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Flash's New Year Eve

By MT88
Created: 2020-12-18 12:11:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >The music is loud and thumping.
  2. >The hall is dark but the stage lights illuminate just enough to make out everyone’s faces.
  3. >Outside is freezing, but all the heat generated by everyone makes it a comfortable warmth.
  4. >You’re Flash, and you’re currently at a party ringing in the New Year.
  5. >It’s a nice change to not be the one hosting a party for once.
  6. >You’re wandering around with drink in hand and mingling with all your school friends.
  7. “Hey Vinyl, thanks for throwing an awesome party!” You yell to Vinyl. She acknowledges you with a finger gun, before pumping the music back up again.
  8. >You walk off after shooting her a finger gun and a smile, most likely she didn’t hear you.
  9. >That’s cool, no biggie. Just find someone else to talk to.
  10. >Ah, Bulks. Your bro; always good for a chat.
  11. >You stroll towards him but before you reach him, Derpy takes his hand and they walk off.
  12. >Raising your plastic tumbler to the roof as a salute to your friend and his partner.
  13. ‘Good for them. They deserve each other.’ You think to yourself.
  14. >Downing the last of it, you head back to the drink table to get a refill.
  15. >After filling it with coke, you find a spot along the wall of the building and discreetly pull out a flask of bourbon.
  16. >Pouring just a little into the coke.
  17. >One reason being you’re still underage and too much would leave an obvious stink on your breath.
  18. >The other being this flask has to last you the whole night.
  19. >It’s already half empty.
  20. >A few times tonight you considered just downing the flask and leaving.
  21. >Seriously, a guy can only pretend for so long.
  22. >Yet, you don’t. You’d ruin your reputation, or what’s left of it.
  23. >Swirling the cup around to mix the contents, you stroll off again.
  24. >Step by step in no particular direction.
  25. >Straight ahead, you spot those girls.
  27. >Maybe you can just walk around them and-
  28. >Nope. Pinkie saw you and is now waving at you.
  29. >You sigh, you don’t really want to deal with them right now.
  30. >”Flash! FLAAAAASH! OVER HERE!” Pinkie yells over the music.
  31. “Hey, Girls. Good to see you.” You shoot them all a pointed finger and a wink.
  32. >”Woohooo~ Great party isn’t it?” Pinkie yells as she bounces around you throwing confetti everywhere.
  33. >”Looking good as always, Flash.” AJ remarks with a nod and a tip of her hat.
  34. >”My, looking quite, uh, Flash-ing, darling.” Rarity giggles at her own joke. You know her well enough to know she means nothing by it.
  35. >”Dude, this has been an AWESOME year!” Rainbow throws an arm around your neck, nearly spilling her drink on you.
  36. >Slipping out from under Dash’s arm, Fluttershy catches your attention for second.
  37. >”Hope you’ve had a great year too, Flash.” Nervously she whisper-yells into your ear. For Fluttershy, that yell was more like a normal person voice.
  38. ”Thanks Fluttershy.” You smile back, easing her anxiety somewhat.
  39. >It’s amazing you even heard her at all with all the music and background noise.
  40. >”Hope you’re all having a great time. Happy New Year. WOOoo!” You shout at them, not breaking your stride otherwise you’ll be stuck talking to them.
  41. >You keep the grin and pump your hands in the air to the music until you’re some distance away from them.
  42. >You hate this.
  43. >Always putting on a façade when you talk to these girls.
  44. >You don’t hate them, but…
  45. >”Oh Flash, Hi!” A familiar chirpy voice calls out to you.
  46. >You try walking on, pretending you didn’t hear it over the booming music.
  47. >Suddenly a hand grabs your sleeve and you see a purple spectacled beauty hanging off it.
  48. >”Whoa there! Hehe… Almost got away.” She giggles awkwardly.
  49. ”H-Hey Twilight. Good to see you. You’re looking nice.” You small talk as enthusiastically as you can, trying not to look at her.
  50. >In the year that she’s been at CHS, this is probably the third or fourth time she’s ever spoken to you.
  51. >And every time, you’re reminded of two things:
  52. >Twilight leaving,
  53. >And Camp Everfree.
  54. >Twilight leaving left a hole in your heart.
  55. >And then this Twilight always reopens that hole every time you see her.
  56. >Add her boyfriend Timber into this and he’s the salt that rubs your wounds.
  57. >”T-Thanks Flash. Oh, I’d like you to meet Timber. My boyfriend.” She pulls Timber closer, hugging him around his arm.
  58. >Gotta get away before you lose it.
  59. >”Hi Flash, it’s nice to meet you.” He says with a smile, extending his hand for a handshake.
  60. “Yeah, nice to see you again.” You try to hide the venom in your words, but still shake his hand to be polite.
  61. >”So… Timber’s down for New Year, and he loves music.” Twilight says whilst twirling a strand of hair around a finger.
  62. >What does she want?
  63. >”Would you… mind showing him some hot spots to see some bands, Flash?”
  64. >Ah, there it is.
  65. >Bitch, you barely talk or even acknowledge my existence the whole year, and now you want me to help your boyfriend out like we’re close friends.
  66. >Get Fuc-
  67. >”Sorry Twi,” You calmly and bluntly state. “I’m busy at the moment.”
  68. >”Aww c’mon Flash.” She playfully taps your chest, while doing her nervous-awkward giggle.
  69. “Sorry Twilight, I’ve got other things going on.” Again, you bluntly state.
  70. >The giggle and smiles fade, once she realizes you’re serious.
  71. >Maybe that was a bit too cold of you.
  72. >”Hey, don’t sweat it, Twily, I’ll be just fine.” Timber wraps his arm around a shaky Twilight.
  73. >”And hey, just means I can spend more time with you.” He lifts her chin up with a finger and shoots her a smile and wink.
  74. >Twilight perks up again and he rubs his nose with hers.
  75. >You’re about to puke.
  76. >You walk off without saying anything more.
  77. >Aimlessly you wander the floor, all the while sipping your drink.
  78. >You bumped into a few guys, say the usual “Hope you have a Happy New Year, blah blah blah” and slip away.
  79. >Rinse and repeat.
  81. >After a while, you got tired and found a seat in the corner to sit down.
  82. >Unfortunately, now you have get up again as your cup is empty.
  83. >Fuck it. You bring your hand into your jacket to pull the flask out.
  84. >Unscrewing the lid you start pouring a little into your cup.
  85. >Putting the flask away, you bring the cup to your lips and are about to take a sip when someone slaps you on the back. Almost making you spill your drink on yourself.
  86. “What the F-“You stand and turn around, only to see Sunset with that loving motherly smile of hers.
  87. >Wearing that cute pink dress she picked out on your first date.
  88. >You loved seeing her wear it back then.
  89. >Now it just reminds you of how you were used.
  90. >Your lip and eye just twitched at the thought.
  91. >”Geez, someone’s in a bad mood.”
  92. “Hey… Sunset.” You coldly state. Not even looking at her.
  93. >You had hoped to avoid her and Twilight the most tonight.
  94. >Looks like that isn’t going to happen.
  95. >”What’s wrong big guy?” She grabs a seat and sits down next to you.
  96. “Nothing. I’m just… tired.” Is all you say as you stare off into the dance floor.
  97. >”C’mon Flash, you can’t lie to me. We used to date.”
  98. >She motions to put her hand on yours, but you pull it away and stand up.
  99. >If she touches you, she’ll see all the hate and anger and sadness bottled up inside.
  100. “Excuse me, I’m gonna get a drink.” You say as you walk off, not giving her a chance to speak before doing so.
  101. >That was pretty shitty man, don’t treat her like this.
  102. >You still have feelings for Sunset, but she made it clear at camp that she’s moved on.
  103. >So why can’t you?
  104. >You reach the refreshment area and begin pouring another coke for yourself.
  105. >Swirling your cup again to blend the bourbon with the cola before you take a sip.
  106. >”So, everything alright?”
  107. >Sunset asks you again, while pouring herself a drink.
  108. “Yep. Fine in fact. I’ve got the whole house to myself, again this year.” This time, at least you looked in her direction.
  109. >”Parents overseas again, huh?” Sunset rhetorically asks, already knowing the answer.
  110. >A nod is all you give her.
  111. >”Hey Flash, don’t you ever get lonely? You know, over Christmas and New Year’s?”
  112. >Sunset’s whole demeanour changes as she asks you this.
  113. >It almost looks as if she’s genuinely concerned about you.
  114. >You just shake it off however.
  115. >She doesn’t care about you.
  116. >She never did.
  117. >She only used you.
  118. >Then discarded you.
  119. “Nope. Used to it.” You bitterly state before you take another sip.
  120. “What about you? Don’t you ever miss home?”
  121. >”I choose not to think about it. This is my home. It feels more like home than Equestria.”
  122. >”Plus I’ve got all my friends to spend it with.”
  123. >You nearly choke at those words.
  124. >Friends…
  125. >You used to be super popular, have a band, hang with a lot of dudes, but somewhere down the line, they just stopped seeing you.
  126. >Sometimes you wondered if they were ever really your friends at all, or just hung with you because of your popularity.
  127. >Swallowing hard, you loosen your tie a little.
  128. >Calm it dude, she’ll see your lip quivering.
  129. >You bite your lower lip in an attempt to stop it quivering.
  130. >”Hey Sunset, good to see you.”
  131. >Ugh… Timber’s voice again.
  132. >”Hi Timber, glad to see you made it.” Sunset replies cheerfully.
  133. >”That’s a nice dress. It really suits you.”
  134. >”Thanks Timber.”
  135. >”You know, if you keep out-dressing Twilight, I might start thinking you wanted my attention.” Timber jokes.
  136. >”Oh stop it Timber!” Sunset giggles. Clearly enjoying the attention.
  137. >”If you keep that up, I might just steal you away from Twilight!” Sunset jokes back.
  138. >Timber and Sunset laugh together.
  139. >You can’t take this shit anymore.
  140. >You’re boiling inside, and you can feel your face heating up.
  141. >It’s not from the bourbon either.
  142. >Taking off your jacket you slump it over the edge of the table.
  143. >Loosening your tie altogether, you pull it off your neck and pocket it.
  144. >Much better.
  145. >”Oh, Timber, this is Flash. Flash; Timber.” Sunset introduces you two.
  146. “Hi again, Timber.”
  147. >”Timber, you’re in town for a few days right, got any plans?”
  148. >”Well, I did want to go see some bands play some gigs, but I don’t know where to start looking.”
  149. >”Cool. Flash here is in a band, aren’t you playing any gigs, Flash?” Sunset gestures to you.
  150. “Nope. Like I said before, I’m kinda busy.”
  151. >You down your whole drink in one go.
  152. >”Flash?” Sunset is surprised by your cold tone now.
  153. >”What happened to the band Flash?” Sunset is looking more confused now.
  154. >”Whoa that’s cool you were in a band. What did you play?”
  155. “Guitar. Please excuse me, I need to use to use the gents’ room.” You say before starting to walk off.
  156. >As you walk off you think you can hear Sunset say something but it’s drowned out by the music.
  157. >Washing your face in the sink, you check your watch.
  158. >23.05.
  159. >Time to go, you’ve had enough.
  160. >The music blares as you leave the restroom.
  161. >You cross through the dance floor, taking no notice of anyone around you.
  162. >A straight bee-lining for the exit.
  163. >Into the cold air of the night.
  164. >The chill is a welcomed relief.
  165. >The snappy cold soothes your seething anger.
  166. >It was a mistake coming here.
  167. >Fuck it, you get in your car and start it. Letting it idle for a minute before you rev it.
  168. >The roar of the V8 engine comforts you.
  169. >At least this will never lie to you.
  170. >Flooring the accelerator, you almost rip a burnout driving out of the faculty parking lot.
  171. >A few students who were outside cheer as you peel away into the street.
  172. >Lightly snowing, so the roads aren’t too bad to drive on.
  173. >If only the roads were icy, maybe you’d actually crash tonight.
  174. >You shake the thought.
  176. >After a ten minute drive, you’re home.
  177. >To a large, empty, dark house.
  178. >You left a light on in the living room to look like someone was home.
  179. >A small gesture just to stave off the loneliness this time of year always brings you.
  180. >It’s little comfort from the cold outside.
  181. >Kicking your shoes off you head to the bar and grab a bottle of whiskey, then it’s up to your room.
  182. >When you reach your room you turn your music player and speakers on.
  183. >Drinking from the half full bottle, just listening to the lyrics.
  184. >”I feel I'm getting stronger and I don't know why”
  185. >After camp you tried hard to stop thinking about Sunset and Twilight.
  186. >Things were good.
  187. >For a while.
  188. >”I let you break my heart, all over again”
  189. >You can feel the tears start. It’s not the first time either.
  190. >You reminisce about better times with Sunset.
  191. >”I've got good at faking that I'm moving on”
  192. >Always seeing her at school, looking so happy.
  193. >’If she’s happy, I’m happy.’ Is what you would say to convince yourself.
  194. >”I can feel I’m so close to finally letting go”
  195. >How the first Christmas you had spent together had been here, huddled around your fireplace just enjoying each other’s’ warmth.
  196. >That New Year’s eve, she asked if she could stay the night with you.
  197. >You’ll never forget how beautiful she looked, how her hair danced in the glow of the fireplace.
  198. >Looking up at you with her romantic eyes, while wrapped tightly in your arms.
  199. >You take a longer drink from the bottle.
  200. >”Get your letters out and I read them loud”
  201. >Pulling out your phone, you went back to all the messages she’d sent you.
  202. >[I can’t wait to see you tonight. Love you! XOXO <3]
  203. >Still the tears fall.
  204. >[Happy Birthday babe! Special surprise for my 1 & only! ;x]
  205. >“And go through all the photos I should throw away”
  206. >You open the photo app on your phone.
  207. >Thumbing over them, you only catch quick glances.
  208. >The day at the beach.
  209. >Haunted ghost ride where she hugged you tight with her eyes clenched shut.
  210. >The selfie on the park bench when all the leaves started falling.
  211. >You never could bring yourself to delete them.
  212. >A part of you still loved her dearly.
  213. >Yet, you couldn’t just move on like she seems to have.
  214. >You lash out in anguish, almost throwing your phone across the room.
  215. >Just as you’re about to let it fly, you stop yourself.
  216. >Standing there as the tears run down your face.
  217. >The only movement is your hand bringing the bottle to your lips again.
  218. >You lay down on your bed, and press replay.
  219. >For what seems like hours, you just lay there against the headboard, zoning out listening to your music loudly and drinking straight from the bottle.
  220. “Happy. Fucking. New Year.”
  221. >You pass out.
  223. *** sometime later ***
  224. >…
  225. >You jerk awake suddenly.
  226. >Checking your phone for the time, you notice all the text messages you got.
  227. >Mostly just copy-and-paste Happy New Years wishes from people at school.
  228. >You just scroll through them, not bothering to reply.
  229. >A few catch your eye though.
  230. >[Texts from Sunny Honey]
  231. >[Flash, where did you go??] 1 hour ago@ 23.35
  232. >[Flash, is everything ok? Where are you?] 50 mins ago @ 23.45
  233. >[Hi Flash, Twilight here. Hope everything’s fine. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable tonight. Please be safe, wherever you went.] 52mins ago @ 23.47
  234. >[Happy New Year! XoXoXo <3<3<3] 34 mins ago @ 00.01
  235. >[Please, Flash, just let me know you’re alright. Pleeeeeease!] 30 mins ago @ 00.31
  236. >[Flash, please. I’m super worried about you. Please call me or text me, or the others girls. I’m so worried about you. Please!!] 20 mins ago @ 00.51
  237. >[I’m so sorry Flash, I hope this reaches you, I just wish you could’ve said something to me. Please god, just be safe. Please] 15 mins ago @ 00.56
  238. >Closing the messages app you notice you have 7 missed calls, with 3 voicemail messages left.
  239. >Sunset, Unknown; which you assume to be Twilight, Thunderbass, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Sunset.
  240. >You play the first voicemail.
  241. >[Um…. Hi…Flash. Twilight. Ehhh just wanted to call and see if you’re alright. I hope you’re alright. Sunset’s worried about you. Please call her back. Thanks…Bye.]
  242. >[Hey dude, Happy New Year. Look, Sunset and the girls are worried about you, and honestly, I am too. I know shits been hard, but talk to me. You’re always my bro, bro.]
  243. >[It’s Sunset…. Please, just answer me.]
  244. >Turning the screen off on your phone you toss it onto your bedside and look for your whiskey.
  245. >Fucking spilt on your bed.
  246. >Well, only a little.
  247. >Must’ve been leaning against you when you passed out.
  248. >Still a bit left inside.
  249. >Take another sip.
  250. >You contemplate calling them and letting them know you’re alright.
  251. >However, why do they suddenly care so much about you?
  252. >You left a party without saying good bye, nothing to send the dog squad after.
  253. >Fuck ‘em. Time for another drink.
  254. >Finish the bottle and drop it down the side of the bed.
  255. >It lands with a ‘chink’, having landed on some other glass bottles strewn on your floor.
  256. >’I’ll clean that in the morning.’ You mentally note to yourself.
  257. >Now you’re feeling the alcohol a bit more.
  258. >That stage of intoxication where you just let loose all of your pent up emotions to anyone who would listen.
  259. >Sunset…
  260. >Tears start to form in your eyes again
  261. >You loved Sunset. Right from the beginning.
  262. >You did your hardest to make things work, really put the effort in with her.
  263. >Slowly you clench your fists.
  264. >She never loved you though. Right until the end, you were nothing but a stepping stone.
  265. >Clenching your eyes shut tightly, letting the tears drop
  266. >After the Battle of the Bands, you and Twilight were able to have a day together.
  267. >Just a day around Canterlot city. You showed her the city you grew up in, all your favorite places to hang out, and Mt. Canterlot Peak.
  268. >It was your favorite spot to come to with someone, and even alone when you needed to think.
  269. >Just as the sun was dipping below the picturesque mountains, you reached out for her hand.
  270. >To which she obliged with hers.
  271. ”I really hope you enjoyed today, Twilight.”
  272. >”Oh Flash, I really did. Thank you, today was just magical. I wish I could have more days like this.”
  273. “You can. I’d certainly like to see you more whenever you’re free.”
  274. >She told you that she would like that too, and gave you a peck on your cheek.
  275. >For a second you both just look at each other, a deep scarlet painting both her cheeks and yours.
  276. “Twilight… I… I really… Like you. A lot.” You told her in earnest, as you pulled her into a hug.
  277. >She looked up at you, and you will never forgot her smile.
  278. >As brief as it was.
  279. >After the silent embrace, she buried her forehead into your chest as she wrapped her arms around your chest.
  280. >”I’m sorry Flash… I wish I could…”
  281. >Through the sound of the gentle rustling of leaves, you can hear her crying.
  282. >Without looking at you, she told you that being a princess in her world, she had a lot of responsibilities and duties.
  283. >It was a life she was thrust into, and because of it, she didn’t want you to hold on to feelings that might never be answered.
  284. >”Flash… it pains me to do this, but I must. It wouldn’t be fair to you.”
  285. >Swallowing another lump in your throat, you brace for what’s to come.
  286. >”I will never forget you… But please… I want you to forget me. Move on from me. Live your life to the fullest.”
  287. >You tighten your embrace as the cold shock of those words freeze your heart.
  288. >”I do have feelings for you, and I’m so happy I met you. However, any relationship will only end in heartbreak. …For me.”
  289. “Twilight, just give me- us a chance?” You plead, confused at the sudden change.
  290. >She pushes off of you and steps back out of the hug.
  291. >”You deserve someone that will love you, cherish you, and be happy and grow old with you. I can be some of those things, just not all of them. I’m so sorry.”
  292. >The girl of your dreams, on the perfect day, standing before you in tears, turning and walking out of your life.
  293. >You gnash your teeth together.
  294. >Twilight...
  295. >Like Sunset, you tried to move on from Twilight.
  296. >Things were hard, however not many knew of your affection for her, so it was easier to mask the pain as there were no prying minds.
  297. >Then the Friendship Games happened and Twilight walks right back into your life.
  298. >Bringing with her all the pain that she left you with.
  299. >The sadness when she didn’t recognize you at all.
  300. >She just ignores you and carries on like nothing happened.
  301. >You can’t really blame her though, she’s not the Twilight you fell in love with.
  302. >Yet, it still hurts when she just avoids you.
  303. >What hurts the most is knowing she’s with…
  304. >Him.
  305. >The girl of your dreams, with him.
  306. >Timber.
  307. >’What has he got that I haven’t?’
  308. >’She never even cared to try to get to know me.’
  309. >You don’t hate Timber. You just hate the mention of him, seeing him with Twilight.
  310. >How they laugh together.
  311. >How they hold hands.
  312. >The thought of them together when it should’ve been you.
  313. >All that bottled up emotion feels like it’s going to erupt.
  314. >You start to lash out.
  315. >Throwing things off your desk, hurling objects around the room, the crack on the neck on your guitar widens as you knock it.
  316. >Coming down from the anger outburst, you decide to get another drink and get out of the house.
  317. >Grabbing your keys you head downstairs and raid the bar again.
  318. >This time taking a six-pack of beer and the half bottle of bourbon; the one you filled your flask with earlier.
  319. >Where is that flask anyway?
  320. >Slipping into your shoes and grabbing a jacket off the hook, you jump in your car and you bring it to life again.
  321. >As before, you floor it in reverse into the street and flick it into drive so fast, that for a second your wheels spin, finding no traction.
  322. >Speeding off down the road, you almost run two cars off the road, they had to pull to the side to avoid you.
  323. >Fuck ‘em.
  324. >Driving out of your estate, about to turn on to the main road.
  325. >Looking down the road to the right you see red and blue flashing lights in the far distance.
  326. >Better avoid them. You’re pretty buzzed at the moment and don’t want to end up in juvie.
  327. >So left it is.
  329. >Just driving the streets.
  330. >There’s very little traffic. Most people are probably still partying or sleeping.
  331. >After a while, your aimless driving has led to the outskirts of town.
  332. >Fuck it, might as well have a drink and watch the sun rise from Mt. Canterlot Peak.
  333. >You take the upcoming exit.
  334. >A few miles in from where you turned in there’s a picnic area where you stop at.
  335. >Parking the car you take a can and open it, taking a drink.
  336. >Ahh the numbing effect of alcohol. Especially after your body thought you were finished and started processing the alcohol out of your system.
  337. >The idling car keeps you warm, and you turn the radio on for a bit of company.
  338. >Channel surfing through all the talk, you settle on a channel that actually has music playing.
  339. >Sipping the can, nodding along to the music and watching as the snowflakes float gently to the ground.
  340. >Finishing that can, you grab the bourbon and take a drink.
  341. >You decide to stick with this rather than the beer.
  342. >After the song finishes, reluctantly you step out of the car because you need to piss.
  343. >With can in hand and bourbon tucked into your elbow,
  344. >Drinking from the can again, you start to hum as curiosity brings you to step closer to the railing.
  345. >Looking out over the gully you start to do your business.
  346. >Out here it’s just you and the vast quiet emptiness of the forest.
  347. >And your piss splashing on the ground.
  348. >Crushing the can as you finish it, just letting it fall to the ground.
  349. >Your hum turns into singing and you swallow the amber fluid.
  350. “Yesterday…” Zipping up your fly. “All my troubles seemed so far away.”
  351. “Now it looks as though they’re here to stay.”
  352. >Your headlights illuminate enough of the gully for you to have a look.
  353. “I’m not half the man I used to be.”
  354. >Leaning over the railing to see the river thirty feet below.
  355. >Even for winter you can still hear the calming splashing of the current.
  356. “There’s a-“, A hiccup interrupts you as you climb over the railing.
  357. “There’s a shadow hanging over me.”
  358. >You sit on the railing, feet firmly on the edge of the bridge.
  359. >Another gulp, this time a little longer.
  360. “Why she had to go? I don’t know…” You start to cry as your voice breaks a little.
  361. “She wouldn’t say.” You whisper as you hear a distant thump. It sounded like a deer or something.
  362. “I said something wrong.” You’re reminded of the day you broke up with Sunset.
  363. “Love was such an easy game to play” Maybe it was to her, but you didn’t treat it as a game.
  364. >Taking a longer drink this time, you can start to feel it kicking in.
  365. “Now I need a place to hide away”
  366. >The words start to slur a little as you start to feel the bourbon kick in.
  367. >Tipsy here we come.
  368. >Continuing the chorus again, you sway to your own singing.
  369. >Finishing the bourbon right before the last line.
  370. “Now I long for YESTERDAAAAAAAY”
  371. >You shout as you hurl the bottle far into the gully below, hearing it smash on a distant rock.
  372. >Standing up with a sway, you look below you again.
  373. >Your inebriation blocks out all the noise around you.
  374. >Wiping your face one more time, you lean forward.
  375. >That’s quite a fall, and that river might not even be that deep.
  376. >In this moment, all you can think about is Twilight’s cute smile and her voice echos through your ears.
  377. >”Live your life to the fullest.”
  380. >Be Sunset Shimmer.
  381. >Walking around and mingling with all your school friends.
  382. >You watch Muffins lead Bulk to a darkened corner and they start slow dancing in each other’s’ arms.
  383. >They are so cute together.
  384. >Walking around and chatting to everyone.
  385. >Everyone’s had a great year.
  386. >For you it’s been a great year too.
  387. >You’ve put the past behind you, you’re friends with everyone, and even saved the school a few times.
  388. >This time last year very few people would even approach you.
  389. >As you’re walking around you catch glimpse of Flash chatting with the girls.
  390. >Although you haven’t really spoken to him in a while, it warms your heart to see him enjoying himself tonight.
  391. >He’s getting into the music, throwing his hands in the air like that. He always loved good music.
  392. >Wait, he just dropped his arms and walked off. Was he pretending?
  393. >You continue to watch from afar as he walks around chatting to others.
  394. >He puts on a smile when he talks to people then drops it as he walks off.
  395. >That’s not like him. Maybe you should speak to him.
  396. >”Hey Sunset, you got a second?”
  397. “Hi Norman. How are you?”
  398. >”Good thanks, you look great! Hey have you seen Flash?”
  399. “Yeah, he’s over there. I was just about to go say hi to him.”
  400. >”Oh, good. Please go see him.”
  401. “Wait, what do you mean Norman?”
  402. >”Strictly between you and me, he hasn’t been the same in a long while.” Norman says leaning into your ear so only you can hear.
  403. >”I don’t know the details, but after Twilight left and we went to camp, he’s been distant. He always says he’s fine.”
  404. >Norman takes a breath before continuing; “But I dunno… Maybe he’ll talk to you, since you guys were so close.”
  405. “Thanks Norman, I’ll try to talk to him.”
  406. >Looks like he’s finally done walking around. Now’s your chance. Just walk up behind him and playfully slap him on the back. Like old times.
  407. >”What the F-“ Angrily he stands to his feet and turns to look at you.
  408. >That was unexpected. Just smile back.
  409. >You pretend not to notice him checking you out head to toe.
  410. >It’s quite a compliment when an ex still checks you out.
  411. >Wait, did his eye just twitch?
  412. ”Geez, someone’s in a bad mood.”
  413. >“Hey… Sunset.” He draws out with a sigh.
  414. >Sliding a chair over you take a seat and talk to him.
  415. ”What’s wrong big guy?”
  416. >“Nothing. I’m just…” He does that stare when he has something weighing on his mind. “Tired.”
  417. >Norman was right, something /is/ wrong.
  418. ”C’mon Flash, you can’t lie to me. We used to date.”
  419. >Whatever is on his mind, if he knows that someone is here with him, maybe he’ll open up.
  420. >Good idea Sunny, just take his hand to let him know you’re here for him.
  421. >Suddenly he stands up and walks off.
  422. “Wait, Flash-“He doesn’t seem to hear you.
  424. >Ah, there he is. Might as well get another drink yourself.
  425. >He’s slouched over, that’s not like him. Usually he’s confident and energetic.
  426. >You really need to find out what’s wrong.
  427. ”So, everything alright?”
  428. >He looks at you startled.
  429. >Note to self: Stop sneaking up on people.
  430. >“Yep. Fine in fact.”
  431. >His voice isn’t usually this flat.
  432. >”I’ve got the whole house to myself, again this year.”
  433. >Your heart sinks hearing this.
  434. ”Parents overseas again, huh?”
  435. >Every year from mid-December to mid-January his parents went overseas for their company Christmas Break. He stopped going with them when he started high school.
  436. >They both work for the same international company, and every year a different Head Office hosts the managers and exec’s in their country to strengthen relations and keep everyone close.
  437. >He told you this the first Christmas you spent had together.
  438. ”Hey Flash, don’t you ever get lonely?”
  439. >You rub your arm before continuing. “You know, over Christmas and New Year’s?”
  440. >Moving on with your life here, you hadn’t really stopped to think of all those you had left behind.
  441. >“Nope. Used to it. What about you? Don’t you ever miss home?”
  442. >You smile at the thought. Happy in the knowledge that he still cares enough about you to ask.
  443. ”I choose not to think about it. This is my home. It feels more like home than Equestria.”
  444. ”Plus I’ve got all my friends to spend it with.”
  445. >The quivering of his lip means you’re getting closer to whatever is on his mind.
  446. >…
  447. >”Hey Sunset, good to see you.”
  448. >Twilight said Timber was coming to town.
  449. >After joking with Timber, you introduce him to Flash. Maybe they can become friends.
  450. >Great idea Sunny! They both love music, so many you can get them to hang out and be friends. At least that would dispel any animosity there might be between them
  451. ”Flash here is in a band, aren’t you playing any gigs, Flash?”
  452. >“Nope. Like I said before, I’m kinda busy.”
  453. >You’re shocked at the cold tone.
  454. “Flash?”
  455. >What could he mean by that?
  456. ”What happened to the band Flash?” The band was everything to him. Even when you were dating him, he split time evenly between you and them.
  457. >Flash excuses himself and walks off.
  458. “Wait! Flash!” Your calling falls on deaf ears as he just keeps walking.
  459. >”Was it something I said?” Timber says watching Flash walk off.
  460. “No, Timber. It wasn’t you.”
  461. >”Is he always like this? ‘Cause Twily told me he was real creep when she transferred here.”
  462. “HE’S NOT A CREEP!” You shout in his defence, startling Timber and a few others around you.
  463. “I’m sorry Timber, I didn’t mean to shout. It’s just that we used to date.”
  464. >“Hey don’t sweat it. Oh, Twily over here.” He waves Twilight over.
  465. >”There you are Timber. Hey Sunset, have you seen Flash, he’s acting kind of weird.”
  466. “Hi Twi, yeah I know.”
  467. >”Do you think it’s because of me?” Twilight’s eyes shift as she scrunches her paper cup.
  468. >”You know, looking like the other Twilight and all…”
  469. “Twi, I don’t think Flash would blame you for whatever happened between him and Princess Twilight.”
  470. >”Yeah, but, you said they were close. I hope I’m not reminding him of her…” Twilight trails off with eyes down.
  471. “Don’t worry Twi. Flash may not look it, but he’s a pretty strong guy.”
  472. >”Sure. I just get the feeling that-“
  473. >A tall figure creeps besides you, and her voice distracts you from Twilight.
  474. >”Hi girls, I trust you’re enjoying yourselves tonight.” Principal Celestia asks as she helps herself to a cup of punch.
  475. >”H-Hi Miss Principal Celestia.” Timber blushes, unsure of how to address the older woman.
  476. >”Principal or Celestia is fine, Timber Spruce. Please thank your sister for having us at your camp. We look forward to taking next years’ class there again.”
  477. >”I will Miss Celestia.”
  478. >Celestia nods to Timber and her attention draws to Twilight.
  479. >”I’ve heard nothing but good things from all your teachers, Twilight Sparkle. You’re fitting in quite well, I must say.”
  480. >”Oh yes Principal Celestia. Unlike Principal Cinch, you’re easy to approach and talk to. It’s made fitting in so much easier. Hehe.” Twilight giggles, trying to hide her concern from Celestia.
  481. >”Twilight Sparkle, I can’t take all the credit.” Celestia blushes.
  482. >”You’ve all done more than your share to help keep the school and students safe. I can’t thank you enough.”
  483. “It was nothing.” You modestly reply.
  484. >”Nonsense Sunset Shimmer. I’ve seen how much you’ve changed. And you continue to astound Luna and myself. We are both truly thankful to have all of you as students.”
  485. >Principal Celestia chats with you and Twilight for a little while, before Luna joins the conversation.
  486. >After a long chat the two ladies excuse themselves and continue to chat with others students.
  487. >It’s been a long while and Flash hasn’t come back for his jacket yet.
  488. >Sending him a quick text to ask where he is, another familiar voice grabs your attention as you put your phone away.
  490. >”The Great and Powerful Trixie! …Needs a drink.”
  491. >”Hello Sunset. Twilight. Timber~” Trixie bites her lip in front of Twilight, drawing the ire of the latter.
  492. >Twilight responds by tightening her hug on Timbers’ arm.
  493. >Upon seeing this, Trixie just giggles.
  494. “Hi Trixie. How’s your night been?”
  495. >”Trixie has had a very good night. In fact, this year has been one of the best for Trixie.” She states proudly.
  496. “That’s good to know.” You say in earnest. “Next year will be even better. For everyone.”
  497. >Both of you share a laugh, the events around the Memory Stone brought you and Trixie to a mutual understanding, and now you both get along quite well.
  498. >”Trixie wishes you all a very Happy New Year. Ta-ta.” Trixie collects a refill of juice and walks off.
  499. >Deciding to leave the drink table, you pick up Flash’s tuxedo jacket and fold it in half over your arm.
  500. >Something shiny falls to the floor and Timber picks it up.
  501. >He opens the flask, smells it, and then hands it to you.
  502. >As quickly as you bring it to your nose, you quickly pull it away.
  503. >The unmistakable smell of alcohol. It’s also one fifth full.
  504. “Oh Flash…” You shake your head in denial.
  505. >”What’s that Sunset?” Twi asks you.
  506. >”It’s a flask Twilight.” Timber tells her. “And it was full of alcohol.”
  507. >”Was? Wait, whose is it? How do you know what alcohol smells like?” Twilight’s eyes narrow at Timber, expecting answers.
  508. “Twi, it’s Flash’s. It fell out of his jacket.”
  509. >You try calling him, but hang up before it goes to voicemail.
  510. >Instead you message him to find out where he went. He’s got some explaining to do. [23.45]
  511. >”He’s too young to drink! Why does he even have that?”
  512. “I don’t know Twi. I don’t like it. Something’s wrong, we need to find him.”
  513. >Twilight and Timber nod in unisen.
  514. ”Timber, sorry, could you get the girls and meet us by the exit? Twi and I will look for him.”
  515. >”Sure thing.” He hugs Twilight before power-walking away.
  516. “Twi, let’s split up. Message me if you find Flash.”
  517. >”What’s going on?” Twi grabs your hand, stopping you.
  518. Wriggling out of her of grip, you reassure her.
  519. “I’ll explain later. Right now I need to get some answers.”
  520. >Twilight raises her phone to her ear as you walk off.
  522. >A short while passes.
  523. >It’s been a while since Flash said he was going to the restroom.
  524. >Everyone you’ve asked hasn’t seen him either.
  525. >Worried, you check your phone for a reply.
  526. >Nothing.
  527. >Your phone buzzes and immediately you open the text.
  528. >[Haven’t seen him. I’ve texted him, but no answer yet. Any luck on your end?] Sent from Twilight.
  529. >[Nothing. No answer when I texted either.] You reply.
  530. >It didn’t take you long to find Sandalwood hanging around with Microchips. After a quick chat, all they tell you is that Flash has barely hung out with them in months.
  531. >As you check your phone for a reply, the clock shows it’s now close to midnight.
  532. >Making your way to the girls waiting at the exit, you bump into Bulk and Muffins.
  533. >Just like before, Bulk only tells you that Flash stopped coming to the gym months ago.
  534. >Muffins however, tells you that he’s been this way since Twilight left. She tried to cheer him up plenty of times. At first it worked and he was back to his normal self.
  535. >All that came undone when Twilight transferred.
  536. >Thanking them and wishing them a Happy New Year, you walk off towards the exit again.
  537. >”Attention students,” Principal Celestia’s voice rings out over the P.A system as the music is turned down.
  538. >”Thank you all for making this past year another great one for Canterlot High. On behalf all the faculty, we wish you all to have a safe and happy New Year. Please take a moment to remember all the moments that made it special for you, and we’ll begin the countdown shortly.”
  539. >Everyone claps in applause.
  540. >”Any reply Sunset?” Twilight asks, concern on her face.
  541. >You just shake your head.
  542. >”What’s going on Sunny?” Applejack asks whilst gulping down an apple cider.
  543. “It’s Flash. He’s disappeared.” You answer. At a loss to understand what could’ve happened to make him isolate himself.
  544. >”Everyone, let’s begin the countdown!” Celestia’s voice booms through the speakers again.
  545. >”Maybe he just went home.” Fluttershy suggests.
  546. >”He has been looking really tired lately. Too tired to even come to baseball practice.” Dash adds.
  547. >”…2….1…Happy New Year Everyone!”
  548. >Cheers, party poppers, clapping and Pinkie’s party cannons go off as everyone cheers in the New Year.
  549. >Pulling out your phone again, you type a quick message to him, wishing him a happy new year.
  550. >Then you copy it and send it to your boss and co-workers.
  551. >Pocketing your phone, you explain to the girls what happened earlier.
  552. “Come on girls, let’s go see if he’s home.” You lead the girls closer to the exit.
  554. >Standing by the exit however, are the Rockers; Flash’s band and friends.
  555. >Walking over to them, they notice you approaching.
  556. “Hey guys Happy New Year.” This is awkward, you’ve barely spoken to them since you and Flash broke up.
  557. >”Hey bitch.” One of the girls, Cherry Crash greets you.
  558. >”Well I never!” Rarity huffs.
  559. “It’s OK Rarity. She’s like that. Cherry, can I ask you something?”
  560. >”Depends.”
  561. “Have you guys seen Flash?”
  562. >”What do you care?” Another girl with purple hair walks up next to Cherry.
  563. “Mystery, please. Have you seen him or not?”
  564. >”Maybe.” She smirks.
  565. >Cherry speaks up now.
  566. >”To what do we owe the honor? First time in what, a year-“
  567. >”Two.” Mystery corrects her.
  568. >”Yeah, two years that you don’t hang with us anymore, and now suddenly you need our help.”
  569. >”That’s it. I’ve had it with these two.” Dash pushes you aside.
  570. >”No one talks to my friend like that!” She emphasizes by cracking her knuckles.
  571. >Putting an arm out to stop Dash, you step back in front of her.
  572. “I’m sorry, alright. Please. I’m worried about Flash. Can you help us?”
  573. >The two girls look at each other with concern all over their faces.
  574. >”You should speak to Drummer and Thunder.”
  575. >The two girls step aside.
  576. >”Hi Sunset. Happy New Year.” Thunder greets you.
  577. “You too. I heard Flash hasn’t been hanging with you guys. Is that true?”
  578. >”Yep. It’s true.” Thunderbass regretfully informs you.
  579. >”Why the heck not?” Applejack butts in.
  580. >”Her.” Drummer Stix points to Twilight.
  581. >”M-Me?” Twilight gasps in surprise.
  582. >Timber steps in front of her. “What /about/ her?!”
  583. >”Flash couldn’t take it anymore.” Thunderbass begins to explain.
  584. >”After the other Twilight left, Flash was a huge mess. He liked her, and she liked him.”
  585. >”He told us that they went on a date and really connected. Like, everything was perfect.” Drummer adds.
  586. >”Then it went bad.” Bass exhales.
  587. >You lean in, wanting to know more.
  588. >”She told him she liked him, then dumped him. Ripped his heart out on the spot. And left.”
  589. >No. No, no, no. That doesn’t sound like the Princess Twilight you know. She always asked you how Flash was doing.
  590. ”No! Princess Twilight isn’t like that!”
  591. >The girls all nod, agreeing with you.
  592. >”Ask him yourself. He was a wreck, man.” Stix starts.
  593. >”It took all of us months just to get him to come to play again. Even when he came, his heart wasn’t in it.”
  594. >”Slowly we got him back into the routine of playing gigs with us, and it was working well for like, a while. He was getting over it all and moving on.”
  595. >”Then what happened?” Pinkie asks curiously.
  596. >”Her.”
  597. >Both Mystery and Cherry as well as Stix again point to Twilight.
  598. >”M-Me again?!”
  599. >Timber tries to snap back, but Stix continues.
  600. >”Things were going back to normal. Flash was getting back to his normal self, doing things he loved to do.”
  601. >”Then the Friendship Games happen and Twilight here re-enters his life.”
  602. >”He kept himself away from her as much as possible. He wanted to forget her. But it wasn’t working.”
  603. >”Yep.” Thunder nods.
  604. >”He thought staying away from her because she didn’t know him would be what he needed to move on.”
  605. “How does that explain what’s happening now?”
  606. >”Well Sunset, what do you remember from camp?”
  607. >“We got our gems, stopped Gloriosa and saved the camp. What’s your point?” Dash states, getting irritated at this line of questioning.
  608. >”I mean with Flash. He did talk to you, right?” His hinting re-jogs your memory.
  609. “Y-Yeah, Flash and I we talked for a bit.” Recalling your distracted conversation with Flash outside Gloriosa’s office. “I told him he needed to move on.”
  610. >”Did he say anything about you and him?”
  611. “Yeah, he wanted us to be friends.” You reply with a raised eyebrow, unsure where this is leading.
  612. >Leaning back, he crosses his arms.
  613. >”You really haven’t changed. You have no fucking idea.”
  614. >”What?! Don’t you talk to Sunny like that, ya’hear!” Applejack tries to push past you but Rarity and Dash hold her back.
  615. >”This is low, Sunset Shimmer. Even for you. Still playing with his heart like it’s a toy.” Thunder says before walking back to the others.
  616. >The words hit you like an ice bath, and you begin to shake, suppressing your desire to yell out at them.
  617. >”Why I oughta!” Pinkie pouts in anger.
  618. >”I should knock some sense into that guy!” Timber says, trying to make you feel better.
  619. >The cold truth of what Thunderbass and Stix said almost brings tears to your eyes.
  620. >This is not how you wanted to start the New Year.
  621. >”Sunset, a-are you alright? You’re shaking.” Fluttershy says as she rubs your back.
  622. >”Those guys are assholes! How could Flash ever hang out with them!” Dash remarks, trying to make you feel better.
  623. “Stop it! He’s right you know!” Clenching your fists into hooves.
  624. >Everyone looks at you in disbelief.
  625. >”Sunset, don’t listen to them. You’re not responsible for how Flash feels” Twilight reasons with you.
  626. “No, but I am responsible for putting Flash through all of this! If I never used him in the first place… If only I were a better friend to him when he needed me…”
  627. >Rarity takes your hand and pats it.
  628. “He’s always been there for me, but I’ve barely been there for him. Even when he tried to opened up to me I was too focused on other things to give him the shoulder he needed.”
  629. >The girls all huddle around you in a group hug comforting you.
  630. >You hug the tuxedo jacket tightly, and pull out the flask again.
  631. >Wiping the tears away, you walk up to the Rockers again, determined to get some answers.
  632. >Thunderbass hangs up his phone as you approach.
  633. >Pulling the flask out you show it to him.
  634. “This is Flash’s. Did you know about this?”
  635. >A solemn ‘yep’ is all he gives you.
  636. “Then tell me damnit! When did he start drinking?”
  637. >A few of the girls gasp at the revelation, taken by total surprise that someone of Flash’s character would stoop to alcohol abuse.
  638. >Bass just stares at you for a moment, measuring your determination.
  639. >Your eyes give no inch and with a sigh he relents.
  640. >”It was right after his date with that Twilight. He came over to my place. I asked how it went. He asked for a drink, so I gave him a pepsi. He refused it, wanting a beer instead. Expecting good news, I gave him one.”
  641. >”I wish I hadn’t.” Regret plastered on his face.
  642. >”Everything he told me sounded like the perfect date. I was so happy for him. Then the bombshell.”
  643. >”She gave him no reason, nothing. Just cut him loose. Of course he was beating himself up.”
  644. >”He went through 3 more cans before he passed out on my couch. That was just the start.”
  645. >”Often he’d miss practice or turn up late and hungover. I like a drink occasionally, but he was drinking constantly. Like he wanted an escape.”
  646. >Stix continues, “He was in a bad way dude. Like, if he wasn’t sleeping, he was hungover. That bad. We all did what we could to bring him back. As we said before, it took months but we were getting /our/ friend back.”
  647. >The Rockers all nod.
  648. >”Then when Twilight transferred here, it really ate him up inside. Like, seeing her every day man. The girl he liked completely ignoring him.”
  649. >”It just reminded him how cold things ended between them.”
  650. >Twilight hides behind Timber a little more. Uncomfortable at the fact the she unintentionally had a part in all of this.
  651. >”Whatever happened at camp, it changed him. He started drinking again.” Bass says as his eyes point to Timber and Twilight.
  652. >”We only found out when it was too late. We dropped by his place after he came back and found empty cans and bottles everywhere. He was passed out on the floor.”
  653. >”How could you guys let it happen?” Dash barks.
  654. >”We were the only ones who cared!” The girls snap back.
  655. >”Where were you Dash? Where were you Sunset? Where were any of you?! None of you gave a rats-ass about Flash. We did.” Thunder sternly puts Dash in her place.
  656. >The realization that Thunderbass was right shut Dash up.
  657. >”We still tried to help him, even confronting him about his drinking.”
  658. >”It was tearing him apart. All of us apart.” Mystery adds her experience.
  659. >”He was pushing us away even though we were trying to help him.” She recalls as she tries to hold back tears.
  660. >”No matter what we tried, he doubted all our intentions. He kept saying; ‘we didn’t care about him. We only used him like her’.” Mystery looks at you. “But we did care about him, he just didn’t want to believe it.”
  661. >Cherry pulls mystery into a hug to calm her, before speaking.
  662. >”One day, he came to practice. Really calm like. He just said he wanted to jam. So we did. It nice; it felt like old times.”
  663. >”It was all going great, until he played the wrong fret and suddenly snapped. He threw his guitar; cracking it. He started yelling and swearing saying he hated all of this, all of us, and everything and everyone.” The thought making Mystery and Cherry shudder.
  664. >”He kept saying he was a pathetic loser that couldn’t get anything right, and that it’d be better if he was gone.”
  665. >You heart sinks hearing that last part.
  666. >All the girls gasp hearing that as well.
  667. >“No matter what we tried, he just ignores us.”
  668. >The silence is awkward, amongst the pumping music.
  669. “I wish I had known… Please, have you seen him?”
  670. >”He left an hour ago. We tried to talk with him before he left but he kept walking and got in his car and floored it out of the parking lot.” Thunder tells you.
  671. >Thanking them as you lead the group outside into the cold.
  672. >It’s gotten a little colder now, so you drape Flash’s tuxedo over yourself to keep warm. Luckily it’s not snowing that much.
  673. >”What’s the plan?” The girls ask you.
  674. “Let’s hurry to his place.”
  675. >The group divides into two cars.
  676. >Twilight, Timber and Fluttershy ride in Rarity’s SUV, while you, Applejack, and Pinkie take Dash’s car.
  677. >Dash opens the window and shouts to Rarity “Follow us to Flash’s place!”
  678. >Rarity nods as she starts her car.
  679. >There’s a knock on Applejack’s window. Thunderbass motions AJ to wind the window down.
  680. >”Hey, we’re going to look for flash too. You check his place and we’ll check all his favorite spots.”
  681. >Everyone nods in agreement.
  682. >”Call if you find him.”
  683. “Same if you find him.”
  685. >What should’ve been a few minutes’ drive has turned into twenty.
  686. >A short distance from the school you’re all caught in slow traffic with flashing blue and red lights in the distance.
  687. >The line of cars you’re stuck behind hasn’t moved in a while.
  688. >An ambulance zooms past you on the shoulder of the road, up to the front.
  689. >Still no reply as you check your phone.
  690. >Fear growing as your mind tries to piece together what’s happened up ahead with the lack of replies.
  691. >Sending a new message, in the hope that he will answer and put to rest your worrying.
  692. >Bumper to bumper and inch by inch you slowly roll forwards.
  693. >As you approach the scene, you swallow a hard lump, praying that it’s not Flash.
  694. >The police officer waves you through slowly. “Car crash ahead, please drive slowly.”
  695. >Unable to take what might lay ahead, you call Flash.
  696. >After ringing out, it goes to voicemail and you leave a short message. Trying hard not to become a blubbering sobbing mess.
  697. >By now you’re getting closer to the accident, air inside the car is tense.
  698. >Not even Pinkie dares move a muscle, her puffy hair going straight.
  699. >You and girls all steel yourselves in preparation for seeing Flash’s muscle car and what twisted fate might have befallen him.
  700. >Looking out the window, your fears are allayed when you see a red van has been T-boned by a green station wagon.
  701. ”Oh god, thank heavens” You pray as you wipe your eyes.
  702. >Passing the scene you are all relieved to see no one is seriously injured.
  703. >Even the man that was being rolled into the ambulance was sitting up and talking.
  704. >”Thank goodness they’re alright.” Applejack says with her hands in prayer over her mouth.
  705. >”So glad it just looked like a little car boo-boo.” Pinkie light heartedly tries to ease the tension. Her hair going back to its original puffiness.
  706. >”Still, sucks to have happen on New Year’s. Some people can’t drive.” Dash says whilst going over the limit.
  707. >Breathing a sigh of relief, you send Flash one last message.
  708. >Soon you will be at his place.
  710. >Flash’s house is pretty close now. About half a mile after the next left.
  711. >You’ve been anxious the whole drive. Your feet keep tapping the floor and you keep fidgeting with the phone in your hand hoping that he will reply to one of your texts.
  712. >Worrying about Flash has taken your mind off Rainbow Dash’s bad driving.
  713. >”Sugarcube look, you can’t blame yourself for his actions.” Applejack tries to put you at ease.
  714. “I know Applejack.” Drawing out a sigh.
  715. “If only I were there for him. If only I took the time to see how he was- DASH LOOK OUT!”
  716. >Dash swerves to the side as a car roars past you at high speed, the poorly lit street making it look like a blur.
  717. >”WATCH IT ASSHOLE!” Dash screams at her rear-view mirror, however the speeding car already gone.
  718. >A minute later Dash pulls into Flash’s driveway.
  720. >Before she even stops the car, you’re already out and running up to the door
  721. >Some lights are on, it’s a good sign.
  722. >Banging on the door it swings open slowly.
  723. >Music upstairs is all you can hear.
  724. “Flash? Hellooooo?” You shout into the house from the doorway.
  725. “It’s Sunset. I’m coming in.”
  726. >Nothing looks amiss downstairs so you head straight up to Flash’s room.
  727. >His door is slightly ajar, the only light on the second floor coming from this room.
  728. >Knocking on the door you again announce your presence.
  729. >No answer.
  730. >Slowly you push the door open, you don’t want to startle him if he’s sleeping.
  731. >Stepping inside you survey the room.
  732. >Broken shelves, empty cans and bottles, smashed photo frames.
  733. >Seeing his beloved red guitar battered, chipped and sporting a long crack almost splitting the neck in half, sinks your heart.
  734. >He loved that guitar. You loved that guitar. You loved when he played that guitar.
  735. >Because of him and that guitar, you learned to play guitar.
  736. “Flash…” The guilt gets to you.
  737. >You have to find him. You need to know he’s not hurt.
  738. >”Wowwie~!” Pinkie says jumping into his room, then immediately starts snooping around.
  739. >”So this is a boys room!” She giggles as she snoops around.
  740. >”Poor Flash. Someone’s trashed his room! But not to worry. We’ll have it cleaned in a jiffy!”
  741. >Pinkie starts with some items on the table, then picks up the photo frames, looking at them for a moment before standing them up.
  742. >Again you try to call him.
  743. >While your call connects, you hear a vibrating somewhere near the bed.
  744. >Pinkie picks up the phone and shows it to you.
  745. >Hanging up your phone, you take his from Pinkie.
  746. >The screen lights up [Missed call: Sunny Honey. Now]
  747. >”Sunset why are you calling him? He’s not here silly!” Pinkie, no matter how dire the situation, always stays cheerful.
  748. >Pinkie picks up the red guitar and strums it.
  749. >The tension on the strings causes the neck to crack more.
  750. >Nonchalantly she starts to whistle as she puts it back in the stand.
  751. >Looking at his phone for a second, a thought hits you.
  752. “Pinkie, let’s go!”
  753. >”Okie dokie lokie. What’s up?”
  754. >Taking his phone, you run downstairs.
  755. >The girls are standing outside with their jackets and coats on now.
  756. >”Is he home Sunset?” Twilight asks the question everyone’s waiting the answer to.
  757. “No.” Shaking your head. “But he was just here. We just missed him.”
  758. >”Are you sure? How do you know?” Twilight rubs her hands together.
  759. “Look here, I just tried to call him.”
  760. >”Uh-huh.” A few of the girls nod, following.
  761. “I’ve been sending him texts and calling him the last hour. The last one was when we passed that accident.”
  762. >Everyone rubs their chin in thought.
  763. “There’s no messages or missed calls on his recent activity log.”
  764. >”AH!” Twilight exclaims. “That means he’s read them all!”
  765. “Exactly. He was just here. We just missed him!” You sigh in relief. Knowing that you’ve missed him by less than 15 mins.
  766. >”Ah!” Dash clicks her fingers.
  767. >”The ass that almost ran us off the road!”
  768. >”Are you sure Dash?” Applejack raises an eyebrow.
  769. >”Gotta be! Flash drives a fast black car. Besides, how many cars have we seen exit this estate since we drove in?”
  770. >You and the girls are actually very impressed that Dash was able to note such a small detail.
  771. >Everyone nods in agreement.
  772. >”See? I know, I’m awesome.” Dash casually remarks as she leans against the bonnet.
  773. >”Maybe we should spilt up?” Fluttershy says with a shiver, rubbing her shoulders.
  774. >”Darling you’re gonna catch a cold. Come sit in my car.” Rarity says as she rubs Fluttershy shoulders trying to bring warmth to her.
  775. “You guys wait in the house. It’s warm in there.”
  776. >”I don’t know…” Twilight hesitates.
  777. >”What if his parents or he comes home?”
  778. “They won’t. They’re overseas.”
  779. >You explain the situation with Flash’s parents and their work.
  780. >”Poor Flash…” Fluttershy meekly squeaks.
  781. >”Damn. Poor guy, spending Christmas and New Year alone.”
  782. >”That just about breaks my heart. Next year I’m inviting him ‘round my place.” Applejack resolves.
  783. >”Yes, the poor darling. No wonder he hasn’t been as cheery lately.”
  784. >”Let’s do a party for Flashy! It can be a HAPPY New Year for him!” Pinkie emphasises the ‘Happy’.
  785. >Twilight just looks to the ground. A look of guilt starts to creep in as she compares her situation back then to Flash’s situation right now.
  786. >She may not have had many friends at CPA, but at least she always had her family. Right now though, Flash had neither.
  787. >Timber pulls Twilight in tighter for warmth and comfort.
  788. >”Wait,” Timber starts. “If you guys cover one side of the city, and we go the other, we can cover more ground.”
  789. >”Bass and those guys are out looking for him too.” Dash says while opening her car door.
  790. “Thanks Timber, but please stay here with the girls. Just in case he comes back.”
  791. >”Don’t forget to keep your phone handy too!” Rainbow Dash reminds everyone.
  792. >“Right.” Timber and half the girls nod.
  793. “Alright. Let’s get going then.”
  795. >Driving around in Rainbow Dash’s car for little over an hour now, with no sign of Flash.
  796. >Nothing from Twilight or Thunder either.
  797. >You’ve covered all the places he used to hang out.
  798. >The bowling alley, his favourite burger spot, his favorite pizza place. Even all the venues where he used to play.
  799. >Now you were on the edge of town. Nothing but open highway for the next 30 miles.
  800. >Pulling over to the shoulder Dash slams her fists on the wheel.
  801. >”This is getting us nowhere!”
  802. >”Maybe he went home?” Applejack sighs, both clearly very tired.
  803. >”What about Rarity and the others?” A docile Pinkie yawns. Apparently she becomes normal when she gets tired out.
  804. “Twilight says Fluttershy fell asleep, but no still no Flash.”
  805. >”Maybe we should head on home, Dash. It’s pretty late now.” Applejack says before yawning.
  806. “I’m sorry guys. For wasting your New Year’s like this.”
  807. “Who knows where he is. Or if he even wants to see us.”
  808. >”We did the best we could. We’ll just have to try again in the morning.”
  809. >Being the loyal one, it hurt Dash the most having to give up. It was the first time she couldn’t do anything to help, and it tore at her inside.
  810. >“Flash you friggin’ idiot. You better be alright so I can kick your ass when we find you!” She grunts to herself.
  811. “Let’s go home and get some rest.” You suggest with a defeated tone.
  812. >”Yeah. Dash you wanna let me drive?” Applejack offers.
  813. >”Nah I’m totally fine. We’re near Mount Canterlot, I know the way home.” Dash replies.
  814. >Dash used to ride her bike to Mount Canterlot and then train on the trails during the weekends. A combination of mountain bike riding and running, so she knew the area well.
  815. >”Oooh Mount Canterlot. Looks pretty spooky at night.” Pinkie remarks looking out the window.
  816. >”Looky! Someone else is up there too!”
  817. >You and the girls look out the window and see what looks to be head lights up at the peak.
  818. >”Isn’t that the peak?” Applejack asks.
  819. >”Yeah, there’s a carpark and viewing platform there. It’s quite a view.” Rainbow Dash answers her.
  820. >”What kind of loser would be up there at this time?” She scoffs.
  821. >”Flash!” Pinkie shouts.
  822. >Dash snorts, trying to suppress a giggle.
  823. “That’s not very nice Pinkie.” You scold her.
  824. >”No, seriously! In his room he had two photo’s, one of you and one of Twilight. Both were on the peak!”
  825. >Years ago, he had taken you up to the peak to have dinner and watch the setting sun.
  826. >It was spectacular evening and one you actually enjoyed with him.
  827. >Despite being a horrible person back then, you were starting to have feelings for him towards the end of your relationship.
  828. “Dash, lets head up there. Please.” You plead to Dash.
  829. >”You don’t have to tell me twice. Hold on!”
  830. >Dash punches the car in to drive and floors it.
  832. >Dash slows down as she approaches the first rest area onto the mountain.
  833. >A picnic area just before a bridge.
  834. >”Look. Fresh tire tracks. Must be from whoever is up there.” Applejack remarks.
  835. >”Yep. This is the only way in and out.”
  836. >Slowly rolling over the bridge, you point out a crushed beer can and some footprints in the thin layer of snow.
  838. >After fifteen minutes of slow careful driving up the mountain road, you’ve finally reached the peak.
  839. >Approaching the empty parking lot, you spot the only other car in the lot.
  840. “There!” you point from the back seat.
  841. >“Yeah I can see it Sunny.” Dash quips back at you.
  842. >As you get closer, there’s no mistaking it. Flash’s car.
  843. >Parking the car you run over to the still idling car, parked with the lights overlooking the peak.
  844. >Yet there’s no Flash inside.
  845. “FLAAAAAASH!” You all start yelling as you fan out.
  846. “FLAAAAAAAAAASH!” Calling out as you head towards the observation platform.
  847. >Running along the safety barrier, you scour the benches to no avail.
  848. >There, on the last bench furthest away, you spot him.
  850. >Not waiting for the girls to catch up, you sprint to him.
  852. “Flash?” You whisper from a few feet away.
  853. >Flash doesn’t even acknowledge you as the other girls catch up.
  854. >”Flash… we came looking for you, hun.”
  855. >”Yeah dude. You totally had us worried.”
  856. >”Everything is okie dokie now that we’ve found you and we can all go home and rest our little headsies!” Pinkie tries her best to cheer him up.
  857. >”Just leave me alone.” He mutters without looking at any of you.
  858. >”WHAT?! You know how much trouble we had looking for you?” Dash shouts back.
  859. >”I didn’t ask you to you come looking for me! I was fine all by myself! Not like any of you guys even care about me!”
  860. >Applejack points to the cans on the ground. “Sugarcube clearly you’re not fine. We know about everything that happened and we came looking for you because we’re worried. Honest.”
  861. >”Dude, not just us. Thunder and the others are just as worried about you.”
  862. >Pinkie gets right up in Flash’s face, with a serious expression on her. ”Listen here you super-dooper-party-pooper! We’ve spent the whole year so far looking for you! So stop being a sad little panda and come home!”
  863. >Flash and Pinkie stare off against each other, neither one relenting. Pinkie meanwhile is making faces trying to get a smile out of Flash.
  864. >Pinkie has watched paint dry, but right now it looked like Flash wasn’t going to budge.
  865. >”This is stupid. Just go. I don’t feel like going home, and I don’t feel like seeing ANY of you.”
  866. >He says looking right at you.
  867. >His eyes pierce through your heart.
  868. >Did you really hurt him that much?
  869. >”Fine. Suit yourself. If you’re staying, we’re staying.” Dash sits on the bench to emphasize her point.
  870. >He starts to walk around you to get to his car, but Pinkie blocks his path
  871. >”Oh no you don’t mister!”
  872. >As you and Applejack take a step closer to him, he takes one back, into the safety rail.
  873. >”Come on Flash. How’s about we all go home and talk out these issues over a cider.” Applejack suggests in her stern big sister voice.
  874. >”There’s nothing to talk about damnit! LEAVE ME ALONE!” He yells throwing a half empty can at your feet.
  875. “If you don’t want to talk, then just listen.” Taking a step forward. “I know about your drinking. I know about your friends. And I know about Princess Twilight. I felt this way when we broke up too.”
  876. >Pushing him against the railing now, you’ve cornered him.
  877. “I’m so sorry Flash. After we broke up, I should’ve been there for you.” You try to reason with him.
  878. >Flash clenches his fists and shakes his head trying to ignore you.
  879. “I admit that I got carried away with everything else. I admit that I didn’t take the time to see how you were doing.”
  880. “You needed to talk to someone, and instead I pushed you aside and only thought about myself.”
  881. “And I’m sorry about Twilight. I should’ve known.”
  882. “She asks about you all the time!” You shout hoping your words reach him.
  883. >”YOU’RE LYING!” He shouts back at you.
  884. >You have his attention now, and begin to inch closer to him.
  885. “Whenever she writes she asks how you’re doing.”
  886. >In the second that he looks to his side for an escape, a rainbow blur zooms past you.
  887. >Rainbow Dash tackles him and wraps her arms and legs around him, pinning him to the ground.
  888. >However being lighter than and not as strong as the young man, she’s struggling to keep him in place.
  889. >”Little help?!” She yells back.
  890. >”Right.” Applejack runs over and effortlessly picks up Flash with one arm, throwing him over her shoulder.
  891. >”PUT ME DOWN!” His flailing is futile as he is brought back to the bench.
  892. >”Just settle down or you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Applejack warns him as you all surround him.
  893. “Dude…” Rainbow inhales, “What were you doing up here all by yourself?”
  894. >Concern now evident on all your faces.
  895. >”Why’d you leave your house? You’re in no shape to be driving. You could’ve been in an accident!” Applejack scolds him.
  896. >”Flash please don’t do anything silly like that again. I’d be really super sad if anything happened to you.” Pinkie comforts the downtrodden boy.
  897. >When he doesn’t answer, you cup his face in your hands and look him dead in the eyes.
  898. “We care about you. I care about you. This isn’t you, Flash. Please, let us help you be who you used to be again.”
  899. >You can see the sadness in his eyes, and as he looks back into yours, he starts to breakdown.
  900. >”I just wanted to come back to here.” He mumbles. “This place... the school… everything reminds me of her.”
  901. >Sitting next to him, you reassure him that you’re here for him.
  902. “I meant everything I said. I truly am really sorry.”
  903. For a second your eyes glow as you wrap your arms around him and hug him.
  904. >”I just wish I knew what I did to make her not like me anymore.”
  905. >”All I can think about is her. I miss her so much, Sunset. I just don’t know what to do.”
  906. “Flash, it’s OK.” Tightening your hug on him. “I’ve been where you are. I know the feeling of being lost. Remember the Fall Formal?” You smile tenderly, which gets a small response from him.
  907. >Oh stupid example.
  908. “I mean, I was so alone back then after we broke up that I went a little mad too.” You say trying to save the moment.
  909. “No one wanted to be near me, everyone avoided me, they hated me…”
  910. >The memory of being ostracized for what you did at the Fall Formal still hurts to think about now.
  911. “But my friends were there for me. As were you Flash.”
  912. >You pull him in tighter, bringing his head onto your neck and whisper into his ear.
  913. “You know what’s different about me then and you now?”
  914. >He shakes his head.
  915. “You’ve got people that want to help you. People that want to be around you because they really care about you.”
  916. “I only had these girls that were asked to help me. Chip, Sandal, Thunder, Stix, Norman, Mys and Cherry, they’re all worried about you. They never stopped caring about you.”
  917. “Just like I haven’t stopped caring about you Flash.”
  918. >The sudden realization hits Flash as he tightens his hold around you, burying his head into your collar bone.
  919. >How you missed the feeling of being held by him. As fake as your feelings to him were at the start, when he hugged you like this, you still genuinely felt happy and loved.
  920. >A sentiment the old you would have discarded as weak and inferior.
  921. >”I’ve been such a stupid idiot.” He starts to sob into your shoulder, and you pat him gently on the head to comfort him.
  922. “There, there. We all need a little help sometimes.”
  923. >The both of you sit there on the bench for a little while longer just watching the snow float around you.
  924. >Saying nothing as you pat his back, while he rubs yours keeping you warm.
  925. “I promise I’ll always be here for you.”
  926. >”T-thanks Sunset.”
  927. >After a little while staying as you are, Flash recomposes himself.
  928. >”Sunset, you’re freezing. “Flash takes off his jacket and drapes it over your shoulders.
  929. That little act gets a smile from you. He always was a gentleman.
  930. >“Come on, let’s get going.”
  931. >You blush when he stands and offers his hand to you.
  932. >Remembering your date here, when he did the exact same thing after you watched the sun dip beyond the horizon.
  933. >It was a moment so special to you, because it was the moment when you started to fall in love with him.
  934. >Your heart skips a beat as you accept his hand with a smile and rise to your feet.
  935. >As soon as you stand, Pinkie pulls all of you in for a group hug.
  938. >The radio plays on a low volume.
  939. >Rainbow Dash leads the way down the dark mountain road.
  940. >Flash sits in the passenger seat of his car, still a bit tipsy.
  941. >He was reluctant to give you the keys to his car.
  942. >“Sunset, did you mean it when you said Twilight still asks about me?”
  943. ”Yeah of course. She thinks about you a lot, and she misses you.”
  944. >Recalling the time when Twilight came through the portal in secret, just to be able to watch him play baseball from afar.
  945. ”She just can’t be with you.”
  946. >“What do you mean?”
  947. ”At camp when I told you to move on and forget about her, it was the truth.”
  948. >Flash sits up from his slouched position.
  949. ”When she told you to find someone else, it wasn’t for her. It was for you.”
  950. >“How did-“
  951. ”I saw your memories back there.”
  952. >With a heavy sigh, you had hope to spare Flash the truth of why Twilight chose to leave. However, it seems the only way he can move on is if he knows the truth.
  953. >Forgive me Twilight… but he needs to know.
  954. “Flash, Twilight is an Alicorn princess. She will live for a long time.”
  955. “A /very/ long time.”
  956. >He opens his mouth to reply, only to quickly close it.
  957. >The road ahead starts to get just a little blurry from the tears that are forming in the corners of your eyes.
  958. “Quite possibly even forever.”
  959. >In an instant you can see his everything just changed. The confused look on his face a sign he’s still trying to process it all.
  960. >He leans back into his seat and stares out the window. No doubt trying to make sense that immortality is real, as well as it’s implications.
  961. ”Please understand that it was nothing about you. She will hold onto your memory and cherish it for the rest of her life. Long after you’re gone.”
  962. >With a wipe of your eyes you continue.
  963. ”This is her way of protecting and preparing herself for the rest of her life. She regrets that things couldn’t be different for her, but she knows her role is absolutely important to Equestria.”
  964. ”She wants you to be happy for the rest of your life. If you could do that for her, then she would be happy knowing she met someone that cared so deeply for her.”
  965. >“Sunset… I… That’s a lot to take in.”
  966. >I know it is Flash. There were many nights when you feared Princess Celestia’s hopes for you, as well as your own ascension. That fear pushed everyone away and drove you to seek power to overcome that very fear.
  967. >“I wish I had known.”
  968. >Without taking your eyes off the road, you grab his hand and gently squeeze it.
  969. ”It’s alright. Twilight has made her peace with it. Can you move on? For her?”
  970. >“Y-Yeah. I think I can. Please tell her that she’ll always have a place in my heart too.”
  971. >You glance at him and smile before releasing his hand.
  972. ”Sure. I’ll let her know.”
  973. >The rest of the drive home is filled with idle chit-chat.
  974. >You both talk about your excitement about how Principal Celestia has booked a cruise ship for seniors.
  975. >“Sunset?”
  976. ”Yeah?”
  977. >“I need to know, did you ever care about me while we were dating?”
  978. >Before you answer, you think about all the times you had genuinely enjoyed being his girlfriend.
  979. >Even now, losing him was never something you got over. Despite how hard you tried to convince yourself otherwise.
  980. >Truth be told, you did love him, but you didn’t deserve him. Not with how you treated him back then, and that thought has always stuck with you.
  981. >It was always the ‘what if we…’ question. You wanted him to find someone that would really appreciate him.
  982. ”Let’s just say you broke my heart at the end.”
  983. >Raising a finger to your lips, making the shush sign, you shoot him a wink.
  984. >“Thanks Sunset.” He smiles with a blush.
  985. ”Hey Flash?”
  986. >“Yeah?”
  987. ”For what it’s worth, you did everything right. If it were me, I’d probably fall in love with you all over again.”
  989. ~~End~~

No title, first ever green. Re-write planned

by MT88

Applejack's summer [Incest] (WIP)

by MT88

Flash's New Year Eve

by MT88

A moment in the life of Anon: Rarity and Lunar New Year

by MT88

Orphan Anon (WIP)

by MT88