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Applejack's summer [Incest] (WIP)

By MT88
Created: 2020-12-18 12:09:54
Expiry: Never

  1. >The sun is bright, the days are warm, and summer is just around the corner. The school halls are awash with excited teens ready to head home.
  2. >Amongst all the students, seven friends with their bags make their way to the exit, chatting as they go.
  3. >”You girls reckon ya’ll like to come to the Apple clan family reunion? This year Sweet Apple Acres is hostin’ again.” Says Applejack as she puffs her chest out proudly.
  4. >”Already?’ says Rarity rhetorically. ”My, I can’t believe it’s been a whole year already! Sounds marvellous!”
  5. >”Sounds like fun!” Says Twilight as she enters a reminder on her phone.
  6. >”Oh that sounds so great!” Fluttershy takes out her phone as well and sets a reminder.
  7. >”OOOH! An Apple PAAAARTAAAAY!” Yells Pinkie, as she skips alongside the other girls.
  8. >”Hell yeah! Your family parties are awesome!” Rainbow Dash pumps her fist in the air before quickly withdrawing it and then looking towards Pinkie.
  9. >“No offense Pinkie.” Dash quietly says to Pinkie.
  10. >”Don’t be a silly-billy Dash! Apple family parties are totally different from a Pinkie Party. There’s no comparing the two!” Pinkie tells Dash gleefully without breaking her skipping.
  11. >”Sounds like fun. When is it?” Asks Sunset with a smile on her face.
  12. >“It’s happenin’ the end’a next week. There’ll be music, games, food, apple goodies, apple cider, apple nibbles, heck, anythin’ and ev’rythin’ Apple related.” Applejack tells the girls, barely able to hold back her excitement.
  13. >”Will Cousin Braeburn be attending as well?” Rarity asks Applejack, carefully avoiding making eye contact.
  14. >”Rares totally has a thing for Braeburn!” Dash chimes in, almost breaking into laughter.
  15. >”I-I do not! How dare you Rainbow Dash! A proper lady does not spread lies and rumors!” Rarity’s face turns red as she storms off ahead of the other girls.
  16. >All the girls giggle at Rarity’s little tantrum.
  18. >Meanwhile Applejack smiles as she thinks to herself, ‘Ain’t Braeburn Ah’m lookin’ forward ta seein’ again.’
  19. >”What’s that Applejack?” Sunset says with smug smile. The same smile that Sunset always has when she teases the other girls.
  20. >”Uhh… Ah di’n’t say nothin’.” Applejack now quite flustered struggles to save face. Not realizing that Sunset had her hand on her shoulder.
  21. >”OOOOOH! My Pinkie sense is telling me there’s someone else coming!” Pinkie gets right in Applejack’s face.
  22. >”Maybe… a super-hot cousin, perhaps?” Pinkie now leers at an uncomfortable looking Applejack.
  23. >”No offence Jack, but all your cousins are hot. No les. We’ve met them all at the last reunion remember?” Dash puts her hands behind her head and leans back.
  24. >”Aha…hehe...” AJ nervously giggles, “None of y’all have ever met him. He’s not from ‘round here.”
  25. >Sunset teases, “Oh, so it’s a BOY is it?”
  26. >The group stops walking as Applejack stops and leans against a locker. She tips her hat forward to hide her face, which has now turned as red as the apples she grows.
  27. >Twilight, almost drops her phone at the mention of a hot boy.
  28. >“Eh???” She begins to hyperventilate, “Hot….boy… cousin?”
  29. >”Down girl.” Rainbow pats Twilight on the shoulders.
  30. >Fluttershy just blushes at the thought of more cute Apple boys.
  31. >”Darling, do tell!” says Rarity returning to the group, before giving AJ half lidded eyes and a devilish grin. “Who is this mystery cousin of yours?”
  32. >All the girls collectively ‘wooooooo’ as they surround the blushing Apple.
  33. >“Not from around here?” Sunset is the first to speak up, “But isn’t your whole family scattered all over the country?”
  34. >”Shucks…He lives… overseas.” AJ says from behind her hat.
  35. >Twilight struggles to catch her breath as she stutters out, “Foreign… hot….cousin…OH. MY. GOSH.”
  36. >“N-now hold on jus’ a second! Ah haven’t seen him in over ten years! And Ah never said he was hot!”
  37. >Pinkie pokes AJ into a locker. “So then why are you hiding behind your hat?”
  38. >”Ah’m just nervous ‘cause Ah haven’t seen him in a while is all.”
  39. >Rarity steps forward, “Darling, where is he from?”
  40. >Rarity’s eyes sparkle at the thought of having a summer romance with an exotic foreigner.
  41. >”D-do tell Applejack.” Fluttershy asks meekly.
  42. >”He’s from Or-stray-lee-yah.” Applejack finally coming out from behind her hat.
  43. >”AUSTRALIA?!” The girls collectively gasp.
  44. >Pinkie shouts, “Wowwee! Australia!"
  46. >”Australia? Where’s that? Is that like, one of those super small countries in Europe or something?” Dash asks the other girls.
  47. >”That’s Austria.” Twilight giggles, “Dash, Australia is the continent in the southern hemisphere.”
  48. >RD just shrugs her shoulders, baffled by what Twilight just said.
  49. >”It’s the big island near Antartica.” Fluttershy dumbs-it-down for Dash.
  50. >”Oooooh that place they ride the kangaroos!” Dash replies.
  51. >Sunset now looking quite confused, asks; “Wait, wait. I’ve never heard of Australia. Do they really ride kangaroos? How come we don’t learn about any other country at school?”
  52. >Sunset thinks for a second on the idea of a human riding a kangaroo everywhere.
  53. >”No they don’t silly! But they do have cute little koalas, cute little platypus’s, cute little snakes and all kinds of cute little deadly creatures!”
  54. >’Hmm’ Dash scratches her chin. “Australia? They’re like, literally upside down and everything’s backwards there. Plus they’re always drunk.”
  55. >”Heavens Rainbow Dash,” Rarity exclaims. “Let’s not stereotype shall we?”
  56. >“C’mon Rares. I’m just saying. Daring Do had an adventure in Australia in the fifth volume! She had the help of a guy that wrestled crocodiles for a living!” Dash cheers, oblivious to the fact the other girls are sighing.
  57. >“But like, every Ozzie wrestles crocodiles, then they go home and drink. That’s totally awesome!”
  58. >Who would have thought Dash’s intricate knowledge is sourced purely from the fictional works of Hollywood and adventure books.
  59. >The thought of meeting a hot foreign guy has completely entranced Twilight and she has zoned out of the conversation, leaving a goofy look on her face and a drop of saliva rolling out of the corner of her mouth.
  60. >Rainbow notices and waves a hand in front of Twilight’s face, “Oh hey we lost Twi.”
  61. >Sunset touches Twilight’s hand and starts giggling.
  62. >”Hehe… Oh!” Sunset’s giggle dies down and her face turns red, “Oh my! Twilight you naughty girl…”
  63. >Everyone now stares awkwardly at both Sunset and Twilight, before breaking out into laughter.
  64. >Twilight snaps out of her daydream and asks, “What? What did I miss?” Wiping the drool from her mouth.
  65. >”Not much Twilight,” Sunset says, “Just /riding/ kangaroos…” Sunset lewdly emphasizes to Twilight, but Twilight doesn’t pick up on the cue.
  66. >”Wow Applejack,” Fluttershy speaks up, “I didn’t know you had any relatives overseas.”
  67. >”Well ‘Shy,” says Applejack as she puts her hat back on, “Granny says they’re the only ones that live overseas. They’ve been there since Granny was jus’ a youngin’, way back when.”
  68. >”Whoa that’s pretty amazing.” Sunset chimes in. “So, what’s his name and how exactly is he related to you?”
  69. >”His name is Anon. Granny says is that his great grandpa and ma great grandpa were brothers. So that makes him ma third cousin, Ah think.” Applejack answers scratching her head in thought.
  70. >”So… technically you’re not related then?” Dash insinuates to AJ as she leans in and puts her arm around Applejack’s neck.
  71. >“Ah guess…. wait, w-what are ya gettin’ at Dash?” A blushing AJ stutters back.
  72. >”Nothin’. I’m just saying.” Dash playfully replies as she shoots AJ a wink. “If he’s anything like Mac… Ooomf!” Dash bites her lower lip, maintaining a seductive look at AJ.
  73. >Rainbow Dash liked to really test limits and push buttons. Applejack’s more so than anyone else’s. She knew the sure-fire way to work up her farmer friend was talking about her family in a perverted manner. Usually it was just the odd comment about seeing Big Mac shirtless after football training. But now it seemed Dash had some new ammunition to fire off AJ with – her cousin.
  75. >”That’s quite a family history you’ve got Applejack.” Twilight speaks up. “If you have time, I’d love to map out your family genealogy. Who knows, you may have more relatives than you know of.” Twilight finishes her sentence by pushing her glasses up.
  76. >”It doesn’t surprise me! The Apple family is HUUUUUGE! One of my ancestors might be an Apple too! OHMYGODAPPLEJACK! WECOULDBEDISTANTCOUSINS!” Pinkie screams out as she throws confetti into the air.
  77. >”That might be possible too, Pinkie.” Applejack says, recovering from her blush as she wriggles out from under Dash’s arm.
  78. >”Why have you never mentioned him before darling?” asks Rarity.
  79. >”Yeah what gives?” Asks RD, “We’ve been around your family before, how come no one ever mentioned you had family overseas?”
  80. >”Uhh…well…. That’s ‘cause… they’re… not really apple farmers…any more…” Applejack’s eyes shoot down to the floor.
  81. >”THEY’RE NOT?!?!?” Pinkie exclaims over-dramatically.
  82. >”Pinkie Pie! Don’t be so dramatic!” Rarity scolds Pinkie.
  83. >”Aww but I’m so good at it!” Pinkie says with a pout.
  84. >”Y’see, they used ta grow apples, but the land they have is hard to work, so they moved from growin’ to herdin’. They’re what they call ‘stockmen’.”
  85. >”Did the whole Apple family just disown them?” Sunset questions with a raised eyebrow.
  86. >”Nah Sunny, nothin’ like that. ‘Cause they’re so far away, it was kinda hard ta keep upta date with ‘em. Not ta mention keepin’ up with the rest’a the Apple clan.”
  87. >”Waaah? Stockman?” RD shrugs as she raises a hand dumbfoundedly.
  88. >”Stockmen. Or man,” Twilight explains, “The Australian equivalent of a cattleman here. So he musters cattle?”
  89. >“Eyup.” Applejack nods, “Last Ah heard they had twenty-two hunderd head’a cattle.”
  90. >Dash whistles in amazement.
  91. >”But Ah think with the droughts they’ve been through, they might’a lost a few.”
  92. >”Gosh that’s so sad. All those poor cows.” Says Fluttershy as she runs her fingers through her fringe. A gesture she always performs to comfort herself.
  93. >”He must be pretty good at riding horses.” Twilight comments to AJ innocently.
  94. >Sunset’s eyes roll to the ceiling as she blushes at the comment.
  95. >”Ah reckon so. They usually round the cows up with horses. Ah wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a better rider than Ah am.”
  96. >Pinkie puts both her hands to mouth to stop her snickering from being heard.
  97. >”Ooooh I bet he’s good with rope too…” Pinkie says suggestively as she nudges Dash in the arm, at the same time winking to her.
  98. >”Yeah totally! I bet he’d know a thing or two about ‘riding’!” Dash slowly thrusts her hips forwards and back, simulating riding on a mechanical bull. Her emphasis on the last word really drawing the ire of AJ.
  99. >Sunset’s face turned beet red watching Dash gyrate.
  101. >”Dangit Dash. Last warnin’! Now you stop that y’hear!” AJ raises her voice, turning red for the second time in mere minutes.
  102. >”O-oh my!” Rarity says, while her hand covers her mouth and a blush colors her face, “That must mean he would be quite…rugged…correct darling?”
  103. >Rarity begins fanning herself with her hand as she imagines a rugged shirtless cowboy riding atop a thoroughbred. Muscles bulging and sweat dripping off the sunburnt body.
  104. >”N-Now don’t ya start pervertin’ ma cousin too Raridy!”
  105. >”Surely you wouldn’t deny me a little fantasy, would you?” Rarity asks as her face becomes just a little redder.
  106. >”I wonder…” Twilight starts, “If he’s good with a…whip?” Twilight teases, getting a few giggles from Dash and Pinkie.
  107. >Applejack starts to huff, visibly annoyed that her closest friends would have such thoughts about her family.
  108. >”At least you’re not like the rest ov’em ‘Shy.” AJ turns to look at Fluttershy. ”Right…?”
  109. >”Eeep!” Squeals Fluttershy. “Oh… um… oh my….” Fluttershy’s eyes dart between all the girls as she shrinks herself smaller, hiding between Pinkie and Rarity.
  110. >”Sugarcube... Please tell me ya not…” AJ slaps her forehead and drags her hand down her face.
  111. >It was no secret that Fluttershy liked Big Mac. The quiet young man’s confidence is what she admired. How he needed very few words to say so much.
  112. >Normally, she wouldn’t show such a side of herself in front of her friends and in public of all places. However, on this occasion, Fluttershy allowed her own imagination to run a little wild. A cousin that might look like Big Mac or Braeburn, caused her to shift her balance from one foot to the other, rubbing her thighs together. Continuously.
  113. >”Ah wish I hadint told ya’ll about him.” AJ stamps her feet and clenches her fists. “He ain’t safe ‘round ya. None’a ya.”
  114. >After a few seconds the giggling dies down.
  115. >”So uh…seriously though,” Sunset looks towards AJ. “When can we meet him?”
  116. >”Ah’m not quite sure Sunny. All he said was that he’d be here for the reunion. Ma guess is prob’bly next week sometime.”
  117. >”Why are you so nervous about seeing him again? I’m sure he’d be excited to see you again as well.” Sunset puts a hand on her shoulder again, calming her.
  118. >“Well, last time they were here, it was for ma and pa’s… funeral.”
  119. >”Oh, I’m so sorry Applejack, I didn’t mean-“
  120. >”S’alright, Sugarcube, it was a long time ago. Truth be told, Anon helped me get through it, last he was here.”
  121. >AJ looks beyond Sunset, staring at nothing in particular, as a warm smile widens on her face. The kind of smile only a fond memory could evoke.
  122. >”Awwww” comes from all the girls again.
  123. >”Eyup. Ah dun ‘member much, but Granny said after ma and pa…” She shakes her head as her voice becomes trembled, “Ah jus’ weren’t mahself anymore. Where Mac became less expressive, Ah became…”
  124. >AJ clenches her eyes tight.
  125. >“Angry an’ ‘busive.”
  126. >She throws her hands up to cover her face in shame.
  128. >The other girls are looking at each other, shocked at what their honest friend had just said.
  129. >Rarity, who had known Applejack the longest, couldn’t fathom the idea that her gentle friend could even have a single mean bone in her body, let alone be abusive.
  130. >”Darling,” Rarity steps forward, pulling Applejack into a tight embrace. “Thank you for sharing. It’s all in the past now. This cousin Anon of yours sounds like quite the remarkable young man, and he must be so special to you dear.”
  131. >Applejack hugs Rarity back before pulling out of the embrace. “Thanks Rares. Non means so much ta me, and Ah miss him heaps. Gosh look at me gettin’ all emotional an’ sappy.”
  132. >Rarity brings herself closer to AJ’s ear and whispers, “Sweetie, do you have feelings for him?”
  133. >”Ah… err…” Is all AJ can stutter out to Rarity.
  134. >Pulling away before giving AJ a chance to answer, the fashionista just gives her a quick wink before taking a step back to be with the rest of the girls.
  135. >Rarity brings her index finger to her smiling lips, making the shush sign as she once again winks at Applejack.
  136. >Applejack just shifts her eyes nervously as her cheeks warm with a shade of red.
  137. >Rarity hit the nail right on the head. Applejack used to have feelings for her cousin. As a child she used to say that she’d marry cousin Anon one day to anyone who’d listen.
  138. >As she grew up though, she had convinced herself that those feelings were nothing more than sibling love. Akin to the love she shares between herself and Applebloom, or Big Mac, or any of her other cousins.
  139. >Nothing more, nothing less.
  140. >As the years went on and she grew, so too did they grow. Apart that is. There was the occasional parcel or letter about family and current affairs, and of-course Christmas and New Year well wishes.
  141. >Applejack just accepted that being half the world away, they had their own lives and family there, and she had hers here. They were, after all, distant cousins. Related by name and ancestry only.
  142. >’Now that’s just silly talk.’ AJ thinks to herself about Rarity’s comment.
  143. >”Alright guys, I’m starving! Let’s go!” Rainbow Dash’s stomach grumbling breaks the mood.
  144. >”Y-yeah, let’s.” Agrees Fluttershy.
  145. >”Who wants to get some cupcakes?!” Yells Pinkie.
  146. >”You guys go ahead.” Sunset says as she turns around.
  147. >”Where you goin’ Sunny?” AJ asks.
  148. >”I’m just going to go to the library. Australia seems really fascinating. I’m gonna do some research on it. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
  149. >With that Sunset sprints off towards the library.
  150. >All the girls just watch as Sunset runs down the hallway and rounds the corner before they look at each other and shrug.
  151. >The six girls walk out of the school and head towards Sugarcube corner.
  154. ~The next day~
  156. >Another beautiful warm sunny day. The birds are out and singing, the smell of flowers floats in the air and our girls are all hanging around the front steps of the school.
  157. >Every morning, whenever the weather was nice, the girls would meet around the statue before all heading into school as a group.
  158. >Rainbow Dash passes a soccer ball from one hand to the other, before sighing in annoyance.
  159. >”Man, it’s not like Sunset and Egghead to be late!”
  160. >”We might be late too if they don’t show up soon.” Fluttershy says whilst curling a lock of hair around her finger.
  161. >”It certainly isn’t like them at all.” Rarity adds after applying some lip balm.
  162. ”Ah wonder what could’a happened?” You, being Applejack, say as you pick individual blades of grass off your denim skirt.
  163. >Pinkie, as usual was just bouncing around the other girls. “Maybe they got hungry? Or maybe they got lost? ORRR maybe they got sick?!”
  164. >Just then, a sedan pulls up to the school and Twilight and Sunset exit. The two wave off to the driver just before the car drives away.
  165. >Sunset and Twilight begin walking towards you all.
  166. >Having spotted Twi and Sun, you and the girls begin making your way towards the two.
  167. >”Took ya long enough!” Rainbow yells.
  168. >”Morning ladies!” Pinkie shouts and waves.
  169. >”I-is everything alright?” Fluttershy asks as they approach.
  170. >Sunset and Twilight each mumble out a groan which kind of sounds like a greeting.
  171. ”Morn….in’.” The pep in your voice dies as you look at the two.
  172. >”What?” Sunset asks after yawning.
  173. >”Whoa, you guys look like ass. No offense.” Rainbow bluntly states.
  174. >Sunset’s eyes were red and she had dark shadows under them. Her hair was a mess and her skin looked a little clammy. Signs she hadn’t had a shower. She was also wearing the same shirt as yesterday under her leather vest.
  175. >”Gosh darling, you’re both a mess.” Rarity says, showing her mirror to Sunset. “Not a problem, darling. I’m sure a little powder can fix this.”
  176. >”Ugh….” Sunset moans. “We were up pretty late… and slept in.” She says squinting and trying to shield her eyes from the morning light.
  177. >”For the first time ever, I don’t think I want to be at school today.” Twilight mumbled to whomever would listen.
  178. >Twilight faired a little bit better. She was used to staying up late, but even she had red eyes and bags. She hadn’t brushed or tied her hair, it just hung straight down. Her glasses however were smudged, and she hadn’t bother to wipe them.
  179. >The first bell rang to signal twenty-five past eight. Five more minutes for students to prepare their books and get to their rooms before classes officially started at half-past.
  180. ”Come on y’all, we’d better get a move on.” You say while gesturing the girls to all pitch in to help walk them into the school.
  183. >The morning has passed by pretty fast. Your classes have been fairly easy so far, so you’ve breezed through them.
  184. >It’s lunchtime now, and you’re sort of in and out of a conversation with the ladies.
  185. ”Feelin’ any better?” You ask Twilight and Sunset just before biting into your ham sandwich.
  186. >”Yeah, much better. Luckily we both had study hall for second period.” Sunset answers, noticeably more awake and alert than this morning.
  187. >”We were able to sleep the whole period.” Twilight perks herself up to emphasise how refreshed she is.
  188. >Sunset sips her coffee. ”That’s the last time we have a last-minute movie marathon starting at ten, Twi.”
  189. >”You had a party without us?!” A shocked Pinkie dramatically exclaimed.
  190. >“It wasn’t really a party.” Twilight states, “Sunset sort of just came over around dinner time.”
  191. >”Sorry Pinkie. It just kind of happened.” Sunset mumbles, “After the library kicked me out, I went to the internet cafe and kept researching.”
  192. >“They kicked me out around eight, because they had a tournament that was starting. So I dropped by Twilight’s and we were up watching videos, then a couple movies.”
  193. >”Goodness you two!” Rarity scolds as she sets her lunch tray down on the table, “You two should know better than to stay up so late. What time did you go to sleep?”
  194. >’…’
  195. >Twilight looks at Sunset
  196. >’…’
  197. >Sunset looks back at Twilight, giving her a shrug.
  198. >”…Um… around three…thirtyfourthirty-ish” Twilight quickly answers before hiding behind her tub of yogurt.
  199. >Rarity just closes her eyes and slowly shakes her head before picking up her fork to start her salad.
  200. >”So Sunset, what did you find out about Australia? You sound like you’re really into it.” Fluttershy asks from across the table.
  201. >”Yeah Fluttershy!” Sunset beams excitedly, nearly scaring poor Fluttershy. “I don’t know why, but just reading about Australia really fascinates me.”
  202. >”I started reading the history, their politics, then started watching videos.”
  203. >”They’re kind of like Canadians, but…different. They’re like a different people altogether.”
  204. >Fluttershy nods as Sunset continues.
  205. >”I guess, kinda like how unicorns and earth ponies or pegasi are all different, but still are ponies.”
  206. >”When they kicked me out, I dropped by Twilight’s on the way home and just had to share with her!”
  207. >Sunset pauses to take another sip of her instant coffee.
  208. >Rarity leans in, “I’m curious dear, what kind of videos did you and Twilight watch?”
  209. >“I started with videos about comparisons between here and Australia, then some Vbloggers, then some music videos, comedy sketches, and interviews with-“ Sunset cuts her sentence short; taking a deep breath.
  210. >”Oh. My. Gosh.” Sunset gasps.” I did NOT know Thor was Australian!” Sunset started to get a little giddy in her seat.
  211. >Since coming to the human world, Sunset had taken a particular interest in this worlds’ pop-culture. Comic books especially were something she loved back in Equestria, but variety was limited there, unlike here. She had a particular fondness for Marvel comics.
  212. >”Uh… earth to Sunny, Thor’s not Australian. If anything, he’s probably closer to German. He’s a demigod from Asgard. Norse mythology, totally not Australian.” Rainbow corrects Sunset.
  213. >The girls just look at Rainbow Dash with jaws agape.
  214. >”W-what? So I’ve read the comics andseenthemoviethreetimes. Big deal!” Rainbow tries to save face. “S-stop staring, you’re freaking me out.”
  215. ”If only ya put that much effort into yer homework.” You joke to Dash, getting a giggle from the rest of the girls.
  216. >”I think Sunset meant the actor, Dash. Chris Hemsworth is an Australian.” Twilight explains, “And oh god that body…” Twilight blushes heavily as a drop of saliva escapes her mouth.
  217. >”Yeah…” The girls at the table all collectively answer. All caught up in a little thought about the elder of the Hemsworth brothers, as high school girls do.
  218. >”Chris Hemsworth certainly is quite a delicious eyeful, isn’t he?” Rarity says with a slightly seductive hint in her voice, “However, I do like a man with a bit more, shall we say, class?”
  219. >”Who do you mean Rarity?” Fluttershy asks curiously.
  220. >”Why, none other than Hugh Jackman of course!”
  221. >Sunset looks at Rarity puzzled. “Who’s that?”
  222. >”You know who!” Pinkie stifles a giggle. “I’ve seen your diary~.”
  223. >Sunset nervously looks at Pinkie. ‘What does she know? How much did she see? How can I silence her?’ Sunset’s calm face hides her inner thoughts.
  224. >“Wolverine silly!” Pinkie says before biting into an excessively iced cupcake.
  225. >”OH! Oh yeah~” Sunset’s eyes float where they are for a second as she zones out briefly.
  226. >X-men was one of the first movies Sunset had ever seen when she arrived in this world. Flash had taken her to the cinema on one of their first dates, and despite her criticizing everything in the movie that didn’t make sense to her reformed pony mind, Sunset did enjoy the film.
  227. >”What I would do if I had just five minutes alone…” Twilight fantasizes.
  228. >”Now Twilight, don’t forget about Timber.” Sunset shoots Twilight a smirk.
  229. >To which Twilight just shirks off.
  230. >”Oh I don’t know if I could…. Five minutes is… not enough” Fluttershy meekly states, her sentence completely drowned out by Dash.
  231. >”If I had Five minutes, I’d ride that body like I owned it!” Dash starts gesturing in her seat, much to the chagrin of the other girls.
  232. >This conversation is starting to make you a little uncomfortable, so you speak up.
  233. ”Yup. He sure is quite a man, but Ah don’t see what the big deal is.”
  234. >You wave off your reddening cheeks, hoping the others don’t see through you.
  235. “Y’all are actin’ like deer caught in headlights.”
  236. >“Lighten up Aje,” Dash says.
  237. >”Come on, don’t be a spoiled-sport! Haven’t you ever thought about how hot some Hollywood stars are?” Pinkie says as she slides right up against your side.
  238. >A shiver runs up your spine, at the feel of Pinkie’s sudden contact with you.
  239. ”W-well sure, yessun’ Ah have, but never like y’all are d-doing right now.” You stutter defensively as you can feel your face warm up.
  240. ”F-fantasies are fine an’ all, but such things are s’posed to be private, an’ we’re at school. I-It ain’t right.” You shoot your gaze down to your lunch, avoiding the eyes that are looking at you now.
  241. >Whenever you were anxious or embarrassed, you had a tendency to stutter. This stutter only got worse the more flustered you became. It was a little quirk you had, and despite your best efforts to hide it, it was a tell-tale sign and the others knew it.
  242. >Especially Rainbow Dash.
  243. >”Ooooh. I totally get it now.” Rainbow sneers. “You’re totally embarrassed! Are you uncomfortable because of the dirty talk? Or…”
  244. >You narrow your eyes at Dash.
  245. >”…Is it the fact that we’re talking about Australians? Like...” Dash says, now sporting a sly expression towards you.
  246. ”D-Don’t you dare.” You threaten her. You can feel your face turning red with anger and a bit of possibly humiliation.
  247. >Ignoring you, Dash continues; “Li~ke cousin Anon?”
  248. >Just to enrage you further, as erotically as she could manage, Dash slowly and seductively licks her lips.
  249. ”A-ain’t nothin’ ta do w-with that an-an’ you know it!” Smacking your hands on the edge of the table to get up as you tell her off. Pinkie does her best to keep you seated however.
  250. >”Oh Applejack mate, oh god you’re so good, yeah just loike that. Bloody noice.” Dash poorly imitates an Australian accent and mocks you more by pretending to straddle in the cowgirl position.
  251. >You just sit and simmer while staring daggers at Rainbow Dash as she now runs two fingers over her lips and slides the other hand sexually down her side and hips.
  252. >All the while not breaking eye contact with you.
  253. >Clenching your hands on the edge of the table, you grip it like a vice.
  254. >The other girls have noticed your silent anger, as well as you lifting the whole table off the ground, and move to make Dash stop her antics.
  255. >”Rainbow Dash! That’s enough!” Sunset and Twilight say in unison.
  256. >”Frankly Rainbow Dash, you’ve gone too far!” Rarity slaps Rainbow’s shoulder.
  257. >”Aw come on guys! It was just a bit of fun. Totally joking.”
  258. >”Rainbow Dash, y-you should apologize right now to Applejack.” Fluttershy says as sternly as Fluttershy could.
  259. >”Aw fine! Party poopers.” Dash sighs. “I’m sorry Applejack. I went too far.”
  260. >Putting the table down and taking a moment to let the red flush from your face, you accept Dash’s apology with a nod.
  263. >With the mood soured, everyone continues eating in an awkward silence.
  264. >Sunset speaks up to break the sour mood; “Hey, I found this song last night and I’ve been listening to it a lot.”
  265. >”Sounds good.” Pinkie bounces in her seat to the music. “Who is it?”
  266. >”A duo called Savage Garden.”
  267. >”Ooooh one of their songs is the ending song for Jojo” Dash reveals.
  268. >”Jojo?” Questions Sunset.
  269. >”Yeah, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” Rainbow beams confidently.
  270. >”Another one of your outlandish cartoons?” Rarity asks, raising a single eyebrow at Dash.
  271. >”Anime, Rares, and it’s friggin’ awesome! N-not that I watch Anime or anything. Hehe…”
  272. >Dash would never admit it, but she did in-fact like to watch anime. A LOT. She was a bit of a nerd when it came to anime. In her mind it was alright though, because she didn’t consider herself nerd or a geek for liking it.
  273. “Mind playin’ it again Sunny?”
  274. >”Sure Applejack.” Pressing her phones’ screen, the song plays again. ”You know it Applejack?”
  275. “Ah think Ah know this song. It sure does sound familiar. Say-veg Gardin’ was it?”
  276. >Fluttershy asks; ”Are they a new band?”
  277. >”Actually, they’re pretty old. They’ve already broken up.” Twilight says peeking up from her phone.
  278. >”Really?” Fluttershy squeaks.
  279. >”Yeah, like, back in 2001. Seventeen years ago! Wow they ARE old!”
  280. >The giggles of the other girls fade out of your focus as you think about the song.
  281. >Unbeknownst to you, the girls are all staring at you.
  282. >”Earth to Applejack?” Pinkie rubs up against your cheek. “Yoo hoo~ you in there?”
  283. “OF COURSE!” Suddenly you snap back to your surroundings.
  284. >”Geez, you don’t have to yell!” Pinkie pouts.
  285. “Huh? Uh, sorry Pinks.” You apologize scratching your cheek. “Ah just ‘membered somethin’.”
  286. >The rest of the lunch break goes by in idle chit-chat, most of which is from Rainbow Dash over-exaggerating something that happened in one of her after school clubs.
  289. >School has finally finished for the day. The last classes you had seemed to drag on forever. It doesn’t help that you struggle in a few classes with the material, but you’re much too ashamed to ask for help. Even from Twilight or Sunset.
  290. >Fortunately, you didn’t have to stay back, or get detention today.
  291. >Usually you’d get a talking to from Mister Doodle about your grades. Well today at least, it’s not that you weren’t paying attention, you were just distracted. Luckily you kept a low profile in class and slipped under his radar, so-to-speak.
  292. >Having bid the girls farewell, you rushed home.
  293. “Granny Ah’m home!” You call out to granny as you run up to your bedroom.
  294. >“Welcome home kiddo. Dinner’s ready in a while” She calls back.
  295. >Making a bee-line straight to your wardrobe you pull boxes down from the shelves. A quick rummage and don’t see what you’re looking for.
  296. >Your dresser, desk draws, and even the pull-outs under the bed yield nothing.
  297. >At your wits’ end, you yell downstairs.
  298. “Granny, where’s ma things from before Ah started Junior High?”
  299. >“In the attic, ‘member?” Granny again calls out from the kitchen
  300. “Thanks granny.” You shout back down to the kitchen.
  301. >Walking to the end of the hallway you pull down the folding stairs and ascend into the attic.
  302. >Turning on the light you’re surprised the bulb still works, albeit being very dim as to not provide much light at all.
  303. >So you pull out your phone instead and turn on the light function; scanning the attic.
  304. >The light passes over a few old chairs with broken legs, a mattress with a spring that had shot out through the fabric, and something covered by a blanket, covered in a thick layer of dust.
  305. >There, you spy your target in the corner.
  306. >A small pyramid of boxes, 4 or 5 total, stacked in the corner and all adorning your messy handwriting, which hasn’t really improved since you put those boxes here.
  307. >Writing was never something you excelled at. Neither was schooling actually. You could write and get your thoughts on paper, but it was very basic level. You had always thought; ‘a pass is a pass’ when it came to grades.
  308. >Tiptoeing over to the stack of boxes, taking extra care not to knock anything over or disturb the dust. Otherwise you would kick up one heck of a dust storm.
  311. >The first box you open contains your old toys: plastic horses and wagons, a revolver cap-gun and holster, zip lock bags full of wax cowboys in various poses, a few colouring books, and your first Stetson.
  312. >You admire the hat for a minute, grinning at the nostalgia, before closing the box and pushing it aside.
  313. “Nope.” You quietly mutter.
  314. >Pulling the next box closer, you kneel down and begin to shuffle through the contents.
  315. >Old clothes. A few denim skirts that used to be your favorites, now far too small to be worn modestly.
  316. >Flannel shirts with tears and rips in the seams, and worn boots with delicately woven decorations. Quite possibly the first piece of fashion enhancement Rarity had ever been asked to perform.
  317. “Not this one either.” You again mumble as you wipe the light film of sweat from your forehead with your arm.
  318. >The third box was heavy, giving you false hope that it contained what you were after.
  319. >It did not. It only contained elementary school books, notebooks and learn-to-read cards with pictures.
  320. >Frustrated, you slap the lid of the box closed with one hand and with the other; push the box to the side to join the other two. A little bit of magical strength making the heavy box glide on the floor with ease.
  321. “Dangnabbit!” You curse a little louder, patience wearing thinner.
  322. >The heat in the attic not helping.
  323. “Ah’m purdy sure it was here somewhere.”
  324. >Pulling the fourth box closer you rip the tape sealing the box clean off.
  325. >Various knick-knacks, comic books, sports paraphernalia, and...
  326. >A women’s lingerie catalogue..?
  327. “Wut the..?” You mumble, picking up the lingerie catalogue.
  328. >You flip it over and skim your thumb along the edges of the page; flicking it open. Some of the pages are stuck and they produce a crinkling sound as more pages fans open.
  329. >‘Someone must’a spilled some glue on these pages.’ You think to yourself, continuing to look through the catalogue.
  330. ‘‘Some’a these gals sure are pretty though.” Quietly you whisper to yourself. “Why the heck did I keep this?”
  331. >Glancing down at the box again, you notice a pigskin football trophy.
  332. >You never played football.
  333. >Your eyes go wide.
  334. “Argh! Eww!”
  335. >You drop the catalogue back into the box as you realize you opened one of Big Mac’s boxes.
  336. >In a hurry you fold the lid of the box up again and quickly push it to the side.
  339. >You’re not sure why your heart is beating faster than normal now.
  340. >You glance at the box from the corner of your eye.
  341. “D-did Mac…with… the catalogue?”
  342. >You stop yourself before you let your thoughts wander.
  343. >At least you try to anyway.
  344. >Embarrassed and heavily blushing, it’s hard to calm down. Especially since realising why the pages were stuck together.
  345. >Big Macintosh. Star quarterback of CHS. High on the all the girls ‘hottest guys of CHS’ lists.
  346. >To you he’s just your pure, hard-working, no-nonsense, down-to-earth big brother.
  347. >Why did pure come to mind?
  348. >As far as you know, he’s never shown any interest in love or relationships. Heck, you’re not even sure he’s ever been kissed.
  349. >You’ve heard all the gossip about him, even from your closest six.
  350. >How they talk about his chiselled jaw, ruffled orange hair and sap green eyes.
  351. >His large solid frame buried under his just-loose enough shirt.
  352. >Sleeves rolled up and showing off his well-developed biceps and huge forearms.
  353. >What Rainbow said about seeing Mac after practice was true. As embarrassed as you are to admit it.
  354. >A couple times you had walked in on Mac shirtless. Once when he forgot to lock the bathroom door. Luckily he had his pants on.
  355. >Most of the other times were when you were both working the trees in the fields. On hot days Mac took his shirt off to wring it out under some water or used it to wipe his sweat.
  356. >It was hard not to notice. Even you couldn’t deny that Mac had quite the body on him.
  357. >Tight torso that flared outwards at the shoulders. The perfect inverted triangle body shape.
  358. >If not for his indulgent drinking, you would be able to make out his six pack abs easier.
  359. >That’s not to say he was fat. Mac wasn’t even chubby.
  360. >He had a toned flat stomach, that, if he really pushed himself doing sit ups and crunches, he’d have the perfect supermodel body.
  361. >Yeah, definitely something Rarity would love to sink her claws into to model some men’s wear she’s been wanting to branch out into.
  362. >Your brother Big Mac, the hot new up-and-comer making waves in the model industry. Strutting up and down the catwalk topless showing off thos-
  363. “Ow!”
  364. >A sharp pain brings you out of your thoughts.
  365. >You bit your lip.
  366. >Hard.
  367. >Did you just fantasize about your brother?
  368. >No.
  369. >Yes.
  370. >The little angel and devil argue on your shoulder.
  371. >No, you were admiring, not fantasizing. The pure angel argues in your defence.
  372. >Yes, you did. You were thinking about how he was always up in his room when he didn’t have chores.
  373. >Alone. With the door locked.
  374. >With a collection of women’s underwear catalogues.
  375. >Suddenly it hits you.
  376. >That’s why you never hear any sounds when you walk past his door.
  377. >Also all the times when he plays seemingly random music loudly. You realise now they were to muffle any noise, where previously you had just thought he liked loud music.
  378. >Not to mention that he seems to have an awful lot of laundry sometimes.
  381. >...
  382. >For a moment you just quietly sit there on your knees, shifting them uncomfortably.
  383. >Droplets of sweat start to dot your exposed skin.
  384. >The heat in the attic is now really getting to you.
  385. >Or so you try to convince yourself.
  386. >Thighs rubbing together in a vein effort to extinguish the heat coming from down there.
  387. “That’s enough Jacky.” You begin lecturing yourself. “Can’t be thinkin’ those impure thoughts ‘bout family now.”
  388. >Inhaling a breath as you count to ten helps you clear your mind of such perversion and quench whatever embers you had stoked.
  389. >Slapping your cheeks focuses you back to the initial reason why you’re up here.
  390. >Bringing the last box closer and examining the side. ‘AppLeJAcK’ is crudely written on the box.
  391. >Opening the flaps, you’re again taken by nostalgia. The first item on top is your diary from freshman year.
  392. >Picking it up with a small smile you trace a finger across the cover, before putting it down beside the box on the floor.
  393. >Under the diary is a clue that you’re getting closer; a wooden boomerang.
  394. >Cousin Anon had given it to you and you both had spent hours trying to figure how to throw it properly.
  395. >After almost a whole afternoon, you were the only one who was able to get it to fly back.
  396. >‘Good on’ya, Jacky! Well done! Ya did it!’ A boy’s voice echo’s from your memory of that day.
  397. >Wiping a tear from the corner of your eye thinking about how happy you had been playing with Anon.
  398. “Ya always were so nahce ta me Non.”
  399. >You place the boomerang down next to you. A memento to take back down stairs.
  400. >Next you pull out a stack of different colored envelopes held together loosely by a disintegrated rubber band. Most of these were birthday cards sent from family over the years. A few among them were letters from Anon.
  401. >You place them with the diary, to be returned to the box lest the embarrassing contents become public knowledge.
  402. >Rummaging through the box once more, you shift stacks of CDs, a bobble head dog figurine that resembled the family pet, now long since passed away, and a small wooden box decorated with glittery stickers.
  403. >It was full of little trinkets and jewellery, some plastic and some real. From when you had met Rarity at the start of sixth grade of elementary school. You two had become very close friends very quickly and Rarity’s poshness had started to rub off onto you.
  404. >So began a phase where you wanted to be a city girl. Wearing cute dresses and sparkly accessories; all made by the young fashionista herself. You had swapped lasso twirling for tea parties, and horse riding for pretend runway strutting.
  405. >For a while, you even acted and spoke like Rarity.
  406. >As fun as it was, you were just too much of a country gal. It was the period where you realized who you really were, and you gave up trying to be anything other than your honest self.
  407. >To everyone else, however, it was a phase that ‘had gone on long enough’; in Granny Smith’s own words.
  408. >Patting the box once as you put it down, you continue digging.
  409. >After shifting the contents around a bit more, you found what you came for.
  410. >Hidden under an old disposable camera, was an MP3 player.
  411. “It’s been a’while.” You quietly say as you pick it up.
  412. >You try to turn it on, but it doesn’t work; the batteries long since died.
  413. >Examining it further, you pull the cover off and reveal a USB port, but no battery.
  414. >Packing everything up, you return everything the way it was before you head down the stairs out of the attic.
  415. “I’ll ask Bloom. She’s good with these things.”
  416. >”Dinner’s ready youngins’. Clean’up then come git yer fill.” Granny yells from the kitchen.
  417. >”Coming!” You, Mac and Applebloom respond in sync from different parts of the house.
  420. >After finishing dinner, the washing up, and a few farm chores you had left, it was already getting late.
  421. >Exhausted, you head upstairs and straight to knock on Applebloom’s door.
  422. >”Come in.” Bloom’s cheery voice calls out from behind the door.
  423. >”Hey sis, what’s up?” Bloom asks looking up from her computer at you as you enter.
  424. ”Applebloom, uh… could ya help me with somethin’?” You shyly ask. It’s not like you to ask for favors, and you’re already embarrassed as it is over such a simple request.
  425. >”Sure sis.” Bloom emphasises with a smile.
  426. >You hand her the MP3 player and stand next to her desk.
  427. >”Wow, an MP3 player! Ah haven’t seen one in ages.” She beams with excitement as she looks at you. “Where’d ya get it?”
  428. “It’s mahne. Actually, Non gave it to me. But it doesn’t work anymore.”
  429. >”Hmm, let’s have a looksee.” Applebloom mutters as she examines the device.
  430. >”Y’all don’t need to stand there like a scarecrow, sis. Have a seat.” The youngster says without looking away from the device.
  431. >You accept her invitation to sit with a nod as you plop yourself on the edge of her bed.
  432. >She turns to look at you as she plugs the USB into a port on her computer.
  433. >”Hey sis,”She casually begins. “You excited to be seein’ Nonny again?”
  434. >Caught off guard, you can only seem to mutter nonsense in reply.
  435. “Eyup, very. No, wait! Ah meant…”
  436. >Bloom just giggles.
  437. “Sure, Ah miss him, it’s been such a long time.” Averting her eyes, yours settle on a poster in the corner of her room.
  438. “Sugarcube, Ah’d be lyin’ if Ah said Ah wasn’t nervous. Y’know, to see how much he’s changed.”
  439. >Nice save. You think.
  440. >Applebloom only responds with another short giggle, before her expression changes.
  441. >”Sis..?” She starts, barely audible.
  442. “Yeah hun?” Your eyes now back on the young teen.
  443. >”Ah can’t believe Ma and pa… it’s already been ten years…”
  444. ”Mmhmm.” Solemnly you nod.
  445. >”But Ah don’t remember ‘em much. What were they like?”
  446. >You take a deep breath.
  447. >This question was never easy to answer.
  448. >Not even after all these years.
  449. >Being so young yourself when your parents passed, you only have a few fond memories. Mac most likely remembers them well, being around eight years old at the time, however, he rarely talked about them, if ever at all.
  450. >The best you had ever gotten out of him were just three sentences.
  451. >’Pa was a generous an’ honest man; heart bigger than a bull’s, an’ just as strong.”
  452. >’Ma was beautiful, loving an’ as gentle as a mornin’ breeze.’
  453. >’Ah see a lot of her in ya.’
  454. >Granny always shared some stories from time to time. More for Bloom’s sake than your own.
  455. >The one she’d often tell, which became Bloom’s and your favorite, was the one about your parents meeting as toddlers.
  456. >”Yer parents were a destined couple. As if the sun, moon, stars and the universe itself were set up just for them ta be together.”
  457. ”Hun, Ah reckon they’d be darned proud’a us. Not lettin’ anythin’ get us down.”
  458. >”You really think so, sis?”
  459. “Eyup, Ah do.” With that you ruffle the bright red hair, eliciting another little giggle.
  460. >A beeping tone from the computer gets Applebloom’s attention.
  461. >”Oh hey, it still works.” Bloom says with a hint of surprise in her voice.
  462. “I-it does?” You respond, with a bit of excitement in your voice.
  463. >”Cool. It’s full of songs.”
  464. >Applebloom randomly double clicks on one of the songs and it starts to play through her speakers.
  465. >…
  466. >”That was quite a good song. But Ah’ve never heard of any’a these songs. Or these bands.”
  467. >Bloom’s eyes dart up and down the song list in the folder.
  468. “Guess they’re old. At least ten years or more. Twi was saying one of ‘em broke up before you were even born.”
  469. >”Wow that is old!” Applebloom whistles before continuing; “There ya go sis. I can bring it to you when the battery’s all charged.”
  470. ”Actually, Ah don’t suppose you know how to put those songs onto mah phone, could ya? The other girls say these things can play music too.”
  471. >You’re looking away, embarrassed that computers and technology leave you completely baffled.
  472. >In-fact, the only reason you have the newest model phone is because the other girls convinced you to get one like theirs just so you’d all match.
  473. >Having the same apps as well so you could all message and video chat or something.
  474. >Half the features of the phone you can’t even understand how to use.
  475. >There was that one time you pressed something on the screen that turned the phone into “Flight mode” but it didn’t make sending messages any faster. In fact, for the next three days you couldn’t receive or send any messages or calls, so you angrily marched back to the store and gave them a piece of your mind.
  476. >Only to leave five minutes later heavily embarrassed and red faced when they showed you how to fix your phone. You also remember hearing snickering coming from the workers as you left.
  477. >”Sure sis. It’ll just be a minute.” Bloom says, taking your phone from you and plugging it into her computer.
  478. >Applebloom clicks away on her mouse, moving it all over the table. Her eyes darting back and forth as if she were some kind of computer whiz. It’s all just a blur to you. You never understood technology outside of simple mechanics. Electronics are too fancy to figure out.
  479. >No sir, you prefer gears and levers. At least you knew you could fix them if they broke.
  480. >”All done sis.” As she hands you your phone, and the mp3 player. “You can play ‘em on your phone now. Do you need earphones?”
  481. “Ah’ve got some. Thanks a bunch Sugarcube.”
  482. >You ruffle her head as you stand up. “Don’t stay up too late. It’s still a school night, ya need ya sleep. Y’hear?”
  483. >Applebloom nods. “Ah know sis. G‘night.”
  484. “Night Sugarcube.” You reply before closing her bedroom door.
  487. >*Pop*
  488. >*Crack*
  489. >*Pop pop pop pop*
  490. >It’s been about an hour since you came back to your room and started on your homework.
  491. >You lean back and stretch, releasing a series of cracks and pops from your upper body as it adjusts from your hunched-over study position.
  492. >Desk light on above your homework, phone on a low volume playing the songs that Applebloom had earlier added to it.
  493. >You had finished your essay and done a bit of your maths homework. Luckily you started with the essay otherwise you’d still be stuck on maths and have no essay to hand in.
  494. >You rub your eyes and sigh at the possibility that tomorrow you’d probably get detention, or at best; a stern talking to about your grades.
  495. >One song ends and another starts as you just sit there and take a breather for a moment.
  496. >The playlist bringing back memories of many nights’ staying up late just listening in bed.
  497. >You roll your head to work out the kinks in your neck, and rub your shoulders a bit.
  498. “Shoot! It’s late!” You quietly gasp, looking at the clock which displays 10.15pm.
  499. “That’ll do for today.” You tell yourself as you begin to pack your homework into your bag.
  500. >Putting the bag by your door, you open your tallboy and pull out your pyjamas and a clean pair of underwear.
  501. >Creaking the door open, you walk down the halls and pass all the other bedrooms, none of which have any light emitting from under their doors.
  502. >’Ev’ryone’s sleepin’. Best be quiet.’ You think to yourself.
  503. >Entering the bathroom at the end of the hall, you decide to bathe instead of your usual shower. Although you are tired, you still feel a bit restless and a nice hot bath will help relax you enough to have a good nights’ sleep.
  504. >After starting the bath and using the toilet, the tub is only half full.
  505. >You undress down to your bra and panties and place your clothes in the hamper.
  506. >A plain orange set.
  507. >No lace or frills.
  508. >No patterns or intricacies.
  509. >Nothing special at all.
  510. >Simple and functional. How you like it.
  511. >Looking yourself in the mirror; you glance at the water level in the reflection.
  512. >Untying your hair, you reuse the red hairband again when you tie your hair up into a bun.
  513. >Tonight you won’t wash your hair. It’ll be too late by the time you wash and dry it, not to mention the hair dryer might be too loud and wake up everyone.
  514. >Lifting your fringe to check your forehead for pimples, you sigh as you see a new one beginning to form. You pout at the discovery, but thank the stars that all your acne is confined to just your forehead.
  515. >You can live with that, after all, you always cover it with your fringe.
  516. >After giving your cheeks and ears a look over, you walk to the tub and turn the water off once it reaches roughly three quarters full.
  517. >For a moment you check yourself out in the mirror.
  518. >Remembering the lingerie catalogue and how beautiful those models were, you start posing just like them.
  519. >Admiring your own physique by turning in different directions to see yourself from different angles.
  520. >The last one has you looking over your shoulder to see your back.
  521. >You smile, happy with what you see in the reflection.
  522. >Facing the mirror again and with hands on your hips, you strike a pose that exhumes confidence.
  523. >Slightly tanned, slightly toned, yet curvy.
  524. >Not as curvy as Rarity, Pinkie, or Sunset, but enough that your hips certainly stand out.
  525. >A whisper to only yourself; “Just lahke ma.”
  528. >Tracing your hands up your sides to cup your C cup breasts up, a soft giggle escapes you as you pretend to pose yourself like Rarity would.
  529. “Mmm… Abs’lutely stunnin’, darlin’.” Striking a pose the fashionista would be proud of, you giggle at your impersonation of Rarity.
  530. >Bringing your hands behind your back, you begin to unclasp your bra.
  531. >You bend forward just a little, enough to let your bra slide gracefully down your biceps, until it is stopped by your arm catching the twins.
  532. >Looking again at yourself, you start to blush at seeing yourself in such a compromising position.
  533. >Embarrassment emblazoned all over your cheeks, your eyes dart to the corner again, before coming back to the mirror.
  534. >Staring at yourself like this makes you blush even harder, yet you can’t stop looking at yourself.
  535. >If someone were to walk in and catch you like this…
  536. >You shake the thought.
  537. >The others say you’re far too innocent.
  538. >Even Sex Ed still makes your face flush red and you can’t concentrate because you get fidgety.
  539. >There’s also the other girls always sharing their romps and adventures.
  540. >Sunset and Rarity were a given. They’d probably be the most experienced in your group.
  541. >Followed closely by Pinkie, that free spirit girl does whatever and whoever she pleases.
  542. >Twilight even has a few stories about her and Timber that she’s shared.
  543. >Then there’s Dash and her vulgarity. Always crass about her escapades, and usually never sparing the details.
  544. >Heck, even Fluttershy has shared a few things you’d never expected from someone of her timid standing.
  545. >You’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t enjoy hearing them, out of curiosity, of course.
  546. >However your lack of any real experience had left you the black sheep of the group. Unable to relate or even share with the others.
  547. >One time you tried to join a conversation, reciting what you had seen in a movie, however Dash called you out on it because she had watched the same movie too.
  548. >Despite the light hearted teasing that followed, they all understood that you had never been in a relationship and found it to be quite cute and endearing that honest Applejack was being faithful to love.
  549. >Rarity had praised your purity, and with the others in agreeance, they all reassured you that there was nothing wrong whatsoever with waiting for the right one.
  550. >Dash’s earlier antics spring to mind, the memory is so vivid, it’s as though it were repeating itself right in front of you.
  551. >Lost in thought as the memory plays itself in your mind.
  552. >Once more, you’re in the cafeteria. This time everything is blacked out except for Rainbow Dash.
  553. >She begins to tease you again, just like at lunch time, only this time everything is slowed down.
  554. >Teasingly slow.
  555. >Something that wants you to witness and soak in every little detail.
  556. >Her cowgirl riding. You notice how toned her flat stomach really is, not dissimilar to yourself.
  557. >Sliding her finger tips over her soft lips. Only now do you see just how soft they appear, and how glossy and inviting they really are.
  558. >The thrusts and gyrating that even you couldn’t deny were actually very sexy and arousing.
  559. >Dash slowly sliding her hand down her side and to her hips.
  560. >As you soak it all in, you can see goosebumps and little droplets of sweat forming on her skin.
  561. >Seeing Dash like this is getting you hot and bothered, but you can’t shake the thought.
  562. >You’re caught in this little trance.
  563. >You close your eyes.
  564. >[’Oh Applejack…’]
  565. >Furrowing your eyebrows as you bite down on your lip.
  566. >[’…Oh god you’re so good…’]
  567. ’Mmmh~’ A hot and heavy breathe slowly exhales from the gap between your teeth and lip.
  568. >[‘…Yeah just like that…’]
  569. “NnnnnHhhhaa~”A moan escapes you.
  570. >Stifled at first but becoming high pitched near the end.
  571. >Suddenly you jolt out of your stupor due to the noise you just made.
  572. >You hope it was quiet.
  573. >However you’re not sure.
  574. >It did sound a little loud.
  576. >Seconds go by in silence. They feel like minutes.
  577. >As your heart races, fearing that you’ve woken someone and may get caught, you just look at yourself in the mirror again.
  578. >One hand cupping a breast, your nipple being teased in a light pinch by your index and thumb.
  579. >The other hand sliding its way under the elastic band of your panties. Following your groin line down to your sweet honey pot.
  580. >The soft brush of your pubic hair just on the tips of your fingers.
  581. >You’re burning up now. It’s a mix of a little embarrassment, a little adrenaline, yet, mostly arousal.
  582. >The lack of creaking floorboards or footsteps from the other side of the bathroom door reassures you that no one heard you just now.
  583. >You exhale the breath you were holding.
  584. >Thinking about what you were just doing to yourself, you’re conflicted at both your actions and your thoughts.
  585. >’What the heck was that just now?’ Mentally beating yourself up.
  586. >Shaking your head again, you bring your hands to your hips and slip your thumbs under the elastic.
  587. >Slowly you slide them down, distracted by your internal conflict to notice the string of nectar that breaks from the panties and swings itself to your inner thigh.
  588. >Once they pass your knees they fall freely, and land right next to where your bra had fallen.
  589. >Bending over to pick them up, you scrunch them into a ball to throw into the hamper.
  590. >However, feeling a little wet and stickiness on your fingers stops you.
  591. >Opening up your panties again, you see evidence of your arousal. A dark wet patch with a little clear grool.
  592. >Your thighs rub together as you think about how wet you’ve gotten yourself.
  593. >Embarrassment creeps back on to your cheeks as your hand floats down past your hips.
  594. >Curious exactly how aroused you have become, your fingers come to a stop, hovering just below your lower lips.
  595. >You want to know, but your embarrassment causes you to hesitate.
  596. >Suddenly electricity shoots through you from your hips all the way up your spine.
  597. >Your middle finger had suddenly pressed itself between your moistened labia.
  598. >You clasp your mouth shut from moaning with your free hand, dropping your panties again.
  599. >With eyes clamped shut and mouth trying not to make a sound, your finger slides itself slowly up your slit.
  600. >As if on autopilot.
  601. >The sensation is just too strong.
  602. >Your trembling knees feel like they’re about to give out.
  603. >Your eyes shoot open as you struggle to suppress another louder moan, caused by your rogue finger sliding over your clitoris.
  604. >Bringing your hand up inches from your face, the offending digit slick with your juices.
  605. >You dabble it with your thumb and separate them, brifely forming a string bridge before it snaps.
  606. >Examining your finger closely, you quietly whisper to yourself.
  607. “A-Ah’m so wet. B-but why?”
  608. >Here comes that stutter again.
  609. >Playing with the fluid on your fingers makes you all the more aroused.
  610. >Your body has picked up on this and is already pumping estrogen around your body.
  611. >Goosebumps start forming.
  612. >Breathing now slow and heavy.
  613. >Heart is racing.
  614. >Head is spinning and feeling light.
  615. >Vision becoming a little cloudy.
  616. >A hot comfortable tingling down there.
  617. >Even licking your dry lips is having a sexual effect on all your senses now.
  618. >Your fingers want it.
  619. >Your body needs it.
  620. >Your pussy tingles for it.
  621. >Everything is aching and yearning for it.
  622. >You can’t even remember the last time you shared a private moment with yourself.
  623. >Let alone the last time a toe-curling, stress-relieving, spine tingling orgasm rocked your body and mind.
  624. >The thought of having one grows stronger in your mind.
  625. >You wanted to relax a little, de-stress a bit before going to bed right? Well this is the best way. Let’s do it tonight.
  626. >An inner voice compels you to indulge in guilt-free sin just this once.
  627. >You’re too flushed with estrogen to even resist anymore.
  628. >Your body moves itself to slide into the bath tub.
  629. >The touch of the warm water immediately assaults your already sensitive skin, stimulating you further.
  630. >First things first, clean yourself off.
  631. >With both your hands, you cup some water and splash your face, to clean it.
  632. >Next you slide your shoulders under the water level and gently lap the water to wash each side as well as your neck.
  633. >You can’t help but wonder what it’s like to have a lover grace your neck with their touch. The thought alone almost makes you whimper.
  634. >Gently you wave water and clean under your breasts, armpits and anywhere else that sweats.
  635. >Now you move down to your legs.
  636. >A quick scrub of your calves and back of your knees and you find your hands cleaning your inner thighs.
  637. ‘’Mmmm’’ Softly you moan as your hands start rubbing your inner thighs.
  638. >Only one place left now.
  640. >Again you hesitate.
  641. >You shouldn’t be doing this, but you’re far too turned on now to stop.
  642. >Dash’s actions shouldn’t have had any lasting effect on you, yet they did.
  643. >You yourself scolded the girls the other day for perverting your family, yet here you are.
  644. >Thinking of Big Mac and god knows how many lingerie catalogues are in his room.
  645. >Thoughts of what Cousin Anon might look like now.
  646. >Even Cousin Braeburn was something to be admired. You certainly couldn’t hold it against Rarity for having an attraction to him.
  647. >There’s no turning back now, you slide your hand slowly down your thigh.
  648. >Unlike before, this time you gently work your fingers from your mound inwards.
  649. >Slowly you start with two fingers to rub and explore by touch.
  650. “Oh god! Ahhnnnnn” You gently hum.
  651. >The gentle rubbing ignitess all your sensitive spots.
  652. >One hand goes to cup your breast and tease your nipple like before.
  653. >You can’t believe that your own juices are distinguishable in the bath water, but you don’t care.
  654. >You just want a release.
  655. >This is evidenced by you biting your lips and digging your heels into the corners of the bath tub.
  656. “It f-feels so~ good”
  657. >A few minutes pass as you continue to work yourself. Increasing in intensity slowly.
  658. >Your gentle rubbing has turned into a full assault now.
  659. >Vigorous rubbing and prodding at your lips with the occasional clit flick has sent your mind almost blank.
  660. >You can barely keep your eyes open or focused on anything, as surge after surge pulses through you.
  661. >The other hand no longer teasing your breasts, is now doing its best to contain your gasps and moans.
  662. >Constantly you switch from biting down on your fingers to clasping your mouth.
  663. >Your fingers are moving on their own.
  664. >Each touch yields a moan or a sharp hiss from your mouth.
  665. >Each sound you make, the thrill of not waking up anyone and getting caught, turns you on more and more.
  666. >Circles, then vertical, then a finger rubbing and flicking your clit.
  667. >However for all your rubbing, you don’t dare insert a finger inside.
  668. >That’s one thing you’re saving for your first real time.
  669. >You can’t control your hand now. It’s doing everything your body wants it to now.
  670. >Bringing you closer to climax
  671. >Fulfilling your basic carnal desires.
  672. >Your climax is building as your fingers work their magic.
  673. “Aahh~…Oh god….A-Ah’m...gonna...“ You gasp between breathes.
  674. >Closing your eyes as your head rolls back on the edge of the tub just as your fingers start to work a little faster, bringing you to breaking point.
  675. >Your toes curl, your back arches, and your legs push out to whatever purchase they can to brace themselves on.
  676. “Mmmnn nnnn~aaaAAhhh~” Your best attempts to muffle your orgasm fail spectacularly as your legs spasm, sending a wave of water over the tubs’ edge and splashing it on the floor.
  677. “AAAAAAAAHHHHhhhhhhh~n” Escapes your mouth as your body rides it out.
  678. >You vision clouds as a wave of pure ecstasy washes through you.
  679. >After one of the most intense orgasms you’ve ever had, your body has gone limp.
  680. >Coming down from your high, you’re just lying in the comforting warm water, with a big smile on your face as you bask in the afterglow.
  681. >Completely relaxed and in total bliss, you’ll have no problem getting a good nights’ sleep at all.

No title, first ever green. Re-write planned

by MT88

Applejack's summer [Incest] (WIP)

by MT88

Flash's New Year Eve

by MT88

A moment in the life of Anon: Rarity and Lunar New Year

by MT88

Orphan Anon (WIP)

by MT88