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Twist Mom

By StreamofGreen
Created: 2021-03-11 09:11:11
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon living in a small apartment above your mom Twist's candy store with her
  2. >In the big city of Manehatton
  3. >It's cramped in the apartment with her since it's a one room apartment
  4. >You have to share the same bed with her too, but you actually don't mind it
  5. >Since you've always been very close with your mom
  6. >In fact your mom and you practically only have each other
  7. >It may be a big city with a lot of people, but neither of you are very social
  8. >In fact your mom is even less social than you, and seems to purposely avoid leaving building much
  9. >Sometimes you ask about it, but it's one of many things she doesn't want to talk about
  10. >One thing you've definitely learned not to ask her is anything about your father
  11. >It's a very sore subject for her for some reason
  12. >She's sometimes tried to find a new husband, but it goes about as well as your efforts to find a girlfriend
  13. >That's to say not very well at all
  14. >Like not even getting to a first date badly
  15. >In fact you don't think she's tried at all for a while
  16. >Sometimes you think she's given up
  17. >For you it's mostly because you're unfortunately a dork
  18. >You like dorky things, have thick nerd glasses, and a speech impediment you picked up from your mom
  19. >All your attempts to make non-dorky friends, or be social have always ended up awkward too
  20. >In fact the more your attempts to be social blew up in your face, the more you ended up retreating into dorky hobbies
  21. >Though no matter what at least you have your mom's affection
  22. >When you're in the apartment together you often enjoy your dorky hobbies together
  23. >Play video games together, watch shows together, cuddle, and sometimes even kiss a lot
  24. >For a while you'd even thought that exchanging kisses on the lips with your mom was a normal way to express affection for each other
  25. >Finding out otherwise didn't make you want to stop though
  26. >Especially when you misbehave or do something to upset her
  28. >Then repay her with kisses until she feels better and forgives you
  29. >Almost makes you want to misbehave
  30. >Though it's even better when you kiss her without being in trouble
  31. >You're pretty sure you enjoy it more than you're supposed to
  32. >You keep it to yourself, but she's actually the sexiest woman you've ever seen
  33. >People make a big fuss about super models, but they've got nothing on your mom
  34. >Which makes it baffling why the men she's tried to flirt with weren't interested at all
  35. >Are they blind or something?
  36. >You're stuck in your head right now because you're home sick from school
  37. >As a senior in high school
  38. >Your mom is downstairs in the candy shop working as usual
  39. >Often times you'll help out, but you obviously can't do that while sick
  40. >Looking for something to do, you decide to search the closet
  41. >Maybe find one of your old toys or something to reminisce about
  42. >The closet is always stuffed full
  43. >You search all the way to the bottom and find something unusual
  44. >It's a dusty box with no label on it
  45. >You blow off the dust before opening it
  46. >Inside you find old notebooks with clumsy handwriting
  47. >You're curious so you decide to start reading one of them
  48. >It's Horses in Space fan fiction
  49. >One of your favorite shows to watch together with mom
  50. >Getting into reading it there seems to be shipping going on with it
  51. >Between a self insert of her as a teenager, and...
  52. >Anon?!
  53. >That's you though!
  54. >How can it be possible?!
  55. >This was clearly written well before you were born
  56. >Is your mom psychic?
  57. >Did she know the future?
  58. >Reading further you only get more confused
  59. >The Anon in the story is nothing like you
  60. >He's stated as a very popular and social boy
  61. >Beloved by everyone as well
  62. >Also baking and parties come up for seemingly no reason
  63. >The way he's described makes you feel like a loser
  64. >As you read on the romantic love story doesn't sound right
  65. >The romance itself sounds right, but she has nothing in common with him
  67. >You are able to enjoy reading it by self inserting, and imagining it is about you
  68. >By the end of it you feel a burning desire in you
  69. >The romance you've been imaging while reading it feels so right
  70. >It talks about fate and true love, and you couldn't agree more
  71. >You feel like you and her are meant to be
  72. >Despite the fact she's your own mom
  73. >You skim another of the notebooks
  74. >It's basically the same thing, but in a different show you watch with her
  75. >The same Anon described the same way
  76. >Is this the kind of man Mom wants?
  77. >You skim through the rest
  78. >It can't be a coincidence that they're all like that
  79. >You know you aren't meant to be able to be with your mom though
  80. >As well as the fact that you apparently aren't like what her ideal is
  81. >Yet maybe her ideal has changed since then
  82. >It's been a long time since then after all
  83. >Your eyes start to feel heavy, and you cough while feeling light headed from the fever
  84. >You put the notebooks back in the box, and the box back where you found it in the closet
  85. >Before going back to bed and falling asleep
  86. >You have a fever dream about you and Mom
  87. >It's a younger version of her like you'd seen in her senior yearbook
  88. >You're making out with her on a beautiful starlit night on an alien planet
  89. >It feels so real though
  90. >After a while of that you stop and let of of her to get down on one knee
  91. >Out of nowhere most of your favorite characters are cheering you on in the background
  92. >You take out a small box before proposing to her
  93. >Revealing the majestic and exotic ring inside
  94. >She's overwhelmed with joy before giving a resounding 'Yes!'
  95. >Just as you're about to put the ring on her finger the dream ends
  96. >You wake up to Mom checking on you with a hand to your forehead
  97. >"Oh my... Your fever isthn't going down at all... You may missth another day of sthchool at thisth rate..."
  98. >Which would actually be bad for you since you don't want to fall behind on your studies and school work
  100. >You actually pride yourself on your good performance in school
  101. >Not exactly 4.0 GPA good, but still pretty respectable
  102. "Could I have sthome more water pleasthe?"
  103. >You ask her politely feeling thirsty
  104. >"Of coursthe honey! You'll want to drink plenty of water if you want to get better sthoon!"
  105. >She responds before getting you a glass of water
  106. >Coming back with it before giving it to you, and planting a quick kiss on your forehead lovingly
  107. >"I'll make usth sthome dinner sthoon. I'll make your favorite~!"
  108. >She says before heading to the kitchen area of the one room apartment
  109. >Your favorite is actually pretty simple
  110. >Just some breaded chicken breast, tater tots, and steamed vegetables
  111. >Though the part you love most is when she puts ketchup on the breaded chicken in the shape of a heart
  112. >As well as other little details like that that show how much she cares for you
  113. >You try to go back to sleep without success before dinner is ready
  114. >Getting out of bed you feel achy heading to the table
  115. >Fortunately the food tastes as good as always
  116. >After you finish eating you make sure to tell her how much you appreciate her
  117. "Thanksth Mom, you're the bestht!"
  118. >She gives you a hug in return
  119. >Squeezing you tight with love before sending you back to bed
  120. >She cleaned up everything before joining you in bed laying separately, but next to you
  121. >It's a big enough bed she doesn't have to be pressed up against you
  122. >Which you'd normally want, but you don't want her to get sick too
  123. >After a while Mom falls asleep
  124. >You still can't get to sleep though
  125. >Then you get the urge to read more of the fan fiction you found earlier
  126. >Getting them back out you more throughly read one of the ones you merely skimmed before
  127. >Mom is a bit older in it so you think it was written later
  128. >The emphasis on fate and true love is much stronger here
  129. >She seems more desperate as well
  130. >You can't help but feel loneliness and separation from it
  132. >Like the Anon in the story hasn't actually been with her
  133. >You start to feel more bitter towards the boy with your name described here
  134. >A 'popular boy' who's actually a big jerk like some of the popular people you know in school
  135. >Why would she write about someone who wasn't treating her right like this?
  136. >The question bounces around in your head as you start to actually feel sleepy
  137. >You put them away again before going to sleep again
  138. >Having another fever dream, but this one much less pleasant
  139. >You're by yourself in a black void wondering what's going on
  140. >Then a guy with a near perfect appearance appears before you
  141. >In your mind you recognize him as the Anon from the stories
  142. >He looks down at you condescendingly
  143. >"So pitiful..."
  144. >He says with disgust and pity
  145. >You have so many questions
  146. "Why did you do it?"
  147. >You say without feeling like you fully understand what 'it' is
  148. >"I could be with anyone. Why would I want a dork?"
  149. >Your blood boils hearing him talk about Mom like that
  150. >"I don't want her, so you can have her."
  151. >You run at him to punch him right in his douche face
  152. >Yet he disappears into nothing before your fist connects with him
  153. >Leaving you by yourself again
  154. >Left to wonder who he really was, and why he's not here
  155. >Is he even real?
  156. >Before you can ponder it very deeply the dream ends
  158. >It's the next morning when you wake up
  159. >You feel somewhat better, but definitely still sick
  160. >Mom is there to give you some flu medicine and a glass of water
  161. >"How are you feeling, honey?"
  162. >She asks you with concern
  163. "A bit better, but definitely sthtill sick..."
  164. >You give your honest answer after taking the medicine and water
  165. >She gives you another kiss on the forehead before calling the school
  166. >Letting them know you're still sick before going downstairs to work
  167. >You want to ask her about the fan fictions, but you don't think she wants to talk about them
  168. >They were very purposely hidden
  170. >You get up to have a bowl of cereal
  171. >Which you were able to do even if you still didn't feel great
  172. >After that you wondered what to do
  173. >Your thought inevitably turned back to the fan fictions
  174. >Though an idea occurs to you
  175. >None of the fan fictions took up the entire notebook they were in
  176. >In fact more than half of each one was blank
  177. >After thinking about that you knew what you wanted to do
  178. >You got them out again, but this time you wouldn't be reading
  179. >This time you would write your own fan fiction
  180. >Taking out the first one you read before turning just past the end of it
  181. >With one of your pencils for school you got to work
  182. >Starting with a mom and son like you and Mom isolated on a deserted planet
  183. >With you two the last of your kind
  184. >The space ship from Horses in Space arrives on an exploration mission
  185. >They conclude the only way for your planet to repopulate is if your Mom and you become husband and wife
  186. >You both resist at first, but they spend time convincing you your love for each other is okay
  187. >As well as reminding you two it's the only way
  188. >Then you describe a beautiful wedding ceremony between them
  189. >The crew doesn't stick around for you two to start 'repopulating', and just leave it as implied it happens
  190. >Ending the story when the crew leaves the happily newly wed couple
  191. >You feel pretty happy about how it turned out
  192. >Though after taking a moment to think about what you'd just written you feel a bit dirty about it
  193. >You definitely won't be showing Mom this
  194. >Not just because showing her it would reveal you'd found the original fan fiction in the first place
  195. >You put it away along with the rest of the fan fiction for now
  196. >Then deciding to take a read from some of your school books
  197. >Reading just ahead of where you were in class
  198. >Hoping that'd help you be up to speed when you return
  199. >While you're doing this Mom comes upstairs to check on you during her lunch break
  201. >"Sthuch a hard worker! I'm srhure you won't sthkip a beat when you go back tomorrow!"
  202. >Mom says encouragingly as she starts making some sandwiches for lunch
  203. "I hope I can return tomorrow. I wouldn't want my gradesth to sthufffer."
  204. >Your Mom is always so happy when you get good grades
  205. >It's at least one of the reasons why you try hard to do well in school
  206. >She brings the sandwiches to the table when she's done making them
  207. >It's turkey, lettuce, and mayo sandwiches
  208. >You happily eat them while making sure to drink plenty of water
  209. >Normally Mom likes making peanut butter and jelly, but those don't mix well with drinking a lot of water
  210. >Just one more way Mom shows she cares by being thoughtful about that kind of thing
  211. "How are thingsth in the sthop going?"
  212. >You ask her in a chipper mood to get some conversation going
  213. >"Same as usual, I guess."
  214. >Mom responds in a more downtrodden mood
  215. >Your shop gets plenty of customers, but rent here is really expensive
  216. >You make enough to get by
  217. >Not much more than that
  218. >You do your best to help her make money when you can
  219. >It just never feels like enough though
  220. "Let'sth watch sthomething together when you're done with work."
  221. >You suggest knowing she always loves that
  222. >Like you hoped it gets her in a better mood right away
  223. >"Are you sthure you're feeling up to it?"
  224. >She asks you worrying if your pushing yourself too hard
  225. "It's really fine. I think I'm almostht better already!"
  226. >You tell her, and you actually do feel a lot better
  227. >Since you realized you were able to do that studying without your illness getting in the way at all
  228. >You give her a hug before she goes back to work
  229. >Wanting to give her a kiss too, but that can wait till after you're all better
  230. >Once you're by yourself again you continue studying
  231. >Though soon knowing you had plenty of time to yourself it's like the fan fictions call out to you
  232. >You go get them out of the closet again
  234. >Re-reading the one you'd just written, and now feeling like it was too short
  235. >There should have been more build up to you and Mom getting together
  236. >Maybe also it being what you two wanted rather than someone else needing to tell you to
  237. >With that in mind you pick out one of the other notebooks
  238. >That had a fan fiction of a Lord of the Gems
  239. >This one didn't have any of the characters from it, but was set in it's universe
  240. >Which worked great for you to make your own version after it
  241. >In it you are adventuring with your Mom to save your homeland
  242. >You purposely take your time with it, and use the fact that they're also on an adventure to set the pace
  243. >Focusing on the adventure when advancing their relationship would lead to things moving too fast
  244. >You feel like the story is just starting when it's about time for Mom to get off work
  245. >Which is basically what you want anyway
  246. >So you put it all away quickly before she has a chance to come up while you've still got it out
  247. >As Mom comes up the stairs you're looking at what you've got to watch
  248. >There's a lot to pick from
  249. >Especially with online streaming, and stuff saved digitally to watch
  250. >However you pick one of the Horses in Space DvDs
  251. >That have been played thousands of times, but somehow still work
  252. >There's just something special about them
  253. >So very nostalgic, and how worn they are only makes them feel that much more precious to you
  254. >Mom sits next to you while you're staring at the DvD in your hand lovingly
  255. >"Go ahead and put it in honey, and remember to be careful with it."
  256. >She cautions you knowing more than anyone how fragile they are
  257. >Of course you know this too
  258. "Of coursthe Mom. They're justht asth preciousth to me asth they are to you."
  259. >Putting it into the DvD player with the utmost care
  260. >The DvD player comes to life with a whir, and the picture comes up with just a bit of static at first
  261. >Once it warms up it starts playing more smoothly
  263. >You've watched it many times before, but there's no such thing as too many times
  264. >Especially not if Mom is with you
  265. >You cuddle into her after selecting 'play all'
  266. >As the familiar episodes play on the screen you get more and more comfy with her
  267. >Knowing times like these are always the highlight of your day
  268. >You're sure it's the same for Mom
  269. >Some pizza Mom apparently ordered arrived
  270. >You go get it and bring it back up
  271. >Then you eat it while going back to watching the DvD together
  272. >You end up thinking about the fan fictions again, and if cuddling together like this you were a real couple
  273. >While knowing you aren't
  274. >Though you can't help wondering if it's really possible
  275. >You already do some minor things like a couple, but not actually as a couple
  276. >Cuddling into her more while wondering what it might be like if Mom was yours
  277. >As well as you being hers
  278. >You have no idea how Mom feels, and would feel about the idea
  279. >A stronger desire for her to see the fan fiction you wrote bubbles within you
  280. >Though you dismiss it out of fear she'd react negatively to it
  281. >She feels your forehead to check your temperature
  282. >"I think your fever is gone~."
  283. >She says excitedly before giving you a quick kiss on the lips
  284. >You give her a quick kiss in return, and she kisses you again
  285. >You go back and forth like this while the show still plays in the background
  286. >It goes on longer than usual because you want to kiss her more than usual
  287. >The more you kiss her the more she kisses you in return
  288. >Before you knew it the quick kisses became longer kisses
  289. >Then you were basically making out
  290. >You were both lost in the moment until you both noticed the DvD was back at the main menu
  291. >Mom has a deep blush on her face, and looked embarrassed
  292. >"Oh my... Did that make you uncomfortable?... I may have gotten carried away..."
  293. >She said apologetically like she expected you to be mad
  294. "No, no... It'sth really fine Mom. I liked it."
  296. >You reassure her before giving her another kiss
  297. >"Are you sthure you're okay that you did that with me?"
  298. >She said while sounding like she was putting herself down
  299. "Of course, you're the mostht wonderful woman in the world. Anyone who thinksth otherwise isth dead wrong!"
  300. >"Anon... You really don't need to flatter your old Mom stho much..."
  301. "It'sth true though!"
  302. >You say firmly believing it
  303. >A deep blush remains on her face as she fidgets with her hands in front of her ample chest
  304. >"Do you reall feel it'sth okay for usth to sthare our affection thisth way?"
  305. >She asks you still unsure if what'd just happened was okay or not
  306. "How about thisth for an ansthwer?"
  307. >You say before embracing her, and giving her a long kiss
  308. >She returns the kiss as her uneasiness about it goes away
  309. >You're making out again for a while until it's time to go to bed
  310. >As you stop she seems uneasy again
  311. >"Now thisth is justht affection, understhtood?"
  312. >She says wanting confirmation of it
  313. >Sometimes you've wondered if she really believes that
  314. >Now more than ever you wonder if she really believes that, or just doesn't want to admit to wanting a serious relationship with you
  315. "Naturally."
  316. >You say because it's the answer she wants to hear
  317. >After that you got the DvD out of the player before putting it back in the case
  318. >Then you both got ready for bed, and got in together
  319. >Snuggling in close to her because there isn't so much risk of getting her sick anymore
  320. >Able to go to sleep much more smoothly this way
  321. >You have a dream, but it's not as vivid as the fever dreams were
  322. >You're sure it had something to do with Mom though
  324. >The next morning you wake up feeling fresh, and ready to go back to school
  325. >You have breakfast together with Mom this time
  326. >Though you just both have a bowl of cereal
  327. >"Are you excited to go back to sthchool?"
  328. >Mom asks wondering how you're feeling
  330. "I'm not asth excited about the extra work to catch up, but getting back to sthchool really isth a good thing."
  331. >"Do your bestht honey!"
  332. >Mom encourages you before giving you a kiss
  333. >After finishing breakfast she heads down to work once she was ready
  334. >It's still a bit before the school buss picks you up
  335. >You take advantage of the extra time to do something that feels risky
  336. >Taking the notebook with the fan fiction in progress out, and slipping it into your backpack
  337. >The dust that was on it makes you feel Mom won't check to notice it's missing
  338. >Though the idea she might worries you
  339. >Still, you're not sure when you'd find time to continue it if you don't take it with you
  340. >When it was time you went downstairs yourself, and headed out to the school bus stop
  341. >Getting in when it arrived before sitting in your usual spot
  342. >You don't really have anyone you talk to on the bus
  343. >So it's a quiet trip to school
  344. >Well, besides the other students around you talking up a storm
  345. >Arriving at school you go to wait for school to actually start
  346. >With your actual friends who greet you on arrival
  347. >Then you talk about the usual stuff with them
  348. >At least until the first bell to go to class rang
  349. >After that it was a normal day of school
  350. >During lunch you find some time to write more of the fan fiction in a secluded part of school you're allowed to go to during lunch
  351. >You don't add much during that short time, but it's better than nothing
  352. >When the last class was over it was time for your chess team meeting
  353. >You'd just go home to Mom instead, but you want the extracurriculars on your college application
  354. >The guys there are alright, but you aren't fully friends with them
  355. >Especially because they're more the intellectual kind of nerd
  356. >While you're more the pop culture kind of dork
  357. >Still chess club is fun to you
  358. >Plus you at least still have more in common with them than most students at school
  359. >Once that was done it was time to head home
  361. >Mom picks you up in her car
  362. >Picking you up from after school clubs is one of the only times she leaves the building
  363. >You get right in when she pulls up so you can go right home with her
  364. >She always seems anxious to get home
  365. >Which makes you worry she's a shut in
  366. >Though you're not much better yourself
  367. >So you're not in much position to tell her to get out more
  368. >Plus you're not even sure what you would even try to get her to do outside if you did get her out of the building to do something
  369. >Just staying inside the apartment with each other is fine for now
  370. >When you get home Mom parks in the back since parking space out in front is at too much of a premium
  371. >You head inside with her before heading up to the apartment
  372. >Once there she embraces you and gives you a kiss
  373. >A prolonged kiss that turns into a mini make out session when you return the kiss in kind
  374. >Before she stops to return to work at least a little longer
  375. >Then she'd come back up to actually call it a night
  376. >After finishing your homework you take the opportunity to write more of your fan fiction in progress
  377. >While writing you get the nagging doubt of why you're doing this if nobody is going to read it
  378. >You know you're doing for two reasons
  379. >One is to make your own version of the fan fictions that just don't seem right
  380. >As well as having fun writing it
  381. >Actually maybe a third reason is that doing this has maybe been helping you solidify how you really feel about Mom
  382. >What you would really want your relationship with her to be if there weren't any restrictions
  383. >If you could really be anything to her right now, what would it be?
  384. >Still just her overly affectionate son, a loving boyfriend, or even her husband?
  385. >You don't think you're quite sure yet
  386. >When you hear a foot step at the bottom of the stairs you nearly jump out of your skin before putting the notebook away in your backpack
  387. >Then calming yourself down from that shock so you don't look suspicious
  389. >You definitely hope Mom doesn't search your backpack for any reason
  390. >She hasn't so far as far as you know, but she could get any reason to do it
  391. >Instead of just sitting there you start reading one of your textbooks so you have something to look like you were doing
  392. >Mom gets to the top of the stairs before greeting you like normal
  393. >You put the textbook away as well before joining her where you normally lounge together
  394. >Cuddling and kissing together before deciding what you would actually do
  395. >Besides just cuddle and make out all night
  396. >Which you honestly wouldn't be completely against doing, but doing nothing except that would risk it becoming stale
  397. >You definitely don't want that to happen
  398. >Mom seems to think the same thing when she stops
  399. >"What would you like to do, my love?"
  400. >She says before stopping in her tracks like she'd just shot herself in the foot
  401. >Was that a Freudian Slip?
  402. >"I mean, honey... Wait, I mean Anon!"
  403. >She stutters and hyperventilates a little while trying to back peddle away from what she first said
  404. >'Honey' is what she usually calls you
  405. >Though if even that wasn't enough of a back peddle from calling you her love...
  406. >It certainly implies some things
  407. >Some things you actually hope are true
  408. >Instead of pressing her on it, you decide to just play it off like it didn't happen
  409. "How about we play a game together?"
  410. >She starts to calm down when you don't 'react' to what she'd said
  411. >"That sounds lovely, honey."
  412. >You give her another kiss before selecting a good co-op game to play with her
  413. >She reacts to the kiss more than usual with a very deep blush
  414. >Then you sit in her lap like you usually do with your controller
  415. >With Mom reaching around you, and practically holding you to also hold her own controller
  416. >As she leans forward into you, you can feel her chest against your back
  417. >Something you've never commented on because you don't want her to get self-conscious about it, and risk her not doing it anymore
  419. >You can also feel her heart beating pretty quickly
  420. >As the game starts you can tell Mom is distracted by her thoughts and emotions running wild
  421. >She's not playing as well as usual
  422. >"I'm sthorry!"
  423. >She'll say when she messes something up she can normally do no problem
  424. "It'sth okay Mom, just take a deep breath and have fun. It'sth no good to get too stheriousth about it."
  425. >"You're right, honey... You're right..."
  426. >She says as she calms down just a bit
  427. >Her heart rate slowing closer to normal, and her game play steadying closer to her normal level of play
  428. >Though the urge to prod her just a bit about calling you her love, and how she always calls you 'honey' is pretty strong
  429. >What if you called her your love, and pretended it was an accident?
  430. >You're not sure how well you'd be able to pretend it's an accident if it's not
  431. >Though what if she does want to be a couple with you, and hides it because she's scared of how you would react?
  432. >While thinking too hard about that your own game performance suffers a little
  433. >"Guess I'm not the only one having an off day."
  434. >Mom comments while feeling better about her own slip ups in the game
  435. >Then something you'd forgotten was in the game when you picked it comes up
  436. >The characters you two are playing have to answer a background defining question about what their relationship is
  437. >'Lovers' is one of the options, and the only one you see right now
  438. >The others might as well be in a dead language to you
  439. >Your heart nearly explodes in your chest as you move the cursor to it
  440. >You feel Mom's heart rate skyrocket as well
  441. >"Don't pick that!"
  442. >Mom yells nervously while shaking as she holds you
  443. >Though you can't help notice she makes no attempt to veto or alter your decision in the game despite saying that
  444. >You try remembering the game mechanics, and the impact the decision has
  445. "We should pick this because it gives us a healing buff, and we've been getting hit a lot so we need the extra healing!"
  447. >You say defensively to give an explanation for it other than the real reason you want to pick it
  448. >"Okay... That makesth sthense, and it isth justht a game..."
  449. >She replies as she seems to accept your logic for picking 'lovers' you made up on the spot
  450. >Then you select it knowing the real reason you picked it was to feel like lovers with Mom
  451. >After you picked it Mom gets a prompt specifically to go along with or reject your choice
  452. >If she rejected it there'd be a rock-paper-scissors mini-game to decide who's decision is finalized
  453. >However she chooses to accept it with a very accelerated heart rate
  454. >Once it's finalized the healing buff is applied, but it also changes how your characters interact with each other in cut scenes
  455. >You'd forgotten just how lovey dovey they act if you pick that, and you almost regret it because you're not sure you can handle it
  456. >You can feel your controller getting slippery because your hands get sweaty when your characters are extremely sappy with each other as lovers
  457. >Mom's heart rate and breathing become so irregular you worry she might faint
  458. "Actually... How about we do sthomething elsthe?"
  459. >You say before quickly shutting the game off
  460. >Mom meekly nods despite the game already being off like she doesn't even notice right away
  461. >You sit there in silence for a while both holding your controllers tightly with nervous tension despite the game still being off
  462. >Makes you want to say something, anything to break the silence
  463. >Then you remember you haven't had dinner yet
  464. "How about we go out to eat, my treat?"
  465. >You say knowing you have enough allowance on you to pay for eating somewhere
  466. >Not fancy or anything, but decent at least
  467. >"I'm not sthure... Where would we go?"
  468. >Mom answers nervously while still holding the controller
  469. >You know she loved the little family diner just around the corner
  470. >Getting her to go there could be a chance to get her to fight being a shut in a little
  472. "How about the little family diner justht around the corner? It'sth been a while sthince we've gone. It'll be my treat."
  473. >You remind her as an extra incentive to go
  474. >"T-though if we go, and you pay for my meal... Then it'll be like..."
  475. >She says, and you know where she's going with that because your mind is in the gutter
  476. "Don't worry about that Mom. it's justht a family diner, and I want to pay for your meal to sthhow my appreciation for nursthing me back to health."
  477. >You say even though the idea of it being like a date actually makes you want it to be a date
  478. >"Okay honey... If you sthay stho."
  479. >She still seems unsure, but is at least more willing than not
  480. "It'd be good for usth to get out of the housthe more too. I know I don't get out much either, but that'sth all the more reason for me to worry about both of usth. It can't be good for usth to be sthuch sthhut ins."
  481. >"I know but..."
  482. >She says like she's worried about something bad happening
  483. "I'm not sthure what'd got you stho worried, but whatever it isth I'll protect you!"
  484. >You say to ease her worries, and also set yourself up as her protector
  485. >Being her man in a sense as the thought makes you blush a little
  486. >"You're stho wonderful honey... I love you!"
  487. >She responds before embracing and kissing you
  488. "I love you too!"
  489. >You say before kissing her in return
  490. "Now let'sth go, okay?"
  491. >"Yeah, okay honey!"
  492. >Mom says with some excitement before getting ready to go
  493. >Checking herself in the mirror, and fixing up her hair a little before grabbing her purse
  494. >You also check yourself in the mirror before making sure you have your wallet
  495. >Then you head out with her on foot since it's within walking distance
  496. >Once inside a waitress notices you two
  497. "Table for two?"
  498. >She asks in the standard professional voice
  499. "Y-yes..."
  500. >You answer while being unnecessarily nervous about it
  501. >The waitress giggles a little before taking you both to a two person table
  503. >After you sit down she asks a standard question that makes your heart jump up in your throat
  504. >"Are you paying together or separately?"
  505. "Together."
  506. >You answer quickly to get the question out of the way so can avoid sitting there awkwardly
  507. >Then you swallow hard while trying to get a hold of yourself
  508. >The waitress then starts taking your orders
  509. >You both choose rather inexpensive items, and you feel relieved knowing it's within your budget
  510. >Though once the waitress leaves with your orders neither of you know what to talk about
  511. >You both just end up sitting there gazing into each other's eyes silently
  512. >There aren't many people here this late on a week day
  513. >So it's even quieter than it'd normally be
  514. >The silence is only broken when the waitress returns early with an extremely amused grin
  515. >Bringing to your table one of those 'shared' smoothies with two straws you didn't ordered
  516. >"It's on the house!"
  517. >She says in a way too amused voice before giggling about it
  518. >You both blush a deep crimson staring at the drink
  519. >Would you actually drink it together?
  520. >The manager comes up and lightly smacks the waitress with a rolled up newspaper
  521. >"I know you're new, and don't know our customers, but she's his mother, you dope!"
  522. >They say scolding the new employee for her mistake
  523. >"It'sth not stho bad! Sthouldn't look down on a gift, and sthe didn't mean any harm!"
  524. >Mom kindly says defending the poor waitress who picked up on your weird vibes for each other without knowing the full situation
  525. >"I guess it's okay if you're really not bothered by it. Have a nice evening Twist."
  526. >The manager says before returning to what they were doing before
  527. >You both continue to simply stare at the drink without making a move
  528. >Then when you notice nobody is looking you lean forward to the straw closet to you
  529. >Noticing Mom did the same
  530. >After both putting your lips on the straws you nervously tried to drink it as fast as possible before anyone sees
  532. >You think through both your efforts you manage to succeed at it
  533. >Though you're both left with searing ice cream headaches from drinking the ice cold smoothie so fast
  534. >You eyes dart around the diner to see if anyone is looking at you funny
  535. >Fortunately nobody is, and the waitress who was with you earlier is busy with other customers
  536. >While waiting for the headache to go away your actual orders arrived
  537. >The waitress takes the empty glass before placing your food
  538. >Without prodding about what'd happened with the smoothie
  539. >You start eating your food while it's hot
  540. >Which helps remove what's left of the headache from the smoothie
  541. >You glance up from you food occasionally, and meet Mom's eyes looking at you
  542. >After you're both done eating you sit in silence again
  543. "Stho... What do you think we sthould do when we get back?"
  544. >You ask her to finally break the silence
  545. >"It's getting kind of late isn't it? It's also a school day tomorrow... Maybe we should just call it a night."
  546. >You want to do something beside go straight to bed when you get home
  547. >Though checking the time you notice it actually is getting late
  548. "Yeah... I didn't realizthe how late it isth..."
  549. >The waitress returns with the check, and you pay with cash from your wallet
  550. >Giving her a generous tip as well
  551. >She happily accepts the cash, and seems surprised to receive a tip like that after her 'mistake'
  552. >"Thank you, and please come again!"
  553. >She says with gratitude as you get up and leave after paying
  554. >Your heart feels weary from all the excitement, but you would love to do this again
  555. >On the way back you comment on it
  556. "Let's do this again soon."
  557. >Mom blushes again before responding
  558. >"Yeah, when we can afford it of course."
  559. >It wasn't that expensive, but it's true you couldn't afford to do this every night
  560. >When you got home to the apartment you both got ready for bed
  561. >Before turning in for the night
  562. >With you unable to stop thinking about today's events
  564. >You end up tossing and turning some unable to get to sleep
  565. >At one point you end up face to face with Mom
  566. >Who apparently isn't asleep either
  567. >"Can't get to sthleep, honey?"
  568. >Mom asks you with some concern
  569. "Yeah..."
  570. >You respond without really wanting to talk in detail about why
  571. >Actually you do, but you're just scared to
  572. >"If there'sth sthoming bothering you... You shtould be able to tell me."
  573. >Mom says to reassure you
  574. >Though it doesn't really help you
  575. >Since it comes across as hypocritical
  576. "Then why don't you ever talk with me about what'sth bothering you?"
  577. >You ask her wanting her to tell you many of the things she's kept from you
  578. >"Well..."
  579. >Mom says while trying to come up with an answer
  580. >Then she seems to change her mind on things
  581. >"We really sthhouldn't keep sthecretsth from each other, and you're old enough... If I tell you my sthecrets... Will you tell more yoursth?"
  582. >She asks in a sincere voice
  583. >You're still afraid to tell her what you'd found, and had been doing lately
  584. >Though this may be your chance to have all the questions you wanted to ask but couldn't answered
  585. "Okay..."
  586. >You answer before waiting with baited breath for her to spill the beans
  587. >"The biggestht one isth definitely... Your father."
  588. >You really practically couldn't breathe for a moment
  589. >Is she really about to tell you about your father?
  590. >"When I lived in Ponyville, there wasth a popular boy in sthcool named Anon..."
  591. >She paused for a moment
  592. >Though before she even explained more it all clicked into place
  593. >The old fan fictions you found before made sense now
  594. >Why they talked about 'Anon' despite being written before you were born
  595. >They were talking about your father
  596. >Then a look came on her face you immediately regretted seeing
  597. >She could tell how quickly you understood
  598. >"How much do you actually know?"
  599. >She asked you in a worried tone
  601. "I guessth it'sth my turn... I recently found your fan fictionsth in the closthet... They were confusthing at first. Because it wasth like you knew about me before I wasth born, but when you implied my father wasth a popular boy you knew in sthcool..."
  602. >"How recently?..."
  603. >Mom asked while sounding worried and ashamed of herself
  604. "When I wasth sthick earlier. I wanted to find an old toy in the closthet to get nosthtalgic about when I found them..."
  605. >"W-what do you think of them?..."
  606. >She asked you while obviously worried that you thought less of her because of it
  607. >You hold her hands lovingly while gazing into her eyes
  608. "I think they're okay Mom, but just finding them isthn't the whole sthecret I sthhould tell you..."
  609. >She doesn't say anything, but waits with while hardly breathing for you to say it
  610. "I'd sthtarted writing my own fan fiction in them... About usth..."
  611. >She seemed a little shocked, but not particularly surprised
  612. >"You mean... In the sthame way mine were about me and your father?..."
  613. >She asked you like she already knew the answer, but just needed you to say it
  614. "Yesth... I hope you're not mad..."
  615. >She looks away a little while still holding your hands
  616. >"There isth sthomething more you sthhould know about your father... Sthomething I'd never told anyone, but you sthould know if it'sth come to thisth..."
  617. >Mom pauses as she prepares herself
  618. >"It hasth to do with why he'sth not here with usth?"
  619. >She's not about to tell you he's dead is she?
  620. >"He... Wasth more in love with his own Mom and Aunt than he wasth with me... I cut tiesth with him becausthe I couldn't handle the idea of being part of that..."
  621. >She took a bit to collect her thoughts before continuing
  622. >"I'd even left Ponyville because I wanted a fresh sthtart sthomewhere new after finding out how far it went with them... I'd basthically run way from my problemsth..."
  623. >That also explained why you two never went to visit your Grandparents' place
  625. >The only times you saw them was when they came to visit you
  626. >"I'm telling you thisth now... Becausthe it stheems you took after him in at leastht one way..."
  627. >The part where you want your own Mom
  628. >You had to know what she thought of you now
  629. "Are you disthgusthted with it? With me?..."
  630. >She gives you a kiss before stroking your hair
  631. >"Back then I would have been, but I don't know now... I think being here, and with you hasth changed me..."
  632. "Earlier... When you called me, 'my love'... Did you really mean it?"
  633. >You ask her point blank
  634. >She looked ashamed of herself before answering
  635. >"Yesth..."
  636. >She holds your hands tighter in hers
  637. >"After all the failure tying to find sthomeone new... The istholation... You being the only man who lovesth me... I sthtarted to think of you in a way no mother isth sthupposed to... Justht in the back of my mind counting you asth my lover. While knowing it wasth wrong, but I couldn't sthtop it..."
  638. >You give her a kiss before telling her what you think
  639. "I've alwaysth thought of you asth the sthexiestht woman alive... In a way I've alwaysth wanted you since I firstht sthtarted being interesthted in women."
  640. >You blush deeply and collect your own thoughts
  641. "Finding the fan fictionsth, and thinking the "Anon" desthcribed in them wasthn't compatible with you only made me more sthure that I wanted you. We do have stho much more in common, and I love you."
  642. >You say while talking faster as you poured out your heart
  643. "I was sthcared to sthay anything because I know I'm not sthupposthed to feel that way, and wasth sthcared of how you you would react if you found out. Esthpecially sthince it was obviousth the fan fictionsth were hidden on purpose..."
  644. >After explaining all that there's some silence
  645. >You'd basically both admitted to wanting each other
  646. "Stho... What do we do now? Are we loversth?"
  647. >Mom blushes a deep red before answering
  648. >"Do you really want to be loversth with your own Mom?"
  650. >You had one way to answer that
  651. "Earlier... When I picked 'loversth' in that game. Thisth was the real reasthon I picked it. That sthtuff about the healing buff wasth justht an excusthe..."
  652. >You admit before kissing her
  653. >"My love..."
  654. >She says dreamily before kissing you in return
  655. >You started making out while pressing your bodies against each other in the bed
  656. >The desire to try and push for more than that was unbearable
  657. >Yet you knew that was going further than this was definitely too much
  658. >At least for now anyway
  659. >As you kissed and cuddled as lovers it was like you were floating on air because you felt so light and free
  660. >Then as all your worries went away sleep overtook you
  661. >You fell asleep with her body wrapped around you
  663. >The next morning you woke up in much the same position
  664. >With Mom kissing you awake
  665. >"Good morning honey~."
  666. >Mom tells you before kissing you more
  667. >She said it differently than she used to, and now said it more like a wife saying it to her husband
  668. >You want to call her something different from Mom, but not just repeating 'honey' back to her
  669. "Good morning sthugar~."
  670. >You say thinking of candy and how sweet she is before thinking of it
  671. >Then you kept kissing so much you almost forgot you had things to do besides just stay in bed making out all day
  672. >You hurriedly get ready for school after stopping
  673. >While Mom rushed to get ready for work
  674. >She went down to open shop, and was already doing it a little late
  675. >You ran to the bus stop arriving practically just in time
  676. >Now you really can't wait to get back home after school stuff
  677. >You talk to your friends before school
  678. >Go through your classes
  679. >Write a bit more of the fan fiction you were writing
  680. >Almost feels pointless now, but you feel like you have an obligation to finish it
  681. >You probably won't write any more of them after this
  682. >Unless Mom turns out to actually like it
  683. >After school you don't have a club meeting today
  684. >So you just take the school bus home
  686. >When you get home Mom has closed up the shop early today
  687. >So you use your key to let yourself in the locked up shop before going upstairs
  688. >Upstairs you find a scene your heart wasn't ready for
  689. >The apartment is set up like a honeymoon suite with rose petals everywhere
  690. >With the bed in the center of the room, and Mom on it in a sexy nightgown
  691. >As she saw your reaction she looked more ashamed of herself than she'd ever been, but still needy
  692. >"Anon, honey... I need you to do sthomething... It's sthelfish of me to asthk you thisth, but I sthimply can't wait... I need it more than you can imagine... it'sth been far too long..."
  693. >It feels like too much, but your 'second brain' downstairs disagrees
  694. >Your boner threatening to tear your pants open because it knows what she wants you to do
  695. "Wouldn't it by risthky to?..."
  696. >You ask even as you start to take your clothes off
  697. >"I've been taking birth control ever sthince I had you... Knowing I couldn't afford another child, and wanted to make sthure it didn't happen even when I didn't think I'd ever have sthex again..."
  698. >Your dick in painfully hard in the air once exposed
  699. "A-are we really going to do thisth?"
  700. >You ask her even as you approach the bed
  701. >"P-pleasthe... Honey..."
  702. >Mom asks with desperation as she lays on the bed with her legs spread
  703. >You feel like you shouldn't, but your body moves on it's own
  704. >As well as you not wanting to deny her when she asks with such need
  705. >You also admit to being a healthy older teen boy with a burning desire
  706. >Moving onto the bed your heart beats more rapidly than you thought possible
  707. >Mom holds her arms out to embrace you while lying underneath you
  708. >Then as you allow her to pull you close you embrace her as well
  709. >Your bodies clumsily against each other as your dick rested against her pelvis
  710. >You rubbed against each other while kissing until you felt your cock slide in
  711. >A warm wet feeling that constricted around it as Mom moaned out loudly
  713. >Before trying to quiet herself because your neighbors are very, very close by
  714. >You very slowly slide all the way in to the hilt while kissing her deeper
  715. >It's unbelievable this is really happening, but it is
  716. >Mom's body shakes and trembles as you stay all the way in her
  717. >She moves her hips as she encourages you to move back and forth
  718. >You take it slow moving in and out of her
  719. >Taking in every last sensation of it while going all the way with your lover
  720. >It feels like you'd just started dating, and yet also had a relationship for a long time before this
  721. >Mom wraps her legs around you tightly as well to hold you even closer
  722. >Her pussy tightening around you makes you want to cum right away
  723. >Though if you'd learned anything from your time online, it's that being a quick shot is bad
  724. >So you do your best to hold it in as long as possible
  725. >"It'sth okay Anon... I told you it'sth sthafe..."
  726. >She says before giving you an especially passionate kiss
  727. >With those words you couldn't hold it in anymore
  728. >Blowing your load inside your own Mom harder than you'd ever cum before
  729. >Knowing she wouldn't get pregnant from it because she's been on birth control
  730. >Though remembering the first fan fiction you wrote makes you a little disappointed about that
  731. >The rational part of your brain reminds you that you two barely make ends meet
  732. >There's no way you could afford Mom getting pregnant
  733. >As well as the fact that it'd be pretty much impossible to explain what happened to people if she got pregnant
  734. >Perhaps it's your 'post nut clarity' that allows you to think these things
  735. >Though one thing you know is you don't want to pull out
  736. >Mom's arms and legs remaining tight around you make you sure she doesn't want you to either
  737. >You kiss some more as your dick gets hard again inside her
  738. >"Y-you can go fasthter this time..."
  739. >Mom tells you nervously with a cute blush
  740. >You start thrusting into her as fast you can
  741. >The sensations from before only feel way more intense
  743. >Not just because your shaft feels sensitive either
  744. >It doesn't feel like long at all before you cum inside her again
  745. >Shooting off very forcefully, and it almost hurts a little
  746. >You can feel it leaking past the base of your shaft onto the bed
  747. >"Jeezthe, just how much are you going to cum insthide me, honey?"
  748. >She says jokingly before kissing you
  749. >"I told you I won't get pregnant."
  750. "I know, sthugar... I justht can't help it."
  751. >As you stayed holding each other and connected you got hard yet again
  752. >You went back to moving slowly inside her
  753. >Your body thanked you for that as well since you'd worn yourself out a bit earlier
  754. >Going at it like this for who knows how long
  755. >Only stopping when your stomach started to loudly growl
  756. >You needed to eat dinner, but would you stop for it?
  757. >Mom lets go before rolling on top of you, and getting off
  758. >Then as she sauntered to the kitchen area deviously revealing you wouldn't have to stop
  759. >Shaking her ass at you enticingly while starting to cook
  760. >You were shaky getting up on your feet, but you went over to her as soon as you could
  761. >Coming up behind her before embracing her
  762. >Then sliding back in her as she let out a quiet moan
  763. >She made your favorite again while you kept at it
  764. >At a slow and sensual pace that didn't keep her from being able to do it
  765. >When it was done you stopped just long enough to eat it
  766. "We're really loversth now..."
  767. >You say like it was a dream come true while still unsure if it's real
  768. "Thank you for indulging me desthpite how sthelfisth I wasth..."
  769. >Mom says before kissing you
  770. "Are we going to do this more now?"
  771. >You ask her in a hopeful tone while actually unsure if you should yourself
  772. >"Only if you want to, honey."
  773. >Mom says obviously wanting thing answer to be 'yes' while also wanting to respect your decision if you didn't agree
  774. "Which of coursthe I do... I'm a boy with desthiresth after all..."
  775. >You reply half jokingly

Anon the unlucky

by StreamofGreen

Pie Family Harem

by StreamofGreen

Sudden Maud+Momma Ponk

by StreamofGreen

Twist Mom

by StreamofGreen

Mad Scientist Twilight Mom

by StreamofGreen