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Sudden Maud+Momma Ponk

By StreamofGreen
Created: 2021-03-11 09:09:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Pinkie's son Nonners
  2. >Actually it's Anon, but she calls you that so much sometimes you say it yourself
  3. >Living in Ponyville with her
  4. >You often help her with party planning and baking
  5. >Though your aren't really sure what you want to do yet as a career
  6. >Which is fine since you're still in high school
  7. >If nothing else following Mom's line of work could get you by until you actually make up your mind
  8. >You don't have to worry about school right now either because it's summer
  9. >So you're looking forward to some partying
  10. >Maybe even ones neither you or your mom planned
  11. >One unexpected thing could change your plans for the summer
  12. >Mom is on the phone with a look on her face like something terrible has happened
  13. >She talks with whoever it is for quite a while before hanging up
  14. >You go to ask her what's wrong
  15. "Hey, Mom? Who was that on the phone, and are they okay?"
  16. >Mom looks like she might cry before answering
  17. >"It's Maud and she's not fine!"
  18. >She cries a little, and you're seriously worried
  19. "She's not seriously hurt is she?!"
  20. >"She IS very hurt! Her boyfriend broke up with her!"
  21. >That doesn't sound as serious as she'd made it seem
  22. >You were expecting to hear she'd been in a car accident or something
  23. >Now that you think of it...
  24. >Your mom had always seemed very protective of aunt Maud
  25. >Which you can kind of get
  26. >Aunt Maud has always seemed like a very anti-social person, and sometimes you worry about her too
  27. >You practically never hear about her having much of any friends or anything
  28. >Maybe it is a huge deal for her to lose her boyfriend
  29. >You mean, what if she can't find another one?
  30. >Then mom has more to say
  31. >"I've invited Maud to come stay with us while she gets back on her feet again! I'll make sure she's back to her old self in no time!"
  32. >Mom seems to perk back up after feeling confident she can help her sister
  33. >Just as you feel like you should help too she turns to you
  35. >"Nonners~... Could you help too? I'm sure Maud would love it if her favorite nephew helped cheer her up too!"
  36. >You chuckle a little before answering
  37. >Since you also happen to be her only nephew
  38. "Of course, mom! I'll help in any way I can!"
  39. >"That's the spirit Nonners! I sure did raise a sweet and kind gentleman!"
  40. >She then ruffles your hair affectionately while praising you
  41. >"Maud doesn't live very far away. So she should get here soon, but I still can't wait!"
  42. >She bounces up and down excitedly wanting to see her sister
  43. >Mom's mood changes on a dime, but it's just one of the things that make her fun
  44. >It really doesn't feel like long before the doorbell rings
  45. >She immediately exploded with excitement before running to the door while making sure you answered it with her
  46. >Mom opens the door to reveal Maud standing there with a couple of suitcases
  47. >Maud has a neutral expression of her face, but Mom sees differently
  48. >she sets them down for a second as Pinkie rushes to hug her
  49. >"Ohhhh... My poor Maud... I can't bear to see you so sad!"
  50. >After finishing her hug Mom goes behind you, and gives you a nudge to go hug her too
  51. >She does it too hard, and you end up pushed right into her chest
  52. >You feel yourself blush when your face seems to get stuck between her breasts for a moment
  53. >You swiftly look up and apologize
  54. "I'm really sorry about that, aunt Maud!"
  55. >She pats your head with one hand while holding you close with the other
  56. >"It's okay, I know you didn't do it on purpose."
  57. >You move more to her side to hug her more normally
  58. "I love you aunt Maud, and I want to make sure you feel better!"
  59. >You say affectionately while nuzzling into her
  60. >You imagine a little heart floating above your head briefly before popping
  61. >Her frock feels surprising soft and warm
  62. >She hugs you back with both arms now, but it just brings you back to her front
  63. >Which made your face nestle between her breasts again
  64. >You try to pull away a little, but can't
  66. >Maud then leans in just a little and gives you a kiss on the forehead
  67. >Mom speaks up for a moment
  68. >"That's not how you hug someone, ya silly~."
  69. >Maud then let's go of you in one fluid motion
  70. >"Oh."
  71. >Is all she said about it
  72. >That's when you remembered that besides being anti-social she's always seemed a little 'off'
  73. >"Come on in Maud, and we'll help you get set up!"
  74. "I'll help carry one of those suitcases if you'd like, aunt Maud."
  75. >You courteously offer to be a good host
  76. >She hands you the smaller of the two suitcases
  77. >Once you have your hand on it and she let go it nearly drops straight to the floor
  78. >It's so heavy it takes all your strength just to keep it from slamming into the ground
  79. >Maybe even leaving a crater
  80. >Your breathing is labored as you try to lift it enough to carry it
  81. >What's in this thing anyway?!
  82. >"You can set that down wherever in whatever room I'm staying in. It's rocks I'm studying."
  83. >Rocks, of course it's full of rocks...
  84. >"That'd be the guest room. Do your best Nonners~!"
  85. >Mom cheers you on as you somehow manage to move inch by inch while carrying it
  86. >By the time you reach the room it feels like your arms are gonna fall off
  87. >You imagine them falling off cartoon style, and it makes you want to laugh
  88. >Now's not the time for it though
  89. >You set down the suitcase as gradually as you can before letting go once it's on the floor
  90. >Your hands feel stiff and sting painfully
  91. >Mom then gives you a hug from behind affectionately
  92. >"I know that was super hard to carry, but you did just fine! I'll give you a kiss to make the pain go away!"
  93. >She then gives you a quick peck on the cheek
  94. >She treats you like a little kid sometimes, but it did make you feel a little better
  95. >Squeezing you super tight one last time before letting go
  96. >Mom then grabs your gently to not irritate it
  97. >"Now come on, let's go spend some time with Maud!"
  98. >She pulls you along to the living room where Maud is waiting patiently on the couch
  100. >Mom sits you down next to Maud, and then sits herself down next to Maud on the other side
  101. >"So Maud, anything you'd like to do? You're the super special guest!"
  102. >She says while throwing a little confetti into the air for special effect
  103. >"I'd like to talk about rocks."
  104. >Maud responds plainly
  105. >She then starts to talk about rocks
  106. >Not just that she talks A LOT about rocks
  107. >Spewing way more information about rocks than you thought there possibly was to know about rocks
  108. >You almost fall asleep a couple times, but nudges you subtly to make sure you don't
  109. >Of course, since falling asleep while she's talking would be pretty rude
  110. >Though even Mom seems to be having trouble pretending to be interested in what Maud is saying
  111. >You feel yourself leaning into Maud more than you probably should, but you can't help it
  112. >Your body feels numb, and your mind is even more numb
  113. >Her soft frock and body heat beckon you to sleep
  114. >Suddenly you feel an arm wrap around your shoulders and pull you in closer
  115. >A hand pats and strokes your hair softly
  116. >Then your vision grew dark despite your best efforts to stay awake
  117. >Feels like moments later your eyes open and you feel groggy
  118. >You're laying on the couch and your head is in someone's lap
  119. >It's Maud's lap, and you notice she's stroking your hair
  120. >"Pinkie is making dinner."
  121. >Maud tells you after noticing you're awake
  122. >"You're very cute, Anon."
  123. >She tells you while stroking your hair
  124. "Thanks."
  125. >You respond politely
  126. >As you move to get up it doesn't seem like she want you to, but doesn't stop you either
  127. >"I heard from Pinkie you don't have a girlfriend. Which is surprising."
  128. >"I thought girls would be swarming all over you."
  129. >You have gotten more than a few confession, and even been on a few one-time dates you didn't tell Mom about
  130. >Though you don't really want to get into a serious relationship just yet
  131. >You'd rather be wild and free a while longer before thinking about committing to anything, or anyone
  133. "I just want to stay single for a while before thinking about hooking up with anyone. I like the freedom of it."
  134. >You think you almost see Maud's mouth move a little, but you couldn't tell if it was an upward curve or downward
  135. >"That's an interesting way of looking at it."
  136. >With no inflection in her voice you can't tell what she means by that
  137. >You hope you haven't upset her
  138. >"Where's your dad? I haven't seen him."
  139. "You know how it is, he's always traveling on the road."
  140. >"Do you know what their status is?"
  141. "I'd... Rather not talk about that..."
  142. >"I see."
  143. >You think your parents are separated, but she seems fine when she talks to Dad on the phone sometimes
  144. >Then Pinkie announces it's time for dinner and rings a bell
  145. >You take aunt Maud by the hand and escort her to the dinning room the most gentlemanly way you can
  146. >In the center of the table you see a big fat cake
  147. "Come onnnn, Mom... We can't have cake for dinner... Well, we technically can, but it's really unhealthy!"
  148. >"Nonnners... It's a special occasion! We can eat whatever we want on a special occasion!"
  149. >It's like she's a kid trying to get her way, and you're the parent
  150. >Though really she's the actual parent
  151. >You have no idea how she's not a walking tub of lard either the way she eats sometimes
  152. >Your family doctor even once called her a 'medical mystery'
  153. >She's got slight bit of pudge even if she usually looks perfectly healthy...
  154. >Especially in 'certain places', but only makes other women more jealous of her
  155. >Not less
  156. >You sigh before sitting at the table
  157. >You're not sure how much you'll actually be able to eat without feeling sick
  158. >It doesn't help that she makes her cakes way too sweet
  159. >You take a single slice of the cake
  160. >Maud takes an even smaller piece
  161. >Both of you eat what you got before almost at the same time declaring yourselves done
  162. >"What? That's all? Whatever, more for me!"
  163. >She then eats the rest of the cake in no time flat
  164. >Seriously, where does it all go?!
  166. >You feel a bit disgusted, but this is just how she is
  167. >Of course you still love her to pieces because she's a wonderful and caring mom
  168. >"I'm going to go study my rocks, and then go to sleep."
  169. >She says before picking her up empty plate to take to the sink
  170. >You pick up yours too, and Pinkie takes both plates
  171. >"I'll take care of it! You just do whatever will make you comfortable Maud, and let Nonners know if you need anything!"
  172. >Maud quietly nods before heading off to the guest room
  173. "Okay, I guess I just go to my room and do whatever unless Maud needs something."
  174. >"Sounds peachy Nonners! Have fun!"
  175. >You wave to her before heading off to your room
  176. >Then start messaging your friends to see what they're up to
  177. >They aren't doing much, but you still manage to have plenty to talk about once actually talking on your phones
  178. >Just small talk basically, but you do mention your aunt Maud staying with you for a while
  179. >One your friends asks which aunt she was because he doesn't remember
  180. >"Was she the shy one, the moody one, or weird one?"
  181. "The third one, but please don't call her that if you're over. She just had a bad break up."
  182. >"Ouch, sorry to hear about that."
  183. "Yeah, me and Mom are doing our best to help her out."
  184. >"That's nice, but did you hear about that movie that's coming out?"
  185. >Then the topic switches to the latest action movie and you keep talking about stuff
  186. >It's getting late and you yawn into the phone
  187. >"Man, it's gettin' way too late. I'm feeling sleepy too. Maybe we could all go do something tomorrow?"
  188. "I'll try, but I might be too busy."
  189. >"It's cool man, but let us know if you're free."
  190. >You say your goodbyes before hanging up
  191. >Then you got ready for bed
  192. >It occurs to you as you're finally dragging your feet to bed that Maud didn't seem to need anything
  193. >Meh, she can take care of herself, you guess
  194. >You lay down in your bed before starting to drift off to sleep
  195. >Suddenly you hear the door to your room open
  197. >It's dark, but you think it's Maud in a nightgown
  198. "Maud?..."
  199. >She closes the door behind her, and you hear something flop on the floor
  200. >As your eyes get more adjusted you see she's naked now, and it was her nightgown that fell
  201. >"I require sex."
  202. >She tells you like she's asking for a cup of water
  203. "What?! You're joking right?! Come on Maud! We can't do that!"
  204. >"I don't think you heard me. I require sex."
  205. >She comes over to the bed and pulls the sheets off of you
  206. >You feel so tired you just want to convince her to forget about it
  207. >The she pulls down your pants and underwear before staring at your dick
  208. >You can't believe she's actually serious
  209. >You raise your hands to pull your pants back up, but she's already mounting you on the bed
  210. >Your body betrays you and makes your dick stand up hard as she slides her hips down onto it
  211. >The sensation of her pussy wrapping around your dick makes you tremble with pleasure despite yourself
  212. >She slides herself all the way down, but then jerks her hips up faster than your eye can see
  213. >In a single moment her hips come crashing back down with unbelievable force
  214. >It practically knocks the wind out of you when her hips collide with yours
  215. >Just from the indirect effect it had on your chest
  216. >Your hips cry out in pain while your mind is numbed with pleasure
  217. >Before you're even remotely ready her hips come crashing down on yours again
  218. >You reflexively hold the sides of the bed for dear life as it continued
  219. >Even while it was happening you couldn't believe it was happening
  220. >After what feels like an eternity just trying not to be broken to pieces you hear a concerning wood groaning sound
  221. >Suddenly you hear a loud cracking sound and you fall along with Maud
  222. >It takes you a second to realize your bed just broke
  223. >Maud is still on top of you
  224. >Even though you're at a weird angle on the broken bed
  225. >You see a dribbling thick liquid oozing from your union
  227. >Then realize in horror you came inside your aunt without even noticing because of how intense it was
  228. >Before you can do anything Maud rolls you two off the bed onto the floor
  229. >This time with you on top as she holds you in place with her legs
  230. "Mau-..."
  231. >You try to say before she cuts you off with a finger to your lips
  232. >"It's fine, night time is for sex, and I need sex."
  233. >"Now thrust into me. I still require sex."
  234. >Is she insane?!
  235. >You're her nephew, and she thinks you're just going to start fucking her after this?!
  236. >Isn't she concerned at least a little about how she made you cum inside her?!
  237. >You start to feel mad about it
  238. >So mad in fact...
  239. >That you start thrusting into her very roughly
  240. >So hard that you actually kind of worry you might hurt her
  241. >Though you tell yourself it'd teach her a lesson, but maybe the hormones have gotten to your head
  242. >You don't feel like you're in a good mental state
  243. >Yet no matter how hard you thrust into her she just lays there with her legs wrapped around you tightly
  244. >You try to pull out before you cum again, but she doesn't let you
  245. >All your frustration starts to fade as your energy drains
  246. >You start to heave and your throat feels raw
  247. >Suddenly your body fails you, and you collapse on top of her
  248. >"Is that all? I guess it'll do for now, but you need to work on your stamina."
  249. >You try to catch your breath
  250. "I'm your nephew Maud! How do you think any of this is okay?!"
  251. >"Would you like a kiss to make you feel better?"
  252. >She then leans forward and kisses you deeply on the lips
  253. >Your face flushes a deep red
  254. "No! That's not it! This is incest, and that's bad! How do you not know this!"
  255. >"We're just 'friends with benefits' as the people call it now. That's what you meant by 'freedom', right?"
  256. >That's absolutely not what you meant, and has nothing to do with it being incest anyway
  257. >You fume while trying to break free of her embrace, but you're too weak
  259. >"I think I get it now. Fine, you can be my new boyfriend now. I thought you didn't want commitment, and I must note it is considered 'in bad taste' to start a new relationship so soon after ending one."
  260. "Maud! That's not it either! We seriously shouldn't do stuff like this because we're related!"
  261. >"It's not that bad is it, and if it is then why did you do it?"
  262. >Well... That's...
  263. >She's got you there
  264. >She then pokes your nose with her finger while saying "Boop."
  265. >Mom often does that to calm you when you're upset
  266. >It makes you calm down some even though you don't want to
  267. >"You seem upset. Did that help?"
  268. "Maud... This is seriously bad... What if Mom comes in here?"
  269. >"She's in the middle of a sugar crash. She's not going to wake up till morning no matter what. Besides, she would not interrupt something as physically intimate as this."
  270. >She did practically eat that whole cake
  271. "And what about my bed..."
  272. >"You can sleep with me in my bed tomorrow night. Actually, just come with me after we're done here."
  273. "What do you mean 'after we're done here'? How could we not be 'done'?"
  274. >"I still want more."
  275. >Come on, give me a break here...
  276. >"You are still not thrusting. Will you not do it unless we enter a socially recognized form of relationship?"
  277. "Mauuuuud...."
  278. >"I didn't know you could be so needy. Fine, you are now my boyfriend. You may now thrust."
  279. "Mauuuuud.... That's not iiiiiit..."
  280. >"Jeez, you're already my boyfriend. What more could you want?"
  281. >You want to say you aren't her boyfriend, but you can't take this conversation much more
  282. >So you start thrusting in the hopes it'd satisfy her
  283. >Your joints ache as you force your overworked muscles to move
  284. >"Harder."
  285. >She commands while tightening herself around you
  286. >Is the word 'stamina' alien to her?
  287. >You try your best, but you can't seem to fuck her as hard as she wants
  288. >"Okay, let's stop for now. We're going to the gym tomorrow to work on this. It's seriously unacceptable."
  290. >"But Mauuuuud..."
  291. >"No, boyfriend. You may be adorable, but there's a limit to how weak you can be."
  292. >You wish she wouldn't call you that
  293. >It makes your heart flutter when she does, but you still wish she wouldn't
  294. "Please don't call me that..."
  295. >"You are my boyfriend though. So it's only natural, boyfriend."
  296. >Now she called you it twice in a row
  297. >"Boyfriend, is there something I should call my boyfriend other than 'boyfriend'. I think calling my boyfriend 'boyfriend' is what I'm supposed to do. Isn't it, boyfriend?"
  298. >She's just saying it more and more
  299. >"Boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend"
  300. >It's like she'll never stop
  301. >You shout out to stop her
  302. "Alright! You can call me boyfriend as much as you want because I'm your boyfriend!"
  303. >Wait, did she just wear you down into saying you're her boyfriend?
  304. >Sure feels that way
  305. >"Okay, boyfriend. That's what I thought, boyfriend. You're a good boyfriend, boyfriend."
  306. >Is she going to do this all the time from now on
  307. "Yes, yes... I'm your boyfriend."
  308. >"Say it again, and with more officiation. Like you mean it."
  309. >What does she mean by that
  310. >You're so exhausted by this you'd do anything for it to be over
  311. "I Anon, do declare on this Summer night, that I am the boyfriend of Maud."
  312. >"Perfect. I thought that 'social rule' about not getting a new boyfriend right after breaking up was illogical anyway."
  313. >She stares into your eyes in a strange way
  314. >"Boyfriend."
  315. >How long is this going to go on?
  316. >"Boyfriend."
  317. "Yes, girlfriend?"
  318. >You say feeling irritated
  319. >"Nothing, it just feels good when I call you boyfriend."
  320. >"Now call me girlfriend again."
  321. "How about this?..."
  322. >You lean forward and lock lips with her
  323. >Making out with her while holding her, and she still held as you're reminded of the sensation of your dick still being inside her
  324. >It lasts until you need to stop for air
  326. >"That was nice, but I asked you to call me girlfriend."
  327. "Okay, girlfriend. I'll call you girlfriend as many times as you want, girlfriend."
  328. >"Actually never mind. Go back to calling me Maud, boyfriend."
  329. >Ugh, whatever she wants...
  330. >"Ok Maud... Can I get some sleep at some point?... I'm just... So tired..."
  331. >She doesn't respond directly, but does let go of you before picking you up like an item
  332. >Then taking a change of clothes from your dresser before taking both you and the clothes to her room
  333. >It doesn't matter how she carries you
  334. >You just want sleep
  335. >Even with that nap earlier today it's like you haven't slept in days
  336. >She puts the clothes on the dresser in here before taking you to the bed
  337. >Crawling into the bed while holding you
  338. >Actually letting go of you before turning over away from you to sleep
  339. >You were worried she'd keep holding you
  340. >So you might actually get to sleep
  341. >In fact you feel your eyelids closing...
  343. >The next day you wake up feeling sore all over
  344. >You don't want to get out of bed at all
  345. >It pains you to remember why you're so sore
  346. >Then when Maud embraces you while waking up you remember you're in her bed
  347. >"Good morning boyfriend. You're my boyfriend."
  348. >Oh yeah...
  349. >She also decided you're her new boyfriend, and wore you down into agreeing
  350. >You can't really be her boyfriend though, and this definitely isn't good for her
  351. "Maud..."
  352. >"Yes, boyfriend? It's so good having a boyfriend again."
  353. >Then you feel like you'd be putting her through a second 'break up' if you tell her you aren't her boyfriend
  354. >"Let's have morning sex, boyfriend."
  355. >You've got to think of a way to dissuade her or there could be two broken beds
  356. "That'd be far too loud! We really shouldn't now!"
  357. >"Loud? Oh, right. Pinkie probably has a headache after waking up from her sugar crash. Good thinking, boyfriend."
  358. >Your heart flutters each time she calls you that, but it also makes your skin crawl at the same time
  359. >Then your stomach growled
  361. >"Here, eat this."
  362. >She says after digging for something in her suitcase
  363. >It looks limp a lump covered in hardened white powder
  364. >"It's a protein bar covered in whey protein powder that's mixed with cooked egg whites and dried."
  365. >What the hell kind of sacrilege to food did you just hear described to you?
  366. >Before you can refuse it's shoved in your mouth
  367. >You have to chew and swallow it to not choke
  368. >It tasted awful, but it was soon over
  369. >"That should help the training we're about to do at the gym produce real results."
  370. >The gym?
  371. >Then you remembered
  372. "Were you serious about that?"
  373. >"I'm always serious."
  374. >So she say, but was she serious about saying that?
  375. >Thinking about it too hard makes your head hurt a little
  376. >"Now get dressed, and let's go."
  377. "Now, really?..."
  378. >"Really, right now."
  379. >Your body screams out as you slowly get out of the bed
  380. >Maud directs you to the clothes on top of the dresser
  381. >Which you put on while wishing you were still in bed
  382. >It's some of your clothes that are good for exercise
  383. >Mostly just PE in school
  384. >Maud gets impatient with how slowly you're moving and picks you up with an arm around your chest
  385. >She was already dressed herself and she takes you out to the rest of the house
  386. >You see mom in a bathrobe in the dining room
  387. >She looks like a mess, and is about to have some coffee
  388. >Which should help perk her back up
  389. >Maud carries you over to Pinkie and talks to her
  390. "I'm taking my boyfriend to the gym to get him in shape. His physical shape is very bad."
  391. >Shit, she called you that in front of Mom
  392. >All hell could break loose now
  393. >She doesn't react like you expect
  394. >Instead seeming amused
  395. >"You silly... Plural nouns and your... Whatever... So cute, and stuff..."
  396. >Mom is really phoning this in
  397. >"It's really bad, look at him. He had a full night's sleep and he's already like this in the morning."
  398. >Maud holds you out by the armpits and you feel ridiculous
  399. >"Oh no... Nonners... You're not sick are you?"
  401. "No mom... Just, really tired..."
  402. >"Oh, I hear that Nonners, I hear that."
  403. >Maud then carries you to the front door as you both leave Mom to her coffee
  404. >She then places you in the passenger seat of her car
  405. >At least you get to sit down for a bit in here
  406. >Even if it's the inside of a car that's been sitting in the sun during the summer
  407. >Now you feel really dehydrated
  408. >Is this it, is this how you die?
  409. >That's an exaggeration, but you seriously feel pretty bad
  410. >"Is something wrong boyfriend?"
  411. "I... Could seriously use some water."
  412. >"There's a drinking fountain at the gym. Just hold on a few minutes."
  413. >She starts the car and heads over to whatever gym it is she goes to
  414. >Maud turns on the AC, and it really helps
  415. >Like an oasis in a desert as the cool air blows on your face
  416. >The just like that it shuts off as you arrive
  417. >You get out of the car and shuffle inside like a zombie
  418. >That drinking fountain is close so you rush for it
  419. >As the chilled water splashes down your throat it feels heavenly
  420. >The cold water in your stomach helping cool your whole body down
  421. >A buff guy walks up to you looking at you funny
  422. >"Could I see your membership card?"
  423. >Maud interjects as she stands between him and you
  424. >"He's with me, and here's my card."
  425. >She shows him it, and he nods after seeing everything is in order
  426. >"Okay have a good exercise with your?..."
  427. "Nephew"
  428. >Maud gives you a quick glare
  429. >"He's such a joker. He's actually my boyfriend."
  430. >Is she really going to be telling everyone that now?
  431. >"Oh, you. Don't do that too much or you could end up in the doghouse."
  432. >You give a fake laugh to go along with it
  433. >He looks at you for a few moments before getting bored of this whole thing
  434. >"Whatever, just keep your hands to yourselves in here. I don't want any complaints from other members."
  435. >"Okay."
  436. "Since we're here... What do you think I should do first? Can it be something light?"
  437. >You really hope it can be something light
  438. >"Squats."
  439. >Maud said as she pulled you over to one of the matted areas
  440. "Squats?"
  442. >"Squats."
  443. >Well, that doesn't sound so bad
  444. >You would learn very soon how wrong you were
  445. >When you did Squats in PE you could go at your own pace, and didn't have to do a whole lot
  446. >With Maud you have to do them continuously
  447. >She isn't even counting them out!
  448. >It's like she expects you to just keep going till you drop!
  449. >There's something about the way she's looking at you
  450. >Is she mad about you saying you're her nephew instead of boyfriend
  451. "Are you angry that I said nephew?"
  452. >"You weren't planning to hit on girls in here, were you?"
  453. "No, of course not, but we could get in trouble if you go around telling everyone I'm your boyfriend."
  454. >"If you're my boyfriend, you can't say you're something else. That's cheating. You don't want to cheat on me do you?"
  455. "What?... Me?... Of course not!"
  456. >"Do one hundred more squats and I'll forgive you."
  457. >She can't be serious right?
  458. >Then you remembered she's always serious
  459. >You don't think you can do it, but you'd might as well try
  460. >So you just keep going
  461. >She doesn't keep count, and you're too tired to count it out
  462. >Your mind is in a haze for a while
  463. >At some point she stops you
  464. >"Okay, that's enough. You can take a break."
  465. >You collapse into what appears to be a pool of some kind of liquid
  466. >Oh, right
  467. >It's your sweat
  468. >You didn't realize how much you were sweating
  469. >Maybe you could really use some more water
  470. >The drinking fountain seems so far away
  471. >Maud hands you a bottle of water, and helps you drink it
  472. >Your arms aren't as tired but your hands shake a lot as you hold the water
  473. >"You're really out of shape boyfriend, but with my help you'll be way better soon. It'll really be good for you."
  474. >She's probably right
  475. >You hear non-stop how good exercise is for you
  476. >Right now it feels like this might kill you
  477. >Though Maud does seem serious about taking care of you to help you recover
  478. >She brings a towel and wipes you down with it
  479. >As well as cleaning your sweat off the mat
  481. >As well as cleaning your sweat off the mat
  482. >Then just as you're feeling thankful she shoves something into your mouth
  483. >It's another one of those godless sacrileges against food!
  484. >You nearly choke on it, and cough your lungs out after getting it down
  485. "How many of those things do you have?!"
  486. >"It's my favorite snack."
  487. >A 'snack'?!
  488. >No wonder she's like a pure embodiment of the concept of strength!
  489. >Your stomach doesn't like it at all, and you feel sick
  490. >Yeah, it's not the only one complaining
  491. "Can we go home now, please?"
  492. >"I was hoping to get you to exercise more, but you did say please."
  493. >You both head into the showers to wash off
  494. >Before you realize you didn't bring a change of clothes Maud is able to get some sports shorts and a jersey here pretty cheaply
  495. >She gives them to you to change into instead of putting these sweat stained clothes you have on now back on afterwards
  496. >The showers are separated by gender
  497. >So you're by yourself in there
  498. >Well, there are some other guys but they aren't being talkative
  499. >You leave the showers and wait for Maud who seems to be taking longer
  500. >While you're waiting a dorky guy comes in rolling on a wheelchair
  501. >His entire pelvis is in a cast
  502. >You doubt he's here to exercise
  503. >He looks around like he can't find something
  504. "Hi, can I help you?"
  505. >You ask out of a desire to help people
  506. >"Yeah, do you happen to know Maud? This is the gym she normally goes to."
  507. "Yeah, I do actually."
  508. >"Great, could you hand her these research notes. She accidentally left them in my car. I'm her EX by the way."
  509. >You didn't ask what happened to him because it's rude, but you think you know now
  510. >Could that happen to you?!
  511. >Before he gets impatient you take the papers from him
  512. "Yeah, I'll make sure she gets them."
  513. >"Thanks."
  514. >With that he turned around and wheeled back out of the gym
  516. >Only took a few more minutes for Maud to be out
  517. "Hey, I have some research notes here for you."
  518. >You hold them out for Maud to take
  519. >"Oh, I was wondering where these were. How did you get them."
  520. >Maybe you should be delicate with how you phrase this
  521. "A 'certain someone' came here to give them to you because they were in his car. I took them for you so he could go."
  522. >She seemed to not understand for a bit because she's not one for subtly
  523. >"Oh, my EX was here. We're not on especially bad terms. The break up was mainly about his injury. We're just not as compatible as we'd have hoped."
  524. >You could certainly see a relationship failing if trying to have sex broke a pelvis like that
  525. >Then you really hoped to yourself that he had weak bones, and it's not something that will happen to you
  526. >Not that you're really looking forward to more sex with your aunt
  527. >Just doesn't seem like you can avoid it
  528. >Although you don't want to say you enjoyed it, it wasn't all bad either
  529. >"Okay, let's head home. Maybe check on how Pinkie is doing."
  530. "Yeah, hopefully Mom is feeling better after having some coffee and stuff."
  531. >It hurts to walk, but you head out to the car
  532. >In the car Maud tries to reassure you
  533. >"A high protein diet will help your muscles recover quickly. As well as rebuilding stronger."
  534. >You can definitely hope so
  535. >On the drive back you try sitting limp in the seat to relax
  536. >The car seat is actually pretty comfy
  537. >It wasn't long before you were back home
  538. >As you walked up to the front door Mom opened it excitedly
  539. >"Welcome baaack~! So how did it go? Is Nonners super ripped now~?"
  540. >She asked before giggling cutely
  541. "Not yet Mom, but we're working on it."
  542. >You say jokingly and can't help but smile while saying it
  543. >Mom pulls you both back into the house
  544. >Maud then opens her mouth to speak about it
  545. >"Yes, my boyfriend's exercise regiment is proceeding smoothly."
  546. >Mom then looks at Maud funny
  547. >"Did you just say 'boyfriend'?"
  549. >Mom must have not been listening this morning
  550. >She then turns to you, but you don't want to explain this mess
  551. >Mom pinches your cheeks playfully
  552. >"Is my little Nonners being her cute little 'boyfriend', just to help her feel better~?"
  553. >She then giggles while holding your face with your cheeks squished
  554. >"Maybe you could be Mommy's 'boyfriend' too~."
  555. >Giggling to herself about it because she doesn't think it's serious
  556. >"Wait, I thought a boy couldn't have more than one girlfriend?"
  557. >Maud interjects, and you think she's confused but you don't know for sure
  558. >Mom laughs about it before answering
  559. >"He can if he's a 'bad boy'~! Are you a baaaaad boy Nonners~? Are ya~?"
  560. >She says while talking to you like you're a pet
  561. >Then she gets an idea and runs off
  562. >"I'm gonna go get something! Be right back!"
  563. >It really didn't take long at all for her to be back
  564. >She's holding a spiked leather jacket you've worn a couple times for themed parties
  565. >Mom puts it on you while hardly able to contain her laughter
  566. >"Now say something edgy, Nonners~!"
  567. >You try to keep from laughing while thinking of something cheesy
  568. "Whatever, it's doesn't matter... Nothing matters..."
  569. >Mom nearly falls down laughing
  570. >Your face hurts from smiling so much
  571. "Sometimes I cut myself... Just to feel something."
  572. >"Okay, maybe not that edgy!"
  573. >Mom says while unable to stop laughing
  574. >"You could really cut yourself on that edge! Be careful Nonners!"
  575. >She laughs so hard she can't breathe
  576. "You gotta remember to breathe Mom, or maybe don't... Because... It doesn't matter..."
  577. >You do a dramatic swoosh with your hair after saying it
  578. >After a bit Mom is able to calm down form her laughing fit
  579. >Maud has just been standing there throughout this
  580. >"So... Is Anon your boyfriend now too, or what? I don't know what's going on."
  581. >Mom embraces you before rocking you in her arms
  582. >"He's my little Nonners, and I looooove him~."
  584. >You start to feel self-conscious of her large breasts pressed against you
  585. >Of course you knew they were big before, but this is making you more 'aware' of them
  586. >Especially with how Maud has been
  587. "I love you too, Mom~!"
  588. >You reply lovingly to not leave her hanging
  589. >"If he's your boyfriend now too, then you should call him 'boyfriend' now, right?"
  590. >Mom giggles while squeezing you in her arms
  591. >"Fun idea, Maud!"
  592. >Then she clears her throat
  593. >"Boyfriend~!"
  594. >Mom calls out while gazing into your eyes with a smile
  595. >She giggles some more
  596. >"Boyfriend Nonners~!"
  597. >She's definitely having fun with this
  598. >"I'm not past my prime, am I boyfriend Nonners~?"
  599. >You know she's not, and you wouldn't be lying if you say so
  600. "Of course not, Mom. You're the prettiest girl in town, and all the other women are constantly jealous of you, obviously."
  601. >Mom strokes your hair
  602. >"Thanks Anon, it's really nice to hear something like that sometimes."
  603. >She gives you a kiss on the forehead
  604. >"That's not a real kiss for a boyfriend, Pinkie. It's supposed to be on the lips."
  605. >Mom scoffs with a slight blush on her face
  606. >"What? Come on... I couldn't do that..."
  607. >"Come on."
  608. >Maud eggs her on to do it, and Mom blushes deeper
  609. >"W-would it be okay with you if I did that Nonners? I don't want to make you uncomfortable..."
  610. >She asks out of concern for you
  611. >You can feel it's making you blush too
  612. "If you really want to... I don't see any harm in it."
  613. >Mom wraps her arms over your shoulders and kisses you
  614. >Not a quick kiss like you thought it'd be
  615. >She's started passionately making out with you
  616. >You wrap your arms around her too, and you can't help yourself
  617. >While you're making out she brings you both over the to couch
  618. >You fall onto it, and her on top of you
  619. >You're making out on the couch, and only faint thoughts in your head remind you she's your mom
  620. >With a mind of their own your hands migrate to her plump bottom
  622. >Her bouncy bubble butt is soft in your hands, and Mom kisses you more
  623. >After a moment she stop kissing you for a moment
  624. >"You really are a bad boy aren't you~? Feeling up my butt like that~. I didn't know you liked Mommy's ass!"
  625. >She sighs
  626. >"It's been entirely too long..."
  627. >You reflexively feel guilty about it and take your hands off it
  628. >"I didn't say stop~."
  629. >She says with a low yet playful growl
  630. >You grab her ass again and she smiles
  631. >"That's it Nonners~. I know this is probably weird for you, but it wasn't all that weird back where Mommy lived before moving here~."
  632. >Maud interjects, and you'd almost forgotten she was here
  633. >"It's true, back when us Pie sisters shared the same bed-"
  634. >Maud starts to explain before Mom cuts her off
  635. >"No no Maud! Nonners doesn't need to know about that!"
  636. >"You stopped calling him 'boyfriend'."
  637. >"No need to be a stickler about that Maud. I really like calling him Nonners~!"
  638. >"What about when you said boyfriend Nonners?"
  639. >"That's a bit of a mouthful, and I don't want to say that all the time."
  640. >"Fair enough, I guess."
  641. >She turns her attention back to you before giving you a quick kiss
  642. >"My cute little boyfriend Nonners~"
  643. >She then giggles a bit
  644. >"Ah, this horsing around is entirely too fun~!"
  645. >She gets an idea while giggling more
  646. >"If Mommy wanted to go on a date, would you go with her? Even prank people by telling them we're a couple~? It'd be super fun!"
  647. >That actually does sound fun
  648. >You'd already done something similar with Maud
  649. >Except Maud was serious
  650. "Sure Mom, do you think people will freak out if they know us?"
  651. >"That's be part of the fun! Of course we tell them we're just messing with them if they get seriously weirded out, but a prank isn't very good if people don't react!"
  652. >Maud seems to want to say something
  653. >"Ha ha, I will also tell people I am just messing with them if they react negatively."
  654. >She's actually said 'ha ha' out loud
  656. >"It'd probably be best for you to avoid pranking people Maud. It's hard for most people to tell when you're joking."
  657. >Maud doesn't answer that
  658. >Then Mom remembers something she's wanted to say earlier but forgot about
  659. >"Nonners, honey... What happened to your bed?"
  660. >"That was actually my bad, sorry. I can pay for a new bed if that's acceptable."
  661. >Maud cuts in to say
  662. >"Oh, but where's my sweet little Nonners gonna sleep until we can replace it?"
  663. >"He could share my bed."
  664. >Mom gets a little excited
  665. >"Even better! Both of you could come sleep with me! I've got a plenty big enough bed! It could be like old times Maud!"
  666. >Maud seems happy with the suggestion
  667. >"Do you have a broken broom handle, an old truck battery, and jumper cables?"
  668. >Uhmmm...
  669. >What kind of question is that?
  670. >Mom goes white in the face for a second like she's thinking about something horrifying
  671. >"Actually... I think I just remembered the bed frame can't support three people... Darn. Maybe Nonners should just sleep with you then."
  672. >"Oh, okay. Another time then."
  673. >Mom shudders in fear at the suggestion
  674. "You okay, Mom."
  675. >"Yeah, I'm fine! Nothing to worry about my cute little Nonners!"
  676. >Then you hear her say something under her breath
  677. >"I hope..."
  678. >That doesn't give you much confidence
  679. >You let go of her backside to stroke her hair with one hand, and embrace her with the other
  680. "There there, Mom, there there. I love you."
  681. >Mom stops seeming scared pretty quickly
  682. >She rests on top of you looking very happy
  683. >"I love you too Nonners. I don't tell you nearly enough how lucky I feel to have a son like you. You're the best."
  684. >You keep holding her and stroking her hair as she lays on you
  685. >"When you say 'love', do you mean that in a romantic sense?"
  686. >Maud asks, you think like she genuinely wants to know
  687. >"Maud!"
  688. >Mom sputters like she was caught off guard
  689. >"Stuff like this is more complicated than a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer!"
  691. >"So it's not a 'no'?"
  692. >You can tell Mom is getting frustrated by this
  693. >"Oh!... What do you want me to say Maud?!"
  694. >She holds you tight, and squeezes you hard
  695. >"Do you want me to say there's no romance between me and my husband?! That we didn't have much actual romance in the first place, and probably should have just been co-workers in party planning?! That my little Nonners is the only one who brings any romance into my life?! Without even being romantic on purpose?!"
  696. >Mom sniffles a little
  697. >"My cute, sweet, caring, loving, and romantic little Nonners..."
  698. >You're stunned by this
  699. >Shocked even, shocked you say!
  700. >Actually, maybe not that shocked
  701. >Little pieces of thought start connecting themselves in your brain, and this starts to make sense
  702. >"You wouldn't hate me if all that was true... Would you Nonners?"
  703. "Mom... Of course I'd never hate you, but when was I romantic?"
  704. >"You really do it without trying... Like just now, when you held me, stroked my hair, and reassured me while telling me you love me... That's romantic, Nonners."
  705. >Now that you think of it...
  706. >Maybe it is
  707. >"It's just not fair that the perfect man is my son... It just isn't."
  708. >Mom pouts a little, and all you can think is that it's cute
  709. >"No need to pout Pinkie. I don't think I really understand romance, but if it's something you need. Then I'd want for you to have it."
  710. >She sniffles a little before tearing up just slightly
  711. >"R-really Maud?..."
  712. >Maud places a fist close to her heart to show beyond all doubt she's serious
  713. >"Of course Pinkie. You're the person who's always supported me. Even when nobody else would, and you mean the world to me."
  714. >Mom then turns to you
  715. >"This all must be hard to process, but do you love me that way? Would you want to be romantic with me... On purpose?"
  717. "I... Can't say I've thought about it before... Though now, and here with you... It'd be impossible for me to even consider saying 'no'. I do love you, and I'll mean it in whatever way will make you the happiest. I love you that much."
  718. >Mom looks happier than you've ever seen her
  719. >"That... That was perfect Nonners..."
  720. >A few moments pass with you gazing into each others eyes
  721. >"Incidentally..."
  722. >Maud cuts in for a moment
  723. >"If theoretically speaking... I had sex with Anon last night. You wouldn't hate me for that would you?"
  724. >You freeze in place
  725. >Mom's face scrunches up
  726. >"Damn it Maud! Is that how his bed broke! You!..."
  727. >Mom fumes, and it seems like she'll exploded
  728. >"I was gonna take his virginity! His first time should be special! You ruined it Maud! You ruined it!"
  729. >"I'm sorry Pinkie. Ever since that first time I had sex with my boyfriend. I've been craving it non-stop."
  730. >Mom lights pounds her fists on your chest
  731. >Not hard enough to hurt, but more like she's throwing a tantrum while specifically avoiding hurting you
  732. >"There's nothing that can be done about it... Of course I'd never hate you either Maud... You also told me about it honestly, which counts for something..."
  733. >She pauses for a moment
  734. >"But I am mad."
  735. >Wait, did Mom really intend to have sex with you?
  736. "Hold on... Maud didn't really seem to get what 'incest' is, but you wanted to have sex with me?"
  737. >Mom freezes with an 'oh shit' look on her face
  738. >"Well... Uhm... I was thinking of maybe doing it some day..."
  739. >"Ohhhhh!... How was I going to bring something like that up?! I mean there's framing it as 'sex education' but that's just dumb! You're too smart to fall for that!"
  740. >She throws another tantrum hitting your chest softly
  742. >"I have needs too, damn it, and I was going to make your first time really special! We were going to have this super romantic date, and have a honeymoon suite! You'd arrive on a white horse like a prince charming, and I'd be waiting on the bed! Our passions would soar when you confessed your true love for me!"
  743. >You feel awkward hearing this fantasy, but you can't bring yourself to stop her either
  744. >"And then you'd fuck my brains out! Just slam your man meat into me until I lost all control! Like one of those filthy Chinese pornos! Leaving me doing that 'v' sign with both my hands, and my eyes rolling back into my skull! Then You'd be mine forever!"
  745. >Okay...
  746. >One of those parts of it really wasn't like the rest
  747. "That... That was certainly... Something, Mom..."
  748. >Mom blushed a deep crimson
  749. >"Now look what you made me do, Maud! You big dummy! How are you going to make this up to me?!"
  750. >Maud thinks for a moment
  751. >"Let's see here... Renting a honeymoon suite, a white horse, and teaching you how to do that 'v' sign with both your hands while in a mentally compromised state?"
  752. >Mom fumes, and you bite your lip to avoid laughing
  753. >"This isn't funny Maud!"
  754. >She yells
  755. >"Okay, maybe it is a little funny, but I'm really mad!"
  756. >Maud thinks some more
  757. >"I don't know then, do you have any suggestions?"
  758. >"I don't know either..."
  759. >Maud thinks some more before coming up with something
  760. >"How about if I help you break it off for real with your husband on good terms?"
  761. >Mom sniffles some more
  762. >"I don't know... Divorce is a long and difficult process. Would you really help me with that?"
  763. >"It's about the only way I can think of. I can be pretty good with bureaucratic stuff too."
  764. >"I... I guess that'd help."
  765. >"Just one more thing Pinkie."
  766. >"Yes, Maud?"
  767. >"Can I keep having sex with Anon?"
  768. >Mom fumes intensely before 'shorting out'
  769. >"You'd probably do it anyway, even if I said 'no'... Okay..."
  770. >"Yes."
  771. >Maud says while pumping her fist like she's celebrating
  773. >Mom looks grumpy for a few moments while you hold her and stroke her hair
  774. >She thinks of something with a smile
  775. >"I know what will cheer me up!"
  776. >"Boyfriend Nonners~!"
  777. "Yes, mom?"
  778. >"Let's go on a date! Like to a movie or something!"
  779. "A movie sounds fun. Do you have a movie in mind?"
  780. >Mom thinks about it for a while
  781. >Then deflates a little
  782. >"There aren't any good movies right now..."
  783. >She perks back up again
  784. >"Never mind about that then. Let's just make out here on the couch some more!"
  785. >You can't help chuckling a little before you lean in to kiss her
  786. >Mom puckers her lips, and the moment your lips touched hers she started aggressively kissing you
  787. >You started feeling overwhelmed before she suddenly pulled her head back
  788. >"Wait! Let's go shopping! We could window shop while making so many women jealous of me!"
  789. "By shopping with your son?"
  790. >You say jokingly before giving her a kiss
  791. >"By shopping with my perfect boyfriend, silly~."
  792. >"We could go jogging."
  793. >Maud suddenly suggests
  794. >"But Mauuuud! Jogging isn't very fun!"
  795. >"It is for me, and I'm sure Anon would like it too if we all did it."
  796. >"I'm sure he'd love to see you in your tight exercise tank top and short shorts."
  797. >Then she says something under her breath
  798. >You think she said "I'd kind of like to see it too."
  799. >Mom gets a sly grin while looking at you suggestively
  800. >"Do you wanna see my jiggly bits bounce a whole bunch while jogging~? Will you be jogging with your third leg showing through your shorts because you're staring at me~?."
  801. >You immediately imagine her jogging in a super tight and skimpy outfit, and your reaction tells her 'yes'
  802. >"Okay then, you horny little cutie pie~! Let's go jogging!"
  803. >"Yay."
  804. >Maud says as she starts stretching to prepare herself
  805. >Mom gets off of you to go change
  806. >"I'll be right back~! Don't go anywhere Nonners~!"
  807. >It feels like forever because your imagination is running wild about how she'd look
  809. >Eventually she returns, and your eyes nearly pop right out of your head
  810. >She's wearing a tank top that's hanging forward on her chest while hardly even covering it
  811. >Her shorts are so short that her butt cheeks are spilling out of the bottom of them
  812. >She does a bounce and it looks like her fun bags might have slipped out from under the top
  813. >Your eyes follow the jiggle and she's looking at you with huge grin
  814. >"This outfit has gotten even smaller on me since I last wore it, but I can see Nonners doesn't mind~."
  815. >She giggles about how you're staring before turning to Maud
  816. >"Okay, I'm ready! Let's go!"
  817. >Maud is standing there still as a statue
  818. >"Maud?"
  819. >She seems to snap out of a trance
  820. >"Let's go jogging already!"
  821. >"Jogging? Oh, right."
  822. >Maud then turns around and heads to the door
  823. >You take off the spiked leather jacket so it wouldn't get all sweaty
  824. >Placing it on the couch for now
  825. "Good thing I'm already wearing some exercise clothes."
  826. >You say almost sarcastically as you head to the door too
  827. >Your legs are still sore, but not as bad as it was earlier
  828. >Mom comes to the door too, and her chest bounces with each step
  829. >Is she even wearing a bra?
  830. >You're chewing your lip before you realize it
  831. >Then you realize that was just walking
  832. >She's not even jogging yet
  833. >Maud then turns your attention to her
  834. >"Look Anon. I can do it too."
  835. >She says before jumping up and down a bit
  836. >Her chest does bounce a little, but not nearly as much
  837. >You don't want to say her chest is smaller, but it is
  838. >Also she's probably wearing a supportive sports bra like a sensible person
  839. >She stops jumping when she notices she's getting lesser reaction
  840. >"Stare at me while I'm jogging too, or I'll be angry."
  841. >Mom looks at Maud like she wants to pull a prank
  842. >Pushing out her chest to make sure it's prominent
  843. >"My my, you're not jealous of something. Are you Maud?"
  844. >"Not at all."
  845. >Maud responds very quickly
  846. >Which made it not sound very true
  848. >Mom looked very smug about it, and maybe this was now her 'payback'
  849. >Though that soon faded as Mom seemed annoyed by something
  850. >She snapped her fingers in front of Maud's face
  851. >"Helloooo! Earth to Maud!"
  852. >"What?"
  853. >Mom sighs in frustration
  854. >"Let's just get started with this jogging."
  855. >You head out the door first, and the other two come with you
  856. >Even though you aren't sure how long you can actually jog
  857. >While standing outside before actually starting Maud is jogging in place
  858. >"The speed we go at isn't important. What matters is that you push your limits. You won't get much benefit if you stop the moment you start getting tired."
  859. >Mom looks like she regrets agreeing to jog after hearing that
  860. >You aren't 100% on this either
  861. >Though there is one thing that comes to mind
  862. "Mom, I'm sure you don't want to hear it, but making sure your heart is healthy would be really good for you. I mean, you know I'd like to see you jog for 'other reasons', but I'd like to look out for your health too."
  863. >Mom sighs knowing you're right
  864. >"Yeah, yeah..."
  865. >She replies, and you felt like you nagged her a little
  866. >You really don't want to do that, but her health is important too
  867. >Maud takes off with you and Mom trying to catch up after her
  868. >Mom's fun bags bounce even more than you imagined they would
  869. >All her curves are bouncing a lot in fact
  870. >So much so it's got to be getting in the way of her jogging
  871. >You have your own problem getting in your way
  872. >So much blood is rushing to your groin, and your tent is making your leg movements awkward
  873. >Though you try to glance over to Maud frequently
  874. >Not just to make sure she's not so far ahead you can't see her, but also to not anger her
  875. >Especially when she's looking back at you
  876. >It comes to your attention while doing this she has a very firm ass
  877. >Not big and soft like your Mom's, but this has it's own appeal
  878. >Looking back at Mom you have no idea how her top isn't coming apart
  880. >Your heart pounding in your chest from the view isn't helping your stamina either
  881. >It hasn't even been two blocks of distance yet, and your body feels like quiting
  882. >Though you push yourself to keep going anyway
  883. >It's more surprising to you that Mom is keeping up at all
  884. >You'd basically never actually seen her exercising
  885. >She does tend to run around a lot when she's excited
  886. >So maybe that's it
  887. >In fact Mom is starting to overtake you, and move in front of you
  888. >Which makes it easier to stare at her
  889. >On the other hand it makes you really feel out of shape
  890. >Even if you had already worn out your legs earlier
  891. >Maud cuts into an alley
  892. >You think to circle back around to the house
  893. >As you thought she made another turn to start going back the way you came
  894. >While looking forward to being able to get home you hear a ripping sounds
  895. >Mom shrieks and you see her top has ripped open
  896. >"Help me Nonners!"
  897. >She yells before jumping at you
  898. >You're tackled to the ground with her exposed breasts in your face
  899. >She's squirming while trying to figure out what she'd do when you hear another ripped
  900. >This time her shorts couldn't handle the stress and ripped apart
  901. >Then to top it all off a breeze on your dick makes you realize it'd gotten free from you shorts
  902. >"Hey, I know how horny you two must be, but this is neither the time or place for sex."
  903. >Mom is hyperventilating and more concerned about her clothes
  904. >"Maud! Help me!"
  905. >"Alright, if you insist."
  906. >Maud replies as she approaches
  907. >Then she grabs your dick to set it upright with one hand, and slams Mom's hips down on it with the other hand
  908. >Mom makes a yelp of a moan as her velvety pussy enveloped your dick
  909. >"That's not what I meant Maud! I don't want to be seen like this!"
  910. >Though you can't help but notice Mom doesn't get off of you
  911. >She even swirls her hips at the base of your shaft
  912. >"I'll go get you some new clothes."
  913. >Maud says before dashing off in a flash
  915. >"No! Maud! Wait! Don't leave us like this!"
  916. >It was too late though, and Maud was gone
  917. >Then it was just you and your Mom
  918. >Basically having sex in an empty alleyway
  919. >This was definitely full on sex when Mom started bouncing her hips while swirling them
  920. >You open your mouth to say something but Mom cuts you off
  921. >"Shhh... You've gotta be quiet..."
  922. >She whispered while riding you
  923. >"I'm too scared of being seen to stand up, and I don't want to let go of you..."
  924. >Mom whispered as she made excuses
  925. >"I also really need to get off now that we've started..."
  926. >Finally whispering what she really wanted
  927. >You thrust up into her a couple of times to see what would happen
  928. >She covers her mouth with one of her hands to avoid moaning out
  929. >All your fatigue from earlier seems to be gone as you thrust up into her more
  930. >Her efforts to not moan loudly only encouraging you to go at her harder
  931. >You practically have to hold your breath to not make noise yourself
  932. >Just when you felt like you'd need to decide if you were going to pull out or not Mom 'decided' for you
  933. >She bit down on her hand before slamming her hips down on you hard
  934. >Her pussy clamping down on you in such a way it basically forced you to cum immediately
  935. >Mom has a look of bliss on her face as she lets her hand free from her mouth
  936. >She then leaned forward and kissed you while you were still inside her
  937. >"That was... Fantastic Nonners~. It'd been way too long, and the best I've had..."
  938. "M-Mom... Are you sure it was okay that-"
  939. >She cuts you off again
  940. >"It's fine, it's fine Nonners~. Don't worry about it~."
  941. >That just made you worry more
  942. >She usually says it like that when she's being irresponsible
  943. >You really hope that's not it this time
  944. >As you two laid there together suddenly a weird numbing sensation flows through your body
  945. >When you realize you can't move it becomes clears
  946. >Your earlier fatigue, and fatigue from this caught up with you
  947. >So your body has effectively shut down
  949. >Maud returns with the clothes for Pinkie
  950. >Running full sprint, and having obviously done her best to be quick about it
  951. >Mom shakily gets off of you to accept the sweat pants and regular shirt
  952. >Some underwear were also included that she put on first
  953. >"Why aren't you getting up Anon?"
  954. >Maud asks you looking confused
  955. "I can't... I pushed myself too far, please help!"
  956. >You ask pleadingly while seriously unable to get up
  957. >Maud sighs before pulling your shorts up all the way
  958. >Then picking you up to carry you
  959. >"Whatever am I going to do with you? You've really got to get in better shape."
  960. "I know Maud... I know."
  961. >"I don't think I could jog back... Is it okay if I just walk?"
  962. >Mom asks in a slightly pleading tone
  963. >"Not you too, Pinkie. You eat far too many sweets."
  964. >"There's no such thing as too many sweets!"
  965. >Mom says as she pouts a little, but there absolutely is such thing
  966. "We definitely shouldn't have cake for dinner tonight. Let's eat something more sensible, Mom."
  967. >"Not you too Nonners! Fine, but I'm not going full rabbit food here!"
  968. >You chuckle a little
  969. "No mom, I don't expect you to go that far. How about something like pizza? I know you like making home made pizza with all your favorite toppings."
  970. >"Oh! That I do Nonners! Yeah! Let's go do that now!"
  971. >Mom then finds the energy to start running towards home
  972. >Maud follows after while holding you, and is easily able to keep pace with Mom
  973. >You get home, and Mom heads directly into the kitchen
  974. >While Maud stands there still holding you
  975. >You'd ask her to put you down, but you're not sure how well you could stand up
  976. >"So, how was it?"
  977. >Maud asks you bluntly
  978. >Your face reddens as being asked that
  979. "H-How do you expect me to answer that?"
  980. >"Was it good? Doing it out in the open in the day?"
  981. "It wasn't really 'out in the open'... It was in an alleyway..."
  982. >"That's even dirtier."
  983. >Maud replied
  984. >That's... Kind of true actually
  985. >"Do you think we should do that too sometime?"
  987. "I really don't think it'd be a good idea... It's nothing short of a miracle nobody saw me and Mom doing it."
  988. >"Oh, so you'd do it with Pinkie, but not with me?"
  989. >Great, Maud is getting jealous now
  990. "It's just dangerous, Maud. It'd been really bad if anyone caught us there."
  991. >"I think you should be willing to do with me, anything you're willing to do with Pinkie. You were my boyfriend first."
  992. >Her arm around you tightens
  993. >"I still don't really get how you can be Pinkie's boyfriend too, but I think you should be my boyfriend first and foremost."
  994. >She's been taking the 'commitment' of it pretty seriously
  995. >Considering she pretty much just declared you her boyfriend pretty suddenly
  996. >Actually, was it her goal since she arrived?
  997. >You think she might give an honest answer if you ask
  998. "Was it your goal for me to be your boyfriend since you arrived?"
  999. >"No, I just wanted sex, but you wouldn't keep fucking me unless you were my boyfriend. So now that you are my boyfriend you should take being my boyfriend seriously."
  1000. >She changed how she held you to embrace you, and bring your face close to hers
  1001. >"You've got to commit to being my boyfriend Anon. Commit to me."
  1002. >If only you knew back then how serious she was
  1003. >The very idea makes you nervous
  1004. "H-How so? What should I do?"
  1005. >"You could let me introduce you to my friends as my boyfriend."
  1006. >So she does have friends?
  1007. >Not that you'd say that out loud
  1008. "I don't think I've met your friends before. Who are they?"
  1009. >"Well, there's Starlight Glimmer, Mud Briar... Actually, scratch that last one. It'd be in bad taste to specifically introduce my new boyfriend to my EX. There's also..."
  1010. >She pauses for a few moments
  1011. >"Let's just start with Starlight for now."
  1012. >You feel bad for thinking that made sense
  1013. >It makes you want to add to that 'list'
  1014. "What about my friends?"
  1015. >Then right after you say that you realize you'd just put your foot in your mouth in a big way
  1016. >"That works too Anon, good thinking."
  1018. >Damn, she likes the idea
  1019. >It's going to be so awkward...
  1020. >You don't think they've actually met aunt Maud in person before
  1021. >Only heard about her
  1022. >Maybe there's a way you can salvage that, maybe?
  1023. >Oh, who are you kidding?
  1024. >It's going to be a disaster
  1025. >You're thankfully distracted from this when Mom calls from the kitchen
  1026. >"Nonnners~! Maud~! Come and eat! The pizza is ready!"
  1027. >You smile before heading to the kitchen
  1028. >At least you were going to before remembering you're being held
  1029. >Maud goes back to holding you with one arm before going to the dining room
  1030. >She then sets you down into one of the chairs at the table
  1031. >Mom's specialty pizza sits in the center of the table
  1032. >A big pizza
  1033. >With thick crust, lots of cheese, pepperoni, sausage, bell peppers, olives, and mushrooms
  1034. >It's very greasy too
  1035. >Which doesn't make it especially healthy, but is still better than cake
  1036. >You each grab about how many slices you think you can eat
  1037. >That worked out to about you grabbing a little more than a fourth, Maud grabbing a little less than a fourth, and Pinkie grabbing the half that's left
  1038. >It tastes as amazing as always
  1039. >You aren't a huge fan of all the toppings
  1040. >Still, it's all but automatically top tier pizza when Mom makes it
  1041. >When you finish eating you have to wipe grease off you with a paper towel
  1042. "Thanks Mom, super delicious as always!"
  1043. >You say to compliment her and show your appreciation
  1044. >"There's another way you can thank me, Nonners~."
  1045. >She then points to the text on an apron she's wearing
  1046. >You didn't notice earlier, but she's wearing a 'kiss the cook' apron
  1047. >This makes you chuckle a little
  1048. "I should do what the apron says. It's just the right thing to do."
  1049. >You say jokingly as you go to her
  1050. >It takes some effort to get moving, but you manage it
  1051. >Embracing her before giving her a single but deep kiss on the lips
  1052. >Then nuzzling into her affectionately
  1053. "You're the best, Mom~."
  1054. >Mom ruffles your hair
  1055. >"My sweet little Nonners~."
  1057. >She hugs you back, and you sit there hugging each other for a bit
  1058. >Then she gives you a kiss before moving to clean up
  1059. >You help her feeling very generous
  1060. >"Would it be alright if I took Anon with me to visit Starlight soon?"
  1061. >Maud asks when she sensed a good opportunity
  1062. >"Sure thing, Maud. When you see her, tell her I said 'Hi' too!"
  1063. >Then you remembered having heard the name 'Starlight Glimmer' before
  1064. >She was friends with Mom too
  1065. >Though you don't think Mom has met with her in a long time, and you haven't seen her in person before
  1066. >You guess you will soon
  1067. >Maud takes out her cell phone, you assume to call Starlight
  1068. >It's a big and bulky flip phone
  1069. >The kind that wouldn't break even if you hit it with a hammer
  1070. >"Hey Starlight, It's me, Maud. I'd like to come visit you sometime in the near future to discuss a pertinent topic. What time would be most convenient for you?"
  1071. >There's some talking on the other end of the line, but you can't hear it
  1072. >"Understood. Thanks, I will see you then. Also Pinkie says 'Hi'."
  1073. >Maud then hangs up the phone by closing it
  1074. >"So? When is it?"
  1075. >Mom asks impatiently
  1076. >"Starlight has been a night owl as of late, and suggests heading over there now. She even suggested staying the night."
  1077. >"Oooooh! A sleep over! I love those!"
  1078. >"I'm pretty sure it won't be a sleep over. Plus, I'm not sure I even should actually stay the night."
  1079. >"Why not? It's been a while since you've seen her hasn't it? Spend some time with her, have fun!"
  1080. >"What will you do while I'm gone with Anon? Are you sure you don't want to come along too?"
  1081. >"It's fine, I've got some party planning work to catch up on anyway. Besides, I don't want to just show up uninvited."
  1082. >"Fair enough, but if you do want to come with the next time I go somewhere. Don't hesitate to let me know."
  1083. >"Willll do!"
  1084. >Mom then gives you a hug
  1086. >"Make sure you've got everything you'd need to stay the night before you go, Nonners! Starlight is a good friend! I'm sure you'll like her!"
  1087. >"I'll get ready as well."
  1088. >Maud says before heading directly to the guest room
  1089. "Guess I should go get ready now if I don't want to keep Maud waiting."
  1090. >"Looks like it! Have fun!"
  1091. >She gives you a quick kiss before sending you off to your room
  1092. "Don't have too much fun with the party planning without my help!"
  1093. >You say jokingly as you head up to your room
  1094. >"No worries, Nonners! There's always plenty of parties to plan!"
  1095. >You crack a smile as you enter your room
  1096. >A quick round up later, and you've got everything you need
  1097. >You've been to a many friends' houses before
  1098. >So packing for a night is practically second nature to you
  1099. >On the other hand Maud seems to be taking longer
  1100. >Despite having started before you
  1101. >You're not sure what will happen when Maud tries to explain you being her 'boyfriend'
  1102. >You'll cross that bridge when you get to it
  1103. >Maybe best case scenario Starlight will simply write it off as 'Maud being Maud'
  1104. >While you're thinking about it Maud finishes packing
  1105. >She's basically just packed everything back up in her suitcases
  1106. >You hold your stuff with both arms as an excuse to not help with her stuff
  1107. >It makes you feel a little guilty, but there's no way you can carry that suitcase full of rocks again in your condition
  1108. >Mom waves you off and blows kisses as you head out the front door with Maud
  1109. >Then you both get into Maud's car after putting your collective stuff in the backseat
  1110. "So where does Starlight live?"
  1111. >"It's a place a little bit outside of town, but not very far."
  1112. >You consider asking more, but you think you'd rather build suspense for yourself before seeing it
  1113. >It's a bit of a drive, but you get there okay
  1114. >Maud gesture's you're here and you can't believe your eyes
  1115. >It's a majestic crystal palace
  1116. "This is her place?!"
  1117. >You say in shock
  1119. >"She doesn't own it. It's a second home for Twilight, and Starlight basically just squats here as long as she maintains it."
  1120. >You've heard a lot about Twilight too
  1121. >Apparently she's some hotshot royal your Mom has an in with
  1122. >You've never seen her in person either
  1123. >In fact, there are a lot of people Mom apparently knows well you haven't actually met
  1124. >You don't doubt her ability to bump shoulders with people, but you haven't been very involved with her social circle
  1125. >Mostly just building your own social circle instead
  1126. >You think Mom even wanted it that way so you actually could build your own social circle
  1127. >Rather than relying on hers
  1128. >You stall on entering the palace a bit because its size intimidates you
  1129. >Maud gives you a push, and guides you inside
  1130. >Inside the palace you end up gawking like tourist
  1131. >"It's really not that big a deal, Anon. The crystals the structure is made of are pretty plebeian."
  1132. "If you say so Maud..."
  1133. >Maud seems to know her way around
  1134. >Making a beeline for a specific room that looks the same as all the rest to you
  1135. >Inside it looks like a pretty normal bedroom
  1136. >Also a woman who looks to be about your Mom and Maud's age
  1137. >Wearing pretty casual clothes
  1138. >She's lounging in a been bag looking pretty relaxed
  1139. >Seeing Maud she looks happy to see her
  1140. >"Maud! You made it! Have a seat and let's chat!"
  1141. >She then notices you
  1142. >"I actually came her to talk about him mostly. He is my new boyfriend. Mud Brier broke up with me."
  1143. >"Bummer..."
  1144. >Starlight replies before taking a closer look at you
  1145. >"Wait... Aren't you Anon? Pinkie's son?"
  1146. >You'd never seen her before, but she recognizes you?
  1147. "How did you know that?"
  1148. >"Your mom posts about you all the time on social media. Sometimes I subtly mute her to keep my notifications from going crazy, don't tell her that though."
  1149. >She turns back to Maud
  1150. >"So... He's your 'boyfriend' now, is he?"
  1152. >"Yes, he's my boyfriend."
  1153. >Maud states bluntly
  1154. >"Your real, actual boyfriend?"
  1155. >"I do believe I said he's my boyfriend."
  1156. >Starlight pinches her brow while getting frustrated
  1157. >She then turns to you
  1158. >"I'll ask you now. Are you really, actually, for real, her boyfriend?"
  1159. >Every bone in your body, and every ounce of common sense wants you say 'no'
  1160. >Yet...
  1161. >Your 'situation' compels you
  1162. >"Yes."
  1163. >You say in a stiff manner despite yourself
  1164. >"W-what was that? There was a little pause there."
  1165. >You sigh feeling hopeless
  1166. "Alright, I know it's crazy, but it's just how it is. Because of various reasons I don't want to get into, I actually am, for all intents and purposes, her boyfriend."
  1167. >She just stares at you for a bit
  1168. >Like she's staring through you
  1169. >"That's... I mean, I see."
  1170. >She then takes a sip from what looks a mug of hot chocolate
  1171. >Without breaking eye contact
  1172. >"Is it really crazy?"
  1173. >Maud asks seemingly serious
  1174. >Starlight nearly spits the hot coffee out
  1175. >"Come on, Maud. I know you almost literally lived under a rock most of your life, but come on! Society has rules, and you should know most of them by now!"
  1176. >"I know it's against the rules, but it's not really that bad."
  1177. >"It's frowned upon enough to be illegal!"
  1178. >"Is it though? It couldn't be more illegal than something like weed. Which really should be legal."
  1179. >You then notice a few bags of weed when she tries to move them out of sight behind her
  1180. >"We all saw it, Starlight. Nobody has to be a narc here."
  1181. >"Why, yes. That's a good point. So let's just relax, and have a good time. Would you like a joint by the way?"
  1182. >"No thanks. I've got research to do after we talk."
  1183. >She turns to you
  1184. "Nah, it's probably best if I don't."
  1185. >"Yeah, I guess you do look a little young for it. Maybe when you're in college I could hook you up with some."
  1186. >She rolls herself some of the weed in paper before lighting one end of it
  1188. >She then takes a first puff before talking
  1189. >"So I finally meet the 'famous' Anon that fills my news feed so often. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself. Preferably something your mom hasn't posted about you."
  1190. "What kind of stuff does she post about me?"
  1191. >"What? How could you not know?"
  1192. "I don't really use social media much. I prefer to communicate with people directly."
  1193. >"Wow, that's rare these days. So that's something already."
  1194. "Seriously, what kind of stuff does she post about me? It's really embarrassing stuff isn't it?"
  1195. >You ask with some dread in your voice
  1196. >"Well, if her posts are to be believed... Then you are the most charismatic, smartest, and kindest boy to ever live. Yada yada yada, gushy gushy gush. She keeps talking up everything you do like each thing you did most recently is most amazing thing to ever happen."
  1197. "Well, I'd more say I'm just a young man who hasn't fully decided what he wants to do with his life yet. I mean, I have a knack for Mom's line of work for sure, but I just don't want to feel tied down."
  1198. >Starlight looks kind of bored with that
  1199. >"Yeah, that's pretty common. I was a guidance councilor for a good while, and I can say with confidence there's nothing to worry about there. Keeping your options open is good, but having that 'fall back' option you can rely on is golden."
  1200. >She takes a drag off her joint
  1201. >"So why does she post so much about you anyway? I mean some parents do that, but usually about babies. Even then, not even they post about their kid as much as your mom does."
  1202. >You do know, but you'd prefer not to say
  1203. >"Because she wants him to herself as her lover, and sees him as the perfect romantic man."
  1204. >Maud blurts out bluntly
  1205. >Starlight takes a long hit off her joint before drinking some hot chocolate
  1206. >"And now I regret asking."
  1207. >Starlight then blows out a cloud of smoke
  1208. >"What is it with you Pies anyway? Are you all like that?"
  1209. >She pauses for a moment
  1210. >"Actually, don't answer that."
  1212. >"Are you sure?"
  1213. >Maud asks her usual way
  1214. >"Yes, I'm sure."
  1215. >"Oh, okay then."
  1216. >It's then quite for an awkward moment
  1217. >"Are you sure neither of you want a joint? It'd take the edge off. Certainly helps me relax from being principal. I tell you man, the summer doesn't last nearly long enough."
  1218. "It sure doesn't."
  1219. >"See, he gets it."
  1220. >Her eyes get red, and you're sure her weed is kicking in
  1221. >"Why do people have such a problem with 'incest' anyway?"
  1222. >Starlight stutters a bit before answering
  1223. >"Cause like... Birth defects and stuff, man. Even though it usually doesn't happen. That's just like... What... The man wants you to think... Man."
  1224. >She takes another hit of her joint
  1225. >"Though in a way... Aren't we all related?"
  1226. >"No."
  1227. >Maud answers bluntly
  1228. >"Whoooa..."
  1229. >Starlight says sounding like a stereotypical stoner
  1230. >"We should go fly kites, dudes."
  1231. >She suggests at random
  1232. >"Although I do enjoy kite flying, it is dark outside already."
  1233. >"Bummer..."
  1234. >You get an idea for a prank
  1235. >So you whisper into Maud's ear
  1236. "Hey, do you like Pinkie pranks?"
  1237. >"Of course Anon, but why are we whispering?"
  1238. "Just let me do the prank, and you just don't interrupt."
  1239. >Maud nods quietly
  1240. "Hey, Starlight. Actually we can go kite flying."
  1241. >"Sweet, let's go then."
  1242. "In fact, I've got a special magic kite that lights up in the night sky."
  1243. >"Really, that's awesome! Let's see it?"
  1244. >You hold out your hands like you're holding something even though you aren't
  1245. >"You, I don't think you're holding anything dude."
  1246. "Are you sure about that?"
  1247. >She looks harder above your hands, and takes another hit of her joint
  1248. >"Oh, I think I'm starting to see it now."
  1249. "Here you go, now let's go fly it."
  1250. >You pretend to 'hand it to her', and she 'accepts it'
  1251. >Then you lead her outside, and Maud follows
  1252. >Once outside you snicker to yourself before proceeding to the next step
  1253. "The spirit winds are blowing fantastically Starlight. Now, let it fly!"
  1255. >She makes motions like she's releasing and controlling a kite
  1256. >"Whoa... Trippy..."
  1257. >She says while standing there with no actual kite like an idiot
  1258. >Starlight keeps doing it with this obviously high look on her face
  1259. >You can only imagine what that 'kite' actually looks like to her
  1260. >"Do you want to record this?"
  1261. >Maud asks with you think curiosity
  1262. "Nah, that'd just be mean spirited. Let's just let her play around with her kite some more. Then, I don't know. Get her back inside when she starts to get cold or something."
  1263. >Though it didn't take long watching her just standing there for it to get boring
  1264. "How does the kite look, is it doing okay?"
  1265. >"It's so colorful man, like a rainbow that threw up on a Tye-dye t-shirt man."
  1266. >Okay, that does give you a mental image
  1267. >"Awwww, it crashed. Should we get it?"
  1268. "Nahhh, it's fine. It's biodegradable."
  1269. >"So responsible."
  1270. >She responds while still standing there staring at the night sky
  1271. "Let's just head back inside."
  1272. >"Why?"
  1273. "How about to get something to eat. Does that sound nice?"
  1274. >"Yeah, I'm getting the munchies right about now."
  1275. >You then take her back into the palace as Maud continues following
  1276. >Then you whisper to Maud
  1277. "Okay, the prank is over now. Do you know where the food is?"
  1278. >"Hey Starlight, where's the food?"
  1279. >Maud then asks her, apparently not knowing either
  1280. >"I've... Got some Funyuns in my room."
  1281. >So you help her get back to her room without falling down
  1282. >Sit her back in her bean bag chair
  1283. >Then hand her a bag of Funyuns after finding them
  1284. >Before you know it she's happily munching on them
  1285. >You then leave her to her high as you leave her room
  1286. >Leaving you and Maud in the hallway
  1287. "So uhhmmm... What now?"
  1288. >You ask after realizing you don't know what there is to do now
  1289. >"Sex."
  1290. >Maud says without even thinking about it
  1291. >Oh right
  1292. >It's her belief that 'night time is for sex'
  1294. "I don't know if I've recovered much from todays 'activities'..."
  1295. >You say hoping she'll go easy on you
  1296. >"Doesn't matter, need sex."
  1297. >She says before dragging you to the room across the hallway
  1298. >You feel yourself give in to the inevitable
  1299. >Hoping at the very least that your pelvis survives intact
  1300. >Maud starts stripping you down without even closing the door
  1301. "W-wait Maud! Shouldn't we close that?!"
  1302. >"It's fine, there's nobody here except Starlight and us. Cleaning is mostly handled by stuff like those disk shaped cleaning robots."
  1303. >You're pushed to the floor once you're naked
  1304. >it's weird, but you can't help being thankful she didn't take you to a price of furniture
  1305. >Like she'd learned her lesson from breaking your bed
  1306. >Then you remembered your bed is still broken
  1307. >Maud is getting ready to mount you and is hovering over you
  1308. >Right after that you feel a wet sensation around your dick
  1309. >It feels different from before, but you aren't entirely sure how
  1310. >"It was good how you didn't back down from saying you're my boyfriend, but I would like to hear you say something committal about being my boyfriend before we start."
  1311. >Before we start?
  1312. >Isn't she already?
  1313. >You try to look down away from her face, but she grabs your cheeks to keep your eyes on her eyes
  1314. >"Just for that, it has to be extra committal."
  1315. >Extra committal, she says
  1316. >You're not sure she really knows what it means at this point
  1317. >The wet sensation on your shaft moves up and down your length, and grows more energetic
  1318. >What does she even expect now, and 'extra committal' compared to what?
  1319. >You'd might as well just take a shot in the dark
  1320. "I'm your boyfriend, and your boyfriend first and foremost. I am your boyfriend and will continue to be your boyfriend for the foreseeable future. The only reason I would ever stop being your boyfriend is if we got married."
  1321. >Which you absolutely can't get married, but might as well mention imaginary hypotheticals
  1323. >"Marriage would be nice. Promise to marry me some day."
  1324. >She can't be serious right?
  1325. >The sensation around your shaft intensifies further, and you feel like you'll cum soon
  1326. >"We can get married back in the mountainous region the family rock farm is. So promise me you will."
  1327. >You'll agree just to pacify her, but that couldn't actually be true could it?
  1328. >"I will."
  1329. >It feels like a vacuum cleaner is on your dick now
  1330. >Making you cum as it's sucked out of you almost painfully
  1331. >The wet sensation lifts off your dick as suddenly as it went on you
  1332. >"Okay, now that I'm satisfied with your level of commitment. Let's begin."
  1333. >Seriously, didn't we already start and finish a round?
  1334. >Suddenly Starlight appears and drapes herself on Maud's shoulders
  1335. >"Hey Maud... Whatcha doin'?"
  1336. >"Having sex with my boyfriend."
  1337. >"Sounds hot."
  1338. >Starlight says absent mindedly
  1339. >"Reminds me of a dream I had recently about sucking Anon's dick."
  1340. >Hrm...
  1341. >Maybe that actually happened
  1342. >"Why would you suck my boyfriend's dick?"
  1343. >Maud asks like she expects an answer
  1344. >"Of course I wouldn't do it for real, but haven't you ever... Heard about someone so much it makes you want to know if they live up to the hype?"
  1345. >"How was it in the dream?"
  1346. >"Eh, about a four out of five. It was alright."
  1347. >She pauses for a moment
  1348. >"Did I ever tell you about the time I basically led a cult? Really not proud of it, but one upside is that... Let me tell you. Cult leaders get laid sooooo much it's crazy."
  1349. >"You don't say."
  1350. >Maud responds, and you worry how intrigued she might be
  1351. "Don't start a cult, Maud."
  1352. >"Of course not Anon, I wasn't considering that. Don't be ridiculous."
  1353. >"Yeah, cults are bad, m'kay."
  1354. >Starlight says sounding like a councilor
  1355. >She then makes herself comfortable on Maud's shoulders
  1356. >"Maud... You're a good friend."
  1357. >Starlight says while still sounding very high
  1358. >"I don't mean to be rude, Starlight, but could you please get off me. You're interrupting my sex."
  1360. >"Interrupting your what?"
  1361. >Starlight responds in a confused voice
  1362. >"Never mind."
  1363. >Maud then slams her hips down on you
  1364. >You weren't ready for it at all, and hits you like a ton of bricks
  1365. >Starlight falls off of Maud because of the sudden movement
  1366. >As well as losing her balance
  1367. >"W-whoaaa!..."
  1368. >She yells as she falls on her back
  1369. >Then Maud tries swirling her hips on you like Mom did
  1370. >It gave you some time to recover before she slammed her hips on you again
  1371. >While you're reeling it Starlight lays on her stomach next to you
  1372. >"Hey there, little buddy, how's it going?"
  1373. >You strain yourself to speak, just because you feel obligated to
  1374. "Fine... It's going fi-"
  1375. >You get cut off by Maud slamming her hips down on you again
  1376. >"Cool, cool. I have a funny taste in my mouth."
  1377. >She says next without any awareness
  1378. "You don't say..."
  1379. >"Wanna make out?"
  1380. >Starlight asks out of nowhere
  1381. >"You can't make out with my boyfriend, Starlight."
  1382. >Maud says while continuing to ride you hard
  1383. >Starlight looks disappointed
  1384. >"Hey, could you help set me up with a guy? Maybe a friend of yours? You'd think it'd be easy to get laid living in a palace, but it's like nobody's biting..."
  1385. >She complains while the endurance of your pelvis is tested
  1386. >You couldn't tell it was coming because your dick is numb, but you suddenly cum inside Maud
  1387. >Biting your lips as you felt your orgasm anyway
  1388. >"Whoa, party foul!"
  1389. >Starlight says lightly
  1390. >"Someone could get pregnant."
  1391. >She continues
  1392. >"Wanna have kids, Maud?"
  1393. >"I will write the stork when I'm married to him."
  1394. >Maud says like she's serious
  1395. >"The stork? You are just adorable, you know that Maud?"
  1396. >"What are you saying? That the stork isn't real?"
  1397. >You are dumbfounded
  1398. >She's a god damn adult here!
  1399. >How could she actually think a fucking stork delivers babies?!
  1400. >Starlight starts laughing uncontrollably
  1401. >This makes Maud stop her hips, and rest on top of you
  1403. "Maud... You're an adult! You have to actually know where babies come from by now!"
  1404. >"It's not the stork?"
  1405. >Maud says like she really actually thinks it
  1406. >Starlight is still laughing too hard to say anything more on it
  1407. "Sex is how babies are made Maud! Sex is! Sex makes a woman pregnant, and she gives birth! Damn! You'd think at least Mom would have told you, or you'd hear about it on TV, the internet... Something!"
  1408. >"When I asked my mom, she said the stork."
  1409. >For crying out loud!
  1410. >"Parents sometimes say that to little kids when they don't want to talk about sex with their kids!"
  1411. >"Oh. Well now I feel silly."
  1412. >You go limp on the floor, and don't know what to do
  1413. >Just leave your body, Anon, and go into the light
  1414. >Not really, but god damn this is ridiculous
  1415. >"Do you think I'm pregnant now?"
  1416. >Maud asks you
  1417. "I really hope not! Do you have any idea how much trouble we'd be in if you were?!"
  1418. >"Just a little?"
  1419. >Maud says, and she has to be joking or something
  1420. >She's just been messing with you this whole time, right?
  1421. >"Wanna keep doing it? I still need sex."
  1422. >This sex addict is going to be the death of you
  1423. >"I'd like sex too..."
  1424. >Starlight complains lying on her back now
  1425. >"Well you can't with Anon, he's mine."
  1426. >Maud responds
  1427. >"Yeah yeah... You don't need to keep telling me..."
  1428. >"Why wrap your nephew around your finger anyway? Wouldn't you rather find a man closer to your age, who isn't related to you?"
  1429. >Starlight asks point blank
  1430. >"He's male, cute and attractive, with a good personality, and conveniently within reach."
  1431. >"That sounds like it makes sense when you put it like that, but I'm sure there are more compatible men."
  1432. >"I thought Mud Brier was that, and look how that turned out. 'Conventional' thinking won't help me."
  1433. >"I hope you know what you're getting yourself, as well as Anon into."
  1434. >"I'm sure the man for me is out there somewhere..."
  1435. >Starlight says whimsically with a hand up like she's reaching for the sky
  1437. >In a surprising twist it turns out there is something Maud cares about more than sex
  1438. >She gets off of you to go next to Starlight
  1439. >Maud pats Starlights head to reassure her
  1440. >You sigh before thinking of something
  1441. "How about... If I try to help you out? I have a friend just entering college who I think might be a good match. Would you prefer if I give you his number, or if I set up a blind date?"
  1442. >"I think the blind date sounds better. I'm worried about it getting off on the wrong foot if I just called him without being introduced or anything."
  1443. "Yeah, fair enough. I'll see what I can work out and get back to you on it."
  1444. >There was something you were curious about though
  1445. "So what school do you work at anyway? I basically know all the schools in the area, and I hadn't seen a school with you as principal."
  1446. >"That's because the one I work at is a private school instead of a public one. It's a private campus that mainly focuses on helping students learn social skills on top of the standard required curriculum."
  1447. >That definitely sounds like a school Maud could have seriously benefited from
  1448. >Starlight turns to Maud
  1449. >"Want to spend the night in my room? Have a girl's night?"
  1450. >Maud nodded before grabbing Starlight's hand to help her up
  1451. >This is your chance to not sleep with Maud, and maybe make it to morning with a still unbroken pelvis
  1452. "Sounds great you two. I'm sure it's been a while since you bonded like that, and you could really use it. By the way... Where's a guest room I can stay instead?"
  1453. >Starlight chuckles a little
  1454. >"This is a guest room we're in right now, and I thought I was the one who was high."
  1455. >It actually gets a hearty chuckle out of you
  1456. >Even though that one was at your expense
  1457. >It's a little messy in here now, but you suppose it's probably not your problem
  1458. >"Oh, you two should probably get yourselves cleaned up though. I'll show you where you can shower."
  1459. >She says as she starts guiding Maud
  1461. >Some warm water probably could do your sore muscles some good
  1462. >You wince as you get up from the floor
  1463. >Then following them it's only a short distance to the shower
  1464. >Starlight then turns to Maud
  1465. >"Hey, shower with me Maud. So I don't fall down."
  1466. >Maud seems to hesitate before agreeing
  1467. >Starlight is seriously saving you from Maud wearing you down further
  1468. >You wait outside the showers until they both get back out
  1469. >"Don't worry about hot water Anon, there's always plenty. We have a modern water heater, and a massive hot water tank."
  1470. >You weren't thinking about that anyway, but good to know
  1471. >Inside you see it's a large shower facility with at least 10 shower heads
  1472. >Maybe waiting outside wasn't 100% necessary, but whatever
  1473. >After taking that warm shower you definitely feel better
  1474. >Your muscles feel soothed even if still weak
  1475. >Then you got ready for bed, and crawled right into that bed in the guest room
  1476. >Falling asleep very quickly
  1478. >The next morning you wake up feeling terrible like you did yesterday morning
  1479. >Remembering what happened last night you feel very worried
  1480. >Things are spiraling out of control, and you really need to do something about it
  1481. >There's one drastic idea that comes to mind
  1482. >Not the most drastic idea, but one you hoped you'd never have to do
  1483. >You get out your cell phone, and call Grandma's number
  1484. >She picks up quickly because she's a morning person
  1485. >"Anon! How's my adorable little grandson doing? It's so nice of you to call."
  1486. >Cloudy Quartz has always been such a doting grandma with you
  1487. >Even if she seems to treat most people like they're lazy scum
  1488. >You really only see her on holidays
  1489. >Though when you see her the drastic tonal shift between talking to you, and basically anyone else is super obvious
  1490. "I'm going fine, Grandma, and you sound lovely as always. Except I've actually got a bit of a problem I'm hoping I could get your help with."
  1492. >"Oh... What's the matter deary? Is it a girl problem? Grandma will help you feel better... And destroy any two bit tramp who hurt my grandson!"
  1493. >Well, it kind of is
  1494. "It's Maud actually. Her boyfriend broke up with her, and she hasn't been taking it very well at all. I've been trying to help her, but things are spiraling out of control. She's far too strong and stubborn for me to try and reign her in. So I'm really hoping you could help."
  1495. >"Such a considerate grandson! Of course I'll help! Should I come down right now?"
  1496. "I'm away from home right now, but I should be back home in the afternoon. How about then?"
  1497. >"It's a date, Anon! See you then!"
  1498. >She then blows a kiss through the phone before hanging up
  1499. >There are other people you know of course that could 'solve the problem'
  1500. >Though this is really a very delicate matter
  1501. >So you really think it's best to just have the highest authority in your family handle it
  1502. >Actually, maybe Grandpa technically has higher authority, but Grandma definitely feels like the right choice to solve this
  1503. >You feel a bit like a tattle tale for calling Grandma about it like that
  1504. >Though you can't underestimate how serious this problem with Maud is
  1505. >What if she tried to hard line you being her boyfriend with someone less 'sympathetic' to it?
  1506. >It'd only be a matter of time
  1507. >While you have your phone out you call your friends too
  1508. >First just letting them know you aren't dead
  1509. >Then talking like normal
  1510. >You didn't talk about your recent problems with them though
  1511. >For obvious reasons
  1512. >Still, you couldn't avoid the topic entirely
  1513. >"So, your aunt Maud has been keeping you pretty busy huh?"
  1514. "Yeah, she's really not taking the break up well. So it's been a full time job taking care of her."
  1515. >"Sounds rough, but I'm sure you'll get through it."
  1516. "I really hope so."
  1517. >"It's not like you to worry so much. I'm sure it'll be fine."
  1518. "I suppose you're right. Then we can go hang out or something."
  1520. >"Not gonna be as fun without you dude, but I get it."
  1521. >You finish up in the group call with your friends before hanging up
  1522. >Then decide to check if Maud and Starlight are awake
  1523. >Knocking on the door to Starlight's room there's no answer
  1524. >As you wonder if they can't hear it you smell something
  1525. >Following the smell leads you to a kitchen
  1526. >Where Starlight is making bacon and eggs
  1527. >Maud is waiting at the table, and invites you to sit with her
  1528. >You sit in the chair next to her and wait as well
  1529. >She doesn't seem to want to do anything with you as a 'girlfriend' while waiting
  1530. >It just doesn't really make sense to you why she's so into some aspects of a 'relationship' while not caring as much about others
  1531. >Like kissing and flirting
  1532. >Soon breakfast is ready, and Starlight serves it
  1533. >"Thanks, Starlight. Looks great!"
  1534. >You say out out of courtesy before starting to eat
  1535. >It actually is pretty good
  1536. >Though you definitely won't say it's not as good as Mom's cooking
  1537. >"No problem Anon. How long do you plan to stay anyway? I don't work much during the summer, but I'll need to head out in a few hours."
  1538. "We should probably head back home soon anyway. I'm sure Mom is missing me too."
  1539. >"I wouldn't want to get in the way of your work Starlight, but let's do this again soon. It was fun."
  1540. >Maud says after finishing her food
  1541. >"I'll have plenty of time while Summer vacation is still on. So call me whenever you have time, and I'll see if I'm free too."
  1542. >"Sounds good, I'll try to remember that."
  1543. >It's nice to see Maud having a real social connection
  1544. >Brings a smile to your face
  1545. >"Let's get packed then, Anon."
  1546. >Maud says before getting up from the table
  1547. "Do you want help cleaning dishes first?"
  1548. >You ask to be helpful
  1549. >"Nah, it's fine. Thanks for offering though. Pinkie may exaggerate online, but you are a good boy."
  1550. >Starlight ruffles your hair a little
  1551. >"You've got some nice poofy hair too. Definitely got that from your mom."
  1553. >She then remarks with a soft smile before you went to gather your things
  1554. >After you and Maud were both ready to leave Starlight saw you both off
  1555. >You waved good bye as Maud pulled away from the palace in her car
  1556. >Then you realized you forgot to get her contact info to give her updates about the blind date you're going to set her up for
  1557. >At least you could probably still get that from Maud
  1558. >It's quiet on the way back because Maud remains one who's not into small talk
  1559. >Once home you head in with your stuff
  1560. >Of course Mom greets you first thing when you enter the house
  1561. >"Welcome back Nonners! Did you have fun?"
  1562. "Yeah, Mom. Also Maud had plenty of fun too. She and Starlight are gonna hang out again soon."
  1563. >"Sounds wonderful, Nonners! Did you help?"
  1564. >She says almost suggestively
  1565. "Come on Mom, I'm not a social engineer like you. Though I might have helped things along a little."
  1566. >Mom gives you a kiss and a big old hug
  1567. >"That's my Nonners!"
  1568. >Then Maud comes into the house too
  1569. >"Maud! I heard you had tons of fun!"
  1570. >Mom asks excitedly
  1571. >"Yeah, I actually did. It'd been a long time since I really enjoyed socializing like that."
  1572. >Mom looks overjoyed hearing Maud say that
  1573. >"Also Anon is going to help Starlight get a boyfriend."
  1574. >Maud announces unexpectedly
  1575. >Mom nudges you teasingly
  1576. >"Is my little Nonners getting into the matchmaking business~?"
  1577. "I just wanted to help her out..."
  1578. >You say feeling a little embarrassed about it
  1579. >"That's the best reason for matchmaking!"
  1580. >She says encouragingly while hugging you more
  1581. "I'm still gotta put my stuff back in my room, but I'll be right back so you can hug and kiss me more. I promise~."
  1582. >You joke and chuckle a little to yourself
  1583. >"I'm totally gonna hold you to that~!"
  1584. >Mom says almost jokingly, but she sounds like she means it too
  1585. >You take your stuff to your room after she lets go
  1586. >Then you go right back to Mom like you promised
  1587. >She goes right back to hugging and kissing you too
  1589. >Maud isn't there, and you think she must be unpacking her stuff again
  1590. >Mom holds and kisses you a few more times before saying something
  1591. >"I'm gonna head to the store Nonners. Do you need anything?"
  1592. "Not that I can think of, but do you want me to come with?"
  1593. >"Do you want to help me shop, or go on a date?"
  1594. >Mom asks before giggling
  1595. >"Just kidding~. It's a short shopping trip though, so I'll be back soon."
  1596. >She says before letting go, and heading out the door with an affectionate wave
  1597. >Then you were by yourself for a bit
  1598. >If Grandma arrives now it'll feel like a secret operation or something
  1599. >Just then you hear the doorbell ring
  1600. >Thinking it's Grandma, you immediately answer the door
  1601. >However you see aunt Limestone there
  1602. "Aunt Limey~!"
  1603. >You say affectionately before going to give her a hug in greeting
  1604. >She puts you in a head lock before starting to question you
  1605. >"Maud wasn't at her house! Are you hiding her?! Out with it!"
  1606. >You strain to talk with her arm around your throat
  1607. "I was the one who called in the first place, and why are doing this?! I'd called Grandma for help!"
  1608. >She loosens the head lock, but doesn't let go of you either
  1609. >"I'd heard Mom talk about going to solve a problem with Maud, and thought I'd do my own problem solving."
  1610. >She says in a stern voice
  1611. "Maud is here because Pinkie is letting her stay with us, but it's a 'delicate' problem."
  1612. >You try to explain
  1613. >Limestone doesn't like your answer though, and tightens it back into a head lock
  1614. >"You'd better explain better than that."
  1615. >She says like a 'bad cop' in an interrogation room
  1616. "Long version, or short version?"
  1617. >You ask for clarification
  1618. >"Short version."
  1619. >She says impatiently
  1620. "Well..."
  1621. >You say first to brace yourself
  1623. "Maud's boyfriend broke up with her, and she hasn't been taking it well. So Mom let her stay with us to help her feel better. Now she's making me be her 'boyfriend' pretty forcefully, and so seriously that if she doesn't tone it down a notch all hell could break loose!"
  1624. >Gears visibly turn in her head as she thinks about what you just told her
  1625. >She tightens the head lock on you even more, and you can't breathe
  1626. >"Well maybe if you weren't such a man-whore of a tease, you wouldn't have led a naive girl like Maud along like that!"
  1627. >You pat Limestone's arm in surrender before you suffocate
  1628. >She loosens it back up and you take a much needed breath of air
  1629. "I'm not a man-whore! She just suddenly forced herself on me, and I only wanted to help! I don't want her to get hurt either! I just don't want her to get the law involved by going too far, or get hurt publicly by telling the wrong people the wrong things!"
  1630. >She looks you in the eyes with a piercing stare
  1631. >"So... Forcefulness works does it?"
  1632. >She says before suddenly locking lips with you
  1633. >You try to resist, but it's pointless
  1634. >When she pulls back you give her a piece of your mind
  1635. "That wasn't the take away you were supposed to get from it!"
  1636. >Limestone thinks for a moment
  1637. >"You're right! If I can convince Maud to not make you be her boyfriend, then I can make you be my boyfriend!"
  1638. "That's an even worse take away from it! I'm your nephew too!"
  1639. >"Just shut up and let me kiss you! You... You... Adorable little man-whore!"
  1640. >She then goes back to kissing you
  1641. >Another car pulls up, and you worry who it might be
  1642. >Then you hear Grandma's voice
  1643. >"Just what do you think you're doing Limestone?! You'd better not try telling me it's mouth to mouth resuscitation!"
  1644. >Limestone stops kissing you, and gets an embarrassed blush
  1645. "Thank god you're here, Grandma! It's been a mad house these past few days, and now Limestone is kissing me too! She even called me a man-whore!"
  1647. >"It's not my fault! Anon's being a man-whore!"
  1648. >"Quit being a man-whore, Anon, or at least don't complain about it."
  1649. "But I'm not a man-whore!"
  1650. >"I hate to break this to you deary, because you're my adorable Grandson, and I love you dearly..."
  1651. >She says before pausing
  1652. >"You are a bit of a man-whore though."
  1653. "Not you too Grandma!"
  1654. >"So what is the problem with Maud?"
  1655. >Grandma asks both of you
  1656. >"Anon's become so much of a man-whore, that's he's let Maud think he's her new boyfriend! She thinks he's her boyfriend so strongly she might tell everyone about it, and get the law on her!"
  1657. >Grandma looks at you with a very disappointed look on her face
  1658. >"Anon, Anon, Anon..."
  1659. >She says while shaking her head
  1660. >"Where's Pinkie, and why isn't she dealing with Maud?"
  1661. >Grandma asks you
  1662. "She's out on a shopping trip, and she knows but isn't taking it seriously. Also I don't want to argue with her about it. Especially with how protective she is of Maud..."
  1663. >Then Limestone looks at you strangely
  1664. >"It's happening with Pinkie too, isn't it?!"
  1665. >She tightens her arm around your neck so hard you think it might break
  1666. >"Limestone! You'll hurt him like that!"
  1667. >Grandma pleads as she comes closer
  1668. >"Come on Limestone. Taking your frustration out on him like that won't solve anything."
  1669. >Grandma says to calm her down
  1670. >Limestone looses her arm with a huff, but still doesn't let go entirely
  1671. >"Now if you could just let go of him so we can all go in, and talk to Maud..."
  1672. >"Why? So you can convince Maud to let you have Anon to yourself? I know you want to!"
  1673. >"Now that is a spurious accusation! I can love my cute grandson without 'wanting' him that way!"
  1674. >"Then even if you could make out with him, right now, you wouldn't try to do it? All you have to do is be forceful and you could make out with him."
  1675. >"How brutish! That's no way to pick up a man! No wonder you're still single! I'll show you how it's done! Purely for demonstration purposes of course!"
  1677. >Grandma uses hand gestures to command Limestone off of you, and she complies
  1678. >She comes walking up to you with a saunter
  1679. >Before tripping and falling in a very painful looking way
  1680. >You rush over to her because you're worried about her
  1681. "Grandma! Are you okay?!"
  1682. >You ask as you start trying to help her up
  1683. >She leans into you after you get her standing
  1684. >"I think so, but I know a home remedy that might help..."
  1685. >She pauses for a moment
  1686. >"It's a shrimp gumbo soup... There's a diner in town that makes it very well since I can't do it myself right now..."
  1687. "Okay Grandma, let's go get it so you can heal up quickly!"
  1688. >She then grins at you smugly
  1689. >Then stands normally before holding you more strongly
  1690. >"See 'little girl', That's how you get a date! At a fine diner no less!"
  1691. "Grandma! I thought you were really hurt!"
  1692. >"Hush you, to teach you a lesson. I'm going to make you not only take me to the diner, but pay for the meal too!"
  1693. >"Teach him a lesson, eh?"
  1694. >Limestone says in a smug and condescending tone
  1695. >"You hush too! It's not a real date unless I say it is! So I'm just teaching him a lesson!"
  1696. "Grandma! You can't go on a date with your grandson, and what about Grandpa?!"
  1697. >"I said it's not a real date! Besides... Your Grandpa and I are seeing other people."
  1698. >"Mother!"
  1699. >Limestone yells in shock
  1700. >"You don't know what it's like to be in an arranged marriage for decades. Sure he's a nice enough guy, but how are either of us supposed to find passion if we don't look for it?"
  1701. >"Maybe we'll be just find each other again, and be back together with more passion than ever. We won't get that if we just stay stuck in a rut!"
  1702. "Well I can't be that passion Grandma! You need to find someone..."
  1703. >"What? Older? You think I can't score a man your age? Not related to me? You think the people in the homeland ever cared about that? Now it sounds like you're challenging me!"
  1704. >Limestone stands up angrily
  1705. >"See! I told you he's being a man-whore!"
  1707. >Now of all things Maud comes outside
  1708. >"What's all the yelling about?"
  1709. >Maud asks pointedly
  1710. "I'll ask you now, is Anon being a man-whore?!"
  1711. >Limestone asks her point blank
  1712. >"What's a 'man-whore'?"
  1713. >Limestone looks mad before remembering who she's talking to
  1714. >"It's a man who attracts the attention of multiple women, and let's them have their way with him!"
  1715. >"Oh, then yes. He's being a man-whore."
  1716. "Come on, Maud!"
  1717. >"It's simply a factual statement."
  1718. >Maud says plainly
  1719. >"So..."
  1720. >Grandma start before clearing her throat
  1721. >"I've actually come to talk to you about Anon being your boyfriend."
  1722. >Then Limestone cuts in
  1723. >"Mom wants him to be her boyfriend instead."
  1724. >"Limestone! That's not it, and you know it! That's what you wanted!"
  1725. >Grandma clears her throat again more loudly
  1726. >"You really need to tone down the possessiveness. At least make sure not to do it in public. Also be a little less forceful with the poor man-whore. He really just can't help making you want to make him yours, but if you corner him it'll only make him want to escape once you aren't looking."
  1727. >Maud seems to glare at Limestone for a bit before looking to Grandma
  1728. >"Sounds like solid advice, but do you want him to yourself?"
  1729. >"She set herself up on a date with him at her favorite fine diner."
  1730. >Limestone remarks while pouting a bit
  1731. >"I keep telling you it's not a real date Limestone! It's just a lesson in not being so easy!"
  1732. >"Yeah right! Nobody would believe that! Not even Maud here, right Maud?!"
  1733. >Limestone asks as she turns to Maud
  1734. >Maud is silent for a second
  1735. >"If you can give him a kiss on the lips, and call him 'boyfriend' without getting flustered. Then I'll believe it's not a real date."
  1736. >Grandma looks angry at that
  1737. >"No girl could do that without getting flustered!"
  1738. >"Then I won't believe it's not a real date."
  1739. >Maud then speaks to both Limestone and Grandma
  1740. >"Don't be jealous because I grabbed him first."
  1742. >"Fine! I'll show you I can do it! I'm not some hormonal teenage girl! I can do it without getting flustered no problem!"
  1743. >She pauses for a moment while looking around
  1744. >"We're going inside the house first. We've been pretty loud, and making a scene out here."
  1745. >She then storms into the house while grabbing you by the shirt collar along the way."
  1746. >Everyone else obviously follows
  1747. >Then Grandma holds you against her while looking into your eyes
  1748. "W-wait Grandma! You're not really gonna do that are you?!"
  1749. >"Don't try to sabotage me deary, or I'll add a night time carriage ride to the lesson. This'll just be a platonic kiss on the lips, and I'll call you 'boyfriend' without really meaning it."
  1750. >"Now pucker up and close you eyes, deary."
  1751. >Grandma says with a blush
  1752. >"You're already flustered, Mom. So you fail."
  1753. >"Maud! Let me do the whole challenge first before you decide that!"
  1754. >Grandma then suddenly starts kissing you
  1755. >Way too deeply to be a platonic kiss
  1756. >"Boyfriend."
  1757. >She said with a low growl after breaking away from the kiss
  1758. "Grandma! That really sounded like you meant it!"
  1759. >You say with your own blush
  1760. >"Please don't do that again, Mom."
  1761. >Maud asks before coming up and pulling you away from her
  1762. >Then Grandma grabs you again even though she can't pull you away from Maud
  1763. >"You forget your place, Maud! I can order you to hand him over!"
  1764. >"I know you won't though. Since that would tarnish the respect of your position."
  1765. >"I want him though! Don't you understand how hard it is to find a young man as cute and lovable as him?!"
  1766. >"Of course I do, and that's why I don't want to hand him over."
  1767. >"You probably just want sex though! I know how you are! You don't need a boy as sweet and affectionate as him just to fuck! Just get a dildo!"
  1768. >"A dildo wouldn't be the same, and I love him."
  1769. >"You could get a huge dildo, and could break it by being too rough without hurting Anon!"
  1770. >"That sounds like a good point, but I still want Anon."
  1772. >"If I show you how to get one, would you stop being stubborn about letting me have him for a while?"
  1773. >Grandma asks while talking around you
  1774. >"How about I let you act like he's your boyfriend, while still considering him mine."
  1775. >"Close enough, but is that what you have going with Pinkie?"
  1776. >"Yes."
  1777. >"How did Pinkie get you to agree to that anyway?"
  1778. >"She said he could be her boyfriend too if he's a 'bad boy'. I didn't understand it, so I didn't question it."
  1779. >You get Grandma's attention
  1780. "What about if I agree to it?!"
  1781. >"Just be my boyfriend Anon."
  1782. "But Grandma!"
  1783. >"Be my boyfriend Anon, that's an order."
  1784. "What about not cornering me?!"
  1785. >"That was just something I said. Now quit arguing and by my boyfriend."
  1786. "Okay..."
  1787. >"You weren't supposed to agree so easily Anon! You're still being too easy!"
  1788. >Then she looked at everyone else in the room
  1789. >"You all heard that though, right?! He's my boyfriend now!"
  1790. "Grandm-"
  1791. >You try to say before getting cut off with a finger to your lips
  1792. >"Just call me Cloudy now. It would be improper for my new boyfriend to call me 'grandma'."
  1793. >"What about me?!"
  1794. >Limestone pouts
  1795. >"Figure that out on your own!"
  1796. >Grandma said sternly and bluntly
  1797. >She folds her arms in a pout and starts skulking
  1798. >You have to admit Grandma looks young for her age, but this still feels really weird
  1799. >"Tell me how pretty I am!"
  1800. >Grandma commands you with a hint of neediness in her voice
  1801. "You could pass for Mom's older sister, and it's like you found the fountain of youth."
  1802. >You try to keep your flattery grounded in truth so it's more sincere
  1803. >Grandma let's her hair down from that bun she usually keeps it in
  1804. >It actually looks pretty great
  1805. "Wow... Gr-Cloudy, your hair looks great like that. Why'd you ever decide to put it in a bun in the first place?"
  1806. >Grandma blushes deeply for a moment
  1807. >She toys with her hair a little before responding, and it looks cute
  1809. >"I didn't want a lot of attention back then, and it was a popular hairstyle then among 'proper' women..."
  1810. >Grandma explains while looking very flustered
  1811. >"I'm docking you some points for almost calling me 'grandma'. So get me a desert on our date too!"
  1812. "So it is a real date!"
  1813. >You say as a knee jerk reaction
  1814. >"It is now! Since you're my boyfriend I don't have to pretend anymore!"
  1815. >Nobody had actually believed it wasn't
  1816. >"What's with that look on your face?! Did you dare doubt me?! Give me a kiss as an apology, and like you mean it!"
  1817. >Could you actually kiss your grandma that way?
  1818. >A week ago you'd have been disgusted and horrified to even be asked if you would
  1819. >Yet now it's something you basically have to do
  1820. >Sure she's not bad looking, but she's still your grandma
  1821. >Kissing your hot mom, or being kissed by your aunt is one thing
  1822. >This is your grandma!
  1823. >"Two deserts."
  1824. >Grandma said in a stern tone
  1825. >You'll be in serious debt at this rate
  1826. >So you lean in and start kissing her
  1827. >Closing your eyes first helps you be able to go through with it
  1828. >It doesn't feel as gross as your common sense tells you it would
  1829. >You try kissing her deeply enough she'd be satisfied
  1830. >When you stop she doesn't look like it was entirely good enough
  1831. >"It's not bad, but it looks like I'm going to have to teach you how to kiss properly."
  1832. >She then thinks of something with a giddy look on her face
  1833. >"Oooh, I could try that new anti-aging treatment I head about! It's only temporary of course, but I heard it works wonders!"
  1834. >She then looks at you seductively
  1835. >"Would you like that? I might even look younger than my daughters after it~."
  1836. >She doesn't wait for your response before apparently deciding to do it
  1837. >"After all, I feel so much younger already~."
  1838. >She says dreamily before rocking you in her arms and kissing you again
  1839. >Then you hear a car pull into the drive way
  1840. >Soon the door crashes open
  1841. >"I'm home Nonners~! What's with all the car-"
  1843. >She says before stopping in her tracks
  1844. >"Your 'Nonners' has a new 'girlfriend'."
  1845. >Limestone says sarcastically and sounding more than a little angry
  1846. >"Mom?!"
  1847. >Your mom yells out in shock
  1848. >"Your father and I are seeing other people, and I want to feel young again!"
  1849. >Grandma yells defensively while holding you closer
  1850. >"Why my Nonners then?!"
  1851. >"You know why Pinkamena! You raised him to be so cute and charming! He makes every girl want him without knowing how flirty he is! He's a man-whore!"
  1852. "Nonnnnnners!"
  1853. >Mom yells in a whiny tone as her attention turns to you
  1854. >"Did you really agree to be your grandma's boyfriend?!"
  1855. "As a witness, I can say he did. She ordered him to do it, but he did give in and agree."
  1856. >"Moooooom! Don't just order my little Nonners to be your boyfriend! That's not cool!"
  1857. >"Just let me have this Pinkamena! Maud dared me to kiss him and call him 'boyfriend' without getting flustered! I couldn't do it and it just made me want him being my boyfriend to be real very very badly!"
  1858. >Maybe it does make you a man-whore, but hearing her plead like that makes you feel sympathetic to her
  1859. >You softly stroke her hair to soothe her
  1860. >"Well... If Nonners isn't mad about it, then I suppose I could let him play 'boyfriend' for you... You'd better be nice to him though!"
  1861. >"Of course Pinkamena! He's my precious grandson! I'd never even think to do anything to hurt him! Also, what do you mean by 'play' boyfriend?"
  1862. >"Moooom! You can't be serious! This isn't the homeland! We can play a couple for fun here, but we can't be in a relationship with him for real!"
  1863. >"It sounded to me like you were serious about wanting an actual relationship with him."
  1864. >Maud says as she suddenly speaks up
  1865. >"Wanting something and actually being able to have something are two separate things!"
  1866. >"So what's actually stopping you? That some people say it's 'wrong'?"
  1867. >Grandma says in a teasing tone
  1869. >"Are you just trying to make me jealous now?! Holding my Nonners while telling me it's okay to want a serious relationship with him?!"
  1870. >"It's not like I plan to have him be my boyfriend forever. Just a short fling at most, and who's to say who will have the biggest stake in him after that?"
  1871. >"Well obviously me! He's my Nonners and he loves me more than anyone else!"
  1872. >Mom declares with confidence
  1873. >"I say me because I made my claim of him first."
  1874. >Maud declares in her usual voice
  1875. >"Hey! Don't leave me out! It could happen!"
  1876. >Limestone says after being left out of the conversation for a while
  1877. >Then all three are glaring at each other
  1878. >"Now, now girls. Don't you go start fighting now. It's unladylike, and I'm sure our boy here wouldn't want that either."
  1879. >"Go on and tell them deary."
  1880. >She pushes you to jump in the middle of this brewing cat fighting
  1881. >You're scared to, but you also want things to defuse
  1882. "I mean... I'm not entirely sure how to you can actually settle things... What I do know is the very last thing I'd want is for any of you to get hurt, or have your sisterhood ruined by this."
  1883. >They all look at each other more softly
  1884. >"Okay, how about this..."
  1885. >Mom says before laying out an idea
  1886. >"We try to make this a 'fair' competition, and agree that even 'last place' can at minimum cuddle him and get a kiss occasionally. Nobody completely cut off from him."
  1887. >It's quiet for a moment, and you hope the other two accept it
  1888. >"I guess I could live with that."
  1889. >Limestone says with some eagerness in her voice
  1890. >You can't help but imagine a part of her has resigned to being 'last place' already
  1891. >"If it was anyone else, I'd want to hear more about what 'fair' entails, but I trust you to do this in good faith."
  1892. >Maud says with a slight nod
  1893. >"Though that leaves... How do we 'start'?"
  1894. >Mom asks sounding confused
  1895. >"Well, me and Limestone could stay here for a few days or so."
  1896. >"My house isn't a mansion Mom! What rooms would you stay in?!"
  1898. >"I could sleep on the couch."
  1899. >Limestone replies with a little less dignity than you expected from her
  1900. >"I could stay in Anon's room!"
  1901. >Grandma declares boldly
  1902. "Actually... You can't do that. Not because I'm not 'allowing' you to, but because my bed is broken. So there's no bed in my room."
  1903. >"Wait, what? How did that happen?"
  1904. >Grandma asks in confusion
  1905. >"That was my bad."
  1906. >Maud says plainly
  1907. >"Damn girl! I knew you were rough, but you actually broke his bed?!"
  1908. >Limestone says actually sounding a little impressed
  1909. >"Then first thing first, is we're getting him a new bed here. I won't stand for my precious grandson not having a bed in his own room!"
  1910. >Grandma orders sternly
  1911. >"Oh! I actually did get a new sturdy metal bed frame while I was out! It's still in my car."
  1912. >"I'll go get it and set it up!"
  1913. >Limestone says as she hops to it
  1914. >Sounding like she really wants to look helpful
  1915. >Almost makes you want to offer to let her sleep in the fixed bed with you out of pity
  1916. >Though your bed definitely isn't big enough for three people
  1917. >"Anon was going to sleep with me."
  1918. >Maud points out, and it seems strange now she didn't say it earlier
  1919. >"Limestone could sleep with you instead of on the couch."
  1920. >Grandma offers as a solution without giving up her plan to sleep in your room with you
  1921. >"No, no, no, no... I'm good, thank you."
  1922. >Limestone strongly turns down the idea like she's afraid of it
  1923. >You don't blame her, but you don't she'd have to worry as much as you would
  1924. "Do you really plan to sleep with me?"
  1925. >You ask grandma worryingly
  1926. >She chuckles a little
  1927. >"I'm not sex crazed or anything deary. I do only plan to just sleep with you, and nothing more than that."
  1928. >That's actually pretty relieving to hear
  1930. >"I want to sleep with him though."
  1931. >Maud reiterates
  1932. >Grandma does not look pleased
  1933. >"I wasn't going to harp on it, but I can tell he's really worn down. Just how rough with him have you been?"
  1934. "I really could use a break from that... Sorry Maud, no offense. Not many people are as sturdy as you are."
  1935. >"What should I do now then?"
  1936. >"What you and I are going to do, is I'm going to get you that dildo. I don't care how awkward it makes you. We're going to a sex shop, and picking one out for you. I seriously can't let you break the poor boy in half."
  1937. >You breathe a sigh of relief
  1938. "Thanks, grandma. I didn't think I'd ever need help that way, but seriously, thanks."
  1939. >"I'll let this one 'grandma' slide. Just because I love you. I really do want to look out for your health, deary."
  1940. >Grandma then gave you a kiss before letting go to head to Maud
  1941. >Then grabbing her hand to pull her outside to go do that 'shopping'
  1942. >Maud looks like she wants to object, but doesn't have the nerve to
  1943. >After that it's just you, Mom, and Limestone
  1944. >With less people, and less arguing you feel like it'd be easier to get a word in edgewise
  1945. >At least without feeling like you're sticking your neck out into danger unprompted
  1946. >In fact Mom encourages you to have a talk with Limestone one on one
  1947. >Mostly by gesturing with her head towards Limestone
  1948. >Who's kind of just standing there looking at you without knowing what to do with herself
  1949. "Let's have a seat on the couch and let's talk a bit."
  1950. >You say in as calm and soothing a voice as you can
  1951. >Before heading over to the couch, and patting on the couch next to you
  1952. >She comes and sits next to you happily
  1953. >Then you let her lean on you as you stroke her hair
  1954. "Limestone... I know we haven't talked much or gotten to know each other well. Maybe it's my fault for not paying more attention to you. I thought you liked being more independent and I'd be bugging you. So, I'm sorry for that."
  1956. >Limestone nuzzles into you without giving a clear response
  1957. "I'm sure you're having a hard time, but you really should take better care of yourself. Me being your boyfriend really doesn't seem like it'd really solve your problems."
  1958. >Limestone sniffles a bit before answering
  1959. >"I know... But what should I do?..."
  1960. "Maybe you could try to enjoy your hobbies more, or find some if you don't have any you're enjoying right now. If you don't feel like you have the time, maybe you could look at how you're spending your time to make room."
  1961. >"Well... I kind of like training for athletic competitions..."
  1962. "That could be fun. Maybe I could help you train a little, and maybe even help you find a guy at an athletic competition who likes them as much as you? It really would help if you found a guy who's more compatible with you. Rather than trying to make me your boyfriend. I'll always love you because I care about family, but I just don't know we have much in common."
  1963. >You stroker her hair and give her a hug to bring to point home that you do care about her, and want her to be happy
  1964. >Even if you are basically turning her down
  1965. >"Do you really think I could find someone that way?"
  1966. "I can't guarantee it, but the only way to find out if to try. Remember I'll be there to help you, and I'm sure Mom will want to help too."
  1967. >"Mom doesn't ever seem to want to help..."
  1968. >Limestone says in a glum voice
  1969. "I meant my Mom, Pinkie."
  1970. >"You bet Nonners! I'd totally help Limestone find a guy at a sports competition! I even already know which ones are coming up too!"
  1971. >Mom chimes in with two thumbs up
  1972. >The fact that it's summer is pretty convenient too
  1973. >Since there's lots of outdoor sports that'd be happening now
  1974. "In fact, maybe I could help you get some exercise now. I'm not really in good condition to exercise with you, but I could still try my hand at being an exercise coach."
  1975. >"I think I'll just stay and make lunch for everyone. Make sure she works up a sweat Nonners~!"
  1977. >Mom says encouragingly as she heads to the kitchen
  1978. >You pull Limestone off the couch and head outside with her
  1979. >Then once outside you try acting out bits you remember from training montages in movies and stuff
  1980. >At least the ones you actually could do if you had the right stuff around
  1981. >While doing this you catch yourself really appreciating how time compressed montages are to keep stuff like movies from getting boring
  1982. >The upside was at least Limestone seemed to have fun
  1983. >After a good while you headed back into the house with Limestone
  1984. >Grandma and Maud were back too, and you think their 'purchase' was already put away
  1985. >At least you didn't see either of them holding a big floppy dildo
  1986. >Lunch is ready too
  1987. >It's taco salad
  1988. >Probably one of the only kinds of food with 'salad' in the name Mom likes eating
  1989. >In a big party sized portion so there's plenty for everyone
  1990. >You end up sitting between Maud and Mom
  1991. >As the meal goes on you noticed them inching closer from both sides
  1992. >Until they were practically up against you
  1993. >Maud leans onto you before talking
  1994. >"So what kind of things do you like to do. I mean, besides me."
  1995. >Maud asks with a bluntness that makes you blush
  1996. "Well... I like parties, baking, jokes and pranks..."
  1997. >You try to remember something you like that doesn't mirror what Mom likes
  1998. "I have also tried table top role playing games a bit."
  1999. >"I've heard of that. Though I hadn't gotten much of a chance to try it."
  2000. "You really need a whole group of people to play it, but we'll see if it can happen."
  2001. >Mom snickers a little
  2002. >"Is my Nonners starting to turn into a nerd~?"
  2003. >She then pats you on the back
  2004. >"Just kidding Nonners! I'd played one with my friend Twilight once. It was alright."
  2005. "What I really liked when I heard about it was that you play with a group of friends, and have fun being creative together."
  2006. >At least that's the ideal of it
  2007. >Actually getting people together and having it go right is a bit harder than that
  2009. >As it can often be with heavily social activities
  2010. >You do everything you can to make sure it goes smoothly, but even the best party planners can't always prevent disaster
  2011. >People don't really give credit to just how much table top gaming benefits from social skills just because anti-social people most often play it
  2012. "What about you Maud? I know you like rocks, but what else is there?"
  2013. >"As I'm sure you remember I also like to go to the gym, and I also like kite flying. It's the main thing me and Starlight do together."
  2014. >Maud then pauses for a moment
  2015. >"Would you like to engage in further small talk, Anon?"
  2016. >It's just like Maud to not know people wouldn't normally ask something like that
  2017. "I wouldn't want to make you if you don't want to. What would you rather do instead?"
  2018. >It occurs to you what she might say in a sudden realization
  2019. "And don't say 'sex'."
  2020. >"Damn."
  2021. "Seriously Maud, we'd both be a lot better off if you could spend time with me without just it just being you wanting to have sex."
  2022. "I mean... I like it as much as the next guy, but a guy can only do it so much before they're worn down to nothing."
  2023. >Out of the corner of your eye you see Grandma nodding sagely
  2024. >"He's right Maud. One day, and hopefully soon you'll need to learn that having and maintaining a relationship can't revolve around just physical intimacy. You've got to be able to connect on a deeper level than that."
  2025. >She pauses to take a bite of food before continuing afterwards
  2026. >"God knows me and your father would have started to drift apart way sooner than that if we hadn't come to learn that ourselves. I actually do hope we can find that connection again after we spend some time apart."
  2027. >"I'll do my best."
  2028. >Maud says as she does her best 'determined' pose
  2029. >Kind of makes you want to root for her
  2030. >Even if you know what it means if she succeeds
  2031. >Mom gives you a hug and a kiss on the cheek
  2032. >"My cute little Nonners~."
  2033. >She says with a sigh as she embraces you tighter
  2035. >You hug her back as if by reflex
  2036. "I love you too, Mom~."
  2037. >Mom giggles super cutely
  2038. >"How much do you love me Nonners~?"
  2039. >Thinking about what she means by that, and what kind of answer she could want makes you blush a deep crimson
  2040. >Mom snickers smugly
  2041. >"That reaction is so cuuuuute~. I don't think I need to hear the answer now, I'm pretty sure I know what it iiiissss~."
  2042. >You think you almost see a facial reaction in Maud
  2043. >She turns to Grandma
  2044. >"Who do you think is 'winning' right now?"
  2045. >Maud asks like she expects a serious answer
  2046. >"What do you expect from me here? Do you really expect your little 'competition' to work like a serious competition? Also what do you think I look like, a score board?"
  2047. >"I expect you to be an impartial judge, yes, and also yes, respectively."
  2048. >You stifle a laugh after hearing that exchange
  2049. >Grandma gives a long weary sigh into her palms
  2050. >"Fine... Pinkie wins this round."
  2051. >Mom gives a 'victory' hand sign while holding you
  2052. >"Score one for Pinkie momma!"
  2053. >"Don't gloat too much or I'll take the point back."
  2054. >"Buuut Moooom!"
  2055. >"No buts, Pinkamena, no poor sportsmanship."
  2056. >Pinkie pouts a little about it adorably
  2057. >You pat her head while chuckling a little
  2058. "You can be so cute sometimes Mom~!"
  2059. >She immediately cheers up while letting you pat her head more
  2060. >Her little 'immature' moments only make her cuter, and also make you forget for a moment your actual age difference
  2061. >"Am I cute too, Anon?"
  2062. >Maud asks you expectantly
  2063. >You answer without thinking about while your head if full of light and fluffy feelings
  2064. "You have your own unique charms Maud. Like your straight forward honesty, and your direct forwardness can really make a guy feel wanted."
  2065. >You worry for a second Maud would be angry you didn't say she was cute, but she does seem to like the answer
  2066. >"Thank you for giving me a flattering and informative answer, Anon."
  2067. >She says patting your head before giving you a hug
  2069. >Maud patted your head a little hard you're sure she didn't mean to
  2070. >Now you're being hugged by both Mom and Maud
  2071. >"Now now, you two. Give the boy a little breathing room."
  2072. >Grandma says as both of them let go before checking to make sure you're alright
  2073. >Limestone seems to be getting frustrated being in the room for this
  2074. >"I think I'm just gonna head back home for now, and come back when Anon has time to train with me. You'd better not forget you promised to help me meet a guy at an athletic competition!"
  2075. >She then tries to leave as quickly as possible after finishing her lunch
  2076. >Though not before giving a quick 'thank you' for the food
  2077. >Needing to remember that also reminds you that you'd promised to help Starlight
  2078. >Then it was time to figure out what to do for the rest of the day
  2079. >Grandma chimes in first
  2080. >"How about if I take Anon into town, and you two try to work out how you'd 'schedule' who spends time with Anon when. Overlapping with each other like this all the time simply won't work."
  2081. >You can see Mom and Maud both at least partially agreeing
  2082. >"I and especially Anon can help finalize things when we get back, but try your best to work it out between you two."
  2083. "Where would you like to go?"
  2084. >You ask her so you'd have an idea of what she wants to do with you
  2085. >"Nowhere in particular. Let's just walk around town in the shopping center. Look around and see where the wind takes us."
  2086. >Then you remembered that's basically like a contemporary version of wandering the mall
  2087. "Yeah, that sounds fine. Don't be surprised if I'm not excited about the same things as you, but I'm sure we can have fun."
  2088. >"Of course deary, I definitely don't expect you to be excited about stuff like antiques. Though I'm sure there are stores there you'll want to look at too."
  2089. >Before you leave with Grandma you turn back to Mom and Maud
  2090. "I'm sure we'll be back before too long, and I hope you can agree on stuff without too much trouble."
  2092. >Then you wave as you head to Grandma's car with her
  2093. >It's a pretty old car but seems to run well
  2094. >She takes you to an older section of town
  2095. >With little cute old shops
  2096. >Finding somewhere to park wasn't because there aren't parking lots
  2097. >Though once you did you could start walking around with her
  2098. >You kind of expected it to be like a date, but it actually wasn't
  2099. >Just walking around with her you talked without her trying to flirt with you
  2100. >She looked at antique shops and such
  2101. >The most interesting thing for you that you found was old fashioned candy shops
  2102. >You may not have as much of a sweet tooth as Mom, but you certainly like sweets
  2103. >These shops sell stuff like traditional salt water taffy you'd be hard pressed find anywhere else
  2104. >Really it was a lot like you were just spending time with your Grandma without her considering you her boyfriend
  2105. >She gave you the occasional kiss on the forehead, but it just came across as cute to people around you
  2106. >In fact one elderly woman you remembered was jealous
  2107. >"I wish my Grandson was so kind, and spent time with me like that..."
  2108. >It wasn't amazingly spectacular, but it was nice
  2109. >You also certainly felt like a good grandson by the time Grandma wanted to head back
  2110. >Carrying with you a supply of candy that'd last you quite a while
  2111. >Grandma didn't actually get anything, but she had fun looking
  2112. >It was also pretty clear enjoyed it a lot more because you were with her
  2113. >You eat just a little bit of it on the way back in the car
  2114. >Once you were parked outside the house Grandma didn't move to get out right away
  2115. >She turns to you with a loving expression
  2116. >"I had a lovely time, thank you deary."
  2117. >You open your mouth to say 'Any time', but she locks lips with you before you get the words out
  2118. >Kissing you the way she probably wanted to do earlier, but didn't have the nerve to in public
  2119. >She pulls away for a second
  2120. >"You're supposed to kiss me back, deary. Let's try this again."
  2121. >You blush deeply
  2123. "S-sorry, Cloudy... It was just so sudden..."
  2124. >She chuckles a little
  2125. >"Well, we're not leaving the car until you get it right~."
  2126. >She then cranked up the AC in her car to make sure the car didn't become an oven in the meantime
  2127. >Once that was taken care of she started kissing you again
  2128. >You start kissing her back, and soon you're just plain making out in the car with her
  2129. >After a while of that she breaks away again looking more satisfied
  2130. >"Oh, to be young and in love again..."
  2131. >She said dreamily with a nostalgic look on her face
  2132. >"That was good deary, but let's do this just a bit more..."
  2133. >She goes back at it with you, and this time actually lasts longer than before
  2134. >When she finally calls it off you have to gasp for air
  2135. >She's gasping for air too before speaking
  2136. >"Okay, I think that's good for now. Let's go check on those two girls, and see if they got anywhere negotiating."
  2137. "Yeah... Yeah, sounds good."
  2138. >You say as you pull yourself together to enter the house
  2139. >After making sure not to forget your candy you head on in
  2140. >Mom and Maud are waiting for you inside
  2141. >You set your candy down on the counter for now before talking with them
  2142. "So how did it go?"
  2143. >"It went great Nonners! How did things go with Mom?"
  2144. >"We had a wonderful time. He was such a sweetheart like always~."
  2145. >She answers before pinching your cheek
  2146. >Mom giggles before presenting a peice of paper
  2147. >You can't quite read what it says because the writing is very wobbly and sloppily done
  2148. >"We agreed to Maud's time being in the morning up till noon, from noon to four being time set aside for Anon to do stuff unrelated to either of us like helping Starlight or Limestone, and I'd get Nonners after that in the evening!"
  2149. >That actually sounds pretty reasonable
  2150. "Yeah, that sounds okay. How early in the morning though?"
  2151. >"I'm going to leave that up to Mom. I'm sure she'll end up waking you up when she wakes up, and she wakes up earlier than me anyway."
  2152. >Maud explains quickly
  2154. >You're still not sure what she means, but you hope it's not too early
  2155. >"It'll be good for you deary, sleeping in too late is bad for you, you know."
  2156. >Grandma says while holding you protectively
  2157. >"With that said... Come help me make dinner Nonners~!"
  2158. >Mom says before pulling you away from Grandma, and into the kitchen
  2159. >She puts on her favorite heart apron before telling you what you were making together
  2160. >"Tonight we're making Grandma's favorite! Meatloaf and potato soup! Since she's the guest of honor!"
  2161. >You snicker a little
  2162. "Mom, you couldn't be trying to 'bribe the judge' could you~?"
  2163. >"What?! No! Of course not Nonners! What would give you that impression?!"
  2164. >She says sounding overly defensive
  2165. "Oh Mom, you're so silly~."
  2166. >You say before patting her head and giving her a kiss
  2167. >Mom then returns a deeper kiss before embracing you
  2168. >"Love ya Nonners~!"
  2169. >She rocks you in her arms a bit
  2170. >"Let's save the loving until we've got everything cooking though~!"
  2171. >Mom then lets go before handing you the ingredients to make mix and form the meatloaf
  2172. >"You can handle the meatloaf, while I cut up and prepare the soup ingredients!"
  2173. >She says excitedly before starting
  2174. >It had been a bit since you actually cooked with her
  2175. >Starting with setting the temperature on the oven so it'd preheat
  2176. >You wash your hands before starting to handle the ground beef
  2177. >Mixing and kneading the other ingredients into it carefully
  2178. >Before putting into into the baking pan it'd be cooked in
  2179. >Looking over at Mom she's just about done on her end too
  2180. >You put the meatloaf into the oven while Mom puts her pan of soup on the stove top
  2181. >Mom smiles wide after those are set up
  2182. >"Time to have fun while we wait~!"
  2183. >She announces before practically pouncing on you
  2184. >You're pushed up against the counter as she starts to make out with you
  2185. >You kiss her passionately while your hands wander to her soft bottom
  2186. >When she feels your hands on her she kisses you even deeper
  2188. >Before long you've gotten completely lost in it
  2189. >As though it really wasn't your Mom you were doing this with
  2190. >Then she suddenly stops it for a moment
  2191. >"I think I want my desert early~."
  2192. >She says, and you don't quite get what she means
  2193. >Then she suddenly lets go and kneels down in front of you while keeping you up against the counter
  2194. >By the time you figure it out she's already undoing your pants
  2195. >She take you dick out and drools with lust seeing it hard
  2196. >"This could become my absolute favorite treat~!"
  2197. >She says before gobbling it down
  2198. >Taking your length into her mouth all at once
  2199. >Before starting to bob her head up and down it
  2200. >It sends shock waves up and down your body as it makes you squirm
  2201. >This feels way too good and you don't know how long you'd last before giving her your 'cream'
  2202. >Suddenly Grandma enters the kitchen at the worst possible time
  2203. >You don't think she can see what Mom is doing because her veiw of what's happening under the counter is blocked
  2204. >Mom stops moving to not make noise
  2205. >"Do you need any help?"
  2206. >Grandma asks sounding bored
  2207. >You do your best to answer normally while Mom has your dick in her mouth
  2208. "No thanks, we're just waiting for everything to cook and it's all taken care of."
  2209. >Grandma seems disappointed she didn't find something to do before turning around to leave
  2210. >"By the way, tell your mother not to ruin her appetite."
  2211. >She then leaves with a smug grin on her face
  2212. >She... She knew what Mom was doing, didn't she?
  2213. >Before you can think deeply about it Mom starts moving again
  2214. >Grabbing your hips as she moved her head faster and stronger to suck you off
  2215. >You feel yourself start to throb in her mouth
  2216. >Starting to feel like warning her before remembering it's her 'desert'
  2217. >So she definitely wants you to cum in her mouth
  2219. >Your throbbing only makes her suck hard, and soon you're giving her that 'desert'
  2220. >You feel yourself spray it into her mouth like a fire hose
  2221. >With Mom eagerly gulping it down as it came
  2222. >You're leaned back against the counter panting as she keeps sucking your softening member
  2223. >At least until timers started going off on the stove
  2224. >Then Mom stopped and let your dick free form her mouth before fixing your pants
  2225. >"Mmmmm, tasty~!"
  2226. >She says before starting to attend to the cooked food
  2227. >After it was ready to be served she embraced you with her chest in your face
  2228. >"Let's go on a date tomorrow Nonners~! A real date, and romantic too!"
  2229. >You hug her back before starting to motorboat her because you can't help it
  2230. >Then looking up at her before answering
  2231. "Of course! Whatever you'd like Mom, and I'm sure anything you want to do for it will be a blast!"
  2232. >She presses your face back between her breasts with a warm smile
  2233. >"You really are perfect for me~."
  2234. >"Though could you come up with a cutesy couples nickname for me~? I'd love it if you did that instead of continuing to call me 'Mom'~."
  2235. "How about 'Hot Pink'?"
  2236. >Mom laughs super hard before ruffling your hair
  2237. >"That sounds like a stripper name Nonners! Try something cuter!"
  2238. >You think a little more
  2239. "How about if you're my Ponker Ponk, or maybe just Ponk?"
  2240. >"That sounds better~! Either one!"
  2241. "My sexy cute and wonderful Ponk~!"
  2242. >You say hoping it'd get a rise out of her
  2243. >She squeezes you affectionately
  2244. >"If you flirt with me like that, I might lose control~."
  2245. >Mom says seductively while pushing your head more firmly into her chest
  2246. >Then Mom remembers the food might get cold if you don't serve it soon
  2247. >She gets off of you before calling Grandma and Maud to come eat
  2248. >It takes a little bit, but they both arrive before too long
  2249. >You help portion out the food for everyone including yourself
  2250. >Soon you're all sitting at the table to eat
  2251. >Sitting between Mom and Maud again
  2253. >During dinner Mom is more interested in hanging off you and being affectionate than eating
  2254. >Pressing her chest into your side while giggling
  2255. >"It's technically still my time with Anon~."
  2256. >Mom says before anyone tries to tell her not to
  2257. >Though at least Mom is actually eating her dinner
  2258. >"That's fine Pinkamena, but don't go overboard while the rest of us are here."
  2259. >Grandma says between bites of her food
  2260. >You eat your own while giving Mom the occasional kiss
  2261. >Maud sits as close as she can to you without interrupting what Mom is doing
  2262. >She whispers in your ear
  2263. >"We're going to do so much together tomorrow. You'd better be ready in the morning."
  2264. >You're not sure your body is capable of being ready
  2265. >Though you know you'll try your best at least
  2266. >After you all finished dinner Maud went to do rock research, Grandma went to do something else, and Mom took you to the living room
  2267. >She pulled out a classic movies you haven't seen together in a while
  2268. >After setting it up you watched it together wrapped up in a blanket on the couch
  2269. >Watching the nostalgic movie while leaning into each other and bundled up
  2270. >Cuddling into each other and feeling so insanely comfy
  2271. >It felt like you could fall asleep
  2272. >In fact maybe you did a couple times just a bit
  2273. >This was so nice you didn't want to get up when it was time to go to bed
  2274. >You wanted to sleep right here like this
  2275. >Though if you really did sleep like this all night you'd probably feel a lot less comfy in the morning
  2276. >So reluctantly you left Mom's side to get ready for bed
  2277. >Not before giving her a kiss good night
  2278. >Once ready for bed you headed on into your room
  2279. >Grandma was in your bed, and you remembered she wanted to sleep with you
  2280. >You also remembered she only wanted to sleep
  2281. >She pats the bed next to her encouraging you to get in with her
  2282. >With a bit of pushing yourself you go over and get in
  2283. >She starts holding you close to her, but seems to be starting to drift off to sleep quickly
  2285. >So you try to get comfortable and drift off to sleep yourself
  2286. >As you drift off you hear something in your ear
  2287. >"Would you like it if I got you a collar that says 'Nanna's boy toy' on it~?"
  2288. >The mental image of her making you wear a collar with such an embarrassingly lewd message on it like it was some BDSM thing felt so real and was seared into your mind by virtue of almost being asleep
  2289. >The raunchy and frankly disturbing borderline dream caused by that makes you jolt awake with a blush
  2290. >"It's just pillow talk deary, but that reaction is pretty cute."
  2291. >She tries to calm you back down, but it's hard to after that caught you so off guard
  2292. "Please don't do that... I was almost a asleep and that caught me off guard way too much..."
  2293. >Grandma strokes your hair
  2294. >"I'm sorry deary. I was just so used to pillow talk with your grandfather I did it out of force of habit."
  2295. >She gives you a kiss on the cheek
  2296. >"By the way I wasn't serious about that. When you get older in a relationship, sometimes you just like to talk about out there stuff as if you'd do it to be exciting without any actual intention of following through."
  2297. >That explanation did make you feel better and help you calm down more
  2298. >"Let's just go to sleep then... Once again, I'm sorry I startled you like that."
  2299. "It wasn't that bad, but I do appreciate the apology."
  2300. >You say before giving her a kiss on the cheek
  2301. >Then getting comfortable and falling asleep
  2302. >This time without any more whisperings
  2304. >The next day you wake up to a strange sensation
  2305. >It wasn't Grandma holding you, but something lower
  2306. >You open your eyes to a sight you didn't quite expect, and yet didn't surprise you at all
  2307. >Grandma was under the sheets with her head exposed over your crotch, and she's holding your dick while about to kiss the tip
  2308. >She gives the tip a quick kiss and it sends a shiver through you
  2309. >"Good morning deary... I was just... Waking you up 'the fun way'..."
  2311. >The look on her face made it seem like she actually didn't want to get caught doing this
  2312. >She was staring up at you apprehensively like she was trying to tell how you felt about this
  2313. >You kind of felt she shouldn't have done that, but your dick and the sensations in your body really didn't mind
  2314. >When she felt you weren't going to tell her to stop she pumped your shaft in her hand a few times before giving the tip another kiss
  2315. >Several shivers spread through you and you shake a little
  2316. >She pauses for a moment so apprehensively it's like she thinks she's disarming a bomb
  2317. >You give a weary sigh
  2318. "I would have liked it if you ran this by me before doing it, or at least didn't start while I was asleep... Though now that you have I don't really want to stop you. So go ahead."
  2319. >Grandma looks a little guilty about it but starts pumping your shaft in her hand again
  2320. >"I know I'd said I only wanted to sleep with you and nothing more, but it's just so hard to resist with how long it's been. Especially when my first sight waking up was your tent from morning wood..."
  2321. >There's still just something slightly off putting about your Grandma doing something like this compared to your Mom or Aunt
  2322. >Though you also feel it's a bit unfair if you treat her coldly or differently based on that
  2323. >So you just thought about it as Cloudy playing with your morning wood before giving her another 'go ahead' with a nod
  2324. >Though she stopped well before you came anywhere close to cumming
  2325. >Giving your tip one last kiss before fixing up your pajamas
  2326. >"Okay deary, time to get ready to start the day."
  2327. >It doesn't feel extremely early, but you'd still rather go back to bed
  2328. >It's Summer vacation after all
  2329. >You don't think complaining about will do anything but make her angry
  2330. >Maybe you could take a nap later
  2331. >So you just get ready and try to rub the sleep out of your eyes
  2332. >Then when you left your room you were soon greeted by Maud
  2334. >"Good morning Anon, let's go out to eat this morning."
  2335. >You'd rather eat Mom's cooking, but before you knew it you were already in her car
  2336. >Must actually not be fully awake if the transition escaped you
  2337. >She started the car before driving you to a food cart in town
  2338. >It was a specialty place that did what's apparently Maud's favorite thing to eat
  2339. >The place was called 'Super Protein Extravaganza With Extra Protein"
  2340. >Everything on the menu was some kind of meat or protein rich food with protein supplements either cooked on it or injected into it until it'd almost explode
  2341. >Sometimes it was even both
  2342. >The menu sounded like a joke, but it was for real
  2343. >Also Maud was eating here and so were you apparently
  2344. >You are seriously hungry for some breakfast
  2345. >"I'll have the protein injected ham-steak breaded with protein flour
  2346. >Which was apparently protein powder used like flour, or maybe a mix of the two
  2347. >You didn't know and you didn't ask
  2348. >Every item made you sick to read, but if you don't order you'll just stay hungry
  2349. "I'll have the uhmmm... Protein infused pulled pork with the 'ultra protein' barbecue sauce, and a side of the meat sweats."
  2350. >The curator of the stand almost cracked a smile, but not really
  2351. >Before long you both get your food
  2352. >The pulled pork didn't taste a whole lot different from what you expect of pulled pork at least
  2353. >Not that you'd recommend people just eat a big thing of pulled pork and nothing else for breakfast
  2354. >At least it was pulled pork
  2355. >Which is pretty decent
  2356. >After that it was time for the gym
  2357. >You went in with Maud and the attendant didn't ask to see membership this time
  2358. >Probably because he remembered you're with Maud from last time
  2359. >She guided you through a mix of exercises at different weight machines while exercising along with you
  2360. >Taking special care to teach you how to tell how much weight to do them at
  2361. >How to tell what amount of weight would challenge you without being so much you might hurt yourself
  2363. >By the time you finish there you definitely feel worn out again
  2364. >Though with a more varied work out there isn't any specific part of your body that feels overly worn
  2365. >You take a nice soothing warm shower after you finish up
  2366. >Then after changing into a new set of clothes Maud brought for you it's time to go to the next thing
  2367. >You aren't sure what, but you get in Maud's car with her and go
  2368. >This time she takes you out of town to a hiking trail it looks like
  2369. >Some time in nature probably wouldn't hurt
  2370. >You prepare yourself to hike and start following her up the trail
  2371. >Though it's not long before she takes you off the trail
  2372. >Leading you into a cave she's apparently pretty familiar with
  2373. >Inside it's actually pretty nice looking
  2374. >There's colorful rocks and luminescent crystals illuminating the area with multicolored lights
  2375. >You're admiring the sight when she pushes you to the ground before mounting you
  2376. >"I think I have a better understanding of your body's limitations after your weights training. So I should be able to hold myself back just enough to keep this from being too rough on you."
  2377. >As she worked to remove barriers preventing you from entering her you were still worried
  2378. >Though as you got closer to having sex with her again you knew you weren't going to just deny her forever
  2379. >When you dick was free and her panties moved aside you braced yourself for impact
  2380. >She did slam her hips down, but not nearly as hard as before
  2381. >It actually didn't jar you or anything
  2382. >Which even kind of felt surreal
  2383. >This made it feel a lot better than before too
  2384. >In fact you feel compelled to grab hold of her hips and thrust up
  2385. >Maud didn't seem to react, but you're sure she liked it
  2386. >She started to try moving her hips more in time with your thrusts
  2387. >Maud is looking down at you with a nearly unblinking stare that makes you nervous
  2388. >"I think this may be the best I've had yet."
  2389. >She says shamelessly while continuing to ride you in sync with you
  2391. >Then came the time when you felt yourself about to cum
  2392. >You try to pull out before that, but Maud firmly plants her hips down when you burst
  2393. >Forcing your seed into her unprotected womb again as it was filled
  2394. "Come on Maud! Are you trying to get pregnant on purpose now?! It's seriously bad!"
  2395. >"It feels very good when you do that inside."
  2396. "That's specifically how you get pregnant!"
  2397. >"But it feels really good."
  2398. >You sigh as you wonder how you'd 'handle it' if she does get pregnant
  2399. >It doesn't make you feel better to remember she could already be for all you know
  2400. >Seems ironic how people who want kids could try for months without results
  2401. >While people who don't want kids are practically doomed to have it happen first 'try'
  2402. >Then Maud went for a second round
  2403. >You actually feel like you could do it this time
  2404. >This time you want to make sure you cum outside
  2405. >Though you know Maud will prevent you, and you doubt much of anything would convince her
  2406. >Your second load comes a bit sooner than the fist
  2407. >Of course Maud plants her hips down on you when it happened
  2408. >You just roll your eyes as the thick seed oozes out from your union
  2409. >The fact that you could do a second round is probably because Maud is going easier on you
  2410. >Even if you'd like to think the exercise is showing results
  2411. >You doubt you're going to be a mountain of muscle any time soon, but feeling a bit tougher wouldn't hurt
  2412. >"Although I'd like to continue more. I think it's about time to head back."
  2413. >Maud says before getting off of you
  2414. >You're even able to stand back up significantly easier that after doing this with her before
  2415. >After you both cleaned yourselves off as much as you could, you went back to the car
  2416. >Then it was back home for lunch, and after that it'd be entirely up to you what you did for a while
  2417. >At home Mom had lunch ready and waiting for you
  2418. >You definitely wanted some of Mom's cooking after that breakfast you had
  2419. >It was grilled cheese and tomato soup
  2421. >Of course all hand made, and with her own little touches
  2422. >You actually do kind of hope to get as good as her at it some day
  2423. >Sitting down you very happily eat it
  2424. >It's as good as ever of course, and Mom definitely seems to enjoy seeing you like it so much
  2425. >After you're done eating you give her your thanks
  2426. "Thanks, Ponk. Your cooking is always the best."
  2427. >You say before giving her a loving hug and kiss
  2428. >She sighs happily in your arms
  2429. >"So, what are you going to do now, Nonners~."
  2430. >She asks with curiosity
  2431. "First I'll help Starlight since that'll be the quickest, and then try helping Limestone. If I have time before four... Maybe try hanging out with my friends for a bit."
  2432. >"Sounds like my little Nonners perfectly knows what he's doing~! Have fun!"
  2433. >Mom says cheering you on before giving you a kiss
  2434. >You head to your room to make some phone calls after clearing your spot at the table
  2435. >First you call your college friend you think would be a good match for Starlight
  2436. >He picks up fairly quickly
  2437. "Hey man, how's it going?"
  2438. >"It's going good, how about you?"
  2439. "It's going well enough. Say, are you still looking for a girl? I think I may be able to hook you up on a blind date, man."
  2440. >"For real, dude? Eh, sure why not. What time and place are you thinking?"
  2441. "Let's try for the pizza place you told me about near your campus, six PM maybe?"
  2442. >"Yeah, sounds good to me. I don't have any classes then."
  2443. "Sweet, I'll check with her and make sure that checks out with her."
  2444. >"Cool, and you can just text if it's on or not. Don't need a whole phone call for it."
  2445. "Sounds good. Anything else going on for you? Like how's college treating you?"
  2446. >"I don't spend as much time in class as I expected, but it's still harder because I've got to do all my own time management. Staying on top of assignments definitely feels harder than it was in high school. Though I'm only doing a couple summer classes right now for the credits."
  2447. "I'm sure you'll figure it out."
  2449. >"For sure man, and you take it easy."
  2450. "You too man, and don't party too hard."
  2451. >"Like you're one to say that!"
  2452. >He then laughs a little before you both say your byes and hang up
  2453. >You'd forgotten to get Starlight's number earlier, but Maud gave it to you pretty quickly when you asked
  2454. >Then you tried calling her
  2455. >She didn't pick up so you tried texting her instead
  2456. >Giving her the time and place in a text message before asking if she'd be able to go
  2457. >She answered the text more quickly saying she could make it
  2458. >Lastly you texted your college buddy back saying it was on
  2459. >If the date goes well your job helping Starlight could already by over
  2460. >Though if the date doesn't go well it'd just mean trying to hook her up with someone else
  2461. >Now was the more tricky matchmaking job, Limestone
  2462. >You called her up by calling the home phone
  2463. >Fortunately it's Limestone who answers
  2464. >"Hello?"
  2465. "It's me, Anon. I have some time to help you train. Do you think you could come over here?"
  2466. >"Yeah! I'll be right down!"
  2467. >It sounds like she almost drops the receiver before hanging up
  2468. >She's no doubt going to rush down here
  2469. >It's almost funny how eager she was to do this
  2470. >Getting ready to take charge of the rock farm must be pretty boring
  2471. >At least from what you'd heard she's set to take charge of things once Grandpa retires from it
  2472. >Most people would've retired already by his age, but he really like working it seems
  2473. >It doesn't take long for Limestone to get here either
  2474. >Which certainly works for you since you have a limited time table for it
  2475. >Especially if say, the closest athletic competition was tomorrow or something
  2476. >You get the stuff you used to help her train last time set up with her
  2477. >Before actually doing the 'training montage' much like last time
  2478. >She did seem to improve a little over last time, but small improvements over time is how it really works
  2479. >After about 3 hours Limestone calls it good for today
  2481. >Which doesn't leave you with a lot of time for hanging out with your buddies
  2482. >A quick meet and greet should be possible
  2483. >You quickly call them up, and agree to meet in the nearby park
  2484. >After that you quickly head over
  2485. >Seeing them there you explain things
  2486. "Gotta be back by four. So I don't have a lot of time, but we should have enough to hang out just a little."
  2487. >One of your friends shows that they've brought their soccer ball
  2488. >After some quick nods you kick the ball around a little
  2489. >When it's getting close to four you stop to head home
  2490. "Okay, I guess that's it for me. I may have more time tomorrow though."
  2491. >You waved and the other guys waved you off as you headed for home
  2492. >Then continued playing with the soccer ball
  2493. >You get home practically just in time
  2494. >Mom is eagerly waiting for you to arrive, and practically tackles you
  2495. >"Nonners~!"
  2496. >She yells in greeting before holding you close
  2497. >You hug her back and nuzzle into her
  2498. >"Let's go out Nonners~!"
  2499. "Where are you thinking?"
  2500. >She giggles a little
  2501. >"Let's check out that place that opened up recently with pizza and arcade games, but made for anybody to go! Not just kids!"
  2502. >You remember hearing about it
  2503. >The name of the place sounded like just two guy's names put together
  2504. >Whatever, it doesn't matter as long as Mom knows where it is
  2505. "Sound fun, and it'd be nice to see what games they have."
  2506. >She practically skips out the door to her car before getting in
  2507. >You follow closely behind and get in too
  2508. >Then you were off to this new place
  2509. >Thankfully Mom knew where it was because she knows Ponyville pretty well
  2510. >You pull up to the place, and it looks like any regular pizza place
  2511. >Inside though you can see all the arcade machines lined up
  2512. >"I'll order us some pizza! Have a look around, and see what kind of games we could try together!"
  2513. >She heads over to the line at the counter
  2514. >You walk around the arcade machines looking for ones that are good for two people
  2516. >While walking around you see some guys you know from school
  2517. >Unfortunately not friends of yours
  2518. >Not the worst either, but just immature punks
  2519. >One time they asked you to get your mom to go to a party of theirs
  2520. >Which normally wouldn't be anything to set you off, but they talked about her like they thought she was a stripper
  2521. >After that you basically blacklisted them
  2522. >It take long of refusing to talk to them before they stopped trying to approach you
  2523. >This time you're able to avoid interacting with them too
  2524. >Though you worry just a bit about if they saw your mom with you
  2525. >You didn't tell her about their 'request', but it'd ruin her night if she got that from them directly now
  2526. >Yet if you think about it she's probably had to turn down bad faith party requests from creeps before
  2527. >You try to push the subject from your mind before looking at the rest of the games
  2528. >Once you were done you found Mom sitting at one of the two person tables
  2529. >She waves to you and motions at the chair she saved for you
  2530. >The pizza isn't here yet, but she definitely got the order in
  2531. >You tell her about the games you'd found that you think look the most fun
  2532. >Then you chat back and forth about the games in more detail while waiting for the pizza
  2533. >At one point she seems to want to ask you something unrelated to the games
  2534. >"Was something bother you earlier, Nonners? You seemed a bit tense."
  2535. "Oh, it's nothing. Just saw some guys from school who aren't so great... Was able to just avoid them pretty easily though."
  2536. >"It's a bummer we can't just get along with everyone. What'd they do anyway?"
  2537. >You pause for a moment not wanting to say it
  2538. >Then sigh before trying to explain it anyway
  2539. "They wanted you to do a party for them, but let's just say it was a very 'inappropriate' party. The way they talked about you was pretty insulting too..."
  2540. >She pinches your cheek affectionately with a smile on her face
  2541. >"My little Nonners is looking out for me is he~?"
  2543. >She giggles before looking a bit more serious
  2544. >"It's true some guys think 'a certain way' about girls who like to party... I try not to let it get to me, but it can be pretty annoying."
  2545. "Right? So let's just get back to the fun talk. We did come here to have fun after all."
  2546. >After that you talked more about arcade games
  2547. >Not just the ones here either
  2548. >Mom even mentions the really kiddy ones you used to like when you were little
  2549. >Then the pizza arrives, and you eat it before going to actually play the games
  2550. >There were video game arcade machines as well as more traditional ones like skee-ball
  2551. >You actually manage to just have some good wholesome fun together without anything going wrong
  2552. >Mom did seem to have a bit of trouble understanding some of the video game ones, but that only added to the fun
  2553. >Mostly because you just ended up screwing around without worrying about if you were playing it 'right' or not
  2554. >It starts to get late, so you get ready to go back home after just a couple more games
  2555. >In fact a message comes through the intercom saying they'll be closing soon
  2556. >So you head out back to the car
  2557. >On the way back you talk a bit more about which ones were your favorites
  2558. >"How did you like it overall, Nonners?"
  2559. "It was actually pretty good. Yeah, I think I'd definitely like to go back there sometime with you."
  2560. >She smiles warmly
  2561. >"It's always nice to hear you wanting to spend time with me~."
  2562. "Of course Mom, you really are a ton of fun. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
  2563. >After you pull into the driveway back home she gives you a hug and a kiss
  2564. >Then you head back inside knowing it'd be time to get ready for bed soon
  2565. >In fact nobody seems to still be up when you enter
  2566. >Since nobody greeted you, and all the lights are off
  2567. >Mom gets a sly grin on her face
  2568. >"Why don't you come sleep with me tonight Nonners~?"
  2569. >She presses your face into her chest
  2570. >"What do ya say~? It'll be fun~..."
  2572. "How could I possibly say 'no' to that?"
  2573. >You say jokingly with a deep blush
  2574. >Mom giggles before letting go to get ready for bed
  2575. >She looks back at you from on the stairs seductively
  2576. >"Hurry to bed now~."
  2577. >She says before sauntering the rest of the way up the stairs
  2578. >Her big soft ass swaying enticingly as she did
  2579. >You absolutely feel encouraged to get ready for bed quickly
  2580. >Basically rushing through it before heading to Mom's room
  2581. >Inside you see Mom laying on the bed in a silky night gown
  2582. >A skimpy night gown that brought focus to her curves just right
  2583. >While leaving little the the imagination, yet just having that little bit of cover
  2584. >She calls you over with her index finger while blowing you a kiss
  2585. >You practically shoot over into the bed with her
  2586. >She wraps herself around you before rolling you on top of her
  2587. >So close you can feel your tent against her pelvis
  2588. >"My my~... My Nonners is eager, isn't he?"
  2589. >It's almost embarrassing how horny you feel for her right now
  2590. "You're entirely too sexy for your own good, you know that right?"
  2591. >She holds you tighter while gazing into your eyes with such a passionate look
  2592. >"Is that right~? Just how sex am I~?"
  2593. >You reflexively try to gulp, but find your throat feeling bone dry
  2594. "Plenty sexy enough to have your own son completely unable to deny it, and wanting you no matter how taboo it is~..."
  2595. >You chew your lip for a second
  2596. "In fact... When we went jogging recently that little outfit you put on was practically criminally sexy! Too bad it couldn't survive your curves..."
  2597. >She grins ear to ear before kissing you
  2598. >"Do you think anyone saw us then~? Who much do you think people would have starred if they did~?"
  2599. >You answer without thinking deeply about it
  2600. "I really hope not! Though we probably would know if they did by now because of practically becoming front page news!"
  2601. >Mom chuckles lightly
  2603. >"Do you really think it was that outrageously sexy~? I'm sure moms have jogged in revealing outfits before without the whole town going nuts, or do you just mean that bit at the end of it~?"
  2604. >You get painfully hard remembering having sex with her in an alleyway
  2605. "Especially that! Though I'd prefer if nobody saw any of it! Guys in town make creepy comments about you enough without having that image to encourage them!"
  2606. >Mom kisses you a few more times
  2607. >"Does it really bother you that much that other men might want me~? Really want me all to yourself don't you~?"
  2608. >You're sure she means that in a romantic sense, but...
  2609. "Even besides if I want you to myself or not... Any son would get weirded out by guys talking about how hot their mom is..."
  2610. >There was even something you wanted to get off your chest
  2611. "In fact I'm pretty sure my friends even only don't say talk about it around me because they know it's a sensitive issue for me... That they know I don't want to hear from them about it..."
  2612. >She strokes your hair comfortingly
  2613. >"I'm sure it's hard sometimes, but you know I would never want to make things difficult for you on purpose..."
  2614. >You try to pull yourself out of that negative mindset
  2615. "I know... You just can't help being yourself, and definitely can't help it if guys can't help noticing you..."
  2616. >She then deeply and passionately kisses you
  2617. >Looks deeply into your eyes to make sure you know she means what she's about to say
  2618. >"I love you Nonners, and a few horny boys who'll never get their way won't change that."
  2619. >You give her a passionate kiss of your own before cuddling into her
  2620. >She's completely right
  2621. >You don't have to worry so much about her
  2622. >Those losers can fantasize all they want to
  2623. >She's a smart woman who knows how to protect herself, and isn't as 'easy' as they want her to be
  2624. >Not by a long shot
  2626. "I love you too Ponk~... It's exactly because I love you that I can't help worrying about you at least a little. Even if I don't need to..."
  2627. >She holds you closer and rocks you in her arms
  2628. >"And I do appreciate when you try to look out for me. As much as I've learned over the years I'll definitely admit to being a little scatterbrained sometimes~."
  2629. >She sticks out her tongue a little playfully
  2630. >"It's times like that you're my little lifesaver~."
  2631. >You end up more just cuddling together than like you're about to fuck
  2632. >Mom seems like she's choking up a bit
  2633. >"No matter what we are to each other, or what happens... We'll always be together, right?"
  2634. >You give her a kiss and stroke her hair
  2635. "Of course, we're like two peas in a pod, and I couldn't imagine life without you."
  2636. >She pets you while cooing softly as you cuddle together
  2637. >You start to feel very sleepy, and your eyelids grow heavy
  2638. >Before you know it you've fallen asleep in her loving arms
  2639. >To the best sleep you've ever had
  2641. >The next morning you wake up to a sensation much like yesterday morning
  2642. >Because Mom was holding and licking your morning wood under the sheets
  2643. >Almost exactly like Grandma had
  2644. >Except Mom wasn't phased at all by you waking up during it
  2645. >"Hope you don't mind if I just help myself to this~!"
  2646. >She happily remarks before starting to suck it
  2647. >The sensation of her mouth around your dick jolting you awake as your hands move to her head on their own
  2648. >You lightly hold her head through her poofy hair as she bobs her head energetically up and down your length
  2649. >The pure force she sucks you with makes you shake overwhelmed by it
  2650. >Practically holding her head just to brace yourself as you rapidly reach your peak
  2651. >Then cum in her mouth without being able to warn her about it
  2652. >She gulps it down eagerly before looking at you with still hungry eyes
  2653. >"A fantastic snack before breakfast, but that's not enough is it?"
  2655. >She says before throwing off the sheets, and laying on her back with her legs spread
  2656. >You can see she doesn't have panties on under the night gown
  2657. >She might not have had any on the whole night...
  2658. >Without thinking you were on top of her before you knew it
  2659. >Starting to fuck her the way you should have last night before things got heavy instead
  2660. >She moans loudly as you slam your dick into her curvy body
  2661. >Your face held between her breasts as she encouraged you to fuck her harder and harder
  2662. >Until you were slamming into her hard enough it made her voice oscillate
  2663. >"Y-ou-r t-ime a-t th-e g-ym is wo-rking won-ders No-nners~!"
  2664. >She moans out with her voice interrupted by each rapid thrust
  2665. >Then she chewed on her lip with such a lewd look of pure pleasure on her face it drove you wild
  2666. >Going at her as hard as you could just to make her enjoy it even more
  2667. >When you felt yourself throb she wrapped her legs around you
  2668. >She couldn't say it coherently, but you knew she wanted to say 'no pulling out, Nonners~."
  2669. >It was after that you blew your load inside her hard
  2670. >Pretty sure harder than you'd ever cum before, and despite having already came not long ago
  2671. >You just about collapse on top of her gasping for breath
  2672. >Before asking her the first question on your mind
  2673. "Is it really alright that I-?"
  2674. >"Don't worry about it Nonners~! I really needed that~!"
  2675. >She then moved to take your dick in her mouth
  2676. >'Cleaning it off' before fixing your pajamas, and getting you ready to go put on proper clothes while looking 'decent'
  2677. >"Have fun with Maud today, and don't let her break you in half~. Also don't forget to be back by four~."
  2678. >She says before sending you off while she seemed to just want to lay in bed like that longer
  2679. >The sight of her in her bed in the disheveled night gown, and her pussy leaking your cum made you hard again immediately
  2680. >Forcing you to leave her room with a firmly pitched tent
  2682. >You come across Maud out in the hallway
  2683. >"Good, I was starting to worry you'd be late. Go get dressed quickly so we can go. I'd actually like to try doing something more traditionally romantic today."
  2684. "So... Nice clothes instead of athletic ones?"
  2685. >You ask just to make sure you understand right
  2686. >"Athletic clothes are nice, but more formal clothes would be good."
  2687. >You're about to go into your room when she calls your attention
  2688. >"And Anon?."
  2689. "Yeah?"
  2690. >You say as you turn to face her
  2691. >Then she doesn't say anything further and just stares into your eyes
  2692. >An unmoving and unflinching gaze
  2693. >It actually feels more unnerving when she does blink while maintaining this laser focused stare than if it was like a staring contest
  2694. >You don't know what to do
  2695. >It makes you wonder if you'd done something wrong
  2696. >Worry and self doubt start to fill your mind as the silent eye contact continues
  2697. >Even almost like time has stood still is it goes on
  2698. >Finally Maud opens her mouth the break the silence
  2699. >"Gazing into each other's eyes is an activity couples do, yes?"
  2700. >So that's all it was?
  2701. >You start to relax again
  2702. >"You seemed rather stressed, was something wrong with the execution?"
  2703. >You waited to be more relaxed before trying to explain
  2704. "I just couldn't quite tell that's what you were doing, and was worried you were mad at me or something."
  2705. >"Just one more reason we should spend more time together, and understand each other better."
  2706. >She seems to change her mind about something
  2707. >"Actually, instead of going out or you changing. Let's just stay in and lay together. That's a good way to relax, and also a standard activity for a couple."
  2708. >She grabs you away from the door to your room, and picks you up
  2709. >Carrying you by the arm to her room
  2710. >Before setting you down on her bed, and crawling into it with you
  2712. >"In this activity we will share the bed for an extended period of time without having sex. I'm not sure I get the purpose of it, but it's what people in a romantic relationship often do if I understand right."
  2713. >She holds you close against her before gazing into your eyes
  2714. >You wrap your arms around her as well to get comfy
  2715. >Her movements guide you into a lewd position with your crotch against hers like she wants to have sex despite what she said
  2716. "So... So what are we going to do?"
  2717. >You feel like you're going to regret asking that, but do it anyway
  2718. >"Things I have observed to be acceptable in this include things like kissing and complimenting each other."
  2719. >She then gives you a quick kiss on the lips
  2720. >"You are very cute."
  2721. >Maud then kisses you more as she starts making out with you
  2722. >You kiss her in return while she rubs herself against you
  2723. >She then pauses for a moment no doubt wanting to hear a compliment
  2724. "You're very strong."
  2725. >You tell her sure she'd like that
  2726. >Then you kiss her, and she takes a more passive role in it allowing you kiss her more actively
  2727. >When you stop for a breather she takes it as a cue that it's 'her turn'
  2728. >"You are funny as well."
  2729. >Maud kisses you even more
  2730. >You feel overwhelmed by how aggressively she kisses you now
  2731. >She then doesn't stops to compliment you again
  2732. >"You are the best boyfriend I've ever had."
  2733. >Maud starts holding you more possessively
  2734. >"I will ensure you continue to be my boyfriend."
  2735. >As she kisses you nearly nonstop you start to think air might be an issue
  2736. >"If you hadn't insisted we be a couple before continuing to have sex I might not have you now. A truly terrible thought."
  2737. >Kissing you just a bit more before continuing
  2738. >"Regardless of hypotheticals, you are mine now. I won't be letting go of you either. Metaphorically speaking."
  2739. >She then notices your ragged breathing and gives you some time for air
  2740. >You nuzzle into her while taking the opportunity to catch your breath
  2742. >While doing this you realize something
  2743. >Before any of this if a girl did the stuff Maud is doing you'd be bolting for the exit wanting to escape at any cost
  2744. >Yet you don't really even want to at all here
  2745. >Sure, it does make you feel a bit trapped when she's does this but it's actually exciting in a way
  2746. >Like when she first started to call you her boyfriend, and it made your heart flutter
  2747. >Maybe like a dangerous thrill
  2748. >You're not sure how to describe it
  2749. >When she talks about you being hers so casually despite being your aunt...
  2750. >It maybe almost makes you want her to push the boundaries of what you could get away with
  2751. >The thoughts about how you'd talk your way out of consequences only making your heart race
  2752. >She strokes your hair while holding you against her
  2753. >"What does it really mean to be a boyfriend?"
  2754. >Maud asks you out of the blue
  2755. >Was that rhetorical
  2756. "I'm... Not sure what you mean?"
  2757. >"As in, what actually defines being a boyfriend? Also is there a way I could make it physically apparent at first glance you are my boyfriend?"
  2758. >She then clarifies
  2759. >"I don't mean a ring. That signifies marriage. I mean something that would specifically tell others you are my boyfriend in particular."
  2760. >You honestly don't know
  2761. "Besides being in a relationship, I'm not sure what kind of answer you want about being a boyfriend. Also I don't know about the other thing either."
  2762. >Then you remembered Grandma mentioning a collar in a fantasy scenario
  2763. >Though you absolutely aren't going to say anything about that
  2764. >In fact if you don't give an actual answer who she asks next could have disastrous consequences
  2765. >You mind races to come up with anything at all
  2766. "How about matching t-shirts like the whole 'I'm with her' and 'I'm with him' ones?"
  2767. >"That sounds good, but I'm hoping for something that'd leave no room for misinterpretation."
  2769. >"Perhaps some research into the subject could be required. I must discover how girlfriends are meant to 'mark their territory', so to speak."
  2770. >That might be as bad, but could also be pretty unpredictable
  2771. "Uhm... Just what do you plan to use as 'research material'?"
  2772. >"Actually, never mind. I believe I've just remembered something that could prove useful."
  2773. >You're kind of afraid to ask
  2774. "What's that?..."
  2775. >"I must make sure you smell like my perfume, and are marked with my lipstick. That will ward off competing women for sure."
  2776. >She pauses for a moment
  2777. >"Actually, I first need to have a perfume and lipstick."
  2778. >She all but leaps out of bed before getting ready to go
  2779. >"I'll be right back. Spend some time with Grandma until then. Be warned though. She wasn't happy with having to go to bed without you."
  2780. >Oh no...
  2781. >You all but forgot about that
  2782. >Is Grandma still in your room, or is she somewhere else now?
  2783. >You try turning to Maud only to find her gone already
  2784. >So you try heading to your room
  2785. >After not finding her there you decide to get dressed out of your pajamas, and into normal clothes
  2786. >Then you started searching around the house
  2787. >You find her in the kitchen making some breakfast
  2788. >When you enter you're sure she notices you, but doesn't greet you right away
  2789. >So you try an apology to lift her spirits
  2790. "Sorry about last night... Me and Mom didn't realize how late it was getting, and I didn't want to wake you up in the middle of the night..."
  2791. >Her posture softens a little, but maybe a bit more of a push would help
  2792. "We could spend some time together now if that's okay. Maud is doing some shopping she wanted to do by herself."
  2793. >You cautiously approach her before giving her a hug when an opportunity to do it without disrupting her cooking came up
  2794. "I could also help you make breakfast if you'd like?"
  2795. >Her mouth softens into a smile as she turns to you
  2796. >She holds and pinches your cheeks as she plays with your face a little
  2798. >"Awwww... You should have watched the clock better, but I can't stay mad at you~. My adorable little grandson~."
  2799. >She then gives you a quick kiss on the lips before starting to explain what she's making
  2800. >"I'm just making some waffles, eggs, and bacon. I know your Mom usually cooks meals here, but I was feeling a bit bored and she wasn't already doing it. So I just helped myself."
  2801. "What do you normally do back at home to occupy yourself?"
  2802. >You ask out of curiosity
  2803. >"Rock farm work kept me pretty busy before I started stepping back from it to let your aunts who are still there take the load off me. I've been trying out different hobbies like sowing, but I didn't bring any of it with me because I didn't think I'd be here long."
  2804. "Why haven't you gone back for it? I'm sure you could manage a quick trip there and back."
  2805. >"Well... Your grandfather is there, and I kind of feel like I'd be risking walking into something awkward if I go without calling ahead first. I'm not sure who his 'someone else for now' is, but I somewhat suspect it's your aunt Marble."
  2806. >She looks off into the distance as if pouring through her memories
  2807. >"She's always been a bit of a 'daddy's girl'. Always very meek, seeking his support and affection. While never getting out much."
  2808. >She pauses another moment to continue
  2809. >"Just like I'd prefer to not have him suddenly show up while I'm 'with you'... I don't think he'd appreciate me suddenly being there if he's doing something with Marble. Also in a way I'd prefer to just leave things with that alone rather than let it be confirmed for me. I'm sure he was waiting for me to be out of the house for any reason before starting his 'seeing other people'. So he wouldn't be doing it with me there of course."
  2810. >Now there was a question you had
  2811. "So how long do you plan on staying here instead of going home?"
  2812. >You realize how that might sound before clarifying
  2814. "It is fun having you here, but I'm just worried about if you'd manage feeling separated from home for a long time."
  2815. >She ruffles your hair a little
  2816. >"I'll be fine Anon. Could even be a chance to try something entirely different from what I was doing before. Something more active in town. Maybe I could even talk to some of the nice women in that shopping district we visited before for suggestions."
  2817. >The sounds like it'd be pretty good for her
  2818. "Sounds nice, could even make some friends that way too."
  2819. >"A good social circle would be nice, and it even sounds like something Pinkamena would encourage too. You really are her son."
  2820. >She ruffles your hair some more before checking on her cooking
  2821. >"I definitely made more than I can eat myself, and you certainly earned having some of it."
  2822. >She then chuckles a little as she looks like she's just about ready to serve it
  2823. >You help dish the two of you up before wondering if Mom would get any
  2824. >Grandma answers it before you ask
  2825. >"She can take care of herself. If she comes down here before we eat it all she can have some. Otherwise it won't be much trouble for her to make herself something."
  2826. >That seems fair enough
  2827. >Mom would probably want something more sugary anyway
  2828. >You eat with Grandma while she talks a bit about old times, and tells stories
  2829. >Not terribly interested ones
  2830. >Though you at least pretend to be interested
  2831. >You finish eating about just in time for Maud to be back from her sudden shopping trip
  2832. >She's holding the shopping bag which no doubt has the lipstick and perfume in it
  2833. >"I'll be taking him back now. Did he manage to make up for getting home so late last night?"
  2834. >"Yes, yes, he's a good boy. Besides, I'm sure you understand that I couldn't really stay mad at him anyway."
  2835. >She gives a simply nod before pulling you along with her back up to her room
  2836. >You give Grandma a wave goodbye before she's out of sight, and she blows a kiss
  2838. >Back in Maud's room she looks up a video on her laptop to help her apply the lipstick properly
  2839. >You don't imagine it's complicated, but you guess it would be bad to accidentally apply it too thick or something
  2840. >After she's feels confident about it she applies the lipstick she got
  2841. >It's a purple lipstick that fits her pretty well
  2842. >You can't help imagining she got help from someone who works there picking it out
  2843. >She presses her lips together a few times just to make sure it feels right before kissing your neck
  2844. >You can't see it, but you can kind of feel a lingering sensation from a lipstick mark being left there
  2845. >"Okay, that looks right. Now it's time for the perfume. Mostly on me, and then just a bit on you. Just enough to be noticeable by someone really close to you without being a nuisance."
  2846. >She then pulls out a perfume with the label 'Love Rock'
  2847. >Which she definitely picked out herself
  2848. >Maud spays a tiny bit on the each side of the base of her neck before turning it to you
  2849. >Applying it to both sides of the base of your neck, but pressing lightly to make sure only the very minimum possible came out
  2850. >You can only smell it on Maud right now
  2851. >It doesn't really stand out to you as anything other than just a 'perfume' smell
  2852. >Maud leans in close to your neck and sniffs a little to make sure she can smell it
  2853. >"Okay, I think that's good enough."
  2854. "So... Now what?"
  2855. >You ask her wondering what you two would do now
  2856. >"I feel compelled to test the effectiveness of it."
  2857. >She thinks a bit more
  2858. >"Let's go to the mall, and see how girls react. If they seem unwilling to approach you flirtatiously then I can assume it's working."
  2859. >There would probably be other reasons for that, but sure
  2860. >The idea of walking around in the mall like this with her makes you a little nervous
  2861. >At least it's not as bad as something like a collar
  2862. >You could even think of something to say as an excuse for it if someone seriously asks you about it
  2864. >She takes you to the mall quickly knowing There's only so much time before lunch
  2865. >The mall in Ponyville isn't very big, but it's the one close to home
  2866. >The upside on any other day is that a lot of people you know go here, but the downside today is that a lot of people you know go here
  2867. >Going into the mall you start to worry about who you'd run into
  2868. >You're not sure which would be most nerve wracking
  2869. >Running into your friends like this, or running into any of the girls you briefly dated
  2870. >Though you start to calm down a little when the first people you see in the mall don't pay attention to you
  2871. >Just going on about their business like usual
  2872. >Without being shocked by you walking in with your aunt and a kiss mark on your neck
  2873. >Maud is scanning around looking for something
  2874. >No doubt looking for a girl to notice you, and see their reaction
  2875. >To get something Maud would be satisfied with you head to the food court
  2876. >Since that's where a lot of the girls who aren't too busy hang out
  2877. >The food court does have some nice stuff, but you aren't really here to eat
  2878. >It's almost like you're here to pick up a date
  2879. >Except your actual goal definitely isn't to actually get a date
  2880. >It's still somewhat early in the day, but there does seem to be plenty of people here
  2881. >One girl you see quickly is one you don't really want to talk to right now
  2882. >It's Twist sitting by herself at one of the tables
  2883. >A good while back you wanted to date a really smart older girl
  2884. >She was at least a couple years older than you, and seemed to fit the bill
  2885. >It was only later after you started dating her you found out she was just a huge dork, and not actually that smart
  2886. >Also she was being a bit creepy about the relationship too
  2887. >You broke it off with her as gently as possible, but when you hear she's still single you feel a bit bad about it
  2888. >Maud notices your eyes lingering on her
  2889. >"Is she someone you know?"
  2891. "Yeah, we dated once very briefly, but it didn't go well. I think it'd be best to avoid her."
  2892. >You tell her honestly on principle
  2893. >"I remember Pinkie telling me you never had a girlfriend."
  2894. >Maud reminds you of what Mom had told her
  2895. "I actually did very briefly date some girls... I just hadn't told Mom about it because it just felt very private, and embarrassing to talk about with her."
  2896. >"I think I understand."
  2897. >Maud replies before thinking for a moment
  2898. >"Either way she seems like a good target to test if my lipstick and perfume would deter other women."
  2899. >You flinch before trying to tell her definitely not to go to her
  2900. >Though like a flash she'd already gone over there
  2901. >She faintly hear her tell Twist there was something you wanted to talk with her about
  2902. >You have very little time now to make up something to say it was
  2903. >Twist got very excited before bounding over to you
  2904. >"Isth it that you wantsth to get back together?!"
  2905. >She asks with desperation before holding your face by the cheeks
  2906. >Twist leans in closer before smelling something the made flinch backwards with a look of revulsion on her face
  2907. >She sees the kiss mark on your neck after taking a closer look at you
  2908. >"So what did you want to talk about?..."
  2909. >Twist asks you in a more suspicious and annoyed voice
  2910. >You come up with something quickly
  2911. >Remember the most recent dorky thing you'd heard about
  2912. "Have you seen the new Horses in Space reboot? I heard it's okay, but what's your take on it?"
  2913. >She lets go of your face before starting to rant about it
  2914. >Apparently the reboot actually sucks horribly and ruins everything the original was supposed to be about
  2915. >According to her it's pure shit, and the constant reboots are a cancer on society
  2916. >You're not a huge fan of constant reboots either, but you aren't sure you'd word it so strongly
  2917. >After a bit she's done ranting, but has something else to say as it looks like she's ready to part ways
  2919. >"Leth me know when you're single again, and I'll show you whath GOOD entertainment lookths like."
  2920. >She then goes back to the table she was sitting at still looking annoyed
  2921. >Both about being basically tricked, and about being reminded of a show she doesn't like
  2922. >Maud is back by your side before you realize it
  2923. >"I think that went perfectly. The perfume and lipstick worked exactly as intended."
  2924. "Did you really need to trick her like that though? Think that really ruined her day."
  2925. >"No need to worry so much about it, and you can't be too nice to other women who want you. That's how you become a manwhore."
  2926. >Which makes sense
  2927. >Even if on a basic level it'll still make you feel bad to serve out rejection
  2928. >Not that you'd actually want to date Twist again even if you were really available
  2929. >"Though if you really feel bad about it, I could talk to her some more to make sure there's no hard feelings."
  2930. >She doesn't wait for confirmation before heading back over to sit with Twist
  2931. >You don't want to just stand there so you look around for something to do while she does that
  2932. >While wandering a bit aimlessly someone more pleasant to talk to approaches you
  2933. >It's the Cake twins Pound and Pumpkin
  2934. >They're more family friends, and you never dated Pumpkin either
  2935. >You'd heard many times how your mom used to babysit them, and you've hung out with them sometimes
  2936. >Though not extremely often
  2937. >Pound speaks to you first
  2938. >"Hey bro, what'cha up to?"
  2939. "Oh, nothing much. Maud is in town and wanted to go to the mall. She's over in the food court."
  2940. >"Oh, how is Maud doing by the way? She was one of Pinkie's sisters right?"
  2941. >Pumpkin cakes asks out of curiosity
  2942. "Yeah, and she's doing fine. Had a bit of a break up earlier, but she's doing better now."
  2943. >You then remember their parents before wondering how they're doing
  2944. "How about your parents? Are they still running Sugarcube Corner?"
  2945. >Your mom used to work and live there too, but got her own place before you were born
  2947. >"Yeah, they've shortened the hours a bit and are thinking about hiring new people to run it. Though that's definitely not happening soon."
  2948. >Pumpkin of course notices the kiss mark on your neck
  2949. >"What's this I see~. Do you have a girlfriend, Anon~?"
  2950. >She asks like she's expecting juicy gossip
  2951. >You try thinking of a good way to explain it
  2952. "Yeah... I actually do."
  2953. >"Never thought I'd see you commit to anyone!"
  2954. >She playfully comments
  2955. "Though how about you guys? Have either of you found anyone?"
  2956. >"Nah, we're trying to find twins we could both date together without separating ourselves. It's as difficult as you'd guess, but I'm sure we'll get there some day."
  2957. "Good luck with that. It really would be like a crime against nature for you two to be separated."
  2958. >"I know, right?"
  2959. >Pumpkin responds in agreement
  2960. >Then you notice Maud approaching, and Twist is with her
  2961. >Maud notices the Cake twins and talks to them
  2962. >"It's been a very long time since I last saw you two. You were very little back then."
  2963. >The Cake twins kind of seem like they almost remember it, but it was probably too long ago
  2964. >Pound then turns to you again
  2965. >"Anyway, it was good catching up, but we're gonna go look at some new clothes."
  2966. >They then wave as they leave, and you wave in return
  2967. >You don't want to ask why Twist is with her, but you're probably going to have to
  2968. >Fortunately Maud basically answers it without you having to ask
  2969. >"Twist and I are friends now. It was enjoyable to talk about our hobbies together. So we're going to hang out more."
  2970. >You aren't exactly happy with this, but Maud could use more friends
  2971. >So you focus more on being happy for her than your own annoyance
  2972. "That's great to hear, Maud. Maybe she'll like Starlight too, and all three of you could hang out."
  2973. >"That does sound great."
  2974. >Maud replies flatly, but you're guessing she's excited
  2975. >Twist seems to avoid talking to you for now, but every time you glance at her she's looking at you
  2977. >Then Maud seems to just stand quietly for a bit
  2978. >"What do you think we should do now?"
  2979. >Seems she's done with the whole 'testing' thing, and doesn't know what to do next
  2980. >There's still at least a bit more time before lunch
  2981. "Maybe we could wander the mall a bit before having lunch here."
  2982. >Maud looks around her immediate surroundings while considering it
  2983. >"I don't really have much I want to buy at the moment."
  2984. >Not really one for window shopping, is she?
  2985. >"Westh could go to my place, and have lunch there."
  2986. >Twist suggests assuming she's included when 'we' was said earlier
  2987. >"My family ownths a family run candy thshop, and westh live above it. I'm going to inherit it when I'm ready!"
  2988. >She adds seemingly to convince you and Maud to come, and maybe even impress you
  2989. >You try to turn down the idea politely
  2990. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm not sure we quite have enough time for that."
  2991. >She grabs your hands before pleading
  2992. >"It'sth really not that far! No trouble asth all! We could alstho watch sthome original horthses in sthpace!"
  2993. >Is she lisping more because she's nervous?
  2994. >Her lisp was one other thing that bugged you
  2995. >Though you never let it get too under your skin
  2996. >You don't want to be the kind of person who'd get seriously mad about that, or treat anyone badly because of something like that they have little to no control over
  2997. >Her palms are sweaty and you slips yours out from hers easily
  2998. >"That could be fun. Let's go do that."
  2999. >Maud replies seemingly without noticing how things are between you and Twist
  3000. >"Yeth!"
  3001. >Twist exclaims before grabbing your hands again, and bouncing with excitement
  3002. >You feel resigned because you can say no to Twist, but not so much to Maud
  3003. >"Do you really live within walking distance, or would you like it if we took my car?"
  3004. >Maud asks twist while watching her excitement like it's amusing to her
  3005. >Twist stops her celebration before answering while still holding your hands
  3007. >"I took the busth here. So if you could drive usth that'd be wonderful."
  3008. >"Okay then, let's get going, and you can give directions in the car."
  3009. >She then tries to keep holding your hands as you all started to leave the mall
  3010. >Though you pulled your hands away before wiping her sweat off your hands
  3011. "You seriously need to dry off your hands, Twist."
  3012. >You comment to her while making sure your own hands were dry again
  3013. >She then takes a napkin out of her pocket before wiping her hands with it
  3014. >You then stick your hands in your pants pockets so she can't grab them again
  3015. >Of course she didn't like that, but doesn't seem to be brazen enough to try clinging to your side instead
  3016. >It really, really doesn't seem like she's given up on wanting you
  3017. >Even if you'd vastly prefer if she did, and was content with just being Maud's friend instead
  3018. >Though you can't really blame Maud for not quite knowing or understanding common etiquette when it comes to exes
  3019. >When you all got to the car you opened the passenger door in front for Twist to get in
  3020. >She slides into the seat while thanking you for it casually
  3021. >Then you get into the back, and appreciate the personal space you have there by yourself
  3022. >You just try to relax without paying attention while Twist gives directions to Maud
  3023. >When the car stops the area looks familiar
  3024. >It's the older shopping district you went to with Grandma
  3025. >In fact you're parked next to a candy shop you'd bought candy from while here
  3026. >Twist must not have been on shift when you were here earlier
  3027. >You get out of the car when they do, and follow them in
  3028. >Twist waves to a woman you assume to be her mom as she enters
  3029. >"I have sthome friends over, and were going to justht hang out a bit."
  3030. >She says casually before grabbing your shoulders, and moving you in front of her
  3031. >"Alstho this is Anon!"
  3032. >Her mom giggles a bit before responding
  3033. >"So this is that Anon I've always been hearing so much about~?"
  3034. >She giggles louder before continuing
  3036. >"Are you going to read him those stories you've been writing~?"
  3037. >She says teasingly while painting a picture of what she's been doing since you split up you didn't like
  3038. >Twist gets flustered before yelling
  3039. >"Moooom! Don't embarrassth me in front of him!"
  3040. >She then changes the subject by turning to Maud
  3041. >"Alstho this is Maud. We'd justht met at the mall, and became fastht friends!"
  3042. >Maud then readies to introduce herself
  3043. >"Yes, I'm Maud, and I'm Anon's girlfriend."
  3044. >Twist's mom seems confused for a moment
  3045. >"You shhilly, Maud! That'shh just a joke Mom, she's pretty funny!"
  3046. >Twist's mom lightens up at the suggestion it's a joke
  3047. >Even chuckling a little
  3048. >"Right, I'm only joking."
  3049. >Maud replies while seeming tense saying it
  3050. >Perhaps because you've actually learned how to read her a little better
  3051. >Either that or it's just obvious to you that's how she would be feeling
  3052. >"Hey Mom, maybe you could show Maud our rock candy selection for a second?"
  3053. >Twist asks her mom knowing Maud would no doubt be interested in that
  3054. >Like expected Maud perks up about it as her Mom gestures towards the display with various colors and flavors of it
  3055. >Twist's mom starts talking shop about the various types and how it's made to Maud
  3056. >While Maud is distracted by that Twist pulls you up the stairs
  3057. >"I'll go on ahead Maud, meet you upstairs in a bit."
  3058. >She says very quickly as Maud simply gives a half-listening nod in response
  3059. >After that you're pulled directly into her room
  3060. >There's various figurines adorning shelves, posters on the wall, and just in general a lot of collectibles
  3061. >A lot of it you don't recognize, but you're sure she'd spend all day telling you about them if you dared ask
  3062. >"Oh my gosth... Anon... Axxchtually in my room..."
  3063. >You barely catch her mumbling to herself
  3064. >This actually is the first time you've been here
  3065. >Your dates were exclusively around the school area after school, and you didn't go to either of your houses for it
  3067. >You then notice she's breathing pretty heavily...
  3068. >Before you notice her moving she's behind you and drapes herself on you
  3069. >"Dont'chu get the feeling that sthome things are justht meant to be~?"
  3070. >She whispers in your ear as her chest presses against your back
  3071. >It 'feels' bigger than you expect because of her modest and baggy shirt
  3072. >"A cute popular boy and a humble every girl brought together by fate and that they both come from confectionery making familiesth... The popular boy from the bakery being led athstray only to realized that his fated true love was the sthweet girl in the candy shop... A romanceth shtory for the agesth..."
  3073. >She's... Really put a lot of thought into that hasn't she?
  3074. >Really no time to be 'impressed' by that
  3075. >You try to duck out from under her, but she holds onto you tight
  3076. "You do know that-."
  3077. >You start trying to explain to get her off you before she cuts you off
  3078. >"Maud explained it was justht her kiss and perfume on you, and she was justht kidding about being your girlfriend desthpite also being your aunt. Stho we really can be together at lastht!"
  3079. >This was just like before when it was the main reason you broke up with her
  3080. >Actually she's coming on way stronger now than even back then
  3081. >At this rate she's going to mention getting married any second
  3082. >"Why don't you use sthocial media? It'th hard to keep up with what you're doing justht by following your mom's account..."
  3083. >Great... Cyber stalking...
  3084. >Probably one reason if you had to list some why you don't think social media is all it's cracked up to be
  3085. "I just prefer talking to people face to face really..."
  3086. >You respond while still trying to slip out from under her
  3087. >"Come on Anon... Don't be like that. Juthst make an account. Also can I have your phone number?"
  3088. >She's going to call you constantly if she could call you, wouldn't she?
  3089. >"Also if you do make one, could you sthow your relationsthip sthatus aths being in a relationsthip with me?"
  3091. >This is getting ridiculous
  3092. "Hey, I didn't say we were getting back together. You're just trying to decide that on your own. I'm just here because you're friends with Maud now, and I want to support her having more friends."
  3093. >She doesn't take your refusal seriously at all
  3094. >"Don't fight fate Anon! We're Sthimply meant to be together!"
  3095. >She then sloppily kisses you on the cheek
  3096. >"Even if you shomehow shtill don't realizthe it yet!"
  3097. >Twist then starts feeling up your front as her hands drift lower
  3098. "Okay! That's enough of that!"
  3099. >You say as you get a burst of nervous energy and manage to buck her off you
  3100. >Just in time for Maud to come in without seeing her all over you
  3101. >"Nice collection you've got here."
  3102. >Maud comments as she looks over it all
  3103. >"Thankths, but Maud... Do you believe in true love and fate?"
  3104. >"Not really."
  3105. >Maud responds rather bluntly
  3106. >It looks like Twist is bout to break out the Horses in Space DvDs she has
  3107. >You check your watch to see what time it is
  3108. >It's pretty close to noon
  3109. "Oh jeez, would you just look at the time. It's just about noon, and I've gotta be somewhere for lunch. It's been fun, but I've gotta be going."
  3110. >As you turn to leave Twist pounces of you
  3111. >Like she's trying to wrestle you to the ground as she tries to prevent you from leaving
  3112. >"No Anoooon! You sthaid you'd sthtay for lunch!"
  3113. >She presses her curves against you in ways you try to ignore while trying to pin you
  3114. >Almost like a younger version of Mom's body
  3115. >A thought you immediately try to erase from you mind
  3116. >Maud thankfully pulls her off you
  3117. >"Although we did say we'd stay for lunch, I'd very much appreciate it if you respected his personal space."
  3118. >"Okay..."
  3119. >Twist replies while sounding disappointed with being told to give you breathing room
  3120. >She then perks up for some reason
  3121. >"I'll go make usth sthome sthandwitches! You'll love'em I justhst know it!"
  3122. >So she thinks she'll impress you with her culinary skills?
  3124. >You head downstairs behind her to watch her make them
  3125. >Both to critique her technique, and see what kind of sandwiches she's making
  3126. >You're tempted to channel your inner Gordan Ramsay, but if you're too harsh in reviewing the sandwiches it could upset Maud
  3127. >When you get down there you can see her Mom is down there still
  3128. >She's cheering her daughter on in making the sandwiches
  3129. >Which is actually kind of cute
  3130. >Twist seems to be making some pretty simple PB&J sandwiches with cut crusts
  3131. >Her technique in making them seems perfectly fine
  3132. >After her mom notices you were here she looks you over a bit more closely
  3133. >"Now that I think of it. Were you here earlier this week?"
  3134. >She asks remembering seeing you here when you were with Grandma
  3135. "Yeah, I was spending some time with my grandma when she brought me to this shopping district. I'd decided to get some candy while I was here, but I didn't know this was where Twist lives."
  3136. >"Oh, that's right. There was an older woman who definitely looked like your grandma."
  3137. "She's visiting us on vacation. Normally she lives much further away from town."
  3138. >"That'd definitely explain why I don't remember seeing her around much before recently."
  3139. >Before you realized it you were having basic small talk with her mom
  3140. >She actually seems like a much more reasonable person
  3141. >Why is Twist like that in particular?
  3142. >"How is your mom doing by the way? I've been meaning to go visit her for a chat, but it keeps slipping my mind."
  3143. "She's doing fine. Still the same silly, fun, and adorable Mom like always."
  3144. >"Oh my, are you a bit of a mamma's boy?"
  3145. >She asks in a teasing tone
  3146. "I don't know about that, but even if I am a bit biased I can't deny how great she is."
  3147. >"It's really true she's always been a very charismatic and likable woman. Don't tell her, but sometimes I do feel just a bit jealous. Though I know I have my own charms, and did at least manage to land my own loving husband~."
  3149. >"You definitely are a mamma's boy though."
  3150. >Maud comments before you even realize she was behind you
  3151. >Though it makes sense she would be instead of just staying in Twist's room by herself
  3152. >Maud pats your head like she's communicating it's just teasing
  3153. >"No real shame in that. Most parents feel pretty lucky when their children take after them and respect them like that."
  3154. >Twist's mom says to dial back on the teasing
  3155. >"For a while I was worried my Twist had no real interest in candy making, but it's a huge relief knowing she takes pride in our family business."
  3156. >Twist takes her finished sandwiches and presents them on a plate to you and Maud
  3157. >One for each of you
  3158. "Ah, thanks."
  3159. >You say with common courtesy before taking the one closest to you
  3160. >Starting to eat it, it tastes just fine too
  3161. >About as good as a standard PB&J can be
  3162. >She waits for you to tell her what you think of it
  3163. "It's good, a decently made classic PB&J."
  3164. >You don't want to sound ungrateful, but don't want to swell her head either
  3165. >"Ahhh, sthucks. There'sth no need to be stho formal about it!"
  3166. >Twist comments smugly while nudging you with her elbow
  3167. >"Yeah, you've been dating her for quite a while haven't you?"
  3168. >Her mom asks, and you nearly choke on your current bite of the sandwich
  3169. >She never told her mom you'd broken up with her?!
  3170. >As in her mom thinks you've been dating her the whole time?!
  3171. >"What's the matter? Did I make you flustered mentioning it~."
  3172. >She asks teasingly like she thinks she's ribbing a cute couple
  3173. >"It's very nice to see her manage to keep a relationship with a boy like you. Sometimes it doesn't seem like she has many friends or gets out much. Though if she has a boyfriend like you, I'm sure she'll be fine."
  3174. >Great, now you'd feel guilty about telling her mom the truth about it
  3175. >Almost makes you wonder if this was planned, but you don't think she's capable of that level of planning
  3177. >You feel an extremely tense feeling from Maud as it seems she very badly wants to be 'the bearer of bad news' here
  3178. >Though it's actually surprising she hasn't already
  3179. >"From when I first talked to her I thought she was a bit like me. I've never been very social, or been able to have very many friends either."
  3180. >Perhaps Maud isn't immediately denouncing the falsehood of you being Twist's boyfriend in front of her mom because Twist reminds Maud of herself?
  3181. >So she doesn't want to humiliate her in front of her mom because of sympathy she feels for Twist?
  3182. >Either way you've definitely got to do something about her
  3183. >Even if just yelling "I'm not her boyfriend!" right now feels too harsh
  3184. >You can't help feeling that running into her at the mall, and allowing Maud to talk to her was the start of a huge disaster still in the making
  3185. >Before she felt like she had a foot in the door Twist was at least physically leaving you alone
  3186. >You were even blissfully unaware of her cyber stalking before this
  3187. >Now she's even eating into your post lunch time which was slotted to be entirely your own time to do what you want
  3188. >After you finish your sandwich you try to talk your way into leaving
  3189. "Thanks again for the sandwich, and though I'd love to stay longer but I've got to help my aunt Limestone train for an athletic competition. I wouldn't want to keep her waiting."
  3190. >You say giving a reason for leaving, and hope making it sound like an obligation would help your chances
  3191. >"We can hang out just the two of us for a while until I need to return to my work."
  3192. >Maud says having finished her own sandwich, and wanting to watch some Horses in Space
  3193. >"What do you do by the way?"
  3194. >Twists mom asks out of curiosity
  3195. >"I research rocks as a geologist."
  3196. >While Maud has Twist and her mom distracted talking about rocks you slip out the front door
  3197. >Then you give Limestone a call
  3198. >She picks up almost right away
  3200. "I'm ready to help you with training again, but I'm not at home right now. So come to the old shopping district to pick me up."
  3201. >You then give her the address for the candy shop
  3202. >"Okay, I'll be right over!"
  3203. >She says eagerly before hanging up
  3204. >Like you hoped it doesn't take long for her to get here
  3205. >You get right into her car, and you drive away
  3206. >"I actually got a membership at a gym. So you can coach me through real work outs instead of using the makeshift stuff."
  3207. >"That sounds nice. Like before I'll do my best coaching."
  3208. >The gym she takes you to isn't the same one Maud goes to
  3209. >Though it looks like a perfectly fine gym
  3210. >You go in with her as she shows her new membership id to the employee at the front desk
  3211. >Then you remember what Maud coached you through as you try to run Limestone through a gauntlet of the machines they have
  3212. >Which are the same standard ones the other gym had
  3213. >By the time you look at the time it's already almost time to be home
  3214. "Look how time flies! It's almost 4, which means I need to get home."
  3215. >Limestone at least knows why that is
  3216. >"Sure thing Anon, wouldn't want to upset Pinkie. I'm sure you know, but you'd really never want to see her mad."
  3217. >She says as she wraps things up, and gets ready to take you home
  3218. >You actually don't think you have ever seen her seriously mad
  3219. >When you've misbehaved sometimes you've annoyed her, but never made her actually mad
  3220. >With Limestone saying that maybe it's a very good thing
  3221. "Do you know when the nearest competition is though?"
  3222. >You ask her as you head back out to the car with her
  3223. >"Yeah, there's a triathlon in a couple days. I'll sign up for it tomorrow, and then it'll be at 2 the next day."
  3224. "Sounds like it fits our schedule perfectly then."
  3225. >"Yeah, good thing they don't hold these things in the middle of the night or anything."
  3226. >She responds jokingly
  3227. >Which is pretty rare from Limestone
  3228. >She must really be in a good mood about it
  3230. >You are Twist
  3231. >Watching one of your favorite shows in your room with Maud
  3232. >One of Anon's aunts
  3233. >You've been catching yourself thinking of her as a means of seeing Anon
  3234. >Which you're a bit ashamed of
  3235. >She's a genuinely good person to hang out with, and someone who you'd like to really be your friend
  3236. >Not just someone you'd use
  3237. >Yet the desire to spend as much time with Anon as possible burns within you
  3238. >He's your fated true love, and you simply can't let him slip away from you again
  3239. >Not when you've gotten so close to him
  3240. >In nearly every love story you see, you imagine it being you and Anon
  3241. >You're not sure why he isn't seeing it the same way yet
  3242. >After you reach the end of the first DvD Maud stops you from swapping the disc yet
  3243. >It seems like she wants to have a serious talk
  3244. >"We need to talk about how you've led your mom to believe you've been in a continuous relationship with Anon when you haven't."
  3245. >You were seriously hoping she wouldn't bring that up
  3246. >It's not so much that you deliberately lied to her
  3247. >More that you were too ashamed of what'd happened to tell her
  3248. >What would your mom think of you if she knew the only boy who'd spent any time with you had ditched you?
  3249. >Not only that, but how you lost contact with him completely when he did
  3250. >It was something you didn't even want to think about yourself
  3251. >Much less talk to your mom about
  3252. "I didn't try to lie to Mom about it... I justht didn't want to talk about what'd happened... I do believe in fated true love, and felt like I'd lostht my one sthot at it... I didn't want to hear the pity and disthappointment in my mom'sth voice if I told her about it either."
  3253. >Maud looked at you without changing her expression
  3254. >What's her reaction?
  3255. >Is she disgusted with you?
  3256. >You think not making strong facial expressions is just how she is actually
  3257. >"You really don't need to beat yourself up like that."
  3258. >She says supportively before placing a hand on your shoulder
  3260. >"I had a relationship where I'd thought we were perfect for each other, but he broke up with me because it turned out we weren't. There are other people out there, and it can turn out there's someone out there who's even better for you."
  3261. >Even if she says that you know for sure Anon is your true love
  3262. "Anon isth my true love though..."
  3263. >You say wanting to express how you feel
  3264. >"Twist... There's something I need to tell you about..."
  3265. >Maud says like she's bracing you for bad news
  3266. >"Back at the mall... Anon had said we should avoid you, and I'd lied about him wanting to talk to you because it was actually me who wanted you to talk to him."
  3267. >You didn't want to believe it, and yet it made too much sense
  3268. >Looking back it really did seem like he pulled talking about the Horses in Space reboot as a topic out of the air
  3269. >He'd been rather apprehensive about you here too...
  3270. >It could still be a fated meeting that brought him back to you, but still be that it wasn't something he wanted
  3271. "That doesthn't really change how I feel about him!"
  3272. >You say passionately with your hands balled up
  3273. >"It confuses me. What makes you so determined to chase after him even if he doesn't want anything to do with you?"
  3274. >Wow, that was a pretty blunt way of putting it
  3275. >Though you suppose it's a friend's duty to be honest, and you don't think she meant any harm by it
  3276. "I'm actually not all that sthure... It'sth justht sthomething I feel when I'm closthe to him. Sthomething magical that makesth me sthure it'sth meant to be."
  3277. >Maud sits quietly for a while
  3278. >You think she's processing it
  3279. >"I feel like enabling you to continue to chase Anon would be acting against his interests... However I also want to help you, and would be willing to do so only with very strict concessions."
  3280. >She does sound super serious about it
  3281. >It's also become clear you might not be able to see him again without her help
  3282. "W-what concessthions are thosthe?"
  3284. >"Our family, the Pie family that is, come from a different region where people are allowed to do things a bit differently than they are here."
  3285. >If someone like her is dancing around the point it must be a big one
  3286. >Wait, she couldn't mean...
  3287. "Like when you sthaid he was your boyfriend? You were... Axxctually stherious weren't you?"
  3288. >Maud doesn't confirm or deny it immediately
  3289. >"If you try to take him from me, I will destroy you. If you do anything to harm or defame my family, I will destroy you. Especially Anon or Pinkie."
  3290. >Your blood runs cold because of how serious she sounds about that
  3291. >You're also sure seeing the muscles in her arms, and hearing her stories that she can crush a bolder with her fists
  3292. >So you're pretty sure you don't want her to from friend to enemy...
  3293. "Why mention Pinkie sthpificaly though?"
  3294. >You ask as the question simply escapes your lips
  3295. >"Pinkie is the one person who's always believed in me, and been there for me when I needed it. When the person I thought was the one for me broke up with me I told her about it, and she invited me to stay with her. Did everything she could to help and comfort me because she knew I was in pain. Maybe if you had a bit more faith in your mom, and told her the truth you'd be pleasantly surprised by how she'd really react."
  3296. >These words are so genuine and straight from the heart it just about brings you to tears
  3297. >Maybe she's right about what you should do, and your mom
  3298. >No, she's absolutely right
  3299. >You're sure of it now
  3300. >"Thanksth Maud..."
  3301. >You say while feeling chocked up and extremely emotional
  3302. >"Now Twist, I'm going to ask you something, and I want you to answer honestly. If Pinkie loved her son, more than a mom is 'supposed' to. Would you try to expose that to get her away from him? Even if you thought that would make him more available to you?"
  3303. >She obviously wants you to say 'no', but would you?
  3304. >No, no...
  3306. >It's obvious to you now it wouldn't even go the way you'd want if you did it
  3307. >You're sure it'd just make him hate you
  3308. >You heard how he feels about her earlier
  3309. >If you ruined her like that, It'd ruin everything for you
  3310. >Also there'd be Maud destroying you, and you prefer staying un-destroyed
  3311. "Of course I wouldn't."
  3312. >"Good, good. Then I'll help you spend more time with Anon. Even though, and let's be clear here. He really doesn't want to."
  3313. >You kind wish she wouldn't remind you of that
  3314. >Though keeping in mind how he actually currently feels could help you remember you need to change how he feels about you
  3315. >Before you'd have a real chance of making sure your fated love happens
  3316. >"I think it's about time I got back to my work. I keep in contact with you to try and coordinate something."
  3317. >She then gives you her cellphone number
  3318. >You couldn't help but notice she has Anon's number, but didn't give it to you
  3319. >"The reason I'm not giving you Anon's number is because I know the temptation to call him too much, and sour his perception of you even further by pestering him would be too great."
  3320. >Maybe she has a point...
  3321. >"Have that conversation with your mom, if you would. I'll contact you soon."
  3322. >Maud then gets ready to leave before heading out of your room
  3323. >While sitting in your room alone, you think about how Anon and his Mom supposedly feel about each other
  3324. >You hadn't thought about why Pinkie posts so much about him before
  3325. >To you it was just convenient she gave you so much info you couldn't get otherwise
  3326. >Now you can't stop thinking about it
  3327. >Would Anon like you more if you dressed more like her, or took on some of her mannerisms?
  3328. >In fact you feel stupid for not thinking of it earlier
  3329. >Prettying yourself to his standards, and behaving more to his expectations is practically courtship 101
  3330. >You don't want to try to be a clone of his mom either
  3331. >That'd just be weird
  3332. >Just a bit closer to being like her than you are now
  3334. >Maybe your mom could help you
  3335. >After you tell her the truth...
  3336. >You head downstairs feeling nervous about it
  3337. >Mom is happily making candy in the shop like always
  3338. "Mom... Can I talk to you about sthomthing?..."
  3339. >Mom could hear the seriousness in your voice, and stops what she's doing to listen
  3340. >"Yes, sweetie?"
  3341. "I... Hadn't quite told you about sthomething I sthould have a long time ago..."
  3342. >Her eyes go a bit wide before giving you plenty of time to compose yourself
  3343. "I haven't actually been dating Anon thisth whole time... He broke up with me a while ago. I was too asthamed to talk about it... I was worried what you'd think of me, but Maud helped me realizth I sthould have more faith in you."
  3344. >Mom actually smiles warmly
  3345. >"She must really be a good friend then..."
  3346. >She said before coming to you, and hugging you supportively
  3347. >"I love you Twist, and want what's best for you, always. I wouldn't think badly of you because a boy broke up with you."
  3348. >You let her motherly love wash over you, and it feels like a terrible weight is lifted off your shoulders
  3349. >You feel so free and relaxed right now
  3350. "Mom... Could you help me though? I think we have a real chance of getting back together, but I'm not sthure how to do things right this time..."
  3351. >"Why of course I'll help you. If you can be sure of anything it's that I'll always be in your corner."
  3352. >She then pinches your cheek
  3353. >It hurts just slightly, but you know she just playing with you
  3354. "Thankths Mom. I really sthould have just done thisth in the firstht place."
  3355. >"First, let's get you some cuter clothes~. It'll be like a girls night out!"
  3356. "I think I even know what kind of clothesth to get too. Sthomething to look just a bit more like Pinkie."
  3357. >"How devious!"
  3358. >She jokes before ruffling your hair
  3359. >"Let's not go overboard though. Some shirts that aren't so baggy, and better fitting pants would be a good start."
  3360. >You then talked about clothes a lot before you got in the car to go shopping
  3362. >You are Anon
  3363. >Arriving home just in time to be with Mom
  3364. >Something you're absolutely positive will be a much better time than a lot of today has been
  3365. >When you walk into the house Mom greets you with the same energy as always
  3366. >"Nonners~!"
  3367. >She yells excitedly as she embraces you
  3368. >You cuddle into her embrace
  3369. >Then Mom encourages your face to rest between her breasts
  3370. >Something you weren't nervous about anymore as you simply enjoyed it
  3371. >She strokes your hair a little before you wonder what you'd do with her today
  3372. "Hey Ponk, what'd you like to do today?"
  3373. >You ask her while calling her the cutesy nickname for fun
  3374. >"I'd heard you went to the Mall with Maud, and that sounds fun! Let's do that too! It's been a while since I went window shopping!"
  3375. >She excitedly says while rocking you back and forth
  3376. >Then she got a more suggestive look on her face
  3377. >"I could even try on some daring clothes for you~."
  3378. >Mom explains in a seductive tone that makes your ears burns
  3379. >She looks into your eyes smugly seeing your reaction
  3380. >"I think that settles it~! Let's get going then~!"
  3381. >You chuckle and smile a little
  3382. "Sure thing, better get to the mall before it's too dark out."
  3383. >"Or do we want it to be dark~?"
  3384. >She asks teasingly before giggling to herself
  3385. >"Just kidding~!"
  3386. >She lets go of you before clinging to your side as you went out to her car with her
  3387. >It feels like you'd been carted around a lot today, but one more trip for Mom certainly isn't too much
  3388. >At the mall you head right on in with her
  3389. >While sure that even if Twist wasn't still with Maud she probably wouldn't be back at the mall so soon
  3390. >You walk around the mall with Mom while talking about the various shops
  3391. >She tells you various stuff about the people who run them, and what recent changes she's noticing
  3392. >It's like she really does know everyone in town
  3393. >Then you got to her favorite clothing shop, and she takes you in with her
  3395. >Inside you saw the one person you wanted to see least
  3396. >Apparently Twist is here clothes shopping with her mom
  3397. >Twist bounces while waving her arms at you to make sure you noticed her
  3398. >When she was sure you were aware of her she bounded over pretty quickly
  3399. >You notice she's wearing a tighter shirt, and her actually sizable chest is bouncing in a way that's impossible to ignore
  3400. >You prepare to try to side step her when it seems like she's going to tackle you, but it's too late
  3401. >She jumps at you before wrapping her arms over your shoulders, and her chest pressed into yours
  3402. >"Hey Anon! Fancthy stheeing you here! Wanna sthee the new clothesth I'm getting?!"
  3403. >You immediately try escaping her embrace, but without touching her in a way that'd look bad it's difficult
  3404. >Mom simply giggles out loud instead of helping
  3405. >"I didn't know you and Twist knew each other! I think she likes you~!"
  3406. >Mom teases without knowing anything
  3407. >Of course because you hadn't told her anything
  3408. >Twist's grip on you suddenly tightens so much it hurts a little, and she glares at you
  3409. >"You never told her at all?!"
  3410. >Twist nearly yells in your ears
  3411. >"Never told me what?"
  3412. >Mom asks naively while looking at you teasingly
  3413. >Twist's mom then enters the fray
  3414. >"Isn't that cute~. Poor little guy was too nervous to tell his mommy he was dating a girl for a bit~."
  3415. >Mom then boops your nose before wagging her finger at you while Twist still stayed on you
  3416. >"Not telling your parents something like that is very naughty Nonners~."
  3417. >She scolds you, but more teasingly than if she was serious
  3418. >You get back to trying to squirm out of her grip feeling like you could die of embarrassment
  3419. >"For your ex to just throw herself at you like that, you must still be on good terms~."
  3420. >Mom continues to tease you about it
  3421. >Can't she tell you don't want her on you like this?!
  3423. >Twist's more prominently displayed chest is making your body react, but the actual person makes you wish you had more control over that
  3424. >"I think he likes your new shirt~."
  3425. >Twist's mom teases while watching you squirm
  3426. >"So, Mom to Mom... How do you think a naughty boy who tried to hide dating a girl should be punished~?"
  3427. >She asks your mom playfully around you like it's a game
  3428. >"Hmmmm... I don't know~. Shouldn't that be something more for the scorned ex-girlfriend to decide~?"
  3429. "Wait a minute Mom!"
  3430. >You interject pleading for mercy
  3431. >She puts a finger to your lips before shushing you
  3432. >"Quiet, you! Just take your lickings like a man, and maybe I'll reward you later~."
  3433. >A reward from her doesn't sound so bad, but you're really worried about what Twist would say
  3434. >"I think he sthould get back together with me for at leastht asth long asth you sthpent without telling your mom about our relationsthip!"
  3435. >She says before kissing your cheek
  3436. "Hey! You're the one who didn't tell your mom we broke up!"
  3437. >Mom then give Twist's mom a sly gaze
  3438. >"Oh, is this true~?"
  3439. >Twist's mom tries to play innocent while whistling it off, and looking away
  3440. >"My, my, looks like they're both naughty kids~. I wonder what we should do about that~?"
  3441. >"Kissth and make up?"
  3442. >Twist suggests for obvious reasons
  3443. >"Such a forward girl~. I hope you're not dangerous for my little Nonners~."
  3444. >"Hey, don't say that! My Twist is a very sweet and innocent girl with a maiden's heart!"
  3445. >Twist's mom says protesting the accusation
  3446. >"How should I know it's not your 'Nonners' who's a little bad boy going around breaking girls' hearts?"
  3447. >Her mom suggests and the accusation pierces you sharply
  3448. >Thinking back on the very short dating periods that's actually kind of true
  3449. >Your only defense against that the stints with girls were very short
  3450. >Short enough that only Twist had become attached to you by the time it was over
  3452. >You think Twist would've become this attached to any other guy who actually dated her even once
  3453. >It definitely didn't make you feel better when Mom didn't have a come back against that
  3454. >"Don't you think it's about time he took responsibility, and made an honest woman out of a girl?"
  3455. >Her mom says, and you hope she's joking
  3456. >"Come on, isn't that a bit extreme? I mean it's not like they did it or anything."
  3457. >Mom replies to turn down the heat a bit
  3458. "Yeah! The most we ever did was go to a frozen yogurt shop near school after class!"
  3459. >You say to put the 'seriousness' of the relationship into perspective
  3460. >"He still left her with lingering feelings for him without much consideration!"
  3461. >"Then why would solution be to make him take her back, instead of finding someone you think would be better for her?"
  3462. >"Because it's what my daughter wants, and as her mom I've gotta advocate for her!"
  3463. >"Okay, I can understand that, but advocating for her doesn't always mean trying to give her exactly what she wants."
  3464. >"Are you saying it's impossible for him to take her back?"
  3465. >"Well, I think it should be clear to you that's not what he wants, and as his mom I've gotta advocate for him."
  3466. >"Then it seems we may be at an impasse."
  3467. >The two moms stare at each other while you still have to contend with Twist uncomfortably hot body stuck on you like socks on a sweater that just came out of the dryer
  3468. >"Can't you just have your son be nice to her? Doesn't really feel like he's giving her much of a chance."
  3469. >"Isn't she coming on too strong though? That'd scare away most boys."
  3470. >"She just can't help herself, and they already know each other so well. Why would she need to be reserved with him?"
  3471. >"Does she though? Let's have her take a quiz about him, and see how much she really knows?"
  3472. >That wouldn't be much of a challenge for her...
  3473. "Don't do that! She's been following your posts about me online!"
  3474. >"What?... I don't post that much about you..."
  3476. >Mom says nervously while looking away
  3477. "Come on Mom... It's practically the first thing anyone I've talked to who knows you has told me about you. Starlight said you post about me more than new parents post about their baby..."
  3478. >"That's definitely an exaggeration, Nonners!"
  3479. >"Then following your poststh sthoudn't give me that much of an edge, righth?"
  3480. >Twist openly admits while pressing herself into you more
  3481. "When are you going to get off me anyway?"
  3482. >You ask while trying to get her off you a bit more
  3483. >"Never~."
  3484. >Mom actually fumes a bit
  3485. >"What's his favorite activity?"
  3486. >Mom asks her sharply
  3487. >"Trick question, he doesthn't have one, and justht does whatever isth fun."
  3488. >Then Mom fumes even more before asking the next question
  3489. >"Why does he like baking so much?"
  3490. >She asks before getting a smug look on her face
  3491. >Perhaps expecting Twist to not want to answer that one with the correct answer
  3492. >"Because you like baking, and he gets to do it with you."
  3493. >You see a vein pop in Mom's forehead
  3494. >"Okay! Enough of that! Just answer one last question that I'm sure you can't answer, and that I feel you must be able to answer before trying a relationship with him again. Why did he break up with you?"
  3495. >Twist starts sweating profusely while looking up and away
  3496. >"Well... I... Uhm..."
  3497. >Seems she really can't answer that
  3498. >"How about you tell her now, Nonners?"
  3499. >You take in a deep breath, and let it out slowly to prepare yourself
  3500. "I was wrong about what kind of person you were when I first approached you, and you were creeping me out."
  3501. >"That's kind of what I figured."
  3502. >Mom said like she knew all along
  3503. >"Looks like you need to take a step back, and re-think your approach if you don't want him to just run from you."
  3504. >She tells Twist while basically telling her she failed the 'quiz'
  3505. >"B-but we're meant to be... I justht know it..."
  3506. >Twist says sadly while seeming like she's going to cry
  3508. >Mom's expression changes, and she seems to feel like she was too hard on Twist
  3509. >"Now, now, Twist... No need to cry. I didn't say it was impossible. You just need to do things differently, and consider his feelings more."
  3510. >Twist's eyes water up a little
  3511. >"C-can't I just spend some time with him? H-how am I supposed to do that if I can't see him?..."
  3512. >You sigh before wrapping your arms around her, and patting her head a little
  3513. >"There there, Twist. There there..."
  3514. >She practically melts in your arms, and it makes you regret doing that even if you just didn't want her to cry
  3515. >Mom sighs wearily
  3516. >"Okay, okay, I'll allow you to spend some time with him. No forcing yourself on him though, and no acting like he has to date you! This doesn't mean you are dating either! Just think of it of being friends, and only when or if he says you're dating does it actually mean that!"
  3517. >"Deal!"
  3518. >Twist says as she immediately perks up
  3519. >Her eyes still watering slightly as she clears them, and cleans her thick glasses
  3520. >"Sounds like things are on track for you! Good job sweetie!"
  3521. >Twist's mom chimes in with a thumbs up
  3522. >Mom then motions for Twist to get off you
  3523. >"Now go ahead and give him some space. You can't try on more new clothes while stuck to him like that can you?"
  3524. >"Can't I come with you instead? I was basically done anyway..."
  3525. >Twist says while refusing to let go
  3526. >"I should get back to the shop anyway, have fun!"
  3527. >Twist's mom says quickly before running off with bags of purchased clothes
  3528. >Deviously leaving Twist 'stuck' with you and Mom
  3529. >"Alstho I'm sthpending the night with Maud asth her friend. Stho you can just take me to your place after we're done here."
  3530. >Mom has a look on her face like now hoped you'd never have to see again
  3531. >A fake smile on while it's clear she's about to explode on the inside with rage
  3532. >"Anon, honey. Is it true that she's Maud's friend now?"
  3533. >Your blood runs cold
  3534. >She basically never calls you Anon
  3536. "Y-yeah... She became friends with Maud when we both found her here at the mall earlier today..."
  3537. >Mom then noticed the fear in your voice before taking some deep breaths to calm down
  3538. >"Would have been nice if you told me first about your plans to come over since it's my house. I'll have to talk to Maud about inviting people to my house on her own..."
  3539. >You don't want to be Maud right now
  3540. >Twist seems scared too
  3541. >"I-if it'sth really a bad time... I don't sthtirctly have to come over..."
  3542. >Mom takes some more deep breaths to compose herself
  3543. >"No, no... If I tell Maud her new friend couldn't come over because I wouldn't let her, I'm sure it'd make her sad and angry."
  3544. >"I'll just let her know to ask me first in the future on principal."
  3545. >She then notices she's still draping herself on you
  3546. >"Now seriously, please get off him. You can't walk around the mall with him like that."
  3547. >"Why not?"
  3548. >Twist asks in a whining tone
  3549. >"Because I said so."
  3550. >Mom answers back with a snappy bark in her voice
  3551. >"Okay, okay!"
  3552. >Twist replies as she backs off you with her hands up
  3553. >You breathe a sigh of relief now that the curvy dork of doom wasn't pressing herself against you anymore
  3554. >All without you having to force her off yourself, and risk touching her inappropriately or it looking bad to surrounding people
  3555. >You then stuck close to Mom as you walked around the mall some more
  3556. >Specifically asking Mom about shops to get her talking, and lighten her mood
  3557. >Twist follows along pretty close to you too, but is too nervous to do anything brazen right now
  3558. >She's even being pretty quiet
  3559. >You think because she's afraid of making Mom angry again
  3560. >Though it's not long before Mom wants to head back home
  3561. >The whole indecent with Twist really sucked out the fun of being at the mall right now for her
  3562. >You all ended up going to the car quietly
  3563. >"I'll justht go right to Maud when we get there... Which room isth she staying in?"
  3564. >Twist says in a very formal tone
  3566. >Mom then tells Twist which room it was in a calm voice, but you could tell she was still kind of mad
  3567. >You're definitely going to be trying to get her in a better mood so you two can actually try to enjoy the rest of the evening
  3568. >Twist staying in Maud's room with her would definitely help
  3569. >You get home and go in first with Mom
  3570. >Twist follows behind seeming nervous, and gawks a little inside the house
  3571. >It's pretty obvious she wonders where your room is before remembering she's supposed to go to Maud's room
  3572. >Which she does pretty quickly after remembering
  3573. >Then at last it was just you and Mom again
  3574. >"What's her deal anyway?"
  3575. >Mom asks still sounding pretty annoyed about all this
  3576. "She's a huge dork, got super attached during the short time we dated, and obsessed about me while not being able to find another guy since then... She even thinks she's 'fated' to be with me... I think mostly because she thinks me and her coming from similar family businesses is a big deal somehow."
  3577. >You try to explain quiet enough that Twist definitely couldn't hear it
  3578. >Mom doesn't look phased by that, perhaps because it makes sense from what she's seen
  3579. >"I definitely noticed you 'react' to her pouncing on you, Nonners..."
  3580. >She says like she's making fun of you, but scolding you at the same time
  3581. "Come on, Ponk! I don't have much control over that! If I really could fully choose when my body 'reacts' or not that definitely wouldn't have been the time!"
  3582. >Mom lightens up significanly before pinching your cheek
  3583. >"I'm just ribbing you Nonners~!"
  3584. "How about we just relax on the couch with a light and silly movie on?"
  3585. >You suggest something that you know will be very relaxing
  3586. >Knowing that you both need it
  3587. >Mom absolutely loves the idea and skips to the living room
  3588. >You go with her and join her on the couch after putting in the most light hearted and campy movie you have
  3589. >Then you and Mom cuddle in a blanket together
  3591. >Getting so comfy and relaxed you fall asleep before you know it
  3592. >Later you're getting woken up by someone
  3593. >You're still cuddled up against Mom who seems to be asleep
  3594. >"Come to bed, deary."
  3595. >It sounds like Grandma
  3596. >You're too comfy to want to move to bed
  3597. "In a minute, Grandma, I'm being comfy..."
  3598. >You tell her without opening your eyes, and you adjust your position for maximum comfort
  3599. >"Hey! I'm not your Grandma!"
  3600. >The voice comes in way too loud and hurts your ears
  3601. >Mom shifts uncomfortable at the noise, but doesn't wake up
  3602. >Taking a pillow off the end of the couch before putting it over her exposed ear
  3603. >If it's not Grandma, then who?
  3604. >Your heavy eyelids creak open as you look to who it is
  3605. >It's god damn Twist...
  3606. "Don't call me 'deary'... Are you pretending to be an old woman for fun?"
  3607. >"You'll get sthick if you sthleep on the couch like that, and why would your Grandma tell you to come to bed anyway?"
  3608. "She's staying in my room, and wants me to not stay up too late or sleep in. Besides, why would you be telling me to 'come to bed'? Just go back to Maud's room."
  3609. >You brush her off before closing your eyes again and putting your head back down
  3610. >"Aren't you going to come hang out with usth before staying in Maud'sth room for the night?"
  3611. "No."
  3612. >You tell her bluntly wanting her to quit bugging you
  3613. >"Come on Anon... It'll be fun..."
  3614. >She pleads like she's just going to keep asking until you agree
  3615. "I said 'no'. Now unless my actual Grandma tells me to move, I'm not going anywhere."
  3616. >You tell her putting your foot down
  3617. >Mom slides off the couch away from you
  3618. >"It's too noisy here Nonners... I'm going to bed... Nighty night..."
  3619. >She says drowsily as she heads off to bed
  3620. >It's not nearly as comfy here anymore without Mom
  3621. >You still don't want to move because Twist told you to
  3622. >Actually it seems odd that you haven't seen Grandma since this morning
  3623. "Where is my Grandma anyway? Have you seen her?"
  3625. >You ask even though you don't expect Twist to know
  3626. >"Axxctually I think I remember Maud telling me her mom went to a new friend's house for the night."
  3627. >So that means if you go to your bed you'll have it to yourself tonight
  3628. >Maybe you'll move after all
  3629. "I'm gonna head to my own bed, good night."
  3630. >"Stho you are joining usth! Yeth!"
  3631. >Wait, but that means...
  3632. "You were supposed to be in Maud's room! How long have you been in mine?!"
  3633. >"Sthince I couldn't find Maud in the room Pinkie told me to go to, and found her in a room that turned out to be yoursth."
  3634. >She then looked a little disappointed
  3635. "Gotta sthay Anon, it'sth a bit bland. I could help you decorate it though."
  3636. "What, with a whole bunch a collectibles and clutter?"
  3637. >"Hey, it'sth not clutter! It'sth art, and I'll make sthure you appreciate it more!"
  3638. >She says before pulling you off the couch
  3639. >You give some resistance as she pulls you along to your room, but you're just too tired and drowsy to put up a strong resistance
  3640. >Inside your room you see Maud sitting in front of the tv in your room in her night gown
  3641. >With it paused on something you can only assume is Horses in Space
  3642. >You've got to ask Maud what she thinks she's doing
  3643. "Why are you in my room Maud, and why invite Twist in here?"
  3644. >"Mom being out of the house means I can sleep with you in here, so I will. Also I couldn't leave Twist in my room by herself."
  3645. >Twist lets go of you before getting a deep blush
  3646. >"S-s-sthleep with him?!"
  3647. >Twist says in absolute shock
  3648. >"What's the matter?"
  3649. >Maud asks her like she's confused
  3650. >"I thought we were just going to sthleep in sthleeping bags or sthomething on the floor..."
  3651. >Twist replies apparently having some boundaries
  3652. >"Why not, and don't you want to?"
  3653. >Maud asks her, and Twist nearly faints thinking about sharing a bed with you
  3654. >"I couldn't possthibly do sthomething like that! It'sth sthimply too much!"
  3655. >She says unable to beleive what she'd heard was serious
  3656. >"Eh, your loss then."
  3658. >Maud says before she un-pauses the show
  3659. >Twist then fiddled with her fingers in a way that was actually kind of cute
  3660. >Poking her index fingers together as she tried to prepare herself to ask something
  3661. >"I-isn't it about time to head to bed though? It's getting pretty late..."
  3662. >"Oh, so now you want to sleep in his bed with us?"
  3663. >Maud asks like she's teasing Twist for changing her mind
  3664. "Hey now, it's my bed here."
  3665. >You say as you strongly imply nobody besides you was sleeping in your bed without your say so
  3666. >"I-I didn't mean sthpecifically all going into Anon'sth bed... I justht mean... Going to sthleep in general..."
  3667. >Twist replies with a blush
  3668. >Definitely wanting to join you in your bed, but just not having the nerve to
  3669. >"No need to be so shy about something like that. You aren't a kid anymore."
  3670. >Maud tells her like she's making fun of Twist
  3671. >"Do you really intend to sthleep with him Maud?"
  3672. >Twist asks with disbelief in her voice
  3673. >It's actually kind of fun watching her be so reserved, and way less forward than she was earlier
  3674. >Though you guess this really is way different than just wanting to hang off you, and kiss your cheek
  3675. >Now that you think of it she hadn't even tried to kiss you on the lips earlier
  3676. >"Would it really be okay if I did?... I don't want to make Pinkie mad..."
  3677. >She says while her whole body shook because she was so nervous
  3678. "I'd prefer if you didn't. Especially if you're this uncomfortable about it. Don't have a heart attack or something."
  3679. >She suddenly jumps at you and presses herself into your front
  3680. >"Pleasthe Anon... Pleasthe? It'd be a dream come true... We don't have to tell your mom about it..."
  3681. >Her curves press into you again, and it makes your blood rush to certain places despite yourself
  3682. >The fact that she's wearing loose fitting pajamas only makes it wore
  3683. >Or rather 'harder'
  3685. >You avert your eyes from hers so you don't have to see her giving you puppy dog eyes
  3686. >"I'm not uncomfortable with it Anon... I'd sthleep in your bed with you every night from now on if I could..."
  3687. >"His body is honest about it."
  3688. >Maud says as she points out the tent in your pants
  3689. >Twist backs off you with a yelp while staring at it, and a deep red blush
  3690. "I... I don't have any control over that!"
  3691. >You say defensively
  3692. >Maud then has an aura about her like she had the first night she was over
  3693. >"I can't help noticing how you're dressed. You can't go to bed like that."
  3694. >Maud says before coming up to you
  3695. >Before you realize what she's about to do she pulls your pants down before stripping you
  3696. >Leaving you naked in front of her, and especially Twist
  3697. >Her body shakes as she breathes so heavily you think she might hyperventilate
  3698. >Staring down at your exposed boner while frozen in place
  3699. >You try to cover it up with your hands, but Maud doesn't let you
  3700. >"Now let's go to bed."
  3701. >Maud says before picking you up, and tossing you onto your bed
  3702. >"A-aren't you going to let him put on Pajamas f-f-firstht?"
  3703. >Twist asks in shock and disbelief while still staring at your lower region
  3704. >However instead Maud gets into the bed with you before coving both of you with the sheets
  3705. >She then motions for Twist to join
  3706. >"O-oh.... My..."
  3707. >Twist stutters while shaking with a look on her face like her brain shut down
  3708. >Maud sighs before getting of of bed, and picking up Twist before carrying her over
  3709. >Twist is picked up like she's a cardboard cut out she's so stiff
  3710. >Maud slides her stiff frame in under the covers next to you
  3711. >Before getting back in bed with you herself on the other side
  3712. >It's extremely cramped, and Twist's body is up against your side so close you can feel her heart beating a mile a minute
  3713. >She stiffly clings to your side while breathing like she's panicking
  3714. >"Oh Anon... This is nutsth! I don't know what to do!"
  3716. >She says in a panicked voice while trembling
  3717. >You sigh with your own blush before trying to calm her
  3718. "Just take a deep breath. Keep your hands to yourself, and try to get a hold of yourself."
  3719. >You tell her slowly and calmly
  3720. >"How could you possthibly be calm like this?! You're naked! With not just me, but your aunt in bed with you! This is moving way too fastht! Even if my most perverted fantasthy thisth would be too much!"
  3721. >She blurts out before trying to backpeddle
  3722. >"I mean I don't have any fantasthys like that! I mean who would..."
  3723. >"What kind of perverted fantasies?"
  3724. >Maud asks like it's not awkward as hell
  3725. >"I'd rather not sthay..."
  3726. >"Any about his aunt having sex with him, and what if she got pregnant?"
  3727. >You can practically see steam coming from her ears as she's too taken aback to respond
  3728. >Twist says with hardly any breath like she can't breathe
  3729. >"Are you thinking about doing 'that' now, and what if Pinkie finds out?"
  3730. >Twist asks Maud like she's on the verge of freaking out
  3731. >"It already has happened before, the first thing anyway, and Pinkie already knows. She's done it with him too."
  3732. >Twist freezes in place and definitely isn't breathing
  3733. >You turn to Maud
  3734. "Damn it Maud, that's too much to drop on her all at once!"
  3735. >"What? Sex isn't that big a deal. Oh, right. The whole thing about 'incest' and how some people have hang ups about it for some reason."
  3736. >You notice Twist still isn't breathing
  3737. >So you lightly smack her cheeck a little
  3738. "Come on Twist, breathe, breathe..."
  3739. >"I think I need to lie down..."
  3740. >She says wearily
  3741. >"You're already lying down."
  3742. >Maud states the obvious
  3743. >"Oh... I am?..."
  3744. >Maud then takes one of Twist's hands up against your side, and moves it down to your crotch to guide her into grabbing your dick
  3745. >"Just take this, and try to enjoy yourself a little. You seem delirious."
  3746. >Twist then mindlessly starts stroking your shaft
  3747. "Maud! Don't do that!"
  3748. >You say before reaching down to stop her
  3750. >Maud blocks your hands though
  3751. >"Just let her have this. She's way too stressed."
  3752. "Because of you!"
  3753. >Twist has a dreamy look on her face while continuing to fondle your cock
  3754. >"Thisth mustht justht be a dream..."
  3755. >Twist says to herself apparently not even thinking this is real anymore
  3756. >"It feelsth stho real..."
  3757. >She says before stroking you faster
  3758. >You'd told her to keep her hands to herself, but it's more Maud's fault than hers she's got your dick in her hand now
  3759. >"It is real."
  3760. >Maud tells her bluntly
  3761. >"That can't be right..."
  3762. >She says wearily before her hand slows down to a stop, and she closes her eyes
  3763. >You think she passed out
  3764. >Her hand moves back up to your side as she cuddles into your side
  3765. "I hope she does believe it was just a dream after this..."
  3766. >It's kind of hard to process yourself what Maud just made happen
  3767. "This escalated way too quickly... Even if it was something I wanted to happen with her."
  3768. >You say knowing she can't hear you right now
  3769. >"Don't you feel like you want to throw her a bone though?"
  3770. "Not really. Also weren't you the one who said that being 'too nice' to her is how I'd become a manwhore?"
  3771. >"Maybe being a manwhore isn't actually so bad."
  3772. "Maud..."
  3773. >"What's so bad about this as opposed to something like this with Pinkie?"
  3774. >"Besides, if 'incest' is bad, then wouldn't this be something you'd want?"
  3775. "Well... I actually love you and Mom, and Twist is more just creepy."
  3776. >"I'd appreciate if you didn't call her creepy. She's like me, so if you call her creepy it's like you're calling me creepy."
  3777. "I'm sorry Maud, but I just don't trust her as much as I do you..."
  3778. >"I'll vouch for her then. She's a good girl who you should trust."
  3779. >"Give her a kiss as an apology in the morning."
  3780. >You're definitely sure she's serious about it
  3781. "Can I at least put some pajamas on now?"
  3782. >You ask her while feeling a bit too 'exposed'
  3783. >"Nah, it's better like this."
  3785. >She then dives under the covers before you feel her mouth on your dick
  3786. >She sucks you like an industrial vacuum cleaner, and makes you cum in no time flat
  3787. >Your body convulsing as the cum is forced out of you way too strongly
  3788. >Maud moves back up besides you as you pant post-sudden climax
  3789. >"It felt good, but I think vaginal sex still tops it."
  3790. >Maud commented like it's a serious critical review of blowjobs
  3791. >"Good night."
  3792. >She says before going to sleep
  3793. >With both of them asleep at your sides now you wonder how you'd ever get to sleep yourself
  3794. >You want to go put pajamas on while they're still asleep, but their pinning you down
  3795. >It doesn't feel like you could slip away without waking either of them up
  3796. >Maybe you'd just have to try to do damage control in the morning
  3797. >It's seriously hard for you to try to go to sleep
  3799. >Somehow it eventually becomes morning
  3800. >It kind of felt like you'd fallen asleep at some point, but you definitely don't feel like you slept much
  3801. >You feel like complete garbage
  3802. >You also wake up to someone making out with you
  3803. >Turns out to be Twist which makes you want it to stop
  3804. >Yet it even turns out you've been holding her in your arms in your sleep
  3805. >Thankfully she's not completely on top of you like you'd had sex, but still at your side
  3806. >Also the feeling of her pajama fabric against you gives you comfort in knowing that at least she's still clothed
  3807. >You let go before pushing her off you
  3808. >Her eyes stay closed despite this, and it seems like she was doing that in her sleep
  3809. >Maud was still holding you, but lower down on your chest
  3810. >You move Maud's arms off you carefully before taking the opportunity to leave bed, and get dressed
  3811. >After that feeling extremely tired you leave your room for the living room couch
  3812. >Then lay down to take a nap on it away from those two
  3813. >More so away from Twist than Maud
  3814. >This definitely isn't the end of it with her though, but you wish it would be
  3816. >When you wake up feeling a lot better, but hoping you didn't wake up because of Twist again
  3817. >Thankfully you wake up to the sight of your actual Grandma
  3818. >Though she's looking down at you with a confused expression
  3819. >"Why are you sleeping on the couch, deary?"
  3820. >She asks with concern in her voice
  3821. "It's a long story... Though I heard you went to a new friend's house. Did you have fun?"
  3822. >"Yeah, she showed me all her antiques and we talked about them and the good old days well into the night before going to sleep."
  3823. "Definitely sounds like you had a good time. So what are you thinking of doing now?"
  3824. >She sits you up on the couch before starting to massage your shoulders
  3825. >"First I'm going to give you a bit of help here. You really don't look like you're in good shape."
  3826. >It feels nice, and you can feel some of the soreness from sleeping on the couch go away
  3827. "Is it really that bad?"
  3828. >"You really look like you had a stressful night. Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"
  3829. >Maybe you should say something about it
  3830. >It's not like she wouldn't find out one way or another anyway
  3831. "It's about a new friend of Maud's... Problem is it's a girl I already know, and not exactly in a good way..."
  3832. >"In what way Anon?... She's not being a bad influence on Maud, or hurting you is she?"
  3833. >Grandma asks while acting like she's about to put some brass knuckles on
  3834. "No, not like that. More like the 'overly attached ex' kind, and Maud feels sympathetic to her because they have a lot in common. I'm kind of hesitant to try to tell Maud not to be friends with her either because she has few friends as it is..."
  3835. >"I think I'm gonna need more details here. Why is she so attached to you, and similar to Maud in what way?"
  3836. >It feels like you'd explained this too many times already
  3838. "She's a huge dork who's obsessed about me because I was the only boy who gave her the time of day, and she's doesn't have many friends herself like Maud too."
  3839. >"I see... Do you feel bad for her Anon?"
  3840. "Not especially. Maybe I would if she'd just interacted with me like a normal person. I've been doing my best to keep her at arms length, but she comes on so strong it's crazy."
  3841. >Which reminds you
  3842. "Maud also came on super strong, but it just feels different when she does it than with someone like Twist. I think I want to say it's because I don't feel threatened when Maud does it because I trust her more as family... Though I'm not really all that sure."
  3843. >"I could help you keep her off you. You're a kind and sensitive boy, and don't change that. However it's an unfortunate reality that it won't always help you to be that way."
  3844. "Thanks Cloudy..."
  3845. >You thank her before nuzzling into her
  3846. "Don't mention it deary, I'll always do what I can to help you."
  3847. >Grandma sits on the couch with you and strokes your hair affectionately
  3848. >After a bit of that you sit back up into a normal position
  3849. >Probably about time to go see if Maud is awake
  3850. >Then Twist comes into the room
  3851. >"There you are Anon! I wasth looking all over for you!"
  3852. >She says while still wearing her loose pajamas as she rushes over to you
  3853. >Her jiggly bits bouncing in a very distracting way on the way over
  3854. >Before practically pouncing on you as she stared holding you on the couch with you
  3855. >Grandma looks mad and pushes her off almost immediately
  3856. >"Who the heck do you think you are?! Get off my sweet little Anon, you bimbo!"
  3857. >Her chest bounces after Grandma pushes her off you
  3858. >It makes you wonder if she's even wearing a bra with those
  3859. >Though instead of being insulted she looks flustered
  3860. >"D-do you really think I'm sthexy?... Nobody'sth ever said I wasth attractive before..."
  3861. "This is the girl I was talking about..."
  3862. >You whisper into Grandma's ear
  3864. >"You do know that's supposed to be an insult right?!"
  3865. >Grandma asks her with disgust in her voice
  3866. >Though you're sure she heard what you said
  3867. >Grandma then starts holding you possessively
  3868. >"It'sth pretty common for protective family membersth to try and sthtop true love... Though to be called sthomething that impliesth I'm sthexy..."
  3869. >Grandma just gets angrier
  3870. >"This isn't some Shakespearian play, and don't you have any shame at all?! Also why are you talking like that anyway?!"
  3871. "She has a lisp... She just can't really help it."
  3872. >You explain before Twist got around to it
  3873. >Grandma holds you tighter with a huff
  3874. >"Go find some other sweet boy to seduce with that obscene harlot body!"
  3875. >Twist looks down at her chest with a blush before making them bounce a little on purpose
  3876. >Before trying to embrace you again
  3877. >She manages to grab your far side, but Grandma keeps her from pulling herself close with a hand to the face
  3878. >"We're meant to be! Don't sthtop fate!"
  3879. >Twist yells out through Grandma's hand
  3880. >"The only two things that are going to be fated are my foot and your backside if you don't cool off with this! Take a cold shower!"
  3881. >"I may have had a weird dream lastht night, but that won't sthtop me from knowing what'sth meant to be! Nothing will!"
  3882. >Thank god she thinks it's a dream, and you won't say otherwise
  3883. >What if she did have an actual disturbing dream after that?...
  3884. >You decide not to go any further with that, and shut down your imagination immediately to save your sanity
  3885. >"What's with all the noise?"
  3886. >Maud asks as she comes into the room
  3887. >Seeing the situation she pauses for a moment
  3888. >"It's a bit early in the morning for roughhousing isn't it? Also Twist, why are you still in your pajamas? You don't plan on still sleeping do you?"
  3889. >Grandma then glares at Maud
  3890. >"Get your little friend here under control! She's hounding my poor little Anon!"
  3892. >"It's okay mom. She's my friend, and she's a good girl."
  3893. >Grandma looks baffled by being told this
  3894. >"It most certainly is not okay! Her behavior is completely out of line!"
  3895. >Then Twist looks confused too
  3896. >"Wait, thisth isth your Grandma? Not one of your auntsth?"
  3897. >She'd never met your other aunts before, but still it seems odd she'd make that mistake
  3898. >"Flattery will get you nowhere."
  3899. >Grandma tells her while continuing to keep her pushed away
  3900. "Yeah, this is my Grandma, Cloudy Quartz."
  3901. >"Why are you just letting her keep us apart like this?!"
  3902. >She asks before pushing harder against Grandma without any difference
  3903. "I'm pretty sure I'd made it clear that I don't want you smothering me all the time, or even some of the time really."
  3904. >"Come on Anon... I know you like it at leastht a little!"
  3905. >Maud looks down at her, and you think she's a little embarrassed for her
  3906. >Though you have to guess with Maud
  3907. >"Twist, I'd advise you to take a tactical retreat. Go get properly dressed and I'll take you home for now. I'm sure your mom is expecting you back soon."
  3908. >If that happens you'd be free of her for at least a little bit
  3909. >Twist stops trying to push past Grandma to embrace you before turning to Maud
  3910. >"I thought we were going to lounge around and hang out more?"
  3911. >Maud thinks for a moment
  3912. >"We could do that after asking your Mom. We'd only obtained clearance for you to stay the night."
  3913. >Twist seems slightly insulted by this
  3914. >"I may look to be the sthame age asth Anon, but I've axxctually graduated high school asth an adult this year. I don't really have to get my mom'sth permissthion for everything."
  3915. >She pauses for a moment
  3916. >"Besthides, I can justht call her to make sthure they don't need me at the candy sthtore without having to drive there for it. Which they sthouldn't sthince I have today off work."
  3917. >She then realizes she doesn't have her cell phone with her
  3918. >"I'm justhst going to need to go get my phone firstht."
  3920. >She then gets up to go get it
  3921. >Would have been nice if she had to work, but her parents might still need her for something
  3922. >You can only hope
  3923. >Then again her mom was super supportive of her, and may just excuse her from anything they were planning to let her pursue you
  3924. >Which you'll respect her for being a supportive mom
  3925. >It's still just not so great for you
  3926. >You kind of wonder just a bit if you're just being unnecessarily mean to her
  3927. >Then you remind yourself that's just your dick talking
  3928. >You don't have to let her have her way just because she has nice tits and a fat ass
  3929. >In fact your mom told you to never stick your dick in crazy
  3930. >It might have been somewhere else you heard it most, but you feel sure Mom told you that at least once
  3931. >You don't have to look hard to find mounds of evidence it's sound advice either
  3932. >Twist might not be axe-murder psycho crazy, but you're pretty sure she counts as crazy here
  3933. >With all that made up stuff about fate and stuff
  3934. >If only just breaking up with her would work like last time
  3935. >She's only just become way more insistent since then...
  3936. >You're not exactly would be a good solution here, but you hope you can figure out something soon
  3937. >Lost in thought, you don't notice Grandma has started making breakfast
  3938. >Then soon Mom joins her in the kitchen
  3939. >"Good morning Nonners~."
  3940. >She says in passing with a chipper voice
  3941. >It feels like it's been a while since you'd had Mom's cooking
  3942. >Then someone sits next to you before guiding you to lean into them
  3943. >You notice the texture of Maud's frock before realizing it was just her
  3944. >Feeling more relaxed as you cuddle into her
  3945. >She strokes and pats your head affectionately as you cuddle into her side more
  3946. >"We'll do something as a couple soon, boyfriend. Just try being nice to Twist at least a little longer till then."
  3947. >Your heart races a little from Maud calling you that since it's been a bit since she last did
  3949. >Maud then holds you face affectionately while gazing into your eyes
  3950. >"Boyfriend."
  3951. >She says without breaking eye contact
  3952. "Yes, Maud?"
  3953. >You ask wondering if she has something on her mind
  3954. >"Just saying it because I want to."
  3955. >Maud repeats 'boyfriend' at you a few times while maintaining eye contact
  3956. >As if reminding herself that you're her boyfriend, and making herself feel more secure in that
  3957. >It seems to not be enough
  3958. >"You are my boyfriend, yes?"
  3959. >You blush deeply before answering
  3960. "Yes, of course Maud."
  3961. >She seems satisfied with that now, and gives you a kiss
  3962. >Just as you're really getting comfortable Twist is back
  3963. >"Justht got confirmation I can sthtay longer guysth!"
  3964. >She yells out happily before joining you and Maud on the couch
  3965. >Then embraces you from the other side of Maud without Grandma there to stop her
  3966. >Technically you could stop her, but you can't bring yourself to be very physically rough with her
  3967. >At least not to the point you think you'd have to
  3968. >You try to ignore the feeling of her body against you, but it's no use
  3969. >She cuddles into you which only makes it even worse
  3970. >"Anon~... I love you~..."
  3971. >Twist coos into your ear while making you squirm
  3972. >You press yourself more into Maud away from her
  3973. >Maud strokes your head and pats your head some more like nothings wrong
  3974. >While Twist keeps cuddling into you in a way that feels way too sexual
  3975. >"Twist, do you wish to have sex with him? I believe there's some serious sexual tension here."
  3976. >Twist jumps like she hit with a jolt of electricity before sputting
  3977. >"Of coursthe not Maud! That'sth way too intimate for usth! I'm not ready for that!"
  3978. "Could have fooled me with the way you've been acting..."
  3979. >You say hoping to push her buttons
  3980. >"I justht want to be closthe to him!"
  3981. >She adds apparently ignoring what you said
  3982. >"Sex really isn't that big a deal, and you have a very 'motherly' body as well. It'd be a shame to let that go to waste."
  3983. >Twist is at a loss for words at that
  3985. >So are you to be fair
  3986. >Did she really just say what you think she said?
  3987. >Because it sounded like she encouraged Twist to get impregnated by you
  3988. >Which you would be truly screwed if that happened
  3989. >Does she even realize who serious any of that is?
  3990. >Then you remembered it was practically just last week she'd still believed in the stork
  3991. >While also having you cum inside her without a care in the world even after finding out where babies come from...
  3992. >Of course she doesn't take pregnancy and responsibility for a child seriously...
  3993. "That's not going to happen Maud. Don't even think about it. You've definitely got to take stuff like that more seriously."
  3994. >You say to put your foot down
  3995. >"Yeah Maud, having a child is an extremely stherious resthponsthability! Don't take it stho lightly!"
  3996. >Twist adds, and it feels weird to be in agreement with her on something
  3997. >"When I have a child with Anon, I want usth to be sthure we're ready to care for it."
  3998. >There's the part where you can disagree with her
  3999. >"Breakfast is ready!"
  4000. >Mom calls in from the kitchen
  4001. >Now you thankfully have an excuse to end this for now
  4002. "Alright, let's go eat. Just drop this for now, and circle back to it later."
  4003. >Hopefully much later
  4004. >You take the opportunity the slip out from between Twist and Maud without either of them resisting it too much
  4005. >Then head to the dining room as soon as you could
  4006. >At the table you sit between Maud and Mom as before
  4007. >Which means Twist can't sit next to you with both seats next to you filled
  4008. >It also meant her sitting next to Grandma
  4009. >Who didn't seem too pleased to see her still here, and was watching her like a hawk
  4010. >It was standard breakfast fare, but you could tell which parts of it was made by who
  4011. >With Grandma's being more minimalist while Mom's is more flashy
  4012. >You kind of hope neither of them asks which you think is better
  4014. >You focus on simply eating your breakfast while trying to avoid making openings for awkward discussions
  4015. >Though it proves to be impossible to avoid any of it
  4016. >"So, what are you planning to do today Maud?"
  4017. >Mom asks her, though mostly with just curiosity in her voice
  4018. >"I was thinking of either going to the gym, or lounging here. Not sure which yet, but I don't want to go too long without a work out."
  4019. >You can tell Twist has a definite preference there
  4020. >She definitely seems like the type to avoid any physical workouts
  4021. >"Wouldn't want your muscles to go soft would you?"
  4022. >Mom says as she encourages Maud to go to the gym
  4023. >Maud feels her biceps a little inspecting them
  4024. >"Yeah, you're probably right. I'll head to the gym."
  4025. >"In that case I think I'll just take a lift home..."
  4026. >Twist comments wanting to avoid a trip to the gym
  4027. >"You should come with, Twist. Some exercise will do you some good. Working on your cardio is something everyone should do at least a little."
  4028. >"Really, it's fine... I'll just take a jog later to work on my cardio..."
  4029. >Twist answers still wanting to avoid the gym
  4030. >You kind of doubt she'll actually do even that though
  4031. >"Alright then, but you should come along to the gym one of these days."
  4032. >You doubt she will though
  4033. >At least this means she'll be out of your hair for a bit
  4034. >After breakfast you get ready to go to the gym with Maud
  4035. >Mostly by grabbing some gym clothes to change into there
  4036. >You wave to Mom and Grandma before going
  4037. >"Same time as usual Nonners?"
  4038. "Of course, Ponk."
  4039. >Twist doesn't get it, and seems like she's going to ask about it
  4040. "I just spend some time with my mom around 4, don't worry about it."
  4041. >You tell her before you head out the door to Maud's car
  4042. >The three of you get in, and Maud drives off to Twist's place first
  4043. >"See you later."
  4044. >Maud tells Twist in parting as she gets out of the car
  4045. "Yup, see ya later."
  4046. >You say just as a courtesy
  4048. >Though you seriously hope it's a good while before you see her again
  4049. >She waves as she enters her house/candy shop
  4050. >You just knows she hopes the opposite as you, and wants to see you again as soon as possible
  4051. >Once Twist was inside you could go with just Maud to the gym
  4052. >You're not the biggest fan of exercise yourself, but it feels pretty good right now
  4053. >On the way to the gym you try to remember as much as possible about how to use the various exercise equipment
  4054. >Once at the gym you head into the locker room to change into the exercise clothes
  4055. >Placing your regular clothes in one of the lockers before rejoining Maud
  4056. >Then you both got right to it
  4057. >Maud putting you through your paces while doing her own work out
  4058. >Reminding you of anything you had forgotten since last time
  4059. >Time seems to fly since it becomes time for lunch before you know it
  4060. >You finish up and change back into your regular clothes after a quick shower
  4061. >Lastly Maud takes you out for lunch
  4062. >Taking you to that food cart with the extreme amounts of protein in their food
  4063. >Which feels a lot more appropriate as lunch fare
  4064. >You liked the pulled pork just fine last time
  4065. >So you get that again
  4066. >After parking somewhere to eat Maud encourages you to lean into her as you eat
  4067. >You feel pretty comfy cuddling into her while eating in her car
  4068. >She strokes your hair occasionally while eating her own meal
  4069. >Once you were both finished she asked where you wanted to be dropped off
  4070. >Limestone is signing up for the triathlon tomorrow
  4071. >So she's probably busy now
  4072. "How about dropping me off at the park. I'll see if my friends are there."
  4073. >"Sure thing, boyfriend."
  4074. >She takes you straight to the park before letting you out of the car
  4075. >Giving you a quick kiss as you're getting out
  4076. >"See you soon, boyfriend."
  4077. >You blush a little hoping nobody you know is nearby to hear that
  4078. >Maud seems to enjoy your reaction before driving off
  4079. >Probably to home
  4081. >You don't see your friends right away, but after some searching you find them
  4082. >They're playing soccer again
  4083. >Seems like they made a habit out of it after you suggested it earlier
  4084. >You enthusiastically greet them as you approach
  4085. >They definitely seem happy to see you when they notice you
  4086. >"Glad you could make it. You've been pretty low key lately."
  4087. "Yeah, I know... Just been way too busy for my own good."
  4088. >After some small talk you join in on kicking the ball around
  4089. >You actually kind of wish you hadn't been at the gym right before this
  4090. >Since you can feel your muscles and joints aching a little from this
  4091. >Not enough to make your friends worry, but enough to be uncomfortable
  4092. >A couple hours in the fun is interrupted by someone who just can't seem to leave you alone recently
  4093. >Twist jogs into the scene wearing an exercise shirt and jogging shorts combo that made your pants feel tight
  4094. >The fact that it reminds of of Mom's outfit jogging makes it worse
  4095. >Twist calls your name loudly while wildly waving her arms as she approached you
  4096. >Before pouncing at you like she wanted to tackle you to the ground
  4097. >You wanted to side step her, but are too late with it
  4098. >A blush on your face and your tent as hard as can be while you wish you could just disappear
  4099. >"What's this Anon~? Are you back together with that Twist girl~?"
  4100. >One of your friends asks teasingly
  4101. >"Congrats dude! You two were such a cute couple!"
  4102. >Another says sarcastically before they all snicker a little at your expense
  4103. >"Do you really think stho?"
  4104. >Twist asks like she thinks the comment was genuine
  4105. >You try to buck her off you, but she keeps her embrace strong
  4106. "Come on guys! Don't encourage her!"
  4107. >You tell them with some pleading in your voice
  4108. >They snicker a little more because it's too fun to tease you right now
  4109. >You know you'd tease you in their shoes
  4110. >"What's the matter, Anon? You haven't had a girlfriend in a while, and she's definitely 'filled out' since last time."
  4112. >One of them commented as they hinted at her figure
  4113. "That's not the point here! Looks aren't everything you know!"
  4114. >"No need to be so picky. I'd be pretty appreciative if a girl like her was all over me like that."
  4115. >A phone is brought out to take a picture, and Twist poses while still draped on you suggestively
  4116. >A few photos are snapped as you feel your face scrunch up in annoyance
  4117. "What are you going to do with those?"
  4118. >You ask him while hoping he'd just delete them
  4119. >"Why posting the one that came out the best of course! You really need to lighten up man. Maybe the stress of your busy schedule is getting to you."
  4120. >It could be true that you've been more stressed lately, but Twist is the major if not only source of actual stress
  4121. >He types on his phone while wording what he's typing out loud
  4122. >"The perfect couple, so cute together! Just gonna add some random emojis there for good measure..."
  4123. >He pauses for a moment while trying to set up the post
  4124. "Seriously guys, I'm not actually back together with her! She's just been following me around recently!"
  4125. >"I can't seem to tag you in the post. I know I've never seen you post online before, but do you seriously not have an account even?"
  4126. "Social media isn't all it's cracked up to be. Besides, didn't you hear me about not being back together with her?!"
  4127. >"Eh, following you around is close enough to joke about it. Though you should at least make an account even if you don't plan to use it much. You could make your first post be about debunking this post."
  4128. >He says before finding a work around to referencing you in it without tagging you proper
  4129. >"That'sth what I wasth telling him! He needsth to make an account, and sthay he'sth in a relationsthip with me!"
  4130. >"Heh, or maybe just 'it's complicated' will do."
  4131. >A bit of chuckling erupts from them after that
  4132. >If there's an option like that maybe that would be the best way to put it
  4134. >After he'd apparently posted it the guys are gathered around the phone looking at it
  4135. >With extremely amused faced that made you worry
  4136. >"Dude, come check this out! Your mom is seriously pissed about it!"
  4137. >One of them decides to read out Mom's reply
  4138. >"I told her to respect his boundaries, but she doesn't listen does she?! She's about to get a back hand upside her head, and a call to her mom!"
  4139. "Someone try to calm her down! You're just going to have to trust me on this, but you absolutely do not want to see her seriously mad! It's an extremely scary sight to behold!"
  4140. >Twist actually agrees with you
  4141. >"Yesth! I can't post online with my phone right now, but try to get her to calm down! I almost made her mad yesthterday, but that wasth sthtill the mostht sthcared I'd ever been of anything!"
  4142. >"Okay, okay! I'll reply to her, and tell her there's nothing to worry about."
  4143. >He starts typing while reading out what he's typing
  4144. >"Sorry to get you worked up. We were just pranking him by posting this, and Twist has already gotten the message from you loud and clear. She really doesn't want a mad Pinkie Pie. So she backed off immediately."
  4145. "Okay, yes, that sounds perfect, thanks."
  4146. >You say with appreciation as he hits send
  4147. >"Now she's typing an new reply..."
  4148. >He says while watching his phone intensely
  4149. >"Okay, the new reply is in. 'Had me worried for a second there, but do try to keep her in check please.'"
  4150. >Your friends look at Twist with some concern
  4151. >With Twist definitely off you now
  4152. >"I may not know much about what's going on here, but I don't think his mom really approves of you. You should really try having a serious talk with her if you really want that to go very far."
  4153. >The best spoken member of your group of friends tells her
  4154. "In fact... I think I'm gonna head home early to make sure she's alright, and that things are cool now."
  4155. >"Yeah, you go ahead and do that. I know I'd hurry home if I thought my mom was seriously mad."
  4157. >You then remember Maud dropped you off here
  4158. >So you have to get home on foot
  4159. >Fortunately the park is actually in walking distance
  4160. >Even if it would take you a bit
  4161. >You wave goodbye to the guys before starting off towards home
  4162. >Twist is following you, but you don't feel like you have time to try forcing her to stop following you
  4163. >You're sure you can't run all the way home after the gym and soccer
  4164. >Which leaves you doing more of a fast walk
  4165. >Unfortunately this means Twist has no trouble keeping up
  4166. >You keep your eyes off her to stop yourself from staring
  4167. >It feels like forever before you get home
  4168. >Even though you know it didn't take longer than a half hour
  4169. >Inside you find Mom laying on the floor looking extremely drunk with too much alcohol laying about her
  4170. >"Hey Nonners... You're back... Sorry it's a mess... Mommy managed a party with alcohol, and had a bit too much of it herself..."
  4171. >Usually she stays away from alcohol, but the few times she did...
  4172. >You think it was times when she was too stressed
  4173. >Actually you think this right here kind of confirms it
  4174. >You're suddenly being leaned on by Maud who seems to be drunk too
  4175. >"Hey boyfriend... Pinkie has plenty enough for everyone... Have some too..."
  4176. >She then takes the bottle she was apparently holding and makes your drink some
  4177. >It burns in your mouth, and makes you want to spit it out
  4178. >Though you end up swallowing it anyway
  4179. >You think it was some strong stuff, and reading the label on the bottle it's vodka
  4180. "Maud! I'm not old enough to drink!"
  4181. >You protest even though it was too late to not drink any of it already
  4182. >"Nonsense, boyfriend... The age to start being able to have alcohol is... Let's see... When you can drink it..."
  4183. >She's no doubt talking about how things are where your family is originally from
  4184. >You start to feel dizzy, and your mind starts to go numb
  4185. >Maud let's go of you before stumbling onto Twist
  4186. >You see Twist made to drink some too as your vision gets wavy
  4188. >Man, you really can't handle your drink well, can you?
  4189. >You almost fall down before Maud holds you up
  4190. >Then has you drink some more
  4191. >After that you start losing track of things, and your memories of what happened next becomes disjointed
  4192. >Like if someone took a movie, and cut out random parts of it before sticking the remaining pieces back together in a confusing mess
  4193. >You don't know what happened to Twist, but you don't see her the rest of the night
  4194. >You're talking with just Maud about something too distorted for you to make out
  4195. >Then suddenly you're just with Mom in her room
  4196. >Mom is extremely flirtatious and all over you
  4197. >Kissing you all over pressed against you, and acting like she wants to fuck
  4198. >Next you suddenly are fucking her
  4199. >Slamming your dick into her as she moans out with a slurred voice
  4200. >Several jumpy cuts of you having sex with her in various positions play out almost like it you were viewing yourself in the third person
  4201. >By the end of it you're sure you'd cum inside her multiple times
  4202. >Lastly you black out entirely
  4203. >You think you had a dream about something, but it's too distorted to understand at all
  4205. >In the morning you wake up on the floor in Mom's room
  4206. >Your head hurts like hell, and you can't think
  4207. >This has to be a hang over
  4208. >Looking up you see Mom on her bed passed out on it fully clothed
  4209. >She couldn't have gotten dressed after you two did it, but before passing out could she?
  4210. >Then you start to wonder if last night went as you thought at all
  4211. >A jolt of pain wracks your brain like your head could split open
  4212. >The idea of you having not actually had sex with Mom last night worries you
  4213. >Did you not have sex at all, or?...
  4214. >You look to your side, and your worst fear you hadn't even gotten to thinking of is confirmed
  4215. >Twist is next to you, naked, and with an obscene amount of what can only be your cum leaking from her pussy
  4216. >You are so fucking screwed
  4217. >What are you going to do now?!
  4219. >She's even on top of your arm which feels numb as she cuddles into your side
  4220. >The fact that you only noticed this now is a testament to how screwed up you still are from the alcohol last night
  4221. >You are definitely never drinking again for any reason
  4222. >Twist starts to wake up too
  4223. >She holds her head from having a headache at least as bad as yours
  4224. >"Oh my... That was sthuch an erotic dream I had after that that booze... I sthouldn't have accepted that alcohol from Maud..."
  4225. >She says before looking down at herself
  4226. >A look of horror on her face as she realizes her 'erotic dream' actually happened
  4227. >"What?! That axxctually happened?!"
  4228. >She yells out in disbelief
  4229. >There was an super pressing question she had after that
  4230. >"Did you axxctually call me 'Mom' while fucking me?! Did you think you were doing it with your mom?!"
  4231. "Well... I uhmmm...."
  4232. >You say to stall while trying to think of an answer besides 'yes'
  4233. >"Have you had sex with your mom?! As well as your aunt?! Are they pregnant?!"
  4234. >She asked as she starts to hyperventilate
  4235. "Well hopefully not..."
  4236. >You say without thinking as you try to actually think with your splitting headache
  4237. "What are we going to do Twist?..."
  4238. >You ask her with a voice that perfectly portrayed how lost you felt
  4239. >"What do you mean 'we'?!"
  4240. >She sputters before adding more
  4241. >"I mean I know what I'm going to do... I may not know much, but I know I can't handle all thisth! I'm going to head home, then asth far asth I'm concerned none of thisth happened, and I'll justht never speak of it again! Justht take thisth sthhit to my grave!"
  4242. "Could you not yell so much... This hang over is killing me... I'm never drinking again..."
  4243. >"I think it'd be a good idea if I never drink again either, but I'm justht gonna be going now... Is it okay if I use your sthhower before I go?"
  4244. "Go right ahead, and for what it's worth... I'm sorry it turned out like this. Maud really caught me off guard with that vodka..."
  4246. >"That'sth right... Maud... I'm not sthure I can sthtill be friendsth with her either. Sthhe's just way too irresponsible, and thisth isth basthically her fault... Maybe I'll reach out to her again when sthhe's learned sthome resthponsthibility..."
  4247. >Twist really sounds more mature than you thought possible then
  4248. >She got up and left presumably for the shower after picking up her clothes as she found them
  4249. >While you laid on the floor still trying to recover from you hang over
  4250. >You remember making sure you're hydrated is supposed to help with this
  4251. >Then you get yourself dressed very clumsily before standing up
  4252. >You don't know how long it took for you to do this, but Twist is nowhere to be found as you stumble to the kitchen
  4253. >Drinking some tap water out of the sink in a glass you don't feel better right away
  4254. >Though after the first sip you feel insanely thirsty and keep drinking more water
  4255. >Eventually you start to feel a little better, but not as much as you'd hope
  4256. >After that you notice Grandma sitting at the dinning room table
  4257. >She motions for you to sit with her, and it looks like you're in big trouble
  4258. >Which honestly you should be, and not just with her either
  4259. >You walk more steadily over the the dinning room before sitting across from her
  4260. >"Was it your idea to drink so much?"
  4261. >Grandma asks you as she apparently starts trying to decide how much trouble you're in
  4262. "No... It was Maud's idea, and she was already drunk herself when she made me drink..."
  4263. >"What did you drink, and how much?"
  4264. "I found out it was vodka after she'd already made me drink some, and I don't know..."
  4265. >"That girl Twist left in a hurry... I saw the aftermath so you don't need to tell me all the details about what happened, but how did it happen?"
  4266. "Well... I was to disorientated I mistook Twist for Mom, and then... Well, you know..."
  4267. >"What's Twist going to do now?..."
  4269. "She said she can't handle any of this. So she's going to cut off contact with us, and pretend nothing happened. Just never talk about it. Also she's going to wait for Maud to learn some responsibility before considering continuing their friendship..."
  4270. >"It may not seem that way to you, but that's actually the best outcome I can think of to happen. I don't think you should be in a lot of trouble since most of this isn't your fault, but I'm going to have a serious talk with Maud about responsibility..."
  4271. >Grandma thinks back on Maud growing up
  4272. >"Really always seemed like Maud was the most responsible among them growing up, but something must have changed to make it so she didn't learn about adult responsibilities properly."
  4273. >You had one reason
  4274. "For one thing until earlier this week she still believed in the stork. She just never questioned it after you told her about the stork when she was little..."
  4275. >Grandma cradles her head in her hands
  4276. >No doubt very much regretting having told Maud about the stork instead of the truth about babies
  4277. >"I thought she would outgrow it like any normal kid, but then again Maud just isn't 'any normal kid'..."
  4278. >Mom then bursts into the room holding her phone up while looking like a mess
  4279. >"This isn't a drill! My husband will be here today! Any hour now! I'm freaking out man!"
  4280. "What?!"
  4281. >You shout starting to freak out yourself
  4282. "What?! Why?! How?!"
  4283. >You start spouting out questions
  4284. >"He responded to the post of you and Twist saying he's coming home because he wants to see your girlfriend!"
  4285. "We're double screwed, triple screwed even! I don't know!"
  4286. >"Talk sense Nonners! What do you mean?!"
  4287. >"Twist left after last night's 'incident', and doesn't want anything to do with our family right now."
  4288. >Grandma answers right to the point
  4289. >"What?! What 'incident'?!"
  4290. >"Maud got both of them drunk, and Anon had sex with Twist because he was so drunk he mistook her for you."
  4291. >Mom looks completely beside herself
  4293. >"I mean him doing it because he thought it was me is flattering, but this is terrible!"
  4294. >"She's not going to tell anyone about it, and just wants to put it behind her. So we don't have that to worry about."
  4295. >"How sure are we of that?! What if her mom asks?! What if she's pregnant?!"
  4296. >She huffs as she tries to collect herself
  4297. >"We'll deal with that later, but first we need to be ready for my husband to be back!"
  4298. >Her eyes dart around the room as she makes a mental check list
  4299. >"We need... We need..."
  4300. >Then starting to list things off as she thinks of them
  4301. >"No offense to you or Maud, but I don't want either of you here when he arrives. I don't want to have to explain why either of you are here, and have things as 'normal' as possible!"
  4302. >"None taken, I was thinking of taking Maud with me anyway. She and I need to have a serious talk about responsibility. Maybe take her to her house, and stay with her while trying to teach her about being a responsible adult without any distractions."
  4303. >"Sounds perfect Mom, but could you get on it soon? I don't mean to rush, but I have no idea how much time we have!"
  4304. >"Okay, It's probably best if I take Maud while she's still out of commission so she won't resist it as much."
  4305. >Grandma says before going to grab Maud, and coming back through while holding her over her shoulder
  4306. >"Next, Nonners!"
  4307. >She says as she turns to you
  4308. >You turn to her showing you're ready to listen
  4309. "I need you to help me clean this place up! Like make it spotless! Nothing out of place at all!"
  4310. >You completely understand
  4311. "Of course Ponk! I'll get right on it!"
  4312. >"Also call me 'Mom' like usual when your father is here! You don't have to start now, but keep it in mind!"
  4313. >You give a simple nod before you start looking for things to pick up or clean
  4314. >Grandma moves Maud's stuff out to her car while you're cleaning the house with Mom
  4315. >The panicked energy of Mom has makes you all but forget about being hung over
  4317. >Eventually the house is completely clean as far as you know
  4318. >You go to the couch to rest a bit, and soon Mom joins you
  4319. >"Just try to act natural when your father gets here."
  4320. "Yeah, definitely."
  4321. >With that agreed on you rested and waited for him to arrive
  4322. >You get a text from Limestone asking where you are
  4323. >You'd completely forgotten about the athletic competition
  4324. >You text her back
  4325. "Sorry, but I'm caught up in something serious right now. I'll try to make it to the competition, but I'm not sure I can."
  4326. >You'll do something to make it up to her later
  4327. >At some point you hear a car pull into the driveway, and you're sure it's him
  4328. >It's been a long time since you've seen him, and you aren't seeing him under the best circumstances
  4329. >You get up and head to the door, but Mom reaches it first
  4330. >Dad springs into view with his accordion before playing it a little
  4331. >"Hey son! Where's that adorable little girlfriend of yours?"
  4332. "Uhh... Kind of late for that. It's definitely over..."
  4333. >You give him the news as he deflates a little
  4334. >"I see... Sorry to hear that son... Do you think you'll be alright?"
  4335. "Yeah, I'll be fine. How are you doing?"
  4336. >"Oh doing okay, but there's something I'd like to talk to Mom about in private while I'm here..."
  4337. >Before he can tell Mom what it is a young boy who looks like Dad jumps into the scene before introducing himself
  4338. >"Hi! I'm Li'cheese!"
  4339. >Dad doesn't look happy about it at all
  4340. >"I thought I told you to wait in the car?"
  4341. >He says sternly
  4342. >"I got too excited to meet them!"
  4343. >He says with apparently very little impulse control
  4344. >"Just go back to the car with Rarara, and I'll be back soon."
  4345. >"Okay!"
  4346. >He says before doing as he was told
  4347. >Without any idea what kind of bombshell just got dropped
  4348. >"Why don't you come in to explain this?"
  4349. >Mom says with a voice that made you concerned
  4350. >"Right of course..."
  4351. >Dad replied as he got ready to enter the hot seat
  4353. >He gets in the house before Mom stands there waiting for an explanation
  4354. >"Are you sure it's fine for Anon to be here for this."
  4355. >"Yes."
  4356. >Mom answers curtly
  4357. >"Okay then..."
  4358. >He replies before clearing his throat
  4359. >"Rarara is a pop idol I've been scheduling for and managing after show parties for... Let's just say one of those parties got out of hand, and we had a problem..."
  4360. >"A pregnancy kind of problem?"
  4361. >Mom says pointedly
  4362. >"Yeah... We've hid what happened as much as possible for obvious reasons, but I shouldn't try to hide it from you forever. I'm really sorry about it... It wasn't on purpose..."
  4363. >"Are there any other children besides him I should know about?"
  4364. >"Nope, I'm 100% sure it's just him. Put strict guidelines in place for our parties after that, and never had a problem like that again."
  4365. >He said defensively while waving his hands in front of him protectively
  4366. >"Well I have something for you to 'find out' about!"
  4367. >Mom says with jealousy in her voice as she pulls you closer
  4368. >"I've been having a relationship with Nonners here!"
  4369. >Dad looks confused, but not as much as you'd think
  4370. >"Is it true?"
  4371. >He asks you either wanting confirmation, or hoping you'd deny it
  4372. "It's actually true..."
  4373. >You answer unsure how he'd react
  4374. >He thinks about it for a few moments
  4375. >"We... Really can't return to being a couple like before... Can we?"
  4376. >He asks Mom as he comes to terms with how far they'd drifted apart
  4377. >"Probably not... Even before I found out about this. I just think we'd lost our passion somewhere along the line. Maybe we should have just stayed fellow party planners rather than getting married in the first place."
  4378. >"Don't say that Pinkie... What we had while it lasted was still something special, and without it you wouldn't have Anon."
  4379. >"That's true... What should we do though? Get divorced?"
  4380. >He thinks some more
  4382. >"No... Even if we separate we probably shouldn't do a formal divorce. If we do it'll hurt both our reputations, and people will get curious or snoop around. I'm pretty sure neither of us wants that."
  4383. >Mom looks off into the distance before responding
  4384. >"Yeah, that sounds about right."
  4385. >There was something you wanted to ask though
  4386. "Do you think I'll ever see you again?"
  4387. >You ask unsure if you would
  4388. >You hadn't been bothered by him not being around much, but the idea of never seeing him again did
  4389. >Mom strokes your hair before booping your nose
  4390. >"It's fine for him to visit occasionally. Even if we aren't going to have a relationship like before."
  4391. >"Yeah Son, I know I may travel all the time, but I'll always want to see you at least sometimes."
  4392. >This helps put your mind at ease
  4393. >You three spend some time talking about other stuff
  4394. >Getting each other caught up on stuff you wanted to mention to each other
  4395. >After a while Dad seems to be ready to go for now
  4396. >"Okay, I think it's about time I got going. See you later, big guy?"
  4397. >He says before putting his fist in front of him
  4398. "Sure thing, Dad."
  4399. >You say before giving him a fist bump
  4400. >"Lil'cheese would also like to play with you sometime. If you'd like to of course."
  4401. "I couldn't just coldly ignore him, and he seems like a nice kid."
  4402. >"Thanks son. I'll let him know, and I'm sure it'll make him happy."
  4403. >With that Dad waves good bye on the way back out
  4404. >There wasn't anything in the house he needed because he already had most of his stuff with him on the road
  4405. >After that it was just you and Mom
  4406. "So... What now?"
  4407. >You ask Mom
  4408. >"Well... I guess we just wait to hear results from Cloudy on Maud. Also wait to see what happens with Twist too?"
  4409. >She says before ruffling your hair some more
  4410. >"Try to enjoy your Summer in the meantime to take your mind off things. Sitting there worrying won't help anything. Your schedule is freed up."
  4412. >After that you played more with your friends, and spent a lot of time with Mom
  4413. >Pretty much as a couple when it was just you two
  4414. >After a while Maud was able to come back after receiving Grandma's courses in adult responsibility
  4415. >She was also pregnant
  4416. >You were brought to the 'home country' to have a wedding ceremony with Maud
  4417. >The marriage wouldn't be binding in Ponyville, but it was still good enough for Maud
  4418. >Mom was pregnant too, but she had an ace up her sleeve
  4419. >Dad had some sperm frozen in the sperm bank in case some physical comedy left him sterile, but Mom and Dad still wanted one more kid after that
  4420. >Mom withdrew it before the signs of pregnancy showed themselves
  4421. >So she could say the pregnancy was from that instead of you
  4422. >Maud's pregnancy was harder to have an excuse for, but you're sure you'll manage somehow
  4423. >Maud moved in permanently with you and Mom
  4424. >You didn't hear from or see Twist again
  4425. >Though you heard second hand she was pregnant too, but had no intention of making the father be with her
  4426. >The person you heard it from didn't even know 'the father' was you
  4427. >There were some suspicions of course, but Twist denied it at every turn
  4428. >You started working full time as a baker and party planner with Mom after graduating high school
  4429. >You considered college, but didn't want to spend the time away from home to get a degree
  4430. >Doesn't feel like you need a college degree either, and what would you major in anyway?
  4431. >Making it big as a party planner would have you pretty well set anyway
  4432. >Baking could also be a serious source of income if you work on your skills with that too
  4433. >With Maud and Mom with you as well as two kids on the way...
  4434. >You're sure you'll be just fine, somehow...
  4436. -The End-

Anon the unlucky

by StreamofGreen

Pie Family Harem

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Sudden Maud+Momma Ponk

by StreamofGreen

Twist Mom

by StreamofGreen

Mad Scientist Twilight Mom

by StreamofGreen