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[Rainbow Dash] [Rarity] [NSFW] Whatever I Want, Part 1 (Original story by PASTAFROMSPACE)

By RealDash
Created: 2020-12-18 10:51:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Sitting at the lunch table with Rarity and Rainbow Dash
  3. >And as usual, it's hot as hell
  4. >Also as usual, Dash is the loudest complainer
  5. >"Jeez, would it kill them to get an air conditioner in here?"
  6. >She puts her legs up on the table like she's giving birth and starts flapping her skirt up and down
  7. >"For heaven's sake Dashie, would it kill you to behave a little more ladylike?"
  8. >"What's the big deal? Besides, I'm wearing shorts underneath, see?"
  9. >She intentionally lifts her skirt as
  10. high as she can
  11. >You catch a glimpse between her legs
  12. >Dash: "See something you like, Anon?"
  13. >She says, clearly mocking you
  14. "Nah, just trying to figure out if you actually are a girl."
  15. >Shots reflected
  16. >Her face goes red, and you can't help but laugh. Even Rarity let out a chuckle
  17. >Dash lunges at you over the table
  18. >"You know what Anon, I oughta-"
  19. >She knocks over her glass of juice, spilling it all over her skirt. You feel like you shouldn't laugh, but you laugh even herder
  20. >"Relax darling, just go to the bathroom and wipe it off, you'll be fine"
  21. >As she heads off she looks back to you
  22. >"I'm gonna get you back for this!"
  23. "Good luck with that."
  25. >Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy showed up shortly after
  26. >After about five minutes, you get a text
  27. >.... from Dash
  29. >Pinkie: "Who's that Nonny? Your secret lover~?"
  30. "Nah, the exact opposite."
  31. >You grab the stuff and head to the bathroom
  33. >You get to the girl's room, and for obvious reasons you choose to stand outside until Dash finally pokes her head out.
  34. >"Hey Anon, did you bring your sweater?"
  35. >It's tied around your waist
  36. "Yeah, why-"
  37. >She pulls it off and slams the door closed. Then she pokes her head out again
  38. >"Give me my bag"
  39. >You hand her the bag and she once again retreats inside. When she finally steps out you see her with your sweater around her waist and her skirt off, but you see it poking out of her backpack
  40. "What happened?"
  41. >"Well, because of SOMEONE, my skirt got wet and I can't exactly wear it"
  42. "Well why do you need my sweater?"
  43. >"C-cause!"
  44. >She looks down and away, so you pry more
  45. "Cause why?"
  46. >"Cause I don't want to be walking around in my underwear, isn't it obvious? I just want to, you know, cover up a little."
  47. "They're shorts Dash, not underwear."
  48. >"Y-yeah, well... I-It still feels weird. Just let me borrow it for today, okay? I'll do whatever you want!"
  49. "..... whatEVER I want?"
  50. >She hesitates
  51. >".... y-yeah, whatever."
  52. "Alright, fine. Just don't forget: whatever I want."
  53. >This should be fun
  55. >The two of you head back to the cafeteria. She stops you before going in
  56. >"Hey Anon, listen... can we please try not to make a big deal about this?"
  57. >You smile
  58. "Don't worry, I wont..."
  59. >She sighs in relief
  60. "-unless I want to."
  61. >That makes her jump. You strut in feeling like a pimp, and she follows you in
  63. >You get to the table with the other girls. Before either of you even say anything
  64. >Pinkie: "Dashie are you in your underwear?"
  65. >Fucking Pinkie. Best friend ever.
  66. >Dash: "I-it's not underwear, they're just shorts! It's perfectly normal!"
  67. >Pinkie: "Relax Dashie, I'm just kidding."
  68. >You sit down and pat the seat next to you, asking her to sit next to you. She complies, knowing she has no choice
  69. >Lunch goes on as normal. Somewhere along the conversation Dash brings up the last baseball game. Talking about herself and how awesome she is sure makes her feel good, like she forgot that she's exposed
  70. >Can't let that happen
  71. >Dash: "... so the bases were loaded and we were tied. All I needed was a base hit and we would win, but I managed to ge-AAH-"
  72. >You gently traced your fingers along her outer thigh. She jumps up and lets out a high pitched peep
  73. >Flutters: "a-are you okay Dashie?"
  74. >Dash glares at you
  75. "Yeah, you okay?"
  76. >Dash: "Y-yeah, just fine. Just a weird breeze is all."
  77. >She kicks you under the table and finishes her story
  78. >Will you get her back for that? Most likely
  80. >As lunch goes on, you continue to brush her outer thigh from time to time. After a few times, she stopped peeping and jumping, but she still shudders when you do
  81. >And of course each time you do, it comes with a kick in the ankle
  82. >But what she doesn't realize is that you've been scooting away bit by bit
  83. >Initiate attack plan
  84. >You brush her leg again, she kicks you again.... but when she reaches her foot over you grab her inner thigh
  85. >She pops up again and jerks forward, forcing your hand to dig into her crotch
  86. >This time everyone notices
  87. >AJ: "Rainbow, are you sure you're okay? You've been really jumpy today."
  88. >She squeezes her legs tightly shut
  89. >Dash: "Y-yeah. I-I'm just not used to... i-its just breezy is all. I'm fine."
  90. >Maybe you should ease up...
  91. >But when you try to pull your hand away, she squeezes her thighs on your hand tighter
  92. >You can feel the warmth of her body through her shorts. As you thought, she wasn't wearing panties
  93. >Just as things start to get awkward, the bell rings to signal the end of lunch. She's the first one to get up
  94. >You all head out of the cafeteria and head to your respective classes
  95. >She has history next.... and to her dismay, she has it with you
  97. >The two of you sat next to each other all the way in the back of the room
  98. >As you sat down you turn to your new plaything
  99. "Hey Dash, push your desk together with mine."
  100. >Dash: "Why do-"
  101. >She stops herself, and pushes her desk
  102. >The teacher calls you out, and you explain that she forgot her book and you are sharing with her. She simply nods in compliance
  103. >Less than ten minutes into the lesson she stands the book up like a wall and lays her head down
  104. >Sleeping through history... just like always
  105. >You look down and notice her legs slowly drift open
  106. >Time to pick up where you left off
  107. >You start rubbing her inner thigh again, and she tries not to make a sound. She quietly whispers to you
  108. >Dash: "What do you think you're doing Anon?"
  109. "Whatever I want."
  111. >She plops her head down as you continue to massage her inner thigh
  112. >She tries to pretend like she doesn't notice, but you can feel her shaking
  113. >You hate to admit it, but it's kind of cute
  114. >Her skin is surprisingly soft and smooth, she must take really good care of herself
  115. >As you slide your hand back and forth across her thigh, you feel one finger slip under the leg of her shorts
  116. >Either you're sliding you hand further and further in, or she's slowly inching her hips forward
  117. >... in all honesty, probably both
  118. >Well if she's so eager, it'd be rude to disappoint
  119. >You slide your hand up her leg, over her shorts, and directly between her legs. You slip your middle and ring fingers directly in the middle
  120. >She clenches her legs closed again
  121. >You start sliding your fingers up and down over her sweet spot, her legs shuddering as you do
  122. >Her breathing gets heavier, almost audible
  123. "Might wanna keep it down, Dash."
  124. >She pulls off your sweater and bites down on one of the sleeves
  125. >It's not kind of cute. It's downright fucking adorable
  126. >You can feel her getting moist, even her shorts feel damp
  127. >Dash: "w-well, what are you waiting for?"
  128. "huh?"
  129. >Dash: "I said you could do w-whatever you want, s-so go ahead."
  130. >You'd be lying if you said you didn't want to, but if she wants it that badly, you'd rather tease her some more
  131. >You press down harder and start swirling your fingers around
  132. >Your fingers are almost penetrating through her shorts as she shakes and quivers
  133. >Dash: "d-damnit Anon..."
  134. >You do her a favor, she deserves it
  135. >You slowly slip your fingers under her waistband one at a time. once all five are under you slide your hand through her thick bush and over her soft mound
  136. >She pushes her hips forward, beckoning your fingers in
  137. >You give a gentle push with your middle finger and it slips in
  138. >Congratulations: You're fingering a girl in class.
  140. >She bites down harder on your sweater sleeve
  141. >You slide your middle finger in and out, the only resistance coming from her shorts. You try and... yes, you get your ring finger in there too
  142. >Her insides are hot and slippery, but she squeezes down like she wants your fingers inside her forever
  143. >The tension of her shorts loosens up, and your hand is met by one of hers
  144. >You think she's going to pull your away, but your hands never really meet. Instead, hers stops just above yours and starts moving
  145. >As you wiggle your fingers inside her, she is slowly rubbing her own clit. This is really happening
  146. >She starts rocking her hips back and forth against your fingers. Her teeth are grinding on your sleeve and her eyes are almost watering
  147. >Her pussy starts contracting on your fingers more often, her hips starts moving faster
  148. >With her free hand, she grabs your shirt and pulls on you, and quietly whispers something
  149. >Dash: "A-anonnnn....."
  150. >That's all she says....
  151. >Then she jerks her hips forward and buries her face in your sweater. Her legs start trembling and her pussy starts convulsing, uncontrollably squeezing down and retracting on you.
  152. >After about a minute, she pulls her hand out, and you follow with yours. She wipes her hand off on your sweater
  153. >.... fuck. Oh well, you do the same.
  154. >Then she ties the sweater back around her waist, stuffing one of the sleeves down her shorts
  155. >You give her a look as if to say "what the hell?"
  156. >Dash: "Hey, I can't have it dripping all day..."
  157. >.... can't argue there
  159. >Class carries on, and she manages to stay awake til the end
  160. >She scoots closer to you, pressing herself to your side
  161. >You know, a crazy person might think this is some kind of awkward half-cuddle.... good thing you're not crazy
  162. >... right? Right.
  164. >The rest of class goes off without a hitch
  165. >Aside from a few suspicious looks, you never got caught
  166. >And before you knew it, the bell rang and class was over
  167. >You remind her to pull the sleeve out of her shorts before getting up, and the two of you leave class together
  169. >Only two classes left for today: English, then P.E. (and guess who's in your P.E. class) Dash's class is across the hall from yours, so you two walk together. She leans on your shoulder the whole way
  170. "Are you okay Dash? Did I break you or something?"
  171. >She clings to your arm tighter
  172. >Dash: "I-I'm fine. My legs are just a little wobbly still."
  173. "Oh yeah. Your welcome."
  174. >You chuckle. She gives you a gentle punch in the arm
  175. >Dash: "J-just for the record, I didn't really enjoy it all that much."
  176. "Okay then, you must not need me."
  177. >You let her go and she nearly falls over, but you let her cling to your sleeve to hold herself up.
  178. >Dash: "O-okay fine... I did... sorta enjoy it. Kinda. Just a little."
  179. >It's so much fun teasing her. You put your arm around her waist and pull her right to your side
  180. >Dash: "H-hey! What do you think you're doing?"
  181. "Whatever I want. Remember?"
  182. >Dash: "Yeah, but people might think were a couple."
  183. "I know, right?"
  184. >Dash: "Isn't it embarrassing?"
  185. "For you."
  186. >She pouts. It is a little awkward, but it's worth it for her reaction
  187. "Or do you want me to let you go again?"
  188. >She sighs, then drapes her arm over your shoulders
  189. >You shoot her a victory smile
  190. >Dash: "Don't look so proud. It's just.... easier to walk like this-"
  191. "You're blushing."
  192. >Her pout turns into a scowl. Not angry, but embarrassed. And cute, very very cute.
  194. >The two of you reach your classes. She stumbles a little as you let her go, but she carries herself well enough.
  195. "See you in gym."
  196. >Dash: "Yeah, see ya."
  197. >You slap her on the butt as she walks to her class. She gives you a dirty look but says nothing and you each head to your respective classes
  199. >You always pay attention in English class, mostly cause the teacher's hot. But not today. No, today your mind is somewhere else
  200. >In Rainbow Dash's vagina
  201. >You spent all class coming up with what you're gonna do to her in gym.You have some ideas, but you gotta come up with something perfect
  202. >You're pulled out of your daydream by a finger tapping on your desk
  203. >Pinkie: "Congratulations Nonny~
  204. >Oh yeah, she's in your class. She sits right next to you, how could you forget?
  205. "Uhh... thanks?"
  206. >Pinkie: "Come on, you have no idea what for, do you?"
  207. "Not really."
  208. >Pinkie: "You know, you and Dashie~."
  209. >Oh boy
  210. "Yeah, about that..."
  211. >She pats you on the back
  212. >Pinkie: "Come on Nonny, you should be proud. She's a real catch."
  213. "Yeah well, I'm sure she is. But she and I aren't really-"
  214. >Pinkie: "Too late to hide it, we all saw you in the hallway~"
  215. "Yeah, but that wasn't really-"
  216. >Pinkie: "If you ask me the two of you are really cute together~"
  217. "Pinkie, listen-"
  218. >Pinkie: "I'm honestly surprised, this is so out of nowhere but hey, love is a weird thing-"
  219. >Cheerilee: "Anon! Pinkie!"
  220. >Pinkie: "Sorry teach!"
  221. >Miss Cheerilee rolls her eyes and continues the lesson. Pinkie whispers back to you
  222. >Pinkie: "Tell me about it later Nonny~"
  223. >She gives you a wink before turning back around
  224. >You resume trying to come up with the perfect punishment for Dash... and you think you got it. You tear a page out of your notebook, tear it in half, and write your idea down. Then you fold it up and put it in your pocket.
  226. >The bell rings and you hurry out of class. You wait in the hall for Dash. Students flood out of the room across the hall, and Dash is the last straggler out.
  227. "Hey Dash, ready for gym?"
  228. >You say that with your plan in mind
  229. >Dash: "Uhh, Anon? What's with the look?"
  230. "Oh nothing..."
  231. >Dash: "Don't tell me you've got something planned."
  232. "Maybe, maybe not."
  233. >Dash: "Okay Anon, what are you up to now-"
  234. >Pinkie: "Yeah Anon, what are you up to?"
  235. >Pinkie Pie out of fucking nowhere, pops up between you two and throws her arms around yours and her shoulders
  236. >Pinke: "So, tell me. What do you two lovebirds have planned~?"
  237. >Dash: ".... lovebirds?"
  239. >You grab Dash and you run off down the hall, leaving a trail of spaghetti behind you. Luckily she's not as wobbly as before, and manages to keep up
  241. >You're about half way there when she pulls away and stops you
  242. >Dash: "I'm guessing this has to do with that 'lovebirds' comment?"
  244. "Yeah, umm...about that-"
  245. >Dash: "Yeah, I know all about it. People kept asking me about you, everyone thinks we're a couple thanks to you."
  246. "Well yeah, umm, you see..."
  247. >Use your words, Anon
  248. >She notices that for the first time today, you don't know how to respond, and a smile stretches across her face. She puts her arm around you like before
  249. >Dash: "Well Anon, everyone's watching, what are you gonna do?"
  250. >She's getting cocky. Can't let that happen
  251. >Dash: "What's the matter Anon? Feeling awkward?"
  252. >You turn her around to face you, and you bring your face close to hers- close enough that you could feel her breath, her deep heavy breath, close enough to see her blushing
  253. "I'm not, how about you?"
  254. >She mumbles something, unable to make cohesive words.
  255. >Damage redirected. You are once again in control. You gently brush her cheek with your hand
  256. "Come on Dashie, let's go"
  258. >Calling her 'Dashie got her really flustered. Quite frankly you felt weird saying it too
  259. >She punches you in the arm
  260. >Dash: "F-fine, let's go."
  261. >She storms off, but not before grabbing your hand and pulling you with her
  262. >You may have dropped your spaghetti, but so did she. And that's what matters
  264. >The two of you get to the locker rooms, and you pull her aside
  265. >Dash: "What now, you want me to get dressed in the guy's room with you now."
  266. >Huh, if only... nah, there's no way
  267. "No no, I got something better in store for you."
  268. >Dash: "And what's that supposed to mean?"
  269. >You take the paper from your pocket and hand it to her. She opens it and silently reads it
  270. >Dash: ".... you've got to be kidding me."
  271. >You simply smile.
  272. >Dash: "Come on Anon, really?"
  273. >Smile.
  274. >Dash: ".... fine. I'll do it."
  275. "That's my girl."
  276. >You pat her on the head, and she fidgets with embarrassment before running off to the girl's locker room.
  278. >You sit on the gym bleachers waiting for roll call. Dash slowly walks out talking with some other girls you don't recognize. One of them looks over at you, whispers something, and they all laugh; except for Dash, who covers her face. Speaking of whom, she's wearing her gym shirt but kept the shorts on with the sweater around her waist just like you asked. But that was only half of your request
  279. >Dash splits away from the others. They give her the 'twinkle finger' wave and giggle as she sits next to you
  280. "Hey Dash, what was all that about."
  281. >Dash: "They kept asking about, you know, us."
  282. "And what did you tell them?"
  283. >She just looks down at the ground.
  284. >Dash: "F-forget it. I did exactly like you said."
  285. "ALL of it?"
  286. >She grabs your arm and pulls it around her waist. She glances around, making sure no one is looking, and when the coast is clear, she quickly puts your hand on her breast
  287. >Dash: "Th-there, happy?"
  288. >Just as quickly as she put it there she pulls it away
  289. >And that was part two of your request. Just like you asked, she's not wearing a bra
  291. >Everyone arrives, go through roll call, begin warm-up stretches
  292. >Rainbow Dash is unusually holding back. Maybe she's aware that every time she stretches too far her nipples poke out. Maybe she feels that people are staring at her... cause you sure are
  293. >Her breasts are pretty small, but hey... boobs are boobs
  294. >After stretches, the coach announces that today you will be playing dodgeball
  295. >Great.... no seriously, that's great
  296. >As usual, Dash is one of the team captains. And you make sure she knows NOT to pick you
  297. >Dis gon be gud
  299. >Teams are chosen the game starts. Less than five minutes in, you're already sitting out for the day. You got hit in the face pretty hard and started bleeding
  300. >... okay, maybe you dove in front of the ball on purpose, but who's watching. Besides, you've always had "bad luck" in gym, always getting yourself "accidentally hurt"
  301. >You lay on the bleachers to keep the blood from your nose from flowing all over your face
  302. >Rainbow Dash comes back with an ice pack and some paper towels. The teacher told her to make sure you're okay, since she's the one who threw the ball after all. That wasn't part of the plan, things just work out sometime
  303. "I really oughta be more careful, huh?"
  304. >Dash: "Don't give me that, you do this everyday. Lift your head up."
  305. >You pick up your head and she sits down. You lay your head in her lap
  306. >Dash: "Hold still."
  307. >She holds the paper towels over your nose and presses the ice pack on top. You turn your head over to watch the game, but she pulls you back to your looking-up position
  308. >Dash: "Hey, I told you to hold still, I don't want you dripping blood all over me!"
  309. "I just want to watch the game."
  310. >Dash: "Well that's your fault for pulling this crap. If I don't get to play you don't get to watch."
  311. >She pulls your head in until you're pressed against her stomach. It's firm but not quite muscular, almost like a flattened pillow. And just above your head....
  312. >Wait. That gives you an idea
  314. "Hey Dash...."
  315. >Dash: "Hmm? What is it?"
  316. >She looks down at you, and you just silently look into her eyes. She starts to blush
  317. >Dash: "D-do you need something or not?"
  318. "Yeah...come closer."
  319. >She leans down
  320. "closer"
  321. >She leans more
  322. "closer"
  323. >More
  324. >At this point her ear is just inches form your mouth. You say nothing
  325. >Dash: "Anon, are you okay?"
  326. "Yeah, it's just..."
  327. >Dash: "Just what?"
  328. >You lower your voice to a whisper
  329. "... your tits are in my face."
  330. >hue
  331. >Dash: "DAMN YOU ANON!!"
  332. >She's about to slap you
  333. >Coach: "Is everything okay over there?"
  334. >Dash, realizing the shit she was in, she doesn't even respond. She wasn't in real trouble, the coach usually doesn't care about anything, she just hates being scolded in gym since it's the only class she stays awake through. Of course as soon as the coach looks away she drops the ice and the towels, and smacks you in the back of the head. Still worth it. She crosses her arms, either frustrated or trying to cover her chest, probably both
  335. "Hey Dash-"
  336. >Dash: "No."
  337. "Look, I didn't-"
  338. >Dash: "No."
  339. "Let me make it up to you-"
  340. >Dash: "No."
  341. >Okay, now she's starting to make you feel bad
  342. "Dash, listen for just a second."
  343. >Dash: "... Fine, you got one second-"
  344. "Thanks. The bleeding stopped"
  345. >You sit upright next to her and put your arm around her waist like you did when you were walking and pull her closer. She gasps as you do, but then rests her head on your shoulder
  346. >Dash: "Forget it. Just consider us even for earlier."
  347. >She nestles her head into your neck, not seeming to care about the stares and whispers
  348. >Dash: "Hey Anon... you know, y-you can lay in my lap again if you want. It's fine with me, really"
  349. >You got back on her good side, time to mess with her some more
  350. "I could... or you could lay in mine."
  351. >Dash: "Is that another one of your orders?"
  352. "Does it need to be?"
  353. >Dash: "Sh-shut up."
  354. >That's all she says. Right before laying down in your lap
  355. >Got her
  357. >She uses her hands as a pillow before laying down on your lap. You put your hand on her head and begin stroking her hair. Surprisingly, it's really soft. She actually takes really good care of herself
  358. >Turns out all those rumors about her crusty flaky cunt weren't true after all
  359. >You slide your hand down from her head, over her shoulder, and down to her torso. Her torso...
  360. >... the day is almost over Anon. It's now or never
  361. "Hey Dash, can I have my sweater back-"
  362. >Dash: "Hang on a sec, we had a deal-"
  363. "It's just for a second, I'll give it right back."
  364. >Dash: "... okay fine. But you give it right back"
  365. >She hands you the sweater and you drape it over her like a blanket, covering her from her shoulders down to her thighs
  366. >Dash: "What's this for?"
  367. "You'll see"
  368. >You reach under the sweater for her shoulder, then to her torso... then further down to her chest
  369. >Dash: "H-hey! What are you trying to do!"
  370. "Relax, no one can see"
  371. >Dash: "W-well yeah, but..."
  372. "Hey, if you want to stop me, go ahead"
  373. >She doesn't respond as you slide your hand down further. She doesn't respond when you cup her breast in your hand. But when you give her a gentle squeeze, she DOES respond. Nothing extreme, just a quiet, gentle groan, surprisingly more high-pitched and feminine than you expected. Her breasts are rather small, fitting entirely in your hand, but it's soft nonetheless. As you gently massage her little A-cups, she starts fidgeting
  374. >Dash: "...damn it Anon..."
  375. "What'd I do this time?"
  376. >Dash: "Nothing, but if you're gonna do it..."
  377. >She pulls up her shirt under the sweater and firmly presses your hand down against her little lump
  378. >Dash: "... you might as well do it right."
  379. >You continue playing with her chest, giving her nipple a little flick. You do it more often once you really see how she reacts. You notice a rustling going on lower down
  381. "Dash, are you touching yourself?"
  382. >Dash: "...maybe, shut up"
  383. "Not without my permission you're not"
  384. >Dash: "A-are you really doing this?"
  385. >You let go of her breast
  386. "Yeah, I am."
  387. >Dash: "...fine."
  388. >She stops, so you continue. Despite their size, her breasts are soft to the touch. Her skin is so smooth, the closest thing to a blemish is her perky standing nipple. When you press your hand down you can feel her heartbeat thumping like she's having a heart attack. It's almost a shame you can't see them right now
  389. >... you hear Dash quietly giggling...
  390. >Dash: "Calm down kiddo"
  391. >Hey, her head is in your lap, she was going to notice your boner sooner or later
  392. >Play it cool, Anon, play it cool
  393. "Don't flatter yourself"
  394. >Dash: "Keep telling yourself that"
  395. >Ouch
  396. >At least you tried. And hey you're still the one in charge here-
  397. >Coach: "Okay everyone, head back to the locker rooms"
  398. >Damn it
  399. >You pull your hand out, she ties the sweater around her waist and gets up. You try to stand but your leg fell asleep
  400. >Cause it's not like you dropped enough spaghetti today
  401. >Coach: "Hurry up you two, everyone else is already gone."
  402. >So he says as he exits, leaving you two alone together. You get yourself together, and when your leg wakes up you start walking until Dash grabs your shoulder
  403. >Dash: "Hey Anon."
  404. "Yeah-"
  405. >As soon as you turn to her she lifts her shirt up. Her small blue tits are just as gorgeous as you thought
  406. >Dash: "Here you go~"
  407. >Something about the way she said it and the look she gave you was so... damn. But before you really had time to enjoy it she pulls her shirt back down. She walks away laughing, thinking she has you beat. Once again, she thinks she's in charge. You gotta find a way to one-up her. Maybe...
  408. >This could either really work OR ruin your life forever
  409. >But you gotta take the risk. Can't let her have the upper hand
  410. >You grab her shoulder
  411. "Hey Dash."
  413. >As she turns around you pull her shirt up and over her face, and start groping her
  414. >Dash: "H-HEY!"
  416. >You're dangerously close to sexual assault here, you should pull back now while you still can-
  417. >Too late. She took her shirt off to free her face, then grabs you and pulls you closer. Instead of strangling you like she thought she would, she clings to you tightly with one hand, the other tightly and suddenly grasps your penis.
  418. >Dash: "I swear to God Anon, if you stop now I'll scream rape"
  419. >She starts stroking you aggressively
  420. >Dash: "Well hurry up! Before people get suspicious!"
  422. >You aggressively massage her breast with one hand, and firmly grasp her ass with the other. She pants loudly as she slides her hand up and down your length. You look into each others eyes, and almost instinctively she presses her lips against yours. Your hands freeze as she does, catching you completely off guard.
  423. >She takes the initiative to grab your hand from her ass and shove it down the front of her shorts. You respond by shoving your fingers inside her and start moving them. Her legs start to tremble, and her grasp on your dick tightens
  424. >Dash: "A-anoooonnn...."
  425. >Her legs start to tremble, her pussy dripping long before you put your fingers in. Once again you can feel her heart beating like a drum. She collapses into your shoulder
  426. >Dash: "Y-yes... please, more.. I'm so fucking... s-so close..."
  427. >Her hand slides down and starts rubbing herself again. You didn't exactly give her permission, but there's no controlling her now
  428. >Dash: "A-anon, I, I'm gonna, mMhm... I... I-"
  429. >Her legs clench shut
  430. >Dash: "I LOVE YOU ANOOOON~!"
  431. >She collapses, her pussy convulsing like an earthquake in her pants
  433. >You wait a minute for her to get herself together, and once again you wipe her clean with your sweater. You help her get her shirt back on
  434. >The two of you run to the locker rooms so you have time to change before the final bell
  435. >You dress in a bathroom stall so no one sees your boner, which refused to die down
  437. >After you get dressed, you hurry out of the locker room. Dash is already waiting for you
  438. "Did anyone ask about what took us so long?"
  439. >Dash: "No, you?"
  440. "Nope, I think we're good."
  441. >The two of you leave campus together
  443. "Well, see ya tomorrow I guess."
  444. >Dash: "Yeah, see ya-"
  445. "Hey wait. My sweater."
  446. >Dash:" W-well, can't I just wear it til tomorrow? I still gotta walk home too."
  447. >Hmm.... you COULD use this to your advantage
  448. "Alright fine. On one condition."
  449. >Dash sighs, thinking this won't end well for her. And she's right
  450. "You can borrow the sweater til tomorrow IF..."
  451. >You pause, gotta keep her on edge
  452. "...if you don't wear your shorts under your skirt tomorrow-"
  453. >Dash: "What!"
  454. "You heard me"
  455. >She hesitates...
  456. >Dash: "Fine. I'm keeping this til tomorrow then. See ya"
  457. >Checkmate
  458. >Dash: "Oh, a-and one more thing..."
  459. >She gets nervous and stares at the ground
  460. >Dash: "What I said... you know, in the gym, when I..."
  461. >She stops. She fidgets. She mumbles. Then... she kisses you. A quick, sudden, peck on the cheek
  462. >Dash: "Okay bye"
  463. >She turns and runs off before even finishing those two words
  464. >Huh.....
  465. >......
  466. >You never thought you'd say this, but you're looking forward to school tomorrow
  467. >You wait on the front steps of the school, pondering the mistake you made
  468. >When you made that deal with Rainbow Dash yesterday it hadn't occurred to you that she wouldn't listen to you
  469. >You're willing to bet your left nut that she'll come today with her shorts under her skirt as usual, and you'll never see that sweater again
  470. >Still, you waited for her
  472. >It's 5 minutes til class starts. You consider just giving up and heading in when you see her finally approaching
  473. >.... Welp. There goes your left nut.
  474. >She's here, with no shorts under her skirt just like you asked. When she approaches you, she can't even look you in the eye. Her face is bright red
  475. >Dash: "...happy?"
  476. "I'm just surprised you actually did it"
  477. >Dash: "W-well you told me to"
  478. >You pat her on the back for a job well done. But when you pull your hand away she longingly looks into your eyes
  479. >Dash: "...well?"
  480. "Well what?"
  481. >Dash: "Aren't you gonna do it again?"
  482. "Do what?"
  483. >Dash: "Uggh..."
  484. >She grabs your hand and puts it around her waist, just like yesterday
  485. "Dash, you know you don't have to-"
  486. >Dash: "Might as well, since you're making me go commando anyways"
  487. >.... wut
  488. "All I said was no shorts"
  489. >Dash: "Y-yeah, well, it feels the same"
  490. >You reach for her skirt
  491. "Are you seriously not-"
  492. >Dash: "Hey!"
  493. >She smacks your hand away. You really don't care to see, you're just messing with her... okay, you are a little curious
  494. >Dash: "Come on, lets go before we're late"
  495. >You don't have class together, but you at least walk in together. Before going your separate ways, she gives you a hug. You return the embrace
  496. >She reaches behind herself and grabs you hand. She slides it down her back, over her butt, up and under her skirt
  497. >Dash: "S-satisfied?"
  498. >She is wearing panties after all. You try to feel around to get a better mental image. Cotton, there's a little lace along the-
  499. >She pushes you back, her face brighter red than before
  500. >Dash: "S-see you later!"
  501. >She turns and runs away
  502. >... you should probably head to class too
  504. >You've got three classes until lunch: math, music theory (lol faget), and biology. Not a single one of them with Rainbow Dash
  505. >That actually disappoints you a bit now
  506. >Your first two classes go off fine. But come time for biology, that changes
  508. >You get to class and plop down into your seat. You instantly let your mind wander away...
  509. >Back to this morning. You still can't get the image, or rather your mental image, of her panties out of your head. You got her shirt off yesterday, maybe you can get her to-
  510. >"Hellooo? You awake in there?"
  511. >You jump back to reality
  512. >You forgot. Rarity sits next to you in biology
  513. >Rarity: "You okay darling? You were really zoned out for a bit"
  514. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just tired is all-"
  515. >Rarity: "You were thinking about Rainbow Dash weren't you?"
  516. >God damn this school is gossipy
  517. "N-no, of course not"
  518. >Jeez Anon, you're sounding a lot like... like Dash. That's not a good sign
  519. >Rarity: "I knew it! You two are together now aren't you! Tell me all about it!"
  520. "I swear, it's nothing. I just let her borrow my sweater, that's all"
  521. >Rarity: "Hmm... that's not what Pinkie Pie told me"
  522. "Well yeah, but you know how to Pinkie is"
  523. >Rarity: "Okay, okay, if you say so..."
  524. >She turns back to her work, and you resume yours
  525. >Rarity: "... lovebird."
  526. >God damn it
  528. >After class you and Rarity head to the cafeteria, eventually catching up with Rainbow Dash. Rarity gives the two of you the most shit-eating grin you've seen since the movie Salo (look it up pleb)
  529. >Dash: "Hey Rarity, what's up?"
  530. >Rarity: "Oh nothing~"
  531. >Dash gives you a look like she knows what's going on
  532. >Rarity: "Tell you what, I'll leave you two be"
  533. >She walks off, leaving you alone with Dash
  534. "I swear, I didn't say anything"
  535. >Dash: "Relax, I've been getting it all day too"
  536. >The two of you both stare at the ground awkwardly
  537. >Dash: "C-come on, let's get lunch"
  538. >She lifts up her arm to give you room to put your arm around her
  539. >You do it... you know, to embarrass her. Totally. That's all
  541. >The two of you get your lunch and sit over at your table. No one else is there yet. She decides to sit across from you, and you can't tell her otherwise. I mean, it's not like she still has your sweater-
  542. >Wait a sec, yeah she does
  543. "Hey Dash, where's me sweater by the way?"
  544. >Dash: "H-huh?"
  545. "You know... my sweater? The one I gave you yesterday? The one you said you'd bring back today?"
  546. >Dash: "Oh yeah, I, uhh... forgot it at home"
  547. >u fokin wot m8?
  548. "Are you kidding me?"
  549. >Dash: "Wh-what? It was a mistake? No biggie. Besides, you could... you know..."
  550. >She mumbles something
  551. "Huh"
  552. >Dash: "Y-you could just..."
  553. "What"
  554. >Dash: "...you could stop..."
  555. "Speak up, Dash-"
  557. >Well, at least you got it out of her. You should probably work on your timing though
  558. "... what's up guys"
  559. >Dash was too busy trying to hold her spaghetti in to realize that Rarity, Pinkie, and the others just arrived
  560. >Dash: "U-uhh... h-hey guys-"
  562. >You and Dash spend the rest of lunch trying to deflect their gossip, between the two of you there was enough spaghetti to feed the entire damn school
  563. >You really need to find some more guy friends
  565. >As soon as lunch is over the two of you hurry out before the girls pry anymore. You get to the class before anyone else arrives, so the two of you head to the same seats in the back. Dash roughly throws her bag on the desk
  566. >...maybe you should have told her that her bag was OPEN
  567. >Dash: "...hey Anon-"
  568. "I am not helping you"
  569. >Dash: "Come on, it'll take two seconds"
  570. "...fine, but you owe me"
  571. >You help her pick up her stuff from the floor. Well, "help" is a funny way of putting it, since she's not really doing anything
  572. "Are you going to help me or just make me do everything-"
  573. >Dash: "Shh!"
  574. >She covers your mouth and looks towards the door
  575. >Dash: "Don't say anything..."
  576. >She slowly pulls her hand away, and you keep silent. After taking another peek towards the door, she pushes you down on the floor
  577. "Dash what the hell-"
  578. >Dash: "Shh!!!"
  579. >She looks to the door again
  580. >Dash: "Damn it Anon, we don't got much time"
  581. "Time for what-"
  582. >She pounces of top of you, straddling your chest. Her knees are on your arms, pinning you down
  583. "Dash, what are you-"
  584. >She covers your mouth again
  585. >Dash: "Do I gotta tape your damn mouth shut?"
  586. >With her free hand, she quickly lifts up her skirt, flashing her panties to you. Light blue stripes that almost match her skin, with lace trim around the legs and waistband
  587. >Dash: "You've wanted to see all day, haven't you?"
  588. >You don't say anything, so she uncovers her mouth
  589. >Dash: "G-go ahead, you can talk, just quietly"
  590. "... I've been curious"
  591. >Her hands start to tremble
  592. >Dash: "W-well... d-do you want a b-bettter view?"
  593. >She's trying to be sexy but can't get past her awkwardness. You cut her some slack and nod. She fidgets... and fidgets...and just to shake it up, fidgets some more
  594. "Well?"
  595. >Dash: "J-just gimme a second!"
  596. >She gets up and inches forward until her crotch is just above your face
  597. >She takes a deep breath. Her legs shake. She slowly brings herself closer to your face
  598. >Your heart races. You feel her body warmth come closer
  599. >You hear footsteps
  601. "Dash, someone's com-mMhm-"
  602. >You're silenced by a mouthful of Rainbow Dash. Her hand is behind your head, pushing your face against her crotch
  603. >Dash: "I-I hear it... I just need a little..."
  604. >She gently grinds her face against you, and her panties get damp
  605. >The footsteps get closer
  606. >Her scent fills your nose. Unable to resist, you open your mouth to taste the wet spot on her crotch
  607. >The footsteps get closer
  608. >Her hands shake. She gently pulls on your hair. Her heavy breath becomes a high-pitched moan
  609. >The footsteps get close
  610. >Too close
  611. "MMh.. -ash, ge uph!"
  612. >She quickly jumps up. You take in a deep (and frankly disappointing) breath, the teacher and a few other students enter
  613. >You and Dash resume picking up her stuff and put them back in her bag. Once she's packed up she pushes her desk against yours
  614. >Dash: "Sorry teach, forgot my book again"
  615. >You're pretty sure you saw it when you were picking up her stuff, but you say nothing
  616. >The rest of the students straggle in, and class begins
  617. >Once again she props the book up like a wall, and whispers to you
  618. >Dash: "hey Anon"
  619. "yeah?"
  620. >Dash: "sorry... a-and thanks"
  621. "yeah, no worries"
  622. >She scoots closer
  623. >Dash: "d-do you..."
  624. >She pulls your hand over to her thigh
  625. >Dash: "... wanna finish?"
  626. "maybe later..."
  627. >You bring your hand to her face, then pull her closer to whisper in your ear
  628. "...when we can do a lot more"
  629. >She twitches as you say that, and you let her go. Through the rest of class she can't take her eyes off you. You can hear her nervously tapping her finger on the desk the whole time
  631. >Class is over, the two of you head out together. She clings to you the whole way to your next classes
  632. >Dash: "... w-well?"
  633. "Well what?"
  634. >Dash: "When are we... y-you know"
  635. "When are we what?"
  636. >She tightens her grip on you, and lowers her voice to a whisper
  637. >Dash: "y-you said we'd finish"
  638. "I meant later... like, a while later"
  639. >Dash: "C-come on... j-just a little for now?"
  640. "... alright, come on"
  641. >You grab her hand and drag her through the halls until you find one where there are no students around. You press her up against a locker, holding her wrist back. You slide one hand down to her breast and squeeze and bring your knee up into her crotch. She lets out a quiet moan, so you slowly rotate your knee around
  642. >Dash: "A-anon..."
  643. >She gently grinds against you. She leans forward for a kiss, but you move to the side and plant your lips right on the nape of her neck. Her whole body quivers when you do. She grabs your knee and pulls it in
  644. >Dash: "A-anon, please... m-more..."
  645. >You pull away, and whisper in her ear
  646. "That's all for now. We're late for class as it is"
  647. >She clings to you, pulling you back
  648. >Dash: "D-damn it Anon..."
  649. "Gotta leave you with something to look forward to"
  650. >Before heading back to class she stops you
  651. >Dash: "One last thing, Anon"
  652. "Yeah?"
  653. >She slams you against the lockers, then drops to her knees, She unbuttons and unzips your pants, and pulls them down. Her face presses against your dick in your boxers and she gives it a kiss. Just as you put your hands on her head, she gets back up
  654. >Dash: "Gotta leave you with something to look forward to"
  655. >She runs off, leaving you alone literally with your pants down
  657. >Cheerilee: "Anonymous, you do realize you're late for class right?"
  658. "Yeah, sorry. It won't happen again"
  659. >She rolls her eyes as you stumble to your seat. You try to pretend that Pinkie isn't glaring at you with a huge smile
  660. >Pinkie:" "Weeeeell~?"
  661. "Nothing"
  662. >Pinkie: "I'd be more convinced if your zipper wasn't down~"
  663. >Fuck.
  665. >You treat her like a cop trying to talk to you without your lawyer, not that that ever discourages her. You somehow put up with it through the whole class
  667. >Class comes to an end and you rush out of class. You catch Dash in just as much of a hurry to get out as you. Neither would ever admit to how eager you were to see each other
  668. >When you meet, you say no words. You simply put your arm around her waist and head to gym
  670. >Turns out you're playing dodgeball again today. As soon as the game begins Dash grabs a ball and nails you in the face again
  671. >You didn't even have to tell her... she deserves a medal
  672. >the two of you just hang out all period, not doing anything but laughing anytime someone else got hit in the face and had to stay in. Dash was really the only one who threw hard enough to do any real damage
  674. >Class ends, and unlike yesterday you two head to the locker room without hesitation. You quickly change and leave early, and Dash is out shortly after, and you leave campus before the bell even rings
  675. >As you head out, you start heading home before Dash grabs your sleeve
  676. >Dash: "Hey, where are you going?"
  677. "Home"
  678. >She pouts
  679. >Dash: "D-did you forget?"
  680. "Forget what?"
  681. >Dash: "...y-you know, aren't you, c-coming to..."
  682. >Shit. You forgot
  683. "Oh yeah."
  684. >Dash: "D-damn you Anon..."
  685. >She pulls your arm around her waist before leading you to her place
  687. >It's a fairly short walk to her place, maybe about ten minutes or so. You're still pretty tired.
  688. >Maybe you should try participating in gym... nah, forget it
  690. >She opens the door and welcomes you in
  691. >Dash: "Well? Hurry up and get in here"
  692. >Hey, it's "welcoming" by her standards, so you take it
  693. >She takes her shoes off and asks you to do the same. She cuts right to the chase, and leads you too her bedroom
  694. >Dash: "Okay before I let you in I've got to say something."
  695. "What is it-"
  696. >Dash: "If you laugh, I'll kill you"
  697. >You silently nod, and she slowly opens the door
  698. >What's with her, it's just a bedroom? What's the worst-
  699. >Holy shit this is the girliest room you have ever seen. The walls are painted bright pink, her bedspread has a bright, pastel floral patter. Oh, and her bed? Enough pillows and stuffed animals to make a second mattress
  700. >Dash: "Y-yeah... this is my room..."
  701. >You say nothing
  702. >Dash: "What's with that look?"
  703. >Damn it Anon wipe that grin off your face
  704. >Dash: "S-seriously Anon, y-you better not start laughing!"
  705. >You silently say you prayers in your head
  706. "Well..."
  707. >Dash: "Well what?"
  708. >You ruffle her hair
  709. "It's cute, I'll give you that"
  710. >Se punches your arm and heads over to her dresser. She pulls out the bottom drawer, takes your sweater out and tosses it to you
  711. >Dash: "Don't worry, I washed it"
  712. >You stuff it into your backpack
  713. "Alright thanks. See ya later"
  715. >Dash: "W-wait, what?"
  716. "That's why you asked me over right, to give my sweater back?"
  717. >Dash: "No! W-well, yeah, but.. I mean, th-that's it?"
  718. "Well what else is there?"
  719. >Dash is starting to get flustered. She's really falling for it
  720. >Dash: "Y-you know...finishing what we started earlier..."
  721. "Oh, yeah, about that. I've got stuff to do so maybe some other time-"
  722. >Dash: "Damn it I've been waiting all day for this, you can't just-"
  723. >You grab her and pull her into a hug, your face inches from hers
  724. "Gotcha."
  725. >Another punch in the arm
  726. >Dash: "... you really piss me off sometimes, you know..."
  727. "Are you pissed now?"
  728. >Dash: "... only if you stop"
  729. >Not like you ever intended to leave, nor do you have any intention of stopping
  731. >You slide one hand between her legs and the other under her shirt. She's wearing a bra this time, but that doesn't stop you
  732. >Rather than try to take it off, you slide your hand under. But between the wire digging into the back of your hand and the already tight fit of her bra, you pull your hand out
  733. >Hey, caressing her through her bra is still something
  734. >Apparently she doesn't share that thought
  735. >Dash: "H-hold on a sec"
  736. >She steps back and removes her shirt
  737. "So they match"
  738. >Dash: "H-huh?"
  739. "Your bra and panties"
  740. >Dash: "oh yeah..."
  741. >She drops her skirt too
  742. >Dash: "...d-do you like it?"
  743. "Maybe. I'm just surprised you had such a feminine side to you-"
  744. >Dash: "Y-you better not tell anyone! I swear-"
  745. "It's cute"
  746. >She goes silent. She makes it too easy sometimes
  747. >Dash: "wh-whatever... j-just go over there"
  748. >She points over towards the bed
  750. >She grabs you by the arm and leads you over to the bed. She sits on the edge, but stops you from sitting next to her
  751. >Dash: "N-no... right here is good"
  752. >You're positioned in front of her, your crotch right at her eye level, She reaches for the button of your pants, hands shaking.
  753. >She almost hesitates to touch you like you're made of glass. Once she finally grabs at your buttons she fiddles around with it
  754. "Need help?"
  755. >Dash: "N-no, I got it"
  756. >She tries some more
  757. "You sure?"
  758. >Dash: "No, I can do it!"
  759. >She tries even harder, but after a minute or so gives up
  760. >Dash: ".... a little help"
  761. >You unbutton your pants and she immediately swats your hand away
  762. >Dash: "J-just for the record, I could have done it myself"
  763. >She quickly unzips your pants and yanks them down, hoping you'd forget what just happened. She grabs the waistband of your boxers, but more timidly like earlier
  764. >Dash: "Y-you sure you're ready for this?"
  765. "Are you sure you're ready?"
  766. >Dash: "Of course! ...I just, you know... wanted to make sure you are..."
  767. >Uh uh. Right.
  768. >She pulls your underpants down, slowly letting your erect member free
  769. >Dash: "O-okay... I guess... I-I'll just pick up where I left off"
  770. >She gently grabs the base of your dick and brings her mouth closer. AS she gets near, you can feel her breathing on you. The warmth of her panting almost feels good in itself. She lets out a long deep breath, then inhales...
  771. >Then fills her mouth with your cock
  773. >She pushes herself down, bringing your cock deeper into her warm, wet mouth. It felt great for the whole 30 seconds before she pulls out and starts coughing
  774. "You okay Dash?"
  775. >She struggles to respond while trying to catch her breath
  776. >Dash: "Yeah... I just... haven't.. I'll get the hang of it..."
  777. >She gives the head a few slow test licks, as if mentally preparing herself, then pushes down again. It takes her a while to get a steady rhythm, and she has to stop every once in a while to catch her breath. It's sloppy, it's awkward... but damn, is it cute. As she gets the hang of it, she begins stroking you with her hand, matching the movements of her head
  778. >You reach down and run your fingers through her soft hair. You try not to hold her down in case she needs to catch her breath again
  779. >She pulls her head back again, but not to catch her breath
  780. >Dash: "s-so.. how am I doing?"
  781. >You don't say anything, and she takes that as a complement
  782. >Dash: "Told you I'd get the hang of it"
  783. >She starts licking you all over, moving from the base all the way over the head and back down again. You feel your heart race, your body going weak, and the next time she goes over your head you give her a gentle push. She lets out a muffled gasp and resumes her previous moment. You hear her quietly moaning like she's enjoying it
  784. "You're touching yourself aren't you"
  785. >She pulls out again
  786. >Dash: "M-maybe..."
  787. >She doesn't stop stroking you; in fact, she moves her hand faster. She may need to work on her oral skills, but her soft little hands can work some serious magic Her eyes are glued to your member, like she's waiting for something to happen
  788. >Your heart is about to explode... mind going blank...
  789. >Dash: "Anon... you okay?"
  790. >You don't respond. Your legs shake. Your breath gets heave and rigid. You feel yourself getting close.... so close....
  791. "D-Dash..."
  792. >Dash: "Yeah?"
  793. >You try to warn her.... it doesn't come out... you lose control
  794. >And finally, you release your load
  796. >The look of sheer surprise on her face was priceless. Not that you could really enjoy it, your mind was all over the place. You were thinking about everything that just happened, and nothing all at the same time
  797. >By the time your body calms down and your mind catches up with you, you plop down on the bed next to her
  798. >That's when you really realize what you've done. You should have given her a heads up, especially seeing how it was her first time. You consider apologizing...
  799. "You're welcome"
  800. >Now's not the time for jokes, Anon
  801. >Her response isn't angry though
  802. >She's blushing, she's confused, but... she's actually happy
  803. >She wipes her face clean with her discarded shirt and tosses it into the corner of the room. She puts the skirt back on and takes her seat next to you
  804. >The two of you sit in awkward silence
  805. >Dash: "S-so, umm... d-do you want something to drink? O-or something..."
  806. "Yeah, sure"
  807. >She leaves, and you use this opportunity to pull your pants back up and get your mind back together. She comes back with two glasses
  808. >Dash: "It's just water, hope you don't mind"
  809. "Nah it's fine..."
  810. >More awkward silence, She looks looks she wants to say something, but hesitates...
  811. "Go on. Let it out, Dash"
  812. >Dash: "... s-so like, umm... h-how did I do?"
  813. >You put your arm around her
  814. "Better than I thought"
  815. >Dash: "Y-yeah?"
  816. "... a LOT better"
  817. >She look a little less nervous, and a little more proud
  818. >Dash: "W-well it better be. I barely slept last night, I was worried that you wouldn't... y-you know... have fun today"
  819. "... last night?"
  821. >Dash: "Wh-what?"
  822. "You said you've been thinking about this since last night"
  823. >Dash: "Well, umm, th-that's-"
  824. "The reason I came was because you forgot my sweater"
  825. >Dash: "Y-you see-"
  826. "It wasn't an accident was it?"
  827. >Dash: "I-I can explain-"
  828. "You just needed an excuse to get me down her didn't you-"
  829. >She punches you in the arm
  830. >Dash: "...m-maybe..."
  831. >She's pouting again, so you do the one thing you know will cheer her up. You throw your arms around her and give her a big hug
  832. "Well I'm glad you did"
  833. >She blushes, trying not to smile, and pushes you away
  834. >Dash: "And... there was another reason I wanted you to come over"
  835. "Yeah?"
  836. >Dash: "I just.. wanted to say that..."
  837. >She reaches for your hand and gently grabs hold of it
  838. >Dash: "I... k-kinda like you Anon... s-sorta"
  839. >You figured as much, and yet this still comes as a surprise. To hear her actually come out and tell her she likes you. And quite frankly... you know, it's hard to say when, but... you actually grew feelings for her too
  840. >Dash: W-well?"
  841. >You give her a light punch in the arm
  842. "... I kinda like you too..."
  843. >She smiles like a little kid on Christmas...
  844. "...Dashie."
  845. >And she explodes.
  846. >You only caught a glimpse of her face before burying it in a pillow, but that was the brightest blush you have ever seen
  847. >After a minute of getting herself together, she puts the pillow down, her face still as bright as the red streak in her hair
  848. >Dash: "A-are you going to call me that all the time?"
  849. "Hey, you can call me Nonny if you want, that'll make us even-"
  850. >She pushes you down on the bed, throws some pillows aside, and lays next to you
  851. >Dash: "J-just shut up and hold me"
  853. >The two of you lay in bed together for what felt like hours, but in a good way. Despite her million pillows, she chose to rest her head on your chest... again, in a good way
  854. >Her arm is draped across you. Her heart feels like it's about to beat out of her chest, which is easier to feel since she still doesn't have a shirt on
  855. >Before you even realize it, the room has started to glow an orange-ish red color. Since the only light coming in was from the bedroom window, that means the sun is starting to set
  856. "Hey Dash... Dash..."
  857. >You give her shoulder a gentle shake
  858. "... Dash?"
  859. >Dash: "..mmhm.."
  860. >She quietly groans
  861. >Dash: "... sorry, I was falling asleep"
  862. >She nuzzles your shoulder
  863. >Dash: "... you're shoulder... it's kinda comfy"
  864. >She's gonna give you a heart attack before this relationship goes anywhere
  865. "It's getting late, I should probably go soon"
  866. >She clings to you tighter
  867. >Dash: "You sure?"
  868. "I mean... it is getting pretty late"
  869. >Dash looks visibly disappointed
  870. >Dash: "I... I guess you're right. Just give me a sec"
  871. >She scribbles something on a piece of paper, folds it up, throws a shirt on and sees you to the door
  873. >You're about to head out
  874. >Dash: "Anon wait. Don't turn around, just wait a sec"
  875. >You hear a rustling, then she stuffs something in your backpack
  876. >Dash: "Okay, you can turn around... just don't open your bag until you get home"
  877. "Why?"
  878. >Dash: "J-just trust me, okay? You'll like it"
  879. >Whatever that means, you nod
  880. >Dash: "A-and... one last thing"
  881. "Yeah?"
  882. >Dash: "W-well... s-since I'm kinda y-your... w-well, should we like, k-kiss or something?"
  883. "O-oh, yeah... that makes sense"
  884. >Damn it, you're just as awkward as her
  885. >You gently grab each other, and slowly lean forward... her lips are soft, really soft
  886. >You each pull back sooner than you hoped, and you're sure your face is as red as hers
  887. "S-so, uhh-"
  888. >Dash: "SEE YOU TOMORROW"
  889. >She pushes you out and slams the door
  890. >Well... hey. That's her. Your new girlfriend
  892. >As soon as you get home, you go to your bedroom and open your backpack
  893. >There's a note:
  894. >"Here you go, hope you like it <3"
  895. >The writing is scribbly and jagged, even for her
  896. >....that's all it says
  897. >You dig through you backpack looking for anything else
  898. >Wait, there's something at the bottom of your bag. You slowly pull it out
  899. >....
  900. >A pair of panties, with light blue stripes and lace trim. The crotch area is wet
  902. >The next day, Dash texted you not to wait for her because she was running late. The expression on her face when she showed up and saw you waiting for her anyways was priceless
  903. >Dash: "I thought I told you not to wait"
  904. "But aren't you glad that I did"
  905. >Dash: "... j-just walk me in"
  906. >You walk in together, and before head your separate ways to our classes, Dash stops you
  907. >Dash: "Hey Anon... can you do me a favor?"
  908. "What is it?"
  909. >Dash: "Can we try not to make a big deal about... you know, us? It's not you or anything, it's just... weird for me saying I have a boyfriend, you know"
  910. "Yeah... sure"
  911. >She's still pretty shy about it. You know, she can be diabetically sweet sometimes
  913. >The day goes by, time for lunch
  914. >You and Dash get to the table first, and everyone else catches up with you
  915. >Pinkie: "Hey Dashie, hey Nonny, what's going on-"
  916. "Dash and I are dating"
  917. >...
  918. >Less than one day into your relationship and you've already fucked it up. Way to go
  920. >After a very forceful under-the-table kick, the girls start questioning the two of you bout EVERYTHING
  921. >You come up with some half-assed story about falling in love with her in some cheesy romantic setting
  922. >Hey, it was still better than "I forcefully fingered her in the gym and she blew me the next day"
  924. >Somehow you survive lunch without Dash killing you. Of course, that doesn't keep her from pouting the whole time
  925. >The bell rings and she hurries off without you
  926. >... maybe you really did fuck up this time
  928. >When you get to history, and see Dash sitting at her desk with her own book out... well, shit
  929. >You sit down and take out your own book and focus on your own work... as best as you can
  930. >You're zoned out when a ball of paper hits the side of your head. You look at Dash, who has her head down, asleep, but when you open up the ball there's a message in her handwriting
  931. >"You know you really owe me for this."
  932. >She's pretending to be asleep, but you catch her peeking at you. Since she's clearly intent on not talking to you, you write her a message
  933. "Whatever you want, just say it"
  934. >You decide against throwing it at her like she did. Instead, you gently slip it on her desk
  935. >She waits until you're not looking to grab it, still pretending to be asleep. And again, when you're not looking, another message gets thrown at you
  936. >"I'll think of something"
  937. >There were a few other messages, but they've been scribbled out and made illegible
  938. >You start writing another message, but when you see her turn away from you, you discard it
  940. >When class ends you get up to leave, but Dash grabs your sleeve
  941. >Dash: "...wait"
  942. >That's all she says, before packing up her stuff and walking out with you
  943. >You walk together without saying anything to each other
  944. >But hey... at least she's walking with you now
  946. >Dash waited for you to walk to gym together. Hell, the two of you actually had a normal conversation together
  947. >Dash: "S-so Anon... I don't think we're playing dodgeball today. Do you have a new plan?"
  948. >You pull a thermos out of your backpack
  949. Dash: "What's in there?"
  950. "I'm gonna throw up in the bathroom"
  951. >Dash: "Wh-what?"
  952. "It's just orange juice mixed with mashed potatoes. Just splash it around the toilet and say you threw up. Works every time"
  953. >Dash: "... pour me some of that"
  954. >She hands you an empty water bottle, and pour about half of it for her
  956. >The class was playing flag football today
  957. >Of course, you and Dash were "too sick" to participate, so the two of you sat on the bleachers together
  958. >Dash: "...hey Anon"
  959. "Yeah?"
  960. >Dash: ".... wait a sec"
  961. "Wait for what?"
  962. >She sits still and silent for a moment...
  963. >Dash: "-okay come on"
  964. >She suddenly grabs your arm and pulls you away. She leads you down and behind the bleachers
  966. >Dash: "You still owe me you know"
  967. "Y-yeah... anything"
  968. >She grabs your arm and pulls it around her shoulders
  969. >Dash: "O-okay, now..."
  970. >She points to her cheek
  971. >Dash: "Just kiss me, and I'll forgive you"
  972. "That's all?"
  973. >Dash: "Yeah, a-and keep your eyes closed until I say. Or else"
  974. >You do as she says, closing your eyes and slowly kissing her cheek
  975. >*CLICK*
  976. >She gently pushes you away
  977. >Dash: "Okay, that's all."
  978. "What was that-"
  979. >Dash: "We should get back before anyone notices we're gone..."
  980. >The two of you hurry back to your seats on the bleachers
  982. >After gym
  983. >You're changing in the locker room when you get a text message... form Dash
  984. >"Thanks." That's all it says
  985. >Attached with the message is a picture
  986. >A picture of you kissing her under the bleachers....
  988. >After you finish changing, you wait for her outside the locker room
  990. >You get a text message later that night
  991. >.... it's from Rarity?
  993. >...what?
  994. >You're in the middle of your reply when you get another message from Pinkie
  995. >" w(°o°)w WELL LOOK AT YOU NONNY! GO GET HER~~ ミ(o*・ω・)ノ "
  996. >You don't even know how to type half of those symbols
  997. >Another message, from Fluttershy, then Applejack. All saying about the same thing
  998. >... then a message from Dash
  1002. >That. Fucking. Picture.
  1003. >She got you back
  1005. >The next day, Dash shows up barely on time as usual. When you meet, you don't say much
  1006. "So... we good?"
  1007. >Dash: "... yeah, we're good"
  1008. >... and that's all you say, because it's all that needs to be said. You take each others hands and head inside
  1010. >You have a choice: go to biology and put up with Rarity all class, or skip class and hide in the library with all the losers
  1011. >...
  1013. >Rarity: "Well hello there Anon~ Anything interesting you'd like to talk about?"
  1014. >You may have made the wrong choice
  1015. "Not particularly"
  1016. >Rarity: "Oh reeeeeaally~? Nothing at all?"
  1017. "You're talking about the kiss?"
  1018. >Rarity: "Actually, I'm talking about everything else"
  1019. >...
  1020. >wat
  1021. "Wh-what are you talking about?"
  1022. >Rarity: "Oh, you know, the OTHER stuff you did"
  1023. "We didn't do anything"
  1024. >Rarity: "Hmm... that's not what Rainbow Dash told me"
  1025. "A-and what exactly did she tell you?"
  1026. >Rarity: "... everything"
  1027. "All of it?"
  1028. >She giggles
  1029. >Rarity: "Don't worry darling, she didn't say anything...."
  1030. >Thank god.
  1031. >You reel in your spaghetti and let out a sigh of relief-
  1032. >Rarity: "-was there something she SHOULD have told me?"
  1033. >Fuck.
  1034. >This one is your fault Anon
  1035. "... nope. Nothing at all"
  1036. >Rarity: "Relax Anon, you can tell me... I can keep a secret-"
  1037. "-No you can't"
  1038. >Rarity: "... okay, maybe not so much. But it's not like it's anything to be ashamed of, you and Dash are really cute together-"
  1039. >Classmate: "-Wait, who's dating Rainbow Dash?"
  1040. >The guy in front of you turns around
  1041. >Classmate: "Is it you Anon?"
  1042. >Rarity: "It's none of you business-"
  1043. >Classmate: "-yeah, pipe down marshmallow, no one's talking to you. So Anon, tell me all about it"
  1044. "About what"
  1045. >Classmate: "You know..."
  1046. "...know what?"
  1047. >Classmate: "...how crusty is her cunt?"
  1048. >He laughs and high fives the guys next to him
  1049. >Rarity looks deeply offended. And quite frankly, so are you
  1050. >Classmate: "Relax bro, I'm just-"
  1051. "-Not as crusty as your mom's"
  1052. >...well then
  1053. >It wasn't clever, it wasn't witty, but it certainly shut him up
  1054. "... and I'm not your 'bro'"
  1056. >Look out, we got a bad ass here. Anon, White Knight of Waifus, Defender of Damsels, the Master of M'Ladies
  1057. >... and the poor bastard who's about to get his ass kicked
  1058. >He turns his chair around to face you directly
  1059. >Classmate: "You wanna run that by me again?"
  1060. >You stare him down with confidence. You sit up with authority. You try not to shit in your pants
  1061. >Instead of responding, you turn your attention back to your work
  1062. >Classmate: "What's the matter? Giving up before I have to kick your ass-"
  1063. >"Is that a threat?"
  1064. >He turns around and sees the teacher standing over him, the teacher you saw approaching just a moment ago
  1065. >Y-you totally had a comeback for that though... totally... I swear
  1066. >Teacher: "I don't want to hear another word out of you..."
  1067. >You smirk-
  1068. >Teacher: "-you too, Anonymous"
  1069. >... well, he's still in trouble too
  1070. >The teacher continues with the lesson, and you get back to your own work
  1071. >Rarity taps you on the shoulder and silently gives you a thumbs up
  1073. >Class goes on without any more interruptions
  1074. >You packed up your stuff a few minutes early so you can leave as soon as the bell rings. Rarity caught you and followed suit
  1075. >And as soon as that bell goes off, the two of you jump out of your desks and head for the door
  1076. >Whats-his-face gives you an angry look on your way out
  1078. >You and Rarity wait for Dash as usual
  1079. >Dash: "Hey guys, what's going on-"
  1080. "Come on, let's just hurry"
  1081. >Dash: "Jeez Anon, you skip breakfast or something?"
  1082. "It's not that, it's just-"
  1083. >Someone smacked you in the back of the head
  1084. >Guess fucking who
  1085. >He walks by with the other guys, the ones next to him in class he high fived. He says nothing, he just flips you off... and Dash
  1086. >Your girlfriend doesn't even seem to care, she just rolls her eyes
  1087. "Seriously, what is up with that guy?"
  1088. >Dash: "Never mind him, Anon, Flash is just jealous"
  1089. "Flash?"
  1090. >So that's whats-his-face's name
  1091. >Dash: "Yeah, I'll explain later"
  1093. "So wait, you and this Flash Sentry dude dated?"
  1094. >You're all together at your lunch table, the home of awkward conversation these days
  1095. >Dash: "No, he asked me out, but I rejected him..."
  1096. >She starts mocking his voice
  1097. >Dash: "...and no one says no to Flash Sentry"
  1098. >Back in her normal voice
  1099. >Dash: "... trust me Anon, just ignore him. He'll get over it eventually"
  1100. "I just hope he gets over him soon, I've talked to him once and I'm already sick of him"
  1101. >Dash: "What did he say?"
  1102. "Bullshit. A whole lotta bullshit"
  1103. >Rarity: "Mostly about you"
  1104. >Dash: "... yeah, that sounds like him"
  1105. >Rarity: "Don't worry Dash, Anon here stood up for you, like a true gentleman"
  1106. >Your internal fedora tips
  1107. "Hey, I'm not just gonna let someone else talk shit about my friends. Especially not my Dashie"
  1108. >Dash: " 'Y-your Dashie?' "
  1109. "Got a problem with that?"
  1110. >Dash: "Wh-whatever makes you happy"
  1111. >Giggles all around the table
  1112. >Dash: "A-and besides, I wouldn't let him talk shit about... m-my Nonny either"
  1113. >Her calling you 'Nonny' seemed to echo around the table like a gunshot. At least the other girls responded like one. They all stare at you waiting for your reaction
  1114. >... now you know how Dash feels when you call her 'Dashie'
  1115. >Rarity: "Do you two need some time alone?"
  1116. >Pinkie: "Nu-uh, no way I'm missing a second of this!"
  1117. "A second of what-"
  1118. >Dash leans onto your shoulder
  1119. >Dash: "We're fine"
  1121. >She stayed on your shoulder for the rest of lunch. Even on the way to class she wouldn't leave your side
  1122. >You don't even have to ask her to push her desk together with yours again
  1123. >Class begins
  1124. >....
  1125. >Dash: "psst. hey Anon"
  1126. "hmm?"
  1127. >Dash: "I've been meaning to ask you something"
  1128. "what is it?"
  1129. >Dash: "did you like the present I gave you?"
  1130. "the present..."
  1131. >Oh yeah, the "present"
  1132. >Dash: "...well?"
  1133. >She's trying to get to you Anon, don't let her... no boner, stop
  1134. >Dash: "what if I told you I was wearing the matching bra"
  1135. >Okay boner, you're in charge now
  1136. >Boner to brain: all systems go
  1137. "I'd say show me"
  1138. >Dash: "w-well, umm..."
  1139. >Tables have turned-"
  1140. >Dash: "okay, but only if you do it"
  1141. >Aaaaand back to you. She smiles like she's just defeated you
  1142. "... alright. I'll do it"
  1143. >Call her bluff, make her blush
  1144. >Dash: "a-alright, go ahead"
  1145. >She leans over to you. You slowly reach for her shirt, all you gotta do is-
  1146. >Teacher: "Anonymous, Dash, what's going on back there?"
  1147. >Brain to boner: I'm taking the wheel
  1148. "J-just dropped my pencil"
  1149. >You reach down and pretend to pick something up. The teacher falls for it.
  1150. >Dash: "nice save, Anon"
  1151. >Brain to boner: You are dismissed
  1152. >Okay, back to work
  1153. >....
  1154. >Dash: "psst. hey Anon"
  1155. >Not again
  1156. "what is it now-"
  1157. >She pulls her collar out to give you a peek at her bra
  1158. >Boner to brain: I'm back, bitches
  1159. >Dash: "you earned it"
  1160. >She gives you a wink before letting go of her collar
  1161. "... hey Dash"
  1162. >Dash: "yeah?"
  1163. "that's not the matching bra"
  1164. >She chuckles
  1165. >Dash: "I know"
  1166. >That crafty bitch
  1168. >Back to your class work
  1169. >....
  1170. >Dash: "psst. hey-"
  1171. "nope"
  1172. >Dash: "no really, it's-"
  1173. "nu-uh"
  1174. >Dash: "come on, you'll-"
  1175. "not again"
  1176. >Dash: "but Anon, class-"
  1177. >*RING RING RING*
  1178. "Class is over?"
  1179. >You've usually packed up all your stuff by now
  1180. >Dash: "I was trying to tell you"
  1181. >Damn, today's just not your day. You double-time it on packing up
  1183. >Dash: "So, uhh... s-sorry for almost getting you in trouble in there"
  1184. "Eh, no biggie"
  1185. >Dash: "You sure?"
  1186. "Yeah, relax..."
  1187. >Her apology is almost guilt-inducingly sincere
  1188. "... if anything I was disappointed you weren't wearing the other bra"
  1189. >That cheered her up... kinda
  1190. >Dash: "T-tell you what, I'll wear it for you tomorrow. And maybe... something else
  1191. "...Something else? Like what?"
  1192. >She's smiling for real now
  1193. >Dash: Y-you'll find out tomorrow"
  1194. "Care to give me a hint"
  1195. >Dash: "... nope"
  1196. >Damn this girl
  1197. >You decided to actually participate in gym today. About five minutes in you changed your mind and got yourself hurt. Dash thought it was hilarious
  1198. >You sat by yourself in the bleachers, like you used to. You tried not to be distracting to Dash... okay, so you cheered and celebrated for her anytime she did anything
  1199. >Is it distracting? Yes. Is she embarrassed? Probably. Is she gonna hit you as soon as class is over? No doubt. Is it worth it? Damn right it is
  1201. "Hey Dash! Good game-"
  1202. >She punches your arm a LOT harder than usual
  1203. >Dash: "Th-that's for being such a dork!"
  1204. >Then, when no one's looking, she gives you a quick kiss on the cheek
  1205. "So what was that for?"
  1206. >Dash: "... f-for being my dork"
  1207. >She's not looking at you. Either she doesn't want to see you or she doesn't want you to see her blushing
  1208. >Dash: "A-and if you still want me to wear... you know, "that", for you tomorrow, then you owe me"
  1209. "Owe you what?"
  1210. >She whispers something in your ear
  1211. "... you've got to be kidding"
  1212. >Dash: "I-if you're gonna embarrass me, I'm gonna embarrass you"
  1213. >You consider her offer...
  1214. >Das: "W-well?"
  1215. "... fine. I'll do it"
  1216. >Dash: "Y-you better"
  1217. >You head off to the locker rooms
  1218. >Tomorrow will be... interesting
  1220. >Getting ready for school
  1221. >...
  1222. >Just do it Anon. Go ahead
  1223. >...
  1225. >You wait for Dash outside as usual
  1226. >When she sees you, she jumps into a sprint
  1227. >Dash: "Heey Anooon!"
  1228. >As soon as she's close enough she grabs your hand and drags you away. She leads you around the corner and behind the school. You're desperately gasping for breath by the time you get there, barely able to keep up
  1229. >Dash: "Okay... show me"
  1230. "Show... you... what?"
  1231. >Dash: "Don't tell me you forgot!"
  1232. >You finally catch your breath
  1233. "Oh yeah... that"
  1234. >Dash: "So you did?"
  1235. "Maybe"
  1236. >Dash: "So... show me!"
  1237. "Alright, alright... just give me a second..."
  1238. >Shit Anon, are you actually nervous about this?
  1239. >You slowly unbutton your pants and her eyes get wider. Drawing this out is only making it worse on you, and more fun for her, so as soon as your zipper is down you quickly drop your pants
  1240. >Dash: "W-wow... You must really like my underwear, don't you Anon?"
  1241. >Protip: Panties can't hold in a boner... trust me
  1242. >She grabs your member through her... scratch that, your panties, and starts stroking you
  1243. "H-hey Dash, we had a deal remember?"
  1244. >With her free hand, she lifts up her shirt, revealing a bra that looks a lot like your panties
  1245. >Dash: "Told you I'd keep my word, didn't I?"
  1246. "So Dash, if I'm wearing the matching panties, what are you wearing now?"
  1247. >Dash: "... well..."
  1248. "Well what?"
  1249. >Dash: "I couldn't just, you know... wear mismatching underwear, you know? I-it just seemed weird-"
  1250. "-Are you not wearing panties?"
  1251. >Her grip tightens as you say that
  1252. >Dash: "O-of course I am!"
  1253. "Then show me"
  1254. >Dash: "... o-okay fine, I'm not wearing any, okay?"
  1255. "Really?"
  1256. >She reaches up her skirt and pulls her shorts down, kicking them aside
  1257. >Dash: "G-go ahead, see for yourself..."
  1258. >You reach up her skirt...
  1259. >Dash: "T-told you"
  1260. >Just as you thought, your palm is prickled with her pubes, and on your fingers feel...
  1261. >Holy crap she's actually wet
  1262. "Hey Dash... do you actually like seeing me in your panties?"
  1263. >Dash: "N-no! I-It's just cause you're touching me and stuff..."
  1264. >She starts stroking you faster with those magical hands of hers
  1265. >Dash: "A-and besides, yours is leaking too"
  1266. >Another protip: Precum leaks through panties like there's nothing there
  1267. "Well... maybe I do enjoy this"
  1268. >Dash: "Y-you're weird Anon..."
  1269. >She pulls you closer and plants a kiss on your neck
  1270. >Dash: "... b-but I guess it's not all that bad..."
  1271. >You slip your fingers inside her
  1272. >Dash: "...MMh...n-not bad at all"
  1273. >Your feel your body getting weak
  1274. >Dash: "S-so... i-is this what you normally do with them?"
  1275. "P-pretty much"
  1276. >Dash: "W-well, not like, wearing them and stuff, but..."
  1277. >She gives Anon Jr. a squeeze
  1278. >Dash: "... this?"
  1279. "... y-yeah sure"
  1280. >Okay, so maybe you DO wear them when you fap, who's to judge?
  1281. >Your member starts to twitch, and she tightens her grip
  1282. >Dash: "... I recognize that"
  1283. >She pulls you in to a kiss
  1284. >Dash: "G-go ahead... let it out-"
  1285. >You pull her back into the kiss. She runs her free hand through your hair... it's weirdly erotic
  1286. >The more your cock throbs in her hand, the faster she strokes you. And after a while you can't hold back any longer
  1287. >As you release your load, you force your tongue into her mouth. She gasps in surprise, and almost seems to be fighting back against you
  1288. >... it seemed sensible in the heat of the moment
  1289. >Your cum slowly leaks out through your panties, dripping down Dash's hand
  1290. >As you try to pull away from the kiss, she holds you in as long as she can, until she has to come up for breath
  1291. >Dash: "mmh... hmm... y-you..."
  1292. >Crap. She's pissed
  1293. "Sorry, it just-"
  1294. >Dash: "-you should do that more often"
  1295. >She smiles, and looks down at her cum-covered hand
  1296. >Dash: "W-well, at least it's not on my face again"
  1297. >*RING RING RING*
  1298. >Fuck. You're late for class
  1299. "Come on Dash, we gotta-"
  1300. >Dash: "Wait wait wait, hold on..."
  1301. "What? We're running late-"
  1302. >Dash: "Yeah, but you can't go to class like..."
  1303. >She motions towards your crotch, semen still dripping through your panties
  1304. >Dash: "... like that"
  1305. "W-well it's fine, I can just take them off or-"
  1306. >Dash: "You are not taking them off!"
  1307. "Why, it's easier than-"
  1308. >Dash: "-I'm still not done with you today"
  1309. "Well I can't just wear cum-soaked panties all day"
  1310. >Dash: "... m-maybe you don't have to"
  1311. "What do you-
  1312. >Dash plants her face to our crotch and licks your fluids off
  1313. >Hello boner, you're back early
  1314. >Dash: "Calm down Nonny, we don't got the time, remember"
  1315. >She pulls your panties down and licks your member clean. Very. Slowly
  1316. "I thought we didn't have time
  1317. >Dash: "Not enough time to finish. But I can still have a little fun while I'm at it"
  1318. >She pulls your underwear back up, and while she's at it, pants too
  1319. >Huh. Such good manners
  1320. >Dash runs off
  1321. "Dash, wait-!"
  1322. >Dash: "-Don't be too late, someone will get suspicious!"
  1323. "But-!"
  1324. >Too late, she's gone
  1325. >She'll realize soon that she forgot her shorts behind
  1326. >You'll hold on to them for now... you know, for safe keeping
  1327. >You button your pants, double checking that your zipper is up
  1328. >Can't be too careful today
  1329. >Again, you debate whether or not you should actually go to biology class today
  1330. >...
  1331. >Uggh. Fuck
  1333. >You decide to go to class at the last second, just barely on time. The teacher is not happy
  1334. >Teacher: "Anonymous, please try to show up at least more than a few seconds before class starts next time"
  1335. "Sorry sir, won't happen again"
  1336. >That Flash Whats-his-face dude is snickering
  1337. >Dash told you to just ignore him. Just ignore him. Don't look at him, don't even acknowledge-
  1338. >*CRASH*
  1339. >The class erupts into laughter
  1340. >That son of a bitch just tripped you
  1341. >Teacher: "Anonymous, do you need to step outside?"
  1342. "No sir, everything's fine"
  1343. >Not giving him the pleasure of a reaction, you calmly get up and go to your seat
  1344. >Rarity: "...you okay?"
  1345. "don't worry, I'm fine"
  1346. >Your head aches through the rest of class
  1348. >You cringe when the bell rings... you never realized just how loud that damn bell is
  1349. >Dash is waiting for you and Rarity outside, but mostly you
  1350. >Dash: "Anon, I need to ask you-"
  1351. >She notices the look on your face
  1352. >Dash: "You okay? You don't look so good"
  1353. >Flash: "Yeah Anon, you don't look so good"
  1354. >Again, you don't respond. None of you do. He gets bored and walks away
  1355. >Dash: "... please tell me you weren't causing any drama"
  1356. "Believe me, I tried not to"
  1357. >You and Rarity explain it on the way to the cafeteria
  1358. >You're in line getting your food
  1359. >Dash: "Seriously? And you just let him?"
  1360. "I tried to ignore him like you said-"
  1361. >Dash: "-Well yeah, but there's just some things you shouldn't put up with-"
  1362. "-Dash it's fine... really. Just let it go"
  1363. >Dash: "... just promise me one thing"
  1364. "Yeah?"
  1365. >Dash: "If you ever do decide to kick his ass... I want in"
  1366. "Tell you what, I'll let you get the first hit"
  1367. >That put a smile on her face, until you started wincing again
  1368. >Damn your head is killing you
  1370. >You stumble over on your way to the table, Dash has to help you just to stand up
  1371. >Rarity: "Darling, are you sure you're okay?"
  1372. "I'm fine, just... just a little headache"
  1373. >No matter how hard you try to undersell it, you're not fooling anyone, especially not Dash
  1374. >Dash: "Come on. We're going to see the school nurse"
  1375. "No, I don't need-"
  1376. >Dash: "-Look Anon, we're going whether you want to or not"
  1377. "Dash, please, I'm-"
  1378. >Dash: "Rarity, can you let the others know-?"
  1379. "-Don't-"
  1380. >Rarity: "Sure thing, you just make sure he's okay-"
  1381. "-I'm okay-"
  1382. >Dash: "-Thanks, take these-"
  1383. >She takes your food tray and hands it to Rarity, along with her own
  1384. >Dash: "-Now come on, Anon-"
  1385. "-You guys, I swear, I'm fine-"
  1386. >Dash: "-If I have to carry you princess style I will"
  1387. "... fine"
  1388. >She walks you out
  1389. >You'd never admit it, but this probably is for the best
  1390. >Dash: "Hey Nurse, Anon here's got a problem"
  1391. "... hey Nurse"
  1392. >The look she gives you, it reminds you why you didn't want to come down here
  1393. >Nurse: "Well well well, gym class start early today?"
  1394. >Dash: "No, he's not faking it this time"
  1395. >Nurse: "Alright, tell me what's going on this time"
  1396. >She wheels her chair over to you
  1397. "I kinda fell and hit my head"
  1398. >She starts feeling around your forehead. There's somewhere that when she presses down, just makes you grit your teeth
  1399. >Nurse: "Well I'll be damned, it's the real deal. Come, sit down"
  1400. >She leads you over to the little bed. She wheels across the room and starts filling a bag with ice
  1401. >Nurse: "You wanna tell me what happened?"
  1402. "I already did, I fell"
  1403. >Nurse: "No shit, I mean how"
  1404. >The mouth on this lady
  1405. "I tripped"
  1406. >Nurse: "Okay... so you just fell over for no reason?"
  1407. >Dash: "It was Flash-"
  1408. "Yeah I'm clumsy, okay?"
  1409. >The nurse rolls her eyes
  1410. >Nurse: "Listen, Anon. It's okay..."
  1411. >She takes your hands
  1412. >Nurse: "... if you're little girlfriend here is abusing you there's nothing to be ashamed of"
  1413. >She laughs and hands you the bag of ice
  1414. >Nurse: "Relax kiddo, I'm just messin with you"
  1415. >She pours some pills into a little cup
  1416. >Nurse: "Take these, they'll help with the headache-"
  1417. >*RING RING RING*
  1418. >The phone on the wall rings, and apparently it's not a good conversation. When she hangs up she slams it down on the receiver as if trying to break a hole in the wall
  1419. >Nurse: "Just my luck... I gotta go, there's been a huge accident in the woodshop class"
  1420. >She starts putting together a first-aid kit
  1421. >Nurse: "I told Celestia not to let that 'Applebloom' girl and her friends take the class..."
  1422. >She gets frustrated, and for the first time you see her stand up from her chair
  1423. >Nurse: "...but no, no one gives a damn what I think! Look Anon, just take those pills, stay as long as you need, Dash you got class with him right?"
  1424. >Dash: "Yeah-"
  1425. >Nurse: "-Good, he's your problem now"
  1426. >She slams the door on her way out, still muttering to herself
  1427. >Dash: "So Anon, you wanna tell me what's going on?"
  1428. "What do you mean?"
  1429. >Dash: "Why you won't talk about Flash"
  1430. "No reason"
  1431. >Dash: "Is something wrong?"
  1432. "Everything's fine"
  1433. >Dash: "Anon... you're not afraid of him, are you?"
  1434. >Whaaaat? You mean the big meathead who could probably snap you like a twig? Of course not
  1435. "... you wanna know the truth?"
  1436. >Dash: "Anything"
  1437. >You let out a sigh
  1438. "It's just... I'm not going to let him get to me, you know? Yeah, he's annoying, and yeah he's a pain in my ass. But that doesn't mean he has to be on my mind 24/7"
  1439. >Dash: "Really? That's your reason?"
  1440. "Pretty much. If being with you means I have to put up with his nonsense, it's worth it"
  1441. >You ruffle her hair as you say that, and it puts a smile on her face
  1442. "Besides, I'm much more afraid of you than I am of him-"
  1443. >She gives you her signature punch-in-the-arm
  1444. "R-really Dash? Hitting an injured person"
  1445. >Dash: "You're fine"
  1446. "... to be honest, my head is killing me"
  1447. >Dash: "I thought so"
  1448. >You take the pills the nurse left for you and hold the ice pack to the sore spot on your forehead. You lay back on the bed, and Dash sits in the Nurse's chair. Laying down gives you a good view up her skirt... oh yeah
  1449. "Umm... hey Dash"
  1450. >Dash: "Yeah?"
  1451. >You open your bag and pull out her shorts. She immediately pushes down her skirt to cover up. Her face shoots up bright red
  1452. >Dash: "A-and you didn't tell me sooner!!"
  1453. "Well I meant to, but..."
  1454. >But then you couldn't sniff them in the bathroom
  1455. >...don't tell her that
  1456. >Dash: "I-I should have known..."
  1457. "Hey Dash, you're not-"
  1458. >Dash: "Shush"
  1459. >She looks around in a few cabinets before finally finding the nurse's spare labcoat
  1460. "Dash what are you doing?"
  1461. >Dash: "Y-you've got a serious problem Anon..."
  1462. >She puts the coat on
  1463. >Dash: "... and she said it's my responsibility to take care of you"
  1464. "Dash, what are you doing-"
  1465. >She pounces on top of you
  1466. >Dash: "Taking care of you"
  1467. >Dash: "So... how are you feeling today, Anon?"
  1468. "Wh-what?"
  1469. >She walks over to the nurse's desk and puts on her stethoscope
  1470. >Dash: "Come on, take off your shirt"
  1471. >She's really going all out on this isn't she
  1472. "Dash, are you trying to impersonate a doctor?"
  1473. >Dash: "I'm not impersonating a doctor, I'm pretending to be one"
  1474. >Whatever, you play along. Honestly, it is kinda cute. So you sit up straight and take your shirt off
  1475. >She wheels over to you in the chair and presses the stethoscope to your chest with one hand, gently and unprofessionally caressing you with the other
  1476. >Dash: "So what's the problem today, Mr. Anonymous?"
  1477. "Well I've got a bit of swelling in my head"
  1478. >Dash: "Okay, let's take a look here"
  1479. >She pushes aside the ice bag and starts feeling around your forehead-
  1480. "Not that head"
  1481. >...you honestly expected her to get that lot sooner
  1482. >Dash: "W-well then... let's take a look. Can you stand up for me?"
  1483. >You get up like she says. She gets as close to you as she can and starts to unbutton your pants-
  1484. >Nurse: "Hey guys, I'm back, turns out they-"
  1485. >Dash freezes. You freeze. The nurse freezes
  1486. "Umm... I-"
  1487. >Nurse: "No."
  1488. "Listen I can explain-"
  1489. >Nurse: "No, I don't want to hear another damn word"
  1490. >She shakes her head in confusion, or disappointment or... yup, that's anger. She paces around the room and collects her things
  1491. >Nurse: "I didn't see a thing, I have no idea what's going on, this is NOT my responsibility. I SERIOUSLY don't get paid enough for this shit"
  1492. >She grabs her purse from the desk
  1493. >Nurse: "There's some condoms in the desk here, you two just finish up whatever it is you're doing-"
  1494. "We-"
  1495. >Nurse: "DON'T! Tell me another word, if I don't know I can't be held responsible. Just clean up when you're done, I'm a nurse not a fucking janitor"
  1496. >She starts to head out the door
  1497. >Nurse: "...and Anon? Stick to boxers. I've seen horses that look better in panties than you do."
  1498. >She slams the door
  1499. "So... Doctor Dash"
  1500. >Dash: "H-huh?"
  1501. "Should we pick up where we left off?"
  1502. >Dash: "M-maybe we should lock the door first. Wouldn't want someone interrupting your check-up"
  1503. >She wheels over to the door and locks it. There is something about that chair that makes people not want to get out
  1504. >Dash: "So, lets take a look at that swelling"
  1505. >Surprisingly, that whole situation didn't put you down
  1506. >She slowly pulls your pants down. Your panties try to come down with your pants, but she makes sure they stay on. A girl with a panty fetish... you've really seen it all
  1507. >Dash: "Y-yeah... it's a bit swollen. I could try massaging it..."
  1508. >She starts gently stroking you through your panties. Her eyes look up at you with desire
  1509. >Dash: ...or maybe, you need more than this"
  1510. "M-more?"
  1511. >Dash: "Please, lie down"
  1512. >You sit down on the bed and lie back. She climbs up on top of you and straddles your hips, your panties quickly becoming damp with her fluids. Your cock is positioned perfectly between her legs.
  1513. >Dash: "How's this?"
  1514. >She grinds herself back and forth against you. Even through the panties, you feel how warm her body is
  1515. "M-much better"
  1516. >As she slides her hips back and forth, your panties get pushes down, and before you know it you're rubbing directly against her vulva
  1517. "D-Dash, wait-"
  1518. >Dash: "It's Doctor Dash"
  1519. "Doctor... I think-"
  1520. >Dash: "I feel it. The treatment's working"
  1521. >Her little hairs tickle your dick in a good way, and her fluids make everything feel warmer. And slippery. She plants her hands on your chest to hold herself up. Her fingers curl up, her nails leaving gentle scratches behind
  1522. >Dash: "M-Mr. Anonymous..."
  1523. "Yes Doctor?"
  1524. >Dash: "I... I think we need... to take this treatment all the way"
  1525. "I-I think so too Doctor"
  1526. >she gets off you, wobbling as she tries to walk over to the desk. Just as the nurse said, there were several condoms in the drawer
  1527. >Hey, it's okay, this is a medical treatment
  1528. >For science
  1529. >She fumbles around just trying to get the condom wrapper open, and trying to put it on you was just as clumsy. It took her a while, but she finally gets the condom on
  1530. >Dash: "O-okay... t-time to get started..."
  1531. >She gets back on top of you. She holds your member up, She positions herself for penetration. And... she freezes
  1532. "... you okay Doctor-?"
  1533. >Dash: "-This procedure takes time! D-don't worry!"
  1534. >She takes a minute to mentally prepare herself. The anticipation nearly kills you
  1535. >And slowly, very slowly, slides down. The head goes in
  1536. >Dash: "A-ah..."
  1537. >Her body shakes for a moment... she takes a deep breath.... and screams as she quickly slams her hips down on you
  1538. >Dash: "A-ANON-"
  1539. >She covers her mouth to muffle her voice. Her legs start to twitch. As she slowly pulls her hand away from her mouth, she starts moving
  1540. >Dash: "W-well Mr. Anonymous... i-is the treatment working?"
  1541. >You put your arms under the coat and around her waist
  1542. >Dash: "I-I'll take that as a yes"
  1543. >She gasps out loud with every bounce of her hips, and she doesn't even bother trying to hold back. Not like you're trying to hold back your breath either
  1544. "D-Doctor..."
  1545. >You tighten your grip around her waist, and somehow on this tiny bed you manage to roll over, putting her on her back and you on top of her
  1546. >Dash: M-Mr Anonymous! Wh-what do you think mmHm-!"
  1547. >You interrupt her with a kiss, leaving a lustful gaze in her eyes when you pull away
  1548. >Dash: Wh-whatever helps you heal faster... Y-you can do whatever you want"
  1549. >You thrust your hips harder against hers, and at times you wonder if you're being too rough. But every time you slow down, she begs you to do it faster
  1550. "D-Doctor... I'm..."
  1551. >She wraps her legs around you
  1552. >Dash: "G-go ahead, I'm all yours"
  1553. >You lose control
  1554. >You thrust harder and faster
  1555. >And for a moment she drops the doctor fantasy
  1556. >Dash: "N-NOOONNY!!!!!"
  1557. >Whatever she just felt, you probably felt a million times better
  1558. >You lay on top of her, unable to move
  1559. >Doctor Dash gently runs her fingers through your hair
  1560. "Doctor... I think... the treatment worked..."
  1561. >Dash: "Y-yeah... f-for both of us..."
  1562. >You glance over at the clock. Lunch ended long ago, history class is about half way over
  1563. >Dash: "Wh-what is it Nonny?"
  1564. "... nothing, Doctor Dashie"
  1565. >She nuzzels your cheek
  1566. >You're in no hurry to get out of here
  1567. >Dash's phone vibrates... at least you hope to God that's her phone
  1568. >Dash: "Huh, Rarity just texted me"
  1569. "What's it say?"
  1570. >Dash: "She's wondering if you're okay. I'll let her know-"
  1571. "-Tell her I'm in a coma"
  1572. >Dash: "... a coma?"
  1573. "Yeah, and while you're at it, tell her you took advantage of me while I was-"
  1574. >She punches you
  1575. >Dash: "I'm telling her you're just fine"
  1576. >kek
  1577. >Dash: "Come on, let's go before we miss lunch entirely-"
  1578. "-Lunch ended long ago"
  1579. >Dash: "Seriously?"
  1580. "Hell, 5th period is almost over"
  1581. >Dash: "Why didn't you say something sooner?"
  1582. "I was a little busy at the time"
  1583. >Yeah, "busy"
  1584. >Dash: "Oh yeah... umm, about that... can we, you know, keep this a secret?"
  1585. >You're honestly not surprised to hear that
  1586. >Dash: "A-and I mean like, for real this time"
  1587. "Yeah, sure-"
  1588. >Dash: "For real! I mean it-"
  1589. "Of course, don't worry"
  1590. >You hug her to reassure her, although it's mostly for you. You don't want a repeat of last time
  1591. >Dash: "Oh, and Anon, one more thing"
  1592. "Yeah?"
  1593. >Dash: "My shorts"
  1594. >You were hoping she'd forget... oh well
  1595. >As she puts them back on, you tear a page form the notepad on the nurse's desk
  1596. >Dash: "What's that for?"
  1597. "A note to get out of gym, you want one?"
  1598. >Dash: "... sure, why not"
  1599. >You're turning her into a lazy fuck, just like you
  1600. >While you write some fake notes about how "sick" you and Dash are, she grabs the rest of the condoms out of the drawer and stuffs them in your pocket
  1601. >Dash: "... what?"
  1602. "You sure you don't want to hold on to them-"
  1603. >Dash: "J-just hurry it up"
  1604. >You finish writing the notes and head out
  1605. "Wait, Dash. You're still wearing her coat"
  1606. >Dash starts to take the coat off and drape it over the chair-
  1607. >*CLICK* *CREAK*
  1608. >Nurse: "-and no matter what I do they just- Oh great, you two are still here?!"
  1609. "We we're just leaving-"
  1610. >Nurse: "-Is that my coat? Don't tell me..."
  1611. >Dash: "Umm..."
  1612. >Nurse: "Forget it I don't care"
  1613. >She pulls a flask out of her pocket
  1614. >Nurse: "Just keep the coat and get to class"
  1615. >She slams the door behind you
  1616. >You start heading to your next class, even though the bell won't ring for another ten minutes. Dash grabs your arm and redirects you the opposite way
  1617. >Dash: "We got time, come on"
  1618. >She leads you over to the nearest vending machine
  1619. >Dash: "Thanks to somebody we missed lunch, and I'm starving"
  1620. >Really? Lunch from a vending machine? What kind of person does she take you for? You are so above this...
  1621. "Hey Dash... get some of those chips from the top there"
  1622. >No you're not
  1624. >She starts pouring coins into the vending machine, and when she runs out you start emptying your wallet
  1625. >Before long, you have yourselves about $20 worth of vending machine food
  1626. >It's a regular art student Thanksgiving
  1627. >The two of you sat alone in the hallway eating. There was this one weird girl came along, she was pissed that you guys bought all the peanut butter crackers
  1628. >Regardless, it was actually pretty fun
  1630. >You showed up late to English
  1631. >Hey you weren't gonna let that bell ruin your hobo feast
  1632. >Apparently Pinkie told the teacher that you had to see the nurse, so you were excused
  1633. >Pinkie: "Hey Nonny, you okay?"
  1634. "Yeah I'm fine, my head's a lot better"
  1635. >Pinkie: "Thank goodness. When Rarity said you had to go see the nurse I was so worried"
  1636. >She's such a good friend, caring about others like that
  1637. "Relax Pinkie, I'm-"
  1638. >Pinkie: "-No really, I thought you had seriously hurt yourself-"
  1639. "Don't worry-"
  1640. >Pinkie: "-and when you didn't come back I thought they had to take you to the hospital-"
  1641. "Pinkie I-"
  1642. >Pinkie: "-but then I started thinking, you know, I bet the nurse probably left them alone and then they started fucking in some doctor-patient role-play fantasy-"
  1643. "-What-"
  1644. >Pinkie: "-but there's no way THAT was true, and I figured you probably just felt sick and needed a little nap. So, you feeling any better?"
  1645. "... yeah. All better"
  1646. >... at least she cares
  1647. >You explain to Pinkie what happened
  1648. >She gives you the "You should have kicked his ass" speech
  1649. >You give her the "I'm not going to let him get to me" speech
  1650. >She takes it a lot easier than Dash did
  1651. >Your head is actually a lot better, and you're feelin pretty good
  1653. >Time for gym. You got your note from the "nurse", you just got laid, not to mention your fancy feast for lunch
  1654. >Yeah, you're feelin pretty good
  1655. >Dash: "Hey Anon, ready for gym?"
  1656. "Oh yeah, just a sec..."
  1657. >You pull the note you prepared for her out of your pocket and hand it to her
  1658. >Dash: "Thanks Nonny"
  1659. >She gives you a little peck on the cheek
  1660. >Feelin pretty good
  1661. >The two of you reach the locker rooms
  1662. >Dash: "See you in a bit, Anon"
  1663. "Alright, see ya-"
  1664. >Dash: "And Anon..."
  1665. "Yeah"
  1666. >Dash: "... t-thanks. You know, for earlier"
  1667. >She gives you a wink before heading off to the girls room
  1668. >Feelin pretty damn good here
  1670. >You head inside and are about to start changing. You grab the button of your pants when you feel the gentle brush of soft lace on your fingers
  1671. >Remember... you're still wearing panties
  1672. >...
  1673. >All of a sudden you're not feelin so good
  1674. >You weigh your options
  1675. >#1: Confidently flash your panties to the whole locker room like the alpha you are, and probably get ridiculed for the rest of your life
  1676. >#2: NOT dress, get detention, have stay after school for an hour
  1677. >On the one hand, your parents will give up on you, your friends will ignore you, and your life will be ruined forever
  1678. >On the other hand, you'll have to stay after school for an hour
  1679. >Hmm....
  1680. >Well it was a nice life. Goodnight cruel world....
  1681. >... Wait a sec
  1682. >You have another option. The locker room has bathrooms inside
  1683. >#3: Change in a bathroom stall
  1684. >Anon you goddamn genius
  1686. >You run into the stall and start getting changed
  1687. >*BANG BANG BANG*
  1688. "Just a minute-"
  1689. >*BANG BANG BANG*
  1690. >"Hurry it up in there!"
  1691. "Just a freaking minute!"
  1692. >Ass
  1693. >You hurry up and finish and step out of the stall
  1694. >Flash: "... Anon?"
  1695. "What-"
  1696. >Flash: "-Were you changing in the bathroom stall?"
  1697. "What's it to you?"
  1698. >You push him aside and walk by
  1699. >Flash: "What's the matter Anon, get a hard-on changing with a bunch of dudes?!"
  1700. "Why, would you want me you?!"
  1701. >You stare each other down, and silently agree not to make more of a scene before you both looks like butt buddies
  1702. >You throw your clothes in your locker and head to the gym
  1703. >Dash made it to the gym before you did
  1704. >Dash: "Hey Anon, what took you so long?"
  1705. "... long story"
  1706. >Dash: "And the long story is...?"
  1707. "Let's just say someone got my panties in a bunch"
  1708. >Dash: "What does- oh..."
  1709. "Yeah..."
  1710. >Dash: "W-who found out?"
  1711. "No one, but... yeah, it was close"
  1712. >Dash: "So... no one knows?"
  1713. "No one knows"
  1715. >The coach has a special announcement for today. You're playing flag football again, but today there's going to be a cross-class competition
  1716. >Guess who's class you're playing...
  1717. >Flash eyes you from across the gym with a shit-faced grin. Dash hands you her "nurse's note"
  1718. >Dash: "Sorry, but I want in on this one"
  1719. "... kick his ass"
  1721. >You watch the game from the bleachers, since you're "too sick" to participate. In your defense, you did get hurt earlier
  1722. >Dash is actually happy to hear you cheering in the stands this time
  1724. >Flash's class gets BTFO
  1725. >You walk down from the bleachers to greet the champion
  1726. >She runs up to you with a smile. Flash is nowhere to be seen
  1727. >Off hiding his shame probably
  1728. "Hey Dash! Way to kick some ass!"
  1729. >... the smile on her face drops to a look of horror
  1730. "What's the matter-
  1731. >Dash: "-Anon behind you-!"
  1732. >And in a split second, your gym shorts drop to the floor. Everyone turns their attention to you. Dash is both shocked and pissed
  1733. >And behind you, Flash is laughing
  1734. >Flash: "Well well well Anon..."
  1735. >Think of something think of something think of something people are starting to laugh say something
  1736. >Flash: "What's the matter, wearing a matching bra with that too?"
  1737. >Word is getting around. The crowd is getting bigger
  1738. >Say something Anon, say fucking anything, like... like "your mom", yeah that's a good comeback say that-
  1739. >Dash: "-Actually I'm wearing it"
  1740. >Dash suddenly grabs you and kisses you, forcing her tongue into your mouth. She presses her body against yours and grinds her crotch on your leg. When she pulls away, a light strand of saliva drips between your tongues. Whatever her plan is, it's good
  1741. >The crowd goes silent
  1742. >Dash: "...come on Anon, step it up"
  1743. >You grab her ass with one hand and slide the other up her shirt. You start kissing her neck. You peek up only to see Flash's brain dead expression
  1744. >Dash: "What's the matter, jealous he's getting what YOU never could?"
  1745. A few "damn's and "oh shit"s echo through the crowd
  1746. >Dash: "Thought so, Fag Sentry"
  1747. >The coach doesn't see a thing, he just yells for everyone to get back to the locker rooms
  1748. >Dash: "Come on Anon let's go"
  1749. >She pulls your shorts up and puts her arm around your waist. You put one arm over her shoulders, accepting high fives and brofists with the other
  1750. >Dash: "... when you get back to the locker room take those off"
  1751. "... don't gotta tell me twice"
  1753. >You get to the locker room. Everyone who witnessed the scene starts cheering
  1754. >"DAMN ANON! WAY TO GO!"
  1757. >"... I swear I thought Anon was a faggot"
  1758. >There's one dead face across the room... Flash
  1759. >Bitch ass
  1760. >You head back to the bathroom and get changed
  1761. >You put your pants back on, bunch up her panties and stuff them in your pocket
  1762. >As you step out of the stall you get a pat on the back by some random guy waiting to get in
  1763. >"Hey Anon is this yours?"
  1764. He hands you an unused condom. Remember? The ones she stuffed in your pocket in the nurse's office?
  1765. >You silently take it from him
  1766. >"Go get her, man"
  1767. >Your popularity has shot through the roof. No one will probably remember this by tomorrow, but hey, you can savor the moment for now
  1769. >Flash is waiting for you as soon as you step out of the locker room
  1770. "What, are you trying to flirt with me now-"
  1771. >Flash: "-Drop the tough guy act Anon. Your little lapdog isn't here"
  1772. "My little lapdog?"
  1773. >Flash: "Admit it. You think you're so tough, so bad ass, but you do it all just to impress that little girl of yours"
  1774. "Or maybe I do it because I don't want to put up with your shit"
  1775. >Flash: "Look, just stop being a smug little shit and we won't have a problem"
  1776. "Fine... deal"
  1777. >He pushes you aside and walks off thinking, he's won
  1778. "... And you back off of me and Dash, and THEN we won't have a problem"
  1779. >Flash: "... you watch your fucking mouth"
  1780. >And with that, he leaves
  1781. >Dash: "Anon, who are you talking to?"
  1782. >You didn't even hear her come up from behind
  1783. "No one... just another bro"
  1784. >Dash: "You wanna tell me what's on your mind?"
  1785. "Huh?"
  1786. >You zoned out for a minute
  1787. >Dash: "I recognize that look, something's bothering you"
  1788. "There really is no getting anything past you"
  1789. >Dash: "Tell me"
  1790. "... it's Flash"
  1791. >Dash: "Anon listen. I know I told you to just ignore him, but there's only so much bullshit I could put up-"
  1792. "-It's not that"
  1793. >Dash: "... huh?"
  1794. "Earlier... just now... he said-"
  1795. >Dash: "He threatened you didn't he?"
  1796. "How'd you know?"
  1797. >Dash: "He did it to me too"
  1798. "What?!"
  1799. >Dash: "Y-yeah... when I first rejected him, he wouldn't let it go. Then one day I just couldn't take it anymore... he came up to me at lunch and I just yelled at him in front of everyone... said I wouldn't date someone so desperate"
  1800. >Note to self: Don't ever make her angry
  1801. >Dash: "Later that day, he came to me... when I was alone. He said told me if I didn't take back what I said he'd beat the shit out of me. You know what I told him?"
  1802. "... what?"
  1803. >Dash: "Do it. Fucking do it."
  1804. "And what happened?"
  1805. >Dash: "He couldn't. He was all talk."
  1806. >She giggles
  1807. >So that's the story
  1808. >Dash: "Trust me, Anon. He won't fight you, he acts all high and mighty, but he doesn't have it in him. If push comes to shove, even a guy like you could take him out"
  1809. >You smile, actually feeling reassured. She hugs you tightly and you return the hug.
  1810. "... a guy like me?"
  1811. >Dash: "O-oh, I didn't mean it like that-"
  1812. "Too late, it's out. You said it-"
  1813. >She punches you in the arm, then takes your hand
  1814. >Dash: "C-Come on, you're coming home with me"
  1815. "For?"
  1816. >Dash: "I-its time for your follow-up appointment with Doctor Dash"
  1817. >You knew it
  1818. >Nothing could ruin this great day
  1819. >And once again... you're feelin pretty good
  1821. >You wake up the next morning, ready to tackle the day
  1822. >Your girlfriend is now your lover
  1823. >Your rival is a spineless wimp who won't fight
  1824. >The whole school is probably talking about what a bad ass you are
  1825. >Let's do this
  1826. >You quickly get ready for school, even skipping your morning coffee because you didn't feel like you needed it. You make sure to bring a condom with you, just in case Dash is feeling extra frisky today
  1827. >Once you've decided that you're ready to start grabbing life by the horns, you haul your ass out the door
  1829. >You're half way to school, when an interesting thought pops into your mind
  1830. >Isn't it Saturday?
  1831. >...
  1833. >You drag your feet home, dying for your morning coffee
  1835. >You get home, plop down on the couch, and turn on the t.v.
  1836. >It's one of those detective shows from the 70s that your dad watches all the time
  1837. >You don't really know what's going on, but you're too lazy to change the channel
  1838. >Such is the extent of your weekend life-
  1839. >*RING RING RING*
  1840. >Your phone ring tone sucks
  1841. >It's Dash. Try not to sound desperately bored
  1842. "Hey Dash, what's up"
  1843. >Dash: "Oh nothing really... but..."
  1844. "Yeah?"
  1845. >"Dash: "I was just wondering, are you busy today-?"
  1846. "-No not at all, why?"
  1847. >Reel it in, kiddo
  1848. >Dash: "Yeah, me either. So do you wanna... I don't know, come over to my place and hang out or something?"
  1850. "... yeah, sure. Why not?"
  1851. >Dash: "Great! When do you want to come over?"
  1852. "Whenever, I'm pretty much free all-"
  1853. >Dash: "-Well how about now?"
  1854. >Oh... Okay then
  1855. "Sure, just give me a few minutes to get ready and I'll head over"
  1856. >Dash: "Alright, see you in a bit"
  1857. >She hangs up, and you immediately bolt out the door
  1858. >When you get to her place, you wait on her porch for a few minutes to catch your breath
  1859. >Next time don't run the whole way here... don't get lost either
  1860. >You finally build up the strength to knock on her door
  1861. >... no answer
  1862. >Here's an idea, try the damn doorbell
  1863. >Just as you're about to push it, the door creaks open, and she peeks out from behind it
  1864. >Dash: "Hey Anon, I wasn't expecting you here so soon"
  1865. "Sorry, should I come back later?"
  1866. >Dash: "No it's fine, just get in, it's cold"
  1867. >...it's not that cold, but whatever. You step in and she closes the door
  1868. >Her hair is damp and she has a big white towel wrapped around her entire body. It covers her chest but barely goes down to her thighs
  1869. >Dash: "Umm... y-yeah, I just got out of the shower"
  1870. "I can tell"
  1871. >She smells sweet... really sweet. You can't quite put your finger on it, but it smells familiar
  1872. "Hey Dash, what's the scent of your shampoo?"
  1873. >Dash: "You're actually ]smelling my lotion. It's supposed to be some fruity scent, but if you ask me it kinda smells more like Skittles"
  1874. "Whatever it is, I like it"
  1875. >Dash: "Th-thanks, it's actually my favorite"
  1876. >Five minutes and you're already making her blush. Show some mercy Anon
  1877. >She takes your hand and leads you to her bedroom-WELL WHO DIDN'T SEE THIS COMING
  1878. >You sit on the bed, unable to take your eyes off her as she takes the towel off... no wait, she's holding it up
  1879. >Dash: "A-are you gonna stare at me like that the whole time?"
  1880. "Should I step outside?"
  1881. >Dash: "No no... j-just, close your eyes, okay?"
  1882. "... sure"
  1883. >You're a little disappointed, but you do it for her
  1884. >It's not like you're not gonna peek anyways
  1885. >You hear the towel drop to the floor, and a few drawers opening and closing. You open your eyes just a tiny bit
  1886. >You're just in time to see her bending over and pulling her panties up, white briefs with rainbow-colored hearts printed all over like polka dots
  1887. >You have a real talent for analyzing panties, don't you Anon?
  1888. >Weirdo
  1889. >Dash: "Anon stop peeking"
  1890. "I wasn't"
  1891. >You shut your eyes again. She didn't see you, she probably just knew you would eventually
  1892. >... you hear her grunt and struggle
  1893. "Need help with something?"
  1894. >Dash: "No, I'm good, just..."
  1895. >She rummages through her drawers. More frustrated groaning
  1896. >Dash: "Uhh, damn it..."
  1897. >She slams the drawer
  1898. "What is it-"
  1899. >Dash: "-Nothing"
  1900. >...
  1901. >Dash: "Okay, you can open your eyes"
  1902. >She's dressed very differently than she usually does for school. Black shorts, not her spats but regular shorts, and a white t-shirt. She has black and white striped socks pulled up to her knees
  1903. >You know, aside from gym class, she's always wearing a skirt. All the girls are. It's like there's some kind of "mandatory miniskirt" dress code... nah, it's probably just a coincidence
  1904. >You can tell her bra matches her panties, because her bra is lying on the floor. The more you look, you can clearly see where her nipples are
  1905. >Dash: "... why are you staring at me like that Anon?"
  1906. >Damn she looks cute... really cute
  1907. >Dash: "Anon? You okay?"
  1908. >Tell her she's cute, tell her she's cute...
  1909. "... huh? what?"
  1910. >Smooth.
  1911. >She giggles
  1912. >Dash: "I'll take that as a compliment"
  1913. >She kisses you on the cheek and hugs you tightly, discretely kicking the bra under the bed. You say nothing
  1914. >Dash: "Hey Anon... you can tell, can't you"
  1915. >You didn't want to say anything and spoil the moment. But she did. Way to ruin the moment Dash
  1916. "Yeah, a little"
  1917. >Dash: "Uhh..."
  1918. >She plops down on the bed
  1919. "Why aren't you wearing it?"
  1920. >Dash: "C-cause..."
  1921. "Cause why?"
  1922. >Dash: "...c-cause it won't fit. None of them will"
  1923. "None of them?"
  1924. >Dash: "They've been getting tighter for a while now, but now I just can't get them on at all."
  1925. "Why haven't you gone shopping"
  1926. >Dash: "I've just been putting it off. But I guess I HAVE to go tomorrow now"
  1927. "Or..."
  1928. >Dash: "...or what?"
  1929. "... or we can go today"
  1930. >Well that threw her off guard
  1931. >Dash: "R-real funny, Anon"
  1932. "No, for real, I'd go with you"
  1933. >Dash: "Wh-why would you want to-"
  1934. >You give her the "bitch is u srs" look
  1935. >Dash: "... b-but... won't it be weird?"
  1936. "Lots of guys do it"
  1937. >Cool guys do, anyways. And as of yesterday, you ARE a cool guy
  1938. >She twiddles her thumbs. She fluffs her pillow. She does anything she can with her hands to distract her from the question
  1939. >Then, she lets out a loud, exaggerated sigh
  1940. >Dash: "... a-and you're not just messing with me again, right?"
  1941. "Of course not"
  1942. >When something is for sexual, it's no laughing matter
  1943. >Dash: "...A-alright. Just give me a minute to get ready"
  1945. >There's a strip mall not far down the street from here. Dash offers to drive down there
  1946. "Wait a sec, you have a car? Why do you walk to school everyday?"
  1947. >Dash: "Because it's not that far. Besides, it's good to get a little exercise now and then, you know?"
  1948. "No, I don't know"
  1949. >She pulls up in the parking lot, and the two of you look around at the stores
  1950. "So Dash, where do you want to go?"
  1951. >Dash: "I don't know, where do you want to go?"
  1952. "Well, where do you usually shop?"
  1953. >Dash: "I don't know, wherever"
  1954. >This is one of THOSE conversations, the " 'what do you want to do' , 'I don't know, what do YOU want to do' " scenario
  1955. >You get out of the car
  1956. >Dash: "Wait, where are you going?"
  1957. "Come on, I'm picking the place"
  1958. >Dash: "... Alright, fine"
  1959. >You have no idea where to take her. But there's exactly one fuckton of clothing stores, all of which look the same to you, so you could really go anywhere-
  1960. >"Dash! Anon!"
  1961. >Rarity run across the parking lot to greet you
  1962. >Rarity: "What are you two doing here"
  1963. >Dash: "Oh nothing, just some shopping"
  1964. >Rarity: "For anything in particular-"
  1965. "Stuff... just some stuff"
  1966. >She can tell you're hiding something
  1967. >Rarity: "Okay, Dash, YOU tell me. What are you really here for?"
  1968. >Dash: "..."
  1969. >Rarity: "Hmm? What is it?"
  1970. >Dash whispers in her ear
  1971. >Rarity: "...and you two came together?"
  1972. >Dash: "W-well, you see-"
  1973. >Rarity: "Relax dearie, I think it's adorable. Where were you headed?"
  1974. >Dash looks at you
  1975. "Oh I don't know, just anywhere really-"
  1976. >Rarity: "Oh for heaven's sake, you can't just go ANYWHERE for that sort of thing"
  1977. "Then where should we-"
  1978. >She grabs both of you by the hand
  1979. >Rarity: "Come on, I know just the place"
  1980. >She leads you across the parking lot to a shop with a big, pink sign that read "Cadence's Closet"
  1981. >And you can tell just by looking inside that you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into
  1982. >Rarity walked inside the same way a child walks in to a toy store: fast, excited, and almost got hit by a car on the way. Dash is almost as hesitant to go in as you are
  1983. >Dash: "you know you can't back out now Anon"
  1984. "you too"
  1985. >You head in together, one slow step at a time
  1987. >Dash grabs one of the baskets by the door and hands it to you. Of course she's gonna make you carry her shopping
  1988. >Rarity: "So Dash, do you already know what you're looking for?"
  1989. >Damn, Rarity's basket is already half full. You almost feel weird looking, knowing what kind of underwear she'll be wearing, but kind of interesting at the same time. Besides, it's good to get to know your friends better. You're just being a good friend. Totally.
  1990. >Dash: "Yeah, just some new bras... y-you know, a bit bigger"
  1991. >Even in here she feels awkward talking about it out loud
  1992. >Rarity: "Do you know what size you are?"
  1993. >Dash: "W-well I was a... u-umm..."
  1994. >She glances over at you, then pulls Rarity closer to whisper in her ear
  1995. >Dash: "...32B..."
  1996. >You still overheard her.
  1997. >Rarity: "And what size are you now?"
  1998. >Dash: "I-I dont know... maybe a-"
  1999. >Rarity: "What do you mean you don't know? You can't just guess, Dash, you have to be sure"
  2000. >Dash: "Well, I don't really-"
  2001. >Rarity: "Come with me"
  2002. >She grabs Dash's hand and pulls her across the store. You silently follow behind. Rarity takes her into one of the dressing rooms
  2003. >Rarity: "Umm, Anon. Maybe you want to wait outside for now"
  2004. >No you fucking don't
  2005. "Yeah, sure"
  2006. >From what you hear, it's safe to say Rarity is viciously molesting Dash
  2007. >Dash: "Rarity, are you sure about this?"
  2008. >Rarity: "Trust me Dash, I now what I'm doing-"
  2009. >Dash: "-Whoa, what are you-"
  2010. >Rarity: "-Just hold still-"
  2011. >Dash: "-H-hey! Where are you grabbing-?"
  2012. >Rarity: "-Trust me, it's important, now stop moving!"
  2013. >You patiently wait outside, not really sure where to look without looking like a pervert
  2014. >"Excuse me, sir? Do you need some help?"
  2015. "H-huh?"
  2016. >An employee approached you, wearing a light pink dress shirt, halfway unbuttoned to show off her black lace bra. Her black skirt is either too small, or was meant to show off her g-string. Her long, slender legs were covered by black fishnet stockings Around her neck is a choker with a small crystal heart hanging. She must be the owner, because her name tag says "Cadence"
  2017. >Cadence: "Do you need help finding anything?"
  2018. "N-no, I'm good. Just waiting for a friend"
  2019. >Cadence: "Okay, well if you need any help, just look for me, I'd be happy to assist"
  2020. >She bows down, giving you an amazing view of the top of the mountain. (if you know what I mean) She walks away with a bounce in her step, and a bigger bounce in her chest
  2021. >Rarity and Dash step out of the dressing room, dash adjusting her shirt, and you expect Rarity to light a cigarette any second now
  2022. >Rarity: "You two do your thing, I've got a little more shopping to do"
  2023. >She hurries off to the other side on the store
  2024. "So Dash, you know what you're looking for?"
  2025. >Dash: "Y-yeah, I think so"
  2026. >She leads you over to a wall with racks of bras hanging on the wall. After pondering for a moment, Dash decides on a few
  2027. >Dash: "...s-so, Anon..."
  2028. "Yeah?"
  2029. >Dash: "W-well... s-see anything you like?"
  2030. "O-oh, uhh..."
  2031. >You weren't really looking, but you decide to glance over the racks
  2032. >Pun intended
  2033. >You actually see one on the top rack that you find... enticing
  2034. "How about that one?"
  2035. >Dash: "Y-yeah, sure"
  2036. >She reaches for it, but can't get to it
  2037. >Dash: "think you can get it for me?"
  2038. >You're barely able to reach it, but you manage to get a hold of it-
  2039. >Rarity: "-Good taste, Anon"
  2040. >And you drop it. Thanks Rarity
  2041. >Both girls laugh, even as Dash tries to hide her face
  2042. >You pick it up and put it in the basket
  2043. "Well, ready to go?"
  2044. >Dash: "W-wait Anon, shouldn't I get some matching sets too? I thought you were... y-you know, into that"
  2045. "W-well, not really, I mean-"
  2046. >Rarity: "Yeah Anon, aren't you into that?"
  2047. >You're going to kill Rarity one day
  2048. >There's another section with pre-matched bra and panty sets, displayed just like the bras were
  2049. >Rarity: "So Anon, see anything for your little Dashie here?"
  2050. >You look over the different garments hanging
  2051. "I don't know, what do you think Dash?"
  2052. >Dash seems to be in a lighter mood than before. Rarity helps her browse, and Dash almost seems to be having fun. Eventually she picks out a few sets, always looking at you after every selection as if asking for approval. And with all her selections, you always tell her yes. After making her choices, she asks you to pick something for her. After looking for a minute, you take one off the rack
  2053. "Hmm...how bout this one?"
  2054. >Dash: "Sure, okay-"
  2055. >Rarity: "Really Anon? What on Earth would she wear THAT with?"
  2056. >She takes it and puts it back
  2057. >Really?
  2058. >You pick again
  2059. "How's this?"
  2060. >Dash: "That's pretty-"
  2061. >Rarity: "-It doesn't go with her eyes"
  2062. >She puts it back
  2063. >What the hell
  2064. >You pick again
  2065. "Are these good"
  2066. >Dash: "I was actually thinking-"
  2067. >Rarity: "Come on Anon, no joking"
  2068. >She puts it back
  2069. >Rarity pls
  2070. >You FINALLY pick something that she approves of. You put it in the basket and you all head off to the registers-
  2071. >Dash: "Anon, wait"
  2072. >When Rarity isn't looking, she grabs one your previous choices and throws it in the basket
  2073. >Dash: "... you really do have good taste, Anon"
  2074. >Guess who's working the register?
  2075. >Cadence: "Oh hey there again! Did you find everything okay?"
  2076. "Yeah, just fine"
  2077. >Rarity: "You and Anon know each other?"
  2078. >Cadence: "Oh no, he and I just talked a bit earlier"
  2079. >She gives you a wink
  2080. >... thank god Dash didn't notice
  2081. >Rarity pays for her stuff and heads out, and you put your basket up on the counter. As she's scanning the garments, you notice one of the sets you picked came with a thong. You knew you had a good eye for this sort of thing
  2082. >... wait a sec, DID you pick that one?
  2083. >Oh well, whatever
  2084. >Dash pays and you head out together
  2085. >Cadence: "Have fun you two! Hope to see you again real soon~!"
  2086. >Her breasts bounce while she waves like she's in an earthquake
  2087. >You exit and Rarity is waiting outside for you
  2088. >Rarity: "Okay you two lovebirds, where to next"
  2089. >Dash: "Actually Rarity, this was all we came for-"
  2090. >Rarity: "Nonsense! There's still so much time!"
  2091. >She tosses her bag to you and takes Dash's hand, dragging her off to another store
  2092. >You've seen enough girly anime to know were this is going
  2094. >A few hours later, the sun is just starting to set
  2095. >Rarity and Dash happily walk through the parking lot after a long day of shopping
  2096. >You straggle behind, carrying more bags than you know of. You lost count after 7
  2098. >You manage your way to Rarity's car and help her load all her bags into the trunk
  2099. >So how many were you carrying? 12. How many were actually Dash's? 3.
  2100. >You REALLY need more guy friends...
  2101. >When it comes to the bags from Cadence's Closet, you have no way of knowing who's is who's without looking. So you take a peek inside one bag... oh yeah, that's WAY to sexy to be Dash's
  2102. >Though some of it wouldn't look too bad on her...
  2103. >No Anon. Don't think about it like that. They're Rarity's....
  2104. >Damn it Anon, don't think about Rarity wearing it either
  2106. >You take Dash's bags back to her car before you have any more bad thoughts, like Cadence wearing-
  2107. >NO STOP IT
  2108. >Dash decided to drive you home that night
  2109. >She pulls up to your house, and you say your goodbyes
  2110. >Dash: "Thanks Anon... today was really fun"
  2111. "Yeah it was, we should do it again-"
  2112. >She pulls you into a hug, not wanting to let you out
  2113. >Dash: "... promise?"
  2114. >You pat her on the back
  2115. "Promise"
  2116. >You just asked a girl to take you shopping. Your love is making you soft Anon
  2117. >... but hey. It's worth it
  2119. >Later that night, you're laying in bed, trying to sleep
  2120. >*RING RING RING*
  2121. >You're shitty ringtone. You're trying to sleep here, whoever this is, it better be god damn important-
  2122. >It's a text from Dash. You take that thought back
  2124. >Attached is a picture
  2125. >It's a selfie from Dash. She's laying in bed, her messy hair spread out like it's swallowing her pillow. You only see down to her shoulders but she's in her pajamas. Her eyes are hazy with sleepiness. A small smile is on her lips
  2126. >...
  2128. >Be Rainbow Dash
  2129. >You just sent Anon that picture, and decided to get some sleep
  2130. >*RING RING RING*
  2131. >Your ringtone is just as bad as his
  2132. >You check your phone. He replied to you
  2134. >Attached is a picture of him laying in bed, much like the one you just sent him
  2135. >...
  2136. >D-Damn it Anon
  2138. >Sunday morning
  2139. >Your alarm was set to wake you extra early so that you'd have time to iron your church clothes and properly groom yourself. For once, you actually care about how you look
  2140. >You shut off your phone so as to not have any distractions during your prayer
  2141. >When you're all ready, you head down to the church
  2142. >...
  2143. >Who are you kidding
  2144. >You got up at the crack of noon and watched cooking shows all day until you passed out on the couch
  2145. >So productive
  2147. >Monday
  2148. >You and Dash get the occasional snicker, but otherwise everyone seems to have forgotten about the happening on Friday
  2149. >Well, the fame was fun while it lasted, but it seems the hype machine has died
  2150. >Or so you thought, until you got to biology
  2151. >You take your seat next to Rarity, but... something's off
  2152. >Rarity: "Is something the matter Anon?"
  2153. >... Actually, it's three somethings that are off. The three seats in front of you are empty
  2154. "Where's Flash and his body guards?"
  2155. >Rarity: "Haven't seen them. Maybe they're not here today"
  2156. "Probably doesn't want to show his face around me"
  2157. >Rarity: "By the way, what was all that about? I heard something happened between you two last week"
  2158. "Well... It's a long story"
  2159. >Rarity: "I get it. If you don't want to tell me, you don't-"
  2160. "Oh no, I'd LOVE to tell you"
  2161. >You were just finishing your story when the door opens like a SWAT unit just kicked it open. But it's no SWAT unit... just a SHIT unit
  2162. >Teacher: "Flash, do you realize how late the three of you are?"
  2163. >Flash: "Sorry sir, won't happen again"
  2164. >Every teacher at this school seems to accept that answer without question
  2165. >Flash and his bodyguards stare you down on the way to their seats
  2166. >Rarity tries to stifle her laugh, the story of last Friday fresh in her head
  2167. >The three amigos take their seats
  2168. >The one in the middle is Flash Sentry, everyone's favorite asshole. There's the guy on the left, he's always talking about basketball... and that's all he ever talks about; we'll call him Cranberry. Last, there's the guy on the right, he's always tapping his pencils on his desk like he's playing drums; let's call him Fucknut
  2169. >Class carries on. They get to their work, you get to yours
  2170. >Rarity: "... hey Anon"
  2171. >Thank God, you were getting bored
  2172. "Yeah?"
  2173. >Rarity: "What page were we on again?"
  2174. "Hell if I know, just somewhere in chapter-"
  2175. >Flash: "-Can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to focus"
  2176. >You're pretty sure he was sleeping. But then again you had a deal to stay out of his hair and he'd keep out of yours. Now's not the time to start any drama
  2177. "Sorry...."
  2178. >You bring it down to a whisper
  2179. "chapter 8"
  2180. >Rarity: "we finished chapter 8 last week
  2181. "well screw me, I have no idea what's-"
  2182. >Flash: "-Do you not know the meaning of shut up?"
  2183. >He, Cranberry, and Fucknut all turned around
  2184. >You tried to be nice. The deal is off
  2185. "Actually no I don't, how about you show me?"
  2186. >Teacher: "Knock it off you two!"
  2187. >No response. From any of you
  2188. >Teacher: "Well?"
  2189. >The three of them turn around
  2190. >Teacher: "That's what I thought"
  2191. "Me too"
  2193. >Class ends, the three jackass amigos are the first out the classroom
  2194. >Dash meets you and Rarity outside of class
  2195. "You guys go ahead to the cafeteria, I gotta run to the bathroom really quick"
  2196. >Dash: "Alright, see ya later Anon"
  2198. >You always use the handicap stall if it's open, it's the perfect combo of privacy and space
  2199. >The bathroom door opens, and the approaching footsteps are loud and aggressive. Someone starts banging on the stall doors, yelling at everyone to get out. Someone REALLY has to go
  2200. >You were just finishing up when they bang on your door
  2201. >You step out of the stall
  2202. >The door banger was Flash. Cranberry and Fucknut are blocking the exit
  2203. >Flash: "We need to talk, Anon"
  2204. >Just what the fuck is going on
  2205. "About what?"
  2206. >Flash: "I think you know what"
  2207. "And if I said I don't?"
  2208. >Flash: "I'd say cut the bullshit"
  2209. >You glance over at his henchmen, and though you hate to admit it, they actually look threatening
  2210. "... so this is about Dash, isn't it?"
  2211. >Flash: "This is about our deal"
  2212. "Yeah, maybe you should start sticking to it-"
  2213. >Flash: "Knock it off Anon. It's obviously not working because you can't cut the bullshit"
  2214. "My bullshit-?"
  2215. >Flash: "How about we settle this once and for all"
  2216. "Where are you going with this?"
  2217. >He cracks his knuckles
  2218. >Flash: "It's going to happen sooner or later, might as well get it over now-"
  2219. "-How about later?"
  2220. >Flash: "What?"
  2221. "This Friday. Right here outside, in the hall"
  2222. >Flash: "... fine. Friday it is"
  2223. "Great, now step aside-"
  2224. >His henchmen stop you
  2225. "I thought we were done here"
  2226. >Flash: "I just want to make sure you know what you're getting into"
  2227. >You gotta think of a good comeback before you leave... you got it! It's the perfect-
  2229. >"... are you okay?"
  2230. >You hear a soft, soothing voice, it sounds familiar but you can't really recognize it. You can't see a thing
  2231. >"Anonymous, can you hear me?"
  2232. >"I'll wake him up"
  2233. >... that last voice wasn't so soothing as the first-
  2234. >*SMACK*
  2235. >You slowly open your eyes
  2236. >Nurse: "Told you it'd work"
  2237. >You're laying on the bathroom floor, and your head is killing you. The Nurse is standing over you, and next to her is... Principal Celestia?
  2238. >Celestia: "Anonymous, can you tell me what happened?"
  2239. >So what happened Anon?
  2240. >Flash Sentry and his butt buddies ganged up on you in the bathroom, one of whom apparently knocked you out, and arranged for a fight between you and most likely all three of them this Friday. You clearly remember everything that happened
  2241. "... I fell"
  2242. >Celestia: "Anonymous, we both know that's not true-"
  2243. "-It is. I slipped and hit my head on the sink"
  2244. >Celestia: "... really? Are you sure about that?"
  2245. "Yeah. I'm okay"
  2246. >Celestia: "Okay, well, if you ever want to tell me the TRUTH, you know where my office is. Nurse, please take care of him"
  2247. >Nurse: "Yeah, yeah... come on kiddo"
  2248. >She grabs you by the arm and yanks you up
  2249. "Jeez lady, can you be a little more gentle?"
  2250. >Nurse: "Calm down, you got hit in the head. Your legs are fine"
  2251. >With her help, you make your way to her office
  2253. >She gives you the same pills as last time and some ice
  2254. >Nurse: "The two of you really need to stop screwing around, you're making me work too much"
  2255. "Wait, the two of us?"
  2256. >Nurse: "Yeah, you and whoever's been smacking you around"
  2257. "Look, no one's been smacking me around, okay?"
  2258. >Nurse: "You expect me to believe you just "fell" again? No one's that clumsy, not even you"
  2259. "Seriously though, I just-"
  2260. >Nurse: "-Anon, I'm not like that principal. I'm not going to guilt trip you into talking to me, if I have to twist your arm to get it out, I will. So are you going to tell me or not?"
  2261. "... I don't know his name, but he's always hanging out with Flash Sentry-"
  2262. >*SLAM*
  2263. >Dash: "Anon! Are you okay!?"
  2264. >Dash runs across the room and tackles you, nearly throwing you off the hospital bed
  2265. "R-Relax Dash, I'm okay"
  2266. >She squeezes you tighter
  2267. "Dash what's the matter?"
  2268. >Nurse: "I'm sure you haven't heard all the talk. Someone actually told me on my way to get you that you were dead"
  2269. >God damn this gossipy school
  2270. >Dash: "Anon, I'm sorry. I know you're trying to be the bigger person here-"
  2271. "-I'm really not-"
  2272. >Dash: "-but this has really gone too far. You shouldn't be putting up with his shit-"
  2273. "-I won't-"
  2274. >Dash: "-and if you're not going to stop him this time-"
  2275. "-I will-"
  2276. >Dash: "-I'm going to do it, so it's best that you just stay out of it-"
  2277. "Dash!"
  2278. >You finally got her to stop talking. This is the kind of thing you usually have to do with Pinkie
  2279. "Listen, I agree. And I'm going to put a stop to it"
  2280. >Dash: "What are you planning?"
  2281. "Friday, I'm going to... take him out. I don't know how, but I'm going to do something"
  2282. >Nurse: "You better not be planning on fighting him"
  2283. "What if I said I am?"
  2284. >Nurses: "Do you think I want to drag your mangled body across the campus?"
  2285. "Well maybe you won't-"
  2286. >Nurses: "I'm not holding my breath"
  2287. >Dash: "You do have a plan though, right Anon?"
  2288. "... I'm working on that?"
  2289. >Dash: "Seriously?"
  2290. "I'll come up with something, I always do"
  2291. >She's not convinced. Then again, you ARE bullshitting, you have no idea what you're gonna do
  2292. >Dash: "Nurse, can we have a few minutes to talk in private-"
  2293. >Nurse: "-Normally I'd say no, but then I remember what you did with my old coat, so I'm gonna have to say, 'no god damn way' "
  2294. >Dash: "... alright, forget it. Look Anon, if you're going to do this, I've got your back, I always do. But I'm only going to help you under three conditions"
  2295. "And if I don't agree to them-"
  2296. >Dash: "-I'll kidnap you and keep you locked in my closet until after the fight on Friday"
  2297. >... that doesn't sound so bad
  2298. >Nah, you gotta do this fight. It's personal
  2299. "Alright fine, what are they?"
  2300. >Dash: "First, you're not going into this alone. You tell me when and where the fight happens, got it?"
  2301. >You were planning on it anyways
  2302. "Yeah, what else?"
  2303. >Dash: "Second, and no offense, but you don't really stand a chance in this fight... not without some lessons at least"
  2304. "So you're gonna teach me to fight?"
  2305. >Dash: "There's not enough time to teach you to win, but I could at least teach you enough to survive"
  2306. "When would these lessons be?"
  2307. >Dash: "I figure since you always skip out on gym, we could sneak out then and nobody would notice"
  2308. >Doing something during gym period? Blasphemy! Heresy! Burn the witch!
  2309. "... sure. And what's the last one-"
  2310. >Dash: ".... well... J-Just in case you-"
  2311. >*SLAM*
  2312. >Nurse: "Has no one heard of knocking?"
  2313. >Pinkie: "Nonny! We heard you were dead!"
  2314. >Rarity, AJ, and Fluttershy were with her
  2315. "All I had was a little accident, okay? Who was spreading the word that I was dead, anyways?"
  2316. >Pinkie: "Umm... well I kinda did, but I was just really worried! And I also told people you were okay too, doesn't that even it out?"
  2317. >When she acts so... like herself, it's hard to stay mad
  2318. "Sure, we're even. Why not"
  2319. >They all embrace you and Dash in a giant group hug. Of course, the nurse isn't going to let you all share a moment of happiness
  2320. >Nurse: "Okay okay, when you ladies are all done having an orgy over there, I should let you know lunch is over"
  2321. >Dash: "Damn, I skipped lunch to come check on you"
  2322. "... whose up for an art student Thanksgiving?"
  2323. >Nurse: "Hey Anon, before you go, take this"
  2324. >She tears a page out of her notepad and hands it to you
  2325. >Nurse: "This should get you out of gym for good the rest of the week. And one last thing..."
  2326. "Yeah?"
  2327. >She puts her fist out and you brace yourself for another knockout punch, but her hand stops just in front of you. It takes you a minute to realize what is going on, but once you do, you return the brofist
  2328. >Nurse: "Kick some ass"
  2329. >Dash: "Should I get a note too?"
  2330. >Nurse: "Nah, just tell a male coach you're on your period or pregnant or something. They never second guess you"
  2331. >It's kinda true
  2333. >You head off to the vending machines for lunch
  2334. "By the way, Dash, what was that last condition?"
  2335. >Dash: "N-nothing... I'll tell you later"
  2336. >That tells SOMETHING
  2337. >Between the six of you, you almost empty out a whole vending machine
  2338. >Once again, weird peanut butter cracker girl was pissed
  2339. >You all chill in the hall eating your vending machine feast until the bell for sixth period rings
  2341. >Pinkie: "Hey Nonny, Dash said you were going to fight Flash Sentry on Friday? Are you sure that's such a good idea?"
  2342. "Not at all, but I gotta do it. Besides, Dash said she'd help me train"
  2343. >Pinkie: "Well, that's good, if anyone can fight it's Dash. If there's any way I can help you just let me know"
  2344. "I appreciate it Pinkie, but I don't know if pranks and parties can..."
  2345. >Pinkie: "... can what, Nonny?"
  2346. >Pranks... you don't want to involve her, but it may be your only way
  2347. "Hey Pinkie... you've pulled big pranks before. Like, REALLY BIG ones, right?"
  2348. >Pinkie: "Yeah, why?"
  2349. "Does anyone help you with those?"
  2350. >Pinkie: "..."
  2351. "Pinkie?"
  2352. >She looks around and over her shoulder
  2353. >Pinkie: "... I'll make a call. And we never spoke of this"
  2354. >She doesn't say another word for the rest of class
  2356. >After class
  2357. >Dash: "Hey Anon, ready for your first lesson?"
  2358. "Ready as I'll ever be"
  2360. >Before giving the note to the coach, you glance over it in case someone asks
  2361. >"Anonymous lost a toe last week during woodshop and though it was re-attached, he should not be putting too much stress on it. Please excuse him from any further activity for the rest of the week..."
  2362. >... you'd have been better off if you came up with your own excuse
  2363. >Wait, there's more on the back
  2364. >"If you have any issues with this come to my office"
  2365. >Clever move, she probably knows no one would go to her office and question her
  2367. >Before role call, you see Dash saying something to the coach. He just nods and continues, and she sits next to you
  2368. "So Dash, you pregnant or on your period?"
  2369. >Dash: "N-neither"
  2370. >Punched you in the arm
  2371. "Was that my first lesson?"
  2372. >Dash: "Do you want your first lesson now?"
  2373. >Damn she's feisty today... it's kinda hot. Regardless, you zip your mouth
  2375. >The class is in the gym playing basketball, you and Dash wait on the bleachers for our chance to sneak out
  2376. "I take it we'll be practicing outside?"
  2377. >Dash: "Not quite. I know a place"
  2378. "Where?"
  2379. >Dash: "... just give me a minute"
  2380. "For what?"
  2381. >Dash: "I'm looking for a chance to sneak out"
  2382. "Is that all? Come on"
  2383. >You take her hand and lead her down the bleachers
  2384. >Dash: "Hey, where are we-"
  2385. "Hey coach! I think my toe exploded!"
  2386. >Coach: "All right, get to the nurse's office"
  2387. >Dash: "... exploded?"
  2388. "I'll explain later, just take me where we're going"
  2390. >Dash: "Your toe? THAT'S the best she could come up with?"
  2391. "Hey, it worked didn't it?"
  2392. >The two of you leave the gym and heads toward the track. You walk with a limp the whole way. She leads you to a big shed, and after looking around, making sure no one is watching, she pulls a key out of her bra and unlocks it
  2393. "What is this place?"
  2394. >Dash: "It's the storage room for all the sports teams. The only people with a key are me, a few other team captains, and the coaches. We shouldn't be interrupted here"
  2396. >When you enter and she closes the door, it's pitch black. All you hear is the click of the lock, then the click of a light switch. There's a small light hanging from the roof, it's not too bright but it's enough to light up the shed. There's all kinds of fancy looking gym equipment, none of which you know what they're for. This room looks both organized and chaotic at the same time
  2397. >Dash: "Here, help me clear out some space"
  2398. >You start pushing stuff aside to the walls, trying to keep things together like they were when you came in. In the back there's a rack with all the equipment for the track and field team. They've got javelins, batons, those giant metal ball things...
  2399. >Dash: "No, Anon"
  2400. >Damn it
  2401. >Once a big enough area is cleared, she plops down some foam mattress type things. If you were planning on getting laid, forget it; the smell of old sweat and piss coming from these is enough to kill even the most degenerate erection
  2402. >Dash: "These are the floor mats for the wrestling team. I know it's bad Anon, just bear with me"
  2403. >That explains SO much
  2404. >Dash: "Alright, come on Anon"
  2405. "Come on what?"
  2406. >She puts her fists up
  2407. >Dash: "I need to know where to start with you"
  2408. "Are you serious about this-"
  2409. >Dash"-Dead serious"
  2410. >There's a fire in her eyes you haven't seen before. This must be her "competitive" side
  2411. >Dash: "Heads up, I'm not holding back, and neither should you"
  2412. "Wasn't planning on it"
  2413. >That was actually pretty bad ass... for about two seconds before she throws the first punch
  2414. >Your arms are barely up in time to block it. What starts as one punch becomes another, and another, and another. You wait for an opening, but she's not giving you one. You thought she'd be good... but not this good. After what felt like an eternity she steps back. She actually needs a second to catch her breath
  2415. >Dash: "Not bad... you box?"
  2416. "Used to watch boxing all the time with my dad when I was a kid"
  2417. >Dash: "You're good... you should join the team"
  2418. "Didn't know there was a team"
  2419. >Dash: "I think you could make it"
  2420. >She comes back at you, but you're actually prepared this time. You're ready... you're watching... that's when you see just a SLIGHT hesitation, and you take the opportunity to swing at her
  2421. >You manage to get a hit on her, right in her adorable face. She stumbles back, barely able to stay on her feet
  2422. >Dash: "Ahh.. damn it..."
  2423. >A tear rolls down her cheek, but that's most likely just because you hooked her RIGHT in the eye
  2424. "Dash, you okay?"
  2425. >Dash: "... sh-shut up..."
  2426. >Just when you thought she was pissed, she wipes the tear from her cheek
  2427. >Dash: "You're not going to ask Flash if HE'S okay, will you?"
  2428. "You sure you don't need a break?"
  2429. >Dash: "A break? Hell, this is just getting fun!"
  2430. >Her fists go back up
  2431. >Dash: "Enough talking, is this a date or a fight?"
  2432. >The match continues, you get a few hits on her, she gets some on you. The best part: you managed to stay conscious after every one
  2433. >By the time she gets tired, you're already dying
  2434. >Dash: "... I think... this is a good time to stop..."
  2435. "Y-Yeah..."
  2436. >You flop down onto the mats. It doesn't matter how bad they smell, you're exhausted. She takes a seat next to you, so you lay down in her lap
  2437. >Dash: "You okay Anon?"
  2438. "Nope, I'm dead"
  2439. >Dash: "Well, on the bright side, you're a lot better than I expected. You might actually survive"
  2440. "Thanks... I guess"
  2441. >Dash: "I-I didn't mean it like that, really, I just-"
  2442. >You sit up and kiss her on the cheek, and she can't help but blush. Even after a fight, she's still got a soft side
  2443. >Dash: "S-so, anyways... you're a good fighter, why not join the boxing team?"
  2444. "Not really my style"
  2445. >Dash: "What do you mean?"
  2446. "Well... "
  2447. >What's a nice way of saying "I usually fight like a bitch"?
  2448. "... you'll see for yourself on Friday"
  2449. >Yeah, that's good
  2450. "So now that you know where I'm at, what have you got planned for tomorrow's lesson?"
  2451. >Dash: "Not sure, but I know one thing, I can stop going easy on you now"
  2452. >Well... shit. You plop your head down into her lap, and she starts petting your head like a dog. It's actually kinda nice... really nice
  2453. >Dash: "... but for now, just relax. You did really... do you hear that?"
  2454. >Listening closely... there's a muffled school bell ringing in the distance
  2455. >Shit. School is over. The two of you hurry out of the storage room and run to the locker rooms-
  2456. >Dash: "-Anon, your limp"
  2457. >Oh yeah, you only got 9 toes. You start to limp, looking like a total tard
  2458. >Seriously, ever see someone run with a limp?
  2460. >You make it to the locker rooms and see the coach carrying both yours and her bags
  2461. >Coach: "How's your toe?"
  2462. "It's fine, just needed some ice"
  2463. >Coach: "Well, I was about to take these down to the nurse's office, glad I ran into you..."
  2464. >Dodged a bullet there
  2465. >Coach: "... quite frankly, that lady scares me"
  2466. >You hurry back into the locker room as fast as you can with your fake limp. You don't bother to change, you just empty your regular clothes from your locker into your backpack
  2467. >... That's nasty. You're nasty.
  2468. >But you're also too exhausted to care
  2469. >It's not until Dash steps out, and you suddenly feel self conscious about how you look- wait, scratch that
  2470. >Dash: "So you didn't bother to change either?"
  2471. >She came out in her gym clothes too
  2472. >... That's nasty. She's nasty
  2473. >You're both nasty
  2475. >Training wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. Still, you're grateful to finally be going home
  2476. >... maybe if Dash will let go of your hand
  2477. >Dash: "Hey Anon, wait"
  2478. "Yeah?"
  2479. >Dash: "... I'm glad you let me train you"
  2480. "No problem, I needed it"
  2481. >Besides if you didn't let her she would have kidnapped you. It was one of her three conditions
  2482. >Three conditions...
  2483. "... by the way Dash, what was your third condition"
  2484. >Dash: "O-oh yeah, that. W-well, I'm sure you'll be fine, you are tough and all, but..."
  2485. "... But?"
  2486. >Dash: "I think that... a-after the fight, you should still pay Doctor Dash a visit. Y-You know, just for a check-up"
  2487. >Like you have to be forced into it
  2488. "I might be able to agree with that. I just might"
  2489. >Dash: "G-Good, you better"
  2490. >You give her a hug
  2491. "Alright, see ya tomorrow-"
  2492. >Dash: "Wait, again"
  2493. "What is it?"
  2494. >Dash: "D-Do you..."
  2495. "... yeah?"
  2496. >Dash: "..."
  2497. >Instead of saying anything, she just starts walking home, gently pulling your hand to take you with her
  2498. >You never said you wanted to go with her... then again, you never would have said "no" either
  2500. >The walk to Dash's place felt a lot longer than usual
  2501. >Once you get there, the two of you head straight to her room
  2502. >Dash: "Come on Anon, get changed quick. We still got a lot of work to do today"
  2503. "More? What else is there?"
  2504. >Dash: "Trust me, it won't be that bad"
  2505. >She immediately starts undressing. You're too tired for sexual, you don't even analyze her underwear the way you usually do, you just focus on changing. As slowly and groggily as you change, you still finish before her
  2506. >Dash: "Okay, come on"
  2507. "Where are we going?"
  2508. >Dash: "Back to the mall"
  2509. "What for?"
  2510. >Dash: "Stuff"
  2511. "But-"
  2512. >Dash: "- It's part of your training"
  2513. >...you're too exhausted to argue
  2515. >She takes you to this store that sells all kinds of fitness products and vitamins that will maximize your pump. At least, that's what the sign says
  2516. "Dash, I think it's a little late for me to start working out, unless you're going to fill me up with steroids... "
  2517. >You glance over your shoulder
  2518. "... is that why we're here?"
  2519. >She rolls her eyes and grabs some bottle of some milkshake powder stuff off the shelf
  2520. "What's that, protein powder?"
  2521. >Dash: "It's a drink mix, it'll give you more energy throughout the day"
  2522. >She grabs another one
  2523. >Dash: "I actually drink this too"
  2524. "Can't I just add some protein powder to my morning coffee?"
  2525. >Dash: "That's not how it works Anon"
  2526. >Dash takes the two bottles up to the register
  2527. >Cashier: "Dash, what's up brah!"
  2528. >They exchange high fives
  2529. >Cashier: "Ey, who's this little guy?"
  2530. >Dash: "This is Anon, he's got something big coming up he's gotta prepare for"
  2531. >Cashier: "Alright brah, ready to maximize your pump?"
  2532. "Do what with my what now?"
  2533. >Cashier: "Don't be like that, gimme some skin"
  2534. >He reaches up for a high five. You leave him hanging
  2535. >Cashier: "Come on man"
  2536. >You realize he won't finish until you high five, so you do it. His hand feels sweaty and sticky. Whatever "maximizing your pump" means, he must have just finished
  2537. >Cashier:"Alright brah, that's what I'm talkin about"
  2538. >He scans the two bottles of the energy drink stuff
  2539. >Cashier: "This everything? You can't bulk up like this"
  2540. >Dash: "Don't worry, that's all we need"
  2541. >Cashier: "Sure you don't want no protein powder to go with that?"
  2542. >Dash elbows you in the stomach to stop you from laughing. Once he's done she takes the bag and you leave together
  2543. >Cashier: "Alright brah, come back anytime you need some pump, I am also personal trainer-"
  2544. "Thanks brah, I'll call you"
  2545. >You don't even have his number, you just want to get the hell out before you hear the word "brah" one more time
  2547. >Dash: "Well, that was all I wanted to come down here for, do you have anything else in my mind?"
  2548. >... there's an interesting shop across the street
  2549. "How about there?"
  2550. >Dash: "What could you possibly need from THERE?"
  2551. "That's why we're going to look
  2552. >You head across the street and enter the Canterlot Military Surplus Store
  2554. >When you enter the shop a little bell above the door jingles. There's an employee standing in the corner with his hands clasped together at hi waist. He watches you and Dash, but says nothing. You can't even say with certainty that you saw him blink
  2555. >Dash: "... I-I don't think we should be in a place like this"
  2556. "Relax, we're fine"
  2557. >You head over to the wall where there's an assortment of tactical vests hanging
  2558. >Dash: "Come on Anon, what would you need one of those for?"
  2559. "I don't know, I never thought I'd even be in this situation-"
  2560. >"Good Choice. Perfect for big guy."
  2561. >That guy who was watching you from across the room sneaked up behind you.He some kind of accent, but all you can say with confidence is European. He looked normal from across the room, but up he close he towers over you
  2562. >Guy: "My name Vladimir. How can I help"
  2563. >The way he talks, even his questions sound like orders
  2564. "Well you see, I've got this thing-"
  2565. >Vladimir: "-What kind of thing"
  2566. "It's just a little situation-"
  2567. >Vladimir: "-What kind of situation"
  2568. "I've got a fight coming up-"
  2569. >Vladimir: "-Shut up. I come back"
  2570. >He walks past the register counter and into the back. He returns with a large briefcase.When he opens it, there's an assortment of guns, most of which don't look legal. He picks up a pistol
  2571. >Vladimir: "This here make for good comrade. Turn little man like you into warrior"
  2572. >He hands it to you
  2573. >Vladimir: "You buy"
  2574. "U-umm..."
  2575. >You're afraid to turn him down
  2576. "...M-Maybe something a little less... extreme-"
  2577. >Vladimir: "This small gun. For babies. You want extreme-"
  2578. "No, NOT extreme. I don't need to kill him"
  2579. >Vladimir: "... You want for not kill. Explain"
  2580. "W-Well... this guy, he's kind of a dick, always walks around like he owns the place. He needs to be put in his place, but a place where he lives"
  2581. >Vladimir: "... Many years ago, military coup was happening. Rebels take over the motherland, and dark days were many. Rebel leader claims ownership of the homeland. Your story remind me"
  2582. "... so what happened to the rebel leader?"
  2583. >Vladimir: "We kill him"
  2584. >Oh.
  2585. >Vladimir: "But you want for not kill. Is that right"
  2586. "Yeah"
  2587. >Vladimir: "I'll see what I have"
  2588. >He wanders aimlessly around the store, as if not sure what he's looking for. He comes back with a knife and hands it to you
  2589. >Vladimir: "You cut off fingers. You cut off ears. You cut off anything. He live"
  2590. "... You know, I'm not sure you have what I'm looking for here"
  2591. >What exactly were you looking for?
  2592. >Vladimir: "Little man isn't very bright, is he?"
  2593. >Dash: "Not quite"
  2594. >Vladimir: "I understand. When have dim witted friend, you will never be of dead in times of war. They make for excellent ammo fodder"
  2595. >The two of them share a laugh. They sounded like drunk pirates
  2596. >Vladimir: "I like you, ladywoman. Your good people. Let me show you something"
  2597. >He opens the gun case and hands Dash an assault rifle...a fucking assault rifle
  2598. >Dash: "... not bad"
  2599. >Vladimir: "I call her Natalia. Good woman. She save my life many times in the war"
  2600. "And what war was that?"
  2601. >He puts his arms around you and Dash
  2602. >Vladimir: "Everyday is war, my friends. Every morning you wake up a dead man. Every night you go to sleep a hero"
  2603. >The somber tone of his voice is soothing, almost empowering, even if just mentally. This guy may not be so bad after all-
  2604. >Vladimir: "Some of less hero than others"
  2605. >He laughs and slaps you on the back. Hard
  2606. >Well... you've had worse
  2607. "Come on Dash, there's nothing here we need"
  2608. >Dash: "You sure? I kinda like this place"
  2609. "I'm sure, come on"
  2610. >You leave the store without buying anything
  2611. >Vladimir: "Come back soon"
  2612. >Dash: "We will, comrade"
  2613. >... You probably will
  2615. >You stop by Dash's place to pick up your stuff before she takes you home. When you grab your backpack you feel it vibrate
  2616. >Your cell phone was in there all day, and apparently, you just got a text message
  2617. >... scratch that, you have a missed call and fifteen text messages. You're about to read them when Dash pops into the room
  2618. >Dash: "Ready to go Anon?"
  2619. "Yeah, sure"
  2620. >You put your phone into your pocket and go with her
  2621. >It must have went off at least five more times on the way home
  2623. >Later that night, you're cleaning out the trash on your phone
  2624. >And by trash, I mean the missed call and 20 unread texts
  2625. >... All from Pinkie. You start reading off the messages
  2635. >You delete the rest without reading them
  2636. >"Her guys"... Sooner or later you have to tell Dash about your plan
  2637. >But it's gotta be the right time, and tomorrow is not the right time
  2639. >Tuesday
  2640. >You try some of that energy milkshake protein powder drink stuff Dash got you
  2641. >...
  2642. >You'll stick to coffee
  2644. >You go through your morning classes, not a word from Pinkie. That gives you time to work out the finer points of your plan
  2645. >Since you're certain Flash is going to bring Cranberry and Fucknut along, you need a way to separate at least one of them from the group
  2646. >And you think you have an idea
  2648. >In the middle of Biology you get a text message from Pinkie
  2650. >Well damn
  2651. "Teacher, can I go to the bathroom?"
  2652. >Teacher: "Can't it wait?"
  2653. "Not really-"
  2654. >Teacher: "-Alright, just hurry up"
  2656. >You wait outside the bathrooms, not sure which one she wanted to meet you in
  2657. >You figure, hey, she's a girl, so you look around before peeking into the girl's bathroom
  2658. "Hello? ... Pinkie?"
  2659. >Pinkie: "In here!"
  2660. >She's poking her head out of the guy's bathroom
  2661. >Well then
  2662. >She retreats back into the bathroom, and you go in with her
  2663. >With her were these two younger looking kids, probably freshman. One of them was kind of chubby with a face that made you want to punch him. The other, pretty sure he's Canadian
  2664. >Pinkie: "Anon, these are my guys. You need anything done, they get it done"
  2665. >Punch-face: "You can call me Deepthroat"
  2666. >Canadian: "And I'm Snails"
  2667. >Punch-face: "I told you to come up with a nickname!"
  2668. >Canadian: "Oh yeah, sorry Snips"
  2669. "So let me get this straight..." You point at the guy with the punchable face "....you're Snips..." then you point to the Canadian "...and you're Snails, right?"
  2670. >Snips: "Dang it Snails, you did it again!"
  2671. "... they're not too bright, are they Pinkie?"
  2672. >Pinkie: "Well... they do good work, and that's what matters"
  2673. >You doubt it
  2674. >Pinkie: "Come on, so what's the plan?"
  2675. "You were the ones who trashed the Fall Formal not long ago, right?"
  2676. >Snips: "Yeah, that was our handy work "
  2677. "Well, I'm going to need something similar, just a little more... subtle"
  2678. >Snips: "What do you mean?"
  2679. "You know the abandoned hallway? The one with the empty classrooms, where no one seems to go?"
  2680. >Snips: "Yeah?"
  2681. "I need that hallway... almost destroyed. And I need it done Friday after lunch. Not before, and not after"
  2682. >Snips: "Almost?"
  2683. >You hand him the paper you've been writing throughout the day, with all the details of your plan. Pinkie reads over it with them
  2684. >Snips: "... this is a big project. And I can tell you it won't come cheap"
  2685. "How much?"
  2686. >Snips: "Well, it's a lot of work, and we're gonna need supplies..."
  2687. >Snails: "... yeah, not to mention there's a lot of-"
  2688. "-Five bucks"
  2689. >Snips: "Deal!"
  2690. >You pull a five dollar bill out of your wallet. Only one
  2691. >Snails: "Hey, what about mine?"
  2692. >Maybe it'd work on them...
  2693. >You tear the bill in half and give each them a piece... and they both smile. They actually fell for it
  2694. "Happy?"
  2695. >Snails: "Don't worry boss, you won't be disappointed!"
  2696. >Snips: "Yeah, boss, don't worry!"
  2697. >They excitedly run out of the bathroom
  2698. >Good kids... dumb as shit, but they're good kids
  2699. "Pinkie, you sure we can trust them?"
  2700. >Pinkie: "They haven't let me down yet"
  2701. >You take her word for it
  2702. >You leave the bathroom, and when the coast is clear, you give Pinkie the signal to come out
  2703. >Pinkie: "Nonny, before you go..."
  2704. "Yeah?"
  2705. >Pinkie: "... that hallway, that's where the fight will be, right?"
  2706. "Yeah, why?"
  2707. >Pinkie: "I was looking over your instructions. Are you sure it's all necessary?"
  2708. "I'm sure. He's most likely going to bring his friends along, and there's no way I could take on all three of them at once. But they don't need to know that"
  2709. >Pinkie: "... I'm still confused"
  2710. "They're not going to know what Snips and Snails did in that hallway. All they're going to see is what I do"
  2711. >Pinkie: "And what WILL you do?"
  2712. "What I do best: make up bullshit"
  2714. >You get back to biology
  2715. >Rarity: "You okay Anon? What took so long?"
  2716. "Do you REALLY want to know?"
  2717. >Rarity: "... as long as you're here that's what matters"
  2719. >Lunch time
  2720. >Dash says nothing about your training
  2721. >Pinkie says nothing about your secret plan
  2722. >Rarity says nothing about how you took a ten minute bathroom break
  2724. >Gym
  2725. >You're going to need a new excuse to sneak out of gym today, because "exploding toe" shouldn't be your go-to excuse. It should to be reserved for special occasions
  2726. >Regardless, you have your backpack and your clothes with you in case you run out of time like yesterday happens. You're waiting in the gym for roll call when Dash comes in carrying hers
  2727. >Dash: "Come on, we're going to the nurse"
  2728. "What for?"
  2729. >Dash: "Someone threw up in the bathroom. But if you ask me, it looks like orange juice and mashed potatoes"
  2730. >She winks
  2731. >Dash stole your secret recipe for fake vomit
  2732. >You really should have a patent on that
  2734. >You get to the storage room, and nothing was moved since yesterday
  2735. >Dash: "Just a second"
  2736. >She takes a can of air freshener from her bag and sprays the hell out of the wrestling mats
  2737. >Today's already off to a better start
  2738. >Dash: "So Anon, ready for today's training?"
  2739. >She starts undressing as she says that
  2740. >So it's THAT kind of workout? Gettin laid tonight son
  2741. >Dash: "You should probably get yourself comfortable too"
  2742. >GREEN LIGHT
  2743. >You're about to take your shirt off when you notice Dash, stripped to a sports bra and her usual black spandex shorts, tying her hair up into a ponytail
  2744. >Maybe you're not gettin laid tonight
  2745. >You keep your clothes on
  2746. >Dash: "You sure you're comfortable like that?"
  2747. "Yeah, I think I'll keep my clothes on"
  2748. >Dash: "Suit yourself"
  2749. >She puts her fists up
  2750. >Definitely not gettin laid tonight
  2751. >... unless she's into this sort of thing
  2753. >You begin your match, and she's fighting a lot harder than yesterday. When she said that she wouldn't hold back today, she wasn't just bluffing
  2754. >Dash: "Come on Anon, you gotta really try"
  2755. >Maybe not as hard as her. After about five minutes she's already panting
  2756. "You okay Dash?"
  2757. >Dash: "I'm fine... are you?"
  2758. "Yeah but-"
  2759. >Dash: "Come on then"
  2760. >She comes at you as reckless and aggressive as before, despite how exhausted she looks. She lets up for just a moment, and you get a hit on her
  2761. >... and she falls to the ground
  2762. "You okay?"
  2763. >You reach out a hand to help her up
  2764. >Aren't you usually the one in this situation?
  2765. >She sits up but doesn't get up all the way
  2766. >Dash: "I'm fine... just a little tired"
  2767. "Maybe you shouldn't have been trying so hard"
  2768. >Dash: "It's not that... I just didn't sleep so good last night"
  2769. >You take a seat next to her
  2770. "You going to be okay? We could stop now if you want"
  2771. >That's mostly you trying to get out of doing work, but it's for her too
  2772. >Dash: "I'm fine, but..."
  2773. "Yeah?"
  2774. >Dash: "... Anon, do you know how to give a massage?"
  2775. >Do what now
  2776. "Umm... well-"
  2777. >Dash: "It's mostly just my neck and my shoulders. And my back, kinda"
  2778. >You've never given a massage before, nor have you received one. Don't try and humiliate yourself, just be honest and-
  2779. "Yeah, sure"
  2780. >... you're on your own now
  2781. >Dash: "Thanks Anon, I owe you"
  2782. >She lays down on her stomach
  2783. >Dash: "Can you start with my shoulders?"
  2784. "Alright"
  2785. >No it's not alright, you're going in blind here. You start awkwardly rubbing her shoulders, hoping you're doing something right
  2786. >Dash: "hey Anon?"
  2787. "Yeah?"
  2788. >She actually sounded relaxed, maybe you-
  2789. >Dash: "You've never done this before, have you?"
  2790. "... not really"
  2791. >Next time listen to me
  2792. >Dash: "Alright alright, I'll show you"
  2793. >Dash lifts up your shirt, and you lift your arms to let it come off
  2794. >Dash: "It's actually really easy, you just..."
  2795. "... Dash?"
  2796. >Dash: "S-so, can you turn around for me?"
  2797. >You turn around and lean forward. Her hands gently touch your back and her fingertips slowly trace your shoulder blades
  2798. >Is this really how it works?
  2799. "Is this it?"
  2800. >Dash: "... th-then,you just press with your thumbs and..."
  2801. >She applies gentle pressure just under your shoulders and slowly rotates them
  2802. >Hell, this feels pretty nice. Then again, so does her body pressed against her back, and the feeling of her hot breath down your neck
  2803. >Dash: "... s-see? It's really simple"
  2804. "Alright, I think I got it it"
  2805. >She doesn't stop
  2806. "... Dash, I think I figured it out"
  2807. >Dash: "Huh? O-Oh yeah, alright"
  2808. >She lays back down on her stomach
  2809. >Dash: "Y-You can put your shirt back on now"
  2810. "... nah, I'll leave it off"
  2811. >Dash: "A-Alright, whatever you want"
  2812. >You place your hands on her back, and she shivers at your touch. Her sports bra is covering her shoulder blades, but you manage to reach under it
  2813. >Dash: "... hold on"
  2814. >She takes off the bra and lays back down, making it easier to find the right spot
  2815. >You gently trace your fingers along the curves of her shoulders like she did to you. You know it's not necessary, but you knew she'd like it
  2816. >When your hands get to the right spot you begin the massage
  2817. >Dash: "... h-harder"
  2818. >You press down harder, and she lets out a long sigh
  2819. "How's that?"
  2820. >Dash: "..."
  2821. "Dash?"
  2822. >Dash: "... perfect"
  2823. >As you go on with the massage, she starts to wiggle around. When you ask if she's okay, she just says she's getting comfortable, Her back is warm, and little beads of sweat slowly trickle down
  2824. >Dash: "... Anon, can you do my neck?"
  2825. "Yeah, sure"
  2826. >You slowly drag your hands up over to the sides of her neck, and hesitate before beginning
  2827. >Dash: "Everything okay?"
  2828. "Yeah, it's just that your skin is just really soft
  2829. >Dash hides her face in the wrestling mats
  2830. >Dash: "Th-thanks... y-you know, I brought that lotion with me, you know, the skittles lotion"
  2831. "Really?"
  2832. >Dash: "Y-Yeah... my neck Anon"
  2833. >You start massaging her neck, and once again she starts to shiver
  2834. "Dash, you sure you okay?"
  2835. >Dash: "Yeah, it's just really nice"
  2836. >You give her a few minutes
  2837. >Dash: "Th-thanks, that's good"
  2838. "You sure? Anywhere else?
  2839. >Dash: "W-Well..."
  2840. "Come on Dashie, it's now or never-"
  2841. >Dash: "-Okay okay, fine..."
  2842. >It's like you can get her to do anything just by calling her Dashie
  2843. >Dash: "... I-I've always liked getting my feet rubbed, but-"
  2844. "Say no more"
  2845. >You take her legs and plop her feet in your lap
  2846. >Dash: "N-No, it's fine Anon, you don't have to-"
  2847. "Save it, Dashie, I'm doing it anyways"
  2848. >Dash: "..."
  2849. >She goes silent
  2850. >You're not sure where to begin so you press your thumb down on her heel and slide your finger up. She gasps when you run your finger over her arch
  2851. "You good?"
  2852. >Dash: "Y-Yeah... it just tickles"
  2853. "Sorry"
  2854. >Dash: "B-But... don't stop"
  2855. >A embarrassed smile stretches across her face, a fitting complement to her bright red blush. As you run your finger up and down her foot, she spreads and stretches her toes
  2856. >Dash: "Anon... y-you're good at this"
  2857. "I can tell"
  2858. >She sits up
  2859. >Dash: "A-Anon..."
  2860. "Yeah?"
  2861. >Dash: "Y-You should stop-"
  2862. "Nope"
  2863. >She clasps her hands together and starts twiddling her thumbs
  2864. >Dash: "... p-please, Anon"
  2865. "Why"
  2866. >Dash: "... I-I..."
  2867. "Yeah?"
  2868. >She suddenly jumps up and tackles you to the ground. She lays next to you and clings to your arm, pressing it between her small but soft breasts. She nuzzles your cheek
  2869. >Dash: "I told you... I-I like having my feet rubbed"
  2870. >She kisses your cheek
  2871. >Dash: "I told you to stop"
  2872. "I couldn't help it"
  2873. >She lays her head on your shoulder
  2874. >Dash: "Well you're coming home with me again today, whether you want to or not"
  2875. "Where are we going this time?"
  2876. >Dash: "Nowhere... just my place"
  2877. >Unless you plan on snuggling Flash to death, this is not effective training
  2878. >Not that you mind
  2880. >The two of you lay together until the bell rings
  2881. "Dash, the bell"
  2882. >Dash: "..."
  2883. >She won't get up
  2884. "Dash, come on"
  2885. >Dash: "..."
  2886. "The sooner we go, the sooner we get back to your house"
  2887. >Dash: "... fine"
  2888. >The two of you change into your regular clothes and leave the storage room. Since you both already had all your stuff with you, you head straight to her place
  2889. "By the way Dash, you still owe me for the massage"
  2890. >Dash: "Don't worry, I remember"
  2891. >She smiles and winks at you
  2892. >Is that your way of trying to be sexy?
  2893. >Cause its working
  2895. >It was a slow, relaxed walk back to her place. Either the massages had you both calm, or it was the face that you hadn't spent all day kicking each others asses
  2896. >Dash: "...hey Anon"
  2897. "Yeah?"
  2898. >Dash: "It's a pretty long walk, isn't it?"
  2899. "You've never said anything about it before"
  2900. >Dash: "Well, maybe I'm just a little more tired than usual today"
  2902. "... don't worry, I'll do it"
  2903. >Dash: "Wh-what do you mean?"
  2904. >She's not fooling you
  2906. >When you get to her place, she kicks her shoes off, then peels off her socks too, something she doesn't normally do
  2907. >Take a wild guess why
  2908. >You both go to her room and sit next to each other on her bed. When you sit down, you pat your lap
  2909. "Come on Dash"
  2910. >Dash: "Wh-what do you mean?"
  2911. "Didn't you say you were tired?"
  2912. >Dash: "A-Alright, fine..."
  2913. >She plops her feet in your lap
  2914. >Dash: "... but I'm only letting you massage me because you offered"
  2915. "... you know I never actually said 'massage'"
  2916. >Dash: "..."
  2917. >She stutters, trying to find the right thing to say
  2918. >Dash: "W-Well it's too late now, you might as well do it!"
  2919. >And that's why you love her
  2920. >You take her foot in your hands and start rubbing just like before
  2921. >It's not long before she lets out a deep, relaxed sigh, and lays back on the bed. Her lips curve into a little smile and her eyelids slowly close
  2922. >She looks so calm, so serene... it gives you an idea
  2923. >You slowly lift her foot up to your chest... she doesn't react. You lean down, and quickly plant a kiss on the ball of her foot
  2924. >Dash: "-WHAT WAS THAT!"
  2925. >She sits up like a dog that just saw a squirrel. Her foot is still at your chest, but she didn't see a thing
  2926. "What do you mean?
  2927. >Dash: "You did something!"
  2928. "I didn't do anything, I'm just giving you a massage like you wanted"
  2929. >Dash: "... alright"
  2930. >She lays back down and closes her eyes. You give her a minute to calm down... then you do it again
  2931. >Dash: "-THERE IT IS AGAIN!"
  2932. "There is what again?"
  2933. >Dash: "You did something, I know you did!"
  2934. "I seriously don't know what you're talking about"
  2935. >She watches you as you continue the massage. Her foot twitches with anticipation
  2936. "... just relax Dashie, it's fine"
  2937. >You hand her a pillow to rest her head on. She takes it from you and smiles, before resting her head on it and letting her eyes droop closed
  2938. >When you're sure she's relaxed, you slowly lean back down and-
  2939. >Dash: "-I KNEW IT!"
  2940. >She caught you
  2941. >Dash: "W-Were you kissing my foot?"
  2942. "... Maybe"
  2943. >Her face brightens up as red as the streak of her hair
  2944. >Dash: "Y-You enjoyed doing that, didn't you?"
  2945. "Well... did you?"
  2946. >She grabs the pillow and hides her face
  2947. >Dash: "... i-if you do it again I won't be mad at you..."
  2948. >Translation: "PLEASE DO IT AGAIN I LOVED IT"
  2949. >You lift her foot up and kiss it again
  2950. >Dash: "... th-thanks-"
  2951. >And you do it again
  2952. >Dash: "-H-Hey-!"
  2953. >And again, and again. All the while not stopping the massage
  2954. >Dash: "A-Anon, what are you doing?"
  2955. >You really don't know why you're doing this, but it makes her smile
  2956. >Besides, it's not weird... right? What would be weird is if you... nah, don't do it. You can't
  2957. >... maybe she'd actually like it though
  2958. >You stop everything just a moment, and hold her foot up to your face
  2959. >Dash: "... g-go ahead, Anon. Do whatever you want"
  2960. >You take a deep breath to prepare yourself. Then, starting at her heel, you slowly drag your tongue along the bottom of her foot
  2961. >She gasps loudly at the touch of your tongue, her foot starts shaking, her toes spread
  2962. >You stop just below her toes and pull your tongue away, but she pushes her foot towards you
  2963. >Dash: "A-again"
  2964. "You sure-?"
  2965. >Dash: "-O-Only because you want too"
  2966. >You lick her foot again. When you reach her toes, you use your tongue to play with her big toe
  2967. >Her staggered breathing gets louder, almost into a moan
  2968. >Dash: "N-Nonny..."
  2969. >Well that means it's working
  2970. >You take it into your mouth and gently such. She's tries to stutter out your name again, but she can't get past "Non" without her voice cracking
  2971. >She slowly pulls her foot from your mouth. You look up and notice her whole body shivering, her hands stuffed between her now tightly shut legs
  2972. "So, you really like it when people touch your feet, huh?"
  2973. >Dash: "N-Not people... o-only you"
  2974. >After a moment, she calms down, her body stops shivering
  2975. >Dash: "A-Are you ready?
  2976. "For what?"
  2977. >Dash: "I still owe you, remember? Now take your shirt off"
  2978. >You do as she says. She closes her door and turns off the light. There's a dim glow coming through the window, blocked by curtains. From her closet, she pulls out a long rainbow striped scarf
  2979. "What's that for?"
  2980. >Dash: "Do you trust me?"
  2981. "Yeah, of course"
  2982. >... says every man murdered by his partner ever
  2983. >She slowly brings the scarf over your eyes, and ties it just tight enough to stay on
  2984. >Whatever is about to happen, you already like it
  2985. >She lays you down on your chest. Something cold and creamy drips onto your back, and you can tell by the skittle-like scent that it's her lotion
  2986. >With a gentle touch, she slowly spreads it over your shoulders. When she's done, she pulls her hands away... that's the last you feel of her for the next few minutes
  2987. >The only sign that she's even still in the room is a quiet rustling sound
  2988. "Dash, everything okay"
  2989. >Dash: "Y-Yeah... just a second. Just don't take the blindfold off"
  2990. >After another minute of quiet rustling, she climbs up on the bed and sits on top of you, straddling your hips. She's actually really light. Something prickles your back, but you can't quite put a finger on what it is
  2991. >She starts slowly massaging your shoulders with her warm hands
  2992. >Dash: "Is that too hard"
  2993. "No, it's perfect"
  2994. >Her hips start sliding back and forth on your back. That slight prickle becomes wet and sticky... it feels like her pubes
  2995. "Dash... what are you wearing?"
  2996. >She lays down on top of you, bringing her face right next to yours. There's not a fabric in the world as soft as what you feel pressed on your back. That, and the two little bumps you feel poking from her chest...
  2997. >Dash: "You tell me"
  2998. >She's naked. Completely naked
  2999. >She continues to massage your shoulders, while rubbing herself against your back. Her hot breath runs down your neck, sending a warm chill through your body
  3000. >Just as you start to relax, she begins kissing the nape of your neck, slowly moving her way up, then down again
  3001. >You quietly call out her name, making her giggle
  3002. >Dash: "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?"
  3003. "N-Not as much as you"
  3004. >You can't really play it cool here
  3005. >After making her way up your neck, she gives your ear a quick nibble, before whispering
  3006. >Dash: "W-Will you do me a favor?"
  3007. "Y-Yeah, sure"
  3008. >Dash: "G-Get on your back"
  3009. >She gets off of you and lets you get on your back. Once you do, she slowly pulls your pants and underwear down
  3010. >Dash: "L-Looks like you've been waiting for this for a while"
  3011. >Implying you haven't been excited since you first kissed her feet
  3012. >She climbs on top of you, holds your member in place, and slowly, very slowly, slides her hips down
  3013. >A high pitched squeak slips out when you finally hit all the way inside
  3014. "You okay Dash?"
  3015. >Her body quivers, but she manages a response
  3016. >Dash: "Y-Yeah..."
  3017. >With her hands planted down on your chest she begins bouncing her hips up and down. She tries to stifle her breath, which only makes it heavier
  3018. >Dash: "I-It's easier than last time..."
  3019. >She leans over, her lips just inches from your ear
  3020. >Dash: "... b-but that was my first time after all"
  3021. "It was?"
  3022. >Instead of giving you a response, she gives your ear a gentle nibble
  3023. >Something about being her first makes you feel a little... special
  3024. >You start to move your hips to match up with her movements-
  3025. >Dash: "-No... l-let me take care of you"
  3026. >She buries her face in your shoulder
  3027. >Dash: "Y-You just sit and relax"
  3028. >Every time her hips hit yours, you feel her pubes gently scratch you. Her leaking fluids make your crotch area wet and hot, but her insides are even wetter and hotter
  3029. "D-Dash..."
  3030. >Dash: "Y-You're getting close, aren't you"
  3031. "M-Maybe"
  3032. >... wait a sec
  3033. "D-Dash, I'm not wearing-"
  3034. >Dash: "It's okay... I want you to cum inside me"
  3035. >She brings her hands up to your cheeks and slowly slides your blindfold off
  3036. >You had your eyes closed underneath. You open them and see Dash leaning over you, a light blush in her cheeks, her eyes droopy as if she just woke up. Her lips curved up into a sweet smile, and her gentle hands caressing your cheeks
  3037. >The perfect sight as you cum inside Rainbow Dash
  3038. >Just like you've always wanted
  3039. >You know what'd be funny? If you cumming inside Dash just no got her pregnant
  3040. >...
  3041. >No. That would not be funny
  3042. "Dash, shouldn't we try to... you know, clean up?"
  3043. >Dash: "... nope"
  3044. "But what if-"
  3045. >Dash: "-Too bad, I like it. It's warm"
  3046. >She lays her head on your chest... maybe it can wait
  3048. "Hey Dash, is this how our training is going to go on for now?"
  3049. >Dash: "You know it wasn't supposed to go like this"
  3050. "Yeah, but I think I like this way better"
  3051. >Dash: "Well, unless you're planning on having sex with Flash we gotta go back to our normal workout"
  3052. >... It could work
  3053. >Dash: "Besides, since we skipped today's training I have to work you twice as hard tomorrow"
  3054. "Like how I just did to you-"
  3055. >She punches you. Hard.
  3056. >Dash: "S-Seriously Anon, you need to get ready for that fight, Chances are Flash is going to bring his friends with him, and the two of us might not be able to take both of them on"
  3057. "Well if my plan works, we won't-"
  3058. >Shit
  3059. >Dash: "... what plan?"
  3060. "Well..."
  3061. >Dash: "Tell me Anon. Now"
  3062. >You've seen her angry side, and chances are you won't make it out of this room alive if it gets worse
  3063. "When I first challenged him to the fight, I thought there was no chance I could win. So I arranged for some... special help"
  3064. >Dash: "What does special help"
  3065. "... I'll explain tomorrow"
  3067. >Wednesday
  3068. >Now Dash knows about your plan
  3069. >... well, she knows that you HAVE a plan
  3071. >You stop at a convenience store on your way to school and pick up a pad of stickers
  3073. >Dash is waiting outside for you. She actually got here on time for once
  3074. >... scratch that, you're just late
  3075. >Dash: "What took you so long?"
  3076. "I had to make a stop"
  3077. >Dash: "For what?"
  3078. "... something"
  3079. >Dash: "Something for that plan of yours you won't tell me about?"
  3080. "Don't worry, I'll explain everything later"
  3081. >Dash: "You better, thanks to you I'm late for class"
  3082. "Aren't you always late though?"
  3083. >Dash: "... just come on"
  3084. >She grabs your hand and takes you inside
  3086. >Biology class
  3087. >Rarity: "Hey Anon, I've been meaning to ask you something about the 'thing' Friday-"
  3088. "I'm not talking about the plan"
  3089. >Rarity: "... Rainbow Dash told me to ask, so I asked"
  3090. >Figures
  3091. "I told her I'd tell her later today"
  3092. >Rarity: "I get it, she never has been a patient one"
  3093. >Rarity can be pretty chill... you know, as long as you're not out sopping with her
  3094. >Rarity: "... but, just between you and me-"
  3095. "-No"
  3096. >Rarity: "You can tell me, I won't tell her"
  3097. >First of all: Yeah she will, she's a god awful gossip
  3098. >Second: It's not just her you don't want knowing, it's the three guys in front of you
  3099. >...
  3100. >Then again, maybe they should hear this
  3101. "Okay, here's the thing. On Friday..."
  3102. >You pretend to look around making sure no one's listening. You're making sure Flash and his friends ARE listening
  3103. "... I'm calling in some reinforcements"
  3104. >Rarity: "Reinforcements?"
  3105. >Cranberry and Fucknut were about to turn around before Flash stopped them
  3106. >Hooked
  3107. >You bring it down to a whisper
  3108. "yeah, a friend of mine got in touch with some of his old comrades in the war, said they'd back me up"
  3109. >Rarity: "war comrades? just who is this friend?"
  3110. "his name is Vladimir, he runs the military sur-"
  3111. >Rarity: "-uncle Vlad!?"
  3112. >...
  3113. >Wait a sec, what?
  3114. "uncle?"
  3115. >Rarity: "yeah, he moved here from Russia with my parents before I was born"
  3116. "so wait... you're Russian?"
  3117. >Rarity: "didn't you know?"
  3118. >... damn it
  3119. >Secretly, you and the girls have been betting on what her nationality really was. You're money was on French. Now you owe AJ five bucks
  3120. >Damn it
  3121. >Rarity: "he knows that you're not supposed to kill them, right? he can sometimes get a little... enthusiastic"
  3122. "don't worry, I made sure to tell him that they can't be of kill. you know, for fear of prison time"
  3123. >Rarity: "yeah... that sounds like him"
  3125. >The three amigos spend the rest of class exchanging awkward glances
  3126. >They took the bait
  3127. >Mental note: Don't forget to tell Rarity that you were bluffing
  3128. >... you just can't seem to get it out of your head
  3129. >Uncle Vlad? Rarity?
  3130. >Who comes up with this shit?
  3132. >After class, you and Rarity meet up with Dash as usual
  3133. >Dash: "So Anon, you ready to tell me about your plan?"
  3134. "I said I'd tell you later"
  3135. >Dash: "Yeah, and it's later NOW, so tell me-"
  3136. >Rarity: "Come on Anon, just tell her about your plan"
  3137. >Dash: "Wait, you told HER your plan?"
  3138. >Rarity: "He told me he was bringing in some mercenaries from my uncle"
  3139. >"Wait, is there a change in the plan?"
  3140. >Pinkie popped up out of nowhere... you know, like she always does
  3141. >This is why you don't tell Rarity anything
  3143. >Dash: "So wait, you're RUSSIAN?"
  3144. >Rarity: "I thought you all knew this already"
  3145. >Everyone at the table looks down at the floor, realizing they all lost the bet
  3146. >Pinkie: "So is there a change in the plan or not? I need to know so I can give a heads up to Deepthroat and..."
  3147. >That kid really needs a nickname. He sounds Canadian, something Canadian...
  3148. "... Maple Syrup"
  3149. >That's a Canada thing, right? It's their national thing
  3150. >Pinkie: "... yeah, sure. Deepthroat an Maple Syrup"
  3151. >Well, it threw her off but she went with it. The other girls seem confused, but they probably just assume you've gone full Pinkie too
  3152. "Well, don't worry Pinkie, no hired guns will be crashing our fight"
  3153. >Pinkie: "You sure?"
  3154. "Promise. The plan is still the same"
  3155. >Dash: "So then what is the plan?"
  3156. "Look, I'll tell you next class, alright?"
  3157. >Dash: "... alright"
  3158. >Applejack: "What plan are y'all talking about?"
  3159. >AJ and Fluttershy show up at the table last
  3160. >You know, sometimes you forget that they're still around
  3161. >History class
  3162. >As soon as you sit down, she starts asking about the plan
  3163. "Alright alright... when I give the signal, just play along"
  3164. >Dash: "What's the signal?"
  3165. "You'll know"
  3167. >...
  3168. >Class is going on as normal
  3169. >Go time
  3170. >*CRASH*
  3171. >You fall out of your chair, clenching your hands on your gut and groaning in agony
  3172. >Teacher: "Anonymous, are you okay?"
  3173. "N-No.. my stomach is killing me. I think I need... someone to help me to the nurse's office"
  3174. >...
  3175. >Dash, that's the signal
  3176. >Teacher: "Alright, can someone help him-?"
  3177. >Dash: "-I'll do it"
  3178. >She grabs yours and her bags, and helps you up
  3180. >As soon as you're out of the room she lets you go
  3181. >Dash: "Alright now what's the plan"
  3182. "... come with me, I'll show you"
  3183. >You lead her down the hall
  3184. >Dash: "Wait, isn't the nurse's office the other way?"
  3185. "That was just an excuse"
  3186. >Dash: "So she's not part of the plan?"
  3187. "Nope"
  3188. >Though she could prove useful...
  3189. >You take Dash down to the abandoned hallway
  3190. "This is where the fight's going to be"
  3191. >Dash: "So what are we going to do?"
  3192. "... We're going to rig it"
  3193. >Dash: "Rig the fight? How?"
  3194. "Let me put it this way: Flash and his friends are big, they're strong, and they're probably better fighters than the both of us. But what's our one advantage?"
  3195. >Dash: "What"
  3196. "How would YOU describe Flash Sentry?"
  3197. >Dash: "A total dick"
  3198. "Exactly. A total dick... but not as much as me"
  3199. >You take out your pad of stickers. Yeah, they're adorable, glittery, cat stickers, no one's judging
  3200. "Let's say one of Flash's friends slammed me up against this locker here. Right now, nothing would happen..."
  3201. >You slap a sticker on it
  3202. "... but come Friday, it won't be attached to the wall, and with that slam, this locker will topple over"
  3203. >Dash: "... I still don't get it"
  3204. "My guys, Deepthroat and Maple Syrup, they're going to come in Friday just before the fight..."
  3205. >You slap a few more lockers with the adhesive kittens
  3206. "... and they're going to detach every locker we mark. Along with a few other perks"
  3207. >You tear a few pages out of the pad and try to hand them to her. She doesn't take them
  3208. >Dash: "You're kidding, right?"
  3209. "Nope"
  3210. >Dash looks skeptically at you. To reassure her, you pat her on the shoulders
  3211. "Trust me, this WILL work"
  3212. >Dash: "But... don't you think we should keep this a fair fight?"
  3213. "Do you think Flash will keep this a fair fight?"
  3214. >She takes a minute to think about it
  3215. >Dash: "... You're a real asshole, Anon"
  3216. >She smiles and takes the stickers
  3217. >Dash: "... but that's what makes you fun"
  3218. >The two of you empty the sticker pad, plastering about 10 or 12 lockers and one classroom door before heading back to class
  3219. >Dash: "What's the door for?"
  3220. "Our grand entrance"
  3222. >You get back
  3223. >Teacher: "Is everything okay?"
  3224. >... damn, you hadn't thought of an excuse
  3225. >Dash: "Yeah, he just REALLY had to go to the bathroom"
  3226. >A few snickers resonate through the class
  3227. >She's a quick thinker but... is that really the best she could come up with
  3229. >Gym class
  3230. >After roll call you head for your spot on the bleachers until Dash stops you
  3231. >Dash: "You know you're not going to sit there all day, right?"
  3232. "Then where will I sit?"
  3233. >Dash: "Nowhere. You've got training, remember?"
  3234. "... really?"
  3235. >Dash: "Yeah really, let' go"
  3236. "I thought I told you my plan"
  3237. >Dash: "You weren't hoping to avoid the fight altogether with that plan, were you?"
  3238. "..."
  3239. >Dash: "Just come on:
  3240. >She grabs your hand and takes you back to the storage room
  3242. >Dash undresses to her sports bra and shorts like before. Unlike last time, she doesn't fight herself to death in the first ten minutes, but halfway through class she did suggest taking a much needed break
  3243. >Dash: "So Anon... how long have you had your plan?"
  3244. "Truth be told, from the very moment I challenged him to the fight, I knew I had to find a way out of it. Before we even ha our fist training session"
  3245. >Dash: "And you really think it could work?"
  3246. "It's worth a shot"
  3247. >Dash: "It's going to take a lot more than a couple of falling lockers and a dramatic entrance to beat them"
  3248. "Believe me, I have a lot more than that in store"
  3249. >She leans on your shoulder
  3250. >Dash: "You better... and while we're at it, I might as well admit..."
  3251. "Admit what?"
  3252. >Dash: "... I had no intention of letting you fight, form the very beginning"
  3253. "Seriously?"
  3254. >Dash: "I had arranged for you to get locked in the nurse's office during the fight"
  3255. >She calls THAT a plan?
  3256. "And who would have kept me locked in-?"
  3257. >Dash: "-The nurse"
  3258. >... okay, it's a pretty good plan
  3259. >Dash: "Tell you what, promise me you won't die, and I won't have her lock you up"
  3260. "Well, I'm probably safer with Flash and his friends than I am locked with the nurse"
  3261. >Dash: "So it's a deal?"
  3262. "... Deal"
  3263. >Dash: "Thanks, Anon"
  3264. >She lays her head down in your lap
  3265. "But I do have to ask, how did you get the nurse to agree with it?"
  3266. >Dash: "..."
  3267. "Dash? What did you tell her?"
  3268. >Dash: "L-Look, I was worried, okay?"
  3269. "Tell me"
  3270. >Dash: "I said, that... i-if she kept you out of the fight with Flash..."
  3271. "... Yeees?"
  3272. >Dash: "... I told her she could fight you herself"
  3273. "... god damn it Dash"
  3274. >Dash: "W-Well, I was really worried you might not-"
  3275. >You pat her on the head, and it quiets her down
  3276. "What do you think, should we get back to training?"
  3277. >Dash: "... f-five more minutes"
  3278. >Five more minutes became the rest of class, and the rest of class became a good fifteen minutes after the bell
  3279. >You two really can't keep focused
  3281. >Later that night, you get a call from an unknown number. You consider letting it go, but it could be important... okay, you have nothing important. But what the hell, why not
  3282. "Hello-"
  3284. >Oh shit
  3285. "V--Vladimir? Is that you-?"
  3287. >Jesus, he's one of those people who screams on the phone non-stop
  3288. "Do you need something-"
  3290. "N-No, it's fine, that was all a joke-"
  3292. "Look, I don't need any killing-"
  3293. >Vladimir: "VERY WELL. I GO NOW"
  3294. >... well that happened
  3296. >Your fight is today
  3297. >Everything should be ready
  3298. >Your plan is in motion
  3299. >Dash's plan is NOT in motion
  3300. >Everything is ready
  3301. >... but just to be on the safe side, you make one phone call before school
  3302. "I might need some help. Meet me in front of the school"
  3305. >Dash meets up with you before school as usual
  3306. >Dash: "Hey Anon, is something going on?"
  3307. "You mean aside from the obvious?"
  3308. >Dash: "I mean with Rarity"
  3309. "No idea, did something happen?"
  3310. >Dash: "I don't know, but I just saw Vladimir walking by"
  3311. "... tell you what, I'll ask her"
  3312. >No you won't
  3314. >Biology
  3315. >You got there pretty early, and Rarity comes in not long after you. Before long, everyone else shows, the bell rings, class begins
  3316. >The three seats in front of you are empty
  3317. "Hey Rarity"
  3318. >Rarity: "I noticed"
  3319. "I take it you haven't seen him today either?"
  3320. >Rarity: "Nope"
  3321. >... probably chickened out
  3322. >Scratch that, they show up fifteen minutes late. The teacher is not happy
  3323. >Flash: "Sorry, teacher, won't happen again"
  3324. >Teacher: "...Alright, just take your seats"
  3325. >Sometimes you wish the teachers here weren't so gullible... who are you kidding, you love it
  3326. >They come to their seats with shit eating grins. If only the knew what you had in store...
  3327. >Speaking of which, you get a text from Pinkie. She needs to speak to you again
  3328. >... and of course, in the bathroom again
  3330. >You start to head into the guy's bathroom-
  3331. >Pinkie: "-In here"
  3332. >... god damn it
  3333. >You take a look around, making sure no no is here before quickly stepping into the girl's bathroom
  3334. >It's true what they say... the girl's bathroom is just as nasty as the guys
  3335. "This better be important Pinkie-"
  3336. >Pnkie: "-I've got bad news Nonny... really bad news"
  3337. "How bad?"
  3338. >Pinkie: "We may have a change in the plan"
  3339. >...
  3340. >You have got to be kidding me
  3341. "What do you mean change in the plan?"
  3342. >Pinkie: "Snips and Snails weren't in class this morning, and I can't seem to get a hold of them. They're... just gone"
  3343. "And there's no one else who can help you?"
  3344. >Pinkie: "Not really, and I'm not sure how much I can do on my own"
  3345. "Well what about me?"
  3346. >Pinkie: "You? I don't know, it's a pretty big job, and they were professionals. They knew what to do"
  3347. "How hard can it be to remove a locker?"
  3348. >Pinkie: "... yeah, maybe we should just call it off"
  3349. "Look, I'll help however I can. We just have to do SOMETHING"
  3350. >Flash is expecting something, and sure enough he's going to try and one-up you. There's no way you can go in with nothing up your sleeve
  3351. >Pinkie: "... I DO have a plan B. I've been saving it for April Fools, but it's simple and I think we can do it on our own"
  3352. "Alright, just tell me what I have to-"
  3353. >The door opens, and Pinkie quickly shoves you into a stall. Quick thinker
  3354. >"Hey Pinkie, who were you talking to?"
  3355. >... that's Dash's voice
  3356. >Pinkie: "Oh no one, just the person in the mirror"
  3357. >Dash: "... you mean yourself?"
  3358. >Pinkie: "Yeah, you should try it sometime, it's really fun"
  3359. >Pinkie leaves the room. You stand on the toilet and crouch down so Dash doesn't see you
  3360. >How can this situation get any worse
  3361. >You watch through the crack in the door. She doesn't go in any of the stalls, she just stands in front of the mirror talking to herself
  3362. >Dash: "... come on Dash, get a hold of yourself"
  3363. >Is she encouraging herself?
  3364. >Dash: "... Anon needs you, you can't let him down. You just can't"
  3365. >She turns on the sink and splashes her face
  3366. >Dash: "You got this Dash"
  3367. >She dries herself off and leaves
  3368. >You feel a little guilty for getting her involved
  3370. >You get back to class
  3371. >Flash still has that same shit-eating grin as this morning
  3372. >Rarity asks what took you so long
  3373. "Again, do you REALLY want to know?"
  3374. >Rarity: "... Never mind"
  3375. >She really needs to stop asking that
  3377. >Lunch time
  3378. >You decided it'd be best to not tell Dash about the problem with the plan until later, mostly because you have NO IDEA what Pinkie has in store. For now, you have to put your faith in her
  3379. >You get to the table with Dash, Pinkie, and Rarity. There's a few whispers at the surrounding tables
  3380. >Dash: "... I'm not the only one who hears that, right?"
  3381. "Guess I'm not the only one either"
  3382. >As lunch goes on, Dash gets up to go to the bathroom
  3383. >Pinkie: "Dash, didn't you just go?"
  3384. "But she-"
  3385. >....
  3386. >Dash: "...were you saying something Anon?"
  3387. "No, see you in a bit"
  3388. >You ALMOST let it slip. You really need to work on your mouth filter
  3389. >... she comes back less than a minute later
  3390. >Dash: "Hey Anon, you didn't change the plan on me did you?"
  3391. >You shoot a glare at Pinkie
  3392. >Pinkie: "I swear I didn't say anything"
  3393. >Dash: "So you did... and you didn't tell me?"
  3394. "Yeah, but don't worry, Pinkie and I have it covered"
  3395. >Dash: "Well then, do you want to tell me what the padlock is for?"
  3396. "What padlock?"
  3397. >Dash: "The cafeteria doors are chained up and locked shut, all of them"
  3398. "... Pinkie?"
  3399. >Pinkie: "They're not part of MY plan..."
  3400. >Everyone at the table to your left gets up and leaves
  3401. >Dash: "Anon..."
  3402. >Another nearby table clears
  3403. >Dash: "...please tell me this is part of your plan"
  3404. >Another table clears, and another. You take out thee walkie talkie Vladimir gave you this morning
  3405. "... We have a situation at the cafeteria, requesting backup"
  3406. >Rarity: "Who's that? Vlad?"
  3407. >All the tables empty out. All but one
  3408. "... I hope so"
  3409. >The students from the surrounding tables form a kettle around yours and one other table... occupied by Flash and his friends
  3410. >Flash: "Change in plan, Anon"
  3411. >What the hell is going on here
  3412. >You whisper one last thing to the girls before getting up
  3413. "listen... when you hear the bang, get against the wall"
  3414. >Rarity: "What bang?"
  3415. "you'll know"
  3416. >Dash tries to join you but you stop her
  3417. "It's just me and him"
  3418. >Dash: "Anon I won't-"
  3419. "-Trust me"
  3420. >She nervously nods and sits back down, and you step forward
  3421. >Flash: "At first, I wanted to make sure you'd keep this a FAIR fight..."
  3422. >He gets up from the table
  3423. >Flash: "... but then I thought, where's the fun in that?"
  3424. >His friends get up. It's not just Cranberry and Fucknut this time, there's two others. And save for Flash, they all have baseball bats. You can't stop Dash from joining you this time
  3425. >Dash: "Talk about fair?! You've got him outnumbered 5 to 1!"
  3426. >Flash: "Looks to me like 5 against 2-"
  3427. "-Make that 4 against 2"
  3428. >Flash: "Really Anon? Can you not count? Or have you never been able to?"
  3429. >A few chuckles around the cafeteria
  3430. "No I can count. There's only 4 of you who are going to fight. Cause let's face it, your friends there, they got bats. But YOU? You don't even got the balls"
  3431. >The crowd laughs
  3432. >Dash: "Anon, what the hell are you doing?"
  3433. "Stalling"
  3434. >Dash: "Stalling for what?"
  3435. >*BANG BANG BANG*
  3436. "That"
  3437. >You look back to the girls and nod
  3438. "And as for us..."
  3439. >*BOOM*
  3440. "Comrade stronk"
  3441. >Everyone jumps when they see the doors forcefully kicked open. In the commotion, your friends break through the kettle. They all hit the wall, and Pinkie takes the opportunity to hit the fire alarm. The alarm rings, the sprinklers start spraying. Everyone herds out of the cafeteria like a bomb just went off
  3442. >The crowd was in too much of a panic to see the unfamiliar face walking in, towering above the crowd, dressed in an old military uniform with extra bedazzling
  3443. >Well, he is RARITY'S uncle
  3444. >"Look like I arrive just in time, little man"
  3445. >Flash and his friends are the only ones who stayed behind
  3446. "Make that 4 against 3
  3448. >Pinkie and Rarity have backed up against the wall. Dash and Vlad are right behind you. Flash and his friends are hiding behind a flipped over table
  3449. >Dash: "Don't worry Anon, we got your back-"
  3450. "-Hold on..."
  3451. >You step forward, towards Flash's table bunker
  3452. "What's the matter guys? Backing out now?"
  3453. >Rather than walk around the other tables, you push them aside, because loud noises are intimidating, right? The tables have wheels so they can easily be moved aside for the janitors to clean the floor, or so students can fuck some shit up
  3454. "Come on assholes, I'm wide open-!"
  3455. >Cranberry comes out from behind the table and charges at you with his baseball bat. He swings at you like a drunk Mexican, you barely had to move to dodge it. You jab him in the stomach, and he drops his weapon
  3456. >Dash: "-Anon, behind you!"
  3457. >You turn around and see one of his new friends behind you, his swing a lot more accurate, though still unable to make contact. Vlad grabbed his arm and yanked the bat out of his hand
  3458. >Vlad: "REMOVE ENEMY!"
  3459. >Vlad swings the guy around by his arm and throws him across the cafeteria... shit, his feet even came off the ground a good few inches. You didn't see where the other guy even landed, if he laded at all, because Cranberry grabbed your leg and dragged you to the ground. He stands up and manages to get a good kick on you. Right after, you hear a loud clink sound and he drops to the ground. Dash stands over you, holding his bat
  3460. >Dash: "Didn't forget about me, did you?"
  3461. >You take her hand so she can help you up. Once your on your feet, she pulls you into the most aggressive kiss she's ever given you
  3462. >Dash: "We should have done this fight a LONG time ago-"
  3463. >Vlad: "Save it for bedroom my friends. No time for Serbian handshake"
  3464. >Cranberry took the advantage to crawl back to the table bunker. Fucknut and Guy#3 are holding him up. The guy Vlad threw... you're not sure if he's even conscious
  3465. >... you wonder how many of Rarity's ex-boyfriends he's killed
  3467. "What's the matter guys, can't Flash fight for himself?"
  3468. >Cranberry: "You shut your mouth! You don't know what Flash is capable of!"
  3469. "At least you can talk"
  3470. >Cranberry: "Trust me, you wouldn't last a single minute in a fight with Flash-"
  3471. "-I'd end it much faster than that"
  3472. >He's getting pissed. Now you know who the bottom bitch is
  3473. >Cranberry: "One more word and I'll bust your fucking-"
  3474. >Flash: "-Shut up, Skeeter" he says, slowly crawling out from behind the table
  3475. >... his name is Skeeter
  3476. >Are you fucking kidding me
  3477. >You burst into laughter
  3478. "Okay okay, stop for a sec... I hang out with Applejack all the time, so I know white trash when I see it, and that just takes the fucking-!"
  3479. >Flash: "Shut the fuck up!"
  3480. >Flash charges at you, and Fucknut follows suit. Dash tackles Fucknut to the ground and holds him down
  3481. >Dash: "Don't worry Anon, it's just you two. Right Vlad?"
  3482. >Vlad lets out a hearty laugh
  3483. >Vlad: "Don't worry little man, we handle littler men!"
  3484. >So he says as he holds Cran- scratch that, Skeeter, on the ground under his foot, and Guy#3 in a chokehold
  3485. >He does remember that everyone has to live, right?
  3486. >Flash tries to push you to the ground, but you hold yourself up and hit him in the gut
  3487. >He actually fights back, you must have pushed him over the edge
  3488. "Damn, you got actually got some fight in you bro-"
  3489. >Flash: "I'm not your fucking bro"
  3490. "Well I gotta call you something-"
  3491. >Pinkie: "Deepthroat!"
  3492. >What
  3494. >You avert your attention to Pinkie, a blazing hatred in her eyes you've never seen before. Across the cafeteria, Snips and Snails are trying to pry the window open
  3495. >First off, what are they doing here... the padlocks
  3496. >Pinkie: "... you... Mother... FUCKERS!"
  3497. >The way she sprints across the room tells you she must have figured it out too
  3498. >Number one rule of fighting: PAY ATTENTION YOU FUCKING TARD
  3499. >While you're watching two freshmen get beat the fuck out by a homicidal Pinkie, Flash takes the opportunity to throw you to the ground
  3500. >Flash: "Not so tough now, are you!"
  3501. >Shit, he might actually have you here. You struggled trying to get up, but that fall was pretty hard. Every time you get up on your elbows he kicks you back down, laughing while he does do
  3502. >There's only one way out of this...
  3503. >...
  3504. >...
  3505. >Flash stumbles back, after getting kicked square in the nuts
  3506. >Hey, you had no intention of fighting fair in the first place
  3507. >You pick yourself up and unleash a relentless assault, throwing fist after fist until he falls on the floor. Learning your lesson from last time, you step back when you see him reach for your leg... he's not grabbing your leg. He grabs a stray baseball bat off the floor
  3508. >Number two rule of fighting: PAY ATTENTION TO IMPORTANT SHIT
  3509. >After a hit in the knee that your body wasn't ready for, you fall to the ground, and he struggles to his feet
  3510. >Flash: "I've been waiting so long for this-"
  3511. >An arm grabs him from behind in a choke hold. He drops the bat while trying to pry the arm from his throat. He gets thrown to the ground, and the assailant kicks him in the ribs in a way that clearly shows military training. Way to go Vlad-
  3512. >Rarity: "No one... touches my comrade"
  3513. >She says it straightening her hair, and for a moment a thick accent slipped out
  3514. >... it' one thing when Vladimir saved you, it's another thing when Dash did, but fucking Rarity?
  3515. >She helps you up, and Pinkie runs over to you
  3516. >Pinkie: "We've got a serious problem"
  3517. >... there's something different about Pinkie's hair. It's... flatter
  3518. "What is it-"
  3519. >Pinkie: "Snips ans Snails just told me that they helped Flash"
  3520. "I figured that-"
  3521. >Pinkie: "-There's more... Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are on their way"
  3522. "... what?"
  3523. >Pinkie: "They called Celestia's office directly, right before they tried to sneak out"
  3524. >Everyone overheard Pinkie, and Dash and Vlad gather around
  3525. >Dash: "The principal is on her way NOW?"
  3526. >Vlad: "Don't worry, I prepared for kill-"
  3527. "Vlad, you have to get out, now"
  3528. >Vlad: "... understood, little man. May we meet again on the battlefield"
  3529. >He salutes you before dashing across the cafeteria
  3530. "I think you can still sneak out through-"
  3531. >*CRASH*
  3532. >He jumped out a fucking window... you honestly can't say you're surprised
  3533. >Dash: "What about us? What now?"
  3534. >Flash and his friends get to their feet, even Vlad's ragdoll
  3535. >It's too late, if they're getting in trouble, they're dragging you and Dash down with them. But Pinkie wasn't even involved with THEM, and Rarity only grabbed Flash from behind, he probably didn't even see her...
  3536. "Pinkie, you and Rarity get out of here"
  3537. >Pinkie: "What?"
  3538. >Rarity: "You can't expect us to leave you alone-"
  3539. >Dash: "He's right. You two were the least involved, there's a chance that they didn't see you two"
  3540. >The locked door rattles
  3541. >Dash: "Look there's no time to argue, just get out of here!"
  3542. >Rarity: "This doesn't feel right-"
  3543. >*CREEAAK*
  3544. >The ulocked door slowly pushes open
  3545. "Just go!"
  3546. >The two of them give you and Dash a hug before bolting out the broken window
  3547. >Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna enter the cafeteria, calm and collected... unnaturally calm
  3548. >Celestia calmly walks over to the fire alarm and hits the emergency shut-off
  3549. >Luna followed behind her, megaphone in hand
  3551. >You and Dash exchange glances, before slowly making your way out
  3553. >Luna takes you and Dash to her office, Flash and his friends are waiting outside
  3554. >You know how in movies when some kind of gang leader or corrupt businessman wants to look tough, he takes out a knife and stabs it into his desk? Luna's desk already has the knife stuck in. At all times
  3555. >Rumor has it that whoever pulls it out will be crowned Kind Arthur...
  3557. >You'd say her office is darkly lit, if it were even lit at all. The only light is coming in through the half-closed blinds
  3558. >Luna: "Tell us what happened Anonymous. Everything"
  3559. >Dash: "It wasn't us! Flash-"
  3560. >Luna: "-We didn't speak to you!"
  3561. >Dash goes silent and scoots her chair back. Not even you can put her down like that
  3562. >Luna: "Now you tell us, and only you Anonymous, what happened?"
  3563. >You tell her everything... well almost everything. You tell her about how Flash hired Snips and Snails to lock the doors. You tell her about how SOMEONE pulled the fire alarm. And you tell about how Flash's friends started the fight. You never mention the Pinkie and Rarity were even there, and god forbid you mention your good comrade
  3564. >Luna: "... So that's your story?"
  3565. "Stroy? It's all true-"
  3566. >Luna: "Don't take that tone with us. Remember your fate is in our hands here"
  3567. "... sorry ma'am"
  3568. >Luna: "Is all this true, Rainbow Dash?"
  3569. >She silently nods
  3570. >Luna: "... step outside. We need to speak with the others"
  3571. >You and Dash step outside, and she calls in the others. The nurse was outside with her first aid kit, taking care of Flash and his friends
  3572. >Nurse: "Well I'll be damned..."
  3573. >Luna: "Bring them in"
  3574. >She finishes putting a bandage on someone's head, and they all go into Luna's office together
  3575. >The nurse takes out a gauze pad and starts patting at your forehead. You had no idea it was even bleeding
  3576. "You're having fun with this, aren't you?"
  3577. >Nurse: "Yes, very much so. But to be honest, I'm surprised. A couple of those guys may need an actual hospital"
  3578. >She laughs, and though you'd never admit it, you share her sick sense of humor
  3579. >They're in there for a lot longer than you were. When they do finally step out and leave, Flash stays behind. Luna isn't happy
  3580. >Luna: "You two, in our office. Now"
  3581. >Nurse: "Just a sec, I need to make sure-"
  3582. >Luna: "-Now!"
  3583. >Nurse: "... go on. I'll be back in a minute"
  3584. >The nurse leaves, so you and Dash head back into Luna's office, the door slamming behind you
  3585. >Flash is sitting in a row of chairs, a half smile struggles through his pain. You sit next to Flash, and Dash sits next to you
  3586. >Luna: "We're going to cut to the chase. If what Flash told us is true, then you're keeping SOMETHING from us. He told us how YOU organized the fight on Monday, and how YOU locked the doors, and how YOU sneaked a non-student onto our campus. Now, we will ask you one more time: tell us what happened!"
  3587. >You and Dash look at each other. She nods her head "no"
  3588. "... alright fine. I did arrange for the fight on Monday"
  3589. >Luna leans back in her chair
  3590. >Luna: "... Go on"
  3591. >Dash: "Anon-"
  3592. "-And yes, I did sneak someone onto campus. But the doors? That was all Snips and Snails. I don't know who told them to do it..."
  3593. >Yeah you do. But you can't really say how you know without outing Pinkie, so you hold back
  3594. "... but it was them nonetheless"
  3595. >Flash: "You're not seriously believing this are you?"
  3596. >Luna: "Be quiet-"
  3597. >Flash: "-I'm innocent here! He's clearly covering his own ass"
  3598. >Luna: "Don't speak to us like that-"
  3599. >Flash: "Come on are you kidding? You're on his side aren't you-?"
  3600. >Luna: "BE SILENT!"
  3601. >Your heart skipped a beat, and by the look on both Dash's and Flash's faces, they'd say the same
  3602. >Luna: "As far as we're concerned none of you are innocent. We haven't heard a single honest word from any of you since you came in, and we're tired of listening to your lies. Give us one reason we shouldn't have you all expelled this moment-"
  3603. >Nurse: "-Cut the crap Luna"
  3604. >The nurse barges into the office like a pimp looking for his money
  3605. >This should be good
  3606. >Luna: "Excuse us?!"
  3607. >Nurse: "What, do you got potatoes in your ears? I said cut the crap!"
  3608. >Luna: "Get out of our office!"
  3609. >Nurse: "You're not seriously listening to THIS guy are you?!"
  3610. >She slaps Flash in the back of the head
  3611. >Luna: "Are you saying we should listen to YOU?"
  3612. >Nurse: "Look, I'm not here to say these brats weren't fighting in there..."
  3613. >The nurse slowly lowers her voice
  3614. >Nurse: "... but what I AM saying is this: Flash Sentry has put Anon in my office twice over the past two weeks"
  3615. >Luna: "... is this true?"
  3616. >Flash: "Are you kidding-?"
  3617. >Luna: "-Shut your mouth!"
  3618. >She jumps up and pushes her desk forward. You're willing to bet money that she intended to flip the desk over, but restrained herself. When finally calms down, she pulls her desk back
  3619. >Luna: "Is it true, Anonymous?"
  3620. "... yeah"
  3621. >Nurse: "And it's not just him..."
  3622. >She pulls a folder out from her inner coat pocket and slaps it on Luna's desk
  3623. >Nurse: "... there were a lot, and I mean a LOT of students coming into my office with suspicious injuries for a while now. Those that do give a name all mention the same phrase: 'Flash and his friends' "
  3624. >Luna's flipping through the folder when someone knocks on the door
  3625. >Luna: "Enter"
  3626. >Celestia opens the door, her arm around Snips and Snails. Luna closes the folder and puts it in her desk drawer
  3627. >Luna: "We'll discuss this later. Everyone out"
  3628. >Nurse: "Heads up, I'm taking these two to my office. I need to make sure they're okay"
  3629. >Luna: "We'll come when we need you"
  3630. >The nurse leads you and Dash out, Flash following behind. He rejoins his friends in the waiting room, and the nurse takes you back to her office
  3632. >When you get to her office, you all sit down. She reveals a flask from her pocket and takes a swig, then hands it to you
  3633. >Nurse: "... go ahead kid, you earned it. You look like you just came back from 'Nam"
  3634. >You grab it and take a drink, then hand it to Dash
  3635. >Nurse: "But I mean, those other guys? They looked straight out of a fucking gulag camp. Which one of you did THAT?"
  3636. >You and Dash exchange awkward glances
  3637. >Nurse: "I take it I probably don't want to know"
  3638. >The door opens, and the nurse quickly grabs the flask from Dash
  3639. >Nurse: "So?"
  3640. >Luna: "We thought about it. Snip and Snails confirmed what you said, as well as the reports she gave us"
  3641. >The nurse whispers in your ear: "You're welcome kid"
  3642. >Luna: "And though you WERE fighting on campus, my dear sister advised us to show mercy... so everyone involved in the fight will be suspended for the next week-"
  3643. >Nurse: "-You call that mercy-?"
  3644. >Luna: "-If it were up to us none of them would set foot on our campus again. And if anything does happens again, you won't, are we clear"
  3645. >Dash: "Yes ma'am"
  3646. >Luna: "... Anonymous?"
  3647. "Yeah, got it"
  3648. >Luna: "Good. As soon as the two of you are feeling better, please leave the school grounds"
  3649. >There's a sweetness to her voice now, almost like loving caretaker
  3650. >Luna: "... oh, and Nurse Redheart? If you ever speak to us like that again, we WILL have your job"
  3651. >Aaaand there goes the sweetness
  3652. >Nurse: "It's a pleasure working with you too, ma'am"
  3653. >Not wanting to put up with anymore of her sarcasm, Luna leaves
  3654. >Nurse: "... don't worry she gives me that shit all the time. You heard her though, stick around"
  3655. >She pulls her flask out and takes another drink. When you reach out for it she swats your hand away
  3656. >Nurse: "Piss off, I offered you ONE drink"
  3657. "You said we earned it"
  3658. >Nurse: "Well I need it more. I got a fucking ass load of paperwork thanks to you..."
  3659. >She mumbles away to herself. You and Dash get on the hospital bed and cuddle
  3660. >Nurse: "You two BETTER keep your clothes on this time"
  3661. >...
  3662. >Nurse: "You know, when I said, 'stick around', that didn't mean 'spend all freaking day here' "
  3663. >You hadn't realized how long you were actually here. The school day was almost over. Dash was still snuggled on your shoulder
  3664. >Nurse: "Go on, get out of here"
  3665. "Just ten more minutes"
  3666. >Nurse: "The final bell rings in five, and I can't have Luna finding out you're still here. She'll have a bitch fit"
  3667. >Dash: "She's right though, Anon"
  3668. >... you could have sworn she was asleep
  3669. >Nurse: "You heard the lady"
  3670. "Cut me some slack already, I've had a long day"
  3671. >Nurse: "No one told you to go picking fights like a god damn cowboy"
  3672. >Dash pulls your arm
  3673. >Dash: "Come on, the sooner we leave... the sooner we can be alone"
  3674. >Dash gives you a sweet smile. The nurse rolls her eyes
  3675. "... alright, let's go-"
  3676. >Nurse: "-Yes, please, get out of here you snugglefucks"
  3677. >Dash heads out, and you drag your feet behind her. You take one glance back... she's actually smiling
  3678. >Not her usual sinister smile, but a warm, endearing smile
  3680. "Have you been out here since the fight?"
  3681. >Rarity and Pinkie are waiting for you outside the front doors of the school
  3682. >Pinkie: "Omigosh! You guys are back!"
  3683. Rarity runs up and gives you a hug
  3684. >Rarity: "... are you okay darling?"
  3685. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine"
  3686. >You're discretely leaning away from the hug before she snaps your neck. Pinkie tackles the two of you and pulls Dash into a giant group hug
  3687. >Pinkie: "So what happened? Are you guys in trouble? What about Flash? Did someone rat out your Russian friend? What about-"
  3688. "-Pinkie"
  3689. >It's amazing how much she can say on one breath
  3690. >Pinkie: "... yeah?"
  3691. >You explain everything to her and Rarity
  3692. >Pinkie: "You mean I won't see you guys for a whole WEEK?"
  3693. "Pretty lenient, considering we brought in a Russian mercenary and planned to vandalize an entire hallway"
  3694. >Rarity: "So what are you guys up to now"
  3695. >... you were really planning on just going home after this
  3696. >Dash: "We were going to go hang out at my place"
  3697. >That works too
  3699. >Dash whispers... something to Rarity before the two of you take off
  3701. >The walk to her place is exhausting
  3702. >Your leg is sore, your head is killing you, and your stomach feels upside down
  3703. >You hadn't had a day this long in a looong time
  3704. >As soon as you get to her place you plop down on her bed
  3705. >Dash: "You okay Anon?"
  3706. "Yeah, I'm... "
  3707. >... too tired to finish that thought
  3708. >Dash fluffs up her pillows, then gently pushes you back
  3709. >Dash: "Just relax... you've had a long day"
  3710. >She pulls the blanket over you, the leans in and kisses your forehead. The last thing you see before your eyes close is her face pulling away
  3711. >Dash: "... sleep tight, Nonny"
  3712. >You feel her get up off the bed...
  3713. >...
  3714. >*CREAK*
  3715. >*SLAM*
  3716. >... Did she just go somewhere?
  3717. >You don't think too much about it, you just drift off to sleep
  3718. >...
  3720. >*CREAK*
  3721. >*SLAM*
  3722. >Your eyes slowly open. Dash is back
  3723. >Dash: "Sorry, did I wake you?
  3724. "where'd you go?"
  3725. >Dash: "O-Oh, nowhere, just some quick shopping with Rarity. She helped me pick this out"
  3726. >She's holds up a bag from Cadence's Closet
  3727. >... you're a little more awake now

[Rainbow Dash] [Rarity] [NSFW] Whatever I Want, Part 1 (Original story[...]

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[Rainbow Dash] [Rarity] [NSFW] Whatever I Want, Part 2 (Original by[...]

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[Rainbow Dash] [Rarity] [NSFW] Whatever I Want, Part 3 (Original by[...]

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It's Just Sand (Sci-Twi x Anon)

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