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The Camping Trip (Floor Bored)

By glimglam12
Created: 2020-12-18 03:19:11
Expiry: Never

  1. >you breathe in the fresh, clean air
  2. >the smell of pine trees all around you
  3. >no humans for miles
  4. >no ponies either
  5. >you take another deep breath
  6. >no phone
  7. >no lights
  8. >no motorcars
  9. >not a single luxury
  10. >you sigh contentedly
  11. >from somewhere nearby, a bird chirps out a short musical burst
  12. >in a far off tree on the opposite side of you, another responds
  13. >the afternoon sun is just beginning to graze the tops of the distant mountains
  14. >perfect, at this rate you should have the camp set up just in time
  15. >you're looking forward to a cool, pleasant evening after the day's long hike
  16. >sitting outside your tent by the river
  17. >enjoying a long, mellow smoke from your pipe as the golden haze turns slowly to purple and fades away
  18. >there is no pleasure on earth greater than this
  19. "Ow, fuck! Jeez, something bit me. Will you hold the shit up, Anon? I almost tripped."
  20. >you sigh heavily and stop walking
  21. >again
  22. >for like the tenth time in an hour
  23. >you turn slowly around, waiting patiently for your companion to catch up
  24. >you can see her down near the bottom of the hill
  25. >her pale coat and black, scraggly mane form a stark contrast against the warm greens and browns of the forest
  26. >you stifle a laugh
  27. >she's barely even halfway up the hill, and it looks like she somehow caught her foot in something
  28. >she's still wearing that weird horse-hoodie even though it's like 85 degrees outside
  29. >it's soaked through with sweat
  30. >you stand there, waiting with your arms folded as she struggles to free herself
  31. >she begins to fumble her way up the hill
  32. >she trips on at least five things on her way up
  33. >you sigh and glance impatiently at the sun
  34. >HOPEFULLY you can get the camp up by sundown
  35. >meanwhile, the little cream and black pony is still huffing and puffing up the mild slope of the hill
  36. >her cursing and grumbling has probably scared off all the wildlife for miles
  37. >at least you won't have to worry about bears
  38. >finally she makes it up to the top
  39. >her hoodie is completely soaked through with sweat
  40. >she's panting
  41. "Oh...oh"
  42. >you stand patiently watching her while she wheezes incoherently
  43. "Little warm out for that hoodie, isn't it?" you say pleasantly
  44. >she glares up at you
  45. >her eyes, or at least what you can see of them through the matted strands of her mane, have a manic cast to them
  46. "Yeah, no shit it's warm!" she sputters. "Why did we have to do this, anyway? You know I hate camping...and...walking...and...OH GOD WHAT IS THAT THING?!?"
  47. >she points at a nearby rock, her foreleg stretched out and shaking
  48. >she looks like a deranged mental patient
  49. >you glance at where she's pointing and glance back
  50. >you raise an inquisitive eyebrow at her
  51. "It's a praying mantis. You can't possibly not have seen one before?"
  52. >the creature in question crawls slowly off into the surrounding foliage
  53. >Floor glares at you
  54. "Yeah, well..."
  55. >she trails off, mumbling angrily
  56. >you glance impatiently at the sun again
  57. "Come on, we're almost there. We need to get the camp set up before the sun goes down. You can cool off in the river."
  58. >you begin walking
  59. >the ground is more level now, hopefully Floor can manage from here
  60. >she trots grumpily alongside you, swatting at flies with her greasy tail
  61. "Why did we have to go camping, anyway? You know I hate stuff like this."
  62. >you glance down at her
  63. >you're pretty used to her neet shit by now, but she's starting to get on your nerves
  64. "This is the only time this summer I could get a whole week off from work."
  65. "Yeah, I know, but, did we have to come out HERE? With all the flies and stuff? Why can't we just stay home and watch anime?"
  66. "You do literally nothing but sit around watching anime. Did it kill you to go outside for once?"
  67. "I...I died a little inside, yeah!" she snaps
  68. >you're starting to get mad
  69. >you were looking forward to this trip for awhile, but once again you underestimated what a pain in the ass Floor could be
  70. >you're not sure if you can take a whole week of listening to her whine about mosquitoes
  71. "Well, I'm real sorry, Floor. I thought it would be nice to get out in nature for a few days, but fuck it. Let's just drive all the way back home, and do whatever you want to do for a whole week. Sit around and watch Naruto or whatever the bloody hell."
  72. "Oh, shut up, you asshole! I hate Naruto! And I came with you, didn't I?"
  73. >you glance up at the sky in irritation
  74. >the sun is starting to dip below the mountains, and you're not even at the campsite yet
  75. >your "perfect pipe at sunset" plan is going down the drain faster than the shower water finally started doing once you removed the giant black hairball of Floor's that had been clogging it
  76. >how does a pony who showers so little manage to clog the shower drain so often, anyway?
  77. "If you hadn't come, I'd probably have the tent set up and a fire going by now. Why DID you come, if you were just going to gripe like this all week?"
  78. "BECAUSE I'M IN--"
  79. >she snaps her mouth shut suddenly, and clamps her hooves over it
  80. >she turns a deep red
  81. >you look down at her, raising a quizzical eyebrow
  82. >she looks at the ground
  83. >of course you know what she's talking about
  84. >you can smell it
  85. >the whole forest can probably smell it
  86. >maybe you'll have to worry about bears after all
  87. >you were trying to be polite about it, but the passenger seat of your truck is basically ruined now
  88. >you had no problem with it though, this was part of why you thought this trip was a good idea
  89. >to put it bluntly, you had been intending to pound her until the break of dawn tonight
  90. >but now...
  91. >she looks up at you, and suddenly there's a weird gleam of lust in her eye
  92. >like she wants you to just do it to her right now in the middle of a fight
  93. >it somehow both disgusts and arouses you
  94. >but mostly it makes you even angrier
  95. "Oh, piss off, Floor!" you suddenly snap at her.
  96. >she recoils in surprise at the volume of your voice
  97. >a flock of birds takes off from some distant part of the forest and flutters noisily away
  98. >but you continue shouting
  99. "Just go home, you smelly weirdo. In fact, you know what? Don't even bother going home, just go away!"
  100. >she looks like she's about to either start crying or start masturbating
  101. >maybe both
  102. >you wish that didn't turn you on
  103. >God, you're almost as degenerate as she is
  104. "W...where am I supposed to go...?!?" she sputters indignantly
  105. "I don't know. My 8 year old cousin keeps saying she wishes she had a pony, and she likes to watch cartoons all day. You two would get along famously. Maybe you can go live with her, and do absolutely fuck-all day in and day out, and eat all the food in her family's house for a while!"
  106. >Floor looks genuinely hurt
  107. >you realize you probably overdid it a little there
  108. >but before you can apologize, she begins to cry
  109. "Fine! Fuck you then, Anon!"
  110. >she leaps to her hooves and starts running
  111. >she's running ahead of you, towards the campsite you notice
  112. >a little trailing ribbon of thick viscous liquid is dangling between her legs
  113. >it catches a glint of the sunlight as she goes tearing off through the woods
  114. >unfortunately, she doesn't get very far
  115. >you hear a loud yelp and a crash, followed by lots of swearing
  116. >you walk a little further ahead
  117. >no need to run; she didn't get very far
  118. >the sight of her is so funny your anger dissipates on the spot
  119. >she somehow managed to fall halfway off the trail into a ditch
  120. >her front hooves got wedged in between a couple of tree roots
  121. >she's basically pinned to the ground, with her ass sticking up in the air
  122. >as soon as you see her you burst out laughing
  123. >she whips her head around and glares at you
  124. >there are tears in her eyes
  125. >she still looks pretty mad
  126. "It's not funny, Anon!"
  127. >she struggles, trying to yank her front legs out of the ditch
  128. >she doesn't have enough leverage to pull herself out
  129. >her back legs skid against the trail, kicking up dust
  130. >as she moves, the light catches the moisture dripping between her legs again
  131. >you feel a slight twinge in your pants
  132. "All right, all right," you laugh, approaching her. "Hold still, you're making it worse."
  133. "Just get me out! Please, Anon..."
  134. >there's a note of panic in her voice
  135. >you put your hands on her flanks, and get yourself ready to pull
  136. >something stops you
  137. >maybe it's the smell
  138. >you glance downward
  139. >it's winking at you
  140. >you pause with your hands on her flanks
  141. "What are you doing, Anon?!? Pull me out!"
  142. >you say nothing, but you give her flanks a squeeze
  143. >she's beginning to redden again
  144. "Jeez, are you serious?" she mutters
  145. >but her legs are beginning to shake
  146. "Stop being tsundere, bitch, you know you love it."
  147. >your use of weeb-speak causes her loins to quiver
  148. >you caress and squeeze her ample plot
  149. >she groans involuntarily
  150. "C-come on, Anon! Get me out of here first...we can...go get the tent...AH...set up..."
  151. >you move a hand down into her nether regions
  152. >the heat coming off of her would cook a hot pocket
  153. "No, I think I like you just like this for now..." you say as you begin to tease around the outside
  154. >she yanks her front legs weakly, trying to free herself
  155. "Come on-AHH!! Let me go! I'll...I'll scream..."
  156. >that makes you laugh
  157. "Who's going to hear you? The friggin' trees? Besides, I've seen your hentai folder. Tell me you're not into this."
  158. >she turns beet red but she says nothing
  159. >her quivering legs and the piping-hot ooze dripping from her is all the answer you need
  160. >you begin to lightly massage her crotch
  161. >a low groan escapes her
  162. >she mumbles something unintelligible in the language of the damned
  163. >the viscous substance oozing from that horsep*ss is soaking your hand now
  164. >you know her body well enough to tell when she's getting close
  165. "...ohgodfuckmenow..." she mumbles
  166. >you grin
  167. >*unzips dick*
  168. >then you pause
  169. >she whips her head around
  170. >the frantic look in her eyes is priceless
  171. "What are you waiting for?!?" she practically screams
  172. >you grin wider
  173. >*rezips dick*
  174. "What the--"
  175. >you step away, making a big show of looking at the sky
  176. "That sun really is starting to go down..." you murmur, as if to yourself
  177. "What?!?"
  178. >you shrug, and begin walking away
  179. "I'm going to go get the tent set up real quick. I'll be right back."
  180. "WHAT THE--?!? GET BACK HERE!!"
  181. >you look over your shoulder
  182. >she is frantically trying to yank her forelegs free from the tree root
  183. "Don't go anywhere!" you call out
  184. >she gives you a crazed look and shouts something you can't understand
  185. >it was probably about Naruto or something
  186. >silly little neet pony
  188. ----
  190. >the evening sun has dipped below the mountains, illuminating their silhouette in a thick golden haze
  191. >the river gurgles pleasantly a short distance away
  192. >behind you, the tent fabric ripples idly in the light breeze
  193. >cicadas hum
  194. >nearby, the first firefly of the night flickers tentatively, followed by another
  195. >you sit in your folding chair
  196. >the gradually cooling air feels good against the day's sweat
  197. >lazily, you fill your pipe and strike a match
  198. >the guy at the shop was right
  199. >this blend is smooth
  200. >smooth and mellow
  201. >you hear a grunting, struggling sound from somewhere behind you
  202. >you cast a glance over your shoulder
  203. >in the fading light you can still see Floor, struggling to free her hooves
  204. >in between struggles, she groans softly
  205. >bucking her hips frantically up and down
  206. >you smile
  207. >you should probably go pull her out
  208. >you take another drag off your pipe, listening to the cicadas hum
  209. >you blow a lazy cloud of smoke across the river
  210. >in a minute
  211. >you'll go get her in a minute
  212. >God it's peaceful out here
  214. ~Fin~

The Camping Trip (Floor Bored)

by glimglam12

Sweetie Belle's Lesson

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