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Shimmering the Setting Sun

By ComfysPlace
Created: 2020-12-18 03:18:32
Expiry: Never

  1. >Pages rapidly turn, their knowledge passing by you quickly as you use Clerical's Spell of Skimming.
  2. "No."
  3. >Another tome is thrown away as you levitate another towards you.
  4. "Not here."
  5. >More books continue to flow towards you carried in a cyan glow.
  6. "Bucking Tartarus, not even in here?"
  7. >You start to pull another book towards you only for the book to resist your magic.
  8. "What in the..."
  9. >"If you don't mind I'm trying to read this one."
  10. >Oh, it's another one of Celestia's pets, the ape.
  11. "I need to look at that."
  12. >"The hell you do, I was wanting to read it."
  13. "What would you even need to do with-" You squint reading the title aloud, "Equestria's Myths and Legendary Deeds? It's not like you can even read."
  14. >"The hell I can’t, thank you very much."
  15. "Whatever gives me that book."
  16. >"Mmm."
  17. >As the ape was thinking you tried to sneak the book out with a tug of magic, of course, but you’re startled when your magic falters against the grip the ape has on the book!
  18. >"Huh? Hey, bad pony!" The ape exclaims, not that you care as you stick your tongue out staring at the book, just need to visualize...
  19. >BOING
  21. >Rubbing at your horn you wince as the magic fades into the winds.
  22. "The hay was that for?!"
  23. >"You were trying more of that magic shenanigans, I'd rather not be a frog, you little troublemaker."
  24. "Ape do you even know who you're talking to? I'm Celestia's Priz-"
  25. >"Yeah, yeah." The ape has the sheer gall to ignore you and walk right past you with your book!
  26. >Of all the ignorant, selfish, primitive animals!
  28. >Awww yeah, got a nice book to read up on this crazy pony world.
  29. >Sure there was that annoying ketchup and mustard pony that was trying to steal your book, but one flick of the horn an-
  30. >A flash of cyan behind you interrupts your train of thought as you hear a high pitched yell.
  32. "FACE HUGGER!"
  33. >You'll admit that you might have even screamed like a girl as you fought viciously against the thing attached to the back of your head.
  34. >Still you managed to slam it against one of the bookcases stunning the creature before its legs started wiggling about grasping onto your head tighter!
  35. >So you naturally did it again, and again before suddenly you were buried under tons of books.
  36. >Benefit to that was whatever was on your head was off.
  37. >Consequence of that however was you couldn't see squat diddly while under thousands of letters and book bindings.
  38. >The clop of hooves approaching has your hopes rise.
  40. >You're not given a second to even explain as magic illuminates yourself and that weirdo ketchup mustard pony again.
  41. >"Sunset Shimmer, Anonymous! Never have I in all my years have seen such a disrespect of books like I have today!" The feisty grandma looking mare said with vinegar in her voice.
  42. >"But he had-"
  43. "She jumped-"
  45. >"I'll not hear a word of it, for the next month you are both BANNED from the Archives!" The old mare said before there was a distinct sensation of a bamf with some light giggling before you land on the steps outside leading to the Archives.
  46. >A solid clop of hooves on the stone next you shows you that Sunset Shimmer staring at the archives in loss before she turns to you with a scowl.
  47. >"Great, just great! First, it's Celestia laying out another test with the mirror, then my research is interrupted, and NOW because of YOU I'm banned from the Archives!" Sunset finishes her yell with a solid stomp of the steps small sparks flying off her horn.
  48. >You stare at her as she glares back before finally, "Well! Are you going to say something or just stand there like an idiot!?"
  49. >You've been meaning to find something fun to do today, and you think you've just found it.
  50. >*Boop!*
  51. >There is dead silence from the mare before flames fly free from her horn, "GET BACK HERE YOU HAIRLESS APE I'LL KILL YOU!"
  52. >Yep there's an afternoon's worth of fun to be had!
  53. >Dodging bolts of flame that whiz by your head you grin, who knew ponies could be so much fun?
  55. >”Now Sunset, you know you’re not allowed to cast combat spells on citizens of the crown.”
  56. >You brush a few cinders that hadn’t managed to be put out yet off your shoulder as you listen in to Celestia talk to her student.
  57. >”This bucking-”
  58. >”Language.”
  59. >Oh the boil is on for this little pony, you can almost see the heat waves from her head.
  60. >Sunset takes a deep breath before saying through gritted teeth, “This creature was being an obstacle in my research and a distraction in the archives. Because of him, I was banned for a month! A month!”
  61. “Not my fault you can’t keep your temper.” You add fuel to the flames with a beaming smile.
  62. >The pouty scrunchy face is really fun to look at even if the glow from Sunset’s horn has you take a hasty step back.
  63. >”Sunset.”
  64. >Rolling her eyes, Sunset cancels the spell before facing the solar princess.
  65. >“I understand your frustrations, Anonymous can be something of a hoof-full if you’re not careful.”
  66. “I was just wanting to read a book was all.”
  67. >”Quite, however, you did continue to escalate between the two of you, it’s why the fire-ponies had to be summoned when the western market suddenly went up in smoke.”
  68. “In my defense, I wasn’t the one casting fireballs everywhere.”
  69. >”That is such a load of horse apples!”
  70. >”Sunset.”
  71. >”Ugh, sorry, can’t you keep it on a collar or something? This wouldn’t have happened if it was still in the gardens.”
  72. “Wow, speciest much?”
  73. >”Sunset, he is a guest of the crown, not some pet. I would expect you to understand the difference.” Celestia says with a raised eyebrow of disappointment.
  74. >Lowering her head in acknowledgment Sunset keeps her eyes on the Princess, “Fine, but what does /he/ do around here then? Ever since he’s been found in the gardens he’s done nothing but loaf around and be a bother to others in the castle.”
  75. “Hey now, I don’t just loaf. I also laze about and read, I’d like to think I’m not such a one-dimensional character.”
  76. >You don’t bother with keeping the smile off your face at the grumpy frown directed your way from the mustard and ketchup pony.
  78. >A light cough from the Princess, however, does garner your attention.
  79. >”I have noticed that you have been rather listless Anonymous, it does worry me.”
  80. “What me? Nah, I’ve been keeping busy with books, some pranks, I can keep myself amused if I need to.”
  81. >”I know as my head of staff has told me,” Princess Celestia says before a smile crosses her face, “As a matter of fact, Sunset has brought up an excellent point.”
  82. >”I have?”
  83. “She has?”
  84. >”Indeed, as of today for the rest of the month I am assigning the two of you together, the castle staff will move your things into Sunset’s tower Anon.”
  85. >”WHAT!?” Oh, neat smoke flew off her horn at that, wait-a-minute.
  86. “Oh come on!”
  87. >A divine white wing is held up interrupting you both, “I truly feel that the both of you working together would allow you both to learn something the other dearly needed.”
  88. >”Can he even do magic?” Sunset snaps out quick as a whip.
  89. “I haven’t tried it, but come on, how hard could it be?”
  90. >The laughter from Sunset does not inspire confidence. Princess Celestia, however, smiles before saying, “Then it’ll fall to you Sunset, to teach him how to use magic then, won’t it?”
  91. >Sunset’s laughter dies a sudden death as realization pounces on the mare.
  92. >”If that will be all my little pony, my little human, I have day court to attend enjoy the rest of your day.”
  95. >Of all the little tests to spring on you!
  96. >You just know that this is a punishment for trying to research the mirror, you just know it!
  97. >Mind racing you ponder how to pass this ‘test’ and get back to your research, your hooves already trotting towards your tower.
  98. >Maybe if you just teach the ape some harmless cantrips that’ll count as a win?
  99. >”Hey where are we going?”
  100. >Right, you’d forgotten you’ve been sentenced a roommate, just buck your life.
  101. “Look, we’re going to my room, we’re going to lay down some ground rules. Then I’ll throw some books at you to see if you have anything in that empty space between your ears.”
  102. >”Sure, why not, and maybe I could even bring you lunch on a silver platter while I do your hooves in bright glossy pink.”
  103. >That sass is not going to fly.
  104. >Turning around suddenly you wish you were an alicorn already so you wouldn’t need to crane your head back to glare at the ape.
  106. “Listen, you and I aren’t friends, we’re not buddies, we are just two creatures forced to work together so the sooner we can each go back to our own lives, so why don’t you dial back the snark, huh?”
  107. >The ape pauses in thought, no doubt his brain was straining to understand what you said, “Hm.”
  108. >Faster than a rattlesnake however you feel a light touch on your snout!
  109. >”Nah, too much fun to see you get flustered.”
  110. >He will /BURN/!
  111. >The sequences for a fireball are half-formed before you feel a flick on your horn interrupting the spell!
  112. “Ack!”
  113. >”Nuh-uh, no casting magic in the castle, we’re both on thin ice with the Princess anyway. However, I can see you’re trying to at least be civil, so I’ll meet you halfway. What’s these ground rules you wanted to lay down?”
  114. >Rubbing your horn to relieve the ache you frown trying to remember what you had wanted to say, wait now you remember!
  116. “First off, don’t flick my horn, that can cause all sorts of troubles.”
  117. >”How big a trouble?”
  118. “Like blowing my horn off my head kind of troubles and everything around me, so don’t do it!”
  119. >”Noted. Next?”
  120. “I have several instruments that are delicate, I don’t need your grubby paws on them, so don’t touch things on my side of the room, I’ll not mess with whatever you’ve got on your side of the room.”
  121. >”Wait we’re in the same room?”
  122. “Yes, did you not hear Princess Celestia earlier?”
  123. >”You live in a tower by yourself, you don’t have another bedroom?”
  124. “It’s a unicorn’s study tower, of course not, everything else in the tower is dedicated to learning magic or doing experiments.”
  125. >”Great so I’m doomed to be buried under a nerd’s collective treasure trove.”
  126. “There’s enough room that won’t be a problem, now come on, I have an understanding with the maids of the castle, but they might just dump your things in a corner of the room.”
  127. >Hallways pass you by as you come closer towards your tower the doors holding your cutie mark upon the door.
  128. >You both begin the trek up the staircase towards your room, Princess Celestia might have assigned the ape to live in your room, but it’s still YOUR room.
  130. >”Why...the fuck...do you...live on the-the...top floor?”
  131. >You merely look back from the top steps to see the ape panting heavily on the stairs holding his side.
  132. “What’re you talking about? How else am I to keep track of magic if I can’t see it?”
  133. >”Wh-what?”
  134. “Oh great, you don’t even know the basics, great, just great.”
  135. >Trotting towards your bookcase you scan the shelves, idly noting a new bed and miscellaneous things dropped atop it.
  136. >Must be the ape’s, now where is-there it is!
  137. >With a hum of magic you levitate the book from the shelf and bring it over to the ape.
  138. >At least the ape was able to get to the top of the steps, progress at least.
  139. “Read this, then you’ll understand.”
  140. >”Huh? A Primer of Magic and You, what is this some foals book?”
  141. “Considering your magical education is less than a preschooler, I don’t think you have much room to stand.”
  142. >Seeing the frown of frustration on his face rather makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, you don’t bother hiding your satisfaction before going to check on some of your experiments.
  144. >The harmonics on the crystals look to be promising, you’ll need to keep letting them grow to see what other attributes you can apply to them.
  145. >As for the potions you had on a simmer, you wince at the blackened congealed mass stuck to the bottom of the cauldrons.
  146. >See this is why you like focusing on how to blast things, so much easier than these ‘subtle and powerful brews’ the zebra texts had written down.
  147. >More like a load of horse apples to you honestly-
  148. >”I finished your book, it doesn’t make any amount of sense.”
  149. “Well of course not, I wouldn’t expect an ape to be able to understand the awe of magic.”
  150. >”No, I get it well enough, but it’s so bare bones on what it can or can’t do that I might as well throw glitter in the air and say it’s magic I ain’t gotta explain shit!”
  151. >You roll your eyes before trotting towards your bed to lay on, you have the feeling this is going to take a while.
  153. >”And stop calling me Ape, I have a name you know.”
  154. “Right, like I’m going to waste the time to remember it.”
  155. >”Alright Sunbuns, if that’s how you want to play it.”
  156. “S-Sunbuns?!”
  157. >”Well of course, how else am I going to remember you from the rest of these ponies, you all look alike to me.”
  158. “You can tell who Princess Celestia is at least right? You can’t be that dumb.”
  159. >”Of course I can tell, she’s the biggest and is in charge of you all because of it.”
  160. “Everything you just said makes me want to burn my ears for having heard it.”
  161. >”Ha, you should see some of the stuff back home.” The ape says with a satisfied smirk though you do notice how strained the smile is.
  162. “Whatever, let’s get started on the lesson before I lose any more time.”
  163. >”Eh what’s the rush? It’s not like you have to work for any of this.”
  164. “Excuse you? The buck I do too have to work my flank off for all of this!”
  165. >”Oh no you have to write an essay on how magic works or how you make glitter show up when you squint, such back-breaking work it must be for you.”
  166. >Grinding your teeth you narrow your eyes at the ape, the strained look on its face has faded as you’ve talked with each other.
  167. “You’re doing this on purpose.”
  168. >”Yeah of course I am, it’s fun to actually listen to a pony that doesn’t crumble like toilet paper from a bad word.”
  169. “To better frame this for your tiny brain, I have to learn all I can so that all the tests Princess Celestia is putting before me are passed with flying colors, this little study session is another one no doubt.”
  170. >”Let me guess, something-something get along with strangers and make some friends?”
  171. “I see you’ve gotten the same lectures too.”
  172. >”Yep.”
  173. >Silence descends between the both of you as you stare each other down.
  174. >The ape fiddles with the book ruffling the pages, “So learning all the magic that you need then?”
  175. “If only, I still can’t visit the restricted section without permission from the Princess, I’m this close to saying buck it but I wanted to check through the archives for what I need to learn. I know I’m close, so close to reaching my destiny.”
  176. >Already you can see the endless masses before you cheering as your crowned a princess, wings spread wide as you look over your adoring subjects and Princess Celestia looking at you not as a student, but as an equal to herself!
  177. >”Must be nice.”
  178. >Just like all daydreams they end far too quickly as your drawn back to your tower to look at the ape with a frown.
  179. “Excuse me?”
  180. >”Just you know, having your future all planned out, ready to be yours and you just gotta aim for it. You ponies have it pretty cozy here.”
  181. “We still have to work for it you know.”
  182. >The ape holds up its paws in surrender, “Yeah, but you know what to work towards, humans like me? Not so much, we just get taught whatever we can and left to fend for ourselves.”
  183. “Sounds like the other kingdoms to me, but I can see your point.”
  184. >Another silence descends on you both once again.
  185. “Anyway, your stuff is already here, go ahead and just do whatever.”
  186. >Watching the ape shuffle over to the bed with the book being placed on a nearby bed table you remember a vital detail.
  187. “Before you get too comfortable, I’ll help you remember what’s mine and yours.”
  188. >With a cast of cyan magic you magically etch a line dividing the dormitory into three, one for you in red, the other green for the ape and yellow for neutral.
  190. >”Oh my god, you’re doing the sitcom thing, oh that’s great.”
  191. “I’ve read plenty of stories that have this show up too, that’s why the yellow areas are between the two, that’s neutral ground and I’d hope that whatever kingdom you came from is civilized enough to know boundaries.”
  192. >”Sure kettle, I’ll get right on that.”
  193. >A twitch runs through your temple but you simply grin and bear with it like that time you had to have a dinner with your ‘cousin’
  194. “Just stay on your side and stay off mine, I’m going to try to study.”
  195. >”Aren’t you supposed to be helping me with the whole magic thing?”
  196. >In response you teleport a scroll in front of him.
  197. “Yep, candle exercise, master that and I might give you some pointers.”
  198. >”That doesn’t explain anything!”
  199. “You said you can read right? Than Read.”
  200. >Hearing muttered grumbling from the ape you smirk to yourself before going through your tomes trying to cross-reference this strange mention of portals.
  202. >It’s been an hour.
  203. >You know your mane is frizzled and there are deep wrinkles of sleep under your eyes, but what truly grates on your nerves.
  204. >”Ngh!”
  205. >”Hn!”
  206. >Is the constant noises coming from the Ape!
  207. >Slamming an ancient treatise on mystical artifacts of satyrs you stand up working the kinks in your back out with a quick shake and flick of the tail.
  208. >Still stressed, but at least you’re limber to deal with stupid.
  209. >Sufficiently prepared you to turn to look at Anon whose hunched over his table.
  210. >”Hup!”
  211. >Cocking an eyebrow at the strangeness of the ape you try to peer around his overly large frame, no dice as his bulk blocks your view on this side of the room.
  212. >Rolling your eyes you simply walk over speaking up as you approach.
  215. “Any luck yet?”
  216. >The ape jumps before rounding on you, “No, I don’t get what I’m supposed to do here.”
  217. “I gave you the most basic exercise, how can you mess this up?”
  218. >”Gee I don’t know maybe because I don’t have a horn sticking out of my forehead for one.”
  219. “That’s just an excuse, you just need to reach for your own magic and will it to happen. Simple.”
  220. >”Yeah and humans just don’t have magic back home.”
  221. “Good thing you’re not home then.”
  222. >”Just because I’m here doesn’t automatically mean I suddenly can do magic!”
  223. “With that attitude, of course, you’re not going to.”
  224. >Trotting around to your trunk of materials you start to collect the necessary reagents.
  225. >”So what I just wish really hard and try to make it work?” You can hear the ape say standing up, “Because that’s just wishful thinking at best.”
  226. “Your wordplay is astounding, no insult.”
  227. >You levitate your materials into place in a clear space of the room as chalk begins tracing out a ritual circle.
  228. >Candles alight at equal distance points from one another before their wicks burst into flame at your calling.
  229. “We’re going to try a ritual of invocation.”
  230. >Seeing the blank look on the apes face you sigh, “I’m going to try calling on the power inside of you because you wouldn’t be alive without it.”
  231. >Understanding finally gleams to life in the apes' eyes before one of its claws raise up.
  233. >”All well and good, but I’m telling you that my world didn’t have magic! We just evolved and existed alright? It’s all biological and shit.”
  234. “Just get in the circle.”
  235. >”Hell no, that could be used to summon demons or something with far too many tentacles for me to be comfortable with.”
  236. >You hold a glare with the stubborn animal for a tense minute before the ape groans, “You’re not going to let it go are you?”
  237. “Can’t exactly teach you, if you believe you can’t even cast now can I?”
  238. >The ape frowns, but finally gets into the circle being very careful to not smudge any of the lines as he tiptoes his way.
  239. “At least you know about safety for rituals.”
  240. >”Trust me I’ve seen enough spooky films that had something like this go horribly horribly wrong.”
  241. >You refrain from rolling your eyes with the patience of Celestia herself as the ape sits down.
  242. >”Now what?”
  243. “For now just sit there and let whatever thoughts pass you by, don’t hold onto them, just let them flow.”
  244. >Closing its eyes the ape nods before letting out a deep breath.
  245. >You meanwhile charge your horn and start to power the ritual, following the sequences you can feel your magic twist along the lines you drew as the candles work to steady the power flow.
  246. >Cyan light fills the dorm as it completes the circuit and crawls down the drawn chalk lines directly to the ape who continues to sit unaware of the light show.
  247. >Once the magic reaches the ape the light is quickly swept up into its body and you can feel your magic slip away from your control.
  248. >Connection established.
  250. >You continue to feed power into the ritual feeling sweat start to trickle down your face, by now a unicorn would already have sparks starting to fly from their horn, a pegasi small trickles of static charge and Earth pony plants growing all about them.
  251. >Yet with the ape you see nothing, could he have been right?
  252. >No that wouldn’t make sense, all creatures have magic within them, it’s inherent in having a soul, to begin with!
  253. >Maybe you just need to put more power in.
  254. >The ape is serene continuing to breathe in slow steady breaths when you decide to add more power to the ritual.
  255. >Magic spins around your horn as you can feel it spin rapidly in a corona of power as you feed it into the circle.
  256. >The candles meant to regulate the power begin to rapidly melt from the power you’re putting in that you start to worry, it shouldn’t cause a feedback effect, you don’t even see any of the normal signs of it anyway.
  257. >Worries of explosions aside you can feel your magic being greedily sucked up into the apes form when you there is a crash from the window!
  259. >Surprised you cut the magic off from the circle which goes dark, not that you care as you focused on the fact your study is on fire!
  260. >Hastily you sap the heat from the flames finding them rather hard to dispel before realizing the fire is magical in nature.
  261. >Throwing a dispel you find the flames wink out easily leaving behind small rocks that are embedded into the bookshelves, furniture, anywhere really.
  262. >Did somepony just launch a catapult shot at your tower!?
  263. >Oh somepony is going to PAY for that!
  264. >”Ugh...I feel...dizzy.”
  265. >Oh right, the ape.
  266. >Turning around to the ape your jaw drops.
  267. “T-that doesn’t make sense.”
  268. >”Huh?”
  269. “Your fur!”
  270. >”What?!”
  271. >The ape rapidly pats its limbs down before glaring at you while you still staring at the top of its head.
  272. >”Wait, my hair?”
  273. >Tiny motes of starlight sparkle even in the afternoon sunlight as they fall from its hair which waves faintly in an unseen breeze.
  274. >Grasping a strand with its claw the ape squints at it before looking to you, “The fuck did you do to my hair?!”
  275. “Me? I don’t know! Whatever the magic is inside of you did it!”
  276. >”Yeah like that makes sense an- what the hell happened in here?”
  277. “Someone shot catapult shot into my study!”
  278. >”What? For real?”
  279. “I’m pretty sure, it was causing magical fire everywhere an-”
  282. >You stop as the dots rapidly connect themselves in your head before you point a hoof at the ape.
  283. “It was you!”
  284. >”Me? Where the fuck would I have gotten a catapult?”
  285. “No you idiot, your magic! Your magic did this!”
  286. >”I didn’t even do anything!”
  287. “No, but the ritual would bring out the closest things that are aligned to your magic, it’s what its designed to do.”
  288. >”To bring flaming rocks down on our heads and make me sparkle like some wannabe vampire?”
  289. “No, and your hair is going back to normal.”
  290. >”What?” Grabbing another lock the ape watches as the unseen breeze fades and the twinkles disappear leaving behind normal hair. “Oh thank sunhorse, I really didn’t want to be stuck like that.”
  291. “This makes no sense, the only pony I know that would have even the closest link to what you just had would have been Princess Celestia, but she controls the moon and the sun.”
  292. >As you talk aloud trying to air out ideas to better frame them you notice the ape pass you by before kneeling down to pick up one of the rocks.
  293. “Those rocks must have come from somewhere unless you managed to tap into the plane of the earth but even then there would be a portal or something to that effect.”
  294. >”These are meteorites.”
  295. “Huh? How do you know that?”
  296. >The ape turns to you and points out the small holes that run through the rocks, “Because of these holes, not to mention the shine and coloration of them looks like nickel and maybe some iron too.”
  297. >Lowering the rock the ape beams at you, “So basically this means I can summon flaming rocks of doom over everyone! That’s awesome!”
  298. “Do you even know how you did that?”
  299. >At that question the smile quickly morphs into a frown as the ape looks down at the rock in its claws, “Not exactly, but I bet I could do it again.”
  300. “Great, let’s do that somewhere else that isn’t my house!”
  301. >”Aw man, do we really have to go back down the stairs again?”
  302. “It’s good for you, now come on. I’ll admit I’m interested now on what else you can do.”
  303. >”Thought you didn’t have time for teaching me?”
  304. “Obviously, but you show some potential, now get your flank in gear!”
  306. >Following after the mare through the streets of Canterlot you notice that most ponies tend to shy away from your party of two.
  307. >What differs from the normal avoidance is the fact that most ponies don’t even seem to notice you pass, instead its the yellow mare in front of you that acts like the prow of a ship slicing through the crowd with ease.
  308. >You just watched as some hoity-toity like a stallion with his nose stuck so far up in the air you’re surprised he can see whinnies as Sunset approaches and crosses the street with a wink of magic.
  309. “Why the hell is everyone so damn scared of you?”
  310. >Glancing back at you Sunset smirks in reply, “Because they know better than to get on my bad side, unlike some unnamed apes.”
  311. “Right, because you’re so terrifying.”
  312. >”Oh it’s not only because I could probably melt half of Canterlot if I wanted to, I just happen to know things about ponies.” Sunset replies with ease flicking her mane over her shoulder as she waits for a pair of carriages to pass.
  313. “Oh, wonderful so not only are you an arsonist you’re an extortionist as well.”
  314. >Shrugging to your claim the flame themed mare says, “You don’t have much room to talk, my side of the dorm was still covered in scorch marks. Besides, nopony ever said that being the best was easy to do.”
  315. >You start to say something only for the road to clear and Sunset is already walking towards the local park.
  316. >Which raises some questions why would a mountainous city waste space for a park of all things
  317. >Questionable use of premium space aside, you stand with legs spread and arms hanging loosely as Sunset faces you.
  318. >”Alright, try your spell again.”
  319. “How do you even know it’s a spell, to begin with?”
  320. >”Trust me, I know magic enough to know a spell when I see one.”
  321. “I dunno, this just seems a bit-”
  322. >”Are you seriously going to get cold hooves now of all times?”
  323. “I’m just saying I don’t feel it happening.”
  325. >The look on Sunset’s face already has you on edge, she’s smiling at you, but you can tell it’s the smile of a shark.
  326. >Those eyes speak of nothing but hunger, hunger for knowledge!
  327. >”Well in that case,” Sunset says with excitement as three orbs of flame appear behind her head with a snap. “Maybe you just need some incentive!”
  328. >Eyes widening you turn right around and book it through the bushes!
  329. >A mad cackle follows after you as brightly colored flames flash past your head as you duck down.
  330. >Despite yourself you can feel a grin across your face as your heart starts pounding from the run.
  331. >You juke, jump, and jink your way across the park avoiding the flames as best you can, as Sunset calls out, “Come on Anon! Fight back already! Use your magic!”
  332. “Make me fire crotch!”
  333. >That comment earns you a trio of shots that nearly singe your hair off!
  334. >With a wild laugh you burst out of the bushes onto a nearby playground as you feel a, for lack of a better word glow, rise up from your chest and into your hands.
  335. >Twisting about to face Sunset as she gallops out of the shrubbery, you faintly hear screams of surprise behind you, while the glow stretches out into the sky as you raise your hands up to follow the glow.
  336. >Grasping onto something you fling it right into Sunset’s shocked face just as several shooting stars rush past you pelting the mare back into the brush!
  337. >Panting from the effort of your run and apparent use of magic you look at your hands as they shake before clenching them into fists.
  338. >Of course, that’s when you suddenly get blasted in the back by a beam!
  339. “Fuck!”
  342. >”Twilight stay back!”
  343. >”Is that pony okay?”
  344. >Groaning from the sting in your back you roll over catching sight of who just shot you.
  345. >”You stay right there! D-don’t think I won’t blast you again!” The pink alicorn shouts wings spread in a display of aggression while a small purple filly peeked out from behind her hind leg.
  346. “The hell is your problem lady?!”
  347. >”My problem? You just hit my cousin in the face with stars!” The alicorn shouted at you before frowning at you, “And watch your language there is a filly here.”
  348. “Like that’s going to stop her from lear-”
  349. >A blast of turquoise magic lands next to your head making you shut up quite quickly.
  350. >”Better, now why were you fighting my cousin?”
  351. >”For Celestia’s sake I’m /fine/ Cadence.”
  352. >You crane your head back to catch sight of Sunset striding out of the bushes while patting herself off aside from scuff marks and a few singed bits of mane she looked fine.
  353. >”Sunset!”
  354. >”Cadence.”
  355. “Anon!”
  356. >At the looks from both mares you shrug in response.
  357. “What I wanted to feel included too.”
  358. >That comment earns a small giggle from the filly behind Cadence.
  359. >”I see you’re still doing that foal sitting gig.” Sunset said with a raised eyebrow.
  360. >”Yes! I mean, of course, I am.” Cadence tucks her wings close to her sides taking a step back when suddenly purple appears between her legs.
  361. >”Cadence said you were her cousin, is that true? You don’t look alike but then again Doctor Color Palette had said pony coat colors weren’t always in synch between family members.” The little filly said in her tiny voice, oh my lord she sounds so adorable!
  363. >”Twilight, that’s rude to say, we’re cousin-in-laws, that’s why we don’t look alike.” Cadence replies kneeling down to nuzzle the little filly.
  364. “You never said you had a hot pink cousin Sunset.”
  365. >”You never asked.” Sunset grinds out between a forced smile, “As much fun as this was, the ape and I need to get back to magic practice.”
  366. >”You’re practicing magic?! Oh, can I watch? Please? Cadence we can stay and watch can’t we? Can’t we?” Twilight’s overly excitable questions have her nyoom between Sunset and Cadence so fast your eyes are starting to get dizzy from tracking her.
  367. >Cadence spares a glance to Sunset wincing at the glare on the mares face before answering, “Maybe not Twilight, Sunset and her friend-”
  370. “I don’t mind.”
  371. >”What.” is Sunset’s flat response.
  372. “Yeah, maybe she’ll notice something we don’t, besides it’s fun to have a cheering audience.”
  373. >”It’s a filly and her foal sitter.”
  374. “Still a cheering audience!”
  375. >For a moment you think Sunset is going to blow up again before she glances down to Twilight and her eyes soften for a moment.
  376. >”Fine, whatever. We’ve still got plenty of magic practice to do.”
  377. >”Why in Equestria were you two fighting each other, to begin with?” Cadence asked, “I thought that Ape had gone wild on you Sunset.”
  378. “Hey, it’s not Ape, it’s Anon.”
  379. >”Oh sorry, Sunset called you that so I thought-” The pink alicorn said hastily before she’s interrupted by Twilight’s call, “Cadence, it’s magic time! Hush!”
  380. >Cadence flicks her ears back before smiling sheepishly at the scrunched up snout of the filly.
  381. >Sitting down with Twilight between her forelegs Cadence watches as Sunset trots over as you stand up from the ground.
  383. >”Did you manage to feel the magic that time?” Sunset asks watching you with intensity.
  384. “Vaguely, yes. It was like, I don’t know how to even start to describe it.”
  385. >Twilight adds her two cents to the conversation, ”The books I’ve read on it always say that the first conscious use of magic leads to a feeling of euphoria because you’re connecting to the rest of Equestria. Afterward the magic will leave you really sleepy.”
  386. >”Smart filly.” Sunset said a faint hint of surprise in her voice, “Whatever the feeling is Ape, try it again.”
  387. “Getting real tired of that mouth of yours Sunbuns.”
  388. >Waggling her eyebrows at you Sunset replies, “Then do something about it.”
  389. >Grunting in response you spread your hands out feeling for the glow.
  390. >As you work you can see Sunset move over to stand near Cadence and Twilight before a cyan shield appears around the trio.
  391. >Then you close your eyes trying to visualize that strange glow once more.
  392. >It takes you a moment before you can see it in your mind's eye, glimmering deep inside of your body surrounded by darkness, yet as you reach down you feel it glow all the brighter before you pull.
  394. >A gasp of delight nearly makes you lose the glow as your eyes open, but you can still feel the glow as you raise your hands up.
  395. >You notice that there is a faint glint to your hands as you do so, looking more like glitter that had fallen on your skin than anything magical like all these unicorns, but it’s something!
  396. >You’re doing magic!
  397. >The giddy feeling almost makes the glimmers to wink out before you keep a hold of the glow before feeling it stretch out far away when it sticks.
  398. >With a grunt of exertion you clasp your open hands into a pair of fists before swinging them down before you.
  399. >A distant boom can be heard before impacts rattle the ground nearby where you had pointed your fist.
  400. >Small fires are around the impact site you ideally note as dirt rains down around you when the flames are easily suppressed by a charm by Sunset.
  401. >”Wooo! That was amazing!” Twilight cheers from her seat.
  402. >Despite yourself you feel a faint flush on your face, just in time for your head to feel quite woozy.
  403. >Falling down to sit on your rump you work to get your breath back as Sunset starts to trot around the craters.
  405. >Watching as Sunset begins levitating a few of the rocks out you hear from behind you Cadence you think asked, “Are you alright Mr. Anon?”
  406. “Don’t need to tack mister to my name, and yeah, just tired from summoning space rocks I guess.”
  407. >”If that’s what you want, I’ll admit I’m a little jealous of how well you're handling your magic.”
  408. >That comment prompts a laugh from you as you look back at the alicorn and her foal.
  409. >”Did I say something funny?”
  410. >Before you can explain you suddenly have a purple filly in your face, ”You better not be making fun of Cadence!”
  411. >Startled you jump away before landing on your side, despite yourself you can’t stop your laughter at how easily spooked you were by the filly.
  412. >”Hey! I said stop it!”
  413. >”Twilight, I don’t think he’s laughing at me.”
  414. “Y-you’re right, sorry, I was just laughing at how easy I am to jump scare. You got me, good little missy.”
  415. >A proud smile of satisfaction crosses Twilight’s face as she flicks her man about, “Well good! I won’t let anypony bully my sitter!”
  416. “Pretty loyal for some hired help.”
  417. >”She’s my friend, so of course, I’m going to stick by her.”
  418. Looking over the filly’s head you smile at Cadence, “She’s a feisty one.”
  419. >”Usually she’s calmer than this.”
  420. >”She is right here you know!” Twilight says with a stomp of her hoof looking between the both of you.
  421. >Oh this is adorable, you can’t help yourself when you lean over to ruffle Twilight’s mane making it stick up in all manner of ways.
  422. >”Hey!”
  424. >Before the purple menace can do more than grimace at you Sunset trots back with a variety of meteorites in her magic.
  425. >”So far I’ve done every type of diagnostic spell on these and they are simply just space rocks, very useful space rocks, but nothing more than that.”
  426. “Is there something wrong with that?”
  427. >”I’m not an expert on magic, but wouldn’t the distance to bring those stones down here be on the level of an alicorn?” Cadence asked to Sunset who simply glares at the alicorn only to relent moments later.
  428. >”You’re right, for once, the thing I don’t get is that your spell construct is no more complicated than a simple levitation. It’s insane, there’s no formula behind it, no structure, you’re just throwing magic out and the stones just appear ready for use. We might need to have more study samples to get a better idea of how this works.”
  429. “If that’s what you think I need to do.”
  430. >”It would help.” Sunset said before trotting over to stand near Cadence and Twilight restoring the shield from before.
  432. >Standing you close your eyes even though you feel like you’ve slugged fifty-pound bags of dog food over your shoulders for a mile or more.
  433. >Where is it…
  434. >It takes a much longer time to locate before you see the faint few embers inside yourself once more, you’re rather worried at how meager the glow is before trying to pull on it once more.
  435. >The glow flows from within yet as you start to raise your hands up to grab the stars you hear rather than feel the glow snap!
  436. >With a sputter the glow around your hands dies out and you are forced to kneel down as sweat trickles down your face.
  437. >”Anon!”
  438. >”Is he okay?”
  439. >”Ape!”
  440. >Hooves echo on the grass as you're suddenly help up by a pink wing while a cyan glow forces you to look into worried eyes of the same color.
  441. >Now if only there weren’t four of them.
  442. >”Listen to me you dumb monkey, focus on me and don’t fall asleep!” The many eyes said in a commanding tone.
  443. >”Is he going to be okay?”
  444. >”Yes, Twilight just stay back for now.”
  445. >”He’s suffering from overdraw right? He’s got all the signs from what Merry Time’s Magical Maladies had listed in it.” The young voice leans in closer as you catch sight of purple.
  446. >”The heck is your reading level filly?”
  447. >”Twilight is a rather smart filly if I do say so myself.”
  448. >”Yeah well, it doesn’t take much to beat you in magic now does it.”
  449. >”Hey don’t be mean to my sitter!”
  450. >”I don’t have time for this, the Princess will have my head if he gets hurt, Cadence watch him and make sure he doesn’t sleep.”
  452. >Your eyes are starting to droop as the voices start to blend together before a sharp pinch on your cheek shocks you awake.
  453. >”You can’t sleep!” Twilight says as she squints at you with the amount of focus she’s using for the magic around your cheek.
  454. “Afgugua!”
  455. >”Twilight I’m pretty sure he’s awake now, thank you.”
  456. >With a snap your cheek flaps back into place making your rub it in pain.
  457. “Ow.”
  458. >”Sorry about that, but it’s better you don’t fall asleep.”
  459. “Why?”
  460. >”In Merry Time’s Magical Maladies it says that victims of overdrawing on their magic can have their magic be stressed from too much magic use and sleep can cause them to lose more magic as their dreams form from their reserves.” The walking encyclopedia recites with ease.
  461. “Dreams take magic to make?”
  462. >”Of course, how else are you supposed to dream?” Cadence replied with a question of her own.
  463. “You just, well you just do I guess.”
  464. >”That wouldn’t make much sense, Sweet Dream’s Journal of Sleep mentioned that dreams are made from our magic and help to mold our leylines to better reflect our dreams.” Twilight said with a definitive nod of certainty.
  465. “Okay, so you’re all starting to get out of my understanding of how all this magic crap even works.”
  466. >You’ve not a chance to hear their explanation before an ice cream cone is thrust into your face, “Here, eat this, you need sugar.” Sunset orders you.
  467. >Surprised you soon holding the cone while eating it, vanilla, mm.
  469. >”Cadence can we get ice cream too?” Twilight asked watching you devour the sweet with speed.
  470. >”It’s getting close to lunch, you don’t want to spo-”
  471. >”I’ve got you covered squirt.” Sunset comes in with the interrupt levitating over more ice cream cones to the other two.
  472. >”Oh, thank you Sunset.” Cadence said eyeing her raspberry ice cream cone with distaste.
  473. >”Not a problem Cadence, I know just how much you love raspberries.” Sunset replied smugly before taking a lick of own ice cream.
  474. >”I thought you hated raspberries Cadence?” Twilight asked licking her mint and chocolate chip ice cream with vigor.
  475. >”Oh no, it’s not that I hate them, just the seeds get stuck in my teeth.” Cadence said quietly before licking the ice cream.
  476. “Just curious, but have you two met before? Or is Sunset this rude to everyone for the sake of it.”
  477. >”You little,” A glance to the filly watching nearby Sunset clacks her teeth shut on the curse before it can escape, “Ape, I was trying to be nice, I could have just only gotten you the ice cream. So be grateful for what I’ve done already.”
  478. “I’ll admit that I’m feeling a lot better, so thanks,” Gesturing with your ice cream between Sunset and Cadence you continue, “I just don’t see what the pink one did to piss in your wheaties.”
  479. >”Anon! There’s a filly present!” Cadence said with a hint of heat.
  480. >”He only described peeing in a cereal bowl, is it really that bad to say?” Twilight asked with another one of those adorable head tilts around her ice cream.
  481. “It’s ‘crude’ to say, but it’s remarkably satisfying to ask someone because let’s face it if someone did pee in your food wouldn’t you be angry at them?”
  482. >”Oh, that makes sense.” Twilight said before going back to her treat while Sunset and Cadence keep their gaze on one another.
  485. “You two going to explain or you going to keep lovingly staring into each other's eyes like that?”
  486. >The two mares snap their heads to glare at you.
  487. >”It’s not like that!”
  488. >”It’s not like that!”
  489. >You giggle despite yourself at the identical responses as the duo glare at one another with scrunched up faces.
  490. “Right, at any rate, can you both be civil with one another?”
  491. >”Oh I’m perfectly capable of being civil, it’s not like Pretty in Pink here ever does anything wrong to get punished.” Sunset said with a sneer.
  492. >”I’m sorry Sunset, I don’t know why you have such a problem with me, but whatever I did I am sorry.” Cadence replied to the insult with genuine honesty which makes the brewing thunderous expression on Sunset’s face darken.
  493. >You meanwhile focus on the show while catching Twilight by the scruff of her neck as she attempts to intervene.
  494. >No silly purple, now is not the time to grow a pair.
  496. >Magic crackles around Sunset’s horn as she walks with measured steps to Cadence, “Do you remember when you first arrived in the castle Princess?”
  497. >Cadence steps back as Sunset approaches, “I-I’ve gotten better at magic from last time Sunset.”
  498. >A cruel smile crosses Sunset’s face making your spine tingle, ”Really now, care to prove it?”
  499. >With a quick flick of her horn Sunset sends her magic up above her as a swirling mass of flames, molten rock, and whirls of cinders forms above her the size of a minivan.
  500. >You can feel the heat curling the grass into a scorched landscape and you find it hard to breathe the suddenly dry air.
  501. >”Sweet Celestia, stop!” Cadence shouted stumbling back to land on her haunches.
  502. >”Cadence!” Twilight cried as she bucked free from your nerveless grip to start galloping to the pink alicorn.
  503. >Your the only one that’s allowed to get threatened with bodily fiery harm damn it, it’s like your whole schtick with this crazy horse.
  504. “Right, that’s enough of that.”
  505. >You’re just a few steps into your sprint when suddenly like a balloon being popped the giant orb of fiery DOOM disappears into motes of light.
  506. >A few stray cinders waft down around Sunset as she flicks her mane to regard Cadence in smug superiority.
  507. >”You’re not even worth the magic, and to think that Princess Celestia would have /you/ be my rival.”
  508. >Cadence wide-eyed from the magic show stammered out, ”R-rival? Sunset I’m n-not-”
  509. >”We’re done here, Ape lets go!” Sunset said interrupting Cadence as she turned away with a swish of her tail.
  510. >You skid to a stop taken aback by the sudden dismissal before a magenta glow beside you draws your eyes.
  511. >Oh snapple.
  512. >”You. Big. Meanie!”
  513. >A laser flies from the filly’s horn wreathed in a corona of spiraling magenta energy right to the back of Sunset’s head!
  514. >Ears perked up at the battle cry Sunset spins in place as a cyan barrier erupts around her taking the hit straight on, despite the catch the mare slides back a foot from the impact.
  515. >Smoke wafts around and as Sunset let out a whistle the barrier fading around her as she said, “Now that had some kick, what’s your name again?”
  516. >”It’s Twilight Sparkle and you leave my foal sitter alone!” Twilight snapped out horn already charging for another shot no doubt.
  517. >Now now filly, let’s not blow up the place.
  518. >You lean over to pinch the charging horn interrupting the spell as Twilight lets out a small yelp of pain.
  519. “Easy there Sparky, let’s not have a giant magical duel in the park yeah?”
  520. >”Why are you on her side?” Twilight asked with tears in her eyes from this sudden betrayal which makes your heart twinge with guilt.
  521. “Princess orders I guess? I dunno, I was having a giggle at making her turn into different shades of yellow.”
  522. >Cadence sniffed as she rubbed at her eyes before she said, ”Twilight, I’m fine, really come on, let’s go back home.”
  523. >”It’s sad that a filly has more magical potential than you Princess, still maybe she could teach you a thing or two about how to use your magic.” Sunset added with a parting shot her grin malicious seeing Cadence splay her ears down at the insult.
  524. >Only for those ears to perk up as Twilight shouted, ”I will teach her! Just you watch and then she’ll put you in time out and and-”
  525. “And give her a dunce cap on her head too?”
  526. >”Yeah! What he said!”
  527. >Sunset snorted at the threat before she replied, ”Right, come back when you're not in diapers and we’ll see, now come on Ape. We’re done with magic practice.”
  528. >You’re half tempted to just say no to see what would happen, but a glance at Cadence who looks ready to cry and Twilight whose eyes are still on Sunset makes the decision for you.
  529. >Still you can’t just leave things like this, ponies aren’t supposed to be this sad for one.
  530. “Yeah, alright, see you, girls, later, and for what’s it worth sorry about her being mean.”
  531. >”I-it’s not your fault.”
  532. >”Kick her in the butt for me!”
  533. >”Twilight!”
  534. >”No time for decency Cadence! Mr. Smarty Pants and I have tons to teach you about magic, come on!”
  535. >”Ape! Let’s go!” Sunset barks over her wither to you.
  536. “Yeah, yeah hold yourself before you have a stroke.” You shout back before giving a wave goodbye to Cadence and Twilight.
  537. >Taking off from the park you soon begin to follow your roommate back to the tower.
  538. >Maybe you could try digging more into why Sunset feels so threatened by Cadence, if nothing else it’ll be good blackmail in case she tries to set your hair on fire, again.
  540. >Brr...Brr...Brr
  541. >Pausing in your reading you glance over to the podium that holds Sunset’s journal, grumbling at being reduced to a secretary for your roommate you pick up the book tucking it under your arm.
  542. >Walking down the stairs into the workshop the floor down below you call out.
  543. “Sunset!”
  544. >An explosion of magic erupts from deeper within the workshop filling the room with wasted mana in the form of thick smoke.
  545. >Sunset’s voice echoes out from the lab, ”What!?”
  546. “You’ve got a message from your Mom.” You said trying to pinpoint where in the lab the yellow mare was at, yet the smoke was far too thick to see past.
  547. >”She’s not my mother Ape.” You heard from deeper in, you’re sure of it, just need to follow the stairs down and see if you could navigate through this mess.
  548. “Might as well be at this point.” You replied using one hand to hold onto the wall before the shadowy figure of a display of the solar system appears in your sight.
  549. >Right now that you have this as a landmark you should be able to thread your way through the stacks of books, wizard paraphernalia, and scrolls, so many scrolls.
  551. >”Just bring me the book.” Sunset called out from ahead, at least you think it’s ahead as the smoke begins to thin.
  552. >Passing by some skull of a dead cow, or was it a manticore? You find your way blocked off by a cauldron set of dubious liquids.
  553. “I would if you weren’t in your mare cave of solitude, where are you?”
  554. >”I’m by the crystal array, and you ruined one of the more delicate gems thanks to your buffoonery, so you know thanks for that.”
  555. >That’s actually close, knew your ears weren’t going to fail you now, walking around the potion set and through the canyons of books you start to hear the hum of crystals.
  556. “Please, you have the crown to buy all of your magical crap anyway, so what would you need to worry about.”
  557. >”Wasting reagents from simple mistakes is something a guardian of Equestria doesn’t do Ape, not that you would know any better, have you made any progress in your own magic?” Sunset said unflinchingly as her words pierce your heart.
  558. “Never you mind that.” You said trying to brush off the insult as you draw your apathy around you as a shield.
  559. >”That’d be a no then.” This smug horse, she irritates you with her conceited tone.
  560. “I’d like you to try studying how humans do magic! All of your equations and sequences for spells don’t work for me!”
  561. >Every time you’ve tried to read a scroll or book that contains a spell you can read it, study it, have it ingrained in your brain from hours of work, and yet none of it clicks.
  562. >The only time you’ve been able to draw on the glow as you’ve taken to calling it, was to summon stars down.
  564. >Memories of the many many craters near Sunset’s tower fill your head as are the dirty looks the gardener’s shot towards you after the practice.
  565. >”Excuses, excuses, honestly you’re more of a one trick pony than most unicorns.”
  566. >You’ll admit that you were starting to see why most ponies tended to avoid Sunset, the girl has got a sharp tongue that said.
  567. “There you are.”
  568. >”Yes, now gi- CAREFUL!”
  569. >Throwing a fastball special with the book you watch as it spins through the air pages fluttering making it careen off towards some vials of crushed gemstones before cyan light envelopes the book.
  570. >The book floats back to Sunset who holds it in her hooves to her chest as she glares at you.
  571. “Nice catch.”
  572. >”You idiot! Don’t just throw things in my lab! You could have broken something!” Sunset snapped at you making you grin.
  573. “As if you’d let that happen, your reflexes are too good for that.” You replied gladly to have broken that smug tone from earlier.
  574. >Sunset raised an eyebrow as she said, ”A compliment? Do I need to call the Royal Physician to look you over or something?”
  575. You simply lean against the table she was working at noticing the contraption she was working on as you said, “Ha fucking ha. You going to read your message or what?”
  577. >Squinting her eyes at you for a long minute Sunset said slowly, ”Just don’t touch anything, I don’t need a repeat of last Thursday.”
  578. >You wince at the reminder, there was a reason why you’re not allowed near the potions station, you didn’t know that Phoenix Ash and Cinder Turtle scales were that similar to one another.
  579. “That was an accident and you know it.”
  580. >”Mhmm.” Sunset hummed to you as she opens the book flipping pages to the newest entry taking a read through it.
  581. >Letting the mare be for now you look over the new experiment Sunset was tinkering over, it looks like a handheld mirror with various sockets for gemstones, one of which is blackened with mana discharge.
  582. >The array connecting the gems together don’t make sense if this was for viewing things it should have a double knot over each of the gems, but this was new.
  583. “What are you trying to do with this crystal array anyway? Citrines, topaz, quartz and is that a diamond in there? Most of these are used for lighting, clarity and divinitionation, diamonds for power increase, but I don’t recognize the way you have these set up.”
  584. >Silence answers your questions making you break off from studying Sunset’s new toy to see the mare snout scrunched up in distaste.
  586. “Sunset?”
  587. >”Motherbucker.”
  588. >Excuse you?
  589. “What?”
  590. >”Ugh!” Sunset throws the book away from her as your hand snaps up to catch it from hitting your face!
  591. “Hey mind the book! Nearly hit my head.” You warned the mare only to see her starting to head for the dorm.
  592. >”Pack your things Ape, we’re going on a little field trip.”
  593. “What?”
  594. >Sunset pauses near one of the scroll walls as her magic begins to levitate various scrolls down to inspect and keep stashing them in a nearby pair of saddlebags she muttered all the while, ”Of all the times to spring this on me, I swear.”
  595. “Sunset.”
  596. >”Would it really kill her to give some heads up or even delegate it to somepony else, but no can’t do that.” The little mare was ignoring you, in her haste to begin packing things, time to bring out the big guns.
  597. “BACON HAIR!” You shouted slapping the book on the table.
  598. >”What!?”
  599. “Explain what’s crawled up your ass and why are we going on a trip. I need details woman!”
  600. >It’s almost as if you asked Sunset to explain how one uses a toilet so annoyed was her face before she rolls her eyes as she explained, ”/I’ve/ been given a task to do in one of our frontier towns some place called, Green Burrows, the ponies there have been asking for Royal aide and a detachment of the Guard have been dispatched.”
  601. Sounds legit, that said, “What’s that got to do with you or me?”
  602. >Sunset continues to levitate various things into her saddlebags as she continued, ”I was getting to that, Princess Celestia felt something more was involved at Green Burrows and wants /me/ to investigate.”
  604. “And I’m coming because?”
  605. >This question is enough for Sunset to give you her full attention the whirling items settled on the ground as she mumbled, ”Mhmgmurle.”
  606. “Wanna throw that past me again, I didn’t understand.”
  607. >Sunset let out a snort of hot hair before she barked out, ”I said the Princess wants you to accompany me! Geez, are you happy now? Stallions always needing to stick their noses into every little thing I swear!”
  608. >Aw, this is cute, Bacon Hair has to take you because Princess Sunspots said too and this is killing her on the inside.
  609. “Thought I was an Ape?”
  610. >In reply Sunset’s horn illuminates and her aura appears around you before-
  611. >Bamfgiggle
  612. >Grunting as you land on the floor of the dorm you rub your rump at the sudden teleport.
  613. “Rude!” You shouted downstairs.
  614. >”Just get packed already!” Echoed back up from the stairs.
  616. >”Will you hurry up? How are you so slow Ape?” Sunset called back to you on the streets of Canterlot, the mare’s full saddlebags jangling with her trot.
  617. >Adjusting the straps digging into your shoulder you hurry your pace to match with Sunset.
  618. “Hey, I’m not the one that has four legs and needed to drag half her tower with her.” You said nudging the mare with your hip.
  619. >A pair of scrolls peek out from the sudden bump while the various sticks bound with ribbon jostle from the movement.
  620. >Magic hums as Sunset levitates the scrolls back down into the bag and tightens the ribbon.
  621. >”I will have you know that there is no such thing as too many scrolls.” Sunset said with a snooty turn of her face from you.
  622. “And the staves?”
  623. >”Insurance, why waste magic when you’ve got artifacts for it?” Sunset replied as she opened an eye to regard you lazily.
  624. ”Mhmm.”
  626. >At your tone Sunset fully faces you with a huff and a snort much like her Earth counterparts.
  627. >”Don’t you start judging me, I doubt you even brought anything useful.” Sunset claimed to point to your backpack.
  628. “I like packing light.” You countered rolling your shoulders in a shrug before you climbed the steps up the train station to pass through the ticket counter.
  629. >”What just your shampoo and conditioner?” Sunset smirked at you.
  630. “And a toothbrush you have anything else you want to add in?” You said as you continued walking to a bench to wait for the train.
  631. >You’ve only taken a few steps before the orange eyesore wasn’t keeping up with you, confused you turn back to see Sunset’s face was vacant staring off into the distance.
  632. “Sunset?”
  633. >”What is /she/ doing here.” Sunset snarled at you as she glared past you forcing you to look what the hell had her so pissed.
  634. Turned around to look you don’t find anything out of the ordinary, “Who a-” except for the rather bright bubblegum pink alicorn that was sitting on a nearby bench, “oh, maybe she’s here for another train an-”
  635. >”She’s walking this way.” Sunset said flatly making you wince.
  636. “Well fuck, so much for a good start to the trip.”
  639. >Despite your words you feel as if you need to grab a tub of popcorn for the fireworks.
  640. >”H-hello Sunset, Anon.” Cadence said looking from Sunset to you then back to Sunset as you can already see sweat start to collect on the princess’ brow.
  641. >”Princess.” Sunset said in a cold tone
  642. “Sup Cadence?” You replied casually with a wave of your hand.
  643. >Greetings done you wait to see how this episode of horse drama will play out.
  644. >Any moment now one of them will start blaming the other for stealing away their prince.
  645. >Or maybe it’ll be about being a brat while the goddess of the land lavishes them with attention?
  646. >Odd you’d have expected spells to be thrown about by now.
  647. >Actually paying attention now you can see both mares are simply glaring at one another, one is at least, the other looks like a kicked puppy.
  648. >Are they seriously not going to say anything to one another?
  649. >Oh bother, how’re you supposed to enjoy your soaps if the actors get stage fright?
  650. >...The things you do for drama.
  652. “Awkward silences are such a wonderful thing you know? Just adds that right spice of dread and embarrassment to the air, what do you think Cadence?”
  653. >”Ah, I-I was wanting to-” Cadence stammered out startled out of her silence to answer.
  654. >”Just spit it out, Princess.” Sunset interrupted the princess with a tired sigh.
  655. >Cadence goes quiet looking at the floor of the train station pawing the wood for a moment before she looks up with determination!
  656. >”I just, I wanted to come down here and wish you a safe trip.” Cadence said biting her lip in worry.
  657. >”Why.” said Sunset making you wonder if this was the same fiery pony that you’d been rooming with, you’ve never seen her act this cold and short before.
  658. “Aw come on Sunset, just learn to take a goodbye with some grace.”
  659. >”She wouldn’t even be here if she had any choice, so that raises the question of who forced you to say goodbye. I’m betting Princess Celestia, well? Did I get it right?” Sunset replied eyes not moving off from Cadence.
  660. >”Auntie, I mean, Princess Celestia usually tells me to try getting along with you, but it wasn’t her that made me realize something Sunset.” Cadence said as her wings tuck in tighter against her barrel, she must be building up to something.
  661. >”Oh really.” Sunset said sarcasm thick in her voice.
  662. >”Yes, it was Twilight that said, that family is something you have to live with and no matter how prickly they act, you still care for them because they are your family.” Cadence said flaring her wings out as she stepped forward into Sunset’s personal space.
  663. “Aw, that’s sweet.” You said rather liking this after-school special heart feeling a touch warm at the sincerity from the princess.
  664. >”And also wrong.” Sunset said driving an ice pick right into the warm fuzzy feeling you had made you turn to her almost scandalized.
  665. “Sunset!”
  666. >”No, it’s fine Anon, I’m used to it by now.” Cadence lets her wings fall back against her side yet she still keeps her half smile.
  667. >”If you look at the facts, we’re not related by blood or by law, I’m not Princess Celestia’s daughter and you’re not my cousin. So please, buck off. I have a task to finish so I can get back to my studies.” Sunset listed each of her facts with a hoof step until she’s finally in Cadence’s face, their muzzles scrunched against one another before Sunset withdraws with a horse-like snort before she walked past you to the train’s boarding zone.
  669. You meanwhile are left staring in shock at Sunset, “Hot damn Sunset, did you want to sprinkle some salt in that wound?”
  670. >Cadence frowned yet she drew herself up to keep her gaze locked with Sunset as she said, ”I understand Sunset, but we’ll still be cousins to me and I just wanted to wish you a good trip.”
  671. >Sunset whirled back mouth opened with a cruel cant only for the shrill whistle of a train echoes out.
  672. >”Great, wonderful bye.” Sunset’s words are curt and to the point, before she simply trotted toward the train to board it, the discussion obviously over.
  673. >You meanwhile look back at the pink alicorn who watches Sunset go with a sad frown and folded ears.
  674. >Shit, you can be a dick, but even for you, that was rough to watch.
  675. “Cadence I-”
  676. >”You should hurry, you’ll miss your train.” Cadence interrupted you as she hastily wiped at her eyes with a hoof, “Ah, sorry my allergies must be acting up again.”
  678. >You can see right through that paper-thin excuse.
  679. Kneeling down you wrap the bubblegum mare in a tight hug around her neck, you whispered, “I’ll talk with her, a family shouldn’t be giving up on family, even if its dysfunctional as yours.”
  680. >Wings flaring in surprise Cadence can only manage to stammer out, “A-Anon!”
  681. >You squeezed Cadence extra hard trying to convey as much comfort as you could before you soon heard from the train, ”APE!” Sunset’s voice called out from the steam of the train.
  682. >Released from your grasp Cadence staggered for a moment as she regains her footing only to have her mane ruffled by your paw of a hand.
  683. “Bye Cadence!” You waved jauntily to the princess before walking through the steam to see Sunset waiting with a scowl.
  685. >Onto the train cart you heard the door slam shut with a tinkle of magic, you turn back to level your own frown at Sunset.
  686. “I’m here I’m here, now, you want to explain what the fuck that was all about?”
  687. >Sunset raised an eyebrow at you in response, at your continued glare she sighed as she said, ”What’s there to explain, I don’t like her, she knows her place and I can continue to study and become the Guardian of Equestria to keep it safe. Seems pretty simple to me.”
  688. >The blase manner Sunset regards her actions on the train station irk you, they really do.
  689. >Seriously what’s wrong with this little horse?
  690. Sunset started to walk into the train proper only for you to lean against the door as you blocked her path, arms crossed you said, “There’s not liking someone and then there’s just stabbing them in the heart, why do you feel so damned threatened by her?”
  691. >”I am /not/ threatened by her!” Sunset exclaimed her eyes flashed with an inner glow and sparks flew off her horn sinking into the train cart making the wood creak alarmingly.
  692. >Whoa boy, you’re read a touch on this, unicorns don’t flare their magic unless it’s something that really digs under their coats. Or their foals, but Sunset’s way past that stage for one.
  693. You raised your hands in what you hoped was a calming motion, “Easy there bacon hair-”
  694. >”If you call me ba-” Sunset started to say only to stop herself, eyes closed she takes a deep breath nose flaring with the effort when her eyes snapped open to lock onto your own, her voice was even as she continued, “You’re doing it again.”
  695. >Shit, quick act dumb!
  696. “Doing what?”
  697. >Sunset’s scrunch of her snout is enough to let you know she wasn’t buying your deception.
  698. >What surprised you, however, is when she simply let it go as she said, ”You know what, I’m not talking about it, now store your stuff and let’s find our compartment.”
  700. >Alright Anon, you’ve got this, sure the first few steps of trying to tackle these family problems head on fell in a burning wreck.
  701. >That doesn’t mean you can’t try baby steps! Yeah!
  702. >You continue to muse to yourself as you and Sunset walk through the doorway with your luggage.
  703. >You’ve not been on trains that often before, but from what you can tell this train is rather classy, reminds you of that Hogwarts train if anything else.
  704. >Only fewer redwoods with gold inlays and more creams, purples, and pinks.
  705. >Ponies are weird with their designs.
  706. >Passing through the hall you follow after Sunset who seems to know where she is going.
  707. >You start to wonder if perhaps you should ask if you’re lost as your near the front of the car now when Sunset uses her magic to pull open the door that looks identically to the past ten or so.
  708. >”Finally.” Sunset said as she flung her saddlebags up onto the rack above then flung herself onto the bench underneath it.
  709. >You peeked in to see what your accommodations look like, a large enough room you suppose for four to five ponies to sit inside, a wire rack with a bar to hold luggage above, the bench themselves look to be plush could probably be used as a bed if one's trip was long enough.
  710. >Based on the size of the bench you should be able to fit on one side, if you curl your legs up that is, oh there was even a small washbasin up against the window that looked to be enchanted with a dish of fresh water and a small mirror.
  711. >As you took in the sight you followed after Sunset as you pulled the door close behind you.
  712. “We’ve barely begun on our trip.”
  713. >Sunset lifted her head up from where she threw herself on the bench bed to throw a half-hearted glare as she said, ”You know what I mean, I’ll take what small comforts I can take.”
  714. “Mm.”
  715. >You pulled your back to your front as you sat down opposite of the sun-themed mare, you should probably let Sunset cool off before trying to ask what her deal is with Cadence and you guess with Celestia.
  716. >Springing a quest on someone while they are in the middle of things can be a dick move, but if it's important enough you guess you can understand.
  717. >For lack of conversation you reached into your bag as you pulled a cube of multicolored gemstones that glow softly in the morning sun.
  718. >You’ve only barely started to rotate the cube around when you heard Sunset shift in her seat, ”What’s that you’ve got?”
  719. “Huh, oh my Rubix Cube, it’s just something to keep my hands busy really.” You replied glancing up at the question before your gaze resumes upon the puzzle once more.
  720. >The clack of the train tracks gives the atmosphere a cozy air while the click of the cube plays across in your hands.
  722. >”Reminds me of the exercises they had us do in magic kindergarten.” Sunset said breaking the comfortable silence as she watched you moved the gemstones trying to solve the puzzle.
  723. Despite your focus on the puzzle you glanced up to Sunset as you grinned, “Actually I might have swiped this from one of the classrooms when Celestia was giving me a tour.”
  724. >Sunset looked between you and the cube then back again blinking owlishly, ”You stole it, why?”
  725. In lack of a reply, you shrugged as you struggled to put into words how those first few weeks were.
  726. >The click and clack of the cube and train tracks filled the air before you just winged it as you usually do, “I was thrown across multiple dimensions with nothing but the clothes on my back, I wanted the cube because it was familiar, okay?”
  727. >You don’t look up from the cube as you continue to move the dazzling array of gems about.
  728. >”Oh,” You caught the squeak of springs of the mare adjusting herself on her seat when Sunset continued, “I...I can relate I guess.”
  729. You really shouldn’t, but the cutting comment is already leaving your lips, “What the magical genius getting nervous over something, as if.”
  730. >The hum of magic fills the air as you looked up seeing Sunset drag a book free from her saddlebags, laying it before her Sunset scoffed at your words, ”Ugh, forget about it. Stupid Ape.”
  731. “Cunty Spitfire.”
  732. >There’s that scrunch again, which lightens your mood as Sunset whirls her head up with an audible snap, ”Why do you do this?!”
  733. “I dunno, why do you act like a bitch to everyone around you?” You asked cube held forgotten in your hand as you watched Sunset narrow her eyes at you.
  734. >”Oh no, we’re not looking into my interpersonal problems we’re looking at yours first!” Sunset barked out as she slammed her book shut.
  736. >Meanwhile in Canterlot, “And this is how you can Starswirl's Serendipity Serenade to understand the mechanics behind magic miss-”
  737. “Twilight?”
  738. >”Oh sorry Cadence, I felt like somepony just disrespected a book somewhere.”
  739. “It’s alright if they did you’d be there to save the day right?”
  740. >”You bet! Now onto the Serenade you just have to add about fifty thaums per missile for-
  741. >Dear Aunty, send help, the books are slowly building around me…
  743. You stood up using your imposing height to cast a shadow over Sunset, “Yeah? Who died and made you queen, eh?”
  744. >Sunset using her own magic levitates herself up to even with your face, ”The one that keeps you fed and clothed since I doubt you’d find a job to earn those bits you spend.”
  745. If you rolled your eyes any harder they would have rolled out of your head, “I’ve told you so many times, I need these clothes to not die of exposure!”
  746. >In response Sunset snorted before her face turned into a smug smile as she said, ”Yeah right, I bet that you just like dressing up like a slut, I’ve seen those socks and that unspeakable under clothes you have as well.”
  747. >Under clothes?
  748. >Wait, was she talking about-
  749. >Realization runs through you as you frown at the smug mare.
  750. “They’re boxers you dumb horse.”
  751. >”Those things of yours are almost as bad as tuft extensions, it’s rather sad that you have to compensate.”
  752. >Whoa, it’s one thing to call you names, it’s another when you insult someone’s manhood.
  753. “You did not just say that.”
  754. >If anything Sunset’s conceited smile grew as she said, ”Oh my, did I hurt your pwecious wittle feelings? I’m so so-”
  755. >Right this little mare just lost her magic privileges.
  756. >Thwang!
  757. >”My horn!”
  758. “It’s what you get-oof!” Human superiority achieved you had made a fatal mistake, Sunset was still floating in the air leaning almost nose to nose with you.
  759. >No magic meant no more floating which meant for one angry little mare on your face!
  760. >Flailing your hands around as you fall back Sunset started to pull on your hair making you yelp in pain.
  761. >”Stop flicking my horn you primitive ape! Ah! Not the ear!” Of course, you don’t let go of the horn only pulling harder on it.
  762. “Fuck you!”
  763. >”Buck you!”
  764. “No teeth!”
  765. >The two of you continued to struggle against one another pulling, tugging, biting and all manner of other things as you expressed your unhappiness with the other.
  766. >Many curse words were used, so many in fact that as you both became tired...
  767. >”Mop… agh... head!”
  768. >The slap to the face is more of a boop than a slap as Sunset’s hoof flops to the bench.
  769. “Condiment...ha... salad!”
  770. >While the yank on her quite red ears is more of a soft tug from yourself.
  771. >”Buck...me...how are you...so damn...persistent?” Sunset grumbled draped across your chest as you lay on the bench.
  772. “Same...reason...ha...you’re...stronger...than you look?”
  773. >Sunset must have taken it for a good reason as she doesn’t respond aside from heavy breathes.
  774. >You take the lull in the fight to survey the battlefield, the cushions of the bench’s back were the first casualty in the war thrown about wildly.
  775. >Your luggage had somehow gotten rattled about in the fight, your bag hanging from the doorknob while Sunset’s saddlebags hanged from the rack.
  776. >The cube you had stolen was lodged in the wall from an errant blast of magic and there was so much glitter everywhere!
  777. >As you caught your breath you looked back down to Sunset finding her looking over the carnage as well.
  778. >Come to think of it you were wanting to try and help her not be at odds with her cousin or whatever, maybe if she’s tired...
  780. “Want to talk... about it?”
  781. >”About… what?”
  782. “Why you hate...your rival...cousin...”
  783. >The response is immediate as if by reflex, ”Not my cousin.”
  784. “You know what I mean.”
  785. >Sunset shifts to glare half-heartedly at you her eyes move back and forth your face as she searched for something.
  786. >A grumble of discontent left the mare as she lets her head flopped back onto your chest with force making you wince at some of the bruises.
  787. >”You’re not going to let this go are you?” Sunset said into your chest too tired to move you guess.
  788. “I’ve been told I’m much like a dog that way.”
  789. >That comment earned another glare from the mare as she lays her chin point first to dig into your chest as Sunset cuttingly said, ”Trust me, a Diamond Dog is prettier than you so don’t flatter yourself.”
  790. You laugh causing Sunset to bounce with your laughter as you craned your head down when you snickered, “Good thing I’m paired with such a bitch, huh?”
  791. >”Gross.” Sunset said before she flicked her mane out of her face except for a few stray hairs.
  792. >Without thinking about it you reached over and moved the hairs out of her face leaving behind her trademark squiggle of mane.
  793. “Walked into it really, but come on, what’s the deal.”
  795. >There is a pause as Sunset stared at you making you wonder what you did before she huffed looking away at the busted up bench across from you.
  796. >”I don’t like her, what’s more, to talk about.” The response made you want to strangle this stubborn pony, you swear there are nobles in Canterlot that are more reasonable than this mare!
  797. “Sunset.” You said plaintively waiting on the mare to open up.
  798. >Silence.
  799. >The train tracks click and clack as the silence stretches on.
  800. >You start to wonder if you shouldn’t try to prod the mare in case she’d fallen asleep on you.
  801. >Then you see the glow of Sunset’s horn as your cube is enveloped in the cyan glow before it’s pulled free with a crunch and crumble of broken wood.
  802. >Free of its confines the cube is brought over to hover nearby as it spins slowly in the air, the gemstones shining brightly in the magical grip of the unicorn as the Rubix is manipulated with clicks of the puzzle, still, Sunset doesn’t answer for another minute.
  803. >”You stole this because you wanted something familiar right?” Sunset asked eyes on the puzzle box while you shrugged again.
  804. “Yeah, but why-”
  805. >Sunset cut in as she said, ”You lost everything that you knew, your understanding of what was right in the world, due to chance, no even less of a chance at that.”
  806. >In hindsight, where you landed could have been the best possible place to land, at the time, however, was not so great.
  807. >Sure you had a chase sequence with the local animal handlers and guard ponies till you were near fit to collapse.
  808. You forced your way through the haze of memories as you cleared your throat, “I remember.”
  809. >”There’s your answer.”
  810. >The click of the cube fills the air as you watched it rotate around before looking down at the red and yellow mane.
  812. “Cadence showing up shook things that badly?”
  813. >”You have no idea, before Cadence, there hadn’t been even a hint that a pony could become an alicorn. Not a single mention of it, trust me I’ve checked.” Sunset said as you watched her finish one side of the cube.
  814. >You’re not jealous of the fact, nope, best to move the conversation along.
  815. “What about Sunbutt then? Was she just born that way?”
  816. >Sunset sighed before she tucked her hooves underneath her barrel, the additional weight made you wince as it forced you to take a deeper breath.
  817. >”Any records that went that far back have been lost to time, of course, there are a thousand and one theories about Celestia’s origins, but she’s never said anything about it.”
  818. “Alright, I guess, a bit of a dick move on her part, but wouldn’t Cadence becoming an alicorn be a good thing for you to aim for?” You pointed out eyes straying from the cube to the mare on your chest.
  819. >The gemstones give off a rainbow of colors as Sunset squeezed the cube hard in her magical grip.
  820. >”I’d been studying magic for years prior to this Anon, I’ve worked myself to the bone to learn every single spell I could get my hooves on! Yet this filly, this, this no-name pegasus from a fishing community in some backwater hamlet managed to become an Alicorn from fighting some witch! That’s it!” Sunset ranted to you by the end she had sat up and planted both her hooves on each side of your head.
  821. >Invasion of personal space aside you find the story a bit hard to swallow.
  822. “Wait that’s it? She went and kick some witch in the face?”
  824. >As if she had taken notice of how close she stood above you Sunset hastily blinked to the other side of the bench with a shimmer of magic, magical toy in her aura.
  825. >Strange how she moved so quickly, but your lungs appreciate the unrestricted air flow.
  826. >Sunset waved her hoof dismissively as she said, ”Oh she said some tripe about using the power of love to reform the witch and show her the errors of her ways.”
  827. >Clop went Sunset’s hooves as she used a small illusion to show a rainbow between her hooves as she said in an acerbic tone, ”Then suddenly she grew a horn afterward!”
  828. Raising a finger in the air you said, “I have many questions about that.”
  829. >”You’re not the only one!”
  830. >Sunset hopped down from her seat cube still in her grip as she began to pace about the compartment, the gemstones kept their bright glow all the while, before she said, ”All that work, all my struggles and challenges from Princess Celestia herself and what do I have to show for it?”
  831. >A zap echoed in the air as the cube’s gemstones arc with different colored lightning, Sunset jumped in surprise as she dropped the cube only for your hand to snatch out to catch the still warm toy.
  832. “From the looks of it, you’ve got the power.” You said looking over the cube fingers rubbing out a few of the scorch marks left on the metal.
  833. >The stones glow dimly in your hand, but you’re glad to see all of them light up, meaning they hadn’t ruptured from Sunset’s magic.
  834. >”Then what am I missing!?” Sunset stomped her hoof on the carpet with a mild thud.
  835. “I don’t know.”
  836. >A snarl crosses Sunset’s face at your response, ”Feh, fat lot of help yo-”
  837. “But I’m willing to help.”
  838. >There are few times you’re able to truly catch Sunset off guard, as you savor the look of shock on her face she managed to say, ”Wha- why?”
  839. “Because.”
  840. >”That’s not a reason.” Sunset said eyes narrowed with suspicion.
  841. You shrug as you start to play with your cube again, “Is for me.”
  842. >”Just tell me you dumb Ape.”
  843. >You ignore her for a moment, up till she yanks the Rubix cube from your grip.
  844. >Slowly you look up to see Sunset waiting for your response.
  845. “You won’t like it.”
  846. >If anything that seemed to heighten her determination to hear the reason judging from her pawing at the ground with her hoof.
  848. You hold up your hands waving them in what you hoped was a calm manner, “Alright, I warned you, I want to help you with your family.”
  849. >Sunset jerked back as you had slapped her as she said, ”I don’t need help, I need to be able to study in peace and learn all matters of magic to defend Equestria, that’s my destiny.”
  850. You raise a brow at that answer, “Why.”
  851. >”Why what?” Sunset asked in turn as she looked at you for asking such a basic question.
  852. “Why do you believe that being a guardian of Equestria is your destiny?”
  853. >”Isn’t it obvious? I have the power, I have the style, and I’ve got the ambition to keep Equestria safe as its guardian.” The mare leaned back to rub her hoof on her chest tuft, “After all who else is going to do it?”
  854. “Why do you want to be the guardian of Equestria though, what’s driving you to do that?”
  855. >”It’d be my job once I become a princess obviously.”
  856. “You wouldn’t make a great princess then.” As soon as you say those words you know you made a mistake.
  857. >The silence is thick before you can see a small spark leap around Sunset’s horn as she levels a cool gaze at you.
  858. >”You want to say that again?”
  859. >In for a penny, in for a pound, can’t show weakness here or else all your foot in the door is going to get smashed to bits.
  860. “You heard me.”
  861. >”Explain then.” Still the same cold tone, but you can see more sparks jump off Sunset’s horn, you don’t really think you can dodge all that well in the enclosed space.
  862. >Best to make it quick on the words then!
  863. “Simple, a leader needs to have empathy for their subjects, to understand how they think, how they feel, if you don’t have that, then how can you expect your subjects to listen to you?”
  864. >”I’d have the power to make them listen, the authority of my station!” Sunset snapped off as the cold evaporates with the heat and anger in her tone as she stood tall on her bench to stare you down.
  865. >Good, good she’s actually venting now, less bottling up her emotions.
  866. “Your authority is only derived from your subjects, if they are willing to give it if you can know the hearts and minds of your subjects then you can understand how to best use them to their fullest potential Sunset.”
  868. >Sunset glowered at you before she asked, ”What does any of this have to do with my ‘family’ then?”
  869. “It’s more about how you interact with ponies you don’t care for.”
  870. >”What about it, if they aren’t useful or have a point then I don’t need to bother.” Sunset turned her head up at you with a sniff, as a flash of hot anger rushes through you.
  871. >This, this...ungrateful little shit!
  872. You slam your fist into the wood paneling with a solid satisfying thud as you shout, “It’s one thing for random strangers, it’s another when its ponies that are the closest you’ll get to a family!”
  873. >The upturned nose is brought back down as Sunset stared at you before she exclaimed, ”Whoa, that’s a first.”
  874. “What.”
  875. >”You being this mad, usually you just laugh things off treating it all as a joke.”
  876. >Deep breathes Anon, deep breathes, she’s still a pony and they are awfully oblivious at times...
  877. “It’s either laughing or crying, but really you should be grateful to still have a family.”
  878. >”I don’t.” The response is quick and cutting that it almost leaves you on the back foot.
  879. “Bullshit.” That doesn’t mean your mouth can’t snap off responses without you thinking about it.
  880. >”You think I do? Ape, why do you think I live in my tower?”
  881. “You’re Celestia’s student and live on campus.” You said though that sounds weak as an excuse even to your ears.
  882. >”I don’t have a home Ape, if not for Princess Celestia herself I’d probably not be here.”
  883. Well, this just got dark, still, a morbid sense of curiosity have you ask, “What happened?”
  884. >Sunset looked away to the window as her ears fold back and her tail came around to lay across her forehooves, ”...I don’t want to talk about it.”
  885. >This secret is one you’re more than happy to let lie, still you have to get your point across.
  886. “Alright then, I just, a family is a big thing for me, and…”
  887. >”They might as well be dead to you with how far away they are.” Sunset said still facing away from you no doubt watching the countryside pass your cart.
  888. >The air leaves your lungs at the unicorn’s words in a gasp, you only managed a strangled sound of agreement.
  889. >At the choked word Sunset turned from the window to see your face.
  890. >Something must have shown on your face as Sunset surprised you as she said, ”Sorry, shouldn’t have said that.” Breaking eye contact the mare looked down at her hooves as if finding them very interesting.
  893. >The whiplash between the sharp words and then the hasty apology took you longer than you wanted to respond in time.
  894. “No, it’s, It’ll be fine, heh you know your honesty is pretty brutal for one of your people’s core values.” Humor, comedy is just misfortune for others to enjoy, isn’t it?
  895. >Yeah that’s your story and you’ll stick with it.
  896. >The feeble attempt at a joke has Sunset finally speak up, ”You actually paid attention to Celestia’s lectures on morality?”
  897. Forcing a grin you bap your head gently with your knuckles, “You’d be surprised at what random tidbits can get stuck in your head.”
  898. >Sunset lets out a small hum in response before the silence begins to build again.
  899. >Shit, you haven’t had this many awkward minutes of silence with her like this!
  900. >Usually it’s silences of resentment after a prank gone wrong or payback, not this heavy shit.
  901. >Still, the fact you got an apology from Sunset of all ponies was a surprise, maybe you could...
  902. “...Listen, I take back what I said.”
  903. >”Hm?” Sunset looked back to you from the window an eyebrow raised as her ears perk up.
  904. “About you being a bad princess,” You gesture fruitlessly with the Rubix cube in your hand as you continued, “I wanted to make you take the conversation seriously.”
  905. >Sunset keeps the eyebrow up before she let out a small snort, ”Your debate methods are terrible.”
  906. “Yeah, they can, but can you maybe try to be civil?”
  907. >A huff of displeasure from Sunset has her finally ask, ”Does it really bother you that badly?”
  908. “...Yeah.”
  909. >You should have waited to bring the Cadence thing up, maybe gone for another approach on this, or even just let things lay.
  910. >Damn it you hate this feeling of uncertainty, better yet, when did you start to care about these dumb horses?
  911. >Before you can work yourself into a frenzy you hear Sunset mutter something to herself.
  912. >”...I guess I can try, but if she starts trying to hug me or drag me off to the spa or whatever I’ll burn her, just warning you and her.” A few embers erupt from Sunset’s horn to emphasize her point.
  915. >A weight you hadn’t noticed slipped free from your shoulders as you slump against the seat.
  916. “Just want you to try really.”
  917. >Rolling her eyes Sunset said, ”Fine, but in return, I’m fully expecting your help in becoming an alicorn!”
  918. >Typical, but little steps Anon, little steps.
  919. “Deal, so tell me everything about alicorns.”
  920. >The rest of the trip you spent talking with Sunset had managed to learn, playing with your Rubix cube and coming up with theories and a half on the trip to Green Burrows.
  921. >Somehow you feel like you’ve grown closer to Sunset after that train trip, but what awaited at Green Burrows would test that quickly enough.
  923. >It was the solid jolt of the train coming to a stop that warned you of your impending arrival to Green Burrow.
  924. >As you looked up from the frankly complicated diagram Sunset had worked on for the past, what was it two to three hours, you rubbed at your eyes as you peered outside.
  925. >Looked like your bog standard fantasy train station with a raised platform of wood paneling, benches, hastily cobbled together barricades, guards in royal gold armor and many a pony camped out on the station with bandages on their frames.
  926. >Wait a minute.
  927. >You double checked to make sure you weren’t seeing things after your intense theory crafting with Sunset, but the ponies are still there, both the guard and soot-covered towns ponies loitering around the station.
  928. >A few ponies start to approach the train while others hopped off which drew your eyes towards the village itself.
  929. >Instead of the green that was promised in the name, Green Burrow’s was distinctly brown and black.
  930. >Thick plumes of black smoke coiled above the village, you don’t see any flames thankfully, but the knolls and burrows that made up the village’s infrastructure looked to have been stomped on or simply bulled over into rubble.
  931. >Ponies with saddlebags emblazoned with red crosses helped ponies that had been wounded and the air carried a thick tension with a hint of desperation.
  932. >”Ape, let’s go.” Sunset yanked you from your observation as she entered the hallway.
  933. “Wait up!” You called after the flicked tail as you scooped up your backpack without breaking step.
  934. >You rounded the corner and hustled down the hall to nearly trip over Sunset as she took in the sights.
  935. >Sunset paused taking in the sights before you both before you, you could see her back tense up before she stepped off the train with a clop.
  936. >Ordinarily you’d have made a quip about nearly punting her off the train, but your eyes roamed around the station, the remark feeling hollow in the face of the trouble these ponies were facing.
  938. >From amongst the crowds of ponies you notice a pony approaching you and Sunset, the first thing to catch your eye was the mare’s distinctive royal blue horsehair sticking up from her helmet then the pale rose horn sticking up from the helmet, the mare comes to a stop before saluting.
  939. >”Corporal Sugar reporting for duty Ma’am! Thank Celestia you hear, the situation has become dire I fear.” Corporal Sugar released the salute at Sunset’s nod while you watched as teams of pegasi flew overhead with clouds between them towards the town.
  940. >”What’s the situation, was this an attack?” Sunset asked the corporal magic already working her saddlebags to loosen the flaps covering her bag of tricks.
  941. Your eyes continued to follow the pegasi teams as you said, “Looks more like a disaster, but I do- Sweet Sugar Snaps what is that thing!?”
  942. >You pointed towards the giant blue bear made of stars that roared as it bulls rushed towards the very fragile barricade of flimsy wood its size large enough to disrupt the clouds the pegasi had been corralling to town.
  943. >”Barrier Brigade! Shields UP!” Shouted Corporal Sugar as her own horn illuminated in amber gold shooting forwards to join a multitude of twinkling lights that formed a bubble over the train station.
  944. >The fact the magic sounded like the twinkle of fairy dust from some children’s cartoon would have been funny if not for the angry giant that rammed into the barrier with all the rage of some primeval god.
  945. >Yet despite the initial blow the barrier held fast even as the bear began to swipe it’s sword sized claws into the barrier with increasingly louder bellows of frustration, it’s eyes gleaming with inky blackness of pure rage.
  946. >You stood in awe of the size of this lad when you heard the crackle of Sunset’s magic ignite beside you.
  947. >”Ape! Magic now!” Sunset yelled at you as her cyan aura transformed into the Fiery Ball of Death that she had threatened Cadence with before she threw her head forward, the Fiery Ball of Death shot forth like a cannon shot through the barrier to crash into the giant’s face with an explosion.
  948. >Smoke billows out like a hot iron in cold snow for a moment before the bear throws itself into the barrier with a headbutt!
  949. >It’s fur, don’t ask how stars can be fur it looks like fur damn it, was burned in places, yet it glares at Sunset and by extension you making your knees wobble.
  951. >”APE!” Sunset bellowed at you which snapped your gaze to her demanding stare.
  952. You jumped in place as if stepping on a bee, as you yelped out in a manly fashion, “RIGHT! Uh, damn o-okay!”
  953. >You reached inside feeling the glow within feeling it almost leaping into your hands as you barely needed to focus on the magic.
  954. >A chill runs over your hands like a soft autumn breeze at the tail end of summer and you can catch the faintest of sparkles at the corner of your eyes before you reach up into the sky.
  955. >It takes just a few moments before you can feel the stars you wish for spring into being in your hand.
  956. >You snapped your eyes open locking them with the bear before throwing the stars with all your might towards the engine of nature’s wrath.
  957. >A dazzling series of shooting stars slam down into the giant blue bear alongside another one of Sunset’s Fiery Ball of Death which erupts into an explosion that fills the area outside the barrier in flames for a brief moment.
  958. >You flex your hands ready to call on more stars to bring down heaven’s fury down on this overgrown Yogi when you see the smoke clear up to show the bear high tailing it towards the ruins of town!
  959. >Quite a few stars looked to be knocked loose from its body as they fall to the ground where they glow like some kid-friendly version of a blood trail with more than a few scorch marks on the side of the beast.
  961. >At the sudden change of pace you watched stunned, as the bear beat it’s hasty retreat away when you let out a shaky laugh.
  962. >Adrenaline is a heck of a drug as you evolve your laughter into a wild whoop as you jumped into the air swinging a punch in the sky.
  963. “HA! Take that you overgrown bear rug!”
  964. >”Calm down Ape, that was too easy.”Sunset said her eyes squinted as she tracked the bear’s progress down the street.
  965. >”Indeed, that’s been the second incursion from the Ursa Minors we’ve had today.” The corporal added to the conversation as she released her spell much like the spells from the various unicorn were using fading away into the ether.
  966. >You frowned at Sunset not all that happy with her buzz killer mood, after all, you just kicked the ass of a giant space bear and-, hold up, Ursa Minor/s/?
  967. “Wait, slow down are you saying there are more of those things out there?”
  968. >Corporal Sugar nodded face set in a grim frown as she said, ”Very likely, from all accounts this is a mass migration of constellations that somehow have fallen away from their normal routes.”
  969. >”That shouldn’t be possible, Princess Celestia herself crafted the star routes for the constellations to follow for a thousand years.” Sunset countered before adding on, “Though I’ve never seen an Ursa Minor with black eyes like that, did you notice it had a darker coloration as well?”
  970. >Who cared about the colors of the animal, there were more of these things!?
  971. >What the everloving hell is wrong with the animal life on this planet?!
  972. “You said constellations, as in plural, there are more of these things out there?!”
  973. >Now you’re not a coward, but you are concerned if you’re going into a giant animal slugfest to try and save the day.
  974. >You at least want your own giant animal to fight with or a robot you’re not that picky, just something to have between you and the big ass animal ready to stomp you good!
  975. >”Ma’am, not to question your methods, but is having this stallion here vital to the aid of Green Burrows?” Corporal Sugar asked as she leveled a concerned glance your way.
  976. >You frown at the insinuation, hopefully, Sunset wi-
  977. >”Trust me I wouldn’t have brought him if I had the choice.” Sunset sighed ears flattened in response.
  978. >Fuck you too Sunset!
  979. You spread your hands out wide as you said, “Oh excuse me when I get a touch panicked at the thought of multiple three-story tall animals that just happen to be a thing here!”
  980. >Corporal Sugar you notice shared a look with Sunset before mouthing something to Sunset.
  981. >Sunset shook her head to Sugar while you narrow your eyes watching these wiley horses.
  982. “What was that?”
  984. >With haste Sunset changed the topic when she asked, ”Princess Celestia said to bring him, anyway has the village been evacuated?”
  985. >Your eyes are near slits as you glare Sunset down with the stink eye, still you’ll let it go for now there are ponies that need help after all.
  986. >”It has, we’re holding the train station for now, since your arrival we can begin loading ponies onto the train to take them somewhere safer if things come to a head.” Corporal Sugar answered as she levitated a map from her saddlebags spreading it out for viewing.
  987. >As the two ponies look over the map you think about how much safer everyone would have been if they simply got rid of all the animals, to begin with.
  988. >You get the whole guides to nature these ponies have, but there comes a point when an animal needs a good wallop to the snout.
  989. “Why haven’t you just used those fancy spears and spells you all have to drive off the animals? Wouldn’t that have helped more than just giving ground?” You asked as you peered over the top of the ponies heads to see the map.
  990. >Lots of red for the animals it seems, with blue set up around the train station with different barricades as well.
  991. >At least that’s what you're assuming all those marks mean, your not a part of the army or anything.
  992. >”Our first priority is in the protection of our charges, sir.” Corporal Sugar replied as she used a pencil to point things out to Sunset.
  993. >Sunset nods, “That’ll do Corporal, continue operations while I go in,” As the Corporal puts away her map Sunset turned to you, seeing your confused expression no doubt, she explained, ”and most unicorns don’t have a versatile spell set when it comes to magic Anon, if it’s not related to their cutie mark most don’t progress farther than basic levitation.”
  995. “What, but they’re guards they’re supposed to know how to fight!”
  996. >”We certainly can, however, we cannot due to the foe we face.” Corporal Sugar testily said.
  997. >You don’t rightly care for that tone from the mare as you cross your arms to stare down the corporal.
  998. “They are literally giant animals that are wrecking your countrymen’s homes, how can you not fight them?”
  999. >”Because Princess Celestia forbade it due to the vital importance these animals have to the night sky.” Sunset intervened between you and the soldier as she lightly pushed against your leg.
  1000. >Corporal Sugar you noticed had been flagged down by some more little ponies in their guard armor as you digested that frankly stupid law.
  1001. “Okay, if this is some hooky religion thing we really need to talk to Celestia about that.” You replied as you took a step back at Sunset’s nudging.
  1002. >”No, it’s ugh,” Sunset rolled her eyes at you before continued, “to brutally summarize it for your simple mind to understand, important that these animals live so that the stars in the night don’t disappear into the abyss.”
  1003. “You’re saying that animals, made of stars mind you, are in charge of making sure the stars move in their normal course for the night sky.”
  1004. >”Like I said I’m roughly cutting it up to be understandable to you.” Sunset said with a nod.
  1005. >You throw your hands up in the air so fed up with this worlds actual bullshit now.
  1006. “WHY?! The sun and moon thing is one thing, but the actual stars!? Those back home are supposed to be other suns for other places! How does that even work!?”
  1007. >Corporal Sugar finished with her business had come to step up next to Sunset before she asked with caution in her tone, ”Ma’am do we need a hysteria device for your uh, partner?”
  1008. >”He’s not my partner, just an assigned student to me.” Sunset sighed as she rubbed at her face with her hoof.
  1009. >Don’t you get snippy with me bacon hair!
  1010. >Star’s don’t act like that and it’s dumb!
  1011. >That’s some levels of terracentric solar systems displays and those are just wrong!
  1012. You point a finger at Sunset as you said, “Yeah teach, how about you give me more details about how that even- er.”
  1013. >You blink, then again trying to clean your eyes to make sure you’re not crazy.
  1014. >”What is it?” Sunset asked with a huff.
  1015. >You move your finger from pointing at Sunset to point at the strange sight behind her.
  1016. “Just to check, but you don’t have boxes that sprout hooves from time to time right?”
  1017. >”Of course not, why would you.” Sunset
  1018. >Following your finger Sunset goes quiet while the good Corporal suddenly shouted, ”Guardsmare belay those boxes!”
  1019. >There is a yelp from the boxes as they leap up galloping wildly only to crash into the sturdy legs of a pair of guard ponies.
  1020. >The thud from the boxes is loud before they bounce back tipping to land on their side and disgorging out three foals onto the train station floor.
  1022. >You followed after Sunset and Sugar towards the trio of fillies curious as to what’s going on.
  1023. >The three soon open their eyes no doubt catching sight of Sunset first as all three of them stare wide-eyed at the mare.
  1024. >”Now who's this?” Sunset asked as she looked down on the fillies.
  1025. >You hear gasps from the three, “Sunset Shimmer! Oh my Celestia, girls, I told you we’d get in trouble!” The minty colored one blurted out.
  1026. >”I don’t care we need to go back!” Little blue spoke up next as she looked up in defiance to Sunset.
  1027. >”I don’t get why the box didn’t work, it did for Sneaky Serpent in his story.” The orange sherbert filly muttered to herself looking at the box as she gave it a little kick.
  1028. “What were you fillies trying to do anyway?”
  1029. >”Whoa, it’s a monkey!” Orange sherbert pointed at you with a small amount of awe.
  1030. >”Are you kidding, that’s obviously an ape.” Minty green argued back.
  1031. >”How do you know?” Sherbert asked while you watched on with a grin.
  1032. >No matter the world, kids are gonna be kids.
  1033. >”I do! I’ve heard it from my Uncle Jade and he’s worked in the big zoos and stuff!”
  1034. >”Girls! We still need to save Fizzle Berry!” Little blue shouted at the two making the duo shuffle their hooves as their ears bent back.
  1035. >”Whose Fizzle Berry?” Corporal Sugar pounced on the name first.
  1036. >Little blue jumped at the question before she answered, ”She’s our friend, we were all trying to leave, but she got separated from us back in town!”
  1037. >”She was right behind us I swear!” Minty green shouted while Orange sherbert looked to her friends shaking her head as she said, ”I think you two are being big worry warts, Fizzle Berry’s really brave, she’ll be fine!”
  1038. Your stomach sinks as you listen to the fillies before you said urgently, “Sunset.”
  1039. >”I know, listen my little ponies, I need you to tell me where did you see your friend last? Be as specific as you can be.” Sunset asked as she kneeled down to be eye level with the fillies.
  1040. >The trio look to each other for a moment in thought before they all start to talk.
  1041. >”I think we were near the marketplace.” Minty green started before Orange Sherbert picked up the tale, ”That sounds right, we passed Icy Whip’s Ice cream parlor when we were running weren’t we?”
  1042. >Little blue nods hard enough to make her mane flick in the air as she said, ”Yeah! Then the guard had to rush us really fast because of those star dogs that showed up! Miss Sunset can you save our friend? Please!”
  1043. >All three of the fillies looked up to Sunset with the biggest set of eyes you’d ever seen on a pony that you felt your heart skip a beat.
  1044. >God help Sunset facing that point blank.
  1045. >”O-Of course, now you stay with your families and the guard, no more running off on your own. Do you understand?” Sunset replied with a false start only to be near blown away as the trio exclaimed their agreement by trying to hug the mare.
  1046. >Thankfully the Corporal was there to catch the trio before they could swarm Sunset, “I’ll take care of them, Ma’am.”
  1048. >Sunset nods before she turns to you with a determined glint in her eye, ”Ape stay here and help the guard protect the citizens, I’ll go and find the filly then fix this mess.”
  1049. >Is this mare stupid?
  1050. “What? Hell no, I’m sticking with you.”
  1051. >She can’t really be trying to pull it's-too-dangerous-for-a-colt card.
  1052. >”The Tartarus you are! It’s going to be dangerous you idiot!” Sunset snapped at you with a stomp of her hoof.
  1053. >Holy shit she is.
  1054. You kneel down to be eye level with Sunset as you quietly explain to her, “There is a filly out there that is lost, scared and is a step away from being eaten by this things, I am not letting that happen nor am I letting you go gallivanting off into danger by yourself. I can help.”
  1055. >”For all of what? Three more charges before you pass out?” Sunset snarked at you while you keep your voice even because yelling isn’t going to accomplish anything here.
  1056. “My people have gotten by without magic before, I’ll manage.”
  1057. >”Ma’am not to interfere, but time is critical, what are your orders?” Corporal Sugar asked returning from dealing with the fillies.
  1058. >You and Sunset continue to stare each other down, you can see her worry buried under pride and determination, you don’t know what your own eyes show.
  1059. >One thing you do know is that there is a child in danger, and you’re /not/ letting her get hurt.
  1060. >”Bucking teats of Celestia and her mother. Guards mare, your spear.” Sunset said breaking her stare to Corporal Sugar.
  1061. >The spear is pulled free from Corporal Sugar’s holster in her amber magic to Sunset whose cyan magic envelopes it.
  1062. >With a flick of her head Sunset tossed the spear to you which you catch one handed.
  1063. >”The pointy end goes in the bad guy, don’t wander off, and you will do what I say when I say it, understand?” Sunset barked out the words as you used the spear to stand up noting that its size changed to fit your frame.
  1064. >You nod your grip on the wood tightening as you followed after Sunset.
  1065. “Crystal. Now let’s save Fizzle.”
  1067. >You two made tracks down the cobblestone road towards the village center with haste.
  1068. >Off in the distance you could see the hulking forms of at least two star bears, rather hard to miss as they stood a head taller over the buildings in town.
  1069. “Sunset!” You hissed out as you grabbed the mare to hide behind a nearby tree, the magic around Sunset’s horn ebbed away as she glared at you.
  1070. >”Ouch, what the hay Ape? What gives?”
  1071. >You ignore her question to peek your head around the trunk to see the bears continuing to move around the village when you quickly look back at the irritated mare before you.
  1072. “Did you not see the star bears out there, we were in plain sight!”
  1073. >Sunset snorted in that horse like fashion ponies are want to do as she said, ”Ursa Minors have terrible eyesight, you’d need to be close for them to see you anyway. We’re fine.”
  1074. >You’ve heard normal bears had bad eyesight, but you’re not assuming anything when magical animals are involved.
  1075. “Then how do they get around?” You asked skeptically which earns you an eye roll from Sunset.
  1076. >”By their paws I imagine.” Sunset snarked in return as she stepped out onto the road.
  1077. >Before your able to grab the suicidal mare you see one of the star bears turn its head towards your little tree.
  1078. >You hold your breath expecting the worse legs tenses to leap at the slightest trigger.
  1079. >However instead of the angry roars or stampeding paws of a giant you hear a gust of wind that smells rank with morning breath.
  1080. >”Ursa Minor’s have a better nose than most, that’s why I was casting a scent ward on us both.” Sunset said while she smirked at you, “This isn’t my first rodeo Ape, I’d hope you remember that.”
  1081. >Stupid horses with their bullshit magic.
  1082. >Oddly let down you sigh as you relaxed a hair.
  1083. At seeing the still smug look on Sunset’s face you frowned at the mare as you said, “Yeah, well say something next time.”
  1085. >You follow after Sunset from the tree as you started to enter the village proper.
  1086. >Now that you looked closer you could see the town was mostly fine.
  1087. >If you ignored the trail of destruction that ran right through the center as if a giant boulder had rolled through the hamlet.
  1088. >You peered down the path to see ruined crops, flattened fences and to the sides of the trail were the burrows that gave the village its name, their walls demolished exposing the interior, the green roofs sagging with no support.
  1089. Though as you look closer, something isn’t right with the placement of the burrows, you turn to Sunset and asked, “Those two burrows over there, the gap between them is too wide. Was there a road here?”
  1090. >Sunset paused as she looked then said, “There wasn’t if I recall correctly that would have been where the grain house would have been for the town ponies.”
  1091. “Oh.”
  1092. >Now that you take a closer look you can see some scattered grains thrown about, there is also some wood and metal that could have been a part of the grain silo, but still the amount of force needed to do that...
  1093. >You furtively move closer to Sunset as you walk over the torn up ground.
  1095. >Only to stop as Sunset cranes her head back to observe the tall embankment of disturbed earth blocking your way.
  1096. >”Damn.”
  1097. >You looked around to see if you couldn’t simply go around only to see that rubble and dirt continue for quite a while down the path.
  1098. “I can boost you up there?” You offered already taking steps to the embankment.
  1099. >”No, I’ll just teleport us.” Sunset replied as her horn glowed brightly.
  1100. “That’s not going to ti-”
  1101. >Bampf!
  1102. “-re you out?”
  1103. >Blinking the sparkles from around your eyes you glance down to see Sunset looking quite proud of herself.
  1104. “Show off.”
  1105. >Sunset shrugged at you as she started to walk off with a pep in her step as she said, ”If you’ve got it, flaunt it.”
  1107. >As you both walked you could see more damage to the town, not to the level of the Ursa Minors thankfully, windows that were smashed in, doors knocked down and carts aplenty splintered.
  1108. >You do begin to worry though as you’ve both been walking through the streets for a while and you’ve yet to see any street signs pointing where you are.
  1109. “Do we even know where the marketplace is here?”
  1110. >”Of course, I had the corporal give me directions, not to mention that most frontier towns follow a similar pattern for situations like this, really helps with search and rescue.” Sunset replied candidly as she looked at the broken sign of a nearby store then continued on with confidence.
  1111. “Alright I suppose, but-” You started to say before you stopped walking to look around yourself.
  1112. >Sunset had trotted for a few stops before pausing herself to look at you head tilted to one side, ”What’s wrong?”
  1113. >Gripping the spear in your hands tightly you continued to look around noting the alleyways, the broken windows and even the balconies above you.
  1114. “I don’t know, it feels like we’re being watched.” You finally replied not letting up on your guard eyes desperately searching for what has you so spooked.
  1115. >”From wh-Watch out!” Sunset suddenly shouted before she shoved you away as a shimmer appeared at the corner of your eyes.
  1116. >A grunt is forced from your lips as you land on your back, your spear landing nearby as you looked up to see Sunset beset on all sides by a trio of wolves made boysenberry to plum to sangria of colored stars much like the Ursa Minor, only they were of a range of colors from
  1117. “Sunset!” You cried out trying to warn your friend as the dog behind her leaped towards her back you meanwhile scrambled to your feet reaching blindly for your spear.
  1118. >Only for a solid crack to fill the air as Sunset’s rear hooves bucked out catching the star wolf in the jaw sending it sprawling!
  1119. >Even as the wolf is sent flying back you can see Sunset wince as she stands, small ruby lines flow down her rear legs.
  1120. >”Come on then you dogs! Pick on my Ape will you!?” Shouted Sunset rearing back as she used her magic to send a quick bolt of magic toward one wolf.
  1121. >The wolf managed to scamper away from the bolt, but its brother sprinted forward snapping its jaws for Sunset’s neck!
  1124. >Time slows as you see the ragged sharp teeth drawing closer towards Sunset’s neck.
  1125. “Get away from her!” You roared out.
  1126. >The dog’s hide takes the spear point in its shoulder with a yelp that turns into a strangled gasp as your shoulder hits its ribs.
  1127. >Caught up in the momentum from both spear and yourself the wolf is bashed hard into a nearby wall.
  1128. >You think you heard a crunch, but you can’t be sure, your blood is pounding too hard to hear well.
  1129. >The spear is slippery, but you managed to hold onto it, but it’s hard to yank free.
  1130. >With your foot you place it on the wolf and jerk the spear back wincing at the noise.
  1131. >You tried to ignore the liquid adorned on the spear tip as you turn back to make sure Sunset was alright when you see an odd sight.
  1132. >Both of the wolves are whining and their ears are lowered while their tails are tucked between their legs.
  1133. >The darkness behind their eyes also appear to have receded allowing you to spy silver irises that are staring you down watching your every move.
  1134. >There is a whoosh of wind from behind you that has you quickly turn with the spear in hand only to see the wolf is gone!
  1135. >You faced the rest of the pack to make sure no funny business goes on, only to find the wounded wolf with its brethren favoring its wounds.
  1136. >The stalemate is broken when Sunset lets out a yell of anger as her classic great big ball of fiery death crashed into them all.
  1137. >Yelping and filling the air with singed fur the wolves quickly disperse trailing smoke behind them.
  1138. >Your grip on your spear is still tight waiting for the other shoe to drop as you hear the clip-clop of hooves approaching.
  1140. “The hell was that all about?” You asked turning to Sunset as she stood beside you.
  1141. >”I don’t know.” Sunset replied, if she took notice of the waver in your voice she didn’t draw attention to it.
  1142. >Tension in your frame slowly fades when you spot the furrows that were staining her coat red in thin lines.
  1143. “Shit, are you alright?” You kneel down using the spear to hold you steady as you reached out to look over the wounds.
  1144. >Only for Sunset to step away as she said, ”Don’t worry about it.”
  1145. >Oh hell naw.
  1146. You glare at the stubborn mare and said in your best no-nonsense voice, “Lemme see.”
  1147. >Sunset shook her head as she used her tail to hide her back legs as she continued, ”I said don’t worry about it.”
  1148. >Why is she being this difficult!
  1149. You try one more time offering out a hand to the unicorn as you said, “Sunset come on, just let me help.”
  1150. >”Look then, there you see it’s just some scratches!” Sunset shouted at you as she angrily ripped away from her tail flinging with it a few droplets of blood.
  1151. Silently you pick up one of her legs as you said softly, “You’re bleeding, at least let me put something on them.”
  1152. >You think you’re about to be hounded again by Sunset if you were to judge her face, however, she groaned out ”...Fine, there should be bandages in my saddle bags.”
  1153. >Gladly, you reached over into her saddlebags you slithered arm through the staves that poke out then dug under the rough feel of papyrus, no doubt her scrolls.
  1154. >Where are these damn bandages?
  1155. “Do you seriously need all these things?” You grumbled aloud feeling your arm sink deeper into the saddlebags your tongue stuck out in concentration.
  1156. >Sunset let out a snort as she watched you with an arched brow, ”Are you going to get the bandages or not?”
  1157. “Yes, just let me… There!” You yanked the bandages out before you held them aloft like some long-lost treasure of yore.
  1158. >Ignoring the sarcastic eye roll from your patient you began to wrap her legs up to stop the bleeding.
  1159. >You worked in the silence of the deserted town for a few moments as you busied yourself.
  1160. >”Not so tight.” Sunset broke the silence with a wince as you tugged the bandages.
  1161. Loosening the bandages you use the metal clip to keep the bandage snug before you started to say, “Sorry, hey why did those dogs-”
  1162. >”Canis Minor.” Sunset corrected you out of habit.
  1163. “-were acting so weird?” You finished as you started on the next leg.
  1164. >Sunset stayed quiet as you worked, but you know better than she dismissed you out of hand, no doubt she was trying to think.
  1165. >Finally Sunset began to think aloud, ”I’m no astrologist, but I do have an idea; star beasts are very intuned with the ways of magic and the natural world at large, you’re very nature could be anathema to that natural order because of where you come from.”
  1166. >That almost fits, but you see a major flaw in her argument.
  1167. As you worked you replied, “That sounds reasonable, but you’ve used magic on me plenty of times Clover the Clever had mentioned that magical theory states that any object affected by magic is a part of the world, so it can’t be that otherwise wouldn’t magic simply not work on me?”
  1168. >At the question Sunset shrugged at you, ”Don’t know, you’re one of a kind case, might be that your the exception to that rule, of course if you had happened to read the treatises on dark magic by Umbral Gloom you’d know that dark magic runs counter to the natural harmonic magic used by other races.”
  1169. At the mention of dark magic, you pause to look at Sunset carefully, “Haven’t read those, how’d you get ahold of them?”
  1170. >Sunset ideally rubs her hoof on her chest tuft polishing the keratin as she bragged, ”Well there do so happen to be a few perks to being the personal student of Celestia you know.”
  1171. >Same ol’ Sunset proud to the end, you shook your head at this crazy mare before tying off the bandage.
  1172. “Fair enough and done, that should hold you till a doctor looks at it now then, are we close to the market at least?”
  1173. >Sunset nodded at you as she pointed further down the road, ”Should be around the corner here.”
  1175. You wince as you surveyed the area, “Damn, this place is a wreck.”
  1176. >The cobblestone that made up the road was wrest from its resting place in the ground by way of large prints leaving behind great pits of mud, carts and store stalls alike are overturned with their bright linens dirtied in the mud, the buildings themselves are not much better as you can see wholesale walls buckled inwards with rubble and torn earth.
  1177. >There used to be a fountain in the center, judging by the circle of broken stone with a smashed statue of some unknown pony, you could even see a trail of sputtering water leaking out from the fountain like the vital blood pool of a murder victim.
  1178. >”Stampedes tend to do that, let’s start searching.” Sunset replied as she trotted forward.
  1179. >You stay in sight of each other as you begin to search, Sunset with levitating things up while you use good old elbow grease to check under crates, boxes and even overturned carts.
  1180. >The amount of property damage is impressive as much as it is depressing.
  1181. “Hard to imagine the town ponies are going to recover from this, or at least want to stay here you know?” You said for lack of a conversation, the silence in the market aside from the thuds of the Ursa’s far off footsteps that is, was getting to you.
  1183. >Sunset threw an orb of light into one of the buildings illuminating the interior before she said, ”This isn’t that bad, if there were more hurt ponies then I’d be worried for this town.”
  1184. >You frown in thought then begin to climb a carriage to check inside, nothing.
  1185. Landing down near Sunset you asked, “What do you mean?”
  1186. >”A village isn’t some buildings, it’s its ponies. You can rebuild broken homes and overturned apple carts, losing too many ponies can cripple a frontier town like this.” Sunset clinically said eyes focused on the task at hand.
  1187. >You, however, stop to stare at the mare even as she continues to walk.
  1188. >The silence you left behind, however, has Sunset perking her ears up to quickly turn to your eyes alert.
  1189. Which makes you catch all of the emotions on her face when you said, “...I think that’s the most caring thing I’ve heard you say about another pony that isn’t yourself or Princess Celestia.”
  1190. >Surprise is the first one, then comes the indignation as Sunet’s cheeks suddenly flush in anger.
  1191. >”What?! I can be plenty caring!” Sunset cried with a stomp of her hoof.
  1192. >You simply reply with a raised eyebrow not saying a word.
  1193. >Sunset huffs before she turned back to the search, ”Whatever, keep looking.”
  1194. >Shaking your head you keep searching among the ruins.
  1195. >With how much trouble these ponies have with just random animals you’d think they’d live somewhere else.
  1196. >Matter of fact you know they have cities that aren’t next to infested hell holes like the one this village has.
  1198. “So, why do you ponies keep living near natural disasters all the time?”
  1199. >”It’s to keep Equestria safe, usually.” Sunset answered as you both continue to circle around the market.
  1200. >You swear if this is just like that nonsense with the stars again.
  1201. “How does a town of ponies keep Equestria safe from the likes of the Everfree Forest, Hollow Shades and Galloping Gorge? All those places have things that like to try eating people.” You listed off with a finger for each location.
  1202. >“It’s because we ponies have the ability to spread harmony where we live, the more ponies that are nearby, the more we’re able to assist the environment and change it to our liking.” Sunset said distractedly as she pulled out one of her staves to use.
  1203. >You watched as she unleashed the spell within it, a water spell if you recall, to smother some still smoking ruins.
  1204. “Then all those terrible places that ponies live near?” You asked once she was finished soaking the rubble.
  1205. >”Very stubborn places of wild magic and Discord the Mad God causing a bunch of problems for ponies, most of Equestria is fine, but some locations require a heavy presence of ponies to keep it from spreading too far.”
  1206. >That doesn’t make sense, then all those tiny villages would have been major city centers like Canterlot or at least Manehatten.
  1207. “Why not have a city of ponies at those places then? Build up enough ponies to get rid of those places?”
  1208. >”A few reasons, first ponies have to be willing to live there for it to work, and there comes a point when the population gets high enough that the natural harmonic field is disrupted by so many ponies living atop one another.”
  1209. “Hence why you have so many little small town villages scattered all over the place as everybody knows everybody.”
  1210. >”That’s the prevailing theory in scholarly circles, it’s why most of the larger cities are in idyllic places.”
  1211. “Pretty interesting stuff, damn it, where is this filly?” You cursed aloud as you’ve almost circled the entire marketplace, you could feel a tight knot of dread start to fill your stomach.
  1212. >”I don’t know, but let’s keep looking, I have a spell that could help.”
  1213. >What?!
  1214. You turned to the mare condemnation already on your lips, “Why don’t you-”
  1215. >Sunset holds up a hoof as she explained, ”It’s very noticeable when I use it, it’d bring near every animal down on our heads.”
  1216. >Well that just shut down your whole tirade.
  1217. >You can only let out a small word of understanding before you continue to look about.
  1220. >Thunk!
  1221. You dropped your spear as you hold onto your foot hissing out in pain, “Son of a-”
  1222. >When a strangled gasp of air could be heard from the box you’d kicked, ”Meep!”
  1223. >Wait a second, boxes don’t squeak like that.
  1224. >Gingerly you set your foot back down to see the box had grown a mulberry tail!
  1225. “Sunset! Over here!” You called over to the mare while kneeling down to grab your spear and tried to lift the box up, your fingers digging under the dirt to grasp the edge of the box.
  1226. >A soft whine echoes up from the box which has you pause, poor thing must be terrified.
  1227. “Hey, hey, listen it’s alright.” You said in the softest tone you could muster.
  1228. >”N-no it’s not!” The scratchy voice within has you worried as that could be her natural voice or she could have breathed in some of the smoke from the fires that happened earlier in the day.
  1229. >You tipped the box upright to catch sight of a unicorn filly with a plum coat and wide teal eyes that look up to you in shock.
  1230. >Then the pupils shrink to pinpricks as her horn illuminates around the box as she screamed out, ”Aaah!”
  1231. >SLAM!
  1232. >You whine under your breath as the sudden shock of pain runs through you.
  1233. >Right on the fingers! Why on the fingers!?
  1234. >Yanking back your fingers you curse under breath before blowing on the throbbing red appendages, the cool air doing little to ease the pain.
  1235. >So focused on your poor fingers that you don’t hear Sunset approach until she said, ”You found her?”
  1236. Shaking your fingers to try dispelling the ache in them you answered, “Yeah, she’s scared as all hell.”
  1237. >”Well seeing your face first thing is pretty terrifying.” Snarked Sunset as she kneeled down beside the box.
  1238. “Oh, go suck a teat.” You groused as you flexed your fingers, they felt like they’d be fine, but it doesn’t change the fact that it still stung!
  1239. >”Ahuh, hey kid you still in there?” Sunset said softly to the box.
  1240. >Nary a moment passes before you hear from inside, ”Go away! You’re not gonna eat me!”
  1241. >”Pfft, trust me kid the Ape isn’t going to eat you.” Sunset replied as you took a seat on some broken stones to keep watch.
  1242. >”I don’t care!” Fizzlepop shouted with all the determination and anger a ten-year-old could muster.
  1243. >You glance back at the box with worry, you know how Sunset handles confrontation to her authority.
  1244. “Sunset mayb-”
  1245. >Sunset keeps an easy-going smile on her face as her horn lights up and there is a brief flash of light.
  1246. >”Ah!” Fizzlepop screamed out for all of the seconds she was in the air before landing on Sunset’s back with a grunt.
  1247. >”Fizzlepop!” Sunset said sharply as she looked behind her to the filly on her back.
  1248. >Fizzlepop’s mouth opened and shut twice before she managed to say, ”H-how do you know my name?”
  1249. You try to give the filly some context as you said, “Your friends were trying to find you, even tried to sneak back into town at that.” It’d be pretty damn scary if you suddenly had random strangers just addressing you by name out of the blue like that.
  1250. >”O-oh…” Fizzlepop said as she looked away from you and to the ground finding it rather interesting.
  1251. >”Easy filly, don’t worry I’m Sunset Shimmer an-” Sunset had started to say only for Fizzlepop to pop up from her geology study to stare starry-eyed at Sunset as Fizzlepop ran roughshod over Sunset, ”You’re Princess Celestia’s personal student!”
  1252. >”Ba-ah yes? I know my reputation precedes me, but how-” Sunset tried to recover only to be interrupted again, it’s rather funny to see Sunset this off guard.
  1253. >Fizzlepop continued to gush as she said, ”Chamomile is always talking about you in the Canterlot Times and and I’ve read a ton of your papers!”
  1254. >Sunset forced a smile on her face as her eyes darted left and right nervous for some reason, ”O-oh, uh, good! Great even, what papers did you read?”
  1255. >”Your study on artifact crafting was really cool to read and the one you did with physical fitness relating to personal magical capacity was inspiring too!” Fizzlepop answered, the scratchy quality to her voice adding an extra level of cute to the filly.
  1256. >It’s rather not fair how foals are this cute, to begin with, you don’t pity Sunset trying to field all of the fillie’s attention.
  1257. >”Well thank you Fizzlepop, but are you hurt anywhere? I know a tough little mare as you can look after yourself, but we’re both here to help.” Sunset said as she gestured with her head to you.
  1258. >At being reminded that you were still here, you could only watch as Fizzlepop turned to look at you then hide behind Sunset’s mane as she asked, ”Uh, n-no I’m fine, but what's that thing?”
  1259. Trying to be as presentable as you could be you said in the kindest tone you could manage, “I’m Anon or Ape to Sunset, and we should be getting you to safety first.”
  1260. >You even smiled at the filly hoping to ease her worries.
  1261. >The fact Fizzlepop shrank away from you and closer to Sunset didn’t hurt at all, nope that feeling of an ache in your chest is just the heartburn from the train fare you had before arriving.
  1262. >”He’s right, come on Fizzlepop, sooner we get you back the sooner I can fix this mess.” Sunset said drawing Fizzlepop’s attention back to herself then stood up with the filly on her back.
  1263. >Only for Fizzlepop to squirm off Sunset as she exclaimed, ”Wait! W-We can’t go back!”
  1264. >You both shared a look then stared at Fizzlepop as the filly ducked her head scraping the ground with a hoof as she said, ”I-I might have an idea about what m-made this happen.”
  1265. >Sunset is already beside Fizzlepop as she lowered her head to say quietly, ”Okay, take your time, tell us what you know.”
  1266. >”I didn’t mean to do it.” Fizzlepop whispered back as she looked away from Sunset’s eyes and resuming her geology studies.
  1267. >Only for Sunset to raise Fizzlepop’s chin up as Sunset said, ”Hey, don’t worry I’ve done a few things I’m not proud of too, you can tell me.”
  1268. >You stay right where you are, not wanting to distract Fizzlepop from telling her tale as you keep one eye on the Ursa’s in town.
  1269. >Oddly enough you’ve noticed they tend to stick closer towards the edges of town rather than the interior if your any judge.
  1270. >Are they keeping the ponies out of town or guarding something near the edge?
  1272. >Fizzlepop you note mulls it over in her head before she nods to herself as she began to explain, ”O-okay, my friends and I were playing ball and we lost the ball near the woods. I went in after it cuz it bounced into a cave and I wasn’t going to let some spooky cave stop me. I went in, and-and I saw a glow near the back of the cave.”
  1273. >The filly shivered in place before she resumes her tale her words beginning to run into each other in her haste to get them out.
  1274. >”It was so scary, but then I saw it glow brighter and then I could see the Ursa sleeping there and-and I got scared, cuz of the shadows latched onto the bear and-and then it opened it’s e-eyes and I-I ran away..”
  1275. You can’t help but ask, “You managed to get away?”
  1276. >Flinching at your question Fizzlepop regards you wearily before she answered, ”Y-yes.”
  1277. >Sunset leaned down to nuzzle Fizzlepop as she said, ”You did good filly if you hadn’t you would have gotten hurt.”
  1278. >Fizzlepop leaned away from the embrace her ears lowered as she frowned, ”B-but I ran away, I didn’t do what you woulda done…”
  1279. >Sunset is silent for a moment as you winced at the unasked question, finally, she said, ”I wouldn’t expect you to do what I would have done, I’ve had the training to handle situations like that, and, from what I hear you did the right thing.”
  1280. >Fizzlepop is shocked out of her studies in striations of the ground to look at Sunset in awe, ”R-really?”
  1281. >Smiling now Sunset nods her head, ”Really really, do you think you can be a brave mare for me and show me where that cave was?”
  1282. “Wait, what? Sunset!” You hissed out as you stomped your way over to the mare ignoring the way the filly was hiding behind Sunset’s legs.
  1284. >”Yes?” Sunset said nonplussed at your unimpressed face.
  1285. “You can’t just bring her along!” You exclaimed before waving a hand around you at the destruction of the town.
  1286. >Only to be surprised as Fizzlepop springs out from behind Sunset to stand as tall as she could to glare at you as she shouted, ”I can take care of myself!”
  1287. >Brave filly at the worst possible time more like...
  1288. You kneel down to be eye level with the filly, or at least attempt to be as you said, “No offense meant to you, but your still a filly.”
  1289. >”That doesn’t mean I can’t help!” Fizzlepop argued back with conviction!
  1290. You snapped back, “It does if you could get hurt!”
  1291. >”Anon, we’ll need her to come with us.” Sunset interjected between the two of you as she drew your attention.
  1292. “Like heck we do, Fizzlepop just tell us where the cave is and we’ll take care of it.”
  1293. >”Nu-huh! Sunset said I could show you so I will!” Fizzlepop added her two cents in with a small stomp of her hoof.
  1294. >”She is the only one that knows where this all started Anon.” Sunset added unhelpfully as your temples throbbed at the situation.
  1295. “What if it’s not the only cave that has that Sunset? We don’t know if it does!”
  1296. >”It’s a good place to start, besides I doubt you’d let me go off alone if I sent you back with the filly.” Sunset pointed at you making you stiffen as she hit the nail on the head.
  1297. “I’d have had us both go back for safety.” You mumbled out not liking how she had you pegged.
  1298. >”And I doubt we’d have the time for it, something is controlling these animals, so the faster we stop this the better.” Sunset argued back with a soft tone yet unyielding.
  1299. >”Mister Ape?”
  1300. >You look down and curse internally, Fizzlepop is staring at you with those huge eyes!
  1301. >”I really wanna help, I’ll stay away from any fights and stay outside the cave I swear!” Fizzlepop promised and oh no, she’s added a lip wibble to it as well!
  1302. “Damn it all, fine, but you are staying close while we walk and at the first sign of trouble you /hide/, do you understand?”
  1303. >The rapid nods from Fizzlepop don’t help you with your worry, but this is the course you’ve chosen.
  1304. >”I will!”
  1305. >”Alright Fizzlepop lead the way and like the Ape said, stay close.” Sunset said giving Fizzlepop a slight nudge with her leg.
  1306. You fall into step with Sunset as you murmured to her, “I really hope you know what you’re doing Sunset.”
  1307. >”I am, trust me.”
  1308. “...We’re doing this aren’t we?”
  1310. >Sunset nodded at you before your group soon made new tracks from the marketplace.
  1311. >You and Sunset both walk alongside Fizzlepop as she leads you to the outskirts of Green Burrow.
  1312. >Along the way you have to stop as Sunset holds up a hoof before pressing you and Fizzlepop against a nearby wall.
  1313. >As you trusted Sunset you pushed with your leg to keep Fizzlepop back making her look up at you then Sunset.
  1314. >”Why-”
  1315. >You snapped your hand down around Fizzlepop’s muzzle right quick interrupting her as you motioned her to keep silent.
  1316. >When you turned back you could see Sunset peeking out around the corner before she darted her head back to look at you.
  1317. >Sunset whispered to you, “More Canis Minor, give me a second.” before Sunset closed her eyes as her horn ignited.
  1318. >Faintly you could hear the low growls from the dogs grow closer with each passing second.
  1319. >Tightening your grip on your spear you subtly shift your feet to brace for the animals when Sunset opened her eyes and stepped out into view of the star beasts!
  1320. >You heard Fizzlepop shout as you reached out to grab the mare from being mauled, when she inhaled sharply then began to blow on a whistle formed from her magic.
  1321. >The silence from the whistle has you worried that it simply isn’t working as you rushed to keep her safe when you stop at the sudden howls and yips of pain coming from the Canis Minors.
  1322. >Ears pinned back the dogs soon scatter into the village tails between their legs.
  1323. >”What was that?!” Fizzlepop exclaimed as she galloped up to Sunset.
  1324. >”It’s a dog whistle charm, you use it for when you want to punish a dog for doing bad things.”
  1325. “That’s useful, why didn’t you use it when we were fighting the first bunch?” You asked, would have been helpful earlier that’s for sure.
  1326. >”Would you believe me if I said I forgot the spell?” Sunset answered you with a slight blush, “I had learned it because, that’s not important we should hurry.”
  1327. “Oh! Right, uh, this way, but while we’re going there. Could you maybe teach me that spell? It sounds really useful!” Fizzlepop asked skipping alongside Sunset.
  1328. >”It’s not that hard a spell, I’d bet even you could learn it Ape.” Sunset said as you walked to the woods.
  1329. “Told you already, you’re spells make no sense to me.” You replied easily using your spear as a walking staff.
  1330. >”Don’t worry Mister Ape I’ll learn all the spells so I can do them for you! Miss Longbottom said that’s what mares do for stallions anyway so it all works out!” Fizzlepop exclaimed.
  1332. >You roll your eyes as you listened with half an ear to Sunset and Fizzlepop’s little lesson as you kept your focus on your surroundings.
  1333. >Fizzlepop seemed to have you walking down a road that was parallel to the rampage of destruction that had carved its way into the town.
  1334. >Soon the buildings of the village soon dies out to the out laying farmsteads that no doubt sustain Green Burrow.
  1335. >The trench for lack of a better term is not as destructive here as it was in the village, no doubt from the lack of buildings, still you can see a barn that had been simply brushed aside like a child’s toy resting on it’s side.
  1336. >Fences have been mashed and fields alike suffer from the trench, but some hard work and time would no doubt fix it, what draws the eye however is the forest.
  1337. >What you had noticed with the farms themselves was each had been organized and neat with each little tidy square plot of land well maintained and outlined with small groves of trees to act as wind breakers.
  1338. >This organized system is violently tossed aside as the forest outskirts can be seen, many of the trees on the outskirts of the woods look to be already old at least a century or more, the road which had been cobblestone soon fades into a dirt trail that ends at the beginning of the forest.
  1339. >The canopy is thick, abnormally so that the interior looks dim to dark even with the afternoon sun shining brightly down on you as you adjust your grip on the haft of your spear.
  1340. >You can even see a tree that is bent over to form an archway into the forest itself, that’s not natural.
  1341. >You hadn't realized it, but you had stopped walking something about those woods had you on edge.
  1342. >It took Fizzlepop speaking up to break you from the stupor you had found yourself in, “So, this is the Broken Wood, it’s usually not this s-scary all the time.”
  1343. >”The trees have changed from what they are normally like?” Sunset asked before a deluge of questions sprung forth, “What were they like normally? When did the change occur? How long?”
  1344. “Easy Sunset, she’s just a filly, not a ranger.”
  1345. >”N-no it’s fine, uh, they just look like normal trees, not like they are now, um they also have more leaves than what they have? Like some of these trees look like they do only in winter and uh, I think since the we lost that ball? I mean deeper inside it’s like this, but the outside bits of the Broken Wood aren’t that bad.” Fizzlepop explained glancing between the you and Sunset.
  1346. “Then we’ll just have to keep our wits about us and not get seperated.” You said with as much confidence as you could muster.
  1347. >Fizzlepop smiles wanely at you before Sunset steps close to the filly as she said, ”Yeah, stay close Fizzle.”
  1348. >The filly nodded with far more vigor, the hero worship plain to see when she replied, ”Okay! Um, let’s see, we had been playing ball over here.”
  1350. >Not soon after you are following Fizzlepop deeper into the woods.
  1351. >The dimness of the forest grows ever darker until the light becomes like twilight, your eyes squint trying to see further ahead.
  1352. >Within the thick of the Broken Wood you soon understand why it is called that, for many a tree and branch look wrong to you, bare as if it were winter and crooked as can be.
  1353. >You noticed Sunset’s coat puff up and a slight shiver run through her frame.
  1354. “You can feel it too?” You whispered to the sun themed mare.
  1355. >Sunset tilts her head up to look at you before she responded with, ”Yes. It feels like, like Celestia’s magic when she’s raising the sun only twisted.”
  1356. >Ducking under a low hanging arch of tree trunk you shuddered as you could feel something oily pass over you, you struggle not to fidget to wipe your hands off on your clothes before focusing on the conversation at hand.
  1357. “Do you think we should go back then, this might be too much for us to handle.” You continued your whispered conversation with Sunset.
  1358. >”No. We can’t.” Sunset replied quickly, far too quickly.
  1359. >Damn this mare and her pride.
  1360. “Sunset.” You hissed not impressed with her answer.
  1361. >”Ape, if I can’t handle the things Celestia can on a daily basis, how do you expect me to be able to defend Equestria?” Sunset retorted holding your gaze with a glare of her own.
  1362. >You hold the glare for a few seconds already aware that Fizzlepop could possibly overhear the two of you arguing before you sighed.
  1363. “Fine, if we die from this I swear I’ll kill you.” You finally said not happy with this turn of events.
  1364. >”That doesn’t even make sense.” Sunset said as her nose scrunched up in annoyance.
  1365. “Doesn’t need to.” You shot back when you heard Fizzlepop call out.
  1366. >”Miss Sunset, Mister Ape? We’re close.”
  1368. >You kneel down next to Fizzlepop as you look where she points.
  1369. >Ahead is a raised hill that forms a cliff where in the side is a large cave mouth that holds pure darkness inside as even the gloom of the woods doesn’t penetrate that far.
  1370. >You can also make out what looks like a few stalagmites and stalactites that stand vigil in the cave’s mouth giving the impression of a broken toothed maw ready to devour any unwary traveler.
  1371. “You went inside of that, for a ball.” You asked the filly beside you.
  1372. >”Y-yeah, I mean, it was mine and I didn’t want to lose it.” Fizzlepop said quietly.
  1373. >”That’s not important now, we’ll need to head inside. Fizzlepop you’ll need to stay out here where it’s safe.” Sunset said as she starts to walk towards the cave.
  1374. >”O-out here?!” Fizzlepop exclaimed looking from the creepy forest to the yawning mouth of the cave, “C-can’t I come with you instead?”
  1375. >”I’m sorry Fizzlepop, but you’ll have to ask Anon, you did promise him you’d wait outside the cave after all.” Sunset replied making you glare at her retreating back.
  1376. >That little bitch.
  1377. >Looking down you see Fizzlepop staring you down with watery eyes and the puffed out lip as she sniffs.
  1378. >”C-can I please come with you two?”
  1379. >SON OF A BITCH!
  1380. >You struggle mightily against the look of cute, yet when you see how terrified she is underneath you cave like the basic bitch you are.
  1381. “Fine, fine! Just stop with the eyes already!” You grumbled aloud to the sound of a squeal of excited delight from Fizzlepop.
  1382. >This is why you don’t want to ever have kids, they’d ruin you.
  1383. >”Thank you! Thank you!” Fizzlepop said as she galloped off after Sunset.
  1385. >You are soon walking after the duo into the cave the magic of their horns illuminating the interior.
  1386. >Thankfully there isn’t blood on the walls or strange carvings speaking of unknowable horrors so that eases your mind somewhat.
  1387. >”How deep was this cave again Fizzlepop?” Sunset asked as you passed more stony outcroppings.
  1388. >”Not that deep, I only walked for a few moments when I saw the Ursa.” Fizzlepop explained beside you.
  1389. >As accustomed to the dark as your eyes were a pony’s night vision was far beyond your own as Fizzlepop pointed ahead, “That’s where it was sleeping, but something’s wrong. The weird glow isn’t there anymore…”
  1390. >”Stay behind us, we’ll check it out. Ape with me.” Sunset ordered as she pushed past Fizzlepop.
  1391. >You spare the filly a reassuring smile as you pass her by soon coming to a stop as Sunset’s light brings into view a strange off colored white piece of stone with veins of grey running through it.
  1392. >You’d swear it looked like marble or maybe even some type of quartz as you kneeled down to look at it better.
  1393. “You have any idea what this-”
  1394. >A shrill scream of pain erupts suddenly from behind you!
  1395. >Whirling about to the sound you pale as you couldn’t see the steady teal of Fizzlepop’s magic, only ragged erratic sparks that strobed scenes from a nightmare.
  1396. >Each pulse revealed some black oily amorphous mass surrounding Fizzlepop as she reared back her hooves kicking as her horn, her horn was gone!
  1398. >You are already charging forward a wordless cry of rage tearing from your throat spear lowered.
  1399. >Heart thudding again with the adrenaline spike you watch as your spear point dig into the mass of shadows sinking deeply.
  1400. >Yet for all your efforts the shadowy mass erupts around the puncture rushing towards you!
  1401. >Hastily you release the spear and throw yourself back away from the tendrils reaching for you.
  1402. >A grunt of pain escapes you as you landed on the ground only for a bolt of flame to roar overhead, singing your hair, to blast into the darkness!
  1403. >The blob didn’t like that as it scattered from the force of the explosion and you see Fizzlepop on her side holding her head!
  1404. >Taking the chance you roll to your feet and sprint towards the filly.
  1405. >The shadows around you already reforming from the blast rush inwards to beat you there.
  1406. >Only for another flash of flame to force the black away as you scooped up the filly in your arms.
  1407. >You curse aloud, her face is covered in blood you can see it dribble down from her horn, you hear Sunset shout your name urging you on.
  1408. >Ducking your head down and clutching Fizzlepop to your chest you sprint like the demons of hell were after you as you make for Sunset.
  1410. >Flames race past you, some coming close enough to make your eyes water, but never enough to hurt as you slide to a stop beside the magic slinging mare.
  1411. >”How is she?!” Sunset asked tersely horn bright as she continues her bombardment of the shadows.
  1412. “Bad, her horn it’s, it’s gone Sunset. We have to leave now.” You said trying to use a spare hand to put pressure on the wound.
  1413. >”Not yet,” Sunset replied voice dark, “Not until I kill this thing, but first.”
  1414. >Before you’re able to protest Sunset casts a large dome around you both, without the barrage of spellfire the darkness converges upon the barrier striking it with shadows made of spears.
  1415. >Wincing at the bombardment on the dome Sunset flung her saddlebags towards you, “In there on the stave with the green ribbon is a healing spell, just point and rip the ribbon off, the spell will do the rest. Inside is also a staff with a blue ribbon, rip that off and it’ll keep the shield up.”
  1416. “W-wait, why are you- Sunset!?” You shouted out as after dumping the information on you the crazy mare ran out of the dome wreathed in flames!
  1418. >Scrambling you curse as you know Fizzlepop needed your attention more than Sunset as you rummaged through the bags before upending the whole thing as many items scattered about the cave floor.
  1419. >Green Staff, green staff, gre-Aha!
  1420. >Grabbing the staff you rip the ribbon off making the end illuminate with golden yellow light the forced the darkness away as if it were scalded before you point it towards Fizzlepop’s head wound.
  1421. >Slowly you watch as the bleeding stops and the cracked horn is healed over like flesh over a scar, but you frown as the staff’s power died out leaving Fizzlepop healed, but her horn had not grown back.
  1422. >Why hadn’t her horn grown back!?
  1423. >There is a creak of broken glass above you and you look up to see a crack forming as you hastily grabbed the blue ribboned staff and tore it free watching as the barrier is repaired.
  1424. >Kneeled down beside Fizzlepop who had yet to wake up you gnaw at your lip.
  1425. >Only to catch the sudden glare of light from nearby as you see Sunset shining brightly as a bonfire in the darkness her eyes white before she lowers her head unleashing a terrifyingly large beam of magic and flame towards the rock you had found!
  1427. >The stone holds fast against the beam!
  1428. >Yet Sunset even as the shadows pierce the nimbus of flames protecting the mare and score deep gouges in her coat she digs her hooves in and the beam’s power grows until.
  1429. >With a crumble the stone is ground to dust under the onslaught and the shadows dissipate back to normal shadows and Sunset falls to the ground her magic winking out.
  1430. >You take a deep breath suddenly aware of how free it feels now, as if some suffocating presence had been banished.
  1431. >Focusing on the glow inside you hold it within the palm of your hand as you hurry to Sunset.
  1432. >The shadows had managed to get their parting shot in as Sunset was covered in scratches and bruises alike, you quickly pick her up and make back to the dimly glowing barrier.
  1433. >Soon you search amongst the staffs and find that she had only packed the one staff of healing!
  1434. >Gritting your teeth at the conditions you have to work in you grab the staff and try to direct some of the magic inside towards Sunset.
  1435. >There is a faint glimmer of light that leaves the staff shining over Sunset, before it falls dark and inert.
  1436. >Frustrated you toss the worthless hunk of wood away before grabbing the leftover bandages to tend to Sunset’s wounds.
  1438. >By the time you were done Sunset looked like she was more bandage than mare, but her breath is steady and strong.
  1439. >Might be magic exhaustion as for Fizzlepop, you don’t know she still hasn’t woke up.
  1440. >You retrace your steps with your palm glowing to where you had saved Fizzlepop squinting in the dim light.
  1441. >Holding the light up higher you let out a small noise of triumph as you found the rest of Fizzlepop’s horn, it’s so tiny in your hand you muse after picking it up.
  1442. >Hurrying back to the barrier you begin to work.
  1443. >Cannibalizing your backpack into a foal carrier you carefully rest Fizzlepop within and rest her on your back.
  1444. >For Sunset you’ll have to carry her like a sack of grain, you’re not going to be able to carry much else for the trek you’ll have to make.
  1445. >The only thing else you take with you is the barrier staff with your free hand moving the dome with you as you carefully walk out of the cave.
  1446. >Once you step outside you have to hold your arm up as the difference in light blinds you for a moment before your eyes soon adjust.
  1447. >Already you can see the difference in the woods as the gloom had been banished revealing the woods held a some dead trees, but not as many as you had thought.
  1448. >Adjusting your burdens you begin to follow back the tracks you had left behind towards town.
  1450. “Move those civilians onto the train, they have priority for treatment.” You order your guard directing them to assist the wounded onto the trains.
  1451. >”Ma’am!” Hooves clattered on the stations floor drawing your attention to see one of your sergeants, one Called Shot, the mare skids to a stop before you trying to speak while out of breath, “The town...scouts said…”
  1452. “Breath Called Shot, breathe you’ll pass out at this rate.”
  1453. >Called Shot shakes her head when she pointed toward Green Burrow, “The Ursa’s are moving! Away!”
  1454. >Alarm surges through as you follow her hoof and raise up your standard issue telescope with your magic.
  1455. >The sergeant wasn’t wrong as you saw the great behemoths ponderously begin their trek back towards the Broken Wood, you’ll need to assign a flock of Wonderbolts to keep an eye on their movements possibly some platoons of Earth ponies to guide the animals back to their homes.
  1456. >If you were a betting mare, which you weren’t as Momma didn’t raise no fool, you’d bet your last bit that Princess Celestia’s student had something to do with this.
  1457. >It irked you to have to relay on that maverick, but you’ve paid attention to the reports and the mare is able to get results, you’ll give her that.
  1458. >However, the reports always mentioned she’d always teleport back looking as pristine as she arrived, so where was she?
  1459. >You were ready to put down your telescope and return to your duties when you see a blue glow slowly plodding towards the station!
  1460. >Twisting the telescope in your magical grip you use a minor spell of clarity and zoom in on the blue where your eyes widen.
  1461. “Sergeant! I need a platoon with medics on standby, here and I need them now!”
  1463. >You are so damn tired.
  1464. >One foot in front of the other.
  1465. >Another one, don’t look up, it’ll just make it look longer.
  1466. >You have to lean more heavily on the staff than you’d expected, but that’s okay.
  1467. >As long as you keep moving the better.
  1468. >You hear the rapid approach of hooves and can only look up to catch a full squadron of ponies in their armor galloping up to you.
  1469. >Finally some help, you think before your legs decide to give up the ghost buckling under you, cursing aloud your knuckles turn white as you use the staff to support your full weight.
  1470. >Despite your attempt you’re still falling!
  1471. >Only to be caught by the sturdy hooves of at least two Earth ponies, the magic hum of unicorns abounds as your burdens are lifted free.
  1472. >You hear voices from the ponies, but you simply let the noise wash over you as you just rest, you just need to rest your eyes for a moment.
  1474. >”And that’s it? You can’t do anything else?!” You hear the shrill tones of a familiar voice as you awaken.
  1475. >Your head throbs as you squinted finding yourself inside of a large tent, at least a pavilion by your guess by the way the ceiling flaps with the wind.
  1476. >”I’m sorry Ma’am, but that’s Celestia’s truth I swear. If we had the proper equipment we could attempt it, but it was destroyed during the attack.” Another voice answered before there is a slight shuffle of hooves on cloth, “If it’s any consolation, you’re traveling companion should be fine once he’s had time to rest.”
  1477. >”...Thank you, if that will be all?” You remembered that voice, Sunset!
  1478. >Once you placed the voice you sprung up from the cot you rested upon only to hiss out in pain as your muscles heartily protested the sudden movement.
  1479. >You glance around as you saw the room was made out of cloth, from the floor to the walls and ceiling, though there are a few items spread about the room like a wash basin, chair, and the cot you sat upon.
  1480. >Across the room from you was the door though it was simply a piece of fabric with buttons that could snap onto the wall for some sense of privacy.
  1482. >Those same buttons soon snap open for to reveal Sunset slowly cantered in before she stopped her eyes locked onto your own.
  1483. >”Ape!” Sunset exclaimed as she sprinted toward your bedside a hoof already on your shoulder gently trying to push you back down onto the cot, “The physician said you needed rest, so don’t you get any ideas now.”
  1484. “Fine, I’ll lay down, just let me…” You said, grabbing the thin blankets the ponies had used to cover your form to allow you to lay down atop a pile of bedding.
  1485. >Comfortable as you can be considering the circumstances you can see the worry lines under Sunset’s eyes.
  1486. “Sunset, what happened? You look terrible.”
  1487. >”You’re not a great sight for the eyes either, Ape.”
  1488. “Touche, but really, what’s wrong? Last I remember we won, I was carrying you and Fiz-!” You sit upright once more, “Fizzlepop! Where is she? Is she alright?”
  1489. >Sunset has her jaw clenched and your heart plummets.
  1490. >”She...She’s alive.”
  1491. >Oh no.
  1492. >Please don’t be a coma, please don’t be a coma...
  1495. “Sunset, tell me straight what’s wrong.”
  1496. >Sunset’s fixed stare on you doesn’t flinch though her voice whispered, ”They can’t fix her horn, or her magic.”
  1497. >You blinked at the answer before you leaned back into your pile of bedding with relief.
  1498. “Is that it?”
  1499. >”Is that it?! That’s all you have to say!?” Sunset exploded, her mane frizzy from her outrage the colors almost swimming together to make her head appear as if on fire.
  1500. >You wave your hands rapidly trying to not get burnt as the room suddenly feels much warmer all of a sudden.
  1501. “Whoa! Calm down Sunset, calm down!”
  1502. >”I /WILL/ not be told to calm down, we’ve ruined that filly’s life you dumb bucking brute!” Sunset shouted as she stepped closer.
  1503. >At Sunset’s words you feel your spine stiffen at the insult as you point a finger at the mare.
  1504. “Ruined her life? It’s not that bad, she’s still alive isn’t she!?”
  1505. >”Without her magic under her control! What do you expect her to suddenly be all sunshine and flowers after that Anon, she’s crippled for life now!” Sunset exclaimed now in your face and you can feel your skin drying out at the sheer heat coming from her rage.
  1506. >You don’t flinch leaning your forehead into hers, if you gave her an inch she’d take a mile, you know it.
  1507. “We can still fix this, if you’d calm down enough!”
  1508. >”We can’t! The equipment for a horn surgery was destroyed during those damned animals wrecking Green Burrows, so tell me how we can fix this, eh?” Sunset snarled at you.
  1509. “Maybe not her own magic, but something else, you had a whole bag of tricks and gimmicks right?”
  1512. >”What, my staves and scrolls? Anon to make those you need a horn that works in the first place.” The fire had dimmed in Sunset’s voice, though if you weren’t careful the embers would no doubt roar back up into a conflagration.
  1513. “After you make the trinket, how do you reuse them?”
  1514. >”You’d need to recharge the matrix with a source of magic, an-”
  1515. >The light bulb goes on over Sunset’s head then and there just as her magic stabilized no longer making it unbearable hot in the room.
  1516. >The shock of cold that rushed in stunned you for a moment as you shivered in a cold sweat.
  1517. >Sunset meanwhile starts to levitate a few sheets of parchment and a quill with ink as she starts to rapidly write.
  1518. >”It might be doable, but for every new spell she’d have someone else craft the matrix to begin with, but if she has some inkling of magic left she might-”
  1520. >Before Sunset can delve too deeply into her own head you snap your fingers in front of her snout.
  1521. >Scrunched from the sudden nose so close Sunset stopped her muttering to glare at you, “What?!”
  1522. “We’re not going to leave Fizzlepop here, are we?
  1523. >”What? Of course not! Fizzlepop got hurt because of us, it’s the least we can do.”
  1524. “Good, that’s good, though…”
  1525. >”What?”
  1526. “Doesn’t she have parents? Won’t we need to get in contact with them first?”
  1527. >”Won’t be a problem.”
  1528. “Huh?”
  1529. >”I said it won’t be a problem, now let me get back to paper work.”
  1530. “Sunset we can’t just kidnap a filly from her parents!”
  1531. >”Ugh, here sign this and give it back.”
  1532. >A sheaf of parchment different from the others is drawn from her saddlebags before thrown into your face by way of magic, a quill and inkpot hover in the air nearby.
  1533. >Parchment peeled from your face you shake it to remove your face casted in the parchment to read it.
  1534. >Legal speak, legal speak, ensure proper living condition for ward?
  1535. “Wait, what?”
  1536. >”Can’t you just do what your told?”
  1537. “Apprenticeship? Ward? Fizzlepop’s an orphan?”
  1538. >You tear your gaze from the form to Sunset, the mare meanwhile is steadfastly ignoring your gaze slowly hunching behind her scratch paper, however, you can see the quill in her aura pause before she peeked over the parchment she held,”Yes, now I know this might be going a little too fast for your sensibilities, but-”
  1541. “No, uh, I mean, this is fine.”
  1542. >”See you say that, but the way you say that says otherwise.”
  1543. You flick the form at Sunset for her sass before replying, “Quit being an ass, Fizzlepop got hurt because of us, so the least we can do is take care of her.”
  1544. >You soon begin to fill out the paperwork dipping the quill in the inkpot, the work of a few minutes later and you blow gently on the ink to let it dry.
  1545. “There done.”
  1546. >”Thank you.” Sunset levitated the document close before rolling it up to store in her saddlebag.
  1547. >Sunset continued to put away her things though her scratch paper was left out in her magic held with an unattended spell, with a glance you could see different formula written down for spells before you realize something.
  1548. “Hey, Sunset?”
  1549. >”What?”
  1550. “Did we ever ask if Fizzlepop even wanted us to take her?”
  1551. >”...Oh, buck me.”
  1553. >”You’re lucky that you’re Princess Celestia’s personal student Sunset Shimmer, otherwise I’d give you a right whopping for the business your dragged that filly into.” Nurse Tibia whispered fiercely to Sunset before sparing you a glance, “Not to mention a colt like your friend here, what were you thinking?”
  1554. >”I was thinking that I was doing my job, which you should focus on instead of berating me for saving this village you harpy!” Sunset shot back pride stung from the threatening tone.
  1555. >Interposing your hand between the mares you clear your throat.
  1556. “I’m thinking we should see to the little one instead of arguing, yeah?”
  1557. >Nurse Tibia who had been leading you and Sunset to Fizzlepop held your gaze before slowly nodding, “It’s nice to at least see a stallion that’s giving a damn about the foals, unlike some.”
  1558. >You nod in thanks though you bet that subtle grinding you hear is from Sunset.
  1559. “Thank you, is this her room?”
  1560. >”Aye, but be quick she needs her bedrest.” Nurse Tibia replied before moving down the hall of cloth her tail flicking Sunset’s snout with contempt before she departs.
  1561. >You hastily reach out to drag Sunset into the room before she can cast a curse or something at the Nurse.
  1562. >”I wasn’t going to curse her Anon.” Sunset said face flat, “Now if you’d unhoof me?”
  1563. Sighing you let Sunset go, “Just don’t get caught you know? It’d be a hassle if Princess Celestia was getting on our case.”
  1564. >”Please, I’m not new to the court.” Sunset replied turning from you to Fizzlepop, following her gaze you see the filly laying in bed softly snoozing away.
  1566. “Shit, she’s still asleep?”
  1567. >”The nurse said we could wake her, the sedatives should be wearing off by now.”
  1568. “Don’t you think we should wait for her to wake up first?”
  1569. >”We’ll not have the time to wait you, Ape.”
  1570. “What’re you talking about?”
  1571. >A gleam of sunlight slips through a small gap between the many canvas layers of the pavilion brightening the room for a moment.
  1572. >Between one second and the next once the shaft of sunlight disappears Sunset is unraveling a scroll the personal symbol of Princess Celestia on it.
  1573. “...Did that just appear from sunlight?”
  1574. >”Hm? Yes, she tends to do that, she usually tends to do that if I don’t answer the journal.”
  1575. “So, why exactly the-”
  1576. >”It was useful when she needed to send me homework and so I could send it back once I was done.” “Of course ever since she’s been able to use the sunlight message it’s been literal Tartarus to do anything without her looming over my shoulder at times. Honestly.”
  1577. ”Okay, what’d she write about that was so important?”
  1578. >”Nothing more than the usual, worrying about everything I’ve done, we need to talk with Tempest first.”
  1579. “But.”
  1580. >”Hey kid, you up?”
  1581. A surge of annoyance with Sunset flows through you, but you can’t call her out on it when you see Fizzlepop twitch.
  1583. >Fizzlepop lets out a small grown of sleepiness as she twists and turns in bed, “Hm wha-”
  1584. >Slowly the filly sat up looking with glazed eyes that slowly became aware once more before her ears perked upright at the sight.
  1585. >“Sunset Shimmer! Anonymous! You're okay! What happened with-” There is a brief flash of light from her horn that crackled and popped before she was flung back onto her bed with wide panicked eyes.
  1586. >“What, what was that, what-” Fizzlepop reaches up with a hoof to her horn eyes searching desperately to see something that simply wasn't there, the filly paused when her hoof brushed up against the jagged edges of her horn.
  1587. “Fizzlepop calm down, we’re here and we can help fix this.”
  1588. >She's not paying you any attention, her hoof continues to gingerly trace the sharp points left of her horn her face struck in disbelieve.
  1589. >What do you do, what do you do!?
  1590. >A flash of flame darts forward making you blink.
  1591. >The next thing you see is Sunset of all ponies gently taking the filly into her forelegs and against her tuft, “Easy filly, easy.”
  1592. >The act of compassion, of understanding more than anything else breaks the dam as Fizzlepop sobs.
  1593. >Small mauve forelegs cling tightly to Sunset, the mare spares you a look jerking her head over.
  1594. >You scramble over still unsure of what to do, how do you comfort kids again, it’s been years since your siblings were this small!
  1595. >Fizzlepop shakes from the force of her cries and your hands move on their own one stretching out to gently pet her mane and the other to rest on her side atop of Sunset’s hoof.
  1596. >Soft nonsensical words leave your lips letting Fizzlepop cry.
  1598. >It feels like it helps, if only a little, before Fizzlepop slows her cries.
  1599. >Sunset helps Fizzlepop clean her face before the filly asks, “I-I guess this means you c-can’t teach me that spell, huh S-Sunset?”
  1600. >Sunset inhales sharply at the question her tail swaying in agitation, “...No, I can’t.”
  1601. >You glare at Sunset over Fizzlepop’s head urging her to get on with it!
  1602. >”But, that doesn’t mean I can’t help you with magic.”
  1603. >”B-but, I-I can’t. Not when I’m-” Fizzlepop’s voice hitches as her eyes dart back up to her horn.
  1604. “Hey focus.”
  1605. >You reach over to firmly hold Fizzlepop’s muzzle in your hand forcing her to look you in the eye.
  1606. “Listen to what she has to say before you get into a panic.”
  1607. >A cyan glow pries your hand off as Sunset returns the glare at you then turns to Fizzlepop with a softer expression, “Right, I’m a deft hand with magical tools, I bet with your help we could fashion something to help you with your magic.”
  1608. >Fizzlepop sniffs rubbing at her snout with a foreleg, “How would I- I mean, you saw my horn, it went off like, like a firework! I can’t use any magic it’s too unstable!”
  1609. >”Not true actually, the fact you’re able to use magic at all is a good sign.” Sunset replied running a hoof over Fizzlepop’s mane away from her horn where a few sparks zip about before fading into the ether.
  1610. >”R-really?”
  1611. >You heart nearly breaks from the sheer desperate hope that is laced in that one word.
  1612. “Really really, and from what I saw kiddo you’ve got some pretty good kick to your horn.”
  1613. >Caught between the two of you Fizzlepop twists her head back and forth before hesitantly asking, “W-why are you…Why are you doing this all for me?”
  1614. >You share a glance with Sunset and can see her nod to you, her mouth puckered into a frown.
  1615. “Two reasons really, the first; we messed up, badly at that. We shouldn’t have let you get hurt-”
  1616. >”It was my fault though!” Fizzlepop interrupts you both forehooves on your chest, “Honestly, I went in after you and I-I wasn’t strong enough to help and-”
  1617. >”You stop that right now, even I was having trouble with that thing and you managing as you were is a credit to your own power, besides I can’t have my new apprentice selling herself short can I?”
  1620. >For a few moments there is silence in the tent aside from the work done by the guard and nurse ponies alike until you hear the faintest of high pitched whine.
  1621. >It’s faint, but growing stronger until with a squeal Fizzlepop bodily leaps into Sunset, her hooves wrapping around the mare’s neck in a near stranglehold.
  1622. >You meanwhile are flicked with an overly excited tail as you try to avoid the happily kicking filly.
  1623. >”Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you!”
  1624. >Sunset’s face is frozen in shock torn between amusement and awkwardness.
  1625. >You laugh loudly as you reach across to scoop the filly off Sunset.
  1626. “Come on now little one, let the mare breath for a moment, and yeah that was the second reason.”
  1627. >”I’m going to be an apprentice to Sunset Shimmer! That’ll be like I’m a personal student to Princess Celestia but like a hundred times better!” Fizzlepop exclaimed tail beating a mile a minute.
  1628. >”Oh really? Why’s that then?” Sunset asked her interest piqued by the praise.
  1629. >”Simple you do stuff!”
  1630. “Like what little one?”
  1631. >At this the filly shyly rubs her forehooves together then looks around you all.
  1632. “Oh, right.”
  1633. >”I like to think of it as being a touch more proactive than my teacher all things considered.” Sunset explained and you swear you could see her head just inflate a few more inches.
  1634. >Like you would have cared if Celestia hadn’t forced you to come, the thought crosses your mind before you simply let it go for the sake of Fizzlepop at least.
  1635. >”Mhmm! So what’s the first thing we have to do now that I’m your apprentice Miss Shimmer?” Fizzlepop asked
  1636. >”Paperwork I'm afraid,” Sunset said levitating the adoption forms over to the filly. “just sign here at the bottom and we'll have everything ready to go”
  1637. “Shouldn't you let her read the document first Sunset?”
  1638. >”Why? It's just an apprenticeship…” Fizzlepop said slowly trailing off as she reads the document more thoroughly then looked up to Sunset. “I’d live with you and Mister Ape?”
  1639. >”Yep, can’t teach you if your halfway across Equestria right? Not to worry though I’ll teach you all sorts of things.”
  1640. “I can help you in case Sunset drops a ton of homework on you.”
  1641. >Sunset glared at you for a moment, soon changing to all smiles as she lowered her head to be eye level with Fizzlepop, “So, what you think?”
  1642. >Oh no, Sunset, you fool!
  1643. >Fizzlepop sniffles, big fat tears crowding at the edges of her eyes before…
  1644. >”Tha-ah-ah-ank you!” The overwhelmed filly shouts out wrapping Sunset in a too tight hug.
  1645. >Sunset’s eyes bulge out cartoonishly when they latch onto you begging for help.
  1646. >Instead Sunset’s eyes shrink to pinpricks as you raise your arms wide engulfing both mare and filly in your own hug.
  1647. >Despite Sunset’s struggles you can feel it’s a token effort at best and you smile, Sunset was still prickly as ever and you might have made the wrong call with Fizzlepop, but damn it all you’ll do the best you can.
  1648. >For the both of them, you swear it.
  1650. >Steam hisses out in large billows that leave the station in a misty fog so high in the mountain range.
  1651. >Despite your dimensional displacement you feel a soothing in your heart at the return to Canterlot.
  1652. >Hoisting the backpack and some luggage for Fizzlepop, despite the younger mare’s protests, the day you can’t carry your own things is the day you check into a nursing home.
  1653. >Speaking of the small filly, “This is Canterlot?” Fizzlepop murmured aloud eyes impossibly wide upon the white marble spirals and purple lined with gold accents towers of the Equestrian capital.
  1654. >”Yep, don’t get starstruck filly, you’ll get used to the sight soon enough.” Sunset spoke from behind Fizzlepop as she soon trotted onto the station itself. “Ape, don’t strain yourself, you already are on nurse’s leave already and I don’t need Princess Celestia on my case now.”
  1655. “I can handle it Sunset, side’s little bit of exercise never hurt anyone.”
  1656. >Sunset rolled her eyes at your words as she trotted by before you kneel down to nudge Fizzlepop.
  1657. “Hey, wanna know something cool? Our house is that tower way over there, see it?”
  1658. >Fizzlepop squinted in the early morning light raising her hoof to better see, “I think, is it the one with the purple top and the scorch marks?”
  1659. >You hear more than see Sunset stutter step at the mention of said scorch marks as you carefully conceal your laughter with a cough.
  1660. “Y-yep, that’s the one. Don’t min- Sunset!”
  1661. >The little minx just casually levitated your luggage with a teal glow of her horn while you were distracted with Fizzlepop!
  1662. >Clever girl.
  1663. >Sunset stuck her tongue out at you then wiggled the confiscated loot when she went to a canter out of the station.
  1664. >”Does she do this all the time Mister Ape?” Fizzlepop asked watching with a puzzled expression.
  1665. “Only when it annoys me, and sorry about this.”
  1666. >”Sorry about wha-aaaaah!” Fizzlepop only has time to scream out as you bodily lift her off the ground and tuck the filly like a football against your side as your break into a sprint.
  1667. >You are not letting Sunset get one up over you! That’s for sure!
  1668. >There is a crowd, of course, it’s the capital of the country, and you try to use your long legs to overtake Sunset despite your best attempts you find that the other ponies work remarkably like a cat for getting in your way.
  1670. >”Mister Ape, don’t you think you should let me walk!? We’re not really going that faster…” Fizzlepop asked from your side legs dangling like a kitten caught by its mother, “I can walk just fine you know.”
  1671. >You cluck your tongue in distaste as you can easily see Sunset looking far too smug as she rests against a taxi carriage ideally brushing her hoof.
  1672. >”Oh, you’re finally here? Wonderful, now let’s get going to the castle, Princess Celestia will want to talk with us no doubt.”
  1673. >You grumbled back in reply as you set Fizzlepop down in the carriage itself.
  1674. >Fizzlepop meanwhile has her eyes on a near constant swivel trying to take in all of the sights that she can from her seat.
  1675. >It takes a few moments to cram your taller frame into the carriage, but is manageable enough before Sunset gives the reigns a quick crack to the taxi pony, “Canterlot Castle and be quick about it!”
  1676. >The mare in front rears up in surprise at the sudden whipcrack before she snorted in reply a hasty stucco of steps soon fill the air joined by many like it on the main streets of Canterlot.
  1677. “I still think it’s weird you have ponies doing carriages.”
  1678. >”Why? They’re paid well for it, for what it’s worth that is.” Sunset replied blithely levitating a few scrolls from her satchel humming to herself when a quill pops into being to write a few notes.
  1679. “It just seems weird, the only place I can think of that does that is a place that way too many people to begin with, but even they replaced with something better soon enough.”
  1681. >”What was the place like Mister Ape?” Fizzlepop asked focused on you, distracting you from your train of thought.
  1682. “Oh, just a place with a ton of others like me, you know, just almost to the point where it was uncomfortable, never lived there you know, but I’ve heard of it.”
  1683. >”You never visited?” Fizzlepop continued to ask before Sunset wraps a small measuring tap around the remains of her horn ever so gingerly. “Mistress?”
  1684. >You cringed at the address while Sunset’s posture nearly preened at the word before she explained, “Nothing, nothing, just need some measurements for some research, my little apprentice.”
  1685. “Can’t she call you Miss Shimmer or something?”
  1686. >”What’s wrong with the proper title Ape? I think it’s rather nice.” Sunset said before she scratched out a few more things on her paper then set them back in the satchel.
  1687. “Bad connotations is all, back home it was...not a family friendly thing really.”
  1688. >”What’s a connation?” Fizzlepop asked to which Sunset replied quickly as a whip, “Con-no-ta-shun, usually an emotion related to a word despite the word having a different meaning. It’s rather strange that your homeland is so debased as to ruin a student and master relationship like that.”
  1689. >You hold up your hands in surrender at the blatant accusation.
  1690. “Hey, sometimes you get weird cases is all I’m saying.”
  1691. >”Like what?” Fizzlepop asked innocently.
  1692. >You and Sunset both blanch at the question, you shoot a glance to Sunset who does so in return.
  1693. >”It’s-”
  1694. “You-”
  1695. >Both of you pause and you simply wave at Sunset to continue.
  1696. >”It’s something when you’re older, so don’t worry about it.”
  1697. >”But-”
  1698. >”What we should be focusing on is how to address Princess Celestia after all, so listen closely.”
  1699. >You barely withhold the groan from the far too obvious change of subject, already your mind wanders as Sunset began to explain court procedure and the various minutia of the court itself.
  1700. >See this is why America kicked the king out of the country, too much hassle of your thines and your graces.
  1702. >With but a blink to your perspective you’re brought out of your daydreaming with a sharp nudge to your knee.
  1703. >Startled you glanced down to see Sunset spear you with a glare then gestured with her head to the big lady herself, Princess Celestia.
  1704. >The princess has her matronly smile at full bore it seems though she looked to be waiting on something.
  1705. >Strangely you don’t see Fizzlepop nearby, she must have been sent to the tower to get settled in you suppose.
  1706. “Sorry, wasn’t even paying attention really what did you ask?”
  1707. >A shimmer of heat ignites beside you as you can feel Sunset’s eyes bore into you, with ease of practice you easily ignore the death glare.
  1708. >”Ah, my apologies then, Anonymous do you believe that Sunset Shimmer did the best she could to help protect my little ponies?” Princess Celestia asked again, “I had just received rather contrasting accounts from the guard and the militia itself.”
  1709. >Ohoh, it’s the report card, interesting. Judging by the way Sunset is trying to ignite your clothes by sheer will, you could really put the screws on the mare.
  1710. >On the other hand, you did make promises and looking after Fizzlepop would be harder than it needed to be.
  1711. “From my account, I’d say Sunset did the best that she could do in the time she had with the resources available.”
  1712. >Princess Celestia hums listening to you as you retell the events from your point of view, every so often she’d check with something on a few sheets of paper at certain parts.
  1713. Eventually, you finished, “..and that’s that.” You shrug leaning against the wall while Sunset leans ever so subtly forward towards the princess. “Woke up afterward and talked with Sunset about what to do with Fizzlepop, as you can see she’s here to stay.”
  1714. >Princess Celestia nodded her head as she kept her thoughts to herself magic alighting and soon scribbling a few things on her desk.
  1715. >You wait, alongside Sunset though you are getting impatient as the silence stretched out.
  1717. >”Sunset.”
  1718. >”Yes Princess?”
  1719. >”Why did you bring the little filly back with you, if I might ask? Taking on a student can be a full-time job, not to mention your own stu-”
  1720. >”Princess please, I’ve been able to ace every test you’ve given me room and time to spare. I think I can handle tutoring a filly.”
  1721. >”Even one with the disability that she has?”
  1722. You interject between princess and student, “Sunset has been brainstorming a ton of ideas on how to help with that, with a bit of luck and some practice runs I bet Fizzlepop will do just fine.”
  1723. >Internally you sweat as you watched both fiery mares eye each other than you, you’ve had first-hand experience with Sunset’s magical power lord knows what the princess would be able to bust out.
  1724. >Just keep it cool, don’t panic and wait it out.
  1725. >For longer than you’d like the silence continued before eventually Princess Celestia lets out a soft sigh when she said, ”I see, well Sunset Shimmer if you know you’re able to take on a student then I shall not stand in your way. You have my blessing.”
  1726. >Sunset smiled though it looked thin upon her muzzle, “Thank you, Princess, if that was all?”
  1727. >”I believe so, thank you for checking in with my dear student.”
  1728. >Sunset bowed before she trotted out the door while you turned to follow after.
  1729. >”Anonymous, if you could stay behind I wanted to ask you a few things.”
  1730. >Paused at the door you exchange a glance with Sunset who shrugged back to you before she whispered, “I’ll go make sure Fizzlepop is settled in.”
  1731. >You nod to Sunset then return to face the princess as the door closed behind you.
  1733. “So, what did you need Princess?”
  1734. >The scratch of Celestia’s quill is your answer before she placed the quill back into her ink pot, “I wanted to talk with you specifically, how are you holding up?”
  1735. “What do you mean?”
  1736. >”Well, from what you’ve told me, my own guard and even my personal student you’ve been through some rather traumatic experiences have you not?”
  1737. “I suppose, but I wasn’t hurt as much as Fizzle was.”
  1738. >”True, but some wounds can be of the mind and not the body. Don’t discount them because they cannot be seen.”
  1739. “As much as I appreciate the concern Princess I’m plenty big enough to look out for myself.”
  1740. >A titter from the sun princess had you cock your head to the side, “Ah, my apologies Anonymous, it’s just you and my student both hold this independent streak that is charming in its own way.”
  1741. “Most people I know tend to call it pigheadedness, but again I have to say I’m alright, though…”
  1744. >As you trail off Celestia looked toward you with concern, “Yes my little human?”
  1745. “Ok, first off we’re about the same height bar a few inches.”
  1746. >”Every inch counts Anonymous~!”
  1747. >You feel a twitch through your soul at the tone as if Celestia had channeled the most dad vibe she could handle then threw off all the safeties anyway for more dadness.
  1748. “Second,” You continued, “why all this concern for me, but for Sunset you’ve got like some cutting remark on her part?”
  1749. >”Whatever do you mean dear?”
  1750. “Asking if Sunset can handle teaching Fizzlepop for one, come on Princess I’m not stupid.”
  1751. >”No you certainly are not stupid. Though you used to be quite whimsical, recently I’ve noticed that has dropped off. Why is that I wonder, hm?”
  1752. >What?
  1753. >That can’t be right you’ve played a ton of pranks on the castle staff!
  1754. >Even some of the ambassadors, a matter of fact you snuck a steak into the Minotaur ambassador’s evening meal only...last...month.
  1755. >Which was around the time you started to live with Sunset…
  1756. >Wow, your cheeks are suddenly warm all of a sudden an- wait a minute.
  1759. “Stop that.”
  1760. >”Stop what?”
  1761. “Changing the subject and don’t think I know what you’re up to!”
  1762. >”Oh?”
  1763. >Shit, Celestia’s poker face is impossible to read, that calm accepting smile and slight crinkle to her eyes that glimmered.
  1764. >Are you getting the Dumbledore treatment?!
  1765. >Only one thing to do then, dig your feet in and wrench this conversation back on track!
  1766. “Why were you baiting Sunset with Fizzlepop, you have to have known that was a prickly spot for her.”
  1767. >”It’s because for as much as I love her like my own she can be remarkably callous to those that cannot keep up with her.”
  1768. “What do you mean by that?”
  1769. >”Countless times I’ve sent her with other students, none that are under my personal tutelage, but potent apprentices taught by the very best wizards and sorcerers of the land.” Celestia slowly said as she stood from her desk when she trotted towards a set of shelves bowed under the weight of scrolls, “Every time, every time she’s disregarded them and proceeded to power through each task; the Return of the Yeti, Diamond Dog incursions, even the Cabal of the Coven. Nothing managed to sway her from tackling it on her own and what made her ego worse was she succeeded each time.”
  1772. >Celestia shook her head, “Destruction of public property, ponies hurt or displaced, but Sunset Shimmer has always managed to finish the quest. She has such potential Anonymous, so much that it scares me.”
  1773. “And you’re worried that Fizzle won’t measure up?”
  1774. >”Yes, by all accounts Fizzlepop is a remarkably brave little filly, but she’s still a filly. I’m afraid that Sunset Shimmer will push Fizzlepop too far and discard her like some broken toy.”
  1775. “Sunset wouldn’t-” You pause to think, “I wouldn’t let her do that, we both f-messed up with Fizzlepop, she promised to help her and I’ll be damned if I let her do that to the kid.”
  1776. >Celestia turned to face you from the scrolls and you are blown away at the genuine smile she sent your way, “That truly sets my heart at ease Anonymous, thank you.”
  1777. “Ah-well, I mean don’t count Fizzlepop out any way I mean, she’s pretty tough in her own right and uh, yeah.” You finish lamely in the face of earnest gratitude from the princess.
  1778. To>A ringing gong sounds through the castle then which caught both your attention easily.
  1779. >”Oh my, I’ve kept you for far too long, you must be tired from your trip.”
  1780. “A nap wouldn’t hurt none, I’ll be going then Princess, and hey.”
  1781. >At the inquiring hum from the princess you strike!
  1782. >One short hug strong enough to make Celestia’s wings suddenly puffed out in surprise before you darted away.
  1783. “Try to have some faith in your students, eh? Bye Princess!” You shout back already running before the princess could reply.
  1785. >You take a breath once you've returned from the rest of the castle leaning against the door.
  1786. >That was a little much you think as you looked over the workshop of Sunset’s tower.
  1787. >”-and this is where I do most of the low effort experiments, potions that need to simmer for a few hours, low chance of explosions from new crystal arrays and the like.”
  1788. >”Wow, that’s...this is a lot to take in at once, but I’ll manage don’t you worry!”
  1789. >”I won’t, I like to think I have an eye for talent Fizzlepop, and I think you’ll do just fine here.”
  1790. >The tension you had been carrying since your talk with the Princess began to fade away, they seem to be getting along for now, what did you have to worry about?
  1791. >At worse you’d just have to help Fizzlepop on the side with some studying if that comes to it.
  1792. >With a light heart you go to greet your friends.
  1794. >You set down a mug of fresh coffee on Sunset's desk, the mare in question without a word levitated the mug to her lips with a quiet slurp.
  1795. >Meanwhile, you take a sip of your own coffee leaning over Sunset's wither to see her sketching out another design.
  1796. “You drew the rune here wrong.”
  1797. >The quill pauses over the paper before Sunset leans in to glare at the offending rune when she quickly curses under her breath.
  1798. Noticing the amount of force used to correct the rune you softly said, “Think you might be overdoing it a touch?”
  1799. >Sunset took a drink from her coffee mug deeply in response, then leaned against the back of her chair.
  1800. >”No, I’m not, if anything I’m way behind on my lesson plans for Fizzlepop. Not to mention the H.O.R.N prototype has way too many flaws in it.”
  1801. >Sighing at Sunset’s pet project since teaching Fizzlepop magic wasn’t enough, was a tool to use the wild bursts of magic from the filly.
  1802. >From what you could recall amongst the technobabble Sunset had spewed at you, the H.O.R.N is supposed to stand for Hardwood Oscillating Rechargeable Nexus.
  1803. >Frankly you would just call it a wand and be done with it but Sunset insisted on calling it that.
  1804. >That said the past three attempts had failed, when you spare a glance to the eastern wall, the remains of the eastern wall that is.
  1806. >From the weariness in Sunset’s voice you can tell the strain of the past few weeks have gotten to her.
  1807. >Thankfully Sunset has been able to keep her temper in check while working with Fizzlepop.
  1808. >As for your magic practice with Sunset, however…
  1809. >You stretched your still-bruised arm out, a casualty of one-too-many magic missiles.
  1810. “I think you’ve been doing rather well. The few staves you had in storage have worked for now. Not to mention that trick you taught her to recharge the magic behind her tools.”
  1811. >”It’s all well and good until she breaks her tools with her magic, it’s so wild and destructive…”
  1812. >Sunset pensively stared down at her designs over the top of her mug eyes lost in thought when you get an idea.
  1813. “Tell you what, why don’t you take a quick break and I’ll keep Fizzlepop busy or something for a day or two.”
  1814. >Sunset jerks as if you had slapped her hindquarters, “Absolutely not! If I take time off that means less time to teach Fizzle and to work on the H.O.R.N.”
  1815. “Has Fizzlepop been falling behind on her studies?”
  1816. >”No, but-”
  1817. “It can’t hurt to skip on one day Sunset. Fizzlepop has been taking to your lessons like a fish to water.”
  1818. >”Only because she can’t cast any of the spells I’ve shown her.” Sunset said darkly a gloom arising around her head.
  1819. >You wave the dark clouds away then pick the mare up!
  1821. >”Anon!?” Sunset yelled as her magic barely compensated for the sudden movement to save the life giving elixir inside.
  1822. >”I swear if you had made me spill my coffeeeee-!”
  1823. >You swung the mare about and threw her into the air with a grunt.
  1824. >Easily catching Sunset you catch the most rarest of sights, a stunned Sunset with wide eyes and jaw agape.
  1825. >That look quickly disappears as the more common Sunset emerges, angrly flustered Sunset.
  1826. >”The Tartarus was that all about!?”
  1827. “You need to shake yourself up, come at the problem from another angle and think outside the rut you’ve found yourself in.”
  1828. >”That doesn’t explain /why/ you threw me in the air like a filly!”
  1829. “You’re stuck, so change of scenery, change of routine, something to get that brain of yours to making new connections, ideas whatever. That’s why I threw you.”
  1830. >”I doubt that will help Ape, I’ve been staring at this problem for weeks now!”
  1831. “When was the last time you left the tower anyway?”
  1832. >Sunset’s silence is telling and you smile with the biggest shit eating grin.
  1833. “Maybe I should ask the Princess to come and visit you.~”
  1834. >A sudden yank around your collar with magic has you eye to eye with Sunset.
  1835. >”If I take the day off will you get out of my mane!”
  1836. >In response, you boop her nose with your own.
  1838. >Good news; you know what Sunset would look like if she was born a red pony.
  1839. >Better news; you’re still alive.
  1840. >Bad news; you were teleported outside the tower.
  1841. >You flail onto the ground with a solid thump and breath of displaced air.
  1842. >Breath that was cruelly denied from you as with another banff giggle an extremely confused Fizzlepop lands atop your stomach.
  1843. >”What? Huh?”
  1844. “Hi Fizzle, ugh…”
  1845. >”Anon?! Oh my Celestia I’m so sorry, are you alright?” Fizzlepop quickly shuffled and hopped off your stomach.
  1846. >Swift relief of fresh air fills your lungs before you shakily lift a thumb up to the little filly.
  1847. “Never been better, how’ve you been?”
  1848. >”Okay I suppose, but how’d we get outside the tower?” Fizzlepop asked before she winced when she stood.
  1849. “You okay?”
  1850. >”Yeah, you’re not as soft as you look.” Fizzlepop murmured aloud.
  1851. >Ouch, that’s some brutal honesty Fizzlepop you grouse silently to yourself as you stand up.
  1852. “Anyway,” You clap your hands together twice, “Seems to me that we’ve got the afternoon to ourselves. What do you say we go and see what Canterlot can hold for us, eh?”
  1853. >”Not like we’ve much choice, what did you do?”
  1854. >Sweat ran down your brow at the question.
  1855. >You turn to face Fizzlepop who watches you with a eerily similar arched brow.
  1856. “Do?” Shit, you coughed to clear your throat, “listen why don’t we go get some sweets or something to drink.”
  1858. >Fizzlepop starts to follow you as you begin to walk backwards, ”I’m underaged Mister Anon.”
  1859. “Tsk girl, how many times have I told you just to call me Anon?”
  1860. >A flicker of a smile crosses Fizzlepop’s face as she replied dutifully, ”Many times now Mister Anon, Miss Sunset was telling me that it’s very important that titles and manners are observed.”
  1861. >You pause at a intersection as nearby carriages click and clop their way through the street.
  1862. >That doesn’t sound like Sunset at all, she’s never been one for ceremony.
  1863. >So why would-
  1864. >Just as the unicorn directing traffic signals you to walk you understand.
  1865. “What’s she paying you.” You asked as you walked aside the filly.
  1866. >”Five silver a day so long as I keep it up.” The little gremlin has the gall to beam at you.
  1867. “What if I give you a gold to stop it, but then say you’re still doing it to Sunset?”
  1868. >”I’d say give me two gold a day and I’ll consider it.” Fizzlepop said then hopped up the step leading to the sidewalk.
  1869. >You can’t help the smile that creeped across your face.
  1870. “Caught on quick haven’t you?”
  1871. >”If I didn't I would still be doing your chores wouldn't I?”
  1872. >You hold back the flinch as Fizzlepop's words sink home, sure you might have been a little liberal with asking her to be your gopher, for a few weeks.
  1873. >Sunset had raised such an unholy racket about the whole bit throwing buzzwords about like ‘child endangerment’ and ‘slavery with a few extra steps’.
  1875. >A tug on your shirt has you look down.
  1876. >”Mfmhm hmhm mm!” Fizzlepop said around your shirt, which was in her mouth, your shirt which you only had so many off.
  1877. >One quick bap on the snootle and your shirt has been returned!
  1878. “Now what was it that you were going to say?”
  1879. >”I was trying to say watch out.”
  1880. >Confused you look to where you had been walking and your eyebrows lifted in alarm.
  1881. “Where in the world did that come from?”
  1882. >Fizzlepop had managed to stop you from walking right into a hole the size of the street, or close enough to it.
  1883. >Carriages are easily seen driving away from the hole while mares in these cute little yellow hats walk about talking to one another with these tiny orange vests.
  1884. >”Were you daydreaming again Mister Anon?”
  1885. “What? No, of course not! Merely thinking upon ponderous matters far beyond the simple minds of an apprentice such as yourself of course!”
  1886. >”Of course, my mistake.” Ouch, the dryness in Fizzlepop’s tone is enough to make your throat feel parched.
  1887. >Quick distraction!
  1888. “If I recall correctly there should be a wonderful little eatery that we can break our fast young apprentice, come we’ve wizardly things to do!”
  1889. >You hear a sigh of acquiesce from the small filly, success!
  1890. >You totally didn’t hear the mumbled response of, “Sunset was right, colts are just too whimsical.”
  1892. >Along the way towards the cafe you had in mind you continue to blather as you are want to do to Fizzlepop.
  1893. >The talk ranges from her studies, your studies, Sunset’s studies, what projects she might be interested in pursuing and-
  1894. >Come to think of it you’ve become something of a hermit, all three of you have for that matter.
  1895. >”Oh Celestia, that poor foal.”
  1896. >”I heard Sunset Shimmer caused it from a dark ritual.”
  1897. >”My cousin, who works for the Equestrian Relief Force I’ll have you know, had heard it was from the ape going wild!
  1898. >”Somepony should really put a muzzle on it then.”
  1899. >You curse to yourself snapping your attention back to Fizzlepop, the filly had come to a stop her gaze firmly upon the sidewalk.
  1900. >One heated glare at the gossiping pack of rats that call themselves ‘nobles’ you come to a knee near Fizzlepop.
  1901. “See something interesting?”
  1902. >No response aside from a stifled sniffle.
  1903. >Time to bring out the big guns here Anon.
  1904. “Now I don’t know about you, but I was wondering what we should get from the cafe, say three hundred pastries to start?”
  1905. >The blase manner in which you deliver your suggestion has Fizzlepop rub her snout before looking at you with weariness.
  1906. >”T-three hundred? Why?”
  1907. “Of course, we’ll need at least half that to appease the great big beastie that haunts the Canterlot Castle after all.”
  1908. >”There’s a monster in the castle?!”
  1909. “Yep, as the bards will tell it she’s a great big beastie, size of Princess Celestia herself!”
  1910. >”No! We’d need to stop it!”
  1911. “That we do little one, but we’ll need bait to trap it.”
  1912. >”Bait?” A bolt of realization runs through Fizzlepop’s face, “The pastries!”
  1913. >You snap your fingers before pointing at the filly.
  1914. “Exactly, knew you were a smart one, now come on let’s grab that bait.”
  1915. >Fizzlepop nods vigorously at you before galloping at a full tilt all thoughts on what the rabble had to say about her left behind in the dust.
  1917. >The bell rings above your head as you open the door to Donut Joe’s.
  1918. >”Be witcha in just a sec, grab a seat if you want!” Called out the stallion behind the counter running himself ragged between customers.
  1919. >”Ponies really love their donuts here.” Fizzlepop said looking at how packed the diner was.
  1920. “Trust me kid, Donut Joe’s pastries are to die for, I once saw a pair of stallions smack each other with their coin purses for the last cinnamon bun from here.”
  1921. >You smile at the sound of Fizzlepop’s giggle while you slowly navigate your way through the crowd.
  1922. “Ay yo Donut!” You called out once you managed a spot at the bar, “Got a new timer customer for you!”
  1923. >”Anon? Aye, long time no see, haven’t seen you since-” Donut Joe called back his head framed by the pick up window for his goods.
  1924. >Donut Joe barely had time to talk before the bar stallion rapidly rung the bell twice with a frantic expression. “Ah, talk with ya later, just tell Cherry Sprinkles here what ya need and ol’ Joe get ya fed!”
  1925. >A brief moment passes before you make your order, two donuts plain and a glass of orange juice, Fizzlepop took an eclair and muffin with apple juice.
  1927. >”I thought we were getting the bait?” Fizzlepop asked as she played with a napkin dispenser in her hooves.
  1928. “We will, though after we get our food first. I doubt they’ll be able to make it right away.”
  1929. >Fizzlepop looks around her as subtle as she could before leaning in close, “What about the monster in the castle we need to get rid of it don’t we?”
  1930. “Get rid of it?”
  1931. >You quickly boop the filly on her snout, Fizzlepop shook her head face scrunched up from the light tap, like a dog that was sneezing.
  1932. “Can’t be done I’m afraid.”
  1933. >”What? I can’t believe that, we can beat it!” Fizzlepop exclaimed slamming her hoof on the counter with a soft pap.
  1934. >God damn that’s adorable.
  1935. >You messed up Fizzlepop’s mane sending the gravity defying mane into a mess of curls and tangles.
  1936. “That’s why we’re trapping it, otherwise we’d get eaten all up!”
  1937. >Thankfully you’re interrupted from teaching your wayward pupil in the art of monster hunting by the clink of plates set before you.
  1939. >”Been a while Anon, haven’t seen you in forever it feels.” Donut Joe said taking a seat across from you at the bar.
  1940. “Joe!”, You grin at your old friend clasping his foreleg with your hand with a tight squeeze before letting it go. “It’s been a minute, yeah. How’s the diner coming along?”
  1941. >”Busy as can be expected, had to even get a few new hooves for the business, but what I want to ask is, whose this strong little filly?” Donut Joe asked meeting Fizzlepop’s eyes head on.
  1942. >”I’m, I’m Fizzlepop!” The filly stuttered for a moment skittish, but blazed on in a rush of words, “I’m learning with Sunset Shimmer at the Rising Sun Tower, how do you know Mister Anon? How many donuts do you make? Do ponies really fight over your pastries? Why are you able to-”
  1943. >You lightly clamp your hand around Fizzlepop’s muzzle to stop the sudden deluge of words while Donut Joe lets out a hearty chuckle, “Excitable one aren’t ya? Anon and I go way back, used to be he’d run pastries for me or come along to grab his order.”
  1944. >Sparing a glance at your order Donut Joe rolled his eyes, “Still can’t believe you’re going with such a plain order, where’s the sprinkles Anon?”
  1945. You soon relent from holding Fizzlepop’s muzzle as you replied, “They get stuck in my teeth, you know this Donut Joe, we have this conversation every single time.”
  1946. >Fizzlepop shakes her head twice her snout wrinkling to straighten her fur before giving you the stink eye then begins to eat her food ears attentive to your words.
  1947. >”And I’m sure I can eventually bring you into the light of the sprinkle.” Donut Joe answered as sure as clock work, “Still I didn’t think you’d ever get around to settling down with a filly of your own, I’m a mite jealous, who's the lucky mare?”
  1948. >You choke on your orange juice.
  1949. Coughing you slam your hand on your chest as you spluttered out, “I’m not- she’s- ah, I didn’t-”
  1950. >Seeing Donut Joe’s impish smile you growl.
  1951. “I’m helping look after her you complete and utter ass.”
  1952. >”Anon, for shame cursing in front of your filly like that.” Donut Joe scolds you lightly mirth shining in his eyes. Leaning towards Fizzlepop, Donut Joe said, “Between you and me, think you can keep your dad outta trouble? Us stallions have our fair share of whimsy, but Anon here has quite a bit of the whimsy.”
  1953. >Fizzlepop, the traitor, giggles before nodding.
  1954. “Oi!”
  1956. >The duo have a laugh at your expense of course, so you turn away as you savagely bite into your donuts.
  1957. >”Don’t worry about Anon, he’s like that from time to time.”
  1958. >”Ok, your food here is really good!”
  1959. >”Aw shucks you’ll make an old stallion like me blush. What brings you two to the diner?”
  1960. You interrupt there, “We’re here for the castle special.”
  1961. >At your words Donut Joe stiffens and the good cheer fades as he nods with utmost seriousness, “I see, the standard amount then?”
  1962. “Near abouts, She hasn’t changed in her tastes yet.”
  1963. >Fizzlepop looks between you and Donut Joe in confusion at the sudden mood change, “Are you talking about the bait?”
  1964. >Donut Joe spares Fizzlepop a glance before looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
  1965. >You slowly incline your head in reply.
  1966. >”Yes, if you’ll excuse me I’ll need to prepare. Come back at the end of the day and I should have the bait ready.” Donut Joe said before extending a hoof, “Celestia watch over you.”
  1967. >You grasp the stallion on his leg and squeeze for a moment before nodding.
  1968. >”That was weird,” Fizzlepop said as she watched Donut Joe walk away, “Is the monster r-really that dangerous?”
  1969. “Oh most definitely, not to worry Donut Joe is old hat at this so long as we stick to the plan we’ll be fine.”
  1970. >”And what exactly is the plan?” Fizzlepop asked while you paid for the food.
  1971. “Listen to your master and do what he tells you too.”
  1972. >”Bwha- what kind of plan is that?!”
  1973. “One where you don’t get hurt of course, now come on we’ve a day to prepare the trap.”
  1975. >”I really don’t think this counts as a deadly trap.”
  1976. “It’s still a trap isn’t it?”
  1977. >Fizzlepop spared a look at you then towards the innocently assembled tea room.
  1978. >”I don’t know, I was expecting more.” Fizzlepop waves her hoof around in emphasize, “More deadly then normal traps, I mean in Daring Do there were spears and arrows and spike traps even a giant boulder. Wait do you have a giant boulder ready to fall down?!”
  1979. “You know saying that makes me wonder if I should ban those books.”
  1980. >Fizzlepop gasped shooting you with an offended glare, “Don’t you dare, Sunset loves those books!”
  1981. >You pause in carefully tying the near invisible wire to the drawer of the cabinent, that doesn’t sound right.
  1982. “Really?”
  1983. >”Yeah! I showed her the one I had when it was time for bed and she read it for me, well the parts I wanted to read again.” Fizzlepop explained as she sat a whoopie cushion under one of the guest seats.
  1984. “Oh, did you already read it?”
  1985. >”Mhmm, like a thousand times though. Sunset liked the story so much that she bought the next three books!”
  1986. >That’s sweet of Sunset, that said you are so going to use this for blackmail later, thank you Fizzlepop.
  1987. “Right, I think we’ve got the trap set up. For now le-”
  1988. >Hoof steps echo up from the hallway through the cracked door to the tea room.
  1989. >You freeze eyes snapping towards Fizzlepop who lets out an errant spark of wild magic from her horn in surprise.
  1990. >Fizzlepop’s terrified eyes reflect your own before you snap out of the surprise and quickly grab the filly by the barrel.
  1991. >”Yip!”
  1992. “Shh!”
  1993. >You both stumbled out onto the balcony just in time for the door to open.
  1995. >”Yes, yes. Thank you Raven, please let Aunty know I appreciate the offer.” That sounded like Cadence.
  1996. >Oh no.
  1997. >You share a look with Fizzlepop who had looked up towards you with wide eyes.
  1998. >You nod towards the balcony ledge.
  1999. >She shakes her head.
  2000. >You nod instead.
  2001. >Fizzlepop’s head shaking intensifies.
  2002. >You’re already making for the ledge when you flinch at the sudden barrage of crashing and springs popping off from inside the tea room.
  2003. >There is silence that stretches for far too long.
  2005. Click.
  2007. >You’ve got a foot over the ledge while Fizzlepop flails around in your grip only to freeze in place.
  2008. >”Anonymous.” A saccharine voice calls out to you even as you strain against the baby powder blue aura of magic.
  2009. >You’re able to turn back to the voice to see a chilling sight.
  2010. >Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of the house of Crystallus, ward to the Princess Celestia of the house of Sol stood behind you caked in pitch black ink.
  2011. >Globules of the stuff dripped down her snout to splatter on the marble floor as her horn is alight with her aura.
  2012. “Caddy! Hey, long time no see, I didn’t know you were a tea drinker!”
  2013. >Fizzlepop whinnies in fear at the placcid smile on the alicorn’s face.
  2014. >”Oh you know, I was just planning on a little soiree amongst some acquaintances, you know how it goes.”
  2015. “Ha, not really Sunset usually has me running errands or experiments or taking the little tyke on adventures.” You say muscles straining against the iron grasp of magic.
  2016. >”Adventures.” The small smile still had yet to disappear from Cadence’s face and her eyes are still closed, “Funny you should mention those, I rather feel like I’ve been the victim of one of those.”
  2017. >Fizzlepop hides her face in her hooves while you sigh going limp in the aura as you’re both floated over to the princess.
  2018. “Alright, what do you want.”
  2019. >”Want? Oh I have no wants, more of a need.” Cadence said primly setting you and Fizzlepop down on the balcony. “You see my little party was more for Twilight’s sake, poor filly has such trouble trying to make friends at times so I thought to have a little play date for them all at the castle.”
  2020. >You wince as Cadence spears you in place with one eye opened, “Imagine my surprise when I have no place to host the playdate, but my oh so wonderful friend Anonymous and his ward Fizzlepop decided to offer their home to host my playdate, right?”
  2021. >”Of course!” Fizzlepop the traitor agreed immediately.
  2022. >Though you capitulate just as fast under that baleful glare from Cadence.
  2023. “Yeah you can have the kids over, I’ll talk it over with Sunset, can you let us go please?”
  2024. >Like a switch had been flipped the magic disappears as does the aura of sheer menace that had gathered around Cadence, “Wonderful, now if you don’t mind I’m going to take a bath, if you hurry I don’t think Gold Buttons will find you caused this.”
  2025. “Right, Cheerio then see you at the party. Come on Fizzlepop we’ve got places to be!”
  2026. >”Don’t forget the party, it's in two days!” Cadence called as she left, a trail of hoof steps down the hallway while you beat tracks back to the tower.
  2027. >You had just managed to leave the castle with Fizzlepop in tow when the castle grounds echo with a shirek of rage.
  2029. >A long matronly sigh echoes through the castle corridors, “Thank you, Raven, I’ll be sure to give Gold Buttons a raise for dealing with our guest.”
  2030. >”Of course Your Majesty.” Raven so new to the job of personal secretary was still so formal and stiff while around you.
  2031. >It’ll take a few years at least to acclimatize her to work for you no doubt, they always do.
  2032. >You trot towards your personal chambers lost in thought from your previous personal assistants only to pause as Raven keeps step with you.
  2033. “Raven?”
  2034. >”Ah, Your Majesty, um, there was something else.” Raven said and much to your shock the little pony was even blushing as she spoke.
  2035. >Oh my it's been ages since the last time one of your assistants had worked up the nerve t-
  2036. >Without thinking your magic glows around the door handle then twists.
  2037. >The doors slam open and a tidal wave of baked goods suddenly sweep over you and your assistant!
  2038. >Shaking your head free of the delectable delights you notice you have at least three eclairs pierced upon your horn.
  2039. >A ripple of pastries from beside you reveals Raven and two doughnuts covering her glasses.
  2040. >Shaking off the doughnuts Raven sighed as she began to explain, ”There was an invoice today of three hundred pastries from one Donut Joe’s Diner, it just came in earlier and I was wanting to have your approval on it."
  2041. >SPLAT!
  2042. >The cream from the pierced eclairs lands on your snout splattering you with gooey white filling.
  2043. >Your tongue swipes at the confection and your body relaxes amongst the fried goods.
  2044. “Allow the invoice to be approved, if I may ask Raven, who submitted the invoice?”
  2045. >A quick glance to the clipboard is all Raven needs to do before she said, “One Anonymous Incognito...Ma’am, is this a joke?”
  2046. >You giggle, you can’t help it. Even with Raven sending you such an exasperated glance.
  2047. “I’m sorry Raven, it’s amusing, besides I was feeling a touch peckish.”
  2048. >”Princess…”
  2049. “Oh hush now, here have one of the eclairs they are quite divine.”
  2051. “Remind me again why exactly we are hosting the princess here,” Sunset asked unamused after you had asked for the tower for a day. “This isn’t a place for foals to be mucking about.”
  2052. You winced at the barbed tone shrugging your shoulders as you said, “Well about that-”
  2053. >A singular eyebrow went up as Sunset said, “You got caught doing another prank again, didn't you?”
  2054. “Why I never! I will have you know-”
  2055. “He totally got caught and he nearly got me in trouble too!” Fizzlepop pipped up from her bed, a book resting between her forelegs forgotten as she plunged the icy cold dagger of betrayal into your heart.
  2056. “Fizzlepop why!” You asked as you clutched the dagger in your chest.
  2057. >Rolling her eyes at your antics the filly replied, “Because she's my teacher and is way cooler than you. Plus she could turn me into a toad.”
  2058. You sniff at the cold dismissal and cover your eyes with your arm as tears leaked out, “Oh, why was I cursed with such an ungrateful child!”
  2059. >Sunset slowly rubbed her temples with her hooves, “I still can't believe you caved so quickly to her demands.”
  2060. Wiping away the bitterness of Fizzlepop’s callous regard for your feelings you try to get back on track,
  2061. “Look it's not going to be that big of a deal.”
  2062. >The fiery mare’s eyes snapped open the cyan blue eyes flashing dangerously as Sunset stood up with a stomp, “Oh yes it is, I am not going to have enough time to filly proof the whole tower at this rate! Not to mention the number of experiments I’ll need to put on hold now thanks to this.”
  2063. >”Well I think if we move most of the stuff that is on the first floor we should have enough room for a play area at least right?” Fizzlepop asked ideally tipping her book on its edge with her hooves all pretenses of reading forgotten now.
  2064. “That's not a half-bad idea Fizzle, we can just lock the door to the second floor and keep the play date on the first floor.”
  2065. >There is a pop of displaced air and a flash of white light.
  2066. >Your hands are suddenly far heavier as you hold a mop and bucket.
  2067. >”Great, you’d best get on that then.” Sunset said as she smirked at you, “Meanwhile, Fizzlepop and I have some practice to get in.”
  2068. >”We do?” Fizzlepop asked, then her eyes widened when Sunset looked to her, “Oh! Yeah practice, lots of practice to do! Yep! There sure is a lot of practice to do!”
  2069. >You raise a finger up with the mop.
  2070. “I have the feeling you’re trying to bamboozle me Sunset.”
  2071. >”Nope! The tower does need cleaning up and you /were/ the one that said the princess could use /my/ tower, so it only makes sense /you’re/ the one that makes it ready.” Sunset said as she levitated more books over to Fizzlepop.
  2072. >You can just see a colorful page peek out from one of the heavy tomes that Sunset is carrying.
  2073. >A trickle of suspicion crawled through your mind that the two were in fact not going to be practicing their magic.
  2074. >One big sniff of the nose to highlight your displeasure at the shimmer sham maneuver you release the sigh of disapproval.
  2075. >The sigh is completely ineffective on Sunset of course, but Fizzlepop you can see flinch as if struck by a hammer.
  2076. >Yeah you know what you did you silly filly.
  2077. >You relent in your attempted use of Princess Celestia’s disappointment powers as you make way for the stairs.
  2078. “Just don’t get up too much trouble while I’m gone then.”
  2079. >Slap!
  2080. >You won’t lie, the slap on your butt right as you left the door almost had you whirl about and bring about mop flavored justice upon that oh so stupidly smug mare.
  2081. >What stops you from sweet, oh so sweet, revenge was what happened last night.
  2082. >Trumping down the stairs in a huff you busy yourself with the cleaning as your mind wanders back to what Sunset had told you.
  2084. >Ape and Fizzlepop returned from their little vacation sooner than you’d like.
  2085. >You had to hurry to put away your reagents and grab a nearby book to read when you could hear the heavy plods of the Ape and of Fizzlepop’s far more dainty hooves.
  2086. >Celestia knows why you’re using this paltry charade to hide the fact you’d been working after the first day of a long rest.
  2087. >You had managed to make a breakthrough on the H.O.R.N within the second day!
  2088. >The problem that you were having wasn’t so much with the spell matrix itself, but instead the base materials!
  2089. >Why the fact had escaped you for so long you’d attribute to one too many all-nighters and not thinking clearly.
  2090. >Not that you would EVER let the Ape know that.
  2091. >The sheer levels of smug would be enough to destabilize the anchor spells on Canterlot itself.
  2092. >Further thoughts are scattered as the door slams open with a bam!
  2093. >”Boom baby!” The Ape cried out taking a step into the tower.
  2094. >”We’re back Mistress!” Fizzlepop squeaked out from behind the buffoon.
  2095. >Warmth in your stomach pools as you roll your eyes at their entrance.
  2096. “Welcome back, you idiots.”
  2097. >Thankfully Ape hadn’t cottoned on to the fact you’d been working and Fizzlepop looked revitalize after the small excursion out into the city.
  2098. >Though you did notice her staring at you when she thought you weren’t looking with intensity.
  2099. >As night approached you had simply dismissed it as Fizzlepop caring far more for your health than the Ape.
  2101. >”Why do all the other ponies have to stare so much?”
  2102. >You had been tucking the filly in when she asked that and for all your ability to twist a conversation around you found yourself struck dumb.
  2103. >Seeing your silence for a question Fizzlepop added hastily, “I mean, when they look at me, they don’t just see this.”She knickers in distress as she waved her hoof toward her horn, “They see me as Sunset’s student, your student Mistress, and they all act as if I’m as bad as the Ursa!”
  2104. >Your mouth is dry and your student is looking to you with watery eyes!
  2105. >SPEAK MARE!
  2106. “Which ponies?”
  2107. >Fizzlepop tilts her head before she shrugs as she sits up in her bed, “I don’t know any of them, but ponies in a crowd will just stare. Then they whisper, or I think they’re trying to whisper but I can hear it well enough.”
  2108. >Your jaw clenches before you realized it mind already whirring on who might be willing to trash talk a filly to get at you through Fizzlepop, sadly enough the list is still rather long.
  2109. >Shaking your head you focus on your student climbing atop the bedspread coming to eye level with the filly.
  2110. “I’ll be straight with you Fizzlepop, the ponies here are cutthroat and petty. They most likely wanted you to hear that to make you react.”
  2111. >”But why? What would they want with me? I’m just Fizzlepop!” The filly cried out searching your face for answers.
  2112. “You’re more than Just Fizzlepop,” You say gently reaching over to nuzzle Fizzlepop, “You are a brave little filly, powerful to boot and more importantly, /my/ student. Those other ponies are just jealous of you.”
  2113. >”Jealous of me?” Fizzlepop repeated slowly, “Really?”
  2114. “Definitely, they’re jealous of you and I because of who we are, what we know and how powerful we are.”
  2115. >”Wow, that’s…” Fizzlepop shakes her head, “That’s really dumb of them!”
  2116. “Told you filly, they're just petty like that so they try to use words to hurt you since they can’t get to you any other way. Trust me on that, I’ve dealt with their kind before.” You promote the brief nuzzle into a hug.
  2117. >Fizzlepop sniffs wiping away at the speck of dust in her eyes before she looked up to you with a clear determined glare, “How do I get them to stop then?”
  2118. >You can’t help the devious, but proud smile that crossed your face, “Well first you have to know the weaknesses of your foe.”
  2119. >You found it easy to teach your pupil the ways of the court, it was only when you heard the slight whistle of Fizzle’s snore did you finally stop in your impromptu lecture.
  2120. >Easing the filly back into her bed you grab the covers with your magic tucking her back in.
  2121. >At seeing the content smile upon Fizzlepop’s face you can’t help but melt inside before looking around her room quickly.
  2122. >Coast clear, you kneel your head down low to peck the filly on her cheek.
  2123. “Sweet dreams, my little apprentice.”
  2125. >Stacking the last of the reagents in the storeroom you are drawn back from your memories, luckily you had managed to run on quiet feet back to the communal area of the tower, otherwise, you’re pretty sure that the tower would have needed a new roof.
  2126. >Between the general clean up and filly proofing of the ground floor you found that time has passed you by, it was already late afternoon.
  2127. >Strangely you had yet to hear from Sunset OR Fizzlepop, not even for a snack or a drink, suspicious now, you start back up the stairs.
  2128. “Fucking...steps...why there need to be so many of them?!”
  2129. >Taking a moment to recover your breath you walk into the living room, which technically wasn’t designed as a living room and once was a lab for Sunset’s experiments, some quick storage spells and a bill to the crown later lead to the lab becoming a cozy living room.
  2130. >Eyes darting around the living room you are cautious, it would be in line with Sunset’s humor to plant some prank and bully Fizzlepop into it.
  2131. >Slowly you creep around the couch in case of a surprised water spell only to find a sight that made you wish for a camera.
  2132. >Sunset was curled around Fizzlepop as she dozed, the mare’s tail acting as an impromptu blanket for the filly whose head rested on Sunset’s thigh, before them both were comics that had fallen from their magic no doubt.
  2133. >A few stray hairs tickled Fizzlepop’s snout making the filly wiggle her nose at the irritant before adjusting for comfort in her sleep.
  2134. >Damn it all, you NEED a camera for this!
  2135. >Taking as long as you needed to ingrain the scene before you into memory you feel your heart swell with a strange mix of emotions you couldn’t quite understand yourself.
  2136. >All you did know was that what you saw before you is cute and you’ll settle for that.
  2137. >Walking quietly you go and recover a blanket to drape around the two ponies to let them sleep in warmth as the tower could become cold even with the hearth burning brightly.
  2138. >In the meantime you think you’ll set about something tasty, you’re not a five-star chef by any means, but you can make some home comfort foods for sure.
  2140. “Coming through! Hot plates, hot plates!”
  2141. >Weaving your way through the giggling foals that are running about you carefully put down the hay pizza that steams fresh from the oven.
  2142. >A small sigh escapes you before with a twirl of your trusty weapon, the pizza slicer, you begin to slice and dice up the party food.
  2143. >Humming from nearby draws your attention as you spot Cadence staring at the pizza with a hungry gaze.
  2144. >”Ano~~~n, have I ever told you that you’re my best human?”
  2145. “I’m your only human, and no you’re not getting a slice yet.”
  2146. >Huff, the pout on this mare’s face is potent, but you hold firm, “Ple~~~ase?”
  2147. >In answer you hoist the rubber banded newspaper in hand.
  2148. “No, not until the fillies have a chance to eat it too, last one I made you just devoured!”
  2149. >”It was only three slices!”
  2150. >Look at this blatant liar, look at her.
  2151. >Cadence puffs out her cheeks in annoyance with you before she’s drawn away by Twilight appearing beside her, “Cadence! Cadence! Come play with us! We’re gonna play zap blaster!”
  2152. >Despite her best attempts the mare is easily lead away from your prized culinary efforts.
  2154. >”Well, this is fun.”
  2155. >The crunch that followed after felt like the cold flash of steel in your gut as you slowly turn to see Sunset chewing on a slice of pizza held aloft in her magic.
  2156. >At your look the mare swallows and frowns, “What? Is there cheese on my snout?”
  2157. “I literally just set this down, how do you ponies not burn your mouths!?”
  2158. >”Don’t get you ball bra in a twist Ape, it’s just pizza.”
  2159. “For the fillies to enjoy, not to indulge in you and Cadence’s food addiction.”
  2160. >”I do not!”
  2161. >You point at the half-eaten slice in Sunset’s magic.
  2162. >The mare follows your finger and growls then stuffed the rest of the slice down her gullet, “‘at prooves ‘othing.”
  2163. “Sure it doesn’t Sweetheart.”
  2164. >”Don’t call me that.”
  2165. “Alright, alright what’s crawled up your tail then?”
  2166. >”I have no idea what you mean.”
  2168. “Oh as if that wasn’t the most passive-aggressive thing I’ve heard today. Have you seen where Fizzlepop is?”
  2169. >”She was with the spunky kid, Twilight Sprinkle or something.”
  2170. “Sparkle.”
  2171. >”Yeah that.”
  2172. >A small crowd had gathered near the far wall from the confection table which pleased you just as well as you turn to Sunset fully.
  2173. “What’s wrong.”
  2174. >”Nothing!”
  2175. >You raise an eyebrow at the comment before crossing your arms.
  2176. >Sunset holds your stare for a long minute not willing to back down on her hill.
  2177. >”I’m fine, why don’t you go keep Her company or something.”
  2178. “You’re still mad about her being here aren’t you.”
  2179. >”Whatever would give you that impression?”
  2181. “Look i-”
  2182. >”I can DO it!” Shouted a familiar voice.
  2183. >Head snapping towards the shout your feet are already moving through the crowd with ease thanks to your height advantage.
  2184. >”No you can’t, your magic’s too wild and-” You recognize that voice, it’s Twilight and wow she has no filter at all does she?
  2185. >”You shut up!” Is the last thing you hear before you taste the ozone in the air and everything turns white.
  2186. >”-e! Ape!” There is a ringing in your ears, why is th- “APE!”
  2187. >Eyes snap open to see Sunset with a frizzy mane and dirt smeared across her face, you can barely hear her, “Thank Celestia, you’re alive.”
  2188. >Moving to rub at your face you wince at the feeling of bruises all across your body.
  2189. “What, what happened?”
  2190. >”Magic surge definitely, but we need to do damage control, now get up!” Sunset’s aura surrounds your arm as you are pulled up.
  2191. >With a groan you stand trying to see what happened.
  2192. >It’s pretty bad, fillies are crying some from shock others from the blast, thankfully there aren’t any missing limbs amongst the crowd.
  2193. >You really don’t want to know how accidental pony slaughter would fit in the law around here.
  2194. >”Ape help the princess with gathering up the children, I’ll get to work on clean up.” Sunset snaps off already trotting towards the epicenter of the explosion.
  2196. >You don’t find it in you to argue as you begin to collect the fillies that had been knocked about.
  2197. >There’s a yellow filly with blue hair that had been knocked on her side, poor dear looked to be knocked out cold, you stoop down to lift the foal up.
  2198. >Marching towards Cadence you can see she’s already set up a small hospital for the fillies as she uses her hooves and teeth to tighten a bandage on some filly with glasses.
  2199. “Cadence, have another one for you.”
  2200. >A small snap of her teeth on the bandage has Cadence pull the dressing free when she looked to you with worry, “Lemon Heart! Oh, bring her here and let me see her.”
  2201. >Carefully you lay the newly dubbed Lemon down on the floor where Cadence began to look her over.
  2202. >”No cuts, slight bruising on her head and side, small scraps on her side as well.” The pink alicorn muttered to herself.
  2203. “Didn’t know you knew first aid.”
  2204. >”When I took up the babysitting gig I wanted to make sure I was prepared for anything.” Cadence said distractedly before she carefully levitates the filly to rest atop a small party cushion. “As for Lemon Heart she’ll be fine, be sore when she wakes up, but fine in the long run.”
  2205. “Good to hear,” The stress must be getting to you as you notice the other fillies either laying atop cushions or numbly eating some cake nearby, “Was that everyone else?”
  2206. “Yes, I think everypony is f-” Cadence started to say only to stop as her eyes narrow and you see her raise a hoof to point at each filly.
  2207. >”Ape!”
  2208. >”Anon!”
  2210. >Your head twists back and forth at your name being called, on your right an alarmed pink alicorn, while on your left an angry orange unicorn wizard stomping your way.
  2211. “Sorry, what? What’s wrong?”
  2212. >”Twilight is gone!”
  2213. >”Fizzlepop’s missing!”
  2214. >On some cosmic level you feel like some unknowable horror is enjoying the synchronicity the two mares have as they look at each other in surprise.
  2215. “They’re both gone? Great, okay, right game plan ladies we’ve got to find them.” You pause as a terrible thought come to mind and look toward the blast zone.
  2216. >”No Ape Fizzlepop didn’t blow herself up.” Sunset cut through your fears yanking your head down with her magic, “Now calm down.”
  2217. “I’m calm. I am cool as a cucumber.”
  2218. >”Anon, it’ll be fine don’t worry.” Cadence offers up placing a hoof on your shaking arm, when did your arm start to shake like that?
  2219. You nod quickly and kneel down to be eye level with the girls, “I’m good just, just give me something to do.”
  2220. >The two mares share a brief look before Cadence nods and Sunset sighs.
  2221. >”I think I know what happened, but to confirm you’re going to need to stay here with the fillies Anon.”
  2222. “What? No! That’s bull and you know it Sunset!”
  2223. >”Your magic isn’t good enough for what we need to do Anon and-” Sunset’s face turns into one of utter loathing as she points at Cadence, “I’ll need her help to find them.”
  2224. >”What’s the plan Sunset?” Gone is the meek mare that bowed down to Sunset’s power games as you can see a hint of steel in Cadence’s tone.
  2225. >”I’ll need to use Sweet Vision’s Triangular Treat Tracker to find them.” Sunset explained, “That filly of yours she knows how to teleport right?”
  2226. >”Yeah, but how’d you-”
  2227. >”Identical’s Identify of Irregularities, so you and will need to rotate through the city to find them.”
  2228. “Magic talk aside, but what am I supposed to do here?”
  2229. >”The spell needs three anchor points before it can work.” Cadence said before she looked to Sunset and the bubblegum princess returned, “Right?”
  2230. >”Actually, yeah it does.” Sunset looked surprised before shaking her head closing her eyes to focus and her horn lights up with its cyan magic, “Anyway we’ll spread out, Anon you have to stay here so we can rotate the spell as needed. Princess, follow my lead so I can work you into the spell.”
  2231. >Cadence gives a small nod while you frown at being regulated to hearth tender but you extend your hand, a faint glow of starlight rising off your skin.
  2232. “I don’t like it, but fine. Just hurry and bring our girls home alright?”
  2233. >Sunset smirked at the question as she opened one eye, “Like I’m going to fail, come on Ape.”
  2234. >A smile broke out on your face as you watch Sunset’s aura form a chain of magic that melds with the aura between yourself and Cadence.
  2235. “Guess not.”
  2236. >” Now let’s find the girls.” Cadence stomped her hoof with a horsey snort as the magic links fade from sight though everyone’s respective appendage continued to glow.
  2237. >” Right!” Sunset exclaimed before the two girls galloped for the door.
  2239. >Steve the rat was having a great day, the local cats have avoided his alley for a few days now and the restaurant his nest was near had just dropped off a bag of sweet-sweet tasty food in the metal box.
  2240. >Just as Steve was getting ready to climb the box the air began to whip about drawn towards the middle of the alley.
  2241. >Squeaking in fear Steve the rat fled running as a bright flash of light illuminated the alley for a moment.
  2242. >Smoke billowed about the origin of the magical flash of light as two figures are slowly revealed.
  2243. >Slowly sitting up from where you had hit the dirt you rub at your flank, that hurt!
  2244. >A grunt beside you draws your eyes to see Her.
  2245. >Scowling at the purple menace you stagger to your hooves, you wince when sparks fly from your horn.
  2246. >You haven’t had a surge like that in forever, well last week, but-
  2247. >”Where are we?” The purple annoyance asked with a sniffle as she looked about.
  2248. >All things considered your surroundings looked quite dim, garbage strewn about with large dumpsters and the wonderful odor of filth, with steam wafting up from the ponyhole nearby.
  2249. “I don’t know, but I know it’s your fault.”
  2250. >The liar snapped her head to you in disbelief, ”My fault?! I’m not the one who blew up!”
  2251. >You stomped a hoof onto the ground with a loud clop.
  2252. “I didn’t blow up! You said I couldn’t do magic!”
  2253. >”I said you couldn’t do “precise” magic, you-you dummy!” She shouted at you, her withers stiff with outrage.
  2254. “I’ll show you dummy.”
  2255. >Sparks began to build up from your horn and you feel a vindictive thrill run through you at her reaction.
  2256. >Yet all thoughts of revenge fled as a loud yowl echoed out in the alley way.
  2257. >You look for the source of the noise, but the dang alley is so dark with it being near evening you can’t see much.
  2258. >”What was that?” Twilight asked as she drew up beside you, despite yourself you’re glad that you’re not alone, even if it's with the big fat purple jerk.
  2259. >Magic running hot in your horn you start to feel your eyes throb from trying to maintain control over the wild power, where is it?!
  2260. >Before you can ask Twilight to help she threw a globule of purple light out into the darkened alley way.
  2261. >What you see made you rear back instinctively as the light revealed the creeping form of a large alley cat with a missing ear, plenty of scars across its face and a pair of evil grey eyes that glared at you both!
  2262. >The sight had you convinced with a sharp bark of lightning your magic flew true sending an array of sparks and lights at the miserable creature of Tartarus!
  2263. >With a yowl of demonic cat fury the demon fled before your awesome magical might!
  2265. >Landing back down on your forehooves with an angry snort you watch as it fled out of sight of Twilight’s light.
  2266. Turning to the filly beside you smirk, “Told you I could do magic.”
  2267. >”I never- Oh forget it, let’s just go home.” Twilight started to protest for what little good it did her before conceding your point.
  2268. >Still you begin to follow after Twilight at a happy trot tail swishing to and fro from your good mood.
  2269. >It’s only when a few minutes have passed as you both take a turn around the building that you recall a party trick that Twilight had known.
  2270. Recalling the ease with which she had teleported around the whole tower you felt your good mood begin to rapidly evaporate, “Why don't you just pop away, that seems to be all your good for.”
  2271. >Twilight growls under her breath as she hopped over a garbage sack before replying, “I don’t know where we are and all the places I’ve been to feel too far away for my magic to reach.”
  2272. >Oh, oh that’s too rich!
  2273. “Now who's the one that can’t do magic?”
  2274. >”Oh my Celestia, will you let it go!” Twilight snapped at you turning about to properly face you at a four way intersection.
  2275. >You dig your heels in at the paltry attempt of intimidation, you hold onto what Sunset had taught you, you’ll not be so easily cowed by this spoiled brat of a filly.
  2276. “No, you doubted me, called me out in front of everypony for not being a proper unicorn.”
  2277. >”I didn’t! I’m so sorry that your ego is so fragile that a few words would hurt you so easily.” Twilight snarked at you the frown heavy on her face.
  2278. >You shouldn’t let her get to you, you’re better than her you know it, but the way she acts so flippantly to your problems, your struggle to use magic even with half, no a quarter of the skill she has is driving you up the wall!
  2279. “You-you insufferable know it all!”
  2280. >”And proud of it; now I think if we go left here…” Twilight dismissed your insult with a flick of her tail and looked up the walkway she had suggested.
  2281. >You’re not going to let decide on what to do!
  2282. “No, you can find your own way home, I’m going right.”
  2284. >A honest to Celestia neigh escaped your unwanted companion as she whirled about with panic in her eyes, ”Wait we can’t split up, don’t you remember magical kindergarten rules?”
  2285. “I don’t need no know-it-all’s rules, peace!” You flick your tail in dismissal as you walk away from the stupid jerk.
  2286. >You don’t look back because Sunset said that was the best way to irritate people before you hear, “FINE! Be that way!”
  2288. >Grumbling under your breath you ignore the frustrated noises from the purple menace and continue down your path.
  2289. >The filth of the alley doesn’t clear up as you trot, but it doesn’t become worse in the long run so maybe you’re going the right way?
  2290. >You were just making your way by a pair of dumpsters and a fire escape when you hear from above, “Oi!”
  2291. >Startled you look up in time to be shoved to the ground!
  2292. “Ow!”
  2293. >”Well now, wha' brings some broken lookin 'hin like you 'o our neck ov 'he woods?”
  2294. >Shaking yourself you finally see the too stupid to live ingrate that pushed you, some muted yellow earth filly with a busted tooth, beside her was a pegasus filly with various blues as her coat and mane, above you caught a glimpse of even more yellow before coughing to clear your throat.
  2295. >”Aw butcher's hook a' 'ha' Coin, you broke 'er voice!”
  2296. >The flash of anger helps you focus as you stand horn sparking wildly.
  2297. “I’d back off if I was you!”
  2298. >The earth filly, Coin, stepped up to you, “Oh yeah, shah off your magic all you wan', bu' you’re goin 'o need 'o pay 'he 'oll faw walkin 'hrough our 'urf.”
  2299. “Toll? Buck off!”
  2300. >”Sui’ you-”
  2301. >Anything else she was getting ready to say is lost as you fire off the weakest blast of power at Coin.
  2302. >You’d have tried to get the both of them, but the blue one had dived away from the blast and a heavy weight smashed into your back!
  2303. >Rolling, kicking and punching you try to break free from your attacker loose magic splattering about uselessly when a lucky hoof connected with your chin making you see stars.
  2304. >You’re still trying to get your bearing as your hoisted up by the two pegasus fillies.
  2305. >”Gli''erhoof, Surf, 'old 'er down! le'’s 'each miss 'oi'y 'oi'y a lesson abou' pickin figh's!” Coin said through gritted teeth as she loomed over you.
  2306. >Y-you can’t focus.
  2307. >Sparks sputter out from your horn weakly as your eyes throb from the effort.
  2308. >It’s when you see the dull yellow hoof roaring towards you that you close your eyes from the impact.
  2309. TZING!
  2311. >“Leave her alone!”
  2312. >Suddenly your dropped on your flank.
  2313. >The next thing you see are purple pillars?
  2314. >No wait, those are legs!
  2315. >It’s Twilight and past her you can see the fleeing forms of the trio of no good thugs.
  2316. >You’ve barely a moment to collect yourself as wide purple eyes lock onto your own.
  2317. >”Are you okay?”
  2318. >Your heart did not just skip a beat, that’s crazy talk and anyone that says otherwise is a dirty liar.
  2319. >A twist of your head spares you from that too powerful stare as you huff.
  2320. “Of course, I could have taken them!”
  2322. >A deep sigh follows your answer then before Twilight said, ”Right, can we try to go home now?”
  2323. >What? No!
  2324. “Not yet.”
  2325. >”For the love of Celestia, why not!” Twilight stomped her hoof down in the muddy road.
  2326. Damn it, why is so hard to talk now?! Your tongue feels numb at the heated stare from the filly before you when you finally say, “I want to know why.
  2327. >Rearing back in surprise Twilight blinked slowly as if the thought of why she had done what she did hadn’t occurred to her, ”...I don’t know, you’re rude, obnoxious and just plain mean.”
  2328. “Hey!”
  2329. >Twilight continued ignoring your exclamation, “But, you’re friends with Anon the Ape and my rival Sunset Shimmer, so I can’t let you get hurt. They’d have been upset if you were in trouble.”
  2330. You know you’re pouting, but you can’t help it, “I could have handled them…”
  2331. >Quick as ever Twilight replied, “You could have, but together we took them out as easy as a sparkle spell!”
  2332. >You can’t help but snicker before Twilight asks why you’re laughing.
  2333. “You made a pun out of your own name.”
  2334. >Twilight tilted her head at you before having a laugh herself, “I guess I did, didn’t I?’
  2335. >Offering a hoof to you Twilight asked, “Think you can put up with me then?”
  2336. >Staring at the hoof then slowly up to Twilight you take a breath then latch on with your own hoof, “Why not.”
  2337. >A tug later and you’re on your hooves walking alongside your...ally? Rival? Friend maybe?
  2338. >Who knows anymore, but you can respect that she came back for you, now how to pay her back for the help.
  2339. >As you ruminate upon the issue you both soon came across a too tall wooden fence blocking your way.
  2340. >”Oh pony feathers!” Twilight cursed beside you as she stomped, “I can’t see past to blink by this!”
  2342. >Well now, a grin crossed your muzzle as lightning built up in your horn.
  2343. “Hang on, I’ve got this.”
  2344. >A cacophony of light and sounds bloomed before you easily sending smoldering wooden planks flying before your ‘spell’.
  2345. >”Whoa!” Twilight exclaimed at the quite easy to navigate hole in the fence, what remained that is.
  2346. You meanwhile blow off the smoke generated from the excess magic from your horn, “Applause, if you please.”
  2347. >Walking in through the hole you take in the sight, some lot or a yard perhaps, there is a gate nearby you could try to pass though it’s made of iron. Some boxes nearby could be used to climb over it?
  2348. >You’re drawn from your thoughts by Twilight, ”Okay, so you’re pretty good with lots of magic power, but I still say having control is more important.”
  2349. >The criticism stung far more than you’d expect and your reply is just as sharp.
  2350. “Kind of hard to do that with this.” You flick your head up to your horn.
  2351. >At the reminder you see Twilight flinch before she mumbled out softly, ”...I’m sorry.”
  2352. >Tartarus, why does she have to look so sincere when she said that!?
  2353. “Don’t worry abo-”
  2354. >”Who blew up me fence!” Shouted a loud voice from one of the buildings.
  2356. >At the shout you exchange looks with Twilight and you both book it the rest of the way to the gate!
  2357. >Locked!
  2358. >The boxes!
  2359. >You buck one over to rest against the fence as Twilight levitates another box over making a rickety staircase for you both to climb!
  2360. >From the porch you see a thug of a Earth mare with a grizzly coat and shaggy mane spot you!
  2361. >”You damned fillies are in for it!”
  2362. >Crud!
  2363. >Twilight had jumped atop the first box, but her legs were scrabbling to clamber up!
  2364. >Using your head you shove the filly up the rest of the way then leap up yourself!
  2365. >You nearly don’t make it, but Twilight snags you by the hoof the rest of the way.
  2366. >That mare’s almost here!
  2367. >The world suddenly tilts sideways then as you reappear atop the next box.
  2368. >You’re still catching your bearings when the tower tilts dangerously as the mare started to drag the boxes down to catch you both!
  2369. >”Hang on!” Twilight shouted as the world inverted again this time you’re sent to the ground stomach nauseous.
  2370. >”Just you two trouble makers wait, I’ll show you what for breaking good ponies things!” The mare shouted as she started to fiddle with the gate!
  2371. >”Come we’ve gotta go!”
  2372. >Shakily you followed after Twilight around the corner hearing the gate slammed open by an angry hoof.
  2373. >”Oh no, oh no, oh no…” Twilight muttered to herself as you both ran.
  2374. >You needed to hide that mare wasn’t going to give up so easily you knew it.
  2375. >Passing by a dumpster you have an idea!
  2376. >Leaping forward you tug on Twilight’s tail to get her attention.
  2378. >At the tug Twilight turns to you, “What?!”
  2379. “The dumpster, we’ll hide in there.”
  2380. >”You want to what!?”
  2381. “Just trust me!”
  2382. >The thudding clops of the mare from behind is all the extra convincing you need as you approach the nasty bin.
  2383. >”This is SO gross.”
  2384. “Just get in!”
  2385. >Working together you manage to climb in and huddle against the side as you hear the angry thudding of a mare in full gallop pass you by.
  2386. >You wait.
  2387. >”Fizz-”
  2388. >You shush Twilight heart thudding in your ears.
  2389. >”Can-”
  2390. >You pin the filly down with a glare, was she a colt or a filly!?
  2391. >So you waited until you were fairly sure that you had given the mare the slip.
  2392. >Nodding at the now quite miserable Twilight you start to climb out of the garbage.
  2393. >”Fizzlepop! Twilight!”
  2394. >Only to fall back into the bin with a yelp at the sudden yell!
  2396. >”Cadence!” Twilight shouted in delight as you watched her leap from her perch atop the dumpster at the pink alicorn.
  2397. >Considering the smell and some of the stains you’d both collected you feel a sense of vindication considering that the princess had sent you falling into the bin.
  2398. >You hear a faint pop and you heart soars at the next voice, “Are they here?!”
  2399. “Sunset!” You shouted in relief.
  2400. >Like her namesake Sunset appeared over the horizon of the bin snout wrinkled at the smell, ”Fizzlepop? Why are you in the garbage?”
  2401. “It’s a really long story. Can you get me out? Please?”
  2402. >”Of course.”
  2403. >Like that you were soon walking with Sunset back to the tower as you and Twilight were telling what happened to the duo of adults.
  2404. >Twilight mostly chattered with a few tidbits you offered up as well before she had asked, “What happened back at the tower is everypony okay?”
  2405. >”Oh their fine Twilight, a little bruised, but nothing too bad. Honestly it looked like a storm had hit the place. Fizzlepop you wouldn’t happen to have some pegasi in your family tree would you?” Cadence asked you.
  2406. “I don’t know…” You try not to think about that too much, it’s an old ache, but it’s still an ache.
  2407. >”A storm, huh?” Twilight said aloud before she nudged you with her wither, “Maybe that could be a nickname for you.”
  2408. “What?”
  2409. >”Yeah, though I don’t think Storm would fit, there’s tons of Storms, I had looked it up in our history lesson on famous pegasi you need something better.”
  2410. “Why do I need a nickname?”
  2411. >”Because what you did to that fence sure as applesauce wasn’t no fizzle or a pop.”
  2412. >Somehow when she put it like that you could understand.
  2414. >”Why not Maelstrom?” Cadence offered before it was denied by Twilight shaking her head.
  2415. >You don’t think that would fit, too much ocean and water you felt.
  2416. >”Could try Thunder.” Sunset supplied then frowned, “Though I think that’s a colt’s name…”
  2417. >Now that had you cringe at the thought.
  2418. >”What about Tempest?” Twilight said finally as you all soon came into sight of the tower.
  2419. >Tempest, Tempest...it felt oddly right.
  2420. “Tempest, I like it.” You said before looking up to see the large hole blown out from the tower.
  2421. >”By the way you two are so grounded.” Sunset said off handedly.
  2422. >Over the skyline of Canterlot two shouts of “What!?” echoed out sending birds flying from the local park.
  2424. >You blink the sweat away as it rolled down your face, flames crackling in your hands as you concentrate on the queer feeling of fire. Yet for all the strangeness behind the spell, this felt familiar to you, as if you’ve done this a thousand of times before. Staring deeply into the dull red glow of the fire you can see the flames cradled before you once more and-
  2425. >“Took you long enough.”
  2426. >The words shake you free from the stupor you’d fallen into as the flames are snuffed out from between your hands [spoiler]hooves[/spoiler] and look to your [spoiler]sister[/spoiler] roommate. Sunset trotted over sparing a glance to the book you’d been studying before raising a brow, “Ape what’s wrong, you look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”
  2427. “Nothing, more tired than I thought.”
  2428. >A subtle cyan glow of levitation lights up the collar of your shirt when it’s yanked down bringing you face to face with the unicorn. Your protest at the manhandling is stifled as Sunset just as suddenly nuzzled against your face! The mare simply hummed before drawing back, “You do look flushed and pale, you need to work on your mana reserves more, honestly Ape I’ve known Earth pony foals with more mana than you.”
  2429. >“Gee thanks for the encouragement.” You would have complained more if it weren’t for the sudden appearance of snack food popping into existence. Scrambling to catch the food before it fell to the ground Sunset scoffs, her tail flicking in annoyance, “Despite your lackluster resources you are making progress, slow as it is, you just might be able to attend the tutoring I’m giving Fizzlepop if you keep it up.”
  2430. “How is our little Tempest anyway? Hardly feels like I get to see her anymore.” You asked ripping open the snacks and eating a few, then stuffing your maw as your stomach roars for more.
  2431. >“Another playdate with Twilight and her little friends, Cadence is hosting again.” Sunset replied with a snort, “Don’t see why they can’t have their game here.”
  2432. “Would it have anything to do with your character being broken as can be?” You grin at the small neigh Sunset did at the accusation, the mare turned her head away from you before she approached one of her crafting tables.
  2433. >Chisels, tiny hammers, and a delicate eyepiece are grabbed by Sunset’s aura as she primly said, “I have no idea what you could be talking about, Sunchaser the Inquisitor was a completely legal character in accordance to the player’s handbook and to the splat books that Moon Dance had approved.” Sunset hunched over then as she stared down at some crystal contraption the tinny dings of metal upon stone echoed out in the workshop.
  2434. >Finished with the last of the chips you snickered, “Sunset, the first round of combat that you went in you downed the encounter before the rest of the party could play. Side’s Tempest has been staying with Twilight for so many nights it feels like the Sparkles should be her parents.”
  2435. >Tink!
  2436. >You wince at the noise, oh dear, that sounded like something broke. Leaning over Sunset’s head you let out a slight hiss at the sight. The tiny chisel the mare had been working with was embedded deep into one of the deep scarlet diamonds on that odd mirror. You could see Sunset’s shoulder rise up with a deep breath before she cocked her head back to stare at you with a placid smile, but you knew the lie as hellfire roared in the mare’s eyes, “Ape, would you fetch me another diamond, please? I appear to have broken this one.”
  2437. >You held your gaze on Sunset as you slowly raised up a hand as your own emerald aura snapped into being around the drawer of gemstones and the diamond is collected. With an audible smack, the diamond landed in your hand as you offer it to the still pleasantly smiling mare. You can feel the breeze as the diamond is snapped up by Sunset’s magic and she focused back onto her mirror.
  2438. “Want to share what that was all about?” You asked as you moved to rest against the table Sunset was working on.
  2439. >“I’ve been working on this on the side for a very long time Ape, having to undo and unravel all the enchantments to repair this was,” Sunset paused as the cracked diamond was pulled free, “annoying.”
  2440. “That can’t be all of it,” You replied brow furrowed before your eyes widen, “Wait, are you worried about Tempest?”
  2441. >“I’m not, Fizzlepop can associate with whomever she wants to, she’s a big filly you know.” Sunset said quickly as ever then adjusted her eyepiece as she leaned in close to the mirror, “Even if her choice in adult supervision is poor.”
  2442. “Mrs. Sparkle isn’t that bad you know.”
  2443. >“I know that.” Sunset spun from her work to snap at you, “Who do you think usually watches them when the Sparkles are out?”
  2444. The answer hits you between the eyes and you pinch your nose as your headache blooms, “Oh for the love of your horse gods are you still on about Cadence? I thought you were fine with her.”
  2445. >“I was,” Sunset grumbled as she turned back to her mirror, “then the little whorse goes and keeps stealing Fizzlepop from me.”
  2446. “Sunset, she works for the Sparkle’s as a sitter, who else would they grab?” You asked as you sat down beside the fiery mare.
  2447. >“You, me, literally any other pony in Canterlot that’d be willing to.” Sunset complained as the tink’s from her chisel intensified in speed as she spoke.
  2448. “They don’t know me aside from that one weird pet of Celestia and they don’t know you ‘that’ well Sunset if you made nice with them a few times maybe they would be fine with letting you babysit.” You take the risk and gently laid a hand on the mare’s wither the last echoes of the rapid-fire tink of chisel work fading away.
  2449. >You can hear the subtle squeal of the metal tools in Sunset’s grasp as she stared at the mirror when she imperceptibly nodded.
  2450. “What are you working on anyway?” You asked as you let your hand slide off the mare as you looked in further detail at the weird little mirror. The mirror itself looked like a normal pane of glass with the same dazzling array of citrines, topaz, diamonds and runic patterns along the outside edge of the mirror.
  2451. >“Just a side project of mine, you did tell me to take some time off from the H.O.R.N after all,” Sunset said with a wry grin. “I have been trying to get this to work now forever now.”
  2452. “I think I remember it, did you make that change as I told you to?” You asked as the mirror almost hums with the excess amount of magic in it.
  2453. >“If I didn’t this would have been a lot of work for nothing, be more useful as an improvised fireball than what it’s supposed to do.”
  2454. “And that being…?”
  2455. >Sunset paused tools hovering in the air before sets the tools down on the table to stare you full in the eye, “Can I trust you to keep this to yourself?”
  2456. “Of course, you might be an utter bitch at times, but you’re my bitch.”
  2457. >The subtle clop of hoof meeting face at your heartfelt declaration, “As barbaric as ever you uncultured Ape,” Sunset muttered, “However, you’re the closest thing to a confidant that I have, so I’ll take what I can get.”
  2458. “You too.”
  2459. >Sunset ignores your brilliant commentary as she levitates the mirror up before you, “The purpose of the mirror is to act as a sympathetic conduit utilizing Garriden the Grey’s theory allowing for the transfer of magic across a new medium.”
  2460. “Skimming through most of what you just said, you basically made a T.V?”
  2461. >“T.V?”
  2462. “You know a- wait you don’t have those do you,” You realized as you’re forcibly reminded of the fact by Sunset’s blank stare, “Nevermind, but you can use your mirror to do what the other thing can do? Right?”
  2463. >Bright aquamarine eyes blink once, then twice as the mare’s jaw dropped at your question, “I-I, ahem, yes of course it does. I must be far more clever than I thought to teach that to you Ape.”
  2464. “You learn a thing or two when cleaning up after your crazy experiments.”
  2465. >“That was only once or twice!”
  2466. “More like every other week!”
  2467. >Mouth open for another retort Sunset paused as the mirror gleamed in the afternoon sun, “We’re getting off track, the mirror is to help me find my destiny and if I did it right, we could even use it to help you find yours too.”
  2468. “Destiny? What you mean like with your butt marks?”
  2469. >“Cutie. Marks. How is that such a hard word to understand?!”
  2470. “I’m not a pastel pony that can get away with it.”
  2471. >“Oh, of course, mister I’m from a planet so deadly even the bunnies are vicious.”
  2472. “They are! Nasty blighters have a bite that’ll take a finger Sunset or your throat! Besides, I don’t think you even need some magical artifact to tell you what you’re destiny is. You’ve already got that mark that tells you what you’re good at, don’t you?”
  2473. >“Yes, but if you happened to have read the scrolls I know I told you to read, cutie mark magic is a paradoxical type of magic that acts on a grander scale over a lifetime. Sure you might notice certain skills and traits you’re better at, but that could just be from aptitude. The artifact I’m planning on using simply speeds up the process.”
  2474. “That doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I’ll take your word on it.”
  2475. >Sunset wiggled the mirror at you, “Come on you can’t tell me you’re not a bit curious to see?”
  2476. >You clenched your fist staring at the mirror as it bobbed to and fro in Sunset’s magic, the thought was tempting. Just a glance and you could finally figure out why you of all the humans in the world had been brought over to this pastel colored land and it’s oddly sexist mares. You would jump on it in a heartbeat, but the fact remains, Sunset would lord it over you for all time if you caved so easily.
  2477. “Fine, I suppose I’ll be your test monkey, again.”
  2478. >“Perfect!” The damn mare doesn’t even have the gall to act ashamed as the mirror is thrust into your hands, “Now, you just hold it up and channel some magic into it.” Sunset paused before she tilted head up to you slowly, “You do remember how to do that right?”
  2479. “I’m forgetful, not retarded Sunset, yes I know how to do it.” You grumbled back holding the mirror before you. Your hands feel wet and clammy. The back of your shirt itches uncomfortably as well as you channel your magic into the mirror. The glitter of your magic whorls upwards into the gemstones, through the runic lines and finally, in the glass itself for a moment nothing happens as you can feel the magic steadily drain into the mirror.
  2480. >Then the glass goes from reflecting the room, Sunset and yourself to a sudden inky black shadow. Yet, you know with bone-chilling certainty that those are no shadows, that which is reflected back at you belongs to the Void. [spoiler]You should put this down.[/spoiler] Stark, white lines reveal half of a helm within the void empty from what you could see. [spoiler]Don’t let Her see you.[/spoiler] Squinting you try to make out more detail as you vaguely hear Sunset ask something. [spoiler]LOOKAWAY[/spoiler] A glowing slitted teal eye sprung to false life before you just as you spot a gauntlet dart towards you!
  2481. >With an uttered oath you fling the mirror away from you, the force you wrenched the mirror away is enough to send you smashing into the ground. You kick your feet and scramble backward on your hands until you stop against the wall.
  2482. >Gottagetaway. Gottagetaway. Gottagetaway.
  2483. >Your vision is overwhelmed then as vibrant bright colors of flame and sky come to a stop before you in a slide. The colors, they’re so much better than the gaping maw of the void, so much better.
  2484. >“-mous! Anonymous! What happened? Are you okay?” The pile of shifting colors slowly resolved itself into the familiar form of Sunset Shimmer, that’s right, you’re roommate and quasi teacher.
  2485. Your breath slows as you clench your hands into tight fists before you nod, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
  2486. >“And I’m an Alicorn, what did you see in the mirror?”
  2487. “Nothing, at first, then” You shiver feeling goosebumps crawl along your skin, “a helmet, covering all the face and then an eye, some glowing blue eye stared at me. It /saw/ me Sunset, how could it have seen me?!”
  2488. >“Sometimes scrying can be detected, but it’d have to be someone with exceedingly sensitive magic to be aware of it.” Sunset paused for a moment as her lips puckered then said, “Unless the scrying was a part of some type of malignant magic then it’d be rather easy to do, but the mirror wouldn’t be able to do that.”
  2489. Flexing your hands as the last of the tremors fade you cut across Sunset’s rambling, “I think you need to leave that mirror alone.”
  2490. >Sunset jerked back from you as if you’d burnt her, “What?! No!”
  2491. “Sunset that mirror is bad business I can feel it!”
  2492. >“Since when do you have a magic sense?”
  2493. “It’s not a magic sense, it’s just gut instinct.”
  2494. >“Oh not this mud conspiracy again…”
  2495. “Wait what?”
  2496. >Sunset shook her head as she explained, “Earth ponies claim that they have some prophetic sense that is explicitly vague enough to be left for interpretation that it becomes self-fulfilling or can be claimed to fit what happened after the fact.”
  2497. “No, that’s not,” You take a deep breath to center your thoughts hands clasped together as if in prayer, “I’m saying that it’s able to show things and those things can show you, I’m worried that whatever can see you can grab you and pull your through the damn thing.”
  2498. >“Now that’s silly, I’m using a proxy artifact to access the original the most I’d get is feedback.” Sunset flicked her mane at you in dismissal, “Besides the original is a scrying object, not a portal.”
  2499. “I still don’t like it Sunset, do you know how many fairy tales had mirrors doing weird shit in them?”
  2500. >“Your fairytales maybe, here it’s usually ponds or lakes or even crystals if your from up north.”
  2501. You kneel down to be eye level with the mare and grip her withers tight, “Just promise me you’ll be careful with this? I know Fizzle would be crushed if something happened to you, lord knows the princess would never let me hear the end of it if you went and got yourself possessed or stolen by some demon or something.”
  2502. >“Most daemons were locked up in Tartarus, the rest were banished to the ether.” Sunset corrected you automatically, your frowned heavily drilling the mare with your gaze when she finally rolled her eyes then held her hooves up in surrender. “Fine, I get it, I’ll be careful with my side project. Not like it’s any more dangerous than what I do with the H.O.R.N.”
  2503. In reply you boop the mare on her snout then yanking it back before she can bite it, “That’s better because I know you can keep yourself safe from explosions, cosmic horrors of time and space is a bit higher on the danger level you know?”
  2504. >Sunset snorted in response as she rubbed her snout, “Only amateurs don’t use the proper bindings when contacting extra dimensional beings, that’s basic summoning 101 Ape.”
  2505. “You know what I mean-” The loud chime from the wall mounted clock nearby interrupts you as it heralded the new hour. “Damn, Fizzle’s playdate must be over. I’ll go and pick her up, think you’re up for making dinner?”
  2506. >When Sunset doesn’t respond you turn back to see her with her thinking face as you like to call it, pout in full effect, brows furrowed, and that small scrunch on her snout too. It’s rather adorable all together then Sunset replied, “How about I go instead?”
  2507. “Are you sure?” You asked when a thought sprung to mind, “You just don’t want to cook tonight don’t you?”
  2508. >Sunset’s smile is all the answer you need as you watch her horn alight with that unique cyan glow as her saddlebags appeared on her back. You meanwhile, wave the mare off as you make for the kitchen to get dinner started. Sunset watched you go, waited for you to truly be gone then slipped the mirror off the table and into her saddlebags.
  2510. “Oh what the flying fuck.” You shout as you sent a bolt of flame down at the eldritch abomination that used to be a potion rack.
  2511. >The screech of pain was as satisfying as it was terrifying from the many tentacled spawn as it’s slimey carapace hissed and popped from the heat. You are so glad that Fizzlepop was downstairs, no young filly should be subjected to the sight of that many glistening animated mucus the color of snot and-
  2512. >Further thoughts are shunted to the side as the snot monster made a rapid dash at you with a screech of rage!
  2513. >Back pedaling into the doorway you have enough time to throw more fire at the potion failure, but the sudden speed the ooze moved threw your aim off as it ducked beneath your shot. The spell splashed against the rest of the potion rack. Wasn’t that where Sunset stored her alc-
  2515. >BOOM
  2517. >Knocked back from the shock wave you cough in surprise a small plume of smoke escaping your mouth while your soot stained face caught sight of the aberration writhing as the sticky flaming mass of Sunset’s stock did it’s dirty work. You winced at the sight, but sighed standing up when the creature flailed enough to put itself out only for it to screech again as you sent more flames it’s way.
  2518. “Yeah take that you unholy snotling!” You shouted at the remarkably stubborn potion stain before it locked eyes with you, you assume it’s version of eyes as it flings itself towards you as if to engulf you whole!
  2519. >Kicking up a nearby stool you catch it and throw the wooden furniture into the gaping maw of the slime making it rock back for a moment stunned. Taking the chance you quickly summon more fire to drown the beastly thing until it’s pseudopodes stop flailing. Then you burn it again, just to be sure of course.
  2521. >With a cough you catch sight of the small bonfires that are starting to spread through the alchemy lab, thick oily black smoke starting to build up in the room. Cursing again you sent out a pulse of magic out towards the flames snuffing them out one by one, curiously the hood over the lab was useful for catching most of the smoke directing away the noxious fumes to the outside. The clippity cloppity of hooves on the staircase echo up the tower made you turn from the ruined alchemy lab to see Tempest nee Fizzlepop came to a stop at the top of the stairs.
  2522. >Taking in the sight of the smoky potions lab and your slime speckled form with wide eyes Tempest asked, “What happened?”
  2523. >Sparing a glance at the mess you sheepishly cough into your hand as you mumbled.
  2524. >“What?”
  2525. “Cleaning.”
  2526. >If anything Tempest’s eyes widen even further at the answer then leans to see past you. You lean in the same way to block her view. Teal eyes snapped up to your own and narrow, “You didn’t ruin Mistress’ potions did you?”
  2527. You wince at the word Tempest used, “I did nothing of the sort, I came up here when I heard the fire alarm going off, matter of fact where is Sunset anyway?” You asked as you gestured with your hand at the nearby windows, they slam open with a clatter, good that should help clear the air of the scent of burnt potion.
  2528. >“I thought Mistress was up here doing more research,” Tempest said as she wrinkled her nose at the fumes left from the mess.
  2529. “Stay back Tempest, it might be toxic.” You said in reflex, far too many safety lessons in chemistry had taught you some things at least, with a small gust of wind summoned up in your hands you clear the air.
  2530. >“Why are you in the thick of it then?”
  2531. “Better that I get magic cancer than you, it’s an adult thing.”
  2532. >“Then why does Mistress say that I need to be nice to colts and stallions all the time?”
  2534. At the sudden change of subject you laugh, “Oh sweet child, that’s because your world has really weird ideas on what a stallion can or can’t do, at least to my eyes.”
  2535. >“Why?”
  2536. Your mouth opens to answer the question before you stop yourself, you’ve fallen into this rabbit hole one too many times with this little filly, the never ending why of horror. Eyes narrowed now at the oddly fidgeting mare you asked, “What’re you trying to avoid?”
  2537. >“What?! I mean, no idea what you’re talking about Anon, I was just curi-” You simply raise the eyebrow and Tempest folds her ears back with her tail flicking in agitation. “I was having trouble with some of Mistress’ work she assigned me, can you help?” The one eighty from ashamed to hopeful is jarring.
  2538. “You know that Sunset only gives you the work she knows you can handle right?” You replied after making sure the potion lab was inert before you join Tempest in the study where she was standing. With a click of the lock on the door you turn about to the filly whose eyes are so filled with stars you could make out constellations in them.
  2539. You gaze upwards to the ceiling to find some relief from the stare, “Horse god, preserve me from precocious fillies.”
  2540. >Tempest excitedly squeals in reply, but stops as you level her with a look, in response she grinned as she said, “Mistress also said to use every tool available to me to finish the work and since you’re technically an assistant to Mistress. . .”
  2541. Damn, that’s rather clever you muse before clapping your hands together, “Right go get your homework, I’m going to go find Sunset before hand and we’ll meet up in the living room, alright?”
  2542. >Tempest nods and hustles down the stairs at a rapid pace, despite yourself the sight and sound of a pony using stairs still manages to get a giggle out of you. They just look so silly as they use stairs almost like a dog would. Shaking off the fit of mirth you begin your hunt for your roommate, where did she disappear to.
  2544. >Your search leads you through the study and to the library, prior to being dropped off in Equestria you would have thought that the personal library Sunset had would have been the equivalent of any public school, here it was more of a given for most aspiring horse wizards. Granted most books were almost useless or had such a pinpoint use like how to turn golems from stone to iron or some such rot like that, it was so inefficient that each book was about a single spell! Small rant aside you don’t find the mare after checking through her usual hiding spots and even some of your own.
  2545. >Following the curve of the tower you soon come across the jewelry room adjacent to the library and potions lab. A glance inside the room doesn’t reveal the fiery mare thanks to the spartan accommodations, just a few benches, a shelf that holds finished projects and the various grinders, scrappers, hammers, tongs, and other paraphernalia needed to carve gemstones into magical trinkets.
  2547. “Where in the world of Equestria did you wander off to now you silly little pony.” You mutter to yourself closing the door to the library before you ascend the stairs two at a time to hurry.
  2548. >The upper half of the tower is where Sunset’s more dangerous experiments were tended as well as her observatory for the heavens above. The stairs came to a stop before the cartoonishly large telescope with it’s itty bitty chair for a pony to rest in as they observed the stars, you swear the thing took up half the entire floor! Aside from a few chairs, a couch and desk that was piled high with scrolls you found not a hair of your quarry which left. . .
  2550. >At the large white marble with gold accented double door you heaved a sigh taking note of the gem set between the two doors which glowed a faint ruby red. The Vault, why pony architects design their highly unstable things in the upper portions of a building instead of a more sane place like say the basement you’ll never know! You come up to the doors and will your magic into being once more, once the glow had manifested in it’s classic sparkly aura you pressed it against the gemstone. It still leaves you a little light headed as the gem soaks up your magic like a greedy man does to water, but with a smooth grind of stone on stone the doors swing open.
  2551. >Walking inside you follow the hallway as it curved with the tower past many alcoves that hold various magical experiments in progress behind a handy shield as well as a more conventional defence of steel bars. The inner side of the tower, however, had been converted into a series of workshops with a variety of magical doodads that you couldn’t be bothered to learn the actual name of. Finally you find Sunset at one such station after a few meters into the Vault, she’s hunched over on the desk.
  2553. “Sunset?” Your pace quickened you reach the mare and lean over to see if she’s ok.
  2554. >A small snore answered you as you pull back some of the wild mane from Sunset’s face, a small line of drool connected to paper stuck to her face. The relief you felt at Sunset being fine is soon chased with annoyance that the mare had the gall to sleep through a fire like that! You were easily working your way to a full head of steam when you noticed a few things; an egg timer that had hours on it instead of minutes with a sticky note attached that read Slime Oil - Take Off Fire! The other is a the paper stuck to Sunset’s face, it’s a schematic with the title H.O.R.N - v0.87 with a half built one beside the sleeping mare.
  2556. “Oh Sunset,” You murmur softly as what happened crystallize in your head, “You need to take better care of yourself.”
  2557. >Carefully you reach out to gently pet Sunset’s mane as you whispered a word of deep slumber. Seeing the unease on her face fade as the spell takes hold you gasp for breath. Using the ‘higher’ magic as Sunset referred to it was taxing, minor cantrips you could spam that shit all day, anything higher than that and you’d wind up exhausted. You call total bullshit, but you’re not the one in charge of the universe and it’s wacky magic shenanigans. The sleep spell, however, did let you gently pick Sunset up and carry her away from her work.
  2559. >The papers disturbed by their guardian being whisked away shifted slightly and had you stayed to properly inspect them you’d have noticed something about guard rotations in the palace.
  2561. >You soon make your way down the tower and to ground floor where you are soon jumped by Tempest. “Anon I-” At the sight of Sunset nestled in your arms the filly stopped and asked, “Mistress? Why’s she asleep? Is she hurt? Do I need to get the Princess!?” The higher and higher pitched tone Tempest was using made you glad you had used the slumber spell.
  2562. “She’s fine Tempest, just fell asleep from too much hard work. Could you get the door for me?”
  2563. >“Of course.” Tempest replied as she galloped over to the door and leapt up to the handle clamping her teeth around the lever. A click and the door swings open from the fillie’s not inconsiderable weight behind it, that done she dropped down and held it open with a hoof. >“Tada!~” The filly presented with youthful enthusiasm
  2564. “Tempest.” You whispered to her mindful of your cargo.
  2565. >“Oh right, sorry.” Tempest curled on herself, ears flat in shame.
  2566. “It’s fine, sillyl, just be mindful.”
  2569. >The solemn nod from the filly has your heart swell as pride takes hold, what a cute kid. Navigating through the door and into your bedroom you walk over to Sunset’s side of the room where Tempest has already beaten you there by pulling back the covers on Sunset’s bed. Damn, what a good kid, you pray that you don’t wind up ruining Tempest when she’s full grown, that’s still a secret fear of yours at night. Shaking away the errant thought you gently lay Sunset down and take the cover from Tempest before tucking the mare into bed. Fixing a few strands of mane so they don’t catch in her mouth you smile at the peaceful face Sunset in her sleep.
  2570. >“She really needed this, huh?” Tempest asked beside your elbow.
  2571. You nod using a hand to give an idle scritch behind the ear to Tempest, “She’s been working herself ragged the past couple of days, but come on let’s go get that homework done, eh?”
  2572. >“Yeah!” Tempest shouted aloud then winced as Sunset snorted in her sleep turning over, at your unamused gaze the filly sheepishly smiled with a faint blush, “Sorry.”
  2574. >You shook your head before following after Tempest to the living room closing the door to your shared bedroom. Already Tempest had grabbed her pencil and was hunched over the coffee table as she wrote with her mouth. Grunting as your knees popped when you sat down on the floor beside the filly you look over what Tempest had left to do. At the three heavy tomes you frown as Tempest nudged her paper towards you with her snoot.
  2575. >“I’m having trouble understanding the theory behind thaumic equations, when I read the book it makes sense in that context, but when I try to do it with the problems they don’t fit with the given answers!”
  2576. “Let’s work backwards then, lemme see the book.” You replied looking over the paper and sweet peaches of Elysium all this work for the first problem!?
  2577. >“That was my reaction too.” Tempest said forlornly before she pulled over the other two books,
  2578. >“It’s why I have these, I needed them to understand the questions in the first place.”
  2579. “I see.” You hummed checking the simple blank answer of the book, the unfamiliar spell equation stared back at you with its puzzlingly confusion.
  2580. “Tempest,” You began slowly as you too started to ruffle through the reference books, “What degree of spell is this?”
  2581. >“Um, I don’t know. Mistress had said that it was a beginner’s spell? I think, she said I’d be able to blow things up once I learned it.” Tempest laid her chin on your arm as you worked, “Why do you ask?”
  2582. “I’m pretty sure that the spell here is at least from the third circle of power, and-” You release a soft gasp of understanding, “I knew it!”
  2583. >You turn the book over to Tempest pointing toward the chart showing the various levels of spells, there plain as day stood one of the symbols of the long sequence in the answer.
  2584. >“Oh, wait can I even cast that?” Tempest asked as she looked back at the long sequence as she worried her lip.
  2585. “Not as you are now, you’re body would tear itself up trying it. I recognized that your answer had fire in it, but that was it.” You replied before setting the homework aside, at Tempest’s inquisitive look you scratched behind her ear drawing a pleased hum.
  2586. “Pretty sure Sunset gave you homework that you weren’t ready for kiddo, you said she was wanting to teach you the basic fire spell right?” Tempest hummed in response and you have to hold back unmanly giggles at the snoozing filly asleep on your arm.
  2588. “Guess Sunset isn’t the only one whose been working too hard.” You murmur softly as you pet Tempest for a time before you carefully maneuver the sleeping filly into your arms. With a grunt you stand before you start to walk through the living room to Tempest’s room. Nudging the door open you walk in and set the snoozing filly in her bed. You moved to tuck the filly only to freeze when she shifted in bed a frown across her face.
  2589. >“Ngh...Papa, no…” Tempest whimpered in her sleep, that was enough to prompt you into action as you set beside the filly gently petting her head. The petting helped you could see that, but Tempest was still in the grip of her nightmare judging by the tiny frown on her face. You don’t know what else to do, but a faint memory tugged at you, of a soft lullaby from far away. So you hummed and continued to pet your young charge until the fretful filly had fallen deeply under sleep’s embrace.
  2590. By the end of the final few bars in your song had ended you found your eyes wet with unshed tears, you sniffed wiping away the tears with your hand before you whispered to Tempest, “Dream well my little spark.”
  2592. >You stood up and kissed the filly on her forehead to wish her good rest before you retired to the kitchen. Why had you been so affected by a childhood memory like that? You hadn’t felt that close to crying in, you can’t recall actually. Once in the kitchen you splashed some water on your face and eyeing the top cabinet where Sunset thought she hid her booze so well behind the bran cereal. You think a nightcap might do you some good, retrieving the booze you frown at the pon-eka, everything has to be some form of horse pun doesn’t it? Booze acquired and one mixed drink later you feel much better before making way to bed, perhaps you’ll feel better in the morning.
  2594. >You stretch from your work feeling your back crack in a most satisfying manner, then looked at what you had done so far. The work you had done to assist with Tempest’s prosthetic was coming along quite nicely, the inlaid powdered gemstones were a bitch to work into the crystal itself, but you thankfully had magic. As you looked towards the clock to check the time you frowned, Sunset should have come up by now to take over for you, Tempest you knew had another night spent at Twilight’s for a sleepover since you and Sunset were going to be pulling an all-nighter on this. It’s near midnight now and not a hair of Sunset after she had said something about grabbing more supplies from the market.
  2596. >You swear if she blew you off for some mare’s night out, you and her were going to have /words/. Still, the time alone had let you nearly finish the horn, it just needed a touch more grinding and rituals to go through then Tempest would be able to sling a spell as well as any other filly. Reaching over to clear away some of the accumulated debris from the horn you had misjudged your strength sending a flurry of nearby paper to the ground. Cursing aloud you stand from your chair and bend down to collect the papers. Why Sunset couldn’t keep her desk clean you’d never know, some of these sketches looked like they’d never seen the light of day-
  2598. >It was the texture that drew your attention first, the parchment in your hand was thicker and almost crackled as you ran your thumb over it. Pulling the parchment free from the pile you squint at the faded ink, these look like floor plans in Old Equish. You hadn’t really taken the time to read up on Old Equish, but you’ve seen enough Indiana movies to know a treasure map. Was Sunset planning on visiting Pre-Unification ruins? When you noticed the far more modern Equish notations at key points did it finally hit.
  2599. >The parchment is hastily rolled up and stuffed down your shirt as you take the stairs three at a time, you only hope you’re not too late.
  2600. ---
  2601. >Finally! It took you far too long for the last guard pony to pass, you were starting to get cramps from holding this spell. With a shimmer of fading magic and a flick of your mane, you reappear in the hallway before the vault. From your notes and the manuscripts, you managed to con out of a few librarians in the archives the magical defenses here are keyed to specific ponies tied entirely to their cutie mark and then copies it into the registry back in the barracks. In addition to that was at least a half a dozen more deadly traps and spells ready at a moment’s notice if the wrong cutie mark crosses the threshold.
  2603. >You can’t help but smirk, however, as you are allowed most access to the more dangerous vaults you just can’t let Princess Celestia stick her muzzle into your studies. Luckily you have just the spell, with a brief flash of your horn your coat and mane changed from a pleasant orange cream to beige brown, your mane into a mass of curls a deep mahogany and your cutie mark shifted shape and color into a book with a quill, thank you ever so much Bookbind you clueless klutz. Trotting inside the vault as the doors slowly open before you on silent hinges you spy many a priceless treasure, but you ignore them all as you walk through the piles of wealth to the plain mirror standing alone against the far wall.
  2605. >Taking a moment to gaze into the mirror you smile to yourself as the alicorn vision reflects your smile, then you noticed the shadowed figures behind your reflected image!
  2606. Snapping your head back, you find nothing aside from the other treasures and artifacts, what in Equestria? Slowly you turned back to the mirror to see the same vision as before, you trot closer to the mirror. There are at least four you can count, one remarkably tall one that stood by your side shaped like a tree, no wait, those are arms and could it be Anon? The other figures are an exercise in frustration; one that is near excluded from the little group that is about your size and has the profile of a pegasus mare, the other two are about the size of foals one closer to you than the other.
  2608. >Dithering before the mirror a moment longer you eventually tear yourself away and start to pull out your equipment; spectroscope, resonator, thaumic meter and a few other odds and ends you included of your own design. You had just started to attach your instruments when you hear, "Come on Sunset, really?"
  2609. >You had spun about to find none other than that damnable to Tartarus ape leaning against the wall then he pushed off the wall walking slowly towards you. “You promised that you would leave this alone.”
  2610. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Sir…?”
  2611. >“Come off it Sunset, you’re not fooling me.”
  2612. >You stay silent holding the Ape’s gaze and you curse internally, he’s convinced that the mousy looking bookworm you had taken the shape of was you.
  2613. “How’d you know?”
  2614. >“A wizard has his ways.”
  2615. “Ape.”
  2616. >“Sunset.”
  2618. >It hurts more than you expected to see not anger in the Ape’s eyes but instead disappointment. Were you wrong to pursue your destiny? No, that can't be it, you have worked too hard and too long for all that effort to have been in vain. Locking eyes with the ape you stand your ground and say, “And why should I give a damn about a promise made to an overly entitled pet? What happened to your promise to me? Or was that just some pretty little lie to calm me down?”
  2619. >The stupid look on the Ape’s face infuriates you even more then he said, “I haven't forgotten you utter cunt, I only asked you to be careful while dealing with this thing because it just felt dangerous! Now I find you in front of it breaking into the vault of what looks to be something pretty highly classified, breaking your promise to me and Lord knows how many laws!”
  2620. You rebutted, “Don't you see that this is related to becoming an Alicorn, it showed me my destiny to become one! This is the closest thing to a lead I've had in years! Not to mention Princess Celestia was the one to show it to me to begin with! She knew that this could be the key!” Why couldn’t he understand? Why couldn’t She understand!?
  2622. >“Then why didn't you just use the mirror you made, you said that it could let you do whatever you needed why come here, why break-in?” Ape gestured to the mirror and the vault itself.
  2623. “There was too much interference for me to get a proper reading if I wanted to better understand the nature behind this mirror I had to see it in person. I can't do that because she wouldn't let me!” The room echoed with that last declaration, had you been yelling?
  2624. >“Maybe next time you could just ask or hell maybe you and I both asking could change her mind! Did you ever think that maybe she had a good reason to keep it away from you?” Ape shouted back his hands clenched into fists at his side. “Not everything has to be some plot out to get you Sunset!”
  2625. >You could feel your horn sparking as your frustration built, was the Ape simply sent to delay you? Keep you away from the mirror itself? A distraction? A test? Before you could come out and ask you heard the clank of armor on armor coming from the entrance! You thought you had closed the door behind you, but if Ape was here. The realization hits you both as you see Ape’s face pale at the noise.
  2626. “You didn’t close the damn door behind you?!”
  2627. >“I'm sorry but the damn thing was wide open!”
  2628. “You could have at least closed the damn door!”
  2630. >Running now you and the ape reached the doors just in time for the guard ponies to round the corner at the end of the hall. Like a bolt of lightning had hit the ponies they jumped to attention and brought their spears to bear shouting out cries of halt and surrender.
  2631. >You had barely spent a moment to aim before your spell was off snapping in between the two guards. With a dizzying bloom of void, the hallway is covered in darkness much to the frightened neighs of the ponies within. Just as the spell finished you felt a surge of magic beside you, out of the corner of your eye you see Ape's hands flare with light before fading away. You don't break step as you gallop through the darkness, you hear a whistle of air ahead and duck down feeling the wind flow over your back from the hapless guard's wild swing. Bursting through the shadows you spare a moment to look behind seeing Ape run right out after you none the worse for wear. Enough time wasted on what should have been obvious you galloped onwards around the corner leaving the guard behind.
  2633. >You and Ape continued to run through the next two hallways before you bodily yanked Ape into a broom closet with your horn. Diving in you slammed the door shut then dispelled Alter Ego's Inversion to your normal body. Ape had started to say something before you roughly pulled him down into a rough kiss. Stiffening at the sudden display of affection you could feel the twitching paws near your head before they suddenly settled atop your withers. You needed more! Reaching up you brought the oddly shaped head with its far too short tuft of mane into your hooves ruffling the locks until they looked messy as could be. Breaking the kiss you have a moment to see the shocked look from Anon when the door behind you opened suddenly, light splaying across your forms before the door was just as quickly slammed shut.
  2634. >“Sorry!” Was the cry from behind the door before it ever so slightly creaked open and amber eyes peeked in, “Um, once you’re done could you maybe answer a question or two about the recent alarm?”
  2635. >Catching your breath from the run, you play up the heavy breathing while twitching your head towards the door. Anon caught on as the surprise faded and he let out a grunt standing up only to hit his head on the ceiling. You wince in sympathy at that before exiting the broom closest to see a guard mare cloaked in the uniform shifting in place face in full blush.
  2637. “What alarm?” You asked with your sharpest tone.
  2638. >Flinching at the acerbic words the guard mare twitched in place before snapping off a salute, “Ma’am! An alarm on the third-floor vault was detected! Suspects were described as a stallion and mare seen fleeing the scene!”
  2639. “I see, was there anything else that was reported?”
  2640. >“No, Ma’am! The guards on duty said they had only heard voices due to the dim lighting and were then plunged into darkness. One guard was found fast asleep at the site!” The uniformed pony rattled off holding her pose stiffly.
  2641. >“Sounds more like they fell asleep at the job more like.” Anon mused aloud, “Still we were a touch /distracted/.”
  2642. You know you had set the con like this, but that doesn’t stop the faint ember of heat to stirring in your tummy at the breathy inflection that dumb ape had done there. The guard mare before you is back to blushing like a school filly a far cry from the precise dictation she had given previously. Clearing your throat with a pointed glare at Anon you continued, “Be that as it may, we’ll try to keep an eye out for the suspects. Was that all guards mare?”
  2643. >“Yes thank you, Magus. I’ll ahem, let you return to what you were doing. Okay-bye!” The guard pony took off with a wild gallop as she fled down the hall. You and Anon wait for a minute then two when you both sigh in unison, catching each other’s gaze at the eerie synchronization you both share a small grin.
  2644. >The grin is soon replaced by a frown on Anon’s part, “We’re not done here.”
  2645. “I know.”
  2647. >Sooner than you wanted your tower soon came into sight. Anon stepped ahead of you bullying the door open with his wither with a loud thud of wood on stone. You winced at the noise then followed shortly after to kick the door close with a hoof. Already Anon was off into the living room and you squared your withers for the storm to come. When you walked into the living room you found Anon sitting on the couch with a bottle of brandy and two glasses on the coffee table. Silently you take the glass up with your magic and sit down in your lazy chair across from Anon. Taking a swig of the brandy you feel your chest burn with the heat, one of the dragon brands if you recall, Anon liked to keep a bottle around.
  2648. “Anon, I know you’re mad-”
  2649. >“Oh, I’m not mad, just disappointed.”
  2650. “Don’t you play that card with me.”
  2651. >“If I have to act like one of your bitchy passive-aggressive cunty colts then I damn well will!”
  2652. “Good thing I’m all for that gender equality then isn’t it!”
  2653. >“Gender doesn’t have anything to do with it!”
  2654. “It does when you’re bringing it up as an excuse!”
  2655. >“An excuse? Well excuse me princess, but I’m not the one clinging to ‘my destiny, my purpose’ as an excuse!”
  2656. “Oh buck you!”
  2657. >“Buck you back!”
  2658. “What are you three?”
  2659. >“You-” Anon paused then stepped back to sit on the couch once more with a shake of his head, “No, we’re not doing this.”
  2660. “Fine with me, I can’t keep getting distracted by these inane problems that keep cropping up.”
  2661. >“Distractions?” The quiet tone Anon had used should have tipped you off.
  2662. “Yes, I need to focus on my job and-”
  2663. >The coffee table shudders as Anon slammed his fist onto the hard wood surface, “Distractions you say, is that what you really think?”
  2664. You couldn’t help but flinch at the sudden noise but gamely held your ground, “You have to admit that my time has been limited recently, I’ve had hardly any time for my projects!”
  2665. >“Is that what Fizzlepop is to you then? A distraction, a nuisance?”
  2666. You look away from those Tartarus be damned eyes as you mumbled, “...She likes being with you more than me.”
  2667. >Anon shouted then, “The hell she does! She loves you Sunset, you’re her role model! Do you know how many times I’ve heard Fizzle telling other ponies she’ll be just as strong and powerful as you?”
  2668. “That, you take care of her better than I do, you know better than I do on how to do that so it’d make sense right?”
  2669. >A hoof claw is pointed at you accusingly as Anon said, “She’s your Apprentice, didn’t you say that made her yours? What about Twilight, Cadence? What about me? Am I just another distraction for your studies?”
  2670. You rub your eyes cursing the dust that was being thrown about by this argument, “That’s not the same thing!”
  2671. >“Then what is it Sunset? We can help if you’d just let us, I can help, just don’t push us away. Not like this.”
  2672. >You don’t know how to respond, you can feel it deep in your bones that you’re destined for greatness. Yet to reach for that power will you need to sacrifice your contacts on the altar of ambition? You’d have said yes without hesitation, but the idea of spurning Fizzlepop, Twilight, Anon even Cadence as much as the last one tasted foul on your tongue, felt wrong. The thought of seeing all your friends turned away from you as you turned from them hurts, it hurts far more than you’d expected.
  2673. >“Sunset?”
  2674. >Drawn from your thoughts you saw Anon kneeling before you hand on your wither brow furrowed, “You still there?”
  2675. “Yes, and…” You stop before catching sight of the scrying mirror sticking out from your saddlebags, “I think I have my answer.”
  2676. >Drawing the mirror free you bring it close to you then look to Anon than back to the mirror. You settle yourself with a deep breath before flicking your head down hurtling the mirror down on the table shattering the enchantment and the glass alike! The backlash within the mirror was easily contained through you wince at the small cut on your cheek from a stray piece of glass.
  2677. ---
  2678. “Sunset!” You shouted before grabbing a rag and holding it to her cut, “You silly pony why’d you do that?”
  2679. >Sunset sniffed then as she stared at the mirror’s remains and you swear you saw a shimmer of rainbow gleam in her eyes before it faded away. Was that some type of backlash from the mirror itself digging away into Sunset’s body?
  2680. >“I’m fine, I just misjudged the magical output of the disenchantment process.” Sunset said to you in a faint tone.
  2681. “That doesn’t mean you need to hurt yourself like that!” At the silence you receive you huff before picking the mare up in your arms.
  2682. >“Anon!”
  2683. “Enough of that, we’re going to bed, you’re going to sleep and I’m going with you to make sure you don’t try to sneak off again.”
  2684. >“I won’t, now put me down!” Sunset struggled against your arms wiggling about like a cat to be given a bath.
  2685. “Like you promised last time?”
  2686. >“I was careful, just-” The sun themed mare slackened in your grip and looked at you with damp eyes, “Can’t we just do something? Together?”
  2687. “Like sleep?”
  2688. >Sunset shook her head mane flying with the motion, “Not sleep, why not the H.O.R.N?”
  2689. You hummed in thought before answering, “You know what, sure. I think we’re nearly done with it anyway.” You carry Sunset up the stairs not even minding how many there are from the countless times now you’ve had to walk them.
  2690. >“Can I get down now?” Sunset grumbled in your arms as you finally entered the workshop proper.
  2691. “Course, you just had to ask.” You said with full honesty beaming at the pout Sunset gave you in return. With a subtle clop of hooves on stone the mare huffed, fixed her mane and scanned the project laying innocuous on the wood.
  2692. >“You’re right, I think you and I have to channel the initial power in the horn for the enchantments to engage.” Sunset said before she groaned, “That’ll take hours.”
  2693. “At least with the both of us it’ll be done faster, right?”
  2694. >Cracking her neck and rolling her withers Sunset nodded as her horn caught alight before she offered up a smile to you, “Think you’ll be able to handle the load?”
  2695. With a grin of your own your hands are soon covered in the glitter of starlight, “I think you’ll find I’m more than up to the challenge.”
  2696. >As one you both focused on the magical focus and began to charge the enchantments. It was as Sunset said a slog to keep up the output needed, but with the efforts of two the task was far easier to do. It was just as the sun was rising in the east did the final dregs of your combined power settle into the horn causing it to softly glow with a deep sky blue tinged with sparkles of turquoise.
  2697. >Leaning against you Sunset sighed, “Finally.” Shifting in her seat to look up at you the mare added with sleep lacing her words, “Thank you Anon.” Closing her eyes Sunset let her head drop on your side. You’re not that far off from sleep yourself still you find enough energy to find a proper resting spot on the wall and lug an arm around your...Friend, friend feels right.
  2699. "How's it feel?"
  2700. >"Weird…"
  2701. >"That might be the melding, but the spell is saying it's within normal tolerances."
  2702. "Sunset, Ponish please."
  2703. >"I knew what she meant, it just feels weird."
  2704. >Tempest moved her hoof up to rub the base of her horn, only stopping as you catch the offending limb.
  2705. "Don't scratch it now."
  2706. >"It itches!"
  2707. >Sunset leaned in with a large jeweler's eyepiece in her eye, "The old keratin is adhering to your new horn, it'll feel weird, but once it's done you won't feel a difference."
  2708. You can feel the faux grip from Tempest's hoof tighten as Sunset continues to observe her spell in work. You squeeze her hoof and rub her wither, "You're doing great kid, just hang on a little longer. You're being very brave now."
  2709. >"Of course she is, she is my apprentice you know, I wouldn’t expect anything less." Sunset said offhandedly as she leaned around Tempest horn lowered for some minor sculpting fix.
  2710. >The tension you had seen in Tempest's frame eases away into weary acceptance, with a deep fortifying breath she said, "Yeah, I'm plenty tough!"
  2711. >You smiled at the filly before looking towards the work in progress, at the start you had thought you would use straps and things to hold the horn in place, silly you as you forgot you had access to magic. Or rather Sunset had access to magic and knew how to use it for all its worth, the mad mare had thought the best replacement would be one Tempest would never loose and with a bit of transmutation magic you watched the cracked horn be seamlessly fused with the crystalline prosthetic. When Sunset had started you had been ill at the sight as the keratin had morphed into this foul morass that looked diseased, but under the guidance of the mare beside you the finished result was looking promising.
  2713. “You excited?” You asked Tempest drawing her eyes from going cross to watch Sunset.
  2714. >“Yeah, I can’t wait to try out all those spells Mistress was teaching me!” Tempest replied fidgeting in place.
  2715. >“Hold still Tempest, I’m almost done,” Sunset murmured using a hoof to steady Tempest. A few more adjustments later Sunset’s horn lost its glow. “Done. Go ahead and try to channel now.”
  2716. Tempest nodded before closing her eyes tightly, you hold your breath hoping, the light sky blue sparks of magic building around the original horn scatter left and right. That was the normal manifestation of Tempest’s magic and you lean in closer watching as those sparks bounce outwards then are sucked right back into the prosthetic, the spiral of the horn glows brightly followed by an aura that spluttered once, twice, then stabilized into a standard magical field.
  2717. >“Did it work?” Tempest asked face screwed up in concentration.
  2718. >“It is, what can you feel? Don’t leave anything out.” Sunset ordered scroll and quill poised for the answers.
  2719. “Ease up on her Sunset, let the girl get a handle on it first.”
  2720. >“No, it’s okay.” Tempest butted in, “It’s weird like I can feel the buzz from my magic, but it’s like there’s nothing there.”
  2721. >“There was a chance of it not being a one to one ratio on feedback…” Sunset muttered to herself quill scratching out note after note before she looked up from her notes with a crazed gleam in her eye, “Which means more tests!”
  2722. “Just keep it simple Sunset, Tempest? Why don’t you try to levitate this cup.” You said before Sunset could ask for something ludicrous.
  2723. >Slowly opening her eyes Tempest spotted the cup and nodded, “I’ll try.”
  2725. >Focused on the cup before her Tempest tensed up as she pointed her horn at the drink. The next moment the fire wards were blaring loudly. Waving a hand about to clear the smoke you cursed aloud running to the window throwing it open letting out more smoke. Reaching out with more than your hands you grabbed the wind and pulled. Whistling winds rushed by you clearing the room to reveal Sunset behind a cyan barrier of her own making and Tempest-
  2727. >Tempest!
  2728. >Wobbling on her hooves Tempest began to fall caught only by the combined magic of Sunset and yourself. Soon magic gives way to hooves and hands as you both work to hold the filly upright.
  2729. >“S’fine I’m fine,” Tempest mumbled horn inert thankfully and nothing looked broken, but what happened? A glance to the cup you blanched seeing not a goblet of metal, but instead a melted puddle of ore and burnt table, after that you can spy a small hole bored into the stone walls letting in a beam of sunlight.
  2730. >“You are most certainly not fine little apprentice, you used far too much magic on that spell! What were you thinking?” Sunset scolded magic still running hot over the filly’s body.
  2731. >“It was jush the same I used all th-” Tempest slurred out falling limp in your hands!
  2732. “Sunset!”
  2733. >“Just hold her still!”
  2734. >You bet your bottom dollar you kept still as a stone waiting for Sunset to work her magic through the seconds ticking by while your child was hurt or worse in your hands, come on Sunset don’t fuck this up. Sunset relaxed as her magic faded away though her face promised murder, “I’m an idiot.”
  2735. “What?”
  2736. >“She overdrew on her magic!”
  2737. “Wasn’t that what I did a few months ago?”
  2738. >“Yes!”
  2739. “Why are you so p-” it then occurred to you that Sunset was Tempest’s teacher as much as she was yours. “Oh.”
  2740. >“Yes, oh. Augh!”Sunset shouted clopping her hoof to her forehead repeatedly, “I should have known better!”
  2742. You put a hand on Sunset’s wither, “Listen, it’s something we can still fix. Just be glad it was something simple like a levitation, what I want to know is how you get a laser beam from levitation of all things.”
  2743. >For a moment you thought that Sunset was going to brush you off before she sighed, “Add enough power to any spell and it’ll revert back to far more simpler spells. It doesn’t help that Tempest has an affinity with evocation, to begin with.”
  2744. “What’s our options then?” Already imagining terrible scenarios with what you’ve heard so far.
  2745. >“A few springs to mind, I hadn’t expected the graft to adhere so well,” Sunset chuffed to herself, “rather ironic that the horn is doing so well it’s become a problem now, I can already hear Princess Celestia’s lecture.”
  2746. “Sunset, options?”
  2747. >“Right, well we could bind her magic until she’s learned to control herself."
  2748. You cut the air with your hand and shake your head, “Not going to happen. What else?”
  2749. >“I could also attempt to increase the threshold that the horn would require to perform magic. It would be similar to binding but would not affect her magic. The problem with that idea though is it is a stopgap measure at best.” Sunset said gently tucking a few loose strands of Tempest’s mane behind her ear.
  2750. “How so?
  2751. >“It will be acting as a pressure cooker for Tempest’s magic if we don't help her get a handle on her magic fast enough it will cause her mana to build until the cooker pops.”
  2753. “There is such a thing as too much magic? I would have thought that would be a benefit than a detriment, unicorns seem pretty hung up on the magic around here.” You said eager to avoid thinking too hard on that metaphor.
  2754. >“You would think, instead what would happen what happened to Star Swirl the Bearded, supreme cosmic power at the cost of his youth and vigor. Princess Celestia had me research it when I had asked about gaining more power when I was younger, I had thought that if a unicorn had enough magic they’d naturally ascend. The most I could pick up was that he had too much magic and not enough of a missing element, some form of grounding material to keep the magic contained, it was leaking out of his body tearing it apart from the inside.” Sunset explained gently petting Tempest’s head as she talked.
  2756. “I don't like that, sounds like an awful idea. Any other ideas to come to mind?” You asked before frowning, “You have that look on your face.”
  2757. >“What look?” Sunset asked softly her mane covering her face.
  2758. “It's the I have an idea but you aren't going to like it looks. I know it quite well since the last time you had it I had to explain to the Princess why her academy had to be evacuated.”
  2759. >“It was perfectly safe, besides you might like it, I'll level with you the idea that I have is we don't do anything.”
  2760. You blink, then again before reaching up to clean your ear out in case an earwig had crawled in, nope not a bug to be found. “Not do anything? Are you out of your mind, you saw what she just did with a simple levitation!”
  2761. >“Exactly and that's why we should leave her be, think about it if we attempt to meddle with her magic now, we'll just continue to make trouble later on. If we instead trained her up on how to use her magic and learn proper control now then she will have a higher chance of not eviscerating a fellow student.” Sunset gestured to the hole in the wall with a hoof.
  2763. You take a deep breath, grip on Tempest tight before you relaxed to not wake the sleeping filly, “I like how you say fellow student when it's just Tempest and me that are students to the Crazy Horse Academy.”
  2764. >“Don't be such a stallion, ape. You’re better than that.”
  2765. That comment earned the mare a finger pointed at her snout, “There is being a wuss and there is being aware of how squishy you are, but out of the other options, you have a point. We'll need to talk with Tempest about this, can’t decide on what to do without letting her have some input on things.”
  2766. >“Fine. Now let’s get her to bed.” Sunset replied standing and levitating the small mare onto her back.
  2768. >You gently open the door to peek in on Tempest, the poor filly was asleep for most of the day, and you were worried. Inside you can see the then sparse storage room turn bedroom had painstakingly filled with small knick-knacks that Tempest had collected during her short time with you and Sunset. The bookshelf that had been a single shelf against the wall now had been joined with two more shelves that sagged from the weight of the hefty tomes on it, below the books was your charge. Tempest yawned as her eyes squeezed shut caught halfway in a stretch before she froze then relaxed at seeing you in the doorway. Rubbing at an eye the filly mumbled, “Goo’ mor’ing.”
  2770. Oh damn, thats cute. "How you doing, feeling better now?" You asked coming to sit down on the side of Tempest’s bed.
  2771. >A sleepy hum of agreement from the filly as she sat up in bed, "What happened? I remembered getting the horn added on, but then feeling really tired."
  2772. "That's what Sunset and I wanted to talk with you about."
  2773. >A low growl rumbled through the room, Tempest grasped her stomach with her hooves as you laughed, "Though I think after we get some food in you."
  2774. Tempest nodded and started to get out of bed before you held up a hand, "Easy girl, you stay in bed. I'll get you something to eat and we'll have dinner here."
  2775. >"But-"
  2776. "No buts, you just stay there."
  2778. >You left the room already calling for Sunset, the mare appeared beside you with a short bamph of magic. Explaining that Tempest was awake you sent Sunset off to talk with Tempest as you made an old staple for the ill everywhere, soup. It takes some time to make, but soon you come into Tempests room with a tray of hot food in hand. With a twitch of your fingers you levitate the bowls over to the ponies from the tray, Tempest dug into her meal as soon as it settled on her bed while Sunset took a few sips of the soup.
  2779. "How much does she know?"
  2780. >"Enough, though she claims she has a handle on her magic."
  2781. >"I can! It's just keeping track of the amount I put in right? I just have to use the bare minimum.
  2782. Sunset simply stared at Tempest while you shrugged, "Why not let her try, what'll it hurt?"
  2783. >Sparing you a glance Sunset snorted, "In that case, cast dancing lights.”
  2784. >The shine in Tempest’s eyes at being asked to do a spell makes your gut clench, she looks so eager. With a breath to focus Tempest stilled and her horn sparked once more sparks flying back into the horn, Sunset at this point had levitated a pair of sunglasses on your face surprising you, there was a faint glow then everything went white.
  2786. “Twilight?” You called upstairs, “Are you ready for bed?” Trotting up you adjust your wings clamped to your barrel to avoid hitting the banister. Unicorn homes always assumed you’d have a thin and willowy build instead of having bulky wings, such a hassle it is. You reach the second floor and find Twilight’s room ajar where you can hear the flip of a page.
  2787. “Twilight, it’s time for bed now.”
  2788. >“Aw, but Cadence just one more chapter?”
  2789. You giggle, “Sorry Twilight, but you said one more chapter an hour ago, you need your sleep.”
  2790. >“It’s not fair, why do I have to go to sleep when the sun’s still up?”
  2791. >With a small whinny of confusion, you go to the window to see why the day has yet to leave the sky. The sun is hovering just above the horizon. That’s rather odd, wait a minute, when you look closer you see a familiar tower underneath the sun. Wasn’t that Sunset’s home?
  2793. “My eyes!”
  2794. >“Alright cut the spell Tempest!” Sunset called beside you.
  2795. >Like a switch, the blazing brightness is gone and even though the sunglasses your vision is completely shot. Pulling the shades up you rub your eyes while grumbling under your breath. “Mister Anon? Are you okay?” Tempest asked trotting over on shaky legs to rest her head on your lap.
  2796. >“He’s fine he’s just being a big foal,” Sunset said with a dismissive tone, “Now do you see why I suggested you redo your lessons?”
  2797. “You know you say that, but I still have a giant black spot in my vision right now.”
  2798. >“You’re own fault for staring at a miniature sun idiot, now Tempest?”
  2799. >“...I guess it can’t hurt.”
  2800. “Good, I was needing to go over the basics again anyway.” At the incredulous look from Tempest, you sniffed and rubbed your nose. “I might have rushed through a few of the basic exercises to move onto actual spells.”
  2801. >Sunset covered her eyes with a hoof and sighed, “What am I going to do with you idiots?” Despite the rude words you can see the corner of her mouth perk up, “Still you’re my idiots, so you’d best be prepared because I’m not going easy on either of you. Understand?”
  2802. >You give off a snappy salute while Tempest sniffed and rubbed her eyes before giving a determined nod.
  2804. >You are falling. Flailing about you try to grab onto anything as you fall only to find the empty void to your embrace. Flashes of light pass you by as you fall screaming in the endless void. You can’t see the ground, you can’t see anything more than those brief flashes of light. God, Jesus, Budda, Odin, Zues, anyone! Anyone save you from this endless hell! Instead of any answer you find yourself swathed in nebula of stars, at first comforting as the nebula is like a silk blanket, then you try to leave. The cool silks turn into freezing constricting bonds and you can’t move, the nebula moves around you crawling up your body even as you scream. Your screaming only aids the starry mass as it crawled it’s way into your mouth. You can’t breath! Can’t breath!
  2806. >Can’tbreathcan’tbreathcan’tbreath!
  2808. >You stirred awake as the logs in the hearth suddenly popped loudly in the living room. Carefully you feel about, legs, arms, couch that Sunset insisted was fine but had a spring or two broken you can feel it digging into your back. A dream, that’s all it was. Yeah, now to convince your hands to stop shaking so much, you stand up trying to recall what you were doing before sleep took you. A flash of purple fillies with far too much excitement than sense in your home while Sunset was working on a problem for Celestia. Right, the big sleepover Tempest was so excited about.
  2810. >Striding towards the door you pass the foyer and peek into Tempest’s room. The door squeaked just in time for you to glimpse inside, three mares with cards in their auras sat around the table, before you’re called out.
  2811. >“Mister Anon!” Tempest called waving a hoof.
  2812. >“Hi Anon.” Twilight chirped happily bobbing in place.
  2813. >Cadence you noticed waved with a wing but pauses at your look, “Is something wrong Anon?”
  2814. “Just surprised you were here s’all.” You replied rubbing your eyes.
  2815. >“You called me over, don’t you remember?” Cadence asked, “Do you need to sit down and nap longer?”
  2816. “I’m fine, didn’t realize I had called.”
  2817. >“You did look rather strung out, girls you weren’t being too much for Anon before I got here did you?” Cadence asked turning to the fillies in question.
  2818. >“No, I don’t think so.”
  2819. >“Not more than usual, Twilight we just used Bright Eyes exercises for mana flow right?”
  2820. >“Yes, I was really impressed with your output Tempest too bad about the wall though.”
  2821. >“The wall?” Cadence asked ears flicking down.
  2822. >“I remember now, we had to move a tapestry over the scorch mark.” Tempest said with recognition lighting up in her eyes.
  2823. >“Tempest!”
  2824. “Now, now relax Candy, fillies will be fillies just so long as she learns to be more careful next time, isn’t that right Tempest?”
  2825. >“Yessir!” Tempest said saluting you with all the pep and vigor a private could give hoping to avoid latrine duty.
  2826. “So what game are you girls all playing?” You asked coming in and crouching down to squat at the table, pony chairs being a mite too small for your frame.
  2827. >“Go Fish, Tempest is awful at it though.” Twilight answered as she grinned at Tempest who spluttered in outrage.
  2828. >“Are not!”
  2829. >“Are so.”
  2830. “Girls.”
  2831. >“Sorry Anon.” The two chorus before you’re dealt some cards and the game resumes. Cards are shuffled, many a glance are shared to see who might be hiding good cards and time passed. Though as the game progresses you can see Tempest losing interest, her ears keep twitching and her tail is swaying behind her from time to time.
  2832. >“This is boring, what do you fillies say we spice this up a bit?” Tempest asked holding her cards down after Twilight had managed to get the third pair in a row.
  2833. >“What do you mean?” Twilight replied tilting her head.
  2834. “I’d say we use poker chips to make bets, but I’m pretty sure we don’t have those in the tower.” You said scratching at your cheek in thought.
  2835. >“Not that you should be encouraging gambling right Anon?” Cadence asked with that far too innocent smile that sent a chill of dread down your spine.
  2836. “Nope! I’d never do such a thing!” You hastily answered just as Tempest slammed her hoof on the table.
  2837. >“I know! Let’s just answer questions to whoever loses a card, the one who gets a pair outta it gets to ask.” The purple filly explained excitedly.
  2838. >“Like truth or dare?” Twilight asked earning a nod from Tempest. “Sounds like fun!”
  2839. You shrug in reply sharing a glance with Cadence who smiled, “It’ll be good to get to know each other better I suppose.”
  2840. >“What? But Cadence you and I know everything about each other!” Twilight exclaimed her eyes big and round as you spot the start of tears.
  2841. >“Yes, but do you know everything about Tempest or Anon here?” Cadence said softly gently petting the filly on her head.
  2842. >“Oh, well I know tons about Tempest, but…” At the shy glance from Twilight you give a little wave. The filly turned away nodding her head, “I see your point.”
  2844. >So the game was renewed with the questions asked, first to draw blood was none other than Tempest, “Twilight, why do you carry books outside with you all the time? Doesn’t that get annoying to carry? I’ve seen how thick some of those books are.”
  2845. >Twilight shuffled her cards avoiding Tempest’s expectant gaze, “Ah, it’s good exercise?”
  2846. “Twilight don’t go welching on the game this early now.”
  2847. >At your admonishing tone the filly flinched before puffing her little chest up and said, “It’s because Princess Celestia is reading with me!”
  2848. >At the blank looks from you and Tempest the filly continued in a rush, “See because when I’m outside the sun keeps me warm and cozy and I like to think that Princess Celestia is right there with me reading and I thought it’d be really cool…” Dwindling off at the end Twilight reshuffled her cards.
  2849. >You are forcing yourself so hard right now to not pet the adorable little trog even if her reasoning is a bit silly. Tempest meanwhile tilts her head before reaching over and patting Twilight on the head. At the sudden pat upon her head Twilight looked up to Tempest who said, >“You are such a dork, but I understand. You really look up to Princess Celestia like I look up to Mistress Shimmer?”
  2850. >At the hesitant nod Tempest beamed, “Not bad for a role model, though Mistress is best!”
  2851. >“Is not.”
  2852. >“Is too.”
  2853. >“Girls, the game?” Cadence prompted the two waving her own cards about, despite her nonchalance you can see hints of a smile in those quirked lips.
  2854. >The duo blush before play resumes and Cadence is the next to get a pair from Tempest this time, “I’ve been wanting to ask, but you’ve adapted rather well to your magic now. How’d you learn so quickly?”
  2855. >Tempest you note perked up in her seat before she set her cards down and hopped off her chair trotting over to a nearby desk. Pulling open the drawer with her hoof the filly soon levitated out scraps of paper before laying them out on the table. “Drawing is really great for control!” Tempest said as you all leaned in to look.
  2857. >A few, quite a few at that, of the pictures look no better than done by a three year old with splotches of color and lines, but you can see the progress increase as you all look through the drawings. There is even one of you while you were napping on the couch, then another of Sunset writing something and the last one Tempest had nudged your way. It was a sketch roughly done, but you can tell that it has you and Sunset laying on the couch together reading. The mare leaning on your chest while you hold a book up with one hand and the other is splayed across her neck.
  2858. >“I’m not quite done with this one yet, but I was hoping to surprise you and Mistress with it to show how well I’m doing!” Tempest explained while you fight a manly battle against the infernal dust that had gotten in your eyes.
  2859. “That’s-ahem- that’s great Tempest, this is phenomenal actually. What do you say we get this framed and put on the wall sometime once your done with it? Sound good?” You managed to say because damn it you’re not going to cry from such a heartfelt gift.
  2860. >“That’d be great!”
  2861. >“Tempest do you think you could draw Cadence and I too?” Twilight asked looking entranced at the pictures.
  2862. >“Twilight I don’t think-” Cadence started to say only for Tempest to hit her hoof on the table, “I’d love to! You two just gimme a time and place and we’ll get it all sorted out!”
  2863. >Cadence sighed and you can tell she’s already caved, “Alright, if you two insist.”
  2864. >“We do!”
  2865. >“We do!”
  2866. The two over excited fillies said in unison, to spare Cadence from the eager fillies you coughed, “Girls weren’t we playing a game?”
  2869. >Your reminder is enough to settle the girls once more before the game continued, things became hairy however, when Twilight collects a pair of two’s from Cadence, “Why does Sunset hate you Cadence? We’ve practised so hard at getting better with magic now I’d thought you two would be friends by now!”
  2870. >“Twilight,” Cadence said gently gnawing on her lip lost in thought, “yes I have gotten better thanks to your tutoring and we have gotten along more amiciably than before doesn’t mean that we are going to be the best of friends.”
  2871. >At the frowning fillies before you an idea sparks to mind, you can’t be everywhere with your little pet projects so why not?
  2872. “I’m helping with that, but I can’t be everywhere these two tend to roam, so why don’t you two help me with that?” You say ignoring Cadence’s sudden turn to you eyes wide while the fillies have stars in their eyes. “Matter of fact you both can keep an eye on each to make sure they don’t get too bummed out about stuff.”
  2873. >Cadence holds her face in her hooves as the girls both share a glance then hoist their hooves up in the air for a clap shouting, “Friendship menders, ho!”
  2874. “Friendship menders?” You asked already smiling as you can feel the shenanigans in the air.
  2875. >Tempest spoke up first, “It makes sense right, Mistress and Cadence are like family so they ought to get along with one another.”
  2876. >“Which means Tempest and I have to work together to fix what caused them to not be friends anymore, hence the name friendship menders!” Twilight explained while Cadence groaned behind the fillies. “Don’t worry Cadence, we’re on the case!”
  2877. >Cadence surfaces from her wallowing horn alight, you catch sight of the nearby clock being manipulated to ten, “Oh wow! Girls would you look at the time, it looks like it’s time for little fillies to be in bed!” The girls of course whined and moaned but were successfully wrangled into bed at the total sincere hour of ten, of course.
  2879. >You and Cadence meanwhile retired to the living room, you flopping down on the worn out couch, Cadence doing that strange pony method of crawling up furniture that reminds you of a dog. The urge to pet her behind the ears is strong, but you hold it for now, settled now Cadence laid her head down on her forelegs and you can see the tension flow out of her.
  2880. “You look as beat as I feel.”
  2881. >“You weren’t much better mister, so mind your mouth.” Cadence replied peeking at you with one eye open.
  2882. “Chill Cadence, just pulling your chain. There’s some time afore Sunset returns so if you want to scamper you can.”
  2883. >A deeper sigh escaped the alicorn as she twisted to lay on her back now, “I’d love to, but I’m beat, those girls wrung me out to dry.”
  2884. “Why the insistence on being a foal sitter then?”
  2885. >Tilting her head to keep your eye Cadence smiled wistfully, “You’ll think it's silly.”
  2886. “Oh I imagine I have more room for some silliness still.”
  2887. >A small nicker from Cadence and she said, “Fine, it’s a few things, spare pocket money as Auntie Celestia wants me to earn any bits I want to use, the other is practice.”
  2888. “For children?”
  2889. >“Mhmm, they are so adorable and soft and the silliest of things. Really a foals laughter is a cure all for any kind of moodiness. I’d really like to have a big herd with lots of foals to spoil rotten and threaten other mares if they look at my baby boy’s the wrong way. My girls would of course be super strong and take care of their younger brothers to keep their whimsy from getting too out of hoof.” Hooves dropped to rest on her chest after throwing them out during her explanation Cadence tucked her hooves close to her chest staring at you intently.
  2890. “What?”
  2891. >“Usually this is the part where you cringe or something, most colts don’t like talking about foals so early in life.”
  2892. “You want a big family to love and care for, it’s not that bad a dream to have really. The question I have to ask is; who's the lucky stallion you got your eye on?”
  2893. >Thump!
  2894. >You wince as Cadence hit the floor, though she doesn’t look to be hurt as you suddenly have two violet peepers boring into your eyes, “How’d you know?!”
  2895. “Sweet crisps woman! Calm down!”
  2896. >“Not until I know how you know!”
  2897. “It was a shot in the dark! Now will you get off me?”
  2898. >Cadence drew back regarding you from different angles as her head moves suddenly to accommodate and you can’t help but be reminded of a seagull regarding a juicy fry on the ground, “You’re telling the truth. I thought…”
  2899. “Thought what?”
  2900. >“Nothing, just don’t tell Sunset? Please?”
  2901. “I really doubt that Sunset is petty enough to mess with your colt, look just invite him over or something who knows he might be fun to hang.”
  2902. >“I don’t know…”
  2903. “Right, I need a drink to deal with this sill-”
  2904. >The sounds of the tower door opening and closing shut echo into the living room, dragging her hooves through the doorway you spy Sunset’s frazzled mane and sunken eyes.
  2906. >“Make that two drinks.” Anon amends already striding towards the kitchen with his long legs.
  2907. Auntie damn it, Anon! Don’t leave Sunset alone with you!
  2908. >You turn to Sunset just as she throws herself in a lazy colt, “So you look comfortable on my couch.”
  2909. >Come on Cadence, you can do this!
  2910. “Just helping Anon with watching the foals, he called me over to help.”
  2911. >Sunset if anything sunk further into her lazy colt like a cat, “Surprised you recall-”
  2912. >“Catch Sunny Buns.” The bottle is easily caught by Sunset in her cyan aura as you look to see Anon carrying a plate with a sandwich and kettle cooked chips piled up tall. Holding back a yawn the stallion kicked the side of the lazy colt causing a table to pop out on the side. Setting the food down Anon took a drink from his own booze and sets it down before.
  2913. >You shiver at the unholy noises coming from his hooves, Auntie above bones shouldn’t crack like that!
  2914. >“I told you not to call me that, Ape.”
  2915. >“If I get a nickname then you get one too, Sunny Buns. Now, do you need a message or you good?”
  2916. >“...My neck feels a little stiff.” Sunset said breaking off her glare and savagely bites into the sandwich.
  2917. >What throws you off is what your cutie mark is telling you, the stress and annoyance coming off from Sunset in waves ebbs like low tide as Anon starts to work Sunset over.
  2918. “I think I might take you up on that offer Anon.” You said struck by the domestic scene, the surreality of the Queen Bitch of Canterlot so, tamed.
  2919. >“What offer?” Sunset asked around her food her disdain for all things good and lovely returning only to be rubbed away by the nimble hooves of Anon.
  2920. >Dread spiked inside of you at the thought of Sunset meeting your Shiny, what do you say, what do you say?!
  2921. >“She’s got a friend who might be cool to hang with, offered to have’em over sometime.” Anon answered for you.
  2922. “Yes! That's it exactly!” You exclaimed latching onto the life line thrown your way.
  2923. >Sunset slowed in her chewing before swallowing her food, eyes narrowed as she stared you down, “So Anon needed your help here then? I’m surprised, what happened to that whole stamina hunting method you bragged about?” The last is asked to the human who shrugged in reply.
  2924. >“Was tired I guess, feel a little sluggish still.” Adding onto the comment with a yawn Anon paused catching sight of you both watching him. “What?”
  2925. >“Just hold still you idiot.” Sunset said as she turned in her seat food forgotten as cyan beams flow over the stallion.
  2926. “If you’re still feeling tired you might be getting sick Anon, you can’t keep working if you get sick.” You added in, there’s such a thing as letting a stallion take on too much work for their health you know! Eyes closed Sunset finished her scan and you can see her eyes moving reading the results in her head.
  2927. >“There’s nothing really wrong with him, aside from the usual wear and tear. Though I really need to find a deeper scan that doesn’t open you up to find out about that weird spot in your chest.”
  2928. “Weird spot? I thought most medical magic could identify everything now a days?”
  2929. >“For every race under Princess Celestia’s sun sure, but for something not from this planet let alone dimension? Come on Princess use your head.” Sunset snarked, “It’s been there next to his heart thuam every time I’ve checked him when he’s been stupid.”
  2930. >“Hey!”
  2931. >“Hush you, I’m educating.”
  2932. “His heart thaum, is it interfering with it? I could try to help, my cutie mark is about most things related to that brand of magic.”
  2933. >“You both are being overly paranoid, I’ve been fine before you found it and I’ve been fine after the fact. It’s not that big a deal, besides I want to know more about what’s gotten you so cranky Sunny Bun, it’s not a monster hunting problem your too clean for one.”
  2935. >You’re tempted to call Anon out on his topic change, but Sunset groaned covering her eyes with her hooves, “There was noble from the house of Bridgeriddle who thought she was being cute drawing crown funds off the top from public work projects, it was annoying to track down all the back deals and dead drops that utter cunt was using.”
  2936. >A crooked grin crossed Sunset’s face as she let her hooves droop across the chair, “Thankfully there is always a rat to squeeze in these schemes,” A shudder ran through the mare as Anon did something to her neck with those claws of his, “caught the rat and have a few talks with him before I had enough dirt to bury that bitch in the ground.”
  2937. >You wince recalling how ‘talks’ with your ‘cousin’ tend to go.
  2938. >“What princess? Did you think being in charge of Equestria as one of it’s princesses was all smiles and waving to the cheering crowd?” Sunset asked with an arch tone above her you can see Anon raises an eyebrow at you waiting for your answer.
  2939. >You flounder, and you so hate to admit it you’ve never really thought about what comes of being a princess before hoof you usually relied on Auntie’s advice, but her advice on how to deal with Sunset is always the wrong thing! You’re cutie mark doesn’t help as you can feel Sunset’s dismissal and Anon’s disappointment faint as it is as you stay silent.
  2940. >No.
  2941. >You’re not going to be the meek figure head that she thinks you are! Though you don’t really know that much of what Sunset talks about beyond the bare basics, but a bit of advice from your Aunt comes to mind, if you lack in experience seek help for the best of leaders are those who are willing to admit their own faults. Since this doesn’t apply to Sunset you’ll chance this being one of those good nuggets of wisdom Auntie Celestia passed onto you.
  2942. “No, but I’m willing to learn if you’re willing to teach me.” You’re rather proud of the fact you don’t stutter when saying that though your stomach is twisting in knots as you can feel the disbelief from Sunset.
  2943. >Your stomach sinks as Sunset snorted, but you can feel streaks of amusement in the disbelief, “Wouldn’t work, you’re PR is set to a goody four shoes by your ‘Aunty’, and you don’t have the temperment for the work.” You hold your gaze with Sunset before she breaks the stare tapping a hoof on the chair, “Although, if you use that as a front to lure ponies in and when they try something you can pull the wool over their eyes…”
  2944. >Anon at this point had stopped in his message rolling his eyes and grabbed a bottle before passing one to you. “You’ve done it now.”
  2945. “Done what?” You asked feeling like you might have McBucked up.
  2946. >Nodding to the still murmuring Sunset, Anon answered, “Set off her scheming mood, if I were you, I'd take a few drinks from that before she snaps out of it.”
  2947. “I don’t like Drafthorse though, it’s too bitter.”
  2948. >The suppressed giggle from the stallion pricks at your pride and you feel a fire light in your belly, staring him down you twist the cap off and tilt your head back downing the beer in three long gulps. Oh Celestia, it’s like drinking cough medicine! You manage to not gag though it’s a close thing as you set the bottle down to the amused Anon.
  2949. “There I drank your awful drink.”
  2950. >Before Anon can respond you hear a solid clop from Sunset clapping her hooves together as she looks at you with a determined gaze, “Right tomorrow you and I are going to be spending some quality time together so I can teach you what to watch for in court.”
  2951. “Wait, but-”
  2952. >You’re interrupted by a hug around your neck by Anon of all ponies, “Aw, think of it like this Caddy, you and Sunset can bond while your ‘friend’ and I do too! We’ll make it a whole play date and all!” The sheer gall this colt has as he wiggled his eyebrows at you makes you want him to fall in love with a cactus, despite the lecture from Auntie you’d get.
  2953. >Still a small smile crossed your face, maybe things won’t be so bad?
  2955. >“What do you think?”
  2956. >Blinking rub your eyes vaguely recalling that Sunset and Cadence had gone out then you were left alone with Cadence’s beau, Shining Armor. Hardly wasting anytime the giant nerd had brought what looked like a huge box filled with brushes, paint, and so many figures. Like damn if you had that many you would have spent SO many bits. Then had you bundled up and in the living room sitting on the couch with tea nearby and some biscuits all while slowly unpacking his tote. It’s not even a bag or nothing, it’s a literal tote with wheels. Who carries that around with them?
  2957. >Shining prompted you again as figures float out in a blue aura, “The Equestrian Wargames? I know it’s more of a mare thing to be into, but my friends and I really enjoy the stories and history behind it.”
  2958. Sounded like some type of brutal Olympics, but just to be sure, “The whole game itself? Or history?”
  2959. >“A little of both really, although we’ve never been able to go to tournaments because so many mares there gave us the stink eye.”
  2960. “Sounds awful.”
  2961. >Shining shrugged then as he brought a few brushes out and tiny little jars of paint, “It’s not that bad, besides I just like painting my models more than the game.”
  2962. “So is it more of a painting thing or a game thing for you?” You asked before reeling back at how expensive some of these little jars were, five bits for Chromium Blue? What highway robbery tier shit is this?
  2963. >“Column A, column B, when you spend three hours in Point’s basement as your friends collectively nerd out about what Commander Hurricane did during the Diamond Dog incursions during the Age of Chaos you learn a bit by exposure.” Shining replied holding various jars up for inspection.
  2964. “Sounds like your friends are seeing the forest instead of the trees.”
  2965. >“Yeah, but they’re still my bros you know?”
  2966. “I get it, gotta stick with your pals even if they are huge nerds.”
  2967. >At the word nerd Shining snorted one of those little horsies snorts of annoyance they tend to do, “Hey lay off with that alright?”
  2968. You wave your hands, “Come on, it’s just in good fun.”
  2969. >“It’s got a lot of bad feelings behind it so could you not?”
  2971. “Why don’t you make me then?” You asked with a shit-eating grin.
  2972. >Staring you down the white stallion narrowed his eyes, “...I’ll bite, what do you have in mind?”
  2973. “Let’s play around with your miniatures, you win I’ll not call your friends nerds.”
  2974. >“And if you win?”
  2975. “Why don’t you wait to find out?”
  2976. >Shining shook his head, “No way, I’ve been in enough sore bets to know what I’m getting into before hoof.”
  2977. “Spoilsport.”
  2978. >“No, experienced, there’s a difference. Now, what do you want?”
  2979. At the question, you drop the teasing grin as you ask, “Help.”
  2980. >“With what?”
  2981. “I’ve been trying to get Sunset and Cadence to get along, but it’s like trying to bring a horse to wa-” You cringe while Shining smirked at you.
  2982. >Waving a hoof at you Shining egged you on, “No, no, by all means, finish what you were saying.”
  2983. “Look the two are being stupidly stubborn and I’m trying my best to get them to get along. I want your help with it.”
  2984. >With a raised eyebrow Shining asked, “Is that why my little sister has a folder titled Friendship Mender plans-top secret?”
  2985. “I refuse to comment on any and all allegations of influence on the workings of the country of Bookestria.”
  2986. >“Bookestria.”
  2987. “You let a filly near your books for one minute and suddenly there is a fort in your bedroom and your daughter has turned traitor against you to serve in the military of the insurgent nation.”
  2988. >There is a pause as you both stare at each other when, “Yeah, that’s Twilight alright.”
  2990. >The terrain favors you, for now, your troops are able to contest the hill and allow your unicorn battalions to keep up their spell barrage on Armor’s troops.
  2991. >Thus far they have held on admirably through the clever use of nearby boulders and shield spells, but you’re confident you can keep the advantage.
  2992. >What was neat about the whole thing was that the board itself used a mix of illusion magic and transmutation to create a near life-like replica of the battle itself, the fact some of your Earth pony troops hold up broken horns was a bit morbid, but fun.
  2993. >“You’re not bad at this, are you sure you haven’t played before?” Armor asked as he used his horn to send his orders to the troops below, the neat thing was that it had a fog of war feature keeping you both guessing on what the other was trying.
  2994. “No, first for me actually.”
  2995. >“Weird, some of your battle lines remind me of something I was reading up on for the guard.”
  2996. You paused in your orders hands still alight frowning at the comment, “What was it about?”
  2997. >“Old military tactics of Early Equestria actually, the report was on how the different armies had to integrate together.” Armor replied eyes focused on the map.
  2998. “Oh?”
  2999. >“Yeah and I think…”
  3000. >Just as he finished his commands you see the results as a squadron of pegasi burst from the flank, but they are moving at half pace and appear almost larger th- they have unicorns in their hooves shooting at your mage battalion!
  3001. “Wait you can do that?!”
  3002. >Armor grins cheekily at you, “Says so in the book if you wanna check me on it.”
  3003. You reached over for the hardcover book ruffling through pages, “Let me see that, huh...it does.”
  3004. >This is bad, you swiftly swap your pegasi squads from their diving runs to anti air to counter the pegasi towed unicorns while your Earth ponies hold the line, the battlemages meanwhile have to fight in close range which they are terrible at because you had used the arcane focused branch and not the fire one.
  3005. >It’s the best you can do and you send your orders with a swipe of your hand, up to RNGesus now.
  3007. >You and Armor both watch intently as the battle plays out, but the morale of your unicorns breaks as the combination formation is bizarre enough to work in Armor’s favor.
  3008. >As the last of your troops flee off the field Shining said, “And with that, I’d say this battle is done.”
  3009. “If you hadn’t pulled that crazy maneuver my Earth Pony regiments would have held.”
  3010. >“Flanking buddy, never dismiss it!”
  3011. “Sucks though.”
  3012. >“Aw come on it’s just a- oh yeah the bet.”
  3013. You keep staring at where your troops had fled not bitter at all, “Yeah.”
  3014. >You hear Shining sigh then he trotted around the table to shove your shoulder, “Listen, I think you could have asked in a better way, but I see what you were trying to do. I’ll try to help with what I can.”
  3015. At the offer, you look up caught off guard, “Really?”
  3016. >A nod from the white pony, “Yeah, you seem like a good influence on Sunset and Twilight says you’re her third favorite stallion.”
  3017. “Third?”
  3018. >“Well, I take second then there's our Dad of course.”
  3019. “Oh, yeah alright that makes sense. You wanna have another go of the game then?”
  3021. >The door slammed open behind you, heralding a quartet of mares!
  3022. >“We’re baaaack!~” Sunset sang out while levitating many a bag trotting inside.
  3023. >“And we brought take out!” Cadence said holding up cardboard cartons of what smelled like chinese.
  3024. >Twilight followed after coming up to lean her forehooves against her brother’s side gently nudging him, “Hi BBBFF, did you and Anon have fun gossiping together?”
  3025. >Smiling in reply the stallion used a hoof to ruffle Twilight’s mane as he replied, “Yeah, we did. What about you? Have fun out on the town?”
  3026. “Hey we weren’t gossiping, we were playing a realistic tactical turn-based simulator of Ponish warfare.”
  3027. >A mischievous grin crossed Shining’s face as he side eyed you, “Oh I wouldn’t say that Anon.”
  3028. You can feel the frown deep on your face as you point at the traitor, “Shining, no don’t do this to me now.”
  3029. >Tempest shoved her head under your arm catching your attention, “It’s fine Anon, besides there’s food to be had!” With her piece said the filly took off after the two mares following the scent of food.
  3030. “Tempest, make sure to wash up at least!” You call out after the rapidly disappearing magenta tail.
  3031. >“Seems like you’re already settling in Anon.” Shining pointed out before ushering Twilight on after Tempest.
  3032. “Don’t you start with me now little shield pony.”
  3033. >“Relax, mares and fillies I’ve noticed tend to have a one track mind when it comes to food. They’ll have forgotten by the time they’ve finished eating. Speaking of which let’s hurry before there’s nothing left.”
  3034. >Sadly enough he’s right, you’ve seen a full pie you had backed disappear when you turn your back on it, magical ponies are such bullshit you swear.
  3037. >Already you can see the mares of the household are seated in the dining room as Sunset passes out food while Cadence retrieves cutlery from your kitchen.
  3038. >Your kitchen?
  3039. >For some reason that thought had you pause in the doorway, you’re not going full native are you?
  3040. >Guns, Swords, DOOM, loud rock metal...yeah you’re fine.
  3041. >“Cantonese Corn?”
  3042. >“That’s mine.”
  3043. >“Beet and Peppers?”
  3044. >“Oh over here!”
  3045. >“Carnivore Special?”
  3046. >“Wait, why do we have that?”
  3047. “That’d be mine.”
  3048. >“Whoa, Anon you never said you ate meat!”
  3049. “Twilight, I’ve been living here forever and a day, how have you not noticed this?”
  3050. >Sunset adds in, “Usually you tend to eat other stuff when she’s around.”
  3051. >“It smells weird…”
  3052. “Do you wanna try it?”
  3053. >Twilight stares down your food as if it’d come out to bite her, “Does it taste bad?”
  3054. >“Not really, I've had some, the texture is weird, but it was alright. Needed more salt though.”
  3055. “Tempest you put so much salt on everything I worry you’ll turn into a salt lick.”
  3056. >“There is nothing wrong with that much salt, Mistress tell him!”
  3057. >“Listen to your fa-” Sunset coughed then before she smoothly said, “fellow student, he’s older and knows better!”
  3058. “Sunset, are you-”
  3059. >“Who had the eggroll!” Sunset shouted with a rictus grin.
  3060. >Twilight perked up at that waving her hoof, “OH mememememe!”
  3061. >Before you could call Sunset out Cadence caught your attention as she asked, “Anon you think you can get the phonogram running? I think we could all use a story to listen to for a bit.”
  3062. “Sure, any requests?”
  3063. >Twilight turns to you with starry eyes, “Do you have Daring Do and the Sapphire Idol?”
  3064. >“Twilight, please.” Tempest said with a snort.
  3065. >The purple filly frowned as her ears lowered, “Oh…”
  3066. >“Of course we do!” Tempest exclaimed before pointing to the third shelf on the bookcase, “It should be over there Anon.”
  3068. “As the oh so mighty apprentice commands!” You replied with pomp drawing a grin from the two fillies as you set up the phonogram.
  3069. >Soon the tones of radio talk show host Smooth Note began to narrate the wild adventures of Daring Do.
  3070. >The rest of the adults in the room were content to dig in as the fillies were enraptured with the thrilling tale, course by the thirtieth time you are pretty sure you could repeat ad verbatim.
  3071. >”That reminds me, Sunset, Twilight is going to be entering into the exams for Celestia’s Gifted School for Unicorns, have you been thinking of letting Tempest attend?” Shining asked under the noise from the phonogram.
  3072. >Come to think of it Tempest has been doing well with her studies, even with the remedial training she had to undergo.
  3073. >”Please, that school is only useful for weeding out the hopeless cases.” Sunset said bitingly, “Barely worth the bits it takes to run it.”
  3074. “Sunset.”
  3075. >Paused in her bite the flame colored mare rolled her eyes and swallowed, “There might be some value in it, recently Princess Celestia has been keeping me almost too busy to mind Tempest and her studies…”
  3076. >”Well I think it’d be a grand idea if Twilight and Tempest could both go to school together the two are neigh inseparable.” Cadence said.
  3077. “To be fair Tempest has been blowing past most of the work your throwing her way Sunset, her control’s gotten much better than before.”
  3078. >Frowning Sunset looked to each of you, “If I didn’t know better I’d think you all had planned this.”
  3079. “Please, you’re way better at social manipulation than I am you crazy psychopath.”
  3080. >”How sweet, but please do go on.”
  3081. >Cadence interrupts you both then, “I just suggested it because Twilight has come to love hanging out with Tempest whenever I come over to babysit, Shiny what do you think?”
  3082. >”Well for one thing she’s stopped carting around her doll all the time as a play pal for one. Usually she’ll read her books or rope me into coming up with ideas on what to do with her best friend. Even had little charts and diagrams about how to maximise her time spent.” Shining replied before chowing down on his food.
  3083. >Sunset took this in ear flicking in thought, “I did start out in the school before Princess Celestia had taken me under her wing…”
  3084. “Wouldn’t hurt that Celestia’s personal student was giving her a reference to get in the door you know.”
  3085. >Sunset is quiet as she watched Twilight and Tempest eat enjoying the phonogram as the two phatomine their favorite scenes or even say the words in time with the narrator.
  3086. >You swore you saw a sparkle in Sunset’s eyes but it’s gone as the mare said, “Fine, I’ll see if I can’t get Tempest into the same class.”
  3087. >The mare is knocked out of her introspection as you nudge her with your hand.
  3088. “Listen it’ll be fine, plus it’ll give you more time to give her specialized stuff if you’re not having to go over the basics.”
  3089. >”Like I had to do with you?”
  3090. >”Score one for Sunset.” Shining muttered beside you which you respond by flicking a crouton at him.
  3091. >Things steadily devolved from there as a small food skirmish broke out as you and the ponies enjoyed the rest of the night.
  3093. “Pretty big place for magic learning.” You said looking at the large marble and gold gilded building that dominated the square.
  3094. >”It is Celestia’s premier school for gifted unicorns, Ape, now come on we’ve got to check Tempest in.”
  3095. “Yeah, yeah, what about you Tempest? How you feeling?”
  3096. >”I’ve got this!” The small shake in her hoof pump you don’t point out for her sake before your eyes slide over to Twilight whose biting her lip even as her parents walk alongside her.
  3097. “Think you wanna give your friend a bit of a pep talk? She looks like she could use it.”
  3098. >”Oh no, Twilight why does she do this all the time she knows a ton of spells.”
  3099. “Sometimes the smartest ponies can wind up forgetting how much they really know, just need a bit of confidence to remind them. Think you can do that?”
  3100. >”Can I?”
  3101. “I dunno can you?”
  3102. >”Anon...fine, may I?”
  3103. “Go for it.”
  3104. >A brief hug is what you get as Tempest bounces over to Twilight the two talking while you check to see where Sunset was at.
  3105. >The mare was already speaking with the secretary at the front desk it looked like as you approached, you did have to hold the door open as the Sparkle family plus one overeager filly walked into the shade from the sun, letting the door close you come upon Sunset finished signing a sheet of paper.
  3106. “What’s all that about?”
  3107. >”Just checking Tempest in, looks like the test is in a few minutes we’ll be in room 3B.” Sunset replied passing the quill to Velvet, Twilight’s mother, “Where’s Tempest?”
  3108. >”Oh she’s the sweetest thing, dear, saw our girl being all nervous and came over to perk her up, course my Twilight’s a smart cookie she’ll pull through like she usually does.” Velvet answered for you as she signed in with the help.
  3109. >”I see...then I’d best let her know to wrap it up we’re on in a few.” Sunset replied as Velvet read over her own sheet.
  3111. >Walking away from the desk you leaned over to whisper softly.
  3112. “You alright?”
  3113. >”It’s fine, I just want Tempest to do well and be focused on her test.”
  3114. “To be fair we don’t even know what her test is.”
  3115. >It’s only by virtue of having lived with this small crazy pony that you caught the barest flicker of guilt cross her face.
  3116. “What’s-”
  3117. >”Mistress! Anon! Can you please tell Twilight she’ll be fine? She doesn’t believe me when I say she’s smart enough to get in on her own.” Tempest interrupted you before you could ask.
  3118. >”It’s true though! I’ve only memorized at least ten spells, I should have been able to memorize the whole book on Transfiguring the Transitional, but I wasn’t sure if I was going to need Evocative Explosions because Sunset’s really good with fire spells and-”
  3119. >”Twilight breath honey, breath now.” Night Light said catching the filly around her shoulder and gently rubbing her side. “You’re having a panic attack, you just need to breath and focus on my voice. Can you do that for me?”
  3120. >Steadily the filly does her eyes closed tight while Tempest, you and Sunset looked on in worry.
  3121. >Velvet arrived on the scene by way of coming alongside Twilight’s other side, “Hey there my little sparkler, you burn too bright again?”
  3122. >At the little nickname Twilight’s eyes snapped open and she near shouted, “Moooom, not in front of my friend! Please!”
  3123. >A snicker escaped Tempest then, “Sparkler?”
  3124. >Oh no little one you don’t get to tease your friend for free, you lean over and ruffle Tempests mane.
  3125. “Now if I recall correctly you also have a cute little name, what was it again Sunset?”
  3126. >When you glance back you see Sunset is hiding behind a magazine, which is upside down, you can just see a hint of red on her ears though.
  3127. >”Anon please, don’t-”
  3128. “Oh yeah, my little spark wasn’t it?”
  3129. >You laugh as tiny marshmallow hooves as Tempest batters your side shouting, “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”
  3130. >”Go for the sides he hates getting touched there.” Sunset murmured behind her magazine avoiding making eye contact with Velvet and Night.
  3131. “Traitor!”
  3132. >A soft giggle from Twilight draws attention as she wiped at her eyes and smiled, “Sorry everypony, I got...a little overwhelmed is all.”
  3133. >”Don’t worry about it, tell you what Twilight let’s make an oath as Friendship Menders to get into the school and be the best at magic!” Tempest said holding a hoof out to Twilight.
  3134. >Twilight looks at the hoof then up to Tempest before nodding bumping hooves with the filly, ”...Yeah let’s do it!”
  3136. >After that declaration of scholastic enthusiasm you, Sunset and Tempest are lead into the filly’s examination room, it looks similar to a college auditorium, seats in rows going upwards while on the lowest part of the room is a platform.
  3137. >A trio of unicorns dressed in stuffy looking suits hold clipboards in their magic as they walk in, the middle mare speaks, “Fizzleberry Twistpop?”
  3138. >”Um, it’s..I go by Tempest now.”
  3139. >”Yes, very quaint, now your examination will begin, your task if you can complete it.” The examiner said before levitating some curtains away revealing a cart filled with grey ash pushed by an earth pony. “Is to revive a phoenix from it’s burning cycle prematurely, this one has been staying asleep far longer than he should be.”
  3140. >Your eyes are wide at this task as are Tempest’s as she nervously looks between the tray of ash and to you and Sunset.
  3141. >Grinning with forced cheer you raise a thump up to her while you ask out the corner of your mouth, “Sunset, what the fuck kind of exam is that?”
  3142. >Sunset waved to Tempest hurrying her to complete her job as she replied, “It’s suppose to be an impossible task, the whole point of it is to see how far outside the box a prospective student is supposed to be, I had to try and enchant a solid block of monolite.”
  3143. “Monolite being?”
  3144. >”Oh it’s a mineral that inhibits magic, useful for keeping unicorn criminals, well any criminal really in chains so they don’t just break free.”
  3145. >You keep an eye on Tempest, the filly appears to be burning some form of runic circle around the pile of ash and then channeled magic into it. There is a loud bang which draws your attention, a lot of smoke and a coughing filly that looks on, only to wilt as the ash pile remains an ash pile if a little sifted due to the explosion.
  3146. “Come on Tempest you got this!”
  3147. >”Sir if you cannot keep your whimsy in check you’ll be asked to leave the examination room.” One of the examiners driley states.
  3148. >Your jaw snaps shut as Sunset shoves it close, “Sorry about that ma’am colts am I right?”
  3149. >OH she is getting such a booping for this, maybe even a-
  3150. >Eldritch blue light fills the auditorium as you watch Tempest unleash Papi Palpatine’s Problem Prohibitor; the Unlimited Power.
  3151. >Like, that’s a ton of lightning and now the cart is on fire.
  3152. >”Ah, that reminds me what I did to solve my exam.” Sunset waxed nostalgically
  3153. “You zapped the shit out of it?”
  3154. >”Nope, I set everything on fire, but I did manage to imbue it was a warmth enchantment, the fire ponies had to be called to stop it from melting through the floor th-”
  3156. KRACK-A-BOOM!
  3158. >You have a brief moment to see a splash of colors run outside over the sky before the world descends into shrieking winds, rain and hail alike pelting you at hurricane speeds and intermittent bolts of lightning flying everywhere.
  3159. >A cyan shield appears before you just as a bolt of wild magic slammed into the spell causing it to shift from the impact, beside you Sunset grits her teeth as she yanked her head back dragging the trio of mares from the storms embrace.
  3160. “What the fuck!?”
  3161. >”It’s a Surge! Tempest’s lost control of her magic an-” A boom of thunder rings out as lightning splashed against the shield. “We have to stop her!”
  3162. >Inside the maelstrom you can spot the levitating form of your filly, her eyes crackled white with power as bolts of lightning slammed into the cart of ash scattering the pile into the storm along with debris.
  3163. “Sunset can you move the shield closer?”
  3164. >”I can’t, the storm’s too strong and we’ll be b- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?”
  3165. >At the word can’t you’re already gone, magic up as you hold a personal shield against the wind and hail.
  3166. >It reminds you of a tin roof being struck with rain, only the hail is about the size of a quarter and getting larger with the second.
  3167. >You dive under the debris of furniture and that damnable half melted cart rolling with the momentum to your feet.
  3168. >Why are you on the ground and everything tastes blue?
  3169. >Oh fuck you got blasted by the bolt didn’t you?
  3170. >You’re soaked singed clothes do say that yes, you did.
  3171. >There’s screaming and more, but you spy through the whirlwinds Tempest as she jerks in place head twisting with fear at things she can only see, it’s hard to tell when her eyes are pure white.
  3172. >You grit your teeth and shamble to your feet keeping low as you race towards your filly.
  3173. >Faint crackles of sparks appear before you and you have a moment to react.
  3174. >You duck popping your second spell of the day as it caught the runoff from the bolt.
  3175. >You powerslide into the eye of the storm and have just a moment to react as Tempest whirls on you a snarl on her face, her horn crackling with all the power of the storm.
  3177. >Pampf =3
  3178. “Shh...shh...it’s alright Tempest, it’s alright baby girl, come on now. Come back to me, come on…”
  3179. >A moment passed, then two, your eyes are squeezed shut ready for the pain.
  3180. >There should be pain by now right?
  3181. >You near jump out of your skin as chairs smash into the ground and walls as the winds die down.
  3182. >”D-daddy?”
  3183. >Strange how your throat is all swollen up, you do however manage to swallow it down to respond.
  3184. “Yeah, little spark?”
  3185. >”A-are you o-okay? You’re all hurt…” You can feel Tempest look around as she stifled a sob, “I did this?”
  3186. “Shh...it’s okay, it’s okay…”
  3187. >”Tempest! Anon!” Sunset shouted as she gallops down the steps three at a time in her rush to you, “Of all the stupidest, moronic, colt foolery, ignorant, dense, witless, obtuse things you could have done and it’s dive into a storm powered by a Surge. Now let go of her so I can see my daughter.”
  3188. >Despite the caustic tongue lashing you do so somewhat stunned at the amount of vitrole in Sunset’s tone.
  3189. >Sunset holds Tempest at arms length looking her over with a critical eye before she brings the filly in for a tight hug against her tuft, “You’re alright, you’re alright, thank Faust...You scared me so badly Tempest!”
  3190. >”I’m s-sorry…” The filly croaked out through her tears before they are gently wiped away by Sunset’s hoof while you place a hand on the filly’s head to let her know your there, “I-I didn’t mean to, it just-”
  3191. >”It’s fine Tempest, you’re okay, I’m okay, the idiot’s okay too.”
  3192. “Hey.”
  3193. >”Don’t you even start, not...just not now.”
  3194. >”I’m sorry…” Tempest murmured in Sunset’s tuft
  3195. “Look at the bright side, least you totally aced the exam right?”
  3196. >”Indeed she did.” You turn your head to see
  3197. >”Princess Celestia!” Damn near everypony in the room exclaimed at once at seeing their sovereign standing in the blasted hole in the wall leading to another classroom.
  3198. >”Tempest?!” You spot Twilight Sparkle poked her head out from behind the rubble before she’s galloping down to join your trio.
  3200. >You split from Tempest letting Twilight check on her friend, as the Princess draws closer, “I came as soon as I detected that Surge, although I will admit the dragon through the roof was something of a hint.”
  3201. “Dragon?”
  3202. >”Oh, that was Spike.” Twilight answered as you spot a tiny reptile on her back, “Except my magic got out of hoof and turned him into a big dragon, my parents got turned into cacti, but Princess Celestia managed to fix him though and my parents!”
  3203. >That’s a lot to unpack in that statement, but you don't have the energy or the will to do so.
  3204. “...Okay.”
  3205. >”Princess, why hadn’t you come to stop Tempest? She was just in much trouble as Twilight.” Sunset asked face set in a frown.
  3206. >”Mistress…”
  3207. >”Hush now, apprentice.”
  3208. >Princess Celestia held her gaze with Sunset cool and measured before she smiled with pride, “Sunset Shimmer, you have grown much from when I had given you your study partner, Anonymous. You have come far indeed.”
  3209. >”Princess? What do you mean by that?”
  3210. >”I believe that you are ready for the next step.”
  3211. >”To becoming an alicorn?” Sunset exclaimed sitting upright tail brushing against your side with vigor.
  3212. “Easy Sunset, let her finish.”
  3215. >”Not quite my student, on becoming the guardian of Equestria I know you would grow to be all those years ago.”
  3216. “Wouldn’t being an alicorn help with that?”
  3217. >Princess Celestia spares you a glance before answering, “Sunset, you are far more closer to reaching your goal than when you first became my student, however, I think that you’ll need more time to fully embrace it.”
  3218. >Sunset nodded along before her eyes snapped open in shock, “Wait, what?!”
  3219. >”Sunset Shimmer, as of today you are no longer my student, instead I look upon you as my second, my Aegis. Please kneel.” Princess Celestia said as she trotted forward stopping before her pupil.
  3220. >Seeing Sunset is still processing things you give the mare a nudge with your elbow.
  3221. >Sunset snaps out of her daze to throw a sharp look at you before she catches on taking a knee.
  3222. >Ponies take a knee in a very strange way, they wind up sitting down while lowering their heads, you know that it’s not much different than them sitting down, but you keep your comments to yourself as this seems to be a pretty big deal.
  3223. >Princess Celestia gently placed a wing tip on Sunset’s wither, “To you I charge to have respect for your power.”
  3224. >The wing raised up to tap on Sunset’s other wither, “Tenacity to see to the protection of our home and our ponies.”
  3225. >Then finally the wing comes to rest where it began on Sunset, “And the compassion to do what is needed, for your friends, your family and for Equestria.”
  3226. >Princess Celestia withdrew her wing, then slipped her horseshoe off.
  3227. >An echoing clap rebounded in the air as the Princess gave one hell of a slap across Sunset’s face!
  3228. >The suddenness of the strike had you stunned unable to act as the Princess said, “And that is so you never forget. Now arise my Aegis, arise a paladin!”
  3230. >Though her cheek was red from the almighty slap Sunset matched Princess Celestia gaze as she said, “I-I won’t let you down Princess.”
  3231. >”I know you won’t, that said could I also speak with the little storm you have there?” Princess Celestia asked kindly.
  3232. >”W-wh- oh no, I mean, it’s fine we fixed everything is fine!” Sunset exclaimed while you tighten your grip on Tempest’s wither.
  3233. >The Princess merely giggled as she explained, “I wished to only make her an offer same as young Twilight here, since you’ve reached a level for more duties I have to keep busy myself don’t I?”
  3234. >Sitting down the Princess continued, “I’ll admit I’ve not seen such raw power since the first time you’ve had your own surge when I first came across you Sunset. Ah, that was the first time I’ve ever had a pony come close to accidentally creating a second sun before.”
  3235. >”P-princess please, can we not talk about my foalhood?” Sunset asked face flushed while you started grinning at the potential black mail to be had.
  3236. >”Of course, sorry nostalgia creeps upon you until you least expect it.” Princess Celestia said with a small laugh before lowering her head down to eye level with Tempest, “What do you say little one, would you like to come learn magic with Twilight and me?”
  3238. >You can feel shivers run through Tempest as she looked between Sunset and the Princess then to you then back to the Princess, “I...would I still be able to learn with Mistress?”
  3239. >Princess Celestia smiled benevolently, “I don’t see why not after all she is your first teacher.”
  3240. “Sunset?”
  3241. >The mare jumped in place, “Huh? Oh, oh! Of course Tempest. Don’t think that you’re one of the Princess’s students you get out of your homework from me!” Sunset said wrapping a leg around Tempest in a hug.
  3242. >Giggling at the attention Tempest pulled away to nod to the Princess, “Alright, then yes, I'd like to be a personal student of yours Princess Celestia.”
  3243. >“EEEEEE! Oh this is so great! We can bring all our notes, work together on projects, plunder new reaches of magic unknown to ponykind an- Why is there a chicken on your head?” Twilight asked the last drawing everyone’s attention to Tempest’s mane.
  3244. >A blue toned bird with fluffy feathers flapped it’s wings before letting out a chirp.
  3245. >”What? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Tempest screamed as she started to run around in surprise at the animal atop her head.
  3246. >You reached out and caught the bird before it could fall laughing to yourself.
  3247. “Easy there Tempest, it’s just a bird. Oh shit hot hot hot hot!”
  3248. >Throwing the bird between your hands from the sheer heat coming off the animal you have to toss the bird up only for it to grabbed by a cyan aura.
  3249. >”Idiot, you don’t grab a new baby phoenix like that, they get scared easily.” Sunset said bringing the baby bird closer to calm it though it scrambled in the auar as Sunset eyed it, “although I’ve never seen one that’s blue before.”
  3250. >Princes Celestia leaned in then looking over the blue bird, “I believe it has something to do with how our little one here was born.” The alicorn gestured to the purple dragon snoozing by the wagon.
  3252. Tempest’s eyes widen upon seeing the lizard, “Whoa you have a dragon?”
  3253. >”Yep! I named him Spike, what about your bird?” Twilight said happily.
  3254. >”Oh I haven’t-”
  3255. >Eyes widening in alarm you nudge Tempest as you put your foot down.
  3256. “Now hold on, if you name him you’ll have to keep him and raise him up proper like, it’s a huge responsibility to care for another creature like this Tempest. Are you sure you can handle that?”
  3257. >Sunset the ever so helpful mare added her own two bits, “Lot better than you could Ape, at least he didn’t burn her.”
  3258. >Regretfully you can see one of your counterpoints is foiled as the phoenix nuzzled up against Tempest’s cheek.
  3259. “That’s beside the point, Tempest?”
  3260. >The filly looked down at the bird then up to you, “...Yeah I think I can do it.”
  3261. >”You think, or you know Apprentice.”
  3262. >Tempest holds the phoenix closer to her tuft then as she says with a spark in her eyes, “I know I can!”
  3263. >Sunset nodded her head imperceptibly, “Then give him a name.”
  3264. The baby blue phoenix hiccuped drawing attention to it as blue sparks sputter out from its mouth.
  3265. >”Sparky, Spark for short.” Tempest said softly before bringing the small creature to her face in a hug.
  3266. >Twilight beamed, “That’s a good name, you think Spike and Spark could get along with each other?”
  3267. >Tempest cracked an eye to Twilight before she said, “Well we got along didn’t we?”
  3268. >”Yeah!”
  3270. >You smile watching Tempest and Twilight continue to talk with each other before looking towards Sunset.
  3271. >The fiery mare was watching the Princess talking with some of the educators with an odd look on her face.
  3272. “Sunset? Something wrong?”
  3273. >”It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it…”
  3274. >You reach over and gently touch Sunset’s wither
  3275. “Hey, you can talk with me if you want.”
  3276. >”When we get home, Anon. This changes a lot of things…” You frowned at the tone Sunset used before being distracted by the two hyperactive fillies.
  3278. “Alright, Tempest is in bed, now what is eating you up?”
  3279. >Sunset laid on her couch in the living room her foreleg covering her eyes as the fire crackles and pop.
  3280. >The silence stretched and your halfway out of your seat to shake Sunset when she speaks, “...You ever feel like you’ve been replaced?”
  3281. “Considering I’ve been ripped from my home into your crazy little world, yeah.”
  3282. > ”You know what I mean. It’s bittersweet, Princess Celestia said I was ready to take on more responsibilities, but she didn’t elevate me to being a princess, to being equal to her.”
  3283. “I dunno, being her Aegis sounds like it’s a pretty big deal.”
  3284. > ”It is, there hasn’t been an Aegis since… I want to say the time of Starswirl the Bearded, I’d have to do some research on that, but still, it feels like...like a title to keep me busy while Princess Celestia focuses on Tempest and Twilight both.”
  3285. “Could be, but I doubt it.”
  3286. >That draws the hermit from her home as Sunset glares at you in betrayal.
  3287. “Think about it, you’ve been her personal student for how long now?”
  3288. > ”About ten years, ever since I was a filly…”
  3289. “Don’t you think you’ve learned all that she has to teach you then?”
  3290. > ”She’s been around for millennia, I doubt a whole lifetime spent learning under her would scratch the surface of what she knows.”
  3291. “Sure, but on the other hand, what if it’s because you know all the relevant things you need? I bet you don’t need to know the various diplomatic needs of a country that’s become defunct from five hundred years ago.”
  3294. > ”Even if that’s the case,” Sunset sits up staring at the fire, “I still feel like I’ve been replaced, I mean don’t get me wrong the fact Princess Celestia saw the potential in Tempest proves I’m right about MY apprentice. My apprentice she’s stealing from me and who knows what else she’ll ta-”
  3295. >Bap.
  3296. > ”Ape I swear-”
  3297. >Bap.
  3298. > ”Fine! What is it!? Just stop with the taps on my nose!”
  3299. “My word, the mare can learn.”
  3300. > “Just get to the point already.”
  3301. “You’re being stupid.”
  3302. > “I am not!”
  3303. “Really? Do you think that Princess Celestia the big cheese is out to steal your apprentice and move you out of the picture? Have you ever considered the Princess could actually believe in you?”
  3304. > “Then why not just tell me?! Tell me and make me a princess so I can help!”
  3305. “You are helping you daft cunt!”
  3306. >Sunset lets out a snort, “Oh yes, the grand and powerful Aegis wandering the countryside helping every little problem that I come across, I can do more good here in Canterlot, enact more changes than any small scale problem I solve.”
  3307. “Doesn’t change the fact you’d be stopping problems in the bud before they become major problems that have to involve the Princess, you remember how Cadence became an alicorn right?”
  3308. > “As if I could for- no it couldn’t be that simple could it?”
  3309. >Sunset hopped up then as she started to make for the tower’s staircase rapidly climbing the stairs.
  3310. >You follow behind confused, but wary Sunset has that look in her eyes again.
  3311. >Cresting the stairs you find Sunset nose deep in her books once more fluttering through the pages, “Where is it, I know I saw something in here about it…”
  3312. “What are you trying to find?”
  3313. > ”It was a bit of light reading.” Sunset said distractedly as she levitated over a thick tome you could use for a door stopper to land on the table with a solid thunk.
  3314. “I’d say something about light reading, but for you, this is, so what was it that jogged your memory?”
  3317. >Sunset flicked through the pages at a dizzying pace, “There was a tale or two about some ponies gaining a brief surge of power when their time was dire, I know I read something about it, the Surge Tempest had reminded me of it and with the story of Cadence’s home town.”
  3318. “Reminds me of something similar from home.”
  3319. > ”Really?!”
  3320. >Whoa nelly, you gently place your hands on the mare’s withers, “Come on tell me!”
  3321. “There are stories about mothers who can lift cars to save their children, fathers able to hold onto bears even as their bones broke...really intense stuff you know, a course usually afterward the person doing that tended to die from tearing their body up, but I don’t know if that helps.”
  3322. > ”No, it does actually, here look.” Sunset said as she pointed with her hoof, craning down you see a large amount of text.
  3323. “...and lo did Prancer did battle with the foul Lyfroish hordes that threatened the kingdom, even as his armies did flee from their might did Prance hold the full might of the Lyfroish in the pass of Trotindun.”
  3324. > ”Prancer was a really famous Earth pony general for Chancler Pudding Head before the reunification of Equestria, they said that Lyfroish numbered in hundreds of thousands, but couldn’t get past Prancer before the whole mountain pass fell down in a landslide. Legends tell that the pass was caused by Prancer’s own hooves to deny the Lyfroish from crossing into Equestria.”
  3325. “This relates to our situation how now?”
  3326. > “I’ve got a new theory, on ascension at least, you need an outside source of magic, something huge to trigger it as well as performing some great act or feat, these early accounts might be legends, might also be some pre-ascension of ponies who couldn’t survive long enough for the threshold to be broken.”
  3327. “Seem’s a bit far fetched don’t you think?”
  3328. > “Not really, think about it. Princess Celestia has the sun as her cutie mark in addition to having a literal star as her personal toy, I bet that when she ascended she had been one of the few ponies to have been able to move the sun after Discord had meddled with the natural flow of things. It’d take whole generations of unicorns losing their magic bit by bit to keep the flame burning for it to travel the sky.”
  3329. “So having a no-name filly manage to move the sun itself on her own would warrant a great enough feat for becoming an alicorn?”
  3331. > ”Potentially, Cadence’s ascension itself must have been similar, maybe it wasn’t so much the act of kicking in the witches face that did it, but what the witch was using to help her. Most unicorns tend to follow into set habits with their spellcasting and stick with one as their signature spell.”
  3332. “Then that means…?”
  3333. > ”Ugh, you’re smarter than the average colt Ape, come on you have to see it too!”
  3334. “The most I’m getting is you’re going to have to go into life-threatening situations with potentially a highly powerful magic source and hope that your theory is enough to warrant becoming a literal god.”
  3335. >There is silence as the eagerness slowly faded from Sunset’s face, “You don’t approve?”
  3336. “It’s not that I don’t approve…”
  3337. > ”Oh Celestia just spit it out.”
  3338. “You have to admit it’s risky Sunset!”
  3339. > “Maybe, but no more than what I normally do! Besides you were right, Princess Celestia is trying to help in her own way. I just had to brainstorm a bit to figure it out.”
  3340. “I’m glad you’re not moping around anymore, but this sounds like seeking your death for the chance of greater rewards.”
  3341. > “Pfft, I’ve faced far worse things in my time as Princess Celestia’s student, plus with you holding down the homestead for Tempest I’ll be in the clear to find as much trouble as I can shake a stick at!”
  3343. >You raise a finger up now.
  3344. “Whoa hold on, who said you’re going off alone?”
  3345. > “Obviously I can’t expect you to come along with me on this quest Anon, it’d be far too dangerous for you for one and for another Tempest is going to need a home to come to when she’s done with her lessons.”
  3346. “But-”
  3347. > “You wouldn’t want Tempest to come home to an empty cold and lonely tower to live in all by herself would you?” Sunset asked tilting her head to look up to you.
  3348. “You wouldn’t want Tempest to come home to find me holding a letter and having to explain you’re dead would you?” You snapped back not amused one bit.
  3349. >The flinch is not as satisfying as it should be when Sunset reared back, “I wouldn’t- I’m not going to die Anon!”
  3350. “You are if you go off on your own and without back up, you’ve had back up before haven’t you?”
  3351. >The silence is telling and you feel your eyebrows raise up high.
  3352. “How are you not dead yet?”
  3353. > “By being the best war mage this side of Eques itself,” Sunset snarked back before she sighed at the sight of your face, “Fine, give me your hand.”
  3356. >You think of arguing the point but relent when you feel her hooves take your hand, there is brief warmth that bloomed on the back of your hand that faded away.
  3357. > “T-there, now you won’t have to worry about me.”
  3358. >Pulling your hand up to look you find Sunset’s cutie mark inscribed on your hand like a rather stylish tattoo, though on closer inspection.
  3359. “Did you, did you just print out a teleportation circle on the back of my hand? Those things take so much space to use!”
  3360. >Leaning back with a blush on her face Sunset would polish one hoof on her chest, “I /did/ say I was the best war mage this side of Eques you know.” Sunset continued pointedly not looking at you, “Now with that, I can be all across the world over and if I am ever in trouble I can just teleport right to you, plus if you ever need help you have to just tap on it three times and I’ll get a ping to come running...so, yeah.”
  3361. >The mare stiffens in surprise as you wrap her in a tight hug.
  3362. “Thanks, Sunset.”
  3363. > “...You’re welcome, I’ll be careful.”
  3364. “You promise?”
  3365. > “I do.”
  3366. “Good.”
  3368. >Sunset has gone, the goodbyes were...more difficult than you’d imagine they would have been.
  3369. >Tempest was moody and you thank magic that Sparky was there to distract her.
  3370. >Though learning the mending cantrip was necessary, who knew that letting temperamental filly care for a destructive animal as a phoenix never mind an electrical one.
  3371. >Or was it a Storm Phoenix?
  3372. > “Anonymous?”
  3373. >Snapping back from your musings you snap your fingers at the white princess of the sun.
  3374. “Sorry, I was just thinking of Tempest.”
  3375. > “It’s good you’re taking your responsibilities seriously, but it's only been a week now.” Princess Celestia replied with a warm smile.
  3376. > “If you want, I can move some of my appointments around and look after Tempest for you, Anon.” Cadence offered before having a nibble of a cookie.
  3377. “Thanks, but no Cadence. It’s only been a week like Princess over here said.”
  3378. > “True, but every stallion deserves to have a night to themselves, a happy colt is a happy herd after all.” Celestia said after a sip of her tea.
  3379. > “Auntie! It’s 990, you can’t just say that to a stallion.”
  3380. >Your laughing, however, draws the attention of love princess, “Well it’s true, stallions nowadays always get so snippy about everything!”
  3381. “Well, what about Shining Armor then? He’s one of those fussy stallions you’re so bothered by.”
  3382. >A lovesick sigh escaped Cadence then as you can see gooey globules of heart magic seep from her horn, “Mi Amor~ is a wonderful colt whose willing to put up with my antics far more than any other stallion would.”
  3383. > “Wonderful, you’ve set my niece off now Anonymous. Bravo.” A teacup is raised to you in salute.
  3384. “Look I didn’t think that if I gave the guy a few tips on how to win a mare’s heart would lead to him bust a sick riff at his school and start riots throughout the city.”
  3385. > “Those riots were not quite as destructive as you would think, from what I’ve been told many new couples and herds alike formed from the aftermath of that little blockbuster bash.”
  3386. > You spare a look at the goofy smile still stuck on Cadence’s face as she wiggled back and forth on the divan she sat upon clutching a pillow to her face.
  3387. “Love magic is one helluva drug then.” You said taking a drink from the tea, you’d think it’s Asian, but knowing horse land it’d be some terrible pun like Neighpon or Chineigh.
  3388. > “Indeed,” Celestia said stirring a few sugar cubes into her cup, I would dare say it’s even helped you with helping my former student on her studies.~”
  3389. “Pffft~” Tea most likely more expensive than you’d care to think about flies through the air at the Princess.
  3390. >Shzing~!
  3391. >A pale yellow shield caught the droplets before they are soon disposed of in a poof of magic while Celesta tuts, “Now Anonymous, that tea was rather expensive I’d rather you not waste it now.”
  3392. >Coughing to catch your breath you stare at the crazy horse for a minute before laughing.
  3393. “Oh wow, wow. I knew you were a prankster too, but that got me good.”
  3394. > “Oh?”
  3395. “Yeah, like don’t get me wrong, Sunset’s great, but we get along like a house on fire. Quick note; houses aren’t supposed to be on fire.”
  3396. > A slight giggle from the sun princess, “I’m well aware, but I still think even the love of a friend is quite potent indeed.”
  3397. “Sure, let’s go with that.” You replied wiping your forehead with a gloved hand, winter was starting to settle in and the climate up here was awful unless you had a thick coat of fur.
  3399. > “Anon? You look warm, don’t you want to get comfortable?” Cadence asked as she finally recovers from her episode noticing you were still bundled up to an extent.
  3400. > “I still don’t see why you don’t invest in the time to simply learn a few cantrips to regulate your temperature Anonymous, it’d save me from having to answer three or four petitions of stallions trying to audition to the royal harem if you weren’t dressed so.”
  3401. “Why waste time on small magic like that when I am this close,” You bring your fingers together to a millimeter of each other, “from learning how to toss fireballs about? I’d be made to do otherwise, but I am rather warm, lemme slip out of these.”
  3402. > Once you said that you watched as both mares quickly avert their eyes from you as you reached for the sweater you still had on.
  3403. > Strange customs they have in Equestria, but at least it’s not some terrible like needing to bash heads with each other every time you say hello.
  3404. > Sweater gone, and it’d be weird to keep your gloves on. They are rather nice gloves though very snug and work grand with the mittens you had to knit for yourself, damn ponies don’t understand how to make a digit for the life of them.
  3405. >Never mind the going rate for a unique piece of clothing like that, you might have a pension but it’s not a check to the treasury!
  3406. >You shiver as despite the magic of the halls there is just enough of a chill, but you get used to it, better than sweating to death.
  3407. “Alright girls, I’m decent. So was there anything else you two were wanting to-”
  3410. > ”-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEE!~” Cadence has hooves to her cheeks as she stared at you, no wait, your hand.
  3411. > “Ho-hum, and you say there was nothing special between you two at all, hm?” Celestia chuckled then enjoyed what you can only describe as a smug sip of tea.
  3412. >You glance down at your hand that bore the symbol of Sunset before raising it up and snapping your fingers to make a brief flash of light.
  3413. “Girls, girls if you could explain why you two are so excited?”
  3414. > “Sunset Marked you Anon, don’t you do that back where you came from?” Celestia asked.
  3415. “Not, well somewhat, but I have the feeling it’s- Cadence I need my hand, can you please let go?”
  3416. > “But I just want to study it, usually ponies don’t often go this far with their feelings for each other!~ Please?~” Cadence asked pouting at you.
  3417. “Only if you tell me what being marked means.”
  3418. > “Deal!” Cadence glanced over Celestia, “Auntie if you would I’ll be too busy otherwise.”
  3419. > “Of course dear niece,” Cadence beamed at the princess before she brought her horn to the mark with a subtle glow that made your hands tingle, Celestia continued to say, “Markings were an old ritual from well, quite a while before even my time, to warn off others from bringing harm to the bearer.”
  3420. “So it’s a protective charm then?”
  3421. > You wiggle your fingers as the odd ticklish sensation of probing magic sunk deeper into the charm.
  3422. > “Oh of course not, the ritual was studied extensively when unification occurred and it was revealed that the ritual was at most was leaving a unique signature of the one who cast it.”
  3423. “Then what was the point? Wouldn’t that have been a waste of magic on it’s own, the books I’ve skimmed through said that ritual magic was one of those more power-intensive types of magic.”
  3424. >A cold empty void of eternity yawned before you only illuminated by the distant pinpricks of the faintest candle lights and colors unseen spread before you.
  3425. >You shake off the memory with a shiver as Cadence lets you have your hand back, flexing your fingers you look back to Celestia.
  3426. “I recall a ritual Sunset used and she looked knackered by the end of it.”
  3427. > “It was not so much the effect of the ritual as the context behind it Anonymous, Unicorns as a whole were a prideful lot who would never deign to share their secrets of lore to outsiders. Yet, a unicorn bearing a trusted sorcerer’s mark could.”
  3428. “Like an apprentice and master bond, okay I can dig that, doesn’t explain why you two were so excited about it.”
  3429. > “Not quite, but I think Cadence will explode if I don’t let her say it.” Celestia said raising her cup to the buzzing pink alicorn with bright eyes.
  3430. > “It means you’re together and I’m so-so excited for you both! Not to mention the amount of magic alone in the Marking means that she’s really taking this seriously! Usually, ponies would tend to maybe get clothing or jewelry to announce the fact or even an engagement ring, but to do it the old way is so sweet!~”
  3432. >Ah.
  3433. >You’re horse married now.
  3434. >You glance down at your teacup noting the amber liquid within is only half full.
  3435. >Time to fix that, you think, with a swig you down the rest of the tea before the clink of dinnerware fills the rather quiet tearoom.
  3436. > “Anonymous?”
  3437. > “What’s wrong you look upset.”
  3438. “Happen to have some wine or maybe a brandy to go with the tea? Bit of a shock that.”
  3439. > “It’s hardly three in the afternoon, why would- no. She didn’t tell you?!”
  3440. > “I-I knew that Sunset was rather demanding at times, but Auntie calm down, I don’t think she meant to do it?”
  3441. > “Of all the things to do she’d take advantage of-”
  3442. >Celestia’s mane fluttered in the non-existent breeze as if it were in a hurricane, Cadence doesn’t look much better with her bitten lip and trying to calm the older mare down.
  3443. >Right you need to fix this and fast.
  3444. >A loud pop and flash of light both draw the attention of the two mares.
  3445. “Before you two go rushing off to defend my honor, would you like to listen to me before going off half-cocked?”
  3446. > “Apologizes Anonymous, I became rather...heated I thought I taught Sunset better than that.”
  3447. > “Well, you did kind of teach her to take the initiative on a lot of things Auntie.”
  3448. >The horsey snort from Celestia, while cute, didn’t appear so when Cadence reared back with her hooves held up.
  3449. >Snapping your fingers to get their attention once more before things devolved further.
  3450. “It’s partially my fault, I wanted to have some sign that Sunset wasn’t going to go off and getting into trouble on her journey that /you/ put her on.”
  3451. Raising your marked hand you continued, “This was her answer for me, so let’s just ask her.”
  3452. >Tapping the emblem three times you feel it send a small ping that you could feel in your bones, not quite painful but noticeable all the same, a few moments passed you swear if Sunset had lied to you…
  3453. >Warmth blazed in your hand as it suddenly flung itself outwards like a whip to the far corner!
  3454. >Rolling out from your hand to land in a pile you see three things; Sunset, confetti, and pink so much pink.
  3456. “Sunset!”
  3457. >Just as you leaped from your seat you found yourself suddenly bombarded by words.
  3458. > "Oh this fantastic, I can't believe we get to meet your friends so quickly Sunset! I haven't been this super-duper excited since I got to throw that wonderific party for those googly-eyed friends of ours down in the cave system near Boggy Frog!”
  3459. “Laughter?”
  3460. >The filly giggle snorts before spreading her hooves out wide confetti flying out from behind her, “No silly, Pinkie Pie! Pleased as punch to meet you! You must be Anon, Sunset told me all about you!”
  3461. “I see, oh Sunset!”
  3462. >The mare sat up with the worst case of bed head you’ve seen, eyes bagged by a lack of sleep and bloodshot, “Pinkie, catch.” A bar of chocolate flies through the air to the pink blur.
  3463. >CHOMP
  3464. > “That should give me a few minutes peace, Anon?” Sunset asked voice slurred, “Wha- 's wrong?”
  3465. >You overhead Pinkie asking Celestia was she going to finish something, a soft assurance later and you hear a strange cross between a beaver and chainsaw behind you.
  3466. “Needed to talk with you, but first what’s with the filly? Why are you so tired? What happened?”
  3467. >Sunset’s eyes blinked one, then the other, before a soft huff escaped the mare before it evolved into a tired laugh, “That filly has to be the luckiest filly on Equus with the number of shenanigans she’s gotten me roped into.”
  3468. >Sparing a glance at the tea set which is alarmingly running out to feed the voracious appetite of a growing filly.
  3469. >Cadence is waving to a maid to quickly come by while Celestia continued to watch Pinkie with a soft smile on her face.
  3470. “If you want to talk about it over tea you can have some if Pinkie doesn’t eat the rest of it.”
  3471. > “That, sounds grand.”
  3473. > “My little pony if I may ask, are you on your Journey?” Celestia asked causing the filly to burp before she covered her mouth with a faint blush.
  3474. > “Scuze me, right!” With that wonderfully vague statement the filly brought her bags up to the table with a loud thud that rattles the silverware then dug into it leaving her back legs to kick as she searched.
  3475. “Journey?”
  3476. > “Old Earth pony tradition, similar to a cute-cenera where fillies would go out into the world to earn their keep while exploring what their cutie mark means.” Sunset replied to your question then drank an entire cup in one long drink, a shiver running through her frame, “O-oh that felt heavenly…”
  3477. > “I recall that the practice had fallen out of favor, but some families still hold to them, the fillies in question would often return home with a grand feast to celebrate their return.” Celestia continued before smiling at the maid bringing a fresh pot and platter of biscuits.
  3478. > Pinkie kicked herself out of her bags holding a large scroll in her mouth, spitting it out the whole length unraveled running across the table, down the floor and then over the chair across from the small filly. “Yep-a-rooni Sunset, and that’s right too Princess, though I did it backwards with throwing a huge party! Plus I can check off ‘Surprise-The-Princess-With-A-Sudden-Appearance’ for things to try with my cutie mark and mark off visiting the castle as well! Oh do you think we could get donuts here? I heard there was a really great shop for them that were best in Equestria!~”
  3480. You lean over to Sunset whispering, “Why did you let her have more sugar? She’s so damn hyper!”
  3481. > “You think that’s why she’s hyper? Oh no, she’s like this all the time, the chocolate was to simply distract her, I’ve yet to see her be still for longer than a minute.”
  3482. “Even asleep?”
  3483. > “She’s a clingy sleeper.”
  3484. > “I actually know about the place your talking about Pinkie, it’s a rather nice hole in the wall called Donut Joe’s, I’d love to take you there if you have the time.” Cadence said distracting the filly as she gazed with bright stars in her eyes at the younger alicorn.
  3485. “That’s crazy, what’s even more crazy is why would her parents let her go out into the world so young, she looks like she ought to still be in school.”
  3486. > “She should be, it’s why I’ve been traveling with her as I go trying to teach her some. Filly’s pretty smart, once you figure out how to get it across to her that is… by the way, what was the big emergency?” Sunset replied before taking another drink.
  3487. “Ah, don’t worry about i-”
  3488. > “Anonymous was not aware of the significance of being Marked by you Sunset Shimmer, care to explain?” Celestia cut you off as sharply as a knife.
  3490. >Pffft!
  3491. >Tea spewed out from Sunset as the mare lost control of her magic letting her cup fall to the floor.
  3492. >The tea is evaporated by a ward around the princess while the cup is caught by the yellow aura of Celestia, “Honestly my dear Aegis, you would take better care of the tea, it is frightfully expensive you know.”
  3493. > “Awha-auhhh” Is the stunned reply from the unicorn as she looked between you, Celestia then Cadance before her horn powered up and you can taste the odd tang of teleportation magic ready to be used before it putters out as Celestia’s own horn glowed all the brighter for a moment.
  3494. > “Now Sunset, there’s no need to be-” Sunset is already leaping for the door only to be caught in the telekinetic grasp of the Princess as her hooves rapidly gallop in the air before she goes limp. “Are you going to behave and talk like a reasonable mare, my Aegis?”
  3495. “Celestia, maybe this is going a bit too far?”
  3496. > “Nonsense, after all you are an esteemed guest of my house, I’d rather have the truth of the matter from the pony’s mouth as it were.”
  3497. > “Auntie.” Cadence said glancing between Sunset and the ruling princess.
  3498. > “No, it’s...I’ll behave.” Sunset mumbled out before she is set on her seat.
  3500. >Refusing to make eye contact with you specifically Sunset takes in a fortifying breath before locking eyes with Celestia as she explained in a detached tone if you couldn’t see how bright her cheeks were, “Anonymous was worried for my well being and concerned about absence, as a result I conducted Telemantry’s Trangalloping Traverse using my cutie mark as the activation symbol and storage of the spell itself, due to Like’s theorem of like links to like the symbol would be able to notify me of Anonymous’ wish to speak with me.”
  3501. > “And the Marking?”
  3502. > That question was enough to finally break the composure Sunset had as she looked at her hooves rubbing them together, “I had thought that was the best method I knew of that’d keep Anonymous safe…”
  3503. > The two pink ponies in the room both let out a soft set of aww’s at the reveal while you, you’re not sure of how to feel about it.
  3504. > “Anonymous, your thoughts?”
  3505. > On the one hand Sunset did the equivalent of letting others know that if they mess with you they’ll be eating hellfire, on the other she marked you as her fiance.
  3506. > You think, horse culture is weird.
  3507. > Clapping your hands together, you do what you always do, make snap decisions and deal with it as comes!
  3508. “Bit pissed you hadn’t mentioned the other tidbits that came from wearing this Sunset,” You can see the wince run through the mare’s body, “However, I can understand where you’re coming from, but next time just tell me ahead of time?”
  3509. >Now Sunset is staring at you with an odd combination of emotions that you don’t have a clue to decipher when Celestia clopped her hooves together, “Excellent, in that case as this was done under the Old Way and both parties are satisfied I shall expect arrangements shall be made.”
  3511. >”WHAT?!”
  3512. “WHAT!?”
  3513. > ”-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEE!~” Cadence does her odd little horse dance of glee while you and Sunset trade looks of concern.
  3514. >Then there is a snort followed by a bray of laughter as Princess Celestia, sovereign ruler over one of the largest kingdoms of the known world lost all decrome as she laughed.
  3515. > You and Sunset are both stunned at this while Pinkie appeared to have joined in the laughing as Cadence continued to do her happy dance.
  3516. > “Oh, it has been a long time since I’ve laughed that hard.” Celestia said using a feather to wipe at her eyes, “Only when you both are ready of course, honestly young ponies these days.”
  3517. > Pinkie bounced into a seat next to Celestia as she asked, “Does this mean I don’t get to throw a ‘Congratulations-you’re-going-to-be-married-or-else!’ party then?”
  3518. >This was the final straw for you as you started to giggle then break down into laughter at how crazy things seemed to have grown, the laughter was infectious as the rest of the ponies laughed as well.
  3519. > “What did I say?” Pinkie asked with a small shrug.
  3521. >Even if everypony was laughing at the sudden question you could feel Ape’s eyes on you.
  3522. >You end the small laugh that had escaped you before clearing your throat.
  3523. “Princess Celestia, could Anon and I go for a moment? I just need to talk with him.”
  3524. > “Of course, my Aegis, there is a spare room for your use. As for you young pie would you be interested in trying to plan a few parties here in Canterlot?
  3525. > Pinkie Pie gasped as she asked, “Would I?”
  3526. > “I don’t know, would you?”
  3527. > Confetti explodes around the filly as she responded, “I would!”
  3528. > Princess Celestia giggled then said, “I think there is a mare that would love to see your party first hand my little pony.”
  3529. > Trotting to the door Princess Celestia had pointed out you can hear Ape let out a soft scoff of disbelief.
  3530. > “She has no clue what she just unleashed does she?”
  3531. > Opening the door and ushering the stallion in you can’t help the rueful grin that crossed your face, “Pinkie can be a lot to deal with, but you get used to her brand of insanity.”
  3532. > It was almost annoying how that filly could draw amusement from you, you can’t help it, though your withers don’t feel as tight from when you first started your journey.
  3533. > Shaking your head you focus and cast Digging Down’s Dwelling upon the door after giving it a quick look over you nod in satisfaction.
  3534. > You’ve barely been able to turn away from the door to see Ape already holding a hand up as he looked over the spell himself, “That’s new, what kind of spell is this?”
  3535. > Pride bloomed in your chest as you stood a touch taller, “Something I learned on the road, it’s really helpful for keeping a campsite safe.”
  3537. > You’d find those annoyingly small eyes that have no right to be that cute locking onto yours and see them soften with concern.
  3538. > “You okay?”
  3539. >Like that your confidence and pride faltered as the dragon in the room was brought up, you shift in place, wait no you are Princess Celestia’s Aegis! You ought to be able to face down some silly ape that’s too naive.
  3540. “Am I okay? What about you?!” You shake your head, “You just, how are you not upset with me? I basically took advantage of you!”
  3541. > Ape meanwhile continued to stare at you with that dull gaze of his, “I’m not upset. Surprised sure, but you meant it to help right?” How are you supposed to figure out what he’s thinking with that stoic face, it’s only when you see his mouth curve up and his withers shake that you see his laughter, “Although didn’t think you fancied me that much.”
  3542. You’re face scrunched up even with your cheeks starting to burn, “Oh buck you Ape, you’re just lucky that you’re useful.”
  3543. > Don’t flinch Sunset, don’t you dare do it you.
  3544. > The sheer whimsy from the stallion’s tone has your ear flick back, “Aw now is that anyway to talk with your fiance?”
  3545. > Do not incernatrate the dumb monkey. Do NOT incenerate the dumb monkey!
  3546. “Ape I bucking swear!”
  3547. > Laughter, big belly rocking laughter is the response and you feel you’re temper slowly even out to be replaced by confusion.
  3548. “Now what are you laughing at?”
  3550. > “I’m just glad, you haven’t lost your fire. The way you were acting had me thinking you’d suddenly turned into one of those twittering noble ponies in court.”
  3551. FWOOSH
  3552. > Flames spark from your horn as you hold Ape with an irritable gaze.
  3553. “I’m pretty sure I’ve got plenty of fire if you’re that eager to try me.”
  3554. > Pure whimsy is in those eyes as starlight appeared in his hoof spiders.
  3555. > “Love you.”
  3556. >The normal tongue of flame erupted then into a bonfire of fire and fury, excellent to hide the red in your cheeks if everything is colored red!
  3557. “Shut up you-you stupid monkey!”
  3558. >Ducking away from the heat to one of the nearby couches the soon to be matchstick replied, “I’m you’re stupid monkey remember?
  3559. “I will burn you.”
  3560. > “With love?”
  3561. “THAT’S IT!”
  3562. > Flames flare with intent as they flowed through the air rushing towards the furniture Ape was hiding behind!
  3563. >Shards of wood goes flying out and you flinch, what were you doing?!
  3564. >Then the laughing form of the Ape comes roaring out as silver starlight is thrust out at you!
  3565. >Waves of dizziness wash over you making your eyes droop with the unnatural urge to sleep, you shake it off with a snort.
  3566. “You didn’t really think some flimsy spell like that would put me down did you? Just give it up you stupid monkey!”
  3567. > “It’s not over till the fat horse sings you cunt!”
  3568. > To teach him a lesson you flick a drop of flame towards him only to watch as the loon raised a hoof up to stop the bolt.
  3569. > The delicate hum of an arcane shield appears catching the mote of flame and with the other hoof Ape threw out his hand eldritch lightning springing forth!
  3570. > Whinnying in pain from the sudden shock you dart back and break line of sight by upending the coffee table nearby to hide behind.
  3571. > Acrid smoke fills the room as the lightning wrapped around you is disrupted by the wooden table, though scorch marks could be seen.
  3572. > From across the room you hear Ape cat call, “Still think that I ought to stay at home then?”
  3573. > You meanwhile shuffle to the side trying to catch sight of the loon.
  3574. “You have the most annoying knack of not staying down when you ought to, so yes you should stay home.”
  3576. > Where is he?
  3577. > That’s when the table you were hiding behind is suddenly knocked over and a heavy weight slammed into your side.
  3578. > You buck instinctively, but find yourself rolling until you find Anon atop of you having pinned your legs on either side of your head.
  3579. > “I’d like to think that’s a positive quality of mine.”
  3580. “Not when it leads to you getting killed, besides that just means you can keep Tempest safe.”
  3581. > “She’s literally studying under a goddess queen.”
  3582. “Princess.”
  3583. > “Ruler, sovereign, whatever. Who’d try anything to one of her personal students?”
  3584. > Rather than answer you try to break free from the grip Anon had on you, to your surprise he released you though his eyes never leave you.
  3585. > “Sunset, if Tempest is in danger here in Canterlot.”
  3586. “She’s not, at least not physically.”
  3587. > Rubbing at your forelegs to hide the slight shake in your limbs and to restore blood flow you chew on your lip, how much do you tell him?
  3588. > “Talk to me Sunset, what’s wrong.”
  3589. > That you are a hateful nag only good for doing the dirty work that the Princess wasn’t willing to do, but you could, or the countless ponies you’ve had to hurt to make sure the kingdom stayed safe.
  3590. > Setting your hooves down you make your decision.
  3591. “You know I’m the best at what I do.”
  3592. > “Being a pyromaniac with a vicious streak a mile wide?”
  3593. > Huffing at the snark you can’t help the smile across your face.
  3594. “You say the sweetest things, but being the best draws attention good and bad, those who’d love to smear my image would try to target Tempest with their ire. Either with a whisper campaign or through pressure until she can’t handle it anymore and oh such a shame that your student had snapped under the pressure and washed out as the princess’ personal student Sunset Shimmer.”
  3595. > Oh Tarturus, that wide eyed look of shock, you knew that you dropped too much for-, “The- that’s fucked. That’s why you want me to stay here no bullshit?”
  3596. “It’s mostly to make sure Tempest is safe, but yeah. I’m worried for her, and I feel better knowing you’re both here able to keep each other safe.”
  3597. > “Is there anyway good way to stop them? To cut the problem at the root?” The fact that Anon wasn’t panicking like most colts would when confronted with the cutthroat politics of the court made your heart slowly unclench.
  3599. “As much as I like your idea, there’s no good way of getting rid of them as most ponies here will take the chance they can to move up the social ladder as it were. You’re best option is to simply prove them wrong and show them why they are the bottom feeders that they are.”
  3600. > “Alright chill out there ubermensch.”
  3601. “What?”
  3602. > “Nothing term from home, I think we’ve gotten off track again.”
  3603. “Hm? Oh.”
  3604. > “Yeah, oh.”
  3605. > Buck why is talking about this so hard? Just say what you want and be done with it you colt!
  3606. > Draws your attention then as he laid a hoof on your wither, “Would you rather we take it slow?”
  3607. A sigh of relief escaped your mouth, “Oh Celestia yes, please.”
  3608. > Anon began to laugh before clutching his side, “Ouch, you don’t pull any punches do you?”
  3609. “No wait, I meant…” Your ear flicked back and forth before focusing on Anon’s side your horn glowing golden as the light sunk into Anon’s side, “I meant something slower, are you okay?”
  3610. > ”Not as sore, but thanks how’re you? What’d you mean by slower anyway?”
  3611. “I’ll be fine,” The look Anon sent you rolled your eyes, “Really I will be!”
  3612. > The skeptical look grew before you cast about to grab a topic change!
  3613. “What about a kiss, a proper one I mean!”
  3614. > Anon blinked in surprise at the sudden seque before he raised an eyebrow, “Only if you’re up for it.”
  3615. “Is that a challenge?”
  3616. > ”What if it is?” Those waggling eyebrows ought to be burnt off, they are too tempting a target.
  3617. Teal magic wrapped around the annoying tie around his neck as you jerked him down to eye level, “Just shut up and come here.”
  3619. > Angry teal eyes glare at you as your neck is dragged down and there is a brief hesitation between the two of you, breath mingling, you can taste the tea she had earlier on her breath.
  3620. > A shudder runs through Sunset before you take the initiative and lean in for a kiss.
  3621. > It’s unique, ponies have a muzzle and your nose brushed against her lips, but her lips, they were soft, soft and just the slightest hint of peach fuzz around them.
  3622. > The kiss was just a few moments and you felt maybe not madly in love, but it was nice.
  3623. > Flash!
  3624. > What in the world?
  3625. > Sunset jerked away as if burned and you opened your eyes to see Cadence trotting in place happily eyes closed in excitement a vintage camera held in her magic.
  3626. > ”I knew I sensed love brewing and I’m so happy for you Sunset! Anon you as well oh I can’t believe I managed to catch it on this thing!~” Cadence giggled as she clutched tightly to the boxy camera.
  3627. > Odd the room feels very hot all of a sudden.
  3628. > Oh, it’s just Sunset blazing as an inferno with skulls in her eyes, that would explain it.
  3629. [Spoiler]Not that you were embarrassed by having your first kiss, nope not all![/Spoiler]
  3630. [spoiler]Even if she stole your kiss already, this one you got to participate in at least![/spoiler]
  3632. > ”Caaaaadaaaaaance!” Sunset’s guttural roar grew with the flames around her form and my the floor is starting to melt.
  3633. > With a shriek of laughter Cadence fled down the hall as Sunset chased after her, "Get back here so I can kill you and burn those!"
  3634. "Save some pictures for me!"
  3635. >"...Get back here so I can kill you and get those pictures!" Sunset amended as the hallway glowed from the fire Sunset threw.
  3637. > Be the thoroughly doused in water and still slightly singed princess of Love
  3638. > You had managed to bribe Sunset to not burn you by giving her the copies, though your advice on where to take Anon had lead to your current condition.
  3639. > Brushing off a few smoldering bits off your wings you watched as the newly dubbed couple to be walked away with Pinkie Pie bouncing around them all, nice filly just needs a touch more care to not be so excitable you bet, you frown as your thoughts stray to the recent events.
  3640. > From the sound of it Sunset had already gone off and already began to help the ponies of Equestria as a whole, what have you been doing in the meantime?
  3641. > With that in mind your spine stiffened and you walked back to your Auntie with a plan in mind!
  3642. “Auntie?”
  3643. > “Yes Niece? Do you still have embers on you? I was so sure I had got them all.” Auntie said looking up from a few light forms she had started to fill out quill poised above the parchment.
  3644. “Oh, no you did, quite thoroughly at that, but what I wanted to talk about was-”
  3645. > Auntie dipped her quill into her inkpot as she said plainly, “Wanting to have a great task for yourself?”
  3646. The quill is soon back at the form while your nose scrunched in annoyance, “Wha- Auntie you know I hate it w-”
  3647. > “When I do that?” You can see the faint smile from here Auntie, stop being so smug!
  3648. “Auntie!”
  3649. > Auntie giggled softly, “My apologies dear niece but an old mare like myself has to find her little pranks from time to time.”
  3650. > For such an old mare you’d think she’d not be so onery with her jokes, no no don’t get frustrated just remember you’re yoga class.
  3651. > Breath in the good, hold them, then let out all the bad.
  3652. Eyes snapping open you continued, “Yes, I did want to bring that up, but there was another thing too.”
  3653. > The quill paused in it’s twitching as Auntie spared an eye to you, “Oh?”
  3654. You’ve got this mare, just go through with it, “You know that love is my domain, so I have to ask, why are you trampling all over it?”
  3655. > At your blatant question Auntie merely covered her mouth with the quill, “My, I hadn’t realized you would be jealous of your cousin’s success.”
  3656. “I’m not jealous, I’m confused as to why you sent Sunset out into the world just as she’s starting to settle into a loving relationship.”
  3657. > Rolling her eyes Auntie returned to her work, “I imagine that letters can suffice quite well, not to mention her abilities make her quite able to circumvent the difficulties of most long distant relationships.”
  3658. Or she had until you yanked the quill from her grasp with your own magic, “Auntie, you’re avoiding the question.”
  3659. > Purple eyes narrow slightly as they regard you with a millennia of experience, “When did this become an interrogation then, Niece?”
  3660. You release the quill back into its golden grasp, “I’m not interrogating you, I just want to know why. Sunset was calming down, she was being nice for a change! I haven’t even been called a horrible name for months now!”
  3662. > Auntie holds your stare and you can feel a drop of sweat slowly slide down your neck, you weren’t overstepping your boundaries, this was a matter of love and pony feathers if she thinks you’d not do the ONE thing you were good at!
  3663. > Breaking her gaze on you Auntie glanced outside to watch something, you follow her sight to see Sunset, Anon and Pinkie Pie had reached the courtyard, albeit the adults were bruised they walked lightly and with banter.
  3664. > You’re drawn from your viewing as Auntie said, “Walk with me if you would, Cadence.”
  3665. > Following after the Princess you reach the nearby balcony attached to her personal study, once there Auntie illuminated her horn and you watched as she set the day to end, early if you recalled the time correctly.
  3666. “Auntie?”
  3667. > Instead of answering you Auntie replied, “What I share with you is something I have kept secret for near on a thousand years, something I have been planning, revising and dreading all this time.”
  3668. Ears fold back and your wings shuffled in place at the sudden reveal, “What?”
  3669. > Auntie raised the moon to overlook the land it’s rays shining weakly in the night before it came to a stop behind her.
  3670. > Just as the moon came to a stop you could have sworn the mare in the moon’s eye flashed turquoise for a moment, but that was simply a trick of the light, right?
  3671. > “The return of Nightmare Moon, the tales of old are true, she was once my sister and rebelled against me when she grew jealous of my fame, my time in the light amongst our subjects.”
  3672. A shiver ran up your spine and you glanced past Auntie to the moon itself, “That’s, but it’s just an old mare’s tale!”
  3673. > A bitter smile passed over Auntie’s face, “Am I not the oldest mare in the land Niece?”
  3674. She’s serious, Nightmare Moon, Auntie’s Sister, no you have another Aunt? An evil aunt at that?!
  3675. >Wait, you recalled how the rest of the story went, maybe there’s hope still!
  3676. “W-when is she supposed to return? W-what about the elements you used them before!”
  3677. > Auntie shook her head softly, “My sister and I wielded them together as sisters and as friends, but when I used them against her, that broke our bond and our friendship, the elements refused to be wielded by one invdividual and became inert.”
  3678. > At this point Auntie had turned away from you and looked out over the land towards a forest, the Everfree if you recalled from your geography lessons, “I had kept them close on hoof in case other bearers might be found, a way to bring back my dear sister, but...the years passed, and the castle we grew up in and the elements themselves became,” There is a hitch to Auntie’s voice, “painful to be near.”
  3680. > On seeing her in so much pain you trot closer and extend a wing around the taller princess for comfort if nothing else.
  3681. > A subtle shiver through Auntie’s frame is all you felt, but deep inside you could feel her pain it was enough to make you flinch away at the rawness of it.
  3682. > No you would not abandon your Auntie to suffer this pain by herself any longer!
  3683. > A great white wing enclosed around you in return as Auntie laid her neck across yours, “Thank you Cadence, it was what lead me to move the capital to Canterlot, I needed to be away from my failures.”
  3684. > Drawing away from you Auntie continued, “Since then I have toiled on many a plan to prepare for her return, Sunset is one of those plans.”
  3685. Alarm ran through you at the mention of plans, plans with an s, meaning plural! “Are you trying to force her into becoming an alicorn, wait...is that...is that why you wanted me to be so close to you?! For another ace in the hole against Nightmare Moon?!”
  3686. > The hesitation was there, you can sense it, but Auntie relented, “In the beginning, I had, but you were young, you hardly had any control over your magic, I couldn’t throw you at my sister and expect you to stand against her.”
  3687. “The useless princess fulfills her destiny then…”
  3688. > A hoof gently lifted your chin up to let you see the proud eyes of your Auntie, “Niece, you are not useless, your empathy, your love for all beings that is your strength and I know it to be one of the strongest forces in this world, it was my hope that if I were to fail and my sister returned triumphant that you could curb her excesses, teach her to love her subjects as she once had.”
  3689. > Those same proud eyes silently drip tears as Auntie whispered, The love I should have shown her.”
  3690. The amount of love you can feel from Auntie to her sister is astonishing, you had thought it merely an aspect of her love to her ponies, the kingdom, but this, “Auntie...you do love her, just as you love Sunset and the rest of the kingdom, but you can’t keep something this big in the dark. You have to tell Sunset, to at least prepare her for Nightmare’s return at least!”
  3691. > Tearful eyes closed then as Auntie’s hoof dropped to the ground, “I cannot.”
  3692. “WHY?!”
  3693. > “Though I cannot wield the elements as I once had I still retain a small affinity for the ones I once used; Magic, Kindness, Generosity. Those three elements I can at least sense in ponies capable of being able to bear the weight of their chosen element.”
  3694. Like a bolt of flame from Sunset scorching your bum it hits you then, “That’s why you built the academy, charity events and all the donations to public works, all of it?”
  3695. > The white princess nodded solemnly, “In part, but the reason why I cannot let Sunset know of this is that from my studies into the elements they cannot be sought out for their power, they can only be found when they come together on their own. Magic, I believe is the key for only when the others have gathered together can the magic of friendship be found.”
  3696. “Magic, then,” Horror galloped through you as you regarded your Aunti- Celestia, “you picked Twilight and Tempest both because of their magic. Celestia, they are fillies, you can’t, you can’t just…”
  3697. > Stone cracked as Celestia stomped her hoof, “I have no intention to throw them to my sister’s tender mercies, just as I wouldn’t send you to her, her return is quite some years off. The fact I’ve found not one, but three candidates for the role of Magic is a gift from Harmony itself, I intend to take this gift and use it for all it’s worth.”
  3698. “Auntie,” You had read of love that had turned sick, love that twisted ponies from what they once were, but this, “They are fillies, innocents you can’t mold them into soldiers to take out your sister!”
  3699. > Celestia reeled back as if struck, “Take out? I would never do that to my own flesh and blood! No the elements have the power to restore, to heal, not to bring harm to those who still have good in their hearts. I will not believe my sister has truly fallen that low.”
  3700. “Celestia, this is...that’s…” A wild goose chase to try and bring back Celestia’s sister hinged on Sunset, Tempest and even little Twilight?!
  3701. > “Now you see why I keep things so close, why I keep quiet for the sake of my little ponies.” Celestia said face worn from holding such secrets for so long.
  3702. > Not only did you have family you’d never known, but that same family threatened your charges, your friends, your own family.
  3703. > No.
  3704. “Train me.”
  3705. “What?”
  3706. Slowly you walked close to Celestia, “I’m not going to let Twilight, Tempest or even Sunset come into harm’s way for a spat between sisters, I can feel the love you still hold for her and I bet once I meet her I can bring her back as well,” Wings flared in a display, but you don’t care, “but I can’t do it as I am, so train me, work me into your big plan.”
  3707. > Your mane starts to pick up in a wind you can’t feel, but you ignore it still intent on your kin.
  3708. “I’m not going to just stand on the sidelines and congratulate the winner in the aftermath, I’m not some colt that needs to hide behind his father! I’m not going to let my TWO Aunties try to kill each other!”
  3710. >Cadence’s demand ends with her planting her hooves on the marble cracking stone as her mane curled into a foamy white morass behind her with faint hints of her original mane color, the magical power coursing through the younger alicorn is enough to give you pause.
  3711. >Yet all you can feel is a sense of humbleness at the amount of love and trust your little niece felt for you, her friends and even your sister whom she’d never met.
  3712. >Truly love is a dangerous thing indeed.
  3713. You bow your head in acknowledgement, “If that is your wish Cadence, I...thank you.”
  3714. > With a dull roar the magical corona of your niece died down revealing the perky alicorn standing with a tender smile before crossing your neck in a hug, “That is what family is for Auntie, now what's first?”
  3715. > At the question you grin.
  3716. > Bamph!
  3717. > Crackling light surrounds your horn as you reappear behind Cadence, “First lesson, dodge!”
  3719. >Another day, another explosion to clean up after, you’d think that trying to raise a filly with a semi stable casting focus would be easier, but no.
  3720. >Oh what a fool you had been, for you see when a filly learns she can cast all the spells, she will start to /experiment/.
  3721. >You hate when Tempest does that the scorch marks alone resist conventional cleaning and you can’t be just snapping your fingers to get the stains out all the time.
  3722. >Still, you did find that she learned faster by doing these experiments so you’ll suffer this in-
  3723. >There is a small ping that runs through your hand and automatically you twist it upwards just in time to catch a scroll emblazoned with a familiar sunset.
  3724. “Tempest! Come down, we’ve got another letter!"
  3726. >A zap and the stench of ozone filled the air as Sparky the electric blue Phoenix appeared, Tempest, you could see had a mouthful of tail feather from the bird that she quickly spat out at your look.
  3727. "How many times have I told you not to do that Tempest, the scorching takes forever to get rid of!”
  3728. >”Sorry Anon, but it’s a letter from Sunset! It’s been months since we heard from her!”
  3729. “It’s not been that long, three weeks at the longest if that.” You replied before snapping your fingers at the scorch mark causing it to fade away.
  3730. >”Don’t see why you can’t just keep doing that or I can’t do it.” Tempest muttered rebelliously taking a seat on the couch.
  3731. >A star infused hand appeared that flicked the filly on her nose!
  3732. “Because my oh so impatient filly it’s to teach you about consequences, such as irritating your guardian with the constant explosions, now are you going to behave so we can start to read or what?”
  3734. >Squawking and blue feathers fill your vision as Sparky takes offense at your tone.
  3735. “Sparky, don’t make me turn you into dinner I swear to the horse gods if you don’t stop-”
  3736. >”Sparky enough! It’s alright, I’ll behave.” Tempest grumbled, Sparky meanwhile gave one last impertinent peck to the top of your head before flying to rest on his perch.
  3737. “Damned bird, I swear one of these days bam right in the oven.”
  3738. >”You wouldn’t really do that right?” Tempest asked you with her ears splayed back.
  3739. >Damn it, Tempest, again with the eyes!
  3740. “No I suppose not, but the bird ought to know better, anyway we’ve got a letter to read don’t we?”
  3741. >At Tempest’s nod you sit down beside her as you break the seal on the letter, a faint pinch on your eyes alerts you that Sunset had something specific for you within the letter, but that comes later.
  3742. >’It’s been a while since I’ve written to you both, I am sorry for that, but the work of an Aegis is never done it seems. It’s no excuse, but hopefully, some tales of my travels will suffice? If not Tempest you have full right to bully Anon into getting you ice cream on me.’
  3743. >”Yes!”
  3744. “Hush you, let’s keep reading.”
  3745. >’I suppose the first thing to bring up might be the rumors that have been going around that the star migrations have started earlier than expected. Sad to say that they are true, star beasts of the various constellations have been leaving their normal hunting grounds to travel through populated areas leaving me with having to work with the locals to try corralling them back to their homes. Or at least to keep them out of towns, from many of the wardens that handle them normally the migration is very different for the creatures.’
  3747. >”Game Trail had said it was impossible for those Ursa Minor’s to have wandered so close to town. Usually, they tend to have been warned before they start to move again.”
  3748. >Drawn from your reading you glance to Tempest to see how she’s holding up, the whole star beast incident was a few months ago, but still.
  3749. “You’ve been interested in what the local game warden before?”
  3750. >”Not really, I have been reading up on what to do when you see them though just in case.” Tempest replied, her voice sounded steady and she wasn’t avoiding your eyes.
  3751. >She’d probably be alright, but just to be safe.
  3752. “Alright then pop quiz time, what’s the normal response for a star beast migration?”
  3753. >”Alert the local population to lay out food for the migration to follow as well as having all non-essential personnel move to shelters nearby to keep them safe while the migration is in progress.”
  3754. “Good, good, now what’s the purpose of the migration over Equestria and a greater whole?”
  3755. >”Due to the effects of the Discordian era nature has been out of alignment ever since leading ponies to step in and help out, for the star beasts they need select paths to follow every ten years so that the constellations they are a part of are not lost or drift away.” Tempest replied nodding to herself proud of her answer.
  3756. “And?”
  3757. Now the filly was starting to sweat a bit, “And, the paths they follow coincide with the magic that rests in the land granting magic to its inhabitants?”
  3758. “Very nice, I see your studies with Princess Celestia are going well.”
  3759. >”Thanks, but can we get back to the letter?”
  3760. >In reply you simply tap the papers a few times and you both dive back in.
  3762. ‘Already Princess Celestia has been made aware of the star beast’s changing migration patterns, thus far all responses have been to take a wait and see approach. I’m concerned as their migration patterns are vastly different from their normal patterns, not only in timing but where they are going. Still, it’s nothing I can’t handle even if some big dumb animal gets it in its head to try arguing with me you know I’ll take care of it.’
  3764. “Sounds rough.”
  3765. >”Not like Mistress is going to have trouble with them, you saw how well she handled that Ursa Minor!”
  3766. “Suppose so, you-”
  3767. >A faint chime echoed through the air then interrupting you as you leaned back to peer down the hallway, you could just barely make out the shadow of a pony outside the door.
  3768. >”I’ll get it!” Tempest hopped down from her spot on the couch.
  3769. Grumbling to yourself you stand once more trying to reach the door before the young filly.
  3770. >Pony kind might be far more relaxed than your own home, but you still recall the horror stories of child snatchers.
  3772. >Rounding the corner you see that Tempest was already chatting amicably with none other than Twilight Sparkle.
  3773. >"Princess Celestia's homework on the function of ley lines and how they affected history is due soon! We really need to work together on it!"
  3774. >"Twilight, that's a whole week away from now we have tine."
  3775. >"Time that could be better spent on getting the best report done you mean!"
  3776. "Hey Twilight, welcome to the tower, what ya need?"
  3777. >"Well, I would love if somepony here would see that her time be better used for studies instead of goofing off!"
  3778. >"I'm not goofing off, I was practicing my spells before hoof and-"
  3779. >"What about your report? You can't just coast along on just the practical Tempest!"
  3780. "Girls, relax a bit will you? Twilight we got a letter from Sunset, I was the one to pull her from her studies, so chill alright?"
  3781. >The purple unicorn puffed up her cheeks as the brightened to a pale red before she released the hot air she had built up, "Okay, yes sir."
  3782. >Tempest glanced between you and Twilight as you shrugged in response, you'd thought that Twilight would have put up more of a fight than that.
  3783. "Mmkay, well if you wanted you can read the letter with us while I grab us some snacks? Tempest you want to fill her in on what's happened so far."
  3784. >You leave the two to chat as you start to break out the snacks, fillies love your peanut butter celery sticks with raisins on them, they can’t get enough of the stuff!
  3786. >While you worked you take out the letter you had tucked into your pocket before turning it over onto the blank side, with a whispered incantation you start to read the hidden text Sunset had kept there.
  3787. >As much as you love your little firecracker you know there are some subjects that she wasn’t ready to handle yet.
  3788. >’Anon, I’m becoming concerned with the things I’ve found thus far on my travels, at first the star beast’s strange migrations were one thing, but recently I’ve discovered that part of the cause is from a strange cult of ponies that have begun to crop up like weeds.’
  3789. >A cult is a bit much to say right out the bat isn’t it?
  3790. >’You may doubt my words, but the research they have delved into, look for yourself.’
  3791. >Further down you take note of the diagram, it was a circle, but within the edges of the circle were different phases of the moon along with the reverse invocations for a blessing of protection.
  3792. >Yet, it looked familiar, but you couldn’t recall where you had seen it.
  3793. >One of Sunset’s research papers?
  3794. >You go back to the rest of the letter, ‘This magic they are working with is straying so close to dark magic that it’s near enough the same, yet the common symptoms of dark magic use are not apparent making it quite a chore to find other ponies involved with this. I have a lead pointing to Canterlot, I will be coming back home within the month. In the meantime keep Tempest safe, you as well you dumb oaf. Love, Sunset Shimmer.’
  3795. >”Anon! What’s taking so long with the snacks!?”
  3796. >You jumped at the sudden shout from Tempest before catching the letter that slipped from your grasp.
  3797. “Be there in just a second, I’m about done with them!”
  3798. >Blowing a sigh of relief at your catch you say the counter word drawing the paper blank once more, stuffing the letter back in you return with your offerings to the unfathomable voids.
  3800. >Platter on the table you and the girls all take an ant log each chowing down.
  3801. >”These are great Anon!” Twilight exclaimed as she finished before grabbing two more in her magic.
  3802. >”Eh, there alright.” Tempest replied though she continued nibbling on hers
  3803. >”Tempest, you’re supposed to compliment a stallion’s cooking all the time!” Twilight faux whispered behind her hoof, for some odd reason you feel like she’s trying to be polite.
  3804. >”Why would I do that? Anon cooks all the time and I’d have to say something new every time or else it’ll get boring.” Tempest replied, “And why are you trying to whisper he’s right there.”
  3805. >”Oh, well I mean, it’s called being kind to a colt’s feelings! It’s what my mom told me whenever dad tried to cook!”
  3806. “How about we get back to the letter girls?” You asked drawing the letter back out from your pocket.
  3807. >Setting aside how odd Twilight has been acting today you all begin to crowd around the letter as you read.
  3809. >’I’ve also have been having to deal with old ruins of the Crystal Empire running amok once again, usually if ponies leave the sites alone the protections left there tend to not trigger. Something or somepony has been deciding to do amatuar hour by trying to excavate some of the artifacts that were left behind. More often than not the artifacts are small trinkets that can be accomplished by modern spell casting, but no everypony and their cousin thinks they’ll find the next biggest thing since the Sundial of Celestia, and that’s just a fun trinket that the Princess used to keep track of the time for the sun to actually set! What few ruins I’ve come across have already been pillaged but whoever is doing this has been sneaky enough to avoid the protections left behind by the Empire. Leaving me to have to clean up the mess, once I get my hooves around that-’
  3811. >You pause in your reading noting the angry splotch of ink left there before clearing your throat.
  3812. >’Sorry, recently it has been stressful to deal with, but I have good news my apprentice! Within the month I’ll be returning to Canterlot for business but also for some well deserved rest in my own humble opinion.’
  3813. >The excited squealing rocks you as you lean against the sudden release of energy that was you young ward.
  3814. >’I’ll be interested to see what you’ve learned in the time I’ve been away.’
  3815. >Just like that the excited squealing is gone and replaced with a crack of lightning as Tempest tackled Twilight to the ground.
  3816. >”Twilight we’ve got to study! Study now!”
  3817. >”Wha-bu-Uh!”
  3818. >”No time!” With a zap Tempest disappeared and you could hear the muffled crack of thunder from the upper floors.
  3820. >Pinching your nose you count to three in your head.
  3821. >"Sorry Anon!" You faintly hear from upstairs.
  3822. >Sparky who had been watching from his perch in the living room chirped in laughter.
  3823. "The turkey dinner is still an option you dumb blue bird."
  3824. >Ignoring how Sparky was shaking in laughter you go back to the mess Tempest left behind, standard scorch marks from intense magic use.
  3825. >With a snap and muttered word your hand lights up in starlight once more as the marks are slowly eroded revealing the burnished wood floor once more.
  3826. "That filly will be the death of me I swear."
  3827. >Turning from the now sparkling floor you take a single step before there is a sparkle of light and you wrench your leg out of the way from a newly appeared Twilight!
  3828. >Jumping back at your jerk of the knee Twilight exclaimed, "Anon! Are you okay? Oh, I am so so sorry!"
  3829. "Its fine, its fine, why'd you come down like that and I told Tempest about the teleporting it leaves scorch marks on the floor so please don't do that."
  3830. >The filly beamed then as she stepped aside waving a hoof, "I didn't leave a mark see!"
  3831. >At a glance to humor her you do a double take seeing the wood was in fact spotless.
  3832. “Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.”
  3833. >”Aren’t you?”
  3834. >At your look the filly clopped a hoof to her mouth, “Sorry, sorry! Uhm, right! Tempest was wanting to ask if you had any research notes on the Crystal Empire she could use for her paper?”
  3835. “Can’t she have used yours?”
  3836. >The gasp of scandalous shock is alarming as Twilight reared back, “That’d be cheating! You can’t encourage that Anon!”
  3837. “What? No it’s not-”
  3838. >”Is this why Tempest always blows off her assignments?”
  3839. >You reach down at the hyper active filly and clamp a hand around that muzzle.
  3840. >Ignoring the red blush the bloomed on Twilight’s face you hold a finger at her.
  3841. “One, using the same resources is not a bad thing. Two, I do have some notes she could look through if she wants. Three, calm down. Now I’m going to let go, are you going to behave?”
  3842. >Nervous fidgeting is your answer as you see her tail flick to and fro before Twilight nods into your hand.
  3844. >”Sorry.”
  3845. ”It’s fine, really. Come on I’ll get my notes.”
  3846. >”Can’t you just teleport there?”
  3847. “Afraid not, must be something to do with my magic, I’ve looked at the matrix for it but it just asks for such precision that I’m pretty sure I’d wind up landing in a wall or something. I think I’ll get there soon enough though.”
  3848. >”Oh I can help you learn if you want?”
  3849. >”Twili----ight have you got those notes yet?”
  3850. “Think you ought to get back to your own studies first.”
  3851. >”Okay, I guess.”
  3852. >Shoot you didn’t mean to make her sad.
  3853. “When you get done you can tutor me on it alright?”
  3854. >A dazzlingly bright smile filled Twilight’s face, “You can bet on it! Thanks Anon!”
  3856. >Steam billowed around the station as you stood up hearing the train’s whistle.
  3857. >”Do you see her yet? Do you?”
  3858. “Calm down Tempest, she’ll get here when she gets here.”
  3859. >”I’m just so excited to see Mistress again, it’s been years!”
  3860. >Laughing you reach down and ruffle the waist-high filly on her mane.
  3861. “Only nine months you know, just wait till she’s seen how much you’ve grown!”
  3862. >”Anon! I’m not a foal, you can’t just mess up a mare’s mane like that!” Tempest replied face scrunched mightily as she fixed her mane back into the odd mohawk she’d taken a liking to.
  3863. >If you didn’t know any better you’d say she was mimicking some death metal rock band, but ponies haven’t even invented the electric guitar yet.
  3864. >Which does raise the question of how the hell do ponies use string instruments?
  3865. >You’ve seen some of the Canterlot Orchestra play before and they have Earth ponies just plucking away at string!
  3866. >It’s maddening and- you feel a slight tug on your pants.
  3868. >”Anon over there!” Tempest pointed with her hoof as her magic faded from your pant leg.
  3869. >Through the steam you can see a few outlines of ponies making their way through the station, but you notice that distinctive mane style anywhere, damn mare was just letting it wave about again without even a brushing.
  3870. >Definitely going to have to drag the little nerd into the tub to wash up.
  3871. >”Mistress!”
  3872. >You catch the hint of a yellow coat before losing sight as Tempest body tackled the mare.
  3873. >That better be Sunset otherwise this is going to be hell to explain.
  3874. >Summoning a faint gust of wind you push the steam away as you walked closer to find Tempest tightly hugging the side of the one and only Sunset Shimmer!
  3875. “Welcome home, Sunset.”
  3876. >”Ughn, Tempest I missed you too, but I need to breathe!” Sunset wheezed out in reply.
  3877. >Tempest immediately released Sunset and fussed about trying to help by lifting Sunset up with a bit of magical assistance, “Oh I’m so so sorry Mistress, but you’d been gone for such a long time and we haven’t gotten to see you!”
  3878. “Relax Tempest, give her a chance to react!” You said kneeling down to be eye level with Sunset and clamping a hand on Tempest’s withers.
  3879. “As for you missy, where’s my hug?”
  3882. >In response Sunset huffed before levitating over her bag into your waiting hand, “Only if you’re willing to do some work lazy bones.”
  3883. >Grabbing the suitcase by it’s handle you note it’s lightweight before smirking.
  3884. >”Now Anon don’t be hast-EEP!”
  3885. >Silly mare you can’t escape hugs!
  3886. >”Mistress it’s better to just let it happen, he’s turned into a huge cuddle monkey since you’ve seen him last.”
  3887. >”I can tell.”
  3888. >Releasing your two favorite mares in the world you stand to your full height carrying the suitcase behind your back.
  3889. “Ah shut up the both of you, you love it.”
  3890. >Sunset is content to ignore you at this point as she turned to Tempest fully, “I can see you’ve grown since I’ve seen you last Apprentice, how tall are you now?”
  3891. >”I’ve just reached eleven and a half hooves! You should come and see the marker in the kitchen, I’ve been beating Twilight by a full hoof!” Tempest exclaimed with nothing more than the smuggest of looks.
  3892. >”Tall indeed, and your lessons?”
  3893. >In reply to that Tempest closed her eyes and teleported to the end of the station then back again, “I could do a lot farther than that, but if I did I might cause some damage, but I’ve been working on it!”
  3894. >Using a bit of magic of your own you crack a loud pop beside the two to get their attention.
  3895. “Are you girls coming or not? I’ve got supper waiting at the tower and I’ve made pizza with bamboo shoots and fried mushrooms with extra cheese!~” You called from near the exit of the station.
  3897. >You can hear the whinny of surprise and excitement from here as you turn to walk.
  3898. >Check.
  3899. >There is a brief flash of light beside you as Tempest and Sunset both reappear.
  3900. >And mate.
  3901. >What was not in your devious plans was for there to be some garbled sounding, “We-got-to-get-there-now-Anon!”, followed shortly after with the distinctive sensation of missing a step as all three of you reappear in the kitchen with a loud bang sending furniture flying about!
  3902. >”Tempest!”
  3903. “God damn it all, what’d I say abo-”
  3904. >You stop yelling as you find a pink horse laying out on the kitchen floor knocked cold near the oven that had your pizza cooking.
  3905. “Never mind Tempest, you can have a cookie, you seem to have caught a pizza thief!”
  3906. >Sunset stared at the cold cussed form of the alicorn with a flabbergasted look, "But why?"
  3907. >Tempest paused in her levitating of the cookie jar, "Anons gotten really good at pizza, you even won a prize didn’t you?"
  3908. "It wasn’t that big a deal, I think the princess was humoring me more than anything else."
  3909. >"It's too early in the evening for me to deal with this, "Sunset muttered before her horn hummed with power, the cyan glow enveloped Cadence then as she was dropped onto the couch with a thud, "Let's just have dinner already."
  3911. "Ah did you have to thump her on the couch? The cushions get ruined when you do that." You frowned seeing the cushion deform under the sudden assault of pink pony plot.
  3912. >"Relax Anon,with the bit’s I’ve gathered from all these jobs I could buy twenty of these and not feel a dent in my purse.” Sunset replied before righting a fallen over dinner chair.
  3913. “Not the point, do you know how hard it is to get a couch through the door?” You countered before pulling out the still-warm pizza to cut on the table after you levitate both the table and pizza cutter to their proper place, upright and your hand respectively.
  3914. >Sunset merely raised an eyebrow at you, ”You do realize we have magic right?”
  3915. >”Yeah! Plus I can just teleport it in for you if you don’t think you can do it!” Tempest chimed in just as she popped her head up above the table in her seat.
  3916. “You two can teleport, I can’t not yet at least. Besides a little hard work never hurt anyone.” You flick the pizza cutter clean of the excess sauce before floating over the slices to your mares.
  3917. >”Anon weren’t you complaining about having to study all the different spells Mistress left you?” Tempest asked innocently tilting her head in confusion.
  3918. >The smugness coming from Sunset upsets you.
  3919. “Just, just eat your pizza kiddo.”
  3922. >”Alright, but Mistress, how long do you intend to stay for?” Tempest asked before having a bite of pizza with a delighted hum.
  3923. >”Hopefully a week, perhaps more, we may even be able to sneak a spell in for you to learn that the Princess has yet to cover.” Sunset replied with a smile before eating her slice.
  3924. >Swallowing her bite Tempest beamed with sauce on her cheeks, ”I can’t wait!”
  3925. “Just make sure to not blow the tower up yeah?” You said before levitating over a napkin to wipe the mess up.
  3926. >”I only blew up a bit of it!”
  3927. >”What happened now?”
  3928. >Sunset arched an eyebrow at you, keeping Tempest in her peripheral vision.
  3929. >You roll your eyes,“Oh well, you see this little scamp had decided that she’d learn ahead of the curve one of your signature spells right out the gate.”
  3930. >”Anon please--” Tempest pleaded with you only for you to deliver the finishing blow.
  3931. “Instead she winds up having a miscast and the whole tower felt like it rattled while the windows were blown out and Lil Spark here was covered in soot, so was most of the rest of the room come to think of it.”
  3932. >”Anoooon!” Whined Tempest
  3933. >Sunset barked out a laugh at the reveal before saying, ”Now that brings back memories, ah, that does remind me, Tempest, would you like some help to form your own signature spell?”
  3934. >Tempest blinked in shock at the offer before she sat up straight.
  3935. >”Would I- of course, I would! It’s not too early for me to make one is it?”
  3936. “I wouldn’t think so, it’s not like it’ll stunt her growth in her studies will it?”
  3937. >Sunset shook her head, ”No more than focusing on learning a particular spell over any of the others, that said you’ll need to decide on what path you wish to take with your studies after all. Speaking of which Ape, have you finally made a decision with yours?”
  3938. >You hold your hands up in surrender.
  3939. “Ah hey, come on now I’m still feeling out my options, most of the books you’ve left for me go over my head.”
  3940. >”And yet you’re able to cast without having sudden migraines and the like.” Sunset remarked rubbing her chin with her hoof in thought.
  3941. “That’s more of a focus and making things happen than me memorize the spells to be honest with you.”
  3942. >”Remind me to do some more experiments with you later.”
  3943. “Of course, of course.” Finger’s crossed
  3944. >”That reminds me, wait here!” Clatter of hooves, mail in magic, “A letter from Princess Celestia arrived for you earlier today Mistress I wonder how’d she knew you were coming..?”
  3945. >”I did send a prior notice to her, she most likely made a guess on when I would arrive based off the train schedule. Now let’s see,” Reading “Ah, Princess Celestia was wishing for assistance for the astronomy guild in Canterlot, the predicted star showers appear to be thicker than they expected.”
  3946. “Ponies control the stars as well? That’s...how does that work?”
  3947. >Tempest pipped up then with an excited look as she recited, ”I remember this from my lessons; due to the overabundance of magic that surrounds Eques, it made nature act all wonky even the stars! Which is really bad because it’s said the stars act as fuel for cutie marks to work like they do and sometimes they wander off, so ponies can do big rituals at certain times of the year to nudge them back into place!”
  3948. >”Very nice Tempest, it’s also part of the reason why the natural laws of Eques are in flux.With so many stars adding their own magic to the world the leylines become overcharged with an abundance of magic. It’s become a self perpetuating cycle leading to ponies to manage the natural world as a result.”
  3949. “Almost like a ship with an anchor.”
  3950. >”Close enough of a metaphor for it.”
  3951. >”Do you think we could come to watch it, Mistress?”
  3952. “No.”
  3953. >”Yes.”
  3954. “Yes?”
  3955. >”No?”
  3956. >”I’m getting rather conflicted messages now.”
  3957. “It’d be way past her bedtime.”
  3958. >”It’d be a learning experience.”
  3959. “You did have that other thing to catch up on as well remember?”
  3960. >”Yes, but-”
  3961. >”If I’m staying home could I have Twilight over for a sleepover?”
  3962. >You both look at Tempest then to each other then a cruel grin crossed your face to match Sunset’s as you looked to the comatose alicorn asleep on the couch.
  3964. >”Why again are you coming along with me Ape?”
  3965. “Because for some reason or another my magic resonates well with things not of this earth?”
  3966. >”Eques, not earth you silly colt.”
  3967. “Same thing and hoo look at that.”
  3968. >That being the astronomer’s guildhall and tower, a building which towered high with sixteen towers built in marble with purple highlights on the roof while golden filigree ran rampant over the observatory domes which capped off the towers faint light can be seen as the sun slowly starts to set. Between the various towers, you could spot various walkways at different levels of the many towers looking much like a tangled spider web as the bridges criss-cross in the sky, you watched as a few pegasi jump off the edge to take flight as you approach. The door ahead is a great huge thing made with some type of dark wood that is near black with silver studs scattered across it that you can vaguely recognize as some of the more common star signs that the astronomer’s guild practiced.
  3969. “Why is it that we don’t get so many extra towers, I mean look at it.”
  3970. >”Now is not the time for penis envy Ape, we have a job to do after all.” Sunset replied raising a hoof to knock only for the door to open before the first hoof is upon the wood.
  3971. >Peering out from behind the door was a charcoal colored unicorn mare with golden mane blinking blue eyes at you both, “Aegis Shimmer, Anonymous Shimmer, thank you for your coming, this way please.”
  3972. >Faint prickles of unease crawled up your spine on catching the gaze of the odd pony as she lead the way through the cobblestoned courtyard then through a strange route through the guild.
  3973. >Why would going downstairs lead to a balcony of all things?!
  3974. >”Astronomers…” Sunset sighed as you were lead.
  3975. >”Not all paths of magic require such wanton firepower Aegis.”
  3976. >”Perhaps, but it cuts through the unending wait now doesn’t it?”
  3977. “I take it you two know each other?”
  3978. >”Unfortunately.”
  3979. >”The stars themselves could only know the reason why I was saddled with working alongside Sunset, but Princess Celestia asked for your aide so I shall abide by them.”
  3980. >”How is the apprenticeship to the Matriarch going Star Steps?” Sunset asked with a smirk.
  3981. >Star Steps paused before her horn ignites over a door and the mare stiffly said, “The ritual room for the Astrolabe.”
  3982. >Pleased as punch Sunset swayed past Star Steps while you frowned watching her go.
  3983. “Listen, I-”
  3984. >”I will thank you to keep your thoughts to yourself Anonymous Shimmer, now please.” The charcoal mare urged you on with a shake of her head.
  3986. >You suck on your teeth before walking past Star Steps, you’ll need to talk with Sunset about-
  3987. >Whatever thoughts you had faded from your mind as you take in the sight before you.
  3988. >A large gleaming bronze and brass orb that was constantly shifting gears, symbols and signs slowly moved through the surface of the orb hovering between the various bridges and pathways between the towers.
  3989. >It’s only when a strong gust of wind knocks you from your awe as you see the Astrolabe was lowered upon the bridge you stood upon ponies of all colors were around the artifact talking amongst themselves including Sunset.
  3990. >One of the ponies you vaguely recognized by the crescent moon and star upon the flanks, that was Twilight’s father wasn’t it?
  3991. >”Alright then, Ape you’ll be working alongside Nightlight here providing power for the most part while the Matriarch, her assistants and myself will work on coordination of the ritual.”
  3992. >”Glad to have you aboard Anon, think you can keep up with this old timer?”
  3993. “Old timer? You hardly look a day over twenty five!”
  3994. >”Pfft, careful with that talk now you’ll make me blush! Now come over here and let’s get ready, the ritual’s about to start.”
  3995. >You can almost feel the eyeroll from Sunset as you entertain Nightlight with a bit of gossip, it’s not gossip when it could be tactically relevant when you need to show up some of those cunts from the homeowners association!
  3996. >Charging you a fifty bit fine for ‘dangerous magical experiments’ your right foot!
  3998. >While you listen with half an ear about what Jeweled had done with his shop on fashionable jewels and the like you look over the ritual, the majority of the mechanics fly past your head at a rapid pace, but you get the idea that this is using a lot of power for what you think is a huge telekinesis spell.
  3999. >Though there is something off about it you can’t recall, but it feels familiar.
  4000. >A faint chime draws your attention and your shirt is dragged along by a vibrant glow from NIghtlight, “Come on Anonymous we’ve got to get ready now!”
  4001. >In position thanks to Nightlight’s urging you take a breath to psych yourself up, you got this just channel magic that’s all.
  4002. >Looking up in your preparations, your eyes are inevitably drawn to the moon and it’s dappled mare face, even when things become hectic you feel calmer after looking at the mare in the moon, it’s something soothing you’ve found.
  4003. >You blink then squint was it the eldritch glow of the ritual starting or did the craters making the mare look fainter?
  4004. >”Anon!”
  4005. >Shit!
  4006. >Hastily you clap your hands together reach deep inside for that spark you know and metaphysically shove your magic into the ritual.
  4007. >The moon goes black as night and the laughter of thirsting gods echoes in your head...
  4009. >You are directing the ritual following the stars as they fall and diverting the power as needed so you must be Sunset Shimmer!
  4010. >Things are progressing well, Anon’s late second of applying his power was accommodated for, if stallions weren’t such endurance caster’s you’d have rather had an all mare team to be honest, but oh well.
  4011. >Of course that is when everything went teats up.
  4012. >The ritual suddenly buckled under your magic and you instinctively clamped down on the spell to hold steady making things worse as the ritual drew on your own power!
  4013. >Using Counter Top’s Charming Conduit you try to ground the magic into the ley stone of the tower, but the sheer amount of magic was too much!
  4014. >Suddenly you were thrown away not by an explosion like you had thought, but by the sudden absence of reality that spawned in the ritual circle.
  4015. >That shouldn’t be possible, you checked the ritual yourself for errors!
  4016. >When you glanced down at the circle itself your blood runs cold as the alignment and sigils meant for guidance and star locations was burnt away revealing runes of summoning and power.
  4017. >Further inspection is held off as a limb of the void between stars stepped out from the hole in reality to reveal a figure you’ve always known to be a myth.
  4018. >Nightmare Moon, the Terror of Night, She-Who-Walked-Between, Devourer of the Sun.
  4020. >”Ah, my thanks my little-”
  4021. >Scores of flames are already shooting out from your horn at the alicorn, if you can hit her while she monologue.
  4022. >Every bit of power you can muster is thrown into that blast and you only stop as your horn starts to burn from the effort.
  4023. >Smoke wafted in thick plumes and you narrowed your eyes horn already on a simmer for another spell for the hint of movement.
  4024. >A gust of wind blows away the smoke and you take a step back.
  4025. >What.
  4026. >A glimmering shield of stars held up by Anon is revealed from the smoke, but it’s not Anon, it can’t be.
  4027. >Eyes raking over his form you finally catch sight of his own eyes, glazed over with no spark of life to them.
  4028. >Enchantment? A geas?
  4029. >”My, my, We knew our foul sister would prepare for our arrival.” The deep melodious voice boomed with authority, “We had not expected such a strong pupil of hers, why with thine power added to our own.”
  4030. >The abomination laid a wing casually around Anon’s withers, “Won’t you join Us?”
  4032. “Get your hooves off my APE!”
  4033. >Blasts of flame rush out to avoid Anon and his shield while the Abomination casually yawned sweeping her wing backwards to the eager flames that are snuffed out by the sudden movement.
  4034. >”Come now young one, surely thou have other tricks to use?”
  4035. >”Nightmare Moon!” Oh thank Celestia, the princess was here to help!
  4036. >Wait, where was the guard, the rest of the Canterlotian magic brigades, the Wonderbolts?
  4037. >”Tch, We see thou hasn’t changed since our last battle Celestia, always charging forth with nary a thought of the consequences!”
  4038. >”How have you returned Nightmare? I would have the truth of it!” Princess Celestia commanded as she landed with a crack of leystone.
  4039. >You try to edge your way behind the Abomination as Princess Celestia used the oldest trick in the book when facing a foe, let them talk.
  4040. >”Oh, Thy’s little binding? Tis only useful when thou had kept Us rejected from this plane, but twas a loop hole in our isolation upon our fair moon.”
  4041. >Damn it, Anon keeps mirroring your movements not letting you have a clear shot at the Abomination.
  4042. >”Tis then We discovered an admirable work around of the ponies thou so easily scorned; a summoning of great power at the height of Our domain! All with the aid of our champion.”
  4043. >The Abomination’s tail slipped back to possessively curl around Ape while your vision goes red.
  4045. “Let him go!”
  4046. >”Sunset, no!”
  4047. >Beams of magic dart forward to blast the parasite only to be caught on the shield Anon had as he rushed forward with sparks of lightning sputtering in his other hand.
  4048. >Gripping masonry you rip it up to catch the blast of lightning causing the stone to glow red from the heat as you toss the highly charged magical stone at his feet.
  4049. >A concussive boom is heard that dwarfs the explosion of rock as you faintly note Princess Celestia and the Abomination coming to blows as their magic surrounded them as a shield crashing into one another as excess magic skittered away like sparks.
  4050. >You meanwhile avoid a flash of flame that flies at your head before trying to restrain the crazy colt.
  4051. “APE! Get a hold of yourself! It’s me, Sunset!”
  4052. >Within the grasp of your magic you see him struggle before a flicker crossed his face.
  4053. “Yes, that’s it! Come on fight it!”
  4054. >A black glow that was centered right above the heart manifested and you could only watch as Anon’s struggles intensified but you keep a better grip on him.
  4055. “Anon, you know me.”
  4056. >You draw closer now feeling your eyes hurting as you suddenly have to brace from a sudden gust of wind from the two battling alicorns above.
  4057. “Please.”
  4058. >Anon goes still and you hope against hope, did he beat it?
  4060. >Agonizing pain rips through your form as you burn and jerk in place!
  4061. >You are barely able to keep conscious through sheer force of will when the agony blissfully stopped.
  4062. >Smoke drifts off your form as you force your head up to see what’s going on.
  4063. >The Abomination, burnt and scuffed, is standing over Anon, who has a terrible collection of burns that are slowly being covered by shadows.
  4064. >Princess Celestia is standing over you and you can feel a faint drip of some thick liquid hit your side.
  4065. >”Do not worry dear sister, We shall return soon that thou can be certain.” The Abomination said with an icy edge.
  4066. >”I will be waiting, Nightmare.” The steely response is given.
  4067. >With nary a sound shadows engulf the two and you raise a hoof to Anon.
  4068. “No.”
  4069. >Your throat is ragged, you must have screamed yourself hoarse.
  4070. >The Abomination and Anon both turn into stardust soon disappearing into the night for parts unknown.
  4071. >White wings stained crimson wrap around you then, “I am so sorry my Aegis, Sunset I had...I have failed you.”
  4072. >You can only hug further into the embrace of your princess even as the Moon contested the sky with the sun causing dusk to fall across the land.
  4074. “It’s a good day.”
  4075. >A small grunt of acknowledgement from Anon beside you as the fabric shifted under his weight.
  4076. >”Told you so.”
  4077. “Oh shut up Ape, maybe a bit of a vacation isn’t a terrible idea.” You glared at Anon while you turned from where Tempest was playing.
  4078. >That stupid smirk of his only grows wider instead, so as any red blooded mare would you choose the better part of valor to keep watch on Tempest.
  4079. >Wait.
  4080. >Where’s Tempest?
  4081. >Storm clouds steadily begin to form above you as a chill wind blows throwing your mane up in your face.
  4082. “Anon? Where’s Tempest?”
  4083. >Silence.
  4084. “Anon?”
  4085. >You shriek jumping back as a pale grinning skull face with blue flames for eyes lunged towards you!
  4087. >You jerk awake from falling into your body in a white room with late evening light spilling in from the windows.
  4088. >What, where are you?
  4089. >Closer inspection of the room has you slowly calm your beating heart from fighting for your life to wary suspicion, you recognize this place.
  4090. >The hospital wing of Canterlot?
  4091. >Oh damn it all, this is your bed in the wing!
  4092. >It’s when you look to the sky to see what time of day it is that you remember, the sickly looking pale moon in full balance against the burning sun contesting the skies above the land.
  4093. >The hospital doors bellowed open as her highness Princess Celestia Sol Invicta swept into the room at a canter, “Sunset! How do you feel?”
  4094. >Trying to sit up you find a downy wing pressing down on you, “Rest my Aegis, you need it though I am sorely tempted to keep you here till you recover in full.”
  4095. >The struggle against both aches and the insistant pressure from Princess Celestia is too much.
  4096. “I’ll be fine, Princess, what happened?”
  4098. >Princess Celestia chewed at her lip, you notice her horn has still been running hot ever since she trotted into the room, “How much do you remember, dear Aegis?”
  4099. >Your side ached in the phantom memory of lightning crawling into you as a stoic face watched.
  4100. Shivering your reply, “Enough, but how? Why? That pony, she looked like the myth of Nightmare Moon! And she called you sister! What about Ape he- you had-”
  4101. >Princess Celestia sighed when she sat down, ”I saved my little pony from harm, if I had not you- no, you are alive and that is what mattered.”
  4102. “That blast of yours was enough to core a rampart! Using it on Ape like that was-”
  4103. >”Necessary, the same corruption that took my sister had overtaken Anonymous, if I did not strike with my full might I doubt it would have done much, you saw did you not?”
  4104. “I saw he wasn’t ash in the wind if that’s what you mean.”
  4105. >”Sunset…”
  4106. >You open your mouth with more on the oh so wonderful ideas the Princess had, only to draw short at the sight of heavy bags under Princess Celestia’s eyes, the same eyes that were bloodshot as they watched you with care, or pity.
  4107. Breaking eye contact you play with the sheets before responding, “No I get it, what...what can we do now?”
  4108. >”Now, now we do something I had sincerely hoped to not do, we must seek out the Elements of Harmony, they are a powerful artifact that has aided Equestria in it’s darkest hours, with them they will be able to purge that parasite that infests Anonymous and banish the Nightmare from our home.”
  4109. Your head shot up at the declaration eyes wide, “You’ll be taking the field? You haven’t had to do that since-”
  4110. >”Since the Caribou invasion of 740 yes,” Princess Celestia smiled softly, “you did recall your history lessons I see, despite the frequent spell notes I spied when we had them.”
  4111. >Does she always have to do this?
  4112. >It’s not like you were a little filly anymore!
  4113. You rub a hoof over your face, “Princess, please. Though, where will you be taking the field?”
  4114. >”I never said I was.”
  4115. Your hoof dropped in shock as you stiffened at the throb of pain from your side, “What!? But, but how are we going to find the elements?”
  4118. >At your question you watch Princess Celestia’s eyes glaze over and she staggered back in her seat.
  4119. “Princess!”
  4120. >Lunging forward with your magic you catch Princess Celestia only to note the darkening shadows of the room.
  4121. >Thick and vicious globes of darkness swell from the corners, under beds and from the cabinets.
  4122. >You ignite your horn with the brightest light spell you can muster, only for darkness to eagerly devour the light as it draws closer.
  4123. >Whispers of dark things tickle your ear as you flick them as one would an errant fly as a snarl crossed your face.
  4124. >What is going on!?
  4125. >The sky wavers as the moon swelled in size, the sun dipping down under it’s gaze.
  4126. >A harsh snort of steam from beside you ripped your gaze away to Princess Celestia standing on her own, sweat trickled down her face, and you wince at the corona of magic pouring into her frame.
  4127. >The leylines, the whole of Canterlot, no, what you think is the entire country is powering the spell now!
  4128. >Above the duel of heavens continued as the sun gradually inch by inch crawled back into place in the sky.
  4129. >Whispers shrieked for one final moment before slinking away with the slimey darkness leaving only natural shadows.
  4130. >The moon meanwhile reared back as if struck before the two heavenly bodies retained their old positions equally matched.
  4131. >”That, my Aegis, is why I cannot assist you.” Princess Celestia replied faintly sinking back into her seated position on the floor, “I can contain the Nightmare’s influence, but require the leylines to do so, my own power over the sun is the equal to hers otherwise.”
  4133. >That was intense, your mouth is dry as you run the amount of magical power involved here, but no!
  4134. >You aren’t going to be some simpering stallion that’ll flee at the first sign of danger!
  4135. >You’re a mare of Equestria, the Aegis of the country herself!
  4136. >A defender of the realm!
  4137. You let off a jaunty salute to the Princess, “I understand, I’ll not let you down, but where would I start?”
  4138. >A slight smile crossed the princess’s face as she replied, ”For the artifacts to be of use, you will need to find ponies capable of the aspect each element represents. Otherwise-”
  4139. You wince recalling many an experiment with the same results from using one too few anchor points in a spell, “Calamity Cascade, I know, so they can’t be used by just one.”
  4140. >Nodding Princess Celestia paused for a moment while her horn flared in power before replying, ”If I might make a suggestion, take with you young Twilight and Tempest with you, Miss Pie would not be a terrible idea either.”
  4141. You trip on your plans at the Princess’s words before snapping your gaze to the alicorn, “Why on Eques would I do that!? They could get killed, they are barely out of foalhood Princess!”
  4142. >Pulling herself upright with regal bearing Princess Celestia explained, ”It must be done, they may lead you to the elements, Twilight I know has the potential to one I once used, just as you do Sunset.”
  4143. >You can’t help the sudden intake of breath from the news.
  4144. “Me?”
  4145. >You hate how small your voice sounded there, your mind blazed as you started to put together more recent events.
  4146. >The sudden promotion, the girls being taken in as students, not only one but two.
  4147. >”Indeed, I have been,” Princess Celestia frowned gazing at the floor then back to you, “My this is difficult to admit.”
  4148. “That you were wrong?” You said bitterly
  4149. >”Yes, I failed to properly prepare you as I should have, to teach you-”
  4150. Indignation thick in your voice you asked, “What kept you from doing so? If I had known-”
  4151. >”You would have forged yourself into a weapon far too brittle to face an alicorn and even if you had by sheer chance to prevail. You’d have found yourself with no purpose after the battle, listless and lost.” Princess Celestia countered with the certainty of stone.
  4152. “You couldn’t have known that.” You replied shaking your head.
  4154. >The Princess watched you before closing her eyes, when she opened them they looked so old, ”I can and have, far too often at my own hoof. The most famous of which was none other than Starswirl.”
  4155. Reeling back from the sudden drop of ancient history you can only ask, “What?!”
  4156. >”I had warned him of a great darkness soon approaching Equestria and he had fashioned himself with five others into weapons that were lost to us. I searched all I could but even now Starswirl was far beyond me in spellcraft.” Princess Celestia answered in a somber tone, “I dearly missed my old teacher, I would not let you suffer the same fate.”
  4157. >That’s, that’s a lot to unpack actually.
  4158. >She does care, just not enough to actually help? Or is it something more?
  4159. >You’ve dealt with all the nobles of Canterlot and still your former teacher is as hard to read as stone.
  4160. >Better to test it.
  4161. “I see,” You lick your dry lips,”then you’ll actually try to guide me now?”
  4162. >Princess Celestia shuffled her wings sheepishly, “Cadence had figured out my sudden interest in young Twilight and Tempest both. I’m more surprised you hadn’t confronted me on it.”
  4163. >That, that utter manipulative mule!
  4164. “It’s because I knew you would have so much more to teach them both!” You shouted standing upright pain forgotten “Were you just molding us? All of us for this?!” You glared at your former mentor that hateful flame in your chest roaring in outrage.
  4165. >Princess Celestia kneeled down to be eye level with you even with your eyes stinging. You clearly saw her determination, “Sunset, on my magic do I swear that I did what I could to save all of my little ponies, that includes you as well.”
  4166. >Judging by the fact her magic hadn’t winked out from that swear you’re forced to face some facts; Princess Celestia does in fact care for you, she also was doing what she could to help, and you’re fine.
  4167. >JUST.
  4168. >FINE.
  4169. Swallowing thickly you sit down on the bed, “We’re not done talking about this. I am only willing to keep working with you because you are the only way to get Anon back.”
  4170. >Princess Celestia had the grace to look downcast at your words, though you know she could wear as many masks as she wanted too.
  4171. >”I understand my Ae-, Sunset, I know I am not a good pony, I can only hope to earn your forgiveness.”
  4174. >You busy yourself with a glass of water to drink and deal with this damnable thick throat of yours.
  4175. Clearing your throat now, “We’ll see, but for now do you have any leads on where I should go?”
  4176. >”Yes, the palace of the two sisters, my old castle before moving to Canterlot. It’s in the Everfree forest, you will need to hurry there as no doubt the Nightmare has already seen to sink it’s hooves in it.”
  4177. >Castle of the two sisters, the old capital before the growth of the Everfree, the same Everfree filled with various creatures of the wild that would love to eat an unattended filly but was kept up as a nature preserve by order of the crown.
  4178. >Capital.
  4179. “Taking the foals with me still sounds like a terrible idea to me.”
  4180. >”In that case you’ll be pleased to know Cadence will be going with you.” Now you know Princess Celesita is having fun at your expense, the sly smirk is so aggravating.
  4181. “Is she really going to be worth anything?”
  4182. >”Yes I will be!” Cadence exclaimed slamming open the doors with a mighty bang.
  4183. >You turn in time to be hit with two purple blurs slamming you into the bed.
  4184. >”Mistress!”
  4185. >”Sunset!”
  4186. >The two fillies clinging atop you bury you in questions as they squeeze you tightly.
  4187. ”T-tempest, Twilight, can’t- breath!”
  4188. >When did they get so damned strong with the hugging!?
  4189. >The duo released you as if you were a fire, their apology lost as they spoke over each other.
  4190. Rubbing your side you moved to calm the two down, “Girls, girls, calm down. I’m fine.”
  4191. >Cadence arrived at your bedside gently pulling Twilight and Tempest off you, “They’ve been worried sick about you.”
  4192. >You bite back the insult already on your tongue, she’s just trying to help remember that.
  4193. “How long-”
  4194. >”Mistress, we're getting Anon back right? We can’t let that dumb pony steal him!” Tempest exclaimed hopping atop you.
  4195. >Twilight followed right beside Tempest adding, ”Yeah he’s ours!”
  4196. >”Ours?” Tempest asked with a frown of confusion.
  4197. >Pink lightly dusted Twilight’s cheeks, ”Y-you know, he’s our friend!”
  4198. >Great, just great one of the so called ‘chosen’ ones has a crush on your ape, that’s not going to cause problems, no sir.
  4199. >Moaning you rub your eyes at the two’s back and forth.
  4200. “Yes girls you’re coming with.”
  4201. >”Right, so you need us for an important mission like-” Tempest nodded understandingly when she jerked as you caved in, “Wait what?”
  4204. “You’ll be coming along.” You glance to Princess Celestia, the big mare nodded, "I've recently found you both have a chance to help with an artifact to fix Anon, so pack your spellbooks, gather your wits and let's get ready to get our stallion back."
  4205. >”Question! Where is it?” Twilight asked with a raised hoof.
  4206. >”In the Everfree Forest in the ruins of my old home the artifacts remain, by the sun they will remain there save from the eyes of Nightmare Moon.” Princess Celestia answered.
  4207. >”Why there Princess? Surely Canterlot would be safer!” Tempest protested.
  4208. >”I wished to not be reminded of my own failures, the elements no longer heed my call, to feel even an echo of their presence was unbearable young Tempest.”
  4209. >Ah so that’s the reason for the move, then oh that’s clever.
  4210. >If the forest is regarded as a preserve filled with all sorts of creatures it’d keep the remains of the elements safe from any poachers of the black magic market.
  4211. >At the very least the majority of them, there must be other protections as well for the more intrepid types as well.
  4212. >Maybe the Princess wasn’t as crazy as she acted.
  4213. “Then we best hurry we-” You grunted feeling the lightning scars throb.
  4214. >”Sunset, are you sure you can-” Cadence stepped close her magic gently aiding you up from the bed.
  4215. “I’m fine, just get me some painkillers and let’s get going we’re wasting daylight!” You replied shrugging off the magical assistance. Your fur stood on end as the pain returned in all its glory, but you power through it, you’ve had worse damn it.
  4216. >A small hoof laid on your good side causing you to look down at the largest set of eyes as Tempest asked, ”Mistress, please don’t hurt yourself?”
  4217. >In hindsight, teaching Tempest the Shim Sham was a mistake.
  4218. >Sure it was a good laugh whenever Ape had to deal with it and it did get you plently of treats from the Princess and her servants many a time, but damn it, you invented that move!
  4219. “Fine,” You sighed, then looked over at the Princess, “I know you have a stash of Zebrican potions Princess Celestia, think you can spare a few?”
  4220. >Golden magic filled your vision when you turned as the Princess smiled slightly, “I had seen you leaving quickly, but you still surprise me at times.”
  4221. >Grumbling you take the potions drinking them then and there, your fur stood on end as the pain faded and the tingling sensation of freshly healed skin made itself known.
  4223. >The train hissed as the conductor burned as much coal as he could to hurry along his route far from the town of Ponyville, the place had seen better days judging by the creaky sign that hosted the town’s name, dark clouds gathered in the twilight gloom.
  4224. >”Cheerful place innit?” Pinkie asked from atop Cadence's head, “Oh I bet I could throw an early Nightmare Night party here with this decor!”
  4225. >”Pinkie! There’s a thing called tact you know!” Twilight chided the pink filly.
  4226. >”Wha----at! It’s just a party is all.”
  4227. >”It’s a bit on the nose, maybe try something different that surprised them?” Tempest offered.
  4228. >You meanwhile glance over the oddly deserted town, there wasn’t a pony in sight, they must have been hiding from the sky for all the good it’ll do for them.
  4229. >”Girls, that’s enough arguing, I think we ought to try talking with the ponies here for a guide, maybe they’ll know somepony that can lead us to the castle?” Cadence offered.
  4230. “She’s got a point, girls fall in and stay close.”
  4231. >Trotting together now you move through the center of town where you finally spot somepony outside for once, an orange earth filly with blonde pigtails working an apple cart.
  4232. >On seeing your group the filly straightened out before calling over, “Howdy there ponies, y’all lookin’ to buy some apples?”
  4233. >”Oo~~~h, what kind do ya got? Candied? Sweet Yellow? Fuji? What about Grannies?” Pinkie asked bouncing to lean over the stall at the rapidly backing away filly.
  4234. >”We do have supplies, but fresh apples would be rather tasty on the go…” Twilight trailed off.
  4235. >”The dried preserves are fine as they are, you can just let them stew in your mouth for some extra sweetness if you want them too.” A low gurgle from Tempest has the filly bite her lip.
  4236. >”Hold your horses now y’all, one at a time if you’re that hungry!” The filly replied before offering a few different apples up, “That’ll be five bits for the lot.”
  4237. “Five bits? That’s rather cheap isn’t it?”
  4238. >”Naw, sides you folks look like right mighty adventurin’ types if I ever seen ‘em!”
  4239. “Why exactly are you out here on a day like this? Most everypony is-”
  4240. >”Bein’ right faintin’ goats about it s’fair as I care.” The filly replied spitting to the side, “Not like Princess Celestia isn’t gonna fix it in the end, she always has after all.”
  4241. >”Still it’s rather brave of you to manage the business, what’s your name?” Cadence asked the filly.
  4242. >”Well land sakes ain’t you a big un’! Er, uh, sorry ‘bout that, we don’t often get alicorns down here, ah shoot Ah’m Applejack your majesty, sorry about calling you big that wasn’t right.”
  4243. >”Oh it’s fine Applejack, to be honest with you I still sometimes I forget I’m a bit taller than most.” Cadence replied, you meanwhile have to hold back the smirk looking away before seeing a white blur rush towards you.
  4244. >A clang echoed from your magic as your shield rebounded the white blur that resolved itself into a small unicorn filly that was rubbing her head.
  4245. >”Owie…”
  4246. >Right, random fillies just decide to run head first into your shield, this place has all kinds it seems.
  4247. “Uh, hello there?”
  4248. >”Oh, Pardon me ma’am, but I have to get that dumb brute inside, so excuse moi.”
  4249. >Ma’am? You’re not THAT old, you’re only twenty six!
  4250. >”Who you calling a dumb brute Rarity, you colty fru-fru!”
  4251. >”You! You buffon, who are you going to sell apples to! Can you not see the state of the sky? What happens if it falls on you!”
  4252. >”Like it’ll do that, besides Ah’ve got customers right here!”
  4253. >As the two fillies yelling at one another continued, you watched as Tempest nudged Twilight, “That seems oddly familiar doesn’t it?”
  4254. >Now this you can’t stop the snicker from escaping you, while Twilight flushed shoving Tempest back.
  4255. >”Oh shut up, maybe if we can-”
  4256. >”Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie and we’re here to stop the sky from breaking, do you know the way to the ruined castle nearby?”
  4257. >Pinkie please.
  4258. “Pinkie I doubt they’d re-”
  4259. >The considering looks between Applejack and Rarity have you pause as you loomed over the two.
  4260. “Who do you know?”
  4261. >Oddly the two of them are clutching each other as you asked your perfectly reasonable question.
  4262. >”W-well Darlin’, if you must know there was a new move in, my father was talking a whole storm about it when it happened.”
  4263. >Applejack realised what she was doing and rapidly let go of Rarity as she said, ”Oh not this again, that pegasus is just fine livin’ on her own, ain’t nothin’ wrong about it!”
  4264. >”Even if she lives on the edge of the Everfree?”
  4265. >”Mah farm’s on the edge of the Everfree Ah’ll have you know!”
  4266. >Rarity nodded as she proved her point ”Mm, quite.”
  4267. >The enraged face of the apple filly, while adorable, pales in the face of your mission.
  4268. >With your magic you seperate the two before they can get into a scuffle.
  4269. “Girls, the guide?”
  4270. >The two look at one another and both look at you with wide eyes as if scared, was it something you said?
  4271. >“Fluttershy.” The duo replied in unison.
  4273. “Why are you both guiding us there?”
  4274. >”Well Darlin’ I can’t just expect Applejack to know the way properly, she might get lost on the way there!”
  4275. >”And I can’t let Rarity lead the way because every creek or brook we have to pass we’ll need to ten miles down to avoid getting our hooves wet!”
  4276. >”I would not!”
  4277. >”Would so!”
  4278. “Girls! Enough!”
  4279. >Like herding a bunch of cats this is!
  4280. >Looking over the rest of the group you are starting to wonder if you’re doing a quest or running a daycare.
  4281. >Rubbing your temple you hear Cadence say, “We do appreciate you both being so willing to help out, but if you work together the faster we can get there right? You don’t want to make Sunset upset do you?”
  4282. >”No ma’am!”
  4283. >”Certainly not she does have a rather intense look to her, doesn’t she?”
  4284. >”Hey that’s my Mistress you’re talking about here!”
  4285. >”Relax Tempest it’s not like there being big meany pants about it, and wowie what’re those!”
  4286. >Creatures of starlight ran rampant around the small cottage, you spotted at least two canis minors, a canis major watching an aries ramming it’s head against the door.
  4287. “Girls stay back, Cadence with me!”
  4288. >”Right beside you!” Cadence shouted as you charged forth with a classic already leaving your horn.
  4289. >Scorching hot flames flew out, catching the two canis beasts by surprise!
  4290. >From the smoke and glitter of their dispersal you smile seeing how easily these ones-
  4291. >”Sunset watch out!” A pink bubble of magic wraps around you as a canis minor leaped from the smoke to scrabble against the shield.
  4292. “Thanks!” You blast the wolf before you as you jumped back for more room to maneuver.
  4293. >A rush of wind blew past you nearly sending your aim off, but you managed to destroy the wolf in time to see a trail of starlight pass you by.
  4294. >”Cadence” Shouted Twilight
  4295. >You jerked around if that dumb idiot got hurt on your watch.
  4296. >A trench of dirt leads to Cadence catching the aries by the horns with not a scratch on her!
  4297. >Good, you aim with your horn and the bolt flies out scorching the side of the beast causing it to suddenly buck past Cadence’s grip!
  4298. >You’re already casting another spell rushing through the incantation when you watch as Cadence twists to the side and thrust!
  4299. >The aries bleat out in shock before dispersing into starlight revealing Cadence standing upright with her horn pointed to the sky.
  4300. >That was…
  4301. >”Cadence! That was amazing!” Twilight exclaimed as she galloped up beside the mare who smiled down at her charge.
  4302. >The rest of the fillies crowd around the alicorn while you roll your eyes reaching up to put out the prepared spell with your hoof.
  4303. “You know, you’re supposed to use your horn for magic right?”
  4304. >Cadence smiled that dumb smile of hers, “I couldn’t remember any at the time so, I just used my head.”
  4305. >Typical.
  4306. “Right, good enough, now let’s find that guide.”
  4309. >Clopping hooves sounded out as you all approached the battered and gouged door. You reach up to knock on it twice only to jump as racoons and squirrels dart out to pelt you with acorns!
  4310. >Embers glow around your horn as you glare at the annoying pests only for Applejack to jump in front!
  4311. >”Now yall listen here, don’t you be starting no trouble these fine folks need to be talking with your friend inside. We helped yall out so can’t you do us a solid?”
  4312. >A soft whisper from the house had the small vermine look back before they begrudgingly stowed away their missiles.
  4313. >The fillies cheered while Applejack jumped at the noise, you give the filly a brief nudge.
  4314. “Not bad, now let’s see what this Fluttershy can do.”
  4315. >Opening the door took more effort than you expected, but the large pile of furniture that was being removed by a bear of all things explained much, at seeing your party the bear paused before flicking its claws to it’s eyes then to yours.
  4316. >Sure big guy, keep thinking you're any tougher than liquid nightmare, then we’ll talk.
  4317. >Ahead sat a yellow pegasus filly with a bright pink mane that was just entering adulthood by your guess as she pressed a rag over the alarmingly large cut across a blue pegasus filly whose mane was prismatic, though most were red from the head wound.
  4318. >Turning towards your group the mare gasped at the sight of you before gritting her teeth as she asked, “A-are you with the guard? Please! My friend was hit in the head really hard and I don’t know what else to do. If you need anything I’ll get it, but please save Dashie!”
  4319. >Your ears flick back at the sudden barrage of words while Cadence smoothly stepped up to bat, “Don’t worry, I know a bit of first aid, you’re doing great.”
  4320. >As Cadence did her thing you looked over the interior as the other fillies meandered about, Rarity and Applejack heading to their neighbor while Tempest kept watch by the door, Twilight was focused on her spellbook ruffling through the pages.
  4321. >The whole cottage you could tell used to have a homely feel to it, not quite lived in as things had yet to collect dust, but the attack had thrown things in disarray.
  4322. >A few birdhouses and even beds for animals alike gave off the impression of a nature lover or avid vet.
  4323. >Which brought up the question.
  4324. “Why was your home attacked?”
  4326. >Fluttershy who had been holding the rag steady for Cadence to work on the gash sharply inhaled, “Um, I-I don’t know? It was a normal evening, well until the s-sky went wrong and then all m-my poor animal friends were driven out from the forest!”
  4327. >As Fluttershy talked you take notice of the various eyes gleaming in the shadows, thankfully none of them appear malicious, merely frightened.
  4328. >”Sunset, can’t this wait? I'm in the middle of something here.” Cadence complained as she was carefully working the stitches shut.
  4329. “It doesn’t make any sense for her home to be attacked like this, not unless there was a reason for it.”
  4330. >”Ah, Darlin’ might I be so bold as to assist you? I know as a Princess you’ve many talents, but sewing is one of my own.” Rarity popped up then a needle and thread already threaded in a fetching sky blue that oddly matched the fur of the blue filly.
  4331. >”Ah can help with holdin’ the feather head still fer ya, Shy, you go talk to Shimmer right quick and afore you know it Rainbow Dash be as right as rain.” Applejack said carefully taking hold of Rainbow’s head to keep it rock steady in her hooves.
  4332. >”If you’ll take the top I’ll meet you in the center.” Cadence replied to Rarity, “We’ve got this Fluttershy, you go talk with Sunset.”
  4333. >At the quivering Fluttershy was doing you sighed, remember Sunset good guard, use that charm now.
  4334. >Plaster your smile on you, sit down and pat the spot beside you.
  4335. “Take your time, then when you can, walk me through what happened.”
  4336. >You wait, watching as the shakes slow down, oddly you notice it happens faster when you’re not looking at her.
  4337. >Instead you focus on the interior taking note of all the different animal shelters inside the house, you don’t mind the great outdoors, but that’s what they are supposed to be outdoors not in your house.
  4338. >It takes a special kind of-
  4339. >A bolt runs through you as you glance at the mare beside you as she takes a few deep breaths, could she be?
  4340. >’Remember my former student, to first find the five virtues of harmony; Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, and Kindness. Together they will spark the sixth’s element’s arrival and allow you to use them properly.’
  4341. >Slow down filly, wait first to see what she has to say.
  4342. >Finally after what felt like hours Fluttershy began to talk, “Rainbow Dash had been helping me with chores for a bit of pocket money since her parents weren’t willing to let her live on her own quite yet, when the night went so strange as my animal friends fled the forest. Most were hurt and those that weren’t were terrified, I tried to calm them down, but that’s when those star animals arrived, I tried to reason with them, but it was like they had gone mad! If it wasn’t for Rainbow Dash I might have- I might-”
  4343. “Easy, easy there, don’t focus on what might have happened, focus on what did.”
  4344. >You’re not one for mushy displays, but the shivering is pitiful, so you extend a leg around the mare to calm her down.
  4345. >”Y-you’re right, Rainbow Dash saved me, but she got scratched really bad, I told her to run to Ponyville, but she just wouldn’t listen! I would have been fine in my house, but she insisted on staying to help. Oh her parents are going to be so disappointed in me…”
  4346. >By the fat cheeks of Celestia, the sheer chance alone of two bearers near the forest, no wonder Nightmare was so insistent on trying to capture them.
  4347. >You glanced at the comatose filly, or at least neutralized them.
  4348. “Listen, no pony is going to be disappointed in you, least of all her parents. You kept her safe, so buck up mare you did good.”
  4349. >At seeing how down Fluttershy looked you had an idea, it mostly worked, but let’s try to inspire some fire.
  4350. “You might be wondering why my little herd is all the way out here.”
  4351. >Blinking at the nonsequitur Fluttershy sniffed, “I thought you were part of the Ponyville militia at first…”
  4352. “Not quite, instead we’re here to stop the one who sent those star beasts after you and your friend.”
  4353. >”Wait, what!? Somepony hurt all those forest critters, on purpose! And my best friend too!?” You leaned back at the sudden vigor shown by the shy mare as she glared you down.
  4354. >”Who did it?”
  4355. “If you get us a map to the castle of the two sisters I’ll personally take care of it for you, you might not believe it, but”- You casually summon a large ball of flame above your head, “I’m pretty good at combat magic.”
  4356. >Fluttershy looks between the flame and you before you see her eyes glint like steel, “I want in.”
  4357. >Ah, that’s a bit of a snag.
  4358. >You know you’ve got a few element bearers, but you don’t think you have them all not to mention the two from town.
  4359. >You’d rather not give the keys to the super magical death weapon to the Nightmare thank you very much.
  4360. >How to, aha!
  4361. “You’re in, but we’ll need a homebase to have just in case. Right now Cadence and I are on the hunt for a relic that will help bring this night to an end.”
  4362. >”Then why can’t I come?” Fluttershy asked, leaning into your face with determination.
  4363. “Do you see the fillies over there?”
  4364. >”What’s that have to do with-”
  4365. “They are the key to using that relic and I can’t let them fall into her hooves, so I need to trust you to keep them safe here. That way we don’t have to trek across Equestria to find them, can I rely on you?” You asked, pressing the attack on Fluttershy’s weak spot, weak and cuddly creatures.
  4366. >Sorry Tempest, Twilight you’re going to have to sit this one out, there was no way you were going to put your apprentice and her ‘rival’ in danger.
  4367. >Not when you have an alternative, you glance over to Cadence seeing her finishing up on the stitched with Rarity.
  4368. >”Oh...then, I’d best get to work on that map then huh?” Fluttershy asked her face tilted down as her bangs shielded her face.
  4369. “Hey, buck up next time some awful thing like this happens you’ll get first swing alright?”
  4370. >”Oh, yay.” Oi, you’re the one who's supposed to be sarcastic here!

Broken Herds, Reforged

by ComfysPlace

Shimmering the Setting Sun

by ComfysPlace

Twilight Era and Troubles

by ComfysPlace


by ComfysPlace

Lightning and Rainbows

by ComfysPlace