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Chad is a deet (part one)

By LyraHStrings
Created: 2020-12-17 23:21:45
Expiry: Never

  1. I wrote this as a CYOA sort of thing on the PTFG discord. Their responses are in [i]italics[/i].
  3. >be chad
  4. >Out at the lodge with your other chad friends
  5. >drunk as fuck
  6. >Chad two turns to you, slapping you on the shoulder. "like, hey man... we should fuck that deer on the wall."
  7. >You stare at him.
  8. >what.
  9. >Who knew chad two was such a great, intelligent thinker.
  10. "Sounds like a fuckin great time, get it down!"
  11. >you and your other chad friends cheer and stand on a couch, reaching up and taking the mounted buck off of the wall, setting it on the coffee table.
  12. >You all look at each other, wondering who was going to go first.
  13. >Chad four speaks up. "Hey... look, I'm not gay, I'm out of here. Not gonna watch you fucks defile this deer."
  14. >Chad three looks worried, and all the others seem to be pussying out.
  15. >Not you!
  16. "What happened to this being such a great idea, huh? Here, look, nothing to be afraid of."
  17. >you unzip your dick, standing in front of the decapitated deer head.
  18. >Time to show this deer who's the superior animal.
  19. >"Time to show this deer who's boss!" you repeat, approaching it and roughly force your member into the deer's mouth.
  20. >why is it so... fleshy in there? Like it was still alive.
  21. >The other chads laugh, but you get a worried look on your face as a sense of unease comes over you.
  22. "Hey... I don't think this is a normal deer, man."
  23. >Chad two scoffs.
  24. >"You're not chickening out on us now, are you?"
  25. "No, never." you say, and with determination go balls deep.
  26. "See? Not chicken. Fuckin... deer, dude. This deer is my bitch."
  27. >You all share a laugh, and you go to pull out but to your surprise, it seems to be stuck.
  28. >"Hey, look, chad one got his dick stuck in the deer!" somebody yells out, and it's met with rambunctious laughter.
  29. "Yeah, yeah, very funny. I'm stuck, though, for real. It's, like, pulling on me."
  30. >It was pulling on you. Uh oh. You start to panic
  31. >With renewed effort, you try to get out of the deer, but its grip is like iron... maybe if you...-
  32. >With a POP you fall onto the floor, dick free of deer.
  33. >Nobody wanted to go after that.
  34. >...
  35. >The deer was put back on the wall, but you started to feel... itchy.
  36. >You scratch at the spot, but it was slowly spreading to your entire body.
  37. >The other chads had all gone back to their respective rooms, they made you clean up since you were the sick fuck who decided to defile a dead deer.
  38. >Suddenly, the itching increases ten fold.
  39. >Oh god. Oh fuck. Your arm hair is getting longer, and more is sprouting up.
  40. >You can't stand anymore. You collapse on the couch, the itching turning into a burning as you feel your bones shifting.
  41. >Shakily lifting up a hand, you notice the fingers collapsing into each other, combining into two distinct shapes.
  42. >"F-fuck me... what was in that weed chad five brought? This shit is fucked up-" you realize your voice is changing too, becoming more high pitched.
  43. >You feel two small nubs forming at the top of your forehead. As you throw your hands up to feel, you realize that they're horns. On the way up, you also felt your ears elongating...
  44. >"Ow- Ow, fuck, what was- GAH!" you feel your spine rearranging, your limbs taking up different positions.
  45. >you shut your eyes tight, just waiting for it all to be over and praying for it to stop.
  46. >Eventually, it does.
  47. >Shakily, you open your eyes...
  48. >"What in the fuck."
  49. >Looking down at your body, you see a long, furred neck extending down into a brown, also furred torso speckled with white dots. Tucked underneath are two... forelegs. Extending one, you see a cloven hoof.
  50. >"What am I... am I a... deer?"
  51. >And what the hell was up with your voice. It didn't even... sound like you. Sounded like your girlfriend.
  52. >oh god
  53. >You weren't a deer
  54. >You were a doe.
  56. >a deer, a female deer
  57. >you sung to yourself inside your head, still not believing it.
  58. >"I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. Just a nightmare. Come on... wake up..."
  59. >you shut your eyes tight, trying to ignore your current predicament.
  60. >when nothing happened, you opened them again.
  61. >"Okay. So, this is happening. How? Who the fuck knows."
  62. >First order of business, try to get up.
  63. >You struggle to move your legs out from under you, the muscles alien to you.
  64. >Eventually you manage it.
  65. >Now is the hard part.
  66. >You gently shuffle them over the edge of the couch, and awkwardly scooch over to try to fall off onto your fee- hooves.
  67. >Ow, fuck. It didn't work, you just fell off. But, now, standing should be easy...
  68. >Legs wobbling, you stand up. You were much shorter than you were in your previous form, which was surely the absolute image of manliness. Now you seemed to be about 4 feet tall, definitely a lot of height lost there.
  69. >Probably wouldn't be getting any girls like this, at least you still have your little man.
  70. >wait.
  71. >"No! No, fuck, this can't be happening! My dick! It's gone."
  72. >you stick you head between your front legs.
  73. >Yep. Nothing back there.
  74. >You're not sure what to do...
  76. -====================-
  78. >Standing there defeated, you look around the living room in the lodge.
  79. >There was the kitchen, full of beer and pizza, and some other food, you think.
  80. >A full length mirror on the wall, next to the bathrooms, which were at the end of the hall where all the bedrooms were.
  81. >The... deer head.
  82. >The sliding glass door leading outside onto the deck. Peering through the window, you can see it's snowing outside.
  83. >The couch you just got up from, and some other bits and bobs of furniture.
  85. [i]Get comfy[/i]
  87. >You sigh. No point in trying to fix it, you don't really know how you even became a... doe.
  88. >Climbing back onto the couch, you lay on your side, trying to use your useless hooves to spread a blanket over your form.
  89. >You succeed, and close your eyes in content. It was so warm. And soft. And-
  90. >No! No, you have to stay awake. What if the other chads find you...
  91. >You have to make a decision. You can sleep and deal with this shit in the morning, on the account of you being way too tired- and, who knows, it might just be a dream that you'll wake up from.
  92. >Or you can get up and try to fix this.
  94. [i]just pass out and deal with it when you wake up[/i]
  96. >screw it, you're already comfortable.
  97. >And you are tired as fuck... wouldn't hurt to... close your eyes for a little bit.
  98. >Letting out a cute yawn you tuck yourself into the blanket and go to sleep.
  100. >...
  103. >groggily, you open your eyes and look over at chad three and chad four, who are promptly losing their shit.
  104. >"shut up, dude, you'll wake it- oh, shit, it's awake."
  105. >Blinking, you try to stand up.
  106. >"Yep, definitely awake! What the fuck do we do?"
  107. >"Do we shoot it?"
  108. >Uh oh, you better do something, and fast.
  110. [i]Scream like a deer, run around and break things, then run out into the snowy wilderness[/i]
  113. >PANIC.EXE
  114. >You get up from the couch and start sprinting around the room, smashing objects much to the chagrin of the other chads.
  115. >"What the hell is it doing now?"
  116. >"Dude, open the door, we gotta get it outside!"
  117. >with a mighty REEEEEEEEE that would make your friend Anonymous proud, you smash into the glass door... and promptly bounce off with a strong thud. Seems you're not that heavy, being a young doe.
  118. >"OW FUCK" you scream, falling onto the ground.
  119. >"Did it just say fuck?"
  120. >"Yeah, dude, I distinctly heard "fuck." Do you think it can talk?"
  121. >they look at each other, then back at you.
  122. >Do you let them know that you're human and one of them?
  124. [i]Hell no.[/i]
  126. >You clam up, looking at them in fear. Couldn't let them know you were Chad One, who knows what sick, twisted things they would do to you!
  127. >"Guess we just imagined it. What do you wanna do? We can't kill it, deer aren't in season..."
  128. >"Hey, man, this one's a doe, too. Real young, just noticed.
  129. >they sigh, and one of them opens the door you crashed into.
  130. >"Go on, get. You made a big mess." one of them says, giving a nudge with his foot on your rump.
  131. >You warily get up and wobble outside, and they roughly close the door behind you.
  132. >Fuck, it's cold. That fur doesn't do shit.
  133. >It's still dark outside, but you can just barely see. By your estimates it looks like it's 4 am, the sun won't be up for another 2 or 3 hours.
  134. >You're fucked. You need to get back inside before you die out here. But how?
  136. [i]look around for other entrances, maybe there’s an open window or an unlocked door[/i]
  138. >Better look around, hopefully one of them left a window unlocked.
  139. >Carefully making your way through the snow, you walk around the house looking for a way in...
  140. >There! It's a room, the window was cracked. Good, ice was starting to form on your snout.
  141. >Clumsily lifting a hoof to push open the window, you hook both front legs over the edge of the windowsill and try to pull yourself up.
  142. >Unfortunately, you aren't as strong as when you were a chad, and you can't get through...
  143. >An idea comes to your mind, and you back up and take a running leap into the window.
  144. >Ow. Pain. Fuck.
  145. >You shoot through the window, colliding with a desk. Looking around the room, you see a bed, and-
  146. >crash
  147. >A vase fell on your head, making almost as much noise as you did when you came in.
  148. >Suddenly, the room is bathed in light as Chad Five sits up in his bed and stares at you.
  149. >...
  150. >You looked at him.
  151. >He looked at you, a doe, a deer, a female deer here in his room.
  152. >What do?
  154. [i]let’s go with deer in the headlights[/i]
  156. >You remained silent, and continued staring.
  157. >He kept staring, as well, before finally he spoke up.
  158. >"So, like, are you real, dude?"
  159. >You didn't know how to answer that question.
  160. >Explain?
  162. [i]make a cute deet noise[/i]
  164. >you make a cute deet noise, and blink at him.
  165. >He shrugs, and says, "Guess you are."
  166. >"You look cold, want a blanket?"
  167. >You weren't expecting this.
  168. >You slowly get up and walk over to his bed, and he drapes a blanket over you.
  169. >"I'm gonna go back to sleep, you, like, sleep on the floor, or something."
  170. >he gets up to shut the window, before walking back to the bed and lying down.
  171. >He reaches over to give you ear scritches.
  172. >Ooooooh. Ear scritches. They feel so good.
  173. >You lean into his hand, closing your eyes in content.
  174. >But they're over too soon.
  175. >He takes his hand back, and turns off the light, going still.
  176. >At least he didn't threaten to shoot you. Or kick you out.
  177. >May as well try to sleep as best you can.
  178. >Or, you could get up and roam the house some more... though you are feeling pretty tired. And warm.
  179. >And there's shooty Chads.
  180. >No, sleeping sounds better.
  182. >...
  184. >You wake up, golden sunlight filtering in through the window onto the destroyed desk and miscellaneous smashed belongings.
  185. >Wincing, you look up to Chad 5. He looks to still be asleep...
  186. >Do you wake him?
  188. [i]let’s snuggle up next to him and conserve body heat[/i]
  190. >You climb into bed, the morning was cold, and so were you.
  191. >But Chad was warm. And so was his bed.
  192. >He probably wouldn't mind if you snuggled up next to him, right?
  193. >You nuzzle into him, resting a leg across his chest and closing your eyes.
  194. >No homo, though. Snuggles purely for the purpose of warmth.
  195. >You feel him stir, trying to sit up but notices you on him.
  196. >He chuckles a little bit, and gently prods you while moving your leg off of him.
  197. >"Hey, sleepy head, I told you to sleep on the floor."
  198. >You shrug as best you can, rolling out of the bed and clumsily standing up.
  199. >He does the same, and you look at each other.
  200. >"Are you hungry?"
  201. >you nod.
  202. >"Me too. Stay here, I'm gonna get something to eat."
  203. >Chad five exits the room.
  204. >What do now?
  206. [i]Obviously Chad 5 knows. So you should wait on him to return, hiding underneath the covers.[/i]
  208. >You jump back into bed, covering yourself with the various pillows and blankets.
  209. >Totally invisible.
  210. >Now, to lie in wait...
  212. >Be Chad 5
  213. >A deer fucking came in through your window last night.
  214. >It seemed kind of cute though, maybe you'll keep it around as a pet, or something.
  215. >But now hunger took priority.
  216. >Leaving the deer in the room and closing the door behind you, you walk out to the kitchen.
  217. >Two other chads were there, three and four you think.
  218. >Grabbing a bowl of cereal, you sit down.
  219. >"Hey, dude, you won't fuckin believe it. There was a deer in the house."
  220. >Did Chad 3 just speak to you?
  221. "What?"
  222. >"Yeah, a doe was on the couch early in the morning, we woke up to go to the bathroom and there's just a fuckin deer in the living room." Chad Four backed him up
  223. >Huh.
  224. >"There were no signs of entry, like no broken windows, and the doors were still locked. How do you think it got in?"
  225. "That's weird."
  226. >"I'll say, we were gonna shoot it, but we decided to just let it out. It probably froze to death, anyways, it's like ten below.
  227. "Right..."
  228. >Maybe you should tell them about the deer in your room? Could they be linked together?
  229. >Though who knows what they would do.
  231. [i]look around for chad one[/i]
  233. "Have you seen Chad One?" (the deer is Chad One)
  234. >"No, I guess he's still sleeping."
  235. "Yeah..."
  236. >Weird. Usually he's the first one up, though you suppose he was up pretty late last night
  237. >Grabbing some... what do deers eat, anyway? A carrot is probably a safe bet, right?
  238. >You head back to your room.
  239. >"Saving a snack for later, huh Chad Five?" one of them calls.
  240. "Uhh... yeah! Gotta eat healthy to stay fit."
  241. >Breathing a sigh of relief at your master deception you open the door and shut it behind you.
  242. >Oh no.
  243. >The deer was gone!
  244. >wait no there it was, its hind legs were sticking out from a sheet.
  245. >Getting an idea, you sneak up behind and tickle the soft part of its hooves.
  247. >be chad one, now doe.
  248. >You heard the door open and shut, and the shuffling of movement.
  249. >He must be back! Your master plan to scare him will work.
  250. >Tensing up to get ready to pounce, any moment now...
  251. >...
  252. >Suddenly something tickles your hooves.
  253. >You curl up, the blanket falling off of you and you let out a surprised deet noise.
  255. >Chad laughs, and extends his arm, with a carrot in it.
  256. >Fuck yes. Carrots are awesome
  257. >You take it out of his hand and munch on it appreciatively.
  258. >so good
  259. >You lick his hand, trying to get out more carrot taste.
  260. >Woah. Where did that come from? Why did you just lick his fucking hand. That's gay as fuck
  261. >Whatever, hopefully he'll never find out-
  262. >"Are you Chad One?"
  263. >uh
  264. >Should you explain or just feign ignorance?
  266. [i]Explain as best as possible.
  267. (And hope you aren't about to be :rape:d.)[/i]
  269. "Yes."
  270. >he just kind of looks at you.
  271. >Blinking, he says, "What, how? You don't sound like Chad at all."
  272. "Well, yeah, I can talk. And I don't know how this happened."
  273. >"Why are you a deer? And a girl?"
  274. "If I don't know how this happened how do you expect me to know why I became this in particular?"
  275. >"I don't believe you, what if you killed chad and took his place?!"
  276. >ugh. So much for being the intelligent one.
  277. >"Whatever, you're way cuter than Chad One was. I'll take it."
  278. >barf. But you still blushed a little...- Damn it.
  279. "Please don't do that."
  280. >"What?"
  281. "Call me cute."
  282. >"Alright, man-"
  283. "Damn straight! I'm a grown ass man I won't fucking tolerate this shit."
  284. >he lets out badly concealed laughter.
  285. >"Oh my god, you're so cute when you swea- right, sorry. But it's just so... pfft."
  286. >You blush indignantly, which only intensifies his laughter.
  287. "I-it's not funny! What if this is permanent? What if I'm stuck as a fucking deer forever?"
  288. >fucking deer
  289. >That conjured some disturbing images
  290. >"I'm sure it'll be fine, now, what do you want to do about this... I think it would be better if we just kept it between us, right? The two chads you saw earlier think you're dead out in the snow, so as long as none of them know you're here... maybe you can live through this."
  291. >Should you keep it between you two?
  292. >He seems nice enough... maybe he'll be able to get you home. Would you even want to get home?
  294. [i]You should probably tell them to reduce the likelyhood you're discovered and shot.[/i]
  297. "Nah, man, we need to tell them, what if they find me?"
  298. >"That's a good point... just ripping the band-aid off. Alright, let's do it."
  299. >you both walk to the door, but you stop.
  300. >Are you really doing this?
  301. >Admitting to your whole group of "friends" that you were now a cute, vulnerable doe?
  303. [i]What if you were :rape:d, to harvest your deer musk like that thread on /k/? Time to panic.[/i]
  305. >Panic.
  306. >You backpedal, bumping against the opposite wall and cowering.
  307. "I can't do it."
  308. >"Why not?"
  309. "I don't know... it's as if some otherworldly force is deciding my fate for me."
  310. >"Are you sure you didn't take any drugs?"
  311. >Did you?
  312. >No, you guys didn't even have weed.
  313. >"Well, if you're uncomfortable with it... I guess we can just keep it between us."
  314. >Thank god.
  315. >"But what do you want to do now?"
  317. [i]Obviously snuggle up against Chad, hiding your head underneath the covers, only your snoot sticking out to breath in the cool air.[/i]
  319. >Cuddles.
  320. >You needed cuddles, pride be damned.
  321. >You climb back into bed and pull the blankets over you, curling up and extending your cold, wet snootle from under the blankets.
  322. >Chad looks at you, shaking his head with a smile.
  323. >"You know, Chad One, I never took you to be the cuddly type."
  324. >you remain silent, pulling the blankets tighter around you.
  325. >"Okay, fine, I'll bite, c'mere you."
  326. >He gets under the covers with you, wrapping his arm around your chest and holding you close.
  327. >Warm. It's so warm, and soft.
  328. >The rising and falling of Chad's chest is hypnotic, almost putting you back to sleep if you were tired enough.
  329. >He gives you more scritches, on your ears, your neck... your belly.
  330. >BELLY RUBS.
  331. >You squirm, enthralled by the unknown pleasure of belly rubs.
  332. >"Oh, somebody likes having their belly scratched."
  333. >it wasn't fair
  334. >You weren't supposed to like this
  335. >You were a Chad, not some... innocent, helpless wide-eyed doe in your friend's bed.
  336. >oh god, that's exactly what you were, now
  337. >Whatever cosmic entity brought this fate upon you must be having a good laugh.
  338. >Snuggles are nice, you could stay like this forever.
  340. [i]Maintain this state of being for as long as possible.[/i]
  342. >You decide to maintain this state for as long as possible.
  343. >The scritches continue for what feels like hours, though it could've been minutes.
  344. >Eventually, as all good things do, they come to an end.
  345. >You whine a little.
  346. "Why did you stop?"
  347. >"The other chads and I were gonna go out and, uh..."
  348. >he looks away.
  349. >Oh. Oh, right, the hunting trip, why you all were out there.
  350. "No need to censor like that... I'm one of you, remember?"
  351. >"Just thought it might be a little weird, seeing as how you're... you know."
  352. >You weren't sure if he was a chad. Maybe he was named wrong.
  353. "Do you really have to go?"
  354. >"yeah... they'll get suspicious if I don't."
  355. >"Do you think you can handle yourself for a few hours?"
  356. >Could you?
  357. >You knew where the food was...
  358. >Chad got out and started getting dressed, but stopped just as he was starting to get his pajama shirt off.
  359. >"Oh, uh, you're in here, right"
  360. >"This is kind of awkward."
  361. >This guy. You literally took out your dick and shoved it inside a dead deer earlier in front of everyone.
  362. "It's fine, I can look away if you want."
  363. >"Please."
  364. >Turning around, you look out the window.
  365. >The sun was brightly shining in, bathing you in golden light.
  366. >Snow covered the ground and evergreen trees, the hills rising up into the distance.
  367. >It was beautiful.
  368. >...
  369. >Eventually, Chad finishes getting dressed.
  370. >"Alright, I'm heading out now, you should be able to see us leave through the window, so you'll know it's clear. I'll give you some kind of signal, so be watching, okay?"
  371. >You nod. It hurt to see him go, but he did agree to go on that trip. And he couldn't exactly pretend to be under the weather, seeing as how he got up nice and early and was looking fine.
  372. >With one last ear scratch he leaves, shutting the door behind him.
  373. >Now to wait.
  375. >be chad five
  376. >So, Chad one was a doe.
  377. >A deer, a female deer.
  378. >you're sure somebody somewhere is getting tired of that joke
  379. >And she- he was cute. And soft. And warm. And quite nice to snuggle with.
  380. >You weren't gay, or a faggot that fucks animals, but you had to admit that it was really cozy in bed with the deer.
  381. >The other chads were out and about... sans chad one, of course. They all looked mostly ready to go.
  382. >"Hey, chad, what took you so long? Were you rubbing one out in there?"
  383. >You all laughed.
  384. "Everyone ready?"
  385. >"Yeah, guns are on the ATV, thinking we spread out and see what we can bag.
  386. >None of you had permits.
  387. >But you doubted there would be a ranger all the way out here, at this time of month.
  388. >You all bundle up and head outside.
  390. >be the doe
  391. >You waited at the window for what seemed like ages, before you caught sight of them exiting the house.
  392. >Your chad turned back and gave you a little wave, which you tried to return with a hoof.
  393. >One of the other chads elbows him, laughing, before turning back and nearly seeing you.
  394. >you duck down, falling onto your legs.
  395. >after some time, you get back up and look through the window.
  396. "They're gone."
  397. >And you're alone...
  398. >What do you do now?
  400. [i]explore the house, see if you can find the deer head[/i]
  402. >Getting up and walking to the door, you face your first hurdle.
  403. >Round doorknobs.
  404. >Damn these designers! Round doorknobs sucked.
  405. >Maybe you could open it with your mouth... eugh.
  406. >you try it anyway
  407. >It worked, holy shit
  408. >The door pops open, and you stick your head out into the hallway
  409. >Nobody around.
  410. >making soft clip-clops with your hooves you exit the room and walk out into the living room.
  411. >The deer head is gone.
  412. >Was it on the wall when you woke up...?
  413. >You can't remember.
  414. >Doesn't matter, anyways, your one chance at possibly finding a way to reverse this was gone.
  415. >What next..?
  417. [i]clip clop your cute lil hoofsies on the hardwood floor[/i]
  419. >walking to the kitchen, your little hoofsies make soft clip-clops on the hardwood floor.
  420. >You had to admit it was pretty fuckin adorable
  421. >You walk back and forth, snorting at the sounds you made.
  422. >Looking around the room, you see an old box TV that looks like its from the 80s, you think it works. Then of course there's the kitchen, if you feel hungry, the bathroom if you need to... go.
  423. >And the bedrooms.
  424. >What do?
  426. [i]let’s sniff through the chads bedrooms, see if there’s anything good[/i]
  428. >time to get down and dirty
  429. >Who knows what crazy stuff your fellow chads have in their bedrooms?
  430. >Walking over to the closest one, chad two's you think, you grab the handle in your mouth and open the door.
  432. (This part was decided entirely by ptfg ponies, and is based completely on their input.)
  434. >Football. Football everywhere.
  435. >How obsessed was this fucker?
  436. >He had Madden posters, and a signed football on a little stand on his desk.
  437. >He apparently was also the top quarterback back in high school.
  438. >Huh. Didn't know that
  439. >Moving on to the next room, three, you believe, you open the door to find...
  441. >Seemingly nothing. Time to do a little more snooping
  442. >Opening up the drawers in his desk leads you to find that he's...
  443. >A furry. A massive fucking furfag.
  444. >Why did he have printed copies of furry porn?
  445. >A lot of it was deer focused.
  446. >You know, that explained a lot
  447. >Grabbing his nondescript brown blanket in your mouth and tugging it off of the bed reveals a deer in the dakimakura pose, giving a sultry look.
  448. >At least this one didn't have deer bits on it.
  449. >tutting in disgust you turn around to leave, and spot a vape on the desk that you didn't notice before
  450. >Reading the label on the recharge capsule reveals that it's deer musk scented
  451. >What in the actual fuck
  452. >You feel like you want to throw up
  453. >There is no way in fuck are you getting anywhere near that thing.
  454. >You exit, and move on to Chad Four's room, opening the door to find...
  456. >That was a lot of swastikas.
  457. >Why did he bring this shit on a camping trip?
  458. >You thought you would've seen some red flags before this, but he was really good at hiding this, apparently.
  459. >And he was a ponyfag.
  460. >There was a plush character on the bed, with a white coat and a blonde mane.
  461. >They were dressed in full Nazi uniform, and their hoof was extended in a smol "sieg heil"
  462. >You wanted to forget this ever happened
  464. [i]let’s look out the window, surely some time has passed[/i]
  465. [i]boop your adorable snootle to the glass, and pout pitifully[/i]
  467. >you walk over to the big glass door and press your snoot to it for the second time that morning.
  468. >It was still bright as hell outside. Maybe it was noon?
  469. >Looking at the clock confirmed your suspicions.
  470. >12:35
  471. >It had only been two hours
  472. >Draping yourself on the couch, you huff and go limp.
  473. >Soooooooo bored.
  475. [i]is the doe hungry? tired? about to succumb to doe instincts while they’re alone?[/i]
  477. >You're hungry, you realize.
  478. >What could you make
  479. >Walking over to the kitchen, you open the fridge.
  480. >What find?
  482. [i]beer and a full vegetable drawer for gains[/i]
  484. >Beer. How you missed beer.
  485. >Taking out a six pack, holding it in your mouth, you set it on the floor. There. That covers beverages.
  486. >There are also vegetables. Carrots, lettuce of all flavors, and a cucumber.
  487. >You just had a carrot... Lettuce it is then. The cucumber you would save for later.
  488. >You try to take the bag of lettuce to the table- you weren't gonna eat off the floor like some kind of animal.
  489. >You go back for the bottled beer, and put the top in your mouth and pop the cap off with your powerful doe teeth.
  490. >you could get used to this.
  491. >Taking a chug of your first beer, you find it tastes just as terrible as it did when you were human.
  492. >At least that hasn't changed
  493. >But as you drink more, you start to feel really buzzed. Like, a lot.
  494. >Your doe metabolism can't handle more than one beer?! Fucking lame.
  495. >"Fahcking lame." you repeat.
  496. >You stick your head into the bag and start monching on some lettuce.
  497. >At least this tastes better. You suppose you're going to be eating a lot more greens than you did before.
  498. >be the drunk, but now satisfied doe
  499. >What do?
  501. [i]stumble around drunkly like a derp[/i]
  503. >You try to get up from your sitting position but fall over with your hooves sticking straight up into the air.
  504. "Heck."
  505. >You right yourself and stumble back to what you think is chad five's room.
  506. >It looks pretty similar, at least.
  507. >Probably wouldn't mind if you just... got in bed and slept this off.
  508. >He'd come find you when they got back.
  509. >But now you're just going to...
  510. snore
  511. >...
  512. >...
  513. >...
  514. >BANG
  515. >With a start you wake up to the sound of loud voices and the slam of a door.
  516. >Looking around, you notice next to you is the deet body pillow...
  517. >Oh no
  518. >It sounds like the other chads are home.
  519. >And you are definitely in the wrong room.
  520. >How are you gonna get out of this?
  522. [i]hide in the closet[/i]
  524. >you jump off of the bed in a panic and dash into the closet
  525. >you shut the door behind you the best you can and make yourself as small as possible, throwing a few clothes over you.
  526. >Just in the nick of time, as Chad Three enters his room right when you close the door.
  528. >Be Chad Five
  529. >You had fun on the hunt, but none of you shot anything.
  530. >The closest you got was when you accidentally kicked a rabbit that ran into your legs then dashed off.
  531. >Back at home, you came in to see that the lettuce and the beer was out on the coffee table, and mentally facepalmed.
  532. >Come on, doe, don't leave the shit out, they might suspect something
  533. >You pick it up and put it back in the fridge-
  534. >oh no
  535. >He had beer.
  536. >Who knows what the metabolism of deer is like.
  537. >"Jeeze, chad, I'm fucking tired, gonna go hit the hay." chad three spoke up.
  538. "Yeah, yeah, me too."
  539. >You go back to your room, to find the doe and tell him off for drinking
  540. >Opening your door, you find that they're not there.
  541. >Oh god oh fuck-
  542. >Heh, they're probably just under the sheets again, right?
  543. >You pounce onto the bed, but only collide with the misshapen sheets.
  544. >You check the closet- nada.
  545. >You quietly call out...
  546. >No response.
  547. >Uh oh
  548. >You rush outside of your room, into the hallway.
  549. >Time to start searching.
  550. >You check the bathroom- nothing.
  551. >Suddenly, you hear an exclamation from Chad Three...
  552. >oh fuck
  553. >Running into his room you find that he's frantically trying to cover up the body pillow he brought, as well as the deer porn hidden in his desk drawers.
  554. "Chad, what the fuck?"
  555. >He's got nothing to say.
  556. >You just hope Chad One didn't see this.
  558. >Speaking of, right, you should be looking for them.
  559. >Chad three left, in shame, closing the door behind him.
  560. >You hear a slight sniffling coming from the closet.
  561. >You open the door, and find a cowering doe waiting for you...
  562. >He breaks into tears. You didn't even know deer could cry.
  564. >Be doe
  565. >You thought you were gonna get fucking :rape:d.
  566. >You were sure that dirty furry fucker was gonna open the closet and strap you to the bed and...
  567. >You shudder.
  568. >But you heard your Chad's voice, and everything was turning out for the better.
  569. >But the closet opened and you flinched, burying your head between your hooves.
  570. >You felt a comforting hand on your side, and one on your head.
  571. >He picks you up, and hugs you, stroking your back and telling you, quietly, that it'll all be okay.
  572. >you sniffle again, resting your head on his shoulder.
  573. "I-I thought I was gonna get raped..."
  574. >you stutter at him.
  575. >"I know, I know, it'll be okay. We'll get you back, Chad, don't worry..."
  576. >god you don't know why he was so calming but he was
  577. >"I have an idea... stay here."
  578. >You weren't going anywhere, anyways.
  579. >He sets you down and peeks his head outside, stepping out and closing the door.
  581. >Be chad again.
  582. >You were going to kill that fucker chad three, but not now.
  583. >First you had to make sure your little doe was safe...
  584. >How to cause a distraction so you could get her into your room?
  585. >you consider hiding her- HIM. Can't start thinking like that. You consider hiding him under your shirt... but that would be obvious as fuck and you're not sure if he would fit
  586. >Think... what would a chad do?
  588. [i]hoist it over your shoulder and carry it proudly back to your room[/i]
  590. >You're not sure if showing them your power level- er, your new doe friend would be a good idea, you'd like to keep this private
  592. [i]just take the deet with a bunch of laundry[/i]
  594. >you go back into chad three's room and grab a laundry basket.
  596. >Be Doe
  597. >Chad came back in, and told you to get in the laundry basket.
  598. >you did so.
  599. >He started filling it up with clothes...
  600. >Some of them were dirty.
  601. >A pair of underpants falls on your nose.
  602. "Eww, getitoffgetitoff!"
  603. >chad winces and gently takes it off of your snoot.
  604. >You feel it land on your back instead, and suddenly a larger weight falls, blocking out most of your view and obscuring you from the outside.
  605. >You can just barely see through a small slat cut into the plastic.
  606. >"Alright, chad, I'm gonna pick you up now... don't move or make a sound, okay?"
  607. >You brace yourself...
  609. Be chad.
  610. >You gingerly pick up the laundry basket with your little doe in it.
  611. >He shifted a little, but remained still after that.
  612. >Time to do this.
  613. >Walking out into the hallway, you don't see Chad three anywhere.
  614. >Good. He makes you sick.
  615. >"Where you going with all that laundry?"
  616. >a chad noticed.
  617. >They both turn to look at you. (For clarification there are 5 chads including DoeChad)
  618. >You just give them a sly grin and hold a finger up to your lips.
  619. "You see Chad three, don't tell him."
  620. >you carefully show them the body pillow, not revealing the real deet underneath
  621. >They frown in disgust.
  622. >"Didn't think he was a furry..."
  623. >"Why'd he even bring that?"
  624. >"Fuckin disgusting."
  625. >Satisfied, you pick the basket up again and take it into your room, setting it on the bed.
  626. >"Alright, it's safe, you can come out."
  627. >a small snoot makes its way out of the pile of laundry, twitching, and soon the rest of the doe reveals himself.
  628. >be Doe
  629. >That was terrifying. You were sure they were gonna catch you, there.
  630. >Now, you're safe back in your chad's room...
  631. >You weren't really tired, but cuddles would probably change that.
  632. >kicking the dirty laundry off of the bed, you lie down.
  633. >Cuddle with Chad and go back to sleep?
  635. YES.
  637. >Chad climbs into bed with you, putting one arm across your withers and another across your chest and hugging you.
  638. >"Are you okay?"
  639. >that's sweet
  640. "Not... not really. I was not okay back there."
  641. >and you really weren't. You feared for your life.
  642. >When did that happen?
  643. >You were normally so fearless, an alpha male.
  644. >You would've laughed and just kicked the balls of whoever thought they could :rape: you.
  645. >But now that wasn't important.
  646. >What mattered now was being here with chad, safe in bed.
  647. "...hold me, please."
  648. >Chad complied, hugging you tighter, and running a hand across your head and around your ears.
  649. >you lay like that for a while, forgetting all about what just happened, focusing only on the here and now
  650. >and the here and now was so comfy
  651. >you didn't know how or even if you'd be able to turn back into a human
  652. >you didn't know if you'd be able to even survive as a deer in this world
  653. >but you don't care
  654. >You close your eyes, and dream of warm sheets and carrots
  656. Part two maybe coming if I feel like it

Chad is a deet (part one)

by LyraHStrings

Veterinary Science

by LyraHStrings

Apogee the Astromare

by LyraHStrings

Solace/Jerry Alternate Scene 1

by LyraHStrings

Serious Business

by LyraHStrings