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Snow Fair Warfare

By poseyposeyposey
Created: 2025-03-20 01:45:01
Updated: 2025-03-29 04:07:21
Expiry: Never

  1. >Posey leaned her head back on the snowy barrier that protected her from the barrage of snowballs. She recalled back to hours earlier as she panted.
  2. >It all started with a simple video call.
  3. >”Hey, Posey! Wanna come with Dahlia and me to the snowball fight they’re having on the outskirts of the town?”
  4. “No way, Windy! I’m not freezing my flank off in the cold just to get bashed in the head by a snowball!”
  5. >Dahlia butts into the conversation saying, “Aw, come on Posey! It will be tons of fun.”
  6. “I’m not going to budge an inch out of my house! I know you’re just going because Hitch will be there, Dahlia!”
  7. >”Aw please!” pleaded Windy as a blushing Dahlia covered her face with her scarf.
  8. “Nope!”
  9. >”Not even with sprinkles?”
  10. “Not even if you paid me to!”
  11. >”Alright, you aren’t going…”
  12. “Finally, knew you wo-”
  13. >”I guess we have to tell everypony in Maretime Bay who your special somepony is,” Windy replied as a devilish expression appeared on the pegasus.
  14. “You wouldn’t dare!”
  15. >”Oh, I would unless you’re going to the fight.”
  16. ”UGH! FINE, I’m going.”
  17. >After begrudgingly walking to her destination, Posey found herself with a group of ponies and Anon standing around, waiting for the organizer to start the fight.
  18. >Posey made sure to stay away from the human as she wanted to not to be noticed by anypony.
  19. “Come on, where is that organizer,” Posey complained as she shivered and hopped on her hooves in an attempt to keep warm.
  20. >A loud shrill whistle answered her question as everypony and human turned their heads to look at Sunny.
  21. >”Alright everypony! You may have been wondering why I have invited you all here.”
  22. >”To have a snowball fight?” asked one unicorn with a hoof up.
  23. >”That, but also to build trust between you and your new human, unicorn, pegasi, and earth teammates. It’s to build trust with those that haven’t and maybe it will end with you having a new friend!”
  24. >Posey rolled her eyes at the excitable alicorn.
  25. >”Here are the rules!” boomed a manly voice that belonged to Hitch, “Rule #1. Leaders and teammates will be chosen from this hat after your name’s been written. Rule #2. No giving your leadership to anypony…”
  26. >Posey, tuning out Hitch’s constant rambling of rules, thought about how she can’t wait for the community garden to open again.
  27. >”Rule #53. Have fun and make some new friends.”
  28. >”Thank you, Hitch, now, you got the names all written?” Asked Sunny.
  29. >”Sure did,” Izzy happily replied as she shook her hat around.
  30. >After the hat was well shaken, Sunny reached deep into the hat and grabbed a hold of two names.
  31. >“The leaders are… Anon and… Posey?”
  32. “Wait, what?”
  33. >”Ok, leaders, I want you two to stand over there a few hooves apart,” Sunny finished after clearing her throat, obviously unsure on why Posey attended and worried for Anon’s safety.
  34. >The two newly appointed leaders walked over to the side as Sunny began reading names off.
  35. >”Isn’t this exciting?”
  36. “Not really, Ape.”
  37. >”Aw come on, Posey, not even a little?”
  38. “No, so drop it.”
  39. >The two stood there in awkward silence as their teams got larger and larger.
  40. >After the last name was called to go to their team, a whistle blew out to indicate the beginning of the fort building progress.
  41. >The two teams walked to each side of the field.
  42. >Following behind Posey, her team wanted to know what they should do.
  43. >”Posey, what is your order?”
  44. >”What should we build, commander?”
  45. >”How about a trench?”
  46. >No, how about a catapult?”
  47. “Sure, whatever…” responded Posey annoyedly as she sat down beside a tree to see Anon’s team working hard on their defenses.
  48. >Peace returned… for a second.
  49. >”Posey?” asked Dahlia.
  50. “What is it now?” Posey sighs as she looks up to see her two friends looking down at her with concern.
  51. >”We just want to check on you. Are you feeling alright?” Asked Windy as she and Dahlia sat on either side of Posey.
  52. “Gee, I don’t know, maybe it’s bec-”
  53. >“I know what’s your problem,” a sniveling voice pierced the three mares’ ears. A voice that belongs to no one other than Sprout, “You’re too scared to lead your team against that filthy primate.”
  54. “I didn’t even want to come to this stupid snowball fight, let alone lead a stupid game!” retorted Posey as she pointed at the construction of the fort.
  55. >Spourt spat back with venom, “Well, if I were leader, I would’ve beaten that ape’s ass back where he properly belongs!”
  56. >Rolling her eyes, Dahlia promptly replied, “Like that worked last time.”
  57. >Posey and Windy look at Dahlia, waiting for an explanation.
  58. >”Sprout used our fear of an invasion from the other tribes to make a giant robot defend the town.”
  59. “Really? Didn’t know you guys made a robot,” said Windy in awe.
  60. >Before Dahlia could reply, Sprout butts in.
  61. >”We did! And I would have succeeded if Sunny and her gang didn’t manage to get magic after I destroyed her lighthouse!”
  62. “Her lighthouse was destroyed? Looks the same as always,” questioned Posey.
  63. >”Nevermind the lighthouse! Where were YOU when we were going over defense plans that day?”
  64. “That’s none of your damn business, Sprout!”
  65. >”Fine then! By the way, don’t come crying to me when our ‘leader’ fails this team against the baboon!” Turning on his hooves, Sprout grumbles as he trots away from the three mares.
  66. >Posey was about to go over to Sprout and give him a piece of her mind until she’s stopped by the tugging of two ponies behind her.
  67. >”Come on, Posey, it’s best not to make a scene,” soothed Windy.
  68. >After taking a few deep breaths, Posey was now relaxed…
  71. >Posey shakes her head to notice some of her teammates looking at her with fear.
  72. >Posey grabs her ear muffs and places them back on.
  73. >She looks at her two friends, wanting a suggestion from the both of them.
  74. >Dahlia trots up a bit to put her two bits in.
  75. >”I suggest that we build a barrier with our earth powers. With enough ponies, we can grow them easily.”
  76. >Windy, deciding it was her time for her suggestion, trots up right beside Dahlia.
  77. >”How about us pegasi study those flying techniques Anon’s team are using and make counter measures so they have to go back to the drawing board.”
  78. >Giving out a sigh, Posey replies, “Alright, you two put your suggestions to the test, and if it doesn’t work, then we probably have to retreat.”
  79. >The ponies nod, round up their groups, and gallop to their spots all the while avoiding falling snowballs.
  80. >Flipping herself over on her barrel, she grabs a pair of abandoned binoculars and looks through them.
  81. >Through the binoculars, she finds Anon standing there with a smirk on his face as he watches his pegasi division do their rounds.
  82. >The human’s outfit is strange. Besides his winter garb of a puffy coat, hiking boots, and winter pants, he has a general’s cap on top of his head, a pair of aviators resting on the bridge of his nonexistent nose, and a long pipe with a corn cob-shaped tube sticking right up at the end.
  83. >”Whatcha looking at?”
  84. >Throwing the binoculars onto the ground and hurryingly turning around, she sees Izzy wearing her violet beanie cap, and scarf while having the goofiest grin imaginable on the naive unicorn.
  85. “N-Nothing, you dumb unicorn!”
  86. >”You sure? You seem to be staring intensely at Anon. Ooo, maybe you’re coming up with a plan to hit him when he has his guard down.”
  87. “Izzy, what do you want?” sighs Posey as she crosses her hooves together.
  88. >”Oh yeah, do you have any plans for us unicorns?”
  89. “Izzy… I didn’t even plan for Dahlia’s plant shields or Windy’s counterattacks; I just gave them the green light,” Posey replies while facehoofing her face.
  90. >”Really? Wait, does this mean I can make a plan and you will say ‘yes’?”
  91. >Noticing that Izzy was starting to stim like the autistic horse she is, Posey raises her hooves in front of her to stop the unicorn from going crazy.
  92. “As long as it doesn’t involve me getting hit by our enemy, or you, then yes.”
  93. >”Awesome! I’m going to talk it over with Sundae and Onyx!”
  94. >Izzy trots with a pep in her step towards some unicorns Posey has seen before when she’s in town.
  96. >”Anon, Sir?”
  97. >Turning around, Anon looks down to see a stallion wearing an ushanka.
  98. >”Yes, Glitter Cupcake?”
  99. >”Do you think it’s best to give the enemy some rest? They barely have any defenses up, let alone any offensive maneuvers they can perform.”
  100. >”You’re probably right, alright, call in the troops,” Anon replies as he snuffs out the smoke from his corncob pipe, “Wait, any reports from the others?”
  101. >”Well, Dago Red is reading The Bonnie Scripture to Diggy after he stubbed his hoof on that exposed tree root.”
  102. >”What a damn shame, he’s supposed to be one of my finest men.”
  103. >”Sweet Luna, Anon, he’s still alive, just dazed.”
  104. >”How about the unicorns? How are they holding up?”
  105. >”They’re doing the finishing touches on the base.”
  106. >”That’s good. Say, has that pony with the sock fetish caused an accident yet?”
  107. >”If you mean Minty, then she hasn’t destroyed any of our trenches or barriers.”
  108. >”Good, looks like we can kick back and relax.”
  110. >Laying her bored head back, Posey has her eyes closed.
  111. >”Posey! Posey!”
  112. >Or not, since Windy comes running in with excitement in her voice.
  113. “Yes, Windy?”
  114. >Unfazed by Posey’s bored reply, Windy hops from hoof to hoof in rapid succession.
  115. >”You just have to see this! I bet you’ll love what me and the team have devised!”
  116. “I doubt it…”
  117. >”Come on, Posey!”
  118. >Grabbing onto Posey’s hoof, Windy forcefully pulls Posey right up with all of her might.
  119. “Aright, alright, I’m up.”
  120. “Hey, it’s quiet…”
  121. >Oh yeah! Guess Anon decided to have mercy on us! Perfect for us to gain the upper hoof!”
  122. >The two mares trot towards a group of ponies huddling around a large tree stump.
  123. >As Posey gets a closer look at the stump, she notices that right on top of the stump is a sheet full of maneuvers and flight plans.
  124. “So you made all of this yourself?”
  125. >”Well, no, I had a lot of help with these ponies right here!”
  126. >Posey looks from Windy to the other ponies in front of her.
  127. “Looks like you have everything under control. I’m going back to my spot, so don’t bother me.”
  128. >The ponies look on with displeasure as their bored leader trots away.
  129. >”Did we do something wrong?” asks Fantastic Shimmer with disappointment in her voice.
  130. >”Less of we’re in the wrong and more of what’s her problem. That bitch doesn’t appreciate our work! I even had to wear that stupid disguise to get into their base!” exclaims Rob.
  131. >”Ponies! Ponies! Please calm down! I’m sure Posey has a lot on her mind about being a leader. We have to be supportive of her and stick together!” Windy responds quickly while trying to defuse the situation.
  132. >”I say we form our own team and see how she likes it!”
  133. >After hearing this, one pony agrees with the voice and then another, and then another, and soon everypony, except Windy, agrees with the voice.
  134. >Windy attempts of defusal are soon drenched as the ponies plan on starting a coup.
  135. >She trots to the stump for her plans, but is stopped in her tracks by one of the stallions in her way.
  136. >”Just what are you thinking of doing?”
  137. >”No-Nothing, Sugarcube!”
  138. >Windy backs away from Sugarcube, his muscular figure, snorting, and hoof thumping intimidating the carnation pink pegasus.
  139. >Getting away from the forming coup as soon as possible, Windy sighs in defeat.
  140. >”Oh Sweet Celestia, what am I gonna tell Posey?”
  141. >”Hey Windy!”
  142. >”GAH! Oh, hey Izzy…”
  143. >”What’s wrong?”
  144. >”Some of our team members are forming a coup.”
  145. >”That doesn’t sound good.”
  146. >”It isn’t. Where’s your group? Weren’t you with some other unicorns forming some plans?”
  147. >”Group? Oh yeah, completely forgot! A lot of them left after Posey told us that our idea stinks! Which is weird because it doesn’t have an odor. Does she have any heightened senses?”
  148. >”You too?!? This is just great! This team is falling apart!”
  149. >The bushes rustle, hooves crushing the snow, and out comes two unicorn mares, one bluish-gray and the other blond with confectionery stuck in her mane.
  150. >”So why do you have sweets stuck in your mane?” asked Onyx with interest.
  151. >“It’s a condition I have!” replied Sundae, her whiny voice filling the air from her insecurity.
  152. >”You should own it, Sundae. There’s nothing wrong with bei-”
  153. >”Hey you two! What are you doing here?!”
  154. >”Hey Izzy, we decided to cut our losses with those ponies; their aura was giving me negative vibes,” Onyx replies as Sundae stops right beside her.
  155. >”And I didn’t like how rude they were to you, Izzy!”
  156. >”Pfft, let them hate me, Sundae! Got you all here and that’s all I need!” Izzy replies with a confident grin.
  157. >Another pair of hooves crushing the snow is heard, causing the three mares to turn their heads at the sound.
  159. >A pony trots out with twigs and shrubbery sticking out of her mane and covered in bruises.
  160. >”Dahlia!” Windy replies in horror as she runs up and checks on the bruised mare.
  161. >”Ow, hey girls. What did I miss?”
  162. >”Oh us being kicked out of our groups after Posey reviewed our ideas,” Izzy answers nonchalantly.
  163. >”I see that Posey got you all too.”
  164. >”But that doesn’t explain the bruises,” Windy says.
  165. >”I was chased and hit a couple of trees after trying to get the group to put themselves in Posey’s horseshoes.”
  166. >Sundae, standing there shuffling her hooves around like she wants something, speaks up.
  167. >”Um… What do you all see in Posey? I’ve always seen her as a bit… well… mean…”
  168. >”We were friends all the way back in preschool. I even remember when we used to trade juice boxes and get Sunny in trouble for talking about how great the other tribes were.”
  169. >”I’ve gained her respect after saving her from a pit.”
  170. >Sundae turns her head around to the two other unicorns that kept quiet.
  171. >”Eh, even though her vibes fluctuate from great to horrible, I’ve enjoyed her art, and she’s been trying out poetry lately.”
  172. >”She hasn't kicked me out of town, so she’s fine in my book.”
  173. >Windy trots up next to Sundae and puts a foreleg around Sundae’s withers.”
  174. >”Don't worry about Posey not liking you, Sundae. It took months for Posey to ease up around us pegasi; I’m sure she’ll warm up to unicorns soon!”
  175. “What’s this about warming up to unicorns?”
  176. >”Oh no,” Windy simply states as Posey trots up to the group.
  177. >”Unicorns? I mean warming up to unicones! That’s what I call snow cones! I was trying to convince Sundae to try out unicones. Right, Sundae?”
  178. >”Huh?”
  179. >A swift and hard hoof bump to Sundae’s barrel jolts the unicorn back.
  180. >”Yeah! I’ve never tried out unicones before!”
  181. “Uh huh. Well… I… I want to say sorry to you all for my attitude back there. I’m not used to leading a group for battle, especially not in the snow. Sweet Bonnie, I hate this stuff. It’s so cold and it gets all slushy when the seasons change, eugh.”
  182. >Surprised from Posey’s sudden change of attitude, Windy clears her throat.
  183. >”We forgive you, Posey. And we enjoy your le-”
  184. “What is that!?!”
  185. >Posey’s hoof shoots out, pointing past her friends and hornheads.
  186. >Everypony turns around and looks up to see, on top of a hill, stands the militia made up of former members of Posey’s team.
  188. >Anon and a couple of his teammates are sitting around a campfire, enjoying each other’s company and drinking.
  189. >”How’s that martini settling in, Anon? It’ll put some fire in your belly before the next round!”
  190. >”Sure is very strong, doc.”
  191. >”It certainly is! I made it with a buddy of mine with the moonshine still at his place. Say, what was that song about earlier? About a colt named Auld?”
  192. >”You mean Auld Lang Syne. I think the title means ‘times long past.’ It’s from home about welcoming the new year with your friends.”
  193. >”Ah, you missed them?” asks the doc as he takes another sip of his drink.
  194. >”Yeah, I don’t know if Sunny is still trying to find a spell to send me home; I wouldn’t be surprised if she can’t find one, but hey, you play with the cards you’re dealt.” Anon reminisces before lifting his head back up.
  195. >”I drink to that.”
  196. >The human and ponies raise their glasses and with an audible clink, the glasses clash against each other.
  197. >Glitter Cupcake rushes in with worry planted on his face as Anon and the ponies are drinking their martinis.
  198. >”Anon?”
  199. >”What is it, Glitter Cupcake?”
  200. >”Something’s going on with the other team.”
  201. >”If it’s an abomination from the underworld being summoned, then Sunny is the pony you should ask.” replies Anon with a hint of frustration in his voice.
  202. >”It’s not that! Anon, this is worse than a demon; there's a coup going on over there.”
  203. >”A coup?”
  204. >With both hands, Anon pushes himself off the log and walks to the front snow barriers.
  205. >”Binoculars, Glitter.”
  206. >Doing as told, Glitter hoofs over the pair of binoculars to the human.
  207. >Placing them over his eyes, Anon’s view is bombarded with a scene of Posey and a couple of mares running towards him all the while being chased by the militia.
  208. >Leafy catapults being manned by earth ponies dotted the militia’s ground defenses while pegasi filled the skies and unicorns with snowballs ready in their aura.
  209. >”What should we do, Anon?”
  210. >”Prepare the pegasi and unicorn division; they will take on the militia. The earth division will divert our unexpected guests away from firing range.”
  211. >Turning around and heading their separate ways, Glitter gallops over to the two tribes as Anon walks back to the group of ponies sitting next to the campfire.
  212. >”Alright, all unicorns and pegasi will fall in under Glitter as the earth ponies are with me.”
  213. >The unicorns and pegasi get up from their spots and follow after Glitter, leaving only the earth ponies.
  214. >”Alright earth ponies!” exclaims Anon, more earth ponies closing in after hearing his booming voice, “I want everyone of you to help divert and protect our guests from incoming snowballs! Get right up close and guide them to your right, use your bodies as your shields if you have too! Remember, they’re important cargo!”
  215. >”Will some of us never make it back?”
  216. >Anon hitches a little at the voice; he couldn’t put a pin on the voice’s owner.
  217. >”Yes, some of you might not be able to return. A snowball might get by the unicorn division and hit you in the barrel. I’m sure some of you are asking ‘Why should we care about the enemy?’ Well, I believe that an enemy of our enemy is our friend, and we should give aid to those who can’t defend themselves! SO WHO’S WITH ME!?!?!”
  218. >At first, nopony answered…
  219. >”I will!”
  220. >”Yeah! Let’s save them!”
  221. >More and more ponies join in the cavalcade of cheers and motivated spirits.
  222. >”THAT’S IT!!!!”
  223. >Anon turns around, picks up his hat, dusts the snow off, puts it on, and beams out a determined grin.
  225. >”AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!”
  226. >The six running mares, screaming in total fear of the snowy hellfire raining down upon them, were split up into groups of two.
  227. >Two mares, Sundae and Onyx, notice that a group of earth ponies were galloping at them.
  228. >”Is that the coup chasing after us!?!”
  229. >”I-I don’t know! HEY! ARE YOU FRIEND OR FOE?”
  230. >A voice comes from one of the ponies as they gain on the two mares.
  231. >”Friend! We’re under the order of Anon to escort you!”
  232. >Sundae and Onyx look at each other with uncertain expressions as Anon’s earth division starts encircling the two.
  233. >The cavalcade gallops forwards, losing a few on the way, towards Izzy and Dahlia and soon make their way towards the last two.
  234. >Looking back, Windy sees the group in the distance.
  235. >”Hey Posey! Anon’s sending help! Look!”
  236. >Looking back, she sees Anon’s shrinking cavalcade getting closer to her.
  237. ”Finally!”
  238. >The two mares were soon bundled closely with the earth ponies.
  239. >They made a sharp left and then a right.
  240. >With a successful dodge they made, another few unsuccessful dodges were made.
  241. >Finally with one last gallop, the cavalcade makes it into Anon’s territory.
  242. >Hitting the ground with a thud, Posey lays there in a sweating, panting, heaving mess.
  243. “Oh *pant* Sweet Celestia, I’ve *pant* knew I should’ve stayed in today.”
  244. >”At least we’re in one piece,” Windy wheezes as she trudges onto her four legs.
  245. >Shaking her head from the snow that had fallen on her, Posey hears a familiar voice congratulating the escorts.
  246. >It was no other than Anon. His voice made the earth pony’s heart flutter like a spooked yellow pegasus.
  247. >”Is there something wrong with Anon?”
  248. >Posey jumps and sees Izzy with her innocent smile gleaming off the sun’s reflection.
  249. “STOP DOING THAT!!!”
  250. >”Stop doing what?” Izzy asks innocently.
  251. “You popping up everywhere!”
  252. >Izzy tilts her head like a confused puppy.
  253. >”Um, Posey, she was right beside us during that run,” Windy says as she trots close.
  254. >Posey, embarrassed and frustrated, lets out a disgruntled groan like Twilight Sparkle when she was trying to find a friendship problem and trots away.
  255. >After Posey trots away into the treeline, Anon sprints into view and screeches to halt next to Izzy and Windy.
  256. >”Sorry about not getting to you all sooner, my crew has been hammering me with questions on what to do after losing a lot of my men. Hey, where’s Posey? I could’ve sworn that my soldiers retrieved her successfully.”
  257. >”She went over there after… well…” Windy sighs, not sure what to say about Posey’s crush and why she’s here.
  258. >”Please don’t be angry with her. It’s my fault for making her come…”
  259. >Anon bends down on one knee to get a better view, his face emotionless.
  260. >”I said that if she doesn’t come, I will tell everypony that she really cares about somepony… I never really wanted to do that! I just wanted her to see him and maybe ask him out…”
  261. >Anon turns his head from the defeated pegasus and to the woods.
  262. >”Come with me,” Anon simply states.
  263. >Not wanting to say no to the human, she obliges and trots with him into the wooded area.
  264. >It was not long until the two found Posey curling herself up beside a tree.
  265. “A-Anon!! Windy!! What are you doing here!?!”
  266. >Windy looks up to the human. He simply nods before walking back.
  267. >The two ponies sit there, hearing the crunching sounds of snow against his boots fade.
  268. >”Posey… I’m sorry for making you come… It’s just… I knew that your crush was going to be here so I had to get you out of that house… I went too far with that fib…”
  269. >The downtrodden pony sits there, stuck in a trance for a minute. Her words soon croak out of her mouth.
  270. “It’s… It’s okay, Windy… I… I now understand why you wanted me to come out of my house. Guess not everything’s gone to shit.”
  271. >Windy nods before the two sit there for a moment, enjoying the silence.
  272. “Hey, Windy.”
  273. >”Hm?”
  274. “Remember the times when I was rude to you?”
  275. >”Yeah? How come?”
  276. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry that I called your homemade movie garbage; I’m sorry that I laughed at you when you wanted to try out that swim team; I’m sorry for the times I got frustrated at you when you accidentally crashed into my house or landed on me… I’m sorry for all of it and more… I guess you’re still finding yourself in this now magic-filled world while I’m still trying to stay in the past…”
  277. >Windy lets out a small but comforting smile.
  278. >”Oh Posey, I forgive you. And yeah, some of my ideas were complete garbage and we had some rough patches along the way.”
  279. “More like a lot of rough patches.”
  280. >”Even so, I still like you being my friend because of your bluntness. You never sugarcoat anything compared to a lot of my old friends back in Zephyr Heights. It’s honestly a breath of fresh air.”
  281. >Posey returns Windy’s smile with one of her as she looks at her best friend. The two friends started hugging each other out tightly.
  282. >After they finish hugging, Anon’s footsteps come back into audible range.
  283. >”I’ll be waiting with the others until you come back,” Windy calmly says as she gets back up on all hooves.
  284. ”Wait! You’re just going to leave me here! With Anon…”
  285. >Windy looks back and lets out a warm smile on her face.
  286. >”I know you can do it, Posey. All you have to do is take the first step.”
  287. >After Windy trots away, the human comes up and sits right next to the yellow pony.
  288. >”Heard you’ve caught the love bug.”
  289. “Great. Did Windy tell you with whom?”
  290. >”Nope, she didn’t go into specifics.”
  291. >The two sit there in silence as the only sounds are the birds chirping and distant noise of ponies chatting.
  292. “Then why are you here?”
  293. >”Just wanna visit with my favorite mare.”
  294. >Posey’s insides felt like they were doing summersaults after hearing that.
  295. “Thanks, Nonny…”
  296. >Anon looks back, expressionless at that nickname.
  297. >Posey, realizing her mistake, covers her face out of embarrassment with her scarf.
  298. >”Nonny? Nice nickname. I think that’s the first time I heard you gave anyone a nickname.”
  299. >Not looking back up, Posey mumbles.
  300. “Besides wanting to visit me, why are you here?”
  301. >”I just want to say, I know how you’re feeling. I’ve had crushes with others before and never got the chance to tell them how I felt.”
  302. “Just get on with it.”
  303. >”I’ll support you all the way, Posey. I don't know who it is, but as your friend, I want the very best for you.”
  304. >Posey begins to tear up; she doesn't know what to say.
  305. >She wanted to yell right at him.
  306. >She wanted to call him a retard.
  307. >She wanted to call him an ape.
  308. >She wanted to tell him that it was him she loved.
  309. >But at the end, she stuttered and held it all back.
  310. >Looking back up, Posey notices the red blush on Anon’s face.
  311. >”I see that the cold’s got you all red in the face. Come on, let’s head back.”
  312. >Anon gets up and dusts off his backside from any snow that clung onto him.
  313. >It was now or nothing.
  314. “Anon…”
  315. >”Yeah?”
  316. “I like you…”
  317. >”I like you too… Poser…”
  318. >The yellow pony’s heart begins to flutter even faster. That was the first time somepony that wasn't her parents gave her a nickname, and it was from the creature she loved the most out of Eques.
  320. >The two walk back in silence, enjoying each other’s company and the quiet world around them.
  321. >Posey would never admit it, but she had to give winter props. The world looks beautiful when it’s covered in snow, unbothered by the elements.
  322. >As the two got out of the forest, Posey notices Windy waving her hoof in an attempt to gain the yellow mare’s attention.
  323. >Posey trots over to her best friend.
  324. >”So how did it go? Did you do it? Did you manage to ask him out? Did you tell him that you love him? *GASP* Did you kiss him!? Please say you did!”
  325. “SHHHH!!! Quiet, Windy!”
  326. >”Whoops! Sorry!”
  327. >After calming down both herself and Windy, Posey brings Windy closer to her.
  328. “I didn’t manage to kiss him or ask him out…”
  329. >Windy’s gaiety on her face is immediately dashed.
  330. “But I did tell him that I like him.”
  331. >”But you could’ve asked him out, I’m positive he wouldn’t say no to mare like you.”
  332. “If this makes you any better, I did give him a little nickname.”
  333. >The pegasus’ ears perked up at Posey’s sentence, her spirits lifted with curiosity.
  334. >”Do tell.”
  335. >Posey lets out a deep breath.
  336. “It’s Nonny.”
  337. >Windy’s eyes shine with stars in them as her mouth curves into a gleeful smile.
  338. >”AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! I gotta call Pipp about this!”
  339. >Waving her hooves like crazy, Posey stops Windy from dialing Pipp’s number.
  340. “Don’t! I mean- Please don’t call her! I already have enough trouble dealing with your tips for me dating Anon! I don’t need her in the mix; she’ll go all elaborate with her plans.”
  341. >Upon seeing Posey’s exhausted expression on her poor face, Windy closes her phone and puts it away.
  342. >Moving her head to the side, the carnation pink sees a familiar human walking towards them.
  343. >”Looks like you have a second chance.”
  344. >Posey turns around and cranes her head up.
  345. >”Posey,” Anon begins, “I need to ask you something very important.”
  346. >Posey’s heart rapidly beats at Anon’s voice. Is he going to be the one to ask her out?
  347. “Y-Yeah?”
  348. >Posey couldn’t handle it.
  349. >”How did your crew manage to take out a lot of my men from the pegasi division!?! Flame reported to me that over half of them were taken out!”
  350. >Posey felt her entire life stop like a record being scratched.
  351. >The only thing she can do now is to groan and play along with the idiot’s game.
  352. >”Hi, Anon, it was me and a few others that created those plans,” Windy says, embarrassed.
  353. >”Well can you tell me where the other ponies that made those plans are? Not only do I need you, but I need them as well for a counterattack.”
  354. >”I can guide you to where they are. They probably aren’t too far away.”
  355. >”Alright then, lead the way.”
  356. >Both pony and man begin their trudge through the snow to the two other planners.
  357. >”Say, Anon, where’s Hitch and Sunny? Aren’t they supposed to be the referees in this game?”
  358. >”They should, but Hitch had to get back to his job and Sunny left when she was contacted about an unexpected political issue in Maresachusetts.”
  359. “That’s great.”
  360. >Anon chuckles at Posey’s sarcasm as Windy is feeling unsure on what to do without any referees.
  361. >Finally, the gang reaches their destination.
  362. >Right in front of them, Izzy is building a snowmare with Sundae while Dahlia is having a pleasant chat with Onyx.
  363. >”Alright, raise your hooves if you made some of Posey’s plans?”
  364. >Izzy and Dahlia raise their hooves high into the air.
  365. >”Good, I need your help on making some countermeasures with some of my planners. We need to take the fight to them. Because as of now, they are beating our unicorn and pegasi division to the ground.”
  366. >The three planners got close around Anon and began to follow right behind him.
  367. >Posey stands there and watches him walk away.
  368. >Posey sighs as she plops her rear onto the cold snowy ground.
  369. >Onyx and Sundae, watching the depressed pony, felt bad for her.
  370. >The two of them neither know exactly why she’s just staring off into the distance, but they know they have to find a way to cheer her up.
  371. >The unicorns trot up right beside the mare.
  372. >Noticing the pair of hooves right next to her, Posey turns her head.
  373. “What do you unicorns want…”
  374. >”You seem to be a bit down; we just want to check on you,” Onyx says.
  375. “Well as you see, I’m doing fine. So, you two run along now.”
  376. >”Excuse my rudeness, but no. You need help. Maybe talking to us might help, talking to my friends helps me when I have to get something off my chest,” Sundae says, trying to give the yellow pony helpful advice.
  377. >Knowing how unicorns are persistent in wanting to know everything, Posey caves.
  378. “Uggghh… Fine, but you two better not tell anypony about this. I already told a few of my friends about it.”
  379. >”We promise you, we will never tell a soul about your crush,” Sundae replies.
  380. “Crush!?! What crush!?! I don’t have a crush!!!”
  381. >”Come on, Posey, anypony that spends any amount of time with you will notice that you and Anon vibe together,” Onyx says as she puts a hoof around Posey’s neck, comforting her.
  382. “Fine, I do have a crush on that monkey. Are you happy now?”
  383. >Onyx and Sundae look at each with unamused expressions.
  384. >”No, we’re not, there’s something you’re not telling us,” Onyx replies.
  385. >Posey sighs and looks down at her hooves, embarrassed to tell the unicorns about how she feels.
  386. “I’m not worthy of his love, he’s just too nice… I-I’ve not been the greatest pony…”
  387. >The two unicorns didn’t know what to do. They didn’t know how not only a non-pony, but also an alien, managed to get a mare known for her resistance to anything new to fall head over hooves for him, but she needed comfort in her time of need.
  388. >The unicorns reach over and begin to side hug the troubled earth mare.
  389. >Even though Posey preferred that it was Windy hugging her, she still enjoyed the odd warmth of the unicorns.
  392. >Glitter yells at the top of his lungs at the human’s plan.
  393. >”No, but we need a distraction if we’re going to get close. That’s why with some help from these three mares, we made a plan to use optical illusions to make a snow storm and fill the ranks with doubles as we attack from behind.”
  394. >”You’re insane, Anon, but that might be crazy enough to work,” Flame replies, supporting the human commander’s plan.
  395. >”Glad you agree.”
  396. >”But how are we going to keep up the illusion, we don’t have a lot of unicorns to create a lot of doubles, let alone that it drains our mana if we try to animate them?” asks Fetlock Sugarhoof as he taps on the tree stump that was being used as a conference table.
  397. >”That’s what the blizzard is for. We just only need the pegasi to use their magic to move the clouds over their field of view to create an illusion that an unexpected snow storm has occurred,” Anon replies, crossing his arms over each other.
  398. >Anon looks over to Flame.
  399. >”Flame? Have you got all the pegasi ready for departure?”
  400. >Flame salutes Anon with a brash hoof to her head and a serious expression painted on her face.
  401. >”YES SIR! ANON SIR!”
  402. >”Alright, I want you to be on standby until I give the signal. And after I give the signal, your division to walk into the woods and slowly move those clouds. We can’t let our opponent know that a whole group of pegasi have flown away in droves or walk into the woods in a big group. Split the division up into groups of two and enter it sporadically. It’ll raise too much suspension if you don’t do as I say.”
  403. >”What about after the blizzard?” Flame asks with curiosity.
  404. >”Good question. During the blizzard, I want your division to pack snowballs. After we’re behind enemy lines and give a loud sharp blast of this whistle I got, they’ll be distracted and both unicorn and pegasi division will attack from the sky and infront.
  405. >After another sharp salute, Flame trots off to her division.
  406. >”Alright Fetlock, after the pegasi are out of sight, I want you and your ponies to hide in the trenches and make optical illusions of the pegasi as they slowly disappear. Rotate your ponies if some get tired, we need all the energy saved until after the blizzard's gone. Got it?”
  407. >A nod from the unicorn ends the discussion quickly before he trots away to his group.
  408. >”Glitter, I need you to round up all available earth ponies, except the medics.”
  409. >Glitter nods before trotting away
  410. >”And leave Posey to me…”
  411. >Glitter stops in his tracks and turns around.
  412. >The human turns around as well, corncob pipe in his mouth spewing smoke from its end.
  413. >”She needs someone close to discuss something very important with.”
  414. >Glitter stands there quietly, his expression full of confusion as Anon walks off.
  415. >It didn’t take long to find Posey as she was seeing off the two unicorns.
  416. >”I got something important I need you to do.”
  417. ”I’m not doing it if it’s me going into battle.”
  418. >Anon lets out a little chuckle.
  419. >”I need you to help out with some ponies to take care of the unicorns if some of them become mana drained.”
  421. >”Come on Posey, I’m sure you’ll do well. Besides, doc will help you out; speaking of which, I think he’s still at the campfire.”
  422. >With a pat on Posey’s back, Anon walks back to his group.
  423. “You’re going to be the death of me, Anon…”
  424. >Grumbling, Posey trots to the campfire.
  425. >As she gets closer to her destination, she notices something familiar about this blue earth pony with his jet black mane and spectacles.
  426. “Sweet Celestia in a saddle, it can’t be…”
  427. >”Eyyy Posay!!!”
  428. “Ugh… What are you doing here, Hawkeye?”
  429. >”Just enjoying some drinks. Say, you wanna blow this popsicle stand and have some fun? You, me, and a one horse open sleigh.”
  430. “Buck no, you pervert!”
  431. >”You remind me of a nurse back home. What was her name again?”
  432. “You would probably remember if you weren’t such an alcoholic.”
  433. >”Hey, alcoholic is a strong word. I would say I’m more of a stallion that likes a drink. Besides, I’m sure you drank before.”
  434. “Not to the point of being drunk. I’m surprised that you haven’t gotten your medical license revoked from your excessive drinking.”
  435. >”Hey, I’m just that damn good of a surgeon.”
  436. >A swift breeze dances between the two ponies and races under the mare’s legs, causing her to shiver.
  437. “Why is it colder all of a sudden?”
  438. >Craning her head up, she notices the dark clouds moving past the sky.
  439. “I swear if it’s a blizzard, I’ll scream.”
  440. >”It’s for the final plan.”
  441. “What final plan, you creep?”
  442. >Removing his lips from his glass, the stallion coughs a bit before speaking.
  443. >”They’re using that snowstorm as a front to sneak behind enemy lines. He’s leading the charge. Crazy, right?”
  444. >Posey looks at the stallion with bemusement.
  445. >”Is that a glint of fear in those eyes?”
  446. “Hrmmph! I’m not afraid! And what an asinine plan, but what do I expect from a dumbass!”
  447. >Posey looks on at the clouds as they darken and release snow, beginning the storm.
  448. “I just want this game to be over soon.”
  449. >Fear painting her face. She hopes that he’ll be safe. She wanted to find Anon, but she also didn’t want everypony to know that she loves an ape, so she stands there.
  451. >As more clouds fill the skies, more ponies are replaced by doubles.
  452. >Anon looks at the sky, now dark and snowing heavily, and then back at the enemy team.
  453. >”Hmmm…”
  454. >Rubbing his chin, Anon sees the enemy team fading away behind the barrier of rapidly falling snow.
  455. >”Alright everypony! Remember to stay in the woods and away from the blizzard! I don’t want to start off with the shit end of a stick! We attack after we get behind them, let the blizzard pass, and I give off a signal.”
  456. >The unit of ponies look on at Anon as he holds onto his ram horn, showing it off to them.
  457. >Seeing the enemy unit now gone in the blizzard’s cover, Anon waves his arm in a follow me motion.
  458. >The cavalcade, following Anon, trudges through the forest as the winter chill from the snowstorm finds its way out of its containment.
  459. >”Just keep pushing! We have to get there!” Anon yells as the wind bats against his freezing face.
  460. >The cavalcade did as they were told and trudged on.
  462. >”Arrgggh! I thought you featherbrains control the weather!” yelled Sprout at one of his pegasus supervisors.
  463. >”We do and plan the weather routes as well!” retorted a pegasus.
  464. >”Well maybe you should get better at your damn jobs and get rid of that blizzard!”
  465. >”No can do, going out there in a snowstorm will weigh our wings down and you need us for air attacks!”
  466. >”Sweet Majesty, the ponies I have to deal with…”
  467. >The pegasus begins to tap on Sprout’s shoulder.
  468. >”WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!”
  469. >”Look.”
  470. >Looking up, Sprout sees the blizzard slowing down to a trinkle of snowfall.
  471. >Looking back down, Sprout notices the enemy teammates still standing there.
  472. >bringing up his binoculars to his eyes, he looks through to them to get a better view of them.
  473. >His suspicion grows as he looks at them, they are just standing there… flickering from time to time. They’re not real.
  474. >Before he can shout out at the revelation, a loud wailing sound comes from behind.
  475. >Pegasi shoot out of the clouds and pelt the enemy with their snowballs.
  476. >”ATTACK!!!”
  477. >Anon and the earth ponies run towards the enemy with vigor while the unicorns from the frontlines begin to pelt them.
  478. >Some ponies on Sprout’s team begin to retaliate by loading their snowballs on their catapults as pegasi fill the air to attack Anon’s pegasi division.
  479. >As the three divisions attack Sprout, Posey is staying behind, hooves over her head as it all unfolds.
  481. >Posey looks up to see Hawkeye rushing over to a downed Sundae.
  482. >Getting up onto her hooves and galloping over to the downed unicorn, she avoids the barrage of snowballs by keeping her head down low.
  483. >”Sweet Faust, Sundae, I thought I told you not to use your magic as much,” scolds Hawkeye as he checks over Sundae.
  484. >Sundae's only reply is a groan as she feels her horn and head throb with pain.
  485. “Come on, quit overreacting!”
  486. >”Weak leylines are a serious issue; they can lead to hemorrhages if pushed too hard!”
  487. >Posey is taken aback by the doctor’s quick change in attitude, so she stays respectfully silent as Hawkeye checks over the unicorn.
  488. >”Alright, Sundae, I want you to lay off the magic for a week. So no snowball fights, illusion casting, or anything in a rapid motion.”
  489. >”Ok, Dr. Hawkeye,” Sundae mournfully replies as she lays against the snowy barrier.
  490. >Hawkeye looks at Posey with a displeased expression before trotting away.
  491. >Posey’s embarrassed smile falls down as she plops down a few feet away from Sundae.
  492. >Even though she also had problems with her magic before, Posey didn’t know what to say but…
  493. “I- your condition…”
  494. >”Save it, Posey…” Sundae mumbles as the fight around them seems to slow down around them.
  496. >Snowballs fall from the sky like hellfire.
  497. >Members from both sides suffer from casualties as the fighting continues.
  498. >Fallen ponies being carried to the sidelines.
  499. >Ponies helping each other through thick and thin.
  500. >To your average pony, it was like the world turned into a wasteland.
  501. >Anon and a few other ponies manage to push deep into Sprout’s territory, now almost empty.
  502. >Entering an intersection, Anon raises his arm up to stop the group behind him.
  503. >hitting his back against the snowy wall, Anon peers his head over the corner to see if anypony was in the hallway.
  504. >A pony enters view, scared and trying to hide from his duties.
  505. >Moving his head back at rapid speed, Anon hopes that the pony didn’t see him.
  506. >Even under the distant sound of rapid snow fire, the crunching sound of hooves on snow filled the air more than the snowfight.
  507. >Reaching down and packing some snow into a ball, Anon reels his right arm, ready to defend himself and his friends.
  508. >Time felt like it was slowing down as the pony trots closer to the intersection.
  509. >And before the pony knew it, the snowballs hit him with enough of an audible thunk.
  510. >The pony falls on his plot with a thud, trying to shake the stars away from his eyes.
  511. >Seeing that nopony else was coming, he motions to his soldiers and pushes forward.
  512. >Turning left, they see an entrance that looks like it goes underground.
  513. >The ponies look at each other with uncertainty as Anon walks towards the entrance.
  514. >Not wanting to be left behind, they gallop right after him.
  515. >Somehow in a matter of hours the underground was built with concrete as Anon and his division went down the flight of stairs.
  516. >Reaching the last flight of stairs and turning left, they enter a hallway with one door on their right.
  517. >Entering the double doors, everyone was met with the bunker’s lounge.
  518. >”Not in this room, but I know for certain he’s in this bunker,” Anon announces before walking forward.
  519. >”ANON! LOOK OUT!” exclaimed Dahlia as she runs and pushes Anon.
  520. >It all happened in a flash. Anon, now on the floor, looks up to see Dahlia’s chest hit with a snowball.
  521. >Shifting his head forward, he sees Sprout being protected by his guards in the conference room.
  522. >”FIRE!!!”
  523. >As soon as Anon words left his mouth, a barrage of snowballs filled the room as they seemed to come from all sides.
  524. >”SPLIT UP!!!” Anon commands with vigor as he gets back up on his feet.
  525. >Doing as told, the group splits up to the two rooms that connect to the sides of the corridor.
  526. >After slamming the door shut, Anon realizes he’s alone in the guard’s room.
  527. >”Shit.”
  529. >Posey peeks her head out of the snow barrier.
  530. “Good, they’re all tired out. We can go home now.”
  531. >”Is Anon out there? I think the game isn’t over until one surrenders.”
  532. “Come on, Sundae, it’s almost twilight soon. Can’t they just put a hold on this stupid game til tomorrow?”
  533. >Sundae shrugs before quickly putting a hoof on her throbbing horn, still wincing in pain.
  534. >Posey grumbles as she gets up and trots out of her spot.
  535. >”Where are you going?”
  536. “I’m getting Anon and whoever's in charge of that rebel group to stop this nonsense.”
  537. >Before Sundae could reply, Posey started her journey through the battlefield.
  538. >All around were tired ponies either lying down or huddling next to small campfires to keep warm.
  539. >To say it wasn’t eerie for Posey would be a lie.
  540. >trying not to show them her uneasiness from their wartorn appearances, she kept her head lifted up in a snooty position and her eyes closed.
  541. >When she finally reaches the enemy’s side, she lets go a sigh of relief. Who knew she would see such a scene today.
  542. >Looking around, she notices the trenches are quiet. No, not quiet, but dead silent.
  543. >Posey trots around the outer rim of the trench, looking down at the oddly empty trench.
  544. >But knowing Posey’s luck, trouble was brewing for her.
  545. >Before she knew it, she felt the ground right in front of her take a sharp 90 degree dip.
  546. “Ugh… bucking stupid hole… OW!!!”
  547. >The yellow pony looks down at her newly acquired sprained ankle, swelling red and soar.
  548. >Now needing to find a way out of this trench, she limps on her three hooves. Every second is a painful one as the warm sprain sends a sharp sense of pain to her entire front right hoof.
  549. >After minutes of constant limping, she notices a door in front of her field of vision.
  550. “Hope there’s some aid in there.”
  551. >Soon she was at the door, and lifted a hoof to the door.
  552. “Thank Hoofness, it’s a push door.”
  553. >Entering the room, the first thing that catches her eye is th-”
  554. “Stairs… Of course it can’t be that simple.”
  555. >But needing medical supplies badly and knowing that it will most likely take longer to find an exit from the trenches, she trudges down the flight of stairs.
  557. >Opening the door to a crack, he looks out… His men didn’t make it… They barely even lifted a hoof before they were gunned down by heavy snowfire.
  558. >Cursing to himself quietly, he begins to creep towards the door that connects to another room.
  559. >But soon, he sees the door beginning to shift.
  560. >Anon thoughts run rapidly throughout his brain; he needs to find a hiding spot.
  561. >Looking around revealed that hiding is not an option.
  562. >Rampily looking about, he sees a freezer.
  563. >Approaching the freezer and opening its door reveals a whole stockpile of snowballs.
  564. >Anon grabs a hold of a snowball and stands away from the door, his arm reeled to throw the snowball.
  565. >The pony guard trots into the room and BLAM! His face is hit by the snowball.
  566. >The stallion falls to the ground, dazed and surprised.
  567. >After grabbing onto another snowball from the freezer, Anon walks through the door into a doctor’s office.
  568. >Seeing the doorway to his left, he slides up against it and peers through it.
  569. >Moving his head back quickly, he narrowly dodges the barrage of incoming snowballs through the doorway.
  571. >Peeking his head out again, Posey is in his line of sight.
  573. >”POSEY!”
  574. >Posey whips her head around, her face beat red and glaring right at the human with the meanest look a pony could manage.
  575. >You back away, grimacing at her reaction.
  577. >A barely audible voice is heard from one of the rooms.
  578. >Posey, ignoring the voice, barrages past Anon into the doctor’s room.
  579. >The yellow mare was about to rummage through the cabinets until a nurse appeared from one of the rooms.
  580. >Looking from the mare to the hoof, she nods and opens up a cabinet for the supplies.
  581. >Hobbling over to the examination bed, Posey struggles.
  582. >”Posey! What happened?!” exclaimed Dahlia as she entered the room.
  583. >Sensing that the yellow mare was busy with her predicament, Dahlia helps Posey onto the bed.
  585. >”NO! I WON’T AGREE WITH SURRENDERING!!!” Sprout retorts as his hooves slam against the table with a loud THUMP!
  586. >“Look, the day’s almost done, you’re low in men, you’re low in supplies, and I’m positive your team is low on morale. Why not just toss the towel and call it a day?” Anon retorts with his feet on the table and leaning back in his chair.
  587. >”SAYS YOU! The one that should be begging for mercy is YOU! Do you see!? You’re by yourself and in my territory, you stubborn baboon!”
  588. >”How Rich! Coming from you!”
  589. >”Are you calling me stubborn!?”
  590. >”You’re more than stubborn! You’re arrogant, foolish, egotistical, and a lot more that I will gladly list off!!!”
  592. >The two leaders, snouts butting up against one another, fall back and look for the source of the voice.
  594. >Posey’s front left hoof slams on the ground as she hobbles close to Sprout.
  595. >Sprout falls off his chair and feels his ego shrink as he stares into the pinprick eyes of the rage induced mare.
  596. “MAKE. A. TRUCE.”
  597. >”O-O-Okay…” Sprout whimpers before Posey backs away.
  598. >hurryingly getting back on his chair and doing his best serious face, he coughs onto his hoof.
  599. >”Okay, Anon, let’s make a truce. Youuuu…” Sprout halts as he feels the glaring eyes of Posey burn through his skin.
  600. >”and I quit this fight and…”
  601. >“Aannnddd…”
  602. >”And... And... FINE. You get to celebrate your stupid victory during this ceasefire, but I will win next time.”
  603. >”... Sounds good to me. Let’s shake on it!”
  604. >Anon reaches his hand out, causing Sprout to flinch with disgust at the weirdly shaped appendage with its small wriggly tubes sticking out at the end.
  605. >”I ain’t touching that!”
  606. >Anon looks back at Posey and then shrugs.
  607. >After going up the stairs and out of the bunker, Anon, his team, and Posey are walking back to their side.
  608. >News of Anon winning the war spread like wildfire and before anypony knew it, ponies on Anon’s side were celebrating their victory.
  609. >”Man, that was fun, right, gang?”
  610. “Hardly, Anon. I was forced here, get kicked out of my own team, and have this STUPID brace on me! I’m TIRED, COLD, and GRUMPY. ”
  611. >Everypony in the group rolled their eyes at the rambling mare as she continued on her tirade.
  612. “And another thing! I don’t want to be a part of this stupid game if it continues next— next— ACHOO!!!”
  613. >Looking down at her snout, Posey notices it reddening and dripping mucus.
  616. >”Here comes the pegasus!”
  617. >Windy’s hoof holding the spoon full of soup swishes about in the air, trying to entice the bedridden earth pony to open her mouth.
  618. “You’re all dead to me.”
  619. >Windy flinches back as Posey's coldhearted statement fills the room.
  620. >The pegasus looks back to everyone that’s important in this green for their input.
  621. >The only one that gave an answer was Anon and that was a shrug.

Blooming Posies in Winter

by poseyposeyposey

Weak Posies Break in The Wind

by poseyposeyposey

/Flutterrape/ Blooming With Rape Tendencies

by poseyposeyposey

Snow Fair Warfare

by poseyposeyposey