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dark web pony tf potion

By LyraHStrings
Created: 2020-12-18 05:16:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >be you
  2. >You get bored so you decide to do some shopping
  3. >load up tor
  4. >always some good shit on the deep web
  5. >you type in one of your favorite URLs
  6. >The site takes a minute or two to load, and you start looking through the listings
  7. >one catches your eye
  8. >"Horse TF Potion"
  9. >"Become a pone!"
  10. >there was no price listed.
  11. >Clicking on the listing, you see that they're just giving it away for free.
  12. >Too good to be true. Probably laced with some shit, or something.
  13. >...What if it was legit, though?
  14. >well, may as well place your order. What's the worst that could happen?
  15. "Why am I such a massive faggot?"
  16. >you click order.
  17. >A day or so later you get a message from the guy who was selling them.
  18. >He just told you that it would be coming within the week.
  19. >And that you should stay in touch once you're a pony.
  20. >He asks you to send pictures of your transformed self, once it gets there.
  21. "Ha. probably just some creep, maybe I won't drink the fucking potion..."
  22. >eventually the day comes and you get a knock at your door
  23. >You open the door, and look down to see an unmarked cardboard box.
  24. >It wasn't in perfect condition, it was a little scraped up, but it wasn't exactly falling apart.
  25. >You glance around warily, sure that whoever dropped it off was watching you.
  26. >You pick up the box and hurry back inside, closing and locking the door behind you.
  27. >It certainly feels like some kind of glass container in there.
  28. >you can feel the weight of the fluid sloshing around, the glass knocking against the box's edges.
  29. >Setting it down on the table, you warily open the lid to have a look
  30. >Yep, seems to be as advertised.
  31. >You pick up the vial and hold it to the light, contemplating whether or not to really do it.
  32. >You notice a handwritten note that was tucked in underneath the container
  33. >Putting the vial back down, you pick up the note and read it.
  35. >"Hi anon!" A small stylized heart dotted the i's.
  36. "Hopefully if you're reading this it means you got the package. Enjoy!~ P.S. It might seem a little weird at first, but power through! See you on the other side."
  37. >Huh.
  38. >Well, you guess they seemed nice...
  39. >What if this was legit?
  40. >a little voice whispers in your head.
  41. >Do it.
  42. >another responds.
  43. >Don't do it! What if it's permanent? What about your friends and family? Your job?
  44. >You can be a pony. You've always wanted to be a pony. You can have hooves! And soft fur, doesn't that sounds great?
  45. >Commitments!
  46. >Tail!
  47. >Responsibilities!
  48. >Possible wings?
  49. >you shake your head, clearing the voices away.
  50. "Fuck it, down the hatch."
  51. >You pop the lid open and pour it down your throat, expecting it to taste revolting.
  52. >Surprisingly, it tastes like... cotton candy.
  53. >Or just very sweet. Might've been added to counteract the natural taste...
  54. >Already you can feel the changes happening.
  55. >Blue fur begins sprouting from your arms, which are collapsing to become forelegs.
  56. >You can feel it spreading across your body, your nose extending out into a muzzle and your hair- no, mane, lengthening to drop in front of your face.
  57. >it too was changing colour, to a light purple that compliments your coat.
  58. >Two wings begin to sprout from your back, ripping through what clothes you were wearing.
  59. >Your pants had fallen off a while ago, to make room for your newly structured legs.
  60. >Your fists and feet had compacted into hooves, feeling like they were turning themselves inside out to make room for the soft frogs.
  61. >And then it was over.
  62. >Your ears swivel, and you noticed you can hear a lot more than you could before.
  63. >You get up, shakily, and realize that you were now a pony.
  64. >It hits you. You were a pony. That guy wasn't fucking around, this was legit.
  65. >You didn't even care, this was amazing!
  66. >You flexed your new wings, giving a clumsy prance with a happy smile on your face.
  67. "No regrets." you say out loud, looking at yourself in the mirror and cooing with content.
  68. >Maybe you would send some pictures to that guy, after all. You were a heckin cutie
  69. >You stick out your tongue.
  70. >blep
  71. >Adorable.
  72. >You go to your computer, loading up the messaging software and your webcam.
  73. >you take a picture of yourself
  74. >attach file
  75. >"It worked!"
  76. >hit send
  77. >You almost instantly receive a reply.
  78. >"Excellent... I'll be seeing you shortly."
  79. >wait what
  80. >The new fur on the back of your long neck stands up, a sense of unease and extreme paranoia coming over you.
  81. >You eye the doors and windows.
  82. >You could almost start to see cloaked figures coming in to snap a bag laced with chloroform over your head and take you away to some sick fuck's basement, to be their pet, or worse...
  83. >you start breathing heavily, climbing into your bed and covering your head with your blankets.
  84. >this was going to be a long night

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