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Touching Wings

By ComfysPlace
Created: 2020-12-18 03:30:08
Expiry: Never

  1. ~Prompt Post~
  2. >You are Anon.
  3. >Gilda has been showing up on your doorstep for the last two weeks, and you fear for your job security.
  4. >Your boss, Applejack, tried to check up on you because you'd missed three days of work in a row, but Gilda puffed up her chest, spread her wings, and made these weird screeching croaking noises until the orange pony went away.
  5. >"Anon!"
  6. >Oh god, she's back.
  7. >"Anon, you dweeb! Get out here a second! I wanna show you something!"
  8. >Pfffahaha, nope.
  9. >Mama didn't raise no dummies.
  10. "What do you want to show me, Gilda?"
  11. >"Come outside and see!"
  12. "Is it another dead animal?"
  13. >There's a brief moment of silence before Gilda speaks again.
  14. >"So what if it is?! It's good for you! I need you to be big and strong if you're gonna be looking after our chicks!"
  15. >God dammit.
  16. >God FUCKING dammit.
  17. "For fuck's sake, Gilda, I can't breed with you!"
  18. >You open up your window so that you can stick your head out and yell at her better.
  19. "We've been over this before!"
  20. >.....Where is she?
  21. "Gilda?"
  22. >Oh. Oh, no.
  23. >You've made a horrible mistake.
  24. >Before you can close your window, Gilda dives through it and tackles you to the ground.
  25. >What horrors will she release upon you for denying her for so long?
  26. >Bites with her terrible bird beak? Maybe deep gashes in your skin from her awful dual-animal claws?
  27. >.....
  28. >Nope, it's face-licks.
  29. >"Cheeerp~"
  30. >What.
  31. >"Cheeeerpah~"
  32. "Gild-oof."
  33. >Gilda mashes her face against yours and starts rubbing.
  34. >The affectionate birdcat spends the next ten or fifteen minutes sitting on your chest and licking your face, all the while making strange bird noises.
  36. >After she's done being affectionate Gilda gets up and goes for the front door.
  37. "Oh sweet mercy, what now?"
  38. >Following after her you see her in your doorway dragging the corpse of a freaking dead moose!
  39. >Catching sight of you Gilda let's go of the corpse and climbs atop of it preening her chest feathers looking proud.
  40. >"See Dweeb, the rabbits, turtles, and humming birds were too small, now I know what you need! A big strong sturdy moose like this will get you all big and strong to keep our chicks safe!"
  41. >Holy shit, she took down a whole moose for you?!
  42. >A chirp greets you again as Gilda looks up at you hopefully with eagerness, tail swishing behind her.
  43. "Gilda, I don't know how to process this all."
  44. >"So? Just use your teeth and those tools yous use in place of claws to clean the kill and eat. You can even cook it if you're gonna be such a bird about it."
  45. >You splutter for a bit before throwing your hands up.
  46. "Fine! Fine just stop dragging it into the house you're getting blood in the floor, do you know how /hard/ it is to get blood out of wood?!"
  47. >Gilda rolls her eyes before biting into the moose's corpse dragging it out of the house.
  48. >Running a hand over your face you try to remember what bits your dad had taught you the one time he hit a deer and brought it home.
  49. >All that comes to mind is having to haul the guts out to the field and dump them off.
  50. >Thanks memory.
  51. >Truding outside you feel a purring sound in your bones as you look down to see Gilda rubbing her head against your leg.
  52. >You know you shouldn't but, you lean down and rub her head messing her feather hair style up.
  53. >"Gah, Anon! Come on it takes forever to style my feathers like this!" Gilda catches what she said and blushes putting her claws down, "Not that I b-bother with that or anything..."
  54. "Sure, lemme just get my knives... I don't even think I have something rough enough to take the hide off..."
  55. >"Why you want it's hide?"
  56. "Well could wear it for one..."
  57. >FWUMP!
  58. "Did your wings-"
  59. >"NO!"
  60. >You just stare at the cat bird as she quivers in place her wings straining to go back to full mast.
  61. "Right, well lemme get some rope"
  62. >"What's the rope for?" Gilda asked face flushed trying to shove down her wings while being discrete.
  63. >Not fooling anyone birdie, but I'll let you have your small victory.
  64. "I have the faint idea on what to do, but this is for hanging the carcass up so I can skin it and strip it down to."
  65. >Fwump
  66. >Hearing muffled curses you just ignore it and fetch the rope.
  67. >By the time you return you find Gilda has control of her wi and what the fuck is she doing?!
  68. "Gilda what the fuck?!"
  69. >A gore covered beak pops out of the moose, "What you said you didn't know how to use it dweeb, figured I get the juicy bits first since /I/ did kill it."
  70. >You hold your hands out at Gilda half strangled motions at her neck before you calm down.
  71. "And now there is a huge hole in the pelt and it's ruined for anything big, you have to take it apart as a whole you silly bird!"
  72. >Gilda chips at you, "What do you even know in the first place, you said you didn't have a clue!"
  73. "I had an idea at first!"
  74. >Flicking a claw with some intestine Gilda shrugs, "Well not like we can cry over spilled milk, you gonna help now or what?"
  76. >You stare at her for a long moment before she shrugs and starts to eat some of the liver you think.
  77. "Oh for, fine here, Christ you crazy bird, just let me tie its legs together and then you fly up to that branch."
  78. >"Then all the good stuff will fall out!"
  79. "That's what the bucket is for you goof."
  80. >Gilda is silent for longer than you expected.
  81. >Feeling nervous for some reason you turn to look.
  82. >Great big yellow eyes take up your view, you jumping back over the corpse to hide.
  83. >Gilda's tail thaws back and forth with eagerness as her claws dig into the ground, "Did...did you use a pet name for me?"
  84. "What goof? How's that a pet name?!"
  85. >Chirping the griffiness lowers into a pounce, "Well, griffons always show they care with tough love."
  86. "Shit"
  88. >You try to duck as Gilda pounces.
  89. Hidden Check:FAILURE
  90. >Only to be caught in the chest by a good hundred pounds of catbird chirping and purring.
  91. >With a muffled thud you land in the dirt as Gilda's claw playfully dig into your shirt and skin.
  92. "Ouch, hey easy on the claws eh?"
  93. >In response Gilda gives a heady grin and just darts forward beak wide.
  94. HONK
  95. >Did she just?
  96. >Seeing the mischievous glint in the eye a few centimeters from you, you scowl as she bites a bit harder on your nose.
  97. "Fffffff-"
  98. >Gilda lets go and dug her head under your neck.
  99. >You let it happen just watching the sky asking the horse gods why is this your life.
  101. "Sister, don't you think that this is a little much?"
  102. "Nonsense, after all the two of them are outsiders in pony culture, why not let them be together?"
  103. "Tis our niece that's supposed to be the matchmaker, sister."
  104. "Oh let me have my fun."
  106. >Somewhere, sometime soon you have the feeling you owe a sun horse an awful lot of ear flicking...
  107. >That's distracted as Gilda chirps at you again tail wagging about happily, "So are you gonna hurry up with that deer or not dweeb?"
  108. >Rolling your eyes you just pick the bird up, hey she just stopped squirming in your arms, neat!
  109. >Though why is suddenly smells like fish you haven't a clue.
  110. >Setting down the catbird you grab the rope and offer it to Gilda.
  111. >Gilda stares up at you with wide eyes as the smell of fish oddly intensifies.
  112. "Think you can fly this up there?"
  113. >"Wh-oh, OH! Yeah definitely, hang on Dweeb I got this."
  114. >Seeing her fly up to your tree she soon has the rope in place, walking over to her you grab the rope and start to pull on it.
  115. >The carcass being heavy as fuck of course, resists, but with some grit and a good grip you manage to haul the fucker up.
  117. >Grumbling as you hold the rope steady you wait for Gilda to tie the rope.
  118. >"Done!"
  119. >With a sigh of relief you let go of the rope watching as the rope goes taunt.
  120. "Phew, alright, so no-"
  121. >Hearing humming from the road you pale looking to see a pink bob trot it's way up the road.
  122. >Slowly you creakily look over to the carcass then back at the mare coming.
  123. >Fuck.
  124. "Gilda, holy shit, Gilda hide the moose!"
  125. >"What? Why?"
  126. "Fluttershy is coming and she is going to freak out about this!"
  127. >Growling under her breath Gilda levels a glare at the bridge watching as Fluttershy starts to get closer.
  128. >"Buck her, I bet she's here to try to steal ma man!"
  129. >Schink
  130. "Did you extend your claws?"
  131. >"She made me loose a friend already, I'm not letting her get my mate too!"
  132. >Glancing back and forth between both you curse aloud and run inside.
  133. >Coming back you toss a sheet over the corpse grimacing at the blood that starts to seep through.
  134. >Meanwhile you see Gilda looking ready to go into a sprint.
  135. >In for a penny, in for a pound...
  136. >Reaching over you pet the catbird scratching at her ear, making her shiver in place.
  137. "Easy girl, eaaasy, no mauling my friends please."
  138. >"She's a homewrecker! Why are you even friends with her?!"
  139. "Well she-"
  140. >"Hello Anon! O-oh, um, hi G-gilda..."
  141. "Hey Shy, long time no see, what brings you around?"
  143. >"Well I was bringing you some of that herbal tea you always enjoyed, but uh, I-I can go if you want?"
  144. >Shy eyes Gilda with a worried look her hooves pawing at the ground skittishly.
  145. >"D-did I come at a bad time?"
  146. >"Yes."
  147. "No."
  148. >You and Gilda trade looks with another before looking back at Fluttershy.
  149. >"No!"
  150. "Yes?"
  151. >Fluttershy slowly blinks at you then at Gilda before slowly backing up, "W-well I guess I c-could come back l-later and see, what's that hanging from the tree Anon?"
  152. "That? Oh uh, well uh, it's a gift from a friend, for my food intake since I uh, have certain dietary needs and all."
  153. >"Oh?" Fluttershy flutters up to eye level trying to take a look, "You never told me what it was that you needed, I'd be glad to help."
  154. >SNAP
  155. >Snapping a glance at Gilda you see her with a broken branch in claw.
  156. "Uh, maybe later, still have to process it and it's going to get really bloody a-"
  157. >Tires screech in your mind as Fluttershy slowly turns to look at you from the sheet covered carcass.
  158. >"B-bloody?"
  159. >Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.
  160. >"Oh by Thoradin's beak, Anon just tell her you eat meat!"
  161. >Gee thanks Gilda you fucking cunt.
  162. >"Y-you eat meat?"
  163. >Gilda saunters over to curl around your legs is a possessive manner, "Yeah, and since I'm the only one that can get that for him you can just bug out!"
  164. >Reaching down you flick the catbird's head.
  165. "One, you being the only source of meat for me does not make you my wife. Two, you shouldn't be mean to my friends."
  166. >Looking up at Fluttershy you can't see her eyes hidden by her bangs.
  167. "As for you Shy, uh, well yeah I need protein that I get from meat or else I have health problems, I hope it's not too much a problem."
  168. >For a long time you think you're going to need to worry about a crying pegasus, judging by the shaking withers.
  169. >"...Ehehehe..."
  170. >Wut.
  171. >Fluttershy brings her head back and starts to laugh holding her tummy as tears come to her eyes.
  172. >If it weren't for the topic at hand, you'd be proud of her being so loud.
  174. >"Wh-what are you laughing at bird brain?" Gilda asks wings flaring in anger.
  175. >"Y-you thought I w-would be upset a-about th-thahahat?" Fluttershy manages to get out before descending into giggles again.
  176. "Uh, yeah, ponies don't really seem to eat meat..."
  177. >Landing on the ground with a few more giggles Fluttershy beams at you, "Anon, I'm friends with a /bear/, you know that right?"
  178. "Yeah, Mr. Bearington and I are bros, I just thought he, yanno just ate berries and things when he visited or something."
  179. >"Oh course not, he eat's plenty of salmon to keep that winter fat after all!"
  180. >"Hold up, how in the world are you just fine with meat eaters then?! You were terrified of me!" Gilda shouts getting up into Shy's face.
  181. >"W-well, I-I was h-helping some d-duckies cross the roads and...you w-were um, really rude..." Shy says crouched down low in the face of enraged catbird.
  182. >Reaching up to grab Gilda by the scruff of her neck you yank her back.
  183. "Hey, relax Gilda, stop being so uptight and listen, maybe she can help."
  184. >Even as she hangs like a rag doll from her pelt Gilda tenses up and chirps in anger. "What her?! She doesn't even have claws or teeth or even a beak!"
  185. "Neither do I, I just use knives."
  186. >"That's different!" Gilda answers with a flushed look to her avoiding your eyes.
  187. >Shaking Gilda a few times makes her cry in protest.
  188. "Look if you want me to skin and eat this thing I'm going to need help, and I doubt you know how to do that since you just eat the shit raw."
  189. >Shy slowly stands again looking up at you both, "Skin? W-well I know how to make cuts o-of a c-carcass..."
  190. >Now that draws both your attention as you and Gilda turn to stare at Fluttershy who blushes, "S-some of my b-buzzard friends needs help with getting at the hard to reach bits of their meal when they can't get to it...usually when they get too old to do it..."
  191. "Know what, fine sure, ok that works too, I'll get my kit and we can try to get this to work, somehow..."
  193. >Leaving the two to socialize you go and rummage through your kitchen for various knives, dont have many hide cutting knives because who the fuck is gonna be ready for cutting into a hide?
  194. >None the less you have your super sharp knife with the self sharpener, the set you got for vegetables and then the final knife you had gotten as a gift from Celestia as a welcome gift.
  195. >Twilight nearly took the damn thing from you, but you just had to show her the seal on the pommel for her to shut the fuck up about it.
  196. >Damn purpler smart.
  197. >Trudging outside like some mexican warlord with a knife fetish you soon return to a sight.
  198. >Fluttershy is hiding under the picnic table you have and Gilda is atop of it hissing.
  199. >For fucks sakes.
  200. "Oi! Gilda stop terrorizing my neighbor, she's not as bad as the others."
  201. >"No! She's plotting something I know it!"
  202. >"I-I'm n-not! Y-you're paranoid!"
  203. >[Hostile Chirping]
  204. >Sighing you bring your knives and lay them on the table.
  205. >Reaching over you pet Gilda on her head then down her back making her arch her back into your hand.
  206. >The chirps die down a bit, enough for Fluttershy to peak her head out.
  207. >"I-is it safe?"
  208. >Before Gilda can start again you pinch the scruff of her neck again thinking she'll act like a cat.
  209. >Indeed she does as she falls limp on the table though her eyes glare daggers at butter yellow.
  210. "Yeah, safe enough, are these knives good enough for the job?"
  211. >Fluttershy takes the moment to alight on the table and looks over the knifes before picking up the one Celestia gave you.
  212. >"Oh my, this, this is a very superb knife Anon."
  213. >Before you can act Fluttershy starts to do small tricks with the blade, twirling it around her hoof and then stopping it on the tip against her hoof.
  214. >"Very well balanced! And not a mark of damage on the edge, have you been keeping it well kept?"
  215. >Memories of finding it buried under your bed spring to mind.
  216. "N-not exactly?"
  217. >"Must be an enchantment, but this is a /very/ good knife."
  219. >"Big deal, so it's a fancy pointy bit. My claws are way better than some measly knife." Gilda complains showing off her claws by gouging a light scratch in your table top.
  220. "Hey stop that, no bad kitty."
  221. >"What? It'll sand out."
  222. "Unless you want to sand it you'll stop that."
  223. >"Pfft, whatever kill joy..."
  224. >"W-well um, G-gilda if you could I c-could show you how to skin the carcass...if you want."
  225. >"Like I w-"
  226. >Seeing your raised eyebrow Gilda deflates from her puffed up sense of indignation, "-ould love to learn, let's see what you got."Gilda manages to say through a clenched beak.
  227. >"Okay then!" Fluttershy happily says taking the sun pommeled knife and flutters to the bloody sheet.
  228. "Here I'll get that."
  229. >Tugging the sheet down Fluttershy lets out a small eep of surprise.
  230. "Yeah, Gilda had started to eat the innard before I could get to it."
  231. >"N-no, that's not the problem, I-I had wondered what happened to Mr. Ten Point."
  232. >Mr. Who?
  233. >Looking you count the tines of the antlers on the moose and pale.
  234. >Fuck.
  235. "Uh..."
  236. >"So what this was a friend of yours or something?"
  237. >OH fuck Gilda please don't piss her off.
  238. >"Y-yeah..."
  239. >"Ha! Well you should know that he was a hell of a fight to take down, you see this?! He nearly gored me a couple of times before I took him down with a broken neck!"
  240. >Slowly you turn to look at Gilda as she /preens/ at Fluttershy showing off a few missing patches of fur from her stomach.
  241. "S-shy I'm s-sorry about your friend I didn't..."
  242. >"It's alright Anon, Mr. Ten Point was, was a lot different from my other animal friends, he was a fighter and would have wanted to go down like this."
  243. >The pegasus sniffs and looks up with a tearful smile, "At least this way his death is for a greater purpose in the circle of life after all."
  244. >Holy.
  245. >Shit.
  246. >Gilda gives a nod of approval, "You know, I thought you were some pansy ass pony Fluttershy, but you know how it is, I can respect that."
  247. >Wut.
  248. >That doesn't...
  249. >Holy shit Lion King got dark all of a sudden.
  251. >Shaking off the rather disturbing thoughts that sprung to mind from Disney you quickly change the subject.
  252. "So, how're we going about this then?"
  253. >"Oh that's, easy enough, you see you start here..."
  254. >So began about thirty minutes of bloody work as Fluttershy takes the knife to the carcass.
  255. >Gilda swears in fascination once you found the connective tissue, "That stuff looks like some kind of mushroom! How'd /that/ get in there?!"
  256. >"That's normal Gilda, Mr. Ten Points here was a big moose and needed lots of this to keep together."
  257. "Yeah, I remember this from anatomy class, something about being the glue for living beings, you didn't know about that?"
  258. >Gilda of course takes the moment to puff up her feathers to appear bigger, "W-well of course I did, I just wanted to make sure you two knew before claw, you know to make sure."
  259. >"Of course you did Gilda." Fluttershy says simply before looking to you, "Anon could you go ahead and pull here please? I need it taunt to continue."
  260. "Oh sure."
  261. >"Hey what do you mean of course I do you don't beileve me or somethin'?" Gilda asks in a surely manner.
  262. >Fluttershy with a small speck of blood on her cheek blinks looking over at Gilda in surprise, "No, I-I just was a-agreeing with you, I'm sorry if I made you mad."
  263. >Gilda starts to continue her tirade, but at the simple apology stalls in place.
  264. >"I...Good, alright then, let's just hurry up and get this done already before the meat goes bad."
  265. "Won't hear me complain."
  266. >Readjusting your grip the three of you continue before you have one half torn pelt of a moose.
  267. "Neat, now I don't really remember the majority of what happens next, but I think I'll need a lot of salt and a drying rack for this thing. In the meantime let's get those meats on ice before it goes bad eh?"
  268. >Gilda chirps at you and licks her beak eyeing the skinned carcass with pleasure.
  269. >You bop her on the head before she gets any ideas though.
  270. >"What's the big idea!?"
  272. “No eating the carcass like it’s a roast, ruin the cuts like that.”
  273. >Gilda reaches up and tugs at her eyes as they go skywards, “Oh great vulture in the sky, please stop with the agony of making me watch as you play with your food! Why can’t we eat it now?!”
  274. >Before you can explain Fluttershy answers, and with confidence! “Anon can’t eat meat raw Gilda, I haven’t studied griffon anatomy that well, but your tummy is able to handle q-quite alot of things isn’t it?”
  275. >Gilda pats her toned stomach with a nod, “Well yeah, a griffon without an iron belly can’t be expected to survive for long after all.”
  276. “Cept’ I don’t have an iron belly, I have to cook most my food so it’s edible and it kills off the parasites in it.”
  277. >Gilda blinks slowly before looking at the meat and then at you, “But you can eat meat, I’ve seen it, usually you burn off all the tasty bits, but you do.”
  278. “Yeah I have to tenderize it before I eat, besides it tastes better.”
  279. >Before you are both able to continue you hear a wet slap hit the table you have nearby.
  280. >Drawn to the noise you look to see Fluttershy had just deposited...was that it’s liver?
  281. >”H-here Gilda, I know that y-you’re hungry so I th-thought that you might want a snack…”
  282. >[Excited Chirping]
  283. >Gilda’s already gone from her spot and atop of the liver talons digging into the organ as it squirts like a wet sponge.
  284. >”A-Anon? Could you help me with the entrails? I need to get them out first..”
  285. “Oh yeah sure, hang on…”
  286. >Letting Fluttershy start to move the intestines into the bucket you decide you have to ask.
  287. “Are you really sure about this Shy? I mean being fine with all this…”
  288. >”I-I am, it’s just that, if I-I don’t prepare him properly that w-would be a disrespectful w-way to thank h-him for his sacrifice right?”
  289. “Yeah, but…”
  290. >”Anon, you know I make friends with animals of all creeds r-right?”
  291. >Seeing you nod Fluttershy deposits the heart next into the bucket, “All creeds, prey or predator, some need more help than others and everything needs to eat. I don’t use my friends who are prey, but they do tell me where I can find their friends who’ve already died or pass on. My little ferret friends still need some meat as well, I couldn’t just let them starve can I?”
  292. >Floored you simply give a little nod to the mare.
  293. >”There, now that’s done I can get started on the cuts, G-Gilda could you help me please?”
  294. >With a muffled rip Gilda comes off the table slurping up the strip of liver in her mouth, “Yeah yeah sure…”
  295. “I’ll go ahead and salt the hide and get it set up to dry, play nice now.”
  296. >”Psh relax, Fluttershy and I are cool now, right?”
  297. >”U-um yes?”
  298. >”See total friends!”
  299. >Staring at the duo, one covered in specks of blood and holding your knife and the other looking like she got done cannibalizing something, you wonder about your life at times.
  300. “Sure…”
  301. >Heading to the back of the house you start to cobble together a frame to dry the hide out on and stretch it.
  302. >Putting the finishing touches on the frame you tighten the string holding the skin taunt.
  303. >Hearing loud neighing and chirping from the front you sigh before walking around the house.
  304. >The meat has been made into some decent sized cuts and rests on some news paper you had laying around the house, did they go in your house?
  305. >The point of contention however is made apparent as you walk closer.
  306. >”-ill think it’s stupid, why bury the dessert of the meal in the first place?”
  307. >”B-Because I-I thought it would be nice to h-help grow others things, like a garden.”
  308. >”Oh for the love of- Anon tell Fluttershy that she shouldn’t throw away the bones, the marrow inside is delicious! It’s the best part of a kill!”
  309. >”B-but the flowers and plants c-could use it to b-brighten up the place, no o-offense Anon, y-your house i-is a bit g-gloomy.”
  310. >Why do these ponies and birds have to argue over the most innate…
  311. “You know what, that’s fine, Shy you can use the bones for a garden I don’t care.”
  312. >”Hey, Anon! The heck was that about? You need to follow your mate’s lead on these kind of things!”
  313. >Holding a finger up you point it at Gilda.
  314. “One; we’re not an item. Two; it’s bone marrow and that’s only good for soup bones or if you’re about to die.”
  315. >”So d-does that mean y-you’re still single Anon?”
  316. >Fluttershy why.
  317. >[Hostile Chirping!]
  318. >Fluttershy’s plummage comes out in a large display showing off her feathers while Gilda does the same while chirping.
  319. “Now you’ve done it! I’m done!”
  320. >Throwing your hands in the air you make for the house.
  321. >Seeing you start towards the door the postering bird creatures start to follow after you.
  322. >Hearing the clop of hooves and tack of talons you whirl around wagging a finger at them both.
  323. “No, bad pony, bad bird, you stay outside and keep me out of it!”
  324. >”Anon I hunted down a moose for you! That’s a big declaration that you’re mine back home!”
  325. “Well this isn’t Gyhponia or whatever you call it!”
  326. >”B-besides Anon sh-should be k-kept safe from c-cougars like you G-Gilda.”
  327. >Oh burn.
  328. >Squawking in outrage Gilda looks over at Fluttershy, “I’m only a year older than you!”
  329. >”S-Still a cougar before me!”
  330. >As much fun as it is to let these two bicker at one another in their own little bird ways you think you might have an idea.
  331. “Hey.”
  332. >[Muffled Neighing and Hostile Chirping]
  333. “Oi.”
  334. >[Posturing Intensifies]
  335. “Will you two listen!?”
  336. >Grabbing both by the scruff of their neck you lift up until they both dangle from your hand.
  337. >”H-Hey Anon put me down right now!”
  338. >”O-oh my, p-please b-be gentle…”
  339. >Nigga wat.
  340. “Look you two, I’ve got the perfect idea that we can do and bond and all that good shit, a cook out!”
  341. >The duo give you a blank look before Gilda manages to talk first, “For what?”
  342. “Well I feel like shit about what happened to Mr.Ten Points, so I thought why not a celebration for him moving onto the next life, or whatever. Besides we’ll be grilling~”
  343. >Seeing Gilda hastily wipe at her beak to catch the drool you grin, hook line and sinker.
  344. >”O-oh, Anon that would be lovely, thank you, d-do you think it would be ok if I invite the others?”
  345. ”Sure go ahead, just warn them ahead of time that we are having meat, but I can make some non-meat foods as well.”
  346. >”Wait is Pinkie and Rainbow going to be there?” Gilda asks rubbing her arm nervously.
  347. >”W-well of course, why wouldn’t they be?”
  348. >”Eh...No reason, just…”
  349. “Didn’t you lot patch up your differences?”
  350. >Flustered cat bird becomes increasingly flustered as she avoids looking you in the eye.
  351. >”Yeah, but, look Pinkie annoys me alot alright? Always happy always bouncing around like a spring loaded cannon ready to go off at any moment and she stole my friend from me ok!?”
  352. >Fluttershy watches this with a sad frown on her face before asking softly, “But you managed to work through that together didn’t you?”
  353. >”Only because they were in danger, and even then I just wanted to strangle that annoying pink...ugh...she does know her baking though I’ll give her that…”
  354. “Well how about you just ask her to tone it down a bit at the party?”
  355. >”A-anon it’s Pinkie...she doesn’t have a dial, she just has a big red button for parties.”
  356. “Look if we talk with her and explain she’ll tone it down, trust me.”
  357. >Gilda scratches at the ground with a talon digging a furrow into the dirt as she listens, “Fine, I’ll give it a try, but so help me if she pulls another one of her ‘harmless’ pranks I will hurt her.”
  358. >Flicking the bird on the head you wag your finger at her.
  359. “No, that’s bad, you also need to be willing to meet her halfway on this. A couple of pranks doesn’t equal murder, alright?”
  360. >The catbird grumbles under her breath before nodding.
  361. “Great, now git the both of ya I gotta start cooking up this stuff before tomorrow, tell em all to come around tomorrow.”
  362. >”O-okay then Anon!”
  363. >”Hey aren’t you going to need help?”
  364. “Is this another attempt to get in my pants?”
  365. >”Would you be mad if I said yes?”
  366. >Your shoulders slump, but you do need the help.
  367. “Naw I’d just expect it now, you any good with cooking?”
  368. >Gilda follows you inside the house as Fluttershy heads off to tell her friends.
  369. >”I baked enough for me to earn a ticket here after all didn’t I?”
  371. “That's fair, now come on I need to make some pasta salad and some other barbecue staples.”
  372. >Gilda tilts her head at you in confusion Stopping as you enter the kitchen.
  373. >”What's kind of staples?”
  374. >Oh lordy catbird, you are in for a treat.
  375. “Well we have baked potatoes, corn on the cob, pasta salad, chips, shishkabob, drinks, potato salad, Cole slaw, and a few other things that I can't remember.”
  376. >Man now you’re hungry now.
  377. >Gilda looks out of her depth, her eyes wide as she stares at you with something akin to respect and fear .
  378. >”You want to cook all of that?!”
  379. “Not really, still need to, sides most of it can be done the day before so we can just relax and enjoy the barbecue.”
  380. >Snapping your fingers you let out a small noise of triumph
  381. “That reminds me, we need to marinate the meat as well!”
  382. >Gilda follows you as you head for the freezer and start to pull out one of the cuts.
  383. >”Marinate the meat? What does that mean?”
  384. “You take some tasty sauces and juices let the meat sit in it and then cook it. Tastes amazing just you wait.”
  385. >”If you say so, what do I need to do first?”
  386. >Reaching in the fridge you rummage around and plop a variety of vegetables before the mare.
  387. >Gilda looks from around the pile of green delights with a face .
  388. >”What.”
  389. “Need these cut up, think you are up for it?”
  390. >Gilda looks at the cutting board then at the Vegis.
  391. >Picking up one of the tomatoes you can hear her grumble something about cats.
  392. >Weird catbird be weird.
  393. >You meanwhile start to boil the pasta and begin to wash the potatoes
  394. >Looking over you see Gilda mana-
  395. >”Son of a diamond dog!”
  396. >Spoke too soon.
  397. >Seeing the splattered remains of your tomato on her face you chuckle.
  398. “You're holding the tomatoes too hard.”
  399. >”I know what I'm doing!”
  400. >Gilda grabs another tomatoes and starts to cut it with her claws snarling as the flesh rips underneath instead of coming out smooth.
  401. >Snarling the griffon is ready to throw the tomatoes in disgust when she stiffens in shock.
  402. “Take your time.”
  403. >Holding her claws from behind, your hand managing to cover her claws like a second skin, you gently guide her down the fruit making a perfect slice.
  404. “Ordinarily I'd be using a knife for this, but your claws work pretty well too.”
  406. >You don't think you can handle this, right now.
  407. >Anon’s broad chest breathing against your back with the calmness of a predator waiting to pounce.
  408. >The way his claws match yours so well, able to direct them so effortlessly.
  409. >Keep it together chick!
  410. >Your tail however is betraying you as it twitches like a live snake Leaping in for the kill.
  411. >Feeling his breath on your ear tufts is sending chills down your back, Thunderbird above how can he be so, so…
  412. >”Ordinarily I'd be using a knife for this, but your claws work pretty well too.”
  413. >So ignorant to what he's doing to you?!
  414. >A small dark part of you however is squealing in delight rolling over at the fact he complimented your claws!
  415. >Take that Greta!
  416. >Claws are awesome, now to be a sauve bird and answer him back, then he'll want you as a mate for sure.
  417. “Of course their awesome, why wouldn't they be?”
  418. >Oh gods, did you sound like Rainbow Dash?!
  419. >She’s a sister from another mister,but that's gay as hel!
  420. >The rumbles against your back draw you out of questioning your sexual orientation.
  421. >Anon's laughing?
  422. >”Fair enough little bird, but I bet they can't so something like this!”
  423. >What does he- Oooh~
  424. >Purring under your breath you crane your neck up into the claws that run through your feathers scratching at the skin as his claws dig into your scalp.
  425. >Oh Thunder and Lightning don’t sto~~~~p!
  426. >Yet as if Anon can hear you he stops and pats your head, “I can make any of you little critters into putty with a couple of good head scratches, so I think I got ya beat.”
  427. >Panting you give a small glare at Anon.
  428. “S-shut up, a-are these good enough then?”
  429. >Seeing Anon nod you set aside the tomatoes and start the carrots.
  430. >You know you should be more angry at Anon, he just made you quiver like some namby pamby pony with the first salt lick!
  431. >Your tail however betrays you as it twitches happily back and forth as you cut more of the nasty vegetables.
  432. >Huffing you can feel your feathers start to puff up in agitation, you ignore the feeling and focus on the food before you.
  434. >Seeing at how Gilda is flustered you relent from teasing her, going back to the pasta you stir the noodles within the boiling water.
  435. >Tapping the spoon you notice how soft the griffons feathers appear now.
  436. >Weird, you’ve never seen that before…
  437. >Setting the flame to low you carefully sneak back around behind Gilda.
  438. >You manage to succeed as the catbird is so focused on the vegetables before her.
  439. >Avoiding the tail you lean over and sink your hands into the mass of feathers.
  440. >Oh, it’s /soft/.
  441. >Gilda stiffens under your touch and an eagle eye spears you where you stand.
  442. >”Yo dweeb, what’s the deal?”
  443. >Pulling back your hand you shrug.
  444. “Eh, your feathers, they looked soft…”
  445. >Gilda goes silent, but you can see her blush, you think she looks quite pleased.
  446. >Turning back to the food before her the catbird huffs, “/Well/, I didn’t tell you stop…”
  447. >Grinning to yourself you sink your fingers back onto the downy softness, biting your lip as the feathers caress your skin.
  448. >Hearing the purring deepen you know that you are doing well, when you feel her tail wrap up your leg you enjoy the snug feel it gives.
  449. >You could really get use to this.
  450. >it's only when you hear the hissing of the pot start to boil over do you pull away.
  451. >You don’t need to look to know Gilda has a pout on her face.
  452. >After finishing with the noodles you set them to cool before starting on the potatoes
  453. >Grabbing a potato and knife you carefully begin to peel when you hear a chirp.
  454. >Looking toward the noise you see Gilda watching your hands.
  455. >Weird, but fine, you continue to peel before leaving behind a whole skin.
  456. >A muffled thump makes you turn to see Gilda’s wings are fully extended for you to see.
  457. >You slowly make the connection between your hands, the knife and her wings.
  458. “Gilda come on, this shouldn't turn you on!”
  459. >”Y-you don’t make it any easier!”
  460. “Literally how, I’m just using a damn knife to peel a potato!”
  461. >”I know what you could peel instead!~”
  462. >Flailing your hands in exasperation before you draw your hands in with a hiss of pain.
  463. >Before you can even look, you suddenly have a griffon in your face, “Anon? What happened? Are you ok?”
  464. “Get out of my face and I’ll see what the damage is if you don’t mind.”
  465. >Suddenly your griffon free, “Sorry dweeb, but are you alright?”
  466. “Looks like I cut myself with the knife, damn…”
  467. >Before you can sit up to wash the darn thing Gilda is in front of you holding your hand.
  468. “Gilda what ar-”
  469. >Holding your hand with a surprising amount of gentleness you feel a warm, wet spongy thing drag ag-
  470. >Is this bitch licking your cut?!
  471. “Gilda! What the hell man?”
  472. >Still holding your arm tight she growls at you making you go very, very still.
  473. >Now you have a good hundred pounds on her now contest, but this little lady still had claws, a beak and had your arm in her grip.
  474. >”J-Just shut up and lemme fix this, griffons do this all the time on wounds.”
  475. “...I call bullshit, but I’ll believe it.”
  476. >Can’t be any different than cats right?
  477. >Gilda continues to gently lick your cut while her claws hold you still.
  478. >At first you would wince every so often as her tongue would irritate the wound, but oddly the pain started to fade.
  479. >Eventually it doesn’t even feel like you even had a cut to begin with.
  480. >That factoid clues you in as Gilda continues to lick at your hand then your arm.
  481. “Gilda.”
  482. >Oddly the catbird doesn’t hear you as she comes down to wrap her tongue around one of your digits.
  483. >Oh god it’s like a spongy snake wrapped around your finger.
  484. >L-lewd.
  485. “Gilda!”
  486. >Like you had slapped her the griffon jerks back and looks around herself bewildered before you can see the gears turn in Gilda’s head.
  487. >Before you can ask what that was about Gilda turns and bolts out of the house leaving a trail of winds behind her that throws up some of your papers.
  488. >Your door slams open and shut before you have the mind to even get up from your seat.
  489. >The flying fuck just happened?
  490. >You swear if that was some odd ritual to get married you’re going to be pissed, then take it to sun horse to annul, you’re not getting tricked that easily!
  492. >Be a soft spongy cloud.
  493. >You managed to escape the evils of the winged ones at the sacrifice of your brethren.
  494. >None the less you shall avenge them all!
  495. >By dropping water all over the non-winged ones and spew lightning bolts!
  496. >That’ll show them f-
  497. >Pomf=3
  498. >The brown blur that burst you is the last memory you have as you curse all winged kind.
  500. >Oh gods why did you do that?!
  501. >You didn’t actually think he would let you do that!
  503. >It was just like the animoo’s that you had seen with Dash as a chick.
  504. >B-but this is real life, that actually happened!
  505. >Landing atop of a cloud you curl up in it buried under the soft fluffy whiteness.
  506. >You need to do something you /hate/ doing.
  507. >You need to think.
  508. >OK, so Anon doesn’t like it when you’re affectionate.
  509. >But he responded well to your feathers and even touched you first.
  510. >So why didn’t he like it when you did it?
  511. >You brought him a huge kill that would have netted you any other bird back home.
  512. >He complains about it, then decides to skin it to wear your kill.
  513. >Letting out a groan of annoyance your grip your head in misery.
  514. >Why are men so confusing!?
  515. >Flopping back on the cloud you sigh looking over the landscape, noticing how dark it’s getting.
  516. >Maybe you should just sleep on it…
  518. >It’s early morning now.
  519. >You wake up and stretch out of bed.
  520. >Gotta love the weekends, you actually get to enjoy yourself for once.
  521. >Might as well get the grill started up.
  522. >Unlike back home where you have a thing designed to cook the meats, you have to build one yourself from scratch.
  523. >The few bits of meat you get from Stoick in the town are pretty meager.
  524. >Nothing worth grilling that’s for sure.
  525. >Collecting a pile of firewood you pile it up next to your cooking area.
  526. >It’s really just a spot where you’re going to dig the pit.
  527. >Grabbing a shovel you start to dig into the ground with a satisfying crunch of dirt.
  528. >You mind goes blank for a bit, enjoying the burn as you continue to work on making the pit.
  529. >It’ll probably not be all that pretty, but it’ll do the job, hopefully.
  530. >Oh who are you kidding you’re going by the seat of your pants here really…
  531. >”Anon?”
  532. >Tossing more dirt up on the steadily growing pile of dirt you ponder on Gilda’s reaction last night.
  533. >That was pretty weird with the finger licking…
  534. >”Sugarcube what are you doing?”
  535. >Thunk.
  536. >Come to think of it the things she could do with that tongue of hers..
  537. >Down junior not the time to play.
  538. >”...it colt will you listen?!”
  539. “What?”
  540. >Looking up from the shallow hole you look to see Applejack with a scrunched face.
  541. >Daw
  543. “Oh, hey Applejack. What brings you round here?”
  544. >Applejack huffs before taking a seat on the edge of your hole, “Fluttershy came round the farm talkin’ bout you startin’ a cook out thing. I figured it be fine to come over and help.”
  545. “Well that be great actually. Wait what about the farm don’t you need to finish up the chores and all that?”
  546. >Shaking her head Applejack scratches at her mane before answering, “Naw Big Mac said he’d handle it though he was tearin’ at the bit when I mentioned the cookout said he had plently of recipes he wanted ta share with ya.”
  547. “Oh god, please no.”
  548. >”What I thought that you colts loved to share recipes?”
  549. “When I get the chance sure, but Big Mac, that pony takes things to the extreme when he cooks, if he wasn’t an apple I’d have thought he got a cookin butt mark.”
  550. >”Anon, their called cutie marks.”
  551. >You shrug before shoveling another load of dirt out.
  552. “Potato, tomato.”
  555. >Applejack watches as you shovel a few more times before she clears her throat.
  556. >Ignoring her you continue to shovel, until Applejack clears her throat with vigor this time.
  557. “Cough drops are in the bathroom if you need them.”
  558. >Applejack starts and frowns with her muzzle in a scrunch, “That ain’t what I was askin’ Sugarcube, was going to say you don’t need ta do that.”
  559. >Stopping you plant the shovel in the ground and lean on it regarding the mare with a cocked eyebrow.
  560. “Alright I’ll bite, why?”
  561. >The little pony thrusts her chest out showing off the rather puffed up fur there, “Well I don’t know bout you, but I’ve dug my fair share of holes afore, figured I could do it for ya and all that.”
  562. >You look at the overly proud pony then back over at the hole you’ve mostly completed, you could probably make it a bit deeper though.
  563. >Memories of Smokey the Bear come to mind, “Remember Anon, only /you/ can prevent forest fires!”
  564. >Thanks Smokey.
  565. “Sure, go ahead and make it a bit deeper by a couple inches and round it out a bit.”
  566. >Handing off the shovel you go to hunt down some thing to work as the grill for the bbq.
  568. >Since you don’t have any spare metal racks lying about you decide to go full caveman.
  569. >Collecting a few large rocks that are mostly flat you start to lay them around the fire.
  570. >Applejack watches as you start to lay the rocks in place giving a few of them a good slaps to settle them in place, “I thought the pit was to keep the fire from burnin’ things?”
  571. “It is, I’m just using the rocks as a grill really.”
  572. >”Grill, like carrot dogs?”
  573. >You double take at the mare’s innocent question.
  574. “That’s a thing?”
  575. >”Course it is! How do ya expect to do a cookout with carrot dogs?!”
  576. >Still kneeling on the ground you just shake your head.
  577. “Applejack, I’m cooking meat for this grill.”
  578. >You watch as her ears briefly tilt back and you see her eyes widen, “Ah..uh…”
  579. “Didn’t Fluttershy mention that when she told you?”
  580. >”W-well yeah of course, but I was rather busy bringing in yesterday’s harvest…”
  581. >Reaching over you pause as Applejack stutter steps back only to catch herself to stop.
  582. >Withdrawing your hand you hold down the bitterness inside as you force a smile out.
  583. “Ah well, don’t worry I made other things that you guys can eat, pasta salad, potato salad all that good stuff.”
  584. >Applejack can see right through your smile as she takes a step forward, her eyes unreadable to you, ”Anon, I…”
  587. “So I guess we should go ahead and get the fire started it’s already getting close to noon after all!”
  588. >Getting up from your spot you start to gather the kindling and busy yourself with the matches.
  589. >Applejack stays in place for a moment before you can hear her sigh and start to help you set the fire up.
  590. >Striking the match you had brought along you toss it amongst the loose grass and twigs watching it catch fire.
  591. >Focused on the minutiae of tending the fire you remember why you live by yourself with only a few ponies coming over to visit sometimes.
  592. >Ponies are scared of you.
  593. >At first you thought it was just you being an alien amongst all these ponies.
  594. >Instead you appear just enough of a predator to them that it sets their instincts on edge on a good day.
  595. >They don’t really mean to fear you, it’s just in their nature.
  596. >Still doesn’t stop it from hurting though.
  598. >”I think the others are going to get out here soon Anon, you want some help with setting the table?”
  599. “Huh?”
  600. >Turning you look to see Applejack standing next to you her eyes showing concern.
  601. >Question is, for you or for her?
  602. >Keeping your thoughts to yourself you nod.
  603. “Yeah, you can get the plates I’ll get the food set up.”
  604. >Reaching into the icebox you start to rummage around for the food stuff you had made last night, if you know anything your deviled eggs are going to knock their socks off.
  605. >Well if ponies had socks that is.
  606. >You’ve seen them in Rarity’s store but she always got flustered when you asked for a pair…
  607. >Shaking the thoughts of dress horse from mind you set the food on the picnic table and start to help Applejack set the plates out.
  608. >It’s when you are finishing setting the drinks up that you hear a squeaky bouncing noise.
  609. >You recognize that noise!
  610. >Turning you spread your arms out wide and catch a pink bundle of joy in your hooves!
  612. >”Hi Nonners!”
  613. “Pinkie you crazy loon, how’ve you been?”
  614. >Pinkie giggle snorts in that way she does, “Super fantastical! Now,” The mare leans in real close to you and whisper shouts, “What’s this I hear about you hosting a party without a license?! You can get in trouble for that you know!”
  615. >Shaking your head you just ruffle the pink one’s mane.
  616. >Pinkie was always one who could make friends with anyone, that much you knew for sure.
  617. “Think if I plead insanity that I’ll get let off?”
  618. >”Maybe if you re~~~~eally good friends with the judge I bet you could!” Pinkie says wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.
  619. >”Pinkie Pie! You leave the poor colt alone! He don’t need your putitng them thoughts in his head!”
  620. >Daw cowboy pony feels scared for you.
  621. “It’s cool Applejack, I won’t use my manly wiles to /whimsy/ my way free from the law, don’t you worry.”
  622. >Applejack flushes and her eyes dart left to right, “Ah, Ah wasn’t implin’ nothin’!”
  623. >Pinkie bursts in conversation, “But I was!~~”
  624. “Jeez Pinkie you’re just hyper today, what’s so special?”
  625. >Pinkie leaps out of your arms and lands on her hind hooves, “Well it’s because /you/ of all ponies started up your own party so that makes it a special day and I’m so excited I just can’t!” Before she can finish confetti explodes out from around her.
  626. >Blowing of a stray bit of confetti from your hair you simply smirk at Pinkie.
  627. “Party cannons in the bushes?”
  628. >”How’d you know?!”
  629. “You’re tail pulled the string silly!”
  630. >Applejack blinked before looking behind at Pinkie, “Well I’ll be, that’s how you did it!”
  631. >”Aww...Anon you ruined the surprise for one of my best jokes!”
  632. >Laughing you wave your hands.
  633. “Easy there Ponko, I bet you’ve got thirty more hidden in that crazy hair of yours.”
  634. >As if on cue a long list spills out of Pinkie’s mane, “That’s not the point silly billy!”
  635. >Like a lickatongue the list is slurped back up into the elder being that is Pinkie’s mane.
  637. “So when are the others getting here anyway?”
  638. >”Soon I hope I’m starving!” Pinkie says as she takes a seat next to the fire, “Oh! Toasty! Do you have any marshmallows?”
  639. >”Yeah, but Anon do you have any carrot dogs to go with the meat too?” Applejack asks coming to a seat next to Pinkie as she adds a few more logs to the flame.
  640. >”We’re having meat?”
  641. “Christ Shy, I thought she was going to mention that!”
  642. >Pinkie slowly sinks in her seat, “W-well I didn’t really hear her that well, I was testing out a new version of my party cannon...sorry Anon!”
  643. >Rolling your eyes you simply rub at your face.
  644. “Yeah it’s fine, I’ll go and see if I can’t scrounge up some of the grill foods you ponies use I guess since it’s going to be a thing here…”
  645. >”Aw shucks Anon, you don’t need to do that Pinkie and I can do that!”
  646. >”We can?”
  647. >A elbow to Pinkie’s side changes her tune as she perks up, “Oh yeah! Totally we got this Anon!”
  648. “Well, someone does need to tend the fire. Alright here, this should cover the cost.”
  649. >Tossing them the bit bag you had hanging off your belt you soon have to catch it back as Applejack throws it back.
  650. >”Now come on Anon, ya’ll can’t expect me to just use your money like that! I can buy it myself after all.”
  651. “You and your gender stereotypes are going to get you in trouble, but fine spend your bits if you want.”
  652. >”Okie dokie lokie! Make sure to keep my spot warm Anon!” Pinkie says as she starts to bounce after Applejack as they head into town.
  653. “It’s a fire, it’s all warm!” You should back shaking your head at the silly antics of the pink one.
  655. >Waiting for the fire to reach that peak temperature you hum to yourself a famlier tune.
  656. “Bump, ba bump da bum…”
  657. >Bobbing your head to the tune you fail to notice two shadows slowly growing larger as they approach.
  658. >You had just laid down some of the cutlets on the stones to cook properly when you hear a scratchy voice, “Hey Anon! Wh- is that the meat?”
  659. >”Smells fresh, when’d you get it Anon?” Another familiar voice pitches in as your turn to look seeing Twilight and Rainbow coming for a landing next to your little camp fire.
  660. “So, you’re alright with this Rainbow?”
  661. >Stirring the coals of the fire you keep an eye on the duo, Rainbow nods coming to take a seat next to you, “Of course, I have a bit from time to time, Gilda…” Rainbow stops herself and scrunches up.
  662. >”Eh, maybe you should leave that alone Rainbow Dash, but Anon where did you find all that meat? I thought you said it was expensive?” Twilight asks before looking over at the picnic table, “Oh is that potato salad? I love that stuff!”
  663. “Help yourself, Applejack and Pinkie Pie went to get some marshmallows and carrot dogs. Apparently they were wanting to have more pony friendly grill things.”
  664. >Shifting in your seat you look over at Rainbow who is drooling at the meat.
  665. “So, how come you are fine with meat Twilight, but the others weren’t as keen on it.”
  666. >Rainbow is too busy watching the meat cook as Twilight takes a seat beside you with a small plate of potato salad, “I don’t know about you, but I learned to stomach it from princess training.”
  667. “Princess training?”
  668. >Scooping a bite of the potato salad Twilight chews before answering with a small blush, “Oh, well Princess Celestia wanted me to learn more about national diplomacy. Griffons and Minotaurs both like to feast and use the sharing of food to let each side they were there in good faith.”
  669. “That’s interesting, but wh-”
  670. >Twilight makes a small face, “Most of the items at the feasts are meat. After the first few you get used to it really.”
  671. “Ah, well that’s cool to hear, you got any more stories about Princess training we might want to hear?”
  672. >Rainbow snaps out of her meat trance at the hint of juicy stories, “Yeah, I bet Princess Celestia has you training to kick all kinds of butt with your alicorn magic I bet!”
  673. >Twilight merely leans back at the both of you questioning her for a story, “Uh, w-well I...I wouldn’t quite say that.”
  674. “Come on can’t have been all that bad.”
  675. >Rainbow chips in for the assist, “Yeah! What’s Celestia have you doing on those trips of yours anyway?”
  676. >Twilight sighes before she shovels down a good portion of her potato salad to avoid your questions.
  677. >Yet you don’t let up your stare.
  678. >You can feel her soul slowly shrink within itself as you hold eye contact with her.
  679. >Sorry Twiggy, you’re not getting out of this now.
  680. >Resolute Twilight simply continues to eat, though her motions are slowing as Rainbow adds on her own expectant gaze.
  681. >You just raise an eyebrow at the mare before she finally breaks, swallowing down her latest potato based victim the mare coughs to clear her throat, “Well there was a time when I was practicing Moosian etiquette an-”
  682. >”Oh come on Twilight, why does it matter if you use a tiny fork for something?”
  683. >Twilight fluffs her wings out in aggrivation, “I /was/ getting to that, so turns out when you drink from the horned cup that they provide you, that’s an insult so grave that the only way to resolve it is by a trial by combat.”
  684. “Wait, what? What in the world prompted that kind of response?”
  685. >”Twilight, thats...that’s awesome!”
  686. >A small dab of magic flick’s Rainbow’s snout, “No that’s not awesome as the duel includes everything that the two contests own and have control over, so if I were to duel somepony I would be commiting Equestria to war!”
  687. >”O-oh…” Down hearted Rainbow slowly calms down before Twilight turns to you, “The custom started a long time ago when a king started the practice of by saying all those who drank would be declared their enemy as the drink inside is supposed to be a representation of drinking the blood of your enemies.”
  688. “How did that work to stop him from being killed then?”
  689. >”Simple, there was a charm in the horns that encouraged those who plotted against the king to drink it. The magic behind the idea is gone for the most part as it’s more of a custom to visiting nations of what the tone of each visit would be like.”
  690. >Leaning forward you flip some of the meat and adjust the rocks as they cook.
  691. “Well, learn something new everyday then.”
  692. >”Man Anon, I’d propose to you right now if you cooked this well everyday!”
  693. >Turning you look to see Rainbow at the pasta salad already picking through the food with her own plate.
  694. >Shivering at a bite the pegasus unfurls her wings as they twitch in delight, a low hum escaping the mare.
  695. “Easy now, don’t want to lead my poor coltish heart astray would you?”
  696. >”Rainbow Dash you stop that right now! A colt’s heart is fragile!”
  697. >”Oh relax Twilight, what are you a sunhat tipper?”
  698. >”N-No! Of course not! Only basement dwelling tuft beards do that!”
  699. “I’m missing something here aren’t I?”
  700. >Whirling around to look at you Twilight beams that smile of hers.
  701. >You know the one.
  702. >The I Really Hope He Won’t Notice smile.
  703. >You can tell because this little horse had stolen your boxers one time for ‘research purposes’ you never did get them back.
  704. >”N-nothing at all Anon! Uh, hey look it’s Rarity!”
  705. >”Twilight, come on he’s not tha-”
  706. “Oh hey Rarity, pop a squat.”
  707. >”That worked?!”
  708. >”That worked?!”
  710. >The fashionista gives a small titter and nods as she takes a seat on the picnic table, “Hello there Darlings, glad I’m not terribly late, I was hoping to have Sweeite Bell help me with setting up the fabric rolls, but oh the poor dear decided to sneak off before we were done.”
  711. “That's tough, still at least you can enjoy some food, cold stuff is on the table, Applejack and Pinkie went to get some pony friendly grill stuff.”
  712. >”Ah, ahem, Anonymous, I would like to clarify one thing, is that perchance meat on the grill there?”
  713. “...Did any of you listen to Fluttershy when she talks with you or does it go in one ear and out the other?”
  714. >Dress horse stomps her hooves at you, “Now see here, I did hear her I just thought that you wouldn't actually be cooking meat I thought it was merely some new fad of your you had wanted to do!”
  715. “Fine ,whatever it's cool that's why we got the others to get stuff I can grill for you all too.”
  716. >”Yo Anon you still have my hoof ball from last time ?” Rainbow asks hovering above you.
  717. “What the soccer ball?”
  718. >”Hoof ball, but yeah, where is it?”
  719. “Up in the house, in the coat closet.”
  720. >”Sweet, be right back!”
  721. >Watching Rainbow take off with her rainbow colored blur you soon hear the trotting steps of more ponies, “We’re back Anon!” Pinkie cries out bouncing in place.
  722. “Alright, go ahead and bring the dogs over and i can roast ‘em.”
  723. >As you help Applejack unload the saddle bags she used you soon hear Rainbow come out bouncing the soccer ball on her hooves.
  724. >”Awesome, now who's up for a game of hoof ball?”
  725. “You all have fun I’m gonna finish the food here.”
  726. >Applejack gets a big grin on her face, “Heh, that’s right best to leave the colt in the kitchen after all.”
  727. >You simply flip the mare off with a finger as you continue to work, Rainbow and Pinkie giggle while Rarity gives a small sniff of disdain, “Honestly Applejack, must you be so crude?”
  728. >”Not mah fault he plays up the stereotype!”
  729. “Don’t think you’re one to talk about stereotypes, ya redneck hill billy.”
  730. >”Ah buck you Anon.”
  731. >”Yo love birds you two gonna make out or are we going to play? Three versus three!”
  732. >Twilight looks up at that, “I’d rather enjoy my book thanks.”
  733. >”And if you think I’m going to get my hooves dirty you have another thing coming Darling.”
  734. >”Oh stop being a bunch of broskis!”
  735. >Pinkie takes the chance to pipe up, “Rainbow how are we going to do that if Anon’s going to be busy wtih the food?”
  736. “Fluttershy should be coming by soon, no need to worry about that.”
  737. >”Oh yeah…”
  738. >”Relax Sugarcube, Pinkie and Ah’ll play with ya, Twilight, don’tcha wanna enjoy the day?”
  739. >Twilight looks a bit indecisive looking at the book then at her friends, you give her a pet on the head drawing her attention.
  740. “Tell ya what, you let me watch your book and you guys can play, then you can read while we eat. Sound good?”
  741. >”Well…” Twilight hesitates a bit more before you use your secret trick of ear scratchies, “Nnnf~...Alright, fine I’ll play!”
  742. >Hopping up the mare soon goes off to play the game with her friends.
  743. >The rest of the party continues in that vein, relaxing and shooting the shit.
  744. >You’re just about done with cooking the bbq when you hear faint wing beats, two of them in fact.
  745. >Looking towards the sound you soon spot two familiar figures on their way.
  746. >It’s Fluttershy and Gilda!
  747. >Waving up to them you soon begin to finish up the food setting it to the side ready for eating.
  748. >Upon their arrival you notice that something is amiss.
  749. >Gilda looks nervous, smiling with a far too wide smile, while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie regard her cooly.
  750. >Gilda takes the initiative, “Hey, Hey Dash, uh, long time no see.”
  751. >”Gilda.”
  752. >Gilda bristles before she sighs, “Look, can we just bury the hatchet here?”
  753. >”Why because it’d be easy for you?” Rainbow asks her wings still spread wide as she snorts.
  754. >”Rainbow, m-maybe you could g-give her a chance?”
  755. >Rainbow looks ready to spit nails, so you decide to step in.
  756. “Hey, she was invited, so chill Dash alright?”
  757. >Rainbow scrunches her nose up and inhales deeply causing her chest to puff up.
  758. >So you poke her in the chest.
  759. >A puff of air escapes the mare as she tries to hide her giggles, “H-hey stop that! I’m trying to be intimidating here!”
  760. “Stop that, none of that bird thing you do.”
  761. >Pinkie looks between you and Gilda slowly at first before she starts to look like she’s having a seizure when suddenly a pop sounds from her.
  762. >”Oh! I get it, Anon and Gilda are horsemarried!”
  763. >Ponk...Ponk what.”
  764. >Gilda immediately blows her wings up at the proclamation, “Y-yeah! Cu-”
  765. “No, we’re not. Pinkie stop being silly.”
  766. >”Anon!!”
  767. >You just reach over and pet Gilda atop her head.
  768. “No, we’re not, you need to learn boundaries and calm the fuck down. So work on that eh?”
  769. >[Grumpy Griffon Noises]
  770. >”I-I’d think that y-you’d both m-make a good pair A-Anon…”
  771. “Why in the world does everyone want in my pants?”
  772. >Fluttershy blinks and shrugs, “W-well predators o-often t-tend to f-fight to e-establish dominance over w-whose the a-alpha d-during mating…”
  773. >That…
  774. >You just decide to ignore that and go back to serving food, “Right time to eat girls!”
  776. >The stand off from before lingers in the air, but the heady aroma of freshly cooked food breaks the tension.
  777. >Soon your picnic table groans under the weight of food and plump plush pony tushie as everyone digs into the food.
  778. >Passing out food you soon have your own plate and dig into the feast, meat’s a bit dry, but nothing some good ol’ sauce can’t fix.
  779. >You spy Twilight taking a nibble of some rib meat before chewing it ever so carefully, swallowing the mare looks ready for a stomach ache, only to blink as she licks her lips eyeing the rib with newfound hunger.
  780. >You really hope you didn’t create zomponies, that would be adorably creepy.
  781. >Conversation starts to flow once again around the table and all is well.
  782. >Decent company, good food an-
  783. >”My word, what is that awful stench?” Rarity asks her snout scrunching up as she looks around.
  784. >”Huh, wha- Oh jeez I can smell it too! Anon did you just fart!” Rainbow asks covering her nose with a hoof as she shoots you a glare.
  785. >”Rainbow Dash! You don’t ask a colt if he sounded the charge like that!” Twilight snaps back at her friend before her nose wrinkles as well, “Although Anon, what is that smell, it’s almost as if something died and it's rotting…”
  786. “Ah crap, sorry I must not have moved the tubs far enough away…”
  787. >Getting up you wipe your hands off and start to walk towards the back of the house.
  788. “Go ahead and keep eating, I’ll take care of it.”
  789. >”If’n yer sure pardner.”
  790. >”Relax Applejack, Anon’s got it handled.” Gilda says before taking a snap of vesion up into her beak with a crunch.
  791. >”It’s probably human stuff Applejack, relax!” Pinkie chimes in eating a snozberry cupcake that she had found, somewhere, you don’t ask these questions after the last time with the rubber chicken incident.
  793. >You will never be able to look at cheese in a can the same way ever again.
  794. >Shuddering you shake the images from your mind and walk to the back of the house.
  795. >Finding the wooden tub you had been using for outdoor spa baths you frown spying the cracked open lid.
  796. “That’s strange…”
  797. >Peering inside you notice that a good chunk of the solution is just gone!
  798. >The smell is overpowering this close to the tanning solution so you simply adjust the lid and close it shut.
  799. >Now what in the hell would run off with a quart of tanning solution?
  800. >Scratching at your head you decide it’s not your problem before you hear a low growl from behind you.
  801. >You remember that sound, that’s the same sound your dog had made before the little bastard had bit you.
  802. >Slowly you turn your head…
  804. >Oh sweet Thunderbirds above Anon can sure cook some good meat.
  805. >Now if only he’d let you get a piece of his meat.
  806. >You start to take another bite of rib when you hear a scream and snarling!
  807. >That was behind Anon’s house!
  808. >Shit!
  809. >You take off leaving behind a trio of feathers up and over the house.
  810. >You notice a rainbow blur beside you, but that’s not important.
  811. >Anon’s surrounded by wolves of wood?
  812. >”Fuck you! Fuck you! FUCK YOU!” Anon’s screaming as the thing has its’ jaws around his arm and is repedetdly stabbing it with a screwdriver!
  813. >Letting out your own screech of primal rage you dive down on that toothpick slamming into it’s side!
  814. >You must have knocked the breath out of it as it rolls with you letting go of Anon.
  815. >Good, you’re going to be whittling up this piece of drift wood.
  816. >From the right side there is the sound of cracking wood as Rainbow has your back snapping into the other dog.
  817. >Snarling you spread your wings ready to defend your mate claws digging into the ground.
  818. >Beside you Rainbow paws at the ground snorting frame tense as you hold the stare down with the beasts.
  819. >Time seems to slow down as both sides eye the other, waiting for the slightest hint of movement…
  820. >”A-Ano- Oh my gosh! Anon!”
  821. >What?!
  822. >The duo of wolves turn to look at Fluttershy as she flies towards Anon’s side.
  823. “Fluttershy loo-Ouf!”
  824. >You barely manage to scratch the bulk of wood that shoulder checks you as it sprints towards the weak and wounded!
  826. >You roll over onto your claws and launch yourself wings beating wildly as you try to stop the wolf only to skid in the air.
  827. >Fluttershy, FLUTTERSHY of all ponies is just staring at the creature.
  828. >It should be slavering and biting, gnawing upon your husbando!
  829. >Not that you want him gnawed on, but what the hell?!
  830. >”You both should be ASHAMED of yourselves!” Fluttershy snaps at the two wolves that quiver in place, “What would your mother think?”
  831. >One of the wolves starts to actually growl back only for Fluttershy to clop her hoof on the ground, “I don’t care! You live in the Everfree, not here!”
  832. >You feel something crawl in your spine as you watch Fluttershy continue to tear into the wolves.
  833. >You manage to break your gaze from Fluttershy’s gaze to look at Anon and find some of the others already helping him up as he cusses the air blue.
  834. >”Now,” You catch a faint hint of a glow from Fluttershy’s eyes, it was so faint you thought it to be a trick of the light, “/Leave./”
  835. >The duo make tracks leaving behind sticks and twigs as you watch them just incase it was an act.
  836. >Yet they continue to flee into the Everfree without a single look back.
  837. >”Damn it, Gilda I need you over here!” Rainbow shouts with a grunt.
  838. >Snapping back to Rainbow’s voice you see her trying to lift Anon up/
  839. >”For god’s sakes Rainbow, it’s just my arm I can still walk you dumb horse.”
  840. >Twilight interjects, “Anon that was a timberwolf bite we need to make sure that your arm won’t get infected!”
  841. >Flying over yourself you yell, “What in the name of Thunderbird’s dropping was that about Anon?! You trying to get yourself killed or something!?”
  842. >Anon winces as he holds his arm before replying, “No I figured I’d try being a dentist that’s all. Look can you tell Rainbow to stop, she’s going to make me tip over at this rate.”
  843. “Hell no, we’re carrying you there now.”
  844. >Spotting Fluttershy you point a claw, “Fluttershy help us carry this idiot back to the hospital.”
  845. >”I keep telling you dumb horses that I can just wal-Ah shit!”
  846. >You waited for Fluttershy to get behind him with Rainbow before sweeping his legs out from underneath him.
  847. >Grabbing his pant legs you beat your wings hard as you take off with Fluttershy and Rainbow rushing towards the hospital Anon cursing at you all the while.
  848. >The things you do for love right?
  849. >Soon the hospital comes into sight and you gently lay Anon down.
  850. >”Whooweee! Whoooweee! Whoooweee!”
  851. >The h-
  852. >Some pony with a flashing light on his helmet comes outside with a gurney shouting that odd sound.
  853. >”Hello ladies, we got a call from the house saying you had a patient for us? Help him on now!”
  854. >Seems legit, you guide (Read Push and hassle) Anon onto the gurney.
  855. >”It’s just a dog bite, for fucks sakes can I just get some pain pills and bandages? That’s all I need you goofy horse!”
  858. >”Whoooweee! Whoooweeee!” The odd pony says in reply pushing the gurney back into the hospital proper.
  860. >Panting from the work out with your wings you look over at Rainbow and Fluttershy noting their own conditions.
  861. “So, I guess we wait?”
  862. >Rainbow nods shaking off some of her sweat while Fluttershy gnaws at a hoof, “Oh I hope Anon will be alright.”
  863. >”Puhlease Shy, you know Anon, he might be a stallion, but he sure can take a punch like a mare!”
  864. “Yeah relax Fluttershy, but I have to ask, how in the cavernous depths of the Old Crone did you scare off those wolves?”
  865. >Fluttershy avoids your eyes kicking her hoof on the ground while Rainbow laughs, “Oh many you wouldn’t know it, but this mare right here? She stared down a /dragon/ and made him apologize for kicking our flanks!”
  866. “What.”
  867. >”Yep” Rainbow nods in response, “She’s just got some kind of stare power that makes you feel really small and little like your Dad coming around and found out about the time you took his home magazines and sold them for bits.”
  868. “You’re not talking about that time we sold those girly things for those p-”
  869. >”ANYWAY!” Rainbow interrupted you as she shoots Fluttershy a nervous grin, poor mare just tilts her head at the both of you in confusion, “So yeah, that’s pretty much how it went.”
  870. “Heh, alright then.”
  871. >You walk over to Fluttershy and extend a fist out to her.
  872. “Good job Flutterbutter, thanks for the assist and that’s a pretty bad ass move there.”
  873. >”Oh, uh, well th-those mean wolves made me so m-mad at what they did to Anon I just..”
  874. “Hey it’s cool, I get what you mean, now you gonna leave me hanging or what?”
  875. >Fluttershy looks back down at your fist and hesitantly raises her own.
  876. >Checking back and forth between your fist and face the mare slowly moves her hoof up.
  877. >Jeez this is the mare that stared down a dragon?
  878. >Eventually you feel her pamf against your fist with a soft clop.
  879. “Little more force would have been better, but we can work on that.”
  880. >”O-oh, sorry about that.”
  881. >”Jeez Shy you really need to grow a backbone sometimes, you don’t need to say sorry for everything.”
  882. >”S-so- oh, hehe, Okay then. I think we s-should head back to Anon’s. To let the girls know he’s in the hospital and to clean up all that hard work Anon put into his meal for us.”
  883. >”Aw man, you’re right we probably should, but I think Anon won’t mind if I take a bit home for tonight. That stallion can cook!”
  884. “No joke I thought my mouth went to join the Thunderbird in the sky, jeez I’m drooling now.”
  885. >”You coming back with us G?”
  886. >She hasn’t called you that since…
  887. >Just roll with it Chicka you’ve got it.
  888. “Nah, figured I’d stay here in case the docs have news for us, I’ll keep you all posted just in case.”
  889. >The blue mare nods while Fluttershy comes up to give you a hug.
  890. >Stiffening you look down at her neck then at Rainbow mouthing what.
  891. >Seeing the confused look on Rainbow’s face you are left in the dark until Fluttershy says, “Thank you for helping Anon, Gilda.”
  892. “Oh psh, please he makes good cuts of meats taste amazing, like I’m going to let the best chef around here just die from some no good toothpicks.”
  893. >”There’s the Gilda I remember, come on Fluttershy we should head back. See ya later G!” Rainbow says waving as she takes off into the air shortly followed by Fluttershy.
  894. >Taking a seat you open one of the magazines on crossbows and frown seeing at how it’s five months out of date.
  895. >None the less you open the pages and settle in to way tail ideally flicking to and fro.
  897. >You are running through the snowy mountains of your old home.
  898. >The feel and sound of crunching snow is like music to your ears.
  899. >Suddenly you catch the scent of fresh meat ahead.
  900. >Darting behind a rock you sniff again.
  901. >Wine, meat, faint hints of sulfur mixed in with the scent of a male..
  902. >Mmm…
  903. >Following your nose you find a hot spring, a small picnic basket is set aside with roast beef and red wine on the rocks.
  904. >In the hot waters is Anon!
  905. >Under his sultry gaze you feel your chest puff out for the male.
  906. >”Long time no see Gilda, took you long enough.”
  907. “Yeah right, you just wanted the hot spring for yourself.”
  908. >Waving his talons Anon gestures beside him, “Plenty of room if you want in.”
  909. >Wings extending you give a rouge smirk.
  910. “Don’t mind if I do.~”
  911. >You let out a sigh as the hot water soaks into your fur and feathers, aches you didn’t even know you had start to relax.
  912. “Oh, that’s the good stuff…”
  913. >Letting your head loll back against Anon’s arm you tense thinking you might have gone too forward, but from the way Anon’s talon wraps around your shoulder makes you smile instead.
  914. >”This is pretty nice, huh?”
  915. “Oh yeah definity…”
  916. >”Wanna know how to make it even better?”
  917. >Cooing back in reply your eyes suddenly widen as his talons lift your beak up.
  918. >”A kiss.”
  919. “A-anon…”
  920. >You close your eyes waiting for the kiss leaning up into it...
  922. >”Ma’am? Excuse me?”
  923. >...
  924. >What the flying chickadees?
  925. >Opening your eyes you stare at Anon in confusion before another voice comes from his mouth, “Excuse me Ma’am, can you wake up please?”
  926. >Jerking back you feel yourself start to fall back off of something hard when hooves latch onto you.
  927. >”Goodness miss! I didn’t startle you did I?”
  928. >You look around wildly wondering where the hot spring with Anon is at, instead you only see some pony nurse holding you up.
  929. >Shrugging off the nurse’s hold you shake your head.
  930. “No, I was just, had a weird dream.”
  931. >”Oh no need to worry about that then, most dreams are policed by Princess Luna, so you should be fine.”
  932. >Nevermind that Princess Luna only patrols pony dreams…
  933. “That’s nice, so why’d you wake me in the first place?”
  934. >The white mare with the little nurse cap clops a hoof to her cheek, “Oh that’s right! I was here to tell you that your friend Anon is free to have visitors now!”
  935. “Visitors? Was it really that bad?”
  936. >”It was a timberwolf attack miss, we just want to keep him overnight for observation, make sure he’s able to recover with no side effects.”
  937. >You eye the mare for any funny business, but she seems legit.
  938. “...What kind of side effects?”
  939. >”If you’ll follow me I’ll explain on the way?” The nurse offers nudging her heads deeper into the hospital.
  940. >Following after the mare a frown marring your face you listen to the nurse explain, “It’s exceedingly rare for a timberwolf attack to happen, especially for a stallion of all ponies!”
  941. >You feel like that comment was directed at you somehow.
  942. “He does live near the Everfree, thought you ponies made friends with everything here…”
  943. >”Oh not at all, the Everfree has always been uncontrollable, but the side effects can be rather varied. Timberwolf venom can be amazingly bizarre.”
  944. >Turning a corner you see the door ahead with the word Anon on it.
  945. “Whaddya mean by bizarre?”
  946. >The nurse opens the door for you in response.
  947. >Peeking inside you swivel your head to glare at the mare.
  948. “What in the world is all this for?! He’s not some monster!”
  949. >”That’s what I told them too.”
  950. “Hang on Anon, I’ll get you out…”
  951. >Feeling the nurse grab your wing you feel your talons tense ready to be used…
  952. >”Miss we can’t let him be free right now! There is a reason for it!”
  953. >Anon rattles the chains on the gurney, “And I told you that you're all crazy if you think I’m going to start howling at the damn moon!”
  954. “What in the name of the Great Thunderbird are you talking about?”
  955. >The nurse huffs adjusting her nurse cap from your attempts of breaking free, “Well I was going to explain, timberwolf venom has unusual side effects that can cause ponies to exhibit extreme behaviors and abnormal growths upon their body. Since we don’t know what Anon’s physiology is like we have no idea what reaction if any his body will have, so that’s why we have him restrained! It’s a safety precaution!”
  956. >”Don’t you silly ponies have magic or something to zap it away like you usually do?” Anon asks shaking the chains holding him down again.
  957. “Yeah, most the time you ponies have magic for this that and everything else the sun.”
  958. >”While true, timberwolf venom is highly potent, there have been attempts to remove it via magic, but the results usually were unhappy ones.”
  959. >Why does this mare have to beat around the bush?!
  960. “Such as?!”
  961. >”Well the side effects usually become permanent and the behavioral changes are fixated upon the ponies mind.”
  962. “What kind of extreme changes are we talking about here?”
  963. >The nurse shrugs as she trots over to some machine that is attached to Anon, “With ponies they tend to act either like puppies, some of our more extreme cases acted like timberwolves trying to bite other ponies. However the venom passes after a brief period and the ponies return to normal albeit with some odd habits, but nothing that really hurts them.”
  964. >”Wait,” Anon holds up a hand, well attempts to, “I remember there was somepony that sneaked through the hallway sniffing and barking like a dog, was that…?”
  965. >Looking away the nurse keeps quiet for a moment before she sighs, “Yes, that was one of the first victims of the timber wolf bites, we attempted a standard toxic removal spell and her mind was changed from the attempt.”
  966. >No way.
  967. >Thats…
  968. >”Well in the interest of not becoming a fucking furry I think I can stay a night or two then…” Anon mumbles sitting down dejectedly upon the bed.
  969. “So we just wait it out? What kind of hospital is this anyway?”
  970. >”Considering that we’re the only one with experience dealing with these supernatural type of afflictions we’re doing the best we can, thank you very much.” The nurse replies snappishly before finishing her checks on the Anon’s machines. “Now, I’ll leave you two alone, Anon if you need help just push the button there and we’ll come running.”
  971. >With that the nurse walks out of the room refusing to let you have a chance to argue.
  972. >Man, what a bitch.
  973. >”Damn that Nurse Redheart can be kinda bitchy, huh?”
  974. >Das mah chicka!
  975. “Yeah…”
  976. >Pulling up a chair to sit next to Anon you look him over, aside from a wrapped up hand and the chains he looks as normal as ever.
  977. “How you holding up?”
  978. >”Think I’m some kind of pain medicine, though they had to use triple the usual amount for me, too big you see...ehheh, can’t really feel my teeth though.”
  979. “Should, should I get someone about that?”
  980. >”Nah, the docs said that was normal when they have a cow over or something...guess being a hospital for horses means they can work as vets as well haha…”
  981. >Chuckling yourself you find yourself relaxing a bit more than before, maybe you should have just approached him like you would with Dash?
  982. >Before the whole run out of the party thing though.
  983. >”...Gilda?”
  984. “Uh, what? Yes!”
  985. >”I was asking if you were alright, you looked a bit dazed.”
  986. “What me? Pfft, I’m fine. What about you? Taking on a timberwolf with nothing but a screwdriver? What the ruinous canyons where you thinking bonehead!”
  987. >”Eh, it hurt but I made sure to pay the bastard back. Speaking of, you know what happened with my stuff? You all just rushed me out from my house I couldn’t even clean up.”
  988. >This guy, more worried about cleaning up than the fact he went one vs two timberwolves.
  989. “You’re more worried about cleaning?”
  990. >Oh damn it, you never talk to a male about their preening habits, it will never end!
  991. >”No I just didn’t want all my food and leather to get ruined is all, be a huge waste you know?”
  992. >Huh, that's...pragmatic, you like it!
  993. “Ah no, Twilight and the rest of them said they would clean up the place.”
  994. >Anon leans his head back and smiles at that, “Well that was nice of th-” Suddenly he sits up with a jerk of the chains, “Oh son of a bitch, if they throw away all that meat I will be pissed!”
  995. “Hang on, Twilight’s with them, she’s a cool chick and knows you’d want the meat saved relax man.”
  997. >One muffled thump later and Anon groans, “Yeah I guess, well so much for that idea…”
  998. “What idea is that?”
  999. >Anon shrugs, “I thought that maybe if we had that cook out thing the girls would get over the whole predator alien thing…”
  1000. “Oh.”
  1001. >”What you don’t approve?”
  1002. “No! It’s just, why should you have to change just to suit their tastes?”
  1003. >”Think there is a difference between eating something that wasn’t possibly a friend of someone.”
  1004. “So! That’s just how life works, there are a ton of prey and their job is to feed predators, in return predators make sure that they don’t eat everything in the world leaving it barren as a mountain.”
  1005. >”That sounds like a quote.”
  1006. “Somewhat, it’s from the Great Stone.”
  1007. >”Sorry what?”
  1008. “It’s what all Griffon teachings come from, there was some old bird that had seen the world was crazy and so drew up a bunch of rules then put it on this giant stone column thing to teach others about it.”
  1009. >”Sounds a lot like the obelisk…”
  1010. “Don’t get me wrong, some of the rules on it are outdated, like never make friends with earth bound creatures as they will hunt your nest down and smash your eggs. That one is kinda dumb since we all can’t live in those sky castles that Dash has you know?”
  1011. >”I suppose, I just wanted to, you know make friends?”
  1012. “Anon...you dork.”
  1013. >”How you act and what you say are two different things I’ve noticed.”
  1014. >Growling under your breath you flick your tail against his head.
  1015. >”Ow.”
  1016. “Just shut up alright? Jeez, look if you’re that desperate for friends then I can be one for you.”
  1017. >You can’t hardly look at him, why is this so hard to do?
  1018. >For a few moments you think you might have fucked up.
  1019. >Before the bed springs move and you are wrapped in a one armed hug!
  1020. >Fwump!
  1021. >Thunder and Lightning damn it all, wings stop being traitors!
  1022. >“I-I’d like that Gilda, thanks.”
  1023. >You breath in Anon’s scent as he says this and his tone, the way he sounds now, so vulnerable.
  1024. >You should hate this right?
  1025. >He’s acting all feelsy and squishy, but...it’s a nice kind of squishy, like that liver you had on Anon’s picnic table.
  1026. >None the less you return the hug gently so as to not aggravate his wounds.
  1027. >Letting Anon pull away once he’s finished you shoot him a confident grin.
  1028. “Well don’t you worry, with my as a friend you’ll not want for company that’s for sure!”
  1029. >Anon simply snorts at that and rolls his eyes at you, “Sure, then I don’t suppose I’m not allowed to have another friend as well then?”
  1030. “What makes you say that?”
  1031. >”You seem a very, singular kind of bird to me.”
  1032. “You get used to it since you have to look after number one after all!”
  1033. >Anon simply nods with a small grunt, “Then what about Dash and the rest of them?”
  1034. “What do you mean?”
  1035. >Shrugging Anon leans back in his bed with a groan, “Eh, you know do you feel like giving them all a chance again?”
  1036. >Memories of the pink one spring to mind and your talons reflexively clench as if to sink into the soft fles-
  1037. >No bad instincts.
  1038. “I’ll cross that bridge when it comes.”
  1039. >”Mm, can’t ask more than that I suppose, but I’m surprised and a bit impressed with you Gilda.”
  1040. >That comment gets your collar all ruffled and your chest puffs up in pride.
  1041. >Aw yeah, you got compliments!
  1042. >Shit play it cool!
  1043. “Oh? What’d I do that was so impressive?”
  1044. >You bet it was the moose, males can’t turn down free meat! Just like these thick lips bam!
  1045. >”You actually gave respect to Fluttershy, thought that was pretty cool of you to try getting along with her.”
  1046. >Well, that was a blow to the ego.
  1047. “Eh, well yeah I suppose, I mean she isn’t as terrible as the pink one, though she did have rather interesting moves with that knife of yours.”
  1048. >”Hah, tell me about, I was expecting her to start slicing and dicing things when it was spinning around her hoof, but nope she just holds it like she was born with it.”
  1049. “Eh, that’s fine I guess. Still I-”
  1050. >”Hello, I’m sorry ma’am but visiting hours are over.”
  1051. >Turning to the white pony you curse internally, “What are you talking about it’s hardly been an hour!”
  1052. >Looking apologetic the mare nods to the window, “I’m sorry ma’am but it’s already getting dark out and we need to lock things up for the night.”
  1053. >Oh that’s a load of turkey feathers, there is-
  1054. >Sparing a glance outside you notice the oncoming twilight.
  1055. >Oh.
  1056. >Well that sucks a ton of mountain goats.
  1057. >”Guess I’ll see you tomorrow then goofball?”
  1058. >Drawn from your thoughts you look over at Anon to see him grinning at you without malice.
  1059. >You scoff and ruffle your feathers
  1060. “Well I suppose if you really need my company I could come visit.”
  1061. >”Heh, yeah alright keep it G.”
  1062. >He used another nick name!
  1063. >Don’t chirp.
  1064. >Don’t chirp!
  1065. >You manage to nod your head and head out the window.
  1066. >”Wait don’
  1067. >Fuck the rules nurse pony!
  1068. >Once you jump from the window and spin into the night air you let out the biggest happiest chirp you’ve ever felt!
  1069. >Oh Thoradin’s feathers! Anon is just too cute!
  1070. >Come on Gilda stop being such a pony about it.
  1071. >Still your breast remains warm despite the chill in the air as you continue to wing your way to a cloud to camp out on.
  1072. >Mm, wonder if Anon would mind you house sitting?
  1073. >Meanwhile the full moon starts to rise in the far distance...
  1075. >Deciding to stay at Anon’s house you open the door and peek inside.
  1076. >Some clothes lay around the house, you're tempted to gather them up.
  1077. >Before you notice you had already had three shirts and a pair of shorts already gathered on your back.
  1078. >You /might/ have a problem.
  1079. >Yet the scent!
  1080. >That smelly musky scent of a working male!
  1081. >Besides you can explain this, easy you're just cleaning up!
  1082. >You take your payload into Anon's room and glance at the hamper.
  1083. >You could put them in there, but how are you going to separate his colors from his whites!
  1084. >Obviously the only course you have is to lay them all out on the floor.
  1085. >Scattering the clothes out in a spread you start to organize them in a circle around you.
  1086. >If anyone asks a circle is the best way to sort!
  1087. >Tapping your beak with a talon you hum before a grin over takes your face.
  1088. >You bend down low and rub your face into the dirty clothes spreading your scent and his across your body.
  1089. >Oh yes
  1090. >This is what mama needed…
  1091. >You curl around onto your back and rub your shoulders into the mess.
  1092. >Oh madre, forgive me for I have sinned.
  1094. >Your impromptu nest you've made, which is the best kind of nest fuck you Rainbow Dash pegasus suck at nest making, is super comfy as you nestle down between a pair of shirts.
  1095. >Matter of fact you think you could just take a small nap…
  1096. >”Anon? ANON!”
  1097. >Oh for the love of thunder, who is making all this noise?
  1098. >You turn over in bed when suddenly the door slams open
  1099. >startled you leap to your paws ready to defend your nest with beak and claw against whatever wo-
  1100. >”Gilda?” Fluttershy asks with a shaky tone, “W-what are you doing at Anons?”
  1101. “I was house sitting, was that you shouting for him?
  1102. >Seeing her nod you let out a screech of laughter.
  1103. “Thought you only had two volumes Fluttershy, quiet and squeaking!”
  1104. >”T-That’s not true, besides what are you doing in a nest of Anon's clothes?”
  1105. “It's not a nest! I was just, sorting them! Yeah that's it.”
  1106. >Fluttershy looks at you as if your full of it before she slowly says, “W-well that's good I would hate to be the one who had failed so badly at making a nest.”
  1107. “The fuck you just said? I make great nests you little ground trodden nerd herder!”
  1108. >Instead of shying away from your insults the little yellow menace just smirks at you!
  1109. >You ought to-
  1110. >Wait, oh pony feathers you blew it.
  1111. >You fiddle with your bangs trying to ignore the mare
  1112. “Whatever, what did you want anyway Shy?”
  1113. >Instead stead of an answer instead you receive a brief nuzzle that you jerk away from.
  1114. >”I’m sorry Gilda, it's a rather nice nest.”
  1115. “Can we stop talking about the nest!”
  1116. >”O-okay, um oh! I was here because Anon is missing from the hospital! “
  1117. “What!? How do loose a six foot tall monkey like him?!”
  1118. >”He's not a monkey.”
  1119. “Ape, whatever. Just explain how!”
  1120. >”I don't know! Twilight teleported into my house asking if he came here or not and told me he was missing!”
  1121. >Dragging your talons across your face you groan, of freaking course little miss perfect is going to try to solve everything herself.
  1122. “Alright, come on Shy.”
  1123. >As Fluttershy starts to follow you, you take off for the hospital yourself.
  1124. >Coming alongside you Fluttershy asks, “Why are we heading back? Shouldn't we keep searching?”
  1125. “Our best bet is going to see where Anon was at last, hopefully he left a trail I can spot.”
  1126. >”Wouldn't have Twilight mentioned something like that to me then?”
  1127. “I doubt it,” You point at your eye, “Eagle eyes baby, I can follow a three day old trail with these things.”
  1128. >Fluttershy lets out an Oh of understanding at that, “Then I can help you if you want, I mean, I know how Anon walks most the time, plus my animal friends can help too!”
  1129. “Sounds like a plan,” Coming to a landing outside of Anon's room you frown at the broken window. “Something crashed through here from the inside.”
  1130. >Shy lands beside you and tilts her head looking at the jagged remains of the window.
  1131. >”How do you know that?”
  1132. >You point at a few shards that lay outside the window.
  1133. “Glass fell outside instead of inside, so it looks like something spooked Anon to run or something got thrown out.”
  1134. >Fluttershy squints stepping closer before she looks down at her hooves and pales.
  1135. >”G-gilda!”
  1136. >Moving to join her you see it even in the bright light of the full moon.
  1137. >It's blood, fresh as well hardly has had a chance to congeal.
  1138. >Taking Fluttershy's hoof in talon you bring it up and take a small whiff.
  1139. >Amongst the scents of crushed grass and Fluttershy is the metallic scent you recognize mixed with the foreign smell that Anon carries around but it's different than what you remember it's more, feral…
  1140. >”A-ah, Gilda c-can you let go of my hoof please?”
  1141. >Blinking at the request you lookup to see Fluttershy and her flushed face as she was drawn close to you.
  1142. >Dropping her hoof like it was on fire you shake your head.
  1143. “I think that Anon had fled from the hospital, we need to look around and see if there is a trail to follow.”
  1144. >”R-right then.”
  1145. >Don't think about how soft that hoof felt in your talon Gilda you don't have time to blessing around
  1146. >Not to mention it was Fluttershy of all ponies, the complete opposite of your tastes so you should be fine!
  1147. >E-even when she reminds of Anon sometimes with those little kind ge-
  1148. >Nope you're straight damn it!
  1149. >That time at flight camp was experimenting with Dash and that's all!
  1150. >”Gilda over here!”
  1151. >Finding Shy near the edge of the grounds you fly over coming to a stop with a small thud of displaced air.
  1152. “What did you find?”
  1153. >Fluttershy points down and moves aside some brush to reveal a print in the soft soil
  1154. “Nice job, are there more?”
  1155. >Humming a yes at you the yellow mare pulls more of the brush away revealing a hole that was made in the evergreen hedges that ran the property
  1156. >”Though the tracks are weird…” Fluttershy murmurs
  1157. >Peering at tye tracks you notice that it lacks Anon's distinctive flat soled foot print instead having more of a curved print that digs into the ground near the tip where five digits can be seen.
  1158. “He ran out without shoes? I thought he said that if hurt to walk like that?”
  1159. >”He did, though he could if he needed, but this is where it gets stranger.” Fluttershy says her meek exterior fading like summer mists under the concern on her face. “Look ahead here, doesn't this look familiar?”
  1160. >Following after the tracks you find a rather disturbing image being painted.
  1161. >It's almost as if each step was being made by a new creature, or…
  1162. “You don't think Anon was changing do you?”
  1163. >Fluttershy bites at her lip looking worried, “Oh I hope not, it could be a reaction to the timberwolf venom…”
  1164. >You and the Shy pony both make your tracks following after them
  1165. >You can feel worry gnaw at your heart as you continue to walk.
  1166. >Was this what that crazy nurse had been talking about terrible reactions?
  1167. >If she did then you are going to so tear into her for this, they should have had a cure or a pill or something
  1168. >”Gilda…”
  1169. >Torn from your introspective musings if how to wiring a pony's neck and hide the body you look to Fluttershy.
  1170. >”His tracks have changed,look they've turned into all fours now “
  1171. >Sweet Thoradin's feathers she's right, revenue the front half of the loping gait have turned into timberwolf tracks.
  1172. >Then you look to where they lead and feel a cold pit open wide in you, they lead straight to the Everfree forest.
  1173. >Glancing back to Fluttershy you can see the fear plain on her face, of course she is going to be scared.
  1174. >Not that you're much better, but you can at least defend yourself.
  1175. >Though she did help you figure out what the hell was happening to Anon and even found his tracks to begin with with.
  1176. >You could cut her some slack.
  1177. “Look, why don’t you go and get your pony friends while I got tracking Anon down?”
  1178. >AS if you had stung her with a bee the mare sharply turns to look at you shaking her head, “And let you g-go alone i-into the e-everfree? N-no way!”
  1179. “Right, Fluttershy unless you suddenly grew talons or a beak I think I’m better equipped than you for a trek in there. Just get your friends and use that laser thing Rainbow was talking about once I find him.”
  1180. >Despite you trying to be nice the darn mare continues to be stubborn shaking her head, “N-no, Anon’s my friend too and he m-might need us both!”
  1181. >Thismare.parchment
  1182. “Ugh, fine, but if you get killed don’t try pinning it on me alright?”
  1183. >A small squee comes from the yellow pony making you wonder at your life choices for a moment before sighing and taking off into a low gilde.
  1184. >You have to swerve around a tree and many a low hanging branch, but damn if you’re going to walk!
  1185. >Fluttershy in comparison has to fly to keep up, you can already tell she’ll slow you down, her wing design is completely off for tight turns and corners like the Everfree.
  1186. >If anything they're more designed like your cousin Greta’s; long and sweeping things meant more for thermal updraft flying than actually flapping.
  1187. >Following after the tracks you soon lose them under some brush, well it’s not like you're in a sprint anyway.
  1188. >You land at the end of the tracks and frown trying to find them.
  1189. >A muffled hoof clop next to you and a winded Fluttershy breathily asks, “Why’d we stop?”
  1190. “Tracks ended here, need to try finding them again.”
  1191. >”Let me see? If you don’t mind I mean..”
  1192. >You move over eyes roving around for where his tracks could have gone, they say he went into the bush, but no matter how many times your circle it, they just don’t reappear!
  1193. >”Gilda up here!”
  1194. >Head snapping up from the ground you see Fluttershy up in a nearby tree close to the brush.
  1195. “What are you doing up there?”
  1196. >”Anon came this way!”
  1197. “What.”
  1198. >Flapping your wings you take off to alight upon a nearby branch squinting at what she’s pointing at.
  1199. >There are a few branches snapped off like something was rushing past, but…
  1200. “Shy you do know that Anon doesn’t have fur right?”
  1201. >”I-I know, but for all we know the venom could have triggered a transformation!”
  1202. “Tracks are one thing, but this is a pretty long stretch, what makes you think he went tree side anyway?”
  1203. >The mare fiddles with her hooves as she explains her reasoning, “W-well Anon had mentioned his species used to be apes, and their related to great apes, and I’ve helped with so many animals before that I k-know that they like to use the trees as an escape route in case of danger…”
  1204. >That, that actually makes a lot of sense, especially if Anon went feral like you think he had.
  1205. “Well, I couldn’t find anything else on the ground so,” Ugh this is so lame… “I’ll follow your lead then Shy.”
  1206. >”I-I won’t let you down!” Fluttershy manages a sickly smile no doubt caused by nerves.
  1207. >Yet for all the worry you had for her choking, Fluttershy managed to easily slip into an easy pace of a hunter.
  1208. >Hopping from tree to tree as she closely inspects each branch and twig for clues on Anon’s whereabouts.
  1209. >You know that once you find Anon you might be in for a fight, hopefully you don’t have to hurt him too much.
  1210. >Still you should be able to take him down and bring him home.
  1212. >Before you know it Fluttershy holds up a wing as she looks around the tree you’ve both landed on.
  1213. “Whats going on? Why’d we stop?”
  1214. >Shy ignores you looking over the branch then back at the trees you’ve passed.
  1215. “Shy?”
  1216. >”I don’t get it, the trail just stops here.”
  1217. “Think he might have dropped down?”
  1218. >Shaking her head Shy points at the branch she was looking at, “No, see here? There would have been gouges, but instead it’s almost as if he-”
  1219. >A drip of water splashes on the branch you’re both looking at.
  1220. >No wait, that’s not water, it’s too viscous.
  1221. >Eyes widening in surprise you both slowly crane your heads up to the source of the drool.
  1222. >There you can only see the canopy of leaves except for two glowing green eyes that stare at you with a hunger born of madness and cunning.
  1223. >A low growl comes from those eyes as they slowly move closer towards you.
  1224. >Why aren’t you moving?!
  1225. >Y-you can’t.
  1226. >Those eyes, the way he’s staring you down.
  1227. >This must be what a mouse feels like as it’s death approaches.
  1228. >It’s only when you see the once familiar visage of Anon’s face, now with thick fur that lines his jaw and wooden bark that runs along his eyes and ears.
  1229. >An elongated hand covered with more of that strange living bark easily grasps one of the branches above you, the wood creaking from the sheer strength held in those limbs.
  1230. >You can make out small tatters of his hospital gown still framing his body, but instead of smooth skin you see a thick coat of brown fur.
  1231. >It’s like, like as if Anon had been fused with a timberwolf!
  1232. >Anon soon comes into arm's reach and you still can’t force yourself to fucking move!
  1233. >Come on!
  1234. >Soon enough the male rears back with his wooden claws ready to strike you down.
  1235. >When suddenly Fluttershy of all ponies jumps forward catching the males attention with her movement!
  1236. >As if a spell was broken you sleepily blink before jerking backwards with a squawk!
  1237. “What the hell!?”
  1238. >”Gilda!”
  1239. >The tone and sheer authority that rang from that voice makes you double take as you watch Fluttershy spread her wings wide keeping the attention of Anon on her.
  1240. >”You need to run!”
  1241. “Are you out of your mind!? Look at him!”
  1242. >”Gilda, I can’t keep him here forever, I need you to get Twilight! Now!”
  1243. “Shy come on, we can take him! Just keep doing that thing you’re doing and we got this!”
  1244. >”Not without hurting him, and if I even move my eyes he’s gone. Now go!”
  1245. >Your talons dig into the branch below you as you wrestle with your own pride at having to run with your tail tucked between your legs.
  1246. >”Gilda!”
  1247. “Augh! Don’t you dare die on me you stupid pony!”
  1248. >With a flap of your wings you take off making for Ponyville!
  1249. >Only for your paw to be yanked down from behind!
  1250. >Instinct directs your next movement as your talons rake behind you and a roar of pain is your answer.
  1251. >”Anon! Stop! Look at me! No!”
  1252. >Shy must have blinked or Anon broke free, but that doesn’t matter now as you and Anon both tumble down the tree.
  1253. >Branches slow you down, still the impact on hitting the forest floor itself is breathtaking as you can barely move.
  1254. >Anon is the same yet he manages to regain his footing looming over you teeth bared wide in a rictus grin of bloodfury.
  1255. >You struggle to catch your breath when Fluttershy manages to swoop down in front of you once again!
  1256. >You really need to stop getting saved by this mare, it’s going to hurt your street cred you know?
  1257. >As you shake that odd moment of introspection away you watch as Anon tackles Shy into the ground and claws fly at her!
  1258. >You can't see what he's doing to her but you have to stop him!
  1259. >You have enough time to lurge forward and shoulder tackle him into the ground!
  1261. >He didn't like that much as a fist comes Whirling around and you see stars.
  1262. >Stunned for a moment you have just a few seconds to watch as Anon takes off like he had a fire lit under him
  1263. >Damn it Fluttershy you better not be dead…
  1264. >Staggering to your feet you slowly walk to the yellow mound of your hunting partner and find her shakily getting to her hooves.
  1265. >Grunting you help steady her.
  1266. “Are you alright?”
  1267. >Fluttershy wipes at her face with her hoof where faint streaks of blood mar her fur.
  1268. >Wincing at the sting Fluttershy surprises you with a determined look and a nod.
  1269. >”We need to catch up with him, if you get him to lock eyes with me I think I can calm him down.”
  1270. “Shy we tried that, don't think it's going to work that well.”
  1271. >”No, I could feel it, Anon is still in there and he's hurt and confused. We just need to help him.”
  1272. >Letting out a sigh you screw your beak closed before finally looking away.
  1273. “Fine, I wanna help him, there up ahead there is his tracks.”
  1274. >Collecting yourselves you both follow the tail before they disappear once more up into the trees
  1275. >With a frustrated screech you claw at the tree leaving behind a trio of furrows deep in the bark.
  1276. “I hate this! AUGH!”
  1277. >“Don't worry Gilda I'm sure we can find him.”
  1278. “Oh of course we will, then I'm gonna strangle that idiot for making us trump through here in the middle of the night because of idiots at the hospital!”
  1279. >”That's the spirit!”
  1280. >You stare at the mare for a long moment prompting the mare to look around herself, “Is there something on my face?”
  1281. “No, just surprised you're not telling me off for wanting to hurt Anon once we find him.”
  1282. >At last understanding dawns on the mare as she covers her face with her wings, “Oh, well, uhm, I'm a bit...peeved with Anon as well, but hopefully once your doing that to him, that means we found him and saved him!’
  1283. >Oh Thoradin’s feathers the sheer positivity coming off the mare makes your stomach curl
  1284. >Even Rainbow did that a lot, but she was cool, so it evened out.”
  1285. “Sure, you help for following him again?”
  1286. >Closing her eyes Fluttershy hums to herself, ignoring your question.
  1287. “Fluttershy?”
  1288. >Cracking an eye open at you the yellow pegasus holds up a feather telling you to wait.
  1289. >You can hear more of her humming before she soon begins to whistle, loud and sharp!
  1290. >Your ears ring from the loud noise, before you can ask her what the heck that was all about you can hear it.
  1291. >A low rumble of thunder that echoes up from the woods.
  1292. >What did she do summon a thunderbird?
  1293. >Looking towards her you see Fluttershy standing at ease looking as if she was greeting an old friend.
  1294. >It's only when the thunder crests upon you do you realize you were only partially right.
  1295. >Bursting through the foliage come hundreds and hundreds of small birds from sparrows to pigeons and every other bird in between!
  1296. >Flying up to meet them all Fluttershy soon starts to chirp and cheep amongst them all as they fly around her in a sphere of feathers
  1297. >You can make out maybe every other word as all birds sprung from the same tongue, but so many dialects!
  1298. >A few of the smaller blue Jays land on your back tweeting a hello at you which you return with half hearted vigor.
  1299. >This, this is pretty impressive.
  1300. >Soon enough the flight of the birds ends as they soon scatter in all directions, most following where Anon had gone while others fly out in other directions.
  1301. >Landing on her hooves with a happy sigh Fluttershy looks over at you, “Hopefully my little friends will be able to find him as we search.”
  1302. “Where did you even learn to do that!?”
  1303. >”Oh well, I just asked for some help is all…”
  1304. “A few birds I could expect, but that many!?”
  1305. >”I g-guess that their families were grateful? I m-mean I just asked is all.”
  1306. >Running a talon through your feathers you let out a chirp of exasperation.
  1307. “Okay, well, that'll help, just warn a bird when you're about to do that alright? Thought we had drawn a thunderbird towards us.”
  1308. >Fluttershy perks up at that looking excited, “Oh you mean Mr.Rumbles? He loves it when I bring him some fresh lightning in a bottle, particularly if it's fresh.”
  1309. >She knows a thunderbird.
  1310. >She knows a thunderbird and calls it Mr. Rumbles..
  1311. >How can one mare be such a badass, but be such a wimp?!
  1312. >Freaking ponies
  1313. >”G-gilda? Are you okay, you've been staring at me like you've seen a ghost..”
  1314. “Nothing, it's nothing let's hurry up and find Anon okay?”
  1315. >Nodding her head Fluttershy soon takes the lead as you begin to track down Anon once again.
  1317. >”I g-guess that their families were grateful? I m-mean I just asked is all.”
  1318. >Running a talon through your feathers you let out a chirp of exasperation.
  1319. “Okay, well, that'll help, just warn a bird when you're about to do that alright? Thought we had drawn a thunderbird towards us.”
  1320. >Fluttershy perks up at that looking excited, “Oh you mean Mr.Rumbles? He loves it when I bring him some fresh lightning in a bottle, epically if it's fresh.”
  1321. >She knows a thunderbird.
  1322. >She knows a thunderbird and calls it Mr. Rumbles..
  1323. >How can one mare be such a badass, but be such a wimp?!
  1324. >Freaking ponies
  1325. >”G-gilda? Are you 9kay, you've been staring at me like you've seen a ghost..”
  1326. “Nothing, it's nothing let's hurry up and find Anon okay?”
  1327. >Nodding her head Fluttershy soon takes the lead as you begin to track down Anon once again.
  1329. >It's as you both are resting in a tree from following after Anon does a small cardinal show up tweeting at you both impatiently.
  1330. >You're already off and into the air.
  1331. >Fluttershy comes up after you looking excited, “He's near the galloping gorge!”
  1332. “Good! Meet you there!”
  1333. >”Wait Gilda! “
  1334. >You’re impatient, you're tired and your back hurts
  1335. >It's being resolved tonight!
  1336. >The trees blur around you as you propel yourself harder after the galloping gorge section of the woods.
  1337. >That's when you start to hear angry chirping an- wow does that blue Jays really kiss her mother with that mouth?
  1338. >Down below you can see a small cloud of birds pecking and flying around a dark figure as it tries to swipe at the birds.
  1339. >You can just make out Anon's face amongst the dark and the flying menace
  1340. >He doesn't look hurt, more annoyed than anything else, still you need to get those birds off him.
  1341. >You hate doing this since you're so rusty, but here goes.
  1342. >You begin to caw and chirp at the birds below landing on a nearby tree branch.
  1343. >The birds fly up and away out of reach from Anon as most of them stare at you as if you'd grown a third head.
  1344. >One of them a little blue Jays lands next to you and chirps back, “Stop….beast…..why?”
  1345. “I've got it.”
  1346. >The bird tilts her head at you before Shrugging and takes off calling to the rest.
  1347. >You watch as Anon slowly looks around him before his eyes settle on you.
  1348. >Come on you big lug it's your friend, recognize me!
  1349. >You watch other neither of you willing to make the first move.
  1350. >Yet you know that if your going great to break the stalemate you need to show a bit of faith here.
  1351. >Come on Thoradin, help me out here…
  1352. >You drop down from the perch you had and kneel down trying to make yourself look as small as you can.
  1353. >Anon leers at you with a growl, you can see small cuts and scratches from the birds attack already healing before your eyes.
  1354. >Thought you had managed to scratch him yourself, but you can't see any hint of your marks on him either.
  1355. >Anon holds himself in a squat stance seeming to favor resting on his legs and keeping his knuckles on the ground to walk with.
  1356. >It almost reminds you of a gorilla from that time you visited the zoo in Las Pegasus.
  1357. >Bearing his teeth in a wide smile that looks like a rictus grin Anon rears back and pounds at his chest before slamming those powerful arms down with a solid thud.
  1358. >Note to self don't be caught by those grabbers of his.
  1359. >You however stay calm and low to the ground muscles tense as your instincts roar at you to challenge this male, to fight him, beat him and mount him!
  1360. >You’d love nothing more than to do that, but it’s not really Anon in there.
  1361. >Still the scent of his past efforts, the way he moves looking as indomitable as the mountains themselves.
  1362. >It’s such a tempting target…
  1363. >You ideally lick your lips and can feel your wings spread wide to show off their plumage to your mate.
  1364. >Yes, mate…
  1365. >Anon’s head perks up as you watch his nose sniff the air with long deep inhales.
  1366. >With a snort you watch as he shakes his head before roaring at you in challenge once more!
  1367. >This damn cock has to keep being such a tease, if he want’s to be a tease so much, then you’ll give him what he wants!
  1368. >Screeching back in return you coil your muscles and pounce atop of the rooster before you!
  1370. >Leaping atop of him you try to pin him, only for Anon to roll himself underneath and climbing atop of you!
  1371. >Letting out a screech of outrage you claw and peck for all your worth!
  1372. >Flexing your talons you swing them down leaving small scratches which well with ruby red droplets matting the thick fur.
  1373. >Grunting at your rapid movements Anon shoves you off with a swing of his arms backing away growling for a few moments before he darts forward arms coming in for a sweep.
  1374. >You duck underneath and leap atop the hulk of muscle clinging to his sides as you claw, peck and bite leaving love bites all across your mate.
  1375. >This damnable fur however is just too damn /thick/!
  1376. >Nothing seems to leave more than a superficial damage!
  1377. >You have one last chance to make him submit, the back of his neck.
  1378. >Any cock that gets a bite there goes lifeless, no matter the species!
  1379. >At least that’s how mom did it with dad...
  1380. >However before you could try to mark the back of his neck you feel him yank on your tail!
  1381. >Your tail!
  1382. >Your lower half spasms as you clench hard with your talons from the spike of pleasure trying to hold on.
  1383. >Though you cling as hard as you can you are slammed down with a grunt into the ground before he’s atop you!
  1384. >Anon easily holds you down his hips straddling your own as his hands hold down your talons!
  1385. >You can make out the sharp fangs as they gleam in the moonlight before he darts down towards to your neck!
  1386. >Jerking to the side you can feel him rub against you, his coarse fur tickling your feathers.
  1387. >Despite yourself you let out a purr of pleasure, that’s right, momma’s gonna make you writhe atop of her soon enough…
  1388. >Damn it no, you need to focus!
  1389. >You manage to bring your claws up to rake his stomach drawing blood causing him to let out a bellow before those big giant hands come down atop you!
  1390. >Shutting your eyes for the inevitable pain you tense, only to open your eyes wide at the lack rip and tear.
  1391. >You can see Anon staring above you and your head cranes back to look as well.
  1392. >There you see Fluttershy glaring at Anon, her eyes seem to glow as she speaks firmly, “Let. Her. Go.”
  1393. >You're not even holding onto anything and your talons go limp.
  1394. >Above you Anon snarls and you can feel as those clawed hands try to squeeze, yet they remain firm where they are.
  1395. >”Anon.”
  1396. >You try so very hard to be still and not distract Shy, but you're nearly molting you're so scared and aroused right now.
  1397. >Thinking fast on what to do your thoughts are sent flying when you feel a thick rod prodding against your tummy
  1398. >Yanking your gaze down to the source of the prodding you nearly let out a screech in triumph and fear.
  1399. >Fuck you mom!
  1400. >You definitely could get a cock if you wanted!
  1401. >That shit with Rainbow didn’t affect how’d you get some anyway!
  1402. >That thick veiny cock is just sitting there proud as can be, you thought it might have had barbs for some reason, no this is not the ti-
  1403. >A small thrust from Anon jerks you from your inner monologue as he grinds against you.
  1404. >You choke back a moan as a rush of arousal floors you from the sight of the manhood pressed against your fur.
  1405. >Growling at the member you try to shift your hips.
  1406. >Why!?
  1407. >You need lower to get inside stupid cock!
  1408. >You hear a startled eep come from behind you as Anon swipes at something you can't see, maybe Fluttershy?
  1409. >”A-anon, no stop that! Bad monkey wolf thing.”
  1410. >Even in your lust riddled mind, the gears running your brain grind to a halt at the lame insult.
  1411. >Really Shy? That's the best you can do?
  1412. >Suddenly before you could continue berating Fluttershy's insults you feel Anon suddenly /move/
  1413. >One second a heavy hot male ready to impregnate you was pressing you into the dirt, the next your left cold as Anon appears to teleport!
  1414. >Where did he go!?
  1415. >”Aaaaaah!”
  1416. >Quickly you roll over onto your shaky feet and found where Anon had went.
  1417. >Squeezed between two thick strong arms and her hind legs entangled with his, you can see Fluttershy staring at you in fear and shock.
  1418. >From behind her mane you only have a instant to see gleaming green eyes before Anon darts his head forward to Fluttershy's neck!
  1419. “Anon don't do it!”
  1420. >”Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”
  1421. >You clench your beak hard watching in horror as Anon's mouth closes around the base of her neck.
  1422. >Then instead of biting like you’d thought, he instead starts to nibble her!
  1423. >No!
  1424. >That’s your cock!
  1425. >Not hers!
  1426. >Chirping in outrage you flap your wings wide as your tail whips out upright as you stalk your cock.
  1428. >As if catching onto your noise Anon spares you a glance.
  1429. >Behind those eyes you can see something like a flicker of recognition before it’s swept away as Fluttershy lets out a small moan.
  1430. >In the next moment Anon shifts his hips back and up before you can see Anon slowly spread Fluttershy’s lips with his dominance.
  1431. >Watching you lick your dry beak, talons gouging the soft loam of the forest floor as Anon begins to grind against Fluttershy’s entrance.
  1432. >Fluttershy’s breath hitches as her wings quiver stiff with arousal and you can make out the slow drip of her juices liberally coat Anon as he moves.
  1433. >”G-Gildaah~!”
  1434. >The scent of sex is too much, the way Fluttershy whimpers in his arms, the way he never breaks eye contact with you as he moves…
  1435. >It’s almost like, like he’s offering Fluttershy up to you…
  1436. >”Please! Help! He’s just...ahn!~”
  1437. >The thought sends tingles down your spine as your chest puffs out without thinking.
  1438. >Should you chance it?
  1439. >Your heart, more specifically your cooter, screams yes you should.
  1440. >Still the way he’s watching…
  1441. >Fluttershy breathes heavily as she struggles for a bit longer, seemingly out of breath to call for aide.
  1442. >When another lewd thrust of his hips makes Fluttershy cry out as she leans back into Anon’s embrace mouth wide as drool starts to escape.
  1443. >The way Fluttershy looks right now, you’re jealous.
  1444. >You rub your back legs together as you can feel how wet you are from the sight before you.
  1445. >Small paps continue from the two as you are still pinned to the ground by Anon’s stare.
  1446. >To Tartarus with it, you’re getting some…
  1447. >Drawing closer you pause at hearing Anons growl before walking forward with more confidence.
  1448. >In response Anon seems to thrust harder against Fluttershy, never penetrating, just continuously scraping against her entrance.
  1449. >”Ooh, that’s a good boy~ K-Keep doing that!~” Fluttershy moans out trying to lift her hips up just right for Anon to plunge into her.
  1450. >Yet not matter how much she tries Anon keeps her in place driving her wild as her mane becomes wild with each denial.
  1451. “I got you.”
  1452. >You say with a husky tone dipping down below getting a closer look.
  1453. >Feather’s that thing is huge!
  1454. >Covering Fluttershy from view, you can just make out the thick lips which mark her entrance as Anon wetly moves back and forth.
  1455. >A small hint of pink flashes out when he pulls back which is tickled by his point each time he thrusts forward.
  1456. >No wonder Shy broke down so fast…
  1457. >This thing was designed to be a bitch breaker...
  1458. >Eyes dilating from the musk and sight you come from below starting at Anon’s knot; you might not be able to take him in your mouth like ponies might.
  1459. >That doesn’t mean you can’t use your tongue!
  1460. >Stretching it out you lap up away the juices adding your own glaze to the tasty treat before you.
  1461. >A pleased growl from above and a sharp gasp from Fluttershy as Anon suddenly shoves upwards letting his cock stick out between the mare’s thighs.
  1462. >You think you got the message, you pull back into view of the two.
  1463. >Looking up you lock eyes with Anon then glance at Shy.
  1464. >From this point of few it almost looks like Fluttershy is the one with the cock.
  1465. >Heh, funny.
  1466. >Still the look of almost lost rapture on Fluttershy’s face combined with the intense look of hunger on Anons…
  1467. >Licking around the tapered head you flick it with your tongue watching as Fluttershy’s already flushed face turn into a full face blush as she watches.
  1468. >Anon seems to like that as he presses even further against Fluttershy allowing you more to lick.
  1469. >So you do, paying special attention to the veins tracing them with your tongue dancing along their edges as Anon throbs under your attentions.
  1470. >He’s close…
  1471. >You can smell it in the air, but he needs more, something better…
  1472. >A little whine from Fluttershy brings her back to your attention as she tries to wiggle her hips to slide alongside Anon’s shaft only causing him to flex his claws on her hips digging into her flesh in a possessive grip.
  1473. >Your tail rubs against yourself trying to sate your burning lust.
  1474. >Yet no matter how much you rub, it doesn’t abate.
  1475. >You need something inside of you, you need a cock.
  1476. >Now!
  1478. >You pull away to the sounds of whining from Fluttershy and another growl from Anon until you turn about.
  1479. >Slowly you bend over, hiking your rear up into the air slowly using your tail to pull at your cheek while you use your talon to spread the other.
  1480. “Come on you beast, fuck me, rut me!”
  1481. >As if it was too much for him Anon scrabbles after your swaying rear.
  1482. >You tense ready for the penetration when suddenly you're thrown onto your back instead!
  1483. >What the fuck?!
  1484. >Laying on your back you have only a moment to see Fluttershy tossed at you before she lands on you with a thud.
  1485. >Coughing to catch your breath you take in air to shout at the idiot for ruining the mood.
  1486. >Only to lose that same breath of air as you're filled with boiling heat!
  1487. >Oh gods…
  1488. >Yes!
  1489. >There are a couple of quick shallow thrusts before Anon pulls away leaving you to wonder what is even going on.
  1490. >”Eep!”
  1491. >Then Fluttershy jerks upright eyes wide as she stares at you in shock.
  1492. >You can feel her move atop of you back and forth, making you hold onto her hips trying to hold her in place.
  1493. “Fluttershy wha- AH!~”
  1494. >Before you can ask more questions that thick pillar thrusts into you spiking into your core with a much deeper stroke tickling all the right places.
  1495. >The pleasure makes you hold tight to Fluttershy’s hips making the mare above you let out a moan of pleasure as she starts to thrust her own hips.
  1496. >You can feel her drip on you and onto the thick cock before it’s suddenly taken away from you.
  1497. >Only to watch as Fluttershy spreads her wings wide as she lets out a soft squeak again!
  1498. >Peering over the mare’s withers you soon get a glimpse of Anon towering over the both of you as he pounds inside of Fluttershy then pulls out with a grunt.
  1499. >You bite your lip ready to be the one to bring him to climax when he suddenly thrusts again!
  1500. >Only between you both making your curse poor aim as Anon continues to move between you both.
  1501. >Still the feeling of that hot piece of meat tickling your button just ri-----ght~!
  1502. >You can feel your climax coming, you just need to get him in you!
  1503. >You buck up against Fluttershy grinding your way trying to get him to choose you.
  1504. >When suddenly Fluttershy moves against you grinding back down!
  1505. >Sharing a look with her you can see a intense need, a need to breed.
  1506. >”Lemme have it please Gilda? Please please? It’s so hot right now…”
  1507. >You feel your beak curl back in a snarl, “Only if you beat me to it! Move!”
  1508. >”No!”
  1509. >The two of you continue to struggle sandwiching the thick breeding stick between the both of you as Anon plants his hands over your heads.
  1510. >So intent on trying to get his cock in you did you fail to notice Anon suddenly tense.
  1511. >It’s only when you feel the boiling warmth shootout in thick heavy spurts coating you and Fluttershy do you realize what happened.
  1512. “Gods damn it all Fluttershy! You made him shoot off!”
  1513. >”Me?! If you just learned to share!”
  1514. “Do you see that knot? It’s not fo-auck!”
  1515. >”Eeep!”
  1516. >As if to shut you both up Anon suddenly collapses atop the both of you sending Fluttershy face to face with you.
  1517. >Breathing becomes hard as you both try to struggle free of the huge idiot for passing out atop of you.
  1518. >You had managed to get free by Fluttershy shifting over to the side letting him hit the dirt with a thud.
  1519. >Yet your victory was short lived as you had started to get up only for Anon’s arm to suddenly wrap around you both bringing you to his chest.
  1520. >No matter how much you struggle you can’t get free!
  1521. >Looking over at Fluttershy you find her in Anon’s other arm, not having much success in escape either.
  1522. “Well this is great.”
  1523. >”We can still get out of this, I think…”
  1524. “Yeah, you let me know when you grow a horn to magic us up a solution to this!”
  1525. >”At least we managed to calm him down.”
  1526. “Calm him down?! He didn’t even impregnate us!”
  1527. >Fluttershy’s face is still beet red as she whimpers legs crossing as she wiggles, “I-I know that…”
  1528. “Did you have to fight me on first dibs anyway?”
  1529. >”S-Sorry, it’s just...I felt really special right then…”
  1530. >The ache between your legs is still there, waiting for that soothing shot of cum to put out the flames.
  1531. “You just wanted to get your rocks of, but I know what you mean…”
  1532. >”Still at least he can’t say he doesn’t want to anymore…”
  1533. “What you mean?”
  1534. >Fluttershy motions with her head towards Anon who looks well at peace despite holding you both in the middle of the Everfree woods, “After all, if this is what he likes to do in his subconscious, then we just have to work it out of him to show him he’s loved.”
  1535. “Loved schoved, I wanna get laid now darn it!”
  1536. >”W-well the full moon’s still out for another two nights…”
  1537. >For a long moment you stare back at the quiet mare.
  1538. >Then a long predatory grin crosses your face, “Shy, I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.”
  1540. >You slowly wake up oddly warm on both sides of your body.
  1541. >Softness surrounds you, except for your back which rests against something got rather itchy.
  1542. >You adjust yourself to scratch at the itch, only to feel light spring across your eyes like a dirty hobo taking a piss across your eyes.
  1543. >Cursing internally and groaning you slowly stretch out your arms.
  1544. >Only to be stopped as your arms are pinned.
  1545. >Still sleepy you feel around with your hands for what pins them down.
  1546. >On one arm you felt something feathery soft yet as your hand feels around it grasps around to clamp down on a firm yet toned and velvety soft mass.
  1547. >In contrast your other arm is almost buried in a thick soft fur coat that engulfs your arm in warmth.
  1548. >Spreading your digits wide you grasp around getting a handful of soft squishy flesh that let's your fingers sink into them at your aggressive grasp.
  1549. >A small purr of pleasure from your right and a whinny of delight from your left prompts you to forgo the inevitable.
  1550. >Opening your eyes, you squint at the dreaded light easily overwhelming your tired peepers.
  1551. >Though the images are blurry you can make out the sky surrounded by leaves and branches.
  1552. >A deep inhale of breath as you fully awaken makes your nose twitch as the thick stench of late summer sex fills the air.
  1553. >It almost makes you dizzy, but you manage to hold on.
  1554. >Helps that you didn't try to stand or move in general.
  1555. >Speaking of not moving, you glance to your left and find a pink mass of hair cover your view.
  1556. >Blowing a few strands from your face you soon reveal Fluttershy resting her cheek against your chest which open as she inhales and lets out a small whinnie again as she exhales.
  1557. >Fluttershy's ear flicks as you watch and her wings briefly comes into view as she adjusts herself closer against your side, using your chest as more of a bed than a pillow.
  1558. >Your heart!
  1559. >Turning away lest your heart undergoes a fatal contraction you look to your right.
  1560. >Feathers.
  1561. >Lots of feathers obscure your vision with a bright white plumage that has the faintest hint of violet to it.
  1562. >Pulling your head back some to at least see better your suspicions are confirmed when you spy Gilda also sleeping against you.
  1563. >You sit there stunned at what the situation implies before Gilda grumbles under her breath burrowing her head further up into your neck!
  1564. >The soft downy feathers tickle your skin raising goosebumps from your skin as you squirm under the ticklish assault!
  1565. o do when Gilda takes the moment to rub her head against your chest a low purr coming from the griffon.
  1566. >The vibrations deep in Gilda’s chest travel along into your own is pleasant, though a bit jarring from the depth of them.
  1568. >All these clues add up to a very confusing picture, did you go on a binge night and invite Gilda with Fluttershy for drunken debauchery?
  1569. >No that doesn’t make sense.
  1570. >You were in the hospital, then you remember waking up for some reason.
  1571. >Still strapped into the bed you had wondered what woke you when your eyes had caught the window.
  1572. >The moon had loo-
  1573. >THE MOON!
  1574. >Suddenly a headache comes to bear upon you making you groan aloud.
  1575. >In a instance Gilda awakens as her head darts left and right eyes narrowed and tail whipping up behind her as she takes in her surroundings.
  1576. >This of course jostles Fluttershy awake making the mare jump upright wings fully spread as she lets out a chirp of surprise hovering in place above you.
  1577. >Disregarding the fact that Fluttershy just fucking chirped of all things you are now free to sit up!
  1578. >The sudden movement makes Gilda quickly curl around you supporting you on one side as her tail wraps around your waist.
  1579. >At the same time Fluttershy comes down from up high a tight frown across her face as she helps Gilda hold you up, “Are you okay Anon?”
  1580. >Holding a hand to your head you mumble mulish before drawing your hand back to see large tufts of reddish brown fur and wood chips that smell like pine resin.
  1581. “Alright.”
  1582. >Dear lord was that your voice?
  1583. >You sound like you have a frog in your throat or someone switched your vocal cords with Mordecai!
  1584. >Coughing a bit more to clear your throat you try to talk though with deeper tones than you remember.
  1585. “What the hell happened last night?”
  1586. >”Well dweeb you went on a vigorous walk.” Gilda chirps as she stretches out wings flapping ideally with a quick tail whip to accent the stretch.
  1587. “A walk.”
  1588. >Your voice sounds so flat you could have used it for a level.
  1589. >”A very vigorous, long, exciting walk.” Gilda purrs out shooting you a cheeky grin as she sits up looking quite satisfied with herself.
  1590. >Must. Not. Wring. Catbird.
  1591. >Fluttershy quickly speaks ups after noticing your expression, ”...What Gilda means is that you escaped from the hospital Anon, you turned into this...I don’t even know what to call it?”
  1592. >Landing on a nearby log Fluttershy frowns again as she uses a wing to try describing what she saw.
  1593. >”Could call it what you said last night.” Gilda adds in with a smirk as she takes the chance to lean against a tree before letting out a yawn.
  1594. >”Gilda!” Fluttershy scolds looking over at the griffon as she simply shrugs with a nonplussed face.
  1595. “What did she say?”
  1596. >”Meep!”
  1597. >Fluttershy falls off her perch and her legs flail around as she tries to get her footing back again.
  1598. >Heh, silly pony, that’s not how you squat on logs.
  1599. “Never heard of a meep before.”
  1600. >A cackle of laughter draws your attention to Gilda as she bends down holding her side in her laughter
  1601. >”Oh this is priceless.” Gilda says after wiping away a tear from her eye.
  1602. >”...” Meanwhile the yellow mare manages to poke her head up from behind the fallen log, you could hear her murmur something behind the log, but she was so quiet
  1603. “I, I didn’t quite hear that Shy.”
  1604. >At hearing more laughter from Gilda, Fluttershy’s narrows her eyes at the griffon before looking back at you as she slowly uses her hooves to pull herself up from the dirt.
  1605. >Though you tried to keep your eyes locked on her own Fluttershy finds the ground more interesting before she squeaks out, ”Um, I just called you a monkey wolf thing…”
  1606. >A monkey wolf thing?
  1607. >What did that even mean?
  1608. >Wait.
  1609. >The thick scent of sex.
  1610. >Huge clumps of fur that doesn’t belong to either of the girls.
  1611. >Headache from hell throbbing behind your eyes.
  1612. >Your eyes go wide as you realization dawns on you.
  1613. “Sweet Jesus, I turned into a furry!”
  1614. >Floored by this revelation you can only slowly sit down.
  1615. >Lay on the forest floor and curl up.
  1616. >Try not to cry.
  1617. >Cry a lot at the sheer shame you feel for becoming a furry.
  1618. >At your antics Gilda creeps closer concern crossing her face.
  1619. >Prodding you with a talon that slightly rocks you back and forth you can hear Gilda ask, ”Anon? Oh darn it Shy you broke him!”
  1620. >Not a moment before she finishes your face is buried into a yellow chest tuft as warm legs wrap around you like an adorable lonely face hugger looking for a wet eager mouth to jump into.
  1621. >”Anon! Oh no, please don’t cry, it’ll be okay.”
  1622. >You limply lay there and let out a moan.
  1623. “Let me die in my shaaaame!”
  1624. >”Wonderful he’s hysterical now.” Gilda throws her talons in the air before you can hear a flop of disturbed grass beside you.
  1625. >”W-well we could help cheer him up until he’s not?” You hear Fluttershy say above you as she continues to pet your hair.
  1626. >It’s actually rather nice.
  1627. >Still, you’re a legitimate furry, oh god you can feel the faggotry boiling away in your veins...
  1628. >”Mm I like the way you think.”
  1629. “I’m going to hell, I’m going to buuuuurn, I’m- what are you doing?”
  1630. >Your self pity party is quickly broken up as you feel something warm start to rub your back and small pinpricks lace to an end with sharp pain.
  1631. >Quickly catching the culprit you see Gilda on your back further pushing you atop of Fluttershy.
  1632. >You’ve become an Anon sandwich!
  1633. >”You looked like you need some release so we figured.” Gilda shrugs before grinding down with her talons a few more times.
  1634. “What? No! Oh god, look I jus-”
  1635. >Even as you protested the damage had already been done as the friction between you and Fluttershy quickly makes you rise to the occasion.
  1636. >At that point you realized a very important fact.
  1637. >”Oh my.”
  1639. >Yanking yourself free you hastily cover yourself trying to avoid the hungry gazes of the two.
  1640. >”Dude make up your mind you say you don’t wanna go, but you’re all raring to go!” Gilda complains as she crouches low tail slowly snaking through the air.
  1641. >Fluttershy isn’t of any help eyeballing your hands as if her stare could see right through it.
  1642. >For all you know these crazy ponies might have x-ray vision or something.
  1643. “What the hell are you talking about?”
  1644. >”S-she means you’re extended, most s-stallions only do that when they are in the mood…”
  1645. >Fluttershy, ladies and gentlemen the best nature guide in the world.
  1646. “I’m not a stallion! This is normal for my kind!”
  1647. >”I was wondering where your sheath went…” Fluttershy muses leaning a little bit to the side trying to peek around your hands making you glare at her.
  1648. >Meekly the mare leans back to her original position while Gilda leans the other way at your distraction.
  1649. >”Yeah the knot is gone too…”
  1650. >Faster than you expected Gilda moved in close before she pokes at what was a slowly calming down hard on.
  1651. “Don’t poke it! Wait what did you say about a knot?”
  1652. >She was kidding about a knot right?
  1653. >”Hey it reminds me of a worm, hehe…” Gilda says with a giggle simply ignoring you as she boops your dick through your fingers.
  1654. >Oh fuck, having a bird think your dick looks like a worm is no beuno! No bueno!
  1655. “No, bad catbird bad!”
  1656. >”Gilda! Stop poking it!”
  1657. >If she keeps doing that you’re going to-
  1658. >”But it jiggles so much an- Oh it got bigger…” You can see how Gilda’s eyes track your johnson even as you try to scuffle around and away from her incessant dick booping
  1659. “Yes it does that when you prod it you dumb cat!”
  1660. >”Don’t be racist.” Gilda says looking up at you from your dick with a small pout.
  1661. >Wow, left field much.
  1662. “You just, but that,” Taking a deep breath to slowly calm down you close your eyes for a moment before opening them again, “alright just explain to me what happened.”
  1663. >”Oh well nothing much, with our superior tracking skills combined we managed to bag you and tag you pretty well. Even managed to handle all that coltish whimsy you guys like to throw around.” Gilda straightens up as she explains how things went down, you can see her chest puff out as her tail simply wags behind her showing her contentment.
  1664. >You raise an eyebrow at her and use the driest tone you can as you watch Gilda.
  1665. “Really.”
  1666. >Fluttershy thankfully cottons on a bit faster as she tries to warn her friend, ”Gilda, maybe we didn’t exactly…”
  1667. >”Of course!” Gilda charges right through your question with bull headed rashness and simply nods in proof of her claim.
  1668. “Oh well, then I guess all the smell of sex and the dried cum on your belly was something else.”
  1669. >”Duh!”
  1670. >”O-oh Gilda no..” Fluttershy says simply as she covers her eyes from the carnage that would no doubt happen in her mind.
  1671. >You can’t save stupid people from themselves.
  1672. “...”
  1673. >Walking over to Gilda you see her tail start to wag even faster as if she thinks your going to reward her.
  1674. >Oh sweet summer child, you are so wrong.
  1675. >You reach up to her head pretending you were going to pet her.
  1676. >Gilda almost cranes her neck up higher to reach your hand half way.
  1677. >When you quickly change course and snag her by her ear.
  1678. >”Ow! Not the ear tufts!” Gilda squeaks in surprise and her wings flail trying to get free, a handy yank on her ear quickly settles that notion far from her mind.
  1679. >You at least think it’s an ear, though it’s made of feathers…
  1680. >”You’ve done it now, eep! Anon why!?” Fluttershy manages to say hiding behind her hooves only to jump in surprise as you lead the chirping catbird over to grab Fluttershy by her own ear.
  1681. “You’ve both been naughty little girls and need to be reminded to behave!”
  1682. >”Not my fetish, but I’ll play.”
  1683. >”P-please be gentle?”
  1684. >Why in the hell would they.
  1685. >It’s only when you notice the raised tails and faint blushes from both girls do you follow their gaze.
  1686. >Hanging out with his chain out is your little Anon doing Harambe proud.
  1687. >You look up at the sky and simply stand there.
  1688. >Celestia did a good job with the day at least.
  1689. “This is my life now...right well we need to fix this.”
  1690. >”Just let me go and I’ll show you how much I c-YEOW THE EAR WHY?!”
  1691. >”M-maybe because that wasn’t what Anon was talking about?”
  1692. >Smiling as at least one of these girls gets the memo you reward Fluttershy by letting her ear go.
  1693. >The mare starts to rub her sore ear, face still bright red as she sits down biting her lip.
  1694. “Amazing progress! You get a cookie when we get back.”
  1695. >”Y-yay…”
  1696. >Gilda however bucks in your grip, turning to look back at you and to get a better glance below.
  1697. >”Fine, whatever just why would you want to get rid of your change Anon? You were such a beast last night!”
  1698. >Stay calm.
  1699. >Think happy thoughts.
  1700. >She’s just thirsty as hell.
  1701. >Just ignore the fact you can feel the breeze between your legs and you’ll be golden.
  1702. >”I don’t think the twitching eye is a good sign Gilda.”
  1703. >”Gee you think?” The catbird grumbles back.
  1704. >Oh my did she actually start to notice how not okay you are with this?
  1705. “Look there are so many things that are wrong with this conversation, but I need cured because of a few simple reasons so listen close.”
  1706. >”Simple he says.”
  1707. >”Gilda.”
  1708. >”I’m just saying…”
  1709. >Giving Gilda another tug as a reminder to behave you hold up a finger to accent your point.
  1710. “First I /refuse/ to be a damn furry, no offense for you all, it works for you, you have hooves and tails and all that stuff, being a anthro is shit tier.”
  1711. >”No idea what any of that meant, but go on.”
  1712. >”...I think it meant he doesn’t like his body…”
  1713. >”Why didn’t you say so?” Gilda says with salacious grin, “I could show him how to love himself~”
  1714. >Just ignore it Anon, slow and steady.
  1715. “..It’s a cultural thing, look the other thing is that if I’m some kind of werewolf or wereape or whatever it is, back home those things killed. I’m not talking about some kiddy ouch or scrape that gets fixed in thirty minutes, they rip and tear, not bend and breed.”
  1716. >”Hot.”
  1717. >”...Unf…”
  1718. >Right that deserves punishment.
  1719. >Letting Gilda’s ear go you see her start to smile before you gently head bip both Fluttershy and Gilda in the back of the head.
  1720. >”Ouch!”
  1721. >”Owie!”
  1722. “Are we finished now?” You ask crossing your arms looking as imposing as you can while naked and your dick flying out.
  1723. >”Not even close.”
  1724. >”IfyouwanttokeepgoingIdon’tmind…”
  1725. >Seeing the flushed faces and the fact that both want to jump your bones you simply sigh and cover your face with your hand.
  1726. “You two are into some kinky shit, look is there anyone who might know a cure for this stuff? Usually it’s caused by a curse or by getting a bite.”
  1727. >Gilda shakes her head at you
  1728. >”Dweeb do you not remember what the nurse said? They don’t have any magic stuff that you can use, your best bet was to sleep it off.”
  1729. “Which is unacceptable as I refuse to be fucking furry.”
  1730. >”...”
  1731. “Say that again Shy couldn’t hear you.”
  1732. >”Zecora might have something to help, she knows a lot about the everfree than I do…” Fluttershy mentions through her mane trying to not to stare as much.
  1733. >”Shy!” Gilda snaps back looking betrayed for some reason.
  1734. >At least one of the girls is willing to try helping you out.
  1735. “You think it’s worth a shot?”
  1736. >”Mhmm.”
  1737. “Lead on then, I don’t know that much about where she lives.”
  1739. >Walking through the forests your try to control your wings, stubborn things won't go down!
  1740. >Along the way Gilda walks beside you whispering under her breath, ”You dork, what the hell?”
  1741. >Why is she upset?
  1742. >Wait, oh no she doesn't think?
  1743. >You frown avoiding her soul piercing gaze as you drag your hooves forward.
  1744. “I-I just wanted to help.”
  1745. >”How does curing Anon’s little problem help /us/ get laid?” Gilda frowns at you gesturing between the two of you with her wong.
  1746. >You scrunch your nose up at the griffon at how blatant she is.
  1747. >Isn't she even considering Anon's feelings at least?
  1748. >You'll tell her what for!
  1749. “You know that he doesn’t like his body, a-and it’s his choice to make if he likes it or not. E-even if he makes for an amazing alpha predator that would take us over and over again until we're his fully breeded broodmothers…”
  1750. >The pleasant daydream that came to mind slowly fades away to reveal Gilda staring at you with a inscrutable look
  1751. >”...You got problems girl.”
  1752. >Why does she have to get up in your face about this?!
  1753. >You know she's into this idea just as much as you!
  1754. >E-even when she was grinding against you to get at…
  1755. >Oh no she's staring at you again, quick react!
  1756. “Like you're any better, you want that as badly as I do!”
  1757. >Gilda splutters at your accusation her wings jerking upright as her tail puffs out.
  1758. >”At least I’m not cowering like some beta cuck who's waiting for the dick, I’m chasing after it!”
  1759. “Oh and that worked so well last time too.”
  1760. >”Hey buck you I was doing alright!” Gilda snarls at you.
  1761. >Shrugging off the snarl you shake your head trying to clear it.
  1762. >Why is it so hard to think?
  1763. “Either way; it’s Anon’s choice, you’re not trying to force him to make his own decision are you?”
  1764. >You come to a stop and hold your ground a frown crossing your face as you hold Gilda own stare.
  1765. >”Hey girls?” Anon calls out,but you ignore him for now wanting to hear Gilda's answer.
  1766. >Fidgeting from your stare Gilda turns her head and starts to walk off, ”No! Of course not! I just think it’s dumb that he’s not looking at all the advantages that comes with it!”
  1767. >Following after her you interject with a counter!
  1768. “So you’d be fine turning into a pony then?”
  1769. >Gilda stumbles over a log that she had been ready to cross before Whirling her head around to look at you.
  1770. >”Where the Tartarus did that come from?”
  1771. “It’s a hypothetical, just answer it.”
  1772. >”Well no, you ponies are too soft, no beak, no claws if it wasn’t for magic your sorry lot would be pretty dead in the water.”
  1773. >You smile then in bliss, finally she’s making the connections!
  1774. >Maybe you and Gilda can get along!
  1775. “Well now you understand Anon.”
  1778. >”Girls, I think we passed that creak for the third time now.” You hear Anon again, you know it's rude to ignore the poor fellow, but you really need Gilda to understand your point.
  1779. >”What?! Oh come on that’s nothing alike, if anything Anon’s getting an upgrade over what he has now, you described me down grading at that point!” Gilda replies then Hopping down from the log while you simply fly over it.
  1780. >Gilda please.
  1781. >You can't be this ignorant.
  1782. “Well, being soft and kind isn’t always a bad trade off, you did see how well Anon reacted to my chest fluff right?”
  1783. >”Pfft big deal, he liked my ass better than your little downy tuft, and mine’s made from real feathers not thick coarse fur like yours is.”
  1784. >Oh it's on now little chickadee!
  1786. >”Alright I know we passed that hole again, hey are you two even listening?”
  1787. >You hear Anon mention something, but you can't back down here!
  1788. >Time to be alpha!
  1789. “M-maybe if you actually had any tuft you wouldn’t have had to use your b-butt?”
  1790. >Gilda frowns at you and her eyes narrow until you can only see a hint of her pupils
  1791. >”That’s low Shy, that’s really low.”
  1792. “A-alls fair in love and w-war.”
  1793. >”Hey!” Suddenly you’re grabbed by the scruff of your neck and hauled up into the air!
  1794. >You flap your wings trying to break free from what was no doubt a predator!
  1795. >”What the!?” Oh no they got Gilda too!
  1796. >It's only when you are turned around to see what has you do you stop your squirming
  1797. >Hooves hanging limply below you, you can feel you muzzle scrunch at Anon
  1798. >Anon's face is unamused judging by his scowl and the crease in his forehead, though why that face reminds you of your dad you haven't a clue…
  1799. >Still you can't just let him emaresculate you like this!
  1800. >You give another fruitless wiggle before crying out
  1801. “Anon! Let us go!”
  1803. >”I would if you two would stop arguing and actually listened to me!”
  1804. >”Well you got it, what!?”
  1805. >Seeing Anon tighten his wiggles on Gilda he gives her a slight shake to jerk her attention
  1806. >You bite your lips at seeing the display of dominance, how can he be so strong to carry you both around like that ?
  1807. “I-if you wanna shake us for being bad, youcandothatIdon’tmind.”
  1808. >Anon simply raises an eyebrow at your comment before shaking his head, and addresses the both of you.
  1809. >”We’ve been walking in circles while you two have been arguing back and forth!”
  1810. >”Oh come on, I know exactly where we are!”
  1811. >And your a secret heir to a million bit fortune!
  1812. “You’ve never been in this forest before.”
  1813. >”You’ve seen one forest you’ve seen them all.”
  1814. >You don’t know why, but for some reason that really, that really peeves you off!
  1815. “So you know how to avoid a cockatrice then?” Your wings fluff up as you challenge Gilda’s ‘expertise’
  1816. >”Why avoid it when I can kick it’s butt?” Gilda answers quick as a whip show casing her talons at you, “After all I could show you if you want a closer look.”
  1817. >Gilda earns herself another shake from Anon making the bird wobbly as her eyes circle around from the shaking.
  1818. >”Hey! No! Stop with the arguing, we’ve been going in circles, look down!”
  1819. >Glancing below you see a rather large collection of tracks all following the same di-
  1820. >”Didn’t know we found a path in the woods.”
  1821. >The_pain_is_real.tapestry
  1822. “Gilda, that’s not a path, those are our tracks.”
  1823. >There is a long silence from the catbird as you see a faint pink sheen come to her feathers and Gilda’s tail curls around her leg protectively.
  1824. >”...I knew that.”
  1827. >”Of course you did.”
  1828. >Despite yourself you can’t help but to giggle at Anon’s dry tone.
  1829. >”No really! I totally did!”
  1830. >Anon heaves another sigh before setting you then Gilda down, “Sure alright, look Shy can you just lead us to your friend?”
  1831. “Su-’
  1832. >”Without arguing and comparing dick sizes with each other?”
  1833. >You scrunch up at that.
  1834. “W-well I d-don’t have a dick though.”
  1835. >”I know a mare who could get us some fake ones if you’re into that.”
  1836. >Anon throws his hands up into the air, “Fucking what, Gilda no! I, holy shit! No, just no.”
  1837. >At that point Anon starts to walk off into the woods which draws you to action!
  1838. >By aggressively tugging on his arm with your mouth.
  1839. >”Huh? Shy did you poke me?”
  1840. >Bad feels filly…
  1841. “Mhmm, that’s not a good way look…”
  1842. >Leaning down you pick up a rock and throw it where Anon had been walking.
  1843. >With a plop of displaced dirt it slowly begins to sink into the ground.
  1844. >”Oh...Shit, well thanks for that Shy.”
  1845. >You preen happily under the praise eyes starting to drift down to his package before Anon snaps his fingers at your eyes.
  1846. >”Up here girl, come on focus.”
  1847. “S-sorry! Um, Zecora’s right! This way!”
  1848. >You pick a random direction and quickly move as fast as your hooves can take you trying to get the thought of that bouncy, peppy, tasty…
  1849. >A muffled thump behind you announces your arousal as your wings throb at your thoughts.
  1850. >It’s only when you start to hear yelling from behind do you turn around.
  1851. >Oh my Celestia!
  1852. >Thick black slimey vines slither around and drape about Anon’s body!
  1853. >Despite his best efforts to break free more of the cruel limbs begin to tighten around him!
  1854. >A pair of the tendrils even rub against h-his...oh my!
  1855. >”Gaaah! Get these sexists fucking plants off me!” Anon yells out trying to protect his innocence from the questing vines.
  1856. >You need a recor-
  1857. >!
  1858. >No you need to help Anon!
  1859. >You had barely managed a hoof forward when your back is weighed down with a thick weight.
  1860. >Turning back you scream in surprise as a gaping toothy maw tries to snap at you!
  1861. >You hold it back with your hooves and try to break free!
  1862. >Only more of these thick vines surround you cutting off your escape attempts!
  1863. >Your last glance before the vines envelope you is of Anon slowly breaking free of the tendrils before a huge flower petal slowly crawls towards Anon!
  1865. >Be naked, hung over, and about to be raped by plants.
  1866. >Also be quite fucking pissed at this hentai tier shit logic of rape plants that are trying to eat your friends and milk you like a cow!
  1867. >FUCK THAT SHIT!
  1868. >Channeling your inner five year old you start to flail your arms and legs around breaking vines and snapping them!
  1869. >Yet no matter how many you keep breaking you just keep getting more vines that pile upon your form.
  1870. >Ahead you see Fluttershy’s scared eyes as the mouth snapping flower tries to drag here away!
  1871. >Crap!
  1872. >You strain yourself pulling against the vines when you see a larger flower slowly descend down before you
  1873. >What is i-
  1875. >You’ve seen Feno’s flash game you are not getting raped today damn it!
  1876. >Despite your best attempts your limbs are slowly encircled and you’re getting tired.
  1877. >You don’t think you can keep this up!
  1878. >As your limbs grow heavy from use and plant matter you manage one more step away from the genitalia flower as it reaches out with it wigglers
  1879. >So this is how it ends huh?
  1880. >Death by plant snu snu, Your brother Incognito was right, the plants really where out to get you.
  1881. >You let your eyes close as you accept your fate.
  1883. >Schnick!
  1884. >Schnick!
  1885. >For a moment you had thought you imagined the sounds.
  1886. >Then the vines slipped off your body in a waterfall of snipped plants.
  1887. >You roll your shoulders free of the few clinging vines and break into a grin at Gilda.
  1888. “Thanks for the help.”
  1889. >”Psh, these things just need a good trimming, now let's get out of here!”
  1890. “We still need to get Fluttershy free!”
  1891. >Gilda merely rolls her eyes at you before pointing behind you.
  1892. >As you turn you find Fluttershy darting between vines and snapping flowers!
  1893. “Wha-, we need to help her!”
  1894. >Before you can step towards the mare to help your stopped by a soft bump to the belly
  1895. >Looking down you find Gilda pushing you back digging her talons into the ground, “No you dork, we need to move, Shy is distracting those things so we can move now let's go!”
  1896. “Oh, well why didn't you say something?”
  1897. >A growl escapes the bird as she glares icily at you, “I've been trying but someone is being a stubborn ass!”
  1898. >Now you just feel dumb
  1899. >Shaking your head you nod before making tracks away from the vines and flowers
  1900. >As you get to safety you turn back and fingers in mouth.
  1901. >The shrill whistle, loud and sharp, draws both mare and plant to your attention
  1902. “Shy we're clear!”
  1903. >Catching onto your meaning Fluttershy darts off after you soon followed by the vines!
  1904. >You turn tail and book it across the forest floor, adrenaline making you ignore the scratches of running barefoot.
  1905. >You really need some damn clothes
  1906. >Leaping over a fallen log you chase after Gilda as she leads the way ahead of you.
  1907. >Ducking under a few low hanging branches you look back up only to see no cat bird!
  1908. >Shit
  1909. “Gilda!? Wh-mphpm!”
  1910. >Before you can keep shouting something wraps around you and covers your mouth!
  1911. >You briefly struggle only for Gilda to come into view holding a talon to her beak
  1912. >Nodding to her you stop struggling before seeing Fluttershy pass by panting heavily, “A-Anon? Gilda!?”
  1913. >Together you and Gilda reach over yanking the yellow mare into the hollowed out trunk with nary but a startled eep!
  1914. >Thankfully Shy is frozen solid and doesn’t struggle as the vines slithers past!
  1915. >You hold your breath before the plant doesn’t stop continuing on into the woods.
  1916. >Letting out the breath you held you slump down the back of the tree feeling faint from the rapid fire running.
  1917. >You need to get back in shape, bad if a simple life and death run makes you /this/ winded!
  1918. >A tap from a fluffy tail draws your attention to Fluttershy as she motions with her head towards a small cave nearby
  1919. >Nodding you follow after the girls before taking a seat on a large rock to catch your breath.
  1921. >”What in the flying Thunderer grace was that?” Gilda whispers in a heated tone eyes still on the entrance as her wings twitch in a fight or flight instinct.
  1922. >Coming to rest against you, Fluttershy lets her head flop back onto your shoulder, “I think I know what those were from.”
  1923. “Really now? Didn’t know the Everfree had perverted tentacle plants.”
  1924. >”They don’t, at least not usually.” Fluttershy agrees before Gilda interrupts her, “Well what do you know then?”
  1925. >Fluttershy hunches her shoulders at the snub drawing your eye to the troubled look on the mare’s face.
  1926. “Ey, Gilda relax a bit yeah? We’re fine.”
  1927. >”It was too close that’s what I’m saying.” Gilda says defensivly wings ruffling in agitation.
  1928. >”I-it’s fine, I think those vines used to belong to Discord.”
  1929. “The chaos guy?”
  1930. >”Of course your colt friend would have perverted plants, why not.” Gilda snarks in return
  1931. >Like a bee stung her bottom Fluttershy sits upright at that, “He’s not my colt friend! He’s just a friend!”
  1932. >”Oh?” Gilda gains a wicked smirk on her face and you know there isn’t any good to come of it, “Then why does he spend all his time with you? Helps you out all the time and even goes shopping with you hm?”
  1933. >Flushed Fluttershy shakes her head, “I-it’s not like that at all! Discord’s just a nice friend is all!”
  1934. “We are talking about the guy who turned your whole town upside down on a whim right?”
  1935. >”W-well it was just a little fit of whimsy is all…”
  1936. >At the weak excuse you cover your face with your hand trying to hide a chuckle.
  1937. >”See you even try to defend him like a wife would, so when’s the wedding Fluttershy?”
  1938. >”Th-there isn’t one! I like a-” At realizing what she was about to say Fluttershy clicks her mouth shut and eyes you her face bright red through her yellow fur.
  1941. “Alright Gilda, lay off Fluttershy before she explodes, still…”
  1942. >You run your hand over the flustered mare’s mane feeling the heat coming off her blush.
  1943. “How come Discord didn’t just snap his fingers and send them on their way?”
  1944. >Calming down at your gentle petting Fluttershy opens lazy eyes at you before remembering the question, “Oh well I remember Twilight had asked about it once.”
  1945. >Sparing a glance to Gilda you find the catbird is flexing her talons as they leave behind small divots into the stone perch she had found.
  1946. >Silly catbird, you don’t tease without getting teased back.
  1947. “Oh? What did she find out then?”
  1948. >Tilting her head just right Fluttershy sighs happily as you find a certain spot behind her ear, “Mmm, Discord had honestly forgotten about them for so long that they eventually became a part of the ecosystem of the deep woods. Twilight mentioned that shouldn’t even be possible, but Discord replied with something about even chaos finding it’s place in the Everfree.
  1949. “Well that’s neat, still let’s not go too deep into the Everfree unless we need to.”
  1950. >”Agreed, so let’s get moving already I don’t like being holed up in this cave to begin with.” Gilda is quick on the draw slinking off the stone towards the entrance.
  1951. >”Is it really alright to leave so soon?” Fluttershy asks as her eyes rove from plant to plant waiting for the tentacles to burst forth once more.
  1952. “Better to be on the move instead of being caught in a corner like the cave, hey I just had a thought, but could you two try flying all of us out of here?”
  1953. >There is a long moment of silence from that point and both girls look at each other then at you with a curious look.
  1954. >”Gilda I don’t know if I-”
  1955. >”Of course I can do it, now hold on stud!” Gilda says with confidence as she flaps up onto your shoulders and uses her paws to hook under your arms while her talons grab your shoulders.
  1956. >With wild beats of her wings Gilda starts to flap sending gusts down your back in a rather pleasing manner, still you remain on the ground.
  1957. >”Gilda, I don’t think that’s goi-”
  1958. >”It’s fine! I got this!”
  1959. “Look if you can’t it’s fine ju-”
  1960. >”Shut up!” Gilda grunts out before you feel your feet start to get a weightless feeling to them making you jump in place
  1961. >With a squawk of victory Gilda takes you up into the air about five feet
  1962. >Then gravity reassert its pull on you and you come back down with a muffled thud.
  1963. >You can feel the indignation coming off of Gilda in waves
  1964. >Save it quick!
  1965. “That was pretty cool, felt like I was on the moon or something.”
  1966. >”Anon just, don't try to spare my feelings alright? I'm not…” Though you can't see her face you can feel the shame coming through her voice.
  1967. >You also feel a bit of wetness start to drip into your shoulder, but you ignore it for now as you try to look back at her.
  1968. >Instead Gilda is content on keeping her face away from you by burying her face into your neck.
  1969. >While pleasant it doesn't stop you from worrying about her as you reach back to pet her feathered head
  1970. >Still the stubborn bird refuse to let her insecurity be settled.
  1973. >”Let me help.”
  1974. >As if from the God horse herself you catch Fluttershy on the edge of your vision as she moves behind you.
  1975. >”N-nno, buck you Fluttershy I do-”
  1976. >”Just let me help, you almost had it Gilda, there’s nothing wrong with working together you know.” The tone you hear isn’t that of your normal Fluttershy meek and submissive, but instead caring, almost motherly to your ears.
  1977. >You try to turn your neck to see, but the most you can get is looking over your back to just make out Gilda look up at you then Fluttershy who waits patiently.
  1978. >”Fine.” You can barely hear from the griffon before she makes room for Fluttershy to also take up your heavy ass.
  1979. >Holding your arms steady as you can for a proper hand hold you tense as the girls start to beat their wings.
  1980. >It takes a few false starts before the duo manage to synch up their wings, but before you know it you have a small windstorm starting to form around your little trio.
  1981. >Faster than before you can feel the weightlessness come to you again as your feet start to slowly lift up off the ground.
  1982. >Trying to keep calm you look back to see both of the girls with their eyes closed and their cheeks puffed out in effort as they breath heavily
  1983. >When you look back down you grin to yourself
  1984. >Their doing it, they really are doing it!
  1987. >”F-fuck, I don't know how much longer I can-!
  1988. >”We can do it Gilda, J-Just hold on!”
  1989. >Craning your head back you cannot see the sweat as it comes off both girls, they are going to kill themselves at this rate.
  1990. “Girls, open your eyes, you're doing it!”
  1991. >At your prompting the griffon and pegasus snap open their eyes.
  1992. >All three of you were about five feet off the ground hovering in place
  1993. “Not bad gir-aaaah!”
  1994. >You drop down to land on the ground with a muffled thud.
  1995. >Rubbing your bare bum you groan out before hearing Gilda, “Damn it Shy why’d you drop Anon like that!”
  1996. >”I-I didn't! Or I mean not intentionally…”
  1997. >Slowly sitting up you wave Gilda away from Fluttershy.
  1998. “Gilda relax, I'm fine see?”
  1999. >”What if we were way up higher then? You'd be a smear on the ground, don't-”
  2000. >You wrap your fingers around Gilda's beak and hold it shut.
  2001. >It's amazing how easy that was, though the burning glare went your way promises vengeance on you that's for sure.
  2002. >You need a quick way to defuse this
  2003. >Wait! You have an idea, if you're the girl in the situation then...
  2004. “Listen, you both were able to lift my fat ass up into the air, the amount of power to do that is incredible, so feel proud in having such strong wings. Did you know that the biggest bird back home wouldn't have been even able to pick me up like that?”
  2005. >As you explain Gilda struggles a bit at the start, but as you continue the catbird slowly stops squirming away and instead regards you with wide eyes before you can see her chest start to puff out in pride.
  2006. >Okay, you're slowly winning her over, now to get her not pissed at Flutters
  2007. “And you wouldn't have been able to help lift me up that high if you didn't have Fluttershy to help you.”
  2008. >Letting her beak go you gently retrace along the curve of her beak before stopping to gently scratch under her chin.
  2009. “Think you can forgive her?”
  2012. >The chirps are real as Gilda chirps to herself, a look of intense struggle on her face.
  2013. >Fluttershy takes that moment to interject, “I'm sorry Gilda, if you want it I mean…”
  2014. >That is the final straw as Gilda turns on the butter pony, “How can you be so meek and just apologize like that!? It doesn't make any sense to do that!”
  2015. “What you talking about Gilda?”
  2016. >Gilda snaps hers head to look at you before an accusing talon is pointed at Fluttershy right in her face, making the yellow mare scrunch at the sudden boop.
  2017. >”Her! This whole apologizing thing and taking it seriously! Sure a griffon can feel bad about stuff, but if you say it for every little thing then you loose all self respect for yourself! You need to be tough to survive in the old country and seeing her just, just being a pile of jello at times drives me up the wall!”
  2018. “Gilda, come on she's not even a griffon.”
  2019. >You her mutter something that sounded a lot like, “That's the problem, it's easy for her.”
  2020. >”W-well I can't change who I am, Gilda, well I can,but the last time I did it didn't turn out well for everyone…” Fluttershy says scratching at the dirt with her hoof.
  2021. “Come on Gilda, you're better than this, let's just get to Zecora and get me fixed up.”
  2022. >You're worried that your words won't reach the catbird, but she shudders and you can see the puffed up feathers slowly relax, “Fine! Alright? Just, let's just go.”
  2025. >Nodding to her you start to say thanks and stand before hissing in pain.
  2026. >”Anon!?”
  2027. >”Dude, are you alright?”
  2028. >As if by magic the two are by your side helping you stand.
  2029. “I think I stepped on something hang on…”
  2030. >Sitting back down you bring your foot up to be inspected and frown at the mess.
  2031. >You're not some native that walks barefoot every day so your feet were baby soft essentially
  2032. >Small rocks and what looks like a long thorn stick out from your foot the cause of your pain.
  2033. “Son of a bitch.”
  2034. >”Oh no, Anon.” Fluttershy says staring at the bloody foot, “Oh no, that's not good, hang on maybe I can find something…”
  2035. >Gilda at that point looks over your foot as well and starts to carefully pluck the bloodied stones, “You idiot, why didn't you say anything?”
  2036. “Sorry there was- ow- a rape plant chasing us down. No-ow! Not much time to walk carefully. Son of a bitch!”
  2037. >You grip your knees tight as you deal with the pain as Gilda slowly starts to clean your foot.
  2038. >”Shy do you have any water? We need to clean it!”
  2039. >Closing hooves echo in the cave as Fluttershy returns with a large leaf wrapped around something.
  2040. >”I found some herbs and there is a stream just down the way! We can carry Anon there to fix his feet.”
  2041. >Gilda frown is still in place, “Only problem is that he's too heavy for us to carry or did you forget that?”
  2042. “Hey, no relax I can still limp my way there.”
  2043. >”Pony feathers you will, I just cleaned your foot, you're not walking on it!”
  2044. >Holding your hands up in surrender you simply continue, “Okay, okay, I won't walk, you two can at least drag me there, you're strong enough for it.”
  2045. >Gilda at that point sets your foot down gently and looks over your body then at Fluttershy before returning back to you.
  2046. >”That might work...Fluttershy come here and hold still.”
  2047. >The yellow mare trots over to you both before Gilda has her turn around facing away from you both.
  2048. >”Ready as I'll ever be Gilda.”
  2049. >With some help from the catbird you struggle to stand before laying atop of Fluttershy.
  2050. >With a whoosh of displaced air the mare’s legs wobbly unsteadily as she holds your weight before it's suddenly much lighter.
  2051. >Thankfully Gilda was able to move to join Fluttershy with some help of your arm and her quick speed.
  2052. >The end result is awkward at best, but the girls aren't breathing as if they were having a panic attack now.
  2053. “Okay, let's just take it slow and I'll try to hel-”
  2054. >A butter yellow wing comes up to shush you, “It'll be okay Anon, we’ll get you there and get you all patched up. Don't you worry.”
  2055. >Gilda merely grunts as she starts to walk, “What she said, now hang on.”
  2056. >With that the two girls began their long arduous journey of drag carrying you to the brook Fluttershy had found.
  2057. >You tried to help,but each time you start to put weight on your feet the girls would call you out on it
  2058. >So you eventually just let them go at it, thankfully the stream was close by as you could feel the sweat collect in their fur.
  2059. >Both from the exertion and the body heat between the three of you soon had slicked with their fluids.
  2060. >It was a little gross, still your rag tag group managed to reach the brook.
  2061. >With a thud the two collapsed with you atop of them panting from the work.
  2062. >You manage to pull yourself off the duo and flop over onto your butt so you could see your feet.
  2063. “Girls you take a breather, I’ll finish fixing my feet. Shy can you tell me how to make this poultice?”
  2064. >Hissing as you sink your feet into the water watching as the clear liquid swirls with eddies of your blood that are easily carried down stream.
  2065. >”N-no, I-hah-I can help.” Fluttershy manages to say though her sides heaved from trying to catch her breath.
  2066. “Shy you’re about to keel over and die if you don’t catch your breath.”
  2067. >Reaching down you let out a grunt as you clean your foot.
  2068. >Fuck running around barefoot man
  2069. >”Let him-ah- finish up, Flutter-ha- shy. He can do it.”
  2070. >Sparing a look at Gilda you feel a bit touched she actually believed you could manage to not hurt yourself even more.
  2071. >Fluttershy’s brow furrows at you both before she reaches down with her head to grab the leaf filled with herbs, “You’ll need to, mash those three plants, then add water, use the leaf to hold it in place.”
  2072. “Will the leaf hold for me to walk?”
  2073. >Taking the plants you grab a nearby rock and start to grind the herbs down.
  2074. >Following the instructions you see Fluttershy sit down and rest, “You’ll be able to limp at least.” In an undertone from the yellow pony, “If you’re not tripping from the painkillers…”
  2075. >Extracting your foot you pretend to not hear the last bit, as you really could go for something to reduce the pain.
  2076. >Slapping the wet mixture to your foot you wrap the leaf around your foot.
  2077. >”Here.” Gilda says pulling down some vines from a nearby tree, “It’s not fresh linens, but it’s something at least.”
  2078. “Thanks, I’l- whoa…”
  2079. >Staring at your hands you watch as they seem to glow and you slowly clasp and unclasp them.
  2080. “Weird…”
  2081. >”Anon!”
  2082. >Drowsy you look up to find a sparkling corona of colors flowing around Gilda as she looks at you with worry.
  2083. >Is that a giant lightning bolt behind her?
  2084. >Dude that’s awesome!
  2085. >You try to poke it only to feel a light tingle in your arm and a hand on your chest.
  2086. >Wait hand?
  2087. >Looking down you just see a simple talon holding you in place as you continue to swipe your hands over the bolts running around the catbird.
  2088. >”Dork! Focus! Fluttershy what the hel did you give him?”
  2089. >”It was just a simple mix of herbs! Celestia’s Tears, Grape Rot, and Pegasi Step that’s all.” The owner of the so pretty voice comes into view and woooooow
  2090. >There is so much going on here that you don’t even know what to start with!
  2091. >The yellow mare; Fluttershy! Yeah that’s her name, she had an overpowering swirl of colors with small pink butterflies swirling around her chased after by little bats, then a large beam of yellow that stretched faaar away into the forest and then back to somewhere else. Finally was a pulsing healthy green that stretched down into the ground around her.
  2092. >So much to poke!
  2093. >Unable to help yourself you try to poke at the little butterflies, but they dart away and fly off while the little bats nip at your fingertips.
  2094. >The two colorful swirls continue to talk to each other, but you’re having so much fun with how these colors are acting.
  2095. >You could be forgiven for not paying attention as you’re suddenly lifted up and moved along, that’s alright after all you still entertained.
  2096. >What does the big yellow thing for?
  2097. >Prodding it with your finger you find its much deeper than you expected.
  2098. >It also feels so warm, peaceful even like slipping into a hot bath primed just for you.
  2099. >So of course you sink your whole arm into it.
  2100. >An almost motherly embrace overwhelms you as you smile softly before your gently pushed away from it by a small tingle in your other arm.
  2101. >As you relax you faintly hear someone mention sleep, yeah that sounds great about now.
  2102. >Just rest your eyes for a little bit.
  2103. >Even as the colors fade you can feel them on your skin, lulling you to sleep.
  2107. >Watching Anon curl up further in Fluttershy’s tuft you huff feeling your tail swish in agitation.
  2108. >Stupid ponies, downy feathers are tons better than coarse fur…
  2109. >”..Gilda?”
  2110. >Shit, Fluttershy’s talking again.
  2111. “What?”
  2112. >The mare recoils from your tone before forcing herself forward, “Um, well I was thinking we’d be better off if we carried Anon to Zecora’s s-she might be able to help us.”
  2113. “Oh yeah, I’ll just wipe out the carriage I have under my wings and we can both go flying with Anon to the magical castle.”
  2114. >”Gilda…”
  2115. >You let out a sigh before walking over to grab an arm of Anon.
  2116. “I know, I know sarcasm isn’t going to get us anywhere, let me have this at least jeez…”
  2117. >Fluttershy blinks as you move to her help her carry Anon, what like you’re going to let her have more of a monopoly on Anon’s scent, buck that.
  2118. >Once you’ve secured Anon as best as you can you and Fluttershy slowly drag him across the forest floor.
  2119. >Aside from the natural chittering of the forest and the wind the walk there is quiet.
  2120. >You really need to figure out a way to get Anon’s attention better, there was plenty of times you did it the Griffon way that should have earned you top tier mate material!
  2121. >Maybe you need those other mating rites as well?
  2122. >Ugh, you really don’t want to, Mom had said something about the really good ones being the ones that needed them.
  2125. >But, your tail flicks in surprise as Anon’s fingers curl through your barrel tickling the side, if being an amazing hunter and killer doesn’t get his motors revving, maybe you should bring out those rusty ‘domestic’ lessons?
  2126. >You’re terrible at carrying a tune though!
  2127. >Not to mention your voice is all scratchy like a record, Gabby would carry a whole team with her chirps alone, buck that bird.
  2128. >Sparing a glance beside you, you see Fluttershy panting from carrying Anon, yet she continues on without complaint.
  2129. >Hmm, maybe you could, ugh but it might make you look weak.
  2130. >Well what you’re doing so far isn’t winning you points, might as well try damn it!
  2131. >”Are you alright Gilda?”
  2132. >Bwhu?
  2133. >Hey! You’re the one that’s supposed to ask that!
  2134. >Well more like talk first, but anyway clearing your throat you nod.
  2135. >”Oh, that’s good to hear, I-I was getting a little worried with how quiet you got.”
  2136. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
  2137. >”N-nothing! It’s just you, well you remind me of my friend Rainbow alot.”
  2138. “Psh, yeah well who do you think taught her how to be cool in the first place?”
  2139. >”Mm, um, Gilda?”
  2140. >Adjusting your grip you let out a grunt letting her know your still listening.
  2141. >”I wanted to say thank you.”
  2142. >You nearly tripped over a rabbit hole at that.
  2143. “Come again?”
  2144. >You focus on the mare’s face looking for some hint of prank being played on you, but instead of a smirk or anything the mare’s actually blushing of all things!
  2147. >”If you hadn’t been friends with Rainbow, she might never had raced for me, or helped me out at flight camp like she did.” Fluttershy lets out a small giggle then, “Did you know that she was just as scared as I was when we first arrived?”
  2148. >Rainbow? That mare had ovaries the size of boulders with some of the stunts you’ve seen her pull.
  2149. >Granted that was with you egging her on, but that’s beside the point.
  2150. “It wasn’t that big a deal, she was already a hot head, just needed to know how to be as cool as me!”
  2151. >Tapping a talon to your chest with a thump to punctuate the statement you hear Fluttershy, “Mhmm! That’s why, well, I mean if you want it I mean…”
  2152. >Just like that the small hints of steel you had seen in her slip away behind her mane as she shies away from the topic.
  2153. “Fluttershy you really gotta stop doing that, just spit it out.”
  2154. >Fluttershy stays quiet for so long you’d think she was ignoring you.
  2155. >You start to open your beak to tell her to get on with it when she bows her head and whisper shouts, ”I’d really like to help you get with Anon!”
  2156. >Just like that your beak snaps shut with a click and you can just /feel/ the blood rushing through your cheeks.
  2157. “Phwa, but, I-I thought you were…?”
  2158. >Fluttershy takes the moment to glance over at you with a curious look before her eyes widen with a sudden chirp of surprise.
  2159. >”O-oh, well I mean I’d like too, but um, you’ve been working so hard for Anon that I wouldn’t want to jump in front…”
  2160. >What's this weird feeling in your chest?
  2161. >It’s all soft and warm feeling.
  2164. >Not to mention she’s just, just giving him up like that?!
  2165. “What is with you?!”
  2166. >”P-pardon?”
  2167. >You about threw Anon to the ground, but thought better of it at the last second.
  2168. >The things a bird does for her rooster…
  2169. “You do it so easily and you’re not even trying!”
  2170. >Fluttershy’s wings puff up in agitation trying to look bigger, she’s got an impressive wingspan for sure, but you grin internally as she’s just shy of beating your own wings.
  2171. >”Gilda you’re not making sense, what are you talking about?!”
  2172. “Oh you know exactly what I’m talking about, all those little kindnesses, the care that you can do, all of the curling up with him? You’re not even a griffon and you’re pulling it all off so easily!”
  2173. >Fluttershy pauses causing your procession to come to a halt, “Are you, are you saying I’m courting Anon?”
  2174. “That’s exactly what I’m saying!”
  2175. >”B-but I haven’t! If I did I’d have talked with his parents and brought him plenty of shiny things to help spruce up his house! That’s what my Mom did!”
  2178. “Oh yeah? How do I know you don’t have some griffon perched in your family tree then? You’re able to pull off all that lovey dovey stuff with him all the time!”
  2179. >Fluttershy looks at you lost before she takes a deep breath, “Gilda, I can’t change who I am or how I act because you don’t like it. I tried that once and it didn’t end well for anyone.”
  2180. >A forced grin crosses her face then as Fluttershy adjusts her grip on Anon, “Besides, I’d rather you be with Anon than me, it’d make you happier for one.”
  2181. >This mare…
  2182. >This dumb, insufferably kind mare!
  2183. “Augh! That’s what I don’t get with you! You say you like Anon then just give up without a fight, is it just a pony thing and you lot just flip over at the slightest sign of trouble?”
  2184. >”That’s not it at all.”
  2185. “Then /why/?!”
  2186. >”Because you said I was cool, and you respected me.”
  2187. >That makes you jump in place making you both pause again, “What?”
  2188. >”Back at Anon’s house, you had said that I was cool for understanding how n-nature works and I, I didn’t want to lose that after our first meeting. I just wanted you to be happy with your life and still want to be friends with Rainbow and I, I know you haven’t gotten to talk with her that much or even hang out.”
  2191. >Pinching your beak in pain at the headache you can just feel starting to grow you sigh.
  2192. “Look, if I just, just win Anon with your giving up, that looks bad on me, ya get it?”
  2193. >”I-I don’t quite follow…”
  2194. “Ugh, let me spell it out simplier then, if I get Anon like this, without a fight or even an attempt of beating off other hens for it then when I introduce him to the family it’ll look like a bad match because of the lack of effort.”
  2195. >”So, it’s more of how much effort you put in to make Anon want you?”
  2196. >You hold your wings up in a victory pose.
  2197. “By the Great Thunderbird, she understands!”
  2198. >”She’s right here you know…”
  2199. “I thought I’d have to hammer the point in further to be honest.”
  2200. >Flutteshy rolls her eyes at that before looking ahead, “Look! It’s Zecora’s hut!”
  2201. >Turning to where Fluttershy is looking you find a freaky looking tree house filled with strange masks of snarling figures.
  2202. >Trophies from past kills maybe?
  2203. >Be a lot better if she used the head of them though.
  2204. >Feeling your paws squish down in the soft foam of the forest floor you amend that statement, maybe stuffed heads wouldn’t last so long out here.
  2208. >Fluttershy knocks on the wooden door calling out, “Zecora? Are you home?”
  2209. >The door creaks ominously inwards showing the gloomy interior illuminated with small stubs of candles that lay scattered throughout the house.
  2210. “Oh that’s not creepy at all.”
  2211. >”Gilda, be nice. Zecora must have gone out for chores or something.” Fluttershy glances back into the house before gulping herself.
  2212. >”T-though if you want to go in first you c-can…”
  2213. >Ugh, ponies…
  2214. “Fine.”
  2215. >Walking into the house you duck under the low hanging herbs that hang from the ceiling eyes glancing through the cobbled together interior.
  2216. >Large cauldron in the center, some potion vials on the shelves, ghostly giant mask rushing at you-
  2217. >Letting out a screech of surprise you leap up into the air wings flapping and claws flying at the mask.
  2218. >You watch in befuddlement as your talons and claws rip into the mask tearing off strips of wood as it floats away with a howl.
  2219. >”Gilda!”
  2220. >Had it only been a few seconds?!
  2221. >The yellow mare sprinted into the hut eyes flashing as she takes in the scene around her before flying up towards the mask with a frown on her face.
  2222. >”Mr. Tiki! That wasn’t very nice at all!”
  2223. >Mr. Tiki?
  2224. >What the flying pony feathers
  2225. >At the tone Fluttershy takes with it, you watch as the markings on the mask droop down in a sad frown before it’s brows narrow down and bobs at you!
  2226. >Naturally you let out a hiss and swipe at the annoying thing which of course causes it to back off.
  2227. >”Now I know that Gilda scratched your wonderful paint, but you sc-” Fluttershy pauses as you clear your throat, “startled her and she just reacted, I know you like to protect Zecora’s home, but really you should have known better.”
  2228. >The mask floats about vigorously, if it could talk you’d have the feeling that it would be ranting especially how it bobs in your direction with a glare.
  2229. >Well fuck you too floating voodoo mask thing!
  2230. >Flipping the mask the bird you watch as it’s mouth slackens into a doltish look before it turns away with a huff before floating back to the top shelf where you can see it continue to watch you.
  2233. >”What is this? Has something gone amiss?” A female’s heavy voice is heard outside, with Anon!
  2234. >Oh plucked chicks, you left Anon outside!
  2235. >Before you can rush out however Fluttershy calls out, “Zecora! You’re back!”
  2236. >Nonetheless some unknown female is near your male!
  2237. >You dart outside before Fluttershy to see this ‘Zecora.’
  2238. >Huh, you’d expected more...well maybe thinking her having feathers in her mane and face paint might have been a bit much, you can respect the gold though.
  2239. >”Ah, it's good to see you once again dear Fluttershy, now tell me who’ve dropped by?”
  2240. >”Oh, this is Gilda, and um, the big guy on the ground is Anon, he might have had an allergic reaction…”
  2241. >At the words allergic reaction Zecora’s eyes widen in alarm and she starts to drag Anon inside her hut, “Quickly bring him inside, let us hope I have something mend his hide.”
  2242. “Hey! Don’t drag him like that!”
  2243. >You move into Zecora’s space as to help carry Anon inside so his head isn’t to bang against the ground.
  2244. >Fluttershy clears off a small cot that holds up maybe half of Anon’s body, the rest she manages to find small stools and chairs to prop his legs up on.
  2245. >Once Anon is secured Zecroa and Fluttershy begin to discuss what all she had used with Anon to make him like this.
  2246. >You meanwhile notice Anon looks feverish, he’s sweating rather heavily at that.
  2247. >Pressing a talon to his forehead you wince at the warmth coming from there.
  2248. “Fluttershy, Zecora, Anon’s burning up over here, ain’t you got some magical remedy that can fix this?”
  2251. >Zecora walks over and holds her hoof to Anon’s forehead and mutters to herself.
  2252. >Shortly after Zecora hoofs over a wash cloth and bowl of water, “His heat is a danger, but there is more to this illness that is stranger. Keep him cool, so that I may find the proper tool.”
  2253. >You frown watching as Zecora and Fluttershy draw away to a wall of vials talking amongst themselves.
  2254. >Picking up the rag you start to dab at Anon’s forehead using water to keep him cooled off.
  2255. >This is stupid, why the Tartarus did those ponies not use better restraints anyway!
  2256. >None of this would have happened if they had!
  2257. >Wringing out the water and sweat you roughly add more water to the rag before gently dabbing at Anon's forehead and neck.
  2258. >”Mnurgle…”
  2259. >Perking up at the sound you lean over to look over Anon’s face.
  2260. “Anon?”
  2261. >”Ss fine, need to...turn a switch…”
  2262. >Must be sleep talking, well you can help with that a little…
  2263. “It’s alright Anon, just get some rest.”
  2264. >Anon shifts atop his make shift cot, “Nuh, need to find...the switch and… fucking furries.”
  2265. “Shh, forget about it Anon, you’re here with me, remember?”
  2266. >”Mngh, Gilda…”
  2267. “Yeah?”
  2268. >”Isa good cat, bird, friend thingy. So much sparklies…”
  2269. >By Thunders feathers, Fluttershy really worked a number over him.
  2270. >You look back to see both mares busy with something in the cauldron and Anon is fidgeting in his sleep.
  2271. >He needs something to calm down…
  2272. >...
  2273. >Oh you’re going to have so many regrets…
  2274. >Clearing your throat a few times you remember something you heard from home, a few soft warbles to establish mood and now!
  2275. “The sky is dark and the hills are white, as the storm-queen speeds from the north to-night; And this is the song the storm-queen sings, as over the world her cloak she flings.”
  2276. >You can hear the roar of the flames and the scraping of the wooden spoon stop, but you ignore it as you sing.
  2277. "Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep; she rustles her wings and gruffly sings: Sleep, little one, sleep."
  2278. >Anon isn’t fidgeting as much, you can almost see him lean to you.
  2279. “On yonder mountain-side a vine clings at the foot of a mother pine; The tree bends over the trembling thing, and only the vine can hear her sing: Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep.”
  2280. >What startles you is when you hear Fluttershy start to hum along with the tune adding her own voice to the song.
  2281. >You pause looking back thinking she was wanting to take over, instead she waves you on with a wing.
  2282. >Swallowing you nod before taking up the lyrics once more.
  2283. “What shall you fear when I am here? Sleep, little one, sleep. The queen may sing in her bitter flight, the pine may croon to the vine to-night, but the little snowflake at my breast, liketh the song I sing the best.”
  2284. >Despite yourself you lean over to gently preen and clean Anon’s hair with your beak gently scratching along his scalp.
  2285. "Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep; weary thou art, anext my heart; Sleep, little one, sleep."
  2286. >You croon out the last few notes before falling silent and find Anon fast asleep once more face untroubled.
  2287. >Placing a talon against his forehead you feel it come away sweaty, but no longer burning, his fever broke!
  2288. >Smiling you didn’t even notice when Fluttershy comes up behind you whispering, “That was very handsome Gilda, where’d you learn that?”
  2289. >You can already feel your feathers puff out at the question.
  2290. “I-it was something from home, dumb little song to help chicks to sleep.”
  2291. >”I don’t think it was dumb Gilda, and I don’t think Anon thought so either.”
  2292. >A brief feeling of pride runs through you at seeing how well Anon has settled before remembering that Fluttershy still saw you sing!
  2293. >How are you gonna be a tough bird if you just go singing all over the place, you’re not a song bird!
  2294. “Shouldn’t you be helping Zecora with her potion thing?”
  2295. >Fluttershy throws you a look at that but she sighs before nodding withdrawing from the conversation.
  2297. >You remain to watch over Anon taking care to swipe at his forehead with a rag and cool water to help.
  2298. >The fever may have broken but your not sure if it’s going to stay gone.
  2299. >”Here is a treat, so that I may fix his feet.”
  2300. >A striped hoof with a simmering vial is offered to you and you nod your thanks taking it in your talons.
  2301. >Holding Anon’s head up you gently ease the potion into his mouth.
  2302. >”Make sure to massage his throat so he swallows.” Fluttershy offers up.
  2303. >Grunting in acknowledgement you follow through until the vial is empty.
  2304. >Meanwhile as you worked, you turn to see Fluttershy and Zecora are already putting the finishing touches on Anon’s bandages.
  2305. “This potion will help with Anon’s problem right?”
  2306. >”Alas, the cure will not come to pass.”
  2307. >Your wings spread wide in anger and you feel your grip tighten on Anon’s clothes.
  2308. >If this stripped bitch even thinks of holding out on you...
  2309. “What? Why not?”
  2310. >Before you can even get properly mad Fluttershy interposes her wing in front of your vision.
  2311. >”Gilda wait, Zecora doesn’t have the right ingredients for a potion to fix Anon’s little furry problem.”
  2312. “Then let’s go to the market or whatever and get it already, why is that such a problem?”
  2313. >A striped hoof comes over Fluttershy’s wing and gently lowers it, “Simply due to it’s rarity, the herb is known only for times of severity.”
  2314. “Well I’d think a curse is pretty severe, what is it just expensive or something?”
  2315. >Zecora shakes her head and simply walks to her bench.
  2316. >”Nay, it is instead Spark Sap that we seek, and it is not known for those who are meek.”
  2317. >Spark Sap, that sounds familiar…
  2318. >Almost like you heard it from when you were a little bird.
  2319. “I know that herb, but I don’t remember where I’ve heard it.”
  2320. >”You should remember, as you are one of it’s members.”
  2321. >Staring at the zebra blankly you look over to Fluttershy, “Shy? Can you translate for m-ouch!”
  2322. >Rubbing your head from the wooden spoon that struck you, you growl under your breath.
  2323. >”This herb is of your homeland, only upon the mountain of the divine band.”
  2324. “Wait, are you talking about Mt. Halla?!”
  2325. >Fluttershy looks between you both before asking, “What’s on the mountain Gilda?”
  2326. >Oh feathers and beaks, how do you even start…
  2327. >Well, they have their pony princess…
  2328. “It’s like, imagine if you had a bunch of those princesses you have on a mountain.”
  2329. >”Oh well, that’s what we have already, I mean Canterlot is on-”
  2330. “Except there are about eight of them and all the souls of my ancestors live there as well and happen to allow only the strongest and best of the best to have entrance there. In addition to that, if anyone wants to even visit for advice from their ancestors or for a favor they have to travel through burning fields, haunted woods of giant spiders, and let's not forget our favorite the draguar.”
  2331. >By the end of your rant you can see Fluttershy staring at you with wide eyes as her knees wobble back and forth, “Wh-what are draguars?”
  2332. >You let out a rough bark of a laugh, it sounds alot like a grunt of pain, “Oh you know, just the desiccated corpses of my ancestors that weren’t good enough to actually get to live on Mt. Halla, so instead they patrol the mountains looking to bring down those who would want to enter.”
  2333. >”Wh-why are your people so /mean/!?”
  2334. “Why does yours get to control the sun and moon while mine only get to control lightning, storms, sea, air and mountains? Who even knows, at least yours lets you live alongside her and it’s just a train ride away, we have to earn our right to talk with them.”
  2335. >”B-but Princess Celestia and Luna aren’t l-like that at all!”
  2336. >You merely share a look with Zecora who simply holds her hooves up in defence, “Ask me not to intervene, I know well of ancestors with a blue bean.”
  2337. >Gesturing to the many masks around her hut you notice that a few of them have a glint to their eyes.
  2338. >Wait, is she saying that…
  2339. >Oh wow and you thought you had it bad, having all your relatives living with you must be harsh…
  2340. >Luckily Fluttershy hasn’t noticed yet, she might take it...poorly.
  2341. “Look, we can argue about our leaders being jerks or not, but what's this about Spark Sap, Zecora?”
  2342. >Nosing open her book the zebra points at the page, on it is a vine with a stripes running along it in a jagged pattern.
  2343. >”Spark Sap can be found in the Garden of Bliss, tended by Grifga’s husband Nido which you’ll need a kiss.”
  2344. “Yeah, I remember something about that, Ol’ Nido would aide adventurer’s if they would share a kiss with him, something about spreading the gift of life or something…”
  2345. >Zecora nods at that before looking behind you, “Another seems to awaken from a kiss, I will let you reamiss.”
  2346. >”Fuckin’ hell…”
  2347. “Anon,” Turning back you gently grab at his hand with your talon, “not dead yet I hope?”
  2348. >A soft rumble of laughter answers you as Fluttershy brings over a pitcher of water.
  2349. >”Not quite yet, though my mou- oh thanks Fluttershy.” Anon takes the cup from the yellow mare and sips at the water.
  2350. >”Zecora managed to get you a potion to help with your infection, you’ll need to rest.”
  2351. >”What about my-” At that point Anon coughs roughly nearly sending his water everywhere from how strong the cough is.
  2352. >Fluttershy rubs his back helping him through the coughs while you hold his shoulder to keep him steady.
  2353. “Relax Anon, you still need to rest.”
  2354. >More racking coughs are your answer before Anon makes a strange wretching sound and you grab a nearby wastebasket.
  2355. >Grateful your rooster spits out a glob of phlegm and other nasty things.
  2356. >”Thanks…” Anon croaks out lying back with a grunt.
  2357. “Don’t thank us yet, we haven’t fixed that problem of yours yet.”
  2358. >Grumbling to himself Anon waves with a hand prompting you to explain.
  2359. >”We need to go and get a special herb from Gilda’s home to make a cure for you Anon, nothing special really.”
  2360. >What is she?
  2361. >Noticing your look Fluttershy simply shakes her head ever so slightly while her wing subtly points at Anon.
  2362. “Pssh, yeah it's something pretty easy to get to.”
  2363. >”Great when do we leave?”
  2364. >Fluttershy’s snout scrunches up as she lets out a neigh, “No! I mean, uh…” You see her turn to you for help in the lie which you merely shrug in response.
  2365. >Sighing at your lack of help Fluttershy turns to regard Anon, “It’s not really that easy, it’s on a really special and dangerous place for Griffons and Pegasi, you need wings to even have a chance of getting there, and w-well we don’t want you to get hurt.”
  2366. >”Oh well in that case it'll be fine, I'm a lot tougher than I look.”
  2367. >You preen happily internally, yeah your rooster is the best
  2368. >Fluttershy however doesn't look convinced, “Well, could you um, try to walk then?”
  2369. “Eh, why he hurt his foot pr-”
  2370. >”No, it's fine Gilda we need to get on the trip already don't we?” Anon says before he swings his legs over and gingerly sets his feet down on the floor.
  2371. >Already you can tell he's going to be in pain from the cuts on his feet.
  2372. >He shouldn't have to!
  2373. >Before you're able to voice your complaints, Anon already starts to stand up
  2374. >A hiss of pain crosses his lips, but he's standing but you can see the muscles in his legs tense up in pain
  2375. >”There s-see? Totally fine to travel for obscure herbs and dangerous trials!”
  2376. >You simply walk over and give him a smile
  2377. “Anon?”
  2378. >”Yeah?”
  2379. >You push him back on the bed with a claw.
  2380. >Anon gasps in pain from the sudden shift of his feet as he is sent back on the bed.
  2381. >”Shut fuck!”
  2382. >Before the poor cock can get back up you crawl atop of him using your bodyweight to keep him pinned
  2383. >And totally not to smear your scent on him, nope totally not!
  2384. >The Look that Fluttershy sends your way tells you that your ruse is not very subtle.
  2385. “Anon, I know you’re tough, Hel’s bells I’ve seen you in action, but for now?”
  2386. >You press a claw on his nose in that pony gesture
  2387. “You need to rest and get better, let us take care of you for a bit, you got that?”
  2388. >Blinking, Anon’s eyes go cross trying focus on you talon before looking up at you with a troubled expression.
  2389. >”I can-”
  2390. “You can’t. Not right now at least.”
  2391. >Softening your glare down at him you lean closer and gently nuzzle into his neck
  2392. “I don’t want you to get hurt, so please?”
  2393. >You hate using that word, it makes you sound so, so weak!
  2394. >Still you bear with it as you can see Anon waiver.
  2395. >Fluttershy slowly trots up and puts her hoof on Anon’s shoulder, “We’ll be fine Anon, like you said, just a quick trip and we’ll be back, promise.”
  2396. >Anon huffs at that gnawing at his lip before sighing, “Fine, but you’ll need to do one of those special promises that friend of yours does. You know the one.”
  2397. >”Anon-”
  2398. >”Shy don’t you be welching on me now.”
  2399. “What are you t-- oh Thora’s hammer, not those silly Pinkie Promises.”
  2400. >At your tone Anon merely smirks at you, “Have you ever heard of anyone breaking one before?”
  2401. “No, that’s because no one ever makes them!”
  2402. >Anon’s smile only grows wider, “Trust me once you make one it never goes bad, Pinkie has a way of making sure they work.”
  2403. >Staring in the distance you notice Anon shiver, “Ways I tell you.”
  2404. “Right.”
  2405. >Drawing out the R you sigh before nodding at Fluttershy, if this will get Anon off your back and actually rest for a bit you’ll do it.
  2406. >”I promise that we’ll be back as soon as we can, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”
  2407. >Watching Fluttershy go through the motions of the promise makes you roll your eyes before Anon clears his throat meaningfully.
  2408. “Fine, fine, I promise we’ll be back once we get the dumb flower, cross my hear-”
  2409. >”Don’t forget the motions!” Anon prompts you pointing an accusing finger in your face.
  2410. >Thora’s balls you’re lucky that you’re cute.
  2411. >Starting over you go through the motions, “I promise we’ll be back with the dumb flower, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye-ouch!”
  2412. >You went through the motions as quick as you could and accidentally poked your eye with your talon.
  2413. >Rubbing at the stinging you squint at Anon.
  2414. “There you happy now?”
  2415. >”Much, now remember not to break it or else Pinkie will get ya.”
  2416. “That still doesn’t make sense.”
  2417. >Fluttershy simply giggles, “With Pinkie you’re better off not trying to, make sense of her I mean.”
  2418. >Zecora makes her appearance known then as she deposits two heavy saddlebags on the table with a loud thunk, “Provisions you will need, if you are to return with all speed.”
  2419. “Wha- really? That’s- thanks.”
  2420. >Zecora merely smiles, “Thanks are welcomed young bird, I shall care for your stallion while he is interred.”
  2421. >Sliding off of Anon you reach over slinging the satchel over your back feeling the weight settle comfortably into place.
  2422. >This is some really quality stuff.
  2423. >”So guess this is goodbye for now then?” Anon asks eyes still filled with worry.
  2424. “For now, don’t worry, we’ll be back before you know it.”
  2425. >Fluttershy nods with an agreeing hum, “It’s only a few days flight if we ride the thermals there and back, it won’t take too long.”
  2426. >Zecora adds in as well, “A journey of a thousand miles, merely grows shorter with a home filled with wiles.”
  2427. >At that point the zebra brings up a steaming mug to Anon, “For now however, drink lest you be here for what feels like forever.”
  2428. >Anon takes the cup and takes a sip grimacing at the strong taste.
  2429. >”Fine, but if you're not back soon you better believe I’m coming after you.”
  2430. >You let out a small chuckle at that before taking your courage and dart in for a peck to his cheek!
  2431. >Feeling your blush you merely smirk in reply, “Counting on it, but for now get some sleep knuckle head.”
  2432. >Anon’s eyes are already drooping down even as he nods
  2433. >Before he can spill the mug Zecora already has the mug in hoof.
  2434. “Sleeping medicine?”
  2435. >”For a colt as large as he, it’s best to leave him be.”
  2436. >Works for you.
  2437. >Turning to Fluttershy you give her a nod and walk out of the hut.
  2438. >Before you can take off with your wings you feel a brief tug on your tail!
  2440. >Whirling on the spot you talons already ready to swing you screech to a halt in time from swiping across Fluttershy’s face.
  2441. >The mare jerks back in surprise wings flaring up in response, “G-Gilda!?”
  2442. >Stifling the knee jerk reaction of maim-burn-kill you curl your talons into a fist and cough into it.
  2443. “Sorry, just, griffons don’t like their tails being pulled.”
  2444. >”O-oh, sorry…”
  2445. >The awkward silence builds up between you two as you try to figure out a way to ignore the fact you nearly slashed the hell out of Fluttershy’s face.
  2446. “What was it that you wanted anyway?”
  2447. >Fluttershy starts at the question before mentally Collecting herself with a deep breath that comes out in a whoosh, “I was thinking that this trip is going to take more than just us, so I thought well, we could maybe...ask the girls to come and help?”
  2448. “What? Come on Fluttershy, you can't be serious we’re plenty enough for the job besides the ones who live on the mountain are…”
  2449. >Thinking back on what Old buzzard Jenkins had said, “Pah, all this romancing and co-operation with these flightless sacks of meat is all waste of time, in my day we raided and pillaged as we wanted to and the gods loved us for it!”
  2450. “Don't really look that great on non fliers like some of your friends.”
  2451. >”Gilda...the girls are your friends too you know.”
  2452. >You let out a snort at that
  2453. >”It's true! I know Rainbow is still your best friend and I know Pinkie thinks you're a pretty good baker after those tips you shared an-”
  2454. “Holy Nido on a rock will you let it go? Fine we can bring you-”
  2455. >At the reproving look that Fluttershy sends you, you bite down on the word.
  2456. “Our, our friends for this. I still think it's a bad idea to begin with.”
  2458. >You both take off from the ground flying towards Ponyville.
  2459. >”What are these Gods of yours like Gilda?” Fluttershy asks cruising alongside you out of the forest.
  2460. >Well that’s not like opening a can of worms only to find snakes.
  2461. >Better to start with the family friendly stuff first at least.
  2462. >The old ways tend to gross out other races at least.
  2463. “To start most of the Gods started out like any other griffon, born from an egg to either exceptional parents or just your normal average clutch.”
  2464. >”You mean like how Twilight turned into an alicorn?”
  2465. “I don’t know all the lore, but I think that’s how it went. The first two to do so are pretty much the founders of my people’s way of life really.”
  2466. >”What are their names then? Maybe we can ask them for the zap root for Anon!” Fluttershy says in excitement. It is a shame you have to poke a hole in Fluttershy’s bubble.
  2467. “Nido might let us for just a kiss or some lost knowledge no one else knows, I swear he is the reason all the cocks back home always knew everything that happened back home.”
  2468. >”Colts aren’t much better a-actually, y-you don’t think they share information do you?” Fluttershy asks nibbling at her lip.
  2469. “Would not surprise me in the least, but at least our cocks have a reason to be a bunch of doddering roosters, they had supernatural myths to take inspiration from, your princesses just collect colts like trophies.”
  2470. >”H-hey that’s not really fair, besides a kiss doesn’t sound too terrible…”
  2471. >Oh, oh sweet summer child.
  2472. >You can’t help it, but you let out a chirp of laughter at Fluttershy which causes her to hover in place as you have to land to catch your breath.
  2473. >”I-I don’t see what’s so funny, it sounds easy enough!”
  2474. “That’s all well and good, but you don’t know about Nido’s wife, Grifga.”
  2475. >Fluttershy simply looks at you with a frown across her face, “What’s so terrible about her then?”
  2476. “Fluttershy she’s our matron of Fate, Battle and Death.”
  2477. >”Oh my.”
  2478. “That’s actually a funny story about how she became the Goddess of Fate, she used to be just in charge of Battle and Death.”
  2479. >Adjusting yourself on your cloud you let your claws play amongst the clouds as you retell the story.Fluttershy looks interested enough so you continue your tale.
  2480. “The Fates, of which there are three, are named Dru, Divarend, and Dlusk each representing the past, present and future respectively. Now the three other hens were trying to woo Nido away from Grifga by offering him one of his greatest weaknesses, knowledge.”
  2481. >”Wh-what happened to them?”
  2482. >Sunlight glints of your beak as you smile widely, “There /is/ a reason why she’s called the Battle Matron you know.”
  2483. >”She killed them!?”
  2484. >Shaking your head you wave off the accusation.
  2485. “Of course not, you see Nido was tempted by the three who each had a unique power, one to see the past, another to see the present and the last was able to see into the future like I mentioned before. Each wanted Nido to herself, but failed to account for Grifga when she arrived.”
  2486. >”So, what did Grifga do to them then?” Fluttershy asks looking torn between being scared for the Fates to interested in what happened next.
  2488. >Flicking your wings as you let them stretch from flying you chuckle.
  2489. “Grifga beat each one till they were ready to molt, she was a feather away from ending them for good, but she found their talents useful and bound them to her through rune and blood. That’s how she earned the title of Fate Seer and then there was some legends that talked about how those brave enough to kiss Nido and live after Grifga’s wrath earned a wish. That started a bunch of deaths that just lead to a few clans dying out as a result.”
  2490. >Strange Fluttershy looks awfully pale all of a sudden, “A-are all your Gods this, this mean?”
  2491. >Staring at Fluttershy you click your beak before motioning with your head to town.
  2492. >”O-oh, right.” Spreading her wings Fluttershy takes off as you follow after her still thinking back to what Fluttershy said.
  2493. >Mean?
  2494. >That was just what any right thinking queen would do against someone trying to poach her tom!
  2495. >Ponies have to have something similar to make sure their colts stick with them right?
  2496. >It’s not like they just let those nice, juicy, thick spu-
  2497. >Working the kinks out of your wings you grumble to yourself
  2498. >Stupid stallions and their stupid sexy dicks...
  2500. >”I-is there maybe a God of Animals? O-or even one about plants, plants are nice, they don’t try to eat you, mostly I mean.” You catch from ahead of you as the words tumble past.
  2501. “Relax Fluttershy not all are that mean, some are actually just harmless or a bit eccentric, like the couple of mountain and ocean.”
  2502. >The outskirts of Ponyville are starting to come into view now as you both glide down.
  2503. >”That’s an odd couple to have together isn’t it? Are they just griffons made of water and stone then?”
  2504. “Only their wings are actually and-” Shaking your head you land on the dirt road leading into town. “Hang on, let’s get the others first. I’ll get Rainbow and what’s the orange colored one called again?”
  2505. >”Applejack, Gilda please you know her name.”
  2506. “Looks it’s not my fault that she just blends in the background so well!”
  2507. >”Gilda, Applejack’s orange, how do you not notice that?”
  2508. >Fluffing up your crest to defend yourself you let out a puff of air.
  2509. “Can we just get on with it already? You go get the ones in town I’ll get the others.”
  2510. >Sighing Fluttershy nods before taking off towards the center of town while you head off towards the clouds.
  2512. >Collecting Rainbow was easy enough and it only took the both of you to simply carry Applejack to Twilight’s castle for the meeting.
  2513. >Glad to know some things never change with your old friend.
  2514. >The cowpony however is in a mood from the mare handling that you both did to her.
  2515. >Meh.
  2516. >Not like you’re that invested in her to be honest.
  2517. >”...and so Gilda has brought us together so we can try to help Anon.”
  2518. >Oh, the princess of books is done rambling, that’s good.
  2519. >Why’s everyone looking at you?
  2520. >It takes Fluttershy clearing her throat to bring you back to life.
  2521. “Ah! Right, well uh, from the looks of it Zecora said we need an herb from Mt. Halla, Fluttershy insists that we need as much as we can get so yeah. That’s pretty much it.”
  2522. >Twilight fumes as she stomps a hoof on her seat, “That’s what I just said!”
  2523. >”Yeah, but you tend talk a lot with twenty something syllables most the time Twilight.” Rainbow said leaning back in her seat hooves behind her head.
  2524. >”Well excuse me for trying to broaden your vocabulary.” Twilight mumbled to herself before looking over at you. “Gilda do you have any experience you can share about Mt. Halla? I’ve read a few stories about mentioning it, but they are rather vague.”
  2525. “It’s not something we like to advertise to other races to be honest.”
  2526. >”Oh well I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble.” Twilight said looks down with her ears splayed back.
  2527. “All I can really tell are tales that involve the Gods that live there really. Matter of fact trying to lead any non flier is risky as it is…” Shifting in your seat your tail twitches around your front letting you sink your claws into the tuft cleaning it. “Most of the people that live there are of the old crowd if you catch my drift.”
  2528. >”Darling whatever do you mean by that?” Rarity asked looking confused, “I would think they’d enjoy some modernization on that mountain of theirs.”
  2529. >”What Ah think she means is that it's full of a buncha them non-unity types that don’t like other folks.” Applejack said crossing her forelegs together as she gives a stink eye. “Did Ah hit it on the head there?”
  2530. >Wincing you shrug waving a wing back and forth.
  2531. “I mean, they're not racists, just a lot of them have experience that tells them stuff that pretty much says they are right.”
  2532. >”But that was thousands of years ago!” Twilight argued back leaning on her big table of friendship wings flaring out in outrage, “Why would they hold onto such terrible beliefs?”
  2533. >”Yeah, it might have something to do with them living on that mountain forever ago Twilight.” Rainbow said back you up.
  2534. >You knew it was a good idea to share stories of your people with Rainbow back at flight camp.
  2535. >Even if the camp had the /stupidest/ of songs.
  2536. >”Well in that case consider me on the team, I’m going to be having a strong word with your princess about having such a terrible mindset like that.” Twilight said looking determined.
  2537. >The image of the little chubby nerd trying to argue with Grifga has you trying so hard to hold in the laugh.
  2538. >”What?” Twilight asked looking at you insulted.
  2539. >Fluttershy is shaking her head using her wing to mime cutting it off.
  2540. “No offense, well I’d be lying, but Twilight, Grifga is our people’s Battle Matron, she who bound the Fates, slaughtered the King of Labyrinthia when he raided our nests for our eggs, you trying to ponify her is just…” You hold a talon up to your beak trying to stop the laughter, you are trying to make friends with these ponies after all can’t laugh at their stupidity.
  2541. >Twilight frowns at you with a stubborn look in her eyes as she crosses her forelegs as she looks away, “I still want to be on the team, who knows maybe it’ll open new relations between Equestria and Gryphonia.”
  2542. “Tch, do what you want, just don’t go crying to me if Grifga rends your wings off your back.”
  2543. >At the silence you crack open an eye to see the whole room sans Rainbow staring at you in shock.
  2544. “What? Grifga plays for keeps when it comes to her home and household.”
  2545. >”Grifga sounds an awful lot like a bully to me.” Pinkie said balancing a set of cards atop each other.
  2546. >These ponies.
  2547. “Ugh, aren’t you ponies supposed to be all smiles and understanding? Can we just say it’s a griffon thing and leave it at that?”
  2548. >The girls all murmur amongst each other before Rarity speaks up, “It’s fine I suppose, I’d just hope they don’t try to cause us trouble when we go to visit, though Darlings I think we’ve forgotten something.”
  2549. >”What’s that Sugarcube?”
  2550. >”Who is going to look after Anon while we’re gone?”
  2551. >Oh Grifga’s saggy crow’s feet.
  2552. >You completely forgot about that!
  2553. >”Oh! OH! I could stay with Anon!” Pinkie exclaims bouncing up and down in her seat.
  2554. >No.
  2555. >You can already see it now.
  2556. >The poor rooster all alone and needing healing, the nurse outfit Pinkie would wear to seduce your poor cock…
  2557. >”Hey this is a really neat idea Gilda!”
  2558. >GAH!
  2559. >Shaking your head you look to Pinkie grinning absentmindedly at you, just like at the party.
  2560. >No, no.
  2561. >Don’t let her get in your head Gilda, that’s how she won last time.
  2563. “Yeah, no. How about instead…”
  2564. >Eyes darting around the group of mares you quickly grasp for one of the safer options
  2565. “Applejack! She'll make for a good keeper for Anon!”
  2566. >Pinkie stares at you for longer than you like, so long that it starts to make you anxious
  2567. >However, after a moment she simply shrugs and frees a cupcake from her mane, snacking on it as she continues, “If you that's really what you want… Oh, oh! Maybe I can just throw a party for that grumpy meanie pants!”
  2568. >You sigh, crisis averted, even if Pinkie was poised to create more for you down the line
  2569. “Right, and I imagine you’ll want to come along to ‘cure’ my people of their simple, cultish ways; that about right poindexter? ”
  2570. >”I-I mean, I wouldn’t force them, I’d just... list the logical reasons as to why they are wrong and let them make the choice themselves...” she stutters, clearly cornered by your assertion
  2571. >If nothing else with party thrower and nerd to act as a distraction you might be able to grab the plant and just go.
  2572. “Yeah, sure why not. Rarity I don’t suppose you’d be interested in looking over Anon at least?”
  2573. >Rarity flips her mane with her hoof, “It would be amiss for me to leave a poor tender colt in need by himself. After all, between Applejack and I we should be able keep him safe from harm.”
  2574. >It is more the fact you want someone who's obviously a closet dyke to look after your husbando than any real ability.
  2575. >That way there is less chance for Anon to be swayed by those devilish pony charms!
  2576. >”Will Applejack and Rarity be enough to look after Anon though?” Twilight asks, looking between her friends, “No offense to you girls, but I know you’ve got your hooves full with your own lives after all.”
  2577. >”T’ain’t nothin’ Twi, Ah’m sure Rarity and I’ll be able to look after the lil’ varmint. He can’t be no worse than Big Mac when he’s in his own fey moods.”
  2578. >”Quite so, Darling. After a bit of hysteria management he’ll be as right as saffron blue with yellow canary!”
  2579. >You stare at Rarity in confusion.
  2580. >Was that even a saying? What’s color have to do with anything?
  2581. “Not that I don’t mind the help, but what do you mean by hysteria management?”
  2582. >At the question Rarity’s cheeks suddenly darken to a rosy pink as she titters, “Darling please, you know that a gentlemare never kisses and tells~”
  2583. >Narrowing your eyes at the mare you lean forward, “If you’re planning on seducing Anon while I’m away you got another thing coming!”
  2584. >Rarity leans back in shock before she scoffs in insult.
  2585. >”Whaat?! I would never! Besides, it helps keep the poor dear from fretting while you’re gone.”
  2586. “How does that ‘help’?! It just sounds like you’re trying to sleep with him!”
  2587. >”Gilda!” Rainbow latches onto your back as she flaps her wings hard to keep you from lunging across the table at the homewrecker. “Calm down! It’s a pony thing!”
  2588. >Pausing for a moment you look back at her, incredulous
  2589. “What?”
  2590. >Unexpectedly, it’s Fluttershy, not Twilight, who explains things further, “Um, it’s t-to help whenever a stallion gets, um, ‘frisky’ or ‘hysterical’. Usually a unicorn uses a spell to help c-calm them down.”
  2591. “What exactly does this spell do?”
  2592. >”Oh, it’s nothing more than a spell to help a stallion relieve his frustration is all, not to worry. Nothing intimate happens, of course.” Rarity explained, “After all Darling, I noticed you do seem rather fond of him.”
  2593. >Crooked beaks, why is it hot in here?
  2594. >Looking away you shrug your shoulders as your feathers puff up.
  2595. “Yeah, alright whatever, let’s just… Let’s just get on with it alright?”
  2596. >The smug look Rarity has makes you really want to claw her eyes out for some reason.
  2597. >Though that would prove Rarity right on what she implied, and your pride won’t allow her to know she’s right!
  2598. >Twilight leans forward with a hoof on the table, “Then we have our course, let’s meet at the edge of town and head out!”
  2601. >One brief montage of getting ready later…
  2602. >”Au revoir Darlings!” Rarity cried out waving a dainty handkerchief with her magic steam wafting through the train station.
  2603. >”Take care now, ya hear?!” Applejack added in waving with her hat as the train started to slowly clatter forward
  2604. >You stick your head out the window to shout back
  2605. “Just make sure to take care of Anon!”
  2606. >”We will Sugarcube!” Applejack managed to say before the train is soon out of the station leaving behind Ponyville proper.
  2607. >Settling back into your seat you flex your talons into the upholstery trying to find a better seat.
  2608. >”Relax G, Applejack and Rarity will take care of Anon for ya.” Rainbow Dash said, nudging against you with a wing.
  2609. “I suppose, I just don’t want Anon to think we’re abandoning him.”
  2610. >A yellow hoof rubs your shoulder comfortingly, “Don’t worry Gilda, I-I’m sure Anon understands.” Fluttershy said looking at you with a nervous smile.
  2611. >A burst of confetti from the luggage rack above has the pink pony hanging upside down as she beams at you, “And we’ll all be able to throw a ‘We-got-the-thingy-to-save-you party!’ Oh I’m so excited!”
  2612. >Shaking the confetti out of your feathers you force a grin.
  2613. “Y-yeah, well I wasn’t worried, just...concerned.”
  2614. >”Sure you were.” Pinkie replied with a too wide grin.
  2615. “You wanna start something Pinkie?”
  2616. >”I’d love to start a party now that you ask!” Pinkie said without a skipped beat.
  2617. >Growling under your breath you feel your muscles start to tense for a pounce when you feel Rainbow prod you with her hoof, “G, c’mon this happened last time remember? It’s just Pinkie joking around.”
  2618. >Fuming internally you rolls your shoulder crossing your forelegs in front of you.
  2619. “Yeah, fine whatever, wasn’t worth the trouble anyway.”
  2620. >The tension in the room as awkward as you sulked while Pinkie’s wide smile dims as she looked to Rainbow.
  2621. >”Well how about we discuss our travel plans!” Twilight asked offering a change of topic.
  2622. >”O-oh that sounds lovely Twilight.” Fluttershy said latching onto the change with a passion eager to avoid the awkwardness of the room.
  2623. >Rifling through her many bags Twilight fetches a piece of paper that she magically strightens out before laying it out over a small side table.
  2624. >Leaning over you can see a few fragments that look famlier before Rainbow’s head blocks a majority of the map.
  2625. >Rolling your eyes you sit back thinking it not worth the effort to try to see it, you did have ears after all.
  2626. >”Once we reach the End of the Line on the train we should be able to make for the border and enter Gyphonia that way.”
  2627. “Hey Twilight, how come we don’t just you know, use your magic to get there? Be a lot easier wouldn’t it?”
  2628. >Twilight leans up to look over at you before answering, “Well I could, except for a variety of reasons actually.”
  2629. >”Oh come on Twilight it can’t be that hard, I mean you are the element of Magic after all.” Rainbow said looking rather interested herself.
  2630. >”Rainbow it’s not that easy, the main reason is mostly politeness, in the accords that Equestria has with Gyphonia all magic users have to pass through their borders the normal way.”
  2631. >”That seems awfully strange what about pegasi?” Fluttershy asked.
  2632. “It’s got something more to do with most griffons not liking magic in general actually.”
  2633. >As everyone focuses on you, you shrug at them listlessly, “It’s something you pick up on back at home, if it ain't got wings or has magic odds are most griffons don’t like it.”
  2634. >”That’s not really nice, how do they expect to make friends?” Pinkie asked bouncing in her seat.
  2635. “Pinkie, let’s just say that most birds tend to fly the coop when it comes to my hometown.”
  2636. >”Yeah, why’d you come back to Ponyville anyway G? I thought you were planning on staying home?” Rainbow asked fluffing her wings as she sat in her seat.
  2637. >What is this an interrogation?
  2638. “Look things in Griffon Stone are, well things are pretty much cruddy.”
  2639. >”Is it an economic depression? Are your people being oppressed by an evil overlord? Though that one would have been heard by the Princess’ I would have thought.” Twilight mused to herself putting a hoof to her chin deep in thought.
  2640. >Sighing to yourself you rub your forehead with your talon, you really don’t want to talk about it, but you’ve got nothing better to do for the train ride.
  2641. “Fine I’ll tell you, see back home we used to have an idol, or something that worked to bring us Griffons together as one flock. It was some kind of fancy thing that would keep the people of Griffon Stone and most the area around it prosperous as we lived.”
  2642. >Already you note, Twilight has a pen and paper writing like mad while Rainbow and Pinkie seem hooked on your story.
  2643. >Fluttershy you see is- weaving a basket? Though Fluttershy does look up at you when you paused prompting you to continue.
  2644. “Long story short is that a giant one eyed monster with great big horns appeared in the castle of the late King before stealing the idol and slaughtering most of the guard as it fled.”
  2645. >”Wait where did the monster come from?”
  2646. >You shrug in response.
  2647. “No one knows, some say it was because the Gods were jealous of Griffin Stone’s prosperity or they thought we were growing weak with how well off we’d been. Others say that the monster is a metaphor for some minotaur invasion and the one eyed monster is some minotaur that lost an eye during the fight or before it.”
  2648. >Leaning back in your imaginary nest you stretch feeling joints slowly pop back into place before looking around the room with a half lidded stare.
  2649. “I don’t know about you, but with how long it’s going to take I’m planning on a little cat nap. Don’t wake me up.”
  2650. >”I’ll make sure to keep them quiet Gilda.” Fluttershy said with a kind smile the small basket in her hooves slowly coming together, “Enjoy your nap.”
  2651. >”Yeah, Pinkie and I’ll just play some board games while we wait.”
  2652. >”Oh~ Board games!~” Pinkie sing songs out before earning three glares from each of you, “Whoops, hehe sorry.” Pinkie said in a subdued voice.
  2653. >”In the meantime I’ll make sure all of our papers are in order, maybe even read up on the Griffon Stone customs.”
  2654. >You know somewhere in your heart you should really warn Twilight about not getting her hopes up.
  2655. >Then you remember an old cock’s saying, ‘Suffering Builds Character.’ at that you simply turn over and let your eyes start to rest.

Broken Herds, Reforged

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Shimmering the Setting Sun

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Twilight Era and Troubles

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Lightning and Rainbows

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