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'bearer of the curse' in equestria 6
By SunriseLightbeam2Created: 2025-03-24 00:25:13
Expiry: Never
>On your way to the office, you hit your head really hard.. by what and how? you aren't really sure..
>just like that one elevator from earthen peak to iron keep, it's like you forgot something important.. and can only seem to recall something like an elevator in it's place
(In short, its been months since I wrote the previous sections and I do not recall all my plots and storylines. sorry for the mistakes in the conclusion here)
"Hello Mrs Warden Mare"
>in the office you don't see any bug queen but instead.. that tall white pony
>"Hello Anonymous, It's nice to see you again" Said the white regal mare
"You're not the warden.."
>she chuckles a bit
>"Well you're right, I have a task for you.. You will be set free if you complete it"
>"I'm sure somepony has told you but I'm Princess Celestia, I lead these land of ponies that you find yourself in now"
"I think I knew that.. but my memory is a bit foggy.."
>"A-are you Ill?.." she asks very carefully
>You hesitate to tell the truth and wonder if you should. the last ponies you tried to tell were not well or capable of even fully understanding
"Well.. yes, but I don't think you ponies can get what I have"
>She raises an eyebrow and tilts her head
>"Have you not asked for medical assistance? you may be in prison but you're not being tortured, we're civilized creatures here"
>You sit down and take in a deep breath
"I'm certain you cannot fix it, I don't think you can comprehend the details of it.. In simple terms I'm.. undying.. but my mind isn't"
>She has a curious look on her face
>"You're.. immortal? I myself am as-well actually. same with my sister, I've lived well over a thousand years.. things from way back start to fade, trust me I do understand"
"I'm not that old.."
>When you begin to try to think of the passage of time you realize that you cannot possibly know how long it's been
>sleep comes when it wishes, the sun and moon rise and set differently across regions, in your current home of Majula it never sets.. or raises?
>Perhaps it's symbolic, Sunset on the old era.. and Sunrise on the new order. yours
>The Emerald Herald awaits your return, the great souls in your possession.. Nashandra herself said you should take the throne
>Do you trust her?.. the castle shrouded in a dark calm.. that painting of her causing a deep sense of pain in your very soul when you view it. her form too perfect and human
>What is the right choice? Light? Dark? Or something else entirely.. something like staying here forever.. you have friends, a beautiful world incapable of pain
>"A-anonymous? are you alright?"
"Huh? I-I'm sorry I was lost in thought about my home.. What do you need from me?"
>She lowered her tone and whispered
>"You are capable of actions that we simply aren't.. that creature you.. k-ki-.. *ahem* what you did is not something ponies could ever do, but we have someone who needs to be removed.. he is a creature of disharmony and evil"
"And you need me to Kill him?"
>She winced and shuttered at your direct words
>"Not even me in my old age can truly understand being able to do that. it's just not in our nature.. but he is a threat, and one our magic cannot seem to contain properly. he's escaped before and I believe his influence is corrupting young ponies, the very special young ponies who are destined to save our world"
"And they can't stop him with.. "friendship"? you gesture with your hand in the air
>She closed her eyes and smiled
>"It seems you cannot change someones nature, what they are born as.. they can shift away from it but at their core they still are that thing. and this creature is chaos. you will know him when you see him"
>She trotted over to the window and looked out it
>"I brought you your weapon, and a family heirloom of mine.. It resembles yours and may share some sort of cosmic ancestry"
>With her magic she lifts you your sword, grasping the grip in your hands memories flood back. a feeling of insecurity and danger you felt before fades
>Without a weapon in Drangleic death is immediate and inescapable. here things are different..
>But that pain lingers terribly in the mind
>"And this.."
>She levitates a box over to you and opens it. inside is.. The Moonlight Greatsword
>It's not yours.. but it's unquestionably a sword of moonlight, and not a fake or replica like that 'bluemoon' thing
>looking at it.. you can see it's as real as yours. but it's not the same
>It calls to you
"You're.. giving this to me?"
>"For now, I believe it may aid you in your task here.. yours or that one, I'm not sure what you think will be best. he's a creature of this realm and perhaps a sword of this realm is what's best"
>"but also he's a being of chaos.. a sword from beyond this realm may be even better, Fighting.. fire with fire might be the term, Chaos doesn't work logically after-all"
>you pick up the other in your free hand
"Nothing is stopping me from trying both"
>Celestia seems quite surprised
>"I.. why yes you do have two.. claws?. to hold them in,we ponies use our mouths or magic in rare cases for such things and even with magic carrying two weapons isn't easy, the focus required is quite overwhelming"
>"are you sure you can do that?"
"I've done it before.. oh and I'm going to need my armor and rings back"
>Hours later after a length ride on a flying chariot that really did give you flashbacks to the two headed horse..
>"This is the cottage of a dear pony named Fluttershy, she has attempted to befriend this dark creature but he corrupts her mind, and he still in acts his chaotic will"
>the chariot lands and flys away leaving you, Celestia and a small cottage on the edge of a thick forest
>>"Oh you're so funny discord.. c-can you turn angel bunny back into a bunny now please? I-It's funny for a moment to turn him into a cake but.. please turn him back..
>>>"oh dear fluttershy, it's just a joke! ahah-.. Oh! Celestia! Long time no see and.. who's th-..this.."
>This discord was a horrific abomination rivaling even the Rotten deep in the Black Gultch, a horrific meshwork of creatures limbs, somehow fused together as if they were always supposed to be that way
>the ponies shown no fear towards his appearance, perhaps they're so innocent they simply cannot grasp the sheer uncanny and disturbing visage of this "discord"
>"Discord, You are being given one final chance, stop your chaotic ways or you will be punished!"
>Celestia stood tall and proud, a sense of authority radiated her figure that you didn't know possible in a pony of all things
>>"W-what did he do?! he's been here all week.. I_i'm trying my best! he's become a good friend.. j-just a bit rough around the edges"
>that 'fluttershy' hasn't seem to seen you
>>>"Oh! Celestia please.. but friendship is magic?"
>Discord seemingly at first unsettled by your presence has let his guard down, taking you as not a threat
>"Discord, No more games"
>>>"Games? what games.. I'm not doing anything what-so-ever" He gave a devious grin
>>"Celestia please he's tring his bes-" At this moment the yellow pony seems to have noticed you
>>"Eeek! w-who.. w-what are you?"
>>>"Oh little flutter.. don't worry about him, he's just a little Hollow who's lost his way.. shoo shoo now little undead, Go link the fire or something"
>For a moment you're surprised at this knowledge of your world but remembering his title as "lord of chaos" your surprise is dampened and your resolve hardens
>>"I.. what?.."
>>>"Now dear fluttershy.. go stand over there, I can handle this myself"
>>"N-no! I will not let some metal meanie hurt you!"
>Brave little pony
>She trots infront of the abomination and.. widens her eyes and stares
>Celestia looks at you with Worried eyes
>"Resist, Anon!" she pleads
>The pony just.. stares
"You just gonna stare at me? get out of the way yellow one"
>She widens her eyes more and begins to sweat with concentration
"You're going to burst a blood vessel, get a move on"
>>"H-how.." She backs away into discord
>>>"Don't worry fluttershy, I will protect you"
"He's trying to fool you, I'm not here for any-pony. I'm here for the monster"
>you point Your Moonlight at 'Discord'
>Celestia grabs fluttershy in her magic and yanks her out of the way
>"Discord.. your end is nearest now. Harmony shall be returned to Equestria once and for all"
>>>"Your little human from another world? stumbled through a mirror hmm? a weak and cursed race.. deserving of suffering" the beast laughed
>you heard the yellow pony gasp
"Careful, Beast, your little friend sees through your deceitful visage"
>For a moment he seemed to look like he actually gave a shit about the yellow pony
>In that moment you swung your blade with one hand and a familiar beam of blue moonlight arced towards the beast
>he slithered around it and began to mock you again
>>>"hahhah! oh how long it's been since I fought one so brave as yourself. your kind is so good at hopeless causes.. If I were anyone else I might respect you"
>he snapped his talons and tried to cast some sort of spell on you but you quickly rolled out of the way
>>>"haha...w-what! you.. you can ROLL my magic?!!? I.. there isn't even a beam or floaty orb.. simply a snap of action.. and you.. dodged.."
>Is he stupid? that's just how it works
>you run up at him and swing with both blades. he moves out of the way but yours clips a wing and he howls in pain
>>>"Bastard cursed human! your kind is doomed to an eternity of darkness"
>words words.. nobody talks this much in a fight
>much is automatic. quick slashes with single blades and heavy thrusts. beams of moonlight all around from your blade and the Princesses sword. it works just like yours but looks a bit different
>>>"You chase after the light of the lord who cursed your kind.. that flame.. hahaha you're bound to it! in death and life you spread it like a plague"
>a slash and this time he didn't dodge. you hit his leg and un-natural blood spills from it, the yellow pony faints but Celestia watches eyes wide in shock
>>>"grraah.. your kind is born of the dark.. cursebound to the light and even after your fire fades, the dark will not welcome you as you have too much of the light in you"
>with Celestia's blade you chop at his leg. slithering,writing and with one wing he manages to hover himself just barely. your swords coated in his evil blood. slowy but surely he will perish..
>>>"Y-you.. *grunt* you chase a fleeting light.. all will burn and only ash will remain, there will be nothing. you have no age of dark. once fire fades.. dark doesn't remain. dark fades with fade"
>>>"Without light, there is no dark. Gwyn cursed you all ahaha- *Pained cough* You have nothing.. you chase a dead mans dream. you're nothing more then a dog"
>Gwyn.. a name you've never heard.. right? it echos in your mind, lingers in a way unlike anything you've learned before
>>>"You have no future, human, you're nothing.. No coming age of humanity, no kindling of that dying fire will save your kind. you were cursed.. *he coughed out blood* long.. long before you were born.. give up and here you can stay, with me you can live forever and rule, or die for good if you wish it.. "
"I..Would you truly let me rule these lands?.."
>"N-no! a-anon don't listen"
"Of course little hollow.. I can even cure your curse.."
>In his distraction you thrust your blade into his chest.. you can feel the vibration of his hearts, out of sync with each other. their pulses fading
>>>"Gagh! Y-you.. your fate.. you will-
>with a heavy slash of Celestia's blade you remove his head from his body, it drops to the ground like a heavy rock
>Quickly his form begins to decay, the limbs fall from each other and nearly instantly begin to rot
>whatever held that abomination together has faded or shifted away from him
>>>>"hehe! aww poor daddy.. well. you had that one comin'!"
>that crazy mare from the prison appears infront of you. flying via a spinning hat
>>>>"Hia anon! I'm screwball. remember me?.. yeah well you've free'd me! Dear old dad stripped me of magic and threw me away"
>she floats down and kicks the ever-decaying rotting form that was his head
>>>>"Serves you right!"
>"W-who are you!" asked celestia with a fearful tone, still in shock from the violent display
>>>>"Just as I said! screwball! I'm the new lord of chaos!"
>>>>"The great the light, the deeper the shadow.. isn't that right anon? you know a thing or two about dark and light eh?"
>>>>"Well anon.. you should be going home now, huh?"
>Screwball opens a portal with a silvery dark-blue color
>>>>"Right back out of the mirror.. right when and where you left. how about that huh?"
>>>>"There will always be a lord of chaos.. there will always be a lord of harmony.."
>The floating pony looks towards a tree-house thing in the nearby village
>>>>"Harmony just changes hand peacefully.. chaos? not so much hehe.. hey! at least it's a pony this time huh?"
>She nudges Celestia and winks
>>>>"Those filthy creatures ami-right? hehe.."
"What about my friends?"
>Screwball makes a pouty face
>>>>"aww.. widdle hooman made some fwiends.. boo hoo! get outta here. Celestia was going to banish you anyways!"
>Celestia stands taller and firmer
"Is that true?"
>"Anon, you are of a different world. You must go"
"Ah I see how it is.. just a tool huh? quick and easy hand me a sword and kill your enemies for you?"
>>>>"Just like daddy said.. a cursed foolish race.. ahh it's funny really. Celestia knows there must be a lord of chaos, Discord just didn't play by the rules. he tried to be 'the good guy' but wouldn't fully commit.."
>>>>"Breaking the rules, if he really left his old life behind, there would be a new lord of chaos.. but we chaos beings don't let go so easily.. so he had to be put down. the natural balance of things.."
>>>>"life and death, Heat and Cold.. Light and Dark.. hehehe.. Celestia knows.. dontcha sunbutt?"
>"I'm sorry Anon, Equestria has rules and you've broken them just as Discord did. You must go"
"You know neither of you can stop me. if I so pleased I could slaughter you both, New lord of chaos or harmony or whatever the fuck, It wouldn't matter. I could go until you're all dead"
>>>>"And that's why you go back home, Where you kill and die until you loose your mind and finally truly Hollow. Do you even remember why you were sent to Drangleic? or left to it?.. no you don't"
>She smiled even wider, her swirling eyes spun faster
>>>>"And I wouldn't tell you, You won't know, you can't.. Because it doesn't matter why or what or even how. Sorcerer, Knight, Cleric or Hexer.. it doesn't matter. You're just a little tool for someone else"
>>>>"You know the rules of your world, You just won't admit it to yourself. your choices are meaningless hehe"
>You stood in silence for a moment. wishing you could kill that bratty horse.. and that 'princess'
>You can, but you won't.
"Yet I fight against fate, Cursed? Hopeless? You're probably right. but what makes a Man isn't his Victories or his Failures but the choice. choosing at all? That's something you can never do"
>You walk towards the shimmering mirror.. frozen at the moment you left. rain hanging in the air visible through the glass
>Without turning back you say finally
"You both consider me the fool, when you both continue your cycle with no greater plans, even if mine fail.. at least I tried"
>You toss Celestia's sword to the ground and step though the Looking Glass
>Rain pours and lightning crackles. it's like you never left
>With a roll you dodge the mirror wielding knight's blade with newfound purpose
>Perhaps you cannot break the cycle, Perhaps you cannot cure mankind's curse. Perhaps you are truly doomed.
>But what other choice is there? then to reject the illusion of choice all together..
by SunriseLightbeam2
by SunriseLightbeam2
by SunriseLightbeam2
by SunriseLightbeam2
by SunriseLightbeam2