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Broken Herds, Reforged

By ComfysPlace
Created: 2020-12-18 03:17:31
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anon?"
  2. >Sniffing you wipe your face and shout at the door.
  3. "Leave me the fuck alone!"
  4. >A startled eep is all that you can hear from the door, or maybe that was the couch creaking again.
  5. >Twilight would love to use this thing tho for book readings and st-
  6. >Damn it!
  7. >Taking another pull of the moonshine you and Applejack made you look down at the bottle with the fadded Sweet Apple Cider label on it.
  8. >"A-Anon?"
  9. >There was the squeak again.
  10. >You don't care as you take another drink, fuckin mares.
  11. >A soft downy wing touches your face making you look up.
  12. >Wings?!
  13. >That dumb cunt!
  14. >Jerking away you start to swing in a drunken rage before seeing yellow, not blue.
  15. >Stopping just short of hitting the mare you let a sigh at the quivering mass of yellow.
  16. "Fluttershy, what do you want?"
  17. >"Um...um I heard that you were not f-feeling all that well. D-Do you wanna talk about it? I-Is there anything I could do to help?"
  18. >Plopping down on your couch again you rub your face taking note of the scratchy beard you have growing.
  19. "Unlesh you can give me an alibi for murder...notsh really..."
  20. >Shit your slurring, must have gotten into the good stuff.
  21. >Fuck there is no good stuff left in the world.
  22. >Sniffing again you rub at your eyes, can't cry in front of her an- oh what's the point.
  23. >You start to let the tears pool angerily down your face.
  24. >Content to just wallow in your misery you don't notice Fluttershy move.
  25. >Hearing clopping steps you ruminate bitterly, she's leaving just like the rest.
  27. >Be quiet of the yellow.
  28. >Oh that poor colt...
  29. >Why you're so mad you could just scream at the girls for bucking up so badly.
  30. >Seeing Anon look like that nearly has you in tears, but you took a deep breath and held it in.
  31. >Don't let them see, don't let them know.
  32. >Trotting into the bathroom you leap up into the air to reach into Anon's medicine cabinent.
  33. >Let's see... there they are.
  34. >Handy dandy hanker chiefs!
  35. >With the cloth in mouth you head back before pausing at the kitchen.
  36. >Anon is probably going to want a snack after that crying session.
  37. >You know cookies always make you feel better after a good cry!
  38. >N-not that you cry all the time...
  39. >tfwnotmareenough.epic
  40. >Cookies found in the cabinent you also pour a cup of milk, can't have cookies with out the milk after all!
  41. >Fully equiped now to deal with Anon you're cautiously optimistic!
  42. >"Fuck those cunts and that ass! Stupid..."
  43. >Oh dear...
  44. >Anon is laying on the couch staring at a bottle of cider in his hoof spiders.
  45. >Setting the offering down on the coffee table you carefully walk to Anon.
  46. >Remember just pretend he's like Mr. Bear after a bad day...
  47. >Be confident!
  48. "A-anon? I-I know you don't feel good, but I b-brought you some hankies and cookies with milk...if you want that is."
  49. >Nailed it!
  51. >Anon seems to be lost in thought before his little cute eyes track over to you.
  52. >"Oh, you're still here..."
  53. >Fluttering up to the armrest of the couch you nod.
  54. "Of course I'd still be here Anon, y-you're one of my friends and y-you look like y-you could use some help."
  55. >Anon sniffs again before going for another drink of cider, only he stops looks at the bottle again and offers it to you.
  56. >"Ere, I'm done withis."
  57. >You grab the bottle with your hooves as Anon sits up rubbing his face again.
  58. >"These fer me?"
  59. "Mhmm, I always like to have some cookies and milk when I'm feeling blue."
  60. >"But your yellow."
  61. "Oh I know, but it's a turn of phrase."
  62. >Anon stares at you for a long moment
  63. >Hay starts to fill your wings as you wonder what you said wrong.
  64. >"...Snrk...hehe haha...ahahah!" Anon starts to laugh making you scrunch in confusion.
  65. >Suddenly arms around you!
  66. "Eep!"
  67. >"You know what? Yer a good horse, you know that? Goody good horse and and yeah, good horse."
  68. >Wincing at the rough petting of your mane you try to give Anon a pat with your hooves.
  69. "It's alright Anon, th-thank you."
  70. >"Mhmm..."
  71. >...
  72. >You haven't moved for a few minutes and when you look up you see why.
  73. >"ZZZzzzZZZ"
  74. >Aw poor colt.
  76. >Snuggling up in his arms you hope this doesn't count as rape.
  77. >You really wouldn't do well in ponejail.
  78. >They don't even give you pudding cups for dessert!
  79. >But it'll be fine, poor colt looks like he needs this anyway.
  80. >Anon squeezes you closer to his big chest.
  81. "Down girls, down..."
  82. >Trying to keep your wings from puffing up in a display to attract Anon was so hard.
  83. >Anon suddenly moves in his sleep wrapping his arms around your wings pressing them down firmly against your barrel.
  84. >O-o-oh m-my!
  85. >If this is what the girls ditched, just for that trampy Time Turner...
  86. >Then for being such a smart pony, Twilight's really dumb...
  87. >You wiggle in place feeling Anon's rough hands run through your fur making you shiver as his hoof spiders crawl through your fur.
  88. >N-no wait, this is lewd!
  89. >You need to think unlewd things!
  90. >Granny Smith!
  91. >Uh,uh mud pies!
  92. >Those farmers in the hills!
  93. >Big Mac's throbbing...
  94. >Eep!
  95. >Nope that's not helping at all!
  96. >[Frustrated Horse Noises]
  97. >Ok, calm down, Anon's not even awake just relax, calm down, breath in that hot musky scent an-
  98. >Anon buries his face into your neck then coarse beard rubbing against your fur as it tickles you.
  99. >OH that's not even fair.
  100. >How did the girls think leaving this was a good idea?!
  101. >Just wait it out, just wait it out...
  103. >Be a tired and hung over Anon.
  104. "Mgfmg..."
  105. >Yep that about sums it up.
  106. >Wait.
  107. >You can feel a shiver in your arms.
  108. >Feeling about you soon find it filled with pony.
  109. >Those bitches better not have.
  110. >Wait the colors are all wrong.
  111. >Looking down through the pink you see wide teal eyes look up at you.
  112. >"G-g-good m-m-morning A-anon."
  113. >OH fuck you hope you didn't drunk fuck her.
  114. "Hey...what, what happened last night?"
  115. >"I-I came o-over to h-help and y-you n-needed a hug s-so I gave you o-one. Th-then you fell a-asleep."
  117. >Oh thank Christ you didn't sleep with her.
  118. >Moral high ground still retained!
  119. >Though you notice that Fluttershy's face is pinker than normal.
  120. "You alright?"
  121. >"Y-yes c-could you lemme go p-please?"
  122. "Sure."
  123. >Once you do the mare takes off stright for the bathroom the door slamming shut behind her.
  124. >Oh man, she must have had to go to the bathroom super bad if she was pulling out that much speed.
  125. >Looking down you frown at the small wet spot on your chest.
  126. >Fuck.
  127. >Welp only one thing to do then.
  128. >Ignore it and put on a new shirt.
  129. >Don't want to embarrass her anyway.
  131. >In the bathroom...
  132. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh..."
  133. >You can't beileve you squashed on his chest!
  134. >Oh all the mares in Ponyville are going to think you're a... a... struggle snuggler!
  135. >Tears well up in your eyes before hearing knocking on the door.
  136. >"Fluttershy, hey I'm going to get some breakfast made, you want anything?"
  137. "U-um whatever you want..."
  138. >"...Hey about the shirt..."
  140. >"Don't worry about it."
  142. >Wait what.
  143. "H-Huh?"
  144. >"Look was my fault holding you like that didn't mean for you to wet yourself, was gonna just let it lie, but eh guilt."
  145. >Wet yourself??
  146. >He thinks you p-p-peed on him?
  147. >Doesn't he remember those times with his old herd?
  148. >Forget it, take the excuse and skedaddle you need to hook up with your sis Rarity and figure out what to do.
  149. >You're in way over your head!
  150. "O-oh okay, th--thanks Anon."
  151. >"Neat well hurray up in there, I gotta use the loo too."
  152. "W-will do!"
  154. >You exit the bathroom to hear the sound of a griddle being used.
  155. >The smell of eggs fill the room along with onions and peppers.
  156. >Peeking in you see Anon hair mussied up and with blood shot eyes cooking at the skillet.
  157. "A-anon?"
  158. >"Hrm? Oh you're out, awesome, watch the eggs? I have to use the loo bad."
  159. "Y-You too."
  160. >Anon gives you an odd look before giving you the spoon he was using.
  161. >Watching over the eggs you finish cooking them just in time for Anon to return.
  162. >"Sweet, thanks Flutters..."
  163. >The simplicity of running a kitchen holds sway over you both as you set up the table for two.
  164. >Mostly it's just a plate, fork and a cup of juice, but it's still nice.
  165. >Anon digs into his meal like a puppy, while you eat your own.
  166. >It's good, that must be the coltish charm your mother always told you about.
  167. >"Hey Flutters..."
  168. >Oh gosh now what?
  169. "Mmm?"
  170. >"Listen...about last night..."
  171. >Preparing for the worst you mentally brace yourself.
  172. >"Thanks...I wasn't in a good place there for a bit."
  173. >Everythingwentbetterthanexpected.tapestry
  174. "W-well I th-thought you might want a f-friend is a-all..."
  175. >"Well either way it's appreciated an-"
  176. >Knocking interupts Anon.
  177. >A frown crosses his face as he gets up with a stagger.
  178. "Do you want me to get it?"
  179. >"Huh? You hate answering the door..."
  180. "W-well you don't look that good s-still and I-I thought it m-might help?"
  181. >Anon looks back at the table where his breakfast is and hums before nodding, "Sure, thanks Flutters."
  182. >Trotting to the door you open it to see your friends!
  183. >Your friends who used to be Anon's old herd.
  184. >Your friends who are now staring at you in betrayal and hurt.
  185. >Oh pony feathers...
  186. >Twilight speaks first, "Fluttershy? What are you doing here?"
  187. >Rainbow answers for her, "Isn't it obvious? She's trying to get Anon for herself!"
  188. "N-no th-thats not it at all!"
  189. >"Ah dunno Sugarcube, you said dem things earlier about askin' him if he was open now."
  190. "Th-that was just a question, he n-needed a friend right now!"
  192. >Rainbow rolls her eyes at your defence, "Oh yeah a 'friend' to cheer him up, huh?"
  193. >Nodding you smile at your best friend from flight camp.
  194. "Yes, I was t-trying to cheer him up."
  195. >"Well either way Fluttershy you should probably leave, we're here to claim Anon back." Twilight says as she spreads her wings out showing off the plummage she has.
  196. >It's abnormally thick, way more than yours.
  197. >Ears flopping back you nibble your lip...
  198. >"What's going on Flutters, whose at the do- oh its you three."
  199. >You hadn't even heard Anon walk up behind you.
  200. >Looking up your eyes widen in shock as you spot the damp spot he was talking about earlier!
  201. >The girls also notice it judging by the mean glares they are sending your way.
  202. >Twilight puffs up even more as she thrusts her chest out, "Well Anon we came by to say we're sorry about what we did."
  203. >"Yeah, you're dick's not that small plus it lasts way longer than Time Turner's." Rainbow adds in shocking you as you always thought that you had to be discreet about private bed times.
  204. >The sound of wood creaking draws your eyes to the door frame where you see Anon's hand holding it tight white knuckled.
  205. >Uhoh.
  206. >"Sides Sugarcube, We're just bein' honest with ourselves, so should you."
  207. >"Honest huh?" Anon answers as you see his brow creased and a frown seemed to be etched into his face.
  208. "G-girls m-maybe it's a better idea t-to t-talk about this?"
  209. >Oh Celestia don't they know the signs of an ape about to go ape poo?!
  210. >Twilight answers with smug grin, "Oh but we are talking Fluttershy, maybe we should talk about the fact that you squashed on Anon?"
  211. >You reel back in surprise that she would bring that up.
  212. >"Squash?" Anon sounds confused the anger abiding for a moment.
  213. >Twilight nods, "Oh yes, you see Anon when a herd claims a colt they tend to scent him with their genital fluids to let other mares know he's off limits."
  214. "Anon I'm sorry it was an accident I didn't mean too..."
  216. >"Didn't mean to what, betray Anon's confidence like that Fluttershy? I thought you'd care more about him instead of yourself!" Rainbow shouts heatedly as she gets in your face.
  217. >"Didn't think ya had it in ya to be a struggle snuggler Fluttershy." Applejack said sadly avoiding looking at you.
  218. "I-I-I..."
  219. >You don't even know what to say right now you feel so awful.
  220. >"No."
  221. >Huh?
  222. >Anon glares at the trio of mares before him with a puckered frown like he bit a lemon.
  223. >"Oh don't worry Anon we won't let that Fluttershy get her hooks in you like that again." Twilight said trying to reassure her colt that all would be well.
  224. >"Oh no, that's not what I'm saying no about."
  225. >You yelp as you are picked up by the barrel.
  226. >"I'm saying no to your bullshit and fucked up logic you dumb purple drank nigger cunt bitch."
  227. >"Sugarcube wait!"
  228. >"Oh hell naw, you had ya'lls chance and now you're getting the boot."
  229. >Anon carries you into the house and starts to shut the door when its stopped by Twilight's magic.
  230. >"Sorry Anon, but this house is in my name s-eep!"
  231. >Anon just walked over and grabbed Twilights horn before tossing her into the house.
  232. >"You want the house? Fine take it you bitch. I'm taking my ball and going home. The ball being Fluttershy and home being her house since she's not an emotionally manipulative cunt like the rest of you faggots!"
  233. >Did..did you just get used like the Dad in those rom coms you heard on the radio?
  234. >Anon is still carrying you as he heads to your house.
  235. >"Anon wait! You don't want to have Fluttershy in your herd, she's way too timid to give you what you really want!"
  236. >Oh wow thanks.
  237. >"What I want is someone that won't just up and leave me for the next hottest piece of dick meat that walks on by, so fuck you, crusty cunt!"
  238. >"I don't have that!"
  239. "Um,c-could we m-maybe not f-fight please?"
  240. >Anon looks down at you like a huddled hoofball and grins at you.
  241. >"Sure, lemme just get us home eh?"
  242. "Um,ok?"
  244. >"Fluttershy come on Sis don't do this to us, to me! What happened to junior speedsters sticking together?"
  245. "Um...you did all that stuff with G-Gilda w-when it came to flying things..."
  246. >"Well yeah cuz you couldn't keep up, but we still went to flight camp!"
  247. "Only when my parents forced me too..."
  248. >Rainbow face hooves with a clop.
  249. >"Look are you gonna help me get Anon's dick or not?"
  250. >"You realize I am RIGHT here, right?"
  251. >Anon squeezes you a bit from Rainbow's talking.
  252. >U-unf...wait no!
  253. >Not the time for lewd thoughts!
  254. >"Not now Anon, the mare's are talking. I'll spot you on trying to get your own colt Fluttershy, what about that Thunderlane fella? I bet he could really make ya rumble."
  255. >Poker face at the max at seeing Rainbow's suggestive eyebrows you hide your face in Anon's chest.
  256. >"Hey stop that! That's my spot!"
  257. >"Well too bad Rainbow Dyke you just got vacated, just like you did to me so there!"
  258. >"Ugh why you have to be such a mare at times!"
  259. >"Because I can you sexist gay rights symbol!"
  260. "A-anon?"
  261. >You can see steam rising from Anon's head as he is nose to snout with your sorta kinda friend whose heart is in the right place, but her mouth isn't
  262. >"Huh? What's up?"
  263. "C-can we go h-home? P-please? I d-don't want to see y-you two fight, so c-can you stop?"
  264. >Wow you're on a roll, you would have just squeaked that out!
  265. >Rainbow starts to open her mouth again before Anon closes it shut with his hoof spiders.
  266. >"No, stop it, she said stop fighting, you should respect that of a friend. I am currently dealing with a hang over, I am no mood for your shit, Twilight's shit and Applejack's shit. Now go home, think about what you did that was wrong and come back when you want to be a civilized pone."
  267. >Rainbow's eyes are wide as are yours as you see Anon lay into her in such a relativly civil manner, he only used the words poo three times!
  268. >With a pop Anon let's Rainbow go and you see her slowly land on the ground.
  269. >"Are you su-"
  270. >"Yes, God Rainbow, please just go
  272. >You feel really bad for Rainbow, she was just trying to make it up to Anon.
  273. >In her own way.
  274. >Even if it wasn't going as well as she'd hope.
  275. >Look your the element of kindness, not honesty that's Applejack's thing.
  276. >Rainbow takes off then with her signature rainbow trail following after her, but mixed amongst the colors were small droplets of rain water.
  277. >You think.
  278. >Before you can say anything Anon hefts you up onto his shoulders.
  279. >"Sorry arm was getting tired."
  280. "O-oh no i-it's fine."
  281. >Not really, you're still a bit...messy.
  282. >You hope he doesn't notice.
  283. >Your house comes into view and you work up the courage to talk to Anon.
  284. "Anon?"
  285. >"What's up buttercup?"
  286. "Um, I know you're upset, but d-don't you think y-you were a l-little bit harsh on h-her?"
  287. >Anon pauses before picking you up to set you on the ground in front of your cottage.
  288. >"Hrm, lemme think."
  289. >Anon strokes his chin in thought as his eyebrows squish together like fuzzy caterpillars.
  290. >"Nope!"
  291. "N-not even a little!?"
  292. >"Nuhuh, as a matter of fact."
  293. >Anon holds his fist before you.
  294. >"Here is the amount of fucks I care to give about her and the other two right now."
  295. >He slowly opens his hoof spiders and...
  296. "Anon there's nothing there..."
  297. >"Exactly!"
  298. "...Oh I get it, wait Anon! They still c-cared about you though."
  299. >Anon stands up to his full height from setting you down, "Look can we discuss this inside? The sun is burning my eyes at the moment and trying to focus on you is like sticking knives in the burning that is my eye sockets."
  300. >Oh no!
  301. "I-I'm sorry here come inside."
  302. >"Giggidty."
  303. >Turning to look back at Anon with a queer glance you shake your head before trotting inside.
  304. "Make yourself at h-home Anon, did you have a-anything planned?"
  305. >"Aside from sleeping this headache off, no, not really."
  306. "I s-still want to talk about the g-girls..."
  307. >Sighing Anon sits down on your couch an arm thrown over his eyes to block the light you suppose.
  308. >You'd thought he went to sleep from how still he was
  310. >"Shy, have you ever taken care of wolves before?"
  311. >Wolves?
  312. >He can't mean timber wolves can he?!
  313. "U-um what k-kind?"
  314. >"There's usually a bunch of different breeds, but they are all the same mostly...Alasken, timber, coyote, jackel I guess..."
  315. "I thought there were only timber wolves?"
  316. >"What? Now I know your joking, you only have one breed here?"
  317. >Wait.
  318. "Anon are you talking about dogs?"
  319. >"...You know what, yeah sure dogs, wild dogs, but still dogs."
  320. >You let out a happy little dance at the question.
  321. "Oh I've worked on tons of different dogs, once I even got to work with Cerberus and a Two Headed Dutchound!"
  322. >Anon peeks at eye at you from under his arm with the look of disbelief and surprise.
  323. >"...Remind me to ask about that, but the point I was getting at."
  324. >Adjusting the arm back over his eyes Anon shifts lower on the couch.
  325. >"Was that humans and dogs are pretty similar, especially about mating habits, we stick to one other for life, maybe with a few others, but they are together for life."
  326. "I remember that, you had mentioned that to Twilight once."
  327. >More like Twilight got drunk one night and kept bragging about it to you and the rest of the girls.
  328. >That's what caused Applejack and Rainbow Dash to try testing Anon.
  329. >Then Twilight found out about it and let them herd with her.
  330. >You wanted to too...
  331. >"Yeah, so them just up and leaving like that...it hurt, it hurt because I think they didn't even mean it when they said I love you."
  332. >Oh the poor colt...
  333. >You can hear him sniff under his arm.
  334. >"God I'm pathetic..."
  335. >What the girls did to him.
  336. >It really rustles your feathers!
  337. >Hopping up atop of the colt you tap his arm.
  338. "No you're not mister!"
  339. >"Fluttershy?"
  340. "You're a good colt, kind too and and I know what the girls did was terrible and they should feel bad about it, but they need to be given a chance to fix their mistake!"
  341. >"But I..."
  343. "And you shouldn't feel bad about them leaving, well I mean you should because you loved them, but if they are going to be mean you shouldn't give them any mind, but...but..."
  344. >You whine under your breath the steam that had kept you going now gone under Anon's incredelous stare.
  345. "I-I'm sorry, I just...you looked so sad and I wanted to make you feel better..."
  346. >A wane smile spreads across Anon's face.
  347. >"Aw, Shy..."
  348. >You let out a gasp as Anon wraps you in a hug the scent of cider on him so strong even after last night.
  349. >"You're doing the best you can, look you even let me stay here while me and the girls are fightin', if that's not trying to help I don't know what is."
  350. >He pulls back and boops your nose.
  351. >"So don't you worry your little head about it, alright?"
  352. "Um...okay, d-do you want to sleep in my bed?"
  353. >You flush at your wording.
  354. "I-I meant if you wanted to sleep somewhere comfortable! L-Like my bed, because I-I won't be in it because I have things to do! Animal related things! That aren't you I mean. Um..."
  355. >You whine as you cover your face with your hooves.
  356. >Oh Celestia, he's going to think you're such a colt...
  357. >"I think I got what you meant Shy, and yes I'd like the bed if you're not going to use it."
  358. "Really?!"
  359. >Anon's nodding, he's not whistling his struggle snuggle whistle or looking put out or anything!
  360. >He even looks grateful!
  361. >Colts are so hard to understand.
  362. >Anon sits up then and pets your mane a bit.
  363. >Oooh my, that feels wonderful...
  364. >"I"ll just head up and get some more sleep, thanks again Shy."
  365. "Oh no p-problem Anon, I'm j-just glad to be of help."
  366. >Watching his hunched over form tumble up the stairs you let out a breath you hadn't realized you had been holding.
  367. >Well, Mom would be proud at least, you have a colt in your house, in your bed even!
  368. >Not that you'll get any snuggle times since you're too nice to even try.
  369. >Oh well...
  370. >"Fluttershy, why is there some kind of lotion bottle in the bed?"
  371. >...
  372. >Oh butter biscuits...
  373. "Hoofcare!"
  375. >After you and Anon had settled in for a couple of days, you've established a routine.
  376. >You'd wake up, help Anon try to find a job, fail, come back and take care of the animals.
  377. >You've even offered to pay Anon for helping around the house with those wonderfully exotic and sensual...
  378. >Oh darn it all you just had your fur cleaned!
  379. >Oh right, you and Anon had decided to treat yourselves with a trip to the spa.
  380. >Rarity was willing to let you bring Anon along as a 'bonding session' between best friends.
  381. >You and Rarity where relaxing in the sauna with out Anon as he had wanted to try their mud bath.
  382. >Once the door had closed Rarity suddenly closed the distance between you two with an intense look in her eyes.
  383. >Oh no, you know that look, it's her 'I-hear-juicy-gossip-now-tell-me-Darling~'
  384. >"Now Darling, I know it's ever so rude of me to pry into your private affairs, but~..."
  385. "W-well you've heard about what happened with Anon r-right?"
  386. >"Tsk, such ruffian behavior from Rainbow and Applejack I could understand, they have no idea on how to treat a stallion. Twilight however is rather shocking to hear she was so crude, yet my question is Darling, why is Anon so comfortable with you? I'd have thought he would be pardon the expression, 'raging at the mouth'."
  387. "H-he was, b-but I came by t-to see if I could help h-him and h-he looked so lost Rarity, I really didn't know what to do."
  388. >"Surely you invited him to stay with you at your cottage."
  389. >Oh wow your hooves have never looked so clean before...
  390. >"Fluttershy, Darling, how'd Anon wind up in your home exactly?"
  391. >Rarity suddenly gasps holding her cheeks with alarmed eyes, "You didn't force him to stay did you?!"
  392. "Wh-what?! Of course not, i-if anything h-he decided f-for me..."
  393. >Rarity's coat turns pink at the thought before she swoons.
  395. >"Oh heavens to think that Anon would be just like the colt from Neighpolion Heights! It's almost too good to be true!"
  396. >Suddenly Rarity in your face
  397. >"Now tell me every last detail you two have been up to!"
  398. "Bwha? Rarity I can't b-betray Anon's trust l-like that! He'd never forgive me!"
  399. >Rarity pouts as her eyes water, "Darling please! I'm so busy with the dresses and keeping up with the lastest fashions that I never have time to mingle with any colts, I have to live vicariously through you!"
  400. >You stare at Rarity as she opens up to you
  401. "Th-that doesn't make sense, you're always so trendy and you make the greatest of dresses and saddles all the time!"
  402. >Rarity leans up against your hooves as she pleads with her eyes.
  403. >"Y-yes, but the mare's think I'm a fruity tooty while the colts think I'm just doing it to get into their sheaths! I-it's just not faaaaaiiiir!"
  404. "There, there..."
  405. >You pat your best friend on her head as she bawls into your hooves
  406. "Listen, what you've done for Anon and I with this spa trip was great, better even. Anon's been looking for a job for the past couple of days, but nopony has been wanting to hire him."
  407. >"Whaaaat?! That piece of eye candy would be drawing mares in like a moth to the flame!
  408. "That's just it Rarity, he doesn't want to be e-eye candy, every job that has been offered was usually a secretary or some other job that Anon didn't want because it made him feel, um how do I say it, 'like a piece of meat before a dog'
  409. >"Well I'd never force Anon to act like that, if he wants to wear all his clothing than l-"
  410. >Rarity suddenly springs to her hooves in delight her towel coming undone to float to the ground across your muzzle.
  411. >"Whahah! I have the grandest of ideas!"
  412. "Huh?"
  413. >Pulling the towel off your nose, aw Rarity's using the shampoo you suggested, you see her bouncing in place with a smile upon her face
  414. >"Come, come we must talk with Anon at once!"
  415. >You follow after your excited friend, the feeling infectious as you let out a yay
  417. >Be Anon
  418. >Be a very Annoyed Anon
  419. >"Oh Zir, we'd be willing to give you ze best happy ending if you wish?"
  420. >These two spa ponies have been doing nothing but waving their tails in front of you the moment you were alone.
  421. >You like the horse pussy, you do.
  422. >It's just damn man, can't a guy get some alone time or something?
  423. "No, thank you, please I just want to soak here in the tub."
  424. >Not that Anon Jr. care's as he's currently at attention.
  425. >Thankfully the mud is a great obscuring agent.
  426. >Bitches can't get past the mud D!
  427. >Even if Aloe's pussy looks awfully plump...
  428. >Unf...
  429. >The spa ponies share a double pout as they blink their eye lashes at you.
  430. >"Are you zure that is what you wish?"
  431. >"We're willing to zhare anything M'lord."
  432. >Lotus you think leans close to your ear as she whispers, "Anything~"
  433. >However you are thankfully saved? From the horse pussy as the door is flung open.
  434. >It's Rarara and Shy strolling in like yo what up I got a big dick.
  435. >Well more like excited marshmellows...
  436. >...
  437. >Same thing.
  438. >You look back at the spa ponies to see them fussing with incense sticks and looking as nonchalant as possible.
  439. >You have the sneaking suspicion that their 'services' aren't mare inclusive.
  440. >"Anon!"
  441. >Rarity bends down low looking at you with a feverish glee.
  442. "Yo..."
  443. >"Fluttershy was sharing some of your woes about finding employment and I-"
  444. "Did she now?"
  445. >Fluttershy eeps and hides behind a wing at your stare.
  446. >Aw, why can't you stay mad at that face?
  447. >'Probably because it reminds you of Twilight when sh-
  448. >Nope.
  449. >Lock that shit down and stow it.
  450. >Rarity clears her throat, "Yes well that aside, I have the perfect solution for you Darling."
  451. >You cross your arms while raising an eyebrow at the mare.
  452. "Alright, I'll bite, what's your offer."
  453. >"You'd be a model for some of my more exotic styles that involve bipeds, mostly minotaurs and the like, some dragons as well."
  454. >Yellow flag here.
  455. "Define modeling, there's not that many Minotaur or dragons that pass by here."
  457. >Rarity counters quick as a whip, "Which is why when there are no customer's to be had I would have you help in the shop."
  458. "With what specifically, come on Rare impress me here."
  459. >You see the flash of fear cross the marshmellow but she presses on none the less.
  460. >"You would me in assembling the clothing, gathering the fabric for my garments, setting up displays and if need be, ababysitterformysister"
  461. >Wut.
  462. "Most of that sounded fine, but what was that last bit?"
  463. >Fluttershy taps Rarity with a concerned look, "Rarity?"
  464. >The unicorn lets out a long suffering sigh before admitting, "I may not be the most patient when it comes to my sister and I simply need her distracted through one way or another, if Anon where to also be there the two could keep each other company."
  465. "Ah, what's the going rate?"
  466. >Rarity looks up as she scrunches her face in concentration.
  467. >"I'd be able to spare about five bits an hour, not as much as most other places would give, but the longer you stay and the more profits I bring in I'd be able to increase your pay."
  468. >You slowly start to nod your head, Fluttershy had given you a basic gist of what the currency ran at, you'd be working under the minimum wage, but it was at least a job where you weren't getting eye raped by every passing mare that came by.
  469. >Seriously though did these ponies never hear of masterba- wait, no they have hooves, the ones that bugged you the most were often Earthies and Pegasi...
  470. >No wonder the population around here are so damn desperate!
  471. >You'd be too if you couldn't fap!
  472. >Oops Rares looking like she's about to be sad horse again.
  473. >Reaching up you pet her mane.
  474. "Sounds like a fair job to me, I'll take it Rares..."
  475. >You'd expect her to be happy, instead she gazes at...
  476. >Oh.
  477. >Your hand.
  478. >Which was in the tub.
  479. >That is filled with mud.
  480. >Slowly Fluttershy peeks around the fuming unicorn and mouths, 'run.'
  481. >In Ponyville the shout that echoed from the spa would forever be remembered.
  484. >You are Anon
  485. >You might have made mistakes in your life.
  486. >Ruminating upon the choices that lead to this moment, with you bent over and Rarity levitating a bottle of oil with a evil gleam in her pone eyes.
  487. >"R-Rarity no! Don't do that!"
  488. >Thanks Shy you are best pone right now.
  489. >The butter mare trots in front of Marshmellow wings puffed up as she squeaks at her.
  490. >"But Darling, my ha-aha-air!"
  491. >Rarity whines tamping her hooves down sniffing all the while.
  492. >"It's okay, it's okay. Anon is desperately sorry for that right Anon?"
  493. "Yespleasejustdontshovethebottleupmybum..."
  494. >"Besides, now you can enjoy the mineral bath soak with Anon as an apology!"
  495. >Fluttershy nuzzles against Rarity as the mare's manic gleam slowly dies away and she returns the nuzzle sullenly.
  496. >"Oh alright then Darling, sorry Anonymous, it's just so hard to keep my mane right and-"
  497. "It's alright I wanted out of the mud anyway..."
  498. >Pulling yourself up you scrap the mud off your skin marveling at the smoothness of the skin.
  499. >"It's nice huh?"
  500. >Looking at Fluttershy you nod.
  501. >Following after the duo of pones.
  502. >You are quickly bumped to a stop by pone butt.
  503. >Looking down you find that Fluttershy has her wings spread in a display while Rarity's horn is glowing with anger.
  504. >What are they staring at with such scrunch?
  505. >"Ah don't thank this is gonna work Twalight."
  506. >"It's simple Applejack, we'll show up at the same time and it be a happy coincidence."
  507. >You freeze at hearing those bitches voices.
  508. >So, they are still trying to get at you huh.
  509. >Fluttershy looks back at you with worry as she tries to nudge you back.
  510. >"Oh Fluttershy, fancy meetin' you 'ere...ehe...ehe..."
  511. >Shy turns back with wide eyes and forces a smile on her face.
  512. >"Hello Applejack, I don't often see you here at the spa."
  513. >You hear uncomfortable splashing, you don't know how, but you know it's uncomfortable.
  514. >"Well, uh Twa convinced me!"
  516. >Rarity intercedes, "Oh DID she now, how funny that I tried to bring you along, but you always called it silly fru fru."
  517. >You back away from the door, seemed like they didn't see you.
  518. >Hiding against the wall you listen in.
  519. >"You know how Twalight can be with her lecturin' right?"
  520. >"Hey!"
  521. >"Oh hush you know it's true."
  522. >"W-well wh-what brings you here."
  523. >More splashing occurs.
  524. >Twilight answers quick enough, "We had thought it be a good idea to do a little spa date of our own, right Applejack?"
  525. >"Uhuh! Ayep! Nothing no way no how that involves seeing Anon or anythin like that."
  526. >A clop can be heard before Rarity coolly responds, "I see, Darlings if it's not too much for me to ask, but why did you leave Anon like that?"
  527. >Twilight is quick to answer, "You wouldn't understand Rarity, that's just how things work."
  528. >Rage.
  529. >So much Rage.
  530. >For the sake of Tzeentch however you hold your temper for more black mail material.
  531. >"Ah didn't expect him to react THAT badly, Ah honestly thought he would have been happy to have us back."
  532. >"A-Applejack, he's not a colt, we think he is, but he really isn't."
  533. >"Now that's a lie, Ah've got first hoof experiance he's a colt, fella could sure keep goin' like one of yer rabbits in heat!"
  534. >Fwomp.
  535. >"Oh darn it Applejack, you know I can't control these things that well!"
  536. >"D-does he really?"
  537. >"Sure as sugar he does, heck not to mention them apple fritters he used ta make me..."
  538. >So Applejack liked your cooking, well that's...not really satisfactory, not even a remark about you as a po- person, fucking ponies and their need for pony.
  539. >"Maybe you should have thought of that a bit more before chasing after the next hunk of the town, I've heard that Time Turner has broken up more than one herd."
  540. >Yeah Rarity! Make the guilt flow!
  541. >"I-I do miss the times we would read together...Anon was able to get Rainbow to settle down long enough to read something OTHER than Daring Do."
  543. >"Shoot Sugarcube that was only cuz Anon was usin' his hoof spiders on 'er, not a pony Ah know that can resist'em!"
  545. >You know you would feel like those cunts were actually...miss you...?
  546. >Your heart aches a bit remembering the better times when you were together.
  547. >Then the ache burns away when you remember what they had said about Time Turner having such a bigger tool, then comparing you to a foal...
  548. >More and more of the snide comments run through your head building up a head of steam that you nearly miss the next bit.
  549. >"W-why don't y-you tell h-him that then? That y-you all miss him?"
  550. >Twilight sighes as water laps at the side of the tub.
  551. >"It's not that simple Fluttershy, if I don't act confident for him, how would he expect me to provide for him? Or give him the care he needs?"
  552. >Applejack interjects then, "Or keep him safe from any mares that want to do neighfarious things to him?! Poor Big Mac needs that ol' necklace of his to keep him in place in case he gets drugged like that Caramel pony yall heard in the press!"
  553. >"Well I for one think you should take the time speak with Anon, ACTUALLY speak with him, not try to impress him, be yourselves with Anon."
  554. >"R-rarity's right, m-maybe Anon will take you g-girls back if you're sorry."
  555. >Huh.
  556. >You're not realy sure on how to feel about this situation.
  557. >Drawing away you move to the locker rooms to find your clothes.
  558. >You need some time to think about this.
  560. >Walking through Ponyville you sigh again, thoughts muddled.
  561. >Why did they have to just leave you anyway, the real reason?
  562. >Maybe you should confront them, not yell at them, but talk.
  563. >Even if they make you want to toss the furniture around in a rage of ikea inspiried carnage.
  564. >Feeling a bump against your leg you look down to see.
  565. "Time Turner."
  566. >"Eh wot now? Oh Anonymous, jolly good to see you today, how's the herd?"
  567. >Keep calm.
  568. >Do not bitch slap the pone.
  569. "Not with them anymore, you remember how they dumped you after all."
  570. >"They dumped me? Ha! Not bloody likely, I honestly don't see what you liked about them in the first place."
  571. >Crossing your arms your frown grows.
  572. "Really now, what makes you say that?"
  573. >"Well the Rainbow for one, always pushing me to hurry along all the time, doesn't she know good things come to those that wait?"
  574. >Time Turner lets out a huff of air, "Besides for the one that was pushing so hard on rushing into things when it came time for belly rubs she seemed to be awfully skittish."
  575. >Belly rubs?
  576. >Is this...
  577. >Is this little niglet talking about your he-
  578. >Your FORMER herd's sex life?!
  579. "Ahuh, and I imagine that Twilight was just too boring for you to enjoy then?"
  580. >"Oh definitly you'd think that she'd live in a book if she could, as for Applejack butt to die for, but that accent is simply atrocious."
  581. "Say's the one with the dental problem."
  582. >"Dental pro-"
  583. >Time Turner flips in the air once before landing on the ground face down.
  584. >You lower your leg snarling at the passed out colt.
  585. "Maybe next time think before you talk shit you little cunt waffle."
  586. >You hear ponies about you call for the ponice and simply ignore them.
  587. >Now you feel marginally better now.
  588. >That's a lie, you feel amazing as hell now.
  589. >With a bit of pep in your step you swerve around a little blue and white maned mare with a police hat going weehoo weehoo at a full gallop.
  590. >>
  592. >Spotting Sugarcube Corner you decide to treat yourself.
  593. >The door rings with a merry jingle as you call out.
  594. "Hey Ponka! Whatchu got!?"
  595. >A flying ping pong ball of pink fury and frosting bounces off the ceiling barreling right at you.
  596. >Hands up fast you catch the buzzing furball and swing around with the giggly mare in your arms.
  597. >"Hiya Nonny Nons! What's my favorite hummie customer need!"
  598. "I'm your only hummie customer ya groot!"
  599. >Pinkie giggle snorts and appears handing from your head, "That's the point silly!"
  600. >Before you can question the lack of physics Pinkie disappears again and pops up behind the counter, "So whatcha need? Cupcake, Cake, Megacake, Super extratacticular cake? Princess Celestia's Special?"
  601. >Taking a seat you just wave her off.
  602. "Just a cupcake Ponk, hey you got time for a break?"
  603. >"Lemme just check right quick!"
  604. >Pinkie disappears in a cartoonish puff of cloud.
  605. >As it fades away you see Pinkie still standing there grinning happily, only with a cupcake on a serving tray held with her mouth.
  606. >...
  607. "Pinkie, did you just?"
  608. >>
  610. >Setting the cupcake down the bouncy pone sits across from you, "Yepperooni! I have just enough time for a chat and a half."
  611. "How do you measure a chat to be half?"
  612. >"Oh it's simple you take the amount of time that a pair of ponies use to talk about a topic then divide it by the rising of the dough."
  613. >Smirking you remember why you like to hang out with Pinkie, it's like aruging with your little sister...
  614. >...aw you made a sad.
  615. >"Nonny?"
  616. "Huh, oh ahem, well you forgot one major thing my pink friend."
  617. >Leaning over you boop the mare with a dab of frosting, "I'm not a pony."
  618. >Crossing her eyes Pinkie tries to lick the frosting off her nose to no effect.
  619. >If you didn't know better you'd think Pinkie was emberassed by the boop.
  620. >Oh fuck that better not have been another horse marriage rule again...
  621. >Worse comes to worse you plead the fifth, nows the time for cupcake.
  622. >Munching on the treat you watch with amusement as Pinkie keeps trying to catch the frosting on her tongue.
  623. >Eventually you have to intervene, "Can't you just stretch your tongue out?"
  624. >"W-well, OF COURSE I can do that, I just wanted to uh, do it the way you'd do it!"
  625. "Why's that?"
  626. >"...NO REASON!"
  627. >With the sound of a propeller Pinkie scoops up the frosting before nodding unaware of the smigden she missed on her nose.
  628. >"There we go all clean!"
  629. "Heh not quite Ponk, you misseed a bit."
  630. >Leaning over you scoop the last defiant rebels of the frost and sentance them to execution by way of your mouth.
  631. "Mm, just as good as ever."
  632. >"..."
  633. >>
  635. >You look over to see Pinkie wiggling in place.
  636. "Ponks?"
  637. >"Oh uh, yes Nonny?"
  638. "You ok?"
  639. >Pinkie's eyes dart to and fro as she smiles wide, too wide...
  640. >"Oh yeah defintly, nothing wrong here, so how about you are you ok?"
  641. >You sink a bit in your seat staring at the cupcake, well half a cupcake.
  642. >Instead of answering you stuff the rest of it down in a flurry of crumbs and frosting.
  643. >"That bad huh?"
  644. >Coughing up the cupcake wrapper with a thud on your chest you watch it float down to rest on the table.
  645. >Yay cartoon physics.
  646. "I don't know what to do with them Pinkie, I heard from a, uh source, they might try to talk with me, really talk with me."
  647. >Pinkie lowers her ears as she listens and scoots closer to listen.
  648. "It just hurt you know? I...I thought what we had was special and that they just threw it away for that cunt Time Turner because of a bigger dick or something."
  649. >"I've never really had a herd before Nonny, but I think, you should give it a chance, I wouldn't want to loose some of my best friends because of something bad."
  650. "Even when they did something that hurt you super bad Pinkie? Like not coming to one of your surprise parties or breaking a Pinkie Promise?"
  651. >Pinkie stays silent looking at the table spread.
  652. >That's what you thought.
  653. >The bitterness inside of you stews for a moment before Pinkie hugs you close.
  654. >"Yes, I would, it would hurt and I might not be super best fantastical friendos with them as I used to be, but it's better then just leaving them and never talking with them."
  655. >You stiffen at the hug for a moment before relaxing returning the hug.
  656. "Thanks Ponk..."
  657. >Pinkie giggle snorts again as she draws away, "Hey you know me! I'm the element of laughter so I'm an expert on making ponies laugh and cheering them up!"
  658. "What about herding and stuff then?"
  659. >>
  661. >"Uh..."
  662. >A ding from the back causes Pinkie to jerk upright.
  663. >"My cupcakes!"
  664. >Gone in a whirl you giggle at the pink pony's antics.
  665. >Looking back at the cupcake wrapper you hum in thought as you pay for the cupcake.
  666. >You'll give the old herd a chance to explain themselves, but their going to earn it.
  667. >Equestria might be all rainbows and forgiving others at the drop of a hat, but your still a human.
  668. >Humanity can forgive, but they never forget.
  669. >The doors slam open and that little blue mare appears again in her jaunty police cap.
  670. >"We're looking for Anon the human!"
  671. >Shit it's the fuzz!
  672. "CHEESE IT!"
  673. >You book it out the back waving bye to Pinkie whose holding a muffin tray in confusion.
  674. >Busting out the store you engage in benny hill themed chase scene by the ponice mare.
  675. >You loose her by ducking into a colt store for socks and underwear.
  676. >Silly sexist pones.
  678. >Sipping on a cup of tea you relax in Fluttershy's home.
  679. >You've been able to have the house to yourself while Shy and the rest are still at the spa.
  680. >Sighing a bit in contentment you are whacked in the side of the head by a carrot.
  681. >Head shaking from the blow you turn to glare at the culprit.
  682. "Angel, what the hell do you want you little shit?"
  683. >The bunny frowns at you and points at it's maw plantivly.
  684. >Looking at the carrot that rolls out of sight you raise an eyebrow before taking a sip.
  685. >*Sip*
  686. >Angel keeps making the motions for feed me senpai, before seeing your unamused look.
  687. >Huffing the rabbit bounces off for reinforcements.
  688. >God what a manchild...
  689. >Throws away perfectly good food like that.
  690. >Setting the tea cup down you go and collect the keratin infused produce when two things happen.
  691. >One, you had bent over to grab the carrot.
  692. >Two, A flying rabbit kick connected with your rear.
  693. >Result?
  694. >One annoyed Anon that gets shoved to the ground by the flying mass of fur and oversized teeth.
  695. "You little son of a bi- YEOW!"
  696. >Glaring at the offender whose teeth are biting into the seat of your pants you try to shake him off.
  697. >You would reach for the little bastard, but he keeps jumping to a new spot.
  698. >You're too busy trying to shake him off that you don't hear the door opening...
  699. >>
  701. >Be the shiest of flutters.
  702. >You are walking with Rarity to check up on Anon.
  703. >Poor thing must have left when he saw Applejack and Twilight.
  704. >"Honestly Darling I have half a mind to snatch up Anonymous myself if those uncouth friends of ours won't change their ways."
  705. "Oh but R-Rarity, we sh-should at least give them a chance."
  706. >"Pfft, pish tosh I say they had their chance to enjoy happiness and instead they want to waste it? Even if Anon couldn't have gifted them with foals due to obvious differences, they should have had more consideration!"
  707. >There is your cottage, looks like somepony had started up the fire again, that's good nothing like coming home to a warm house in winter.
  708. >"Not to mention that I doubt Anon has a back up herd on hoof to pick him up again."
  709. "Y-You have a point..."
  710. >You answer to keep the conversation going.
  711. >Stopping at your door you start to open it when you feel Rarity stop.
  712. >"..Darling?"
  713. "Hm?"
  714. >Rarity scrunches her muzzle as she looks contrite.
  715. >"Do you think perhaps...W-we might h-herd with Anonymous?"
  716. >Your wings stiffen in reaction at the thought.
  717. >To be with Anon while caring for your animals...
  718. >The feel of his hoof wigglers on your wings...
  719. >Going to sleep tucked in his big strong arms...
  720. >Shaking the fantasy's from your head you try to answer.
  721. "I-I think w-w-we should l-let h-him decide, n-not that I-I don't th-think you're a-a n-nice mare Rarity, b-but..."
  722. >"Oh nevermind me Fluttershy, I understand I like you as well, I think you'd make a good herd mate, just let an old mare have her fantasy's..."
  723. "But I'm a year older than you..."
  724. >"Nevermind that! Now we have a colt to cheer up so let's get to it!"
  725. >Rarity swings open your door...
  726. [Excited Horse Noises]
  727. >Your wings are throbbing.
  728. >Rarity's horn is glowing brighter than normal...
  729. >Anon...
  730. >Anon's sh-shaking h-his...
  731. >Hello darkness my old friend...
  732. >>
  734. >With a final twist of your rear you send the demented bunny bacck to hell.
  735. >The couch cushions are a close enough substitute.
  736. >Rubbing your sore keister you groan before you hear a thud.
  737. >Turning you spot two passed out little ponies.
  738. >Fluttershy and Rarity?!
  739. >Hurrying over you check over their condition.
  740. >No bruises, no cuts, small trickle of blood from their snouts...
  741. >Oh god they didn't have a stroke did they?!
  742. >Slightly panicked you heft both ponies up in your arms with a small grunt.
  743. >Since this is a crappy back water they don't have phones here so you have to run into town for services.
  744. >Fucking pre-internet age!
  745. >Running as you go you try to keep their heads elevated and steady over your shoulders in a fire man carry.
  746. >Crap if they die you are so going to jail for this.
  747. >Cruising on through the town you fail to notice a few ponies sniggering at you for some reason.
  748. >Fucking cunts.
  749. "Hey instead of laughing you want to get me a doctor! I think they might be having a stroke!"
  750. >That lights a fire under their asses as they scatter out of sight.
  751. >You finally find the 'Horspital'
  752. >...
  753. >Fuck this pony land and that smarmy bean eating border hopper...
  754. >One of the mares opens the door and waves you through as a mare in a nurse's cap asks what's wrong.
  755. "Stroke, I think I don't know they just fainted and they have blood from the nose and I don't know horse anatomy and-"
  756. >"Shh, shh, Sugar Springs? Get the colt out of here while I take care of this!"
  757. >The nurse, Nurse Redheart you think, has some orderlies lift Fluttershy and Rarity up on stretches before taking them away.
  758. >Another mare this one in a outfit of a nurse bites the hem of your shirt.
  759. >"If you'll follow me sir, I'll get you a hot coco, you were VERY brave for bringing your herdmates here."
  760. >>
  762. "What? Are you blind that was Fluttershy and Rarity."
  763. >Nodding the mare takes you to the reception area, "I know, that's what everypony in town has been saying actually."
  764. >Wut.
  765. "Um, I'm not, no I'm not in a herd with anyone."
  766. >"Really? Weird, grape vine had said you left your old one because of a alicorn prince swooped in to steal them from you."
  767. >Just.
  768. >Just really?
  769. "Right, no that was that cunt Time Turner."
  770. >"Wait you mean the colt who needed dental surgery? I heard he was going to need a whole new set of teeth!"
  771. >Ffffffff-
  772. >You didn't mean to hit him THAT hard.
  773. "O-oh, uh hope he comes out of it alright."
  774. >Dodging the question with all the grace of a hippo ballerina you take a seat.
  775. "So how about that coco, I could really use a cup."
  776. >"Oh sure, just a moment sir."
  777. >Tapping your foot you wait in the hor- hospital, fuck the puns and the mare man!
  778. >You however notice that the Nurse Redheart had come back looking a mite amused.
  779. "What's wrong? Are they okay?"
  780. >Nurse Redheart snickers a bit before she answers, "Oh their fine, seems like they experienced a large rush of blood to their head that caused them to pass out."
  781. "What about the nose bleed then? That's not normal."
  782. >"Ah that was caused from the inner lining of their nostril to burst from the pressure they had experienced, nothing to worry about sir, hehe..."
  783. "Why are you giggling?"
  784. >Redheart calms down a bit, "Sorry usually that type of thing only happens whenever a pony happened to have seen something that made them, *Ahem* exciteable."
  785. >>
  787. >Exciteable?
  788. >All you were doing was...
  789. >A slap echoes in the hospital as you smack your forehead.
  790. "I think I know what happened now..."
  791. >"Oh good then, please try to refrain from wasting horspital resources with minor aliments please, we are trying to run a business here."
  792. "Yeah of course, my bad, sorry I panicked."
  793. >"Understandable sir, colts tend to panick at the sight of blood more often than not, it's a cultural thing I'm afraid."
  794. >Squinting at the mare you sigh, "Right yeah, so what do I need to sign to check them out?"
  795. >"Oh no need to worry, stallions can't sign a patient out anyway unfortunatly. Paperwork is rather complex."
  796. "Fff-fine, in that case are they awake yet?"
  797. >"Yes as a matter of fact there they are."
  798. >You look to see your friends coming out looking flustered as a cat in water.
  799. >Disregard sexism, acquire snuggles.
  800. >Hugging your friends tight you pull back to smile at them sheepishly.
  801. "Yeah hey, sorry about that you guys, from my world that stuff usually means you need a doctor fast."
  802. >Fluttershy squeaks in response and shuffles in place trying to store her wings again.
  803. >Rarity meanwhile keeps a hoof over her horn, "It's a-alright Darling, perfectly u-understandable, I-I would like to thank you for being such a gentlecolt, not many would be willing t-to c-carry a mare all that way with blood even showing!"
  804. >Rolling your eyes you grumble about sexism again which Rarity catches, "To be perfectly fair with you Anon, I despise the sight of blood myself..."
  806. "Yeah, still sorry for the big scare and all."
  807. >Fluttershy speaks up then, "W-we're j-just g-glad y-you d-didn't strain anything Anon...I-I know I-I'm a little heavy..."
  808. "Pfft you kidding you guys are light."
  809. >You pose with your arms flexing the small muscle that you have.
  810. >You hear that sound of fluids and wonder if a pipe broke somewhere...
  811. >"ANYWAY!"
  812. >Rarity shouts aloud drawing your attention, "Shall we abscond? We have much to discuss Anonymous."
  813. "Yeah let's head back."
  814. >You walk back towards the cottage hands coming to rest alongside Rarity's and Fluttershy's backs as you walk between them.
  816. >While you were walking back to the cottage you soon heard a faint cry of your name.
  817. >Stopping you cock an ear.
  818. >”Darling? What is it?”
  819. >”Anon?”
  820. “Hey do you guys hear…”
  821. >”...ooooOOOOON!”
  822. >You turn just in time for a rainbow colored blur to whiff RIGHT past you.
  823. >It bounces off a cottage wall into a mailbox that bends just enough to propel the rainbow blur into a cloud.
  824. >Hind legs flail about in a fit of pique tail snapping in anger.
  825. >You’ve seen that behind enough times to know who that is.
  826. “Rainbow what are you doing?”
  827. >The cloud starts to sink from the added weight and the mare tries to pull herself out with no result.
  828. >This goes on for a little bit longer before the mare is in reach.
  829. >You grab the mare by her legs with a sigh and tug.
  830. >Pulling her free to hang upside down you reel back as the scent of hard cider washes over you.
  831. >The mare meanwhile has a beet red face and hiccups, “Ahnon!”
  832. “Rainbow, why are you drunk.”
  833. >”I’m not!”
  834. “You totally are.”
  835. >”N-hic-huh! Now put m-hic-e down everything is spinning.”
  836. >Setting the mare down on the ground you see her stumble to her hooves.
  837. >”Now Ahnon, I-hic- have to t-hic-ell you something im-hic-portant!”
  838. >”Darling I think you’re not in the right mind to tell anyone anything.”
  839. >”Oh sh-hic-ove off you wa-hic-nna be co-hic-lt! I ne-hic-ed Ahnon to know!”
  840. >Seeing the danger sign of a pissed off Rarity judging by that sparkling horn you pet her back.
  841. “Relax Rarity, it’s fine, what’s so important Rainbow?”
  842. >Nudging the mare upright once more from her tilted position Rainbow explains, “I, I didn’t wa-hic-nt to jo-hic-in with Turner. I tho-hic-ught that what we ha-hic-d didn’t work out si-hic-nce Future Twilight told us about that we he-hic-rded with Turner.”
  844. >The fuck.
  845. >”R-rainbow is th-that really true?”
  846. >The blue mare nods her head her bangs getting in her face making her scrunch and shake again before looking more green than blue.
  847. >”Y-hic-eah.”
  848. >SLAP
  849. >You stare in shock at Rarity as she sets her hoof back down, “How dare you! How dare you try to pin your own mistakes on Twilight, I thought better of you Rainbow Dash! An excuse like that is all you can come up with? The sheer ner-”
  850. >”IT WASN’T MY ID-hic-EA!”
  851. >Stepping between Rarity and Rainbow Dash a hand on each of their heads you try to salvage the situation.
  852. “Girls, stop! Stop calm down alright?”
  853. >Fluttershy being a total bro comes to the rescue as she comes alongside Rarity, “Rarity you r-really n-need to calm down, I-I know you’re mad, but v-violence isn’t the way!”
  854. >You meanwhile have your leg tackled by a crying Rainbow Dash.
  855. >”I’m so-hic-rry, I’m so-hic-rry! I tho-hic-ught it was dumb, but they said we sh-should do it as a h-herd and I just wanted to -hic- to be a good herdmate with my -hic- friends!”
  856. >That soft feeling in your heart starts to ache again at seeing the ever so boastful and proud Rainbow that you remember all the time brought down so low that she’s crying at your feet.
  857. >”Yeah well, maybe if you had thought about that before running off with that slut Time Turner you would still have Anonymous.”
  858. >”B-but I-”
  859. “She has a point you know.”
  860. >Turning hurt and betrayed eyes up at you, you feel your heart flinch under the stare.
  861. >Steeling your resolve you look back at her in the eye.
  862. “That feel you’re feeling right now is about how I felt when you told me to get out Rainbow, think about it.”
  863. >”I-I…”
  864. >Rainbow breaks eye contact with you then and sniffs again.
  865. >”I di-hic-dn’t want to lo-hic-se my friends…I’m so-hic-rry…”
  868. >The broken mare before you sobs harder clutching onto your pants leg as if it were a life preserver.
  869. >You simply sigh and kneel down petting her head as she cries herself to sleep on your feet.
  870. >”A-anon?”
  871. >Looking over to Fluttershy you see her come around into sight as she starts to rub Rainbow’s shoulder to see if she is still sleeping.
  872. >Yep she’s out of this world.
  873. >”I think we should bring her home.”
  874. >”What?! Fluttershy are you sure? You’d let this...this ...oh I don’t even know the right word to even use here!”
  875. >”Y-yes I would, she’s my friend, she’s your friend too Rarity. You should give her some credit a-at l-least I mean if you want to that is…”
  876. >You watch as the wind in Rarity’s sails is blown out.
  877. >Rarity smooths her mane from its frazzled state and lets out a breath, “You’re right, my apologies Fluttershy I lost myself in the moment I suppose…”
  878. >”Th-thank you.”
  879. “Glad to see you calm down, least you didn’t threaten to shove something up her bum I noticed, do I get special treatment?”
  881. >”Now that was in the heat of the moment Darling, I wouldn’t have actually done it.”
  882. “Whatever makes you sleep at night.”
  883. >Leaning down you scoop the comatose mare in your arms making her shift before burrowing in your arms.
  884. >Man the times that has happened before after a long night…
  885. >Nope stay focus Anon.
  886. >Fluttershy leads the way towards her cottage as the day starts to draw to a close.
  887. >Entering the house you soon set Rainbow on the couch to sleep it off.
  888. >In the meantime Fluttershy and Rarity both managed to cobble together a small tea party of food and tea for an evening meal.
  889. “You know Rarity you just earned like fifty brownie points for this.”
  890. >”O-oh please Darling, this is just a few simple things thrown together, Fluttershy did the tea as well…”
  891. “Still you would be surprised at how many mare’s turn their nose up at cooking, they say it’s a colt thing.”
  892. >Rarity flinches at your words but you pay it no mind.
  893. >Fluttershy just happily laps up her tea while you sip your own.
  894. >”R-rarity are you planning on staying the night with us?”
  895. >”I’m afraid not Darling, Sweetie Bell is most likely wondering where I am by now, so I must bid you adieu.”
  896. >Reaching over you give the mare a quick hug making sure to rub her shoulder in a show of thanks.
  897. “All things considered today was nice, thanks for the spa date Rares.”
  898. >”O-of course Darling, a lady is nothing else but generous a-after all!”
  899. >Watching the rather pink horse flee from the house you give a soft giggle at how easily flustered she became.
  900. >”Th-that wasn’t very nice.”
  901. “Oh but it’s so much fun to watch her act like that sometimes.”
  902. >”I-I suppose it is a little funny…”
  903. >You mock gasp holding a hand to your mouth.
  905. “Fluttershy taking a laugh at somepony else’s emberassment? How vulgar!”
  906. >”Wh-what?! No I w-wo- you’re making fun of me again aren’t you?”
  907. “Snrk...I-I have no idea what you mean.”
  908. >”M-meanie.”
  909. “Hey just curious, but you have a bunch of spare pillows?”
  910. >”No, why do you ask?”
  911. “I figured I’d sleep on the floor since you got the bed, and Rainbow’s on the couch.”
  912. >”W-well, y-you could s-sleep in b-bed with m-m-me?”
  913. “You don’t mind?”
  914. >”N-no?”
  915. “You sure?”
  916. >Hearing a muffled mhmm behind the pink locks that Fluttershy hid herself behind you beam.
  917. “Sweeto, let’s get in bed then!”
  918. >”Eep!”
  919. >You tuck and roll with the small pony in your arms to land on Fluttershy’s bed bouncing just a touch before the blanket flutters down to cover you both.
  920. “Night Fluttershy!”
  921. >You think you hear a muffled goodnight over the sqeaking in your arms.
  922. >It’s a bit of a tight fit on this tiny ass horse bed, but you’re making it work.
  923. >Sucks about Shy’s wings sticking up like this though.
  924. >You brush them down and squeeze her sides to keep her relaxed a bit before snuggling over her in the big spoon position.
  925. >Dash never let you do this for some reason, Applejack had no problem with it though, Twilight would choose this time to lay over the top of you all together as some kind of ‘protective’ instincts of hers.
  926. >You think it’s because she liked being on top of the pile.
  928. >Be Fluttershy.
  929. >Everything that lead to this moment in life.
  930. >There are only three words.
  931. >So.
  932. >Worth.
  933. >It.
  934. >Feeling Anon move your wings you bite your hoof to keep queit before he forcefully holds them down with his arms.
  935. >You shiver as the pleasure mounts your in your wings your feathers sticking out and puffing out at the friction.
  936. >You are not going to get a wink of sleep tonight.
  937. >And you love it…
  938. >Oh you hope this doesn’t make you a bad pony...
  940. >When you wake up in the morning you find that your bed partner is gone.
  941. >Frowning a bit you wipe the sleep from your eyes.
  942. >Blankets fall from your form as you yawn thick wavy pink strands covering your face.
  943. >”Hey, nice to see you up finally.”
  944. >Hm?
  945. >Turning your wings fluff up in surprise.
  946. “A-Anon? Wh-whats all this?”
  947. >Anon sheepishly smiles as he sets down one of your cutting boards on the bed.
  948. >Atop of the wooden board is a small plate with pancakes, a cup of milk and a orange, there is even maple syrup on the pankcakes too!
  949. >”Figured I show some appreciation for you housing me and letting use the bed too.”
  950. “O-oh my, um th-thank you so much Anon you r-really didn’t have too…”
  951. >Oh he’s going to think you’re such a colt for staying in bed like this…
  952. >You stiffen as a hoof spiders run through your mane strightening the mess.
  953. >”Hey relax, it’s fine really.”
  954. >Anon’s face then becomes pensive, “I also was hoping to bribe you with this too…”
  955. “B-bribe? F-for what”
  956. >If he wants to go shopping you don’t have that much money for a shopping spree, but you could splurge a bit.
  957. >Though you might need to cut back on your own food stores
  958. >”Heh, uh well I really don’t want to deal with Rainbow when she wakes up, plus I wanted to try and see if Rarity needed me at her shop.”
  959. >Oh.
  960. >Oh, that’s not as bad as you had thought.
  961. >Smiling you nod.
  962. “Sure Anon, thank you for the breakfast.”
  963. >Grinning Anon leans over and omysweetCelestia.
  964. >”Thank’s Shy! You’re the best!”
  965. “...mghmm mmh…”
  966. >You’re forehead burns, you think it’s from the kiss, or from your face blushing now.
  967. >Before you can speak up Anon is already out the door.
  968. >Oh well, you smile to yourself before cutting into the pancakes, you can always talk to him when he comes home.
  969. >Eeee!
  971. >Walking through the streets of Ponyville you hum a happy little tune to yourself.
  972. >Waving to Derpy as she makes her way through the air you duck under the clumsy mare.
  973. >”Sorry Anon!”
  974. “It’s fine, have a good morning!”
  975. >”Mkay! Oh hey Pinkie’s got a bake sale on yesterday’s muffins you should totes get there before the morning rush!”
  976. >Raising a fist up you bump hooves with the mail mare.
  977. “Thanks Derpy, you’re a total bro.”
  978. >A clop echoes from the mare’s hoof as she grins back, “Thought you’d like to know, bye Anon!”
  979. >Waving to the mare you smile to yourself.
  980. >Such a nice mare.
  982. >Be the best mail pony in town!
  983. >Well that’s only because you’re the only mail pony in town.
  984. >That’s not the point!
  985. >What is the point is that you tipped Anon about those muffins.
  986. >Hopefully that’ll let him know you like him.
  987. >You NEVER tell anypony about the special bake sale that Pinkie does for you on the side.
  989. >Back to Anon the hungry human you open the door with a soft jingle of the bell.
  990. >”Sorry Derpy I already sold you most of the sto- Anon!”
  991. >You watch in slow motion as Pinkie jumps in surprise her tail going stright up alongside her mane with the confection she was carrying!
  992. >Seeing it arc towards you, you can see that it will hit the floor too far away from Pinkie to save it.
  993. >Reaching out you try to catch it yourself.
  994. >Skill Check [Dexterity]: 1
  995. >Critical Failure!
  996. SPLAT!
  997. >You blink the frosting from your face.
  998. >Should probably invest more points in dexterity next time…
  999. >”Nonny! Oh my gosh I am so so sorry. Are you okay? Oh it’s all over your face…”
  1000. >Using your hands to scoop the stuff out of your eyes you see Pinkie sans her curly mane with teary eyes.
  1001. >Uhoh, a sad Pinkie’s no fun.
  1002. >Sticking your tongue out you taste the blue frosting and smack your lips.
  1003. “Huh, blue berry, would have thought it was butter cream frosting.”
  1004. >”No that’s for vanilla cakes other wise i- you’re not mad?”
  1005. >This mare doing funky neck movements from your periphals!
  1006. “Nah, free cake at least.”
  1007. >Reaching over you smear some of the blue cake on the pink one’s cheeks making a smiley face.
  1008. “So cheer up silly.”
  1009. >A balloon suddenly inflates in time with Pinkie’s mane as she bounces to her hooves, “Okie dokie then, but um Mr. and Mrs. Cake are gonna be mad about you tracking frosting in here.”
  1010. “Now that wasn’t my fault, sides it’s free advertising I can be a sampler and sales pitch! Need a taste just have a lick!”
  1011. >You nod at your joke before hearing silence from the normally hyper mare.
  1012. “Pinkie?”
  1013. >Man this frosting must be messing with your eyes, Pinkie’s looking awfully red.
  1014. >”Y-yeah l-lick frosting up…”
  1015. “Ponk you alright?”
  1016. >”...Dirty colt strutting down the street fo- oh! Uh I wasn’t imaging you walking down the street with mares licking you clean!”
  1017. >...
  1018. “Wut.”
  1019. >Pinkie’s eyes dart left and right and upside down a few times as sweat trickles down her face, “I meant you’re dirty! Y-You should take a shower, yeah! A shower that was what I meant to say.”
  1020. >You stare at her a bit longer unsure of how to figure that little tidbit before shrugging.
  1021. “Well thanks Ponk, be a bit of a bother to come into work covered in cake, though i think Rarity wouldn’t mind the free meal.”
  1022. >”You work for Rarity now?”
  1023. >You nod as you start for the staircase.
  1024. “Yeah, hey bathroom is the third door down the hall right?”
  1025. >”Uh huh, how’d you get Rarity to let you in for the job?”
  1026. “Fluttershy hooked me up more or less.”
  1027. >Pinkie keeps with you as you make your way up the stairs.
  1028. >”Oh, I see...phew that’s close…”
  1029. “What’s close?”
  1030. >”Nothing!”
  1031. >Hearing a brief snore from one of the rooms upstairs you wince before clamping the mare’s muzzle shut bringing a finger to your lips.
  1032. “Shh…”
  1033. >Pinkie’s tongue wipes out around her muzzle to lick at your hand a bit making you giggle.
  1034. “Ah Ponk that tickles!”
  1035. >Huh smells like cotton candy all of a sudden.
  1036. >Also Pinkie looks like she’s run a marathon too.
  1037. “Say Ponk you want to shower too?”
  1038. >”Wha- really?!”
  1039. >You nod shrugging.
  1040. “Might as well save on the water bill, plus I’ve gotten a bit used to the whole no clothes thing, won’t be that much different than when I was living alone.”
  1041. >You enter the bathroom to find it’s one of those tub and shower numbers which works for you.
  1042. >You look back to see Pinkie staring off into the distance and whisper shout to her.
  1043. “Hey you coming or not?”
  1044. >”I already did.”
  1045. “Ponk you are so random, silly pony.”
  1046. >Pinkie huffs looking indignate, “I can too be serious!”
  1047. “Please it’d would make you catch on fire from trying to be serious.”
  1048. >Taking off your over coat you try to clean off the frosting that had gotten on it and set it aside.
  1049. “Now are you going to help me get cleaned or not?”
  1050. >”Y-yeah, j-just um, bubbles!”
  1051. “Bubbles?”
  1052. >”Can’t have a bath without the bubbles!”
  1053. “Pinkie wa-”
  1054. >She’s already gone.
  1055. >Jeez, that mare needs to learn to slow down a bit.
  1056. >Might as well start the tub.
  1057. >Getting the temperature just right you start to strip setting the clothes aside piece by piece.
  1059. >Be a VERY frustrated and somewhat confused Pinkie.
  1060. >This has to be a dream right?
  1061. >No way that Anon is really going to get n-naked and bath with you right?
  1062. >Seriously this is the kind of stuff those Neighpone comics Fluttershy loaned talk about all the time!
  1063. >The colt will accidentally get dirty and the mare offers to let them use the bath and boom next moment…
  1064. >Shaking your head you pat your cheeks.
  1065. >No still awake it seems.
  1066. >Okay Pinkie.
  1067. >Just grab the bubbles, get in there, take a simple bath, help Anon get clean, that smooth, supple skin that has just enough cushion for snuggling hiding a rippling core of…
  1068. >Darn it Pinkie get your game face on!
  1069. >You bite the bottle of bubble soap aggressivly and chew on it to work your mind to some peace.
  1070. >The fact it squeaks was a bonus feature that the store added in.
  1071. >You return to the bathroom.
  1072. >You’re tail rises on it’s own and you have to force it down, HARD.
  1073. >Anon’s just taking his clothes off…
  1074. >Oh why does he have to wear so many pieces of clothes!
  1075. >It’s just…
  1076. >Oh Papa and Moma Pie would be so ashamed of you right now…
  1078. >On a rock farm far from Ponyville…
  1079. >”Dear Husband.”
  1080. >”Yes Wife?”
  1081. >”I am compelled with the urge to dance and shout my daughter is so marely now.”
  1082. >”About time she found a colt to settle with, let us hope their union shall enrich the family bedrock.”
  1084. >You’re ears twitcha twitch and your hooves tingle, that’s a new pinkie sense if there ever was one…
  1085. >”Pinkie?”
  1086. >Oh filly fetlocks he’s talking!
  1087. “Uh I-I found the soap?”
  1088. >”Neat, don’t drop it now, never want to drop the soap.”
  1089. >Anon chuckles weakly and stands before you in that slim piece of outer wear you think he called it?
  1090. >”The tub’s full, so we can go ahead and get in.”
  1091. “Um...Nonny?”
  1092. >”Yeah?”
  1093. >Popping the cap off you pour a generous amount of bubbles into the tub before asking your question.
  1094. “Why are you still wearing that piece of cloth?”
  1095. >”Eh it’s for deceny sake, your guys have sheaths and I don’t so this is my fake sheath of sorts.”
  1096. “But it’ll get wet.”
  1097. >Why are you arguing against this?!
  1098. >You should be glad Anon’s being respectable about everything here.
  1099. >Then why do you feel disappointed?
  1100. >Oh no it can’t be that you, you want to just take advantage of him right?!
  1101. >”Yeah it will, but I can just wring it out and hang it to dry afterwards, in the meantime once I dry off I can freeball it for a bit.”
  1102. “What’s that mean?”
  1103. >Anon at that coughs and scratches his neck, “Ah that’s when I don’t wear the underwear with the pants, it chafes a bit but you get used to it.”
  1104. >...Celestia, Luna, or even Faust above you are testing me SO hard right now and you don’t think you want to pass this test….
  1106. >Be the one and only Anon in horseland again.
  1107. >This time with bath tub accessories!
  1108. >Or at least the bath.
  1109. >You let out a sigh as the heat travels into your frame and the bubbles obscure your form.
  1110. “Hey Ponk you getting in here or what?”
  1111. >”Unf...uh yeah! Totally!”
  1112. >Pinkie shakily sneaks into the tub and scoots to the far edge of the tub.
  1113. >Quirking an eyebrow you scoot closer to her.
  1114. >Just as quickly she scoots away.
  1115. >This continues on for a bit with you both slowly circling the tub.
  1116. “Are we trying to stir the bath up for more bubbles or something?”
  1117. >”...Yes?”
  1118. “Oh well say something next time silly!”
  1119. >Pinkie still has a frown on her face as she slowly sinks under the water leaving a trail of bubbles as she washes.
  1120. >You do the same only you just plunge your head under the water to get the frosting off your face.
  1121. >Coming up back for air you clear your eyes of the bathwater and then start to giggle at Pinkie.
  1122. >Silly pony had grown a bubble beard while she was under.
  1123. >Noticing the cause of your giggles Pinkie squints and begins to stroke her imaginary beard.
  1124. >”Ah yes my young pupil I have seen you come far in your ways of the bubbles, but there is still more for me to teach you.”
  1125. >Playing along you scoop up a handful of bubbles and mold it into a ball.
  1126. “I think I will suprise you Mistress! Take this!”
  1127. >You had expected Pinkie to do a slow motion swerve of the bubble ball.
  1128. >Instead it impacts right against her forehead and you see her bite her lip.
  1129. >Shit cartoon physics that better not have been a baseball you hit her with.
  1130. “Pinkie? Are you okay?”
  1131. >”Fine! I’m fine Nonny, um I just wasn’t expecting such a s-strong attack!”
  1132. “Well since you didn’t expect that, how about this!”
  1133. >Bringing your hands up from under the water you suddenly wrap Pinkie in a wet slippery hug as you bring her close.
  1134. “Surprise Jaws Attack: Shark Surprise!”
  1135. >Using your fingers you dig into her sides finally getting a laugh out of the mare!
  1136. >Finally you thought you were bad at jokes, but it’s good to know you can at least tickle properly.
  1137. >”N-hahahah-onnny! Stahahahp! Thahahtickles!”
  1138. >With a smile you stop and proclaim victory with a boop to her nose.
  1139. “Ha, the student has surpassed the master it seems, now as my boon I want you to double check that I got all the frosting off.”
  1140. >Pinkie seems nervous again, “How d-do you want me to do that?”
  1141. “Eh just look me over, clean anything you notice that isn’t clean, stuff like that.”
  1142. >”Mm, okay, just uh, lean back a bit so I can get a good look!”
  1143. >Doing as she asked you watch as the mare starts to straddle you.
  1144. >You don’t mind as these ponies don’t really weight that much but sweet baby ray’s were they soft.
  1145. >Pinkie squints as she looks over your face for any more frosting and sits down on your stomach as she does so.
  1146. >”Nothing here…”
  1147. >Pinkie tilts your head looking behind your ears tracing your skin with a hoof.
  1148. >Sliding a bit on you notice that Pinkie keeps making a small thrusting motion with her hips, must be the mare trying to get a good spot to look.
  1149. >Though she better be careful Anon Jr. is starting to get curious.
  1150. >”Oh found some!”
  1151. >Why is Pinkie’s voice getting husky?
  1152. >You had started to reach up to get the bit of frosting when Pinkie leans over and licks behind your ear.
  1153. >HELLO!
  1154. >With a jolt your trouser snake pokes out ready to play at this and you blink in surprse.
  1155. >”I better keep l-looking for more frosting, huh Nonny?”
  1156. >...This was not how you expected your morning to go.
  1157. “Yeah, frosting, check my neck too?”
  1158. >Pinkie’s eyes lighten up at the charade you’re playing before she nods.
  1159. >”Oh definitely missed some here…”
  1160. >A soft lick on your neck causes you to tilt your head up as your hands come down atop of Pinkie’s ass.
  1161. >Fucking hell her ass.
  1162. >So big, round and surprisingly firm for a baker.
  1163. >Anon Jr. at this point makes his underwater debute by pokng at Pinkie’s bottom making the mare jump in surprise flushed.
  1164. >Once she realizes what it is she huskily asks, “So is that where I put my party cannon?”
  1165. “Should p-probably make sure to store that properly, can never know when it goes off you know.”
  1166. >PInkie trails a hoof down your chest biting her lip, “Wanna help me put it up?”
  1167. >Staring up at the mare you give her ass another squeeze in response.
  1168. “Sounds like a two pony job to me.”
  1169. >Pinkie giggle snorts again before she grinds her way down your body feeling you rub against her.
  1170. >Your boxers had already long given the fight to contain your drill as Pinkie finds her cannon.
  1171. >”S-seems b=bigger than I remembered…”
  1172. “No worries, should still fit.”
  1173. >Feeling that familiar grip around the head of your party cannon you grin at Pinkie’s flushed face.
  1174. “Hang on.”
  1175. >You slip in with a muffled gasp from Pinkie and notice her shuddering in shock.
  1176. >God damn she is tight!
  1177. >Too tight in fact.
  1178. >Wait.
  1179. “Pinkie, was this your first time?”
  1180. >Tight as a bow string Pinkie jerkily shakes her head nodding.
  1181. >Fffffffuuuuuuu-
  1182. “Don’t worry, the pain will be over, alright, I’ll go slow okay?”
  1183. >Pinkie has her head buried in your chest, but you can see her mane bob as she nods.
  1184. >Putting action to words you slowly move about.
  1185. >Christ this is torture.
  1186. >You want to just sink into the hilt and move at full ramming speed.
  1187. >Yet you won’t tarnish Pinkie’s first time by acting like that one pump chump Turner for one.
  1188. >Nah you’ll show Pinkie a real good time.
  1189. >Slowly you start to gain momentum as Pinkie tightens her hug around you and moves on her own.
  1190. >Soon the bathtub is sloshing from you both moving in unison.
  1191. >”N-noonny!”
  1192. >You look down to see Pinkie looking up at you with lust in her eyes.
  1193. >Craning your head you kiss the mare.
  1194. >Tastes like strawberries…
  1195. >Suddenly you can’t move inside of Pinkie as she stiffens in shock and surprise.
  1196. >A quiver runs through her and your dick gets unbearably hot.
  1197. >Shit that was fast.
  1198. >You can slowly move, but it’s like trying to thrust into chocolate pudding!
  1199. >That just makes it a challenge as you continue your assault.
  1200. >”Nonmfn mnsfsd…”
  1201. >Pinkie tries to say something only to be lost as her body stiffens again as you start to near your peak.
  1202. >With a few more savage grunts you hilt inside the party pony and shoot off your confetti cannon.
  1203. >Panting from the effort you catch sight of Pinkie’s face and blanch.
  1204. >Pinkie’s passed out!
  1205. >Matter of fact you’re the only thing keeping her from slipping into the tub it looks like.
  1206. >Sighing you also notice the amount of extra fluids in the tub and grimace.
  1207. >Oh well, the things you do for love.
  1209. >Be a very tired Pinkie.
  1210. >You wake up in bed feeling rather tender in your no no zone.
  1211. >Oh fiddle sticks you hope you didn’t accidentally spend all night clopping to those playcolts…
  1212. >Sitting up you soon find yourself snout to paper with a card.
  1213. >It’s hanging just from your headboard.
  1214. >Taking it you read over what it has to say, “Thanks for the bath Pinkie, was a good time and for your other gift as well, if you need more help storing your party cannon just come by Fluttershy’s place. Also put you in bed since you were tired. Love Anon.”
  1215. >It takes you a few moments to puzzle out what happened and remember.
  1216. >Then it hits you and you vibrate in place before spinning in the air happily!
  1217. >With a muffled thump you land on your bed and bounce out hugging the note to your chest.
  1218. >Oh hey there’s a P.S!
  1219. >”P.S Also left you a muffin for breakfast!”
  1220. >That’s it, you need to get your hooves on this colt now before he disappears!
  1222. >Man you are so late.
  1223. >Opening the door to the shop you hear a bell tinkle.
  1224. >”Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where everything is hip, chic and unique.”
  1225. “Hey Rarity.”
  1226. >Rarity looks up from a set of dresses she is sorting with her magic to notice your entrance.
  1227. >”Anonymous! I know it’s your first day here, but please don’t be late.”
  1228. “Yeah about that, I visited Sugarcube Corner for a quick breakfast and well Pinkie had dropped a cake on me and there was frosting everywhere…”
  1229. >”Pinkie dropped a cake on you? How strange she’s hardly ever that clumsy before.”
  1230. >Rarity hums to herself before she lets out a gasp.
  1231. “Is something wrong?”
  1232. >Rarity scrunchies her snout as she looks back at you before she regains her composure and lets out a titter.
  1233. >”Oh it’s nothing Darling, just a little rumor that I just remembered. At any rate here is what I need you to do.”
  1234. >You follow after that pert rump, not that you’re noticing or anything.
  1235. >Leading you upstairs you both pause as a fuzzy maned filly sticks her head out rubbing her eyes, “Rarity?”
  1236. >Sweetie Belle lets out a cute little yawn covering her mouth with a hoof.
  1237. >”What time is it?”
  1238. >”Oh sorry Sweetie Bell we didn’t mean to wake you, it’s still six in the morning, you do remember it’s Saturday right?”
  1239. “Hey Belle.”
  1240. >”Oh...I’m gonna go back to sleep then…”
  1241. >Before you both the sweet little filly leans against the door and soft snoring can be heard.
  1242. >You look at Rarity trying hard not to daw aloud.
  1243. >Rarity meanwhile is flustered as she starts to levitate her sister, “I am so terribly sorry Anon, Sweetie Bell get’s up at the most oddest of times.”
  1244. “It’s fine, I’m used to having to help siblings to bed before.”
  1245. >”Oh? Did they fall asleep out of bed often?”
  1246. >Following after Rarity you pull out the blanket letting her set the filly onto the bed.
  1247. >Tucking Sweetie Bell in she rolls over curling the blanket into a small ball of stuffed burrito filly.
  1248. “Yeah a time or two, or they fall asleep on the way to someplace.”
  1249. >You smile in fond memory of your siblings unaware of Rarity glancing at you with some thought.
  1250. >”Mm, well let’s continue on and let the little princess sleep hrm?”
  1251. >Nodding you follow after the unicorn.
  1252. “You really care for her don’t you?”
  1253. >”She’s my little angel, though she can be quite an annoyance at times, she’s still my sister.”
  1254. >Stopping at the top of the staircase Rarity gives you a calm smile, “No matter how much they bother you sisters stick together.”
  1255. >Augh, you forgot about those heart strings…
  1256. >Sniffing a bit you rub your nose before clearing your throat.
  1257. “Anyway, what was it that I’m doing here anyway?”
  1258. >Rarity’s smile turns from heartfelt to a sheepish one as she uses her magic to open a door at the end of the hallway.
  1259. >Plumes of dust and stale air exhales in a dying breath.
  1260. >Coughing you wave the smoke away peering inside to find a hallway filled with old dresses that seem to have not seen the light of day in quite a while.
  1261. >”These are some of the past seasons that I wasn’t able to sell, so I’ve had them stored in here for now. If you could be a dear Darling and sort through them in accordance to color I can start to break them down to reuse the fabric.”
  1262. >Humming to yourself you look through some of the clothing carious stlyes catch your eye and you spot a few that remind you of a Victorian petticoat, a disco dance suit and even a doublet of fine cloth in a burgundy color that reminds you of a show about some game.
  1263. “Couldn’t you do a sale on these dresses?”
  1264. >”Oh hardly that Darling, they are all out of season, not a single well to do pony would ever be caught in them!”
  1265. “Well no, maybe not sell them as the hottest fashion piece, but advertise it as a sale on a retro style of dress.”
  1266. >Rarity blinks a few times as she tries to think it through, eventually she raises an eyebrow in confusion before bending her hoof towards you.
  1267. “Basically you get somepony who's famous or something get them hooked in the idea of older styles being a rather neat thing to wear and then boom you’re good.”
  1268. >”I understand basic fashion trends Darling, but what is retro?”
  1269. >Oh.
  1270. “Uh, it’s just older styles made fashionable again...more or less.”
  1271. >Rarity gives a small smile at that, “Oh well why didn’t you say so, I haven’t thought about something like that before Anon, hrm, I could maybe sell them at a fraction of the price, a sale like you mentioned.”
  1272. >Rarity makes a quick snapping motion, don’t ask you how, cartoon physics man it’s a trip.
  1273. >”I’ve got it! I can ask my friend Sapphire Shores to try a new look with some of the older dresses and I just might make up the cost.”
  1274. >Rarity trots over to you and gives you a brief nuzzle against your hip.
  1275. >Returning the soft nuzzle with a brief scratch behind the air making Rarity twitch her tail happily she coughs with a faint blush.
  1276. “Hey only trying to help.”
  1277. >”Well that being said I d-”
  1278. >The bell jingles again making Rarity jump in a start.
  1279. >”Oh dear, Darling if you could start to separate these by styles then I would be ever so grateful.”
  1280. “Sure boss.”
  1281. >Rarity smirks a bit at that before she hurries down the stairs at a quick pace.
  1282. >Looking toward the closet you let out a sigh and descend into the depths of fabric madness.
  1284. >Be the most fancy of ponies in town you find the breif feeling of warmth in your chest suddenly wither and stiffen into a cold pit at the sight before you.
  1285. >Maintaining the professional cheer you keep your smile.
  1286. “Ah well hello there Twilight whatever may I do for you today?”
  1287. >Twilight trots closer to you a smile on her face, “Well I was hoping to go over the plan for Anon and I to get back together I really think that with some graphs I co-”
  1288. “Darling.”
  1289. >Twilight brings herself to a stop as she stares at your hoof that covers her mouth.
  1290. “I truly think that it would be the best that you try to go without planning in this.”
  1291. >”But if I don’t plan this then I’ll just make a mess of things with Anon I mean I get that being an alien he’s not used to our culture but I don’t want to make another mistake like this one.”
  1292. >A mistake?
  1293. >Breaking the heart of a friend of yours was a mistake?
  1294. >With a civil demeanor that only sharpens at the edges like knives in the dark you polish your hoof.
  1295. “Darling, did you happen to know of a very interesting rumor that I had happen to hear?”
  1296. >”Rumor? What does a rumor have to do wi-”
  1297. “I heard from Rainbow Dash of all things if you could believe it, that you had went back in time to tell yourself that you should join with Time Turner for some crazy reason. That would be so funny wouldn’t it?”
  1298. >Panicked Twilight raises her wings in defense. “Well no I mean I did but I couldn’t get the message out fast enough an-”
  1299. “So based on a incomplete message from the future you decided to act on it like the LAST time you heard something like that then?”
  1300. >You shake your head at Twilight’s ignorance.
  1301. “Darling please, you should have learned your lesson from the last time you meddled with time magic, now you’ve lost what is probably the best thing you’ve had in life.”
  1302. >A heavy hoof stomp stops you, “Now you need to listen, if I had thought that going back in the past was important to do then I had a reason to do it! And I was right! If we hadn’t ditched Anon to go for Time Turner the-”
  1303. “Yet the moment you did you completed the loop and set yourself up for it.”
  1304. >Sneering at your ‘friend’ you turn away.
  1305. “Do you know that right now you make me ashamed to even call you my friend? Honestly to think that I would associate with somepony with such a closed heart.”
  1306. >Somewhere in a forest cave a tree branch cracks.
  1307. >”...Oh Buck you, you two bit drama queen! Why do you think I’ve been trying to make amends with Anon!”
  1308. >That same tree soon has another crack that joins the other.
  1309. “Only because you realized that he had nopony to rely on, or the fact that he was better than Time Turner hrm?”
  1310. >”Say’s the gay dressmaker who can’t even get a colt to take her to bed.”
  1311. >The branch slowly lowers from the unending pull of gravity drooping to the ground.
  1312. >Turning your snout in the air you let out a hmph.
  1313. “None of them simply measured up to my standards Darling.”
  1314. >”OH so you’re just a high maintenance mare that just wants a hubby to live in the kitchen with his cock ready for you after work huh?”
  1315. “Pfbtbtb I would never do that.”
  1316. >”White knight then, got it. You do realize that Anon’s never going to give you sex right?”
  1317. >The branch now looks to be held only by a few strips of bark and wood.
  1318. “How dare you!”
  1319. >Twilight simply raises an eyebrow at you, “I’m right aren’t I? The only reason you care this much about Anon is that you’re after his dick, hoping he’ll give you the time of day after you saved him from the big mean alicorn that could literally give him everything.”
  1320. “Everything except for self respect maybe!”
  1321. >”Oh no he’ll just join with the mare that has to run a shop from her home in order to make ends’ meet that’s all, at the same time as looking after her little sister, say have you ever noticed that Sweetie Belle looks an awful like yourself, I would wonder if she was yours if I didn’t know you were a kissless virgin that is.”
  1322. >The branch finally snaps and falls to the ground from the tree.
  1323. >Meanwhile you finally lose your patience and spark your horn up levitating the alicorn in your outrage.
  1324. “Out! Out with you, your Highness.”
  1325. >You put as much venom into the term of respect as you can before tossing the mare out on her rear with a muffled cry.
  1326. >Closing the door behind her you turn away rage swirling in your breast before you feel a tear drip on your chest.
  1327. >Sniffing you look down and see mascara running thick down your cheeks and onto your chest fluff.
  1328. >Oh dear.
  1329. >You hadn’t thought…
  1330. >You hadn’t thought that what she had said would have been so hurtful.
  1331. >”Rarity?”
  1332. >Sniffing again you quickly rub your eyes to dry them.
  1333. >Turning to the voice you see Anon poking his head out looking worried.
  1334. >”I heard yelling, are you okay?”
  1335. >”Sis?”
  1336. >”Hey Belle, um hey you wanna get some breakfast I think Rarity just needs a quick second yeah?”
  1337. >Your little sister sleepily nods and yawns again before Anon picks her up and keeps her from seeing your face.
  1338. >You smile gratefully to Anon before levitating over a small box of tissues to fix your face.
  1339. >”Lemme make you some Mickey Mouse pancakes, just like my momma used to make Sweetie.”
  1340. >”What’s a mickey mouse?”
  1341. >”It’s a...it’s a cartoon mouse thing, but it’s really cool okay.”
  1342. >That Anon, who would have thought he could be such a good father figure, most stallions usually know how to cook but they hate it as much as you do really, from what little you’ve seen of Big Mac and Mr. Cake more often than not.”
  1343. >Hm Twilight might have been onto something with that ludicrous idea of her’s.
  1344. >After all you wouldn’t want to just discard an idea that a FRIEND had given you right?
  1346. >Finishing the last ear of your pancake you smile at the simple logo.
  1347. >You’re still worried about what you over heard from Rarity and Twilight, if you remember right they never got that close to actually hating each other.
  1348. >”Anon these are great! It’s like three pankcakes in one!”
  1349. “Well, they are, just connected together is all.”
  1350. >Sweetie Bell levitates another bite of syrup coated pancake to bite into with delight.
  1351. >”How’d you make these taste so good anyway?”
  1352. “Lots of work, sugar and love kiddo.”
  1353. >Sweetie Bell scrunches her nose at your mention of love before looking back down at her meal, “This isn’t infected with cooties or anything is it?”
  1354. “Bwhaha, no you silly filly what in the world would make you think that?”
  1355. >Sweetie Bell pokes at her pancakes with her fork making a face at the cheerful grin you had drawn in syrup for her.
  1356. >”Well Twist had said that colts have cooties and they are always wanting to find love, which is why if you’re not careful they’ll turn you into changelings!”
  1357. >...
  1358. >”What? It’s totally true Twist said so!”
  1359. “Ahuh, if you say so, anyway the pancakes are c-”
  1360. >You suddenly stop and clamp a hand around your throat making wheezy noise.
  1361. >”Anon!? Anon what’s wrong!?”
  1362. >Swaying you veer left and right getting closer to the scared filly.
  1363. >Down on one knee you pant heavily eyes as bulged as you can make them before you whisper out one word.
  1364. “Cooties.”
  1366. >Sweetie Bell shoots up five feet into the air, but it won’t save her!
  1367. >Jumping up to your feet you reach up and catch the struggling filly as she squirms.
  1368. “OHOHOH! You have been caught by the cootie monster! Beware or else I’ll make you into a bug pone! OoOooO!~”
  1369. >”Anon lemme go! Rarity Halp! Anon’s gone love crazy!”
  1370. >Starting to swing the filly around you start to belt out lyrics from your past.
  1371. “Never gonna give you up! Never gonna run around, and desert you!~”
  1372. >”Oh Celestia Stage Three! Rarite~~~~~~y!”
  1374. >Be Fashionista Extraordinaire.
  1375. >Also be holding your chest with a hoof as your heart struggles with the scene before you.
  1376. >Too cute!
  1377. >Who knew that Anon actually had coltish instincts after all?
  1378. >You would know after all, you’re something of an expert if you wouldn’t mind tooting your own horn.
  1379. >A small voice in your head offers up that thrilling drama romance stories by Evening Gloom aren’t reliable resources.
  1380. >You ignore it as Anon lifts Sweetie Bell up an-
  1381. >Oh my.
  1382. >Raspberries!?
  1383. >You quickly enter the room coughing daintily into your hoof.
  1384. “Anon Darling I really think that Sweetie Bell is QUITE awake now wouldn’t you say?”
  1385. >”Rarity help! I ahaha I cahahan’t stop hehehehim!”
  1386. >”Aw come on Rare’s she’s so snuggly and cute! How can I resist?”
  1387. >Seeing Anon take a deep breath you act quickly.
  1388. >With a yoink your sister is free of Anon’s wigglers and floating in your magic.
  1389. >”Th-thanks Sis…”
  1390. “Don’t worry about it, now off you go. See if you can’t find your friends, it’s already ten in the morning!”
  1391. >Sweetie brightens up making you smile at her enthusiasm, “You got it Rarity.”
  1392. >Before she can trot off you yank on her tail gently, “Ah, ah, ah, what do you say to Anon missy?”
  1393. >”Oh, thanks Anon for the meal it was tasty, even if you infected it with cooties!”
  1394. >Whatever in the world do-
  1395. >The little scamp had used her own magic to slip out of your own as she giggles in her escape.
  1396. >”Tenacious little thing isn’t she?”
  1397. “Oh you have no idea, so what was this I hear about cooties?”
  1398. >Anon snorts before taking a seat and cutting a slice of an oddly shaped pancake.
  1399. >”Some silly rumor a friend had heard about colts making fillies into changelings.”
  1400. “My, my and how did that come about.”
  1401. >”Eh, it’s kids being kids, sides I think she was worried about eating my love or something like that.”
  1402. >For a moment you blink at what Anon had said before he covers his face, “Forget I said that, that sounded a lot worse aloud than in my head.”
  1403. >Oh this is perfect!
  1404. >Okay just like in The Lone Apple, just relax remember what Cotton Candy the dancing pony had done with Red Gala...
  1405. >Tittering you saunter over and brush his back with your tail.
  1406. “W-Well I for one wouldn’t mind having s-some of your love.~”
  1407. >Nailed it.
  1408. >Anon’s back arched up at the contact before you notice a slight blush on his face!
  1409. >Double Nailed it!
  1410. >Then Anon bellows a laugh before he scratches your ears careful of your mane.
  1411. >Oooh, how consideraaate~
  1412. >Ear scratches from him have never felt so good!
  1413. >”-ot me good on that Rares, I walked into it.”
  1414. “Walked into what Darling, sorry.”
  1415. >Anon gives a small grin, “Heh, it’s alright, I just said you got me good with that joke, I’ll admit that was kinda dumb on my part.”
  1416. >Your heart throbs as if pierced by an arrow.
  1417. >Y-you too Anon…
  1418. >Shaking yourself out of it you plaster on a smile.
  1419. “Of course Darling, but if you ever need anything, just ask.”
  1420. >”Well if you wouldn’t mind helping me polish off these pancakes? Sweetie left in a rush.”
  1421. “It would be my pleasure.”
  1422. >Anon might not take you seriously quite yet, but you are a patient mare, you can wait.
  1424. “So care to tell me what all that was about then Rarity?”
  1425. >Rarity scrunchies her muzzle at you.
  1426. >”I had thought that you hadn’t noticed Darling.”
  1427. “Rarity please, I’m not stupid.”
  1428. >”Oh very well I suppose, Twilight and I had a...tiff with one another in regards to the treatment of stallions in this day and age.”
  1429. >You simply raise an eyebrow.
  1430. >After a few moments of silent staring Rarity wipes some of the sweat on her brow and takes a bite of pancake.
  1431. >Swallowing the dry lump in her throat the mare coughs before caving.
  1432. >”Oh fine, we were discussing you as well and Twilight had been so insensitive to your feelings and acting so brash that I just couldn’t stand it.”
  1433. >Wow, most ponies tend to cave immediately when you use the eyebrow, Rarity lasted a good thirty seconds.
  1434. “Look Rares, I love the fact that you’re defending my honor from the big purple people eating menace, but I’m a big boy, I can take care of myself too you know.”
  1435. >Rarity sighs before stabbing at her pancake with a pout, “ I understand that intellectually Darling, but Twiight had said such hurtful things that I wonder how did we ever become friends with each other.”
  1436. >Alarmed you reach over and rub her hoof startling the white mare into dropping her fork.
  1437. “Hey now, I don’t want you two to ruin your friendship over me, you guys have been through a lot of adventures together, be rather silly to just throw away a friendship like that for little ol’ me now isn’t it?”
  1438. >Tilting your head to give her a sheepish smile you give her hoof a squeeze.
  1439. >Rarity’s bangs hang over her face as she looks down at your hand before you can see her magic alight upon your own hand and it squeezes back.
  1440. >Rarity sniffs before she looks you in the eye with a watery grin.
  1441. >”I think you’d be worth it Darling, you’re my friend too right?”
  1442. >Hnng.
  1443. >Your heart.
  1444. >Standing from the chair you come over to the mare and wrap her in a big hug.
  1445. “Course we are.”
  1446. >You say muffled by her mane as you bury your face in the top of her mane.
  1447. >”H-hey watch the hair.”
  1448. >Chuckling you oblige her before holding her close.
  1449. “Look, let’s just, try to get a handle on things, we’ll all calm down a bit and come together to talk things out.”
  1450. >Rarity cranes her head back looking at you with a hint of worry.
  1451. >”Things?”
  1452. “Twi and company aren’t the only problem we have it seems, you guys are really torn up about this huh?”
  1453. >Rarity’s tears seem to have dried quickly as she sucks in a deep breath, “OF course we’d be upset about this, colts aren’t just joy sticks to play with till they break or something newer comes along why the sheer nerve of-”
  1454. >Boop.
  1455. >”Darling please I-”
  1456. >Boop.
  1457. >”Would you st-
  1458. >Boop.
  1459. >Rarity fumes as she stares at you with a promise of violence.
  1460. >You meanwhile are holding your giggles in before you just have to push her just one more time.
  1461. >Your finger starts to stray close to her snout for another boop.
  1462. >Oomph!
  1463. >You simply stare at Rarity as she holds your finger in place with her mouth.
  1464. >Then you spine tingles as you feel something slimy and sticky cover your finger.
  1465. >Oh that’s her tongue…
  1466. >Not sure if want or not.
  1467. >Withdrawing your finger you make a face as Rarity lets out a giggle, “Turnabout is fair play after all Darling.”
  1468. “I’ll show you turnabout!”
  1469. >You threaten as you advance on the mare with an evil grin.
  1470. >”No you don’t!”
  1471. >Rarity flees through the shop while you chase after her fully intent on giving her the wet willy of a lifetime!
  1472. >However a bell tingles in the shop causing Rarity to swerve to the door while you trip over a stray bolt of fabric into a pile of discarded dresses.
  1473. >Right, work.
  1474. >That important thing that pays the bills.
  1475. >Seeing your fun was over for now you decide to get back to work.
  1477. >Waving goodbye to Rarity you make your way to home with Fluttershy.
  1478. >Wonder if she is going to make pasta salad again, stuff was great, though she didn’t have tomatoes.
  1479. >Actually none of the ponies in town sell them for some reason how odd.
  1480. >You know what, to thank Flutterbutter you know what you’re going to do with your afternoon off!
  1481. >Changing your path you being to make your way towards the Everfree passing not too far from Orange Tree Kicker’s place.
  1482. >You had just started to walk into the forest when you hear a familiar call.
  1483. >”Awnon!”
  1484. “Hey Applejack, what do you want?”
  1485. >The apple horse stops near her fence looking you over with worry.
  1486. >”Sugarcube you’re not thinking of going into that thar forest are ya?”
  1487. “What if I am, not like you have any right to tell me off remember?”
  1488. >Seeing her wince gives you a vindictive sense of satisfaction before she steels herself.
  1489. >”Maybe so, but that doesn't mean I can’t escort you then.”
  1490. “Yeah, thanks, but no I’m good.”
  1491. >”Awnon, come on. Don’t be like that, we both know that the Everfree is dangerous!”
  1492. “For you maybe.”
  1493. >”Ugh, look not even the girls and Ah like goin’ into the forest without others for back up. It’s foolish is what it is.”
  1494. >You just know that the mare will raise more of a fuss if you don’t oblige her so you just sigh before waving her after you.
  1495. >With a happy winnie the pony leaps over the fence and trots her way over to your side hat bouncing along the way.
  1496. >God damn it.
  1497. >You forgot how cute that lil hat was when she’s happy.
  1498. >No you’re still pissed at her, don’t give in now, you’d be a total cuck Anon.
  1499. >Ignoring the rather cheerful mare following you into what might as well be a potential death sentence you walk on the path into the woods.
  1500. >You both are quiet as you walk through the woods.
  1501. >The silence is in that awkward state of comfortable, yet there is a large pink tutu wearing elephant in the room.
  1502. >If you remeber right the tomatoes would be right around…
  1503. >”Awnon?”
  1504. >Damn there goes the quiet.
  1505. “Yeah?”
  1506. >”Ah know that...that we’re having our troubles, but…”
  1507. >Ah fuck clench the butt.
  1508. >”Ah wanna learn, Ah mean, Ah wanna understand why ya’ll are so upset about us moving on.”
  1509. “Thought I explained myself pretty clearly there Applejack, humans stick to one partner and mate for life.”
  1510. >”But why? Colts are really flaky and don’t really stick around that often, same with herds.”
  1511. >Stepping off the path you move aside some brush holding it up for Applejack to follow.
  1512. “Well first clue, I’m not a pony. Different rules.”
  1513. >”Ah know that!”
  1514. “Do you really? Cuz you sure don’t act like it.”
  1515. >Applejack sucks in a deep breath letting it out after a moment.
  1516. >”Sugarcube, Ah’m tryin’ to be understanding.”
  1517. “What’s there to understand you thought I was just shallow and kicked me to the curb once you saw something else to chew on.”
  1518. >No sir you’re not bitter at all.
  1519. >”It’s always been like that Anon! Since there aren’t that many colts around mares gotta share when they herd up, even then there’s not enough colts!”
  1520. “So what, you guys play merry go round with pony cock then?”
  1521. >”W-well no, maybe a little, but it’s not fair Awnon there’s not that many colts to have! Do ya know how many times I have to beat mares off Big Mac so he can have some peace of mind?!”
  1522. “If I recall right, I had to help you with that when you missed a couple.”
  1523. >”What, how in tarnation did you get rid of them?”
  1524. >Flick.
  1525. >”Ouch what was that for!”
  1526. >Wiggling your fingers you grin at the mare.
  1527. “I used my superior digits off course to drive them off.”
  1528. >”Wait so you ju-”
  1529. >Flick.
  1530. >”Gosh Darn it Anon stop flicking mah nose!”
  1531. “Snrk, nope.”
  1532. >Flicking her nose one more time you dodge a flying tackle by the country mare as she shouts.
  1533. >”Awnon you get your button flicking teasin’ plot back here!”
  1534. >Running with full speed you laugh back at her.
  1535. “You wish that I was teasin’ you!”
  1536. >”Ahnon!”
  1537. >You thought she was just yelling for the sake of scaring you.
  1538. >Instead she was warning you for that low hanging branch,
  1539. >Hitting the ground with a muffled thump you blink in a daze.
  1540. >Soon enough a familiar face zooms into view.
  1541. >”Awnon you cotton pickin’ fool, what’d Ah tell ya.”
  1542. >Groaning you rub your head feeling the goose egg on your head.
  1543. >”Right then.”
  1544. >Feeling teeth bite into the hem of your collar you are slowly dragged back.
  1545. “Hey stop that.”
  1546. >”Eeenope you got hurt and Ah don’t want to listen to the girls say Ah’m abusing ya.”
  1547. “Pfft yeah right like th- well never mind they would, wouldn’t they?”
  1548. >”Eeeyep!”
  1549. >Struggling you get Applejack to let you go before standing up with an unsteady gait.
  1550. >”Now you come on home and Ah’ll get somethin for that bruise.”
  1551. “It’s fine Applejack I’ll explain it when we get back, sides I want to get those tomatoes.”
  1552. >Hearing a gasp of shock you turn in confusion to see Applejack with teary eyes.
  1553. >”Awnon Ah didn’t, Ah’m sorry Awnon you don’t have to do that. Come on let’s get’cha home, please you don’t need to kill yourself!”
  1554. >The hell?
  1555. “Kill myself? It’s just tomatoes, Fluttershy ha-”
  1556. >”Fluttershy had tomatoes?! Ah didn’t think she was a black widow!”
  1557. “What? NO! Listen you dumb idjit!”
  1558. >”Ah know you’re not well Awnon, but it’ll be ok.”
  1559. “Now you’re just over reacting!”
  1560. >Applejack stomps her little hooves in the ground, “Ah don’t think you're reacting enough!”
  1561. “Then I guess together we react enough then!”
  1562. >”That doesn’t even make sense!”
  1563. >Booping the mare you nod.
  1564. “Exactly! Now tell me why tomatoes are so terrible they taste great.”
  1565. >”Their poisonous! Haven’t you seen Rohania and Tulip?”
  1566. “What?”
  1567. >Applejack sighs muttering under her breath, it sounds vaguely like philistine.
  1568. >”It’s the love story about a mare that couldn’t court a colt cuz of family so the colt used diluted tomato juice to fake bein’ dead and the mare got all upset and joined her lover in death by drinking the tomato juice straight.”
  1569. >Wait.
  1570. >Tomato juice, that’s a poison here?
  1571. >You can’t even…
  1572. >Holding your hand out at the mare you nod.
  1573. “O-okay, srnk, I just lemme digest that for a bit.”
  1574. >”It’s fine let’s just go back home.”
  1575. “Yeah, I guess, but I wanna get something for Flutters at least.”
  1576. >Applejack makes a small face before asking, “Why ya wanna get her something?”
  1577. “Well she took me in without much hassle, stopped me from doing stupid shit and I wanna show my appreciation.”
  1578. >Applejack shakes her head at your antics as you look around the forest floor.
  1579. >”Ah forgot how you always tried to pay somepony back Awnon.”
  1580. “Well ponies are said to have memory like a gold fish, three seconds or so.”
  1581. >”Hey!” Applejack says as she sways your leg with her tail.
  1582. “Not my fault, you set yourself up for it.”
  1583. >Applejack giggles at that before she becomes somber seeing the flowers you had collected.
  1584. >Seeing her notice the flowers you hold them out to her.
  1585. “Think these are any good, they aren’t roses, but they look nice.”
  1586. >Applejack coughed clearing her throat and squinting a bit, “Ehrm, yeah, Fluttershy will defintly like them…”
  1587. “Why are you tearing up like that? Aw man these make ponies sneeze don’t they?”
  1588. >”No! No they’re fine, its just uh, Ah had something in my eye?”
  1589. “Snrk, Applejack you have got to be the worst liar in the world, what’s the real reason.”
  1590. >”Look it’s just a dumb pony thing, ya’ll wouldn’t care bout it none.”
  1591. >Adjusting the bundle of flowers you step over a fallen log making it to the path back to town.
  1592. “Well see I unlike you ponies can apprecaite other cultures.”
  1593. >Wincing at the snark Applejack sighes before mumbling darkly to herself.
  1594. “What was that?”
  1595. >”Ah said they are flowers that ponies give to somepony they really treasure.”
  1596. “Well that works great then, I appreciate Flutters for a bunch of the stuff she done for me.”
  1597. >Strange wonder why Applejack’s lowering her head like that with droopy ears.
  1598. >”O-oh well, uhm, Ah’m glad yer not yellin’ at me now Awnon.”
  1599. “Don’t worry I’m still madder than a hatter at you, but I can be civil about it.”
  1600. >Seeing her flinch you sigh before ruffling her hat to get at her ears.
  1601. “Relax, I’m not going to be a bitch, might snark at you a lot, but out of the trio I...I liked you the best so that might be why I’m not being an utter cunt to ya.”
  1602. >”R-really?”
  1603. “Yep, hey there’s the cottage. Thanks for walking me home Applejack.”
  1604. >As you start to walk towards the cottage you feela hoof on your pant leg making you look down.
  1605. >Applejack looks up at you with a pleading expression, “Awnon, c-could you call me...call that lil name you used to call me?”
  1606. >Remembering all the times she tell you off for using it you give her a small smile and bend down to be eye level with her.
  1607. >Patting her head you whisper…
  1608. [spoiler]“Only this time, Jackie.”[/spoiler]
  1609. >You then ruffle her mane a bit before striding towards the cottage, ignoring the rain that had started to fall.
  1611. >You open the door.
  1612. >Then immediately have to duck.
  1613. >A flying stuffed animal narrowly misses your head.
  1614. “What in the hell?”
  1615. >”You take that back!”
  1616. >”N-no y-you do!”
  1617. >The sight before you would be adorable if it weren’t for the tension you could feel.
  1618. >On opposite sides of the living room you had Rainbow Dash commanding the couch as she holds a cushion ready to throw while on the other side of the house Fluttershy is hiding behind Mr. Bear using him for cover with her own pillow in hoof.
  1619. >Both mares turn to you and then shoot a glance at each other.
  1620. >”Anon it’s not what you think!”
  1621. >”R-rainbow and I w-were arguing a-and-”
  1622. >Rainbow takes the chance and tosses the cushion at Fluttershy beaning her in the head.
  1623. >”You already messed up my love life, why don’t you stay out of it!”
  1624. >Mr. Bear growls at Rainbow before sending the blue jays to attack!
  1625. >”Gah! Get’em off me!”
  1626. >It is too early to be dealing with this.
  1627. >You step in the house closing the door behind you with a slam.
  1628. >The battle pauses again as you level your most fucks given face.
  1629. >That is to say none.
  1630. “Aight, everyone is going to calm down, or else!”
  1631. >”Anon babe, come on do-”
  1632. “Don’t call me babe, you lost that right a while ago, now why are you two fighting?”
  1633. >”Because she is trying to get you on the rebound!”
  1634. “Wut.”
  1635. >Rainbow nods her head with vigor, “I’ve seen it happen a lot of time, there are mares that wait for a herd to kick a stallion out and pick them up to make them feel better and get some of the D while they are at it!”
  1636. >”Th-thats a lie!”
  1637. >Rainbow is buried under a streak of pink, you watch in disbelieve as the duo rolls around with squeaks and pomfs as they roll.
  1638. >Why does Fluttershy have Rainbow’s face in her chest?
  1639. >Confused you move to stop them when Rainbow get’s the upper hand and shoves Fluttershy into headlock with her wings.
  1640. >”Yeah, see how much better my wing strength is you jerk!”
  1641. >Why on Earth?
  1642. >These two used to be best friends!
  1644. >Weary of the last time you stuck your hand between two fighting animals you wrap Rainbow in a hug and tug.
  1645. >With a startled oath the mare flails about before you toss her into the air.
  1646. >Of course she simply twists into the air and hovers indignantly, “What’s the big idea?!”
  1647. “You! Why are you being such a cunt Rainbow? Come on!”
  1648. >”What! You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew of all the free wing scratches and belly rubs she was getting from you! I know you’re not that stupid!”
  1649. “Oh so I was already stupid to being with huh?”
  1650. >”That’s not what I said!”
  1651. “Sounded like it to me.”
  1652. >Rainbow rubs her head and groans in frustration.
  1653. >”Don’t you see you’re giving her what she wants with all those things?!”
  1654. “I did’em because I was being nice Rainbow, I thought that Flutters might actually appreciate that unlike some pony I could think of.”
  1655. >”Ugh the one time in public I said don’t do that doesn’t count!”
  1656. “One time you did it all the time!”
  1657. >”Yeah and I made up for it when we got home didn’t we?”
  1658. >”U-um…”
  1659. “Oh yeah you did, after Twilight forced you too!”
  1660. >Rainbow throws her hooves in the air, “Look I said that so I didn’t lose face ok? She never told me to do squat!”
  1661. >”A-anon?”
  1662. >You make small grasping motions at her neck as you shake with frustration.
  1663. “You egocentric overbearing mare! You drive me up the wall!”
  1664. >”And you drive me in the ground!”
  1665. “That doesn’t even make sense!”
  1666. >Before Rainbow can answer you, you're both flattened to the ground by a shout.
  1667. >Turning towards the source you find Fluttershy bashfully scraping at the ground with a hoof.
  1668. >”S-sorry, but A-anon this a-arguement is b-between me and R-rainbow, if you d-don’t mine I mean.”
  1669. >Rainbow chooses that moment to open her big fat mouth, “Yeah I still need to kick her flank for using you like that!”
  1670. “NO you stop that, right now she’s not using me.”
  1671. >”Um…”
  1672. >You pause in annoyance before looking over at Fluttershy.
  1673. “Yes?”
  1674. >”I w-was e-enjoying the belly rubs and wing r-rubs too..so s-she’s not entirely wrong…”
  1675. >”Ha! Told you!”
  1676. “Oh my G- Rainbow go home, I’ll take care of it.”
  1677. >”But she just said!”
  1678. “Now!”
  1679. >For a moment Rainbow looks ready to argue back with you, yet she doesn’t instead she sniffs.
  1680. >Angerily the mare rubs her snout and shakes her head, “Fine! If you don’t want my help th-then you can stay with your, your rapist!”
  1681. >Fluttershy gasps in shock before Rainbow takes off winds chasing after her.
  1683. >Sighing you start to clean up by picking up a photo frame, it shows Fluttershy and Rainbow as fillies with a crack in the glass dividing them, when you hear a soft whine.
  1684. >Turning to it you see Fluttershy trying hard to hold her tears in.
  1685. >Alarmed you quickly set the photo down on it’s back as you quickly wrap the mare in a hug.
  1686. “Hey, hey, listen don’t let Rainbow bother ya, she’s just being bitter.”
  1687. >”B-but she’s right I-I kept feeling good every time y-you would touch m-me and, and I’m a terrible pony!”
  1688. >You bring Fluttershy closer in a hug.
  1689. “No you’re not, you are a kind and caring friend who took me in after a crappy deal in life. You are a great pony.”
  1690. >Fluttershy doesn’t look to sure tears still dripping down her cheeks.
  1691. >Using your thumb you carefully wipe away her tears rubbing her neck with your other hand to relax the mare.
  1692. >”B-but R-rainbow and I n-never fought l-like that b-before…”
  1693. >Glancing at the photo of the duo you frown.
  1694. “I don’t know what to tell you Shy, I don’t think Rainbow is thinking all that clearly right now.”
  1695. >Fluttershy whimpers again as she turns into your hand for comfort before her eyes open wide and she withdraws with a guilt ridden look.
  1696. >”Oh Anon! I’m s-so sorry I s-should-”
  1697. “Hey, no you get back here cuddly pony.”
  1698. >Reaching over you bring her back into your embrace before you lift her head up to stare her in the eye.
  1699. “I, Anonymous, being of my own free will and mind, do give permission to Fluttershy to enjoy the contact she is getting.
  1700. >Fluttershy only stares on in shock at your declaration.
  1701. “Regardless of what any loud mouth cunt has to say about it.”
  1704. >A surprised giggle forces her to cover her mouth with her hooves.
  1705. >”I-I shoudn’t have l-laughed a-at that.”
  1706. “Pfft, laugh if you want to, it’s the truth of the matter, Rainbow had her chance she fucked up, now she’s being a bitt-”
  1707. >Suddenly it all makes sense!
  1708. >You laugh to yourself making Fluttershy tilt her head at your sudden bout of merriment.
  1709. >”A-anon?”
  1710. “Oh god, I think I know why she’s so pissed at you Shy.”
  1711. >”Y-you do? Why? I-is there something I c-can do to f-fix it?”
  1712. “You won.”
  1713. >For a moment Fluttershy is left speechless mouth agape, “Wh-what?”
  1714. “You actually beat her in a competition, in her mind at least, you beat her and now she’s being sore about it since she lost.”
  1715. >”I-I don’t get it, what did I win?”
  1716. >Reaching up you rub Shy’s mane making her squeak in surprise before a light moan escapes her as you dig your digits into her mane.
  1717. “Me.”
  1718. >Shy suddenly stiffens as her eyes jerk open as they focus on you.
  1719. >”I-I did?!”
  1720. >Nodding you lead Shy over to the couch.
  1721. “Yep, or at least Rainbow thinks so, she’s probably thinking you stole me from her and oh god this irony is too great.”
  1722. >Shy bites her lip sitting beside you on the couch, “S-so what do we d-do now?”
  1723. “Now? Well it’s up to you Shy.”
  1724. >Shy goes quiet for a while, when you began to worry her face reached a deep red complexion and a gentle eep escaped her.
  1725. >Then her head let out a brief burst of steam and fell face first in your lap.
  1726. “Shy?”
  1727. >Nudging her you find the poor mare has gone to sleep!
  1728. “Aw man…”
  1729. >Carefully you lift your friend’s head up and replace your thigh with a pillow.
  1730. >Then you drape a blanket over her form and began to clean up the house a bit.
  1731. >As you pass Shy on the couch you hear her breifly mumble.
  1732. >Leaning closer you hear “...Oh Anon...yes...do th-that…”
  1733. “Sure Shy, rest easy…”
  1734. >Laying a small kiss on her head you get back to work happy she’s recovered from whatever it was.
  1738. >Meanwhile in Fluttershy’s dream…
  1739. >...
  1740. >Wait what is she doi-
  1741. >Oh god never mind that’s too lewd to write.
  1742. >Honestly inter species hoof and hoofspider holding?
  1745. >Waking up you yawn covering your mouth with a wing.
  1746. >Feeling a blanket slide off you look over at it with surprise before a warm feeling fills your belly.
  1747. >Anon.
  1748. >You look around and see that the mess Rainbow had made is gone, Anon must have…
  1749. >Oh the poor colt you didn’t mean t-
  1750. >Then the thoughts from earlier come back and you hide in your mane face red once more.
  1751. “Oh darn it all, come on Fluttershy you got to stop being so shy!”
  1752. >Knock knock knock!
  1753. “Eep!”
  1754. >”Oh Fluttershy!~ It’s me Rarity are you home?”
  1755. >Peeking your head from the rafters you call out.
  1756. “C-come in!”
  1757. >Your door handle glows blue for a moment before the door swings in.
  1758. >Rarity trots in looking pleased as punch before she stops, looking around she turns in place, “Fluttershy?”
  1759. “U-Up here.”
  1760. >It’s not often you see one of your friends jump in surprise.
  1761. >”Darling! Whatever are you doing up there?!”
  1762. “Y-You startled me, um.. What d-did you n-need?”
  1763. >”Oh I was hoping to invite Anon and yourself to a little soiree of sorts, though I don’t see Anon here.”
  1764. >Rarity trails off before a gleam entered her eye and she rears up in delight.
  1765. >”Idea!~ Why don’t you, Pinkie and I have our little outing together? I was meaning to bring Pinkie along for a little party number, but we can make it into a girl’s night out!”
  1766. “Oh, um w-well that sounds g-great, but w-where…”
  1767. >”Oh it’s at this little quaint cafe that I happen to know of, trust me it will be just fabulous!”
  1768. >Before you can protest, not that you don’t really mind, but you still want to find Anon, Rarity plucks you from the rafters into her waiting hooves.
  1769. >”Come now Darling we have much to do!”
  1772. >Tugging on your friend your mind is in a flurry of ideas.
  1773. >”R-rarity?”
  1774. >Oh there is just too much to plan, but you’ve worked harder deadlines than this!
  1775. >You shall prevail!
  1776. >”Um, Rarity..?”
  1777. >Now you just need to make sure that Pinkie is on board as well an-
  1778. >A small squeak interupts your musings.
  1779. >”Rarity!”
  1780. “Bwha- huh? oh Darling, I’m terribly sorry I was off in my own little world. What was it?”
  1781. >”D-didn’t we already pass Sugarcube corner? I-I thought we were getting P-Pinkie?”
  1782. >Leaning to look around Fluttershy you see the store down the block.
  1783. “Haha...so it is, terrible sorry Darling, but my mind is all in a tizzy and I can’t wait to share the news!”
  1784. >”N-news?”
  1785. “Ahaha~ A mare never kiss and tells, but I’ll give you a hint, it involves Anon and our own little happy ending.”
  1786. >For some odd reason Fluttershy sinks within herself at your hint.
  1787. >”O-oh...w-well I-I’m glad y-you’re h-happy?”
  1788. “Oh Darling, what ever is the matter? I thought you would happy?”
  1789. >Fluttershy shakes her head small tears starting to grow in her eyes.
  1790. >”I-I am! R-really!”
  1791. “Darling, I thought you loved Anon?”
  1792. >Sniffing Fluttershy gives you the meanest look she can muster, it still looks adorable however.
  1793. >”Of course I do! Y-you don’t need to rub it in…”
  1794. >Wait she doe-
  1795. >Oh she does!
  1796. “Whahaha, Fluttershy! Darling, I was talking about herding with Anon, you, Pinkie and I! Why would I try to keep him all to myself?”
  1797. >”B-but you s-said…”
  1798. >Daww, this mare right here.
  1799. >Wrapping a leg around her you tug Fluttershy into a hug.
  1800. “I meant OUR happy ending Darling, not just moi, not just Anon’s, ours.”
  1801. >Her sniffling fading away Fluttershy gives you a watery smile before her wing comes about to hug you back.
  1802. >”Th-thanks Rarity, I c-could use a good friend now.”
  1803. “Hm? Why whatever do you mean Darling, I thought Rainbow and you were best fillies forever?”
  1804. >A dark cloud starts to form over your friends head making you stare in surprise.
  1805. >”R-rainbow thinks I s-stole Anon from her, s-so she and I-I aren’t on the b-best of terms…”
  1806. >Oh.
  1807. >Oh!
  1808. >That no good blue furred multi colored streamer!
  1809. “Well if she can’t learn to take a loss with dignity then that’s her loss, after all I’d rather share and keep both my friends then just try to keep one only to lose both!”
  1810. >Ending that statement with a haughty sniff you hear Fluttershy giggle softly, “H-hehe, I’m sorry Rarity I-I guess I’m n-not that marely.”
  1811. “Nonesense Darling, you stood up to a dragon for Celestia’s sake! When it comes down to it you’re brave when it counts!”
  1812. >Seeing the shy smile grow on her face makes your chest flutter, you did always think that Fluttershy was cute, but that smile made her gorgeous.
  1813. >Now, now heart now is not the time for these feelings!
  1814. >Your heart momentarily overrides your sensibilities when Fluttershy suddenly nuzzles your cheek!
  1815. >”Thank you Rarity, that, that means a lot.”
  1816. “Whahaha! Well then let’s go and collect Pinkie!”
  1819. .
  1820. >”Hey girls!”
  1821. >Pinkie drops behind the counter only to reappear next to you from a pillar.
  1822. >You’ve long learned to ignore her antics, that way of thought leads to madness.
  1823. “Hello Pinkie, Fluttershy and I were hoping to inquire upon your availability for a small get together between us.”
  1824. >”Hehe, sure I’m about to get off work actually, but what about the rest of the girls?”
  1825. >Your nose scrunches before you can answer.
  1826. >”Th-they aren’t i-invited”
  1827. “Yes, we were hoping to talk with you about Anon actually.”
  1828. >”I’m always happy to talk about Anon sillies, what’s there to talk about?”
  1829. >”Ahem.”
  1830. >You all turn to look to the door to see Mr. Cake giving Pinkie The Look.
  1831. >”Oops, sorry girls I’m not quite off yet, can I get you anything while you wait?”
  1832. >”I-I’ll take a banana smoothie, if you don’t mind.”
  1833. “And I’ll have the coffee cappuccino latte hold the whip cream and add in a cherry if you would.”
  1834. >Pinkie finishes scribbling down your orders on her notepad she had pulled from her mane.
  1835. >”One banana hush, and one sassy sass hold the wig, got it!”
  1836. >You watch as Pinkie then does a cartwheel away.
  1837. “Such a strange mare.”
  1838. >”W-well it is Pinkie after all.”
  1839. “Quite, so while we wait, what are your thoughts on Anon?”
  1840. >”O-oh um, w-well I think h-he’s very nice, and um k-kind, he doesn’t get m-mad at me for b-being shy. My a-animals like him p-pretty well too.”
  1841. >Oh you very much doubt Angle likes Anon, but you’ll let it lie.
  1842. >”H-he also gives me belly rubs and wing rubbings all t-the time! It’s s-scandelous!”
  1843. >Oho!~
  1844. “Shy you sly mare you, I wouldn’t have thought it was in you.”
  1845. >Fluttershy flushes hiding in her mane with her hooves.
  1846. >”I-it’s not l-like th-that! H-he does it all t-the time!”
  1847. “Darling relax, we’re both mature mares who can talk about our mutual friend and his very pleasing attributes. Besides, I’ve done more than that.”
  1848. >”Wh-wha? Rarity did you?”
  1849. “Not for lack of trying, but no. However I did manage to lick his hoof spiders!~”
  1850. >Fluttershy’s eyes are so wide you could use them for fine china.
  1851. >”Wh-what happened next?”
  1852. “Oh a customer came in and Anon was chasing after me shouting about a wet willy.”
  1853. >Fomp!
  1854. “Darling please, your wings!”
  1855. >”S-s-sorry, but he j-just chase after you with a w-w-wet willy?”
  1856. “That he did Darling.”
  1859. >Kling!
  1860. >”Hey Girls! One Banana Hush and One sassy sass hold the wig! What ya talkin’ about?”
  1861. >Pinkie passes out your drinks and you take a sip of yours.
  1862. >Delicious.
  1863. >”W-we were talking about A-anon, Pinkie.”
  1864. >Strange, why is Pinkie looking around nervously.
  1865. >Wait.
  1866. >Grinning at the scent of fresh gossip you lean forward invading Pinkie’s personal space [spoiler] A soft ree can be heard in the distance[/spoiler]
  1867. “Pinkie, Darling you wouldn’t happen to know of anything in particular about our dear friend Anon now would you?”
  1868. >”Whahahat you talking about Rares! Of course not! Anon and me are super best friends just like you gurls are with me!”
  1869. >Pinkie scrunches her nose as you leer ominously.
  1870. >”I-its not like I saw Anon naked or anything like that!”
  1871. >JACK
  1872. >POT
  1873. “You saw Anon without any of those delectfully sinful clothes on? How ever in the wide world of Equestria did you do that?!”
  1874. >Pinkie scuffs her hoof on the floor avoiding your gaze, “It was an a-accident, didn’t mean to spill the frosting on him.”
  1875. >Fluttershy eeps as she loses control of her wings once again, “P-pinkie y-you d-didn’t a-already mark him d-did you?”
  1876. >”What!? No! Yes, maybe? I mean it was in the bath and I don’t think i-”
  1877. >Glass and silverware rattle as you slam your hooves on the table as you come face to face with Pinkie.
  1878. “Are you telling me that you’ve already gone that far! And in the bath at that?!”
  1879. >Pinkie gulps at the fire in your eyes as she meekly nods her head.
  1880. >Then Anon and her where…
  1881. >Right before he came into…
  1882. >Then when he was walking around with that heavenly scent that must have been his musk and Pink-
  1883. >A small puff of steam escapes you as you fall back.
  1884. “Oh my!~”
  1886. >Be the pinkiest, partyest, supericfic pony in town!
  1887. >You might have just killed Rarity with lewds.
  1888. >You really hope you don’t get the ponice called on you for that.
  1889. >”P-Pinkie?”
  1890. >Oh sugar sticks Fluttershy’s still up!?
  1891. >You thought you could hide away with a carton of ice cream afterwards if you managed to get them both to pass out!
  1892. “Y-yeah Shy-Shy?”
  1893. >Fluttershy sniffs, oh no don’t cry, before she holds out a hoof to you.
  1894. >”P-Pound it sister!”
  1895. >...
  1896. >Dis mare right here be the bestest mare ever!
  1897. >You hoof bump with your friend and give one of your superiffic grins.
  1899. >Adjusting Rarity on your back you continue to follow after Fluttershy.
  1900. >”Th-then Angle had said that a carrot had gotten lodged in Mr. Bear’s r-rear!”
  1901. “Yikes, I hope he got better.”
  1902. >Fluttershy nods as she holds open the door to the cafe, “He did, but he was so tender, he had to lay on his tummy all the time!”
  1903. “Ouchie, say where are we sitting?”
  1904. >”U-um I think over here will work.”
  1905. >Following after the yellow and pink mare you soon find a booth to sit upon.
  1906. >Carefully laying Rarity out on the booth you hum.
  1907. “Hey, how long is she going to be out of it?”
  1908. >”I-I don’t really know, I’d o-offer using some cold w-water, but she’ll be so m-mad about her mane getting w-wet.”
  1909. “Not to worry Murry! Auntie Pinkie Pie will get it solved, we just need to get her some tasty food stuffs and before you know it her tum will wake her up!”
  1910. >Fluttershy’s worried look of concern eases up just a hair a small giggle escapes her, “W-well if you say so P-pinkie.”
  1911. “I know so!”
  1912. >Seeing a waiter come to take your orders you quickly make your orders.
  1913. >”Is she going to be alright?”
  1914. >Aw what a cutie.
  1915. “She’s fine she just fainted, hopefully some super yummy food will wake her up right quick!”
  1916. >The colt nibbles on his lip before nodding and makes for the kitchen, oh wowie zowie he’s got some good f-
  1917. >No bad Pinkie, gotta stay pure for Anon!
  1918. >”Pinkie?”
  1919. “Yeah Fluttershy?”
  1920. >Fluttershy stretches her wings before huddling in on herself once more, “U-um, since Rarity is still o-out of it, I s-suppose I sh-should tell you what we’re gathered here for.”
  1921. >You give her a nod focused on Fluttershy.
  1922. >Shrinking within herself more Fluttershy tries to continue, “Uh, w-well R-Rarity had th-thought that w-we could uh, h-h-herd together with A-Anon!”
  1923. >Fluttershy hides her face behind her hooves as if taking cover from one of your Party Cannons[™]
  1924. >Silly filly you left the big one at home!
  1925. >Though you have some new designs you’ve been working on you can’t wait to try!
  1926. >Oh wait she’s waiting on an answer and she looks really sad!
  1927. >”I-I can u-understand i-if you d-don’t-”
  1928. >The table rattles.
  1929. >You now have a flustered, oh so fluffy, cuddly pegasus in your hooves as you wrap her in a hug.
  1930. “Of course I’d wanna herd with you Shy-Shy! You’re like one of my bestest friends! Rarity too, even if she get’s super melodramatic at times, but it’s cool cuz she a true sis. Just like you!”
  1931. >Somewhere in the vomit of words you used you think you said something right as the sad look on the Fluttershy’s face slowly thaws away into a beaming smile, for her at least.
  1932. >”Oh I feel so happy that I could scream!”
  1933. >With a deep inhale you watch with some glee, maybe you’ll be able to actually get some noise ou-”
  1934. >”Yay!”
  1935. >Well there is always next time.
  1936. >”Rghafrazzle!”
  1937. >You and Fluttershy poke an eye over to see Rarity flail her hooves as she sits upright.
  1938. >Rarity blinks in surprise before she automatically starts to fix her mane smoothing out any nonexistent loose hairs.
  1939. “Heyo Rarity!”
  1940. >You giggle at seeing Rarity jump in surprise before she turns around to lightly glare at you.
  1941. >”Darling! Please don’t scare me like that, where are we I remembered you saying the most ludicrous story abo-”
  1942. “That was actually real, so please don’t advertise it for everypone to hear please!”
  1943. >Baffled Rarity sucks in her lips unsure of what to say before the waiter from before comes back with the food!
  1944. “In the meantime let’s eat! Also Rarity?”
  1945. >”Uh, y-yes Darling?”
  1946. >You hold out a hoof to her and nod.
  1947. “I’m game if you are!”
  1948. >Rarity looks over to Fluttershy mouthing something before seeing Shy’s nod.
  1949. >Beaming Rarity lets out a giggle as she bumps hooves with yours, “To a fortunate future then! Now let’s dig in I’m starving!”
  1950. >Ah a mare after your own heart!
  1952. >Be the happiest horse in Equestria, Rarity!
  1953. >Yes everything is falling into place so well!
  1954. >Oh you hope that Anon is willing to try again.
  1955. >You know that your father and mother have the strangest relationship but you blame that on your Father being burned once too many times by a bad herd.
  1956. >Hopefully Anon will turn out for the better.
  1957. >Ooh they ordered your favorite, tulips sprinkled with rosemary, yes herding with mares who know you own tastes will definitely work out!
  1958. “So how should we go about talking with Anon?”
  1959. >”I-I think we just l-let him come to us, h-he seems to think of us w-well enough.”
  1960. >”Yeah I mean he was pretty frisky last morning!”
  1961. “Oh do tell Darling, how long did he go for? A minute?”
  1962. >Pinkie’s eyes glaze over and she shivers, “More like five!”
  1963. “Bwha? I know Rainbow and Applejack would embellish, but you too Pinkie?”
  1964. >”Oh no sister, they weren’t lying I betcha he could go longer, but we were pressed for time!”
  1965. >Fluttershy taps her hooves on the table, “G-girls come on, l-lets not try to f-fetishize A-Anon.”
  1966. “But Darling, it’s so hard not to! He's just so exotic, not to mention kind as you’ve said before, as a matter of fact I’ve never had such a hard worker before.”
  1967. >”H-he is really n-nice, h-huh?”
  1968. >”Exactly! So we just gotta not mess up and keep doing stuff the wa-”
  1969. >Confused you look over to see what could have interrupted Pinkie of all things.
  1970. >The happy mood that had surrounded your little group suddenly skips as you narrow your eyes at HER.
  1971. >Flanking her are that despicable Rainbow Dash and Applejack as they both notice your own group.
  1972. >That MARE of course takes the initiative to approach while you stand from your seat to face head on.
  1973. >With a bit of relief you hear Pinkie and Fluttershy fall into step beside you.
  1974. >You’re not afraid of no mare, but it’s nice to have the backup none the less.
  1975. >”Rarity.”
  1976. “Twilight.”
  1977. >Manners are a mare’s armor Darling, keep it together.
  1978. >”So Applejack, Rainbow and I were planning on eating here, maybe talk about how to get Anon back, what brings you here?”
  1979. “What a coincidence, we were having a pleasant lunch before you arrived, though I think you’d be better off trying with another stallion, Darling.”
  1980. >Ha! Take the passive aggressive insults and eat it!
  1981. >Rainbow tactful as always butts in, “What are ya talking about? We’re going to convince him to take us back, just you wait!”
  1982. >”M-maybe i-if you w-weren’t s-so pushy a-all the t-time!”
  1983. >...
  1984. >Dear Celestia Fluttershy you have brass ovaries!
  1985. >Rainbow looks more shocked at the fact that Fluttershy said something mean to her than the insult.
  1986. >”Yes well, that’s why we’re having our little planning session to resolve this problem, despite what others might think we still love him.” Twilight interjects flaring her wings in a small display of dominance.
  1987. “Do you now, are you really sure about that?”
  1988. >You stand up tall using every inch of your three foot five inches, plus the horn, to show off how pointy your horn is.
  1989. >Twilight narrows her eyes at you as she lets her horn start to glow subtly, “Of course I do.”
  1990. “Funny it almost seemed as if you loved more by what Anon does FOR you instead of him to me.”
  1991. >”Naow come on Rarity, t’aint fair to say that, we do love ‘em.”
  1992. >Turning your glare onto Applejack you soften it seeing the red rimmed eyes.
  1993. “I suppose so, but for others I don’t believe it to be true.”
  1994. >Pinkie clops her hooves together drawing everypony’s attention, “Come on girls can’t we just talk this out? I mean I’d rather we all be happy like Anon was yesterday!”
  1996. >Oh dear, Pinkie why?
  1997. >”Why was Anon happy yesterday?” Rainbow asks hovering above you all her wings keeping a stucco beat.
  1998. >”Uh, er, w-well uh he got to have a special surprise?”
  1999. “What she means to say is Anon had gotten some treats after a small accident at Sugar Cube Corner, right Pinkie?”
  2000. >”Of course! Not like I got to see Anon naked or did anything naughty with him after I sorta kinda spilled frosting on him.”
  2001. >Dead.
  2002. >Silence.
  2003. >Twilight’s deceptivly calm as she steps fowards making your herd mate quail, “You mean to tell me that you actually slept with Anon?”
  2004. “Darling you need to stop,” You say stepping in front of Twilight your own horn starting to charge a light blue. “you’re scaring Pinkie.”
  2005. >”Oh she should be scared, but not of me.”
  2006. >”TRAITOR!”
  2007. >At the hell you look up to see Rainbow with tears in her eyes as she starts to beat her wings like a hummingbird before she dives at Pinkie!
  2008. >A flash of pink and the rainbow colored blur flies off course to pinpall off the walls.
  2009. >”You leave her alone!”
  2010. >Oh everything has gone teats up now.
  2011. >Twilight keeps her glare on you and you return it in full.
  2012. >You both know what has to happen now.
  2013. >”HERD FIGHT!”
  2014. “HERD FIGHT!”
  2017. >Ponies quickly leave the building as they all know what happens when a herd starts to fight.
  2018. >You at least have the courtesy to vacate the building to the lot outside, Twilight gallops after you with her herd in tow.
  2019. >Twilight rears her head back with magic glowing thick and heavy on her head.
  2020. >Shy flies back into formation with the rest of your herd as you all tense getting ready for what she has.
  2021. >Prepping your own horn you shout to the others, “Pinkie take Applejack, Shy can you handle Rainbow?”
  2022. >”I’m sorry Rarity, I d-didn’t mean too. But I’ll try my best.”
  2023. “It’ll be fine Darling and that’s all I can ask.”
  2024. >“Don’t worry Rarity, Rainbow won’t beat me.”
  2025. “Then let’s go!”
  2026. >At your cry you charge forth with your herd just as Twilight counter charges with her own!
  2027. >Magic flies through the air as you combat Twilight, her magical missiles are bright and strong for sure, but they lack elegance, class!
  2028. >Weaving aside another burst of glittering purple light you riposte with a magical construct that snakes around her though she teleports away!
  2029. >You get a quick glance on your friends as you search for your target.
  2030. >Rainbow and Fluttershy are chest to chest with Fluttershy grinning savagely, “All natural Rainbow!”
  2031. >You move on galloping to see chairs and tables break from Pinkie and Applejack bump hips with each other.
  2032. >Pinkie grunts under the impact before Applejack boasts, “Sugarcube these hips were made for this, thanks to years of Applebucking!”
  2033. >Applejack tries to bump her again only to go flying as she bounces off Pinkies plot.
  2034. >”That’s years of baking! I got the cushion for the pushin!”
  2035. >Atta girl Pinkie.
  2036. >You leap over the counter and soon find your target as she finishes her magic.
  2037. >A large glowing orb of arcane script and barely contained energy, “Take this!”
  2038. >Throwing it at you, you plant your hooves and ignite your horn.
  2039. >That much energy, it has to have a weakpoint….
  2040. >There!
  2041. >With firing a beam with the pricison of threading the needle you pierce the orb making it explode in a shower of blue and purple glitter.
  2042. >Gritting her teeth Twilight teleports once more to reappear before you!
  2043. >Stumbling back you see her sweat concentrating as she suddenly splits into many Twilights that surround you!
  2044. >”Now you’re done for!” The chorus shouts as they all fire a magic beam at you!
  2045. >Ducking you levitate up glassware around you, wine glasses, beer mugs, anything with glass in it and hold them up to the lights.
  2046. >Upon hitting the lights refracts into a rainbow hued light show.
  2047. “Whahaha going to need to do better than that Darling!”
  2049. >With a magical pop Twilight shouts, “Applejack launch Rainbow!”
  2050. >You only have a moment to brace as Applejack leaps up and gives a mighty buck to a rainbow blur surrounded with a magical aura.
  2051. >Your mane flies backwards from the backwash of air as your hear a pop.
  2052. >Everything is ringing and you narrowly avoid a plank that had fallen from the ruined patio furniture.
  2053. >A hollow boom that echoes in your bones makes you look up to the sky to see Rainbow’s rainboom, only instead of the colors you expected to see it’s a pure corona of white that glows
  2054. >The white streak that had birthed that eye searing corona turns about heading stright for you!
  2055. “Girls get ready to catch!”
  2056. >”H-how?!”
  2057. >”I don’t even have a doughnut ready for that!”
  2058. “Just trust me, Pinkie use your Cannons to slow her down!”
  2059. >Pinkie gives a sharp salute before she reaches into her mane with both hooves and out comes a pair of small cannons attached to her hooves.
  2060. >”I’m ready!”
  2061. >Cannon fire echoes beside you as blasts of confetti fly up to cushion Rainbow’s descent.
  2062. >”Wh-what do I do?”
  2063. “Darling I’m going to need your butterfly friends soon.”
  2064. >Fluttershy blinks in incomprehension before it dawns on her and she nods.
  2065. >Reaching out with your magic you quickly wrap Fluttershy in your own magical aura while she starts to fly around.
  2066. >A soft humming reaches your ears and you open your eyes to see your newest creation.
  2067. >Fluttershy flies up in a corkscrew motion drawing in the glitter of your magic, the confetti raining down and from the outside butterflies in a twister that rises up to the white streak!
  2068. >As Shy meets the blow head on the white streak suddenly veers in a tumble bleeding off into the normal rainbow you’ve become accustomed too.
  2069. >Tumbling through the tornado Fluttershy had made you watch in glee happy that the insane idea had actually worked!
  2070. >You’ve never used so much magic in such a short amount of time.
  2071. >You sway ever so slightly before you hear a rough and flat wat.
  2072. >Turning you look to see Anon with the most unamused look upon his face.
  2073. >Oh, you hope he’s not mad…
  2074. >Darkness welcomes you with open arms as you fall to the ground.
  2075. >Ugh, your mane is going to look horrid.
  2077. >You had just wanted to bring something nice for the girls after all the good things they’ve done for you.
  2078. >You didn’t mind splurging on the meager amount of funds you’d already collected, really you wanted to buy that bouqet of flowers and the picture frame too.
  2079. >Instead of actually getting anything done however you had heard something about a fight and witnessed one of the most obscure and silly pony fights you’ve ever seen.
  2080. >Seriously did Rainbow break the fucking sound barrier of all things?
  2081. >And when did Fluttershy even learn to make a tornado of glitter?!
  2082. “Wat.”
  2083. >Oh no Rares fainted!
  2084. >Springing forward you quickly grab her before she hits and gently lay her down.
  2085. >A chorus cries out your name and suddenly ponies all around you.
  2086. >Everyone is arguing with one another and you can’t even think!
  2087. >”Leave him alone he’s with us!’
  2088. >”N-no he’s n-not!”
  2089. >”Sugarcube yall better back off Ah thought we were cousins!”
  2090. >”You snooze you loose!”
  2091. >”The three of you can’t even properly support Anon anyway, so you should ju-”
  2092. >”I make more money than Applejack on a yearly basis.”
  2093. >”That’s horse apples!”
  2094. >You think you’re starting to get a head ache.
  2095. >”You sh-should let Anon d-decide!”
  2096. >”Like he even knows what he wants!”
  2097. >Strike that, you now have a full blown headache.
  2098. “QUIET!”
  2101. >Ah
  2102. >Blessed silence.
  2103. >Though all the ponies are staring at you with wide eyes.
  2104. >Oh don’t cry you silly ponies.
  2105. “Look, Shy, can you get something to help Rares? She’s out like a light.”
  2106. >The butter and cotton candy colored pony nods, “R-right!”
  2107. “Pinks can you get her something to lay on?”
  2108. >”Okie dokie Loki, but Anon whose going to keep you safe from them?”
  2109. >Applejack stomps a hoof in the ground cracking it as she whinnies, “Safe from us, what about you!? You slept with him!”
  2110. >OH
  2111. >Well fuck.
  2112. “Pinks I’ll be fine, just get Rares something to lay on alright?”
  2113. >Pinkie looks fit to argue with you, but instead she sucks in a deep breath and nods hopping away into the building.
  2114. >As you gently brush a few stray locks of Rarity’s hair you hear trotting and see purple hooves come into view.
  2115. >”Anon, w-”
  2116. “I really don’t care Twilight, we’ve been over this, I don’t know how many times, but we are through.”
  2117. >You can’t see her face, but the quick flinch of her hooves you can tell that hit close to home.
  2118. >”Sugarcube, what Twilight’s tryin’ to say was, we’re sorry.”
  2119. >Sorry?
  2120. >Just like that?
  2121. >Oh no this has got to be another ploy of some kind you just know it!
  2122. >Or you’re being paranoid, again.
  2123. “I’m not the one you should apologeize too, after all Rarity is the one passed out here, why in the wide world would you ponies be fighting? What was that anyway?!”
  2124. >Suddenly blue everywhere.
  2125. >”Well if somebody hadn’t just slept with Pinkie maybe we wouldn’t have gotten into a fight to begin with!”
  2126. “Oh fuck off Rainbow, do you know how much you faggots hurt me when you pulled that shit?”
  2127. >Rainbow butts heads with you as she grinds you down with her eyes.
  2128. >”Oh yeah I bet it hurt really hard when you were deep inside of Pinkie!”
  2129. “Holy fucking shit, yes I slept with Ponks, but you all had slept with that ass Time Turner first! Not to mention we were no longer a thing at the time so take your reverse psycology bullshit and shove it up your ass!”
  2130. >Rainbow starts to answer only to be enveloped by a purple glow and pulled back.
  2131. >”Anon, that...I understand you’re upset, but we wanted to apologeize for what we did to you. We shouldn’t have thrown away your love like that.”
  2132. >Seriously?
  2133. >They just think that they just say their sorry and they get a free pass?!
  2134. >The fuck do these ponies drink!?
  2135. >Wait, calm down.
  2136. >Looking at the trio of mares before you, you can see Applejack looks hurt sniffing to herself, Twilight has a streak of blue glitter mauring her fur and her eyes are bloodshot, Rainbow’s singed on her fur with a look of murder and hurt.
  2137. >These mares look pretty fucked up.
  2138. >How much of that is an act, an evil voice whispers in your mind.
  2139. >What makes you think they just won’t use you again?
  2140. >Granted you don’t just take the advice of the random voices in your head, but they raise some pretty good points.
  2141. “You all still owe the girls an apology.”
  2142. >Deflect, redirect and avoid the topic!
  2143. >Always saved your bacon before, forgetting the times that it hasn’t of course.
  2144. >All three ponies before you glower at your answer their fur puffing up and their cheeks starting to swelling with what they really want to say.
  2145. >Twilight, surprisingly, is the first to break, “Fine, we’ll apologize for the completely reasonable fight we had with them.”
  2146. “How in the hells is that reasonable? You ponies fight war with pies!”
  2147. >”Herdin’s important business Ahnon, it’s bout family and making sure yer blood passes on! Of course we’re going ta take it more serious than war.”
  2148. >You can only stare at Applejack rasing an eyebrow in question ever so slowly.
  2149. >”She’s got a point, not that you would know since you never ask about any of it.”
  2150. >FFFFfffff-
  2151. >No, you’re not getting dragged into this again.
  2152. >You start to pet Rarity feeling the silky smooth bristles of her fur slowly calm you down.
  2153. >”Hey I’m talkin’ to you here!”
  2154. >”Rainbow you need to calm down.”
  2155. >”No he’s being a big dumb colt who won’t even listen to u-”
  2156. >”I’m baaaack!~”
  2157. >Finally Pinkie arrives with a love seat contraption, you think you don’t really care at this point.
  2158. >Scooping Rarity up you quickly lay her down and start to help lift it when Pinkie intervenes.
  2159. >”Hang on Nonner’s can’t let you do that you’ll hurt yourself!”
  2160. >...
  2161. >......
  2162. >REALLY!?
  2163. >Flailing your arms into the air you gargle out a half scream of outrage and frustration.
  2164. “Fine! Fine! I’ll just go off and be useless then over there! Or something I don’t care any more! Dear lord in heaven to sweet baby Jesus and his big bootied bitches fuck this!”
  2165. >That being said you about face and start to march into the Everfree.
  2166. >Fuck this.
  2167. >Fuck all of these-
  2168. >”Anon! Wait!”
  2169. >”Nonny? H-hang on don’t just leave!”
  2170. >”Ahnon!”
  2171. >With the sound of a broken guitar string you turn around and shout at them all.
  2173. >The ponies appear to be quite shocked.
  2174. >Good maybe that will give you enough time to escape.
  2175. >Turning you come groin to snout with Fluttershy who cowers beneath you.
  2176. >”I-I d-didn’t mean t-to Anon I’m s-sorry…”
  2177. >Teeth grinding you suck in a breath and sigh.
  2178. >Reaching down you pet Shy on her head making her stop shaking.
  2179. “Sorry, I just need to go calm down, did you get some first aid for Rares?”
  2180. >”Y-yes!”
  2181. “Good, go make sure she’s okay, I’m going to...just go yeah go and calm down.”
  2182. >”W-will you be o-okay?”
  2183. >Nodding you give her one more good pat on the head before making for the Everfree.
  2185. >Seriously your blood pressure raised like fifteen points you can just feel it!
  2186. >Stupid cute ponies with their dumb cute backwards culture norms.
  2187. >No for real tho, you’re pretty close to just chucking one of them through the little houses they have right now.
  2188. >Feeling the gloom over take you with it’s shade from the bright sunny day you take a deep breath of the cloying scent of trees, flowers, and that musty smell of thick woods.
  2189. >Already you feel yourself ease a bit in the tension.
  2190. >Going at a light jog you start to run through the woods making sure to stick to the path for a bit.
  2191. >Then you notice a small dirt path that leads off the main trail.
  2192. >Well technically it’s still the path.
  2193. >Diverting off course you quickly continue to follow the dirt path the trees rushing past you in a blur.
  2194. >Heart pounding you can feel sweat start to trickle down your brow.
  2195. >Lungs heave and ho as you breath in swiftly, your body trying to keep up with your movement.
  2196. >Before you know it your sprinting along the undergrowth smacking aside brush and shrub in your wake.
  2197. >Small branches leave stinging welts on you as you keep running all the stress from before seeming to fade away under the beat of your heart.
  2198. >Leaping over a log you missed the branch.
  2199. >With a thud you tumble to the ground.
  2200. >Skidding to a stop you groan.
  2201. >Rolling over you breath heavily trying to catch your breath.
  2202. >Shit man, what are you going to do about the girls?
  2203. >Not like you can just ignore them, they are going to just keep coming back with more ludicrous ways of getting back in your good graces, or worse.
  2204. >Not to mention the other three, you think they might be planning on something but you’re not entirely sure.
  2205. >The whole thing is just a mess.
  2206. >It’s only when you peer through the canopy above do you notice something to worry about.
  2207. >It’s starting to get dark.
  2208. >With a heave you regain your feet.
  2209. >A glance around shows that you’re near a small pond, but the trail you had followed is gone.
  2210. >Shit.
  2211. >Just what you needed, getting lost in the national forest of pony land.
  2212. >If the girls wind up finding you, they’ll never leave you alone!
  2213. >Determined you begin to quickly search for the way back home.
  2214. >You hadn’t thought about it, but with the gloom quickly closing in, this place is… unsettling.
  2215. >Yeah, defintly not scary!
  2216. >W-who wouldn’t be worried about an animal coming along to maul you in the middle of the night.
  2217. >Chances of that hap-
  2218. >You hear something rustle ahead and leap back with a yelp fists raised to fight.
  2219. >The bush keeps rustling before it stops, for a long time you watch it waiting.
  2220. >Suddenly from the bush it vomits forth, a rabbit.
  2221. >Staring at the little critter you shakily laugh to yourself.
  2222. “Too many late night horror flicks…”
  2223. >You do however pick up a stick, it’s not much but it makes you feel better.
  2225. >By the time you had retrieved the stick the rabbit is gone.
  2226. >Continuing on you strain your eyes before it get’s too dark.
  2227. >Not that it’s helping as the sun is quickly sinking beyond the horizone.
  2228. >Hearing more rustling by your side you swing your stick about with both hands eying it.
  2229. “Alright whatever you are! Get out here where I can see you!”
  2230. >Please don’t be a manticore.
  2231. >Please don’t be a manticore.
  2232. >A shadowy figure soon reveals itself from the bushes!
  2233. >Straining your eyes you can only make out a hood when a melodic voice speaks, “Fret not, Anonymous I would not have fought.”
  2235. >Lowering your stick you blink in surprise.
  2236. “Zecora? Whew, you scared me there for a bit.”
  2237. >”Relax you should not, for you I have sought.”
  2238. >Leaning on the stick you had found you motion at her with your hand.
  2239. >”Now is not the time to speak, we quickly must go to find what I seek.”
  2240. >Silly crazy rhythm horse, er zebra.
  2241. >Don’t wanna be racist after all.
  2242. >Still you follow after Zecora as she goes into the shrubs.
  2243. “So, what is it that you need anyway? Herbs? The girls mentioned you do that.”
  2244. >Zecora nods before looking back at you with a small smile, “That I do, though with a hint of voodoo.”
  2245. >...
  2246. >You swear that if this is some exotic form of courtship and wind up ho-zebra married you’re going to do something drastic.
  2247. “Neat, so what do you even need from me then?”
  2248. >Zecora pulls aside foilage ahead and reveals a castle ruin that sits atop of a canyon.
  2249. >Near the bottom of the canyon lies a cave that glows dimly in the night.
  2250. >”This is what I show, so we may better understand our foe.”
  2251. “Foe? Alright Zizzy you’re going to need to talk stright here with me, what’s going on.”
  2252. >Zecora instead of answering leads you to the path down and you grump not getting answers.
  2253. >You HATE not getting answers.
  2254. >Though it might be due to calling her Zizzy, she did look a bit shocked.
  2255. >None the less you are getting closer to the cave and you dig you heels in.
  2256. “Alright stop, before we go any further I want to know what the hell is in that cave and why are we even here.”
  2257. >Zecora turns about and frowns before she pulls back her hood.
  2258. >Yikes her mane’s gone full 80’s
  2259. >”Things are no longer well, as you can no doubt tell. You must help me, if we are to save the Everfree.”
  2260. “That part I can get, but I’m surprised you’re not telling me off about it being too dangerous for me.”
  2261. >Zecora gives a small snort stamping her hoof on the ground, “Colt or Filly, regardless all pitch in even if you have a willy.”
  2262. “Huh, I can respect that. So what’s in the cave?”
  2263. >The glow flickers within the cave making Zecora look back then at you again, “A great power of the land, we must hurry least all be turned to sand.”
  2264. >Before you can answer the mare is already stepping into the cave.
  2265. >Following after her you find a tree made of gems and crystal that has seen better days.
  2266. >Thick sturdy branches lay broken on the ground.
  2267. >Dimly glowing sap leaks from the broken limbs.
  2268. >Each ends in a bloom where a gem rests, a purple diamond, a rose quartz in the shape of a butterfly and a sapphire in the shape of a balloon.
  2269. >Wait a minute.
  2270. >Twilight used to brag about being an element of harmony or something.
  2271. >You thought it was just a title that sun horse gave her, like a power ranger and their floaty head guy.
  2272. >”The tree wilts and the forest is in a tilt, what is broken must be given a token.”
  2273. “A token of what? It looks like you need some duct tape and rope.”
  2274. >A quick whap to your head makes your vision burst into stars.
  2275. >”Don’t be a fool, least I think you a tool. Peer into the pool and remove the wool.”
  2276. >Unsure you creep closer towards the pool of sap and squint at the light.
  2278. >Faintly you can make out something moving in the sap.
  2279. >It looks like a small portal.
  2280. >Wait!
  2281. >You see Rarity and Twilight arguing with each other before Twilight says something with a mean look to her face.
  2282. >Rarity loses her temper and bodily chucks the mare out.
  2283. >That was a few days ago wasn’t it?
  2284. >The scene changes again and it shows Fluttershy and Rainbow talking in Flutter’s home.
  2285. >They were having tea, but none of the animals are in sight.
  2286. >Fluttershy is shaking as Rainbow looks at her darkly.
  2287. >Shy after hearing something stiffens her spine and glares at Rainbow mouthing, how dare you, or ow wear you.
  2288. >What happens next shocks you as Shy reaches back and flings her pillow at Rainbow.
  2289. >It soon devolves into the situation you had walked into.
  2290. >The next scene that flickers by shows Pinkie and Applejack talking with each other.
  2291. >You can make out parts of Sugarcube Corner.
  2292. >Rarity is lying nearby so it must be recent.
  2293. >Yet Applejack looks hurt at Pinkie.
  2294. >You can’t hear anything but you can see that both mares look regretful.
  2295. >Applejack stands up and walks to the door leading into the dining hall.
  2296. >You can just make out a tear drip down before the glow dies once more and the sap shows your face.
  2297. “What… what does this all mean?”
  2298. >Turning over to look at Zecora you see her sigh.
  2299. >Trotting towards you and wraps you in a tight hug.
  2300. >”To mend the tree, it will not be done without a fee. Bonds once strong, now lay in the wrong. To reverse this fate, you must make amends to set things straight.”
  2301. >Drawing away from Zecora you gnaw at your lip.
  2302. “How? It looks like all the girls are fighting, over me of all things I mean I’m not much to look at don’t get me wrong, but seriously.”
  2303. >Zecora holds up a cloud of glitter before she blows upon it to reveal a small scene before you.
  2304. >”Friendship is magic within this land, yet the magic fades if they disband. For you they love, no matter the cost little dove.”
  2305. “Little dove? Alright gimme a break, I’m not a pansy.”
  2306. >”Yet you are still sweet, like a treat.”
  2307. >Giving Zecora a nigger you serious look, she returns the look.
  2308. >Her look is pretty good.
  2309. >You raise an eyebrow.
  2310. >Zecora wiggles her head from side to side while waving her hoof with a mhmm added in.
  2311. >...
  2312. “Snrk.”
  2313. >Breaking into laughter you both give into the silliness you’ve both devolved into.
  2314. >Wiping your eye you can see Zecora look to you with concern in her eyes.
  2315. >”If you wish for advice, you should not fear becoming my vice.”
  2316. “Alright, since you’re playing the wise wizard role to the hilt, might as well right? What do you think I should do?”
  2317. >Zecora sits beside you and puts her hoof on your arm.
  2318. >”For bonds made anew, air your grievance, friends you have are few, mend your fence.”
  2319. >Gnawing on your lip you let it pull up before raising an eyebrow at her.
  2320. “Do you really have to do the whole rhyming thing? Makes it hard to understand at times.”
  2321. >A small bop to your head is your answer making you chuckle.
  2322. >”Rude, you are, I come from very far, so I will not let my speech be mared.”
  2323. “Fine, fine I guess. So!’
  2324. >Springing to your feet you stand up and look down at the little zebra.
  2325. “Talk with them all and mend my fences huh? Then that should fix the whole tree dying thing then?”
  2326. >Zecora nods before a frown crosses her face, “A warning to you, if the feelings are untrue, the tree shall wither, hurry or this place shall fall to the hither.”
  2327. “Be real about the feelings, got it.”
  2328. >Letting out a breath you bounce from shoe to shoe in thought, nerves getting to you.
  2329. “Right okay, I think I’m r- wait!”
  2330. >Looking back at the tree you notice it has some willow like fronds that drape down.
  2331. >Bounding over you grab some of them and pull.
  2332. >With a tinkle the strands pull free and you test them a few times.
  2333. >Solid enough.
  2334. >Before Zecora can ask you quikcly scoop up the branches that had fallen and hold one up to the break.
  2335. >It fits, but it won’t hold, not to worry though.
  2336. >Thank you Science class.
  2337. >Taking some of the strands you start to bind the branch to the tree and make sure it’s flush against the tree.
  2338. >You vaguely remember something about making hybrid trees using cuttings, so the same thing should work.
  2339. >”Anon what are you doing, is this the result of your musing?”
  2340. >Oh that’s rather neat, none the less you finish doing the same with the rest.
  2341. “Well Best I can figure is if I am going to make amends with the girls, that the best way to show it would be here right?”
  2342. >Zecore watches as you finish tying the last branch into place with a tug.
  2343. >Dusting your hands you turn back to the mare and hold your hips.
  2344. “Right, okay now I’m ready!”
  2345. >You got this.
  2346. >You’ll go right up to those three.
  2347. >Explain yourself to them all nice and polite like.
  2348. >Tell them you guys can still be friends.
  2349. >They don’t need to fight with each other and everything will be a ok!
  2350. >...
  2351. >Oh god this is going to go terribly.
  2353. >”You look stressed friend, some tea you’re soul it will mend.”
  2354. >Drawn from your own musings you see Zecora’s fro continue to bob on her way out the cave.
  2355. >Hiding a giggle at the sight you follow after her.
  2356. “Hey, uh thanks for the advice Zecora, but I’m not sure on how to go about this. I mean come on why should I have to apologize for their stupidity?”
  2357. >Zecora pushes aside a brush letting you pass before moving on past you into a small clearing with her cute little tree house.
  2358. >”The center you are, without you the solution will not go far.”
  2359. >Before you can answer to that the exotic mare dips inside of her house.
  2360. >Only for one small problem.
  2361. >Zecora’s little hooves start to dig into the ground sending up dust into the air as she fights.
  2362. >With a small creak of the wood you peek around the mare’s booty to see the cause.
  2363. >You have to shove your fist into your mouth to keep from laughing as Zecora’s afro is stuck in the door jam.
  2364. >”Anonymous, if you are done, your help could help a ton.”
  2365. >Zecora asks quite miffed as her tail flicks out and snaps near your face.
  2366. “Alright, calm down hang on…”
  2367. >Coming up behind Zecora you hem and haw looking over where the best spot to push will be at.
  2368. >You could try…
  2369. >No that wouldn’t give you enough room.
  2370. >Maybe something…
  2371. >No, not enough leverage.
  2372. >You could try from her back?
  2373. >”Please say your not gone, if so that would be a poor con.”
  2374. “I’m still here, hang on…”
  2375. >There’s no helping for it you suppose.
  2376. >If this was a rom com this would be when the girls come into view and assume things.
  2377. >As you palm the mare’s plot you feel her stiffen.
  2378. >”Is that your hand on my rear, I fear?”
  2379. “Yeah, just gimme a second and I’ll get you through ok?”
  2380. >Zecora whinnies with a strange echoey sound before her tail flicks at you.
  2381. >”Trust in you, I will see it through.”
  2382. >Gripping the cushiony buttoms before you, you marvel at how well sculpted it is.
  2383. >It’s almost like marble covered in silky smooth satin.
  2384. >A snort from in front reminds you to get pushing.
  2385. >Setting your stance you start to push.
  2386. >There is a little give as you add onto the pressure on the plot before you.
  2387. >Ignoring the sight as Zecora’s tail moves erratically you give a bit more pushing!
  2388. >With a sound of scraping steel wool you see Zecora slowly move forward!
  2389. “Almost...there!”
  2390. >”Harder friend, I can see the end!”
  2391. >With a heave you give one last heave.
  2392. >Falling forward you let out an oath before everything is dark again.
  2393. >For some reason you can smell a rather strong scent of vanilla and chocolate?
  2394. >Struggling to sit up you hear a low moan that freezes you in place.
  2395. >”F-friend, r-remove your face, or else I-I end th-this chase!”
  2396. >Oh god why.
  2397. >Hands flying up you grab the handholds given to the exotic mare and heave.
  2398. >Gasping for fresh air you pull free.
  2399. >Zecora meanwhile mewls to herself as a shiver runs up her spine.
  2400. >Rubbing your face you try to remove the scent and taste of what you had found.
  2401. >”Apologises my f-friend, this e-event I did not see in the end.”
  2402. “No, no it’s fine, anyway about that tea then?”
  2403. >”Yes, tea would be a poon, boon! Boon is what I meant, again I am sorry for I am quite spent.”
  2404. “Right, then where’s the tea pot?”
  2405. >Zecora points over to a shelf which is filled with all manner of knick knacks while she goes to another for the tea no doubt.
  2406. >Soon enough through the efforts of you both a pot is boiling away filling the quaint home with the scent of tea.
  2407. >Already you can start to relax sitting across from Zecora at her cute little horse table.
  2408. >Granted you have to hunch over and squeeze your legs in between the table and chairs to fit, but it’s alright.
  2409. >Across from you Zecora fidgets a small blush flitting across her face.
  2410. “He-”
  2411. >”An-”
  2412. >You both stop at the other trying to talk before you start to chuckle.
  2413. >Soon enough Zecora does as well.
  2414. >You both have a good laugh at the awkward air which amazingly helps to clear the air.
  2415. >”I must confess, your thoughts are not a mess. Most would find offense, as they recover their sense.”
  2416. “It was just an accident Zecora, we’re cool. So how bout that idea you had for me?”
  2417. >Clopping a hoof on the table top Zecora hums, “If there is discord amongst you, a judge of character you should seek too.”
  2418. >Rubbing your chin in thought you slowly nod.
  2419. “Yeah, someone that has enough authority that Twi- damn.”
  2420. >”What vexes you, I might help too?”
  2421. “Nothin’ bad habit of mine from before, would you think the princesses might be willing to lend a hand with this little dispute of mine?”
  2422. >”The princesses are the highest authority in the land, though I wonder if those who wronged you might required their hides to be tanned.”
  2423. >Before you can respond the tea pot starts to whistle shrilly.
  2424. >Standing up to give your poor knees a chance to stretch you pull the pot off the rack.
  2425. >Turning you see Zecora already setting up your tea cups, small wooden things that look rather cute, you wonder if Fluttershy might like them.
  2426. >The simple domestic act does a lot to calm your nerves as you pour tea for you and Zecora.
  2427. >”My thanks friend, this remedy your nerves it will mend.”
  2428. >Taking your seat again you set the pot down as you take your own cup holding it up to Zecora.
  2429. “To good friends then.”
  2430. >Zecora smiles softly before she tocks her wooden cup against your own.
  2431. >”To friends!”
  2432. >Taking a sip you hum in delight at the spicy but soothing flavor, it’s almost like cooco
  2433. >A happy silence fills the hut.
  2434. “Why do you think that they would need their hides tanned, that’s rather brutal for little ponies.”
  2435. >Zecora arches a brow before she waves her hoof to the walls of her home.
  2436. >Atop of the african inspired masks you can see potion ingredients as well as a collection of spears and staffs whose meaning you haven’t a clue.
  2437. >”My own land, is a place filled with strife and sand. To make amend, one often has to be ready to offend.”
  2438. “Ah, well hopefully we don’t have to do that here, I mean I could always flick their ears and noses when they are being ornery.”
  2439. >Zecora gives a small nod before she takes another drink, that prompts you to enjoy the beverage yourself feeling your tension slowly drain away alongside the drink.
  2440. “You know I think we got a good plan, I’ll send a letter to Celestia and Luna, get them to come down and do our little pow wow and then we settle this pretty easy.”
  2441. >”You’re optimism is refreshing, yet you will need proof to show you are not fibbing.”
  2442. “Eh, how not like I can take a picture of the tree, don’t even have a camera.”
  2443. >”Write of the danger we face, they will soon see the case.”
  2444. “Alright, crap how am I going to get mail to her, I’d need Spike to send the dang thing other wise Twilight will just stop me from sending it.”
  2445. >Zecora finishes her drink before standing up, “For that I believe, I have just the remedy.”
  2446. >The zebra soon stops before a wall dominated with shelves filled with strange potions and remedies before she pulls down a bottle with emerald flames that dance merrily.
  2447. >”Dragon fire, generously given by Spike before he tire.”
  2448. “Zecora I could kiss you! Thank you!”
  2449. >You quickly find some paper and quill scribbling down your letter to the princess unaware of how quiet the hut had become.
  2450. >When you finished you turned around to see Zecora rather close licking her lips.
  2451. >”When you offered your kiss, would I be in reminisce? If I may indulge, so that we may divulge.”
  2452. >Wow, zebra horse gets more obscure when she’s flustered…
  2453. >You do need that dragonfire though…
  2454. >Sheepishly you give a small nod.
  2455. “Yeah, well you did save me a lot of hassle so…”
  2456. >Carefully you lean down to the mare as she tilts her head up towards you.
  2457. >Unbidden memories rise of how many times you’ve done this with AJ, Rainbow and Twi would just float up for kisses…
  2458. >A hand comes up to cup Zecora’s cheek feeling the fine fur that adorns her face tickling your palm.
  2459. >Licking your lips you briefly share breath a moment.
  2460. >Zecora’s eyes are closed her lips puckered just ever so slightly.
  2461. >You plant one right on her lips, your own deftly dancing around her thicker lips than your own.
  2462. >It might have been forced a tiny bit, but you did offer it and she’s been a total bro.
  2463. >So damn it you’re gonna make sure to pay it forward in full!
  2464. >You bring your tongue up to caress her lips tasting the tea from before, a hint of spice dangling out of reach, when her own tongue comes out to play.
  2465. >The both of you dart back and forth in your duel, though you have the feeling that Zecora hasn’t had much practice as your own tongue wrestles her into submission.
  2466. >Oh hey that burning sensation means you’ve been at it for too long, withdrawing from Zecora you can see a small strand of saliva connect you both before it breaks.
  2467. >You’re left panting after that rather intense kiss and see that Zecora’s in no better shape.
  2468. >”If not for...ha...our friends, your pants I would rend.”
  2469. >Coughing you let out a laugh.
  2470. “Y-yeah that was, that was pretty intense. Um SO! How do we use that bottle?”
  2471. >Zecora’s ears droop a tiny bit but she recovers well enough as she points at the table.
  2472. >”Place the parchment on the table, soon it will be a fable.”
  2473. >Doing as you’re told you watch as Zecora aims the bottle at the paper and work the cork free.
  2474. >With a roar of flames the bottle soon empties consuming the paper leaving a trail of sparkling smoke that races out the hut.
  2475. “Neat!”
  2476. >Before you can even turn to thank Zecora the sparkling smoke returns and with a pop of displaced air a letter with the golden seal of Celestia’s appears on the table.
  2477. >Picking up the letter you quickly read and let out a happy sigh.
  2478. “It worked! The girls will be here by tomorrow to help out, though they said that they wanted to talk with you Zecora to confirm that things are not right. You doing anything tomorrow?”
  2479. >”Aside from my mane, which will need a cane, I will be free, would you care for more tea?”
  2480. “Nah, I got to head back and explain to the girls what we’re doing. That and Pinkie owes me an apology.”
  2481. >”Then take this then, I will make you more in ten.”
  2482. >Accepting the small bundle you look at her in confusion.
  2483. >”A gift of tea, so that you might come see me.”
  2484. >Flushing you nod scratching the back of your neck.
  2485. “Y-yeah sure! Anyway uh, thanks again Zecora you’re a real bro.”
  2486. >You briefly hug the mare with a bear hug making her squeak in surprise before running out the door.
  2487. >You’ve got lots to do tomorrow!
  2489. >When you said tomorrow you meant more along the lines of late evening.
  2490. >Same thing really.
  2491. >What caught you however was that Shy’s place is right next to the Everfree.
  2492. >”Anon!”
  2493. >A small yellow blur thuds into your chest as it quickly pampfs around your chest area and around you.
  2494. >”Are you alright, I know you said not to worry, but I did and I kept thinking that maybe you ran into a cockatrice, a dragon fly or even a manticore and oh I knew I should have sent Mr. Bear with you at least!”
  2495. >Grabbing the worried pony by her shoulder you firmly hold her in place.
  2496. “Shy! Breath!”
  2497. >At your prompting the mare stops talking at her break neck speed to inhale loudly.
  2498. >”S-sorry.”
  2499. >Petting her mane you give Fluttershy a small grin.
  2500. “Hey it’s alright, would have had to done CPR on you if you kept going on like that.”
  2501. >”C-C-CPR?!”
  2502. >Hearing the swift snap of wings you see Shy land on the ground with a muffled thump.
  2503. >”Oh butter biscuits…”
  2504. “Eh, Shy? Do you need some help with that?”
  2505. >”Oh um, well…”
  2506. >You can see from her flushed face that she’s trying rather hard to figure out what the right thing to say.
  2507. >Deciding for her you reach over to gently rub along her appendages feeling how stiff they are.
  2508. >Granted you know that Shy’s popping a boner pretty hard right now, but darn it you can at least get her to calm down.
  2509. >”Eep! A-Anon i-in p-p-p-public?!”
  2510. “Relax Shy, I need your head right now, can’t do that when you’re thinking of the naughty right?”
  2511. >Giving her wings a brief squeeze as they pulse in your hands you see her shudder from head to tail.
  2512. “Side’s you’re a big mare, you can handle it right?”
  2513. >”F-for y-you…”
  2514. “What was that?”
  2515. >”N-nothing! Ahn~!”
  2516. >Running your fingers through the feathers you find her wings are agitated, with an oily sensation coming off them.
  2517. “Shy why are your feathers so oily?”
  2518. >”Y-you can tell?! I-I well I was worried and c-couldn’t stop fretting and I was watching the woods for when you’d come back.”
  2519. >Aw, she was so worried she didn’t even take a bath keeping a...vigil, for you.
  2520. >There’s that familier feeling, of guilt from making others worry about yourself.
  2521. “Aw, shit Shy, sorry about that I just needed to calm down, and I did, it’s just that Pinkie treated me li-”
  2522. >”Oh that Pinkie Pie!”
  2523. >Suddenly instead of a nervous mare in your hands you have a puffed up angry little spit fire looking fit to spit nails.
  2524. >Not even you petting her wings with more vigor seems to calm her ire.
  2525. >”I heard her talk to you like that and I gave her such a telling off about being mean to you!”
  2526. >Jesus Christ, if that tree was right then all of their friendships are falling apart!
  2527. “Shy, Shy! Listen okay?”
  2528. >”What’s wrong Anon?”
  2529. “Ok, so what Pinkie did was wrong and not cool, still you didn’t need to go off on her like that, it’s blowing it out of proportion a bit.”
  2530. >”But Anon, she made you so mad you risked the Everfree! That’s like, like eating salt and sugar together with tomatoes!”
  2531. >Wut.
  2532. >You cover your face with a hand processing what you just heard.
  2533. >”Anon?”
  2534. “Hang on, just, haha, hang on, is this some pony biology thing? Cuz you made those sound like posions.”
  2535. >”Tomatoes ARE poisons! And salt is too, though it’s legal because of the corporations pushing it on ponies…”
  2536. >Welp makes sense Shy hates the big business, you’re getting off track again.
  2537. “Look, Shy back to my point, you’ve noticed all the girls are super testy right? And heck you and Rainbow actually fought with each other!”
  2538. >Fluttershy breaks eye contact with you as she scuffs the ground with a hoof.
  2539. >”W-well she d-deserved it for being s-such a m-meanie head.”
  2540. “Yeah, I know, but Shy you remember that elements thing you’re a part of?”
  2541. >”Yes?”
  2542. “Well beacuse of you girls all fighting the tree is bleeding!”
  2543. >”Oh no!”
  2544. >Fluttershy is back up in the air again.
  2545. >”I-I’m not a good gardener, but maybe we c-could get A-Applejack to h-help!”
  2546. “Which is why we need everyone to have a sit down and talk this out, I already contacted the princesses about this.”
  2547. >”How…?”
  2548. “Zecora helped me out with that, but we gotta talk with everyone figure out how to fix this and-”
  2549. >You make a face as Fluttershy already cottons on.
  2550. >”What’s wrong?”
  2551. “I have to make amends to them.”
  2552. >”WHAT?!”
  2553. >Blinking you smooth your blown back hair from the yell.
  2554. >”That’s, that’s not fair at all! You didn’t do anything wrong in the first place!”
  2555. >Shrugging you raise your hands up in surrender.
  2556. “I don’t know either, but Zecora and the tree were pretty clear, I caused this mess so I need to fix it.”
  2557. >”W-well no matter what then Anon I’ll be there to h-help!”
  2558. >Seeing that determined look on this little mare makes your heart melt a bit.
  2559. “Daw, Shy you’re too good to me.”
  2560. >Instantly the determination flees to be replaced by emberassment.
  2561. >”Bwha, I well you know I just…”
  2562. >Snickering you scoop the mare up in your arms and start to head into town.
  2563. >”A-Anon?”
  2564. “No time like the present Shy! I kinda also am trying to get this done before tomorrow as the Princesses said they arbiter the discussion here.”
  2565. >”So soon?! Anon how are we going to get Ponyville ready?”
  2566. “We’re not, this is a personal visit and not an official one, so Twilight won’t need to get her horn in a twist.”
  2567. >Shy gives you a look then eyebrow already climbing.
  2568. >”You do know Twilight right?”
  2569. “I know, I’m also doing this to twist her teats a bit.”
  2570. >”A-Anon! That’s not nice.”
  2571. “Just because I’m being forced to play nice don’t mean I can’t be sarcastic.”
  2572. >”Th-that’s the o-opposite of being n-nice though…”
  2573. “Relax.”
  2574. >Before you can continue your conversation the path leading Sweet Apple Acre’s come’s into view.
  2575. “Welp, might as well get Applejack too.”
  2576. >”A-Are you sure we n-need her?”
  2577. “Shy.”
  2578. >”W-Well she called you really mean things, and Pinkie too”
  2579. “What I thought they were still Sisters? Or whatever you ponies call them.”
  2580. >”Cousins, but they were before Applejack found out that Pinkie slept with you…”
  2581. “Oh…”
  2582. >Seeing the mare keep quiet you gently pet her mane.
  2583. “Shy, are you going to be alright?”
  2584. >”Y-yes, I-I’m fine, wh-why do you ask?”
  2585. “You’re crying for one.”
  2586. >”N-no I’m not, i-its allergies…”
  2587. >Setting the little mare down you kneel to eye level.
  2588. “Ok, lay it on me Shy, did I mess up with sleeping with Pinkie?”
  2589. >”N-no, I-I mean, w-well it’s fine, I-I just thought I-I’d get to b-be with you f-first s-since we s-seemed to get along well. And R-Rarity thought a-about herding, but I-I don’t think you’d go for it a-an-”
  2590. >Jesus Christ this lil’ pone.
  2591. >You move and her tears stop in surprise.
  2592. “Shy, you’re one of my best friends, before this whole business I thought you were the sweetest kindest little pony I’ve ever met, and I thought I was just too weird for you to even like really. And you know what?”
  2593. >Pulling away you wipe at some of the tears on her face.
  2594. “I’d be willing to give herding another go, that is, if ya’ll don’t up and leave me for the newest buck in town I mean.”
  2595. >You think you’ve broken her.
  2596. “Shy?”
  2597. >No response.
  2598. >You wave a hand in front of her snapping your fingers even.
  2599. >Suddenly pink, pink everywhere!
  2600. >A muffled squee is all you can hear as your head is squeezed tightly.
  2601. >Alien_Facehugger.gif
  2602. >However it’s rather comfy before Fluttershy lets you go a small chaste kiss on your lips as she pulls away.
  2603. >Flushing on your own you rub your neck letting out a shaky laugh.
  2604. “W-well then, uh ahem, let’s uh go and fix some friendships eh?”
  2605. >”Definitely!”
  2608. >Your little heart to heart with Shy done you find your steps lighter.
  2609. >Maybe that crazy love horse was right about Love being a potent magic here.
  2610. >You feel like you could take on an army right now.
  2611. >Then you see a small army assembled in front of the farmhouse, more like a squad ready for search and rescue judging by the medical kits attached to little Bloom’s haunches.
  2612. >Applejack is marching before the troops of Big Mac and Applebloom.
  2613. >”Right then, Ahnon’s been gone fer a few hours in the woods, so we’re goin’ in and rescuin’ the poor colt afore he runs amuck of some ornery critter!”
  2614. >Applebloom catches sight of you, “Uh Sis…”
  2615. >Nodding to Big Mac you see him give a simple nod in reply.
  2616. >Taciturn as ever big guy.
  2617. >”Now don’tcha worry bout nothin’ Bloom, yer big sister and big brother will keep ya safe you just make sure that kit don’t get busted.”
  2618. >”That’s nice sis, but-”
  2619. >Applejack overrides her again as you stand behind her watching this train wreck.
  2620. >”But nothin’ Apples stick together and even if we’re not seein’ each other Ahnon’s still an Apple at heart! So we’re gettin’ him back safe and sound!”
  2621. >Your heart clenches unpleasantly at the sheer conviction behind Applejack’s words.
  2622. >Eventually however Applebloom had enough as she reached up and twisted her sister’s head.
  2623. >”That’s what Ah’ve been tryin’ ta tell ya Sis! He’s right there!”
  2624. >”Ahnon!”
  2625. >Quick as a wink the mare is trotting around you looking for injury.
  2626. >”Ya’ll alright? Why’d you have to go into the Everfree of all places? Hi Fluttershy, honestly Ahnon ya’ll had us worried sick here at the farm with that stunt!”
  2627. >”Anon’s fine Applejack, but we’ve got a major problem!”
  2628. >The cowpony quickly regards Fluttershy before looking at you again.
  2629. “Yeah, turns out I might have broken something important.”
  2630. >”Oh gallopin’ galoshes Ahnon what ya done break now?”
  2631. “Your friendship with the others.”
  2632. >Applejack’s face sets into her cool indifferent face that you’ve seen time and again when someone tries to con her out of her apples.
  2633. >”Come again Sugarcube?”
  2635. “Look, just, can you hurry up and meet with me and the girls in town at Twilight’s castle? I’ll explain everything there.”
  2636. >Applejack rubs her chin in thought before she sighs, “Ah suppose Ah could Sugarcube, Ah’m mighty interested in hearin’ what y’all have to say.”
  2637. “Sweet!”
  2638. >Reaching over you ruffle her mane.
  2639. >An orange hoof reaches up to bat away your hand.
  2640. >”Ahnon leave mah hat be!”
  2641. “Heh, can’t help it you get triggered too easily from it.”
  2642. >”Razzle frazzling colty stallions…”
  2643. >Ignoring the mumblings of farmer horse you turn to animal horse and give her a thumbs up.
  2644. >Smiling in exasperation Fluttershy floats up to you, “Anon if you want I could try to get the others for you, but u-um, if you c-could maybe d-do Rainbow? I mean not do her do her, but g-get her and oh…”
  2645. >Watching her trail off in a squawk you snigger before patting her head.
  2646. “Yeah I’ll get bluie, you worry bout the rest of’em and tell Pinkie she owes me an apology!”
  2647. >A small wing salute, “Will do!” and then she’s off flying into town.
  2648. >Granted you could probably speed walk at the rate she’s flying, but these girls live all across town.
  2649. >A quick hop, skip and a jump later you’re soon below Rainbow’s cloud house.
  2650. >It looks to be a state of disrepair to be honest.
  2651. >The rainbow falls are thin, and discolored.
  2652. >The clouds aren’t as puffy as they used to be.
  2653. >None the less you’ve got a job to do!
  2654. >Reaching down you scoop up a few pebbles and start to chuck them up at the house.
  2655. “OI! RAINBOW!”
  2656. >Screaming at the top of your voice you continue to try getting Rainbow’s attention.
  2657. >You only stop when you toss a rock just a little too hard in frustration and the sound of tinkling glass answers you.
  2658. >Shit.
  2659. >”What are you doing?”
  2660. >Dropping the stones you whip around you hide your hands behind your back.
  2661. “Nothing!”
  2662. >Rainbow simply gives you a look before sighing setting the paper bag on the ground.
  2663. >”Alright what’d you break?”
  2664. “Hey I did no such thing!”
  2665. >”Really? Cuz that’s the tone you always take when you're trying to cover your ass.”
  2666. “Tone? What tone, honestly I think you’re just making things up.”
  2667. >”Are not! You’re lying about that anyway cuz you’re smiling way too much!”
  2668. “That has nothing to do with that!”
  2669. >Rainbow floats up to eye level, “Really then what about the time you cracked open the cider barrels and drank a whole keg by yourself? You kept trying to pin that on Big Mac even with the foam still on your lips!”
  2670. “I refuse to implicate myself in a crime!”
  2671. >”That doesn’t even make any sense!” Rainbow cries throwing her hooves in the air.
  2672. “Yeah I know, that’s the point anyway.”
  2673. >Grinning widely you take a perverse sense of pleasure at seeing her heavy frown.
  2674. >Reaching over you boop her only for her to whack your hand way.
  2675. >”Don’t do that!”
  2676. “Aw but it’s so much fun to see you angry.”
  2677. >That catches Rainbow’s attention as the blue mare stills a slight flush to her cheeks.
  2678. >”Y-yeah well maybe you shouldn’t go around making everypony upset. They might appreciate being treated nice...or something you know.”
  2679. “Well I suppose if they deserve it they might.”
  2680. >”I do de- I mean, yeah, yeah I bet those ponies would really appreciate it.”
  2681. >Giving a noncommittal hum you bounce on your feet a bit.
  2682. “Too bad we’ll never know then huh?”
  2683. >”Huh?”
  2684. “I mean they have to earn it back so…”
  2685. >”But I thought, earlier we were…?”
  2686. >Spreading your hands you shrug.
  2687. “Sorry Rainbow, but well I don’t know what to say.”
  2688. >Suddenly Rainbows, all up in your face.
  2689. >”So what? Oh well it was nice see ya later and get out of my life? Why are you even hear if you’re just going to torment me about it?!”
  2690. “Actually I’m here as I need to talk with you and the others, can you meet with us in the castle?”
  2691. >Rainbow merely gapes at you silent.
  2692. >Deciding to be a good person you reach up and slowly shut her mouth.
  2693. >A small click is your response.
  2694. “Don’t leave your mouth hanging open might get a horsefly in there.”
  2695. >Rainbow rears back and splutters, “The buck? Anon wh- no wait never mind I’m not going to ask why I get you’re still pissed, but really you think I’m just going to go? Drop everything and just go?”
  2696. “Why not, you did it before with Twilight and Applejack remember?”
  2697. >That shuts her up right quick.
  2698. >Gouging the ground with her glare Rainbow sighs before settling on the ground.
  2699. >You like to think that your heavy handed approach might have had something to do with that, or the guilt, lovely emotion that it is.
  2700. >”...Fine, I’ll come, but...Anon, can I at least say something first?”
  2701. >Oh shit she’s using her secret weapon!
  2702. >Rainbow hates using it since it’s ‘unmarely’ but it’s still damn effective!
  2703. >The dreaded filly eyes of sadness!
  2704. >Biting your lip to keep your senses you hold out for ten seconds, a personal record!
  2705. “Alright, what’s up?”
  2706. >”I was an idiot, I messed up what we had goin’ on and it was my own fault for going along with it and...and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have ditched ya like that, Twilight even mentioned humans do the whole herding thing differently, but well you know how she gets. She starts and then I just tune her out once she starts dropping fifteen syllable words. And I know I’m rambling, but I just wanted a good chance to even say something, something to show that I cared an-”
  2707. >Pamf!
  2708. >Running your hand over her mane you can feel how coarse her hair has become since they left.
  2709. >Though the two little spots of softness you’ve always enjoyed are still there as your fingers trail over her ears.
  2710. >”A-Anon?”
  2711. >Oh that tone of hopeful desperation.
  2712. >You could really break her right now.
  2713. >Send her into a fit of depression that spirals into ruining her life.
  2714. >Or at least never finding love ever again for sure.
  2715. >You stay silent for a few more moments before breathing deeply.
  2716. >It would be so easy…
  2717. “Thank you…”
  2718. >Rainbow tilts her head to the side eyeing you with one magenta orb, “Eh?”
  2719. “That’s all I wanted, a proper apology for the shit storm ya’ll caused.”
  2720. >It would be easy to break her, but anything really worth doing.
  2721. >”S-so ahem, uh could we...maybe start over?”
  2722. >Yet for all the shit she and the others have given you, you can’t find it in yourself to do that.
  2723. >This might make you a faggot, but damn it you don’t like being an asshole.
  2724. “How about...you come to the castle, I’ll give your answer then.”
  2725. >”What? Oh come on Anon I-I’m baring my soul here out to ya!”
  2726. >Rubbing her ears a bit longer you pull away with a nod.
  2727. “And I appreciate that, more than you know, but what we all have to talk about concerns my answer. So, see you there?”
  2728. >Blue fast grumbles to herself before kicking at the ground, “Fine I guess, when?”
  2729. “Now actually, everyone else should already be there.”
  2730. >”Right, let me put away my stuff and I’ll meet you there.”
  2731. >Waving her off you start to walk towards the castle when you hear a yell, “ANON! THAT WAS MY WINDOW!”
  2732. >Putting a bit more pep in your step you quickly make for the castle.
  2734. >At this point you would have to keep moving at a quick pace before the rainbow colored horse would be able to catch up to you.
  2735. >Hearing the hurried wing flaps of Rainbow Dash beating behind you you quickly sprint the last 10 meters into the castle
  2736. >You had just managed to slam the door behind you with a creaking groan of crystal upon stone, when you heard a crash that rattled the door, cracks appearing upon the crystal.
  2737. >”Wowie Zowie Anon, I didn't realize that you were able to make the ground quake just like Maud! How’d you do that anyway?”
  2738. >Panting from the sprint into the castle you simply stare at the pink pony.
  2739. >”What is there something on my face?”
  2740. >Pinkie quickly scrubs at her snout trying to clean her face of the imagined dirt.
  2741. >A touch miffed at the pink pony you simply cross your arms at her and stare her down.
  2742. >”Anon? What's wrong? You look really grumpy…”
  2743. “You would know, didn't Fluttershy tell you already?”
  2744. >Ears flop back against her head, “Yyyyeeaa-”
  2745. “Lying about it will get you no belly rubs for a month if you're not telling the truth.”
  2746. >Pinkie snaps her mouth shut with a clack of teeth, before a torrent of words vomits forth.
  2747. >”I'm sorry Anon I was helping the cakes with the baking for today since they always need my help for the morning rush and what Fluttershy was saying went in one year and the other I didn't realize how important it was to you an-”
  2748. >Reaching out you grab the mouth hole clamping it shut much to her surprise.
  2749. “Pinkie, listen I understand you were busy, so calm down. I want you to listen to me,think you can do that for me?”
  2750. >”Mhphrm mmrhp!”
  2751. “That a girl,” Letting her mouth go you continue, “The reason why I was upset yesterday was from you treating me like I wasn't a person, I didn't like it, I didn't expect it from you of all ponies.”
  2752. >Pinkie’s normally happy hyper hair with real springy action, steadily deflates as she listens, “Oh, that would probably explain why all the girls were yelling at me then…”
  2753. >Damn it that cute horse is so sad looking with her straight mane and watery eyes, no hold strong Anon make your point then cuddle the cute horse.
  2754. “Exactly, now, they shouldn't have yelled at you that was supposed to be my job,” Seeing Pinkie flinch as if ready to be struck sends twinges through your heart, but you press on, “Despite that, I think you're feeling miserable enough as is, do you know what you did wrong?”
  2755. >Kicking one of the loose shards of crystal around Pinkie soluble nods, “I'm sorry for treating you like that Anon, I just, well I see Mrs. Cake do that all the time with her husband and my mom and dad are pretty traditional so I thought that traditions have SOME point otherwise why would we still have them and th-”
  2756. >Before your little pony has an asphyxiation attack you cover her mouth, though now she is still talking making your hand vibrate at the speed her mouth is running.
  2757. >Oh Mama, what that would feel like on, ahem, look she stopped trying to talk through your hand.
  2758. “Pinkie, lemme clue you in on something, something secretive even.”
  2759. >Pinkies wide blue eyes are all the permission you need.
  2760. >Tugging her close in a hug you whisper for her ears only.
  2761. “You actually admitted when you messed up, that makes a keeper no matter what everyone or pony says, you got that?”
  2762. >Like seeing a rainbow for the first time Pinkie's eyes start to glimmer and sparkle as she gives a shaky little nod at you.
  2763. >A soft smile graces her face making you see a side of Pinkie you had hardly ever expected to see, something soft and calm where rest and comfort could be found, the next moment it's gone as her mane suddenly burst into the wild curly mess you're used to seeing.
  2764. >”Yahooo!”
  2765. >And there she goes pin balling into the council room, or the big freaky hologram map room.
  2766. >Following after Pinkie you suddenly stop before hitting your forehead as you remembered what you had forgotten.
  2767. >Pulling on the door to open it you see a comatose Rainbow Dash weakly trying to clip her hooves around sprinting mini Anons.
  2768. “Oh brother, come on knucklehead let's get you inside before you get brain damage.”
  2769. >Lifting Rainbow over your shoulder you enter the council proper.
  2770. >Looks like the whole gang's here.
  2771. >Twilight and Applejack are sitting close to each other while Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie hold court opposite of them.
  2772. >The ponies were staring at each other all of them looking unsure of what to say first.
  2773. >Blessed silence bought by awkward relationships are the best.
  2774. >Seeing Rainbow slung over your shoulder Twilight speaks up, “Oh my gosh, Anon is Rainbow alright?”
  2775. “Yeah,” Slinging the mare off your shoulder you set her down in her seat, “I might have made her a bit upset and she chased after me into a door.
  2776. >”How’d you get through the door?” Rarity asked perplexed.
  2777. “Human magic.”
  2778. >”Oh, you’ve never mentioned you had magic before!”
  2779. >”Sugarcube, he’s pulling your leg.”
  2780. >”What? Anon, how could you?”
  2781. “It’s a joke learn to take it you daft binny.”
  2782. >Pinkie pops up waving her hoof like a child in school
  2783. >”Oh, oh is that like being a piggy?”
  2784. >”I am not a piggy!” Twilight shouts back looking hurt, wings splaying in aggression
  2785. “Pinkie please don’t help.” You sigh holding a hand to your face.
  2786. >”Darlings, please we all know that some mares care for their figure while others are entirely up to their own discretion in their diets.” Rarity snarks gently adjusting her mane with a hoof nose slightly up in the air.
  2787. >”Oh buck you Rarity.”
  2788. >”Oh dear, Fluttershy could you translate? i don’t think I can speak pig.” Rarity asks after staring at Twilight incomprehensibly
  2789. >Poor Fluttershy actually starts to translate eyeing the now steamed Sparkle and Rarity.
  2790. >”Um...she said…”
  2791. >”Sugarcube, rhetorical question, now can’t we all calm do-”
  2792. >Oh Applejack it’s already began, this is the future you’ve chosen
  2793. >”Hay no, she called me a pig!” Twilight slams a hoof on the table making you have to steady Rainbow’s head as it bounces.
  2794. >”Not my fault you don’t know how to treat a colt properly, I mean really, Hayburgers for a date?”
  2795. “I didn’t really mind, to be honest.” You remark idly adjusting Rainbow to rest a bit easier, fully aware of adding to the bonfire
  2796. >”See? He’s fine with it!”
  2797. >Watching as the mares devolve into a shit flinging fit at each other you huff in a small amount of amusement.
  2798. >Now you know why Discord loved to fuck with these little ponies.
  2799. >You do notice however the flash of a teleportation spell near the antechamber.
  2800. >Oh yay they’re here.
  2801. >Checking on the others you see that Twilight and Rarity are glaring at one another, Fluttershy is watching hiding in her mane, Applejack is trying to get between the two magic horses and Pinkies sitting next to you with popcorn.
  2802. >”Want some Nonnykins?”
  2803. “Eh, might as well, but low blow trying to bribe me with food yanno.”
  2804. >”What? No that wasn’t-”
  2805. >Sniggering you ruffle her mane while grabbing a handful, “Relax party horse, now’s the time for the real event to begin.”
  2806. >Using the kernels you flick them at Twilight and Rarity.
  2807. >With a simple bounce the duo look to you with Applejack giving you a thankful look.
  2808. “Alright ladies, as much fun as it is for a catfight for my so called ‘honor’.” You level a small glare at Twilight who winces.
  2809. “It’s time for us to move onto the real reason you are all here.”
  2810. >Instantly words are being sent your way, you wave a hand to calm these ponies down when you see Rainbow start to stir.
  2811. >”Wha- ouch my head…”
  2812. “Morning Rainbow, glad you’re awake, anyway th-”
  2813. >”Anon? Wait, you broke my window you big jerk!”
  2814. “Yeah, yeah I’ll pay you back, look back to the-”
  2815. >”Anon why would you break Rainbow’s window? That’s vandalism!” Twilight interejects.
  2816. >”He must have had a good reason for it I imagine.” Rarity defends you as you start to feel a twitch in your eye.
  2817. >”I don’t care he broke my window to my kitchen! With a rock of all things!”
  2818. >”Good enough to start breaking ponies property? I don’t know about that Sugarcube.”
  2819. SLAM
  2820. >Silence reverberates through the room.
  2821. “Will you PLEASE let me finish? I get that you can’t believe that I can manage things on my own, but I would at least the common courtesy for ALL of you to let me actually tell you what’s going on so we can fix the rather large problem that’s occurred, but if you want to just doom the world then fine by me!”
  2822. >Panting at the end of your rant you observe the ponies, they seem like they are more shocked by your abrupt temper.
  2823. “No more interruptions? No? YOu sure? I mean we could dilly dally all day long, Rainbow you sure you want to move on?”
  2824. >Rainbow actually starts to open her mouth before Twilight shifts in place and a thump echoes making Rainbow wince then shake her head.
  2825. “Great! Now then, without further ado, the problem is you all having a fight about who I herd with and what my relationship is with you all, so I decided to get some outside help. As well as help solve the world ending problem in one go.”
  2827. >Twilight stares at you in confusion before she asks, “Anon what in the world are you talking about?”
  2828. >”Yeah what's the big idea here?!” Rainbow pipes up, despite Twilight glaring at her.
  2829. “Come on ya’ll just give him a chance, no need to go off the rails.” Applejack with some measure of concern.
  2830. >Stepping back from the table you wave an arm at the door.
  2831. “Allow me to introduce none other than the ones you know and all love from across Equestria, your princesses, Celestia and Luna!”
  2832. >Just as you take a mocking bow and the diarchs trot through the door confetti suddenly explodes and showers the room.
  2833. >Twilight’s the first to yell, “Pinkie!”
  2834. >The little pink one gives a nervous giggle hiding behind you as you clean your hair from the confetti.
  2835. >”Hehe, whoops, must have missed one.”
  2836. “It’s cool, was good timing anyway.”
  2837. >Rarity and Fluttershy had already bowed to the princesses as they arrived to sit at the table.
  2838. >Twilight teleported herself in three different spots to grab chairs for them both.
  2839. >Ha serves her right, you muse relishing in her panicked steps.
  2840. >”Uh, is there anything I can get you princesses? Tea? Snackes?”
  2841. >Luna simply smiles at Twilight, “Nay good friend, we merely wish to meditate this issue, we have also heard of disturbing news from our friend Anonymous.”
  2842. >Celestia titters, “None the less sister we should be good guests and allow Twilight to do something for us.”
  2843. >Leaning close to you Celestia whispers, “She's always had a problem with not doing anything, it's nice in a student, but quite bothersome for a conversation.”
  2844. >You roll your eyes knowing full well how neurotic the little book horse could be.
  2845. >”Greeat! I'll be right back with snacks!”
  2846. >As soon as she disappears in a flash of light you turn to stare at the royal duo.
  2847. “You realize you've doomed us all right?”
  2848. >”Sugarcube is right, I love her like a sister , but that mare can't cook to save her life.”
  2849. >Thanks apple horse.
  2850. >Rainbow rubs her head, “It's not THAT bad, it's edible at least.”
  2851. “Rainbow she tried to pass off boiled noodles covered in butter as a full meal, when we have a full pantry at all times.”
  2852. >”Well you never complained about it.”
  2853. “It's took it as it was an attempt at being nice, you smile and eat whatever it is to make the house happy.”
  2854. >Applejack snorts, “So I ate all them noodles for no good reason? They tasted so bland!”
  2855. >”Hey lay off her AJ, she was trying to be nice!” Rainbow pipes up.
  2856. “It was a nice thought, but it was pretty bad, she over cooked the noodles too.”
  2857. >”Ahem.”
  2858. >Blinking you, Applejack, and Rainbow turn as one to the princess.
  2859. >Smiling coyly Celestia merely raises an eyebrow at your little group, “I see now why you called for help Anonymous, you ramble quite often.”
  2860. >Blushing you scratch your cheek.
  2861. “Right uh, sorry about that.”
  2862. >”Uh, I-I d-don’t mind that, it's n-nice.”
  2863. “Thanks Fluttershy.”
  2864. >Rainbow however glares daggers at the yellow mare and a discreet cough from Luna stops her, “It also becomes apparent why we are both needed, if mares cannot control their temper while in the company of friends.”
  2865. >With a flash of teleportation, Twilight returns carrying a platter of baked goods along with a crystalline tea set.
  2866. >”I'm so sorry Princesses, I didn't have much time so I ran down to Sugarcube Corner and made the tea myself. I wasn't sure if the tea set you liked was the one with dragons or the one with crystals and now I'm rambling I'm sorry.”
  2867. >Giggling Celestia leans down giving one of those horse hugs to her former pupil, “Twilight relax, even though this is an important meeting I am just glad to still be amongst friends.”
  2868. >”O-of course princess!”
  2869. >Watching Celestia make herself a cup with an oddly serene face Luna takes the moment to address the ponies, “As you are aware already, Anonymous has become a matter of debate amongst you all resulting in a very awkward situation.”
  2870. >”Oh is it like the time you're getting ready for a date with a ten outta ten stallion and it's in a fancy restaurant and when you start your pants cannon plays really loudly?”
  2871. >Everyone stares at Pinkie as she stares back unashamed.
  2872. >Rarity manages a twitch before she croaks out, “Y-yes Darling, that's something similar.”
  2873. >Pinkie beams at Rarity, “Neat!”
  2874. >You bite your lip sides shaking, fucking Pinkie man.
  2875. >”Quite, however not only has this caused trouble amongst you, it has also caused trouble amongst the elements you represent. Sister if you could?”
  2876. >Luna looks to Celestia as she finishes her cup of tea.
  2877. >”Of course.”
  2878. >Bowing their heads together the two princesses ignite their horns before their magic radiates outward in a blast.
  2879. >The wave of white magic rushes towards you making you close your eyes at the sheer brightness.
  2880. >As it passes over you, you flinch from the feeling of pines and needles racing over your form.
  2881. >Hearing the cries of surprise from the others you squint past the light and soon rub the spots from your eyes only to notice everything is tinted a light green.
  2882. “The hell, princess I swear if this was for a prank.”
  2883. >”Anon Darling, I don't think it is, look.”
  2884. >Glancing at Rarity you do a double take as she is shrouded with some aura of purple around her form.
  2885. “The hell?”
  2886. >Looking at the others you see similar colors around the rest of the girls.
  2887. >”Princess Luna what is this even?” Twilight asks surrounded in a corona of pink and white which flares around her as a bonfire.
  2888. >Horn still glowing Celestia answers first, “This is a variation of Cadence’s emotion spell, it helps to give a visual representation of what feelings there are between ponies, or well their current feelings. It's also very useful for seeing the magic of the elements as this spells works as a form of mage sight.”
  2889. “So we can just use this and call it a day then on who I like?”
  2890. >Luna shakes her head, “It's not so easy Anonymous, the spell is only a best guess a form of checking compatibility than anything concrete, look at what your aura is doing.”
  2891. >You hadn't really paid much attention to the glowing green around you, but as Luna points it out you see streamers of your aura stretch out to the mares around you.
  2892. >The out skirts stretch out to the other mares melding with their own aura, like sticky spider webs, each one roughly as thick as your arm, some a bit thinner like with Rainbow and Rarity, to nearly thigh thickness with Applejack and Fluttershy.
  2893. “This looks like a shipping chart, don't tell me Cadence uses this when she sets up couples, doesn't she ?”
  2894. >Luna nods, “Yes, the thickness between you all shows that you care for these mares, however…”
  2895. >”Beggin your pardon Princess, but how come the streamers look awfully thin between, Pinkie Pie and me?” Applejack asks Leaning forward to look at the bond between the two earth ponies.
  2896. >Come to think of it you can also see that the bonds between your old herd and the others are thinner than yours almost like young branches on a tree.
  2897. >”That would be due, by the strife you've had with each other, this has also caused your elements to suffer as a result.” Luna says briskly making you wonder if she is upset, “Leaving yourselves and Equestria helpless as a result!”
  2898. >A crack of hoof on crystal echoes throughout the room making everyone stare at Luna.
  2899. >Yeah, she's mad.
  2900. >Celestia rests a wing on Luna, “Peace sister, they couldn't have know nor could we.”
  2901. >”We just don't see the point of such intelligent hard working mares to be tearing themselves apart at the seams over the affections of a colt of all things!”
  2902. >You frown at the comment before you can act on it Luna blushes and mutters, “No offense, Anonymous.”
  2903. “No I get it.”
  2904. >”Well I for one don't see why you have to be so crass to Anonymous Princess, it's not his fault that some mares here don't know a good thing before they loose it.” Rarity says with a haughty sniff.
  2905. >A clop of hooves on the table ring through the room as Twilight stares Rarity down,”What is your problem Rarity? Do you just want to throw down or what?”
  2906. “Girls enough!”
  2908. >Celestia nods her head towards you, “ I agree with Anon, my little ponies why must you argue so much?”
  2909. >Seeing everyone start to open their mouth the sun princess holds up a wing, “Ah we shall take turns, else we will not get a single thing done.”
  2910. >Turning her head to you Celestia gives one of her coy smiles, “Now I do believe since Anonymous is the most affected of the incident he should have first right to speak and explain his woes. Anonymous if you would?”
  2911. >Smiling back yourself you crack your knuckles sending a small wave of flinches through the old herd.
  2912. “With pleasure, first off I've told you, I've told you plenty of times Twilight that humans usually mate for life.”
  2913. >You see Twilight lower her ears at you as her eyes darken with guilt.
  2914. “That getting into a relationship where we were living together, sleeping together and a host of the things means that the thing we had going was serious as you could get, at least before marriage or something.”
  2915. >”Sugarcube…”
  2916. >A simple look from Celestia stops Applejack from interrupting.
  2917. “I mean seriously I had thought we were doing well, that our relationship was rock solid, do you know how many mares kept asking to join in or even have a little sample of what it be like in my herd? Twenty, twenty freaking mares asked me to churn their insides and you know what I said? I said no because I was being faithful to the three wonderful mares that I thought would have the common decency to not go chasing after hot dick like some bitch in heat!”
  2918. >Slamming a hand on the table you stand panting after your rant, feeling a hoof on your shoulder you whip your head around to see Fluttershy shrink back from your burning gaze.
  2919. >Yet Fluttershy, even though she falters, she returns back to rub your shoulder none the less.
  2920. >”It’s alright Anon, I-I’m h-here for y-you when you n-need it.”
  2921. >Cracking a wry smile you simply nod back to her as she sits down.
  2922. >A stifled yelp draws your attention to Rainbow whose rubbing her snout furiously before looking at Luna with a defiant look to her eye, Luna merely arches her eyebrow at the chromatic mare.
  2923. “Right well, that’s all I have to say about it, yall fucked up bad, amazingly bad at that, honestly I don’t even see the point of you three trying to get me back from this, it’s not going to happen.”
  2924. >Celestia nods as you finish your piece, then she turns to Twilight, “Twilight you may respond, as you were the former alpha mare of the herd you have the right to speak your piece.”
  2925. >Gulping Twilight gaffs about for a moment as if looking for something eyes darting to the bookcase nearby.
  2926. >Oh no you don't get to hide behind your books Twiggles, you get to suffer.
  2927. >”W-well, ahem, sorry.” Twilight takes her time to collect herself before her eyes bore into you.
  2928. >”Anon, I Think , I think that what we had was a huge misunderstanding…”
  2929. >You fucking wot.
  2930. >”Yes I was aware you're people were monogamous and I know that Applejack had to drag you into herding with Rainbow and I, but the main problem that we had was that equestrian courting is different in a few subtle ways, when mares herd with a stallion it's usually done as a trial basis to see if the herd itself can as a group function or if it's going to splinter into small factions vying for favor of the stallion or the alpha.”
  2931. >You think you can feel your face twitch at her as she gives a shaky smile, “So I know it's not worth much, but the thing between us trying Time Turner out was to see if it was functional as a group.”
  2932. >Seeing your scowling expression Twilight hurriedly forced out in a deep breath, “I had also noticed that from time to time you'd, well, you wouldn't listen to us!”
  2933. “Excuse you? What the hell you talking about?”
  2934. >Twilight sniffs rubbing at her face,”You'd insist on joining in the mare side of things and then that time in the woods, you said it would be fine, nothing would go wrong and then the next day we found you bleeding all along your back and hauling a couple of Timber wolves back!”
  2935. “That is such bullshit, you're trying to set me up as the bad guy?”
  2936. >”What no I was just -”
  2937. “No hang up, so you thought I was being a bad stallion for the herd simply because I wouldn't listen to you? Holy shit, that is the weakest excuse I've ever heard Twilight and I'm one to talk when I nearly set fire to your chemistry set.”
  2938. >”You still haven't explain how you got fire from boiling water either.”
  2939. >You snort, “Not a clue, look are you done with your turn yet?”
  2940. >Twilight frowns, “No, I just have one more thing to say, can you please take us back? Maybe not as a herd but, but maybe as friends at least?”
  2941. >You subtly grind your teeth at the sheer gall this little pony has then Rarity comes up to you and whispers into your ear, you relax and smile.
  2942. “Friends? Ok, then, but first.”
  2943. >You lean on the table assuming the pose of the most incurable bastard, Gendo Ikari.
  2944. “Do you recall when Trixie came to town the second time and had cast you out of the town? How upset you were at being banished from your friends and home until you could trick her?”
  2945. >Twilight starts to frown but nods.
  2946. “I'd like you to imagine for a bit now that when that happened you also found out that each and every friend you've made in town started to hang out with Trixie, made jokes with her and became what do you call it? Oh yeah sissies, to each other to the point they couldn't be separated from how close that bond was.
  2947. >”Hey we would not do that to her!” Rainbow shouts wings trembling in anger.
  2948. >The purple alicorn just watches you in shock as you continue.
  2949. “Now imagine that as you finally found a way to beat Trixie and send her on her way you found out that all your friends no longer want you around anymore they preferred Trixie's company over your own, and the kicker? They all would have wished that you hadn't come to save the day.”
  2950. >Leaning forward you glare at Twilight.
  2951. “That's how I felt when you three said get the hell out of the house. So choke on that and think about it before asking if you want to be my friend again.”
  2952. >Rarity gives a small nod at that, “As she should Darling, be that as it may, I would perhaps see that I erred in some of my interactions with Twilight, but I expect a full apology from her for the crass accusations.”
  2953. >”She already feels terrible haven't yall done enough?” Applejack says leaning over to hold the shaking mare.
  2954. >”Still getting called out on being a meanie doesn't mean she can ignore it either Applejack .” Pinkie chimes in with a sad tone.
  2955. >”Like yer one to talk you home wrecker what you do to Anon to make him sleep with ya huh?” Applejack says as she starts to trot to Pinkie who shrinks back from the mare.
  2956. “Applejack don't you dare missy she didn't force anything on me and you need to calm down.”
  2957. >”But she!”
  2958. “I gave consent, there is no honor of mine that you need to defend so please, sit down.”
  2959. >Stunned Applejack slowly sits down
  2960. >Yeah you're still bitter damn it
  2961. >Yet seeing Applejack lower her head with her hat covering her eyes, the soft sobs that shake Twilight and Rainbow looking determinedly at the table trying so hard not to show any emotion.
  2962. >You can't help but to feel, sorry for them.
  2963. >A downy wing covers your shoulder, instead of being yellow like you expected it's a royal navy blue.
  2964. >”Anonymous, we understand the feelings of betrayal most intimately, our own troubles with our Sister had pushed us far, but do not be so quick to push them away.”
  2965. >The lunar princess gives a coy smile at Celestia who nods her head with a feeling you can't even begin to understand.
  2966. >”They may yet surprise you.”
  2967. >Celestia takes the moment to speak, “I believe that now is the time for a recess, we all have much to think upon. Shall we reconvene in a hour then?”
  2968. >You give a brief nod to Celestia and stand up.
  2969. >Seeing Pinkie,Fluttershy and Rarity start to follow you, you put up a hand.
  2970. >”Darling?”
  2971. >”I-is something wrong?”
  2972. “I need to be alone a little bit girls, think about this stuff some. But don't worry I'm not going anywhere.”
  2973. >Seeing them mod at you the trio head to another room as you leave to get a breath of fresh air.
  2974. >Standing on a balcony overlooking the town you let a heavy sigh.
  2975. “Fucking hell I could use a smoke now…”
  2976. >What to do…
  2977. >Watching the setting sun, had you all really been talking for so long, you hum Leaning on the guard rail.
  2978. >Thoughts of all the good times you'd had with the herd flutter through your mind, playing with the girls at the bowling alley.
  2979. >Applejack tried so hard to help Fluttershy to actually bowl in her lane, poor thing was scared to actually hurt the pins.
  2980. >Or that time when you and Rainbow had decided to prank Rarity by hiding spring snakes in her chest of cloth.
  2981. >The shrieks woke up nearly every pony in town!
  2982. >There was another time when Pinkie had managed to convince Twilight to come out of her house to check out a dance club.
  2983. >You snigger in thought, remembering all of the ponies just staring in shock at how /bad/ Twilight was dancing.
  2984. >Pinkie however just jumped in there and started to dance alongside her.
  2985. >You didn’t care you just dove in alongside the two just to enjoy the club.
  2986. >Nearly got roofied at that club come to think of it.
  2987. >”Anon?”
  2988. >Turning you look to see Celestia enter the balcony, “Are you ready to come back? The hour is nearly up.”
  2989. >Nodding you look back at the sun to see it finally sink under the horizon.
  2990. “Celestia?”
  2991. >”Yes Anon?”
  2992. >You watch the horizon a while longer before shaking your head.
  2993. “Never mind, I think I know what I’m going to do now.”
  2994. >”Are you sure?”
  2995. >Seeing the diarch look at you with concern in her eyes.
  2996. “Yeah, definitely. I think I know what to do now. Thanks for helping me out.”
  2997. >”Of course Anon, I’m always glad to help my subjects.”
  2998. >Patting Celestia’s shoulder you give her a grin.
  2999. “Let’s go and tell the girls what's what eh?”
  3000. >”Of course.”
  3001. >Assembling back into the throne room you sit down amongst the girls noticeably in a different spot than before.
  3002. >Where you had sat with Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity you sat down between the two groups opposite of the Princess’.
  3003. >Your old herd looks rough, you can spot some slight tear tracks that had been rubbed away on Rainbow’s face and Applejack refuses to meet your eyes.
  3004. >Twilight however looks like a wreck, her mane akimbo and she looks brittle sitting upright.
  3005. “Everyone, I would like to make an announcement on my decision here.”
  3006. >Instantly you have the attention of the six before you.
  3007. “Originally I was going to tell you three to fuck off and just leave me and mine alone.”
  3008. >With each word you can see Applejack grit her teeth, Rainbow gives a slight flinch and the brittleness of Twilight seems to flex under the weight of the words.
  3009. “However, something I realized, despite the colossal fuck up, the sheer betrayal I felt, I still managed to remember the good times we had, we /all/ had. Together.”
  3010. >Pinkie looks at you with a confused expression while Rarity raises an eyebrow.
  3011. >Meanwhile the other girls are looking with the faintest glimmer of hope.
  3012. “No matter how much we all would fight, everyone would be there for each other. From pranks and jokes to diving into a dance club despite someone being a terrible dancer.”
  3013. >Standing up you walk around to Twilight whose posture screams shock and hope.
  3014. >Thrusting out your hand you hold it out to Twilight.
  3015. “So yeah, I’ll accept your friendship Twi. /Don’t/ fuck it up this time, eh?”
  3016. >Twilight shakes before her hoof starts to reach for your hand.
  3017. >Gripping her hoof in a firm handshake you pull her into a hug.
  3018. “Please don’t prove me wrong about this Twi, /please/.”
  3019. >Trembling you can feel Twilight nod her head and two flying blurs hit your side making you lose your breath.
  3020. >”Does this mean ya’ll be friends with us too Anon?”
  3021. “Yeah, yeah I’ll still be friends with you guys, but you still need to apologize to the others, each of you do.”
  3022. >Rainbow, who had stayed quiet throughout this entire exchange sniffs hiding a few tears before she zooms over to Fluttershy.
  3023. >”Eeep!”
  3024. >The rainbow blur tackles Fluttershy into the floor and soft sobbing of the weather mare can be heard, scattered in with soft utterances of sorry echoing in the air.
  3025. >”I-It’s okay, R-Rainbow I f-forgive you, p-please stop crying…P-please?”
  3026. >”But I was a j-jee~~~~rk!”
  3027. >Fluttershy just hugs her friend close whispering in her ear making Rainbow slowly calm down.
  3028. >Applejack then detaches from you to walk to Pinkie and kicks at the floor.
  3029. >You think Applejack’s not going to go through with it before she lets out an explosive sigh.
  3030. >”Shoot cousin, Ah’m sorry on callin’ ya’ll a homewrecker. Guess Ah got to hot under the collar.”
  3031. >Pinkie giggles with a case of nerves before wrapping Applejack in a hug, “Well if you weren’t then you wouldn’t be a redneck right?”
  3032. >For a moment you think that comment is ready to start another fight, but Applejack laughs loud and hearty, “Pfhahaha, darn tootin’ now, we cool Cuz?”
  3033. >Holding up a hoof to Applejack who returns it with a bump, Pinkie nods her head, “Yeah we’re cool.”
  3034. >Looking down at Twilight you see a few tears still leaking down her cheeks.
  3035. “Just you and Rarity now Twi, think you’re up for it?”
  3036. >Sniffing wiping at her eyes with a feather tip, Twilight attempts to look brave for you, she just looks cute.
  3037. >”Yeah…”
  3038. >Trotting out of your arms Twilight trots towards Rarity whose keeping a frigid look on her face sitting primly upon her throne.
  3039. >Twilight stops beside Rarity and bites her lip, “Rarity…” Guilt flashes across Twilight’s face making her look to the floor.
  3040. >Rarity is stretching it out by simply looking down at Twilight waiting expectantly.
  3041. >Yet the little alicorn squares her chest and locks eyes with Rarity, “Rarity, if you never want to be my friend again I will understand, what I said was terrible, rude and a complete lie. I know that you probably wo-mmfhm?”
  3042. >Before Twilight can even finish her spiel her face is engulfed in white chest tuft, “Darling, you think that I would forsake our friendship? Please, we’ve faced down chaos gods, dragons, tyrants and changelings of all things, a few heated words won’t undo all that.” Rarity rubs Twilight’s mane smoothing out the crinks and twitches.
  3043. >”Besides, who else would accompany Fluttershy and I to the spa to gossip?”
  3044. >You watch as your old herd reunites with your new herd and notice that each mare has a small corona of their magic start to glow about them.
  3045. >As the girls take notice the glow enhances and suddenly explode into color combining into a rainbow that races off into the woods.
  3046. >”The elements have been restored to their full strength it seems, if not stronger.” Celestia comments ideally with a smirk upon her face.
  3047. “What makes you say that?”
  3048. >”It would be from the small contribution thou provided Anonymous.”
  3049. >Nigga wat.
  3050. “Haha very funny, now what was the real reason?”
  3051. >”Tis no joke, friendships grow through adversity and tho- sorry, you’re challenge to the girls have made them stronger than before.”
  3052. >Crossing your arms you just stare at Luna for a moment longer.
  3053. “Alright fine, whatever I’ll deal.”
  3054. >”Anon!”
  3055. >Turning towards the call you see the girls all gathered together, Pinkie keeps talking, “We’re going to the bowling alley to celebrate with a super private party! You coming?!”
  3056. “Heck yeah! I’m going to so beat your score Ponks!”
  3057. >Running after the group of mares you fail to notice the small faint green of magic leave your body skirting off into the woods.
  3058. >As you leave the castle for some pin balling fun the two diarchs remain watching the magic intensely.
  3059. >”Sister do you truly think this wise, we have not an idea how his kind’s magic will react with ours.”
  3060. >”If I recall correctly, we weren’t native to Equestria itself,” Turning to Luna, Celestia gives another sly smile, “I’d like to think it turned out alright, don’t you?”

Broken Herds, Reforged

by ComfysPlace

Shimmering the Setting Sun

by ComfysPlace

Twilight Era and Troubles

by ComfysPlace


by ComfysPlace

Lightning and Rainbows

by ComfysPlace