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Xcom; Struggle Snuggle

By ComfysPlace
Created: 2020-12-18 03:31:21
Expiry: Never

  1. >Enjoying a cup of orange juice as you need off that caffeine teat.
  2. >Hear a rapid knocking on the door.
  3. >"Mare you bucked up!"
  4. >"Why did you knock on the door!?"
  5. >"It's polite!"
  6. >Open the door expecting cute little pones.
  7. >Instead find nothing there, though your hedges have suddenly grown four times in size.
  8. >How odd.
  9. "Welp I guess since no one's here, might as well enjoy the sun shine."
  10. >One of your hedges shivers before you hear a click and mumbling.
  11. >"....praises sun...possible convergence evoulution?"
  12. >"Neighlen! Shut that off! We can't study it if it kills us first!"
  13. >"Science!"
  14. >Right then.
  15. >Stepping over to the now talking bush you spread open the leaves and see two ponies in what looks like battle harnesses with cute little camo patterns and army helmets.
  16. >The duo before you freeze.
  17. >They slowly turn to look at you.
  18. >You smile at them friendly like.
  19. "Sup?"
  21. >"NOT THE PROBES!"
  22. >One drops the recorder and scrambles away the other pulls out a thermos looking thing and aims it at you.
  23. >Before you can pull back it makes a wuffump and soon you hit the ground.
  24. >Instead of the burning sensation of lead or anything really.
  25. >You feel warm, soft fluffiness around you.
  26. >Sniffing it smells like fresh laundered blankets...
  27. >Oddly enough you're actually quite comfortable right now.
  28. >"Holy Celestia, did you get it?"
  29. >"I-I think? Better check it!"
  30. >"You check it you napped it!"
  31. >"Nuhuh you guys didn't even help!"
  32. >You were so close to going back to sleep too.
  33. >Sitting up you pull the blanket off your head.
  34. "Hey you mind be-"
  35. >"IT'S AWAKE!"
  36. >"Shoot him! Shoot him!"
  37. Waffump! Waffump! Waffump!
  38. >You blink buried under the blankets before hearing the sound of hooves clacking together.
  39. >"Aw yeah! X-ray down!"
  40. >"Whoohoo! Drinks are on me!"
  41. >"This is Struggle Snuggle to base area is secured, need a bedroll to bring the goods back."
  42. >These ponies are crazy...though they make really good blankets
  44. >You let out a sleepy yawn and smack your lips.
  45. >Scratching at your crotch for that itch every guy gets you freeze when you hear rapid scribbling.
  46. >Wait a minute...
  47. >You remember getting tagged with a blanket, no, three blankets at that.
  48. >Peeking through the covers you soon find yourself staring through the wall of a fish tank.
  49. >Well more the size of those big fancy fish tanks really.
  50. >Outside it you think you can see one of Twilight's friends, Moon Chaser? Moon Prancer?
  51. >"Interesting, species shows signs of awakening from struggle snuggles much like normal colts...even follows same behavior of morning ritual, must observe more."
  52. "I can hear you."
  54. >Slapping a button what looks like cardboard slams into place over the glass and the top as well.
  55. >"Phew that was close who knows what that thing could have done!"
  56. >Did this bitch just toss a box over you?
  57. >Giving the box a couple of pokes you do confirm that it is infact a cardboard box.
  58. >"Specimen is able to rattle Appleloosian grade cardboard, must look into thicker sheets, possibly ship in from Saddle Arabia?"
  59. >Oh this'll be good.
  60. >You crouch down and pop the box off!
  61. "RAAAAAWR!"
  62. >The unicorn lets out a shriek glasses falling off her snout and her bun coming undone as she scrambles towards a door, "CONTAINMENT BREACH! ACTIVATE PROTOCOL NAP TIME!"
  63. >Oh no you don't!
  64. >Tossing the box you watch as it lands atop of the mare and it quickly shuffles in place with muted thudding.
  65. >[Panicked Horse Noises]
  66. >Snickering you start to climb out of the fish tank when there is a glow inside the box and with a pop Moon something or another appears outside it eyes wide with fright.
  68. "Oh, don't worry Moonie, you've found out that God exists, he's right here."
  69. >Leaning over the mare as she quakes you grin wide.
  70. "And he's fresh out of mercy!"
  71. >"Moon Dancer! Down!"
  72. >Wha-
  73. >WAFFUMP!
  74. >WAFFUMP!
  75. >WAFFUMP!
  76. >A blanket wraps around your head and then things go dark again.
  78. >You of course not being a bitch nigga yank the blanket off making your hair go wild.
  79. >"Oh crap, it's frills are displayed!"
  80. >"MAX DISTANCE! GO! GO! GO!"
  81. >Staring after the ponies you give a screech of your people.
  82. >That sends the ponies pell mell into a panicked stampede as they flee down the hallway.
  83. >You however, instead of chasing them decide to go through the other door.
  84. >Lo and behold there's an exit sign!
  85. >Humming merely to yourself you soon find an elevator that leads to the top floor.
  86. >Once you reach it you find about twenty little ponies just messing around with little consoles and cute adorable headsets on.
  87. >One little pony makes her way past you reading a piece of paper in her magic.
  88. >She continues onwards then she looks up from her paper.
  89. >Turning around she searches for what she saw.
  90. >You, having seen plenty of action adventure movies are already hidden.
  91. >Shrugging the mare continues onwards.
  92. >Sneakily you clamber off the top of the locker.
  93. >What, you expected to be able to hang off the ceiling like some spider monkey?
  94. >That's Racist.
  95. >Moving on!
  96. >Humming the mission impossible theme song under your breath you soon make your way to what looks like a big door.
  97. >Big doors are great for exits right?
  98. >Right before you reach it however everything starts to go off in an air raid siren.
  100. >Fug
  101. >Taking off like the police were after your green ass, which in a way is true, you book it for the door.
  102. >"S-STOP A-ALIEN SCUM!"
  103. >Daw that adorable pone is trying to be fierce, what's that heavy thing in her hooves?
  105. >Silly string cannons?!
  106. >Whoa!
  107. >Seeing the crate behind you become covered in the stuff you can only spare a glance to see it looks harder than normal silly string!
  108. >Crazy pone land!

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