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Twilight Era and Troubles

By ComfysPlace
Created: 2020-12-18 03:22:51
Expiry: Never

  1. Read Simmering the Setting Sun for Context if it pleases you!
  2. Summary thus far; Anon becomes Study Buddies with Sunset and their wild adventures lead to Nightmare Moon being released early, whoops!
  4. >”What do you mean we aren’t going with you!?”
  5. >Brave mare, your far too brave mare.
  6. “Tempest I’ve explained this to you already.”
  7. >You wonder if this is what Celestia felt when she told you no, were there tears in your eyes as well?
  8. >”Mistress our magic is stronger than ever, we can help you! You can’t just do this alone!”
  9. >”Why else would you bring us along if not for our magic?” Twilight added standing beside your former apprentice.
  10. “I will not venture alone, Cadence will be coming with me to retrieve the weapon to defeat the NIghtmare. I need you both here to safeguard this cottage and our companions when we return.”
  11. >Tempest snorted, “Princess Celestia had trouble facing off against the Nightmare, you need our help!”
  12. >Enough of this, you slammed your hoof down on the floor!
  13. “Tempest Shadow, you will follow my orders or you can pack your things and go.”
  14. >The hurt on Tempest’s face feels like icy daggers in your side, but you maintain your glare.
  15. >”You leave Tempest alone yo-”
  16. >”My word Darlin’ perhaps you could have-”
  17. >”Ain’t my place to butt in but-”
  18. >”Come on ponies let’s not get so-”
  19. >A snap of blue fireworks goes off above everyone’s head as Cadence released her firework spell, “Fillies, fillies, Sunset has a point. Where we go is dangerous, for us to focus on retrieving the vital artifact, we need you here where we can have a safe place to rest. Do you think you fillies are mare enough for the task at hoof?”
  20. >Tempest, of course, stamped her hoof down, ”Of course we are but it's still-”
  22. >Cadence smiled in reply, “I know I know, I understand. What you have to see is that we have to have faith in each other. With that in mind, I have the utmost faith in you all to keep each other safe here, and to protect those who are in danger.”
  23. >Squinting at the logic Tempest relented only when Twilight tapped her side, ”Fine you've made your point. How are we going to fortify this place?”
  24. >You kept your peace at how friendly their rivalry had become, can’t expect them to push each other to higher heights if they aren’t competing.
  25. >Applejack hopped off the couch she was sitting on, “Well I don't know about y'all, but I reckon that if we bring over this furniture here and then get some nails and a hammer we can make this into a fort.”
  26. >Glancing around her house Fluttershy asked, ”Do you really think we can?”
  27. >Rarity let out a small titter, “Of course we can! Can’t renovate without a few designs to add some spice to the interior, it'll be a challenge for sure, but we’ll manage!”
  28. >Unconvinced Fluttershy looked to the numerous mouse holes in her walls, “I could ask a few of my friends to help move a few things as well.”
  30. >Seeing the herd of fillies talk amongst themselves with their plans you released a sigh.
  31. >At least that ought to distract them enough for now.
  32. >You can hear Cadence step closer to you whispering, “Don’t worry Sunset, they have their hearts in the right place.”
  33. >On seeing Tempest and Twilight begin to levitate the bookshelf in front of a window while Applejack and Rarity argue over the proper pattern to put planks of wood over the other windows, you frown.
  34. “It’s not their hearts I’m worried about.”
  35. >A huff of laughter from Cadence drew your eye to her smirking, “Reminds me of a certain unicorn I know.”
  36. “Har har, I see your point but-” Come on ol’ girl you can do this, it’s not /that/ hard, “Thank you for helping explain things.”
  37. >Shrugging Cadence replied, ” As I said before, I’m right behind you, now let’s go.”
  38. >With where you are going you’ll need to have all your wits about you, but you can’t leave the girls without some measure of defense.
  39. “And this one will provide a barrier that should be able to handle most creatures in the forest, this one-”
  40. >Tempest covered your hoof with her own, “Mistress, we’ve got it. You don’t need to worry. Just make sure to get Anon back okay?”
  41. >Damn this pollen is thick in this forest, you wrap the filly in a hug for a brief minute.
  42. >You only relented when you started to hear a few giggles from the fillies, Tempest was getting awfully squirmy as well.
  43. “Don’t worry, we’ll bring the dummy back.”
  44. >Cadence waved with a wing to the fillies as you nodded to the small herd, “We’ll be back before the night is out, stay safe!”
  46. >Watching as Mistress and Cadence walked out of sight while you waved your goodbyes, you lean over to Twilight.
  47. “We are going to follow them right?”
  48. >Twilight scoffed at you, “Oh totally.”
  50. >You have been marching for the better part of an hour, and this damned mist is not helping with your mood.
  51. >Can barely see a thing even with your horn acting as a light, but as much as you hate to admit it Cadence’s light is helping.
  52. >Small saplings pass you by while thicker trunks are scattered throughout the woods as the grass gently swishes under your hooves.
  53. >Consulting with your compass, one of the few things you kept in the stash of items, you see it still pointing unerringly ahead.
  54. >Lucky that the Castle of Two Sisters sat on such a large leyline, otherwise trying to find the castle would be an utter pain in the neck.
  55. >You frown, you’re distracting yourself from the real issue you’ve been having since this little trip started.
  56. >Stopping you see Cadence had started to walk past you for a step when she turned to look at you quizzically, “Sunset?”
  57. “Did you mean what you said, back in the cottage?”
  58. >Tilting her head at you Cadence said, “Of course, I did.”
  59. >Of course? Of course!? This damned mare and her stupid kindness!
  60. “Why!” You asked your light flaring with the question, “I was a bitch, I am a bitch. I tortured you with my magic and now you’re here willing to follow me on this crazy mission and I just don’t understand.”
  61. >Cadence snorted, “Fancy that, something you don’t understand. Bet that’s a bit of a shocker.”
  62. You point at the alicorn with your hoof, “That! See that right there, you never snarked at me before so why?”
  63. >Instead of brushing off your question like you had expected, Cadence paused looking at the ground, “I learned a bit of self-confidence,” she started out slowly, then looked at you, “but Sunset, the reason why I’m still here is because of one thing, love.”
  64. “Love? Oh no, you don’t,” You can’t help the sharp bark of laughter as you shoulder past her to keep moving, “You’re joking, right? You have to be.”
  65. >Despite your words you could feel Cadence’s gaze on you, “Believe me if you want or don’t, but when I found out who Nightmare was I couldn’t just let things play out, not without trying and…”
  66. >Cadence finally lost her nerve as she fell silent.
  67. >You couldn’t just let her stop there.
  68. “And what?” You sharply asked.
  69. >Cadence’s voice was soft as she said, ”And I didn’t want that to happen to us.”
  71. >You stopped walking at the insinuation, you would never go mad! Not like the Nightmare had! You were going to give that mare a piece of your-
  72. >Freezing in place you see no pink alicorn on the path behind you, only a stray leaf on the wind that blew past.
  73. “Cadence? Where did you go? Cadence?!”
  74. >Thick mist curls around you in the gloom yet you are alert, as this mist has a hint of magic within it. Circles of flames crackle to life around you as you try to banish the mist. But as malicious laughter echoes around you, you find an aftermath of only smoldering peat moss to show for your efforts.
  75. “Show yourself you cud-chewing cunt!”
  77. >More laughter echoes around you in response coming from all sides. If she wants to play that game. Closing your eyes, you focus on building the flames of your spell to their apex before releasing a nova of fire around you! Trees caught alight, crackling like roasting Hearth logs in winter before they are snuffed out by the mists like candles. The skeletal remains of the trees stand before falling as dust in the wind you hold a hoof to your mouth to spare yourself from the choking ash.
  78. >Still you hold your magic at the ready, let’s see her pull that trick again.
  79. >Your preparations are for naught however, as a voice on the wind whispers, “Impressive, We see why thou had Our sister’s attention upon thee. Shame thou was so easily cast aside by Our fickle sister.”
  80. “Oh, woe is you to be so cast aside by the ponies of Equestria, tug the other one Nightmare it’s got bells on it.”
  81. >The whisper becomes a swift wind of icy cold, “Yet thee is able to understand, forever bound beneath the shadow of Our sister’s hated sun. We know her well she would simply use thee, Sunset Shimmer, then cast thee yonder once thy use was done.”
  82. >A trickle of doubt runs through your spine, Princess Celestia had all but admitted to keeping secrets from you. You kept your guard up, scanning the mist for a shape, anything for an attack.
  83. “Then what are your big plans then, ask me to turn traitor, serve under you as another underling like you made Ape?!”
  84. >Mist takes shape before you slowly, yet you hold back your spells, “Thou truly cares for this creature?” Standing before you was your Ape, eyes sparkling with whimsy and that damned smile on his face.
  85. “Would I have incinerated half the forest if I didn’t?” You took a step closer to the mist where it turned to steam as your ire grew, “Now, give him back.”
  87. >"Thou may have thine lover returned to thee, if thou would be willing to only join with Us, not as slaves, nay, instead as Our equal!"
  88. >The Mist Twisted again to reveal Anon standing not alone this time, but with you beside him. Your mouth goes dry as you see the feathered wings on your doppelgangers side that flare out to cradle him close.
  89. >"We have seen thine nightmares just as well as thy dreams Sunset Shimmer, thou wishes for recognition above all else. As is thy due."
  90. "Even if you can grant me this gift, the ponies would revolt against us, countless others would rise up."
  91. >"Then if Our subjects wish to spit upon Our generosity," The feathers burn away on your double revealing leathery wings and a malicious fanged grin, "Let the ponies tremble, as in place of a Princess they shall instead have a Queen!"
  92. >Painted into the world stood Canterlot, but not as you left it, the purple and gold replaced with orange, red and yellow causing the city to burn in the setting sun, "Not bright, but beautiful and terrible as the Dawn and Dusk!"
  93. >Upon a gilded throne with black regalia studded with rubies sat your dark mirror as she sat imperious over the ponies that cowered below her throne, "Fair as the Sea and the Stars and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love thee and despair!”
  94. >"Tell Us thy Majesty, will thou not join Us?"
  96. >It was everything you could have imagined it to be, the awe, the respect, even with the second throne of obsidian beside the fiery throne of your own it only added to the effect. Ape was there standing as your captain of the guard ready to defend you at an instant like the idiot he was.
  97. >Yet, for all the wonders you see, you don't see Princess Celestia watching with pride as you ruled, nor a feather of Cadence.
  98. >Of the little egghead Twilight dragging Tempest off on another practical experiment in magic again, that one catches you in the heart.
  99. >Even with Ape there by her side you feel only pity, it must be lonely so far above the others to have left them elsewhere as you ruled.
  101. >"Well?"
  102. Drawing on your ancient equestrian history you replied, "Thou art a crooked muzzled knave of the basest fopdoodle to have crawled from thine sires hedge, begone with thy churlish offer!”
  103. >Darkness surged forth vicious and viscous, tendrils of the magic illuminated by the flames you bring to bear!
  104. >Rolling away you send out beams of flame to cow the dark, only for it to engulf your magic. Easily barreling towards you.
  105. >You have to keep moving, wherever the dark passed pools of sticky slime were left behind. Slowly herding you into a narrow stretch of land as you danced between blows.
  106. >Cripes!
  107. >You flinch as one of the thick meaty tendril’s grazes you leaving your side scraped up, but it’s when you feel it burning do you glance down to shriek.
  108. >Worms of shadow danced as they burrowed into your skin, past tense as you had already scorched the parasites away with a cleansing blaze, though your vision is blurry from the pain as you think your teeth might have cracked from how hard you clenched them.
  109. >A single pillar of the tendril rises up before you from the morass of fog, before it throws itself down on your little stretch of clean land.
  110. >Bright gasps of light flared three times in the darkness, each flash throwing the tendril into relief as it lost chunk after meaty chunk of itself.
  111. >Smoke wafts from your horn as you step to the side as the metric tons of darkness slammed into the ground, though you have to turn as you see the fog and tendrils suddenly tighten their formation to grasp you!
  112. >You close your eyes.
  113. >Magic builds in your chest as you dredge up old memories, happier memories, Celestia reading you stories, Anonymous helping with your experiments, Tempest gazing at you with adoration as you taught her, even Cadence the utter dyke with her earnest words.
  114. >Rushing air alerts you to the coming coils ready to no doubt strangle you.
  115. >You opened your eyes, and thus there was fire.
  117. >Screeching the demons of Tartarous sounded as you looked over the conflagration around you, through the inferno you can spy a hateful blue gaze amongst the coils of darkness, you smirked back then twitched your head.
  118. >The firestorm contracted then shoved outwards thrusting the coils open, much to its displeasure, before they fled back into the woods.
  119. >Embers danced around you, as where your fire dove into the ground was cleansed from it’s murky gloom to fields of ash.
  120. >You soon dismiss the spell as your horn pulsed in pain, rubbing at it for a moment and wincing at the heat before sitting down to catch your breath.
  121. >Couldn’t keep that spell up while traveling the rest of the way, you’d get so many irritating notices from the Wildlife Society for damaging a ‘national relic’.
  122. >Nothing wrong with a nice plain of ash in your opinion, but no, that’d devastate the ecosystem and plunge the economy into the red.
  124. >Swatting aside curling smoke you duck at the glowing sky blue horn pointed with a yelp!
  125. >Rolling to your hooves teal light ignited ready to throw down, “Sunset?”
  126. >Cadence calling you out had thrown you off as your smooth combat roll stuttered out.
  127. “Cadence! There you are, you surprised me, thought that-”
  128. >”Stay back Sunset, I’m warning you.” The scuffed up alicorn eyed you wearily her horn unwavering as it held a spell at the ready.
  129. “What’re you talking about? Cadence it’s me.”
  130. >A grim smile crossed the mare’s face, “Oh that’s what you said a few times, but come on now this one’s just a touch too innocent, don’t you think?”
  131. “I need some context clues here, so why don’t you tell me what happened to you when we seperated.”
  132. >Cadence doesn’t budge keeping you in her sights.
  133. >You wait paitently for her to realize how stupid she’s being, while you do you look her over, feathers are a akimbo, mane is a mess and singed, dirt stains along her coat.
  134. >Must have been in one hell of a fight by the looks of it, you muse tapping your hoof on the ground waiting for Cadence.
  135. >”Stop that, no tricks here!”
  136. “Oh come on! I’m waiting for you to stop being dumb about this!”
  137. >”That’s what you want me to think! Then bam fire blast to my back!”
  138. >Grinding your teeth together you eventually snap out, “Listen you damn dyke, get your tuft out of your teeth and think! If I was somepony bad I’d have already attacked you! Now, are you going to help me get to the castle so we can save Anon or are you going to waste my time?”
  139. >Watching your face Cadence let out a sigh as she collapsed on her rump with a soft thud, “Finally, it is you.”
  140. “Of course it’s me! Who else do you think could pull off this look.”
  141. >Shaking her head Cadence let out a half hearted chuckle, “Not many, but then again…”
  142. >You notice her withers are shaking as she is still sitting down, was she really that close to exhaustion?
  143. >No, her eyes look haunted more than tired.
  144. >Slowly you trotted over to the alicorn letting her keep you in her sights before sitting beside her.
  145. “Do you want to talk about it?”
  147. >There is a hesitation there that wasn’t before and it hurts you’re surprised to realize, it hurts that the overly bubbly optimistic mare who would happily blab about her whole day was like this.
  148. >”It’s complicated, I thought…” Trailing off Cadence kept to watching the woods beside you silent for a time.
  149. >Shit, if she’s as comatose just from a skirmish what’ll happen when you go to do battle or at least distract the bitch when you need to nab the elements?
  150. >Yet you know that pushing too hard would have her repress things and considering who you’re facing that’s a stellar idea for assisted suicide.
  151. “It’s your choice to share, you just have the same look some of the Guard mares have when they come back from a frontier job for too long, figured I’d offer to listen if nothing else.”
  152. >Nudging Cadence on her side you stand up offering her a hoof.
  153. “As much as it physically pains me to say this, I…” You clear your throat to mumble, “can’t do this alone.”
  154. >Attention drawn from the woods Cadence looked at the hoof then to you before a smirk crossed her face, “Sorry I didn’t quite catch that.”
  155. >Your face goes flat.
  156. “Don’t bust my stones Cadence, are you in or out?”
  157. >Come on filly, you’re stronger than this, you know it!
  158. >For a wild moment you had thought that Cadence was going to tell you to buck off, but her hoof comes up to clasp your own.
  159. >”The great and powerful Sunset Shimmer admitting she can’t do something on her own? Not a chance,” Cadence said with a smirk that softened to a small smile, “for family though I can let it go.”
  160. >Damn your eyes must have gotten some ash in them, you thickly reply, “Thanks, now let’s get going.”
  162. >Tree after tree passed you by, the soft crunch of leaves the only other sound you can hear in the woods.
  163. >It sets you on edge, woods should have the sounds of life amongst it, not this stillness of a graveyard.
  164. >”Sunset?” Cadence asked beside you, keeping close for fear of being split apart, you meanwhile had taken to tying a rope around each other’s barrels to be safe.
  165. “Yeah?”
  166. >”Thanks for not digging.”
  167. “I figured you’d tell on your own, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
  168. >”No, it’ll be better if I tell you. That way she can’t use it against us.” Cadence side eyes you, “Don’t think I didn’t notice you wanting to know.”
  169. “Sure I did, but if it’s too much.”
  170. >Shaking her head Cadence afixed a glare at you, ”Just shut up and listen alright?”
  172. >You are Cadence and things are becoming dire.
  173. >Slamming into a trunk you let out a cry as a demonic winged Sunset slammed right after you with a barrier spell around her, “Give it up Cadence, Celestia’s tossed you away, Twilight adores me and your little colt toy will be amusing for a night or two. So why struggle?”
  174. >Tapping into your love for strength you shove off the doppelganger watching as she fled into the mist leaving you for a moment.
  175. >”Caddy?”
  176. >Turning you see your love Shining Armor standing there with that adorable quistive look on his face.
  177. >”Caddy!” You hate how you have to hold yourself from simply leaping into the comforting embrace as the stallion wrapped you in his forelegs.
  178. >”Why did you let my sister die?”
  179. >You twist away from the dagger at the last second as the stallion before you smirked with slitted eyes, “We’re learning then little niece.”
  180. “Stop wearing their faces!”
  181. >The fake Shining Armor stepped back into the dark only for little Twilight to appear from around a tree, “Or what Cadence? It’s not as if you’ve the strength to stop me. Such a sad thing to see the state of the Royal Family has become.”
  182. “You’re not Twilight, you’re acting skills could do with a bit of polish Auntie.”
  183. >Before the faux Twilight could respond she screeched in fear as burning sunlight showered down revealing your solar Auntie in all her glory, “Begone wretched thing, let you have no sway over our niece!”
  184. “Auntie! Thank goodness you’re here, I lost track of Sunset, but with you here-”
  185. >”I see you continue to disappoint Niece.”
  186. >You flinch at the cold tone as you look to Celestia as she looks down on you, “To think that such a simple task as keeping my daughter safe would be beyond even you.”
  187. “Auntie, I…”
  188. >The cruel gleam in those purple eyes is all the warning you have before teleporting away from the torrent of lunar light.
  190. >”That’s why I was so suspicious of you, I kept falling for it everytime.”
  191. >You are Sunset Shimmer and that whole summary sounded awful as hell, wait if she had it that bad then.
  192. “What an utter cunt!”
  193. >”Yes, yes she is.”
  194. “No you don’t understand that dyke had focused all of her attention on you like she had a vendetta instead of on me!” You stomped on the ground at the audacity of Nightmare, Cadence was loads lower on the threat scale compared to you!
  195. “I thought that fight was too easy, are you holding up okay?”
  196. >”Your empathy is astounding, but yes I’m fine.” Cadence winced as she took a deeper breath on the trail, “Alright more heavily bruised and I am sure a few of my bones were cracked here or there, but I’ll heal in time.”
  197. >Do you call her out on it?
  198. >Having an alicorn in your back pocket would be useful, but not if she’s wounded before the fight even starts.
  199. “If you’re sure.”
  200. >”I am, I’m glad that the fillies aren’t with us, could you imagine what she would have done to them?”
  201. “Don’t count them out just yet, they’re tough gals.”
  202. >”Stil doesn’t change the fact you’d still be worried.”
  203. “... Yeah, I swear those two will drive me to an early grave with their antics.”
  204. >Cadence giggled, “Oh you haven’t seen Twilight when she’s trying one of her experiments, some of the things she made.” The mare gave a theatrical shudder ruined by another wince.
  205. “Then Tempest would be along for the experiment to power it or something silly like that.” You replied recalling a few modifications Tempest had done to her standard spells.
  206. >The mist slowly peeled away as you left the woods, crumbling masonry stood before you, stone steps leading into the great hall of the Castle of Two Sisters.
  207. “We’re here, let’s stop nagging like a bunch of colts and be done with it”
  208. >”For family?” Cadence asked, raising her hoof to you.
  209. >You look to the hoof before raising your own to clop against the pink alicorns.
  210. “For family.”
  213. >Passing through the overgrown courtyard littered with centuries of neglect, you soon push open the doors with magic.
  214. >Creaking hinges screech out to echo out in the cavernous halls, wide overarching windows allow the hall to be illuminated in the pale glow of the moon.
  215. >Some few doors were along the walls, but the main attraction was the staircase leading up to a large balcony before going off into the interior of the castle.
  216. >”Stay close.”
  217. “Don’t need to tell me twice.”
  218. >You’ve barely taken a few steps into the hall when a great wind blew past you both shielding your eyes.
  219. >Malevolent laughter filled the halls while the doors, thick and heavy ironoak, slammed shut with a bang.
  220. >”Foals! Now you shall see the futility of-” Nightmare Moon boasted, before a prismatic shield of magic blocked the blast of fiery wrath you sent her way.
  221. “Nightmare Moon.”
  222. >You hold ready for a trick, for a sudden trap, for-
  223. >“Hm, rather quick in releasing thine essense art thou?” Nightmare Moon observed.
  224. >Flicking her wing to remove the sparkling remains of excess magic, a glance to Cadence has the black mare smirking, “And the spare as well, how quaint. Bonded together hastthou?”
  225. >”You’re done Auntie, stop this struggle and come home.” Cadence said wings tensed.
  226. “Doubt she even knows the meaning of the word no, spoiled as she is.”
  227. >”Thine attempt upon besmirching Our honor is paltry at best, nonetheless certain expectations should be observed as a civilized ruler; Knight, dispose of these ruffians from Our sight!” Nightmare exclaimed as she slid down into the shadows to reveal a moon steel encased minotaur, large gleaming horns set atop a faceless helmet that exuded menace with each heavy step on stone.
  230. “No you don’t Nightmare!” You quickly channeled your magic for a Polarity’s Reversal Charm at the slinking shadow gliding across the floor, there is a shriek as the alicorn popped back into the material realm, and she whirls on you with anger in her eyes.
  231. “Cadence now!”
  232. >Cadence’s blast knocks the alicorn off kilter, but she is knocked aside at the plummeting strike of the minotaur!
  233. >You’re tempted to check on Cadence, but she’s already staggering to her hooves, bloodied, but not out yet.
  234. >”Vile insect! Thou darest!?”
  235. >Too fast! Too fast!
  236. >A painful line traced across your neck before you rolled against the ground, coming back to your hooves panting from the effort.
  237. >The crazy mare tried to impale you on her horn!
  238. >Dust billowed up in the aftermath of the charge as Nightmare Moon burst through the doors out into the courtyard.
  239. >A pink blur is sent flying out into the courtyard clearing the dust.
  240. >Oh no, you twist turning a shield of magic behind you.
  241. >Screeching metal and magical sparks fly as you make eye contact with the burning blue gaze of the minotaur and it’s oversized buster sword.
  242. >When did Nightmare gain another champion?!
  243. >It’s barely been a full day since she had escaped!
  244. >Flying back from the force in the blow you skid to a stop sending bolts of magic out to test the waters.
  245. >The tinkle of a magic shield blocking the bolts sent a shiver down your spine, the cold only grew as the shield was dismissed with a familiar twist of the four digit gauntlet into a curled grasp as lightning flew out towards you!
  246. >That settled who you’re fighting as you duck beneath the snapping lightning to rise up with a word upon your lips.
  247. “STOP!”
  248. >The infused word crested upon the moon steel clad Knight only for the armor to shine brightly as the spell wavered then shattered with the knight thrusting forward at you!
  249. >You fly backwards rolling in the dirt as the buster sword clashes against a hastily thrown up shield spell, only to shatter at the power behind the blow.
  251. >An explosion above ruffled your mane as you looked up to see both alicorns land on the ground of the devastated courtyard.
  252. >Cadence was limping, her muzzle had blood on it, though it doesn’t look like it’s hers, Nightmare meanwhile had a tuft of her ear missing and her armor was more ramshackled than before.
  253. >You focused back on the heavy footfalls of the Knight as it entered the courtyard, you hastily stood once more as you regarded the two slowly and back to where Cadence stood.
  254. “How bad?”
  255. >”Worse than Celestia, and twice as vicious. The Knight?”
  256. ”It’s him, no doubt.”
  257. >”Damn, we’ll need-”
  258. >”An entertaining bout dear Niece, but for now We have work to complete, Knight!” Nightmare Moon called out to the silent suit as it continued to steadily walk, the only sign of acknowledgement is the helmet turning up to it’s mistress, “Hold them here, We must retire.”
  259. “Don’t think you can escape so easily Nightmare!”
  260. >”Child if thou thinks that We shall fall on the same tricks as before thou must be touched in thy head.” A flick of her wings and Nightmare grinned, “We art blessed with wings unlike thou, no?”
  261. >”You’re not the only one with wings Auntie!’ Cadence jumped in ready to take off then sputtered as a giant geometric circle appeared above the courtyard.
  262. >Ducking beneath a swing and stepping back from the Knight you managed to glimpse at some of the symbols involved and cursed.
  263. “Cadence! It’s a binding circle for flyers!”
  264. >”Ah astutely put peasant, however, it’s only for alicorns who hold to the light like thou sun loving wretches unlike We!” Nightmare cackled as she took off after her spell was completed flying towards the top of a tower near the courtyard.
  266. >You’re already running towards the door when you hear Cadence shout, “Sunset move!”
  267. >You hesitate for a moment, and a moment is all that’s needed as a large stone crashes into your side.
  268. >”...wake…”
  269. >Don’t wanna…
  270. >”Sunset...up!”
  271. >Just buck off already, you’re so tired.
  272. >”WAKE UP!”
  273. >Sharply you inhale, eyes wide to the scene.
  274. >You blacked out, you’re sure of it when you open your eyes to see pink legs standing over you.
  275. >Sharp bursts of light have you wince before realizing it’s the never ending rain of blows on Cadence’s shield.
  276. >”Sunset! I really need you to wake the buck up!”
  277. >Teal lightning cracked out of the shield shattering it, but also striking the Knight’s head with arcs of static jumping from blade to armor and back again.
  278. “What’d...what’d I miss?”
  279. >”Sunset you beautiful mare, come on!” Cadence exclaimed as she levitated you over her back as she ran for distance.
  280. >By the time you’ve got your hooves underneath you once more the Knight was steadily tromping towards you once again.
  281. >”Any ideas? Everything I’ve thrown at him hardly phases him.”
  282. “It’s the moon steel, it’s dampening the effects of magic on him. It’s rare to even see a full suit of it in this day and age, the process has been lost for a thousand years or more.”
  283. >”Grand history lesson, what do we do?”
  284. >Reaching over into your saddlebags you draw out a few weapons of your own, a pair of horseshoes covered in glyphs that go up to the cannon and a pair of wing blades also inscribed to reinforce the material.
  285. “We go back to basics, slip these on while I keep him busy. Try to knock off any of the armor and blast him for all you’re worth.”
  286. >”Where did you even store all this?”
  287. >Flaming stones flew at you both as you smashed aside first one then a second with your steel encased hooves, “No time! Hurry!” >Then you were in the thick of it against the Knight.
  289. >Each blow resounded against the moon steel causing your limbs to go weary, you feel like you’ve been doing this for hours, but could have been minutes for all you know.
  290. >Cadence had managed a few blows of her own, yet every time she got close enough to cut, the Knight reached out to yank her wings.
  291. >Considering that he’s been chucking meteors at you both you shudder to think what he might do if he managed to grapple one of you.
  292. >You go for another clash against the stupidly stubborn steel plated problem when you hear, “Mistress!”
  293. >Hoof already committed you have no time to address the EXCEDINGLY dumb apprentice of yours, but the Knight suddenly turned to the gate, his guard down!
  294. >CLANG!
  295. >Your blow cold cocked the Knight across those stupid horns and the helmet flew clean off through the air.
  296. >A clatter echoes in the courtyard as it rolled to a stop at the hooves of the small herd of fillies.
  297. >Landing after the clash you turn back to see the Knight’s head cast in shadow reveal cold glowing blue eyes that soon reveal a familiar face set in a stoic frown.
  298. >Cadence spread her wings to shield the sight from the fillies, but it was already too late as you could see the horror on Twilight and Tempest’s face.
  299. >Gasps from two of the fillies as Cadence had managed to spread her wings to try and shield the sight from the small herd, but it was already too late.
  300. >It still hurts to see Anon’s face like this, so cold, held in place as if a puppet with no life of his own.
  301. >”A-Anon?” Tempest whimpered as she peered around the extended wing of Cadence, your own heart clenched at the hurt in her tone.
  302. >The Knight meanwhile had yet to move, the buster sword held in a tight grip that loosened at the name, the eyes dimming to ember for a moment.
  303. >This might be your chance to reach him!
  304. >”Loyal Knight! Attend Us! We have a need of thee!” Boomed Nightmare through the castle.
  305. >Anon-no, the Knight’s eyes flared in full before the sword was brought back up into a guard and slowly began to withdraw to the tower.
  306. >Clenching your teeth you are starting to truly despise this dyke.
  307. “We’re not done yet!”
  308. >You leaped up to catch him off guard, only for the buster sword to be used as a bat knocking you from the air.
  309. >Moving with the blow you do a backflip landing on your hooves as you skid to a stop.
  310. >By the time you recover the Knight crashed through the door and used the oversized toothpick to knock loose the key stone in the masonry, collapsing it.
  312. >Panting from the fight you watched a stone tumble down as the entrance is sealed, then stomp a hoof into the stone cracking it.
  313. >”Cadence was that Mister Anon?”
  314. >”Twilight you didn’t say he was a big scary minotaur like that!”
  315. >You failed, you had a chance to bring him back!
  316. >”Pinkie, he’s not a minotuar.”
  317. >”No, he’s my friend and my…”
  318. >”Don’t worry Darlin’ we’ll bring back your dad!”
  319. >How? Throwing Tempest at him and hoping for the best? Are you an idiot?
  320. >”Yeah! We’ll just need to knock some sense into him with a bit of the ol’ one two!”
  321. >”Rainbow Dash ya’ll ain’t gonna smack a colt!”
  322. >”Maybe he just needs somepony to talk to?”
  323. >Right, the fillies, you need to address that.
  324. >Drawn from your turbulent thoughts you see Cadence herded the fillies together while talking to them, “How did you girls get here? We told you to stay at the cottage!”
  325. >Wave after wave of words washed over the alicorn as the herd spoke up all at once.
  326. >You’re not going to get anything out of them like this.
  327. >Stealing Cadence’s trick you snap off a firework spell just over their heads, eyes snapped to you as you calmly approached.
  328. “One at a time, explain.”
  329. >It was Rarity that spoke up first catching you by surprise, “Well Darling, I had just helped Rainbow Dash back to her hooves as it where when I had wanted to know what we should do next and the next thing I knew my horn had acted up dragging me into the woods! Utterly useless thing my horn tends to be, it’d done it before and let me tell you it was an endeavor!”
  330. >”We couldn’t just leave her alone like that so of course we followed her!” Rainbow Dash chimed in hovering nearby.
  331. >”Then what happened?” Cadence pressed on while you vaguely recall rare cases of Stargazer’s Steering, it happens with unicorns whose cutie mark overwhelms their magic dragging them off to their special talent when they truly need it, for it to happen twice in the same unicorn.
  332. >Tempest sighed, before starting the tale.
  334. >You are Tempest Shadow and this whole night has been an ordeal.
  335. >”Truly Darlings, was it necessary to simply pile atop of me like that?! My mane is ruined!”
  336. >”There there, it’s not that bad?” Fluttershy tries to comfort the white filly, while Applejack and Rainbow Dash try to catch their bearings.
  337. >”M-maybe you’re right?”
  338. >”Naw sugarcube you look like ya got dragged halfway across the forest.” Applejack replied distractedly before slapping a trunk, “Dang nabbit, all the moss here is lyin’ to me!”
  339. >”Oh well we could always try asking the rocks around here, they are really stubborn sorta like you Applejack! Although come to think of it I think you might be a pie cuz you’re just as stubborn as one of my sisters and-”
  340. >Ignoring Pinkie’s stream of consciousness you try to reorganize the group before things get out of hoof.
  341. “We’ll wait for Rainbow to come back, she’ll be able to guide us through the woods back to the cottage after all.”
  342. >”I wouldn’t say that.” Twilight replied as she pointed towards the chromatic blur rushing down to you all.
  343. >”You guys won’t believe this, but the whole woods go on for miles and miles around! I couldn’t see an end to it!” Rainbow Dash gasped out resting on the ground as froth slipped off her sides.
  344. “What do you mean?”
  345. >”Oh Rainbow! Are you alright? Here, have some water, catch your breath.” Fluttershy exclaimed as she fluttered to a stop beside Rainbow.
  346. >Grinding your teeth at the lack of answers, you feel a hoof on your side as Twilight shakes her head.
  347. >”Thanks, but girls for real this forest is WEIRD! I had to like, give a hundred and twenty percent to get back to you all when I flew up there! I almost didn't make it back.” Rainbow said after finishing her drink from the river.
  348. >”Well that’s rather queer Darling, Applejack you and Fluttershy have been in the Everfree before has this happened often?”
  349. >”Not that Ah can recall, course Ah only ever went in the outskirts of the wood, never this deep afore.”
  350. >”I’ve been in the woods, but my critter friends usually guided me in and out. I could try to ask them, but...I haven’t seen any of them. Oh no, you don’t think…?”
  352. >While you would normally let a fellow filly handle her own issues you can feel where she is coming from, if Mistress and Anon even Twilight were hurt…
  353. >Brushing your tail against Fluttershy's side you draw her out of her fears.
  354. “If they’re smart they’ll get out of the way of anything that’d harm them, you trust them right?”
  355. >Sniffing Fluttershy nodded with vigor, "Y-yes of course I do!”
  356. >You break into a smile, “Then they’re fine, but we need to figure out what we need to do.”
  357. >Twilight’s horn is alight as she scans the trees with narrowed eyes, “I think I know what’s going on!”
  358. >At the sudden attention the purple filly shrunk in on herself, “I mean, I’m pretty sure at least.”
  359. >Nodding at her to continue Twilight cleared her throat, “I believe we might be caught in a dream, or at least something close to it.”
  361. “What? Twilight that doesn’t make any sense. We’re all exhausted from having to chase Rarity down.”
  362. >Rainbow Dash butted in between you and Twilight hovering in place.
  363. >”Yeah, I nearly broke my wings trying to get back to you guys!”
  364. >”I certainly feel like this is a nightmare…” Rarity muttered nearby as she plucked a few leaves from her mane.
  365. >Applejack snorted beside the filly, ”Rarity you have a nightmare if you’d chipped a hoof, ya eggplant.”
  366. >”You take that back!” Rarity declared her back arched like a cat at the insult.
  367. >Twilight teleported between the two with a magenta flash.
  368. >”Girls! Listen, it fits, none of the geometry fits, Applejack’s moss trick isn't making sense and Rainbow Dash having to work so hard to get back to us also fits.”
  369. >”Oooh! Like that time when you’re chased by a giant monster ready to eat you with it’s candy corn teeth and it’s bleeding black pudding as it’s cherry eyes are staring at you with the eternal torment of naughty fillies?” Pinkie said with a shake in her normally perky tone.
  370. >Questioning looks are exchanged between the six of you.
  371. “That’s oddly specific Pinkie, why do-”
  372. >There is a pink blur as you’re hauled by the tail, “RUuUuUuUn!”
  373. >Screams echo out as you catch sight of what’s chasing you.
  374. >That’s a giant ice cream monster.
  375. >Correction that’s a giant ice cream sundae monster as you see the intimidating girth of the banana in it’s coned hoof smashing tree’s aside as it gives chase with a throaty roar.
  376. >”Pinkie what the buck is that!?” Rainbow shouted carrying Fluttershy whose frozen in fright, cyan wings buzzing as she flies.
  377. >”Sweet Tooth, D.K of Sundaes!” Pinkie yelled back still dragging you along, yet as much effort as your herd is fleeing Sweet Tooth slowly grows closer with each sticky step.
  378. >A bright beam of lavender pink flew out, causing the ice cream to bulge obscenely before it popped with smoke. Yet the beast just keeps coming!
  379. >”That was the strongest spell I had!” Twilight eeped as a lob of ice cream landed near her.
  380. “Pinkie lemme go!”
  381. >”Can’t I’m too terrified!”
  382. >Wincing, you yank your tail free and slowly come to a stop.
  383. >Sucking in a breath at what feels like your stomach being run raw from the trail you stand.
  385. >You can almost hear the carriage wheels squeal as the others skid to a stop behind you as you face down SweTooth.
  386. >”Darling don’t! Think of what it’ll do to your magnifique mane!”
  387. >”Sugarcube come on!”
  388. >”Tempest!”
  389. >”Are you loco in the coco filly!? RUN!”
  390. >You’re pretty sure you heard a whimper from Fluttershy as you looked back to the others.
  391. >Roars from Sweet Tooth snatch your gaze to the sugary beast and for a moment you see writhing shadows crawling forward with coagulated ooze.
  392. >Yep, that’s a ten on the scare factor.
  393. >Yet, you look back behind you, Twilight is clutched by Pinkie Pie who shivers at the sight behind you, Fluttershy is covering her eyes held up by Rainbow whose eyes are darting around the scene.
  394. >Applejack and Rarity are clamped to each other, yet you can see Applejack holding Rarity behind her trying to protect her friend.
  395. >They look so scared and you’ll admit it to yourself, you’re pretty terrified too.
  396. >Still you can’t let them see you scared, so you grin wide as can be just like Anon said, “If you’re smiling, that means you have a plan, and if you have a plan then everyone will know you can do something. Doesn’t matter if it’s a lie or if it’s true, if you can still smile through it all then you’ll do alright.”
  397. “Don’t worry girls, I’ve gotta plan."
  398. >You shake in place seeing the ice cream melt away to reveal the writhing mass of darkness and ooze ready to consume you.
  399. >Move.
  400. >A faint zap twitches around your horn.
  401. >The trees wither at the creature’s touch drawing closer.
  402. >Move!
  403. >Multiple mouths rip themselves open in the tendrils as you see sharp teeth glisten with the vicious slime of it’s jaws.
  404. >Corona of lightning sheaths your horn as you try to find the right spell.
  405. >MOVE!
  407. >That same lavender pink beam ruffled your mane as it blazed forth scoring a hit on the mouths knocking loose a tooth lost in the dark, for a moment it looked like Princess Celestia wreathed in a fiery inferno before the darkness was back.
  408. >”Thank you Tempest.” Twilight said as she stepped beside you, her horn glowing bright.
  409. >A pie made from cream smacked into the face of the ice cream monster as shaking pink hooves clopped down beside you.
  410. >”Y-yeah, I m-mean it’s not like we’re going to be facing off against our own personalized nightmares come to life, but hahaha! Can’t just let you have all the fun right?” Pinkie said through chattering teeth, yet she didn’t buckle.
  411. >”If you think I’m going to run you’ve got another thing coming, Rainbow Dash doesn’t leave her friends to hang!” Rainbow shouted as she hovered atop you, Fluttershy you can see just a few inches behind her shivering in place but not fleeing like you thought she would.
  412. >A pebble darted out alongside an apple of all things that smacked in one of the eyes of the beast, a roar of indignation echoed out.
  413. >”Let it never be said that a Lady abandoned her sisters to such a dreadful beast!”
  414. >”Come off it Rare, you just wanna smack it for threatening your mane.”
  415. >”Well of course Darling!”
  416. >Glancing between all of the girls standing united you smile naturally, your heart swelling at the trust they returned to you.
  417. >Looming over you all the beast prepared to crash down on you all!
  418. “Thank you, my friends.”
  419. >Eyes closed as it dives down on you and you can feel the hooves of your friends embrace you as your horn pulsed with power!
  421. >Opening your eyes you find yourself laying on the ground, confused you look about to see the girls all slowly awakening.
  422. >Nearby was a roped bridge that had seen better days, but still stood strong against the elements.
  423. >”What happened?” Fluttershy slurred out rubbing her eyes.
  424. >”I don’t know Darling, but a beauty nap was just what the nurse ordered! I feel refreshed as a daisy!”
  425. >”Yee-haw! Ah feel like Ah could buck the whole west orchard!”
  426. >”I don’t understand, we must have broken the dream, but with how deep the illusion was it should have been impossible.” Twilight murmured beside you.
  427. >Suddenly Pink.
  428. >So much pink as your sense of smell is surrounded by cotton candy, “-ank you! Thank you! Thank you! Tempest you’re the bestest pony around if anypony ever argues otherwise I’ll hook’em in the gabber I will! You have no idea how many nights Sweet Tooth kept bugging me! Like no joke that guy was so an-”
  429. >The darkness is slowly crowding in around your vision once again…
  430. >”Pinkie, Pinkie! Let her breath!” Fluttershy exclaimed tugging the filly off you.
  431. >Thank you Fluttershy you are a saint.
  432. >”Oh I wouldn’t say that.”
  433. >Whoops.
  434. >”Sorry Tempest, but really you -ever- need a party mare. I'm your gal!”
  435. >An explosion rocks the ground before you can reply, Rainbow Dash pointing to the castle across the bridge as flashes of light illuminate the night sky.
  436. >Spell fire, Mistress and Cadence must be across the bridge!
  438. >”And that’s how we got here.” Tempest finished looking up at you, “We came to help, and if what Twilight said is true, we fought against Nightmare too! So we -can- help!”
  440. >Celestia grant you strength from overly confident fillies, you are Sunset Shimmer and you don't have time for this!
  441. "Go home, Tempest. This is no place for you and the rest."
  442. >"Cadence you can see it can't you? We're needed here." Twilight tries to appeal to the pink alicorn who shares a look with you.
  443. >Shaking your head in reply Cadence answered, "Twilight, Sunset has a point, we just can't risk you fillies getting hurt."
  444. >"Well you can't make us lea-" Tempest is interrupted then as a scream pierced the night sky!
  445. >The white filly you think her name is Clarity is surrounded by writhing mass of black tendrils that lashed tight to her barrel!
  446. >"Rarity!" Rainbow Dash shouted rushing forward only to be caught in the tar as it spread to encompass the rest of the fillies!
  447. >"Hang on!" Tempest shouted reaching out to Twilight only for a tendril to send the filly flying back into your forelegs as you catch her.
  448. >"Cadence! Help!" Twilight yelped as before your eyes the screaming fillies are enveloped by the shadow beneath them!
  450. >Cadence leaped forward only to land on normal grass, a small dust cloud billowing up from the effort, "No, no no..."
  451. >Your heart sinks, even if a tiny voice in your head whispered, 'At least Tempest is safe.', you squashed that voice as you tighten your hold on Tempest.
  452. >"Where'd they-"
  453. >Screams from the tower above!
  454. >So you were right, the fillies must have a connection to the elements!
  455. >Now if only you weren't right this way.
  456. >Tempest bucked free from your grasp already sprinting for the collapsed entrance of the tower.
  457. "Tempest wait! The doorway is collapsed!"
  458. >Not sparing you a word Tempest is already climbing atop the mound of stones and simply jumped her way to a brick just a hair out of alignment with the rest of the tower.
  459. >Horn running hot you're prepared to catch the insane filly before she falls to her own death.
  460. >Tempest managed to hook onto the brick then vault herself up to a nearby window ledge that was barred with irons.
  461. >Snarling, the little filly lowered her crystal horn to the grate, thunder rolled and she darted inside past the wreckage of the window.
  462. >That fool filly is going to drive you to drink!
  464. >Cadence galloped to you, "Can you make that?"
  465. "Of course I can, now hold tight."
  466. >Already pink legs are grasping your barrel by the time you finish speaking.
  467. >Take into account for wind, local disruptions in the ley lines of which there are MANY, then.
  468. >Blink!
  469. >Winking out from reality to atop the ledge you hold tight to Cadence whose hindlegs are flailing over oblivion.
  470. "I said hold tight!"
  471. >"I did! You didn't mention nearly falling off!"
  472. >The screams have faded, you little time to loose!
  473. >Not to mention Tempest rushing ahead, alone!
  474. "No time, come on!"
  475. >Beating tracks you follow the hoof steps in the dust leading to a flight of stairs, you can just make out a tiny fire fly spell in use near the top!
  476. >"Tempest wait for us!"
  477. "Tempest Shadow I swear if you don't stop..."
  478. >The filly looked down from the top floor at you both before shaking her head and ran into the room.
  479. >Dear Celestia, Today I learned that I am going to ground my apprentice for the next thousand years.
  480. >Firing from the tip you latch onto Cadence and reappear at the top floor, you momentum carrying you both through the open doorway.
  481. >Left behind was a perfectly carved dome of stone, reality contracted as the stone reappeared beneath your hooves in the same place catapulting you both forward with an explosion and shrapnel!
  483. >Skidding on your hooves feeling them burn from the speed you note Cadence had rolled forward landing on her belly.
  484. >Meanwhile Tempest was charging head first with a horn full of lightning at Nightmare Moon!
  485. >What was ludicrous was Nightmare Moon charging with her own horn like some ancient era of jousting.
  486. >We can't have that can we?
  487. >You've given up on doing the calculations now and do what your teacher had long tried to teach you, follow your heart.
  488. >Winking out, you feel the crackling pulse of your apprentice as easily as you could see her, you reappear beside the filly and latch on, wink out once more and feel your magic lurch under your grip.
  489. >Reappearing now just behind Nightmare Moon you squeeze your apprentice!
  490. "LET HER HAVE IT!"
  491. >A crack of thunder echoed out in the observatory.
  492. >Smoke covered Nightmare and your tense, you know that didn't take her out, so what was she waiting for?
  493. >"Sunset! Duck!" Cadence cried out.
  494. >Following the yell you feel your mane loose a few hairs as you leap away with Tempest.
  495. >The clang of moon steel against the stone revealed Anon recovering from the down swing.
  496. >Blue beams of magic bounce against the armor clad ape most clustered around his face forcing him to hold a hand up to block.
  497. >Backing away you rejoin Cadence as she trotted up her magic missiles could use more work, but they'll do.
  498. >"Where are the girls? I don't see them." Cadence asked while Tempest pointed with a hoof towards a balcony, a faint glow of magic could be seen, "Over there! Nightmare Moon was gloating about-"
  499. >Low laughter filled the air before reaching a fevered pitch.
  500. >The smoke obscuring Nightmare's form is swept away with a single flap of her wings, fang filled mouth wide in malicious glee, "Indeed We were gloating as thy broken filly had said, thou art too late! We have found the proper way to dispose of those hated elements."
  501. >Anon mechanically walked to stand beside Nightmare sword at the ready in both hands standing sentinel to the dark queen.
  503. >"Sunset, what's the plan?" Cadence whispered to you.
  504. "I need to get to the ritual, find out how to dispel it, can you handle them both?"
  505. >"I will, don't have a choice." Cadence replied
  506. >"What about me?" Tempest asked from between your legs.
  507. "You are so grounded, but for now stick to my side and watch my back."
  508. >"Sunset!"
  509. "We don't have-"
  511. >Before you can explain Tempest snatched the heifer by the teats.
  512. >"You're hurting my friends! Let them go!" Tempest shouted at Nightmare, faint sparks still flying around her horn.
  513. >"Friends, hah! Truly thou would make a fine jester for Our court broken thing, perhaps thy tiny cantrips could entertain the peasantry." Nightmare Moon taunted Tempest, "Thy small bolt was a rousing tickle, now why don't we have a touch of fun?"
  514. >From the shadows of the tower different star beasts crawled out, however, these beasts were wrong.
  515. >Outlined in white with pinpricks of darkness instead of the comforting glimpse of the heavens they so often showed. Their original colors were muted appearing more of a shade of grey than the proud colors they often held.
  516. >"Entertain Us before thou perish, won't thee? Knight indulge thyself."
  517. >"Make it count Sunset!" Cadence shouted as she charged forth with her horn blazing bright.
  518. >"Can't we-" Tempest began only for you to cut her off.
  519. "Stick to the plan!"
  520. >Galloping you and Tempest both send out bolts of lightning and flame through the horde of dark beasts carving a path ahead.
  521. >Anon charged forward to meet you only to be tackled by Cadence!
  522. >Nearing the balcony shadows converge before you to reveal Nightmare Moon fangs bared as she lunged at you!
  523. >In sync with one another you and Tempest split apart causing the alicorn to crash to the ground.
  524. >Whirling about with eldritch power in her horn Nightmare Moon was interrupted by a moon steel clade ape to crash into her side!
  525. >Power carved through the ceiling blocking line of sight between you and the Nightmare.
  526. >"Mistress look!"
  528. >On the balcony you stared wide eyed at the intricate ritual circle that was in use, you recognize some aspects of it from the skeleton of a divination ritual, but with a transmutation circle overwriting the focus.
  529. >More troubling are the crescent moon sigils, used by necromancers to pull spirits from the underworld to puppet corpses.
  530. >All of those elements should have caused a cascading failure as the disparate types of magic would mutate into chaos, but it's held together by spell formulae you've only seen hints of in ancient tomes, crackling with the power the dark alicorn.
  531. >Tempest knocks your side, "Mistress the girls!"
  532. >Knocked from your marvel of the circle you spot the girls centered on each point of the triangles, ethereal magic is slowly drawn out from their bodies as they shiver in place.
  533. >You can see that the essence is slowing being drawn into five stone orbs, while the space before Twilight is left empty.
  534. >"Mistress what do we do? Can we disrupt it with Sharp Wit's Counter spell?" Tempest asked horn charging up with the mentioned spell.
  535. "No! Don't do that, this is far beyond that spell. We try that we're more likely to cause more harm than good, I'll need to unravel this with Sharp's original spell."
  536. >"That'll take too long, the girls will die!"
  537. "Not if we work quickly, but carefully."
  538. >From behind you the stonework crumbled as low growls and snarls could be heard as claw and tooth scrapped at aged stone.
  539. "Damn, can you hold them off while I work Tempest? I have to bring all my focus on this."
  540. >Tired as the filly was she puffed up her chest and clopped a hoof to her head in a salute, "I won't let you down Mistress! No dumb beast will get to you!"
  541. >Pride swells in your chest at seeing your brave little mare.
  542. >Wrapping her in a brief hug you squeeze her tight, "Stay safe."
  543. >"I will, promise!" Tempest said thickly through your tuft.
  544. >The sight of your filly bravely facing the horde of beasts etches itself into your heart.
  545. >You pray that it won't be the last you see of her.
  546. >With a heavy, yet resolute heart, you turn away and begin the Sharp Wit's spell.
  547. >You're going to need every advantage you can get to get your family out of this mess.
  549. >You are Tempest Shadow, formerly Fizzle Berry Pop Twist.
  550. >Stone crumbles down as bloodshot eyes peer at you then disappear as more stone is shook loose.
  551. >Apprentice of the best magic teacher that ever is, best friend to Twilight Sparkle and Anon the Ape.
  552. >A groan echoed out as the stone fell forward revealing inky black darkness.
  553. >Thunder bringer, wind caller and more they call you in court.
  554. >Snarling beasts of the stars leap forward bringing bleached white bone and yellowed teeth, the first to step forth is blasted back!
  555. >More fill in the hole trampling over their injured comrades yet you continue to pour fire down the hole.
  556. "You!"
  557. >Canis Majors, Capricorns, and more barrel through the ruined archway into your lighting and storms you summon forth.
  558. "Will not!"
  559. >A step back as one Capricorn charged through your bolt, but you use the gale to toss it over the side.
  560. >Let these beasts!
  561. >Three Canis Minors are swept back with a blast of thunder as your hooves shake in place.
  562. "Past!"
  563. >The crack of thunder echoed out as you shot the wall above the archway causing more stone to fall upon the surging beasts.
  564. >Panting you try to catch your breath again, squinting from the sweat in your eye as you feel the crystal atop your head rings with a high whine.
  565. >If you could see it in a mirror you'd know it'd be pulsing with a red glow from the amount of spells you've used thus far.
  566. >Yet even with the brief reprieve you can see the stone already shifting in place.
  567. >You've not heard anything from inside or seen anything at that rate, Cadence could have already fallen for all you know.
  568. >Glancing behind you to see Mistress Sunset was still deep in her trance as far too many sigils passed around her, white magic spiraling out from her horn to interact with the ritual.
  569. >Your muscles, your magic, your everything simply aches from what you've done so far, can you really hold out?
  570. >What if Nightmare Moon and A-anon come through next?
  571. >No!
  572. >Straitening your spine you stand upright, forcing the shakes away.
  573. >You promised to hold here, and by Celestia, by your magic and by your own family you will not falter here!
  575. >Masonry was shattered as a Capricorn broke apart your make shift rubble barrier.
  576. >Around the Capricorn more of it's ilk crowded around the large star ram.
  577. >This one was different, barbed horns upon it's brow, a coat of fish scales upon it's chest that sparkled with cold light, and those eyes had a cruel intelligence to them that had your teeth on edge.
  578. >You have to hold out, you have little choice otherwise.
  579. >Through the burning of your horn you blast off more beasts as they rush you.
  580. >Much easier than simply killing them, the-
  581. @#*(##%_@#
  582. >You jerk back from the hungry snap of the Canis minor before bucking it back!
  583. >What was that?!
  584. >A shockwave of thunder gives you more room to work with as you trip a Taurus with your body narrowly missing the horns.
  585. >Turning you zap it for a moment before focusing on the next beast to rush you, a Scorpio.
  586. >A blast knocks it's stinger away and you have a brief moment to bre-
  587. %*@(%&#$#!
  588. >Your rump is blazed with pain as you're tossed up and over the rushing star bull!
  589. >Through the pain you see a Taurus had managed to come from behind your blind spot, but that makes no sense!
  590. >Landing on the stone you wince feeling bruises all through your body, you had zapped the stars out of the hide of that bull!
  591. >So how?
  592. >A bleating laugh drew your attention to the strange Capricorn perched atop a rock watching you with glee.
  593. >It must be the cause of this, once was an accident, twice is something more.
  594. >Rearing back you bring down a squall atop the battlements obscuring sight and sound alike!
  595. >Though your head is pounding you managed to aim your horn for a final lightning strike at that smugly grinning Capricorn.
  597. >Clouds are brushed aside from the wrath you've unleashed and you grin at seeing the sudden spark of fear in it's eyes.
  598. @(%*#$@! @$()@%
  599. >It dodged!?
  600. >Caught off guard you had little time to react as it's suddenly swimming through the air at you!
  601. >Wicked barbs gleaming in the moonlight you feel yourself far too slow to react.
  602. >You notice distantly that the coat of fish scales on it's chest, once so shiny and splendid, was now dull and drab.
  603. >You know that once that hits, you're dead.
  604. >You can't move because it'll hit Mistress.
  605. >You…
  606. >You don't want to die.
  607. >You had so much more to see!
  608. >To learn!
  609. >You wanted to show Mistress you could help!
  610. >You wanted to save Anon…
  611. "DAD! HELP!!"
  612. >A glint of silver from inside the tower, then a sword sprouted from the skull of the Capricorn that let out a small confused grunt as it tumbled forward.
  614. >That sword, you recognize it.
  615. >Anon was using that sword!
  616. >"Sorry about that kiddo, didn't keep you waiting did I?" Staggering into sight was Anon, his plate mail torn, missing pieces, but to you he was standing tall as if clad in shining white armor.
  617. "A-anon?"
  618. >A broken smile crossed the ape's face, "Yeah, it's really me."
  619. >Your hope turned to ice as you spotted a Leo lunging behind Anon ready to rend him limb from limb!
  620. >Have to cast, have to cast, your horn splutters as you feel your insides clench in horror, you're out of magic.
  621. "Dad! Behind you!"
  622. >Anon frowned turning far too slowly to see the Leo already in midair claws of onyx extended to main and tear!
  623. >Red, yellow and orange blaze past your ear, over Anon's head and engulfs the Leo.
  624. >There is a surprised meow for a moment as the shadow within the beam simply drifts away into dust, even less than dust as there was nothing remaining of the Leo!
  625. >The beam didn't end instead splitting off into different branching forks that zipped about tagging each beast surrounding you incinerating them all until all that was left was ash drifting on a moonlit night.
  626. >"Don't you dare touch my family!" Mistress snarled horn smoking from her Refracted Light's Dispersal Beam.
  627. "Mistress!"
  628. >Sunset smiled bitterly and you wonder why, it's only when you look past her to see the ritual pulsing alarmingly do you understand.
  629. >She didn't finish the dispel!
  630. >That dreaded laughter echoed out once more and you see her manifest upon the balcony edge near your friends.
  631. >"Thou art a fool indeed, Sunset Shimmer! Now despair in thy choice!"
  632. >Blue, flame and starlight shot out to hit the dark alicorn only to be deflected with a prismatic shield as Nightmare Moon lowered her horn to the circle.
  633. >You're moving forward even as Dad and Mom easily past you to stop Nightmare.
  635. >All of you are swept back with a pure wave of force showing the fillies, each of them appear drained, their coats and manes dull and grey.
  636. >In the center hovering with a foul miasma clinging to it's form was a crest crafted in ebony metal and silver with six gemstones that matched the coats of your friends.
  637. >You don't know what that thing is, but it's bad news you can feel it in your bones.
  638. >It floats over to Nightmare Moon looking on eagerly as she cackles, eldritch power coursing through her frame as multicolored lights outline her veins.
  639. >"Yes, YES!"
  640. >Mistress Sunset stands before you, Cadence to her right and Anon to her left, you struggle to stand with them only feeling the terrible ache in your legs.
  641. >"Know that this is true beginning of the Night! With the Elements bound to Us in the Dark none shall stand against Us! Not even thou traitorous knight. Before thy death answer thus; how did thou break free of Our binding, We are thy maker!"
  642. >"I don't know," Anon adjusts the moon steel sword in his hands in a guard, "What I do know is that I won't let my family come to harm."
  643. >Sunset lowered her horn spell at the ready, "Our family."
  644. >"Even you Auntie." Cadence said a wing trailing behind her with a limp to her step.
  645. >You're not being left behind, not again!
  646. >Summoning the meager scraps of your magic you bring up the barest spark to your horn.
  647. "Together we're not afraid of you!"
  649. >Truly if thou wished for something to be done right, thou must do it thyself.
  650. >Even if the creature was useful for thine release, thou should have consumed it's essence for the power thy had invested in it's gangly frame.
  651. >Still the sight of the four before thou tingles a memory in the farthest corner's of thy mind.
  652. >A hazy memory of golden wheat, wide fields of green and the breeze of a summer's day.
  653. >Of a mare with blackest coat, a stallion of purest white and a filly with dawn's early rise for a mane.
  654. >Thou despises this memory so.
  655. >Ignoring the plebs below thy hooves you raise a disdainful eyebrow at small family.
  656. "Then die."
  657. >From the crest spewed forth many tendrils of darkness with tiny blue stars writhing, crawling and squirming over them all!
  658. >The fools had no time to react, thou had glimpsed the brief glimmer of a shield, but thou scoffs at the sheer gall the daughter of thine sister had to try to stop the elements.
  659. >Even if thine ritual had weakened them from their original purpose, no mortal or immortal had the strength to hold against their power!
  660. >Laughing in triumph thou rears back in foal-like delight.
  661. >Yet thy laughter dies an early death as thou spots a familiar glow shining through the gloom.
  662. "That's not possible!"
  663. >Deep down in the farthest cackles of thine soul thou can feel the grin of thy weaker self.
  664. >Snarling thou silence the voice and smash thine hooves into the stone with a crack.
  665. "How?! How are thou not destroyed!"
  667. >"It's because of the magic of family, you dummy."
  668. >Thy gaze snapped to the purple peasant kneeling in exhaustion yet holds that defiant gaze that galls thou so.
  669. "Insolent cur, then let's see THINE family protect you!"
  670. >Thou willed the elements to remove the foul sight before thou when a pink blur dashed before thou.
  671. >Thou had little time to see thine efforts as an explosion, bolt of lightning and finally a giant stone crashed into thine side.
  672. >"Cadence has the elements of loyalty, kindness and generosity for the love family has!"
  673. >All were as to gnats to thy hide, yet annoyances they remained!
  674. "Silence!"
  675. >A mere step was all it took to recover only to see thy foes arrayed around thou, did they truly think a foal would be enough of a threat to thou!?
  676. >Flexing thine wings thou sent a barrage of wind about to blow thine enemies away before thou lunged towards the foal!
  677. >Shadows heed thy call drawing close around the foal covered in an aura of blue, only for the aura to fade drawn away into the foal's horn!
  678. >Too late thou tried to reel back thine shadows only for the brightest light second only to thine terrible sister's sun dissolved your shadows!
  679. >"Tempest with the element of laughter for not giving into fear even when facing fear itself!"
  680. >The purple plebian has truly earned thine ire.
  681. "Stop. Talking!"
  682. >Thou faded away into shadows appearing behind thine niece ready to skewer the foal with a simple piercing hex.
  683. >An explosion rocks thine head to the side, worryingly that one had hurt!
  684. >The smirking daughter of a bastard of thine sister blew away the smoke on her horn, teal eyes gleaming in victory.
  685. >"Sunset, who finally said what we truly are to her is the element of honesty!"
  687. >A slow chuckle escaped thine lips.
  688. "Perhaps, they might hold some vestiges of the elements within, but thou lacks magic! Thy essence was a pitiful amount for what was needed for Our rite!"
  689. >It was only upon feeling strong arms clasping around thine barrel did thou realize thine fatal error.
  690. >Thou had not kept an eye upon the whimsical colt!
  691. >Flexing wings strong enough to start hurricanes with a twitch and moving limbs strong enough to shatter mountains thou found thy strength lacking against the mere might of a mortal ape!
  692. >HOW?!
  693. "Release Us! How is this possible!"
  694. >Thou feels the strength in those arms suddenly surge and thine legs flail as thou are lifted up into the air!
  695. >"That's where you're wrong, because magic reveals itself when all of the other elements have been gathered together, the magic of family and FRIENDSHIP!"
  696. >A crack echoed into the air and thou looked down in fright.
  697. >The crest!
  698. >Splinters ran across the face and within the colors of the rainbow could be seen shooting out!
  699. >No!
  700. >The containment runes have broken!
  701. >If that happens.
  702. >No, thou can fix that, thou simpl-
  703. >A sudden surge of triumph and desperation froze thine magic in place.
  704. >"Thou shalt not harm Our Little Ponies!"
  705. >That treacherous bastard, light envelopes thine form and thou can feel thine hold fade from thine weaker half.
  706. >So, this is the power of family and friendship then?
  708. >Smoke, so much damn smoke from the excess magic in the air, you could hardly breath through it all.
  709. >Your girls!
  710. “Sunset! Tempest!”
  711. >A shadow in the smoke has you clenching the scuffed sword in your hands, if Nightmare had survived...
  712. >”I’m here you big dumb Ape, hold on.” Sunset’s ragged voice lifted your spirits even as the smoke was blown away with a gust of wind.
  713. >Grip going slack you relaxed upon seeing your mare, bruised as she is and covered in dirt from the fight.
  714. >She’s never been more beautiful in that moment.
  715. >Then the gnawing guilt of what you’ve done settled in and you glanced at your sword seeing your reflection in the blade, the unsettling glowing blue eyes, the gaunt face.
  716. >”Th-oof!”
  717. >A small squeak escaped the fiery mare as you held onto her tightly.
  718. >Faintly the clatter your sword made on the stone could be heard as you reassure yourself she’s still there, still whole.
  719. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I didn’t I couldn’t do-”
  720. >You’re rambling, damn it, but you have a right to it! You had almost murdered your own family!
  721. >The guilt was like molten stone in your gut, burning at how weak you were.
  722. >It fades, however, when you feel Sunset wrap her forelegs around you.
  723. >”You are the biggest idiot in the history of Equestria, but you’ve got nothing to be sorry about.”
  724. >”Dad!”
  725. >Whaffump!
  726. >The breath was knocked out of you from the hug of one terrified little girl, now filled with relief.
  727. >You open your arms to include Tempest into the hug resting your chin on her head.
  728. >Yeah, going to just take a minute to relax and appreciate the fact you’re all not dead.
  729. >...Wait, Dad?
  730. >That…
  731. >Huh, you don’t hate the idea as much as you would have thought you would.
  733. >The soft aw that echoed around you was enough to draw your attention to your surroundings.
  734. >Various fillies of different colors stood around your little group hug while Cadence was leaning against a piece of debris nearby with a tired smile on her face.
  735. >”Hey who's that pony?”
  736. >”I don’t know, but wasn’t that where Nightmare Moon was standing?”
  737. >”What do we do with her?”
  738. >Your gaze snapped to a young mare of blue coat and indigo mane, bright teal eyes that trembled in fear..
  739. >This was the Nightmare? The one that bound you to servitude?
  740. >She was just a kid...
  742. >”Perhaps I can shed light on the situation?”
  743. You freeze at that voice, relenting on your hug to see the sun standing dominant over the sky haloing the Sun Princess.
  744. >”Auntie!” Cadence exclaimed galloping to embrace the white alicorn, you could see deep bags beneath the mare’s eyes yet her eyes brightened at the hug returning it with a nuzzle.
  745. >The rest of the ponies around you bow while Sunset remains standing giving the princess a begrudging nod.
  746. >Oh shit, oh fuck.
  747. >You participated in an attempted coup.
  748. >You might not have majored in history, but attempting to dispose of the queen and failing is an easy way to lose your head.
  749. >Should you bow?
  750. >Beg forgiveness?
  751. >Run for your life?
  752. >Where would you even run, she controls the damn sun!
  754. >”Before that, Anonymous of the house of Shimmer, Princess Luna of the house of Cosma.”
  755. >”Princess Luna?”
  756. >”There are two Princesses!?”
  757. >It’s hard to keep track of who's saying what at the moment as the dread draws higher.
  758. >Your grip tightened around Sunset and Tempest at the imperial authority invoked in Princess Celestia’s tone.
  759. >Shoving herself free from your hug, Sunset, your beautiful crazy battered and beaten mare friend plants her hooves down as a shimmering cyan shield barely flickers before Princess Celestia.
  760. >Nature itself froze in place for you couldn’t hear a thing at the sight before you, but that might be the ringing at the sheer ovaries this mare had.
  761. >That might explain how Tempest was able to escape your grip and lean against Sunset some stray sparks leaving her crystal horn.
  762. >”-please he wasn’t in control of himself! You can’t just punish him for that!” Cadence said standing beside the monarch as she stared down at Sunset and Tempest before her.
  763. >W-what?
  764. >You need to do something before this escalates!
  766. >”Sister, We plead upon thine mercy not for Ourselves, but for Our subject. He is blameless of Our crimes.” The smaller alicorn, Luna, said as she shakily stood before Princess Celestia.
  767. >”Sister?!” Oh look you found a surround stereo in this world, strange where your mind goes when you're about to die.
  768. >On seeing the smaller alicorn speak up promptly opened the filly floodgates.
  769. >Pastel colors surround you and the Princess Luna as the fillies all speak up at once.
  771. >”Hey leave the colt alone he’s been through a lot! He saved Equestria Princess! Plus look at your sister, she's nice now!”
  772. >”Come on Princess, we were just about to have a party to celebrate beating ol’ black snooty! No offense Princess.”
  773. >”Darling here was vital in stopping Nightmare Moon, you can’t just punish him for that! Even if Princess Luna’s debut was a touch excessive that’s no real good reason to be so harsh is there?”
  774. >”As much as Ah hate to agree with Rarity she’s got a point, at the end of the day everything worked out like a barrel of cider. Can’t ya let this one go? Just this once?”
  775. >”Dude he was awesome in the fight! Don’t just buck him right afterwards it’s not right! Sides the princess here was really cool to be in a fight against, did you see the fireworks going off during the fight?”
  776. >”C-could we not fight? We’re done so much of it already.”
  777. >You managed through the terror holding onto you to look down to see the fillies, the ones Nightmare had kidnapped, that YOU had helped kidnapped shielding you and Princess Luna from Celestia with their own bodies.
  778. >It’d be adorable as you and Luna both towered over the fillies, but you're panicking a bit from the stoic gaze upon you.
  779. >For the sake of the fillies and your family you gently push your way through the herd of fillies and lower the flickering shield down with your own magic.
  780. >Out of the corner of your eye you can spy Luna also pushing her way through the crowd, looking touched at the concern and forgiveness from the fillies.
  781. “I…” You cough voice raw from dust and effort, “If it wasn’t for my own errors in the ritual Nightmare Moon wouldn’t have escaped.”
  782. >You smile at the fillies who watch in dread and then to the burning denial in Sunset and Tempest’s eyes.
  783. “I’ll take my licks like I ought to, but you guys don’t deserve to be tarred by my mistakes.”
  784. >Sunset is already opening her mouth to argue, only for her eyes to widen and focus past you.
  785. >Turning you see Princess Celestia stepping closer to you.
  786. >Luna stepped forward a step while you tried to match her only to be stopped by an evening blue wing.
  787. >”Neigh fair Anonymous, it was Our fault more than thine. Thou shalt not bear Our sins upon thy back, stand aside.”
  788. >What the hell, you’ll let her feel big and tough. It's a last wish type of deal right?
  789. >You probably ought to kneel, but darn it all if your knee doesn’t feel a bit bummed out.
  790. >Hahaha
  791. >Shitty references before you’re about to die?
  792. >What the hell is wrong with you?
  794. >Princess Celestia despite the sweaty froth still clinging to her form, the lines under her eyes that make her look centuries older and the faint wisps of her mane that remained still looked as regal when you first met her on the throne in Canterlot.
  795. >”Princess Luna Cosma, you have conspired to dispose of the rightful ruler of Equestria, plunge the world into eternal darkness for eons and terrify the innocents of this land. In addition to that you have also enslaved a sentient being under your thrall while stealing him from his herd.” Princess Celestia read out Luna’s crimes with an unyielding tone.
  796. >Barely a moment passed before that judging gaze was upon you, ”Anonymous Shimmer, though against your will by your actions was a long incarcerated criminal released into the world and under the sway of dark magic used your own power against agents of the crown.”
  797. >Standing eye to eye with you she stopped and you brace for your death.
  798. >You won’t blink.
  799. >Just take it-
  800. >Equestira’s Monarch, Sol Invictus and the various other titles the heralds love to proclaim giggled at you.
  801. >”By all accounts you two would be banished to the depths of Tartarus to be bound for all of time, /if/ you both were in control of your own facilities.” Princess Celestia said mirthfully as your heart learned to beat again.
  802. >”Yet it brings my heart great joy to see such friendships formed amongst you all, even those between rivals to learn to become like a family.” Princess Celestia beamed at you with pride looking over each of the mares before kneeling to be level with Princess Luna, “Even between former enemies, Luna, I had wronged you all those years ago, where we should have had trust there was only suspicion, fickle winds instead of loyal bonds and more, but I ask you dear sister, won’t you accept my friendship once more?”
  804. >For a fey moment you thought Luna would refuse, and spit in defiance at her foe, but instead you see a wibble in the mare’s lips before she sobbed lunging into a hug with the solar monarch.
  805. >”We’re sorry! We are so sorry sister!” Princess Luna cried out clinging to her older sister with tears running down her face.
  806. >The crowd of fillies watching this let out a collective aw at the sight as they apparently have the memory of a goldfish or were far more forgiving of the Nightmare’s actions than you thought.
  807. >You have to blink feeling the dejavu of your own reaction after the battle.
  808. >If she was faking her repentance then she was a class a actor, but you feel somewhere in your heart that she is remorseful for her actions.
  809. >You’ll still be keeping your distance and your guard up though, you can barely even remember what you did while under her spell…
  810. >Fucking mind spells.
  812. “Wait then does that mean Princess Luna and Anon are off the hook?” Tempest asked leaning against your leg with a yawn.
  813. “Not quite, there is still a bit of punishment to be had.” Princess Celestia said as she slowly stood once more, “Luna you know our laws yes?”
  814. >”Yes sister, We will accept what thee deem fit.” Luna replied gently wiping away at her tears with a wing tip.
  815. >”Then hear my decree, henceforth Princess Luna is to be assigned to Sunset Shimmer for lessons on the use and misuse of dark magic in addition to community service for the duration upon which Sunset Shimmer deems the act repaid in full. In addition, our niece shall act as a mentor for your remedial ethics as well.” Princess Celestia stomped her hoof into the ground a spark of golden flame arching up from the ground to Princess Luna causing her form to glow momentarily.
  816. >”Did you just bind Princess Luna to me as a magic tutor and as her tour guide, Princess Celestia?” Sunset asked in disbelief.
  817. >You might be a bit slow on the uptake, but this is sounding less like a punishment and more like mandatory vacation days being put to use.
  818. >”Consider it partial repayment for my own debts to you, my Aegis. After all to be a proper tutor one must know of the magic she is going to teach, no?” Princess Celestia said teasingly.
  819. “Is that why you had Cadence brought in as well under that ethics teacher, Princess?”
  820. >”Perhaps, Anonymous, if you would kneel.”
  822. >A resounding echo of “What!?” boomed through the tower at the command..
  823. >You’ve read and seen enough stories to know what she’s saying, but that can’t be right.
  824. “Princess?”
  825. >”Kneel Anonymous, I shalt not ask again.”
  826. >Stepping before the princess you sink down to one knee, amusingly your just eye level with her tuft and damn it focus on something else!
  827. “Princess, this is a great honor, but I’ve messed up, I don’t deserve this.”
  828. >Princess Celestia’s amusement briefly shone through like the sun on a cloudy day, “It is well within my power to decide upon what honors I shall endow.”
  829. >The amusement vanished just as thunder heads covered the sun, “You will learn that this is not an honor, but a duty you have already shouldered. Yet, your deeds in this conflict should be validated, as should all of you. It is through your friendships with each other that allowed you all to prevail.” Princess Celestia said, sparing a glance to the small crowd.
  830. >The fillies each stand taller at the words of their princess while Cadence smiled uneasily with Sunset beside her watching on conflicted.
  831. >”Now.” Princess Celestia centered your attention right quick as she raised a wing to your shoulder.
  832. >”In the name of the sun let your deeds shine on for others to follow,” The wing laid for a moment before rising over your head onto your other shoulder, “in the name of the moon let your enemies fear your justice.”
  833. >With a flutter of feathers the wing retracted, “Now rise,” just in time for a gold plated hoof to smack across your face! “and let this blow be the last blow unanswered!”
  834. >You’re seeing stars from how hard you just got smacked there, but you manage to hold your ground returning the stare Princess Celestia gave you.
  835. >Nodding to her you slowly stood up just in time to hear from Twilight, “Princess! You can’t just smack a colt!”
  837. >Princess Celestia giggled with warmth, “I do not see a colt, young Twilight, only a knight.”
  838. >“Indeed, Sir Anonymous was the valiant knight even under our power, on that matter. Sunset Shimmer, Aegis of the Crown, We submit ourselves to thou for the grave crime of stallion snatching.” Princess Luna said bowing her head to Sunset.
  839. >From the cheshire like grin that Sunset had you don’t like where her thoughts were going.
  840. >You honestly feared for Princess Luna’s safety with that smile.
  841. >”Well now, I think I know a few things we can get started with.” Sunset practically purred out slowly circling the Princess.
  842. “Sunset Shimmer, don’t you dare.”
  843. >At her full name being used the mare snapped her head to you before a coy smile crossed her face.
  844. >Oh? What did you think I was going to do Sir Anonymous.” Sunset asked.
  845. “Something degrading knowing your twisted little mind, you’re not breaking into the dark magic knowledge right this instant, there are fillies around!”
  846. >Sunset rolled her eyes at you, “You know for a colt that I-” You noticed her glance at Cadence, “We rescued, you sure are mouthy.”
  847. >You wave your hands in a flippant manner.
  848. “It turned out alright near the end there, besides what was that bit Twilight said. Something about being honest with yourself, ring any bells?”
  850. >”Oh for the sake of Love, will you two just get a room already! The both of you have been giving me hiccups ever since last year!” Cadence shouted, drawing both you and Sunset’s gaze.
  851. >”Shut up, Cadence.”
  852. “Shut up, Cadence.”
  853. >For a moment you freeze at what you heard then blinked before looking at Sunset.
  854. >You can hear the fillies giggling at your antics and the blue one even shouted, “Kiss him already you dyke!”
  855. “Hey watch your lan-mmph!”
  856. >Your teeth clack almost painfully as you're brought into a fierce and fiery kiss.
  857. >”Whoa…”
  858. >”Alright, that’s enough gawking fillies, ya’ll had a gander at’em now!”
  859. >Sunset pulled away from you, strands trailing off from the kiss before smirking.
  860. >”What? Pony got your tongue Ape?”
  861. >”Sunset, maybe now isn’t the time, we still have a few things to discuss.” Princess Celestia called out.
  862. >As close as you are you can note the faintest blush on Sunset’s face, “Right Princess, what did you want to talk about?”
  863. >You take a moment to relax and simply listen as your body pointedly reminds you that you were in fact not a knight by trade and more of a lazy sorcerer with light exercise in the form of stairs.
  864. >”I was hoping to inquire about ideas on how I might be able to spend time with Luna, working at the castle while you're staying near Ponyville, the travel time alone would be immense.”
  865. >Princess Luna added in, “As would We, yet Our debt must be repaid, thou had seen to that.”
  866. >”Oh sister, calm down, it’s not as dire as you make it out to be. After all, I'm the one who used it.”
  867. >Tired as you are, you still hone in on that underlying tension between the two sisters, but the tension breaks as Twilight waved her leg in the air.
  868. >”Oh! Oh! Princess!”
  871. >”Yes Twilight, I think you’ve earned the right to be heard without being called on.” Celestia said with a smile.
  872. >Flushing at the snickering coming from the fillies behind her Twilight bowed her head before saying, “Sorry Princess, but Princess Luna since you’re still an alicorn that means your magic’s really strong and you have a ton, why not use Tricky’s Teleportation to go between Canterlot and wherever Sunset has you going?”
  873. >A small pause from Twilight had you smiling almost seeing the dots connect in her head when she turned to ask Sunset, “Where are you going anyway?”
  874. >Princess Luna was the first to respond, clearing her throat, “Our magic and might have greatly been stripped from Us, it’ll take some time to recover back to where We once were.”
  875. >Sunset clicked her teeth in disappointment, “That’s a problem, I suppose returning to my tower wouldn’t be too bad.I could show you some of the sights if you’re willing Princess Luna, or did you prefer Luna?”
  876. >”We shall oblige to thy needs Aegis, call Us however thou wishes.”
  877. >”Luna then, between you and me I’m sure we can figure out a few things to complain about Celestia.” Sunset said with a smile leaning in close to the lunar mare who sheepishly grinned back.
  879. >While your headache seemed to almost double at the thought of Sunset’s antics with Luna, you noticed Tempest frowning at the news.
  880. >”So we’d have to go back to Canterlot?” Tempest asked you.
  881. >Scratching behind her ear from force of habit you sit down beside the filly with a huff.
  882. “What’s up kiddo? Don’t you want to head home?”
  883. >Tempest shrugged in response, “Sure I do, it’s just.” at the pause you follow her gaze to the fillies nearby, one was doing a retelling of their adventure, another was collecting scraps of ruined tapestry from the walls, and Pinkie you spied sharing cupcakes, “I wanted to keep in touch with my friends, I know Twilight does too, she’s too nervous to admit it.”
  884. >The last bit was called out louder than normal as Twilight snapped her head to the two of you from talking with the one in the hat.
  885. “I’m not nervous! I was only,” Twilight bit her lip looking between Princess Celestia then the others, “concerned was all.”
  886. >”What’s this now Darlings?”
  887. >”Ah shoot Sugarcubes, ya’ll ain’t got nothin’ to worry about!”
  888. >”What’s up now?”
  889. >”Oh Tempest and Twilight are both worried that after our super mega amazing adventure that this might be the only time we’ll ever get to see each other ever again in FOREVER!”
  890. >”That’s t-terrible! Now you two don’t worry about a thing, I can ask some of my little birdie friends to bring letters to you, just be sure to spare them a few things to eat?”
  891. >”Well of course we’re not going to just forget about the marvelous time we had together, even if a touch stressful you two still need a fitting for some of my dresses! I’m practicing you see and it would ever be so lovely if you two came, your coats are wonderful to work with.”
  893. >At the sheer volume of assurances, well wishes and vows you can feel the faint sparks of that awe inspiring power dance between each of the fillies and to your little girls, hell Twilight might as well be family at this point.
  894. >It’s no giant rainbow beam of power, but something just as potent.
  895. >True friendship.
  896. >You stifle a cough to not draw attention from the moment you take note of the dust in the room.
  897. >Best make sure to get some tissues for the girls when you head home, maybe some allergy medicine.
  898. >As Tempest and Twilight both wipe their eyes from that dratted dust Princess Celestia smoothly interjected herself to the conversation, ”I may have a way to help my little ponies. It’s costly to establish, but for the sake of friendships newly forged and renewed it would be well worth the cost.”
  899. >”What did you have in mind Princess?”
  900. >”Oh something that’ll cut on the travel expenses I imagine…” The princess replied with a sly smile.
  901. >Confused you only tilt your head at the non-answer only to hear Sunset gasp in shock
  902. >”No, you can’t be serious, the amount of materials invested in a single pair is crazy.”
  903. >Suddenly a prismatic blur hovered between Sunset and Princess Celestia, “For those of us who don’t know a lot of magical stuff care to fill us in?”
  904. >”Permanent teleportation circles, they take a good chunk of money to invest in for materials, but Princess how are you going to get around the time requirement? It takes a whole year for one!” Sunset hurriedly explained before she focused on the Princess once more.
  906. >”A tele-what now?” The southern drawl on that one was thick enough to taste the flapjacks.
  907. >”It lets you go from place to place really fast, in the blink of an eye.” Twilight whispered by you.
  908. >“That sounds just lazy, how’re you supposed to enjoy the ground beneath your hooves then?” The orange one whispered back.
  910. >”As Princess of the land I think it well within my rights to define what’s worth investing in, and this is one thing I can at least do for you. For the time problem, let me see…” Princess Celestia said warmly before frowning as she started to walk about the room.
  911. >You watched as the princess did a small little side step dance from the doorway to the center of the room and leaned close trying to eye the floor into revealing something.
  912. >The teleport circle maybe?
  913. >”Sister are thou trying to find yonder sigil of Our house?” Princess Luna called out with a snicker.
  914. >“Ah,” With a cough Princess Celestia stood quickly back up, “yes, I was. I had thought it was in the arcanum tower, it was where Starswirl had long studied most of his mysterious.”
  915. >”Tis on the ground floor Sister, We shall show thee. Thy memory seems to be fading indeed in thy old age.”
  916. >”Perhaps sister, but don’t forget who's the one to convince the old codger on making it. Now if you would?”
  918. >A small nod and your motley collection of ponies and one human make their way down the stairs.
  919. >Tempest had managed to trot closer toward the front than you had expected, but you could just make out the conversation between the two.
  920. >You trusted the rainbow beam, sure, but it didn’t hurt to be safe.
  921. >Nevermind the fact you’d be blown over by a stiff breeze.
  922. >”Young Tempest, thou were most impressive during the confrontation. Most would not have managed against the wiles of a Capricorn. The beasts are often able to slip between time to thine advantage.”
  923. >At the princess’s words Tempest let out a small sound of understanding, “That makes so much more sense! I thought I’d recover, but then suddenly the world skipped? I don’t know how else to describe it.”
  924. >Pleased at the reaction Princess Luna continued shly, “Indeed, if thou wished We could have thine first lesson be upon the various beasts of the stars? That is if thy Dame is willing?”
  925. >”I think it’d be a grand lesson to start with, you’ve already got the practical down, now you just need the book work done.” Sunset said ariely.
  926. >Tempest beamed at that as she pounced on Princess Luna like an adorable piranha on the scent of blood.
  927. >”That’d be great! What other star animals are there? Do they migrate often? What type of abilities do they have?”
  928. >Twilight has to physically pull the filly off the princess as she cries, “Tempest, let her breath!”
  929. >Tempest paused before looking at the choke hold she had on the princess, “Huh, oh Princess I’m so sorry!”
  930. >”‘Tis fine little one, thou has a,” Princess Luna rubbed at her neck, “an exceedingly strong grip.”
  932. >Further conversation soon ends as the tower itself was not quite as high as the one Sunset had, thank small mercies for that.
  933. >Princess Celesta trotted around the room slowly nodding to herself, “Ah, yes this is starting to make more sense now. I recognize the pillars, Luna. Do you remember the time when we had melted that beam there?”
  934. >The gnarled looking pillar was still blackened, honestly you had thought that it was from a fire that had broken out to be honest.
  935. >”Oh yes twas the most joyous occasion! Thou had bet Master Starswirl’s tower would be impervious to thine flames. The stones were enchanted by the old wizard after all.”
  936. >”Of course the old wind bag couldn’t accept defeat and still punished me on a technicality.”
  937. >”To be fair sister, We did aid in thine efforts.”
  938. >”Wait, you did? How?!”
  939. >”We have Our ways,” Princess Luna replied softly, smiling in fond memory before a pout crossed her face, “although Master Starswirl had caught Us after the lesson.”
  941. “Princess, not to interrupt the nostalgia trip, but the circle?”
  942. >”Of course, my apologies Sir Anonymous.” Princess Celestia exclaimed before she bent her horn down to the sigil, a simple affair of moon and sun together surrounded by six stars.
  943. >You barely have any clue what any of the other lines in the circle even manage to do, but keep a step back just to be safe.
  944. >Hazy as they are you still recall a good few stories where the one teleporting doesn’t make it all the way across.
  945. >”Sister, would you like to join me in this? It’ll be just like old times.” Princess Celestia asked the younger alicorn.
  946. >Princess Luna skittered in place at the sudden question, “Art thou sure Sister? We’d not wish ill upon thee in this endeavor…”
  947. >Pink legs wrap about the lunar princess as Pinkie exclaimed, “Don’t you worry a bit, your highness, just go in there and before you know it you’re casting just like the rest of them, it’s like riding a unicycle again! Once you’ve learned you never forget!”
  948. “Pinkie, I don’t think that’s how that wor-”
  949. >”Neigh Sir Anonymous, Laughter spoke true, We shall try. That is...if thou still desires it, sister?”
  950. >Princess Celestia smiled, “Always.”
  952. >Silver and gold flow into the circle, filling into the groves carved into long embedded stone work before humming with power, a dome of prismatic light slowly took form that obscured sight beyond its many hues.
  953. >Suddenly the dome collapses and the two alicorns look tired, but are quite lively.
  954. >”It still works, how grand.”
  955. >”With this, visits between the castle and Canterlot are more than doable. For now I believe that it is well past time for all to have a rest. Perhaps a stay at the local tavern might be in order?”
  956. >”Twould be like Our early years as travellers, no? The visits to a tavern were far and few between cherished for thine stables.”
  958. >At seeing the comradery laden air and fits of nostalgia over taking the duo you find your own gruesome twosome after watching the light show.
  959. “Think we ought to let the sisters get a bit better acquainted with each other? They seem to be riding the nostalgia wave pretty hard.”
  960. >Sunset yawned before she said, ”Sounds fine to me, what about- Cadence how long have you been carrying them?”
  961. >Cadence you see had Rarity snoozing on her back, Fluttershy around her neck, Pinkie Pie snoring atop her head.
  962. >You spot Rainbow Dash carefully balanced on her rump beside Applejack clutching tight to the orange filly even in her sleep, Twilight and Tempest both asleep while held aloft in the aircon’s magic before she grinned at you, “Just a few minutes now, they are just fillies after all.”
  963. “For the love of- give some of them here you draft horse of a mare.”
  964. >Flushed Cadence squeaked while Sunset nipped at your side, “Don’t go and call her that, it’s rude! Besides, insulting Cadence is my thing.”
  965. “Easy or I might think you’re jealous, now gimme my baby girls.”
  966. Grabbing Tempest from the magical grip you carefully hold her in the crook of your arm, she’s almost too big to carry like this, but a few adjustments there and she’s snug as can be.
  967. “Think those long arms of yours can hold another one?” Sunset asked archly as she levitates Twilight and Applejack over to her own magical grip.
  968. >You frowned at seeing Twilight being hoisted along by Sunset before looking back to Cadence.
  969. “Gimme a minute,” You said looking over the jenga puzzle that had become Cadence and her pile of fillies.
  970. >You opt to simply swipe the blue pegasus up as she looked far too precarious to be left alone.
  971. >“Oh that feels heavenly, I think with three I can handle this much Anon, thank you.”
  972. >”Ahem.”
  973. >”And thank you too Sunset, I appreciate your help.”
  974. >Sunset visibly preens at the thanks, “As it’s meant to be, now let’s just get to bed.”
  975. “Best plan you’ve had all day, miss-let’s-go-and-fight-an-Alicorn-of-Darkness.”
  976. >”Hey, at the end of the day I got you back, that’s what matters.” Sunset said, staring at you with a fond smile while you held the fillies.
  977. >You smile and nod before you gently nudge the mare and walk back to Ponyville with your friends new and old, and more importantly with your family.

Broken Herds, Reforged

by ComfysPlace

Shimmering the Setting Sun

by ComfysPlace

Twilight Era and Troubles

by ComfysPlace


by ComfysPlace

Lightning and Rainbows

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