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The Jump (Scootaloo)

By glimglam12
Created: 2020-12-18 03:25:22
Expiry: Never

  1. "Come on, it's not that far."
  2. >Scootaloo moves to the lip of the ravine and looks down
  3. >she swallows nervously
  4. >it looks like a drop of ten, maybe twelve feet
  5. >soft mud and a little creek at the bottom
  6. >the fall wouldn't kill her, but it might hurt
  7. "You can do it. I believe in you, squirt!"
  8. >she turns her head and looks over her shoulder
  9. >Rainbow Dash is standing there beaming at her
  10. >she feels a knot form in the pit of her stomach
  11. >she peers down into the ravine again
  12. "I don't know, it's pretty far...and it looks like there's rocks at the bottom..."
  13. >she hears a heavy sigh from behind her, and the knot in her stomach tightens
  14. "If you don't think you're up to it, squirt, that's fine it's just..."
  15. >Scoot wheels around
  16. >Rainbow Dash looks genuinely disappointed in her
  17. >even worse, she looks like she's trying to hide it
  18. "N-no!"
  19. >Scoot puffs out her little chest and tries to sound confident
  20. "I can do it! It's just...well..."
  21. >involuntarily she glances over her shoulder at the ravine again
  22. >Dash sighs, more heavily this time
  23. >the knot in Scootaloo's stomach tightens
  24. >she can feel the faint beginnings of tears forming in her eyes
  25. >why does she have to be such a wuss?
  26. "Look, squirt, it's cool. You don't have to make the jump if you're scared. I won't tell anypony."
  27. >Scootaloo bristles at the word 'scared'
  28. "I'm not scared!"
  29. "I mean, I set up the ramp and everything, and I brought the camera like you asked..."
  30. >Dash continues as if she hadn't heard her
  31. "But whatever, if you don't want to do it, that's cool. But I've got a Wonderbolts practice I need to get to, so if you're not gonna jump..."
  32. >she trails off, shrugs, and begins to walk away
  33. "Wait!"
  34. >Scoot cries out, trotting anxiously towards her
  35. >Dash turns around with a surprised expression, as if she'd forgotten she was still there
  36. "L-let's do the jump!"
  37. >Dash looks doubtfully up at the sky
  38. >there is still plenty of daylight left, but the sun is well into the western portion of the sky
  39. >the shadows of nearby trees are starting to get long
  40. >she returns her attention to Scootaloo, staring up at her anxiously
  41. "Come on! We've got plenty of time! I'll just do the jump real quick, and then you can go to your practice!"
  42. >Rainbow Dash glances doubtfully at the shoddy-looking ramp the two of them hastily constructed that afternoon
  43. "Well, if you think you're up to it..."
  44. >she shrugs
  45. "Yeah, I can do it! No problem!"
  46. >Scoot puffs out her chest again, brimming with confidence
  47. >her fear is momentarily forgotten
  48. >she scrambles quickly up to the top of the ramp where her little scooter is waiting
  49. >she swallows
  50. >the structure wobbles a little underneath her
  51. >she's not even that high up, but somehow the ravine seems even deeper and wider than it did from the edge
  52. >the ramp sways a little in the breeze, and she jolts, trying to steady herself
  53. "Come on, squirt! You jumping or not?"
  54. >she hears the voice of her idol calling impatiently from the ground
  55. >the look on her face drives a spur into Scoot's flank
  56. >swallowing, she straps her little helmet on
  57. "You can do this..." she mutters to herself
  58. >she takes a deep breath
  59. >her tiny, stunted wings begin to flutter
  60. >she holds the scooter in place for a second, building up power
  61. >then, she kicks off
  62. >for a moment, everything is forgotten
  63. >her fear, her idol watching her, her home life...
  64. >it's all gone
  65. >there's nothing but the rush of adrenaline
  66. >the crisp, late afternoon wind in her mane
  67. >that thrilling sensation of leaving her stomach behind as she drops
  68. >the scooter rolls down the ramp
  69. >she doesn't even notice it swaying anymore
  70. >nothing can scare her
  71. >she's invincible
  72. >she's the wind
  73. >these are the moments when she feels truly alive
  74. >the edge of the ramp whooshes by, and suddenly there is nothing underneath her
  75. >she careens upward in a graceful arc
  76. >the land begins to spread out below her
  77. >dimly she's aware of the camera flashing somewhere off in the distance
  78. >her heart swells with pride
  79. >she's doing it!
  80. >the chasm of the ravine yawns underneath her, but she scoffs at it
  81. >she's going to make it across
  82. >she's--
  83. >suddenly, she notices that her momentum has slowed
  84. >she looks down and realizes with a panic that she is barely even halfway across
  85. >she flaps her wings as hard as she possibly can, trying desperately to move herself forward
  86. >it's no use, it's like she's frozen in place
  87. >and then, suddenly, she can feel herself begin to drop...
  88. >BOOF
  89. >Scoot shakes her head in a daze
  90. >she has no recollection of what just happened
  91. >one minute she was in the air, and the next...
  92. >she struggles to her hooves
  93. >she can feel mud caked all over her coat and in the parts of her mane not covered by the helmet
  94. >her scooter is jutting out of the mud a few feet away
  95. "Haha! Wow, you really biffed it!"
  96. >she hears laughter, and looks angrily up at the source
  97. >Dash is standing at the lip of the ravine, laughing
  98. >when she sees the expression on Scoot's face, she puts a hoof over her mouth and stifles it, but the damage is done
  99. "Sorry. Here, you want some help?"
  100. >she lifts into the air, but Scoot waves an angry hoof
  101. "I can do it..." she mutters
  102. "Let me get your scooter at least..."
  103. >as Scootaloo struggles to pull herself up the slippery bank of the ravine, Rainbow Dash glides effortlessly down and retrieves the scooter
  104. >Dash sets it down on the grass beside her as she stands at the edge, panting with exertion
  105. "Did you...get a picture..." Scoot huffs out
  106. >Dash snickers
  107. >she tries to stifle it, but Scoot notices
  108. >it hurts worse than her bruises
  109. "Yeah, I got a picture probably don't want to see it..."
  110. >Scoot glowers at the ground and says nothing
  111. "Well, anyway squirt, this was fun, but I need to get to my practice..."
  112. "I'm going again."
  113. >without waiting for a response from Dash, she grabs her scooter and clambers back to the top of the ramp
  114. >this time she doesn't hesitate
  115. >with a huff, she flutters her wings as fast as she can, and kicks off
  116. >the ramp whooshes by, but she feels none of the exhilaration of before
  117. >her entire being is focused on traveling as fast as possible
  118. >with a rush she careens out past the edge of the ramp
  119. >the ground recedes underneath her
  120. >she arcs out over the ravine
  121. >yes!
  122. >she's further than she was the last time
  123. >she's actually going to make it...
  124. >BOOF
  125. >SPLAT
  126. >she pulls herself up out of the mud, spitting
  127. >some of it got into her eyes that time
  128. >she wipes it angrily away with a foreleg
  129. >tears are running down the side of her face
  130. >it's just the dirt making her eyes water
  131. >she clambers up the side of the ravine
  132. >Dash has already retrieved her scooter
  133. >she's smiling sadly at her
  134. >somehow that hurts even more than when she was laughing
  135. "Squirt, listen..."
  136. >Scoot turns her head angrily away, shutting her eyes and trying to hide her tears
  137. >without a word, she grabs the scooter and stomps angrily up the ramp again
  138. >WHOOSH
  139. >BOOF
  140. >SPLAT
  141. >she's back in the mud
  142. >she clambers up the side of the ravine
  143. >she's limping a little now
  144. >her left wing feels tender
  145. >tears are streaming from her eyes now, she can't stop them
  146. >she hopes her face is dirty enough that Dash doesn't notice
  147. >Dash wordlessly retrieves the scooter and sets it down
  148. >the pity in her eyes feels like a physical punch in the gut
  149. >she grabs the scooter and runs up the ramp again, her tears flying behind her
  150. >WHOOSH
  151. >BOOF
  152. >SPLAT
  153. >WHOOSH
  154. >BOOF
  155. >SPLAT
  156. >WHOOSH
  157. >BOOF
  158. >SPLAT
  159. >CRACK
  160. >Scootaloo spits out mud
  161. >she has no idea how many times she's been here
  162. >she stopped counting
  163. >bitterly she realizes that she lands in nearly the same place every time
  164. >no matter what she does, she never makes it any further across the ravine
  165. >her wings ache
  166. >her rear left leg hurts for some reason
  167. >she ignores it
  168. >she can push through the pain
  169. >no matter how many times it takes, she's going to get this...
  170. "Uh, squirt?"
  171. >she rolls over
  172. >Rainbow Dash is standing at the edge of the ravine
  173. >Scootaloo can't read her expression
  174. >shadows have grown noticeably longer
  175. >the late afternoon sun blares out behind Dash, making her a silhouette
  176. >she looks so cool, standing there
  177. >Scootaloo sniffles and wipes her tears away
  178. "Listen, I'm really sorry..."
  179. >Dash begins again
  180. "I'm really late, and if I miss another practice they're going to bench me at the show this weekend..."
  181. >with a single, powerful flap of her wings, she takes to the air
  182. >Scootaloo watches wordlessly as she clears the ravine in the space of half a second
  183. >she glides easily to the ground on the other side
  184. >she turns around and looks sadly down at Scoot lying in the mud
  185. "You want me to help you out of there first?"
  186. >Scoot angrily waves a hoof and looks away
  187. >tears are streaming down her face
  188. >she's glad it's getting too dark for her to see them
  189. "It's okay, just go." she manages, hoping Dash doesn't notice the tremor in her voice
  190. >Dash gives one last pitying look that crushes the last of Scoot's resolve
  191. >she turns to go
  192. "We can practice this some more tomorrow if you want, I promise!" she calls out as she lifts herself into the air
  193. >she bolts away in a blue flash
  194. >Scoot watches until she disappears over the horizon
  195. >she lies there for awhile
  196. >the shadows elongate, the light fades
  197. >the bottom of the ravine is dark and cool, the sky overhead is transitioning slowly from red to purple
  198. >the first of the evening crickets makes a tentative chirp
  199. >Scoot lies there, feeling nothing
  200. >finally, she musters her resolve and clambers to her hooves
  201. "AAAAAAAAAH!"
  202. >her scream echoes across the empty landscape
  203. >immediately she drops into the mud again with a soft plop
  204. >she stares in horror at the shape of her rear leg
  205. "R-RAINBOW!" she cries out
  206. "SOMEPONY!"
  207. "ANYPONY!!"
  208. >silence
  209. >Scootaloo sniffs
  210. >a second cricket begins to chirp
  211. >then a third
  212. "I think I broke my leg..."
  213. >no answer but the evening song of the crickets
  215. ~Fin~

The Camping Trip (Floor Bored)

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Sweetie Belle's Lesson

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Fluttershy's Shopping Trip

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The Jump (Scootaloo)

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Jesus Christ Wants to Cum Inside Rainbow Dash

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