well known as a decent guy and has plenty of friends
>Especially a group consisting of some of the best known girls in school
>Before school you're talking with one of them, Pinkie
>She's a very hyper and bubbly girl who's super friendly and cute
>She'd tackled you in greeting and is now hugging you while you talked
>Pinkie talks a mile a minute about her part time job, how her family back at the rock farm are doing, and everything in between
>Like always, Anon has trouble keeping up and understanding it all, but does his best
>After she's done talking you're always surprised how she doesn't have to gasp for air afterwards like she has infinite lung capacity or something
>You pat her head and ruffle her hair which makes her giggle and smile
>She has large fun bags and wide hips which you try not to stare at too much
>Though sometimes she catches you off guard by teasing you or quickly making reference to her assets
>Like sneaking in a quick line about herself having big breasts somewhere in her spiel like it's a way to check if you're listening
>That didn't happen this time
>You're pretty sure you listened as carefully as you could, and she didn't slip anything like that in
>After cuddling into your side for a bit she remembers something she has to do before her first class and zips off
>With nothing left to do here you move on yourself
>In a empty section of hallway you see Pinkie again heading towards you like she's going to tackle you again
"Did you forget something?", you ask her, but as she got closer something seemed off
>She only seemed to run faster as she got closer instead of moderating her pace, and her face looked very... Predatory
>You're considering your options for what you'd do when she jumps at you and wraps both her arms and legs around you
>Her crotch under her skirt pressed against yours as she started aggressively making out with you
>For a bit while she's sticking her tongue in your mouth and squeezing you tight with her body all you can do is wonder what's gotten into her
>When you're finally able to physically react you grab her try to pull her off of you
>She pretty strongly resists, but with some effort you're able to wrestle her off
>Holding her by her armpits she looks at you with a very horny and disappointing face
"What's the matter with you Pinkie?! What's gotten into you?!", asking in total shock as she looks at you confused
>"Don't you guys normally do stuff like this?", she asks as you only get more confused
"What do you mean, 'you guys'?", asking the obvious follow up question without skipping a beat
>She then starts tells you, "I guess I should explain...", and then breathes in deeply as you're sure you're in for a long explanation
>"I'm actually a version of Pinkie from a different world and came here through a portal. Where I'm from we're all ponies and the place is called Equestria. Does that explain everything?"
>Not really, but also is she for real?
>This is just Pinkie pulling a prank on you, right?
>"Come on, Nonny, let's fuck already!", she tells you with such a shamelessly horny and impatient voice
"Don't say something like that so loud at school! Are you trying to get us in trouble?! Again...", you say remembering other times she's gotten you in trouble with her pulling pranks, but you can at least say none of those had anything to do with sex
>She's shameless in continuing on with her antics
>"But the Pinkie of this world said you've had sex with each other before and do it for fun! I want some of that! I want to know what having sex just for fun is like!", she says now in an almost whiny voice
>You aren't entirely sure where to start if you even believe what she's saying is true and she's some 'other Pinkie', but you'd might as well play along because otherwise you doubt you'd get anywhere
"Well, what she told you was wrong. We hadn't had sex, and we don't even have that kind of a relationship.", you say even if you feel Pinkie might feel you're saying that a little coldly
You add afterwards because You felt bad about it the longer you thought about it, "We're close friends and I like her, but it doesn't go beyond that."
>Her expressions processing that puzzle you until she gets a smug face that makes you worry
>"You do have sex for fun here, though, right~?", she asks, clearly honing in on a specific point you didn't emphasize
>You weren't sure how you should respond to that
"Well, some people do, but that's besides the point!", you say wanting to steer the conversation somewhere else
>Though her face gets even more smug and her smug aura mocks you after practically getting the answer she wanted
>"Guess I'm just going to have to try a little harder to get what I want~.", she says before escaping your grasp and coming up to your side
>Whispering in your ear, "I'll see you later, lover boy, when you'll be in me, and I'll milk you dry so good you'll be addicted~."
>She then kisses your bright red cheek before starting to skip off
>Though not before smugly sticking her tongue out playfully while looking back at you while lifting her skirt
>Which revealed she wasn't wearing panties which showed you everything
>Looking down at your crotch there was a wet stain where Pinkie's crotch was on you, and it almost looked like you pissed yourself
>You went the bathroom and changed to a spare pair of pants you had that was meant more for stuff like getting splashed with mud
>Though what just happened stayed playing on repeat in a loop in your mind
>It kind of seemed like something Pinkie might do, but also it hardly felt real
>Questions swirling in your mind
>Why would Pinkie pull a prank like that, and did she actually want to fuck you?
>Also possibly the most important question
>Is she really running around school right now without panties?
>Though before you could try to follow up on any of that with Pinkie, you had to go to your first class
>Which was PE
>It feels good to get that out of the way early in the day, and usually helps you be fully awake for the rest of the day
>Yet sometimes if it's an especially intense PE class you'll be left feeling worn out with no energy
>Thankfully you have this class with one of your friends, Rainbow Dash
>She's a great athlete and proud of it, but she's also a good coach who's good at motivating you
>Although she likes to brag she's never condescending about how much more athletic she is than you
>Going around the track she stays in front of you and encourages you to push yourself while also something playfully teasing a little
>She's relatively short, and has a relatively flat, petite body
>You wouldn't dare bring this up around her
>Knowing you'd have to be suicidal to say within earshot of her that she has a flat chest in particular
>Yet running behind her, her firm little ass begs you to stare at it
>Her tight fitting athletic shorts only make it take more willpower to not let your eyes rest there
>After PE is over she heads back into the girls locker room to change out of her PE clothes
>Then as you're heading to the boy's locker room you suddenly see Rainbow calling to you from around a corner
>You just saw her go into the locker room, and Rainbow now is already in normal clothes
>It reminds you of the strange encounter with Pinkie as you go over there simply unable to ignore your curiosity with it
>Once you're around the corner she pushes you to the ground and gets on top of you
>Rubbing herself on your crotch while looking down at you smugly
>"You know the best when you see it, and that's why you came right over so quickly.", she says proudly
>"Now, how about you tell me how sexy I am, and maybe I'll let you cum in me~.", then added with extra smugness
>Now you know something strange is going on here
"What's going on? Are you going to say you're a pony too?", you ask her as she seemed perplexed, but not for the reason a normal person would
>"Well, yes, I am from Equestria, but who got to you first?! It should have been me! Also why aren't you slobbering over me begging me to let you fuck me?! I'm the best, and a highly decorated Wonderbolt!", she protests and you have no idea what she's talking about
>Though you start somewhere
"It was Pinkie first, and I thought she was just pranking me when she said she came in through a portal from a pony world-", you say before being cut off by Raindbow
>"Did you do it?!", she impatiently asked
"No! I don't know where you got your ideas about the human world, but we don't have sex so casually here.", you tell her
>"Why not?! Also you'd done it with Rainbow before, and are in a relationship with her aren't you?!", she asks as you're starting to see a pattern
"Pinkie also thought that, and It wasn't true there either. I'm just friends with Rainbow Dash here.", you reply trying to stay calm
>"Sex friends?", Rainbow asks seemingly unwilling to back down from sex easily
>You're trying to think of how to respond to that, and considering giving in with you willpower fading
>Her crotch rubbing on you making your lower brain practically screaming at you to just put it in her
>Though the sounds of approaching people practically makes you jump out of your skin
>This apparent 'pony' Rainbow at least has the sense to not do this with an audience
>She quickly gets off of you, and you move to go to your next class before your later
>Though before you go she whispers in your ear, "We'll pick this back up later, you'll admit how sexy I am, and you'll be begging for more~."
>You rush getting back into your regular clothes as a result of being late to start
>After hurrying enough you get to your next class in time, but needing a moment to catch your breathes
>Fluttershy uses a napkin to wipe your forehead before asking you with concern, "Was PE rough on you Anon?"
"Thanks for asking, Fluttershy, but I'm okay. After I just catch my breath. Got a little delayed getting here and had to rush to be on time.", you explain while leaving out unnecessary details
>You have biology class with her, and things go normally
>She sprinkles in talking about the animals as the shelter while helping you understand what the class is going over
>You could understand it on your own, but Fluttershy really helps make it easier
>Her kind and caring approach also makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside
>She's just so sweet and adorable
>After class it's time for your first break
>Flutteryshy goes off on her own, but when you turn to do the same a soft delicate hand grabs yours
>Like you thought, despite having just left Fluttershy was holding your hand, and leading you somewhere
>She takes you to a secluded spot, and you can already tell where this is going
>Leaning back against the wall she pulls you forward to lead you into pinning her against the wall
>"I-if you don't mind... Could you please have sex with me?", she asks very politely despite what she's asking
>When you look like you're trying to resist the urge to comply she asks, "Please..."
>Looking into your eyes with such adorable pleading eyes you could practically feel your heart breaking just from the thought of denying her
>You remind yourself you shouldn't as you try to resist harder
>"Please?...", she asks again with such a pleading voice
>You couldn't look into those puppy eyes anymore and deny her
>Trying to look away it was like the image of those pleading eyes was burned into your mind
>"Please?...", you heard her say again, and you couldn't take it anymore
"Okay...", you say, and the elated smile on her face made you wonder why you even tried to resist
>You undo your pants, and she helps aim your dick at her pussy with her dress hiked up
>She wasn't wearing panties either
>The presumably pony Fluttershy lets herself slide down onto your shaft while wrapping herself around you
>Entering she she lets out a little bit of a moan before biting her lip and trying to stay quiet
>Her pussy clamps down on you, and from there your instincts take over
>Thrusting into her against the wall hoping nobody would come and catch you doing this
>"This is the best... This is really the best~...", she says trying to keep her voice down while tightening her arms and legs around you
>You thrust into her more and feel yourself getting close to cumming
"I'm... I'm going to cum...", you tell her and her arms and legs become like a vice grip
>"Don't you dare pull out!", she tells you sharply and sternly
>You don't even have time to consider disobeying that before you cum in her
>She kisses you while you keep cumming in her, and kisses you even deeper in the afterglow
>You feel weak afterwards and it's more like she has you pinned rather than the other way around as she cradles your head in her chest
>It crosses your mind that you were never in control here
>"Sweet, Anon... You'll indulge me again next time, won't you, sweety~?", she asks you a leading question, and you can't help but fall right into it
"Of course. Anything for you.", you respond like it was the only thing you could have said
>She kisses you again and strokes your hair while burying your face in her chest
>After a bit of this she lets herself down, cleans both herself and you up, and then sends you on your way blowing a kiss
>The rest in between then and being in your next class after the break is like a fatigue muddled blur
>You felt like a mind controlled zombie even though you were pretty sure she didn't literally control your mind
>The next class was shop class with Applejack
>She seems to turn her nose up when you sat next to her
>"Ya'll smell rather sweaty there, hard day at PE?", you then realize how you must smell from what actually just happened
>You take some deodorant out of your backpack and use it, hopefully before she might realize what the smell really is
>After that you help Applejack with making something she intends to use back at her family farm
>It's a larger project you've been working on all week, but you're sure you'll get a good grade on it when it's finished
>After a while of doing that you're fully out of the mental fog you were in earlier
>Though the idea lingers in the back of your mind that you'll get jumped by a 'pony' Applejack before long
>If she's forceful at all you know you won't stand any chance at resisting her
>Your lower half was ready for it, but your upper half worried
>A part of you wanted to just stay with human Applejack as long as possible if it was true that the pony Applejack would show up once she left
>Though you could just stay glued to her the rest of the day
>Sure enough, once shop class ended you had to part ways with Applejack, and once she was out of sight you got lassoed from the other direction
>Pulled in by a different Applejack who then tied you up around the chest and arms with the rope before carrying you over her shoulder
>Taking you out behind some bushes and setting you on the ground
>Looking down at you with a predatory grin and licking her lips before saying, "Time to ride a cowboy~."
>Pulls off your pants so hard your were worried about them getting ripped before mounting you
>Your dick sliding into her under her jean skirt effortlessly
>Her hands on your shoulders as she started bouncing hard and fast on your hips
>Her predatory pleasure filled look gazing into your eyes made you squirm with pleasure under her on top of the feeling of her powerful pussy gripping you
>"This is by far the best rodeo I've ever done~!", she tells you while riding you even harder
>You doubt any bull in a rodeo has ever been ridden this hard while tied up, and definitely not this way
>You started to worry if your hips would survive
>You also worried about being late to your next class till you realized it was lunch
>Almost on cue your stomach grumbles
>Applejack notices this and produces an apple from somewhere
>"You hungry? Have, and apple on my, sugar cube."
>She then shoved the apple in your mouth which then more felt like a gag than something you could eat
>Applejack then rode you while you were tied up with an apple in your mouth like a ball gag till you came in her
>You definitely couldn't say anything about it in your state
>She trembled and grabbed the ropes around you tightly while milking you dry
>After both your orgasms passed she untied you and cleaned you up before letting you keep the apple to actually eat
>"This world's Applejack was right about how great this is. Doin' this for pleasure instead of just makin' babies. You'd be fine with doing some more of this some time right?"
"Sure, why not?", you say unsure if it mattered what you said or not
>Though her implying Applejack told them she'd had sex with you definitely also followed a pattern that was impossible to ignore
>"Great, I'll be seeing you 'round, sugar cube~.", she said flirtatiously before giving you a kiss and sending you on your way much like the pony Fluttershy did
>You end up eating the apple while walking and checking the time
>That stuff with Applejack took most of your lunch break, so you just head to your next class a little early
>The next class was a science class with Twilight
>You sit down somewhat absentmindedly before realizing she was dressed different
>She was dressed less nerdy with more of a normal dress rather than the semi school uniform dress she normally wears, and didn't have her glasses on
"Did you lose your glasses?", you asks her as she seems embarrassed about it
>"I'm just trying out contacts...", she says while looking down and away bashfully
>Once you move on from that the class goes by pretty normally
>There were some parts where Twilight was seeming forgetful about the material
>Though you wrote it off as her not reading as well because she needs to adjust to the contacts
>Besides her being bashful about not wearing glasses she seems more outgoing less socially awkward than usual
>Maybe trying something new has helped her come out of her shell?
>She's very excited about reading ahead in the text book and learning at her own pace though
>Which definitely tracks with her and makes it seem more like her normal self
>Though there was the looming possibility of what would happen after class
>Which came to pass after class ended, of course
>Twilight stayed behind, and the other Twilight was waiting for you outside the classroom
>She grabbed your arm and pulled you along with her into the library like an overexcited whirlwind
>Taking you to a deep and secluded corner of the Library before starting to make out with you and pulling down your pants
>After all that's happened you end up just going along with it
>Pinning her against the bookshelf you slide your exposed dick right into her as she wraps herself around you and makes out with you more
>Her pussy is extremely tight compared to what you felt before, and she has a hard time suppressing her moans despite trying her best
>You almost worry about getting caught, but it's not a time when people are normally here
>In fact, you don't think you saw anyone at the desk even, probably on break
>You push that stuff out of your mind to fully immerse yourself in fucking the 'pony' version of Twilight
>Thrusting into her tight pussy like a jackhammer while feeling like you've gotten the hang of it
>Then bottoming out in her and blowing your load into her without hesitation
>She kissed you extra deep as a way to quiet herself as she practically screamed a moan into your mouth, and her pussy clamped down on you like a vice grip
>After you both wound down from it she broke the kiss with a look of pure bliss on her face
>This was when you truly noticed she was wearing glasses
>Has the same clothes the Twilight you're used to would wear too...
>"Isn't gr-great how us 'pony world' people just have sex like this with no strings attached?", she says awkwardly as it becomes more obvious to you this isn't really the pony version at all
>With a deep red blush she then tells you, "Unless you insisted on officially being my boyfriend... Then I suppose I'd allow that..."
>You just came inside the human Twilight...
>Wanting to tell yourself you should have exercised more caution, but it feels a little late for that
"You're not the pony version, are you?", You ask her despite knowing the answer to see how she'd react
>She looks away and stammers while tightening her legs around you more
>"O-of course I'm the pony version! I'm a horny sex crazed pervert like the rest!", she says like she thought that would convince you
"How did you even know about them? Nobody else seems to.", you ask her more pointedly
>Twilight seems to reluctantly accept she can't fool you into actually thinking she's the pony version now
>"Fine... I've been spying on you, and saw you with the other pony versions. The rest of our friend group have been in contact with our pony versions, but the others probably don't know what their other self has been up to."
>Your dick starts to re-harden from still being in her
"Could I pull out now so we can talk with less distraction?", you ask her
>"No! Don't do that!", she insists while re-tightening her legs around you which forces you to stay in her to the hilt
"Fine...", you say before moving on to the next question you'd ask, "Why would the actual pony version of you stay in the class instead of doing what you're doing now, and why would you be okay skipping class?"
>"I don't know why the other pony version are acting like they are, but my pony version was more interested in studying our world than sex...", she first explains
>"Which is a shame, getting a chance to live out your fantasies doesn't come by every day.", she adds with more of a blush and kisses you
>"Speaking of which... Can I have your boxers? I'll give you my panties in exchange?", asking shamelessly as you have no willpower to refuse
"Okay...", you say with reservation as she lets go of you with her legs and you separate from each other
>She slides of her purple stripped panties that were hanging off one of her ankles and hands it to you, and you fully take off your pants to hand her your boxes before putting back on your pants without underwear
>You're the one to end up cleaning up the mess left on the floor to make sure no 'evidence' is left behind
>Though you're more worried about what might happen with Twilight later on because you came in her, but maybe you'd talk with her about that later
>"So... About you being my boyfriend?...", she asks you more insistently as if demanding an answer
"You'd want me too even with the stuff going on with the other girls? Errr... Their pony versions I guess.", you say feeling like you'd be cheating on her if you say you'll be her boyfriend
>She thinks about it a bit seeming angry before conceding on something
>"I'm the one asking you first! but... I supposed it could cause problems... Even if we aren't a couple publicly, please say you're my boyfriend... I've wanted it longer than you probably know."
>You sigh before indulging her
"You've got it, I'm your boyfriend, Twilight.", you say before giving her a kiss
>Twilight nearly faints from being overwhelmed despite having casually had sex with you earlier
>You catch her in your arms before realizing you're definitely late for your last class
>Propping Twilight against the bookshelf and making sure she wouldn't fall before running off
>Making a quick comment about being late as you sped off
>The last class was a theater class with Rarity at the school theater
>With the final class project being putting on a school play
>When you get there Rarity is waiting for you tapping her foot angrily
>"You're late, Anonymous...", she says angrily, sounding like she's the teacher and using your full name instead of just saying 'Anon'
"I know, I know, I'm sorry... I just got, held up...", you tell her as she doesn't really stay mad
>Other students in the class are reading the script for the play and rehearsing lines in a free form manner
>Rarity then takes you into a the room with the costumes before telling you, "I'll need to take some measurements~..."
>Saying so with some excitement, and saying so despite Rarity have already taken measurements for your costume earlier
>She takes out the tape measure with a lewd and predatory look on her face that made you blush
>Then started getting very handsy with you and feeling your inner thighs a lot
>More pretending to take measurements than actually doing so
>Your phone is halfway pushed out of your pocket and shows unread messages
>You quickly pull it out of your pocket and check them
>Among messes from other girls you have messages from Rarity
>Saying she went home early feeling sick, and you'd have to do your best today without her
>Which meant this 'Rarity' with you had to be the pony version
>"No phones in class, Darling~.", she says before forcing your phone back into your pocket
>She then fiddles with the tape measure a bit more before getting a devilish grin
>"I think I'll have to remove these ridiculous 'pants' to get proper measurements~."
>Without further notice she grabs the waistline of your pants and yanks them down
>Causing your boner to drop down in front of her face as she stared and grinned
>"Now I think I'll 'measure it' with my mouth~.", she says before starting with a kiss to your tip
>Then taking the rest of your length into her mouth and even into her throat a little
>Expertly starting to suck you off
>You squirmed and your legs felt weak as you practically struggled to stay standing
>Desperately hoping nobody else would decide to come into there
>When she notices you're about to cum she immediately takes her mouth off of you, and grips the base of your shaft hard with her hand to stop you from cumming
>"You don't just cum down a proper ladies throat, and if you cum on my face it could ruin my hair.", she tells you matter of factly
>Though she looks up at you with a more sly grin
>"Yet, you can cum inside me later~.", she says first before adding, "After we go on a proper date~."
>She then kisses your tip teasingly while still forcing you to not cum before pulling your pants back up
>Your balls ached for release as she deliberately teased you and left you wanting
>"Let's have our date this weekend, Darling~. I'm sure you can't wait~.", she said flirtatiously
>Her technique was definitely on point, because you really did want it pretty badly right now
>Though Rarity took you with her back to join the rest of the class and practiced for the play like everything was normal
>When class and the school day itself ends Rarity blows you a kiss, and saunters off making sure to show off her elegant ass to you
>With no 'other Rarity' here to jump you, it looks like the school day is finally over
>It was long, not in a bad way per say, but very long
>Yet, you couldn't shake the feeling the day wasn't quite over yet
>As you walked home you felt like you were being followed
>Which turned out to be true when Pinkie jumped out in front of you from behind
>Both of them in fact
>Looking the same, posing the same, and wearing the same smug lustful expressions as they blocked your path
>"Hey, Nonny! Didn't think you'd just go home without playing with me, did you?", one of them says teasingly in a lustful manner that made it obvious what she meant by 'playing'
>The other Pinkie giggles before chiming in, "We got to talking, and thought it'd be fun to play a 'game' with you~."
"What kind of game?", you ask them as they both grinned from ear to ear
>"Obviously one of us is the human Pinkie, and the other is the pony Pinkie. Which is which? You've got to guess!", one of them answers
>The other smiles deviously before adding, "Guess right and you get a prize! Guess wrong and we give you a punishment!"
>You're about to ask about that when they cut you off to answer in their new routine of being in synch with each other
>"If you guess right you get to have sex with both of us-", and then the other continued from there without skipping a beat, "-If you guess wrong we'll both fuck you~."
>You raise an eyebrow
"Isn't that the same either way?", you ask as they both giggle like you're being naive
>"I assure you they're very different~. Be careful with your choice, and you won't have to find out what the punishment version is like. Even if I might enjoy that one a little too much~.", one of them answers with a predatory grin while the other looks at them with a bit of unease
>How would you go about trying to really differentiate them?
"Do I get something like a question round?", you ask them hoping asking the right questions can help you know which is which
>They don't look like they'll give you that
>"Geez, Nonny, I know I wanted it to be a game, but shouldn't you actually be able to tell?", they both say at once
"It's not fair to me if you're both going to act the same.", you say as both of them seem insulted by this, but one of them more than the other
>"Hey, I'm not like the sex starved pervert over there! Sure, I may have healthy urges, but she's on a whole different level!", one of them says as you point to them
>They were also the one to be uneasy when the other one said the comment about the 'punishment'
"You've got to be the human Pinkie, right?!", you say with a bit of desperation in your voice
>Though the one you're pointing at has an expression like you fucked up, and the other has a dark and even more predatory gaze
"Wrong, Nonny~. I'm the human Pinkie~.", the other one says as it's clear you're going to learn what the 'punishment' is like
>You feel like you should be seriously worried about it, but it's Pinkie...
>Fun loving, playful, and sweet Pinkie
>"Since you guessed wrong, it's time for me to show you what my feelings for you are really like... The hard way.", she says while flanking you on one side while getting the other to follow her lead
>Taking you to a side area out of view of the street before stripping you down, and undressing themselves
>They then force you to the ground with human Pinkie under you in a mating press, and pony Pinkie on top of you holding you in place
>Big Pinkie fun bags against your chest and back while a greedy pink pussy gripped your cock
>Pony Pinkie moved into you to make you thrust into human Pinkie while she held your shoulders tightly
>You tried to thrust yourself to go at your own pace, but pony Pinkie always stepped it up to go faster and harder than you were
>When you were about to cum you try to hold it in, and not repeat the same mistake as with human Twilight
>Maybe you shouldn't have actually came inside the pony versions you did either, but with the human versions you know it feels more 'real' with more real potential consequences
>"What's my favorite type of pie, Nonny~?", she asks you while digging her nails into your shoulders as it seemed random and out of place until the actual answer entered your mind
>Cream pie
>She'd made literal cream pies before and even done the clown act of throwing pie tins filled with whipped cream before when saying it was her favorite
>Did she mean this all along?
"Cream pies...", you actually say after the realization fully hit
>"That's right Nonny~! Also your expression is so cute, and yes, I was saying I wanted you to cum inside me the whole time! So do it!"
>You gasp for breath while still trying to hold it back while your balls feel like they might explode
>"Make my womb a party where all your little swimmers are invited, Nonny~."
>Despite your best efforts you explosively cum inside her
>In fact, trying to hold it back probably only made you cum more inside her when you let loose
>She screamed a moan with a look of pure bliss on her face, and then kissed you passionately while hugging her arms around your shoulders
>"That's a good boy, Nonny~. Now just stay right there nice and deep to make sure it all goes in where it should~.", she says as it sound like she's trying to get pregnant
>The look of worry about it makes her grin even more while holding you possessively
>"Are you worried about my daddy calling a shotgun wedding if I get pregnant~? Maybe we'll just have to see what happens~.", adding before the pony Pinkie whispers in your ear
>"I've had my own mentally unstable moments, but I think you should be careful of this one...", whispering as softly as she can in your ear
>"I heard that!", human Pinkie yells as pony Pinkie freezes up
>"I'm just playing! Though maybe you could try calming down a little... He loves you, after all!", pony Pinkie says to diffuse the situation
>"Do you love me, Nonny?", human Pinkie asks you with an eye twitch as her hair seems to supernaturally flatten a bit
"Of course I love you, Pinkie! You're my lovely, bubbly, sweet, and playful ball of sunshine! Every time I see you it's guaranteed to make my day brighter!", you say and give her a passionate kiss to emphasize your point
>The movement forward to kiss her makes your sensitive dick inside her twitch as you can almost feel pressure from your cum plugged up inside her, and it all sends a shiver up your spine
>Her hair goes back to full curly, and she has a wide happy smile on her face
>"You've got another round in you, don't you, Nonny~?", she asks you excitedly
>Though pony Pinkie clears her throat
>"Oh, right! Wouldn't want to leave my partner in crime, Pinkie, out in the cold! We'll have to have our second round another time, but for now... Time to swap places~!", she said before what happened next is a blur of Pinkie
>Human Pinkie somehow slides out from under you and gets on top of you while pony Pinkie slides off and under you so fluidly and in synch it's like a magic act
>Your dick went from being inside human Pinkie to being inside pony Pinkie so fast you hardly even felt any in-between part of having been pulled out
>"I don't know how much you've got left in those nice balls, but make sure to give pony me a nice cream pie too~!", human Pinkie says before controlling your thrusts much like pony Pinkie had
>Pony Pinkie moans and kisses you while tightly hugging her arms around your shoulders
>"I think you'd have a wonderful time in Equestria if you come to visit our world some time~!", she said before kissing you again
>Human Pinkie has her own thoughts about that
>"I think he's fine staying here with me...", with a slight glare at pony Pinkie
>"You should come to our world too, of course! I'm sure you'd love to meet the pony versions of your family too!", she says as if to save face
>"Oh, that does sound fun!", human Pinkie responds as you're not sure what she's really thinking
>After being left sensitive from before you aren't even able to try to hold back from cumming as well as you did before
>Just suddenly blasting your load before you even knew you were close
>Filling her up, even if not quite as much as with human Pinkie
"Hey, uhmmm, do you think pony girls in our world could get pregnant from a guy like me?", you had to ask after your Pinkie brought up pregnancy
>"I don't know~! I think I'd want to say 'no' since we're actually totally different species, but it's never been tried before and my anatomy is like a human right now with magic, so... I don't know!", an answer which didn't give you any confidence
>"Guess we'll have to find out~. Could you imagine if you got two Pinkies pregnant at the same time~?", human Pinkie said playfully
>"I'm not sure you should joke about that, Pinkie. I haven't been here long, and even I know pregnancy is a lot more serious here than in Equestria...", pony Pinkie told her
>"My family adheres to older ways, I'm sure they'd love it if I got pregnant! Mom is always saying how she got pregnant with my first sibling younger than me!", Pinkie says as you're not sure if she's serious
>You weren't going to ask either
>After a bit of both of them kissing you all over your face they both get off of you and let you get cleaned up and dressed while putting their own clothes back on
>Though they had a bit of an argument about who's bits of clothing were who's because they looked the same
>Human Pinkie also made mention of how there was only one pair of panties and pony Pinkie readily admitted she'd gone without them
>After that pony Pinkie offers to escort you home while human Pinkie goes off on her own
>"I already know where Nonny lives~.", she gave as her reason to not go with and let pony Pinkie escort you home
Pony Pinkie looks worried before you sigh and tell her, "She's been over to my place before, for completely innocent visits."
You make sure human Pinkie is out of earshot before you whisper in pony Pinkie's ear, "I'm honestly shocked to find out about this side of her..."
>Pony Pinkie nods in a sagely manner and pats your back supportively
>"Well, let's head to your place! You can lean on me for support if you want, Nonny~!", she says excitedly as you take her up on her offer
>Your legs felt like weak jello on the rest of the way back home
>Once inside your house your parents greet you and especially Pinkie
>"Oh, Pinkie! I didn't know you were coming over, nice to see you! How are you doing?", your mom casually makes small talk
>"I'm doing fine! Though Nonners had a very tiring day at school, so I wanted to make sure he got home safely!", she said as your mom responded by patting her on the head and thanking her
>"I think that nickname you have for him is so cute. Sometimes I'm tempted to call him myself, but I'm sure it'd just embarrass him if his mom said it.", your mom said as you kind of felt she was right that you'd be embarrassed
>"How's your dad doing, Pinkie? He's a very busy man, I know, but I don't think it'd kill him to play a round of two of golf some time.", your dad asks her
>Pinkie stammers not actually knowing much about human Pinkie's dad before saying, "He's doing fine! I'm not sure when he'll have free time, but I'll pass along the message about having a round of golf!"
>Your dad nods with approval before returning to his dinner at the table
>Then your mom tells you dinner is ready, and invites Pinkie to join and have some too
>She looks like she seriously considered it, but politely declined before excusing herself and leaving
>You have dinner like normal, and head to bed
>You worry your parents would have questions, but thankfully pony Pinkie didn't make your parents suspicious
>After that you get ready for bed and go to sleep
>Wondering what tomorrow might bring as you drift off to dreamland
>You come into a very vivid dream with Luna
>It's immediately obvious to you this isn't vice principal Luna, not even a dream version of her
>This Luna wears an elegant dark blue dress with a moon theme like royalty with a black tiara to match
>"My apologies if I've made a mistake, as I've never tried to visit the dream of a resident outside my realm. Art thou this 'Anonymous' human I've heard much about? If so, Princess Twilight had much to say about thou, as well as her friends.", she first says
You politely nod in response before saying, "Yes, I'm Anonymous, but I prefer 'Anon'."
>Then properly introducing herself, "I'm princess Luna, princess of the night and dreams. If thou find it acceptable, I would like to enter your world and partake in your human world activities."
"That's fine, and I'm not a king or anything in my world. I'm actually a common citizen. Nobody from your world really needs my permission to come over.", you explain to her
>You kind of feel like you're opening the floodgates saying that, but it's not like you could stop anyone from there coming here anyway
>"Interesting, and what of my counterpart in your world?", Luna asks
"She's vice principal of the school I attend. In case the term 'vice principal' isn't familiar she's mainly in charge of enforcing school rules and handling unruly students, with this she's stern but fair.", you explain to her
>"That sounds like me, but...", she says while starting to blush before continuing
>"Do you have, 'relations' with my counterpart in your world?", she asks as you felt awkward about how you'd answer, but honesty had to be the best policy here
"No... In fact, that wouldn't be allowed. Mainly on concerns that a relationship between a student and school staff would introduce favoritism or be the result of the school staff abusing their authority."
>The blush leaves her face with clear disappointment on her face as she says, "Truly disappointing, but I suppose that makes sense..."
>Though that didn't stop her from immediately pivoting to, "Wouldst thou want to, regardless of said rules?"
>She didn't even wait for you to respond to that, but your facial reaction may have told her 'yes'
>"Let us do a little role playing, I shall let thou's sub-conscious bestow upon me my counterpart's outfit, and thus I shall pretend to be her in a relationship with thou.", she said before her outfit shifted and morphed to take the shape of Luna's formal blouse and pants
>She then approaches before holding up your chin in a dominant fashion to make you look up at her
>"Thou hast behaved quite beneath your station...", she says as you can't help saying something about it
"Uhmmm, I don't mean to be rude, but you're talking in a very antiquated fashion for our world...", you say as she doesn't seem shocked by this
>"I also get this criticism in my own kingdom, tis a side effect of being banished for as long as I was. Let me try this again using more contemporary speech.", she says before clearing he throat and setting up making you look up at her into her eyes again
>"You've been a very naughty boy, Anon...", she says in a somehow stern and flirtations manner at the same time
You blush and hard swallow before playing along, "What exactly did I do wrong, mistress?"
>"You've neglected my needs, and ignored my feelings...", she said while concentrating hard like she's tapping into something
>She then kisses you and starts making out with you while holding you close
>During the make out session she starts making mention of you spending time with her while acting cold
>Almost like it was actually vice principal Luna talking
>Making you feel really confused about what's going on and what kind of dream it is
>Your mind starts to get foggy and your sense dull as the dream falls apart before ending
>Going to black as you realize you've woken up, and just still have your eyes closed
>Still having clear memory of the dream you have no idea what to think about it or if it could've actually been real in any way
>Though you knew there was no sense worrying about it, and it'd be probably be best to just move on like it was nothing more than a strange dream
>So you get up and get ready for a new day at school
>You'd definitely get more shenanigans like the previous day, but it'd be better to just roll with the punches instead of worry
>On your way to school you see Rainbow run up to you, and you think your 'roll with the punches' mindset will be put in practice sooner than you thought
>Since you're positive this is the pony Rainbow since human rainbow either sleeps in and rushes to school at the last second, or would already be practicing in the field
>As much as she's your friend it wouldn't be normal for her to intercept you on your way to school just to say 'hi'
>Then it gets more intense than that as Applejack makes her own appearance
>"Ready for another rodeo, sugar cube?", she says as it becomes clear this is the pony Applejack
>"Hey! I was here first, and you've done him already when I got interrupted! Get in line or wait for your turn later!", Rainbow retorts as Applejack looks down at her withing a taunting smug grin
>Applejack puffs out her chest close to Rainbow's face to point out Rainbow's short height, and small chest
>"I'm sure that strapping young man there would prefer a roll in the hay with a real woman.", Applejack said putting emphasis on 'real'
>She looks down at Rainbow who's already getting red in the face (cutely) before adding, "What's with your human version's body anyway? You look like a little girl!"
>This is obviously getting under Rainbow's skin
>"I'll have you know I'm 'lithe' and 'athletic'! Unlike back home when we could actually compete at running, I could run circles around you lumbering fat human body now!", she retorts angrily
>Applejack gets a little grumpy at being called 'fat', and lifts up Rainbow by her armpits
>"Looks like little Dashie is getting a little grumpy. Maybe she needs to put down for a nap?", she said condescendingly as it looks like they're about to come to blows
>You step in to try and diffuse things
"Alright, ladies, let's just take a step back and try to let cooler heads prevail.", you say as they both look at you like they want you to butt out
"A bit of banter is one thing, but I think things are getting a little too heated. You're friends after all, and neither of you are getting any if you start brawling in the street here.", after saying this Applejack begrudgingly puts Rainbow down
>"I may have gone a bit too far with my teasing... I'm sorry.", Applejack said with her head turned down covering her face with her cowboy hat
>"I'm sorry I called you fat too... You're all muscle and no fat. I was just angry.", Rainbow admits which must have been hard knowing her pride even if it's not the same Rainbow you know particularly well
>You nod at them approvingly as they make up, but then look to you expectantly
>"So, what now?", they both say almost in sync with each other
>Thinking about it for a bit despite how absurd what you were about to say might have seemed as little as two days ago
"Well... It wouldn't be fair to keep Rainbow left hanging, and I'll see Applejack later after shop class.", you say as Rainbow beams with excitement
>"How about you tell me how sexy I am before we start~?", she says while puffing out her flat chest proudly
>Applejack concedes and turns to leave, but not before telling you, "Alright, I'll see you later then. You'd better not tire yourself out too much before my turn."
>With just you and pony Rainbow, you take her off to the side before starting with complying with her request
"You're extremely sexy, Dashie. You have such a firm and perfectly proportioned ass, what's called a 'delicious flat chest', and your smug pride only makes everything else about you that much better.", you say trying your best
>Though you don't think she particularly appreciated you admitting she's flat even if you phrased it as a positive
>She still blushed profusely before saying, "L-let's just get this show on the road then!"
>She strips off her athletic shorts as it becomes even more apparent that it's a common theme for the pony versions to not wear underwear
>Then strips off your pants before jumping at you as you're forced to catch her in your arms
>Holding her portable body by the thighs while she held onto your shoulders
>Her extremely tight pussy gripping you while you thrust into her
>Though she taunts you to go faster
>You do her best, but it never seems to be fast enough for her
>'faster', 'harder', 'about 20% faster AND harder', are just a few of the ways she teased and taunted you to try and get you to thrust into her faster
>Good thing you didn't have PE every day, because this would likely leave you burnt out for it
>When she felt you were going to cum, she wore a smug face before telling you, "You want to cum inside Rainbow Dash, don't you~?"
>You take your hand off her thighs and quickly wrap your arms around you as best they could despite struggling to reach all the way around you
>Squeezing her with the strongest embrace you could and she wrapped her legs around you right before you blew your load in her
>A look of pure bliss on her face as her cute little legs twitched at your sides
>The thought occurs to you she really is portable and you could probably take her wherever you wanted right now
>Though instead you go to set her back down
>At least if she'd let you
>She clings to you saying, "Don't do that, not yet!"
You chuckle before telling her, "I would, but I'll be late for school if I just stay here and keep fucking you. There'll be more later."
>"You promise?", she says with some skepticism as you can't help but just think she's cute
"Promise", you say making sure to sound as confident and sure about it as you could
>With this she lets you set her back down and you both get cleaned up
>Though there was something special about seeing her slide her tight athletic shorts up over her creampie after making sure it wouldn't leak (too much)
>After being distracted by that you rush to get to school unsure how long exactly that 'detour' took
>When you arrive at school you notice you have a bit of time to spare
>Yet the craziness showed no signs of slowing down
>You see what looks like principal Celestia in an undersized top with no bra, and a short skirt trying to talk to students like she's one of them
>Going full, 'how do you do, fellow kids?'
>You even think you overhear her ask if they've seen you and call you her boyfriend
>Then you're unsure if to think the day is saved or not when the real principal Celestia shows up
>Because of her yelling you hear her perfectly clearly
>"Is this some kind of joke?! Whoever you are, to my office, NOW!", the real principal yells to the impostor pretending to be a student and drags them off by the ear
>While the regular students who witnessed this stand dumbfounded and clearly wonder if there were secretly hardcore drugs in whatever they last ate
>After that you were starting to think Celestia would handle it all herself, and you wouldn't have to get involved
>Just when you were starting to think that the intercom buzzes to life
>"Anonymous, please come to the principal's office.", Celestia said in a very annoyed and impatient tone
>You wouldn't dare see how mad principal Celestia could get if you delay in going
>So you rush right over
>After closing the door behind you, you see the two Celestias in a stare down
>The Celestia pretending to be a student seemingly unaffected by the lecturing and dressing down she no doubt already got from her other counterpart
>You sit down feeling genuine fear of being involved in this confrontation and sink into the chair as if hoping you could hide
>"Could you please make sense of what's going on here, and talk some sense into her? She clearly seems to know you.", she starts with a heavy sigh and pinching her nasal ridge
>"She just won't drop the act that she's a student, and even keeps saying she's your girlfriend despite having never been around before.", Celestia adds before blushing a little
>"Not that I would know if you have a girlfriend, but I think I'd have seen her at least once around here if she really had such a close relationship with you.", adding again, but she still wasn't done
>"Why does she have to look so much like me anyway?!", she blurts out and finally seems to be done
>You think you have an idea, but aren't sure how to explain
>One way you could start with is certain 'incidents' before that are seldom talked about
"Well, you know the 'incidents' we don't normally talk about where what can only be described as 'magic' is used?", you say as she raises an eyebrow while staying frustrated
>"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?!", she asks impatiently
"You see... I'm not completely sure, but I think I can confidently say she's a counterpart of you from the other world where the magic comes from. People from that world where everyone there is normally ponies have been coming through lately...", you try explaining
>Principal Celestia seems truly exasperated before saying, "You didn't think to tell me about this sooner?"
"How would I?! I'd just sound like a lunatic if I said 'pony people from another dimension are coming in from a magic portal'! Would you even believe me if I said something like that without another version of you sitting right in front of you?!"
>She thought about it some more before saying, "Okay, probably not..."
>Then principal Celestia turns her attention back to her pony counterpart who seemed to be just amused by the conversation up to this point
>"So can you drop the act now? Are you really a 'pony counterpart', and what are you really doing here?"
>"Fine, I am.", the pony Celestia starts before continuing, "I'm Princess Celestia, and the ruler of the kingdom Equestria where I'm from. I thought I could just wing it with a fake identity here to effectively take a vacation and get away from the royal duties and responsibilities for a bit."
>"I'll admit not doing due diligence to discover my counterpart's position in this world was a mistake... I doubted I'd even have one.", she concedes while looking away, unable to look her counterpart in the eyes while saying that
>"Though why say a student is your boyfriend? Do you have any idea how much trouble that would cause if I hadn't intervened quickly?", your principal asked her with an annoyed tone
>The royal counterpart paused for a bit looking up in deep thought about how she'd explain it before answering
>"Well, I wanted to have some fun with him since my number one pupil and her friends were, and they said multiple women with the same guy is normal here.", saying as your principal looked at her unsure if she's serious
>"I'll have you know it's not normal here, and school staff are not allowed to have relations like that with students. So either differentiate yourself more from me, or don't be so 'familiar' with my students.", your principal chided her
>Then she turns to you like it's your turn to get scolded
>"Have you really been 'seeing' multiple women?", she asked with her arms folded tapping the desk with agitation
"I mean... Yes, but it's hardly my fault! The women coming through the portal were pretty aggressive and forceful about it! Their Applejack for example lassoed me and tied me up before having her way with me! Not much room to say 'no' there!", you protest
>"And do you know why they were so aggressive and just assumed you'd be down for it?", Celestia asked you like she was hinting at something and felt you should know the answer to it
"Because I'm a guy? I mean... It's pretty safe to assume a guy is horny most of the time...", you say even having a gut feeling that's not what she meant
>"Wrong!", she tells you before saying, "Anyone with eyes can see you go around being all sweet and flirty everywhere, and those six you're always around are practically your girlfriends even if you play dumb and don't take the hints that they want you.", she tells you sternly
>You aren't so flirty all the time, right?
>How were you 'flirting' before the pony versions escalated things rapidly?
>You don't remember actually hitting on anyone before
>"Not just them either, even with me!", she says with both anger and bashfulness before adding, "Always acting helpful before letting your eyes rest on my chest, looking up at me when I'm close with your lips looking like you're begging me to just lean in and kiss you, and just tempting me to just take you for myself..."
>She then blushes deeply realizing what she just admitted to before saying, "That's it! You're getting detention for a week!"
"For what?!", you ask with disbelief
"For being a man whore! That's why!", your principal tells you
"It may be immoral, but it's not specifically against school rules!", you say like you hope you can lawyer your way out of it
>"I have discretion to give detention for things that aren't specifically mentioned in school rules! Just take it on the chin and be glad I'm not calling your parents about it!", She tells you and you sink in your chair in defeat
>"Wow, you sound like you really need to get laid.", the royal Celestia comments in a somewhat teasing fashion
>"Like I'd take that from you, and you're not helping!", she says before the wheels start turning in her head
>"Okay, how about we make a deal here?", your principal says before laying out the idea
>"I'll register you as a foreign exchange student, and you dress more appropriately while doing stuff like styling your hair different to look more like a different person.", she says as the royal counterpart looked eager to accept, but she wasn't done yet
>"But!-", she said with a dramatic pause before adding what comes after that, "You will have to occasionally swap with me, and let me pretend to be the foreign exchange student."
>"Why would I do that?", the royal Celestia asked indignantly
>"You said you wanted a break? Well I need one too! Don't think I'll go through all this and pull strings without getting anything myself from it! Take the deal or you get nothing!", the principal said firmly putting her foot down
>"Fine, we'll do it your way.", the royal Celestia concedes
"Why would you do that though? Couldn't you just actually go on vacation?", you ask and they both look at you funny
>"Honestly, are all boys in your world so dense? Can you really not understand why an older woman would want to feel young again, and forgo their responsibilities? Just for a bit?", the royal Celestia chides you teasingly
>"You'll see why in due time, just make sure your young man whore body is kept ready for your 'foreign exchange student sweetheart'~.", the principal say teasingly and flirtatiously
>The royal Celestia chuckles and chimes in dog piling on you, "That's right, and I'll be seeing you soon, boy toy~."
>"Not especially soon.", the principal corrects her before adding, "You need to learn how to be a principal first if you're going to be able to swap places with me."
>Grabbing her counterpart by the ear and making it clear she's not going anywhere until the human world's rules and social norms for a principal have been drilled into her soul
>Your principal then turns to you saying, "You're free to go now, but you've still got detention for a week. Don't think I've forgotten that."
>She then does the double finger 'I'm watching you' hand gesture as you get out of the chair and leave
>Closing the door behind you, you hope the rest of the day won't be so nerve wracking
>You go to your first class today, which was a home ec class
>Pinkie had convinced you to take the class with her because cooking is a valuable skill, and Fluttershy is there too
>Though knowing now how Pinkie really feels about you, you can't help wondering if there was another reason for it
>Actually, Pinkie would often act 'wifely' with you in the class
>Dear god, you feel like an idiot
>Sure, you just chalked it up to Pinkie being playful, but now it feels like you were ignoring a bright neon sign right against your eyeballs that said "Pinkie wants to be your wife!"
>Actually, why was Fluttershy there?
>She's never seemed super interested in cooking...
>You can't stand around thinking about it too much and head into the class
>Pinkie waves to you energetically and invited you over while Fluttershy shyly fidgets at the table you normally have the class with them at
>From the start it seems like this wouldn't be a normal iteration of the class
>Pinkie seemed even more knowledgeable about cooking as she expertly went step by step with what we were told to try to cook before the teacher even told us the next steps
"Pssst, are you the pony Pinkie?", you whisper in her ear
>"Yeppers~!", Pinkie said without bothering to whisper
>Though she lowered her voice more after thinking about what she'd say next before saying, "She took the day off to talk with her family more seriously, and asked me to cover for her."
>You don't think that bodes well for you
>"Sorry I'm stealing the thunder from 'Momma Flutters' being so good at cooking today~."
>She said teasingly half to you, and half to Fluttershy who reacted with an angry blush
>"Are you the pony Pinkie?", Fluttershy asked quietly with anger rising in her voice
>"Yeppers~!", she repeated they same way she did when you asked
>"It seems I'm going to need to have a serious talk with my pony counterpart...", she said as you worried for them
>It must be embarrassing giving other pony counterparts the wrong idea about her
>"I told her about that kink in confidence!", she hissed under her breath into Pinkie's ear
>Uhmmm, what?
>"Don't be so embarrassed about it Fluttershy, we all have our thing~.", Pinkie told her reassuringly
>Fluttershy then covers her ears symbolically before saying, "My sweet, innocent, little Anon... Don't listen to such perversions."
>"Would you feel better if he wasn't turned off by knowing this about you?", Pinkie asked her
>"Not in class...", FLuttershy whispered with a blush before adding, "I-I guess I wouldn't be as mad if he'd indulge me with it..."
>A fierce blush comes across your face remembering what the pony Fluttershy said at the end of fucking you
"H-how would I 'indulge' you with it?", you asked quietly seriously unsure what they're talking about, but not saying you wouldn't do it
>Pinkie giggles before whispering in your ear, "Isn't it obvious from how I called her, 'mommy Flutters', act like she's your mom~. She's here to 'take care of' her sweet little boy, and make sure you know how much she loves you~."
>You know it can't literally be acting like she's your mom if it's a 'kink' and 'perverse'
>Fluttershy looks like she's about to hyperventilate as she whispers, "W-we can't do that here... It's too much..."
>Though Pinkie pushes you closer to her, saying, "Go on, Nonners~."
"I think Fluttershy is right, it seems like something that should be done more in private.", you say before pointing out that other people in the class were starting to glace over to you three suspiciously
>Not much, but enough to give you pause about giving them anymore reason to watch what you're doing
>"You've got a lot on your plate, Nonners~. Maybe you should try to keep a schedule for this stuff~.", Pinkie says tauntingly
>You might seriously consider that, if you were the one even making decisions about it
"You're talking like I'm in charge.", you say as Pinkie giggles
>Fluttershy seems confused about what Pinkie is referring to, but asks you "Could you please come over to my place tonight?"
"I'll have to ask my parents, but I'll do it if I can. Also I'd have to go after detention...", you say as Fluttershy seems concerned
>"Detention?! Did Celestia give you detention when she called you to her office?!", she asks having clearly heard the intercom announcement calling you to her office
"Yeah... For a week. I don't really want to openly talk about why, but it's not as serious as it sounds...", you try to reassure her
>"Come on, Nonners, don't leave ME hanging! Tell me, tell me~! What'd you do~?!", Pinkie taunts and teases you
>You whisper as quietly as you can in pony Pinkie's ear about Celestia being mad about pony Celestia showing up and taking it out on you, while saying it's for you being a 'man whore'
>Pinkie struggles to not laugh out loud before whispering back in your ear, "You are though~."
>You couldn't argue with that
>Fluttershy seemed consistently worried about you while also looking forward to the idea of having you over to her place tonight
>The rest of the class goes relatively smoothly, and after class you head to the next one
>You're surprised to go between classes without being jumped, but somehow it happens
>You don't share the next class, social studies, with anyone you knew, besides it being taught by Cheerilee, but it looked like that changed this time
>Cheerilee looks embarrassed and indignant as she introduces 'a new student' to the class
>It's pony Celestia in her top with no bra and short skirt
>Looks like 'dressing more appropriately didn't happen today, but at least her hair in done differently into a ponytail and curls rather than loose and straight
>She also has glasses on now and fake braces
>"This is Sunny, and she's a foreign exchange student...", she says like she's barely able to not just call out who she's convinced is Celestia pulling some shit
>Though the class starts commenting on how they'd seen her and Celestia in the same place, or at least hearing about it
>"Hey there, sorry if I looked too much like my aunt Celestia. I just got here from our home country and didn't realize how much our family resemblance would be since it's been a while since I last saw her.", she explains as the class seems to accept that
>Cheerilee still seems suspicious of it, but after hearing the students seems to decide to let her doubts rest for now
>Throughout the class 'Sunny' sits next to you and flirts with you in typical teenage ways
>She even tries passing a note to you that Cheerilee intercepts
>Cheerilee reads it and blushes before saying, "No passing notes in class!"
>Returning to her desk with a huff she scowls at Sunny and seems to more believe she's a legitimate teenager and not Celestia pretending
>While Cheerilee is distracted and grumbling 'Sunny' whispers in your ear, "Meet me behind the school during break."
>She then grabs and squeezes your crotch before snapping back to a normal position when Cheerilee looks forward again
>After class ends it's time for that break
>You think you'll split up and meet where she wanted, but she clearly gets the idea you can just go there together
>Via her picking you up by your stomach and carrying you there
>Cheerilee is very flustered watching her carry you off with her having no doubt seen the note the probably said to meet her there
>She takes you out to the back of the school where delinquents often hang out
>Pinning you against the wall and yanking your pants down before mounting you
>You struggle to hold her up because of her size as her cougar pussy enveloped your cock
>Fighting through it knowing she'd think you're implying she's fat if you complain about it
>Despite it more being about her height and overall size rather than her being fat
>After you thrust up into her and she bounces up her body slams back down on you with staggering force
>"Hey, this is my territory, dorks!", someone yells with a somewhat familiar voice
>Looking over with your strength waning you see it's Gilda
>"Can't you see my boy toy's dick in me?! I'm busy, bitch, fuck off!", Sunny snaps at her as Gilda looks shocked finally realizing what she walked in on
>You lean back more against the wall putting as much of your combined weight with her as possible to save your strength during this interruption
>She stares at your dick in her for a second, before coming to her senses but with a deep blush
>"This isn't over, bitch! You'll regret this!", Gilda says before stomping off in a huff
>"You can continue now, Anon. You're not to say I'm overweight, are you?", she says as you nervously shake your head
"O-of course not, Sunny! Your curvy body is perfect the way it is! I'm just a little out of shape, that's all!", You say before starting to thrust up in her again
>She scowls a little feeling like you're still saying she's overweight, maybe she's more sensitive about it than you thought
>"Also, without that brat Gilda here anymore I don't think we have to worry about anyone else showing up, you can just call me Celestia.", she says apparently not wanting to be called 'Sunny' if she doesn't have to
>"Be a little more passionate about it too! Act more like we're teen lovers having indiscriminate sex like monkey brained animals!", she commands you
>You feel like you're going to cum when you thrust up into her and bounce her curvy cougar body on you as hard as you can
"I-I'm gonna cum, my goddess!", you tell her as she scowls at you again
>"I'm not the pony bitch! Quit being so dense, Anon!", she says as the realization you're having sex with your principle pushes you over the edge, and makes you cum in her
>During your orgasm you slide down the wall to the ground as Celestia stays to the hilt on you
"It's you... Then what's up with the fake braces and glasses?", you ask her
>"The glasses may be costime glasses, but the braces are my real braces from when I was a teenager...", she tells you with some embarrassment
>You can't help trying to imagine a teenage Celestia with braces on
>It's kind of cute actually
>"Now shut up and kiss me!", she says before locking lips with you
>Her braces make it somewhat awkward to kiss her, and you're worried about her braces cutting the inside of your mouth
>Though you suppose that's part of the 'teenage experience' she wants to recreate
>After a bit of that and Celestia getting done enjoying the afterglow with your cum leaking from your principal's pussy around the base of your shaft she stops and gets off of you
>"Now, if anyone asks confronts you about it you did this with 'Sunny', okay. 'Celestia' the principal is still in her office, understand."
"Crystal clear!", you say while unsure exactly how to react with her acting authoritative while also not waning you to treat her like she's principal
>"So, what are you going to call me when I'm like this?", she asks you like it's a quiz
"Mistress Sunny?", you respond unsure about it
>"That's fine, I guess, but say it more clearly like you mean it.", but without much time she helps you both get cleaned up instead of pushing you on it more
>"Now get to class, and don't be late.", she commands you, and you head off not daring to disobey
>At least you would if the intercom didn't buzz to life with an announcement related to you
>"Anonymous and Gilda, please report to the guidance councilor's office.", is heard over the intercom as you're really confused about that one
>Hoping it'll be short you go over there
>In the office Chrysalis is sitting at her desk with Gilda sitting with her arms folded in a huff
>"Now that Anon's here, let's discuss your relationship here.", Chrysalis starts
>"What the hell are you talking about?!", Gilda protests
>"Now, now, Gilda, let me finish.", Chrysalis says before continuing
>"Cheerilee tells me Anon here is falling in with a bad crowd and being pushed around by a flirty delinquent. Who else could it be but you, Gilda?"
>Gilda huffs before answering, "It's that new transfer student that looks like a dorky teenage Celestia! That's who should be here instead of me! I'm innocent here!"
>"Now, now, Gilda, let's not pretend you haven't been jealous of Anon's more straight laced friends, and wished he'd hang out with you instead. I'm no one to just belive rumors like that anyway.", she said as Gilda fumed
>"A new student that looks like Celestia? That's just silly. Sure I like rumors, but couldn't it have been more believable?", Chrysalis commented sounding amused
>"It's great you've convinced him to give you a chance, but don't cause trouble with your teenage romance drama crap, okay?", Chrysalis adds as Gilda explodes
>"Fuck you! I'm serious about it being that other bitch! Also did you really have to say that shit with Anon here?! These sessions aren't supposed to be snitched on!", she screamed angrily
"Not to specifically defend Gilda, but it's true. It was a new girl, Sunny who disrupted Cheerilee's class flirting with me.", you say as Gilda sticks out her tongue at you like a bratty kid
>Chrysalis sighs, "Not you too, Anon... I thought you were more mature than that.", she says before adding, "Dating a delinquent isn't that bad you need deny it so hard. Just kiss and make up with her, and maybe help her fly right while you're at it."
"I'm serious, I'm not dating her! How is it like I'm so popular?!", You say as they both look at you like they think you're joking
>"You ARE popular, Anonymous. A cute boy who's eager to please and does whatever girls want? What's not to like about that~.", she says in an almost flirty way
>"He doesn't do whatever I want!", Gilda pouts while glancing over at you putting extra emphasis on 'I'
>"Well, then maybe that should change a little~?", Chrysalis says while looking at you
"Even if I'm not dating her?", you ask as it feels like you're getting 'too many girlfriends'
>"Well, I say you are dating me!", Gilda retorts, now leaning into it
>"See how good it feels when you're honest?", Chrysalis says as you're further pressured
"Would you really want to date the boy equivalent of a town bicycle?", you say thinking she expects to have you all to herself now
>"Did I stutter, dork? I know you are, and I'm saying I want my turn!", she says as you're floored
>"Maybe don't call your boyfriend a dork?", Chrysalis tells her
>"It's a term of endearment when I call him that, okay?!", Gilda doubles down on it
>Chrysalis sighs and just accepts she won't convince Gilda otherwise
>"Now, kiss and make up, and then head back to class.", Chrysalis says before pushing your heads together to make you kiss
>Gilda gives you a very awkward and sloppy kiss before embracing and mashing her lips into yours
>After that she tells you, "We'll talk about this more, later, dork. Also let that Sunny bitch know I swiped you."
>She grabs your crotch as you start going and seems reluctant to actually let you leave
>"You'll see him in detention, Gilda. No need to keep him from going, he's very late for class at this point.", Chrysalis tells her
>"Why would I care about being late to class?", Gilda remarks
>"You may not, but Anon does, and you should. What will you do if you don't graduate?", Chrysalis tells her not even commenting on Gilda's hand gripping your crotch
>"It's thug life for life, for me. What do I need a diploma for?", Gilda retorts
>"That's not a job, Gilda... Sure I like bad girl tough bitch stuff, but you can have that AND set yourself up for success. It doesn't have to be just one or the other.", Chrysalis tries to reason with her
>You wonder if you really have to be here for Gilda's counseling, but Gilda literally having you by the balls keeps you in place
>Gilda doesn't seem to want to budge, and Chrysalis turns to you for help, "What do you say, boyfriend? What do you think?"
>You still don't think of yourself as Gilda's boyfriend
>Really, you only remember Gilda being a bitch to you like everyone else
>Before now you never would've suspected she'd want a relationship like this
>You guess you want her to do well and be less of a delinquent
"How about this? If you actually go to your classes and get passing grades in all your classes, I'll reward you. For a whole weekend or something like that. I'll stay with you doing anything you want, anything.", you say as Gilda raises an eyebrow
>She seems to consider this, but then turns it down
>"Nah, I can't do that. My grades are too far into the toilet to save them at this point.", Gilda says actually sounding like she feels bad about it
>If only because having you all to herself for a weekend if she could do it is out of reach
>Yet, it gets Chrysalis thinking, "Having you reward her for good behavior is an interesting angle though..."
>Chrysalis thinks about it more before making a proposal
>"Maybe a carrot and stick approach would be even better~.", Chrysalis says with a devious grin
>"What 'stick'? I'm already basically in permanent detention.", Gilda says thinking there's nothing that can threaten her
>"Anon, would you give me full reign to decide how you'd reward Gilda and for what, and if she fails to do it I'd get the reward intended for her~?"
>"You wouldn't?!", Gilda blurts out, but the look on Chrysalis' face says she's serious
>Serious in a perverted way you didn't expect with how professional she'd been up till this point
>Though there was always something in the back of your mind that made it seem like Chrysalis was a cougar
>So this isn't THAT shocking
>The way Chrysalis had described why you were popular earlier comes to mind
>She actually did kind of say it like that's how SHE felt about you as well rather than just saying that how other girls would feel
"I'm sure I'll regret this, but go ahead...", you say feeling like you're playing an even more dangerous game than you had already been up till now
>Chrysalis grins with her hands folded looking like a full on villain, "Excellent, let's see if Gilda starts to fly right, or if I sink my fangs in you..."
>You almost forgot that Gilda was cupping your dick and balls in her hand until she unconsciously squeezed from being tense
>It starts to hurt as you tap her shoulder like you're tapping out of wrestling
"Too tight! Too tight!", you say before hugging and kissing her hoping that would destract her enough she lets go
>Which it definitely works
>With Gilda's head spinning in your arms you quickly let go, and make your escape
>Gilda standing in a gaze when you glanced back to see if she was running at you to tackle you
>You guess that's one way to get away from Gilda if you're cornered by her
>Almost wishing you'd tried that earlier
>Actually, it might not work later if she's not caught off guard by it anymore
>You arrive around the tail end of math class
>Applejack is there having clearly struggled more than usual without you
>"Where were you, Anon?!", she asked a little frustrated
"Things have been a little crazy lately, sorry about that.", you say as she quickly accepts the apology
>You're no math genius, but you and AJ putting your heads together definitely helps both of you get through it easier than either of you alone
>Doing your best, you manage to catch up with the class making up for the time you weren't there
>You were so absorbed into trying to do fast work that you hardly even notice when class ends
>She pats your back, "Class is over, sugar cube, thanks for the hard work, and sorry for blowing up at you like that. I was just feeling a little overwhelmed."
"It's fine, I didn't take it personally or anything. Though like I said, things have been getting a little crazy lately, and I didn't mean to leave you hanging.", you reassure her
>"What do ya mean by 'things getting crazy'? Ya'll have said that twice now.", Applejack asked with some concern
"It'd be awkward to fully explain, but I'll just say it has to do with pony people coming through a portal, you'd talked with your counterpart right?", you say before asking in turn
>"Yeah, not sure how she's make things 'crazy' though, but I gotta go get lunch, we'll talk more about this later.", she says as you're about to part way outside the classroom
>Practically the second human Applejack turns her back to you to leave, you feel a lasso fall over you and tighten around your chest and arms
>Because it happened so suddenly and was so tight on your stomach you loudly gag
>Which makes human Applejack turn back around in time to see her Pony counterpart pulling you in like a lassoed animal and tying you up
>"Hey, what do Y'all think yer doing?!", human Applejack calls out her counterpart
>"I'm just nabbing him for a little roll in the hay. You don't mind, right?", her pony counterpart said sounding confident her human counterpart would be fine with it
>"Come on! I thought ya'll had more of a moral compass than that!", human Applejack chided her before adding, "Sure, he may be easy and a pushover for girls, but that doesn't mean you should abandon proper courtship!"
>You were shocked that Applejack of all people would say that about you
>Sure it's true, but you didn't think Applejack would say that, and you couldn't resist asking if she really thought that
"Do you really think I'm a man whore too, Applejack? I mean sure I'm being treated more like one lately, but did you think that even before a couple days ago?", you ask
>Human Applejack looks at you like she's unsure if you're messing with her or not
>"I mean... Weren't you doing stuff with the other girls all along? Sure, I want to do things proper with you and not just treat you like a piece of meat, but you're not going to say something like you weren't have sex with Pinkie, right?", Applejack says in response
>Well, you can't say you haven't now
"I have now... Though I hadn't before her pony counterpart got involved and massively escalated things for her...", you say as Applejack looks at you with a raised eyebrow
>You feel like she's doubting your honesty
"I really thought I was known as a normal decent guy before! It's only within the last couple days I'm finding out anyone sees me as a man whore!", you say as Applejack seems to believe you more
>"I'm not sure if ya'll are truly dense, or just didn't want to see the signs... Though ya ARE a good guy. If ya'll were just some low life man whore I'd want nothing to do with ya'll.", Applejack almost sounds reassuring even if brutally honest
>Pony Applejack stood patiently while holding your tied body over her shoulder before asking, "Can I go fuck him now?"
>"Were ya'll listening at all?! No! Don't do that!", the human counterpart yelled at her
>"I think I see how it is...", pony Applejack said before adding, "You want to get a turn before I fuck him more, right?"
>"Not that either! Treat him with some respect, and show some restraint! Especially here at school! This is no place for stuff like that!", she says before adding in a way the felt comical, "How would you have a 'roll in the hay' if there's no hay, and it's not in the barn as god intended?!"
>"God?", pony Applejack questions sounding confused
>"Never mind that! Not getting into religion right now!", human Applejack shuts down that line of questioning
>"I didn't think my human counterpart would be such a wet blanket... Especially after the things you said you did with him. Was that a lie, and I thought you were honest like me?", pony Applejack teases her
>Human Applejack fumed before responding
>"I didn't lie! You misread! I said they were things I wanted to do when the time was right! Not things I'd already done!", she clarified to her Pony counterpart
>"What's the hold up? Ya'll aren't gettin' any younger, and I'm sure Granny would love to see her great grand kids while she's still around.", Pony Applejack says
>"Hey now! Leave her out of this! My granny isn't like yours! She lives in our society and knows girls don't start having kids as young as they did when she was our age!", Human Applejack argues with her human counterpart more
>Though pony Applejack only grinned
>"Ya'll sure about that~? I've chatted with your Granny while offering to help out around your farm while I'm here, and she commented on how she wishes you'd stop pussyfooting around and wrap 'that boy you like' around your finger already~.", she said teasing her human counterpart further
>Human Applejack hid her blushing face under her hat tipping it down
>"Do you think saying that helps?!", she said with exasperation
>Pony Applejack chuckled before walking over and handing your tied up body to her putting you over her shoulder
>"Here you go, you decide what to do with him~. Though invite him over to the farm sometime, and I'll see how your barn hay holds up~.", pony Applejack says before smugly leaving
>Applejack stands there holding you on her shoulder thinking deeply with a deep blush
>Clearly being very tempted to take advantage of you being tied up and at her mercy
>Though she lets you down and unties you
>"Although I untied ya'll... Could ya join me for lunch, please?", she asks cutely with an even deeper blush
>You eagerly nod being completely unable to consider saying 'no'
>Going to the cafeteria, both both get food and find a table
>Where Applejack sits on your lap eating her food
>Her being bigger than you makes it hard to eat your own food while she's on your lap, but you don't dare complain
>She grinds her hips on your lap occasionally as you're unsure if she's doing that on purpose or unconsciously
>Applejack occasionally feeds a bite or two of food to you like a cute couple while encouraging you to do the same with her
>You worry about people looking at you two funny, but nobody is
>Everyone around seemingly treating it like this is completely normal and expected with you
>Further proving you'd already had an entirely different reputation than you thought, and for longer than you thought
>After lunch you give Applejack a quick kiss in parting as she gives a very cute flustered response to it
>Then it was time for your next class, just this one and one more before the school day is over
>At least before you remembered detention...
>You'd worry about that bridge when you crossed it
>For now, it was time for History class with Sunset
>She's been the most distant of the friend group you're accustomed to
>Sunset always seems especially uninterested in history class
>Hardly ever seeming to pay attention to the class
>Though when you arrived today she seemed very interested in talking with you, and seemed worried about something
>She prompts you to sit close and whispers in your ear
>"Have ponies from Equestria really been coming here?", she asks you with worry
"Yeah, why do you sound worried? I wouldn't think you'd be scared of ponies.", you whisper back somewhat teasingly
>She wasn't particularly amused, but told you, "I hadn't said anything about it before, but I'm actually from there myself... They're not gunning after me, are they?"
You shake your head before reassuring her, "No, no, none of them mentioned you. They're actually coming over with me as their goal."
>This confused her a little, "Why would ponies come over here for you?"
>You could feel yourself blushing as you think of how you'd explain it
"You uh, you know how I've got a reputation as a man whore... Right?", you whisper as she just nods without hesitation
>Part of you kind of wished she would've hesitated a little, but you shouldn't expect anything else at this point
"Well, the other girls in our group basically unwittingly convinced their pony counterparts that they should come get a piece of me...", you add in whisper as she looks at you like she's unsure if you're serious
>"Do they really think sex here is that good?", she asks in a whisper inquisitively
"I guess... Pretty much all of them besides pony Twilight have been wanting to fuck me any chance they get. I guess also pony Rarity who's pushing me to go on a date with her before she fucks me.", you whisper back as Sunset takes this information in calmly
>She touches your hand and her eyes flash, which you'd never seen her do before
>The events of the past couple days since you first encountered pony Pinkie flashed through your mind
>Sunset finally has a blush after this
"What was that?", you ask her plainly being seriously confused
>"I can read minds, I didn't use that on you before to respect your privacy, but I just couldn't resist using it this time.", she explains
>Though after that she sits with a deep blush seeming unsure what she wants to do or say next
>Then she whispers under her breath, "How are they so okay with just coming over and having sex with a human right away?..."
>You're not sure what she means, but maybe because you're just so used to being a human
>She doesn't have to read minds to know what you're thinking
>"I mean... Just imagine if you went though the portal?", she whispers to you before adding, "Suddenly being a small horse, with your body suddenly being so different and awkward to move around in... Would you just see a mare and be like, 'time to fuck!'?"
"I guess it would be kind of hard to answer what I would actually do in that situation, and it's kind of hard to fully picture...", you say as she raises an eyebrow
>"You'd fuck a horse?", she asks like she's judging you
"Hey now, I'm a guy. I think you're underestimating how horny boys are and how hard wired we are to want sex... Would what I find hot be altered by being in a horse body?", you say before asking
>Sunset seemed genuinely unsure how to answer that
>"I mean, I don't think what I find attractive really changed all that much, but I've been here for quite a while...", she said quietly while awkwardly avoiding eye contact
>She got very quiet the rest of class and kind of hid her face behind her history text book
>Sometimes seeming like she's actually reading it, and sometimes clearly just using it to hide her face
>After class she scurries off with clear purpose as you wonder where she's going so fast
>Though you worry about going to your last class
>While thinking it's been a bit since your were intercepted on your way to class it happens
>Sci-Twi with her glasses fogged up breathing heavily runs at you and tackles you into an embrace, and starts making out with you
>Almost like the way Pinkie might have done it, but definitely feeling different
>She breaks the kiss with a strand of saliva between your mouths before saying why she's doing this, "I know we don't share any classes today, but I just couldn't go a day without seeing you after yesterday!"
>Twilight huffs heavy hot breaths and kisses you again
>"I spent all night masturbating while huffing the scent of your boxers... Did you masturbate while sniffing my panties~?!", she said before asking in an extremely perverted and excited voice
>You don't even remember what you did with the panties she handed you
>They might still be in the pocket of the pants you wore which were now in your dirty laundry hamper
>Now feeling a sense of urgency to remember to take them out of there and put them somewhere more private and hidden before your mom finds them
"I, I sure did!", you lie to play into her fantasy
>She blushes deeper and giggles with giddy excitement in an overtly perverted and horny way
>"I bet you can't wait to fuck me senseless again, can you~?", she says while jumping up and wrapping her legs around you
>"You just can't wait to put your dick back where it belongs, and treat my delicate and innocent schoolgirl body like it's your own personal cum dump~...", she say clearly lost in her own world
>You definitely wouldn't call her 'innocent' at this point
"Of-of course! Ever second I'm not ramming my cock in you and filling your womb is agony!", you say before adding, "Yet I've got to go to my last class, and you know what they say... Good things come to those who wait.", you tell her further playing along with her
>She seems to accept this even if she'd prefer you just fuck her now
>Getting off of you before saying as a trail of arousal ran down her thigh, "D-don't keep me waiting too long! B-boyfriend!"
"How about tomorrow morning?", you say as she energetically nods while drooling before scampering off
>The last class is one that typically goes by without incident
>Though you're not sure how confidently you can say that now
>It's a writing class with nobody you really know
>The only real thing of note is there's this girl who sits in the corner and scowls at you
>She wears a frumpy sweater with her admittedly large chest resting on the table, and she peers up over her book with taped glasses at you with such angry eyes
>You're not even sure who she is, much less what you may have done to anger her
>Yet every time in this class she just sits there and scowls at you without ever confronting you
>This time wasn't really any different
>You'd be tempted to go see what her problem with you is, but you've got enough on your plate without opening that can of worms
>There's a gut feeling you won't be able to avoid addressing this forever, but for now you think you can safely put it off
>The class ends after being assigned the next writing assignment, and then you're off... To detention
>In detention there were some usual suspects you knew were trouble makers, including Gilda, who was excited to see you
>Some of the other delinquent girls comment on 'fresh meat' before Gilda snaps at them
>"He's mine, bitches! Back off!", laying claim to you as she insists you sit next to her
>You might have hesitated to do so before, but you're actually glad to take her up on her offer now
>'better the devil you know than the one you don't'
>Though after you sit next to her, Luna clears her throat
>"Don't think you're going to 'play around' here, Gilda. This is supposed to be a punishment.", Luna scolds her noticing Gilda was a little 'too' giddy about the prospect of you being here with her
>Gilda not only ignores Luna, but seems even more determined to flirt and mess around with you than if Luna just hadn't said anything
>It doesn't take much of this to get under Luna's skin
>She orders you out of your current spot, and has you sit next to her instead
>"Hey, you trying to steal my boyfriend now?!", Gilda accuses her
>Luna's face turns red with what you think is more anger than being flustered
>"That's absolutely NOT what I'm doing! I know better than anyone I can't date a student! I'm just separating you kids when you're in detention because YOU can't control yourself!", she explains angrily while treating Gilda like a spoiled brat
>Gilda huffs and pouts with her arms folded like she actually is just a little brat
>It's kind of amusing though you don't want to dunk on her knowing it'd definitely cost you later if she directs her anger at you and not Luna
>Though the longer you spend sitting next to Luna the more that 'strange dream' about a princess Luna creeps back into your mind
>You try to toe a line of obeying Luna while also not overtly pissing off Gilda
>This tug of war continue until the end of detention when Gilda storms off clearly wondering why it's like everyone is against her
>Though you stay behind as Luna sighs and consolidates paperwork looking like she's wrapping things up
>With the dream fresh in your mind, you wonder what might happen if you just show her a little care and empathy
"I'm sorry about all this, Luna... Is there anything I can do to help?", you ask as she gives you a weary look
>"What's gotten into you so suddenly?", she says clearly wondering if there's some ulterior motive to it
>Then something comes to mind
>"My sister gave you detention without really saying what the reason for it was... What's that about?", she asks sounding suspicious of it
>You blush and hesitate to answer as she seizes on the assumption it's suspicious
>"Oh ho ho~... You've got some dirt on my sister, don't you~?", she said as you started to feel cornered, and she turned completely towards you going into interrogation mode
>It's definitely true you do...
>Her arrangement with her pony counterpart would be a huge deal if it got out
>Luna got up close and grabbed your face with both hands making you look her in the eyes
>"Let's hear it... If it's good, I'll reward you well~.", she says as you're unsure what that 'reward' might entail
"Well, uhmmm... Have you heard about 'pony counterparts' of people here showing up?", you start as she reacts like you're wasting her time
>"Yes, my sister alerted me of that and that I should keep an eye out for doppelgangers acting suspiciously.", she said as you could now move on with it
"Did she tell you what she and her pony counterpart are up to?", you ask the leading question as she raised an eyebrow knowing you now had new information to share with her
>"No, continue.", she demanded
"Well... The new transfer student 'Sunny' is her pony counterpart, and they made an arrangement to swap places periodically.", you say before continuing with a blush, "While also having 'Sunny' with a relationship with me..."
>Luna's eyes went wide, and she wasn't sure if you were messing with her before determining you were serious
>"Well, that certainly is big... Though it doesn't answer what you got detention for.", Luna tells you circling back to the original question
>You may as well come out and say it
"For being a man whore...", you say with some shame
>This seemed to make sense for Luna, too much sense even
>"As you should get detention for that!", she said sternly now seeming mad at you
"Why are you mad?! You said you'd reward me!", you retorted having become curious what the reward would have been
>"Sure, but that doesn't mean you should be a man whore without punishment!", she said sounding angry and flustered
>"You need someone to teach you how to be more principled and loyal!", now saying as you're tempted to question it
"Is that 'someone' you, and 'loyal' to who?", you ask as she blushes deeper
>"It could be me to teach you to behave right, and 'loyal' to whoever you choose!", she answered more like she wanted to get out of saying anything incriminating
"You say 'behave right', but I'm in too deep with women dominating me to just become monogamous...", you say somewhat complaining about how unrealistic it seems to you to pick one and tell all the rest 'no'
>She scowls before saying, "Maybe if I'd started training you sooner you wouldn't have become so feral and unruly..."
>It kind of seemed like it before, but it kind of sounds like she's talking about you like you're a dog
>"Also if you can't choose, I might as well try to train you to be loyal to me...", Luna said as you knew it would lead to this
"What happened to not wanting a relationship with me because it's not allowed?", you point out as she seems undeterred
>"So you're saying you'll let my sister break that rule, but not me?", Luna said very angrily and sternly
"O-of course not! Mistress Luna! I just wanted to make sure you're serious about it!", you say before realizing you let 'mistress Luna' slip by mistake because of the dream
>She looked you over with an unsure expression before asking, "This may sound like an odd question, but did you have a strange dream with my pony counterpart?"
"Well... Yes, did you?", you answer before asking in turn
>She doesn't answer you, but reaches in her desk before pulling something out of a locked box
>"'Mistress Luna' has a nice ring to it, but I'm not asking you to be my 'boyfriend'...", she says while hiding what she's pulling out of the box
>"I also have your 'reward' for you...", Luna says purposely building suspense before quickly latching something around your neck
>It's a spiked collar like a dog would have
>The print is too small to read without being close up, but the tag has your name on it
>"I'm telling you to be my pet~.", she says sounding like a dominatrix
"I-Isn't this worse than being your boyfriend?!", you say feeling this would be more scandalous and more of a violation for her to do that
>"It's technically not against the rules to have a 'teacher's pet' even if it's more 'real' than normal~. Besides, we already established you're fine with going outside the rules, don't pretend you aren't.", Luna tells you as you have no argument against that
>"You won't always be able to wear that, but wear it when you can. For me~.", adding after grabbing you by the collar and fiddling with the tag with one of her fingers
>It makes you blush profusely thinking about how she already had that ready and had been practically waiting for the right time to 'use it'
>"You may be a bad boy now, but I'll train you right~.", she said sounding even more like a dominatrix
>Though she's not done musing on the situation
>"Maybe it's not fair to call you a 'bad boy', you're good deep down, but you keep letting bad mistresses get you in trouble and encourage you to misbehave...", Luna comments as you think back to getting in trouble because of stuff like Pinkie's pranks you got involved in
>Now thinking that even back then she might have been fantasizing about dominating you to keep you for herself and make you behave the way she wants
>"Leading you astray from who you should have been loyal to all along.", adding as you feel that suspicion is confirmed
"Did something like this happen in a dream you had involving your pony counterpart?", you ask out of being too curious about it
>She reacted like you were reading her mind looking shocked
>"Well, Yes, but what happened in your dream?", she returned, not wanting to share details without hearing about yours first
You decide to oblige her, "Your pony counterpart introduced herself to me, and asked if I wanted a relationship with you before concluding without me actually saying either way that I did."
Then gathering your thoughts before continuing to the really intimate and embarrassing to say out loud part, "Then she talked dirty about me being a bad boy while being mad at me for neglecting her and not treating her like a sexy woman I wanted."
>"So, is that why you stayed behind and acted different?", she asked like she really wanted to know
"Yes, I planned to just show a bit of caring and empathy since I actually felt bad about how I'd acted towards you before when I just saw you as an enforcer to be afraid of... I had seriously doubted any part of the dream could be real, and didn't expect things to go like this."
>"I appreciate your honesty... Though now that it has gone this far, could you please play along with how my dream went, and continue where we left off?", she asks more humbly and bashfully
"What did I do in your dream though?", you ask thinking she'd be more open to telling you now
>Yet she blushes a deep crimson before saying while looking up and way, "Ne-never mind, let's not do that..."
"Why not, what did I do?", you ask again pressing her
>"You were naked wearing only the collar posing like a dog begging with a stiff erection, and said very intimate things about wanting me to own you and how you'd dedicate yourself to me with very lurid details I don't think I could repeat out loud..."
>You back down from pressing her further
"Yeah, that's probably too much. Especially to do here at school, even if it is after the school closed for the day...", you say and she agrees
>Though you wouldn't leave her with nothing
"I think I've got to get going, but-", you say awkwardly and pause before adding, "Later in a more private setting I could try doing some of that for you..."
>You then lean in and give her a kiss before leaving
>You hear her call out to you, "I want to see you wearing the collar the next time I see you!"
>As you leave the front of the school, you consider calling Fluttershy when you see her waiting outside her mom's car
"You didn't have to wait. Sorry I took so long, I had detention.", you tell her
>"I remember, you told me about it earlier. Though what's that on your neck?", she asked pointing at the collar
>You quickly unlatch it and stuff it in your pocket not wanting to explain it
"It's nothing!", you say before going with her
>You get in her mom's car with Fluttershy as her mom said, "Don't worry about asking your parents, I already did that."
"Thanks, Mrs.Shy.", you tell her politely
>She then takes off driving you to their place
>Fluttershy fidgets with her hand like she wants to hold your hand, but doesn't want to do it with her mom there
>Once there Fluttershy tells you, "I've got something to show you, wait right here~!"
>She then goes up to her room, and quickly comes back wearing an apron with a big heart on the chest of it with 'mommy' hand stitch embroidered over the heart
>"I'm going to cook you something myself, let me take care of you tonight~.", she said very sweetly once she was sure her parents had left to their own devices
"Thanks-," you say before looking around to make sure it's just you and her in earshot, "M-mommy."
>She blushes a bright crimson hearing you say that, and comes over and embraces you like she wants to cradle you in her arms
>Cooing and rocking you back and forth in her arms
>"My sweet Anon, my sweet sweet Anon... You're such a good boy~. You make mommy proud~.", she says as 'good boy' sounded different before she referred to herself as 'mommy' because of what you'd just gone through with Luna
>While she's cuddling you and rocking you in her arms she kisses you on the cheek a couple times
>Then there's a crash somewhere else in the house that startles both of you
>A voice resonates in the house, "Sis! Please help! I fell and spilled my latte all over myself"
>You can tell she's about to yell as you cover your ears when she took in a very deep breath
>"You fucking donkey! Pick yourself up and get yourself cleaned up on your own! You aren't an infant! Aren't you embarrassed with yourself being so pathetic?!", she yelled at him as you felt there was some serious contrast to how she was treating you versus him
>She sees your reaction and feels the need to explain herself
>"Well, Anon... If I didn't dote on you I know you actually can take care of yourself, and you're always polite and grateful...", she explains before her expression turns dark and angry
>"My worthless brother Zephyr on the other hand...", She starts before continuing, "He never tries to take care of himself, he's greedy, arrogant, spoiled, and ungrateful. There just isn't enough tough love in the world to fix him..."
>Fluttershy then calms herself down and turns her attention back to you, "I'll get dinner started soon, my sweet Anon~."
>You politely wait in the dinning room at the table while Fluttershy cooks
>Taking glances into the kitchen you can see Posey Shy watching over and supervising Fluttershy's cooking
>Though not needing to do much because Fluttershy is doing pretty good with it
>Looks like she really was learning a lot form the home ec class
>She makes some delightful breaded chicken as well as fried and buttered veggies
>When she brings it in from the kitchen for you it's picture perfect
>Clearly hand crafted with pure love
>You don't even care if it tastes particularly good, you're going to act like it's the best stuff you'd ever tasted
>"It's hot from the oven, so let it cool down a bit before eating~.", Fluttershy told you in her usual ultra sweet and caring voice like an angel
>Then she gets another idea and sits close next to you
>Cutting off a bite size piece of the breaded chicken, she blows on it herself before hand feeding it to you
>You heavily blush from her doing this at the table in front of her family, but then you noticed she was blushing even more
>The breaded chicken actually is really well done and tastes great with whatever seasonings she used
>After you swallow she eagerly waits for your commentary
"It's amazingly good, Fluttershy. I don't know what seasonings you used, but it's really well done. Thanks for going to the trouble of cooking this for me.", you say graciously while praising her
>Fluttershy smiles sweetly before saying, "It's no trouble at all~. I'm just so happy you like it~."
>All the while Zephyr looks jealous with obvious latte stains still on his clothes, and also looks like he doesn't have much appetite for what Posy Shy made for the rest of the family
>You feel like you shouldn't pick a fight with him, but you do it anyway
"Maybe you wouldn't be treated like such a punk if you showed some appreciation. Your mom still made that with love and care for you.", you tell him as he grumbles before picking up a bite of his food
Right before the bite of food enters his mouth you quickly say, "Bitch."
>Fluttershy nearly spits out her food snorting a laugh while eating
>He brings the bite of food back away from his face to ask curtly, "What was that?"
You consider not going further with it but gor for it, "I called you a bitch."
>Though like a bitch he backs away from the conflict, "Oh, that's what I thought..."
>Then puts the food in his mouth and starts eating
>Meanwhile Fluttershy continues to hand feed you the food she made for you
>Seeming even happier to do so after you called out Zephyr like that
>Though Mr and Mrs Shy seem conflicted about it
>Perhaps also satisfied with you calling him out, but perhaps feeling you went too far with calling him a bitch
>After dinner you're shown a guest room to stay in for the night
>Fluttershy insists on tucking you in and giving you a good night kiss on the cheek
>She then goes back to her room, and you drift off to sleep
>Where you have another dream coming face to face with the pony Luna
>Though she seems very pleased as she's about to talk to you
>"My human counterpart is dreaming very pleasantly and very happy thanks to your better treatment of her. You have my thanks.", she tells you clearly feeling a sense of connection with vice principal Luna
>"I would not have expected it, but I share much in common with your Luna.", she further tells you as you wonder what specific things they share in common
>Though you don't have to wonder long as she elaborates on it herself
>"She may not have as many subjects, but she rules in a way. As well as her feelings of loneliness and isolation that resonate well with me, and her feelings of sibling rivalry with her Celestia lording over her nearly mirror my own."
>You couldn't just 'wait' to see if she'd bring up one particular aspect of her counterpart
"Do you also share in common wanting me to be a 'pet'?", you ask somewhat worried about the answer despite your burning curiosity
>She blushed profusely becoming very flustered remembering human Luna's sex dream about you
>"It was... A very strange and perplexing way to breed... Even among the strange dream sequences I'd seen it stands out.", she commented as it seemed like a 'no'
>"However... The idea of having a human male as a pet sounds... Interesting.", she says as a chilling tingle runs up your spine
>"I'm usually rather reclusive, and only venture outside the castle when visiting dreams. Yet your real seems an incredibly intriguing place. I may venture forth to your realm to see what all the fuss is about.", she lightly muses
>She seems ready to dismiss you before saying in parting, "Treat my human counterpart well. Be a good companion to her, and I may see you soon."
>With that the dream fades to an end
>You wake up feeling a very warm and soft sensation around you
>As your senses fully come back online you realize Fluttershy in sleeping with you now hugging you from the side like you're a body pillow
>Having clearly snuck in and slid into the bed with you once she was sure her parents were asleep
>Though the top of her chest is visible she's clearly wearing a night gown and is fully clothed even if in bed with you
>With it clearly not being time to get up yet, you go back to sleep though this time sleep normally
>Now being woken up by Fluttershy as she kisses you awake with kisses to the cheek standing over the bed
>"Good morning, my sweet Anon. Did you rest well~?", she asks acting more motherly with is just being you two
"I did, mommy Flutters~.", you say before pulling her into an embrace and cuddling with her a little
>She melts like butter in your arms adorably
"You were so cute, sleeping with me too, Mommy~.", you say as she reacts like she got caught doing something naughty
>"H-how did you know that?!", she asked very nervously
"I briefly woke up in the middle of the night before going back to sleep, and you were hugging me like I was a body pillow. It was seriously cute.", you tell her a little teasingly
>She fiercely blushes and stammers before you reassure her, "Sure, your parents might have had more to say about it if they caught you, but I don't think you did anything wrong."
>You pat her head a little, but she remains very flustered
>So you just cuddle with her a little more and she eventually calms down
"I'll get ready for school, and then let's go have breakfast.", you say as she nods before leaving to let you get ready with some privacy
>Once ready you go quickly eat some cereal with Fluttershy's family before heading out
>On the way to school you're walking with Fluttershy and Zephyr
>Though Fluttershy walks much closer to you while Zephyr keeps his distance
>Then you encounter Rainbow Dash
>She first looked to Fluttershy like she was mainly here to meet with her, but is pleasantly surprised to see you
>"Anon, I didn't expect to see you here!", Rainbow saws before getting a smug look on her face
>"Are you going to say I'm the best~? I heard from a 'certain someone' you think I'm the best~.", she said flirtatiously as you think back to having sex with the pony Dashie
>Then Zephyr speaks up instead of you, "You're the best, Dashie! Your cute portable body is the best and I could die happy if I could feel your tight cunny on my cock! Uuuuoooohhh!"
>Rainbow looks at him with disgust, "I didn't ask you! Shut up, creep!"
>Fluttershy dogpiles on him, "Don't be such a creep, Zephyr. Don't make my friend get a restraining order against you."
>She pats your head before encouraging you, "Now, why don't you tell Rainbow what you think like a good boy~?"
"Of course I'm your biggest fan, Dashie! Any competition you're at I'll be there to cheer you on. Any time you want help with anything I'll answer your call right away, and you're an athlete without equal!", you say with pride
>Dashie blushes profusely while Fluttershy pats your head some more
>"See, Zephyr. This is how you praise a girl you like. Though just leave Rainbow alone. You have to realize at this point she doesn't like you. Find a different girl to flirt with properly and not be a creep."
>Zephyr looked absolutely bodies, which he deserved
>"Hope you're ready for PE, Anon! I won't be going easy on you! If you're going to get in top shape, you have to go full steam!", she tells you fully intended to push you like a fitness trainer
>Changing the topic away from Zephyr and ignoring him
>Rainbow comes to your side and joins you during the walk to school
>Her and Fluttershy gradually getting into an arms race of getting closer to you
>Until they were both pressed into your sides hanging off your arms
>You almost worried they'd get into a tug of war over you
>Especially as you noticed Rainbow was staring with envy at Fluttershy's large chest
>As if this wasn't busy enough Twilight was waiting for you at the entrance of the school
>Which made you remember you promised to do it with her before school
>She definitely looked horny for it standing there with a heavy blush, fogged up glasses, and drooling a bit while twitching
>Twilight practically ignored that Fluttershy and Dashie were with you as she moved to take you with her
>Fluttershy got flustered by how Twilight was acting and backed off
>Though Dashie seemed kind of naive about it and didn't want to leave your side
>"Whatcha up to, Twilight?", Dashie asked innocently
>Twilight stammered and struggled to answer once actually confronted about what she intended to do with you
>She's very eager and straight forward about it when alone with you, but can still by shy and reserved about it with others
>"It's uhhmmm, private... If you don't mind.", she said trying to be indirect about it
>Dashie doesn't seem to take the hint at all
>Still insisting on coming along, "C'mon, don't be like that! We're friends now, right? No need to be all reclusive and shit!"
>You really want to step in and say something about it, but you're not sure how without just bluntly saying 'I'm gonna go have sex with her'
>"If you don't mind, I was going to exercise with Anon. Would you want to do that?", Dashie adds
>Twilight is bashful and looks away while saying, "I was going to do a 'special' kind of exercise with him..."
>Dashie still play innocent as you unintentionally go in for the killing blow with a Freudian slip wanting to say something about exercise
"Yup, a very special kind of sexercise, errr, I mean exercise.", you say and try to correct yourself despite having already said it
>Dashie looks at Twilight with disbelief, "You? Pushing for sex?", she askes before adding, "I thought you were a super straight laced girl?"
>Twilight's face is a deep red at this point and Flutteshy has left the awkward situation entirely
>"S-sorry for secretly being a pervert!", Twilight blurts out before adding, "But I'm way too pent up and horny to not do it with him now! So please don't interfere!"
>Dashie finally backs off, but not before teasing both of you
>"Fine, but don't wear him out too much. If he falls too far behind he won't get a good view of my ass running behind me~.", she said smugly before Twilight grabbed your hand and ran off with you
>She doesn't take you to the library again because there's more people there around this time
>Instead taking you to a more secluded spot outside the school
>Twilight then takes off her panties and shoves them in your pocket before insisting on getting your boxers that are more 'fresh' with your scent
>With your pants off you hand them over and she starts sniffing them right away laying on the ground with her legs spread
>Pushing you to mount her while she's holding your boxers to her nose
>Which you oblige her with without needing much persuasion as her tight pussy clamps down on you
>Even without a lot of people around she suppresses her moans with you boxers pressed into her face just on the off chance there's someone who would hear her scream and moan
>Her legs tightly wrapped around you while she looks surprisingly cute looking like she's hiding her face, even if it's again, with your boxers
>When you got close to cumming she insisted you cum inside while tightening her legs around you
>You didn't really even think about the fact that you had her in a mating press until you were pumping her womb full of cum
>After having not been drained in a while you practically feel your spunk overflowing in her and leaking out around the base of your shaft
>Twilight kisses you passionately in the afterglow of it while holding your boxers in front of her chest now, and clearly wants more
>Though the bell to go to your first class rings, and things are cut 'short' for her
>As you're both getting back up and fixing yourselves up you notice Dashie recording with her phone from behind a tree
>When she noticed you looking her way she stammers and quickly defends what she's doing
>"I don't mean anything bad by it! I just... I just kind of doubted you two were really going to do it, and started recording on reflex before I realized what I was doing!", she explained
>You trust she wouldn't use it to blackmail you, and react with the first thing that comes to mind
"Could you send me a copy of it?", you say actually curious how the video looks
>"S-sure thing!", she said stammering with a nervousness that was uncharacteristic for her
>Within short order you get a text from her with the video attached
>You don't have time to watch it now, but maybe later
"Let's get to PE.", you say as calmy as you can
>"Of course, and you better not be worn out from that!", Dashie told you returning more to her usual self
>Twilight had a deep red face as she told you, "Till next time... Also you should definitely come over to my place some time."
>Giving you a kiss on the cheek in parting before running off
>Now without her panties and leaking cum a little
>You get to the locker room and change into your PE clothes before joining the PE class
>Doing some stretches before being sent to the track again
>Before the running starts Dashie whispers in your ear, "If you beat me, you'll get to fuck me~."
>You actually feel a little ragged after pounding Twilight in a mating press, but not too much
>Not that it matters a whole lot
>You're sure you couldn't win against her in a race even if you were at your best
>Though you know Rainbow expects you to at least try to win
>So you put in your best effort to at least make it seem like you're trying to win and get to fuck her
>Even if you don't have any faith you actually could win
>During the race she often looked back at you with an extremely smug and teasing expression
>Which actually did motivate you to genuinely try to win in a way
>Like you might expect, Dashie didn't just let you win, and you lost
>While you stood hunched over and dressed with sweat heaving she did have something to say as consolation
>Whispering in you ear, "I can't risk getting pregnant, but if you keep doing your best maybe I'll still 'reward' you another way~."
>Kind of like you thought she didn't actually intend for you to win
>Merely wanting to have fun with you and get excited from the idea you'd want to fuck her without actually letting it happen
>She pats your back like she's congratulating you for your efforts before sending you off
>You're extra thorough in the showers from how sweaty you were as the hot water feels heavenly on your sore muscles
>Then as you shuffled to your next class your legs felt like they were made of lead
>When you get there Fluttershy is concerned for you while also extremely Flustered
>"D-did you r-really... With Twilight?", she asks as you nod wearily
>"Is that why you're so worn out? That must have been intense...", she says while applying some cold water to her napkin and wiping your forehead
"It wasn't just that... Dashie really gave me a work out in PE...", you say as she almost gasps super loud before catching herself
>"W-with Rainbow too?!... In the middle of class?!", she misunderstands and almost draws the attention of the rest of the class to her
"No, no... Not like that. She pushed me to run as much as I could and try to win against her on the track. Of course I couldn't do it, but I really got quite a workout trying.", you explain more clearly
>She calms down a little and shifts more towards doting on you and trying to help you recover
>You think you've recovered about as much as you can in the short term, and would need actual rest in order to fully recover
>One thing for sure is that as sore as you feel right now you'd surely be a lot more sore tomorrow
>Yet there was something very soothing about her doting and trying to heal you
>Hardly paying attention to the actual class itself and quickly catching up with what the class went over towards the end
>After the class you're heading off when the pony Fluttershy intercepts you, but the human Fluttershy intercepts her
>"He's very worn down, so please be gentle with him.", she tells her pony counterpart and they nod as they gently hold your hand and take you with them
>Instead of pushing you to fuck her she lays your head in her lap and softly hums a melody
>The pony Fluttershy's humming has an almost supernatural softness behind it that lulls you to sleep
>It's a very short nap considering that it was only a school break
>Though at the end of it she wakes you up with a kiss to your cheek, and sends you on your way
>Even if it was short, you feel a lot more rested than you would've expected
>Not 100%, but a lot better than you did before
>When you're arrive at shop class with Applejack you start to doubt this feeling of being better rested will last
by StreamofGreen
by StreamofGreen
by StreamofGreen
by StreamofGreen
by StreamofGreen