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Anon the unlucky

By StreamofGreen
Created: 2021-01-04 03:07:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >You're Anon
  2. >A wizard who's ready to enter magic school
  3. >Because of how dangerous magic can be teaching magic in school really only starts at the high school level
  4. >The most you can do before that is have your magic potential tested
  5. >As well as what your parents teach you
  6. >Although there's some things about your situation that seem strange
  7. >For one your acceptance letter doesn't look very official
  8. >It practically looks hand written, and doesn't have any kind of official seal
  9. >Second you hadn't even actually applied to go to this school
  10. >Lastly you'd never heard of it before
  11. >Actually the name does sound vaguely familiar, but something seems off about being accepted there that you can't quite place your finger on
  12. >The only thing that makes it seem even remotely legit is that it included a real looking student ID for you, and a uniform that looks standard
  13. >You don't have any other acceptance letters, and tomorrow is the first day of school
  14. >So you don't feel like you have much choice but to go
  15. >Apparently it has a dorm too
  16. >So you pack as much of your essentials as you can into a suitcase before leaving home
  17. >Your parents wish you luck while reminding you to study hard and all that
  18. >You didn't tell them about what you thought was fishy because you didn't want to be lectured, and admit you didn't get accepted to any of the magic schools you actually applied to
  19. >Your acceptance letter has the address on it, but doesn't say much else you'd want to know
  20. >Like where exactly you'd be staying, who the principal is, or where to go when you arrive
  21. >You arrive at the school gate in a hyper alert state and super nervous
  22. >The place looks pretty fancy and expensive
  23. >Though one thing quickly stands out to you
  24. >There only seems to be girls here
  25. >All the students walking around are girls
  26. >Not a single boy beside you in sight anywhere
  27. >As you walk past the gate you feel very aware of how more and more of them start to look at you funny
  29. >Your heart starts to beat rapidly as your eyes dart around anxiously
  30. >Realizing how screwed you might be because of how you came here with no clue who to talk to or where to go
  31. >Suddenly everything goes dark like a bag was thrown over you head
  32. >You're then picked up by two people who start carrying you off
  33. >While you hear footsteps from a third briskly walking besides them with your suitcase
  34. >You want to scream, but the bag over your head is too tight and prevents you
  35. >In fact you can't breathe, and hyperventilating only makes it worse
  36. >You think you passed out because all of a sudden you feel like you're tied to a chair
  37. >The bag is pulled off your head to reveal three girls in front of you
  38. >On the left is a girl with a ponytail who doesn't seem to be paying much attention because she's easily distracted
  39. >You can't help but also notice she seems to have a big chest that bounces frequently
  40. >An angry sound brings your attention to the girl on the right with her hair tied up into long pigtails
  41. >She looks more 'average', but seems angry about how your eyes lingered just now
  42. >Finally in the middle is a girl with poofy hair who looks like their leader
  43. >Despite seeming kind of short and 'flat'
  44. >After you'd taken that in you notice where you are more
  45. >The building you're in looks to be in bad shape
  46. >You wouldn't be surprised if it was condemned
  47. >Finally the 'leader' speaks up
  48. >"I'm sure you have many questions like who we are, and where you are."
  49. >All you can think to do is defend yourself
  50. "I swear I wasn't trespassing! I was accepted there! I have an acceptance letter, a student ID and everything!"
  51. >You nervously yell out while pretty scared about what's happening
  52. >"We know, in fact we're the ones who sent it."
  53. >That just raises further questions
  54. >Though you guess it explains why the acceptance letter didn't look so official
  56. >"Don't worry though. You ARE officially in the school. We just need to 'brief' you first before you start wandering around looking like a scared little rabbit who doesn't belong."
  57. >Your mind drowns in possible questions to ask
  58. "How though? I didn't know before, but is it an all girls school or something?"
  59. >"It is, but we made a deal with a high ranking official in the school to get you in."
  60. "Why?"
  61. >You asked without thinking
  62. >"To make things interesting of course. Also cause a bit of chaos and disruption while we're at it."
  63. >Sounds like you're being thrown into a lions den
  64. "I-Isn't that really dangerous though?... I don't want anyone to get hurt or anything..."
  65. >"Come on, don't be a baby, and it took a lot of work to not only get you in but prevent any other acceptance letters from getting to you."
  66. >Wait, they did what?!
  67. >The girl on the left grabs your cheeks suddenly like she's babying you
  68. >"So now you're stuck with us! Ya little cutie!"
  69. >You want to be mad, but this girl's naive smile and chirpy attitude is making it difficult
  70. >The one who was angry earlier smacks her arms down to make her let go
  71. >"Take this seriously!"
  72. >She barks before huffing
  73. >"Really more like 'stuck' with the official we made a deal with. Since the 'deal' is basically to let her 'have' you. It's a sad story really. Some girls who've only been around girls all their lives would do ANYTHING to get a boy under the radar."
  74. >The leader remarks, and the questions you have just keep piling up
  75. >Just what have you gotten yourself into?
  76. >"I think some introductions are in order."
  77. >She calmly says before moving on
  78. >"I'm Adagio, on your left is Sonata, and on your right is Aria. We're known as the 'Siren Sisters', and we're basically the 'bad girls' of the school. Though I assure you we're not all that bad... For the most part."
  79. >Sonata waves at you like it's a happy greeting
  80. >While Aria simply looks away with a huff
  82. >"Oh yeah, where you'll be staying is with our 'benefactor', Vice Principal Luna. She seems very strict, but don't let that fool you in this regard. She was very willing to overlook and bend a lot of rules for this."
  83. >She grins slyly before continuing
  84. >"In fact we're looking to have a lot of our own 'problems' go away in exchange for handing you over, and she gets her little boy toy. So it's win win! Unless for some reason you don't like foxy older women, but that'd really be your problem and not ours."
  85. >Your face flushes and feels like it's on fire as the realization of what she meant by 'having you' earlier fully kicks in
  86. >"Awwwww, he's blushing so much. Howwww cute~."
  87. >Sonata remarks making fun of you about it
  88. >How could you not though?
  89. >Especially if they're serious about it
  90. >Then suddenly you realize something else
  91. "How long was I out, and I'm not missing my classes am I?!"
  92. >You can't help asking even though thinking about it that may be the least of your worries
  93. >"It's fine, school doesn't REALLy start till tomorrow, and you're having a 'special' orientation instead of the normal one all the other students are doing right now."
  94. >She touches up her hair a little idly before explaining more
  95. >"We'll help actually show you around the school tomorrow, but for now it's straight to Luna's pad. Yes, she does live on school grounds. Though if anyone asks you need to say you live with us."
  96. >She then cracks her knuckles as a pretty unsubtle 'or else' added on
  97. >"Now promise you won't just try to run, and we'll untie you. Not that you'd get very far if you tried anyway."
  98. >You nervously nod while still feeling pretty unsure about what will happen to you or not
  99. >Aria then unties you with a bit of effort
  100. >She must have tied it pretty tight
  101. >Finally free you stand up before realizing just how stiff your joints actually feel
  102. >You were definitely in that chair for more than a few minutes
  104. >You have more difficulty than you'd hope just walking fast enough to follow them
  105. >They lead you outside the building only to discover you're in the middle of a forest
  106. >With only dirt paths seeming to actually provide paths to anywhere
  107. >You'd just get lost without these three
  108. >So you follow closely as they lead on even though you ultimately wish you'd just stayed home
  109. >The woods seem dark and scary even though it's not even night yet
  110. >You just end up following even closer just because of how frightened you are
  111. >Though Aria keeps shoving you back whenever she feels like you're too close in her personal space
  112. >Eventually you arrive at a cozy looking cottage at the bottom of a very large tree
  113. >Looking closer the tree even seems to be incorporated in it's design, and some of the upper floor wraps around it
  114. >This seems to be the place, and the three just suddenly leave you with your suitcase there without so much as saying 'good bye'
  115. >You don't particularly like them, but being alone now here is definitely worse
  116. >Feeling like you have no other choice you go up to the front door of the cottage and give it a few knocks
  117. >After a few moments the door flings open and you're pulled right in
  118. >A woman in a wool robe for lounging is holding you before closing the door again quickly
  119. >"I know the Siren Sister brought you here, but did anyone else follow you?"
  120. >She asks in a near paranoid tone
  121. "I'm pretty sure it was just us..."
  122. >You respond while sure it's true
  123. >It was so quiet the whole way, and you felt like even a single unexplained footstep would've given you a heart attack because you were so nervous in those woods
  124. >"Good... Good."
  125. >She says while calming down before pulling you along
  126. >Taking you to a cozy couch by a warm fireplace
  127. >Having you sit with her as she starts cuddling with you
  128. >It feels safe and relaxing despite everything
  130. >"I'm sorry about how you must feel right now. They aren't exactly welcoming or polite in any way. I'd have wanted a much better introduction to the school, and a less frightening 'orientation' but they're the only girls I could do this through."
  131. >She strokes your hair softly while pulling you in closer with her other arm
  132. >You feel yourself blush while remember what they'd said she wanted
  133. "I-is it true you want me to be..."
  134. >You can't bring yourself to finish that sentence
  135. >She brings a hand to your cheek gently
  136. >"I'm not sure what they said, but I'm sure it was as uncouth a way to say it as possible. I don't want to pressure you too much either, so it can wait until you're settled."
  137. >Her words help you feel more calm, and the warmth of the fire as well as her embrace in her warm clothes for lounging after coming in from the cold help as well
  138. >She then seems to get nervous about something herself
  139. >"I'm embarrassed to admit this so soon after your arrival, but there's only one bed here... So... I'm sure you know what that means..."
  140. >That you'd be sleeping with her if you understand right
  141. >Though you don't feel worried about her 'not keeping her hands to herself' because she doesn't seem like that kind of person
  142. >Not that you feel like it'd be the end of the world if she did get a bit touchy feely
  143. >Taking in her appearance as she lightly blushes while holding you she actually seems kind of beautiful
  144. >"It's also true I've never spent any time with a boy before... Since I was a little girl I've been to girl's only schools, and never left the school grounds much either. Then straight out of school I started working at an all girl's school. It was just how things went, but recently I've realized just how much I've been missing in life because of that... I hope you can bear with me at least a little."
  145. >You do feel for her a bit, and you have no idea what alternative you'd have if you wanted to refuse
  147. >Though there was one thing you could think to say
  148. "How did you get me into an all girl's school anyway?"
  149. >You were so curious about it you couldn't not ask
  150. >She thought about how she'd say it a bit before answering in an official tone
  151. >"Officially it'll be an 'accident', and I'll be 'looking into' how it happened while letting you stay 'in the meantime'. Then I'll delay as much as possible until people stop asking about it."
  152. >That was an answer you didn't expect, but did make some sense
  153. >"Of course you're supposed to say you live with the Siren Sisters because it'd be too 'suspicious' if people knew you were with me. It'd be better if everyone assumed it was just the Siren Sisters who got you in."
  154. >She then gets a worried expression before continuing
  155. >"I'll also do my best to make sure the other students treat you nicely, but I'm sure the Siren Sisters will make things more difficult for you."
  156. >It's not hard to imagine how since they openly said their goal is to stir the pot
  157. >She strokes your hair some more while thinking about stuff
  158. >"I'm sure it's been an exhausting day, so let's turn in early."
  159. >She says before leaving for the bedroom
  160. >You think to say something in response, but she's already gone
  161. >Giving you some space to get ready for bed yourself with some privacy now that you're alone here
  162. >You wonder if you could really get into bed with her as you change into your pajamas and brush your teeth, but it's not like you could just leave through the woods without getting lost
  163. >Even if you could it's not like you could just get yourself transfered on your own
  164. >Plus she really doesn't seem so bad you'd be willing to snitch on her and go through all the chaos and scandal blowing the lid on this would bring
  165. >If you could even actually prove it
  166. >After thinking through all that you enter the bedroom wondering what sight will await you
  168. >It looks like a normal bedroom, and Luna is in bed under the covers like she really intends to just sleep
  169. >She invites you over
  170. >You nervously go over before getting into the covers
  171. >She wraps her arms around you before holding you like a teddy bear
  172. >Not so tight you can't move, and it's surprisingly comfy
  173. >Though you don't feel like you'd get to sleep very quickly being held like this by a woman you just met who apparently wants you
  174. >Every time either of her hands move or even twitch you can't help thinking they'll go for your crotch
  175. >Yet every time they don't
  176. >She just adjusts herself slightly to stay comfortable, and you think she's asleep too
  177. >Eventually you do actually fall asleep somehow
  178. >You wake up to a standard alarm, and Luna quickly gets out of bed like she was awake and alert right away
  179. >While you slowly get up rubbing your eyes
  180. >She starts guiding you in getting ready for school practically like she was your mom
  181. >In fact at one point you have to catch yourself almost calling her 'mom'
  182. >You're sure she wouldn't be amused in the slightest if you did
  183. >Once you were ready she guided you back through the woods to where the Siren Sisters had you earlier
  184. >"I'll take you the the Siren Sister's dorm, but after that you'll need to go the rest of the way to school with them. I might be being overly cautious, but I don't want to be seen entering school with you to avoid the connection publicly."
  185. >Apparently that run down building they had you in earlier is where they live
  186. >It almost makes sense if they're basically outcasts in the school, and also explains why they'd want to stir the pot too
  187. >The three are waiting outside for you
  188. >Adagio grins widely at you like she's about to blackmail you
  189. >"So, how was your first night with your new lover, Luna. Did it get steamy?"
  190. >She said before making inappropriate hand gestures because she thinks you did it last night
  191. >"Of course not! Don't be so crass!"
  193. >Luna responds defensively before leaving angrily
  194. >"She left already? What a shame, it's so fun to tease her!"
  195. >Sonata remarks almost like she wants Luna to hear even though she's already too far away
  196. >"Let's just go already!"
  197. >Aria says angrily before starting off towards school
  198. >Is she ever not angry?
  199. >"Wonder what's crawled up her butt lately?"
  200. >Sonata asks seemingly because this actually isn't normal for her
  201. >"She probably takes the whole 'all girls school' bit more seriously than we do. Not much we can do but hope she calms down if we give it some time."
  202. >Adagio replies before turning to you
  203. >"Well, you coming boy toy?"
  204. >You'd prefer if she didn't call you that, but you're not quite bold enough to try telling her not to
  205. >She starts walking off without you too, and Sonata follows
  206. >So you get a quick start to catch up remembering you don't know how to get to the school from here on your own yet
  207. >Also although you're not sure if she meant it Adagio also said they'd show you around the school
  208. >Though the closer you get to the school with them the more you remember the other students who were looking at you funny before the Siren Sisters grabbed you
  209. >This just makes you anxious and worried
  210. >Adagio notices you starting to get cold feet about it
  211. >"Hey, don't back out now. We'll be here with you, and you trust us right?"
  212. >She says in a teasing voice
  213. >Of course you don't trust her, but both of you know you don't have options
  214. >In all the craziness it also occurs to you just now you don't know what your class schedule is
  215. >You're scared to ask, but you'll simply have to at some point
  216. >Better sooner than later
  217. "So... How do I find out what classes I'm taking?"
  218. >She looks at you like you're crazy before realizing something
  219. >"Oh, right, we never sent you a schedule with the acceptance letter did we? So you actually wouldn't know."
  220. >She hands you a piece of paper soon
  221. >It's your class schedule, and first is an introductory course on wand use
  223. >Also getting a wand if you don't already have one
  224. >You do have one, but it's an old worn out hand me down
  225. >So you plan to pretend you don't have one to see if you can get a nice new one
  226. >If the school is as fancy as your first impression at the gate implied then you should be able to get a very good one
  227. >While thinking about that you remembered what Adagio had said about you looking like a scared rabbit who didn't belong
  228. >Maybe if you fake confidence and act like you're supposed to be there you won't draw as much attention?
  229. >When you could see the school you put that plan into action
  230. >Yet once you were close enough to start seeing students faces you could tell it wasn't working
  231. >Staring and hushed whispering started up immediately
  232. >No doubt recognizing you as the boy from yesterday who got dragged off by the girls you're with right now
  233. >Minus Aria who went off on her own
  234. >You can feel their stares cutting into you
  235. >Though trying to calm down and look at things clearly most of them seem more confused than angry
  236. >One of the ones who's legit angry does come up
  237. >Before you even realize you were doing it you notice you're hiding behind Adagio
  238. >Fortunately they address Adagio instead of you
  239. >"I know what you're trying to do here, and you're not going to get away with it!"
  240. >"Oh, you do, do you?"
  241. >Adagio replies with extreme smugness
  242. >"You got some perverted boy in here to cause trouble cause you hate the school! That's what!"
  243. >Hey now, you're not a pervert
  244. >You reflexively open your mouth to defend yourself, but feel something against the back of your head before actually getting your first word out
  245. >From the feel it could only be Sonata's chest, and she wrapped her arms around you as well while leaning on you suggestively
  246. >"He's not so perverted as all that. Isn't that right Anon?"
  247. >She says almost like she's trying to defend you, but she's not helping
  249. >Especially given the 'involuntary' response you get from her breasts against the back of your head and shoulders
  250. "Come on Sonata! You're not helping that way! Please don't do that!"
  251. >You respond while trying to duck out from under her
  252. >Yet her arms close in around your neck instead of being lazily draped around your stomach
  253. >Not only trapping you, but pushed your head further back between her breasts
  254. >"Don't be like that Anon! I am helping, and I'm just being supportive! What could possibly be wrong about what I'm doing?"
  255. >You feel like she knows what she's doing, and yet you can't actually be sure with her
  256. >Either way the crowd of girls certainly aren't amused
  257. "Fine, fine! Thanks for your help, but I need to get to class! So could you please let go?"
  258. >You say to try to convince her to stop without pointing out what she's doing with her chest
  259. >"He is officially registered as a student. So no matter what you think about him, he's staying unless you could actually get him expelled for doing something wrong."
  260. >Adagio says no doubt trying to rile them up even more
  261. >"There's has to be a rule against him staying! We should be able to get him expelled just for being a boy!"
  262. >"Come on Glimmer, if you know the rules as well as you should... Then you should know they only deal with refusing applications. Nothing about removing one who's already in. Guess they thought it wouldn't be needed, but now that he's in he can't be removed so easily."
  263. >'Glimmer' fumes and stomps her foot
  264. >"You may have a technicality there, but this isn't over. We'll be watching him like a hawk!"
  265. >"I bet you will."
  266. >Adagio says with the smug confidence of someone who's won
  267. >You notice Sonata still hasn't let go of you
  268. "Sonata?... Could you please let go now?"
  269. >She swings you back and forth a few times while practically rubbing her chest against you
  270. >"Well... I guess you did ask nicely."
  271. >Sonata replies teasingly before finally letting you go
  273. >You 'readjust' yourself before checking your schedule again
  274. >It says what classroom number to go to, but you still don't know where that is
  275. >Adagio tells you where it is before giving you a playful shove in the right direction
  276. >As if to say you're on your own now
  277. >"Good luck~."
  278. >She says with a devilish grin before walking away
  279. >No doubt to her own class
  280. >It feels like it takes balls of steel to start walking past the girls who were just part of this incident to go to class
  281. >Especially the one who did the talking
  282. >Though you did try to keep a good distance, and looked away from them as you did
  283. >Trying to avoid walking too close to anyone you make it to class in one piece
  284. >Then you sat in the back while trying to not draw attention
  285. >Keeping your head down while trying to hide your face in an open book
  286. >Though of course it's probably pointless since you being a boy wearing a uniform with pants instead of a dress is too obvious to hide
  287. >After the bell rings the teacher addresses the class
  288. >Clearing her throat loudly before starting
  289. >"I'm Mrs.Harshwinney, and I'll be teaching your introductory course on wands."
  290. >She give a standard introduction
  291. >Before sighing with some obvious frustration after looking around the classroom
  292. >"I know you all want to address our 'special guest' here."
  293. >She clearly means you
  294. >"However we don't have all day to grill him about how he's here, and we have an actual class to do. So do try to pay attention."
  295. >That's some serious professionalism right there
  296. >You feel like you should thank her, but she'd probably just get mad about it as a distraction
  297. >"First we'll head to our wand depository to hand out any wands required."
  298. >She then goes towards the door while inviting everyone to follow her
  299. >You stay in the back while still trying to lay low
  300. >Also you try to make note of everything you see on the way there
  301. >Inside you see a bunch of wand sized boxes behind a desk, and some on display
  303. >"Now, who here needs a wand?"
  304. >Your heart jumps up in your throat
  305. >You want a new wand, but you'll have to raise your hand
  306. >So you raise your hand even though it almost feels like raising your hand up into a bear trap
  307. >The woman behind the counter groans with obvious annoyance seeing your hand up
  308. >"I was hoping you wouldn't, but Luna and Celestia insisted you get one if you're going to be here..."
  309. >She then pulls out a boxed wand that has a sticky note with your name on it
  310. >You nervously accept it while hoping it would be the last time you'd have to do anything to stand out
  311. >Especially when it becomes obvious everyone is looking at you
  312. >"Well? Go ahead and open it!"
  313. >One of the girls calls out to you with some anxiousness in her voice
  314. >They seem to want to know if you got anything special
  315. >You'll have to use it soon anyway
  316. >So you open it up and take the wand out
  317. >It looks like a very nice wand to you, but the others look disappointed seeing it
  318. >Apparently it's nothing special, or at least not when it comes to this place's standards
  319. >You carefully place the wand in one of your pockets while the others who needed wands get theirs too
  320. >Thankfully you stop being the center of attention after a bit, and you hope it stays that way
  321. >The teacher calls everyone's attention to her once it looks like everyone has a wand
  322. >"Alright then, back to the classroom."
  323. >She then walks out first for everyone to follow again
  324. >Back at the classroom she has everyone sit back down
  325. >The actual lesson was mostly just about the very basics of channeling magic energy into your wand
  326. >No actual casting spells yet
  327. >Of course you do this no problem
  328. >You wouldn't be a wizard at all if you had any trouble with this
  329. >"Alright, that's it for today. Tomorrow we'll go over basic levitation spells."
  330. >The bell rings almost immediately after she got done saying that
  331. >While everyone else is leaving you check your schedule again to see what's next
  333. >Looks like it's a simple alchemy class
  334. >Though without Adagio you'll have to find where it is yourself
  335. >Fortunately you think you saw the right building to go to on the way to the wand depository
  336. >You head over there, and look for the classroom your schedule says to go to
  337. >On the way you notice the occasional glare
  338. >Though it becomes more and more apparent you won't get anywhere if you let yourself become hung up on that
  339. >Once inside the building you find the classroom easily enough
  340. >It's set up for making some very basic potions you actually already know how to make
  341. >Once the class starts the teacher gets right into guiding everyone through the steps
  342. >You're not sure if they just didn't notice you, but it's nice not to be called out
  343. >They do seem to just look down at their own station most of the time instead of at the students
  344. >In fact they only time they spent any real time looking up from it was when one unfortunate student blew up their potion
  345. >It seems to you like they did it on purpose for a laugh
  346. >The teacher wasn't laughing though
  347. >Thankfully just doing everything properly allowed you to fly under the radar this time
  348. >At least much more so than your first class
  349. >Looking at your schedule again after that class it seemed the rest of your day would be non-magical classes like math and history
  350. >Which annoyed you because why even go to a magic school then?
  351. >Though you guess even if you do go to a magic school you still have to learn that stuff
  352. >You were ready for the rest of the day to be dreadfully boring like a lot of school days before
  353. >However at lunch it seemed you were due for at least one more surprise today
  354. >While sitting by yourself because you didn't dare try to push yourself into a group of girls here someone approached you
  355. >Before looking up you thought it would be one of the Siren Sisters, but it wasn't
  356. >Instead it was a very studious and nice looking girl
  358. >"Please excuse me, but could you come to the principal's office with me?"
  359. >Sounds like trouble, but you doubt you can just avoid this
  360. >You quickly finish eating before going with her
  361. >On the way there she introduces herself
  362. >"I'm Twilight by the way, and you're Anon... Correct?"
  363. >Of course she could be sure it was you because you're the only boy here
  364. "Yeah, that's me..."
  365. >She thinks for a bit as if trying to figure out how to say something delicate
  366. >"I'd like to give you a benefit of a doubt, but why are you here anyway?"
  367. >You'd like to give her as straight forward of an answer as you can
  368. "Truth be told I hadn't actually applied to be here, but somehow this was the only place I got an acceptance letter from. So I didn't have much choice besides showing up. Also I didn't know enough about this school to know it was a girl's only school before getting here."
  369. >She's obviously curious about how that happened, but seems to believe you're telling the truth
  370. >Soon you arrive at what must be the principal's office before heading in
  371. >It's a very fancy office with gleaming crystals and reflective surfaces filling the office with bright light
  372. >As well as sun imagery everywhere
  373. >She directs you to take a seat in front of her desk
  374. >Once you do she starts her introduction
  375. >"I'm principal Celestia, and although I don't know how you became a student here I don't intend to let your stay here be an unpleasant one."
  376. >She makes sure she's composed before continuing
  377. >"I pride myself on the openness and friendliness of the school and it's staff. So although you wouldn't normally be allowed to be a student here I feel now that you are it's my duty to ensure your treatment lives up to the standards I've set for all students."
  378. >Next she motions to Twilight
  379. >"This is my star pupil Twilight Sparkle, and I'm sure she'll be more than willing to help you with any problems you might have or answer any questions."
  380. >She then pauses for a moment
  382. >"As long as you behave yourself of course. Though my sister, vice principal Luna, assured me you would behave yourself, and that she'd be the first to correct your behavior if you're out of line."
  383. >You'd have some choice comments about Luna's involvement with with, but of course you won't say them
  384. >Also you guess it is typically a vice principal's job to handle misbehaving students
  385. "I definitely don't plan on getting myself into any trouble."
  386. >You say knowing that at least isn't a lie, or hiding anything
  387. >"That's good, though I know you've had at least one run in with the Siren Sisters. You should try to avoid them, but I realize that may prove difficult for you."
  388. >Yeah, especially if you're supposed to say you live with them
  389. >"In fact... On that subject, where exactly did you stay last night? It doesn't say on your file where your lodgings are."
  390. >Guess you'll have to say it now
  391. >"It was in the Siren Sisters dorm..."
  392. >You say sure she won't like that answer one bit
  393. >She's shocked, but not so much mad at you
  394. >"Now, that won't do one bit! You'll have to have other arrangements! I know you'd never be able to stay in the regular dorms, but I'll see if Luna can take you in. I know she lives by herself so she should have room for you. She might be reluctant since she keeps to herself, but maybe she'd be willing if she knows your situation."
  395. >She has no idea what she's just suggested, but Luna might like that
  396. >An excuse to have you officially live with her without it even being 'her idea'
  397. "I wouldn't want to be too much of a bother to her... So I'd understand if she refuses."
  398. >"There's no need to be so modest. That 'dorm' they live in is no place for a student I want to be treated well, and it'd be a disaster for you to spend too much time with them. They've nearly gotten themselves expelled on countless occasions."
  399. >Which doesn't surprise you to hear in the slightest
  401. >"That being said, do you know anything about how this happened with you becoming a student here?"
  402. >Before you said anything Twilight told Celestia what you told her
  403. >"Well that's certainly odd, and considering how I've heard the Siren Sisters 'caught' him on arrival I wouldn't be surprised if they had something to do with his 'acceptance' here without actually applying."
  404. >Celestia remarks with some confusion while starting to form her own idea about what happened
  405. >"There's no way they should be able to do that, right? It's not like they have any authority to accept students."
  406. >Twilight adds sure there has to be something more to it
  407. >"Of course they don't, but regardless Anon's acceptance seems legitimate no matter how you look at it. There must have been some kind of loophole or strange technicality involved."
  408. >You know how the 'authority' part of it happened, but you'll just keep quiet about it
  409. >Though you wonder how Luna's name isn't plastered on the approval
  410. >Celestia remembers something else before changing the subject
  411. >"If you'd stay at Luna's cottage now, you'd need to know the way through the forest. I'll guide you myself if you need it."
  412. "Yeah, I really don't know the way through it. Just once down a dirt path isn't quite enough to have it or any of the rest of the forest memorized."
  413. >"Fair enough, so I'll meet you outside the forest after school. Also when Luna accepts I'll have her pick up your things at the Siren Sister's dorm."
  414. >Not that she'd know your stuff is actually already at Luna's place
  415. >She considers asking some more questions of you but the bell ending lunch period rings
  416. >"I guess that'll have to do for now, but do come back here after you're finished eating lunch tomorrow. There's more to discuss."
  417. >You give her a polite nod before getting up to leave
  418. >Twilight leaves first to continue with her own classes

Anon the unlucky

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Pie Family Harem

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Sudden Maud+Momma Ponk

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Twist Mom

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Mad Scientist Twilight Mom

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