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Solace/Jerry Alternate Scene 1

By LyraHStrings
Created: 2020-12-18 05:12:04
Expiry: Never

  1. Alternate scene, by popular request. To clarify, this is NOT part of the story. Some deranged bastards wanted me to do this
  2. WARNING: out of character-ness
  4. “Do you have any more of those Pon-E pills?”
  5. >He nods.
  6. >You were going to make him pay. You will never forgive him.
  7. “Show me.”
  8. >You climb off of him, carefully unwrapping yourself and hopping down onto the floor.
  9. >You tell Dave you’ll be fine and to just wait in the main room. Wouldn't want him interfering, now would you?
  10. >Jerry stands up out of the chair and leads you into what you assume is his bedroom.
  11. >On your way in, you close and lock the door, but he doesn't notice.
  12. >He gets out a duffle bag from his closet and opens it.
  13. >Inside is a bag of weed and a plastic bag of 4 red and white pills as well as some white powder.
  14. >He takes out the bag of pills, contemplating them.
  15. >Now was your time to strike.
  16. "Take them."
  17. >He merely looks at you with confusion
  18. >"W-what?"
  19. "You heard me. Pop two."
  20. >"B-but..."
  21. >This was taking too long.
  22. >You get up in his face, hopping on his bed to get you at his eye level. He was quite short.
  23. "You fucking piece of shit, take the god damn pills! Did you honestly think I'd forgive you? We're not fucking done here! Now put them in your mouth!"
  24. >You raise a hoof threateningly and he flinches away, and with tears running down his face he opens the bag and takes out two of the multi-coloured pills.
  25. >"Please... Anon... I'm-"
  26. "Don't fucking say it. I don't care how sorry you are. Put them in your mouth."
  27. >He looks at you with heartbreak and betrayal in his eyes, and places the pills on his tongue.
  28. "Now, swallow."
  29. >He shakes his head, closing his eyes and muttering an incoherent protest.
  30. "Fucking swallow!"
  31. >You jump on him and he falls to the ground, the pills flying into his throat as he's forced to swallow them by instinct.
  32. >You get off of him, and he looks down in horror as he feels the pills start breaking up and circulating through his bloodstream.
  33. >Already you can see the fur growing on his arms, a lighter shade of blue.
  34. >His hair was lengthening, turning a purple colour.
  35. >He had curled up on the floor, shivering in fear.
  36. >His anatomy was changing, his torso shrinking into that of a petite earth pony mare, his eye sockets expanding along with the eyes themselves.
  37. >His ears migrated to the top of his head, instantly folding down in discomfort.
  38. >He lets out a gasp as he feels his spine re-arrange...
  39. >You remembered feeling that.
  40. >It hurt.
  41. >Good.
  42. >Soon, all that was left of Jeremy was a sniveling mess of a small earth pony mare in a pile of oversized clothes.
  43. >Now, what to do with her?
  44. >You could leave her here and force her to adapt to her new body all on her own...
  45. >but you have a better idea.
  46. >You walk over to the window and carefully open it.
  47. >No grill, no blinds, nothing between you and the open air of the alley down below.
  48. >You saw a dumpster right below the window a story below you.
  49. >You knew that this alley was always pretty shady.
  50. >Seeing as how he's got weed he probably conducted business in this very alley a few times.
  51. >You walk back over to him, and shove yourself under her, hoisting her onto your back.
  52. >Gods, she was still heavy for such a small mare!
  53. >Jerry was still in a barely coherent state, between the transformation and his emotional distress.
  54. >As you approach the window, she seems to come to her senses and realizes what you're doing far too late.
  55. >"Anon, please, wait, please, no...!"
  56. >She weakly kicks her limbs, not used to their weight and the new muscles she has to deal with, fruitlessly.
  57. >You buck your body, tossing her through the window.
  58. >She screams, and you hear a dull thunk as her body impacts the garbage below.
  59. >She falls silent.
  60. >You peek over the edge...
  61. >She was still breathing. She was unconscious, but still alive.
  62. >Good. Hopefully some freak would find her.
  63. >One of her drug friends, maybe.
  64. >You close the window with a satisfied "hmmph," and clap your hooves together.
  65. >Your eyes are drawn to the extra two pon-e pills still in the bag, and you make a note to come back for them later.
  66. >Unlocking the door, you trot back outside to meet Dave.
  67. >"Hey, where's that Jeremy guy?"
  68. "Taken care of."
  69. >"Taken... care of...?"
  70. >the colour drains from his face.
  71. >"You don't mean..."
  72. >You laugh lightheartedly.
  73. "Oh? No...! No. I would never do that. He's just sleeping it off and thinking about what he's done."
  74. >Technically not wrong.
  75. "Cmon. Let's go."
  76. >Dave grabs his coat and you exit the room.
  77. >Didn't you have to go get groceries, or something?

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