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It's Just Sand (Sci-Twi x Anon)

By RealDash
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-09-28 02:42:47
Expiry: Never

  2. ----------
  4. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  5. >The human one.
  6. >And you are getting really horny right now.
  7. >You should probably stop looking, but you can't help it.
  8. >The way he just... looks from this far away.
  9. >It's enough to make a gal hungry in more ways than one.
  10. >It's no secret to some that you've had your eye on Anonymous, a student at CHS, since last year.
  11. >When you two first worked on a school project together, you thought it was just going to be a dumb high school crush and it would be that after a couple weeks.
  12. >A whole year later, you still REALLY want him to ram you from behind like a dirty whore and make him your property.
  13. >And vise versa.
  14. >But alas, you're too chickenshit to really ask him something as forward as that... or even talk to him much beyond group hangouts.
  15. >So you're resigned to admire him from afar.
  16. >And you're pretty certain you're subconsciously shaking your ass around.
  17. >You wish Anon would slap your ass.
  18. >*SLAP*
  19. "Waah!"
  20. >You quickly turn around to find yourself staring face to face with a jock from school, who is staring you down with a smug smirk.
  21. >"Hey, bab-"
  22. >With all the might in your body, you bitch slap the piss out of him. With a groan, he retreats away down the beach way.
  23. >Nobody touches you like that.
  24. >Except Anon.
  25. >And goddammit, you're gonna get his hands on your ass before the day is out even if it kills you.
  26. >Suddenly you shiver.
  27. >Great... now you're even hornier.
  28. >You should probably stop looking.
  29. >...
  30. >Maybe a little longer wouldn't hurt...
  32. >You are Anonymous.
  33. >And right now you are nearly done building the best goddamn sand castle this side of Canterlot.
  34. >Compared to yours, every other beachgoer is but a dirty peasant.
  35. >'Just a little... bit... more... and...'
  36. >Done.
  37. >Beauty.
  38. >Absolute beauty.
  39. >Your castle stands at half your height, but the full length of a human centipede.
  40. >The kind of castle King Arthur himself would've loved to live in.
  41. >If he were a fiddler crab.
  42. >And not dead.
  43. >Or fake.
  44. >You hear the sound of footsteps approaching to your right and turn to see Applejack making her way over with two snow cones.
  45. >"Hoo whee Anon," she said with a chuckle, "you sure like your sand castles."
  46. >She holds out one of the snow cones to you, a blueberry flavored one, and you take it with a brief thank-you.
  47. "Damn right," you answer. "Sand castles are fun as hell."
  48. >"How long have y'all been building this one?"
  49. "Since we got here."
  50. >Applejack freezes.
  51. >"A... Anon, we only got here an hour ago."
  52. "And?"
  53. >Applejack was at a loss for words.
  54. >"Wha... Well shoot, ah hope yer as good on a farm as you are in the sand because now ah got half a mind to hire you."
  55. >You couldn't help but just grin, nearly laughing as you dig into your snow cone.
  56. >It's been years since you've had one of these, and now you're just savoring the moment.
  57. >Maybe a little too much, because you can feel a small clump or two fall onto your bare chest.
  58. >You give a brief shiver and an embarrassed laugh as you notice AJ staring at you with a smug grin.
  59. >"THAT good, ain't it?"
  60. "Fuck off," you tell her, but give her a smile to let her know you're not serious.
  61. >She just grins with enough smug to put Rainbow Dash to shame.
  62. >You start wiping off your chest with a finger, collecting the drops of ice and blueberry-flavored water and begin licking it off.
  65. >Whatever you can't get off, you'll just wash away in the water.
  66. >As you clean yourself off, you can't help but notice someone other than AJ is watching you.
  67. >Looking over to your right sure enough, you notice Twilight making her way over to you.
  68. >You give her a wave with one hand and continue to clean yourself off with the other.
  69. >As she gets close enough to you, you notice that she's not in her usual peppy mood.
  70. "Hey Twi," you greet and simultaneously call out to her, "you feeling okay?"
  71. >"H-Huh?" she stammers at first.
  72. >It was like she was in a daze, but it only lasted for a second before she realized you spoke to her.
  73. >"Oh! Oh, y-yeah! I'm fine! I'm just... It's just been a long day."
  74. >"A long day?" Applejack repeated, looking over to her friend. "It's only been an hour since we got here, Twi."
  75. >Twilight froze for a second, then lightly tapped her head and laughed almost nervously.
  76. >"Did I say day? I meant week. It's been a long week, haha."
  77. "Then why didn't you stay home?" you asked curiously. "You've earned a bit of rest."
  78. >"Well..." Twilight pondered. "I-I just... thought it would be nice to get out of the house more! Plus, i-isn't this the last week the beach is open?"
  79. >"Eeyup," Applejack answers. "This here's the last weekend before they close the beach till spring. Shoot, ah didn't even think of that."
  80. >"Right! So I figured: Why spend the last week of open beach indoors and reading books? H-Hehehe...!"
  81. >...
  82. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with the real Twilight?"
  83. >Suddenly, Twilight let out a burst of awkward laughs and giggles.
  84. >Then it turned into snorts.
  85. >You didn't know whether to be slightly creeped out or find it goddamn adorable.
  86. >Because you were leaning towards yes.
  87. >A moment later, she cleared her throat, followed by a few choked coughs.
  88. >"... S-Sorry."
  89. >She started clearing her throat, this time much easier without coughing.
  90. >"So Anon, that's a neat sand castle!"
  93. >You look over to your prized beauty and bask in its perfection.
  94. "Hell yeah, it is," you nearly exclaim. "Haven't built one in months, and I still got the touch!"
  95. >"I-I bet you do," Twilight complimented, crossing her arms and looking between you and the sand castle. "U-Uh, is that a blueberry snow cone?"
  96. "Huh?" You look to the snow cone in your hand, remembering it was there. "Oh yeah, Applejack got it for me. You want some?"
  97. >You held out your half melted snow cone while still licking away the drops from your chest.
  98. >"Actually... I-I'll be right back, I, uh... have to use the restroomsoillberightback!"
  99. >Before you could say anything, Twilight turned around and quickly began making her way down the beach to where the bathrooms would be.
  100. "Is she okay?" you asked Applejack.
  101. >She just shrugged.
  102. >"That girl's been actin' funny for a few months now. Sometimes she'll just be tacklin' things like they're nothing, and the next she's scared of her own shadow."
  103. "You think she's okay?"
  104. >She sighed.
  105. >"Most of the time. Sometimes ah can't help but feel worried."
  106. >You looked back to where Twilight had gone just in time to watch her disappear behind a small building that housed the bathroom.
  107. >You hoped she was okay.
  109. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  110. >And you can't stop fingering yourself.
  111. >The moment that stall door shut behind you, you slipped your panties down to your ankles, sat your ass on the toilet seat, and jammed two fingers into your dripping honeypot.
  112. >And you started fucking yourself with all the might you could muster.
  113. "God..." you whispered with a squeak. "Stupid, sexy fucking Anon..."
  114. >The way he just licked that juice off his chest... the way he looked at you while doing it.
  115. >He probably didn't even realize what he was doing, just so busy talking to you and cleaning himself he...
  116. >God, and the way he sucked his fingers, lapping up every drop of blueberry.
  117. >That could've been YOUR juice.
  118. >Maybe your nipples?
  119. >Without even thinking, you started sucking on your right nipple, nibbling and caressing the areola between your teeth, never biting down hard, but not being gentle with it.
  120. >By now, your fingers are pumping at three a second.
  121. >If these stalls were ankle height like any other, anybody coming in would not only hear and smell you fucking yourself, they'd probably see your legs shaking and twitching like an epileptic.
  122. >A burst of air escaped your nose as you found your g-spot and began rubbing it aggressively.
  123. >Immediately your sensors went into over drive.
  124. >You slowed down your movements but otherwise didn't let up.
  125. >You started sucking harder on your nipple, while using your hand to twist the other.
  126. >You wonder if Anon would be like this.
  127. >Sucking and twisting your nipples as hard and as fast as he wanted, jamming his cock into you again and again and tickling your g-spot without a care in the world, rubbing your clit raw, biting your neck and kissing you and telling you how much of a slut you are for him and how much he loves that about you and how much he loves you and just keeps fucking you again and again and again and that you're his slut his slut his slut HIS SLUT-
  128. "A-An—"
  129. >You don't even get to finish before you cum.
  130. >You freeze, every muscle in your body stopping at once, the only ones moving in that moment being in your pussy.
  131. >The fingers lodged deep in you were stuck there, your pussy trying to milk it for everything they would've had otherwise.
  132. >The air in your lungs escaped all at once, but you didn't scream aloud.
  133. >You could feel every electron in your brain fire off at once, and your eyes clenched shut.
  134. >It was like being electrocuted, but instead you were having the best goddamn orgasm of your life.
  135. >So far, at least.
  137. >Then as quick as it happened, it was over.
  138. >You started coming back down to Earth.
  139. >You sucked in gentle but massive breaths, released your mouth from your nipple, and carefully pulled out your fingers.
  140. >They were both drenched in your fluids.
  141. >You remembered how Anon licked his clean of blueberry juice.
  142. >With that in mind, you licked your own clean of your juices.
  143. >They were sweet and tangy.
  144. >It almost made you horny enough to go another round, but you decided against it.
  145. >Any longer and your friends would get worried.
  146. >Once you caught your breath, you looked down at your pussy.
  147. >Your entire pelvis was nearly drenched, like you wet yourself.
  148. >Luckily, your swimsuit hadn't gotten stained at all, but you couldn't get dressed like this.
  149. >You grabbed several sheets of toilet paper and began to wipe yourself off.
  150. >You were still super sensitive down there, and you were left holding your leg tighter than usual.
  151. >After several wipes—and almost a second orgasm—you were clean enough that nobody would be able to tell you just jilled yourself silly in a bathroom stall.
  152. >You get up slowly from the toilet seat.
  153. >Your legs are shaky as hell both from the session and sitting down on a hard toilet seat, but you're able to stand up after a couple tries.
  154. >Bending down carefully, you grab the panties of your swimsuit and pull them back up, adjusting them so they fit perfectly around you again.
  155. >You exit the stall and look around.
  156. >Not a single soul in sight or in sound, and even if there was someone here, you'd be gone before they came out.
  157. >You walked up to the sink and started washing your hands clean of the evidence, then dried them off with paper towels.
  158. >Throwing the crumpled paper into the trash, you couldn't help but sigh, both from the soreness in your body and the thoughts that were plaguing your mind again.
  159. >Were you getting your hopes up?
  160. >Were you just obsessed over Anon?
  161. >These thoughts bothered you for months and you always pushed them back.
  162. >But the longer you held off on telling him anything, the more likely these thoughts were just going to be facts.
  163. >Someone was gonna take him from you.
  164. >Some other slut.
  165. >No.
  166. >Not going to happen.
  167. >If anybody's going to be Anon's slut, it's going to be you.
  168. >Twilight fucking Sparkle.
  169. >Before tonight, you were going to have Anon in you, on you, and everything in between.
  170. >And who would dare to stop the sexiest nerd in school?
  171. >Not even you.
  173. ----------
  175. >You're still Twilight.
  176. >With a lighter pep in your step, you leave the restroom area and start making your way down the beach.
  177. >Folks from all walks of life passed you by, from children playing tag to elderly folk enjoying a sun tan.
  178. >There were few clouds in the sky, and the sun was as bright and hot as it ever was for this time of year.
  179. >It was hard to believe in a week, this place would be closed down and the temperature will probably drop by twenty degrees.
  180. >On any other occasion, you could go on and on about the individual weather pattern changes and the arrival of the winter solstice resulting in blanketing the city of Canterlot under a foot of snow under a thirty degree temperature drop...
  181. >But there was a time and place for being a nerd, and now was not that time.
  182. >Even with your goal in mind, you still did want to have fun at the beach.
  183. >You were clueless on how to exactly have Anon to yourself, but the best way to do that was to spend as much time with him as possible.
  184. >And what better way to do that than at the beach?
  185. >Besides, a quick dip in the water will probably clean you better than those cheap Dollar Store paper towels.
  186. >After a couple minutes of walking down the beach side, you once again caught up with Anon, who still sat by his prized sand castle, but his snow cone was long gone.
  187. >Applejack was a ways down, playing what looked like volleyball with the other girls.
  188. >Poor Anon was all by himself, but he didn't seem to mind it.
  189. >Maybe he won't mind some company?
  191. >You walked up to Anon, who was quick to notice you approaching, and gave him a friendly wave.
  192. >"Hey Twi!" he called out to you with a smile. "You feeling better?"
  193. "Yep!" you answer with a mix of glee and relief. "I wasn't feeling too good this morning."
  194. >"Bad stomach?"
  195. "Well.. I did have some tacos last night."
  196. >That wasn't a quip.
  197. >Your family always had tacos on Saturdays.
  198. >You always feel betrayed by your own body afterwards.
  199. >Ugh.
  200. >"I know what you mean. It can be a real pain in the ass."
  201. >Oh god, you're laughing again.
  202. >That shouldn't have been as funny as it was.
  203. >You hold your hands in front of your face to prevent Anon from seeing you laugh, but he already saw.
  204. >He only grinned bigger when you started snorting.
  205. >God, how can a smile be so sexy?
  206. >It didn't take long to calm yourself down, planting yourself a couple feet from the sand castle as to not accidentally ruin it.
  207. >When you looked back over to Anon, he was adjusting bits and pieces of the castle, adding a brief block here or some kind of barricade there, just adding general details.
  208. >Now that you really saw it up close, you couldn't help but admire the actual details that were in the damn thing:
  209. >A lowered drawbridge, a rounded tower, a throne area fitted with little sand thrones and seats, and a courtyard with a small pool.
  210. >And that was just a couple of things he added, compared to what he was continuing to add to it at the very moment.
  211. "Wow," the only word you could muster for a moment. "How did you...?"
  212. >"Years of practice," Anon answered. "I've been building sand castles since I was a kid."
  213. "Have you been building this since we got here?"
  214. >"Yep. You should've seen AJ's face when she asked me that earlier."
  215. >Anon chuckled as he added a tiny glob of sand to the front of the castle's gate, looking like what was probably meant to be a bush.
  216. >You were genuinely impressed!
  218. >You've seen sand castles in the past made by anywhere from kids to old people.
  219. >None of them have come close to what you were looking at now.
  220. >You let out a happy sigh, which quickly turned to nostalgic melancholy.
  221. "I remember when I used to build sand castles growing up," you began. "My brother and I would always try to compete against each other; whoever couldn't build the biggest or most detailed castle had to buy the winner a biggest ice cream they sold."
  222. >"Really?" Anon asked curiously. "I'm guessing you won a lot then?"
  223. "Enough that I started feeling bad enough that I intentionally lost just so Shining could save his money."
  224. >"Awww."
  225. >You smiled instinctively, watching Anon as he continued to add to his castle.
  226. "Yeah... I haven't built anything in a few years. I guess I just grew out of it, or maybe I thought it was just something only kids do."
  227. >"Then it's a good thing we're still in high school," Anon joked as he filled his bucket with sand.
  228. >Suddenly, he handed an extra bucket out to you.
  229. >"You wanna help?"
  230. "Oh! Really? Well, uh... I haven't exactly done it in a while, so I don't know if I can—"
  231. >"I could teach you if you want," he suggested, still smiling at you. "But you don't have to if you aren't comfortable with it."
  232. >You were hesitant for a second; you didn't wanna accidentally ruin his work should you mess up.
  233. >But at the same time, it'd get pretty awkward if you just sat here doing nothing while he was busy doing something.
  234. >You can't connect with Anon properly if you're not at least collaborating with him.
  235. "Well... I suppose I could—"
  236. >The very next moment, you were bombarded with a tsunami of sand blasting you in the face and in the mouth.
  237. >Immediately, you began spitting it out, your taste buds running rampant with the taste and texture of sand and making you "hiss" in disgust.
  239. >You wiped away the sand from your eyes and looked out in front of you.
  240. >To your right, Anon was doing the same, wiping the sand off his own face and out his own mouth.
  241. >To your left, what was once a proud and majestic sand castle was now a crumpled husk of sand.
  242. >Sitting snug in the middle where the courtyard used to be, a lone football took its place.
  243. >As soon as Anon could see, he raised his hands in a stance that said, "Who the fuck?!"
  244. >And rightly so! Who the fuck ruined your man's sand castle?!
  245. >"Caw Caw, mother fucka!"
  246. >Oh no.
  247. >Please no.
  248. >Anybody but HIM...!
  249. >You nervously turned around, and sure enough, your fears were confirmed.
  250. >Buzz Roller, another student from CHS—and an unfortunately familiar face—came walking up behind you.
  251. >He was wearing nothing but blue shorts and a bandana around his forehead.
  252. >It took you a second to notice the thick sunglasses hanging on the bandana.
  253. >Oh yeah, total prime kewl bro.
  254. >Except not at all.
  255. >"Oh hey, Twilight!" he greets you with a grin, not taking long to recognize you at all. "I didn't know you were gonna be here today!"
  256. >Already, you could tell by the tone in his voice that he was lying.
  257. >He was the reason you hardly posted on social media to begin with.
  258. >Now you were already regretting posting about the beach on BuckBook last night.
  259. >"How are you?" he asked you, rearing in to hug you.
  260. >You didn't hug him back, but he held you close for a few seconds before pulling away.
  261. "I'm doing pretty good, Buzz Roller," you answered in a near-monotone voice, but he didn't even seem to be fazed by it.
  262. >But one look at Anon, and already he knew you didn't like this guy.
  263. >But you could tell even he didn't like him either.
  264. >Probably more than just because he destroyed Anon's sand castle.
  265. >"So uh, who's this dude?" Buzz asked, pointing over at Anon.
  266. >'Please no fighting, I'm begging you,' you thought in your head.
  268. "Buzz, this is my friend Anon," you answered, giving Anon a smile. "Anon, this is... Buzz Roller, a-a friend."
  269. >Anon seemed to play along, giving Buzz Roller a friendly smile and holding out his hand.
  270. >"Hi," Anon greeted.
  271. >There was a brief moment of tension in the air; you just knew it.
  272. >But Buzz gave him a simple "sup" and bent over to retrieve the football from the ruins of the sand castle.
  273. >You were sure he even intentionally subtly kicked over the remaining standing tower with his foot, but you didn't say anything.
  274. >"My bad bro," Buzz apologized to Anon.
  275. >There wasn't a single hint of remorse in his voice.
  276. >"Maybe I'll see you later?" Buzz suggested to you, giving you a 'subtle' wink. "Maybe we can catch up...?"
  277. >You nodded.
  278. "Uh-huh—"
  279. >Without warning, Buzz gave you a light, yet firm nudge/kick in your butt.
  280. >You let out a brief gasp, and a shiver ran down your back.
  281. >Before you could say anything, Buzz had run off, shouting to his friends that he got the football.
  282. >Anon tried to call him back, but you silently stopped him.
  283. "Just... don't worry about it," you say to him as soon as Buzz was out of earshot.
  284. >"Are you sure?" he asked you worriedly. "He just—"
  285. "It's not the first time he's done it. He just doesn't know better... I guess."
  286. >You didn't know how it could be justified, but you knew it wasn't malicious.
  287. >At least, you don't think it was.
  288. "I'll explain in a bit, if that's okay."
  289. >"Only if you're comfortable with it," Anon replied with a faint smile.
  290. >You gave him a nod, then turned back to the large clump of sand to your left and sighed sadly.
  291. "I'm sorry about your sand castle," you apologized.
  292. >"Eh..." Anon sighed. "It's just sand. In an hour, I'll have something better."
  293. >You pick up the bucket Anon gave to you a minute ago and hold it up.
  294. "Make that 'we'?" you asked him sheepishly.
  295. >He chuckled.
  296. >"Then let's start with lesson one..."
  298. -----------------------------
  300. >Still Twilight.
  301. >Anon was right; in an hour, he'd have something far better than before.
  302. >And his new sand castle isn't even a castle, really.
  303. >It's practically a sand kingdom.
  304. >Sitting in the center was a castle, but all around it was a series of buildings and districts that acted as residential and office buildings.
  305. >Little compacted piles of sand scattered about acted as townfolk and things like wagons and trees.
  306. >In twenty minutes, it was much bigger than it had been before.
  307. >Once the fortress walls were built, then it all came down to the finishing touches.
  308. >As soon as the last flagpole was set down, you took a careful step back to view the full thing.
  309. >Compared to the first castle Anon built, this one was the kind of city Superman would protect.
  310. >The last one, in Anon's own words, can "fuck off and die."
  311. >You had an entire city standing before you, made entirely out of sand and maybe a bit of dirt.
  312. >And you helped!
  313. >"Jeez Twi," Anon began with a smile, "you learn real fast."
  314. >You let out a giggle through your nose.
  315. "Well, I learned from you~"
  316. >"Still, not bad for a girl who hasn't built sand castles in years."
  317. >You gave him a smile, trying to hide your blush.
  318. "T-Thank you."
  321. >"Oh! Almost forgot!"
  322. >Before you could ask, Anon pulled out his phone from his shorts and pointed it towards the sand city.
  323. >You heard the sound of a few clicks and watched as he gleefully took pictures.
  324. >He turned to you.
  325. >"You wanna get your pic taken with it?" he asked you.
  326. "Oh! Sure!"
  327. >With a still-warm smile, you got on your knees and scooted your way just in front of the castle.
  328. >Anon stood before you, towering over you with his phone in his hands.
  329. >God, he looked so big from this angle.
  330. >If only he was just a little closer...
  331. >No.
  332. >Bad Twilight.
  333. >Just enjoy this friendly, not-at-all sexual moment for right now.
  334. >However, you were curious why Anon was so close to you.
  335. >But it turned out he was only making sure to position you just right.
  336. >Maybe to get your best angle and show off your city at the same time.
  337. >Even then... Anon was taking pictures of you.
  338. >Sure, on the beach, in front of a giant sand-made structure...
  339. >But he's taking pictures of you!
  340. >Does he like getting nudes?
  341. >"Alright..." Anon said slowly, looking at his phone screen. "... smile!"
  342. >You'll smile for him any day...
  343. >Including right now.
  344. >*CLICK*
  346. >Then came the whoosh.
  347. >You barely had time to prepare.
  348. >In an instant, the city behind you exploded in a cascading tidal wave of sand and water.
  349. >Your back was pummeled by large clumps of cold, wet sand.
  350. "Waah!"
  351. >You were forced forward, carried off your feet and sliding against the beach ground.
  352. >For a brief moment, your head was forced underwater, but a quick planting of your hand allowed you to surface.
  353. >Your other hand was used to keep your glasses from being lost in the deluge-lite.
  354. >Once your head was above water, you sucked in a quick breath and attempted to balance yourself enough to stand up.
  355. >Before you were up all the way, you found yourself being gently grabbed under the arms and hoisted upward.
  356. >You looked to see Anon standing there, holding you carefully.
  357. >"Don't worry, I got you," he said in a caring tone. "You alright?"
  358. >You cleared your throat.
  359. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine," you answered.
  360. >You honestly were, as sudden and kind of scary as it was.
  361. "What was that?"
  362. >"Just a big wave," he answered, pointing behind you.
  363. >You turned around, fearing the worst.
  364. >And you were right to.
  365. >What was just moments ago a beautifully crafted, intricately constructed metropolis that you were already planning to call Port Anon...
  366. >... was now nothing but a large mound of wet, squishy sand.
  367. >An entire history, wiped out in an instant.
  368. >Well, in sand years.
  370. >"Tide's coming in a bit early today," Anon suggested. "I had a feeling and wanted to take your picture before it came in, but... didn't think it was gonna be THAT soon."
  371. >You hadn't noticed it until he pointed it out, but the water was just a bit closer to you now than it was when you and the others first got here.
  372. >As much as you loved what you built, it was eventually going to be swallowed by the sea anyway.
  373. >You felt a small rush of water crawl up to your feet, cool to the touch.
  374. >The sand beneath your feet...
  375. >Wait, feet?
  376. >You looked around your immediate surroundings, from the clump of dirt to the ankle-deep water around you.
  377. "Anon?" you called out. "Have you seen my flip-flops?"
  378. >"Um..."
  379. >Luckily, it wasn't the kind of 'um' that indicated guilt or something he wasn't telling, but just that he was helping look for them.
  380. >Suddenly, you heard Anon let out an "Oh!"
  381. >Before you could ask, he was jogging over to the water as it dragged itself out to sea.
  382. >Anon picked up some speed as the ankle-deep water became knee deep, but his eyes were fixed on something.
  383. >So were yours.
  384. >How could a guy have an ass that firm?
  385. >Rainbow had some competition!
  386. >Anon dug into the water for something, and once he seemed to have it, he came running back out of the water.
  387. >In his hands were your familiar purple flip-flops soaked in sea water.
  388. >"Here," Anon said as he gave them to you. "I almost didn't see them at first."
  389. "Thank you," you replied as you grabbed them. "I didn't even feel them come off!"
  390. >You gave him a quick yet firm hug, wrapping your free arm around his torso.
  391. >He was very bulky—but in a good way!
  392. >A reeeeally good way.
  393. >The hug lasted for only a couple seconds before you pulled away and began to put your flip-flops back on.
  394. >They were wet and dripping to the touch, and you were sure if you were on solid ground they would leak like a sponge.
  395. >Luckily, that made them easier to keep on.
  398. >You gave a glance back over to the ruined sand city, the clump now much smaller as the waves continue to pummel it.
  399. "Maybe I should've built a wall," you said with a sigh.
  400. >Then an idea popped into your head.
  401. "Next time, we should build some kind of levee system!"
  402. >And so began a minute-long explanation about the various parts and pieces that would have to be crafted carefully and placed intricately along the sandy coast surrounding whatever sand castle would come next; from structural integrity to the sheer thicc-ness of the wall, all the way to a river system dug in through trenches along the beach-side that would eventually lead waves back into the ocean without ever touching the city.
  403. >A whole minute of pure science.
  404. >And you told Anon
  405. >Every.
  406. >Single.
  407. >Detail.
  408. >Why a minute?
  409. >Because it took exactly that long to realize what the fuck you were doing.
  410. >...
  411. "Eheh... or something like that?" you finished.
  412. >Anon just stared for a moment, and you grew very nervous.
  413. >You hardly sperg out like that in front of your friends, least of all Anon.
  414. >The last thing you wanted was to weird out your friends just enough that they would alienate themselves from you, isolate you from the friend group, and refer to you as that one weird nerdy girl that nobody likes to talk to because she's so fucking—
  415. >... Is Anon petting your head?
  416. >"You are such a nerd."
  417. >He... He just patted your head.
  418. >Like a dog.
  419. >He was making it really fucking hard for you to keep your composure.
  420. >If you weren't in public...
  423. >You gulped.
  424. "Hehe... s-sorry."
  425. >It was a lie.
  426. >You'll fucking do it again.
  427. >Anon smiled.
  428. >"Don't be, I don't mind it."
  429. >He looked around the beach, prompting you to do the same.
  430. >Many of the folks who were sitting around the water were now further back, and some swimmers were now even further out than before.
  431. >The sun was still high in the sky, but now it was beginning to go down.
  432. >It was past noon.
  433. >You still had plenty of time.
  434. >"Anyway," Anon began, "let's take a break from the sand for a bit. I'm actually pretty hungry."
  435. >Your stomach probably heard that, because it growled a few moments later, though not loud enough for Anon to hear it.
  436. >"You wanna go get some lunch together?"
  437. "Yes!"
  438. >You answered too quickly.
  439. "I-It's a date!" you quickly joked.
  440. >Or not?
  441. >But Anon took the joke in good fun, it seemed.
  442. >He smiled warmly at you and leaned his head over for you to follow him.
  443. >And you did absolutely that.
  444. >Like a dog on a leash.
  446. >"Hey Twi!"
  447. >FUCK.
  448. >You and Anon walked no more than ten feet from the water before Buzz Roller came back over to you.
  449. >"Hey, babe," he said to you, lifting his arm up slightly to nudge you against the butt.
  450. >You tried to pull away, but he was much faster.
  451. >He didn't even seem to notice.
  452. >"What's going on?" he asked. "Your sand castle get blown up again?"
  453. "Sand city," you corrected with a less-than-cheery tone. "And no, it was knocked over by the ocean."
  454. >"Really?" he asked. "Damn, that sucks."
  455. >Despite your history with him, you could still at least tell he did feel bad about it.
  456. >If only he was more like that instead of... what he IS.
  457. >"She and I are taking a break for a bit to get some lunch together," Anon said, thumbing over to the boardwalk closest to the food stands.
  458. >The very mention of the word 'together' was enough to subtly... very subtly... make one of Buzz' eyes twitch.
  459. >He was jealous.
  460. >You've seen it before.
  461. >"Coooool," he said in a faux-casual tone. "Well, uh... me and some friends are having some lunch over by the BellBurgers kiosk. I was gonna ask if Twi wanted to hang out for a bit... maybe have some real fun other than put sand on sand."
  462. >The thing about Buzz when he got jealous... when he jokes, he doesn't do a good job at it.
  463. >In fact, it isn't even really joking.
  464. >It's just jabbing at your friends.
  465. >But never to a girl.
  466. >All of your guy friends.
  467. >All three of them.
  468. >And Anon was the newest victim in that.
  469. >You should probably shut it down before it escalates.
  470. "Actually Buzz," you began, "Anon and I are gonna eat real quick so we can get back to work quicker on the next castle. It's real nerdy stuff, you know?"
  471. >"... Oh."
  472. >So far so—
  473. >"Well, you mind if I join lunch with you?"
  474. >Spoke too soon.
  475. >"Actually, we're only gonna be eating for a couple minutes," Anon told Buzz. "We're practically scarfing down our food, heh."
  478. >You could tell Buzz was starting to catch onto something.
  479. >But he was really goddamn stubborn.
  480. >"Then can I at least ask Twilight something in private? Can I have that?"
  481. >He tried to laugh it off as if it was a joke, but by then any indication of a joke was gone.
  482. >Now he was just being rude.
  483. >This was getting old.
  484. "Sure," you decided to answer Buzz, putting up a fake smile that even fooled him. "Come on."
  485. >"Sweet," Buzz answered, none the wiser.
  486. >As he turned around and made his way toward the boardwalk, you followed him briefly, then turned around to Anon.
  487. >You held up a finger, prompting him to wait a moment.
  488. >"You sure?" he mouthed quietly.
  489. >You nodded and continued to follow Buzz to wherever he was going.
  490. >You couldn't help but notice the "cool guy" walk he was performing.
  491. >Whether it was to impress you or to supposedly intimidate Anon...
  492. >It really wasn't working.
  493. >You and Buzz made it onto the boardwalk and continued down a couple buildings.
  494. >Along the way, a few familiar students would give you a glance, and vise-versa.
  495. >You had no doubt the were gonna be spreading all kinds of rumors as soon as you were back in school—actually, why wait?—but the sooner you got this over with, the better.
  496. >Eventually, the two of you suddenly turned into the nearest... well, it wasn't necessarily an alleyway, but it was close enough.
  497. >But you knew exactly what it indicated from Buzz.
  498. >And he was more than ready to show it when he stopped, gently held you against the wall, and tried reaching in to plaster his lips all over yours.
  499. >If it was a year ago, you would've been okay with it.
  500. >But it's not a year ago anymore.
  503. "Stop," you said firmly, pushing him away just the same.
  504. >The noticeably lusty look on his face started to fade, replaced with confusion.
  505. >"Wha...? What for?"
  506. "You know exactly what for."
  507. >"What did I do?"
  508. >You just gave him an incredulous look.
  509. "This. You've been trying to get with me again for the last year," you explained to him with frustration in your tone. "It's getting old, and it needs to stop."
  510. >"But... I thought you liked me!"
  511. >You sighed.
  512. "I did. But over the last year, you've just gotten too pushy. And every time I'm around guys, you start getting jealous. You're not exactly making it subtle, either."
  513. >Buzz seemed to open his mouth to reply, but you continued.
  514. "And now you're getting jealous of Anonymous!"
  515. >"But he's totally only out for your body!"
  516. >And if you weren't trying to de-escalate, you totally would've said "So what?"
  517. "You don't know that. Anon is a really sweet guy. Him and I have a lot in common, and we get along just fine."
  518. >"What, are you fucking him?"
  519. >You almost winced at the question just out of pure cringe.
  520. "No. And even if I was, that's none of your business."
  521. >"Then what are we, Twilight?"
  522. >He was starting to get a mix of desperation, frustration, jealousy, and even a hint of anger or betrayal.
  523. >You weren't falling for it again.
  526. "You and I aren't anything. We can be friends, but that's it. I am interested in Anon. I care about him. I'm going to ask him out today, and if he says yes, then he says yes. There's nothing you can do about that. And if you value your friendship with me, then you'll leave Anon alone, and you'll stop trying to get with me. Got it?"
  527. >Part of you felt bad that it had to be said to begin with, but the rest of you knew it had to be said and done, otherwise he was going to get too comfortable.
  528. >As you went on, the frown on his face grew, but he didn't say a word.
  529. >When you finished, he just nodded, but was otherwise quiet.
  530. "Have a good lunch with your friends, Buzz."
  531. >Without anything else to say, you turned around and walked out of the alleyway, feeling as if a massive weight had been dropped from your shoulders.
  532. >You didn't know if it would last, but right now you were embracing that feeling like never before.
  533. >Walking down the boardwalk felt lighter and just... cheerier.
  534. >It didn't take long for you to catch up with Anonymous, who'd been more or less standing where you left him. It'd only been a couple minutes, but you still felt bad about leaving him here by himself.
  535. >He stood by a pillar, looking at his phone and letting out some small chuckles.
  536. >Anon looked up from his phone and noticed you approaching, and his smile grew much wider.
  537. >"Hey," he greeted you, but the smile faded briefly. "So, uh... how'd it go?"
  538. >You gave him a sheepish grin and a faint shrug.
  541. "I told him what he needed to hear," you answered Anon. "I just hope he makes an effort to change... otherwise... well, you know."
  542. >Anon seemed to shrug as well, as if wanting to suggest something but stopped himself.
  543. >You still owed him an explanation about Buzz.
  544. >But that could wait until after lunch.
  545. "Anyway... if you've still got an appetite... lunch?"
  546. >He held out a hand, gesturing it towards the boardwalk.
  547. >"After you, egghead."
  548. >With a little smile, you began the journey over to a further section of the boardwalk, with Anon in tow behind you.
  549. >And while he's behind you, why not give him a bit of a show?
  550. >You may not be able to bend over or pull anything off, but if Rarity taught you anything, it's to strut your hips and really show off what you've got.
  551. >Your ass already feels bigger.
  552. >You wonder what Anon's thinking right now...
  554. ...
  557. >You are Anon.
  558. >And you're wondering how such a nerd can have such an ass.
  559. >You should probably stop looking, though.
  562. ----------
  564. >You are Anonymous again (about time).
  565. >And right now you're having lunch with Twilight after losing an entire sand-based civilization twice in two hours.
  566. >Building sand castles was always fun, but it could be pretty tiring, not to mention hunger-inducing.
  567. >So you and Twilight were sitting down at the nearest table by the boardwalk edge and indulging yourselves on your favorite foods.
  568. >For the both of you, that was a series of sliders and french fries fitted with large sodas fit for a family of five.
  569. >And for a girl with such a slim figure, Twilight sure could fucking scarf down the sliders like they were going out of style.
  570. >Not even halfway through your second one and she was nearly finished with her fifth, and down to half a cup of fries, while you barely touched your own.
  571. >"Mmh," Twilight moaned, "I forgot how much I missed these burgers."
  572. >You could recall the few times she referred to the BellBurgers style burgers—ripe, juicy, thicc meat patties with their signature seasoned provolone cheese slices and a hint of bacon hidden in every bite.
  573. >You were surprised they were so cheap for how delicious they were, but that was probably another reason why Twilight loved them so much.
  574. >And now you yourself know why she likes them so much.
  575. >Every other burger is ruined for you now.
  578. >As you grabbed your third slider from your tray, Twilight was finishing off her last two, before downing the rest of her fries and sipping nearly half of her drink in just a few gulps.
  579. >Girl can eat, goddamn.
  580. >*hic*, Twilight burped. "H-Hehe... excuse me."
  581. >You weren't sure whether to be impressed, scared, or aroused.
  582. >Why aroused?
  583. >Well... why not, at some point?
  584. >You shot Twilight a small smile before you noticed something that caught your eye.
  585. "Uh, Twilight?" you called to her, getting her attention. "You got a little something right..."
  586. >You pointed to your right cheek.
  587. >On Twilight's own cheek, there was a big streak of sauce that'd been splattered on there at some point while she was eating.
  588. >She touched there with a finger and gave a brief 'oh!' in surprise.
  589. >You saw her reach for her napkin, only to stop herself.
  590. >"Eh."
  591. >With a single finger, she started to scoop up the sauce on her cheek, looked right into your eyes, and started to lick her finger clean.
  592. >Oh wow.
  593. >She was licking that finger in all kinds of ways.
  594. >Sideways, loop-de-loop, and even sticking the whole thing in her mouth and sucking it clean.
  595. >And she's still looking at you.
  596. >Now she's sporting what you can only describe as a sultry grin.
  597. >"Ah," she sighs as she removes the finger from her mouth, "there we go. Did I miss any?"
  598. "Nope."
  599. >Not gonna risk making a joke and having it come out weird.
  600. >But fuck, that was hot.
  601. >In any case, she really had cleaned off her face well, but she still wiped it with a napkin just to be sure.
  602. >Just to be clear, you still had three sliders left to eat.
  605. >"I might have to come back here later and bring some home," Twilight suggested as she shifted slightly in her seat. "I can never get enough of them."
  606. "I can see why," you answer. "These are fucking great."
  607. >"Right? I've got half a mind to try making them myself sometime."
  608. >Twilight giggled and started to trace her finger along the surface of the table, darting her way around some illegible writing here and there.
  609. >You could at least make out a penis.
  610. >You weren't gay, honest.
  611. >While eating your fourth slider, you were more than aware that Twilight was still sitting across the table, watching you, and you were honestly feeling bad about being so slow.
  612. "You know, if you want, you can head back over to the beach. You don't have to wait for me."
  613. >"I don't mind waiting, Anon," Twilight replied. "I'm just soaking up the shade for now."
  614. >She had a point, at least. It was pretty sunny today, and you were sure you'd be going home with some kind of sunburn, so it was best to enjoy it for now.
  615. >"Plus... I'd rather head back with you than on my own."
  616. "... Because of...?"
  617. >She nodded sheepishly.
  618. >"Buzz can be a bit... pushy sometimes, even when you say no. I don't want him to cause anymore trouble between us while you're gone."
  619. >You gave her a reassuring smile.
  620. "Don't worry. It'll take a lot more than a guy like him to keep me away."
  621. >Twilight blushed slightly but returned the smile.
  622. >She looked at you for a moment before turning away.
  625. >"I guess you want to know a little bit about him, huh?"
  626. >You'd wondered earlier, but you had more than enough of a guess.
  627. "Eh," you shrugged, "I don't mind hearing it if you're comfortable talking about it."
  628. >"Are you sure?"
  629. "Only if you're okay with it."
  630. >She sighed.
  631. >"Okay then."
  632. >She seemed to nibble on the inside of her cheek for a moment as she gathered up the story in her head.
  633. >"So Buzz and I were... kind of a thing last year," she began. "It was right before you and I met. At first, I didn't mind it at all. He was so sweet and kind, and he was just so fun to be around. We shared some of the same interests and he knew how to make me feel... wanted."
  634. >You wondered if that meant what you thought it did, but you didn't ask for obvious reasons.
  635. >"But after I met you and Flash Sentry and Timber Spruce, he just started to... I don't know, be more defensive. He was clearly jealous about me hanging out with other guys, but it was never a relationship thing with them OR you. I just wanted some guy friends."
  636. "And he didn't like that?"
  637. >She shook her head.
  638. >"He never said anything to me or them directly, but he always made the implication. Alternating body language, various negative innuendos, stink eyes... he didn't really try giving them a proper chance, he just made it look like he was. Then he'd go talking about all of you behind your backs when he thought even I didn't hear him."
  639. "But I've never met him before."
  640. >"He saw you and I doing work on our project last year," she answered. "That was the only time he ever saw you before today."
  641. >She gave a snort before trying to sip whatever droplets of soda were left in her cup.
  642. >"It was around that time that I started to let him down gently. I made excuses at first, but eventually I started saying no. And next week, he would be right back to asking me for 'something.' He never really seemed to get it."
  643. >Twilight clicked her cheek as she set her cup aside.
  644. >"Buzz is a really nice guy deep down. But as soon as he sets his eyes on someone and another guy comes along, it all gets thrown out the window. And the way he was doing the same to you today was just... I had enough."
  647. "I'm guessing he didn't take it too well?"
  648. >"I don't know. But I really hope he listened. If he really listened, and he makes a genuine effort to change himself for the better, then I'd still like to be his friend. But if not... then it's best he and I don't see each other anymore. I hate to say that to him, but he didn't give me a choice."
  649. >Twilight grabbed your free hand and held it softly in her grasp.
  650. >"You're my best friend, Anon. And I really don't want what happened between me and Buzz to ruin my friendship with you."
  651. >Aww.
  652. "Twilight... what you and Buzz did isn't any of my business. But if it was... it wouldn't change a thing between the two of us."
  653. >"Really...?"
  654. "Really. You're a great friend, Twi. And no jealous horndog is going to change that."
  655. >Twilight tried to stifle the laugh she gave out at the mention of 'jealous horndog', but she failed.
  656. >She stopped laughing after a moment and gave you a warm smile, further enveloping your hand in her grasp.
  657. >You were surprised at how soft her hands felt against your own.
  658. >Subconsciously, you rubbed your thumb gently around the knuckle of her pointer finger.
  659. >It wasn't long before you started to feel your cheeks get warm.
  660. >Before the moment could go on any further, Twilight pulled her hands away and let out a soft giggle, then cleared her throat.
  661. >"S-So, you wanna head back to the beach?" she asked with a stammer.
  662. "Y-Yeah," you answered, doing the same. "But, uh... how about we go for a swim instead?"
  663. >"That'd be nice... except we just ate, so... we probably should wait at least a half hour, don't you think?"
  664. >Ah, classic Twilight Sparkle.
  665. "True," you answered with a chuckle. "Wanna see what we can get done in thirty minutes?"
  666. >"I've got a couple ideas already."
  667. "Well, now we're talking."
  670. -------------------
  673. >You are Twilight.
  674. >And you and Anon have been working on the next big sand project for the last twenty minutes.
  675. >It's coming along really great, honestly!
  676. >You just started working on the Main Street portion, adding cars and cafés and even some variants of sand skyscrapers.
  677. >At some point, you even started adding your own lore to it.
  678. >Every sand project is connected, set in different points in time, where the city is destroyed by natural disasters, and the survivors rebuild and improve on their mistakes.
  679. >The first thing you and Anon did was build a form of sand wall to keep the water back as much as possible to stop the city from being destroyed.
  680. >The last project was medieval based, but this one you were taking to say was set in what you'd call the Sandustrial Period.
  681. >Get it? Sand + Industrial?
  682. >Anyway, you'd gotten so enveloped in building a story to this place that you hadn't noticed Anon went silent, and was hardly adding to the piece after a while.
  683. >You were worried that you geeked out too much and bugged him out.
  684. >But when you turned to look at him, he was looking right back at you.
  685. >And he was dazed.
  686. >Like he was super attentive.
  687. "Anon?"
  688. >"Hu-Whuh?" he replied after a brief second of silence. "Oh. Sorry, Twi. I, uh... got a little too interested."
  689. "... Really?"
  690. >"Yeah. I mean, I've never really thought to make a story on some sand shapes, but... you really thought that through. And it doesn't really sound bad at all."
  691. >He was listening to your lore.
  693. >AND HE LIKED IT.
  695. >"You can keep going, if you want."
  696. "Oh! Well, if you're sure you want to hear more!"
  697. >"I'm all ears. This is your project now."
  698. "That's not the only thing that'll be mine..."
  699. >"What?"
  700. "Nothing!" you said, forcing an awkward laugh out, before lying about a funny piece of lore you thought to add just now.
  701. >Luckily, you did have something to use as an excuse.
  702. >So began the legend of Valiant Buckle, a mad scientist who grew up in the Sand City, was shunned by the city folk, and sought his vengeance upon them.
  703. "... And then he turned himself into an orange. After a bit of soul searching, he was recruited by the FBI with his ability to hide among fruit bowls and ambush the bad guys with a sweet tooth. They now call him Agent Orange."
  704. >...
  705. >"You tried really hard to come up with that pun, didn't you?"
  706. "... No..."
  707. >That of course was a fat lie.
  708. >Anyway, over the next twenty minutes, you continued to build onto the sand lore not just to interest Anon, but because it reminded you of the times you used to build castles with your brother.
  709. >You wouldn't go into painstakingly heavy detail regarding the placement of every single building, but you always gave your creations something worth standing for.
  710. >Who knows, maybe Shining was so impressed he let you actually win most of the time.
  711. >Wouldn't that be something?
  714. >By the time you and Anon were able to finally swim, you'd already planned out the next fifty years of this city's life.
  715. >You knew the city wasn't going to last the rest of the day, so you opted to have Anon take photos at every possible turn.
  716. >The final product—or as final as you could get it—spanned about 10x10 feet.
  717. >Yeah, you two were really busy.
  718. >"Hey Twi," Anon spoke up after a few more pics. "You wanna put a pin in this and go for a swim?"
  719. >With a smile, you nodded.
  720. >It'll be nice to take a break for a bit.
  721. >And most of all, see Anon wet.
  722. >Win win.
  723. >As the two of you got up from your spots on the sand and had your friends watch over your phones, you quickly noticed that your work had garnered attention from a fair amount of beachgoers.
  724. >Many of them were taking pics of their own, or just getting close enough to see all the detail you and Anon put into it.
  725. >You couldn't help but give a nervous smile at all the attention, but you didn't stick around for long and quickly hurried over to Anon's side.
  726. >"Look at you, little Miss Picasso," Anon teased.
  727. >You laughed nervously.
  728. "Does that make you Picasso? You did a lot of the work too."
  729. >"True, but I don't think I would've been able to straight up build a city on my own, at least not one -that- detailed."
  730. "Well, you never know... those hands of yours can do a whole lot more if you put your mind to it."
  731. >You gave him a wink, even though you were screaming on the inside.
  732. >"Oh, really now?"
  733. >Anon was looking back at you with a shit-eating grin.
  736. >You saw him raise his hand upward into the air, open outward like a claw.
  737. >He gave you a dopey smile.
  738. >But you didn't give him time for it, because you fucking booked it to the water.
  739. >You yelped as the wind of Anon's clawing hand could be felt at your back, but you burst into a giggling fit as you started to outrun him.
  740. >And Anon was pretty fit himself!
  741. >The further into the water you got, the slower you were and the harder it was to move.
  742. >"Phew, phew, phew," you panted as you had to really force yourself forward.
  743. >The water splashed and whooshed around you, and it was getting really hard to hear—
  744. >"GKK!" a voice shouted.
  745. >In the same instance, two hands clamped down onto your shoulders, locking you firmly in place.
  746. >You let out a loud shriek, followed by a fit of laughter as Anon grabbed you and started spinning you about.
  747. >"Not as fast as you thought you were, huh?"
  748. "Haha! No-Haha! No fair! I'm in the water!"
  749. >"So am I, Turbo Butt."
  750. >Damn, he got you there.
  751. >After a couple seconds, Anon put you back down into the water.
  752. >You attempted to maintain your balance even as you started sinking to the...
  753. >Wait, where's the floor?
  756. >Oh God, there's no bottom beneath you.
  757. >You even stretched your feet out and it was nothing.
  758. >Oh no, now you're sinking again.
  759. >Oh God, now you're pani—
  760. >"Woah, woah," Anon said as he took hold of you by your waist. "Relax, I got you. Breathe."
  761. >Oh wow... you were so panicked, you didn't even realize you were hyperventilating.
  762. >Yet almost non-surprisingly, having Anon holding you like this was doing a hell of a job calming you down.
  763. >You still couldn't feel the bottom beneath you, but Anon made sure you didn't sink.
  764. >After a minute of concentrating, you were fine... ish.
  765. >"Can't swim?" Anon asked, but not rudely.
  766. >You sighed.
  767. >"Not that much," you admit. "I didn't realize we'd gone out this far."
  768. >You never really took the time to learn how to swim far out growing up. Not even reading was enough to pique that kind of interest.
  769. >You felt awkward to look at Anon.
  770. >But he maintained his grip on you and... smiled?
  771. >His right hand took your left into it and he started to make you move around.
  772. "A-Anon...?"
  773. >"Shhh," he said softly. "Just look at me. Don't think about it."
  774. >You weren't sure how you could -not- think about it, but you at least tried his advice.
  775. >Especially if it meant gazing into his enchanting eyes.
  778. >You could feel the two of you moving almost fluidly through the water.
  779. >Anon's legs occasionally brushed against yours as they kicked back and forth.
  780. >"Feel my feet?" he asked you, and you nodded. "Kick like that."
  781. >Replicating his moves, you forcefully kicked your feet about in the water.
  782. >Anon corrected you a couple times, but after that it started to get much easier, and already you could feel yourself become much lighter through the water.
  783. >"Alright, I'm gonna let go."
  784. >And now you were heavy again.
  785. "Anon, no, plea—"
  786. >"Shhh. Trust me, Twi."
  787. >You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, both from fear and the fact that he called you Twi.
  788. >The air would get caught in your throat, but you tried your best to stay calm.
  789. "Okay. I trust you."
  790. >And with that, Anon let you go.
  791. >You were free.
  792. >And this time, you didn't sink.
  793. >You'd initially closed your eyes, but opened them to find yourself...
  794. "I'm... I'm swimming! I'm actually swimming!"
  795. >You were kicking your feet and waving your arms up and down against the water, keeping your head well above the surface without much effort.
  796. >Anon gave you a gleeful smile and laughed as he watched you swim around in a short burst like a kid on Xmas day.
  797. >You giggled and laughed and swam around, nearly kicking Anon in the crotch.
  798. >"Whoa, whoa now," Anon exclaimed with a laugh, "getting a little crazy now."
  799. >Your laughs died down to nervous giggles.
  801. "Sorry. It's just that I've never really -swam- before. I didn't realize it was this easy!"
  802. >"Actually... swimming takes a lot of practice to perfect," Anon claimed. "The fact that you're already good at it..."
  803. "Guess I've got more spunk in me than I thought," you said with a cocky yet proud smile.
  804. >"Hey now, we've already got Rainbow, we don't need more of her," Anon warned jokingly.
  805. >You let out a fit of giggles and snorts.
  806. >Suddenly, you noticed you were feeling pretty heavy.
  807. >Guess that little outburst of yours took more out of you than you thought.
  808. >Luckily, Anon immediately noticed and moved close to you and held you by the waist.
  809. >"Got you."
  810. 'Damn right, you got me,' you think to yourself.
  811. "I like this. This is really nice."
  812. >"It is," Anon says. "I don't usually go out in the deep water, but when I do... it's nice and quiet."
  813. >Anon found himself looking out towards the open ocean, while you found yourself just watching the expression on his face.
  814. >Content, blissful, and serene would be a way of putting it.
  815. >But in this moment, he was probably the most relaxed you've ever seen him.
  816. >It didn't take long for him to lose himself in the quiet.
  817. >He had a point in that.
  820. >But there was also something else about his face.
  821. >Something... sad.
  822. "Hey," you spoke softly to him and placed a hand on his cheek. "Are you okay?"
  823. >He's hesitant to answer, and he does it in a way similar to you—like when you want to say something but you don't want to worry whoever you're telling it to.
  824. >"Yeah... I'm just thinking."
  825. "About...?" you ask curiously. "Unless it's not my business."
  826. >"I just... It's times like this where I wish I never had to go back. Just stay here and watch the sun and just... be."
  827. >His hold on you tightens, but he's delicate.
  828. >"I don't really get much time to myself these days, and that's not a bad thing. But sometimes it can get so... crazy... that I just want to hide from the world until I feel like it."
  829. >You sigh.
  830. "I... know what you mean. Between schoolwork and balancing time with everyone, and then on occasion... -him-... I never realize just how tiring it all is sometimes."
  831. >"Guess locking yourself away in your room isn't always a bad thing, after all."
  832. >You wanted to laugh, but you... you just had to ask.
  833. "Anon? Do... Do I bother you in any way?"
  834. >Anon immediately looked away from the ocean and to you.
  835. >"Twilight... at the end of the day, in spite of literally everything... you're the last person that would ever bother me."
  838. >You felt your breath get caught in your throat.
  839. "... Really?"
  840. >"Yeah... really."
  841. >Anon gave you a small smile, but it was full of more sweetness than you could ever find.
  842. >You smiled just a little bit bigger.
  843. >But inside, you were freaking out.
  845. >You could feel Anon's thumbs gently brush your hips, making you shiver.
  846. >Awkwardly, you tried to mimic the same moves by resting your hands on his sides just beneath his armpits.
  847. >He gave a tiny snort, and you apologized.
  848. >"Don't be... Don't be."
  849. >His eyes became lidded, and you noticed he was getting closer to you.
  850. 'Oh my God, it's happening. I... what do I do, what do I—'
  851. >With a calm gulp, you pushed out the doubtful, questionable thoughts, and you were going to do the very thing you set out this morning to do.
  852. >You were going to make Anon yours.
  853. >Right here, right now.
  854. >So you started moving towards him too.
  855. >Your eyes started to close on their own.
  856. >The moment was perfect.
  857. >And then you saw it.
  858. >Buzz, standing by the shoreline.
  859. >And he...
  860. >He...!
  862. "HEY!"
  865. -------------
  867. >You're Anonymous.
  868. >And holy shit, you never thought Twilight could swim so fucking fast.
  869. >You were just able to catch up with her as your feet touched the bottom.
  870. >That was around the moment you noticed what she was running towards.
  871. >That fucker Buzz was back.
  872. >And he was destroying the sand city you and Twilight built.
  873. >You and Twilight ran as fast as you could out of the water, all while a crowd started to form around the crumbling ruins of your city.
  874. >Nobody was stopping him; shit, half of them were recording and going "Daaaammn!"
  875. "HEY!" you shouted to Buzz, clearly furious.
  876. >He stopped his angry kicking and stomping just to see you approaching.
  877. >"Oh, there he is, everybody! Here's the man of the hour! Here's the girlfriend stealer!"
  878. "Dude," you said to him, "what the fuck is your problem?"
  879. >"You wanna know my problem? -You-!" Buzz pushed you forcefully back with a hand. "You're my problem! You're just an arrogant asshole! You're using Twilight just so you can get your dick in her, aren't you?!"
  880. >Some of the crowd tried to quiet him down—especially considering some of them were a bit younger—but he either didn't hear them or he ignored them.
  881. "Dude, she doesn't want to be with you! You keep creeping her out every time you talk to her, and you can't just expect her to—"
  882. >"That's not true! You're using her! You keep using her! I know you ate Getting her on your good side just so you can screw her then ditch her when you're done! I'm not like that! And I won't let you make a whore out of her!"
  883. >Buzz pushed you again, making you nearly trip, but you keep your balance.
  884. >Twilight moves forward a bit as to help you, but you subtly tell her it's okay with a hand.
  887. "Buzz, I'm going to make this as clear as I can for you. Twilight doesn't like you that way. She used to, but she doesn't now. And if you want to keep being her friend, you'd cut this out and leave before you make even more of a fo—"
  889. >Well fuck, you just made him furious.
  890. >"That's it! Let's go! I'm gonna fucking beat your ass!"
  891. >His voice died down a bit, but he was still shouting loud enough to attract a bigger crowd.
  892. >The girls even stood by, no doubt wondering what the commotion was about.
  893. >You gave them the same subtle motion as you did with Twilight.
  894. >At this point, even Buzz's -friends- tried to intervene, reaching out to touch him.
  895. >"Buzz, c'mon yo, it's not that—"
  896. >Buzz just swatted his hand at theirs, violently.
  897. >"NO. I'm gonna end this shit right now."
  898. >"Buzz."
  899. >No.
  900. >"Buzz."
  901. >Twilight, please...
  902. >"Buzz!"
  903. >Shut the fuck up, please!
  904. >"BUZZ!"
  905. >She reached out to grab his shoulder.
  906. >"I said NO!!!"
  907. <<<<SMACK>>>>
  910. >You heard Twilight gasp, then saw her fall to the ground.
  911. >The crowd gasped almost in unison.
  912. >"TWILIGHT!" some of the girls screamed.
  913. >Buzz froze.
  914. >You didn't.
  915. >"Oh fuck, I di—"
  916. >Before anybody else could react, say, or do anything, you made a dead sprint towards Buzz, reared your hand back, balled it into a fist, and decked him with an uppercut.
  917. >You not only heard something crack and break, you -felt- it.
  918. >Buzz immediately recoiled back and went limp, falling to the sand on his back like a bag of potatoes.
  919. >The crowd gasped again, some of them even backing up as Buzz fell down.
  920. >Few of them left, signifying it was over.
  921. >Ignoring the immediate sting in your hand, you turned to your sole focus.
  922. >Twilight.
  923. >You looked over to where she fell down.
  924. >She was sitting upright, holding her face where Buzz presumably struck her, and stared forward, clearly in a bout of shock.
  925. >The girls were all surrounding her, tending to her, asking her if she was okay.
  926. >You walked over and did the same.
  927. >Kneeling before her, you spoke softly.
  928. "Hey. Hey, you okay?"
  929. >Her face, what you could see that wasn't covered by her hand, was stoic and unsure.
  930. >Her eyes were red, but she didn't look like she cried... not yet, at least.
  931. >"... Mm-hmm," she mumbled, her voice cracking.
  932. >"Let's get you back to the RV," Sunset said, "see what we can do. Okay?"
  933. >"... M-Mm-hmm."
  934. >All you could do was just hold her free hand.
  935. >She gripped it back for dear life, but her face didn't show the same kind of emotion.
  936. >You, Sunset, and the others all helped Twilight to her feet, which she struggled to do at first but managed after a few moments.
  937. >All of you began leaving the scene, which was quickly emptying out.
  938. >A few folks asked if they could help, but you told them you had it covered.
  939. >You turned around briefly to see Buzz's -friends- turn him on his side.
  940. >Almost immediately, Buzz unconsciously vomited onto the sand.
  941. >You swore you saw some teeth come out.
  942. >Good.
  943. >But... at least good on them for trying to do something right.
  946. >After a few minutes of walking, the eight of you managed to get back to the RV without much trouble.
  947. >You helped Twilight inside and had her move over to the bottom bed.
  948. >She sat down, never taking her hand away from her face.
  949. >Sunset quickly entered the bathroom and you could hear clattering a moment later.
  950. >After a few seconds, she came back out of the bathroom carrying a small bottle of ointment and an ice pack, along with a small wet cloth.
  951. >"Here," Sunset said handing the ice pack over to Twilight, "this should help with the swelling."
  952. >Twilight hesitantly grabbed the pack from Sunset's hand and started to bring it up to her face, but stopped.
  953. >Her other hand still covered her face.
  954. >You saw her eye the others cautiously, before resting them on you.
  955. >Her lips quivered for a second until she sucked in a breath.
  956. >"Can... C-Can I be alone with Anon? P-Please?"
  957. >The girls all looked at each other, then to you.
  958. >You felt nervous, being in the spotlight, but they all gave understanding, yet faint smiles.
  959. >"Okay," Sunset said softly before handing the ointment and wet cloth over to you. "You know how to apply the ointment?"
  960. "Yeah," you answer with a nod. "Bit more than I like to admit."
  961. >Sunset nodded to you before turning back to Twilight.
  962. >"If you need us, either of you, we'll be nearby. Okay?"
  963. >Twilight nodded.
  964. >"Okay," she replied almost at a whisper.
  965. >Sunset gave a little smile, but all of their faces carried sadness in them.
  966. >Nonetheless, they exited the RV and shut the door behind them, leaving you and Twilight alone.
  967. >You turned to Twilight with unease.
  968. >She was looking down at the bed.
  969. "Hey," you said softly to her, but she didn't look up. "Let me see."
  970. >Twilight closed her eyes, as if she was ashamed, but she eventually took her hand off her face.
  971. >Jesus.
  972. >It wasn't much of a black eye, but it was already pretty swollen.
  973. >Wouldn't be long before it looked like a real shiner.
  976. >With a small sigh, you lifted the wet cloth up to her face and -gently- pressed it against her left bottom eyelid where the bruising was more apparent.
  977. >Immediately, Twilight recoiled and let out a whimper.
  978. "I know," you whispered softly to her. "I know. Just breathe."
  979. >Twilight dropped the ice pack onto the bed and held onto your wrist.
  980. >Her hand was cold, but oddly welcoming.
  981. >She took in deep breaths, but they were shaky.
  982. >After a few seconds, you could hear her sniffling.
  983. >Twilight closed her eyes and puckered her lips, but it didn't last long.
  984. >Streaks of tears escaped her eyes and she started to silently cry.
  985. "Hey, hey. Shhh... Hey..."
  986. >You reached out your other hand and tried to wipe away Twilight's tears, but it only made her cry harder and louder.
  987. >"I'm s-s-sorry... I'm sorrr-rry..." she sobbed.
  988. "It's not your fault," you told her, keeping your tone quiet and calm.
  989. >"But i-it is," she choked through her sobs. "I just... I j-just wanted to spend time with youuu, and I just... I couldn't... h-he kept—"
  990. "Twi, Twi..." You rested your hand against her cheek which was wet with fresh tears. "That was not your fault."
  991. >"B-But... But I..."
  992. "Shhh... just breathe. It's okay. Breathe."
  993. >You kept applying the wet cloth to her face while trying to dry off the tears.
  994. >Twilight kept sobbing for a few minutes while you comforted her as best as you could.
  995. >Eventually, her sobs died down to sniffles, but she still winced every time the cloth touched her eyelid.
  996. >A few minutes later, you took the cloth away, revealing a much darker eye, but definitely not as bad as it could've been.
  997. >You opened up the bottle of ointment, dabbing just a little bit on your finger.
  998. "Ready?" you asked her.
  1001. >She nodded, and you began lathering the dab across her eyelid while being careful not to get it in her eye.
  1002. >Twilight winced again, but she was more composed.
  1003. >She never let go of your other hand still resting on her cheek.
  1004. >Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was heavy.
  1005. >"I'm sorry," she whispered.
  1006. "Stop that," you said in the same tone, but much more firm. "This was not your fault. Buzz was just... being an asshole. You were just trying to help."
  1007. >Twilight said nothing at first for a few moments.
  1008. >"All I wanted was to just hang out with you. And I couldn't even get that."
  1009. "If it means anything... Buzz aside... I still had a lot of fun."
  1010. >"... You're just saying that, aren't you?" Twilight asked, but it wasn't bitter, more of shame.
  1011. "No. I really did have fun with you," you told her. "Building sand castles, trying to one up each other, teaching you how to swim... it really was fun."
  1012. >She looked up at you.
  1013. >"And then Buzz came along."
  1014. >Yeah... he did.
  1015. >But you felt like it was going to end like this regardless.
  1016. >You just hoped it would've ended -without- Twilight getting hurt.
  1017. >She was relaxed now, but it was clear she was still completely torn over what happened.
  1018. >You brushed your thumb against Twilight's cheek, hoping to make her feel better.
  1019. >She smiled again and leaned into your hand.
  1020. >But there was still that lingering upset emitting from her.
  1021. >She started sniffling again, despite her best attempts to hold it back.
  1022. >You raised your hand, ready to wipe more fresh tears away.
  1025. >Suddenly, she moved forward and began pressing her lips onto yours.
  1026. >It was sloppy, as she missed your mouth initially, but she was quick to correct herself.
  1027. >Twilight whimpered and grabbed your shoulder, eager to pull you in.
  1028. >It took you by surprise, but in no way did you try pulling away.
  1029. >You sat there, letting her kiss you even as the pain in her eye flared.
  1030. >You returned the kiss after a moment, and for several seconds the only sounds in the air were Twilight's whimpering, your breathing, and the smack of wet lips.
  1031. >When you pulled away, you and Twilight put your foreheads against one another and sat there in silence for a second, just enjoying the other's company.
  1032. >Or at least, you were.
  1033. >Twilight seemed troubled.
  1034. >"I like you," Twilight said quietly a moment later. "I wanted today to really work up to it. I really did."
  1035. >You snorted and smiled.
  1036. "Who said it didn't?"
  1037. >"But... I..."
  1038. "I like you too, Twilight. Buzz or not, I like you. And I'm not gonna just stop because some guy is still hung up over you. Okay?"
  1039. >You could hear Twilight swallow and felt her grip your hands.
  1040. >She didn't look at you, but you knew she enjoyed the company.
  1041. >"I really like you."
  1042. "I really like you too."
  1043. >The two of you laughed for a moment and stopped before you went into a loop.
  1044. >You parted your forehead from Twilight's and looked into her eyes.
  1045. >They were still wet, but she'd stopped crying—at least intentionally.
  1048. >You grabbed the wet cloth once more and readied to dab it on her eyelid again, but she went in for another kiss before you could do so.
  1049. >While you weren't complaining, you still wanted to keep the swelling down.
  1050. "Hey," you said in between kisses and breaths, "I need to take care of your eye."
  1051. >"I don't care," she whispered, almost too quiet for you to hear. "I don't care, I don't care... I want you. I just want you. Please."
  1052. >Her hands drifted across your body, finding anything to grab.
  1053. >You smiled through the kiss and grabbed her hands to rest them on your hips.
  1054. >But they stayed there for only a moment before she lifted them up and wrapped them around your shoulders.
  1055. "Okay," you said with a faint laugh. "Okay."
  1056. >You set the cloth and ointment down on the nearby nightstand and placed your hands on Twilight's hips.
  1057. >She would let out an occasional whimper, and she even tried to suck on your lip.
  1058. >The feeling sent a shiver through your body and prompted you to hold her tighter.
  1059. >Twilight's hands moved around in a way that pulled you in closer, until your bodies were pressed up against each other.
  1060. >Her breasts, though confined by her bikini bra, still squished against your flat chest.
  1061. >You could actually feel her nipples poking through.
  1062. >God, was this happening?
  1063. >So soon?
  1064. "Wait."
  1065. >Hesitantly, Twilight pulls away slightly and looks into your eyes.
  1066. >"What's wrong?"
  1067. >You bit your lip.
  1068. "Are you sure you want this?"
  1069. >After a moment, Twilight gave you a smile and nodded her head.
  1070. >"Of course. But... only if you want it too."
  1071. >The look in her eyes showed no sign of doubt or lie.
  1072. >You smiled back at her and nodded too.
  1073. "I do."
  1075. ------------------
  1078. >You're Twilight Sparkle.
  1079. >And it's finally happening.
  1080. >It felt like such a fucking pipe dream at the start, but you were really doing it.
  1081. >You were gonna fuck Anon, right here, right now.
  1082. >And nobody was gonna stop you.
  1083. >Not Buzz.
  1084. >Not your friends.
  1085. >Not even the holy wrath of God.
  1086. >N O B O D Y.
  1087. >With Anon's permission, you bit your lip and brought one of your hands to his face, letting your thumb rest between his lips.
  1088. >Your hand then drifted down his body while you went back in to kiss him.
  1089. >As you made out with him, you let your hand travel further down, playing with his chest, then his stomach.
  1090. >It wasn't long before it was resting comfortably on his lap, and...
  1091. >H-Holy fuck, even when soft, it's...
  1092. >It just -feels- big.
  1093. >'Oh my God...'
  1094. >Almost immediately, you started rocking your hand up and down the slowly growing bulge in Anon's trunks.
  1095. >He snorted and shivered.
  1096. >Good... you were doing good.
  1097. >Your delicate and soft fingers did wonders on him through his trunks, and it was quickly becoming apparent.
  1098. >In a matter of moments, Anon was pitching a -hefty- tent.
  1099. >Yet you could still find something to play with.
  1100. >You pulled away from his lips and let out another shaky breath.
  1101. >Anon then reached up and gave you a kiss on the cheek... then your bruised eyelid.
  1102. >At first, you recoiled slightly.
  1105. >It actually hurt a bit.
  1106. >But then it... didn't?
  1107. >Sexy new hypothesis?
  1108. >You turned your head in just a way to give Anon easier access to that area.
  1109. >Very quickly, he continued peppering your cheek and eyelid with soft, gentle kisses; sexual or not, it was actually helping ease the pain.
  1110. >You let out a soft moan with every other kiss, but the real kicker for you were the peppers on your neck.
  1111. >Goosebumps started to form all over your skin.
  1112. >And was it mentioned yet that you were getting really -fucking- wet down there?
  1113. >Your hand was now trying feverishly to jerk off the bulge in Anon's trunks.
  1114. >God, you needed those shorts off. NOW.
  1115. >"One sec."
  1116. >Speak of the devil.
  1117. >Anon whispered into your ear just before giving it a nibble.
  1118. >You couldn't help but give a squeak.
  1119. >Meanwhile, Anon worked to pull his swimming trunks off.
  1120. >You removed your hand from his bulge and helped him.
  1121. >It took only a few seconds, but Anon was...
  1122. >Naked.
  1123. >In front of you.
  1124. >And his cock was h-u-g-e.
  1125. >You were sure you legitimately gasped; you don't even know.
  1126. >But what you -did- know was that you needed that thing in you right-the-fuck-now.
  1129. >And Anon seemed to agree.
  1130. >Before you could do it yourself, he grabbed your hand and placed it on his shaft.
  1131. >It was so fleshy, so rough.
  1132. >Exactly the way you always thought it'd be.
  1133. >Just getting a good grip on it was hard enough.
  1134. >"There you go," Anon whispered as he bit your ear again.
  1135. "Ahh..." you moaned, prompting you to start moving your hand.
  1136. >You wanted to look into his eyes so bad, but -this- was just as mesmerizing.
  1137. >Your hand feverishly jerked up and down his cock, while your other hand started to slip down the panties of your swimsuit.
  1138. >Anon stopped you and replaced your hand with his.
  1139. >"I got you."
  1140. >A few seconds later, you could feel his hand exploring your nether region with ease.
  1141. >You bit your lip and clenched your legs, even as you tried to keep them open enough for him.
  1142. "Anon..." you moaned.
  1143. >You were unable to restrain yourself any longer.
  1144. >With one motion, you bent down and put Anon's member into your mouth, eliciting a quiet moan from him.
  1145. >He was so big, you were still a good inch from touching the base with your nose.
  1146. >He was -way- bigger than the toys you owned—and you really weren't sure if that was a good thing, but you'd come to that bridge soon.
  1147. >Holding the base of his cock with your hand and jerking it up and down, you began bobbing your head in the same motion as well.
  1148. >The RV became filled with the sound of your slurping and Anon's shivering.
  1151. >"Twi..." he spoke softly.
  1152. >He rested his free hand on your head and started to brush your hair.
  1153. >His other hand was now deep into your panties, and—
  1154. "Mmmh!"
  1155. >Heeee stuck two of them in there.
  1156. >And you took them with ease.
  1157. >Mimicking your movements, Anon began pulling his fingers out of your dripping pussy, before shoving them back in, moving at the same pace as you were jamming his cock into your mouth.
  1158. >You couldn't help but moan a couple times, and every time you did prompted Anon to gently thrust into your throat.
  1159. >You gagged at one point, but you were quick to learn.
  1160. >Maybe too quick to some.
  1161. >Your hand was now feverishly flying up and down Anon's shaft much faster than you could bob your head.
  1162. >"Gonna cum," Anon suddenly said, but you almost didn't hear him.
  1163. >No! Not yet!
  1164. >Before he could bust, you quickly pulled yourself off his member and took in some deep breaths.
  1165. "Not... yet... I... I want... it... in..."
  1166. >You sighed heavily before shivers coursed through your body.
  1167. >Before you were thinking about it, you forced yourself up from the bed and hastily began pulling down your panties, while simultaneously making your way over to the wall of the RV.
  1170. >You rested a hand against the wall, while the other worked to pull your panties off.
  1171. >They only got to your ankles before Anon came over and pressed his body against yours from behind, as if aware of what you wanted.
  1172. >Anon put his hands on your hips, and you touched his right with your free hand.
  1173. >You could feel his dick laying flat against one of your ass cheeks, hard as a rock and throbbing subtly.
  1174. >"Tell me what you want," he whispered into your ear.
  1175. >One of his hands lifted your bra to grope your breasts and twist your nipples.
  1176. >The feeling had you quivering in place, at the sheer mercy of his touch.
  1177. >"Well...?"
  1178. >You sighed in lustful desperation.
  1179. "Fuck me. Please, fuck me."
  1180. >"Where?"
  1181. >That question just being asked alone made you wetter.
  1182. >You know exactly where you wanted it... but you couldn't take the risk.
  1183. >Not yet, at least.
  1184. "M-My ass," you whimpered. "Fuck my ass."
  1185. >You felt dirty saying that.
  1186. >And it just made you wetter.
  1187. >You felt Anon lean further against you, and his warm breath coat your ear.
  1188. >"Naughty..."
  1189. >He pulled back his waist, and you felt his cock slide down in between your cheeks.
  1190. >It was still soaked with your saliva, so at least lubricant wasn't necessary.
  1191. >A moment later, you could feel his tip poking at your rear entrance.
  1192. >You froze instinctively and gave a quiet squeak.
  1195. >He seemed to notice this and paused.
  1196. >"Are you sure?"
  1197. >The way he whispered that to you was filled with so much care, it made you sick—in a good way!
  1198. >Of course you were sure!
  1199. >And you showed just how sure you were by moving your big ass backwards.
  1200. >With little restraint, his flaring tip slid into your butthole.
  1201. >It was much, -much- more different from your toys, both in girth and temperature.
  1202. "Ahhh-" you moaned before biting your lip to keep yourself quiet.
  1203. >Anon tried doing the same too, but instead went for your shoulder judging by his suckles.
  1204. >His cock slid deeper into your ass for another second before he managed to bottom out, with his pelvis touching your cheeks.
  1205. "Mmmh..."
  1206. >Good to know he could fit it -somewhere-.
  1207. >"Fuck," he sighed.
  1208. >He held your hips firmly and began pulling out, doing so carefully as to not hurt you.
  1209. "Don't be slow," you begged.
  1210. >"You sure...?"
  1211. "Mm-mmhmm."
  1212. >You were sure you were gonna regret that later, but right now, you didn't give one single—
  1213. "Fuck!" you screamed in a high tone as Anon suddenly slammed himself back into your ass.
  1214. >It hurt slightly.
  1215. >Just slightly.
  1216. >But goddamn, it felt sofuckaLfhfhsis
  1217. "Nnnh... nnnngh... mmmh!"
  1218. >When the sound of him filling your hole wasn't echoing through the RV, you were shuddering and screaming your head off, failing almost miserably to keep yourself quiet.
  1219. >Luckily for you, these walls were -thick-.
  1220. "Anon...!"
  1221. >One of Anon's hands explored your exposed chest, while the other played with your ass cheeks.
  1222. >*WHAP*
  1223. >A loud slap bounced off the walls as he spanked your ass with all the strength he could muster.
  1224. >You tried to moan, but it turned into a coughing fit for a few seconds.
  1227. >Anon slowed down for a moment and asked if you were okay.
  1228. >You told him to keep fucking you, just before you turned your head and kissed him.
  1229. >You stuck your tongue into his mouth and the two of you Prench kissed like dogs, all while Anon rammed you from behind.
  1230. "Ehh... eeahh... ahhh!" you exasperated into his mouth.
  1231. >Suddenly, Anon pulled his head away, ending the kiss early.
  1232. "A-A—"
  1233. >Before you could say anything, you felt a hand grip a clump of your hair and pull.
  1234. >You gasped.
  1235. >Not because it happened.
  1236. >But because of how wet you just got.
  1237. >"Beg."
  1238. >And wetter.
  1239. >"Hear me, you slut?"
  1240. >*WHAP*
  1241. >Another spank to your rear.
  1242. >Another drip from your pussy.
  1243. >You couldn't help but tend to it with a hand.
  1244. >Your brain was going into overdrive.
  1245. >And Anon wasn't stopping.
  1246. >"BEG!"
  1247. "Ahh!" you screamed. "Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Fuckmyassfuckmyassfuckmyassfuckmyass, pleasepleasepleasefuckmefuckme..."
  1248. >Your pleas turned into incoherent babbling, but Anon got the message.
  1249. >Oh, and did he ever show that.
  1252. >Anon slammed his cock into your ass like a jackhammer.
  1253. >The sound of his hips smacking against your ass echoed throughout the RV in a rough, repetitive rhythm.
  1254. >You tried to hold back your moans and screams, but you'd be biting through your fingers.
  1255. >Speaking of, your free hand was going wild on your pussy, as you furiously rubbed your clit and the edges of your vulva.
  1256. >You could feel your legs shaking, burning, threatening to give out beneath you.
  1257. >Anon could sense that too.
  1258. >He let go of your hair and gripped your hips with both hands, then shoved you up against the wall, all without slowing down his thrusts.
  1259. >You felt cramped, but all that did was just make you wetter.
  1260. >You had just enough space to rub yourself silly down there.
  1261. >In this position, your feet dangled in the air freely, only moving about by the bouncing of your body.
  1262. >Heavy shudders escaped your throat.
  1263. "A-Anon...! I'm cloossssee..." you hissed with a struggle.
  1264. >"Me... too..." he huffed into your ear. "You... want it...? Nnf..."
  1265. "Yesssss..."
  1266. >"Then... ungh... beg for it."
  1267. "Noooo..." you whined.
  1268. >He laughed in between grunts.
  1269. >"S-Sorry... that was cute."
  1270. >You giggled back, but it was quickly drowned out.
  1271. >Anon's thrusts picked up speed and strength, practically slamming you against the wall.
  1272. >You were sure the RV was rocking left and right for the world to see.
  1273. >But you didn't care.
  1274. >You didn't care.
  1275. >"Beg."
  1276. >You didn't care!
  1277. >I... said... BEG!"
  1280. >He forced himself into you as deep as he could go.
  1281. >Sparks shot off in your head.
  1282. >Vision white.
  1283. "Yes, yes yesyesyes, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want you to cum in my ass, pleasepleasepleaseplease cum in my aaaaass~"
  1284. >You whined under him, begging for release, begging for -his- release, begging for that sweet, sweet fucking EVERYTHING.
  1285. "I'm a slut, I'm a slut, imaslutimaslutimaslut..."
  1286. >You wanted it all.
  1287. "Anon... A-Anon...! Anon! ANON! ANON! A—"
  1288. >And with his last few thrusts, you got everything you ever wanted.
  1289. >Your pussy gushed with juices as you came with a fury you've never felt before.
  1290. >Your whole body twitched and your legs tensed up.
  1291. >Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, and you instinctively reached for Anon's hip for balance.
  1292. >But he already had—holding you, practically crushing you, against the wall as his own orgasm struck him.
  1293. >You could feel his cum explode from his cock and shoot deep into your ass, leaving him thrusting and twitching with every shot.
  1294. >One of his hands took a clump of your ass and squeezed hard.
  1295. >The air in your throat escaped all at once, leaving you coughing and sputtering with an occasional moan, if you could even call it that.
  1296. >God, it felt like he was breaking your back the way he leaned into you.
  1297. >But you loved it.
  1298. >You'll regret it later, but right now you love it.
  1301. >After what felt like an eternity, the two of you started to collect your thoughts.
  1302. >With a whisper of "Fuck," Anon slowly slid his cock out of you.
  1303. >You shuddered, as you were still very sensitive back there.
  1304. >Anon grunted and winced until he was completely out of you.
  1305. >A few seconds later, you could feel it drip out of you.
  1306. >His cum.
  1307. >-YOUR- cum.
  1308. "Anon..." you whispered as you leaned against the wall.
  1309. >He was still holding you, so you didnt worry about falling down.
  1310. >But he wasn't very stable himself.
  1311. >Anon planted his feet firmly on the ground and drifted his hands around your sides.
  1312. >The feeling made you giggle and form goosebumps amid your afterglow.
  1313. >"Fuck..." he said quietly. "Twi? Y-You okay?"
  1314. "M-Mm-hmm..."
  1315. >"Think you can make it to the shower?"
  1316. >Hmm... five feet away, full of cum, shaky legs, total head rush...
  1317. "Mm-mmm."
  1318. >Anon chuckled and wrapped one of your arms around his shoulder, propping you up.
  1319. >"Left foot, right foot..."
  1320. >A few moments of stumbling and careful walking later, you and Anon made it into the RV bathroom without getting any seed on the floor.
  1321. >Don't think Rarity would've appreciated that.
  1322. >Anon helped you into the shower and got it all set up for you, while you took off your ruffled bra and gave it to Anon.
  1323. >You were better composed enough that you could stand on your own now, and stood to better catch the falling droplets.
  1324. >Lukewarm water touched your body, giving you a startle, but it quickly warmed to an acceptable temperature.
  1325. >It made you purr.
  1326. >Seriously.
  1329. >Anon grabbed a towel from under the counter and threw it over the towel rack nearby.
  1330. >Before he could leave, you reached out and grabbed his arm.
  1331. >"Yeah?" he asked with a smile.
  1332. >You stepped close to the wall of the shower.
  1333. "There's space for one more... save water...?"
  1334. >Anon snorted, never losing the grin on his face.
  1335. >"Good point."
  1336. >Being already naked, Anon stepped into the shower with you.
  1337. >Water poured down his face and ruffled hair, slicking it down perfectly.
  1338. >You instinctively bit your lip.
  1339. >Suddenly, you felt a globby substance roll down your head, followed by Anon's hands ruffling through your hair.
  1340. >You quickly realized he was shampooing your hair.
  1341. >He started running his hands across your body too, and you realized it was a 3-in-1, as well.
  1342. >With another subtle purr, you let him do his magic, as he clearly knew best right now.
  1343. >A clean Twilight is a happy Twilight.
  1344. >A c-clean Twi... Twi...
  1345. >M-Mmm...
  1346. >Happy Twi...
  1348. ------------------
  1350. >You're Anonymous again, and...
  1351. >Wow... what a day, fuck.
  1352. >Soon after you and Twilight hopped out of the shower, you heard a knock on the side door of the RV.
  1353. >Two police officers came by and wanted to ask some questions, mainly about what happened earlier.
  1354. >You both gave your accounts as accurately as you could, and the officers were able to match them up just fine.
  1355. >Buzz was gonna spend the night in the local jail, but he risked a month of juvenile hall, as well as a one year restraining order from Twilight.
  1356. >Assuming Twilight wanted to press charges.
  1357. >But she was too kind a soul for this world, so she dropped any potential charges against Buzz.
  1358. >With clearer heads, everyone knew hitting Twilight was an accident.
  1359. >That being said, Twilight explicitly stated she wanted space away from Buzz for a while, until she felt comfortable enough to be around him again.
  1360. >She wanted it to be her choice, not a piece of paper's.
  1361. >That also meant blocking him on social media until she decided otherwise; whether that was a week, a year, a decade, or never.
  1362. >You were cool with it, as long as he left her alone till then.
  1363. >A few days later, the two of you went out on a real date, something to break the ice and know each other a bit more.
  1364. >Then there was a second date, then a third, then a fourth.
  1365. >Eventually, you and Twilight became official... to nobody's surprise.
  1366. >Yeah, turns out you were a bit louder that night than you thought.
  1367. >Luckily, Sunset was there to keep anyone from noticing... too much.
  1368. >But there were plenty of nights like that going forward.
  1369. >Parents gone, slumber party, maybe a quick little jog in the woods...
  1370. >When Twilight wanted it, she got it.
  1371. >Really got it.
  1372. >Other than that, things seemed to quiet down.
  1373. >After a couple weeks, Twilight's black eye went away, but it didn't stop you from giving that area an occasional kiss.
  1374. >She loved that.
  1375. >You'd see Buzz sometimes in the halls, but he was either never there long or was too far away to get involved.
  1376. >Nevertheless, he was no problem to either of you, so he was at least trying to respect Twilight's boundaries.
  1377. >That, or he was terrified of you.
  1378. >You didn't know what to think of him after that day, but you'd cross that bridge when it came.
  1379. >But for now, he was upholding his end of the deal.
  1380. >Well... -was-.
  1383. >It was a few months later, right around the end of Christmas vacation.
  1384. >School was gearing up to start in about a week, and you were kind of dreading the idea of homework.
  1385. >Twilight, on the other hand, was looking forward to all the new assignments.
  1386. >You've come to know that part of her plenty over the last year, and honestly... you loved hearing her geek out over this kind of shit.
  1387. >Like very nerdy pillow talk.
  1388. >The two of you were laying in her bed, doing just that.
  1389. >"I'm kind of hoping we get to talk about the Molasses Flood," she said, while you brushed her hair gently with your hand.
  1390. >Now you were curious.
  1391. "What's that?"
  1392. >"Oooooh," she exclaimed with a smile and a cute little giggle. "Well, it all started when—"
  1393. >"Twilight!" Ms. Velvet suddenly hollered from downstairs. "There's a package here for you!"
  1394. >Twilight suddenly had this confused look on her face.
  1395. >"I didn't order anything...?"
  1396. >She got up from the bed, told you she'd be right back, and left the bedroom.
  1397. >Twenty seconds later, she came back inside, holding a small box with shipping instructions to this very address.
  1398. "Who's it from?" you asked curiously.
  1399. >Twilight just grimaced slightly.
  1400. >You didn't like that.
  1401. >Without delay, Twilight opened the package to reveal... a stuffed teddy bear.
  1402. >It was crudely put together, one of the eyes was already falling off, and there was a ripped seam in the back where the stuffing was leaking out.
  1403. >Held within its clumped up hands are three lavender flowers, all wilting slightly with a few pieces here and there having already fallen off.
  1404. >And interestingly—maybe creepily—enough... it looked just like Twilight, hair and all.
  1405. >You said nothing, but you could already guess who sent this.
  1406. >Beneath the bear was a single slip of paper.
  1407. >Twilight held it up to read it.
  1408. >Just two words.
  1409. >"Start again? ;)"
  1410. >...
  1411. >With a bite of her cheek, Twilight hesitantly threw the gift onto the table, walked back over to the bed, and flopped face down.
  1412. >She grabbed clumps of her hair with both hands and sighed heavily in a muffled voice.
  1413. >You looked at her for a moment, then reached out to pet her head.
  1414. "Hey," you spoke softly.
  1415. >She looked up with defeated eyes and turned to you.
  1416. "I have an idea."
  1419. -------------
  1421. >You're Buzz Roller.
  1422. >And you're a fucking genius!
  1423. >You sent Twilight a stuffed bear a couple days ago, and any day now she'd get it.
  1424. >It took you a few hours to put together, so it wasn't perfect, but the gesture alone should show your ever burning love for her!
  1425. >Assuming that asshole Anonymous doesn't rip it up before she can even see it.
  1426. >He assaults you and doesn't even pay for it?
  1427. >Well, you'll get her back.
  1428. >Twilight will see how right you were and throw his ass out on the curb.
  1430. >You weren't expecting company.
  1431. >Slowly, you carefully make your way to the front door and open it up.
  1432. >It's a package for you.
  1433. >It's...
  1434. >The same package you sent.
  1435. >Anon.
  1436. >Of fucking course.
  1437. >While you argue to the air, you rip open the box and proceed to pull out what you thought would be the ruins of your prized bear.
  1438. >Instead, it was in remarkably good condition, much better than you had.
  1439. >Any seams were fixed up, the eyes were fully stitched in, and there was even a fresh set of lavender flowers in the bear's hand.
  1440. >Twilight... fixed it up for you!
  1441. >That proves it!
  1442. >Right?
  1443. >Underneath the bear was a piece of paper.
  1444. >Not the same one you wrote, but definitely something from her.
  1445. >Pulling it out, you unfold it and begin to read.
  1446. >(It's over.)
  1447. >You frown, gritting your teeth within your closed mouth and struggle to hold back a tear.
  1448. >However, you noticed there was more written on the other side, so you turn the paper around.
  1449. >(But I still could use another friend.)
  1452. END

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