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[Rainbow Dash] [Rarity] [NSFW] Whatever I Want, Part 2 (Original by PASTAFROMSPACE)

By RealDash
Created: 2020-12-18 10:56:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >You wake up the next morning, lying on a bed in a strange room. You look around trying to figure out just where you are, but your vision is still a bit blurry
  2. >You don't really remember much about last night, all you remember is... the fight yesterday!
  3. >That mother fucker Flash must have kidnapped you and took you back to his place, thinking he can get his revenge. Son of a bitch has no idea what he's gotten himself-
  4. >... wait a sec
  5. >This is Rainbow Dash's bedroom
  6. >OH YEAH!
  7. >You were too tired to go home last night, so you spent the night here, remember?
  8. >... of course you don't
  9. >By the way, where is Rainbow Dash?
  11. >Is that her alarm clock? No, it's coming from outside. Just as you get up, she comes in the room
  12. >Dash: "Oh hey Anon, you just get up?"
  13. "Yeah, what's that beeping?"
  14. >Dash: "N-Nothing"
  15. >She's still wearing the black nightie she bought yesterday from Cadence's Closet while you were... well, pretty much unconscious. And damn, does she look good in it
  16. >Dash: "Just wait here, give me a minute"
  17. >She leaves, and after a few minutes, the beeping stops and she comes back
  18. "Everything okay?"
  19. >Dash: "Yeah, but..."
  20. >She takes a seat next to you on the bed
  21. >Dash: "... you should probably stay out of the kitchen"
  22. "That was a smoke alarm wasn't it"
  23. >Dash: "O-Of course not!"
  24. >She's not fooling you, she never can
  25. "... you know I watch cooking shows all the time, you could have just asked me to make breakfast-"
  26. >She punches you in the arm. It was gentle, but after yesterday it still hurt like hell
  27. >Dash: "Anyways, how'd you sleep?"
  28. "Fine I guess. I probably should be getting home though-"
  29. >Dash: "What?"
  30. >Something about that surprised her
  31. >Dash "I mean, you can stay longer. You know, if you want"
  32. "I'd love to, but I probably should at least go home and shower, and change my clothes"
  33. >Come to think of it, those were the clothes you fought in
  34. >Absolutely disgusting
  35. >Dash: "Well, you could just take a shower here. You know, if you want"
  36. "I suppose I could, but I still don't really have clothes to change into"
  37. >Dash: "I could just throw those clothes in the wash while you're in the shower
  38. >... Eh, might as well
  40. >She leads you to the bathroom, and you get undressed. Her back is to you so you can have privacy. After you finish and give her your clothes, she leaves
  41. >...
  42. >Why is it that using a different shower from your own is always like figuring out some alien technology?
  43. >You poke your head out the door and call out for her. She works it for you while trying to explain how it works
  44. >Dash: "Just take your time, come back to my room when you're done"
  45. >The water's a little too hot, but you bear with it. There's one bottle on the side that looks like some kind of body wash, another that appears to be shampoo. There's also about 10 other bottles of assorted beauty products that you don't even bother trying to figure out
  46. >When you're done, you try to remember her tutorial on using her shower, but it looks just as foreign as it did when you first saw it. After accidentally turning the water up to burning hot, down to freezing, then back up again, you finally get it shut off. You dry yourself off and wrap the towel around your waist, before hurrying back to her room
  47. >When you get back to her room, something smells pretty good
  48. >Dash: "Just in time"
  49. >She holds out a plate with bacon and scrambled eggs, a second plate by her side
  50. >Dash: "I know it's not great, but it's better than my first plan. Trust me"
  51. >Oh you do trust her
  53. >Since you usually skip breakfast, this actually wasn't half-bad. When you're both done, she takes the plates back to the kitchen, closing the door behind her
  54. >You patiently wait on her bed. It could have been a minute, it could have been an hour, time feels so much longer when you're naked in someone else's bedroom
  55. >It's a relief when you finally hear her coming
  56. >... those footsteps are too slow and heavy to be hers
  58. >"Dash? You in there?"
  59. >Who the hell is this guy?
  61. >"Dash? You awake?"
  62. >You have half a mind to beat this guy's ass for coming onto your girl-
  63. >*CLICK*
  64. >-But not the energy for it. You hide under the covers and lay as flat as you can, as the door slowly creaks opens
  65. >"Hey, Dash, is that you?"
  66. >It sounds like they're coming closer, you may have to fight whether you're ready or not
  67. >Quick, how fast can you get a hold of Vlad?
  68. >"Hello? Can you hear me-?"
  69. >Dash: "I'm right here"
  70. >Thank god
  71. >"... is someone in your bed?"
  72. >Fuck
  73. >Dash: "No, it's just a new body pillow I bought. It helps me sleep"
  74. >She gets on the bed and plants her ass right on top of you. Sure she's trying to prove a point, but she didn't have to plop down so hard
  75. >"Don't you have enough pillows already?"
  76. >Dash: "This one's different"
  77. >"Alright alright, just keep the noise down, I'm trying to sleep"
  78. >Shit, that might actually be her dad
  79. >Dash: "I will"
  80. >"And take that damn thing off, your dad will kill me if he finds out you're dressing like that"
  81. >So it's not her dad... maybe a babysitter or something?
  82. >Dash: "Okay okay, can you just close the door?"
  83. >The door closes, and the heavy footsteps march away. When they're no longer audible, she lifts up the covers and whispers to you
  84. >Dash: "you okay?"
  85. "damn near broke my ribs"
  86. >Dash: "sorry about that. didn't mean to do it so hard, but it had to be convincing"
  87. "yeah, about that. convincing to who?"
  88. >Dash: "that was my grandpa"
  89. "your grandpa?"
  90. >Dash: "yeah, he stays with me while my parents are away"
  91. >All of a sudden, you don't feel the need to fight him
  92. >... though you totally could, just for the record
  93. >Dash: "wait here for just another minute"
  94. >She runs out of the room, and you lay as still as you can. It's less than a minute before she comes back
  95. >Dash: "your clothes aren't dry yet"
  96. "so I have to stay naked?"
  97. >Dash: "unless you want to wear my clothes"
  98. >... sounds intriguing
  99. >Dash: "don't worry, it shouldn't be more than another ten minutes"
  100. "what do I do until then?"
  101. >She crawls under the covers and hugs you
  102. >Dash: "you're going to be my body pillow"
  103. "whatever you want-"
  104. >She puts her finger to your lips
  105. >Dash: "pillows don't talk"
  106. >Fair enough. You put an arm around her and pull her as close to you as you can. She buries her face into your bare chest
  107. >It's only a matter of time before little Anon wakes up
  108. >Dash: "... pillows don't do that either"
  109. >Hey, it's not your fault
  110. >With her face smushed against your chest, you lay together and relax... until she starts sniffing you
  111. >Dash: "did you use my body wash and shampoo?"
  112. "yeah, why?"
  113. >Dash: "... so that's what I smell like"
  114. "pretty much. just usually a little sweatier-"
  115. >Dash: "-what's that supposed to mean?"
  116. "nothing, nothing... and I never said it was a bad smell-"
  117. >Dash: "-okay, this is getting weird. I'm going to check your clothes"
  118. >She crawls out of bed and throws the covers over you
  119. >You have to admit, she does have a nice smell
  120. >... you ARE weird
  121. >She comes back in and tosses your clothes to you. You start getting dressed
  122. >Dash: "I'd let you stay longer, but since gramps is up now he probably won't take kindly to you-"
  123. "-hey Dash, where's my shirt?"
  124. >Dash: "huh?"
  125. >She seems surprised
  126. "it's not here"
  127. >Dash: "oh, I must have forgot to wash it. you can borrow one of mine"
  128. "really? one of yours?"
  129. >Dash: "yeah, you know, since you like the way I smell so much"
  130. >You recognize "damage control" when you see it
  131. "... and what about you?"
  132. >Dash: "what do you mean?"
  133. "come on, you FORGOT to wash my shirt-?"
  134. >She puts her finger to your lips again
  135. >Dash: "you should go before you get caught. trust me you really don't want that"
  136. >She opens the window for you to sneak out. Way to make you feel like some kind of cheap whore
  137. "alright, see ya later"
  138. >You give her a kiss that she holds you in for longer than you intended. Not that you mind
  139. >Dash: "goodbye"
  140. >She helps you climb out the window
  141. >Dash: "... and by the way, you do have a nice smell too"
  143. >You change shirts as soon as you get home, not wanting to ruin her smell
  145. >Monday
  146. >Whoever thought suspension was a good "punishment" wasn't very bright
  148. >Yeah, how awful
  151. >Tuesday
  152. >Alright, no school. This is great
  154. >Wednesday
  155. >...
  157. >Thursday
  158. >Soooo fucking boring
  159. >Seriously, don't ever get suspended again
  160. >... Let's call Dash, see what she's up to
  162. >Dash: "Oh hey, I was just about to call you"
  163. "Hey Dash, what are you up to today?"
  164. >Dash: "Not much. Kinda bored to be honest"
  165. "Yeah, I know what you mean..."
  166. >Dash: "..."
  167. "..."
  168. >Dash: "..."
  169. "So... you wanna hang out or something-"
  170. >Dash: "-Yeah sure! ... I mean, if you have nothing better to do"
  171. >She sounds a lot more eager than she'd ever admit. Then again, so are you
  173. >Dash "Come on in, make yourself comfortable"
  174. >Good to see the break hasn't taken the life out of her as it has you
  175. >Dash: "Gramps is going to be out all day, so it's just you and me"
  176. "Where is he?"
  177. >Dash: "Every once in a while, he and his old platoon get back together"
  178. >Platoon? As in like, military platoon?
  179. >Eh, you could still take him if you had to... right?
  180. "So, what do you want to do?"
  181. >Dash: "... I don't know, what do you want to do?"
  182. "I don't know"
  183. >...
  185. >You both plop down on the living room couch and look for something on t.v... just like you were doing at home
  186. >At least you're not alone
  187. >Dash: "So is this what you've been doing all week?"
  188. "Yup. Just sitting in my underwear watching whatever the hell is on"
  189. >You've been spending your days like a stoner, just without the smoking
  190. >Dash: "Seriously, in your underwear?"
  191. "Yeah. You mean you've never done that?"
  192. >Dash: "Well... well, yeah, I have but I'd never-"
  193. "-Then go ahead. Like you said, it's just us here"
  194. >Dash: "Wait, are you serious?"
  195. "Yeah, why not?"
  196. >Dash: "... you first, then I'll do it"
  197. >She's actually daring you, like she thinks you still have a sense of shame
  198. >You kick your pants off and wait for her to do so. Once she's stripped, she sits down on the couch next to you
  199. "There, now isn't that better?"
  200. >Dash: "Maybe-"
  201. >You grab her shoulders from behind and pull her back into your chest, crossing your arms around her
  202. "How about now? More comfortable?"
  203. >Dash: "... a lot more"
  204. >She wiggles around, getting herself comfortable
  206. >The two of you flipped through the channels for something to watch, to no avail
  207. >It's almost a welcome relief when you hear a knock at the door
  208. >Dash gets up and hurriedly gets redressed
  209. >You're barely getting your pants back up when you hear that familiar voice
  210. >Rarity: "Did I interrupt something?"
  211. "No, we're fine, just... fine"
  212. >Dash was right, there are some people you wouldn't admit that to
  214. >Rarity joins you on the couch, fully clothed, filling you in on everything that you've missed. According to her there's been a lot of rumors
  215. >Rarity: "A lot of people saw Vlad that day. Some are saying he's a Russian mercenary, others a mafia hitman"
  216. "Well... is he?"
  217. >Rarity: "You know he's not a mercenary"
  218. "No, I mean a hitman"
  219. >She quietly giggled
  220. >Rarity: "Good one Anon"
  221. >... that not an answer
  222. >Rarity: "So what were you two doing before I came along?"
  223. "Nothing really, just watching t.v."
  224. >Dash: "Anon insisted on sitting in his underwear"
  225. >Rarity gives you an amused, slightly disgusted look. Dash laughs
  226. >She thinks she got you
  227. "Yeah, we both were"
  228. >Rarity: "Well, umm... whatever makes you comfortable"
  229. >She returns the same look to Dash
  230. >Hooked
  231. >Dash: "What? Everyone does it"
  232. >Rarity: "Almost everyone"
  233. >Dash: "It's actually really comfortable"
  234. >Rarity: "I'm sure"
  235. >Dash: "Why don't you try it"
  236. >Rarity: "Excuse me?"
  237. >Did she really just say that? To Rarity, of all people?
  238. >She dug her own grave on this one. You just enjoyed the show
  239. >Rarity: "Well... tell you what, I'll try it, but only if you do"
  240. >Dash: "I'll do it if Anon does"
  241. >Again, she thinks you have shame
  242. >You discard your pants without hesitation, then Dash nervously strips off her skirt and shorts. Rarity was even more timid than her, insisting that neither of you even watch as she removes her skirt
  243. >Of course, with your girlfriend sitting next to you, you have no desire to watch
  244. >... come on now, who wouldn't?
  245. >Apparently Dash took a peek too, because you both exchange the same awkward glance
  246. >Rarity: "What?"
  247. >Neither of you respond
  248. >Rarity: "You looked, didn't you?"
  249. >No response
  250. >Rarity: "I WAS wearing them today, I took them off for gym"
  251. >Dash: "Uh-huh..."
  252. >Rarity: "I just didn't want them to get ruined"
  253. "Yeah, sure"
  254. >Rarity: "Uggh, give me a minute..."
  255. >She storms off, leaving you and Dash in awkward silence
  256. >Dash: "... you looked"
  257. "So did you"
  258. >Dash: "That's different, I was curious"
  259. "So was I-"
  260. >Dash: "-What's that supposed to mean?"
  261. "I didn't mean it like that"
  262. >Her eyes drift down to your crotch. You were really hoping no one would notice
  263. >Dash: "You sure about that?"
  264. "Just to be clear, YOU did that one, not her"
  265. >She spreads your legs apart and nestles herself between them, her butt pressed against your crotch
  266. "What are you doing?"
  267. >Dash: "Keeping it hidden. I don't want Rarity seeing it-"
  268. >Rarity: "-Seeing what?"
  269. >... shit
  270. >She comes back wearing a white lace thong, complete with a garter belt and stockings
  271. "You wore ALL THAT to school?"
  272. >Rarity: "Of course, a lady's got to look her best at all times. Speaking of which, Dash, why don't you go put on the nightie we bought? I'm sure Anon would love to see it"
  273. >You and Dash both realize who'll happen if Dash gets up
  274. >Dash: "N-No thanks, I showed him already"
  275. "Yeah, it's fine-"
  276. >She grabs Dash's hand and pulls her up
  277. >Rarity: "Nonsense, it looks gorgeous, you should go-"
  278. >Rarity freezes, her eyes focused on your crotch
  279. >Dash: "... how about I go put it on
  280. >She dashes out of the room leaving you and Rarity in awkward silence
  281. "I take it we can't just PRETEND this didn't happen"
  282. >Rarity: "Well... the least you could do is close your legs or something"
  283. "I really just can't"
  284. >She plops down on the couch without looking at you any further. Isn't there something you can say to make this situation any less, you know, awkward?
  285. "... Just to be clear Rarity, you didn't do this. I don't find you that attractive-"
  286. >Rarity: "-Excuse me!?"
  287. >Wow
  288. "I didn't mean it like that either, you are pretty-"
  289. >Rarity: "-Just stop. Please"
  290. >Yes, please, stop. You're embarrassing the both of us
  291. >The two of you sit on awkward silence. She lays sideways on the couch, and you throw your head back and close your eyes, wishing you could redo the last five minutes
  292. >... *boop*
  293. >You quickly sit up
  294. "What was that?"
  295. >Rarity: "What was what?"
  296. "Something just- ... never mind"
  297. >You'd rather not mention that something just brushed your dick. It was probably just a fly or a breeze or something
  298. >Just close your eyes again, and wait for Dash to come-
  299. >*boop*
  300. "Okay, there it is again"
  301. >Rarity: "There was what?"
  302. "... Nothing"
  303. >You close your eyes again... *boop* You pretend to ignore it ... *boop*... *boop*... *boo-
  304. >-Whatever the hell is nudging your dick, you grab for it
  305. >...
  306. >Well then
  307. Rarity: "Umm... can you let go of my foot?"
  308. "Depends, can you control yourself?"
  309. >You release her foot, and she pull her legs back. You keep an eye on her until Dash comes back
  310. >Dash: "Hey guys I'm back... is everything okay?"
  311. >She must read the awkwardness, so she takes her seat between your legs
  312. >Dash whispers: "... hey Anon, I think she saw it"
  313. "You think so?"
  314. >Once Dash gets herself comfortable, the three of you carry on like nothing happened
  315. >Rarity: "You know, as crass as this seems, this is pretty comfortable"
  316. "Told you"
  317. >Dash is fidgeting around, most likely due to you poking her in the back
  318. >Rarity: "You okay Dash?"
  319. >Dash: "Yeah I'm just... trying to get comfy"
  320. >As far as Dash knows, Rarity doesn't know about your erection, which probably confuses her when a lewd smile spreads across Rarity's face
  321. >Rarity: "Speaking of getting comfy..."
  322. >She grabs the bottom of her shirt and slowly pulls it up over her head, tossing it across the room once it's off. Her bra matches her panties... not that you're staring or anything, you just happened to notice
  323. >Rarity: "Go ahead, it's a lot better"
  324. >Dash: "I would, but it's one piece"
  325. >Rarity: "Not you. Anon"
  326. "What?"
  327. >Rarity: "Go ahead, just take your shirt off"
  328. >She's clearly challenging you, gotta call her bluff. You take your shirt as confidently as you did your pants
  329. >Rarity: "There isn't that better?"
  330. "Sure, I guess"
  331. >Rarity: "What do you think Dash?"
  332. >Dash: "Huh?"
  333. >Rarity: "You know. Anon's got a nice body doesn't he?"
  334. >Dash: "Sure"
  335. >Rarity: "Really? I mean, don't think I'm trying to steal him or anything, but he's not too bad looking if you ask me"
  336. >Dash: "W-Well, I guess so"
  337. >Rarity shifts her gaze to you, holding out the same lewd smile
  338. >Rarity: "Alright, well, I'm running off to the bathroom. Be back in a sec"
  339. >She quickly gets up off the couch and runs down the hall
  340. "Well that was weird"
  341. >Dash: "How long do you think she'll be gone?"
  342. "How should I know-"
  343. >She turns around and kisses you
  344. >Dash: "She's got a point... you do have a nice body"
  345. >Between the attempted footjob, the way she upsold you to her, and then left you alone... it's like she's TRYING to get you two to hook up
  346. >Dash: "Come on, we have a few minutes at most"
  347. >Rarity: Oh no, take all the time you need"
  348. >Dash jumps
  349. >Dash: "When did you get back!?"
  350. >Rarity: "I never really left"
  351. >She IS trying to hook you up
  352. >Dash: "I sear, we weren't doing anything"
  353. >Rarity: "Oh, come on Dash, there's nothing to be ashamed of. I mean, if I had THIS next to me all day..."
  354. >She lays back on the couch like before and nudges you with her foot
  355. >Rarity: "... I sure wouldn't want it going to waste"
  356. >The gentle nudge turns in to a slow stroke through your boxers
  357. >Dash: "Wh-What are you doing?"
  358. >Rarity: "Oh nothing..."
  359. >She slides her foot under your waistband and pulls it down enough for your penis to come out. As much as you hate to admit it, shes got some skill
  360. >Rarity: "Well Dash, ready to take over?"
  361. >Dash: "Take over what?"
  362. >Rarity giggles, then continues stroking you with her little covered feet. You wish you could say you weren't enjoying it, but her stockings are just too soft to not like it. Not to mention she's got some real skill
  363. >Rarity: "Come on Dash, jump in, he's getting my socks really dirty"
  364. >Rarity pulls Dash between her legs, the way you did earlier
  365. >Rarity: "Just do what I'm doing, it's really simple"
  366. >Dash: "... you sure?"
  367. >Rarity: "Trust me. Anon sure seems to be enjoying it, doesn't he?"
  368. >Dash: "Well Anon, are you enjoying it?"
  369. >If you say you are, Dash would get jealous. But if you say you're not, Dash won't join in...
  370. "I'd enjoy it a lot more if you'd join"
  371. >Smooth bro. Smooth
  372. >Dash: "So... just like you're doing?"
  373. >Rarity: "Uh-huh, just the same"
  374. >Rarity holds still so Dash can get her feet in a good position above Rarity's. Since she's not wearing socks, her skin is warm to the touch. Once Dash starts moving, Rarity begins moving hers just under Dash's
  375. >Rarity: "Well? How is it?"
  376. "... a lot better"
  377. >Rarity: "See Dash? Told you he'd like it"
  378. >Rarity sure seems to be enjoying this more than you are
  379. >When Dash starts to move her feet faster, Rarity pulls hers away
  380. >Rarity: "Don't stop Dash, I have something else planned"
  381. >Dash: "Something else?"
  382. >Rarity: "Don't worry, you'll like it-"
  383. >Dash: "H-Hey! What are you doing?"
  384. >Rarity's hand found it's way between Dash's legs
  385. >Rarity: "Well, your body doesn't seem to mind"
  386. "It must be her feet, she likes having them touched-"
  387. >Dash: "Anon!"
  388. >You and Rarity both find her embarrassment amusing. Rarity's fingers find their way under Dash's panties, despite the way she tried to cover it up. Dash's feet tremble with excitement, but don't stop moving. On the contrary, as they get more slippery with your precum she moves faster
  389. >Rarity: "You know Dash, maybe you should consider shaving. Anon might love it-"
  390. "-You don't have to Dash, it's okay"
  391. >Hey, some things shouldn't be messed with
  392. >Dash starts to quietly moan, and she actually gasps out your name
  393. >Rarity: "Really Dashie? After all I'M doing for you here, you say his, not mine?"
  394. >Rarity pulls her fingers out
  395. >Dash: "Please... keep going Rarity"
  396. >Rarity: "I don't know..."
  397. >She sits up on the back of the couch and puts her leg out, her foot right in front of Rainbow Dash
  398. >Rarity: "Maybe once you've cleaned me up. He is your boyfriend, so he's YOUR responsibility
  399. >There's no way Dash would let herself be degraded like that-
  400. >She does it. She actually starts licking the precum off Rarity's stockings. It's actually kind of hot to watch, in a weird kind of way. Once Rarity's feet are all clean, she takes a seat behind Rainbow Dash
  401. >Rarity: "You ready Dash?"
  402. >Dash: "Yeah"
  403. >Rarity: "How about you Anon?"
  404. "Ready for what?"
  405. >Rarity pushes Dash forward, on top of you
  406. >Rarity: "Do I really have to explain it?"
  407. >Rarity grabs the base of your member and holds it straight up. Dash slowly slides down on you, apparently too slow for Rarity's taste. She grabs Dash's ass and forcefully pushes her hips down. When her body slams against you, Dash let's out a high pitched squeak. Rarity can't help but giggle
  408. >Dash's hips bounce up and down on your dick, her pussy gently squeezing on you. You thrust against her to match her movements. Rarity's gets behind Dash and starts sucking on her own middle finger. She pulls it out of her mouth leaving as much saliva as possible on it
  409. >Rarity: "Hold still for a second"
  410. >She firmly grabs hold of Dash's butt again
  411. >Dash: "Why, what are you-AAh! HEY!
  412. >Whatever she did, it made Dash clench down tightly
  413. >Rarity: "Go ahead Anon, continue moving"
  414. >You resume thrusting your hips against her
  415. >Dash: "Can you not do that!"
  416. "Me?"
  417. >Dash: "Not you, her!"
  418. >Rarity: "Sorry, but it's fun"
  419. >Dash: "Then... can you at least be more gentle?"
  420. >Rarity: "Hmm... nope"
  421. "Mind telling me what's going on back there?"
  422. >Rarity: "Feel this?"
  423. >Something wiggles around inside her, you can feel it against your cock
  424. >Rarity: "That's me"
  425. "Wait, is your finger inside her-"
  426. >Rarity: "-Yup. I admit it's probably not the most clean, but it's not that bad..."
  427. >She gives you a wink
  428. Rarity: "... you should try it some time"
  429. >Dash: G-God damn you Rarity..."
  430. >Once Dash gets used to the movement in her other end, her hips begin bouncing. Her pussy clenches like it never wants to let go. Rarity's finger from the other end feels as though it's stroking you, gently massaging your dick with her body
  431. >Rarity: "You okay there Anon?"
  432. "Almost... there"
  433. >Rarity: "Thought so... Dash pull out"
  434. >What, now?
  435. >Much to your dismay, Dash does as she says. Rarity gets off the couch and kneels down next to you. When she begins stroking you, Dash joins her
  436. >Rarity: "Sorry darling, but we don't want any accidents now do we"
  437. >Dash's hand moves quickly, Rarity struggling to keep up
  438. >So close... so damn close
  439. >Dash: "Come on Anon... let it out"
  440. >Rarity: "You heard her, don't keep us waiting"
  441. >They must have good timing. Either that, or they felt your cock throbbing in their soft, tiny hands
  442. >There's no time to give them a heads up... the moment just kind of sneaks up on you, as you blow your load all over their faces
  443. >Dash blushes with a slight smile, happy to have satisfied you. Rarity wipes her face clean, a smile not so sweet, but more lewd
  444. >Rarity: "Normally I'd prefer it less messy, but I suppose it couldn't be helped"
  445. >Dash lays back on the couch, panting and gasping
  446. >Dash: "Hey... Rarity..."
  447. >Rarity: "Yes Dash-"
  448. >She grabs Rarity and pulls her up on the couch
  449. >Rarity: "H-Hey! What are you doing?"
  450. >Dash brings Rarity down on top of her so that they're facing each other. Both her arms and legs wrapped around Rarity's body to hold her down
  451. >Dash: "I'm getting revenge"
  452. >Rarity: "What's that supposed to mean-?"
  453. >Dash: "-Go ahead Anon. Maybe you can use that other hole like she suggested"
  454. >Rarity: "H-He would never... right Anon?"
  455. >Would you, Anon?
  456. "It's like you said, I shouldn't keep you two waiting"
  458. >Later that night
  459. >Things are going to be awkward for a while between you and Rarity. But hey... at least you didn't disappoint
  460. >Just before bed you got a text from Pinkie
  462. >... Rarity is a horrible gossip
  464. >Monday... finally Monday
  465. >You've never prepared for school so excitedly
  467. >Something's different about the front of the school. Something really different. Something wrong...
  468. >Dash is out front waiting for you. And you even got her earlier than usual
  469. >That's just wrong... really wrong
  470. >... it may just be the fact that she's here early, but there's something different about her today
  471. "You're here early-"
  472. >Dash: "-Huh!?"
  473. >She jumps at the sound of your voice
  474. "You okay?"
  475. >Dash: "I'm fine"
  476. "Why'd you come so early"
  477. >Dash: "Well, why not?"
  478. "What kind of answer is that?"
  479. >Dash: "The kind you'd give"
  480. >Damn son
  481. >Dash: "Come on, let's go"
  482. >She takes your hand and leads you inside
  483. >... *sniff sniff*
  484. >She smells sweet... really sweet
  485. "Dash are you wearing perfume?"
  486. >Dash: "Yeah, I thought it'd be nice... do you like it?"
  487. "Maybe"
  488. >You fucking love it... but that's not what's different
  490. >You have a good twenty minutes before class even start
  491. >Dash laughs when you suggest hanging out in the library. But there's really nowhere else to go in the morning, so she comes along
  493. >You look around the library for something interesting to pick up while you wait for class. Of course, it's a high school library, so there's really only three kinds of books here
  494. >There's the section for teen romance novels, a section for teen dystopian novels, and a section for dictionaries and stuff
  495. >... just find a quiet place to sit and hang out
  496. >Somewhere upstairs there's a makeshift bed made out old dusty books. Seems like a nice quiet place... but seriously, the janitor needs to do a better job of keeping the homeless people off campus
  497. >You sit on the "bed", leaning back against the book shelf. Dash lays down and rests her head in your lap. Her eyes slowly drift closed like she's falling asleep, which isn't surprising. She'd probably be just waking up at this time of day
  498. >You silently stare at her sleeping face, stroking her hair like a creep. It's hard to not be a creep with a face as cute as hers
  499. >Her face... is she wearing makeup?
  500. >Rather than wake her up, you let her get her rest. She probably needs it
  501. >But still, between the makeup and perfume, it's not like her. Either that, or her soft side is a lot softer than you realize
  503. >*RIIIIIING*
  504. "Hey Dash... Dash. The bell rang, time to go"
  505. >No response, so you give her a shake
  506. "Dash, come on, we're going to be late"
  507. >She just groans and rolls over onto her side. She really is a heavy sleeper
  508. "... Is someone making pancakes-?"
  509. >Dash: "-Hmm? Pancakes?"
  510. >That actually worked. She slowly crawls up, rubbing her eyes
  511. >Dash: "Did you say someone has pancakes?"
  512. "Yeah, they're in your next class"
  513. >Dash is not amused. You did it for her own good
  515. >On your way to biology, guess who steps out with his two friends
  516. "... so how was your vacation?"
  517. >Flash: "Cut the crap Anon. And consider yourself lucky, they rearranged my schedule to keep us apart as much as possible"
  518. "I doubt that'll work"
  519. >Flash: "Well it better, I'd be happy to never see your damn face again"
  520. >Instead of stepping around you, like he easily could have, he pushes you aside as hard as he can. He and his friends walk down the hall, never to be seen in your class again
  521. >Though whether or not he stays out of your life is entirely up to him
  522. >Now that he's out of your hair, this class should get a million times better
  523. >And then Rarity walks in... and this class got a million times worse
  524. >The two of you hadn't really talked since Thursday either... you know, the day you and your girlfriend had a three-way with her ? Who would have thought that could EVER turn out awkward?
  525. >She takes her seat, actively avoiding eye contact. Realizing that the silence only makes things more awkward, the two of you try to strike up a conversation
  526. >Rarity: "... I see Flash isn't here today"
  527. "Yeah, he switched classes"
  528. >Rarity: "Huh. That's probably for the best
  529. "Yeah, probably. So anyways... how you been?"
  530. >Rarity: "Good, good... I can finally sit down again"
  531. "..."
  532. >Rarity: "...I take we're not-"
  533. "-We're not talking about it"
  534. >Rarity: "Gotcha...but before we start not talking about it can I just ask one thing?"
  535. "Sure"
  536. >Rarity: "How does Rainbow Dash feel about all of it?"
  537. "What do you mean?"
  538. >Rarity: "Well, she hasn't really talked to me since then, I was wondering if you have"
  539. "Yeah, I saw her this morning"
  540. >Rarity: "And how was she?"
  541. "She's fine. Same as always"
  542. >Rarity: "So she's not... bothered by it?"
  543. "Bothered?"
  544. >Rarity: "I'm sure I'm just over thinking it, but maybe she feels we went just a little... too far"
  545. "If so, she hasn't said anything to me about it"
  546. >Rarity: "Okay... just wondering"
  547. "Tell you what, I''ll let you know if she says anything"
  548. >Rarity: "Thanks, that makes me feel much better"
  549. "No problem. So now... let's not talk about it"
  550. >You're sure Dash is fine with it. It was kind of her idea... still. You should make sure
  552. >Dash is already waiting for you and Rarity when class is over. Again, earlier than usual
  553. >Dash: "Oh, hey Rarity, how have you been?
  554. >Rarity: "You know, there's something different about you"
  555. >She noticed too
  556. >Dash: "Yeah, I thought I'd try-"
  557. >Rarity: "-You put makeup on!"
  558. >Rarity sounds so proud, like a mother handing down her wedding dress to her daughter
  559. >Rarity: "See Dash! I told you it wouldn't kill you to take a little more care of yourself, and you look absolutely gorgeous!"
  560. >Dash: "Thanks-"
  561. >Rarity: "-Though if I may point out that you COULD use a little more blush on your left cheek, and without mascara you may as well be naked-"
  562. >Dash: "-Well I-"
  563. >Rarity: "-So what made you change your mind after all these years-?"
  564. >Dash: "-Anon, save me here"
  565. >You wedge yourself between the two of them
  566. "Look, we can all agree Dash looks beautiful, but there's more important matters to attend to. Like lunch"
  567. >Dash: "I'm with Anon here"
  568. >Rarity: "... alright fine. But today after school, you're mine"
  569. >Dash: "Fine, but right now I'm starving, so let's go"
  570. >Dash takes your hand and leads you, well, more like forcefully pulls you, to the cafeteria. She must REALLY be hungry. On your way there, you run into Vice Principal Luna. Today's just been one awkward encounter after another
  571. >Luna: "Welcome back. We're glad we ran into you now, we have something to discuss. Come with us to our office"
  572. >Dash: "Now? But it's lunch-"
  573. >Luna: "Now."
  574. >... sometimes you need to just accept that there's no way out
  576. >She takes you back to her cold, dark, office
  577. >Luna: "To start off, we rearranged some schedules to avoid any further conflict between you"
  578. "I know, Flash already told-"
  579. >Luna: "-Don't interrupt us. Now, as I'm sure you're both aware, there was extensive damage to the cafeteria after the fight, most of which has yet to be fixed. From now on, the two of you will be joining the janitor for an hour after school assisting him with repairs"
  580. "For how long?"
  581. >Luna: "Until it's done"
  582. >You used to watch Bob the Builder when you were a kid. Maybe you can use that knowledge to help you finish faster
  583. >Just imagine...
  585. >Janitor: "Anonymous, can you fix it?"
  586. "No it's fucked."
  588. >... never mind
  589. "I'm not sure we have the skills necessary to be of any help"
  590. >Luna: "He'll teach you"
  591. >Dash: "Will Flash be working with us as well?"
  592. >Luna: "No, he and his friends have their own assignment, though we assure you they are working just as hard as you two"
  593. >They fucking better
  594. >Luna: "One more thing, and then we dismiss you"
  595. "Yes?"
  596. >Luna: "I'm sure you can agree with us in saying that another situation like this will be unacceptable. And that our precautions are both necessary and reasonable"
  597. "What precautions?"
  599. >Great, now you'll be constantly looking over your shoulder until you graduate
  600. >Cops. Fucking Cops. Thanks to you and Flash, there's going to be at least one on-duty officer on campus at all times. AT LEAST one
  601. >Congratulations: CHS is now the ghetto school
  603. >On your way to the cafeteria, Dash stops you
  604. >Dash: "Hold on a sec, I need to ask you something"
  605. "What's the matter, I thought you were hungry?"
  606. >Dash: "I am, but... "
  607. "But?"
  608. >Dash: "You have class with Rarity, right?"
  609. "Yeah"
  610. >Dash: "Has she said anything about... you know, Thursday?"
  611. "Anything... like what?"
  612. >Dash: "Just anything"
  613. "Kinda, we both agreed to not talk about it"
  614. >Dash: "Okay... just wondering"
  615. "Why? What's this about"
  616. >Dash: "It's nothing, don't worry about-"
  617. "-You know you're not a very good liar. Now tell me what's on your mind"
  618. >Dash: "... I've been thinking"
  619. "About?"
  620. >Dash: "You know... what we did. Did you enjoy it?"
  621. "... I suppose"
  622. >There really is no good answer to that
  623. >Dash: "And, you enjoyed... m-me, right?"
  624. "What do you mean by that?"
  625. >Dash: "I mean..."
  626. >She stuffs her hands in her pockets and starts aimlessly kicking her feet at the ground
  627. >Dash: "Let's just say that... if you had to choose between me and Rarity-"
  628. "I'd choose you"
  629. >Dash: "... thanks, I needed to hear that"
  630. >She gently kisses your cheek. She starts to walk away but you grab hold of her hand
  631. "Hold on a sec. You didn't really think I'd choose her over you did I?"
  632. >Dash: "Well no, of course not. But I just... I had to make sure"
  633. "Well, you don't ever have to worry about that..."
  634. >You give her a punch in the arm, something that has grown to be meaningful between you two
  635. "... she's not nearly as awesome as you are"
  636. >You got her to smile. A real, honest smile. The kind of smile when someone's actually feeling good about their self
  637. >Dash: "Y-Yeah, I am pretty awesome aren't I?"
  638. "Come on, let's forget about this and go to lunch"
  640. >Jesus, the cafeteria is a mess. Several tables must have broken in the fight, probably by Vlad, because a lot of the tables that are out are crowded. The window, broken by Vlad, was sloppily covered with wooden boards. The floor is covered in cracks and scratches, as if someone, Vlad, had been running around in with combat boots and throwing heavy stuff around
  641. >Surprisingly with all the overcrowded tables, yours was still occupied only by your usual friends
  642. >You and Dash approach the table
  643. "Hey guys, what's-"
  644. >Pinkie: "-You guys got suspended again?!"
  645. >You're back for one day and already she aint right
  646. "I literally have no idea what you're talking about"
  647. >Pinkie: "Rarity said that Luna called her security pigs to drag you off campus"
  648. >Rarity: "All I said was 'Luna took you to her office', I didn't say any of that"
  649. >Pinkie: "No, but you implied it"
  650. >Rarity: "You don't seriously believe her do you?"
  651. "Well... on the one hand Pinkie is... well, she's Pinkie. On the other hand you are a terrible gossip. So I'm not sure"
  652. >Rarity: "I'm not that bad, am I?"
  653. >Pinkie: "You told me about last Thursday. If that wasn't private, I don't know what is"
  654. >Dash: "You told her?"
  655. >Rarity: "I... may have mentioned it-"
  656. >Pinkie: "She mentioned all of it..." Pinkie leans across the table and whispers, "every... dirty... detail"
  657. "Okay, well just to be clear- "
  658. >Rarity: "-No Anon-"
  659. "-the anal thing was ALL HER idea"
  660. >Pinkie: "... anal thing?"
  661. >Rarity: "This is your fault"
  662. "What is?"
  663. >Pinkie: "All she mentioned was that you guys 'fooled around a bit'. So what's all this about anal now?"
  664. >...
  666. >Dash: "Well, you might as go ahead"
  667. "..."
  668. >Rarity: "Don't look at me, this one's on you Anon"
  669. >They make you explain all the details of Thursday, a lewd smile growing on Pinkie's face
  670. >Dash and Rarity won't even look in your general direction
  671. >Thanks to your own big mouth, you're forced to tell the story of last Thursday
  672. >To the three of you that were there, it was long and awkward. To Pinkie, it was the best story ever, and she refused to let you leave out any little details. She wanted specifics
  673. >Pinkie: "So wait, who was on top?"
  674. >Pinkie: "How loud was she?"
  675. >Pinkie: "Was it easy? Or did she give up a lot of resistance?
  676. >It's like she was transcribing your story for some erotic friendfiction
  678. >You're just about to come to the end of your story
  679. >Pinkie: "So she actually started saying your name?"
  680. "Yeah. Anyways, it wasn't even that long, maybe-"
  681. >Pinkie: "-Was it THAT good Rarity?"
  682. >Rarity: "I guess, I don't really remember-"
  683. >Pinkie: "-What about you Anon? How was it?"
  684. >Out of the corner of your eye you catch Dash glancing at you, anticipating your answer
  685. "... It was okay, I guess"
  686. >That answer seems good enough for her
  687. "Now as I was saying, it was probably only a few minutes before her grandpa came back"
  688. >Pinkie: "Her grandpa caught you?"
  689. "He didn't catch us, we just heard him come in the door. We got dressed before he came in the room, but he probably knew"
  690. >Pinkie: "How do you know?"
  691. "He was complaining how the room smelled 'like a hundred pounds of pussy and ass' "
  692. >Dash: "He says that about everything when he's drunk"
  693. "But when he did come in the room, guess who was with him"
  694. >Pinkie: "Who?"
  695. "Remember the big Russian guy from the fight, Vlad? Apparently they met in the war, and they still meet up from time to time-"
  696. >*RIIIING*
  697. >Thank god, time for class
  698. >If only it could have rung five minutes ago
  699. >You and Dash hurry out
  700. >Pinkie: "Wait, Anon, did you finish?"
  701. "Yup, that's it. That's all that happened"
  702. >Pinkie: "That's not what I mean"
  703. "Then what do you mean"
  704. >She grabs your arm and pulls you closer. Dash, holding tightly onto your hand, got pulled with you
  705. >Pinkie: "I mean..." She glances around as if making sure no one is listening. Then with her snorty giggle, she whispers "...did you finish in Rarity-?"
  706. "-Of course not!"
  707. >Pinkie is seriously disappointed. Dash on the other hand seems relieved
  708. >Pinkie: "You sure about that Anon? Cause I can tell when-"
  709. >Rarity: "-Come on Pinkie, you don't want to be late again"
  710. >She grabs Pinkie's shoulder from behind and pulls her away. Dash pulls you in the opposite direction
  711. >Dash: "Come on, we should get going too"
  712. >Before heading off to class, you and Rarity take a quick glance at each other
  713. >Her stare speaking for itself
  714. >"I saved your ass back there"
  715. >Everything that happened when Dash's grandpa came back happened so fast only she and you really know that you just lied to Pinkie
  717. >History class
  718. >As usual, you and Dash take your seats in the back. As usual, she "forgot" her textbook. And as usual, she pushes her desk right next to yours
  719. >Yup, everything is back to normal
  720. >...
  721. >And just as usual, this class is boring as hell
  722. >You get a little nudge in your side
  723. >Dash: "Hey Anon, cover for me"
  724. "For what?"
  725. >She props the book up, then lays her head down
  726. >Dash: "If he calls on me just wake me up"
  727. "I'm making no promises"
  728. >With a heavy sleeper like her, good luck...
  730. "... pancakes"
  731. >Dash: "Huh?"
  732. >She springs up awake
  733. >Dash: "What'd I miss?"
  734. "Everything, class is over"
  735. >Dash: "Really? That went by fast"
  736. >Not for the person who was awake for it
  738. >You walk in to English class and take your seat next to Pinkie
  739. >... scratch that, Pinkie's not here
  740. >Part of you is curious about where she is, but most of you is glad she's out of your hair for now
  741. >Class carries on without any interruptions
  742. >*BZZZ BZZZ*
  743. >Well, almost without interruptions
  745. >It's just a text from Pinkie, and the lack of obnoxiously complicated emoticons tells you it's strictly business... and we all know what that means with her
  747. >You head to the men's restroom outside the cafeteria, and Pinkie is waiting for you inside. With how often she calls you here, it makes you wonder if she's ever been caught in here
  748. "So what's this all about, Pinkie?"
  749. >Pinkie: "Just some old friends-"
  750. "I told you the whole story already, there's nothing else-"
  751. >Pinkie: "Not them"
  752. >From behind Pinkie, out steps Snips and Snails from two adjacent stalls
  753. >You never thought you'd see their faces again
  754. "So do we have business with them or are we just going to kick their asses and leave it at that?"
  755. >Pinkie: "Maybe a little of both"
  756. >They both flinch at that comment
  757. >Pinkie: "Go on, tell him"
  758. >They step forward
  759. >Snips: "Flash paid us lock the doors on you-"
  760. "-I could have told you that"
  761. >Pinkie: "There's more. Keep going"
  762. >Snips: "..."
  763. >Snails: "..."
  764. >When neither of them respond, she smacks both of them in the back of their heads
  765. >Pinkie: "Do I have to remind you why we're here again?"
  766. >They both reach in their pockets, taking out five dollars each. They both hand it over to you
  767. >Pinkie: "Alright, now get out of here, both of you"
  768. >They run out of the bathroom in a hurry
  769. "Hey Pinkie... did we just rob them?"
  770. >Pinkie: "Don't think of it as a robbery... think of it as a 'refund for an unsatisfying service' "
  771. >Fair enough
  772. "Well anyways, I should probably head back to class, you coming?"
  773. >Pinkie: "I would, but I've got another meeting planned"
  774. >She backs into another stall and closes the door
  775. >Sometimes you wonder what goes on in her brain
  777. >Gym class
  778. >You consider turning over a new leaf after being suspended. Maybe you should start participating in gym. It could be good for you
  779. >...
  780. >Five minutes into class you take your seat on the bleachers after "accidentally" getting hit in the face with a stray basketball
  781. >Yup, things are finally back to normal
  783. >After gym, you begin heading home
  784. >Dash: "Hey wait, where are you going?"
  785. "Home, where else?"
  786. >Dash: "How about the cafeteria? Remember? We have work to do"
  787. >... you were honestly hoping she'd forgotten
  789. >The doors are open but the cafeteria is empty
  790. >Dash: "... she did tell us to meet the janitor here, right?"
  791. "Pretty sure"
  792. >Dash: "Maybe he's just running late"
  793. "Or maybe he's just lazy, like every other janitor in the world"
  794. >Assuming it will be a while before he shows you take a seat at one of the tables-
  795. >*CRASH*
  796. >The seat collapses beneath you
  797. >"Or maybe you shouldn't be so negative towards a janitor you've never even met before"
  798. >Dash: "Anon! You okay?"
  799. "Yeah, I'm fine"
  800. >No you're not, that actually hurt
  801. >Janitor: "So you two are the ones who trashed the cafeteria? I've got a few words I'd like to say to you..."
  802. >He walks over to you as you struggle to get up, a sour expression on his face. Just as you've mentally prepared yourself for another fight, he takes your hand and helps you up
  803. >Janitor: "... you could have done a LOT better"
  804. >Wut?
  805. >Janitor: "So you broke a window and left a few scratches on the floor, not bad. I admire the effort. But THAT..."
  806. >He motions towards the broken seat behind you
  807. >Janitor: "... now that was entertaining, AND destructive"
  808. "Wait, so YOU did this?"
  809. >Janitor: "Not me, my apprentice"
  810. "A janitor's apprentice? Who the hell would-"
  811. >Pinkie: "-Hi Nonny!"
  812. >Again, wut?
  813. >The janitor sits at a a table, and Pinkie sits next to him
  814. >Janitor: "The repairs can wait. Come on, take a seat"
  815. >Naturally you're skeptical
  816. >Janitor: "Relax, I only rigged the one seat"
  817. >... after thinking it over, you sit on the bench across the table from him
  818. >*CRASH*
  819. >Janitor: "Okay, and maybe one other"
  820. >You wince in pain
  821. "Wh-What the hell kind of janitor are you?"
  822. >Janitor: "There's a reason they call me Discord' "
  823. >So where did Pinkie get all her knowledge about vandalizing school property? And how does she seem to have access to places in the school no one else does to set up her pranks? And why does she never get in trouble for anything?
  824. >Because the janitor, this Discord guy, makes it all possible
  825. >He pulls a bench away from another table for you to sit. You let Dash take a seat first this time. Once it's proven safe, you sit next to her
  826. >Discord: "Alright, lesson number one: That window. Celestia's been insisting on me fixing that first, apparently she doesn't like my work"
  827. >It's just a bunch of wooden boards sloppily nailed to the wall, not even painted to match the wall. He pulls out a nearly flat cardboard box and leans it against the wall
  828. >Discord: "Here's the replacement"
  829. "Okay... and how exactly do we get it in there?"
  830. >He tosses you a rolled up paper, the instructions
  831. "Are you at least going to help?"
  832. >Discord: "I could... but no. I'm just here to supervise"
  833. >Of course he's making you do all the work
  835. >After dropping it and nearly breaking a dozen times you finally got it in
  836. "What do you think Dash, does it look right?"
  837. >Dash: "I don' know.. I think so"
  838. >Pinkie: "Looks fine to me"
  839. >You look back, and notice the janitor is gone
  840. "Where'd Discord go?"
  841. >Pinkie: "He went out to get us sandwiches?"
  842. "All of us?"
  843. >Pinkie: "Just me and him"
  844. "What about us?"
  845. >Pinkie: "You didn't say you wanted anything"
  846. "You didn't tell us he was going"
  847. >Pinkie: "You didn't ask"
  848. "Well... the windows in, and he's gone so we'll probably get going-"
  849. >Discord: "-You're still supposed to be here for another half hour"
  850. >He comes back at just the wrong time
  852. >He keeps the two of you behind, having you fix all the benches that HE broke. You left one unrepaired, should make for a good laugh tomorrow at lunch
  853. >Once the works is done he finally let's you go, and Pinkie joins you
  854. >Pinkie: "You coming too, Discord"
  855. >Discord: "No no, I still got some work to do"
  856. >What the hell does he mean by that
  858. >Tuesday
  859. >Once gain, Dash is there before you, bright and early. And once again, she's gone and dolled herself up
  860. "Hi Dash, you're here early"
  861. >Dash: "So are you"
  862. >With nothing else to do, the two of you go to the library again
  864. >Just as you expected that makeshift bed is still there. The two of you hang out there just like the day before. She manages to stay awake this time
  865. >Dash: "So... is this what you do all morning? Just wait?"
  866. "Pretty much. I actually had World of Warcraft installed on one of the computers in here, I used to come in and play when the librarian wasn't around"
  867. >Dash: "World of what now?"
  868. "... Nothing, it was a long time ago"
  869. >Yeah, you used to play, but then something magical happened
  870. >You made REAL friends
  872. >You go through your first two classes, feeling more awkward than usual
  873. >That feeling when you think everyone is looking at you when you're back is turned, but no one really is... except they ARE all looking at you
  874. >It's like Rarity told you a week ago. There really are a lot of rumors going around
  876. >Biology was quite the scene
  877. >As soon as you take your seat, the whispers begin again
  878. >"... dude, ask him"
  879. >"no you ask him"
  880. >"no way he'll kill me"
  881. >"fine, if no one's gonna do it, I will"
  882. >You roll your eyes while still pretending not to notice
  883. >"... psst. Hey Anon, Rarity. Is it true?"
  884. "Is what true?"
  885. >"That you guys are in the mafia?"
  886. >You and Rarity exchange glances, already done with this shit
  887. >You ponder your options. On the good side, you can play along with it and convince everyone that you had the whole school in the palm of your hand. But on the bad side, you might... uhh...
  888. "And what if I said I was?"
  889. >Yeah, there is no bad side
  890. >"So then... you're friends with that big Russian guy from the-"
  891. >Rarity: "-You mean my dad?"
  892. >"That was your dad?"
  893. >Her dad?
  894. >Rarity: "Yeah, he watches over all of us, and all it takes is one phone call"
  895. >"... dude, he's in with the family. This is some Godfather type shit here"
  896. "The Godfather was Italian"
  897. >"But you ARE in with the family, right? Like, they got your back and stuff?"
  898. "You wanna find out?"
  899. >Reel it in, you can't go around executing everyone in the school... well, you technically COULD, Vlad's quite the fighter
  900. >But that doesn't mean you should
  901. >"So, if her dad's got your back, and you're in with her family..."
  902. "... Yes?"
  903. >"You two really-"
  904. >Teacher: "-Knock it off back there!"
  905. >They go silent
  906. >Damn teachers, always making you do work and stuff, like they think they run the place or something
  907. "... hey Rarity" you whisper
  908. >Rarity: "yeah?"
  909. "I thought Vlad was your uncle"
  910. >Rarity: "he is, but saying he's my dad sounds more threatening. especially when dealing with the Bratva"
  911. "the what-?"
  912. >Teacher: "-I said stop talking!"
  913. >Fucking teachers...
  914. >But still
  915. >Rarity making up bullshit... it fills you with pride
  917. >When class is over, the two of you are the last ones to linger out
  918. >Dash is there waiting for you
  919. >Dash: "What happened in class? Everyone looked so freaked out"
  920. "Well... let's just say that if anyone asks, you're in the mafia"
  921. >Dash: "The mafia?"
  922. "It's okay, we all are"
  924. >Walking into the cafeteria, the first thing you look for is the window you replaced. Seeing it fills you with a sense of pride
  925. >When the three of you head to the table, Pinkie is already waiting for you
  926. >Pinkie: "Hey guys, how's it going?"
  927. "Well, our new window is still in place, so I feel pretty-"
  928. >*CRASH*
  929. >Pinkie: "... told you to fix all of them"
  930. >Remember the one seat you didn't fix? The one you thought would make for a good laugh?
  931. >Yeah, you're not laughing
  932. "Was this your idea?"
  933. >Pinkie: "No, it was Discord's idea"
  934. "... that's it. He started a war-"
  935. >Discord: "-Are you sure you want to challenge ME to a prank war?"
  936. >He has a way of popping up completely out of nowhere
  937. >He actually fixed the seat for you. Suppose he could be a nice guy when he isn't pulling some kind of bullshit
  938. >... sounds a lot like Pinkie
  940. >Heading back to class after lunch
  941. >Dash: "... all I'm saying is, they DID tell us to fix all of them"
  942. "And all I'M saying is, I didn't think they'd actually get me with it"
  943. >Dash: "You're really not going to let it go, are you?"
  944. "Would you let it go, after falling for it three times-"
  945. >"Well, holy shit you're alive!"
  946. >A pair of arms comes out from behind, one swinging around your shoulders and the other around Dash's
  947. >Nurse: "Hate to say it, but I'm glad to see you two again, this school can get really boring"
  948. >She pulls the two of you towards her office
  949. "What about class?"
  950. >Nurse: "Since when were you above ditching class?"
  951. >... true
  952. >Might as well see what she's up to
  954. >She spends the whole walk back to her office complaining about how boring the job is without you two
  955. >When you do arrive she locks the door behind you
  956. >Nurse: "Sick of those damn cops popping in unannounced and telling me, 'you can't have alcohol on campus! you can't smoke on campus!' Yeah yeah, don't give me that"
  957. >You and Dash sit down on the bed, she takes a seat in her swivel chair
  958. >Nurse: "Alright, first thing's first, did you just come back today?"
  959. "No, we were here yesterday-"
  960. >*SMACK*
  961. "What the hell?"
  962. >Nurse: "That's for not stopping by. Couldn't spare two damn seconds to say 'hi, we're back, thanks for saving my ass with Luna' or something?"
  963. >She hit you, only you
  964. "You know Dash was here yesterday too?"
  965. >Not that you want her to get hit but still... why did you say it again?
  966. >Nurse: "Yeah, about her..."
  967. >She takes a rag and wets it, then wheels her chair over to Dash
  968. >Nurse: "... let's clean that gunk off"
  969. >She takes the rag and starts aggressively scrubbing Dash's face. When she's done she scoots back. Dash drys off her face, now clear of any makeup, with her shirt
  970. >Dash: "What was that for?"
  971. >Nurse: "You tell me. I've been seeing you since your freshman year and not once have I seen you with makeup. Whose idea was it to put that crap on?"
  972. >Dash: "Mine mostly, but Anon said I looked good-"
  973. >*SMACK*
  974. "... again, why do you only hit me?"
  975. >Nurse: "The first time was just fun. This time you deserved it"
  976. >She puts her arm around Dash's shoulder
  977. >Nurse: "Don't listen to him, you look perfect without that whore paint"
  978. "That's what I-"
  979. >Nurse: "-Don't make me hit you again"
  980. >Why did you come here again
  981. >Nurse: "Now stay there, I've got one last thing that's new around here..."
  982. >She wheels around to the front of the bed
  983. >Nurse: "... now this, I think you'll both like"
  984. >She grabs at something on the wall. As she scoots around the bed, the curtain hanging from the ceiling slowly draws out. She finishes pulling it behind herself so she's on the inside with the two of you
  985. >Nurse: "Celestia said that a privacy curtain helps kids feel more comfortable if they need to lie down for a while, but I figured you two would put it to better use"
  986. "And what's that supposed to mean?"
  987. >She moves to the other side
  988. >Nurse: "Just keep the noise down, I've got actual work to do"
  989. "... just to be clear, are you telling us we can-"
  990. >Nurse: "-ALL I'm saying is to keep the noise down, WHATEVER you do back there"
  991. >You and Dash sit in awkward silence until she whispers to you
  992. >Dash: "so Anon... should we, you know, do it?"
  993. "you sure?"
  994. >Dash: "I dunno, do you want to?"
  995. "kinda weird with her right there-"
  996. >Nurse: "Come on, just fuck already!"
  997. >Well... she DID say so
  998. >You lay back on the bed, and Dash, after dropping her shorts and stuffing them in her backpack, climbs on top of you
  999. >She lowers her face to yours and kisses you. Putting your arms around her, your hands find their way under her shirt. Given how cold it is in her office it's only natural that you feel small goosebumps raised on her back
  1000. >Her hand slowly reaches down and begins massaging your crotch through your pants...
  1001. >...
  1002. >....
  1003. >Dash: "you okay Anon?"
  1004. "yeah I'm fine"
  1005. >Come on little guy, wake up
  1006. >Dash: "you sure? it's okay if-"
  1007. "-I'm fine, just give it a minute"
  1008. >Admittedly this is a little awkward, even for you
  1009. >Nurse: "Need some help in there Anon?"
  1010. >She laughs like a crazy witch
  1011. "Sure, you wanna join in"
  1012. >You were just joking, but Dash still gave you a good punch in the shoulder
  1013. >Nurse: "Trust me kid, there's no way you could handle me, if you can't even get it up for your girlfriend-"
  1014. >Dash: "-Might wanna rethink that, nurse Redheart"
  1015. >Leave it to Dash to stick up for you
  1016. >And speaking of "sticking up"...
  1017. >Boner, you sneaky bastard. Perfect timing
  1018. >Now that little Anon's awake and had his morning coffee, she unzips your pants-
  1019. >Nurse: "-God, what's that smell?"
  1020. >Dash: "ignore her Anon"
  1021. >Dash whispered, you didn't
  1022. "Don't worry Dash, she's just jealous you're getting what she hasn't in years"
  1023. >You're pretty sure you heard a pencil break
  1024. >Bitch
  1025. >Once Dash is certain that she won't pull the curtain aside and kill you both, she reaches down your pants and frees little Anon. She straddles you, positioning it right between her legs and starts grinding on you
  1026. >Either she was wearing no panties or she took them off with her shorts, but you're betting on the former
  1027. >The more she does this, the wetter she gets. The wetter she gets, the faster she moves. The faster she moves, the heavier she breathes
  1028. >It might be her body, it might just be the movement, but you definitely feel hotter
  1029. "Dash..."
  1030. >You don't even have to say it. She knows exactly what you mean
  1031. >She lifts her hips up and holds your penis straight up
  1032. >She slowly drops her hips down, steadily enveloping you inch by inch. Once she's gone all the way to the base, sitting on top of you, she lets out a deep sigh
  1033. >Nurse: "That sounds like a disappointment sigh to me"
  1034. >She thinks she's so funny
  1035. >Sorry Dash
  1036. >Dash: "A-Ahh!"
  1037. >You suddenly thrust your hips up against her, nearly pushing her off. Her whole body twitched at the sudden movement, especially her insides
  1038. >Dash: "... do it again"
  1039. >You start thrusting against her, each movement met with a twitch off her body and a gasp of breath. Her gasps get louder and louder, to a point where they're more like moans than gasps
  1040. "That sound disappointing to you nurse?"
  1042. >Nurse: "No but that does, hold still"
  1043. >You halt
  1044. >She gets up and walks over to the door
  1045. >*CLICK*
  1046. >Nurse: "What do you want?"
  1047. >"Security Patrol, just here to make sure everything's okay"
  1048. >Shit. It's the school cop
  1049. >Nurse: "Yeah, everything's- Hey! What are you doing?"
  1050. >The cop's footsteps comes into the room
  1052. >Be Rainbow Dash
  1053. >Whatever Anon was just doing, it was amazing... until he stopped
  1054. >He's sitting still, but his thing is still throbbing inside you
  1055. >The nurse is out there yelling at someone, apparently one of the school cops
  1056. >Nurse: "Yeah, everything's- Hey! What are you doing?"
  1057. >Cop: "Well, your door was locked, I had to make sure nothing was going on in here"
  1058. >Sitting still like this is unbearable. Maybe...
  1059. >If you move just a little bit, you can be quiet
  1060. >You slide your hips forward... nothing
  1061. >Your whole body tingles, you clench down tightly on him, but ultimately not a sound
  1062. >You move back and forth a bit... still nothing
  1063. >The nurse carries on arguing with the cop
  1064. >Laying down on top of him, resting your head against his chest, you can feel his heart start to race
  1065. >That means he's enjoying it right?
  1066. >He likes it, right?
  1067. >He wants you to keep going, right?
  1068. >... you sure hope so, because you can't hold back any longer
  1070. >Be Anon again
  1071. >This girl is giving you a fucking heart attack
  1072. >The nurse is out there trying to talk the cop out of the room, and she just starts grinding on you
  1073. >Not that it's bad, but still... you're in a fucking panic
  1074. >Nurse: "Okay, you had your look around, now get out, I have a lot of work to do"
  1075. >Cop: "Hang on... is someone sleeping in there?"
  1076. >Dash, please stop
  1077. >... she doesn't stop
  1078. >Nurse: "Yeah, there is, that's why you need to leave before you wake him, he's really not feeling well"
  1079. >You don't really know how you're feeling
  1080. >On the one hand, Dash's insides are so hot, her wet pussy clinging tightly to you, her soft hands gently caressing your chest, her head nuzzling your shoulder. It's absolute ecstasy
  1081. >On the other hand, the cop is literally INCHES away, the only thing between you two and him is this curtain, and the nurse's will
  1083. >Be Nurse Redheart
  1084. >This shithead cop is starting to piss you off. But he IS technically still a cop, so there's not much you can do
  1085. >You're trying to get him out of here so he doesn't catch the two kids screwing in the bed-
  1086. >Shithead: "Hang on... is someone sleeping in there?"
  1088. "Yeah, there is, that's why you need to leave before you wake him, he's really not feeling well"
  1089. >Shithead: "Look, I just need to take a quick peek, make sure he's okay-"
  1090. "Yeah, he's okay, you're doing such a great job protecting the school, now get the hell out of my-"
  1091. >Shithead: "-Well I still need to check, okay, so just stand back"
  1092. >He pushes you aside
  1093. >.... cop or not, no one lays their fucking hands on you
  1094. >You grab shithead by the shoulder
  1096. >Be Anon
  1097. >Dash doesn't stop moving. The cop is coming closer. You say your prayers...
  1098. >Nurse: "If you EVER lay your hands on me again you better bring a fucking SWAT unit with you, got that!"
  1099. >Cop: "It's my job to-"
  1100. >Nurse: "No, YOU'RE job is to be out there trying to act like a big guy to intimidate a bunch of little kids, MY job is to take care of them, you know, actually do something"
  1101. >Cop: "If you-"
  1102. >Nurse: "If you have a problem, take it up with Luna, now get the fuck out of my office!"
  1103. >*SLAM*
  1104. >Whatever just happened, Dash doesn't seem distracted
  1105. >... Not even when Nurse Redheart pulls the curtain aside
  1106. >Nurse: "And THAT'S why I keep the door locked..."
  1107. >You try not to make eye contact with her as she stares, as if sizing you up
  1108. >Nurse: "... huh, I always knew you'd be a bottom. Anyways, have fun you two"
  1109. >She seems a little more delightful, like she just let out a lot from her system
  1110. >She closes the curtain, letting you two carry on in peace
  1111. >As much as you hate to admit it, that whole situation, putting you on edge... was kind of exciting
  1112. >At least it didn't throw you off at all, because Dash sure wasn't
  1113. >When you start thrusting your hips against her, it's like she lets out a wave of pleasure that she's been holding in. She tries not to moan out loud, but to no avail
  1114. >Nurse: "You know just because he's gone doesn't mean you can make all the noise you want"
  1115. "Trust me, when she gets going there's no controlling- mmH"
  1116. >She interrupted you, shoving her tongue down your throat. Her hips slam against yours, the wet slushing sounds of her insides drowned out by her moaning voice
  1117. >Admittedly you share her excitement, finding yourself coming close
  1118. >The kiss is broken but your tongues are still twirled together
  1119. >Dash: "... A-Anon... I'm about to..."
  1120. >The curtain slides back open
  1121. >Nurse: "This I GOTTA see!"
  1122. >It doesn't slow you down
  1123. >You pull Dash down and hold her tightly. You give her one big kiss. And with one final thrust, you finish inside her
  1124. >Nurse: "... damn..."
  1125. >She collapses on top of you, so you gently wrap your arms-
  1126. >*BANG BANG BANG*
  1127. >Nurse: "No time for that, get up"
  1128. >You quickly jump to your feet, pull your pants back up, then step on the other side of the privacy curtain, leaving Dash to lay in peace
  1129. >*CLICK*
  1130. >The door flies open, and in steps the cop with Vice Principal Luna
  1131. >Luna: "Tell us what's going on here. Now."
  1132. >You and the nurse both got your cool faces on
  1133. >Nurse: "Officer Asshole here came barging in, trying to wake up Dash after I specifically told him she wasn't feeling well"
  1134. >Luna: "We'll see that for ourselves"
  1135. >Luna pulls the curtain aside and touches Dash's forehead
  1136. >Luna: "She's burning up"
  1137. >Nurse: "Told you"
  1138. >Luna: "And what about you Anonymous, why are you here?"
  1139. "Just brought her her things"
  1140. >You point towards her backpack
  1141. >Luna: "... just make sure she gets her rest, she looks exhausted"
  1142. >She and the officer leave. You and the nurse flip them off behind the closed door
  1143. >She plops down in her chair and it nearly slides out from beneath her
  1144. >Nurse: "... you know I really should have stopped you from finishing inside her, right?"
  1145. "Yeah, probably"
  1146. >She reaches in the drawer and tosses you a box of pills
  1147. >Nurse: "Just make sure she takes these and you should be fine. Just don't let it happen again, I don't want to get a call one day asking me to appear on '16 and Pregnant' "
  1148. >You stuff the box in her backpack, then take a seat next to her
  1149. >Nurse: "I'll write you passes for your next class. Go on, relax"
  1150. >She pulls the curtain closed
  1151. >You lay down next to Dash, gently brushing the hair from her face
  1152. >Her eyes slowly drift open
  1153. >Dash: "Is... *yawn* ...is everything okay?"
  1154. "Yeah, everything's fine"
  1155. >She nestles her face into your shoulder
  1156. "you really do look much better without makeup"
  1157. >She says nothing... her smile is response enough
  1158. >As she slowly drifts off to sleep, you close your eyes and do the same
  1160. >Be Nurse Redheart
  1161. >You crack a window
  1162. >You light a cigarette
  1163. >You let out a deep sigh of relief
  1164. >Those kids really piss you off sometimes. They're sickeningly sweet, and sometimes just seeing them together makes you cringe... but damned if they're not two of the most endearing kids you've ever seen
  1165. >They really do make this job worth it
  1166. >... note to self: don't ever tell them that
  1167. >You tap off your cigarette in the makeshift ash tray in your desk drawer
  1168. >...
  1169. >Your free hand slowly slides up your skirt and between your legs, gently pressing your finger against the crotch of your panties
  1170. >God damn it Anon
  1171. >It really has been a while, hasn't it?
  1173. >...
  1174. >Nurse: "Hey, wake up"
  1175. >... ignore her
  1176. >Nurse: "Hey snugglefucks, I said wake up"
  1177. >The bed starts shaking, and not in a good way
  1178. >You slowly get up out of the bed
  1179. "What's going on?"
  1180. >Nurse: "What's going on is you've been sleeping all day"
  1181. >She crumples up a piece of paper and throws it at Dash
  1182. >Nurse: "Come on, you too, get out of here"
  1183. >Dash slowly picks herself up
  1184. >Dash: "mmh... *yawn* ...what time is it?"
  1185. >Nurse: "Time for you to go, I've got work to do. Sixth period JUST ended, so you should still have time to make it to your last class"
  1186. >Dash: "She's right, we should get going"
  1187. >Damn, two against one
  1188. >Before leaving, she takes her shorts out of her bag and puts them back on
  1189. >Dash: "... hey Anon, what are these?"
  1190. >She holds up the box of pills
  1191. "Redheart said to take them"
  1192. >Dash: "For what?"
  1193. >You hesitate, trying to think of a more discrete way of saying-
  1194. >Nurse: "-So you don't get your ass pregnant"
  1195. >... leave it to her to have more balls than you
  1196. >After getting your stuff, the two of you head to gym
  1198. >Changing in the locker room
  1199. >Once again, you find yourself surrounded by stares and whispers
  1200. >Seriously, damn this gossipy school
  1201. >The guy next to you in the locker room won't leave you alone
  1202. >"... hey Anon is it true?"
  1203. "Is what true?"
  1204. >"you know... that you're in with the mafia?"
  1205. "Yeah, sure"
  1206. >"... and is that other thing true?"
  1207. "What other thing?"
  1208. >"that you and Rainbow Dash are dating?"
  1209. "We've been dating for a wile now"
  1210. >"... and is that OTHER other thing true?"
  1211. >This asshole
  1212. "The hell are you talking about?"
  1213. >"that you and Rarity hooked up last week?"
  1214. "What'd you just say?"
  1215. >"I hear you and Rarity did it last week. is that true?"
  1216. "Who told you that?"
  1217. >He turns back to the rest off the guys
  1218. >He's not saying no!"
  1219. >"DAMN SON!"
  1221. >No
  1222. >All you had to say was no
  1224. >You wait in the gym trying to figure out who the hell talked
  1225. >On the one hand, Rarity IS a horrible gossip, but would she really do that to herself? On the other hand, Pinkie is a loudmouth, but if there's anything she can do it's keep a secret...
  1226. >Dash: "Hey Anon, what's up"
  1227. >You were zoned out when she shows up and sits next to you
  1228. >... there's no way it was her
  1229. >Dash: "Are you actually going to participate in class today?"
  1230. "Of course not"
  1231. >Dash: "Need me to get you hurt?"
  1232. "Nope, someone else will"
  1233. >Dash: "Who?"
  1235. >You take a seat on the bleachers, your eye sore from the basketball you took to the face. The guy who threw it is seated next to you
  1236. >The same guy who was pestering you in the locker room
  1237. >"Sorry man, didn't mean to do that"
  1238. >Of course he didn't, you jumped in front of the ball
  1239. "Don't worry about it, it's fine. But while you're here, how about you tell me who told you that rumor about me and Rarity?"
  1240. >Oh that? Nah man, don't worry about it, it's no big deal. Hell, if I tapped Rarity I'd be-"
  1241. "-Actually, I didn't. And it is a big deal, now who told you?"
  1242. >"I dunno man, why?"
  1243. >Realizing you're not getting through to him, you resort to your plan B
  1244. >You take out your phone, dial the number, turn on the speaker
  1245. >"Who are you calling?"
  1246. "One of my mafia contacts... Rarity's dad"
  1247. >Vlad's voice booms from the phone
  1249. "Now, you wanna talk to me, or to HIM?"
  1250. >This guy's about to crap himself
  1251. >"Alright alright, man, I'll tell you! Just, don't send your hitman on me!"
  1252. "... sorry Vlad. Wrong number"
  1254. >*CLICK*
  1255. "Now, tell me who told you"
  1256. >"Okay look, the thing is... I don't really know who it was"
  1257. "Are you kidding me-"
  1258. >"-but I kinda saw him. Well, I only saw his back, but he was running his mouth like a drunk Mexican, so I know what I heard"
  1259. "... go on"
  1260. >"I heard him talking about it the other day"
  1261. "And how did you know it was ME he was talking about?"
  1262. >"I heard someone mention your name"
  1263. "Who mentioned my name?!"
  1264. >"Rarity did!
  1265. "... Rarity did?"
  1266. >That gossipy bitch, you're honestly not surprised
  1267. >"Yeah, she was with him at the time, that's why I thought it was no secret. I think your girlfriend was with him too"
  1268. >Dash was there too?
  1269. "... when did all this happen?"
  1270. >"I think yesterday. At lunch"
  1271. >...
  1272. >Wasn't that the day Pinkie made you tell her wht happened?
  1273. >But there's no way that loud mouth he's talking about was you, right? It's just not possible, right? It HAD to be someone else... right?
  1274. "... how many people have you told?"
  1275. >"I dunno man, a lot-"
  1276. "Well don't. Got it?"
  1277. >"Why-"
  1278. "Because I said. And if anyone does ask, you tell them you made the whole thing up"
  1279. >"Alright alright, I got it... but just between you and me-"
  1280. "It didn't happen"
  1281. >The two of you don't speak another word until gym class is over
  1282. >What have you done, Anon
  1283. >What the hell have you done
  1284. >Dash: "Hey Anon, ready to work on the cafeteria today?
  1285. "... s-sure"
  1286. >What's a good way of telling your girlfriend that the whole school knows about your three-way, all thanks to you?
  1287. >The correct answer: don't
  1289. >Today, Discord has you buffing out the scratches on the floor
  1290. >It wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't come in wearing athletic cleats
  1291. >He really doesn't make this easy on you
  1292. >You try to avoid conversations with Dash, still trying to find a way to break the news
  1293. >Dash: "Okay, tell me what's going on, you've been out of it all afternoon"
  1294. >She's not letting that
  1295. "...you've been hearing all the rumors about us, right?"
  1296. >Dash: "All the talk about us and the mafia? I've been hearing it nonstop"
  1297. "Yeah... what about anything else?"
  1298. >Dash: "What do you mean 'anything else'?"
  1299. "I don't know, just anything?"
  1300. >Dash: "Not that I know of, did you hear something else?"
  1301. "Not really, just asking"
  1302. >You continue you work in silence
  1304. >After you're done for the day, the two of you head home. Well, at least as far as she'll let you go. When you reach the front doors of the school, she stops you
  1305. >Dash: "So when are you going to tell me what's really going on?"
  1306. "What do you mean?"
  1307. >She gets between the doors and you, not letting you pass
  1308. >Dash: "Look, something's on your mind, I can tell"
  1309. "There's really not, I'm just exhausted-"
  1310. >Dash: "-You're a terrible liar Anon, and I'm not letting you leave until you tell me what it is"
  1312. >Wednesday morning, she wasn't there like she has been
  1313. >The past two days you've been wondering why she would show up so early. It almost worried you that she was exhausting herself to see you in the morning
  1314. >But after what happened yesterday, you're worried as to why she's not here
  1315. >After you dropped the god damn bomb...
  1317. >Yesterday
  1318. >Dash: "I'm not letting you leave until you tell me what's going on"
  1319. >There's no way out of it
  1320. "Alright...there's been some talk"
  1321. >Dash: "About what?"
  1322. >...
  1323. >When you don't respond, she gets worried, taking your hand in comfort
  1324. >Dash: "Look, Anon, whatever it, just tell me. I'm listening"
  1325. >There's a reassuring sweetness to her voice, something you don't hear from her very often
  1326. "...okay. People have been talking... about last Thursday"
  1327. >Her face turns grave
  1328. >Dash: "... what about last Thursday?"
  1329. >She clearly knows but still wants to deny it
  1330. "About us. You, and me... and Rarity"
  1331. >Dash: "How did they find out? Did someone talk about it?"
  1332. "Sort of"
  1333. >Dash: "Who was it? I mean, for sure it wasn't it any of us, right?"
  1334. "..."
  1335. >Dash: "... Anon?"
  1336. >Dash: "You told!"
  1337. >Her hand tightens its grip on yours to bone-crushing levels
  1338. >Dash: "Why the hell would you tell someone!"
  1339. "I didn't-"
  1340. >Dash: "-Don't you know how weird this is for me!"
  1341. >Her hands start to quiver, and her eyes well up with tears. It's impossible to exactly read her expression, some mix of anger, embarrassment, and confusion
  1342. "Dash listen I can explain-"
  1343. >Dash: "You damn well better"
  1344. "I didn't actually tell anyone!"
  1345. >Dash: "Then what happened?"
  1346. "He just overheard me at lunch on Monday"
  1347. >Her hands stop shaking and her grip loosens
  1348. "Dash, I swear, I do get how you feel. I never would have told ANYONE consciously"
  1349. >Dash: "..."
  1350. "I didn't mean for this to happen, I just-"
  1351. >Dash: "-it's alright, I get it... Just... how many people know?"
  1352. "One guy told me, and he said he only told a few others. And don't worry, they'll probably forget about it by the end of the week, they always do. You know how this school is"
  1353. >They forgot about the issue with you getting pantsed in gym by Flash pretty quickly. There's always some new rumor going around
  1354. >Dash: "Yeah... you're probably right"
  1355. >You pull her into a hug
  1356. "So you're okay?"
  1357. >Dash: "Of course"
  1358. >Of course she's lying
  1360. >Despite what happened that day, you still decided to wait for her in front of the school the next morning
  1361. >While waiting, you notice an unfamiliar face in the crowd. Unlike everyone else's vibrant pastel clothing, this person is dressed in faded jeans and a dark hoodie, hood pulled up over their face
  1362. >Now would be a good time to head home before they start shooting
  1363. >Please walk past me please walk past me please walk past me please walks past-
  1364. >They come and stand right next to you
  1365. >Okay, whatever you do, just ignore the creepy guy-
  1366. "Uhh, can I help you?"
  1367. >... it's like you're trying to get shot
  1368. >"Anon, it's me"
  1369. >She lifts her head just enough for you to see the curl of her purple hair drooping over her pale face
  1370. "... Rarity? Why are you dressed like that?"
  1371. >Rarity: "Rainbow Dash told me about your conversation yesterday. Now the whole school knows about... us"
  1372. "I don't think the WHOLE school knows"
  1373. >Rarity: "Well still, I'd rather not be recognized until it all blows over"
  1374. "How are you going to avoid being recognized in class?"
  1375. >Rarity: "... not every plan can be perfect"
  1376. >Just then you notice Dash approaching, dressed as she always does, not just her clothes but without makeup
  1377. "See? Not even Dash is dressed as casually a you"
  1378. >Rarity: "Casually? These are actually designer jeans from-"
  1379. >Dash: "-Hey Rarity, what's up with the sloppy outfit?"
  1380. >Rarity: "... forget it. And while we're talking about appearances here, you're not wearing makeup"
  1381. >Dash: "Yeah, I figured I didn't really need it"
  1382. >She smiles at you
  1383. >Rarity: "... did I miss something here?"
  1384. "It's nothing. But since Dash is here that means we're pretty much late for class, so we should probably get-"
  1385. >*RIIIING*
  1386. >Good timing
  1387. >The three of you head in and start to go your separate ways
  1388. "Hey Dash..."
  1389. >She glances back to you
  1390. "... we good?"
  1391. >Dash: "Yeah. We're good"
  1392. >And so long as the rumor doesn't spread you'll stay that way
  1393. >Math class, your first class of the day
  1394. >Nothing interesting ever happens here. Probably because no one interesting is in your class-
  1395. >Scratch that...
  1396. >It's that guy from yesterday, the one who's been talking about the three-way. You've never noticed him before because you never had an issue with him
  1397. >Gabe. You caught his name when the teacher was checking attendance, Gabe Uttsex
  1398. >... honestly, not the worst name you've heard at this school
  1399. >He glances at you, before whispering to the guy next to him. The look of surprise on the other guy's face tells you enough
  1400. >They're talking about it
  1401. >Time to show this guy a quick lesson, remind him who you're dealing with... or at least, who KNOWS the guy he's dealing with
  1402. >You send a quick text message
  1404. >You go back to your regular, boring, everyday class
  1406. >...
  1407. >*CRASH*
  1408. >The door bursts open
  1409. >Teacher: "Who are you?! You can't be on-"
  1410. >The hulking intruder grabs the teacher by his collar, lifting him off the ground
  1411. >"Tell me where little man is!"
  1412. >You raise your hand
  1413. "Back here, Vlad"
  1414. >Vlad: "Little man! Been long since last time we meet!"
  1415. >He marches over to you, handing you a backpack that looks designed for a life-long hiking trip. Must be one of those tactical packs from his shop
  1416. >Vlad: "Tell Baby Rarity I say hello"
  1417. >He turns to leave but the teacher blocks the door
  1418. >...yup, you're about to witness a murder
  1419. >Teacher: "Hold up, you're not going anywhere until campus Security Patrol shows up!"
  1420. >Vlad lets out a hearty laugh
  1421. >Vlad: "I saw them! Little babies playing dress up, pretend police. It's cute"
  1422. >He pushes the teacher aside, throwing him off his feet
  1423. >You didn't see after he left the room, but it's safe to assume that he walked off campus uncontested
  1424. >... Gabe looks like he got the message
  1426. >Biology
  1427. >Rarity strolls in, looking different than before... more normal
  1428. >She changed into some frilly skirt with sparkly bedazzled trimming, and a matching blouse
  1429. "Looks like someone put their fancy pants back on. What happened to your plan?"
  1430. >Rarity: "You were right, it didn't work"
  1431. "Take it from me, the king of fuck ups, I knew it wouldn't. But where did you get that outfit?"
  1432. >Rarity: "I keep an emergency emergency change of clothes in my locker, you know, in case of a disaster"
  1433. "And what constitutes a disaster?"
  1434. >Rarity: "Like, if someone shows up wearing the same top as me. Or how sometimes your clothes look good in the light at home, but not so much here, you know?"
  1435. >No. You don't know
  1436. "Oh by the way, before I forget..."
  1437. >You hand Rarity the other backpack, the one from Vlad
  1438. "Here you go, just give it back to Vlad after school"
  1439. >Rarity: "Uhh..."
  1440. "What?"
  1441. >Rarity: "It doesn't really match this outfit...
  1442. "Seriously? It's not that big of a deal"
  1443. >Rarity: "You know what, you're right. I have a few other changes in my locker that just might work. I should be more like you sometimes Anon, always looking on the bright side"
  1444. >You've got to be kidding me
  1445. >Rarity: "So anyways, have you heard anything about... anything?"
  1446. "Not much..."
  1447. >Except for the one incident with Gabe, but that probably won't happen again
  1448. "... how about you?"
  1449. >Rarity: "Nothing. Nothing at all"
  1450. >Huh, maybe everything will be okay for once
  1452. >After class, the two of you meet with Dash and head to the cafeteria
  1453. >Everything seems calm. Everyone's minding their own business
  1454. >Dash and Rarity are content. Hell, Dash even seems happier
  1455. >For once, she says she's alright and you believe her
  1456. >You keep checking your back checking for eavesdroppers
  1457. >The table behind you seems rowdier than all the others but it's probably nothing
  1458. >Just Gabe having lunch with his friends
  1459. >... right?
  1460. There's a lot of commotion going on at the table behind you. You were looking back to make sure no one was listening in on your conversation, but you couldn't help but be curious. Especially considering that Gabe, the guy who "overheard" your conversation, is sitting there. You catch some parts of their conversation
  1461. >"... no way, are you serious?"
  1462. >"yeah man, he told me himself"
  1463. >"isn't he in a gang or something?"
  1464. >"nah, he's all talk, there's no way he-"
  1465. >Someone grabs your shoulder and shakes you
  1466. >Dash: "Hello? Anon, you in there?"
  1467. "Huh?"
  1468. >Dash: "You were completely zoned out there"
  1469. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about... you know, stuff"
  1470. >Not buying your answer, she looks back where you were looking
  1471. >Dash: "Alright tell me, who were you watching?"
  1472. "... the one sitting at the end, closer to us"
  1473. >Dash: "Who's he?"
  1474. "The guy who knows everything"
  1475. >Rarity jerks her head back, looking over her shoulder, and Pinkie leans over the table between you and Dash
  1476. >Dash: "Is he telling them?
  1477. "I don't think so"
  1478. >Rarity: "Didn't you say he wouldn't tell anyone?"
  1479. "Pretty sure, I made a hell of a show of it this morning"
  1480. >Rarity: "... you called Vlad, didn't you? That's where the backpack came from?"
  1481. "Well I had to do something"
  1482. >Pinkie: "I have no idea what's going on here"
  1483. "... none of you told her?"
  1484. >Dash: "Nu-uh, I thought you would have told her"
  1485. "I figured Rarity would have told her first of any of us"
  1486. >Rarity: "What's that supposed to mean?"
  1487. >Dash: "Well, you were kind of the one who told her in the first place"
  1488. >Pinkie: "And I still have no idea what's going on"
  1489. >Realizing this could go on all day, you stop everything to tell Pinkie
  1490. >Once again, they make you tell the story to Pinkie Pie
  1491. >Pinkie: "... so you're saying he knows about what happened?"
  1492. "Yup"
  1493. >Pinkie: "And he may or may not be spreading the rumor around the school"
  1494. "That's what I said"
  1495. >Pinkie: "And just so we're all clear here... this is entirely your fault, right Nonny?"
  1496. "Yea- wait, what?
  1497. >Rarity: "Yup"
  1498. >Dash: "Pretty much"
  1499. "It's not entirely MY-"
  1500. >Pinkie: "-Okay, we all agree, just making sure"
  1501. "But I- ... you know what, nevermind"
  1502. >The shit you put up with sometimes
  1504. >History class
  1505. >Halfway through class Luna's voice comes in over the speaker
  1507. >She couldn't just send a written note or something. No, she had to put you on the spot like that
  1508. >Dash: "Anon, what did you do this time?"
  1509. "Nothing"
  1510. >At least, not that you remember
  1512. >Luna: "Take a seat, we have a serious issue to discuss"
  1513. >She was more harsh than usual since you stepped into her office
  1514. >Then again you'd be too in her position, three days back from suspension and you already did... something
  1515. "What did I do this time-?"
  1516. >Your math teacher steps into the room
  1517. >Oh boy, it's this guy
  1518. >Teacher: "You know what you did! You brought in that big guy to interrupt my class!"
  1519. "Luna you can't really-"
  1520. >Luna: "-That's VICE PRINCIPAL Luna to you"
  1521. >Admit it, she's actually intimidating
  1522. "Right, sorry. But anyways, you can't really believe this"
  1523. >Luna: "Then YOU tell us what happened"
  1524. "Rar-... I broke my backpack earlier..."
  1525. >You'd rather not get her involved
  1526. "I just asked him to bring me a new one"
  1527. >She looks at you, clearly with disbelief
  1528. "I swear, that's all he did. He didn't break anything or kill anyone, he just brought me a back pack"
  1529. >... she still doesn't believe you
  1530. >Luna: "He should have dropped it off at the office"
  1531. "He didn't know he's Russian. I'm pretty sure they don't have schools there, so he doesn't get how it works"
  1532. >She lets out a long sigh, clearly done with your shit
  1533. >Luna: "Is that true?"
  1534. >Teacher: "Well, yeah I suppose"
  1535. >Luna: "... alright, here's what we'll do. We won't punish you for now Anonymous-"
  1536. >Teacher: "-Are you kidding? Someone broke into our campus! He made a mockery of our security officers! And most importantly, he disrupted my class, for both me and his peers! And you're just letting him get away with it?"
  1537. >Luna silently stares him down until his angry, confident stance breaks and cowers down
  1538. >Teacher: "... with all due respect, ma'am"
  1539. >Luna: "Are you finished"
  1540. >Teacher: "Y-Yes ma'am-"
  1541. >Luna: "-Good. Interrupt us again and you will be"
  1542. >... damn son
  1543. >Luna: "Now as we were saying, Anonymous, we won't punish you for now, but we don't want to hear another report like this again. If we find out that this intruder, this Russian friend of yours, is ever seen on campus again, you WILL be expelled, are we clear?"
  1544. "Yes"
  1545. >Luna: "Keep control of yourself Anonymous, you can't keep coming here every day, we do have work to do"
  1546. "Got it"
  1547. >Luna: "... dismissed. Both of you"
  1548. >You hold the door open for your teacher with a sarcastic "after you"
  1549. >Teacher: "Just because you're off the hook with HER, doesn't mean you're okay with ME. And you can expect a phone call to your parents today!"
  1550. "Go ahead, I'm sure they'd like to hear about this"
  1551. >Teacher: "Oh you bet they will!"
  1552. >He storms off, not aware that your "parent contact" that you gave to the school was the number of a payphone near your home. So many homeless people have answered claiming to be your parents that most teachers don't even bother anymore
  1554. >Dash is waiting for you right outside Luna's office
  1555. >Dash: "Well? Are you in trouble?"
  1556. "No, but I think Vlad is"
  1557. >After seeing her confused look, you explain
  1558. >Dash: "So... you're not getting sent home?"
  1559. "Nope, you're stuck with me for good"
  1560. >Dash: "Well I brought this just in case"
  1561. >She hands you your back pack, everything in it. You notice she has hers with her too
  1562. "So... technically neither of us have a need to go back to class"
  1564. >Dash: "You know, it's been so long that I almost forgot how good this vending machine food can be"
  1565. >The two of you laid back against the machine, her head resting on your shoulder. To get more comfortable, you kick your shoes off
  1566. >Dash: "... huh. Not a bad idea"
  1567. >She pulls her boots off
  1568. >Dash: "Just as long as you keep your pants on this time"
  1569. "Maybe"
  1570. >Dash: "... You wouldn't"
  1571. >Is she seriously doing this? Did she forget who you are?
  1572. "Is that a challenge?"
  1573. >Dash: "Go ahead, I'm not stopping you"
  1574. >You silently smile at her, waiting for your eyes to meet
  1575. >Without breaking eye contact, You slowly work the button of your pants. Despite trying to act cool, there's no missing that blush, nor her hand sneaking up your thigh
  1576. >You stop with your hand on your zipper
  1577. >Dash: "I-Is that all?"
  1578. "Depends, how far do you want to take this-?"
  1579. >"-Preferably nowhere"
  1580. >Nurse Redheart approaches from around the hall. You quickly try to cover up, but it's too late
  1581. >Nurse: "Or if you're going to, at least be discreet. Sneak into the bathroom, or an empty classroom. Hell, you might as well come back to my office"
  1582. "Should we be taking notes here?"
  1583. >Nurse: "You're going to do it anyways, I'm just looking out for you. Speaking of which, you shouldn't eat so much vending machine food, that crap'll kill you"
  1584. >She pushes you aside to get a soda from the drink machine
  1585. "I thought you said this'll kill you?"
  1586. >Nurse: "Screw it, I'll take my chances"
  1587. >She starts to walk away, but stops herself
  1588. >Nurse: "... oh by the way, I've been hearing some talk"
  1589. >...
  1590. >Shit
  1591. >Anyone but her
  1592. >You and Dash exchange glances, internally panicking
  1593. >Nurse: "... quit being a wuss, you can't rely on your Russian friend forever you know"
  1594. >With that, she walks off
  1595. >You and Dash let out a joint sigh of relief, as you rebutton your pants-
  1596. >Dash "-Anon, wait"
  1597. "What?"
  1598. >Dash: "Like she said... I think there's an empty classroom around here"
  1599. >Oh yeah
  1600. >It's business time
  1602. >Thursday morning
  1603. >You're waiting in front of the school for Dash as usual
  1604. >You check the time, the bell should ring soon
  1605. >And you're still waiting
  1606. >... *RIIIING*
  1607. >Well, you're not getting any later, so you continue waiting
  1608. >About five minutes after the bell, Dash comes running up
  1609. >Dash: "Sorry, I woke up late this morning"
  1610. "Don't you always?"
  1611. >She looks like she wants to say something, but is too tired to
  1613. >You were in no hurry to get to math class
  1614. >As you make your way down the hall, you hear a voice call out to you. It sounds familiar, but you can't quite put your finger on it
  1615. >"Hey you, stop!"
  1616. >From behind you approaches one of the campus Security Patrol guys... you know, the pretend cops
  1617. "What did I do?"
  1618. >Cop: "That's a good question, what DID you do?"
  1619. "Excuse me?"
  1620. >Cop: "You should be in class right now shouldn't you?"
  1621. "Yeah, I'm just on my way"
  1622. >Cop: "Actually you're going to have to come with me"
  1623. "Why, what did I do?"
  1624. >Cop: "You're looking suspicious, and I'm willing to bet that you're up to something"
  1625. >... wait a sec, this is the same cop that came into the nurse's office when you were doing it with Dash
  1626. "So what are you going to tell Luna? That you caught me... suspiciously going to class?"
  1627. >He grabs you by the shoulder
  1628. >Cop: "I'll tell her whatever I want, now come on"
  1629. >He directs you towards Luna's office
  1631. >When you get there you find that her office door is locked. The cop doesn't really know what to do
  1632. "Great, I'll just be going back now"
  1633. >Cop: "Oh no, you're not going anywhere"
  1634. "Am I supposed to wait here until she comes back?"
  1635. >Cop: "You'll wait as long as I say you'll wait!"
  1636. >"What is all the commotion out here?"
  1637. >Celestia steps out of her office, which is right next to Luna's
  1638. >Cop: "Glad to see you ma'am, I caught this delinquent trying to ditch class"
  1639. "I wasn't ditching, I was just-"
  1640. >Celestia: "Save it Anonymous, just come in"
  1641. >Celestia leads you into her office, telling the officer to wait outside, and slams the door behind you
  1642. "Listen, I wasn't actually ditching class, I showed up late. I was on my way to class when he stopped me"
  1643. >Celestia: "Don't worry, I know"
  1644. "You do?"
  1645. >Celestia: "Between you and me, he seems to make a big deal out of every little thing that goes on. Like he thinks he's back to his beat cop days"
  1646. >Yup, he's THAT guy, the one that even the other cops laugh at
  1647. >Celestia: "Now, we need to have a discussion about YOU, Anonymous"
  1648. "What about me?"
  1649. >Celestia: "About all the trouble you've been getting in lately"
  1650. "But I didn't do anything"
  1651. >Celestia: "Not this time, but I've seen you in my sister's office more often than anyone else lately, and if I were you I'd suggest keeping out of trouble"
  1652. "Aright, I got it"
  1653. >Celestia: "Remember, despite your suspension I convinced my sister to show some leniency, but if you get in any more trouble you will be banned from the upcoming dance"
  1654. "... the upcoming what now?"
  1656. >Rarity: "You didn't know, the Winter Ball is coming up in a few weeks"
  1657. >Dash: "Yeah, how can you NOT hear about it?"
  1658. >You need to find some guys to sit with at lunch
  1659. "Not really, I usually don't go to those"
  1660. >The girls all look around at each other like you're insane
  1661. >Dash: "Why not? It's a great time for friends to all hang out and have fun"
  1662. >Rarity: "And they always go all out with the decorations, it really is a beautiful night"
  1663. >Pinkie: "Not to mention it's really fun! Haven't you ever been, even once?"
  1664. "Nope, not once"
  1665. >Again, they look at you like you're insane
  1666. "Well, you guys have fun, I'll probably just-"
  1667. >Rarity: "Wait, you're not coming with us?"
  1668. "Should I?"
  1669. >Pinkie: "You totally should! Right, Dash?"
  1670. >Being put on the spot seems to confuse her
  1671. >Dash: "Well... I mean, he doesn't HAVE to, I was just thinking I might not end up going either-"
  1672. >Rarity: "What!?"
  1673. >Dash: "Yeah, I think I'm busy that night, I probably can't make it"
  1674. >The rest of lunch goes on as you'd expect, them begging Dash to change her mind
  1675. >... you SERIOUSLY need some guy friends to sit with
  1677. >History class
  1678. >As usual Dash is sitting right next to you
  1679. >Dash: "... so Anon, are you really not going?"
  1680. "Not going to what?"
  1681. >Dash: "You know, the Winter Ball?"
  1682. "Oh yeah, I probably won't. Why, did you want to go-"
  1683. >Dash: "N-No, its fine, they're usually pretty boring. I just go because Rarity drags me along"
  1684. >You know a lie when you see one
  1685. >Dash: "But... we can still hang out that night and do something else, right?"
  1686. >... something goes off in your brain. A little flag pops up. A little light bulb goes off
  1687. "Dash... do you want to go to the dance-"
  1688. >Dash: "N-No, of course not. It's just so that neither of us has to be THAT GUY, you know?"
  1689. >If by "that guy" she means "the guy home alone on prom night"...
  1690. >Hearing it out loud, it does make you regret never going
  1691. "Yeah sure, we can hang out"
  1692. >She leans onto your shoulder, giving you a little nuzzle
  1693. >Dash: "Thanks Anon"
  1695. >You get to English class a good five minutes before class even starts
  1696. >Pinkie is sitting on top of her desk slowly kicking her feet. As soon as she sees you she starts frantically calling you over
  1697. >Pinkie: "Hey Nonny! Come here, hurry!"
  1698. "What is it Pink-"
  1699. >*SMACK*
  1700. >As soon as you're within arm's reach she bitch slaps you across the face
  1701. >Pinkie: "Take Dash to the dance"
  1702. "Ow, what the hell was that for?!"
  1703. >Pinkie: "Sorry Nonny, Rarity told me to tell you"
  1704. "Did she tell you to hit me too?"
  1705. >Pinkie: "Yeah, she takes this kind of thing very seriously"
  1706. >She shows you her phone. Sure enough there's a text from Rarity, saying to "smack some sense into Anon"
  1707. >Pinkie: "Also, there's something I forgot to tell you at lunch"
  1708. "Yeah?"
  1709. >*SMACK*
  1710. >Pinkie: "Seriously Nonny, take her to the dance"
  1711. >Damn, Pinkie's got a good arm on her
  1712. "Look, I tried asking Dash out earlier, she said she didn't want to go"
  1713. >Pinkie: "Well, duh, of course she'd say that when she thinks YOU don't want to go. If you want her to say yes you gotta convince her that you wanna go... you DO wanna go, don't you?"
  1714. >Well it can't be that bad, and at least no one will be able to call you the guy who never went to a school dance. Besides... Dash really wants to go
  1715. "Sure, why not. I suppose it could be fun"
  1716. >Pinkie: "Good, then ask her again"
  1717. "If I ask her again she'll just say no"
  1718. >Pinkie: "Then don't JUST ask her"
  1719. "Then... what do I do?"
  1720. >Pinkie: "Ask her, but make it... you know, interesting"
  1721. "Interesting?"
  1722. >Pinkie: "Yeah, you know. Do something surprising, something special"
  1723. "Something... like what?"
  1724. >Pinkie: "I dunno, she's not my girlfriend. You figure it out"
  1725. >Something surprising, something special...
  1726. >You'll think of something
  1728. >Friday
  1729. >You had to come up with something to get a "yes" out of Rainbow Dash
  1730. >... and you think you got it, but it's one hell of risk
  1732. >You stroll into Biology just a few minutes after the bell
  1733. >The teacher seems to accept the "It won't happen again" speech, but the girl next to you doesn't let you off that easily
  1734. >Rarity: "Hey Anon, what took you so long?"
  1735. "Nothing, I was just running late..."
  1736. >Rarity: "... were you asking Dash out to the dance?"
  1737. "Not yet, I-"
  1738. >Rarity: "-Well why not?"
  1739. "Because I'm going to-"
  1740. >Rarity: "-When?"
  1741. "As soon as you let me finish a single damn sentence"
  1742. >Rarity: "... right, sorry"
  1743. "Also, for my plan to work, I'm going to need your help"
  1744. >Rarity: "MY help? What for?"
  1745. >You explain the plan to her
  1746. >Rarity: "... you're not serious, right?"
  1747. "What? It's a great idea-"
  1748. >Rarity: "-Yeah, a great idea if it actually works, and a huge disappointment for Dash if it doesn't. And believe me, it won't"
  1749. "Alright alright, it's okay if you don't want to help. I'm sure I'll find someone who takes this as seriously as I do-"
  1750. >Rarity:"Alright fine, I'll do it. But you better swear to me that you have a backup"
  1751. "I always got a back up plan"
  1752. >You've got no back up plan
  1754. >Dash: "Whoa Anon, you okay?"
  1755. >You stumble out of class, barely able to stand, leaning on Rarity for support
  1756. "Y-Yeah... not really. Rarity's taking me to the nurse"
  1757. >Dash: "Want me to come with you?"
  1758. >Rarity: "No thanks, you go save us a seat. I can take care of him"
  1759. >Dash "You sure? I can-"
  1760. >Rarity"-I got him. Don't worry"
  1761. >Dash: "Alright... take care of yourself Anon"
  1762. >She kisses your forehead and heads off to the cafeteria
  1763. "... she gone?"
  1764. >Rarity: "Yeah, I think so"
  1765. >You stand up on your own
  1766. "You sure you can do this?"
  1767. >Rarity: "Of course, I'm an expert"
  1768. >The two of you hurry off towards Rarity's locker
  1770. "Uhh, are you almost done there?"
  1771. >Rarity: "Almost, I have to make this look as real as possible"
  1772. "Can you hurry up, we don't have much time"
  1773. >Rarity: "Just a few touch-ups here, and... done"
  1774. >She hands you a mirror
  1775. >You look like you just got your ass kicked. You've got a black eye, some fake scratches across your face...
  1776. >Perfect
  1777. >Rarity: "Okay, that's done. What now?"
  1778. "You go meet Dash at the cafeteria, make sure she doesn't go anywhere"
  1779. >Rarity: "Got it"
  1780. >She takes off towards the cafeteria
  1781. >This is going to take your best bullshitting ever
  1782. >This isn't some ordinary teacher you're going to fool...
  1785. >Celestia: "... Goodness Anonymous, what happened to you?"
  1786. "I think we should talk inside"
  1787. >She welcomes you into her office, closing the door behind you
  1788. >The fake injuries were nothing more than your ticket in the door
  1789. >Step one complete
  1790. >Upon stepping in, you immediately eye your target: the microphone for the school intercom system. It's still too close to her, you've got to bring it over
  1791. >Celestia: "Go ahead, take a seat"
  1792. >You take a few steps towards the chair on the opposite side of her desk-
  1793. >*CRASH*
  1794. >You collapse on the ground, giving her desk a hard bump when you fall over. She hurries over to help you up
  1795. >Celestia: "Anonymous, are you okay?"
  1796. >That bump knocked over most everything on her desk. When you get to your feet, you apologize and help her pick everything back up, making sure to set the microphone much closer to you
  1797. >Celestia: "Now Anonymous, do you want to tell me what happened?"
  1798. "Yeah, I was in the bathroom when some guys came out and jumped me"
  1799. >Of course she doesn't buy it, you didn't expect her to
  1800. >You discretely reach out and silently tap your finger on the microphone. She doesn't notice
  1801. >Green light
  1802. >Celestia: "Anonymous, you should know better than to lie to me. Now tell me what really happened"
  1803. "Okay, I''ll tell you"
  1804. >You extend your finger towards the button on the microphone
  1805. >*CLICK*
  1806. "The truth is..."
  1808. >You are Rainbow Dash
  1809. >Anon had to go to the nurse. He looked really bad earlier and you can't stop thinking about him
  1810. >It's a relief when you see Rarity show up
  1811. "Hey Rarity! ... where's Anon?"
  1812. >Rarity: "He stayed behind, he's still not feeling well"
  1813. >... damn
  1814. "Maybe I should go check on him-"
  1815. >Rarity: "-No, he's fine, he just needs some rest"
  1816. "It's okay I'm sure he won't mind if-"
  1817. >Rarity: "-Trust me darling, just let him be. He'll be all better by next class, I'm sure"
  1818. "... you're probably right"
  1819. >You sit back down
  1820. >When she's not looking, you put your backpack on. You hurry to finish your lunch, then get up and leave
  1821. >Rarity: "Dash wait, where are you going?"
  1822. "I'm running to the bathroom really quick"
  1823. >Rarity: "But why do you have your back-"
  1824. "-I'll be back in a second"
  1825. >You run off before she can stop you
  1827. >You get to the nurse's office and knock on the door until it quickly jerks open
  1828. >Nurse: "Who the hell is-! Oh, it's you, kid. Come on in"
  1829. >She welcomes you in and closes the door
  1830. "So how's Anon doing?"
  1831. >Nurse: "How the hell should I know?"
  1832. "... Wasn't he just down here?"
  1833. >Nurse: "Not today, why? Did he say-"
  1834. >*CLICK*
  1835. >The intercom switches on, and a familiar voice comes out
  1836. >Anon: "The truth is, I really do want to go to the dance, and I wanted to ask Rainbow Dash if she'd go to the dance with me..."
  1837. >*CLICK*
  1838. >Nurse: "... well that happened"
  1839. >He did that... he really just did that. The WHOLE SCHOOL heard that
  1840. >That bastard
  1841. >That fucking bastard
  1842. >... that sweet fucking bastard
  1843. >You charge out of the room towards Celestia's office, before the nurse could see your bright red face
  1844. >Nurse: "Hey! Don't go and kill him now!"
  1846. >Back to being Anon
  1847. "The truth is, I really do want to go to the dance, and I wanted to ask Rainbow Dash if she'd go to the dance with me"
  1848. >*CLICK*
  1849. You take your finger off the button. Celestia didn't see a thing
  1850. >Mission accomplished. Time for your escape
  1851. >Celestia: "Okay, and what does this have to do with me?"
  1852. "... I don't know, I have no idea what I was thinking"
  1853. >Celestia: "Look, Anonymous, if you think that whatever happened here will get you banned from the dance, if you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about"
  1854. "Look, forget it. Nothing really happened"
  1855. >She sighs loudly
  1856. >Celestia: "Well, if you do decide to tell me what's going on, my door's always open"
  1857. >You shamefully excuse yourself from her office and head towards the cafeteria
  1858. >It worked. It fucking worked
  1859. >And as a bonus, you got some sympathy points in case you need to scapegoat someone for something else for something in the future
  1861. >On your way there you spot Dash down the hall coming towards you. She must be so happy that you actually DO want to-
  1862. >... she doesn't look too happy... or is she? You can't really tell
  1863. "Hey Dash, what's the-"
  1864. >She punches you in the arm, and hard. REALLY hard
  1865. >Dash: "You're a real bastard Anon..."
  1866. >Okay, maybe that wasn't such a good idea-
  1867. >*POMF*
  1868. >She grabs you from behind, tightly wrapping her arms around you
  1869. >Dash: "... b-but you're my bastard"
  1870. >Okay, this was a good idea
  1871. "So is that a yes?"
  1872. >Dash: "Only because you owe me for doing that"
  1873. >Sounds like a yes to me
  1874. >...but in all honesty, it shouldn't be this much of a hassle asking you own girlfriend out
  1876. >It was risky and could have gotten you in serious trouble if it failed
  1877. >But in the end, everything worked out okay
  1879. >When you get back to the cafeteria with Dash, the whole room erupts into applause, laughter, and the occasional "Just fuck already!"
  1880. >Yup, they all heard
  1881. >The two of you take your seat at your table, and the smile on Dash's face speaks for itself
  1882. >Rarity: "Sorry Anon, I held her back as long as I could"
  1883. "Don't worry, it all worked out"
  1884. >Dash: "Wait, she was in on it too?"
  1885. >Pinkie: "Yup, we all were"
  1886. "No you weren't Pinkie"
  1887. >Pinkie: "... oh yeah, I wasn't"
  1888. >Rarity: "Now that that has been settled, maybe we should start working out a plan for the night of the dance-"
  1889. >"-You're not going anywhere but with me"
  1890. >A hand grabs your shoulder from behind and pulls you away. Only one person can be this aggressive with you... Nurse Redheart
  1891. >Dash: "Don't worry nurse, everything's okay, Anon wasn't trying to lie to me"
  1892. >Nurse: "You know what, you too, come with me, and anyone else who was involved in that stupid stunt"
  1893. >Rarity and Dash come along, naturally, but Pinkie tags along too
  1894. >She does remember she wasn't really part of the plan, right?
  1896. >Nurse Redheart guides the four of you back to her office
  1897. "You want to tell me what's going on?"
  1898. >Nurse: "You want to tell me what the hell you were thinking?"
  1899. "What? You mean the intercom?"
  1900. >Nurse: "Yeah, you realize the whole school heard that, right?"
  1901. "It's not like our relationship is a secret-"
  1902. >Nurse: "-No no no, you're not getting me. The WHOLE SCHOOL heard you, as in students AND staff"
  1903. >Your blank stare makes her sigh in frustration
  1904. >"Staff, including Vice Principal Luna. And believe me she's probably hunting your ass down right now!"
  1905. "... nu-uh"
  1906. >Nurse: "You really think she'd let this go?"
  1907. "She's got more important things to worry about doesn't she?"
  1908. >Nurse: "Something more important than lying your way into her sister, the principal's office, and using the school intercom for your own snugglefuckery? Like what?"
  1909. "Well..."
  1910. >Nurse: "Look, just tell me how I can help with your back up plan"
  1911. "... well..."
  1912. >Nurse: "You DO have a backup plan, right?"
  1913. "... weeeeeell..."
  1914. >Nurse: "Well you better come up with something, and fast"
  1915. >Dash: "Don't worry nurse, Anon knows what he's doing. If anyone can come up with a plan, it's him"
  1916. >Rarity and Pinkie nod in agreement. The nurse skeptically gives in
  1917. >Nurse: "... alright. I trust you"
  1918. >She leans in anticipating your response, and the rest of them follow suit
  1919. >...
  1920. >Dash: "Well?"
  1921. "Just give me a sec"
  1922. >...
  1923. >Crap your idea gland is going limp
  1924. >Nurse: "Come on Anon, come up with something"
  1925. "Hold on, you're making me nervous-"
  1926. >Nurse: "-Nervous? I thought you were the best"
  1927. "I can't do it with other people watching!"
  1928. >You swear it usually works.They just put you on the spot
  1929. >Pinkie: "What if we just tell her that Nonny's gone crazy?"
  1930. "... actually, it could work"
  1931. >Pinkie: "Wait, really?"
  1932. "Yeah, Celestia saw me all banged up earlier, it's believable"
  1933. >Rarity: "There's one problem, all that makeup got messed up. You look fine"
  1934. "Then one of you is going to have to reinjure me"
  1935. >Rarity: "But my kit is still in my locker"
  1936. "Then don't use makeup"
  1937. >It takes them a while to register what you meant by that
  1938. >Rarity: "Oh, no way, we couldn't possibly-"
  1939. >Nurse: "I could. I totally could"
  1940. "Or, maybe someone ELSE should. You know, so I don't die"
  1941. >Rarity: "... I have an idea, but it may take time"
  1942. >She takes out her phone and makes a call as you lock the door
  1943. >Dash: "Anon, are you sure you know what you're doing?"
  1944. "Believe me, it was a pain going through all that to ask you out, I'm not letting it go to waste"
  1945. >Nurse: "Yeah yeah, save the romantic crap for when and if this actually works"
  1946. >Rarity: "Alright, in about ten minutes he'll be-"
  1948. >Nurse: "Too late"
  1949. >She punches you in the eye. Hard
  1950. >The other girls help you onto the bed while the nurse opens the door
  1951. >Luna: "Where is he?!"
  1952. >Nurse: "He's right there... well, physically at least"
  1953. >In a way, she's right, you're barely awake
  1954. >Luna: "Well, Anonymous, what do you have to say for yourself?"
  1955. >You barely mumble out a few words
  1956. "...uh... I... what?"
  1957. >Luna: "Do you have any idea what you've just done?"
  1958. "uhh... I was at the office, and... I don't really know"
  1959. >She eyes you up and down
  1960. >Luna: "Would you like to tell us what happened to you?"
  1961. >Fuck. You hadn't planned for that-
  1962. >Dash: "He fell down some stairs earlier, and since then he's been really out of it. H went to Celestia's office thinking it was the nurse's"
  1963. >Damn girl, you're a genius
  1964. >Luna: "Is this true?"
  1965. "... huh?"
  1966. >Luna lets out a long sigh
  1967. >Luna: "Redheart, make sure he gets better, and send him home as soon as possible. Take care, Anonymous"
  1968. "... yeah"
  1969. >She makes her way out, and Nurse Redheart locks the door behind her
  1970. >Nurse: "... I can't believe that actually worked"
  1971. "... huh?"
  1972. >You really are a little out of it
  1974. >Is Luna back again? ... no, it's at the window
  1975. >The nurse pulls the curtains aside opens the window-
  1976. >"I hear someone in need of ass kicking?"
  1977. >... what the hell is Vlad doing here? Is he who Rarity called?
  1978. >He would have fucking killed you
  1979. >Rarity: "Sorry uncle, it turns out we don't-"
  1980. >Nurse: "-Step aside, kid"
  1981. >Nurse Redheart helps Vlad in through the window
  1982. >Vlad: "Little man? Is that you?"
  1983. >He lets out a deep scruffy laugh
  1984. >Vlad: "Looks like you're not the strong warrior you once were! Who responsible"
  1985. >Nurse: "Someone had to do it"
  1986. >He laughs once again
  1987. >Vlad: "You, little lady? Hah, you got quite the fight to take out little man! I like"
  1988. >Nurse: "O-Oh him? Nah, he's fine. You're fine, right Anon?"
  1989. >Did she just stutter?
  1990. >You struggle to your feet, Dash holding you up for support
  1991. "Y-Yeah, I think-"
  1992. >Nurse: "Good, get out. All of you"
  1993. "I think I need-"
  1994. >Nurse: "Out!"
  1995. >She rushes the four of you out of the office
  1996. >*CLICK*
  1997. >The door locks
  1998. >...
  1999. >Well, that's enough bullshit for one day
  2001. >Next Monday
  2002. >The dance is at the end of the week
  2003. >And you know what that means...
  2005. >Lunch time
  2006. >As usual, you, Dash, and Rarity get to the table a moment before Pinkie. When sitting down, you put your back pack in the chair next to you, and Dash and Rarity do the same, trying to occupy as many seats as possible
  2007. >Before long, a very loud crowd starts approaching the table, moving together in a giant mass. All their attention is towards the center
  2008. >Dash: "... you all ready?"
  2009. >Rarity: "I am"
  2010. >Dash: "How about you Anon?"
  2011. "As ready as I'll ever be"
  2012. >You're sitting on the end this time so you're on "rescue duty"
  2013. >The cluster reaches your table, and from the center of the mass a small pink hand reaches it out. You grasp it tightly with one hand, your other hand clasped just above the wrist
  2014. >3... 2... 1...
  2015. >Pull!
  2016. >It's like saving someone from a black hole, but eventually Pinkie squeezes and stumbles her way out from the crowd, plopping into one of the only available seats at your table. Before she can even sit up straight the entire crowd has her surrounded
  2017. >Barely able to catch her breath, she shouts to her entourage
  2018. >Pinke: "Everyone go before I call the whole thing off!!"
  2019. >"Don't listen to her, she wouldn't-"
  2020. >Pinkie: "-You wanna bet!?"
  2021. >The crowd quiets down, and slowly disperses
  2022. "... every time, huh?"
  2023. >Pinkie: "Every... single... time"
  2024. >She plants her elbow onto the table with her arm up, resting her face in her palm
  2025. >Pinkie: "As soon as they hear that nominations for the princess of the dance are open, EVERYONE tries to get on the ballot before it fills up. It's great that they're enthusiastic and all, but sometimes, it's just too much"
  2026. >Dash: "I don't see why they get so into it anyways, it' s not like any of them will win"
  2027. "Why not?"
  2028. >Dash: "Because Sunset wins every single time"
  2029. >Rarity: "Well there's more of a chance now that she's permanently banned from school dances"
  2030. "Permanently? How the hell did she do that?"
  2031. >They all exchange awkward glances
  2032. >Dash: "Oh right, he wasn't there"
  2033. "Wasn't there for what?"
  2034. >After a silent exchange of looks, Dash speaks up
  2035. >Dash: "Well... if I told you, you wouldn't believe me"
  2036. "Dash, over the past month I've dealt with a Russian mercenary, a homicidal nurse, and a janitor who spends more time destroying the school than cleaning it-"
  2037. >Pinkie: "-"How about a pony demon from another dimension hell bent on turning the entire school into her zombie army"
  2038. >... of course the only one to speak up is Pinkie
  2039. "Okay, someone want to tell me what REALLY happened?"
  2040. >Dash: "A pony demon from another dimension blew up the front of the school"
  2041. "... you're serious?"
  2042. >Dash: "Yup"
  2043. "A pony demon blew up the school?"
  2044. >Dash: "Uh huh"
  2045. >Well then...
  2046. "And what happened after that?"
  2047. >Dash: "They made her fix it and banned her from any future dances"
  2048. >Come to think of it, you DO remember the school being destroyed, and there was some girl fixing everything. You always wondered but never cared enough to ask
  2049. "... that's all?"
  2050. >Dash: "Yup. After that she was pretty much off the hook
  2051. >Okay you could believe the demon horse thing, this town has some weird shit, but...
  2052. >A monster blows up the school and gets a slap on the wrist. You get into a little fight, and your ass is on the chopping block
  2053. >Makes perfect sense
  2054. >And this is why you don't go to that shit
  2056. >English class
  2057. >You felt like asking this at lunch, but Pinkie was already on edge. Maybe now isn't the best time, but there will probably never be a "good time" to ask
  2058. "... hey Pinkie"
  2059. >Pinkie: "Yeah?"
  2060. "How are you feeling?"
  2061. >Pinkie: "What do you mean?"
  2062. "You know, with the whole "dance princess" election thing. You seem exhausted"
  2063. >Pinkie: "Ugh, you have no idea. I can't even go to the bathroom without someone standing on the other side of the door begging me to put their name on. I've had to start telling people the ballot's filled up just to get them off my back"
  2064. Yeah, that makes sense. But... "
  2065. >Pinkie: "... but what?"
  2066. "It's not ACTUALLY filled up yet, right?"
  2067. >Pinkie: "Nah, but don't worry Nonny, you're already on the ballot"
  2068. "Whoa whoa whoa, I never said that I wanted to be princess"
  2069. >Pinkie: "Not for princess, for prince"
  2070. "There's a prince?"
  2071. >Pinkie: "Well there's supposed to be, but there's never any nominations. No one seems to remember... or care for that matter. You're pretty much running uncontested there, so congratulations in advance"
  2072. >She pats you on the back like you just won something
  2073. "Look Pinkie, this isn't about me. It's for someone else"
  2074. >Pinkie: "... then who?"
  2075. "What would it take to get Dash's name on the ballot for princess?"
  2077. >Gym class
  2078. >Every couple of weeks they devote an entire period to making the students run a timed mile on the track, something about fitness or something
  2079. >But there's one student in the entire school who has never ran the mile before... at least, never finished it
  2080. >Coach: "Alright, everyone get ready! In three... two... one... Go!"
  2081. >You take two steps before tripping and face-planting on the ground
  2083. >Making your way up the bleachers, you immediately spot Dash sitting with another girl
  2084. >Dash: "Aren't you supposed to be running?"
  2085. "Nope, I'm one of the girls now"
  2086. >They separate the boys and the girls during the run. The girls wait up here while the boys run, and when they're done they switch
  2087. >Naturally Dash shows no concern for the scratches on your face. The other girl, on the other hand, looks deeply concerned
  2088. >"Oh my gosh, are you okay?"
  2089. >You pretend to wince in pain
  2090. "I-I think so...j-just stings a little-"
  2091. >Dash: "-Calm down Flitter, he did it on purpose"
  2092. >Flitter: "... really?"
  2093. >Well that didn't work
  2094. "Yeah, pretty much"
  2095. >You calmly take a seat next to Dash
  2096. >Dash: "He does this kind of thing all the time"
  2097. "Hey, they can't fail me for being prone to accidents-"
  2098. >Flitter: "-Aren't you the guy who asked Dash out over the intercom?"
  2099. >Dash immediately looks away
  2100. "Yeah that's me"
  2101. >Flitter: "I thought I thought I recognized... Do the two of you need some alone time?
  2102. >Dash: "Nah you-"
  2103. "Unless you want join our make-out session"
  2104. >Dash punches you in the arm, and as Flitter walks away she does the same
  2105. >That must be where she got it from
  2106. >With her gone, you lay down in Dash's lap
  2107. >Dash: "So Anon, how's Pinkie doing?"
  2108. "Oh, she's fine. A little annoyed with the election but she's fine. By they way, did you know there was a prince too?"
  2109. >Dash: "I heard, but I've never seen anyone run. Why, are you running?"
  2110. "Maybe"
  2111. >She immediately bursts into laughter
  2112. >Dash: "Sorry, no offense Anon, but I never saw you as the type to go for that sort of thing"
  2113. "I don't. Pinkie told me I was already signed up"
  2114. >Dash: "Who signed you up?"
  2115. "No idea. But since I'm pretty much guaranteed the win, I was thinking you should run for princess-"
  2116. >Dash: "-What?!"
  2117. >She flinches, shocked at first, then bursts back into laughter
  2118. >Dash: "Come on, you don't really think I should... right?"
  2119. "What if I said yes?"
  2120. >Dash: "But I have to get nominated first"
  2121. "I already nominated you"
  2122. >Dash: "But I have to be approved by-"
  2123. "-Dash you're already on the ballot. Pinkie told me herself"
  2124. >Dash: "Well... maybe I don't want to be a princess"
  2125. "You wouldn't just be any princess..."
  2126. >You bring your hand up and gently stroke her cheek
  2127. "... you'd be MY princess"
  2128. >Okay, that was pretty cheesy and cringe-worthy
  2129. >But it worked
  2130. >Dash: "W-Well... I guess-"
  2131. >Coach: "-Alright girls, get down here!"
  2132. >She quickly gets up, barely giving you time to get up first
  2133. >Dash: "I gotta go I'll tell you later"
  2135. >After all the girls are done, you're all dismissed back to the locker rooms
  2136. >Dash leans on your shoulder, needing your support to walk
  2137. "You okay Dash?"
  2138. >Dash: "Y-Yeah... just pushed a little too hard... set a new school record though"
  2139. >You're not surprised
  2141. After getting dressed you leave the locker room to find Dash waiting for you, still in her gym clothes
  2142. "Why didn't you change?"
  2143. >Dash: "Too tired, just take me home"
  2144. "Sure, come on"
  2145. >You put your arm around her to support her, but she won't move
  2146. >Dash: "Carry me"
  2147. "Seriously?"
  2148. >Dash: "Carry me home, and I'll run for princess with you"
  2149. "All the way?"
  2150. >Dash: "It's not really that far"
  2151. >... yeah, it'll be worth it
  2152. >You kneel down letting her throw her arms around you from behind. On the count of three, she hops up and squeezes her thighs around you, while you place your hands on her butt to hold her up
  2153. "Ready?"
  2154. >Dash: "Yeah, let's go"
  2155. >She's not that heavy, this shouldn't be too bad
  2157. >Holy fuck this is exhausting
  2158. >You get to her place, carrying her piggyback her the whole way
  2159. >You try to put her down at her door, but she holds on to you tightly
  2160. >Dash: "Not yet, almost"
  2161. >From your back, she unlocks the door and opens it for you
  2162. >Dash: "To the bathroom"
  2163. >... you don't question it, just trying to put her down before your back breaks
  2164. >Letting her down is almost a relief. By this point you're almost as exhausted and sweaty as she was
  2165. "You good now?"
  2166. >Dash: "Yeah, sure. Just one more thing, and I'll agree to run for princess with you"
  2167. >She tosses you a large sponge
  2168. "What's this for"
  2169. >Dash: "You want me to be a princess right?"
  2170. >She turns to you, an awkward smile on her face. Like she's trying to be sexy, but isn't really sure how
  2171. >Dash: "So treat me like a princess and draw me a bath"
  2173. >Part of you is too tired for this shit. It's saying, "You're not her fucking lapdog, waiting on her on hand and knee. You don't have to do whatever she tells you whenever she tells you, you're your own person. She can wash herself, just go home. You're exhausted"
  2174. >Yeah, there's a part of you saying that
  2175. >The gay part
  2177. >You push down the drain plug and start running the water
  2178. >With the water slowly filling the tub, Dash begins removing her clothes. After tossing her shirt off, she catches you staring at her
  2179. >Dash: "Are you going to watch me the whole time?"
  2180. "Of course not, I'm going to help"
  2181. >Dash: "What does- H-Hey! What are you doing"
  2182. "A princess shouldn't have to undress herself"
  2183. >You had wrapped your arms around her to unhook her bra. After it falls to the ground, you slide your thumbs under the waistband of her underwear
  2184. >Dash: "Yeah, just hurry it up"
  2185. >You're not going to hurry it up
  2186. >You drop down to your knees, slowly bringing her shorts and panties down with you. Your face is just inches away from her crotch
  2187. >Come to think of it, you've never really seen it up this close
  2188. >Dash: "... well? What are you waiting for?"
  2189. >Is she actually expecting you to lick it?
  2190. "You really want me to do it?"
  2191. >Dash: "That's why I brought you here, now hurry up"
  2192. >Well it'd be rude to keep a princess waiting
  2193. >As you slowly bring your face closer toward her body, you can feel the warmth resonating from her. Before even sticking your tongue out all the way she pushes you back
  2194. >Dash: "Wh-what the hell are you doing?"
  2195. "You told me to hurry up"
  2196. >Dash: "I meant for you to get your clothes off so you could get in the tub with me! "
  2197. "... well excuse me, princess"
  2198. >Well that could have gone better. You hurry up and get undressed before she changes her mind
  2199. >After helping her step into the tub she sits down, so you get in and sit behind her. The water in the tub overflows over the side
  2200. "Sorry about that"
  2201. >Dash: "Maybe you shouldn't have filled it up so much"
  2202. "I wasn't expecting to get in with you"
  2203. >Dash: "How else were you planning on washing me?"
  2204. "... I dunno"
  2205. >You were honestly expecting a good old fashioned tongue bath
  2206. "So how do you want me to start?"
  2207. >She hands you two bottles
  2208. >Dash: "Start with the conditioner"
  2209. >You've never had to wash someone else's hair before, but there's only one way to learn. You squirt a little bit into your hands and start rubbing it into her scalp
  2210. "How should I rinse it out?"
  2211. >Dash: "The shower head comes off"
  2212. >She gets up and detaches it from it's mount
  2213. >After rinsing it out her hair, you move on to the shampoo. While rubbing it in, you lean forward and take a quick sniff, discretely so she wouldn't notice... then another to be sure... it doesn't really smell like anything
  2214. >Dash: "It's unscented by the way"
  2215. >Damn she caught you
  2216. "No idea what you're talking about it"
  2217. >She chuckles
  2218. >Dash: "Yeah, sure you don't"
  2219. >Come on Anon, you should know that damage control never works. That's day one stuff
  2220. >You resume massaging her scalp with the bubbly shampoo, slowly working your hands down the full length of her hair. You take more time than necessary rinsing it out, getting lost running your fingers through her hair. She has to snap you out of your trance
  2221. >Dash: "Anon, I think it's good"
  2222. >The tub almost overflows with spaghetti
  2223. >Come on get it together, haven't you ever bathed with an adorable princess?
  2224. >... oh yeah you haven't
  2225. >She hands you the body wash
  2226. >Dash: "You still got that sponge right?"
  2227. >... Nah, fuck that
  2228. >You squirt the liquid soap right into your palms and start massaging her shoulders
  2229. >Dash: "What about the sponge?"
  2230. "That's no way to treat a princess, right"
  2231. >Dash: "I guess. Just make sure you do a good job"
  2232. >You slowly descend from her shoulders down her back. The more you rub it in, the more the soap starts to bubble up. After rinsing it off, you give yourself more soap and begin lathering her front
  2233. >Dash: "Need me to turn around?"
  2234. "Nope"
  2235. >You start at her shoulders and move slowly down her torso. She gasps when your hands slide between her breasts, perhaps expecting you go over them rather than around them. You grab the bottle of soap again, this time squirting it directly onto her chest. Gently, you start spreading the soap all over, making sure to take care of her breasts this time. You do a little more than just scrub the soap in, you gently squeeze and massage them. When you press them together all the suds cluster up and run down her cleavage
  2236. "Hey Dash, are you cold?"
  2237. >Dash: "No, why- hey!"
  2238. >She elbows you for pinching her erect nipples
  2239. >You're having way too much fun with this
  2240. >Finally, picking up the shower head, you rinse her torso off
  2241. >Once she's been rinsed off, you hand her the shower head. After mounting it back on the wall, she sits back down just like before
  2242. "What now?"
  2243. >Dash: "Now? We just relax for a while"
  2244. >You lean back against the back of the tub, and she leans back into your chest
  2245. >Dash: "... I can't relax like this Anon"
  2246. "Should I move?"
  2247. >Dash: "No, just... "
  2248. >After a brief, silent pause, she grabs your arms and wraps them around herself
  2249. >Dash: "Now I can relax"
  2250. >She should have came with a warning label: excessive sweetness, will cause heart attacks
  2251. >Your arms tighten gently around her, interlacing your fingers over her stomach. Letting the serenity of the room sink in, you slowly ease into a state of relaxation
  2252. >...
  2253. >Dash: "Hey Anon"
  2254. "Yeah?"
  2255. >She turns her head to the side to look at you
  2256. >Dash: "I'd be glad to be your princess"
  2257. "I'd like that too... princess Dashie"
  2258. >She quickly turns away but you can still her see her face brighten up... yup, that still works
  2259. >Dash: "W-Well in that case, you better make sure you win"
  2260. "Don't worry, no one else is even running. I got the win in-"
  2262. >Dash: "-breathe"
  2263. "Wha- *gurgle* "
  2264. >She dunks your head under the water and holds you down
  2265. >You should have just breathed
  2266. >The door creaks open just as Dash pulls the shower curtain around
  2267. >"Dash, who the hell are you talking to in there?"
  2268. >Dash: "No one gramps, just... myself"
  2269. >Why does he always have to walk in when you're naked with Dash
  2270. >Gramps: "You sure about that, I heard another voice... a man's voice"
  2271. >Dash: "Y-Yeah, I do impressions sometimes... you know, just for fun. My guy voice still needs some work"
  2272. >You can recognize bullshit even underwater
  2273. >Speaking of which YOU'RE DYING DOWN HERE
  2274. >Gramps: "Well don't work on it now, I'm trying to get some sleep"
  2275. >The door slams closed, and she lets you up. The air rushes into your lungs as soon as you open your mouth
  2276. >Dash: "So much for relaxing"
  2277. "Next time... just lock the door..."
  2278. >Dash: "Yeah, sorry bout that"
  2279. >She gets out of the tub and locks the door. Laying back, letting your eyes slowly droop closed, you try to go back into that state of relaxation
  2280. >...
  2281. >The settled water of the tub starts to splash around. You peek your eyes open and see Dash getting back in, facing you
  2282. >Dash: "Don't move"
  2283. "Why"
  2284. >Dash: "Because I've felt it rubbing against me the entire time"
  2285. "... I take it you're not talking about my hands"
  2286. >She kneels down gently grasps your penis under the water
  2287. "That's not very princess-like of you"
  2288. >Dash: "It is if you're my prince. Now shut up and relax already"
  2289. >... don't gotta ask you twice
  2290. >She leans forward and plants a kiss on your lips. You put your arms around her, running your fingers through her dripping hair
  2291. >As she starts sliding her hand up and down, every movement of her hand makes a little splash, which only gets louder if she tries to move any faster
  2292. "... hey Dash"
  2293. >Dash: "yeah, I can tell. stand up"
  2294. >Doing as you're told, she resumes stroking you silently, free of any splashing. But now that you think about it...
  2295. "you realize what'll happen if I slip-"
  2296. >Dash: "-Then don't slip"
  2297. >Well... touche
  2298. >She grips you tightly with her tiny hands, which are still wet and slippery. The way she looks at your dick can be best described as entranced. There's a little sparkle in her eyes, both full of desire and excitement
  2299. >The longer she goes on, the more she leans forward. It's not long before she's close enough for you to feel her breathing down on you
  2300. >Dash: "... Anon..."
  2301. "Yeah?"
  2302. >Dash: "close your eyes"
  2303. >Rather than question her, you go along with it
  2304. >...
  2305. >...
  2306. >... *lick*
  2307. >You clench your eyes tightly shut, thinking that if you open them now you'll ruin the moment
  2308. >She gives a few more nervous test licks, as if preparing herself. It goes from a quick poke with her tongue, to her slowly dragging it all over, going up and down your length. Once she seems to be accustomed to your shape and taste, she takes it into her mouth
  2309. >Your legs twitch, and you open your eyes just a peek. You get a short glimpse of her, nervously holding still with your little head head in her mouth. She pulls out without looking up at you
  2310. >Dash: "I knew you'd look"
  2311. >With that heads up, she immediately takes your head back into her mouth, slowly trying to swirling her tongue around it. She quickly seems to get a good technique down, but still has to pull out occasionally to catch her breath. But it's not as if her hot panting on your tool is all that bad
  2312. >Almost instinctively you place your hands behind her head, trying not to push her in but it's hard to resist
  2313. >She groans when you push her in, but longingly looks up at you when you stop, as if disappointed. You only seem to get half of yourself in her mouth
  2314. >Dash: "... mmh -urp-"
  2315. >She gags, then almost immediately pulls out, trying not to have a coughing fit
  2316. "you okay?"
  2317. >Dash speaks through gasps for air
  2318. >Dash: "y-yeah, it's just... more than I... I thought"
  2319. >She smiles up at you confidently
  2320. >Dash: "I can do it though, just... be more gentle"
  2321. "Would you be willing to try something else?"
  2322. >She slumps down, looking disappointed
  2323. >Dash: "O-Oh... sure, alright. I probably wasn't that good anyways"
  2324. "No Dash, that's not it. I just thought of a way to make it easier for both of us"
  2325. >Dash: "How?"
  2326. >You look around the bathroom
  2327. "Do you keep towels somewhere in here? I need a big one"
  2328. >She gets out of the tub and opens the cabinet under the sink, pulling out a large, rainbow-striped beach towel
  2329. >After stepping out of the tub, you take it from her and unfurl it on the floor so you can lay on top of it
  2330. >Once you're on your back, you take her hand, pulling her down on top of you. Hopefully letting her be on top, having more control, will make it easier for her
  2331. >Without having to tell her, she turns around for her face to meet your still erect penis. Holding it upright, she quickly takes you into her mouth for a split second before pulling it out again
  2332. >Dash: "... it is a little easier"
  2333. >She quickly goes back to attending to you, her index finger and thumb forming a ring at the base to hold it up while her head bobs up and down, making only the occasional slurping sound
  2334. >Her little butt hovering over your face bounces up and down with each movement, and you feel a little warm drop on your face from her crotch
  2335. >... it IS right there. And I mean, it would be rude to NOT help her out...
  2336. "hey Dash"
  2337. >She slurs out a muffled "huh"
  2338. "Don't be surprised. And try to keep your voice down"
  2339. >Dash: "mm hmm"
  2340. >You gently spread her pussy, lean forward, and you taste the rainbow
  2341. >Despite your warning, she lets out a little gasp at the touch of your tongue and tries to close her thighs, but it doesn't stop you... or her for that matter, she continues sucking
  2342. >When you're sure she can keep her voice down, you give her another lick, then another, then another
  2343. >It's a... weird taste. It's not quite sour, but there's not really a better word to use. Whatever it is, there's an interesting hint of Skittle flavor
  2344. >You're licking all over like she did to you, exploring her body, finding what works for her. When you roll your tongue over a good spot, her hand trembles
  2345. >Her juices start to make a mess, leaking all over your face. Occasionally a stray pube falls into your mouth, you just spit out and continue. You're sure she's' putting up with the same
  2346. >Spreading her pussy open with your hands, you bury your face into her crotch, stuffing your tongue as deep inside her as you can
  2347. >Dash pulls her hands away from your body, planting them flat on the bathroom floor to stabilize herself as she pushes herself all the way to your base. She coughs on the way down, but she's determined
  2348. >Her crotch starts twitching, sucking your tongue deeper inside herself. You can swear you heard her mumble your name, though muffled by her mouthful
  2349. >She's much more talented than you had ever imagined. Unable to resist the sensation, you start thrusting your hips up against her face. She holds still, letting you face-fuck her. Following suit with you, she pins your face down with her ass, your tongue essentially now trapped inside her as she grinds her pussy on your face
  2350. >Realizing you're reaching your limit, you try to warn her, your efforts muffled by the ass planted on your face like a mask
  2351. >You just hope to god she isn't caught too off guard as you get closer... and closer... and...!!!
  2352. >When you reach climax, she presses her face down on you, forcing you to spurt in her mouth without spilling a drop. Meanwhile you could feel her pussy twitching and sucking on your tongue, her fluids splatting in a sticky mess
  2353. >Dash sits up on her knees beside you with her back to you, and after a few audible gulps turns to you
  2354. "Did you really swallow it all"
  2355. >Dash: "... mosht oh it"
  2356. >She speaks while trying not to let any of the remaining fluid spill out. With her arms extended, you pick yourself up and return her embrace. She pulls you into a surprise, forceful kiss, almost prying your mouth open with her tongue. Between your mouths, your fluids mix with hers between your entwined tongues. While pulling away Dash beams a proud smile
  2357. >Dash: "So... how'd I do"
  2358. >You look down at your own crotch
  2359. "What, the orgasm wasn't clear enough?"
  2360. >She giggles
  2361. >Dash: "Can you finally relax now?"
  2362. >You lay back on the towel, a not-so-effective cushion for the hard tiles of er floor, but it's hard to be uncomfortable after... that
  2363. >Dash gets up and pulls the drain out from the tub, while you slowly close your eyes
  2364. >...
  2365. >... *pomf*
  2366. >Dash laid down next to you, her head resting on your shoulder
  2367. >Dash: "Not exactly the most romantic or princess-like spot to cuddle"
  2368. "Nah, I guess not..."
  2369. >You wrap her in your arms, holding her tightly
  2370. "... but I wouldn't have it any other way"
  2371. >Dash: "... m-me either"
  2372. >She slowly looks up to kiss you, her eyes gently closed... so you gently punch her arm
  2373. >Dash: "Hey! I was-"
  2374. >*smooch*
  2375. >She goes silent as her face brightens into a blush. Her mouth is in a quivering nervous smile
  2376. >Surprise kiss successful
  2377. "You were saying?"
  2378. >Dash: "D-Damn you Nonny..."
  2379. >...
  2380. >You'll be nice and not mention how she just mumbles "I love you"
  2381. >You just hold her tighter
  2383. >Tuesday
  2384. >Biology
  2385. >Rarity watches you on your whole way from walking in to your desk, a huge grin on her face
  2386. "Alright alright, what have you got for me today?"
  2387. >Rarity: "What's that supposed to mean?"
  2388. "That smile. It's the 'I've been hearing rumors about you' smile. So what have you got?"
  2389. >Rarity: "What? I haven't heard anything... Really it's nothing... I swear... "
  2390. >You raise an eyebrow
  2391. >Rarity: "... okay, I heard you're running for prince of the dance, is that true?"
  2392. "Yeah, it's true"
  2393. >Rarity: "Really... and just a few days ago you wouldn't even consider going. What made you decide to do it?"
  2394. "I didn't, Pinkie just told me that my name was on the ballot"
  2395. >Rarity: "Well, regardless, you still have my vote"
  2396. "That's a given, there's no one else running. If anything, promise your vote to Dash, she's running for princess"
  2397. >Rarity: "She is?! She told me she would never run in a million years!"
  2398. "Well, I kind of signed her up for it behind her back, but it did take some hell convincing her to go along with it"
  2399. >Rarity: "How on Earth did you manage to do that?"
  2400. "... Long story"
  2401. >Rarity: "A long story, huh... interesting"
  2402. >Not answering is just as bad as telling the truth with her because it let's her imagination run wild
  2404. >Lunch time
  2405. >Note to self: Keep your damn mouth shut about yesterday
  2406. >Pinkie comes to the table minus her entourage, but with the same grave look on her face as before
  2407. >Pinkie: "Hey Nonny, I've got some bad news"
  2408. "What kind of bad news?"
  2409. >Pinkie: "Well people have been talking about you running for prince, and, well... "
  2410. "Well what?"
  2411. >Pinkie: "... you may have some competition"
  2412. >You and Dash exchange glances
  2413. >Dash: "There's no way I'm going to be someone else's princess"
  2414. "Yeah, not after-"
  2415. >Caught yourself
  2416. >Rarity: "... After what?"
  2417. "... nevermind. Who's my competition?"
  2418. >Pinkie looks down, rubbing the back of her neck. From across the cafeteria comes a loud call through a megaphone
  2419. >"Hello?! Can I have everyone's attention please?!"
  2420. >Everyone turns around to witness Flash Sentry standing on top of a table, holding a megaphone
  2421. >Flash: "As I'm sure you've all heard, Anon's running for prince of the Winter Ball uncontested. I don't know about you guys, but this isn't a position we should just set aside for him to win!"
  2422. "Pinkie, don't tell me-"
  2423. >Flash: "-Which is why I've decided to run against him!"
  2424. >His friends all start cheering
  2425. >Pinkie: "... yup"
  2426. >There's some mutters from all around the cafeteria, some surprised, some amused, some curious
  2427. >Dash: "You're not going to let me be HIS princess right?"
  2428. >Hell freaking no
  2429. >Rarity: "Go on Anon, make your statement"
  2430. >You aren't prepared for this, but it's now or never.Everyone pulls their food trays into their laps so you can climb up on the table. With no megaphone like him, you have to rely solely on the power of your voice
  2431. "Hey Flash!"
  2432. >You shout at the top of your lungs for the whole gym to hear
  2433. "... fuck you!"
  2434. >Not exactly the best platform for you to run on, but it's the best you've got for now
  2435. >There's some laughs around the cafeteria, which may be good or bad
  2436. >Flash claps, slowly and insulting
  2437. >Flash: "Well there you have it, Anon the wordsmith! If 'fuck you's are all you have to offer, you better step it up! Come on everyone, are you really going to vote for a guy like him-"
  2438. "You mean the guy who kicked you ass?!"
  2439. >The crowd agrees, shots were fired
  2440. >Flash: "See what I mean?! You disagree with him and he beats the shit out of you! Is that really the kind of person you really want representing your school?!"
  2441. >People are actually buying this
  2442. >There's only one thing to do
  2443. "... Aggressive ass-kickers is still a better message than a guy like you!"
  2444. >Dash: "Anon what are you-"
  2445. >You give her a wink, making sure she knows you have a plan
  2446. Flash said I'm a violent psycho who fights anyone who disagrees with me... that's one way of looking at it! But do you want to know how I see it?!"
  2447. >You've gotten thee attention of almost everyone. They've taken the bait
  2448. "I see it as defending myself, standing up for what I believe in..."
  2449. >Taking Dash's hand, you help her up onto the table with you
  2450. "... and protecting those that I love!"
  2451. >You put your arm around her waist and pull her to your side, then give her a big smooch on the forehead
  2452. >She doesn't know your plan, but she's smiling
  2453. "Those aren't just MY ideals... they're the ideals of America! A vote for me is a vote for freedom!!"
  2454. >Making a fist with your free hand, you raise it high in the air, slowly pumping it up and down
  2455. "U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A..."
  2456. >Dash starts pumping her fist in the air
  2457. >Dash: "U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A..."
  2458. >Pinkie and Rarity jump up onto the table and join in. Rather than pump their fists in the air, they stomp their feet on the table, picking up the pace of the chant
  2459. >Pinkie and Rarity: "U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!"
  2460. >The cafeteria riles up, as the freedom chant spreads like a wildfire. Students get up from their seats, joining the chant. Like every gathering of proud Americans, quickly progresses into chaos. Food being thrown around, tables flipping over... such a beautiful sight, it could make an eagle cry
  2461. >You point towards Flash, directing the attention of the mass towards him
  2462. "This cafeteria is a freedom-only zone! All you commie bastards, get out!"
  2463. >The room explodes into a massive cheer, a celebration of liberty, justice, and baseball
  2464. >Rarity leans over and whispers in your ear: "... you don't mean for me to get out, right?"
  2465. "Nah, you stay. You're an honorary American now"
  2466. >She actually seems proud to hear that
  2467. >Then again, who wouldn't be
  2468. >You are the only one to notice Flash and his posse slowly sneaking out
  2469. >No one can say you didn't win this one
  2470. As soon as the bell rang, the crowd empties out in a hurry. Realizing the trouble you'd be in if the principals saw this, you and the girls try to clean up as much as you can. At the very leas you stand all the tables back up
  2471. >Dash: "Not bad Anon, you may have won them over"
  2472. >Pinkie: "Yeah, for now. But you've set the bar pretty high, you better have something BIG planned for tomorrow"
  2473. "Tomorrow?"
  2474. >Pinkie: "Yeah, you've still got three days until the voting closes. And you still gotta come up with a song and dance number"
  2475. "A song and dance number?"
  2476. >Pinkie: "Yup, it's CHS tradition"
  2477. "Is that really necessary? After today I'm sure I can win on my own"
  2478. >Pinkie: "I dunno Nonny, a song can REALLY sway a crowd. After all, it worked for Twilight"
  2479. "Who?"
  2480. >The girls all exchange glances
  2481. >Dash: "... I'll explain later"
  2482. >Great, is this another one of their otherworldly demon friends?
  2483. >Ignoring it, you finish straightening the room up to a reasonable state before heading off to your respective classes your respective classe
  2485. >Pinkie didn't show up to English class, which you assume means she's got "business". Probably rigging the school to flood or something
  2486. >Towards the end of class, you get a text from her to meet you at the bathrooms
  2487. >Yup... business
  2489. >You show up at the bathrooms to find not Pinkie waiting for you, but Rarity and Dash
  2490. "Hey guys, Pinkie call you here too?"
  2491. >Dash: "Who else would have? Do you know what this is all about?"
  2492. "You don't know?"
  2493. >Dash: "We were hoping you would know"
  2494. "Nu uh"
  2495. >Finally Pinkie comes sprinting down the hall with a cardboard box in her arms
  2496. >Pinkie: "Sorry I'm late guys, I had to finish a couple things!"
  2497. >She runs into the girl's bathroom with the three of you following behind her
  2498. >Because following three girls into the bathroom is perfectly normal for a guy like you
  2500. >Pinkie plops the box down on the floor
  2501. >Pinkie: "Okay, I figured you would need some help with your campaign for dance prince, so I ran into the art classrooms and made these"
  2502. >She rips the top of the box open and pulls out a white t-shirt with a crudely drawn American flag, the stars making a smiley face. Above it says "A vote for Anon", and beneath reads "Is a vote for Freedom". On the back there's large lettering that says "Don't be a Commie Bastard", with a tiny copyright symbol at the end
  2503. "... seriously Pinkie?"
  2504. >Pinkie: "Yeah! There's one for each of us!"
  2505. >Digging through the box, she grabs one and tosses it each of you. She quickly tosses her shirt off and puts the new one on
  2506. >Pinkie: "Go ahead, try them on!"
  2507. >You each change into your new clothes without making any awkward eye contact. There's something magical to be said about a friendship so close that you don't even feel awkward dressing in front of each other
  2508. >Then again, you did kinda fuck 2/3 of them
  2509. >The shirt is a snug fit, but still comfortable
  2510. "Not bad Pinkie. Not bad at all"
  2511. >Pinkie: "So I was thinking, we should wear them every day until the dance"
  2512. >Dash: "That's actually not a bad idea"
  2513. "Yeah, I'm down for that"
  2514. >Rarity: "... ah, why not. With the right accessories this could look great"
  2515. "Alright, we make one hell of a team!"
  2516. >You put your hand out
  2517. >Dash: "... uh, what are you doing?"
  2518. "You know... that thing where we all put our hands in the middle like a team"
  2519. >Pinkie: "Wow Nonny... no offense, but that's really lame"
  2520. >Dash: "Yeah Anon, no team really does that"
  2521. "Wait, seriously?"
  2522. >Rarity: "Even I could have told you that"
  2523. "... oh"
  2524. >Way to go
  2525. >Everyone darts their eyes around the room, looking for a distraction from this awkward moment
  2526. >Pinkie: ".... so Nonny, got any ideas for your song yet?"
  2527. "Well, I can't sing and I can't dance... so I've got nothing. Can't we just skip the whole thing?"
  2528. >Pinkie: "No we can't, it's a school tradition!"
  2529. "Well I'm not sure how much I can do without looking like a jackass, he'll slam me in the competition"
  2530. >... and that's when the idea hits you
  2531. >Dash: "Well, if he's got nothing maybe we can just-"
  2532. "-Dash, you still got the key for the gym storage room?
  2533. >Dash: "Yeah, why-"
  2534. "-Good. Pinkie, how many pinatas can you get hanging in he gym?"
  2535. >Pinkie: "How many do you need?"
  2536. "As many as you can. Big ones"
  2537. >Pinkie: "For what?"
  2538. "You'll see..."
  2539. >The girls all look at each other nervously
  2540. >Dash: "You know, usually when you say that, things either turn out great or a total train wreck"
  2541. "I know"
  2542. >This will be no train wreck
  2543. >It may be the bast plan you've ever come up with
  2545. >Wednesday
  2546. >Wearing your new campaign shirt, you showed up extra early today because Pinkie asked you to. But when you arrived at the front door, she wasn't there
  2547. >You decided to give her a call
  2548. >Pinkie: "... hey Nonny, where are you?"
  2549. "I'm here, where are you?"
  2550. >Pinkie: "I'm here, where are YOU?"
  2551. "I'm- ... you know what, just tell me where to go"
  2552. >Pinkie: "The cafeteria"
  2553. "How'd you get in? The school isn't even open yet"
  2554. >Pinkie: "It is if you have the key. I left it unlocked, come on in"
  2555. >*CLICK*
  2556. >She hung up before you could ask how the hell she got a hold of the keys to the school
  2558. >As soon as you walk in you see about ten or so large pinatas leaning against the wall, in all different shapes and designs
  2559. >Pinkie: "So what do you think Nonny, are these good?"
  2560. "Yeah, I think so. They should work"
  2561. >Pinkie: "What are you gonna put in them?"
  2562. "I bought a whole bunch of candy"
  2563. >You dump out your backpack, releasing nearly a dozen giant bags of candy, the kind you usually see around Halloween
  2564. >Pinkie: "Huh... that's actually a pretty good idea. I'm surprised you came up with-"
  2565. "-And basketballs"
  2566. >Pinkie: "... basketballs? You mean like, basketball basketballs?"
  2567. "Yup"
  2568. >You completely lost her
  2569. >Pinkie: "Are you sure?"
  2570. "Trust me"
  2571. >Pinkie: "... alright then. I've got a few other things to show you"
  2572. >She takes you around the cafeteria, showing you several giant speakers hooked up around the room
  2573. >Pinkie: "With these, whatever song you play should be heard through the whole gym. What song did you end up choosing anyways?"
  2574. "... Let's just say, an American classic"
  2575. >Pinkie: "What classic?"
  2576. >You tell her your song
  2577. >Pinkie: "... you call THAT an American classic?"
  2578. "Well? It is, isn't it?"
  2579. >Pinkie: "I suppose... and it does explain the basketballs. But... alright. I'll download it later and hook it up"
  2580. >Between you, Pinkie, and Rarity who showed up not much later, you start filling up the pinatas, finishing pretty quickly
  2581. >Pinkie: "So do you have the basketballs with you now?"
  2582. >Rarity: "You're putting basketballs in there? What for?"
  2583. "Trust me"
  2584. >Rarity: "But won't-"
  2585. >Pinkie: "-Just go with it, it's the only answer you'll get from him"
  2586. "I was going to ask Dash to take me to the sports team storage closet when she got here"
  2587. >Pinkie: "I told her to get here early like you guys, I don't know where she is though"
  2588. >Implying Dash could ever get here on time
  2590. >She shows up just before the bell, with enough time for you to run to the storage room, get the basketballs, fill the pinatas, and get to class fifteen minutes late. Pinkie said she'd stay behind in the cafeteria and keep an eye on the pinatas
  2591. >It's like you guys don't even come to school to do work anymore
  2593. >After biology, you and Rarity waited for Dash as usual, but she doesn't show
  2594. >About five minutes into lunch, you get a call from Pinkie
  2595. "Hello-"
  2596. >Pinie: "-Where are you?!"
  2597. "I'm waiting for Dash, but she's not-"
  2598. >Pinkie: "-She's here in the cafeteria with me"
  2599. "She is?"
  2600. >Pinkie: "Yeah, the pinatas got really heavy with the basketballs, so I asked Dash to help me"
  2601. "That explains it-"
  2602. >Pinkie: "-Just hurry, we're running out of time! Stay on the line, I'll tell you when to come in"
  2603. >You and Rarity hurry over to the cafeteria
  2605. >You are Bob. You have no personality. You have no special traits. You are just another guy in the background
  2606. >When you came into the cafeteria, you noticed a bunch of pinatas hanging around from the ceiling
  2607. >Weird stuff happens all the time, but you've never actually seen a pinata in here before
  2608. >One just happens to be hanging over your table. Everyone around starts looking for something to hit it with
  2609. >At another table someone finds a giant stick under their table. Checking under yours, you find one for yourself
  2610. >While hitting the pinata, you hear a shout from another table that seems to have broken theirs open first
  2611. >"What the hell, there's basketballs in here!"
  2612. >Just then, yours breaks open, and sure enough you're showered with candy and about two or three of basketballs. You're really not sure, they fell too fast
  2613. >And just as the commotion reaches its peak, the doors burst open in an overly dramatic spectacle
  2614. >Anonymous and Rainbow Dash stand triumphantly in the doorway, wearing some cheesy American t-shirts. Is this part of their whole "prince and princess of the dance" thing?
  2615. >The room falls silent, either in confusion or curiosity, broken by the growing sound a familiar tune
  2616. >" Everybody get up, it's time to slam now, we got a real jam going down, welcome to the Space Jam "
  2617. >... they've got your vote
  2619. >You are Anon
  2620. >They probably wanted to kill you when those basketballs started dropping
  2621. >When the music started playing, the life of the mood of the room slowly shifted, the got excited, they got pumped
  2622. >Once you were certain that they were on your side, you jumped on top of the nearest table, grabbed the closest basketball, and tossed it. The crowd fought over it like you just threw out your used panties... you know, if you were a hot grill
  2623. >The crowd starts partying, tossing balls around the room, scooping up as much candy as they could, cheering out your name
  2624. >You start singing the words to the song out loud, and the crowd joins you. This is the only song you could sing in public, it's the only song you know the words to
  2625. >Dash gets up on the table with you
  2626. >Dash: "I gotta hand it to you, you really pulled through again. How'd you know this would work"
  2627. "Because who doesn't fucking love Space Jam"
  2628. >Dash: "... true"
  2629. >You truly got a real jam going down
  2630. >This win is in the bag
  2632. >History class
  2633. >Usually Dash has her head down, half asleep. This time it's you
  2634. >During the slam jam you got pelted in the head by a basketball, and it's been killing you since then
  2635. >Dash: "You okay Anon? You don't look too good"
  2636. "Yeah, I'm just..."
  2637. >Who are you kidding
  2638. "...my head hurts like hell"
  2639. >Dash: "Thought so. Come on"
  2640. >She asks for the two of you to be excused to the nurse's office, and as usual he lets you go no questions asked
  2642. >You show up and knock on her door
  2643. >Nurse: "It's unlocked, just come in"
  2644. >When the two of you enter, you immediately blurt out the first thing that comes to mind
  2645. "Jesus, you look awful"
  2646. >Her hair is a mess, her clothes are wrinkled, she can barely keep her eyes open. She's exhausted
  2647. >Nurse: "You know, I'd smack you if it weren't for how right you probably are. Come on in"
  2648. "Sorry, didn't mean it like that, but..."
  2649. >You come in but there's already someone sitting in the bed
  2650. >Nurse: "You get knocked out by a basketball too?"
  2651. "What do you mean 'too' ?"
  2652. >Nurse: "Yeah, apparently some jackass let loose a bunch of basketballs in the gym and everyone started throwing then around.I've had a lot of kids have been coming in since-"
  2653. >Kid: "Hey Anon, didn't you do that?"
  2654. >You make a throat-cutting motion with your hand, trying to shut him up
  2655. >Nurse: "... what's this about now?"
  2656. >Kid: "Yeah, he put them in pinatas or something. It was awesome"
  2657. >Redheart's eye twitches
  2658. >Nurse: "... how are you feeling"
  2659. >Kid: "Fine now I guess-"
  2660. >Nurse: "-Good. Get out"
  2661. >Kid: "But-"
  2662. >Nurse: "-Go!"
  2663. >He hurries out, and you almost feel tempted to do the same
  2664. >Nurse: "... I should have known this was all YOUR doing. This is about the whole 'dance prince' thing isn't it?"
  2665. "I figured, if you don't go all out you don't deserve it"
  2666. >She sighs
  2667. >Nurse: "Well... shit, I gotta admire your spirit"
  2668. >She hands you a bag of ice for your head
  2669. >Nurse: "Just quit giving me so much work to do, I've barely been getting any sleep lately"
  2670. "Everything okay?"
  2671. >Nurse: "Yeah, I just... yeah. Look, just tone it down a notch. You can't be doing crap like this at the dance, and God knows I won't let you"
  2672. "You're going to be there?"
  2673. >Nurse: "Yeah, I always chaperone. Luna says it's 'to make sure the kids behave', which is just a nice way of saying 'don't let anyone get pregnant'. You know, like you"
  2674. "Like us?"
  2675. >Nurse: "Come on, if anyone's going to get caught screwing in the bathroom it's going to be you two. And I'm not supposed to let that happen"
  2676. >Dash: "Well you don't have to worry about that, we won't"
  2677. >... let's not be so hasty Dashie
  2678. >Nurse: "Well, regardless of what happens, just keep out of trouble alright? I've got more important things to deal with"
  2679. "Like what?"
  2680. >Nurse: "Like trying to -"
  2681. >She's about to give you some sassy answer when her phone rings
  2682. >Nurse: "... never mind. You seem fine, get back to class"
  2683. "But I-"
  2684. >Nurse: "-Hurry up, go"
  2685. >She rushes the two of you out, locking the door behind you
  2686. >You press your ear to the door
  2687. >Dash: "Anon, what are you-"
  2688. "-Shh... "
  2689. >Gotta find out what "important business" she has going on
  2690. >Nurse: "... yeah, I'm chaperoning at the dance... yeah, all night... you know, they did say I can bring a guest, so if you want...alright sounds great! See you there!"
  2691. >... huh
  2692. >You slowly back away from the door
  2693. "Okay, let's go"
  2694. >Dash: "Anything interesting?"
  2695. "... I think nurse Redheart has a date"
  2697. >Thursday
  2698. >The day before the dance
  2699. >You washed the "Vote for Anon" shirt so it wouldn't smell when you put it back on today
  2701. >Rainbow Dash showed up this morning with a bit of excitement in her step, happily taking your hand as you walk in
  2702. >Dash: “Hey Anon, ready for today?”
  2703. “Pretty sure”
  2704. >If there’s some kind of campaign thing you still have to do it shouldn’t be that hard. Just throw some balls and chant for freedom
  2705. >Dash: “You know, I’m honestly surprised you decided to come”
  2706. “Why wouldn’t I?”
  2707. >Dash: “I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem like your type of thing”
  2708. >Okay, you’re clearly missing something here, but before you can ask what the hell she’s talking about she hurries off
  2710. >Biology
  2711. "Hey Rarity, is something going on today?"
  2712. >Rarity: "What do you mean?"
  2713. "I don't know, dash just showed up this morning asking me if I was 'ready' "
  2714. >Rarity: "Oh, that. Yeah, I suggested that we all hang out this afternoon to the girls, I must have forgotten to ask you. I assumed you would have come anyways though. Want to come along?"
  2715. "Sure, why not. What have you got planned?"
  2716. >Rarity: "Oh, you know. Hang out, stop at the cafe, look around for..."
  2717. >Her expression says she just said something she shouldn't have
  2718. > you know, just hang out"
  2719. "Look around for what?"
  2720. >Rarity: "Oh that, it's nothing"
  2721. "Okay, Rarity, what aren't you telling me?"
  2722. >Rarity: "Who, me?"
  2723. "I said your name, didn't I?"
  2724. >Rarity: "Well... you see... "
  2725. >She glances around the room for a distraction, ultimately locking eyes with the teacher
  2726. >Rarity: "Let's get back to work, I'll tell you later"
  2727. >She goes back to her work, or at east she pretends to
  2728. >Are you sure you still want to go?
  2730. >After class, Rarity takes your hand and leads you down the hall, the exact opposite direction from the cafeteria
  2731. "Wait, where are we going?"
  2732. >Rarity: "You'll see"
  2733. >She takes you down to the hall, just a few corners away from the main entrance room of the school
  2734. >Pinkie is there waiting for you two, and Dash shows up later
  2735. >Dash: "Wow, you really are coming along this time"
  2736. "Yeah, Rarity told me everything, well, almost everything. What are we doing here?"
  2737. >Pinkie: "Isn't it obvious? We're sneaking out"
  2738. >Ditching class, huh? You never knew they had it in them
  2739. >Well, Rarity at least. Pinkie and Dash, not so farfetched
  2740. >Rarity: "Alright, so what's the plan?"
  2741. "Plan for what?"
  2742. >Rarity: "For sneaking out! You don't think they'd just let us walk out the front door, so you?"
  2743. "Actually yeah, they would. Come on"
  2744. >Rarity: "No way. It can't be that easy"
  2745. \>You approach the door and push it open
  2746. "Come on girls, let's go!"
  2748. >The four of you sit around a table at a small cafe down the street
  2749. >Rarity: "I still can't believe we could just walk out like that"
  2750. "I can, our school security sucks"
  2751. >Seriously, think of all the stuff you've gotten away with lately: the fight, hijacking the intercom, the pinatas
  2752. >Pinkie: "So Rarity, where to first?"
  2753. >Yup, Pinkie's got something to hide
  2754. >Rarity: "Well, I was thinking that we could check out the new boutique down the street from the mall. I was there the other day, they've got a good new winter line"
  2755. "Wait a second. Are you talking about going shopping?"
  2756. >Dash: "Yeah, I thought you knew"
  2757. "And you brought me along, why?"
  2758. >Rarity: "Because we all need something to wear for the dance tomorrow. That includes YOU too"
  2759. "... well have fun with that. I'm going home-"
  2760. >Dash: "-Anon wait! You have to come along!"
  2761. "Why?"
  2762. >Rainbow Dash leans over and whispers to you
  2763. >Dash: "... you know ho she gets when she goes shopping. You can't leave us alone with her"
  2764. "... alright fine, I'll tag along"
  2766. >The four of you go to some fancy-pants clothing store at the strip mall with a french name you can't quite pronounce
  2767. "... L-Le... le oma... omo-"
  2768. >Dash: "Forget it Anon, none of us can figure it out"
  2769. >Pinkie nods in agreement
  2770. >Rarity: "It's not that hard, it's-"
  2771. >Dash: "-Let's just go in before this turns into a lesson in French"
  2772. >After rolling her eyes, Rarity walks in, the three of you trailing behind her
  2774. >Upon entering you're immediately greeted by a young-looking employee
  2775. >"Hello, welcome to L'Ome- oh hey, Rarity, good to see you again. Here shopping for the dance?"
  2776. >Rarity: "Yup. And it's good to see you too Coco"
  2777. >It's like Rarity knows everyone who works in every clothing store in town
  2778. >Coco: "I'm sure you know where you're going, but if you need any help don't be afraid to call for me"
  2779. >Rarity: "Will do"
  2780. >The employee goes back to her work, and Rarity leads you all to the women's formal apparel
  2781. >A section you've never been to before
  2783. >Rarity observes racks upon racks of dresses, her eyes deep in thought. She almost looks like she could be contemplating some profound philosophy or the meaning of life
  2784. >But nope, she's just shopping
  2785. >She ultimately grabs one and hands it off to you... then another, and another
  2786. >By the time she's finally done, you've got a pile of almost twenty dresses in your arms. She walks into the changing room with three others
  2787. "Rarity, what the hell?"
  2788. >Rarity: "It says we're not supposed to bring more than three garments into the changing room at a time"
  2789. "So I'm supposed to just hold these-"
  2790. >Dash pats you on the back
  2791. >Dash: "Thanks Anon, she usually makes me carry them"
  2792. >God damn it
  2793. >After a long wait Dash speaks up
  2794. >Dash: "You okay in there Rarity?"
  2795. >Rarity: "Uh... I'm not sure, can you come in here and tell what you think?"
  2796. >Assuming she didn't mean you, you wait behind as Dash and Pinkie join her in the changing room
  2797. >They mutter to each other, about what you have no idea
  2798. >After a while the door to the changing room opens just a crack, and all three of the dresses she brought in get handed out to you. You struggle to take them and set them down on a nearby empty shelf
  2799. >Rarity: "Anon, can you hand me the others?"
  2800. "Which ones? I've got at least twenty"
  2801. >Rarity: "Any of them... and there's 31"
  2802. >You pass in a few more, actively trying not to peek in through the crack in the door
  2803. >Just 28 more to go...
  2805. >You continue exchanging in that same pattern, time after time
  2806. >While waiting, a familiar voice booms from behind you
  2807. >Vlad: "What are you doing here? Have you become a lady?"
  2808. "I swear it's not what it looks like"
  2809. >Vlad skeptically raises his eyebrow
  2810. >Rarity: "Anon, a few more please"
  2811. >Her voice explains the whole situation
  2812. >During the trade-off, you hand her the last dress that she hadn't yet tried on
  2813. "So Vlad what are you-"
  2814. >Vlad: "-Trying to make move on my niece, are you? Make for romance?"
  2815. >His suspicious glare could pierce through your skull
  2816. "N-No, I swear, I'm just here with our friends. I'm not trying to-"
  2817. >He interrupts you with a deep laugh
  2818. >Vlad: "Relax little man, I know you. You make the romance with ladywoman, the one with the colors"
  2819. >The one with the colors... yeah, that could be Dash
  2820. "So anyways, what are you here for?"
  2821. >Vlad: "I need suit. Baby Rarity tell me this shop is best, but not so sure"
  2822. "I know what you mean. It's too... French"
  2823. >Vlad: "Exactly, French bad quality. Won't hold up in battle"
  2824. "I'm not sure these kinds of clothes are meant for battle"
  2825. >Vlad: "Not clothes, French people. Bullet go right through them"
  2826. >Maybe you DON'T know what he means
  2827. >Rarity steps out in her regular clothes, the last dress draped over her arm
  2828. >Rarity: "Anon, where'd you put those others I handed you?"
  2829. >You point her out to the shelf, She fiddles through them, grabs one, and takes it back into the dressing room
  2830. >Dash: "Oh, hey Vlad what are you doing here?"
  2831. >Vlad: "I came for new suit. All I find is disappointment"
  2832. >Dash: "Anon's here for the same. We're here to do some shopping for the dance"
  2833. >Vlad eyes you up and down: "... I may have something for you. Interested?"
  2834. "Sure, why not"
  2835. >Vlad: "Good. Come back to my store when you're done with lady business"
  2836. >Vlad makes his way out just as Rarity steps out in a fancy looking dress
  2837. >Rarity: "What was my uncle doing here?"
  2838. "Oh, he just stopped by for something. Is that the one you chose?"
  2839. >Rarity: "Yeah, maybe"
  2840. >Dash: "Isn't that the first one you put on?"
  2841. >Rarity: "Yeah"
  2842. >Is this bitch serious
  2844. >Rarity asked you to help her put the dresses back
  2845. >Okay, not help. She asked you to do it for her while she helped Dash pick something out
  2846. >Once Dash has a couple, she heads into the changing room. Rarity runs off to continue looking, something about Dash "not picking enough of a selection"
  2847. >Dash: "... a little help in here"
  2848. "Pinkie can you..."
  2849. >Pinkie's gone
  2850. >Well then
  2851. >You quickly slip into the room, taking care to not be seen
  2852. >Dash: "Anon? I don't think you're allowed to be in here"
  2853. "Well Rarity and Pinkie are busy. And it's not like we're gonna have sex or anything in here right?"
  2854. >Dash: "Well I guess not. Can you just get that zipper in the back?"
  2855. >On the back of her dress there's a long zipper, down to just above her waist. You pull it up slowly, trying to not get her hair caught in it
  2856. >Once it's all the way up she turns around, stretching her arms out as if presenting herself to you
  2857. >Dash: "Well... what do you think? It's my favorite one that I've seen all day"
  2858. >She's in a tight, strapless dress that shows off her shoulders, reaching from just under her armpits down to her mid thigh. Horizontal stripes run down in a rainbow pattern, much like her hair
  2859. "It's great, I love it"
  2860. >Dash: "You sure? I mean, I like it but I want you to-"
  2861. "-Dash, it's perfect"
  2862. >Dash: "Positive? You don't have to say that just because-"
  2863. "-Dash!"
  2864. >She goes silent
  2865. "... you look amazing"
  2866. >Dash: "... thanks"
  2867. >She quickly pulls you into a hug, burying her face into your chest
  2868. >That's how you know she's blushing and doesn't want you to see
  2869. >Just as you put your arms around her the door bursts open
  2870. >Rarity: "Dash, I got these, I thought they'd- ... sorry, am I interrupting?"
  2871. >She smiles lewdly, thinking you have something to hide
  2872. "Well, she needed help and you were gone"
  2873. >Rarity: "And I'm guessing you helped her in your own way"
  2874. "What's that supposed to mean?"
  2875. >Rarity: "You know what I mean-"
  2876. >Pinkie: "-What do you mean?"
  2877. >Pinkie bursts in the room
  2878. "She doesn't mean anything-"
  2879. >Pinkie: "-You said you'd tell me next time the three of you had a sex party!"
  2880. "Pinkie it's not a-"
  2881. >Pinkie: "-Though I gotta admit, a changing room isn't a bad location. Not creative, but not bad. Kudos Nonny"
  2882. >Dash: "Anon, what's she talking about?"
  2883. "She's not-"
  2885. >Coco: "Sorry, but we can't let all of you be in there at once"
  2886. >Pinkie: "... party pooper"
  2887. >Pinkie stays inside while the rest of you step out. Apparently she had already chosen something. After a moment she steps out wearing her new dress
  2888. >Rarity: "... Pinkie, are you sure?"
  2889. >Pinkie: "Yup"
  2890. >The neckline of her dress is cut so low it shows off her whole cleavage. The dress goes down to her ankles, but the slit on the side separates it all the way up to her hip
  2891. >Rarity: "Are you sure you don't want something a little more... reserved"
  2892. >Pinkie: "Come on Rarity, where's the fun in that?"
  2893. >Rarity nudges your side
  2894. >Rarity: "Anon, don't you think she'd look better in-"
  2895. "-Leave me out of this"
  2896. >Realizing she's beat, she lets Pinkie have her way
  2897. >With each girl changed back into their normal clothes, they head back to the registers
  2898. >Rarity: "Anon, wait. We still have to get you a suit"
  2899. "Don't worry, Vlad said he had something for me"
  2901. >Coco is working the register, it's like she's the only employee here
  2902. >Then again, it's not really a busy place
  2903. >After ringing them up, she even has the time to see you all out
  2904. >Coco: "Thanks for shopping at L'Omelette du Fromage, come back soon!"
  2906. >With your lady work here done, it's time to head over to the military surplus store
  2907. >Vlad has something for you to wear...
  2908. >Only now does it occur to you how bad this could turn out
  2910. >You enter Vlad's store with mixed emotions, the girls with you
  2911. >Part of you is worried that he expects you to wear one of his old military uniforms
  2912. >Another part of you is hoping that he lets you wear one of his old military uniforms
  2913. >Quite the quandary
  2914. >Vlad is behind the counter doing nothing, as if he was actually waiting for you
  2915. "Hey Vlad, we finished up with our lady business. You said you had something for me?"
  2916. >Vlad: "Wait there"
  2917. >He leaves for the back room, and comes back carrying a garment bag. There's clearly something in it, because he's holding it up by the hanger. He hands it over to you
  2918. >Vlad: "This belonged to an old comrade. He was a strong man, little like you, but strong. A true warrior"
  2919. "Where is he now?"
  2920. >Vlad: "He died. That's his funeral suit"
  2921. >Everyone steps back away from you, like you've been given a bomb
  2922. >Vlad: "Go ahead, try it"
  2923. >He points you out to a bathroom in the back
  2924. >You head in and start changing
  2925. >Well, here you go
  2926. >A dead man's clothes...
  2928. "So, what do you all think?"
  2929. >The top button is undone and your necktie is loose, but other than that you actually look pretty good in this suit... at least you think so
  2930. >Vlad: "Look good. Ready to kill an entire country"
  2931. >You ask Rarity, since she's the big fashionista
  2932. >Rarity: "Hmm... "
  2933. >She approaches you and buttons that top button, then tightens your tie to a point where you can just barely breathe
  2934. >After taking a few steps back, she eyes you up and down and smiles
  2935. >Rarity: "... yup, not bad. Not bad at all. How do you feel about it Dash?"
  2936. >Dash approaches you and reaches for your neck
  2937. >To your surprise, she loosens the tie and unbuttons the top button. As an added touch, she messes up your hair
  2938. >Dash: "There we go. Perfect"
  2939. >Gotta love that girl
  2940. >Rarity just rolls her eyes. Dash silently makes love to you with hers
  2941. >Rarity: "What about you Pinkie? You've been quiet this whole time"
  2942. >Pinkie's standing back with her hand over her mouth
  2943. >Pinkie: "It's fine... just..."
  2944. "Just what?"
  2945. >Pinkie: "I just think... " *snicker* "... that it really..."
  2946. "That it really what?"
  2947. >Pinkie: "... that it really SUITS YOU!"
  2948. >She collapses onto the floor in a fit of laughter. She's reaching out for high-fives, none of which are returned
  2949. >You feel a strong, heavy pat on the back
  2950. >Vlad: "Keep it friend. It looks as good on you as it did on my old comrade"
  2951. >Somehow that makes you feel a sense of pride... honor... something manly
  2952. >After helping Pinkie up off the ground, still suffering from her laughing fit asking if you all "got it", the four of you head home
  2954. >Be Rainbow Dash
  2955. >Later that night
  2956. >Anon did look good in that suit, really good
  2957. >But still, you have to be sure, it'll take one quick phone call
  2958. >...
  2959. "Hello, Vlad?"
  2960. "Yeah, it's me. So like, I was just wondering. Your friend who owned that suit is dead now, right?"
  2961. "Uh huh. So like, I'm just wondering, it isn't... you know, haunted or anything, right?"
  2962. >Hey, you can never be too sure
  2964. >Friday
  2965. >The day of the dance
  2967. >In front of Celestia's office there is a box hanging on the wall for the ballots for the dance royalty
  2968. >Nominees aren't allowed to vote, but throughout the day you've gotten enough people telling you that they'd vote for you and Dash to make you feel confident
  2970. >Lunch time
  2971. >The cafeteria is less than half full than it usually is, with everyone waiting in line to vote for the prince and princess of the dance
  2972. >Rarity ran off to cast her vote, so you and Dash went to the cafeteria by yourselves. Pinkie isn't around either so you assume she's with Rarity
  2973. "Damn, does this many people really go to the dance?"
  2974. >Dash: "Yeah, it's really popular. I'm honestly still surprised you've never been"
  2975. >Ouch. That stung
  2976. >Dash: "So how do you think we're doing?"
  2977. "Well seeing as how my only competition was Flash, I don't think I've got anything to worry about"
  2978. >Dash: "What about me?"
  2979. "Honestly, I don't even know who else is on the ballot. That's probably a good sign. And at the very least you've got Rarity's and Pinkie's votes"
  2980. >Dash: "Pinkie doesn't vote either"
  2981. "She doesn't? Why not?"
  2982. >Dash: "She's not allowed to either, she's the one who counts the ballots"
  2983. "So why don't we just ask her to tell us how we're looking-"
  2984. >Pinkie: "-Not a chance Nonny"
  2985. >With lunch almost half over, the other half of your group shows up
  2986. >Pinkie: "I'm only supposed to count them twice, first after lunch then again after school. I couldn't tell you now even if I wanted to"
  2987. "But can you at least tell me who else is on the ballot besides Dash?"
  2988. >Pinkie: "Well there's you, first off"
  2989. >Dash: "I think he means who's MY competition"
  2990. >Pinkie: "... oh yeah. Well for starters Diamond Tiara is on the list, she probably paid someone to nominate her. Trixie's on there too, but just between you and me I don't count on her getting many votes"
  2991. >She lists off a few other names that you don't even recognize
  2992. >You've got this win in the bag
  2994. >English class
  2995. >You get a text from Pinkie telling you to meet her at the bathrooms
  2996. >You're sure the teacher is getting sick of you asking to go to the bathroom every other day
  2998. >After making sure the coast is clear, you quickly slink into the girls bathroom, where Pinkie is inside waiting for you
  2999. "No one else is here, right?"
  3000. >Pinkie: "Nope, just me and myself"
  3001. "Good, so what'd you need me down here for?"
  3002. >Pinkie: "I just finished counting the votes so far, and thought you'd like to know how the election is turning out"
  3003. "How is it?"
  3004. >Pinkie: "Well I'm sure you know you've pretty much won, but..."
  3005. "But?"
  3006. >Pinkie: "I'm not supposed to say anything definitive, but it's looking good for Dash too"
  3007. "Can't say I'm surprised"
  3008. >Pinkie: "Don't tell anyone I told you this though, okay? I could get kicked off the committee"
  3009. "Alright I won't-"
  3010. >Piknie: "-You gotta promise me you won't tell"
  3011. "Alright Pinkie, I promise. And thanks for the heads up"
  3012. >Pinkie: "No prob. I'm probably gonna head to the nurse's office after this, I need to lie down for a bit"
  3013. "You okay?"
  3014. >Pinkie: "Yeah, just exhausted. Counting those things is always tiring, but with all the hype we've caused it's just made this job that much harder-"
  3015. >*CREAK*
  3016. >Pinkie shoves you in the nearest stall as the bathroom door slowly opens
  3017. >You stand up on the toilet and crouch down, desperate trying to hide yourself from plain sight
  3018. >"Hey, Pinkie, what's up?"
  3019. >You never thought you'd say this, but you wish you didn't just hear her voice
  3020. >Pinkie: "Oh, hey Dash. Nothing really"
  3021. >Dash: "Is someone else in here?"
  3022. >Pinkie: "Nope, just me and myself"
  3023. >Dash: "But I just heard you talking"
  3024. >Pinkie: "Yup, just talking to myself"
  3025. >Dash is probably thinking the same thing you are: "With Pinkie, that actually makes sense"
  3026. >Pinkie: "Anyways I gotta head back now, see ya tonight at the dance-"
  3027. >Dash: "-Pinkie, wait"
  3028. >Pinkie: "Hmm?"
  3029. >Dash: "How's the election going"
  3030. >Pinkie: "Looking pretty good for you, definitely for Anon"
  3031. >Dash: "Alright... just wondering"
  3032. >Pinkie: "You okay Dash? You look a little down"
  3033. >Dash: "Yeah, just maybe a little nervous"
  3034. >Pinkie: "About what?"
  3035. >Dash: "I just kinda want this night to be awesome for all of us. But especially for Anon since it's really his first dance, and the first thing he and I have really done together. You know, not counting the fight"
  3036. >That's actually really sweet of her
  3037. >Make a mental note that you're not supposed to know any of this
  3038. >Pinkie: "Hey, if you're nervous... take this with you. It'll help"
  3039. >You can't see what "this" is but you gotta wonder what it could be, seeing as it's coming from Pinkie
  3040. >Dash: "Wait, seriously? Where'd you get this?"
  3041. >Pinkie: "I've got a few, I sneak one in to every dance. That one's small so it shouldn't be too hard to hide. But me, I always bring a bigger one"
  3042. >... That doesn't sound too good
  3043. >Dash: "I don't know Pinkie. Are you sure?"
  3044. >Pinkie: "Trust me, it's great if you're nervous... or just want to have a little fun
  3045. >Okay, that's REALLY not good
  3046. >Pinkie: "I've gotta get going, see ya tonight!"
  3047. >Pinkie skips out of the room, leaving you alone in here with Dash
  3048. >... fuck
  3049. >Your heart starts racing, hoping to God that she doesn't try to come into your stall
  3050. >... *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*
  3051. >Shit! What do you do
  3052. >Do you try to imitate a girl's voice? Do you try to stay silent? Do you swallow your guts and step out and hope for the best?
  3053. >... after a brief wait, she knocks on the next stall. Then the next, then the next
  3054. >Dash: "... hello? Anyone in here?"
  3055. >Once she confirms that the bathroom is "empty", she takes a seat in the stall next to you
  3056. >First her shorts drop, then her panties
  3057. >If you thought you weren't supposed to hear what just happened, then there's no way this could be good
  3058. >...
  3059. >...
  3060. >... nothing
  3061. >Just Dash breathing... breathing heavily
  3062. >You can hear the toilet seat rattle back and forth, like she's struggling
  3063. >Listening closely you can make out a faint shlicking sound
  3064. >There's no way she's really doing it
  3065. >Her breathing escalates into a quiet moan, as the shlick gets louder
  3066. >Yup... she's doing it
  3067. >Note: You're not supposed to know any of this
  3068. >Admittedly, this whole situation actually turns you on. Of course you can't do anything without her hearing you
  3069. >Dash: "mmh.... D-Dashie"
  3070. >She tries to imitate your voice and moan out her own name
  3071. >After trying a few more times she lets out a deep sigh
  3072. >Dash: "...ugh, damn it. Just not the same..."
  3073. >She pulls her clothes back up and slams the stall door on her way out
  3074. >You wait a few minutes, making sure that Dash doesn't change her mind and come back
  3075. >When the coast is clear you hurry out
  3076. >Pinkie never showed up, she must really have gone to the nurse's office to rest
  3078. >Seeing Dash after class, you try not to think about everything you heard in the bathroom
  3079. >Dash: "Almost time for the dance. You excited?"
  3080. "Yeah, a little. How about you Dashie?"
  3081. >She tenses up as you said that, tightening her grasp on your hand
  3082. >It was too hard to resist
  3083. >Dash: "Do you got a plan to skip out of gym today?"
  3084. "Yeah, why?"
  3085. >Dash: "... just wondering"
  3087. >It's a little after 6pm, the dance doesn't begin for another hour
  3088. >You all agreed to meet up at the same cafe you went to yesterday
  3089. >And of course, you showed up before everyone else
  3090. >You patiently wait for the girls... okay, impatiently waiting
  3092. >You are Rainbow Dash
  3093. >Taking a quick peek in the window, you notice Anon is already there, all by himself
  3094. >... crap
  3095. >You quickly sneak in and hurry off to the bathroom
  3096. >Run the sink. Splash your face. Dry yourself off. Get over these nerves
  3097. >You do all of them except that last one
  3098. >Get a hold of yourself. This night's going to be awesome. You and Anon are going to have a great time, he'll walk you home, you'll invite him in, then you'll do it all night then fall asleep together. And in a few months he'll ask you out to the Spring Fling and repeat it all over again
  3099. >Yup, that's how this night is gonna work out, so get a hold of yourself
  3100. >... nope, not happening
  3101. >Falling back on your last resort, you pull out the small flask Pinkie gave you earlier today and take a quick drink
  3102. >You're not really a drinker, maybe only a few times before, but what the hell
  3103. >Pinkie called this "The Good Stuff"
  3104. >Whatever it is, it burns
  3105. >Slipping it back into your pocket, you take a deep breath, then head out to meet Anon
  3107. >You are Anon, patiently tapping your finger on the table like a madman when Dash shows up
  3108. >Dash: "Hey Anon, sorry I'm late"
  3109. "No worries, just glad to see you"
  3110. >She sits across the table from you
  3111. >Dash: "To be honest I'm usually the first one here"
  3112. "I figured as much, do they always take forever?"
  3113. >Dash: "You know how Rarity is"
  3114. >The two of you laugh, hers with a hint of awkwardness
  3115. >Dash: "So, you excited?"
  3116. "How many times have you asked me that today?"
  3117. >Dash: "A lot I guess. Since it's your first dance I'm just trying to make sure this night's awesome"
  3118. "Well the past two minutes haven't been so bad"
  3119. >Dash: "Don't worry, it'll get better. A lot better-"
  3120. >Pinkie: "-How much better?"
  3121. >Pinkie and Rarity seemed to show up out of nowhere
  3122. "Hey guys, about time you showed up"
  3123. >Rarity: "There's nothing wrong with being fashionably late"
  3124. >The two of them sit around the table
  3125. >Pinkie: "Hey Dash, you..."
  3126. >Pinkie winks, Dash nods
  3127. >Rarity: "... oh boy. Not her too"
  3128. >Seems like you're the only one out of the loop here
  3130. >As the time for the dance draws closer, you all get up and head to the school
  3131. >You're stopped on the steps by a familiar voice
  3132. >Nurse: "Hey Anon! What's up!"
  3133. >Nurse Redheart runs up from behind, wearing a formal dress with her usual labcoat over it. Vlad follows behind her in what looks like his old military uniform
  3134. >And once she reaches you, she does the most unlikely thing
  3135. >She hugs you. It's one of those tight, bone-crushing hugs where she actually lifts you up. After dropping you on the ground, she does the same to Dash
  3136. >Rarity and Pinkie head in without you
  3137. >Vlad: "She's a strong one. Strong like bear"
  3138. "Y-Yeah..."
  3139. >Struggling to regain your breath, you reach out to Vlad for a handshake. At least he's more sensible than-
  3140. >He lifts you up off the ground, in a tight man-hug the same way Redheart did... just a lot harder
  3141. >You plop down on the floor when he lets you go
  3142. "Y-You're... both strong ones"
  3143. >Vlad: "Don't worry little man. You'll be strong one day too"
  3144. >His words are almost encouraging as he helps you up off the ground
  3145. >Nurse: "You know, I never thought I'd see you two together. I can still remember how much you two used to hate each other back in your freshman year"
  3146. >You and Dash stare at each other awkwardly
  3147. >Dash: "Yeah, but that was a long time ago. We're good now"
  3148. >Nurse: "Well I'd rather have you making out in my office than killing each other in it. Anyways, we gotta get going, Luna wanted us to check in with her when we showed up. Good seeing you two"
  3149. >She waves goodbye, and turns to head inside. Vladimir salutes you like a soldier, which would have been dorky had it been anyone other than him
  3150. >But in that uniform of his, everything looks badass
  3151. >Nurse: "Oh, and Dash?"
  3152. >She turns around
  3153. >Nurse: "... don't drink too much"
  3154. >Dash: "What?"
  3155. >Nurse: "Don't try to deny it kid, I know. You're too much like me"
  3156. >With that, she heads inside
  3157. "What was she talking about?"
  3158. >Dash: "No idea"
  3159. >Dash puts one arm around you, and stuffs the other in her pocket like she's trying to hide something
  3160. >You really are the only one out of the loop
  3161. >As soon as you enter the gymnasium you're deafened by combined sound of awful, blaring music and cheers for the "new prince and princess"
  3162. >Dash: "I'm guessing that's a good sign, right Anon... Anon?"
  3163. "Huh? Oh yeah, right"
  3164. >Dash: "Everything okay?"
  3165. "Yeah... it's just that I really, really, hate this song"
  3166. >She takes a second to really listen to it
  3167. >Dash: "I've heard this song so many times but I can never remember the name of it"
  3168. "It's called Sandstorm, by Darude"
  3170. >Once the music changes you actually find yourself in the mood to dance
  3171. >Even so, Dash has to forcefully drag you out to the dance floor
  3172. >But admittedly, it's fun. Really fun
  3174. >After a while, Dash suggests heading to the snack table for some punch
  3175. >That would have been nice to know there was food here, you've been starving since you got here
  3176. >You head to the snack table with Dash. Pinkie and Rarity were there
  3177. >Pinkie: "Well well well, where have you two been, huuuuh~?"
  3178. "You're the one's that ditched us"
  3179. >Rarity: "We just though you two would like some alone time"
  3180. >Pinkie: "Yeah, aloooone~ time"
  3181. >There's something off about Pinkie, she's giggling a lot more than usual
  3182. "Pinkie are you okay?"
  3183. >Pinkie: "Me? Of course I'm okay why wouldn't I be? Are yoooou okay?"
  3184. >She laughs with a loud snort
  3185. "Is it just me or is she drunk or something-"
  3186. >Dash: "-I'm not drunk I swear!"
  3187. "Not you, Pinkie"
  3188. >Pinkie: "Well, looks like THAT one's out of the bag"
  3189. >Strapped to her thigh is a small pouch, and from it she removes a flask and takes a big gulp
  3190. "Well that explains a lot"
  3191. >Pinkie: "Hey, don't judge me! You know, I also gave one to-"
  3192. >Dash: "-Well, we're just here to get some punch, so we should really be on our way"
  3193. >She grabbed a cup and ran off
  3194. "... yeah, I should probably go with her"
  3195. >You grab a cup for yourself and follow her
  3196. >Rainbow Dash. That's who you are
  3197. >Pinkie: "Hey, don't judge me! You know, I also gave one to-"
  3198. "-Well, we're just here to get some punch, so we should really be on our way"
  3199. >Grabbing a cup you hurry away before Pinkie outs you
  3200. >While Anon is still behind you, you quickly add a hit of "The Good Stuff" into your punch
  3201. >Holding the container up to your ear, you give it a shake. About half empty
  3202. >Gotta be careful from here on out
  3203. >Anon: "What's that?"
  3205. >You are Anon
  3206. >Dash stuffs something in her pocket
  3207. >Dash: "Oh that, just my... cell phone. I thought I heard it go off"
  3208. >She downs the rest of her punch in one drink and tosses the cup in the trash
  3209. "Dash, are you and Pinkie up to something?"
  3210. >Dash: "Whaaat?! Get outta here!"
  3211. >She awkwardly laughs, the dead giveaway for a lie
  3212. >Before you can question her any further, the usual dance music shuts off, and a slow song comes on
  3213. >Dash looks over at you, like she wants to say something but isn't sure how
  3214. >Dash: "So..."
  3215. "Yeah?"
  3216. >You know where she's going with it. You pretend not to
  3217. >Dash: "Usually I just stand against the wall during these slow songs... you know, cause I usually don't have a date"
  3218. "Uh huh"
  3219. >Dash: "But like, you're here, and I'm here-"
  3220. "-The sooner you stop talking the sooner we can dance"
  3221. >Putting your arms around her waist you pull her towards you. She doesn't really seem know what to do
  3222. "Just put your arms around me"
  3223. >Draping her arms around the back of your neck, she leans in really close to you
  3224. >Naturally, you take this opportunity to get a quick hint of her scent.The smell of her sweat with her usual Skittle-scent is nothing but intoxicating
  3225. >With her head resting on your chest, she lets out a long sigh. She looks up at you with her glazed, almost tired eyes
  3226. >Dash: "... so is this all slow dancing is? We just stand here?"
  3227. "Pretty much"
  3228. >She rolls her eyes
  3229. >Dash: "... What do you say we sneak out of here for a bit"
  3230. "Where?"
  3231. >She quietly laughs to herself
  3232. >Dash: "I can think of a few places"
  3234. >Technically you're not supposed to be leaving the gym. Then again you're not supposed to fuck on campus but you do it anyways
  3235. >And you're about to do it now
  3236. >The two of you make your way towards the door. As far as you know, no one saw you slip out
  3237. "Alright, where to now?"
  3238. >Dash: "Where else?"
  3239. >She takes your hand and runs down the hall, pulling you with her
  3240. >You have no idea where she's taking you, but she's eager
  3242. >She has you running down a familiar hall, looking for a specific room. Once you find the room in question she quickly drags you in
  3243. >Luckily the door was unlocked
  3244. >She takes you into a familiar classroom
  3245. >Room #402
  3246. >A.K.A: Your history class
  3247. >Not bad Dash. Not bad at all
  3248. >Dash: "Do you remember?"
  3249. "You mean remember all the times you fell asleep in here?"
  3250. >Dash: "Not that"
  3251. >She leads you back you your desks, pushing them together like she does every class
  3252. >But instead of sitting in the seat, she sits up on top of the desk, pushing her dress up just enough for you to get a good view of her thighs
  3253. >Dash: "This is the first place you ever... you know"
  3254. >That's right. This is the first place you ever actually touched her
  3255. >She reaches her arms out for you to embrace her
  3256. >You slowly approach her, apparently too slow for her taste
  3257. >She grabs your tie and jerks you closer, unable to wait any longer, pulling you into a passionate kiss. Even after she lets go you don't back away
  3258. >One kiss becomes another, then another
  3259. >While her hands caress your head, her fingers running wildly through your hair, yours find themselves around her waist, slowly drifting down towards her thighs
  3260. >When she opens her mouth hoping for your tongue, you don't disappoint
  3261. >Her tongue forces past yours and starts exploring your mouth. She tightly pulls your head towards hers, pressing your face against hers
  3262. >There's something off about the taste of her mouth. A bitter flavor you recognize but wouldn't expect from her
  3263. >After a bit of a struggle you manage to pull away
  3264. >Dash: "Everything okay?"
  3265. "Dash, have you been drinking?"
  3266. >She looks down at the floor
  3267. >Dash: "I guess that's out of the bag"
  3268. >She pulls the flask from her pocket and presents it to you. You don't even have to ask; you're 90 percent sure she got it from Pinkie. In any case, she seems almost ashamed to admit that she's buzzed
  3269. >Dash: "You know, if you want to stop we can"
  3270. >You grab the flask from her and take a drink
  3271. "And if I don't want to"
  3272. >Dash: "... then hand it over"
  3273. >She grabs the small container from you and downs what was left, tossing it on the floor
  3274. >Pushing you back, she climbs down from the desk, turns around, and bends over with her ass out
  3275. >She wiggles her ass, showing off the black thong she's wearing
  3276. >Dash: "Go ahead, do whatever you want"
  3277. >You lean over her, sliding your fingers up and down her dripping crotch... then just a little bit higher. Her legs tremble just as you brush over her secondary hole, as if expecting you to push your finger inside
  3278. "Whatever I want?"
  3279. >Dash: "Whatever..."
  3280. >With a quick move, you pull her panties down and press your member against her anus
  3281. >Trying to be gentle clearly isn't working, she's too resistant. You give a little more force, but to no avail
  3282. "Maybe not after all-"
  3283. >Dash: "-No! G-Go for it!"
  3284. >She reaches back and grabs her cheeks, spreading them for you. Her little hole twitches with anticipation
  3285. >Deciding to go easy on her, you give her a countdown
  3286. "3... 2... 1..."
  3287. >Dash: "AAH!"
  3288. >She gasps out loud as you lowly penetrate her backside. You slowly slide in further and further until you're all the way in, and her butt is pressed against your chest
  3289. >Her breathing rapidly increases and gets much louder. you hold still, giving her time to get accustomed to you
  3290. >The moment you try to move, she clenches down, making it tough to move a single inch
  3291. >Eventually, she loosens up and lets you pump in and out of her
  3292. >Between her gasps of breath, you can hear her call out what vaguely sounds like your name, but usually just moans
  3293. >Putting your hands on her ass, you start squeezing. Due to her being an athlete, there's not much there, but damn, what is there is soft as a marshmallow
  3294. >You can feel every twitch and contraction of her ass, seeming to be in synch with her gasps
  3295. >Looking at her face, you see her eyes have rolled back and her tongue hanging out. The dripping saliva from her gaping mouth is almost matched by her dripping crotch
  3296. >You continue thrusting into her, losing yourself in the moment. Memorizing every little bump of her insides, feeling every twitch and contraction of her body. It seems like this hole is even hotter inside than her vagina
  3297. >You lean over her and begin kissing the back of her neck. Sliding your fingers into her other hole, you feel it twitch just as much as the other side
  3298. >She must be getting close, but then again, so are you
  3299. >Dash: "N... N-Nonn... ah... Ah...AH- NONNY!!"
  3300. >She screams out your name, clenching down too tightly for you to move
  3301. >But not that you need to
  3302. >That last contraction put you over the edge, brought you to the big finish, and every squeeze after that seemed to milk more and more out of you until you've gone dry
  3303. >Dash collapses, her legs gone limp. You catch her in time to keep her from falling. She clings to your chest, relying on you to hold her up
  3304. "Do you need a minute?"
  3305. >Dash: "Y-Yeah... j-just a few minutes"
  3306. >You lay your jacket on the ground so that she has a semi-warm spot to lay down on the ground, before laying down next to her
  3307. >First the bathroom floor, and now this
  3308. >The two of you really can cuddle anywhere
  3309. >...
  3311. >... *RIIIIIING*
  3312. "... Hello?"
  3313. >Pinkie: "NONNY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!"
  3314. "What-?"
  3316. >*CLICK*
  3317. >She hangs up, pretty stressed about the whole situation. Dash groans, apparently having actually fallen asleep
  3318. >Dash: "... what's going on?"
  3319. "If we don't hurry back to the gym we're going to lose the race for prince and princess-"
  3320. >Dash: "-What?!"
  3321. >Dash jumps to her feet before helping you up, though barely able to stand on her own
  3322. "Dash, are you sure you're okay to walk?"
  3323. >Dash: "Regardless, we have to get down there! I didn't put you on the ballot and go through the whole campaign for nothing"
  3324. >She takes your hand and hobbles over to the gym as fast as she can
  3325. "Dash, get on"
  3326. >You kneel down for her to jump on your back, and you carry her piggyback all the way back to the gym
  3327. >So she's the one who put you on the ballot after all
  3328. >Forget about that now, you gotta hurry
  3330. >It wasn't until after you decided to carry her that you remembered how heavy she can get
  3331. >By the time you reach the doors to the gym you're nearly dead
  3332. >You let her down so you can catch your breath
  3333. >... *rattle rattle*
  3334. >Dash: "Um... Anon"
  3335. "Yeah?"
  3336. >Dash: "The door's locked"
  3337. >No way
  3338. >You check the door yourself just to be sure
  3339. >Sure enough, it won't budge
  3340. >Dash puts her ear to the door, beckoning you over to do the same
  3341. >Pressing your ear against the cold door trying to listen in
  3342. >Pinkie: "... so are you guys ready to find out who your new prince and princess is? Cause I'm ready, I'm soooo ready! Like, more ready for this than I've ever been ready for anything..."
  3343. >It's hard to tell if she's stalling for time, drunk off her ass, or just being herself
  3344. >Probably all three
  3345. >Celestia: "Well, thank you for that... interesting introduction, Pinkie Pie"
  3346. >Dash: "Crap, sounds like Celestia has the microphone. She's the one who announces the winner"
  3347. >You back away and take out your cell phone
  3348. >Dash: "Who are you calling?"
  3349. "Rarity"
  3350. >... damn. No answer
  3351. >You try Pinkie. No answer either
  3352. "Damn it"
  3353. >Dash: "I tried Applejack and Fluttershy. Nothing"
  3354. "Anyone else?"
  3355. >Dash: "... I think so"
  3356. >She makes a call
  3357. >Dash: "... hey, we're outside... long story, I'll explain later... no, we didn't, I swear... okay, we did. Can you just come open the door for us?... yes I'll tell him... alright, thanks a bunch"
  3358. >*CLICK*
  3359. "Who was that?"
  3360. >Dash: "Nurse Redheart"
  3361. "Why do you have her number?"
  3362. >Dash: "Long story"
  3363. >After a moment, the door opens just a crack, and an arm pops out calling you in
  3364. >You and Dash slip through the crack of the door, and it quickly slams shut
  3365. >Dash: "Thanks Nurse, we owe you-"
  3366. >Nurse: "-Don't bother, you're too late"
  3367. >Like Pinkie said, if you're not there to accept the crown they hand it over to the runner-up
  3368. >And she was right
  3369. >You showed up just in time to see the runner up, Flash Sentry, being crowned the prince of the Winter Ball
  3370. >Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Pinkie storming up to you, Rarity struggling to hold her back
  3371. >Rarity: "The two of you might want to run-"
  3372. >Pinkie: "-What took you so long!"
  3373. "Sorry, we tried-"
  3374. >Pinkie: "-If you had showed up just two seconds later you would have won!"
  3375. >Rarity: "Calm down Pinkie, it's not their fault"
  3376. >It kind of is
  3377. >Pinkie: "You had almost two hundred votes Anon. Do you have any idea how may Flash had?"
  3378. "How many?"
  3379. >She holds up four fingers
  3380. >Ouch
  3381. "Isn't there something you can do?"
  3382. >Pinkie: "Nope"
  3383. "Anything at all?"
  3384. >Pinkie: "Nu uh"
  3385. >Dash: "Look guys, let's just forget it"
  3386. >She had been clinging onto your arm, but she tries to stand up on her own
  3387. >Pinkie: "Forget it? After everything we went through to get him elected?!"
  3388. >Dash: "Yeah, I mean, it's too late now right?"
  3389. >Pinkie: "Yeah but-"
  3390. >Dash: "-And regardless, it was all fun. We should be glad we even managed to get him to come down here"
  3391. >Rarity: "She's got a point there"
  3392. >Pinkie: "I guess"
  3393. >Half-drunk, just-got-laid Dash seems so relaxed
  3394. >Dash: "And I'm sure Anon had lots of fun tonight, right"
  3395. "Yeah, lots"
  3396. >She goes back to hugging your arm again, nuzzling your shoulder
  3397. >The girls get what she meant almost instantly
  3398. >Rarity: "Come now Pinkie, you can't argue with that, can you?"
  3399. >Pinkie: "... eh, I guess you're right. But you owe me for this Nonny"
  3400. "Yeah, sure"
  3401. >She'll forget by tomorrow
  3402. >Dash: "Come on, the dance is pretty much over now, let's go-"
  3403. >Celestia: "-And your new princess for the Winter Ball is... Rainbow Dash!"
  3404. >Dash: "What?!"
  3405. >And there goes her relaxation
  3406. >Everyone in the crowd starts glancing around trying to find Dash. She tries to hide behind your back
  3407. "Well Dash? What now"
  3408. >Dash: "What do you mean, we're leaving remember?"
  3409. >Rarity: "Really? But you won"
  3410. >Dash: "Yeah, and I only agreed to do it with Anon. I don't wanna be HIS princess-"
  3411. >"-There she is! Over there!"
  3412. >A spotlight hanging on the ceiling aims directly at you and Dash
  3413. >There's no way out for her now
  3414. >Dash: "... will you at least walk me up?"
  3415. "I'll do you one better"
  3416. >You grab at her legs and scoop her up, carrying her princess style
  3417. "How's this?"
  3418. >You got her to smile
  3419. >Dash: "Better. Let's go"
  3421. >Be Rainbow Dash
  3422. >Anon gingerly carries you up the stage
  3423. >Principal Celestia, holding the fake plastic crown in her hands, awaits your arrival
  3424. >As you approach her, she beams a warm smile
  3425. >Once close enough, she reaches out and places it on your head
  3426. >Celestia: "Congratulations, Rainbow Dash!"
  3427. >The crowd starts cheering, almost too loud to drown out Anon whispering in your ear
  3428. >Anon: "Way to go, princess Dashie"
  3429. >He kisses you on the ear
  3430. >Celestia: "Do you have anything you'd like to say"
  3431. "Nope, I'm good"
  3432. >Celestia: "How about you Flash"
  3433. >Flash: "As a matter of fact I do"
  3434. >He takes the microphone
  3435. >Flash: "I just want to thank all those who voted for me..."
  3436. >All four of them
  3437. >Flash: "... and I want you to know it was the right choice. Anon over there may talk big, but clearly didn't have the courtesy to even show up until now..."
  3438. >Oh hell no
  3439. >Nobody talks shit about your Nonny
  3440. >Anon: "Come on Dash, let's-"
  3441. "Put me down"
  3442. >Skeptically, he lets you down
  3443. >Your ass still hurts and you struggle to stand, but you gotta do it. You walk over and grab the mic from him
  3444. >Flash: "... it really makes you wonder whether he even deserved to be nominated in the first- hey-!"
  3445. "-You know Flash, I'm really happy for you, and imma let you finish... but Nonny is the best prince of all time!"
  3446. >You toss the mic over your shoulder. The crowd erupts in applause
  3447. "Come on, let's go home"
  3448. >Anon: "... yeah, sure"
  3449. >He scoops you back up like before and carries you off
  3450. >With that, Celestia announces the dance officially over, and after rejoining the girls you head out together
  3452. >Still carrying Dash in your arms, you and the girls head towards the exit
  3453. >At the doors, several staff members, Nurse Redheart included with Vlad be her side, are directing the leaving students out the door, and ordering those who aren't
  3454. >Your passing by seems to halt the process
  3455. >Nurse: "Hey you guys, congratulations! ... well, one of you at least. What the hell happened?"
  3456. "It's a long story"
  3457. >Nurse: "Well that narrows it down"
  3458. >Unfortunately that was no sarcasm. There's really no hiding it anymore
  3459. "And just for the record it wasn't my-"
  3460. >Nurse: "-Kid, I don't need to know the details, just promise me that she won't show up someday with another little 'you' running around"
  3461. >Dash: "Relax, that won't be happening. For sure"
  3462. >Nurse: "Dare I ask what that's supposed to mean?"
  3463. >You look at Vlad. He looks back at you
  3464. >Vlad: "Serbian handshake?"
  3465. "Serbian handshake"
  3466. >Rarity is the only one who seems to get it
  3467. >Nurse: "I have no idea what that means, but I feel like I probably don't want to-"
  3468. >Celestia: "Redheart"
  3469. >The principals calls out to her and nods her head towards the exit
  3470. >Nurse: "Alright, alright... listen, you kids don't have to go home, but can't stay here. Go on"
  3471. >The four of you make your way out
  3473. >By the time you reach the parking lot, you couldn't carry Dash any longer. You set her down, letting her use your shoulder for support. Pinkie was leaning on Rarity in a very similar fashion
  3474. >Rarity: "Will we ever know peace from this?"
  3475. "Only when we're dead"
  3476. >This is where the four of you go your separate ways
  3477. >Rarity: "We're heading off now. She lives nearby my house, so I'll be taking her home"
  3478. "You sure she'll be okay?"
  3479. >Rarity: "Yeah, I think so. If necessary she can stay at my place"
  3480. >Pinkie: "Good idea, party at Rarity's place!"
  3481. >Rarity: "Not happening"
  3482. >Pinkie: "What? Come on, when do the four of us ever hang out together"
  3483. >Rarity: "What about school?"
  3484. >Pinkie: "That doesn't count"
  3485. "What about tonight?"
  3486. >Pinkie: "That doesn't count either"
  3487. >Rarity: "Forget her, do the two of you need a ride?"
  3488. >You look at Dash, she's in no condition to be walking especially at this time of night. Even if you walked with her, it's no good
  3489. "Pinkie didn't give you anything to drink, did she?"
  3490. >Rarity: "I'm probably the only one. Come on"
  3492. >Deciding to drop you off first, she pulls up at your place, a decent enough apartment complex
  3493. "Thanks again for the ride Rarity"
  3494. >Rarity: "No problem. See you Monday"
  3495. "Alright, see ya"
  3496. >Rainbow Dash gives you a kiss before you get out of the car
  3497. >Dash: "See you later Anon"
  3498. "Later? Don't you want to come in with me?"
  3499. >She's thrown off by your offer. So is everyone else... including you
  3500. >You hadn't planned on it, that just kind of slipped out, but hey. It's out there now
  3501. >Pinkie: "Ah, what the hell, party at Anon's place!"
  3502. "Not you, just Dash"
  3503. >Pinkie: "Ugh, come on you guys! We never get to hang out!"
  3504. >You help Dash out of the car and shut the door before having to go through this again
  3505. >Both you and Dash wave to Rarity as she pulls out and rives away
  3507. >Leading her over to your apartment, you notice your neighbor just leaving
  3508. >Dash: "Does she always go out this late?"
  3509. "Yeah, she always runs off to that park across the street late at night. It's a favorite place for the stoners"
  3510. >She seems disheartened by that
  3511. >Dash: "You don't do that stuff, right?"
  3512. "Relax, of course not"
  3513. >Okay, only once, and it didn't count
  3514. >You unlock your door and invite her in
  3515. >It's nothing awful, not grand but not a shit hole either
  3516. >Dash: "Is it just you here?"
  3517. "Pretty much. You thirsty or anything?"
  3518. >Dash: "Not really, mostly just tired"
  3519. >Figures. To be honest so are you
  3520. >You take her back to your bedroom
  3521. >Dash: "hey Anon"
  3522. "Yeah?"
  3523. >Dash: "Do you have something that I could wear for tonight? This dress is kind of uncomfortable"
  3524. >Shoot, you actually hadn't thought of that
  3525. "Hold up, I might"
  3526. >You start rummaging in your dresser while she glances over your shoulder
  3527. >You find something that just might fit her
  3528. "How's this"
  3529. >Her mouth curves into a sweet, child-like smile
  3530. >Dash: "Perfect"
  3531. >She happily takes the sweater you handing her and changes into it
  3532. >This isn't the first time you've given her that same sweater
  3533. "I'll keep looking, I might have some sweats or something you can-"
  3534. >Dash: "-No, this is just fine"
  3535. >Seeing as how it was already a little big on her, it nowhere near fits her. It reaches past her butt, about halfway down her thighs, and sleeves stretch all the way down to her fingertips
  3536. >You're inclined to let her keep it from now on
  3537. >You quickly change into a t shirt and some sweats, making sure to hang up Vlad's comrade's suit up nicely in your closet
  3538. >Pulling the covers aside on your bed, you let her lay down in your bed
  3539. >Dash: "Where are you going to sleep?"
  3540. "... Scoot over"
  3541. >You nudge her to the side and lay down next to her. You're bed's pretty small but it's enough for the two of you
  3542. >Dash: "Are you sure it's not too cramped?"
  3543. "I'm fine, are you?"
  3544. >Dash: "No, I'm okay"
  3545. "Then there's nothing to worry about"
  3546. >Dash: "Are you sure?"
  3547. "Positive"
  3548. >Dash: "I just want to make sure you're comfortable. It is your place after all and-"
  3549. "Shut up an hold me"
  3550. >Falling silent, she puts her arm around you
  3551. >You pull the covers over the two of you
  3552. >Dash: "G-Goodnight Nonny"
  3553. >She nestles her face in your chest, letting out a deep yawn
  3554. "Night Dashie"
  3555. >Between the dancing, the sex, and carrying her around, you're exhausted. You fall asleep almost instantly

[Rainbow Dash] [Rarity] [NSFW] Whatever I Want, Part 1 (Original story[...]

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[Rainbow Dash] [Rarity] [NSFW] Whatever I Want, Part 2 (Original by[...]

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[Rainbow Dash] [Rarity] [NSFW] Whatever I Want, Part 3 (Original by[...]

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The Party Ain't Going Nowhere (Audio Transcript)

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It's Just Sand (Sci-Twi x Anon)

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