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Luna TF

By LyraHStrings
Created: 2020-12-18 05:23:48
Expiry: Never

  1. Okay, so the story behind this green is a reddit post someone linked me about how their wife had been "obsessed" with ponies and did some kinky shit with a luna plushie.
  2. It's fucking hilarious. And, yes, I posted it as a reply and got "banned from participating in r/sex" lmao
  4. >Be u/rayzoredlor
  5. >Your wife has been "absolutely obsessed with My Little Pony clop" for over a year now.
  6. >You're tired of it, you had been able to tolerate it and play into her kink, but you need to do something.
  7. >You suppose you couldn't really just go up to her and be all like, "You're tearing me apart, Lisa!" It had to stop.
  8. >You type up a post on Reddit.
  9. >"When I first met my wife years ago..."
  10. >You go on to type out an entire essay detailing your experiences with your wife and her life-size Luna sex plushie, and the clop you hang on your walls.
  11. >"...I love her and the amount of times she's expressed how happy she is that she found someone willing to share such a weird side of her keeps me motivated to keep going. I'd really love to just not do pony stuff for a few months, though."
  12. >As you hit submit on your post, you sit back and breathe a sigh of relief.
  13. >Finally, the good people of Reddit would have your back, you would get answers to this problem.
  14. >However, you start to feel odd.
  15. >You look down at your arm, and see a single, thick dark hair sprouting out of it.
  16. "What the..."
  17. >You reach your other hand over to pick the hair out and examine it more closely, but you notice similar hairs sprouting all over that arm, too.
  18. >You start to become aware of an itching sensation spreading across your body. You grab the hairs and try to pull them out, but they just keep coming, growing faster and faster.
  19. >It becomes harder and harder to grasp the hairs with your fingers, your dexterity and fine manipulation are gone.
  20. >In their absence, you see your fingers start to meld together, though you can't feel the mind-shattering pain you might expect from this sort of thing.
  21. >As you go to yell for your wife, your voice catches in your throat, muting you. You try to get words out, but all you hear is a squeak.
  22. >Your feet suddenly feel like they're trapped, straining against their confines, and you rip off your shoes as well as you can with what's left of your hands.
  23. >Your toes seem to be suffering the same fate as your fingers, quickly stretching out your socks and tearing them. You rush to try to take off your socks, but as you go to lean forward, your hearing cuts off and you tumble to the ground out of your chair, your inner ear destabilized.
  24. >You quickly put a hand up to the side of your head, and feel your ears morphing and migrating over the surface of your head.
  25. >Taking another quick glance at your body reveals the... fur has almost completed its growth, however the rest of you was just getting started.
  26. >A painting of some light blue pony, you think her name is Roxy, stares down at you smugly from the wall.
  28. >You feel a crack in your spine as it readjusts, and your back is wrenched around.
  29. >You grow sick to your stomach as your legs change structure, slipping out from around your shorts.
  30. >You go crosseyed, as a dark blue obstruction extends from the bottom of your vision, and your field of view expands.
  31. >Which makes you aware of your now long, light blue hair that was slowly turning darker, and developing white spots.
  32. >You feel a push- no, a pull, on your tailbone, a light blue tail which, thanks to your changing leg structure, had plenty of room to get around the waistband of your shorts and fall limply between your legs.
  33. >You curl up, your transformation almost complete- wait.
  34. >Your head feels like someone was driving a nail into it, your back like two tendons being stretched and used to fire arrows.
  35. >A horn begins erecting itself out of your head, the first few feathers of wings sprouting from your back and dangling by your side.
  36. >You sit there on the ground, shuddering, shaking, and crying a little as you wait for it to be over.
  38. >You don't know how long you were there for. It could've been minutes, and hour, maybe.
  39. >The transformation was complete.
  40. >You weakly open your eyes, and take a good look at yourself.
  41. >Your soft, dark blue coat shined in the desk lamp's light, a light sheen coming over it.
  42. >You glance back at your tail, and watch as it gently waved as if being blown by an imaginary breeze. You assumed your hair- no, mane, was doing the same.
  44. >You can't be who you think you are.
  45. >No, no, it can't be happening.
  46. "This can't be-"
  47. >You clasp a hoof over your mouth, noting the soft frog's delicate texture against your lips.
  48. >You slowly, gingerly lower it, and take a shaky breath. Was that your voice?
  49. "Is..."
  50. >Yes.
  51. "Is this my... voice?"
  52. >Your voice had taken on a deep, regal, but feminine tone.
  53. >Again, this can't be happening. It's probably just a dream, right?
  54. >You laugh, a light, airy giggle coming out instead of the nervous chuckle you intended it to be.
  55. "This is just a dream! Of course."
  56. >You can't be Luna. You can't be the character that is the subject of your wife's many fantasies. It wouldn't make sense, this is impossible. You probably just fell asleep at your computer and your mind is fooling with you. After all, you were typing up a post about her... you? Her, or, at least a plushie in her likeness.
  57. >Wouldn't it be ironic that you turn into the very thing you had so many qualms about? It's right up your sense of humour.
  58. >But if you're Luna, does that mean you had a...
  59. >You roll over onto your back, wincing as you nearly crush your wings, and lift your neck, peering down between your legs.
  61. >You, at first, see two round orbs- the "boobs between the 4 legs" you assume. They lightly jiggled with every movement you made, and you could feel them rubbing up against each other.
  62. >You crane your neck a little farther, and you can clearly see a dark blue... horse pussy, the flaps of which were gently twitching, a movement you were barely able to control.
  63. >Your salami had been traded for a salami pocket.
  64. >Your wizard's staff equivalently exchanged for a Bag of Holding.
  65. >You didn't know what to do.
  66. >You reached out a hoof and brushed the edge of your marevag, and a tingle ran through your body. You do it again, laying your whole hoof on there and slowly rubbing around, pressing and rolling the flesh of your frog against the now glistening flesh of the new addition to your anatomy- or was it a subtraction?
  67. >You start feeling around with your hoof, getting carried away. Before long, you had gotten into a rhythm, and were rubbing, and pushing and prodding with nothing held back.
  68. >You moan- a decidedly feminine moan, and drive yourself towards an orgasm, not even thinking about what you were doing.
  69. >As you are about to finish clopping, you hear your door open, and your wife enters.
  70. >"Hey Ray, what- Oh my God."
  71. >She stands there in shock, as you go over the edge and arch your back, your squirter living up to its name all over the carpet.
  73. >You breathe heavily, and realize that you should really say something.
  74. "Uh, hi."
  75. >She snaps out of her frozen state.
  76. >"How... How are you... you?"
  77. >You don't even know that answer to that question, but afterglow guides you.
  78. "Now, dear, this might be hard to explain, but I am not Luna."
  79. >She sits down next to you, crossing her legs.
  80. >"Okay."
  81. >After taking a quick look around your office, noticing your apparent absence, she seems to come to a realization.
  82. >"Oh... Ray?"
  83. >You take a few deep breaths, and nod.
  84. "Is this..." Breathe. "A dream?"
  85. >She glances around, before turning back to you.
  86. >"Don't think so."
  87. >That sounds like what a dream person would say!
  88. >You sigh.
  89. "You know... I can't..." You breathe deep, and seem to have finally caught your breath.
  90. "I can't really believe you, can I?"
  91. >She shrugs.
  92. >"Dunno. I've never woken up as Princess Luna in a dream before. Who knows how it works?"
  93. >The two of you sit in awkward silence.
  94. "So, uh... maybe we should get up and try to find a way to get me out of this?"
  95. >You start rolling over onto your hooves to try to stand up, but you feel a hand touch your back.
  96. >You look up at your wife and she has an odd look in her eyes.
  97. "Honey, what are you-"
  98. >She slides her hand along your body, and up your neck, feeling up your smooth, soft fur. Her hand reaches your ear, and she takes it in her hand, rubbing up and down its length and letting it run between her fingers.
  99. >You find yourself leaning into her hand, and she grins. Another hand joins her first, and begins stroking your astral mane lovingly.
  100. "Really, sugarcube," you say her favorite pet name. "We should-" she shushes you.
  101. >"Don't talk. Just... just let this happen."
  102. >You let out a soft sight, relaxing and laying your head in her lap.
  103. >"That's a good girl..." she rubs along your neck with the mane hand, the ear scritching hand having switched sides to give some attention to your other ear.
  104. >These rubs felt so heavenly. Even though you just masturbated- You'd have to worry about that later- this felt more... intimate and wholesome. You never wanted them to end.
  105. >You whined a little as she picked up her hands for a moment, but soon let out a moan as she started rubbing your belly in small circles. You managed to writhe so that your whole body was laid out across her lap, and she giggles as your tongue lolls out from your mouth.
  106. >She increases the size of her bellyrubs, sometimes keeping one hand on your belly and the other on your forelegs, rubbing up and down and exploring every inch of your body. As her hand tickles and rubs and prods across the bottom of your hooves, you start to zone out, and close your eyes in bliss.
  107. >Soon, you feel a curious sensation from your nether regions.
  108. >You open your eyes, and give her hands a glance, lazily lifting your head.
  109. >She was fixated on your crotchtits, gently brushing a finger against them.
  110. "Hey, uhm, I'm not so sure...- Ohhhh." You let out a small moan as she starts massaging your titties, the puffy orbs of tissue producing an alien feeling you had never even considered before.
  111. >A blush spreads across your face, heating up the skin underneath the fur and putting a red tint on the blue night sky.
  112. >It wasn't long before she started giving some attention to your already moist lips, rubbing over the surface, gently at first with a finger, to tease you, maybe, then getting her whole hand involved.
  113. >She made wide passes over the entirety of your new genitalia, rubbing and pushing and prodding and tickling everywhere she could, and you were about ready to have another orgasm all over again.
  114. >However, it was over all too soon as you feel her stop.
  115. "What..." You're back to breathing heavily again. "Why did you stop...?"
  116. >She was taking off her shirt, tossing it to the other side of the room. She tried to take off her pants without disturbing you, but her legs were trapped underneath your horsey princess girth.
  117. >She bent over, getting close to your face and staring into your wide, blue eyes lovingly.
  118. >She leans forward and kisses you, and you struggle to return the kiss, not sure how your new pony mouth works.
  119. >She didn't seem to have any issue with learning, however, as her tongue invaded your mouth cavity and started feeling around.
  120. >You wrapped your forelegs around her back, hugging her and holding her close while you made out.
  121. >Before long, she pulled away, still feeling your soft, delicate lips on her own.
  122. >She panted, short of breath, much like you were with neither of you able to breathe.
  123. >"Oh, Luna, I love you so much, Ray."
  124. >You stretch your neck forward to give her another peck on the lips.
  125. "I love you too."
  126. >Suddenly, she leans over to your other set of lips, giving them a smooch as well.
  127. "Ah!" you moan, barely having time to recover before she starts licking and sucking on the vaginal lips, sending you on another ride.
  128. >She gently bites down, giving the edge of your horsepussy a nibble.
  129. >You reach a hoof down to shove her deeper, and she happily complies, enveloping the whole of your lower lips in her mouth and sucking, using her tongue to probe deeper into the recesses of your hole.
  130. >You feel yourself going over the edge, and you don't bother to warn her, clenching your legs shut around her face, still holding her down as you cum, soaking her face.
  131. >Suddenly, you let go, falling back and panting, breathing deep, your chest expanding and contracting quickly.
  132. >She laughs, pulling back and licking up some of your marecum from her face.
  133. >"I didn't expect that, Ray! You could've warned me!"
  134. >She pretends to be angry with you, crossing her arms over her bare chest, but the massive smile on her face gives her away.
  135. >You're barely conscious. Your eyes flutter, and you try to give her a weak smile.
  136. >She stands, scooping you up in her arms and burying her face in your belly as an impromptu towel.
  137. >She cradles you in her arms lovingly while she walks back to the master bedroom.
  138. >She sets you down on the large bed, flopping onto the bed next to you and enveloping you with her body.
  140. >"So... I read some of that post you made... on Reddit?"
  141. >What?
  142. "W..." You take a deep breath. "What?"
  143. >"Does the pony stuff really bother you that much?"
  144. "Is... isn't really the time for this..."
  145. >Now that you think about it, the pony stuff doesn't bother you as much as it used to. What just happened WAS really hot...
  146. >Maybe you could get into this after all?
  147. >You guess that you'd have to, if there isn't a way to turn you back. Assuming this isn't all just a big dream. A dream where you can orgasm, twice, and not wake up... A dream about something you've never even thought about before...
  148. >Oh, you're really stuck like this, aren't you?
  149. >You groan, snuggling into your wife.
  150. "I... I think the ponies are okay, they, uh... I think my point of view has changed because of... recent events."
  151. >She giggles. "Oh, Ray, that's an understatement. Now c'mere, you."
  152. >She holds you tighter, and you try to do the same in turn, but you can barely move.
  153. >As one of her hands idly strokes your mane, you start to drift off to sleep.
  154. >You'd worry about cleanup tomorrow.
  156. >fin

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