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Veterinary Science

By LyraHStrings
Created: 2020-12-17 23:24:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >second year of veterinary med school
  3. >tfw couldn't even be a real doctor
  4. >asianparents.bat
  5. >But really you just liked working with animals.
  6. >The thought of making people happy when they see their pets healthy again always made you happy.
  7. >it was the end of the semester, and midterms had just finished.
  8. >You were pretty confident about em, thank goodness you decided not to wait until the last minute to finish all those essays.
  9. >Last time you did that you had to go on a Monster and acetaminophen bender and work late into the night. Who knows what could've happened?
  10. >Now you were at a party with a few friends, lots of people you didn't know though
  11. >never were one for parties
  12. >your idea of a good time was a couple of friends, a few beers, and whatever crap was on the TV at the time.
  13. >It didn't hurt to get out and about now and again, though
  14. >"Hey hey hey, look who it is!"
  15. >oh god
  16. >dave
  17. >Of course he'd be here
  18. >Sometimes he was a little much.
  19. >You still loved the guy
  20. "Hey, Dave, what's up? Nice to see you."
  21. >he stuck his fist out for a bump
  22. >you returned it with a smile.
  23. >"Nothing much, my man. Hey, see you later, dude, got a chick I'm gonna meet up with." he gives you a wink, before disappearing into the crowd.
  24. >That's dave for you
  25. >No better time to find the beer and get drunk
  26. >...
  27. >three red solo cups later and you start to feel a buzz.
  28. >You were starting to nurse your fourth when the need to evacuate your bowels made itself apparent
  29. >you flagged someone down and asked where the hell the bathroom was
  30. >you set down your drink and sprinted to where the guy pointed
  31. >yanking open the door and locking it, you frantically undid your pants and plopped your ass down on the toilet.
  32. >Some time later, you emerge from the closet of stench feeling 5 lbs lighter
  33. >gotta go get your drink back
  34. >You see it sitting right where you left it, and it didn't look like anyone had touched it.
  35. >Whew. You almost thought you had made a big mistake, there
  36. >You pick it up and take another sip.
  37. >huh, that's weird, you think it looks like it is a little fuller than before, but you are pretty hammered by this point as the alcohol had been absorbed
  38. >you didn't even know what time it was, much less what your drink looked like
  39. >Eh, whatever. It's fucking med school, the odds of someone trying to drug you were minuscule, you were probably just remembering wrong
  40. >oh, hey, it's that guy from earlier
  41. >"Hey there, man, you enjoying the party?"
  42. >you nod, leaning against a wall and taking another sip of your drink.
  43. "Yeah, it's alright."
  44. >"I was starting to worry about you, thought maybe you had fallen in."
  45. >you both chuckle
  46. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you, it's a fucking warzone"
  47. >He nods, giving another laugh
  48. >"You know, I don't think we've met... I'm Jeremy. Most people call me Jerry, though."
  49. "Anonymous, you can call me Anon."
  50. >you shake hands, and you take another gulp of your drink.
  51. >"Say, what're you planning to do when you get out?"
  52. "Definitely vet."
  53. >"Oh, cool, I'm going more for tech."
  54. "Nice."
  55. >"How many years you got left?"
  56. "Two, hopefully, if all goes well. Do you think you did good on your midterms, mister vet tech?"
  57. >"Yeah, I think they went pretty well. Yourself, 'Doctor Anon?'"
  58. "Good."
  59. >you were starting to like this guy
  60. >You were nearing the end of your drink; apparently drunk enough that the beer was actually starting to taste good
  61. >Good thing your dorm was in the next building
  62. >After a little more conversation with Jerry, you decide it's time to go home before you do something you'll regret
  63. "Hey, man, I'm gonna go home, feeling a little too drunk for my liking"
  64. >"Yeah, sure, dude, nice talking with you. If you wanna hang out sometime, stop by, I'm room 203 in building B"
  65. >no way, the dude actually lived on the same floor as you in the same exact building
  66. "You're not gonna believe this, but I'm in room 212, like right down the hall."
  67. >he looks a little... disappointed. Not outwardly, but inwardly.
  68. >like he was gonna do something risky, but backed down
  69. >eventually, he laughs.
  70. >"You know what, man, I'm tired too, want me to walk you home?"
  71. >Sure, why not
  72. >you didn't trust yourself to get back with no problems anyways
  73. >He throws an arm around you and leads you outside
  74. >the next couple of minutes are a little hazy, as you fade in and out of consciousness
  75. >You feel really itchy
  76. >maybe you had more to drink than you thought
  77. >Suddenly you're at your door and fishing for your keys
  78. >"Here, let me get that for you"
  79. >He takes your keys off from around your waist and unlocks your door
  80. >Jerry was such a nice guy
  81. >glad he was there for you
  82. >He carefully leads you to your room
  83. >looks like your roommate was out
  84. >He sets you down on your bed on top of the covers and turns out the light.
  85. >"Sleep tight, Anon, I'll see you later."
  86. >you mutter something barely intelligible and clutch your pillow
  88. >you hear the door close and the itchiness intensifies
  89. >Suddenly you feel sick to your stomach as your insides feel like they're re-arranging themselves
  90. >What the actual fuck
  91. >There's no pain, but you're not sure if that's the alcohol or if this is just a hallucination
  92. >raising an arm in front of your face reveals that your normally bare arms have grown a thicker coat of hair
  93. >No, fur. It looked like white fur.
  94. >Now your face was rearranging, your chin jutting out along with most of the front of your face, your ear cavities crawling across your skull to the top of your head
  95. >Your arms... didn't feel like arms anymore.
  96. >it was getting to be pretty fucking gross
  97. >rather than risk seeing something grotesque, you clench your eyes shut
  98. >You could still feel your bones shifting, your guts squishing into places they really shouldn't be
  99. >at least, for a human
  100. >You feel two nubs forming on your back... at least, what you think is your back
  101. >With a CRACK, you feel your spine relocate and it's a little too much for you
  102. >You pass out, and fade into a dreamless sleep
  103. >Maybe it was all a hallucination?
  105. >The following morning, you open your eyes to golden sunlight drifting in through your window, a few motes of dust floating in the beam of sunlight
  106. >Kind of pretty.
  107. >But your head feels like it was smashed with a hammer, what the fuck did you do last night?
  108. >you close your eyes again to think
  109. >yawning, you reach a hand up to rub at your temples and--
  110. >That wasn't a hand.
  111. >Your eyes shoot open, and you stare at your short, furry forelimb
  112. >wot in tarnation.jpg
  113. >you turn your head, a motion which seems a little harder than usual, to look at the rest of your body
  114. >You had a brown tail, which you instinctively give a little flick
  115. >two slightly splayed, fluffy feathery wings
  116. >and four legs, ending in dainty little hoofsies
  117. >And an expansive belly.
  118. >All covered in a soft, white fur.
  119. >okay, okay, not to panic
  120. >probably just the morning sickness
  121. >You blink, trying to clear your head
  122. >Nope. They're still there
  123. >well, first things first for hangovers
  124. >water
  125. >you very carefully and with the utmost grace
  126. >fall out of bed and get tangled up in sheets almost immediately, your wings flapping about uncontrollably.
  127. >Okay. you must've had a lot to drink last night
  128. >You try to stand up but scrabble around and fall flat on your face
  129. >Definitely four legs
  130. >alright, anatomy
  131. >You think you're a horse... though that doesn't explain the wings
  132. >not sure, but the tail and the hooves probably give it away
  133. >how do horses stand
  134. >you clumsily get to your hooves and manage to keep stable.
  135. >You look around your room; it looks a lot bigger than it used to
  136. >Must be shorter.
  137. >Walking. Trotting? No, walking is a good start.
  138. >Okay, just one hoof in front of the other...
  139. >does it even work that w-
  140. >on your ass again
  141. >Fuck
  142. >Guess it doesn't
  143. >getting up, you try again and can successfully move around the room.
  144. >a wing, slightly unfolded, brushes against the ground.
  145. >You catch sight of yourself in your mirror and
  146. >oh my god
  147. >you're fucking adorable
  148. >you stop, and give yourself a good look.
  149. >Bright, shining blue eyes stare back at you, from a round face currently in a state of shock
  150. >Two big fluffy ears stick out from your head, swiveling subconsciously to pick up any sounds you might hear
  151. >A thick brown mane falls down in front of your face and behind your head
  152. >you blow a little bit out of your face but it floats back down
  153. >Your body is covered in a soft, white fur, like your legs. You have to admit, the white and brown pairing goes quite well together
  154. >You experiment with moving your wings around, watching how the feathers seemed to fold out...
  155. >you never were one to understand bird anatomy. Ground bound mammals were more your specialty
  156. >You relaxed your wings and they seemed to fold up naturally.
  157. >On your butt was- was that a heart? You had a literal heart on your butt as well as the outline of a hoof. You don't know how much more cutesy it gets than that. well, there could've been rainbows... It seemed to be mirrored on the other side.
  158. >You were definitely a horse- no, a pony. A horse would be a little larger... and not as cute as you
  159. >you shift in place, making little clip clops with your hooves.
  160. >it hasn't really hit you, yet
  161. >You're a pony. A pegasus pony. You look like you came out a cartoon for little girls
  162. >wait
  163. >Pony. Cartoon for little girls
  164. >what was that thing you watched a while back when you lived in your hometown?
  165. >My Little Pony.
  166. >you used to love that show, you used to write greens on /mlp/ all the time
  167. >heck you had written one almost exactly like this
  168. >You laugh.
  169. "I'm a fucking pony."
  170. >hold on
  171. >That's not right
  172. "I'm a... I'm... muh, muh, muh..."
  173. >you roll some words around in your mouth. That was different.
  174. >Your voice sounded entirely different. A lot more feminine.
  175. >you were a mare
  176. >you had completely changed not just species, but gender as well
  177. >you turned around and looked in the mirror to get a peek back there
  178. >yep
  179. >Definitely mare bits
  180. >Oh god
  181. >with a slight blush, you turn back around to face the door.
  182. >Okay, ignoring what that entails for now, you really do need some water
  183. >now you just have to open your door
  184. >you raise a hoof, and support yourself on your three wobbly legs
  185. >the hoof makes connection with the door latch
  186. >it rotates and pops open
  187. >whew
  188. >You poke your head through the doorframe and check the small hallway
  189. >to your right, at the end of the hall was the bathroom
  190. >to your immediate left was your roommate's room, the door was closed
  191. >after that is the rest of the dorm
  192. >alright, gotta get to the kitchen for that water
  193. >your horse ears don't hear your roommate anywhere, the coast must be clear
  194. >you still silently clip clop over to the kitchen and rest your front hooves on the sink.
  195. >There was no way to grip a glass in your condition, you were going to have to drink out of the tap
  196. >you put your mouth below the spigot as best you can and reach a hoof over to turn on the water
  197. >Suddenly your entire face is drenched and you scrunch up your muzzle, flailing around and falling to the ground
  198. >SMASH
  199. >a glass falls off of the counter and crashes to the ground, shattering into tiny pieces
  200. >That would not be fun to get stuck in your frogs... or your feathers.
  201. >you get up on the sink again, careful not to step on the glass and gently turn the water on.
  202. >a minute and a few gallons of water later you turn off the tap and gingerly navigate your way around the broken glass in the kitchen.
  203. >Your head was feeling better
  204. >You needed to get a towel... no towels around.
  205. >The sofa would do
  206. >you get up and rub your face against the arm of the couch, now it was damp
  207. >But at least you were dry, and, hey, that bit of hair that was getting in your mouth is off to the side now
  208. >Suddenly, you hear a door open
  209. >oh god oh fuck
  210. >it's Dave
  211. >your roommate
  212. >he groggily rubs his eyes, taking a right and going into the bathroom without seeing you
  213. >he awkwardly opens the door outward, pulling it shut behind him and locking it
  214. >you're not sure how long you have until he gets out, you'll have to act quickly
  215. >you walk back to your room, and gently open the door, trying not to make a sound
  216. >it squeaks, loud
  217. >"Anon? Is that you? I was wondering where you got off to at the party..."
  218. >uh
  219. >UH
  220. >what do you say
  221. "um, yes?"
  222. >you squeaked just as much as the door
  223. >oh, right
  224. >You sounded like a fucking girl
  225. >"Oh hoh hoh, did Anon bring back home a lady? I'm impressed!"
  226. >uh oh.
  227. "N-no...! It's not what you think!"
  228. >technically the truth
  229. >you shout out a little louder than you'd like, before covering your mouth with a hoof.
  230. >"Sounds like somebody is in denial. Or was he just being a nice guy and letting you sleep in his bed?"
  231. "Just, uh, don't come out of the bathroom!"
  232. >"What, are you naked?"
  233. >yes
  234. >Oh. You're naked.
  235. >is that a problem for hor- ponies?
  236. "Uhm.. yes! Very naked! Buck naked."
  237. >Dave chuckles
  238. >"Hot. Alright, well, I'll give you your privacy. Put some clothes on?"
  239. "Y-yeah..."
  240. >This was going to be interesting to try to explain.
  241. >But later. Now, you should put some pants on
  242. >opening the door to your room again you go in and shut it behind you.
  243. >Pants. Pants pants pants... there's some pants!
  244. >How to go about doing this?
  245. >You drag some sweatpants out onto the ground, putting your back hooves in them.
  246. >no, that wasn't going to work
  247. >Alright, so no pants
  248. >but now your roommate was knocking on your door
  249. >"Hey, Anon? Or... Anon's girlfriend? Do you know anything about the broken glass in the kitchen?"
  250. >marefriend
  251. >you snort a little, chuckling quietly to yourself at the portmanteau
  252. "Nope!"
  253. >well, you can't keep this a secret forever
  254. "Actually... um, Dave?"
  255. >"Yeah?"
  256. "There's something I need to show you."
  257. >you take a step back from the door, and sit down, breathing deeply.
  258. >"Yeah, what is it?"
  259. "Come in."
  260. >here we go
  262. >Dave entered the room, his eyes immediately going wide at the pony sitting in his friend's room
  263. >"What."
  264. >what indeed
  265. "Now, don't panic..."
  266. >that was the wrong thing to say
  267. >PANIC.exe
  268. >"oh my god what the fuck? how the fuck is this horse talking? where the hell is Anon? what the shit am I going to do about this? how is this even fucking possi-"
  269. >you shut him up by getting up and pressing a hoof to his mouth
  270. >no homo
  271. >at least he seemed to stop panicking
  272. >You retract your hoof, sitting down again and looking at him expectantly.
  273. "I am Anon."
  274. >"What." he repeats
  275. "I don't know how, but now I'm a pony, and I really do need your help."
  276. >"...okay."
  277. "Okay? That's it? Just... okay?"
  278. >"Yep. You're anon, and you're a pony, perfectly normal, I'm not freaking out at all"
  279. >he was definitely still freaking out, but at least it was subdued
  280. "Alright. So, what do we do?"
  281. >"I don't know, you're the fucking pony!"
  282. >fair enough
  283. "I think a good start is cleaning up the glass I broke..."
  284. >"That was you? That was a gift from my mom..."
  285. >you wince
  286. >whoops
  287. "Eesh... sorry. I was trying to get some water."
  288. >he sighs
  289. >"Alright, fine, whatever."
  290. >"At least you're alive."
  291. >true
  292. >You trot out of your room, lying down on the couch and watching him clean
  293. >pretty soon he has the glass all cleaned up and slumps down next to you
  294. >he reaches a hand over to scratch your ears
  296. >hold the phone
  297. "Dave. Dude. What are you doing?"
  298. >"Oh. OH, sorry, sorry, wasn't thinking. Just... you lying there."
  299. >he coughs
  300. >"You're cute, you know?"
  301. >you can't argue with that
  302. "Just... ask first, next time, yeah?"
  303. >you fluff your wings indignantly.
  304. >awkwardsilence.mp3
  305. >"Can I...-"
  306. "No."
  307. >"okay"
  308. >"What's that butt tattoo?"
  309. >what WAS your butt tattoo?
  310. >you turn around, giving it a once over
  311. >you try to think back to when you still watched the show
  312. "I think they're called cutie marks. They, like, determine your 'special talent' or something."
  313. >he looks at your ass
  314. >perv
  315. >"A heart and a hoof? What's that supposed to mean?"
  316. >you shrug, and sit there in silence until he speaks up again
  317. >"So, do you know anything about how you became this way? Think back to the party..."
  318. >you think back to the party
  319. >arrival
  320. >drinking three cups of mediocre beer
  321. >going to the shitter
  322. >Ah, there it is
  323. >leaving your drink unattended before running to the bathroom
  324. "...Yeah. I think I've got an idea."
  325. >hmmm
  326. >Do you think maybe...
  327. >No, Jerry was a nice guy. He would never-
  328. >he told you where he lived
  329. >Nobody who wanted to do this to you could possibly be that stupid
  330. >...right?
  331. "We'll deal with that later, though."
  332. >"Now?"
  333. "I'm hungry. Like... hungry as fuck"
  334. >your stomach lets out a growl
  335. >Dave lets out an uncharacteristic giggle
  336. >you narrow your eyes
  337. "What's so fucking funny?"
  338. >it evolves into full on laughter
  339. >"Just... your swearing... it's so god damn cute. It's like a..."
  340. >he wipes away tears
  341. >"It's like watching a fucking care bear cuss someone out"
  342. >he's right
  343. >your swearing was adorable
  344. >You sigh.
  345. "Just... just get something to eat, alright?"
  346. >"Whaddya want?"
  347. >neither of you were the best cooks but you could certainly make pancakes
  348. "Pancakes?"
  349. >you look up at him
  350. >and unintentionally, you swear
  351. >give him massive fucking puppy dog eyes
  352. >the whole shebang
  353. >dilated pupils
  354. >mild tears
  355. >pouty face
  356. >Where the fuck did that come from?
  357. >"U-uh... yeah... sure, coming r-right up."
  358. >seems you made him a bit flustered
  359. >that may have been too much cute
  360. >hnnngg.png
  361. >You hop off of the couch and follow him into the kitchen with a grin on your face
  362. >you open the cabinet for plates that was, luckily, located on the lower division
  363. >Suddenly you stop and wonder
  364. >How are you going to get out the plates...?
  365. >Your hooves are useless
  366. >Or are they?
  367. >Ponies in the show always seemed to be able to pick up things with their hooves, almost like they were
  368. >sticky hooves
  369. >you reach out your hoof, placing it atop the plate and-
  370. >nothing
  371. >it just glances off like a normal hoof
  372. >Dave gives you a concerned frown
  373. >You just shrug the best you can
  374. >"You're getting that plate, with your dirty hooves, you. How would you like it if I just put my foot all over your dishes?"
  375. "That's fair."
  376. >you decide to grasp it in your mouth
  377. >Just as gross but at least it's on the side, and you can wipe it off later
  378. >you carry it clutched in your mouth, trying not to drool on it too much
  379. >Dave looks down at you and gets that look again, like he was about to have a heart attack
  380. >You can't help it
  381. >The cute doesn't have an off button!
  382. >standing up on your hind legs and bracing against the table with your forelegs, you set the plate down in your usual spot
  383. >There. One done, one to go
  384. >By the time you manage to set down a second plate, Dave had finished making the pancakes
  385. >You hop onto the chair, planting your butt down and looking over at Dave.
  386. >"Your dinner is served, my lady."
  387. >your what
  388. "Call me that again and I will never let you pet me"
  389. >He laughs
  390. >"Fair enough."
  391. >You look at the double stack of buttered pancakes on your plate
  392. >you had no idea how you were gonna eat them but whatever
  393. >Fucking pancakes, man
  394. >the best
  395. >you decide to just dig in
  396. >You shove your face into them and begin nomming on the top pancake
  397. >dave sits across from you, just watching you
  398. >He hasn't even touched his
  399. >what's he looking at
  400. "whut err you lerkin at?" you mumble around the pancake in your mouth
  401. >" you want some syrup with that?"
  402. >Do you?
  403. >that sounds kinda sticky
  404. >you shake your head and resume noms
  405. >...
  406. >when you finish your muzzle is covered in butter and a few flakes of pancake
  407. >You're a very messy pony
  408. >Dave appears to be finished as well and takes away your plate and gives you a look.
  409. "What?"
  410. >he just shakes his head and resumes washing the dishes.
  411. "You got something to say, bub?"
  412. >"There's- there's a little something on your lip."
  413. >he grabs a towel and reaches over to wipe off your mouth
  414. >you frown and stick your tongue out before dragging it across your face and slurping it back in.
  415. "There. Clean."
  416. >he laughs and goes in for the headpat before stopping and looking at you for permission
  417. >Are you going to do it?
  418. >Once you cross this road you will never be able to go back
  419. >fuck it
  420. >you nod and his hand lands atop your head
  421. >aww yis
  422. >headpats
  423. >They feel awesome
  424. >You lean into his hand a little, and he takes it away
  425. >you're a little miffed and let out a little whine
  426. >wait
  427. >Why are you disappointed
  428. >This shouldn't feel good
  429. >...right?
  430. >he looks at you
  431. >you look at him
  432. >you laugh awkwardly
  433. "Damn... horse instincts, am I right?"
  434. >silence
  435. >Suddenly he laughs too
  436. >oh thank god
  437. >"Yeah, I'd imagine you'd get some interesting side effects."
  438. "Yeah..."
  439. >crisis averted
  440. >you'd have to get some more pets though
  441. >Maybe later.
  443. "You know, it's kind of funny."
  444. >he hmms, still washing the dishes
  445. "I was studying how to help animals, now I am one."
  446. >"That is kind of funny."
  447. "Do you think this counts as cheating on my anatomy tests?"
  448. >you both laugh, but then you think about it some more and start panicking
  449. "Oh, no, I still have two more years of college!"
  450. >he turns off the sink and faces you, getting to one knee and looking you in the eyes.
  451. >"You have been turned into a female cartoon pony, and your primary concern right now is whether or not you'll still be able to complete your degree?"
  452. >actually he has a point
  453. >But no, you're right! What about...
  454. "What about the two years I've already done?! I can't just drop out now... I don't even know if they'll take me!"
  455. >you go back into panic mode
  456. "How am I even going to handle this?! How am I going to get to class, or eat my own food, or go to my job, or treat my patients..."
  457. >you stop
  458. "Can I even keep my name?"
  459. >"What?"
  460. "I mean, I'm a different po- person now, right? Would they even recognize me as the same person, legally? How are my parents gonna react...?! Oh, god..."
  461. >you start sniffling, then crying.
  462. >he sits there awkwardly.
  463. >"Anon."
  464. >you're still crying
  465. >"ANON. Look at me."
  466. >He grabs your head in both hands, turning it towards him gently. you didn't even protest the unapproved touching
  467. >"Everything is going to be fine, you hear me?"
  468. >he wraps you in a hug
  469. >it feels really good
  470. >You want this to last forever
  471. >you carefully extend your white, fluffy looking wings and do your best to wrap them around him in a wing hug
  472. >he laughs a little, holding you closer and starts stroking your mane.
  473. >"you're a very silly pony, you know that?"
  474. >you sniff
  475. "Y-yeah."
  476. >"You're going to be okay. It'll all work out okay. I'm here to help you through this."
  477. >he accentuates every sentence with a cozy squeeze.
  478. "I k-know."
  479. >"Now, come on, let's get you cleaned up. You got snot in your mane, and all over your muzzle."
  480. >you reluctantly release him from the wing hug, and stand up.
  481. >Dave wipes away your tears and snot with a tissue, grabbing a wet paper towel to get the residue
  482. >you don't deserve Dave
  483. >he was such a good guy
  484. >...
  485. >uh oh
  486. "Uh oh."
  487. >"Uh oh? What uh oh."
  488. >your bladder
  489. >It was screaming at you
  490. "I, uh-"
  491. >you blush
  492. "Igottagopee."
  493. >Dave blinks.
  494. >"Right, I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. You should just be able to sit down on the toilet... right?"
  495. >'you should just be able to sit down on the toilet' your ass
  496. >literally
  497. "Dave I don't think it'll work that way"
  498. >"Just... try going in the shower?"
  499. >that'll do it
  500. >you trot in a hurried manner, tripping up a few times to the end of the hall and push open the door
  501. >dave follows you in and looks at you expectantly
  502. >You look at him.
  503. "Dude. Get out."
  504. >"Right! Right. Sorry, Anon, just... yeah, no excuse I don't know what I was thinking."
  505. >he leaves and shuts the door behind you
  506. >you clamber up over the edge of the tub, slipping in and cursing.
  507. >"Anon? Are you okay? Did you fall?"
  508. >you whinny
  509. >Woah
  510. >Did you just make a horse sound?
  511. >"Anon, did you just make a horse sound? That's adorable. I'll take the noise as a no"
  512. >you'll get him later
  513. >now comes bathroom time
  514. >righting yourself you...
  515. >How are you supposed to do this?
  516. >you guess it's just like peeing as a guy
  517. >Just don't think about it
  518. >just relax, and...
  519. >oh boy here it comes
  520. >Oh shit is any of this going to get on your coat?
  521. >no, piss
  522. >having a white coat may be problematic in the future
  523. >you try to space your hooves so it won't touch them and also so it has a clear path out of your... urethra.
  524. >if you use anatomical terms it's not weird, right?
  525. >It's definitely weird.
  526. >Just don't think about it.
  528. >it's impossible not to
  529. >This is fucking weird
  530. >Thankfully it's over almost as soon as it started, and you carefully step out of the tub, not slipping or falling.
  531. >eventually you'd have to learn how to use the toilet but today was not that day
  532. >this was fucking degrading
  533. >You think your coat is clear of any urine, somehow, and you knock on the door.
  534. >you hear Dave shifting- was he listening this whole time? weirdo
  535. >probably just concerned for you
  536. >"Are you done?"
  537. "Yeah."
  538. >"Was it weird?"
  539. "Do you even need to ask?"
  540. >"Right... do I need to clean up anything?"
  541. >you look over at the tub full of piss
  542. "yeah."
  543. >"Alright."
  544. >"I'm coming in now."
  545. >he opened the door to see you standing there, with an indignant look on your face
  546. >"Aww, come on, it's not that bad!"
  547. >it is that bad and the look on his face says he knows it, he's just trying to comfort you
  548. >the water turns on as you walk out of the bathroom and into your room with your head between your legs, looking quite sad
  549. >you sit down on your carpet in a huff and look at yourself in the mirror once more.
  550. >You looked rough, to say the least
  551. >your eyes were puffy, your face was red, and there was snot still dripping out of your nose
  552. >you could still see the cute mare from earlier, though.
  553. >You wrap your wings around you in a hug.
  554. >soon you hear the water turn off and feel Dave's arms around you in a real hug
  555. >"Are you okay?"
  556. >no
  557. "Not really."
  558. >he doesn't say anything, just gives you a squeeze.
  559. >he starts stroking your mane again
  560. >Feels nice.
  561. >You feel better.
  562. >You look up into the mirror.
  563. >Now you see that cute mare from earlier and her human
  564. >Wow, ponies were small.
  565. >You barely came up to his waist.
  566. >Also,
  567. >her human
  568. >You suppose that he was yours now. And you were a her.
  569. >And you were his.
  570. >And nothing will ever separate you.
  571. >it was really warm and cozy inside those hugs
  572. >you should do this more often
  573. >"Hey, Anon...?"
  574. "Mhmm?"
  575. >"I feel like you need a pony name."
  576. >you do
  577. >Can't go on being anon, right? You weren't even green
  578. "Any suggestions?"
  579. >"Helping Hoof? No, that's dumb... Hoofhearted? too on the nose..."
  580. >he gives you a boop with that last statement
  581. >You didn't even know he was allowed to do that
  582. >"How about... Solace?"
  583. >Solace.
  584. >Soul Lace.
  585. >Soul Lace!
  586. "Soul Lace?"
  587. >"Yeah. I like the sound of that... sounds cozy."
  588. >Yeah... cozy.
  589. >Like you are right now.
  590. >warm...
  591. >worn out from the excitement of the day
  592. >Dave wouldn't mind if you just...
  593. >dozed off
  594. >...
  596. >be Dave
  597. "Hey... Soul Lace, wanna get out and about? Meet some people? Go for a walk?"
  598. >you heard snoring
  599. >d'awww
  600. >she fell asleep in your arms
  601. >that's so fucking adorable
  602. >you gently swept her up and held her like a babby
  603. >she looked even cuter when she was asleep
  604. >you brush her mane out of her face and plant a little kiss on her forehead
  605. "sleep tight, Solace."
  606. >You lay her in bed, picking up all the sheets she knocked down after being a clumsy little horse
  607. >you tuck her in, then on second thought lift up the blanket and climb in yourself, wrapping her in your arms and doing the big spoon
  608. >snug
  609. >you hear her breathing, and see the small content smile on her face
  610. >feel the rise and fall of her frail chest
  611. >Was this love?
  612. >No... you weren't gay...
  613. >but it was okay... right? He was a girl now. And cute.
  614. >fuck it
  615. >you're going for it
  616. >you whisper into her ear
  617. "Love you~"
  618. >she's asleep
  619. >r-right
  620. >why does this have to be so hard
  622. --BEGIN PART 2---
  624. >Be Soul Lace
  625. >Or Solace?
  626. >It doesn't matter
  627. >You'll figure it out later
  628. >Looks like you're in your bed
  629. >Dave must've tucked you in, where is he?
  630. >Oh, there he is.
  631. >He's got his arms wrapped around you
  632. >And is definitely cuddling you.
  633. >Kind of gay, but whatever.
  634. >You try to wiggle out of his grip, unsuccessfully. It's like trying to escape handcuffs...
  635. >With a sigh you settle back down into his embrace.
  636. "Dave. Wake up."
  637. >he begins stirring, and when he realizes that you're awake he quickly takes his arms away and sits up
  638. >"Hey, man. Did you have a good nap?
  639. >you yawn cutely
  640. >damnit pony instincts, stop being cute
  641. "Did you? You know it's not polite to grope ponies in their sleep without their consent."
  642. >"I wasn't groping you...! What time is it, anyway?"
  643. >you look up at your alarm clock
  644. >it's a little past noon
  645. >It was a Sunday, anyways, who cares.
  646. >Did you really have to get up?
  647. "It's like one, dude"
  648. >"Damn. We should probably get up and go do something."
  649. >"No use lying in bed all day, yeah?"
  650. >Yeah.
  651. >You roll out of bed, a little more gracefully than last time.
  652. >Your wings didn't even flop around.
  653. >Wait, wasn't there something you were worrying about before you took a nap?
  654. >Oh, yeah, how you got like this.
  655. >Your only lead is Jerry.
  656. >Room 203, building B.
  657. >Right down the hall.
  658. >You're going to have to pay him a visit
  659. >Later, though, it's not that urgent.
  660. "So, what do we do now?"
  661. >Dave shrugs.
  662. >"Wanna learn to fly?"
  663. >What.
  664. "Can I even fly...? I don't know, these wings look a little small."
  665. >Stretching out your wings, you look at them, worried.
  666. >There is no way they'd be able to support your weight.
  667. >You weren't very... aerodynamic, either.
  668. >Probably shouldn't risk it.
  669. >"I don't know."
  670. >Eh, what's the worst that could happen?
  671. "I just wanna get out and do something... I guess it couldn't hurt to try."
  672. >"Great! This is super exciting, it'll be cool to see if you can fly."
  673. >"I've been thinking about it ever since I first saw you. Well, after I stopped freaking out."
  674. >You smile and tickle his nose with a feather
  675. >You guess it can't be that bad, right?
  676. >You prepare to leave, and go down a list of things you'll need
  677. >Your phone would probably be a good place to start...
  678. >Wait.
  679. "Dave. How am I going to use my phone?"
  680. >He stop what he was doing, thinking long and hard
  681. >Suddenly, he seems to come to an epiphany! He opens his mouth to speak, and...
  682. >He shrugs.
  683. "Gee, thanks."
  684. >You nose around on the bed, shoving blankets out of the way
  685. >Ah, there it is.
  686. >You boop the screen with your snout, and it turns on
  687. >It's mostly dead, only has 10% left
  688. "Can you put it on charge?"
  689. >"What? Your phone? Yeah, sure."
  690. >He plugs it in
  691. >You'll figure out how to use a smartphone as a pony later
  692. >You fish around for a coat in your closet, gently biting clothes and sliding them around
  693. >Ah, there it is, a parka
  694. >you take it off of the hanger and carry it over to Dave, looking at him pleadingly
  695. >"Alright, give it here."
  696. >He takes the parka from you, and carefully slides it over your head, at first ensnaring you in its evil grasp, then he helps you put your legs through the arm holes
  697. >It's pretty snug
  698. >It extends just beyond your wings, guess you'll have to take it off when you fly.
  699. >You look at yourself in the mirror
  700. >You're cute
  701. >accessorizing.png
  702. >A ring of fluff lines the hood, and as Dave flops it over your head, you realize a big problem
  703. "I need ear holes."
  704. >"Right."
  705. >He leaves and comes back with a pair of scissors, carefully cutting open the parka around your ears, careful to not accidentally clip them.
  706. >Now you have a way to prevent it sliding off, and hearing is good
  707. >Your hooves were going to get cold; how could you fix that?
  708. >Socks.
  709. >lewd
  710. >But you dig around in your sock drawer, anyways, and pull out some thick, long black wooly socks
  711. >Luckily you had two pairs
  712. >This one you can do by yourself, damnit
  713. >You pinch the edge of one in your mouth, raising up a white forehoof to shove through the opening in the sock
  714. >Success!
  715. >You tug it the rest of the way up, and do the same for the other hoof
  716. >Now, for your back hooves...
  717. >Fuck it, you'll just get your man-servant to do it for you
  718. >You walk over to him again, carrying the socks in your mouth.
  719. >You give him that same pleading look
  720. >He shakes his head.
  721. >"I know you can do it."
  722. "But I'm a clumsy, helpless pony...! I can't possibly fend for myself..."
  723. >He shakes his head again, trying to ignore you
  724. >"Come on, you're better than this."
  725. >Ugh, fine
  726. >You sit down, sticking your hooves out in front of you
  727. >You lean forward-
  728. >Wow, you were flexible.
  729. >You try to do the same thing you did with your front hooves, and it works, kind of
  730. >Just have to use your mouth a little more... there.
  731. >you fall back, splaying out your wings and wheezing
  732. >Dave looked over at you with concern, maybe reconsidering his decision to improve your independence
  733. >That was hard
  734. >And you still have another leg to do...
  736. >Now that you were ready to go, the prospect of revealing yourself to the masses scared you
  737. >What would they do...? Hopefully the reaction wouldn't be too bad.
  738. >You find that you're still tired- maybe some coffee is in order?
  739. >There was a place just off campus, within walking distance.
  740. "Wanna go to the cafe?"
  741. >"Are you sure? I thought you wanted to go flying?"
  742. >True... though there would be a lot of people around right now
  743. >Prime park time.
  744. >Should probably just play it safe for now, get some lunch and some coffee.
  745. >It'll probably be fine
  746. "Yeah, I'm sure, let's go."
  747. >Dave shrugs, opening the door, and you stick your head out
  748. >Nobody around, as far as you can tell
  749. >Hopefully everyone's already left to go out and do stuff
  750. >You clip clop down the hall, Dave in tow
  751. >As you come out into the main area, there are quite a few people milling about
  752. >They don't look like they've seen you, yet
  753. >Dave says something quietly
  754. >"Looks like we might go mostly unnoticed?"
  755. >Damnit, Dave, why did you have to say it
  756. >Already people started looking toward you and pointing, with confusion.
  757. >then it became joy, as they begin seeing you as a cute animal.
  758. >Fuck it
  759. >You stop, and clumsily take off your hood, flicking your ears irritably
  760. >A collective gasp runs through the people in the atrium, and one particularly taken aback girl yells
  761. >"Oh my god, she's so cuuute!"
  762. >her friends all giggle and everyone is still staring at you
  763. >People are taking pictures with their phones and hurriedly posting it to their social medias.
  764. >Dave glances over to you with concern
  765. "We knew this was going to happen. I am fucking adorable after all."
  766. >You tentatively lift up a hoof and wave at the small crowd that had gathered, giving a bashful smile.
  767. >You could swear the group of girls you heard earlier were going to die
  768. >Time to get out of here
  769. >You head outside much to the chagrin of the onlookers, but they go back to what they were doing soon enough
  770. >You don't think anyone is following you
  772. >Walking through the campus is a little calmer
  773. >People just stop and stare, whip out their phones, take pictures
  774. >You come to a crosswalk, and wait for the signal to cross
  775. >There are a couple of other people there.
  776. >One of them looks down, and notices you and gives you a smile.
  777. >"Oh, aren't you just the cutest little thing...!"
  778. >"What's your name?"
  779. >she looks at Dave
  780. "Solace."
  781. >Hehe, this was gonna be good.
  782. >She blinks, and laughs, as she finally understands
  783. >"You must be a very good ventriloquist, Mr...?"
  784. "His name is Dave. And I am Solace, pleased to meet you."
  785. >You stick out your hoof
  786. >She takes it, her mouth slightly agape, and you shake her hand
  787. >"H-hi there, Solace."
  788. >You give her hand a lick
  789. "M'lady."
  790. >fedora tipping intensifies
  791. >She giggles.
  792. >"Oh, how polite. I'm Janet..."
  793. >The signal to cross turns on
  794. "Gotta go. Nice talking to you!"
  795. >You send her a wink over your shoulder.
  796. >She stood there for a moment longer, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened
  797. >She realizes she's going to miss the signal and hurries across
  798. >The cafe was right down the street, and after another minute you're there.
  800. >You push open the door to the cafe with a hoof, the little bell on the door ringing
  801. >The owner, Mr. Limpani comes out of the back and smiles at Dave
  802. >"Hey, welcome to my little shop, will it be your..."
  803. >His smile falters as he notices you.
  804. >"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid you can't bring that in here..."
  805. >Oh boy.
  806. >You hadn't even thought about that
  807. >You were both regulars here, usually came by at least three or four times a week
  808. >You really liked the coffee
  809. >The other patrons all turn to look at you
  810. >The tension in the air was palpable
  811. >Dave was starting to squirm in place, not sure of what to do.
  812. >Time to do something.
  813. >You clear your throat, walking up to the counter and placing your fore hooves on top of the counter, staring him down
  814. "I'll have a coffee, please. Two creams, one sugar."
  815. >Limpani looks dumbfounded
  816. >He's not sure what to do except take your order.
  817. >"Y-yes ma'am. A-anything else?"
  818. >You look up at the board.
  819. "What's the special today?"
  820. >"Veggie wrap with chicken? Would you like that?"
  821. "Sounds great. Thank you."
  822. >"C-coming right up, ma'am."
  823. >Hell yeah
  824. >You were a strong, independent mare, and you didn't take no shit
  825. >You blow air through your nostrils, gently retracting your hooves from the counter and giving a toss of your mane as you walk away.
  826. >You take a seat at your usual table.
  827. >Dave pays and sits down, facing you on the other side of the booth.
  828. >People are still staring at you, and hurriedly look away when you turn your head and smile at them.
  829. >You could still see some of them stealing peeks every now and then, but it wasn't that distracting
  830. >You turn back to Dave, and he's got his phone out and he's scrolling
  831. >"Oh, wow, dude, you are blowing up on Twitter, you've made the rounds on Reddit, and there's a thread about you on /mlp/ already."
  832. >What?
  833. >You guess that was bound to happen.
  834. "What're they saying?"
  835. >"Mostly just talk about how cute you are. Some pictures... most people don't think you're real, though."
  836. >"Except for the ones that saw you in person, of course."
  837. >huh
  838. >"You've even got your own tag- #hoofhearted."
  839. >FUCK
  840. >God damnit.
  841. "'re kidding me."
  842. >"Nope."
  843. >he had a shit-eating grin on his face.
  844. >"That's what the tag was originally, it looks like they realized the error of their ways and are now going with #michiganmare."
  845. >Huh.
  846. >Well, that's not much better but at least it's not a dad joke
  847. >He shows you a couple of pictures
  848. >God damn you really did look adorable in your parka.
  849. >There's one of you waving to the crowd in the lobby back on campus.
  850. >A few of you walking around...
  851. >After some more scrolling, you feel a tap on your shoulder.
  852. >It's Mr. Limpani.
  853. >he sets the food down on your table and sticks his hands in his pockets, awkwardly standing there.
  854. >"Hey, uh, sorry for treating you like an animal."
  855. >Oh, nice, he's apologizing
  856. "It's not a problem, really."
  857. >You smile at him, and he looks up.
  858. >He's looking at your mane.
  859. >You can't blame him, it's definitely pretty
  860. >He takes a hand out of his pocket.
  861. >"Can I...?"
  862. >Of course he would want to.
  863. >His hands look pretty clean...
  864. >You nod
  865. >He gently strokes your mane, letting out a soft "ooh."
  866. >"It's so soft... look how it shines in the light...!"
  867. >You don't say anything, and just let him keep going.
  868. >He moves his other hand in to rub your ears, giving you some pretty good ear scritches
  869. >You lean into his hand, closing your eyes as a soft smile parts your lips.
  870. >His joyful, childish laugh makes you warm and fuzzy inside.
  871. >He pats your head one more time, before letting you go.
  872. >"Thank you... hey, tell you what, the food's on me today, guys. Thanks, again."
  873. >That was certainly nice of him.
  874. "Yeah... thank you! No problem."
  875. >He gives another small laugh, shaking his head like he still can't believe it.
  876. >Time to enjoy some good coffee.
  878. >Dave gives you a look as you go in for your first sip.
  879. >"Isn't caffeine bad for horses?"
  880. >Seriously?
  881. "Dave, caffeine is only as bad for me as it is for a human. You know it, I know it, we're both veterinary science majors. Don't get between a mare and her coffee."
  882. >A mare.
  883. >You've started thinking of yourself as a mare, now
  884. >Was that going to be a problem?
  885. >You were still Anon... right?
  886. >Dave shrugs, and goes back to his own cup.
  887. >You stick your tongue out and give the brown liquid a tentative lick
  888. >Perfect temperature
  889. >Limpani always manages to get it just right... you have no idea how.
  890. >You start lapping it up like a cat, making cute slurping sounds.
  891. >You figure this is the easiest way
  892. >Not really all that efficient.
  893. >"Doughnut?"
  894. >Dave offers you a doughnut, and you nose your plate forward
  895. >The powdery ring of deliciousness comes to a rest on the plate, a few flakes of powder falling off.
  896. >You pick up the doughnut by putting your muzzle through the hole in the center, extending your tongue and licking some of the powdered sugar
  897. >You look at the other people in the coffee shop with wide, innocent eyes
  898. >mlem
  899. >A collective awww sounds from the room, and you think someone fainted
  900. >Plus one to the casualty count, bringing you up to two if you include the lady you mindfucked earlier.
  901. >One of them gets a good picture of you with your doughnut face
  902. >That'll be making the rounds soon enough
  904. >As cute as sticking your muzzle through the hole was, it wasn't very efficient.
  905. >You toss your mane and set down the doughnut, instead gripping it from the side
  906. >You dunk it in the coffee, then set it down and bite off that part
  907. >Wasn't that hard
  908. >you repeat the process, occasionally taking a sip of your coffee, and you finish the doughnut.
  909. >Time to worry about the wrap.
  910. >It was like a burrito, but it was wrapped in some kind of green tortilla you couldn't name.
  911. >You tried just biting it while it was on the plate
  912. >That seemed to work pretty well.
  913. >It was pretty tasty, especially with the chicken
  914. >You expected to be repelled by the taste of meat, but the salt was quite alluring.
  915. >You doubted you'd be able to eat a steak, but at least you wouldn't be giving meat up entirely.
  916. >You finish, and look out the window.
  917. >It was a cozy section of city, pretty busy now that the day was starting to come to a close.
  918. >You watch the cars and people go by.
  919. >You used to be like them
  920. >Able to walk down the street without getting accosted by strangers.
  921. >You're sure it'll wear off eventually, though, and you'll just be another part of life in the city.
  922. >Though people would probably still want to pet you.
  923. >Not that you really mind. Pets are good.
  924. >Speaking of...
  926. >You can feel all the eyes in the place on you
  927. >You glance over to them, and they all quickly look away.
  928. >You go back to your coffee, but soon you feel a small tug on your tail.
  929. >You turn around, ready to kill whoever-
  930. >it's a little girl, maybe 7 or 8.
  931. >She looks up at you with wide, vulnerable eyes
  932. >"What's your name?"
  933. >oh god, Anon, don't fuck this up.
  934. >She was almost as cute as you.
  935. >You smile at her.
  936. "Solace."
  937. >Her face scrunched up in confusion
  938. >"What's that mean?"
  939. >What did that mean, really?
  940. >then it hits you
  941. "It means I try to make people feel better if they're feeling bad."
  942. >The girl seemed satisfied with that answer, and so did Dave.
  943. >she reaches up and starts slowly stroking your side, and petting your tail.
  944. >She runs her fingers through your feathers, and you extend your wing a little so she can get a better look.
  945. >Her pets were a little clumsy, but she was very careful.
  946. >"You're really pretty... like my mom."
  947. >D'aww
  948. "What's your name, sweetie?"
  949. >"Melanie."
  950. >You laugh, getting an idea
  951. >Melanie. Melan. Melons.
  952. "That's a lovely name. Do you like melons, Melanie?"
  953. >"N-no... they're scary..."
  954. >wat
  955. >hnnngg.png
  956. >That's adorable.
  957. "Oh..."
  958. >You giggle, barely trying to contain it.
  959. "Why is that?"
  960. >"I don't know..."
  961. "Well, I don't think there are any melons here to hurt you..."
  962. >you give her a boop with your socked hoof and she scrunches up her nose
  963. "And if there were, they'd have to get through me, first."
  964. >she giggles as well, looking a little embarrassed about her fear.
  965. "Do you want a hug?"
  966. >she nods
  967. >you wrap her in your wings as she buries her face into your chest fluff
  968. >After a minute or so, a lady you think is her mom comes out of the bathroom and runs over.
  969. >You let Melanie out of your wings, and she runs over to her.
  970. >Oh no, were you about to receive a shitstorm for accosting this young child?
  971. >What if you were about to be called a pedophile?
  972. >That wouldn't be good for public relations.
  973. >"Come on, Melanie, leave the nice pony alone."
  974. >"Okay, mommy."
  975. >She gives you a warm, motherly smile.
  976. >"Now, what do we say to the nice pony?"
  977. >"Thank you, Solace."
  978. >"Very good! Come on, honey, mommy's gotta get home..."
  979. >They leave and Melanie waves goodbye, a wave which you return with a hoof.
  980. >You would've never been able to do that before you transformed.
  981. >You weren't sure if it was because you were female or because you were a pony.
  982. >Just being in the same room as a child made everyone think you were a creep
  983. >You loved kids, they were so cute
  984. >You always wanted to do something like that for a kid, maybe even your own someday
  985. >...maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all?
  987. >The crowd started looking at you again
  988. >that lady who fainted still wasn't up
  989. >Maybe you should go check on her?
  990. >You could see it in their eyes
  991. >They wanted to pet you so bad
  992. >"Looks like somebody's becoming quite the attention whore."
  993. "N-no, am not!"
  994. >"Uh-huh. So that explains why you're actually considering throwing yourself to the crowd?"
  995. >he had a point
  996. >But fuck him, you'd get all the damn pats you pleased
  997. >you sigh, getting up and trotting over to them
  998. "Look, guys, I know what you're all thinking... and I'm all for it... but please, watch the mane? And be careful with my wings, they're delicate."
  999. They all nod, and approach you warily.
  1000. >The first hand lands on your head, scratching your ears.
  1001. >Then a hand is stroking your mane, another is on your tail.
  1002. >Someone's rubbing your chest fluff
  1003. >You gently unfold your wings, and people take them and begin gently toying with them, running their hands through your primary and downy feathers
  1004. >heaven.jpg
  1005. >You can't stand anymore and sit down, wearing a look of bliss
  1006. >You let out a soft moan, closing your eyes
  1007. >a few of the girls laugh
  1008. >Dave just sits back, shaking his head disappointedly
  1009. >They all stroke your fur, marveling at its softness.
  1010. >Somebody actually took out a brush and started combing your mane and tail
  1011. >appreciated
  1013. >A few heartfelt hugs and some questions later, you leave the coffee shop with Dave after adorning your parka again
  1014. >that was great
  1015. >If this was going to happen every time you went out... you might have to set some rules
  1016. >He leans down and tells you, again
  1017. >"Attention whore..."
  1018. "Am not."
  1019. >"Are so."
  1020. "Am not!"
  1021. >"Are so!"
  1022. "W-well, you're gay."
  1023. >"No you."
  1024. >Dave was great
  1025. >Time to go back home.
  1026. >you were zoning out, just following Dave when you realize you aren't back at campus
  1027. >You're in a park
  1028. >it's getting pretty late
  1029. "Dave, are you trying to get me to fly?"
  1030. >He looks a little hurt.
  1031. >"What, do you... not want to?"
  1032. >Do you?
  1033. >You kinda do
  1034. >It fucking terrifies you
  1035. >who the hell knows what could happen?
  1036. >You could barely walk, but flight?
  1037. >Out of the question.
  1038. >Well... you were going to be stuck like this for a while, as far as you can tell, you may as well to try to make the most of it, right?
  1039. "...Nevermind. Let's do it."
  1040. >You climb out of your parka, extending your wings.
  1041. "How should I start?"
  1042. >Good question.
  1043. >"I don't know. Start with slowly flapping your wings, and work your way up from there?"
  1044. >Real big help there, Dave
  1045. >You tried to recall all you could about avian anatomy, and the mechanics of flight.
  1046. >You take a deep breath, and start flapping your wings.
  1047. >A suggestion in your mind tells you to shape your wings a certain way, and-
  1048. >You felt lift.
  1049. >You actually felt some sort of lift.
  1050. >Your front hooves left the ground
  1051. >panicking you cease flapping and they come back down
  1052. >You look at Dave apprehensively, who is only smiling encouragement
  1053. >okay
  1054. >Deep breath again.
  1055. >Flap.
  1056. >Flap.
  1057. >Keep in mind the correct wing shape, and...
  1058. >Liftoff!
  1059. "Holy fucking shit. I'm actually flying!"
  1060. >holy fucking shit was right.
  1061. >You were just at a hover, but that was actual flight!
  1062. >Actual, sustained flight. With those tiny wings!
  1063. >You had no idea how this was working and honestly you didn't care.
  1064. >You were rising, slowly.
  1065. >5 feet, 10 feet, 15 feet... okay, time to stop that.
  1066. >How do you stop going up?
  1067. >"Great job!"
  1068. >ha, there's Dave
  1069. >Imagine not being able to fly.
  1070. >"Now come down and try again!"
  1071. >coming down
  1072. >That should be... easy, right?
  1073. >Just lower the amount of thrust and-
  1074. >oh god the ground is starting to get really close, now
  1075. >You tip over and do a divebomb into the ground from 20 feet or so up, a fall that probably would've snapped your neck if you were human.
  1076. >"Oh, shit, dude, are you okay?"
  1077. >ugh
  1078. >pain
  1079. >Everything hurts. New spots to hurt you were not previously aware of begin hurting.
  1080. "...ow...."
  1081. >He runs over, gingerly touching you.
  1082. >You wince with every prod of his fingers.
  1083. >He carefully checks for broken bones, gently pushing into your ribcage, your spine, and your legs
  1084. >You extend your wings again... they're a little sore from the flight but are otherwise fine.
  1085. >Nothing feels broken
  1086. >"Good news, nothing's broken."
  1087. >Whew
  1088. >"Bad news, you're gonna have some wicked bruises."
  1089. >You groan.
  1090. "Remind me never to try that again."
  1091. >He looks at you seriously.
  1092. >"Don't say that."
  1093. "What?"
  1094. >"Don't say you won't try again. You have an amazing gift, and you're going to use it. Do you know how lucky that is? That you have wings, and that they even work?"
  1095. >wow, that was unexpected
  1096. "Okay, jeeze, mom, alright..."
  1097. >"That's what I thought. Now, let's get you home."
  1098. >He picks up up and cradles you in his arms, grabbing your parka on the way out of the park.
  1099. >He starts walking back to the dorm.
  1100. >You make it through campus with no problems.
  1101. >A light snow starts to fall, you suppose it's that time of year, right?
  1102. >You stick out your tongue and catch a snowflake on it.
  1103. >You haven't tried doing that since you were a kid...
  1104. >Dave notices you with your tongue out and chuckles, using a finger to gently push it back it.
  1106. >The time is now 6 pm.
  1107. >You're back at the dorm
  1108. >You're wide awake, and hungry again
  1109. >Your belly lets out a rumble to inform you of its displeasure
  1110. >You guess all that flying made you hungry.
  1111. >Dave was making some rice fried in some fat, along with some beef stock he found in the kitchen
  1112. >He threw in some cubed carrots and a few peas.
  1113. >you lay impatiently on the couch, flopped over and watching him cook.
  1114. >Idly you blow a lock of mane out of your face.
  1115. >But mooom, I want it now!
  1116. >You get up to tell him this, and he laughs
  1117. >he reaches a hand down and ruffles your mane, and you frown.
  1118. "Hey, watch the hair! I worked super hard on styling that."
  1119. >"No you didn't."
  1120. >He's right
  1121. >You lay back down on the couch, and think about all the shit you did today.
  1122. >Suddenly, you remember your phone.
  1123. >Should be charged by now, right?
  1124. >you hop off of the couch and go back to your room
  1125. >100%
  1126. >Time to see if you can do this.
  1127. >You boop the screen and it comes on.
  1128. >First obstacle; the Lock Screen.
  1129. >Thank god you have a pattern and not a passcode.
  1130. >You try using part of the soft frog of your hoof, and it seems to work pretty well.
  1131. >Like if you were using the ham of your fist to try to type
  1132. >If you use almost no pressure you can make just the tip of your frog touch and it is about the diameter of a finger tip
  1133. >You unlock your phone.
  1134. >First obstacle, overcome.
  1135. >Now, what to do?
  1136. >You open up twitter, and search for the #michiganmare tag
  1138. >...Holy shit
  1139. >That's a lot of hits.
  1140. >Over 9,000
  1141. >Heh. Over 9,000.
  1142. >You start scrolling.
  1144. >pictures of you walking down the street
  1145. "I wonder where she's getting off to? #michiganmare #pony"
  1147. >Pictures of you giving a wave back at the atrium
  1148. "Senpai noticed me! #waving #hoofhearted"
  1149. >Senpai
  1150. >You hadn't thought about it before, but what if people started crushing on you?
  1151. >'d cross that bridge when you came to it.
  1152. >Probably when you get on 4chan later.
  1154. >a picture of your doughnut face.
  1155. >Your head was framed by the setting sun, your dilated eyes were sparkling in the light as your tongue stuck out from inside the donut.
  1156. "Silly pony, that's not how you eat a doughnut! #michiganmare !"
  1157. >That really was super cute.
  1159. >A picture of you giving a hug to the little girl.
  1160. "Seems the aliens come in peace. I, for one, welcome our new pony overlords! #michiganmare."
  1162. >pictures of you receiving pets
  1163. >awww
  1165. >Seems that your name was common knowledge by now. judging from the few posts containing it.
  1166. >Looks like the #solace tag was already taken by the movie of the same name
  1167. >So they separated your name into #soul-lace
  1168. >That's cute. You think you'll keep that.
  1170. >a picture of you spreading your wings at the park
  1171. "Looks like #soul-lace is getting ready to take off to return to her home planet!"
  1173. >from the same person
  1174. >It's a picture of you in your stable hover, wearing an expression of absolute glee... moments before you'd be crashing to the ground.
  1175. >you rub at a bruise subconsciously
  1176. "Wow! Those wings aren't just cosmetic! They actually work. #soul-lace #she-flies"
  1178. >speaking of wings, could you use them to use your phone?
  1179. >holy shit
  1180. >The feathers actually register
  1181. >and you have pretty fine control
  1182. >You open notepad and try to type something.
  1183. "Hello world."
  1184. >huh, that wasn't too hard
  1186. >the next post
  1187. >it's a gif of you eating shit
  1188. "#soul-lace ? More like #floor-face !"
  1189. >forty keks
  1191. >You spend some time scrolling through Twitter
  1192. >These people really liked you a lot
  1193. >it warmed your heart
  1194. >And you realized that they found you very cute, and very pretty, as was made evident by the many comments.
  1195. >Luckily nothing too lewd, yet
  1197. >Some people made jokes about your ass tattoo
  1198. "Hey, hoofhearted? It smells in here!"
  1199. >funny
  1200. >It was different when it was the general public and not Dave
  1202. >Some talked about your form, complementing your curves.
  1203. >Some people took it a little too far and started getting lewd.
  1204. >Some people called them out for being sick fucks for wanting to fuck a horse
  1205. >That 4chan browsing session was gonna be fun.
  1206. >...Had anyone drawn porn of you yet?
  1207. >You shudder.
  1209. >Before you know it, Dave knocks on the door
  1210. >"Hey, dinner's ready. I was worried you had fallen off of your bed, or something... oh! You got your phone working, nice."
  1211. "Yeah, I was just going through Twitter."
  1212. >You close out the tabs and shut off your phone, then follow Dave back out to the living room
  1213. >You hop up on a chair and start digging in to the rice bowl
  1214. >It tasted better than it looked.
  1215. >white rice tinted brown by the beef stock, mixed it with chopped carrots and some peas.
  1216. >The saltiness of the beef stock really helped flavor the rice.
  1217. >The vegetals were a nice touch, you suppose
  1219. >Two bowls of rice and a full belly later, you head back to bed.
  1220. >"Hey, Anon."
  1221. "Yeah?"
  1222. >"Do you wanna... sleep together tonight?"
  1223. >wat
  1224. >Oh, he probably wants cuddles.
  1225. >You won't take what a man needs away from him.
  1226. "Sure. Come on in."
  1227. >You hop onto your bed and turn around in a circle, trying to find the right spot to lay down in.
  1228. >Eventually you find it and settle down, resting your head on your pillow and smiling contently.
  1229. >You pat the bed next to you
  1230. "Don't be shy, come on, then."
  1231. >He takes off his shoes and climbs into bed, carefully, trying not to squash you
  1232. >eventually he seems to find a comfortable spot and pulls the blankets over the two of you
  1233. >No homo, snuggles purely for the purpose of comfort
  1234. >You face each other, and you lean forward and lick his nose
  1235. >Tastes kind of gross.
  1236. >He makes a face
  1237. >"Eww, dude, what the hell?"
  1238. "That's payback for earlier."
  1239. >"When?"
  1240. "Calling me an attention whore. Who's the whore now? Begging to come snuggle with me. Pathetic."
  1241. >he looks a bit flustered, but you extend a wing over him, and wrap him in your legs.
  1242. >He responds by resting an arm across your withers, giving your undeployed wing a few rubs.
  1243. >Neither of you say anything, just happy to hold each other for warmth, it always seemed ridiculously cold in there. You think the heating was malfuntioning in your section of the building.
  1244. >It was all quite comfy, though, there under the blankets.
  1245. >You could get used to this.
  1246. >maybe you'd invite him back again tomorrow night...
  1247. >Yeah, that sounds like a plan
  1248. "Hey, Dave?"
  1249. >"Mhmmm?"
  1250. "Goodnight."
  1251. >You give a little bro-kiss on his forehead
  1252. >he goes still before smiling
  1253. >"Goodnight, Solace."
  1254. >You press your head to his forehead, nuzzling against it.
  1255. >He buries his head in your chest-fluff, murmuring contently.
  1256. >You both drift off to a peaceful slumber, tangled in each other's limbs.
  1257. >Today was a good day.
  1259. -=Begin Part Three=-
  1261. >be Dave
  1262. >You wake up a little early, and Anon is still snoozing at your side.
  1263. >You yawn, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and reach out a hand to gently stroke her mane.
  1264. >The rise and fall of her stomach as she breathed was hypnotizing, and you nearly fall back asleep.
  1265. >This was nice.
  1266. >You had to get up eventually, it was 8 am on a Monday. Normally, you’d be going off to work by now, but they had given you the week off for the holidays.
  1267. >Old habits die hard, you guess. Wouldn’t be good for you to sleep in, anyways.
  1268. >Though it was tempting to just go back to sleep, lie in bed next to Anon, and not care about the effects of getting out of a schedule.
  1269. >You reluctantly climb out of bed, careful to not disturb the sleeping pony on its sheets.
  1270. >You successfully sneak out of the room, shutting the door with only a slight creak.
  1271. >Opening the cabinets and raiding the fridge you try to figure out you can make for breakfast.
  1272. >Supplies are running low, you’d have to go shopping, but you have enough eggs for a couple omelettes.
  1273. >You grab the eggs and whisk them, adding milk and dumping half of the mixture in a pan.
  1274. >After some time they start sizzling, and you throw some cheese on top, waiting for it to get solid enough to flip over and put on a plate.
  1275. >You found some bacon bits in the cabinet, score!
  1276. >toss em in, too
  1277. >When you plate the first omelette, Anon trots in, rubbing at her eyes with a hoof and yawning.
  1278. “Good morning, Anon.”
  1279. >”Hey, Dave. Whatcha making?”
  1280. “Omelettes. I found bacon bits, want some on yours?”
  1281. >”Yeah, sure.”
  1282. >You slide the already finished omelette over to her, and she carefully picks it up and places it on the table.
  1283. >She wiggles, jumping up onto the chair and sitting.
  1284. >You didn’t really think of how she’d be able to eat the omelette…- that works.
  1285. >She just stuck her face into it and started chewing.
  1286. >Rolling your eyes, you finish making yours and go to sit down across the table from her.
  1287. >She was still really cute, even when her face was covered in bits of egg and cheese.
  1288. “So, what do you want to do today? Go for a walk? Play fetch?”
  1289. >She rolls her eyes at you.
  1290. >”Very funny, Dave. I was actually thinking about trying to fly some more.”
  1291. >You nod, picking up a fork and digging in, raising it to your mouth.
  1292. >”That reminds me, I think I have a lead on who turned me into a pony.”
  1293. “Wait, what?”
  1294. >Where did she get a lead? You’ve been together the whole time and haven’t seen anything that would help.
  1295. >”Yeah, there’s this guy, Jeremy. He walked me home last night, and I think he might have slipped me something, from the way he was acting. Put some kind of pill in my beer, maybe. Though I don’t know what kind of pill does this to a person…”
  1296. >The nerve of this guy… That was just low.
  1297. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner? This should’ve been, like, the first thing you pursued when you woke up Sunday morning!”
  1298. >She scrunches her face.
  1299. >”Is it though? I had to eat, and learn how to walk, and explain myself to you...”
  1300. “Touché.”
  1301. >”Anyways, I’m not entirely convinced he’s all bad because of one thing.”
  1302. “What?”
  1303. >”He gave me his room number. It turns out he’s right down the hall from us. Room 203.”
  1304. >It can’t be that simple, can it?
  1305. “Well, let’s go, then.”
  1306. >You look down at your barely eaten omelette.
  1307. “Oh, right. We ride… after I finish eating.”
  1308. >Anon smirked.
  1309. >”Ride? We’ve barely known each other for a day and you want to ride me? I think you’re too fat, anyway.”
  1310. “Maybe you’re just too small.”
  1311. >”Ouch, dude.”
  1312. >You share a laugh and then go back to eating breakfast.
  1314. >Some time later, you’re getting dressed to go confront the asshole who turned your roommate into a pony.
  1315. >Was that really for the worse, though?
  1316. >He was much cuter now…-
  1317. >You hear a knock on your door.
  1318. >”Hey, Dave? You coming or what?”
  1319. “Hold your horses, I’ll be right out.”
  1320. >You heard an irritated snort mixed with a giggle.
  1321. >”You’re hilarious. I’ll get you for that one day.”
  1322. “Yeah, right. What are you gonna do, cute me to death?”
  1323. >”Maybe later. Get out here, fag.”
  1324. >You open the door and walk past Anon to the front door.
  1325. >Grabbing your keys, you twist the lock and turn around to call Anon over-
  1326. >Oh god she was actually trying to cute you to death.
  1327. >She had grabbed her plate from breakfast in her mouth, sitting down and nomming on it gently, eyes sparkling.
  1328. >She’s adorable… No! Don’t let the horse get to you.
  1329. >You shake your head, trying to clear it, and laugh.
  1330. “C’mon, you, stop getting your horse spit all over the plates and let’s go get some answers.”
  1331. >She puts the plate on the table and follows you outside.
  1333. >Anon takes the lead to Room 203, trotting with purpose, almost outpacing you.
  1334. >She knocks on the door with a hoof.
  1335. >”Go away. I’m not in the mood for your shit, JL.”
  1336. >”It’s Anon.”
  1337. >You heard something shatter from inside, sounds like glass, followed by muted cursing.
  1338. >”Oh— hey, man, let me get the door for you!”
  1339. >You didn’t think there were any other exits other than the windows, and you were on the second floor, so he probably couldn’t escape.
  1340. >You heard several locks being turned, at least 4, before the door swings open and you come face to face with a young, greasy looking man. He was 6 inches shorter than you, and a little thinner. He looks up at you, giving you a glare.
  1341. >”Hey, you’re not Anon. The fuck?”
  1342. >Anon coughs.
  1343. >”Down here.”
  1344. >Jerry, you presume, looks down and goes pale for a second.
  1345. >”Oh. Anon!”
  1346. >And there’s the sleazy smile again.
  1347. >”Come on in!”
  1348. >He sticks his head out the door, looking around to make sure there wasn’t anyone else around before waving his hand and heading back into the dorm.
  1349. >You warily walk through the doorway, following Anon as she trots through the entranceway. You close the door behind you, locking it.
  1351. >The inside reeked of hastily sprayed Febreeze in an attempt to cover up the stench of weed and body odour.
  1352. >He walked into the small kitchen, grabbing a drink from the fridge. Dirty dishes filled the sink, used cups lining the counter.
  1353. >”Coke?”
  1354. >You both shake your heads no, to which he shrugs.
  1355. >”Suit yourself.”
  1356. >He sits down on a grimy armchair, putting his coke in a small cupholder he attached to the side.
  1357. >”Please, sit.”
  1358. >You remain standing, crossing your arms.
  1359. >Solace, however, plants her rear on the carpet and glares at him.
  1360. >He notices this and chuckles nervously, tugging on his collar a little.
  1361. >”Well, a lot of questions are probably running through your mind. Questions like, ‘How did you do this?’ and ‘Why did you turn me into a pony?’ and not forgetting, ‘Can you turn me back, you worthless sack of shit?’ which are all questions I will be answering, and more. First, the how.”
  1362. >His speech was fragmented and almost stuttering, he was clearly under a lot of stress.
  1363. >He takes a sip of his Coke before continuing.
  1364. >”There’s a new pill going around; it’s called Pon-E. It’s used as a date rrape drug. A single dose turns the… victim into a small, cute, helpless pony for 12 hours, then the changes revert. The appearance is randomized.”
  1365. >Anon blinks, you could see that anger was boiling up inside of her.
  1366. >”So that was your plan, then? Turn me into a pony, sweet talk me back to your place and rape me?”
  1367. >Jerry sighs. “I’m not proud of it, but, yeah. That was the plan.”
  1368. >Anon nods crossly. “Continue.”
  1369. >”I had already ground up the pills and put it in your beer. I wasn’t after you, personally, you were just the first opportunity that came along. Once I started talking to you, though… I couldn’t do it anymore. I liked you too much. I figured you would just wake up as a pony, have a short day of distress, then go back to your old life, but, well…”
  1370. >He gestures at the pony sitting on his carpet, who had been that way for more than 24 hours.
  1371. >”So. Why am I still a pony?”
  1372. >Jerry clams up, his expression falling immediately.
  1373. >He’s dreading what he has to say next.
  1374. >”Jeremy. Why am I still a pony?” Anon repeats, more firmly this time.
  1375. >”Well… I might’ve added a little more than one pill’s worth of dust... and if you take more than one dose, it’s, uh…” he mutters something unintelligible even by pony ear standards.
  1376. >Anon leans in, her face adopting a worried expression. ”What was that?”
  1377. >”It’s permanent!” Jerry yells, looking down at his feet.
  1379. >Time slows as the realization dawns upon Anon’s face, which soon contorts into anger.
  1380. >She leaps onto his chest, knocking him back so the armchair’s leg rest deploys and he is pushed into a lying position.
  1381. >Holy shit. Is she going to beat the shit out of him?
  1382. >She starts hooking her forehooves across his face, with almost enough force to knock teeth loose.
  1383. >She’s beating the shit out of him.
  1384. >It scares you how furious she is.
  1385. >”You son of a bitch! How could you do this to a person? My entire fucking life is ruined, for what, all so you could get some cheap fucking thrill?”
  1386. >Jerry was frantically trying to cover his face with his arms, but they were pinned underneath her, he was defenseless. Already, his face was starting to become red, and he was crying.
  1387. >“I don’t hate you, I fucking despise you, you worthless, deranged sack of dog shit! There’s no apologizing for this bullshit, you hear me? I will never forgive you!”
  1388. >The man had gone into full on hysterics, now, sobbing barely coherent words as tears dripped from his face, being knocked away by the hooves assaulting him.
  1389. >”I don’t fucking care how sorry you are, you’re dead to me! You’re fucking dead!”
  1390. >With one last swing of her forehooves she stops, either from tiring herself out or what, you don’t know, but she looks down at the man underneath her hooves.
  1391. >He had curled up into a ball, soft cries of “I’m sorry… I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” coming from underneath his arms.
  1392. >She had drawn blood.
  1393. >Oh god, she was terrifying, stood over him like that.
  1394. >She looks back at you, fire still in her eyes and you scoot back a little, afraid she was going to come for you next.
  1395. >Her expression softens, and she looks again at Jeremy.
  1396. >She carefully climbs off of him, sitting on the arm of the chair and wrapping her forelegs around him in a gentle hug.
  1397. >He flinches back at first, but she tries again and he leans into her, his sobs stopping.
  1398. >She whispers into his ear, cooing assurances. ”Shh… shh… it’s okay.”
  1399. >What the fuck. First she wants to kill him one moment and now she’s comforting him like she’s his mother.
  1400. >He sniffs, warily revealing his face from behind his arms.
  1401. >He was in rough shape. It was swollen, red, and had a few gashes from where her hooves had split the skin. Hoof-shaped bruises were already starting to form across the injured surface.
  1402. >One of his eyes was swelling up. That would make a nasty black eye later.
  1403. >”W-why?” he asks her, looking up at her face.
  1405. >Be Solace
  1406. ”I…”
  1407. >Why did you just go from murderous rage to… this so quickly?
  1408. >You guess it was seeing Dave scared of you. You saw the fear in his eyes and in his body language.
  1409. >But it was also seeing what you had done to this poor man. As much as he fucked up… he was still human. And he didn’t know it would be permanent.
  1410. “I guess I just can’t help myself when I see broken people.”
  1411. >”I-is that what I am to you, then? Broken?”
  1412. >You lean in close again.
  1413. “I think you’re a good guy who made a bad choice. I’m sorry about what I said.”
  1414. >”No, don’t apologize, don’t do that. I deserve this, I’m a complete fuckup of a person. I should be the one apologizing to you, I should be begging you to forgive me.”
  1415. >He was right, you know. What he did was unforgivable, but you were willing to give him a second chance.
  1416. >You grab his head in your hooves and turn him towards you, looking into his eyes.
  1417. “Jerry, listen to me. I forgive you. But don’t fuck it up again, alright?”
  1418. >He opens his mouth, ready to say something about how he doesn’t deserve your forgiveness, but you cover it with a hoof.
  1419. “No, no protesting. You’re forgiven and there’s nothing you can do about it… except fuck up again. And I don’t think you’re going to do that, are you?”
  1420. >He shakes his head.
  1421. >”I… I’m sorry. About everything. People like you don’t deserve to have your life ruined like this. You’re too nice.”
  1422. “Really, it’s not terrible. Could be a lot worse… I could be dead.”
  1423. >He remains silent.
  1424. >Actually… you could be dead right now. You could’ve died so many times along the way, just in these first two days. A car could’ve hit you while you were crossing the road, someone might have kidnapped you…
  1425. >Better not to think about it. Luckily, none of those things happened, thanks to Dave.
  1426. “Do you have any more of those Pon-E pills?”
  1427. >He nods.
  1428. “Show me.”
  1429. >You climb off of him, carefully unwrapping yourself and hopping down onto the floor.
  1430. >You tell Dave you’ll be fine and to just wait in the main room.
  1431. >He stands up out of the chair and leads you into what you assume is his bedroom.
  1432. >He gets out a duffle bag from his closet and opens it.
  1433. >Inside are two ziploc bags, one has four red and white pills as well as some white powder, and the other has what you assume to be weed.
  1434. >He takes out the first bag, and you lead him back into his bathroom.
  1435. >Well that was surprising, but not unwelcome. You nod approvingly.
  1436. >He opens up the bathroom door, getting down on his knees in front of the toilet and dumping the bag in.
  1437. >He grabs the handle and you lay your hoof on top of his hand, giving him a smile.
  1438. >You both flush the toilet at the same time.
  1439. “There. It’s over.”
  1440. >”Not over. Not while you’re still a pony.”
  1441. >This again? He was right, you suppose.
  1442. “Then I guess it’ll never be over. But let’s try to make sure this never happens to anyone else, if we can help it.”
  1443. >He nods, and stands up, walking back into the main room.
  1444. >Dave had taken a seat on the couch and was staring off into space, not focusing on anything.
  1445. >You wave a hoof in front of his face.
  1446. “Dave? Dave…”
  1447. >He starts, shaking his head.
  1448. >”Nothing!”
  1449. “What?”
  1450. >”I wasn’t doing anything.”
  1451. “Right. Are you ready to go?”
  1452. >”Yeah… yeah. Let’s go.”
  1453. >He shakes hands with Jerry, who was starting to clean up around his dorm. It was a good thing you decided to stop by, you think getting a beatdown from a small horse really changed him for the better.
  1454. “Hey, Jerry?”
  1455. >”Yeah, Anon?”
  1456. “Thanks for not raping me.”
  1457. >He stared at you, wondering if you were serious or not.
  1458. >Dave gave you a look.
  1459. >You flash him a grin, and he smiles back, laughing nervously.
  1460. >”You’re, uh, welcome?”
  1461. “I’ll see you later, okay? I think we’ve gotta go get some groceries… oh! And I need to try flying again.”
  1462. >His face lit up.
  1463. >”You can fly?”
  1464. “Apparently! Have you been looking at Twitter? Or the internet at all?”
  1465. >”Not really, I hadn’t really left my room or done much of anything since, well…”
  1466. >and there goes the nice moment you had.
  1467. >”Couldn’t really live with myself for a while… couldn’t live around other people, either. Just slept and ate and smoked…”
  1468. >You hug his legs.
  1469. >He gets down on his knees and hugs you back.
  1470. >Nothing needs to be said.
  1471. >You eventually break it.
  1472. “Hey, if you’re not too busy… do you want to come see me fly later?”
  1473. >He looks like he’s about to take you up on your offer, but then he seems disappointed.
  1474. >”Can’t… I should really clean this place up, it’s disgusting.”
  1475. >You nod in understanding.
  1476. “You can come by any time, okay? Or give me a call, if you need to talk. I don’t want you to feel like that again.”
  1477. >You give him your number, and head for the door after one more hug.
  1478. >”I’ll see you later, Anon.”
  1479. >You wave.
  1480. “Bye, Jerry. Be seeing you.”
  1481. >Dave opens the door, and you head for the atrium.
  1483. >Be Dave
  1484. >Once Anon had gone back with Jerry to flush some drugs, you guess, you were left alone with nothing but your own thoughts.
  1485. >You sit down on what looks like a clean spot on the couch and bide your time.
  1486. >All you could think about was how she leapt onto his chest, pinning him down underneath her hooves.
  1487. >When she looked back at you…
  1488. >She scared you.
  1489. >You are scared of her.
  1490. >She was clearly emotionally unstable.
  1491. >Who knows how the transformation affected her brain? Could you even trust Anon to be herself?
  1492. >It still made you uncomfortable to think of her as, well, a her. You still tried to associate Anon with your intelligent, kind of ugly, mildly overweight but funny friend.
  1493. >The more you were around her, the harder it became to make that connection.
  1494. >You had begun to fall for her.
  1495. >It wasn’t even a sex thing… This was love.
  1496. >Every time she laughed, your heart fluttered a little. Every time she smiled at you, you felt like you didn’t deserve it.
  1497. >You loved her, but there was no way you could let her know that, she’d think it was creepy.
  1498. >It was kind of creepy, you had to admit, crushing on your previously male friend. But you couldn’t help it, she was just so cute, and pretty, and funny, and perfect…
  1499. >And you could tell she didn’t feel the same way about you. She was blissfully unaware of your feelings for her. And hopefully it would remain that way.
  1500. >Suddenly a white hoof comes into your vision, and you jump a little.
  1501. >”Dave? Dave…”
  1502. “Nothing!”
  1503. >She raised an eyebrow, her big blue eyes sparkling at you innocently. She laughs a little at your surprise and your heart skips a beat.
  1504. >”What?”
  1505. “I wasn’t doing anything.”
  1506. >”Right. Are you ready to go?”
  1509. >Be Solace.
  1510. >You were trotting a little faster than Dave could walk, so you tried to slow down a little.
  1511. “Hey, Dave, what do you think we need as far as groceries go?”
  1512. >You could see him running over a list in his head.
  1513. >”Oh, a little bit of everything, I think. Eggs, bread, salad stuff…”
  1514. “Alright. Maybe we can try to fly again after we go shopping?”
  1515. >”You mean you can try to fly.”
  1516. “Yeah… right…”
  1517. >”Of course we can, I’m just busting your balls.”
  1518. >You stop, and look at him seriously.
  1519. “Dave?”
  1520. >”Yeah, Anon?”
  1521. “I don’t have balls anymore.”
  1522. >He coughs, looking a little awkward.
  1523. >”...Right.”
  1524. >What a guy.
  1525. >That’s why you liked him.
  1526. >You laugh and resume your trotting.
  1527. >Coming out into the lobby, you quickly start to make your way to the exit, but the eyes of the crowd are getting to you.
  1528. >You stop, and beckon Dave over to sit with you on one of the couches.
  1529. >”What’re you doing?”
  1530. >You shush him.
  1531. “Waiting.”
  1532. >You sit and look off in no direction in particular, and wait for the people to start rolling in.
  1533. >First challenger, approach!
  1534. >”Can I-”
  1535. >You turn your head and flash him a smile.
  1536. “Of course! We charge 5 bucks up front, and 50 cents for each minute of petting after that. Cash only, no cards, sorry. You can also get up to 20% off if you give me ear scritches.”
  1537. >Dave looks at you incredulously.
  1538. >Your victim starts frantically digging around in his pockets for cash.
  1539. >Oh… he thinks you’re serious…
  1540. >That’s terrible! You’d never charge money for pets!
  1541. “Hey, man, relax, I’m just joking. C’mere.”
  1542. >You reach out a hoof and guide his hand to the top of your head.
  1543. >He nervously chuckles, and starts gently stroking your mane and your chin and neck area.
  1544. >You make a purring sound, leaning into his hands.
  1545. >His expression immediately brightened, and he giggled jovially.
  1546. >Dave smiles, content to just watch you.
  1547. >The guy’s hands move down to your wings, and you slowly extend them for him to get a better look.
  1548. >He runs his hands through the feathers, straightening the ones he finds that are out of place.
  1549. >”So, these wings aren’t just for show, huh?”
  1550. “Nope! I can actually fly… well, ‘fly’ is being generous.” you giggle, raising a hoof to your mouth.
  1551. “So far, I’ve only managed a basic hover and, well… I guess you’ve seen the video.”
  1552. >You both laugh a little at your expense.
  1553. “So, what’s your name?”
  1554. >”Chris.”
  1555. >You offer your hoof for your best imitation of a handshake.
  1556. >He takes it, but gets distracted when he touches the frog of your hoof, turning it over and marveling at the anatomy.
  1557. >You let him continue, a bit amused. He was muttering under his breath about how all the bones were in the wrong place, and was tracing over the bottom of your hoof with his other hand.
  1558. >It kind of tickles.
  1559. “Pfft… haha…!”
  1560. >You start giggling, and he realizes what he’s doing and quickly unhands you, apologizing profusely.
  1561. “No, no, I’m just ticklish, apparently! Keep going if you want, I don’t mind it at all.”
  1562. >”Just… I’ve always liked anatomy. And having new material to study like this is, well, exciting! I really find it interesting how similar the structure is to equines, but yet so alien. There’s extra bones, and muscles and ligaments that we don’t even have names for… it’s amazing. You’re amazing.”
  1563. “Coming on a bit strong, are you?”
  1564. >Chris looks confused, but gets flustered as he realizes what you mean. “No, no, it’s not like that!”
  1565. >You laugh.
  1566. “I know what you mean, don’t worry.”
  1567. >Chris resumes his pets, paying special attention to your ears.
  1568. “Ah, I see you’re going for the discount.”
  1569. >He laughs, and rewards you with a pat on your head.
  1570. >”I’ve gotta go, do you wanna talk later?”
  1571. “Yeah! I live in room 212. Come by, if you want to ‘study my anatomy’ some more.”
  1572. >you give him a shit-eating grin and he laughs it off.
  1573. >Dave seems a little miffed, though. Maybe he was getting annoyed at all the people you were inviting to come over?
  1574. “I probably won’t be back in today until 6, got some errands to run.”
  1575. >”Alright. See you some other time?”
  1576. “Totally, man.”
  1577. >You give him a hoof bump, and he hurriedly gets up to leave.
  1578. >Time to go shopping.
  1580. Begin Part 4
  1582. >You stand, and the people around you seem disappointed.
  1583. >Oh, well, they’ll have their chance eventually.
  1584. >You wave a hoof at them on your way out.
  1585. >It was a bit of a trek to Walmart, a little under half a mile, but you think you could make it.
  1586. >As long as Dave was with you, you were unstoppable! You would take over the state, then the country, then the earth! You would institute a new world order of pastel equines.
  1587. >But first, groceries.
  1588. >You trot across campus, posing for the occasional picture. You were always glad to answer questions people had, it made you happy to make them happy.
  1589. >Some just wanted to pet you, and even though it took up a little extra time you certainly weren’t going to deny them.
  1590. >As a result, the normally 30 minute walk turned into almost an hour.
  1591. >Maybe you should make some kind of post somewhere to answer these questions so strangers would stop accosting you on the street, or maybe you could stream on some website like Twitch.
  1592. >’Watch a horse play video games and answer your questions about her personal life!’
  1593. >Heh. Maybe not. Who would want to see that?
  1594. >You file it away for later.
  1595. >Before you know it, you’re standing on the edge of the parking lot, opposite the entrance.
  1596. >”You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” Dave pipes up.
  1597. >You only nod, and take a deep breath.
  1598. >Were you ready for this? Who knows what could happen in there?
  1599. >You knew the kind of people that shopped at Walmart. And the kids…
  1600. >You let out a small shudder at the thought of them rubbing their grimy fingers all over your pristine white coat, and pulling on your mane. Trying to take feathers…
  1601. >Dave notices your distress and wordlessly strokes your back.
  1602. >It feels nice.
  1603. >Alright, let’s do this.
  1604. >You put a hoof down on the asphalt and a car goes barreling past, easily doing 50 mph.
  1605. >You jump back, tripping over the curb and toppling over onto your side.
  1606. >Dave is busy yelling obscenities at the driver, who was far out of earshot by now.
  1607. >You pick yourself up and shake your head, trying to get the dirt out of your coat and mane.
  1608. >”Are you okay?”
  1609. >Dave scoops you up, much to your surprise. You’re just small enough for him to hold comfortably, but your hooves kick a little, seemingly on their own.
  1610. “Hey, Dave, man, what the hell? Put me down.”
  1611. >”I’m gonna carry you across. Parking lots are a dangerous place for cute little ponies like you.”
  1612. >He gives you a boop on your nose, and you scrunch up, snorting irritably at him.
  1613. >But you accept your fate as cargo.
  1614. >Dave starts walking, making sure to not jostle you too much.
  1615. >Being picked up and simply... moved by another person was a weird experience. You lost all control over where you could go, and were at their mercy. They could tickle you, or boop you, or drop you…
  1616. >You’re glad you’re at Dave’s mercy and not someone else’s. He’d never do any of that.
  1617. >Well, except the boop.
  1618. >Maybe you should be worried.
  1619. >You squirm a little, and Dave readjusts his grip.
  1620. >Turning your gaze forward, you can see that the customers were starting to notice you.
  1621. >There was the usual song and dance, what with pictures and the ‘aww’s. You’ve seen it quite a few times in the last couple of days.
  1622. >Dave gets to the entrance, a confused driver stopping to let you cross the road.
  1623. >He puts you on the ground, and on the way down your hooves do that kicking thing again, much to the delight of some of the onlookers.
  1624. >You huff indignantly and point your nose up in the air, striding into the store. Dave follows you.
  1626. >”Welcome to Wal-Mart… Ooh, I’m sorry sir but you can’t bring your pet inside the store.”
  1627. >The greeter smiles apologetically at Dave, but soon turns her gaze to you with a wide grin.
  1628. >”But, oh, she is sooo cute! What’s her name?”
  1629. >You open your mouth to tell her and-
  1630. >”Solace.”
  1631. >The lady’s face lit up.
  1632. >”Awwwww! What a cute name! I could watch her while you shop, if you want?”
  1633. >You could tell that it wasn’t about what Dave wanted.
  1634. >You look at him pleadingly to not leave you alone with this woman.
  1635. >He leans down and pats you on your head.
  1636. >”Does that sound good, girl? Huh? Do you wanna stay with the nice lady?”
  1637. >you were gonna kill him
  1638. >You mutter “Bark.”
  1639. >”Good girl!”
  1640. >He ruffles your mane again and stands up.
  1641. >”She’ll be fine, thank you so much.”
  1642. >The lady laughs, shaking her head.
  1643. >”Oh, no, thank you! She seems like such a dear.”
  1644. >”Believe me, she is.”
  1645. >He gives a pointed glance towards you that told you to behave yourself.
  1646. >You weren’t happy about it, but he had a point. They probably weren’t gonna let you in the store, not without a leash, at least, and there was no way in hell that was happening.
  1647. >You wave Dave goodbye with a hoof, and realize that was a huge mistake as you hear a squee from the older woman next to you.
  1648. >”Oh my gosh, he taught her to wave! So intelligent! Aren’t you just the smartest little thing?”
  1649. >She was running her hands through your mane, and rubbing your ears while doing that baby talk thing you see people do to dogs.
  1650. >You snort, blowing some mane that she had knocked down out of your eyes.
  1651. >Probably best for you to just stay silent and hope Dave gets back soon.
  1652. >You read her name tag and identify her as ‘Carol.’
  1653. >She finishes for now, and goes back to her post to greet some more people who were walking in.
  1654. >They make some remarks about you to her, but don’t address you directly. After all, you were just somebody’s cute pet, not a person.
  1655. >The new customers were more opportunities for pets, though. And there didn’t seem to be any grimy children…
  1656. >You stand up and trot over to get closer to the main thoroughfare, and you sit down next to Carol.
  1657. >She looks down in surprise.
  1658. >”Oh, you want to help me greet people?”
  1659. >You stare at her, and blink.
  1660. >”Well, sure! Of course you can, dearie. Wait right here, I just had the cutest idea.”
  1661. >You watch her hurry through a door and come back out with a little navy blue vest.
  1662. >She holds up an arm hole, and you place your hoof through, which is met with a “good girl.”
  1663. >You repeat it for the other arm, which brings it snug around your barrel and chest.
  1664. >Unfortunately, it extended a little over your wings, but you did look great in that vest!
  1665. >You stand proudly, puffing out your chest and posing.
  1666. >Carol remarks about how pretty you look, and pats your head affectionately.
  1667. >You smile at people when they walk in, just sitting there and looking cute, your partner says “Welcome to Walmart!” and life was good. Sometimes they would ask if they could pet you, and then life was even better.
  1668. >But then exactly what you were afraid of happened.
  1669. >A dirty, sticky child was coming out of the store.
  1670. >He was running around in circles around his tired parents, talking in barely coherent sentences about some dumb kid shit.
  1671. >You braced yourself for what would come next.
  1672. >His eyes locked on target as he noticed you.
  1673. >He tugged on his mother’s shirt.
  1674. >”Moooom! Mom!”
  1675. >Her tired eyes looked down at him but she managed a forced smile.
  1676. >”What is it, sweetie?”
  1677. >”Can I pet the pony? Can I Can I Can I?”
  1678. >She sighs. It had a really long day. Maybe her little brat would finally fucking shut up for 5 god damn seconds.
  1679. >Why did she agree to have a kid?
  1680. >”Yes, if her owner says it’s okay.”
  1681. >You could tell all he heard was yes.
  1682. >”Yayyyy!”
  1683. >He starts running over to you and you instinctively back up, scooting backwards along the floor.
  1684. >Your ears flop down in distress.
  1685. >You had a feeling he wouldn’t be as gentle as Melanie.
  1686. >You look at him in terror, and nearly blow your cover as a humble pet by telling him to fuck off, but luckily your partner and saviour steps in after seeing your distress.
  1687. >Carol stands in between you, and puts up a hand.
  1688. >He screeches to a stop, looking annoyed.
  1689. >You glare at him from behind her.
  1690. >”Woah, hold on there. I’m sorry, but you can’t pet her.”
  1691. >”Why?”
  1692. >”Because I said so, dear.”
  1693. >The kid drags his feet back to his parents, who leave after apologizing for their brat’s behaviour to Carol.
  1694. >He did look sad, and you felt kind of bad about it, but you really didn’t want his dirty hands on you. Or stealing bits of fur and feathers and mane.
  1695. >Dave comes back out of the store with the bags of groceries.
  1696. >He sees you in your vest and raises a singular eyebrow.
  1697. >You just shrug, as best as you can, when Carol was looking away, of course.
  1698. >”Thanks for watching over her, for me.”
  1699. >”Oh, sure! Any time. She really is just the cutest thing. Oh…! I almost forgot! You can keep the vest, we’ve got plenty in the back.”
  1700. >Item Acquired: WAGIE VEST. It grants you +5 in suicidal thoughts.
  1701. >She smiles at Dave and then gives you one last round of pets and says her goodbyes.
  1702. >She wasn’t that bad. Carol was a nice lady.
  1703. >On your way out you wave at her.
  1704. “Thanks for watching me! See you later.”
  1705. >She waves back before stopping and considering what just happened. Her jaw drops.
  1706. >You were already on your way out.
  1709. >Dave couldn’t carry you and the groceries, so you’d have to make your own way across the parking lot. Luckily, it seems that traffic had calmed down a lot.
  1710. >You step on to the hot asphalt, which burns your hoofsies a little.
  1711. >It’s bearable, though, and you start trotting across to the other side of the lot.
  1712. >You reach it with less trouble than your first attempt, and you head back towards the university.
  1713. >You don’t stop for any photos on the way, though, so you save a lot of time.
  1714. >Soon, you’re back on campus.
  1715. >You see Chris on your way in, who gives you a wave that you return.
  1716. >You take the stairs to your room and wait for Dave to open the door.
  1717. >He looks around for a place to set down the groceries. He didn’t want to put them on the floor, so he chose the next best thing.
  1718. >”Hey, Anon, mind holding these for a second?”
  1719. “What? Dave I don’t even have han-”
  1720. >You feel a weight on your back.
  1721. >You look back and see three bags resting there, and glare at Dave.
  1722. “Hey, I don’t appreciate being used as a table!”
  1723. >He just shrugs and picks them up again, the door open.
  1724. >”Sorry.”
  1725. >You follow Dave inside and gently kick the door shut behind you.
  1726. >Dave was putting away his haul from the store. Looks like he just got the usual stuff, like milk and eggs and bread, as well as more greens for you. You weren’t really looking forward to eating rabbit food all the time, but it was better than eating nothing at all.
  1727. >He also brought out some oversized clothes.
  1728. >”These are for you. Just some large t-shirts, some shorts, things like that. I also got you a beanie and another hat or two.”
  1729. “Man, you really went all out, didn’t you?”
  1730. >He nods, and digs into the bag.
  1731. >”Here, I got you these, too.”
  1732. >He holds up a pair of large sunglasses that look like they could fit over your eyes but still stay on your head securely.
  1733. >”I thought those big eyes of yours might need a little protection. They must let in a ton of light. I don’t want you getting your vision fucked up.”
  1734. “Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.”
  1735. >”No problem. Here, try em on.”
  1736. >You extend your neck and he carefully places the glasses on your nose.
  1737. >The stems press snugly into the side of your head.
  1738. >When you open your eyes, you can see they cover most of your vision. It was already pretty dark inside the apartment, so you couldn’t see much.
  1739. “Guess they work, I’m almost blind as a bat in here.”
  1740. >He laughs and takes them off, putting them in a new bag he just got out.
  1741. >”I also got you this. I think it should drape pretty well off of your... flanks… ?” he shrugs, not knowing the word. You were always better at anatomy.
  1742. >You nod.
  1743. “Yeah, flanks, I think.”
  1744. >It looks like he managed to tie two purses’ straps together pretty well, and they should work as makeshift saddlebags.
  1745. >You turn around and face away from him and stick out your rear. After a moment of hesitation (You guess he was trying to figure out how to put them on without causing you discomfort?), he sets them down over your flanks.
  1746. >He adjusts the straps, and they seem to fit pretty well.
  1747. >You spin around a few times, and they don’t look like they’re going to fall off.
  1748. “They’re great! I love them. Thanks, Dave!”
  1749. >You give him a big smile. You love these new bags! You were kind of skeptical about wearing a literal horse accessory but now that they’re on they feel great.
  1750. >You could carry so much shit in these!
  1751. >He chuckles at your delight, and resumes putting away the food.
  1752. >”Hey, what do you want to eat for lunch?”
  1753. >That’s a good question.
  1754. “I dunno, some kind of sandwich?”
  1755. >”...sure. I’ll get started on that.”
  1756. >You don’t deserve Dave, really.
  1757. >You trot back into your room, wearing your saddlebags with your new clothes in them, and place them by the door.
  1758. >You’d sort them out later.
  1759. >You couldn’t really go to sleep, it was only 3 o’clock. What else can you do?
  1760. >You had left your phone- Ooh! Something else you could carry in your new bags.
  1761. >You spend a little time scrolling through Twitter, and realize how much you hate the site and everyone who uses it. It was the most useful way to get information on what people were saying about you, though…
  1762. >You knew you had a thread on 4chan. Maybe you should try looking on /mlp/?
  1763. >What’s the worst that could happen?

Chad is a deet (part one)

by LyraHStrings

Veterinary Science

by LyraHStrings

Apogee the Astromare

by LyraHStrings

Solace/Jerry Alternate Scene 1

by LyraHStrings

Serious Business

by LyraHStrings